#is a direct parallel to how Bruce was towards dick causing him to leave
cheritouu · 2 years
I love when Bruce is written almost maternal-like when it comes to his kids…fic writers don’t even know they’re helping spread my she/her Bruce Wayne agenda
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justcourttee · 4 years
I love your sibling Jasonette so much!! If you don't mind, could you do Marinette's first meeting with the rest of the Batfam? Also, this is probably a stupid question but are the rest of the sibling Jasonette stories connected?
Not a stupid question at all! I wrote them so that if you read all of them, there are parallels so that they could be connected, but if people didn’t want to read all of them, they could also stand on their own :)
I also NEVER mind writing more sibling Jasonette ;) Hope you enjoy! @moonlitjiminie 
Family Game Night
“What if they don’t like me?”
Jason stopped in his tracks, shaking his head in disappointment.
“Is that even a real question that you’re asking me? I’m honestly offended right now that you would even think they had an option to not like you.”
He dramatically placed his hand over his heart as if her words had fatally wounded him earning a small giggle from the girl. Slinging his arm over her shoulder, she managed to breathe a small sigh of relief as they made their way up the long staircase.
Jason didn’t even bother knocking as he threw open the manor doors, effectively dragging her in with him.
“Master Jason, what a pleasure to see you attend family game night and with a guest in tow, how lovely.”
An older man stood in the foyer, his sly smile warming Marinette to the core instantly. Jason narrowed his eyes playfully at the man, a sly smile of his own tugging at his lips.
“Marinette, let me introduce you to the only sane person in this household. Mr. Alfred Pennyworth. He likes to pretend he’s just a humble butler, but we all know that he secretly runs the whole thing around here.”
Alfred bowed deeply to Marinette to which she could only curtsey in return.
“It’s a pleasure, sir. I am sorry for invading your family time. I was under the impression that my presence was a known factor tonight.” Her narrowed eyes shot to Jason who simply shrugged, his smirk as arrogant as ever.
“Nonsense, a friend of Master Jason is a friend to all. You are by far the most pleasant friend he has brought to this event.”
Marinette almost wanted to ask about the context of his remark, but something in her gut told her she really didn’t want to know.
“Please, follow me to the sitting room. The rest of the family has already arrived.”
They walked in a comfortable silence down the hall, Marinette nerves slightly frayed now knowing that nobody expected her appearance. Alfred pushed open two oak doors, revealing a brightly lit room filled with many laughing faces. When Jason said he had a lot of siblings, Marinette thought two or three. Nothing could have prepared her for this.
“Oh my god, Jason brought home a girl!”
Instantly all sounds in the room paused as many heads turned their attention to where Marinette stood in the doorway. Hesitantly, she raised her hand in greeting, a sheepish smile gracing her face.
“Everyone, this is Marinette, the legendary designer MDC, and my sister. She’s flown all the way from Paris to meet you losers for some reason so be nice.”
Marinette mumbled a quiet hello as a few smiles broke through the room welcoming her. Instantly, a blonde girl jumped up to drag her back to where she was previously sitting, ignoring Jason’s protests.
“You just have to play on my team tonight! Are you any good at Pictionary? I mean I’m not great, but I can say with utmost confidence that I can beat most of the people in this room.”
“That’s not true!” Marinette’s attention was split as one of the men started an argument with her as to who was the better pictionary-ist. She didn’t even notice when Jason had sat beside her, an amused smile tugging at his lips.
“The rude blonde is Stephanie Brown. She’s Timmy boys girlfriend, who would be the dead zombie looking kid over there.”
Marinette’s gaze followed to where Jason pointed, a small giggle escaping at his accurate description. The poor boy looked like he hasn’t gotten a good night's sleep a single day in his life. 
“The rude boy arguing with Stephanie would be Dick. He practically rivals your optimism except his happy go lucky actually disgusts me.”
The man paused from his argument, a horrified expression on his face.
“I like to think my optimism is a blessing.”
That earned a collective groan from the room to which he simply crossed his arms into a pout.
“Anyways, continuing, the redhead is Barbara Gordon-Grayson who unfortunately has trapped herself in the position of Dick’s wife. A tragedy really for such a beautiful woman, I mean she could’ve had me and instead she chose him? The world just isn’t right.”
Another protest came from Dick’s direction as he turned his pout into Barbara’s outstretched arms as her attempt to not laugh failed miserably.
“The one staring you down while trying to pretend he’s not interested at the same time would be your future husband Damian.”
Marinette felt her entire face flush red as she reached back slapping Jason in the stomach as hard as he could.
“Todd, I do not appreciate harassing this young woman. You are beneath her in status and beauty therefore you should not be allowed to get off with this insult to her self so easily.”
Damian stood from his spot, careful not to make eye contact with Marinette as he sped past her toward the room’s only exit. She wanted to call out and ask him to stay, but the pink on his cheeks caused her to pause. He probably was just as embarrassed as her and just needed some time to breathe.
“Jason, that was mean! Look at how flustered you made him!”
Jason simply laughed as he reached over to ruffle her hair.
“Trust me, he never gets ‘flustered’ that was all you.”
For the second time that night, Marinette felt her face flush.
“He’s right you know!” Her eyes turned back to the blonde from earlier who stared her down with a playful expression in her eyes. “Demon spawn definitely has a crush on you.”
The rest of the family took turns picking at her, taking jabs until she was sure there wasn’t one part of her that wasn’t bloodshot red.
“Alright, alright, give the girl some space. We want her to return eventually!”
Marinette smiled gratefully toward the dark-haired man.
“After all, I need to get to know my future daughter-in-law.”
She instantly regretted her friendly gesture as the room exploded once more, smiles and laughter filling the room. Why exactly had she let Jason talk her into this?
“Okay, okay, really though guys. It’s game night! Time to pick team captains.”
Stephanie’s devilish smile sent shivers through Marinette’s spine. It was purely chaotic, reminding her of another blonde that she had left behind.
“I vote Marinette and Jason, the ultimate sibling showdown!” Dick puffed out his chest as his voice mimicked what sounded suspiciously like a wrestling ref that her father loved to watch.
“I’m down, how about you princess?”
Marinette bit her lip as her eyes glanced around the room at their waiting faces. Her eyes caught sight of one brooding face that she couldn’t seem to pass by. He also seemed to be waiting, his eyes nervously glancing from her position to the door as if he might bolt at any moment.
“It’s game on Todd.”
They shook their hands defiantly, both wearing dangerous smirks. Maybe she could salvage her pride tonight; not just hers’ but Damian’s as well. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
“Ladies first.”
