#is this Louno??????
ultimateanthropoll · 1 year
Beastars Tiebreaker:
Louis the Red Deer vs. Juno the Gray Wolf
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Do you ship it?
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snellyfish · 2 years
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one time i saw someone make a post that was like "only reason juno wasnt in love failure is bc she wouldve found melon hot" and it never left me
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legoharu · 3 years
Daily reminder: louis and Juno deserved better
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koko2unite · 3 years
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I believe that Louis accepting his marriage with Azuki because he's tired that his life won't ever be right everytime he tries to do what he wants instead of what others want. I think it's bcs of smth that happened during 2 months time skip.
He was content with his life while pursuing Oguma and others' wish. He was fine when he lead shishigumi (who kind of "forced" him to become their boss). But when he choose to help Haru, run away to save Legosi, or defy his father, things don't go like how he wants to.
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These effects are quite consistently shown until the end of turf war, where it isn't shown. Instead we were told that Louis cut contacts with Legosi and got married instead
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Something must've happened during that time skip that made Louis realize that going for what he wants isn't worth it, since there will be grave consequences every time
Below this is just my head canon, but I think it's bcs Louis told Legosi about his feelings, but Legosi said no bcs he's with Haru. Louis felt hurt, realizes that nothing will go right when he wants smth, and saw the marriage with Azuki as an escape from this cursed path. He realizes that is similar to his old life of doing what other wants instead of what he wants, and if he goes through that path, his life would be fine again
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How about Juno and Louis? I think that is also the same thing. Let's put it this way, he wanted Legosi, but the universe gave him Juno instead. During the last chapters where he wanted Juno, the universe made Juno left him instead.
Louis choose to marry Azuki because he's tired of his life never going right, and he desperately wants it to be fine again. It's very fitting to how Paru's comment about Louis from Vol. 22, His life of struggle and nothing ever go the way he wants.
This makes me thing perhaps Lougosi will never be a thing as long as Paru keeps this sort of way to write Louis' story. Remember everytime Louis fear for Legosi's life? If Paru wants to make Lougosi a thing, she probably gonna kill Legosi to keep Louis' life miserable
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doodlett · 3 years
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In which Louis comes to regret ever having a wolf pup
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sweetness-pop · 3 years
I just pictured Legoshi, Haru, Louis and Juno doing Mario Bros cosplay in my head.
Legoshi x Haru as Mario x Peach
Louis x Juno as Luigi x Daisy
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myfurrydoodleblog · 3 years
Hello may you draw Louis grabbing and kissing a shocked Juno?
Juno: Louis, I'm going to work! Don't you wanna wish me luck?
Louis: Let me fix your tie first.
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anotherbeastarsblog · 3 years
Been seeing more discourse about Juno lately and I'm not sure why, I think some Lego/Juno shippers on Twitter have been getting weirdly aggressive and eugenics-y? But I just wanted to throw my two cents in here and say Juno is actually one of the most surprisingly dynamic and well-rounded characters in the series, and I don't know if that's in spite of or because of the fact she only has like 5 cumulative pages of development time.
Like a lot of characters can be see as stand-ins for broader societal trends and issues in Beastars, in that regard Juno starts out as someone who's astoundingly insensitive but for completely benign naive reasons. She pushes herself to meet people and learn things in pursuit of her goals and that opens her up to the idea that her goals were kinda shitty, actually. She changes and those changes stick in a way that I don't think any other character really does?
And as much as it's bullshit Louis and her didn't end up together huge huge HUGE props to her for being the only person in the manga to recognize a bad relationship when she sees it and calling Louis out multiple times like "Okay yeah you hate yourself and what you're doing but not gonna do anything about it? Welp I'm just gonna see myself out of this sinking ship before you drag me down with you"
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ketzexi · 3 years
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Yandere Juno moodboard
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gazeopard · 4 years
The End (My Thoughts of Chapter 196 of BEASTARS)
And so, the finale was released.
Link (will edit once official translation is released): https://w17.read-beastarsmanga.com/manga/beastars-chapter-196/
I guess... You either end a good story, or you drag it out long enough to see it become a train-wreck...?
The end of this arc was not quite what I was expecting. Hell, the rest of this entire arc was not what I was expecting. I’m not gonna lie and say it wasn’t one disappointment after the other, these last few chapters. At least, Legoshi x Haru is official now. Yaaaaay...?
