#is Eda just going to be there to look after Luz or is she supposed to be supervising all the students?
wingsyliveblogs · 1 year
And now, let’s continue the episode! Our next scene opens with...
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...uhhh... whatever’s going on here?? King is doing his best, that’s what’s going on.
Eda’s looking very cool, but what’s she getting dressed up for?
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Ah, that would explain it! 
In all honestly, I’m not entirely familiar with what a chaperone generally does at a prom, though? That being said, there’s a fair chance that it’s the exact opposite of whatever Eda’s going to do.
Also, King’s little baby apron is incredibly cute. 
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Oh, that poster is amazing. 
It appears that Gus has been forgiven for not interviewing King last episode, and they are now teaming up to provide grommentary commentary and wear sunglasses indoors! Truly, a feat only the coolest of dudes can achieve.
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juliettedunn · 5 months
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Thinking again about Luz getting called his big sister in this exact same episode. A big sibling, supposed to look out for him, she always just wanted to protect him. And here there is literally nothing she can do. What could she even say?
He’s clinging to her for some form of comfort but she’s just as helpless, and still hasn’t processed her own trauma that happened the day before. She can’t even care for herself and here he just went through unimaginable trauma there’s no way she could make better. Right after both calling her his sister and his confession over how much the thought of her leaving terrifies him.
But all they can do is go home, to a parental figure who is just as lost and helpless as them, even though Eda tries so hard to conceal it in OTWAT. All they want is to protect their family but they’re grappling with things so far beyond their control hitting them one after another, sometimes all they can do is just stand like this.
King was almost stabbed to death and skinned. Luz just saw the dismembered bodies of his siblings as a trophy display. She makes King breakfast. She gives him a hug. What else can she do? Insane episode.
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Hi, I just read through your Brother’s Keeper AU and I love it!! I was wondering what Eda thought of Lord Metanoy—if she thinks he’s faking it for propaganda purposes, or figured out that Belos is the one who hurt his brother, or thinks it’s something else entirely? And by extension, what does Luz think of him?
Brother's Keeper AU Story Post 13
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Luz is still getting her bearings in this strange new world. Eda, meanwhile, has more pressing things to worry about, but she's suspicious of propaganda from the get-go.
[Image ID under the cut]
[IMAGE ID: A black and white pencil-sketched comic. PANEL ONE: Luz, Eda, and King, perched on Eda's shoulder, have stopped on their way down the street. Eda carries a sale banner draped over one arm and Luz is holding a box of random human knick-knacks. Luz reads one of the propaganda posters with a picture of Caleb hunched in his wheelchair, reading: "REMEMBER METANOY'S MADNESS, BEWARE THE DANGERS OF WILD MAGIC." "Eda, what is this supposed to mean, anyway?" asks Luz. "Who is this guy?" "Ah, that's just old Mad Metanoy, the emperor's brother." answers Eda. She gestures wildly, eyes sarcastically wide. "They say, he went CRAZY from wild magic." PANEL TWO: Eda picks her teeth, unimpressed, hand on her hip. "With all this dumb coven stuff, though," she says. "I say it's the WORLD that's gone crazy and maybe he's the only sane one." On top of her head bounces a pair of novelty spring-loaded googly eye glasses. PANEL THREE: Luz looks up at the poster, concerned. "Haha, insanity!" exclaims King off-panel. PANEL FOUR: Eda and King continue on their way. "Hey, Eda," says King, one hand to his cheek, "will YOU cast a wild magic curse to drive MY enemies to madness?" "Sure thing, pal." she replies. "I'll let you know once I figure out how." Luz follows after them. In the foreground, the propaganda poster remains. /End ID]
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Want to know your opinion, how would you improve some arcs of toh characters, like Amity, Hunter, Lilith, Willow, Gus and probably anyone whose arcs you think are bad-written?
good question! let's see,
luz: i have mostly no complaints about her character but i wish they made it clear that her running off to the boiling isles was not ideal. i don't entirely blame her because she was a child and she was looking for a way to avoid going to camp, but the show starts off implying that luz's escapism was a bad thing, but then they kinda contradict that in the end, by letting her have access to the boiling isles forever.
also her s3 arc with her palisman was just overall poorly written. it was supposed to be an emotional and wholesome moment but it didn't have that impact on me. if luz's greatest wish was to be understood, they should have built on that more. i mean, it's not like no one understood her, all of her friends and found family in the boiling isles seem to understand and empathize with her. it just felt like the writers pulled this revelation out of their asses, and the fact that stringbean was inexplicably a shapeshifter didn't help their case.
amity: i would keep some parts of her initial characterization, like her ambitious nature and her resting bitch face energy. even if the idea was to make amity grow into a more cheerful person, it doesn't make sense that it happened so quickly. imo her characterization was at its best when she was warming up to luz but not entirely nice to other people (like during the grom episode). i really liked her cold, standoffish behaviour and i think it would have been nice if she had kept some of that, while still being a better person than she was in the beginning.
also, like i said in another post, she should definitely have goals of her own. her character shouldn't have been reduced to "luz's girlfriend". i would definitely show more of her interacting with the other characters (and these interactions and conversations aren't about luz) and pursuing her own dreams. i think steven universe did this best where connie liked steven a lot and she did hang out with him, but she also had her own life and her own dreams to chase.
hunter: i wouldn't put him in a relationship with willow, or anyone, for that matter. the poor boy has a lot of trauma he needs to work through and based on the stuff that he's said, it's clear that he doesn't know how healthy human interactions work, let alone a romantic relationship.
i would make his arc about slowly healing through his trauma or at least being able to express his emotions, instead of suppressing them for willow's sake. i think it could have been done, despite the time crunch. he needed time to grieve flapjack, to grieve himself after being possessed and almost killed by his abuser, and to slowly start his healing journey.
the others would definitely support him through it, but that's what he needs at the time, not a badass girlfriend.
lilith: i think her redemption arc started off okay but then everyone forgave her too quickly. it wasn't as bad as catra's because lilith did put a little effort into trying to be better, but she still needed to do more before she could have been forgiven.
so either i would extent her redemption arc and let the other characters, especially eda, stay mad at her a little longer before she gets forgiven. or i would just keep her as an antagonist.
they didn't even explore her trauma of being in a cult and the emperor's coven never chased her down after she left. not to mention, her experience of being in the emperor's coven is never relevant to the plot. she could have given luz inside information or talked about belos' potential weaknesses, it was such a missed opportunity.
willow: her arc with amity was not terrible and i like that she was allowed to take her time to trust amity. this is more about amity than willow but i think it would have been nice if we saw amity making more efforts to gain willow's trust. her apology in understanding willow was good but they kinda glossed over the fact that amity wasn't just "letting her friends bully willow", she was also bullying willow.
i think we needed more of willow and amity trying to mend their friendship, instead of lumity being the main focus after that one episode.
and in general, willow deserved a bigger role in the series. for the longest time, she was just luz's friend and then they forced her into a relationship with hunter, which did not work at all.
if her intended arc was to work on her insecurities and get more confident over time, they should have shown more of that process. even Any Sport In A Storm was mostly about huntlow (and hunter, to some extent) then willow. and let's be honest, the whole "half a witch" thing was dragged out more than it needed to be.
gus: okay, buckle up because i think i have the most grievances with gus. i need to make this clear. GUS WAS SO UNDERUSED.
i'm sorry. this guy is a child prodigy who can create illusions and use illusion spells to look into people's minds and force them to relive their worst memories?? why was this not more relevant to the plot? gus is such an insanely skilled witch and yet he's always pushed to the back for some reason. he has the most versatile and useful skillset but he never gets to use it, it makes me so mad!
even him looking into belos' mind was only used for that brief moment where he admits that he knew hunter was a grimwalker, but didn't want to force hunter to talk about it. that's it. we get no further conversation about it, gus never addresses the other stuff he saw in belos' memories like him MURDERING his brother and creating all the grimwalkers and god knows what else??
also just the fact that he's able to psychologically torment people with illusions is such an OP move that the series just kinda glossed over. it was used in a few episodes, but it could have been used to a greater extent. i just think that gus could have been such an interesting and powerful character, if he was given enough spotlight.
he also had a good thing going with mattholomule but instead of making that canon, they went for huntlow. i'm not saying that gus has to be in a relationship (or any of them, for that matter) but why create a new rushed ship when you already have a perfectly good one to work with?
