#ira Gamagoori
actuallysaiyan · 1 month
I have to fucking get this outta my fucking system...
Ira Gamagoori isn't one to break the rules. It would go against everything he believes in. So why is he on his knees in an abandoned classroom with his face pressed so close to your pussy? Why is he taking greedy inhales of your scent when he knows having sex on school grounds would be cause for expulsion?
"We can't...take too long." He murmurs as he begins licking you through your panties.
He palms at his hardened cock as he sucks and licks your pussy through your panties. He doesn't have time to pull them aside. All he can think about is bringing you to orgasm right here and now. It's what will make him get through the rest of the day. He'll gladly carry the scent and taste of you.
Your fingers tangle in his blond hair, tugging him closer as you practically ride his face. Your eyes are rolling back as you feel the coil in your stomach tightening. You won't last much longer. When you look down at him and see the dark lust in his eyes, it's what nearly topples you over the edge. Then he pulls your panties aside and suckles on your clit, making you bite down on your lip.
He hums softly as he continues to latch onto your swollen little bud. You ride every single wave of pleasure, your juices leaking all over him. When he pulls away, he's quick to help you straighten up. With a now refined look in his eyes, he escorts you out of the classroom.
"Don't say a word to anyone...and I'll meet you tonight at your place to finish this."
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bongwater777 · 1 year
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Day 6 - Ira Gamagoori
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Satsuki: I'll solve this problem with my four hyperintelligent brains
Inumuta: I'm hungry
Jakuzure: I'm cold
Gamagori: I'm itchy
Sanageyama: PUSSY-
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apocalypticvalraven · 4 months
The one true KLK ship hastily sketched out in my notes app:
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Sn: Senketsu
R: Ryuko
St: Satsuki
N: Nonon
M: Mako
G: Gamagoori
Ryuko, Satsuki and Mako are in a poly ship. Senketsu is Ryuko's complicated first relationship with someone she eventually learned was her half brother, and then died. Mako has a side ship with Gamagoori and is fully supported in it by her girlfriends. Nonon is Satsuki's complicated sapphic sisters situationship that is supported and encouraged by Ryuko and Mako, but Ryuko also watches it a bit warily because she's not sure it's entirely healthy on Nonon's part.
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fractalflare · 2 years
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TOU – Icons are free to use, free to edit, with or without credit, likes and reblogs are encouraged. Please don’t re-upload or claim as your own. Please let me know about any broken links — DOWNLOAD
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ms0milk · 2 years
i found this fic i wrote in 2014 (when i was 14) and i'm obsessed,, it's honestly not bad at all lmao pls enjoy my baby-kill la kill-throwback
(i literally just copypaste from my old email account so everything below this line is an untouched primary document)
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Title: Dating for Dummies
Pairing: Gamagoori/Mako
Rating: T (<- what does this mean? -2022 pom)
Disclaimer: not beta’d and Gama is best dork
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(based off of ^this^ end credit cap -2022 pom)
Gamagoori clutched the pink bouquet with shaking hands and mutely followed the other Devas through the streets. He hoped he didn’t vomit. Or faint. He wasn’t sure which was more likely; his entire body seemed to be fighting a war with itself. A war of nerves.
“We should have brought an extra change of clothes,” Nonon mused. “But Froggy had to wear a suit. Are you proposing or confessing?”
He stared at the bright pink flowers and chose to ignore her teasing. The snake would always lead with its fangs, after all. Even in the case of helping someone else. She was helping, and that was what mattered.
“They’ve stopped again,” Inumuta informed them, looking at his tablet. The tracking device in Satsuki’s purse allowed them to easily follow the trio.
Gamagoori somehow managed to look up from the flowers to focus on the little blinking light on the tablet screen. He swallowed. They were only a few blocks away now which indicated it was almost time. His eyes swung back to the flowers and he clenched them tighter. He couldn’t remember a time where he was more nervous. Standing up to the bullies, fighting Satsuki, waging war against the life fibers…no prior event had caused his insides to twist in such a way. He tried to calm himself by taking slow, even breaths, but his heart rate remained stubbornly elevated and he was still perspiring heavily.
Nonon, always one to sense any amount of weakness of will, stood before him with a scrutinizing look. “I gave up going shopping for you,” she informed him darkly. “You better not back out.”
Gamagoori nodded. “I know.”
