#is it rude to tag this? i don't really care tbh
the-rat-plays-games · 2 years
honestly i think the art situation on pixel cats end is the perfect perfect perfect example of “people will tell artists to raise their prices and then go to cheaper artists”. there are people charging 25 notes for art!!!! i KNOW the community on PCE knows better, because just checking around on the userbase leaves strong indications of like... social consciousness? awareness? idk how to phrase it lol. like it’s not even about my art. it’s about multiple artists on the site charging much much much less than their art is worth and people gobbling it up because they want cheap art. you see it on flight rising and other pet sites too: users say “raise your prices! charge fairly!” and then someone does and... these same people will go buy from other users with cheaper prices, lol. lmao.
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rosiesmcposies · 10 months
Hey, I don't know if my ask went through. If it did, feel free to ignore this. (My tumblr has been acting up recently)
I was wondering if I could get a drabble or set of headcanons(anything, really) about Miraak and Cicero (separate) X a gender-neutral LDB who looks like a big intimidating orc, but the second they open their mouth you're like: "oh, they're harmless." And then a second later(probably days after the initial "they're harmless" assessment), they break someone's nose for insulting their friends. Including friends they made not even a minute ago.
Please don't feel pressured to do this if you don't want to, and remember to take care of yourself. I hope you have a good day!!
Hi!!! And thank u for ur request!! I did get the og one but I just clicked on this one lol!! But I hope you like this!!! Have a great day!! Requests always open!!
Cicero and Miraak x intimidating s/o who they deem harmless
They/them pronouns used as well as the term partner
Despite being the listener and looking rather intimidating Cicero just views them as how he feels about them
Cicero doesn’t underestimate by any means but your different in his eyes
Different because you get him and he gets you
Assuming he tags along on missions he sees them attack and kill but that’s business
Or well fun to him
But it’s still surprising to see the oh so beloved listener punch tf out of someone for something like that
Either way he’s not mad he likes it
Cicero definitely LOVES protective people
Wonders if you’d do the same for him tbh
Like he sees them knock that person tf out and he definitely respects them even more at this point if that’s like even possible
Anyway he definitely is like super supportive of it
Bro definitely underestimates
Despite their intimidating look he still dosent exactly see them as intimidating
Either way Miraak underestimates them no matter what tbh
Being his partner he respects you buttttttt
He sees himself as 100x more scary and intimidating compared to well,,,anyone tbh
Miraak does not care about any rude comments made about himself or anyone he’s associated with
He’s just kinda used to it and brushes it off
But seeing his partner just knock this rando the fuck out for insulting just new people they’ve decided to associate with??
Either sees it as childish or impressive (probably both)
Like wow okay did that really get under your skin? But also like that’s a hell of a way to get someone to shut up
Just kinda follows them after they walk off and questions them on why they would do that for someone they basically just met
Does not get it
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cain-speaks · 10 months
Harassing Content/Fanwork Creators
hiya, serious post time.
so i've been noticing some serious harassment towards people who make content or create fanwork. i've been wanting to stay something for a while but i'm not really good at this stuff so i was holding back,, i have decided not to do that any longer.
the lack of empathy or awareness people seem to have when interacting with content creators is kinda appalling tbh?? like i've seen people comparing people's art (telling person A they should do smth more like person B as if there's a more correct way to do it), putting people's ocs in situations the artist has stated they're uncomfortable with, trying to rush artists, or just outright disregarding an artist's boundaries.
the grossest part of this to me is that it seems people grow more obsessed w something when an artist says "this will never happen/please don't do this". i'm not going to tag people bacause i don't want to annoy anybody but as an example: i've seen an a fanwork creator repeatedly state that their oc will not have children of any kind and they're not comfortable with her being put in positions where she's watching over children in any capacity, and rather than accepting this, people try to find ways around it, question it, or outright ignore it.
i don't care if you didn't mean to be rude or if you were genuinely asking. if someone says "DON'T DO THIS WITH MY CHARACTER", don't fucking do it. it's so disgustingly disrespectful among other things (that i can't put into words bc i will just rant for several paragraphs gbhdf).
you wanna draw kids? make your own oc and draw their kids. stop trying to push that on other people.
also about rushing artists: art is fucking hard. people have lives outside of content creation, and even if they didn't, you still have to handle mental health, burnout, etc. on top of it. don't ask an artist "hey when is x coming out?" especially if they're fairly active?? like wtf have some fucking empathy.
to artists, content creators, and fanwork creators: you do not have to put up with ANYONE'S bullshit. your wellbeing and happiness is important. lay out your boundaries and if people disregard them, block them. people have shit to say about it? block them. you are not evil for wanting to be respected, especially over simple stuff, and being blocked is not the end of the world. people will survive and move on, and if they don't, maybe it'll teach them a much needed lesson.
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nortaeventcouncil · 12 days
Red Queen Rare-Pair Week
July 14th to July 20th!
Calling all rare-pair creators! (which is pretty much everyone. I think i should just change this to non-canon pair week) Have you wanted an excuse to make stuff for your favorite rare-pair? Here's your chance!
Day One -> July 14th: Domestic Life, Kid fic, Date Night
Day Two -> July 15th: Espionage, Battle, Rebellion
Day Three -> July 16th: Musicians, Celebrity, Social Media, Multimedia
Day Four -> July 17th: Past Regrets, Conflict, Break-ups
Day Five -> July 18th: Letters, Diary entries, lists
Day Six -> July 19th: Marriage, Anniversary, Hand holding, Getting old
Day Seven -> July 20th: Free Day, Canon Divergence, Alternative Universe, Fix-its
 Be respectful, don't rude to other contributors/ creators, and treat characters with respect too!
Tag your works properly! 
I really don't care which ships you make for tbh could me pairs that everyone talks about but I needed a focus lmao
To Be Featured
You can be featured in a few ways
Tag @nortaeventcouncil
use the tag #rq rare pair week
Message @nortaeventcouncil or @drewtanakagf with a link to your post
If your work has not been reblogged within 24 hours, please message either blog mentioned above. 
Please post all of your works on tumblr, or links to your works on tumblr
Specific Guidelines:
Fanfiction: The Red Queen Rair Pair Week collection is live! You can add your fic to it, but it won't show up until it is approved.
Fanart: Post or provide a publicly accessible link to it. 
