#is my fandom aunt-ness showing?
sheeple · 1 year
Miracles don't exist | 15: Like hot coals
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Genre(s): Riddle!reader / Slytherin!reader / kinda slowburn / little happy moments Fandom(s): Harry Potter Pairing(s): Theodore Nott x Reader / Harry Potter x Riddle!reader Summary: Being the Dark Lord's daughter and raised under the strict supervision of the Malfoy's is no easy life. Especially if you start crushing on your father's arch-nemesis, Harry Potter. And that while being engaged to one of his follower’s sons. Warning(s): Smooching / reader is one angsty bitch who loves self-punishment [Masterlist] [Mini masterlist] [Playlist]
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The days grow shorter and the temperature drops significantly. And before you know you have to go back home for Christmas. You've been dreading the moment and you look like shit. The DA lessons are also not going in your favour.
As Harry dismisses the class, his eyes meet yours and you understand that he's asking you to stay behind. You move towards the mirror and study the group picture of the Order. They were all so young. And Voldemort killed most of them. Or driven them insane.
Once everybody cleared out of the Room of Requirement, having said their goodbyes and Christmas well wishes, it's only Harry and you. He goes to stand next to you. You see in the reflection that he wants to touch you and comfort you in some way or another. But instead, he drops his hand back to his side.
Turning around, you swallow. "I'm scared to go back, Harry. He's at the Malfoy Manor." It comes out as a hiss, dangerously teetering close to Parsletongue. "And they will be there, revelling in their... doings and I-"
Your breath hitches in your throat as the first tears start to fall. The ones you've been holding back for so long but couldn't find a moment to let go. 
Harry grabs your hands, giving them a squeeze. He reaches and wipes away a tear from your cheek, his hand lingering on your cheek. He knows you mean Voldemort. But you yourself are not sure if you only mean Voldemort, or also Theodore.
In your heartbreak and loneliness, you lean into Harry's touch. You haven't let anyone touch you like that since the day you received the Mark. You always felt like he was lingering in the back of your mind.
But Harry... He's like you- almost. He also bears a mark that Voldemort left behind on his soul. He's already on the Dark Lord's kill list, so he wouldn't be in more danger with your involvement.
Your touch starved-ness mistakes Harry as a sign he has been looking for, and he presses his lips against yours. The kiss is first soft and unsure. But as Harry cups the back of your head, his finger lacing your hair, the kiss starts to be more serious. It actually forms into a make-out session.
More tears start to pool out of your eyes as you feel guilty towards Theodore. He obviously liked you, and you still like him. But it feels oh so good to have your cheeks cradled like that by Harry. To have someone touch you tenderly without ulterior motives. Your skin aches for that kind of contact. So, selfishly, you cherish every moment of it.
Your hands fist the back of his sweater when the two of you part. As you lean your forehead against him, you close your eyes. His breath hits your face in soft puffs.
"Come with me to Grimmault for Christmas. And summer break. You'll be safe there. And Sirius would love to see you again." A short laugh escapes him. "He's sort of sad that he can't send you any more letters."
You smile sadly. "I can't, Harry. You know the consequences will be too severe if I don't show up." You've already missed Christmas last year, so there is no way your aunt and uncle will let you not attend this year. Especially now that Voldemort is residing in the mansion.
He hums and wants to give your lips another peck, but you stop him. The confused look on his face saddens you.
"We can't", you whisper, "we're supposed to be opposites- enemies."
"You being here means that there is no way you could ever be my enemy."
Oh, Harry... You don't know how terribly wrong you are.
You take a step back and stare at the ground. You wipe away your tears harshly with the palm of your hand. "I'm sorry, I really am. But I'm not the type of girl you need, Harry." You lean one last time closer and give him a lingering kiss on the cheek. "Have a nice Christmas. See you next year."
And with that whisper, you leave the Room of Requirement. Guilt, heartbreak, anger, and anguish swirl through you. And that all the while the Mark on your arm burns like hot coals.
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Cold water splashes against your face, smudging your makeup. Staring yourself down in the mirror above the sink, you wipe away the water and mascara that runs down your face.
You fix the sleeves of your floor-length gown. One good thing about winter is that nobody questions why you have a dress with long sleeves. Even though you will be in a room with mostly Death Eaters, you're not too keen on showing off the Mark.
Checking the time, you rush towards the ballroom and stand next to your father. You fix a stray hair before people file in, making their way over to the two of you and bowing to the Dark Lord.
An enchanted orchestra starts to play the first notes of a slow song and the annual Malfoy Christmas ball has officially started. Normally you're allowed to roam around the ballroom, mingle with the guests and pick something to eat before disappearing into the library and spending the rest of the evening there. 
But now you're expected to stand next to Voldemort. Smile and nod whenever you're needed to and overall keep quiet. Silent, agreeable, and well-behaved. Those are the words your uncle told you with a hiss before you were let go to get ready.
You mostly zoned out of the conversations, the anxious energy of the guests starting to get on your nerves. The only time when the guests speak to you is when they ask if you are officially engaged. After all, you're almost at pure-blood marrying age.
At one point you have enough of it all, and you turn towards your father. "May I be excused, my Lord?"
He loftily waves you away and you make your way over to the drinks table. Your feet are killing you from standing around and you are hungry as a hippogriff. 
Making sure you stay in sight of your father, you move towards the table with hors d'oeuvres. You feel a presence behind you and turn around. Mr Nott looks at you with a wide smile. Behind him stands Theodore, his eyes boring into your own.
"Miss Black — or I should say Riddle — you look very pretty." The compliment gives you the ick but you smile politely. "My son would be honoured to take you to dance." 
The elder man pushes Theodore towards you. He holds out his hand for you to take. You make eye contact with Voldemort. And after the faintest of nods, you take Theodore's hand. He leads you towards the middle of the dance floor and a waltz starts to play.
Neither of you says something until the dance is almost done. You anxiously fiddle with your fingers from the hand that lays on Theodore's shoulder.
"You really do look beautiful." 
Your eyes flicker towards his – which are already trained on you. "Thank you", you whisper, a faint smile growing on your face.
As Theodore twirls you around, he catches a glimpse of Voldemort. "So, Riddle huh?"
Your stomach knots together at the last name and you nod. "Yeah... I prefer Black though. Feels less... evil?"
"Is that also the reason you've been ignoring me all school year?" Theodore's voice and face is void of all emotions, cold and indifferent.
It feels like he has driven a knife through your heart. You can handle hurt. You can handle anger. But cold? The indifference hurts the most. Like he doesn't care about you anymore.
"I just wanted to protect you." Your voice cracks as it comes out in a whisper.
The hold on your hand and middle tighten and his eyes narrow. "Protect me? From what? The Dark Lord? For your information, Riddle, I've grown up with Death Eaters."
You close your eyes, willing away your tears. You can't cry now. It will look pitiful and weak, and the Heir of Voldemort can't look weak. "I- I know, Theodore. I don't want him to hurt you when I am not as obedient as he wants."
"That sounds like a you problem, Riddle." Theodore looks like he's ready to pounce.
But before he can do any more damage, Uncle Lucius raises his glass and taps his wand to it. The guests fall silent and turn towards the white-haired man.
"Esteemed guests, I would like to proudly announce the official engagement of the Dark Lord's heir, (Y/n) Riddle and Theodore Nott. May the line of Salazar Slytherin reign long!"
