#it became my alias and I regret NOTHING
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2 Tumblr years already!!!
Man, time does fly by. With amazing people like you all, I didn't even see 2 years happening. I have just a HUGE thank you to everyone in here: I do remember the familiar usernames and I see you all as a huge DMC family ^^
I'm the crazy aunt who tells cool stories and listens to metal while drinking tea ;)
Hey, this calls for a celebration, right? What do you guys think?
I've no idea what to do, though. I always do art giveaways/raffles 'cause that's the first thing that comes to mind hahahaha but I dunno if everyone would enjoy it!
SO! THROW ME IDEAS, MY BEAUTIFUL READERS! You can message me, leave it as an ask (anon or not, everything is fine), comment here, answer this post... Whatever you like. Any idea you have, will go to the list!
Then I'll make a poll and you guys can vote on the idea that sparkle the most interest! I think this is the most democratic way of doing things hahahaha
Anyway. Just really happy with this milestone. Thanks everyone for being around, I DO appreciate it. Never in my life I thought people would be so interested to read what I have to write - and that's the greatest gift I could've ever have received from Tumblr.
Ok! Let's make this party happen! Show me your ideas!!
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cute-bag-of-bones · 1 year
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Can't Trust A Supe
Part 2: Ma Petite Poulette
Part 1
Warnings: violence, implied death, swearing.
      The local library wasn't the ideal place to read a top secret file like this but it was the best I could do on short notice. At least it would be quiet.
       The papers inside were both typed and some were hand written. I could recognize my mom's curvy and heavy handed handwriting anywhere. The notes had to be written by her. I found my mom's resignation letter to vaught. She sighted wanting to start a family as the reason for the departure. There was also a copy of a legal document that was asking for my mother to return any stolen property she had taken with her. I read further and from what I can guess Vaught thought she stole some kind of serum. The document never specified the name.  
      There was also documentation of her and Homelander's relationship. The fact Vaught kept track of something like that really cemented to me how creepy Vaught is. They even noted how erratic Homelander became when she ended the relationship. 
     My chest tightened up as I read lower. It mentioned the incident at my family's compound. In this file they claim Homelander had gotten some intel that my father and his cult was planning a mass suicide. When Homelander came to stop them my father detonated the bombs killing everyone there instantly. 
      My hand balled into a fist as I looked up from the papers. Bank holidays and annual parades all spawned because of Vaught's lies. Children wear masks of my fathers face and throw candy bombs at each other. The last name Bishop became so unpopular that residents of New York City changed their names to avoid association. Even I had to take on an alias just to live my life in peace. All because a woman broke up with a man. I needed to calm down, I could see right through the librarian who was starting to notice the glowing blue light coming from my eyes. 
      I closed the file and looked at the number written on the front. Billy Butcher's Mary band of idiots, could they really kill Homelander? Could they do it without getting killed themselves? 
      I knew I would regret it but I had to be there when Homelander died. Even if I can just make him bleed. That will be enough, enough to show him his actions have consequences. No one is above revenge and at some point everyone's ticket will be punched, even his.
     Before I could think about how big of a mistake this was I called (uncle) Billy. He gave me an address to go to and hung up. I wasn't surprised when the address in question was another ran down building. I was surprised when he let me in and I saw a small woman curled up on the sofa and a large black man sitting at a table. Maybe he knew what he was doing. It had been less then a week and he had already conned two more suckered into helping him. 
     "You got more help?"
     "Oh yeah this is Mother's Milk and um oi Frenchie what are we calling her?" He said pointing to the wild looking girl. 
      "We are still working on that part. Hello ma petite poulette. Good to see you came around." Frenchie said with a wave. I'd have to Google what the hell he just called me. Hughie looked less sick this time which I guess was a good sign. 
      "Right, well I changed my mind. I want to help." I say walking in. The girl moved from the sofa and closer to frenchie. She looked at me like she was sizing me up. It made me uneasy but they seemed to trust her. 
      I got the rundown on the plan and all that had happened, it was half baked at best but it was better than nothing.
     "Wait, she crushed the guy's head? With her what?" I guess there are worse ways to go.
      "It was bad." M.M adds as he helps Frenchie put together some guns. 
      This group looked disorganized from the outside looking In but the more time I spent with them the more I realized they had some kind of system. A rhythm of some kind they all understood. It is taking me a few days to fall into it. I wasn't sure where I fit in yet. I know Billy is the ringleader. He sets it all up. Frenchie and M.M make it happen for him. Frenchie normally supplied the tools of the trade, M.M had the skills and cool head. The Female was easy enough to figure out. She is a Beast, a force of nature, in the best possible way. It was sickeningly beautiful how quickly she could tear through a guy. 
         Hughie was the last I figured out but he's the moral compass and he is pretty good for morale to because picking on him is fun. But he's the heart of this outfit without a doubt. 
         Today Billy had something for me to do. He needed a key card from this security guard at a desk of a medical research center or something. It needed to be clean. Frenchie and I were sent in. It was meant to be Hughie and I but he had a bad cheese dog and couldn't leave the bathroom so we improvised.
        It was 11 pm and pouring rain when I walked up to the glass door. I had to get close enough to him to ensure he would survive the encounter. I had been practicing with rats at the hideout and felt confident I could do this on a human. I just needed to close the distance before he got suspicious. I tapped on the glass and held my hands out in a prying motion. 
        "Please I need help!" I yell past the glass. I needed him to unlock the door. I knew I looked very unintimidating. At least to most men. A 5'5 blonde girl didn't scream danger to most people. He got up and sighed as he walked over to the door. 
        "I'm sorry ma'am the lab is closed." He shouted back through the glass.
        "No wait I'm sorry, I'm super lost downtown and my phone died. Can I use a phone? I need to call my mom." The whole time I was looking inside him. Scanning making sure I could do this clean. He hesitated for a moment before finally opening the door to me. 
       "Just be quick please." He said as he showed me to the phone at the front desk. He stood next to me and waited for me to make my call. So I did, I called Frenchie's burner to let him know I was in and that he should head this way. The phone rang and just as planned he didn't answer. I looked up at the man and began my real part of the plan. I start by lowering his blood pressure. He begins to sweat. It was a delicate balancing act between being quick enough he doesn't get suspicious and being careful enough not to kill him. He grabs the corner of the desk and I take the change to put the phone down and help him into his seat. 
       "Are you alright?" I ask as I continue my attack. He tries to grab the phone, likely thinking he was having some kind of stroke. I make his eyes close and apply the lightest amount of pressure to his carotid arteries trying to slow oxygen getting to the brain. Soon his own brain does the rest as he slips into sleep. I run and open the door for Frenchie who comes sprinting in. 
       "What did you do to him?" 
       "He's just sleeping. Go do what you have to. I have to stay down here to make sure he doesn't wake up." He nods and grabs the guards key card and takes an elevator up. The cameras had already been taken care of so my only worry was keeping this guy out cold. I let up on his carotid arteries, scared the limited amount of oxygen to the brain would leave him with lasting effects. He stirred slightly but still seemed to be asleep in his chair. Soon Frenchie came running down with some files and a flash drive.
       "Help me grab him." He said as he tried to lift the security guard from his chair. 
      "What why?"
      "I might have made a small mistake and caught the lab on fire. Just grab his legs for me, ma petite poulette." Frenchie pleaded as he tried to drag the larger man. I hurried and grabbed his ankles and laid him on the sidewalk as the van pulled up. The cold rain and movement was enough to make him come too. He started to open his eyes as the van doors closed with Frenchie and I safely inside. It was a rush, we were greeted with a very happy M.M who pulled me into the tightest hug I had even received.
       "You did it kid! That was great!" He said letting me go. Even Billy was smiling and for once it wasn't for something bad. 
          I was walking back to the shelter that night when some asshole came up from behind me and grabbed my backpack. It ripped and all my stuff fell on the wet ground. Books, wallet, snacks and my ancient Homelander plush. The mugger tried to grab my wallet but before he could a red gloved hand grabbed him by his head and flung him into the air. I screamed in surprise and fell on my butt. Every hair on my body stood on end as I looked up and saw Homelander himself in front of me. I had thought for so long what I would do when presented with this opportunity. Here he was right in front of me and I was so scared I couldn't even move. 
      "Oh we got an old fan." He says as he bends down and picks up the old Homelander toy. "One of the first series. Very rare, if you want I'll sign it for you sweetheart." He says with a grin that makes me sick to my stomach. 
      "N-no thank y-you." I say as I pick up my torn bag and start to put stuff back into it. He just stood there looking at the toy.
      "Where did you get this, I don't think it ever went to stores. Marketing thought the smile was too wide on it and that it would creep out kids." He said with a laugh. 
       "I don't remember." I say quickly I couldn't exactly say my mom you dated gave it to me. I stand up and hold my bag opened for him to drop it in. He stared at me for a second as his grin left his face. 
     "You know you look so familiar. Did you go to the fan signing in Central Park?" He asked as he put the plush back in my bag. I never looked him in the eyes. I couldn't every time I saw his photo on billboards all I could see was his glowing red eyes. I looked down at the ground.
      "Um yeah yeah I was. It was great meeting you. I have to go through." I say quickly as I run across to the other side of the road. I didn't look back as I speed walked away. 
       "Wait one minute." He said in a commanding voice. I froze solid right in my spot. He walked in front of me and held up my wallet. I must have missed it on the ground.
      "Oh thank you so much. It was great meeting you but I have classes tomorrow. " I say as I take it back from him I lie for my life.
     "Yes of course school is very important, you have a safe night." He says before he jumps into the air. I had never ran so fast in my life.
      In bed that night I was beating myself up. He was right there why couldn't I just do it. It would have been perfect. No one around, just him and I. I could have ended it then and there. I hated myself for being too pathetic to do what I knew was right. Finally I let myself fall asleep. All night I was haunted by his red eyes and the sounds of rubble falling.
      The next day I got a new bag and had my lunch under a tree in the park when I heard a familiar voice behind me. 
      "How's the sandwich?" I jumped and looked around as Homelander floated down onto view. A bit of sandwich wedged itself in my throat. I started to cough and hack before finally it flew out. Homelander made a disgusted face but then smiled down at me. A crowd park might have been safer for me but it made me more nervous. Seeing him in person in broad daylight is somehow more terrifying than you could ever imagine.
I think I have it all figured out I'm going to be posting every other day and on the off days I'll be posting a Batfam fanfic on another Tumblr if that interests you at all here's that link feel free to stop by.
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abyssal-ali · 1 year
The Terrifying Trio (T3)
Alright y'all this is my DP x DC x MLB crossover!
Masterlist here
A/N: Rereading this it's more of an outline than a story, oops. I do like this idea and have vague plans to flesh it out & turn it into an actual story, but that will likely be wayyy in the future, so feel free to be inspired by this or flesh it out for me😜 (just please tag me!)
Rating: G (? Mentions of death and experimentation but nothing graphic. Let me know if I should change/add warnings!)
Everyone knew about the T3, as they called themselves. No one imagined they were real until they met them, and then they wished they hadn't; the trio were far more terrifying than their tales.
The T3 began with three completely normal teenagers forced to meet by their friends and family. Their origin was simply to make those who set up this meeting regret it and serve as a warning not to mess with scarily-well-trained teenagers. It worked better than they hoped and grew into a branch of the vigilante groups.
The group, as civilians, looked similar, with black hair and blue or green eyes, and appeared to be a normal teenage friend group.
Nothing about them was normal.
The oldest of the three, Damian Wayne, was the youngest son of multi-billionaire socialite Bruce Wayne, who happened to be a founding member of the Justice League and the original vigilante of Gotham, Batman. His mother was an assassin and the daughter of the League of Assassins' leader. Damian was the fifth user of the Robin mantle and now went by the moniker Phoenix.
Daniel Fenton was the second halfa and King of the Infinite Realms but preferred to be referred to by his hero persona, Phantom. He was Marinette's twin but had been separated at birth.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng was the Grand Guardian of the Miraculous and the true holder of both the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculi, going by Blackjack as a hero. She was treated as a queen by the other members of the trio, as Danny was her brother and Damian her boyfriend.
Danny Fenton was 14 when he entered his parents' portal to the Ghost Zone and became half-human/half-ghost in a tragic accident. A couple years later he, as his hero alias Phantom, became the new Ghost King by defeating the old tyrant. He was discovered by Superman, who was flying home from Smallville one day and found a ghost boy fighting more ghosts. He became Danny's mentor and introduced him to the Justice League.