Marinette and Jason stood on opposite sides of the room, both watching each other with an intense look that came from their competitive natures. She scanned the eager faces of his family thoughtfully. She had no idea what any of them were good at, but she wanted to maintain appearance for the psych of it.
Everybody broke out into smirks as they shared knowing looks. She didn’t bother to pay them any mind as the pink-cheeked boy rose to stand with her.
“Wrong move princess, demon spawn hates game night more than he likes to win. My first choice? Stephanie.”
The girl pumped her fist in the air as she joined Jason on his side. Marinette leaned toward where Damian stood, hiding half her face behind her hand.
“Time to strategize, who is my best bet?”
Damian stared at her with a bewildered expression.
“C’mon beau garçon, I need your help if we’re gonna kick Jason’s ass.”
He nodded slowly as if that were a perfectly reasonable excuse to kick into gear.
“Grayson is the leading contender if you wish to win tonight.”
Marinette nodded as she motioned for Dick to join them as well. Jason raised an eyebrow at her as he called over Tim, challenging her to pick from the remaining two.
“Okay Damian, Barbara or Bruce.”
He didn't bother responding as he pointed at his father, leaving the redhead to Jason’s team.
It was five hours of intense games, Alfred keeping score as an unaffiliated third party,( after all, they had all agreed that he was the fairest way to keep the games moving.) They all sat in anticipation while he tallied the scores. She couldn’t seem to calm her nerves as she stared at Jason’s cocky smirk.
Marinette felt a warmth brush by her kneecap. Instantly her head snapped to where a hand rested before her gaze reached back up to his face, a light red dusting across her cheeks. Immediately his hand retracted.
“I’m sorry if that was inappropriate, your knee was just bouncing anxiously from the corner of my eye and it was a slight bother.”
Marinette muttered out a small sorry before they both broke their gaze, the blush evident on both of their cheeks.
“And with a final score of 5-4, the winning team is… Miss Marinette!”
Her whole team jumped from the couch in excitement. Without thinking, she threw her arms around Damian’s neck. Realization crossed her face as she quickly retracted her hug, her entire face as red as could be. God, she hadn’t been this much of a blushing mess since she was thirteen.
They all chatted idly for a few minutes before Jason finally intercepted, insisting he had to get her back to her apartment before it got too late. The whole family waved her goodbye, minus one red-faced teen who instead handed her a small piece of paper as discreetly as he could, ignoring the taunts from his family behind his back.
As they drove back to her apartment, Marinette couldn’t hold her excitement anymore.
“I don’t know why you were warning me so much, I think I’m in love with your family Jason.”
His familiar smirk sat on his face as he turned into the apartment’s lot.
“I told you they were going to love you, and what do you know? I didn’t even have to give Damian your number, you two worked it out on your own. I truly believe they are planning out your wedding right now.”
Marinette shook her head as she reached over the console to hug Jason tightly before stepping out of the car. She wanted to deny accusations of what happened tonight, but she knew it would just fuel his picking.
Besides, even she couldn’t deny that she was excited for the next family game night and if she saw a certain Wayne there, well, that really wouldn’t be so bad.
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@damianette-is-life @ash-amg @rebecarojas07 @heaven428 @long-lost-peace @thequeenofpotatoeunicornss @moongoddesskiana @nach0ava
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sunlitroom · 7 years
Gotham – s4e13 – Reunion
As I watched it, and some random observations here and there.
Previously on Gotham:
Barbara wore an upsetting flesh-coloured headband.  Jim searched for the Doc. Sometimes we search for things we really don’t want to find.  Sofia likes being queen!  And she has new ways to hurt Jim!  Harvey tells Jim he wants to feel clean.  You’ll need a water cannon to get the muck off Jim, Harvey.  Ed gloated, but Oswald claimed ‘you’re’ still there!  Ivy’s changed.  Lazarus water does things!  Bruce has a party boy breakdown.
As always, long post will be long.  There are likely to be rambling digressions. Gobblepot might appear (although I welcome all shippers and non-shippers alike :)).  There will be naked favouritism and naked not-favouritism.  Broader comments at the end on plotlines and parallels and general direction.
 At stately Wayne Manor, Bruce is opening the case that contains his proto-Batman suit.  He looks at it for a long moment, removes the mask, and throws it on the fire.  Overall, It’s been a very symbolic couple of days for him.  He needs to ease up a bit.  Do some light housework, a bit of reading.  Maybe bake something.
Harvey’s bar in the Narrows, where a man is eating a pickle very loudly.  Ivy enters, and regards him with some disgust.  Is it because they’re a kind of plant, or because he’s gross, or did whatever Ivy did to herself leave her senses a little heightened, maybe?
It’s hard to say whether it’s the light or the help of some Clairol, but Ivy’s hair is looking slightly redder.
She’s looking for Harvey. The cute barman says he’s not working today, but she can leave a message.  Ivy says she will – she’ll use them to leave a message, all their flesh and blood and what they’ll become.  She blows pollen onto them from a flower she was carrying.
(An aside.  Based on what we’ve seen of her so far, Ivy is virtually the most dangerous person in the city.  She kills indiscriminately, and seems completely without empathy or remorse)
 At Sofia’s mansion, Lee is looking at a framed photograph of her and Mario. Lee is wearing fingerless opera gloves.  That’s…definitely a style choice.  I wonder if Lee’s move towards a deliberate and out-of-the-ordinary aesthetic signals a definite move from the move conventional heroic side of things to the more villainous side of the board, which is all about aesthetic.
Sofia says that still Lee is still her sister, even with Mario gone.  Given that she murdered her dad, this doesn’t bode well for Lee.  
Lee smiles and says that’s nice – but clearly not why she was invited.  Sofia smiles back and tells her that while she owns the city, the Narrows never bent the knee.  With this kind of phrasing, and Lee’s fur collar, it’s all gone a bit Game of Thrones. Lee tells her that the Narrows has never bent the knee – but Sofia replies that there’s never been anyone like her.
She wants the Narrows under her thumb – in the form of a 30% tax on all income.  Lee tells her that the people there live hand to mouth, and will never be able to afford this – they’ll starve.  Sofia smiles coldly, and tells her that they all have to make sacrifices, and she wants an answer by the end of the day.
Lee gets up. She offers to kiss the ring, if that’s what Sofia needs – because the 30% tax is impossible.  Sofia tells her she’ll find a way.  Lee remarks that she thought she was all about family.  Sofia stares at her
I never said it was a happy family
At a diner in the Narrows, Alfred reads a paper.  Bruce walks in – but Alfred avoids eyecontact.  Bruce thanks him for agreeing to meet, but Alfred remains grumpy. He tries to talk to him about the annual foundation dinner, but Alfred is snappish
What exactly is it you want from me?
