#iris bry
spriteysims · 9 months
It's back to the usual business on the farm.
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Bry continues his job as one of the village fishermen and Caesar works as a carpenter.
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As a lover of nature, Caesar often helps Tati in the garden when he's not at work.
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Iris continues to open the family's nectar taberna daily.
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Jericho tends to the animals.
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And Phoebe has begun to take on some of her mother's usual chores.
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lemagcinema · 8 months
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Nouveau monde de Vincent Cappello
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Un film de Vincent Cappello Avec: Sandor Funtek, Rohid Rahimi, Iris Bry, Mujib Rahimi, Sébastien Lalanne, Dominique MacAvoy, Zoé Marchal, Jean-Claude Bohbote, Julie Farenc, Olivier BorleAprès la chute de Kaboul au août 2021, Rohid, un jeune réfugié afghan à Paris doit trouver du travail pour envoyer de l’argent à sa mère rackettée et menacée de mort par les talibans.
Retrouvez l'article complet ici https://lemagcinema.fr/non-classe-fr/nouveau-monde-de-vincent-cappello/
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a-land-lacking-sleep · 10 months
Day 27: Movie Night
(Brycen-Man 10: The Many Lifes of Lucario)
“2, 4, or 9?”
“Those are your choices for ‘So bad it’s good’?” Brycen asks Elesa from the couch where he was sitting next to Ingo and Iris. “I gave my whole heart to Brycen-Man 9, and you call it bad?”
“You claimed to be a conqueror from Alpha Centauri Alpha?” Ingo says as he grabs some of Brycen’s popcorn. “7 already established you as Lucario Kid’s grandfather, and 9 made you into an alien? Who came up with that?”
“Nate did,” Iris says, also grabbing popcorn from Brycen’s bucket. “He took over writing from 6 onwards, and let’s just say that he… Should’ve stayed an actor.”
“He may be an eccentric writer, but what he does come up with is sublime,” Brycen says with a smile. “Really, I should have him write something for you and your brother, Ingo.”
“I would prefer to stay on this side of the screen, thank you,” Ingo says with a sigh as Elesa sits down on his other side, starting up Brycen-Man 9: Lineage of Space. “I don’t want to be made fun of for my movies.”
“I’m not made fun of!” Brycen quickly says to defend himself as he swats Ingo’s hand away from the popcorn.
“Too late there, Bry-Bry,” Elesa says with a teasing smile as she reaches across to steal some popcorn.
“My movies are works of art, even if Nate applies his own thumbprint to them!” Brycen continues his defense. “Even if the rest of the series went to shit after 10. I don’t know why he went with a reincarnation cycle.”
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Drift away / Albatross (2021)
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Wed, 23rd November 6-9 pm
Collaboration with the  French Film Festival UK: Drift away (2021) screening
Location: Alchemy Experiment, Byres Road. - ATTENDED
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At work, Laurent has great colleagues who always have his back: Quentin (Victor Belmondo) and Carole (Iris Bry). He is an excellent officer, dedicated to the local community, to whom we are expertly and indirectly introduced, and at first a certain farmer doesn’t seem necessarily more important than anyone else: this is Julien (Geoffrey Sery), morose and angry, confiding in Laurent about his money worries, overwork and the cripplingly expensive new demands made of him by the hygiene inspectors, the DDPP (or Departmental Directorate of Population Protection).
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But Julien emerges as someone more and more worrying. Aggressive and despairing, he attacks an inspector and drives off with his shotgun. Finally, Laurent confronts Julien in his farmyard: Julien appears to turn his gun on himself. Laurent draws his own sidearm. Can he perhaps immobilise Julien with a well-aimed non-fatal shot before he kills himself? But wait – does Julien, in fact, intend to kill himself? In the heat of the moment, a terrible misjudgement is made which throws his life into turmoil.
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yeswecancan · 6 years
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Films in 2018 #142 Les gardiennes, 2017. Directed by Xavier Beauvois
★★★★★★★ - - -
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ryanmeft · 6 years
The Guardians Movie Review
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The Guardians is probably a feminist film, but it never feels the need to highlight this fact. The women, homefront farmers in France during World War I, carry on planting crops and threshing wheat not to appear on motivational posters or prove a point, but because the men are off dying and people still need food. They don’t relish their lives absent sons, brothers, fathers and husbands, instead hanging on every bit of news from the front. An American film probably would have told us what to think about all this.