Damian was Robin when he was kidnapped by his mother to be part of an experiment, as Heir to the Demon. It didn't work immediately, and he was thrown into a Lazarus Pit to heal and revive him. The Pit bonded with the experimental serum and Damian awoke as a meta with regeneration/reanimation/healing powers similar to Deathstroke's. Damian also began learning basic magic from his brother Jason's girlfriend, Raven.
Marinette knew she was a true Ladybug, but once she took back the ring from her ex-partner she discovered that she was also a true black cat. Her arch-nemesis Hawkmoth and his allies were swiftly defeated with her combined abilities and the support of her team. A previous Ladybug's daughter, who was a museum curator in Paris, recognized her energy and offered to become her mentor, introducing Ladynoir to the Justice League.
Today was the day for the Leaguers to bring their mentees to the Watchtower to meet the other mentees/partners. Batman arrived first as always, accompanied by Robin. Superman arrived soon after with Superboy and Phantom, then Wonder Woman and Ladynoir.
Nightwing pushed Robin towards Phantom and Ladynoir, who were gazing out at the galaxy in awe.
“Go make some friends, Baby Bat!”
“Tt.” Robin stalked over to the other two, who barely acknowledged him. “If you do not want my company, do not hesitate to say so.” Please.
Ladynoir turned and scanned him critically. “Hm...were you forced to come and 'socialize' and 'make contacts, if not friends', too?”
“Unfortunately. I am perfectly happy with the small circle of friends I already have.”
Phantom turned from the stars to the conversation. “My sister keeps telling me I need more socializing for my mental health or whatever, but I'm perfectly fine with my girlfriend and guy in the chair.”
“Exactly!” exclaimed Ladynoir. “I have my team, why do I need civilians or more hero friends?”
“Why don't we show our mentors why they shouldn't encourage us to make friends, then,” suggested Robin.
Cheshire grins spread over the others' faces.
Across the room, deep in their own conversation, their mentors shivered.
After that, the trio really did become friends. One day, during a visit to the Batcave to see Robin, an incident happened that forced Robin to find out that Phantom and Ladynoir's DNA showed their genetic similarity; both siblings had been adopted and hadn't known it. That was an awkward conversation. Ladynoir was glad she had a crush on Robin, not Phantom, which would have made it even worse.
Ladynoir was introduced to her brother's clone, Dani (her sister? Cousin?) The trio told each other their civilian identities several months into their friendship collaboration and started their own hero group, Styx.
(Dani and Jason were honourary members.)
Damian shed Robin and became Phoenix instead, and Ladynoir became Blackjack, but Danny decided to keep Phantom as his alias.
Damian asked Marinette out while they were on a stakeout. When she happily responded, “It's a date!” he got a little flustered. Danny looked at him and grinned at his friend's awkwardness.
Having had years of practice as their alter egos, all three members of Styx were excellent fighters, but even as civilians, they were trained in martial arts, with their mothers being formidable women. Maddie Fenton was an eighth-degree black belt, Talia al Ghul was a leader of assassins, and Sabine Cheng was a former assassin/mercenary.
Damian discovered Sabine's old career on the stakeout and was struck by how similar he and Marinette were. Of course, Mari was usually a lot nicer (maybe softer was a better word?) than him, even after she toughened up, but they were similar in many other ways.
After the intel they needed was gathered they realized how close they were when they glanced up from reviewing the information. Damian froze and Marinette leaned in a tiny bit. “Is this an actual date?” she whispered.
He swallowed. “I hope so.”
Mari smiled softly. “Me too.”
He closed the distance tentatively and she inched closer.
Danny flew up just after his sister's and friend's lips met. “I called it! Jason owes me $20!”
They jerked apart, glaring daggers at him. “Danny!”
T3, the civilian Styx, finally agreed to let their friends/teams meet each other. Phantom and Blackjack had interacted with the Bats and Titans on missions and JL gatherings before, but the Miraculous Court and Team Phantom hadn't met yet.
Yet again, a glowing portal opened in Amity Park, but his time it was connected to Paris. Danny's support trio (not to be confused with his abetting trio) stepped into the Miraculous Corut's HQ. Luka and Juleka Couffaine-Stone, Kagami Tsurugi, Chloe Bourgeois, Max Kante, and Alix Kubdel met Tucker Foley, Sam Manson, and Jazz Fenton. Max and Tucker became instant frenemies, battling over tech, while Sam and Juleka bonded surprisingly quickly over all things goth.
The T3 waited in the shadows of the warehouse to apprehend the cultists intent on summoning a long-dead magician. When it was go time they transformed (Blackjack had figured out how to do it without a flash of light), becoming the cultists' nightmares, Styx.
Danny had glowing green eyes, weightless white hair, fangs, and Phantom's general ghostly presence for beginning intimidation.
Blackjack appeared as a white-haired, glowing green cat-eyed, fanged, clawed, and winged being: in short, terrifying.
Phoenix had glowing green eyes, white hair, sharper-than-should-be-normal teeth, a katana on his back and fireballs in his hand. (The Pit had whitened his hair completely, but he had a glamour spell on his civilian form to appear as before with black hair. The pyrokinesis was one of his favourite spells and one of the first Raven taught him, upon plenty of begging bribing.)
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the-forest-library · 2 years
August 2022 Reads
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Half a Soul - Olivia Atwater
The Lord Sorcier - Olivia Atwater
The Latch Key - Olivia Atwater
My Imaginary Mary - Cynthia Hand
Inheritance - Katharine McGee
Trick - Natalia Faster
The Fixer Upper - Lauren Forsythe
Thank You for Listening - Julia Whelan
Where It All Lands - Jennie Wexler
Would You Rather - Allison Ashley
Mad About You - Mhairi McFarlane
Seatmate - Cara Bastone
Just Haven’t Met You Yet - Sophie Cousins
Luck and Last Resorts - Sarah Grunder Ruiz
The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches - Sangu Bandanna
When a Scot Ties the Knot - Tessa Dare
So Happy for You - Celia Laskey
Mika in Real Life - Emiko Jean
Misrule - Heather Walter
Alias Emma - Ava Glass
The Turn of the Key - Ruth Ware
On a Sunbeam - Tillie Walden
A Career in Books - Kate Gavino
Cornbread & Poppy - Matthew Cordell
I’m Glad My Mom Died - Jennette McCurdy
Nothing Like I Imagined - Mindy Kaling
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone - Lori Gottlieb
Vagina Obscura - Rachel E. Gross
Reasons to Stay Alive - Matt Haig
No Cure for Being Human - Kate Bowler
Crying in the Bathroom - Erika L. Sanchez
One Day We’ll All Be Dead and None of This Will Matter - Scaachi Koul
I Might Regret This - Abbi Jacobson
You’ll Grow Out of It - Jessi Klein
How Are You, Really? - Jenna Kutcher
Rough Draft - Katy Tur
The Social Anxiety Cure - Frank Steven
All That She Carried - Tiya Miles
The Lazy Genius Kitchen - Kendra Apache
Bold = Highly Recommend Italics = Worth It Crossed out = Nope
Julia Whelan is an audiobook narrator who became an author, and her second book (which she narrates), Thank You for Listening, features a fun and heartfelt plot about the world of audiobooks. It’s super-meta and a good time. 
Best discovery of the month is Olivia Atwater (thank you @freckles-and-books for recommending her books!). I don’t normally like fae stories, but Half a Soul was just delightful. 
Since my life this year has been a quagmire of weird medical mysteries, it seems that all I do is stay home and listen to audiobooks. And, yeah, I’ve been getting through a lot of them. I increased my Goodreads Goal to 350. 
Goodreads Goal: 272/350
2017 Reads | 2018 Reads | 2019 Reads | 2020 Reads | 2021 Reads |
2022 Reads
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hiptobeitalian · 1 year
Numerous Peppino Headcanons/Notes at 3AM (Because Jackie fell asleep early and is regretting this and also I need content on my own damn RP blog)
He's a war vet/sufferer of PTSD. Nothing much to add to that really. It just fit him and his demeanor quite well and was a part of his lore for a long time so it doesn't feel right to suddenly see it gone. This is just me and my "headcanon". now
He sometimes sings to destress himself. Though he's self-conscious about this aspect so he does it when he knows he's alone like while closing up shop for the day. If somebody does overhear him and he notices this, his voice will immediately start to spew sour notes and crack. Consider this as a form of stage fright.
Family background wise, Peppino is a second generation immigrant (both parents and older sister are from Sicily) along with his younger sister. He WOULD HAVE grown up with middle child syndrome if it wasn't for the fact that his dad was pressuring him with being the "man of the house" and stressing him out with running the family restaurant in the future. This didn't mesh well with the trauma he suffered after his military/war years so he stuck it to his dad and moved out. He left to do various other things (construction and landscaping being two occupations he tried) but gave up and became a pizza maker because, believe it or not, he does enjoy cooking.
...though he DOES still do amateur wrestling on the side even now for extra cash. It's where he learned his moves while running through that tower and how he's able to not fall TOO far behind in his debts and bills. His heel alias is known as Pepperoni Bandit and he wears a mask similar to a luchador to keep his identity a secret...even if it's painfully obvious if you knew Peppino personally. (Outfit design is still being thought about.)
His PTSD and sudden mood swings are why he's still single romantic-wise and how most of his friendships haven't stuck thus why he keeps people at arm's length and doesn't open up to them. Though Gustavo is his closest friend nowadays because that guy's incessantly positive personality really wore him down.
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write-orflight · 4 years
Galileo: Chapter 8
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**Gif Not Mine**
Prev -  Next
Pairings: SpencerXReader, enemies to friends to lovers trope
Rating: M
Words: 2.1K
Warnings:  None, just painfully fluff.
Summary:  Y/N  is an astronomer with her head constantly in the stars. But when a   serial killer is threatening NASA’s top scientists, she is left in the   protective custody of a man who’s gravitational pull threatens to pull   her back down to earth. 
A.N: Unedited. Well guys we’re here. I kinda really like how I ended this chapter so IF I do write an Epilogue it’ll be very very small. So for that reason I’m closing the taglist for Galileo. Thank you all for coming on this journey with me. Check out my other fics if you haven’t. And shoot me an inbox saying what you think! much love, Cia.
                                Chapter 8: Pluto 
Life with Spencer wasn’t easier but it sure was better. 
It had been about 9 months now since the two of you started dating and you knew it would be rough. The two of you traveled a lot for work so it was a lot of missed calls, texts, and video chats in the beginning but now you’d say the two of you got a grip on what you both wanted which was each other. Around month 6, Spencer asks you to move in with him. At first you say no, and you keep saying no until around month 8 when Spencer gets shot on the job and you take care of him and just never leave. Not that he was complaining, it was what he’s wanted since Month 2. 
You met the team officially and without impending danger around month 2 as well. Emily and Derek who you already knew through the investigation welcomed you back with open arms and tequila shots at the bar you met them at. JJ took a while to warm up to you which you completely understood from how you left but she warmed up to you when she realized just how much you loved Spencer and how much you regretted pushing him away. 
You and Penelope Garcia got along like a house on fire which everyone expected the two genius women to. Though her sunny, social disposition and your quiet, mellow one didn’t mix on paper pretty soon you guys were trading baked goods and having sleepovers. It was nice, you never had girl friends you could be yourself around but you found that in them. 
Spencer was still Spencer. 
In some ways, he was still the man you met in the observatory of your job, and in some ways he was very different. He was definitely a lot more touchy than you thought he’d be, seemingly unable to be in the same room as you without touching you in some way. Not that that was unwelcome, you loved him all the same. He was still that nerdy guy who whenever he read something or found out something new about your field he’d call you up and immediately to tell you about it. And you would sit and listen intently, never having the heart to tell him it was something you already knew. You liked to hear him talk anyway. 
You still found out a couple of things too. One being that Spencer gets extremely jealous and you found this out around Month 7 of your relationship, your first official fight. He had come to surprise you at work and you were helping the new Doctor hired on the Terra-Mora project get acclimated with the space. You didn’t think anything of the guy other than he was overly friendly but when Spencer came in and saw the fairly attractive man lingering a hand on your back he became livid. 
The car ride home was awkward because you could tell something was up with Spencer though he wasn’t saying anything. “What’s wrong?” You asked. 
“Nothing, bunny.” He says, you can’t help the smile that crosses  your face at the nickname but you knew there was something wrong. 
“Okay so there has to be something up. So out with it.” 
He’s silent for a moment. “How’s working with Dr. Sutton?” 
