#intuitie reading
nayatarot777 · 1 month
What Blessings Are Coming To You Within The Next 3 Months? {Patreon Exclusive}
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• Pile One •
Hi Pile One, welcome to your reading!
The first blessing that I’m seeing is that your intuition is going to be almost tethered to you. You might feel like your intuition comes and goes - or at least your ability to connect to your intuition, since your intuition is always there - but sometimes you might feel like you are being blocked from tapping in to it. However, one of your blessings over the next three months is that you are going to experience your ability to tap into your intuition in a very consistent way. Your intuition is almost going to feel bound to you. Like you can’t get rid of it. Like it can’t go anywhere. Like you can’t be blocked from tapping into it anymore. And this is going to give you the opportunity to use your intuition to protect - not only yourself - but also other people. I’m seeing your intuition even scaring off energies in the spiritual realm as well as energies within other people who don’t have your best interest in mind. I’m seeing that the people who this scares off may be frightened by how it seems like you’ve all of a sudden been able to see through them by this point. For others of you, I’m seeing that you may be meeting new people who your intuition warns you against. The strength of your intuition and how they feel you’re able to see who they truly are and their true intentions will scare them off, because it seems to them like the secrets and the things that they would much rather hide are clearly being perceived by you.
Your next blessing is that whoever has been persecuting you, vilifying you, and sending a bunch of hating energy your way is going to experience a complete reversal in the direction of their negative energy. Whoever has been sending this persecution your way is going to be experiencing it for themselves. You may have done a return to sender for the witches out there or the magicians or the people who have discovered the ability to manipulate energy. Whichever way you do your return to senders, it is going to work and it is going to hit this person intensely. All these people. As I’m even seeing a group. It’s almost like they wanted to burn you at the stake (figuratively speaking), but there’s going to be a complete transformation in the direction of the energy. Whatever energy they’re sending your way is going to come back onto them. This is even hitting the bystanders. The people who have enabled this person or group who have been vilifying you. The same people who stood by and just watched and didn’t say anything and didn’t step in. It’s going to hit them too.
Another blessing is that you are going to experience some type of virility. A viral moment that you have manifested because you stepped into the magician energy and understood that you had all of the tools to create and manifest whatever it is that you wanted to. You’ve been using your resources around you to create a stable foundation. You’ve been using your natural skills and abilities and for this, you are going to experience huge popularity. Maybe even fame. This fame could be related to messages that you give out or advice or counselling. Or the way that you empower people in someway. I am even seeing that you may be given the opportunity to sign a contract. Or this is you being in the position to give other people contracts in order to work for you. If you’re the one being given a contract, this is being given by someone who has a lot of leadership energy. A lot of masculine energy. They have a lot of abundance and it’s almost like they own their own kingdom figuratively and they see your potential. They see your skill. They see the magic in what you create or what you do and they wanna add you into their empire. This person could come across as quite intimidating in a way. There is a lot of Aries energy that this person has. This definitely could be a masculine. There’s also something about tapping into your intuition with this person because working for them will require you to give something of yourself. To sacrifice something of yourself and I don’t feel like this is a negative energy because this is about your blessings - however, just make sure that you know exactly what you’re getting into so that you can be prepared for whatever the work is that you’d need to do for this person.
• Pile Two •
Hi Pile Two, welcome to your reading.
The first blessing that I’m seeing for you guys is protection around your financial stability. Protection around your career, your job, your business, and maybe even your family since the 10 of Pentacles is out here. If you are worried about an elderly person - specifically an elderly woman - then she is also protected in terms of her health. Her health will be stable. This could also be protection around an inheritance from an elderly person or an elderly woman. So if you are worrying about an inheritance possibly being taken from you unfairly, then don’t worry. That inheritance or windfall of money will be yours and it will give you a lot of financial stability and blessings. Your finances are growing quite quickly. I’m seeing multiple streams of income, and together, they will create a very stable income for you. I’m also seeing a scenario for someone in which an elderly woman is trying to deceive or lie or take from your family for financial reasons and you are protected from this elderly woman. She has quite a cold and callous energy. She may even come across as evil within her mindset and the things that she is willing to do, but you don’t need to worry because you and your family and your families’ assets and money are protected from her.
