#isabella cullen gif
cece693 · 17 days
Not Interested (Jasper Whitlock x M! Reader)
Summary: You never understood the hype over the Cullen family. Sure, they were beautiful, but didn’t anyone at school have enough common sense to notice something was off? Too bad a certain empath is smitten with you and merely finds your open disdain entertaining.
tags: perceptive reader, Jasper is smitten, isn't character canon nor resembles his original description, human reader, reader is a hothead and unfiltered, creative liberties with Jasper
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You never understood the hype over the Cullen family. Sure, they were beautiful, but didn’t anyone at school have enough common sense to notice something was off? They looked like marble statues—flawlessly sculpted but lifeless, almost artificial. And then there were their mannerisms, too controlled to be teenagers. It was all a bit too uncanny for your liking.
Jasper Hale was no exception. Out of all of them, he seemed like the biggest walking red flag. He wasn’t an asshole, exactly, but his whole demeanor screamed danger. Every time you glanced his way, he was as stiff as a board, eyes unblinking and hands clenched into fists beneath the table, like he was holding himself back from doing something. There was a reason people said he was the second most unapproachable Cullen, with Rosalie taking the number one spot. Yet, despite his apparent hatred for people, he seemed determined to catch your attention.
He'd linger by your locker, his eyes burning a hole in your back. When you snapped at him to get lost, he didn’t flinch. He smiled. HE FUCKING SMILED LIKE YOU WERE A KITTEN THROWING A TANTRUM. In class, he'd try to strike up a conversation, blatantly ignoring your clipped and cold responses with a patience only a saint could have. Not only did you notice this, but the whole school did, too. Jasper’s odd behavior had quickly become a hot topic.
Jessica, damn her soul, was at the head of the rumor mill, spinning far-fetched stories about you and Jasper being secret lovers. If punching someone—much less a girl—wouldn’t get you expelled or possibly arrested, Jessica would have been target number one. You tried to keep your anger in check, especially when the whole school (students and staff alike) kept staring at you and Jasper like you were part of some soap opera. But one rumor, in particular, pushed you over the edge.
“I’m not a sugar baby!” you hissed at Jessica when she tried to strike up a conversation about the nonexistent gifts Jasper was supposedly giving you. “What bullshit gave you that idea?”
“He gave you a pencil—”
“Oh, fuck off and shove that pencil—” You couldn’t finish that thought as the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch and the beginning of fourth period. Jessica just waved goodbye and scurried off, knowing your temper wouldn’t be stopped by a bell. Huffing, you made your way to history class, where, lo and behold, Jasper was already seated, a grin on his face.
As the class dragged on, you couldn’t keep ignoring Jasper or the hushed whispers of the other students. His grin never faltered, and neither did the feeling of his gaze burning into you.
Screw it.
Without waiting for the teacher to finish his lecture on some historical battle you couldn’t care less about, you stood up abruptly.
“Out,” you muttered, grabbing Jasper by the arm with a grip that brooked no argument. Jasper, taken aback, allowed you to drag him to his feet. A low murmur rippled through the class, but you didn’t care. You were done playing around.
You hauled him out of the classroom, ignoring the teacher’s confused calls after you, and pulled him down the hallway to the nearest janitor's closet. You shoved the door open, pushed him inside, and slammed it shut behind you. The tiny space was dimly lit and filled with the scent of cleaning supplies, but you didn’t let the cramped quarters intimidate you. Instead, you crowded Jasper back against a shelf, glaring up at him.
“Alright, Hale,” you snapped, eyes blazing. “I’m sick of the staring, the lurking, and the creepy smiles. What's your deal? Are you trying to get under my skin, or are you just that bored?”
For a moment, Jasper didn’t respond. Then, slowly, that infuriatingly calm smile spread across his lips. “You know,” he drawled, his voice like honey dripping off a knife, “for someone who claims not to care, you seem awfully worked up about it.”
“Cut the crap,” you growled, slamming your palm against the shelf beside his head. “You’ve been following me around like some kind of deranged puppy, and I want to know why. And don’t you dare feed me some bullshit line about coincidence.”
Jasper’s smile faded, and for a moment, his eyes flickered with something darker, something almost… amused. “Maybe some of the rumors are true,” he admitted, his voice low but steady. “Maybe I do want to get to know you better.”