“Landon?” You ask. He gives you a look when you refer to the man by first name but you choose to ignore it.  “It’s fine. He’s better at math and he’s been nice.” 
“Bet he has.” Spencer mutters under his breath. 
“Ok, what is that?” You ask. 
“Why did you just call him Landon just now?” 
“His name is Landon….?” 
“Every person you work with you refer to as Doctor, you even refer to yourself as Dr. L/N when talking about work.” He points out. “In fact, the only other person you didn’t do that for was Jonathan, who you had feelings for. So why is he ‘Landon’?” 
“He asked me to call him Landon.” You shrug. “You almost sound jealous, Spence.” You can’t help the small chuckle that leaves you when you say it because it was ridiculous to even think about. You loved Spencer. You couldn’t imagine your life without him or even fathom wanting anyone but him but when you saw the look he gave you back when you said it you knew that was exactly the case. 
“You wanna tell me what this is actually about now?” You question. 
“Why didn’t you say I was your boyfriend?” He whispers. 
“What?” You say, confused. You park the car in front of your apartment and turn fully towards Spencer.   
“You didn’t say I was your boyfriend, you called him Landon…” 
“Baby, I didn’t even realize I didn’t do that.” You say, looking into his eyes. “If I did it’s because everyone knows who you are.” You say, cupping the side of his face with one of your hands, he instantly leans into the touch. “My genius boyfriend, who works for the FBI and saved my life. I talk about you constantly because I am happy and proud to be yours. That you still took a chance on me even though I pushed you away and treated you like shit in the beginning. I am never trying to hide you and you have no reason to be jealous because I don’t see anyone else when I’m with you, ok?” You say, Spencer smiles and leans over the center console to kiss you and just like every time Spencer kisses you, you contemplate the likelihood that the earth could stop its rotation because it seemed that the world stood still every time you were together like this.When you pulled away, you leaned your forehead against Spencers for a second, catching your breath. 
“Plus you really have no reason to be jealous.” You add. “Me and Landon spent most of the morning talking about our boyfriends.” 
Spencer looks at you with a wide eyed expression. “You mean, he’s--” 
“Yup.” You cut off. Getting out of the car, Spencer follows you. “You should get jealous more though. It’s kinda hot.” You shrug. Spencer rolls his eyes at you. 
     On your one year anniversary, you go to your first date spot which was the Planetarium. You rolled your eyes at the time when Spencer suggested the date saying that you’d both just end up annoying the tour guide. In the end, you ended up with a 16  year old named Anna, who had the same twinkle in her eye when she talked about Space that you had as a child. You ended up shushing Spencer every now and again so you could listen to the young girl tell you about the planets you both knew so much about. At the end of the tour, you told her who you were and that if she wanted an internship at NASA after high school to give you a call. She smiled excitedly at you and hugged you, which you returned before apologizing profusely for hugging you. When you and Spencer were walking to get food after that he asked the question. 
“Do you want kids?” He says. 
“Whoa!” You laugh. “Big ask for a first date.” 
“I’m sorry, you were just so cute with the tour guide that--It’ll come up eventually is all.” 
“I do want kids someday.” You say, smiling at the man. “I never thought it was in the cards for me but I would love kids someday. What about you?” 
“I never thought it was in the cards for me either but I like the idea of having a family.” He says, reaching for your hand. You smile at him again and the topic never comes back up. 
You guys head to the Planetarium again and Anna is still working there, finishing up her senior year. She lets you guys venture around without a guide this time and you and Spencer just sit in the auditorium alone, talking softly at the fake constellations that pass by. 
After, you ask if you guys can skip dinner to go to the observatory just to see if you can get a peak at Gaia tonight as the sky seemed pretty clear. Spencer smiles and obliges you as the two of you head over to your job. The night security guard just nods at the two of you as you walk in, having come accustomed to your late nights and Spencer accompanying you. 
Spencer sits a ways while you set everything up, booting up your computer and positioning your telescope. The two of you settle into a comfortable silence as you often did around each other. You felt slightly bad, it was your anniversary and Spencer was indulging you just like always. He was really way too good for you. You look up at him and smile, which he instantly returns before you turn your attention to the telescope. 
That’s when you see it. 
Fully visible from earth for the first time in what could have been a millennium. 
You scream out of happiness and Spencer looks up at you raising a brow as you run for your tape recorder.  Gesturing for him to come look. He looks into the telescope as you type into your computer for a second, making sure your telescope was taking the pictures you needed, before speaking into your recorder. 
“This is Dr. Y/N L/N. I am accompanied by Dr. Spencer Reid. The date is April 12th 2014. For the first time ever Planet KXSY-1029 or Alias Gaia is Fully visible from earth!” You turn off the recorder and jump into your boyfriend’s arms. He instantly catches you and spins you around before kissing you fully on your lips. You moan into his mouth slightly as his tongue meets yours but eventually he pulls away but he is still lifting you fully. 
“Do you realize how big tonight is? This is probably the only time anyone in centuries will be able to see her until we actually start human trials and it’s the only time it’ll probably ever be visible from earth and WE were here for it! This is amazing! This night cannot get bette--” 
“Marry me.” Spencer says, looking into your eyes. 
Your eyes widen, as Spencer sets you down on the ground. “What?” You ask. 
“I was going to ask at dinner.” He says pulling a ring out of his jacket pocket and getting down on one knee. You feel tears welling in your eyes. 
“I ruined your whole plan.” You say. 
“No! No, you didn’t. Because seeing you react to seeing Gaia just now reminded me exactly why I wanted to marry you.” Spencer says, grabbing your hands. “Did you know the greek goddess Gaia in creating the earth, gave humans four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. And Zeus, fearing their power, split them in half and that’s where the soulmates come from?” He asks, you shake your head and more tears fall as he rubs small circles with his thumb on the back of your hand. “Y/N, you are the single most caring, passionate, amazing person I know. And if I could go back and change anything about how we met and when we met, I wouldn’t. If I could take away your hurt and tragedy, I would but I feel like everything I’ve ever done, everything that’s ever happened to me, was designed to lead me to you. Meeting you, loving you was the first time in my life I felt truly like myself, like I was half a person until meeting you made me whole again.” He tears up as he looks you in the eyes. “So, Y/N… Will you marry me? Please.” He adds softly. 
You nod fast, tears falling more than they were before as you give him a wet smile. “Yes, Spencer! Of course!” You laugh as Spencer smiles up at you as he slides the ring onto your finger. He gets up and kisses you passionately, hands cradling your face. When you pull apart, he hugs you tightly. You breathe in his scent and look behind him at the images of Gaia on your screens. You thought back to the story Spencer had just told you about soulmates and how before you met Spencer you were just going through the motions of life, feeling incomplete and never knowing what was missing. You seemed to have everything you wanted. Your dream job and life. It wasn’t until being with Spencer you realized what was missing. That he was missing.   
In the end, you were just two halves. 
Made whole by Gaia.  
Taglist: @lokislilslut​ @spencerreidslove​ @evelyncade @ceeellewrites​ @diesinspanishbcimhispanic​ @eevee0722​ @fiftyshadesof-reid​ @cielo1984​ @differentkettleoffishalltogether​ @criminalmindzjunkie​ @bbygirlq2020​ @quillanpie​ @themanwiththreephds​ @itshatertatertotblog​ @bihoeofmanyfandoms​ @baby-i-am-fireproof​ @graciehams​ @no-honey-no​ @capricornmashmallow​ @itsarayofsunshine​ @big-galaxy-chaos​ @findmedontlooseme​ @justanothetfangirl​ @chelseyjoyce​ @starlight-boo​ @artzic​
@sizzlingclamturtlesludge​ @spencerreidlivesrentfreeinmyhead​ @avaryjillian​ @sadassflatass​   @seashantiesforthots
@bauhousewife​ @anotherr-fine-mess @literaturely-a-mess @piggyinapickle
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ichorruns · 3 years
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( golshifteh farahani, cisgender female, she / her ) the city of gods is proud to welcome hel. she appears to be thirty eight years old and is the goddess of death from norse mythology. hel can be found working as the proprietor at a hole in the wall vintage shop and is amused by the death of zeus. (written by saint, twenty, they / them, cst.)
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name : hel
alias(es) : helena
title : norse goddess of death
apparent age : thirty-eight
pronouns : she/her
sexuality : bisexual
relationship status : single 
occupation : owner of lost & found, a hole in the wall vintage store
traits : aloof, sarcastic, cynical, genuine, good-hearted, introverted, well-spoken, clever.
BEFORE . . .
downward and northward. hel, for all her stubborn determination, cannot recall exactly what came before niflheim. logically — that is, in her logic —there must have been something! some sort of before bit prior to her responsibility over the dead of the nine worlds. she simply couldn’t fathom a reality in which there was nothing and then there was niflheim. 
and yet . . . niflheim is all she can remember. she can remember — if she focuses ever so carefully — the orders given to her. board and lodging. board and lodging to the old and the sick and the unremarkable sent to her dominion. the orders were the first of her many, many memories, and so she took them to heart. 
hel tried to taking special care of those sent to her; offered them board and lodging and, at first, care and compassion. however, the souls sent to her did not take so kindly to the death which she embodied, mournful and eternally regretting valhalla, which they had not earned. 
hel one day found herself grown cold and detached from the souls which she ruled over — for loving those who could scarcely spare her a passing thought wore down on her spirits. there was one, however, amidst the many, who offered her a bit of solace. baldr — beauty incarnate in the weary eyes of hel. he offered her kindness, a treatment the other souls of niflheim had refused her. she could understand why the living loved him so, and almost — just almost — considered releasing him from the underworld at frigg’s pleas. it was not right to keep someone so beloved from those who loved him! . . . but hel had grown selfish and fond of the man, and would only release him if every single being — alive and dead — wept for the man’s death. when they did not, and baldr was to remain at her side for eternity, she did not feel her deserved happiness . . . she only felt . . . guilt: gnawing and numbing and all encompassing.
 AFTER . . .
hel was less than impressed when knowledge of the city of gods reached her. what was a city compared to nine worlds? she had grown proud in her cynicism, and yet, with each passing day, she found that city — new crete, was it? — making it’s way into her thoughts more and more often.
she cannot remember what spurred the move, only that: one day there was niflheim, and the next there was new crete. in new crete she could start anew. 
lost & found began as merely a way to pass time, a side gig while she discovered what wonders new crete could offer. but her side gig became her main gig, and lost & found has stood proud as a local favorite “hole in the wall” vintage shop. 
still, hel kept to herself as she navigated the ever-growing city. when news of zeus’s death reached her doorstep, the goddess had a hard time hiding her amusement. the pompous bastard deserved it. perhaps, one day, the implications of the god’s death would dawn on the goddess, but for now . . .
POWERS . . . 
hel, despite the rather large domain under her command, is not as powerful as many of the other god’s inhabiting new crete. 
I . her most notable power is that of necromancy. as goddess of the underworld, she has complete control of the souls within her domain. should she will it, she can release a soul from niflheim to return and walk amongst the living once more. this process does, however, take a great toll on hel’s human form — both mentally, and physically. it is not something done often — or for free.
II . it is a grim gift — if one could even call it that — but hel can sense when death is near. she cannot determine the cause or exact time, but she can feel it’s proximity in her bones and who it comes for. furthermore, her touch can ease the pain of passing. since coming to crete, she has made it a point to assist any passing she may come across.
III . hel can also, as her domain resides over the nine worlds, understand and speak any spoken, written, or otherwise communicated language. if utilized for prolonged periods of time, it can leave hel with a nasty, thrumming migraine that only rest ( and laying off the powers ) can solve. 
IV . in a more general sense, hel is not as powerful in new crete as she is in niflheim. many of her powers do not extend to this realm, left behind in the halls of her many mansions. the price of her staying in new crete is that, more often than deemed “normal”, she finds her human form falling victim to illness or fatigue. any extraneous use of her powers only aggravates this.
I . my portrayal of hel is not an evil one ! instead of playing into any true evil archetypes, i’d say she’s more of a morally grey character — withdrawn, cold, and sometimes’s self serving, but fiercely loyal to those who have proven themself a friend. once you break through her icy exterior, she’s good company to have around — honest.
II . hel does not remember her family, nor does she remember the brief part of her childhood spent in jötunheimer. she does, however, remember what brief glimpse of odin she got before being exiled beneath the roots of yggdrasil to niflheim. she does not assume him family, but does feel a strange kinship for him. this fact shames her, considering it was his command that banished her to niflheim.
