#is candy crush still a thing tho lol
liliththeimp · 4 days
sum ghosts hc’s :3 pt 1–SFW
Once again back at it with my SAS wife cos my brain is rotting like disintegrating cotton candy so here are some headcannons i made (posted on ao3 but thought they deserved a bit recognition here too lol)
Now these are just some personal hcs ive made or seen that i liked; the numbered sfw hcs are going to tie into the nsfw hcs, for clarification!!
He loves music, like anything 70’s to 90’s in a sense? Like, sum pink floyd or shinedown (ik but it stuck after an ai chat and i cant fucking let it go-) nu metal, death/black metal, gothic metal, throw in some thrash/groove metal- anything with metal really
Onto my next point, he’s good at guitar, like really good, he has a gibson guitar he named (idfk what he named it, probably after you tho lmao)^1
He’s a straight up asshole, like, blunt calls everyone cunts, he’s just a a British as shoe dude what did you expect. But the funny thing is, if you end up cursing him out like a sailo he will find that as a major turn on ^2
Simple man doesnt like complicated food, just a normal burger and fries and he’ll be grateful. And if you cook good luck he eats like a bear (how else u think he’s bulky???)
He likes winter over any season bc its the opposite of where he’s been, though allergies/sickness do annoy the shit out of him cus he sneeze into his mask and it pisses him off
Likes milkshakes and i won't expand on that.
He’s a big softy for like small gifts, he may not show it but that macaroni necklace he called stupid? He has it on his night stand so it wont get ruined. You got a bracelet you gave him three months ago? He wears it everyday.
Pretty testing and bully-ish, but will just become a stuttering mess when you tame him, the slight blush peeing through his balaclava will give you enough lee way to make him fall in love with you
“blink mf.” 
Stares down new recruits, no exceptions- when he sees you, he ends up staring more
Knows some ASL when he’s not exactly in a talkative mood (not gonna say non-verbal bc, i doesnt fit him? he’s just like middle finger up to say fuck you, thats his sign language lmao)
Pretty big book worm in his free time
Fast learner at anything, i imagine he has a hard time remembering shit bc of his trauma n shit will do that to ya, but if he watched something long enough he can get it down.
Likes some spicy food
Doesn't do video games, he just doesnt think their any fun
OMFG this man- he makes fucking BACON in his GRILLED CHEESE. I argued with him (literally only with a fucking AI bot like some looser but my point still stands;) about how that's an abomination, grilled cheeses are meant for, and paired ONLY with tomato soup, sometimes chicken noodle. but he believes it the most delicious thing, he’s not putting watered down ketchup next to his beautiful creation.
Stubborn and pouts easily, you say something he doesnt realize is a joke he hold onto that grudge. “Why are you so upset right now? What did i do?” He huffed, uncrossing his arms “you didnt hold the door for me and I slammed my face! You didnt even apologize!!” You blinked, lips pressing into a thin line “are you fucking 5.”
his love languages is more quality time than physical touch- but Jesus Christ this man will get clingy af once he trusts you (after he takes off his mask fully 4 the first time, he trusts you with his whole heart- dont break it pwease- hes hes jus a little guy)
Ok really like bully breed dogs, like his favorite.
loves to hold your hand, like if you wrap your hand around two of his fingers specifically, he’ll turn into a blush mess and so so prideful, (like big softy friendly giant who could totally crush you- and he’s like so gentle) ^3
Gives a lot of thought before he compliments you, like studies the way you do things- like, hair clips, clothes, colors, make up, shoes, etc etc, he loves to study your features.
Can cook- like, really good- but ends up ordering takeout or pizza cos he’s lazy
On his trips, like when he get deployed longer than a couple of months, he brings back sand for you from the places he’s been and you have a small shelf full of small files of the sand (unlabeled btw, you just know which is which)
tries not to get angry or lash out or get like, cold or distant with you bc he really cares he’s just scared of fucking up and you leaving once you see how broken he is
Does all those horrible jokes, his voice is slow and gruff and just- gravelly? Like, he talks like the Grimm reaper himself and makes a yo mama joke
Doesn’t know how to ask for attention so he’ll come up behind you and tug a strand of your hair or nudge you- shit he’s thrown pillows at you then stares at you with a straight face “cuddles.”
“Not arguing with a dude with big brown eyes. Like, whatever you say beautiful”
he loves eye contact wen talking about serious shit- like, complimenting you, or saying i love you, he wants you to look him in the face and understand how much he means it….yet you turn into a blushing stuttering mess when he does, and he laughs to himself ^4
Stares at ‘settings’ on his phone to avoid social situations. Argue with the wall.
in the thickest, most unintelligible, uninterpretable British accent possible “YA KNO’ WHAT YOU DIR’Y ‘ITTLE CUNT—”
Incoherent British slang, colonizer alphabet soup if you will.
plays hello kitty island adventure or cooking mama un-ironically
Can’t spell “gynecologist” (geneycologist/ gin-i-colo-gist) or “bologna” (balaonie/ balony)
If there’s ever a baby in the store or something, and the baby is staring at him, he’ll make funny faces (mainly cross his eyes and makes small sounds)
doesn’t think he’ll be a good dad, but still thinks about it- believes he’s not good enough for a family ^5
Anywho continue onto part 2 here for spic stuff you perv >:3
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wc-m0ch4 · 2 years
Silver the Hedgehog x gn! Reader Headcanons
This was self-indulgent lol I love Silver (and Shadow but we'll get to that 😏😈 )
⁂ He fucking adores you
⁂ Follows you around and asks about what you’re doing all the time
⁂ Pretty clingy but after Blaze talks to him he tries his best to give you some space when needed
⁂ Probably gets you little trinkets and what not, usually nature related (“Y/n, look! I found this cool rock on the beach earlier today! You can have it if you want.”)
⁂ You get him some packets of seeds and he goes bonkers
⁂ “Y/n! The lilies sprouted today! Which flower do you think will be next?”
⁂ There aren’t really any plants or greenery in the future... or anything alive, honestly
⁂ He already was fighting for a better future but now that he has you, he’s ten times more determined
⁂ “I’ll make sure our future is good, then, we can grow all the flowers we want, and everyone can come and look at them!”
⁂ Silver likes to borrow your clothes; they smell like you and they’re comfortable
⁂ Helps you around the house with chores and stuff using his telekinesis
⁂ You don’t want to sweep? He’s got it.
⁂ He likes physical touch and words of affirmation
⁂ Cuddling while you pet his head and compliment him 😩🙏🙏
⁂ He likes holding hands and just clinging to you in general. If you let him, he’ll sit in your lap or have you carry him around
⁂ If you’re a human you're like double his height so if you bend/crouch down to talk to him he gets super flustered
⁂ As much as he loves physical contact, he’s not a huge fan of PDA, social anxiety and all that
⁂ He’ll always hold your hand but if you see him glancing around, please don’t be offended. He loves you he’s just nervous someone will make some snide remark about him or, God forbid, you
⁂ On that note, he’ll capture anyone on the spot with his telekinesis if they insult/hurt you until they apologize
⁂ Silver is always ready to listen if you need to vent and try to make you feel better
⁂ Not the best if you want actual advice (You should probably go to Blaze for that) but will try to calm you down
⁂ Speaking of Blaze, Silver will be so nervous that she won’t like you. She’s a little cold at first, sticking to small talk and formalities for a while, but eventually she comes around. Once Blaze has given her stamp of approval Silver is so excited
⁂ He’ll plan out little friend outings with you three (and is even more excited if Blaze and you are laughing and chatting like real friends)
⁂ Of course, not every outing will include Blaze, but he does want to occasionally include her
⁂ Something I think would be funny is how you two would handle bugs
⁂ Silver would be terrified so either
A) You’re fine with them and he’ll ask you to catch them (not kill them cuz even tho he’s scared of them he still values their life) Or
B) You’re also terrified and it’s just you two screaming while you stand on the couch
⁂ You gotta introduce him to modern things, you just gotta
⁂ In the future, he doesn’t have social media, music, or just the internet in general
⁂ Any pop culture references go straight over his head
⁂ Introduce him to Tik Tok and he’ll be on that shit for HOURS
⁂ Definitely asks if you have games on your phone LMAOO (probably plays Candy Crush or something lol)
⁂ He gets insecure sometimes if you’re a human cuz he's a hedgehog so just reassure him that you’re not gonna leave him and give him a big hug
That's all I got for today, I lowkey forgot I had a Tumblr LMAO
Anyways, send in a request if you want something written (I mostly do headcanons for stuff, it's just easier)
I have a list of fandoms that I'm in/will write for so go nuts lol
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materassassino · 2 years
Idk if you’re still taking prompts (I follow you on Twitter) but I would love 12. “It looks good on you.” With dinluke if you’d like…no pressure tho ofc!
Probably nothing like what you had in mind, but my brain is refusing to engage today, lol.
Send me a pairing and a prompt!
To say it was a surprise would have a gross understatement. It was a shock to the very core, the sort where a good hit with a woodoo feather would’ve knocked Cobb flat on his ass. Not only was Mando married, but it was to the Larses’ wide-eyed runt, Wormie Skywalker. Who, granted, had filled out nicely in the years since the Lars homestead was burnt to the ground and he’d vanished. Were Jedi supposed to wear pants that tight? Cobb wasn’t sure. He wasn’t complaining, anyway, a nice ass was a nice ass.
