#israeli male actors
israelihunks · 1 year
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seizethenightagain2 · 9 months
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Eliad Cohen 💜💜
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Recent Shoot for Imagen Magazine 😊😊
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Yuda Buhbut. Actor.
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yourdailyqueer · 1 year
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Yoni Chen (deceased)
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
DOB: 10 August 1953  
DOD: 27 June 1995
Ethnicity: Syrian Jewish (Sephardi?)
Nationality: Israeli
Occupation: Actor, voice actor, director, puppeteer
Note: Had HIV
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msclaritea · 9 months
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The ONLY reason that Cillian Murphy won is because of his mob connections, the McGuinness name, and the fact that his BOYFRIEND took the lead, in directing him. At least Bradley Cooper had the balls to stand on his own. Meantime, Hollywood is increasingly catering to the type of men who frequent World Economic Forum events. Five out of the six actors, nominated last night were Homosexual. Hollywood always had plenty but at least it wasn't as bad as Broadway. I hate being lied to and I hate hypocrites. I hope none of these men plan on playing romantic leads against women, any time soon. I will not stand for it, after they all decided to make rules about Gay Face.
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I was frankly shocked the first time I discussed the Shoah with Israelis (rather than American Jews). There was a level of… I don’t know what to call it but victim-blaming, that I wasn’t sure how to handle. That’s of course not universal but the very fact that that’s an accepted viewpoint in Israel is kind of telling I think. For example there was even some scandal on the right in America when Ben Shapiro suggested that arming the Jews (more) would have prevented the Holocaust. In Israel that viewpoint is quite common.
There’s a kind of scorn among some Zionists for victims of the Holocaust, and if you really understand their point of view it’s easy to see why. If anti-Semitism is inevitable and incurable, if the very presence of Jews brings it about, then they should have fought harder, or at least left sooner. They should have known better than to ever think they could be welcome or safe in their home. It’s almost an exoneration of the anti-Semite; like a force of nature, he is inevitable and inexhaustible.
Not to always bring everything back to what I know, but it reminds me of how we talk about abusers and victims. These posts about protecting yourself from attackers in your car, in a parking lot, in your home, on a boat, whatever: They take for granted that you can not and should not feel safe in these places. They treat the danger of sexual predators the same as the danger of wildlife. Zionists talk about anti-Semites in a similar way, I’ve noticed.
Lord knows in many cases these are born from trauma. It’s no surprise that victims of serious violations would like to know how to protect themselves from it ever happening again and would want to protect others from the same.
The problem is that this trauma-informed response cannot actually fix the root of the problem. Neither anti-Semitism nor male sexual violence are forces of nature. They are byproducts of exploitative and imperfect systems run and populated by highly imperfect humans. Different systems have had different outcomes, though, some better than others, and recently some quite well indeed. Systemic solutions to these problems - at the least, to greatly reduce them, and to make justice more accessible - do exist. Humans can and have built them.
A systemic solution to the problem cannot start with the victim, though. It has to start with the perpetrator. It has to ask why the system keeps producing people who can and would do this. It has to ask what the perpetrator wants, why they want that, and why they think harming someone else will get them what they want. Simplistic, spiteful, or dehumanizing answers to these questions aren’t helpful; neither are trite or fatalistic ones. Only truthful, consistent, verifiable, rational answers will allow us to change the circumstances which lead to these crimes.
The victim is rarely in a position to change that system, or even to change the circumstances of a single abuser; on a personal level it makes sense to treat the threats as inevitable. On a societal level, though, it is essential that we recognize the perpetrators as rational actors who are fully responsible for their actions and whose excuses must be challenged.
Ideologically it is completely backwards to start from an assumption that it is up to the actions of a victim to avoid victimization. It is infinitely easier for perpetrators, who are after all themselves rational actors and members of our society, to choose a different action which does not victimize someone else. And where possible it is our role as a community to make better choices more accessible, and to punish exploitative behavior.
Because a victim-led initiative, at worst, would result in avoiding victimization through in turn becoming victimizers of a different, even more marginalized group. It recreates the problem: the victim cannot feel safe because the only defense they can conceive is one which never puts them in the position to be victimized ever again, but there is no battle to be won against the entire system. So a smaller battle is chosen, and a weaker opponent singled out (and rhetorically aligned with the systemic danger and hostility), and the exploitation dance happens again, one level down.
I’m hardly the first to observe this. This is probably a clumsy rephrasing of common philosophy examining human exploitation.
But the point is: all of that makes sense as a protective coping mechanism for the victim, but as a society it must not be where our analysis begins or ends. On a societal level this exploitation is not omnipresent, inevitable, or inexhaustible. The perpetrators are in our society as much as the victims are; an uncomfortable fact that I think people need to grow up about.
Our solutions can, should, and must look at why this happens and what we can do about it. The answer is not “nothing”. We have accomplished extraordinary things as a species. We have concepts of justice, of empathy. We have written documents of shared humanity, we have demonstrated shared humanity - for better and for worse. It is possible for us to find answers to these brutally difficult questions.
