#isayama is so cute too
mac-n-chees · 10 months
why your attack on titan otp isn’t canon
eremika: what tf are y’all doing here you guys are one of the only ones who can say it’s a canon ship gtfo
levihan: you guys are cute aww these guys are like a couple of siblings❤️ cmon y’all levihan are platonic soulmates and erwin smith is RIGHT THERE
eren x annie (anieren? ereani?): touch grass. you saw one interaction and decided they were the perfect couple, this is literally the dramione of aot, the zutara of this anime. just because you’re horny doesn’t mean everyone else is, pls keep ur hormones in check<3
erwin x hange: as i was writing this post the thought occurred to me that someone might ship this and it caused me physical pain but if you ship this ig you’re cool cause i’ve never seen this ship at all so therefore i’ve never been attacked by one of you online so congrats🥳 but they’re not canon cos literally not one soul ships them so whatever
eruri: is this the right name cause ship names in this fandom go crazy sometimes. anyways these the gayest mfs i’ve ever seen and the only reason they’re not canon is cause erwin had to die. doomed ships for the win😻 but you KNOW levi was getting some behind the scenes, cmon y’all
jearmin: hajime isayama is a coward
jeanmarco: gonna be honest, i did not give two shits when marco died. idk how this is a popular ship since marco got clapped in like episode 3. i mean i can see it ig but to me they just look like friends (and that’s probably what isayama was thinking too)
beruannie: one-sided as fuck
erehisu: historia is a lesbian (“oH bUt wHaT aBoUt tHe fArMeR???” she needed a sperm donor and he was the closest one they are not in love)
jeankasa: eremika solos, sorry, mikasa will always love eren (stay sour jean✌🏼)
levi x any of the members of the 104th: they are CHILDREN and levi is a full grown, thirty something year old ADULT, if you ship any of these there’s a special cell in jail waiting for you
mobihan: who even is moblit this ship forgettable as fuck. but i mean its not bad but again isayama hates love and romance so moblit had to die (sorry mobihan lovers)
springles (aka connie x sasha): you guys they’re PLATONIC SOULMATES, and they’re portrayed as such. also niccolo exists you guys sasha and connie are just like siblings
eremin: hajime isayama is a COWARD. you CANNOT TELL ME that the whole “i will stay with you forever” interaction in the final season was not FRUITY AS FUCK, there was so much tension but isayama’s a PUSSY
reiner x historia: historia is a lesbian
pikuhan: you guys have got to stop shipping everyone you see interact
for bonus points everyone tell me the ship you HATEEEEE i’ll go first😻:
if you want an explanation you won’t get one unless i get harassed enough thank you and good night
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lostcauses-noregrets · 5 months
Do you think Levi's ending is a happy ending?Personally i'm not sure tbh, we saw him being really close with Gabi and Falco which is very sweet, It's good to know they're taking care of him . But honestly I still wonder how the rest of his life will look like? I wish we would see more of how he's dealing with grief in this new world where he doesn't have to fight anymore, like obviously he's still helping people as we saw so he still has something to keep him going, but still.
Anonymous asked:
I think what bothers me about the new ending (for Levi) is that isayama kinda portrayed things only in a happy and hopeful light, like he didn't show us any bad days in Levi's new life so it feels kind of unrealistic? Idk how to describe it, but I liked the manga ending more in regards to that I think. Like I want Levi to be happy but it's just hard to imagine after everything that happened, after losing Erwin and everything the manga and Isayama told us how he felt after losing him.
I hope you don't mind me answering these asks together, because they're both quite similar.
For a long time I was really ambivalent about the idea of Levi surviving and living on after he'd lost everyone he cared about and who cared for him, but I'm actually really happy with the way Isayama ended Levi's arc. I'm glad he found a new family with Gabi, Falco and Onyankopon, but I don't believe for one minute that he ever forgot Erwin, or Hanji, or any of the other people he lost. If there's one thing we know about Levi, it's that he is loyal to a fault and that he never forgets.
I'm not sure I agree that Isayama only portrayed Levi's ending in a happy and hopeful light, especially when you look at the way he changed the ending multiple times. The original manga ending, which showed Levi sightseeing with Gabi, Falco and Onyankopon was very cute but it always struck me as being rather incongruous considering the devastation the Rumbling caused. I thought the anime ending was much more realistic where we saw Levi and his found family in a refugee camp with the remnants of humanity that survived the slaughter. And although the setting of Bad Boy is hopeful, with Levi and the others working together to plant trees and restore the environment, there can be no doubt that it must have been back breaking work. Also the story that Levi shares with Gabi and Falco clearly shows that he hasn't entirely escaped the trauma of his past.
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I agree that it would have been really moving if Isayama had explored the impact of trauma and grief on Levi's later life, however given that he made it clear he was done with the series, I'm not surprised he didn't want to go there. Thankfully there are plenty of fic writers who are more than willing to explore these themes. The Permanence of the Young Men and A Good Man are my attempts to acknowledge Levi's grief and sacrifice, and his remembrance of Erwin, while still doing justice to his life with Gabi and Falco (I hope). There are many others too; there are 129 Eruri fics on AO3 tagged post-canon that you can explore.
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10yearsatleast · 1 month
Yknow I feel like watching the world burn today so let's do some playful and not so playful jab at some AoT Ships >;}
Warning: THIS IS JUST FOR FUN- Don't be pulling a Reiner on me and feeding me to Titans cause they're your OTP we all just F-ing around right now and it's MY take. I haven't really been exposed to why some ships work or not I'm sorta ignorant.
Warning 2: I KNOW VERY LITTLE- These are MY GUESSES as to why peeps ship this and just my take on them. I kind of like some of them but some of them I'm side eying so let's all share and be chill like that.
Ready? Let's go!
ErenxMikasa: You ship this because it's the first ship/heteronormative couple Shonen writers always prop up and as a fan you accept whatever Isayama gives you regardless of chemistry and logic.
ErenxArmin: You ship this because you've seen these two grow together and notice they have a closeness the token Canon "Hetero" couple doesn't. History will say they were close friends.
ErenxHistoria: You ship this because you saw there was chemistry and feel it had the strongest ground to grow but got screwed over and feel bitter because the first ship always wins and logic be damned.
ErenxSasha: You ship this because honestly.... Why do you ship this? I mean I get it but I don't yknow??
