#isabela madrigal official
Anyways, how's your family Camilo? You've got sisters, brothers?
Man, you're lucky you have such understanding and caring parents!
One sister, one brother, three primas, two tios, one tia, a mami, a papi, and an Abuela! We all can do special things (except for my dad, one tio and one prima but we still love all of them!) I can shapeshift, my little brother can talk to animals, my older sister can hear things from really far away, one of my primas has super strength, the other can grow flowers, and then Mira doesn't have a gift (she's still my favorite cousin tho) my mami controls the weather, and then my tia can heal with food and my tio can see the future!
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jacarandaaaas · 4 months
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waitingonavision · 1 year
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A few character portraits from the Disney Kahoots.
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disney-the-official · 2 months
If it’s lesbian visibility week why am I still trapped down here where no one can see me also Isabella from Encanto seems (probably unintentionally because they’re COWARDS) queercoded and is probably a lesbian (no I’m not projecting shut up)
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blueheart222 · 2 years
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enjoy my gay edit of my fave characters🙃
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Self-indulgent AU time: Encanto Theatre AU!
The Madrigals are essentially a family theatre group, who travel and perform all over Colombia for the most part.
Mainly fluff and happiness!
Alma and Pedro met in Bogotá while working in their local production of La Maestra and soon fell in love. Post-marriage, they bought a small, rundown theatre and planned to run a theatre group there themselves, but the idea was side-tracked when Alma realised she was pregnant. Instead, they opened the space for other acts and groups alike over those first nine ish months.
While she was at home and recovering from the birth of the triplets, Pedro and the latest group to use the space were setting up the scenery and props for the new show. Unfortunately, something went wrong and he was seriously injured internally. However, he said nothing, mot realising how bad it was and not wanting to ruin the opening night for the cast/not wanting Alma to worry in her condition.
He became increasingly sick over the last few days, but it was then too late for anyone to do anything. He ultimately passed away.
Alma was forced to sell the theatre a couple months later, unable to fully tend and run it herself, while also caring for three babies alone. She moved out of the city to somewhere more affordable and raised her children there.
The triplets would, however, catch the same theatre-loving bug their parents had. She would take them to see a show, some pantomime or musical, around Christmas time each year. As they got older and were able to work, they would later join their local theatre group or help out in the theatre in some way. Alma reconsidered the old dream of her (and Pedro’s) own theatre group.
They ultimately did. The group had more numbers in its early days and was less of a family-only thing, given that there was only four Madrigals at the time. (Many of the named background character in Encanto were part of it). Félix and Agustín would join later down the line, also becoming Madrigals themselves after marrying Pepa and Julieta respectively.
The group began picking up traction across Colombia and began touring. Albeit, the two couples weren’t always part of the shows - given the pregnancies and birth of Isabela, Dolores, Luisa, Camilo and Mirabel - over the next few years. The same could be said for other cast members. Some stayed, some left over time to pursue other things, etc.
By the time Camilo and Mirabel were five and curious about work, the question came about using the children. It had never really been considered before - though it should be noted that kids have had minor roles in their shows, including Isabela and Luisa. But they had never made it official or intentional to have a child notably starring in everything they did. Granted, not everything they did required a child role. Everything was pre-written years ago. It was around this time though that Bruno decided to try his own hand at play writing.
…Which pretty much takes us up to present day.
The Madrigals are very well known, not just locally and then nationally as before, thanks to the growth of social media and the children creating a name for themselves there. A few of the close family-friends are still involved with the shows, but at this point it is majorly just the Madrigals themselves.
Feel free to send in questions!
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partywithponies · 11 months
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*Some of these are a possible grey area given that some of these characters have no confirmed age, but I interpreted them all as adults.
(Also apologies to Kiara, I ran out of space and decided that I either had to lump Elsa and Anna together like all the other siblings here, or cut it down to only having one (1) literal lion on the "hottest character" poll, and I picked the less controversial option on this occasion. Rest assured I do still consider Kiara an unofficial official Disney Princess.)
