rossodimarte · 1 year
Processione dei Misteri, Good Friday, Trapani
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hedgewitchgarden · 2 years
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Ancient Roman statue of Isis
Made out of black and white marble.
First half of the 2nd century, found in Naples, Italy.
Collection of Greek and Roman Antiquities in the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna.
Isis, originally an Egyptian goddess, was increasingly popular amongst Romans, who made her one of their own, with Roman attire, features and dress.
The Navigium Isidis (trans. the vessel of Isis) was an annual ancient Roman religious festival in honor of the goddess Isis, held on March 5.
The Navigium Isidis celebrated Isis' influence over the sea and served as a prayer for the safety of seafarers and, eventually, of the Roman people and their leaders. It consisted of an elaborate procession, including Isiac priests and devotees with a wide variety of costumes and sacred emblems, carrying a model ship from the local Isis temple to the sea or to a nearby river.
source: wiki X
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spider-gets-artsy · 2 years
>You take a break from the thrilling rides of Divaajin World to scout out a spot for lunch. Lucky for you, there appears to be a retro themed cafe nearby! The sign in front of the cafe says "Staff Saturday" in looping chalk letters, clarifying below that on Saturdays the staff will make a custom milkshake, based on your vibe.
>Ready to eat, you find a table and sit down. A friendly, if not harried looking waitress, approaches you.
"Hey hun, what can I getchya?"
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Judgement time ft. Isidie! Reblog with a fantroll and a lil blurb about 'em and she'll do a milkshake-vibe-check!
Sprites by @strange-normalcy <3
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carneirodemercurio · 7 months
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"Tu quidem sāncta et hūmāni generīs sospitatrix perpetua.. dulcem mātris adfectātiōnem miserōrum cāsibus tribuis. Quin mari terraque prōtegās homines " Apuleius.
"Most holy and everlasting redeemer of human kind.. bestow the sweet affections of a Mother upon the unfortunate. On land as well as at sea, You protect people". Apuleius.
Honouring Isis Pelagia on this festive day of Navigium Isidis. May she protect all who work & travel on the ocean and all of us who live by its shores.
"Santísima e eterna redentora do xénero humano… trae os doces afectos dunha Nai sobre os miserables. Tanto na terra como no mar, protexes á xente". Apuleio.
Hoxe honro a Isis Pelagia neste día festivo de Navigium Isidis, e rezo que ela protexa a todos os que traballan e viaxan no océano e a todos os que vivimos na beira do mar.
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Maybe this'll cool you off a bit: Today's latest #exometeorology report from the #4thRockFromTheSun via the #PerseveranceRover in #JezeroCrater: high temperature of +1F, low of -106F.
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tanadrin · 3 months
Election Results: 2324 All-Mars Parliamentary Elections
Elections for the Mars Union Parliament were conducted on 160/048, aka June 9 2324 (Gregorian), or 4 Cancer 459 (Darian). Elections were conducted using single transferable vote from 69 multi-member constituencies, with each constituency electing between three and nine MPs. All 349 seats were up for election.
Constituencies are drawn based on criteria of geographic contiguity, compactness, respect for preexisting administrative boundaries, and with the aim of creating five-member constituencies (with the total size of the parliament reflecting the cube root rule). Certain districts with overly large or overly small populations may elect more or less than five members; but districts may not elect less than three or more than nine members. Only minor adjustments in district boundaries were introduced since the previous election, and the size of the parliament was increased by 3 members to reflect population change.
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With a turnout of 28.9 million, or about 68%, the result was a victory for the center-left coalition led by the All-Mars Social Democratic Party, who renewed their coalition agreement with Martian Progressive Party and and the Tomorrow! party. General Secretary Liu hailed the election as "yet another vindication of milquetoast center-left reformism that excites nobody," though to what extent he was being sarcastic, no one observing could quite say.