Palestine must be free, and Jews must be safe. These imperatives are not mutually exclusive. Those who tell you otherwise have something to gain from your fear.
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old-school-butch · 11 months
hamas is an extremist ideology fed by the mistreatment of palestinians by israel. bombing the shit out of civilians in the gaza strip might kill a bunch of the current hamas members, but will only serve to further radicalize the survivors and turn israel's neighbors further against them. "the bombings will continue until morale improves" is not exactly likely to lead to long-term success.
I concur that Hamas started this war with the specific intent to make Israel react, and they have succeeded. Launching a ground war with the goal of regime change is a difficult task in any political environment, but to go into well-prepared, defensive ground in an urban area, against a non-uniformed combatants who can throw away an RPG and blend into the civilians - this is a conflict destined to produce heavy casualties on all sides. The fact that Israel relies on a volunteer army - non-professional soldiers who were mortgage brokers and chemists a month earlier - there is a high likelihood of amateur hour on the battlefield. I've already seen videos of Israeli soldiers kicking around a random guy on the West Bank, and some Israeli soldiers gathering for a briefing and getting a drone-dropped grenade on them because they haven't update their SOP training since the start of the Ukraine war.. 'Mistakes were made' is going to be something we will hear a lot. How catastrophic those mistakes might be cannot be well-controlled. I also can't emphasize how poorly trained Hamas is as well. their combat experience is largely smuggling and I've seen several videos that seem to show friendly-fire and accidental RPG discharges. So even if every actor in this theatre has a pure and noble heart, there's still going to be a lot of heartbreaking, stupid, needless deaths and that makes me sick.
Having said that, there seems to be no alternative but regime change to effect any change at all. I disagree that the desperation of poverty drives people to radicalism. If that was true, women would be the world's leading terrorists. The leaders of terrorism are statistically quite wealthy, well-educated, male, and they have a clear vision of how the world should be. That ideological certainty is not usually the helplessness of despair, it's the confidence of a life of privilege. Now, it IS true that these leaders can exploit the desperate as their foot soldiers, but I'd argue that this has already happened in Hamas's 17 year rule. And for Israel Hamas means eternal war, since Hamas' vision specifies their complete destruction. So as a goal that addresses the critical defensive question of war 'how do we make the threat go away?' - the removal of Hamas is the only logical option. It's just not a very good one.
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rebelsabers · 11 months
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Misha Collins fans are never ever fail to be subhuman levels of evil and fucking braindead.
@castielsprostate YOU are an evil piece of shit for saying that holocaust denial is “harmless” especially when you turn around and tell someone who doesn’t have the platform Misha Collins has to just. “call country leaders” and say words which according to you are so harmless anyways. MISHA COLLINS was personally WITH Zelenskyy not too long ago. I will never get to do that no matter what because i don’t have the power and status Misha Collins has.
If Misha Collins denial of ethnic cleansing is so harmless then why do my words mean anything?
Misha Collins fans truly don’t care about the barest minimum level of human decency and will always care more about a rich, white male actor who tweets things that cause actual harm and death than they ever will about actual human lives. Their celebrity stan fandom experience is the only thing that matters in their life so to them criticizing someone who tweets out Holocaust denial is even worse than that actual denial itself.
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Update: They prove my point again and again. They truly don’t care about human life and just want to make sure that no matter what, Misha Collins is never criticized for Holocaust denial.
When have I ever said anything to make it seem like I was feeling sorry for myself? I feel sorry for the children’s hospitals that are being bombed in Gaza that Misha Collins said isn’t genocide. Israeli leaders said that they’re not gonna stop until every single Palestinian is dead. The Director of the UNITED NATIONS said this is “textbook genocide” despite Misha’s denial of it.
Try caring about real people instead of protecting a celebrity online
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mexashepot · 2 years
I think I have a new favourite musical.
It's been HOURS and my jaw and belly still hurt from laughing but god, was it worth it.
We were laughing for almost two hours STRAIGHT.
It's quite ironic, but I have felt the most alive I have felt in YEARS in a musical about DEATH.
Great humour, incredible 4th wall breaking, interesting plot, well-rounded characters, main het love story actually bearable and even nice at times (a woman being shown to be intellectually equal to her mad scientist male interest? Her being socialised by her mother to become a housewife and him constantly showing her how brilliant she is, encouraging her to follow her dreams to become a doctor? All while the narrative shows that not only does he think she is intellectually his equal, she actually IS proven to be at least as genius as he is shown to be? I cannot believe I am saying this but I finally approve of a het musical couple. Armageddon must be upon us) Death who is just SO FUCKING DONE WITH ALL OF THIS SHIT and he just wants to CHILL and his (gay? bi? unclear but either works) assistant* who's been pining after him FOR ETERNITY without him ever realising it till The End? An actual GAY happily ever after between Death and his assistant??? All set to fun pop-rock music??? Where 2 of the musicians are also the 4th wall-breaking Narrators???
Cynical humour about death and dying with touches of optimism? Jewish humour? A robot created by the mad scientist called RAMBAM???