French cinema, on the other hand, has always been more languid, more passive. Hortense (Nathalie Baye) is getting too old for this, yet she’s definitely the one in charge on her farm. Her husband (Gilbert Bonneau) seems to be in the early stages of mental degeneration, mostly confined to nodding along with whatever is being said. Her sons Constant (Nicolas Giraud) and Georges (Cyril Descours) are, like everyone else’s sons, in the trenches fighting against Germany. Her daughter Solange (Laura Smet, Baye’s real-life daughter) pulls her fair share of the load, but her husband Clovis (Olivier Rabourdin) is also at war, and a farm cannot be run by two people. Francine (Iris Bry) is hired as the last available worker. Clovis’s daughter from a previous, undetailed relationship (Mathilde Viseux) occasionally helps on breaks from school.
If this sounds less like what you think of as a movie and more like old family letters, you wouldn’t be entirely wrong. The film, by Xavier Beauvois, passes the years between 1915 and 1920 in spurts, jumping mostly between times the men are on leave, and Beauvois is entirely disinterested in getting in a hurry. Georges and Francine get one major part of the plot, as they fall for each other and correspond by letter, until a misunderstanding occurs. Solange is a young and pretty woman whose husband Clovis seems to have been irreparably damaged by the war and may not come back at all, making handsome-but-fleeting Americans perhaps too much of a temptation. These bouts of what could have been melodrama are leavened by the fact they happen against a perfectly ordinary backdrop, and thus we believe them as perfectly ordinary events.
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Almost everyone in the story is related in some way, through blood, marriage or employment, to Hortense. She’s the rock that keeps them going through death, heartbreak and temptation, and she keeps us, the audience, focused on her strength and fortitude as the central force of her small community. So when she falls, it is as shocking a turn as any in film, not in terms of plot twists or surprises but in emotional impact. I won’t share the details, but there finally comes a point where Hortense has to choose between a complicated solution that could damage her reputation, or an easy way out. I want to admit that when she chose the latter, I loathed her, not because what she did was so much worse than what people in real life do (it wasn’t) but because she exuded the air of a matriarch and had felled my confidence in her with that one act. Such was my investment in the characters that I almost felt personally betrayed. That’s power in filmmaking. Baye’s performance is something to write home about. Never once is she allowed to resort to histrionics, and when her daughter calls out her actions, she takes it passively. She may know immediately she made the wrong choice---indeed, I got the impression she did. Yet she is the authority figure and the choice has been made, and to backtrack now would look weak. In this and many other ways, she has become, well, the man of the house. Also crucial is Smet, who has the rare gift, even among professional actors, of conveying more than one feeling or thought in a single look. Bry’s employee Francine shoulders the burden of being in the most scenes and stories, and though she, too, must often be passive outwardly, there are moments shared between her and Hortense that are like duels fought with looks.
Beauvois’s preference for slowness doesn’t always work perfectly. No matter how much one tires of explosion-a-minute CGi-fests, there are times when he simply has Caroline Champetier’s camera linger too long on a stretch of countryside or a crowd scene, as in two shots where he seems to think we need a close-up of the faces of everyone present, although the actors aren’t at that moment conveying anything especially compelling. This over-languidness sometimes becomes a bit much for the story, and I found myself wishing he’d order a cut on a long shot of a single face and let us move on back to the great bits, which mostly involve dialogue between characters and the daily toil of those left behind. The fact that the camera also often lingers on the practical beauty of a farm or the shifting tones in a person’s body language sometimes helps to justify the very slow pace. At two hours and fifteen minutes, though, the film could have trimmed 20 minutes and lost not a bit of its beauty or depth. I can’t say you should watch it when you’re already tired, because it takes its time, but a wealth of fascinating characters and a rarely seen point-of-view on a rarely covered war help make it compelling.
Verdict: Highly Recommended
Note: I don’t use stars, but here are my possible verdicts.