Constituency Boundaries
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The above map shows the planetwide constituencies used in the election. The non-shaded region is the Southern Highlands-Arcadia Planitia-Amazonis Planitia constituency, a "catch-all" constituency for regions of the planet that are otherwise too sparsely populated for reasonable constituency boundaries to be drawn. The other constituencies, along with the number of representatives they elect are:
Tinia Valles-North Mangala (3)
Olympus Mons-West Tharsis (3)
Vasitas Borealis-Planum Boreum (3)
East Tharsis-Echus Chasma (5)
Noctis Labyrinthus-West Tithonium (3)
Solis Planum (5)
Tempe Terra (4)
Kasei Valles (5)
Nikoleras Mensae-Shaanxi Base (6)
Xanthe Montes-Chryse Planitia West (5)
Xanthe Terra (5)
Candor Chasma (5)
Ius Chasma-East Tithonium (5)
Melas Chasma (5)
Coprates Chasma (5)
Ganges Chasma (6)
Eos Chasma (6)
Aurorae Chaos (7)
Acidalia Planum-Chryse Planitia North (5)
Guayamas-Viking Base (5)
Free Provinces (7)
Hypanis-Lederberg (5)
Chryse Chaos (7)
Pylos-Soochow (7)
Sagan-Masursky (7)
Hydaspis Chaos (5)
Margaritifer Terra South-Bosporos Planum-Noachis Terra West (5)
Argyre Highlands North (5)
Argyre Highlands South (5)
Argyre Planitia (5)
Cydonia-Arandas (5)
Curlew-Tereshkova Base (5)
Becquerel-Oyama (5)
Radau-New Berlin (5)
Coogoon-Keren (7)
Transares North (7)
Shardi-Taytay (5)
Danielson-Marth (5)
Meridiani Planum North (5)
Aram North (6)
Aram Southwest (6)
Aram Southeast (7)
Iani Chaos-Challenger Base (5)
Meridiani Planum South-Airy Base (5)
Davies-Okovango Valles (5)
Semeykin-Mamers Valles North (5)
Lyot-Deuteronilus Mensae West (5)
Arabia Terra-Syrtis Planum (5)
Capen (5)
Schiaparelli (5)
Huygens-Noachis Terra East (3)
Niestin-Hellespontus Montes (5)
Moreux-Ismenia Fossae (5)
Renaudot-Colles Nili (4)
Beldet-Nili Fossae (4)
Arena Colles-Isidis Planitia North (5)
Isidis Planitia Southwest (5)
Libya Montes-Isidis Planitia South (5)
Kamativi-Tyrrhenus Mons (5)
Dao-Harmakhis (5)
Reull Vallis-Eridiani Planitia West (5)
Gledhill-Southeast Hellas (5)
Utopia Planitia South-Nepenthes Terra (5)
Zaranj-Ahoen-East Amenthes (5)
Tartarus Colles-Elysium Planitia East (5)
Al-Qahira Valles-Terra Cimmeria East (5)
De Vacouleurs-Ma'adim Vallis (5)
Vinogradsky-Planum Chronium (3)
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lichenaday · 5 months
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Ramalina peruviana
Quipu lichen, Peruvian ribbon lichen
This fruticose lichen has many thin, flattened branches and tiny, isidiate branchlets growing out of lateral soredia and branch tips. The surface is pale gray-green interrupted by ellipsoidal or linear pseudocyphellae and punctiform soralia. It only rarely produces apothecia. R. peruviana grows on bark and occasionally rock in tropical and costal regions worldwide. So why is it named R. peruviana? Well, the type specimen used by Erik Acharius to describe the species was found in Peru. What's a type specimen, you may ask? Well when you describe a species, you need to have one specimen of that organism from which characteristics and features of the species description are drawn, and it needs to be stored in a collection where it can be accessed to compare characteristics and potentially DNA with future potential specimens. So even though this entire species grows all over the place and isn't only found in Peru, the name is a nod to the specimen which set the standard for the entire species name. It's pretty weird to think about using one individual as the standard when we know so much physical variation exists between members of the same species, right?
images: source | source
info: source | source | source
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bixbiboom · 2 years
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[ID: A photo of Marisha as she stands in front of a display of dozens of old tube TVs of various sizes stacked into a wall. Each screen is displaying either the Peacock logo, the Isidiou name or logo, or the Peacock Halloween Horror title screen. Marisha is standing in a cheesecake pose mimicking fright, one hand to her cheek and the other holding the brim of her hat, her eyes wide and her mouth in an O of surprise toward something out of frame. /end ID]
@.marisha_ray: Social media tells me it’s Spooky Season.
