#isla succession
claudeleine · 1 year
it’s actually hysterical that roman and stewy were nearly dads and after a little more writing, the creators were like lmao yeah nevermind these bitches can’t be responsible for children
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lookosndhsk · 1 year
"Roman Roy would have been a loving father,” I say into the mic. 
The crowd boos. I begin to walk off in shame, when a voice speaks and commands silence from the room. 
"She’s right," they say. I look for the owner of the voice. There in the 2nd row stands: Jesse Armstrong with the Succession pilot in his hands.
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quartofroy · 2 years
I don't need a Succession spinoff or prequel, I need a show set 30 years in the future where Sophie, Iverson and any potential other Roy kids are continuing to fight over the company
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louisironson · 2 years
to me greg’s car in the pilot is like roman’s kid. he was just renting that shit
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shortkingromanroy · 2 years
i hate ewan but him listening to isla sing.. go grandpa <3
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happylifepk · 1 month
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Obsession - Part 1
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Summary: Y/N meets her brother's girlfriend's dad for the first time... and they can't seem to stay away from each other. Warnings: older!H, age gap romance, smut to come, angst
Word Count - 4k
"Jake, they're going to be here soon, right? You need to come downstairs so you can introduce me when they get here."
"Calm down, Y/N. I'm coming. Is the food ready?" Jake calls from his room. Y/N nods as she pulls the tray out of the oven before realising that he can't see her and yells back an affirmative. This is big. Jake had never invited any of his girlfriend's families to meet her - it had simply never been that serious before. But he seems to really like Isla, and Y/N, being the protective big sister, made him organise something. From what Y/N knows, Isla's mom is out of the picture, and she lives with her dad.
As Y/N quickly sets the table, she can't help but think about how much has changed since their parents' tragic accident five years ago. She was just 19 at the time, thrust into a world of responsibilities she hadn't been prepared for. But she rose to the challenge, becoming not only Jake's guardian but also his closest confidante and friend.
Now, at 24, Y/N is balancing her own life as well. She's in her final year at university, pursuing a degree in literature. Her love for books and storytelling has always been a part of her, and it's no surprise to anyone who knows her that she has chosen this path. Her dream is to become a writer one day, like her mom had been, crafting novels that will transport readers to different worlds, if only for a little while.
Jake emerges from his room, his usually tousled hair neatly combed. He wears a crisp shirt and a slightly anxious expression. Y/N can't help but smile at her brother. He has grown into a responsible and kind-hearted young man, and she is proud of him for taking this step.
"You look great," Y/N says, offering a reassuring smile. "Just be yourself, and everything will go fine."
Jake nods, though his nervousness is still evident. Y/N knows how much he cares about Isla, and she is determined to make this dinner a pleasant experience for all of them.
As they hear the doorbell ring, Y/N takes a deep breath and prepares herself, sneaking a quick glance at her brother, who looks even more anxious.
"Remember," Y/N whispers to Jake, "just be genuine. Show him that you truly care about Isla, and he'll see the same good-hearted young man that I see."
Jake nods, and they both make their way to the front door. Y/N swings it open and it takes everything in her to keep her jaw from falling open. Isla and her father stand in the doorway, the latter carrying a large bouquet of flowers. But the flowers aren't what has Y/N so taken aback.
The first thing that strikes her is his striking handsomeness. He has a timeless charm about him, with a chiseled jawline, piercing green eyes, and salt-and-pepper hair that only seems to enhance his rugged appeal. His eyes scan her up and down before he offers her a smile, one that Y/N feels in her core. He couldn’t have been older than 45, and he carries himself well. He oozes wealth and success, and Y/N has to remind herself to maintain her composure.
"Hello, Mr. Styles," she manages to say, though her voice quivers slightly. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you. I'm Y/N, Jake's sister."
Mr. Styles extends his hand with a warm smile. "Y/N, the pleasure is mine, but it's Harry. I insist,” he replies, his voice smooth and comforting.
As they shake hands, Y/N can't help but feel a subtle connection between them, beyond the initial surprise of his appearance. His hand is warm, and she revels in the touch before realizing she might have been holding on a bit too long. She quickly composes herself, dropping his grip as Isla introduces herself, and Y/N sends the young girl what she hopes is a welcoming smile.
As they all settle at the dinner table, Y/N tries to put her initial surprise behind her and focus on making the evening enjoyable for everyone. The conversation flows smoothly, with Jake and Isla sharing stories of their time together. Harry doesn't grill Jake like Y/N had been worried he would, but instead, he is polite and extremely well-spoken. The sleeve of his jacket slides up slightly while he speaks, gesturing with his hands, and Y/N's eyes almost roll off her head when she catches sight of the start of a sleeve of tattoos. He must have noticed her staring because Y/N suddenly feels his eyes on her, and she meets his gaze to find him wearing a slightly mischievous smirk.
"So, Y/N, we haven't heard much from you this evening. Tell me about yourself." He leans forward, taking a sip of his wine, staring at her over the top of his glass.
"Oh, um," Y/N begins, feeling the blush rise to her cheeks. She is mindful that Jake and Isla are also seated at the table, so she needs to control herself.
"I'm in my final year at university currently. I'm studying literature."
"Really? It's one of my interests as well. I used to teach it before I took over running my father's company."
"Oh, that's amazing. I'm the same way… Jake likes to joke that we're going to run out of space for all my books." Y/N laughs, and Harry joins in her laughter. Jake simply rolls his eyes, muttering to Isla about how Y/N is going to fill his room with books when he moves out.
"Y/N, I forgot to ask you about this, and Mr. Styles, I hope it's alright, but I actually managed to get Isla and me concert tickets for this evening. Would it be alright if we went? I promise we'll be back before midnight." Jake pipes up, rubbing his hands together nervously. Y/N shoots Harry a look, who simply shrugs and nods.
"As long as you're being safe, I think that should be okay. Have fun, you two. Y/N and I will clean up."
Jake and Isla quickly bid their goodbyes, with Y/N and Isla exchanging numbers, and Y/N making the younger girl promise to text her if she ever needs anything. When the door shuts behind them, Harry and Y/N are left alone, and the air in the room shifts considerably.
"So…" Harry mimics, coaxing a small laugh from Y/N.
"You don't have to stay. I can clean up alone. I'm sure you'd rather get home." Y/N says as she starts taking the plates to the sink.
