#is this anything?? idk this was on my mind when I woke up lmao
piplup335 · 3 days
Subspace x reader! (angst lmao)
I know I said I’d work on requests, but I HAD to finish this up 😭
mainly because SOMEONE (I’M LOOKING AT YA, @sourle) decided to write Valk angst and I decided I’d probably hop on the bandwagon and write Subspace angst :D
this is my first time writing angst, so idk if it’s good ;-; ehhh, I did what I could LMAO
anyway, enjoy :D
honourable mentions here!
The crackling of the flames in the fireplace soothed your mind as you snuggled up to Subspace.
"Long day today, Subspace? How's work at the lab?"
The masked scientist glanced up at you with a groggy expression.
"Hm?? Oh...not too bad..."
He yawned.
"...just the usual lab stuff. There was also this chemical that somehow melted through the vial today...just a poison I'm working on currently. Reacted with another reagent and nearly burnt down the lab. It smelt funny too...but hey, the Biografts helped me clean it up!!"
You couldn't see it through his mask, but judging by his one visible eye closing and his cheekbones raising, you could tell he was smiling.
"I love you, (Y/n)...I feel so tired right now..."
"Awww...I love you too, Subspace...tomorrow's Christmas...wanna go to that one cat cafe? So you can catch a break?"
Subspace nuzzled into the crook of your neck. his warm breath lightly tickling your collarbone.
"I'd love that, dear..."
Subspace fell asleep in your arms as you lay on the couch, watching the flames dance around the firewood, the bright, formless shapes slowly reducing the wooden sticks to nothing but ashes.
The crackling of the flames and their mesmerising movements distracted you from the fact that your boyfriend was barely breathing.
The following morning, you woke up to your boyfriend still lying beside you.
He looked so damn adorable to you. His one visible eye was closed, and a few strands of his soft hair fell over his face. Sometimes you wished you could remove his gas mask just to caress his cheek…but he told you before not to do it, and you wanted to respect his wishes.
You gave your boyfriend a loving kiss on the forehead as you slowly slid off the couch, careful not to wake him up.
“Merry Christmas, love.”
You walked into the kitchen so that you could start preparing breakfast for the two of you.
Subspace couldn’t taste anything and always insisted on eating whatever was available, but you decided to change that today. You woke up earlier than him, and this time you'd get a say as to what he would eat.
And this time, you were determined to make him something a little more filling instead of just a slice of bread or two. You wanted to make him eggs and bacon- a dish he absolutely loved eating before the entire lab incident.
During those days, when you were cooking breakfast, Subspace would look at you with those pleading puppy eyes to make him bacon and eggs, completely disregarding and ignoring whatever alternatives you offered.
And you being you, you couldn’t resist his cute expression.
It was unlike him to enjoy such a simple dish, but hey- you still loved him.
As you were cooking in the kitchen, you felt a tug on your sleeve.
You turned to your left and was met with the sight of your beloved boyfriend standing next to you.
“Darling? Can we not have pancakes today? Do we have any more eggs left?”
You laughed, amused at his groggy, half-asleep expression.
“Subspace, you’ve been eating that same old thing for a week now. When will you ever get sick of it?”
“…never…so are there any eggs left?”
“Probably. But could you try something else for a change?"
Subspace hugged your side, his actions sluggish in his given state.
"I don't wanna...please, babe?"
He looked at you with those loving eyes...that loving expression on his face you could never resist.
You sighed, admitting defeat.
"Fine, fine, I’ll go prepare it for you later…I love you, Subspace. I always will.”
You couldn't say no to his request. To others, Subspace was a renowned scientist who made multiple contributions to Blackrock. They saw him as someone who had helped Blackrock advance their military, someone who had helped multiple residents improve their lives for the better. He was a hardened scientist who pushed through many sleepless nights to make Blackrock a slightly better place than the day before.
To you, Subspace was just an adorable bean you would not hesitate to kill for.
Your boyfriend was too adorable, too precious for this world...and you couldn't help but wrap your arms around his figure in a hug.
"I love you, Subspace..."
Subspace didn't reply, but his actions said it all. You felt his arms slowly move from his side to wrap around your waist.
“…I love you too, babe…what’s that smell?”
A glance at the stove and the steady flow of smoke was all it took for you to get your answer.
“NO- my pancakes!”
You recalled the memory with such fondness. Even after the laboratory disaster your boyfriend went through, he was still the same loving demon you knew. Sure, he acted like a crazed scientist sometimes, but you knew your boyfriend was still the same sweetheart you knew all those years ago.
You spent more than an hour trying to make breakfast...because you spent 45 minutes looking back on and reminiscing about the past.
As you set the last piece of bacon on the plate, you smiled to yourself.
"Honey? Breakfast's ready!"
Usually, when you made breakfast for him, he'd immediately come rushing to the kitchen just to scarf down whatever you prepared for him with his signature grin on his face.
But just like you had different plans for Subspace, fate had different plans for the two of you.
This time, there wasn't a single sound coming from the living room. The fire was extinguished right before you fell asleep, but you wished the therapeutic crackling of the flames followed you into the early hours of the morning for a bit of comfort.
Still no response. Now you were concerned.
Was he okay?
You, being the concerned girlfriend you were, went outside to check on him.
You shook him.
"Subspace? Please...wake up!"
You half-expected him to jump at you with that big, goofy grin on his face that you loved seeing so much. You expected to jump backwards in fright from the scare, only for Subspace to catch you in his arms as he pressed his lips to yours in a tender kiss.
But that moment never came. Upon further inspection, you mentally facepalmed at your ignorance, cursing at yourself for not seeing the signs that something was wrong.
The once hot pink crystal floating above Subspace was nothing more but a dull pink, most of the colour gone. The once gleaming radiance of the crystal was now nothing but a dull glow.
You immediately checked his pulse. It was there...but barely. You sprinted to your phone, nearly tripping over your own feet in a frenzied panic. A quick dial later, you were arranging for an ambulance to the nearest hospital.
All you could do then was simply cradle your boyfriend's near-lifeless body in your arms and pray to whichever deity would listen.
The steady sound of the hospital monitors filled the room. It had been like that for the past few hours or so.
When the doctors in the ambulance did a more thorough check on him, they determined that Subspace needed emergency surgery. You were not sure why, but they said that it was due to "severe poisoning".
Now, here you were, seated on a chair next to your still-unconscious boyfriend, waiting for the doctors to return with whatever results they had to offer. You sat in your chair, glancing at your boyfriend from time to time, hoping that the crystal between his horns would shine bright like it once did.
The sound of the door opening pulled you out of your thoughts. One of the doctors walked into the room...and he had a grim expression on his face.
"Doctor! How is he?"
The doctor let out a sigh. One that carried not hopes for the future, but carried acceptance- a sign that they had tried everything, and yet...
"I'm sorry. Your beloved will not make it."
And that was the nail in the coffin for you- the statement that confirmed your worst fears.
"Can I say goodbye to him, at least? Will he wake up?"
"No. He won't wake up. We've done a thorough and complete checkup on him. His given condition- his rot, that is, somehow reacted with more fumes inside his body. We've investigated them, and it seems that these fumes were inhaled quite recently. Regardless, it has worsened his state, causing the majority of his body to either shut down or stop working entirely. You have two choices. He does not have any known family members, so we'll leave this decision to you."
At the doctor's next words, you did not want to say anything. You did not want to accept that this was your reality- these were two decisions that you could not choose between. You knew that none of these choices would be a correct decision...they would all have harsh downsides.
"Either we pull the plug now and he dies a peaceful death, or we can give him further treatment to try and save him. The chances of his survival from this point on are low, and even if he does survive and wake up, the rest of his life will likely be painful for him to endure."
You loved Subspace...you loved him so much, and you didn't want to let him go just yet. There was so much you wanted to do with him. You wanted to finally stay with him instead of one of you just staying over at the other’s house for sleepovers now and then. You wanted to travel the Inpherno with him, just to see all the marvels the world had to offer. You wanted to be by his side for the rest of your life and wake up by his side just to hug him close to you, praising the gods for such a wonderful spouse.
And now you couldn't. Not with Subspace's condition.
You didn't want to let him go just yet.
But then again, you loved him. You wanted the best for him.
And the best route for him to go down wasn’t one where he’d be suffering for the rest of his life.
You wanted him to live happily, not live in constant pain.
You knew your decision.
December 31. Almost a week after you made your decision.
Snowflakes fell from the sky outside, coating the ground in a layer of snow.
Within the comfort of your house, the flames crackled in the fireplace, consuming everything it touched.
But even the mesmerising movements of the flames couldn’t distract you from your thoughts. Not after what happened.
That final, high-pitched sound. That damn, cursed sound. You knew that single beep would haunt you for years to come. What you did was for your boyfriend’s sake, but at what cost?
“5…4…3…2…1…HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!”
You could hear the cheers of Blackrock’s residents from your home as fireworks were launched into the air, painting the black canvas of the sky with bursts of vibrant colour.
“Happy New Year, Subspace…”
A tear trickled down your cheek as you hugged a small photo frame to your chest.
It was the last photo you had of Subspace. A photo you took with him one day before his death.
“…I’ll always love you.”
aaaaand that’s another story down! hope u guys enjoyed! :D
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peachdues · 1 month
I’m imagining one of the components of a secret relationship with Kyojuro and how your goodbyes look before he goes on a mission.
We all know how he is with Senjuro — he’s very reassuring and inspiring, always cheering his brother up and hugging him tight. So sweet and wholesome.
Then I’m imagining a movie-style cut scene to the sound of skin clapping hard, Kyojuro panting and groaning and sweaty. His goodbyes with you are not so much a farewell as they are a reminder of who you belong to, no matter the distance. It’s why his fingers dig into your hips, why he arches your back so he can hit that sweet spot deep inside you — he needs you today his name, to blubber it, until Kyojuro is the only word you know.
Plus, his goodbyes before missions serve another purpose: they’re a chance for him to fill you up, to put his claim in you and maybe give you a piece of himself to carry on, in the event he doesn’t make it back. Is it a little selfish? Perhaps. But again, you’re his whether his heart is beating or not, and he wants you to always remember it.
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nvrsaidiwasinurcloset · 2 months
Obsessed - Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader - Part 2
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This contains SMUT - Minors DNI
Part 1
Summary: You help Ethan get revenge on his ex that made his life hell.
Contains: Angst, Mentions of abusive behavior, Fluff-ish? idk, Oral - m and f receiving, rough sex, dom!-ish Ethan (If I missed anything, let me know!)
A/N: I SUCK because I've had this almost finished for TWO DAYS and I thought I was going to have the time to finish it. Also, if there are any spelling errors or whatever, I'm sorry😫 If I re-read something I've written too much I start to criticize it and this would've never gotten posted lmao
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After your night with Ethan, you woke up determined to right the wrongs that your friends’ narrative created. You felt bad for him, because he was the sweetest, and he didn’t deserve all the hate he got from people that had no idea what the truth was. And the last thing you wanted was for the boy you were starting to fall for to change his mind and decide on transferring to a different school, even after he told you he’d stay.
Your friend kept texting you all night, so much that you finally had to put your phone on ‘Do Not Disturb’ just so you could get some sleep. Once you clicked on her message thread and had to scroll a few times to read all the stuff she’d sent you, you got an idea when you made it to the last text she’d sent.
‘How could you do that when it’s obvious I still have feelings for him?’
“Oh shit,” you said, rereading the message a couple times. “That’s it!”
You were about to text Ethan when you saw the ‘Good morning’ text he’d sent you, a sweet smile playing on your lips as you messaged him back.
You: Good morning
You: What are you doing today?
Ethan: I’m going to lunch with my friends soon, wanna join?
You: I wouldn’t be imposing?
Ethan: Not at all. Plus, I really want to see you
You: Where am I meeting you guys?
Ethan: You think I’m going to let you walk there by yourself?
Ethan: Meet me in front of your dorm in an hour
You: See you soon
When you walked outside, you saw Ethan leaning against the brick wall of your dorm. You ran up to him, a huge smile on your face as he pulled you close.
“Hey cutie,” he said, leaning down to kiss you. “How did you sleep?”
“I wish I slept a lot better,” you sighed, “Your ex was texting me all night.”
“Oh…why?” he asked, as he laced his fingers with yours.
“Someone told her I was kissing you at the party last night,” you said, his eyes growing wide at your words.
“What did she say?” he asked as he started to walk, leading the way towards the restaurant.
“That I betrayed her, that you’re going to hurt me just like you hurt her, and that she still has feelings for you.”
“Well, she can choke on her feelings,” he bluntly said, as you started to laugh. “I’m serious. She’s made my life hell.”
“I think I might know how to make things better for you, but I don’t know if you’ll like my idea,” you said, as he curiously looked over at you.
“What are you thinking?”
“What if you asked her to hang out? Like, just say that you miss her and you want to see her. Then you call her out on her bullshit, but record the conversation,” you said, as Ethan took a deep breath. “I can think of something else if you don’t want to be around her.”
“No, I think it’s a good idea,” he said, “I’m not sure if I can fake being nice to her, though. What if I see her and I just blow up on her?”
“I think you can do it,” you said, your thumb rubbing against the top of his hand. “Just think, you get her to confess that everything she’s said about you wasn’t true, and your life can go back to normal.”
“Normal sounds nice,” he said, glancing up to notice all the people looking at him. “I felt like I was invisible in high school. Now I can’t get people to stop staring at me.”
“Maybe it’s because you’re so cute,” you said, half-joking as you smiled at him. “I’m finding it hard to stop staring at you.”
“Stop, you’re going to make me blush,” he said, his free hand running across his face as he tried to compose himself from your flirting. “I think they’re staring right now because I’m with someone as beautiful as you.”
“Who’s making who blush now?” you asked, as he opened the restaurant door for you.
He led you over to the table where his friends were, introducing you to them as you sat down. You recognized Chad from the night before, and Ethan was just praying that he wouldn’t say something embarrassing.
“It’s nice to officially met you,” Chad said, “Ethan hasn’t shut up about you all morning.”
Ethan sighed in defeat as he looked over to his friend, “Seriously?”
“What? It’s true,” Chad shrugged, “He told me you convinced him to stay, which I’ve been trying to do for months.”
“I think things are about to get a lot easier for him,” you said, as Ethan smiled.
“She’s a genius,” he said, wrapping his arm around you. “Apparently my ex still has feelings for me. Fuck, I need to text her.” Ethan slid his phone out of his pocket and unblocked her number, before typing. “Does this sound okay?” he asked, showing you the ‘I miss you. can we talk?’ text.
“As long as you don’t actually miss her, then yeah,” you said, as Ethan started to laugh.
“Fuck no,” he said, as he pressed send.
“Wait…if she still has her feelings, why would she spread all those rumors?” Tara asked, as Mindy jumped in the conversation.
“She doesn’t want anyone else to have him.”
“That’s fucked up,” Chad said, as Ethan’s phone vibrated against the table.
Ethan looked over to you before he picked his phone up. You could tell he was nervous, you were, too.
“She asked me what I’m doing tonight,” he sighed, “She wants me to take her to dinner.”
“Do you feel comfortable with that?” you asked, his expression unreadable.
“Do you feel comfortable with that?” he questioned, “You know how she is. She’ll probably try to be affectionate.”
“I’ll kill her,” you said with a straight face as Ethan started to laugh. “I’m serious…if she touches you, she’s dead.”
“Ooh, what if we stake out at the restaurant,” Tara suggested, “We sit far enough away, but we can still see what’s going on.”
“That’s not a bad idea,” Ethan sighed, “I could only imagine what she’d say once she finds out it’s all bullshit. What if she says I put my hands on her or something?”
“You’ll have witnesses. I’ll come,” Chad said, as Mindy agreed to come along, too.
“Okay, I’m meeting her at 7,” he said, as his hand rubbed against your leg under the table.
Once everyone finished eating, you and Ethan were invited over to Tara’s. Ethan had other plans though, asking you if you wanted to go to his dorm for a little bit first. You agreed, because you wanted to spend alone time with him before he had to meet with his ex.
“Are you sure you’re okay with me going out with her tonight?” Ethan asked, once you’d made it back to his dorm. “I haven’t even taken you on our first date yet, and I’m taking her on one. It doesn’t feel right.”
“I’m okay with it as long as you don’t get sucked back in,” you said, a nervous smile playing on your lips as you sat down on his bed. “She’s good at convincing.”
“I won’t,” he promised, as he took a seat beside you. “The only one sucking me in is you.”
“Do you know what you’re going to say to her?” you asked, trying to fight the blush that was spreading to your cheeks.
“Well, I thought I’d start the conversation with the ‘I’m happy you wanted to see me’ and go from there. I think I’ll bring up the rumors and stuff after we start eating,” he sighed. “I hope she doesn’t deny it.”
“Just say you won’t give her another chance unless she admits it, because I told you she was the one spreading everything about you,” you suggested, as he shook his head.
“I’m not throwing you under the bus like that.”
“She’s already pissed at me. Why does it matter?” you asked, “Because honestly, she’s not my friend, not if she’s that shitty of a person. I don’t care what she thinks about me.”
“What if she starts shit about you, too?” he questioned, making you scoff.
“What can she say about me? Everyone will know she’s a liar after tonight.”
You talked with Ethan for a while about the right things to say and do, and as the hours started to pass, he was getting really stressed. He laid back on the bed and pulled you close to cuddle.
“We should probably go to Tara’s soon,” he said, as his fingertips rubbed across your back. With the lack of sleep from the night before, you were starting to feel really drowsy with the soothing motions. “Fuck, I’m so worried that I’ll just snap once I see her. I feel myself getting angrier.”
“You have every right to feel that way,” you said, as your hand rubbed across his stomach. “But I might know I way for you to release some of that tension.”
“What did you have in mind?” he asked, already having a hunch with the suggestiveness in your tone. You didn’t say anything as your hand traveled lower, running over the slight bulge in his jeans. You felt him getting harder the longer you rubbed, his hips shifting as he tried to get comfortable.
You sat up to look at him before your hand reached up to the button of his jeans. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about last night,” you said, your eyes on his as you slid his zipper down. “No one’s ever made me cum as hard as you did.”
You started to tug on his jeans as he lifted his hips, making it a little easier for you to get them down.
“Do you want me to make you cum right now?” he asked, as you laughed and shook your head.
“No, baby. I’m going to take care of you,” you said, sliding his boxers down. He gasped the second his cock sprang free from the confines of his boxers, your hand moving to lazily stroke it as he watched you, his bottom lip in between his teeth. “I’ve been dying to do this.”
With his size, you knew you wouldn’t be able to fit all of it in your mouth, but you were determined to make him feel so good that the only thing he thought about on his fake date with your friend was you. You started with his tip, your tongue swirling around it. You paid extra attention to the underside the head of his cock because he kept gasping every time your tongue brushed against it. Then you slowly started to take him in your mouth, as his hand went to your hair.
“Fuck,” he sighed, as he watched you. He thought you were always beautiful but seeing you like this made him even more attracted to you. Your eagerness to please him just like he took care of you the night before showed him how down for him you really were, and the way that you thought of a plan to help him get his life back to normal had him falling for you harder than he expected to, at least this soon.
Once you started to gag, his hand that was resting loosely in your hair started to pull it a little, the feeling making you moan around him. You just kept going, the drool from all your gagging starting to drip down his cock. You reached your hand up to stroke what you couldn’t fit in your mouth, as your cheeks hollowed and how head started to bob.
“Shit, baby,” he groaned once your hand started to twist a little. “You’re so fucking perfect.”
His praise motivated you even more, your head moving quicker as he struggled to keep quiet. Not that he needed to be, but he had so many different sounds threatening to slip past his lips. He was fighting to keep his hips still. It was taking everything in him to not thrust into your mouth. You noticed that he was holding back, so you pulled away, your hand still moving as you looked at him. Your eyes were glassy from all the tears that formed, your lips were swollen, and Ethan was just so in awe of you.
“You don’t have to just lay there,” you said, the slight rasp in your voice from all the gagging quickly becoming his new favorite sound. “I can take it.”
“Are you sure?” he asked, as you mumbled a “Mhm.”
You took him back in your mouth, and it didn’t take long for his hips to thrust. Your hand kept you from taking more than you could handle, but you were still gagging so much. Every time your throat tightened; Ethan felt himself getting closer to the edge.
“I’m gonna cum,” he groaned, his hand tugging on your hair as his hips stuttered.
You glanced up to see him as his orgasm hit. His eyes were fluttering as the salty liquid coated your taste buds, his head rolling back. The grip he had on your hair loosened as you slowed down, before you slid him out of your mouth.
“How was that?” you asked, as he tore his gaze away from the ceiling to look at you. He had a goofy smile on his face as his hands reached out to grab you and pull you close.
“That was perfect, babe,” he said, as he started to get a little curious. “How’d you get so good at that?”
“Don’t ask questions you don’t want the answers to,” you playfully said, as he chuckled. “We really should go to Tara’s.”
“Yeah, I’m thinking if you guys go to the restaurant early, she would be less likely to see you,” he said, as his hands started to rub your back again.
“We better go now, because you’re going to make me fall asleep,” you said, pushing yourself off his chest.
Once you made it to Tara’s, Ethan was way calmer than he was before. You knew the plan would work, but now you had more confidence that he’d be able to keep his cool. When everyone said they were ready to go, Ethan wrapped his hands around your waist from behind you. You turned to face him, a sweet smile on your lips as he leaned down to kiss you.
“Thank you,” he said, as you curiously looked at him.
“For what?”
“For being amazing,” he said, stealing one more kiss as Mindy fake-gagged in the background.
“Okay, if we’re going to make it to the restaurant before them, we need to go now,” she said, as you hesitantly pulled away from Ethan.
“I’ll see you soon,” you said, following Ethan’s friends out the door.
Once Ethan and his ex made it to the restaurant, you could feel the jealousy building. You saw the simple touches against his arm, the flirty smile on her lips. You felt your blood start to boil as you huffed and turned your attention to his friends.
“You okay?” Tara asked, noticing the pissed expression on your face.
“She was touching him,” you said, glancing back over to see them seated at the table.
“You really like him, huh?” Chad asked, as you felt your cheeks start to heat up.
“Yeah,” you said, your angry expression turning into a smile as you thought about Ethan.
“He really likes you too,” Tara said, as Chad nodded.
“Yeah, I told you, he wouldn’t shut up about you this morning.”
Everyone kept glancing towards Ethan’s table, but you were trying so hard not to. You just wanted to focus on eating the food in front of you, even though you didn’t have much of an appetite. You didn’t want to see him doing what he could to get the confession out of her, but once Mindy mumbled “Oh shit.” you finally looked up.
“Are they arguing?” Tara asked, as Chad nodded.
“He looks pissed.”
You watched your friend try to grab Ethan’s hand on the top of the table, but he pulled it away before he stood up. He searched the restaurant for the table that you were at before he walked over.
“I got her confession. Let’s go, babe,” he said, as you stood up. He took your hand in his before he turned to Chad. “I’ll send you money for her food. Is that cool?”
“Yeah, we’ll leave soon. You want to come back to Tara’s?” Chad said, as Ethan shrugged.
“Not right now, I need to blow off some steam.”
Your heart started to pound, butterflies fluttering around in your stomach as he walked with you. You weren’t sure how he wanted to let out his aggression, but you really hoped that it’d be in his bed. He led you out of the restaurant, your hand in his. Once your friend saw, she jumped up from the table and followed you outside.
“Hey,” she said, grabbing your shoulder after she caught up to you.
“Don’t touch me,” you snapped, turning to face her.
“What the fuck was all of this?” she asked, as Ethan tried to pull you away. “Honey, he doesn’t want you if he asked me out tonight.”
“Honey, he asked you out tonight so you’d confess to all the fucked up things you’ve said about him,” you yelled, your words full of venom as she started to laugh.
“Aww, are you trying to get people to believe that he isn’t some asshole?” she asked, and your hands involuntarily clenched at your sides. You were furious with the smug look on her face and the snarky tone. “Good luck trying to prove it.”