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Taglist (bold means I couldn’t tag you): @the0doreslover @lqndkxlmqma @st4rrry  @choppedpartymuffinwinner @ledtasso @literallyobessed @lestat-whore​ @vanishingcherry @harrysnovia @pietrobae @ireallywannasleep127 @yeolsbubbles @fruityfrog505 @fluffybunnyu @theroyalmanatee @shinrjj
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piece-of-hweat · 11 months
So. About Danny Phantom and Underworld Office...
Quick break from my Little Nightmares brain for a sec, I wanna talk about stupid ghost creatures.
Recently, I rediscovered a whole ass discord thread I made a year ago, which was literally filled with Charlie in Underworld/Underworld Office stuff. What is Charlie in Underworld and Underworld Office? Well, the first novel (Underworld Office) is a visual/digital novel about a kid named Eugene who stumbles upon the ghost realm. They are also adopted into a found-ghost-office-family. Important note: Eugene's soul can exit their body while they rest. So basically, going ghost, but not really. (the second thing/sequel just follows the redemption arc of an antagonist, Charlie, from the first game)
Now. Danny Phantom. A couple of months ago, my friend introduced me to the show as well as the Phandom, and gotta say. It's pretty cool. Danny Phantom is a cartoon series about a lil silly dude named Danny Fenton. He is half ghost. Because of his half-ghost-ness, he can "go ghost". This is where he turns into a ghost and kicks ghost-ass.
Alright, let's regroup. Now that you know a bit about both fandoms, remember that note from earlier saying that Eugene can "go ghost"? Yea. See where I'm going with this?
My proposal, fellow DP and/or CIU/UWO fans, is to make a crossover AU. Why? Because I need it. I need these two idiots to bond over the fact that they both have connections to ghosts and how, in a way, they're both half-ghosts.
What is the plot/storyline? No fuckin clue All I have is:
Danny's been Danny Phantom for a while now
Eugene moves into Amity Park. Danny, honestly, can't really give two shits about that.
One day, Eugene and Danny meet, they become friends and bond over the fact that they're both dead and alive.
Danny meets the Office Ghosts and they both become allies or smth (tbf, they both fight monsters/bad ghosts)
Both Danny and the Office have a common goal (perhaps a conflict they both want to solve? Maybe)
Now, as for lil stupid notes:
Danny is creeped out by Boss and River. (Boss is cold and Danny feels like Boss would just casually murder him if he looked away for 0.001 seconds. River is just chaotic in a "high-aunt" way. The shit she does probably scares Danny in a "BRO WTF" way)
Eugene and Danny, unlike the other ghosts, are more warmer-coloured and less monotone.
Charlie will spit on Danny's grave and Danny would do the same. They'd probably hate each other's guts in a sibling way.
Luke, Oliver and Joy would probably meet Sam and Tucker. (Tucker and Oliver would honestly be besties ngl. Joy and Sam can both judge each other silently over a cup of coffee)
Alright, that's all I have to offer. Hope you'll uh, consider this possible AU. Um. Have a nice day or night. Don't turn into a half ghost. Or do, I don't know man--
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gothfoxx · 11 months
BeautifulDoom is at it again with great stories on AO3, please show them some love!
We’re Not Like What You’re Thinking : “Do you want fluff? Do you want wholesome horror content? Do you want animatronics that protecc and not attac? It's all right here. These drabbles will include all the games.” Ongoing
The White Rabbit’s Offer; “Mike's old friend Ness tells him about Aunt Jane being in the diner. Mike wants to go to the police, but Ness assures him that he'll take care of everything.…He doesn't specify how, though.” Part 1 of a series
The Purple Bandit: “Arthur Morgan sees a poster hanging in the Sheriff's office. A man named William Afton is wanted alive for killing children, and the bounty on his head is one of the highest that Arthur's seen. Everyone warns him that Afton is a savage killer and very skilled with his knives and other weapons, but Arthur can't resist going after him. Has Arthur finally met his match?” Ongoing, crossover RDR
Red Dead Redemption
I Still Love Horses: “After being captured by the Van Der Linde gang, Kieran is tied to a tree and left to starve and freeze at night. Lucky for him, the horses of the gang seem to really like him and want to take care of him.”
Shattered Masks: “After rescuing Josiah from the bounty hunters, Arthur learns just how much Josiah has lost in the name of his cons. Josiah is exhausted and broken over it, and his recent brush with death has done nothing to help.”
Strays/Multi Fandoms
Stray Drabbles: “A collection of drabbles set in my Strays verse featuring everyone's favorite egos!” Ongoing, part of a series
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brokengem · 5 years
besides mavie is platonic on both sides ???? neither of them like each other. friendship between girls exist dumbasses.
Now, now we’re not going to start discourse amongst other shippers here. Everyone can ship whatever they want. No one can tell them who or what to ship. If it makes you happy...SHIP IT.
As I’ve said, I personally don’t ship it. I love them platonically though! Give me all the Malvie!friendship stuff and I’m good.
Is Mal a good friend? Not always but that’s where fanon comes in and you can tweak her personality as you see fit to make her better. Or make her reap what she sowed while getting forgiveness.
Like I’ve also said, I can see why people ship it, especially if you’re just seeing the movies. Just watching the movies you’re seeing Mal and Evie as the bestest of friends who are super affectionate for each other.
Then you have someone like me who read the book first and then watched the movie so I read Mal being a brat and just seriously trying to hurt Evie over something as silly as not being invited to a birthday party because she’s a spoiled brat.
And yet there are still plenty of people for still ship Malvie who may have read the book first as well. You know the whole enemies to lovers trope? We all love it no matter what.
So while girls being just friends is totally a thing, to someone else it may mean more to them to ship them romantically. Many reasons factor into that and the most common reason is because they see themselves in these characters.
So someone who is a lesbian or bi will totally want for these two girls to be hopelessly head over heels in love with each other because they see themselves in them.
For me I tend to have that one character who I ship with pretty much everyone. In Descendants Evie is that character. My favorite het ships for her are Jay, Harry, Ben and Gil. And my favorite femslash ships for her as are with Uma and Jane.
Do they make sense? Some of them don’t but I really like them anyway!
And again, for me it’s a personal choice. My favorite ships always tend to be fanon and most likely super rare pairs. I rarely like the canon or popular ships in fandoms with some exceptions.
I have plenty of followers and mutals who ship Malvie and other ships that I dislike and yet I still get so happy to see them get excited over little things about their ships because it makes them happy.
Anyway I’m getting away from myself! Please don’t come to my blog trying to belittle others for loving what they love. I don’t want it. If I’m doing to say some bad about a ship on my blog I try to remember to not tag it because I don’t want to make some else feel bad for Liking what they like.
Please don’t pick on others! If you don’t like something, do what I do and ignore it.
Have a nice day 😁😘
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sasamelons · 3 years
AO3 Tag Game
Ooh this looks like fun! Thanks for tagging me @miss-ingno!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
I have 34 in total - 33 fics and 1 podfic!
2. What is your total AO3 word count?
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
In order of most to least fics:
- Sherlock (14), which was my main fandom before my 5-year hiatus from fandom
- MDZS/CQL (9), the fandom I was in for the past year. I haven't written anything for it for a while, but might still pop in once in a while
- Guardian (4), which I'm currently writing for
- X-Men (4)
- Hannibal (1)
- Psycho-Pass (1)
- Inception (1)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
1. the river and the sea — MDZS, CQL (wangxian, soulmates and arranged marriage au) by a LONG shot. This one still blows my mind. I remember, in particular the first few days after posting, watching the numbers blow up and going, WHAT IS HAPPENING??