Bruce asks for his help to figure things out – he can’t do this alone.  Alfred refuses.  He tells Bruce he can’t just waltz in here and expect him to go back to washing his smalls and cooking his dinner.  Bruce tells him he’s changed – but Alfred says there’s a difference between showing and telling.  If he shows him, then he’ll reconsider.
Bruce asks how he can do that – but Alfred says that’s for him to figure out.  Oh, fuck off, Alfred.
Bruce pleads – and says he’s asking him as a friend, but Alfred says he’s not his friend – he was his butler, and he fired him.  He leaves, telling the waitress that Bruce will pay for the tea.  Bruce looks lost.
(An aside.  I’m sure I was supposed to see this as tough love, or something – but Alfred just seemed like a dick.  Bruce is basically a big pile of trauma in lanky teenage form, he doesn’t need weird passive-aggressive sulking.  Also – bad writing strikes in that Bruce nearly died a couple of days ago – and knowing that just makes whatever Alfred is doing here look worse.)
Presumably upstairs at Cherry’s, a desperate and dishevelled Ed is rifling through bottles of pill. Nearby, leaning against a wall, BadEd wonders aloud what Lee and Sofia’s meeting is about.  He asks if Ed doesn’t wonder, Lee being the love of his life and all.
Ed impatiently tells him that he and Lee are friends.  BadEd looks him over dismissively, and tells him that
The cuckoo pills won't keep me away
Ed replies that they might not – but they can stop him killing lee.  Walking over to a small table, we see a pile of letters, including the one Oswald wrote last week. Ed opens it, and reads sections out incredulously.
He wants…..Can we be friends?  I’ll never forgive him!
Bad Ed reads the letter over his shoulder and smiles snakily.
I think it’s a nice letter
He poses a riddle to Ed
What has two eyes but can’t see?
Ed stares at him, panicked. BadEd laughs.
Back at Harvey’s bar, where the worst investigation of a killer toxin/plant thing is taking place. Seriously, why don’t they just all make a salad out of it at this point and get stuck in?  No gloves, no masks…..
Jim enters, and asks Lucius where Harvey is – Lucius tells him that he wasn’t here, and Jim helpfully reiterates what the show reminded us of last week – Harvey shot Ivy’s father.   They head off.
Jim and a team of cops break into Harvey’s apartment.  They see Harvey sort of spread-eagled on the couch in.  One of the cops regretfully comments that they’re too late, but Jim shakes his head, and walks towards him – this is just how Harvey sleeps.  Jim wakes him up – because apparently the door being bust open didn’t do that
An irate Harvey asks what the hell is going on, and tells him someone will be paying for that door. Jim tells him Ivy attacked the bar. Harvey asks about the bartender, Donny, by name.  Jim says he’s sorry, and tells him that they have to think he was the target – since he shot Ivy’s dad.  Harvey angrily tells him that he only shot Ivy’s dad to save Jim’s hide
So don't put this on me
Jim, nettled, responds equally angrily
I’m not putting it on you
(An aside – he’s easily nettled because he has guilt brewing about how Harvey fared due to the whole Pyg fiasco, taking shame and humiliation that rightfully belonged to Jim.  At least – I hope he has guilt brewing)
They’re interrupted by a news report, which claims disturbing footage will follow.  It’s Ivy, filming herself.  
Plants love us.  They give us food, shelter – the air we breathe.  What do we do in return?  Kill them. That's our nature.  That's you.  We cause pain.  Everyone I've ever known hurt and betrayed me.  I’ve always known in my heart what I need to do.  I’m giving the city back to the plants - starting with the people who hurt me
(An aside - that's basically everyone – Ivy’s sensitive to slights, and also doesn’t really seem to like humans in general.)
Harvey looks worried
Starting with me
(An aside – Ivy’s improved since last week, when her entire rationale was ‘you hurt plants!’  Now that she’s referring back to her past and experiences, we get something else.  She hates the whole city.  It failed her – we got to see, specifically, how it failed her: watching her end up on the streets.  She’ll show no compassion, because she feels she was shown none.  She’s a good example of the city reaping what it sows – pun not intended)
As the news report is still playing, Jim and Harvey spot a sign in the background for an eatery they recognise, and manage to pin Ivy’s location.  Jim wants to take Harvey to the precinct, but he refuses to hide – he feels responsible.  Jim offers his badge, and Harvey angrily refuses.  He has more contacts in the Narrows than any of them.  He storms out, but then returns quickly – because he forgot to put on trousers.
Lee and Ed somewhere at Cherry’s.  They’re talking and drinking.  Lee is telling Ed about the meeting.  She says it makes no sense: Sofia knows there no money here, Lee offered to bend the knee, Sofia was deliberately asking for something she knew Lee couldn’t give. She wants to punish her.
Ed asks why – but Lee says she doesn’t know.  Ed tells her you can’t fight an enemy whose motivations you don't understand
(An aside – I wonder if this remark will become significant again later?  Feels a bit like it will)
We cut away, and see Ed has hired the Baker Street Irregulars.  He offers them a full set of encyclopedias minus T if they can find out why Sofia wants to punish Lee.  They look unimpressed.  He throws in 20 dollars, and they leap up.
Go get 'em
 A police team breaks into Ivy's lair of plants and discarded sequinned evening gowns.  As Jim looks around, he hears a voice.
Selina is sitting on the windowsill
What’re you gonna do?
Jim does what he does best – other than snarling and grabbing – and gets angrily judgy.
She killed four more people – and you knew where she was staying. If you’d told me, we could have saved their lives.
Oh shut up Jim.  Go contemplate your own trail of dead.
Selina’s having none of him.
Or not.  You couldn't stop her from hypnotising all your cops
Jim asks why she came. Because Selina doesn’t casually dehumanise and discard people, Jim?  Even when they’re behaving in ways she doesn’t like or understand?
Selina says she wants to try to reason with her.  Jim sneers and says she’s a fanatic – but Selina retorts that she’s her friend. Jim looks at her for a moment, and tells her that if she contacts her, then to call him, and he’ll try and bring her in quietly – otherwise, she should stay out of the way.
At that point, his phone rings.  It’s Harvey with a lead.
Harvey is in a big basement? Warehouse?  I dunno.  There’s lots of barrels.  
Harvey tells Jim that Ivy has been hiring muscle.  As he says this, Ivy strolls in.
She’s beautiful, don't you think, Jim?
He points his gun at Jim. Ivy tells Jim to drop his weapon.
