#is the tank is the right place? look for the color coded name
impossible-rat-babies · 5 months
if there’s one simple thing that has improved my time in 14 a great deal, it’s color coding other players in instanced content
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hoe4sports · 5 months
“Take care of Clara” p1
Jessie Fleming x Reader
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A/N: Mentions of car accidents and death, anxiety . P2 here.
Summary: An unplanned meeting between your daughter and Jessie ends up with your daughter as the mascot. But your daughter has anxiety, and it’s about to break lose.
“Mmm, Jess, the door” you mumbled half asleep as you and your girlfriend Jessie was snoozing in bed a lay Saturday morning. Your head was pounding from dehydration. Jessie had the weekend off, and you had decided to have a date night with a few drinks. A few being closer to 10, but that was besides the point.
“JESSIE, the door!!” You yelled as you kicked a half asleep Jessie out of bed. It was her apartment after all, and you had only been dating for 15 months. It was a good 15 months. You had gone on a few weekend trips together doing anything from hiking to going to the beach. It was nice, it was casual which was obvious considering you had been best friends for well over 10 years. Practically growing up hand in hand until you moved away as a kid, and since the world wasn’t very online back then; you lost contact. Things had changed when you went to a friends dinner party and you had found your designated seat next to a name card that said “Jessie”. When she sat down, you couldn’t believe it. You instantly clicked as you talked all through the night, not noticing anyone else. That night you walked home together and exchanged phone numbers, immediately feeling like back in the days when you would bike around in your neighbourhood and Jessie would be giggling beside you. At first the friendship was platonic, but after a few months of talking and hanging out, you had drunkenly admitted to liking her and when she asked you about it the next morning; there was no room for refusal.
“Oh my god, hold on will ya” Jessie said under her breath as she was jumping on one leg to get her shorts on. She was about to run out to the door when you shot her a look. “Jess, look, I like your tits; they are mine and I would like it to stay that way” you said as you gestured down; she had forgotten to put on a top. She blushed to the color of a tomato and sweared under her breath as she threw on your tank top from last nights. As she walked out to sort out whatever was going on, you grabbed your phone. All out of battery, of course. Luckily Jessie had made sure to have a charger at your side of the bed so you could have access to charging whenever you needed; especially considering you would struggle with sleep from time to time. Well technically, it was her bed, but the side was also technically yours since that was where you’d sleep when you stayed over just like the right side was always her side when she was staying over at yours. You placed down your phone in exchange for the water bottle that Jessie had gotten for you after you had went to bed. The water was still somewhat cold and it felt soothing going down your sore throat. “Ehm, Y/N/N!” You heard from the front door. “This is all you babe!” You shouted back as you giggled, jumping a little when your phone was finally turning on. Her apartment, her neighbour, her issues. You suddenly stopped dead in your tracks. It was weird, you could swear that you heard a tiny voice. You shook it off and tapped in the code of your SIM card. 3-0-0-1. Then you heard the voice again, slightly concerned as you held your breath trying to figure out what was going on. “I really think this is something that you might wanna sort out, I would love to but I haven’t really met her because you wanted to make sure that we-“ Jessie rambled as you heard her footsteps closing in on the bedroom door. But she was cut off by small sobs and it struck you like lightning. You could recognise those cries a mile away, as they belonged to your daughter, Clara.
Clara was extremely shy, and was in treatment working to overcome her biggest fear before it could develop into something worse. She was only 5, but had endured enough hardship for a lifetime. The only place she didn’t feel shy was on the field with her little teammates. That was where she could let everything go and just play. You has gained guardianship over her when your sister and her husband had tragically passed away during a high speed car accident when Clara was just a baby. You had been the only motherly figure that she’d know since she was 6 months old. Your parents weren’t able to take her as they were getting older and had their own health issues, so you decided there was no other choice but to adopt her honouring your sister’s wishes. Jessie barged in and you could see the panic in her eyes. You’d probably also panic if it wasn’t for the raging headache you had going on in the background. You quickly jumped out of the bed and threw on your shorts and Jessie’s UCLA sweater before you bolted towards the door. There she was, your bestfriend with your little daughter clinging on to her leg. “Mommy” she sobbed as you reached your arms towards her while still walking towards the front door as your daughter ran into your arms clinging to you as if the world was ending. Clara wasn’t good with changes in plans, especially not when the plans was something she had looked forward to. “Hi Ella, what’s uh, sorry, why are you here again?” You asked confused as you had already planned for her and Clara to spend the weekend together while you were with Jessie. You hoisted your daughter up on your hips causing her to relax and lean into your side while placing a hand on your neck. You kissed her head as you held her tight and whispered; “Hi princess, it’s okay, mommy’s got you. You are safe.” The words causing her sobbing to soften. “Hi Y/N, I am so sorry but my brother has gotten into an accident and it’s bad so mom asked me to catch the first flight home. I tried calling you, but I could get through and you weren’t at home, so I had no option but to bring her here or take her with me to Wisconsin which I could but I don’t have her passport.” She said as she had a serious grin on her face. “Oh my god, I’m sorry for not answering. My phone was dead. It’s all good, go be with your family. Tell your mom that I’m seeing her love” you said as she nodded and handed you her little pink backpack with her pink Nike cleats in before running towards the taxi waiting to take her to the airport. You sat your daughter down in Jessie’s couch as your pulled her comfort blanket out of her bag to wrap around her before turning her favourite show on the iPad in hopes that it would distract her enough to let you pack.
Your thoughts raced in sync with your heart as you paced to the bedroom to pick up your stuff in an instant terrified of what Jessie would say. She looked terrified when she came to tell you that your daughter was there, and you knew that it wasn’t the right time. Jessie wouldn’t want to waste her weekend on a kid, let alone a kid that wasn’t hers when she only had a few limited weekends of each year. Clara was also a lot more demanding than your standard kid which meant that it was harder for others to connect with her. There was this tiny voice in your head that were trying to convince you that Jessie would think Clara was too much. This exact thing had happened before and it left both you and your daughter heartbroken when they left because Clara was too much. That day you vowed yourself to never let anyone close to your daughter again. It had worked perfectly until you met Jessie.
You grabbed your bag as you scattered around the room to find all your belongings before Jessie could come out from the en-suite. “Love, what’s going on?” A familiar voice said from behind you making you jump but immediately relax when you felt the warmth of her hands on your waist. “It’s was Ella, she had to go to Wisconsin because her brother was in an accident. So I need to take care of Clara. This has been nice and all but we shouldn’t be bothering you on your weekend off.” You mumbled as you could feel tears burning behind your eyelid while you got out of her grip to find your last missing items. “Hey, hey, it’s okay, I can pretend to be your friend if that makes it easier?” Jessie said as she pulled you into a hug and wrapped her arms around you as if she was a baby koala. “I have told you about how Clara is? She’s very shy, anxious and have big issues with talking to people. I get that she’s challenging, but she’s a good kid. I get-“ your rambling was cut off by Jessie. “If you let me, I’ll gladly spent time with the both of you today darling” she finished as you nodded and a tear rolled down your chin in relief.
“Clara?” You said carefully as you walked towards her making sure not to scare her. She looked up at you and nodded, feeling shy of the unfamiliar house around her. “Mommy, home?” She said with tears in her eyes scared of why she wasn’t home. She didn’t really feel safe in new places, let alone places you couldn’t prepare her for like the psychologist had advised you to. You sat down next to her as you tucked her long brown hair behind her ear making her little earrings show. Earrings she had begged you for since she could talk. “We are not home, that’s right. We are at Jessie’s house. Jessie is mommy’s friend.” You said as you took her into your lap while Jessie sat down next to you. “Do you wanna say hi to Jessie?” You asked as she shoved her head into your sweater and shook her head. You shot an apologetic smile to Jessie, but she mounthed “it’s okay” to you.
“Pass it Kiera!” Clara yelled as she ran across with the ball on the field outrunning all the other little girls. «I honestly don’t know where she gets it from, you know. She’s fast and she is very mature.” You said as your eyes watched over your daughter with the bright pink shoes and the bright pink shirt. “She’s a natural, way better than I was her age” Jessie said as she rested her hand on your thigh. In this moment, everything felt perfect. It felt like you were normal. Like any other girl with her partner and their daughter. “Hello miss Y/N, did you finally bring Clara’s mom? Gosh, they look so much alike! I could’ve spotted their bond from a mile away.” Another football mom exclaimed as she sat down. Sure, your daughter had chocolate brown hair and the same warm deep brown eyes as Jessie, but you had never considered their similarities. When you compared them, they were spitting imagine. You had blonde hair and blue eyes just like your sister, qnd none of you had anything close to athletic skills. Your little girl however? She had a gift, a talent and a drive to play. “Something like that, yes” Jessie said as you snapped out of your thoughts. You realised that you forgot to answer the other mom. Crap. Jessie squeezed your hand as you relaxed. “Well, Miss?” The mom continued. “Jessie” your girlfriend said as she smiled towards the woman. “It was a pleasure meeting you, Jessie.”
*4 months later*
You were walking along on the sidewalk with Clara in one hand as you were headed to the park to meet Jessie. She had met your daughter a bunch of times, and it was definitely a process as Clara still refused to talk to Jessie. The issue wasn’t that she didn’t like her, because she did. But she couldn’t get out a word whenever she tried. Jessie on the other hand wasn’t bothered the slightest. She’d talk to Clara, but not expected any response which was making Clara feel safe. “Look princess, it’s Jessie” you said as you pointed towards the Canadian. She looked in the direction and gripped your hand while her feet were shuffling next to you. “What’s in her hand, mom?” She said almost soundlessly as she noticed the gift in Jessie’s hand. “I don’t know, I’ll have to ask her when we get there.” A few minutes later, you were 10 steps from meeting Jessie. Jessie hunched down to be in Clara’s level as you approached. “Hi doll, I got you something!” Jessie said excitedly as Clara’s eyes widened. The box was pink and sparkling with a silver glitter bow on top. Jessie held out the box as Clara held your hand tight. “Do you want me to open the box so you can see what is inside?” Jessie continued patiently as your daughter nodded excitedly. Jessie’s hand pulled the top part of the bow towards Clara and she gestured for her to pull it. Clara’s little hand was still shaky, but she touched the bow as she pulled carefully. “Wow Clara, you are such a smart girl!” Jessie said as she removed the rest of the bow and opened the lid of the box before she held the box out in front of your daughter. Clara peeked into the box and gasped as she covered her mouth with her hand. Her face moved towards you as her eyes were sparkling. Jessie pulled out the gift revealing the tiny little Chelsea jersey with “Fleming” on the back. “See Clara, it has my last name and my number so we can match!” Jessie explained as she flipped the jersey around with a toothy grin. Clara was in awe and her eyes were lit up. It made you melt and it didn’t help when your daughter dropped your hand as she embraced Jessie into a hug. Jessie looked as surprised as you before she carefully wrapped her hand around Clara while the other hand touched her head. Clara pulled away from the hug smiling as she beamed and did a few more excited jumps. “Do you want to try it on?” Jessie asked as Clara instantly nodded. “Can I help you?” Jessie asked as bit hesitant as she feared that she had pushed her too far. Clara took a moment to make up her mind before she nodded and let go of your hand. Her arms reached out as Jessie slipped it over her head. “Maybe you can wear it when you come to see me play on Sunday?” Jessie asked as Clara’s eyes lit up. She had always talked about how she wanted to see Jessie play football on the big field, not just in your backyard. However, she made sure to only tell you. Clara’s gaze shifted towards you as she sent you her best please look without using words. “Yes Clara, we can go watch Jessie play on Sunday.” You confirmed as Clara jumped up and down once again attacking Jessie into a hug causing Jessie to lose her balance and fall to her back from the squat position she was in with Clara giggling on top of her.
*The following Sunday*
“Alright Claramell” you said as you sung her nickname. You had made it up as she loved caramels as a baby. She looked up at your from her little drawing table where she was busy drawing and colouring. “We have to put our jersey on when the timer ends” you said as you stated the timer so she could feel in control and make things easier for everyone included. “Mommy, will Jessie be there?” She asked as she looked up at your with her chocolate labrador eyes. “Yes, Jessie will definitely be there. She is gonna play, and we are gonna watch her! And if you want to, you can walk with her on the field with the other kids like we talked about. That means that you can walk out to the middle of the field with the other team and judges holding Jessie’s hand and then the teams sing. After that, you run back to the tunnel.” Clara nodded as she turned around to keep drawing again drawing as precisely as her hands would allow her. “Okay, Claramell, I’m just gonna get ready in the bathroom” you said as you pressed a kiss to her head and breathed in the balsamspray in her hair.
You got to the bathroom, and hopped in the shower. Your thoughts were quickly wandering around what would happen with Clara on the field. You had told her countless times that she didn’t have to do it, and that she could say no whenever she liked; but once she got in the field, she had to stay with Jessie. All kinds of scenarios took place in your head. The biggest worry of them all would be a full blown panic attack mid stadium in front of thousands of people not being able to get to your little girl. What would Jessie do if that were to happen? Would she leave you? Clara had yet to open up to her and hadn’t spoken a full sentence to her. The warm water washed your worries away as the damp of the water filled the room making it feel somewhat close to a tropical island. The damp hot air felt soothing in your lungs. After thinking and worrying for a bit, you hopped out and dried yourself off. You rummaged through your drawer and found your favourite mascara, some tinted sunscreen, a sheer lipstick and some blush from nars that you got as a teen. Lord knows that all girls has that one old makeup product that dosent compare, and you were no exception. The makeup made your face come alive before you glanced at the clock and realised that it was time. “Clara! It’s time!” You called out as your heard Clara’s little slippers tap on the floor in your direction. “Okay mommy, a bun with long hair” she said as she popped up into the sink in front of her, it was basically routine by now. She would come in and you would do her hair in whatever way she wanted it. Today was a half up half down kinda day, and you were softly brushing through her beautiful brown hair. “Mommy,Jess gonna be there?” She asked as she looked at herself in the mirror with her little feet in the sink. You nodded as you finished doing her hair. “Yes, Jessie will be there” you confirmed as her little brows furrowed. “Promise?” “Pinky promise.”
*2 hours later*
The stadium was huge compared to Clara. She had her little Fleming Jersey on, and she had insisted to wear her bracelet that she made at home a few weeks ago with pink beads. Clara’s hand tightened around yours as she stared at the stadium and the tons of people going in. She looked up at you with fear in her eyes and a stressed look in her little face. “Mommy, carry?” She whispered as you instantly popped her up in your hip wanting to hold her until she refused to be held anymore. People would always scold you for carrying her, but your sister would’ve carried her until she physically couldn’t and you intended to keep her wish alive. She wasn’t gonna want to be carried until she was a teen, so you wanted to make the most of the time you had with her. You followed the instructions that Jessie had given you, finding the side entrance with guards checking id’s towards a database with invited and pre-register people only. It was fairly quick as there was a significant difference in the amount of people that were at the special entrance.
When you got through the area you followed the signs until you found a room where the mascots were waiting. Clara was intimidated by the amount of children and adults and causing her to cling to you like cling wrap. “You can always say no, and nobody will be upset Claramell” you whispered as she nodded. She had insisted on bringing her pink purse in the shape of a heart with what she said was important things. Usually that would include her fake keys, a lip balm and a snack. After a few minutes, a women came to get you leading you through the big corridors of the gigantic stadium. You were looking at all the tapestry on the walls with pictures of the players in action. “Mommy, mommy, it’s Jess” your daughter whispered as she wiggled out of your arms and bolted towards Jessie. “Is it my two favourite girls coming to see me play? How lucky am I!” Jessie said picking Clara up as she spun her around and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. Clara nodded and placed her hand on Jessie’s chest for safety. You greeted Jessie as you had a wide grin on your face from seeing your daughter and your girlfriend together. Jessie held Clara tight and it relaxed you knowing that she was doing what she could to make her feel safe. “Alright, walk on in 2!” A guy with a big headset yelled out in the tunnel. Clara seemed to get somewhat startled of his sudden loud voice. Her little heart beating like crazy in her chest. “Alright, Clara, we are gonna go out there in front of all those people while you hold my hand and then we will sing. Afterwards, you can run to mommy or I can carry you there.” Jessie said as she placed Clara down. Clara nodded attentively as Jessie unzipped her team jacket that Jessie had gotten for the occasion. You bent down and kissed Clara’s cheek as she smiled back at you. You had to go to the back of the line as the players were about to enter which Clara didn’t seem to mind. Her little hand held onto Jessie’s as they both turned around to wave at you. She seems excited, and she seemed like she felt safe with Jessie. Her curious eyes were wandering around the tunnel and towards the opening of it towards the cameras. The loud league music started on the field and the referees started walking on followed by the lot of the players in two lines. Just before Jessie and Clara was supposed to move out, Clara stalled. You could see Clara tensing up. Her little shoulders rising towards her ears. Her head turned towards you and you saw her eyes becoming glassy. Her lip was going from a pout to a wobble. Her eyebrows furrowed in a tense frown. Her chest moving slightly heavier than usual.
Your pulse immediately went up and you felt a need to scoop her up before this escalated. Was this gonna end in yet another breakdown? Would this trigger her anxiety? How were you gonna get a hold of her? And worst of all; was this gonna embarrass Jessie enough to want to end it with you?
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hampink · 1 year
so kaku twitter space Q&A highlights (5/14/2023)
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was casually listening to so kaku’s (kaguragi) twitter space while i was drawing, so here's some fun kingohger related + personal questions he answered that i noted down and translated!
(unfortunately i didn't record the stream though so you’ll just have to believe me)
 (source: bro just trust me)
Q: who’s your favorite king in kingohger?
probably yanma. he’s very cool and manly, and i like how high energy he gets
Q: do you guys come up with the kingohger tiktoks yourselves?
we have a social media manager who suggests which audio to do, and we (the actors) decide how we'll act it out together
Q: anyone from the cast you talk to/hang out with the most?
all of them, but maybe because we’re shooting a lot of scenes with jeremy right now recently i talk to masashi ikeda a lot
Q: does kaguragi know what kuroda looks like?
oh but of course he does~!
Q: what's your favorite sentai?
dairanger! it's such a cool show
Q: a question from my 5 yr old son: does kaguragi like flowers? he says he wants to go flower picking with kaguragi
ahh, flower picking, how nice! yes, kaguragi likes flowers!
Q: does kaguragi have a favorite place?
he does, but i can't say what it is yet. there’s a really good scene (about it) so look forward to that
Q: how much of kaguragi’s hair is a wig? also how long does the hair and makeup take?
the entire thing is a wig. it used to take a lot longer to get into hair and makeup, but the makeup artists have gotten used to it/have gotten better at it so the process is a lot faster now, which i’m really grateful for
Q: i heard shiokara's actor does a lot of adlibs. do you do that a lot as kaguragi too?
“sukonbu piiman” (”sour konbu peppers”, kaguragi mishearing “sukopi”) was an adlib
Q: are kaguragi's geta (wooden sandals) hard to walk in?
it was at first, but i've gotten used to it now
Q: what’s your favorite anime?
code geass, gurren lagann, higurashi no naku koro ni. i like intense anime
Q: favorite musician?
Q: favorite flower?
Q: favorite food?
curry, sushi, and yakiniku
Q: i love how hachi ohger incorporates kabuki movements in his fighting style. what's your relationship with kabuki?
i really like kabuki. it wasn’t a traditional kabuki production but when i was younger i saw a performance of “super kabuki” and thought it was really cool. as for kaguragi/hachi ohger, the suit actors and i would watch videos of kabuki actors and try to mimic their movements.
Q: we want to see the fruits of your (muscle) training!! please let kaguragi wear a tank top!!
hopefully we get to do a scene like that hahaha
Q: do you look up your name online?
i do... so please don’t say mean things about me ;w;
Q: what's kaguragi's favorite vegetable? my nephew who’s growing vegetables at home would like to know!
wow! kaguragi would love anything homegrown. but maybe in particular he likes tomatoes, or eggplants
Q: what’s your favorite thing about kaguragi’s outfit?
the haori (coat), definitely. it’s when i put it on that i really feel like i’ve transformed into kaguragi. but the outfit weighs 5 kilos... so heavy...
