#iso pod
paranoidgemsbok · 10 months
man i wanna commission a cute logo for my podbusiness
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crab-enjoyer · 2 years
i fucking love all crustaceans so much
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weirdmarioenemies · 17 days
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Name: Kernel-pult
Debut: Plants vs. Zombies
Here we have my favorite plant of the original Plants vs. Zombies, the humble Kernel-pult! Out of my favorite PvZ plants, this one feels by far the most Classic. It doesn't fly, it doesn't have otherworldy abilities, and it's not a dang fungus. It's a corn cob that lobs corn kernels. Even the lobbing feels sort of mundane! Such a simple way to get a projectile somewhere else. It feels less fantastical than pods bursting and releasing seeds, and that one happens in real life! However, it is important to mention that Kernel-pult is not vegan.
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Kernel-Pult typically lobs kernels that do a little bit of damage, just as much as a pea, and it attacks at half the rate of a Peashooter. It makes up for this with Butter! It has a 25% chance to lob a pat of butter instead. This is because butter is good on corn, and I guess as a result of that, the universal concepts of Corn and Butter are intertwined enough that Kernel-pult can tap into both.
Butter does twice as much damage as a kernel, but better than that, it freezes whatever zombie it hits in place for a bit! I don't know why it does that. I can't think of any reason why butter would, thematically, freeze something. But it makes Kernel-pult happy, so you'd better deal with it! Kernel-pult is thusly good as a support attacker who can slow down the approach of zombies, allowing stronger plants to damage them more. OR, you could choose Funny over Reliable, and do what I do! Nothing against Cabbage-pult, but I love Kernel-pult so much, I like to use it as my primary attacker! Good luck, me!
Butter would prove to be a very popular game mechanic, being applied to many non-corn plants in the future, purely based on wordplay. Very respectable. In PvZ2, it actually gained another ability: it will instantly defeat flying zombie birds! See, THAT makes sense. There's the realism, in Plants vs. Zombies.
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A few plants in this game have upgraded forms that can be planted on top of them, usually enhancing that plant's core concept. Kernel-pult has one, but not just ANY one. A maize so massive that you need to merge TWO Kernel-pults to form it! No mere upgrade like most of the rest, but an entire, new behemoth of a plant!
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This is Cob Cannon, the most expensive, but most powerful plant in the game! Once planted, it can be used to manually fire devastating corn cob missiles wherever you please, with the power of a Cherry Bomb, but the ability to reload! And also a fun explosion animation with popcorn. The design is very different from Kernel-pult, but I'm not going to act like this is a Pokemon evolution where the evolved form stopped looking silly. This is a corn cob with eyes, on a wheeled wooden frame, whose wheels are slices of corn cob. Awesome! The second game would replace this guy entirely with a banana.
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Lastly, I would like to discuss something very special to me. I would like to discuss Pult. Pult is something that delights me to no end! In PvZ1, Catapult plants exist mostly to be used on the Roof levels, since much of the roof is slanted, preventing straight projectiles from being very effective. And each of them have this little nest-looking basket on a stick that they lob their projectiles from. Evidently, this is the Pult. I love this thing! Do you think if I married Kernel-pult, I could take his last name? Here are some Pults I made during my previous Pult Phase. It truly inspires me!
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And lastly, I will ground us a bit more once again, with Corn Muffin-pult. My favorite Plant, now pulting my favorite form of corn! Please remember to always be silly and make silly images like these whenever you want, it is a necessary part of the human experience!
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niceinchnails · 3 months
Hello Iso,
I can't seem to fall asleep latley, and I was wondering, you know, if you would tell me a bedtime story.
Good Night.
I know a little something that goes like this
Space. It seems to go on and on forever. But then you get to the end and the gorilla starts throwing barrels at you.
[A planet opens up and a huge gorilla starts throwing barrels at the spaceship. It dodges a few but one hits it and it explodes. The gorilla thumps its chest and "Game Over" flashes on the screen. The spaceship and gorilla isn't real and Fry is playing an arcade game called "Monkey Fracas Jr". He wears a red jacket and has orange hair with two distinct forks at the front. A boy stands next to him. The game is against the wall of a pizzeria called Panucci's Pizza.] (00:20)Fry: And that's how you play the game!
(00:22)Boy: You stink, loser!
[Panucci, a middle-aged balding man wearing a vest, leans over the counter with a pizza box.] (00:24)Panucci: Hey, Fry. Pizza goin' out! C'mon!!
[Fry sighs, takes the pizza from him and walks out.] [Scene: New York City Street. Fry cycles past people outside O'Grady's Pub enjoying their New Millennium Eve. A cab pulls up and he sees his girlfriend inside.] (00:38)Fry: Michelle, baby! Where you going?
(00:41)Michelle: It's not working out, Fry. [Next to her is a guy with his arm around her. The cab pulls away.] [shouting; from cab] I put your stuff out on the sidewalk!
[Time Lapse. Fry is still on his bike getting more and more depressed.] (00:46)Fry: I hate my life, I hate my life, I hate my life.
[Cut to: Outside Applied Cryogenics. He stops outside a building and locks up his bike. A man sneaks up behind him, cuts the chain and steals his bike.] (00:58)Bike Thief: Happy new year!
[Scene: Applied Cryogenics Corridor. Fry steps out of the elevator on the 64th floor. He knocks on a door marked "Applied Cryogenics". A sign underneath indicates "No Power Failures Since 199[7]". There is no response at the door and Fry goes in.] [Cut to: Applied Cryogenics: Freezer Room. The room is empty and there are no lights on. Strange pods about 6ft tall line one of the walls. There are a few other machines around the room and a desk and a chair in the middle of the room. Fry wipes some condensation from a window on one of the pods, revealing the face of an inanimate man inside. He turns around.] (01:17)Fry: Hello? Pizza delivery for, uh … [He reads the delivery note.] … Icy Wiener? Aw, crud! I always thought at this point in my life I'd be the one making the crank calls! [He sits down on the chair, puts his feet on the desk and opens a can of beer.] Here's to another lousy millennium.
[He unenthusiastically raises his hand and toasts.] [Cut to: Times Square. Crowds have gathered for the countdown. "10" appears on a huge screen.] (01:36)Crowd: [chanting] Ten!
[Cut to: Paris. A screen on the Eiffel Tower displays "9".] (01:37)Crowd: [chanting] Neuf!
[Cut to: Vatican City. The Pope holds up a sign with "VIII" on it.] (01:38)Crowd: [chanting] Otto!
