#martha ravenswood
nonomnismoriar1992 · 10 months
A Lovely Day for a Funeral pt. 1
(takes place during the funeral of Henry and Martha Ravenswood, so have some angst, also yes, Jasper x Henry is implied in this story because at this point this ship is my life :P also this is part one because it a long writing and tumblr won’t let me post all of it in one post)
The sun struggled to shine through the thick gray clouds that covered Thunder Mesa. Tragedy had just struck. A terrible Earthquake had just happened and boot hill had never been this full ever. Families and friends grieved next to their loved ones' graves. Including the last of the Ravenswoods. Henry and Martha Ravenswood were sadly taken from this world due to the Earthquake, although Martha just died a couple days ago due to the loss of her husband. Many suspect that Henry is responsible for what just happened and many remember the natives nearby warning him of a giant thunderbird spirit that calls the mountain home, and will destroy whoever comes close to it. Henry never listened and still instructed the miners to mine deeper into the mountain and now the curse had struck. He had dug too deep into the mountain, and now it has cost him his life and his wife. Outside the manor on boot hill, two graves have been dug near the manor. They have not been fully covered and the marble lids for the couple have not been placed yet for Melanie wanted to say goodbye one last time to her parents before burying them. Next to her, his hands rested on her shoulders in a comforting manner, was her lover Jake Lockheart, and behind the couple was the butler and maid of the household Jasper and Anna Jones. Anna, Jasper and Jake all had umbrella’s, Jake holding his over both him and Melanie as a small store began over Thunder Mesa. Jasper and Anna gave Jake a dirty glare but both knew better than to start a fight right now, so they stayed silent, knowing Melanie is already devastated as is. After a while Jake whispered something to Melanie, neither of the Jones heard him. Melanie nodded her head and quietly sobbed into his chest as they made their way back to the manor. Ann and Jasper knew Henry wouldn’t want them to leave her alone with him, but they decided to stay to say goodbye to not only their master, but to their dear friend who saved their lives in the very beginning. Anna and Jasper didn’t say a word as they stood over the couple's graves before Jasper looked up to J. Nutterville and nodded his head, Jasper then pulled something, a small box wrapped in a bow, and threw it down onto Henry’s grave before following it with a small rose. Anna looked at her brother and gave him a small smile before grabbing his hand and giving it a comforting squeeze. “We should probably head back. Henry wouldn’t want us to be here mourning all day, besides the house needs to be fixed up.” Jasper remained silent before quietly speaking, “I’ll be there soon, just give me five more minutes.” Anna’s smile disappeared, but she didn’t fight him and went back to the manor. Jasper watched as Ravenswood’s couple were buried and as the marble lids that were made for them were placed on them. As J. Nutterville left, Jasper then started to silently break down. Now that he was alone he finally felt free to let all of his emotions out. He wanted to scream, but remained quiet as he silently sob into his hands. He got down slowly, for his knees started to feel weak, and leaned against Henry’s grave. He continued to sob into Henry’s grave before finally calming down, “I still can’t believe you're gone. After everything. If only you had just listened to us when we tried to stop you…then none of this would have happened.” He quietly said to himself as he laid on Henry’s grave. “If only…”
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princess-ibri · 1 month
What if Disney have phantom of the opera,the werewolf,literature of pride and prejudice,
So Disney does/did have a couple of Phantoms already!
The most famous one currently is the vile ghost of Henry Ravenswood, the eponymous phantom of Phantom Manor in Disneyland Paris.
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His wiki reads as such: Henry Ravenswood was a transatlantic American man born in 1795. In 1849 Henry established the Big Thunder Mining Company and the town of Thunder Mesa near Big Thunder Mountain after finding gold there and stealing the land from the Shoshone indigenous peoples.
He moved into a grand manor on the highest hill overlooking the town alongside his wife, Martha, and his daughter, Mélanie, whom he was overly protective of. Henry was an obsessive and disciplinarian who believed no man was ever good enough for his Mélanie, and any would-be suitor who believed otherwise perished at his hands
When Ravenswood passed, he was reborn as the malevolent Phantom - a deranged skeletal figure who haunted his old manor.
The day of Mélanie’s wedding, he lured her groom into the attic and violently hung him from the rafters. When Mélanie refused to believe her groom would abandon her so she stayed behind the mansion, waiting for him to return. The Phantom tormented her till the end her days, mocking her for her devotion. After Mélanie's own demise, he continued to torment her and the manor became home to many infernal spirits summoned by their resident clairvoyant.
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A thoroughly rotten figure as you can see.