ErenxAnnie: You exist?
ErenxConnie: You ship this because damn it they're both bastards and you love more chaotic bastards in your life.
ErenxJean: You ship this because you have the hots for a rival dynamic and you like to believe any call outs and aggression can be solved by saying it's sexual tension.
ErenxReiner: You ship this because you got a thing for bigger guys railing the scrub even if the tension isn't as prevalent.
ErenxBertholdt: You ship this?
ErenxLevi: You ship this because the bare minimum of emotion Levi showed to Eren was enough to get you riled and you haven't recovered from your Fujoshi mindset yet. Plus age be damned by your take.
Erenx[Minor Character]: You're a mad lad.
Erenx[Other]: You fight a battle not many would
ArminxMikasa: You ship this because you know deep down neither of them could function in a relationship without Eren so they're coping hard and so are you.
ArminxAnnie: You ship this because you saw the chemistry and love the malewifexgirlboss trope and also love that just like you Armin ignores real atrocities for cute guys/girls
ArminxHistoria: You ship this because.... Wait you ship this?
ArminxSasha: You ship this because you love the dumb girl x smart boy trope even though you're fighting a losing battle given their limited time
ArminxConnie: You love the straight man and clown dynamic
ArminxJean: You ship this because you feel like Jean is the only one who truly saw Armin but at the same time you also know Jean deserves better and probably ship them because it's the silver medal to JeanxMarco in your head.
ArminxReiner: You love the stereotypical jock x nerd trope and feel like it's pseudo ReinerxBertholdt since Bert had to die for Armin to live
ArminxBertholdt: They're underrated and you're obsessed because you feel like if they had a chance they'd be closer friends than Eren and Reiner were to them
ArminxLevi: You and Levi are both coping with the fact Erwin is dead and you ship it because you don't care about the age gap and know Levi sees Armin as the replacement.
Arminx[Minor Character]: You deserve more.
Arminx[Other]: You choose the nonsensical battles and consequence be damned
MikasaxHistoria: You ship them because you feel like they're too good for Eren and they're the equivalent of LevixErwin just fem and younger.
MikasaxSasha: You ship them because you recognize that Sasha is the first friend Mikasa had outside of her childhood friend group and you think if Mikasa touched grass she'd be better off.
MikasaxAnnie: You ship them because you love strong girls and have a strong thing for the short gremlin girlfriend and her tall handler. Plus you get scaroused by tension and they had a lot of it too
MikasaxConnie: Wait you ship them??
MikasaxJean: You ship them because you like Jean and you feel like he deserved a W even though you know the two have different values and he will always be the silver medal in Mikasa's life.
MikasaxReiner: I'm assuming you ship them because they both were top in their class and you love the perfect duo even though we all know one of them would end up dead in the street if we aren't careful
MikasaxBertholdt: You are a unicorn hidden in the rough
MikasaxLevi: You ship them because you feel they're practically the same person and as the token bad ass of their trio you want them together because "like attracts like". That and to you the age gap and genetics don't matter.
Mikasax[Minor Character]: You're a brave soul for assuming Mikasa would notice anyone else.
Mikasax[Other]: You are one soldier in a sea of teams and armies against you.
HistoriaxYmir: You ship them because you are desperate for LGBTQ rep in anime and don't mind it falls into the stereotypical token gay/lesbian ship because problematic representation is better than no representation.
HistoriaxSasha: You ship them because you like cute girls??
HistoriaxAnnie: You either like the tough girl x soft girl ship or you REALLY like blonde haired blue eyed girls.
HistoriaxConnie: .... You are a unique breed
HistoriaxJean: You think Eren doesn't deserve someone like Historia/Mikasa and you think Jean doesn't deserve/deserves better than Mikasa
HistoriaxReiner: You supported Reiner sniffing her letter.
HistoriaxBertholdt: ????
HistoriaxLevi: You live vicariously through her even though Levi choked the shit out of her that one time.
Historiax[Minor Character]: You think Historia is too good for the main cast
Historiax[Other]: You crave change
SashaxAnnie: You feel like Sasha could fix her better than Armin could.
SashaxConnie: You ship them because you think they're a fun dynamic and love their friendship and honestly they're the best two of the whole series so it felt natural to you
SashaxJean: You love that they're both idiots but one tries to be fake while the other owns their nonsense. You may also feel like Jean deserves more with someone he spends more time with
SashaxReiner: You feel like if given a chance they would be the sweetest couple and probably live out your RoguexWarrior through them
SashaxBertholdt: No really you people exist?
SashaxLevi: You ship it because Sasha is the only one with balls to tell Levi when he talks too much. Plus you don't mind ignoring age gaps.
Sashax[Minor Character]: You just want your girl happy
Sashax[Other]: You crave better
AnniexConnie: You love the Idiot Guy x Girlboss dynamic and you don't care if it don't make sense. Connie is the trophy husband.
AnniexJean: You feel like Annie's attitude makes Jean scareoused
AnniexReiner: You ship them because they're the two bastards who didn't deserve a 2nd chance at life and are probably both going to hell but at least it's together
AnniexBertholdt: You ship them because you think Bertholdt deserved better and would've loved to see it explored if a brunette didn't have to be sacrificed for it.
AnniexLevi: You don't wanna get shit for shipping Levi with Mikasa so you ship him with Annie since it's a decent substitute age gap be damned
Anniex[Minor Character]: You feel like Annie deserves better
Anniex[Other]: You believe if she had someone who was an outsider to it all she may have been better than what she was
ConniexJean: You ship them because you love that they're both idiots and can flip flop between bros and bros who experimented while being nonchalant about it
ConniexReiner: You ship them because you like how close he and Reiner were and you feel like despite the bullshit they would've been happier without pussy
ConniexBertholdt: You ship them..... Idk why??
ConniexLevi: NANI!?!?
Conniex[Minor Character]: You feel like your boy could pull random strangers
Conniex[Other]: You're a unicorn fighting a war
JeanxReiner: You ship them because you feel like their bond is strong and despite being oppositional they grew close. Plus you don't mind ignoring that Reiner killed Marco.
JeanxBertholdt: Seriously you exist?
JeanxLevi: Age gap be damned you like what you see!