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usedtobeguest123 · 8 months
Encantober Day 1 - Sunset
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Bruno stepped his bare feet down onto the wood of his bedroom floor. He stood from his bed and padded to the center of the room. The air was thick with salt and brine, filling his nose with the sharp, wet scent. He could taste the saltiness on his tongue. The tide pushed in across the floorboards, the chilling foam washing over his bare feet, thinning as it went until it was just a film across the wood behind him. As the water pulled back, it carried grains of wood with it like sand, and Bruno's heels sank slowly into the floor, leaving him standing just a little deeper than he'd begun.  He'd never been to the beach. He'd read about it, but being here was different. The saltiness tasted different than salt tossed into the air, than the rush of dry sand. It all felt thicker, heavier. He used to daydream as a child of visiting the beach, and here he was. How funny that all he had to do this whole time was step out of bed.  Ahead of him Mirabel and Antonio splashed and played in the wake, seagulls dipping down to greet them with harsh calls. Deeper in, Luisa and Camilo swam amidst the waves. Antonio was almost as tall as Mirabel. When had he gotten so tall? ... It was a sunset. Or was it a sunrise? Wait--hadn't it just been night, hadn't he just been in bed? As the last of the orange sun slipped below the line of water, a flash of green raced out like a gunshot, pulsing toward him faster than the tide. WOOSH. He squeezed his eyes shut as it pushed past. Everything tasted green, salt and brine.
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For @encantober-official Day 1, I took inspiration from a vision-dream that Bruno has in chapter 13 of my fic La Traes. His reimagined bedroom is from my other fic Bruno from Before; you can find its description below the cut!
There were no more treacherous stairs to trek up, nor ghastly images of a haunted prophet to pass to get to Tío Bruno's cave. Now it was just the ornate round door settled deep into the back wall of his room, shadowed slightly by an hourglass shaped entryway that no longer poured out sand. His main room was cozy and warm now, despite the impossibly high ceiling of the tower that rose above it. Natural light filtered in from the round window at the top of the tower like a cathedral, illuminating minute particles of dust and sand that floated lazily through the air. The left side of his room held a small bed tucked against the wall, a desk littered with papers and pencils, and a dresser situated next to the main door. The entire right side of the room was a sitting area, red and green cushioned chairs angled at each other just enough to encourage conversation but not enough to force it, a low table sitting between them. The backs of the chairs were to the center of the room, the chairs positioned to face a wall of bookshelves loaded with not only books but also doo-dads and collected odds and ends that Tío treasured for some reason or another. Two or three of the plants gifted by Isabela climbed precariously from their potted places on the shelves. One entire shelf seemed to be some sort of rat maze. Framed pictures of each and every Madrigal, some current and some yellowed with age, spread across all the walls like butterflies drifting in clustered groupings.  And there, straight across from the main doorway, stood the hourglass cutout and the large round door through that, looking for all the world like nothing more than a particularly interesting closet and not a room where the future sifted into the present. 
--Bruno from Before
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gamerbearmira · 2 months
The baker and the chameleon...sobbing...
Nah, but I've been meaning to write this for a while. I haven't done much for the spouses of the mama Isa au. Actually, if y'all have any ideas for the spouses (or parents) let me know because I really need to do more for them and do more info on them
ANYWAYYYYYY YEAH <3333 Camilo finally built up enough courage and planned for weeks for this day lmao. They're so ψ(`∇´)ψ
Camilo fiddled with the small box in his pocket. He did his best to prevent himself from transforming into anyone else. Though, he knew Cereza would recognize him anyway. She always saw through his Gift, and always recognized him. No matter who he was. He didn't know how, maybe by some magic, but she always saw just...him.
He looked around. Waiting. Searching for her. He knew his family was somewhere nearby, watching him, waiting to watch him pop the question to her. Of course he didn't mind, it put him at ease that they were there for him, to support him. He loved his family more than anything, and he wanted Cereza to be apart of that.
Camilo reached in his pocket, opening up the small black box. He opened it carefully, looking inside of at the ring. His sister-- Luisa's husband, Oriano, had made it. Camilo asked after seeing the rings he made for Isabela and her husband and later Luisa and himself. Camilo was so excited when Oriano accepted, and he was even more happy when he had gotten the ring a couple weeks prior to this day.
His fingers traced the small etchings on the gold ring. It was the first letter of Cereza's name and Camilo's, 2 C's intertwined, along with the day they met. Camilo had a second ring on standby, in the hopes that she said yes. It had taken him weeks to get her ring measurement, because Cereza didn't wear much jewelry, especially on her hands. Mostly due to the fact that she was a baker, of course. Another thing he loved about her.
He fiddled with the box. He was half tempted to go inside Casita and ask his tía Lola when Cereza was coming. Of course, he knew she would come, she always did. But that didn't make him any less nervous.
He was terrified, actually.
He and Cereza had actually talked about getting married. And he genuinely wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. But he couldn't help but go through the hundreds of different scenarios. Scenarios of the best and worst case scenario. He wanted the best case scenario. For her to say yes, and they happily get married and she join the Madrigal family officially. He already had his mamá, Isabela's blessing, and the blessing of Cereza's father.
"Camilo?" Camilo jumped, shoving the box into his pocket and turning around. He was so distracted he didn't even notice Cereza had walked up behind him.