"No, I'd like to stay. Get to know you a bit more." Harry picks up the wine glasses and follows her into the kitchen. Her breath hitches as she feels him behind her, but he simply reaches over her to place the glasses in the sink before moving back to the table to grab more things.
"Are you sure? No one waiting for you at home?" The question slips out before Y/N can stop it, and she internally facepalms. Get it together, Y/N. He isn’t interested. He's older than her, by a lot. Even if he didn’t have a girlfriend, what he did have was a hell of a lot more experience.
Harry appears back in the doorway of the kitchen, holding more plates, his smirk back on his face.
"No… no one at home. Are you trying to kick me out? Got a boyfriend coming over?"
"No boyfriend. I… haven’t had much luck in that department." She turns away from him, facing the sink so he wouldn’t be able to see the blush on her cheeks.
"Really? Pretty girl like you? I would assume the boys would be falling at your feet."
She shakes her head in a silent laugh as she loads the dishwasher before pulling out two clean wine glasses, lifting one in offering.
"One more glass wouldn’t hurt. Then I’ll leave you to your evening." He takes it with a nod of thanks, opening the bottle, and Y/N moves to sit on the couch, bringing the glasses with her. He sits beside her, and Y/N forces herself to relax when she realises how close he is. She can smell his cologne now. It’s vanilla, intoxicating, and almost euphoric.
"It’s fine. I enjoy some new company once in a while. Jake is a great kid, but we do get tired of each other."
"He seems great. Isla really likes him."
"Isla’s really amazing. You’ve done a really great job with her."  At this, Harry looks proud.
"I appreciate that. Raising a kid alone has been a struggle, but we’ve managed this far. I can’t believe she’s going to be 18. So, I’m curious to know more about your thoughts on some classics.  I don’t know many people who take as much of an interest in books as I do. What are your favourites?
“I love this question. I've always been fascinated by the works of Russian authors. Dostoevsky, in particular, has this incredible ability to explore the depths of human psychology. 'Crime and Punishment' is a masterpiece in that regard.”
Harry nods, his gaze fixed on Y/N as if hanging on to her every word. 
"I couldn't agree more. Dostoevsky's exploration of guilt, morality, and the human condition is both thought-provoking and intense. 'The Brothers Karamazov' is another one of his works that left a profound impact on me.”
"And what about contemporary literature? Are there any recent books or authors that have caught your attention?”
Y/N pauses, considering her response, swirling what is left in her glass.
"Well, I've been quite taken by the works of Kazuo Ishiguro. His ability to craft emotionally resonant narratives is truly remarkable. 'Never Let Me Go' is a haunting exploration of identity and mortality."
Harry nods again in agreement. "Ishiguro's prose is beautifully understated, and his exploration of themes like memory and love is incredibly moving. 'The Remains of the Day' is another gem. I have a really great article on some of his work. What’s your number? I’ll send you the link.” He pulls out his phone and looks at her expectantly. 
Y/N rattles off the digits and her heart races when he phone dings on the table. She has his number. 
There’s silence for a moment as they both drink from their glasses. Y/N can tell they’re both well aware of the tension, but Harry is better at hiding how he’s affected compared to her. 
"Have you dated since Isla’s mother?" Y/N isn’t quite sure where the question comes from, but her wine glass is getting awfully low, and Harry’s presence is messing with her head. Every few seconds, her eyes wander to his lips, and Harry follows her gaze. They’re treading in dangerous waters, and they both know it, but for some reason, it’s even more exciting. Y/N shifts slightly on the couch, and her knee brushes his. Harry doesn’t flinch; he doesn’t move; he just keeps his leg where it is, maintaining the contact. She watches as he takes another sip of wine, his gaze fixed on her, his eyes filled with a mixture of curiosity and desire.
"Dated is a strong term. I sleep with people when I feel the urge. I haven’t met anyone that I’ve wanted to start anything serious with. No one I wanted to… what is it your generation says? Wine and dine?" He raises his glass in Y/N’s direction, his eyes locked onto hers.
Y/N can't help but laugh at his playful tone, even as her heart races at the implications of his words.
"Yes, wine and dine. That's certainly an approach, Mr. Styles.” She hadn’t meant for the name to sound as suggestive as it did. Or maybe she did. He swallows thickly at the use of his last name, shifting in his seat. 
“Well maybe I just haven’t met the woman who’s made me want to change.”
“That’s a… possibility.” He’s slightly closer to her now and his scent is overwhelming her. Her gaze flicks from his eyes back down to his lips again and this time, he calls her out on it. 
“Do you need something Y/N?”
“I asked if you needed something. You seem rather fascinated… is there something on my face?”
“Oh! No! There’s nothing on your face it’s fine.” “Just fine?” He teases and Y/N covers her face with her hands, her head spinning slightly from the alcohol. She looks up at him again, meeting his eyes and trapping her bottom lip between her teeth. He groans, almost inaudibly. 
“Stop looking at me like that Y/N or I’m going to think-” He trails off, before shaking his head and running a hand over his face. He stands, picking up his wine glass and moves towards the kitchen.
“Think what Harry?” Y/N follows him, standing in the doorway, forcing him to look at her. 
“I- I think I should be going. It was lovely to meet you and Jake finally, I’m sure I’ll see you again soon.” 
Y/N decides to play dumb. She is fully aware of what’s behind his sudden change of mood, and she knows he’s cautious. Wary. Normally she would be too, but the wine has made her bold and he’s captivating. 
"Harry," Y/N says softly, taking a step closer to him."Is everything okay?” 
Harry lets out a sigh, his shoulders slumping as he looks at her with a mixture of longing and frustration. "Y/N, you're making it really difficult for me to leave," he admits, his voice barely above a whisper.
“So don’t.” Her arms go up, around his neck and they’re close now. Close enough that Y/N can feel the warmth of his breath on her face. And then he’s leaning in. 
Their lips touch for the first time and it’s electric. Harry’s hands move up her body, tangling in her hair, pulling slightly and Y/N moans into his mouth. He quickly establishes dominance in the kiss, kissing her until she’s gasping for air. He walks with her, pushing her until her back is against the wall and he’s leaning into her. Harry pulls back for a moment to breathe and Y/N pulls him closer, wanting needing him in her orbit. He sinks into her touch for a second, two, three and then he’s pulling away from her, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“Fuck.” He mutters, almost to himself and his internal turmoil is more than evident on his face.