2. the heart of a bear — MDZS, CQL (teenaged wangxian time travels to the future and find themselves married, modern cultivation au)
3. homeward — MDZS, CQL (wangxian, modern cultivation road trip fic)
4. don't leave me here alone — XMFC (cherik, soulmates au) (my love for soulmate fics is starting to show haha)
5. Arthur Eames — Inception — this one is a bit of a surprise, given it's so short
5. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Yes! I really appreciate it when people write me comments, so I always respond because I want to tell them that. I also love it when an author replies to my comments on their fics (I get as much of a dopamine hit from seeing a notification for that as from getting a comment on one of my fics!) so I try to do the same. I've also been lucky enough to strike up friendships through comment exchanges.
6. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending?
AHAHAHA six-years-ago Sasa wrote a lot of angst, so let's see... I would say A Study in Sentiment (Sherlock) wins this competition, but honorary mention goes to Precession of the Equinoxes (also Sherlock).
7. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've ever written?
I don't really write crossovers, but I do like fusions a lot. I think the wonkiest is Beyond, which is a Sherlock fusion with The Giver (Lois Lowry). I've also got my Guardian Sailor Moon fusion and a remix of a XMFC HIMYM fusion.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I've been really lucky not to!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I haven't yet. Partly this is my ace-ness showing through. There is at least one fic where I had meant to try writing smut and then just...forgot about it lmao. I might still attempt it someday, if a fic calls for it, but I don't think I'll ever write PWP.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge!
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I haven't, but I think that would be interesting to try! I co-wrote an original story with a friend in high school and that was fun. So if any of you are interested in co-writing, let me know! ;)
12. What's your all time favourite ship?
This is such a hard question to answer because I'm usually only in one fandom at a time so it obviously changes! Right now it's of course Weilan — and I think it will be for a good while. I think it might actually become a ship I'll come back to every once in a while, the way that I find myself circling back to binge reading MamoUsa (Sailor Moon) fics every few years because it's such a comfort ship.
13. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Inuyasha as a tween/early teen, which was on an old FFN account which now I actually regret deleting. I don't have any copies of those fics now. I wonder if my aunt still has the old desktop I wrote those on...
14. What's your favourite fic you've written?
Also a hard question! I'm pretty proud of most of my fics, and I like them for different reasons. If I had to choose, I would probably say the place hidden amidst clouds (CQL, MDZS), which has a lot of personal meaning to me as it encapsulates a lot of my feelings and experiences of being an immigrant. I also think it's my best piece of writing.
Honorary mention goes to to dash against darkness (Sherlock). I wrote it when I was at a really low point in my life and was looking for comfort, and I know it provided that comfort to at least one other person. If I were to choose to have written only one thing in my life, it would probably be this.
Thanks if you read through all that rambling!
Now I'm tagging @elenothar @clevermanka @dragongirlg-fics @la-muerta @ishipallthings, if you want to do it!
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ceres20 · 4 years
Harry Potter cannot be Indian. Stop trying to make it happen.
I have seen some wonderful and beautiful art shared on tumblr. It really fascinates me, how wonderfully talented human beings are. I have of course, noticed that many fans tend to re-work original characters to reflect changing times, society and values. Hermione is often depicted as Black by fans, because in the books, her hair is described as very large and bushy (something that tends to happen to kinky hair) without any particular traits that mark her out as a white woman. I cannot and will not speak for Black people and their opinion on Hermione’s depiction, nor do I have any knowledge about black culture to have an informed opinion on that. Personally, I find that it’s wonderful, inclusive and brings to fore beauty that has till now been marginalized and shamed. Many black people have European names, because of their history of forced kidnappings and slavery under white regimes. We don’t know anything about her parents except that they’re well-off and dentists. Seems race-neutral to me. However, I have in the same vein, seen Harry Potter being depicted as Indian- complete with brown skin and GREEN eyes(?!). Yes, some Indians do have Hazel (or greenish) eyes & brown hair. It’s a recessive trait seen in people from rural villages to urban sprawls. But most Indians don’t. In any case, being Indian is more than just a skin colour! There is an entire culture that you belong to, when you say you’re Indian. And unfortunately, Harry Potter is a white-ass boy in the books. His father’s family is a pure-blood British family, meaning they’ve been white for generations. So is his mother’s side. Petunia Dursley, his aunt, has been shown to be a pretentious white woman living in the UK complete with the same mannerisms. There is *nothing* Indian about his NAME either! Indian people have largely retained their cultural and religious identities, especially since they didn’t face forced enslavement (they did however, work as indentured laborers in other British colonies, when slavery was abolished-but they still retained their identities) like the Blacks. Unless Harry’s name is changed to Hari Potturi,  Harry Potter will remain a White Boy. I personally perceive any attempt to depict him as brown- as a shallow token exercise which cheapens my racial and ethnic background in a bid by white people to claim woke-ness. Stop, just stop. You’re only alienating people and showing your own ignorance. Rather than tokenism, why don’t we write and share stories or drawings of actual Indian mythologies, stories and people? There are Indian characters in the Harry Potter books, maybe give them greater visibility in fanfiction and art? Pansy Parkinson, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini or other characters are fandom favourites despite having little to no significance in the books (Unlike Patil sisters who actually went on dates with Ron and Harry). We can do so much better!  P.S. In case it wasn’t obvious, I’m Indian.
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I got tagged by @tough-girl9 to list my top 7 comfort films which turned into a top 8
I'm more of a comfort song type, so that was a tough (girl) one
1.: Treasure Planet
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I adore this movie! I loved it when I was smaller and I love it now. The only reason I didn't watch it to death was the fact that I lost the DVD. It's gorgeous and although the main premise is space pirates thanks to the focus on the characters it feels grounded and easier to relate to or to feel simpathy towards them. Besides Jim Hawkins being a childhood crush I could always relate to him. The feeling of being lost, aimless and the words
"- I can't watch you throw away your future like that!
- What future?"
always spoke to me. It's not an edge and teen angst fest tho, John Silver and his speech is both in character and always chokes me up and gives me hope that there are pathes that could lead to the future I want and that I wasn't abled to see.
It's the perfect movie for those who feel lost or confused and want to sail to far away planets from their current situation, those who want to be understood and given hope to.
(I could gush about the art and animation and characters for hours, but this is not the time)
Amazing background music and the songs fit well with the steampunk-ish style of the movie
2.: Ratatouille
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A family classic. We even have the ps2 game and it's one of those rarities which my family could watch anytime. Besides being beautiful and having a 10/10 aesthetic (and a huge dose of food p0®π) it's a grounded movie.
The premise is as feaver dream-y and goofy as it gets. A rat learns english (or french? The movie takes place in Paris but it's either confusing or I'm just a dum dum) and thanks to an imaginary friend version of his chef idol ends up in his restaurant and makes a deal with the garbage boy of whom the chef thinks can cook and reluctantly agrees give him another chance to make the soup that was actually made by (fixed by) the rat aka Remy. So the boy Linguini and Remy has to team up where it seems like Linguini is making the soup but he is actually in Remy's control.
But the movie is actually about being an artist and coming from an unexpected place and being surrounded by people who don't support you or believe in you even if they were just trying to protect you or think that it's the best for you.
Fellow artists could definetly appreciate the movie. Whether you croche, draw, animate, sculpt, dance, act or do any kind of art I would absolutely recommend.