"Cereza!" He said, a awkward smile on his face. "You're here!"
"Yeah, sorry I'm late. We had a really big work order and it took forever for us to clean up," Cereza explained, shrugging. "So what's up? How come you called me here? Not that I mind."
Camilo glanced towards Casita, where he knew the family was waiting. His hands felt sweaty, is this what Mirabel's hands were like? He pulled on the fringes of his poncho, taking a deep breath.
"There is...something I wanna talk about," Camilo said, his face growing serious. Cereza faltered, her eyebrows furrowing. Camilo rarely pulled a serious face, so it was clearly something important.
"W-Well what is it?" She asked, her chest tightening. She couldn't helo but feel scared. She hoped Camilo wasn't going to say what she thought he was. Not after all this time. They had something special.
Camilo closed his eyes, taking another deep breath before grabbing Cereza's hands.
"Cereza, you know I love you," Camilo said.
Cereza laughed nervously. "O-Of course. I love you too."
Camilo looked down before meeting her eyes again. "No, Cereza, I really do love you. A lot. Ever since I met you and you agreed to go on the date with me. And...you've stuck around for the past 2 years. A-And I really do appreciate it and I love you for it," Camilo felt tears well up in his eyes but he continued. "You are one of most kind and caring people I know. And you know I care about my family more than anything."
Camilo pulled away, albiet reluctantly, and reached into his pocket. Cereza's eyes widened as it slowly dawned on her what was happening. It also explained why her mother was so adamant on her cleaning up before going to see Camilo and why her papá let her leave earlier.
"Camilo...?" Cereza felt tears well up in her eyes, and her nose burned, but she was anything but sad. She couldn't be more happy. "What are you doing?" She asked, half laughing in disbelief and joy.
"Cereza. You are one of the most important people in my life. You are one of, if not the best thing to happen to me since we moved here and I met you," Camilo said gently. His hands were trembling as he got on his knee, opening the box and revealing the ring, which shined in the setting sun. "Cereza Castro, will you marry me?"
Cereza had tears pouring out if her eyes. She didn't say anything, couldn't, her breath caught in her throat. She stared at Camilo, who furrowed his eyebrows. Cereza, not wanting him to get the wrong idea, threw himself into her arms. She basically tackled him to the ground, finally finding her voice.
"Yes, yes!" Cereza exclaimed, smotheeing Camilo in kisses. "I will marry you Camilo Madrigal!"
Camilo looked shocked, but quickly laughed, hugging her back. He carefully put the ring on her finger and kissed her. The two stood, and it didn't take long for the rest of the family to come out, congratulating them. Cereza was surprised to see her family there too. She had found it strange how only her parents were at the bakery and left almost immediately after she did, but seeing her siblings so happy for her made her so happy.
Camilo and Cereza were brought inside, where a party had been set up. It was a surprise to Cereza and Camilo, because initially, Camilo thought it was a small gathering and Cereza didn't even know. But they didn't care.
Cereza was immediately pulled into a hug by her parents, and her siblings bombarded her with questions about the now upcoming wedding. Camilo watched her with a soft smile.
"You just got engaged and your already oogling her," Mirabel said, holding her infant daughter in her arms. Camilo stuck his tongue out at her. But his younger sister was right.
"Yeah ok. Like you didn't do the same with Vasco," Camilo said teasingly, shifting into her husband before he quickly shifted back, and she rolled her eyes playfully.
Both Luisa and Mirabel and their respective husband, and even Antonio, were teasing Camilo, but the four were quickly shooed away by Pepa and Félix. Pepa had tears in her eyes and Félix looked proud.
"Ay, mi nieto," Pepa said, pressing a kiss onto Camilo's forehead.
"Abuela," Camilo whined, and Félix shooed away her cloud.
"We're proud of you Camilo," Félix smiled amd Camilo returned it, he felt proud too. He had been so excited but so scared. But he knew that Cereza was the one for him, and he couldn't be more happy that they were going to be married.
Pepa and Félix walked off, joining the rest of the party and Cereza joined him again, leaning in his arm. Camilo kissed her head, holding her hand tightly. He could feel tge ring on her finger and he looked down at her. It felt so surreal. He had proposed to his now fiancee, and they were going ti be married. It was like a dream. A dream he never wanted to wake up from.
Camilo's gaze was pulled away when he saw his mamá, Isabela, and her husband, his papá, Canelo, walking over. Isabela handed Isabela a bouquet of flowers, and hugged the woman tightly.
"I can't wait for you to be my daughter," Isabela said and Cereza smiled up at Isabela. Isabela fawned and fussed over Cereza while Canelo congratulated Camilo and praised him. The matriarch finally turned to Camilo, with tears in her eyes.
