#is honestly a delusion of a more perfect world
tiredhawks · 2 years
I don't know if this was intended but Hawks killing Twice and that plotline moving on, and then showing X-less just stare at Shigaraki as he starts moving and then the mass destruction and death he causes from there is actually kind of cool
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sword-dad-fukuzawa · 2 months
Light can't fuck his brother in the ass and he can only probably beat him to death with hammers. Will he at least get a consolation prize?
smiles. the death note <3
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messiahzzz · 5 months
as much as i dislike the dialogue option that leads to this scene, i genuinely appreciate gale's response. it is easy to overlook what he is actually trying to convey here and is instead commonly dismissed as him being "overdramatic" or as a display of his bruised ego.
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player: it was fine. gale: i see. gale: well, fine is... fine. nobody weeps because the weather is fine. no monarchs were overthrown because their ruling was fine. no artworks were burned because they were not masterpieces, but merely fine. player: would you have rather i lied? gale: the dignified thing for me to say is 'no. of course not. forthrightness before all.' but honestly? yes... i would have rather you lied. gale: i'm just a man. an imperfect one, with needs, wants, and flaws by the bushel. a fragile vessel in which to place potentially world-ending power. gale: perhaps it would be better to not shake such a vessel. gale: forgive me. these were already trying times before elminster delivered his missive. now, for me at least, they are potentially end times.
gale is no stranger to introspection. despite having his natural blindspots, he is fully aware of his flaws and imperfections. he lacks an inherent sense of self-preservation, displays impatience on occasion, can be hypocritical, has trouble handling pointed criticism well, and has a tendency to respond in passive aggression if he feels his competence is brought into question. he seeks admiration and is known to not honor his limitations and own safety for the sake of receiving praise.
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gale: [...] people have always commented on my confidence, sometimes my over-confidence, and in one particularly cut throat assessment at university - my 'abject and incorrigible self-delusion.'
gale is not blind to how he is perceived by others, nor does he dismiss their conclusions without careful consideration. instead of deflecting he simply takes what they dish out and files it away for later contemplation and inspection.
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player: because you acted the idiot. and paid the price for it too. gale: as always, i endeavor to be invigorated by your candour, rather than eviscerated by it. gale: blunt as your summation is - it's correct. i dared to call myself an archmage while acting the apprentice. the hallmarks of a most excellent idiot, unfortunately.
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player: i can't say i share the same high opinion of you, gale. gale: always bringing such candour to our conversations. some would think twice about mocking gale of waterdeep, but you just go straight for the gut. nodecontext: playing along, making fun of himself gale: i like that about you. it's one of your rarer qualities, though i fear my ego can take no more of it tonight. nodecontext: cheerfully accepting the brush off, not taking it personally
needs, wants, and flaws by the bushel.
gale craves as mortals do. for relevance, safety, consideration, loyalty, care, acceptance, and love. he's desperate, he's angry, he's petty and hurt and lonely. he's contradictory, and at times inconsistent. he's afraid, he stumbles, he yearns. if he loves, he does so with all his heart but forgets to extend the same love to himself. he gains understanding only to disregard it later. he is absorbed yet devoted. he expects kindness but is bewildered when it is extended to him in turn. he's neither a perfect colleague, a perfect companion, a perfect lover, nor a perfect husband. he's just another human who's trying to navigate and make sense of the world. who is silently hoping for his soul to be handled with tenderness and care, to finally be seen for who he is —no need for performance or pretense — and to be unconditionally cherished nonetheless.
a fragile vessel in which to place potentially world-ending power.
he knows the burden he carries. understanding that even a momentary lapse in judgment could spell catastrophe if he doesn't exert tight control over his emotions at all times. he knows what is at stake should he lose the composure he painstakingly had to master. a mere moment is all it takes. this self-assessment isn't an "indirect threat" intended to subject pressure on tav or solicit pity, it's a stark acknowledgment of the truth. he is a fragile human, housing powers that should've never been his in the first place.
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player: unbelievable. did you ever think what would happen if the tadpole got the better of you? gale: every waking moment. every dreaming moment too. but there was no way out.
he is also keenly aware of how his (former) colleagues perceive him, following his fall from grace.
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player: bold. few would dare to reduce a goddess to their 'muse.' gale: i am, after all, the villain of the tale.
this line in particular is one i often think about. it makes me wonder about the extent of information gale received from the outside world after locking himself in his tower for an entire year, setting magical wards so no one but tara would be able to enter. did he hear the whispers? ("shunned by the goddess of magic herself, of course, it was only a matter of time before he flew too close to the sun.") were his colleagues ridiculing him, applauding mystra for cutting off the rot at the source? how did he arrive at the assumption that he is perceived as "the villain" and not the victim?
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player: you must have been lonely, with only tara for company.. gale: sometimes. but i imposed it upon myself, after all. i set up enough wards to keep an army at bay, never mind the few colleagues who sought to inquire about my welfare.
or is this solely his own harsh judgment of his folly? that there is no chance anyone would meet him with sympathy, kindness and understanding after what he had wrought. he was too greedy, too impatient — selfish in arrogance, ravenous in ambition. letting delusions of grandeur guide him. he brought it all upon himself with his lack of patience. entirely convinced of his success and skill, blind to the possibility of failure. now doomed to drag innocents into the abyss with him. the hallmarks of a villain, right? after all, who would truly believe him that his ambition hid no ill will?
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players: by rights. i should kill you. gale: perhaps that is what i deserve, but you deserve no such thing. [...]
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purerae · 2 months
teehee first ask thing :3c
i work at a movie theater and it sucks, literally the only thing that keeps me going is pretending someone going to see movies just to interact with me. tbh whenever i scan someone ticket and they’re cute, i’ll try to be at their theater whenever the movie end just to tell them “have a nice day!”
do what you'll want with this, i just wanna share my delusions ^^
hihi omg this is so cute, i wrote a little something about it !!
(i wrote this at like four am on a googles doc and didn’t proof read — pls forgive me for the kinda lame writing ;;;)
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You’re tired. Extremely tired. If you got a coin for how many times somebody had asked you a stupid question — you’d be able to quit your job by now.
The smell of popcorn and off brand candy lingers in the air; you feel sick to your stomach as you look at the clock. 3 more hours of your shift left, god, you close your eyes for a solid minute — imagining yourself in your nice warm bed away from all the noise, smell and buzzing food machines.
Fortunately, it seems as the flurry amount of people had dispersed after the screenings of the new trending movie had stopped at a certain time. You hum a sigh under your breath, the theater was almost empty, You prayed to whatever was listening to you that a group of teenagers wouldn’t just burst in and charge towards your counter.
You decide to pass off some time by restocking the candy shelves by your desk, grimacing at the overpriced labels when you suddenly hear a small cough.
Looking up, you notice a very familiar customer beaming at you with a big smile. Their eyes light up, and you can't help but change your tired expression to one that matches theirs.
“Hey! How’s your shift going Y/N?” The man smiles, fidgeting with his hands as he eagerly looks at you.