[Cut to: Egypt. Egyptians crowd around the pyramids.] (01:39)Crowd: [chanting] Saba!
[Cut to: Athens. People are gathered around the Parthenon.] (01:40)Crowd: [chanting] Eksi!
[Cut to: Great Wall Of China.] (01:41)Crowd: [chanting] Wu!
[Cut to: Taj Mahal.] (01:43)Crowd: [chanting] Char!
[Cut to: African Village.] (01:44)Crowd: [chanting] Thathu!
[Cut to: Tokyo. A screen displays "2".] (01:45)Crowd: [chanting] Nee!
[Scene: From space the whole planet sees in the new millennium.] (01:46)Crowd: [chanting] One!
[Cut to: Applied Cryogenics: Freezer Room. Fry unenthusiastically blows a noise maker and starts losing his balance on the chair. It tips back. Fry waves his arms around trying to regain his balance. As he falls he doesn't see the shadow of a small creature under the desk. The chair tips back and Fry falls off it and rolls backwards into cryogenic freezer number 40. The dial on the machine automatically sets itself for 1000 years.] (01:55)Fry: What the--?
[He looks around and screams. In a flash he is frozen in time.] [Time Lapse. Days and nights and eventually years pass à la The Time Machine as he stays locked in the freezer. Civilisation is destroyed by aliens twice until eventually huge buildings spring up around Applied Cryogenics. The timer stops 1000 years later and the door opens. Fry is unfrozen. Initially disorientated, he stumbles around and notices something to his right. He presses his face against a large window and stares in awe.] (02:46)Fry: My God! It's the future. My parents, my co-workers, my girlfriend; I'll never see any of them again. Yahoo!
[Opening Credits. Caption: In Color.] [Scene: Applied Cryogenics: Freezer Room. Fry continues looking out of the window. The door opens and two shadows walk in.] (03:32)Terry: [melodramatically] Welcome to the world of tomorrow!
[The other shadow turns on the light. They are lab technicians both wearing white lab coats. The dramatic one, Terry, is a blonde Caucasian with large glasses. The other, Lou, is a black-haired Asian.] (03:36)Lou: Why do you always have to say it that way?
(03:38)Terry: Haven't you ever heard of a little thing called showmanship? [He turns to Fry.] [dramatically] Come, your destiny awaits!
[Scene: Applied Cryogenics Corridor. The technicians leave Fry outside the Fate Assignment Officer's office.] (03:47)Lou: Have a nice future.
[The door slides open.] (03:50)Fry: Cool! Just like in Star Trek! [The door closes on his head.] Ow!
[Cut to: Applied Cryogenics: Fate Assignment Officer's Office. A woman wearing a black uniform stands with her back to Fry looking at a clipboard. She has purple hair held up in a ponytail.] (03:53)Leela: Good afternoon, sir. [Fry is impressed with what he sees. Leela turns around. She has one huge eye in the middle of her face. Fry screams.] Name?
(03:59)Fry: Uh, Fry.
(04:01)Leela: I'm Leela. Now, it's New Year's Eve so I'd like to decide your fate quickly and get out of here.
(04:05)Fry: Can I ask you a question?
(04:07)Leela: As long as it's not about my eye.
(04:09)Fry: Uh…
(04:10)Leela: Is it about my eye?
(04:11)Fry: Sort of.
[Leela sighs.] (04:13)Leela: Just ask the question.
(04:15)Fry: What's with the eye?
(04:16)Leela: I'm an alien, alright? Now let's drop the subject.
(04:19)Fry: Cool, an alien! Has your race taken over the Earth?
(04:22)Leela: No, I just work here.
[Fry looks out the window. A passing blimp displays "Happy New Year 3000". Leela follows his gaze.] (04:27)Fry: Wait a minute! Is that blimp accurate?
(04:30)Leela: Yep. It's December 31st, 2999.
(04:33)Fry: My God! A million years!
(04:37)Leela: I'm sure this must be very upsetting for you.
(04:39)Fry: Y'know, I guess it should be but, actually, I'm glad. I had nothing to live for in my old life. I was broke, I had a humiliating job and I was beginning to suspect my girlfriend might be cheating on me.
(04:52)Leela: Well, at least here you'll be treated with dignity. Now strip naked and get on the probulator.
[Scene: Applied Cryogenics: Probulator Room. Fry lies on a metal table surrounded by probing equipment. Leela puts a single-lensed goggle on and presses a button. Fry squeaks.] [Time Lapse. Leela tears off a printout and reads it while Fry starts to get dressed.] (05:06)Leela: Interesting. Your DNA test shows one living relative. He's your great-great-great-great-great-great-great…
[Time Lapse. Fry is now fully dressed.] (05:12)Leela: …great-great-great-great-great nephew.
(05:14)Fry: That's great! What's the little guy's name?
(05:16)Leela: Professor Hubert Farnsworth.
[She turns the page over to show Fry the photo. Farnsworth is an old bald man who wears thick glasses.] (05:19)Fry: Eurgh!
[Scene: Applied Cryogenics: Fate Assignment Officer's Office. Leela types something on a computer.] (05:21)Fry: Y'know, I'm the luckiest guy in the whole future. I've been given a second chance and this time I'm not going to be a total loser. [A buzzer buzzes.] What's that?
(05:30)Leela: Your permanent career assignment.
[She turns the screen around to show him his career. "Career: Delivery Boy" is displayed on the screen.] (05:33)Fry: Delivery boy? No! Not again! Please! Anything else!
[He grabs Leela's hand.] (05:37)Leela: Take your hands off me! You've been assigned the job you're best at just like everyone else.
(05:41)Fry: What if I refuse?
(05:43)Leela: Then you'll be fired--
(05:44)Fry: Fine!
(05:45)Leela: Out of a cannon into the Sun!
(05:47)Fry: But I don't like being a delivery boy.
(05:49)Leela: Well that's tough! Lots of people don't like their jobs but we do them anyway. [She points at a poster of a man wearing a hardhat with the caption "You Gotta Do What You Gotta Do".] You gotta do what you gotta do. Now hold out your hand. I'm gonna implant your career chip. It'll permanently label you as a delivery boy.
[She picks up an implant gun. It has two huge spikes on the end.] (06:03)Fry: Keep that thing away from me!