The words hung in the air, surprising you. You’d expected deflection, but this was something else. You narrowed your eyes. “Get to know me?” you echoed. “And what exactly does that mean?”
“It means,” Jasper continued, his gaze meeting yours head-on, “that you’re different from the others. You don’t fawn over us like we’re gods, and you’re not afraid to speak your mind. It’s… refreshing.”
You snorted. “So, what? You think acting like a creep is the way to get my attention? Newsflash, Hale: it’s not working.”
His lips twitched, almost like he was holding back a laugh. “Oh, I don’t know,” he said. “It got you to drag me in here, didn’t it?”
That did it. You reached out, grabbed the front of his shirt, and pulled him closer, your faces mere inches apart. “Listen to me,” you said, your voice a low, dangerous whisper. “If you want to know me, try acting like a normal person instead of some stalker freak. Got it?”
Jasper didn't reply immediately, just stared at you before his gaze briefly flicked to your lips. “Got it,” he murmured, a reverent expression crossing his face that confused the hell out of you. You let go of him, expecting him to step back, but he didn’t. He stayed right where he was, not seeming at all bothered by the confined space or your proximity. “Just so we’re clear,” he added softly, “I’m not giving up. I’m still going to try to get to know you, whether you like it or not.”
Feeling a mix of frustration and something you didn’t want to name, you turned around and opened the door. “Fine, but try anything like this again, and I won’t be so nice.”
Jasper chuckled, that damn smile creeping back onto his face. “Deal, but somehow, I think you like a little chaos.”
You rolled your eyes. “Let’s get back to class, Hale.” you grumbled, stepping out into the hallway. But as you walked away, you couldn’t shake the feeling of his gaze on your back—a challenge silently hanging in the air between you.
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btsiu · 2 years
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nightingale2004 · 2 months
Twilight next generation: Bella x Edward version
Elizabeth Rosaleise Swan Cullen
Faceclaim: Katie Douglas
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Oldest daughter of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan and the firstborn triplet
Elizabeth is a vampire human hybrid, otherwise known as a Dhampir in her family
She looks more like her mother with a bit of her father
Elizabeth prefers to be called Liz, Lizzy, Elly, or Eliza for shirt
Like most of her family, she is gifted with the ability of mind control
Elizabeth and her siblings were born in Forks Washington, but as soon as they were born, her family immediately packed up and made their way straight to Alaska with the help of Jacob and his pack
Liz has a love for dancing, and her family comes all to her dance shows. Her favorite is ballet, the waltz, and also playing "Just Dance"
Has more control over her thirst for blood than her siblings
She's not really close with her parents but feels more close with the rest of her family.
She always wanted to meet her mom's parents. After they moved back to Forks, she developed a very great relationship with her grandfather Charlie Swan and his new wife, Sue Clearwater
Feels closer with her aunt Rosalie and her Uncle Emmett.
She always challenges her uncle Emmett to a dance off (which she always wins)
Loves her sister Renesmee
She is a bookworm like her dad and also has a major collection of music records
Loves her family very much
She often dances in private to let off a little steam or when she needs to clear her head
Has a great sense of fashion (thanks to her aunt Alice)
She's a loner like her dad and prefers her solitude, but there are times when she loves the comfort of her family
Is also a lover of yoga
E.J (Edward Jr.) Masen Swan Cullen
Faceclaim: Timothée Chalamet
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E.J. is the second born triplet and firstborn son of Edward Anthony Masen Cullen and Isabella Marie Swan
Like his sisters, he is also a Dhampir
He is called Eddie, Ed, mini Ed, or mini Edward by his family (mostly by his uncle Emmett)
He has a gift as well, which is telekinesis (moving things with his mind)
When E.J. shared his mother's womb with his sisters, the three of them could communicate with each other through their minds
E.J. and his sister's still have psychic conversations with each other in case they don't want their parents hearing them
E.J. takes after his father in appearance but has his mother's awkward introverted personality
E.J. is an artistic soul and loves painting, drawing and sketching.
He is a big loner.
