#is this about cryptid eclipse?
mikodrawnnarratives · 2 months
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I went looking thru my idea drafts and I found this silly idea I never drew, until noW
@naffeclipse the sillies
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naffeclipse · 2 months
With all the jokes about baby fever around Orca Eclipse, I started thinking about your other aus and how that would work. Cryptid Eclipse seems the most interesting. XD
I had the thought of y/n and him coming across a little baby who lost their parent due to a cryptid they were hunting and Eclipse immediately bonding with them. Giving y/n the "can we keep them" eyes. Y/N knows that their job is super dangerous and not good for raising a family, but in a softer world it would be cute for them to look after a little baby they took in.
Aw, that's so cute! Cryptid Eclipse would love to raise a kid with his heart and show Y/N how much joy a little one can bring but Y/N would worry too much for a child's safety. In a perfect world where there aren't scary things that Y/N needs to take care of, they could settle down with Cryptid Eclipse and adopt a kid together, but that's not this world.
In such an event where they must take care of a baby while hunting a monster, it would be sweet to have Cryptid Eclipse teach Y/N how best to hold a little one in the crook of their arm and support their head. Y/N isn't familiar with such things but they don't shy away from children; it becomes a nice learning experience. Y/N grieves for the baby losing their family. It's not fair, but Y/N will take care of them. Cryptid Eclipse will ensure the child and Y/N are settled and safe for the night, and answer the baby's cries of hunger with a bottle. There might be a conversation about families and what both Cryptid Eclipse and Y/N want in the future.
But then they successfully hunt said cryptid who took the baby's parents. Y/N and Cryptid Eclipse slip to the nearest hospital with the baby and leave them in the care of a nurse, knowing that the little one will be taken care of.
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solitary-star · 1 year
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I’ve had a ridiculous workload for the past few weeks, but that hasn’t stopped me from reading chapter 16!!
@naffeclipse I want you to know how much I was wailing at this one. Just how quickly the hunter went from referring to them as their “dear friend” to “the demonic cryptid.” And the little moments when they finally began to realize that cryptid isn’t entirely dissimilar from the person they’ve gotten so close with… absolutely phenomenal!!
I’d say I’m at the edge of my seat after this, but I fell off that seat way back in episode four. Regardless, I cant fully articulate just how excited I am to see how things play out!!!
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lavenoon · 2 years
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It's not like they dislike getting their teeth brushed, the opposite, really! Having their little hunter get so close without being scared, being cared for - that's why they drag it all out, and get more time with their hunter! <3
@naffeclipse and I were talking about brushing the cryptid boys' teeth after @themeeplord's jaw anatomy, and turns out I can draw non spoilery fluff!
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sweetgrimm · 10 months
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@naffeclipse and @chaotikanvas have infected me with mothperson! y/n brain rot with their wonderful ideas and I was just itching to draw something for it. So, I give you my take on our poor oblivious moth. I just love the dynamic of big scary meets bigger scary that's in love with them.
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local-diavolo-anon · 1 year
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*hands you more Cryptid Eclipse and evaporates*
am i still not over Cryptid Sightings? no i am not.
so i beg @naffeclipse to accept my offer of more fluffy cryptid eclipse
also, on a little sidenote: i saw artists draw the creechur as able to purr, which i already loved, then it occurred to me that this design here would not be able to, so what if they can coo like a dove instead?
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themeeplord · 1 year
So here’s a question for you from a random admirer…
Which of your iterations of the cryptid bois is your favorite to draw? Horns-and-frills? Ferrofluid? Just spiky? (I haven’t seen the spiky one for a while.) Which was favorite to design? Are there any fun tidbits about any of them you want to share? I wish to hear as much as you want to share!
This is such a sweet ask aaaa!! ❤️
I feel very differently for all of them. But they're all my sweet little babies!
I enjoy drawing horns-and-frills the most, they're so beasty~ I also really like their anatomy. Designing them was so fun! Making them into a mer was sooo much fun too hehe
Their jaws and tongue anatomy WAS SO FUN TO MAKE, YOU HAVE NO IDEA!!! I love how on board everyone was with it too pdjddjfh. And of course their big claws on their feet and their tail are very dear to me.
I love that I've been able to so seamlessly combine my love for creature design/anatomy with the dca! I have to give a big shout-out and thanks to @naffeclipse for making such beautiful stories with such wonderful beasts in them. Her writing is the reason why these designs exist in the first place ❤️
I think I'm the most proud of the ferrofluid boys. I feel it's a solid design and concept. Also it's very fun to explore the possibilities that present themselves when you have a semi-liquid based character. You can shape them however you want! They're liquid, like a cat!