"You have to promise to take care of her, ok?" Isabela said, and Camilo nodded. "And take care of my grandbabies if you have any."
"I will. Just like you mamá," Camilo whispered, and Isavela felt tears fall. Small flowers sprouted in her braid, and she peppered Camilo's face with kisses before she reluctantly pulled away, being led away by Canelo back to the party.
Camilo held Cereza close, holding her hand in his. As the two joined the rest of the families in party, Camilo hoped that this dream would never end.
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This took a lot longer because. I did the drawing last minute and ending up making the snippet longer lmao 💀💀
ANYWAYYYY I HOOE Y'ALL ENJOYED IT 🤭🤭🤭 again, if you have. Any ideas for mama isa hmu❗❗❗ y'all already know whats up 🤓☝☝
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tboycamilo · 6 months
in the spirit of the season (mutuals posting about their encanto aus) i wanted to post about mine bc i love them and am not active enough on here and wanna change that bc sharing my stuff is fun! so without further ado here they are lol
next gen au
pretty self explanatory. the story outlines what all the madrigals (mostly the grandkids) are up to in the years following the movie. mirabel gradually takes on more of a leadership role as time passes and eventually becomes the matriarch after alma's death and with enough time to prepare for the role. under her leadership, the madrigals are less shoehorned into roles and are encouraged to express themselves more freely, but being the leader still isn't easy and things still aren't perfect - while alma is still alive, mirabel often finds herself going to her for advice and repairing their bond further in the process. she also gets a gf (lorena), i've been playing around with the idea of her being an outsider that finds her way into the encanto but i would have to flesh that plot out a little more before i make it official. dolores eventually marries mariano, but only on her terms - she realizes quickly after the movie that though she loves mariano, she wants to take things slow, and mariano is more than happy to respect that. he puts in a lot of effort to understand how her gift works and help her out with it whenever he can, and for once, she feels like the one being heard. isabela, now free of her old role as the golden child, begins to let her more adventurous side out, exploring the outskirts and forests of the encanto to observe the plant life. she hones her gift and is able to bring even more exotic plant species to the encanto and starts up a very successful garden. she also ends up marrying two village women - lilli and rosa - and the three of them adopt a daughter, jacinda, together and spoil her rotten. lilli runs a flower shop and isa helps her out immensely with this. luisa finally learns to take it easy, prioritizing rest and relaxation after so many years of working hard to serve the community - though she definitely still loves to lift and hang out with the donkeys in her spare time bc old habits die hard. she probably takes over the care and raising of the donkeys as a whole bc they love her. she marries a village woman, inés, and they adopt two daughters, valentina and ciela. camilo is actually the first grandkid to settle down - he marries his childhood best friend and love of his life marco, and the two of them have six children together - amelia, imelda, brunito, ignacio, felipe, and sofia. they have their hands quite full with fatherhood but on top of that marco works as a teacher at the encanto's school while camilo continues to volunteer in the community, eventually becoming the drama director and soccer coach for the school. antonio grows up and starts his own animal sanctuary in the encanto that becomes wildly successful. he enlists dolores' help to scope out any injured or sick animals in the forests and nurses them back to health at the sanctuary, and he often accompanies isa on her trips to the forest to keep taxonomy records of the encanto's diverse wildlife. he never had much of an interest in romance - though plenty of people swoon over his kindness to the animals - but he is very fulfilled nonetheless and couldn't be happier helping take care of his animal friends. i have a more detailed timeline and bios for the kids that i'll be posting eventually but this is the main rundown of where the grandkids are at years down the line!
essentially follows the plot of the movie but the sides of the family swap roles. instead of alma, pedro is the head of the family. pepa has the gift of healing food and felix is her clumsy husband, camilo is the golden child with the wonderful floral gift, dolores is the middle child with the gift of super strength, and antonio is the baby of his side of the family, cursed to a giftless existence (and being the main character of the storyline). on the other side of the family, julieta's emotions control the weather while agustin keeps her calm, luisa is the eldest with the ability to hear a pin drop from miles away, isabela is the mischievous shapeshifting middle child, and mirabel is the youngest member of the family and gains the ability to speak with animals. bruno is still bruno.  did i make this au entirely to put camilo in pretty pink outfits and make him a mean annoying gay? maybe.