i also find it weird that gus and willow were supposedly best friends but we got very few moments between them. i would have loved to see more of their friendship, and more focus on platonic relationships in general.
so yeah, if i were to rewrite gus, i would definitely give him a lot more spotlight. heck, given his powerset, he has the potential to be the main character even!
belos: i've mentioned it a lot before but belos deserved a more climatic end to his arc. all of the implications of religious trauma and puritan culture was thrown in the trash in s3.
he was actually such a compelling villain, genuinely intimidating and with an interesting motive and backstory. what was the point of crafting such an interesting character, just to be like "lol he's evil murder his ass"?
i'm not even mad that he died, i'm just mad that THAT'S how he died. i was expecting his death to be something ironic and self-inflicted, like the people from the human realm being horrified by him and killing him. maybe even burning him to death, the same way witches were burned at the stake. buuuut no, we get king, raine and eda stomping on his corpse because haha that's funny. hunter didn't even get to be a part of all this, and he was the one who deserved closure, he was the one who deserved to see his abuser face consequences of their actions, not fucking eda and raine.
and that part where he tries to convince luz that he was just under a terrible curse was just.. so childish. and not in-character childish, but just childish writing. it was just so ooc for belos, he is a manipulator but this wasn't how he manipulated people. i guess you could argue that he was just too desperate to survive but eh. i think it could have been written better.
eda: i don't have too many complaints here, i think she was probably the most well-rounded and compelling character in this show. her arc about the owl curse was interesting and very relatable to me, as someone who is epileptic. her relationship with raine was the best in the series imo.
the only thing i would change is, as I mentioned earlier, i wouldn't make eda forgive lilith so easily. i also think that she kind of lost her "morally grey parental figure" edge by the end of the series, and i honestly liked that part of her a lot, so i would keep it. but that's just a personal preference.
raine: they were definitely a very interesting character, i just think they deserved more screentime. most of their role in the story was surrounding their relationship with eda, which was very compelling, but we could have gotten more of their character outside their relationship.
the members of the emperor's coven, as a whole, could have been used better in the series. but for a side character with medium relevance to the plot, i'd say raine was written pretty well.
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lulystalgianature · 1 year
How the finale singlehandedly managed to make The Collector the most tragic character in The Owl House:
It says a lot when a crew demonstrates their talent by creating such a complex character with so little time left. The Collector (Naturally, spoilers ahead) Many suspected the redemption. But it’s not just the fact that it happened. It’s the way it was handled. So, let’s do a recap on how everything went, shall we?
Betrayed and used by the Archivists. His siblings. Family. The ones who are suppose to love, teach and protect you. Thrown away into an unknown planet, full of the only creatures that could overcome their magic.
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Said family destroyed what were likely the Collector’s first, genuine friends.
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Locked away by one of the very same species he had befriended for what his siblings did, for who knows how many years, being alone and forgotten for something they didn’t do.
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Finally found by a human, whom the kid really thought was his friend, even trying to amuse his homicidal delusions.
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Helped fulfill the man’s objective, but instead of being released as promised, is discarded like garbage along a mountain of corpses.
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Get his freedom back after almost giving up, considering King a friend despite initially suspecting even him. A time to rejoice and play, unaware of the damage and trauma being done and becoming dangerously protective of his new friend.
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Luz, someone King has talked about a lot and is even jealous of, comes back, apparently to destroy him and take King away, and yet, the Collector never means any genuine harm and is so desperate for companionship that wants to befriend even her. Looks so happy at the possibility of the trio befriending him that is completely unaware he’s being manipulated again.
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Gets hurt in all the games being summoned, completely unaware that his new playmates are simply surviving. 
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Having lived with a madman that destroyed the Grimwalkers he created for hundreds of years only to recreate them again? No wonder he thought even mortal life was as easy to fix as any broken toy, which he demonstrates so casually.
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Instead of retaliating, the kid chooses to sulk in a corner, so tired of being used and hurt that it didn’t take long for Luz, the second human he ever met, to get them to open up and explain everything. So disheartened he is about being used and betrayed that tries to force himself to accept the pretending part of everything, even friendship.
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Is taught a lesson in friendship, which is taken by heart, to the point the Collector tries it on Belos of all people, someone he helped for +400 years only to cruelly betray him. 
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He truly wanted everyone to be friends and learn to forgive, even turning back to Luz to show her how much they learned, even looking like he wants her to be proud of him.
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Sees his new friend get killed in front of him and not even his magic can do anything about anything. 
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Not only is his new friend gone, but there’s much damage he indirectly caused, like trying to befriend Belos and accidentally gave him the idea to possess the Titan. Not to mention the trauma he caused to all the residents of the isles. 
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Suddenly, we see the Collector’s true nature. A scared, overpowered little kid who didn’t know any better because everybody he met used him and never taught him the value of life. He just wanted friends. And now, he can only watch helplessly as his remaining friends go mad with grief and fury, and not even his powers can save them.
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Tears for the first time. Despite everything the kid’s been through, it’s Luz’s death that affects him the most. Luz, the human who got them to open up, who was so patient and kind, who didn’t hesitate for a second to save him from Belos’ blast and even assured him they did good, was now gone. All that was left for him is to apologize for everything and beg Eda and King to run away.
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Luz is back to save them from certain death, but it wasn’t his magic that brought her back and he must’ve known that. She looked like a Titan and was even using their magic, which he recognized earlier. Plus he also acknowledged Titans were more powerful than anyone, even Collectors. But there was no time to rejoice or process everything immediately. What mattered most is that she was back, even clinging to her subconsciously so he wouldn’t lose her again. 
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But Belos was still a threat. Not even the Collector’s powers were enough to stop him anymore. He did the only thing he could do to help; keep the Archives afloat. Despite being weakened and struggling, he actually takes the time to smile at the Hexsquad to demonstrate the friendliness and will to help.
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Belos is gone. The Collector is exhausted, but probably still more than capable enough of taking on the Hexsquad with a snap of his fingers. Instead, he chooses to cower, bracing themselves for any potential scold or punishment, preferring that over the risk of hurting anybody else ever again.
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Tears for the second time, this time in absolute relief and happiness. The people he innocently tormented so much were offering peace and friendship. 
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Despite the hardship and trials, the Collector chooses to return to the stars alone for some growth, a sharp contrast from the kid who didn’t want to be alone. But... this shows how much they learned and matured. Not only can they watch the Boiling Isles better from the sky, but it also gives everyone a chance to get used to him and take the time forgive him for everything. 
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And yet... he can visit whenever he wants. He’s free at last. Free to make choices. King considers him a real friend now, and he’s likely in the process of making more... all thanks to Luz, whom he shows gratitude to by not only gifting her a portal door to come and go whenever she pleases, but also giving her a spectacular display of light for her birthday. 
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In the end, after everything the Collector has been through... that’s one heck of a character development. Even though Luz was used by the same person, at least she had many friends and parental figures in her life. The Collector didn’t have any of that. His only genuine friends were eliminated and spent possibly eons imprisoned in a dark realm, being used and manipulated for hundreds of years, with nobody there to play with or befriend.
Bonus: Being himself... saved many lives. By turning everybody into puppets not only spared them of the horror that would come later, but by gathering everybody in one single place also saved every citizen on the isles. Just imagine the number of casualties we would've gotten when Titan Belos started blasting everything on sight and raising the corpse's arm while everybody was still scattered.
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sharpmidnight · 2 years
In the beginning, I really like how Luz's hair was becoming more curly and I thought it was cute. When I saw Camila's hair later on I no it was different and I didn't see how. Like it seems different but I thought her hair just grew longer and that's it.
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It wasn't until someone mentioned that there is a straightener in Camila's trash and it made me think now
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They are supposed to have curly hair apparently and Camilia straighten hers and Luz must not have been long enough to be that curly.
Now, here's where im going at. What other character looked like had statight hair but is actually curly?
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My theory is that I feel like they had to straighten their hair to fit in. Let me explain.
Curly hair might be considered wild or untamed but it's just how it looks but straight is consider more professional.
This goes with Liltith trying to be more professional and trying to avoid the "wild" hair unlike her Wild Witch sister, Eda.