Q: tell us about the "H" incident
the what....? *suddenly remembers* OHHHH HAHAHA
so during the roll call scene in episode 10 where aoto (yanma) said "eichi no ou, yanma gasuto! (king of wisdom, yanma gast!)" i thought he said "eichi" as in the latin letter “H” (in japanese, H = hentai/ecchi, in other words he thought yanma said he was “the king of perverts/sex” LOL)
Q: what's kaguragi's color? (asking for light stick reasons since there’s no black color setting on a light stick)
it's orange, i'm pretty sure!
i joined in kinda late so there’s probably some questions i missed (and sorry if i remembered some details wrong, i was multitasking and not fully focused, but i did take simple notes) he also talked abt things like how he plays valorant and how great his muscle training is going etc (he lamented that kaguragi wears so much clothing and he doesn’t get to show off his muscles lol). i think i remember he also teased something about kaguragi and rita as a duo and something ~maybe~ happening with them in the plot
it was his first time hosting a twitter space and he gave off very boomer energy because he had No idea what he was doing. people kept trying to help him understand how to let in other speakers but he gave up lol xD he was kind of nervous but it was still a lot of fun! himeno and shiokara’s actors were there too, and he might do a twt space with the both of them next time ^^
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aaliyg · 1 year
Teach Me pt.2
yeahhh let's gooo
Word count: 2.1K
Warnings, shurixblack!fem!reader, bartender!shuri, switch!shuri, switch!reader, cursing, light drinking, breast play, oral sex, face riding, fingering, pet names, fucking on the counter, slight overstimulation, begging, dirty talk
Translations: usana (baby), uthando (love)
Dialogue Color Code: Shuri, Reader
Drink recipe
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No matter how hard you pinched yourself, you couldn't wake up from the dream you found yourself living in. You hastily skimmed over your closet as you tried to look presentable for an impromptu visit that Shuri just texted you about since you were pretty sure that nothing but panties wasn't the best way to greet a guest. As soon as you managed to put on your shorts and a tank top, you heard her knock on the door. After checking yourself out for the last time, you opened the door to be greeted with your girlfriend’s loving smile. Your face warmed at the way she unabashedly checked you out, her smile morphing into a grin as she watched your reaction.
You giggled as she wrapped her arms around your waist and placed gentle kisses on your neck.
“You look gorgeous usana. Can’t believe you’re all mine sometimes."
You bit your lip and smirked before shaking your head softly. Shuri chuckled as you slipped her arm around yours, pulling her into your apartment. She quickly locked your door and began to look around curiously at the way your space was decorated. You turned around and smirked at her wandering eyes, smiling even more when they landed back on you.
“You like the way I decorated, baby?"
She nodded confidently as she strode into your kitchen, taking note of the black marbled counters that were practically the centerpieces of the room.
"If I had known you could decorate this well, I would've called you over to my place first."
You snorted slightly at the joke and shrugged your shoulders.
“I mean I am an interior designer for a reason you know...”
She blinked and smacked her tongue lightly, then proceeded to occupy herself with the wine cabinet in the corner of the kitchen.
"Do you drink any of these?”
You shrugged as you made your way over to her, examining the bottle she had in her hand.
“They’re mostly for decoration honestly.”
She looked at you like you said the most outlandish thing imaginable, and she began to pull bottles off of the shelves.
“I don’t think you understand how much good shit you got here my love.” 
She looked at the line of bottles that she randomly pulled, and picked up the large bottle of chardonnay as she began to come up with a plan. 
“Tell you what, I’ll try to see if I can make a drink out of this bottle here. If it tastes good then…”
She leaned into your space slowly, giving you ample time to back out. When you didn’t, she slowly wrapped her hands around your hips and pulled you closer to her.
“I get to do whatever I want with you for tonight.”
You hummed softly as you played with the silver chains adorning her neck.
“And if the drink is bad?”
Shuri shrugged as she rubbed your hips gently.
“Then I guess you can do whatever you want to me.”
You raised your brow as you looked at the bottle of alcohol, highly doubting that something good could come out of the limited items you had in your kitchen.
“Do your worst then.”
You two untangled yourselves from each other, with Shuri going to the counter, and you sitting on one of the barstools in front of her.
“Well, this feels familiar.”
 “Oh hush and make the drink Shuri.”
She chuckled and picked up the bottle as she slowly scanned your kitchen, obviously trying to find where the glass cups were.
“Glass cups are in the cabinet above the microwave babe.”
She gently placed down the cup and the bottle, and she opened your fridge to see what could be of use to her.
“Ok I know you said you don’t do groceries that often, but this fridge is empty as hell, uthando.”
“Well, they shouldn’t have put a strip mall of with like four restaurants right next to my apartment complex.”
She looked at you incredulously as she moved her way to the bottom of your fridge.
“Well, at least you have something down here. My Lord…”
You giggled as she managed to pull out some pears, apples, and a can of Sprite. 
“I feel like I’m missing something…”
“I have some dry seasonings in that cabinet over there. Like nutmeg and stuff.”
“I don’t know man, but you can check I guess.”
Shuri made her way to the cabinet and quickly perused the items inside before settling on two sticks of cinnamon.
“I don’t know either. But we’ll see.”
“I really hope so…”
You watched as she made quick work of the pears and the apples, chopping half of both fruits into even pieces and placing them into the glass. She then poured equal amounts of the chardonnay and the Sprite on top of the fruits, allowing them to soak in the liquid.
“So far so good?”
“Hey, at least I can say it’s pretty if it doesn’t taste good.”
She allowed the fruits to marinate in the drink for ten minutes before grating a cinnamon stick, letting the dust fall on top of the fruits. She then gently placed the other stick on the side of the glass, and slid the drink over to you.
“Bon appetit.”
“Oh, yee of little faith. Just try the drink, baby.”
“Honestly? Given what you had to work with, top tier in my humble opinion.”
You chuckled as you carefully picked up the drink, gently stirred it around with the cinnamon stick, and took a sip. After a few seconds, you placed the cup down as Shuri eyed you inquisitively.
“So how was it..?”
Shuri grinned at your praise while she cleaned up the items she used.
“So is it safe to assume that I won?”
You chuckled as you handed her the empty glass to wash and leaned on her right arm.
“Yeah. I guess it is.”
You gently grazed your finger along her arm, watching in amusement as you left a trail of goosebumps in your finger’s wake. Shuri looked down at you in a heated manner as you pressed gentle kisses along her arm. 
“What are you gonna do to me?”
She hooked your chin under her fingers to gaze at you directly, causing you to absolutely melt at her touch.
“I haven’t decided yet.”
She scooped you up and placed you on the counter before you could even blink and began to kiss you, swiping her tongue over your lips when she pulled away. You shuddered when her hands rubbed along your thighs, closing your eyes in ecstasy.
“But I’m sure I can figure something out.”
Your breath caught in your throat when she began to flick her fingers over your nipples, tugging on them through your top.
“You just love leaving your undergarments off around me don’t you?”
“You gave me a five-minute notice that you were coming-  shit! -over. And besides, it’s my place.”
You rolled your eyes in amusement as she pulled your top over your head, flinging it behind her in excitement.
“If I didn’t know better, I’d think this is your first time, babes.”
“I can’t help that your chest is fun to play with, ok?”
You watched as she swiftly wrapped her mouth around your breast, sucking and nibbling on it ever so slightly. Her left hand fondled your other breast while her right hand began to move toward your shorts.
“You look pretty like this, you know?”
Shuri hummed at your praise, planting kisses on your stomach as she squatted in between your legs. 
“You wanna take these off for me, beautiful? They’re getting in the way.”
“So impatient…”
Shuri eyed you hungrily as you wiggled out of your shorts and panties, now completely bare on the countertop.
“This kind of reminds me of the night we met.”
“Hm? How so?”
You looked at her expectantly as she pressed her face between your thighs.
“You’re always so eager to obey me, baby.”
You bit your lip when her tongue pressed flat against you, drawing long and slow circles around your hole.
“I love how wet this pussy gets for me. You’re gushing already, babygirl.”
You whined as she prodded at your lips, taking her sweet time coating her fingers with your arousal, causing your pussy to get puffier by the minute.
“Fuck… Shuri please-”
“Please what sweetheart?”
“Please, please put your fingers inside me.”
“Like this?”
You clamped your eyes shut as two of her slender fingers slid inside you, but when nothing else happened, you looked at her in confusion.
“Is something wrong usana?”
“I thought you were gonna fuck me…”
“Oh, is that what you wanted princess? You didn’t make that clear.”
You glared at her in annoyance, trying to shift your hips so that you could fuck yourself on her fingers. You whined when she wrapped her arm around your hips, making it almost impossible for you to move. 
“Shuri I swear to God-”
“Oh, we’re swearing now? Come on, I know your parents taught you better, baby.”
She slowly pulled her fingers out of your cunt, causing you to clench on her digits even more.
“Tell me what you need my love.”
“Need you to fuck me. So fucking bad, Shuri please!”
Shuri grinned as she parted your legs even more, giving her ample room to play with you as much as she wanted.
“That’s my good girl.”
Without a second thought, she began to thrust her fingers into you, keeping a steady pace while her thumb swiped against your clit. Watching the way your cunt took her fingers was more than enough to ruin her underwear. The both of you became silent as you two watched her fingers get covered more and more in your arousal with each thrust, making both of you wetter by the second.
“Shitt Shuri, I’m gonna cum…”
“I’ve got you, princess go ahead. Be a good girl and cum on my fingers for me.”
It felt like electricity ran up and down your spine as you came on her fingers, the two of you moaning softly when she pulled them out with a string of slick connecting you two together. You sighed softly as Shuri picked you up and placed you on your bed.
“Do you want to keep going or…?”
“I mean you haven’t cum yet. So…I guess you can tell me what to do then? To make you feel good.”
Shuri grinned at your proposal, and quickly got to work taking off her clothes.
“Keep the chains on though. You look pretty with them on.”
You chuckled as she gently pushed you down to lie on your back. You looked up at her in excitement as she hovered her pussy over your mouth.
“I want you to look at me while you eat me out okay?”
“No problem.”
You gently pulled her hips down and immediately began kissing and sucking on her swollen clit, making sure to maintain eye contact with her. You could feel your mind slip into a haze as your tongue prodded at her entrance, causing her to hiss softly.
“I don’t see your eyes anymore, uthando.”
Your eyes softly shifted their gaze back to your girlfriend as you fucked her on your tongue. You preened in pride when you felt a fresh wave of arousal coat your tongue and chin. Shuri looked absolutely disheveled above you, holding back choked-out moans when you began to rock her hips, causing her clit to bump against your nose. 
“Hnn- fuckk yes right there..! Ohh fuck…”
She took it upon herself to lean back, using your upper thighs as leverage as she bucked her hips into your mouth. You moaned loudly against her cunt, taking pleasure in the way she shuddered from the vibrations being sent up her spine.
“Oh Bast, I’m gonna- ohhh…”
She threw her head back in pleasure as she reached her climax, digging her nails into your thighs. You watched hungrily as her entire body went rigid with her eyes clamped shut, and you slurped up every drop that she gave you to the point of overstimulation.
“Baby. Sensitive…”
You gave her one last broad lick before letting her roll off of you, kissing her softly when she had calmed down a bit. She gladly accepted it, wrapping her arms around your shoulders to pull you in closer. 
“I’m sorry, but you just taste so good, sweets.”
“I should cook for you more. You treated that like it was your first meal in weeks.”
You chuckled at her quip and kissed her nose tenderly.
“But seriously. Thank you for that.”
“It was no problem at all… usana.”
how this took over two weeks to write, the world may never know
Taglist: @solanaszn , @ashleighshaw , @shurislover , @k3nn3dyxo , @playhousedistee , @6-noir , @shuriszn , @golooktheotherway , @saintwrld , @verachii , @dayedreamm , @naomis-daydream , @rxcently , @lluvstrksl4t
Last time for a bit, if you wanna be added to the taglist, comment "neow"
Hope yall enjoyed ♡♡♡
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dudewotheck · 1 year
writing prompt - kara and lenas first date goes wrong on so many levels.
@catwoman33100 thank u for this prompt, this was hilarious to visualize, hope u like
After finally, finally mustering up the courage to ask Lena out, and receiving a shy but vehement yes in return, Kara had settled on what she feels is a good and balanced plan for their first date - after she insisted that she’d take care of setting it up.
A picnic. Simple and intimate. Not at the local park downtown, no, at the regional one with a lot less foot traffic a little outside of the city. It’s scenic, with creeks and trees scattered all over - she’s actually been meaning to go check it out again after she chased down a bad guy through its landscape a couple months back. Not to mention, Kara sees the opportunity to finally showcase her food-making abilities (which are way better than her baking ones) remembering Lena saying something about how much she loves a good pasta salad. She just so happens to have a go-to recipe for that, amongst other things.
Kara gives her a time to be a ready, and a dress code (comfy-outsidey, in verbatim) revealing nothing else for the sake of a lovely, heartfelt surprise. She throws on her nicest pair of khaki shorts and a tank top/button up combo, gently arranges all the food stuffs into a cooler, checks the time and flies off to Lena’s balcony, goods in hand.
She’s already standing outside waiting for her when she lands, smiling so blindingly bright at her as she touches down. Lena’s got on similar shorts to hers, but her top is a light colored blouse that perfectly contrasts her own dark button up. The only thought that goes through her head is that Lena looks so pretty. That being said-
“You look so pretty.” Kara states wistfully, completely bypassing a proper greeting.
Lena chuckles, graciously taking the flowers. “Thank you. You don’t look too bad yourself, handsome.” She says quietly. They stand there blushing and bashful for a few moments before Lena decides to do some questioning, eyes falling on the cooler. “So, what do you have in store for me, miss Zor-el?”
Kara fawns at the use of her Kryptonian name, opening her arm that’s not carrying the cooler. “Grab on and you’ll find out.” With a raised eyebrow, Lena walks forward and wraps her arms around broad shoulders, Kara’s arm closing in around her. They’ve flown together like this a few times already to get to whatever destinations, and despite Lena’s distaste for heights, it’s a lot different for her when she’s flush against a warm, toned body. Kara takes off grinning to herself. Hopefully Lena’s impressed with this.
The first blunder happens 2 1/2 minutes into their 3 minute long flight, when they hit a patch of icy air that causes Lena to dig her nails into Kara’s back. The sensation startles her just enough to lose grip of the cooler, sending it spiraling to the ground below. The drinks, the pasta salad made with love, gone in an instant. There was even a hidden bouquet of sunflowers in there that she was gonna give to her.
“Kara, it’s okay. I’m actually glad it was the cooler and not me.” Lena tries to console her while they’re in line at her favorite sandwich place.
“But Lena, I made it for you - and, and there were flowers-“
The second blunder happens after they’ve taken their newly bought food to the park, finding a cool and secluded picnic table under a tree to set up at. Right as Lena is about to take her first bite, guess what happens? A bird. And its excrement. Perfectly placed on her sandwich.
It takes Kara a solid 5 minutes to convince her to take hers. She had a big breakfast anyway- ( a lie, she hadn’t eaten a bite of anything the whole day).
The third blunder happens when they’re walking alongside one of the creeks, and Kara spots a frog on her secret quest for wildflowers. “Oh! Oh wow! Lena, look-“ She takes a few steps toward it. “It’s a fr-“ And promptly trips over a rock and tumbles directly into the muddy stream of water before she can consciously do anything about it. So much for superpowers.
The fourth blunder comes seconds after, when Kara remembers herself and flings her body out of the water with haste, wiping mud off of her face as she accidentally bumps into a nearby tree. There’s a thud, and a buzzing sound, and then - oh. It’s a beehive.
There’s already screaming as she registers everything.
Wait, did Lena say that one time that she’s allergic?
A couple minutes later, at the DEO due to Lena’s insistence of ‘not wanting to be photographed like this’, Alex is being frantically greeted by a muddy, disheveled sister and a blotchy Luthor with still forming hives. “What the fuck happened you guys oh my god-“
“Bees. Lots of them. Antihistamines. Now.” Kara sounds like she’s hyperventilating.
“It’s a mild allergy darling, please relax.” Lena says, completely unconcerned with her own situation. “I’m going to be fine.” She pats Kara on her damp back as she heaves panicked breaths. “I didn’t think I’d need an epi-pen today-“ She adds on in a whisper.
Alex is back with the medicine within a minute and Kara is still working on her breathing. “What the hell were you guys doing to end up like this - hunting down Sasquatch?”
Kara and Lena speak at the same time. “First date.”
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navy-leader · 11 months
With all the doom and gloom ava6 has offered us so far i now want to talk about the AUs id made for victim pre-ava6
So for starters i characterized him as a pottymouthed, angry, and very confused. Pottymouthed bc he is canonically the only stickman to cuss, angry because he was treated very poorly by the animator and subsequently Killed, confused bc hes only existed for less than 2 minutes and has yet to explore the world.
I also made him an artist, similar to Second, but he lacks the ability to make them come to life and sticks mainly to drawing machinery, weaponry and artillery, (as a reference to how many stickman animations often use guns, tanks and the sorts) the way young boys have a fascination for the things. He has extensive knowledge about how they work and Very autistic about it, that was his thing. He does not draw figure drawings like animals or people, that is Second's thing.
I also gave him a lot of self worth issues. It came from multiple reasons,,,being named 'victim' for starters, having his fate sealed to be nothing more than just a test subject, collateral, something to use and then dispose of. Second being that he had no special powers like the other's made like him do. Third being that,,,Second is just So Much Better than him in every way,, Second gets the love he never got from his creator, he never got the life the others were let to live, he never got to explore the world, none of that. He got None of that.
Also he has a lot of trauma pertaining his death but i think thats obvious.
With that in mind i present you the first AU. The premise is that victim finds a way to come back to life and ends back on Alan's desktop, the newer desktop, where the color gang and Second now live in. The way he appeared was never properly Made, hes just There now. He mightve crawled through the code and ended up here, he mightve come from somewhere deep in Alan's files, he mightve come from an external source, who knows but victim is Here now. The color gang gets curious and welcomes this strange new stickman with open arms, they show him around and quickly became friends, and everything was Fine. Until Alan comes online do to work and victim FREAKS at the sight of the cursor, he quickly tries to eradicate said cursor by creating weapons and bombs, and threatened to nuke the PC, whilst the color gang frantically try to stop him and talk him down.
Eventually they do and they reintroduce Alan to victim and vice versa. Victim is still discomforted and LIVID about the discovery that he'd gone back to his MURDERER'S desktop, but for the sake of his newfound friends he will back down. Victim and the color gang will then live in relative harmony, although victim is still Very cautious of Alan and yet to let go of the iron fisted grudge he has on him (who can blame him?) but they live, together.
In this AU is actually where most of my old doodles' interactions between victim and the color gang came from. They just vibe forever together,,, its a nicer beginning for victim. This is where the cowboy victim, rambo victim, and whatever else silly little costume and roles ive put him in take place, theyre just playing!! Just as they do in the actual shorts!!
The second AU takes place right before the ending of ava3, Dark and Chosen are doing their blackhole destruction of Noogai's PC and are running away from the crime scene. Then suddenly a foreign stickfigure comes running at them through the hole Chosen had made to escape, they all fall through the hole and speed through the cables. Only then they could properly assess their unfamilar company, it was a black stickfigure with the same hollow imperfect circle heads as themselves, they'd look practically identical to Chosen. After they get to the other end of the cables they were baffled by the stickfigure that had joined them in their escape.
So victim finds itself tagging along Chosen and Dark during their destruction spree, having no powers like they did it tended to sit back or cause minor destruction of its own. And eventually the three of them live under one roof, though not without problems. They had their problems and fights often break out, mainly between Chosen and Dark, and since theyre both superpowered assholes they cause more than necessary destruction to their home and surroundings. Victim, being Not Superpowered, often leaves before things get messy and he gets caught in the crossfire. He comes back home to their home thoroughly wrecked and is less than pleased (hes pissed) at the state of it, and makes them clean it up.
Before you ask i have No Idea what this'd mean for the events of ava5 but thats something we can always think about now or later!!