JeanxPieck: You ship it because you don't want Jean and Mikasa together but you do want Jean to have his black haired beauty still
JeanxMarco: You ship them because you love their friendship and you feel like they could've been gay husbands with a pet cat if given a chance lol
Jeanx[Minor Character]: You feel like anyone outside of the main cast would've been better for Jean than what he got
Jeanx[Other]: You just want Jean to have better.
ReinerxBertholdt: You ship them because they were childhood friends and you feel like they're both pretty enough and knowing each other as kids is enough to let a ship sail
ReinerxLevi: No but like really why? Is it cause Erwin's dead and you don't care about age gaps?
Reinerx[Minor Character]: You feel like that minor character could fix Reiner's baggage
Reinerx[Other]: You feel like any character could fix Reiner's baggage.
BertholdtxLevi: What?
Bertholdtx[Minor Character]: You feel like he could bag them if given a chance
Bertholdtx[Other]: You want Bertholdt happy.
LevixHange: You ship them because with how small Levi's dating pool is you felt like it was the strongest and you're obsessed with the "Polar Opposites Attract" trope even though Levi has to touch Hange with three layers of gloves.
LevixErwin: You ship them because you like dilfs and you feel like Erwin shouldve become colossal titan.
LevixMiche: What?
LevixPetra: You ship them because Petra was the one female character who was close to him/in his circle and you love the SunshinexStormy vibes they give.
Levix[Minor Character]: You feel like this Minor Character could change things up with him
Levix[Other]: You're an intriguing creature.
AoT CharacterxOC/ OCxCanon: You're an awesome ass peep who wants these characters to have better than what they're given- And you're simping bad too
And there we go that's most of the ships I could think of- Some strong some not so much.
Remember this was just for FUN- If you ship them GREAT if not that's Cool. Let's all be chill and if you feel called out just know it's not that deep.
Anyways if you think I should do an "Anti Ship" Version lemme know. Fair's fair after all!
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hbnjhgv · 6 months
My Aot Ships !SPOILERS!
EreMika (Eren x Mikasa) omg do I even need to elaborate? First of all THE FACT THAT MIKASA LOOKS PRETTIER WHEN ITS IN ERENS POV? And not to mention the fact that in episode 12 Ian even says to Mikasa 'defend your boyfriend' in sub and in dub he said 'go save the man you love' also when Eren asked Mikasa what he is to her it was obious he wasnt wanting the answer "your my family" AND THE FACT THAT THEY KISSED IN THE FINAL EPISODE
NicoSasha (Niccolo x Sasha) LITTERALLY CANNON BUT ISAYAMA HATES LOVE APARENTLY. Niccolo looked mesmerised and looked so inlove while blushing when he saw Sasha CRYING over how good his food was. Omg and the way he reacted when his conrad called Sasha a 'filth blooded potato grubbing devil' MY MAN WAS GOING TO KILL SOMEONE and when he said "What is this brat someone specil to you? Is that why he tried to protect you earlier? You care about him huh? Well I used to care about someone too! A DIRT BLOODED ELDIAN! A DECENDENT OF DEVILS! THE WOMAN WHO ENJOYED THE FOOD I COOKED MORE THAN ANYONE ID EVER MET BEFORE! She saved me from this shitty ass pointless war... she showed me that the person I ment to be as a man who brings people happiness through his cooking... that was Sasha Braus... she was amzing. AND YOU STOLE HER FROM ME!" OMG LIKE HOW CAN YOU HEAR HIM SAY THAT AND NOT THINK ITS CANNON?!
AurEtra (Ouro x Petra) OMG ISAYAMA LITTERALLY SAID THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO GET MARRIED! Also I noticed that they argue very much like a couple. sorry i dont have much to say about this ship. I just really like it.
MikeNana (Miche x Nannaba) Ok listen. This isn't a mega huge ship I have I just think its really cute. Also everytime Miche and Nannaba interact omg its adorable. Thats about it.
KenUri (Kenny x Uri) THE WAY THEY INTERACTED WITH EACHOTHER OMGGG now I dont this its super inlove. I just think they were atleast a little inlove with eachoter. THEY ARE SOULMATES AND NO ONE CAN CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE! Also in the OFFICIAL AOT GUIDE BOOK THIS IS A CONVERSATION ISAYAMA HAD WITH AN INTERVEIWER Interviewer: "So he (Kenny) thought id he eliminated Uri, the world would become right again. But he lost the fight." Isayama: "Kenny's way of judging value is: 'The strong are in the right', and so for that reason he was attracted to Uri." LIKE OMG HE LITTERALLY SAID KENNY WAS ATTRACTED TO URI! (and no one say "oh well he wouldn't make Kenny be intrested in men" when Yumir and Historia are LITTERALLY CONFERMINED LESBIANS.
YumiHisu (Yumir x Historia) This is gonna be short because it's obious this ship is cannon. Yumir always telling Historia "You are so gonna have to marry me after all this shit is over!" When Historia was with Yumir after the tower fell. The way they looked at eachother. The fact that Historia was more worried about Yumir than anything when Reiner and Bertolt reveled their titans and took Eren and Yumir. WHEN YUMIR SAID TO REINER AND BERTOLT "You guys have no idea what it's like. She knows what a shitty person I am, but she still smiles at me. I can't..." THE FACT THAT HISTORIA TOLD YUMIR "I will always be your ally" EVEN AFTER YUMIR BASICALLY ATE HER. HISTORIA PROTECTING YUMIR WHEN MIKASA ALMOST KILLED HER TO SAVE EREN! WHEN HISTORIA SAID "But with Yumir gone I've lost my purpose. I don't even know what I'm fighting for anymore." OMG NOT TO MENTION THE LETTER?! 'To my dear Historia, as I write this Reiner's standing at my side. He knows this is a love letter, but he's still sneaking peaks. Honestly, it's no wonder the creep's still single. That said.. he did give me his word that he'd deliver this letter to you. He says he owes me for the time I doubled back to save him. I'm sorry about then... I never would've imagined myself choosing those two.. over you... I'm going to die soon. But... I'll die without regrets. Or that's what I'd like to say. Truth is... I do have one. It's that I never got to marry you. With Love, Yumir' I MEAN HOW CAN YOU READ THAT AND NOT SHIP THEM?!