Until she got out of the coven and let her hair be curly as she is free now so she doenst have to worry about appearances anymore.
Now with Luz. This goes with how younger Luz and how other people viewed her a wild and chaotic. And Camila defends her, but notice how her hair is also curly still.
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It wasn't until they are older, their hair is straighten.
I feel like this was Camilia's way to make both of them trying to fit in as the oddball family in their town but still failing. And I say that because Camila must have been almost like Luz because in her dream, the principal litteraly said that she also struggled with school and it sounds like she didnt have any friends and was bullied. The principle even leans on the fact to make Luz normal to guilt Camilia for she's not like her.
Also the way when she reacted to when Gus mentioned Cosmic Frontier for his and Hunter's costumes. Like it was her secret collection from a young age and it looks a lot like the stuff Luz has.
I feel like now that Luz is back and with her friends, and Camilia learning more about them and her daughter, they can start going back to how they are supposed to be.
The fact that Camilia is putting so much effort to Luz and her friends for trying to figure out what food they might like, buying them clothes, the fact that there is Parenting LGBTQ book in the same panel as the straightener in the trash, and her support of Luz returning to the demon realm after watching Luz's videos.
Now she's trying not to help Luz fit in, but support Luz for different reasons now.
I hope this makes sense.
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narenohate · 2 months
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I FOUND OLD ART FROM THE OLD FIC,,, woulde someone want me to rewrite it? i haev plot in me head :'3 the soul scrolls left behind by the collector's people are perfected into beast-curses that make criminals useful by both breaking their minds and warping their bodies. born anew in confusion, they turn to the emperor's light, and bow for baptism, made holy in their sacrifice.
Summary of what i wanna write...
Luz is a basilisk. This wasn't always the case, but she does not remember what she was before this. She's stopped from pondering when she realizes she knows the guard outside her cell-, one Amity Blight, keen-eyed, rising fast in the coven's ranks, from somewhere. She thrashes, tears her blanket to pieces, falls to the floor. She takes on a face by instinct - it comes to the forefront of her mind and her reflexes, more natural than any mask before it, but belonging not to any sort of witch or demon she knows. Instead, it seems to pertain to fear itself, for the girl outside her cell won't stop screaming. She has an aching heart and a brain that barely recalls the meaning of the words she's hearing, taking its time to process what the girl is repeating like a mantra. Amity cannot kill the basilisk while it wears her human's face, and Luz has eight hours to convince her that they know one another from somewhere, and that if Amity opens the gate, she will figure out how things were supposed to be, and she will snap the status quo back in place. If she just comes a little closer, she'll hold her hand. She'll kiss her knuckles. She'll look like she did when they wheeled her away to the execution chamber, in the dim light. Filthy and glass-eyed. meanwhile, far away, Camila Noceda copes with the fourth anniversary of her daughter's return from a summer camp excursion that ended in disaster, and celebrates that, even if she was the only one, Luz survived. A part of her hates herself for letting her daughter back in, more than for leaving her at that bus stop all those years ago. You see, Camila is growing more convinced each day that what came back to her home after the carnage was cleaned up and every other body was identified… Isn't Luz at all.
nobody knows but. this is for want of a nail: luz and camila went their separate ways with a worse fight, because the bus didn't go to the camp on the same day as it all started. as fights tend to do between family members, it got ugly.
and so, once she crossed the threshold, and just so happened to find herself with a witch a bit sicker, a bit more in need of her help, luz sunk deeper into eda's hold, clung desperate, begged for a way to never let go. so she took the mirror and traced the line on her ear - are you sure this is short enough, kid? right angle? it'll bleed too much to do it twice over.
to learn to walk on her toes as witches do and must, she wore odd heels. the sickness of the isles' food faded. it welcomed her. she became faster with a spring to her step and a room like a nest, teeth just a bit too sharp, gums tinted purple from her new diet.
the glyphs, she burned them upon her skin. it hurt like hell and then felt like her papí's hugs.
she leaned into it, called herself a witch by month three. sash and belt, shawl over shoulders, hair tied back behind a scarf. and if you called her clawthorne, she'd jolt to attention, quick, as if she were used to it.
thus, when belos found her, he did not assume he was facing off against a human.
... she did not re-learn her name was luz until a coven guard dully uttered it, nauseous at the sight of her after so many years.
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mdhwrites · 8 months
Do you think the show rewards Luz’s Selfishness too much?
So I normally frame Luz's decision to self martyr herself and stay in her own world as not wanting to bother with the effort to fix her mistake. Let's shift that a bit so we can talk about why the show couldn't have Luz tell ANYONE this deeply selfish choice. A choice that by all means, Camila seems to think is just a bad choice for Luz and for no one else.
But... Luz chooses that her pain and angst is so bad that she doesn't want to help Amity reunite with her siblings. Or to make sure they can live in a world where they're safe. Gus' dad, Willow's parents, Darius, etc. All of them can rot as far as Luz is concerned. She even explicitly states this in For the Future. "Once Eda and King are safe, I'm going home."
No one else matters. LITERALLY no one else matters to her but the people she has chosen to care about and there aren't many of those. This is framed even worse by the fact that by the end of this episode, Camila will effectively say that Luz has NEVER done anything wrong. That trying to critique her at all, to try and give her life skills and friends with the camp after she put people's lives potentially in danger (snakes and fireworks are not meant for school for a reason), was wrong. That Luz just needs to be 'understood'. Part of understanding Luz, especially in S3, means that unless someone attacks her about it, like the dream sequence, WHICH ISN'T HER OWN MIND BUT A FABRICATION AND LIE, she isn't going to think about others. Just her adopted family and herself. And even then, maybe not even her adopted family since they sure as shit didn't matter in Thanks to Them.
BUT. we are supposed to sympathize with her and believe she did nothing wrong, just like Camila. Do not question her motivations, or her efforts, just believe her words.
This is emblematic of the show as well. The first two episodes talk a big game about fantasy vs reality and like Luz's selfish motivations, warped way of looking at things and her learning to be a human being, not a walking, wanna be protagonist will be interrogated. But... Not really. She repeatedly does things that are mirrored in her favorite series. Her final battle line will be a reference to that series and her delusions with that series. People might get briefly upset about her actions but most of the time she either doesn't have to do anything, like Reaching Out or Adventure in the Elements (where she gets a glyph BEFORE making up the fuck up she did) or show how special she is like in Lost in Language and Covention. I can only really think of like one episode after the first two where Luz fucks up and genuinely has to take the brunt of punishment for it, Winging it Like Witches, and even in that one, she is saved before anything bad happens to her before winning with the same trick that hurt her friends, just... Now it's okay because they're all on the same page about it I guess. Couldn't have had Willow come up with something herself because Luz actually was willing to listen to Willow and not force something onto her. That'd be too much work.
It's part of why the more you interrogate Luz's intentions and motivations, it gets BAD. So much of what she does could be easily grafted onto a kid trying to play hero or not learning anything from past mistakes. Don't ever forget that Teenage Abomination says "Listen to your mentor about their specialty," then The Intruder says "Don't take shortcuts to magic" before then in Adventure in the Elements, Luz takes a shortcut for magic while also not listening to Eda and almost gets people killed for it. GREAT JOB LUZ! Much development, such depth.
And yes, lots of shows will have characters yoyo and the like but these are within HALF A SEASON of each other. It usually takes a little longer for most animated shows to straight up start repeating lessons. Hell, yes, it is theoretically a problem for Amphibia too with stuff like Bessie and the hibernation episode both featuring Anne's impatience but also S1 is genuinely about how Anne is fighting between the lessons she's learning and her growing empathy versus how she used to be with her selfishness and laziness. Also, both episodes might be about her impatience but they genuinely tackle it in different ways, with one being about disregarding the rules because of overconfidence and the other one is out of boredom. For TOH... It's just that Luz wants the magic she thinks she should have, as easily and as fun as she thinks it should be instead of weird and actually taking work, and fucks it up because of that same motivation.
That same motivation that doesn't treat reality like reality. According to the show though, that's just the best way to be. Follow your own version, fuck everything else. That's what Luz gets to do in the end after all and she's the one literally blessed by God to be correct.
So yeah, I think her selfishness might be a touch rewarded.
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shieldagent93 · 2 years
Imagine Camila Noceda getting all of Luz’s messages and videos when the gang make it to the Human Realm.