“Harry? What’s wrong?”
“Y/N I’m almost twice your age. And this?” He gestures between them. “Can’t happen.” 
“Why not? You feel it don’t you? The pull? There’s something here.” Y/N steps closer and Harry lets her. 
“Of course I feel it Y/N and that’s why I know that whatever it is, we need to ignore. You’re young, and I’m well…”
“Just because I’m young, it doesn’t mean I’m immature Harry. As an adult, I’m telling you that whatever this is, I’m ok with it.”
“I can’t- I don’t… Y/N, I have to go.” 
Y/N stands there speechless as Harry pushes away from her. He grabs his jacket off the couch and moves towards the door. 
“Harry, let’s talk about this.”
“Thanks for dinner.” And then he’s gone, shutting the door behind him, leaving Y/N alone, incredible confused and slightly turned on. 
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It’s been two weeks since Y/N saw Harry at dinner and it’s been about two minutes since she last thought about him. Well to be more precise, since she last thought about the feeling of his lips on hers. If she closes her eyes, she can picture it. The warmth of his touch, the way he pushed her up against the wall…
“Y/N? Are you even listening to me?” Jake waves a hand in front of his sisters face, noting that it’s the 3rd time that she’s zoned out during the conversation.
“Oh. Sorry. What were you saying?” Y/N forces herself to pay attention. 
“Isla said she’d text you but she wanted to know if you’d be cool with going over to their place to help her with an assignment for her literature class.” 
“Umm… is her dad going to be there?”
“Mr Styles?” Jake raises a quizzical brow. “I don’t know… why?”
“Uh, no reason. When does she want me to come over? I’m working most of this week except tomorrow.”
“I told her that, she said tomorrow was fine. Thanks for helping her Y/N she’ll appreciate it.”
“No worries Jake.” Y/N offered a small smile but internally, she couldn’t be more stressed. The thought of seeing Harry again, especially after he left in such a rush, made her incredibly nervous. Maybe he wouldn’t be there. Hopefully he wouldn’t be home. 
(4:09pm) Isla Styles: Hi Y/N! Jake told me you were happy to come over and help me tomorrow! Thank you so much! I should be home around 6pm, usually I work till 8 but I’ll ask to finish early. Dad shouldn’t be home so I’ll leave a key under the mat for you. Let yourself in at 6 if I’m not home yet and I’ll meet you there.
(4:34pm) Y/N: Hey Isla! No worries, happy to help. See you tomorrow :)
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6pm rolls around and Y/N finds herself standing in front of the house… well mansion Isla had given her the address for. There are no cars in the driveway so Y/N assumes Isla is running late. But just in case, she knocks. And she waits. There’s no sound from inside the house so Y/N fumbles under the mat for the key and slides it in the lock. She’s aware she’s alone in the house but she still tiptoes inside quietly. The ceilings are high, and there is a large statement staircase in the middle of the entrance. Floor to ceiling windows are in excess and Y/N stands quietly in awe for a few moments. It’s modern, and clean and everything Y/N would want in a house. She finds the living room easily, deciding to set up the few things she brought to help Isla with her assignment on the dining table. 
(6:09pm) Isla Styles: I’m on my way! 15 minutes, I swear! Make yourself at home x
Y/N is opening her laptop when she hears a noise. A noise that sounds a lot like a moan. And then it happens again. It’s faint, muffled due to where she is in the house, so she moves from the dining table to the bottom of the staircase. 
“Fuck Harry. Right there, oh my GOD!” The woman’s voice is high pitched, her moans increasing in volume as Harry, from what Y/N can gather, fucks the shit out of her. 
“You like that baby? Gonna come for me? You feel so good. Fuck Y/N.”
Y/N stills at the sound of her name, not waiting to hear the other woman’s response before scrambling back to the kitchen. Did he just…? Surely not.
10 minutes passes and Y/N hears heels click clacking down the stairs. From where she sits, she gets a glimpse of a woman in a short blue dress, who lets herself out without another sound. 
At least they’re done, Y/N thinks to herself. 
She’s scrolling mindlessly on her phone, willing Isla to appear, when she hears footsteps. She didn’t hear the front door open again which means…
Harry appears in front of her, with only a pair of boxers on, making his way to the fridge and pulling out a bottle of water. He hasn’t noticed her yet and Y/N doesn’t really know how to handle it. But as usual, her mouth speaks before her brain catches up.
“Do you usually call the women you’re hooking up with my name? Or is that just a more recent thing?” 
He jumps, spilling a bit of water down his chest, as he realises who is sitting at his dining room table.
“Y/N what the fuck are you doing in my house?”
“Hello to you too. Isla wanted help with an assignment. She’s late, so she told me to let myself in. She also told me you wouldn’t be home. But obviously you are… and someone else is too it seems.” She smirks at how uncomfortable he seems as she makes her way over to him. 
“Isla isn’t home till after 8 on Saturdays.” Is all he can think of to say. 
“Mmm. You didn’t answer my question.”
“I’m not discussing my sex life with you Y/N. I told you, nothing is going to happen between us.” But even so, he steps closer. 
“Ok, but if you’re calling other women my name, you must want it to. And I want it to. So that makes us two consenting adults. I don’t think I can stay away from you, Harry.” 
Harry’s eyes shut as he inhales the smell of Y/N’s perfume, the intoxicating scent taking him back to the night a few weeks before. This time Y/N is the one to lean in, attaching her lips to his. She’s mindful that he was fucking someone else just moments before but in the moment she can’t bring herself to care. She can feel the moment that Harry gives in, caging her in against the kitchen counter, devouring her mouth with his. Y/N runs her fingers down his chest, revelling in the chance she gets to touch and feel. His skin is smooth and his curls are soft. She finds the harder she pulls, the more insatiable he becomes. 
“Y/N? Are you here?” Isla’s voice rings out from the foyer and both Harry and Y/N freeze, pulling away from each other.  
“Get out of here… when she sees you without any fucking clothes on she’s going to ask questions.” Y/N pushes on his bare chest and Harry quickly moves up the back stairs up to his room, but not before pressing a small peck to her lips again. 
“I’m so sorry I’m a bit late! Are you ready to get started?” Isla chirps, completely oblivious as to what was happening just moments before. 
Y/N nods, and starts to show Isla some of the books she brought when her phone dings. Once, twice, then three times.