MobuHan (Moblit x Hange) OMG MOBLITS PRTECTIVENESS AND THE WAY HES SO PACIENT WITH THEM! He's always trying to protect them. AND HOW THEY INTERACT WITH EACHOTHER! M: "I don't think thats the way you want to talk to the leader of our whole regiment" H: "SHUT UP >:( AS I WAS SAYING" ALSO THIS MOMENT. M: "PLEASE DONT GO ALONE! IT'S TOO DANGEROUS!" AND MOBLITS LITTLE "STOPPPP!" WHEN HANGE RODE AWAY! H: "dont try to call me bluff" M: "Please dont!"
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moonspirit · 8 months
Hello! I'm super late to the aot and aruani train (having just binged the entire show start to finish like 2 months ago over 4 days lmao) but I just gotta say that I really enjoyed your Fort Salta series! Annie and Armin were legit my favourites already during my first watch of the anime, and it really saddened me to know that it seems alot of people online really hate Annie? Like (no hate on any other characters) but Annie is legit best girl how tf can people hate on her ;-; Anyways, I've been ecstatic since I've found your fics and blog along with many others (shoutout to distortedclouds and flailingkittylover too!!) bc it felt like I finally found my people - good to know I'm not the only one brain-rotting from this show and especially over these two xD I've been dying to talk to someone about this recent discovery of mine since I've started reading the manga though...did you know that Armin has been taller than Annie since even before she was crystalized?? In the anime he's like the shortest person pre-timeskip beside Historia, but turns out it's not the case in the manga! In volume 8 when Armin confronts Annie in Stohess, he's clearly drawn to be slightly taller than her in the scene - I thought it was just a perspective error, but it's drawn that way over multiple pages so it's definitely intended! Makes the whole height/size difference thing even more adorable omg ;-;
Ahhh hello there! First off: Welcome, welcome to the Aot fandom, and the AruAni fandom in particular! No time is too late, we're all happy to have one new aruani fan join in haha xD
I agree that while it's very sad seeing the Annie haters, it's best to ignore them. They may have their reasons or not (tho tbh, those of us in the Annie/AruAni fandom would say they just have a very poor or nil understanding of her character). Annie's an extremely well written character honestly; @distortedclouds and I once had this conversation where she was talking about how Isayama managed to give Annie flawless character development in spite of portraying her as the non-typical badass female (in that she doesn't have huge, heroic ambitions and etc) - and I agreed wholeheartedly. Annie's very strong and lethal, but in her vulnerability and desire to be loved and wanted, I think we can all see a bit of ourselves.
Wait I digressed xD My point: Annie's best girl, and we stay away from the haters and stick to worshipping her. Strengthening the Temple of Annie Leonhardt must be our ultimate goal.
I would go on a rant about Armin too being the best, bestest, bestestest boy, and of our other goal of strengthening the Temple of Armin Arlert, but that is for another post, maybe xD
Regarding the height difference! I believe it's an established fact that Armin has always been taller than Annie, right from the beginning. If I remember right, the official Character Guidebook (2014) which was based on the first 11 volumes of the manga, listed Armin as 163cms while Annie was 153. While he's one of the shortest among the boys in general (and post-timeskip he's taller than Levi), he's been at least a whole head taller than Annie ever since they joined the military. Post timeskip, he's 169cms while Annie remains apparently unchanged, so the gap is larger, and likely to grow an inch or two more (since he's only 19). Anyway, yes it's fucking cute, and don't get me started on the size difference 🫠🫠🫠
Once again, welcome to the aruani fandom here, there's lots of lovely people with great blogs writing fics, making art, brainrotting 24/7 and posting about AruAni all the time, and we're very happy to have you be a part of it, here!
And thank you so much for reading the Fort Salta series T/////T I'm very grateful.
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bluesylveon2 · 11 months
AOT Season 4 The Final Chapters Thoughts:
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Crunchyroll won't let me screenshot so I will write out my thoughts instead:
I like how this part of Season 4 is Armin-centric. The first part was dedicated to Eren and then the second part was dedicated to Mikasa
Yall I lowkey forgot Armin gets kidnapped by the okapi titan
The cgi continues to improve for aot. However, you can tell MAPPA's budget went to jjk because of the amount of fanservice they are giving 😂
The Survey Corps vs past titans shifters fight was so good!!! I liked watching it more than reading it because you could see what happens in the action. Also the scene with Pieck running toward the Warhammer titan was hilarious
I like the detail of the gray people and the colored baby. The baby represents the future and it being colored represents the hope of getting through the Rumbling. I like how everything became colored once the titans stopped moving.
Levi finally killing Zeke was satisfying. Now Zeke can be reborn as Toji in jjk because we know stuff is going down there too lol
Can I just say that I love the aruani scenes? Like Annie immediately asks where's Armin but tries to play it off and Mikasa was not buying it! Then there was the other part where Annie saves Armin and AHHHH I loved it!! Her dad better be impressed if Annie got with Armin cause he is so cool
Okay that hallucigenia thing needed to go. We don't even know where it went after Eren died. We assume it died with him because everyone turned back to normal. Also, I guess every titan had a piece of hallucigenia in them, specifically in their spine that connects their CNS and their PNS. It turning others into titans was it's way to "multiply" and keep it alive
The eremika kiss was not as creepy as I remember in the manga. The lighting helped it a lot. I remember reading that part and questioning what was Isayama thinking when he wrote that
I like to think of Eren as Lelouch from Code Geass, except Lelouch lived to see the effects of what he did. Eren had no choice but to die after wiping out 80% of humanity.
On that thought, there was one part where Armin was like "we can't have conflict if we destroy the outside world." Well, we already saw at the beginning of S4 that is not the case. There will always be conflict in the world. We even see it today. Sure, Eren could have killed everyone, but you still have conflict within Paradis. We saw it already with the Jaegerists. Eren helped his friends have a peaceful life but that would end eventually once they passed.
I sobbed at the part with everyone reuniting. It was sweet in the manga, it was sweet now
Historia's daughter is so cute!!!!