Imagine Camila unable to go to sleep that first night at the sight of five traumatized children (four with nowhere else to go) and checking her phone to see an endless list of text notifications.
Imagine Camila scrolling all the way to the top and seeing just how many messages Luz sent, even if they all initially failed to send. Her daughter had never stopped thinking about her.
Imagine Camila watching the first message, falling in love with the cutie pie that is King, happy that Luz had an adult to confide in with Eda (though for now she questions how reliable Eda is given that she had King put an apple on his head and tried to throw a spear at it), downright terrified when she finds out that the night her mija came home wasn’t the only time her daughter came face to face with the tyrannical emperor. 
Imagine Camila worried when she finds out that her daughter and her found family (because that’s what they are, she can see it in the way Luz interacts with them) have now become bounty hunters to put food on the table. She’s worried about what and how much her daughter had to eat in the Demon Realm.
Imagine Camila having questions about whatever the fuck Hooty is. For all her veterinarian experience and having a daughter in love with fantasy, she can’t for the life of her figure out what creature he’s supposed to be.
Imagine Camila being so proud of Luz making such nice friends in Willow and Gus. How, after years of seeing her daughter being rejected for who she was, Camila now saw Luz find others who not only understood her weirdness, but loved her for it.
Imagine Camila wanting to jump for joy as she hears Luz gush about Amity and them getting together. She’s so happy her daughter found love, even if it was a realm away. She wishes Manny could see their daughter now.
Imagine Camila choosing to keep quiet about Lumity because she knows Luz probably has her own plans about coming out and she doesn’t want to take that away from her. She wants her daughter to come out to her on her own terms (she makes a note to look at LGBT parenting books later).
Imagine Camila having so many questions about Hexside (what kind of detention pit was that?!), but thinking she might ultimately let Luz go because it was the first time she’d ever seen Luz excited about going to school.
Imagine Camila watching message after message and feeling so happy for Luz and the life she had managed to make in this whole other world.
Imagine Camila’s happiness starting to fade as she realizes that Luz found that happiness far away from her and wondering if Camila was indeed the problem the whole time.
And imagine what’s left of Camila’s happiness dissipating entirely as she remembers that so much of her daughter’s new life (the people, the places, the events) may not even exist anymore.
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thousand-winters · 4 months
Do you know when Luz died, Camila just knew that her daughter was dead even if she had no evidence to back it up.
Do you ever think maybe Darius and Eberwolf had a similar moment when Hunter died, even if it was only for a matter of minutes, and they were puppets.
Despite having no idea what was going on, they suddenly both just became really sad as if they’d lost something very dear to them, and where shedding tears even if they had no idea why they where crying.
Even if they were separated by dimensions, they sort of just know something bad had happened.
OH, I LOVE THIS IDEA. Very painful, 10/10
The fact that canonically happened like a couple of days max before everyone got depuppetified too... so it makes it even sadder that it seems like Darius and Eber's first urge after being able to move again and reuniting with each other was search for Hunter. I imagine they would have this violent need in their heads at this point like "Hunter, Hunter, where is he? Find him" and since it's Darius and Eber and they're in the same tune despite the contrasting personalities, they barely had to look to each other before knowing what they had to do.
I'm imagining this too during one of Eda's visits to Raine 😭 So she's just talking to them as usual and Darius is literally at Raine's right side so the sudden tears would probably catch her eye rather quickly and it would be so frightening, especially once she takes a step back and sees Eber crying too. Like... what is happening? Are they in pain? Is this going to happen to all the other puppets? They're obviously not okay but she can't pinpoint what's happening and I imagine she would feel so useless because she can't do anything to help and she doesn't even understand what's going on, and even if she goes and gets Lilith, Lilith also has no idea what's happening.
And they can hardly ask the Collector about this, can they? Unfortunately they just stay worried sick until they see nothing bad has happened to Darius, Eber or Raine, and even then they would be wary because what does it mean, and will it happen again? (They aren't even getting answers after everything is solved unless Darius, Eber, and Camila get to talking and start putting pieces together about the feelings of grief and dread that overcame them and with what events they coincided).
Another really sad aspect of it too is I can imagine Eda's first impulse when seeing Darius cry would be to think perhaps he's turning back to normal and she would be alarmed but so relieved because Darius isn't only an ally but they used to be friends :( And then... he's not doing okay, actually, he's still a puppet and she's left alone with her guilt and helplessness and her own broken heart.
But back to the Deamonnes...
It's going to be a difficult conversation no matter what, knowing that Hunter wasn't about to die, he died. Especially considering how Darius sent him away with Luz so he would be safe in the same manner Eda did. I like to think Eda also talked to him when he was a puppet, so she could at least soothe him by telling him Hunter was safe in the Human Realm if he could hear her, so that's twice as painful because Hunter was supposed to be safe!!! And yet... he wasn't.
It most likely hit Darius very hard too, considering his mentor died away from him, so I think, in part because of that grief he hasn't processed yet, he has to feel very paranoid about something happening to his loved ones when he can't do anything to stop it, and unfortunately the worst case scenario did come to be.
At least there's some level of weird comfort for all of them in the fact they feel so strongly as a family that they somehow felt that happening. It doesn't make it any easier to cope with your kid dying or with the knowledge you died, but it's kinda comforting to think about at the times in which they're doubting if they can even measure up to be whatever the others need from them to be a "proper" family (they'll get to the point in which they know by heart they don't have to be a family in the exact same way others are, they are their own people and their particular bond is unique, but they need some time first).
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sepublic · 1 year
            “You assume Belos’ goal comes from a genuine place. But that man doesn’t care about anything but his need to be the hero in his own delusion, and because of that, he fears what he can’t control.”
         I think of this line in the context of the previous episode being For the Future, and how the Titan’s description of Belos is meant to contrast with who Luz is as a person. Because in FtF’s climax, Camila has a breakthrough with Luz regarding her self-loathing for mistakes and things that frankly were out of her control, that Luz shouldn’t blame herself for; As Camila reminds her daughter, mistakes happen sometimes. That’s okay. And we try to prevent bad things from happening…
         But in Camila’s case especially, that attempt to control things to protect her daughter just alienated Luz, hurt her deeply. Likewise, Luz’s hero complex evolves over the course of the series… It becomes less openly glamorous and more ‘humble’, but in a way it still exists. When Luz blames herself for her friends being separated from their parents even though that wasn’t even her call, it’s because she thinks she’s the hero. When she blames herself for helping Philip, it’s because Luz is the hero. When Luz, a freaking teenager, can’t help Eda against this genocidal dictatorship, it’s because Luz is the hero and she’s failed.
         Luz still has this unhealthy expectation of herself; Where she’s supposed to actively repent for her past selfishness and mistakes by fixing everything. She’s supposed to be the friend who takes the burden for others, who doesn’t saddle them with her own issues. Luz is supposed to help Eda with her curse, and later with her family situation with Gwen. Luz is trying to direct her attention outwards, towards others, but there’s ultimately this unintentionally self-centered approach where if bad things happen, it’s a reflection on Luz as a person, and she is basically the only who can determine what happens, the input of others ignored.
         That leads to risky maneuvers, like when Luz attempts to take Hunter's place against Belos at the skull, or hides the truth to keep the others from worrying. It’s this misguided desire to be the self-sacrificial martyr, another kind of hero. It’s this need to feel like Luz is in control; That she CAN fix things on her own, that she CAN help, and she COULD have done something, meaning if things go wrong regardless, it’s Luz’s fault.
         It’s a double-edged sword of claiming autonomy, because it means Luz refuses to blame outside factors for her failures, it’s all on her. It’s comforting in its own way to think she could’ve done something better, because it means Luz can do better next time, right? It means Luz doesn’t have to worry about the uncertainty of the future if she just tries hard enough, correct?
         But Camila has to remind her daughter that you can try your best and still fail. You’re still human (for lack of a better term), just as Willow is when she isn’t able to keep everything going smoothly in that same episode. And that’s alright; You can take responsibility, but you can’t overcompensate and consider yourself the ‘hero’ in charge of everyone’s wellbeing. Which brings me back to that point about the Titan summarizing the differences between Luz and Belos, what makes one good and the other bad, so to speak;
         Belos fears what he can’t control, because he needs to be the hero who controls everything and can accomplish whatever he wants; Look how much he thrives on having control over people, manipulating them, adapting to a situation, it makes him feel clever and superior. But Luz, while she afraid for a bit… Thanks to her mother, she’s finally begun to accept that she can’t control things. Luz isn’t the perfect hero, she needs the help of others. She’ll make mistakes, or even make no mistakes and still lose! Luz can’t do everything to look after her mother or vice-versa, you have to let people do their own thing, and that also includes herself.