“Someone’s popular!” Isla jokes. Y/N offers her a small smile as she flips her phone over. 
(6:31pm) Harry: You’re right.
(6:31pm) Harry: I don’t think I can stay away from you either.
(6:31pm) Harry: Let me take you out for dinner. Let’s talk. 
Y/N glances nervously over at Isla, who seems engrossed in her reading material. 
(6:33pm) Y/N: Ok. We’ll talk.
A/N: Hi!!! Thank you for reading, I am SO excited for this series to begin. What do we think of our characters so far...? Reblogs and Feedback are always appreciated 💋
@lukesaprince @harryspirate @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite @lilyrmason12 @styleslover-1994 @stylesfever @kathb59 @indierockgirrl @bxbyysstuff @gills-lounge @lomlhstyles @opheliaofficial07 @behindmygreyeyes @gem1712 @stylesmoonlight12 @babyiamperfectforyou @velvetballaspark @harrys-flower @macy-tpwk @mema10 @intimacywithceline @jerseygirlinca @daphnesutton @rafaaoli
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nsfwrpg · 2 years
RPG’s Favourites
Clean Clothes, Dirty Thoughts
Kinktober - Day 11
Morning Mating
Blind Date
Sweet & Sour
Disco Rhythm
Lights & Cameras
Mina’s Rehearsal
Chaeyoung’s Slick
Pool Party Part 1 & Part 2
Best Friends Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3
Meeting Room
Second Place
Green Silk
White Silk
Festival 3: Past
What Happens in Vegas
Dressed for "Success"
Like A Good Neighbor
First Lesson
Ball Control
Let Them Watch
For All To See
When The Earth Goes Dark
Let Them Share
Heads and Tails
Peanut Butter Cups
Say It Again
Revelation in a Shower
The New Girl
Always with Family: A Tale of Being Alone Together
Through A Red Veil
Starboy Ep. 0, Ep. 1, Ep.2
My Number One
First Place
With No Regret
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too-antigonish · 4 months
How to Seduce Endeavour Morse: A Guide for the Perplexed
The ways are many and varied. Your chances of success are—unfortunately—highly dependent on factors outside of your control. You can, however, learn lessons from those who have tread this path before you.
1) The "I-Forgot-to-Tell-You-I’m-a-Killer" Approach
Comments: Used with surprising frequency given ultimately low success rate.
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Rosalind Calloway (S1E0 Pilot): First, become a world-famous opera singer. Your artistry will convince him that life is worth living. When the time comes, gently but firmly rebuff his rather innocent advances. Be unmasked as murderess and crush his will to live via the revelation of your utter lack of humanity and subsequent suicide.
Susan Fallon (S1E0 Pilot): Be at Oxford. Have snobby parents and lots of snobby friends. Be his first great love and agree to marry him. Then abandon him very publicly and with maximum cruelty for your first great love. Many years later become murderess (although Lewis will never allow him to find that out). However, still successfully crush him to pieces again by committing suicide.
Isla Fairford (S6E3 Confection): Live in a charming small village with adorable son and amiable veterinarian father. Have an appealing origin story involving cruel abandonment that reminds him of his own life experiences.  Go on intimate date where you seem to be everything he could hope for and then share a sweet but chaste kiss goodnight. Oops, murder someone…again…sort of. Suddenly transform into personification of vengeance.
2) The "It-Never-Hurts-to-Ask" Approach
Comments: Success rate zero, but very high entertainment value.
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Pamela Walters (S1E1 Girl): Like it says on the tin: Just ask. She asks, “Will you take me to bed?” Sorry sweet girl. He won’t—but he will read you a very nice bedtime story
Kay Belborough (S3E1 Ride): Play flirty name games and ask him breathlessly if he’s falling in love with you. Share a romantic kiss under fairy lights at a party.  Eventually tell him he can “have you.”  He won’t—but by then he will have saved you from a suicide attempt so I think he’s done enough really…
Annette Richardson (S3E2 Arcadia): Request help with home security. Tell him you can’t possibly undress yourself. He won’t bite—but he will come maddeningly close to nibbling on your neck and you’ll refuse to believe that he won’t come calling, ”…when he’s ready.”
Bettina Pettybon (S4E2 Canticle): Just show up at his flat looking generally bedraggled. Tell him how your mother forced you to spill the beans and get him kicked off the case. Down some hard liquor. And then—tell him you love him. When he’s gobsmacked by your revelation, assume it’s because there’s “someone else” and not because he barely knows you.
3) The "Let’s-Just-Go-to-Bed" Approach
Comments: Has an impresseive 100% success rate but never ends well.
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Alice Vexin (S1E3 Rocket): Secretly crush on him for years. Go on one quasi-date where you dissect his personality quirks in excruciating detail. Show up at his door when he’s emotionally vulnerable and then sleep with him. Promptly abandon him with maximum cruelty. Be sure to tell him, “It’s not me. It’s you,” in the form of, “You’re just not ready yet.”
Carol Thursday (S5E2 Cartouche): Be very attractive. Be suddenly, unexpectedly available. Be directly in his path. This means you can skip the date part (a drink will do). Go straight to sleeping with him. Then go straight to the realization that this might be…one of the most awkward situations you’ve ever gotten yourself into. Manage to handle it all with amazing sweetness and grace nonetheless.
Claudine (S5E3 Passenger): Be very attractive. Be suddenly, unexpectedly available. Be directly in his path. Bonus points if the woman he actually wants practically throws you into his arms. Go straight to sleeping with him. Tease him. Toy with him like a capricious child. Play games for your own amusement. Abandon him with maximum cruelty. 
4) One-Off Approaches
Comments: Technically not actual attempts at seduction so...
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School Girls (S2E2 Nocturne): Talk about how dreamy he is like we do on Tumblr. Given enough time, write “Love you” in eye liner on your eyelids as per: Indiana Jones movie. Blink very slowly during all interrogations.
Anna-Britt Clark (S4E2 Canticle): Be very attractive. Despise tan lines. Work on said tan next to swimming pool at rock-band-murder-mansion. Show him your (tan line free) naked torso. Find his very “English” discomfort perplexing but charming.
Eve Thorne (S5E1 Muse): You don’t actually *want* to seduce him. He’s a cop *and* a condescending prick. However, the seduction will happen anyway. You won’t sleep together. You won’t even touch. But the hate-flirting will be amazing.