The next blessing is an amplification in true, genuine love between you and another person. For most of you, I am seeing a romantic relationship but this could definitely be a best friend or someone who is just very close to you. It could even be a family member, but the communication of love between you and this other person is definitely going to increase. And again, I’m seeing your connection with this person being very protected. The protection around this connection with this person is actually getting stronger. You are vibrating alongside this person at a very high frequency. You are both individuals who have high frequency within your energetic field. Both of you can tap into pure, genuine love for yourselves as well as each other, so lower frequencies and lower vibrations really can’t affect you and your connection with this person. If this amplification of love isn’t with another person, then I’m also seeing that this is just an amplification of love towards yourself regarding the way that you talk to yourself. As well as how you talk about yourself to other people, and even the way that you think about yourself. There is more alignment within yourself over these next three months because of the fact that you have increased your self love. You are treating yourself and feeling about yourself the same way that you would a partner who you love, so just take which message resonates - whether this love is about you and the connection to yourself or you and another person.
Another one of your blessings is a secret, and I feel like this isn’t necessarily a secret to you, but it is a secret that you will be holding. In terms of you working and collaborating on a project with other people. If this is a secret to you, then I’m seeing that there are people collaborating behind-the-scenes, and again, these people are collaborating as a way of protecting you. You might not even realise this consciously, but for some of you, there may be people who are working together to protect you from someone or something. The blessing is that you are going to be able to collaborate with people who are a very protective group of people. You could even be in some type of hidden or secret group and I feel like you’re going to learn a lot from this group of people. I’m seeing a lot of studying. A lot of taking notes. Whether this is literally or mentally. This group is going to be teaching you a lot of practical advice. They could be giving you valuable information on how to structure something for the sake of your financial or practical stability. This could have something to do with metaphysics and manifestation, but I’m definitely seeing that your blessing is learning from a feminine energy who has a lot of knowledge alongside other people. And all of you will be learning very valuable information on how to reprogram your mind or your life. I’m seeing a bunch of code - programming code - in my mind, so I feel like this is the energy of learning how to manipulate energy. How to see through what most people would call “the matrix” or the illusions and how to reprogram the matrix for the sake of your own benefit, stability, and comfortability. This is hidden knowledge that you guys are learning and this is a big blessing, so please value it and make sure to take notes and study what you need to in order to put this into practice.
• Pile Three •
Hi Pile Three! Welcome to your reading about your blessings over the next three months.
So the first thing that I’m seeing is that any blockages that have prevented you from showing up as your authentic self and expressing your authentic identity is being removed. I’m seeing that you’ve had a history of being attacked by other people for your authentic nature. However, part of this blessing is realising that there is a lot of knowledge to be acquired about yourself through your authenticity. I’m also seeing that you could be connecting with a group of people. I’m hearing up to 2 people who are also authentic in their nature and somehow teach you how to step into your authenticity too. Or you may have given up on expressing your authenticity because it seemed to be the root cause of a lot of pain and conflict that you had to experience, however I feel like you are going to be intuitively seeing the value and the worth of your authentic nature. You could also be teaching other people about authenticity. You could be the one helping someone else who has been so beaten down for their true self, and this could be another way that you find value in your authentic energy - by helping others.
Another part of your blessing is also the wisdom that you are gaining. And I feel like this wisdom about yourself is something that you will have to defend, but you are prepared to do so. And I’m seeing two very loyal people again - these could even be spirit guides who are helping you to defend your knowledge about self and your knowledge about authenticity. This blessing contains a lot of self empowerment and standing up for yourself. Defending yourself and having support in the process. Your creativity is also a huge part of your blessings. You’ve been crafting something, and again I’m seeing two energies here in this card about creativity. These two energies are being depicted as the silhouette of two crows, so I feel like these are two spirit guides that are protecting your creations. Perhaps 2 people who have passed over? Your creations are somehow bringing balance and justice into your life, and I’m hearing that you are relaying messages from the divine and channelling what you’re intuitively picking up on within your creative process. Whatever it is that you create, it is something that is futuristic. It’s something that might not be entirely popular now but I am seeing that the energy that you have been putting into this creation is coming back to you in the form of monetary value, mainly. Whatever you’re creating, you are making from the heart. Your heart space is being channelled into this and it makes sense because your intuition is definitely connected to your heart. Again, I’m seeing that what you’re creating is bringing through wisdom to help other people step into their authentic nature, and as a result, your good karma will come your way within the next three months. All of the energy that you are putting into your creations is coming back to you mainly in the form of status or money - or both.