[He gets up and runs out of the room.] [Cut to: Applied Cryogenics Corridor. He runs from the office.] [Cut to: Applied Cryogenics: Freezer Room. Leela runs in after Fry and he dodges the implant gun.] (06:11)Leela: Hold still, dammit. I don't have good depth perception! [She jumps at Fry, misses, and falls into a cryogenic freezer. It sets itself for 1000 years.] You've got until the count of five to let me out of here. One--
[In a flash she is frozen.] (06:25)Fry: See you in a thousand years! [He starts to walk out but hesitates. He walks back and changes the freeze time to five minutes.] You owe me one.
[Scene: New New York City Street. Fry runs out of the building and looks in awe at the sights around him.] (06:48)Fry: Whoa!
[Spaceships take off, there are traffic jams in the sky and billboards advertising Bachelor Chow. A couple walk past him nearly naked except for some strategically-placed black bars. He looks up and sees people flying through a green tube overhead. He walks around a corner and finds an entrance to the tube. A pedestrian steps in.] [original airing] Man #1: JFK Jr. Airport.
[subsequent airings] (07:07)Man #1: Radio City Mutant Hall.
[The man is sucked up into the tube.] (07:10)Fry: Cool! [He steps into the tube.] Um. Cross Town Express?
[The tube sucks him up and he screams as he flies through it. People look up from the street and stare at him. He is taken across the city, past the Statue of Liberty, underwater and finally out the other end smack into a building. A man looks up from his newspaper.] (07:38)Man #2: Pft! Tourist!
[Time Lapse. A hover-car flies over a line of traffic on the road and a police car chases it. Fry walks around a corner and sees a line of people outside a small grey booth.] (07:45)Fry: Hey! A phone booth! I can call my nephew. [An impatient robot joins the queue behind him. It is more or less human-shaped, grey, with an antenna on top of its head.] Wow! A real live robot! Or is that some kind of cheesy New Year's costume?
(07:57)Bender: Bite my shiny metal ass.
[Fry looks around at the robot's ass.] (07:59)Fry: It doesn't look so shiny to me.
(08:01)Bender: Shinier than yours, meatbag!
[Fry steps into the booth, overlooking the sign on the side that says "Suicide Booth".] [Cut to: Suicide Booth. Fry presses a button and nothing happens. The robot steps in behind him.] (08:21)Bender: Listen, buddy, I'm in a hurry here. Let's try for a two-fer!
[He puts a coin on a string in the slot then pulls it out again and chuckles. A pleasant woman's voice speaks.] (08:28)Booth Voice: Please select mode of death: "Quick and Painless" or "Slow and Horrible".
(08:34)Fry: Yeah, I'd like to place a collect call.
(08:36)Booth Voice: You have selected: "Slow and Horrible".
(08:39)Bender: Great choice! [Knives, tasers and Jacob's Ladders come out from behind a hatch.] Bring it on, baby!
[Fry screams.] [Time Lapse. The robot is getting impatient.] (08:50)Bender: C'mon, c'mon! Kill me already! By the way, my name's Bender!
[He holds out his hand.] (08:55)Fry: Help! What's happening?
[The sharp objects move forward. Fry pushes Bender to the side of the booth. The sharp things stab and twist at the air and finally return to behind the hatch.] (09:02)Booth Voice: You are now dead. Thank you for using Stop-N-Drop, America's favourite suicide booth since 2008.
[Cut to: New New York City Street. Fry runs out, gasping.] (09:10)Bender: Lousy, stinking rip-off! [He kicks the booth.] Well, I didn't have anything else planned for today. Let's go get drunk!
[Scene: Applied Cryogenics: Freezer Room. The timer on Leela's chamber runs out. The door opens and she defrosts.] (09:22)Leela: Two, three-- Hey!
(09:25)Terry: [melodramatically] Welcome to the world of tomorrow!
(09:28)Leela: Shut up, Terry.
[Scene: Applied Cryogenics: Ipgee's Office. Leela's boss sits behind a large desk and she stands in front of it.] (09:30)Ipgee: This is unacceptable, Leela. You must find this Mr. Fry and install his chip.
(09:35)Leela: Look, he's just a nobody who doesn't want to be a delivery boy. I'd really rather not force it on him.
(09:40)Ipgee: Well that's your job, whether you like it or not. And it's my job to make you do your job whether I like it or not, which I do, very much! Now get to work! [Leela leaves. He puts his feet up on the desk.] Life is good!
[Scene: O'Zorgnax's Pub. Fry and Bender sit at the bar. Bender drinks a bottle of Olde Fortran malt liquor.] (10:02)Fry: Why would a robot need to drink?
(10:04)Bender: I don't need to drink, I can quit anytime I want! [He belches fire.] So they made you a delivery boy, huh? Man, that's as bad as my job.
(10:14)Fry: Really? What do you do, Bender?
(10:16)Bender: I'm a bender. I bend girders, that's all I'm programmed to do.
(10:19)Fry: You any good at it?
(10:21)Bender: You kidding? I was a star! I could bend a girder to any angle: 30 degrees, 32 degrees, you name it! [unsure] 31. [normal] But I couldn't go on living once I found out what the girders were for.
(10:35)Fry: What?
(10:36)Bender: Suicide booths! [He finishes his drink and swallows the bottle.] Well, Fry, it was a pleasure meeting you. I'm gonna go kill myself.
[He gets up.] (10:43)Fry: Wait! You're the only friend I have!
(10:46)Bender: You really want a robot for a friend?
(10:49)Fry: Yeah, ever since I was six.
(10:51)Bender: Well, OK. But I don't want people thinking we're robo-sexuals. So, if anyone asks, you're my debugger.
[Fry looks out the window and sees Leela.] (10:59)Fry: Oh, no, it's the Cyclops! [He crouches down behind Bender.] Don't look! Don't look!
(11:03)Bender: I'm not looking!
[His eyes zoom in to Leela.] [Cut to: Outside O'Zorgnax's Pub. Leela shows Fry's photo to a man. The man points to him inside the pub. Fry and Bender run off. Leela talks into her wrist communicator.] (11:11)Leela: This is officer 1B-DI requesting back-up.
[The cops, Smitty the human and URL the robot, are standing right behind Leela. Smitty replies in his wrist communicator.] (11:15)Smitty: We'll be there in five minutes.
[Scene: Outside the Head Museum. Bender stops Fry outside the building.] (11:20)Bender: We can hide in here. It's free on Tuesdays!