He understood this was a matter of do or die. Soon it would be over with and he could relax again. Gamagoori tried to look forward to the future but found it was impossible to predict. If she wasn’t interested what would he feel? What would he do? The tiny, pink flowers had no answer for him, so instead he tried to work on what he wanted to say. Yes, no point in thinking that far ahead. For now he needed to practice what he would say to win Mako’s heart.
Gamagoori closed his eyes. Now, he thought. How should I put it?
He remained still, hunched against the wall as he meditated…until all at once his eyes bugged out. He’d been so worried about everything else he hadn’t even considered what to say. His mind was a complete blank. He couldn’t string any sort of meaningful love declarations, no poetic recitations, and certainly no sweet-nothings. At the moment, he could barely remember his own name.
Gamagoori’s breathing rate began to increase again as his panic rose. How could he have forgotten to come up with a good line? Something. Anything. He looked dumbly down at the flowers, which were starting to look both blurry and patronizing. A shocking feat for mere flowers.
“Here they come,” Inumuta warned.
He jumped to his feet without knowing why. They were coming and Gamagoori had nothing to say. He had flowers and nothing else. Just himself; a large, mute man who couldn’t even properly speak to the girl he liked. But he was going to try. No matter what, he was going to try.
Inumuta adjusted his glasses and looked up at him. “I took the liberty of placing note cards in your jacket pocket. In case you find yourself…without words.”
Gamagoori look down, surprised. “Y-yes. Alright.”
“You don’t need note cards,” Uzu voiced. “Just speak from the heart.”
He nodded again. “From the heart…” All he could truly muster was parroted responses. At a later point he would communicate his gratitude towards them for their help. For now it was all he could do to stay standing.
“There they are,” Nonon voiced, excited. “It’s time!” She waved a hand at him and said, “Good luck, Froggy.” Soon she was dashing out to intercept the girls, followed shortly by Inumuta and Uzu. They gave him a passing thumbs-up, and he was left alone with his flowers.
This is it.
He would not hide anymore. It was time for him to truly, truly go Nudist. With his heart, at least.
Gamagoori moved out from the cover the building provided, looking across the street where the group had met up. Nonon was directing Mako to a food stand down the way, and the girl had run off eagerly, her large bag of goods bouncing behind her. He headed in the same direction, planning to intercept her. His expression was one of determination with a tinge of nausea. Now that he was finally acting, his body at least seemed to be behaving correctly. Steely-gray eyes remained fixed on his target as he closed the distance between them.
Suddenly, a crowd of people spilled out of a bus, clogging the path with pedestrians. At the same time some moving-men began moving large furniture right in his path. It was as if the world had all at once conspired against him in the most non-humorous way possible. Briefly he took his eyes off of Mako as he picked his way past people and furniture, and when he looked back up he couldn’t see her amongst the crowd. Gamagoori stopped, eyes scanning for the engorged bag that Mako had been carrying. Even though he was larger than everyone, he didn’t immediately spot her.
“Mankanshoku…” he muttered, moving forward again. He needed to remain calm. She couldn’t have gotten far, and he knew where the food stand was located. The busy sidewalk was only a minor annoyance. He would find her.
When Gamagoori reached the stand, his heart sank. She wasn’t there, and he hadn’t seen her along the way. He looked at the store fronts, wondering if she made a side-stop in any of the buildings nearby. If he had to, he’d check them all. With another glance around the area he spotted a bulbous round bag. There she was.
He pushed through the people and called, “Mankanshoku!” Half-stumbling, he made it to the curb, eyes catching the sight of a large round bag…being thrown into the back of a garbage truck. Gamagoori’s shoulders slumped. It hadn’t been her at all. His panic was beginning to rise now. He didn’t know if he could bear facing Satsuki knowing that he had managed to lose Mako in the crowds. The hand that clutched the pink bouquet hung loosely at his side.
What should he do now?
“Oh! Is that you, Gamagoori-senpai?”
Gamagoori turned at the sound, wide-eyes falling on the very girl he had lost. “M-Mankanshoku…”
Mako was looking at him with a tilted head. “Wow you look all dressed up today,” she said. Then she jumped in surprise, pointing at the flowers. “F-flowers!? Oh gosh t-this…I know what this is!”
His brows snapped together. “Y-you…you do?” Inwardly he sighed in relief. Leave it to Mako to understand, yet again, what he was truly feeling. He should have never worried.