“Good as a shift can get Matteo, how’s your day going? This is the third time you came this week — Must’ really like movies.. new world record huh?”
You respond back, with no malice in your tone, exchanging banter with your favourite customer. He comes so often to the theatre, that you guys are already on first name basis.
Honestly, the only reason he was your favourite customer was because of how how nice and pleasant he was to chat too.
Matteo would arrive with a warm smile, always making a beeline for whichever counter you were working at. You guys would chat about the latest releases, obscure indie films, and laugh over the messiness of children running around.
You’d remember the first time he came into the movies with his friends, his eyes would linger on you every now and again whilst ordering — you never really paid any mind to it.
Matteo raises his eyebrows as you question him. “…Really like movies?” A pause between the two of you as you nod awkwardly, before his eyes widen in realisation.
“Oh yeah— yeah! I love movies hahaha…! Movies are great.. awesome, spectacular, so fun!!” He says laughing, wiping his eyebrow and grinning extremely wide.
Rapidly changing the subject, Matteo places one of his arms on the counter. “The movie you recommended to me two days ago was so funny! I loved it, anything new for me today?”
To be frank, you could not recall what movie you told him to watch, and you doubt you even watched it yourself! However, seeing the gleam in his face — you didn’t have the heart to tell him so.
You shift your head slightly to see behind Matteos head, the small list of movies that were going to play soon. Selecting the most cool sounding one, you look back at him.
“There’s a movie called ‘Argan Gate’ that came out recently in theatre 3?”
His smile becomes even more radiant (which you didn’t know could be possible) as he looks through his bag, “Sounds perfect! I’ll take a ticket!”
Matteo hands you his money, your fingers brushed slightly, The man freezes as he just stares at your hands for a solid few seconds before zoning back in with flushed cheeks.
“…I’ll tell you how the movie was after, see you at your next shift?” He says with a flustered look. You mutter a small okay with a wave as he walks to the movie screening.
You wonder for a second on how he’d know when your next shift is, and why he watches every single thing you recommend him. Pausing as you stare at his back with a narrowed gaze before you shrug your shoulders, going back to restocking the shelves
‘He must just really really love movies.’
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I had a long argument with someone on whether or not stomping Belos before he dies was better than letting him die pathetically, and I asked myself if that is what fans really believe in... or if they would hail any Belos' death as the perfect one if Dana choose a different one?
They also justify the stomping as being part of horror-comedy genre and that Belos should not have any dignity what so ever because apparently letting him die in despair with no stomping is running the risk of making the audience feel "sorry" for him.
Honestly, these justifications make The Owl House feel more shallow. Like, why shouldn't the audience be allowed to feel sorry for Belos? What is the danger? That people would agree with Belos' views?
Or are we supposed to develop a black and white view of the world akin to a conservative view but inverted? And then hide behind the horror comedy genre to justify less drama? I hate to say it, but Nostalgia Critic is right about Belos being this strange outlier. The show seems to be afraid of actually doing a complex, tragic and yet irredeemable villain.
It doesn't make any sense to argue that Belos' death fits because of toh's genre as a horror comedy because the scene was neither played for horror nor laughs. At best, you have the image of Philip slowly being dissolved by the rain and then Raine's smug "that was satisfying" line. The overall tone of the scene is one of contempt as Philip tries one last plea to Luz only to be snuffed out (and weirdly validated) by the heroes. Its intent is to be cathartic for both audience (though as you know doubt know, YMMV) and the characters.
Frankly, despite its marketing, I don't see toh as either a horror or a comedy because it spends more time on slice of life stuff and high school teen drama and romance. And even when it does go for the horror and comedy, both are rather tepid. You want a real example of a horror-comedy for kids, then go watch Courage the Cowardly Dog or Invader Zim.
The reason why I argue the heroes validated Belos is because in the moment of his death, he clings to the idea that as humans, "we're better than this!" It's a moment of pathetic delusion that is appropriately met with silence but then it's ruined with Eda and Co. barging in with "Well, we ain't!" only to then prove his point by mercilessly stomping an already dying man to death. There's a reason why kid shows usually end with either the villain being imprisoned or not outright being murdered by the heroes. Evil has to die by its own hubris, not get killed by the heroes after the Big Battle when they're no longer a threat. I made a post about the importance of defeating a major antagonist twice.
Belos' death also doesn't work with a "Kill your oppressors" theme because the show isn't about that. The show barely spends any time showing why the EC is bad for the Boiling Isles and Eda is the only named wild witch we see getting harassed by them and even then, it's mostly played for laughs given how inept the coven scouts are (seriously, they're able to quit without fear of repercussions).
I think a reason fans are split on Belos' death is because of differing expectations; the fans who paid attention to Belos and the implication of his backstory and waited for every lie to come crashing down on him since that's what the show seemed to be building up to only to be unceremoniously ignored in the end were no doubt disappointed. Then you have the other fans who hated the character to the point that any gruesome death will do, regardless whether it made narrative or thematic sense or not.
Ultimately, I think the biggest reason his death doesn't work is because Belos fails as a villain.
Belos' status as a colonial puritan only works on a meta-level; it serves a cathartic release for marginialized people to see a representative of real world oppression beaten by queer characters as it fulfills the fantasy of finally overthrowing an oppressive system. The fatal flaw though is that none of this works on a narrative level because the coven system is either treated as a joke or simply a career path one must choose and we never see the disenfranchisement of wild witches. People largely get off scot-free opposing Belos, which undermines his credibility as both a dictator and a villain because no one cares about him until the plot needs them to. Luz doesn't even care about proving he's evil until Hollow Mind, which is halfway through season 2.
Belos as a villain only works if you project your own feelings and desires in wanting to see the Evil Christian/Evil Parent destroyed. While this is extremely satisfying emotionally, it does not make a sound story.
All the reasons why people like his death ("it's great the evil colonizer died so pathetically!" "omg, the white christian colonizer was killed by two queer people and their adopted son!" etc) are all meta reasons. And to be clear, it's totally fine if you thought his death was satisfying. But for many people, it did not work for a variety of reasons, including narrative ones. And that differing opinion should be respected instead of arguing some nonsense like "we have to make our villain as stupid/evil as possible or run the risk of people liking/sympathizing with him."
Belos should have died in a manner that connected back to his original sin: the murder of his brother. All of his lies and delusions and fear of being wrong should have played a part in the finale. He should have not died thinking he was right. He should have died realizing that all he did was for nothing. And that he is to blame. And that there is no one waiting for him back home.
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zombifiedheartg · 10 months
Yandere Mike and alters( team up if you want! ) with a darling that is the most sweet,caring and calm person of the world! That would never ever make something bad and protects everyone!
If you can't is ok! Take your time,rest well and have the best day of your life!!!! 💞
of course <3 and thank u so much, ur so nice! i didn't include chester for this, i'm sorry !! , i'm so sorry this took so long & it was pretty short :( i rlly hope u enjoyed it raaahhha
yandere mike & alters x caring darling..
cw : delusion, basic yandere behaviour, obsession, mentions of harming ppl, violence in general, mal in general, mike being clingy, manipulation & gaslighting , sexism, jealousy of course .