“I’ll prove it,” Ethan said, as he started to play back the video so she could hear it. Her face dropped, before she tried to grab his phone from his hands.
“Aww, are you worried everyone’s going to find out how much of a lying bitch you are?” you asked, your tone matching hers as she started to get mad. “You can’t just fuck up someone’s life and get away with it.”
Your conversation with her wasn’t quiet, and people started to gather around. They were probably anticipating the altercation to get physical, but you refused to give everyone that satisfaction.
“You really are a shitty friend,” she said, making you scoff.
“You’re a shitty person! You spread so much shit about Ethan that wasn’t true. How the fuck do you sleep at night knowing you’ve been ruining his life all year?”
“He shouldn’t have broken up with me,” she snapped, “But it’s okay. You aren’t what he really wants. It’s cute that you think you’ll ever compare to me.”
“That’s the reason I am interested in her!” Ethan yelled, “She’s nothing like you! You told everyone I was controlling, that I was mentally and emotionally abusive. That’s what YOU were!”
She was about to say something, when she glanced around and noticed all the people with their phones out, pointed at her. You noticed some of the girls that you’d heard talk about Ethan staring at the ground, disappointed in themselves that they helped spread the rumors. Some of the guys that had gathered around shook their heads at her.
“That’s fucked up,” one of the guys said, before one of the girls jumped in.
“Yeah, you’re going to make all of us seem like we’re lying if something happens to us. That really is fucked up.”
You looked over to Ethan, your eyes wide as he tried to fight a smile from forming on his lips. He saw her little reign of terror crumbling, and it was so satisfying to watch.
She suddenly felt the urge to save face, walking over to Ethan. He backed away from her as she sighed in frustration.
“I’m sorry, Ethan,” she said, as he started to laugh.
“You’re only sorry because people know who you really are now,” he said, rolling his eyes. “You don’t care that you fucked this whole year up for me. All you cared about was making sure no one else wanted me, but how funny is it that one of your friends does?”
“Oh, we’re not friends,” you said, looking over at her. “Good luck finding someone here that wants to be with you after what you did to him.”
Ethan grabbed your hand to lead you away from her, as she stood there in the awkward tension. Once you and Ethan made it a block away, you both started to laugh.
“Maybe I didn’t need to record the conversation with her,” he said, “Almost everyone recorded that shit just now.”
“I’m happy for you, babe,” you said, as he leaned down to kiss you. It wasn’t a quick peck like you expected, your mouths moving together as you made out on the sidewalk.
“It was so hot watching you stand up to her like that,” he said against your lips once you pulled away to catch your breath. “Let’s go to my dorm. Chad’s going to Tara’s.”
“And what would we do?” you asked, a smirk playing on your lips as he smiled.
“I think celebratory sex is the perfect way to end tonight, followed by you staying over once I tell Chad he can’t come home.”
Once Ethan got you back to his dorm, he unbuttoned the jeans you were wearing the second you slid your shoes off your feet.
“Someone’s eager,” you giggled, as he led you to the bed.
“You have no idea,” he said, pushing you back.
Your legs were hanging off the side of the bed as he pulled your jeans and panties down your legs, the aggressiveness of it making you more wet than you already were. He dropped to the floor, sitting on his knees as he moved your legs to rest on his shoulders. He started with small licks to your clit, teasing you a little just so he could make you squirm. Your legs resting on him pulled him closer once he wasn’t giving you what you needed. He chuckled against you before he started to swirl his tongue around your sensitive bundle of nerves.
“Fuck, just like that,” you said, your hand moving to rest in his curls.
His hands grabbed your hips to pull you even closer to his mouth, a squeal slipping past your lips once you felt your ass hanging off the bed.
“I won’t let you fall, baby,” he said, before his tongue went back to your clit.
You felt two of his fingers brushing against your entrance, a low moan falling out of your mouth once he slid them inside of you. You glanced down to look at him and saw his eyes on you. He couldn’t stop watching the way your chest started to rise and fall quicker and all the cute little faces you were making.
He started to angle his fingers just right, pressing them against the spongy spot inside of you as he suckled on your clit. Your hand pulled his hair, the other one gripping at the sheets as your moans got louder.
You felt that feeling starting to build, your body getting hotter as he pressed his fingers even harder.
“Oh shit,” you whimpered, as he sucked harder on your clit. “Cumming.”
Your back arched off the bed as the legs around Ethan’s shoulders clenched around him, holding him in place as he kept fucking you with his fingers. He slowed down a little once your pussy started to spasm, the loud whines falling from your lips echoing off the walls as he worked you through it.
Once your body relaxed, he slid his fingers out of you, and gave your clit a few more gentle licks before he rolled you over, your wobbly legs trying to stabilize themselves as your feet rested against the floor. You were still so blissed out, your senses still on overdrive as you heard the sound of his zipper getting slid down. After he took off his jeans and boxers, you waited in anticipation as he walked over to his nightstand to grab a condom. Once he came back over to you, he ran his hands over your ass that was proudly sticking up in the air for him.
“You’re going to be the death of me,” he chuckled as he rolled the condom on.
He inched himself inside of you, soft moans slipping past your lips as he filled you up. When he stilled inside of you, he ran his hands over your hips as his cock stretched you out.
“You can move now,” you said, your voice muffled by his bed sheets.
He started off with slow, deep thrusts. He slid his cock out of you every time, his breathing getting heavier every time the tip went in and out of your entrance. Your hips started to move back to meet his slow thrusts, but he pulled back even further.
“Please, baby,” you begged, as you heard him chuckle from behind you.
“How bad do you want it?” he asked, as his hands moved from your ass to grip your hips. You huffed in response, as he slowed down even more. “If you want me to give you what you want, you better tell me.”
“I want it so fucking bad,” you pouted, as he smirked at how needy you were.
“That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
Before you could say anything else, he started to pound into you. He was pulling your hips back to meet his thrusts, your legs tingling as you struggled to hold yourself up. You were clinging to his sheets, whimpers flooding out of your mouth as he slammed into that spot every single time.
“So fucking tight,” he grunted, as you moaned in response.
Ethan had gone absolutely feral, one of his hands snaking under you to pull you back against him as he fucked up into you. He was squeezing at one of your breasts over your shirt as his other hand kept pulling your hips down.
“Are you mine?” he growled in your ear, this new side of Ethan turning you on more than you already were. You were trying so hard to form words, but they wouldn’t come out. The sounds of your wet pussy and skin slapping were filling the room as you felt the coil in the pit of your stomach getting tighter. “Are you too cock drunk to answer me?”
You nodded your head as he laid you back on the bed, your hands grasping at the sheets again as he fucked you even harder. Your whimpers were turning to cries as your legs started to shake, your orgasm taking over your body so strong that you swore you were going to black out from how good it felt.
“Almost there, baby,” he said, your pussy squeezing him so tight that he felt like he could bust at that feeling alone. After a few more deep thrusts, he moaned out, his cum filling the tip of the condom. He caught his breath for a minute before he slid out of you, smiling at the way your body was relaxed on his bed.
“I am,” you said, after he got rid of the condom and helped you get the rest of your body up on the bed.
“You’re what?” he questioned, as he laid down and pulled you close.
“I’m yours.”
After that night, your former friend only lasted a couple weeks at the university once everyone realized how she really was. She switched to online classes until she transferred to a college closer to her and Ethan’s home town. Your relationship with Ethan got more serious that he was bringing you home for the holidays. You were taking all these cute little photos in front of one of the light displays when you saw her with someone you assumed to be her new boyfriend, but she quickly walked away with him the second she saw you and Ethan.
“You think she’s going to do the same shit to him that she did to me?” he asked, wrapping his arm around you as you walked along the path of lights.
“No, I think she learned her lesson.”
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aaakikoo · 10 months
Low effort scenarios with my favorite fictional man. Bakugou.
an -> low effort is what I do best lmao, I hope you enjoy this. I have alresdy done these with more effort put in them 😭 I’ll list some below.
here and here.
another an -> requests currently open, or if you want to send ideas, thirsts or suggestions feel free to do that too. Comments and rblogs r appreciated!
paring -> k.Bakugou x f!reader
warnings -> language, idk tell me if there is any other.
“Babe please just one bite” you said as the blond was slurping on his noodles. “Fuck off, get your own.”
“You made the last pack! I am not heading to the store for a packet of noodles!” You said in defense but he didn’t seem to care as he continued chewing.
“Babe please!” You held him by the shoulders as you whined further. “I said no.” He said taking another bite.
“Fine.” You huffed and sat your ass back down on the couch. after Bakugou had finished slurping and munching on his noodles he came and sat with you on the couch.
At first you didn’t pay him any mind until he made a mistake and placed his arm around your waist.
You quickly slapped his arm away. “I’m mad at you.” You said leaving the living room and heading to your shared bedroom.
On your way you heard him scoff but you didn’t care.
A few minutes later he came in to apologize but it wasn’t successful.
“Why do I have to apologize after eating something I ate, and paid for? Do I have to share everything with you.” He asked in annoyance.
“Well you could’ve gave me one singular bite!” You said in defense and he scoffed and left the room annoyed at your behavior.
About half an hour later he came in, this time you didn’t bother to look at him. He didn’t say anything either, he came in and picked you off of the bed.
“W-what? Hey, what are you doing??” You asked surprised, no answer. “Put me down!” Still no answer.
He walked downstairs and headed to the kitchen placing you on one of the island chairs.
“What are-“ you words were swallowed up as you saw what was in front of you.
“Stop being mad at me now okay?”
He had bought you more noodles, made them for you, cut you fresh vegetables to have with, seasoned it, and put chopsticks on the side for you to eat.
You didn’t replay, only offering him a little hidden smile as you began munching.
The man still sat across from you on the island. “Thank you. Best boyfriend ever.”
“Huge mood swing.”
It was a Sunday afternoon and you were both chilling on the couch.
Tomorrow was your day off so you were in a good mood, scrolling on whatever expensive brands site, checking out their latest drops and most hottest items.
Also Bakugou told you he will be taking you out after his shift, by 7pm. So you were trying to see if you could make a steal for the date.
Currently, Bakugou’s eyes were glued on the tv and your eyes were glued on your phone.
The guy in the show Bakugou is watching had made a pretty funny joke and Bakugou looked down at you to see if you had catched that.
Instead he finds you eyeing a dark red pair of high pump heels. He saw you like it and add it to your list and he thought that was it.
He continued watching the series like nothing happened and you closed your phone and now focusing on the tv.
The next day you woke up to an empty bed like always when it is your day off, currently 9am and you headed down to make yourself breakfast.
After you had eaten you clean up a bit and chatted with your friends for a little. Until the doorbell rang and there was a mailman, delivering you a package and asking for your autograph.
You had told him that you didn’t purchase anything but he kept on insisting that this was the right address.
You took a look on the address and it was correct then you saw that it was bought with your boyfriends name. So you gave the mailman your autograph.
After you closed and locked your door you took the box into the living room. Wondering what your boyfriend could’ve possibly purchased. He always asks for your opinion before he purchases anything.
Curiosity got the best out of you and you opened the brown box, the box revealing another box inside. A more expensive looking one. Matt black box with golden letters from the expensive brand you were looking at earlier.
You opened the black box, now this time the box revealed a white stretchy bag, you opened the box and your jaw dropped at the sight.
The dark red pumps you were looking at yesterday. Before you could properly make up your thoughts your boyfriend messaged you.
[ wear em today ]
Is all he sent to you, you wondered how he knew that you had gotten them, then you remembered he gets a notification when a package is delivered.
Your heart was filled with warmth.
By 17:30 you started getting ready, quick shower, blowing your hair, picking your outfit. A long black silky dress and gold jewelry everywhere from your ears, wrists to your neck and fingers. Elegant makeup and your hair out up in a golden butterfly claw clip. Along with of course the new heels.
By 18:50 you received a text. Which meant to head outside. And so you did.
When you stepped outside you were met with your boyfriend dressed in black suit pants and a white dress shirt with a dark red tie to match his eyes and your new bought heels.
He greeted you with a hug and a kiss on your temple. “Thank you.” You said and pecked his lips.
“Nothing but the best for you.”
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mirlvshft · 3 months
shifting experience! ✩₊˚.⋆☾⋆⁺₊✧ — 2/26/23
this is the night i shifted. it was around 2am about to be 3am and i was veryyy tired, very sleepy. but regardless, i put on my earphones and started to listen to my guided meditation. i barely made it past the beginning fully conscious until i fell asleep and woke up again; i still had my earphones in and the meditation going. i didn’t open my eyes or anything. i switched positions then again, i knocked out. MIND YOU, i don’t know when this all happened. could’ve been in the span of a few minutes to a few hours— who knows.
alright, now this part is difficult to describe. i was on my back, no longer hearing the meditation and while my eyes were closed i was able to see? the ceiling was different and i remember being confused but not entirely fazed, i then ‘closed’ my eyes as i moved onto my side. i couldn’t see anything THEN i opened them again and bitchhhh lemme tell youu… (˵ ¬ᴗ¬˵)
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(my wr is a luxury penthouse, the middle pic is my bedroom ^^) i saw the whole left of the room (since i was on my side) i saw the panels of windows and the way the rain poured down the glass, the grey sky and clouds, the buildings too. the panel closest to the wall being slightly opened (as i want it to be), the nightstand right there with that lamp on top AND ON!! the way outside was the exact weather i wanted it to be, how dim and nice the whole room was. AMAZING GUYS!! IM TELLING YOUUU. although!! i didn’t freak out or anything, i barely realized and in those few moments i was there, i was like “oh. okay cool” LIKEEEE??? my surroundings felt so different, yet so familiar that it really wasn't different. my bed was different, the pillow and sheets— everything. i was just so comfortable that it didn’t faze me. the best i can explain how comfortable, how normal it all felt is when you’re lying in bed. SOOO comfy, so at peace, you’re not actively acknowledging your surroundings, right? you’re just so at ease, you’re not constantly thinking of the mattress or fixating on the way everything feels. you’re just there. to continue on, in these few moments of looking around a bit and acknowledging where i was, i snuggled into my pillow and blanket then knocked tf out and that was it. obv i ended up waking up here but absolutely amazing!! this is such a huge milestone in my journey and i’m so incredibly happy about it!! @sabs-shifts <3 i’m so excited to go back but for a good while this time!! (˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶)
to quote a lovely friend of mine @evangelineshifts “I’ve shifted a few times albeit briefly and the way it feels so normal is so jarring like ??? Idk I think we all expect it to be the like mind churning, exploding life changing experience and then when it’s just like “you’re home :D” 🤨” — it literally isn’t at all grand and crazy LMAO, it felt like nothing and was so incredibly normal. but of course, as always, everyone's journey is different <3
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neteyamslovrr · 1 year
KXANI - pt4
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summary: you have never fit in with the scientists, but on the night jake was lost in the forest so were you. staying with the people was your one true dream, yet when you are anything but welcome and jake get's to experience the people. you find yourself seeking comfort in tsu'tey
contents: 2.4k words, fem!avatar reader angst, lots of angst, reader is upset, tsu'tey is stupid, grace redemption arc, avatar 2009, tsu'tey not being as ooc LMAO
authors note: sorry it took so long y'all, ya girl has been working her ass off trying not to fail, also soz in advance for the angst. and if ur tag didn't work L idk how to fix that (i love u all)
all parts - next part
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Jake woke from his link ready to harass you with a million questions. As the link pod opened he was already sitting up.
“Y/N! Are you going to explain why Tsu’tey was about to slit my throat cause of you?” Jake was wide-eyed and furious. He hopped himself back into his wheelchair so he could speak to you without yelling across the shuttle.
“What? What do you mean?” You were beyond confused. Tsu’tey did what? For you?
“He came up to me yelling about some shit! That I disrespected you and that I’d be better dead! Had his knife at me and everything!” Grace had walked into the commotion immediately taking action between you two yelling colleagues.
“Woah, woah, woah. Ok calm down before we lose another scientist.” She put her hands between the space between you and made space between the two of you.
“I didn’t tell Tsu’tey to do that! I have no idea why he acted like that.” Anxiety was cursing through your body as you switched between the fuming Jake and the confused Grace. Why did Tsu’tey do this? Was it to spite you? To get a rise out of Jake?
“You obviously told him something!” He exclaimed throwing his arms in the air. Grace looked at you for confirmation, but you were persistently shaking your head.
“No. No! I just talked about being a scientist. That’s all.” Jake scoffed at you as Grace’s features grew even more concerned.
“Oh yeah, because the life of a scientist is totally enough to be THREATENED BY A WARRIOR. For fuck sake Y/N!” You were cowering from the man below you, you wanted to escape desperately, his fierce glares and Grace’s pained ones were all too much.
“Enough. We have research to log. Hurry up. Go!” Grace pulled Jake’s chair away as she stared at you to walk away from Jake. And that’s exactly what you did.
Rushing to the bunk bed you shared with Norm you climbed up and planted harshly onto the rough sheets. Curling yourself up into a ball, you tried to slow down your fast breathing as thoughts were rapidly entering your mind. You had to ask Tsu’tey.
Rushing through Hometree you couldn’t find him anywhere. You had rummaged through ever crevice of the tree and you were left empty-handed.
Why would Tsu’tey do this? You understood he hated Jake, but you thought he’d at least be understanding. So why was he so adamant on ‘a dead Jakesully, is a good Jakesully.’ You had to understand his actions, you had to.
Your fast pace and concentrated look made the people give you a mountain of odd looks. You were growing frustrated, why was he nowhere to be seen?
Not being aware of your surroundings you ran headfirst into a firm body. There Neytiri stood looking down at you slightly as she tilted her head in confusion. “Why are you stomping around like a child?”
“Oh!...I’m looking for Tsu’tey, have you seen him?” Neytiri scanned the room before her eyes went back to you.
“I believe he’s at the river, not in his best mood.” Frowning at her comment, you wondered what had upset him so much.
“Thankyou.” Bowing at her before you started rushing through the forest. You didn’t intend on running there but it just seemed to occur as your breath grew shaky and your heart beat faster.
You had now learnt your way through the forest. The endless vegetation no longer taking you for a loop. Now you knew exactly how to get to the man you demanded answers from.
There he sat at the edge of the riverbed. He was calm, peaceful. He stared up into the sky letting out a relaxed sigh.
Watching silently a seed of the tree of souls landed on his shoulder, he watched as it flew in front of him turning his gaze into the direction of you, a frown growing on his face.
“Why are you here? Go back.” He flicked his hand as his voice rumbled, he sounded angry, it wasn’t like you heard before though, it was directly at you.  
“I need to talk to you. I was looking everywhere” Your breath still shaky as you panted out your words etching closer to him. He grimaced at your state as he contemplated his response.
“You shouldn’t have.” It was sharp and hurtful. He meant to say it like that, but watching the way your relieved expression faltered into a hurt one pained him.
“Well…you shouldn’t have threatened Jake.” You didn’t imagine you would ever step up to the tall man in front of you. But recently you felt as if he was someone you could share your concerns with, even those concerning him.
“Who are you to question my actions demon.” His lanky arms crossed against his toned body as his stature grew taller. His presence becoming more intimidating as his nostrils flared in anger.
“You upset him Tsu’tey! And you upset me.” He faltered at your words, it was a split second your saw guilt in his eyes before it flashed away again. You had never seen him so upset, he was growing more and more irritated by the second. It felt as if you were getting whiplash compared to his affection towards you yesterday.
“Why should I care what a demon feels?” He felt pained, and so did you. His words were growing harsher as was his glare. You started to back away from him, regretting ever opening your mouth.
“Well… I thought that you might of cared about me.” It was a quiet confession. One that as soon as you let it out you wanted to take it back immediately. To Tsu’tey it felt like a blade stabbing him in his heart as it escaped your mouth. His harsh glare faltered once again as he blinked rapidly. He did care. Eywa, he cared so fucking much. That’s why he was doing this. He can’t let his heart overrule his mind.
“And why would I think that? You are a demon. Bringing nothing but destruction and death.” You felt yourself shrinking as you watched him etch closer and closer to you.
“then why did you go after Jake then? If you don’t care about me!” It felt as if your heart was a pane of glass that was smashed against the floor.
He had no excuse for his behaviour towards Jake. He was angry, he was angry at Jake for treating you badly. He took your words and used them as a weapon towards Jake. He was angry because he cared about you.
“Such a demon thing to think the world revolves around you!” His voice was booming, he was seeing red but not with anger, it was his heart bleeding. “Go back. You don’t belong here.”
He saw it on your face. The slow blink to get rid of your tears. The shake in your chest and the way your swallowed any words you might of retaliated back. He saw the way you looked at him with betrayal.
“What was yesterday then?” Your voice cracked as you stared up at the stone faced man.
“A mistake.” Your lips quivered as you sucked your cheeks. He felt that familiar pang, but it wasn’t a pang anymore. It was a thrash.
He watched you turn with such speed that you almost toppled over. He watched you leave as fast as you came. He heard your sobs rack through the forest as you walked further and further away.
Soon they were washed away by the sound of rain pouring down. A sound he would usually cherish as it calmed him. But it no longer felt calming, it was deafening.
Running back to Hometree you were tear-stricken. Your throat ached and so did your heart. You knew it was rich of you to assume he enjoyed your company, but it felt so nice to be appreciated.
Your disarray brought on the stares of hundreds including Grace’s. While she may have not been the kindest to you and she was aware of that. She was also aware how she underestimated you and dismissed you as your contributions were nothing compared to Jake’s. Yet, this morning she realised just how much she had underestimated you. You had cracked open the shell of Tsu’tey and she respected you for it.
So, when she saw you dishevelled, she couldn’t deny her concern.
“Y/N? What the hell happened?” Her fingers gripped onto your shoulder to bring you back down.
“Nothing. I just…I am alright.” She gave you the look.
“Do you think I’m stupid?”
“NO! No. Please just let me go.” Grace sighed giving you a pat on the back.
“C’mon kid, somethings bothering you.”
“Why would you care? You never did before?” Grace knew this was coming. She knew that she also deserved it.
“You’re crying. That’s why.” You scoffed at her, swatting her hand off you.
“I don’t need your pity. I just wanted your acknowledgement. And…the one person who was giving me that, has decided it was a mistake. So, I’d just appreciate if you don’t make that ‘mistake’ either.”
“Are you talking about Tsu’tey?” Grace was growing more concerned, she didn’t even realise the two of you had developed a special bond.  
“I’ll see you in the lab, Dr. Augustine.” You spat at her, venom dripping off your tongue as you rushed off in the same direction you came, apologising to the people you had barged into in your fit of despair.
What had you done to deserve this? Were you truly unworthy of friendship? Were you imagining all those moments with Tsu’tey. The intimate silences, the small touches, the deep conversations and the concern he had for you. Where had they gone? Did he hit his head the night before?
Or maybe it was just as he said. You were a parasite. Maybe he never felt any of those things, you just took them from him. Was this all that you were? A parasite in a fake body.
But this body was most dear to you. You felt so connected to the people and the nature. What if it was just to Tsu’tey. Had you been greedy? Been like every other sky-person and taken this worlds beauty for your own benefit.
Tears fell as you were consumed by your thoughts. You were so conflicted. How did you belong nowhere? Not with humans, not with Na’vi and not with anyone.
Disrupted from your thoughts you heard two voices in the distance. Rushing to hide up in a tree you saw the bodies of the voices.  
There was Jake and Neytiri, walking close together, talking as they planned there hunt. You watched the way they grazed upon each other. The way they would look at each other so lovingly, sharing giggles and touches. Waves of jealously crashed upon you.  
You watched them both and couldn’t help but imagine it was you and Tsu’tey. That it was you two sharing glances and loving touches.  
Your heart ached as you continued to watch them from afar. Your throat was tight the more they bonded, the more they loved. The ache in your heart was strong, the sting in your eyes was harsh as your fists were clenched.
At one point your feelings overtook you, because you were no longer fixated on the couple in front of you but the quiet words that left Neytiri’s mouth. “A clean kill…you are ready.”  
You watched the two share a look, a look of knowing and a look of accomplishment. You couldn’t help but feel your chest thrash, he was ready?