III . hel has an alias — a secret identity, if you will — for when she she interacts with mortals, or simply doesn’t want to be perceived as hel. the name helena struck her fancy — similar enough that it was still her, yet different enough that, when she so desired a break from hel, she could take one. she mainly uses it when interacting with mortals ignorant of the goings-on of new crete, or those outside new crete entirely.
as of now, i don’t have anything else to say beyond the contents of this post are subject to change as i portray and get to know hel through interactions! . . . that being said, feel free to hit me up if you want to plot or develop connections! i’m so excited to start getting to know her, and getting to know y’all and you’re lovely muses! 
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juviin · 4 years
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Here’s literally all the rosie lore. 
(template 1) (template 2)
Name: Rosemary Nare Etana Alias: Ro, Rose, Rosie Personality: Rosemary is very open about her emotions. She takes a while to warm up to people, but when she does, she loves people very strongly. Relatives: Father (estranged), Mother (deceased), 4 older siblings, 2 younger siblings. Status: Alive Species: Human Gender: cis female Age: 19 Eyes: Gold Hair: Pink Appearance: Rosemary is 5′5 and has short pink hair. She has two scars, one along her back and one on her lower right abdomen. She also has a tattoo on her calf of a lily. Birthday: July 30th Constellation: Leo Height: 5′5″ or 165 cm Blood Type: O Occupation: Magic Knight -Squad: Black Bulls Country: Clover Affinity: Lava Magic (On a scale of 0-10: 0 being terrible and 10 being the best) Physical Strength 5/10 Magic Amount 7/10 Magic Control 9/10 Magic Sensing 6/10 Cleverness 9/10 Growth 8/10 Equipment: none
(this next one is all in first person which i am NOT used to writing in but...)
Part 1: The Basics
What is your full name?--Rosemary Nare Etana
Where and when were you born?--I was born on July 30th in a large city in the Common Realm, however we moved to a small town shortly after I was born.
Who are/were your parents? (Know their names, occupations, personalities, etc.)--
Lily Etana was my mother’s name. She worked several jobs while raising us, like waitressing and being a maid. She was very kind too, but a lot of people took advantage of her for that. I guess that’s why Val and I have taken to being aggressive about how we feel, and aggressive in sticking up for her. When I was 12, an assassin killed her and gave me the scar across my back. I’m sure he was sent by my grandparents, but they played the fool and even sent an advisor to her funeral. Since then, that advisor has scheduled meetings with me monthly to make sure I haven’t told anyone.
My father’s name is Andranik Typhos the fourth? something like that, but I don’t know very much about him. I know he’s a noble, but I’ve never met him. I don’t hear that many complaints about him, and Mother says he was a wonderful gentleman, but I’ve met his parents, and I find it hard to believe that they would raise a lovely son.
Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like?--I have four! On my mom’s side, at least.
Valerian is the oldest. He’s sixteen years older than me, so he’s a lot more mature than me, and very protective of us younger siblings. He has three kids, too, and his wife is Eli’s cousin. They have been married since I was only three, so she’s been in our lives forever. The two of them basically became my parents after our mother died, so I couldn’t be more grateful to them.
Then is Dahlia. Dahlia is 12 years older than me. She’s very calm, and there have been more than a few times where Valerian has been freaking out and Dahlia always keeps her cool and fixes the problem. She’s the best at makeup.
Basil is in the direct middle, and they’re 9 years older than me. They are very energetic and mischievous. I don’t think Basil wants a spouse, but they’re very dedicated to their craft. I blame them for the multiple scams of my father’s estate, but who’s complaining? Basil also has a scar along  their right cheek, running from their nose to their chin
Azalea is the closest to my age, she’s 25. She’s a lot like our mom. She treats everyone with kindness, but I worry about people taking advantage of her for that.
Also, I know that my father has two children younger than me with his wife, but I’ve never met them and I probably never will.
Where do you live now, and with whom? Describe the place and the person/people.--I live with the Black Bulls! The base is really crazy and always changing, but there’s always something going on, so everyday is fun.
What is your occupation?--I’m a Magic Knight, but I have also worked some other jobs in the past.
Write a full physical description of yourself. You might want to consider factors such as: height, weight, race, hair and eye color, style of dress, and any tattoos, scars, or distinguishing marks--I’m 5′5, and around 150lbs. My skin is pale, so I tend to burn very easily, and my eyes are yellow and my hair is pink. I like to wear warm colors and clothes that aren’t very tight, as well as boots. I have two large scars, one is about three inches and is a slash along my stomach, while the other one is about eight inches long and runs across my upper back, both from assassination attempts. I try to hide both of them. I also have one tattoo on my lower calf, so it’s usually covered.
To which social class do you belong?--I believe I’m considered a commoner. I likely wouldn’t be considered a noble unless something happened to my father’s legitimate children, though I have no interest in being taken in by his family. 
Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?—I get nosebleeds often because of an injury when i was younger. 
Are you right- or left-handed?—right handed
What does your voice sound like?—If I had to describe it, I’d say it’s medium in pitch and kind of airy. 
What words and/or phrases do you use very frequently?--nothing particularly?
What do you have in your pockets?—um. a handful of flowers, a pocket watch, and assorted candies. 
Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?—I sometimes bite my nails. 
Part 2: Growing Up
How would you describe your childhood in general?--Average for the most part, I’d say. I had a loving mother and 4 great siblings. Still, my mother’s death hit all of us very hard.
What is your earliest memory?--Sadly, my first assassination attempt. That one was when I was around five and it was sent by my father’s family. It gave me the scar on my stomach, and also gave Basil the scar on their face from them protecting me.
How much schooling have you had?--I went to the small schoolhouse in town up until I was 12, and then I started going less so I could work more. 
Did you enjoy school?--I enjoyed learning, but I’ve found that I learn more outside of school.
Where did you learn most of your skills and other abilities?--I learned basic first aid and how to identify certain plants and herbs from my siblings. I mostly learned battle from experience and assassins.
While growing up, did you have any role models? If so, describe them.—my siblings, especially Basil
While growing up, how did you get along with the other members of your family?--We all got along very well as kids, though they were all a lot older than me so that did strain our relationships a bit, especially as the youngest.
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?--As a child I wanted to work in medicine, even though my magic is ill suited for it. I only decided that I wanted to become a Magic Knight after my mother’s death.
As a child, what were your favorite activities?—i used to love helping my mother garden. 
As a child, what kinds of personality traits did you display?--I cried a lot more than I do now. I was always scared, as I knew from a young age that my father’s parents wanted me dead.
As a child, were you popular? Who were your friends, and what were they like?--My only friend was really Eli, but she hung out with all the kids from town, so i vaguely knew them.
When and with whom was your first kiss?--also Eli, when we were about 12 and 13.
Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity?--I’m not. After Eli left town I kind of lost myself for the next two years until I became a knight. 
Part 3: Past Influences
What do you consider the most important event of your life so far?--My mother's death perhaps?
Who has had the most influence on you?--Eli. I think if not for her, I would be a very different person.
What do you consider your greatest achievement?--The amount of nobles I’ve insulted to their faces on official magic knight business.
What is your greatest regret?--being born.
What is the most evil thing you have ever done?--I don’t think I’ve ever done anything “evil”, only some malicious things, but I don’t regret them.
Do you have a criminal record of any kind?--No, but I probably should for extortion.
When was the time you were the most frightened?--The first attempt on my life.
What is the most embarrassing thing ever to happen to you?--My elder brother catching me lying about my profession. 
If you could change one thing from your past, what would it be, and why?—i would be stronger. 
What is your best memory?—probably the first few months with the black bulls. It was genuine happiness for the first time in a while. 
What is your worst memory?—the aftermath of my mother’s death. I don’t remember the actual event, some mix of trauma and head injuries, but I do remember the weeks following. 
Part 4: Beliefs And Opinions
Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic?—i think i’m more pessimistic, but i'm trying to be an optimist. 
What is your greatest fear?--My greatest fear is once again being too weak to protect the people that I love. 
What are your religious views?--I’m not religious.
What are your political views?--I think that the Clover Kingdom’s nobility is corrupt, and the whole system needs to be fixed.
What are your views on sex?--I think nothing much of it. 
Are you able to kill? Under what circumstances do you find killing to be acceptable or unacceptable?--I think I’m a hypocrite on this. I think killing is unacceptable, but I wouldn’t hesitate to kill the people that harm the ones I love. 
In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do?--In my opinion, the most evil thing one can do is to habitually hurt and abuse others.
Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love?--No. I don’t think that anything like that is real.
What do you believe makes a successful life?--I think that money plays a large part of success. 
How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings (i.e. do you hide your true self from others, and in what way)?--Very open. My emotions are very easily read.
Do you have any biases or prejudices?--Yeah i hate nobles. 
Is there anything you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? Why do you refuse to do it?--I try to stay out of the public eye as best I can. I also refuse to do jobs near my grandparents’ home. 
Who or what, if anything, would you die for (or otherwise go to extremes for)?--Finral or Eli. I’d do anything for them.
Part 5: Relationships With Others
In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping them at a distance, etc.)? Does your treatment of them change depending on how well you know them, and if so, how?—I try to keep people at a distance, but when I become close to someone, they become one of my People. I’d do anything for the people I’m close to. 
Who is the most important person in your life, and why?--Right now, it’s probably Eli or Finral. They’ve positively affected me in more ways than I can count.
Who is the person you respect the most, and why?—Captain Yami is the person I respect the most. Joining the Black Bulls changed my life so much for the better, and I’m so grateful that he gave me that opportunity.
Who are your friends? Do you have a best friend? Describe these people—Eli is my best friend. She’s loud and always smiling, but I worry about her. I’m also pretty close to Magna.  He’s a great friend and brings out my mischievous side more. 
Do you have a spouse or significant other? If so, describe this person.--Finral is great. He’s a little goofy, but he is very loyal and loving. 
Have you ever been in love? If so, describe what happened.--I think I’m in love right now. 
How close are you to your family?--I’m very close to my older siblings.
Have you started your own family? If so, describe them. If not, do you want to? Why or why not?--No. I think I’d like to at some point be a mother, but not for a while longer. 
Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help?--I think I would find it hard to turn to anyone, but if I was so desperate, probably Eli or Magna. I’m too afraid to show Finral my weakness. 
Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why?--No. I need to be strong enough to protect myself. 
If you died or went missing, who would miss you?--I think that the bulls would. 
Who is the person you despise the most, and why?--My father. My mother spoke kindly of him, but he abandoned her. 
Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?--I argue more.
Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?—depends who I'm with, but I’m more likely to take a leadership role.
Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not?—I’d prefer a smaller group, personally, but i’m not bad with large groups. 
Do you care what others think of you?—yes. immensely 
Part 6: Likes And Dislikes
What is/are your favorite hobbies and pastimes?--I enjoy reading romance novels, and spending time in nature. Flower fields remind me of home and give me comfort. 
What is your most treasured possession?—my pocket watch. my mother gave it to me, since it was a gift to her from my father. 
What is your favorite color?—i like warm pale yellow
What is your favorite food?—I like crepes!
What, if anything, do you like to read?—I like to read romance. 
What is your idea of good entertainment (consider music, movies, art, etc.)?--I enjoy reading. On days off, I often spend hours at a time sitting outside and reading.
Do you smoke, drink, or use drugs? If so, why? Do you want to quit?—I generally don’t, but I will drink sometimes. I probably drink an average amount. 
How do you spend a typical Saturday night?—generally hanging around the Bulls hideout. If I have a day off I often go visit home to see my mother’s grave and give her flowers. 
What makes you laugh?—My squadmates! I’ve been told my sense of humor is bad..
What, if anything, shocks or offends you?--I hate the prejudices of the Clover nobles.
What would you do if you had insomnia and had to find something to do to amuse yourself?—When that happens (because it has before) I will usually walk around the base, sometimes I eat a snack. I also like to head outside and look at the stars when I can’t sleep. 
How do you deal with stress?—I will usually end up letting it out, whether emotionally or magically. I don't like to bottle things up. 
Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan?—I prefer having a plan. 
What are your pet peeves?—people talking over others. 
Part 7: Self Images And Etc.
Describe the routine of a normal day for you. How do you feel when this routine is disrupted?--I wake up at about 7 every morning, and get ready for the day. If I have a mission, I’ll leave for it early. On days I don’t have a mission, I will either go visit my mother’s grave or go see my grandparents or their advisor.
What is your greatest strength as a person?--I’d say my strength is supporting people. And also throwing lava. 