5) The "Let's-Try-a-Normal-Relationship-Just-Once" Approach
Comments: She was too psychologically healthy for you. In the end it was for the best (...except for the murder and prison parts).
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Monica Hicks (S2E3 Sway): Find yourself recruited for some light caregiving. Be absolutely charming. After tactless date mix-up and adorable mattress incident at department store, proceed to have actual healthy relationship. Hang out listening to music, discuss your future together, buy him a cute scarf. Then wake up one morning to find out he’s in prison—and about that scarf…
6) The "This-Doesn't-Happen-in-Real-Life" Approach
Comments: It was opera—and by opera rules he actually got off pretty easy.
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Violetta Talenti** (S7E1: Oracle): Engineer improbable but spectacular first encounter—twice. Finagle one in Venice and one in Oxford. Overcome all of his valid moral objections and engage in a lengthy, passionate affair. When the moment of truth arrives, reject him with maximum possible cruelty. Die in his arms. Use your last words to ensure that he spends the rest of his life feeling conflicted and confused about the true nature of your feelings towards him.
**Also might fall into "I-Forgot-to-Tell-You-I’m-a-Killer" but we will never know for sure
7) The "We-Aren't-Explicitly-Saying-It-But-You-Know" Approach
Comments: Don't try this at home kids. It will end badly for you. Highly effective, however, when Morse and Thursday need to make up and be friends again.
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Joss Bixby (S3E1 Ride): Be the UK Great Gatsby. Invite him to your over-the-top parties. Gracefully take it in stride and allow him to appear extra-clever when he points out that your latest art purchase is a forgery. Manage to be charming and self-deprecating while flirting outrageously with him. Offer him jobs. Give him cars. Have lots of emotionally charged moments (especially on dark docks) and say incredibly poetic things. Die tragically so he can mourn you forever but also use your passing as an excuse to reconnect with his former mentor.
Ludo Talenti (S7E1 Oracle): Be evil. Come up with an evil plan. Get your wife to seduce him. Then (ha, ha) you will also seduce him. You will both succeed beyond your wildest dreams. He will be the most thoroughly seduced man ever. However, once you have rejected him with maximum possible cruelty by pretending you actually care that he was sleeping with your wife, he will discover your secret life of crime and come after you. You will die (justifiably, not tragically), after killing your wife and your death will providing yet another opportunity for our hero to reconnect with his estranged mentor.
8) The "Be-the-One-That-Got-Away" Approach
Comments: Definitely the method of choice for Morse seduction. 100% effective. Hands-down winner!
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Joan Thursday (S1E2 Fugue): Be very attractive, articulate, and idealistic. Be the daughter of his mentor/best friend/father figure/brother-in-arms. Have lots of incredibly charged emotional encounters but never say anything directly to him about your complicated feelings. Be together during highly significant moments in your lives, but don’t ever go on a real date (pedestrian!). Touch in a variety of meaningful and sometimes even affectionate ways, but never engage in anything blatent. A passionate kiss would be unthinkable. And never, ever sleep together! Still manage to abandon him with maximum cruelty. Still manage to be the love of his life. Well done you!
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pedripics · 2 months
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🇮🇨 Cabildo de Tenerife (Tenerife’s governing body) will grant the title ‘Hijos Ilustres de la isla de Tenerife’ to Pedri and Ayoze Pérez as a way to recognise them for carrying the name of Tenerife all around the world, not only through their talent and skills on the pitch but also through their dedication and commitment to the sport. Their effort and success are seen as a source of pride to all Tenerife residents, and this is a way of thanking them for their contribution to the international promotion of Tenerife.
"Hijo Ilustre" is an honorary title awarded by a local government authority, such as a city council or municipality, to those people who have made outstanding contributions to society, culture, arts, sciences, economy, politics, sport, spirituality or some other area of ​​interest to the local public opinion
In Spain, the title of hijo ilustre (illustrious son) is the highest distinction that can be conferred by a Spanish city council or provincial council.
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mediadollz · 6 days
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The year is 2020, and you've sat through twelve grueling episodes of Angelico's newest survival show, The Moon Collection, watching each week as a girl is picked apart and eliminated, leaving us with the current final twelve.
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Though the final twelve are deeply beloved by users on Twitter, many of them ask, "Can't this be the final lineup?" there can only be seven in the new Angelico girl group. You watch the final performance, an original song produced by none other than fan favorite mentor Finn Lee of DeepDive, and pull out your phone to pick your top pick. You get three votes a day. Will you split your votes up among your top girls or vote for the same girl three times? The choice is yours. Get your votes in before September 22nd since that's when the polls close.
𖥔‧₊˚ ⊹ LET'S RECAP !
Navi Pandya is currently RANKED 1ST and has ranked 1st for the entirety of the season. That isn't a surprise to anyone since she's already won a survival show before. She ranked 5th in I.O.I, debuting with the group all the way back in 2016, but her career was sabotaged by her previous company, Flowerbank Entertainment, who locked her in the basement once I.O.I disbanded. Now, she's back and ready to debut in a group again.
Charlotte "Cherry" Kim is currently RANKED 11TH and has steadily declined in votes since the show started. In the initial rankings, she ranked SIXTH overall, but after a messy confrontation with Yoomi that left the ladder in tears, voters have not been kind to Cherry. Her talent and visuals seem to have gotten her to the finale. Cherry's career started when she was sixteen when she was a member of a grunge rock band, DOLLEYES. Due to their lack of success, Cherry left DOLLEYES in 2017 and became a trainee in Korea.
Lee Chaerin is currently RANKED 6TH and has steadily gained votes over the season. When the show began, Chaerin was often criticized for her lack of stage presence and "dead eyes," which later turned into "crazy eyes" because she was trying too hard. She's shown massive improvement since, neutralizing her expressions while maintaining a cool demeanor on stage. Chaerin has been a trainee for three years.
Luna Müller is currently RANKED 4TH and has maintained her rank as fourth for half the season. Luna has a massive fanbase in Brazil that will get your Twitter account suspended for saying something even slightly constructive about their perfect angel. Despite her fans being rabid, Luna has gone viral many times for her visuals, Gen Z humor, and her close friendship with Navi. The pair often mention debuting together and are seen holding hands during elimination ceremonies.