Jake was becoming Omaticaya while you are being thrown out by the future Olo’eyktan. This wasn’t fair! This wasn’t right! Your mind was foggy, and your heart stung. You had to leave. You couldn’t stay watching him succeeded right in front of you.
Leaving quietly, you returned to Hometree to lay in your hammock. You had enough of this day, it was best if you could just end it now.
Tsu’tey laid in his hammock wide awake. The ache in his heart hadn’t gone way like he thought it would. He couldn’t love a demon, what would that make him? A traitor to his kind.
But the way you smiled, the way you cheered at the most minute things, the way you continued to love everything about him while he gave you nothing in return. He didn’t deserve the kindness you had bestowed upon him.
He longed for you. He longed to hold you and tell you he was sorry. That he confronted Jake because he was angry for you. That it was never a mistake, he loved every minute with you.
He wanted you so badly that it ached. That his heart felt bruised in your absence. Tsu’tey couldn’t help but think of your soft fingers wrapped around his torso. He couldn’t help but dream of that flight with you. He couldn’t help but mourn that it was the last time he’d ever feel your touch, or feel your love.
It was his own doing. He pushed you away. But he craved your touch and he craved your smile. He craved every single part of you, but he can’t have you.
He can’t feel this way. He is not allowed to feel this way. He has a mate, he has a duty, and he has people to serve. A demon can’t take that from him no matter how much he wanted that demon.
The sobs of your broken heart rung in his ears as he tried to fall asleep, but they didn’t escape him. He just wanted to forget this. Forget you.
He knew that you were hurting. He knew that the sky-people also hurt you just like they hurt him. He knew that he hurt you too.
 He knew that you longed to be a Omaticaya, that you wanted nothing more to be able to provide and be useful.
He could see it in the way you paid attention to every syllable that exited his mouth. It was admirable how much you wanted to provide. He saw himself in you the way you wanted to serve. It made him recoil in on himself.
To be similar to a demon like you. But you weren’t a demon. Eywa, you were a beauty, a kind soul, the purest of spirits. You reminded him of a sacred seed. But you couldn’t be, and you would never be.
You weren’t Navi, you weren’t one of the people. You never could be with the way he wanted you.
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tags/closed: @koolaidmanscaresme @suntizme @forestcottage @avatarlover21 @mechformers @jennielune @dilfs-bitch @simplefools @merla123 @awkward-halfhug @atwow699 @scarlettisconfusedd @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @elegantkidfansoull @tarrynightss @randxmthxughts @ronalsgirl @gardenofvows @zitarcis @i-thirsty-boii @lin0leum @lovekeehoo @notyurdad @supercoolusernamesblog @cupidddd-d @im-in-a-pansexual-panikanik @saltedcoffeescotch @jakesullysslutttt @valentineheartzz @eywas-heir @perilous-pasta @fanboyluvr @asd3ku @atsukiswrld @moonpie3000 @coffeeaddictednymph @anangelwhodidntfall @snips-501 @dangerouslittlefairy @chaos-in-person @rebeccao03 @adaydreamaway08 @jellybeanstacey0519 @graykageyama @aracelikara
(sorry if i didn't get u, or if it didn't work)
reblogs + replies appreciated!! i'll give u a big ole smooch and a imaginary teddy bear
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darkacademicvibes · 7 months
Hellooo! So I know you haven't posted in ages and you're probably busy or maybe not writing anymore but if you are and your requests are open... can you maybe do something for Theodore nott? If you don't write for him then maybe Barty Jr. Or Regulus or something?
Basically fem!reader is insecure and brings it up and he doesn't understand so she asks is they even love her anymore and they somehow propose right then and there? Like really tearful, and he's so hurt but he's also kind of blank about it idk and she says yes obvs, but he just doesn't know how to feel about what she asked?
Thankyouthankyouuuuu and if you aren't writing anymore that's totally understandable 🩵🩵🩵🩵
I'm always gonna write on this blog, lately I've really been trying to figure out my page and stuff and I just got done with exams so I've been busy, I'm sorry!!! I HOPE this lives up to expectations, I've never written an argument/yelling that turned to a proposal lmao <3
Look At Me
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tw: cursing, idk I like it, he's very much sweater Theo lmao, nothing really to be honest with you
"-God, Theo, it's like you're never here anymore!" You huff, busying yourself with the dishes of a dinner you ate alone, again. The sound of his name instead of the nickname you'd always called him made him flinch. Theodore Nott had been your boyfriend since the beginning of your seventh year at Hogwarts, and you'd fought together in the war on Harry's side. Or, McGonagalls side, as Theo preferred to call it.
After Hogwarts, you'd moved in together which you'd defended to your parents as convenience. And his, well, his mother got ill quick, and then got better, and then ill again, and she'd eventually found out after he'd invited her over to make sure she was okay, and you'd come home to your boyfriends mother on the couch having tea. You'd easily slipped into comfortable conversation with your loving boyfriend and his (absolutely wonderful) mother and she'd guessed it by morning when you'd made everyone pancakes as you'd been woken up early by Theo on his way to quiddich practice.
Lately, however, he'd been home less. In fact, it began at the beginning of the year, while it is now November. You celebrated your third year anniversary of fully owning the house (thanks to his family money's help) and as that morning when you woke up, he was gone, he came home giddy, and then that night, went to bed nervous. And things hadn't been the same. You'd marked that night on your calander once you realized that was the last afternoon before anything changed.
April 4th.
Since then, he'd barely be at home, which isn't saying a lot seeing as he was a professional player for the Montrose Magpies and sometimes was forced to be away for day practices that led well until you'd gone to bed and weekend games that you always made sure to see.
He'd started getting up earlier, and going to bed either well before, or well after you. When you were wide awake, or fast asleep. Sometimes, he'd sleep in the guest room downstairs, instead.
He'd stopped with the casual kisses everytime he left the room, no longer pressing kisses to your temple, cheek, nose, shoulder, or head, and started passing by in silence, answering requests with hums, grunts, and nods. Your brother had joked he was finally going through the 'I hate my girlfriend' phase, but quickly shut up when you'd choked out a strangled breath that sounded like you'd taken a bludger to the stomach.
The thought hasn't left your mind since.
"I'm here now" Theo presses, standing behind the kitchen island, his hands braced firmly on the edges of the bench, gripping tightly. You scoff, scrubbing the pan harshly. Who invented pans that weren't non-stick? You wanted to hit them with your pan, your pan that now had bits of food and grease stuck to it.
"Theo this is the eighth night in a row I've had to put your dinner in the microwave" you give up on the pan, abandoning it on the bench and moving on to the pot you'd made the potatoes in. It was your day off, and Theo was supposed to be home at four, so you'd made a full dinner for you to eat together. A mistake, you now realized, as you didn't eat until seven when your food had already gone cold, and he hadn't come home until nine, when you'd usually do the dishes. He did them right after dinner for some unexplainable reason you didn't quite understand. Through, you were the one who grew up with supper. So you always made it and did dishes after.
"I told you not to count on me being home on time, bambino" he breathes, and you sniff, wiping your nose on the back of your wrist. He had, yesterday, but not today. "I wrote it down and left it on the kitchen counter-" a soft mew interrupts him, and you listen to the sound of him scooping up the neighbors cat.
"Pie, you shouldn't be here, your mama will be looking for you" you coo, glancing back at the soft, light brown cat. "She can stay" Theodore murmurs, cuddling the cat close. A pang of anger flashed through your stomach. That cat was getting more affection from your boyfriend then you'd gotten for most of the year. "No, she can't" your voice is snappy, and he sighs, kissing the top of Pies head and opening the back door, placing Pie outside and closing the door again before leaning against the wood, watching you.
"I don't understand what I've done to make you so upset, amore" he murmurs, and you snap, tossing the potato pot and the rag into the sink, taking off the ridiculous yellow gloves and tossing them onto the bench.
"You are never here, Theo" you insist. "And you go god knows where, because you weren't at practice tonight" you continue, when Theo opens his mouth to argue, you glare at him. Your voice shakes, and that makes you angrier. "No! You weren't, I called Peter, he was at home with his wife and baby son at four fifteen" you snap, and hurt flashes in his eyes. You want to apologize, but you haven't done anything wrong, not that you're aware of. You have suffered, for months, wondering what you'd done wrong. You didn't understand. You don't understand.
"So where were you? Were you with someone else, someone you can stand? Because it's pretty clear you can't stand me anymore" you toss your hands up, abandoning the gloves as you return to cleaning the dishes as Theo makes his way closer, returning to the island counter as you ramble on.
"If you were then just tell me and be done with it, because this wondering, the guessing, the hoping you aren't, the subconsciously looking for proof that you have been, is killing me" you ramble on.
"It is absolutely tearing me apart to think you don't love me anymore, trying to find reasons that would have you pulling away because surely, if you don't love me then you'd leave me, right? Except, I don't know, I don't know what I did-" you place the pot aside and start working on your plate. His is still in the microwave. "-I can't figure it out. Tell me what I did wrong, because I can't keeping going like this for much longer" you sniffle, and the sound has the guilt already drowning him shove him down deeper.
"I mean, do you even love me anymore? Because it really just seems like you're sticking around for convenience" You manage to mumble, your voice shaking as tears prick harshly at your eyes. You try blinking them back, but you have to harshly wipe your cheek with the back of your arm as the feeling of a few hot tears warm your cheeks.
A soft click sound from behind you and in your confusion, you turn, pausing at the sight. Theo is leaning heavily against the counter, his shoulders tense as the small dark blue velvet box sits open on the table.
A delicate gold ring, with agate as the stone sits undisturbed in the box, and you can feel your breath escape you because it is beautiful.
"I was afraid you would say no" he admits, gazing at you through his dark lashes you'd frequently voiced that you were jealous of. "I was afraid you'd say no, and I pulled myself away from you, and I'm sorry for not noticing how it affected you" he breathes. Almost as breathless as you.
He slowly rounds the island, gently stopping to stand beside you.
His hands land on your waist, delicate. "ragazza dolce, how could you ever doubt my feelings for you?" He murmurs, his thumbs rubbing gently over the skin of your hips. The touch makes you pause and, slowly, you melt against his chest. "You haven't touched me like this since April fourth" you start softly, gaze still on the ring, and he tenses beside you.
Fuck, you'd actually remembered the date he held you last? He knew it had been a while, he had felt horrible about his nerves pulling him away from you, but you'd memorized the fucking date he'd last touched you, and it was so much longer then he'd thought.
"You barely answer me anymore, I start every conversation, and it's either tense, or it falls through so fast i-" you hesitate. "It makes me feel like you don't see the point in talking to me anymore" his heart shattered, he could hear it, feel it- you'd felt so horrible, miserable even, and it was his fault. He'd been so wrapped up in how he felt that he hadn't even noticed you'd been miserable. Lonely.
"I'm sorry, mio caro, I'm so sorry" he murmurs, pained, his lips brushing the crook of your neck gently.
His hands gently guide you to face him, and you allow him to lift your hands, drying them off gently. "C'mon sunshine, I'm sorry, look at me" he murmurs, gently tucking his forefinger under your chin to guide you to meet his eyes. "I have been so nervous that I started pulling away, and I am so sorry you felt this way, sweet girl, I promise I love you" he assures you gently, watercolour eyes gazing into yours deeply.
"There has never been, nor will there ever be, anyone else. You are it for me, you are my Andromeda, I'm your Perseus, remember?" He pleads softly, reminding you of the last time you'd been in Hogwarts.
The astronomy tower would probably crumble if you stood in the wrong spot, still, you (almost) fearlessly ventured closer to the calm figure leaning against the wall of the castle, not for one second, caring that he was sitting in rubble. Gazing at the stars. He smiles at you as you stand beside him, and he offers you his hand, which you take as he helps you to sit beside him safely.
"Feel up to stargazing, my love?" He murmured, and you smile softly, leaning your head on his shoulder as his hand rests easily on your thigh, rubbing gently despite the dust-covered fabric in the way of your skin. "Always" you hum. He huffs a soft laugh and sighs warmly. "You remember those stars?" He asks softly, pointing out the constellation, and you nod against his shoulder. Andromeda and Perseus, the chained maiden and her lover. Her savior. Her husband, in entirety. They'd been so in love they were placed in the stars so their love would never end.
"Yeah, I remember, it's your favourite myth" he smiles, and he presses a soft kiss to your head, smiling himself. You'd remembered it was his favourite.
"If I was Perseus, you'd be my Andromeda" he murmurs, and you smile softly, melting into him. "If I was Andromeda, you'd be my Perseus" you retort gently, pressing a soft kiss to his shoulder as shouts of names, and calls of joy fill the night air.
The war is over. All is well.
"My father is dead" Theo hums. The way he says it was almost as if he'd simply noticed the time and pointed it out. He found more empathy for the roadkill the two of you had come across two weeks ago, a rabbit that had been hit by a carriage.
"I saw. Are you okay?" You ask gently.
"Yeah, I'm okay, as long as I have you, I'll always be more than okay" he hums, chuckling softly. "My mother will be okay now, she's safe" he sighs, the tension leaving him slightly.
"She is, Teddy" you smile, and as he wraps his arm around you to pull you impossibly closer, you both gaze at the sky and you do what you do best together.
You talk, and you stargaze.
You nod slowly, tears slipping down your cheeks, and he sighs softly in relief, his thumb swiping the tears away gently.
"I love you, so much. I'm sorry I let myself get in my head, I should've realized I was hurting you" he murmurs, his lips pressed against your hairline as he tucks a few strands behind your ear, his fingers trailing down your neck, then your shoulder, all the way to your hand, where he links your fingers together.
"Teddy, are you asking me to marry you?" You murmur softly, eyes gazing softly at the ring again. He hums, "will you say yes?" He murmurs softly, his thumb brushing against yours.
"I can't imagine a world where I'd consider saying no" you breathe, and you can feel his lips tug into a giddy smile against your temple. He pulls away, only enough to reach the ring, and gently hums.
"Look at me, bellissimo"
Your eyes meet his and he leans down to press a soft kiss to your lips, the familiar softness of it almost making you swoon.
"Will you, the most gorgeous woman I have ever laid eyes on, make me the absolute happiest man alive, and do me the honor of making me your husband?" He asks quietly, his lips brushing yours gently.
You smile, and nod softly, "that's a yes from me" you hum, "a big, fat, yes" you laugh, and he chuckles along with you, gazing softly at you as he slowly slips the ring onto your finger. "Good, now give me a big, fat, kiss" he demands playfully "I miss kissing my fiancé" he murmurs, and it sets off fireworks in your stomach.
You lean up and press a big, fat, kiss to his lips, just like he asked.
You giggle as he wraps his arms around you happily, tugging you closer and tapping your hip in the all too familiar signal to jump. You wrap your legs around him and he kisses you harder, his hands under your thighs.
"I have a lot to make up for" he mumbles, making his way into the living room and dropping you gently onto the couch, pulling a giggle from you.
"Remind me to tell Draco not to sit on this couch next time he comes over" you tease, and he laughs, loud, and happy, and the sound has you melting.
You have your Theo back, and he's not your boyfriend anymore, he's more, and you couldn't be happier.
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auras-moonstone · 11 months
mad woman — ethan landry (part five)
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words: 1,769
pairing: ethan landry x gf!fem!reader
based on: mad woman by taylor swift
author’s note: only one more part left ! and the epilogue (if i decide to give y/n and ethan a happy ending).
previous part ; next part
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Y/N AND ETHAN WOKE UP AT THE SOUND OF THEIR PHONES RINGING. The girl groaned in annoyance as she reached for the device laying on the drawer. Ethan mumbled something under his breath before grabbing Y/N by the waist to push her against his bare chest again.
The girl laughed kissing his cheek “Eth, it might be important” she whispered. He sighed, letting her go. She took her phone and read the texts that were sent to the group as Ethan pressed short kisses on her neck.
y/n, ethan we have a plan.
meet us at the park in an hour
everything okay???
answer us!!!
fuck he killed her
i told you not to go with him y/n/n
wtf mindy i’m okay
why would you text that if you thought i was dead??
idk maybe you are seeing me typing
maybe you are stuck in this world trying to get revenge
you want to haunt your boyfriend for killing you!
please stop watching paranormal movies minds
we are okay. we’ll meet you there in thirty minutes
we texted you 40 minutes ago, mindy told you to meet us in an hour
yeah we are not going to make it in twenty
we need to shower
but you went to his dorm specifically to shower
why didn’t you do that already?
i did. but i need to shower again :)
i’m throwing up rn
she literally gagged
ethan my man!! so proud of you buddy!
he’s still sleeping i tired him out
lmao i’m just messing with you, minds
thank god.
because virgins survive, so you two might have a chance
oh i was kidding about him still being asleep
the rest was all true :)
just stop taking and meet us there🤮
“Why didn’t you get rid of Mindy instead of Anika?” Y/N groaned as they made their way to the shower. “I actually really liked Anika. And my patience with Mindy is running out. I swear next time she says something mean to you I-“
He cut her off with a kiss “God, I love it when you get protective” he pressed against the wall of the shower.
“The shower is for showering, babe” she pulled away.
“Can’t help it” he said kissing her neck and shoulders. Y/N smirked as she turned on the cold water, Ethan quickly stepped back.
“Y/N! What was that for?” he glared at her.
“You are in desperate need of a cold shower” she laughed “Come on, we need to hurry. Your dad said it was important for us to be there”.
Ethan sighed in defeat “Fine”.
“I promise that once this is over, I’ll let you do whatever you want to me” she gave him a peck.
“Anything?” he smirked.
“Anything” she confirmed.
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QUINN ATTACKED GALE AT HER HOUSE, ALMOST BEING SUCCESSFUL IN KILLING HER. Right now, the whole group, minus officer Bailey and Kirby, were at the hospital lounge, waiting for any news on the reporter’s health.
Y/N and Ethan were internally fuming. How many fucking lives did Gale Weathers have? It was ridiculous. Though, they really enjoyed seeing Sam’s guiltiness eat her alive.
"What do we do know?" Y/N asked, sitting on Ethan’s lap. He tightened his grip on the girl's frame as she drew invisible circles on his chest.
"Maybe he gets to win this time" Sam said, her voice was a bit shaky. They all looked at her as if she was crazy. "He wants to punish me. Me. So maybe I'll let him. I'll just give myself up. If this is what I have to do, to keep you safe, it's worth it".
"First of all, you are fucking insane if you think we'll let you do that" Y/N told her, no hesitation in her voice.
Tara stood up. "Y/N/N is right. You always protect us, now it's time we protect you. We are a team, remember?".
"We are family" Y/N corrected, standing up and walking towards Sam.
"You can say it, Chad" Mindy said, standing up too.
Chad got into his feet and with a excited smile he said. "Let's go! Core five!".
"Core what?" asked Danny.
"It's an us think" Chad explained briefly.
"He's gonna keep coming after us" Sam warned them.
"Isn't there somewhere safe we can hold up in?" Ethan asked.
"He's just going to keep finding us" Tara told him, making him sigh. "We could use that, though”.
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THE FINAL ACT WAS ABOUT TO BEGIN. The group planned on luring Ghostface into a secure location and trap him inside. The final reveal was getting close, and Y/N’s heart beat with excitement. She couldn’t wait to see the life draining from Tara’s eyes. And then, she would continue her life with the love of her life.
"Is this even a good plan?" Ethan asked, his hand gripping Y/N’s tightly, as they walked down the stairs to take the train.
"You don't have to come if you don't want to" Tara replied.
"So we just peel off so the killer takes us off one by one? No, thank you" the curly-haired boy said, making his girlfriend look at him with her eyebrows raised. "And I don't want to leave Y/N alone, of course".
The girl laughed. "You really don't have to come, you know? We are not going to blame you for not going".
Ethan sighed. "No. Like I said, I won’t leave you alone".
“Yeah, very romantic, lovebirds. Can you move now? We are going to miss the train” Mindy said annoyed from behind them.
They walked through the current of people, pushing and shoving to try to get into the train. Just as they were about to enter it, the doors closed right in front of their faces.
"The next one should be here any minute. We won't be that far behind" said Y/N to Ethan and Mindy.
"Well, what are you waiting for? Go away" Mindy said to the boy.
"What do you mean?" the girl asked her confused.
"I don't trust your boyfriend".
Y/N rolled her eyes. "Mindy, not right now. Leave your stupid accusations aside, we need to stick together".
"Fine, you can stay with him. I'll wait a couple of feet away" she replied stubbornly.
"Mindy, come on" she said tiredly, but her friend didn't listen. She turned to face the tall boy. "Can I be the one who gets rid of her?".
Ethan tried not to laugh “I’m sorry but we have to take advantage of her stubbornness. Text Quinn, it’ll be less suspicious if you do it”.
“How disappointing” she scoffed, pulling her phone out.
hey quinn. we are about to take the train. we missed the first, so we are taking the next one.
mindy distanced herself from us cause she doesn’t trust your brother.
it’ll be a great opportunity to get rid of her
(i’m so jealous you get to do it btw).
roger that:)
aw i’m sorry, i promise i’ll be extra brutal for you :)
stop flirting with me!
no can do ;)
“Hey, what the fuck?” Ethan whispered, reading the conversation over her shoulder.
Y/N laughed “Don’t worry, pretty boy. My heart is only yours”.
“That’s right. You are mine” he said, gripping her hips.
“You are so hot when you get territorial” she said pressing a kiss on his jaw.
When they boarded the train, Mindy walked towards the end of the wagon, away from them but at a reasonable distance so she could keep an eye on Ethan.
“This is perfect” Y/N whispered, looking around. The train was crowded with people dressed as famous killers—Jason, Michael Myers, Ghostface, Pennywise.
"What’s your favorite scary movie, darling?” the boy joked. He was towering over her, and her back was pressed against a metal tube.
Y/N rolled her eyes "Shut up, idiot. I was never a fan of those types of movies”
“Maybe that could be one of our dates, watching scary movies”
“I’ll do anything as long as it’s with you” she smiled sweetly. He got closer to her, now they were chest against chest, and kissed her cheeks multiple times.
“Gross” said a familiar voice from next to them. Just after that, the light went out.
“That’s your cue, Quinnie” Y/N told her.
“Don’t call me that” she grumbled before starting to get closer and closer to Mindy.
On the next stop, when a big number of people stepped out of the train, the couple turned around to see Mindy sitting on the floor, hands pressed to her stomach and blood staining her shirt.
"No, fuck!" Y/N yelled faking concern as she ran towards her. She wanted to smile so badly at the sight of the girl in pain "You've got to be kidding me! I'm so sorry, Minds".
"Somebody help!" Ethan screamed, but no one moved one finger to do something. "Shit. We've got to get her out of here".
Y/N nodded. "Breath deep" she told her before pulling her to her feet. The girl let out a groan of pain as the couple lead her out of the train. "Thanks for nothing, assholes!".
"Somebody call 911!" Ethan yelled as they put the wounded girl on the floor of the station. "Are you okay?".
"Yeah, I'm so good" she said through her teeth.
"You're going to be okay" Ethan told her.
"Goddam it! I got it wrong again!" she cried. The paramedics arrived and started to check on the wounded girl.
"Is she going to be okay?" Y/N asked them.
"Yes, your friend will be fine, don't worry. We are going to give her painkillers, while we drive her to the hospital" they informed her.
“Minds, they need all the help they can get. I hate to leave you alone, but…” Y/N started.
Mindy nodded in understanding “You have to help them, it’s okay. Go”.
“If you need anything, call me okay?” Y/N told her.
“I’ll be fine, really. Just… be careful with him, okay? I know he’s your boyfriend and you like him, but never trust the love interest”.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be okay” she assured her before the paramedics took her away. “Heard that? I should be careful with you” she turned around with a smirk to face her boyfriend. “Are you gonna hurt me?”.
Ethan laughed “Depends, are you into those types of kink?”.
“You really should’ve taken that cold shower” Y/N said rolling her eyes, but smiling nonetheless. “Now, let’s go. It’s time for the big finale, baby!”.