He threw back his – fifth? He’d stopped counting a hot minute ago – glass of Luranian brandy (the good stuff, fit for a king, Cobb supposed wryly) and eyed the way Mando was staring at his personal piece of arm candy. He couldn’t read shit through the helmet, but he could damn well read body language and Mando’s made him smirk. He was besotted, it was easy enough to tell. Across the room, Skywalker was dancing with his sister (a long-lost twin, like something from a cheap holodrama), spinning her in a circle and laughing all bright and blinding.
“You’re eatin’ him with your eyes under that helmet, huh?” Cobb said, teasing. Mando startled, turning to look at him, shoulders suddenly tense – flustered.
“N-no,” he lied, making Cobb snort.
“Sure you are, can tell a mile away. Take a blind man not to notice.” He raised his glass at the bartender, who swooped over to give him a refill. “Don’t be ashamed, Mando. He’s your husband, you can look all you want.” He quirked his eyebrows suggestively.
Mando dipped his head, staring pointedly at the floor now, very much not at Skywalker. Cobb really hadn’t expected the man to be so damn coy about it, like a schoolkid with his first crush. It was adorable, actually. Throughout the evening Cobb had had his perception of Mando completely turned on its head: this wasn’t the same man that strode into Freetown and demanded the armour off his back, willing or not. Scratch that, it probably was, but that Mando had been in a different place. A place of fear, distant from everyone except the kid, off on an uncertain quest with an uncertain outcome. This Mando, the Mando beside him now, well… he had stability. He seemed serene, not glancing warily over his shoulder, not stoic and distant. They’d conversed, which had been as much a shock to Cobb as the whole marriage thing. And while Cobb could have been a little bitter, a little jealous, that the person to draw that out wasn’t him, there wasn’t much of a point. Plenty more scurriers in the Dune Sea, after all.
The brown Wookiee headed over to the dancefloor and handed the kid to Skywalker, and Mando’s helmet rose again, locked on the sight.
Skywalker was cradling the kid like he was born to, probably asking a question, because little Grogu clapped his hands excitedly and Skywalker laughed. He then began to sway to the new song that had just started, and Cobb heard a small intake of breath, crackled through a modulator, beside him. He grinned.
“It looks good on you,” he said.
“What does?” Mando asked, confused. He didn’t tear his gaze away from husband and son, stilled transfixed by the sight of them.
“Settlin’ down.” Cobb downed his shot and gave Mando a clap on the pauldron. “Go dance, fool.”
Mando tensed. “I don’t dance,” he mumbled.
“What kind of man doesn’t dance with his own husband!?” Cobb exclaimed with a gasp, and Mando seemed suitably chagrined by that. “Go on! Get!”
Cobb watched him awkwardly hurry off, leaning back against the bar and chuckling to himself. At least it was another Tatooine boy that snatched him up. He’d claim that as victory by proxy.
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ahamkara-apologist · 5 months
Some quick Aeris facts for y'all before I go to bed:
-Really likes lemon-flavored candies and lemon cake. Also a big fan of those fluffy donut holes with powdered sugar on top of them
-Very soft-spoken and usually mumbles when he talks, if he talks at all (yeah I based a lot of him off the Guardian in-game, but the Guardian's voice in game is super deep and that always takes me out LOL). He's also very blunt and has a hard time not sounding either deadpan or having a slightly off cadance to his voice, and most of his 'snappy comebacks' are from action movies or watching other guardians. Because his humour is extremely dry and he has a soft spot for puns, its sometimes hard to tell if this is deliberately done for comedic effect or copied because he's trying to come off as cool
-Will also infodump about his friend's interests and studies if prompted and in a good mood, and enjoys being infodumped to in turn. It gives him a starting-off point for him to engage in a conversation without Ghost's or Marcie's help
-Hates the popularity and 'placed on a pedestal' nature of being The Guardian(tm) and cares very little about fitting in socially, but also really wants to please those he looks up to/not upset people.
-Cannot sit normally on anything. He's a Hunter for a reason. He has to crouch-perch on everything and be on top of the tallest thing in the room. Half the time its just to see that he can do it
-Ghost is still officially named Ghost because he's got a Thing about names being special and also because neither of them can settle on one they like (I've called him Hoarfrost in the past but they are STILL debating on that). Also, he prefers to go by 'Guardian' because 'Aeris' is close to 'Eris' and in his reasoning, 'she had the name first so she gets seniority rights'
-Actually really likes tactile stimuli. He won't initiate physical affection much, but you bet your ass he's gonna cuddle if given the chance, though the person he usually only actively cuddles with is his sister, Marcie, or Ghost
-Has an apartment in the Tower that he never uses. Pretty much lives in the Eliksni quarter exclusively bc they don't pick up on the fact that he's autistic as fast as human people and he really likes that
-He's got Archer Muscles(tm) and is pretty pleased with it. He doesn't think much of his appearance often, but thats one of the few aspects of it that he's proud of
-Crow is one of his best friends, and while they had a whole tense thing with Crow having a crush on him pre regaining his memories that Aeris couldn't reciprocate and felt guilty for, they're still on pretty good terms (thats a whole other seperate thing I can get into tho)
-Actually hates fusion rifles, but was too polite to correct Saint when he said Aeris's favorite gun was a fusion rifle so
-Sexuality is like. Aro/ace/gay. He's aro for sure, and most of the time he barely thinks about or desires sex with people, but when he does it's only with men, his taste in which is...questionable, most of the time.
-(Misraaks. Taniks, if he had the chance. Drifter. You get the point.)
-Also, he's a bottom and likes to be shoved around bc of afformentioned 'doesnt like being treated like the Chosen One' shtick
-Pre death and rez: He's the result of a cocky, boastful human man getting frisky with an Awoken warrior. Said man married for power later, and was VERY unhappy when Aeris was dumped on his doorstep as a kid, esp. since he got his wife pregnant already (that was Marcie)
-Aeris's mother was named Iliya, he was brought to term, born in the Reef, and dumped on his dad bc his dad said they wouldn't need contraceptives bc Awoken and 'normal humans' couldn't interbreed. She pretty much birthed him out of spite
-He DID go back to the Reef a few times as a diplomat from Earth (his dad was politically savvy, if a douchebag), but I doubt his mom ever bothered with him much. Marcie was the only person he was close to, as he was her older brother and he ADORED her, and that was a bond that persisted even after their death and rez together
-she died in the Skolas Incident btw so no meeting her son again post-rez for her.
-This is something that Mara knew vaguely about, bc while Awoken/Humans are viable, they're really rare in the Reef. That she knew of his birth pre-death and who his mother was is part of the reason Aeris doesn't like her- it weirds him out. The only info that he got about himself pre-rez was from Marcie's diary (which was on her corpse when they were rezzed) was that the swearing woman underneath him in a rusted-out shelter in the cold of Old Russia was his half sister and that his father was a no-good whore, so the fact that someone out there knows of the other half of his family...it bothers him
-Despite that, he still has an instinctual connection to the Reef and a longing to fit in with it and gets really shy when Petra calls him 'cousin', since he's not quite right enough to stick in with Humans and too boring to be Awoken back on Earth, so it makes him feel included
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lotties-ashwagandha · 2 years
yay omg can i ask for zelena?
omg yes
just know that i’ve never written for her before lol
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what does she value most in celebrating halloween?
oh you want to carve pumpkins? those pumpkins will look like they belong at the MET
if the decorations don’t cost over $200 they have to go
she’ll make halloween decorating a competition
“regina has more plastic skeletons than us we have to go to target RIGHT NOW”
your entire house will be decorated like it’ll look like a different universe
lots of witchy decor ✨
she LOVES the addams family and will want to watch it basically every night
she brings out all her sexy witch clothing on halloween night
handing out candy to trick or treaters and scaring some of them off just for the fun of it
trash talking some of the parents of storybrook when they pass their house taking their kids trick or treating
also going back to the addams family thing — she has such a crush on morticia addams
it makes you a bit jealous actually
and she’s seen the movie so many times she can quote every word of it
also i can see her creating a pumpkin carving competition at granny’s
she may or may not cheat
especially if regina is involved
ok nvm she will DEFINITELY cheat no matter what but she thinks no one else knows but everyone knows
but everyone is scared of her so they never say anything
it’s still lots of fun tho
halloween is the best day of the year for you two 🎃✨
taglist: @cartoonpeoples @thedeconstructionist @cordeliass @paulsonsratched @goodeday2u @traumatisedfangirl @mayfair-fleur
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ranty-ramblestein · 1 year
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(captions~) Violet continues to be fun... though another grinding moment is incoming.
- Midterms had some funny moments, but later I realized that somehow Fomantis had been evading me and I spent that and the next day hunting for it, only to eventually pull out the Sandwich Simulator and whip up the perfect grass encounter sandwich! (Why can’t I sort the recipes in-game??)
-Since I was grinding mons I only wanted for the Pokedex I did raids for EXP Candies and finally noticed that Maushold don’t share the jewelhead, nuu...
- After getting a shiny spider from WT (-Attack, ew) and before getting that blue worm above, I jumped off a cliff a split second before I noticed a bright pink spherical Pokemon... Pretty sure it was a shiny Lechonk, augh!  Unfortunately it wasn’t a cliff I could get back up easily, so all I could do was fast travel back to that area, but that made the ‘mons respawn, duh...
- Before taking on the Medli Gym I decided to evolve all of my starters, which meant Don Quixote deserved a new name, a reference to Sylvando of Dragon Quest 11!  When I took part in my first online raid and someone brought along Quaquaval I realized he’d need a rename, lol.  That sprite didn’t include the feather/lights!