Jang Yoomi is currently RANKED 12TH, and no one knows how she got there. While Yoomi showcased her talent and put her three years of training to good use, people could not help but notice the glaringly obvious angel edit that the producers were shoving down viewers' throats. Viewers of the show will swear they've never seen an actual Yoomi stand and that they're not real. Yoomi is quiet and sweet and was voted the best dancer among the final twelve girls.
Isla "Love" Williams is currently RANKED 8TH and has fluctuated in rankings all season. Isla is well-known in the JPOP sphere, being a part of an overseas JPOP group called "IceDream" and then being recruited to be added to ANGERME, a group within Hello! Project. Though she graduated from the group in 2018 to become a KPop trainee, fans still adore her for her lively stage presence and powerhouse vocals. It's theorized that her fluctuating rank is due to Angelico trying to rig the lineup.
Evangeline Rostova, who goes by Evie, is currently RANKED 2ND and remained in the top three for the entire season. Evie was a successful gymnast at 17, with a good chance of making it to the Olympics. However, she left her gymnastics career behind and went to Korea to begin training. Evie is noted for having a solid Korean fanbase and fierce stage presence. She runs the practice room like the Navy, which is why every team she's led ended up winning that week. Evie is called an "Ice Queen" unless she's with Love, resulting in the pair being a popular ship on the show.
Aubrie Lee is currently RANKED 9TH and has dropped significantly in the last three episodes. Though Aubrie is talented and has been training the longest out of anyone on the show, her interaction with her brother, Finn, caused his fans to stop voting for her, resulting in her rank dropping from 3rd to 9th. Aubrie has taken on a motherly role on the show alongside Castiel as they're the eldest on the show. She's gone viral many times for her visuals and ability to shake her ass no matter the situation.
Kim Yuna is currently RANKED 10TH after steadily climbing the ranks all season. Yuna is not that talented. She's very pretty, and she's very funny, but she blends into the background while on stage and is often given rap parts that she butchers. In her defense, she was never training to be an idol. She was a model before joining The Moon Collection. Though she still isn't as good as the other finalists, she's steadily improved and kept the group's spirits high by cracking jokes and being a shoulder to cry on.
Saanvi "Sani" Thamp is currently RANKED 3RD and has dramatically jumped voters in the past three episodes. Sani had previously debuted in the nugu girl group "Dollsworld" in 2017 at age fifteen. She would go viral for all the wrong reasons, her "baby voice" being mocked relentlessly by stan Twitter users until Dollsworld's disbandment in 2020. When Sani appeared in The Moon Collection, viewers were shocked at her growth as a singer and performer. Though the youngest on the show, Sani has consistently raised the bar for herself every episode, consistently improving and expressing her desire to debut in a group that won't have to sell feet pics for income.
Castiel Diop is currently RANKED 7TH and has remained in the top seven for the entirety of the season. Previously having debuted in the erased Angelico girl group Emphasis in 2013 under the stage name Cassie, she not only has a fire under ass to redebut but to prove herself as a talented and versatile artist. Castiel has gone viral for her one liners as well as her freestyles. She's easily the most talented rapper on the show, but also has some of the best stage presence which her fans will not hesitate to remind you about.
Ju Sooah is currently RANKED 5th and has shot up in votes after she danced for her life in the previous elimination ceremony. Sooah has been under the radar for most watchers, but seeing her duck walk and death drop to avoid elimination gained her a certified rainbow fanbase that is very serious about her debut. Sooah is often seen with Yoomi or Chaerin, either interacting with them or keeping to herself. Her visuals had her going viral when the show first started, but discussion has shifted to her dancing talents as she's been dancing since she was six years old.
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ya-boi-haru · 4 months
Hear me out...
Fable Racer AU...
• Everyone races each other on an old track for fun.
- sometimes they bet or even settle arguments this way
• Ominous Bane was a very successful demolition derby team.
- They all entered an event and it all went to shit. They were all hospitalised, this is where Easton lost their sight - and as result, their ability to drive.
• Rae started as an engineer and learning as much about racing as possible until he's confident enough to get behind a wheel (in a professional race at least) Watching his mother race was a big inspiration
• Caspians' an engineer and helps Rae fix up a car for him to drive
• Aax is also very car knowledgeable but doesn't race (by choice)
• Ulysses was an excellent racer until he crashed and hasn't gotten behind the wheel since
• Wolf is constantly sponsoring everyone with his buisness
• Athena loves to race but has a hidden talent for derbies
• Ocies' racer career is on pause to raise Oscar.
- Centross will take Oscar for laps around tracks (although he makes sure he's not going too crazy and being safe. He has precious cargo after all)
• Jamie and Easton would build and race cars together, momboo constantly worries
• Will isn't a racer, but more of a classic car person
• You know Seven is the best mechanic around
• I think Soraza would have a company that would sponsor racers. Or have a type of school that would help teach new racers, Arisanna is a teacher there and is loved by every student
• Midas (or 'racer name': Quixis) also has a company that sponsors racers and has been trying to recruit Icarus for years. Icarus doesn't know that Ms an insanely good racer
• I once saw a blind racer go through a very simple track and there would be people telling him through a headpeace, when to break, go etc and he sped down a strip. So I imagine that for Easton, post-blind
• Helmets, cloths and cars are decorated to match their aesthetic, done by Malitae
• Isla got into a terrible reck that put her into a coma. Rae visits her often and tells her about the races he does or ones he knows she likes that have happened
• When Ocie mentioned she used to race, Centross took her out to an old track and let her drive. Seeing how she let loose at the wheel and the way she managed the car, he fell in love right then and there.
• Caspian did a simple street race one time and the police ended up showing up. Unfortunately he got caught. Momboo helped him out on bail
• Cause of Quixis rainbow aesthetic, Malitae gets to go ham with colours
I know there's a lot more but this is all I have so far! Feel free to add!
Bonus nsfw:
You cannot tell me that the couples have had not had car sex or in the shop etc
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lookosndhsk · 1 year
ever think about roman’s long lost family? I do https://archiveofourown.org/works/46868446/chapters/118058380 chapter 2 is the pilot episode but grace and isla focused!!!
and bad father roman? not on my watch!
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veryberryjelly · 7 months
not one hair outta place
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married at first strike - 0.0 the hen do
jamie tartt x fem!reader [ 0.9k ]
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You rubbed your palms along your legs as the car neared closer and closer to the destination you could spot on your driver’s gps. 