Poor Ed is sitting on his bed, breathing heavily, in some discomfort.  He has his head in his hands.
(An aside – looking round, he's assembled a tidy bedroom like a cross between his apartment and lab. He’s really good at using found stuff and making it look nice.  He should totally do this instead of crime – just like Jervis and party planning)
Bad Ed tells him he doesn’t look good, and that he is exceeding recommended dose.  He picks up a pill bottle and starts rhyming off side-effects:
Trembling, cognitive impairment – still, how would you know?
He laughs, and Ed tells him to shut up
Bad Ed says he’s only getting stronger
Ed tells him that he won’t let him take over kill Lee.  Bad Ed replies that he probably will.
(An aside - But why?  They’ve really never made this clear.  The implication before was that he would kill Lee because she was Ed’s last anchor to a sense of his better self.  If he takes over completely, then what purpose would killing Lee after this point serve?)
Bad Ed smirks, and tells him the only way to get rid of him is to kill himself
Ed looks momentarily still as he looks at him
Well – I guess you're smarter than me
Bad Ed stares
You wouldn’t
Ed gains back a little power over him as he replies
Oh yeah
(An aside.  I’m not sure to which extent I’m supposed to feel this – but I just find all this pretty desperately sad.  We’ve seen since the early days that Ed fears BadEd, that he’s bullied and belittled by him.  He’s trying as best he can here to maintain some control over his sense of self, and keep safe someone who has become dear to him.  He’s constantly tired and agitated, and now unwell due to what seems like overuse/misuse of medication.  The brief moment of calm he has at the thought of suicide just broke me.)
 Back with Jim and Harvey. Ivy asks if Jim believes in fate – she went looking for Harvey, and he found her instead.  Then she realised she could make him deliver Jim too.
Jim tells Harvey that she’s controlling him.  Harvey answers.
I kinda like it - sweet surrender
Jim has a brief foray into compassion
You need help Ivy - let me find Selina.  She wants to help you.
Ivy brushes this off and leaves.  She tosses over her should that she has big plans, and tells Harvey to kill his partner, then shoot himself in the head.
Harvey aims at Jim, telling him not to try and talk his way out of it.  Jim tries to distract him
Is Ivy's hair more auburn or scarlet?
Harvey mulls this, and Jim runs.  They run about the warehouse, Jim taunting Harvey to get him to use up his bullets. Harvey is sore about Jim stealing his job. Jim says it was never really his and then lists his screw-ups.  Harvey shoots repeatedly, angry, and Jim is able to evade him until he’s out of bullets, and knock him out.
Sirens.  Bruce is looking for Selina’s help.  She tells him he’s an ass and that she’s busy.  He should go find Alfred. Bruce looks unsettled. Light dawns
You did, and he wanted nothing to do with you
She advises him to apologise to Alfred – whatever happened, she’s sure it was his fault.  She leaves.
 At Cherry’s, Lee and Ed sit opposite each other at a small table.  Ed gives Lee the information he’s found - according to his spies - Sofia and Jim have been carrying on an affair
So, technically, your ex has been sleeping with your dead husband's mafiosa sister.
Funniest line in the episode – narrowly followed by the speed with which Lee responds
Yeah - ok Ed I get it
She starts to hypothesise
If Sofia’s sleeping with the Captain of GCPD it’s a power play, and one that failed, if I’m her next step.  Maybe I should just just give her what she wants - power over Jim.
Ed is startled.
You would do that?
She seems pretty unmoved, and very sincere.
I’m not trying to get back at Jim, though he deserves it.  My job is to make sure the people of the Narrows are safe and I will do everything in my power to ensure that.
Ed looks her in the eyes. He’s completely, totally smitten. I’m not exactly sure how CMS does that ten emotions all at once thing with his eyes, but it’s genuinely amazing. Seriously.
She smiles back at him
Lee – I...
He looks away from her
I… I have to leave
He exits, and Lee stares after him.
(An aside - Lee didn’t look entirely oblivious, there – nor did she seem unreceptive.  I don’t think the notion of her having feelings for Ed is outside the realms of possibility.  If she’s not entertained the idea already, then she’s not outright rejecting it.)
Harvey comes round at the precinct.  Jim asks if he can remember anything. Harvey says Ivy was talking about people who get rich by murdering plants.  Jim remembers that she seemed to have been trying on ‘fancy clothes and shoes’ at her lair.  Don’t hide your light under a bushel with those vague terms, Jim – we all remember those stunning 60s cocktail dresses your subconscious put Barbara in.  You should set up a business on the side.
Jim instructs officers to ring around – try to find what fancy event is on that Ivy might be trying to crash.  Eventually they figure out – the Wayne Foundation charity event.  Jim tells them to assemble a strike force.  Before he leaves, Harvey talks to him
Hey Jim.  I spent too long putting it all on you.  What happened – I’ve only got myself to blame
Not really, Harvey. But anyway.
Jim looks at him and ... still fails to own up.  He says he’ll call, and leaves.
 At the gala, we briefly see a photograph of Bruce’s parents.  Are we ever going to hear more about Martha?  Thomas is mentioned frequently, but they barely discuss Martha.
Still in his black polo neck of angst, Bruce takes to the stage.  The lettering spelling out ‘Wayne Foundation’ is awful.  It’s all uneven.  And I don’t really think much of the ambience of the room, either.  They should have hired Jervis on some day release from Arkham to arrange this.  Woeful.
We see Alfred enter the room, as does Bruce, which makes him stumble over his speech.  He changes what’s on the cards.  He says his parents spent their lives helping people.  He was proud of them and wanted them to be proud of him.  He saw them murdered, but survived because someone in his life kept him going. He was everything to him: teacher, protector, and father.  He hopes he can see that, and give him another chance.
Vaguely shocked applause
Bruce walks to Alfred. Alfred thanks him, and says that meant a great deal.  But he then annoyingly and confusingly tells him that he can’t tell him, not until he accepts who he really is.  Oh no – here it comes – ‘darkness’  chat again. Bruce needs to embrace that, apparently – but not really, because his heart and compassion are his strengths. He needs to accept altruism and darkness but it’s something he must do on his own.  This is terribly confusing, Alfred.  Go buy a parenting book from Amazon or something.  Jeezy Creezy.  No wonder Bruce ends up dressing like a giant bat.
Bruce looks let down and angry
I was stupid for reaching out
He walks away.  And who can blame him?  
 Ivy now takes to the stage
That was quite a speech.  I’m Ivy Pepper.
