i-th-ink-am · 2 months
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Shattered Glass Thundercracker
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Shattered Glass Skywarp
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Shattered Glass Starscream
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here's the link for most of the fannon ones! :>
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randomationality · 2 months
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ionstorm yeah (he looks weird I need to fix it)
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scribe-of-hael · 3 months
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Preview of the rainmaker human formers!
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kaontic · 2 months
Oh look, it’s Megs’ little show ponies
Update: And Powerglide and Kickback
(Disclaimer: Or at least I think these Cybertronians are them, but we’ll see if that’s true in time)
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. I mean that’s Nova Storm for sure you guys (with Kickback nearby)
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. Acid Storm
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. Glad they (probably) didn’t forget about Ion Storm too this time yes yes very good Skybound 👏
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. They also look like Misfire in jet mode so that's cool
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. I didn’t recognize Powerglide at first since I haven’t gotten to season 2 of G1 yet
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. They could all just be a reference tho and I'm lookin' too deep into this, but IF NOT-
. Skybound, please. PLLLLLLLLLEEEEAAAAAASSSE. If ANY of them show up later-PLEASE do not write them off as soon as they do. I'm seeing potential here, especially in terms of, um, "visuals", if you know what I mean, for the Rainmakers specifically
. Take the Rainmakers' powers to the next level and let them literally rain hell down on their enemies. Idc if they only do it once in the entirety of the run I just wanna see how it looks
. Let them remain strictly loyal to Megs to add extra drama (esp. with Astrotrain) and raise the stakes
. If you need to write some of them off, my first choice for who gets to live is Misfire (idk to provide some comic relief plus he’s a fan fav)
. Second choice is Nova, fr. What a badass. In IDW2 they were canonically indestructible and sliced Sentinel Prime in half
. Like think of how much of a problem Nova could be in particular for the Autobots (cuz I haven't seen Windcharger yet lol)
. Imagine if they suddenly sprung out of lava to grab someone and drag them down
. Or took a fusion cannon blast to the face like it was a nice breeze
. I'm biased ok they're literally my profile (Nova does not smile often, but Reflector says thanks g for the geunine effort)
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. There, I fixed it:
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. But hey, those were just some ideas
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strdstwanderer · 1 year
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*Among Us sound effect*
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churino6 · 1 year
Last post but now in color
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Oh and the other guys too
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The breast force are all seekers for my continuity, except guyhawk, hes an angry bird
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floofyfungi · 7 months
is ionstorm going to be Like Candice from phinies and ferb. He keeps poiting out alexises schemes, triks and deception but doesn't get belived i the slightest. It's driving him insane
Ha! He and Rumble are going to have to form a support group. They can talk about the good old days when decepticons used to kill organics before everyone lost their minds.
Ionstorm will remain a background character for the most part. But whenever Novastorm gets dragged into the main plot he's going to be there. So he'll witness more of Alexis' schemes than the average decepticon. And it will blow his processor that they keep working!
Like Alexis has this whole innocent little dumb organic act and people keep falling for it! Over and over again! It'll only get worse as Alexis gets older. Trying to warn his fellow decepticons is pointless, why would any self respecting dragon fear a helpless human infant? They only realise the truth once it's far far too late.
The major difference between him and Candace is that Starscream knows full well what Alexis is doing. He loves it. Her schemes have his complete and utter support (so long as they don't interfere with his own plans).
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toyboxcomix · 10 months
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Random Old Comic: I'm a Sucker For Seekers, Apparently https://www.toyboxcomix.com/2019/10/09/im-a-sucker-for-seekers-apparently/ https://www.toyboxcomix.com/2019/10/09/im-a-sucker-for-seekers-apparently/?utm_source=tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ReviveOldPost
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risenwings · 6 months
Starter Call!!
For ANY of the three Rainmakers! Ionstorm, Acid Storm, or Nova Storm!
Mutuals, like for a random set, or reply with the Seeker you want!