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halucynator · 10 months
Hi Sweetie ~~ ✨
Please can I request a fic based on Nonsense by Sabrina Carpenter? Any Slytherin boy will do 🤣 I just need fluff in my life~~ 💞
No worries if not x
I'm lazy so this is the second part of Someone Will Love You Better lmao. I think it fits. Part 1 is here.
Also I'm so sorry! I didn't even notice that I got sent this! Idk how long it's been in my inbox but if it's a long time I'm SO sorry!! Hope you like it xx the red italic writing are the lyrics xx the lyrics are edited to suit the text (ofc)
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x fem!reader
Warnings: implied smut (like 3 words?), kissing, not proof read, I think that's it
Summary: based on the song Nonsense by Sabrina Carpenter.
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It had been a couple of weeks since you and Draco had broken up. You had to face Mattheo which was easier than expected.
Think I only want one person in my dorm. I might change your nickname to don't leave me alone. Said you like my eyes and you like to make em roll. Treat me like a queen now you got me feeling thrown. Those were the words that clouded your mind as you saw the love of your life.
Who could you possibly be talking about? The answer stood right in front of you. Mattheo Riddle. You'd liked him since forever. Well, since you'd known him which was after you started dating Draco. And to your delight, HE asked YOU out a week ago because Draco told him you liked him. Crazy, right? Here you thought you'd have to make the first move.
I guess he liked you just as much as you liked him. However, one think he didn't like was PDA.
But he was so hot and you couldn't help yourself, when he got close to you. And so he was forced to partake in any public display of affection and he grew to not mind it as much. It was you, after all. And he'd do anything for you.
Your tongue went numb around him, and made you sound like a complete idiot constantly making it sound like you were saying unintelligible words such as bleh blah blee.
You didn't want no one else, you were in too deep.
"Here's a lil letter I wrote. It's about you and me." You handed him a love letter, your cheeks the deepest shade of crimson.
He smiled, like a full one, which was a rare occasion. Usually he settled for subtle smiles. So subtle, you couldn't be sure if it was a smile.
Inside the letter the following words were written:
I'll be honest. Looking at you got me thinking nonsense. Cartwheels in my stomach when you walk in. And when you got your arms around me, oh, it feels so good I had to skip a passage because otherwise this letter would be too long. I think I got an ex but I forgot him. And I can't find my chill, I must have lost it. I don't even know I'm talking nonsense. I'm talking all around the clock, I'm talking hope nobody knocks, I'm talking opposite of soft, I'm talking wild wild thoughts.
Your princess,
Mattheo laughed as he shook his head. "You didn't have to write it down! I already know I'm irresistible."
"you've gotta keep up with me, I've got some young energy. I caught the L-O-V-E, how do you do this to me?"
"Do what love?" Mattheo asked.
"around you I get butterflies. But I can't help myself when I get close to you. Baby my tongue goes numb. Sounds like bleh blah blee. I don't want no one else. Baby I'm in too deep."
He kisses your lips and hands you a letter.
"Here's a lil letter I wrote, it's about you and me." He says grinning as you open the letter.
And surely enough the letter had the following words written:
I'll be honest. Looking at you got me thinking nonsense. Cartwheels in my stomach when you walk in. And when you got your arms around me, oh, it feels so good I had to skip a passage because I don't want to keep you too long. I think I got an ex but I forgot him. And I can't find my chill, I must have lost it. I don't even know I'm talking nonsense.
Someone who you don't want to leave you alone,
Mattheo Riddle.
"This love catchier than chickenpox is. I think your dorm is where my other sock is. Woke up this morning, thought I'd write you a letter. Wanna take a quiz?" You asked
"Sure. What about?" Mattheo questioned.
"how quickly can you take your clothes off pop quiz." You chuckled.
"You're adorable, you know that?" Mattheo said as he kissed your cheek.
゚+*:;;:* *:;;:*+゚゚+*:;;:* *:;;:*+゚゚+*:;;:* *:;;:*+゚゚+*:;;:*
A/n: hope you like it as much as I did writing it! It's kinda short! Request again anytime love 💗 again I am super sorry for the wait !
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yanderelovlies · 1 year
Home sweet home
Fandom: DachaBo
Character: Bo
Au: medieval
Pairing: Bo x Male!Reader
TW: monster fucking for sure, the mentions of Knot, and doing it outdoor totally not a last minute thing
Note: Are there boxers in medieval times?? idk there is now, lmao. If it's bad, tell me nicely, please 👀
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You had always enjoyed nature. It made you feel at peace, so when you got old enough to live out on your own. You left your village choosing to live in a secluded home in the Forrest.
Sure, it was a longer ride to a nearby village for certain things, but you didn't mind. You enjoyed always spotting something new on your way there and back.
However, there were downsides to living so far from the village. For example, there was no one to help you when a hulking blond man breaks down your door looking frantic.
The two of you stared at each other for a couple of seconds until something in the man snapped as he quickly made his way inside, trying to fix the door the best he could before Turing to you. "Hide me, please!"
The man sighed as if he was more irritated by the situation than you. "Hide me, please. I swear I will explain everything to you later, and even compensate you , but please... Help me."
Maybe it was the big puppy dog eyes he was giving you or the empath in you, but ultimately, you agreed with a sigh. "O-okay...umm..The attic!" You quickly got out of bed making your way to the back of the house. You jumped up, reaching for the handle of the hatch. Once open, you grabbed your nearby ladder, leaning it against the entrance. "Go hurry."
Not needing to be told twice, the man quickly made his way up the ladder. Once it was moved again and the door to the attic quietly clicked, a rough knock could be heard on your door.
Trying to make yourself look tired, you made your way to the door. Letting out a yawn as you opened the door. In front of you stood and armored man a gun strapped to his back.
"Good evening, sir. My friends and I are here on a hunt for a....creaton. By order of the Queen. You haven't, by chance, seen or heard anything, have you?"
You squinted at the man as if trying to focus your eyes "Well seeing how I just woke up. No. Not till you came pounding on my door."
The man glared at you yet kept a steady voice, trying not to show his irritation too much. "Well, it could still have gotten inside. They are nasty vermin like that."
You raised an eyebrow at this. "What are you hunting."
The man hesitated for a moment before trying to look behind you. "Is there child and wife here?" You shook your head, clearly confused. "Good. Don't want to scare them." His eyes turn back to you, clearly sizing you up. "We are hunting a werewolf. The bastard tried to blend in with the nearby village. He would have gotten away with it if he didn't slip up."
"Slip up?"
He nodded. "He told one of the local his identity, and like the good citizen of the queen. they repeated him."
"I see....Well, like I said, I was asleep, so I didn't see or hear anything." You grabbed the edge of the door slowly moving it to close it. "Good Night and all the luck to you sir."
Before the door could close, the man moved his boot, effectively blocking it. "May we have a look around. Just in case."
Sighing, you opened the door further standing to the side. "By all means."
It took them a few minutes to inspect your place before he headed back to the door. "Well... It looks like everything here is fine." He turned back to you a scowel on his face. "Don't forget that thing is still out there, and the only thing that will kill it is silver." He holds out his hand, waiting for you to open your hand. He places five silver bullets in your hand before turning to leave without another word.
It was silent for a few minutes before you could hear slightly rustling upstairs, followed by the door opening and a thud.
The man found his way to you a big grin on his face. "Are they gone? are we safe?"
You turned to him with a glare, "a werewolf?" You seethed cluching the bullets given to you tightly.
The man seemed to deflate at the statement as he slowly turned to you. "um yeah...H-how about we start with names first! I'm Bo! it's nice to meet youuuu...."
Bo smiled wide, his blue eyes sparkling. "y/n....what a nice name." He sighed in an almost dream like state before cleared your throat. He blinked before looking away. "r-right the werewolf thing. Yes, I am one."
"Why were you in the village?"
His eyes met yours again this time, sorrow present. "Do you know how lonely this life is? Everyone is scared of you and runs away without so much as a goodbye. I want to be around people."
Your expression softened at his explanation. It makes sense. "I see... I'm sorry, Bo."
His smile returned this time sadder than before, "I'll find my pack someday, I'm sure..."
You looked down, feeling guilty. You knew what it was like, just trying to find your place in life. That's how you ended up in the woods in the first place. "You can stay for awhile. At least until the hunters move on."
You watched him perk up again, and if he had a tail, you knew he would be wagging it. "Really?! you don't mind?"
You nodded, giving him a small smile of your own. "I don't mind as long as you don't mind sharing the chores."
He nodded vigorously "of course!"
It has been a couple of days since that arrangement, and you have learned about the former stranger turned friend. Bo seemed to find joy in the mundane. Even doing dishes put a big smile on his face. You found it adorable.
You also learned a bit about him. His life before he was turned, and then a bit after. His feelings always seemed mixed when he talked about his life after the bit. He enjoyed the power it gave him but hated the isolation.
Everything seemed to be going fine until he came to you fidgety. "Hey puppy, I'm gonna have leave for a bit."
You raised a brow at him. "Have the hunters lef"
"n-not entirely they are still scouting, but....It's a full moon tonight....I don't trust myself around you...I don't want to hurt you."
Your eyes widened. You had nearly forgotten about such night. Living with him felt like living with a normal human, not a werewolf. "W-well..can't we put you in the attic?"
"It would be too easy to break the floor beneath me." He sighs."I must leave... I promise I will come back in the morning...if you allow me."
You walked closer to him "Your always welcome here, Bo."
He smiles at you. "Good night, puppy."
"Good night, Bo." He stood there as if contemplating. Before closing the gap between you kissing your forehead. Before you could respond, he was out the door without another word.
That night, it was hard to sleep knowing Bo wasn't there. In the past few days, you have grown attached to the overgrown puppy. Maybe it was because you had been alone for so long, but you enjoyed spending every day by his side.
As your eyes slowly began to fall, a loud knock could be heard from your door. Begrudgingly, you got out of bed, making your way to the door. You slowly opened the door, revealing the hunter from nights before.
"What can I-" You were cut off by the man forcing open the door, causing you to stumble and fall to the floor.
Before you could get up, the man placed his armored boot on your chest, effectively keeping you in place. "There is the traitor himself." He sneered down at you, putting a little more pressure on your chest. "Where is your pet, hm?!
"ngh, I-I don't have one-"
With another sneer, the man put half of his body weight on his foot on your chest, making pain spread through your abdomen. "I would advise you not to lie to me or else you might find your ribs through your heart."
You could fear along with pain wrack through your body. You knew this man would keep his word, but you couldn't bring yourself to out Bo. He had already been through so much. So you kept your mouth shut only, managing to glare at the man while moving your sweaty hands to his armored boot, attempting to keep as much pressure as you could off of you.
The man rolled his eyes at your defiance. "Shame."
You continued to glare, bracing yourself for the pain when a monstrous growl could be heard at the door. A blonde blur hit the man, hitting the floor not too far from you with a loud thud.
snarls, growls, and cries could be heard as you stared at the ceiling trying to catch your breath. Truthfully, you were a little scared to look. Bo's warning ringing through your head.
A few minutes passed before it was silent. You tried to quiet your breathing. Hoping and praying to whatever God was listening that this wouldn't be your last night.
You heard a whine before Bo's now rough and deep voice cuts the silence. "Please don't be afraid, puppy. I won't hurt you."
You hesitantly turn your head towards him. The large blonde bipedal wolf's back was facing you his head turned so you could only see his now blood-stained maw followed by sad blue eyes. "Protect Mate....never hurt."
Your eyes widened "m-mate?"
Bo fully turned to giving you a full view of his blood-stained front before he went down low, trying to make himself look small nodding. " Your sent calls me. could smell the fear and pain. Came to protect."
All you could do was stare as you tried to piece together what was happening. Was this a confession? The thought of it made your heart race.
A light repeated thud could be heard behind Bo as his tail began to wag. "This excites, mate?" You watched him inch closer the strong metal smell of blood now, invading your nose more than ever.
You sat up wincing. "W-wait, Bo." Bo's tail stopped wagging as his ears went back, and all his movement stopped. "The...blood." Bo was confused at first, tilting his head. "Look, if you want to... talk about this more. You need a bath, and" You tried to look behind him, but his now larger form easily concealed the scene behind him. "That...mess needs to be cleaned too."
After a bit of labor, the two of you found yourselves at the lake trying to scrub out the blood from his blond fur. You originally hadn't planned on joining Bo in the water, yet here you were running your fingers through the fur on his muscular chest.
Your mind began to wonder about the events of earlier. He called you mate. You had heard the term a few times before, but never in this context. You weren't sure how you felt about this context. Bo, even now, wasn't a bad looking man. You would be lying if you said you hadn't admired him from afar before. something about him just demanded your attention, and you didn't mind giving it to him. Living with Bo wasn't so bad either. He always helped out the chores, taught you few hunting tricks, and even managed to make you smile on the worst of days. Maybe you wouldn't mind being Bo's mate.
As your mind wondered on the subject, Bo had bent his head licking the area where your neck and shoulder meet. "mate..." Blinking, you look up at Bo questioningly.
In silent response, Bo wrapped his arm around you, pressing your body against his own. You could feel something warm and hard grow between you two, making your face turn red. You tried to keep your eyes up, but the more you felt it, the more you wanted to look. "Need mate...please."
It took you a few minutes to give it some thought before eventually agreeing, causing Bo to separate from you. You looked at him questioningly before watching him seat himself at the shallow part of the lake, his large dick lightly slapping his abdomen as he roughly sat.
Without instructions, you made your way stopping just in front of him. Before you could say or do anything, Bo's clawed hand wrapped around your writs, pulling you on top of him.
With you now sitting in his lap, you could feel big he is. His member almost reached the middle of your back. You were gonna speak your concerns when Bo bucked his hips with a growl as he leaned over his muzzle, going to the crook of your neck. He let out another low growl before using his claws to tear off the boxers you had left on when bathing the beast.
You watched as the rements of your boxers float behind you as you turned back to Bo with a whine. "Bo...do you know how hard it was to get those?"
Bo huffed, pulling away from your neck. "Later. Need mate now." Without any more words, Bo places his claws on your waist, lifing you up as if you weight nothing. Before slowly lowering you down.
You could feel the head of Bo's dick at your entrance making your heart race. His whole being shook as he began to enter you slowly.
Using the water he still sat in as a sort of lube allowed him to enter you easier, but due to him not preparing you and his size, Bo was careful. He didn't want to hurt you. So, despite his instincts yelling at him, to breed you and uses your body as his own personal toy, he held back. Stopping midway down to allow you to adjust to his size.
Even part way filled you with both pain and pleasure. You had never used anything bigger than your fingers, so to suddenly have a dick of Bo's size stretch you felt a bit much yet so deliciously full.
Bo waited as long as he could before his instincts eventually took over. With his claws still on your waist, he roughly pulls you down, completely filling you. Your back arches, making your chest meet his as your head flew back with a strangled moan.
With cautious slow movements, Bo began to move you up and down, almost unaware of your moans a pleas. "So soft... tight and warm...my good mate." Bo practically purred as his muzzle once again found its way to the crook of your neck where he began to lick, nibble, and leave more marks.
You appreciated the cautious slow thrusts, but eventually, you wanted more. So you began to squirm in his hold with moan "Bo...more! please!"
You watched as Bo's ears perked up with the request. Not needing any more encouragement, Bo moved away from you lifting you fully of his cock before slamming you back down making setting a brutal pace.
All you could do was moan, whine, and babble as Bo used your body as he saw fit. Your dick bouncing in rhythm with his thrusts. Your voice was slurred as you begged, for you didn't even know. You just knew you wanted more, and only Bo could provide.
It wasn't long till you could feel something large at your already stretched hole, making your heart race. "B-bo?!"
"Knot.. for mate"
"Knot?!" Before you could an explanation, you were slammed down on the Knot as it entered with squelch and splash of the water around you.
The pleasure and pain made you see white as you cam hard all over the front of yourself and Bo. At the same time, you could feel warmth began to enter you as Bo emptied himself in you as if trying to breed you.
The waters still as you slumped forward, trying to catch your breath. Bo pulled you close as he laid his head on top of yours. " soft warm mate.."
You tried to keep your eyes open unsure what will happen to you if you didn't, but eventually sleep took over as everything turned to black.
When you woke next, you were back in bed with the smell of blood still faint as sunlight greeted your eyes. You tried to move, but when you budged, you heard a whine behind you as the arm you now notice tightens around your abdomen.
"You should rest puppy..." You felt yourself relax at Bo's voice as he nuzzled the top of your head. "I can take care of things....later. Right now, it's time for rest."
You laid still for a bit, contemplating you should. However, as soon as you moved your leg again to readjust, you could feel the pain of last night activities rush from your ass down to your legs. "Okay....yeah." You leaned back into Bo, closing your eyes, letting sleep take you once again.
You loved living in the isolated Forrest, but maybe it would be so bad to have Bo around.
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Vatic - Chapter XII " A Different Coat "
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Series Description : The youngest daughter of King Viserys and Queen Alicent grows up split between the two sides of her family. With dreams plaguing her sleep of people she does not know, and a war looming ahead of her. She will be forced to choose between the two sides of her family, between the love for her brother, and the loyalty for her sister. 
Chapter Description : The wedding of Prince Aegon and Princess Helaena
Warnings : Very young and arranged marriage, vague self harm, mentions of violence, mentions of a bedding ceremony, mentions of whoring, Aegon isn't a good person lmao, crude language ( please tell me if I missed anything !! )
Pairing : Eventual Aemond Targaryen x Targaryen!Reader ( cannon typical targcest idk what to tell you )
Word Count : 5.0 K
A/N : You all bullied me in my inbox so here's the chapter I was holding onto for like a month lmao
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That morning, Y/n had awoken from a dreadful dream, and it had plagued her the entire day. The dream had been a rather short one, but it stuck in her mind. The sound of the music playing from above the unfamiliar castle hall. The notes and beats ominous and a harbinger for a tragedy. It was all hazy now as the hours of the day had progressed, but she had hummed it to herself as the sights flooded her thoughts. An older woman with auburn hair and a boney face, bright blue eyes, and her son, the same hair and eyes. But he wore a cape on his back, to direwolf head broaches keeping it pinned to his body. A Stark. 
Y/n could not put the visions in order. They had been scrambling since she had woken up. She would see the beautiful dark haired woman from the dream, clearly with child, laying in a pool of her own blood , lifeless. The words “- send their regards” echoing, but she could not attribute the voice to a single face, and she could not make out the name the man had said. A bolt from a crossbow in the young man’s shoulder, leaning over her. His mother holding a young girl captive, pleading with her son but Y/n could not remember what she had pleaded with him to do. All Y/n could remember before she woke up, was the woman’s sob.  A cry unlike anything Y/n had ever heard.
It had kept her rather silent through the wedding ceremony between Aegon and Helaena. Alicent was rather quiet as well, and could hardly bring herself to watch the ceremony but it was for a far different reason than Y/n’s. She had many dreams before, she believed she’d even seen the auburn haired young man before in a dream, but none of them had ever been so violent. None so capable of rendering her silent. She had opted to hook her pinky finger with Aemond’s to keep herself grounded as they had arrived back to the Red Keep for the reception, and she had remained quiet as she sat and ate in her and Aemond’s shared silence. 
Aegon had found his comfort with every time he had his cups replenished, and Helaena. . . She did not seem to find any comfort in her current station. She sat stiff, with her head bowed to stare into her lap. Aegon would not even dance with her at their own wedding feast, he spent more time giving attention to the serving girls who would then try to cower in the corners or with the ladies of the court to find refuge. Viserys was sitting at the table, hardly saying a word. exhausted in his own right. Y/n had heard the news. Four toes had been taken from him the night prior by the maester, and he been given a small dosage of milk of the poppy to keep the pain at bay, but not enough to where he looked content in his seat. 
The princess felt no empathy for her father. 
“Issi ao sȳrī?” Aemond whispered to her. This had been a running event between the two of them. If they did not wish for others to hear their conversations while surrounded, they would speak in High Valyrian. Helaena and Aegon would understand it, but Aegon, when he had practically drowned himself in wine, could hardly speak the common tongue, and Helaena wouldn’t tell anyone about their conversations. Their mother disliked when they did it, saying it was disrespectful, but they hadn’t paid much mind to their mother on the topic. 
But Y/n did not know how to answer his question. Are you well? 
“Nyke ȳdra daor gīmigon,” She mumbled to him, turning her head to look at him. His brow bone and left eye were covered by a leather patch he had recently taken to wearing ever since he had accidentally scared a few ladies of the court when he walked around with his empty eye socket exposed. She turned her head to look back at the crowd, lords and ladies dancing, sitting in their seats eating and conversing. But what she had said was the truth. She didn’t know if she was alright. Was it truly a dream? Were any of the dreams she had in a similar vain even dreams? A majority of them felt like memories. Like she had been there with all of the men and women there. But she did not even know their names. Y/n knew them all, and yet, she did not. 
Faces stood out, and she could almost hear some of their voices, but she did not know their names, nor was she even sure they existed. Yet they plagued her. She felt Aemond’s hand gently grab her wrist from her lap, taking her hand to rest in both of his, but she felt on of his fingers trace along her cuticles. 
“Ao kostagon’t lua ōdrikagon aōla.” He told her. That brought her attention to her the hand he was holding, where she noticed the healing breaks in her skin. you can’t keep harming yourself. She had not even realized she had done so. She knew that she often picked at her nails and bit at her cuticles, but she had not known she’d become so vicious with it that they had begun bleeding. But she realized when it had likely happened. When she had been standing with Aemond, one hand in his, and the other up in front of her face. She remembered the faint taste of iron in her mouth as Helaena had quietly spoken her vows. 
Y/n pulled her hand out of his, resting it back on her lap, keeping her eyes trained on the dancers in front of her. Aemond sighed, still looking at her. But like a mirage, she could see the auburn haired young man standing by the doors of the great hall, staring at her blankly, a bolt of a crossbow lodged into his shoulder, a knife in his abdomen, his cape still being held in place by the direwolf head broaches. She did not understand. 
She had spent her entire childhood around the idea of violence, she’d grown up around tapestries of a lewd nature, and watch as men trained in the training yard, frequently getting hurt, and Theobrand had told her she was ready to begin hunting out in the Kings Wood with him as part of her training. She had no issue with the idea of harming an animal, but she supposed the idea of hurting another person had never truly crossed her mind. But even so, she did not know the nature of the young man’s death, he could have been a traitor, he could have been a warmonger, and yet, she felt an extreme sense of familiarity and sorrow when she saw him in such a state. 
But Y/n blinked, and he was gone. 
Nervously, she brought her hand up to her mouth, her teeth beginning to nibble at the skin around her nails. In the corner of her eye, she could see Aegon drowning down another cup of wine, and when she turned to look at him, he had finished the drink, but  he was holding the top of the glass by his mouth, but he was biting the nail of his thumb. A shared trait it would seem. 
Y/n looked back in front of her, quickly removing her hand from her mouth, looking at the young man in front of her. His hair light brown, and his eyes a dark brown. He wore an off white color, with red stitching. And his doublet was ornately embroidered with scarlett threads. And on the shoulder of his doublet, she could make out a red lion. 
“Ser Raymond Reyne,” He introduced himself, bowing his head to the two of them. Lord Robert Reyne had one son. And he was nine years Y/n’s senior, and he was at court. 
Y/n gave him an awkward nod in acknowledgement. “Ser,” She greeted. 
He briefly glanced at Aemond before back at Y/n. “I have only just arrived in King’s Landing from Castamere, Princess. I was told that the festivities here were quite elaborate. That appears to have been true.” 
Y/n nodded again “My family seems to have a taste for the dramatics,” She told him, feeling as Aemond took her hand under the table. “Does the Westerlands not have festivities so grandiose?” 
Ser Raymond chuckled. “Not quite so, Princess. The Lannisters and the Reynes have a taste for the dramatics just as much as the crown. . . but we do not have the gold that comes with the crown to afford them to be as grand as this.” He seemed to examine her from where he stood and she sat. 