In the middle of writing this i realized i only had 2 major AUs for victim so i guess thats the end of it LOL
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bteezxyewriter12 · 1 year
D-DAY/ 3
Pairing- Yoongi x Named Reader
Word count- 6.7k
Includes- Murder/killing, attempted murder, physical assault, graphic violence, guns, knives, death, descriptions of injuries, reader is merciless, fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxxmine @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@borntowalkaway @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @seokwoosmole @meowmeowminnie @realisticnotes @effielumiere @princess-sunshyn
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝BTS Masterlist 📝Yoongi Masterlist
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"Let's make this quick yeah?", I tell the guys as we walk to the hideout
Our other men are scattered all over the block, some with us and some already in the club
Our guys confirmed that Baek-Hyun isn't in the club part of the hideout, so I'm hoping he's in the penthouse
We enter the club, the music so fucking loud, the walls are vibrating
There's neon colors and strobe lights all over and the song playing sucks
It's crowded and I'm already over it
I hate clubs, always have
"Boss, one of my guys said to go to the elevator to the left. It goes to the penthouse", Jungkook tells me
I nod, heading there
We push through the crowd, bodies bumping into me every which way
Some girl comes in front of me to try to get me to dance but I just evade her and keep going
No girl touches me but my baby
These girls at the club, with their makeup and revealing clothes, have nothing on my jagi
I can't even look at girls anymore because none compare to her
And I know she feels the same way about me
She really is my everything and I'm so grateful I'm hers
Getting to the elevator I tell Namjoon, Jungkook, Jin and Tae to come with me
Jimin and Hobi are to stay by the elevator and make sure no one gets in it
It's quiet as the elevator ascends to the penthouse
"We killing everyone in there?", Jungkook asks
I nod, "No questions. Just shoot"
We all pull out our guns, checking them and clicking off the safety's
"Remember he's mine. If you see him shoot to wound him but I'm killing him"
"Sure thing boss", Jin answers
The elevator dings and the doors start to open
I move out into the hallway, moving quickly towards the double doors
Two guards are on either side of the door and they yell at us to stop
I keep walking as Namjoon and Jin fire their guns, bullets embedding in the two guards, their bodies hitting the ground
There's a key pad on the side of the double doors and I go over to it, punching in the code
The green light goes off, shutting the security system down
Guess Garam was actually telling the truth
I turn the doorknob first but of course it's locked
I signal to Jungkook who moves in front of me and kicks the door down easily
Thank god he's like a tank
I hear yelling beyond the door, men shouting to get their guns
I just walk right in, the guys fanning out behind me, guns going off
A guy runs out of the hall in front of me
I just lift my arm, shooting him in the head before he can even aim his gun and keep on walking
I shoot anyone that gets in my way, killing them all as I head for the back room
As I get there, the guys surround me again
"Everyone dead?", I ask
"Yeah. It was too easy", Tae says
"Yeah. I'm not liking this boss", Namjoon says
"Yeah well, we'll see", I answer, opening the office door
I flip the light on as I walk inside but there's no one there
"Did you check all the rooms?", I growl
"Yeah. There are three bedrooms and two bathrooms", Tae conforms, "They were clear"
"Kitchen and closets were clear", Jin adds
He's not here
"Fuck!", I yell, slamming my hand on the table
"Hey Yoongi, we'll find him", Namjoon assures me, "I still have guys working on his other hideouts and apartment. We'll find him"
I know we will but I'm pissed off
"He was supposed to be here", I growl
"We tried Yoongi. But we can't will him to be here", Jungkook says softly
"Whatever. Search the place. See if there's anything that will lead us to him"
Jungkook, Jin and Tae leave the office to search the other rooms while Namjoon and I stay in the office to search
I sit in his chair, pulling out drawers from his desk, looking through the papers
Fucking bastard
Namjoon is on his laptop, looking through his files
"Uh boss?", he says uneasily
Namjoon turns the laptop to me and points to a video icon on the screen labeled Yoongi
We exchange uneasy glances as I reach over and click on it
Baek-Hyun's face comes up on the screen, sitting in this office, an infuriating smirk on his face
"So I assume by now you've raided my penthouse and killed all my men there. But you still came up empty-handed"
"Fucking asshole", Namjoon mutters
"As you know by now, I am not there and chances are good I will never go there again"
Every word out of his mouth is building my rage and I just want to kill him
"Let me explain", he smiles, "I knew that you would be gunning for Garam. After all he is the one who hit your wife first. He hurt her. Of course he has to die. But I also know that Garam has a big mouth and can't be trusted"
Congratulations, he knows his man was a weakling traitor
Anyone could have told him that about Garam
"So when you took him, I knew he'd blab about this hideout. And to be fair, he was right. This was my main headquarters. Until you captured him"
"Guys what's-", Tae starts
"Shhh", Namjoon scolds
I keep my eyes on the video as I feel the others behind me, watching too
"Of course I moved everything. To a new location that no one, not even my men know. So don't bother torturing them. You'll get nothing"
"What a bastard", Jungkook miffs
Baek-Hyun leans forward on the desk, "I however, know where your hideout is"
My entire body tenses in that second
"I had you followed while you were running to kill Garam", he says gleefully, "And I have to say, for a smart man, you do some dumb shit"
"Namjoon-", I panic, reaching for my cell phone
"You left her alone again"
Fear courses through my body as I shoot up and bolt from the office
No no no
He's at the hideout
I don't bother waiting for the elevator, flying down the stairway, my only thoughts on getting home
He has her
Fuck, he has my baby
He's right
I'm so stupid
I left her alone
Not even with one of the guys that I know will protect her with their life but with some guys from one of our sectors
I was so focused on Baek-Hyun being here, on thinking we had the upper hand, the element of surprise, I didn't even think that he wouldn't be here
Or that he would go after her again
I'm an idiot and I slipped again
I run to the car, get in and peel away, driving like a madman to get home
I just hope he doesn't hurt her
It's me he wants, not her
Please, let her be ok
A loud bang startles her from her sleep
It's dark in the room and she reaches over to the lamp on her night stand, turning it on
She hears more bangs and what sounds like thuds on the floor
Her sleep-addled brain recognizes the bangs as gunshots
Once that thought is in her head she immediately is alert
She fumbles in her nightstand for her gun when she hears her name being called
Almost in a singsong melody
"Joanne. Where are you?"
"Fuck", she whispers, pulling her gun out and standing from the bed
She backs into a darkened corner of the room just as the doors open
A figure walks into the room, turning the light on
He's not supposed to be here
He's supposed to be at his hideout
Yoongi is supposed to kill him
Why is he fucking here?
Her hand shakes as she raises her gun
She aims and pulls the trigger
Nothing happens
What the fuck?, she screams in her head
"Oh there you are"
She repeatedly pulls the trigger, the continuous click of the gun mocking her
There are no bullets
As Baek-Hyun slowly walks towards her, she ejects the magazine and looks at it
It's empty
She forgot to reload it after her last practice at the gun range
Stupid stupid stupid
She quickly checks the chamber and nothing
Baek-Hyun is getting close and she does the only thing she can do
She throws the gun at his head, clocking him right in the forehead
The sound of the gun smacking skin reverberates in the room, Baek-Hyun yelling from the impact
Run, her brain screams
Baek-Hyun is blocking the exit and she takes off towards Yoongi's nightstand where she knows he keeps hunting knives, just in case
"Fucking bitch", Baek-Hyun yells
Another loud bang goes off and excruciating pain hits her outer thigh, making her crumble to the floor
She screams in pain, knowing she was just shot
She lifts her head towards Baek-Hyun as he gets to her
He grabs her arm, hauling her on her feet, her leg giving out
"Stand up!", he shouts, wiping the blood off him from the gash that's pouring blood down his face where the gun hit
"You just shot me you asshole!", she yells through the pain as she tries to find her footing
"I don't care, stand up"
She gets her balance when she puts her weight on her right leg
The one that wasn't shot
He sneers at her and she doesn't think, she just pulls her free arm back and punches him right in the face as hard as she can
The impact sounds in the room, a crunch coming from his nose and her hand
Pain shoots up her arm as Baek-Hyun's nose gushes blood
"Fuck", he yells
Her hand painfully forms a fist as she assumes she broke something and she hits him again, this time the hit landing on his jaw
Her hand is in so much pain, but she ignores it, only thinking of getting away
Her fist slams into his eye and he roars, shoving her hand away
He shoves the gun to her shoulder and pulls the trigger
Pain mixes with the loud bang in her ears as she feels the bullet rip through her skin
She falls backwards and he lets her go, her head smacking the carpeted floor as she lands on it
Stars burst in her eyes, agony all over her body
And still her brain screams, 'Run! Get up and Run'
She opens her eyes to Baek-Hyun looming over her, his gun right in her face
Instead of showing fear, she scoffs at him, his eyes narrowing at her
"You're a feisty bitch aren't you?", he growls, "At least Yoongi didn't pick a fucking damsel in distress"
She snorts
She was never a damsel in distress and she never will be
"Fuck off", she growls
Baek-Hyun laughs dryly, "I like you. You're a fucking cunt. Coulda used a bitch like you on my side"
"Then find one", she snarls
He smirks, "Nah, they don't make em like you anymore. A tough bitch who can fight and is completely loyal is hard to find. Besides I'll enjoy taking you from Yoongi"
"He's going to kill you, you sad fuck"
"Hmmm I don't think so. See he left you alone again. All he was thinking about was killing me and he forgot about you. Neglected to get you the good protection you deserve. So now he's at my hideout finding nothing while I'm here at his with you. He left you alone again to get hurt and die"
He's trying to make her doubt Yoongi
Little does he know, she never will
She knows Yoongi left her here to kill Baek-Hyun so she can be safe
She knows Yoongi put the best guards he could to guard her
She knows that Yoongi is on his way as soon as he figured out where he was
And she's sure Yoongi will be here and will kill him
Whether she is alive or not, she knows Yoongi will kill him
She snorts, "You're a dead man"
He sneers at her and is about to say something when they hear a door open
"Joanne!", Yoongi yells
Baek-Hyun smiles, "Your husband is here. Finally"
I run into the hideout, frantically screaming her name
I don't care if he's here or not
I need to know she's alive
I'm so fucking scared as I run to the closed bedroom door
Please please let her be ok
Slamming the door open, I yell her name the second I see her with a gun to her head
"Yoongi", she whispers
I start towards her when Baek-Hyun snaps, "That's close enough. Drop your gun"
He's using her as a shield in front of him, his gun resting on her temple
I notice her shirt is drenched in blood by her shoulder
My eyes move over her body, checking her when I see a bullet wound in her thigh, her leg covered in blood
"You shot my wife?", I roar
It's then I look at Baek-Hyun
His face is busted
Nose bleeding, a gash in his forehead, bruise on his jaw and his eye is swelling shut
Did she do that to him?
"As you can see, your wife decided to fight back. Not a good idea"
"Oh fuck you", she snaps, shocking me
I know she's in pain, I know her body language but she's still giving him a hard time
My tough girl
"Uh uh", he snaps, his fingers moving to her shoulder, pressing hard into what I assume is her second bullet wound, "Be nice"
Her face grimaces in pain, biting her lip hard to not cry
"Stop it!", I shriek, "Get off her!"
He scoffs, "Tell your bitch to behave"
"Don't fucking call her that!", I bellow, "I'm going to fucking kill you"
Baek-Hyun laughs, "You can try but I will kill her before you can get to me"
He will
He's got her in a perfect position
And I can't do a damn thing
"Let her go", I say, "You want me, not her. Let her go and take me instead"
"Hmm no", he mocks, "She's the way to you. And she guarantees my safety. You won't try anything if I have her"
He's right
I won't do anything that puts her in danger
"Drop your fucking gun and kick it away from you"
I listen to him, kicking the gun across the room
"All of your guns", he snaps
I pull out my second gun from my back pocket, my third from my ankle and toss them too
"Is that all of them?"
I nod, anger and fear running through me
"What do you want?", I snap, getting antsy
I need her in my arms right now
I need to know she's ok, I need to get her away from him, away from her
I'm panicking and if I panic I can't think
"What do you want?", I snarl, "What the fuck do you want?"
"You dead. Me in charge of Bangtan"
Now I snort, "You will never be the head of Bangtan. None of my inner circle will follow you. And if they won't follow you, the rest of the syndicate won't. You may kill me but you won't rule Bangtan"
His eyes narrow at me, anger flaring in them
I don't care if he gets angry
I'm not lying
No one will follow him and he fucking knows it
"Then I'll just settle for the destruction of Bangtan"
Sure, whatever
"Oh my god, what the fuck are we doing here? Are you going to fucking blab all goddamn night?", she snaps
It would be funny if I wasn't so terrified that he's going to hurt her for mocking him
"How the fuck do you deal with this attitude? It's so tiring"
"She doesn't have an attitude with me", I growl, "She loves me and I don't hurt her. You on the other hand, she hates"
I never give her a reason to give me an attitude or talk to me like that
I love her, I'll do anything and everything for her, I'll fall over myself to make her happy
"But she brings up a good question", I snarl, "What the fuck are we doing?"
"You are going to die", he says, "And I'll think about what to do with her"
I clench my jaw to keep from yelling at him and getting him angrier
"Go to the bathroom"
"What?", I snap
"Go to the fucking bathroom!", he yells
I glare at him before turning and forcing myself to walk to the bedroom bathroom
"Walk", he barks at her
I look over my shoulder, him pushing her in front of him, his gun on the back of her head
I get to the bathroom, trying to figure out a way to the upper hand
He comes inside as well, dragging her in front of him
What a pussy
He needs a girl as a shield to protect him
Fucking coward
He'd never beat me in a fair fight
"Fill the bathtub", he demands, "Cold water"
Oh what the fuck?
Turning on the water, I fix the plug so the tub fills
It's silent, the only sound in the room is the water splashing and filling
I look at her, her eyes finding mine and she hold my gaze
She smiles softly, mouthing I love you
I want to say it back but I don't want to make him more upset for fear that he'll hurt her
I notice her putting all her weight on her leg that's not injured
There's so much blood on her and she looks so pale
I hate it
She needs a hospital
I have to figure a way out of this and get her help
When the tub is filled to the top, he tells me to shut it off
"Don't fucking move", he growls
I don't know who he's talking to, me or her
Her lets go of her, his gun still on her as he reaches behind him
He pulls handcuffs out, his hand around her upper arm again
"Put these cuffs on him", he tells her
She takes the handcuffs without breaking eye contact with me
"If you do this, you let her go", I tell him, "You'll have me at your mercy and she doesn't need to be here. Let her go"
"You are not in a position to negotiate"
"You don't need her", I tell him desperately
If I can save her, I'll gladly give up my life
"I won't fight you, I'll let you do whatever you want to me. Just let her go", I plead, "She's a girl. She doesn't need to see me die. She needs a hospital. Please"
He rolls his eyes, "Fine"
I nod, feeling like I can breath again
Like I can do this as long she's safe
He holds the gun to the back of her head, telling her to put the cuffs on
She walks to me as far as his arm length, then he orders me to get closer to her
Her hands shake as she takes one of my wrists and puts the cuff on
"Jagi", I say softly
Her eyes move to mine, tears in them
My heart is breaking
I don't want to die
I don't want to be away from her
But I will, for her to live
"I want you to run as fast and far as you can"
She shakes her head, "No naekkeo"
"I can't leave you Yoongi. I...I can't run knowing you're dying"
"Yes you can. You have to live baby. Run. Get away. Go to Namjoon. He'll protect you"
"Please baby"
The tears break over her waterline, falling down her beautiful face as she nods, "Ok"
"Hurry up!", Baek-Hyun snaps
She handcuffs my other hand, her hands holding onto my wrists tightly
"I love you", I tell her, "I'll always love you"
"I love you", she sobs softly, "So much"
"Alright that's enough", Baek-Hyun demands
"Wait", I panic, "Just wait a second"
"What?", he sighs
He actually sighs, like me saying goodbye to my wife is inconveniencing him
Ignoring him, I lean down, pressing my lips to hers in a last kiss
Her hands cup my face, kissing me back
I feel her love for me and it calms me
"Enough", Baek-Hyun barks, pulling her away from me
I fucking hate him
I've never hated someone
I've killed enemies, I've disliked people, dealt with complete scum
But I never hated anyone
Him, I hate
"Go around the bathtub and kneel down"
I take a breath, then move, going exactly where he demands I go
I keep my eyes on her as I kneel down
Please, I beg whoever is out there, Please keep her safe
I watch Baek-Hyun's hand move around her neck, his other moving the gun down to the back of her knee
Before I can even think, he fires the gun, the bullet flying out the front of her kneecap, her scream reverberating in my head
Blood pours everywhere and as soon as I realize what happened, I scream
"Jagi, oh my god!", I yell, starting to get up
"Stay down!", he shouts, "Or the next one goes in the back of her skull"
Her leg buckles and I have to kneel here and watch him pull her up by her neck, yelling at her to stand up
"Let's see how well you can run with your kneecap blown out"
He grips her neck hard, tossing her right out the bathroom door
"Jagi!", I yell as I hear her body thud on the floor
I'm so scared
She has to be ok
Please, she can't bleed out
As I'm completely panicking, Baek-Hyun comes storming to me, reaching across the tub, grabbing a fist full of my hair and shoving my face in the water
The pain is crippling her but she knows she has to get up
She has to help Yoongi
She knows she promised him she'd run but she lied
She can't just leave him here
She shoves herself to her knees, her body screaming in agony
Looking over her shoulder, she's horrified as Baek-Hyun pulls Yoongi up from the water, screaming in his face then shoving him back under
She needs to do something right now
She leans against the door, reaching up and grabbing the doorknob, pulling herself up
Her legs shake badly, sticky blood all over her
She's shot in both legs but she has to use them to save the love of her life
Letting go of the door, she runs on shaky legs into the bedroom, right for Yoongi's nightstand
Once there, she falls to the floor to give her legs a break
Pulling the drawer so hard, it falls out of the night stand, she upends it on the floor
Shoving all his personal knick knacks around she finds a variety of knives
Grabbing the two biggest ones, she leans against the bed, using it as leverage to stand up
Her body is in excruciating pain but she ignores it as she stumbles back to the bathroom
"You think you can fucking rat me out to the cops and expect nothing back? You think that I'd go to prison for what you sent them?", Baek-Hyun screams, "You think you're the fucking king? Wrong asshole! I'm the fucking king!"
He shoves Yoongi's head down again just as she gets to the bathroom
Baek-Hyun's still screaming and pure rage fills her body at what this asshole is doing to her naekkeo
She runs at Baek-Hyun's back, gripping the hilt of the knives and embeds them right in his back
Baek-Hyun's hands loosen on my hair and I pull my head up immediately, gasping for breath, the water running down my face
I hear him screaming in what sounds like pain
I open my eyes, my mouth dropping as I take in the scene in front of him
Joanne, climbing on Baek-Hyun's back, plunging two knives into his body over and over
"Die, you fucking prick", she screams
They fall to the floor and she immediately gets up, pulling him onto his back
She buries the knives into his chest, blood everywhere as she cries and yells
"Do you think I'll let you kill him?", she screams in his face, "I love him. I won't let him die. I'm going to kill you you motherfucker!"
I snap back to the present and shove myself up, running to her
"Jagi", I yell, landing next to her as she continues to stab him, "Jagi stop"
She shakes her head, "He's still alive. He needs to die. He can't hurt you"
I know he needs to die but she can't kill him
I can't let her
I don't know how she would react to killing someone but I think it would destroy her
She's a nurse, she chose a profession where she helps people, saves people
Killing someone will haunt her
"Stop baby, please", I beg, pulling her hands away from the knives that are buried in his torso, "Jagi, look at me"
Her hands are shaking badly, her eyes meeting mine
"Yoongi", she cries, her arms moving around my neck, holding onto me tightly
The stupid handcuffs prevent me from hugging her back but I try the best I can
"Yoongi", she sobs, "He almost killed you. He tried taking you from me"
"I know baby but you saved me. You save me jagi. I'm ok. I promise, I'm ok"
She cups my face, looking me over, "Are you sure?"
I nod
I am
I'm alright
She's not, she needs medical attention
"I promise I am jagi", I assure her, "I need to check him for the handcuff keys ok?"
She nods, sitting back
I turn to Baek-Hyun checking his pockets for the keys
As I try to find the keys, I hear Baek-Hyun still breathing and moaning
I have no idea how he is still alive
She stabbed him so many times he should be dead
But then again she's been shot three times and she's still alive and conscious
Reaching into his back pocket, I pull the keys out and hold them to her
"Please jagi?"
She nods, her shaky hands taking them and undoing the handcuffs
Once they're off, I pull her to me, clinging onto her, so glad to have her in my arms
"Baby", I whimper, "My baby"
"I'm here baby. I love you so much jagi. So much"
"I love you naekkeo"
My heart is still pounding from the adrenaline and fear but I know I have to get her to the hospital
"We have to go jagi", I tell her, "I have to call Hongjoong and have him meet us at the hospital"
She nods and I stand up, carrying her in my arms
I place her on the bed and tell her to wait a minute
Going to my gun, I pick it up from the floor
"I'll be right back jagi"
Walking to the bathroom, I look down at Baek-Hyun, still fucking breathing, his fucking eyes open, looking at me in fear
He should be afraid
Crouching next to him, I put the barrel of the gun against his forehead
"You tried to kill me. That I don't care about", I growl, meeting his gaze, "You hurt my wife. You shot her. Tried to kill her. That is why you're dying. The second you brought her into our business was the second you signed your death warrant"
He gurgles, blood coming from his mouth, in an attempt to talk, I guess and I don't really care
"Fuck you", I snarl, pulling the trigger
The bang is loud as blood spurts from the wound, the light leaving his eyes
Still, I stand up, shoot again and a third time right in his head
To be sure he's dead
I check for a pulse and a heartbeat
There is none
He's dead
Tucking my gun back in my waistband, I pull my phone out, dialing as I walk back to her
Picking her up, I carry her through the hideout as Hongjoong answers the phone
"Joong, I'm on my way to your hospital. Joanne needs you"
Walking out of the hideout, I explain to him what happened as I get to the car
He tells me he'll meet me there in ten minutes
I put her in the back so she can lay down, then get in the driver's seat and drive to the hospital quickly
As I drive there, I call Jungkook too
Baek-Hyun's death was self defense and I need Jungkook to make sure he's one of the detectives that investigates
"Yeah boss, don't worry, I got it. Nothing will happen to her or you", he assures me, "Stay hidden until I text you. Then you and Joanne can come give a statement. Don't talk to anyone but me and my partner"
"Yeah, I got it", I answer, pulling into a parking stop, "I'm at the hospital. We'll talk later"
We hang up and I get out of the car
Opening her door, I call her softly but she doesn't move
"Jagi?", I call, leaning over her to check on her
I notice her breathing is slow and when I touch her hand, she's cold
Immediately I pull her to me, picking her up, her head lolling back
Shit shit
She's so pale with all the blood loss
"Yoongi!", I hear, spotting Hongjoong getting out of his car
"We have to go now", I yell, running to him, "She's unconscious. She's cold Joong. She lost a lot of blood"
He nods, "Ok let's go"
We go into the hospital from the back and I follow him to a dark empty room
"Put her on the bed", he orders as he moves around the room getting everything he needs
I lay her down, staying right by her side, panicking inside
She has to be ok
She has to survive
I need her, I can't live without her
"Yoongi!", Hongjoong says loudly
I snap my gaze to him, realizing he was calling me, "She'll be ok. I'll make sure, ok?"