[He runs up the steps dragging Fry behind him.] [Cut to: Head Museum. Hundreds of heads in jars are stacked on shelves. Leonard Nimoy's head in a jar is on a platform in the middle of one of the rooms.] (11:29)Nimoy: Welcome to the Head Museum. I'm Leonard Nimoy.
(11:33)Fry: Spock? Hey! Hey… Do the thing!
[He does the Vulcan salute from Star Trek. Nimoy chuckles.] (11:36)Nimoy: I don't do that anymore.
(11:38)Fry: This is unbelievable! What do you heads do all day?
(11:42)Nimoy: We share our wisdom with those who seek it. It's a life of quiet dignity.
[Enter a woman.] (11:47)Woman: Feeding time!
[She shakes a box of what looks like fish food over the jar. Nimoy eats what comes out.] [The door opens and Fry turns around. Enter Leela, Smitty and URL.] (11:58)Leela: Hmm. [She looks around and sees Fry and Bender hiding behind a shelf in amongst other assorted heads.] I'm sorry, Fry, but I have to install your career chip.
(12:10)Fry: Yeah, well, if you're sorry why are you doing it?
(12:12)Leela: It's my job. You gotta do what you gotta do! [Fry backs away and hits a shelf with the heads of US presidents on it.] Watch it!
[Richard Nixon's head falls off. The jar smashes.] (12:22)Nixon: That's it! You just made my list!
[He jumps up and starts biting Fry's arm.] (12:26)Fry: Ow! Stop it! Down, boy! Bad president!
[Bender tries to pull Nixon's head off.] (12:29)Smitty: Alright, buddy, step away from the head!
[Fry and Bender put their hands up.] (12:34)URL: I'm gonna get 24th century on his ass!
[They turn on their lightsabers and start to hit Fry.] (12:41)Leela: Please, officers, there's no need to use force.
(12:45)URL: Let us handle this, weird-y.
[He hits Bender.] (12:49)Leela: Oh, come on, he's just a poor kid from the Stupid Ages.
(12:53)Smitty: Keep your big nose out of this, eyeball!
(12:56)Leela: No-one makes fun of my nose.
[She kicks Smitty and URL. Fry and Bender run off and hide in a room.] (13:09)URL: Damn!
(13:10)Leela: You guys were totally out of control.
(13:12)Smitty: It's our job. We're peace officers.
(13:15)URL: Yeah, you know the law: You gotta do what you gotta do.
[Leela considers this.] [Scene: Head Museum: Hall of Criminals. Bender locks the door.] (13:22)Bender: Oh, we're trapped!
[Fry looks to the end of the room. There is a window with bars across it.] (13:27)Fry: Wait a second. You're a bender, right? We can get out of here if you just bend the bars.
(13:32)Bender: Dream on, skin tube. I'm only programmed to bend for constructive purposes. What do I look like, a de-bender?
(13:38)Fry: Who cares what you're programmed for. If someone programmed you to jump off a bridge would you do it?
(13:43)Bender: I'll have to check my program … yep.
(13:46)Leela: [from outside] Open up!
(13:48)Fry: C'mon, Bender! It's up to you to make your own decisions in life. That's what separates people and robots from animals … and animal robots.
(13:56)Bender: You're full of crap, Fry! [He turns and a dangling wire catches on his antenna and electrocutes him.] You make a persuasive argument, Fry.
[He starts to bend the bars.] (14:09)Fry: Come on, Bender! You can do it.
(14:11)Bender: Can't … I … can't … do … it!
[The bars bend and break off completely.] (14:16)Fry: Yes!
(14:18)Bender: You were right, Fry! From now on I'm going to bend what I want, when I want, who I want! I'm unstoppable!
[His arms fall off but he manages to somehow reattach them without any help.] (14:36)Fry: I don't know how you did that.
[Leela kicks the door open. Fry and Bender dive out through the window.] [Cut to: Outside Head Museum. Fry runs off and Bender bends the bars back so Leela can't climb through. He runs after Fry and Leela reaches out through the bars.] (14:44)Leela: Wait!
(14:45)Bender: [shouting] No, thanks.
[Cut to: Alley. Fry and Bender stop at a dead end. There is a drain below them with a grate over the top.] (14:51)Bender: Looks like one of us will have to bend this grate.
[He flexes his fingers but Fry just lifts it. Bender groans and they climb down the ladder. He reaches back up to the grate and bends it just for the hell of it. He chuckles and follows Fry.] [Scene: Ruins of Old New York. Fry and Bender step off the ladder and look over the vast ruins of the city that looks like the city from Beneath The Planet Of The Apes. Collapsed buildings and rubble litter the streets and holes in the roof let in a few shafts of light.] (15:05)Fry: Good Lord! What is this?
(15:08)Bender: It's the decaying ruins of Old New York. Welcome home, pal!
[Time Lapse. Fry and Bender walk down a ruined street.] (15:15)Fry: It's my old neighbourhood. Man, this brings back a lot of memories.
(15:20)Bender: Keep 'em to yourself, Pops!
[Cut to: Ruins of Rockefeller Center Skating Rink. Fry leans over a wall.] (15:23)Fry: This is where I brought my girlfriend on our very first date.
[Flashback. Fry skates with Michelle on the crowded ice.] [Flashback ends. The ice is gone, replaced with murky green waters inhabited by a green tentacled creature.] (15:35)Fry: My God! She's gone. Everyone I ever knew or cared about is gone.
(15:40)Bender: Wait! There's someone you know!
[He points at Leela, standing with her implant gun.] (15:43)Fry: Oh, can't you leave me alone? I'm miserable enough already.
(15:47)Leela: Look, I know it's not much consolation but I understand how you feel.
(15:52)Fry: No, you don't. I've got no home, no family--
(15:55)Bender: No friends.
(15:56)Fry: My whole world is gone. You can't possibly understand what it feels like to be so alone.
(16:02)Leela: I understand. I'm the only one-eyed alien on this whole planet. My parents abandoned me here as a baby and I don't even know what galaxy they were from. I know how it feels to be alone.
(16:17)Fry: Look, Leela, I don't understand this world but you obviously do, so I give up. If you really think I should be a delivery boy, I'll do it. [He holds out his hand to Leela. She gets the implant gun ready. Fry cringes and looks away. The gun clicks but Fry feels nothing. He opens his eyes and sees Leela drop her own chip on the floor.] Your chip. What are you doing?
(16:37)Leela: Quitting.
(16:38)Fry: Why?
(16:39)Leela: Because I've always wanted to. I just never realised it before I met you.