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sphinx-myth · 12 days
hellenic holidays
Holidays are an important part of Hellenic religious life across all of the Mediterranean– whether Greek or Roman. For the sake of modernity, relevant Graeco-Roman holidays will be adapted to the contemporary Gregorian Calendar.
Ianouarios (Latin: Ianuarius, Eng: January)
Kalends (January), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, January 1: First day of the New Year, in honour of Janus. Large celebrations done, and charity is highly encouraged. Prayers to Lord Asklepios also recommended.
Phebrouarios (Latin: Februarius, Eng: February)
Kalends (February), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, February 1: First day of the month.
Parentalia, Roman era, Gregorian calendar, February 13 – February 21: Literally “Ancestors Days” or “Days of the Ancestors”, Parentalia is the February festival celebrating the deceased ancestors of the family and the pater familias.  They are offered flowers, wine-soaked bread, violets salt, and wheat.  Often they are providing a true sacrificial banquet, but these are di inferni, spirits of the underworld.  They are those who dwell below, and proper care must be made in sacrificing to them.
Anthesteria, Greek era, Gregorian calendar, February 19 – February 21: Athenian festivals dedicated to Dionysos and the dead.
Lupercalia, Roman era, Gregorian calendar, February 15: Holiday intended to avert evil spirits and miasma, as well as spread purification; which releases health and fertility.
Lesser Eleusinian Mysteries, Greek era, Gregorian calendar, February 17-23 (Sign of capricorn): Serves as reminders of the Greater Mysteries, in honour of Deo and Kore.
Martios (Latin: Martius, Eng: March)
Kalends (March), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, March 1: First day of the month.
Navigium Isidis, Hellenistic-era Egyptian, Gregorian calendar, March 5-6: Festival in honour of Isis marks the opening of the sailing season.
Dionysia, Greek era, Gregorian calendar, March 9 – 16: Holiday dedicated to Bacchus.
Liberalia, Roman era, Gregorian Calendar, March 17: Another holiday dedicated to Bacchus.
Hilaria, Roman era, Gregorian calendar, March 15 – March 28: Numerous day celebration dedicated to the Mother of the Gods and Her lover Attis/Gallus.
Quinquatrus, Roman era, Gregorian Calendar, March 19: When the Temple of Athene on the Aventine Hill was consecrated. Feast day to Athene.
Aprillios (Latin: Aprilis, Eng: April)
Kalends (April), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, April 1: First day of the month. Dedicated to Aphrodite.
Genéteira tis Rómis (Natale de Roma), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, April 21: Day commemorating the founding of Rome by Quirinus, known as Romulus when embodied in a mortal form.
Serapia, Hellenistic-era Egyptian, Gregorian calendar, April 25: Day commemorating Serapis, the ruler of the underworld.
Maïos (Latin: Maius Eng: May)
Kalends (May), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, May 1: First day of the month.
Lemuria, Roman era, Gregorian calendar, May 9, 11 and 13: A trio of solemn days for the malevolent and restless dead, for maintaining their memory is as paramount as those of the benevolent ancestors.  Sacrifices are offered as propitiation in order to keep the peace and avoid ill luck from these infernal spirits.
Thargelia, Greek era, Gregorian calendar, May 22 – May 23: Celebration in honour of Artemis and Apollo.
Iounios (Latin: Iunius, Eng: June)
Kalends (June), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, June 1: First day of the month.
Flight of Aineías, June 11: According to calculations by Eratosthenes, today is the day the city of Troy was sacked in 1184 BCE. The burning of Troy would be the end of the Trojan War, but simultaneously it would be the birth of a new beginning. Ultimately, Troy’s fall would give rise to the eternal city of Rome centuries later, as many of those who laid the city’s foundations had been descendant of the Trojan refugees led by the pious Prince Aineías who fled the destruction, such as Aineías’ descendant Romulus. Today is a day that feasts should be held to commemorate the flight of Aineías and the survival of our ancestors, but simultaneously a day of mourning for those innocent who perished, whether during the Trojan War or any war.