I nod, hoping he's right
"Step aside for now so I can work"
I don't want to but I know I have to
Leaning down, I press a kiss to her forehead
"I love you"
Then I move away, Hongjoong going closer to her and starting to work
One week later
"This is our house?", she asks, gaping at the foyer
"Yeah jagi", I answer, pushing her wheelchair further into the house
"Oh my god"
I smile at how cute she is
Hongjoong was able to get her stable at the hospital
Before he even started tending her wounds he gave her blood to replace what she lost
Her thigh wound was a flesh wound and was easily taken care of
Her hand was broken in three places
Later I learned those happened from punching Baek-Hyun in the face
It was her knee and her shoulder that was bad
The bullet shattered the bones and she needed surgery
He had to call in nurses to help prep the operating room and help him perform the surgery
Needless to say I was a mess until he came out of the OR and told me she's ok
She has pins in her shoulder and knee to keep the bones together
He told me that it'll take some time for her to heal but with physical therapy she'll be fine
Both her legs were injured so for now, she has to stay in a wheelchair until they heal more
He let me take her after she woke up and we've been living in a hotel for a week
No one but me takes care of her
I give her the meds she needs, I change her bandages, I help her shower, I do everything for her
I don't trust anyone else but more than that, I want to take care of her
I love her and I'm so grateful to her
Grateful that she's here
Grateful that she saved me
She didn't run away like I told her to
I can't even imagine the pain she felt when she went to get the knives
Her legs were bleeding and shot, yet she got up to run for the knives
Her hand was broken but she still grabbed the knife
Her shoulder was shattered but she still stabbed him over and over
All to save me
I can never repay her for what she did for me, for what she went through for me
Taking her through the first floor of the house, she gapes as I show her the kitchen, dining room, living room, bathroom, family room and laundry room
"Yoongi, it's so big", she says, her eyes wide, "All the rooms are huge"
I know the house is huge and lavish but the second I saw it I had to get it for her
I looked for houses online this past week while she was asleep
She's still in a lot of pain and she naps a lot
Me, I'm still terrified something will happen to her if I sleep when she does and I can't sleep
I only can when she insists I lay down with her at night and we stay in each other's arms
By then I'm exhausted and fall asleep almost immediately
When I found this house, I called Namjoon and he started the procedures for me to buy it
He encouraged the owners to sell quickly and I paid them whatever they wanted
We need a house ASAP
Our old one is compromised as well as our main hideout
I don't trust the other hideouts enough to keep her there
"Ready to see the upstairs baby?"
She nods, "How am I going to get up there naekkeo?"
That's easy
I lean down and easily pick her up
"Yoongi!", she giggles, wrapping her arms around my neck
I just smile, giving her a small kiss on her perfect lips
Then I easily carry her upstairs, showing her the five rooms and big bathroom that are up there
"And here is our room", I announce, walking into the biggest room in the whole house
I only furnished this room as I want to move in today
We can pick furniture for the rest of the house together
I set her on the huge bed, sitting next to her
"Oh my god Yoongi. This room, this house...it's amazing. It's so much"
I smile at her, moving her hair behind her shoulder
"Nothing is too much for you jagi"
"Yoongi-", she starts
"Please Jo. This house is nothing baby. It's the least I can do", I tell her, taking her hands in mine, "You are the best woman I have ever known Jo. I seriously don't know what I have done to deserve such a sweet, loving, supportive, brave and loyal girl like you Jo but I'm so happy you're mine"
"I'm happy I'm yours naekkeo. I love you so much", she says, smiling, "You're the best man I could ever want"
That's debatable for me but I know for her it's a fact
I'm always awed at how much she loves me and how highly she thinks of me
"So when we moving?", she asks
"Today baby", I tell her
"Today? But our stuff is still at our old house"
I know and I already have a solution I put into place
"Don't worry jagi. The guys are packing up our house and we'll have all our stuff by the end of the week. Namjoon went food shopping and our fridge and kitchen are stocked, so we're good on food"
"You think of everything", she giggles
I try to
I have to keep her safe and I have to run a successful syndicate
"No one knows where we live baby. Only the inner circle and Hongjoong like usual"
She nods, "Ok"
"I found another hideout jagi and that will be where I do all the work for the syndicate. No more work at home"
I used to hold meetings at our old house, do some business there and I realized doing that brought danger to the house and her
No more of that
Her safety is my number one now
More important than even the syndicate
"Does that mean that you won't be home a lot?", she asks quietly
"No baby", I assure her, "I'm going to be home a lot baby. I'm changing some things within the syndicate"
"Like what?"
"I'm giving Namjoon more responsibility, more power within the syndicate", I explain, "I'm letting him make more executive decisions, letting him run more of it. He reports to me and I still have the final say in everything but it takes less work, less pressure from me. And I can spend more time with you"
This whole thing showed me that I need to be with her more
I was all about work and I did spend time with her but I realize it wasn't enough
The very real prospect of having to live without her scared the shit out of me
Everything worked out with Jungkook's investigation and we were told no charges would be brought on us because it was clear self defense
In the last week, Namjoon and the guys made sure that Baek-Hyun's group the circle was eradicated
Everyone was killed
Baek-Hyun didn't involve any of his brothers and he still didn't have a wife or kids so his line ended with him
After that, I decided to implement changes in the syndicate
The changes allow me to leave and put Namjoon in charge if I have to
I always said I'd do anything for her and I will
I have the best wife in the world and I need to be home with her
Not putting myself in danger and definitely not putting her in danger
If I have to step down as head of Bangtan in the future, I will
"I also got the top of the line security system", I tell her, "There's no passcodes"
"Then how does it work?", she asks, "How do we arm and disarm it?"
"Eye scan"
She looks at me in surprise, "Eye scan? Really?"
I nod
"That's like top secret government science tech"
I nod
It is
But I have connections and like I said before, nothing is too much for her
"I promise jagi, I'm doing everything to protect you. You are the most important thing in my life. You are the only thing I truly love. I don't know if you know, but I honestly can't live without you. I need you"
She smiles softly at me, squeezing my hands, "I know how you feel naekkeo. I feel the same way about you. You're my everything Yoongi. I love you"
"I love you jagi"
Smiling, she pulls me to her by my shirt, her lips crashing against mine
I kiss her back, pouring all my love into it and I feel her love for me
I'm so lucky to have her
The kiss lasts for a while until we finally break away, leaning our foreheads against each other's
"Lay with me baby?", she asks
I nod, "Tired jagi?"
"A little"
I press a quick kiss to her lips, then help her move under the blankets
"Oh my god this bed is so soft", she gushes as she lays down
When her head goes on the pillow, she gasps, "So soft and fluffy!"
I just chuckle as I get into bed with her, realizing that she's right
The bed and pillow are soft and comfy
She cuddles into me, my arms wrapped around her, holding her tightly
She falls asleep pretty quickly
Guess she really was tired
I'm tired but my body won't let me sleep yet
It's fine, I love laying with her and holding her
Kissing her forehead softly, I gently play with her hair, watching my baby sleep, vowing that I will always protect my jagi
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aplaceinthedark · 9 months
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chapter ten: DOWN in HELL AFTER ALL
Summary: Down in the Shenandoah Valley, there lay a court consisting of the Grim, the Drowned, the Witch and the Watcher.
CW: supernatural themes, alcohol consumption, bodily injury, body horror, graphic violence, religious trauma, blood, physical assault, minor character death
Every chapter will have a different cw section. This is Bad Omens rpf, so obviously I don't know all the little nuances of the members or their family members.
A/N: Some things are color-coded. If any of you are colorblind lemme know. 
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I breathed in, eyes slowly opening, feeling warm and…. enveloped. It was the only way I could describe the fullness I felt. Wrapped in a sweet, earthy scent, the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes fully was a tattoo of an eye, a spiderweb, and a rose on a tan neck. And that’s when I realized I was naked. In my bed. With a man.
No, not just a man; Nick. And I was… happy?
The anxiety and unsureness crept in. Barely two weeks had passed since I met him, and last night just… happened. Were we moving too fast? I mean, I sure as hell had no regrets, but… what if he did?
My eyes fell to his chest, where I finally could get a proper look at the lonely tattoo. It was a simple circle made of thorns with occasional gaps, done in a golden ink that somehow looked like liquid gold. I gently traced my finger around it.
Nick made a noise, stirring at last. I tried to snatch my hand away, but he moved the hand that had been tucked up above his head to take my hand and place it back on his chest.
“G’morning,” he groaned, his low voice raspy with sleep.
“Morning,” I said quietly.
“You doing okay?” he asked. His thumb started running circles on my hand, and I felt his other rub circles on my shoulder. I practically melted into his touch.
“Mmhmm,” I hummed.
“Good, good…” His voice trailed off. I felt him shift under the covers.
My eyes were pulled back to the circlet. “You’ll have to tell me about your tattoos sometime,” I said, my finger tracing the golden thorns again. I could see a trail of goosebumps left in its wake.
“That one… That’s for the Court,” he said. He chuckled quietly. “We used to call ourselves the Bad Omens, y’know?”
“No. Why’d you call yourselves that?”
“Because it’s considered a bad omen to see the others. Y’know, like a black cat crossing your path?” Nick said. “Needless to say, we don’t go by that name anymore.”
“I don’t know, it sounds kind of neat,” I admitted.
“Well you’re the only one.”
I swatted at his chest, and he chuckled again, squeezing my shoulders and kissing my forehead. My anxiety from earlier melted away.
Nick slowly trailed kisses down my face until he reached my lips, where he hovered for a few seconds before lightly pecking once, twice. On the third time, he lingered, licking the seam between like a plea for entrance. I had just opened my mouth when he let out a groan of frustration.
I pulled away. “What? What is it?”
“Noah… is out front,” Nick said, slightly out of breath. His lips crashed back down onto mine before pulling away again.
“If he’s going to keep interrupting, then we might as well see what he wants,” I said.
"Yeah, I guess you're right," Nick sighed forcefully. Noah was about to get an earful.
Nick scrambled to pick up his clothes and put them on as I picked through my dresser for some shorts and a tank top. After I was done changing, I turned around, catching him staring. The way he was looking at me, I was certain he was about to make Noah wait a little bit more, but he then tore his gaze away and walked out.
Noah was indeed waiting on the front porch, drinking the now-warm beer I had left for him last night. To my surprise, Folio was with him. Of course, no Jolly.
Before I could ask, Folio sniffed. "You smell like sex."
Nick sighed as Noah choked on a sip. "You must be a delight at parties," I said.
"I wouldn’t know, since I’ve never been to one." He grinned.
Shockingly, Noah has remained quiet, which I thought was odd since he was so insistent that we got up. I couldn’t tell if he was conversing with Nick in his mind. Which was mildly infuriating, to be honest.
But as Nick pulled out a carton of cigarettes from his back pocket, he spoke aloud, “Spit it out. What’s so important that you had to drag us out of bed?”
“Well, I was going to tell you last night, when we were supposed to meet up. But you guys sounded busy,” Noah said, peering over his shoulder at the last word. My face grew hot.
“Well, you’re here now,” Nick said, a slight edge creeping into his voice. Noah’s eyes flashed, but it was only for a fleeting moment as he turned back around.
I glanced over at Folio, who had just glanced over at me, because when our eyes connected, he just made a face and shrugged. Yeah, that made two of us.
“We searched through the valley last night, but found no trace of any cult activity… or anything, for that matter,” Folio said.
“So if they are meeting, it’s not in the forest,” Noah said.
“They might be meeting in town,” Nick said. “They might’ve learned from their predecessors that they can’t exactly do their dirt work out in the woods.”
My gaze wandered up, and my eyes caught on my security camera. “Fuck! I forgot about that!” I exclaimed. I ran back into the house to grab my phone. I mindlessly scrolled through the app’s footage as I headed back to the porch.
“What are you freaking out about now?” Noah asked. I shot him a look and then pointed above my head to the doorway.
“I might’ve gotten a shot of the people who came to my door yesterday,” I said, going back to scrolling through footage. “Nick, you wouldn’t happen to know the person if I showed you, would you?”
“I mean, probably, yeah,” he said, exhaling a puff of smoke.
“Granted, I don’t know how good it’ll be, since there were a few nights when it would go offline and—“
“That was me,” Noah said.
My head shot up. “That was—“
“Well, couldn’t have you spying on me while I snuck onto your front porch now, could I?” Noah stated.
“Hold up.” Nick grabbed my arm, bringing me back to my phone. “Yeah, I know them.”
I scrolled back the footage until two men’s bodies walked up to the door. And one of them—
“He was the guy at the restaurant last Sunday!” I gasped.
“Should’ve realized something was up when he babbled about the Watcher,” Nick muttered. It was then his turn to go indoors. He came back out with his keys.
“You’re not gonna fight him, are you?” I asked incredulously.
Nick gave me a “don’t be ridiculous” look. “No, I’ve got to get back to Granny’s anyways. I forgot to let her know I wouldn’t be back last night,” he said.
“Dude, you’re 30,” Folio said, making Nick roll his eyes.
“Yes, I know that. I’m also a respectful grandson.”
“Hold on, I’m coming too,” I said.
“Relax, I’m not gonna fight the guy. Once I smooth things over with Granny, I’ll be back.” He kissed my forehead. “Don’t let them bully you.”
With that, he hopped off the porch and walked to his car, which the three of us watched drive off. I then turned to the two men.
“Would you like to come in?”
Folio was the first one in, bounding in and immediately lying on the couch. A part of me wanted to scold him for putting his muddy feet on my couch, but I immediately realized that this was probably the first time he’d been on a couch in ten years. So I let it slide.
Noah didn’t linger. His long strides took him immediately toward the back of my house. Confused, I followed.
“Your family lived here?” I asked.
“Just me and my mom,” Noah said, nudging open my bedroom door with the toe of his boot.
“There’s not a bomb in there,” I said.
“No, something else is in here—“ he said, waltzing in. He made a beeline for my dresser.
“Dude, what are—“ I winced as he easily moved my dresser away from the wall, the sound of scraping wood like nails on a chalkboard. He then pressed on the wall, partially lifting up a section of the wood paneling. “What are you doing?”
He inserted long fingers into the gap and pulled the panel free. Like he’s done this before. “Relax, little rabbit, I’m not ruining the property value of our house,” he said.
“I told you, don’t call me that,” I said, holding my arms over my chest. I watched as he shoved his whole arm into the hole; my mouth popped open when he pulled out a small lockbox. “How long ha—“
“I put it here when I had my doubts about Elin,” Noah said. “I didn’t even tell Nick about this.” He flicked the latch open.
Inside were papers: notebook pages, sketchbook pages, pages torn from books. There was also some little trinkets and ephemera, stuff I didn’t get a good look at before he scooped them up and shoved them into his jacket pocket. He set the empty box on the floor.
“Come on, Folio. We’ve got what we needed,” he said.
“What?” Folio and I said at the same time. Noah unfolded himself and drew up to his full height before he strided out of my bedroom. “Where are you going?”
“Nothing that concerns you, little rabbit,” Noah said.
“Yes, it does!” I shouted. “If… That’s technically my property! Everything in this house technically—“
Noah stopped dead, and I ran right into him. It was like running right into a tree; he didn’t seem that broad with all those layers of clothes. In a semi-dazed state, I was barely aware of him turning around and grabbing me by the throat.
“Hey, No—“ Folio started.
Noah growled, spitting out words that sounded similar to those he had used to command Folio earlier. They must’ve been the same, because Folio stalked outside, but not before he shot me an apologetic look.
“Wh-What are—“ I choked out.
“Listen, just because you fucked Nick once doesn’t mean you’re a part of our little club,” Noah spat out. “So do us all a favor, and keep out of our business, because it’s about to get very, very bloo—“
Noah’s words stopped dead, and he let out a choked noise. He let go of me, and I dropped to the ground, gasping for breath.
Just then, Folio rushed back in. “What? What happened?” he demanded.
“Nick. Something happened to Nick.”
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It was like a living nightmare at Granny's. The rainy, late morning on the street was wrecked by flashing lights of cop cars, ambulances and whatever else. The only car I had eyes for was Nick's, and it was motionless in the driveway.
The block was cordoned off by tape and the policemen, so there was no way I could get close to see the damage.
I gritted my teeth together. I had sped as fast as I could in my car, while Noah and Folio ran through the forest. Something about they couldn't get in my car; not that I wanted them to, not after the shit that Noah pulled. And now, despite hurting me, here he was trying to get a vantage point from me.
I tried to remain focused on the scene before me, though my dark thoughts were a mess in–
A sharp pain pierced behind my eyes at his command. Fuck you, I don't answer to you!
God, you think I want anything to do with you? First you pretended to be nice to get inside my house, then you tried to kill me, and now you're all buddy-buddy because Nick might be in trouble? Fuck you.
There was a presence behind me, making the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I peered behind me and nearly jumped. "Jesus!" I hissed.
"A lot of people say that when they see me," Jolly said. He was wearing a shirt now, and sunglasses blocked his translucent eyes.
"I thought you couldn't leave the river," I whispered. We were in the middle of a crowd after all.
"Really? That's how you can leave the river?"
"Well, this is a really good reason to be away, ya?"
I turned back to Granny's house. "They haven't come out of there yet. I can't tell if Nick's in there or not."
Quiet! I snapped at Noah. Out of the three of you, Jolly hasn't tried to kill me!
I brushed aside that comment. "Is there a way to shut him out?" I asked.
Instead of answering me, Jolly lightly gripped my chin and turned my head to face the house. Where they were bringing out a stretcher. And a covered body.
"Nick–" I jolted forward, but Jolly grabbed my arm. His grip was cold and clammy, and it made my mind reel.
"That's not Nick," Jolly said.
"Then–" Oh god.
My stomach plummeted. Possibilities ran wild through my head, but I kept my eyes on the door, half-expecting Nick to also walk out. But my eyes were drawn back to the body as the EMTs loaded the stretcher into the ambulance. They then closed the doors and drove off. Surely Nick would've gone with her if he–
There was a terrifying edge to Noah's tone. With how he'd treated me, I had forgotten that he could care for someone other than himself. Granny had probably been a family member to him, as much as she was to Nick.
That's when I saw something flash in the corner of my eyes. Little eyes reflecting light under nearby bushes. With all the doors opening, they must've escaped while no one was looking.
“Come on, vännen. Let's go. There's nothing for us here," Jolly said. Which couldn't be true. Granny was the first person in this town to take pity on me. There had to be something I could do–
“Shit. Hold on,” I said practically leaving Jolly in the dust. I managed to sneak past the few policemen, which wow, they sucked, and crouched near the bushes.
“Jerry... Lydia... c’mere!” I said quietly, and making the cat-attraction sound. It took a lot of coaxing, and maybe the recognized me or the slight scent of Nick, but eventually I managed to make my way back to Jolly with an armful of cats.
“Okay, let's go."
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With Lydia and Jerry safely tucked away in my room, cuddled on the side of the bed Nick had slept in, I came out of my room to see only Folio in my house.
“Taylor, I'm sorry about–”
“You couldn't help it,” I muttered. “Was that word he used a command you had to follow?” He nodded. “Then forget it. We have more important things to worry about.”
Suddenly Folio shoved his way in between us. “Seriously? Fuckin’ fighting when something bad might've happened to Nick?" he shouted. “His grandma is dead, he's nowhere to be found. We need to find out where he is.”
I trekked outside, where the rain was absolutely pouring, and Noah stood on my front porch.
“How long have you loved him?" I asked.
“I'm not dignifying that–”
“Answer the question, Davis,” I spat out venomously. “Don't fuck with me right now. I've seen how you look at Nick. Just because you're jealous–”
“Jealous?” Noah hissed, towering over me. “Jealous of what, you? You've barely known him for a week! You think you know Nick? I've known him for fifteen years."
“And you think killing me was going to... what? Clear the way? You were the one trying to get me to stay. You were the one who told me he was lonely. So tell me.. what do you want?" I angrily demanded.
“I wanted you to stay, I didn't say fuck his brains out,” Noah hissed.
“Well guess what? He was the one who initiated. And you know what? It was the best sex I've ever–"
“Jolly,” Noah said, tearing his eyes away from mine. Jolly, who had been sitting in front of the porch this whole time, turned his head towards Noah, “see if you can find anything. You're free to search as long as the rain holds.”
Jolly nodded, standing up and taking off into the woods. I was sad to see him go, as he was the one I didn't feel like was going to kill me in the future.
