#is abortion bad
pintadorartist · 6 days
“A House panel advanced the Kids Online Safety Act bill, also known as KOSA, on Wednesday, pushing forward legislation intended to boost online privacy and safety for children.”
1) sign this petition and share it everywhere on social media @Twitter @Tiktok @Reddit https://www.youthagainstkosa.com/
2) call house leadership (see numbers here). This is a VERY important step. Again, use these call scripts: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IyBUe6frFGF44rJQU3TahZ5zyG3tC7jai_hPneAKlnM/edit
3) Call the House Energy and Commerce Committee Here
There is a very big possibility this passes. We HAVE to put pressure on leadership and these politicians and show them this is a poision bill that WILL HARM children.
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liaragaming · 2 months
The problem with Solas' view of Mythal
Listen, this has been bugging me for a while, and I finally found a way to articulate it...
In Trespasser, Solas sounds completely devoted to her. And he's so bitter discussing her murder. It's almost like he didn't rebel to free the slaves but to avenge her. (He says he wrote that story "in desperation," so I'm not sure.)
In the Inquisition post credits, he takes Mythal's power, and in his mural he paints it as a betrayal. But it also seems like she gave him permission? She knows he needs her power, and there's no doubt in my mind she could stop him from taking it if she wanted. And we saw her put a soul through the eluvian. She's planned and prepared for this. And he's so wrapped up in his own grief that he doesn't see it.
And she tells him she's "sorry as well." And I don't think she's commiserating with him. It's almost like she's apologizing for something she's done that he doesn't realize? Solas thinks he's done something terrible, but I think he did exactly what she wanted him to do.
Like, I'm sure Solas believes Lavellan loves an idealized version of him that isn't true. But I'm thinking maybe he needs to look into a mirror about Mythal?
We've known Flemeth for three games. She always has a plan. She was waiting for you to come kill her in Origins. Just because she was curious about what you and Morrigan would do. You didn't just happen to be the only Grey Wardens she could save. She hand-picked you. Just like she did Hawke.
And Solas comes to this woman at the end of Inquisition thinking he stabbed her in the back??? Honey, sweetie, do you know this woman at all???
I have so many alarm bells going off in the back of my head.
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crosshairslongasslegs · 6 months
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brzaski · 2 years
on March 14th 2023, a Polish abortion activist Justyna Wydrzyńska was sentenced to eight months of community service for helping a woman in an abusive relationship access abortion pills
Poland has one of the strictest abortion laws in Europe.
if you can, please consider donating to ADT, the organisation that helps people in Poland access abortion!
edit: i see this post got reblogged into the terf teritory. ADT is trans friendly. please just donate and be quiet <3
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alighterwithlove · 2 months
if you talk to the average conservative voter, they'll always talk about their conservative representative with unabashed enthusiasm. "this guy is supporting my rights!!!!!" even when the representative is very much not supporting their voting constituents' rights in some cases (ie. poor white ppl not realizing they're getting poorer because of their representative)
and I bet that's why conservative candidates are so good at winning. any person listening to their voters only gets a great impression of the candidate.
and if you talk to the average liberal/leftist voter, they all hem and haw. "oh yeah, I voted for them but they're Okay, they're Disappointing. they haven't done this. they haven't done that." and I bet if you fucking pressed them to state some Good Beneficial Legislation they've passed, either the voter 1. can't name any, or 2. has to attach caveats. ("yeah biden passed student loan forgiveness BUT not ALL loans were forgiven")
why aren't we ever excited about incremental progress. why aren't we cheering to the sky about every win. maybe more people would vote if there was genuine excitement, the same type of excitement that conservative voters seem to have about anything labeled "conservative".
I'm just so fucking tired of hearing ppl be like "I'm just disillusioned with my leftist representative" EVERY TIME but are DEAD SILENT on the small victories, the progress. conservatives know how to do this, and that's why they build momentum into the next election. why does this seem impossible for the other side.