Le Festin is great and is on loop during dinner
Warning: get food ready because you WILL get hungry. Even if it's just bread this movie will make it taste like garlic bread just you wait
3.: Strange Magic
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It's one of the controversial ones. Not everyone likes it and a lot hate it but that's okay.
It's one of those films where either you praise it to death or wonder which deeper layer of hell did it crawled out of. There is no in between. I'm one from the first category. Even my IT teacher called it a classic and I roped most of my friend group into the SM cult.
It has a certain tumblr aesthetic and feels like a fanficrion the best way possible. One of those where altho something unsuspected happens it's written well, the characters are in character it's finished and the grammar is proper as well.
It's a jukebox musical which is one of my fauvorite kind of musical, the covers are amazing and damn they can change up the originals songs aesthetic to it's opposite so damn well (Trouble - Elvis Presley)
It centers around love and I ain't no shipper nor romantic but even I was gushing over the main couple which is spoiler alert so that's all you get
I absolutely adore how the characters express themselves with their wings and body! I'm all about feelings and expressions!
So try it out and even if you don't like it you're allowed to stop. And if you like it: welcome to the fandom in this house we respect Marianne, the Bog King is a snack and must protect Dawn at all cost!
(this is a pick me up movie for me the other two more of a shoulder to cry on)
Speaking of crying
4.: The Little Prince
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Not gonna lie I was extremely suspicious of this movie. I immediately categorised it as a cheap cash grab which only use sonething known and beloved because it's known and beloved so people will buy.
I expected the Emoji Movie, I got the LEGO Movie.
This movie. Hoo boy, this movie. You know, it's nothing, I only cried 4 times after all!
It's so respectful towards the material it's given. So heartfelt and creative and artistic! It's the Little Prince sequel that fits well in modern times.
In this film the Little Prince is a story that an old man tells his new young girl of a neighbour. Both of them needed a friend and it's one of those unexpected duos where the girl is forced to be mature way too early and the man is way too childish so they balance each other out and the man gives the girl (I can't remember their names god damn it) the breath of fresh air she needed.
This movie is so damn cute! I mentioned a shoulder to cry on movies and pick me up movies, this one is both! It's a bittersweet dream!
You are going to cry. So get ready.
5.: Hunchback of Notre Dame
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Oh man oh God oh man oh God oh man
I'm obsessed with this movie (and musical)
It's dark and mature and definetly a-shoulder-to-cry-on movie. I love and relate to Quasimodo. Altho I'm not deformed I was always the weird girl everyone picked on and hated and I still can't understand why. I think I'm a perfectly normal person but when my mom calls me a freak/eccentric behind my back and my aunt gives me a gift with the words "since you looked nothing like the other girls on your prom..." I... I'm just more confused honestly. I'm always so damn tired and basically a hermit so thanks to that Out There hit way too close to home.
Esmeralda is a 10/10 role modell. She is a beautiful soul inside and outside. And she's romani. Which is the most hated minority in my country.
The movie deals with lust, abusive and manipulative parents, racism, religion, "ugly"ness, lonelyness. These might sound repelling but to see something similar happen to you/a character looking/being/sounding like you is worth more than life, honestly. Unless you can live through this kinship with a character, you have no idea how needed this is.
(I cried so hard watching The Grinch (2018) since I used to have Panic disorder and I'm an anxious person to see him being scared the way I do and to fiddle with his fingers and think like I do was the most comforting thing I felt in my life)
This movie is so damn gorgeous. I know I said that to almost every movie in this list but this is a biblical epic gorgeous. And of course, Hellfire is THE best Diney villain song FIGHT ME I'M RIGHT
The musical is even darker and more serious but damn it's worth a watch. It's on youtube.
6. Brother Bear
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This movie is *drumroll* gorgeous. Each movie on this list is gorgeous in different ways. This is nature-gorgeous.
Pick me up movie, definetly. It's mostly adorable but they tap into some meaningful things and there are tragedies happening, my dude!
Like Hunchback of Notre Dame the main subject is "who is the monster and who is the man?". This movie shows some perspective, I tell you!
7.: Coco
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I know the hungarian translation by heart
It's very family oriented, so if you don't have any or have a bad realtionship with it, this movie will give you a heartache
This movie takes place in Mexico and explores parts of mexican culture.
I adore and am interested in different cultures, folklore, tradition and religion so I was head over heels really quick with this movie!
Gorgeous imagery and music. Heartfelt, that last Remember Me WILL get you
8.: The Croods
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I know, it looks like a movie that made only for kids. But dude! It's about family, change and how people deal with it. It takes place in an alternative world, where animals we know are mixed together (MOUSELEFANT!! CROCO DOGGO!!) the most adorable way possible and it takes place in prehistoric times.
Oh god, this movie is full of feelings and gorgeous imagery! Pick me up, definetly! Of course, it's full of jokes but they are so witty to me!
Sorry, I got impatient by the end of it
I would tag people if I would know anyone well in this site. The 2 people I want to tag: is already tagged me and the other one is probably too busy
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(//Britney Spears Voice// Oops I Did it Again)
I was thinking about Sero having siblings which made me think about class 1a and like,, how few of them have canon siblings? & then I was like “well hmm, who has siblings in canon and who do I feel like SHOULD have siblings?” which has NOW spiraled to “whole family dynamic” so. Here’s this (note that I’m not gonna subtract people from families who already canonically exist like however much I’d like to launch End**v*r into the sun this is less “I rewrote things how I’d like them to be” and more “how many of these kids do I think should have siblings and if their parents aren’t developed what do I think they’re like”).
Midoriya: We already know he does not have siblings and tbh even if we didn’t know I’d still think he doesn’t. He absolutely has Only Child Who’s Kinda Lonely And Wanted A Sibling But Never Got One vibes. Also we know he has a single mom and a dad who’s not really in the picture (sidenote I love Inko Midoriya even though she failed Izuku in the past by not believing in him she loves her son so much and is trying her hardest to make up for it and do what’s best for him). I feel like her husband is like,,, not straight up the worst person ever like he’s not abusive but he’s not particularly interested in his family anymore?? Like he pays his child support but doesn’t make any effort to talk to his wife and son? He’d get divorced but he doesn’t want to go through the hassle of that legal process, especially since he’s living on a whole separate continent & would either have to go back to Japan for the legal proceedings or do it from there which would be challenging & he’s “far too busy” to do that
Bakugou: He doesn’t have siblings in canon but he does kinda give off Middle Child In A House With Lots Of Children vibes...that inferiority/superiority complex tho...oh either that or Oldest Child In A House With Lots Of Children vibes...but yeah consider middle child Bkg. Like...maybe 5-6 Bakugou children and he’s either smack dab in the middle or 3rd oldest depending if he has 4 or 5 siblings. Also it’s pretty obvious that Mitsuki’s not a good mom & Masaru is not rlly willing to stand up to her but unfortunately I can’t change that cause I said I wouldn’t mess with existing family members :/ maybe I shouldn’t give him more siblings after all, for their sake...