“Yes!” she confirmed. Her hands snapped up above her head and for a moment she appeared cloaked in a faint light (<- if you don't watch the show you don't understand what a hysterical addition to the fic this is -2022 pom). “The suit, the flowers, and all of the other things up until now. The entire atmosphere and even the Confession Moon! It was all leading up to the same thing.”
(it's genuinely alarming how accurate i got this characterization, pls god watch the show and read this again -2022 pom)
He tried to follow, but she was moving around very enthusiastically and making gestures that he couldn’t decipher. “Ah, y-yes. That’s what I-”
Mako held her hand up suddenly. “You don’t have to explain yourself! I understand.”
A warm, bubbly feeling spread through his chest at her words. His cheeks were red, but he looked at her with a tender expression. “Mankanshoku…”
She smiled, bright and cheery. He had feared for no reason. This person would not harm him, surely. She was kind and honest and brave. Why had he been afraid?
“We’re friends, senpai, so I’m going to help you! I’ll help make sure your confession goes perfectly!”
He blinked down at her with a dreamy expression before his expectations completely shattered. Gamagoori didn’t attempt to mask his horror as he stuttered, “N-no, M-Mankanshoku, you d-don’t-”
Mako made a sound of disappointment as she nimbly snagged the bouquet from his hand. “Aww, senpai, something happened to your flowers.” She waved the broken and droopy bouquet in front of him before tossing it over her shoulder. “If you’re going to confess you should buy some better flowers first. I’ll help you pick some out!”
Before he could muster a response, she took hold of his finger and dragged him along through the crowd. Those in their path wisely moved out of the way; Mako was too busy detailing all the reasons why he couldn’t possibly make a confession without nice flowers to notice anyone else. She pulled him to an outdoor market full of stands selling various wares.
“Mankanshoku, I have to-”
“Flowers!” she broke in, pointing. She tugged him forward again, ending up in front of a colorful flower stand. “Ooo! They’re all so bright and pretty!”
“Thank you,” the stand’s owner replied, her wrinkly face stretching in a smile.
“Hmm, what do you think would work best, senpai?” Mako asked, scrutinizing over the selection. “You probably have to think of their meaning.”
She grabbed a bouquet of yellow daisies and held it aloft saying, “These are saying ‘you are the sun in my sky’.” Then she exchanged those for some pink carnations. “And this is ‘my feelings are like a gentle blush’.” Her next pick became red roses. “These say ‘my blood is raging with passion for you’.” Mako’s face became serious as she advised, “These are only for the most serious intentions, senpai. Are you ready for that? You know. That.” He watched as Mako made a strange gesture which involved her pinky.
No, he certainly didn’t know that. He was starting to sweat more again at the very suggestion of…whatever that was. “Uh…” he uttered lamely, looking between the flowers and her intent expression. “What do you suggest, Mankanshoku? Surely you can advise me well.”
Mako blinked and then smiled wide. “I won’t let you down!” Gamagoori thought he could bask in such a smile endlessly. It warmed him to his core and chased away any apprehension that remained. He wanted to receive that smile from her again and again.
“I think this one!” Mako announced finally, choosing a multicolor bouquet. It was rather large but packed with a diverse number of flowers of different colors.
“Why this one?” he asked, honestly curious.
Mako stood triumphantly, hands on her hips as she explained, “Because it says ‘I want everything’! Gamagoori-senpai isn’t the type to hold back his emotions.” Mako punched the air in front of her. “You let them all out.”
Gamagoori quickly attempted to cover his blush. “That…that is a good answer, Mankanshoku.” He turned to pay the old woman while feeling light-headed. While Mako was not the most observant or attentive about certain things, in other ways she understood a lot more than one would expect. It was what made her so incomprehensible. That was simply her.
After he had paid he turned back to her and asked, “What else can I do, Mankanshoku?”
Mako took on a thoughtful expression. “It couldn’t hurt to give her some cute gifts! Girls like cute gifts.”
He nodded and picked up her large bag to carry it for her. “Alright.” Bashfully, he held out his hand and said, “Take my hand, Mankanshoku. So I don’t lose you.”
She placed her hand in his without hesitation and led the way. Gamagoori held her small hand gently as he allowed her to pull him to various stands. He felt content in a way he had never felt before. Never would he have expected such simple acts to feel so meaningful.
Whatever Mako suggested he was willing to accept. She looked overjoyed that she was being helpful to him. Chocolates, stuffed animals, matching cellphone charms. Mako pointed out things and advised him on why they would be perfect. She truly wanted to see him succeed and had no inkling that it was entirely about her in the first place.