Prometheia, Greek era, Gregorian calendar, June 17th: Festival dedicated to Prometheus bestowing reason to mankind.
Vestalia, Roman era, Gregorian calendar, June 7th – 15th: Festival specifically in honor of the Goddess of the house, Vesta, and the spirits of the store chambers, cupboards, and the penates.
Death of Julian, Roman era, Gregorian calendar, June 28th: Mourning day marking the death of the divine Julian.
Ioulios (Latin: Iulius, Eng: July)
Kalends (July), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, July 1: First day of the month.
Panathenaia, Greek era, Gregorian calendar, July 17-24: https://sites.google.com/site/hellenionstemenos/Home/festivals/panathenaia-ta-mikra
Neptunalia, Roman era, Gregorian calendar, July 23: Held in honour of Poseidon. Plea for rain.
Augoustos (Latin: Augustus, Eng: August)
Kalends (August), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, August 1: First day of the month.
Sol Indiges, Roman era, Gregorian calendar, August 9: Minor holiday to King Helios where sacrifice is offered.
Vinalia Rustica, Gregorian calendar, August 19: A rustic harvest festival dedicated to Zeus and Aphrodite, celebrating the grape harvest, vegetable growth and fertility
Vulcanalia, Roman era, Gregorian calendar, August 23: A propitiatory sacrifice during the hot month of August to Hephaistos (Vulcan) in order to protect the home and livelihood from the ravages of fire.  Traditional practices include sacrificing small fish into bonfires so that humans would not be harmed.
Septembrios (Latin: September, Eng: September)
Kalends (September), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, September 1: First day of the month. Ceremonies dedicated to Jupiter Tonans (“the Thunderer”) on the Capitolium, and Juno Regina on the Aventine.
Greater Eleusinian Mysteries, Greek era, Gregorian calendar, September 6-12 (Sign of cancer): In honour of Deo and Kore. Called great when the Goddess departs, (At least, the other equinox is in mythology the time of the kidnap of Kore, which is the descent of the souls.)
Apollo Campus Martius, Roman era, Gregorian calendar, September 23: Anniversary of the rededication of the Temple of Apollo in the Campus Martius; Leto is also honored
Oktôbrios (Latin: October, Eng: October)
Kalends (October), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, October 1: First day of the month. Dedicated to the deity Pistis (Fides in Latin).
Thesmophoria, Greek era, Gregorian calendar, October 2-4:
Khalkeia, ancient Hellenistic, Gregorian calendar, October 7:
Noembrios (Latin: November, Eng: November)
Kalends (November), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, November 1: First day of the month.
Feastday of Julian, Later Roman era, Gregorian calendar, November 8: Feast day dedicated to the coronation of Flavius Claudius Iulianus Augustus, the great reformer of Hellenism, as Caesar of the west.
Dekembrios (Latin: December, Eng: December)
Kalends (December), Roman era, Gregorian calendar, December 1: First day of the month. Dedicated to Poseidon and Pietas.
Saturnalia, Roman era, Gregorian calendar, December 17-23rd: Festivals that goes on for numerous days in celebration of the Winter Solstice with a particular focus on the golden age of Saturn.
Opalia, Roman era, Gregorian calendar, December 19: Festival in honour of Ops
Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, Later Roman era, Gregorian calendar, December 25th: Winter Solstice celebration dedicated to the birthday of God.
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beautifulmars · 1 year
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HiPOD 27 Apr 2023: Megabreccia in Northeast Syrtis
The region of interest contains megabreccia that may be a breccia dike. It is important to determine this in order to understand the impact dynamics that created the Isidis basin and the megabreccia blocks exposed in the northeast Syrtis region.
This image was requested for a stereo pair to provide 3D context to learn about the exact nature of this megabreccia exposure.