˚﹟🪐 'ಇ.
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he thinks you're the sweetest thing thats ever happened to him!! your caring nature is so alluring to him, you're like a dream. most of his life he's been made fun of, ridiculed and just overall bullied.
but with you, it's refreshing not to be mocked almost 25/8. and you always defend him, it's so nice! he's attached himself to you, he's so clingy.. he never goes anywhere without you. where you go, he goes.
it's so suffocating and annoying not to have any alone time, but you'd never tell him that, you don't wanna hurt your precious boyfriends feelings do you? the guilt would just eat you alive!
you're an angel to him.
the weird glances you get from people as he practically hangs on to your waist are worth it.
he's more possessive than he'd like to think, he gets jealous sort of easily. i mean, he trusts you! you're most loyal person he's ever met! another trait he loves about you, but it's not exactly you he's worried about.
he just doesn't think any guy or girl that flirts with you actually deserves the attention you bring them.
mike can't help but think your kindness is a bit too much, people never actually repay the favour. you practically give the world to others and get nothing in return! it's so unfair,
he'd never treat you like that. you aren't a stepping stool to him. you're so much more than that, why can't you just properly accept his love?
he also loves how calm you are, you can easily defuse any situation. your aura overall is just enchanting, it's usually so hectic on the island, surrounded by people who are polar opposites, followed with chris's sadistic life-threatening challenges, you always make him feel at peace somehow.
and that's something he always longs for.
''god, you're so cute!''
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none of the diamonds and other valuable things he's found in his adventures compare to how much you mean to him.
you're a real sweetie, and he loves it!
your compassion has quite the charm, he's found himself with a few scratches here and there after a wrong turn during exploring, and to see your beautiful face up close as you tend to his wounds, he's never been happier.
but lets be honest here, he's kind of a sexist at heart. he prefers to be the ''chivalrous'' one. sure it gets annoying when he doesn't let you do literally anything, but you'd never tell him that.
you're like a pushover in his eyes. so he'd rather cling on to you to ''protect'' you. you obviously don't need protection.. you're perfectly capable. he's seen the way you handle yourself, you could kick someone's ass for him if he asked! he babies you.
but this way, it boosts his ego to see you immediately going to him for help.
and you can really tell someone off if they tried anything, you're so trustworthy. he's honestly obsessed with your company.
he gets quite jealous. he knows you like talking to people and just overall being nice to others, but he can't help it. that person's lucky to even get a spare glance. let alone hear your voice.
''you're a treasure, aren't ya?''
༘ 💋 ⋆。𓍢ִ໋🌹 .
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oh you're a darling!
she adores how graceful you are.
you two are for sure the cutest couple on this island. you're the perfect person for her! you're just lovely to be around, she treats you amazing aswell!
she's one of the more tame yanderes. she's alot more gentle around you
she likes to teach you dances and such, sure she has way more experience, but she just wants to be close to you.
her love for you is passionate! she's so obsessed with you, you're always on her mind. and she always finds a way to include you in every conversation..
it's a bit of a problem for mike on the other hand. most of his friends are just tired of hearing about you, but svetlana can't help it! if anything, they should be glad to be hearing about you.
when you defend her, she just swoons!
and don't get her started on your beauty, your kind nature just intensifies it!
''your form is just wonderful!''
༘ ⋆。˚🎗
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damn, you're a doll.
he's always around you with an arm around your waist, or your shoulder. it's kind of a way to let people know you're ''his''. and he just likes touching you
he always takes your basic human decency towards him as a flirt. every time you even interact with him he's filled with butterflies,
he likes how calm you are, and how easy you take his flirtatious comments with just a small giggle. it's so appealing, sure he likes it when you're flustered, for some reason he's attracted to your peaceful-ness.
he was already cocky, but now that he's with you, it's just intensified. he feels so lucky to be with you. but who wouldn't?
he brags about you so often, it's tiring.. but also endearing, you're always the first person he goes to when he has a chance, that's a thing alot of the yandere's have in common, they can't stand to be away from you.
he tries to impress you as much as he can, whether that be with his looks, or his strength, he just wants to hear words of encouragement from you.
he gets jealous pretty easily, even if you're doing something as simple as helping someone, i mean c'mon, only the vito should hear his belˈlettsa's voice! he knows its just the way you are, but jesus.
''ay, can't get enough of me, huh?''
੭﹕ ̊ ̟ 🩸
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god it irritates him so much, you're so nice and benevolent its infuriating. he wants your attention fully focused on him most of the time, how can that happen when you're too busy caring for some fucking dork that probably wouldn't even spit on you if you were on fire.
he only likes it when you're gracious to him. with the others though? no way.
he's for sure way more violent than the others, he'd actually hurt you if it meant you'd just fall in his arms.
and you totally just foil his plans, he knows if he hurts anyone that even dared to get close with you, they'd still end up with you somehow, except with closer proximity. which is worse!
but that still doesn't stop him. he'll go as far as to kill that person. he knows who you'll go to for a shoulder to cry on..
he also can't help but think your harmless nature is adorable. you remind him of prey, just so innocent and full of life. he thinks the fact that you won't do anything bad is sorta annoying because he finds himself getting scolded by you for nearly murdering someone.
''what, you think they'll give you the same treatment i do? you can't be that stupid..''
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thequietkid-moonie · 2 months
hi! May I request some yandere hcs for yandere Gepard (hsr) with gentle darling? thank you ^^
Gentle darling
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[ YANDERE HEADCANONS ] [ Gepard Landau ]
[ Honkai Star Rail ]
⚠️ Yandere, I don't support nor try to romanticize this toxic behaivor, is just for entretaiment
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Miau miau thanks for requesting for Gepard dear anon <33 I love that man!! I want him since I started playing Honkai 😖😖 but I only get Himekos I dont care if I already have Aventurine, I want that man!!!