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nephitefortuna · 3 months
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was a little disappointed with the previous version of this ref, so here's a newer version of it
<.< just realized he never got his own bio.
Bio(Gen): As an accomplished gladiator and university dropout, Starscream has a rather large ego and is extremely vain. Not one for showing his softer side to others often (even to his own brothers) he regarded as cold and arrogant by a large majority of Decepticons and Autobots. That is until he agrees to an experiment that Shockwave and Megatron propose. One that entails cloning him multiple times to ensure maximum chance of success whilst trying to introduce outlier abilities to their CNA in order to create more elite troops outside of himself and his brothers.
Suffice to say this 'experiment' gets canned within the first few years of it. But not before Starscream gets landed with the job of taking care of the failures (Acidstorm, Sunstorm, Ionstorm, and Novastorm). Leaving him to try to adjust to babysitting the four of them while also trying to keep his position within the decepticons.
TL:DR Starscream becomes Dadscream for four failed clones
Also timelapse :>
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copperbora · 1 year
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This fan theory post regards episode 21 of Transformers: Earth Spark, What Dwells Within, which revolves around our favourite flight frame Decepticon, Starscream, and the evidence that I believe that it shows of Starscream's complicated relationship with Megatron, possibly more excitingly his relationship with Skywarp (which points hopefully towards a future introduction of Thundercracker,) and other seekers in general as Novastorm is in it too. There's also implications of the fanon concept of seeker/flight frame sky hunger.
⚠️Spoiler alert: we finally get to spend some time with Starscream in this episode as it opens with him, Skywarp, Novastorm, Soundwave and Swindle attempting to escape from GHOST's Decepticon prison. Swindle and Soundwave being groundframes, they aren't able to keep up with the speedy seekers and end up being left behind as the trio of seekers make their escape. During this escape we learn a key rule of Skywarp's teleportation talent (spark sigma) in Earthspark: she can't teleport through solid objects.
Unfortunately for our erstwhile seekers, the Terrans are at the same time trying to reach their cave water and Novastorm, who is especially eager to escape, causing sonic booms, accidentally sets off a cave in, during which the bottom of the water cave collapses right on top of her and a chiding Skywarp.
That's when our boy Starscream shows up and at very long last the Terrans meet him (he immediately schemes to take them hostage in order to secure his and his seekers' escape from GHOST.)
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Aw damn, Starscream you handsome devil. (Again: why do you have blue optics though? I mean, I'm okay with it, but it's still weird as frag.)
In this scene Starscream also shows that he doesn't have any issue whatsoever with being right in his fellow seekers' personal space as he grabs Novastorm's wing to pull it out of his way so that he can see the Terrans better (and scheme at them.) (This gesture feels a lot like the fanon notion of seekers being a rather snuggly group.) In a later episode he is not okay with Twitch affectionately hugging him in thanks and shrugs her off.
The Terrans appropriately run, accidentally straight into the lair of the Dweller, a hideous space monster that brings to mind a sparkeater of IDW lore, except it drinks Cybertronian's energon like an oversized vampire bat instead of nomming on sparks. (And it is significantly less cute than a vampire bat.) The Dweller initially tries to eat Thrash but spits him out as it discovers that nope, energon doesn't run in Terran fuel lines, so it goes for the energon-rich seekers instead, rushing straight at them.
This is where Starscream has a choice; he's standing between Novastorm and Skywarp in a narrow passageway - so who does he try to push to safety? Skywarp.
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I really think that this can read as an implication of the beloved fanon concept of trinebonds. Starscream by default saves his trinemate; he doesn't even need to think about it. Novastorm isn't his trinemate: she belongs in trine to Acidstorm and Ionstorm (where the Pit are they?) Starscream doesn't even consider saving Novastorm instead of Warp.
Skywarp does share a bond of some sort with Novastorm though as she immediately rushes to Novastorm's rescue, pulling her from the tentacles of the Dweller. (I'm not sure what Skywarp and Novastorm's bond is - did they pack together after finding themselves seperated from their trines and other seekers? Are they sisters? Lovers, maybe?)