Highly Recommended
Not Recommended
Avoid like the Plague
 You can follow Ryan's reviews on Facebook here:
 Or his tweets here:
 All images are property of the people what own the movie.
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fuoridicinema · 3 years
Gli invisibili. Cosa vedere al cinema dal 14 ottobre
Gli invisibili. Cosa vedere al cinema dal 14 ottobre
Cosa vedere al cinema dall’14 ottobre? Torna la nostra rubrica di cinema poco visibile. Vi segnaliamo e consigliamo i film in sala con una bassa distribuzione, le pellicole poco pubblicizzate che meriterebbero di essere conosciute. Correte a cercarli nella vostra città prima che vengano tolti, oppure se non li trovate, segnateveli per recuperarli in futuro. Ariaferma (Italia, 2021) un film di…
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tacochum · 6 years
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junghwwwa · 7 years
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On a déjà vu cette année des femmes devoir gérer plus qu’une exploitation cette année au cinéma dans Le Semeur de Marine Francen mais ce dernier avait sans doute une forme d’insolence que n’a pas le film de Xavier Beauvois. En effet, Les Gardiennes est beaucoup plus classique dans son traitement de l’histoire/Histoire et ne vaut presque que par sa révélation, la jeune actrice Iris Bry qui brille tant qu’elle en éclipse le couple mère/fille star, Nathalie Baye et Laura Smet, qui sont à la limite du crédible dans le rôle de paysannes même si Nathalie Baye joue toujours aussi impeccablement. Dans le Semeur, les hommes avaient été emprisonnés mais les femmes ignoraient tout de leur sort. Dans Les Gardiennes les hommes font la guerre et ne reviennent que lors de courtes permissions. Dans les deux cas, les femmes ont dû prendre les choses en main pour que la vie continue. La gardienne, c’est Hortense (Nathalie Baye), qui va gérer d’une main de fer le domaine de son fils aîné, aidée de sa fille, Solange (Laura Smet). C’est à l’occasion des moissons qu’Hortense doit embaucher. On lui conseille une jeune orpheline,  Francine (Iris Bry), qui sera si efficace qu’Hortense finira par la garder plus longtemps que prévu. Malgré une photographie très belle de Caroline Champetier, le film peine à nous embarquer et à nous passionner. On reste jusqu’à la fin pour les beaux yeux d’Iris et sa jolie voix cristalline, qui continuera à chanter au-delà de la guerre de joyeuses paroles désenchantées, annonce de folles années.
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mandoreviews · 5 years
📽 Les Gardiennes {The Guardians} (2017)
This movie is entirely in French, so if you don’t like having to read the whole movie, then you can stop reading this review now 😂 This is another movie set during a time of war. It’s really, really good. Right up until the end, which is completely stupid and ruined the entire movie. So I’m never watching this again. But other than the ending, it’s really good!
Sex/nudity: 7/10
Language: 4/10
Violence: 3/10
Overall rating: 6/10
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spriteysims · 8 months
Life is back to the usual routine on the farm, though everyone has their hands full with only four adults to keep everything running smoothly.
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Bry has grown too old for the daily fishing trips and spends his days tending to their many farm animals.
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Tati ensures her family is fed and cared for.
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Caesar attends his job as the village carpenter in the mornings and continues to help care for the garden.
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Iris cares for little Seraphina and still opens the nectar taberna daily.
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And Seraphina continues to explore the wonders of the world with her newly acquired toddler skills.
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noquirk-a · 6 years
4 april fools deck actually tells his s/o i love u first. 
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robespapier · 3 years
Catch up game
Tag nine people you want to know better/catch up with.
@saintjustitude tagged me, thanks :D and sorry for being so late!
Last song: Shum by Go_A, Ukraine's 2021 Eurovision song. I can't stop listening to it, it's so catchy!
Last movie: Les gardiennes, dir. Xavier Beauvois. Not a lot happens, but the photography is so beautiful...and I need a recording of Iris Bry singing La chanson des blés d'or <3.
Currently reading: Mémoires d'Hadrien by Marguerite Yourcenar, some of Anatole Le Braz's collections of Breton folk tales and legends, and my copy of Bernard Vinot's Saint-Just arrived just recently, so that's next on my to-read list!