         Luz does legitimately care about others; She’ll consider other points of view, like she did when showing sympathy to Amity early in their interactions. Luz can reevaluate what she does because it’s about doing right, not being right, even if it might not be as glamorous. Contrast that with Belos, who refuses to admit that he could’ve made the wrong call about witches and his brother, because then he’s not the hero.
         And his need to be right matters more than helping people, which is why Belos sacrifices his own brother rather than letting go of that narrative of himself as the one saving humanity. If he were just misguided, he’d have eventually accepted there was nothing to worry about (Philip is very perceptive, he can tell), but Belos didn’t because that meant no longer being the hero, and he knew his priorities when pushed to choose only one. A classic case of bias distorting reasonable analysis.
         They both wanted to be the hero, and there’s nothing inherently wrong with that; After all, Eda specifies at the end of Witches before Wizards that you can still healthily engage with reality, while also working to achieve your dreams. That’s how Luz’s character arc ends, too; She gets to become the hero she wanted to be, while still engaging with the people and world around her and not becoming entitled or arrogant.
         There’s nothing wrong with Luz wanting things for herself, nothing wrong with Luz thinking about or prioritizing herself, despite what her self-loathing claims. Despite her decision to stay in the human world because choosing a place she’s happy is a mistake that hurt her mother. But you have to keep other people in mind… You have to critically examine and ask yourself; Is it really about helping others and making sure all is okay, or is it simply the satisfaction of being the savior who corrects these NPCs, and wants an evil to campaign against? Which will you prioritize? This is especially relevant in progressive circles, which fits given TOH’s politics.
         Likewise, you gotta remember yourself, too. You don’t have to be 100% pure and selfless in your motives when helping people, it’s okay to want to be loved in return. You don’t have to necessarily choose between others and yourself, and Luz doesn’t have to choose between both worlds, or what kind of magic she uses, her type of Palisman, etc.
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rockymountainqueen2 · 6 months
Back to the Swamp rundown!
Disney Channel's YouTube account just released a new TOH chibi tiny tale.
And it's a crossover with Amphibia!
Here's my summarization of the events.
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It begins with Luz meddling with the good 'ol portal door.
I'm not sure what she's expecting to accomplish, but Eda and King evidently found it interesting enough to watch. Eda even brought popcorn!
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But whatever Luz did, it worked!
I have no idea when this is supposed to be occurring within the series timeline by the way. Luz is wearing season one outfit, has access to the portal door, which is also not destroyed.
So, season one, right?
But Eda has her post "Let the pain be shared" silver eye... And her season two dress for that matter!
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Ah well, onwards to adventure! Eda is all for it!
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King is a bit more... concerned, but comes along too.
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Doesn't stop him from being mystified about the wildlife, though.
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I guess Luz was trying to get back to The Human Realm?
Because she seems utterly shocked by the sudden realization that man-sized insects means that she can't possibly be on earth, lol.
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But luckily for the denizens of the owl house, they've landed in Amphibia! By Wartwood! Right in front of the Plantar family home!
While Anne's friends Marcy and Sasha were visiting no less! What luck!
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Anne and Luz formally reunite and introduce their respective families/friends to one another. It's very cute.
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Sasha and Eda evidently decided that they just had to have an arm wrestling competition.
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Sasha uses the powers gifted to her by the Calamity Box in order to win, lol.
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But Eda gets the last laugh!
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Then Marcy and King play a board game together.
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Annnnnd she also uses her Calamity Box powers to win.
Girls, you do realize that's considered cheating, right?
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Hooty also makes an appearance.
I guess he was wondering where everybody went?
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Polly proceeds to use him as a jump-rope, lol.
I'm surprised that Hooty isn't more into this, but maybe he was genuinely worried about the people who live inside of him and didn't appreciate being used a kid's plaything after braving the unknown in his best effort to find them. Lol.
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Meanwhile, Luz is showing off her sick glyph skills!
...Which I just realized, probably shouldn't work in Amphibia.
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Ah well, we wouldn't have gotten this nice moment where she and Anne show off their magical powers to each other otherwise!
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After all is said and done, our heroes settle down to have a meal.
I'm reasonably certain that they're eating bugs. Yum, protein.
Hop Pop and Eda are doubtlessly exchanging tips on parenting orphans and their other-dimensional friends, lol.
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Throughout this whole adventure, the portal door has been... shrinking?
Because... the writers needed a reason for Luz and Co to have go back to The Demon Realm suddenly?
XD That's my best guess, as I don't recall there ever having been a time limit when it came to using the original portal door. It was kinda OP like that.
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Anywho, Luz and Co need to leave immediately. Anne and Luz are quite sad to see one another go.
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King really wants to make sure to say goodbye to everybody properly!
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To the point he was a little too preoccupied to notice the portal door closing on him.
Also: Hop Pop faints because he thinks he just saw a little kid get decapitated, lol.
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Meanwhile, back in the owl house, Luz is sad that she had to say goodbye to Anne. Eda comforts her, it's a sweet sight.
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What isn't such a sweet sight is what King looks like minus his skull.
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Although King himself is rather nonplussed about the whole thing.
Like mother, like son. Lol.
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Luz is completely and totally horrified by the sight of King...
And that's the note that we end on!
Overall, cute little short.
And as a bonus...
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XD This is officially canon now.
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lollytea · 6 months
first hunlow neverland au then hunlow la la land machine au now hunlow CIRCUS AU???? you're a genius. i'm in awe of your brain. you make the only aus ever
Agsbdkdnk the circus AU isn't really a thing!! Not really. As in, I haven't worked on developing it. Not to the extent that I've developed la la land and neverland.
I just have the basic premise, the roles and a time period and a ✨️vibe✨️
But in summary, it's this:
It's 1905. Íde Lynne Hawthorne is a wild, reckless, chronically ill amputee who lives with her Irish immigrant parents and her younger sister in New York City. Íde has always struggled to find her place in society.
So, one cape of owl feathers and an edgy name change later, and Eda Clawthrorne's Owl Circus was born, a safe haven for weirdos just like her.
Willow Park and Augustus Porter met in a facility where they were sent for their learning difficulties and delusions respectively. They believed that this hospital was supposed to help them, as that was what their families believed, but it is anything but. So, the two best friends plot an escape plan and join the circus together.
Willow impresses Eda with her extraordinary physical strength, and Gus knows a plethora of smoke and mirror tricks.
Hunter Wittebane is a teenage gymnast who dreams of being an Olympic gold medalist. He is homeschooled by his Uncle Philip, who has founded his own underground branch of Christianity and has gained quite the following. Hunter is tasked with infiltrating the Owl Circus, which Philip believes has something Satanic going on behind the scenes. He just needs proof to get it shut down. Surely Hunter will stay focused on his mission and not get attached to any of the performers while he plays the role of their golden clad acrobat.
Amity Blight is an ex debutante who is desperately running away from her former life. After her mother found her diary, which was jam packed with passages of incriminating thoughts and opinions, Amity knew the consequences would be dire. So she ran. She just kept running and she never looked back. Due to her strict upbringing, she has an excellent amount of physical control and focus. She is the circus' most skilled fire dancer.
And of course, Luz Noceda, the newbie. She's hopelessly inexperienced but wide eyed and full of the desire to learn. Feeling misunderstood and alone and believing her strange personality and subpar academic performe was putting a strain on her already stressed out mother, Luz ran away from home. She spent a few months masquerading as a boy and performing labour jobs until the circus came to town and she felt like she had found her calling. Luz initially doesn't have any circus-relevant skills but she's teaching herself a bit of everything. (Juggling, acrobatics, magic tricks) and trying to find her place!
That's all I got. Just take it.