Moodboards/Webweaves: Give sources for the materials you used
Playlists: Please provide links to the playlists and make sure they are public 
Any other content forms: Post it or provide a link, message for specific instructions if you are unsure
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anti-katsuki-lounge · 7 months
Y'know... I wish people would understand that fiction is just that- fiction- and you're allowed to engage with it and enjoy it as you see fit (with certain boundaries, of course.) You're allowed to enjoy evil characters, taboo topics, disgustingly rotten premises as you see fit in fiction because it is just that- fiction. It's a safe way to experiment with something because it doesn't actually involve you. Enjoying disturbing media does not mean that you condone those actions IRL. At. All.
That's why tags and trigger warnings exist. That's why tags like "tw:toxic relationship" or "tw:abuse" or more explicit tags exist.
The difference between fans who enjoy and peruse such media and toxic bkg stans (specifically the toxic ones or just the naive ones, shh) is that the former are aware of the situation and their involvement, but the latter are either very naive and/or delusional tbh.
Stans like the latter firmly believe that bkg is genuinely means the people around him no harm and cares deep down inside. They are completely convinced by what is told to them instead of what is shown. It's people like these that genuinely believe bkdk is canon, that hori will make it happen and will align the fucking stars with their bare hands and hold your unborn children hostage in an attempt to convince you that it's a healthy relationship. It's not. It's not. It's really not.
bkg is a bully. He is crass, he is rude, he's downright cruel and insanely selfish. He's borderline narcissistic (I don't like to throw around that word and diminish it, but it's the truth.) He hurt Izuku with the intention of hurting Izuku. He found pleasure in it. He found pleasure in it, god. Hurting Izuku made him happy. Hurting Izuku made him feel confident, superior. Would you do that to your loved ones lmao?
I've met bkdks who go "yeah that's fucked up but I kinda like it" and?? That's so cool?? If you saw him irl you'd bury him, you understand that it's toxic but you enjoy the spice and that's okay! It's great that you understand that boundary!
And then I've met bkdks like dekachhan lmfaoo 😭
I swear they're a hivemind, this one person argued with me for four hours even though I told them I didn't want to engage any further within the first twenty minutes. When I blocked them on one acc they literally contacted me with another. And a third. A third. Who DOES that 💀
Who has the patience for that shit? And all to tell me bkdk is healthy?
When I compared the fuck to endeavour they defended him too because Rei apparently tripped?? What the fuck is going on?? I'm genuinely so confused
I say this sincerely- if you like toxic characters and are down bad for them, that is entirely, entirely your prerogative! Read that smut, write those fics, peruse all those tags. Discuss those things with other people who feel the same way you do as long as they're not too young and they consent to it- genuinely, if you wanna fuck endy bkg, fantasize all you want. Do it in fiction. You wanna write dreadfully toxic fics? Do it! Your prerogative!
Just stay in your fucking lane, your goddamn tags and don't harass people. You're h*rny, that's fine, stop making it everyone else's problem, sheesh.
All of this. Like I’ve said before, if you like a character for whatever reason, that’s completely valid. There are toxic and evil characters I like. The issue is when you try to force your beliefs onto other people or are so disillusioned by your headcanons that you can’t tell the difference between canon and fiction.
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amethystina · 4 months
Shipper Tag Game
I was tagged by @a-very-fond-farewell! Thank you so much, darling! Though I'm not sure how good I'll be at it x'D
1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don’t care anymore?
Honestly? None. While I did have some ships I was interested in, I wasn't obsessed with any of them. And I kind of still care about them? In a very nostalgic way. So I kind of fail at both parts of this question x'D
2. Which ship would you consider your first one?
If I'm going with the one I got really invested in? Destiel tbh. Mainly because I was very much a late bloomer who didn't really discover fandom and fanfics until I was 20-21. I mean, I HAD read some before that but since I didn't have internet in my apartment until I went to university (I was too poor xD), it wasn't easy for me to access them. Shipping is just easier when you have internet.
But, once I had it, I DID revisit a couple of ships that were technically older than Destiel that I had never really gotten into before that, many of them from video games, anime/manga, and books I'd read. But they were all overshadowed by Destiel so that's the one I remember as my first.
3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple?
Are we talking reading or writing? I guess I'll do both?
Reading: I think it was a Zell Dincht/Seifer Almasy one from Final Fantasy VIII that a friend printed out on actual paper and gave to me back when I was 16 or 17 (again, no internet). And I honestly can't say why he picked that pairing xD (I'm definitely more of a Squall/Seifer girlie now)
Writing: Sterek. Because it felt interesting but also not too intimidating. And I also just like werewolves?
4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over?
Not really, no. Since I've been drawing for so long I spent more time looking for art than fanfics when I was younger so I probably stumbled over a lot of them without even knowing it.
5. Did you ever get into ship discourse?
Not if I can help it, no. I tend to stay away from that sort of thing as best I can and just let people ship whatever they want. It's honestly none of my business.
6. Did you use to have any no-otp or have it currently?
I have several, mostly based on what I find triggering or squicky. But I don't announce them publically because that's just rude to those who DO ship them. And, as stated above, I try not to get involved in what other people ship or don't ship.
7. Who were the couples in the last fanfic you read?
Choi Yoon/Yoon Hwa Pyung from The Guest. Because who doesn't love some pining and Catholic guilt?
For real, though, I read very few fanfics right now and actually had to go check my history on AO3 to figure this out x'D The second to last fanfic was a Strangers From Hell one. And the one before that was a Guardian one!
8. Currently do you have any OTPs?
Several. Honestly too many to list x'D I'm one of those people who don't really let go of ships I like. They're not always at the forefront of my mind, though, but I remember them fondly and coo a little when I think of all the fond memories.
But if we're talking about the ones I'm the most focused on right now I'd say Kang Yo Han/Kim Ga On from The Devil Judge, Yoon Sa Wol/5-8 from Black Knight (currently struggling with chapter 6 x'D), the aforementioned Choi Yoon/Yoon Hwa Pyung from The Guest, and Shen Wei/Zhao Yunlan from Guardian.
9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
Sterek. But that has less to do with my dedication to the characters and more to do with the queerbaiting and how extremely shittily Jeff Davis handled that whole thing. To use the Sterek shippers for publicity and hint that maybe it could happen, only to turn around and do everything within his power to not make it happen?
I take that personally, not because I have a huge stake in Stiles and Derek as characters, but as a queer person who, for once, thought that maybe we would actually get to see a couple we really liked get together, and then didn't.
I had more hope for Sterek than I ever did for Destiel, which technically had more in-canon queerbaiting, because the people behind Teen Wolf did their damndest to give me hope. Only for me to be ignored and basically told I was being gullible for ever thinking it would happen.
And that's a betrayal I'm probably never going to forgive.