Panicked murmuring ensues. At least if Jervis had arranged this, you’d probably have had some really lovely hors d’oeuvres by now.  And probably special folded napkins.
Ivy tells them to stay seated and her thugs chain the doors.  Alfred runs.
Some empty space somewhere in Cherry’s.  BadEd is ranting and enraged.  We see Ed standing at a staircase with a noose in his hand
BadEd tells him he can’t do this – but Ed tells him it was his idea.  BadEd tries to play for time
Ok fine - you win - you beat me.  Is that what you want to hear?
Ed tiredly tells him that’s very nice, but he still has to do this.
BadEd is desperate.
Wait – there’s a way to do this where nobody gets hurt!
Ed flatly says he doesn't believe him.  But BadEd insists – there’s a way to save Lee without killing himself.  
Or us
I'm listening.
Back at the function - Ivy comments on the beautiful crimson flowers and tells a man he’s handsome before murdering him.
Bruce is walking away from the room as Jim runs towards it with his strike force. He asks Bruce if Ivy is in there.  Bruce doesn’t think so – but the they hear ruckus, and Jim advances
There’s weeping and panic, and we see the man’s corpse flowering.  Ivy looks blissed out by this, and says she’s going to turn this room into a gorgeous garden.  Alfred tries to attack – but is knocked out.  Ivy looks down at him
A volunteer
The strike force bursts the door open and Jim tells the thugs to drop their guns
Ivy strolls away, telling her men to kill everyone.
(An aside - What is Ivy wearing? Ivy – you are not Blanche Devereaux, and you do not have whatever it is that is required to convincingly wear sequinned palazzo pants.)
Bruce looks in at the chaos. Stealing a mask, he saves Alfred, who was about to be killed.  He tells him that he’s getting him out of here.  Alfred stops him though – telling him people need his help, and this is who he is.  Bruce looks at him, masks himself again, and runs off.
(An aside.  I kind of feel this is the problem with rushing the Batman thing along too fast.  Bruce still really reads as a child.  He’s tall.  He has a deep voice.  But he’s not an adult yet.  We’ve just seen him indulging in a specifically teenage style of self-destructiveness.   As such, telling him to endanger himself like this just comes off as cruel.)
Somewhere else in the building, Bruce watches from shadows, and then takes out a thug.  Jim comes upon this.  He yells at Bruce to drop it and, like, immediately shoots him.  He might as well have yelled drop it afterwards. Wtf? Isn’t there a recognised way to do this where you don’t just immediately shoot the person? He did the same with Krank in the alley.
Bruce is fortunately wearing something bulletproof, gets up, and runs to the roof.  No fucking wonder.  Even if he did try to explain, Jim might just shoot him again before he can inhale and start talking.  Jim chases him to the rooftop, but Bruce is gone.
Ivy’s lair.  She removes the police tape that has been thrown over her plants.  I’ve accidentally killed both of those specific plants in the past.  One of them,  a type of Calathea, is called a prayer plant – because it folds its leaves together at night, like hands in prayer.  Ivy rifles through the mess and finds what she’s after -  a tiny black bag.  
Hear the news?  Crazy Ivy Pepper attacks Wayne Foundation Dinner
It’s Selina.  Ivy tells her it didn't turn out as hoped. Selina affects mock-surprise
What – you didn't get to kill everyone in there?  You got out -you always were a survivor
She looks at her hands
What's in the bag?
It’s the little bag of life and death.  
Nah – it’s the last of the Lazarus water.
Selina nods
So you can make more plants to kill people?  Yeah -  ain't gonna happen
Ivy asks if she’s going to stop her.  Remind her of the old days.  Tell her she’s not this person.  Selina tells her they’re past words and uses her whip to trap her wrist and send the bottle hurtling away.
Ivy sneers – Selina Kyle turns out to be the hero.  Selina tells her
I'm no hero
They fight. Ivy reminds her that one scratch is all it takes, and no antidote this time.  Selina evades her.  Ivy tells her she can’t run – but Selina was picking up the bottle.  She threatens to drop it.  Ivy asks her to stop – tells her she’ll let her leave. Selina mocks her generosity.  She drops the bottle and puts her foot on it, not breaking it - yet.
No!  How can you side with them - all the people who hurt us?  You think they're innocent, they're guilty.  Every person in this city – they spew out poison.  How are you not choking on it?
Selina says the only thing she’s choking on is Ivy’s insanity.  She breaks the bottle.  Ivy screams and wraps her hands round Selina’s neck.
You shouldn't have done that.  You're going to die.
Selina maintains eye contact but tells her to look down.  She has a knife at Ivy’s gut.
Ivy asks her what what happens now.  Do they kill each other?  Selina tells her that’s an option.  Ivy starts to strop a little
You always thought you were better than me
Selina replies
We were friends
Ivy says that was a long time ago, and she’s a different person now.  Selina tells her that this isn’t what she wants and drops the knife. It’s a statement of trust - really, that Ivy still has a better nature somewhere, and she hasn’t altogether given up on that.  Ivy tightens the grip at her throat, but tells her not to get in her way again, before dropping her hands and leaving. Selina watches her go.
 The Narrows, where Sofia is meeting with Lee.
(An aside – wouldn’t she want Butch there?  I know he can’t be, to facilitate what comes next, but even a nod to explain away his absence would be nice.)
Sofia sits down, placing her handbag demurely on the table before her.  It’s a classic one with a clasp closure.  
Lee says she has something more valuable to offer than what Sofia asked for. This turns out to be Jim.
(An aside – Lee is clever, but this is a misstep.  You see Sofia’s eyes widen minutely – she doesn’t like the reminder that she might be losing her grip on him)
Lee says she knows about his other crimes.  Sofia says she has her own dirt – but Lee tells her that she must need more, or she wouldn’t be threatening her. She smiles, confident, and tells Sofia to take her deal.  And now the misstep is way more obvious.  Sofia is quietly livid at the notion of someone seeing her slip up in any way.  Her face hardens, and she tells Lee she has a better way to bring Jim to heel.
Sofia’s men shoot Lee’s guards.  Lee tries to save one, and tells Sofia she’ll never get out of there alive.  Sofia sneers
Your people.  Who do think planted the guns?
Samson enters, and tells Lee she should have killed him.  She really should have.  Sofia tells Lee Samson runs the Narrows now, and points out that Lee’s failure to kill him told her everything she needed to know.
She had her men pin Lee down, and place her hand forcibly on the table.  She talks out a hammer, and tells her that since she’s family, she’ll only do one hand.
Between covering my eyes and yelling ‘fuck!’ repeatdly, I could see that it was very gory – Sofia slamming the hammer into the back of Lee’s hand, mangling it, as she screamed in pain. When she’s done, she tells them to throw her on the streets and let the Narrows see its queen.