the warm color family is a fearsome and renowned pirate crew descended from the notorious husband-wife pirate duo alma and pedro madrigal (the latter is dead and the former has long since retired), with pepa as the captain and felix as the first mate. pepa was estranged from her mother and siblings in her youth as she attempted to learn more about her parents' past, and she soon set out on her own to live the pirate life that alma tried so hard to keep her children out of. in the meantime, julieta and her family form their own rival crew and set sail in search of pepa to take their vengeance. bruno tries his best to be a good mama's boy and stay home, but he is soon taken hostage by the fearless captain hernando, a legendary pirate who has feuded with both madrigal sisters and their crews for a while now. he grows rather fond of his bargaining chip over time and bruno eventually becomes the captain's lover and first mate. when the sisters finally put aside their squabbles and unite to save their brother from their enemy's clutches, it's a very awkward family reunion. also everyone has their gifts and uses them to help their crew in one way or another. eventually when the two sides of the family unite, the grandkids take up a ship of their own with mirabel as the new captain. 
marco and camilo are college roommates with luca and alberto. that's literally it no linear plot just vibes. luca is a first year astronomy student, alberto is a second year student and undeclared, marco and camilo are third years and marco is majoring in education while being on the soccer team and camilo is majoring in theatre (🤢). alberto and camilo despise each other but also camilo is lowkey crushing. camilo and marco are already dating and alberto and luca are also definitely together but heavily in denial about it. they fight over dishes being left in the sink and decorate their dorm all cute
the fall 
wrote a ten chapter fic about this one so read that if you wanna know what it entails but tl;dr au where the family never recovers after the fall of casita and they go their separate ways, with dolores camilo and isa fully moving out, their whereabouts unknown - until, ten years later, mirabel takes it upon herself to track them down, reunite the family once and for all, and save the miracle for real this time. will she succeed? what have the runaways all been up to over these past ten years? read it and find out i'm not telling you! also this fic/au is quite old compared to the others so no marco 😔 fly high king 
mamma mia 
the silliest dumbest most self indulgent au ever. camilo centric of course. the storyline is literally just mamma mia but with camilo. he has twin daughters and one of them (ima) is getting married and wants to invite her other biological father to the wedding - the only problem is she doesn't know who that is, and if camilo's old diary describing all his old hookups in detail is to be believed,  there's three possibilities - marco osma, dante velazquez, and nicolas sorelli (the latter two are ocs, i'll probably post their bios at some point lol also nicolas is trans so he's definitely not the other dad but he's stealth so he's just going along for the ride). she invites all three of them to her wedding and they reunite with camilo for the first time in twenty years. drama ensues. camilo marries marco at the end regardless of if he's the dad or not (but he probably is - they never find out for sure). isa is tanya (so lilli is pepper ofc) and mirabel is rosie (except she doesn't end up with one of the dads at the end bc she actually respects herself). ima's fiancées identity is yet to be determined bc i don't have a partner oc for her but i do know she's a lesbian so. gay greek weddings! camilo in overalls! love wins!
runaway camilo 
this one is a rewrite of the canon plot to a degree but not really enough to be considered a full on au. plays with the scrapped concept of camilo looking completely different after the fall of casita that didn't make it into the final movie, which is like one of my favorite concepts ever especially because of how easily it plays into trans camilo. in this rewrite, camilo has basically used his gift to masculinize himself perpetually since his ceremony, which all but cures his dysphoria - that is, until casita falls, he loses the gift he had become dependent on, and it all blows up in his face. he's unrecognizable when the dust clears, and rather than be seen in such a state, he flees the scene and goes missing just around the same time as mirabel. the family is split as pepa and felix go looking for their son while the cool color family goes looking for mirabel, and both are found within a few days - camilo in the depths of the forest, skin scraped and clothes ragged from running into the forest with reckless abandon, practically digging his own grave and ready to give up for good. when he's found, it takes a LONG time for him to allow anyone to see him, much less recover from the trauma. the rewrite basically involves these events and the aftermath. luckily camilo does get his gift back when casita is rebuilt but the scars are forever and he probably still has nightmares about losing his gift well into adulthood and has to learn to become comfortable going without his gift for short bouts of time in order to get more comfortable lest the worst case scenario happens again! more or less a transmilo angst fest add-on to the main plot of the movie. mimi needs a hug 💔
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ISABELA IS GAY FOR BIANCA (Aka her " enemy ")
- Mirabel
YO GET IT BE GAY @isabela-madrigal-official
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waitingonavision · 2 years
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Apparently Disney has an account on Kahoot and made a couple of Encanto quizzes (direct links: 1 and 2)! I took some images from there and boosted the quality.
These have got to be from a book. It's driving me nuts because I can't remember which one.
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usagirln120 · 3 months
Julieta Madrigal: Hogwarts AU
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Julieta Madrigal is a Half-Blood witch that was born on the 17th of October 1944 and started attending Hogwarts on the 1st of September 1956, being sorted into Hufflepuff house.