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The captan of the Silvermane Guards is someone diligent and reliable, he always put his job first and is quite prideful of his title, and yet he is not selfish or egocentric in the slighest, is is always looking out of the other soldiers and the people of belobog, ready to give his life in battle if it means protecting others
It has being his life dream become a Silvermane guard and he does with honor, in the name of his family and belobog, but the moment he met you it was like if everything make sense, as if all that he have endure, the victories and fails, the intense battles and the loses, everything has being for him to become the perfect guard to be able to protect such gentle and beautiful soul, suddenly your only existance became is his whole new purpose
Gepard doesn't really falls in lovequick but he does it hard, and, honestly, everything that his heart feels for you is something only he know, is quite obvious the crush he has for you since his adoraring gaze always follow you he you walk pass by him, but the true intensity of his feelings is something he will never let anyone know
Gepard doesn't has much experience with love, this is easily his first time being in love and he isn't sure if it is supposed to be this intense, he wonders if is normal to feel the need to be at your side and never leave you, to want to be able to catch your attention and have it on him as long as posible, to be in your gentle and sweet presence and embrace and forget about the rest of the world, to want to don't let anyone else close because he is you protector, you dont need anyone else when he is completely capable of protecting and providing you and he wants to prove it to you
Gepard tries to ask about it to Serval, but he is quite shy about expressing what exactly he feels so she easily mistake it as a simple and cute crush and end up offering her help to make you two get closer and even giving some advice to him about how try to win your heart
In no time you become part of the life of the Landou, Serval quickly became your friend and Gepard finally had the opportunity to be close, however his intense feelings lead him to see himself more as a protector than anything else (specially by how gentle you are, it trigger his protective side way too much) so he stays formal with you most of the time, treating you with respect and adoration (with time he goes as far as even treating you as if you were the Supreme Guardian themself), and the more time he spend with you the more he can see how truly you are so gentle and sweet, what just lead him to be come more protective and possesive
Your gentle nature lead Gepard to underestimate way too much, it reminds him when he was a kid that couldn't protect himself, back where Serval was the one protecting him, he think of you like that and now that he is stronge enough he knows he can protect you from everything and anything, the more time it pass the more he is convinced that he is the only one who can protect you (the fact that even Qlipoth has recognized his oath to the preservation only feed more his delusions)
Despite the fact that he is completely convinced that he has to be your personal protector, most of the time Gepard present himself as his true self, between his inmense love for you and your gentle nature it can easily melt him and break through his formalities and rough exterior, with you he lets his guard down, whenever is just the two of you he isn't the honorable memeber of the Landau family that became and captain of the Silverman Guards, blessed by Qlipoth, whenever is just the two of he is only Gepard, and he is yours, and he must protect that
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generalluxun · 1 month
different anon but if anyone's closer to the Gary Stu/Mary Su type it's Marinette, cause they keep insisting that she's so special (the time she had on all the miraculouses), the best Ladybug ever (Tikki constantly says this despite the fact that she's lost the miraculouses at least two times), and was ultimately the one that beat Hawkmoth on her own (Gabe stole the miraculouses from her AND got his wish, so she didn't actually win). Not to mention all the people who were crushing on her? Nino, Nathaniel, Luka, Zoe, and however many others? Adrien was over there in his white prison room talking about how HE'S not worthy of MARINETTE'S love? Yeah no...
Okay, we need some definitions. For myself I absolutely love what OSP has for this. *Note* I will use the term Mary Sue so I'm not constantly typing both out, but I honestly consider it gender neutral. You can have a Male(or ace, or whichever) Mary Sue, it's a lot easier than bothering with 'Gary Stu'
With this framework we find that people are often talking cross definitions. Some people latch onto the G1 definition of Mary Sue as someone who is 'perfect' and the fact that Thomas/Marinette(Don't hate on Marinette here, Thomas's words in her mouth) declare Adrien is 'perfect', but those aren't the same definitions.
G1 Mary Sue perfect is 'without flaws' Can do everything better and at range, everyone loves them instantly, etc etc.
Thomas means 'a thing to be kept and admired' like a perfect diamond. It's quite clear Adrien has flaws in the series. It would take a heavy level of self-delusion to miss them. I *like* Adrien, I write for him a lot! But yeah, look at Lies, he treated Adrien like garbage and the narrative punished him for it, pretty bog standard.
Now Marinette- She's an interesting case. She didn't START out a G1 Mary Sue, but she has always been a *type* of Mary Sue. You see after the initial blowback to G1 Mary Sues writers began to throw flaws onto their characters to try and dodge the label. Yet, a lot of the FUNCTION of a Mary Sue remained. So a new definition was formed. This one relies simply on the narrative warping power that a Mary Sue possesses. They are the only *real* person in a world of extras. They have flaws, but those flaws are simply backstory or window dressing.
Marinette's Clumsiness is a prime example of this. She's Clumsy! Except... never when it matters. Imagine how much more of a dynamic we would have if she were *actually* clumsy. She's the thinker/leader who is still functional in a fight, but when it comes down to anything precise, she needs her Olympic-Level trained Partner.
When bad things happen to a Mary Sue, it's only for sympathy points, and they come out on top. S3 She had to be the Guardian- And then we get a series of things that were only solvable because she was the guardian. Her ability to make charms is literally 'Just believe you can' Su-Han shows up and she mocks him. etc etc. Gabriel beats her in S5! -and his wish gives her everything she wants. She is tormented in Derision! -And all it does is make Adrien even more on her side, she's already won and they used her 'trauma' for comedy for 4 seasons.
The biggest thing though is how almost nothing ever progresses without Marinette's attention(a little changes in S5, but that's just because Felix is even MORE of a Mary Sue when he shows up, his localized Sueness defeats her general Sueness) Even when you have a protagonist centered story, most narratives will have a world that lives and breathes and side characters with lives outside the main. The world they live in feels alive. With a Mary Sue(and ML) the world stops completely and almost ceases to exist if the Sue is not present to influence things.
Now I'm gonna blow your mind- A Mary Sue isn't always bad! You *can* write a strong narrative around a Mary Sue- as long as you recognize it.
Marinette is a fun character!
If the show ran with 'Marinette is amazing and multi talented and a paragon, capable in every situation' then you know, that works! Your hero can be blessed! People loved *Superman* to pieces for decades while he was basically invincible. Doc Savage was a thing in the Pulp Era.
The problem is they want to try and run this 'normal girl! oh so clumsy. Oh put upon, pity her, poor girl.' Line, and yet... she just wins, and wins, and always wins, and never stops winning. She is always considered morally by the end of every episode. She wins without even trying (her victory vs Lila was handed to her. She got her power upgrades basically out of the blue each time) So these two disparate things don't click. They create cognitive dissonance that aware viewers pick up on, and it makes things far less satisfying.
I just want to reiterate though. A Mary Sue is not who Marinette is, it is how the narrative *handles* her. Don't hate on Marinette. Wish she was in a better executed story.
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fairyqueentitana · 2 months
Let's talk about Alya
The time has come to talk about a fan favourite outside the dynamic duo of Marinette and Adrien. Today's chosen character is Alya Cesaire going to be a bit more to the point than usual.
This girl has no self-preservation - I don't care what anyone says Alya is around 15/16 and is running into a battlefield to record for her blog. She is a child risking her life for some videos have any of the adults addressed this NOPE. Someone buy this girl a drone, please.
Telling Nino everything even when she shouldn't- I'm being honest I'm quite surprised she never told Nino ladybug's identity. She tells him everything down to the fact she was Rena Rougue and when she gets back her miraculous she also tells him. IT'S A SECRET FOR A REASON. Honestly, we all had that phase in our first serious relationship we tell the person too much. However, somethings should stay between you and your friend not you your friend and your boyfriend.
The Lila situation - If my best friend tells me someone is lying I will believe them and support them. Alya literally brushes off Marinette as jealous. What annoys me is the only time she defends Marinette she still in the end goes back to supporting Lila. Then she posts the interview on her blog without questioning anything. A good friend will call you out on your nonsense, and a great one will do it in private unless you really deserve it in public. Alya is a teenager moved by a good story and nice words but seriously Marinette is her friend. She should treat her like one.