Todoroki: We know the todofam dynamic already. Tbh idk what kinda vibes he’d give me if I didn’t already know he had siblings, but since I know that he has siblings in canon it makes sense that he’s a youngest child (also sidenote I LOVE the Todorokisibs & I want them to have the time to bond and become like,,, real, close siblings. Also #givereiadivorce2k20). I hope someone yeets Endumpster out of existence one of these days...fingers crossed
Iida: It’s canon that he has a brother and it’s so sweet how much he admires and loves him Iida ily. Again it makes sense that he’s a youngest child; his need to be “worthy of” his brother’s legacy is rlly apparent, & feels like a total youngest sibling trait. Tbh if I didn’t know he had a brother I could also see him as an only child but I’m glad he has Tensei. I feel like his parents are hardworking but make sure to make time for their children as much as they can & make sure they know they’re loved. Iida kinda also considers some of the heroes/sidekicks who work at the Idaten agency family since they’ve been around so much during his childhood & he knows them pretty well. Also since Tensei is friends with Aizawa and Yamada they were definitely Tenya’s babysitters at least a couple times & around the house a lot so he considers them kinda like uncles or something
Uraraka: I know she doesn’t have siblings in canon but it feels like she should. She gives off big sister vibes. Like she’s canonically becoming a hero for her parents, and I think that would be even better if she also had siblings (all younger than her. At least 2 siblings, maybe 3). I want to see Uraraka with siblings @ Horikoshi why did you deprive us of this? Also we know her parents work hard and love her which I love I’m so glad SOMEONE in class 1a canonically has 2 good supportive parents
Tsuyu: We already know she has two siblings and yes she also has Big Sister Vibes. Don’t have much to explain abt this one, she’s just mature and dependable in like the Older Sister Specific Way (not that all older sisters are mature and dependable, just that there’s a kind of mature and dependable that directly comes from being an older sister specifically). I feel like her parents love her and her siblings & taught them to be truthful & stuff but are kinda quiet and reserved with their affection, and they’re often busy with their jobs so Tsuyu had to take on some extra responsibility caring for her siblings
Yaoyorozu: She’s an only child and yeah, it makes sense. Her parents only have one child to focus on, and as such it’s pretty obvious she feels the full pressure of their expectations, giving her pretty obvious Only Child Vibes. Although I guess you could also look at it as youngest child vibes cause I could just as easily see her having a bunch of talented successful older siblings/one Really Talented Older Sibling so she feels the pressure in following in their footsteps (think either Daphne from scooby doo mystery incorporated or Tahani Al-Jamil from the good place except she doesn’t necessarily hate/resent her siblings but is just kinda insecure about her “worth” compared to them. This is where the second guessing she suddenly displays in canon could come in - correct me if I’m wrong but she didn’t rlly show signs of second-guessing herself until the sports festival? So she’s fine in class where nobody rlly knows her but once she’s at the sports festival which is nationally televised she starts to doubt herself because her parents and sister(s) are watching & she’s like “oh no what if my sister(s) would be better than me at this” so that’s why she suddenly loses confidence). I kinda implied before but I feel like her parents are pretty strict & have high expectations for her & while they’re not needlessly cruel, they won’t tolerate less than the best
Jirou: Pretty sure she has no siblings in canon BUT she TOTALLY gives off youngest sibling vibes. I’m thinking she’d have like a cool older brother who likes to embarrass her. Her parents are pretty chill (I think that part’s kinda canon?). She has lots of older cousins who she’s pretty close with and one bad*ss lesbian aunt who’s pretty much her role model (Jirou when she was younger: I wanna be just like my aunt!!! Jirou now: ah. That’s why. I also like girls.)
Kirishima: Again I’m pretty sure he doesn’t have siblings in canon and as for whether I think he gives off sibling vibes??? I’m not entirely sure. I was gonna say I don’t think so cause like. He gives off vibes that he’d be good with siblings but doesn’t actually have them, kinda like Midoriya (but like,,,I also kinda want to give him siblings so I’m not sure). Also you know that fandom headcanon that he has 2 moms? Yeah I love that that’s canon you can’t convince me otherwise. He has 2 moms and they both love him so much & wanna support him however they can (also I kinda put a little thought into them for a fic I started writing and decided that they’re the embodiment of the tattoo parlor/flower shop au. Flower mom keeps some arrangements that are...not necessarily professional in her shop because her wife arranged them for her. Tattoo mom gives flower mom tattoos for free & they have matching tattoos that flower mom designed)
Koda: he gives me Could Have Siblings vibes as in he kinda feels like another middle child but I feel like he’s actually an only child (like he probably is in canon? I think). His parents are quiet like him but they definitely love him and he knows it. He’s really close to his grandparents (who also live with his family) as well. He also, quits predictably, has a lot of animal friends who are kind of like family to him cause they’ve been through a lot together (the Koda family household sometimes looks a little bit like a zoo because 3 people in it have talking-to-animal-related quirks)
Sato: another idk about canon but he has a little sister. I cannot tell you why I think this but he definitely has a little sister. Sato you have been diagnosed with Big Brother Energy. Also he totally has a single dad who owns a bakery which is how Sato knows how to bake so well! They’re not poor but they’re not rich and he hopes to send some of his paycheck to support his family & help his dad expand the bakery. It wasn’t the primary reason he became a hero (that was because a hero once saved his little sister from a burning building & he decided that he wanted to be able to save people like that hero had saved his sister), but he does like the benefit of the paycheck
Tokoyami: tbh my first instinct was no siblings but I think it would be really funny if he had like. 3 really preppy siblings (one older than him two younger) & he was the only goth one in his family. Or like. His dad is also goth but his mom & other siblings r super preppy. He loves them all but is very much introverted and he and his dad are closer than the rest bc they kinda bond over being less energetic. His siblings & mom don’t REALLY understand Tokoyami’s goth-ness but they love and support him anyways. His younger siblings lowkey like Dark Shadow maybe even more than him tho. Dark Shadow was pretty sad when he heard they’d be moving to the dorms because he would miss them
Kaminari: tbh I first thought he had only child vibes (he kinda does) but then I decided that he has siblings but their age gaps are pretty significant. His older sister has just gotten out of university and is working and his younger sister is like...7 maybe. His siblings both love him but the age gaps between them make it hard for them to connect sometimes. Anyways I feel like his parents are pretty neglectful & caught up in their work. They don’t really pay attention to him or his other siblings, so his older sister had to learn things like cooking and cleaning and do a lot of taking care of Kaminari and he had to help take care of his younger sister, especially after his older sister went to uni. His parents just assumed he’d come to work at their electric company but he didn’t want to do that so while he definitely wants to save people a big part of his desire to become a hero is to make real connections and prove to his parents that he’s worthy of love and attention. He took the UA exam without telling them and when they found out they would have told him no except that they figured the exposure of their son going to the top hero school in Japan would give them more business. When he moved to the dorms he missed his sisters but was glad he didn’t have to be the main caretaker of his little sister anymore (his parents hired a nanny, which they hadn’t wanted to do before because of how much money it would cost, but because they had in fact gotten more business due to Denki going to UA they had a little more money now). (The nanny and Denki’s sister became fast friends, a fact of which he was glad because it meant he wasn’t leaving her alone in an empty house. He called and visited his sister as often as possible)
Hagakure: honestly I’m pretty sure she’s an only child in canon and she DOES give off only child vibes I think...unlike Midoriya tho I don’t think she’d be particularly bothered by it? I mean I feel like she’s kinda lonely but that’s less about lack of siblings & more bc of lack of people seeing her. But her parents rlly care about her & support her however they can, & they also understand her bc they’re invisible too so they know how it feels to have to work hard to be noticed when you can’t exactly be seen
Aoyama: either both his siblings are way older than him or he’s an only child. He does not give me “is super close with his siblings” vibes. He’s definitely seen as the baby in the family and not in a “he gets away with everything & is the parents’ favorite” way in the “they think he’s kinda a failure” way. His siblings look down on him, his mom pities him because he was the only one to inherit her quirk, which hurts to use, & his dad kinda doesn’t rlly care about him one way or the other. The family gives me pretty rich vibes. Like not as rich as the Yaoyorozus/Iidas/Todorokis but still pretty rich. He went to UA mostly because he wants to get stronger both so that his mom can stop pitying/worrying about him and so that the rest of his family won’t look down on him anymore
Ojirou: l also think he has a few siblings (like...no more than 2 tho). I think younger siblings, he’s also a character with big brother energy (tho I could also see middle child Ojirou). His mom runs a dojo which is part of the reason why he’s so good at martial arts. His dad is an artist. They’re pretty close and love and respect each other. His parents were surprised but supportive when he announced he wanted to go to UA
Ashido: an only child. Her parents love her a lot & make sure she feels supported. She sometimes wishes she had siblings but not super often because she has tons of good friends (this along with Kirishima being an only child who wants siblings sometimes only makes their brotp more epic)!! Also she still keeps in close touch with her civilian friends from middle school but kinda feel disconnected from them sometimes because they’re living such different lives than her. Like they’ll talk about the latest movie and ask her if she’s seen it and she just says no and kinda laugh it off because she can’t just say “no, I wanted to but villains tried to kill my class the day we were planning to go”. She also has a hard time telling her parents that because she knows they’d be super worried about her and she really wants to be a hero!