She did not know what to say to him in response in the long pause of silence, all the while Aemond was squeezing her hand under the table, and she could see the scowl on his face from the corner of her eye. 
“Red suits you, Princess.” Raymond complimented, pointing to Y/n’s gown. It was the first time she had worn red in a very long time. And she had only gotten away with it because Alicent was so busy fussing over Helaena to express her distaste for Y/n’s choice in outfit. But she had chosen it herself. A crimson color, with golden stitching all along the sleeves of her gown creating the shapes of dragons and flame. She had done the embroidery herself. 
“Thank you, Ser.” She told him, a timid grin coming to grace her face. 
“Would you care to dance, Princess?” 
The question had Y/n frozen in her seat, squeezing Aemond’s hand, a lump forming in her throat. She knew how to dance, her mother had insisted she learn because of her birth status. A princess had to know how to dance in order to perform her duties as a lady of a castle or as a princess of the seven kingdoms. 
But the answer came tumbling from her lips before she could even truly think about what to say. “Yes,” 
Y/n stood, her hand slipping out of Aemond’s as she rounded the table. The table for their family had been placed on a temporary wooden dais, and Ser Raymond was standing on the stone floor. As she approached him, he reached his hand out for her to take and help her down. 
Her first impression when she placed her hand in his, was that it was much larger than her own, and the second was that his hands were calloused and firm. She stepped down onto the stone, finally noticing just how tall he truly was in comparison to her. He was a knight, and not a child, it was to be expected that he would be taller. 
Ser Raymond led Y/n to the dance floor as the prior song came to end. Once there, Ser Raymond turned her by her hand to face him, and as the next song began, he placed his free hand on her waist, and she rested her’s on his arm. 
“Your sister does not appear happy with her match to Prince Aegon.” Raymond stated as they began stepping. briefly gesturing with his chin to Helaena. 
“I do not know how my sister feels,” Y/n confessed. “But I do know she does not enjoy crowds. They make her uncomfortable.” 
Raymond nodded in understanding. “In my experience, in every wedding I’ve been to before, the bride is apprehensive as to what is to come.” 
Y/n tilted her head in confusion. “When the men carry her off?” The inquiry was met with a chuckle laced with condesention. She had heard it plenty before from Aegon. 
“Yes, Princess.” He said, recovering from his laughter. “Carrying her off.” He laughed again as they continued to dance. She narrowed her eyes at him, and pressed her lips into a fine line, but he seemed not to notice as he continued speaking. 
“It is my first time at court, Princess. What do you do for entertainment?” 
Y/n explained to him her archery practice, and how Theobrand trained her, but Ser Raymond seemed to be unsettled when she began to speak about it. She knew why. Her grandsire had been disturbed by a young girl learning any type of art of war or violence. He disliked it whenever he saw her in her training breeches, following Theobrand to the training yards. Most men found it unsettling. 
So she moved topics. She spoke of how she enjoyed history, and enjoyed when Aemond read to her philosophy books, or how she enjoyed to embroider her dresses while Aemond read to her, and that seemed to gain Raymond’s interest back. 
“What history seems to be your favorite, Princess?” He asked as he spun her around during the dance. 
“I enjoy the history of house Lannister.” She admitted shyly. Aemond had found it odd that she was interested in the history of a house that was not their own, but he had indulged it, even finding a book somewhere in the deep corners of the library about the Lannisters. 
“Lann the Clever and his scheming. The King and Queens of the Rock. I know much about Lannister history as well. The Reynes and Lannisters have a deeply intertwined history.” Raymond acknowledged. 
She nodded. “So I’ve read. Alys Reyne married a King of the Rock.” 
“Cerion Lannister. One of the greatest kings in the Lannister line.” Raymond informed. She had known the king’s name, but she had chosen to leave it out. Alys Reyne was the one who had married into the Lannister line. “The Lannisters frequently like to underestimate me and my family, treat as if we are subservient to them.” 
“You are a vassal house to them. . . You do serve them.” She reminded as the song came to an end. The two of them both stepped away from the dancing as the next song began. 
“A lion cannot rule over another lion. You do not know this, Princess, but in the wild, there is scarcely any lions in a pride. The lionesses make up the majority of it. And that is because the lions do not wish to be ruled.” Raymond took Y/n’s arm gently, leading her back to the dais. 
“And the lionesses do?” 
“That is unimportant. The point is that no other lion can command another. They are of two separate prides. With the same power.” Raymond’s ignorance was glimmering through his words. A house sigil meant nothing in comparison to those within the house. It was a dangerous thing to spout. The Lannisters were more powerful than the Reyenes. The Lannisters were far more prideful and their ambitions knew no bounds. The Reynes were audacious, and that was far more dangerous for them. 
As the approached the dais, Ser Raymond helped her step up. But before she left for her seat, she turned to look at him. She looked him up and down and the words came to her as she looked at him. “Only a cat of a different coat.” She saw him furrow his brows and only slightly tilt his head. “That is the only truth you know.” 
They shared a look of confusion. He was confused by her words just as much as she was. She quickly bowed her head to him and scurried off to the table, taking her seat beside Aemond once more, feeling his hand instantly incase her’s once more.
“Gaoman daor hae zirȳla” Aemond asserted from beside her. I do no like him.
“Gaomā daor jorrāelagon naejot, Lēkia” She told him softly. You do not need to, Brother. She looked at him only to find he was staring Ser Raymond down as he spoke with his father, Lord Reyne, and a young woman. “You cannot dislike someone just because I danced with them. Surely there must be another reason?”
Aemond shook his head in response, continuing to stare down the Reynes from their seats. She sighed in response, leaning over to him to place her spare hand of his. His temper had begun to grow in recent weeks. “Umbagon gīda.” She soothed. Remain calm. 
“My lords and ladies! I believe it is time for the bedding ceremony!” A man bellowed from the crowd. There was then obnoxious clamouring from the lot of them, and almost as if in a flash, their mother had appeared behind her and Aemond, a firm hand on both of their shoulders. 
Y/n watched as Aegon downed the last of his wine and stood up from his seat, wobbling a bit as he did so. Confidence was oozing from his posture as he found his balance, however, Helaena stood timidly, her head hung as she did so. Many others stood as well. Aemond had stood only to step closer to Y/n as Aegon and Helaena stepped down from the dais, and a swarm of women of the court approached Aegon, giggling and laughing as they pracitally herded him out of the great hall, their hands lingering on his body. 
The men. . . they looked predatory as they approached Helaena. They did not herd her in the way that the women had done to Aegon. They were grabbing and pulling, shoving, dragging her out of the great hall, and Y/n could make out her look of distress as they got her out of the hall, going in the same direction as the women had taken Aegon. 
The great hall grew quiet, and Y/n was sat there, staring at the grand doors in confusion. “I believe it is time for the two of you to go to bed.”
“But, Mother-” Aemond tried to speak
“You heard your mother, Aemond. You and Y/n need to find your ways to your beds. Go.” Their grandsire interrupted. His tone firm and commanding yet quiet enough to where it did not strike fear in them. 
“It is a celebration, I see no reason why they may not stay up later than my wife insists for them.” Viserys was speaking through deep breaths, as though he had climbed a vast amount of stairs and was attempting to keep his fatigue unnoticed by those around him. 
But Y/n was already standing from her seat to go to her bedchambers, quietly walking around the table to step off of the dais and go to her chambers, but the moment that her foot touched off the dais, Maris had appeared, and taken her by the arm, interlocking their elbows, and the Tarly girl set a brisk pace for the two of them down the great hall to the large wooden doors. 
Maris was wearing her house colors, her hair gracefully fallen around her face and back, two small braids at either side of her head having been pulled to the back and tied together. Y/n did not understand why Maris had not gone with the other ladies of the court, or why she had suddenly grabbed her, or why they had been walking at such a fast pace. 
“Princess, you have to pass Aegon’s bedchambers to go to your own. You will get lost in the chaos.” Maris informed her, her other hand coming to squeeze Y/n’s forearm. 
Y/n still did not understand what she meant by it. Or why they were doing what they were doing. 
“You should be with Helaena, you are her maid-” 
Maris came to a sudden stop, and Y/n watched as she suddenly looked around them for any sign of someone whose presence would be unwelcomed. But once she had decided no such person was there, she turned her attention back to Y/n, fulling facing her and placing her hands on Y/n’s shoulders. “Believe me when I say no lady or maiden wants to be in that room. The only ones who do are the depraved deviants of the court. I do not wish for you to get lost in the crowd outside of the room.” 
Y/n opened her mouth to speak, but Maris beat her to the punch. “Your grandsire found it more fitting that I was your maid-in-waiting, you are a young maiden in need of other maidens in your presence. Helaena does not seem too comfortable with multiple maids in her presence. Now, we should get you to your chambers before your mother has my head.” 
Y/n remained silent, and Maris led her through the familiar halls until the reached the royal apartments. She could hear shouting echoing through the corridors, and some of Aegon and Helaena’s clothing littering the floor as Maris turned a corner. And that’s where Y/n saw them. The ladies and lords, and knights and maidens of the court standing and hollering outside of Aegon’s door. Many of the ones who were up against the door had their ears pressed up against it, cackling and yelling profanities. 
Maris pulled Y/n closer to her, an arm snaking around Y/n’s shoulders to keep her close. Maris had been right. She would have gotten lost in the chaos. The swarm took up an entire portion of the corridor, and Maris was getting ready to shove through them. 
“Deflower your new bride, My Prince!” One man yelled. They were incredibly loud. Y/n brought her hands up to her ears, to at least try to muffle the sound. 
“Be sure you know where you’re putting it!” Another man yelled. As they began to push through the lot of them, Y/n and Maris were being bumped into from everyone moving around. They finally made their way through the massive crowd of people, but it did not end. 
The yelling continued. “Well, at least we know she’s a maiden!” A woman yelled. “Was a maiden!” A man responded. When Y/n had taken her hands away from her ears for a brief second, she could hear Helaena’s wailing from the otherside of the door. She made an attempt to get out of Maris’ grasp to run to the door. Her sister was in trouble, but Maris prevented her from leaving, practically dragging her down the rest of the length of the hall until the reached her own bedchambers, where Maris practically shoved her into the room. 
“Helaena needs help!” Y/n screeched at Maris, attempting to shove past her to reach her door, but Maris grabbed her and pulled her away. But Y/n attempted to shrug her loose, but Maris’ grip was far to tight, no doubt leaving red marks in Y/n’s skin through the fabric. 
Maris grabbed Y/n from around the waist, pulling her back from the door, but Y/n was kicking at her legs and hitting at her arms with closed fists.
“Princess, please!” Maris pleaded. 
“Unhand me!” she shouted back, trying to loosen Maris’ grip on her arms, but the older girl was stronger, and more determined it would seem. Determined to disallow Y/n from protecting her sister from whatever harm was falling onto her.
“Y/n, enough!” Maris finally shouted, grabbing the young princess by her face, both of Maris’ hands on either side of her jaw. Y/n fell silent. No one had ever dared speak to her in such a way before. Too afraid of the Queen’s response. And when Rhaenyra was still in King’s Landing, they were equally petrified as to what the crowned princess would do to anyone who so much as laid an unwanted touch to Y/n. 
Y/n’s eyes with the purple portion in one of them locked with Maris’ amber colored ones. Her brows were pinched together, and her shoulders hunched up in frustration, her hair a bit frizzed up in the aftermath of their struggling with one another. 
“Why will you not allow to go to Helaena’s aide?” Y/n’s voice was quiet. Defeated. Her own friend would not allow her to protect her kin. Sweet Helaena who never voiced her displeasure except in ‘hms’ and uncomfortable expressions she did not seem to have control over. Helaena had no ill will to anyone, and kept to herself. 
“Princess. . .” Maris sighed, closing her eyes to gather her thoughts into what could be coherent words. “Do you know what happens when a man and woman are wed?” Y/n stayed quiet. She did not think that there was much that they did. “Oh, Y/n. . .” Maris seemed to have come to an unpleasant realization. “I would have thought your lady mother would have at least given you some clue.” 
“Maris, I do not understand?” 
“Your brother is a drunk, whoring, letcher of a prince. He has no morals and he is depraved. He sneaks out of the Red Keep at night to go whoring around Flea Bottom and the Street of Sisters.” Maris’ words were calloused, her thoughts on Aegon made extremely clear through her unwavering and deepened voice. 
“They are doing the bedding ceremony, Princess.” Maris interrupted. “And your brother knows only the whores of Flea Bottom who are experienced and have been used by men like him their entire lives so they make profit of it. On the streets of King’s Landing you can find a brothel or a common whore every block. Women who will allow men like Aegon to do to them as they please.”
Y/n’s eyelids refused to blink. Instead, they stayed wide open, mouth agape at Maris’ words. Y/n had heard the phrases ‘whore’ and ‘common whore’ before. She believed she’d even heard the word ‘brothel’ before. But she did not know what any of them meant. And the way Maris spat her words out of her mouth like a rotten fruit was beginning to make Y/n believe they were bad things. 
“Young men and women are very different, Princess. In many ways. You and I are the same because we possess wombs and all the same bits between our legs. Men are the same because they all share the same bits as one another between their own legs as well. Bedding is when a man puts his in a woman’s.” 
“What?” Y/n stuttered out. Her stomach churned at the very wording of Maris’ sentence. 
But the Tarly girl was growing frustrated. Y/n could see it in the way she was breathing and the way her eyes held a certain unknown look in them. Anger. 
“Men derive pleasure and gratification from shoving their cocks into a woman. And many men do not know how to treat their new wife on their wedding night. Your brother included. Your sister sounded like she was in pain because she was.”
Y/n shook her head, stepping away from her. “And you would not allow me to help? To defend her?” 
“You cannot help her in this, sweet girl.” Y/n did not like that Maris was older than her in this moment. Because despite her own denial of the situation she had heard through the stone walls and wooden door of Aegon’s bedchambers, she knew in her very core that Maris would not lie to her. “It is expected of her. And Aegon is her husband, to everyone else in the realm is the one who commands her. You could not tell him or prevent him from harming her if it was what he wished to do. But in this, Princess, you must trust and believe me, he just did not care that she was a maiden.” 
Y/n looked at Maris once again. “Must I one day do that?” 
Maris chewed her bottom lip and avoided Y/n’s gaze. The silence was palpable. But she saw her nod. “All ladies must.” She finally answered. “Some men are kind and gentle. You may get lucky with one of those men, Princess. Princess Helaena was unlucky in her match.” 
The young princess found herself wishing she was anywhere but there in that moment. She wanted to find an escape. She did not know what to do with her hands, or her feet. But she had such a strong urge to start running and just never stop. She felt completely useless in that moment. She could not help her sweet elder sister. She could not run to her mother in fear of being told their topic of conversation was improper. She did not wish to discuss it with Aemond who was likely just as at a loss on the topic as she was. She did not care to speak to the king, she did not like her grandsire in truth. 
She wanted Rhaenyra. 
She wanted to run to her eldest sister and find comfort in her embrace as she once did when she resided at the Red Keep. She wished to discuss the complexities of life she was at a loss for. Letters did not suffice. 
Rhaenyra would answer any question Y/n posed to her to the best of her ability. She would rub Y/n’s back and stroke her hair in the way Y/n always liked. Rhaenyra would be of some comfort. She longed to be called ‘Dae’ once more. She did not know why Rhaenyra called her that. But she missed the pure and unadulterated affection that came with it. Alicent always appeared to have a hint of guilt whenever she showed affection to Y/n and her siblings, she did not allow herself to openly and publicly show affection for her children. She would lay a hand on their shoulders, or grab her and Aemond’s hands within her own, and would be affectionate in the only way she knew how in private, she’d hold Y/n when she went to her mother’s chambers, but she longed for the embraces that were initiated by Rhaenyra. 
Maris pulled Y/n into a tight embrace, but it was not what she had wanted. “I want Rhaenyra.” She admitted in a murmur.
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changbin x felix
Trigger warnings: none that i can think of but please feel free to correct me if i missed anything!
Content warnings: names (baby, good boy, angel, sweetheart, pretty boy, tiny baby), a little biting, mirrors, slight hair pulling, size kink (kinda?), oral, begging, cum sharing, praise, very brief mutual masturbation, very brief finger fucking, verbal teasing, hand holding, anal, a hint of a breeding kink, belly bulge, desperate lix, ass slapping, mild dacryphilia, one (1) dry orgasm (idk it was hot to me lmao)
Summary: changbin fell in love with his best friend, felix, and now felix wants to be his first guy.
Word count: 9332
A/N: so this is written from changbin’s pov and it is actually the first ship fic i wrote (at least the first ship fic i’ve written since high school). i actually wrote it before asking for pride fic requests last year and contemplated keeping it for myself or putting it on my ko-fi but felt it was too good not to share. and ofc i had to go with the classic friends to lovers trope because that’s just the kind of person i am lmao anyways i’m almost done with my next pride piece and i’m working on the three requests i received! i hope you all enjoy this and please feel free to give a follow! be sure to drop your feedback in the comments and please look forward to what i’ve got in store for you!! also i’m revamping my tag list so please submit an ask, send a message, or leave a comment if you’d like to be added to that! thank you all for your support <3
I don’t remember when it started or even how it started, if I’m honest. I just know that one day I woke up and the first thought on my mind was how pretty Felix would look with a morning blush. I’d had passing thoughts about his beauty so I paid it no mind, I was comfortable enough in my sexuality to recognize an attractive man when I saw one. Then the dream came rushing back and flooded my senses. I felt guilty as images of my best friend writhing around beneath me appeared in my mind.
I remember thinking “What the fuck was that? I’m not even gay. Why did I dream about fucking my best friend? And why am I hard?”
I remember being disgusted with myself as I rubbed one out in the shower, visions of Felix with his eyes squeezed shut and his jaw hanging open as he cried my name swimming in my vision. I remember icing him out for a few days, afraid he’d somehow know I’d had a wet dream starring him. I remember being terrified and ashamed of what I was feeling. That dream made me reconsider my sexuality.
Over the course of a year, I’d fought with my feelings for him and tried to ignore both my crush and my sudden shift in sexual preference. But he made it so much easier. I never told him who was making me feel these things but he made me feel safe. He helped me figure things out. He knew something was wrong when I started avoiding him at first and when I finally confided in him, he was nothing short of an angel. He stayed up with me several nights when I was having a hard time coming to terms with my sexuality and he assured me nothing was wrong with me. He told me that he’d had the same struggle a few years ago and he took his time to accept it but once he finally did, it felt like a weight was lifted from his shoulders.
I followed his lead and allowed him to show me what it meant to truly embrace who I am. He even took me to my first gay bar. I don’t remember much about that night to be honest. I remember getting there and ordering a few shots; remember Felix suggesting a mixed drink. But that’s about it.
I woke up the next morning in his bed, wearing only my boxers. I was mortified but he took it all in stride and when I shuffled into his kitchen, he offered me a smile and a plate of pancakes before telling me he’d washed my clothes because I got sick right outside his apartment building. I was horrified and ashamed - less so when I found out we hadn’t fucked, but still embarrassed - but he was so kind and I found myself getting flustered every time he offered me a smile over breakfast. I was acutely aware of my nakedness in that moment but he paid it no mind. At least that’s what I told myself when his eyes lingered just a little too long on my ass while I took my plate to the sink.
That had become routine over the last year- the clubbing, not the puking and waking up naked at his place. I’d grown comfortable with myself again and had simply accepted that I had feelings for my best friend. That I have feelings for my best friend. As in, present tense. They never went away and I learned to be okay with it.
This leads to my current predicament. I’m a confident man. I’m aware that I’m good looking. Sometimes I turn myself on. Maybe that’s conceited but who’s it really hurting? Because of this, I sometimes take pictures or record myself jacking off. My camera roll is full of dick pics and videos of me begging for Felix to come ride me.
And now Felix is looking at me expectantly from his position beside me on my bed, both of us slumped against the headboard. “Oh come on! Lemme see how it turned out!” He nudges my shoulder with his as his smile betrays him. He is pretending to be exasperated but he can’t pull it off. We’ve just taken a photo together with some dumb filter and he wants to look at it. Except he’s been known to scroll a bit before and I’m afraid he’ll find the video I recorded only a few hours earlier. “Pretty please?” He resorts to pouting and begging and my heart flips at the way his bottom lip pokes out.
I can’t say no when he looks at me like that and he seems to know since he always does it to get his way. I usually don’t mind indulging him but I’m anxious as I hand him my phone. “Fine. But don’t scro-”
“OH MY GOD THAT'S YOUR DICK-” He shouts as he drops the phone in surprise and my face feels like I’ve just opened the oven without leaning back first; I’m on fire. I try to grab my phone from where it landed on his chest but he gives me an evil smirk and holds it out of reach. “Who’s it for? Did you finally get on one of those dating apps I suggested?”
“Absolutely not. I-”
“So why do you have dick pics?”
“Do you not?”
“Not my dick pics.”
My eyes widen a bit and I look away, embarrassed by my train of thought. How many guys had sent him nudes and how many did he save? I’m not sure I want to know. I shake my head and hold my hand out. “Give it back, dude.”
He ignores me and scrolls through the photos of me fisting my cock before he finally stumbles upon the video. I jump to grab my phone, panicking this time, but it’s too late. We both go silent as my voice calling his name fills the room and I can see his cheeks reddening. After a moment I snap out of my trance and snatch my phone back, clearing my throat awkwardly. “That wasn’t for you…”
Felix, of course, throws another curveball at me and I have to force myself not to physically shudder at his tone. “Clearly it was for me, you were moaning my name while you fucked your fist.” I’d never heard him say anything so…nasty before. He usually keeps things pretty PG.
“Lix, don’t-”
“Was it me?” He suddenly asks as he sits up. His tone isn’t accusatory or panicked so I take it as a good sign and let out a sigh as I nod. I know what he’s asking.
“Yeah. You were the one I had that dream about.” I rake a hand through my hair and look away. “Look, I don’t want things to be weird, Lix, can we please just pretend this never happened?”
“Nope.” He pops the ‘p’ and I sigh once more. “I had my suspicions, you know.” His voice is gentle as his small hand comes to rest on my shoulder. “I wasn’t oblivious to it. I just wanted things to unfold on their own. I didn’t want to push you when you were still coming to terms with everything, but I knew.”
My face is on fire yet again and it only gets worse when he pushes me back against the headboard and straddles my waist. His usually-inviting gaze is dark now, hooded as he looks down at me from his position on my lap. His freckles seem to stand out more with the soft blush dusting his cheeks. When his lips part, I immediately give him all my attention - as if he didn’t already have it. I hang on to his every word. I always have.
“I’ve thought about it too, you know.” His voice is a low rumble and it makes my head spin. “I’ve thought about how you sound; about how you taste, how you feel. I’ve spent so much time thinking about it and wondering if I was the man you dreamt about.” My dick twitches to life in my athletic shorts, though I’m terrified to admit I’m getting hard over this.
He’s leaning in close now and my heart is hammering in my chest. “I’m tired of just thinking about it, Binnie…” He whispers, his hands sliding from my shoulders, down my chest and abs as he leans closer to whisper in my ear. My muscles jump under his touch. I’ve always been pretty sensitive but it seems I’m even more responsive when it comes to him. “I wanna act on it.” His teeth ever so gently clamp down on my earlobe and my hands fly to his hips.
“Lix-” my voice is strained, surprising even me. I don’t think I’ll ever understand how he manages to work me up without even trying. My fingers dig into the material of his loose sweats as a wave of arousal crashes over me. Before I can speak, he grinds his ass down on my semi and I can’t suppress the low groan I let out.
“I know you wanna act on it too, Binnie.” He whispers by my ear before allowing his tongue to soothe the area he’d just bitten. “I know you’re watching me in that mirror right now too.” He adds as his plump lips trail along my jaw and I have half a mind to deny it but that desire flees with his next question. “Do I look pretty on top like this?” His teeth rake over my skin and my grip on his hips tightens yet again as I watch him in the mirror that hangs over my bed.