Alya's part in that intervention- All of them in the wrong, every last one. Firstly my closest friends in the world wouldn't do that nonsense even when we were teens. They let me know if they were coming over and did not break boundaries even in friendships you should have boundaries they exist for a reason. As a group, they all broke Marinette's boundaries and in trying to "help" they did not consider she was not ready to talk and tried to force it out of her. Alya as her closest friend only encourage that nonsense.
Alya is impulsive- The incident with Chloe's locker and throwing around assumptions is dangerous. The fact she broke into someone's locker was bad enough. She had no right to do that and the fact a few fans of the show support her on that makes me question the norms of their environment.
Encouraging Marinette with the Adrien situation - We have all had a crush. we have all been the friend that encourages hope and some delusions (within the line of reason) tell me what friend encourages someone to be a STALKER. Alya should have placed some reasonable control on her girl. The day I get that crazy I expect my friend to slap some sense in me. As a friend, you tell your friend the truth whether they want to hear it or not. ALya should have told Marinette "Hey girl, I love you but this is stalker behaviour and I cannot condone this so let's get rid of his schedule and all those photos and let's talk about healthy ways have having a crush" Once I again I love the show and I am letting them all off as they are teenagers but I have to address these things. No character is perfect they all have flaws and criticism will always exist it's how one handles it.
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2n2n · 4 days
ch. 118
it is scary that there is 2 (still) hot (implies fresh, newly made) cups of tea for them when they wake up here, lol?
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I don't have as much of an impression of the house Itself doing things (it feels ... more parsed INTO Tsukasa and Amane...?) so... did Amane make them tea....? Extremely psychofink thing to do if so, love that for him.
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absolutely terrifying... ahhh Amane!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥
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the implication of these bodies in WATER is interesting, of course ... I've got a longstanding delusion that the God of the Red House was originally something like a river or reservoir...? Something humans once relied on, worshipped and adored, which escalated it to God-status as per shinto beliefs... then perhaps, further human mythologizing turned it into what we see today. After all, women are plunged into water in the village, and dissolve into water under the house... and of course, it was a well which still tapped into this water, which the Red House was built on & which could still access it.
So, ah. Not surprising water might be a factor here too....
I like the 'aquarium' vibe behind the glass, appropriate for Kou and Mitsu eh (:
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the outfit he died in, ya? It's kind of funny if somehow a kaii was related to this death lol.... ? Kou is all proud...
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this outfit is just interesting lol.. the zipper on the sleeve. Somehow it makes me feel like it makes sense he thinks the form granted to him when Tsukasa blesses him into a Mystery is 'cool'...
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I hadn't expected a fight for dominance, in this way, or that the past timeline would have such a vivid sense of self and identity. It's neat though, I enjoy being this haunted, and having to feel this inferior to it. Oppressive...! Surprised it naturally wants to demand you forfeit to it....
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We really are upping the ante from Picture Perfect...
Kou is not a submissive person in the least, it's hard to imagine any Kou would willingly to cede to another... that cannot bode well for him lol. I wonder if he will be kicking against everyone else trying to right the timeline..... I would personally love it if Nene-chan and Kou wound up on opposite ends of "what should happen".... the biggest thing I want for Kou, among other things, is for him to have a truly selfish desire, and be driven to hurt innocent people in defense of it... I just think that would be the most interesting challenge for our noble do-good classic shounen-style lad.
I also LONG have wanted him to finally have some sort of an ultimate side, when it comes to Mitsuba VS Nene-chan. As it is, he's been able to be 'loyal' to them both, as their sides don't conflict so harshly. He has a nebulous 'save you' desire towards both, but he's also pretty useless on how to execute that, and generally being Around Nene-chan so much leads him to neglecting Mitsuba, leaving him to the dogs (broadcast club), and making Mitsuba feel worthless & disposable to him. I'd like it if he finally had so much imperative towards Mitsuba (in a world he isn't close to Nene-chan at all!) that Nene-chan is made into an enemy (there's really nothing for her in this timeline, if Amane wasn't even a happy person, is there?).
My problem with Kou is he does a lot of fence-sitting! With Teru, with Mitsuba, with Hanako, with Nene-chan.... his position on everything is middling. His most stern declaration recently was "make everybody happy" which honestly isn't an endgame to me, it's just more fence-sitting. I don't really think this manga values or rewards that kind of generalized 'goodness'...
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anyway I think Mitsuba has some kind of fetish for this
Mitsuba has this strange unwellness to him in any timeline, doesn't he... he's interesting like this. As this trait comes to the surface more often, I find him more charming... he seems a little crazy underneath the performance of generic loud fussiness. and I like that being a kaii or dying young with no friends, isn't the thing that made him like this....
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a fun whimsical attitude towards his own death!
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But he's always willing to die so long as someone (other than his mom lol) would miss and mourn him, right? I wonder if his reservations are absolved by already knowing Kou would cry and lose it.
and then.... ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
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oh gosh oh goshhhh ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
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HI HONEY!!!! HELLO !!!!! HIIIIII YOU LOOK AMAAAAAZING ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!!!!!!! tired and worn... mmm this is the kind of look I want for an older Amane, for sure for sure! Ohhh I knew it ♥♥♥♥♥♥ I knew you were up to something ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ how many kids have been lead here, how many tortured souls do you need? I love that they seemed to earnestly want to help Mitsuba, but couldn't help looking terrifying and suspicious. Poor things don't want to see yet more souls become trapped with them....
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these trapped souls SHOULD be happy, Amane!!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ I'm sure they're going to be part of something useful to you!! I'm sure I'm suuuure ♥♥♥♥♥ whatever you need them for is more important than their lives ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ it's good to do as you please.... ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
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I can't believe WEEEE look like this eeuueuuuuu... delightful ♥♥♥ IT'S GREAT TO SEE YOU!!! matching Yugi.... ♥♥♥♥♥
Ough. I'm suspended in terror, just thinking about this MAN interacting with Nene-chan. I'm terribly worried for her. Oh gosh oh gosh. RUN GIRL!!!! What on earth will this creep feel about a Nene-chan.... she's coming to his house!!! RIGHT NOW!!! ouhhfgg.... you're going to see a girl who is all nice with it....
and Nene-chan.... what will she think of you!!! Youuuu handsommmmmmmme devillllllllllll..... ♥♥♥♥♥♥ I'm wooorried for her!! I'm also worried about your tiny baby otouto wwwwww
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uhffg he's so small. HELP lol!!!!!! this fuckin CREEPER... AAOAOAuouu
your otouto he feels so innocent.... lost & confused......
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in other news, this Amane certainly isn't physically the age we would expect him to be at this point in time, had he aged organically. He's closer to the age he was when working at the school (maybe a little older...), but that was some time ago. So is he dead? Or did he become something else? Did he live in the Red House for his child + adult life? What happened to their parents? While Amane was spreading rumors, was he maintaining something else at home, or did he only begin this nonsense here after dying? Did he live in a normal apartment in life, but managed this property on the side, intending to occupy it later.....? It was sitting abandoned, as far as we can tell... did he wait for his parents to die? So many questions...
but uhhfffff my satisfaction.... showww meeeee the baggy-eyed grim Amane... I've been enjoying spectating JP thirst for him.... you'll have all the girls at your feet if you look like that, Amane.... we love a demented sick boy.......