- Wha-oh, the League is catching on to Penny’s hacking!  Run!!
I’ll put more images from the classes under the cut!
pic 1: dec 21st: I'm so used to anime tropes I started out wondering if she was planning on make lunch for her crush, but she doesn't seem the type, honestly. pic 2: Clive, buddy, ya gotta do that transformation in the bathrooms, or wherever you home is. (I don't /feel/ like he'd live in the school?  But he's got all that research machinery, so...) pic 3: What, you didn't pin a note to the-? Oh, right, the grounds area has multiple entrances. pic 4: Bro, I'm only here for the Pokedex completion.  But also, please fix the problem where you can't look through forms of Pokemon when you select the 'recently battled/caught' section. pic 5: dec 22nd: First shiny in WT that doesn't have a website name! (Only second shiny, tho.)  Love the pallet, but it's -Att, ew. pic 6: I followed the sandwich creator at https://cecilbowen.github.io/pokemon-sandwich-simulator/ to help me spawn Fomantis! pic 7: :(( They don't share... pic 8: First full odds shiny in a while!  I missed a shiny earlier in the evening, though... pic 9: dec 25th: Don evolving into Quaquaval means it's time to rename him to a certain DQ11 character! pic 10: dec 27th: *sweats*
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So, uh, I stumbled across a BrassiusxHassel ship art before I met Hassel, so when I met him and recognized his hair shape (I exited out of the post very quickly...) I wonder why people shipped him with Brassius...
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and this is definitely the reason, holy shit.
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...Note to self: Look for ship art of these two later. (I mean, there’s no way they’re plot twist villains, right...?)
I swear I saw something that showed Hassel being a villain, but that crying thing... Now I’m not so sure I read that right. (I still wanna experience the story on my own, though; No spoilers!)
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inkykeiji · 2 years
Same anon as before, it was really cute actually!! Like obviously he was a huge flirt but it was still cute lol. I cant remember the name of the ride he attended but it was one of the bigger ones where you would have to be strapped in and he would occasionally go over (to mostly just cute girls lol) to tug on the straps to make sure they were secured and he would teach you Russian words when he did it, like he would say something in Russian and be like "that means good, Ok?" A bunch of girls (including me) would purposely keep going on his ride over and over just to see him and he'd notice and say things like "do you remember the word I taught you?" And "can you say *Russian word*?" Theres a whole bunch of other stories of him flirting with all these girls but I can't remember all of them anymore, I just remember everyone crushing on him so hard lol and being really disappointed that he wasnt with the carnival anynore the year after.
The shy carnival boy you knew sounds so cute 🥺 i can just imagine this cute sad looking guy bobbing his head to the music lol. When I was younger I always thought the people working at carnivals were so cool because they got to travel and be around that fun atmosphere all the time, like I never thought of how hard it could be. Younger me definitely wanted to date a carnival guy so I could travel with them lol so if it was Dabi there would be no hesitation in me just upright leaving with him. Me now is a whole different story tho lol carnival Dabi would probably have to make me come with now.
Carnivals in general are super interesting to me too like going every year was a huge part of my childhood and I remember them so vividly. Its probably because I grew up in a super small town where nothing happened so it was like the one fun thing we got to do and looked forward to. I still love to go whenever I can for the nostalgia lol, so I'm super excited for you to write about it I feel like more fics need to be set at carnivals lol ❤
aw anon!!!!!!
i’m so in love with this!!! that sounds so flippin smooth, you know??? like sooo smooth, and almost charming in one of those flirty fuckboy type ways, if that makes sense! ehehe aaaah see the guy who’s behaviour reminds me of dabi was not smooth or sweet at all, and the tricks he played were cruel and purely for his own amusement >.>
yeah!! he always flits through my mind, every time the carnival is in town or every time i see that ride in particular. it usually blasts popular upbeat songs, and i find the attendants that run it are often very high energy and like to pump up the crowd etc but this guy was just so chill. hahaha that’s interesting!!! i find that when i was younger, i didn’t really think about how they were always travelling, i was always so interested in the why; why did they decide to join? how long have they been working for the carnival? what are their backstories?
omg me too!!!!! the local carnival that visits my tiny town has been coming for over 100 years and i, too, have so many cherished memories of going every year with my family and/or friends!!! there are certain shows that my dad would take me to watch every single year, and i remember coordinating with the boys we liked, like at which ride we would meet up and what time we’d be there (long before anyone had cell phones!), and always buying candy apples purely to lick the candy off of them and then throw them away (what a horrible waste!)
yes!!! i’ve already plotted the entire thing out (i’m hoping it’ll only be about 5k) and i began writing it but i’m back to focusing on tag ur it now. i plan to post the carnival piece after tag part two is done!! but i can’t wait to share it with you and i can’t wait to hear what you think of it!!! i’m already loving how it’s shaping up SO much hehehehe <333
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carbonateds-oda · 7 months
🎃🦇🦇🦇🦇 Trick or treat!!! 🎃🦇🦇🦇🦇
(it's funny cause your name is candy lol 🤭)
anyways..so in this game, we can give anything..
I give you..
the nosy anon asks you reblogged! 🤭🦇 (and some more)
[disclaimer: I edited it a bit]
[only answer the ones you want to tho!]
[feel free to vent]
[it's not me, it's the post that's being nosy]
[I added/removed some questions too tho]
*** okay let's start! 🤭🎃***
Do you smoke/drink/take drugs? (don't look at me, it was from the post TT - but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested HELP TT )
Age you get mistaken for?
Have tattoos/Want any tattoos?
Got any piercings/Want any piercings?
Best friend/close friends?
Biggest turn ons?
Biggest turn offs?
Favorite movie?
Favorite show?
Someone you miss? (honestly, I think I alr know the answer but I'm still going to ask) TT
Most traumatic experience?
A fact about your personality?
What you hate most about yourself? (I'm going to virtually dazai-slap you if you say 'everything')
What you love most about yourself?
What you want to be when you get older?
Your relationship with your sibling(s)?
Your relationship with your parent(s)?
Your idea of a perfect date?
Your biggest pet peeves?
A description of the girl/boy you like?
A description of the person you dislike the most?
Type of people you dislike? (for no particular reason, just personal bias)?
A reason you've lied to a friend?
Do you prefer white lies or harsh truth?
What you hate the most about work/school?
What makes you happy when you're at work/school?
What words upset you the most?
What words are you dying to hear from someone else?
What words make you happy when you hear them?
Are you into girls, guys, or both? 👀
What makes a person attractive to you? (/what's your ideal type)?
Where would you like to live?
One of your insecurities?
Your childhood career choice?
Your favorite ice cream flavor?
Who you wish you could be?
What's the nicest thing someone has done for you?
What's the nicest thing you've done for someone?
Where would you want to be right now?
Sexiest person that comes to your mind immediately? (back off. Oda's mine /j).
What's one phrase you say often? (can be either in English or Spanish)
How many languages can you speak? Enumerate them based on how fluent you are (ex: 1. English; 2. Japanese, etc)
Are you a math or arts girlie?
Have you ever played candy crush? (sorry that's kind of a bad pun 😅🤭)
When a friend wrongs you, do you confront them about it or silently grow distant?
would you rather initiate physical affection or have someone else suddenly give you physical affection?
What's your love language/how do you show love to your loved ones?
and last but not the least
share one random fact you want to share <3
(just make sure its not private info lol)
🎃🦇🦇🦇🦇 Happy Halloween, Candy!! 🎃🦇🦇🦇🦇
my fellow Oda simp who's quite insane and funny 🥰🤭🤭
[pls pls pls i hope i don't come across as nosy TT just answer the ones you want :") ]
🎃🦇🦇🦇🦇 Happy Halloween, again!! 🎃🦇🦇🦇🦇
Do you smoke/drink/take drugs?
-I do not do any of those :) but I’d b lying if I said I wasn’t tempted to start
Age you get mistaken for?
-I’ve nvr been mistaken for a diff age so none ig
Have tattoos/Want any tattoos?
-do not but I do plan on getting at least one sometime, prob zelda related
Got any piercings/Want any piercings?
-just my ears rn but I rlly wanna get my nose re-pierced and maybe an eyebrow one too
Favorite movie?
-shrek 2 that movie is just rlly funny in spanish and I grew up watching it a lot
Someone you miss?
-…maybe my brother. but only a rice grains worth. oh and def my cousins I haven’t seen them in a while but I’d die before admitting that out loud
Most traumatic experience?
-every first day of school Ive had ever
A fact about your personality?
-well i have the same personality type as saiki and according to multiple sources, it def checks out
What you hate most about yourself?
-I’ll just take that slap then thank you.
What you love most about yourself?
-im occasionally funny w is nice ig
What you want to be when you get older?
-hopefully a writer
Your relationship with your sibling(s)?
-oof idk anymore but we were pretty close I’d say, we have a lot of similar interests but he’s like way older so he had too much other shit going on for us to b super close
Your idea of a perfect date?
-if we manage to make each other laugh that’s an automatic win for me idrc what we do
Your biggest pet peeves?
-when ppl ask me stupid questions that they could easily answer themselves I rlly don’t like talking more than I have to
Type of people you dislike?
-anyone who knows anatomy bc I’m bitter and envious of them
Do you prefer white lies or harsh truth?
-harsh truth
What you hate the most about work/ school?
-being expected to talk to ppl
What makes you happy when you're at work/school?
-I like having structure and being told exactly what I need to do and when so that
What word's upset you the most?