Some fun little things about the ferrofluid boys: (it gets a little gory btw, so light gore warning for that!)
Their skin/surface looks a lot like oil spill, deep black with swirls of colors, mainly red and blue (and yes the colors actually swirl around, the patterns move and shift). The colors are mostly concentratet around their rays, claws and back spikes.
I imagine them being fully "liquid" except for a skeleton holding them up, so their organs and muscles are all the same substance. The skeleton is very thin and jagged. When they're very weak or very hurt you can see their sharp vertebrae sticking out of their back and the goop in their chest drips over and out of their ribs. Also their spikes shrink as they grow weaker, they need energy to hold their shape.
Sorry it got kinda dark there,, :'p
And my spiky boys! I haven't drawn them in a while, I would like to try again, and maybe redo their design a little. I like them a lot for being my first attempt at a design, I'm also very proud of some of my early pieces I made of them.
I got two or three more designs that I've only drawn once. I like them but I don't have that much to say about them, I just felt like mentioning that they exist. :p
Thank you again for this ask! It was so fun to write a little about these designs! I hope you can find my rambling entertaining X3
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enigmaticcattic · 1 year
Me, upon finishing Cryptid Sightings:
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@naffeclipse YOU DID THIS 🫵 /POS
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bloodmoons-knife · 1 year
okay, but how did the other people in nebula's charge's dimensions (god that's a mouthful-) react to their respective people being gone??
like, the employees in binary's dimension trying to find where sun went, or the other people in rust's dimension (maybe monty?? i dunno who survived that wreckage we saw) trying to look for them
or even eridanus, her (non-existent) merfolk friends trying to look for her
do they all just assume they were wiped off the face of the earth??
oh that is a FUN question!!
rusts dimension was fated to be an eclipse wins dimension, and anyone who remembered them believes they died in the fight with eclipse. no point in looking for someone dead and gone, right?
eridanus wise, her sun and moon cast her out from the pizzaplex mer pod/group. she hadnt actually terrorized them Too much before her exile, given it was timeline wise before lunar would be introduced. no one looks for her, and its generally hoped that she went and died in some cave somewhere.
this bitch disappeared before he was to be decommissioned and no one could find him. hes like a cryptid to the human staff. management was So pissed but the kinder staff can still be seen cackling in delight at his grand escape. his escape will haunt upper management for a very, very long time, and if binary knew this, hed be delighted.
special mention for nebulas subjects: generally the appearances of his charges are greeted with a "smile and nod, don't question it" situation. honestly most of his staff is just happy to see him Not locked in his room being sad. binary is beloved by the librarians hes practically one of them. rust has made some good friends amongst the castles hunting teams, and has been seen getting mobbed by the puppies of the hunting dogs. eridanus showed up in the scholar meetings and started giving her own input and refused to leave so shes terrorizing the scientific minds of the dimension in glee.
all in all nebulas charges are loved and respected by his staff and subjects
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severallizards · 1 year
Silly lil thing I did after reading @naffeclipse 's Bedeviling Bodies part 3
Yes I put my self insert in because I can <3
I'm completely normal about this :)
(Under the cut cuz Spoilers)
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When I tell you I straight up yeeted my kindle paperwhite clear across the room MULTIPLE TIMES, I am not lying. <3
(loud sobbing)
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nebuladreamz · 2 years
you've read sleuth jesters...right?
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naffeclipse · 1 year
Chapter 20: The Episode Bedeviling Bodies Part 4
FNAF Cryptid!Sun/Moon x Cryptid Hunter!Y/N (SFW)
A hand pushes the broken door open. Peering inside, the man’s heart jumps. They recognize him. He took your money and gave you a key to your room. The man’s eyes widen. His pulse skyrockets. Sun stares back, glowering despite the smile on his vessel’s face. This is not the scene they want to be caught in, standing still in the middle of a room, trapped in a circle of salt, surrounded by heartless corpses and their spilled blood.
Word Count: 15,100~ Warnings: Blood, violence, injury, horror, gore, brief suicidal thoughts/statements, vomiting, death, child endangerment, and possession.
A/N: This is the last part of this episode! There will be an epilogue that I'm going to post tomorrow, but for now, enjoy the conclusion to this very special hunt!
Night falls and Eclipse rushes to find you, but what they find is not your heartbeat. They conduct their own hunt with a new friend, and wait by a playground, hoping that it's not too late.
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solitary-star · 1 year
I finished chapter 15 of Cryptid Sightings last night and realized I may not have the time to draw for it, but I do have time to ramble about it. And oh boy do I have a lot to ramble about.