She was the oldest of Pedro and Alma Madrigal's triplet and she often helped her mother out as a child after their father died, with her being the golden child of the family.
When she started attending Hogwarts, she and her siblings were quick to befriend the happy-go-lucky Gryffindor Felix and the clumsy yet kind Hufflepuff Agustín, with her and her younger triplet sister Pepa eventually marrying them.
Her mother was never exactly pleased with Julieta's choice go marry Agustín due to his clumsy nature and his Muggleborn status (despite being Muggleborn herself).
After she graduated from Hogwarts, she started working as a healer for St. Mungos while her husband started working at the Leaky Cauldron until their first daughters were born, to which he became a house-husband instead.
She had three daughters with Agustín, with her oldest daughter Isabela being the favorite of her grandmother which caused her to become obsessed with perfection which Julieta and Agustín never truly realized.
While she wasn't an official member of the Order of the Phoenix like her brother, she was still an ally to the organisation and helped out both during the first and second wizarding wars.
During the Second Wizarding War, she helped out with hiding Muggleborns and spies who had been found out with her becoming an official member during this war.
She eventually participated in the Battle of Hogwarts together with her family which they all miraculously managed to survive even if it was a close call with her daughter Isabela and her nephew Camilo.
While she wasn't much of a fighter during the battle with her helping more with taking care of the injured, she still knew a bunch of curses who she took down a lot of Death Eaters with.
After the war, she continued to work as a healer until retirement and eventually became a grandmother to her three daughter's children.
She has a Rowan wand with a Unicorn Hair core.
Her Patronus is a Newfoundland.
Her favorite subjects are Herbology and Potions.
Her least favorite subjects are Defense Against the Dark Arts and Transfiguration.
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k so before i hop in the shower. with the new princesses of heart in kh, we have four confirmed:
kairi again
now we can just like. ASSUME that they’ll add moana and make her a princess of heart. that’s like a 99.999999% chance. also she already had a medal and costume in ux so yeah that’s happening. that’s 5!
we can also assume they’re gonna add tiana. cause why the fuck would they not??? that’s 6
we still got mèrida as an official DP but i like. don’t think she fits the vibe?? i feel like she’d be more like ariel, in the lineup but not a princess of heart or w/e
so we’re still missing one. here’s my thoughts on who could be princess of heart #7 in order of how fucking hilarious it would be
Sally (Nightmare Before Christmas) – we’ve already seen her several times but now she has a promotion
Esmeralda (Hunchback of Notre Dame) – same reasoning as Sally
Kida Nedakh (Atlantis) – please
Giselle (Enchanted) – hyperrealistic amy adams
Mirabel Madrigal (Encanto) – she’s like “okay so like. i’m a special princess??” “yeah, i know it’s a lot to take in–” “and it’s NOT isabela?????” “...no?” “oh i am gonna rub this in her face forEVER”
alternate: it’s not mirabel OR isabela it’s luisa or dolores. just throw people off
Elena of Avalor – imagine them making a disney junior show canon
Raya (Raya and the Last Dragon) – she is literally the princess of a kingdom called Heart like come on
Sisu (Raya and the Last Dragon) – would track with the “pure of heart” thing ig. also imagine them just saying the comic relief is now the princess of heart
Namaari (Raya and the Last Dragon) – the princess of a kingdom that is NOT heart but also she has a big gay crush on the heart princess this would give her so many crises
Maid Marian (Robin Hood) – furry world
Roxanne – furry world AND we have to do an entire goofy movie plot
Naminé or Xion – would make me cry
Wendy (Peter Pan) – she’s finally one of the chosen ones
Jane (Peter Pan) – grabbed the wrong darling girl, hook, can you believe
Lilo or Nani (Lilo & Stitch) – whichever sister it would be it would be really funny to see how stressed nani gets over it
Kiara (The Lion King) – 1) from a direct-to-video sequel, 2) a fucking lion
Melody (The Little Mermaid) – ariel’s not a princess of heart but her daughter is
Gabriela (The Little Mermaid) – ariel’s not a princess of heart but this one-off breakout character from the tv show is
Boo (Monsters Inc) – she is literally two fucking years old
Penny (The Rescuers) – just this random baby from an obscure disney movie. jenny from oliver and company is also acceptable
Mei Lee (Turning Red) – the princesses of heart are all actual royalty except for this 13yo canadian girl from 2002 who can turn into a panda when she’s mad
Eilonwy (The Black Cauldron) – disney refuses to acknowledge this movie’s existence but then they put it in kingdom hearts and make it relevant to the story
Ortensia – imagine they finally get oswald into the main story and it’s bc his wife has magic heart powers and heartless wont leave them alone
Anastasia – disney finally delivers the killing blow on the “anastasia is not disney” crowd. sorry guys we bought 20th century fox she’s ours now lol