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muninnhuginn · 10 months
The thought that goes into the fake science in dungeon meshi can be something so special actually. Using golems to explain crop rotation and how removing predators from an ecosystem can have knock-on effects. Talking about symbiotic relationships and parasites too! And characters are actually interested in the science so they keep explaining about it. Finally, some exposition I can get behind.
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destroyplaydestroy · 4 months
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“I love Stan the Man with all my heart!”
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qqueenofhades · 11 months
Going to cautiously posit that if they're moving toward calling Kentucky for Beshear (incumbent Democratic governor) in a blindingly red state Trump won by 30 points, in an off-year election, about 30 minutes after polls close statewide, that is a Good Sign.
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sher-ee · 2 months
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Whatever you do don’t sit this election out.
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fixing-bad-posts · 3 months
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When a woman brags about her abortion, remember to accept that she is forever the goal. I heart her, pro-choice.
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zorosdimples · 7 months
telling a man to nut inside but he pulls out anyway because “abortions are expensive”
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anyataylorjoys · 11 months
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fromtheseventhhell · 1 year
It's a fact that Dany's story is riddled with violence against women of color and that she's the perpetrator in several cases, so mentioning her race is actually necessary (Sansa being white has no bearing on her story because again, she never hurt or killed any woc). Besides burning Mirri, r*ping Irri and torturing the wineseller's daughter, she also slaps Eroeh in the face. She looted one city, destroyed another to gain an army of slaves, took over another one for a trial run at ruling and plans to abandon it to invade and destroy a continent that she (and the thousands of warlords she's bringing with her) has never been to to demand fealty from people who don't want her as their queen. Why don't you at least acknowledge that Dany is written as a villain and that your hatred of Sansa is, by comparison, irrational?
It's ironic that the biggest criticism of how George writes characters of color is that he uses them in service of white characters' arcs and that's exactly what you've decided to do in my inbox. Nothing about liking these characters, wanting to see more of their stories, or wanting better for them. Nothing about wanting to start a conversation about the racism in George's writing. Nope. Just you using these characters of color and their suffering, which you supposedly care about, as props because you feel a "pure", white character is being unfairly hated. I have to laugh. The only "hate" I've given to Sansa is disliking her annoying stans and pointing out how she's written in the books but apparently, that's enough to have you clutching your pearls.
And the thing about racism is that, for Dany to be capable of being racist, it would mean that race HAS to be a factor in their society. That would mean that Sansa, as a white woman, would subsequently benefit from her white identity. Which is why I found that so funny from the first ask you sent. You can't just decide that race is only a factor in a single character's story. I get it though, you haven't actually thought any of this through because your only motivation is to put down Dany and prop up Sansa. This is how I know you don't care at all about racism and you're just copying talking points you've heard instead of thinking for yourself.
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pintadorartist · 7 days
The markup for KOSA is tomorrow. This is a very vital moment. Here are some action steps to do:
1) sign this petition and share it everywhere on social media @Twitter @Tiktok @Reddit https://www.youthagainstkosa.com/
2) call house leadership (see numbers here). This is a VERY important step. Again, use these call scripts: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IyBUe6frFGF44rJQU3TahZ5zyG3tC7jai_hPneAKlnM/edit
3) Call the House Energy and Commerce Committee Here
There is a very big possibility this passes. We HAVE to put pressure on leadership and these politicians and show them this is a poision bill that WILL HARM children.
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irhabiya · 1 month
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the stillborn, arwa salih
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alicentsaegon · 1 year
From a character perspective I can't fathom WHAT Rhysand's motivation/endgame was. Feyre was going to die. THE BABY WAS GOING TO DIE. Feyre's pregnancy was doomed from the begging because of the wings, and apsolutely nothing could be done. Rhysand himself was going to die. What reason did he have to hide it from his mate. To avoid making her sad? So having her bleed out confused is somehow better. He's immortal and has not had a wife or children for centuries despite being High Lord, surely he could wait a few more. The need for an heir was not urgent. Like what was the POINT does SJM not have an editor or anyone with reasonable thinking ability to advise her against this entire plot
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