Prefers silence but loves hearing his younger sister Nessie play piano
Loves playing chess with Edward
He often sketches his family or anything he sees
Loves training with his uncle Jasper
He is a little gentleman and modern feminist
A big bookworm
He is Esme's favorite (don't tell anyone🤫)
He is closer with his dad and often seeks him out for advice along with his uncle Jasper and Grandfather Carlisle
He is a baseball champion and one of the fastest runners in the Cullen clan
Renesmee Carlie Swan Cullen
Faceclaim: Mackenzie Foy
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Renesmee is the youngest child of Edward and Bella Cullen and the third triplet out of her siblings
She is a mommy's girl
Takes after both her parents but has her father's beauty in Bella's opinion
Also a Dhampir
Unlike her older siblings, she is actually very social and loves interacting with her family and making new friends
She loves playing piano and is a piano protege
She is very close with almost all her family
She is called Nessie, Ren, Nes and Beautiful by her family
She and her siblings grew up in Alaska, but when the triplets became teens, Bella wanted to go back to Forks and managed to convince everyone to join her
Renesmee has a bit of difficulty controlling her thirst and can sometimes go into a spiral, which is a risk to her family.
When Ness and her family moved to Forks, it wasn't an easy adjustment, but they soon grew comfortable. At least until the wolf shifter and Volturi drama happened.
Renesmee writes her own music and original pieces. She also plays music for Lizzie to dance to.
She hates seeing her family argue with each other or see her parents fight
Her gift is shield penetration and thought transmission. She can also have psychic conversations.
Renesmee tries to see the bright side of things and tries to make everyone happy.
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There's a possibility There's a possibility All I gon' get is gon' be yours then All I gon' get is gon' be yours still
So tell me when you hear my heart stop You're the only one that knows Tell me when you hear my silence There's a possibility I wouldn't know
Know that when you leave Know that when you leave
By blood and by me You walk like a thief By blood and by me And I fall when you leave
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bramblrose · 2 years
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Rosalie: "Is she even Italian?"
Emmett: "Her name is Bella."
Carlisle: "I’m sure she’ll love it no matter what."
Rosalie: "Get a whiff of that... Here comes the human!"
Esme: "Bella, we're making Italiano for you."
Edward: "Bella, this is Esme, my mother for all intents and purposes."
Bella: "Buon giorno!"
Esme: "Molto bene."
Carlisle: "You've given us an excuse to use the kitchen for the first time."
Esme: "I hope you’re hungry."
Bella: "Yeah, absolutely."
Edward: "She already ate."
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Best Friend Breakup - Lauren Spencer Smith
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iiconicxpersona · 11 months
You know what I’ll never understand in the battle scene on Breaking Dawn pt. 2? WHY THE HELL DIDNT BELLA ATTACK JANE AND ALEC FIRST???
SERIOUSLY! She’s a freaking SHIELD. Jane and Alec couldn’t hurt her even if they tried! She could’ve saved Jasper and Seth if she would’ve just finished them off first, but NOOOOO. Especially Jane with how many times she’s hurt Edward with her powers. Literally right then and there would’ve been a perfect time to get revenge. Those two should’ve been #1 on her list but whatever.
I know it was all just a vision in the end but it still pisses me off.
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eccentricextrovert · 2 years
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“angry grizzly bears are going to look tame next to what’s waiting for you at home.”
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i-belswan09 · 5 months
part I of my grunge angst twilight fanfic is up!! @ariellaswan on wattpad <3
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fandomcrackships · 2 years
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Emily Browning and Henry Cavill
Requested: Anon
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Ours ~ Bella Swan x Oc! Angela Webber ( A Twilight Saga Fanfic )
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| Prologue |
~ Strawberry Eyes ~
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Angel nervously chewed on her fingernail, beside her Angela Webber stood close to her. Like support.
Just in front of them was their soulmate, Bella Swan. She was finally transition to a vampire after a year of being with them.
They were nervous about the whole thing, to be honest, they didn't want her to be a vampire at all.
Once you become one, there is no turning back.
They breath hitched and hearts picked up when they noticed movement.
Walking closer both Angela and Angel stared at their soul mate's sleeping form.
They were definitely on edge now.
After a few seconds, there was movement from the feet, and then Bella's eyelids move slightly.
And finally Bella opened her eyes.
She looked around and finally saw them, she smiled and stood up from the bed.
“ Mine!” she growled.
They gulped.