Sofia the First – come on. tell me it wouldnt be funny. come on
Jessica Rabbit (Who Framed Roger Rabbit) – it would make so many people mad
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ocmakerofcanada · 2 months
【Alejandra the Chimera Axolotl Official Profile】
Name: Alejandra
Age: 14 - 16
Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 4’3
Birthday: June 21
Zodiac: Cancer
Birthstone & Flower: Alexandrite & Honeysuckle
Favorite Pizza: Seafood Pizza
Weapon: Macuahuitl
Nationality: Latina 🇲🇽
Personally Inspiration: Luz Noceda, Isabela Madrigal, Nimona, Ryuko Matoi, and Gwen Stacy
Headcannon Voice: Sarah-Nicole Robles ( Luz Noceda - The Owl House ) mixed with Diane Guerrero ( Isabela Madrigal - Encanto. )
Using her feathery gills, she could easily mimic sounds. Just like a mayan death whistle
Since she has a small, skinny, slippery body with long limbs, she could easily be as flexible as a pro-gymnast
If she gets hurt or loses a limb or tail, she could easily heal herself
This is a power she gains from her weapon, but works as a once in a life time sort of thing. Similar to being Rejuvenated, but more powerful as her form changes to be slightly more monsterous, but doesn't change her height
「Charcter Arc」
Throughout the series, Aleja is seen as a bit of a troublesome gremlin. Always screwing around with the turtles and messes up with their mission so that she could take over or simply just do it out of spite to annoy them. However, the poor thing is just lonely. She was scared that people would not accept her at all, so she would take the job as a vigilante and take part on night patrols so that maybe she could be seen in a good and better light.
However, in the movie, when she got in the way in stopping our heros and their new friend from getting the key back from The Foot Clan, she was unaware of the danger that would be unleashed upon them. The Krang were released upon eath, and the turtles along with an injured Splinter, April, and Casey jr were forced to flee after they lost their powers. But this is where things change compared to the movie. Instead of getting the key, Leo would actually listen to Raph, giving Aleja ( who was somehow lucky to still have her powers ) an opportunity to retrieve it herself just to prove herself that she was the true hero here. That's when the Alligator Snapping Turtle would save her before she could be killed by the Krang, and sent her back to the others in his pod. ( Hence why she had his badge/button in a previous design, which she would still keep on her )
And so, Aleja would make a truce to get Raph back, and everything is pretty much the same thing as the movie. And then, there's that one scene in the movie that's going to be a real gut punch in this retold version...
When Leo sacrifices himself, Aleja would have a flashback to when Raph almost died saving her. She couldn't let the Red-Eared Slider die in the Prison Dimension. So she would quickly find a way inside before Casey jr would close up the portal. She would try to fight off The Krang for as long as she could, as well as getting her butt kicked in the process, but she would reveal something big. Something that was heard by the team back on Earth. The thing is, not only did Aleja wanted to be a hero too, but she was actually inspired by the turtles to be one after she had seen one of their battles. But she had a grudge because they had the only two things she never had; Friends & Family. She then told Leo that she wouldn't be where she was without his family, and thanked him.
Eventually, Mikey was finally able to use his mystic hands with the help of his brothers to make a portal to save Aleja & Leo. And as everyone healed overtime while the city of New York was being rebuilt in the aftermath of the invasion, Aleja had finally reached her redemption and befriended the turtles. Seeing them as the family she never had before.
~。• Spinoff。•~
Aleja would have her own spinoff that takes place after the events of Season 2 and The Movie, and it would mostly be about her and her own little adventures. Meeting old and new characters, and following her path to becoming a hero. She would even have flashbacks to before she was ever Mutated too…
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Posting an old AU, which did later and very loosely inspire my work: Intertwining Threads of Gold.
Allow me to introduce Severed Threads AU.
As this is a really old AU (the second Encanto AU I made after Fracture), it’ll be no surprise to you that’s it’s already completed. No spoilers or withholding information here! So, with that said, I’m just gonna drop the plot below.
Story starts in 1951. (For reference, Casita’s rebuild/the return of the miracle came about at the end of 1950).
With Isabela no longer having to be the golden child, there is a huge question of who will be Alma’s successor. She is leaning towards leaving the matriarchy to her children, the triplets, when she passes but the council talk her out of this. The council want to rule themselves but do respect most people wouldn’t accept a leader outside of the Madrigals, as Pedro was the one who sacrificed himself and it’s their miracle that has made their town a paradise. So… their candidates are limited to the Madrigals.
It doesn’t take them long to settle on Mirabel, as the weakest link, and plan to rule through her.