10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
Not... really? I can't think of any, at least. But that could be because I always have a pretty good reason for disliking the ships I dislike. As mentioned, it's usually based on triggers and squicks and those don't really change. So my opinion on ships I dislike aren't likely to change, either.
11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
I mean, considering the social climate right now? Even Sterek qualifies because Stiles was underage when I started shipping them and Derek most certainly was not xD That said, I always prefer the fics when Stiles had time to turn 18 before any of the sexy stuff happened.
12. What was your favourite crack ship?
Okay, so, I've actually read a lot of fics for ships I don't actually ship, just for research purposes. Like, I find it FASCINATING to watch what other people like, how they choose to write about the things they like, and how they decide to portray the characters. Basically, I like to analyse authors just as much as I like to analyse characters. It's a hobby of mine.
And one of my absolute favourites was reading fanfics for Newt Scamander and the original Percival Graves from the first Fantastic Beasts movie (Sidenote: She-who-must-not-be-named is an asshole and this is not an endorsement of her franchise or shitty beliefs). And why I loved that so much was because the fics were about THE ORIGINAL Percival Graves who, technically, was never IN the actual movie (he might not even be alive anymore?). Like, it was Grindelwald all the time. We never actually SAW the original Percival Graves, just Grindelwald's impersonation of him.
And I just had so much fun reading various authors' takes on this character who was never actually seen but, based on Grindelwald's impersonation, can sort of be hinted? Because he must have done a good enough job of it that the people around Graves didn't notice? It was like an anthropological dig of Percival Graves transpiring right before my eyes and since I got on the train pretty early, I could see authors being inspired by each other and how the fanon developed over time. 10/10 would recommend if you're interested in watching a fandom evolve.
(also, some of the fics were so fucking good. So there's that, too xD)
13. Who is the couple you read most fanfics of?
I'm not entirely sure if it's Destiel or Stony, but definitely one of them (Sterek is most likely in third place). Partly because there are just so many to partake in (those fandoms are HUGE), but also because they've been with me for so long and numbers accumulate. That said, I haven't read any for those ships in a long, long time. But considering how many fics I devoured during the time I was the most active in those fandoms? It's going to be difficult for any of the ones I'm currently into to catch up.
Also because I tend to be in much smaller fandoms now >_>
14. What do most of your ships usually have in common?
WELL. A while back I would have said that even if there are some enemies-to-lovers tropes and antagonising in some of them, they're all mostly unproblematic and pretty healthy.
... I can't really do that anymore, can I? x'D
I mean, Kang Yo Han is problematic all on his own, but even HE is a green flag compared to Seo Moon Jo. That fucker is just a straight-up psychopath x'D
A more serious answer: An interesting dynamic. Which sounds like a given, but is actually a bit more tricky than that. Because I've only gotten more and more picky over the years. I've actually spoken to my wife and friends about this, because I've seen a pretty noticeable shift in my own shipping practices lately.
I gather fewer and fewer new ships and that's not because I watch/read fewer things, but because I'm getting pickier about them. There has to be an extra spark that interests me, often connected to the characters' personalities and how they play off each other, while, before, a bit of chemistry was enough.
But that also makes me more versatile, I guess? Because I focus less on tropes and more on characters and dynamics. But that also makes it harder to spot similarities xD
15. What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
I mean, hate is a strong word. But, again, it would mostly be connected to my triggers. I don't like ships that are too abusive and unbalanced. A little bit of danger is fine, but things like abuse, infidelity, grooming, non-con etc. don't work for me, personally.
I don't really know who to tag so just do it if you want to! :D
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krakenshaped · 5 months
Tag Duel bios are so funny because they include so much dumbass trivia and a whole section on each character's love life for some reason? Trivia detailed below because it's SO funny.
(From Tag Force 2)
Judai: Apparently not only is Judai really disinterested in girls but no girl has ever hit on him before which is why Judai finds Rei scary ("It will be interesting to see how Jaden reacts to Blair Flannigan, who becomes really infatuated with him. No one like that has been around him before.") It's stated he's happy to eat everything. Not anything. Everything. Judai is an unstoppable gluttonous machine.
Sho: Honestly the funniest entry by far. Someone on this writing team just wants Sho to SUFFER and its lowkey hilarious. This kid exists to be in pain. Apparently he "tends to fall in love very easily. On top of that, he cares quite a lot about looks, making things even more difficult for himself." His favourite food is shrimp but can't stand spicy food. I don't know if this is a direct translation or a dub gag but apparently he changes his glasses on special occasions but nobody ever notices (lol)
Asuka: Asuka's crush on Judai is described as a mystery which is interesting. Apparently Asuka doesn't even know she has a crush on Judai which is so funny, I love you girl. Seeing Rei flirt with Judai apparently puts her in a bad mood. Apparently if she was to look for a partner, it would be someone who can put her mind at ease. ("More than maybe anything else, she needs a partner to give her peace of mind if they really want to support her") The bio makes a point of speculating whether or not she's good at cooking since Judai is Duel Academy's hungriest guy. She likes sweets! And healthy food and dislikes stuff with strong smells.
Manjoume: His bio is so funny. Like. So funny. The first paragraph basically calls him a tsundere (true). Canon use of bad language (whether or not this is cursing or just general Manjoume rudeness - LET HIM SAY FUCK!!!) He's described as being obsessed with Asuka - although not as infatuated as he used to be. Dude does NOT eat his veggies!!! He likes expensive food and hates vegetables!!! He is NOT growing big and strong!!!
Kenzan: Kenzan bio is really just contributing to sweet kid propaganda. I am a Kenzan fan and apologist he is one of my favourite characters. "Hassleberry stands out at Duel Academy due to his very muscular physique. Although he's probably very good in a fight, he's by no means a violent person. In fact, he's usually very kind and generous." YOU BET!!!! KENZAN IS A SWEETHEART!!! KENZAN NO.1 IN THE WORLD!!! He's apparently pretty fashionable, as on top of the bio rehashing that he modified his own uniform, it mentions that he would probably do the same to the Obelisk Blue Uniform. Which is interesting!!! Fun headcanon material! Apparently he has no dislikes but his favourite food is fish (another fishing enjoyer too)
Edo: This bio was the worst victim of dub translations as it reiterates the dub version where his father is kidnapped and not like dead LMAO. Other than that tho? Apparently he doesn't really show interest in romance since he was too busy hunting for revenge but now that it's been settled "Aster finally has time to look for love. It'll be really exciting to see he goes for it or not." According to the bio he's considered good looking in universe. His favourite food is steak and other meats.