A mantra repeated in your head like a broken record. 
‘I’m ready for this’ 
You hadn’t been the one to come up with this idea. One of your friends had sent you the link to the applications and at the time you thought it couldn’t hurt. 
There was no way you’d get chosen out of thousands of applicants. 
And when you got that email that your application had been moved to the next stage of the process, you were sure you wouldn’t get through any more stages. 
But now you were here. Sat in the back of a car on the way to a hen party.
When the car stopped you took in a shuddering breath and opened up the back door, thanking the driver before approaching the open doors. 
You heard voices. 
You weren’t the first one here. 
Another deep breath, one more step and you were met with a wave of cheers and welcomes as one of the other girls approached you. 
“ hi, sweetheart. You look so good ! “ the redhead exclaimed as she wrapped you in a quick hug. 
“ Thank you, you look incredible too. I’m y/n “
“ Amelia. Can I get you some bubbly ?” 
“ absolutely “ 
You followed her over to the small bar table where 10 glasses of champagne rested alongside two ice buckets. 
You were very quickly introduced to the rest of the girls in the room, greeting each and every one of them with a smile and a compliment about their outfit, because they all looked fantastic.
As more women flooded in, you fell into a conversation with the group, learning why all of these beautiful, intelligent and successful women needed the help of experts to find someone. 
A round of gasps pulled you from your conversation, causing you to flinch and almost spill your drink. 
You turned your gaze towards the door to find what everyone was gasping at. 
“ evening, ladies “ 
A guy. 
You didn’t know a lot about this experiment, but you were pretty sure this was a hen party. 
“ oh, he must be paired with another guy on the stag night “ 
He was quick to introduce himself as Oscar, and also confirmed that, yes, he was gay. 
Unbeknownst to the hens, a similar thing was happening over at the stag party.
A round of confused noises spread around the room when a woman walked in amongst the men. 
“ hey boys. Room for one more ?” the girl spoke. 
The boys had gathered that she was the last one to enter based simply on how many men were already in the room. 
A head of walnut mist turned towards the new member of the stag party. 
Not what he expected. 
But she was very attractive, so he figured he would try and get on side. 
He stood from the seat he had gotten comfortable in and made his way over to her, a smirk crawling it’s way onto his lips. 
“ Want a drink ?” he suggested, motioning towards the bar with two buckets of drinks. 
“Definitely“ she replied, following him towards the bar where she stuck her hand out to shake his. “ isla “ 
“Jamie“ he replied, his hand slotting into hers. “ what can i get for you, isla ?” he questioned, his eyes only leaving hers to momentarily drop to scan her body when she was identifying the drink options. 
“I’ll take a white wine” 
Jamie was quick to fulfill her request, but not long after he placed the glass in her hand, a new voice entered the room. 
“Welcome everyone, to the experiment. My name is Derek, and i’m here to help guide you all through this.”
“Welcome everyone, to the experiment. My name is Claire, and i’m here to help guide you all through this.”
Every pair of eyes was on the newcomer in the room, a woman they all identified as one of the experts. 
“ enjoy your last night as single people because by this time tomorrow, you will all be married to someone chosen specifically for you “ 
Her sentence sent a chill down your spine. One you were sure was rooted in both fear and excitement. 
“ as you’ve no doubt noticed, you are joined by one of our grooms. That is because we have two same sex couples this year “ 
“ as you’ve no doubt noticed, you are joined by one of our brides. That is because we have two same sex couples this year “ 
That had jamie’s hopes of scoring with isla dropping to the floor. He was good, but even he wouldn’t be able to score with a lesbian. 
“ have a good night, everyone. This time tomorrow, you’ll be married to someone the experts have matched with you “ 
All that Jamie could hope for, was that his partner would be a lot easier to get with than isla. Or he may as well have just stayed in Richmond.
With that, Derek left, and the room lit up with discussion. 
Primarily about which groom was into men, and where the other groom was. 
The conversation was practically identical at the Hen Party. But no one chose to voice it, most likely told by the production team to keep it a secret for the sake of suspense. 
But that didn’t mean that you couldn’t focus on enjoying the night and getting to know the people you would be seeing a lot of over the next few weeks. 
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taglist ;; @rexorangecounty @jamiebigbuttedtartt @neenieweenie @drmeghanjones @kaitlyn2907 @yokolesbianism
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corrodedcoffins-blog · 7 months
older!rockstar!eddie x popstar!reader
note: takes place after Paris throughout 2024, yn and eddie stop hiding their relationship now that they're both all in.
warning: slut shaming
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liked by isla_munson, coreyfogelmanis, and others
y/nl/n: 📸: eds
september 15, 2023
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em_1989: im so happy for you 😭😭
taytay.13: how she looks at him>>>
_17jenna: why is she with him? she could do so much better than some old guy
dylan_86: cause she's a slut
georgia.iloveyourson: that 'some old guy' is a literal rock legend. what have you done?
ribbons.in.your.hair: whats my girl making in the studio??? 👀
youve.been.gilmored_: y/n with glasses 🔛🔝
_jeremy.03: this relationship is weird...
ima_mirrorball: thanks for the opinion that nobody asked for 🥰
layla.anderson19: we're all gonna ignore the last photo???
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posted Feb 5, 2024
Eddie Munson (46) and Y/n L/n (25) were seen getting very cozy at The Grammy's this past weekend. Sitting next to Taylor Swift, as well as Lana Del Rey, it seems the 'Nonsense' singer's friends get along great with the rock legend.
The couple were both up for their own separate awards, Munson being up for Rock Album with 'In Times New Roman...' by Queen of the Stone Age, having been the main producer on several songs. As well as 'Not Strong Enough' by Boygenius, a group Eddie had publicly wanted to work with since their first EP, and finally having that time this past year.
L/n was up for Record of the Year with her song 'Feather', winning her first Grammy. The couple shared a cute moment, with a hug and a kiss, before she got a big hug from friend and mentor, Taylor Swift, then running up on stage; mentioning both in her speech. As well as winning Music Video for, again, her song 'Feather'.
The couple also didn't miss Eddie Munson's son, Leo Munson, getting a few awards that night also. The man worked with Boygenius, producing and winning Alternative Album, as well as beating his father in Rock Album, with 'This Is Why' by Paramore.
All around a very successful night for the couple, as one of their first fully public engagements together.