Oh, no.
| 1 year earlier. |
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cece693 · 14 days
Calm Down Cowboy (Jasper Whitlock x M! Reader)
I never expected much love to come from my first Jasper fanfic, so as thanks, here's another one :)
Summary: You were a social butterfly, however, that doesn't excuse your husband's actions. However, was it really all bad if it led to him being possessive and taking charge.
tags: jealous Jasper, social butterfly male reader, petty cowboy, happy ending, smut, past mention of Tanya/reader
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It was almost funny, looking back on it now, but in that moment, you were steaming like a kettle ready to burst. After all these centuries spent by Jasper’s side—dozens of weddings, countless anniversaries, and endless reassurances—how could he still get jealous just from you talking to someone? You were well aware of your own charm; a social butterfly whose charisma, suaveness, and good looks drew people to you like moths to a flame. But Jasper knew this too. He knew you never encouraged those who fawned over you, nor did you let any past lovers hold sway over you anymore.
Yet, Tanya Denali seemed to light a fire under your cowboy like no other. It didn’t matter how many times you’d promise it while fucking him that Tanya was nothing—just a brief fling in your long, immortal life, severed the moment he'd come into it—he still couldn't stand the sight of her.
It started innocently enough. The Denalis were visiting Forks, and you'd found yourself chatting with Tanya. The conversation was light, inconsequential—a quick catch-up on each other's lives. But then Tanya, ever the flirt, edged closer, her hand brushing against your arm, her laugh a little too soft, too familiar.
Jasper, who had been watching from a distance, stiffened immediately. You could feel his emotions boiling over, his usual calm demeanor cracking as Tanya leaned in, her fingers trailing down your sleeve. You glanced over your shoulder, trying to catch his eye and silently communicate that it was nothing, but Jasper was no longer standing in his spot.
Instead, he was striding toward you, his eyes dark and full of a possessiveness that made your stomach twist. "That’s enough." he said sharply, stepping between you and Tanya. His tone was harsher than you’d ever heard from him, a growl that had everyone around you suddenly going silent.
Tanya raised an eyebrow, her lips curling into a sly smile. “Oh, come on, Jasper. I’m just catching up with an old friend. No harm in that, is there?”
Jasper’s eyes narrowed, his jaw tight. "Funny how you always seem to forget what ‘no harm’ means. You don’t belong here, stirring up old shit.”
You quickly put a hand on his arm, but Tanya wasn’t done. “Oh, Jasper, I had no idea you were so insecure,” she cooed, her eyes flicking to you with a knowing glint. “I thought you’d trust your mate by now, especially after all these years. But I suppose some habits die hard.”
Jasper’s muscles tensed under your grip, his temper flaring hotter than before. “How would you know? You haven’t found your mate yet," he snapped back, his Southern accent thickening with every word. "Why don't you take your desperate ass back to Alaska and leave what's mine alone?"
“Jasper!” you hissed, pulling him back before things could spiral out of control. This was so unlike him—he was usually composed, especially around others. But Tanya had a way of needling under his skin, and she knew exactly how to make it worse. You tugged at his arm, dragging him away from the porch and out of earshot of the others, who had started murmuring in shocked whispers. Emmett’s booming laughter grated on your nerves, adding to the tension.
But Tanya wasn't finished. She threw a final parting shot over her shoulder, her voice laced with venom. “You know, maybe Jasper’s right to be worried. It must be exhausting, trying to keep up with someone like you. All that fire and passion—maybe he’s just not enough for you anymore.”
Jasper jerked against your hold, his eyes flaring with fury, and it took everything you had to keep him from lunging at her. "You listen here, you conniving bitch—" he started, but you cut him off, practically dragging him away from the scene before he could finish his sentence.
“Jasper, stop!” you pleaded, your voice tight as you struggled to keep him from breaking free. His anger was like a living thing, wild and uncontrollable, and you knew that if you didn’t get him away from Tanya, things would get ugly fast. “She’s just trying to rile you up! Don’t give her what she wants!”
He stopped struggling, but his whole body was tense, vibrating with barely suppressed rage. “I’m not letting her get away with that,” he growled, his voice low and dangerous. “She thinks she can just waltz in here and—”
“And she’s not worth it,” you interrupted, stepping in front of him and forcing him to meet your gaze. “You know she’s just trying to get under your skin. Don’t let her win.”