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marshmallowprotection · 4 months
Do you think AE Saeran can look at old photos of himself? Ones from his childhood and selfies Ray has taken. Or do you think it’d be a little triggering for him?
I think he would be able to do that. There aren't too many photos of him that exist from childhood, in fact, you could probably count them on your hand.
There are more photos of him than there are of Saeyoung. That's for a good reason and only has to do with the fact that Rika took secret photos for Saeyoung. If not for that, there would not be any photos of him in existence at all. You have to remember that the boys weren't supposed to exist at all.
Their very existence was a detriment to their lives. They couldn't grow up normally, they couldn't have pictures taken of them, they couldn't go to school, they couldn't leave their house without taking multiple steps to make sure nobody followed them home, and I'm sure you can imagine the rest.
If you're not supposed to exist, you shouldn't have evidence of your existence.
I think GE Saeran can look back at all the photos that were taken of him. The ones Ray took might be hard to look at. Because, he is Ray, and he's in a better place of healing now and looking back on how far he was into the manipulation and delusion that was sold to him is hard to stomach.
He doesn't turn away from those pictures because he isn't ashamed of himself. He feels a lot of empathy for that person, for that Ray, because now he knows why what he was feeling was wrong and those insecurities that ruled his world aren't as powerful as he thought they were. He can look back at those photos and tell himself that what he was afraid of wasn't true.
But... photos from his childhood? I believe those can be hard to look at. There's a lot of complex feelings that come from looking at those photos, but I think the most difficult thing for him would be guilt. The obvious feelings that are intertwined with this are the ones that everyone can pick out, him looking at a smaller version of himself that's in a bad place, but that kid just needs somebody to tell him that it's going to be okay someday and even though it hurts and he doesn't deserve to suffer, he would choose to do it all again if he ended up where he was now.
The hardest part would be knowing that his brother wouldn't be able to have photos like that. Saeyoung might have gotten photos of him, but... he never got photos of Saeyoung.
Sure, I suppose we can argue that there are pictures of him on the messenger, but we have to remember that he is the one in control of moderating that server, and he makes it pretty clear throughout the game that it has tip top security. Nobody could get into that if they wanted to, and the only reason people were able to get into it in the first place is because HE WASN'T THERE TO MAN IT.
His brother had the benefit of seeing Rika's phone and the messenger. He was able to recreate everything after studying it for quite a while, and sure, it wasn't perfect by any means, but that was the only reason why he was able to get in. He had something that was already inside of it.
Saeyoung likely didn't start taking photos of himself until he had the messenger. I can't see it any other way. Most, if not all of the photos he shares with everyone in the messenger tend to have him in costume for disguise.
It's never quite him 100%, and if it is, he lives knowing that it's safe from everybody else. That is the only place where he allows his existence to be what it is. He isn't afraid. I mean, if you look up paranoid in the dictionary, his face is there, but the messenger is his safe place.
Saeran would undoubtedly feel guilty that his brother doesn't have much documentation of his own existence.
That's not his fault, but I'm sure he would experience some guilt about it. Honestly, I think that's a huge reason why Saeran takes up photography. It's a common theme we see throughout his after-ending, and it was always hinted at from the very beginning, sprinkled in there with hints from his conversations with Jihyun.
He wants to take pictures of everything, of all of his experiences, not because he doesn't want to live in the moment, but because he always wants something to show him that he's been to all kinds of places and he can look back on it fondly. But, in this sense, he could make sure that there's always pictures of his brother and I think that's part of his healing process.
Looking at his brother can be difficult because of what was done to him, he spent so long being sick at the side of his own reflection because of his brother, but now he can look through a view finder and it's not as sickening. It's going to take some time before it feels right, but they're on their way to recovery.
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bloogers-boogers · 2 months
I kinda forgot what the name of that one au is, the one where Cain stole a baby for Abel .
How did they met again and get together ? 👉🏻👈🏻👀
And will Eve also appear in the story ?
YESS!! Evy is definitely gonna come up in the story soon~ I’m excited write about her and Adam’s relationship 👏🏼💕💕💕✨
And honestly the comic has no name well technically it did which was “forced marriage au” but it was more of a basic name to start off an au that I did NOT planned on making a whole comic out of it but here were are! Abdkwgdka if anyone has any suggestions of a name I’m done to read them!
Okay so here’s the thing, considering I may not write too in depth about Cain and Abel’s relationship in the comic I can answer any question about them here! (unless it has some spoilers then maybe no) considering in the comic I’m focusing on Lulu and Adam.
How they reencounter more like WHO brought them together again. I know in the comic we only seen Cain’s delusions/craziness but Abel… we haven’t gotten a glimpse of his own. And this is where you guys could see his crazy/thirst for vengeance on this motherfucker. No one would assume this but if someone were to ask me who’s the craziest out of the two, my answer will always be Abel’:)
If you guys know about Cain’s curse the one given after murdering his brother, then you guys know no one was supposed to killed Cain and he was cursed to wonder the earth for eternity. But Abel. He was not conformed by this. At least when he was told by one of his sinner siblings that Cain was actually stuck on earth, Abel was waiting for him after all that time since he got murdered.
He was obsessed and desperate to get the justice he so deserved. Cain was on his mind 24/7. And then discovering the why Cain wasn’t going down pissed him off. “Why does he get to live on earth for eternity when I couldn’t even make a life of my own when I was up there!”
The thing about these two is that Abel is from wrath. The whole idea about sinners being stuck in pride originated from the exterminations and angels wanting to punish Lucifer for his wrongdoings but before that it was the first souls going to their respective sin.
Abel’s sin is wrath (cause I haven’t shown or said the whole story about HOW those two ended up fighting that lead to Abel’s death *wink* *tease*) and Cain’s is envy.
Wrath is the second most strongest sin you could have and Abel had to climb to top for survival, being the FIRST human soul to fall down there. Good thing is that he had practice on earth.. considering their circumstances and Adam and Eve’s teachings. And well… he was full of wrath back then.
Anyways. Abel was and IS an overlord (which is why he knows about Vox and Alastor) the most powerful in wrath. He’s acquaintance with Satan. But anyways I’m getting far away from the subject, sorry!
He found methods and rituals to get to Cain on earth. Back in the beginning of hell it was much more difficult to get. But somehow he managed to find a way and killed Cain. This lead for the curse to go into Abel. Which I find it very ironic because he’s the reason why Cain’s curse to be alive for eternity but also it kinda goes well with the fact that Cain was the one to firstly take a life, his. Like the perfect chain.
Cain’s death was “abrupt” to say the least which is why Cain resented Abel for, because that’s the whole reason why Enoch thinks Cain abandoned him. But he can’t find it in him to blame Abel entirely for it and he kinda expected it in a way?