It still leaves a lot of previous threads hanging by their intestines. If If Yahya is retired as Beastar now, then... WHO is gonna be the new Beastar? Unless they don’t need a new Beastar, since Yafya’s still crime-fighting, but what’s the point of him retiring as the Beastar if that’s the case?? I thought Legoshi and Louis were going to eventually step up and become Beastars after stopping Melon. From the very beginning of the manga, it seemed like it was leading up to either Legoshi or Louis, or the both of them, earning their way to the title of Beastar like Gosha and Yahya. And if Legoshi didn’t want to become a Beastar, and even if Juno appeared to think she wasn’t suited to be a Beastar earlier, I thought Louis and Juno were going to gradually become Beastars together, since their bond started off with them aiming for it. What’s the point of it being called “Beastars” if nobody becomes the Beastar(s) in the end? I thought that a carnivore and an herbivore like Legoshi and Louis (or Louis and Juno) becoming Beastars was going to further show that coexistence between the two communities was possible, becoming the ragtag duo that Gosha and Yafya once were. After Chapter 194, I was hoping that Louis would realize his love for Juno and go back to her after something (bad or otherwise) happened to Azuki in later chapters, forcing him to realize his love and perhaps even recruit her into the Horns’ Conglomerate. I thought the Love-Failure arc was just one of a few more arcs to come, and Louis and Juno were going to develop their relationship and Legoshi and Haru were going to go past the dating point as the arcs went on. But Legoshi and Haru, with their relationship being the biggest plotline and driving-force of the manga, simply end the manga with “dating”, and Louis is left in a loveless marriage with somebody who doesn’t even really love him, who can’t even bring herself to let go of their business and try to connect with him...
What ever happened to not letting society dictate how you live your life?? All the previous scenes between him and Juno seemed to be leading up to them getting together. What was the point of Juno confessing her love to him like that on TV? What was the point of Louis being unable to have sex with the doe without thinking about Juno? What was the point of their reunion and kiss in Chapter 101? Louis’s character-arc was thrown out the window and stepped on like a puddle in a pavement.
And really? Melon never found out his father was alive??? So, he’s never going to find out that he killed his mother for nothing? I don’t know how that would’ve change anything about him, considering he’s an irredeemable serial killer, but c’mon. I was still hoping to see how Melon would’ve reacted to such a shocking moment for his life, if he’d call him out for abandoning him and kill him for his actions as a parent. His father might as well have stayed dead...
And don’t even get me started on the Melon and Haru situation (again)... It had so much potential to impact the third act, but nothing ever came from it. Just as nothing ever came from Kyuu selling out Legoshi (which also could’ve had an impact on the climax), or Legoshi fasting, or Jack’s history lesson, or Deshico and the Kopi Luwak group, or the Bloodbone drug corporation and the tusk trade Melon was a part of.
Speaking of which, I’m disappointed that these previous occupations weren’t shown as much or had as big of an impact. It seemed like Melon was planning to increase tension between carnivores and herbivores by sending carnivores into a frenzy through doping them up on the Bloodbone drugs and make the resulting attacks look like predations, but we never saw more Bloodbone drug scenes beyond the one with Legoshi and those BAM drug-dealers in the Life as a Dropout arc. It’s a shame, because I would have liked to have seen a few scenes of Melon interacting with other members of the Bloodbone drug corporation and the tusk trade business, perhaps using the tusks of the elephants he murdered as a ‘therapist’ to create more drugs, since it calls for herbivore bones to be ground into powder. We already saw him as a therapist, a college professor, and the leader of the Shishigumi, but we never really saw him as the manager of the tusk trade business or producer of the Bloodbone drugs. I would’ve loved to have seen how he obtained and managed to juggle between all those jobs.
I still really wish he had had a bigger goal for society and the BAM, because with all the crazy stuff going on, it looked like it was going to lead to an all-out civil-war again, where Melon was going to try and start a second carni-herbi war by increasing the tension between the two communities and destabilizing society, getting his revenge on the world that had hated him. It was called The Revenge of the Love-Failure, after all. The arc should have escalated into something bigger...
Beastars may as well have ended after the Riz arc at this point. A bit of me hopes that there might be a sequel, but after the end of this manga, what’s the point of it? I guess some things can be fixed with the upcoming Beast Complex serialization...? Unless it involves the old characters from Beast Complex, where the Beastars characters have a cameo or two, which I’m pretty sure is probably what it’s gonna be. At the same time, though, you shouldn’t have to rely on second-hand sources to polish up plot-holes or unfinished places in your previous story...
Even if the manga has ended poorly, there’s still Beastars Season 2 to look forward to, and plenty of fanfictions to enjoy. I’ve been reading the Beastars/GoT crossover fantasy “Ashfall” and a recent fic “Twisted Horns and Pure Hearts”, which is about Melon growing up with Legoshi and Jack as friends in Cherryton, and I’ve considered reading “Mongrels”, which is an alternate take on the Beastars ending. I read the first chapter and I really enjoyed it. I just don’t understand what happened that caused Beastars to start decaying... I guess Paru either got sick of it and wanted to move on to something else, or her editors/or publishers got sick of it and wanted her to finish it already, or both... or Paru just made it all up as she went since she said in an interview that she had no plans for what came after the Murder Solution Arc.
Well, whatever it was... Here’s to hoping that Orange can improve the Love-Failure arc, somehow, since they did change a couple of things in Season One... But still, I’m gonna try not to keep hopes high. There’s just so much potential in Melon’s arc that could be improved upon, most of which I already mentioned in my previous posts.
Whatever endeavor Paru Itagaki pursues next in her career as a mangaka, I wish her luck and hope she’ll improve further in the future. <3 Thank you, Paru-sensei, for giving us a fun, interesting world with awesome, complex, fascinating, relatable characters.
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couldyouspeakmyname · 3 years
Do you have any Louno headcanons? I'd love to hear them!