“Fucking stunning, Lixie.” I rasp out, squeezing his hips as he sets a slow, steady pace. The sound he lets out at both the name and my touch makes my heart pound. I don’t watch him much longer, opting instead to turn my face towards his neck and press a series of kisses there, nipping at his skin after the final one. He fucking whimpers and my dick throbs against his ass.
But then he pulls away and sits up. I watch him in confusion, almost pouting when he pushes my hands away. “I can’t take it.” He whispers as he whips his shirt off. “I need you. Right now.” He looks back down at me, his warm blonde hair hanging in front of his eyes. He pushes it out of his face before reaching for the hem of my shirt.
I let him start to undress me, growing amused at just how frantic he’s becoming. “Relax, baby. We have all the time in the world.” I tease, flashing a smirk at him as I reach for him again. I pull him into me and he squeaks in surprise as our bare chests meet, his hands flying to my biceps. I can’t help but flex a bit. He whispers a soft ‘hi’, which I return as my fingers begin to trace circles on his back. He looks so pretty when he shudders at my touch.
I grow serious after a moment. I’ve never been with a man before. I’ve had plenty of sex but it’s been about a year since the last time and that time was with a woman because I was actively trying to deny my feelings for him. It’s not that I’m afraid or uncomfortable, I just need him to take it slow so I can learn his body; learn how he likes to be touched and how this actually works.
He can sense this. His eyes widen a bit, which is fucking adorable given his flushed cheeks, and he lets his hands slide up my arms to rest on my shoulders. “Am…am I your first?” I give a slight nod and his expression grows fond, a soft smile settling on his thick lips. “I’ll try to be patient.” He teases and both of us give a soft chuckle before my arms tighten around his waist.
“Can…” I start and bite my lip pensively. Should I ask for his permission? I mean, surely he won’t mind it since he initiated everything. Still, I ask. “Can I kiss you, Felix?”
His nod is almost imperceptible but I see it. He doesn’t make a move to lean in and I move one arm from his waist. Everything is still as we stare at each other, my free hand coming up to his face. I brush my knuckles along his jaw and he shivers, his breath hitching as I lean up towards him and let my hand cup his jaw. “I’ve spent so much time thinking about this.” I mimic his previous statement when we’re only a centimeter apart and his lips curl up into a soft smile before I bring my own lips to meet his.
It feels like the stars have aligned. Everything feels right when I’m kissing him. He tastes like the blue raspberry lollipop he was sucking on earlier - distractingly, might I add - but I’m certain he’d be just as sweet without the lingering taste of candy. I swipe my tongue over his bottom lip and he lets out yet another whimper, making my dick twitch again.
He slowly pulls back for air and I peek out at him, noticing a tiny smile on his lips again. “You taste like candy.” I whisper and he lets out a soft giggle, making my heart melt.
“So do you.” He whispers back. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted this.” He adds before crashing his lips back to mine. His hands are on my neck now, his thumbs resting just in front of my ears as he splays his fingers out on my feverish skin. This kiss is more urgent, more passionate. I let my hand move to the back of his head and suck in a deep breath as he nips at my lip. His hips begin to move again and the hand I’ve tangled in his sunny tresses becomes a fist.
His elbows are tucked in and it almost feels like he’s trying to make himself smaller. Does he like to feel small? I almost melt over how endearing he is but I manage to hold myself together. I can make him feel small and cared for.
I can’t help but give his hair a soft tug as I sweep my tongue into his mouth. He lets out the prettiest whine and reaches one hand between us, palming at the front of my shorts as he stills his hips. He’s growing frantic again and I can tell he’s desperate to be touched right now.
He doesn’t let me explore his mouth for too long, instead urging my head back so he can trail kisses along my throat. His lips work down my neck and just as I release his waist so I can slip a hand into his sweats, he begins his descent down my body. Molten lava fills my veins and I freeze in place when his lips trail down my chest while his hands make quick work of my shorts. He doesn’t tug my boxers down just yet, opting to tease me through the thin material. After lifting my hips for him, I look down at him.
I watch as he settles on his belly between my legs and admires the strain in my boxers. He props himself up on one elbow while he runs his free hand along my thigh. He turns and presses a kiss to my other thigh, dangerously close to my dick. “Lixie-” I hiss and he simply hums, allowing his lips to press more tender kisses to my skin and then the material of my boxers. He looks drunk now.
His hand rests on my hip as he begins to mouth at my barely-concealed hard-on and I let out a low groan. He leaves a series of sloppy kisses on the front of my boxers before closing his lips around my clothed tip. I suck in a ragged breath at the sensation and let my head fall back against the headboard with a dull thud. “Felix, please-” I sigh.
I don’t know why I anticipated him to refuse and continue teasing me, but that’s not what happens. He instantly gets up on his knees and urges me to lift my hips, which I do with no hesitation. My cock springs free from its confinement and I hiss slightly. I lift my head with all the strength I can muster and watch him settle back in before wrapping a small hand around my dick.
Something in me is screaming that I need to watch, to take in every second of his attention on me, but it’s becoming hard to hold my head up. The anticipation is driving me up the wall. My breathing is ragged as he gives a few strokes before making eye contact and wrapping his lips around my angry red head. I let out a soft sigh as his tongue swirls around the tip and my eyes slip closed. It’s only just started but this is already the best head of my life.
Then he takes me as far as he can and I feel like I’m floating. The sound that escapes me is choked and draws an amused hum from him. I allow my head to fall back against the headboard once more, the thud much louder this time, but force my eyes open, watching in the mirror as he throats my dick. I take in the way his head bobs over my hips and how his back is arched ever so slightly with the way he’s propped up. I admire the way he has one leg hiked up while the other is stretched out straight.
Between the slurping sounds and the way he’s rutting against the bed, I feel like I’m going to combust. He pulls off to breathe but continues to jerk me and I feel a bubble of disappointment settle in my belly. I know why he stopped but fuck it felt so good. He presses a series of kisses to my hips and thighs as he catches his breath and I almost have the strength to look back down at him but then he swallows me whole again and I almost pass out.
He’s working faster now, with more vigor, and I can’t dream of containing the noises he seems so set on drawing out of me. “Fuck, Lixie, slow down-” I groan, tangling a fist in his hair. He lets out a whimper at the tug and I notice how he bucks his hips harder at the contact as I’m watching his reflection. “I won’t last-”
He pulls off and stops moving, staring up at me. “Look at me.” His voice is oddly demanding and I can’t bring myself to deny him. I lift my head and make eye contact. “Sit up. I want you to watch me make you cum.” I have half a mind to flip things and pin him down, to teach him a lesson for getting so bossy with me, but I let it slide because I’m admittedly desperate to feel his mouth back on my aching cock. I resituate myself without a word and he gives a satisfied sound. “Good boy.”
“Thin ice, Lixie.” I warn and he lets out a soft giggle.
“Worth a shot.” He hums before growing serious again. “I’ve lost count of the amount of times I’ve gotten off to the thought of sucking you off.” He sighs almost dreamily before taking the tip back in his mouth. He looks up at me as he hollows his cheeks and swirls his tongue yet again, his hand working the rest of my cock. It’s clear he’s set on making me cum before I get the chance to fuck him, before I have the chance to get him equally as worked up.
He’s about to have his way. The knot in the pit of my belly is dangerously close to unraveling and I can’t stifle the noises he’s drawing out of me.
That knot comes undone the second I feel his free hand move to fondle my balls. “Fuck-” I almost drop my head back but the desire to have this image burned in my mind is stronger. Wave after wave of arousal floods my body as I shoot my load into his mouth, his fingertips just barely teasing my balls. I watch as he swallows my cum, my body on fire as he continues to work my dick until I’m about to beg him to stop.
He pulls off right before I open my mouth to stop him and licks his lips. He doesn’t say anything, just pulls himself to his knees and moves up the bed to kiss me. My arms are around his waist and his hands rest on my neck like before. I taste myself on his lips and when I sweep my tongue into his mouth. I’m straining up to kiss him as he’s towering over me and part of me wishes he’d sit down instead of standing on his knees. I don’t voice this, opting instead to focus on how good it feels to be with him like this.
My hands trail along his back, my fingertips ghosting over his skin, and he shivers. How cute. I let my fingers dip past his waistband and he sucks in a shaky breath, not once pulling away from the kiss as I give his bare ass a squeeze. I push his sweats and boxers down in one go and he finally breaks the kiss, looking down between us as his cock springs free. He presses his forehead to mine as I reach between us and he gasps when my callused hand wraps around his dick, his jaw hanging slack.
I realize this is the first time in my life I’m touching a dick that isn’t mine and I feel like a curious teenager all over again. I give an experimental tug, touching him the way I like to be touched, and he whines softly. The sound goes straight to my cock and I decide I have to keep hearing it. It’s just too pretty. He’s just too pretty. “What do you want? Tell me what you like, baby.” I whisper and his breath hitches. I can’t tell if it’s because of the name or the way my hand is working his hard-on, but I’m beyond caring.
“Just- just want you, Bin…” he whispers back and I shake my head.
“You know what I mean, Lix.” I gently nudge him back so I can meet his gaze and his face is bright red. How fucking cute. “I can’t just go for it without you telling me what you like and what feels good. I’ve never slept with a guy before. All the experience I have means nothing in this context.” My voice is gentle, not scolding. He already looks flustered enough.
He nods and swallows thickly as he tries to form a coherent sentence. I know the way my hand is slowly jerking him is making his mind run blank. “I-I’ll show you how. Just…please don’t stop-” His words are cut short by a surprisingly high-pitched moan when I dig my thumb into the slit. “Fuck- definitely don’t stop.”
I can’t help but chuckle softly at his response, feeling empowered by his reaction. “You like it when I do that?” I tease and he nods vigorously. “Words, baby. Tell me, do you like it when I do that?” I may sound like an ass right now but I don’t really care. I’m feeling high from this and every sound he makes pushes me closer to losing myself. I want to hear him say it.
“Y-yes!” He moans out, ducking his face into my neck. “Yes, I love it when you touch me like that. Want you to do it again. Please?” He’s quiet, his voice muffled by my shoulder, but I hear him clearly. I can’t deny him anything. I’ve never been able to deny him anything, even before I was nursing a crush on him. I dig my thumb in again and he lets out a choked sound, bucking into my hand.
He whimpers in distress when I release his cock, his head snapping up from my shoulder with wide, bleary eyes. He looks entirely dazed and disappointed at the loss of contact. Confused even. I sooth him with a quick peck before pulling him against my chest and flipping us so he’s on his back.
He looks pretty staring up at me like this. He always looks pretty, of course, but I’ve wanted to see him under me for so long now. I stare back at him for a moment before ducking down to kiss him. He moves to wrap his arms around my neck but I gently pin his wrists to the bed and he lets out a soft groan.
My lips move to his jaw and I press a few soft kisses there before beginning my descent. I nip at his neck and press chaste kisses to his collarbones; allow my tongue to flick over his nipples, earning a tiny squeak. “Let me hear.” I pause, looking up at him. I can tell he’s holding back and I want to hear every sound he makes. He nods slowly and I peck the center of his chest. “Good boy.” He keens at the name and I grin to myself. “You like being called a good boy, don’t you Lixie?”
“Fucking love it…” He whispers, his head falling back against the headboard. He’s more slumped than I’d been so I can just barely see his face as I move down his body. “Wanted to hear you call me a good boy for so long.” He sighs, allowing himself to get lost in the sensation of my lips on his skin.
“Yeah?” He nods and hums out a soft ‘uh huh’. “I bet you were thinking about it while imagining blowing me, weren’t you?” He gives the same response and I let out a quiet laugh as my lips ghost over his abs. He’s got well-defined muscles, which is a pleasant surprise for anyone who is blessed to see him shirtless.
His dick twitches as I kiss his hips and he whines softly when I don’t immediately touch him. I’m somewhat nervous now as I settle on my stomach between his legs. Again, I’ve had plenty of sex, but never with a man. I’m curious. But I’m also so unsure of myself. I wrap my hand around the base of his cock and hesitantly lick the tip, propping on one arm the way he had only minutes prior.
He gasps softly at the sensation and I do it again, looking up to gauge his reaction. His eyes are screwed shut, his brow furrowed as he focuses on my touch. His lips are parted, allowing puffs of air and soft sounds of pleasure to escape. Slowly, carefully, I wrap my lips around the head of his cock and he lets out a whine so stunning I think I might just pass away.
“Please- more-” He gasps out and I tentatively flick my tongue. “J-just like that…” he whispers, assuring me I’m doing this right. I repeat my actions over and over, my hand working the rest of him, until he’s a worked up, whining mess. I pull off briefly and his head snaps up, his eyes flying open. Before he can ask why I stopped, I lock eyes with him and allow a thick string of drool to drip down from my mouth and onto the tip of his cock before spreading it around with my hand. He whimpers helplessly at the sight and I feel his dick throb in my hand.
Without breaking eye contact, I take him back in my mouth with more confidence than before and set out to finish him off. I want to taste more of him. I ease myself down his cock, taking him as far as I can manage before gagging a bit. He’s nodding at me now, assuring me I’m doing a good job, and my mind runs blank. All I can think about is making him feel good. I finally have him right where I want him - under me - and I’m determined to make this worth it for him.
I repeat my actions over and over until he’s desperately tugging at my hair and bucking his hips. Every time he shoves his cock down my throat, I gag around him and he lets out another pretty moan. He’s losing himself now and I feel powerful yet again. Then he starts begging.
“Please- oh my fucking god- ‘m gonna cum-” He moans out, letting his head fall back against the headboard.
Immediately, I pull off his drooling dick and repeat his previous statement, though my tone is much more demanding. “Look at me. I want you to watch me make you cum.” He lets out one of the most distressed sounds I’ve ever heard from him and quickly complies, propping himself up on one elbow so one hand is still free to tug at my hair. “Good boy.” I coo and take him back in my mouth.
His jaw hangs slack as his grip on my hair grows tighter and tighter to the point it’s painful. I love it. I find myself rutting against the bed just like he had earlier as I dig my tongue into the slit. The sound he lets out isn’t simply a moan, it’s a cry. He’s desperate for release now and he’s so, so sensitive. “A-again! Please- do it again-” He begs and I can’t dream of denying him.
The moment I repeat my actions, I feel his cum against my tongue. I take it all but I don’t swallow. I want him to get a taste of himself. I move up the bed as he comes down from his high and immediately press my lips to his, much like he’d done earlier. I gently grip his chin, urging him to open his mouth. He complies eagerly and I use my tongue to push his cum into his mouth, sharing it with him. We exchange it back and forth for a few seconds before I pull away and swallow what’s left.
“I don’t know what the fuck that was, but it was hot.” He giggles breathlessly and I chuckle softly. If I’m being honest, I don’t know what came over me just then, but it was one of the hottest things I’d ever done. I realize we’re staring at each other but I don’t dare move.
Things are still again, like when I asked to kiss him, except now he’s smiling up at me. We’re comfortable now, less on edge, but I’m far from done with him. I bring my hand to his face and run my thumb over his cheekbone as he leans into my touch, his eyes slipping shut. “You’re so pretty.” I whisper and his cheeks go a soft rose color.
“You’re prettier.” He whispers back, looking up at me. I chuckle and shake my head before he gently pushes me back. I sit up, slightly confused, and he rolls onto his side. I want to pin him back in place but I also have no clue what he’s doing. “You should really learn to put these things away.” He teases as he reaches for something on the other side of my bed.
It’s then that I realize I left my lube laying at the top of the pillow, tucked just far enough out of sight for me to forget its existence. It had slipped between the pillow and headboard, just barely peeking out. I let out a soft huff of laughter and move to take it but he playfully swats my hand away. “Sit.” He gestures to the headboard and I comply, moving to sit with my back against the cool wood.
I watch as he grabs a couple of pillows to recline on and pops the cap on the tube. “I’ve always wanted to put on a show for you…” he murmurs, his legs falling open as he squeezes some of the candy-scented lube onto his fingers to warm it up.
“How fitting. I’ve always wanted to watch you put on a show.” I smirk and he lets out a soft huff of laughter before whimpering quietly as his middle finger circles his entrance. His face scrunches up cutely as he slowly works himself up, soft sighs slipping past his pillowy lips.
After a few minutes of teasing, he carefully presses his middle finger into himself and makes yet another beautiful sound. God I wish I were the one touching him like that. Maybe he’ll let me…
“Fuck, baby, you look so pretty like this…” I groan, watching as he finger fucks himself open for me. I wrap a hand around my dick and watch as he tries not to get too far ahead of himself.
“Yeah? How pretty?” He whimpers, adding a second finger as he looks at me. I see his cock twitch upon the realization that I’m enjoying what he’s doing and my gaze lifts to his face.
“So fucking pretty, baby. The prettiest.” His jaw drops and he lets his head tip back. It’s interesting to see just how much my words affect him.
Then he lets out a whine of frustration. “Can’t reach-” he huffs and I’m all too eager to offer assistance.
“Want me to take over, angel?” Stars fill his eyes at the name as he nods enthusiastically, immediately pulling his hand back to give me access.
I waste no time in grabbing the lube and squeezing some onto my fingers as I bring myself to my knees between his legs. I notice him tense and I pause, worried he might be uncomfortable. “Is everything okay, Lix?” I ask softly, still coating my fingers and warming the lube as I speak.
“Hmm?” It’s then that I see his eyes have become glossy and half-lidded. “Oh- yeah, everything is great.” He smiles up at me but I don’t move so he elaborates. “I was getting ahead of myself.”
“Aww, lost in thought about how it’ll feel when I fuck you?” He nods vigorously and I smirk as I lean down, propping myself up on one hand which is planted by his head. “Don’t worry, sweetheart, you won’t have to wait to find out much longer.” His face goes bright red again as I slip my hand between his legs.
In reality, I’m just as worked up as he is and I’m nervous. I’m talking a big game for someone who has never fucked a guy before. But I’m encouraged by his reaction as I press a slick finger inside him.
His jaw is still hanging slack and he lets out a soft whine. I’m honestly a little surprised by his reaction. He’s already stretched himself a good bit so it’s not a shocking sensation or anything. Is he really that affected by my touch? “C-curl-” He urges and I do, earning a high-pitched moan as my finger comes into contact with his prostate.
With a renewed sense of courage, I begin to finger fuck him, repeatedly dragging my finger over his prostate. After only a minute, he begs me for another so I give it to him, watching his face contort in pleasure as I hover over him. I lower myself down and begin to press kisses to his neck, earning sighs of pleasure.
But then he grabs my wrist, pushing my hand away, and I freeze. “Can’t- fuck, I can’t take it-” He grabs the lube as he speaks and puts more than a generous amount on his palm before wrapping his hand around my hard-on. “Please just fuck me already-” He begs as he coats my dick and it twitches in his hand. He looks up at me with a sly grin. “You like when I beg, Binnie?”
My cock throbs again and I instantly pull my fingers out of him and place my hand over his, bucking my hips when he digs his thumb into the slit. “I fucking love it, angel. Love that name too.” I see the stars in his eyes again and gently push his hand away. He takes hold of his own dick with his messy hand, biting his lip when I line up.
I slowly push in, watching as his lips part and he lets out a soft gasp. I’m short circuiting now. He’s tighter than any woman I ever fucked and now my jaw is hanging slack like his has been since he saw my dick pic. “Oh my fucking god, Lixie…” I choke out before I’m even halfway in.
My face screws up in pleasure and I hiss softly as my hips meet his. I don’t know if he wants me to move yet or not but I have to stay still for a moment or I will finish too early, I can feel it. “Binnie…” I manage to force my eyes open and his expression almost makes me lose myself. He’s staring up at me with half-lidded eyes, his pillowy lips parted and allowing little puffs of air to escape. “Kiss me…” He whispers, following it up with a soft ‘please?’ as he gives his cock a tug.
I don’t need to be asked twice. I plant my free hand on the other side of his head as I dip down to kiss him, making a mental note to change the sheets before letting him settle in for the night. Our lips meet and he tangles his free hand in my hair, giving a soft tug.
I groan against his lips and he continues to pull until it hurts. I wince at the pain and stop my hips from moving as he riles me up. He doesn’t seem to like this and gives another tug. He continues to give sporadic tugs as my tongue sweeps into his mouth until I finally buck my hips. He lets out a broken moan against my lips and I pull back so I can hear him fully.
“Gonna sing for me, pretty boy?” I tease as I snap my hips forwards, earning a loud, whiny ‘uh huh’ as he nods. “Tell me how you want it, baby.” I whisper, giving shallow thrusts as I listen for his response.
“I don’t care.” He groans, working his hand a bit faster. “I don’t care how you fuck me, Bin, just please make me cum.” He begs in a pathetic tone and a thrill runs through my body.
“Any way I want?” He nods and I sit up between his legs. I gently push his hand away from his dick and press his knees towards his chest, my hands supporting him so he can just relax and feel everything I’m doing to him. “Lix?” He looks up and I catch his eye. “Tell me if anything is off, yeah?” I’m so worried I’m going to mess this up somehow. Maybe it’s because it’s Felix, my best friend and the man I’ve had feelings for for over a year, and not just some random guy.
“Of course.” I breathe a sigh of relief and he bites his lip in a failed attempt to conceal a tiny smile. “But don’t expect to hear anything but moans.” I’m slightly taken aback but entirely flattered that he has so much faith in me.
He’s about to encourage me to carry on when I suddenly snap my hips forwards. His jaw drops and his head falls back to the pillows, a quiet moan slipping past his plump lips. “You mean like that?” I tease as I set a steady pace, suppressing my own sounds save for the soft cursing under my breath.
He nods frantically and I just barely notice him wipe his hands clean before holding his legs just above where I’m holding. “Please touch my cock, Binnie. I need it. I need you to touch me. Pretty please?” He begs as I begin to speed up, feeling more confident with every gasp and moan I draw from him.
I release his thighs and wrap my right hand around his dick, stifling a low groan as he lets out a breathy moan that vaguely sounds like my name. My gaze is volleying between where we’re connected, my hand tugging at his pretty cock, and his face, which is screwed up in pleasure. My hips falter slightly when I realize he looks just as pretty as he did in the dream that started this whole mess.
I quickly regain my rhythm and tap his hand, signaling him to release his legs. Once he does, I urge them around my waist. My left hand rests on his thigh, close to his hip, and I massage circles on his feverish skin with my thumb. “F-faster-” He chokes, one hand fisting in the sheets while the other blindly searches for my left hand.
He stops my absentminded motion and takes my hand, lacing our fingers. My heart races at the simple gesture and I give a gentle squeeze as I pick up the pace, hips pistoning at a pace I forgot I could reach. I’m about to speak but every thought leaves my mind when I look down at his leaking cock. Just past that, I notice a bulge that appears every time I slam into him.
“Holy fucking shit-” I hiss as I watch in wonder. A new wave of arousal crashes over me at the sight and I’m hit with the urge to breed him; to make him wholly mine. I know it makes no sense but I can’t help it. “Lixie, baby, you’re so fucking perfect…” I groan and he squeezes my hand.
I release his dick and ghost my fingers over the bulge appearing in his belly with each thrust. He whines in disappointment at the loss of stimulation but lifts his head when he feels my fingertips on his skin. He zeroes in on what I’m fixated on and I feel him clench around me, drawing a loud moan from me. “Oh fuck-” His jaw drops as he watches, precum dribbling on his skin at the sight, which only makes it hotter. “Oh fuck ‘m gonna cum-” He warns and I instantly wrap my hand back around his cock, set on finishing him off.
I’m fighting to stay composed as I fuck into him. I want him to cum first. And he does. He lets out a cry that resembles my name as cum spurts across his belly, his grip on my hand tightening as he shudders in pleasure. I don’t stop jacking him off until he’s trembling and squeezing my hand almost painfully. Finally, I release him. “Where do you want it, bab-?”
He doesn’t even let me finish speaking. “Inside. Please cum inside.” His tone is desperate as he begs and he sounds close to tears. Not being able to refuse him, I let go.
My thrusts become sloppy and a moment later my orgasm crashes over me. I rut into him desperately, my entire body overtaken by a euphoria I’ve never experienced before. I’m pinning his hands above his head as I fall into him even before the ecstasy has passed, hips still jerking as I crash my lips to his in a desperate kiss.