-“you have to order ur own food” <\3 😔
What words are you dying to hear from someone else?
-an explanation abt sm that happened yrs ago I still have yet to hear their side of things
What words make you happy when you hear them?
-my mom told me it was cold outside and i nearly exploded from joy I’ve been waiting so long to b able to wear sweaters again
Are you into girls, guys, or both?
-both, i am bi (mysel- I’m sorry.)
What makes a person attractive to you? (/what's your ideal type)?
-just someone funny and well read. and if they have a nice voice
Where would you like to live?
-somewhere where it isn’t always hot as fuck
One of your insecurities?
-rlly living up to the pfp, I get hair on my chin w I forget to shave sometimes and it’s dark so ppl close to me can def see it w is embarrassing
Your childhood career choice?
Your favorite ice cream flavor?
-vanilla, but specifically the blue bell one
What's the nicest thing someone has done for you?
-my six yr old cousin threatened to call the police on my mom cuz she thought she was hitting me and then used herself as a shield to “protect” me😭
What's the nicest thing you've done for someone?
-just lending an ear to sm who rlly needed it ig
Where would you want to be right now?
-can’t believe I’m saying this but school, I can’t function w out the constant over looming threat of deadlines, they keep me in check
Sexiest person that comes to your mind immediately? (back off. Oda's mine /j).
-^ I’m gonna have to ask u to step tf away from my wife please. ok but fr no one rlly comes to mind rn
What's one phrase you say often?
-“no thanks” and man does my fam hate it
How many languages can you speak?
-two, English and Spanish
Are you a math or arts girlie?
-ARTS. I fucking hate math sm
Have you ever played candy crush? (it’s ok lol)
-a few times, on my moms phone though cuz ofc that lady was obsessed w it
When a friend wrongs you, do you confront them about it or silently grow distant?
-silently grow distant I need to fix that fr
would you rather initiate physical affection or have someone else suddenly give you physical affection?
-neither tbh
What's your love language/how do you show love to your loved ones?
-acts of service ig
share one random fact you want to share <3
-my fav soda is Pepsi (idk there’s like three bottles rt in front of me and I can’t think of anything else)
ty for the trick or treat asks 🫶
and Happy Halloween to you too 🎃🍬
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ihavemanyhusbands · 11 months
it’s me hi I’m the problem it’s me 🌱
(idk if u listen to tswift but I love her okay now to the point)
I have a crush on a boy at my new job (ew) that hasn’t happened since I thought I was straight years ago oop (for context I went from straight to bi to now lesbian) ok actually he’s not a boy he’s a man literally 50+ yrs old but I guess that’s not that surprising for me considering I have a big fat crush on hannibal and will and various other fictional men that are old enough to b my father but they’re always FICTIONAL!!! this is a real live man!!!!! 😟 (making me question shit damn probably just comphet still) well ANYWAYS it is what it is and I am a simp for this man, he has the hottest deep voice, literally so tall and tan and jacked and has tattoos and he’s so sweet ugh basically definition of ‘looks like he could kill you but is a cinnamon roll’ and I need him so badly it’s a problem, literally has me distracted at work thinking all types of inappropriate things bcs my mind is always in the gutter but I CANT HELP IT like he has to do a lot of physical labor in the lot outside the office and he does it SHIRTLESS and sweaty🥵and I can’t handle it I want this man so badly it’s not even funny!!!!
so yeah I had to share bcs we often thirst over the same men and you obv gotta know about the new man I want to break my back😵‍💫🌱
ABeifkwoqosjdbfkdodienfkf OK FUCKKK I LOVE THIS FOR YOU!!! I wish i had some eye candy at work 😤 ufbdiwkxkx the way we would simp and drool together if we were coworkers tho 😭😭😭😭 HE SOUNDS LIKE A DREAMMANAJAJS
Anyways no i dont listen to her im so sorry (i listen to almost anything but im very into metal rn lol)
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thekingslover · 3 years
“Come on, stud,” she says to Dean, tugging on his wrist. “I choose you tonight.”
Dean flashes her his sharpest smile, playboy facade in place. It comes back on instinct more than desire. He’s played this role before. He’s stood in these same shoes so many times they barely have any sole left.
The neon beer signs are too bright, blinding against the dim overhead lights in the bar. The beer on the counter before him is full, recently ordered, and cold in his hand. The condensation puddles along his fingers, catching in the dip around his ring.
How easy it would be to follow her daisy dukes and cowboy boots out to the parking lot. So easy to brush the hair back from her bare shoulders and kiss her neck. Easy to pretend that’s all he needs. At one point in his life, it was.
But that had been before.
She’s too young for him, in both age and spirit. That’s only the start of the list of wrong things.
“Sorry, sweetheart,” Dean says, as gently as he can. She has a devilish look that promises a good time, and she’s generous to offer that time to Dean. It’s not her fault Dean’s already been claimed body and soul. “I hung up my spurs a long time ago.”
“Oh?” Her bottom lip pushes out, a tempting lure even to a married man. Dean gives her credit, but that’s all she’s getting.
He dips his head toward a tall table against the wall. Cas has both elbows on the tabletop, face scrunched as he taps his thumbs over a cell phone. Candy Crush has become his latest foe to vanquish, last on the list after a slew of demons, Lucifer, and God himself.
Daisy Dukes has no idea how outmatched she is. “That guy?”
Dean, not for the first time, tries to see Cas the way the rest of the world must - nerdy guy in an ill-fitting suit, wrapped in an old overcoat. Frowning at the phone, he has a little line between his brow. Must be a tough level.
But even as he’s trying to see Cas as she does, he knows he’s coming up short. He can’t look at Cas and not see the coat he carried around in his car for a year, the one he desperately searched for in the wilds of Purgatory. Or the blue tie that Dean’s shown him how to put on straight enough times now that he knows Cas does it wrong on purpose. Or the intensity of those eyes, smiting candy squares now, that when focused on Dean, make the rest of the world disappear. Or the love that floods out of him so deeply that Dean, drowning, almost believes he deserves it.
“That’s the love of my life,” Dean tells Daisy Dukes.
Her fingers unhook from Dean’s wrist, but she continues to stand there, looking at Cas and then at him. “That guy.”
Dean makes a point to scratch his chin with his left hand, flashing his wedding ring. She’s probably already seen. Probably wouldn’t matter much, most times, in a place like this.
“I’d marry him again tomorrow if he wanted,” Dean says.
She hums. Her hands find her hips and she searches his face. He doesn’t know what she’s looking for, but after a moment, her smile softens and her shoulders slump.
“Lucky,” she says and wanders off. It doesn’t take her long to find another guy at the bar. With the way this one leans into her, she’s found someone more willing.
Dean plucks the beer from the counter and heads back to the table. He places it with a thunk in front of Cas. Cas moves a couple more candy pieces and then turns off the screen.
“You win, angel?” Dean asks. He takes a swig from his own beer which he left behind to refill Cas. It’s warm now, but he swallows it down.
“They keep adding new levels.” Cas glares at where he’s placed the phone, screen down on the corner of the table. “I’m beginning to think victory is unobtainable.”
“Come on, Cas,” Dean teases. His smile is easy, the playboy facade long gone. “You’re no quitter.”
Fire burns hot in Cas’s eyes. If he had any angel mojo left, the phone no doubt would burst into flames. “I will win.” He says it like a vow, with the same intensity he gave fighting monsters, or when he took Dean’s hand in front of a judge and promised to love him beyond even death.
“Cas,” Dean says, and Cas looks up. The fire dims a little, but only so love can replace it.
“Yes, Dean?”
Now that he has Cas’s full attention, Dean hesitates. What seemed like a good idea a moment ago, he now worries Cas won’t like.
Cas, patient always for Dean, maybe too much, sits and waits. Dean knows he’ll wait all night.
Dean won’t make him do that again. “I was thinking...”
Cas starts to smile. “A dangerous prospect.” He’s teasing, and it takes the edge off. He probably did that on purpose. He knows Dean sometimes better than Dean knows himself.
Dean winks at first, returning the smile, but then he leans forward and takes Cas’s hands in his. He wants him to know he’s serious.
“Marry me,” Dean says.
“Dean.” Cas blinks. “We are already married.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know, but...” They married in a rush, speeding to the Courthouse five minutes after Dean had asked the last time. Sam sat in the back in his pajamas. Dean wore a Zeppelin t-shirt. It had been a whirlwind and perfect but. But. “I kinda want to do it right, you know? With everyone there.”
Cas watches him, silent for a heartbeat and two. Then he starts to smile again, that quiet, secret smile he shares a lot with Dean, and Dean knows he has him.
“We could get new suits,” Dean says. “Have a big party.”
“I would like that, Dean.”
Cas squeezes Dean’s hand. “Yes,” he says, a vow.
At the door, Daisy Dukes is pulling Mr. Willing into the parking lot. He’s got a smile like he won the lottery. For tonight, maybe he has.
But Dean? Here with Cas, Dean hits the jackpot everyday.
“I love you, Cas.” The words come so easily, Dean can’t believe he ever had trouble saying them.
Cas brings Dean’s hand to his mouth. He kisses each knuckle and then the ring. “And I, you.”