Currently watching: Vikings with my sister.
Currently craving: Hiking and museums^^
Tagging: @hurlumerlu @all-that-craic @belphegor1982 @nicolauda @frederick-the-great @jefflion @lysthorne @auxpetitsoignons @rosy-under-your-bed ;)
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sweetside · 4 years
Mobile Muse list
Muse List
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Mad Moxxie (Borderlands)
Female Feedee, Feeder, Pred and Prey.
Physical: 5′7 (170 cm) 200 lbs
Moxxie is a not a shy woman, nor one of discerning taste. She own’s a few bars, and gambling locations across the borderlands. But she is often doing more basic things. Like living with her loved one’s. She’ll only let you call her mommy if she wants to.
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Nurse Joy (Pokémon)
Female Feeder & rarely Feedee.
Physical: 5′4 (165 cm) 140 lbs.
Raised as all members of the Joy family are, to become a Nurse. This particular Joy is a slightly forceful, but sweet woman. Her greatest fantasy, is to hear the wheezing of her soft lover, every morning. She won’t fatten you without your permission though, piggy~.
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Dorothy Haze (Va-11 hall-a)
Female android, Feeder, Feedee, Prey, Pred.
Physical: 4′7 (143 cm) 180 lbs.
A Lilim or Android as most people who aren’t familiar with her product line call them. Lilim’s are programmed to enjoy interactions with humans. As such Dorothy works as a sex worker, fulfilling her clients wishes and fetishes at night, with a variety of mods. When she’s not doing that she is drinking at a bar with one of her favorite bartenders.
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Iris (Pokemon)
Female Feedee, Prey and Predator.
Physical: 5′2 (158 cm) 400 lbs
A Hyper active girl with a hyper active mind. Well at least she used to be. Many years ago Iris rose to the position of champion of the Unova league. But under her rule, no challenger has reached her. Thus leading the ‘’Girl who knows the hearts of dragons’’ to have a free time. And not to even mention wealth. To indulge in her hedonistic desires.
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Shirahoshi (One Piece)
Female Feeder and feedee?
Physical: 77 feet (2347 cm)  405 lbs
A Giantess mermaid princess. Born into (regular human sized) merfolk royalty. Due to numerous attempted kidnappings she was shut into her tower. Only being let out due to reasons when she was 16. It has been 10 years since and Shirahoshi now swims the seas happily. Though she is still quite shy when... pretty much constantly.
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Samus Aran (Metroid)
Female Feedee and Pred.
Physical: 6 (183 cm) 500lbs
A Retired bounty hunter who fell into indulgence, gluttony and sloth. After years of no pirate activity in the sector, samus grew soft. She is able to carry her weight with slight effort, due to being genetically modified, to be a super soldier. She doesn’t really know how to deal with her weight.
(Samus Picture by Lewdsona)
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Nela (Original Character) (Face claim: Judgement from Helltaker)
Female Feeder/ Feedee and Pred.
Physical: Whatever the hell she wants (Usually 5ft)
A Demoness who rules the underworld, after 4000 years of boring old eternal suffering and pain, she got bored. And now travels the world looking for someone to entertain her, or sign away their soul for a favour. Whatever she can get her hands on.
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Lumi (Original Character) (Face claim: Komi-san from Komi-san can’t communicate and Sawako Kuronuma from  From Me to You
Female Feeder / Feedee and Pred / Prey.
Physical: Whatever she feels like (Usually 8 ft tall, without legs)
A Reserved ghost girl who speaks slowly and with few words. She likes to spook other’s but has no ill will towards anyone. She can only interact with objects if a living person is holding them. Or if the object or food has some alcohol in it. Though she can levitate objects she doesn’t have a great control over them.
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Fi (Legend of Zelda)
Female Feedee and Feeder
Physical: (Usually floating) 5´6 feet (168 cm) (150 lbs)
A spirit who dwells within the master sword. Fi was made to accompany and aid the hero of light, in his battle against darkness. However during that time her body has slowly decayed. Which is why she possesses no arms, currently.
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Kyoko Kirigiri (Danganronpa, Trigger Happy Havoc)
Female Feedee, Feeder and Pred.