He moans against my lips, squeezing my hands as my hips slow. Finally, I still as my tongue dips into his mouth. He still tastes like that blue raspberry lollipop from earlier.
I hum as I pull back for air and he bites his lip as he looks up at me. We stare at each other in silence, both of us praying that this isn’t a one time thing but neither of us willing to ask. I release his hands in favor of playing with his hair after pushing it out of his face. “You did so good.”
“Mm usually I’m the one giving the praise, sweetheart.” I tease and he giggles softly, bringing his hands to my cheeks and tracing my cheekbones with his thumbs.
“Well I’m the one with more experience so I get to dole out praises this time.” He sticks his tongue out playfully before smiling up at me again. “Seriously though, you’re fucking amazing.”
I lean down and peck his lips again before sitting up, pulling him with me so we’re still chest to chest. I’m vaguely aware of the way our bodies are pressed together, his cum smearing across both of us now. More importantly, I’m aware of how the change in position drives me deeper into him; aware of the tiny gasp that slips past his lips.
“I think that’s you, baby.” I whisper and peck his lips again. I can’t help myself. I’ve wanted to kiss him for a whole year now.
He goes quiet for a moment as he looks at me and I wonder what he’s thinking. Before I can ask, he’s tipping us over and I’m landing on my back beneath him. “No, it’s you. I can’t get enough.” He whispers and rolls his hips.
I hiss at the motion and plant my feet on the mattress, trying to tighten my grip on him to hold him still while I buck into him, but he pushes my hands away. He grabs my wrists and pins my hands by my head at first, pulling back so he can look down at me. My softening dick begins to stiffen again and I make a mental note to contemplate exactly why it was so hot to be pinned down by him when he’s the most obviously submissive man I’ve ever met. Then he releases me and sits up properly on my lap.
“What have you done to me?” He whines softly, lifting himself up so just the tip is inside before dropping back down. I raise an eyebrow as my hands move to his hips and he tips his head back, looking up at himself in the mirror. “You already wrecked me, why am I still so fucking horny?”
I can’t help but chuckle at his complaint. “What? Tiny baby needs to be filled with cum again to feel satisfied?” My tone is mocking and I can feel the effect my words have on him. He clenches around me as his whole body tenses and I see his eyes slip shut in the mirror as he makes a pathetic noise.
“Yes! God yes-” He moans, pushing into my touch when my hands move to squeeze his ass. “Want you to fill me up again. Wanna make you cum for me again…” He babbles on as he lifts himself up and drops back down, letting out what almost sounds like a squeal.
He sets a steady pace like this, a symphony of the prettiest sounds I’ve ever heard falling from his lips as he rides me. His head lolls around, alternating between watching himself in the mirror and looking down at me. I can’t tear my eyes away from his body, fixated on the way his muscles contract and the bulge that appears as he fucks me.
I don’t know what possesses me to do this, but I slap his ass and he jolts on top of me. His dick twitches and he moans out my name. He leans forwards and places his hands on my abs, balancing himself as he rocks back on my dick. I buck my hips and he whimpers. “No no no, lemme do it. I wanna do this. Wanna make you cum…” He argues and I can't deny him anything so I comply.
It’s difficult to stay still but I settle for guiding his hips. His head hangs as he rides me, his moans growing increasingly desperate each time our bodies meet. My body is on fire at the slight overstimulation but I welcome it.
Felix doesn’t seem to be faring as well. His moans have turned into cries and he tries to hide his face from me by tossing his head back as he sits up. I see it though and I notice the tears. I’m worried but he’s still going, lifting himself up with much effort and dropping back down in a heap. “Baby, do you need a break?”
“J-just a little…” he wipes his cheeks but doesn’t stop moving. “But I wanna keep going.”
“Why don’t you let me take over, Lixie?” He shakes his head and I gently squeeze his hips. “Please, angel?” He freezes at the name and nods after a moment of silence.
I immediately sit up and make him lay back before pulling out, some of my cum leaking out of him. I don’t bother asking him to roll over, I position him myself. I put him on his belly and push one leg up, like the way he’d laid while sucking me off. I grab his ass and see him clench around nothing, whimpering at my treatment of him. “Please fuck me, Binnie…” He whines out and I squeeze some more lube onto my dick before I line up.
I push into him and set a rough pace, giving his ass a slap as I listen to his wails. His hands fist the sheets as lewd squelching and the sound of skin slapping fills the room. He lets out a pretty sob every time I slap his ass.
My gaze bounces back and forth between his ass - I can’t help but admire the way it jiggles every time I slam into him - and his hands twisted in the sheets. He looks so pretty on display for me like this, crying into my sheets. It’s better than any dream I could’ve had and my dick twitches inside him. Fuck I’m close.
“Fuck- Binnie, please cum inside! Please- want you to cum first and fill me up-” He begs and my dick twitches again.
“Yeah? Gonna take it all like a good boy? Gonna cum and make a mess of my sheets?”
“Yes!” He sobs and I can't help myself. I give in to the fire licking at my skin and cum, relishing in his moans as I fill him up. He shudders beneath me as he joins me, his body jerking with the force of his orgasm.
I don’t stop until I’m on fire, until I can’t take it anymore. He’s trembling now. I pull out slowly and he makes a small sound of protest. I lean down and press my lips to his shoulder, kissing there several times before sitting back up. “You did so good for me, baby. Took it so well.” I coo as I gently roll him onto his back, only to discover he’d had a dry orgasm.
“Yeah?” He asks hopefully and I nod, leaning back over him and swiping my knuckles over his cheeks to dry his tears.
“Yeah.” I offer a small smile before pecking his pouty lips. “Why don’t you let me get you cleaned up and then we can snuggle?”
“How about I go get cleaned up while you change the sheets and then we cuddle?” He laughs softly, taking in a shaky breath afterwards as he stares up at me in what I can only describe as adoration.
“Do you want me to help you to the bathroom?” I ask as we both sit up and he shakes his head.
“It’s okay. I’m okay.” He assures me as he stands. Part of me deflates a little because I want to dote on him, but that part is pacified when he turns around and plants his lips on mine. I rise up on my knees as we kiss, pulling him against me. I frown a little when he pulls back. “I’ll be right back.”
I nod and watch him walk into my en suite bathroom before pulling myself from my trance. Holy shit. I fucked my best friend.
I get up from the bed and quickly pull the sheets off, using them to wipe his cum off my stomach and clean my dick. I toss them in the hamper and grab a pair of boxers, pulling them on before going to the closet to get fresh sheets.
I’m wrestling with the fitted sheet when Felix comes out of the bathroom and grabs his boxers from the floor. “Need a hand?” He teases, his usual glow back tenfold.
“Maybe a little.” I chuckle and he helps me quickly finish making the bed before crawling under the sheets. I join him and prop up on one arm, resting my head on my hand. I take a moment to admire him, his bright eyes framed with long lashes and full lips that could easily put any Bratz doll to shame, before speaking. “How long did you know?”
He takes a moment to take me in as well before answering. “I only assumed, but ever since you told me you had ‘an intimate dream about a guy’ after icing me out for two weeks. It made sense. I wondered why you avoided me but then you told me you had that dream and I guessed it had something to do with me.”
“Then…how long have you thought about sleeping with me?” I might be pushing my luck but I’m curious.
“Long before you ever questioned your sexuality.” He scoffs at himself and looks down at my bare chest with a ghost of a smile, his cheeks going a soft pink. “I think it started that day at the park when we were in high school. Remember that picnic we went on? You were by my side the whole time and you complimented me a few times. You just looked so good that day and you were so laid back and fun, I couldn't help but admire you. That never really changed though, you being carefree.”
It’s my turn to blush now. A smile creeps onto my face as I listen and I finally wrap an arm around him, pulling him against me. “That long?” He nods and I kiss his forehead. “You must’ve known something I didn’t back then.” I tease.
“No,” he laughs. “I used to lament the fact I had a crush on the straight guy.” He snuggles into my chest and lets out a soft sigh. “Part of me wondered if I was ever obvious about it. I don’t know if I ever acted weird around you. I feel like I did.”
“If you did, I never noticed. You’ve always been a sweetheart, I just figured you were extra sweet in private with everyone.” I laugh in spite of myself. How did I never pick up on it? To be fair, I thought I was straight until a little over a year ago. “It’s endearing.”
“It is?” I can hear his smile in his voice.
“It is. Everything about you is. You’re the resident sunshine, after all.”
“I like when you call me stuff like that.”
“Yeah?” He nods. “I think ‘angel’ is your favorite, hmm?” He nods again and I kiss the top of his head before laying my head down. “Cute. Well I’m glad you like it because I don’t think I’ll ever stop.”
“You better not.” He’s pouting now, I’m sure of it.
“Don’t worry, baby, I won't.”
“Good. You better keep calling me your baby.” I can’t stop the smile I’m wearing from growing wider.
“I will because you are.” I hum. I don’t know what we are but I do know we’re more than friends and I do know I’m never getting over him. “Sweet dreams.” I whisper when I notice his breathing even out.
Whatever this is, I’m content to hold him in my arms for the rest of the night.
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readyforthegarden · 6 months
Breakable Heaven - Part Five
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Pairing: Danny Wagner x Female Reader
Synopsis: Being the maid of honor in your best friends wedding is already stressful enough without the best man being the ex-boyfriend who tore your heart to shreds. Stumbling across a dating app with dates for hire, you take a chance, inviting a perfect stranger to pretend to be your boyfriend for the weeklong celebrations. But how long can the charade last when the champagne starts pouring and feelings start growing?
Warnings: mild sports violence, talks of betrayal and cheating, drinking, kissing, finger-licking (idk any other way to describe it, yall will see what I mean), 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!
A/N: I have played flag football exactly once in my life so parts may/will not be totally accurate but I did my best so...enjoy lmao sorry it’s a day late!!
WC: 6387
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You woke up in better spirits the next morning, Danny felt. When he walked by the bathroom after getting dressed, he had to pause, you were humming the chorus to Heat Above, and he peeked into the room. You were standing in front of the mirror, finishing up your second French braid, one already done on your left side.  Your fingers twisted and weaved the strands of hair effortlessly as you hummed, as if muscle memory from years of practice. 
Danny suddenly wanted to ask you where you learned, had you been a little girl at sleep away camp? A cheerleader who learned on the bus on the way to an away game? Or was it time spent with your mother who told you stories as she braided, as you sat in front of her cross-legged on the floor. He wanted to know everything you would tell him about yourself, craved it, nearly. Danny didn’t realize he’d been caught staring until he realized you’d stopped humming. 
“Sorry,” he blushed slightly, feeling like he was caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He met your eyes in the mirror with an apologetic smile. 
“I’m the one who should be sorry,” you replied, twisting your hair tie around the end of the braid, securing it tightly. Turning you blinked up at him. “I drooled on your pillow last night.”
Danny laughed. After coming to bed, he slid in on your side, realizing his was completely taken as you snuggled into his pillow. The smell of your lavender shampoo and conditioner had surrounded him and lulled him into a more restful sleep, thanks to his conversation with Sam. When he had woken, it was to a small, yet pleasant surprise. You had rolled again in your sleep this time coming back to your side, and you had snuggled close to Danny. He had woken up to your legs tangled with his. Your toes had been cold, like you had them out of the blanket at some point in the early morning.  
He took care to make sure they were warmed before he untangled himself from you, feeling more certain that Sam was right with his hypothesis. He shook himself from his thoughts as you spoke again.
“Actually I wanted to say sorry for how I acted last night.” You sighed, rubbing your arm anxiously. “I wasn’t upset with you or anything. I guess…I guess I just feel like we’ve gotten close in the past few days, and when I mixed up Jake and Josh, and you said it’s okay as long as it’s not to their faces…” Danny watched as you bit your lip, avoiding eye contact as your cheeks heated up. “It just reminded me that I’ll never meet them. After this week, there’s no reason for us to be together.” 
“Oh honey,” Danny sighed. There was a small pang of sadness that friendship was the only thing on your mind, but he decided that friendship was better than nothing at all. “We can still hang out after this is over. I would love that.” he watched your eyes light up.
“Really?” a small, hopeful smile graced your face. 
“Yeah, really.” Danny chuckled. “You’re not like any other I’ve worked with. Now come on, we gotta finish packing for our camp out.” 
There was a small tingling in your chest when Danny told you that you weren’t like any other he’d worked with. You’d come to terms earlier that morning that part of the reason you would miss Danny was that you had started to develop a small crush on the young man. Talking yourself through it in your head, you convinced yourself it was just because of the act the two of you were putting on. Danny was a brilliant actor, and it was like being back in the high school theater club.
Once this weekend was over, you’d lose the crush on Danny and it would be a beautiful friendship. Once you were back in your own bed in your own apartment, you would realize it was just a silly little moment, nothing more than a passing fancy. 
By the time the two of you made it down to the lobby, two vans were waiting, overnight bags being tossed into the back of each. Danny had slung yours over his shoulder and went to load it up when Olivia came around, laying a hand on your shoulder.
“Hey,” she looked slightly perplexed. “Gavin and Naomi are riding in our van, are you going to be okay with that? I know seeing her yesterday wasn’t easy.”
“I’ll be fine.” you shrugged. You watched behind her as Danny came back around the van, smiling and laughing at something Mila, another bridesmaid, had said. “I won’t be alone.”
“I’m really happy for you,” Olivia mused after she turned to see what you were looking at. “I know the breakup with Gavin was rough, but you seem to be really, really happy with Danny.”
“I am, yeah,” nodding, you felt a blush creep up your neck and to your cheeks. You were, as it turned out, happy with Danny, even if the relationship was fictitious. He was turning into a great friend, at the very least.
“And the way he looks at you? I’m the one getting married and my fiancé doesn’t even look at me like that!” Olivia giggled. “Really, I’m honestly getting a little jealous.”
“What do you mean?” you asked, trying not to seem as confused as you were. Olivia rolled her eyes, turning and looking at Danny again before coming and standing beside you.
“I mean that,” she said, nodding out to the small crowd by the van. You followed her gaze, only to see Danny looking at you from under the bill of his hat, a soft smile pulling into a crooked grin as he caught your eye. “That man is head over heels for you.”
“Stop,” you shook your head. There was a part of your heart that leapt with excitement at her words, wanting to believe that your small crush was reciprocated. But you knew better, he was doing his job, playing the role you hired him to. 
“Babe, if you ask me? I think you’ll be walking down the aisle next.” Olivia’s eyes twinkled, and you could practically see her shifting into planning mode again. 
“Don’t hold your breath,” you laughed, and Olivia frowned. You had meant it as a small joke to yourself, knowing this relationship would end shortly, but she took it as hesitancy from your past. 
“You can’t think like that.” she stepped in front of you again. “Not every guy is Gavin. And Danny seems different. You told me he was yourself.”
“Yeah,” you gave her a small, reassuring smile. 
“Alright, let’s load up!” Mike called out. Everyone dispersed to their vans. Danny let you get in before joining you in the middle, making Gavin and Naomi take the far back. Thomas and his wife climbed in next to him and you squeezed in towards the window. 
Mike got into the driver's seat, Olivia next to him in the passenger. He started the van and you watched as the vineyard passed by you slowly. Next to you, Danny was plugging his earphones into his phone, opening up the music app from the night before. Catching you look, he held out the right earbud in his large palm, gesturing for you to take it. Placing it in your ear, he did the same with the left one. 
“Can we listen to more of your band?” you asked softly. Danny smiled, nodding and looking them up again, pressing play and shuffle. You grinned, turning back towards the window, watching the scenery pass by. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught movement, and glanced over to see your knee moving up and down as you tapped your foot along to the beat. There was a smile on your face like the night before when you listened to Heat Above and Danny found himself lost in watching you experience his work.
He looked away, trying not to be caught spying on you yet again, but it was too late. In the rearview, Olivia’s bright eyes were twinkling up at him, a knowing smirk on her face. Danny blushed, focusing back on his phone screen before staring out the windshield, avoiding the mirror at all costs. However, he could keep his eyes from you, especially when you started nodding your head to The Falling Sky. 
Danny imagined what it would be like for you to see him play live. If you would enjoy it as much as you seemed to be enjoying the recordings. His imagination led him to see you in the stands, where friends and family typically sat, and he had to bite back a smile as he thought of pointing his drumstick to you, much like Jake would occasionally point his guitar towards his partner, and the smile on your face as you watched him play, and play for you.
The vision of you backstage, running towards him after a show, excited to congratulate him and jumping into his tired, sweaty arms made his heart thrum in his chest. The kisses you would pepper all over his face, telling him how wonderful he was and how you couldn’t wait to get him home. 
You’d made it through most of his discography before the van was stopped on a wide field. There were tents already set up, a large fire pit in the middle of the circle a few feet away. The turning foliage gave a breathtaking view you would never forget in your life. Danny stood next to your side, looking out towards the woods, the same glimmer in his eyes.
“I love the fall,” you sighed. “I wish it would look like this all the time.”
“Agreed,” Danny nodded. 
“Alright, we have a few activities planned for the day!” Olivia clapped her hands excitedly, drawing the attention to her as she spoke. “Go put your things in your tents and meet over by the field in ten!”
You and Danny made your way to the back of your van, and you waited for Danny to hand you your overnight bag, but he slung it over his shoulder with ease as he also carried his own. Picking a tent in the middle, you undid the zipper, ushering Danny inside before following him. You expected something of Olivia’s tastes, somehow she would weasel an actual bed into the tents, bedside tables, the works, but you were surprised to see merely a full sized air mattress, a sleeping bag adoring it with two pillows.
“This’ll be cozy.” Danny chuckled to himself, letting the overnight bags slide off his shoulders and onto the polyester floor of the tent. Nodding along, you sighed, feeling how hard the chilly ground was under your feet, even through the tent. 
“I haven’t been camping since I was a little kid.” you admitted. “And it was girl scout camp so…it wasn’t even close to this.”
“Really? No roughing it in the girl scouts?” shaking your head, Danny laughed. 
“Most tents at the campgrounds I went to were up on platforms, off the ground. And we had cots.” you laughed. “Boy scouts definitely had it rougher.”
“Yeah, we were out foraging for food, eating pine cones and hunting squirrels.” Danny made himself look tough, flexing his bicep.
“I’m so sure,” rolling your eyes, you moved to the open flap of the tent, stepping out. “Well who knows, we may need your survival instincts tonight.”
“I think I still have some hunting skills in me.” Danny followed you out, and the two of you walked back over to the field Olivia had pointed out earlier. Still talking about hunting, Danny was poised as if he were shooting a bow and arrow as you came upon the rest of the group lingering around.
Mike walked up from his and Olivia’s tent, wearing red, super short-shorts, with a white t-shirt tucked into them. His socks were pulled up his calves and a whistle hung around his neck. In his left hand was a clipboard, in the other, a bullhorn.
“Oh no,” you grimaced as he stood in front of the group and raised the bull horn to his lips.
“You all must be wondering why we’ve brought you out here from that luxurious hotel to a field in the middle of nowhere.” Mike said, his words echoing loudly. “On Saturday, Olivia and I will come together in holy matrimony. But today, we are two individuals, and we are competing against each other for the ultimate prize.”
“A blowie on the wedding night?” one of the groomsmen called you, making you roll your eyes as Olivia flipped him off.
“No, Logan,” Mike shouted in his direction, glaring. He turned back towards everyone and grinned. “Bragging rights on whose side of the wedding party was better.” Olivia took the bullhorn from Mike, grinning.
“Bridesmaids, obviously.” She gave Mike a gentle, playful shove. “We’ve devised a few games that pit the bridesmaids against the groomsmen. Dates, you are allowed to play, but you have to play on the side you came with.” Danny nudged you with his elbow, whispering a little ‘hello teammate’ before turning back and listening to the rest of Olivia and Mike’s spiel.
The games of the day were flag football, blind volleyball, and of course, beer pong. After a few moments, you were suited with a belt, three neon red flags hanging off it. Danny had matching ones himself, grinning while you swiped your thumbs across the tops of his cheeks, leaving eye black in their wake.
“There, now we look like professional athletes.” you laughed under your breath. Danny took his baseball cap, turning it around so the bill was in the back and nodded. 
“Let’s go kick some ass!” he urged.
“That’s the spirit!!” Olivia cheered, clapping her hands. “Let’s demolish them!” Lining up on the field, you stood next to Olivia, ready to play offense. Your best friend was mean-mugging her own fiance, both of them talking shit to one another.
“Why do I feel like this is just weird foreplay for them?” Danny whispered to you as they shook hands, winking at one another. 
“It probably is.” you replied with a shrug. “You have to leave their house after game night if you don’t want to have nightmares fueled by their moans.” it was Danny’s turn to grimace, sticking out his tongue like he tasted something sour. Shaking it off, he got back into formation, looking down the line of groomsmen. As his eyes traveled, they met with Gavin’s, who flickered to you and back him Danny, narrowing slightly. Danny mirrored the action, a sudden overwhelming urge to make this game a contact sport bubbling up in his stomach.
“Set, hut, hike!” Mike called, starting the first play. The movement on the field was fast, everyone getting the competitive edge as the game started. Somehow you ended up with the ball, running towards the opposite goal from where you started. A thrill ran through you as you dodged Thomas’ outstretched hand, trying to pull one of your flags, a shrill excited yip leaving your mouth as you jumped out of the way.
You surprised yourself, making it to the endzone of the field, throwing the football down onto the ground and raising your arms above your head as you and the rest of your team cheered. You were lifted into the air, Danny’s arms wrapping around you and lifting you up.
“Bridesmaids one, groomsmen a big fat zero!!” Mila lifted up her fingers in the shape of an L to her forehead, making faces at the groomsmen.
“Lucky shot.” Gavin called out. Danny couldn’t help the glare that he shot over to the man as he set you down. “Haven’t seen you run like that since junior year in college, when you streaked across the frat houses yards.” Danny moved to speak in your defense, but was surprised when you cut him off.
“Yeah? Well someone had to have the balls in our relationship, didn’t they?” you didn’t stay for a reply, instead turning with so much purpose your braids flicked out behind you, nearly whipping the air as you moved. Danny smirked at Gavin’s shocked face, raising his eyebrows challengingly before following you back to the center of the field. 
“Streaking, huh?” Danny leaned down, snickering in your ear playfully.
“Like everyone else, I made choices in college, some good, some bad.” you shot him a small glare. “Most were under the influence of Jager bombs.” Danny laughed before getting back into position, and continuing the game.
It was a little while later, one flag dangling from your belt as you’d gotten “tackled” the second time you were in position with the ball. The play was called and you ended up with it again, tucking it into your body and bolting across the field. You felt it before you saw it. Something catching your ankle and forcing you to tumble to the ground, the ball falling out of your grip and rolling away. 
“Out!” you heard someone call. “She’s out!”
“You tripped her!” rolling onto your back, you pushed yourself to a sitting position, watching Danny point angrily at Gavin as he rushed over to you. 
“She fell when I grabbed her flag!” Gavin defended. “Not my fault she’s clumsy as hell.” Danny knelt next to you, looking over your body.
“You okay?” he asked softly. Reaching up, he wiped some dirt off your cheek. 
“I’m fine,” you mumbled. “My ankle doesn’t feel great.” Danny moved his hand to the ankle you pointed to, gently squeezing. You felt a small jolt of pain, as if he were poking a bruise, and you winced. 
“I swear to god if she has to wear a cast in my wedding I will make you regret being born!” Olivia threatened Gavin off in the distance.
“Okay, let’s get you to the sidelines, honey.” Danny maneuvered himself into a crouching position, wrapping your arm around his shoulders and taking your waist with one of his, lifting you up. 
“It’s not that bad,” you protested as he moved you. Trying to put your weight on it for a step, you sucked in a sharp breath through your teeth. You quieted down as he brought you to a camping chair next to a cooler filled with drinks and water,  helping you sit. Thomas came over, taking a look at your ankle, using his medical background to see how bad it was.