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emohee · 3 years
hii! Can I ask some reaction about rich yandere kinda bully niki with a childhood friend reader ? ( why do I see him literally seeing the maid’s daughter and he is like “she is mine” yet he is always a bully but nobody can even look at his little bride or else… and by the years its just getting out of hand ) btw I love your works even tho you just started I wish you good luck and lots of love ✨weee✨
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rich!bully!yandere!niki x reader
- ,, pairing : yandere!niki x fem!reader
- ,, genre : yandere
- ,, tw : yandere themes
- ,, word count : 647
- ,, yuri's note : THIS IDEA IS 😩💯, i had so much fun writing this lol
西村 力
backstory of your relationship<3
as a child he would steal your candies and hide them around the villa where you lived
you always knew it was him and so one day went to argue with him but he denied it all and ended up making you cry
you really didn't want to be next to him, because he always made fun of you, but your mother forced you to play with him, so as not to create any kind of conflict and not to be eventually fired
then you got to the age where you started going to school
he always forgot the books at home and so he took yours from your backpack, to make it seem that you forgot the books instead.
when you drew at school, he always tore up your drawings :(
in elementary school niki was bearable but in middle school he became your nightmare
once you fell in love with your classmate and niki noticed it so during a speech niki was giving to the class (with everyone present) he told everyone that you liked your crush, and everyone started teasing you & laughing at you, not much after your crush started to avoid you and at that point you just wanted to disappear.
luckily that happened in the last year of middle school, so you didn't have to suffer for long
in high school, you fell in love with your best friend, you often invited him to your house, and when you, your friend and niki met, niki always said some horrible things to your friend so much that he no longer wanted to come to your house
but obviously that didn't change anything in your relationship, you still remained best friends
one day you decided to confess and your best friend was about to accept the confession, but by chance niki came up with his group of "friends" and started teasing you heavily.
in a week the whole school knew about you and your bestfriend.
your best friend decided to change school and told you he never wanted to see you again because your love confession had ruined his reputation
and you were left alone once again
a short time later niki began to come to your room more and more often to talk to you, but of course you didn't answer him and did everything to ignore him
"answer me, talks to me or I'll tell my parents to fire your mother, and you don't want that, do you?"
you told your mom about this, and she begged you to talk to niki cause she couldn't lose her job like that
so you started hanging out with him just for the sake of your mother's job
your relationship now<3
always wants to hold your hand
wants to go out with you almost every day
"you are the maid's daughter, your mother is my parents' maid, while you are my maid so do your job and go out with me"
used to say stuff like
"hahaha! the loser likes me! pathetic" "don't touch me ew"
now says stuff like
"y/n you don't want to hug me? are you afraid of blushing? aw how cute! y/n got a crush for me!" "hold my hand or i'll fire your mother<3"
loves to tease you
feels bad and tries to be softer with you if you get offended
tries to make you blush
"y/n your hoodies are trash, wear mine instead"
often calls you "shawty" or "bunny"
takes a lot of pictures with you
tells his friends you're secretely his girlfriend
he wants to be the only one in your life, in fact he's your only friend
is actually planning marriage and children
"nishimura y/n sounds really good-"
"excuse me what the f-"
he has saved you in his phone as "未来の花嫁💗" (future bride💗)
he has a picture of you as a baby as his wallpaper
your daily texts <3
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atsuwiee · 3 years
Reaction to going to an amusement park with their best friend/crush:D
enhypen going to the amusement park with their bestfriend/crush! (going to assume reader is their bff and is also enha's crush lawl)
-ˏˋ♥̩͙♥̩̩̥͙♥̩̥̩ ⑅ ⑅ ♥̩̥̩♥̩̩̥͙♥̩͙ˊˎ -ˏˋ♥̩͙♥̩̩̥͙♥̩̥̩ ⑅ ⑅ ♥̩̥̩♥̩̩̥͙♥̩͙ˊˎ
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nervous ?
like if it's only you both then he'll probably be nervous
but if it's with a group of people then he'll be less nervous
doesn't really show it tho
buys you those big teddy bears
of different stuffed animals
lowkey thinks it's a date for the both of you:(
treats you in those games thingy
and tries to win a prize for you
please he'll even try to impress you in those balloon darts
probably blushes every now and then
when you ask him he'll act clueless
much calm though if you're with a group of friends
but prefers it if it's the both of you that hang out
no i just really get the feeling he would do that
goes on rollercoasters with you just to hold your hand
loves it when it's the two of you
he's alright with his/your other friends tagging along
but being with you at the amusement park is a whole another level
giggles when he's about to tell you how you were screaming on the rollercoaster
likes to think it's a little date pt2
but is a bit shy ?? or nervous
when it's the both of you
really doesn't show it and tries his best to stay cALm
because something about you, him, both of you at the amusement park is something to him
he falls in love with you more
bby boy is a ray of sunshine through out your hang out with him
though, he does that to set a positive vibe
you enjoy the amusement park day you have with him though
feeds you cotton candy
idk, he's not even doing it as friends no more
absolutely finds it cute when you want him and you to go on the ferris wheel with him
despite being friends with you for the longest time, still is nervous when the both of you are alone
like if your friends did not decide to tag along then he's like "it's just me and y/n now in the amusement park, keep yourself together"
just something with today made him flustered like ?!?!?!
you get him a big teddy bear and he'll try to give you a stuffed animal (a stuffed dino to be exact)
"hey, you alright? your face is all red" "yeah, y/n! i'm a-okay!"
well that was a lie, it's because you're holding his hand
,,,,then he remembers he likes you so much and he wants it to be a date:(
tells you to go onto the rollercoasters then says "wait y/n there's a height requirement!" then you go "yOU TELLING ME I'M SHORT RIKI?! >:(("
haha lol there was probably a moment where he's just staring at you
my boy riki is in love
and he'd want the day you had with him actually bE A THING
(also tries to compete with you in some games because he believes you suck dw he still likes you :p)
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zutaraplatter · 3 years
Avatar: The Last Airbender Critique
There are already a million of posts like this one, and I might be saying things that’ve already been said a million times but I’ve recently become reheated about the ATLA ending and wanted to let it out -_- No one asked, this is true, and this may or may not be a way to stall from this final project I still have to complete, but here’s 10 things I didn't like and/or would change about the show that likely shouldn’t need changing because they should have been done in the first place.
1. Katara should have apologized to Sokka after TSR
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It should have happened and it didn't. In my canon-avoiding mind, Katara and Sokka have a heartfelt conversation where she apologizes for the awful things she said, Sokka says he forgives her and he's sorry if he wasn't as there for her as much as he should have been, which he follows up with "but I'm happy you listened to Aang and took his advice," leading into my next point
2. Katara should have said that not killing Yon Rha was her choice
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And thats why it was the right one. Not because Aang already said it was wrong. No no. It was the right choice because that's what she chose. I love my mom to death and can't imagine losing her in any way, let alone the way Katara did. And I can't say for sure that if I was in her shoes that I know what I would have done f that yes I do I would have killed that motherfucker. But I also know that if Katara decided not to kill him, then that was one of two correct choices because they were Katara's choices to make. Not Aang's or anyone else's and this should have been clarified. I know it's a kids show but I said what I said. Next point.
3. Katara should have said more after telling Aang she was unsure at the Ember Island Players
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Katara hasn't had any trouble saying how she feels, especially when it comes to helping others and making them feel better, whether she was right or wrong. But she holds back or overly softens blows and seems to even shrivel up at times when it comes to Aang. And me no likey. I had a boyfriend who I adored and admired and just genuinely looked up to. I'm also a shy and anxious person who hates confrontation, but because I loved him, I never refrained from telling him when he was wrong. I might have been a little shaky about it but I did it tho because when you want to be with someone you walk through the grass and stomp through the mud. And I personally feel like either in that moment or later on in an added scene that Katara should have voiced to Aang how unheard and disrespected she felt about his words before TSR and his actions on the balcony. I hate being uncomfortable and my secondhand embarrassment is toxic but I would love to see a scene of this. I always imagined Katara saying stuff like "But I'm not you Aang, and I'm not an Air Nomad," or "Zuko could understand why I needed to go, and I'd hoped you would too," or...I'm out of ideas but you get the idea. And you know what, I know I'm a hard Zutara shipper, but them having this conversation would honestly make me respect their relationship a whole lot more should it be believably written to end on a good note (I don't see how it could be but hey I'm an open minded person and I did think they were cute together once upon a time). Basically, all I'm saying is that Katara is no small voice and she should have been written that way when with Aang. Boyfriends can make you shy but should never make you weak. Period. Next point.
4. No rock! ONLY GROWTH!!!!!!!!!!!
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I still squint my eyes whenever I remember that rock that unblocked Aang's chakra. What even was that? The laziest writing possible in my opinion. That's what. And Aang deserved better. What should have happened should have been that Aang started to lose to Ozai. And then as Ozai's about to deliver the finishing blow, Aang has flashbacks of everyone he's trying to save and honor, ending with a very prominent flashback of Katara with the guru's disembodied voice reminding Aang to let go of his attachments to become all he needs to be...then BOOM! Baby boy is back on his feet, chakra unblocked, he kicks Ozai's ass, I'm crying hysterically on the floor, as are the rest of us, and he wins. Then at the end of the series, instead of a kiss, he gives Katara an apology. She accepts, everyone else comes to join them on the balcony, cinematic group hug, camera pan into the sun. I don't know lol. Basically what I'm saying is that Aang did not deserve some deus ex machina. He deserved to grow and become his best self like everyone else got to.