Like subconsciously Cain was WAITING for Abel to get to him. And he did. They were fucking obsessed like that.
Cain fell in envy when he died and for a period he was kinda wondering around there, trying to figure out how to live in this new world but also kinda trying to avoid the obvious. Which was trying to run from getting found by Abel.
Still, they eventually found each other, mostly from Abel’s part cause Cain wasn’t really trying THAT hard to hide. He was basically just sleeping in this old and very small stinky ass apartment until Abel broke his door down and killed him with a butcher knife.
And then, they somewhat made it a routine. A game. Yup. Cain would “hide” and Abel will find him and kill him. It was a normal for Cain to be murdered by Abel at least every two days of a week. And if he didn’t Cain would get offended and look for him JAVDJADHKSBA they’re so fucked up.
In a way, this was for Cain something he thought Abel needed to get his wrath to cease out a bit and his guilt to lessen. And for Abel it was cruelly therapeutic to see Cain in a bloody mess like he did once to him.
Cain and Abel made their own reputation rise up separately but Cain would be lying if he didn’t admit that if it weren’t that Abel was already a recognized overlord it would’ve been twice as difficult to thrive in hell. They’d team up sometimes without wanting to or because they were stuck together in meetings. But nonetheless they kept away from the other for a small period. The other, well was that “game” I mentioned. That game that lead them to furiously make out and fuck and then talk about what happened on earth.
They started pointing out all the things that went wrong in their relationship and how things would’ve been different if they actually just admitted they felt attracted to the other.
So from then they just kinda had this ongoing (no labels) thing where they wonder around their rings during the day and then at nights reunite together and do all the nasty shit/ discoveries they weren’t allowed to do as mortals. Also a ton of dates. Cain at that point had already label Abel as ‘his’ even if their relationship at the time wasn’t sealed shdiabdaldjsl any sinner/ hellborn who’d oogle Abel for too long were on his kill list while Abel was in his own little bubble having small crisis for falling this low but not regretting it either. Abel didn’t even feel like he had to claim Cain cause he just knew Cain was his.
Everyone kinda just knew those two were “together” and to not mess with either of them. Then one day out of the blue Cain just suggested for them to get married and Abel said yes.
Their relationship was a roller coaster shdkshdkfbsk but anyhow Adam was in fact in that wedding with danger tits :3
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marveloustimestwo · 2 years
How would yandere peter parker react if May finds out his obsession with the reader?
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Warnings: Yandere themes, talk of kidnapping, stalking, and murder throughout.
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I think it would depend on how much May figures out and what her reaction is to it.
In Peter's perfect world, both May and Tony would be accepting of his behavior and even enabling (aka a yandere-verse).
However, I'm going to go the route where Peter's behavior is very much looked down upon (as it should be in real life).
If May found out everything about what Peter's been doing, it would be a very difficult situation for Peter.
It's very hard to play off the number of cameras he has in your room, the pictures that he took of you while he was stalking you, and god forbid if May found you after Peter had kidnapped you.
Like any normal person would, she freaks out and her first instinct is to help you.
I like the idea that for the added drama if she finds you kidnapped, May manages to get you somewhere safe and away from Peter while he's out doing something.
After that, though, or if she's only found the pictures and stuff, I believe May would want to talk to Peter before anything else.
Peter is her nephew. He's the sweet boy who she's practically raised since his parents died. She hopes that maybe because of that relationship she can talk him out of whatever delusions he has, especially if he hasn't kidnapped you yet.
But no matter how gently May might approach the situation, Peter will always react with a sense of terror.
Sure, he might be a bit obvious in his obsession with you sometimes. He can be a bit too clingy, seems overly willing to please you, tends to gush about you a lot, and you might see Spiderman a bit more than the average New Yorker, but he's never messed up to the point someone has found out about all of the illegal shit he's done.
But here May is providing him proof that she knows all about what he's done.
Under normal circumstances, Peter would have killed anyone who had found out this much of what he's done. He's killed for far less when it comes to you.
But this is May, one of the few people in his life that Peter would have trouble with killing.
I think Peter would go along with whatever May is saying so long as she doesn't report him to the police.
He'll pretend to be better. He'll throw away all of the pictures he has of you, make a show of getting rid of the trackers and cameras, and even agree to room searches.
But Peter really just wants to throw May off his tracks. Now he just knows to be more careful.
And this is all in the case that May didn't find you. Just the photos and cameras.
In the case that she did, though, I still don't think Peter would kill her unless he absolutely had to.
He'd much prefer to hold her somewhere else. He can't kill her but he also can't have her go to the police either.
But if it comes down to choosing to keep you with him or being caught with kidnapping, Peter will choose you.
He's very distraught about killing May, and afterward, you'll have to deal with a very distressed Peter for a long time.
You honestly don't know which you dislike worse. The overbearing, clingy, and affectionate Peter, or all those combined but with him constantly crying and needing comfort.
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vaalthus · 6 months
Convergence Part 2 (spoilers)
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Let's get into it.
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Honestly, I fell in love with this full synchronization animation alone and I can see from the quality, as well as everything that comes after, is the reason why the release had to be delayed.
Truth be told, prior to this release, I was expecting Jaania's fully synchronized form to be quite the visual abomination. What with her soul being in tatters and the circumstances regarding Hesperrhodos' creation. So imagine my surprise to find a certain level of beauty in this form and it's one that perfectly encapsulates Jaania's character.
The way I see it, if Uaanta's transformation was the last stand of a hero offering up all her devotion and faith to her gods through her body and Remthalas' transformation was that of an eldritch monstrosity puppeteering its slave, then Jaania's transformation is that of a scarred woman, hence her face scar being highlighted in the transition, frantically control the order of the very world itself. Her many hands meant either guide or cut away whatever she deems fit in her eternal era of perfection.
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I like how in spite of the noble intentions that's clearly driving her, these few lines really reveal the egotism that's mixed up in her reasoning. It's "her" perfect world we stand in the way in and it's our fault for wanting to stop her from a plan that could doom the very world she wants so desperately to protect. And that is reason enough determine that we don't have a future worth preserving.
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I love how Draco tried to pull the same little attack on Jaania that they did to Voyna, but she just doesn't even react to it. Never change little fella.
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The entire boss fight that ensues after this is truly something. Very thematically fitting in terms of Jaania's character while also somehow managing to be a step up above even the last one in part one. I'd say in spite of it being elevated to the complexity of the Inn at the Edge of Time, it still felt pretty manageable even as a Chaosweaver, so I get the thrill of kicking Jaania's butt as a weaver twice.
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In addition, I feel like a lot of the pop up text and status effects that Jaania has, or gives, really cement my thoughts in that she is rather similar to Notha's character, but unlike Notha, who existed on the side of Doom/Chaos, Jaania is the epitome of Order and Destiny. Which makes her vision for Lore all the more terrifying when she shows us what a world of perfect order looks like to her because it's a complete nightmare for the Hero.