ID: ESP_072923_1995 date: 15 February 2022 altitude: 278 km
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rwbyazre · 4 months
Among Ozpin's inner circle who does salem consider the most troublesome?(not counting ozpin himself)
Eliana. The other headmasters are powerful and bring assests necessary to Ozpin's cause, but Eliana is a different type of proactive that is dangerously competant in her plans. Not only in uniting Isidis City and the Huntsmen of Vacuo in such a short time, but in finding and raising three SEWs with one a candidate to the Summer Maiden powers under her control.
While Eliana doesn't have complete concrete proof that SEW as Maidens would be inherently stronger, but she is right in her hunch. Add onto that out of everyone, Eliana is loyal to Ozpin to the grave. There is nothing Salem could give her or threaten her with that would make Eliana fold, and she knows it. So she wants Eliana dead.
Other than her, Qrow is seen as a dangerous contender as well. Ironwood is too impulsive for Salem to take him seriously and Jin is too passive in her own planmaking.
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brookstonalmanac · 7 months
Holidays 3.5
Act Goofy Day
Alimony Equality Day
Anthass Day (Kerala, Fans of Indian actor Mukesh)
Arivee de l’Evangile (Gospel Day; French Polynesia)
Babysitter Safety Day
Boston Massacre Day (Massachusetts)
Brain Injury Awareness Day
Charity Day (Iran)
Children’s Day (New Zealand)
Cinco de Marcho
Crispus Attucks Day
Custom Chief’s Day (Vanuatu)
Day of Physical Culture and Women in Engineering & Technology begins
Dr. Doolittle Day
Erotic World Book Day
Excited Insects (Chinese Farmer’s Calendar)
Goat Day (French Republic)
Green Hellebore Day
Hula Hoop Day
International CVS Awareness Day
International Day for Disarmament & Non-Proliferation Awareness (UN)
International Day of Energy Efficiency
International Day of the Seal
Judiciary Employee Day (Kyrgyzstan)
Katyn Massacre Day
Learn from Lei Feng Day (China)
Madison Beer Day
Mother-in-Law's Day
Multiple Personalities Day
National Dissociative Identity Disorder Day
National Emetophobia Awareness Day (UK)
National Industrial Design Day
National Journalist Day (Thailand)
National Kalpak Day (a.k.a. Hat Day; Kyrgyzstan)
National MAR5 Day
National Potty Dance Day
National R&B Music Day
National Scott Day
National Tree Planting Day (Iran)
Panchayati Raj Divas (Odisha, India)
Reel Film Day
Running of the Reindeer (Alaska)
Say Hi to Mom Day
Scouts’ Day (Taiwan)
Spread the Word to End the Word Day
Stapler Day
Stop the Clocks Day
Temperance Day
305 Day
World Sustainable Energy Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Absinthe Day
National Cheese Doodle Day
National Mobile Food Vendors Day
National Pasty Day (UK)
National Poutine Day
Ramen Noodles Day
1st Tuesday in March
Cotton Carnival (Memphis, Tennessee) [1st Tuesday, Lasts 5 Days]
Football Day (England) [1st Tuesday]
National Sportsmanship Day [1st Tuesday]
Peace Corps Day [1st Tuesday]
Peace Day (Jamaica) [1st Tuesday]
Town Meeting Day (Vermont) [1st Tuesday]
Unique Names Day [Tuesday of Name Week]
Independence & Related Days
Rebellion Anniversary Day (Iraqi Kurdistan)
Trujillo Anniversary Day (Peru)
Festivals Beginning March 5, 2024
CinemAsia Film Festival (Amsterdam, Netherlands) [thru 3.10]
Heritage Miami: Wine and Food Experience (Miami, Florida)
Research Chefs Association Culinary Expo (Quincy, Massachusetts) [thru 3.7]
World Championship Cheese Contest (Madison, Wisconsin) [thru 3.7]
Feast Days
Adrian and Eubulus of Palestine (Christian; Martyrs)
Blessing of the Fleet by Isis (Ancient Egypt)
Ciarán of Saigir (a.k.a. Kiaran of Ireland; Celtic & Christian; Saint)
Clive Cahuenga (Muppetism)
Diasia (Festival of Zeus Meilikhios; Ancient Greece)
Eusebius of Cremona (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Orthodoxy (Greek Orthodox) [1st Sunday in Great Lent; 2023]