Do I have them? Yes, yes I do
OKAY These are mostly wholesome cute head canons because I love that kinda stuff
Louis is the calm one in the relationship. Juno is a fire cracker and sometimes Louis has to reel her in a bit
He really likes that she’s like this though
While Louis is emotionally constipated, Juno is emotionally mature. She knows her feelings and while she doesn’t put a lot of control over them, she can if she has to
She’s a canine, which is great for Louis. Why? You ever see people get upset and their dog comes over to cheer them up? Yeah. That. Emotional support wolf girlfriend
I would imagine that Juno knows Louis is sort of a broken person, and down the line (a few years) she manages to get him to go to therapy. 
Shishigumi don’t care for her at first, but she quickly grows on them
When Louis gets ready in the morning, Juno always ties his tie. He can do it himself, but he likes that she does it. She also picks out his suits and what looks best on him. She likes to wear something that somewhat matches. 
Juno 100% calls him out on his bullshit. If Louis does something stupid or wants to do something stupid, Juno stops him. If she can’t stop him, she will play dirty and get Legoshi involved (but let’s be honest, he’s already probably involved) 
Takes him to a lot of cute dates
Louis holds Juno’s hand. He doesn’t say anything about it, and it just happens. It also keeps her from walking far ahead of him 
Juno really wants to give Louis affection publicly, but it makes him uncomfortable. She doesn’t do it often, and if she does she usually waits for a signal to show it’s okay.
Louis worries about public opinion of then. Juno doesn’t care. Interspecies friendships and relationships are more common, and she’s not afraid to face down anyone who says anything about them. Sometimes it’s a bit much for Louis, but he appreciates her unwavering support. 
Louis will 100% come after anyone who messes with Juno. He’s not physically strong, but he’s smart and he has money to accomplish anything. Not to mention the Shishigumi. Honestly? Anyone who goes out of their way to piss him off has -100 intelligence. 
Watches a lot of chick flicks together. Originally Louis doesn’t like them, but there’s something comforting in always knowing a movie will have a happy ending. 
Go to a bunch of plays and musicals together. They always save their tickets afterwards. Neither one knows the other also does it.  
They take dance classes as a hobby together. They’re really quite good. Juno is the better dancer, but Louis is catching up. 
Louis can NOT study with Juno. Juno gets distracted by him, and he equally will get pulled away from what he’s doing because of whatever she’s doing. He does like seeing her study though (from a distance. She’s cute when she’s serious. Don’t judge him, he’s not intentionally creepy)
Double dates with Haru and Legoshi. 
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legoharu · 2 years
Came back to this account just to say I miss louno and wished they had a better ending
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satohqbanana · 3 years
Notes: In which Anne actually tried to write some Beastars fic while trying to get back into writing. This is a few months old? IDK you guys can make stuff inspired by it. I dropped it because I figured out that this isn’t my kind of thing. I’d be willing to spare some more details about this, if you’d like, though.
Warnings: Next gen fic; features Louis/Juno and Legosi/Haru kids.
A few years after Louis the Red Deer disappeared from Horns Conglomerate, Red Eyed Shiyon was born. The doctor handed the infant to his wolfdog mother, congratulating her on her new pup. The pup had a red mask of fur over his eyes - the same red as his mother’s fur - but the rest of his body took a creamy brown coloring.
The man who accompanied the wolfdog was a deer. He introduced himself as the husband, and the hospital staff, who'd been privy to a lot of more horrible secrets, knew better than to ask. Even so, they still warned him of the consequences, and he promised with much exasperation he'd be fine in the company of his predator family.
Shiyon grew up alongside another predator/prey family, this one consisting of a wolf-dragon hybrid, his rabbit wife, and their tri-hybrid child, Buster. Buster's earnestness and eagerness jumped over Shiyon's wall, and the two had been friends ever since.
As the two grew, their hybridness started to manifest. Buster's great grandfather once warned his father of such events, and the not-bunny grew to ridiculously tall and lanky proportions for a rabbit. It was okay, because some thought that was pretty handsome of him, not realizing it was the face of Buster's wolfishness.
Shiyon, meanwhile, had revelations. The good news: he was not adopted as the bullies liked to think. The bad news: he had horns, he shed horns, and he will be at the mercy of this cycle until he dies.
The ugly news was the worst. Every time Shiyon had to look at himself, he felt like a stranger in his own fur. Soon, his reflection became a stranger.
Where Buster always knew he was a predator, Shiyon always walked the tightrope between predator and prey. He was both and neither, never one or the other, and as he gazed at the moon, his heart tightened and his lungs begged to release the air.
Not once in his life did he ever had the urge to howl. However, he definitely always had the urge to scream, scream, scream...
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koko2unite · 4 years
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I feel really bad for Juno. it’s not shown at all in the manga, but if i was her, i probably would’ve spent most of my days thinking about how one-sided this relationship is from how small the effort Louis put
Why is every single men in this manga so terrible in love?
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doodlett · 4 years
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Holy crap, I finished writing Legoshi’s house party! i drew this to thank all my readers. Don’t be shy to still become one of them, though! Thank you all for these wonderful couple of months!
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