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A frozen stagnant world, forever kept in stasis. One that keeps everyone from ever being hurt again but one that also keeps people from growing as they should in this world.
Fortunately, we once again prove we are more than a match for Jaania rejecting her delusion of control.
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And honestly, this just as much of the sorry sight I expected to be. All that time and effort she put into the Rose, to trying, in her very misguided way, to protect everyone and everything and it's all down the drain. Her hair is almost completely white now, meaning her soul is on the very brink and the people that were sacrificed along the way have essentially been wasted.
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One of these days I would like to take a further look into how the Hero views, well, heroism and how they've struggled with because it's an interesting sight.
I'm not sure what comes next for Jaania at this moment. She didn't die in her fight but it's clear her soul is not in good condition anymore. Even if she survives the trek back to surface, the Magesterium made it pretty clear they wanted her in their custody for judgement. Not only that, the judgement that remains back home in Greenguard for her actions and that of the Rose. Even if she's kept from any harsh punishment, where does she go from here? Will she sit in a wallow in misery? Try to atone for what she's done, provided she can be made to see the error of her ways? Perhaps Kara could help with that but beyond that I'm not sure what lies ahead for Jaania but I'm curious as to what comes next. I am satisfied with this conclusion.
However, there's that one little wrinkle to deal with.
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....AND HE'S JACKED. I mean seriously I know the experiments made him strong as hell but good lord! I suppose it makes sense it would end this way though as our band, and even the hero, has no means of actually subduing or harming Akanthus and so it's a race to ensuring that bomb does not go off in the Mana Core as there is still no telling what it might do to the Core though my guess is still that it might corrupt it with doom energy.
As for Akanthus himself, I'm not sure. It's starting to feel like he might actually just straight up and try and bathe in the core itself to connect with it at this point. Either way, this is ending in a titan fight. >:)
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We are soon to reach the end of this saga Loreians. Get ready.
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kaybkay8 · 1 year
You know what I love about the east blue saga? The build up to Arlong. We are given little bits of insight to Nami at a time. Arlong is compared to mihawk bc of jimbei, a completely skewed comparison, but it's early one piece and we don't know that yet.
We get to Arlong park and the tension is piled up. We don't know the story with Nami. We know she's got something going on with the Fishmen but we don't know what. When the reveal happens it turns all that tension into rage at arlong. This is the first villain we hate and is build up is top tier.
The idea of fishmen strength being so great its incomparable to humans creates a real sense of fear. The fact that Arlong is supremist and truly seems to believe his views makes us dislike him...but once it's revealed what he did to Nami that dislike turns into hate.
When we learn of Namis deal and see him go back on it the hate is worse. When we see the flashbacks of Namis time under him it gets deeper. When we see the audacity of him to hold the villagers lives hostage to keep Nami from running we don't think we can hate him more.
We then get one of the best scenes in the entirety of one piece. Nami stabbing her tattoo in desperation and hatred and luffy coming in. We are so ready for this fight.
When Arlong tries to get Nami to choose between her friends or the villagers and it's revealed that Nami tried to kill Arlong multiple times it elevates namis skills even more in our eyes. Arlong talking about Nami as if she's a misbehaving pet, him speaking of using her, and his delusions that he can actually take over the world just make his takedown all the sweeter.
Honestly there are very few villains as hatable as Arlong. Even after we get his backstory it doesn't change things. It gives us insight, but Arlong is still to this day the Villain I hate the most in any series. Obviously I want to see other villains dealt with...but the hatred...isn't something easy to incite. Villains are a necessity but we'll written villains don't typically make me hate them...they just get me hyped for the fight, Arlong was different. His defeat was one of the most satisfying feelings I've gotten watching a show.
East blue saga build up to arlong was great, but the arlong park arc? Was perfect. No way to improve it. It doesn't matter that later arcs topped it on scale. There's a reason so many people refer to this arc as 'when one piece gets good'
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binalakai · 1 year
hey im kai! you can also call me roach, if you already know a kai in your life because i know how many noncis mfs are named that
im a genderfluid filipino dyke (born 2002, figure it out) with she/he/it pronouns, i occasionally post my art on @binalakarchive , where all my OCs (at least as much as i show publicly) and fandom art/cleaned up discussions go there. i also do commissions sometimes, best to contact me through that blog!! my current OC blog currently resides at @huemanonearth, it's a project i've had for a while and i hope to one day make a personal-use pitch bible with it! i treat this blog like a neverending journal. i've grown up with it, and on god am i going to use it as such.
in a perfect world where i wouldn't need to establish boundaries, i would not even bother with a post like this, but the more people i follow/that follow me come across it's somewhat necessary soooo
DNI or like. BYF if you're not gonna listen to me anyway: (warning: it's long and text heavy. tldr; don't be weird to me, communicate with me like you would with a real life person because that's what i am, and we'll get along fine)
-basic dni huge bigot (racist, TERF/transphobic, homophobic, etc etc) stuff but if i catch that onto your blog anyway when you follow me i'll block you.
-if you post a lot of doomer stuff/are against mental health care in general, you best keep distance, honestly. its taken a long time for me to not open my wounds and delusions constantly towards the internet if it meant being valid in my mental illnesses. i'd rather not enter that era again.
-i dont get the whole "proship and antis" culture that happens, but for both sakes of people, if you identify with any of those things you might not like my blog too much. i love being critical and analytical of "problematic things", but i'll still discuss them openly n freely. dni if you'll be offended if i diss on ships/approaches to subjects that make me uncomfortable n find comfort in being critical abt it, and dni if you'll be offended if i diss on the idea that media with triggering topics should not have an outlet period.
-if you'll be offended if i block you out of the blue, doesn't apply to close friends/mutuals i just mean with randos who post takes i dont like or cause too much stress in tags i browse.
-if you're gonna get in huge trouble over seeing dirty jokes and crass humor in public you best not follow me. i try best to tag my stuff, but last thing i wanna do is have a stern talk about it.....which is why i also am wary about people under 18 following and will be a lot more liberal on blocking younger minors for their sake or people i assume won't vibe with me period
-if your parents have access to your social media and there's a chance i'll be DM'd by any of them. i dont wanna talk to any of your parents. if you have an issue with me, i'm more than happy to talk about things directly. (ESPECIALLY FOR BUSINESS RELATED REASONS LIKE COMMISSIONS. IT'S HAPPENED A LOT ALREADY DUE TO OTHER PARTY'S FAMILY CIRCUMSTANCES I CANNOT FUCKING CONTROL. STOP IT. ITS ANNOYING AND A PAIN TO HANDLE.)
-if you get too involved with online drama/disputes. i'm not going to reblog a callout for you. if you get even slightly bothered by that statement, do not get close to me period for the sake of boosting callouts.
-if you have specific niche triggers that need to be tagged. i try to do catch alls or basic ones, but i genuinely CANNOT keep track of all my mutual's blacklists. my mind will slip and id rather not put someone in danger/i wanna keep that risk very very low
okay thankies <3 sorry these are so specific, i just wanna be insane on the internet in the safest way possible
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