I am also seeing that another blessing could be your leadership when it comes to being the protector of other people. Perhaps up to 2 other people in particular. I feel like you are not just defending yourself. You are also defending other people who have been hurt in the past, as well as teaching them how to value themselves and their authentic selves.
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impulsion123 · 2 months
Crafting Seamless Experiences: User Experience Design Principles for Website Crafting Seamless Experiences: User Experience Design Principles for Websites
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In the digital age, user experience (UX) has emerged as a cornerstone of effective website design. A well-crafted user experience not only delights visitors but also drives engagement, fosters loyalty, and ultimately leads to conversions. As we navigate the intricacies of website design in 2024, let's explore the fundamental principles of UX design that are essential for creating seamless and intuitive experiences for users.(Read More)
Understanding User Needs
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The foundation of exceptional UX design lies in understanding the needs, preferences, and behaviors of your target audience. Conducting user research, gathering feedback, and creating user personas are crucial steps in empathizing with your users and designing solutions that address their pain points effectively.(Read More)
Prioritizing Accessibility
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Inclusivity is paramount in UX design, and prioritizing accessibility ensures that your website is usable by everyone, regardless of ability. Considerations such as color contrast, keyboard navigation, and screen reader compatibility play a vital role in making your website accessible to users with disabilities, enhancing the overall user experience for all.(Read More)
Embracing Mobile-First Design
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With mobile devices accounting for a significant portion of web traffic, adopting a mobile-first approach to design is imperative in 2024. Designing for smaller screens forces prioritization, ensuring that only the most essential elements are included and encouraging a streamlined and intuitive user experience across all devices.(Read More)
Simplifying Navigation
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Clear and intuitive navigation is key to guiding users through your website and helping them find the information they need efficiently. Implementing familiar navigation patterns, such as top or side navigation menus, breadcrumbs, and clear calls-to-action, simplifies the user journey and reduces friction, resulting in a more satisfying experience.(Read More)
Fostering Visual Hierarchy
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Visual hierarchy plays a crucial role in directing users' attention and guiding them through the content hierarchy of your website. By employing techniques such as contrast, spacing, and typography, you can create a clear and intuitive visual hierarchy that emphasizes important content and aids users in understanding the structure of your website.(Read More)
Ensuring Speed and Performance
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In an era of instant gratification, website speed and performance are non-negotiable. Optimizing loading times, minimizing server response times, and leveraging caching mechanisms are essential steps in ensuring a fast and responsive website that keeps users engaged and prevents frustration.(Read More)
Iterating and Testing Continuously
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UX design is an iterative process, and continuous testing and refinement are essential for optimizing the user experience over time. Conducting usability tests, analyzing user behavior metrics, and gathering feedback through surveys or user interviews enable you to identify areas for improvement and make informed design decisions that enhance the overall user experience.(Read More)
Conclusion: Elevating User Experience in 2024
In the rapidly evolving landscape of website design, prioritizing user experience is more critical than ever. By embracing the fundamental principles of UX design—understanding user needs, prioritizing accessibility, adopting a mobile-first approach, simplifying navigation, fostering visual hierarchy, ensuring speed and performance, and iterating continuously—you can create websites that not only meet user expectations but exceed them, driving engagement, fostering loyalty, and ultimately achieving business success in 2024 and beyond.
Ready to elevate the user experience of your website in 2024? Embrace these principles, prioritize user needs, and embark on a journey of crafting seamless and intuitive experiences that delight and inspire your audience.
Visit our website: www.impulson.in
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thehealingastro · 6 months
Revealing Rahu
It happened so that I was having a cup of coffee in a café shop when I received a call – usually I ignore most of the calls – but my intuition said that this time I must receive this call – I answered the call by asking “Who is speaking?” The man on the other end said ” My name is Sandeep and I am the editor in chief of a reputed magazine “Grahasanket”.” Grahsanket is a popular Marathi monthly magazine published across the state of Maharashtra. I said “What is it that you want from me?” Sandeep said ” I read one of your answer to the question – “What are the indications of Bad Rahu?” on Quora and I am so much impressed and touched that I would like you write the same answer in Marathi for my magazine.”
Read more:-
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streamfixofficial · 1 year
What is a payroll service provider?
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The duties of payroll can seem never-ending if you manage a business or work in human resources.