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bookishgalaxies · 7 months
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐀𝐝𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐋𝐮𝐳 𝐍𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐝𝐚
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ch. 2
summary: When Luz Noceda gets her Hogwarts acceptance letter in the mail, she was over the moon. Little did she know that a Hogwarts acceptance letter meant more than just the chance to learn magic.
pairings: luz noceda x amity blight, hunter x willow park, and eda clawthorne x raine whispers
type: ongoing story, not proofread
warnings: slight bullying on Amity’s part, bad writing??
a/n: I didn’t die, calc just consumed me.
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Luz’s mom coming to terms that her daughter was going off to a magical school and wouldn’t return home until Christmas was…..difficult. Ever since the letter had arrived in the mail and Luz had come home with all sorts of magical items, her mom had debated her attending Hogwarts. Eventually deciding if it was what her daughter wanted, then it would be worth giving it a shot. Also secretly hoping Luz would make some friends while at this wizarding school.
“Mija, you wanted to go to the train station today, didn’t you?” Her mother called from the living room downstairs.
Luz hurriedly wiped invisible dust off of her hoodie as she picked up her suitcases and backpack. One holding clothes, shoes, and her favourite cartoon plushie. The other holding everything she had gotten on Diagon Alley. Her backpack had a few books of her own and random things her mother insisted she pack.
“Headed down right now!” Luz replied to her mother as she rolled her suitcases out of her room and put her backpack on her shoulders.
Hopping into the car with her mom, Luz felt raindrops slide down her short brown hair. It was always raining in London, something Luz had observed for the last two years since her and her mom had moved to West London.
The sound of the rain pattering on the car windows was calming. Rainy days always birthed a sense of pondering in Luz’s mind. She let her mind wander to the possibilities of the new wizarding school. The possibility of having friends for once in her life made Luz’s stomach flip with excitement. She had been reading through her spell books throughout the months leading up to September 1st. Neville had told her that she wasn’t allowed to cast spells and use her wand outside of Hogwarts. That didn’t stop her raging curiosity from reading everything she bought at Diagon Alley though. She had concluded mid August after reading through everything that Defense Against the Dark Arts seemed to be the coolest class. Well, at least the class with the best textbook.
Arriving at the train station, Luz ensured she had all her things before strolling in with her mother. Looking at the different platform numbers, she didn’t immediately spot platform 9 ¾. She scanned again intently, walking around and asking her mom to keep an eye out just in case she was overlooking it due to excitement. Finally, after about 20 minutes her mom concluded she should ask a train station employee. So, Luz proudly strolled up to an employee standing by platform 9 and asked the question with excitement in her voice.
“Excuse me, could you show me the way to platform 9 ¾?”
The employee gave her an odd look then chuckled.
“This some TikTok prank I haven’t heard of yet?” He asked in a way that indicated it wasn’t actually a question.
“No sir, I’m looking for platform 9 ¾ so I can travel to Hogwarts, Term starts today and I really don't want to miss it.” She explained to the officer with a genuine expression.
“Sorry kid, this platform 9 ¾ of your’s doesn’t exist. At least not at this train station. Maybe you need to try somewhere else.” The employee said before giving a swift goodbye and walking away.
Luz walked over to her mom and explained to her what was going on. Her mom of course asked Luz to double check she had the right place, and she did. The writing on the piece of parchment Neville had given her was quite clear she was supposed to be at King’s Cross station. She was getting quickly discouraged, and 11 a.m. was nearing. If she didn't catch the train in time she would have to go back to Diagon Alley and hope to find someone that could help her. Thinking of Diagon Alley, Luz pulled her wand from the side pouch of her backpack. Maybe she needed to use magic to access the platform?
“Wait! Don’t use that until you get on the train!” A girl Luz’s age called out, rushing up to Luz with three large trunks in her arms.
The girl was shorter than normal with pale skin and navy hair pulled into pigtails. She had circular glasses and a kind looking face, Wearing a shirt that had diagrams of plants Luz did not recognize with caramel-coloured corduroy pants. She was out of breath by the time she had ran up to Luz, seeming to have sped across the train station.
“Are you trying to get arrested by The Ministry?” The girl asked in an accusatory tone.
“No, no, I’m just looking for platform 9 ¾! I promise I do not want to upset whoever The Ministry is.” Luz put her hands up in surrender as she pleaded her case.
“Are you going to Hogwarts?” The navy-haired girl asked, her demeanor becoming less tense.
“Yeah! Or at least If I can figure out how to get there.” Luz answered
“Oh! You’re a muggle-born! Makes total sense, they really need to get better at communicating this stuff to newcomers like you.” Willow deduced from the cluelessness Luz exhibited
“A muggle what? I’m just trying to find my way to this magical school so I can learn how to kick butt wizard style!” Luz responded
“I’m Willow, my older sister is in her second year, so I can show you the ropes.” Willow offered with a smile, holding her hand out for Luz to shake it.
“I’m Luz, and it’s nice to meet you!” Luz greeted, shaking Willow’s hand.
Much to Luz’s surprise she had been standing in front of the place she needed to go the whole time. In her and her mom’s defence though, it just looked like a brick wall. There wasn’t exactly a flashing sign that said “Hogwarts Train Boards Here.”. Luz might have to make a few suggestions to the headmaster when she got to school.
She was trying to wrap her head around how Willow was able to simply run straight at the brick wall and go right through it like she was a ghost. Luz was terrified of running straight at it then ending up in the ER with a gaping scar on her head. She borrowed one of the luggage carts for her two suitcases and gave her mom a re-assuring talk about how she wasn’t running into her demise.
Finally facing the brick wall, luggage on cart and backpack secured, Luz closed her eyes tight and ran forward. She was expecting her face to hit the hard slab and scrunched her face on instinct. However, the pain of slapping into a brick wall never came. Instead, when she opened her eyes, she saw a room of bustling students and a shiny maroon and gold train.
“The Hogwarts Express, really is magical,” Willow said, standing next to Luz “c’mon, let’s go grab a seat before all the good ones are taken!”
As they boarded the train, Luz was in awe at how large it was. Toes of cabins seeming to go on forever and ever. She was even more amazed at how Willow seemed to know exactly where she was going, not hesitating even a bit.
“Willow! Over here! I saved us the best seat in the house.” Said a voice that sounded like it came from a young boy.
“Gus, just because it is right beside the candy trolley, doesn’t mean it’s the best seat in the house.” Willow mused, stepping into the cabin and putting her luggage in the top storage containers.
“That’s exactly what that means!” Gus exclaimed.
Luz shoved her suitcases above an empty seat and plopped down, being careful not to mess up her plain robes she had gotten in Diagon Alley.
“Gus, this is Luz!” Willow exclaimed, gesturing to Luz who sat across from the two supposed friends.
“Pleasure to meet you! Have any takes on what house you think you’ll be sorted into?” Gus asked excitedly, leaning forward with anticipation.
“House…..? Like, where I’m going to live at Hogwarts?” Luz inquired in a confused tone.
“Gus, she’s completely new to all this! Maybe tell her what the houses are first, then let her decide.” Willow explains, looking over at Gus.
“Well, there’s Gryffindor, which is typically where really brave and chivalrous people go, Hufflepuff is for the loyal and hard-working. Then there’s Ravenclaw where intelligence and creativity is valued most. And last, but certainly not least, is Slytherin, which is for the ambitious and cunning. Despite what everyone says, not all people who are sorted into Slytherin are evil.” Gus explained, seeming to not take a breath in between any of his sentences.
Luz didn’t have much time to take in all the information before the door to their compartment opened. Whipping her head around at the sudden noise, Luz saw the pretty girl with purple hair and golden eyes standing in the doorway, looking down on the three of them.
“Seems they really let anyone in this train nowadays.” She sneered, looking at Willow and Gus.
“What do you want, Amity?” Willow asked in a dejected tone
“I want to know why you losers are in the best cart on this whole train.” Amity asked in an accusatory manner.
“See, I told you this was the best spot!” Gus insisted, looking at Willow.
“Hey! Stop calling them losers, Besides, we were here first, that’s why we have this spot.” Luz spoke up, ignoring the butterflies whizzing around in her stomach at the girl’s gorgeous appearance.
“Someone’s set to be sorted into Gryffindor.” Amity mumbled under her breath.
“There’s still some room if you want to sit with us….” Willow offered weakly.
“I don’t sit with ignorant witches and wizards like yourselves.” Amity scoffed, turning on her heel.