Meanwhile, Megatron is pissed off that Starscream has escaped and complains about it to Optimus Prime and Croft. Despite Croft's negative permission on going after Starscream (she's more concerned about keeping her creepy horrible secrets than a deadly seeker being loose,) Optimus helps Megatron to the place where Starscream escaped with his two seekers then promptly sets Megatron on hunting down Starscream, asking that Megatron bring Starscream back safe.
By this point in the episode it has been made clear that Megatron and Starscream have some serious trust issues - and that Starscream seems to have very good reason to fear Megatron. Hashtag, being a kid, is willing to listen to Starscream where adult Cybertronians have not and she and Starscream become friendly after she saves him from the Dweller and more importantly, states her willingness to hear his side of the story, despite her liking Megatron.
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And, of course, after some more incidents with the Dweller occur, we do witness a pretty violent encounter between Megatron and Starscream as Megatron attacks Starscream unprovoked. Starscream tries to defend himself from his lifelong enemy but ends up pinned down and helpless by Megs.
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Hashtag, again, saves Starscream's plating, putting herself between him and his old tormentor. (Yes, I'm a Starscream sympathizer.) Hashtag points out that they need to unite against a common foe (the Dweller,) which Megatron doesn't believe until the Dweller grabs him, at which Megatron gives it a literal taste of his fusion canon.
Unfortunately, the Dweller manages to grab Hashtag, and Starscream then attempts to pull her free! (Gee, Megs, is it so hard to be kind to your seeker? Look how loyal he is when somebody gives him the time of day!)
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Starscream ends up being caught by the Dweller too, which takes him and Hashtag to its lair where we find Novastorm and Skywarp encased in grotesque giant magenta Dweller-spit crystals.
Starscream's gaze immediately goes to Skywarp as she taps the crystal encasing her to get his attention and looks pointedly at the ceiling. It's important to note that Starscream looks at Skywarp before she signals to him, again, potentially implying that a trinebond exists between them.
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Skywarp looks pretty hilarious in this frame, ignoring the fact that she's stuck in the Dweller's spit crystal.
The Dweller lets go of Hashtag and Starscream, and Starscream, seeing the monster's attention fixed on the vulnerable young Terran, prompts it to attack him instead by yelling at it, telling Hashtag to run.
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The Dweller's predatory attention now fixed on the Air Commander, Starscream follows Skywarp's tipoff and shoots a large crystal that is hanging from the ceiling above the Dweller, which crashes down on top of it! A fight endues in which Hashtag gets powered up by the cave water which splashed down when Starscream's shot caved the roof in and literally drags the Dweller into a watery grave, the water being toxic to it (which was implied in an earlier scene where it was trying to grab Skywarp who had fallen into a puddle of the stuff.)
The Terrans have their field day with the water, (which fails to help Robbie,) then outside against a sunset we see Starscream refusing to let Megatron put him back in a GHOST cell, which he calls a 'cage' (sky hunger?) Megatron asks if instead he could send Starscream somewhere where he would be safe (the Malto/Terran base?) but Starscream refuses, claiming that he will never be safe wherever Megatron is.
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This really does imply that Megatron has abused Starscream a lot in the past.
Starscream takes to the sky at which Skywarp and Novastorm materialize as if they have been loyally waiting for him to takeoff and before teleporting away to Megatron-free safety, Starscream calls his friendly regards to Hashtag, a fledgling bond of friendship having formed between young Terran and Air Commander.
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Skywarp is holding hands with Novastorm (lovers?) but she grabs Starscream seemingly happily (trinebond?) and after Statscream salutes Hashtag with his nullray they teleport away (presumably to go find Thundercracker, I like to think.)
I really liked this episode; I especially enjoyed how curious Starscream became in the map room, which to me implied his past as an innocent scientist and interstellar explorer. (Will we see Skyfire ever?) Also when rousing a stunned Skywarp and Novastorm to get up and run, whose pedes did Starscream kick? Skywarp's.