[She puts her hand on his and smiles. Bender puts his hand on top.] (16:48)Fry: What is the matter with you?
[Bender quickly takes his hand off.] (16:51)Bender: I just wanted to be part of the moment.
(16:53)Leela: Hey! He stole my ring!
(16:55)Bender: Sorry. [He hands Leela's ring back.] Well, that solves the mystery of the missing ring. This calls for a drink.
[He reaches into his chest cabinet and pulls out three bottles of beer … and drinks them all himself.] (17:03)Leela: I don't wanna spoil the party but we're all job deserters now. We're unemployed and we have nowhere to go.
(17:09)Fry: Correction: We're unemployed but we have a doddering old relative to mooch off of.
[He holds up the picture of Farnsworth.] [Scene: Planet Express headquarters, Lounge. Professor Farnsworth is asleep in his chair. The TV is on.] (17:18)Clark: [on TV] Hello, I'm Dick Clark's head. Welcome to a special year 3000 edition of New Year's Rockin' Eve!
[The crowds around him cheer. The doorbell rings and Farnsworth wakes up.] [Cut to: Outside Planet Express. Farnsworth opens the door to Fry, Bender and Leela.] (17:30)Farnsworth: Who are you?
(17:31)Fry: I'm your dear old Uncle Fry.
(17:33)Farnsworth: I don't have an Uncle Fry.
(17:35)Bender: You do now!
[He pushes Farnsworth back inside.] [Scene: Planet Express, Lounge. Farnsworth and Fry are hooked up to a machine. It dings and a red light flashes.] (17:40)Farnsworth: By God, I am your nephew! This is absolutely incredible!
(17:45)Bender: Can we have some money?
(17:47)Farnsworth: Oh, my, no.
[Scene: Planet Express: Farnsworth's Lab. The four walk in.] (17:50)Farnsworth: Let me show you around. That's my lab table and this is my work-stool. And over there is my intergalactic spaceship! [He points in the general direction of a big green spaceship in a huge hangar next to the lab.] And here's where I keep assorted lengths of wire.
[He opens a drawer but Fry is more interested in what's in the hangar.] (18:02)Fry: Whoa! A real live spaceship!
(18:05)Farnsworth: I designed it myself. Let me show you some of the different lengths of wire I used.
(18:12)Smitty: [from outside] Attention, job deserters! Come out with your hands up. We have you partially surrounded.
[Leela gasps.] (18:18)Fry: No!
[Bender literally shits a brick.] [Cut to: Outside Planet Express. Smitty holds Nixon's head in a jar. The glass is cracked and taped in places.] (18:20)Nixon: Get those bums!
[Cut to: Planet Express: Farnsworth's Lab.] (18:22)Bender: Well, we're boned!
(18:24)Leela: Can't we get away in the ship?
(18:26)Farnsworth: I suppose it is technically possible. Though I am already in my pyjamas.
[They run towards the ship with Bender carrying Farnsworth under his arm.] [Scene: Ships Cockpit. Fry runs in and sit in a seat in front of a control panel.] (18:37)Fry: I'll get us out of here.
[He presses a few buttons and pulls a lever. A little hatch opens in the control panel, a paper cup come down and the machine fills it with coffee.] (18:44)Farnsworth: Can anyone drive stick?
(18:46)Leela: I can. As long as I don't have to parallel park.
[She takes off her coat, sits in the pilot's seat and pushes down a lever.] [Cut to: Planet Express: Hangar. Klaxons beep and a huge piece of machinery lifts the ship to a 45-degree angle. The entire hangar roof retracts so it is open for the ship.] [Cut to: Outside Planet Express. Peace officers armed with laser rifles are stationed outside. URL sees the roof open.] (18:57)URL: If they try to take off, give 'em an ass-ful of laser.
[Smitty nods.] [Cut to: Ships Cockpit.] (19:04)Leela: Prepare for lift-off. Ten.
[Cut to: Times Square.] (19:06)Crowd: [chanting] Nine!
[Cut to: Egypt. The future pyramids now rotate in mid-air.] (19:07)Crowd: [chanting] Amania!
[Cut to: Paris.] (19:09)Crowd: [chanting] Seven!
[Cut to: Alien Ship.] (19:10)Aliens: [chanting; in alien] Six.
[Cut to: Applied Cryogenics: Freezer Room. Lou sits in an open pod and Terry raises a glass.] (19:11)Terry: [dramatically] Five!
[Cut to: Head Museum. Leonard Nimoy is wearing a party hat.] (19:13)Nimoy: Four.
[Cut to: Ships Cockpit. Fry, Bender and Farnsworth are sat on a couch at the front of the cockpit.] (19:14)Farnsworth: Three.
(19:15)Bender: Two.
[He is so tense that he rips the arms off the couch.] (19:16)Leela: One!
(19:17)Fry: Blast-off!
[Cut to: Outside Planet Express. The ship takes off.] [Cut to: Times Square. People cheer in the new millennium and fireworks explode all over the city. "3000" is projected onto the moon and the ship flies between the fireworks.] [Cut to: Outside Planet Express.] (19:26)Nixon: Fire! Fire!
[The peace officers fire their laser guns randomly into the air.] (19:30)Smitty: I can't see nothing. Pretty though!
[The altitude of the ship increases and laser bolts narrowly miss it.] [Cut to: Ships Cockpit. The ship clears New New York airspace, flies through the atmosphere and heads through the solar system. Everyone cheers.] (19:44)Fry: So, I guess, without jobs, we'll be fugitives forever.
(19:47)Farnsworth: Not necessarily. Are you three, by any chance, interested in becoming my new spaceship crew?
(19:54)Bender: New crew? W-What happened to the old crew?
(19:57)Farnsworth: Of those poor sons of-- But that's not important. The important thing is I need a new crew. Anyone interested?
(20:03)Fry: Yes! Yes! That's exactly the job I've always wanted!
(20:08)Leela: Thanks for the offer, Professor, but we don't have the proper career chips.
(20:12)Farnsworth: Oh, that won't be a problem. As luck would have it, I saved the chips from my previous crew.
[He empties the career chips out of an envelope marked "Contents Of Space Wasp's Stomach".] (20:20)Fry: This is awesome! Are we gonna fly through space fighting monsters and teaching alien women to lurve?
(20:26)Farnsworth: If by that you mean "transporting cargo" then yes. It's a little home business I started to fund my research.
(20:34)Fry: Cool! What's my job gonna be?