Rei: Apparently Manjoume's entire room was just turned into a Red Girl's Dorm. Which is tbh. Hilarious. Not only did he get evicted by a toddler but his entire room that he stole his brother's credit card for was turned into a girls only space lmao. Apparently Rei is actually one of the best at dueling among the entirety of the first years (real I feel like people sleep on Rei's dueling abilities sometimes since she's. Yknow. Like that.) She likes sweet and spicy food.
Johan: Finally. Weirdo Johan propaganda. He's described as someone who's thoughtful but frank and says the craziest weirdest shit sometimes. His whole bio paints him as someone who's very composed but can be reckless or impulsive when he's in the heat of the moment or excited. Incredibly funny how the bio claims "Nobody knows what kind of girl he likes. If the right young lady does come on the scene though, we wonder if the Crystal Beasts will call a family meeting..." (LMAO.) His favourite food is... Bread stuffed with various unusual fillings. You know this guy makes the WORST, WEIRDEST sandwiches known to man.
Jim: interestingly, despite the game referring to Karen as Karen in Jim's dialogue, the bio calls her Shirely. More reasons why changing the name for the damn crocodile was so silly. We do not information about Jim's love life or favourite food in his bio :(
O'Brien: Not much is said about the non-Johan transfer students. Like. Nothing except information you could find the anime. Interestingly enough though, O'Brien likes cola and junk food.
Misawa: One paragraph. Mf gets one paragraph in his bio. Is described as having a good personality but isn't treated well by his peers. (I wonder why.)
Fubuki: "ALL THE WOMEN FLOCK TO HIM WHEN HE APPEARS!!!!" His bio also reiterates his friendship with Ryo and questions what it's like since "They seem like polar opposites"
Momoe and Junko have bios too!!! Although they're mostly described as growing apart a little from Asuka :( Although apparently Momoe hangs out with Judai's clique a lot. Junko on the other hand is influenced mostly by what Momoe does.
If I've missed anything, or somethings been lost in the English translation let me know! I love collecting trivia brbrbbr
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alphabetboyluvr · 4 months
Ok so I saw that long ass post that anon sent you about the vote thing on Wattpad, and while I don’t agree with some of what they said where they told you what to do (which they shouldn’t have done, they were rude) I do actually agree with them where they said people don’t tend to look at the votes when deciding whether or not to read a story. I actually think the whole vote thing is just something only authors care about, not readers.
As an avid reader on Wattpad, I do give votes just because authors like it- but I don’t actually give a shit about how many votes a story has when I’m looking for my next story to read. I look at the number of views- which I think you’ll find most readers do, even though the view count can be skewed.
Either way, I do think the whole vote thing should be taken off Wattpad as to the majority of readers, they really don’t care about it and it doesn’t give a good representation of how good a story is
I've been thinking about this all a lot ever since the last anon came in. I'll probably avoid answering questions about this topic again, but there does seem to be disconnect between the writer and reader standpoint, so I'll try and explain my thoughts as best I can without waffling for ages lol
my answer is to this ask, but also to the topic in general, and thoughts I've had regarding that last anon.
it's a really difficult topic to discuss because wattpad has an algorithm that is never really explained to writers. i cant say its important because xyz - i can just give you my own experience. ive been on wattpad for 11 years and have seen it through many changes. i used to use the activity tab to find new stories, and i honestly think getting rid of that was detrimental to the user experience tbh.
as it stands, we don't know what the algorithm favours, so we have to do what we can.
and what can we do? we can tag our work, we can acquire reads and votes, and then we can do more laborious things such as entering award books run by other users and engaging with our readers in various ways.
the tag system, and trending stories under those tabs, are really skewed. for instance, I don't think any of my stories have ever made it onto the fanfic tab, nor have I ever ranked highly under tags despite having really engaged readers and metrics which would suggest I would be.
so, unlike what the last anon said, my stories haven't always been 'out there'. word of mouth, and some stroke of luck tiktoks, are what's pushed them more than anything. so in that way, yeah the desire for votes is flawed—but personally I don't think read count is indicative of quality. if we're thinking about it from a marketing standpoint and conversion rates etc, votes a far more indicative of quality and I'd rather be known for quality over quantity.
the last anon also specifically noted the number of reads/follows I have on wattpad, and suggested that I shouldn't care because those numbers are high—which, respectfully I disagree with. if I didn't care in the early days, I wouldn't have pushed myself to make it to where i am. you can't just expect me to switch off that part of my personality. I'm ambitious and I really care about the things I create.
my girliepop oc's tend to have ambitious streaks and personal goals that they work hard for. they take after their mother, in that sense.
i think what confuses me the most is why it irks people, when you boil it down. its a tap on the screen for readers—and having just uploaded an 11k chapter that took hours to write, to edit, to craft, only to then be told its not worth it? i dunno man, it's just mean lol.
you can think these thing by all means, but don't come into my space just to be cruel. sometimes it okay to keep your opinions in your group chats.
the system is flawed, but I don't think you can blame a gal for just trying to work with it in the only way she knows how
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lunarheslwt · 1 year
Tumblr media
Hi! I'm back with the first 28th appreciation fic recs of the year! I wanted to put together all the fics I've read and loved over January for this month's 28th appreciation, so here they are! Click on the links for full tags and summaries. If you read any of these make sure to show the authors some love by leaving kudos and comments!
🌿Is it a sign? by @greenblueish
(25k | E | deaf character au)
the one where Harry meets a certain handsome alpha at his sister's wedding and learns that speaking verbally doesn't have to be the only means of communication.
Thoughts: incredibly sweet, a perfect light and easy read, the way they connect in this story just feels so real and so wonderful!
🌿Stroke of twelve by @larry-hiatus
(2k | E | new years eve pwp)
He was close, he was so close, and he knew it was much too soon; the countdown to midnight hadn’t even begun yet.
Or the one where Louis wants Harry to hold off his orgasm so they can come together at the stroke of twelve on New Year’s Eve.
Thoughts: so bloody hot, top notch desperation, for some reason I was holding my breath till the countdown hit one which really says something
🌿Whoever, however by @brooklyn-babylon / @twopoppies
(8k | E | amateur porn filming au)
Louis could feel his heart rate pick up as he positioned the camera and Harry slowly stood up. They both knew what came next –– it had been clearly outlined in the advert Harry answered. The studio Louis worked for was filming a new series of camboy videos. Louis’ job was to make it look like amateur porn –– sweaty, sensual, dirty –– but well lit and edited. He was an artist, thank you very much.
Or: Louis has a much better day at work than he’d expected.
Thoughts: incredibly hot, desperate Harry is so >>>> the descriptions in this are amazing, I just love the idea so much. The visuals!!
