#is it Tantan or Tan Tan?
misc-obeyme · 11 months
ALSO speaking of tantan, i think he's like a skeletal unicorn.. sortta. his tail is bone because id imagine a horse tail mightve looked funny to the designers, its stated.. somewhere.. that he has his birthmarks on his back, i also think hes warmblooded entirely because firey anger fits a warm typea character
if he were coldblooded id bet hed enchant his clothes or something to warm up so cats will want to snuggle up on him
Oh nooo, anon, that sounds sooo cute!! I think he might warm his clothes like that even if he was warm blooded... cats definitely like warm things. D'awww now I'm just imaging a little kitty all tucked up in that sweater of his, purring because it's so comfy and warm!!
Wait. Okay. Do you think this is why he doesn't wear the one sleeve? More room for sheltering cats??? Probably not, but man there has to be a reason for it. It's so stupid otherwise lol.
Anyway, I definitely think he'd look funny if he had a straight up horse tail. I mean, it's mostly hair. There's not a bone all the way through it like with a cat tail. It'd just be kinda limp. I love the skeletal unicorn idea. Just replace all the hair with bone, it's certainly cooler.
Only Tantan could pull off the duality of being a cool skeletal unicorn and a sweet warm kitty cuddler.
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Satan: I only feel one emotion and it's anger
Asmo: last night you drunk texted the group chat a thousand cat emojis.
Satan: out of anger
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nathsketch · 1 month
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Oh gosh you guys! It's been months since I've updated my Tumblr!
Anyone still there?? I went to the other side of the world in July, got back, and since then I've been painting a bunch of Tintin-inspired artworks.
But, you know, this time it's Tantan 😅
Behold the Adventures of Tantan!
Btw, I have two new social media accounts where I'll be posting my art as well:
XHS or 小红书: nathsketch
Happy August! 💖
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livinginteo · 1 year
The ending screen for TanTan TEO, the fin fin rhythm game!
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tamapalace · 2 years
LINE Puzzle TanTan x Tamagotchi Event
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LINE messenger and Tamagotchi go way back, Tamagotchi even had a mini game on the LINE messenger platform back in the day. Since the shutdown, the two have partnered up together to give us some cute collaborations with their existing mini games.
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Last time, LINE and Tamagotchi partnered up for the Pokopang game, this time they’re partnering up on the Puzzle TanTan game where players match blocks on their screen to earn prizes. Characters such as Mametchi, Kuchipatchi, Memetchi, Gozarutchi, and even some characters from the Tamagotchi Smart such as Milktchi, and Weeptchi will be featured.
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There will also be cute Tamagotchi themed costumes during the event period which will run from Friday, September 30th 2022 through Friday, October 14th 2022.
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Be sure to play the game on LINE messenger for Japan during the event period! Check out the full details here.
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the-jade-palace · 1 year
TanTan TEO - English Translation
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For this first time in Fin Fin history…. TanTan TEO is playable in English.
Created with the assistance of *Herr Riebmann* of the Fin Fin forums (@waehlscheibe on tumblr)!
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Explore the vibrant world of TEO in stunning 3D Rendered Graphics as you experience the wonders of rhythm with Fin Fin.
Download from the Fin Fin on QEMU MEGA folder.
The game can be run on modern windows but a version of Fin Fin on QEMU with it included is also available in the MEGA folder.
Can you overcome these challenges and earn the title of Rhythm Master?
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silverynight · 1 year
Hello~! The other day I found again the KNY Original Drama about Tanjirou and his siblings —it's on YouTube if someone wants so listen to it. I always forget how much Tanjiro was loved by his village! Also, there's this "Minoru-san" who calls him "Tan-chan!" all the time. Idk why, but I find it so cute 🥺🥰.
I also saw some artists congratulating Tanjirou on his birthday yesterday, calling him "TanTan". And it made me wonder how the Pillars would feel if they ran into some of Tanjiro's old friends. And they were constantly calling him endearing names like "Tanjirou-chan" "Tan-chan" and "TanTan".