What is your greatest weakness?--I lie a bit too much, and I am a bit indifferent towards people I don’t care about.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?--I would want to be more caring. 
Are you generally introverted or extroverted?--I’d say introvert.
Are you generally organized or messy?--Organized. I don’t like disorder.
Name three things you consider yourself to be very good at, and three things you consider yourself to be very bad at.--I’m good at lying, cleaning, and fighting. I’m bad at controlling my emotions, sewing, and cooking.
Do you like yourself?--No, I really don’t. 
What are your reasons for being a magic knight*? Are your real reasons for doing this different than the ones you tell people in public? (If so, detail both sets of reasons…)--I am a magic knight because I want to protect people. 
What goal do you most want to accomplish in your lifetime?--I want to heal from my past. 
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?--I hope to still be a Magic Knight, and hopefully a higher rank.
If you could choose, how would you want to die?--I would want to die swiftly if I could choose.
If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left.--I would try to isolate myself from the people I love, so that they wouldn’t have to deal with grief. I think I would generally be calm.
What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death?--I want to be remembered for my strength. 
What three words best describe your personality?--open. loyal. decisive.
What three words would others probably use to describe you?--Rosie is loyal, smart, and loving!!-Eli
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imagi77 · 4 years
The King and the Knight ~ Drabble
Wrote this with a friend, @claude-frollo-archives​~ I thought I’d share. :’) Nothing official or anything, but it sure made me happy~
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His nightly ride had come to a strange end when he soon found someone he knew, oddly placed at the center of a glen. She had greeted him like an old friend, and graced him with an enchanted waltz that even his own discovered wild spirit could not resist. It brought tender memories of this first part of the decade of raising a little girl, when he truly did not have any sort of obligation to take on the work of another. And to continue it to the very end… was just enough proof of the heart to someone who waited deep in the pines for these two wayward voyagers.
The towering pines became from dark and looming to somehow calm and peaceful to the point that it began to feel … uncanny to him. It felt so different that he had to stop. The stallion stalled in his tracks, with his ears back, upon a sudden… The female creature who was accompanying him paused and looked back to him.
Her eyes lit up with realization when this brilliant stallion displayed, shockingly… a lack of confidence? It almost made her eyes water to see this wise one hesitate so suddenly before her eyes. This was a wizard who has scorned in the face of evil itself and had been on a transforming journey for more than a decade — This was unreal. What was fastened here? What was trapping him?
In this form, he had to abandon it, for it was a treasured secret of his and has been so for years — If this was lie of some kind or some cruel trick, he had to come as his true form, the way he was. There was this… tranquility overcoming him, overcoming his logic and if he let that go, ever… it would leave him too vulnerable.
The stallion’s form wilted away before the Dryad and there stood a very on edge wizard, whose cloaks were just as slick as the beast’s coat as before. At her, his eyes looked shocked… hurt even at the mere possibility.
“What are you doing?” he asked her suddenly, a new tone taking over his often strong voice. It sounded fragile.
“I have done nothing,”
“Nothing. Have you charmed a wild animal’s naivete in order to bring me to this place? The very same way that you cursed it?”
“Absolutely not, dear Prince…” she answered, patiently. “You are not who you were almost 20 years ago. Far, so far from that. That curse relies on you now… Not I… but I do really believe that is the least of our worries now.”
“What do you mean…?”
“Only come, there is nothing to fear here…”
“Even you should know that there is always fear — Do not be so with me. I am aware of the dangers of feeling this close to safety can only be a diversion of some kind. If I know the effects of the Dark Arts well enough, this is a deathtrap waiting to happen…”
Her ambers softened sadly. “Things are not as they were, Orpheus… You have loved and have become loved and in doing so, you have something far beyond what you have once dreamed of as a boy. You are correct that fear would always survive, but love blooms brighter during such times, wouldn’t you agree? You have looked after so many and lastly that young inventor who proved to be more than what he seemed to be, after your Lily’s found petal no less…”
The anger fell from his eyes before he trailed them to the ground away from hers. He drew in a deep sigh, yet he still held his wand… ready for anything.
“Perhaps it was the pathetic hope of keeping who I held dear away from the horrors I have seen. If I was that close to losing myself to the enemy that young, it would prove the same for anyone… Or… I was always guilty of my sins…?” he brooded. “A shallow, weak minded fool who only wanted one day in the sun, shrouded in darkness, every day. Lyra… oh little rosie … when she took that hit and held it inside, killing that part of him with it, I felt a part of myself just shatter into ashes… Her eyes were cold ice for so long after those lessons… I thought I would never see her again.”
Soon enough, he looked ahead to the glen she was aiming to lead him to with a sign of dread yet there was a shred of once lost innocence in his eyes.
“I have forgotten this feeling. There was never a time when I ever felt this way, except for a few…”
“Like whom?”
“My mother… Then there was Lily… and then Lyra, two of which I have failed outright. I feel no danger here and so I cannot step further, for I know I will be betrayed and everything I have worked for would be undone —“
“It will not be that way — Prince, that is a promise. This is someone who knows and they will help everyone we hold dear. I swear it! Just come with me, this once. Let me show you.”
Severus couldn’t bear to look her in the eye for one minute. Casting his gaze to the ground and he did not go for her reaching hand - Not at all.
“Whether this is a lie … or not. I shall see and determine for myself.” he warned, keeping his distance. “I am warning you — I have no room in my heart for any more treachery… Of what’s left of it…”
At that she nodded, respectfully. The agony he had to endure to get to this point in time was precious and so she understood as to why he was so cautious about it.
He swept passed the Dryad soon catching onto the distant sunlight that seemed to be trapped within this one part of the forest and oddly, it did not illuminate much else. The Wizard instantly felt a change in the air that almost took the breath right out of him. A fascinating, yet yearning peace warmed up in his chest as he stepped into the sunlight, very cautiously. There was a body upon one of the ledges between two grand pines… A massive golden body with a mane a brilliant as gold as the wind blew through it, it glistened like diamonds. Prince stopped not knowing how to process this at first…. This felt like a dream… As the Dryad joined his side, the great Head then turned to face them. The eyes were more human than ones he had ever seen, belonging to such a massive beast — Pure sunlight gold, full of mirth and a great knowledge that brought forth a score of sorrow. That face resembled that of a crown, for a King so great.
Right then… Prince felt the overpowering desire to stay humbled. All the pride and stubborness he had just vanished entirely… He felt small, worthless whilst in the presence of… whoever this was. It was not only not human, but far beyond that. Far beyond any magic. Had he just died just now… Was time even real?
Right then, the golden Beast rose from their perch on a pair of strong front arms, with a tail gracing behind them.
“I understand that you have much to ask me.” the Beast had spoken in a deep, profound voice, almost purring and rumbled like distant thunder. “Do not fear me, brave Knight.”
For a moment, it seemed that he could not even speak. Prince had a sense that this was a presence to be reckoned with.
“I find that… problematic, with all due respect.” he soon managed a response.
“With a drawn wand that I see, I do understand why. I vow to you that no harm shall come.”
“You know me enough to know my alias…. Who are you?”
“I am ASLAN. The Great Lion. I have come from a world that is not of your own, friend. I have come seeking the courageous, the trustworthy and the wise.”
At the sound of that mighty voice, it had seemed to have the Wizard in a state of peace, whether it was welcomed or not. The Lion knew it was something the weary man needed in his life, it was so lacking that the feeling was purely foreign to him. At that, Aslan held the most compassionate gleam in his golden eyes as he gently climbed his way down from the ledge, with so much power that he even shook the ground beneath Prince’s feet.
“This world has worn you down. I can see it, I can feel it… You must know now that I am no enemy. I have seen your beginning and your present. The rocky road you have traveled on as shook you to the point that you no longer believe in your own truth, yet you believe in others whom you hold dear. You have regrets and sorrows that can never be forgotten… You try to forget the past yet your soul still lives in it. It lives in it and you fear of the terrors of the past returning again. I am not here to humor you of this, but to encourage you to let free of that bind. It never defined you. If you let it free, your heart will heal.”
Prince’s eyes flashed as if something had just awoke within him and his brow furrowed once again, soon taking a step back.
“No one will ever have power over you again, Orpheus Prince… or are you still Severus Snape? The boy who supported and honored his mother to the very end of her days. He who tried to shield his childhood friend from the evils of another… He who had no control over such evils ever since the beginning?”
“DON’T. Severus is DEAD.” Prince soon spoke, his voice clearly on the verge of absolute agony. “… He had been killed along with his filthy excuse for a father, whom I was almost molded into…”
“You were never your father, Prince. He had chosen his fate long before you returned for Eileen. He had been given chance and chance again, and he still returned to what truly killed his soul, entirely. Whereas you, you hung on to a single thread and you managed to mold your own destiny. Severus Snape did not die. He only transformed…” Aslan’s powerful tone soothed further into a gentle and loving tune, even as a tear escaped Prince’s eye. “If Lily and her husband saw you now, they would be overjoyed. You carried on her tender work of raising their daughter, sparing her from evil, as they so wished on their last night. She always had faith in you. It broke her heart that day, but deeply she knew that you would make the wisest choice. This will be your choice to make. I only ask that you consider this offer with a calm heart.” said the Lion. “I do not desire you to be eaten by self loathing… That is not how others see you. The past no longer plays a part in your life NOW. You shan’t look back and compare, rather, look back and reflect of how different and more you have become ever since you had endured those events. I see a magical boy who escaped an abusive home, he who made a living for himself, from what he knew, he taught and therefore he learned… Instead of using your abilities to bring harm to others, you took that evil and created good out of it. You taught others like you to fight for independence and protection. That is no school you run. It is a home now. You are a magician who anyone can trust. Hence why I come to you now. I have been in silent observance, in search of magical blood worthy to aide my realm.”
At that, Prince rose his eyes to meet the Lion’s, deeply confused.
“I? Worthy enough? To aide the likes of you, whose able to flatten me with a mere stare?”
“You are worthy to me, Orpheus… Someone worth more than a thousand songbirds.” Aslan lovingly smiled. “Show me who you really are ~”
This was no challenge but this was a form of expression. The transformed Wizard, with his chest feeling as though it could burst unleashed a Patronus so bright that it trapped the entire glen in pure white light. In quiet tears, Prince freed a sprightly doe from his wand and she danced about the glen… even inviting the Dryad to prance with her.
“There she is…” Aslan softly whispered with a smile at the sight. “As bright as a spring day…”
“Just as I thought…” the Dryad laughed.
Prince watched his own creation be alive about the glen with a deep wistfulness before she gently came to his hand and he seemed to stroke her head.
“. . . what is it do you wish of me?” Prince soon asked, his soul feeling entirely free for once before solemnly facing the Lion who gently closed in.
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sagamemes · 5 years
miss sherlock sentence starters, episode 1.01.   below, you can find 62 lines of dialogue taken from the first episode of hbo’s miss sherlock. tw: mentions of sex, addiction, death, murder, other common tropes of the genre. edit as needed, feel free to change locations and whatnot to your preferences.