“Well, maybe we didn’t want you to sit with us anyway!” Luz exclaimed, before the cabin door shut. Them, she blew a raspberry at door.
“She couldn’t have at least waited until we got to Hogwarts to call us losers?” Gus sighed, sitting back in his seat.
Luz was half-listening to the two friends talk of the girl named Amity. Why did someone so pretty have to have such a foul attitude? The words she spoke reminded Luz of the bullies at her past schools and it frightened Luz a little. She has hoped that Hogwarts would be different. Which, she guessed it already was considering Gus and Willow were nice and seemed likke they would become great friends. Still, the idea of bullies with magic unsettled her.
It wasn’t long before the candy trolley came and Luz watched Gus buy an absurd amount of something they called Chocolate Frogs.
“That’s my third Dumbledore this month!” Gus exclaimed, looking at the card. To Luz’s surprise, completely disregarding the brown frog about o hop out of the train window. Diving to catch it, she ended face planting into the window, with no frog in her hands.
“Luz! Are you okay?” Willow asked, whipping her head around to look at the window
“I’m alright! Your living chocolate frog isn’t though.” Luz mused, referring to the frog who had climbed out of he window and had immediately been blown away.
“You really only get chocolate frogs for the cards.” Willow explained, nodding her head to Gus who had a small booklet that held all of his cards.
“Oh! So, you collect them? Like action figures!” Luz said with realisation, becoming excited at the thought of another cool thing to collect.
Hogwarts was close, that's what the lady that came back around with the trolley said. Luz felt a few butterflies spawn in her stomach. She was really nervous to see this magical and fantastical place. She knew though, that in the back of her mind this is where she was meant to be.
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thank you so much for reading !!
Remember to stay hydrated and rest well !!
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moonstarlupinsworld · 6 months
A light glyph
Author notes: Before we start, I want to say I'm thankful for the people who joined based on my last fanfic (Ms. Weems X Injured Reader). I do intend on keeping up with the series, I promise it's not a costume of mine to disappear all the time lol.
The owl house 
Eda Clawtorne X King X Reader
TW: This chapter deals with themes such as panic attacks, SH, and suicidal idealization. Your discretion is advised.  
Eda’s almost petrification, Luz was almost killed in the fight with Belos, and your only way home is destroyed. Looking at your sister so sad as she tried to think of a way to go back was just too much to bear. You are trying your best to hold it in, but in the end, everything might explode. 
After Eda’s almost petrification and the aftermath of the event, you’ve had an eventful couple of weeks. She is now unable to use her magic, and even if it’s taking a long time to get used to it, she’s trying her best. After destroying your only way home, you’re unable to communicate with Camila. This was super hard for Luz, and even if you try your best to be supportive, you can still see how much it affects her.
Now, the sun already setting, you are at the Owl House laying on the couch, King fast asleep in your chest. You are trapped, but it’s adorable to see his little paws covering his face as he mutters in his sleep. Luz is currently concentrating on a new glyph, hoping this time it will work.
“You have a visit! Hoot hoot!” Hooty said in his usual enthusiastic voice as the door opened, revealing a happy Willow
“Hooty, not so loud, ” you shushed, your eyes pointing at King
Hooty disappears, closing the door. Willow takes a seat beside Luz, looking at her concentrated face. Luz greets her friend with a hug, explaining all about the new glyph and the super cool fog it was supposed to create. Willow was quite interested, and kept still, watching as your sister failed (again) with the combination. 
“It will work next time” you reassure her. She nods with a sad face, pushing aside her notepad. Just then, Willow stands up.
“Guess who was able to convince her dads to do a small sleepover?” she said, excited “They said it was all right as long as we didn’t conjure anything weird or create major chaos. Gus will be there too!”
Luz has a thoughtful face, looking upstairs where Eda is.
“Wow, that sounds so cool! But, I have to ask Eda first…”
Out of thin air, Eda appears behind the girls, startling them. 
“Out, out of my house now!” she ushered, rushing them away with a gesture of her hands, “ Go have fun Luz, and you too Y/N.”
You sigh, it was not on your plans to go out, at least not tonight. Luz says thank you over a million times before dragging Willow by the arm upstairs so she can get her things ready. 
“Give me King here, I’ll cuddle with him while you are gone, ” Eda offers with a smile, getting closer to carry the small demon. 
“May I stay home for today?” you asked, not looking her in the eyes, “I just do not feel like it.”
She looks a bit shocked, but quickly changes expression and smiles. 
“Sure kid, I’ll go upstairs and tell Luz, ” she walks away, and before turning over to the stairs, she adds, “And, hey, if you need anything I’ll be in my room.”
You nod, smiling. After preparing everything (and trying to convince you with five different tactics), Luz and Willow leave. You said your goodbyes and then hugged King. A feeling of drowsiness thanks to the sleepless nights takes over you, and you yawn a few times before falling asleep. 
You woke up in your sleeping sack, tucked in and with an extra pillow under your head. The sleepiness was gone, so you decide to get up and look out the window, sitting on the edge, one knee close to your chest as your mind goes a million questions per minute. Were you sad about being stuck here forever? If you took away the beasts, the moments your sister and friends almost got killed, and the weird weather (and food), this place wasn’t that bad… Somehow, you felt at home. Was that wrong? What if Luz found out about this and she got mad? What if Camila one day found out and she simply hated you? And if all of this was your fault? After all, you were the first one to run as soon as that weird owl stole your sister’s book, she simply followed. 
A sudden pinch in your heart makes you wince, trying to breathe so the pain would ease. You keep looking at the landscape, thinking about Luz. You could bet anything right now that she’s having a blast with Willow and Gus. She deserved it, it had been such a stressful couple of days. 
What else could you think of? Penguins… otters…. Polar bears…
Another pinch, this stronger and making your breath shaky. No, not now… You were strong. This was not about to happen. 
“Penguins, cute guys with a suit forever in the pattern of their skin. They are…” You put a hand on your chest, trying to distract yourself.
Your heartbeat quickened, and your breathing became shaky and unease, blurring your vision… Your hands started shaking, and your legs wobbled a bit. 
Nobody could see you like this, especially not Eda… after all, she’s still recovering from the recent events.
The bathroom… the bathroom.
You hop back to the floor, rushing to the improvised safe place. You’ve been living here enough to know your way around the house without any lights on. Opening the door was difficult, but you managed. 
“Okay Y/N we got this, breath” you tried to say to reassure yourself, but it wasn’t working, “come on Y/N, you can do this on your own…”
You closed the door making as little noise as you could. Whatever was about to happen, nobody had to see it. Finally, you decided to turn on the light, darkness was not a friend of yours in this kind of situation. Resting your hands on the sink, you looked at yourself in the mirror. 
You tried. And tried. And tried again. All the techniques you know, all the breathing exercises, even covering your ears to try and shut the thoughts wasn’t working. 
But maybe you deserved it. Maybe you deserved to feel this. You were dying. Yes, indeed you were. Your breathing was so fast now, and almost no oxygen was coming into your lungs. It was a miracle you were still standing. Maybe all of this was your fault. Maybe you could have thrown Luz into the portal before you blew it to pieces. At least she could have gone home. Maybe you were a monster, just like your classmates told you. Eda didn’t have to be taking care of you, only kids needed a maternal figure. You were a grown-up. Almost fifteen, already a grown-up. Yes… Your legs started failing, and you looked at your reflection in the mirror. Pathetic. A pathetic, weak human, unable to protect the only thing they had to defend. A weird human. You looked down, glancing at all the lines covering your arms like shooting stars. Damn, you were weak, pathetic, and gross. You didn’t belong anywhere… you didn’t deserve Eda to be so worried about you. You should… 
“SHUT UP!” You said, way louder than expected, and in your anger, you punched the mirror with your fista “Just go away, go away, and leave me alone, please…” 
The mirror broke into a million pieces, and that make you panic even more. Blood was dripping from your knuckles, and the sensation seemed to numb the pain inside you a little. Small pieces flew all around, and a bigger one fell to the sink. You grabbed it, your thoughts all according to the same thing. 
Eda, who was asleep, was startled by the noise. Her first instinct was to rush to your room, a light glyph in her hand. Nothing, just an empty sleeping bag. She started searching everywhere, calling you out loud. 
Eda was panicking, some feathers getting onto the surface as she frantically called out for her owlet… until she heard crying in the bathroom. 