It'll be fine as long as said old friends don't start fluttering their eyelashes at Tanjirou while calling him such cute nicknames.
"Tan-chan, we've missed you a lot!" says the one who's not afraid of anything before wrapping themselves around Tanjirou.
The Pillars are not happy.
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vampire-superstar · 1 year
HCs but in order of my favorites
Luci does play favorites. It's Mam and Tan. Everyone knows this so often if others want something they'll tell one of them to ask him for it
Levi's hair is wet aand greasy all the time. Nothing he does can change it. He has an hour-long hair routine but it's still like that. Even Asmo can't figure out why
Asmo probably listens to Tyler the Creator. He also does all the brothers hair. He helps Mam with retwists. HOWEVER he will not touch Levi's hair ^
Beel isn't as stupid as people make him out to be. He's shit at educational things like math and writing but he's extremely talented when it comes to puzzles or analytical skills.
Tantan hasn't quite figured himself out yet. All he knows is he doesn't want to be confined to Luci anymore. Asmo is helping him find an identity. His interests and style changes biweekly because of this.
Mam cannot drive. This does not mean he doesn't. Luci confiscated his keys at some point after the 5th wrap around. He didn't even leave the HoL
Belphie knows all of Luci's hiding spots for things and will actively trade off items Luci confiscated if the brothers do his chores. This resulted in Mams 5th and 7th crashes. On the 6th he just hot-wired the car
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spark0 · 5 months
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Harley: Professor Crane!
Jonathan: Silence Harley, I'm doing mewing
Icewhore! Tan tan tantan bay bay
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rebellum · 6 months
Sometimes when I'm having an episode (I have like 5 different types and almost none of them have names) I feel like I'm not making sense at all. But, according to others, I am.
And its weird being reminded of this when I see someone posting with mental health issues.
Like I saw this blog the other day, they would reblog stuff like idk a picture of an anime character and they would add the caption
"This is what I meant by the school bells! Crumpled stilts walk on scattered stars for you, too. Tomorrow when yesterday happens I'll punch the stream too."
And its weird because that's how I/feel/ like.im speaking/writing when I'm like that. But, according to others at least, I am perfectly coherent and legible. I wonder what causes that psychologically or neurologically. Something to do with how my (I forget the word. There is a part of the brain that connects parts all over and is involved with thinking and sensory processing. Like the part of your brain that does problem solving and also says "what you're looking at is a cat") or the hippocampus connect the wernicks area and broccas area? Like the feedback is scrambled.
Like, for some people with I think it's wernicks or brocas aphasia, they feel like they're making sense, but really they're saying "tan tan tan, tantan tan tan" or "corn purple gorilla soft house". So maybe it's an issue like that, but reversed. So it's my own speech that I don't understand, but the speech production is fine, and the words in my head are jumbled but still 70% coherent.
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amorest-viesse · 2 years
[Secretly Getting Along] - Rustica SR Card Translation
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Ft. Cain
For That Which Is Essential - Chapter One
[Wizard Bookshop]
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Rustica: …
Cain: Whatcha doin’, Rustica? You seem to be deep in thought...
Rustica: Why hello, Cain. I suppose I am, though “awed” might be a better word for it.
Rustica: I was simply struck by how each and everyone of these tomes contains the records of a young wizard's life… What a truly magnificent sight.
Cain: Yeah, I get what you mean. It’s astounding to think that all of these books represent a different person.
Cain: Not to mention the way they only entrust their tales to the worthiest...
Rustica: It’s rather befitting of a wizard’s record.
Rustica: Like children awaiting their parents to come, they eagerly search for their future owners.
Cain: …Now that I think about it, I’ve seen books about Murr and Oz too though it didn’t look like they wrote ‘em.
Rustica: Ah yes, I’ve read some of these biographies myself including one called “Harrowing Fates and Gourmet Delicacies: A Tale about the Eccentric Genius and Philosopher Murr.”