"Why would he be in the woods?” Folio asked.
"This has the cult written all over it,” Noah said.
My stomach churned. “Why would they want Nick? It's way past the Summer Solstice,” I said.
"That's one thing I can't figure out," Noah muttered. “Granny's death was definitely not natural; Grannies can live way past a hundred years old.”
“Wait, Granny wasn't just a nickname?” I asked.
"No, Granny is a title in their practice. She just happened to be Nick's grandmother as well." Noah said.
“Can't you just... see where he is? Through your mind-talking power?” I asked.
Noah sighed. “I tried. I can't get a feel for him. Which is another reason why I don't think he's okay.”
Something in my stomach fluttered. It’s been hours since Nick left. If something happened to him, it could already be too late. For what though, I had no clue. I was absolutely stumped.
Maybe Noah was right. I barely knew Nick. What claim do I really have over him? I was just someone who stumbled into their territory unwillingly. I hadn’t grown up scared of the townspeople possibly coming after me. I was a stranger.
I was lost.
I leaned back against the house and slowly crumbled to the ground, folding in on myself. What could I even do? I didn’t have magic powers or the ability to change into a form more suited for this. I was just a regular human, someone who couldn’t even decide what gender they wanted to be.
That’s when I felt hands on my shoulders. I looked up, Folio crouched next to me, but it was Noah who was talking. “We’ll find him,” he said.
“Not for me,” I muttered.
“Maybe not," he said, shrugging, “but let's handle this one problem at a time.”
“We can find the guy who was in the footage," Folio said.
“I don't know where he lives,” I said.
“I do,” Noah said. “And he has easy access to the forest."
“You should... probably stay here,” Folio said, patting me on the shoulder.
“Why?" I demanded.
"I told you it was going to get bloody, didn’t I?” Noah said, standing up. And I’m not going to hold back with Nick's life on the line.”
I swallowed. At least he was warning me. “Fine. Do what you do," I said.
“Oh, we fully plan on it," Noah said, grinning. I swore I could hear twigs snapping with the movement.
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Tysm for reading! Next chapter coming soon!
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This is a little thing I wrote for resident evil code veronica, I was always a little disappointed that Alfred never got a proper boss fight. He just gets shot and falls into a pit, so I wrote this.
I hope you enjoy it! Constructive criticism is always welcome!
Chris stepped through the pair of double doors in front of him, as the doors slid shut behind him. He took a moment to look at the room he had stepped into. It was a large rectangular room with a raised platform at the other end. The room was dark and empty save for the machinery and computers that buzzed around him as he walked through.
He took notice of a note on a table, it read:
Virus research report
Work continues on the “T-veronica virus” I created from the mother virus and the virus I extracted from the queen ant. The more I study the virus, the more I am impressed with its limitless potential.
I have found a way to implant the virus into my body in order to harness its power. I will avoid the same mistakes I made on my father by suppressing the mutations at extremely low temperatures, so that my cells will not be consumed by the virus. My calculations indicate that it will take approximately 15 years before the virus finishes its work and I shall be able to coexist with the virus. Until then I must entrust the cryogenics capsule to my loyal, but not very bright soldier ant that is my brother. When I awaken, I shall be queen, and I will spread the T- veronica across the world, every last creature shall exist to serve me. Only then shall the world achieve perfection, just like my anthill, only on a much larger scale
Alexia Ashford 
Chris put the note down and shuddered, whatever that woman was planning to do, he had to stop it. He only hoped that Claire was alright and that Alexia hadn’t killed her, or worse, subjected her to any number of terrible experiments. Chris turned towards a cabinet next to the table and noticed a set of buttons with symbols next to them, he felt as though he saw them earlier.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out the mysterious paperweight he’d picked up earlier, the symbols on each side perfectly matched to symbols next to the buttons. He pressed the buttons in the order they were presented on the paperweight and a container on the side of the shelf slid open. Chris placed the paperweight into the opening and it slid shut almost instantly, he heard a hiss behind him and turned to see a large glass tube rise up from the floor, and what was inside made him gasp.
It was a man, or the body of a man, as soon as he saw it the tank slid open and the body fell out, limp and lifeless. He had blond hair that was combed back and pale blue eyes. He was wearing a red military uniform, but there was something off about it. The colors looked too saturated and bright, all the medals were fakes and there were no symbols that indicated any organization or rank, it almost looked like how a child would imagine one. 
As Chris inspected the body he noticed a silver ring with a blue gem on it, he took it off to inspect it more closely, it was engraved with a name, Alfred Ashford, it read. “That means that this was Alexia’s brother” he thought. He absentmindedly pocketed the ring and turned back to the body, it was completely dead, no heartbeat or breathing.
Chris was getting uncomfortable in the room and went to leave, but heard something behind him, he turned and could have sworn that the corpse’s head had been facing the other way and not staring right at him. Chris turned around and ran out of the room. He didn’t know if he had imagined it, but he wasn’t going to stick around to find out.
Chris exited the room only to find himself back in the large empty room with the large crane with its hook suspended in the ice, he pulled the crane key and approached the control booth, whatever was attached to the crane was definitely important. Chris stuck the key into the keyhole on the console and the light turned from red to green, he then grabbed the up lever and pulled.
The ice began to crack as the crane hook began to rise, the hook soon broke the surface and what was on that hook made Chris gasp again, “what the hell is that,” he muttered to himself. It was unlike any of the other infected he had seen. Its skin was a pale green and in some places cracked and bound with numerous black belts, it was completely bald and a blindfold covered its eyes and its heart was exposed, and completely still, it was dead.
Something fell off the creature’s head, Chris left the control booth and walked down onto the ice to get a closer look at it. The fallen object was a small piercing with a jade gemstone in the center, below the gemstone was the name Alexander Ashford.
“This was their father, the Nosferatu monster,” Chris thought, if this was what Alexia’s virus could do… He needed to find Claire fast. He put the piercing in his pocket and turned to leave when the crane began to move on its own.
He stepped back as he watched the crane move away to reveal a woman standing at the exit. She had long blond hair and icy blue eyes, she was also wearing a black and purple gown and a choker with a red gemstone in the middle. She looked down and smiled at him. This was Alexia ashford.
“You! You’re Alexia!” Was all he could say. “Oh good, you know my name,” she responded, “now everybody is here for our little experiment, said the spider to the fly, how do you wish to die?” She giggled to herself, it was a shrill childish laugh with no warmth behind it, only malice. “Where’s Claire? What did you do to her?” Chris asked. “Your sister? She’s alive, for now, but I’d be a little more worried about you at this moment.” Chris took a step forward, “I swear if you hurt her-'' Alexia cut him off, “now, now, you needn’t worry about her.” Alexia looked towards the water and raised her hand, “but first, there is someone I would like you to meet.” Suddenly, something began moving under the water, then a large, clawed hand emerged.
Chris took a step back as the thing pulled itself out of the water. It was tall, much taller than him, its skin was a silvery color and green vine like structures spread across its chest, its feet were digitigrade and had razor sharp claws, its left hand had been replaced by a long sharp blade and the other was hideously deformed, covered in bulging veins and partially formed exoskeleton, but the worst part was the face. Its face had long sharp fangs that were so large it couldn’t close its mouth, the eyes were milky white orbs, cold and hollow, and a pair of insectoid antennae sat on its head. The face, though horribly mutated, was unmistakably the face of Alfred Ashford.
“Do you like him?” Alexia asked. “Your awful bully of a sister hurt him very badly, but the T veronica virus fixed him right up and now he’s better than ever!” She turned away and walked through the doors she came through. “Now dear brother, please keep our new guest entertained while I get everything ready.” Then, the creature that had been Alfred Ashford lowered its bladed arm and lunged.
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polarbearairny1 · 3 months
Keeping Your Home Warm: A Guide to Water Heaters on Long Island
Long Island's vibrant communities and scenic landscapes make it a desirable place to live. But when the winter chill sets in, ensuring your home has a reliable source of hot water becomes a priority. That's where your water heater comes in – a silent guardian of comfort.
This article explores everything you need to know about water heaters on Long Island, from types and installations to repairs and maintenance.
Choosing the Right Water Heater for Your Needs
With various water heater options available, selecting the best one for your home requires considering your needs and budget. Here's a breakdown of the two main categories:
Storage Tank Water Heaters: These traditional models come in gas and electric options. They heat and store water in a tank, ensuring readily available hot water. Gas heaters tend to be more efficient, while electric heaters are generally easier to install.
Tankless Water Heaters: As the name suggests, tankless heaters don't store hot water. Instead, they heat water on demand, offering a space-saving solution and potentially lower energy bills. However, they may have a higher upfront cost and might not be suitable for homes with high hot water usage.
Finding a Reputable Long Island Water Heater Specialist
Once you've chosen your water heater type, finding a qualified plumber for installation or repair is crucial. Here are some tips for selecting a reliable Long Island water heater specialist:
Licensing and Insurance: Ensure the plumber has a valid license from the Nassau or Suffolk County Department of Consumer Affairs and proper insurance coverage.
Experience: Look for a company with experience installing and servicing your chosen water heater type.
Customer Reviews: Read online reviews and testimonials to get a sense of the company's reputation and customer service.
Warranties: Inquire about the warranties offered on both the water heater itself and the installation work.
Water Heater Installation on Long Island
Installing a new water heater is a job best left to the professionals. A qualified Long Island plumber will ensure proper installation, including:
Safety Checks: They'll verify gas connections (for gas models) and proper venting to prevent leaks and carbon monoxide dangers.
Efficiency Optimization: The plumber will ensure your water heater is set to operate efficiently, saving you money on energy bills.
Compliance with Local Codes: They'll guarantee the installation adheres to all local plumbing codes and safety regulations.
Keeping Your Long Island Water Heater Running Smoothly
Regular maintenance can extend the lifespan and efficiency of your water heater. Here are some simple steps you can take:
Drain and Flush: Every year, have a qualified plumber drain and flush your water heater to remove sediment buildup that can impede performance.
Temperature Setting: Adjust the thermostat to a safe and efficient temperature, typically around 120°F (49°C).
Inspect for Leaks: Regularly check for leaks around the water heater base and connections. Address any leaks promptly to prevent water damage.
Warning Signs It's Time for Water Heater Repair or Replacement
Even with proper maintenance, water heaters eventually require repairs or replacement. Here are some signs to watch out for:
No Hot Water: This is the most obvious sign of a problem.
Fluctuating Water Temperature: Inconsistent hot water could indicate a malfunctioning thermostat or heating element.
Leaking: Leaks around the water heater tank or connections can signal a failing tank or loose connections.
Rusty Water: Rusty-colored water may indicate internal tank corrosion, necessitating replacement.
Strange Noises: Unusual noises like banging or rumbling could indicate loose parts or sediment buildup.
If you experience any of these issues, contact a qualified Long Island water heater specialist for prompt diagnosis and repair or replacement.
By understanding your water heater options, finding a reputable plumber, and practicing proper maintenance, you can ensure a steady flow of hot water for your Long Island home, keeping you comfortable year-round.
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evesetchings · 1 year
Original post here
This is a little thing I wrote for resident evil code veronica, I was always a little disappointed that Alfred never got a proper boss fight. He just gets shot and falls into a pit, so I wrote this.
I hope you enjoy it! Constructive criticism is always welcome!
Chris stepped through the pair of double doors in front of him, as the doors slid shut behind him. He took a moment to look at the room he had stepped into. It was a large rectangular room with a raised platform at the other end. The room was dark and empty save for the machinery and computers that buzzed around him as he walked through.
He took notice of a note on a table, it read:
Virus research report
Work continues on the “T-veronica virus” I created from the mother virus and the virus I extracted from the queen ant. The more I study the virus, the more I am impressed with its limitless potential.
I have found a way to implant the virus into my body in order to harness its power. I will avoid the same mistakes I made on my father by suppressing the mutations at extremely low temperatures, so that my cells will not be consumed by the virus. My calculations indicate that it will take approximately 15 years before the virus finishes its work and I shall be able to coexist with the virus. Until then I must entrust the cryogenics capsule to my loyal, but not very bright soldier ant that is my brother. When I awaken, I shall be queen, and I will spread the T- veronica across the world, every last creature shall exist to serve me. Only then shall the world achieve perfection, just like my anthill, only on a much larger scale
Alexia Ashford
Chris put the note down and shuddered, whatever that woman was planning to do, he had to stop it. He only hoped that Claire was alright and that Alexia hadn’t killed her, or worse, subjected her to any number of terrible experiments. Chris turned towards a cabinet next to the table and noticed a set of buttons with symbols next to them, he felt as though he saw them earlier.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out the mysterious paperweight he’d picked up earlier, the symbols on each side perfectly matched to symbols next to the buttons. He pressed the buttons in the order they were presented on the paperweight and a container on the side of the shelf slid open. Chris placed the paperweight into the opening and it slid shut almost instantly, he heard a hiss behind him and turned to see a large glass tube rise up from the floor, and what was inside made him gasp.
It was a man, or the body of a man, as soon as he saw it the tank slid open and the body fell out, limp and lifeless. He had blond hair that was combed back and pale blue eyes. He was wearing a red military uniform, but there was something off about it. The colors looked too saturated and bright, all the medals were fakes and there were no symbols that indicated any organization or rank, it almost looked like how a child would imagine one.
As Chris inspected the body he noticed a silver ring with a blue gem on it, he took it off to inspect it more closely, it was engraved with a name, Alfred Ashford, it read. “That means that this was Alexia’s brother” he thought. He absentmindedly pocketed the ring and turned back to the body, it was completely dead, no heartbeat or breathing.
Chris was getting uncomfortable in the room and went to leave, but heard something behind him, he turned and could have sworn that the corpse’s head had been facing the other way and not staring right at him. Chris turned around and ran out of the room. He didn’t know if he had imagined it, but he wasn’t going to stick around to find out.
Chris exited the room only to find himself back in the large empty room with the large crane with its hook suspended in the ice, he pulled the crane key and approached the control booth, whatever was attached to the crane was definitely important. Chris stuck the key into the keyhole on the console and the light turned from red to green, he then grabbed the up lever and pulled.
The ice began to crack as the crane hook began to rise, the hook soon broke the surface and what was on that hook made Chris gasp again, “what the hell is that,” he muttered to himself. It was unlike any of the other infected he had seen. Its skin was a pale green and in some places cracked and bound with numerous black belts, it was completely bald and a blindfold covered its eyes and its heart was exposed, and completely still, it was dead.
Something fell off the creature’s head, Chris left the control booth and walked down onto the ice to get a closer look at it. The fallen object was a small piercing with a jade gemstone in the center, below the gemstone was the name Alexander Ashford.
“This was their father, the Nosferatu monster,” Chris thought, if this was what Alexia’s virus could do… He needed to find Claire fast. He put the piercing in his pocket and turned to leave when the crane began to move on its own.
He stepped back as he watched the crane move away to reveal a woman standing at the exit. She had long blond hair and icy blue eyes, she was also wearing a black and purple gown and a choker with a red gemstone in the middle. She looked down and smiled at him. This was Alexia ashford.
“You! You’re Alexia!” Was all he could say. “Oh good, you know my name,” she responded, “now everybody is here for our little experiment, said the spider to the fly, how do you wish to die?” She giggled to herself, it was a shrill childish laugh with no warmth behind it, only malice. “Where’s Claire? What did you do to her?” Chris asked. “Your sister? She’s alive, for now, but I’d be a little more worried about you at this moment.” Chris took a step forward, “I swear if you hurt her-'' Alexia cut him off, “now, now, you needn’t worry about her.” Alexia looked towards the water and raised her hand, “but first, there is someone I would like you to meet.” Suddenly, something began moving under the water, then a large, clawed hand emerged.
Chris took a step back as the thing pulled itself out of the water. It was tall, much taller than him, its skin was a silvery color and green vine like structures spread across its chest, its feet were digitigrade and had razor sharp claws, its left hand had been replaced by a long sharp blade and the other was hideously deformed, covered in bulging veins and partially formed exoskeleton, but the worst part was the face. Its face had long sharp fangs that were so large it couldn’t close its mouth, the eyes were milky white orbs, cold and hollow, and a pair of insectoid antennae sat on its head. The face, though horribly mutated, was unmistakably the face of Alfred Ashford.
“Do you like him?” Alexia asked. “Your awful bully of a sister hurt him very badly, but the T veronica virus fixed him right up and now he’s better than ever!” She turned away and walked through the doors she came through. “Now dear brother, please keep our new guest entertained while I get everything ready.” Then, the creature that had been Alfred Ashford lowered its bladed arm and lunged.
0 notes
pokemon-ash-aus · 3 years
False!Twin AU: WIP
Log 1:
Several amounts of ancient DNA have been pressed along our path, coding points to an unknown pokemon with DNA matching to several species we currently have.
According to directors, our best bet is to try and recreate it in order to find out if this is the pokemon we need.
Log 2:
After several failures and multiple sleepless nights, we have finally manipulated the DNA enough to incubate an egg.
We've also extracted enough to try and create incubated fetuses within test Tubes.
Here's to hoping our experiments are a success.
Log 8:
After several weeks, we are finally seeing progress.
As stated in log 6, the egg was a failure and released the same Ditto like pokemon that drowned. We have taken to analyzing it's body.
Professor Corduroy has taken to setting up the internal tube pokemon with several wires to take in their dilemma.
All of them are slowly taking form, they seem to be taking on that of a Meowth.
We are not optimistic.
Log 16:
All three incubators are showing wonderful progress!
We've noted that there is a heartbeat within the three and their shape is starting to take form much more.
While they originally seemed quiet similar to a meowth hatchling, we've been able to see a mass amount of differences, including the lack of a coin.
Their colors are slowly coming in, resembling that of a Jigglypuffs as opposed to the tan hide of a Meowth.
One has taken an odd blue hue, though statistics show that it is in perfect health, we will be keeping a closer eye on it.
Log 34:
After farming several vials of blood from the subjects, we found that the next morning they were gone.
Upon looking into the security footage, we don't know how they left. There is no excessive use of force, nor is there any indication of teleportation.
We can only assume that their structure has failed and they assimilated with the liquid inside.
As such, we have been given a prerogative to stabilize the DNA with several other creatures and given a batch of useless and unused DNA
Hopefully, this works.
Log 52:
The eggs are showing signs of life and several are growing well.
As a sign of good faith, I volunteered to provide human DNA in order to make a pokemon human hybrid.
There are only two that survived with my DNA and they seem to be thriving.
We have several unknown batches of DNA, some of which look similar to the human DNA mixes.
We hope one of these will be a success.
Log 60:
Another one has passed, an unfortunate little Raichu mix that sunk to the bottom of it's tank.
I watched the poor thing reach out for help.
This doesn't feel right.
Log 62:
We sent away a human DNA twin, the pinker of the two.
She's beautiful and a part of me doesn't want to send her away at all.
I feel I need sleep, as I watched her look at me as we shipped her off.
A part of my heart yearns for her to be back.
I don't know how long it's been since this project has started.
I don't know how long I can stay here and pretend everything is okay.
I believe that a part of me reaching out to these creatures is solely based on the fact that one of these things has my DNA.
They have been named.
Mewtwo, based on that one mythical pokemon.
I don't like it.
These creatures have a beating heart, they cry for someone to help.
Another dies and my heart aches.
When will this end?
Delia shakily placed the pencil down, snapping her logbook shut without another word.
She was all alone, listening to the wail of the incubated duo.
They were sick, she could hear it in their rasoy tones, could see it in the way they huffed and puffed and reached for comfort.
One of them was black, with a blue underbelly, now a sickly grey tangled in wires and trying to move.
Too sick, too weak to do anything.
The other one, the human DNA one, had once been a soft lilac, now a pale white, curling in on itself as a soft wheeze broke out it's throat.
That's how they all died.
They had grown sick despite their insistence on keeping the laboratory clean, despite their best efforts to provide the proper vitamins and nutrients that the young pokemon needed.
Sickness was what it was.
Delia was alone, she had no experience dealing with their sickness, she was a researcher not a doctor.
Thrumming her fingers against her logbook, she pushed away from her chair, moving back to switch shifts with Jackson.
Another wail.
Her breathing stuttered, and with wide eyes she turned to look at them, just outside the camera's roaming eye.
They were just pokemon.
Just experiments.
She could hear her coworkers laughing, could hear the conversation turn teasing as they talked about families.
Another cry.
"You're just kids," Her resolve broke, guilt sinking heavily into her stomach.
That's what they were, pokemon or not.
They were children.
Dear Mew, what was she thinking!?
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dammitolly · 3 years
Loki Imagine: "Starting Now"
tw: rather large age gap, swearing, major angst
fluff, angst
Loki x Stark!Reader
You were seventeen when you met Loki Laufeyson. And you must admit... you had a bit of a crush on him. He was being kept prisoner by S.H.E.I.L.D, his power too great and his blood lust overpowering. You found him... interesting.
It only took a couple of tries before Nick Fury found out you were spying on Loki. You would study his mannerisms. For a god, he was quite... human. But, that was before there was a code put on the door, one that was made to keep you away from him.