Feast of Saint Piran (Cornwall)
George Carlin Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Gerasimus (Christian; Saint)
Giovanni Battista Tiepolo (Artology)
Howard Pyle (Artology)
John Joseph of the Cross (Christian; Saint)
Momfuku Ando Day (Pastafarian)
Navigum Isidis (Blessing of the Vessel of Isis; Ancient Egypt; Everyday Wicca)
Navigum Isis (a.k.a. Ploiaphaesia; Poseidon’s Day; The Festival of Navigation; Ancient Rome)
Orthodox Sunday (Orthodox Christian) [1st Sunday in Great Lent; 2021]
Phocas of Antioch (Christian; Martyr)
Piran (Christian; Saint) [Cornwall]
Roger (Christian; Saint)
Serpent Mother Day (Ancient Minoa; Starza Pagan Book of Days)
Solon (Positivist; Saint)
Symphony No. 7, The “Leningrad Symphony,” in C Major, by Dmitri Shostakovich (Symphony; 1942)
Theophilus, bishop of Caesarea (Christian; Saint)
Thietmar of Minden (Christian; Saint)
Virgil of Arles (Christian; Saint)
Wedding of the March Dryads (Shamanism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Sensho (先勝 Japan) [Good luck in the morning, bad luck in the afternoon.]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because it’s Stalin's birthday.)
Unfortunate Day (Pagan) [17 of 57]
Airport (Film; 1970)
Alice in Wonderland (Film; 2010)
Amos & Andrew (Film; 1993)
Analyze This (Film; 1999)
The Ant and the Aardvark (Ant and the Aardvark Cartoon; 1969)
The Ballad of Nessie (Disney Cartoon; 2011)
Barnyard Blackout (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1943)
Big-Hearted Bosko (WB LT Cartoon; 1932)
Bongo Boris or The Hep Rat (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 103; 1961)
Coming 2 America (Film; 2021)
Cruel Intentions (Film; 1999)
Diner (Film; 1982)
Donald’s Diary (Disney Cartoon; 1954)
Down pin the Levee (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1933)
Drip Dippy Donald (Disney Cartoon; 1948)
Evil Under the Sun (Film; 1982)
Fire! Fire! (Ub Iwerks Cartoon; 1932)
For Your Love, by The Yardbirds (Song; 1965)
Foucault's Pendulum, by Umberto Eco (Novel; 1988)
Human’s Lib, by Howard Jones (Album; 1984)
Kindly Scram (Phantasies Cartoon; 1943)
The Left Hand of Darkness, by Ursula K. Le Guin (Novel; 1969)
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (Film; 1999)
The Mad Dog (Disney Cartoon; 1932)
Mad Dog and Glory (Film; 1993)
Neon Bible, by Arcade Fire (Album; 2007)
The Railway Children, by Edith Nesbit (Novel; 1905)
Raya and the Last Dragon (Animated Film; 2021)
Red Hot Music (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1937)
Rival Romeos (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1928)
The Road to Serfdom, by Friedrich A. Hayek (Political Theory; 1944)
Room and Bored (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1962)
Run Baby Run, by Nicky Cruz (Novel; 1969)
The Saint to the Rescue, by Leslie Charteris (Short Stories 1959) [Saint #35]
The Secret of Kells (Animated Film; 2010)
Shaun the Sheep (Animated TV Series; 2007)
Songs For Swinging’ Lovers!, by Frank Sinatra (Album; 1956)
The Spies of Life or When a Fella Needs a Fiend (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S2, Ep. 104; 1961)
Stairway to Heaven, 1st performed live by Led Zeppelin (Song; 1971)
Swing Kids (Film; 1993)
Us Again (Disney Cartoon; 2021)
Where Do Teenagers Come From? (DePatie-Freleng Animated TV Special; 1980)
Today’s Name Days
Dietmar, Jeremia, Olivia (Austria)
Hadrijan, Lucije, Teofil, Vedran (Croatia)
Kazimír (Czech Republic)
Theophillus (Denmark)
Laila, Laili, Leila, Leili (Estonia)
Laila, Leila (Finland)
Olive, Olivia (France)
Gerda, Dietmar, Olivia, Tim (Germany)
Arhelaos, Evlogios, Konon (Greece)
Adorján, Adrián (Hungary)
Adriano, Foca, Giovanni, Giuseppe, Virgilio (Italy)
Aurēlija, Aurora, Austra (Latvia)
Giedrė, Klemensas, Virgilijus, Vydotas (Lithuania)
Patricia, Patrick (Norway)