They easily manage to convince Alma to appoint Mirabel as her successor, who agrees that Mirabel (though will need some training) would be a good candidate. After signing over the rights, she doesn’t tell any of the Madrigals, naturally wanting to wait until Mirabel is older. The only Madrigal who does know is Dolores because of her gift but she is sworn to secrecy.
Though the council did initially plan to just wait for Alma to die, they just get impatient as they realise that may be further away than they first thought because of Julieta’s healing food. They plan to murder her.
Cut to early November. Mirabel is usually away with Dolores at the Guzmáns preparing for her and Mariano’s wedding, which makes her ties with the family distant. The council decide now is the perfect time to strike because Dolores is out of the way. At a party, one of them slips poison into Alma’s glass and she quickly dies over the next few days.
Before the news of Alma’s death can spread through the entire town, the council take Mirabel to the town hall and basically announce the death of her abuela, read out the documents naming her the next town leader and officially make her the next town leader. So… Mirabel is going through a lot. Because what the f—
The death is immediately suspicious to the rest of the Madrigals, as it came out of nowhere. Only made more suspicious by them finding out, through the other townspeople, that Mirabel is now the town leader. They don’t get a moment to ever talk or even see the girl, who is incredibly busy and being pulled like a puppet on strings. The council are purposefully keeping them apart, to keep control over Mira.
Julieta and Bruno are the ones who eventually workout their mother has been poisoned - thought it should be noted that Antonio and Isabela also assisted in this discovery. The news spreads like wildfire through the town and a mob rises up, the Madrigals included, demanding answers and that the person responsible be killed.
Realising this has blown up massively, the council act quickly. They pretty much abandon Mirabel and save themselves. Mirabel is arrested and is to stand trial in the future for her alleged crimes. While under arrest, she is driven “insane” by the lawyers who try to speak with her - they are all being paid off by the council, so they are just trying to make Mirabel confess to being guilty anyway they can.
The council unanimously agree to stand against Mirabel, fishing out any evidence they have and bringing it to court. This also includes the manipulation of Dolores, who agrees to say what they need her to. As she is made to believe that by Mirabel being guilty, she can be saved because of her age.
The trial runs over a couple of days. Mirabel finds out that Dolores is to stand in trial on the last day and plans to an escape (into the prisons garden) to be able to plead with her cousin as she head to court. Which, to her credit, does work. Only Dolores is pulled away and Mirabel never gets any sign that her cousin thinks/knows she’s innocent. Mirabel realises that she is completely screwed; she’s going to die.
Mirabel is found to be guilty and her means of death is left to be decided by the head of the council. As there is no official town leader, the rest of the council are left to make the choice. Based on something Mirabel said when they first made her town leader about Marie Antoinette, they pick beheading. Mirabel dies shortly before her seventeenth birthday.
Julieta becomes the next town leader a few weeks after. The council thought she would be the most controllable after Mirabel, which they were right on.
The family, though shaken over Alma’s death and Mirabel being a murderer, they do slowly fall back to normality and learn to move on. All saving Dolores, who is driven mad by her guilt and frequently claims that Mirabel is haunting her - she is kept in her room for the most part. Only her parents, Julieta and Camilo visit her regularly.
Luisa is also not as easily moved on. She gets pissed when Mirabel’s belongings (that she had in prison) are returned to them, mainly just books. She writes on the front page, mentions nothing about what she did or didn’t do to Abuela - just talks about the book itself.
While complaining to Isabela about it, Isabela points out that Mirabel would have been monitored and probably not allowed to write something so freely as her final words or a message of love. Which gets them both to thinking… how much control did their sister have? Both in prison and before?
They basically become detectives. There’s some breaking and entering, stealing things from the council, trying to make sense of anything Dolores has to say, and ultimately realise that Mirabel is innocent and the council are pieces of shit.
Timeline of events:
Late December 1950 - Casita is rebuilt and the magic returns
1st May 1951 - Alma signs over rights of succession to Mirabel
20th July 1951 - Dolores and Mariano are engaged
2nd September 1951 - Alma is poisoned
4th September 1951 - Alma dies and Mirabel becomes the matriarch
9th/10th September 1951 - Mirabel is arrested
4th November 1951 - first of Mirabel’s trial, she pleads her case
5th November 1951 - second day of Mirabel’s trial
6th November 1951 - final day of Mirabel’s trial, she begs Dolores for help and fails
8th November 1951 - Mirabel is sentenced
13th November 1951 - Mirabel is beheaded, Dolores is the only Madrigal in attendance
1st December 1951 - Julieta becomes the new town leader
Summer 1952 - Isabela and Luisa realise something isn’t right
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