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liked by leomunson, tarayummy, and others
y/nl/n: 🎀
June 22, 2024
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em.emily: she's so hot 😍
sturniolo.13: she's crazyyy for this
dads.bradsandchads: She admits she's only with him cause of his age and money.
mom.iama.richman: i aspire to be your level of delusion
big_reputation: the pic w eddie is so cute
zebra11: y/n is so iconic 😭
katelynstyles: she's so unserious
normalpeople_: ikr i love her
flyers_fan: She's with him for attention.
carmencarmen: i also love dilfs
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liked by y/nl/n, leahsavajeffries, and others
isla_munson: my first ep 'isla' is out THIS FRIDAY!!! 🖤🤍
August 6, 2024
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y/nl/n: so proud of you hun!!! ❤️❤️
walker.scobell: 🍂
isla_munson: 🍂
corrodedcoffinofficial: So excited to listen, little Munson!
jess.1989: y/n has writing creds!!
speaknow.stan: that's how y'know its gonna be good!
madmax: nah, we know its gonna be good because Leo is producing!
emails_13: nah, we know its gonna be good because its isla!
sienna.taylor: my little recording artist 🥰
isla_munson: love ya! ❤️
samandcolbys.wife: walker and isla's comments 👀
isla.loverr: autumn leaves about to be THE teenage love song
lana.lorde: i know!!! they're so cute!
leomunson: can't wait for people to hear your work!
isla_munson: our* work
isla's ep:
balled of a homeschooled girl - olivia rodrigo
kissing lessons - lucy dacus
pretty isn't pretty - olivia rodrigo
lacy - olivia rodrigo
anatomy - kenzie (about her mom)
autumn leaves - mckenna grace (about walker)
graceland too - pheobe bridgers (leo wrote about isla)
@whoscamila @mystargirl-interlude @creoleguurl @witchwolflea @kissmejoey @taylorswiftsloverfr @random000000sblog
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tribbetherium · 2 months
The Late Rodentocene: 20 million years post-establishment
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Pop Goes The Squeasel: Squeasels of the Late Rodentocene
Once just small, agile predators that hunted small prey both on the ground and in the trees, the long-bodied squeasels have diversified across many ecological niches as of the Late Rodentocene. The squeasels have since become the primary predators of the time period, usurping the earlier hammibals and spreading across the main continents of Nodera, Easaterra, and Westerna: but, notably, arrive far later to Ecatoria, allowing the hammibals to dominate there instead.
The desert meerca (Paramustelamys manori) is one such latecomer: having arrived to Ecatoria when the hammibals had already given rise to the predatory hamyenas, it was too late to claim the local ecosystem's niche of top predator. Thus, the meercas and kin continued to survive on the Ecatorian mainland, but only as small-scale predators, foragers, and insectivores, banding together in tight-knit family groups or seeking refuge in the presence of larger, symbiotic animals, in order to defend themselves from the hamyenas to whom they had become prey.
Similarly, the bare-tailed diremouse (Macrorattocricetus magnus) would grow to a larger size than its Middle Rodentocene kin, but not specialize much further. It and the rest of its group, the scabbers, would remain another set of small-scale hunters comparable to shrews and mustelids, that would only find success much later on Isla Centralis in the Glaciocene when the isolation and lack of larger competition would allow them to become the local primary carnivore clade. For now, the bare-tailed diremouse contents itself with a niche of a small and unremarkable forest-floor predator, preying on insects, furbils and duskmice.
But elsewhere, other lineages of squeasels, particularly the ferrats, are thriving and diversifying in this incoming new era of ever-larger prey. The striped panthster (Protopantherocricetus longicauda) is one of the largest carnivores alive at the time, adapted for hunting and preying upon the increasingly bigger hamtelopes and cavybaras of the Late Rodentocene. Bearing powerful jaws, semi-retractable claws and a long tail that aids it in balance when stalking and ambushing its prey, this cunning ambush predator continues its ancestors' abilities to tackle large prey with the help of cutting incisors and shearing molars that allow it to put animals bigger than itself on its menu.
Meanwhile, up in the treetops, the arboreal bossums too have prospered, in particular with the abundance of tree-dwelling prey, such as squizzels, kiterats, and even the earliest proper flyers, the basal ratbats, that still did roost in the trees. In particular, the beginnings of the early prosimian-like lemunkies have emerged to exploit the bumoer crop of fruit and seeds and small invertebrates in the treetops: but so too would come the lemunky treeasel (Sutormustalamys popii) that would develop opposable digits on both front and back paws that grant it great dexterity and agility in the trees, rivaling that of its lemunky prey. Its predation would, in fact, kickstart the evolution of the lemunkies themselves, becoming larger to better defend themselves, more social, to rely on strength in numbers, and, consequently, more intelligent as a side-effect of their increased sociality.
And with an abundance of vacant aquatic niches, some of the ferrats would take to the water and become the searets: excellent swimmers and ferocious hunters that paddled with their flat webbed feet and used their tail to steer, making them quite maneuverable. These semiaquatic predators would diversify quickly first in freshwater and later coastal habitats, preying on shrish, gastropods, pondrats and even ambushing small terrestrial animals coming to the water to drink. But an important turning point would be the marsh searet (Lutrodiromys atrox), a particularly large species that specialized on hunting hard-shelled shrish, using powerful jaws to crush their exoskeletons. It and its close relative, the lake searet, would be the early pioneers of a clade that soon found its way to the Centralic Ocean, where their skill at hunting large shrish allowed them to usurp the shrarks as the reefs' primary large predators.
In the Therocene, these new specialized squeasels would be the forerunners to the major carnivore clades of the era. From the striped panthster would arise the large ambush-hunting carnohams that would become apex predators adapted for hunting boingos and hamtelopes in the plains as they developed longer limbs and shorter tails, shedding their mustelid-like build in favor of a more-feline one, while in the treetops, from the treeasel would descend the treegers, arboreal lemunky-predators that evenly match their agile quarry in the forest canopy. And in the oceans, still mostly devoid of hamsters, the coming of the searets and their subsequent displacement of the shrarks would prove conducive to allowing other clades such as the bayvers and the cricetaceans to finally take to the sea, while the searets would give rise to the leviahams, numbering among them some of the biggest marine predators during the Glaciocene when the cold seas were at their most productive and conducive to biodiversity.
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