“I think you’ll be okay,” he assured you. “Just a minor sprain, more like a rolled ankle. You’ll have to try and stay off it for a little bit.” Frowning, you looked up to Danny who was glaring towards where Gavin was getting a talking to from Mike while Naomi looked pissed and annoyed off to the side. Reaching out, you took his hand, tugging it and bringing his attention back to you.
“I’m fine,” you told him again. “I’m just going to have to sit out the rest of the games.”
“He tripped you,” Danny shook his head, his brows knit together in the middle of his forehead. 
“And he’ll never hear the end of it from Olivia and Mike, I promise.” Danny sucked his teeth as the game started back up, becoming more upset Gavin was still in the game.
“He wants to make this a contact sport, he’ll get a contact sport.” Danny mumbled to himself, shaking his hand loose of yours and jogging to the middle of the field. Gavin wasn’t going to get away from what he did unscathed. Danny could hear his mother in his head, reminding him in her kind voice that an eye for an eye solves nothing, but he shook the adage away. While it wouldn’t solve much, it would provide Danny with satisfaction for the time being. 
The play started, and just as he wanted, Gavin got the ball. Danny dashed after the other man, weaving in and out of the other players before launching at Gavin, reaching out for his two remaining flags, tearing them off and knocking the man hard to the ground in the process.
“What the fuck?!” Gavin growled as Danny stood back up, grinning with the flags in his hands. 
“You’re out.” Danny replied simply. “Not my fault you’re so clumsy.” Danny tossed the flags to the ground before joining you on the sidelines, catching his breath.
“Danny,” you stared up at him.
“He deserved it.” was all Danny told you before picking up a bottle of water from the cooler. While the show of masculinity should’ve made you upset and roll your eyes, you instead felt flattered that Danny stood up for you like that. You would have to have a conversation with him that it couldn’t happen again this week, you didn’t hire him to fight your ex. Just to make being around him more bearable. 
You sat out from the rest of the games, getting up a few times to walk when Thomas would advise it. By the time beer pong was over, it was getting dark, and most everyone had gathered around the firepit back at the tents, roasting weenies. You had gotten up to walk a bit, Danny watching carefully as you did a lap around the tents before coming back.
The autumn night air was chilly, and in your thin, long-sleeved t-shirt you were becoming susceptible to the cold. You had dipped into the tent, searching through your bag before realizing the hoodie you thought you had packed was still laying on the hotel bed where you set it down to make sure you’d packed your toothbrush and toothpaste.
When you came back from the tent, you were visibly shivering, even with the fire roaring in front of you. Without thinking, Danny stood up and pulled off his sweater, the soft material still warm from his body, and handed it to you.
“Put that on,” he insisted, tugging down the black t-shirt he had worn underneath it. The cream and black sweater was calling to you, practically steaming with warmth as you took it. 
“Won’t you get cold?” you asked, holding the sweater in your hands. Danny shook his head. 
“I packed another sweatshirt. You wear this while it’s still warm, and I’ll be right back.” You began to pull the cozy sweater over your head, threading your arms through the sleeves, basking in Danny’s leftover body heat. Danny came back from your tent a few moments later, tugging a black sweatshirt over his head before putting his hat back on, backwards again. He sat down on a camping chair, taking a beer from Thomas, who was passing them around. You went to find a seat yourself when hands took your waist, pulling you backwards.
 Your bottom came into contact with something firm but soft, and you turned slightly to see Danny smiling at you, having tugged you onto his lap.
“Best seat in the house, honey.” he threw you a wink before sipping his beer, making your cheeks heat up. Danny could say multiple truths at this moment. One, that he did it because he wanted to keep you warm. Two, that he did it because he wanted you on his lap so he could hold you. And three, that he did it because Gavin had been staring at you off and on all day, and he wanted to remind the dick who you were with.
As the evening wore on, skewers were passed around, along with the fixings to make smores. Danny kept a hand on your hip as you leaned forward on his lap, holding your marshmallow over the fire. You twisted the metal skewer slowly, allowing the marshmallow to brown evenly. The sleeves of his sweater had been pushed up to avoid any mess, and he couldn’t help but revel in how good you looked in it.
“Okay, is everything ready?” you leaned back, turning on his lap. Danny nodded, picking up the graham cracker adorned with a large square of chocolate. Placing the toasted marshmallow on top, you took the other part of the cracker, using the edge to scrape the melty goodness off the metal and onto the chocolate before setting the skewer down on top of the cooler next to you. Taking the small dessert, you squished the crackers down, letting the marshmallow ooze from the sides, coating your fingers. 
“You’re making a mess,” Danny laughed, taking one of your hands. His original idea was going to be grabbing a napkin for the sticky fingers you now had, but as he caught Gavin looking at you from his peripheral vision, he brought them to his mouth before looking back up at you, gently sucking the marshmallow off each one. In the glow of the fire, he couldn’t tell if you were blushing again, but your eyes were wide enough to tell him that if the sun had been out, your cheek would be even redder than before. He was quick and discreet with his movements. Someone would’ve thought, if caught, that he had just been giving quick, small kisses to your fingertips, over before it even started.
“T-Thank you,” you stuttered. Taking your hand back, you ignored the heat in your belly, whether from embarrassment or the sudden swirl of feelings that stirred up for Danny, you weren’t sure. You focused on taking a bite of the smore, biting off the corner of the small cookie sandwich. Humming to yourself, you enjoyed the delicacy, not having had a smore since you were at least a teenager, maybe younger. Turning, you silently offered it to Danny.
Danny looked up at you, ignoring the offer and instead leaned forward, tilting his head up and pressing his lips to the corner of yours. You could feel the warm tip of his tongue glide over your skin, sending a shiver down your spine. When he pulled back, his eyes sparkled mischievously. 
“You had a little chocolate there,” his crooked smile made your stomach fill with butterflies as he leaned forward again, now taking a bite of the dessert you had originally offered him. “Mm, honey, you make a perfect smore.”
“Only for you, lover.” you replied, a smirk on your lips. If he could lay it on thick, so could you. Something lit behind Danny’s eyes and the hand that held your hip tugged you back into him a bit more firmly. You took another bite of the dessert before taking the bottle of beer out of Danny’s hand, licking your lips before taking a swig to wash down the sweetness. 
Danny watched you as you did it, something setting fire to his stomach. Maybe it was the way you took the bottle without asking, as if he really was your partner and it was common place to share drinks with one another. Perhaps it was the way you’d licked your lips before pressing the mouth of the glass bottle to them so confidently. 
Whatever it was, Danny found himself completely smitten as you handed the bottle back without looking, leaning forward to talk to Mila about her debacle with her bridesmaid dress alterations. It happened a few more times, you taking swigs from Danny’s beer, as if it was the most natural thing to do. Which for lovers, it should be. Instead of your friends surrounding him, he imagined it was his. That Sam was telling you some story and you were leaning forward to listen to him, maybe Rose was at your feet, waiting for a secret graham cracker treat you’d sneak to her when Sam finally looked away. You would fit in so well with his friends, he decided.
It wasn’t until bed that you and Danny really spoke again, both facing opposite sides of the tent as you changed into pajamas. You were walking better already, but were still trying to keep your full weight off of your ankle, so you took a little extra time. 
“Thank you, by the way,” you turned your head softly, just enough to make sure he heard you, but not enough to see anything as he changed. 
“For what?”
“Well, while I don’t condone what you did to get back at Gavin, I’ve never had someone stand up for me like that before.” you tried to fight the smile at the memory of Danny practically tackling Gavin to the ground, but failed. 
“He’s an asshole,” Danny snorted quietly. He’d been done changing, waiting for your okay to turn around. “I don’t mean this as an insult, but I feel like he was one of the bad choices you made under the influence of those Jager bombs.” 
Grimacing to yourself as you tugged the warm sweater Danny had lent you back over your head, you nodded.
“The Jager definitely didn’t help.” you adjusted the hem of the sweater. “Okay, I’m good.” both of you turned around, smiling softly as a small lull filled the gap between you both. “So, you have a tattoo?” you asked, glancing down at his covered bicep. “I saw it earlier, when you gave me this sweater.” Danny smiled. 
“Yeah, two of them.” he turned and showed you the back of his ankle, where a thin, dainty rose was resting. 
“I never noticed,” you told him. “The rose is beautiful, what’s the one on your arm?” Danny went into an explanation, talking about the moon phase he was born under and what the lines represented. “Wow, that’s really cool.”
“Do you have any?”
“Mm, no.” you shook your head. “I wouldn't mind getting one one day, but I don’t know what.” you and Danny continued your conversation softly, getting into the sleeping bag. The bag was big enough there was a good deal of space between your bodies. You were both laying on your stomachs, talking quietly in the dark, pillows bunched under your chins to prop yourselves up a bit.
“You know all about my ex,” you mentioned. “Can I know a little about yours?” Danny sighed softly. “You don’t have to, I’m sorry I even asked.”
“No it’s okay,” Danny shushed your apology. “We just were clashing a lot. She would be upset that I was gone for long stretches, playing shows and touring with the band, and then would be upset if I took time off, because that meant money was going to get tight. Really, I think she loved being my girlfriend more than she loved me.”
“She’s an idiot.” you murmured, making Danny laugh softly. “What? How could she be loved by someone like you and take it for granted? You’re fake in love with me and I feel spoiled rotten.” 
“There’s this scene of people, when you’re in the music industry,” Danny started, resting his chin on his pillow and looking straight forward at the back wall of the tent. “They want to be around you for what you can give them, they want the status of dating a ‘rockstar’” Danny lifted his hands up in air quotes. “But they don’t want to deal with the actual lifestyle of being away from each other for long periods of time, or working late or when you just want to stay home for a night after going out and being followed and stalked by crazy fans.”
“It can’t be easy,” you replied back, “I’m sure you don’t want to leave someone you love either.”
“No, especially after finding out that they cheated on you with one of your buddies while you were gone.”
“What?!” Danny shushed you, and you covered your mouth as he chuckled slightly. “You too?”
“What can I say? We are kindred hearts.” your hand moved on its own, claiming a home on top of Danny’s closest one.
“Want me to body check her?” Danny laughed, turning his hand over and squeezing yours. 
“I appreciate the offer, honey, but she left town with her tail between her legs, moved back to her home state and I haven’t heard from her since.”
“Well good,” you yawned. “But if she comes back, it’s on sight.”
“Duly noted.” Danny laughed again. The two of you talked for a little longer until you started drifting off, rolling over with your back to Danny. He himself drifted in and out of sleep, every sound outside the tent snapping him awake. On one such occasion, he heard a small shudder, looking around as it sounded close, like a small animal had gotten into or was trying to get in the tent. 
Looking around, he furrowed his brow, trying to see in the dark after having his eyes closed for a while. It wasn’t until he looked down that he realized the sounds were coming from you. You were shivering again, Danny now could feel the movements on your side of the sleeping bag. Your teeth chattered softly, and he finally caved. 
“Hey,” he said softly. “Come over here.” You turned, looking at him. “Come closer, you’re freezing.” 
“I’m f-fine.” your chattering gave you away. The sleeves of his sweater were pulled over your hands as you sleepily mumbled.
“You’re not,” Danny shook his head. “I don’t mind, come on.” he watched you battle something behind your eyes before you shuffled over, pressing yourself into his chest. You sighed at the warmth, feeling it spread through you slowly as he reached behind you and zipped the sleeping bag up more, closing it up. 
“So much better,” you murmured into his chest, feeling his hands rest themselves on your back, rubbing up and down slowly. Danny felt you nuzzle your nose into his sweatshirt, smiling softly as your body stopped quaking, the muscles starting to relax.
“I think your braids aren’t helping, you need to keep the heat in. Do you mind if I?” Danny gently tugged in one of the ends of the braids, and you shook your head. His long fingers took the hair ties out, sliding them onto his wrist before they undid the plaits, working up to your scalp. You would be lying if you said it didn’t feel amazing, his warm fingers gently grazing along your scalp, undoing the weaving and fluffing your hair out around you. Once he was satisfied with his work, his arms encircled you again, hands running up and down your back. 
“Just think of that hot stone massage tomorrow,” he whispered. You moaned softly, imagining the warmth on your spine, following the path Danny’s hands were taking. “Nice and warm, soothing.”
“Mmm,” you felt sleep start to come to you, weighing down your eyelids as you burrowed as close as you could to Danny. The last traces of his cologne rested in his clothes, and the heady aroma of cedarwood and linen cushioned your slumber. Danny kept talking, faint whispers floating around you, sounding more and more distant as time slipped by. 
Danny felt your breathing even out, yet he was content to stay as he was, keeping you warm. Glancing down, he pressed a soft, sweet kiss to the top of your head. The act caused you to stir slightly, and he froze, waiting for you to wake and ask him what that was, but instead you only adjusted your body, tangling your chilly ankles with his warm ones. 
Throughout the night your bodies entangled more, and Danny’s own sought to keep the warmth it was so freely giving. When he awoke, he was flat on his back. However, you were flat in your front, splayed out on top of him, snoring lightly into the crook of his neck. One of his arms held you there, the other behind his head as an extra cushion. 
His body felt tight, and a stretch surged through him before he could stop it, his body shifting and jostling you awake. Your eyes opened, looking around disorientedly before they came to focus on him. A sleepy smile graced your features as you looked down at him. 
“G’morning,” Danny’s voice was filled with sleep still, slightly gravelly, rumbling from his chest, the feeling was something you wanted to memorize. He, on the other hand, was memorizing your smile, the way your wavy hair had frizzed slightly in the night. 
“Morning,” yawning, you propped your chin on his chest. Danny’s hand came up from your back, twisting a strand of your hair. The now loose wave spun around his finger effortlessly. 
“I like your hair like this.” Danny murmured. As you opened your mouth to respond, a soft smile forming around your words,, someone rapped their fist against the fabric of your tent. 
“Up and at ‘em!” Olivia’s voice sang out. “We have appointments!” sighing, you removed yourself from Danny, your body missing him instantly. Danny felt the loss just as badly, and had you been his really, he would’ve pulled you back to him, hunkering down into the warmth and never coming back up for air. 
Packing up, everyone piled their things back into the vans. Danny offered you an earbud again, and this time you let him play whatever he wanted, just happy to ignore Gavin and Naomi in the backseat. Getting back to the vineyard, Danny took your bag along with his, carrying them up the stairs for you.
“I’m gonna hop in the shower, then I have to meet Olivia downstairs for the spa.” you told Danny once back in your room. 
“Okay,” he nodded. “Mike asked me to run into town with him. We should be back before you guys are done, but just in case I’m still gone, I promise I didn’t just run off.” you smiled. 
“You’re the last person I would think to do that.” 
“Good,” there was another small silence, yet it didn’t feel awkward at all. You left it at that, heading into the bathroom to wash the camping events off of you. You were almost sad, taking off the sweater Danny loaned you, knowing you’d have to give it back. Folding it gently and setting it on the bathroom counter, you finished undressing before stepping into the shower, wondering if there was any way you could possibly bargain with Danny to keep it after the weekend was over.
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Taglist: (feel free to add yourself!)
@joshsindigostreak @sinners-go-to-drink-the-wine @ascendingtostardust @sammysprincess @sammykiszkamyass @belovedsamuel @sunfl0wer-power @indigo-starcatcher @sammyscherub @earthlysorrows @allieisacrybaby @losfacedevil @xserenax-13 @sarakay-gvf @shutupdevvie @myownparadise96 @watchingovergvff @gretavanfleetposts @josiee-gvf @joshkiszkatoothgap @madneedshelp @gardensgatedaisy @demonrat444 @dannyandthekiszkas @tearsofbri @paleshadow-ofadragon @happy-harpy-stuff @like-a-woman-in-a-dream @starshine-wagner @objectsinspvce @josh-iamyour-mama @mountain-in-springtime @cal-a-bungaa @capturethechaos @gvfpal
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31 notes · View notes
goodolme · 1 year
Hello!! Omigod I just found you! I really liked your cuddles and touch! I want to request if you don't mind! Can I have a flirty rise!Raph? With a usually bubbly chubby reader but gets really shy and flustered when he compliments/flirts with them?? IDK JUST THE THOUGHT OF IT IS FUNNY TO ME. like it boosts Raph's ego cus he's the only one can do that lmao. Thank you if you do this! The big boy needs more attention tbh😭
♡ love you awkward boy ♡
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Pairing: Rise! Raph x Reader
Pronouns: none used.
Warnings: None.
Notes: I literally just woke up and started writing this. I'm sorry if it's not the best.
Also Hi! Glad you loke my stuff even though it's of questionable quality!
Also yeah yeah I know I'm sorry I haven't uploaded anything for like the past week and a half it's just that believe it or not school was the only thing keeping me updating my writing regularly.
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When he asked you to be his partner (technically you did) he was basically paralyzed almost the whole conversation.
His fear stink didn't exactly help eather.
But after you popped the question he probably hugged you the rest of the day, not leaving your side for a second.
One day he went and asked Leo for help and of course he said he should try to be more like him.
And oh boy did he try.
He tried to flirt with you several times but each time he would just freeze or freak out.
At the end Leo probably made fun of him and would make fun of him as long as he remembers.
It didn't bother you thought, you liked your big awkward boyfriend.
You two would eventually work it out and he would become more confortable with that stuff around you.
But I do feel like his love lenguage would be cuddles.
This guy loves cuddling you.
Doesn't matter when or where he likes it either way.
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discotenny · 8 months
I woke up this morning thinking about how,we don't truly know ramuda's lifespan... his metabolism is clearly differdnt than ours because, at this point, eating mostly vandy would get to him in some way. I know health is not always observed in hypmic (i.e. hifumi never realistically having time to sleep, required drinking habits as a host, or how often dostuhon goes out drinking) but with ramuda, it's important, it's aknowledged to some degree
If his body was only meant to sustain itself until he had fulfilled his mission, what would come next? they really wouldn't need him, if the party of words had their way, entirely, if the divisions had torn each other apart and ramuda never diverged from the path they set for him...
So what now? Has loving you really become his purpose?
If he falls in love with somebody, anybody, truly falls in love and let's himself be vulnerable with them... protecting them at all costs would certainly be on his mind. So is this is new mission?
What happens when you die, safely in his arms, maybe of old age. You walked through life hand in hand and he saw to it that you were always safe, always happy. and now you're gone, and now his mission is complete, Maybe he passes away as well.
NOOOOO THIS IS SO GOOD ANON THIS IS SOOOO GOOOD!!! kicking my feet at the “has loving you really become his purpose” that was so hard ommgmgmgmgmgmggggg. Anon ur brain is so big ur brain is so eloquent I love this.
Ramuda, a being born to deceive turning into a man living to love. His whole purpose, his reason for existence turning into making you happy for the rest of your days.
Ramuda wakes up with a smile every morning because it’s a sign he’s doing his job right. He sees you by his side and nothing more than love and relief shapes his smile. Every day he sees the sun is another day he’s going to love you right.
Following the end of Chuoku’s reign, Ramuda takes on a more domestic role. He wakes up first, and after convincing himself to stop staring and get up, he makes breakfast for you to share in bed ;_; Being a fashion designer he spends most of the day at home and in his studio, so he has a lot of time to do whatever errands or chores you ask of him!!
If you’re a homebody too, he’ll make most of the money for your household, don’t worry about it!! If you’re working, Ramuda will send you off with a kiss and greet you back with a hug.
Your routine is perfect, he thinks. Every day he makes it a point to make you smile at least once and he always succeeds. Even if you fight, even if you have a bad day, he’ll always be sure to put a smile on your face at least once.
He thanks you every night before you go to sleep. “Why do you thank me all the time?” you asked him once.
“It’s cause you truly saved me,” he says, kissing your nose before snuggling closer to you.
When it comes time to spend your last day with you, Ramuda asks for more time. After days, months, years of loving you right, Ramuda can’t help but ask for more. He’s greedy and desperate, not wanting to be alone again for the first time since he was made.
But you do pass and he can’t do anything to stop it. But be doesn’t have any regrets, he doesn’t regret anything leading up to this, from his creation to your meeting to the years and years of loving you- he’d do it all over again if it meant another day in your arms.
He may pass, just as you say anon, but maybe he’ll wake up to another sunrise. Maybe he’ll get another lifetime to love you right.
Hypmic plot spoilers under cut so I can talk abt Ramu more KANDKDBDKJS
I was always under the impression that the candies were the actual thing keeping him alive, which is where that whole plot beat of him almost dying (?) and confessing to GenDice and Dice going to his mom to beg for more came from. She says no and I’m unsure of where they got more (maybe from Rei???) but he’s still kicking!!
HUT UGH !!! It’s portrayed that the battle with his clones was LITERALLY life or death for Ramu cause he was so weakened trying to portion out his candies. Like it’s implied he wouldn’t have made it if Dice and Gen didn’t pop in and just ekenkfnkmlmkmk I love him I love Ramu sm my baby
Also I never realized Hifu probably never sleeps LMAO. Maybe Doppo absorbed all the tired energy so Hifu can survive the day.
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aermageddon · 11 months
anon back from a week ago re: bbh being a messy bitch who likes drama and his ability to shape his fans opinions. still would love your take on this topic if you don't mind
i am sooo sorry omg i have the attention span of an alcoholic toddler!!!! yes ok so I don't have that many examples on hand because i'm not a library of exo content, all my bookmarks on twt are a mess ugh
but re: manipulation and what i would actually call being an expert at exploiting an atmosphere but everyone else calls being an attention whore
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exhibit A: him "drunk texting" fans on bubble during exo fanmeet in april. mind you this was right in the middle of the legal battle with SM which we had no idea about at the time. fans were so emotional - first exo performance as a full group in over 3 years, baekhyun fresh off his military life, yadda yadda yadda - he was pretty drunk from the post concert dinner the group had. yet later we found out idols need to review messages THREE TIMES before sending anything on bubble lmao 😭 i'm not saying he was faking it - i'm saying even drunk he knew exactly what these texts were gonna do to the fans. he is that good at riling people up like that + preemptively digging his parasocial nails into the fandom cause he knew shit was about to hit the fan.... I love his mind
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exhibit B: the most recent example and something that had me crawling up the walls. i'm not saying he faked it or that he planned to fall asleep on purpose during a livestream, i completely believe baekhyun is careless and overworked enough to do that. what makes me scream into a pillow is the way he was UNFAZED by that shit when he woke up. had his manager blowing up his phone asking him to wake up and +40k people hearing him moan in his sleep and he woke up and stayed in the livestream. FOR 30 MORE MINUTES. he laughed it off and started joking teasing people etc etc like he genuinely dgaf.
might I add this pattern of starting twitter lives early in the morning only started after the comeback which i think is very interesting. i dont think its a coincidence at all but i need to gather my thoughts on that
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exhibit C: not manipulative per se but this fucking clip is so insane to me i love how the worst things happened to exo completely unprompted it's like seeing an episode of the office. anyway baekhyun taking one for the team and distracting fans with his silly little dance.. THAT'S RIGHT HE'S THE GUY THAT STEPPED UP. and i think it showcases his quick thinking and social skills perfectly cause the rest of these men were frozen in place with half their asses out but baek just took it like a champ lol. he just wants to be seen <3 and told he's done a good job <3 give him all the praises please
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exhibit D: this horrible fucking live. just baekhyun as a whole in superm.... like he's not dumb he knew nctzens were eating him up and shipping him w taeyong and what did he do? he went ahead and gave them exactly what they wanted.. while wrapping taeyong around his little finger might I add. now i think irl baekhyun and taeyong aren't that close, they're like those friends from work that you genuinely like but it's not someone you would seek out outside of pretty specific social settings. but baekhyun isn't fucking stupid he knew nctzens were a segment of kpop fans he could tap into and either turn into his own fans or he could get slapped in the face by exols turning on him.
anyways this is so fucking long im sorry to ppl following me i'm on mobile and can't make a read more. no one cares about the weird things i only notice about baekhyun but yes there's more to it i just dont have links for most things... but there's not a lot of specific examples idk once you notice it you just watch content with baekhyun and it becomes pretty clear.
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