🌿Pretty miscalculations by @hellolovers13
(5k | E | Dom/sub pwp)
After rudely interrupting Louis’ Christmas shopping, Louis offers Harry a choice and an opportunity to try out his new purchases.
Thoughts: so hot, love how caring L is yet willing to push Harry a lil, how sweet and shy Harry is, I'd read more in this universe any day
🌿Take care by @sun-lt
(4k | M | service top L)
“What do you want, then, beautiful?” It’s a silly, cheesy pet name, but it feels so very true when Louis says it. He hopes Harry knows that he means it, that he means every pet name he’s ever called Harry. Doll, beautiful, love, baby.
“Want you to take care of me,” Harry repeats.
Or, Harry’s exhausted and needy and Louis loves him entirely too much to ever say no.
Thoughts: the softest thing I've ever read, incredibly comforting, tender and so so lovely pls go read!
🌿in the pub that we met he’s got his arms around you by @onlythebravest
(13k | T | best friends to lovers au)
Harry's best friend Louis comes to visit him where he attends uni, meets Harry's friends, who point out that they don't know what platonic means.
Thoughts: comfort read!! Incredibly soft, realistic friendship dynamics, 10/10 read if you're touch deprived tbh these are very soft boys and a very soft story
🌿Sweaty palms and racing hearts by @onlythebravest
(1k | G | first date au)
A short story of two shy, nervous and blushing boys on a date at the cinema
Thoughts: so pure, so sweet, these shy boys have my heart, the author writes fluff in the softest ways
🌿Printed against the sky by @larrysballetslippers
(4k | M | non sexual age play, canon compliant)
after some intense weeks of promo, Harry really wants his daddy. Louis happily fulfils his needs, but it wasn't the best day to do so.
Thoughts: everything she writes is gold, this is so pure, and so very sweet
🌿Lust for life by @maroonmoonlouis
(32k | E | 1970s Hollywood starlet au)
or the 1970s au where the pressure of being an aging starlet begins to weigh heavy on Harry's heart before he meets Louis
Thoughts: a gem!! Very much sucks you into the era and story, so much preciousness in this little beauty!
🌿Bless you! by @neondiamond
(2k | G | kid fic au)
Harry and Louis’ young daughter, Ava, really enjoys when Harry says ‘bless you’ after she sneezes.
Thoughts: the most precious little fic ever, so so so sweet and it made me smile bless
🌿All the lights are sparkling for you, it seems by @thebreadvansstuff
(3k | T | disaster birthday au)
Harry is determined to make Louis' birthday count, but his plans turn into a fiasco.
Thoughts: so fucking precious, I could hug Harry in this, sweet and funny
🌿the prettiest customer (and the cutest barista) by @onlythebravest
(1k | G | awkward coffee shop flirting)
Louis is the pretty customer that comes in and orders hot chocolate while Harry is the cute barista that takes his order.
Thoughts: so very precious, awkward shy Harry has my whole heart, the cutest lil thing you'll ever read
🌿Leather over lace by @larry-hiatus
(4k | E | pwp)
Harry wasn’t planning for his trousers to rip on stage. He also wasn’t planning for everyone to see his lace knickers when it happened. But what he really wasn’t planning on was his boyfriend punishing him for it.
Thoughts: so fucking hot. Begging y'all to go read it. Em deserves so much credit for how quick this was and how unbelievably good it was.
I probably would've read way more too but the second half of that month had me using all my free time to finish up my own fic. But anyways if you check these out please show the writers some love. @ writers: kisses for y'all bc I appreciate you and your work sm 💗
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pancake-breakfast · 11 months
Ooooh, I'm actually trying to get ahead of the game this week! Look at me goooooo!!!
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 4, Chapters 3-5 below.
Chapter 3: Bottom of the Dark
Meryl title page! Hooray!
LOLOLOL, didn't these boys just get out of the hospital?? Now they're back in for, what, dehydration??? Shouldn't have snuck off without the girls.
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Are the girls eating steam buns? Steam buns are awesome! But a pain to cook in hot weather.
Looks like they're sorting through their own things.
GIANT HAND!!! Noooooooo
Dude. This fake big-hands man is a creep. He needs to let Chun-Li go.
Ohhhh, he's doing that thing they do where they add weird suffixes to their speech. SIGH. English speakers don't understand these things.
THIRTEENTH!??!? What happened to the other 12??? Fly up into heaven??? What, does he throw them in the sky???
Stun-Gun Milly, here to save the day!
And Meryl as backup!
She is very tiny. It's unfortunate they're in a world where her being small makes such a defense a necessity... but it's also a nice parallel to her character. Small, but sufficient for the task at hand. Maybe even more than sufficient.
Yup, it's Zazie!
AJL:FJ:LALJ:DSF:H:KJh:LKASJ WHYYYYY IS ZAZIE LIKE THIS?!?!?! D: D: D: Friggin... 15,000 worms in a meat suit.... *shudder shudder shudder*
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LOL, the boys both look like they've checked themselves out of hospitals AMA before and aren't too thrilled about being caught this time.
Vash, just giving away their money so they can leave. TBH, not a bad plan considering how inadvisable him lingering anywhere is.
Heh, Vash is calling Wolfwood out again. He trusts the girls. Even if it might make the situation a bit tricky. They're more resourceful than they look and he knows it.
Ugh, he's so lonely and so grateful that they care about him enough to stick with him. And Wolfwood here sounds like his overly cautious wife.
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Midvalley and Hoppered, having a heart-to-heart. I'm starting to see why they get along so well.
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Ohhhh, Hoppered has a beef with Vash.
Unsubtle metaphors about walking into darkness. I'll allow it.
The worms really are pretty at night.
Did Meryl just get abducted by worms?!?!
Chapter 4: Den of Evil
Milly title page! Always good to see more of the girls!
Milly found the boys.
Oh, no! Someone take care of her!
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Dang, Stampede just straight up took that elevator inspiration from here, didn't they?
Mmm, delicious delicious worms.
Hahahahaha, Zazie doesn't understand "hostage." Zazie understands "bait."
Vash the Stampede's followers? Rude. Just because she's literally following him doesn't mean she deserves so distant a title.
Props to Meryl. She has this twisted monster looming over her, a weird worm-controlling kidnaper, and a shady man in a fancy suit all surrounding her, and what does she do? She starts DEMANDING ANSWERS from them. This woman has a serious pair.
Awww, Milly is soooo upset. They're keeping guard on her while she's supposed to be sleeping, but she's just can't manage it.
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Zazie, creeping outside of windows....