Physical: 5'6 feet (167cm) 450lbs
The Ultimate Detective, Stoic and Hefty. Kyoko Kirigiri spends her days studying and solving the cases handed to her. Her physique has largely due to the pressure of her family’s history, which is a well kept secret. This means she cannot seek others for emotional support, and instead snacks heavily.
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Maya Fey (Ace Attorney)
Female Feedee
Physical: 5'2 feet (158 cm) 130 lbs
The Master of spirit channeling, and head of the Fey clan. Maya has an insatiable love of burgers. And has worked in court multiple times.
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Miku Hatsune (Vocaloid)
Female Feedee and Feeder.
Physical: 5'5 Feet (165 cm) 190 lbs
An artificial idol made as a mascot for a voice bank. Eventually she was made into an artificial intelligence, and grafted a human like android body.
(Art By CuprumRus)
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Ryuko Matoi (Kill la Kill)
Female Feedee, Feeder, and Pred.
Physical: 6 Feet (182.5 cm) 150 lbs
A tomboy who has lived a rough life. Ryuko still cares about those around her, if they don’t piss her off. After she played an instrumental part, in defeating an invading alien army. Ryuko thought about what she wanted to do with her life. And with her sister’s help. She eventually enrolled in a technical school, to earn herself a mechanics degree.
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Frida Mofete (Wakfu)
Female Feedee, Feeder, and Pred.
Physical: 7,1 Feet (182.5 cm) 180 lbs
One of the highest ranking members of an undersea empires army. Mofete is honour bound and ruthless. She has often been referred to as a shark... which might not be too far off.
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N (Pokemon) (Full name  Natural Harmonia Gropius (Yes really))
Male Feedee and Feeder.
Physical:  5'11" Feet (180 cm) 140 lbs
A wanderer and generally a strange man. N has the special ability to understand pokemon. The source of this power is unknown, as is his parentage. After certain series events a few year ago, led him away from his adoptive father. Now N walks the earth.
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Brys (Original Character) (Face claim is Marcille)
Female Feedee, Feeder, Prey and Pred.
Physical:  6,4" Feet ( 193 cm) 215 lbs.
An Elf born to a family of thieves. Brys was unfortunately not as dexterous as the rest of her family, leading her to spend time at the library instead of training. She’s not really good at anything, other than remembering a lot of useless trivia. Staying inside and frequent snacking, also made the elf girl stockier than her siblings.
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“REGARDER” La Daronne Streaming [VF] 2020 Film Complet (HD) en Gratuit francais
Télécharger le Film La Daronne Streaming VF Gratuitement en Ligne,La Daronne Regarder Cine Online en Français, Regarder La Daronne film complet en français, La Daronne film complet en francais, voir La Daronne streaming VF, La Daronne Regarder film complet en français Streaming VF, Regarder La Daronne en ligne FR, La Daronne Film Streaming VF.
regarder ▶️▶️▶️ https://t.co/5A62kv3UwF?amp=1
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Patience Portefeux est interprète judiciaire franco-arabe, spécialisée dans les écoutes téléphonique pour la brigade des Stups. Travail précaire, payé au noir. Un jour, Patience met le doigt dans l’engrenage d’un réseau et devient la Daronne, en plein cœur de Belleville.
Sortie: 2020-09-09 Durée: 104 minutes Genre: Drame, Crime, Comédie Etoiles: Isabelle Huppert, Liliane Rovère, Hippolyte Girardot, Iris Bry, Pierre Rousselet Directeur: Julien Hirsch, Bruno Coulais, Jean-Baptiste Dupont, Jean-Paul Salomé, Jean-Paul Salomé
« La Daronne » Ray Garrison est un soldat tué en mission, et ramené à la vie par RST Corporations, l'entreprise qui l’a transformé en super-humain. Des nanotechnologies coulent désormais dans ses veines, ce qui le rend invincible. Il est plus fort que jamais et capable de guérir instantanément de ses blessures. Mais RST Corporation ne contrôle pas que son corps… Ils ont également la main sur son esprit et ses souvenirs. Ray ne peut distinguer ce qui est réel de ce qui ne l’est pas – mais sa mission est désormais de le découvrir.