❝  [name] didn’t cooperate. you killed him.  ❞
❝  according to witnesses, he was mumbling about the devil.  ❞
❝  all you care about is comfort. no fashion sense.  ❞
❝  and you’re playing god with lives.  ❞
❝  are you after the truth? or are you just curious?  ❞
❝  can’t have kids? or don’t want any?  ❞
❝  do you ever look for sex elsewhere?  ❞
❝  don’t tell me what to wear!  ❞
❝  forget about how i look.  ❞
❝  he really loved you, [name].  ❞
❝  he wrote me letters. they saved me when i was in an unfamiliar place.  ❞
❝  here we have a homeless, jobless, has-been.  ❞
❝  here, let me help you. tie this. and then... through here. all finished.  ❞
❝  hey. why do they call you [nickname/alias]?  ❞
❝  i can smell gunpowder on you.  ❞
❝  i can’t think when my aesthetic sense is disturbed.  ❞
❝  i had to drink. or i became violent.  ❞
❝  i need to consider every possibility.  ❞
❝  i owe a lot to her parents, so i’m helping her out.  ❞
❝  i wanted to make a difference. so i joined [blank]. but... in the end, there was nothing i could do.  ❞
❝  if you remember anything, please be in touch. you can help us find a murderer.  ❞
❝  is [blank] her real name?  ❞
❝  is that... a bloodstain inside?  ❞
❝  i’d feel better knowing you’re living with a friend.  ❞
❝  i’m glad you’ve arrived home safely. it’s a relief.  ❞
❝  i’m looking at the toys.  ❞
❝  i’m looking for a job. know anything?  ❞
❝  i’m so sorry. if [name] hadn’t come to meet me... i’m so sorry...  ❞
❝  i’m sorry [she/they/i] got you involved in all of this.  ❞
❝  i’m sure [name] loved seeing you happy. she wouldn’t want to see this hatred and vengeance.  ❞
❝  i’m tired of living like this.  ❞
❝  let go! the devil will kill me!  ❞
❝  let me do the talking. no jumping the gun. okay?  ❞
❝  let’s go. you only have 20 minutes.  ❞
❝  looks like the work of the devil.  ❞
❝  mind your manners. the victim’s wife is here.  ❞
❝  my [relation] used to talk about you. about your compassion to those around you.  ❞
❝  no arrest, but thanks to you, no more murders.  ❞
❝  no time for jokes. i can’t stand this place.  ❞
❝  nothing’s left. nobody is allowed in.  ❞
❝  please take care of [name].  ❞
❝  please... [name]... just die...!  ❞
❝  rehab programs do great work.  ❞
❝  science is often exploited for unsavoury purposes. sarin gas was first developed as a pesticide.  ❞
❝  seriously! now you tell us!  ❞
❝  she can’t hear a thing when she’s lost in thought.  ❞
❝  she had such beautiful hair. she loved having me style it for her. i was good at it, too.  ❞
❝  such a pleasant introduction!  ❞
❝  suit yourself. but i’ll make sure you regret this.  ❞
❝  we need an ambulance and bomb disposal.  ❞
❝  we need the autopsy done now. can’t risk a rookie forensic messing it up.  ❞
❝  we will reach in tokyo in 10 minutes.  ❞
❝  what about the victims?! [name]... i can’t get [name] back!  ❞
❝  what are you going to do? no home. no job.  ❞
❝  what are you using the money for?  ❞
❝  what’s wrong with your clothes?  ❞
❝  why did he have to die like that?  ❞
❝  working for the police doesn’t excuse such rudeness! how could you ask her questions like that?  ❞
❝  you believed it was the only right thing to do for your beloved daughter.  ❞
❝  you keep touching your chest. is something wrong?  ❞
❝  your watch is six hours behind.  ❞
❝  ‘curiosity killed the cat’, right? don’t go sniffing around. you’ll end up like the cat.  ❞
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chwrpg · 4 years
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It’s about time. We’ve been waiting for you guys. -- Nova Lisbon
A NOTE FROM ADMIN B: If anyone can hear screaming in the distance don’t worry it’s just me!!!!!!!!! It’s no secret the Lisbon sisters are the loves of my life so I’ve always wanted to have the full set on the dash to really get into that family dynamic of theirs. And now, thanks to resident angel™ Tiff, we’re one step closer! I love the way you’ve written Nova-- like the other sisters she has that enigmatic manic pixie dream girl facade, but there’s so, so much more behind what everyone else projects onto her. I cannot wait to see her finally get the attention she deserves.
That Bitch FKA Tiff . 26 . CST
Nova Lisbon
If John Green had ever met Nova Lisbon he would have had a field day with that one. Everything about her from the way she walked with a little skip in her step to her more arbitrary habits like the way she dotted her i’s with hearts and took Buzzfeed personality quizzes when she was bored in class was more than enough material for her to inevitably become someone’s manic pixie dream girl. It wasn’t even that there was necessarily anything special that made her stand out from everyone else, people were just naturally attracted to her because she was an enigma; an experience that they could talk about at class reunions in the years to come. The Lisbon sisters were known in town for the air of mystery that followed them, enticing those who enjoyed a challenge to go to great lengths in hopes of catching the attention of one of the elusive sirens. Catching the eye of one of them was like winning a lottery ticket or climbing Mount Everest. While her sisters preferred to shy away from this portrayal that had been placed on them since their move to Rosewood, just trying to live normal lives, Nova reveled in all of the extra attention, more than happy to take her sisters’ share. Being caught smack dab in the middle of so many personalities made it so that it could be difficult to not get overlooked and that soon became one of her biggest fears, being forgotten and ultimately left behind, even by her own family. A fear that she never shared with any of them out of fear of sounding more irrational than her mother often made her feel. How could she tell them not to be themselves because it made her feel small compared to them when their parents had already stifled almost all enjoyment out of their life? Instead she began doing outrageous things and getting into unsavory habits for the sake of standing out. And in a way showing that she had control over her life, that no one told her what to do, even her parents. Though as mature as she tried to come off she was still a naive, hopeless romantic who could easily be taken advantage of. She fell in love easily. It seemed almost weekly. Unfortunately all of those people were out of her life about as fast as they had come in. But in that desperation to become a person of importance in others lives, in fighting so desperately to not become just another passing flavor of the week, she gave pieces of herself. Until she had given so much there was nothing left to give. Until all that was left was for her to get her shit together and pick up those pieces herself. And slowly but surely she was learning to do that. No offense to Alaska Young, but she was going to become the one who would control the narrative to her own story.
When Nova had first proposed the idea of a peer counseling program she had been met with a couple of chuckles, little bouts of amusement which soon took an awkward turn when the realization hit that she was completely serious. They were completely in their right to believe that she had been joking of course. Up until recently she wasn’t known for taking anything too seriously, much less known to dabble in humanitarianism. How on Earth did this girl, the same girl who throughout high school threw fits mid lecture over something as simple as a break up note think she was equipped to share any kind of advice with anyone? But that was exactly why Nova thought she was a prime candidate to participate in a peer counseling program. While, yes, she had been raised in an extremely sheltered environment she had somehow managed to find herself going through certain hardships that weren’t universally shared in such a short amount of time. Sure, as the whispers around town had led everyone to believe once the girls had all effectively left their time in captivity in their house, there probably wouldn’t have been so many speed bumps along the way if she had just listened to her parents. But she also wouldn’t have learned any of the life lessons she had if these experiences never occurred. For as much as she had been shamed at the time for her mistakes she felt no regrets. These moments and lapses in judgement that she was demonized for, especially by her mother who constantly berated her for being a free spirit, had molded her into the person she was today. The thing with Nova was that she stopped letting herself be bound by the rules the moment they settled down in Rosewood. Which really should have come as less of a surprise considering the compounding frustration that had slowly built up in the girls, passing on the baggage from the sister before them like a rite of passage.
Being part of such a tight knit family had always felt like both a blessing and a curse. The Lisbon sisters had always been as thick as thieves, so close that growing up Nova even believed they all shared a soul. That they all took different parts of it and together completed a whole person. Tessa had snatched up the compassion and understanding, Marina the brutal honesty and vicious protectiveness, Bridget the loyalty and adaptability, and Cecily the courage and patience. At least that was how she coped with their situation, by doing what she always did and romanticizing everything. Perhaps that was where the real problem lied though, that their codependence ran so deep they lost their sense of individuality. But what else were they supposed to do when their growth had already been stunted so severely by denying them the ability to form any true relationships outside of their own household? Even Nova had always been more open to the public than her sisters left a lot of things unsaid, things she didn’t think were of much importance but explained a lot about her character. Things she wanted people to find out about her by looking deeper than surface level. She left hints here and there, little moments with different people, like a scavenger hunt waiting to be solved. It was a path many had tried to venture but very few actually made headway along.
These who truly got to know Nova knew she was like a hurricane; calm and still at times like the eye of the storm, the still point in the turning world as one of her many suitors once stated. But destructive in passing, wearing her heart on her sleeve, and often making a scene when she felt  like she was being played. Maybe that was why no one could quite understand why it was she felt the need to start the peer counseling program. Was it to gain some kind of karmic retribution for all the lives she had turned upside-down? Or was it to live vicariously through the lives of others by listening to their stories like they were retellings excerpts from books in some vast library of life? The truth was much more simple than that. Nova just loved people. And she liked to help them, not out of self interest despite this desperate need to be loved in return, but because she was fundamentally a caretaker.
This was how she found currently herself the only running some errands for colleagues and shopping for holiday decorations to spruce up the little office they used as the peer counseling center. She had taken a bit of a detour in the beauty department when the wails of child snapped her out of her own thoughts. Turning to scan down the aisle and see where the ruckus was coming from she spotted a little girl, no more than two or three years old. Around how old her child would have been had things turned out differently. The kid seemed to be lost and crying out for her mom but there was no one in sight who seemed to be coming to her rescue. She shuffled back awkwardly to the end of the aisle, looking all around to see if anyone was making their way back over for her or even if there was an employee whose attention she could get, but there was no one. Part of her told herself to just go and pretend like she didn’t see anything, it wasn’t her business anyways. But this wasn’t something she could overlook, it didn’t sit right to not do anything. Seeing this tiny person so upset because she was lost and didn’t know what to do reminded her of herself, and how she felt growing up.
“Hey sweetie…Did you get separated from your mom?” She asked timidly, slowly making her way closer to her, crouched down slightly so she was level with the kid to not make her feel too intimidated of this stranger coming up to her. The little girl simply nodded in response, wiping at her eyes and nose with the sleeve of the jacket she had on. “Okay. I’m gonna take you to some people that are gonna help find her, alright?” The Lisbon girl offered in the most reassuring tone she could muster up to reassure the child that things would be okay. Gracelessly she led the little girl through the store towards the front, to the customer service area where she knew the girl would be safe and there were people who were more trained on what to do in this kind of situation. Whose hearts probably wouldn’t be on the brink beating out of their chest from anxiousness of having someone else’s safety in their hands, especially when the girl reached up to clutch her hand only managing to hold onto a few of her fingers as they walked.
As awkward as she herself felt, the unknown leading the unknown, she did her best to keep a brave face all the same. The same forced smile she plastered on whenever she went back home, which she hadn’t been back to since her miscarriage. Nova had never been great with kids. They were a huge responsibility, they required lots of time, they were very dependent. They asked for much more than she currently had to give, more than she thought she would ever have to give. And quite honestly she hadn’t had the best examples of parenting. The fear of screwing up another life because of her own damage was real. It was why as shitty as she felt thinking it she was actually sorta relieved when she miscarried. It was a sad situation knowing there had been a life inside of her and losing it from one minute to another. But it didn’t feel sad to her. To be honest she didn’t really feel anything when it happened other than a weight off her shoulders. It felt like she had been granted a second chance at life. A chance to do everything over but better this time. But currently this tiny person was being so strong and entrusting her whole life with someone she didn’t know. The least she could do was act like she had her shit together for a few moments. 
When they made it to the service desk the employees got straight to making an announcement calling for the girl’s mother. Nova turned to head back to finishing her errands but stopped in her tracks when she felt a tug on the back of her shirt. It was the little girl. She begged for her not to leave and Nova didn’t have the heart to tell her no. So she stayed and played the few schoolyard games she remembered, like patty cake and rock paper scissors, with her until her mother arrived. 
The mother’s face was covered in tears as she scooped up her kid and held her close. She thanked Nova over and over again. “I don’t know how to repay you.” She said through her tears. 
“That’s not necessary, ma’am. Seeing how happy you two are is enough repayment for me. Just remember to cherish her the same way you are now always. Even when she gets older and starts giving you a hard time.” She said with a soft laugh and warm smile. As happy as she was for the happily reunited family she felt a pang in her chest as she thought about how broken hers currently was, everyone going in completely different directions once they had left home. It pained her heart to see someone have the kind of relationship she had always wanted with her mother, to see someone be revered simply for existing and not looked down on as if she was a mistake.
Maybe this was a sign. She had overcome every other problem in her life. Maybe it was time she faced the last one holding her back. Letting go of the anger she felt towards her parents. Or at least confront the issue instead of running from it. She pulled out her cellphone and dialed the number of the one parent she wasn’t scared out of her mind to talk to.
“Hey, Dad…How are you?” She asked softly into her phone.
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amnachil · 4 years
To the Perfection Chapter 3 Part 2
We continue :) A long Thomas’s part again.
Thomas Monday April 22
The teenager woke up in a bed which wasn't his. Surprised, he stood up and looked around. He quickly recognised Joël's room. This one hadn't changed it much since their childhood. The walls were painted in flashy blue. Here and there, clothes and dvd lay around. He had an old tv and a computer for himself. Surprisingly, he hadn't any poster of female celebreties. The ginger went in the corridor. Nobody there. He checked the hour : 2 pm. No wonder he was starving. His thoughts went to Dan, who was probably alone at home. He went to the stairs but suddenly, he heard Joël ask behind him :
"Watcha doin' bro ?"