(An aside – I’ve talked about this elsewhere, but I think there’s a specific note of jealousy in Sofia’s actions, as well as her wider business concerns. Lee was loved by Mario and accepted by Carmine.  I don’t know how secure Sofia feels of either of those things.)
Jim gets a call telling him about Lee.  We get to the hospital and see him gazing through the window at her.  A medic approaches and asks if he’s family.  Jim looks tired.  There’s a long pause before he replies
I'm a cop
The medic tells Jim Lee wouldn’t say who did it.  Jim says she didn’t have to.
(An aside.  I have to admit – Like Ed, I was surprised earlier that Lee was willing to deliver Jim even more fully into Sofia’s clutches.  I assumed there were residual feelings, and they’d wind up back together, but now I’m not really so sure at all.  That seems underlined here – as Jim stares at her through glass, and disavows any type of bond to her.  I wonder if they have gone past the point of no return?   Especially if Sofia enlightens Jim to the fact that Lee was willing to sell him out.  Not that Jim doesn’t need to feel the salutary sting of what it would feel like to be betrayed  - hopefully it might teach him something – but it might be a nail in the coffin)
 Arkham.  A frazzled-looking Ed sits at a desk.  He’s signing himself in.  The chief medic asks if he’s sure.  Ed just looks tiredly at him
You do know who I am, don't you?
The man tells him to read and sign.  As he does, Ed tells BadEd
I hate that you were right, but it will keep her safe
BadEd repeats his two eyes riddle, as we see Oswald approach the room.
(An aside – Uh, how? Does Oswald just get to wander with impunity?  Did Jerome grant him his special charisma access?  He didn’t seem entirely trusting of him that we last saw.  If he did, does that access extend to stuff like this guy’s office?  Surely pretty easy to escape if he has that, no?  Oswald’s clever.  Or at least – only when the narrative doesn’t need him to be stupid)
Ed is sick of this riddle, and tells him
Who cares?
You should
Oswald enters the room, accompanied by his villainous jangly music.  He’s jubilant and faintly hysterical.
I knew you'd come
Ed is confused.  But Oswald says he’s not talking to Ed,
I’m talking to him.  I’m talking to him.  He laughs. He read my letter.
Bad Ed waves the letter in front of Ed’s face.
Read the first word of each sentence
‘Please bring Ed to Arkham so I can set you free’
Ed looks desperate - cornered.  BadEd repeats
What has two eyes but can't see?
Ed panics
No!  I came here to save lee
Oswald laughs again – bordering on hysteria.
He read my letter
No – I am Edward Nygma.  Lee believes in me and sees me for what I am.
Oswald lunges at his throat and grabs his collar.  
But I see him!  Lee Thompkins made Ed strong, but I see the other you. The one whose name I wouldn't speak.  But because you have earned it and I need your help….
(An aside.  This is a frightful guddle.  Oswald never thought that ‘Riddler’  was a separate persona.  He thought it was an absurd posey name Ed had adopted. The whole point of the grand Oswald/Ed friendship was apparently that Oswald saw BadEd and still thought that was fine and dandy. But now…..Oswald didn’t see that? Or the Riddler isn’t the combined Good and Bad Ed at all?  I understand that Ed’s personality is complex – but it’s important to maintain some kind of consistency in who he is and how people perceive him – otherwise you just end up with a gungey mess like this)
Ed is frantic and begging
No - please
I need you, Riddler
Ed grabs his throat and face
Oswald waits, wide-eyed.
Poor Ed.  We see several expressions chase each other across his face.
He puts the pen down
Shall we get to work?
Oswald laughs
Ed laughs
(An aside - Hmmm.   It’s testament to CMS that a scene with so many wild inconsistencies plays so well.  Ed realises he’s been trapped – but it’s too late.  Or is it?  It’s further testament to him that I think there’s some ambiguity at the end as to the precise nature of the amalgam that’s been created.  It didn’t feel as instant or clean as it might.
This scene is also fairly clearly intended as an echo of Ivy and Selina’s stand-off, right down to the hands on the throat, and the appeals to the sense of history and friendship. The difference here is that while Selina genuinely wanted to help Ivy, and while Ivy showed Selina mercy – this is not the case with Ed and Oswald.  Oswald shows Ed no mercy – despite his begging and pleading. Unlike Selina, Oswald wants to exacerbate his old friend’s insanity to get what he wants.  I suppose you could say that Oswald owes Ed nothing, not after what he did to him – and, indeed, he doesn’t.  
Still, it all seems rather ugly and selfish and sad, somehow.)
The kitchen at Wayne Manor. Alfred asks Bruce how he made it off the roof. Bruce tells him the fire escape.  He then asks why he ran from Jim.  Because Jim has a fucking twitchy trigger finger, Alfred, that’s why.  
Bruce says he doesn’t know. He says he wants to help people, and if that means accepting every part of himself, he will - it’s what his parents would have wanted
Would they fuck, Bruce. Your parents would not want this weird psychological assault course Alfred has you attempting.
Alfred tells him his parents would have been proud of him – that he’s proud.  He rises.  Bruce offers him a lift back to Gotham, but Alfred tells him he’s home.
 At GCPD, Harvey looks out over the desks.  Jim approaches.  Harvey congratulates him – he saved the day.  That’s why he’s captain and Harvey’s a 50-year-old screw-up pouring shots.  
Jim grimaces.
There’s a reason all right – but not what you think.  I screwed up bad, and I need your help to make it right. Sofia hired Pyg - and I knew.  I knew and I covered it up.
He’s teared up a little, but now he straightens up
And now I'm going to take her down
Harvey just looks at him.  I’m not so sure I saw forgiveness there, if I’m honest.
(An aside – Jim’s big moment here is undermined by how quickly he leaps to the notion of taking Sofia down.  It reads less like penance and making amends, and more like shifting the blame to the ‘real’ villain.  But Sofia was only ever in town because Jim went to Carmine in the first place.  I still don’t feel like he’s taking full responsibility for his actions.)
 General Observations
 Jim is making sort of vague movements towards making amends in confessing to Harvey – but it’s really not massively convincing.  Harvey pointed out, last week, that Jim’s desire to confess is more down to Jim’s need to confess – rather than a genuine desire to make amends.  He’s on a mission to take Sofia down, now – but, as I said, I still don’t think he’s anywhere near redemption.
Not a lot of Oswald, this week.  I note that – Oswald’s desperation to leave Arkham aside, and that was there anyway – there’s not really one real repercussion of that prolonged and unpleasant storyline with Jerome here.  Not one.  You’d almost think it was unnecessary.  