Finally, when she was satisfied he had enough gifts and his arms were loaded with all the things she suggested he buy, Mako decided they should head back so Gamagoori could have his ‘shining moment’. The small girl bounced excitedly in front of him as she led the way, commenting on how she didn’t think anyone could say no to him. He smiled faintly at the encouragement before he looked ahead of them. The group was in sight now.
“Mankanshoku,” he voiced, stopping. “I have to tell you the truth.”
Mako stopped moving and turned to watch as he knelt, shifting all of the items and placing them before her. This time he was more careful with the flowers which he held out in the space between them.
For a moment, Mako simply stared. But then she clapped her hands together and said, “Oh yeah! Maybe you should practice what you want to say.” Mako ruffled her fingers through her hair and posed dramatically. “I’m ready. Steal my heart, if you can.”
Gamagoori swallowed. She had truly taken on a daunting form, but he wouldn’t let that stop him. “Mankanshoku!” he said loudly, his face steely determination. “I like you! Please accept my invitation to go on a date! The time and place is of your choosing!”
Finally he had said it. Gamagoori watched Mako’s face, waiting for her response. She appeared to be contemplating his words carefully. That was fine with him. He would rather her be completely certain than feel forced into something she didn’t want. The choice was now hers.
After a long pause, Mako broke her pose and clapped eagerly. “That was great, senpai.” She placed a hand on the back of her head, smiling bashfully. “I was so caught up in the moment I almost forgot it was for someone else. You probably should say the name of the girl when you practice. Ahh…she’s going to love it…” She was smiling dreamily with a far off look in her eyes.
Gamagoori revealed a small smile and said, “I did say her name.”
Mako’s mouth opened into an ‘o’ shape and she stared at him for many long moments. He remained where he was, waiting for her to come to her own conclusion. The moment broke with Mako jumping and exclaiming loudly, “What?! M-m-me?!”
“Yes. You.” He blushed deeply from where he knelt before her. “Forgive me, for taking so long.”
It was then that Mako was reduced to a babbling mess, gesturing and speaking too quickly for anyone to truly understand. Gamagoori finally felt calm; the release of his feelings had freed him from his fear. Gently he took hold of her hand and set the bouquet before her. She grasped it, settling down as she looked at the vibrant flowers.
“You are right. I want everything.”
She blushed, burying her face into the flowers. It appeared that now she was the one who could not speak. By then, the others were coming towards them. Most specifically, Ryuuko was. It seemed the diversion tactics had finally worn out.
“What the hell is going on?” Ryuuko asked, staring at Gamagoori kneeling and the pile of gifts in front of him. Mako turned, waddled on wobbly legs, and planted her red face into Ryuuko’s chest. “Wha…what’s wrong, Mako?!”
The response was muffled, but not enough to mask the meaning. “I’ve got a…d-date with Gamagoori-senpai!”
His heart soared.
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rereading this i actually really love the concept and even 8 1/2 years later the characterization totally holds up! i'm also immediately rewatching kill la kill
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therosecrest · 2 years
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nymoonunicat033 · 1 year
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Gamagōri toad is Guard Toad toy. He was made in 1912-1999, 
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yourfavisblack · 4 months
Ira Gamagoori from Kill La Kill
Sure thing! 👍🏾
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magicspaceuncle · 2 years
10 characters, 10 Fandoms, 10 Tags
I was tagged by @naosuki and Ive never done one of these before - Im hoping Im correct in assuming its a list of your faves?
1. Homestuck - Dave Strider, gods above I love that funky lil man
2. Dragon Age - Its a hard decision but Cole. Hes my sweet boy and I would die for him.
3. Final Fantasy 13 - Oerba Dia Vanille, shes doing her best!
4. Fallout 4 - Nick Valentine. The fact that he isnt a romance option is one of the greatest crimes ever committed.
5. A:tLA - Prince Zuko, I identify with that autistic bi disaster so hard
6. Legend of Zelda - Midna and Prince Sidon (Nintendo I am begging you please give me an HD Twilight Princess total remake please please please I miss my wife please please please-)