Adrian, Adrianna, Fryderyk, Jan, Pakosław, Pakosz, Wacław, Wacława (Poland)
Conon (Romania)
Fridrich (Slovakia)
Adrián, Adriano, Eusebio (Spain)
Tora, Tove (Sweden)
Ciara, Ciera, Cierra, Keren Keri, Kerri, Kerrie, Kerry, Kiara, Kiera, Kieran, Kierra, Sierra (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 65 of 2024; 301 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 2 of week 10 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Nuin (Ash) [Day 17 of 28]
Chinese: Month 1 (Bing-Yin), Day 25 (Wu-Chen)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025)
Hebrew: 25 Adair I 5784
Islamic: 24 Sha’ban 1445
J Cal: 5 Green; Fryday [5 of 30]
Julian: 21 February 2024
Moon: 29%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 9 Aristotle (3rd Month) [Xenophanes]
Runic Half Month: Tyr (Cosmic Pillar) [Day 11 of 15]
Season: Winter (Day 76 of 89)
Week: 1st Week of March
Zodiac: Pisces (Day 16 of 30)
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spider-gets-artsy · 1 year
🚌 Isidie
🚌How do you normally get around/travel? Would they ever be able to afford their own scuttlebuggy?
"I use public transportation! The city here is pretty busy, so I like to think busing is the best way to go about traveling. Also, I think it's better for the environment? I suppose biking would be an even more environmentally friendly choice, but, ah, I'm not exactly in the best shape. It tuckers me out pretty quickly, I'm not sure if I'd last the entire trip from my hivestem to the restaurant! As for being able to afford a scuttlebuggy, well... I'm barely paid enough to afford my hivestem. I don't think that's really in the stars for me!"
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teratocrat · 1 year
man maybe i should have in that one post put the martian capitol in Pavonis instead of around Isidis Plain-turned-Sea
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rhinequeen · 1 year
In my quest to block the loseds who use tumblr live, I've noticed how isidious some of these guys are.
There's one twink who I had to block 4 separate accounts of. All of them were identical with slight spelling variants and all of them had his gaping asshole right there in the blog header.
Tumblr live is a cesspool.
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cedar-glade · 2 years
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Some super common macro lichens in the midwest you can readily learn. Generalized to mainly wood surface and not super generalized on rock.
Common Greenshield Lichen, Flavoparmelia caperata
Punctelia rudecta, and recent split Punctelia missouriensis (see those white speckled lobes. during full developement and we see a different colored isidiate core. this is why it’s commonly known as the rough speckled shield ) (this concept can be seen in the lower specimen.) (The upper though developes consistently less isidiate core and instead has overlapping squamulobes which gives it a mealy look.) (Called Mealy Speckled Shield lichen.)
What isn’t as common is large thallus mats with proper apothecia developement. Its like a light blue core if it’s the case unlike moon glow lichen which has a brown apothecia core and smooth axle bristle which looks green when hydrated and has an orange like tint when dry. imishaga doesn’t seem to produce apothecia or an isidiate core while rough speckled can produce both though the apothecia are supposed to be small like seen above on this Quercus muehlenbergii
the green shield will be smooth, baltimore green shield is a rock species where as smooth(rare) and common are both on wood, not an isidiate display, and fully same colored thallus wet or dry.
the bottom picture is the two colored thallus of rough speckled sheild without an isidiate core that i put water on to see if i could get hydrated colors.
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