It had never been explained to you in detail exactly what Loki had done, and you were too busy doing other 17-year-old things to turn on the news. So, Banner kept you as distracted from the trickster god as possible, showing you anything and everything he could in the lab. But, you would occasionally see Loki being escorted to and from his cell, peering into the lab... grinning at you. You couldn't help it, you wondered what he was like... you'd also wondered what those beautiful black locks felt like through your fingers. But those thoughts were just fantasies... ones that would never come true.
You had never been close to anyone capable of that before, capable of killing. Let alone someone who had wanted to do it. But you were a fool... a child. You didn't understand Loki, you didn't understand what he'd done. Not that anyone had bothered to clue you in.
After things got out of control, Tony, your father sent you back to New York where you would stay with Pepper and train for the next three years. Where you would learn how to help your father. Learn how to be an Avenger.
You were nineteen when you saw him again. His hair had gotten longer and his face had aged, but the biggest change was that he was no longer considered an enemy of the Avengers. Now, he was simply accompanying his brother to the compound.
It was almost noon when you first woke up and began making breakfast. It was your day off and you were going to do your favorite activity: sleep.
"My, my" a velvet voice said from behind you, "look who grew up."
You didn't need to turn around to know who was speaking. You grinned and continued to smear butter on your toast. "For the God of Mischief, you really aren't very good at sneaking up on people."
You turned and threw the butter knife, it pierced the wall right above his head. He stood with his eyes wide, his shock was unjustified. For one, if you had wanted to hit him you would; two, he had to have known what you had been doing all these years, what your father required of you.
You took him in as he sauntered through the kitchen, leaning against the bar. He was in desperate need of a haircut, the black locks fell to his shoulders. He wore his traditional solid black suit, not a hint of color. Not even his signature forest green.
He looked tired... as if it had been not two years but twenty. Age had gone well with him though. He looked mature, as though the youthful pranks had stopped a long time ago, like the power-hunger had disappeared.
You smirked, "You've gotten old."
"Two years isn't that long, Y/n." He reached over his head and yanked the knife out of the wall, leaving a small hole. Pepper would kill you for that later. Worth it.
You took the knife from his hand. "It is when you're getting old and fat," you retorted.
Loki chuckled, "You are your father's daughter."
You rolled your eyes, "Did you need something? Or do you enjoy seeing the mental agony you inflict upon me?"
"Actually, I was looking for your father."
You pointed your knife towards the elevator at the other end of the room, "Lab. Lower level. You should be familiar with that wing." The wing he had been kept prisoner in. The wing you had strolled down almost every day when you were seventeen just to catch a glimpse of the handsome prisoner.
"Thank you, darling," he replied as he strolled over to the elevator. He smiled and gave you a wink before the doors slid shut. You rolled your eyes.
Darling? Absolutely not.
Dinner was the most awkward thing that you've ever been forced to sit through. The fear of Loki and his manipulation loomed over the table like fog. Steve was watching him like a feral animal that would attack at any second. As if he were a venomous snake ready to strike at any given moment.
"So," Thor cleared his throat awkwardly, "Y/n, your father tells me you've been training in New York. How's that going?"
"It's a lot of work but it's a nice way to spend time," you said through a bite of mashed potatoes. "Right now I'm focusing more on science so I can help Bruce and dad. But Natasha is really wanting to do more combat training with me."
"Y/n fights now?" Loki asked, grinning at you.
You shrugged, "Not much, but I could definitely kick your ass."
"Could you now? I suppose we'll have to put that to the test, won't we Miss Stark?" Loki said with a wink.
Natasha laughed, "Y/n is a bit too soft right now. Once she gets over her fear of actually hurting someone I think she'll be an excellent fighter."
"The knife she threw at me this morning must have been an expression of that fear."
"Y/n Stark!" Pepper said from the other end of the table, "You did not put that hole in my wall."
"He was annoying me!" You said defensively.
"He annoys everyone, you don't see Tony throwing silverware at his head."
"No he just blasts him to hell with his suits," you deadpanned.
Pepper looked at Tony. "You see where she gets it? I told you seventeen was too young for training. I told you that the violence would rub off on-"
"Can we not argue at the table, please?" You said, looking back and forth between your father and Pepper.
She rolled her eyes, "Fine. But you're going to fix that wall young lady."
"Fine," you sighed with a roll of your eyes. You caught Loki grinning at you from across the table and went back to picking at your food.
"Here I was thinking we were going to have a civilized dinner," Loki chuckled.
Cap scoffed, "Civilized?"
"Cap," your father said with a warning tone.
"What?" Steve said defensively, "I'm just wondering where a murderer gets off saying anything about being civilized."
"That's rich coming from you," Loki retorted. "Do I need to remind you of all the innocents you killed in Sokovia? So many lives sacrificed in the name of doing the right thing."
"Brother!" Thor snapped.
"I'm just trying to level the playing field," Loki grinned. "If I'm going to be put on trial, perhaps everyone else should get off their high horse as well?"
"We have never been on the same level, Loki." Steve snapped, "You tried to conquer this planet. You lied, manipulated, stole, killed innocent humans. All because you wanted a power trip. That wasn't Sokovia, we thought we were doing the right thing, all you wanted to do was the wrong thing. All you wanted to do was kill."
"You speak as though I don't have the ability to change," Loki leaned his elbows on the table. "Isn't that what being on this planet is all about? Second chances?"
"Not for murderers," Steve spat.
You didn't know Loki well... but to the extent that you did know him, you knew that when he was embarrassed he also got angry and violent. But not this time. Loki was the picture of serenity and calm as he stood from his spot at the table. "I see how it is," he muttered, "I suppose I should have just stayed... gone."
With that... he left.
It was 3 AM by the time you left your room again. For no other reason than to break into Thor's cookie stash. He was convinced it was your father that had been stealing from him... wrong Stark.
You prayed that nobody would find you digging in the pantry for two reasons. One: Thor would kill you for stealing his snacks; two, you were in your underwear and a tank top. Anyone other than Pepper seeing you in this state would be humiliating.
But, of course, you can never get what you want. Behind you, you heard soft footsteps padding their way into the kitchen.
"I didn't realize you'd be awake," the masculine voice said from behind you. You turned and saw Loki, shirtless in low-hanging black sweatpants. You did your best to force your eyes away from the dark trail of hair below his belly button and into his pants.
As your eyes met his, you could see the light blush on his cheeks. Fuck, he'd caught you staring. He cleared his throat, "I just thought I'd make some tea. For some reason, I don't sleep well in Midgard."
"Perhaps it's all the memories," You muttered as he stood next to you at the counter.
"For christ's sake, Y/n," he slammed his mug down onto the counter, "I am not that person anymore, you know that."
"Do I?" You turned to face him, "You killed innocent people, Loki. You killed children-"
"I know what I did," he sighed, putting his head in his hands, "I'm trying to fix it. I want to be better than I was."
"Loki we can't just trust you," the tea was long forgotten at this point, the water had probably gone cold, "not after what you did."
Loki huffed and yanked the butcher knife out of the block, placing it in your hand. He wrapped his hand around yours and put the knife to his chest, only a little pressure would need to be applied in order for it to tear his skin.
"Loki, what are you-"
He shushed you, "I am literally putting my life in your hands. I want you to see that I am done hurting people, and if you killing me is how to prove it, then so be it."
You tried to pull away but he pulled you back in with enough force to make your knees buckle. You weren't looking at the knife against his pale, muscular chest. But his blue eyes that were begging you to acknowledge his sincerity.
Your grip on the kitchen knife loosened. It clattered to the floor as you wrapped your arms around him, pressing your face into his warm chest. "I don't want to hurt you," you whispered.
You felt him sigh in relief, "I don't want to hurt anyone either. If anyone here is willing to trust me, I want it to be you."
"Why me?"
He pulled away and cupped your face in his hands, "Because you are the first truly good person I've met on this planet. You give me hope, Y/n." He pressed a kiss to your forehead.
"You don't have to be that person ever again, Loki," you kissed his Adam's apple gently, "I promise I will help you through this."
You felt him lean down slightly, wrapping his arms around your waist to pull you up to meet him. You immediately felt your breath hasten. You had been fantasizing about this moment since you were in high school... and now it was about to happen. Loki, God of Mischief, was about to kiss you at 3 AM in the kitchen of the Avengers compound.
Before you could take another breath, his lips were against yours. His lips were soft like you'd always imagined they'd be, and his mouth was hot like the rest of him. He groaned into the kiss when your tongue brushed against his. You raked your fingers through his hair.
He parted his lips from yours in order to lift you onto the counter, standing in between your legs, his hands trailing up your sides.
"Wait, wait," you gasped as you pulled your lips from his, "How do I know you're not about to use me?"
Loki smiled and tucked some stray hair behind your ear, "I'll never lie to you, my darling. I'll be good for you... starting now."
You pressed your forehead against his and kissed the tip of his nose, "Starting now."
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Wilfords Demands: It’s Time
Summary- 6k Curtis Everett x You. You are in the third trimester of your pregnancy and things have been to good, for to long. It’s time for Curtis to finalize his claim on you in the tournament. Dividers made by @firefly-graphics​
Warnings- Violence, Blood, Smut, Pregnancy. This is an 18+ Blog. 
A/N- I can’t claim to know anything about pregnancy except what research has informed me. So descriptions will be vague and probably not accurate. 
Chapter 5 / Wilfords Demands Masterlist
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Third Trimester
You seemed antsy. Pacing around the small room, picking up something, straightening it and putting it in a new place. Curtis watched you from the table where he was peeling an apple, slightly amused with how carefully you handled everything. Your hand now comes to rest on your protruding belly while you would study what you were rearranging. This time it was the closet in the room, having the doors flung open and you would take out one of Curtis shirts, straighten it on the hanger. A time or two he would catch you pressing your nose to the collar and inhale, almost trying to be sneaky about it. 
He didn't say anything, just remained quiet while he slid his knife carefully through the skin and let the peel fall away. Finally you gave a sigh and shut the door. “Color coded and looking organized.” You announced and Curtis lifted his gaze to give a smile. 
“Thank you Y/N, why don't you come over here and join me?” He started to quarter the apple and when you approached him, he circled an arm around you and eased you to perch on his thigh before going to slice the fruit. Your fingers still played together, and he shoved an apple slice in your hold so you could nibble on it. “You seem restless today.” He mentioned while leaning back in his chair, bringing his own slice to his mouth and chewing slowly. 
“Mhh, I am. We're getting closer now and I'm a bit worried.” You admitted while your other hand remained on the curve of your stomach. Now Curtis was dipping in unfamiliar territory, never having gotten this far with anyone. He was silent for a moment, thinking about how to ease your worries. 
“How about you tell me about these worries?” He encouraged, cutting another slice which you took and nibbled the end. He waited patiently, pressing his mouth to your shoulder in a closed mouthed kiss while waiting. 
“What if something happens Curtis? Or I can't do it? I remember seeing women give birth in the tail end and the screams. It sounds so painful, and I might not be strong enough to do it.” 
Curtis set aside the apple and knife, pressing against your knee so you would turn in his lap sideways to face him. “If something happens Y/N, we will work through it together, I'm not letting you just do this alone. I know you are doing all the work of course… but you are going to have support. Second, you will have a proper doctor, who has delivered many babies here. He is going to tell you exactly what to do and how to do it so that our son will be born safely.” 
You opened your mouth to say something further but Curtis interrupted you. “Would you feel better if you could talk to the doctor? Ask him what to expect?” 
Curtis saw you consider it, the way your face smoothed and tilted down to look at your belly. He knew the doctor on the train wasn't someone you particularly felt comfortable with, especially the way he had treated you before you became pregnant. “I can ask Wilford to let me join you Sweetheart, so you won't be alone with him.” 
Somehow Curtis always just knew now what was on your mind. Yes, you were worried and had wanted to talk to someone who would be involved with the birth. Unfortunately you disliked the doctor so much that you wanted to say no. But your nerves were on edge, your thoughts a whirlwind of what ifs’. You remember, the horror of giving birth in the tail end. It would help a lot, but you didn't want to go visit that doctor unless you were forced to. “You would do that?” You finally asked, running your fingers up Curtis' chest and he nodded with a smile as you stopped at his shoulder, curling your finger around the back of his neck. 
“Of course Y/N, I’m due to visit Wilford soon and will set up an appointment for us to go together.” He assured you, pulling you closer to him when a look of relief crossed your face.
The day it was finally confirmed you two were having a boy for sure, Curtis had never been happier. He had been right that day when you had asked him why he thought you were having a boy. The day the doctor confirmed it, and when you returned from the appointment, you hung the picture on the wall. A boy. A son. You had felt the same back then about it being a boy but now had confirmation. When Curtis stepped into the room behind you, he approached you from behind to wrap his arms around while he studied the picture over your shoulder. 
“How the hell can you tell?” He questioned and you tilted your head studying the picture too. 
“You can see it right there!” you pointed and Curtis broke in a grin, laughing. 
“If you say so. He's beautiful. I can't wait to meet him.” He patted your behind affectionately before pulling his shirt off and heading for the shower. “Care to join me Y/N?” 
You looked over your shoulder to see the way his back flexed and shoulders bunched with his movements before he disappeared from sight to hear the water start. You rolled off the bed and followed him in, quick to undress and slide into the shower behind him. Your hunger for sex had not stopped when the third trimester arrived, and Curtis was sure to offer it so you didn’t have to ask.  
Now as large as your belly was, normal sex wasn't as easy. But you were quick to find out Curtis was perfectly capable of maneuvering into new positions. Your cravings haven't lessened any and you were no longer shy about it. It worked for both of you. 
This time he had you palms braced against the shower wall while bent over, taking you from behind with hard hitting strokes and ruts, taking you apart. One hand braced against your bump to brace you and his other cupping a breast, gentle as it was swollen and tender. Kisses and nips on your shoulder and neck, panting himself against your ear. “Such a good dirty girl for me. Pussy just clenching around me so hard I could just cum right now.” 
Fuck if you didn’t enjoy every second of being split apart by him. 
Late at night in the darkness you two would talk about the future for your son. Things that were harder to say in the light when truth always was so glaringly blunt. In the dark though, it was easy to pretend.
“You know, we should think of names Y/N.” He said one night after the two of you were laying in bed. You were laying on your side, while he rubbed a hand against your lower back and over your hips to help relax you. 
“Hmm, what were you thinking Curtis?” You groaned as you struggled to turn, now your belly was large and uncomfortable. Curtis shifted in closer, letting your stomach brace against him for support. His hands were now constantly touching you, tracing you, embracing you in some way to support you. 
“What was your grandfather's name? The one you lived with.” He questioned, twisting patterns along your side. 
“That feels really good.” You mimicked the moves against his bare chest. “His name was Jace.” 
“I like Jace…” Curtis said simply and you thought back on some of your previous conversations. 
“What about your brother's name, Tyler? Jace Tyler Everett…” You glanced up to see his jaw clench a bit thinking about it. 
“Jace Tyler. Tyler would have loved it.” Curtis admitted and glanced down at you. “Do you like Jace Tyler because I'm sold with it.” 
Nodding you tilted up to place a sweet kiss on his cheek and then turned to look up at the sonogram hanging on the wall. “We got your name all picked out caboose.” You said and you felt Curtis tug the blankets up higher around the two of you and silence fell over you both, laughing softly at the nickname you used. 
Curtis fell asleep before you did. Feeling him snore softly, you rolled again to try to get comfortable. Since you were getting closer to the end of your pregnancy, sleep was getting harder now. You let your thoughts drift to Curtis. A smile formed thinking about how excited Curtis actually was for being a father, and deep down you knew he would be a good father as long as Wilford allowed him to be. The fact that Wilford was only allowing you to stay with him for a few years was a darkness in the back of your mind. 
But daydreams happened for a reason and you let those thoughts take over. A good life, for all three of you. Suddenly Curtis shifted behind you, wrapping his arm around your hip. “Go to sleep Y/N, I can hear you thinking from all the way over here.” He muttered and you hid your face into the pillow to stifle your laugh. 
“Good night Curtis.” 
“G’night Darling.”
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Days later, Curtis was changing into his gym clothes, and you were doing some special stretches to help relieve some of the tension in your lower back while attempting to put on socks. “I can't reach my feet.” You sighed while reaching with your sock, whining. Curtis happened to see you trying and moved to squat in front of you, crooking his fingers for you to lift your foot into his palm. Leaning back and moving your foot up, he gently grasped your ankle and started to work your sock on. 
“It won't be much longer, the doctor said a matter of weeks now.” He hid a smile while you huffed with impatience. 
“Weeks, days… I think Jace should be making his way down now.” You grumbled and Curtis gripped your chin gently as he moved to a stand, kissing your forehead. 
“Soon, how about this afternoon we go to the aviary? Or the tank and walk around?” he asked and you nodded with a smile, letting him effectively distract you. 
“Sounds perfect Curtis, have a good workout.” You grab the book off the nightstand to settle in while he is gone. 
Quiet descended on the room and you settled in the chair, lifting your feet with a lot of effort to embrace on the edge of the bed, crossing your ankles. You wiggled your toes, now nice and warm in their socks. Setting the book aside, you started rubbing your belly, talking to your son. 
“You know we're really excited to meet you. I wish we could have shown you the outside world, maybe one day we will be able to.” 
Your thoughts shifted back to Jace’s father. He seemed to be taking up more of your private thoughts now. They were all good thoughts, leaving you warm, curling happily in them. The time you and Curtis have spent together, you would consider the two of you friends now. Well perhaps more than friends, you knew Curtis on a more intimate level then anyone else in your life and although the two of you were forced together, you were thankful to have him. 
You knew he liked it when you rubbed your fingers through this hair, or hummed in a sing-song way when he was laying his head on your chest, or that he was a competitive chess player, sometimes your evening games lasted for hours. That the best time of day was early in the morning when he was half asleep and groaning in protest to how you were moving till he would wrap an arm around you and rub the small of your back till you could relax. How excited he would get talking to your belly, insisting his son could hear him. You knew he was an artist, seeing him gaze out the window and sketch the buildings the train were passing, or sketch you sitting on the bed, a bird in your hands in the aviary. All these little things you really hoped would be passed down to Jace.
Maybe it was time to admit you had feelings for your son’s father.  
Lifting your gaze to the outside frozen world, you sighed a bit at how frozen it all was still. You had no idea where in the world you were, at this point it all just looked the same. Frozen ice covering landscape and buildings. Endless white as far as the eye could see. Softly you started to sing to your son. 
You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, 
You make me happy when skies are grey…
Unknown to you Claude and two escorts entered the car Curtis’s room was. She paused to place one man at the door. “No one comes in or out while we escort the prize out.” Quick to turn on her heels, they clicked on the floor as she started to count doors before pausing in front of Curtis’s and Claire started to type in the key codes to open the door. “You are all sure Curtis is gone, correct?” she asked before hitting that last key and there was a nod of affirmation from the escort with her.
“She is all alone in there, we saw Curtis leave from the security room.”  
You’ll never know dear, how much I love you, 
Please don't take my sunshine away… 
The door swooped open and Claude smiled coldly while stepping in. 
“It’s time Y/N, come with us.”
Your heart sank when you heard her voice, knowing what it meant. “Curtis doesn't know you are taking me, does he?” You said sadly and she shrugged. 
“Why would we tell him anything? When Wilford says its time, its time. Come on.” 
You could feel your heart slam in your rib cage like a bird in a snare. You could only hope Curtis could get you back. 
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Curtis entered the gym in good spirits. For once, life was okay. Dare he say happy? You and him were in a good place, you no longer feared him or even shied away from him. He was feeling strong, Edgar was going to practice with him today. He had what he guessed would be considered a date afterwards, the afternoons exploring cars had quickly turned into one of his favorite things to do with you. 
He saw them in a whole new way then he had been for years, because they were all so new to you. The look of happiness was addictive as you would tilt your head back to look at the wonders of the world left just created its own magic for him. He saw it all new again, just like when he was first brought to the front almost twenty years ago now. 
Smiling to himself while thinking, he wasn't prepared for the sight before him. A crowd had built around the ring, cheers and jeers rising up. At first Curtis bypassed it to go start taping up his wrists and hands to protect them from the punching bag till he heard someone say. “Grey, you're going to kill Edgar, you gotta stop.” 
Thump thump thump, Curtis knew that sound well. Flesh on flesh. He started pushing through to the ring, breaking through to see Grey straddled on Edgar, his fists smashing into his face and Curtis was quick to pull himself into the ring and grasp Grey shoulder to yank him off the kid. 
“Get the fuck off him!” He yelled while pulling his opponent off, Edgar rolling to his side, his head ducked in his arms. Others reached under the ropes and grabbed at the young man, dragging him out. Grey spun around and hit Curtis right in the chest, knocking him off and making the air burst out of his lungs. 
“Get the fuck off me Everett.” He snarled, blood specked across his face and mixing with sweat dripping down the sides of his face. He lifted his forearm and swiped it across his mouth. Those supporting Grey came into the ring to congratulate him. Grey licked some blood off his lips. “Too bad you didn't toughen that boy up Curtis, all these years and he went down in a matter of minutes. He tried though, giving these weak ass punches.” 