Beyond him though, Disney once had a walk about character in the parks based on the Lon Chaney version of the character
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The musical was honored in the French pavilion at Epcot in 2020
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And there’s a “roastie-toastie” popcorn machine by the Haunted Mansion that features him as well x)
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As for werewolves, the painting called “The Arsonist” in the Haunted Mansion was originally meant to shift and reveal him as a werewolf, so there’s definitely an interesting story going on there!
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And finally, per Pride and Prejudice, turns out there’s a children’s picture book of Mickey Mouse and Friends of just that xD
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theravishingbride · 1 year
𝐌𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐲’𝐬 𝐨𝐫 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥. . . 𝐇𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐲!
Bonjour mon ami! This is my first ever post here :O I decided I wished to share some of my personal head cannons and theories about my favorite ride in the world: Phantom Manor!
Mélanie was born into what seemed to be the richest family in Arizona, the Ravenswood Family. Now you’d think being born into such a wealthy family came with lavish gifts, and loving parents! But this was far from it for poor little Mélanie Ravenswood. Her parents constantly argued non-stop. . . it seemed like every hour and every minute of the day they always argued! Which led to poor Mélanie not getting much attention. She’d often play with Anna or Jasper, on some occasions she’d sit in her father's office and play just to be close to him but it always led to her being escorted out. Mélanie soon grew to learn that the best thing to do is to keep to yourself and always try to please people. On very rare occasions, Martha and Henry went out! To different states. . . or different countries even! One thing they both agreed on was they couldn’t just leave Mélanie at home with the maids and expect her to be all fine. . . a certain family would have to watch over their precious little girl. So on an upcoming trip, they packed little Melanie’s bags and the three of them went on a train to none other than New Orleans! A lavish place filled with music and entertainment. . . one could be occupied for hours on end! The Ravenswood couple bid farewell to their little girl and left her standing in front of a large lavish home that didn’t look too far off from her home! It was a pretty white colour like her house yet there were large green beams of sorts and a much different layout. When she came into the home she was in absolute awe of everything around her! Various portraits of the most beautiful of woman. . . and quite handsome of man! That’s where she ran into none other than Emily Gracey of course! Melanie was in absolute awe of this woman… she was so pretty and filled with grace! It didn’t take long for the two to become best of friends. Emily took great care of the little girl and made sure she was quite content. She played with Melanie in the grand ballroom, she played dolls with little Melanie, and she even took her out into the streets of New Orleans! One day when they were out and about it was quite a busy day in New Orleans. Many were out and about just like Mélanie and Emily but unfortunately, Melanie drifted away from Emily! In distress and scared, Melanie called out Emily’s name but there was no answer! She whipped her head around everywhere to try and figure out where she could be when she came across quite a beautiful hat shop! Without a moment to spare Melanie bolted into the hat shop and was in awe of what she saw. . . so many hats! Hatty was quite curious to hear the bell of his shop chime, but there was nobody there! He peaked over his counter and looked down at the little girl in curiosity, where were her poor parents? Melanie explained to Hatty that she had come here from states away to visit some of her parent's friends for a week. She was separated from Auntie and she couldn’t find her. A wave of pity washed over Hatty and he assured little Melanie he would help find her auntie after he made some hats. He told little Melanie that if she wished to make hats with him, she could! Melanie gladly took the offer and began making hats with him. Soon after they made a couple of hats, the evening of the day approached! Hatty held Melanie carefully in his arms as he looked around town for her said auntie. . . and there she was! Emily was frantically searching for little Melanie but when he eyes came across Hatty she quickly rushed over! Not only was she quite joyful to see Hatty… Hatty also had mélanie in his arms! She quickly scooped Melanie into her arms and thanked Hatty with a flustered look on her face. Ever since those times, Melanie has always returned to New Orleans to see the two, the two who treated her like their child.
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cassiasims · 14 days
rereading witherward and noticed that when fowler takes ilsa to the witherward he says ‘your people tell me you have alpha blood’ which is SO interesting for so many reasons. because first of all we later discover that CASSIA is the one who hires fowler to track down ilsa - and she’s a sorcerer, thus arguably not one of ‘ilsa’s people’! so who has been telling fowler this?? second of all, fowler clearly knows who ilsa is/who she’s suspected of being before he tells her this; he says earlier on in the scene that martha could have ‘easily passed for a ravenswood’ and that she was murdered as a result of being mistaken for ilsa. it isn’t as if he’s been questioning if he’s got the right person. so the ‘alpha’ thing feels especially Intriguing because it’s clearly not just about ilsa being a ravenswood, but more about her capability to be alpha i.e replace hester as warden alpha. and like it obviously makes the most sense for aelius to be the person telling fowler this information + hoping to mould ilsa into a hester replacement, but that begs the question of a) when he spoke to fowler b) WHY he spoke to fowler, and c) why the fuck he told fowler That, specifically. the messy power dynamics continue to stay messy!!!