(20:36)Farnsworth: You will be responsible for ensuring that the cargo reaches its destination.
[The smile fades from Fry's face.] (20:41)Fry: So, I'm gonna be a delivery boy?
(20:44)Farnsworth: Exactly!
[Beat.] (20:46)Fry: Alright! I'm a delivery boy!
[He waves his hands in the air and the ship flies on.] [Closing Credits.]
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eclipse-vixen · 2 months
May we request bug themed SNPTS? Thank you!
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Bug Themed SNPT
System Names- The Hive, The Swarm, Creepy Crawlies, The Buzzing Horde, The Underground Colony, Infestation, The Pollination Gang, Unidentified Organisms
Names- Insect, Bee, Beetle, Milli, Drone, Shell, Husk, Molt, Bugsy, Bugette, Buzz, Hornet, Wasp, Mantis, Stinger, Katy(did), Thora(x), Lepi (from lepidoptera), Diptera, Locust, Cricket(te), Hopper, Silva (from silverfish), Aphid, Exo, Grub, Grubella
Pronouns- bug/bugs, iso/pod, fly/flys (or flies), buzz/buzzs, click/clicks, chirp/chirps, bite/bites, sting/stings, poison/poisons, venom/venoms, creep/creeps, crawl/crawls, egg/eggs, larva/larvae, ny/nymph, sca/rab, moth/moths, mos/quito, an/tenna, wing/wings, bur/row
Titles- The Ground/Tree Dweller, He Who Burrows, His Venomous Bite, The Fly on the Wall, The Parasitic Entity, The Lord of the Flies, The Cacophonous Buzz, He Who Flutters, The Imitator, The Many Eyed One
(You can replace he/his with your own pronouns)
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I finished this one and left it in my drafts for multiple hours because I got distracted smh
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2 daye i went 2 da parke withe friends emo morty ande iso pod morte :~} we playe on the playe ground and no one dared 2 tell us 2 get off da swings becuas the demons were out :~}
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pix4japan · 1 year
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City Skyline on Harbor Waterfront
Location: Bankoku Bridge, Naka-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan Timestamp: 19:56 March 15, 2023
This photograph captures the stunning night view of the Minatomirai waterfront district, as seen from the Bankoku Bridge. Originally constructed in 1903 and surviving the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake, the current span was rebuilt in 1940. The name "Bankokubashi" translates to "bridge to 10,000 countries," which reflects its early significance in facilitating international trade through the Port of Yokohama.
Initially, the bridge served as the primary access point to the newly reclaimed land used for the Port of Yokohama and the customs house. Today, it has become a popular attraction for tourists and photographers seeking a picturesque view of the Minatomirai skyline. Furthermore, the Bankoku Bridge is one of the main entry points to the Red Brick Warehouse quarter.
The image also shows a long-exposure shot of the vibrant, rainbow-colored lights of passenger pods on the Yokohama Air Cabin urban ropeway connecting Sakuragicho Station with the World Porter’s department store. The ropeway, which started operating in April 2021, is the latest addition to the waterfront skyline.
Fujifilm X100V (23 mm) with 5% diffusion filter ISO 3200 for 13.0 sec. at ƒ/11 Classic Chrome film simulation
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tiya-minuscule · 6 months
Do you like isopods
Sorry if you're an iso pods, but no.
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lobsterplush · 11 months
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Isopodtober #31: Wasteland
[Site for (iso)Pod-Racing]
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jjbeanz · 6 months
Marine Joke for ya:
What ocean creature is the best photographer?
The iso-pod
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alegocarmadein · 11 months
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🎶i-so-pods isopods iso-pods isopods!🎶
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lazyrants · 5 months
Sportafake (prod 108)
BoredJedi (youtube.com/user/LazyBlueHaze) gave me an .iso of the "Superhero" Australian DVD from 2008. To finally put the .iso to use, I decided to take all the screenshots in this episode myself. I also watched it using VLC.
Original airdate: August 24, 2004
Story by Ole Olsen Steen, Magnus Scheving
Written by Noah Zachary, Cole Louie, Magnus Scheving
Directed by Raymond P. Le Gue
Executive producers - Magnus Scheving, Ragnheidur Melsted, Raymond P. Le Gue, Mark Read, Brown Johnson, Kay Wilson Stallings
Starring Magnus Scheving, Stefan Karl Steffanson, Julianna Rose Mauriello
Puppeteers - Ronald Binion, Gudmondor Thor Karason, Jodi Eichelberger, David Matthew Feldman, Julie Westwood, Amanda Maddock
Sportafake is undeniably one of the most critically acclaimed and recognized episodes of the series. But.. is it really all that Spectacular?
The episode begins with Sportacus flipping around in his airship, fiddling with some of his things, ready to visit the town. He then flips into his pod and then flies straight into town.
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Anyways, Milford has agreed to help fix some "odds and ends" around Bessie's house because he just can't say no to her. (S I M P. A L E R T ! ! ! ! ) Milford is however, not experienced in this type of stuff (he can't use a hammer properly..). Bessie replies by saying it's only a couple of things and then gives him a comically large list of things to do, assuming Milford can handle it. I don't think Bessie has ever MET Milford before.
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Anyways, Robbie is in his lair sulking about how nobody listens to him. He then starts a heartfelt speech about the topic, and once he's finished he plays a stock applause sound on his speakers (he turns the volume up twice). Man, he needs some friends, but he's so vicious and funny.
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So, that aside, the kids have once again completely forgotten what Sportacus has been teaching them FOR SEVEN EPISODES, and they are relaxing in the hot sun. You think it's hot in Iceland? Try experiencing a heatwave in Australia for a week.
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Stephanie throws what seems like a very very very very mini hula hoop and asks the kids to play catch. They decline because they are too sweaty and Trixie asks Stephanie to go with the flow. She then attempts to sound like she's at the beach by saying stuff no normal human would say unironically.
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So, anyways, Sportacus has come to end this awkwardness (or add some more it seems) by asking the kids what they're up to. Since they seem to be enjoying sitting down and doing nothing, Sportacus does a frontflip and lands in the chair next to Pixel.
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However, it seems to just be a prank, and Sportacus says that they can play catch. (Why does nobody wanna be active until Sportacus says so?) Except for Pixel. But it turns out it is just another prank. This scene was cut out from the Discovery Kids and Super Sports Show DVD versions for uh.. y'know, racism?