Jasper’s breath was coming in ragged gasps, his eyes still blazing with anger, but slowly, he began to calm under your steady gaze. “I can’t stand her,” he muttered, his voice still laced with venom. “She thinks she can just say whatever she wants, like she knows us.”
“She doesn’t know anything,” you assured him, your hands sliding up to cup his face, forcing him to focus on you and not the lingering venom in Tanya’s words. “And I don’t care what she says. You’re the only one I want, Jasper.”
For a moment, it seemed like your words would be enough to soothe him. But the tension was still there, simmering beneath the surface. His eyes darkened, his hands gripping your waist possessively. "Show me." he demanded, voice raw, an edge of desperation beneath his anger.
You blinked, caught off guard by his sudden shift, but you saw the need in his eyes—the need to prove himself, to reclaim what was his. You nodded, giving him permission to take the lead, knowing this was a big step for both of you. Jasper didn’t waste a second. He backed you up against a nearby tree, his mouth crashing onto yours with an almost feral hunger. His hands roamed over your body, rough and urgent, as if he was staking his claim with every touch.
He was never like this, never so commanding, but you let him take what he needed. His lips moved down your neck, his sharp teeth grazing your skin before a burning fire settled on your collarbone. His venom would create a scar there, a mark that you were his and vice versa. "Mine." .
"Yours." you assured, threading your fingers through his honey-blonde hair. "Only yours."
He didn’t slow down. If anything, your words only spurred him on. The heat between you two built quickly, his need palpable. He pulled away, his eyes locking onto yours, searching, almost as if he was begging for you to understand. "I need to know." he whispered. "Need to feel it."
You nodded, letting out a soft sigh. “Then take it. Take what you need.”
And he did. His movements were intense, almost punishing, as if he was trying to erase any doubt Tanya had planted with each thrust. You met him with equal fervor, matching his intensity, your bodies colliding in a raw, unrestrained dance that left you both breathless. His hands were everywhere, gripping, claiming, reminding you of exactly who you belonged to.
As the tension between you two reached its peak, Jasper buried his face in the crook of your neck, kissing the bite. “I love you.” he murmured, his voice shaking with emotion. “Don’t ever doubt that. I’d burn the whole world down before I’d let anyone take you from me.”
You tangled your fingers in his hair, holding him close. “I love you, too, Jasper. And I’m not going anywhere. Not ever.”
For a moment, everything was still. Then, slowly, Jasper's grip on you loosened, his anger ebbing away as he relaxed into your embrace. You both stayed there, holding each other tightly, knowing that nothing could break you guys apart.
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booklyntown2024 · 8 months
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Isabella "Bella" Swan-Cullen x Edward Cullen
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il0vefortuna · 2 years
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I'll try to decide when She'll lie in the end I ain't got no fight in me In this whole damn world Tell you to hold off You choose to hold on It's the one thing that I've known
Once I put my coat on I'm coming out in this all wrong She's standing outside holding me Saying, 'Oh, please I'm in love I'm in love'
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swirlingtorments · 8 months
RX for Love
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I took a moment to start a fanfiction that actually is close to my heart. It holds a lot of true events that happened in my life. The events are not great, but hey, we all can chose to rise, no matter what life throws at us. I think Edward and Isabella are perfect for telling this story.
Losing a patient drives Dr. Edward Cullen, the perfectionist, to the brink of madness. Isabella is down on her luck, to the point of madness.  A dark cold night in New York, and a lapse in judgment leads to an act of desperation.  They didn't expect to ever see each other again. "Miss Swan, Dr. Cullen will see you now." ExB/AH.Cannon Couples/Doctor-Patient Love. 
Chapter 1:
Why did I always have the worst luck? Homeless and desperate I agreed to get into a black Mercedes and let a man fuck me.
It was unexpected. He pulled up to the curb, his car window gliding down before he beckoned me closer. Leaning in, the first details that caught my eye were his striking silver eyes, the impeccable tailoring of his black Armani suit, and the gleam of a Rolex watch on his wrist.
Indeed, I had an eye for class and could distinguish the true high rollers from the pretenders. And he exuded the aura of the former. Curiosity piqued, I speculated about his profession and his reasons for choosing me.