(In a cupboard, under some stairs)
@ Israeli followers - Seriously if you like humour & musicals, I HIGHLY recommend seeing הסוף at צוותא in Tel Aviv. (It's a smaller indie production so tickets are also cheap af)
*Fun fact: the gay/bi Death assistant is played by the same actor who plays Collins in the TLV Rent production (another production I highly recommend, although with some caveats but the fantastic acting & staging transcend the shitty translation and some stupid production choices) and he is as great in this comedic role as he is as Collins.
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israelihunks · 1 year
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seizethenightagain2 · 6 months
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I’ll eat anything you offer me Eliad 🤪
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Yuda Buhbut. Actor.
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yourdailyqueer · 1 year
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Jonathan Sagall
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Gay
DOB: 23 April 1959  
Ethnicity: Ashkenazi Jewish
Nationality: Canadian / Israeli
Occupation:  Actor, producer, director, screenwriter
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Genuinely wondering, is Landon supposed to be native American on his mum's side? The surname Chelon, according to tvd wiki, is of Cherokee origin and means "beautiful lake". But Seylah is a feminine name of Hebrew origin. It has an alternate spelling of Selah. The actress, Ayelet Zurer is Jewish and from Israel. And as we know, Aria Shahghasemi was born in the US to Iranian parents. It seems the writers just made as mess, cause they clearly couldn't care less about their male lead of color.
Oh I didn’t know that about Seylah’s last name, I always just thought Landon was Middle Eastern since Aria is plus the casting choice for Seylah. Maybe it could be possible, if Chelon was Seylah’s father’s last name, maybe he was Native American? But maybe because of Seylah’s name, she was from Israel and that came from her mother’s side? Idk, they couldn’t even tell us where Seylah was from, like she had an accent but I guess none of that mattered to the writers. Yeah everything about Landon’s background was a mess. It’s like they got two Middle Eastern actors but they didn’t wanna do anything more than that. So one actor is Iranian and one is Israeli, and apparently Seylah’s character could have some Native American background as well, so what is Landon specifically? And what about where the rest of his DNA came from? We will never know... It’s true they really couldn’t have cared less about anything having to do with Landon. They casted a poc as their male lead yet didn’t care to make any effort for him beyond that. And instead mistreated him almost the entire show and didn’t even treat him like the male lead in the end.
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gone2soon-rip · 2 years
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CHAIM TOPOL (1935-Died March 8th 2023,at 87).Israeli actor, singer, and illustrator. He is best known for his portrayal of Tevye, the lead role in the stage musical Fiddler on the Roof and the 1971 film adaptation, performing this role more than 3,500 times from 1967 through 2009.Topol began his acting career during his Israeli army service in the Nahal entertainment troupe and later toured Israel with kibbutz theatre and satirical theatre companies. He was a co-founder of the Haifa Theatre. His breakthrough film role came in 1964 as the title character in Sallah Shabati, by Israeli writer Ephraim Kishon, for which he won a Golden Globe for Most Promising Newcomer—Male. Topol went on to appear in more than 30 films in Israel and the United States, including Galileo (1975), Flash Gordon (1980), and For Your Eyes Only (1981). He was described as Israel's only internationally recognized entertainer from the 1960s through the 1980s. He won a Golden Globe for Best Actor and was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actor for his 1971 film portrayal of Tevye, and was nominated for a Tony Award for Best Actor for a 1991 Broadway revival of Fiddler on the Roof. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaim_Topol
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manybcdthings · 28 days
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Name: Hakan Nacar
Age & Birthday: 36 years old, November 8th
Gender/Pronouns: Cis Male He/Him
Birthplace: Istanbul, Türkiye
Job/Role in LA: Actor/Spa Owner/Photographer / Kings
Positive Personality Traits: driven, focused, adventurous
Negative Personality Traits: over-bearing, judgmental, controlling
Hakan's career began as a model before he eventually became an actor in dramas and romance series that were only ever popular in Türkiye. However, Hakan enjoyed the spotlight and limelight and made the most of the attention he captured in his home country.
He somewhat made a name of himself for dating international models, actresses and singers that were more famous than him and Isra Çelik was one of them.
The two met when she was vacationing and visiting family four years ago and the rest was history. Their relationship was fast paced, just how Hakan wanted it to be and he moved to Los Angeles where a year later, he proposed.
Hakan began worming his way into Isra's contacts, working in Hollywood despite the fact his acting skills were never quite up to task and usually resulted in bad reviews. But, he also diversified his portfolio, becoming a photographer to keep himself in with the new rich and famous names in his contact list. He also invested and opened several businesses, which is how he began working closely with the Kings.
Over the three years of his relationship with Isra, cracks began to surface. The couple were on and off and many people speculated certain songs about infidelity to be about Hakan.
Eventually, Isra said enough was enough and their relationship ended for good in recent months. Hakan doesn't consider them to be over permanently but he remains just as focused on his work as he is winning her back.
Hakan has taken many facades over his time in LA and his latest one is a spiritual and health guru, opening his own spa retreat...that's obviously not open to anyone without a fat wallet.
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