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So, anyways, they all enjoy themselves playing catch while Robbie is spying on them. Robbie assumes that they listen to Sportacus because of his mustache. He has the amazing idea to disguise himself as Sportacus (for some reason the number on the back of Robbie's shirt has a 9 and not a 10.. maybe Robbie was Number 9 and that would explain why he never liked Sportacus).
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However, he when he tries to exercise and stuff, he fails miserably. So maybe call him Weakacus. Anyways, back at Bessie's house, Stingy is looking around and claiming random stuff (for example, a FENCE). Once he sees a ladder he says it belongs to his father (now that's just greedy) and takes it. At the same time, Milford is trimming leaves off a tree when a big bee gets in his way and he decides to get off.
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Meanwhile, the kids are still playing catch with Sportacus when his crystal beeps, and he promises he won't take long. He climbs up in his airship and as soon as he flies away, coincidentally in comes Robbie. Is it just me, or does Stefan look hilarious with a mustache?
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Anyways, Robbie climbs over the wall in his Sportacus costume with a gruff voice. It turns out he swallowed a hairball (one that looks like a ball of fluff from his chair). He coughs it out and throws it and it somehow breaks a glass window. The logic in this show is sometimes just.. non-existent. Also, look at JRM's face in this screenshot!
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Anyways, Robbie "plays" catch with the kids, and manages to get all the hoops on his arms before he yells at them to stop playing. Meanwhile, the real Sportacus is out to save Milford, and he catches him once he falls off.
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Anyways, with the kids, Robbie has just yelled at them to stop playing and he declares that he wants the kids to start listening to him now. Ziggy obeys saying that they do that all the time.
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Anyways, Robbie says that he wants all the kids to eat some bubble gum, and he spouts the excuse that it is good for your jaws. I mean, just at this point you could tell it's not him. And that crystal, obviously made of plastic! Anyways, Pixel says he is joking but Robbie says 'BINGO BONGO YOU ARE WRONGO', the famous quote that was stolen from Steven Universe.
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Robbie's crystal 'beeps' and he goes to 'save someone', then he falls over the wall. Ziggy asks what he is doing, Robbie says he is taking a nap and Ziggy BELIEVES IT. Little by little every episode I like his character less and less and less. Stephanie feels something is wrong and she writes about it in her diary. She is afraid to say anything in fear that her friends will laugh at her.
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Anyways, Sportacus has just finished saving Milford, and he asks Sportacus to help him with some of the work Bessie wants to do. He accepts to do so right after he saves someone.
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It turns out to be Pixel and Trixie shaking Ziggy by the legs for some gum, which might be one of the most idiotic things they have ever done. It's already in his mouth, let him eat it. Anyways, Ziggy spits it out on Sportacus' mouth and he vomits the rest.
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Maybe it's better not to show a screenshot of the vomit.. anyways, Sportacus recommends that the kids play basketball. Sportacus' crystal beeps and he goes to Bessie's house. The fence wood has fell off, but Sportacus puts it back up in a jiffy. Then he goes to his airship, and they perform 'No one's Lazy in LazyTown' ONE OF THE ABSOLUTE BEST LAZYTOWN SONGS IN THE WORLD. The song ends when Robbie yells at them with a pile of junk food. Burgers, fries, pizza, popcor and chocolate. Stephanie wants to complain about it but Trixie stops her. They want to eat that food (and I don't blame them!).
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Meanwhile, Robbie is at Bessie's house and he throws the fence wood away. To Bessie who has her eyes closed, it sounds like Milford is fixing it. Meanwhile, the REAL Sportacus is bringing them some Sportscandy, but they're too full to eat. After all, they ate all of Robbie's junkfood.
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Anyways, Robbie is looking at the kids and he is filled with joy. Sportacus is confused. Stephanie goes over to Milford's house to talk to him about the whole situation. Milford's advice is to speak up about the situation, and ironically, Bessie yells his name and he runs right to her.
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Anyways, while Milford is running to her, Bessie's drink spills all over her dress. In comes Sportacus, and he says his work is just beginning. Then Robbie says HIS work is done. BAM! They walk into each other. Then they start testing each other to see if they will do the same things.
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Anyways, Milford has now arrived at the scene, and even after the real Sportacus does his power jump, they still think that a race is the right way to declare who's who. Sometimes I wonder why I watch this show, but then I realize if the LazyTown kids were smarter that would make for a really boring short episode. While Milford is at the end of the race track, Stingy is carrying a ladder and he says it is his. Milford agrees.
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So, anyways, the race starts and Sportacus is bound to be the winner until his crystal beeps. So anyways, Bessie is standing in a wagon while Stingy accidentally hits her with it and the wagon goes rolling. Sportacus loses the race to save Bessie.
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So, anyways, everyone believes Robbie is the winner, Sportacus must leave the town and that he is Sportacus until Stephanie speaks up and pulls off his mustache. Sportacus is glad Stephanie spoke up. Bessie is glad Milford helped her with some housework and almost kisses him, then they perform Bing Bang.
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Robbie is in his lair on his fluffy chair, sitting down, and sleeping. Thus marks the end of the episode.
10/10 NO FURTHER EXPLANATION1111!!!!1111!11!!!1
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sayri · 21 days
i started ffxiv yesterday my character is named Iso Pod
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tananansad · 7 months
my favourite dusun puns from last week
1. Iso-pod (by yours truly)
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If one isopod is iso-pod, then many would be ogumu-pod!
the joke is that iso is one in dusun and ogumu is the adjective for many. yes that's literally it my humor is pretty lowbrow if you can't tell
2. Dogo do sada (by mom)
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ok this one is basically a pun on the confiteor in kadazan and at one part it goes like this:
dogo do hasa (through my fault) dogo do hasa (through my fault) dogo do hasa tagazo (through my most grievous fault)
but literally it just means "my fault, my fault, my big fault" (weirdly enough my 2017 missal has a different version that matches the english (and latin) better but that's besides the point). additionally in her dialect it would've been rendered as "doho do sala... tagayo" so she must've converted hasa in particular mentally for the pun to work
so one day in the maternal extended family group chat some of her siblings posted pics of the fishes they caught and in an attempt to claim one as hers she sent
dogo do sada, dogo do sada, dogo do sada tagazo... 🙏
ie. "my fish, my fish, my big fish." and i really thought that was the funniest she's been for as long as i've known her
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sailorsplatoon · 10 months
Chapter 2 of a Dedf1sh fanfic I wrote
So I sort of disappeared for a little bit. I thought I would come back by posting the second chapter of that Dedf1sh fic I posted a while ago (which I still don't have a name for, so if you have any suggestions, I'd love to hear them!) Also I tried my best to write Iso Padre in this chapter, but I'm not sure if I captured his manner of speaking properly, so if something seems incorrect I am entirely open to constructive criticism.