I like the ending even if it is slightly different from the manga. Of course you get the 104 + Pieck coming to Paradis (Jean looking great as always lol), Mikasa seeing birb Eren, Onyakopon and Yelena (finally) helping out, Levi with the kids, and Falco/Gabi planting a tree to signify new beginnings
Now...my only complaint about this episode was the credits. WHY DID THEY MAKE IT SMALL??? i WANTED TO KNOW WHO MIKASA MARRIED!!!! I liked the detail with the other kid tho. The boy sees the tree with a hole and walks in. I think this is Isayama's way of showing that titans can return and Eren would be the new Ymir. I'm not too certain, but it would suck for Eren because he would not be free. Maybe the kid could be the new Ymir? Who knows? My question would be how would titans survive modern day. Obviously they would evolve, but can they survive modern technology. We may not use swords much anymore but there is nuclear technology.
(Edit: it is possible Mikasa married Jean based on what we see in the anime/manga. I feel like that's not a good ending for either one of them because a) Mikasa's heart belongs to Eren. It's like Rose from the Titanic. Basically, Mikasa won't love Jean or whoever she married fully. b) Jean seems to be busy conducting the peace talks with the others. Idk if he would have time for Mikasa unless they were both cool with it. c) I think it's just not a good ending for either of them. I felt bad for Mikasa throughout the whole episode and that as her ending is...idk...I would feel even bad for her)
I know Isayama is done with the series but i have questions I want answered!!! 😭 Still, I got into this fandom back in 2013 and it has been a good 10 years. I met a lot of great people from the fandom who I still talk to today. Aot is my favorite anime and I plan on rewatching the anime or buy the manga in the future. Now it is time for me to go to the next fandom aka twst lol
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ambrosialdesire · 5 months
i'm gonna go with the drawings that isayama made cause the junior high one is MIDDLE SCHOOLERS LMFAO ANYWAYS yandere reiner in high school is a complete menace, esp since he's on the football team AND considered the school's king (according to the drawings and bc isayama is reiner's number one fan besides me, we're sharing the spot).
reiner's not a super senior, i fear that is unfortunately jean BUT TO OTHER SENIORS ALRIGHT LET'S ESTABLISH THAT AGAIN LOL (we do not support gr**ming of minors here no siree), but he does do the "where's my hug at 🤪" shit and he's a known fuckboy + bully. his bullying is a bunch of taunting and emotional manipulation since he doesn't want to lose his shot for nfl fame + the scholarships that are already giving him a full ride, and who's gonna believe who? the popular jock with a bright future or the weirdo nerd that doesn't talk to anyone?
that's another thing too, how come he can't stop thinking about that stupid nerdy girl that he was forced to partner with in their us government/economics class? he didn't even notice you in the class either until that project, now finding how your nose scrunches whenever you're completely focused on researching a little cute and how he found you looking up at him nervously when presenting causes his heart to flutter a little too much. because of this, reiner is now searching for you in every class, period changes, lunch periods, your route home, where your address is, which room you sleep in, etc. he rationalizes it as him wanting to know why you make him feel this way despite not even trying to get into his pants, when every girl he's messed around with jumped at the opportunity when given.
you on the other hand, found him completely off-putting and frightening even. like how is he finding you in areas you thought that were hidden from the others and why is he, the jock that everyone wants and likes, talking to you out of all people? you probably think he wants to bang and leave, but nah, he wants YOU as his wife. when he actually asks you out, you think he's doing it as a joke and a dare so you reject him and try to ignore him even further, but reiner is known to not take rejection well and straight up tells everyone that you guys are actually dating. he even shows up to your address and introduces himself to your parents as your boyfriend, and he's so charming and likeable that they actually approve of him dating you.
you don't know why he's doing this and how tf did he know where you live???? reiner just tells you that he loves you and isn't this natural for him to do to express his undying love for you as your bf, despite how much you've told him that you're not into him and you barely know the guy but you know how close you are to reporting him and getting a restraining order for the creep. that's great and all, but he just bought a ring and he's not taking another no for an answer after graduation.
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distortedclouds · 4 months
I think mappa sucks at getting people body proportions right but i think with Annie its so different, they make her body look like too much on an undeveloped teenage girl wheras in the Manga Annie is fuller and much more curvier in the chest and especially her lower half of her body. Annie is very full in her hips, thighs and ass but the animation never seem to capture it properly 😭
Hmmm I guess it's just style preferences considering I like MAPPA over Wit precisely because they bulk up the characters more to a normal proportions
Isayama's drawing aren't always consistent even on the same page so it's hard to tell, although yes, Annie is much thicker in the manga, but I still love the cute butt MAPPA gave
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sonofthesaiyans · 1 year
Hitch Wins! On to the Next Poll...
Before any more time passes, let's get things rolling for the next round, guys.
First things first.......the results of the last poll.
First let me just say I was rather disappointed at the lack of votes, guys. A mere 61 this time around. 😞
I expected a better turnout. Especially since it was a poll honoring AOT's forgotten girls, one of the main points of my page. And I heavily suspect it was because I had to repost my original poll that it came up weak.
In my experience, when something is reposted, it generates less views on the second go around. I have seen it on YouTube and elsewhere. And I would appreciate if such a trend didn't repeat itself here. I feel like the vote turnout would have been better if I didn't have to go back and do that due to an error, and I do know the original results played out differently as a consequence.
I just hope for better from now on. And for those who do vote, PLEASE REBLOG as you do. It would help tremendously.
Anyway, as I was saying.....our top three winners. The first with 26% of the vote....
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HITCH DREYSE! Not too surprising, she always seemed to be a favorite with most. One of the few members of the Military Police to actually develop a likable personality. And one of the few people to establish any real connection to Annie Leonhart which counts for something. She definitely could have benefitted from a larger role in the story. Seeing how she represents a badly underdeveloped faction within the Walls.
And at second place with just over 21% of the vote....
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NANABA! The masculine beauty of Squad Miche. This is a character who continues to grow on me. And as one of the few supporting scouts with any substantial amount of screentime, she is a fascinating character. Cool under pressure, headstrong, and a natural leader. I think we can all agree she deserved better in the long run. Justice for Squad Miche.
And in third with just shy of 20% of the vote...
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ISABEL MAGNOLIA! Levi's long lost friend and companion. The third of the main ladies to have an intimate and lasting impact on Levi Ackerman's life. Would have been fascinating to explore more of that unique friendship, seeing the connections he already has with Petra and Hange. She was the initial frontrunner before I had to repost the poll. Wonder how she would have fared otherwise. But she is truly the dark horse here, even in third place. I may have to do an Isabel Deserves Better post one of these days. Who doesn't love an energetic redhead?