He turned towards his friend. He was wearing a sport tee-shirt and baggy pants. He held in one hand a bag from the local fastfood, in the other a plate of creamy spinach.
"This is lunch." he precised when he noticed Thomas was staring. "Thought you would be hungry."
"I am." admitted the other. "But I need to go. I can't let Dan on his own."
"Yeah, because staying with him went totally fine for both of you until now."
And a blank. Are you trying to hurt me now ? Is this my punishment for everything I have done ? Being taunted by the most idiotic of my friends alias Joël ?
"After what happened last night, I think we can say you're not emotionally AND mentally ready to be with him only the two of you." continued his friend. "So don't be a moron and come eat with me."
Go fuck yourself prick. Thomas said nothing. He only followed Joël to the dining room. He sat in front of him reluctantly and looked at the spinach.
"What ? You hate burgers right ? I know that duh."
The ginger shurgged and started to eat. He was frankly surprised but his priority was Dan. And Raphaël. I need to make sure my brother is okay.
"Sooo... What are we planning next ?"
"What do you mean dumbass ? There is no we. I have this under control."
"Yeah clearly. You forced Ilhan to have sex with you in order to appease your desire right ? You made Cody's life a true hell. Oh and you broke your brother's heart aswell as your crush's one. Not to mention you almost took advantage of the man's drunk state to have SEX with him. Yeah, definitely you got this man."
Again, a blank. Thomas closed his eyes and sighed deeply.
"You're right." he said miserably. "I need help."
"Heck yes you need help." confirmed Joël. "But what's the plan ? Are you gonna continue your thing with Ilhan ? Talk to Dan ? To Raphaël ? What do YOU want from them exactly ?"
"I thought what I want was pretty clear and caused this mess in the first place ? Isn't what you said idiot ?"
His friend facepalmed.
"No. I said the way you DEALT with your desires led to this." he explained. "But the problem in the first place is that you don't even know what you want precisely. And apparently, you don't separate what you CAN have from what you CANNOT have."
"Are you a shrink or something ?"
"I'm fucking trying to help here ! Stop being so overdramatic and just give some thought to the damn question brat !"
It took more time than he expected. Originally, he thought it was very simple : he wanted Dan. He started by this.
"I want Dan to love me." he said. "I love him and I want it to be mutual. He's sweet, caring and always nice... A bit naive but I like this too. And man, when he ate ! Damn yes, I want him..."
He paused the time to realise he had destroyed all this things in Dan lately.
"But I can't force him." he whispered. "And I regret I have hurt my brother. I mean sure, if I'm gonna ever date Dan, he'll be sad, but I would prefer it to go smoothly... Oh fuck it's too late for this. What I've done ?"
"We already established what you did." pointed out Joël. "What is in the past can't be changed. Just go ahead."
Thomas nodded.
"So I want to apologise to Raphaël for calling him a monster. I'm not sure I'm ready to tell him the truth but I need to at least take responsability for my mistake. Oh and I thought about what you said. I realised I wanted so badly to be as perfect as him... I think I still want that. I look up to him more than I hate him I guess, but it drives me crazy sometimes."
His friend cleaned their plates in silent. He served two orange juice and sat back.
"You know my bro is way older than me so I can't relate exactly, but I think it's pretty normal to feel this kind of things towards them dude." he stated. "Your problem is how special Raphaël is. The man is not normal I tell you. Pretty sure he got abducted by aliens before ! So you can't compete eh."
At least, the bad joke made Thomas laugh.
"Joël you're very stupid."
"I know."
"I owe you a lot."
"I know that too."
It was late afternoon when Joël agreed to go visit Dan. They went together, since Thomas couldn't be trusted. Which, I admit, is true. His crush was obviously home. He appeared drunk again and out of his logical mind. He was mumbling about Raphaël. It saddened the ginger, but not because of his jealousy. I realise how much I hurt him now. It's my fault if he's suffering like that. They managed to put him to bed with a bit of struggle and then came back downstair. Joël turned on the TV while the teenager sent a text to Shirley.
< Thomas : Dan's asleep but not better. You can come over tomorow if you want. >
She quickly replied yes.
"Dude ! Raphaël's on tv." hailed him his friend.
He went in the living room to watch it. What he saw scared him to the bone. His brother had always looked frightening. Mostly cold. But there was something in his eyes which was even scarier. Even through the screen, he emitted so much sadness and distress. He looked empty, like a doll.
"Our team will be at L.A starting tomorow and until this weekend." he said.
His tone. Oh god his tone. It was emotionless, dead.
"L.A is not that far. You should tell Dan and help him go there." declared Joël.
"What ? No !"
He defied his friend's gaze for a while.
"I don't want them to go back together." he confessed finally. "I know it's selfish but... I have a chance now ! I won't have another if they make up."
"You don't know that." countered Joël. "And you have of chance of what ? Do you fell in love with the fat drunk dude I just put to bed or with the real Dan ? Because I'm pretty sure the real Dan won't come back without a proper talk with Raphaël beforehand."
Thomas grunted.
"Look, we don't know for sure if they'll be a couple again. Besides, it's not the point. You hurt Raphaël and Dan and they don't deserve it dude. Now you have the opportunity to try making things better or you can follow your selfish desire. Just think about what Dan wants."
"Okay." he finally conceded. "I'll tell him."
Cody Thursday April 25
This week was the weirdest he had ever lived. He went from discovery to discrovery. First of all, the story between Ilhan and Thomas was fake, as the first had revealed. But it didn't prevent the ginger to come again yesterday night and to sleep with his unwitting fuck buddy. Which led Cody to one of the biggest new of the day.
"He told me he was with Joël all this time." told Ilhan. "Do you think... he's cheating on me ? Arf, I shouldn't say it like that since we ain't a real thing."
Thomas... with Joël. That was something he wouldn't have even imagined one week ago. But now, he was seing things differently. So his crush was getting tired of having only one fuck buddy and went for another ? Well, it led Cody to the second biggest new of the day.
"Do you think he'll fatten him up too ?"
"Wait. What ?"
Ilhan swallowed the chocolate bar he was eating.
"You thought I became like this on my own ?" he asked while making his belly jiggle. "Man ! He's way too much into feeding !"
Now I'm lost. He looked to their friend. Thomas was chatting discreetly with Joël near to the classroom. He was so cute. What about me ? Do I fit his taste ? Cody glanced at Ilhan. They were about the same height, but there was a at least 30 kg (66 pounds) difference between them. He's fat and I'm underweight. Damn, how come I never linked his gaining with Thomas ? Now the real question : Was Cody ready to grow into someone similar to Ilhan ?
Dan Saturday April 27
They arrived in L.A in the evening. The college student gulped. He was in the same city than Raphaël. He get out of the car and looked at the colossal hotel facing them. He mentally repeated the things he wanted to say.
"Are you ready ?" asked Thomas.
He seemed to talk more to himself than to Dan.
"Yeah." replied this one anyway.
They had to do it. I need him in my life. I'm just a complete stupid. This week had been the worst. When he had done his coming out, when Shirley had insulted him back in highschool for being gay... All these bad memories were nothing in comparison. I've been so horrible with him. So unfair. Thomas talked to the reception and showed his ID. The lady gave them Raphaël's room number. They took the elevator in deep silent. It was like a dream. Dan was afraid. Afraid because he didn't know how to behave. Afraid because for the first time in in life, Raphaël wouldn't be happy to see them. But I have to talk to him. They were at his floor. In front of his door. His friend inhaled.
"There is no going back now." he said.
And he knocked. Dan's ex-boyfriend opened three seconds later. He was wearing white pants with a blue shirt. His hair were disheveled. But Dan noticed almost instantly his eyes. They were empty. They had no life in them.
"Hi big brother." whispered Thomas.
His voice was trembling. The college student stood straight, incapable of speaking. I need to say I'm sorry. Just say it. Raphaël slowly turned his head towards his little brother.
"Hi." he said.
The two visitors shivered. His voice sounded completely dead. There wasn't a word strong enough to tell how deprived of warmth it was. The eldest ginger then looked at Dan. This one felt tears on his cheek. He was shaking.
"Do you have something to say ?" asked Raphaël without any emotion.
"I... I... Oh my god."
He couldn't say it.
"He's sorry." intervened Thomas. "No, we're sorry. Darren told us the truth and we're very sorry. Please, believe me."
Thomas, don't you see it ? This thing we have created ?
"Okay." replied Raphaël. "Is there anything else I can do for you ?"
His answer caught Thomas out. Dan sobbed. His boyfriend was gone. Completely gone. He had destroyed the last part of his humanity.
"You don't look well." said this doll of Raphaël. "You should go to rest. Thomas, make sure your friend goes back home safe."
Friend. The word hurt, but not more than the meaningless tone of the person who used it. The ginger closed the door slowly. God what did I do ? Please, tell me there is a way to help him. To bring him back ! He felt Thomas drag him to the elevator. But Dan didn't noticed he was crying too.
To be continued
We’re not having fun moments in this story I know.
But Thomas has to deal with the consequences. Dan’s too. 
For Raphael’s state, it’s pretty simple: he decided to not feel anything anymore, to avoid further disillusion.
Thanks god Joel is here.
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justthingstbh · 5 years
Life on Mars
 Read on Ao3  Tags: This is basically just domestic fluff folks 
“So what do you want to eat tonight?” Juno asked while stretching leisurely. They had a long day behind them. Someone had broken into the Intergalactic History Museum and Peter had had so much fun taking out his old Rex Glass Alias that Juno hadn’t felt like stopping him. 
It was only when guns were drawn that Juno felt a pinch of regret that he had let Nureyev come. He wanted nothing more than to know that his master thief was safe from the world. Safe in his office with Rita, but then again, he knew that Peter wouldn’t have let him go in alone. 
Juno remembered looking at the man, seeing his sharp teeth peek through those silky lips as he slashed one of the goons with his knife and the happiness that he felt that Peter was there with him had hit him with full force. 
So had the fist that he wasn’t paying attention to. It flung him backwards, almost making him stumble, but he caught himself on his wobbly feet before that happened. 
The goon lifted his hand to punch him in the face again, but Juno was quicker, pulling his blaster and shooting the man straight into the stomach. 
It was set to stun, of course, but it still knocked the man out cold.
“Rex! We need to get out of here, now!” 
And so they did, but not before Peter gave his goon a good punch straight in the throat, catching the small vase in one hand and running towards Juno the second he knew he was holding it safely. 
They ran out of the Museum quickly, ducking into an alleyway around two blocks away from it, heaving and holding themselves upon their knees. 
“Do you have it?” 
“Of course I do, Detective. They don’t call me a Master Thief for nothing,” Peter grinned and Juno couldn’t help but smile back. 
“I guess you don’t just use those hands for thieving either, do you?” Juno smiled out through his huffs.
“Oh, you know the answer to that, Detective,” Peter smirked, which is how they found themselves at home, on their couch. 
Peter was sitting with his back against the arm of the couch, his long legs sprawled over Juno’s lap and he was holding a book in his hand when Juno asked where they wanted to eat. 
He dropped the book, A Brief History of Turtles as we understand them, on his chest to look into Juno’s eye. “Really up to you, dear. I heard there was a new restaurant a block from here that just opened, we haven’t been to that one yet.” 
Juno looked down to his hands for a moment, staring at how they had settled on Peter’s muscular calves, and squeezed them just a bit before answering. “I thought, well, I thought maybe it would be fun if we cooked together tonight if you’re up for it?” 
As Juno looked at Peter, he saw fear in the man’s eyes, as he had never seen before. Juno reached over and carefully took Peter’s hand in his, which seemed to startle the other out of his trance. 
“You okay, Nureyev?” 
Peter quickly nodded. “Yes, yes, of course, dear. There is - Well, there is just something that I have to tell you.” His face changed, he became weirdly serious and Juno sat up straighter. 
Peter took a deep breath and looked down at his book, fiddling the pages lightly with his fingers. 
He whispered something almost inaudible. 
“Come again?” Juno said carefully. 
“I can’t cook, okay? I know you probably expected me to be able to do it, but I can’t. Everything I try to make I just burn-” he put his hands on his face, hiding behind them. “I just am terrible at it, and I thought I could just… take you out to dinner every night for the rest of my life.” 
Juno simply smiled and rubbed his face with a hand in annoyance, before slowly pulling one of Peter’s hands away from his face. He looked terribly embarrassed. For a second he looked into Juno’s eye before looking away. 
“Were you ever planning on telling me?” Juno grinned and Peter just let out a soft groan before shaking head. 