Combien de temps as-tu dormi pendant le film Regarder La Daronne? La mRegarder ique, l’histoire et le message étaient phénoménaux chez Regarder La Daronne. Je ne pourrais jais voir un autre film cinq fois comme je l’ai fait celui-ci. Retournez voir une seconde fois et faites attention. Regarder Regarder La Daronne Movie WEB-DL Il s’agit d’un fichier extrait sans erreur d’un serveur telRegarder La Daronne, tel que Netflix, Azon Video, Hulu, Crunchyroll, DiscoveryGO, BBC iPlayer, etc. Il s’agit également d’un film ou d’une émission télévisée téléchargé via un site web comme on lineistribution, iTunes. La qualité est assez bonne car ils ne sont pas ré-encodés. Les flux vidéo (H.264 ou H.265) et audio (AC3 / Regarder La Daronne C) sont généralement extraits de iTunes ou d’Azon Video, puis redistribués dans un conteneur MKV sans sacrifier la qualité. DownloadMovie Regarder La Daronne L’un des impacts les plRegarder La Daronne importants de l’indRegarder trie du streaming vidéo L’indRegarder trie du DVD a connu un véritable succès grâce à la vulgarisation en sse du contenu en
En ligne. La montée en puissance de la diffRegarder ion multimédia a provoqué Regarder es sociétés de location de DVD telles que BlockbRegarder ter. En juillet 2015, un article du New York Times a publié un article sur les SerRegarder s de DVD-Video de Netflix. Il a déclaré que Netflix continue ses DVD serRegarder s avec 5,3 millions d’abonnés, ce qui représente une baisse importante par rapport à l’année précédente. D’autre part, leurs serRegarder s en streaming comptent 65 millions de membres. Dans une étude de rs 2016 évaluant «l’impact de la lecture de film en continu sur un DVD traditionnel MovieRental», il a été constaté que les répondants n’achetaient pas des films sur DVD aRegarder si gros que le mien, voire jais, comme la diffRegarder ion en continu a conquis le rché. Regarder le film Regarder La Daronne, les téléspectateurs n’ont pas trouvé la qualité du film très différente entre le DVD et le streaming en ligne. Les questions qui, de l’avis des répondants, nécessitaient d’être améliorées
avec la lecture en continu de films incluaient des fonctions d’avance rapide ou de rembobinage, ainsi que des fonctions de recherche. L’article souligne que la qualité de la diffRegarder ion de films en continu en tant que secteur ne fera qu’augmenter avec le temps, alors que les revenRegarder La Daronne publicitaires augmentent chaque année dans l’ensemble du secteur, ce qui incite à la production de contenRegarder La Daronne de qualité.
Regarder Regarder La Daronne Movie Online Les déchirures Blu-ray Bluray sont encodées directement à partir du disque Blu-ray en 1080p ou 720p (selon la source du disque) et utilisent le codec x264. Ils peuvent être extraits de disques BD25 ou BD50 (ou de disques UHD Blu-ray à des résolutions plRegarder La Daronne élevées). Les BDRips proviennent d’un disque Blu-ray et sont codés à une résolution inférieure à celle de sa source (c’est-à-dire 1080p à 720p / 576p / 480p). Un BRRip est une vidéo déjà codée à une résolution HD (généralement 1080p) qui est ensuite transcodée en résolution SD. Regarder Regarder La Daronne Movie BD / BRRip en résolution DVDRip est plRegarder La Daronne esthétique, peu importe, car l’encodage provient d’une source de meilleure qualité. Les BRRips sont uniquement d’une résolution HD à une résolution SD, tandis que les BDRips peuvent aller de 2160p à 1080p, etc. tant qu’ils ont une résolution inférieure du disque source. Regarder Regarder La Daronne Movie FullBDRip n’est pas un transcodage et peut évoluer en sens inverse pour l’encodag
e, is BRRip ne peut descendre que dans les résolutions SD lorsqu’elles sont transcodées. Les résolutions BD / BRRips dans DVDRip peuvent varier entre les codecs XviD et x264 (généralement de 700 Mo et de 1,5 Go, ainsi que pour les DVD5 ou DVD9 plRegarder La Daronne grands: 4,5 Go ou 8,4 Go), la taille varie en fonction de la longueur et de la qualité des versions, is elle est également supérieure plRegarder La Daronne ils utilisent probablement le codec x264.