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Poor Anka is dead last here. Didn't even crack 2% in this poll. 😔 Scoring less than Hannah Diamant And Rico Brzenska. Such a shame, I always thought she was cute and we deserved to see her in action. Please show her some love people. Because she got dealt a raw deal by Isayama. More on THAT one later....... 🔍🤔
To everyone who did vote and reblog, thank you! Let's hope for a stronger turnout this next go around.
Now, this week's poll......
In order to be fair, I am NOT including Levi as he is already plenty powerful. I also will NOT include Erwin Smith, as the controversial choice of giving Armin the serum over him I think speaks for itself. It's enough to assume that yes, there exists a vested interest in him coming back as a Titan Shifter already.
And yes I added Mikasa to the list. Let's pretend there was nothing that prohibited her from becoming a Titan, because frankly the so called Ackerpower is not well explained anyway. Also screw the canon, Isayama's rules don't apply here. Let's use a little imagination I say.
Well that is that. Please have at it people and please, REBLOG!
Let's see who comes out on top. 👍
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likesunsetorange · 3 months
omg don't be sorry for rambling pls i love hearing about what you have to say!! the fact that levi and mikasa's dynamic reminds you of you and your brother is so sweet stoppp 😭
i don't have twitter so i didn't know DOL was pretty personal to you as a writer but i love that. i can tell it's something created out of love! <3
i'm glad to hear we'll get to hear more eruri's lore in DOL omg hhahdjs, i didn't know you like them so much that makes me so happy to hear haha, i'm just so obsessed with ackermans and their men idk isayama cooked peak romance with that i think. but hey, if you ever do decide to write a full on eruri fic i will be your number 1 supporter hahdjdh 🫡
haha i’m glad someone enjoys my rambles then!!
but idk how much of the dol lore i’ve shared on tumblr, mostly because i feel like i don’t talk about dol as much on here? so i guess here’s a bit of a dol lore dump if you must!!! and just some other stuff about the fic too!
but forgive me if i have LOL but for those of y’all that maybe don’t follow me on twitter, dol was actually inspired by something that happened to me!
i mention it in the first chapter of the fic, but the whole package scenario actually happened to me with my neighbor! i used to actually kind of have a tiny crush on my neighbor (nothing crazy i just thought he was cute lol) and my package got delivered to him!! but he lived directly across from me lol so i didn’t bother knocking or letting him know when i got my package but he saw me on the ring and then came knocking on my door a few hours later asking about the package lmfao 😭 it was super awkward in my case bc my dad answered the door and i had just gotten out the shower and i looked so bad LOL it was very embarrassing and i avoided him until he moved out a month later lolbut yea i like to think of it as a little butterfly effect in my life! bc it brought me to the fandom and stuff! so dol is really special to me in that aspect, i turned an embarrassing moment in my life into something special haha
and then in actual dol, hitch annie and sasha are really a big combination of all of my female besties (i have several lol), but i have a friend group of four, and their dynamic reminds me a lot of the of the four of us!! there’s so many convos and tidbits of their friendship lore, i’ve kinda stolen from my friends and i and our stupid escapades 😭 if you read the one shot i did of mikasa’s college days, there’s a few little tidbits that are actually just about me i slipped in! i really love writing their scenes bc i think about my friends and our friendship and what they mean to me! one of my fav scenes i have planned is from a really pivotal moment i think of often between one of my friends and i!
this is me actually really exposing the fuck out of myself too LOL but for eren’s character too, i’ve honestly put some traits of all my past romantic conquests 💀 i won’t say much more than that but yea LOL
and i’ve also expressed my experiences with grief a lot while writing dol too! my own personal experiences and just in the last few years seeing how those around me have handled it as well!
i think that’s why i just love dol so much bc it’s like little pieces of my life broken into the story, i like to say dol is a love letter to those around me and the people i love! it’s from the heart truly lol it’s not perfect but the love really is there and dol at its core (or at least i hope it’s being conveyed) is about love!!! platonic familial and romantic!! but that’ll make more sense later i think haha
but i am also obsessed with all the ackerman relationships!! i’m obsessed w kenuri too!!! i think they’re all peak tbh isayama went off w them he cooked i fear. BUT THANKS SM ABOUT THE ERURI 😭🤍 YOURE TOO KIND ANON! in glad i have a shooter!!! maybe i will write a little drabble about it bc dol eruri is kinda peak to me they make me emo i won’t lie 😭🩵
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momtaku · 2 years
"eren isn't an average person" anon here.
i had to vent, because, after the ending, i've been seeing many weird takes about the point of snk being to show what war can do to an ordinary person, or that everyone would do the same in eren's shoes. when people aren't saying that eren was just a cornered good guy or giving excuses that there was no other way other than the rumbling.
even if i can understand where isayama was going with the ending, i feel he kinda fumbled? i really think the way he wrote it gave the fandom what they wanted the most: many ways to justify what eren did and water down/erase the bad image of eren that the rumbling left on them. i got impressed how showing eren in a slightly more sympathetic light in chapter 139 made many people yell "i knew it. i knew he wasn't the bad guy" at the top of their lungs, others even considering he was redeemed and calling him a hero, since his actions ended up saving his close friends (despite they got in real danger and almost died most part of the last arcs).
the chapter technically doesn't redeem him, but the way it was delivered made many people see eren as "just a boy" again, and that the "bad eren" was completely a facade, because they'd desperately trying to disassociate what they think the real eren is from the things he was doing post-timeskip at every opportunity. people couldn't handle that eren is everything together.
many stuff contributed with that: not showing the consequences of the rumbling properly (post-rumbling); the rumbling not affecting the 104; all the main characters alive crying eren's death and implied to visit his grave; "thanks for becoming a mass murder for our sake" - even if armin was only trying to comfort eren before his death; excessively cute eremin and eremika without a drop of real resentment scenes; ending the original 139 with mikasa thanking eren for wrapping the scarf around her (inviting the readers to remember the good things he did), and associating him symbol with a bird, a symbol of freedom; etc.
anyway, here i am venting again lmao
ps: i swear i'm not an anr enjoyer/er*hisu. i'm just an average ending hater who felt isayama got so close yet so far to deliver something memorable.
You're fine anon! Vent away. I hear what you are saying.