Sero: has siblings (is somewhere in the middle) and also a huge extended family!!! Before the dorms he lived with his mom and siblings but his extended family lived really close to them and visited all the time so he’s really close to both sets of grandparents and his many aunts and uncles and little cousins (though he’s a middle child in his immediate family he’s one of the oldest cousins). Though he misses his family he sees them as often as he can, and is kinda glad for how chaotic and loud the dorms can be sometimes because it reminds him of his home
Shoji: has a little brother, a mom, and a step-dad. It took a while for him to get used to his step-dad, but it becomes clear that he really loves his family so now Shoji loves him too and is fairly close to him. Shoji’s little brother is adopted because there were complications with his mom’s pregnancy when she was having Mezo and while he turned out fine, they found out that it would be risky for his mom to attempt to get pregnant again. His little brother also has a mutation quirk (though it’s not Dupli Arms it’s Bear) and Shoji loves him more than anything else in the world. He wants to become a hero to help combat the stigma around certain mutation quirks (Gang Orca once canonically kinda addressed that that exists when he talked about how children are always afraid of him bc of how he looks) so that the world will be better for people like him and his brother. His mom and stepdad wholeheartedly support him
M*neta: Only doing this bc my brain will not shut up & is making me analyze all of 1a even the ones I don’t consider 1a. I hope he doesn’t have siblings so less people have to be exposed to his...m*neta-ness but tbh I could see him having siblings. His parents are busy and either don’t notice or don’t care what a terrible person their son is
Better purple boy who deserves a place in 1a way more than the grape Shinsou: has no siblings but gives off IMMENSE big brother vibes. Definitely grew up in the foster system (his biological mother, who was a single mother and also had a mind control quirk, became a villain because she couldn’t get hired anywhere, had no way to support her son, and was tired of being villainized by society so she was like “ok you want a villain? Bet.” When Shinsou was like 7, his mom was killed while trying to flee a crime scene. Since Shinsou had no other parent, he was then put into the foster system. Nobody adopted him because everyone thought he was going to become a villain like his mom had, and even the people who didn’t know his mom thought his quirk was “villainous”). Aizawa and Yamada are now eventually planning to adopt him. He kinda has similar vibes to Midoriya in regards to the “Only Child Who’s Kinda Lonely And Wanted A Sibling” but unlike Midoriya he would NEVER admit he wanted a sibling. “I like being alone” he insists. He is a lying liar. However as soon as he meets Eri they instantly connect & he kinda becomes like a big brother to her even tho he will deny it until Eri herself calls him her brother. When this happens he will cry even tho he will say he didn’t
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lunafeather · 4 years
3 5 11 for the fanfic writer asks
3. How do you know if your writing is “in character”?
I will often watch scenes or episodes or moments of a show/movie that feature a specific dynamic I am trying to capture, or just to get a character’s cadence down right. Like, for Rio specifically, I will watch a few of his scenes if I haven’t watched the show in a while to make sure I have Manny’s rhythm down right. I will also like obsessively reread my stuff and try to picture them saying everything in my head – if I can see and hear their voices saying my words, I know I’ve done it right.
I’ve also picked up a few tics and tricks here or there from other writers in the fandom that I feel really nail specific characters – I think we all share these small things and it helps solidify that in character-ness.
5. Do you tell the people in your life that you write fics?
I don’t…. not tell them hahaha I won’t tell casual acquaintances unless I know they’re into fandom stuff, too – which is very rare. And I don’t really talk about fandom stuff to my family or friends because they just wouldn’t get it.
I remember when I was really into Rizzoli and Isles (the fandom that got me into tumblr, and also the show that made me realize I was bi) and I was talking to my lesbiaunts, who were casual viewers. I went off on this ranting tangent about the men in the show and how they should really just embrace the gay because it was THERE okay?? And Casey was TERRIBLE, and the two women obviously had feelings for each other, but they kept BAITING people!
My aunts stared at me like I was fucking INSANE and we’re like…. *backing away slowly* okay, Meghan….
Hahahah it was a slap in the face at the time, but really made me realize that tumblr and fandom in general are not really a thing for most people. I’ve been a lot more careful since! (I was, what, 23 at the time?)
My sister is on tumblr, too, and I’ve gotten her into a couple fandoms. She is probably my only family member who knows I write fic - and E rated fic at that (I always warn her when I’m posting something sexy, cause I love her but N O F U C K I N G W A Y). I’ve told maybe… one friend in real life about fic I’ve written, then IMMEDIATELY regretted it. Like, literally a nanosecond later.
A N Y W A Y If someone in my family asked, I would answer honestly then refuse to ever show it to them.
11. Do you prefer to be cold or hot when you write?
Cold with a blanket or a space heater, cause I am definitely contradictory like that. I’m one of those people who likes to be on the cooler side then add layers – it’s all about having control of my own temperature. I sleep with a comforter and stick one foot out for temperature management.
I absolutely cannot be sweating when writing, I’m miserable when it’s warm enough for me to really feel it. And if I’m miserable, I won’t write.
Send me a fanfic writer ask! :)
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attilarrific · 5 years
The one fandom I know for sure we have in common is Discworld, and my week also got a bit weird at the end. Mutually brighten our lives with a little Vetinari fabulous-ness, your choice of how that plays out? ^^
First off, I’m SO SORRY you’re also having a rough week. Utmost sympathy from me, your friend in Chicago who’s Suffering With You.
Second, if you meant this to be a prompt, I’m also so sorry! I cannot write Vetinari. The idea of writing Discworld fic terrifies me (I almost wrote Polly/Maladict once, but only because that’s one of the only books I actually believe is lacking something---in this case, lesbians), because I’m Not Good Enough For It. So instead you’re getting meta!
Night Watch meta, specifically, because that’s.........just what I’m like. Any Pratchett questions ultimately circle around to being Night Watch meta for me, which is why it’s still infuriating to me that I FORGOT TO INCLUDE IT IN MY UNDERGRADUATE THESIS. AAAAAAAAAAAAARGH. FLAMES. FLAMES ON THE SIDE OF MY FACE.