5. Aang should have heard differently in The Storm
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Katara is a very fate-minded person and this is when I saw potential for her to become a toxic character in regards to Aang. When he admits that he ran away from home 100 years ago, Katara tells him that that was basically a good thing because he was meant to be here and now. Like...no? What Aang did, though understandable for someone so young, was still wrong. Yes he would have maybe been killed but I'm like 10000000% sure they had a plan to protect and evacuate the literal avatar. And what was technically "meant to be" was a new avatar. But hey, what's done is done and kicking Aang while he's down is a no-no in this household. But that doesn't change the fact that Aang needed and deserved honesty. Maybe the fisherman could have said this, I don't know, but I feel like Aang should have been told by someone that although running away was wrong, it's a blessing he and Appa were able to survive and be able to help save the world now with his amazing friends found-family. Maybe this is too harsh, and maybe even outright wrong, but I felt like Aang deserved a truer answer here to support and comfort him.
6. MAILEE!!!!
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Do I even need to go into detail?
7. Spiritual sigh*
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Don't make me go into detail -_- I will say though that although Aang and Katara are both amazing individuals capable of earth shattering things, they were not a healthy fit for one another. This is evident in the original series and especially in their children from LOK. They both deserved the best but better than one another.
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This is a Zutara blog you KNEW this was coming, as it should. There's just too much. There's too damn much. I would give a real paragraph to this too, but, I mean, there's already so much proving that this was the pair. Fics, metas, rants, this site. Scroll through my blog or any of the ATLA related blogs I follow and...dude. These two were meant to be together and I'll mourn the narrative brilliance WASTED for no good reason every day for the rest of my life. No reason these two shouldn't be married with three kids. sob. I will take this part to say thank you to the amazing fic writers that gave Katara, Zuko, Mai, and Aang what they deserved that the writers didn't have the guts to give them themselves. Next point tho.
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Good God almighty. Why not this? WHY NOT THIS? I'm putting on my bullet proof vest and I'm going to say this; Aanji is cuter than Zutara. Now before you scorn me or whatever, let me explain. Zutara for me is like steak. No. Chicken parmesan. I like chicken parmesan better. The point though is that Zutara is savory. You know? I don't see them as cute, I see them as Obviously. Aanji on the other hand is like a bag of my favorite candy. They are like a brownie. A cookie. Girl Scout Samoas!...I don't know what words are anymore. This post got way out of hand. I guess what I'm saying is that for Zutara, I scream, but for Aanji, I squeal. I hope that makes sense. But here's the main point I want to make. Onji never knew who Aang really was. And Aang was always, at his core, himself. She very obviously had a crush on Aang for his personality and that was crazy cute and frankly preferable to Katara's "I...guess he is." (you know exactly what I'm talking about) Anyway, I kept wanting more of them together. I wish all the time that we'd gotten to see her again, with a more fleshed out character and all. And in the way that I imagine the show should have gone, she could have been the perfect love interest for Aang, during this episode or way later, even in the comics! Another WASTED opportunity for greatness and I will, again, never recover T-T
10. Iroh get your ass back here
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Maybe this is a misguided critique but I hated that Iroh just left Zuko alone in the fire nation at the end of the series. Baby was in trouble in every sense of the word and Iroh was just like "See ya! You got this nephew." I'm expected to believe that? I'm expected to accept that? No no no. He should have at least stayed for a few years to help Zuko stay upright and, you know, alive. And by "upright" I don't mean "good." I just mean been there to support him because Lord knows he needed it, at least in the beginning of his reign. It was cute that Iroh was able to settle down with his own teashop after all those years of violence and mourning and running and this and that. I was more than happy for him for being able to have that peace finally. But I still think it could have waited a little while longer so he could support Zuko.
That's it I guess. I know not everything I've said makes the most sense in one way or another, but I enjoyed putting it together all the same. Thank you for reading and have a great day. I'll go finish my final now.
(Edited for a typo)
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bestiesenpai · 3 years
firsts with itadori yuji
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I hope you don’t mind I’m kind of running with this idea and adding more than you asked lol I just...i don’t know it butters my biscuit. Also gender neutral reader~
First meeting:
It’s at his old school
You’re in his class, but you never talk to each other! Itadori is shy with you, believe it or not! He wants to say something but whenever he thinks about going up to you, whether you’re alone or with a group, his stomach twists in knots
Luckily though, you’re also in a club that ends right when he goes to the hospital to see his grandpa, so he’ll walk a little slower to see you coming out of your club room talking and laughing with your friends and he’ll imagine what it must be like to be in a club with you
Will not ask you to join his club tho, shy shy shy he is
It’s only when it’s raining and, yes you guessed it correctly folks, you don’t have an umbrella!
Itadori Yuji has a few options here lads, what do we think he’ll pick?
Option one: be a cool guy and slide right up to you with his umbrella already open in his hands and tell you that he’ll walk you home
Option two: ask politely if you’d like to walk under his umbrella together to your house and maybe stop at a convenience store along the way for a candy?
Option three: be a cool guy(again) and just put the umbrella in your hands and tell you to use it and he walks out into the rain with only his hood on, enticing you to run out to him and say that you two can share an umbrella!
What option do you think he’s chosen?
Now was Yujis chance. You were alone, standing just inside the school entryway rocking back and forth on your heels, a little pout on your lips at seeing the downpour. It had only just started raining, it was clear weather all week, so this rain is more than just a little unexpected.
Gripping his umbrella tightly in his hands, Yuji walks up to you, intent on asking if you want to share his. He’d be more than happy to walk you home, his grandpa would be happy to hear that he walked his crush home instead of ‘wasting his time’ coming to the hospital.
“H-hey!” Yuji’s voice goes higher than he intended when he drops his umbrella and kicks it forward as he walks, launching it at your feet and making you jump a little and turn around. His face erupts in a fiery blush when you pick it up and look at him quizzically.
“Here you go.” You say, holding it out for him to take. Yuji shakes his head almost violently, much to your confusion. “Uhm, Itadori, what are you trying to say?”
You know his name. Oh fuck, you know his name and here he is making a fool of himself.
“I-I- no, take my umbrella.” His brain is in critical overdrive. He truly might pass out. “Take my umbrella! I have my hood, and I’m not going very far! Just to the hospital, to see my grandpa! They’ll probably have an umbrella there I can borrow if it’s still raining!” He really, honestly, truly didn’t mean to say all that, but the words came out like vomit.
“Oh, that’s nice, thank you so much!” Your smile warms his heart but does nothing to calm him down. “But I’m-”
“(Y/N)!” One of your friends shouts from down the hall, and they quickly round the corner with their own umbrella in their hands.
“I got my umbrella from the classroom, let's go home now!” Your friend quickly notices Yuji. “Hi Itadori, what’s up?”
“He offered me his umbrella. Thanks again, Itadori!” Grabbing his hand, you put the umbrella back in his possession.
“Uh- yeah! You- welcome! Welcome!” Yuji stutters out, waving dumbly back at you as you wave at him and leave the school with a cute little smile on your cheeks.
Yuji was never going to wash his hand again.
First hangout:
This one happens as a going away party for himself after he’s accepted into his new school
He wants to say goodbye to his clubmates, and somehow word got out and a few classmates are coming as well - even you!
Everyone got him a little cake and you’ve all signed a going away card, and Yuji hones in on your message, a cute swirly one written in a glitter gel pen with a heart by his name
Afterschool in the classroom, you all decide to play games and stuff, and that’s when he gets to be close to you
“(Y/N), Itadori, you’re up next!” Somehow a tournament style game has started of who can hold their breath the longest. Standing face to face at the front of the room, you give him a big thumbs up.
“You’re probably going to win, Itadori, I’m bad at this kind of thing.” You laugh.
“Let’s see.” Is all he can say as a reply. You’d talked a bit more after your first meeting, but he could never get more than a few words out at a time.
“Go!” Sucking in deep breaths, you stare at each other with puffed out cheeks. You’re already struggling, fighting back laughter and clapping a hand over your mouth. Yuji thinks he might lose just from seeing how cute you are in front of him.
“Ahhh!” You lose, just like you said you would. Dizzy from lack of air, you stumble forward into him, laughing and gripping the front of his jacket. “Told you!” His hand lands on your shoulder and Yuji is sure he could pass away happy right now.
“Yeah, you are pretty bad.” Yuji laughs, finally breaking his nervous shell around you the more you laugh and pat him on the arm.
After this game, you form a team and play with a ball, help each other with cards, and you even paint his nails in a pretty polish you’d brought from home. At the end, Yuji is still too nervous to ask for your number, so this is the last time you see each other.
First confession:
It’s been two years since then, he’s a third year now and Yuji still thinks about you. He still checks in with his old school friends from time to time and asks about you, and he follows you on Instagram and sees the things you post and how much you’ve changed over the years
He’s not content living this way, only seeing and hearing about you like this, but it’s been two years since you last saw each other and you weren’t exactly close before you left, so he couldn’t just slide into your DM’s
And in the past two years he’s changed. A lot. Not only has he been swamped with his new life, he also has a whole nother soul inside of him that quickly learned of his long lost crush and teased him about it nonstop
But on a free day in the city with Nobara, he’s quite literally buzzing - you’re in the same area. He saw you post last night about going to a certain cafe and all he had to do was ask Nobara if she wanted to go to the city and she said yes immediately.
And now he’s standing in front of said cafe, and he can see you inside. Surprisingly you’re alone, and his fingers itch to go in and ‘casually’ bump into you
Nobara knows of his crush on you as well, and as soon as she spots you she’s pushing Yuji through the door, and of course they cause a fucking scene
“Get in the fucking cafe!” Nobara is shouting not so quietly. There’s people walking past them, looking confused, and Yuji could literally die right now, especially when he makes eye contact with you.