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melaniethebride · 1 year
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get to know melanie ravenswood :
Born in 1842 to Henry and Martha Ravenswood, Melanie had everything a girl could potentially want growing up. Her father was the owner of the Big Thunder Mountain Mining Company and had built an empire for their family to live upon. Anything that Melanie desired, she had. She was doted upon in every wait - spoiled with everything except for her parents' love and attention.
It was a happy but lonesome childhood and it eventually led her to seeking the attention of the townsfolk amongst Thunder Mesa. It was there that she made friends and later in life met many men that she would court, but never actually marry.
There was Barry Claude, an oil field owner, who died by a strange bear attack. Ignatius “Iggy” Knight, an explosives manufacturer, who died in an accidental dynamite explosion in one of Big Thunder Mountain’s caves. Rowan D. Falls, the captain of the Mark Twain Railboat, who died when his rowboat could not stop and fell down a waterfall one day. And then there was Sawyer Bottom, a sawmill owner, who died in a log saw accident.
Melanie dearly and truly loved each and every one of these men, but it seemed as if she were cursed - for when each of them came to ask her father for his blessing in marrying her, a few days later they wound up dead. In truth, Henry Ravenswood arranged for each of the deaths of his daughter’s suitors, not believing any of them to be a good enough match for Melanie. Though she never knew this truth, believing like the rest of the townsfolk did that each death was a horrendous accident.
There was one last man that Melanie fell in love with before her own demise: his name was Jake and he was an engineer for the Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. The two courted until Jake proposed, skipping asking her father for his blessing and instead suggesting they elope. But in a small town like Thunder Mesa, gossip spreads fast, and Henry still heard of this news. He swore to put an end to the wedding, far more worried about Jake than any of the other suitors as he intended to move Melanie away from Thunder Mesa for good.
However, before anything could come of Henry’s planning, an earthquake struck Thunder Mesa - killing both Henry and Martha, as well as hundreds of townfolk.
In the wake of her parents deaths, Melanie mourned before deciding to move forward with her life. Rather than eloping, she decided they needed to have a wedding in her family Manor, the one that her father first bought upon striking gold in the mountain.
On the day of her wedding, she got ready in her childhood bedroom and then walked down the aisle, only to find her fiancee nowhere to be seen. She waited for hours but he never came, the guests eventually left, but Melanie continued waiting. She never stopped waiting.
Though to all in town the rumors spread that Jake had run away, leaving Melanie alone at the altar, but the truth was… he had been murdered. A phantom, the original owner of the manor, followed through with Henry’s plans to put a stop to the wedding and had lured Jake to the attic, where he hung him from the rafters.
No one knows what truly happened to Melanie after that day. It was the last she was ever seen by the townsfolk. Many believe she simply lived out her life, waiting in the manor until eventually dying of old age. But for years some swore if you approach the manor that lay abandoned on Big Thunder Mountain in the now renamed Echo Isle, you can hear her singing a love song, calling out for her husbands to be. Though no one ever usually got close enough to actually tell or find her.
The truth was Melanie died that day. She likes to believe it was of a broken heart - that she simply couldn’t live her life alone anymore and her body took mercy on her. But the giant gashing scar on her chest says otherwise… The phantom had killed her as well that day when she discovered Jake’s body. It’s a memory that Melanie has deeply repressed, even in the afterlife.
Though she wasn’t tied to the manor in any physical or spiritual way, Melanie refused to ever leave. She remained, watching as the phantom killed any who braved to buy the manor - until eventually it became abandoned. It was during that time that her spirit began to fade, never fully away as she would remain forever, but with no interactions with anyone else she simply slipped away a bit.
The party on October 13th in the renovated manor will awaken her completely. Seeing how much times have changed since she last ventured out into the world and with the Phantom seemingly gone now… Melanie will decide to renter society.
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malsmanor · 3 years
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[ Phantom Manor - The Ravenswoods]
Disneyland Paris re-opens on the 17th of June! :D
And I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to all the new followers and friends I made in the past year! Your support has meant the world to me <3 special thanks to those who joined in on the madness in my PM discord server <3 you guys are incredible. More ramblings under the cut!
Phantom Manor was probalby one of the most influencial things in my life since my parents dragged me on it at the tender age of three. I metabolized and reimagined its story several times during the years both through the creation of original characters that were based on those from the ride or simply by putting not-so-subtle references to it in my work. And in my humble opinion, that’s the greatest accomplishment any story can achieve: spark a child‘s imagination and inspire more stories.
I am immensely grateful to the Imagineers for what they did with the 2018-2019 refurbishment and I hope they will continue to show this unique attraction the love it deserves. I know that the changes have been quite the divisive topic within the fandom (believe me, I understand :V) but I absolutely love them and can’t wait to experience the new version of the ride myself.