Aside from that, never mind what version of Ed we had - which version of Oswald was this?  I can buy that Oswald is desperate enough to escape that he’s temporarily willing to be completely pragmatic – putting small matters like, say, digging up his father’s corpse to one side.  But there are other logistical problems.   Previously, Oswald thought that the whole notion of The Riddler was Ed being a poseur – but now he totally gets that the Riddler is the source of Ed’s villainous genius?  And given how thoroughly dreadful Ed was on his last visit, why exactly would he think that any aspect of Ed’s dark side was being repressed?  On top of that, let’s hope he’s got a back-up plan for when he gets out, because if he should have learned anything, it’s that Ed has a sadistic streak, and would betray him for laughs – or even just to make the point that Oswald does not get to summon him to Arkham to do his bidding.
As for Ed, his story just made me… sad, if I’m honest. He’s not my favourite character, but watching him desperately trying to hit on a combination of pills that will keep Lee safe and buy him some peace, watching him willing to kill himself to do the same, to escape the incessant harassment of a version of himself that he fears – it was genuinely sad.  Ed’s ill, and he knows he’s ill.  
We’ve seen a few points, over the years, where Ed has tried to get help.  He tentatively told Kristen, on their first date, that he heard voices in his head – but she misunderstood him.  He seemed to be improving in Arkham, to the point that he had apologised to Oswald for turning him away, but was still plainly ill – and looked bleakly at the doctor who told him he was sane.  We see him struggle, here, to maintain control over his compulsions. But nevertheless, here he is again.  Ed’s been not waving, but drowning, for a very long time.
I was honestly surprised, as I said, to see Lee willing to sell Jim’s secrets – but I guess it’s a sign of how far her story has moved on.  She’s clever, and engaged ably with Sofia, but – at the moment, does not possess the ruthlessness to take her down, as Sofia herself pointed out.  From spoilers, it sounds like she is going to cross that line soon.  In crossing that line, there might also be common ground created with Ed (whatever version of him we have now), and as discussed above, I don’t think she seemed entirely closed off to the notion of him as a romantic option.
Selina and Ivy’s scene was one of the strongest – harking back to their shared past.  Ivy is much improved now they’ve moved away from femme fatale and just made her indiscriminately lethal.  A reassertion of Selina’s character was likewise welcome after getting lost in the boring catsuitted vortex of the Sirens’ storyline.  It’ll be interesting to see what happens when they next encounter each other.
I’m not wildly engaged by Bruce right now.  Sorry. I feel sorry for him – but the reasoning behind Alfred’s behaviour is absent.
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sweetwriting · 7 years
Tim Drake Week 2017 - Day 4: Enemies / Family
Category : Gen
Genre : Angst / Fluff / Family
Fandoms : DC Comics, Batman (1940), Detective Comics, Young Justice (1998), Robin v4 (1993), Superman - Batman (2003), Teen Titans (2003)
Continuity : Post-Crisis/Pre-Flashpoint
Summary : Tim always wanted a family but things aren't that simple. Or are they ?
Author’s notes : This one's a little longer than I expected (I try to do less than 1000 word each) I hope you'll enjoy it.
Word Count : 2251
To read it on AO3
There were many Rogues in Gotham, but each of its vigilantes had their own nemeses among them. Well Tim only had one. One whom, strangely, none of the other members  of the Batfam had ever gone against (and while they were all competent he was a special breed which would be hard to overcome for anyone other than him, Bruce or Barbara, well even for him it was hard), two if you added Ra's Al Ghul on the list after Ulysses but Tim wasn't sure whether to call him a nemesis or a creepily obsessed stalker (he had sent him a woman to bear his heir and if this wasn't a creepily obsessive behavior then what was). Well and King Snake but it was a whole can he'd rather avoid opening.
But Tim had held his own against them all. And especially against the Joker.
Sure the Joker wasn't the worst of them all really (honestly in Tim's mind Scarecrow, Ulysses, and the Riddler were on top of the list), but he was the one who had murdered Robin and seeing Robin back, well…He might have developed a bit of an obsession too even if, weirdly he never seemed that tempted to act on it aside from their first encounter.
His first meeting with Scarecrow (who was Dick's own Gotham nemesis) had been quite something too since it was thanks to that encounter that Batman had allowed him to become Robin. Though now that he was older and more -or less depending on how you see it- emotionally stable he was trying to remember if the hallucinations he had seen were due to a bit of the gas reaching him or not (he had thought Conner was another hallucination back in Paris after all).
And of Course Two-Face, the first time he met Bruce and Alfred…How had they never realized Tim wasn't alright is beyond him now that he's started introspecting on his life as Robin since the very beginning.
Finally, the Riddler. He may not have faced him much but Tim would be lying if he didn't admit that, despite the lives hanging in the balance, he couldn't help but enjoy trying to solve those riddles (to this day his favorites were the ones on baseball and that time he had to team up with Wally).
Of course he had face them all but, some like Penguin were a real pain but they weren't that important to him. Others like Selina or Ivy were different because Selina had, at least partially settled down (and was usually pretty nice to him even if she loved mocking him) and he couldn't help but feel for Ivy's crusade.
The biggest one though had been Jason Todd (and Damian Wayne). Because Bruce was still so attached to him and Tim had tried, he had freed Jason because he chose to let his own issues go and give Jason a chance. What a bad idea that was. Apparently the pit Madness was still present. Even if it had lessened.
Now. Now however Jason seemed to have slightly settled. And Tim still felt the guilt for letting him go too soon but he had still let go of most of his resentment toward him. So sure Jason wouldn't be his family (maybe one day but at most Tim believes they'll be cordial to each other), but at least he and Bruce were making progress and really that's what matters even if… Tim had always wanted a family. It was easier to admit now that he had finally mourned his father, but he never really gave him one. First he and his mother kept leaving him behind, then Jack was forced to stay and still had the reflex to leave him behind when he wanted to -even if for lesser lengths of time- and got angry when Tim had to cancel at the last minute. Tim now realized the depth of the hypocrisy his father had shown back then. The anger he always directed at Tim for simple mistakes. Tim realized it now, because he followed some courses on parenting to be of at least some use to his Neon Knights Program (also Conner had convinced him to see a therapist who treated the few heroes who admitted they needed the help and seeked resolution. Bruce had, of course, verified all their references before Tim could even think about it, after all if they had been helping Kon they were probably good -and Conner seemed to feel so much better). He realized now that his parents had been neglectful and that his father managed to be both neglectful and verbally abusive (and physically violent even if it was never directed at Tim's body, it was still only directed at Tim's stuff).