He gives up then, letting himself get pushed into the cafe. He expects Nobara to follow after him but she’s running down the street cackling evilly. Yuji has no other option than to go in and order a drink, albeit shamefully.
“H-hi. Is this seat taken?” He asks you. You’d been watching him ever since you saw him with a big smile barely concealed by your hand.
“Of course not, Itadori.” You giggle.
God, he’s missed you.
Sitting down across from you, Yuji takes a quick sip of his drink to soothe his suddenly parched throat. Sukuna knows better than to pop out in public, but that still doesn’t stop Yuji from putting a hand over one of the marks below his eyes, just in case.
“How have you been (Y/N)?” He tries to say casually, but his voice warbles and Sukuna chuckles quietly for only him to hear.
“I’ve been good! It’s been so long, Itadori, I’ve missed you!” You pout, a wicked sight for his heart, and you reach across the table to pat Yuji on the arm. “I’ve been wanting to message you on Instagram for forever now but I’ve been too nervous you wouldn’t really remember me!”
“You have?” Yuji gasped dramatically, and he could hear not only you but Sukuna laughing at him.
“Yeah! I’m actually really surprised to see you here, I thought you went to a school out in another prefecture.”
“N-no! I’m still in Tokyo!”
“Really, we should totally hang out sometime!”
“Yes!” This couldn’t be going any better for Yuji. There’s a pause in conversation where you both take a sip of your drinks.
“So, was that your girlfriend pushing you into the cafe?”
“What?!” Yuji nearly shouts, almost spitting out his drink. “G-girlfriend?!” His cheeks blush lightly, and he shakes his head. “No. No way, she is not my girlfriend. She’s my classmate.”
“That’s good to hear, actually.” Now is your turn to be embarrassed, and a bashful smile spreads on your cheeks. “Because I’ve always kind of liked you.”
“What?!” This time Yuji does shout, Sukuna is definitely laughing at him and teasing him, and you’re nodding in confirmation. “Oh my god.” Running a hand through his hair, Yuji doesn’t even have to think about his next words. “I like you too! A lot!”
“Really?” Your brow raises.
“Yes! Ever since first year. I’ve had a-” was he really about to say this? “A massive crush on you.” He realizes what he’s said is a little heavier than what you said. A massive crush is much different than kind of liking someone, but he can’t help it. And Sukuna is quick to point out the difference in his head as well.
“Then we really have to hang out!” Yuji laughs, relieved you feel the same way.
“It’s a date.” He says and delights in the way you share a cheeky smile.
“Definitely a date.”
First date:
Yuji never thought he’d ever have the opportunity to go on a date with you, at least not in this lifetime
You exchange numbers at the cafe and as soon as Yuji gets back to the dorms he’s texting you, asking if you got home okay and to let him know when you’re free
That first text is a gateway drug because now he can’t stop texting you all the time, even when he’s in class or should be training
He’s staying up far too late to message you but no one can stop him
When your schedules finally align again, you both settle on going to a ramen shop close by his old school
6pm. That’s the time you agreed to meet up. So why was Yuji already down the block from the restaurant at 5:15?
“God you’re so desperate!” Sukuna laughed as Yuji sat in an empty park waiting for time to go by.
“I know, I know.” He groaned back, tilting his head back and squeezing his eyes together. “I was so nervous about being late I didn’t even think!”
“Ya know, when I had my own body, I used to go on dates all the time! Women flocked to me, I was a god!”
“Yeah, yeah.” Slapping a hand over the mouth that had appeared, Yuji rolled his eyes. “I’m not like you, we know this.”
“I was hoping I’d be rubbing off on you, kid, but it seems not.” Sukuna sighed in disappointment. When 6pm finally came, Yuji all but ran to the restaurant. He was still ten minutes early, and when you came strolling up the nervous jitters he had increased.
“Hi!” You looked so cute, Yuji could pass out.
“H-hey.” He waved stupidly, and then stumbled to open the door for you. Quickly grabbing a table, he was paying more attention to you than the menu.
“What’re you gonna get? I can’t decide!” You whined, slapping your menu against the table.
“Oh uhm, maybe this one?” Pointing at the first thing he saw that looked mildly interesting, he watched you nod your head and hum. “Or maybe this.” Looking at the menu properly, Yuji pointed at something he’d actually get.
“Ooooh, I wanna get that too! If you get it, will you let me try some?” Your face lit up and you bit your lip, eyes darting between things on the menu.
“Of course!” Yuji nodded without any hesitation.
“Yay! I just can’t decide, everything looks so good!”
“It does!” As he laughed and kept looking at things on the menu with you, Yuji finally let himself relax a little bit. You made great conversation, asking about his new and how he’d been, how he got those scars under his eyes and what his new school was like.
Yuji had never had so much fun talking with someone before, and when the date came to a close, he could nearly cry. He wanted to be with you all the time, see you more often and build more memories together. The thought of going back to his old school even came back.
“I’ll walk you to the station.” He said instead, pushing away all the thoughts in his head.
“Thanks.” You were side by side walking down the block, and Yuji was beginning to find it more and more coincidental that your hand kept bumping into his. He could feel you looking at him from the corner of your eye, and he knew he had to make the leap.
Slipping his hand into yours, he wound your fingers together and squeezed. Both of your palms were kind of sweaty and neither of you looked at each other, but you squeezed his hand back and held it tightly until you got to the station and your train arrived.
First kiss:
After the first date, Yuji is hooked
Any chance the two of you have to be together, he takes even if it means shirking his responsibilities a little bit(Fushiguro is upset but who can stop love?)
You go get ice cream together, go to the arcade, the movies, the park, you even meet Nobara and Fushiguro on a chance day
You do all these things together, but Yuji still hasn’t kissed you!
He wants to, so so bad, but he just can’t, he’d die of embarrazzment if he fucked up and like hit you in the head or something
But sometimes, as nike said, you just gotta do it
It’s raining again, just like when you first spoke to each other. A torrential downpour, but this time you didn’t have a friend coming with their umbrella to the front of the school to share with you. Yuji was coming to your school after your club to pick you up for an impromptu date.
“Hey!” You shouted, braving the rain and meeting him halfway when you spotted him coming up. Hugging him tightly, you shivered from the wind whipping through the air.
“Hi.” Slipping your bag from around your shoulders, Yuji slung it over his shoulder. His arm settled on your waist, holding you close and making sure you were completely covered. Walking so close together like this made him happy, and he almost pressed a kiss to your head.
“Yuji.” You said as you were walking, stopping by a low river lined with trees.
“Hm?” He still couldn’t get over the fact that you were now saying his first name. The both of you stopped walking and you stepped back a little from him, wringing your hands nervously.
“We’ve been going out for a while now and…” Biting your lip nervously, you couldn’t meet his eyes and looked out at the trees being pelted with water. “And I was wondering if you uh- if you wanted to be my boyfriend?”
Oh shit. Yuji was so shocked, he nearly dropped the umbrella.
“B-boyfriend?” He squeaked, his cheeks spreading in a bashful smile. “I’d love to.”
“Really?” Letting out a relieved sigh, you clasped a hand over your heart. “That’s good! I was so nervous.” The way you were looking at him, Yuji knew this was the perfect time to kiss you.
“C-can I kiss you?” His question made your eyes widen, and silently you nodded your head.
Sliding his foot forward on the wet pavement, Yuji faltered a few inches from your mouth, suddenly nervous. He had never kissed anyone before, and what if he was horrible at it and you hated it?
He didn’t have any time to keep thinking about it though, because you closed the gap and kissed him. Dropping his umbrella in shock, Yuji’s eyes widened and he kissed you back, grabbing your shoulder to steady himself.
It was a sweet and innocent first kiss, soft and gentle for the inexperience shared between you. It didn’t even last that long, but it was the most memorable moment of Yuji's life.
“How was that?” He asked when he pulled away. The two of you were getting absolutely soaked with the rain and it dripped down his face into his eyes and mouth.
“Great.” You giggled shyly, putting a hand on your face to hide yourself. Yuji laughed as well and gave your cheek a kiss before picking up the fallen umbrella.
“You wanna go to that ramen shop?” Yuji whispered close to your ear, adjusting your bag on his shoulder.
“Sure.” Turning to him, your eyes dropped to his lips and you gave him a quick peck, breaking out into a fit of giggles again. Beginning to walk down the street, if anyone saw the two of you, they would immediately know what young love looked liked, as it was perfectly plastered on both of your faces.
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szlolla · 3 years
Dear My Candy Love...
19/03/2012 (d/m/y) I created my first and only account in my candy love (amor doce), when I was eleven years old. Now, nine years later, the series is about to end and I have mixed feelings about it. It's bittersweet to see something you love become "weird", as if it is not for you anymore, but I realize the game was not meant to grow with us.
When I played it for the first time, I could see myself in Candy even though I was not in High School. And that is what the game is about. Most of the things she said, did or even suffered I could relate, but now as a college student I can't say the same. Not only because it is too fictional, but how the game limits us and it becomes less something about choices and more about simply dating... And it is okay, because this is what the teens expect about life.
In HSL, me and Candy had the same struggles: making friends; dealing with bullying and some serious, yet not extreme, topics; understanding our own feelings; and even school projects were a little similar. All the boys were somehow interesting for us, in their own ways, personalities and hobbys. It was a little stereotypical, yes, and yet so fun! When all friends gathered together at Iris' house I felt that so deep and cool and in real life I was doing the same thing!