I’ve said before and I’ll say again how utterly infuriating it is to read Night Watch and realize that young!Vetinari and Keel!Vimes are never going to meet, despite being literally in the same room that one time smh. And I say that despite knowing that it’s completely not the point and it would, in fact, be a distraction from what is the point (revolutions. corrupt politics. ‘you can’t take the law into your own hands.’ history finds a way.), so let’s sit here and analyze what Vetinari’s role is in a narrative where he’s not allowed to meet the main character.
As you do.
I am here to sit and argue (with only medium coherence, because I’m spitballing and also gin) that the most vital characters in Night Watch, bar Vimes and Carcer (who are driving the overall Plot) are Vetinari and Ned Coates (GOD, Ned Coates, I could talk about Ned Coates all day, WHAT A CHARACTER). Because Vetinari, somehow more than Vimes, is our link to the future. Vetinari is who we see the future of Ankh-Morpork in. Vimes is from the future, but somehow that means we don’t feel the possibility of achieving the future in him, because he’s already there. Vimes is a symbol of what Ankh-Morpork will become, but not of becoming it, because he’s already there, you feel? We got to watch him become it in previous books, but by Night Watch, he is the future. Literally. Narratively. He represents the future.
Vetinari isn’t there. Vetinari has barely started to conceive of a there existing, but he’s the one who ultimately creates there. (”I rather think I [created Vimes],” anyone?) But still, in his actions and his thoughts, we see the future of Ankh-Morpork in a city that’s nowhere near it. He’s so far from being the Patrician! (I gasped SO LOUD the first time he showed up and you realized it was him Downey was tormenting, like. Damn.) He’s got no vision, really---he’s working for the revolution, but mostly just because he’s working for his aunt, and he’s not really improving anything when he does. (”Bossa nova similis bossa seneca.”) But you can feel the beginnings of who he’s going to be. Vimes thinks to himself that Snapcase promised the seamstresses a guild, but the one who’ll give them one is Vetinari, and here Vetinari is, working with the seamstresses. Closely. How could he not give them a guild? Don’t we feel the seeds of that here? And his support of Keel!Vimes, taking up the lilac in that last street fight because he believes in the city---young!Vetinari is so cynical already, so disaffected, but he fights in a street duel, because some things matter. It would’ve been so easy for him to become as corrupt as the others, but he doesn’t, because some things matter. The city matters (because Vimes will always represent the city). He can’t meet Vimes, because if he understood that the future was there, it might take away from him fighting for something that feels so fucking uncertain. He’s going to create the future, and he has to do it without knowing what it’s going to look like.
Vimes is the future in that book, but Vetinari is the hope of becoming the future. Vimes is already there. Vetinari has to get there with the rest of us.
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Top 3 Anne with an E dynamics (not necessarily ships) (:
Anne and Marilla - The fact that I am getting new Anne and Marilla content in my life in this day and age is honestly so moving to me that I cannot even explain it. I just love their relationship so much!!! It has always been my favorite part of the book and the 1980s adaptation, so it’s just a joy to see them again in this new way.
Anne and Matthew - I just love the way this show portrays the sweet kindred spirits-ness of their relationship. :’)
Anne and Diana - I am forever an emotional MESS over these two legendary besties and the romantic tinge to their bff-hood, okay. I love, love, love how this show portrays their dynamic.
I also super, super love Marilla and Rachel’s relationship, and the Cuthbert sibs’ relationship, and Anne and her whole adorable girl friend posse, and Gilbert and Bash, and Bash and Mary, and ANNE AND AUNT JOSEPHINE, HOW DID I NOT THINK OF THEM UNTIL NOW? AND ANNE AND COLE! HOW WAS I SPACING ON THEM? And Aunt Josephine and Cole! And Diana and Aunt Josephine! And Mr. Phillips and his thinly veiled – nay, not veiled at all – hatred of teaching! (I know he is The Worst, but I find his theatrical hatred of his career hilarious. You butcher of beauty!, Are you doodling while I’m tirelessly dedicating my life to your education?, Etc.) And, of course, Rachel and Thomas Lynde, the friskiest marrieds in Avonlea!!
(I do like Anne and Gilbert too, but I feel like they get so much fandom love already that they don’t really also need my attention, haha! I am here for all the non-romantic pairs in Avonlea. And the Lyndes.)
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Hello all!
Writing on the Pride Ficlets will resume at the start of this upcoming week and then posting a little after that.  However, until then, I’d thought I’d share a little project I’ve been cooking up as a way to reinvigorate my writer self.  It will be a series of 6 short scenes in the love story of Toby’s parents, Ralph and Megan.  I call it:
Ralph Domzalski’s Guide To Falling In Love With A Sorceress
(and yes, it is 100% canon to my Nana’s Troll Husband AU)
(and yes, it is inspired by a popular fandom theory)
Step 1 (of 6): Explosively Sweep Her Off Her Feet
When Ralph Domzalski was a kid, he’d wished his video games were real because life seemed like it would be so much more exciting then.
As an adult just then, he found himself wondering if dreams like that did come true and bemoaning the fact his younger self hadn’t had the foresight to wish for something more sustainable like a job with a steady income or a magic hat of unlimited food that wasn’t instant ramen cups.
Regardless, he figured, none of that really mattered since he had a literal troll for a dad and his life never quite fit into the “normal” box anyway.
But he could due without the whole “escaping for his life” video game-ness bit of his current situation.
“Are you sure you can drive this thing?!”
The Jeep careened through a turn.  Ralph grabbed onto the car door so he wouldn’t go flying out the side window.  His breath stopped in his throat when the vehicle tilted, both driver’s side wheels losing contact with the ground.  They slammed back down with a screech. Ralph almost puked.  The Jeep charged down the straight stretch of road before them.
“Look dumbass, this is your rescue mission so as far as I’m concerned I’m doing a much better job than you!” The woman driving the Jeep yelled.  “We got incoming on our tail, so be a dear, reach in the glovebox and, chuck some dvorkstones at them!”
“I’m not killing anyone!” Ralph shot back.  Save a woman from some kind of cult’s ritualistic sacrifice?  Yes.  Murder people?  That would be a hard no.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” The wheel spun in the woman’s hand.  The Jeep lurched.  “I’ve known these assholes my entire fucking life!  They wouldn’t hesitate in turning me into some kind of ancient demon sorceress, so—”
Ralph stopped listening.  Evil or no, he couldn’t just kill someone.  It went against everything he believed in.  He knew they were in a dire situation, but there had to be another way.  If he could just get these guys to give up the chase...?
He reached in the glovebox.  Grabbed a dvorkstone.  Shook it.  Chucked it at the road behind them.
Ralph heard the screech of the pursuing cars’ breaks.  Saw the people in them jump into the underbrush at the side of the road.  He too ducked as chunks of pavement and car metal went flying when the dvorkstone activated.  Ok, blowing up the road?  Not the greatest plan.  But at least they’d had the chance to survive, right?
Ralph turned forward.  “There!  Are you ha—CLIFF!!!” He grabbed onto the dashboard as if that would save him from the long drop before them.  He squeezed his eyes shut as they hurtled over the edge.  His stomach jumping up in his throat.  Then lurched back in it’s proper place as their plummet jerked to a halt.  Ralph cracked an eye open.  The Jeep hovered over waves crashing into some terribly spiky-looking outcroppings.  He gulped.