 “Oh no”, she muttered before knocking at the door, “Owlet, are you in there? Is Eda…”
You were now sitting on the floor, your legs had finally given up, and you collapsed, your back resting against the wall.  The piece of shattered glass was still in your hand. You didn’t hear Eda’s voice or the frantic knocking on the door. 
“I’m gonna come in, okay?” she said before opening the door. 
After giving a  quick look around, she realized three things: 
One, the mirror was a goner, little bits of it were all over the floor. Two, her kid was on the floor, tears streaming down their cheeks and their breathing going a million per minute, a panic attack certainly. And then, three (and most important) she saw it: the glass. 
You looked at her and tried to cover the piece of crystal, but it was too late. It took her only a few seconds to kneel, getting to your eye level.
“Give me that,” Eda said, not mad but firm.
And strangely, when she reached her hand to yours, you simply let that thing go. No resistance, no anything. You didn’t even try to mask your emotions or clean your tears. 
“Help…me” you muttered, feeling like you were about to pass out any second now. 
“Kid, breathe,” she says, worry clear in her voice “Is it all right if I touch you?” 
You nodded weakly. She grabbed your hand, leading it to her chest and exaggerating her breathing so you could copy it. Her other hand went to hold yours, trying to stop you from hurting yourself even further. 
“Come on, in for four,” she says, exaggerating her breathing so you could copy it “Then we hold and then breathe out. We got this owlet, I’m here.” 
 It took you a few minutes before you could sync it to her pace, and every time you failed to breathe you grew increasingly frustrated. And then, finally, you did it. You could see now, and the knot slowly untangled from your chest. It was still there, but at least now you were able to breathe in and out without choking. 
But over your new calmness, a new thing decided to emerge: guilt. Eda should be sleeping, how could you keep her up at this time of the night? Were you acting like a child right now? 
“It is not your fault to keep me awake at night, Y/N” Eda said, a peak of a smile on her lips, “I can’t read minds, but those eyes are telling me everything… I heard a noise and got scared something bad happened to you.”
You look down, now trying to hold back your tears. And then, your injuries started to sting. She looked at your busted knuckles, clicked her tongue in disapproval, and looked back at you. 
“What about a more comfy place than this small room?” she asked, getting up from her knees “I can help you up if you want.”
You nodded, way too exhausted to articulate words. As you stood up you realized how cramped you were. Your legs were still wobbling, so Eda carried almost all your weight as you walked to the living room. King was there, and as soon as he saw you he threw himself into your arms, hugging you as tight as he could. The owl lady tried to let him go of you, but honestly, it felt nice, so you asked her to let him be. She smiled, getting to the kitchen for the medic kit. 
“I heard a noise and thought some demon had got into the house,” he explained, looking at you “Are you all right, Y/N?”
You nodded weakly, sitting on the couch, him still in your arms. You were so ashamed of what you’ve done. You were older than Luz, it was your duty to be strong and care for others, it didn’t have to work the other way around. 
“Sometimes you need someone to drag you home before the boiling rain hurts you, kid,” Eda said as she came back from the kitchen “I know it is hard to ask for help, but you got me now.”
“Don’t forget me! I am the ruler of the demons and shall protect you fiercely” King added, his little paw on a fist, acting as the mighty king he was. 
Eda smiled half-heartedly as she grabbed your hand, cleaning the blood from it. You observed as she so patiently cleaned it and made sure there was no glass inside the wound. Then she grabbed the other one, repeating the process. She looked so concentrated as she wrapped your hands in with bandages, so worried… 
“I don’t deserve help…” you whispered, finally speaking, “ I could have thrown Luz into that portal before blasting it… What kind of a big sibling I am if I can’t protect her as I should?”
Your voice started cracking, and the tears threatened to come out again as you tried to make sense of your words... King looks at Eda with desperation, his head tilting towards you in a clear attempt to ask “What do we do?”.
Eda knew some things about your past. Even if you were not an open book, anxiety physical symptoms would betray you from time to time, or the fact you always wore a hoodie, and maybe the fact you stayed home with her while Luz went to the witch school was enough to know more about you.  
She sat beside you and pulled you closer, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. Your tensed body quickly melted into the touch. Your head went to rest on her chest, small sobs coming from your mouth as you tried to calm down. 
“I am no expert in those light glyphs yet, but I would create the brightness one if that could help you get out of the dark, Y/N” she whispered, holding you closer, “Not all the weight of the world has to be on your shoulders, it’s okay to let go sometimes. You are really important to me, kid, please come to my nest next time you need help.”
This warmth was something you had only felt with Camila, back in the human realm. The owl lady, that woman who tried to push everyone away and act cold, but on the inside was a warm and loving person. You felt at ease. Finally, your thoughts stopped being so loud, and you could only listen to the owl lady. Your eyes started drooping, the exhaustion finally hitting you. 
“Don’t tell Luz”, you whispered in the middle of a yawn. 
“Tell her about what? We played Hexes Hold’em all night and then we fell asleep” she winked, assuring you this whole thing would be a secret between you and her. “Just rest, owlet, tomorrow we can go to a nice place for treasure hunting!”
But you didn’t listen to the last part, already passed out against her, and King snuggled in your lap snoring softly. She smiled, getting comfortable and yawning. 
“Damn, how I love this kid” she whispered, smiling as she looked at you, “don’t worry y/n/n, I’ll protect you.”
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tartsinarat · 10 months
To continue with that battle of the bands! Luz post, here’s a Pip edition,
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He’s obviously modeled after David Bowie in his design, I particularly took inspo from bowie’s ziggy stardust era because of the fact that the band that Nimbus, luz, Willow and him are apart of is completely inspired by after 70s glam rock musicians and bands (also the story behind Ziggy fits pretty well in specific parts to Pip but anyways)
I’m probably going to do Willow next which I’m pretty excited for
Also yes he did dye his hair for this and regretted it immensely after finding out the hair dye was permanent rather than just being temporary which is the context behind the Bowie edition of “oh, Ariana were really it now” image from the good place redraw, he eventually just makes it brown again by using a concealment stone until it fades out
Fun fact, his eye make does in fact foreshadow something that I’m currently working on properly planning it out and eventually posting it
Another fun fact, Raine was one of the judges of the battle of the bands (this is because they were the only witch ever to win single handily without another band member,Eda was supposed to be alongside them but got banned for some silly antics that snowballed heavily) so when they saw Eda who was attending to see her two favourite knuckleheads and after some high jinks of trying to avoid each the eventually get forced to talk to each other so both Raine and Eda then have to have the worlds most awkward conversation as Raine puts two and two that the kid with bright orange hair is probably Eda’s kid and the conversation would probably go along something like this:
Raine: Eda, I didn’t think I would see you here after what happened last time, did the ban get lifted?
Eda: nope, but if you see the the security around my name isn’t Eda it’s Evelyn *winks*
Raine: *laughs*
Eda: so your judging, right?
Raine; yeah… but it’s not something I personally wanted to do, I kinda got forced into it by kikimora because it’s something to do with finding the best members for the bard coven and she didn’t give me a chance to say no :/
Eda; yeah that makes sense, you know I thought they finally got to you and brainwashed you into doing this *snorts*
Raine: *laughs* nope just peer pressure for now
Raine: soo what brings you here?
Eda; you see the the kids up there dressed like a unicorn vomited glitter and rainbows on them?
Eda: *points at luz and Pip* Those two in particular are my knuckleheads and I couldn’t pass up a chance to watch them beat a bunch of stuffy band kids *snorts*
Raine: *has finally clicked that the kid with ginger hair who got caught by them while trying to cheat by setting up traps in the arena is probably Eda’s kid*. . . I didn’t know you had kids?
Eda; oh titan no, they’re actually my two weird workers who mooch off of me
Raine: really? The kid with ginger hair looks a lot like you and he even tried to bribe me after I caught him boobytrapping the arena stage
Eda:*snorts and bursts out laughing*
Eda: you mean Pip? no he’s not my kid, he’s not a natural red head that’s a really bad dye job he did to look like some human musician
Eda: and not to brag but I taught him all my secrets and tricks well.
Raine: oh
Eda: I get the confusion but nah I found the kid in the trash haha
Raine; o h?
au masterpost link? or is it? it is /gen
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