Read it on ao3
Chapter 2 below!
(TW: Mention of blood)
(Side note: If there's ever a TW or CW that I miss, please let me know! I will not hesitate to add anything that needs to be added!)
Ahato woke up with a pain along their entire right side. They’d fallen off the seat and landed on the train floor. They picked themselves up and slung the large duffel bag over their shoulder. They’d probably gotten enough sleep. Looking around the train car, they noticed someone new was sitting in the room with them. A large grey scaly iso pod sat at near the door next to a suitcase full of… plushies? He seemed to be preoccupied by his thoughts. 
“Excuse me?” Ahato asked, hoping to get his attention.
“Oh, hello young squire. I had noticed you were asleep on the floor and thought I would keep you company. Might I ask if you’re alright? I heard you fall but you didn’t wake up.”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just really tired I guess. Thanks for asking. Who are you?”
“I have no memory of my name. I have spent so long here that I have forgotten.”
“Oh…” Ahato felt a sudden sting in their chest. What would they have to go through to forget their own name? A name is so special and important. “I’m so sorry.”
“It is quite alright. I may have forgotten much of my life, but I can still enjoy the little memory I have left.” Ahato stood there in silence for a moment. This man seemed to kind. They couldn’t tell exactly why, but they knew instantly that they could trust him. He’d been through so much. They were similar in that way. Two souls searching for what they lost so long ago.
“My name is Ahato,” they said, “I want to help you. What can I do?”
“Well, it’s not much, but I greatly enjoy when the test subjects here share their mem cakes with me. They’re the slices of memory that you earn from completing tests. They are my only link left to what it feels like to have my own memories.”
“I haven’t completed any tests yet… but I will share all my mem cakes with you once I do!”
“Thank you, Ahato. Good luck. And please, don’t push yourself too hard for me.”
Ahato stood at the entrance of the station. Everything was eerily quiet. C.Q. Cumber walked them through how to select their weapon and how CQ points worked before they entered the test. 
At first it looked like a forest, but none of the trees seemed quite real. It was so quiet. The silence was so distracting, Ahato felt like every slight sound was amplified. If only there were some music or something to fill in the space. An octoling spawned on top of a large pillar and started to attack Ahato. Why were they attacking? And was their skin… green? Something was definitely off. Not to mention how much stronger this octoling seemed compared to most octoling soldiers they’d- Splat! Ahato respawned at the start of the forest. They were never a part of the fighting division in the octarian army, their specialty was in the medical unit. How were they supposed to fight when normally they did the exact opposite!? Ahato wanted to give up right there. They knew something was wrong with this place and these weird green octolings were definitely a part of it. How were they supposed to fight them? Then they remembered the kind isopod back on the train. They wanted to help him, and the only way to do that was to pass this test. They took a deep breath and trudged into the forest.
Ahato boarded the train, mem cake in hand, bleeding. After a while they gave up trying to fight and just tried to disarm the octolings. Turns out they were good fighters even without their weapons. But Ahato managed to do it.
“Oh Ahato! You’re hurt!” The isopod stood up, worried for the octoling’s wellbeing. 
“I’m okay, really. I’ve had way worse,” Ahato sighed from exhaustion as they brandished the thin spongey mem cake they had earned. They didn’t look at it. Why, out of all of their memories, did it have to be that one? The isopod took the mem cake, seeing how obvious it was Ahato did not want to hold it anymore. The moment he took it he understood.
For my f1ngers, your blood a sheet.
1 stress to keep your heart a-beat.
But soon 1 must adm1t defeat.
“Ahato… are you alright?” The isopod asked.
“Yeah, I already told you. I’m totally fine, I just need to bandage up these cuts,” Ahato had already pulled a roll of gauze out of their bag and was wrapping it around their wounds.
“I don’t mean physically.” 
They paused. That mem cake had revealed more than they wanted it to. “Don’t worry, really I’m okay.”
“If you need to talk, I'd love to listen.”
Ahato thought for a moment. When was the last time they talked to someone about anything past their work for that day? “That was when I learned that just because being a medic didn’t require me to be on the battlefield, doesn’t mean I would see any less death.”
“Was this your first time losing a patient?”
“Yes. They’d been shot by a charger from close range. Typically that would just splat you and then you’d respawn, but this one had been rigged so that it shot out projectiles rather than ink. It was designed after some ancient invention used for hunting I guess? It tore directly through one of their hearts, causing them to lose immense amounts of blood. I’d never dealt with damage from a weapon like that before, so I didn’t know what I could do. I watched them die. I still have nightmares about it.”
“I am so sorry that you had to go through that, Ahato. Saving people is never an easy job. I can tell you cared about it deeply.”
“I was never good enough to fight-” they paused to take an ibuprofen pill- “I couldn’t build machines or train new soldiers. Heck, I couldn’t even manage the weapons supply. Everyone in the army thought I was useless. I thought I would end up being a grave digger. But then the medical unit announced that they were understaffed and I got stuck there. I ended up loving it. I could help people.”
“You are a good person, Ahato.” The two went silent. It wasn’t the awkward silence that Ahato was expecting when they opened up about their past. It was more like a silence of understanding. Like there was nothing more that needed to be said because they both knew what the other was going to say already. It was nice. Ahato started to cry. The isopod hugged her. They sat like that for a long time.
“Do you mind if I come up with a name for you?” Ahato asked the isopod. “I know it won’t be like your real one, but I want to have something that I can call you.”
“I would be very grateful if you did. What would you like to call me?”
“Iso Padre. Because you kinda remind me of my dad.”
“Thank you.”
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pronoun-checks · 2 months
Heya! Could I pretty please get some name and pronoun recommendations with a wor/wormself theme? Kinda like a little critter theme if you get me! (ooh! critter!) :]
Hey I was the person who asked for the wor/wormself themed names and pronouns and I realized I wasn't really specific :[ sorry I still would like names and pronouns related to little bugs/critters! Any type of name/set of pronouns is wonderful! I do also want noun names if that makes sense! Thank you :]
No problem!
Honey (Honey bee)
Orchid (Orchid mantis)
Skipper (Skipper butterfly)
May (Mayfly)
Silver (Silverfish)
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