“He’s just a fucking kid.” Curtis snarled, making a move to grab at Grey but he was quickly shoved back against the ropes. 
“Same age as when we went into the ring.” Grey shrugged as he ducked under the ropes and hoped down, grabbing a towel to rub the blood and sweat off his chest. “I gave him a taste of the real thing.” Heading away, Curtis dragged in several deep breaths to clear his mind before ducking out the other side and going to where they propped Edgar against a wall, trying to bring him to. From the purple coloring Curtis could see, as well as swelling, he had to have some busted bones in his face. He could only guess what else Grey might have done to him. Patting him gently on his face, Edgar’s dazed eyes tried focusing on him. 
“Hey kid… You know where you're at?” 
Edgar grunted and his head fell forward. “Alright, he's gotta go to see the doc.” Curtis started to heft him up when the group was busted up with crackles of cattle prods and voices yelling above the crowd.
“Break it up! Curtis Everett, come with us.” One of the men eyed Curtis warily. “Drop the kid.” 
“He needs to be checked out, he just had the shit beaten out of him.” Curtis challenged back. “And go with you where? I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be.” 
The cattle prod at his side crackled ominously. “I'm not gonna tell you twice.” He snarled at Curtis and Curtis stared him down in challenge before one of the others reached to take Edgar, one of his friends. 
“We got him Curtis… you better go.” The young man let Edgar’s weight settle on him while Curtis untangled himself. Once he stepped away, he was surrounded and led away, other groups with other tournament fighters started following along, including Grey who was still half covered in Edgar’s blood. Ushered into another car, they were lined up along the side. Being held there until the door creaked open and Wilford came in closely followed by Claude. 
“I'm so glad to see you all ready for the upcoming tournament. Decided today would be the day, so right now as we speak, the gym is being transformed to accommodate the crowd.” Curtis could feel himself tensing, looking up and down the group of men collected, each one shuffling on the balls of their feet, checking each other out. No longer were they companions, now they were opponents. Grey bared his teeth in a grin at Curtis, teeth flashing pink from his recent fight. Wilford’s next words snapped Curtis’s attention back to him though. 
“Of course all of you have asked for your prize. Quite a few of you seem to have your eyes on Curtis’s girl. She is a looker even as big as she is now, right?” He laughed gleefully and Curtis’s stomach churned at the way he was describing you, feeling it pool anger in his gut. Wilford didn't even seem to notice, still walking up and down the line of men. “We already collected her and she's waiting to see who she is going home with at the end of this.” 
Curtis stepped out of line, bristling. “You couldn't let her just stay in our rooms till afterwards? All her stuff is there and it's where Y/N is comfortable.” 
Wilford paused and immediately threw up a hand to retreat his men from going to shove Curtis back in line. 
“She goes where and when I say she goes Curtis. That isn't her home, your rooms. They aren't even your rooms, all of it belongs to me. You did your job with her and got her pregnant. You know the deal, you want them back in YOUR space, you gotta win. She was never actually yours to keep. Remember that.” 
Dropping his hand, Curtis was roughly shoved back in line. “So your personal assistants will be here soon to help you prepare, you all know the rules. There are no rules. Good luck.” 
Wilford went to leave and just before he turned, finger pressed to his lips, he turned. “Ah, Curtis. I heard yours was put out of commission in practice today. Don't worry, I have a replacement for him being brought to you. “ 
Curtis just curtly nodded, ready to get this started so he could get you back.
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Within the last hour you were redressed from the over sized tee of Curtis’s that you had been wearing and shorts into a dress, sat in front of a mirror and overwhelmed with front end women doing your makeup and hair. 
“Dear what an honor, being the champion's girlfriend. And such a pretty thing once you give birth. You will be going to so many parties Wilford throws in the champions honor.” One woman doted on you, running rouge across your cheeks and tilting your face up while one behind you was brushing out your hair and pulling it back with bobby pins, her chatter making you grit your teeth and you pushed away from them, tears streaming down your face. 
“Champions girlfriend? I'm no one's girlfriend. I was forced on Curtis by Wilford. We didn't have a choice.” You could feel the mascara running down your face. One of the girls tutted while grabbing tissues, whipping you back in your seat and dabbing your face. 
“Stop this foolishness, okay? Wilford wants you to look pretty for the winner.” She watched you through the mirror, and leaned down towards your ear. “Listen to me carefully Girl. It can always be worse. You could be one of Wilford’s girls.” Her eyes darkened as she straightened, going back to fixing your face. “It's an honor on the train to be the Champions Girlfriend. You do the circuit, visit the important people, and make the champion happy in bed. Don't you dare down this gift.” 
The other solemnly nodded, putting the finishing touches on you before she clapped her hands gleefully. “Aww, prettiest tail ender we've ever got to clean up. They will fight twice as hard for you now.” 
You just stared back at yourself in the mirror, scared for Curtis and Jace now, and feeling just as helpless as the day Claude dragged you to the front. The face staring back at you simply wasn't your own, you hated it, looking at it because it was a prize to kill over.  
“She's ready.” One girl looked over her shoulder and Claude stepped out from the shadows, her red lips curled up coldly. 
“And perfect… have her brought to Wilford’s box.” 
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The kid that came to help Curtis was just that. Literally a boy, couldn't have been more seven or eight years old. Shaking before Curtis as he sat on a bench holding his hands out. His hair was made in shocking red curls and big innocent eyes looked up at him once in a while. Curtis gave a gentle smile to ease the boy, doing his best to hold his hands steady as the kid sloppily weaved the wrappings. “Hey, my name is Curtis. You don't have to be scared of me.” He tilted his head a bit to catch the boy's eyes and he finally lifted his gaze. 
“Mines Andrew, is this good? I've never done this before.” He tried tightening the wraps and Curtis rolled his hands, making a couple of fists. The wrappings started coming undone and Andrew's face fell a bit. 
“For your first time, it's not bad. How about you untie this one?” He pointed to one of the ties and had him unwrap it. Once more Andrew wrapped the hand once more this time with Curtis’s help. When he flexed his hands, it didn't loosen and Curtis winked at his young charge. “Good job, just as good as Edgar does. So you just make sure you come out with me, keep a towel on hand and that bottle of water, okay? I will let you know when I need them. Be sure you stay out of the way in case anything happens, I don't want you getting hurt.” 
The boy nodded in understanding, and from outside of the door they could hear more people gathering and cheering, Andrew stuck close to Curtis as they left, going through the crowds towards the ring, Wilford standing in a box above the arena with a board behind him with all their names. 
“Everyone here ready for the tournament!?” He announced and cheers went up all through the car. Curtis pointed towards the corner of the arena which Andrew went to to stay out of the way. Curtis scanned the board, seeing that he was one of the last ones, right along with Grey and a few others. Wilford’s prized fighters, the end of the show and where the most profit was to be made. 
Curtis settled in nearby, able to keep an eye on Andrew who stayed right where he had told him to stay, well out of the way of the partying front enders while they watched the matches. They were bloody, the younger fighters going up against each other with one thing in mind, making it to the next round. Every hit and kick was aimed to destroy, Curtis had seen this played out before. When one fell to the mat, it was over. The sickening sound of flesh on flesh, just like he had heard earlier with Grey and Edgar, never stopped. Not until the victor was dragged away, Wilford lording above everyone as he moved to a stand. 
Still gleeful in the mayhem below him. “Alright, alright… we know the rules.” The victor would be released to circle his victim like a predator with his prey. “He gets to choose if he kills the loser or not. What do you say? Spare him and points are deducted from your winnings.” 
Curtis could already see what was going to happen, he didn't need to watch. Lowering his eyes from the sight before him, the cheering just got louder. 
“Kill, kill, kill!” the crazed crowd screamed louder and rocks of kronole started to be tossed into the crowd to amp them up further from above. Sure enough the chants turned to cheers. And the sound of the loser pleading for mercy was quickly cut in a spray of blood and the body was dragged out of the arena. Dragged past Andrew, who’s eyes went wide at the sight of the dead body and past Curtis, who was no longer surprised seeing it. 
This continued for a few hours, some survived and others didn't. The crowd swayed much of the decisions with their continuous chanting and bet placing. The arena soon covered in bits of kronole thrown from above and slick with blood from the losers. Curtis just focused on one thing, what he was going to have to do to get you back. 
This time it was only about getting you back. All feelings about the situation shut off in him, not allowing himself to sink into regret and loss for all the others dragged out. 
“Now, I think we are ready for the main event.” Wilford rose from his seat and leaned over the balcony, looking down at the crown. “First up is Curtis and Chaz.” 
Hearing his name, Curtis rose and shrugged out of his shirt and yanked off his shoes so that he was barefoot. The less clothes gave him more maneuverability. 
His opponent entered the arena on the opposite, ignoring Curtis completely for now while he focused on preparing. Curtis assessed his opponent. He had never had an issue with the man, but Curtis wasn't about to show him any mercy. Flexing his hands and stretching slightly, bouncing on the balls of his feet. He glanced up towards the balcony where Wilford settled back down, beckoning Claude forward. Curtis noticed him whisper in her ear and the woman was quick to twist away and leave the area altogether. “Begin!” Wilford announced. 
Chaz was the first to approach Curtis, both men circling for a moment, waiting for the other one to strike first. Tension built, the crowd circling the arena getting louder. But for Curtis it all just faded to nothing. Just the sound of his breathing sounded in his ears.
Seconds ticked, feeling like time slowed. When they both started for each other, fists connecting at each other, the pounds felt shallow, propelling Curtis enough to spin and his foot raising to connect against Chaz’s side and knock him to the side. 
Curtis didn't give him a chance to recover, hitting him again with the slam of his foot against his ribs till he was knocked off balance when Chaz caught Curtis shin making him stumble back, half slipping in the blood covering the mat. 
Several connections of Chaz’s fist aimed for Curtis face, one happening to catch him on his cheek bone, but he was quick to drop his head, raising his arms to the front of his face to block the next several strikes. 
Blinking the blood from his face, Curtis took the next strike of fists in order to hit back, aiming directly for his ribs where he had hit him several times with his kicks. Curtis heard the gasp of pain and the crack of ribs under his fist from Chaz, which caused him to drop his defense and Curtis took his chance, stunning him with several punches to the face. One against his eye, temporarily blinding him, one on his nose effectively breaking it with a spurt of blood spraying beneath his fist and one to the side of his head, making Chaz wobble in a daze, then the final one breaking against his mouth, bubbling blood from his lips as they split and the man collapsed to the arenas floor heavily, all his weight a sickening boom against the mat. 
To make sure Chaz would stay down, his foot connected with the side of Chaz's head, snapping his head back and his eyes rolled back with a grunt, his body lost in unconsciousness. A roar sound and the crowd surged forward with screams, cheers and boos. Curtis loosened his arms, letting them fall to his side and draw in gasps of air in an attempt to catch his breath.
Andrew scrambled up the side of the arena to hold up a water bottle and towel, Curtis made his way to the corner to squirt himself in the face to clear up the blood on his face. The towel drying his face and making him wince, Chaz had got a good one in on his face a couple times, effectively cutting his cheek open, there would be some bruising to his side to, but nothing he wasn’t used to by now. 
“Alright Curtis, your call… does Chaz survive and we remove some from your winnings, or do you finish him off?” 
“Kill, kill, kill…” The chanting happened all around and Curtis shook his head in refusal, making the chanting turn to disgusted boo’s. 
“Alright folks, settle the fuck down.” Wilford waved his hands to simmer the group. “It's his choice, which I'm glad. Chaz is one of our better fighters. Alright Grey, how about you come on up now.” 
No time for rest, Curtis was well aware they were tiring him out on purpose for this final fight.
Grey was making his way into the ring, rolling his shoulders, specks of dried blood still scattered across his tattooed chest. Curtis took another squirt of water in his mouth, swishing it around before spitting it out. Wilford seemed almost gleeful above them. It never even had to be announced, both men were out for blood with each other.
Wilford settled back in his seat, waiting, letting the crowd build up in volume till they were jostling each other. Both men in the ring were hyper fixed on one another, there bodies braced and coiled for the attack. 
The clash was slamming, two powerhouses tackling each other as soon as Wilford started the fight. Curtis had sheer size, trying to use that behind his punches to get Grey cornered. But the man kept ducking and quick movements to circle around them. Leading them both around the arena. Curtis could feel himself wearing out from his previous fight, the air burning his lungs, his previous wounds persistent aches he was ignoring. Grey was fresh though, the glint of knowledge malicious in his features. 
Curtis felt his punches turning heavy, his muscles starting to waver even though he tackled twice as hard. His body took the beating as long as he could continue giving it. When he felt the need to block, he would spring back, resorting to kicks that were too easily blocked by the ever quick moving Grey. 
The two men split a few times, each retreating to their corner for a few seconds when Wilford called above them to break loose. Andrew once again appeared in Curtis’s corner, offering him water which Curtis leaned against the ropes, sipping a few times and using the rest to wash the sweat he could feel blinding him while dripping from his brow. “You had him a few times Curtis.” the boy tried to encourage him and Curtis nodded, drying himself with the towel as best as he could. 
“It's almost over.” Curtis grunted, catching his second wind. It started all over again, but this time Curtis was ferocious, catching each of Grey's hits before they could properly connect. This time Grey spent his time mostly defending himself while sweat and blood just poured from both of them both from various hits and scuffles. Once Curtis got his hands on Grey, the smaller man had a hard time escaping him, Curtis backing him into the corner and brute force was pounding into Grey. 
Curtis had him, it was almost over. 
Then your cry sounded above the voracious crowd, faltering Curtis to look up where Claude had shoved you at Wilford’s feet, your cry of alarm was where you were panicked for possibly falling on your stomach, hands curled around the bump as you fell to your hip instead. The sound of fear made Curtis turn away from Grey, and it was his downfall. 
Grey retaliated at the chance given, attacking Curtis back and hitting him in his head, able to stun him enough to drop him. Once Curtis was down, Grey beat him viciously, Wilford laughing above them while you scrambled to the edge screaming at Curtis.
“Get up! CURTIS GET UP!��� 
Grey never gave him a chance, curling into a fetal position when Grey smashed his head into one of the metal pipes holding up the ropes around the arena. You sink down to your knees in the box, feeling yourself gasp at seeing Curtis curled in the corner, Grey dancing around the ring, roaring in victory. Wilford moved over beside you, patting your hair back and smiling. “Looks like Curtis didn't want you bad enough. Claude, take her away now.” You were wrenched back to a stand and dragged out, the last thing you saw was Curtis rolling to his stomach to try and pull himself up when Grey kicked at his back, making him collapse again. 
He hurt all over, even breathing was sharp vicious pain in his lungs, coughing to taste blood coming up. His vision was unable to focus and lights were piercing his vision, that too hazed in red. Wilford made his way down from his upper box, and entered the ring with a tsk as he looked over Curtis, squatting next to him. “You were my best to Curtis.” With a sigh he pushed to a stand and approached Grey who was sagged against the ropes, grinning at his victory. 
“You know what's coming boy, letting Curtis live or kill him?” 
Grey smirked as he straightened and approached Curtis to lean over him, looking him up and down. “He gets to live.” 
Wilford arched his brows in surprise and the crowd started booing that they would be denied another murder viewing that day. Curtis’s vision was quickly turning red and black, the ringing sound in his head blocking out the onlookers jeers. Grey leaned in close to him, speaking loud enough so that he could hear him though. 
“You get to live Curtis because I'm allowing it. Just think of that whenever you see me enjoy your girl, ya?” He leaned closer and Curtis could feel his ragged breathing get shallower, his ability to stay conscious wavering. “Trust me when I say I'm going to break her in real rough.” 
Blackness just swarmed over Curtis, those parting words echoing darkly. 
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wicked-mind · 3 years
Summary: Soulmates are connected on a deeper level emotionally and physically. They can feel what the other needs and wants. As hints, the universe grants tattoos on your skin to help you find your soulmate. When Bucky’s soulmate tattoo appears out of the blue, he knows that she is about to come into his life, but the way she does is not what he was expecting.
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: Small bit of violence, swearing, little bit of drinking.
All Writings Masterlist
Note: This is a potential series so if you would like more, let me know! 10 points to anybody who knows what Sister Margaret’s School for Wayward Children is from as well as Weasel (;
As always, likes, comments, and reblogs are always appreciated❤️
*gifs not mine
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Chapter One - Tattoos
Sister Margaret’s School for Wayward Children, the place where the bad and ugly went to escape. It had been turned into a bar years ago after the actual school got shut down for child abuse, and this was the main spot mercenaries-for-hire went to get jobs.
At the end of the bar quietly sat Y/N, drinking a bottle of beer. She wore black leggings with a grey guns-n-roses shirt with cut off sleeves, showing off her left tattooed arm. The tattoo had appeared one day out of the blue, stretching from her shoulder down to her fingertips. It covered every inch of skin on her arm and hand, even the palm. It was mostly black and white swirls that looked like smoke with pictures of dog tags, a freight car and some Russian words as well as the numbers seventeen, nine, and one. On her shoulder laid the only color the tattoo had, a maroon star. This was the tattoo that symbolized Y/N’s soulmate, though that didn’t matter to her. She had other things to focus on than finding someone to spend her life with.
Y/N had been hired by an unknown source to steal information from the Avengers, something to do with a James Buchanan Barnes, whoever the hell that is. They were paying her a lot of money to get the information and Y/N couldn’t pass up the amount they offered. Things had been slow for her lately, the world must’ve been running out of scumbags to take care of.
“You want another?”
The bartender known as Weasel broke Y/N’s concentration with the question, making her eyes snap to his face, “Sure. I’m going to need to be a little tipsy to fit in at Stark’s gala. I don’t think walking in there looking like a raging bitch is going to work.” She muttered out to him, sliding her empty beer bottle towards him and caught the filled one that was slid back to her.
“You got invited to the Stark gala?” Weasel asked curiously with wide eyes.
“God no, do I look like a prissy pants woman who’d be invited to something like that?” Y/N replied then took a large gulp of the beer, “I’m sneaking in, got a job to steal some information.”
Weasel shook his head, “Wait. So, you’re going to just walk into the billionaire’s gala full of super persons and just expect to steal information from them?”
Y/N shrugged at him, “Well, yeah. What? You think it’ll be hard?” She asks with a tilt of her head.
Weasel blinked at her, trying to decide if she was being serious, “Nah, should be a cake walk.” He said sarcastically, “All you have to do is get past the billionaire robot man,”
“I think he calls himself Iron Man.” Y/N corrected with a scrunch of her nose
“Iron Man, two super soldiers, some bird dude, two assassins, and whoever else decides to show up. Shouldn’t be hard at all.” Weasel said with a roll of his eyes before walking away, “I’m putting your name on the dead pool!” He called behind his shoulder as he walked.
Y/N rolled her eyes at him, “You must be a groupie to know the whole squad!” She yelled towards him before finishing chugging the rest of the beer. She checks her phone, almost time for the gala. She would have to change into something nice and find someone man’s arm to hang onto so she could sneak in.
The soulmate tattoo had appeared on Bucky’s right forearm a days ago. He thought he didn’t have a soulmate since one had never shown up, but then he woke up to a burning on his right arm as the tattoo slowly appeared. It was the queen of hearts playing card with a knife stuck through it surrounded by Marigolds. He stared at his forearm for a moment, wondering why it had shown up now instead of sooner. Something must’ve changed in his and his soulmate’s path that would bring them together. Buck reluctantly pulled on his long sleeved black jacket, having to look nice for Tony’s party. He hated these events, but had just cleaned things up with Stark and wanted to keep on the right path with making his amends and becoming a better person. He walks out of his room with a slight scowl on his face, walking to the elevator and heading down to the main floor where the party was. He quickly found a spot at the end of the bar where he could hide for the rest of the night to drink whiskey and not be bothered.
Y/N had changed into a long, tight black dress and some black heels. The dress had her arms covered so only her hands showed, the left one heavily tattooed. The back of her hand had the number seventeen tattooed on it while the inside of of her palm was just tattooed with what looked like smoke dancing up to her fingertips. She was hanging onto the arm of some man she had just learned the name of, flirting her way to get inside the gala with him. She quickly lost him in the crowed, losing her smile when she departed from him. Y/N scanned the room before spying what she would figure would be an easy target at the bar to take her upstairs. She pulled out lipstick from the small hand held purse she was holding, putting some on her lips careful not to ingest it. It had a paralyzing agent in it that would help her get to the information she needed. She approached the handsome man and introduced herself under a fake name, “I’m Michelle.” She said with a smile to him. Y/N learned his name was Sam and after a little bit of flirting, she was walking to the elevator with him giggling and holding his hand.
Bucky had watched the mystery girl named Michelle approach. He narrowed his eyes at her, something about her was different. Something drew him to her and he couldn’t figure out what. He couldn’t help but feel a slight disappointment and jealousy watching Sam take the woman to the elevator. His stomach turned slightly thinking of Sam touching such a woman and he couldn’t figure out why. He usually didn’t care about who his friends bedded but something was pulling him towards her.