Vash doesn't even wait to hear the other side of Zazie's deal.
Gods, they are such dorks.
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That's one big worm.
I don't know what the Japanese characters are for ryutsu or juukei in the original here, but I just want to note that one possible definition for "juukei" is "execution by firing squad." (No, I didn't know that off the top of my head. I got curious and looked it up.)
All these imposing city shots, and then at the bottom, Vash and Wolfwood.
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Not great. That means there are more hostages here than just Meryl.
Lower and upper class crammed together means something went wrong.
Milly may not have been featured in the shot above, but she's tagging along, too!
Wolfwood's looking forward to a bit of murder today, I see.
Hahahahaha, <3 Milly. She will not be sidelined. Her and Wolfwood are giving Vash a headache. Personally, I have mixed feelings on the matter. Like, Milly is super-competent, and this is important to her, but if they spend more time protecting her than rescuing Meryl, it's worse than useless for her to come along.
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Holy hell. Did not expect girl to pull her gun on Wolfwood.
Vash has a point. Leaving her behind does not, in fact, guarantee her safety here.
Hoppered, that looks painful. Your body looks painful. See a better chiropractor, please.
Chapter 5: Wild Crying Bullet
Three? I thought there were... hmmm... *goes back to check* Ok, so: - Monev the Gale (1) and E.G. Mine (2) went down before they made it to Jenora Rock. - Dominique the Cyclops (3) went down right before Fifth Moon. - After Fifth Moon, they ran into Rai-Dai (4), then Leonov the Puppetmaster (5) and Gray the Ninelives (6). - Then we have Zazie the Beast (7), Midvalley the Hornfreak (8), and Hoppered the Gauntlet (9) here right now. - And we have Wolfwood (10). That means we're missing two out of the 12. So there's a good chance that either Wolfwood doesn't know about the other two, or they were brought in after Wolfwood was sent out. Wolfwood's not an idiot, but it's not like he was privy to Livio's conversation with Vash about there being 12 coins. I suppose one could assume Livio and Knives are the last of those 12, but the way the coins are presented implies both those two are exempt from Gung-Ho Gun status. Also, those who've watched Stampede might be able to take a guess at who we're missing.
Oooof, Midvalley's gonna be a rough fight.
Hoppered might be a bullet, but Vash is a gun. Hehehehehehhhh...
Heh, Wolfwood can't call anyone by their actual name.
He looks genuinely concerned when he catches sight of Midvalley.
Epic Midvalley shot.
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Oh, no. Wolfie, that's gotta hurt...
Not good. Wolfwood's already down.
Vash knows.
?? Hoppered is just... giving him the coins? Who is the second coin from? Midvalley??
Oh, no, Milly! Get it together, girl! You can do it!
Yeah, Vash was never very keen on Legato's weird fetch quest.
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(When I talk about trying to gnaw off my own limb over fandom stuff, that two-page spread above is basically what my heart looks like.)
Heh, Midvalley didn't expect this.
I honestly don't know how Hoppered concluded that Vash is enjoying what he's doing right now. He's mostly looks focused and angry to me.
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LOL, Zazie just chilling, watching the fireworks.
Oddly, Meryl is probably in the safest place she could be right now.
Meryl is getting caught up on Vash lore.
Oh, no. News that Knives is nearby is very not good.
Yusssss, gives us the exposition, Zazie!!! Next time, I mean. I'm good for tonight.
Trigun Volume 1: Covers + 1-3, 3 Detailed Thoughts, 4, 4 DT, 5-6, 5-6 + DT, 6 DT, 7-8, 9-10 || Volume 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 1 Supplemental Research, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Volume 1: Covers + 1-2, 2 DT, 3-4, 3 DT, 5-6 || Volume 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7 || Volume 3: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-7 || Volume 4: Covers + 1-2
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new theme is so my type !
for the game
Thank you for your kind words love. I also adore your blog <3!
🥂Loa account/YouTube channel/Twitter account I get info about the law.
At the beginning of my shifting journey I used who was at the time, clockworkluminal and her sister Natari’s Realm (she just left the community on YouTube) but she’s @reincarnatedempress1 on here! I also liked watching slade’s video about the topic! But I rarely used any prominent figures in the community. I preferred to read experiences from strangers on the internet in forums, regarding time glitches, people waking up in parallel universes, and practices and spiritual experiences based on the monks. I also had weird experiences and know people had things happens among that topic so I used in person people too!
🍒 how much time did it take for your first manifestion.
Umm I didn't keep track tbh, and saw change in my mind almost immediately because I was really excited and hated my life, so any improvement made me very happy. I would say 1 day!
🍓did you ever tell your friends or family about the law!
My sister is also a shifter, uses the void state and loves manifestion :)! I have told friends fragments of the law without saying it so they can use it to their benefit. Most of them don’t care (not in a rude way) don’t believe in it, or don’t rlly care to use it! So I’ve never really went full dive because they just wouldn’t care that much, which is okay. But they do know my about my beliefs and spiritual practices!
🧊 ur fav Loa blogs
Any blogs tagged in in my bio! But once again, i pretty much like all blogs. We all say the same thing but differently and incorporate our experiences which is nice :)! Different people may like how a differnt blog says something but we all say the same thing for the most part with a sprinkle with our own experiences and aesthetics.
⛄️give out tips/ advice related to law and your journey
1.find a friend group or support group. You don't have to do it alone.
2.stop being jealous of people when you can live the same exact way and even better than them if you so desire. Channel that anger and envy into your journey and turn it turn it into motivation.
3. Do what your love to make it feel natural>> discipline> motivation
4. Fall in love and live in imagination. It's your best friend, its your escape and will be what frees you from what can seem like a limited reality.
5. Most importantly, create your own rules. Ignore infighting within bloggers, arguments about methods, contradicting coaches, and angry lame people who care more about being "right" (does not exist) than teaching that anything you want goes. Create a bubble of content that you like and believe in, and persist in that. Seriously. Nothing you do can be wrong, limiting, "against the law" unless you assume it to be.
+anything else I’ve said in my blog tbh lol
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harocat · 1 year
I hope this doesn't come across as rude or anything, as I'm bi myself, but based on some posts from confused danmei fans I've found on the TTEOTM tag, I'm afraid that Tantai Jin or the drama are not gay enough for Tumblr to lose it over him, like they did over MDZS 😢
I'm a lesbian and I'm not offended lol. I think for things to draw the tumblr audience, it's not so much that they have to be gay as they have to be potentially gay.