In 2018 University Life launched and with it the worst choice by beemov: change the AP system. Also, the second worst choice came and I was shook: change 3/5 of the LIs. The most popular ones, Nath and Cass, stayed and it is no surprise, but Armin, Lysandre and Kentin just went poof. Do not get me wrong, I know things like that happen all the time, but some people literally paid so they could have clothes, images and even action figures of their favorite LIs. I consider this the start of the downfall, and I know many people do too.
I did not play UL until 2019, when I got accepted in College, and... well, it is bad. Here on tumblr the community created their own OCs from the game, and seeing so many personalities and choices I knew UL would not live up to this. It is hard for a game to have this many possibilities, but after years and years of HSL I really think it was just beemoov's laziness. UL is a money maker, LL as well, and I am not afraid to say that. The game did not stepped up on anything, the writing did not grow and the extreme slow pacing (if you don't buy APs) makes UL and LL "experience" something close to watch a slice of bread mold.
The new LIs aren't a problem to me, except Hyun 'cause that outfit is just horrendous and he wears it 24/7 (just imagine a Mc Donalds worker using the uniform always). I just can't relate anymore to Candy, and her story is not thrilling. I am in episode 14 and basically nothing relevant happened, except finally kissing my LI. Priya and Hyun are so boring as just friends, while Nath has a truly dramatic plot and Cassy, well, he is even more charming as a true rockstar. Candy, Rosa and Armin became a friendship painful to watch, as they just text to talk about study and even if it is something more than that it is forgettable (ik Rosa suffered, I am talking about before that, and by the way it is a crime they did not give us any image of the three together at Rosa's apartment lol). A total of one image (the one from ep 9, so it is just.... well, a dream) feature Chani, and she is basically an angel and the best girl for helping Candy since day one. To summarize, nothing really matters except our crush... and for a old game with a strong playerbase, it could be more than just a dating simulator.
I did not play LL, but.... damn, I kinda don't want to so I cannot say much to be honest.
So, just to wrap it up: personally, I think the game didn't really grow to pace with us, older players, but if the player is still young it is very enjoyable - specially HSL. I might cry enough to fill up a bucket when it is officially over hahaha (even tho I will truly play the final episode next year due this stupid ap system djsdjsd)
Just to add: I am truly grateful for all the love I received here, from followers to drawings and asks! Thank you! I will not delete this Tumblr, probably just make it something more personal (I slowly am by reposting things from other games lol)
I feel I cannot express myself enough in my second language, so I will cut here and everything else is in Portuguese.
DESGRAÇA de empresa fudida ruim do caralho estragou o jogo que eu amei desde os meus onze anos INFERNOOOOOOOO
O HSL é lindo do jeito que é, mesmo com seus defeitos. Jogar o UL é comparável a comer um tijolo, nem consigo imaginar o LL e talvez a cria de 6 cabeças que vai ser o próximo jogo da beemoov. Todo o orçamento do UL/LL foi pro Eldarya e ngm vai me provar o contrário.......
O UL dá um sentimento de fanfic escrita por uma menina de 14 anos: nenhum personagem secundário importa, nenhum evento é relevante para a história e tudo ronda em um relacionamento rushado.
Mas a real é que o jogo já não é mais pras pré-históricas como eu que esperam um plot coerente em tudo... Mas que o HSL é mais bem elaborado que o UL e LL juntos é inegável.
Chani foi injustiçada para um caralho qnd a beemoov nao botou a lenda em nenhuma imagem real no UL. Carregou a do7 nas costas desde o ep 1 junto com a outra lenda Yeleen.
A Ambre, a garota do saco de batatas, amadureceu mais que a docete... outra lenda, mas essa ao menos apareceu em algumas imagens.
Kim não ser um LI nao faz sentido com a minha fantasia....
Acho que é isso....... Estou em estado catatônico e só um novo Dragon Age pra me reviver.
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yanderecandystore · 4 years
hello, can I request BNHA headcanon or fanfic about yandere CEO Enji with female reader? 👉🏻👈🏻
Well- 🍵👁️👄👁️
Honey, I've been trying to push some sort of Yandere Endeavor fanfiction ever since I took a look at his massive thighs, but I just never managed to finish it.
How about I give you some general headcanons, and then I have something to base myself on when I make an actual fanfiction? I honestly had so much fun writing this, but I have so many things to write for that the Yandere Endeavor fanfiction will have to wait for a bit-
Thanks for asking tho, because honestly, I've been too shy to post about it ;-;
TW/Tags: nsfw things included (because I'm a thot) // abuse of power/position // Enji is secretly a simp disguised as a chad (sorry for using these terms lol) // non-quirk specific // I'm literally dying because this is my kink- // Tumblr is bugging the fuck out even though my WiFi connection is fine?? // This is me heavily drooling over this man. This may not be what you wanted boo
Yes, sir. [Yandere!Enji CEO x Female!Reader - Headcanon]:
Don't tell me this man isn't an absolute king. Is he absolute trash? Yes, of course he is, but you can't tell me this man doesn't send shivers down your spine. This bitch is huge.
It doesn't matter which alternative universe I can put him in, he'll always be big chunky husband material. Hell, it doesn't matter where he is, he can literally just be sitting on a bench after a jog around the park, you can't tell me this man won't hold the attention of everyone that is around him.
He is tall, muscular, fucking rich and famous (being a hero or a ceo, or both if you're feeling dangerous), he keeps wearing clothes that are too tight for him and doesn't hide anything from anyone's eyes.
His piercing gaze is one to make people shiver, it doesn't matter who you are, you'll find yourself either terrified or horny by it.
Yes, he knows his influence on people, yes he'll use it whenever the hell he wants. Would you tell him that he can't? Like really, look me in the eyes and tell me that you would diss this absolute unit.
On the workspace his harsh demeanor is more present then ever. He doesn't care about who has to step on to get ahead in life, even if it is his own employees.
God, imagine being this man's secretary. Yes, yes he would make you wear skirts only for his viewing pleasure. Until, of course, he notices that there are other people enjoying the view. Most of your colleagues will be fired, and you can go back to wearing your long pants if you feel like it, cause he is well aware that he is not the only one that notices how beautiful you are.
He'll never admit it tho. He'll never "tell you in your face" that he thinks you're stunning, it doesn't matter which clothes you're wearing…. Or if you're wearing any.
Also, he is really jealous??? He is an possessive obsessive fuck that will never admit how much he loves you.
He'll probably act like you're just another eye-candy that he wants to snack on. But deep down this bitch wants some cuddles. Deep down this bitch wanted to correct for his past mistakes and actually have a healthy relationship. As a father and a lover that is.
He'll absolutely act like it is your fault he is so infatuated. He noticed that you're a clumsy woman that has probably fallen for his big dick energy, you're the one who has a crush on him. It's totally not him who keeps stalking you through camera security and social media.
He is totally not the one who has daydreamed a couple of times about having a cliche love story with you. Or about doing mundane things as a couple.
Or literally bending over his table, ya know, he is totally not the one who has a bunch of condoms hiding in his office just for that particular scenario.
Ya know, it's… It's not his fault ya know?
It's yours for being so sexy yet so cute at the same time. Fuck you.
I can't express this enough- He is thicc! Everywhere, okay?! Literally everywhere. To his thicc ass to his thick skull, this man is a powerful himbo, you cannot tell me otherwise.
This man is impulsive, possessive, and still a bit of a puppy deep in his heart. He may be rude to you, and even give you condescending looks, but if you do the same he'll panic, he'll be all mad at you, talking about how dare you sass your superior.
And then he'll cry before sleeping, because he can't handle the look on your face.
You see, my idea for a yandere Enji is someone who could and will totally force his own wants on his darling, but in a way, he is still pretty dependent on you. He does love you, or better yet, he is completely infatuated by you, and he can't stand the idea of you hating him or fighting him.
But at first, he'll feel like he's an unstoppable beast. Powerful enough to conquer the world. And why is that? Well dearest, he is the CEO of a prospering company, if we are in the original universe (where quirks exist) he is one of the most powerful and respected pro heroes out there, and he has simply the most beautiful gem as a darling in the entire face of the planet.
Yes, it's not really official yet- B-But come on now! How could you say no to simply the best option of a man you could ever find?? He can single handedly hold you in place while he makes you his- How is that not an decisive fact when considering if you should start dating him or not??!!
Millions of people would die to be in your position right now, you know? Being asked by a successful man to be his girlfriend. Even though the words he actually used were kinda similar to…. "Slut" and "pet", what he actually meant was girlfriend.
Of course you would reject such a direct proposition of "be my pet, I'll give you food… and fuck you, basically" (not with this exact words lol). Imagine your boss, who is essentially a human tower, asking you this when you were just getting back home?
You're tired and you ran out of coffee, you're legally granted the power to tell him to fuck off and go back to your house.
And he would still be shocked, how dare you? Like- Honestly, how dare you?
You've been teasing this man ever since you entered his company and when he decides to make a move to stop this endless cycle of teasing, you say no??
Did you like the thrill of teasing him? Did you like the thrill of seeing him beg for these types of human interaction? Perhaps you like the thrill of him hunting you down, which honestly he is all here for it.
He feels pathetic of having not only to come seek you, when it was supposed to be the other way around, and having you lie to his face. Come on, boo, you wanted this more than he does, he is sure of it.
He will make sure to use all of his influence to make you come back begging him to accept you in his arms. An eye for an eye, dearest.
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