@naffeclipse, prepare yourself. I’ve been too scared to ramble on here for the most part, but today’s the day. Here are some things I’ve noticed/interpreted on the last chapter. No obligation to read all this, of course, because it is… a lot. Apologies for chunky paragraphs.
I. Originally, Sun/Moon thought it would be a mercy to leave their true nature out of the hunter’s field of vision. But now that they’ve seen the toll it’s taken on the hunter—how much harm half-truths and secrets can do—they see it more so as a detriment. They’re itching to tell the truth, because now, the hunter knows there’s a truth to be told—feels hurt because of the fact. And the guilt of hiding that truth from them is beginning to wear on the fear of them fleeing. At least in revealing their nature, they would have the ability to hope the hunter could understand. But where they both stand now is a cold war. Sun/Moon don’t know the full extent of what the hunter would do if they found out; would they cry, scream, lash out, accept? And the hunter, meanwhile, doesn’t know the full extent of the secret they keep, just how painful it will be to their ears. Both are kept in the dark, and both are caught in a disquieted stalemate. The moment the safety of secrecy drew blood, it was no longer a viable option.
II. The way the story is setting up to become, the reveal will be vastly different from what I previously thought—and vastly different from the one portrayed in the Lost Episode. In that reveal, it was a statement of, “so you are a demon.” But with this, it is instead a statement of, “so you are a demon.” In earlier chapters, the thought never occurred to the hunter that their friend could be a demon—at least, no thought that wasn’t immediately cast out as overly skeptical or ridiculous. The poltergeist’s odd words, the dark reflections in the water or their detector—they were puzzle pieces that the hunter never thought to put together, was never pushed to put together. But now, with Lambert openly accusing Sun/Moon of it, the hunter is forced to pay that idea mind. They’re now faced with a person who sees less ridiculousness in the notion that the animatronic is a demon and more ridiculousness in the hunter’s aversion to testing it, pouring more holy water or performing an exorcism. The hunter is forced to question whether or not their friend is a cryptid, something they never would have done had this time come sooner. The reveal that Sun/Moon is a demon will seem less of an off-the-wall shock, and more a confirmation of an already present fear.
III. With this new chapter, it is also becoming more and more apparent why the hunter hasn’t figured it out yet. Because it is only partially due to their inability to put together those puzzle pieces. For the most part, it is because they don’t want to. All the evidence is there: the odd behaviors of other cryptids, the detector, the mysterious substance leaking from metal sockets, the secrets. And all it would take to prove or disprove it would be a little bit of salt, or silver, or holy water. All it would take, as Lambert pointed out, is an exorcism. But the hunter would rather live in avoidance than risk the confirmation of that truth. They would prefer to live not knowing the truth than live knowing that is it. Because to the hunter, it is either that Sun/Moon are their friend, or they are a demon. To them, they could not be both—would not be both. So, while in avoidance, they instead use Sun/Moon’s kindness as evidence to disprove the notion that they are anything more than they’ve been led to believe. They think of their sweet words, their soft touches, the fact that they themself are still alive. They dread the possibility that their friend is a demon, because in their eyes, “friend” and “demon” are mutually exclusive. It’s either that Sun/Moon are are not a demon, or that they seek to manipulate the hunter. And they fear finding out which one is it.
Anyways. I could probably come up with more to say, but these are the things that have been bouncing around in my brain most. Thank you for listening to my incoherent ramblings!! It will probably happen again
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lavenoon · 2 years
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@naffeclipse I don't know enough about cryptids to know if it's like. A Rule that they show up blurry in pictures, but it's definitely funny to assume that
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awledindulgence · 1 year
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Me: Haha would be fun to put all the various character traits together and see what I could come up with for reasoning, and maybe do a design, just for fun. Ya know, writing exercise and design muscle stretch. Me, staring down an entire backstory and over 3K words of fiddling later: Awe fuck I got writer bit.
So, Hi @naffeclipse, I really like your funny fic and have various Brain Things that prevent me from fully inserting myself into the various Xreaders I end up poking my nose into because I'm a curious cat. so instead of doing my normal thing (Leave the Y/N be or rotate my guys into the slot for my amusement) I went and developed a whole guy about it, Scar chart and fullbody to maybe come, IDK when this is the first time I've draw in a month.
P.S, I think I'm *Very* funny with the last name
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just-a-drawing-bean · 2 years
Man I don’t think you guys understand. Sleuth jesters still has me in its death grip I think about it so hard everyday… I am making something for it but it’s gonna take a while so be prepared eventually… for now just look at this. Eclipse my guy, this is just test art
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Here’s moon too hehe
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@naffeclipse obligatory ping <3 also I do wanna read cryptid at some point however I gotta brainrot first
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