Y/N waiting until the elevator doors shut, turning to Sam and pushing him up against the wall. She slowly pulled on his tie to make him lean towards her and kissed him, smiling slightly as she felt his body slump against her in a paralyzed state before falling to the ground, “Sorry, sweetness. You seemed like a good time.” She told the now paralyzed man on the floor. She quickly slid the dress off, revealing black shorts and a matching black tank top. She had a gun strapped to one thigh and throwing knives on the other. Her heels followed, being kicked to the corner of the elevator. Barefoot was going to have to work, she despised heels. Y/N pulled a queen of hearts playing card out of her bra and placed it on Sam’s shoulder with a smile towards his brown eyes that stared at her widely. When the elevator doors open, Y/N waltzed out of the elevator and towards the nearest lab she could find.
Bucky had enough whiskey that was never enough to get him drunk and watching the guests mingle. Plus he was still irritated that he couldn’t figure out why it bothered him so much that Sam had taken some woman he had never seen before up to his bedroom. He walked to the elevator doors, clicking the button. He froze when he saw Sam on the floor just staring at him with wide eyes and tying to form words from his paralyzed lips. Bucky went in and leaned down, the doors closing behind him, “What happened to you, bird brain?” He muttered out before noticing the red lipstick and the queen of hearts playing card, quickly thinking back to the woman. He picks up the card, freezing as it looked just like the one of his soulmate tattoo before seeing the dress the mystery woman had been wearing on the floor. Returning to his senses when Sam was able to mumble ‘floor three, buck,’ he quickly hit the floor three button, dropping the card to the floor before exiting.
Y/N stood in front of the computer, typing codes to shut down Jarvis’s security system and rerouting the AI whenever it tried to reprogram. She quickly searched through all personnel files, finding the one labeled ‘James Buchanan Barnes- Winter Soldier.’ Y/N pulled a flash drive out of her pocket and plugged it in, downloading the information. Hearing the door behind her open, she grabs a throwing knife from the strap on her right thigh, throwing it with her tattooed hand towards the tall dark haired man that had entered.
Bucky caught the knife with ease, leaning his head back away as the blade passed before he caught it. He kept his eyes on the woman in front of him, studying her. His eyes snaked up the tattooed covered left arm, his eyes widening at the pictures, numbers, and Russian words that painted across her smooth skin in bold black. They were his words, things that were significant to him. Then he saw the red star on her shoulder, staring intently.
Y/N narrowed her eyes at the man, watching him study every inch of her tattoo. She rolled her eyes slightly, grabbing the flash drive and tucking it back in her pocket. Based on the file she just went through, this was James Barnes. Her eyes quickly moved to red hair walking up from behind the man, a smile flashing across Y/N’s features, “Ah, Natalia. I heard you were part of the super squad now. How’d graduation go?” Y/N asked the redheaded woman, her eyebrow twitching upwards for a moment. Y/N knew the woman who now went by Natasha, they trained at the Red Room Academy together. However, Y/N had left before the graduation ceremony, becoming a free-agent assassin and spy for hire.
Natasha rolled her shoulders, ready for a fight, “I was having a nice time at the party, then I find Sam and your card in the elevator.” She said, stepping closer to Y/N until the space had closed to a few feet, “What are you doing here, Y/N? Who are you working for?”
Y/N shrugs slightly at the question, “Don’t know. But they pay really well.” She smiled again before throwing out a punch towards the redhead which was blocked immediately.
Bucky watched the two women throw punches and kicks at each other. Both of them had the same fighting style which made them a pretty even match when it came to fighting. Neither were making good progress in stopping the other. It wasn’t until the rest of the team came up to stand behind Bucky, watching the two fight. Jarvis had alerted them after the flash drive had been unplugged and Y/N had stopped typing in codes to reprogram the AI. Clint and Steve rush passed the frozen figure of Bucky who was just watching Y/N, his eyes locked on her tattooed sleeve. Clint grabbed onto one of Y/N’s arms before being kicked away. Steve was able to wrap his arms behind Y/N, pinning her arms down while Natasha quickly put magnetized cuffs on Y/N’s wrist, pinning her to the closest metal table. Y/N managed to kick Natasha and Steve away, but hadn’t noticed Clint get up. He stuck her in the neck with one of Natasha’s shocking spheres, causing Y/N’s body to seize before going into unconscious.
Natasha took a deep breath and looked over towards Bucky after Y/N was unconscious, “Thanks for the help, Barnes. You were super helpful.”
Steve looked at the unconscious woman, his eyes sliding along the tattoos. He looked to Bucky then back to Y/N, “Oh my god…” He trailed off, knowing immediately what this meant.
Bucky watched Steve observe Y/N’s tattoos before walking closer his eyes locked on the face of Y/N, studying everything about her. It was like colors were brighter when he looked at her and worry melted away from his core. Everything drew him to her, “She’s my soulmate.”
“Her name is Y/N Y/L/N.” Natasha began as the whole team stood outside the cell Y/N was in, watching her through the mirrored glass, “She was at The Red Room Academy with me. She was the top of her class, a year older than me. Y/N adopted the name ‘Queen of Hearts,’ a name I helped come up with. I thought it was ironic given that it didn’t seem like she had one. Y/L/N left the academy before she graduated, refusing to kill an innocent man. Last I heard she was doing mercenary work.”
Steve nodded at the information, looking towards Bucky who was just observing Y/N through the mirror, “What was she trying to steal?”
Natasha pulled out the flash drive she had obtained when Y/N was unconscious, “She was stealing information from us. Information of Barnes.” She said, her eyes flickering towards Bucky, “Whoever paid her, wanted to know everything about you, including all the information we know of how you became the Winter Soldier.”
next part>
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backtobackbakubabe · 3 years
Speak Easy Part 9
Dabi X Reader , Bakugo X Reader
Words: 3214
Reader has a siren quirk and has spent the past several years of her life as a captive being experimented on by “heroes” Now that she’s out she needs protection and safe place to heal. Who will be the one to put her pieces back together?
Words with ‘this’ is dialogue written in her journal rather than said out loud and and words with ~this~ is dialogue said in sign language rather than out loud.
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You drank all day. Then took a nap, ate some pizza, and then continued to drink some more.
“Fuck Endeavor!” Dabi threw a pillow at the TV.
“Yeah fuck that guy! Small dick Energy!” You giggled at the sideways glare Dabi gave you.
“I would appreciate it if you didn’t talk about the size of my old man’s dick.” You and Dabi were lounging on the couch, your legs in his lap, empty beer bottles littering the coffee table. You were watching some trashy special on TV about Japans top heroes, and having fun roasting them all. Dabi chuckled as he rubbed circles into your calf. “I have to say… I didn’t think you’d still be conscious at this point. I had you pegged as a light weight.”
You snorted as you sat up to look at him. “Who the fuck you calling a… *burp* light weight?” You sat up too quickly and had to squeeze your eyes shut to keep the room from spinning. His hand came up to steady you and you leaned into his warmth. “I’ll have you know… I am a drinking queen!” You giggled and started singing Dancing Queen at the top of your lungs but replaced the word dancing with drinking.
He rolled his eyes at you before shoving you off of his lap and onto the floor. You landed with a loud thud, but you just continued to giggle. “Aren’t you a Siren? Isn’t your singing supposed to be… I don’t know…good?”
Gasping you held your hand to your chest in mock horror. “How dare you insult my singing. If I wanted, I’d have you on my knees in seconds.”
He smirked at you, “Wait, what does that even mean? Did you mean you’d have me on MY knees in seconds or you’d be on YOUR knees in seconds? Because those are two very different things.”
“UGH! You know what I meant!”
You gave him a pouty look to which he just chuckled in response. “I don’t think I do doll. Why don’t you show me.”
You narrowed your eyes at him. “I refuse to fall for your perverted mind games. I’m too smart!”
Dabi got an evil glint in his eyes. “Too smart huh?” He pushed himself off the couch and held a hand out to you to help you stand up on wobbly legs. “You’ve made some bold claims tonight princess. You say you’re a drinking queen. You say your smarter than me. You said you could have me on my knees in seconds… I just don’t know if I believe you.”
You swayed a bit as you jabbed a finger into his chest. “Bring it on bacon bits. Let’s make it a competition.”
“Okay fine. But it’s only fun if we put something on the line. What are we wagering?” His hand started to travel down your side to grip your ass.
Slapping his hand away you stepped out of his reach. “Nothing sexual! Keep your hands to yourself.”
He watched as you tapped your chin in thought. Obviously you were taking this competition thing very seriously. You looked cute in your drunken state. Your hair was askew and your cheeks a rosy shade or red. Suddenly your eyes beamed, “I know! Truth or dare!”
“Uh what?” Dabi quirked an eyebrow at your antics. “Did you forget that we are adults?”
“Oh come on, don’t be such a buzz kill!” You rushed over to the kitchen and started pulling out cups and beer. “We used to do this at UA all the time! It’s so much fun, come on!”
Dabi groaned as he approached the table that you were currently setting up for beer pong. “Oh come on… I was hoping it could be sexual.” It was his turn to pout now. “We could always play a quick round of strip pong. What do ya say?”
You paused as you set up cups, “Hmm maybe later. I know as soon as my clothes start to come off you won’t want to play games anymore.” You gave him a taunting look, “At least not any innocent ones.”
He raised his hands up in defense, “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I am more than capable of keeping my hands to myself.”
You snorted as you set up the last cup. “I’ll believe that when I see it.”
He took his spot on one side of the table. “I’ll tell you what… I’ll compromise. For every cup we make we have to answer a question. If I win, we move on to strip pong. If you win or if I can’t manage to keep my hands to myself, I’ll do whatever silly little punishment you can think of.”
You shrugged your shoulders. “Sounds good to me.” You cracked you knuckles dramatically. “I hope you’re not a sore loser.” You were really confident for someone who was on the verge of passing out. But if you were being honest with yourself, you knew you were better at drinking games the drunker you were.
Dabi gave you a borderline evil smirk, “We’ll see how cocky you are when I make you play bare ass naked.” He threw a yellow ping pong pall at you, laughing as it smacked you in the face. “I’m sure there’s a some joke I could make about you liking balls in your face… bu-“
You tossed the ball and he watched as it sunk right in. One cup down, five more to go. His surprised eyes met your emotionless ones. You winked, “Drink up bitch.”
He scoffed as he yanked the ball out of the cup before downing it’s contents and flipping it upside down. “Alright… let’s get this over with…what are you gonna ask me?”
That was a good question. What were you going to ask him? You could only imagine the kind of secrets he had. Visions of all kinds of illegal acts and debaucheries crossed your mind. You were enjoying your little daydreams when he cleared his throat. “Any day princess…”
You tapped your chin, “Hmmm. Okay. Why did you leave the League?”
He groaned, “I thought you were gonna ask me something stupid like my favorite color… but no, of course you’d come out swinging.” His eyes looked a little nervous. “I technically never left, but I also was never really an official member. I’ve always done what I wanted. The only person I answer to is me.” His fists clenched, “But if you’re asking why I don’t really associate with them anymore… Well I may be a bad guy but even I have my limits.”
You knew that was probably all you were going to get when he squared his shoulder off and sunk a cup of his own. His eyes gleamed as he repeated your orders from earlier, “Drink up… bitch.” You stuck your tongue out at his before chugging your cup and loudly slamming it back onto the table. “Such attitude tonight? Makes me want to bend you over this table and-“
“Yeah yeah, bend me over the table and fuck me stupid… What’s your question?” Your cheeks flushed. From the embarrassment or the alcohol you weren’t sure.
He growled, “As soon as we finish this stupid game, I’m going to do just that you little brat.” His lips twitched into a brief smile. “So, I’ve been reading those really fun articles about you today and I noticed something… They never mention your hero name.. What is it?”
Your eyes grew cold and your arms came up to hug yourself. “I don’t have one.”
Dabi bristled at your short answer. “What do you mean you don’t have one. You graduated from UA, you worked at hero agency for a few years. Granted you were probably the only real hero in the entire building… but there’s no way you don’t have one.”
You shrugged, which earned you a glare. “Sorry, but I really don’t. When we picked names in school… Well I never really thought I’d actually graduate. Katsuki and Izuku had to talk me out of dropping out almost every other day. So, I didn’t take it seriously. After I got hired, they made it very clear the public would never know who I was. I was a spy. Spies don’t have hero names. They have code names. Mine was Helen.”
Dabi almost flinched at the amount of malice in your voice. Your happy mood disappearing fast. But his curiosity weighed heavy on him. “Why Helen?”
You tossed your ball and watched as it bounced off the table and into a cup. “That’s two questions… and that’s also two cups.” You wanted to change the subject, “My two questions are… Do you secretly like Shoto? And Why do you pretend that you don’t secretly love Shoto?”
“Ugh, Shoto’s a fucking brat.”
You strategically decided you were hot and removed the hoodie you had been wearing, leaving you in a tight tank top and a pair of his boxers. “Oh? I thought you liked brats?”
Dabi leaned on the table as he looked you up and down. “You’re playing a dangerous game there.”
“No… I’m playing beer pong. And in case you didn’t notice, I’m winning. Now answer the question.” You were having so much fun teasing him. You felt safe with an entire table in between the two of you. This was one of the first time the two of you had opened up to each other. Sure, it was because you were both drinking and only because you were playing a very juvenile game. But progress it progress.
He rolled his eyes at you as he gripped the ball in his had. “He’s my little brother… I don’t have to like him. I used to hate him actually. In my head he was the reason our dad was so awful to me. He was my replacement, the golden child.” He was quite for a little while. You could tell he didn’t really want to keep going. He was already more vulnerable then usual.
He knew if he wanted you to open up to him, he needed to offer the same courtesy. “Even now, I see the weird relationship they have and it pisses me off. My dad was awful to us, Shoto included. So, it makes me mad that he’s trying all of the sudden to make up for it, and even more mad that Shoto’s letting him.” He finished drinking his beer. “We’ve talked a lot recently and… at the end of the day he’s my baby brother. Sometimes I wonder if I had stuck around if things could have been different for him.” He finally made eye contact with you and sighed, “So to answer your question… I guess I like the kid a little bit.”
You squealed and clapped your hands. “I knew it! It’s almost impossible to not like him. He’s so adorable, and strong, and nice, and smart, and-“
“STOP! First you talk about my dad’s dick, and now you’re raving about how much you love my little brother… I’m literally right here?” His nose scrunched up in disgust. He shot his ball, it bounced off the rim of a cup and your hand was quick to swat it away. “FUCK! How did you even do that?”
“HA! No question for you. I’m too fast. My reflexes are too fast for you!” You giggled before chasing the ball that was now bouncing away towards the kitchen. You were already unsteady due to the alcohol but the second your socked feet hit the tile in the kitchen they slipped out from under you.
“Oof…” You landed hard on your ass. A few moments of silence passed before you rolled over and started laughing. You felt tears streaming down your cheeks and you clutched your stomach. You honestly could say you hadn’t laughed this hard in a long time.
You felt two strong hands lift you up from under your armpits. “Maybe we should call it a night soon. I have a feeling if I don’t stop you now, you’ll hate me tomorrow when your heads in a toilet.”
You wiped the tears from your eyes and laughed even harder. “I WIN!”
He picked you up and turned you to face him. “I know you’re drunk… but you still have three cups left before you win.”
“NoOo I win! You touched me! Your hands my contact with my armpits! Physical contact was made… I WIN!” You started poking him in the chest. “I win. I win. I win. You lose. I win.” You danced in a circle resulting in you falling into his chest.
His arms wrapped around you tightly, “That’s got to be cheating… You fucking wiped out on the kitchen floor. I still had questions I wanted to ask. This is bullshit.” His hand reached down and rubbed circles on the sore spot on your ass.
The alcohol was starting to hit you hard. You leaned into his warmth and could feel drunken slumber start to drag you under. “I’ll make you a deal. You can ask me one question. But you have to do the punishment I decide no matter what.”
He had no idea what you had planned and by the look in your eyes he probably wasn’t going to like it. “Fine. I’ll do it… Why Helen?”
You froze. You knew he was going to ask. You didn’t want to talk about it, but then again you knew he probably didn’t want to talk about his family. You were torn. You wanted to lean closer to him, to absorb his warmth, to let him hold you. But you also wanted to push him away, to stand on your own feet, to show you’re not weak.
His hand came up to cradle the back of your head, holding you to him, deciding for you. You took a shaky breath. “Well I don’t know how much Greek mythology you know… But there was a woman… Helen of Troy. She was supposedly the most beautiful woman in the whole world.” Dabi’s fingers ran through your hair encouraging you to continue. “She had powerful men fighting over her, on their knees begging for her love. She was the reason the Trojan War started. Most people think it was the Trojan horse that lead to victory over Troy… but in reality, it was her. She brought destruction to an entire country… just by being pretty.” You let out a long breath and felt some of the tension in your shoulders start to bleed out. “So, I was Helen. I was a pretty face that brought destruction to men.”
His hand rubbed up and down your spine. “Well they got one thing right… You are beautiful.”
A shaky chuckle left you as you gripped his shirt. “And if we’re being honest… You are more than capable of destroying anyone you wanted to. You’re just a badass, you are a beautiful badass and that’s nothing you should be ashamed of. Wear it like a badge of honor.”
Your next words were barely louder than a whisper, “I’ve done a lot of bad things.” He didn’t say anything, to which you were grateful. He just continued to rub your back. “I have no right to be mad about those articles… because I did those things.”
Dabi leaned away from to make you look at him. “It doesn’t matter what you did, because you did them with good intentions. I’ve done way worse and believe me when I say I did them all for the worst reasons possible.” His thumb brushed against your cheek. “They took advantage of you. They were the one’s giving the orders. They are the ones responsible, and they are the ones who will ultimately pay the price.”
You blinked back your tears. “I just feel so stupid. I believed so much in the hero system, I was so blind to what they were doing. How many of the people that I apprehended were innocent? How many of them just had interesting quirks they wanted to study? How many of them just didn’t agree with the system? How many voices did I silence?”
“You’ll drive yourself crazy if you think like that. People like us fell through the cracks and that’s not our fault.” You just nodded, done talking about it. There was nothing he could say at the moment that would make you feel better. Only time could fix this, if it could even be fixed at all. Dabi squeezed your cheeks together. “Now why don’t you tell me what this punishment is, because you looked really excited about it earlier.”
You nodded and pushed away from him, wiping your tears. “Yeah. Okay…” You took a deep breath pushing the painful thoughts out of your mind. “I want you… to prank call… Shoto…”
He immediately wanted to deny you. To say hell no. But you had just had a raw moment with him, and he had promised. “… Fine.”
He pulled out his phone and scrolled until he saw Experiment #4 and hit dial. What was he supposed to say? He had never done something like this before. Was he supposed to block his number? It was really late would his brother even answer?
You poked his shoulder and mouthed, “Put it on speaker.”
He rolled his eyes but complied. A few rings later and Shoto’s tired voice interrupted his thoughts. “…uh…hello?”
Dabi began to panic. The only thing he could think of were the immature jokes he’d heard when hanging out with Twice. “Your mammas so stupid… When I told her she lost her mind. She went looking for it…”
You lost it. You bent over in silent laughter. Not only at his ridiculous joke, but the look on his face was priceless.
“… My mamma? We have the same mother. It’s a little insensitive to say she lost her mind Touya. Wait is this code? Are you guys okay? Cough if you need help.” You herd rustling in the background. “Izuku get up I think Y/n and my brother need help. He said my mamma’s so stupid, when he told her she lost her mind, she went looking for it. I think it’s code.”
You couldn’t help it you let out a loud laugh, Shoto was as clueless as ever. Izuku took the phone from his boyfriend. “Sounds like a dumb joke to me babe. Hey Dabi… did y/n put you up to this?”
Something about hearing Izuku’s serious voice made Dabi uncomfortable. He sounded like an angry father who had just been woken up but his dumb children. “Uh… yeah…”
“Great tell her she’s hilarious, and next time she wants to wake someone up at three in the morning to call Kacchan.”
The line went dead and Dabi scoffed, “He really is an idiot I swear.”
“As far as I’m *hiccup* concerned all you Todoroki’s are.” You yawned and stretched. Your eye lids were getting heavy.
Dabi scooped you up and you immediately nuzzled into his shoulder. “One for your room, twice for mine.” You had never been in his bed until last night, but his bed was considerably more comfortable than your own. You held up two fingers. “Anything my drunk destroyer of men wants.”
Tags: tags: @falling4fandoms @wifunozomi @here-in-never-land @whore-for-anime @klecksstorys @aurorahoneybuns @theunknownrandom @insane-without-delirium @frenchsfryys @officiallydarkgeek @neofixcs @music-is-all-i-need @katsuki-bakubabe @unadulteratedtastemakerpoetry@dabislittlemouse@aimee1602 @pinkhatlizzy @kunaigirlx44 @nii-sanfucker@bestgirlb @silver-stardrop @bakubby99
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