Where I differ is that I don't mind the idea of the ending. I think it does exactly what Isayama set out to do. Concept wise it's not a fumble. If you read the August 2017 BSM interview, that's pretty clear:
I don’t think the series passes judgment on what is “right” or “wrong.” For example, when I read Furuya Minoru’s “Himeanole,” I knew society would consider the serial killer in the story unforgivable under social norms. But when I took into account his life and background I still wondered, “If this was his nature, then who is to blame…?”
But considering the root of the issue, rather than evaluating “what is right” […] I think that’s what Shingeki no Kyojin’s ending will resemble.
Isayama was never interested in establishing right or the wrong. His goal was to write a sympathetic character who was twisted both by nurture and nature to do unthinkable repugnant things. Rather than dictate morality, Isayama's goal was to let reader determine how they felt about it. This is exactly what we've seen in the fandom with people on all sides when it comes to judgment on Eren.
But I do agree that the ending was harmed by the issues that have plagued the series as a whole - terrible pacing, inconsistent tone, and too much emphasis on the mystery instead of the resolution. This series is a case study for "interesting ideas clumsily executed". It all culminated in a speeding train wreck of an ending.
As I write those words, I want to say again, I like the concept of the ending. While the whole "Thanks for becoming a mass murderer" vibe makes my skin crawl, I don't mind the actual events that happened. If the story and the ending had been presented to me as a bulleted list, I'd think it was outstanding.
As far as the ending being embraced by the worst of humanity as a justification for their hatred and bigotry, I don't know what to say about that. On one hand I've often wished Isayama had done more to discourage that or had spoken out against it, but then I think about how it is often the goal of authors to pick at the scabs of social issues and leave them festering and open. This series might have been a gateway for some into fascism, but flip that around and it was also a gateway for exposing it. The series has made me more aware of the issues in my own country and has strengthened my resolve to fight back on things I might have otherwise ignored.
This is long. I hope it makes sense. Thanks again for sharing your viewpoint.
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ryuichirou · 2 years
How would you describe your artstyle?
I know it's difficult to categorize yourself, so perhaps an alternate question is what inspires you guys to try different things in art? Did you ever look at an artstyle and go "Holy shit, I like how they do [xx], I want to try that in my next piece"?
Hope you guys are doing okay and I'm glad you appreciated me calling these Hetalia folk country fellas 💞 Stay safe and stay sane
Hi again Anon! Oh, that’s a very good question… (and I’m probably going to post lots of pictures in this reply lol)
I’d probably describe my artstyle as anime? It’s too broad of a word of course, there are tons of anime styles, but it’s like an overall direction. I feel like my goal is to draw in an anime-ish style, but still convey different features/types of characters. My favourite artists are the ones who can pull it off: Urasawa Naoki, Isayama Hajime, etc. Both of them can portray emotions very well…
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As for the colouring/rendering, I’ve been in love with Nuri Kazuya’s works lately. The reflexes, the overall colour scheme, it looks so complicated, but so… nice and harmonized.
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And honestly? We’re kind of into Hetalia now, and I’m realizing how great Himaruya’s colouring is, so I might study him too. His chibis are also so adorable it’s bonkers.
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Like… Their cute outfits?? And warm colours…
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These^^^^ I’m obsessed with these.
We also love horror manga very much, and when we read it, there are a lot of moments when I want to basically print what I see on my brain just so I can learn how to draw it somehow haha. I admire Junji Ito (well that’s a given), Oshimi Shuzo and lots of others. I really really really want to be able to draw something so unnerving and chilling… One day 💪😔
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These are from Oshimi Shuzo’s “Chi no Wadachi”, and this one of the most visually interesting and disturbing manga I’ve read, I had the biggest “god I wish that were me” while reading it haha. It’s so rough and experimental.
Obviously, there are a lot of artists that I haven’t talked about (I gotta stop myself or this post will be super long lol), but I think these explain my mindset pretty well… I’ve got a lot to work on.
Thank you so much for your question, you stay safe and have a good day too <3
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madraleen · 11 months
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Attack on Titan - Miscellanea Short Commentaries on: -Spoof on Titan Manga -Attack on Titan: No Regrets Manga -Attack on Titan: Junior High Anime -Attack on Titan - the OVA eps
No Attack on Titan: Junior High manga. I started reading it, it pissed me off, I stopped reading it, we’re not gonna talk about it.
Spoof on Titan Manga -this is so silly and ridiculous that it makes me smile -omg, armin thinks eren and mikasa got married
Attack on Titan: No Regrets Manga -hello husband- err, i mean, hello levi-heichou -it was brought to my attention that levi seems to be the only one that holds his swords pointing backwards, and i don't know if a spin-off is a good way to verify this, but i'm keeping an eye out -not levi's face in the the mud! it's dirtyyyy -ERWIN KNEELING IN THE MUD, EQUAL TO LEVI ARGH (mud? sewage water?) -LEVI I MISSED YOU! I KNOW THERE HASN'T BEEN A DAY THAT I HAVEN'T ~SEEN YOU FOR MONTHS NOW, BUT I MISSED YOU -HANGEEEE! DO YOU KNOW?! CAN YOU FEEL IT?! CAN YOU FEEL HOW CLOSE YOU'LL GET TO BE, YOU AND LEVI? -ugh, levi loves isabel and furlan so much -mmhm, mmhm, the three great ships of aot, eren/mikasa, mikasa/ice cream, and levi/cleaning products. -HAHA YEAH, THEY EVEN MAKE A POINT OF LEVI HOLDING THE SWORDS BACKWARD, SO COOL (why am i so enthusiastic, aot what have you done to me) -it's funny, but. eren points out that he's surprised levi follows orders, but we see here that no, he doesn't, it's erwin that he follows (in the future). i mean, that's in aot itself, but. it's here too. -i think suruga-san nails the essence and key mannerisms and expressions of levi -"erwin smith: he has his eye on levi, with a certain goal in mind." cough. yes. i'm, er. i'm sure. -no mourners, no funerals. er- wrong story. -even isayama had a feeling levi would be popular, like. levi transcends his creator -yeah, i enjoyed this! it adds to the narrative without damaging the main story, it's pretty character-accurate, the new characters are interesting, it has cool panels! yeah, valuable addition!