So he wanted a family and when he was 9 he started projecting on Dick, because Dick had hugged him when he was still pretty much a baby and he had been so happy and Dick was Robin, and he had been taken in by Bruce Wayne, by Batman and he seemed so happy. And not long after this Jason joined and, well Tim didn't know him so he mostly focused on him as Robin.
And then he really met them and, of course they weren't a family. It was a job and Tim still wanted his parents to be the ones taking care of him. Still he and Bruce got closer, especially after his father became comatose and his mother died. Because there was no way to know when he'd wake up and Bruce and Alfred took care of him and, sure it was more like going to your grandparents with your uncle than anything else but it was the closest Tim had had to a real family since he had been 4 or 5. And Dick. It took about a year but Dick became Tim's big brother, and oh how he loved him. Dick was easily one of the most important people in Tim's life, the one person (with Conner and Bart) he thought would never hurt him. Of course he ended up being wrong but he still loved him so much and Tim shouldn't feel so betrayed for one little mistake but he couldn't help himself (according to his therapist though he should have a talk with Dick because apparently it wasn't just one simple mistake but, Tim didn't want to ruin the fragile status quo they had reached. Of course he knew his therapist was right but he just couldn't do it).
Now Dick was obviously the biggest influence on him, but one shouldn't forget Alfred Pennyworth, who was the one person everybody loved and no one could refuse him anything. Alfred loved everyone so much and they all know it. If there's one thing that they knew it was that.
One of the thing that surprises Tim the most is the number of sisterly figures he gained : Barbara who was like a mom sometimes, whom he shared a passion for computers with, one of the rare people who was more intelligent than him. Helena who was one of the first people he teamed up with and who had become a sort of on and off sisterly figure to him (who allowed him to raid her fridge), he only partially trusted her on the field, but if you put aside her murdering streak she was genuinely one of the most compassionate people he met (as long as you weren't a criminal). Finally Cassandra Cain who had just come back to Gotham had really intimidated him at first, not especially because of her skills and efficiency (though there was that) but because of her kind heart and strong will which made him ashamed of his own. But he got past it and things weren't always good but he loves her so much, she's one of his favorite people in the world. And he's so glad he accepted to see a therapist because she convinced him to *force* a little reconnection with them and they're all amazingly supportive.
He misses Harold, who was great company when he was around despite his lack of speech. He misses Ace, the Bat Hound who was the only pet he was ever allowed to have (he could hep but be jealous of Damian's zoo as he was never even allowed to keep a cat for a night and he had never dared ask his parents for one before, at least not since he was a kid and decided they wouldn't be able to take care of a pet and that they didn't want to take one and have to take it back if Tim grew bored…He couldn't help make a parallel now and it's one of those times he wishes he had never gone to that therapist). He misses Steph even if he now realized how unhealthy they were being. It might have been better if they had been friends (if he hadn't tried to run from the drama with Ariana), according to his dear therapist one of their biggest issues was the imbalance in power due to Tim mentoring Steph at the beginning, maybe now they could work on that and start being friends. Not to forget Dana, his sweet step-mother. She was still in a mental institute but Metropolis was a lot better for her health than Blüdhaven was (not that it was a surprise) and he had -finally- introduced her to some of his fellow Titans. She of course fell in love with Bart and Kon who were "sweet and thoughtful". One day she even took them aside and they discussed something that none of them ever revealed to him, but whichever it was, it obviously made them all happy (and really as long as they were happy he didn't care that much what had happened). He and Damian still didn't get along but they did have a sort of truce now (mostly because Damian's pets liked it when Tim petted them and it probably did more for Tim's cause than anything else ever could. On his side Tim had admitted to himself all the progress Damian had done and it was easier to not see him as a threat).
Then there were his friends. Young Justice had felt like a holiday camp sometimes, it was mostly fun and Tim couldn't help but wish he had been able to be himself completely and not just the Robin part of him. Back then it felt like they were all a bunch of (un)disciplined siblings and cousins. Then Donna died and…Well things got hard. Cassie who already had anger issues became worse and… he still can't believe they dated when they never really saw each other as anything but siblings (it says a lot about what Conner's death did to them and…Well he only started on this part with his therapist but at some point, they had had a weird knowing smile that felt slightly out of place). He loved Cassie but not in a romantic way and he felt honestly disturbed every time that week-end wass brought up. Bart was like a little brother whom he had mentored for a while, he was a true and tried genius when it came to engineering and computer programming. Tim would be jealous if he wasn't so proud of everything Bart had accomplished (or simply happy that Bart was alive), some of the Titans usually joked that Bart was the Baby friend to Tim's Dad Friend Trope and to Conner's Mom Friend one (they didn't know that Tim and Conner had done it long ago and he never realized how right he was).
And of course Conner. His best friend still loved to mock him (and it went both ways, Tim never missed his shot), but they were even closer than before. When he died Conner had been away for a couple of weeks and refused his calls because he felt guilty for breaking his arm (and other things which...honestly were too big to start thinking about). But before that he had been one of the rare people able to convince Tim that he wasn't a bother and that he should talk to him/them when something weighted him down (of course he still needed a push but he accepted it gladly). And Tim knew that, likewise, he was one of the rare people Conner felt comfortable talking about his harshest fears and issues with. Despite this, or maybe because of it, Conner was probably the healthiest relationship Tim has ever had with anyone (even Bart and Cass) because they didn't hesitate to talk about things that were wrong between them (not that there were many to begin with) and they actually dealt with them and that before even going to a therapist, they had even gone to a session together once, they had joked that it was couple counselling and the therapist told them that a lot more friends should do it because whether it's romantic or platonic every relationships need work. But, apparently theirs didn't because they naturally (or not, apparently it's mostly thanks to an advice Conner got from the then supergirl that they started having healthier reflexes) dealt with their issues. So yeah lots of love and support there. It was nice to have at least one person he could entirely trust and rely on.
And Tim couldn't help it but, it gave him hope for the future.
Author’s Note 2 : Hope you enjoyed it. As most of my works it was unbeta-ed.
For the physically violence toward Tim's stuff, I don't remember the number of the issue but there was at least once when Jack broke Tim's TV because Tim was distracted by it. (if I remember correctly it was after Jack grounded Tim because he refused to listen to Tim's explanation after Ariana's uncle called him and Tim was stuck in his room so he was watching the news which are, admittedly slightly more important than his father coming to explain to Tim how it was his fault that Jack ended up reacting this way...A++ Father Jack)
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