Cain: That’s one heck of a title! What could it possibly be about!?
Rustica: It’s a rather chilling story, so I’ll tell you another day. You might not get a wink of sleep otherwise.
Cain: S- scary…
Rustica: In any case, seeing these books makes me think of all the tales I’d pass onto the next generation.
Cain: Oh? Like what?
For That Which Is Essential - Chapter Two
Rustica: Well, I’d write of Chloe and my bride for example… Ah, and something about music as well.
Cain: Oh, so the things that you like or are important to you. It makes sense to include all that essential stuff in an autobiography.
Rustica: Precisely. Hmm, what else would I write… Ah—I’d talk about how much fun it is to dance. There’s nothing quite like losing yourself to the music after all. What better way is there to brighten up your day?
Cain: I totally get ya! I’d include somethin’ like that too!
Cain: Oh man, but how could I convey it in words?
Rustica: Well, how about this?
[Magic Sounds]
Cain: Pen and paper? What are you doin’ with that?
Rustica: Well, think of it like this: Rata tah tatah~♪
Cain: Oh, it looks like the letters are dancing… That sure is fun!
Rustica: And perhaps this as well? Tan tah tantan~♪
Cain: Ooh, and it’s even livelier now with pictures! You’re great at this!
Cain: Hmm, but it still feels like there’s something missing…
Rustica: Why I completely agree. This alone isn’t enough to convey the true feeling of dance.
Rustica: Which is why we ought to dance ourselves. Would you care to join me?
Cain: Now?
Rustica: Yes, it might inspire us with some new ideas.
Cain: Oh what the heck, sure! Let’s do it!
Rustica: Excellent. Now then, may I have your hand?
At Your Own Pace - Card Episode
[Dining Hall]
Rustica: Thick and fluffy omelettes, yellow like the sun~ Soft and fresh as snowflakes, melting on your tongue~♪
Akira: (Is that Rustica singing…? Sounds like an ode to an empty stomach…)
Rustica: Oh? Good afternoon, Master Sage. Did you need something from me?
Akira: Oh no, it’s nothing like that. I just happened to hear you singing in here and felt drawn towards it.
Akira: Anyways, are you writing something in that book?
Rustica: Yes, I want to create something akin to an autobiography.
Rustica: Today's breakfast was so wonderfully delicious that I felt inspired to tell the world about Nero's omelettes.
Rustica: However, whilst searching for the appropriate words to describe the meal, I found myself singing a tune instead.
Akira: Ahaha, that sounds just like you. So, did you ever come up with something to write down?
Rustica: Ah, well, I became a little too engaged with the song, and completely forgot about the biography…
Rustica: At this rate, it seems like the day will end before I write anything down.
Akira: Well, I can’t say I didn’t expect that either, but I think it’s fine to take your time. When the inspiration strikes, it’ll strike.
Rustica: I suppose you’re right… Wizards have long lives after all, so there’s no need to rush.
Rustica: Thank you for the helpful reminder, Master Sage. As thanks, allow me to sing something for you.
Rustica: May this song leave a record of this moment upon your heart.
Home Screen Voice Line
“There appear to be many ways to spend autumn in your world, Master Sage. Indulging in the arts or feasting to your heart’s content sound quite pleasant indeed, however… I’d like it best if I could spend the season finding strange new places to enjoy a cup of tea with you."
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Satan: What? *drinking coffee*
Lucifer: Uhh... you put salt instead of sugar in your coffee.
Satan: That's how I like it. *walks away*
Asmo, walking in the kitchen: Why is Satan pouring coffee on a plant?
Lucifer: Because he's stubborn.
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wednesday-fall · 5 days
An Untold Story of "TANTAN"
It's just fascinating to know different people from another places, it made you learn to things you haven't learn of like the culture and their values in life. But one thing that's also incredible is when you got to understand others perspectives because we don't have the same personality. It made me realize of being humble and learn to appreciate others stories. Almost 7 months of using it, installing and uninstalling had played a significant memories in my life having to know people and some are meet personally. But who would have thought that on the phase of almost giving up in life and experiencing the most devastating situation in life, there' s a one man who suddenly came out of cause.