It is not easy for a company to handle the complexities of payroll, including the timely and accurate payment of all employees, deduction of appropriate taxes, and provision of paid time off. Payroll management is already a complex process, and it's only getting more so as more countries and businesses embrace remote labour.
In today's fast-paced business world, no company wants to waste time and energy checking that these procedures are carried out correctly. Local governments impose stricter employment laws and financial requirements every year, so failing to comply is not an option.
It's common to view outsourcing as more expensive, but in this situation, setting up payroll in-house would necessitate a specialised team, IT infrastructure, and regular maintenance. In the event of inadvertent noncompliance, sanctions may need to be dealt with. As opposed to investing in payroll software, which has its own upfront costs as well as ongoing maintenance costs and a specialised workforce, small firms can save money by outsourcing this function.
Payroll processing is a crucial and important function of any organization. Payroll can be a demanding function; Since it needs smooth execution of several complex tasks like salary calculations, tax compliance, provident fund, and many more activities.
We at Streamfix payroll services in nagpur ensures smooth payroll processing activities that can help achieve better resource management and save you the hassles and time-consuming tasks of payroll processing.
There is more to payroll processing than just figuring paychecks. Most rely on technological means to reduce boring, time-consuming administrative activities for management and to provide interesting opportunities for workers. Payroll service providers typically offer these essential features:
1. Automatic payroll processing
When payroll is computerised, human labour is considerably decreased as time spent on wage calculation and payment is eliminated. It's possible to get paid in a variety of ways, such as by cheque, direct deposit, or prepaid card.
2. Payroll data entry accuracy
Payroll administration is useless if it is not performed with 100% accuracy. For this reason, payroll outsourcing firms typically supply a comprehensive report detailing their clients' payroll processes, including salary payments, payroll deductions, and total employee hours.
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3. Wage garnishment and income tax withholding
Payroll automation guarantees that all required deductions from employees' paychecks, like as taxes and garnishments, are taken out correctly and on schedule.
4. Competence with regulations
Some cloud-based payroll solutions also include real-time updates to ensure continued compliance. The process of requesting and approving time off can be simplified with the help of some payroll software.
5. Detailed Job Cost Analysis
Information on job expenses serves as both an indicator and a record of the overall expenditures made to bring a project to fruition. In terms of payroll, this means summarizing the amount and nature of work completed by employees, both individually and collectively.
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Here are some things to think about before deciding on a payroll service:-
Find out how quickly consumer questions are answered and how satisfied previous customers were with the company's customer service by reading their reviews. Find out if you'll be assigned a personal representative at the company, someone you can get in touch with right away if you have any concerns or issues.
Skill and a good name: Inquire about the provider's credentials, qualifications, and other documentation to verify their expertise and experience. Verify the provider's past work and customer feedback.
Getting an excellent rate of return: Obviously, the price tag isn't everything. You shouldn't spend more money than you have to, though.
The system and its price structure should be intuitive and easy to understand. Reporting metrics should be easily understood, and the system's user interface should be straightforward.
If you're looking to save money and time, outsourcing your payroll needs to a third-party organisation Streamfix HR Consultant in nagpur is at your services provides payroll management in nagpur, pf esic services., manpower services.  Payroll services are preferred by many company heads because they ensure maximum accountability and adherence to all relevant regulations. Managers may rest easy knowing that any payroll or tax filing errors will be caught and fixed by a specialised team working on the company's payroll. It is a fantastic method of reducing risks while yet providing employees with dependable payroll services.
While payroll services might range in price, they often start with a flat monthly or biweekly rate. Payroll services that charge by the pay period cap the number of times payroll can be processed in a given month, while monthly services don't limit the number of times payroll can be processed.
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incomodtutorials · 2 years
Ce serviciu de streaming muzical ofera cele mai multe melodii?