And by that I mean potentially gay and about men, specifically, because fandom is frankly like 75% less interested in stories about women and it's still rare for a women-centered series and an f/f ship to break out and be super popular.
So something like TTEOTM doesn't really have a lot of m/m shipping potential. There's a bit of a spark between Xiao Lin and TTJ near the beginning, but it sort of pitters out. Nian Baiyu and TTJ are close, but they just don't really have that vibe that makes them feel super shippable. There's no getting around that the most compelling relationship TTJ has in the series is with a woman (though you all, the enemies to lovers vibes you all love are here and they are so good). I've been trying to get all my fellow queer friends to watch Love Between Fairy and Devil because I'm like 'IT'S REALLY GOOD I PROMISE' and I have succeeded with several of them, but the m/m shipping potential is definitely minimal so it probably won't ever catch fire in fandom at large.
Add in that, and this is more important than anything else in this specific case, it's a Chinese drama, which is not something widely popular on tumblr EXCEPT for The Untamed and Word of Honor, both of which are based on canon bl novels, and there's just no hope of drawing people in.
I don't want to insinuate that things are just popular because they're gay or potentially gay, because I do think there's generally a level of quality that they need to have to get people actually into them. And many of these shows have SO MUCH more going for them than just 'they're canon gay' so it's a bit of an insult to insinuate that's the only reason they're popular. I feel like there should be a balance in discussion where you can go 'hey a lot of people may have tried this out because it's canon gay, but the reason it sustained a large following is because it's legitimately a really excellent story with great characters, in addition to the gay.' I always get super defensive when people say Yuri on Ice is only popular because it’s gay.
There's after all plenty of gay or just really slashy shows no one cares about on this site because they're not good. There are exceptions to this (I mean is SPN good? No), but I do think fandom on the whole has gotten choosier in recent years, which is not a bad thing. People are definitely less tolerant of stuff that strings queer viewers along like BBC Sherlock.
MDZS is very good. Wei Wuxian is probably my second favorite fictional character ever. I have issues with the actual narrative of Word of Honor (it's just kind of shoddily written at times), but the characters themselves are very good, and that's what matters most in fandom.
I can never fault people on tumblr for checking into canonically gay media because it is gay, because hey, almost all of us are queer here and we want to see stories about ourselves. But I guess I do get frustrated when over and over the biggest fandoms on here are things that aren't gay, but are just about men that people find shippable. And TBH I think people miss out on so many great stories and characters when they just kind of go purely from big slash fandom to big slash fandom, whatever is popular at the moment.
I also think that, and this is maybe my most salient point of all, people in fandom should try just... not watching everything with a fandom mindset. Like here's a great show, but there's not really a popular ship in it with a lot of fanworks, so people don't watch it. But why not? Not everything needs to be a fandom for you. Sometimes you can just enjoy media, and who knows, maybe something will surprise you and you WILL feel fandom-y about it.
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mostlymaudlin · 2 years
fanfic writer challenge!
list & explain the three lines/moments from canon that are most fundamental to how you write your fave character
challenge 3 more fic writers to do the same!
ill go first.... my fave simon snow series character is BAZ :)
"Please don't choke to death, Bunce. Imagine the humiliation of dying at the Cheesecake Factory." (Wayward Son, Chapter 15)
The Cheesecake Factory scene might just be one of my favorite moments in the whole series. I think it is just a perfect snapshot of what that book is all about. Everyone is in crisis -- Penny's breakup, Baz's thirst, Simon's slow burn of a mental breakdown. But Baz, whose crisis in this moment is arguably the most dire, slides right into the booth next to his blood bag of a bestie to comfort her. Do I think Baz's tendency toward self-sacrifice is healthy? Absolutely not. But it's so key to how he ticks. He cares so fucking much about his people, and he hates watching things suffer. He's a huge fuckin asshole (see above quote, lol) but he is also KIND.
"I know I usually come down here to tell you I'm sorry. But I think today I want to tell you that I'm going to be all right." (Carry On, Epilogue)
Do you ever just. Cry. This comes from the scene where Baz is talking to his mother at her tomb. I really love this scene because it feels fundamental to the path Baz chooses in Carry On. When we meet him, he is so resigned to living a life he hates, as a person he hates. But then Simon wants to be with him, and Penelope admires him, and he finishes 8th year without dying. And he's so goddamn hopeful. And tbh -- Baz was ALWAYS hopeful, that's why he was so miserable! He wasn't going down there COMPLAINING to his mother before, he was going down there to apologize, because he was hoping for things he shouldn't. But now he's got Simon and Penny and a future that looks like it could be okay, and he's starting to think he might BE someone who will be okay. And he's not going to apologize for that. And he's going to hope that his mother would be proud of him for doing what's best for himself.
"Took a break from sucking cock, actually." (Any Way The Wind Blows, Chapter 26)
Lmaoooo yes I do think I'm so funny. But actually that's why this quote is so important to me -- Baz is funny! Baz can be crass and rude and he's fucking done with being ashamed of things, so if you try to make him feel that way he'll shove it back in your face. He is so unapologetic about his principles. And he is not afraid to let everyone know that he's fucking obsessed with Simon Snow IN A VERY GAY WAY!!!
i'm going to tag a little more than 3 people in an attempt to get the ball rolling lol: @sillyunicorn @tea-brigade @urban-sith @starwarned @captain-aralias @aristocratic-otter @martsonmars @palimpsessed @facewithoutheart @fatalfangirl @cutestkilla @amywaterwings
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eugenoid · 5 months
Just got tagged in a game by @happy-mokka and felt like doing it right away
1. Were you named after anyone?
Yeah kind of
2. When was the last time you cried?
Literally just now because my father was rude
3. Do you have kids?
No, and I don't want to have them
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
None. Unless you count yoga I did in high school for a while I guess. Hopefully I'll pick up a sport some time in the future, or at least some sort of physical activity so my body doesn't fall apart too early. My poor back...
5. Do you use sarcasm?
I feel like I do it less often now. These days I prefer healthy irony at expense of nobody. I try to, at least
6. What's the first thing you notice about the people?
Idk. Just faces in general?
7. What's your eye color?
Some sort of weird greenish grey
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
If I had a better stomach for all the scary movies I wanted to watch, I would've picked that. But in reality, probably happy endings.
9. Any talents?
I have perfect pitch. Music teachers loved me. I think I have a good sense of humor too. Won't call my art skills "talent" though, considering how long it's taking me to get better at art
10. Where were you born?
You're not fooling me today, mr federal agent.
11. What are your hobbies?
Videogames I guess. Singing along to music, if that counts. I'm trying to make drawing into a career so that doesn't count as hobby anymore. Does interacting with fandoms count?