Surely, I didn't fit the profile of his usual company. Clad in my half-torn mini dress, smudged makeup, and hair slick with grease, I stood out starkly against his elite standards. Yet his demeanor wasn't that of a gentleman either. His actions were unrefined—tinged with anger and a hint of desperation.
It was almost like…he needed me. He didn't know me, but he needed me to be with him in that moment.
So, what the hell was he doing at a medical clinic offering charity care to the less fortunate? It was weeks ago, but I knew his face. It was him. Damn.
I let out a horrific cough as I watched him from across the medical clinic, providing medical check-ups to the less fortunate. He exuded an air of sophistication and expertise, effortlessly portraying the image of a polished and accomplished doctor. However, behind closed doors, or should I say in the front seat of his car, he transformed into a commanding and dominant force, unleashing his inner animalistic desires. The stark contrast between his professional demeanor and his raw, primal nature was unsettling.
It had been ages since my last medical check-up, and I was painfully aware that I was overdue for one. Fortunately, at least, it wouldn't cost me anything. Every winter, the Cullen clinic would offer complimentary routine check-ups to those living on the streets or anyone struggling financially. In addition to healthcare, they also provided shelter when the weather turned dangerously frigid.
Surviving New York's relentless winter cold was a merciless struggle. A ragged cough clawed its way out of my chest, triggering a throbbing pain in my head. Luck never seemed to be on my side. All these years, I had weathered the biting cold of New York winters without falling ill. Yet, this year, it seemed my good fortune had finally run out. It had to be this year, of all years, that I fell sick – and just my luck, he was the doctor on duty. What was he even doing at a charity clinic, anyway? With his status, you'd think he'd have more prestigious places to be than attending to the homeless.
"Miss Swan?" called a woman with a friendly voice.
"Yes, that's me," I replied, rising to my feet. My gaze followed as her hazel eyes found mine, offering a warm smile that beckoned me closer. Wrapping my arms around myself, I glanced down at the scuffed sneakers I wore and walked toward her.
"This way, please," she instructed, leading me through a corridor and into a cozy examination room. As the door clicked shut, she presented a clipboard. "How are you feeling today, dear?"
"I'm not well," I stammered. "I've got this persistent cough, and it's been keeping me up at night. I was hoping to get something to help with that."
"That sounds tough," she sympathized. Producing a digital thermometer from a cabinet, she swept it across my forehead. The beep was followed by a concerned frown. "102.4—you've got a fever," she observed, jotting notes onto her clipboard.
"Would it be possible to get some cough medicine?" I asked hopefully. "I would be fine skipping the full check-up if I can get that." She offered a patient smile.
"Let's have the doctor take a look first. If they agree it's the best course of action, we can get you a prescription. A doctor's approval is necessary, however."
"Oh, when will I be examined?" I asked with a hint of unease.
"The doctor will be with you shortly," the nurse reassured me. "He's just wrapping up with another patient but has been informed that you're next."
I pursed my lips in thought. "So, he's the only doctor here?"
"Yes, unfortunately. There's a lot of illness going around, and he's covering for tonight," she explained. I exhaled a resigned sigh. Just my luck. "Don't worry," she said with an encouraging smile. "He's a very kind man and an excellent doctor. He'll take good care of you."
Sure he will.
"I'll start by taking your weight and blood pressure," she said, proceeding to do so efficiently. After recording the results on her clipboard, she fetched a cloth gown from the cabinet. I eyed it with surprise as she placed it beside me.
"Um. What's that for?" I asked.
"It's for you," she answered, smiling kindly. "Please undress and put on the gown, with the tie at the back."
"Wait. W-why? Is that necessary?"
"Since you haven't had a medical examination in a while, as noted on your paperwork, Dr. Cullen prefers to be thorough. Believe me. I've worked with him for a long time. He's going to request it. He'll need to conduct a comprehensive check-up to ensure your medical records are current and to provide an accurate diagnosis."
My heart sank. No, I thought to myself, I can't do this. I shook my head faintly.
"It will be all right," the nurse reassured me, sensing my discomfort. "I'll be present during certain parts of the exam. It's not pleasant, but if you go through with it, I'm sure Dr. Cullen can prescribe the treatment you need."