You will understand why people tried dating apps, like me who seeks for validation and pure treatment from men. Never underestimate the power of dating apps giving you the people that you need in order to learn and grow in life. There was this man who matched with me at midnight of July 31'st, throwback—my bestfriend Caye died on July 30th in the morning, so in order for me to cope up the pain the urge of talking to a stranger to vent our my sorrows and pain, then TANTAN leads me to my so-called Mr. Tan. Now, it was unexpected because he wasn't my type and he's kinda old for me but that doesn't totally discouraged me because the moment we talked on Instagram, my heart knows whom to liked talking to. Minutes turns to hours, hours turns to days and days went to weeks then..it's gone—out of nowhere. Yes! he ghosted me for 2 weeks before he finally replied when I was going to spend my long weekend in Bohol. If you ever wonder how was I during the weeks he ghosted me, I was shattered into pieces trying to accept and let things be. How could I let a man go when he stole my whole heart, he promised to love me and care for me. He courted me, yes he did! But what happened?I don't know. All of the sudden, those sweet moments was gone and I was left wondering where I was wrong. What I felt is valid! The pain I felt is valid, until now. I couldn't just forget him and act like he did not existed in my life. He played an important role in this life. HE WAS MY COMFORT. HE WAS MY SAFE PLACE. AND THAT IS SOMETHING MISSING IN MY LIFE RIGHT NOW.
They said people come and go, but fool me I am willing to forget everything if he comes back again and explain everything. I miss my safe person. I miss that man who promised to hug me and kiss me endlessly. I miss that man who opened up his problems and his clingy side. I miss you Bebs!
If I could go and pull back the time, I would have stopped it there and cherish that moments when I was still able to talk to you. You are right, maybe it happens for a reason. A reason that until now I was seeking. A reason that until now keeps bothering me. Maybe someday, we'll meet and distance won't hinders. Maybe someday, at the right time and place. You and I.
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starburns · 1 year
Does anyone know the name of the song which was in like every animatic back in the day its tna tananana tan tan. tan. tanananna tantan tan tan tan. But with lyrics.
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eyed-knife · 1 year
Tantantantan tantantantan tantan tantan tantantantan tantantan tantantan tantan tan tantantantan tantantantan tantan tan tantantantan tantantantan tantan tan tatan tatatan tatatan tantan tan
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notababy-babygirl · 1 year
Wala naman nabago bih. 12years ago dirty kaparin. Malala pa nga nagun. Kung umasta ka sa pamilya feeling virgin yan? Nakaka diri ka. nakipag leave in ka na pala dati. Tapos nag hahangad ka pa ng grand wedding? Hoyyy! Mandiri ka nga. Kawawa naman tantan napunta lang sa kagaya mo. Si marko ngaun nag papakasarap na sa buhay. Sa pera nya kasi wala kana sa landas nya. Babaeng inggitera. Di naman kayang mag isa.
I've been very open about sa pakikipag-live in ko before. Lol. Does it make someone less of a person? HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA! And so kung nakipaglive-in? And about the wedding, ikaw po ba sasagot? If hindi ikaw ang MT, then I think wala kang say dun. Hihi.
Yes, kawawa nga si Tan. Ubusin ko ulit pera nya katulad ng ginawa ko kay Marko. LOL! Kesa sa iba mapunta diba, edi sakin nalang. Mindset lang. Chariz.
And yes po, opo, di ko po kaya mag-isa. Sabi mo na wala namang ambag sa mga bills ko. 😅 Kung ikaw sa basurahan padin nakatira, wag na ikaw plith magalit. Kasi choice mo yan. Di ka maghanap ng mapera. Char not char.
Sugarbaby dapat kasi.
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