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Serviciile de streaming muzical si-au impartit de foarte mult timp piata. Indiferent ca vorbim de Spotify, Apple Music, Youtube, Tidal, Deezer sau Amazon Muzic, fiecare aplicatie are fanii si haterii ei. Chiar si asa, concurenta este mare, iar fiecare furnizor incearca sa atraga cat mai multi abonati. Pe o aplicatie de streaming muzical gasesti un continut audio extrem de variat. Probabil intuiti cine se afla pe primul loc in acest clasament, dar statistica realizata de cei de la HowToGeek o sa va dea asteptarile peste cap. Locul 1 nu e locul 1 SoundCloud se claseaza pe prima pozitie, cel putin statistic vorbind. Aplicatia primeste continut audio de la orice fel de tip de utilizator, iar continutul este variat. In realitate, Apple Music se afla pe primul loc cu peste 100 de milioane de melodii, dar statistic ocupa locul 2. Spotify este, de departe, cea mai populara si utilizata aplicatie de streaming muzical. Furnizorul suedez ofera aproximativ 80 de milioane de melodii. Deezer si Tidal ofera in jur de 90 de milioane de melodii, mai mult decat Youtube care integreaza „doar” 80 de milioane de melodii. In cele ce urmeaza veti gasi un grafic realizat de HowToGeek in care se prezinta exact clasamentul platformelor de streaming muzical.  
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Abonamentul, o solutie pentru a scapa de reclame? Suntem exasperati de numarul tot mai mare de reclame. Din acest motiv, numarul celor care prefera sa plateasca abonament la Apple Music, Spotify sau Youtube Music este in crestere. Mare avantaj al unui abonament care costa cativa zeci de lei lunar este ca poti asculta fara intrerupere muzica si podcasturi. Tu ce serviciu de streaming muzical folosesti? Read the full article
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ridtube · 2 years
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healingislimitless · 3 years
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What exactly is a Reading? What is Mediumship? Readings are meant to give you insight and propel you forward, by extension giving you healing. Mediumship is the same. Book your Readings with me! (Phone/Video) 15 Min - $40 30 Min - $80 E-mail - $20  
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conduitofhealing · 3 years
I did 2 hours of live psychic readings today. If you’d like to check out my work please feel free to have a look. 
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sunkissedchldrecon · 3 years
OOOH I've been thinking about making my own deck cause why not but I'd rather stick with my tarot cards (which are probably mad I haven't used them in forever)
Game idea: maybe something related to history or what people's fs, next relationship person's childhood were like or something short like if they know their fs currently and some things to look for that represent their person? Something like I 0lan to at some point do what people's future kids will look like adopted or not since I think that'd be interesting. For posts something like your personal thoughts on whatever really works or how you exactly do oracle, tarot, intuition and what ways you practice things.
Favorite emoji: 👹🤨🐜🏃🏽‍♀️ too many lol sorry if I should only do one maybe 🤠 I plan on getting a red headed country man as a boyfriend someday if able lol
I'd like to know what my fs personality if able?
I'd like to exchange so anything you wanna know I'll answer back!
Thank you and please drink and sleep well if you're able!
i was thinking of buying a deck a while ago but psyched myself out lol. if you wanna make your own, i say go for it! it's time consuming and hard to shuffle at first, but it's really cool since you already know how you best read tarot/oracle or read intuitiely. ty for the game idea!! things like past lives/karmic relationships are v interesting. karma in and of itself is sooo complex imo
as i keep shuffling, i feel a lot more comfortable with the deck btw which is exciting!! for the exchange, i wonder what can i do to set myself free? lmk if that's too broad or anything lol
lilies: purity, fertility, beauty, transformation, rebirth, devotion
5/55/555: changes, something new is coming, transitions, embrace newness, shifts
aries (reversed): confidence, spirit, leadership, impulsivity, impatient, direct, agression, straight-forward, independent, passionate
apollo (reversed): archery, music, dance, truth, prophecy, healing, poetry, light
aquarius: humane, loving, innovative, arrogance, self-righteous, idealistic, radical, rebellious, enthusiastic, communicative, tolerant of others
pink: love, compassion, sympathy, kindness, warmth, femininity, romance, timid, unconfident, emotional, intuition
when you meet them, they'll probably be in like a glo-up phase or already past it. they're the type of person that's adaptable and embraces change. with apollo reversed, i think they're probably more laidback versus the party animal apollo can be lmao. aries reversed kinda confirms that. it's not that they're a pushover or anything like that, they're just not one to make a scene or become overtly angry. they prefer for things to be harmonious. i think the aquarius traits and pink perfectly encapsulate them. very focused on wanting what's best for humanity, in tune with their emotions, and friendly. good with communication, and has a thing for romance. this is so cute actually
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honeybeesandthyme · 4 years
I tried reading tea leaves for the first time today!
I had some magic to do so I decided to draw a bath and make it my circle. I added salt to the water, meditated and centered, cast my circle, and got to work.