Attack on Titan: Junior High Anime -cute, funny, and if not for anything else, 100% worth watching for the voice acting -they way the VAs are doing their serious-voice acting with these lines... respect, man. it's like listening to aot, except the words don't quite add up lmao -LMFAO THE LEVI POSTER IN OLUO'S ROOM!
Attack on Titan - the OVA eps -omggg wit era, old-school aot -man, how could anyone ever not love hange -it's a nice touch that they replaced eren with jean in the ep of jean's episode, but all i can think of is eren screaming at the animators and threatening to bite his hand -reiner got through hell just to end up getting slapped by sasha over a boar, and you know what, that's wonderful -i'm sorry, why is this so desert. why are there cacti, that feels odd -it's a good thing "distress" is OVA, because this doesn't feel like eren. he feels eren-adjacent. -HELLO HUSBAND! 'TIS HIM! 'TIS THE BEYBLADE! 'TIS LEVI-SAMA -dude the underground design is so interesting though -?? you're not gonna show how isabel and furlan died?? i prefer the story version of the manga. -i didn't really care about annie's completely random side-story, and as for mikasa's episode, well... it exists. it's a thing that exists. that's all i have to say on that.
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Since Isayama has said himself that Mikasa feels insecure over her muscular physique in canon I've always headcanoned that she also feels a bit self conscious over her height. When she's hanging around girls like Annie and Historia who are both so short and petite she feels so tall and unfeminine in comparison.
Which is why I think she'd love having a beefy bf like Eren and have a huge size kink. He's not even that much taller than her but his shoulders are so much broader than hers so he can easily cage her in. Stuff like his hands and biceps which are so much bigger than hers turns her on so much since it makes her feel tiny and cute when she's with him.
Yeah I love insecure Mikasa! I love to incorporate their size difference, Mikasa deserves to feel small and pretty to! And honestly she is, she's tall but a delicate queen we stan! She's a bad bitch but she's kinda small too lol, I love that on pic of their hand size difference!! Tbh they're perfect for my size kink brainrot lol!
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ambrosialdesire · 3 months
AWW NAH. IT THE FLOCH SIMPS. Personally I simp for a lot of characters in aot but my mains is Hange and Levi. I did actually have a thing for Bertholdt he as a place in my heart. But like out of the warriors Annie is the hottest she is so fine, i don’t make the rules.
i've said it previously, eren and levi were my top two main men back in middle school and now obviously it's reiner LMAO i'm locked in with this depressed blond man and i will continue making it known. ofc both eren (ESP HIS ATTACK TITAN, BOW ANON DO NOT SEND ME ANOTHER CRAZY AHH MESSAGE ABOUT EREN'S TITAN) and levi will still have a place in my childhood crushes, but something about reiner catches my eye sm
it might be bc of his pretty well-done characterization - save for the fact that he had plot armory bits but who doesn't do that to their favorite characters (minus gege with nanami but we ain't speaking about that devil's name) - that isayama made when he paralleled his background to eren's WHICH I STG FEELS SO UNDERRRATED AND NOT TALKED ABOUT MUCH and how he was able to find redemption within his long-term guilt. it also may be how i felt really bad for him when learning about his motives of doing what he did and his background as a whole (plus the fact that he's so pathetic and fat-tittied and possibly my type), but man, all in all, i just really love talking about reiner.
if we talking about most attractive warriors, you would already know my biased answer lol, but tbh i feel like pieck or porco (but dying porco specifically LMAO) would be one of my second choices. zeke is okay, but idk he's never really caught my eye so he's not that high up and annie's cute too, she might also be tied with pieck tbh lol and i never had a strong opinion on bert, but ig he's also cute?? idk i'm picky but i'm also not 😭😭 but i think this would be the order: reiner (biased) --> pieck/annie/dying porco --> bert --> zeke
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Bad Food. These Abusers Have Always Been Obsessed. As Long As We're Here This Will Keep Happening... Btw We Played More Of Those 2 But Scary Things Happened So Couldn't Do So More Today. Not Much Happened Again. Just Like We Still Haven't Transitioned. Meanwhile We Played Only 1 Fight Everyone Was Dying Even Alain Was Super Weak Until The Rest Ganged Up On The Enemy Now He Could End Things Easily The Elves Are Super Epic With Their Entire Front Row 3 Times Wind Attacks. That's Crazy How Much Stronger They're. All The Groups Are Super Weak Just Because Those Animals Tear Trough Anything... Everyone Is Super Useless Now Omg... Even After Promotions. Btw William Afton Didn't Deserve To Die Any Times Atleast In Such A Way Because That Teaches Bigots To Be Apathetic Torwards Crazy People. That's All The Comments On Videos Of His Death Are Either He's Bad Or Uhh I Feel Soo Badd For All These Other Characters Despite The Scene Being About The Death Of A Crazy Person Potrayed As Justified By A Conservative Bigot 😝😝... Showcasing Bigothon Already Brainwashed His Child Fanbase To Be Apathetic Torwards Politics Until That Is Time To Defend Him For "Having An Opinion" And Pretty Much Any Other "Canceled" Figure. Just More Reason To Do The Opposite...
Bet They Know Excactly What They're Doing Tbh. They Already Speak And Behave Like Conservatives. And Hate Lgbt And Feminism Aswell As Crazy People And More Aswell.
100%. And Still Machines Like Isayama Want To Make Us Think Otherwise. All Manga Shit Going How Cute And Innocent They Used To Be!! Losers Crying "I Want To Be 12 Again!! Back Then There Were No Problems!!" There Always Were Actually. We Have Always Been Abused Always Suffered From Birth From This Body. Always Were Hurt And Abused And Abused At School And Other Places Other Kinds Of Evil And... Nobody Ever Cared About Us And Capitalism Always Treated Us This Way. Either They're Privledged Or They're Just Agephobic Which Is What They Already Are. This Isn't Age This Is Capitalism. Only A Showcase Really: They Just Used To Be Ignorant And Still Are. Sanism And Ableism Too. The Society's Evil "Therapy" Ideology All Wants To Make You Think Everything Is New Didn't Used To Be There You're Worse Now Look Can't You See!! When They Always Were There. And They Blame You For Their Messess. Such Nonsense Is Nothing But Abuse Of All Kinds. Only A Fool Would Allow Themselves Such Harm.
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