I really think that a trinebond was implied here in this episode, and that there really is some very bad energon between Starscream and Megatron. I dearly hope that future episodes and seasons of Earthspark will show us more of Starscream's story.
Throughout this episode the seekers generally stayed together, apart from the initial incident with the Dweller where Starscream doesn't help Skywarp save Novastorm from it. Furious at Starscream over this, Skywarp chooses a different path than her Air Commander, at which Hashtag goes to Starscream's rescue instead. (Evidence of Skywarp and Novastorm being lovers? Or sisters? Whatever bond they share, it exists outside of the platonic bond of trining that Skywarp has with Starscream.)
Anyway, a great episode which left me really hoping for more!
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Decepticon seekers in Tetrajet mode
recently updating the Tetrajet variants, I have made a simple digital drawing of most(if not all) Decepticon seekers:
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Their is also a key, but it's too small so Im going to type it here two:
7.Wheezing arrow
16. Ionstorm
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randomationality · 2 months
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seekers I've done so far (I don't think I'll even make it to the ref sheets)
you know what, IM GONNA RAMBLE ABOUT HEADCANONS AGAIN. (out of these six, prolly. Also, these headcanons are NO WHERE near perfect)
Thundercracker is the more calm and collected out of these guys, which also makes him seem as the most boring (Skywarp teases him the most). Ever since the Decepticons came to Earth, he's been amazed by the scenery of a planet and how organic it is. This also brought him to be fond of its creatures, especially dogs. He has the ability to create massive and deafening sonic booms, and can manipulate electricity. They become more powerful if the weather is stormy.
Sunstorm is a very joyful guy. At least he tries to genuinely be. He likes poems, and singing! (Voice HC Your Anxiety Buddy 💀). Him and Novastorm have similar abilities. He's basically a walking nuclear bomb because of his radioactive nature, but of course he can control it. And like Rodimus and TF:ONE Optimus, he can use his blasters as flamethrowers. Otherwise, he just can light his whole frame on fire. Fun fact: In the coldest of days, the other seekers just huddle next to him to warm up in their free time. They don't do it to Nova since they know she doesn't like it.
Novastorm is more tired and angry than calm, but she does find a bright side to everything (no pun intended). She's confident, but can also get annoyed easily. Like Sunstorm, she can radiate a star's energy, but she mostly uses a burning, blinding light to mess with her opponent's optics, then she goes for the kill.
Skywarp is the prankster, procrastinator, and most cocky one. He's that one guy that calls others weak for being scared of a horror movie, then after it you find him huddling in the corner crying. He really likes his visor. He uses his teleportation all the time, he doesn't even walk. For some reason, it just annoys Starscream. The only flaw he has with his teleportation, he can only bring a maximum of fifteen bots at one time.
Acidstorm is a strange but useful mech, at least that's what Starscream thinks. The Rainmakers feel concerned and worried for him since he's been using up his energon for his abilities just to fight the Autobots, but he always says he's fine. Starscream finds his abilities the most effective since acid can y'know, ruin EVERYTHING, so sometimes he pushes him to use more of it, but he doesn't know it costs him Acid's own life source. The Rainmakers have arguments with Starscream to stop him from getting Acid to overuse his powers.
(I don't know too much about Ionstorm, so tell me if there's things I missed or need to fix because this is me basically making crap up!!) Ionstorm sometimes just goes with the flow, but speaks up when he needs to. He's more smiley and open when he's with his Rainmaker trine, but with others he just nods and listens to whoever's talking. His ability is similar to Thundercracker's, but he uses it more to power the Nemesis and other really generators or machines they have wherever they are. But when it comes to combat use, it's deadly. With just one shock, he can knock out fifteen to twenty bots.
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zhenya666fan · 1 year
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kaontic · 2 months
Just the guys about to have an innocent night out on Cybertron. :)
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Starscream? Who's that again? 🥴
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