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meme-ment0-mor1 · 3 years
Just dropping my unpopular opinion
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galaad-spectre · 3 years
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Pour servir les Ravenswood, il faut parfois se plier en 4... enfin, en 3...
To serve the Ravenswood, a Phantomologist is not enough sometimes
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nonomnismoriar1992 · 7 months
Random Phantom Manor Headcanons
(because I changed some and never really shared my headcanons for almost everyone and I'lI start with the main characters for now)
Has ADHD and POTS, basically meaning he faints a lot to simplify it,
Sexuality is: bisexual (prefers men over women almost all the time) this isn't official, might still keep him gay, just maybe a closeted one.
I'm not sure how I want to do their main relationship but I'm think of him and Jasper secretly dating (although not so secret sometimes
Is 7 ft tall and is the tallest in the whole household
He did not build his house however to accommodate for his height:P
Him and Martha have their moments where they get along (rarely)
Bestest friend is Anna and Jasper and also now Hattie Still trying to learn this modern world and its technology
So for voice actor I wanted someone with a deep voice and honestly, his voice actor for me is Markipklier, he voices just suits how I hear Henry, and personality too sometimes, with the ADHD
Arachnophobia as well (like really really bad fear of spiders)
Did learn how to drive a car but doesn't often, since everything in town is within walking distance.
Did have an affair with Anna, now has an affair with Jasper
Aesthetic: Victorian goth
• Was an outlaw and had Henry help her a lot, he was very in love with her and would do anything for her, despite his
parents pleas
Loved her life
Still does love Helry despite all their arguments and fights
Knew about Jasper's crush on Henry since the beginning and liked to brag about him being with her and not him a lot
However thought he eventually got over it and was surprised when she found out they were together (Henry and jasper)
Very bold and fierce women and not afraid to fight and even kill you
Bisexual like her husband, has fallen for women before
Aesthetic: Victorian
Very much her mother, a very fierce women who if you hurt her she will hurt you back Also a cinnamon roll as well tho, sometimes won't hurt a fly
Does struggle now with her emotions sometimes, thanks to Henry
Still hides with Jasper and Anna, Madame Leota,her mother, or even her brother when she needs to get away from Henry She absolutely loved the Jones siblings growing up
Honestly now sees Jasper as her father more than Henry.
May act like she's fine, but there's a 100% chance that she is not fine.
Aesthetic: Dark academia
The quietest of the family
Actually scares a lot of people just form his looks, but is an actually cinnamon roll and a sweetheart
Sexuality: aroace
Aesthetic: emo
(Honestly haven’t put much thought into him)
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malakiart · 4 years
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He’s so proud XD
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henry-ravenswood · 4 years
Do you think Martha is beautiful?
“Do I think she’s beautiful? Absolutely. Have you seen the woman? She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known. Where do you think our daughter got her looks from?”
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Describing the Phantom Manor characters because I'm making a post about if it were a movie. Will I ever finish it? Hopefully. (Based off of my hcs)
Melanie- sweet baby child. why would you hurt such an innocent soul??
Henry Ravenswood(aka the Phantom)- asshat. actually go fuck yourself.
Martha- A N G E R Y
Anna Jones- big lesbian energy
Jasper Jones- bastard man. somehow a better dad to Melanie than Henry
Barry Claude- sweetheart. did not deserve to die
Sawyer Bottom- greedy
Captain Rowan D. Falls- kinda boring lol
Ignatius "Iggy" Knight- obnoxious. go die already
Jake Evans- pure of heart!!! dumb of ass......
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Melanie is Master Gracey’s younger cousin, and she actually met Jake on the train to her cousin’s estate.
Melanie was a major daddy’s girl growing up because her mom had been more focused on teaching her etiquette while he’d coddle her
(Further up her tree) Mary Murphy had been the daughter of a native and that’s why Ma Ballard disapproved of her
She was sent to a finishing school in France in her youth which is where she learned to sing
Boot Hill is primarily filled with servants and Melanie’s relatives, though a few graves were added for friends of the family. 
Melanie doesn’t know who the Phantom is
Melanie doesn’t even know she’s dead
She’s very trusting and loving and quick to befriend
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ladyblacklavender · 6 years
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It’s been yEARSSSSS since I’ve drawn Mel and I thought I’d re-introduce her to my drawing books with this twist in her and the Phantom’s tale. 
Inspired by this comment I saw on the post about Medusa carrying Perseus’s head: “I adore how she carries his head low, at her side, and not aloft in triumph. This is not a self-aggrandizing hero lauding her great deed. This is a woman who wants to be left the fuck alone.”
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malsmanor · 4 years
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Them >:3
Martha’s dress is based on the original outfits worn by the Lucky Nugget’s can can dancers uwu
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