12. Do you have any pets?
Yeah, a cat
13. How tall are you?
Average height. Not telling you the exact numbers. Not today, mr federal agent x2
14. Favorite subject in school?
I feel like I didn't have a favorite subject - I hated everything school-related. But I probably preferred the classes where teachers didn't care if I fell asleep to the ones where they yelled at me for it. So sleeping was my favorite subject I guess? I was just really tired all the time, tbh
15. Dream job?
Ah... a marine biologist... specializing on sharks.....
But if we're being more realistic and down to Earth - perhaps any job that's not too demanding and provides me enough to be able to live comfortably and pay my bills
Tagging @someoneyoudontreallyknow @icecreamvi @ignite-art @reitziluz in case you're interested in filling out this questionaire. No pressure though!
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wifiwuxians · 9 months
Nah 'what do you have against x' is definitely aggressive, (feel free to not respond to this one because I don't want to start any extra drama, I guess just a confirmation of you receiving this message is enough if you dont respond) if an artist says they feel uncomfy with x ship being tagged on their art and someone comes in with 'what do you have against x ship' it definitely sounds rude because a) no one has to explain their squicks, someone dislikes something and makes it clear, there is no need to bother them about it, specially with 'what you have against it?' questions, dislike doesnt always need a reason, and b) the wording is definitely vague/rude, I'd even consider that a ragebait tbh, and you were absolutely valid in your response (not even rude when you could've been), not them coming back on as 'fyi i didnt meant to be mean, no need to snap' instead of a simple 'hey you misunderstood and i could've worded it better' and i dunno that is absolutely not okay. Its your blog, you get to respond how you like, you get to have your notps and squicks without being bothered by people about it.
Sending you lots of love and hugs, because you're handling this well and I'm proud of you, ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
you're so sweet to have not wanted to start drama but i don't think it will, but i am posting this because it really warmed my heart and made me a little sniffly to have been sent love and hugs and hearts and pride like i feel so adored right now it's getting to me gkhjfkdj thank you so much,,, 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖 it's always such a great feeling to know you're cared for
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druidx · 2 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
@inkoherentwriting, @bretongirlwrites, and @wispstalk have all tagged me in this so I should probably do it (this is not a complaint! I love tag games, I'm just think it's funny).
I'm not sure who of my usual list writes fanfic so this is an open tag.
1 – How many works do you have on AO3?
151 in total. Druidx has 107, and my pseud for PodFics, Dru-Pod, has 44
2 – What's your total AO3 word count?
Currently 246,748. (I've got three other large fics in the works that'll bring that up to ~500k when posted.)
3 – What fandoms do you write for?
My main ones right now, by number of works, are:
TES IV: Oblivion
Fighting Fantasy World of Titan by Steve Jackson & Ian Livingstone
Thunderbirds Are Go (2015)
Those in the past, and that will never grace AO3, are (in order of recency):
Star Wars (Savage Worlds TTRPG)
Sherlock (2010)
Star Trek: Deep Space 9
4 – What are your top five fics by kudos?
Technicolour Nightmare (Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion)
Flowers and Ice (Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion)
Crimson Storm (Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion)
Family Treasures (Thunderbirds 2015)
Avoiding the Emperor (Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion)
Technicolour Nightmare is a kind of a surprise, because I don't think it's one of my better fics, and was a half-assed kinda throwaway story about a feverish HoK being rescued and cared for. For the longest time the top fic has been Flowers and Ice which never surprised me given that it's very much about Everyone worrying about Martin doing something stupid, and then descends into the HoK worrying about everyone, and ends with the promise things will be better. Avoiding the Emperor is also not a surprise, since it was the very first thing I posted on AO3.
5 – Do you respond to comments?
I try my hardest to, when I get them.
6 – What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Of those posted, it's probably Bitter Winds and Rain, which is about Aderyn not handling Martin's coma well. Young Dagger, False Dream which is drafted but not yet posted, comes a close second with Alexis feeling forced out of the group she thought were her friends after an ideological split.
7 – What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
TIL a lot of my fics have an upbeat ending XD At First Blush takes the win, I think, with Methredhel and Rhiannon's kiss.
8 – Do you get hate on fics?
Gotta get comments to get hate, eh? The worst I had was on Tumblr for No Rose Without a Thorn, where someone was rude about the OC I was writing about (wasn't even my OC - I'd borrowed someone else's which might be why it made me angry).
9 – Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Nope. I have tried and tried and decided it's not for me. It's never been published, because it makes me cringe at how bad it is. The most you'll get from me is some heavy petting and a fade to black.
10 – Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Dinner Time is probably the wackiest crossover posted, with the main Trio from Oblivion and some characters from Fighting Fantasy World of Titan. I also started a crossover with the Trio from Oblivion and the main characters from Thunderbirds (2015), but that's unlikely to see the light of day
11 – Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge.
12 – Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I'd be honoured if anyone ever wanted to.
13 – Have you ever co-written a fic?
Not a fic, no. I tried co-writing an original story and it did not go well, and has soured me towards the idea TBH.
14 – What's your all-time favorite ship?
That I've written, I suppose I have to say Martin/Baurus since I've written 26 fics about them... By fave to read though is Bilbo Baggins/ Thorin Oakenshield (Bagginshield). TBH though, shipping isn't something that I really bother with much; Martin/Baurus was for a friend.
15 – What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Her Lonely Shadow is currently the top contender. It's the 'what happens next for Alexis Dalliance' story, set after the end of her campaign and before Elo's campaign. I've been writing it since 22 Apr 2015, it's still on the 1st draft sitting at 174,266 words. I don't feel like it's ever going to be finished...
16 – What are your writing strengths?
Pacing, the balance of prose to dialogue, descriptions, and character voice.
17 – What are your writing weaknesses?
Plotting, subtext, and making sure 'c' grade characters still have some 3d-ness to them.
18 – Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
All for it. I think it's fun for a character who doesn't speak that language to have to figure things out from body language or other social cues, or muddle through with their broken skills. In fantasy it's less risky though, because you can mash words out that sound good, but for IRL languages, you need to take a bit more care. One would hope, however, that if a native speaker has an issue with something I've used Google Translate for, they would mention it in the comments so I can fix it.
19 – First fandom you wrote for?
20 – Favorite fic you've written?
... I'm going to do them by fandom because this is an unfair question XD
Starbound - Home That Our Feet May Leave, But Not Our Hearts
FF/World of Titan - Dead Reckoning Returned
Oblivion - Abecean Blue
Thunderbirds 2015 - Family Treasures
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