I used peach, honey, and black tea for love, sweetness, and increased intuity.
I decided to use a coffee press so that while drinking the majority of tea I wouldn’t have to drink as many leaves. Then when only a bit was left, I removed the press and poured it all into my cup, swished it around clockwise, and drank the remaining tea, reswished, focused on my question, and read.
The whole process was so productive and full of magic! I feel overcome with happiness with it all!
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filipeboni-blog · 5 years
Cobogó and Its Importance in Sustainable Buildings
In the world of architecture, the building elements that, when used well, can make environments more beautiful, comfortable and flexible.
One of them is certainly Cobogo.
But what is a cobalt and what can be done with it?
Read the article to learn. But before…
The Cobogós in History
Cobogó is a Brazilian constructive element, created in the 1920s. Its name is named after the first series of the surnames of its creators, Amadeu Oliveira Coimbra, Ernesto Augusto Boeckmann and Antonio de Góis.
This was in the garden, with an intuity of keeping a natural sound are the plans of wall plans and warmth in the Northeast.
Its creation is based on the Muxarabis, architectural architectures of Arabic architecture, which allow the ventilation and preservation of a family privacy.
It is a hollow element, created in concrete and had its presence in materials such as ceramics, cement, glass, acrylic, PVC, resin and wood.
Why Cobogo Is Important
Use cobogós is an option widely used in strategies that confer greater bioclimatic efficiency. Its main function is to divide unnatural environments and ventilation. The beauty of the element is undeniable in the outer areas.
Its use is a rationalization of construction, lighting, lighting and solar control as agents of quality and environmental comfort.
Properly used in environments, it increases the air quality index through constant exchange. It is useful for creating healthy environments and reducing energy costs, reducing artificial climate use.
Regarding the use of cobogo, it becomes a better device, protecting the building against the invasion of the sun's rays, directing them and redistributing them through the environment.
The choice of an element with the luminous uniformity according to the solar orientation is employed, balancing the luminosity of the inner surface.
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peacesmovingcabaret · 6 years
for the space asks: constellation, betelguise, andromeda, and cassiopeia c:
constellation: have you ever read a book that is worse than the movie?
Not really. No. I haven’t read many books that had movie adaptations. And the ones I did read were just as good if not better as the movies. 
betelguise: what’s something that calms you down when you’re upset?
Listening to music. Especially classic music or musicals. That always calms me down. A little comfort food doesnt hurt either.
andromeda: describe your first best friend
Funny. Boisterous. Adventurous. Supportive. Kind. Everything that I would love to be.  
cassiopeia: what do you like most about yourself?
Well if I can look past my crippling depression and low-self esteem, I guess I like my compassion and my intuitieness
Thanks for the asks!!!!
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ahylen · 3 years
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Day Eleven: Knowing Before Seeing a Change There is a story I heard on a Jack Canfield CD program many years ago and I’ve heard the re-telling of it by Nick Ortner and other spiritual teachers. The basic story is that monks covered a Golden Buddha statue in mud to hide it from Burmese attackers. All of the monks were killed, and no one knew about the Golden Buddha for over 250 years. When it was moved by crane in 1957, it was thought that they had cracked it. The workers set it down, ordered a larger crane and covered the Buddha statue with a tarp to protect it from the rain until the next day. A monk checked on the Buddha in the middle of the night and saw a glint of something by the crack. He began to chisel around the crack and discovered a solid, gold Buddha. A few months ago, I was watching the news with a friend, and I said, “There it is. The crack where the light is shining through.” As old structures and systems are breaking down, as we clash with the toxic patriarchy and systemic racism, as the coronavirus shut down the world, I am looking for the green tips of plants that are emerging from seeds that have been planted over years. More on Medium... #writing #personalpower #knowing #jackcanfield #buddha #plantingseeds #healmyvoice #medium The Sacred Feminine: Tuning into Your Personal Power: 30 days of writing and reflecting. Read on Medium.com or buy the book for .99 this month. E-book of 30 days of writing and reflecting https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08H52H4GK On Medium: hhttps://andreahylen.medium.com/ Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash A 30-day experience of writing about the power in feminine, receptive energy. We have been living in a world that values masculine energy over feminine energy. This is not gender based. It is Yin vs Yang, Receptive vs Active. We need a balance of both energies. This 30-day independent program has a daily quote, a daily story and reflection, writing prompt questions for you to explore and resource links. Written from a female gaze, this was created in a circle for women and has value for men who want to tap into their own feminine, intuitive, creative, receptive energy. •Week One: Tune in to your intuiti https://www.instagram.com/p/CHdL7p7Bkij/?igshid=m9ih5etse1mr
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jlertle · 3 years
Intùiti Creative Cards from Matteo di Pascale on Vimeo.