“Hell yeah!” The woman pumped the air with her fist.  “Sorry Gramps, Paladins of the Pale Lady, but you suckers failed!  I’m 100% still myself!  But wait, what’s this?  I managed to score AWESOME MAGIC POWERS from you failed little ritual anyway?  Eat it, suckers!”  She yelled to the top of the cliff.
The jeep shuddered at her distraction.
“Maybe wait to gloat until we’re not hovering over rocks that can kill us?” Ralph snapped.  “I don’t know about you, but I’d prefer not to die in the ocean today.”
“Oh, fine”.  The woman groaned, righting the Jeep with a wave of her hand.  “But you have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.   All my life they’ve told me I’m nothing but I future vessel for her grand, magnificence, the “Pale Lady”.  Did they ever ask what I wanted to be or do with my life?”  She snorted.  “Fuck No!”  Paused.  “Well, except for my great-aunt and look what that got her.”  The woman sighed.  “Anyway, thanks for the save back there, you’re not so bad for a guy who crashes a secret cult’s ceremony.”  With another wave of her hand, she got the Jeep to fly forward over the ocean.
Ralph slowly relaxed back in his seat. “You’re welcome.  I didn’t exactly expect anyone to actually be at an ancient troll site.  But I’m always happy to help out someone in need.”
The woman glanced at him.  “So you knew what that place was, huh?  And here I assumed you were some severely lost tourist.”
“Tourist, yes. Of a kind.”  Ralph shrugged.  “Dad’s a troll so I figured I’d travel around, see the sights of the troll world before settling down to some boring desk job or something back home.”
“Troll dad? That sounds like an interesting story you got there.”
“Not as interesting as runaway sorceress from an evil cult.”
“Yeah well we’ll probably have time for both considering there’s nothing but ocean as far as I can see.”  The woman gestured to their surroundings.  The cliff growing smaller behind them.  “You got a clue where we are? I’m kinda hoping we wash up on the shores of France.  I always wanted to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower.”
“No, not really.”  Ralph shrugged.  “I used a gyre to travel from home.”  He paused.  “But definitely somewhere with a lot of water.”
The woman rolled her eyes.  “Don’t tell me.  I’m stuck in a floating car with someone who has a godawful sense of humor.”
“Hey, I’d prefer not to be stuck with someone who has what my mother would call a “potty mouth”, yet here I am.”  Ralph retorted.
“Oh, so you’re a mama’s boy now?”  The woman laughed.  “Merlin’s beard, I have horrible luck.”
“You wouldn’t say that if you knew my mother.”  Ralph smirked.  “You know, I wouldn’t be surprised if she showed up right now, via some magic method or another, just to give you a lecture.”  He paused for dramatic effect.  “And then try to feed you her horrible, horrible pies.  Seriously, though.  If you ever do meet her, don’t eat her pies.  It will offend her, sure, but it will save your stomach from a truly disastrous fate.”
“Noted.”  The woman grinned at him.  “Oh, and, just so you know, I’m Megan.  Megan the Magician now, I suppose, fits.”
“Nice to meet you, Megan.”  Ralph held out his hand.  “I’m Ralph.  Ralph Domzalski, but all my friends call me “Ralphie, their shining knight in armor who’s so heroic and spectacular and—”
“Yeah I’m just going to call you Ralphie-Piekins.”
“Please don’t.”
“You were the one to bring up the cutesy names, mister.”  Megan stuck out her tongue at him.  “Don’t open the can if you don’t want to know what’s inside.”
“Well then, I’ll just call you Megan-bacon-fakin, um…”
“That’s the best you can do?  So sad.  I suppose I should let you off the hook.”  Megan sighed dramatically.  “So tell me, Ralph, as we head to wherever we’re going, how does one end up being a half-troll?”
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anne-hedonia · 7 years
Top ten favorite Nine/Rose fics…kinda.
So I’m not sure whether to thank or curse @fleurdeneuf for setting me on this “top ten fics” task. It sent me down the biggest fic-reading rabbit hole I’ve been on in ages (and I’m not actually sure I’m done with it). I decided to focus on Nine/Rose adult, even though I do like a lot of other things. (And I’ve read too much fic in other fandoms to ever narrow down my top ten fics out of *everything* ever.) I revisited fics and authors and favorites lists I had completely forgotten about. I didn’t find everything I remembered loving, and I actually decided not to list many, many, MANY fics (and authors) that I think are stupendous, mostly just because I hadn’t revisited them enough or they hadn’t hung with me like I thought they ought to. Because what I did end up listing were fics I’ve reread repeatedly, stuff that’s left an impression, and two that were really instrumental in forming my ideas of what fic Nine/Rose was about. Still, it is a very imperfect list.
(Also, please excuse the clumsy, ugly links. I don't spend much time on Tumblr so I don't completely know what I'm doing, AND I do everything on my phone, and I think the app has fewer editing options. My thumbs are tired.)
Pulse by Casira
This is one of the first Nine/Rose fics I ever read, when I was new and completely besotted with the pairing and desperate for fic that resolved that towering UST. It’s not only stuck with me for years but initially it just broke my damn heart. I have added a coda in my head to change the ending and make things less traumatizing for myself, but that just tells you how much of a punch it packs.
Fevered by HonorH
This was another one I read early on and it quickly became one of my go-to fics. Hell, I read this before I’d even seen Jack in an episode so I had to make him up in my head. HonorH gets the two of them dead right.
Five and a Half Hours Later by sap1066
I almost listed another fic by sap1066 here–just because EVERYBODY and their Aunt Matilda lists this as a favorite–but ultimately I had to go with it because it’s just. So. Damn. Good. I’ve sought it out and reread it and thought about it so damn much. It very much helps soothe the pain of Nine having regenerated so fast, and I love living in its wonderfully romantic, complex, show-that-could’ve-been where we got so much more time with him.
Doing It by anogete
This one is fun as hell. It’s a kind of twist on the alien aphrodisiac thing–more of an “aliens made them do it”– where the Doctor’s been injected with a poison that can only be cured by having sex. Watching he and Rose navigate the way toward the cure is delightful, as is Jack’s fun watching them do so.
Not-So-Forbidden Fruit by threerings
This is another one I don’t see recced much, but I love it and think it’s so sexy and playful. Some strange alien fruit at a festival gives Nine and Rose a push in the right direction.
Personal Pronouns by JessaLRynn
Jessa is a legend, of course. SO many of her fics I could have listed. I chose this one because, again, I’ve gone back and reread it so much. I also don’t see it on her Teaspoon or ff.net pages, so maybe fewer people have read this one she posted on LJ.
Torture by 11nine73
Another somewhat off-the-beaten-path choice, and again, we’ve got sexy and playful.
A Lot Can Happen in a Little by takethewords
Takethewords writes the most GORGEOUS stuff. I don’t know if she has another pseud outside of LiveJournal, but that’s the only place I ever saw her writing. So, so pretty.
Slipping by amberite
In case you’ve ever got a fancy for some fic that deals with the Doctor’s alien-ness, that assumes sex with him wouldn’t be like it is with a human, this is a very interesting take on what that might be like.
Suicide Blonde by Rabid1st
This is an epic fic where Ten sends Rose back to help a completely broken Nine. Also with slightly alien sex, it’s ambitious and tense and shows a very satisfying turnaround for our poor Nine.
So that’s what I’ve got. Left out a million deserving fics, but hey, that’s lists for ya. Not tagging anyone – if you’d like to try, do it!
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