7. Kill la Kill - Gamagoori Ira, I love his dubious relationship with size and the laws of physics
8. Pokemon - Gengar, I know its not a character but I love my round purple lad
9. My Hero Academia - Fat Gum is the ideal man and you cannot change my mind
10. Riordanverse - Leo, something about that funky lil guy just. Gets me.
For tags Im gonna tag the only 2 people I know that are even remotely likely to do this - @waluigis-cock and @wynterwulf7
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bummeryumedanshi · 3 months
list of andrew-aligned characters (not ordered)
severe connections:
benson from regular show (obvious blueprint, fresh plagiarised)
carmen berzatto from the bear
ira gamagoori from kill la kill
claire from fleabag
higuchi ichiyou from bungou stray dogs
stretching it:
mikami teru from death note
jessie from pokemon
satsuki kiryuin from kill la kill
lynn angel from all saints street
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actuallysaiyan · 1 month
Btw y'all I've been going back to try and finish Kill La Kill and I apparently have a type cause I love Ira Gamagoori and he's a big beefy blond? What is up with me?
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chronoport · 4 months
(1 • 2 • 3)
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Blind • Panrose • Bladelexic • Greenperspesque
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Straight • Cisgender Male • Masochish • Yellowperspesque
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Autism • Panromantic • Orchidsexual • Agender • Technogender • Blueperspesque
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Omnirose • Femboy • Musigender • Pinkperspesque
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madmanwonder · 5 months
My Mood
AU(S): Post Apocalyptic AU, Law and Crime AU: Under Cop AU, Horror AU: Slasher AU, Yandere AU, Alien AU, College AU: Student AU: Athlete AU, Celebrity AU: Reality TV Show AU, Super AU: Superhero AU, Fantasy World AU: Monster Hunter AU, Office AU: Worker AU, Childhood Friends AU
General Moods: Free for All
Main Muses: Konosuba, One Piece, RWBY, Naruto, Fairy Tail, Bleach, Dangaronpa, Typemoon, Marvel, Disney, Capcom, Helltaker, Doom, Kill la Kill, Overlord, Ainz Ooal Gown, Monsterverse, Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, Chainsaw Man, One Punch Man, Inuyasha
Main Male Muses: Roman Torwick, Portas D. Ace, Gaara, Elfman Strauss, Grimmjow Jaegarjaquez, Gundham Tanaka, Cú Chulainn, Steven Roger/Captain America, Goofy, Dan Hibiki, The Helltaker, Doomslayer, Ira Gamagoori, Godzilla, Tanjiro Kamado, Denji, Saitma, Inuyasha
Main Female Muses: Tier Harribel, Neopolitan, Matsuri, Sonia Nevermind, Bazett Fraga McRemitz, Peggy Carter, Snow White, Maya Fey, Lucifer the CEO of Hell, Fem!Doomslayer, Satsuki Kiryuin, Albedo, Mothra, Kanao Tsuyuri, Power, Tatsumaki, Sango
Meme: Crossover Crack Ship (Free for ALL for the Weekly Mood), Mortal Kombat (Free for All for the Weekly Mood), If They Had a Kid (Free for All for the Weekly Mood), Switched Attribute Meme, Big [Redacted] Disability, Kill or Spare (Free for All for the Weekly Mood), Cheerleader Outfit, Child Shuffle, Timed Marriage, Positivity meme
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ao3feed-izch · 1 year
Kill La Heroes Kill
by ShadowJoestar
Ryuko wants to become a hero like her mom was despite her former dark past and her older sister who is a year ahead than anyone, she goes to UA High with Izuku upon meeting him the day before and they go on path toward heroing and it looks like Ryuko may Izuku as more than a fellow classmate and she's not the only one. Harem. Lemon. Milf. PLUS ULTRA. Do NOT own both anime shows.
Words: 58850, Chapters: 20/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Kill la Kill (Anime & Manga), 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, Other
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Uraraka Ochako, Kiryuuin Ragyo, Kiryuuin Satsuki, Matoi Ryuuko, Asui Tsuyu, Mankanshoku Mako, Jakuzure Nonon, Bakugou Katsuki, Elite Four (Kill la Kill), Gamagoori Ira, Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Kamiji Moe | Burnin, Melissa Shield, Hatsume Mei, Hakodate Omiko, Toga Himiko, Harime Nui, Wild Wild Pussycats (My Hero Academia)
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Harem, Kiryuuin Satsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Matoi Ryuuko/Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Asui Tsuyu/Midoriya Izuku
Additional Tags: High School, Action/Adventure, Romance, Harems, Superheroes, Crossover, Manga & Anime
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/47405479
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450exp · 2 years
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we wanted to do a collab again, more to come 😁
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