Can you imagine a tool able to put you in touch with your creativity?
The Intuiti Creative Cards were born at the University of Milan, they come from the idea that creativity must flow freely and can't be forced.
The Intuiti Creative Cards are a deck of 78 inspirations and they can help you with finding new ideas, curing the blank page syndrome or simply to think.
Every inspiration is represented by an image, connected with an evocative tale. The 78 tales corresponding to the 78 inspirations are collected in a booklet.
The intuiti creative cards are the result of the union of the tarots, modern design and Gestalt psychology.
It took over a year to translate the original concept into something marketable and after using Intuiti for five months, in the heart of milan, giving readings to complete strangers and observing their reactions we believe that Intuiti are now ready for you!
Just shuffle the deck, spread it on the table, draw a card and let it speak!
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All Psychic Readings are given by phone, or on … with Chaya on Yelp. © 2019 Chaya Psychic Reading and Massage Created by www.sedonawebsitedesign. com.
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19 reviews of Psychic Readings and Massage with Chaya "We recently went to Sedona for a vacation and both me and my husband went for couple of sessions  …
Psychic Readings and Massage with Chaya massage services from $65 in Sedona, AZ. chaya mueller bronstein lmt. menu. menu. … Chaya is a natural born intuitive and has been a psychic reader, licensed massage therapist and healer for over 25 years. … psychic readings and Massage …
HeartLight provides Inspiring, Empowering & Transformative Sessions in a beautifu, relaxing environment. You will leave feeling happy and uplifted! unique crystal light sessions surround you with crystals and light, balancing your chakras and enhancing your energy field! One of a kind Quantum Pendants, stunning art….
Psychic Bob Arizona Bob Hickman, Ms.D., uses his gifts of Clairvoyance, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, and Trance to bring to clients messages from the World of Spirit, also … Life Coach On Angels’ Wings Healing and Coaching (928) 273-8447 – Peggy Lindsey – Sedona, Arizona 86326 profile: transformational life coach. As a certified Professional Life Coach, Peggy Lindsey assists women who Psychic Predictions About Florida Psychic Predictions For 2017/2018/2019/2020 *Disclaimer – All psychic predictions on this website & across all of my social media are given to me by spirit and are not my thoughts/words/wishes. California Psychics Asia Psychic Medium In New York ABOUT ROBERT “Love Letters to the Living” that’s what robert calls messages he receives from the other
Jan 06, 2019  · 19 reviews of Psychic Readings and Massage with Chaya "We recently went to Sedona for a vacation and both me and my husband went for couple of sessions each with Chaya and it was an incredible experience!!! we both loved it and highly recommend…
California Psychics Asia Psychic Medium In New York ABOUT ROBERT “Love Letters to the Living” that’s what robert calls messages he receives from the other side. Robert is one of New York’s premier Psychic Mediums! psychic southern california sep 23, 2013 … Whether or not you believe in psychic ability, an afterlife, … may go by the title California Psychics Alto National Emergency Training Center – St. Joseph’s College Emmitsburg, Maryland 80.2 miles from Altoona, PA. The National Emergency Training Center was once St. Joseph’s College, which until 1973 was a Catholic girls’ school established in 1809. California Psychics mark psychic tammy New York Psychic Convention New York California Psychic Tajah A psychic reading by california
Feb 21, 2008  · I received a psychic massage from Bhadra at Mii Amo in Sedona, which is known for its metaphysical spa treatments. The psychic massage took place in a beautiful treatment room that had spectacular views of the canyon walls that the spa is famous for.
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Dec 11, 2018  · Chaya is a natural born intuitive and a psychic reader, licensed massage therapist and healer for over 25 years. Her study and work experience in Europe, Asia and USA has contributed to her worldly vision and clarity.
Massage · Psychic Readings … and Massage with Chaya on Yelp. © 2019 Chaya Psychic Reading and Massage Created by www.sedonawebsitedesign.com.
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