Sighing, I wondered if it was truly necessary. "I just need some cough medicine," I said, hoping for simplicity.
"I understand, dear. But it's all part of the protocol," the nurse replied.
Resigned, I responded with a terse "Fine." It seemed I had no choice but to comply—either play the role of a patient or suffer another sleepless night.
She offered a comforting pat on my knee. "The doctor will knock before entering to ensure your privacy. I'll take your chart to him to ensure everything is prepared and will go smoothly."
Smooth process? That seemed unlikely. Left alone, I began to disrobe, reflecting on how little I wore: a frayed, black mini dress, hole-ridden stockings, and a faded red bra that now appeared black. The oversized, unattractive green jacket that I had snatched from a Goodwill donation truck completed the ensemble—an ensemble that was far from charming.
It made me wonder again… why had he desired me that night?
Dressed in the provided cloth gown, I perched nervously on the examination bed, the paper crinkling beneath me. My hands twisted into anxious fists at the thought of meeting Dr. Cullen.
I had no knowledge of him being a physician—let alone that he was the proprietor of this entire clinic. How could I have guessed that the man who had fucked me with such primal intensity was the owner of the Cullen Med-Clinic and Hospital?
Would he recognize me? Perhaps not. He might have already dismissed the memory of our encounter.
After all, to the world, I was just another faceless figure in the crowded streets of New York, a homeless girl. That night, it seemed as though he had detected my dire need for money and sustenance, exploiting my desperation.
The images from that night were still vivid.
I was desperate. And he knew it. He knew I wouldn't say no. Once I was in his car, he didn't ask how much I wanted. He didn't even ask what I was willing to do.
He ensured I wouldn't say no by setting a stack of bills on the dashboard. Sure, I had thought about leaving…but I couldn't take my eyes off the stack of bills he so carelessly threw on the dashboard. Nor could I ignore the lust and hunger in his eyes as he looked me up and down.
Once he was sure I was all in, he simply grinned, his silver eyes taking me in. That's when he spoke for the first time. His first word to me?
"What?" I had said to him.
"You heard me. Strip. Now. Everything off."
It didn't take long before I was sitting on his lap in the driver's seat of his car, my legs straddling his hips. Him, reclined against the seat, his white shirt unbuttoned, his bare chest glistening with anticipation, telling me how good I felt. His finders dug into my thighs as I rode him, with all the strength I had, the smell of sweat in the air. I moaned as he sucked my breasts and spouted vulgar words between raspy breaths.
Even when I told him I couldn't go on, his response was to effortlessly flip me over and, without mercy, and take me from behind. And I let him. Yes. I had reached that point out of sheer desperation for money. The mere thought of money and a warm meal eclipsed whatever shred of pride I had remaining.
After we were done, he gave me time to redress.
He observed me with unnerving interest yet remained silent throughout. Not a word of thanks, not a single query of whether he might have caused me harm. Instead, silence loomed until I was fully clothed.
Only then did he retrieve the wad of money from the dashboard and extend it to me. Clutching the bills in my lap, I found myself questioning whether the act I had just performed was worth the compensation. I didn't consider myself a prostitute. I had never engaged in sex for money, nor had I ever casually entered a stranger's car to grant them their desires.
It was out of character for me, yet there I was, the weight of shame growing in the car's silence. Eventually, he broke it. "Do you need a ride somewhere?" He asked me.
I had declined his offer. In response, he leaned across, opened the passenger door for me—an unmistakable nudge to exit. And I complied. Once I stepped out, he accelerated away, his engine's roar punctuating the sudden void he left behind.
I never expected to see him again. That night, I had sworn to myself that I would never sell my body again.
The sudden knock at the door made me jump. "Miss Swan? Are you decent?" came a voice from the other side.
I closed my eyes. It was unmistakably his voice. My breath hitched, turning into a nervous cough. "Yes," I managed to reply.
I steeled myself for what was to come. It was time to face the examination.
Just be natural Bella. Act like you don't even remember him. Maybe he would behave the same way and we could just pretend it never happened.
….Yea….This was going to be awkward as hell.
Follow my story "RX for Love" on Fanfiction.net for more updates. Reviews...and kind feedback welcomed. Haha. JK. Whatever feedback is fine. I can take it.
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