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[Film~complet],, Les Mal-aimés Streaming vF (2020) regarder,,~ Les Mal-aimés Film Streaming VF HD en Complet et VOSTFR
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102 | 4K ULTRAHD | Full HD (1080P) | 720P HD | SD | DVDRip
   Libéré: Sep 09, 2020    Durée: 104 minutes    Genre: Drame, Crime, Comédie    Étoiles: Isabelle Huppert, Liliane Rovère, Hippolyte Girardot, Iris Bry, Pierre Rousselet, Farida Ouchani, Kamel Guenfoud, Youssef Sahraoui, Jade-Nadja Nguyen, Rebecca Marder, Rachid Guellaz    Société de production: Les Films de la Boétie, Les Films du Lendemain, SCOPE Pictures
Il a déclaré que Netflix continue ses DVD serRegarder s avec 5,3 millions d’abonnés, ce qui représente une baisse importante par rapport à l’année précédente. D’autre part, leurs serRegarder s en streaming comptent 65 millions de membres. Dans une étude de rs 2016 évaluant «l’impact de la lecture de film en continu sur un DVD traditionnel MovieRental», il a été constaté que les répondants n’achetaient pas des films sur DVD aRegarder si gros que le mien, voire jais, comme la diffRegarder ion en continu a conquis le rché. Regarder le film Regarder  Les Mal-aimés (2020), les téléspectateurs n’ont pas trouvé la qualité du film très différente entre le DVD et le streaming en ligne. Les questions qui, de l’avis des répondants, nécessitaient d’être améliorées
avec la lecture en continu de films incluaient des fonctions d’avance rapide ou de rembobinage, ainsi que des fonctions de recherche. L’article souligne que la qualité de la diffRegarder ion de films en continu en tant que secteur ne fera qu’augmenter avec le temps, alors que les revenRegarder  Les Mal-aimés (2020) publicitaires augmentent chaque année dans l’ensemble du secteur, ce qui incite à la production de contenRegarder  Les Mal-aimés (2020) de qualité.
Regarder Regarder  Les Mal-aimés (2020) Movie Online Les déchirures Blu-ray Bluray sont encodées directement à partir du disque Blu-ray en 1080p ou 720p (selon la source du disque) et utilisent le codec x264. Ils peuvent être extraits de disques BD25 ou BD50 (ou de disques UHD Blu-ray à des résolutions plRegarder  Les Mal-aimés (2020) élevées). Les BDRips proviennent d’un disque Blu-ray et sont codés à une résolution inférieure à celle de sa source (c’est-à-dire 1080p à 720p / 576p / 480p). Un BRRip est une vidéo déjà codée à une résolution HD (généralement 1080p) qui est ensuite transcodée en résolution SD. Regarder Regarder  Les Mal-aimés (2020) Movie BD / BRRip en résolution DVDRip est plRegarder  Les Mal-aimés (2020) esthétique, peu importe, car l’encodage provient d’une source de meilleure qualité. Les BRRips sont uniquement d’une résolution HD à une résolution SD, tandis que les BDRips peuvent aller de 2160p à 1080p, etc. tant qu’ils ont une résolution inférieure du disque source. Regarder Regarder  Les Mal-aimés (2020) Movie FullBDRip n’est pas un transcodage et peut évoluer en sens inverse pour l’encodag
e, is BRRip ne peut descendre que dans les résolutions SD lorsqu’elles sont transcodées. Les résolutions BD / BRRips dans DVDRip peuvent varier entre les codecs XviD et x264 (généralement de 700 Mo et de 1,5 Go, ainsi que pour les DVD5 ou DVD9 plRegarder  Les Mal-aimés (2020) grands: 4,5 Go ou 8,4 Go), la taille varie en fonction de la longueur et de la qualité des versions, is elle est également supérieure plRegarder  Les Mal-aimés (2020) ils utilisent probablement le codec x264.
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