Juno threw his head back in a loud laugh, holding his stomach with one hand, while the other was still holding Peter’s hand. 
Peter let his other hand drop from his face, only to pick up a pillow from the couch and throw it at Juno’s face. 
“You’re an asshole, Steel,” Peter pouted and Juno just leaned over to kiss that pout off his face. 
Peter threaded his hand into Juno’s curls and tugged slightly. Juno knew it was payback for his slight mockery, and it only made him kiss the other deeper. 
Peter let his one hand run over Juno’s back, settling in the small of it and pulling him closer to him. Juno obliged happily, letting himself be pulled to his love. 
But just when Juno really let himself lay down on the other, he heard Peter’s stomach growl and he pulled away only for Peter to chase after his lips with a desperation that he had grown accustomed to from the thief. Peter didn’t reach his lips, though, as Juno put his hand on his silky lips. 
“You seem hungry,” He teased. “Want to make something?” 
The other only shook his head.
Juno rolled his eyes, but the smile didn’t leave the lips that Peter had just kissed. “Come on, you useless thief, I’m teaching you how to cook.” 
As Juno stood up, Peter jumped up and stole a kiss from the other. “Useless thief, huh? I beg to differ, I have stolen thousands of things.” 
Juno crossed his arms on his chest and let out an almost annoyed huff. “Like what?” 
Peter looked up as if he was thinking, only to move towards the kitchen. “Your heart, for example.”
The detective followed with a laugh. “That one doesn’t count, I gave that to you freely.” 
Peter wouldn’t tell Juno, but the thought of Juno letting him into his heart, allowing himself to love Peter so fully and unconditionally, was almost too much to handle for him sometimes. So instead of becoming the putty on the floor like his knees wanted him to, he walked into the kitchen with a little too much fake confidence, before jumping up to sit on the counter. 
“So what are you gonna make, Detective?” he grinned, his hands placed next to his thighs, his shoulders pulled up just a little.
“WE-” and Juno really emphasized that word. “-are going to make Spaghetti. It’s easy, and it’s quick and it’s one of my favourite foods, so get down here and help me.”
But Peter didn’t move. Just swayed softly from side to side, grinning smugly.
“Are you gonna come down here and help me make food or not?” Juno asked, his voice laced with fake annoyance. 
The other man, still sitting on the counter, looked up, but avoided Juno's eye. “My legs are really sore from walking all day, dear, and I just plain don’t think that I could stand up without some encouragement.” 
Juno only scoffed while pulling out two pots from his shelf. “If you think that I’m going to come over there and kiss you to encourage you to make food, then you’re just wrong, Nureyev. Your encouragement should be that you are literally not getting any food if you don’t help me. Also half of your butt is on the stove, so cooking might be a little hard.” 
The detective didn’t need to look to know that Peter was pouting, he knew how to play that man like a fiddle. Problem was that Peter knew how to play him too, but to his surprise, the thief got up, gracefully dropping to the ground and turning around so that he was facing the counter. 
“So, how can I help?” he asked, he sounded a little defeated, just slightly. So Juno turned around, handing Peter the bigger pot, and dropping a small kiss on Peter’s lips.
“Fill that with water for me, please. And then salt the water, you will need more than you expect, but not too much.” 
As Peter turned around to walk to the sink, he suddenly had the feeling that he was incredibly stupid. How much salt was too much salt? Couldn’t Juno have just said a measurement? Why did the detective have to make things so hard? 
But he did as he was asked. Dropping the amount of salt into the water that he felt was reasonable, before handing it back to the other. 
He stared at the water, which was slowly getting hotter, worried that he might have fucked it up, might have put too much salt. He was so focused on it that he didn’t notice that Juno was talking to him until he felt a tap on the shoulder. 
He jumped a little at the sudden contact, so out of it that he had forgotten where he was. 
“You okay? You’ve been staring daggers at my poor pot for about two minutes and I’m slowly starting to grow concerned.” 
“No, I’m fine. Just worried about the salt amount,” he admitted sheepishly and Juno shot him a loving smile. 
“If it’s too little, we’ll just resalt it while we are eating, if it’s too much we’ll drown it in the sauce. Don’t worry, it’s not gonna be that bad.”
So they waited until the noodles seemed done, draining them before they moved over to their small table. Filling their plates and smiling at each other over their small accomplishment. 
“Well, dig in,” Juno smiled and loaded his fork with spaghetti, Peter did the same, proud of the fact that they had actually managed to pull this off.
But as they took the first bite, Juno coughed into his hand and Peter could understand why. They were basically just eating salt. Peter had poured way too much into the water and it came to bite him in the ass. 
For a moment, he thought that Juno would be mad, that he was going to be disappointed that Peter couldn’t even do that. But his wonderful Detective did something that Peter should have expected from the beginning. 
He laughed.
He threw his head back, opened his mouth and started laughing, loudly, openly. He laughed like Peter had made the best joke in the entire universe. As if nothing that anyone would ever say, or had ever said could reach the comedy in this scene. 
And as Peter watched his Lady, heard the sound of that gorgeous laughter, a sound which was more beautiful than any song anyone had ever composed, he joined in with the laughter. Watching Juno over the table, watching the detective wipe the tears of laughter from his eye, even though he was still laughing loudly and the tears would be there again in a minute. 
Peter felt his own tears prick at the corners of his eyes, but he didn’t bother wiping them away, focusing too hard on holding his stomach with one hand and his mouth with the other. 
As their laughter slowly died down, Peter smiled at Juno, raising his eyebrows and resting his head on one of his hands. “So, I think I added a little too much salt there.” 
Juno wiped his eye once more, even lifting the eye patch to wipe the tears there too. “Yeah, you could say that, but it’s not too bad for your first time.”
“It’s pretty bad, Juno.” 
Juno just nodded and added a drawn-out “Yeah.” 
“So, any other dinner plans you got in that pretty head of yours or do you want to just starve tonight?” Peter asked smugly. 
Juno looked into the pot with the sauce, they still had a lot and he didn’t want it to go to waste. 
“How about we try this again. We should still have some noodles and I can show you how much salt to add this time, so we don’t... Well, we won’t have a situation like this again.” 
So that was what they did, they threw away the noodles that were more salt than noodle and started the process again, keeping the sauce on low heat, so that it wouldn’t be cold when the noodles were finished.
After a few minutes, Juno pulled out a noodle from the pot with a fork, blew on it and held it to Peter. “Are they done?” 
Peter ate the noodle off the fork carefully, making sure not to burn himself, but as he bit down on it, Juno could hear the obvious crunch so he deemed them not done before Peter even confirmed it. 
They waited for the noodles to be perfect before they took the pot off the stove, drained the water and returned to the table with the noodles and the sauce. 
When they both had a plate of their second attempt in front of them, Juno twirled some of them on his fork and held it towards Peter, who already moved forward to take the bite from the fork, before Juno pulled it back. 
“No no, get some noodles on your fork.” This didn’t really explain anything to Peter, but he did as Juno asked, holding his fork out to Juno, who clinked their forks, as one does with wine glasses before smiling out a soft: “To our horrible cooking ability.”
Peter grinned, before he added, “To us,” before moving his fork back and eating the bite that was on his. 
It was a lot better than the first try, it actually was really good. Which was a good thing, because Peter had the feeling that if they had had to order food after their failed first attempt, he would have starved. 
Juno looked just as pleased with their dinner as him, so they finished their food in mostly silence, due to their shared hunger. 
After a good dinner and successfully cleaning their table, they settled down on the couch together. Juno was leaning against one arm of the couch, Peter settled between his legs, his back against Juno’s chest. He had his comms in his hands, while Juno was flicking through the channels on his TV. 
“Dear?” Peter asked after a few minutes. Juno made a small noise of acknowledgement, to show he was listening. “What are you doing next Tuesday?” 
Juno moved his hand into Peter’s hair, running his fingers through the soft black strands. “Nothing, if I remember correctly. Why?” 
His lover didn’t turn around, just tapped on his comms a few times. “Cause I just signed us up for a cooking course. I would rather not have to repeat what we did today.” 
Juno chuckled softly, before leaning forward, pressing a kiss onto the back of Peter’s head. 
“I love you, Nureyev.” 
Peter put his comms on the table, and leaned further back into Juno’s chest, tilting his head upwards to look into the other's eye. “I love you just the same, my dear.” 
At that moment, something pulled on Peter’s heart. Something that he had never expected to happen, the domesticity of it made his heart soar. He had Juno and Juno had him and for a second, in this moment of peace, he knew that that was all he needed.
And if Juno had thought the same thing, he didn’t mention it. Just dropped another kiss on Peter’s forehead and pulled him closer, before they both focused on the TV, trying to find something to watch that wasn’t too horrible. 
There, on a ratty old couch, in a small apartment in Hyperion City, Peter found his happiness and Juno found it as well. 
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mutantsrisingrpg · 4 years
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Congratulations CAITLIN! You’ve been accepted as EPIMETHEUS.
Tierney is a skeleton that I hold near to my heart and it’s clear from your application that he’s just a dear to you, Caitlin! The backstory that you weaved together for him not only broke my heart, but made me actively root for him. The bit about Blake and how important he was to Tierney was such a great addition to him and added another layer that pulled at my heart. “But nothing good lasts forever,” whew did that line slap me across the face. I can’t wait to see where you take Tierney on the dash! 
Welcome to Mutants Rising! Please read the checklist and submit your account within 24 hours.
Out of Character Information:
PRONOUNS: she/her
AGE: 27
TIMEZONE & ACTIVITY LEVEL: CST; Due to the current pandemic I have lost my job. I’m currently under a shelter-in-place order at my parents place so I have…a great deal of time. Sure, there are days I’m not around but those days are usually cleaning and shopping days. We’re trying to get attached to a schedule with….some success. So I’ll be pretty darn active for a while. In the event the pandemic is over I’ll let you know how my activity will change but that strikes me as a ways off.
In Character Information:
DESIRED ROLE: Tierney Sinclair; Epimetheus
GENDER/PRONOUNS: Cis-Male, he/him
Tierney is a lot of things. But at his heart he’s a boy reaching out for a hand to hold. He’s been denied so much in life and now that his life is in his hands he wants to grab the things he never had. Family. Friends. Purpose. He’s been adrift for so long, lost in a world he doesn’t understand and that doesn’t want him, that finding solid ground to stand on has never been easy. And now that he’s found all of those things he’s finding life isn’t as simple as reaching for your goals and taking them. He struggles with himself some days. He wants to be the boy that never got to be and the man he’s proud of being today. He’s tugged between finding out what normal might have been or could be and doing what he’s good at and known for. It’s like a game of tug of war that he can never win.
Content Warning: child abuse, murder, death
Tierney Sinclair was born to a single mother in the slums of Las Vegas, Nevada on September 8, 1979. And that was all he ever knew of his life before the orphanages. Abandoned on the doorstep of a local orphanage with nothing more than his name and a ratty hospital blanket. The Las Vegas Home for Orphans was not a kind place to grow up, especially not for a mutant. Tierney’s powers first manifested when he was three and throwing a tantrum. The bottle of milk he wanted so badly, rather miraculously, appeared next to him because he’d willed it. Easy enough to ignore, which is exactly what everyone opted to do. Mutants were trouble and the last thing they wanted here was mutant trouble. That was, until one of his tantrums caused one of the workers to black out and wake up two hours later.
He was four when he was given to the government for testing. And they tested him for years. Tierney was thirteen when they slapped a level five rating on him and finally released him to a mutant “friendly” orphanage out in Las Vegas. Not that life in the orphanage was much easier than life in the lab. Unaccustomed to the modern world Tierney found himself behind his peers in almost everything. Lost and alone in such a strange and different world made him an easy target for some of the tougher kids in the orphanage and they bullied him relentlessly. It all stopped the day Tierney snapped, nearly killing one of his biggest tormentors. He was punished severely for his actions and Tierney found he just didn’t care. He’d had enough of being walked on and over like a door mat. He was Tierney-fucking-Sinclair and woe to the person who thought him a push over.
Between his powers and his dangerous penchant for using them when angry Tierney did a lot of orphanage hopping until he aged out of the program at eighteen. Life outside the system proved to be….difficult, at best. With a petty crimes rap sheet as long as his arm and a level five label on top of that Tierney found no forgiveness is the world of humans. He survived on odd jobs and theft. Stealing was easy enough when all you had to do was wiggle your fingers at a lock and convince the elderly security guard to look the other way. It was stealing that landed him in the Blackburn Syndicate’s lap. Over confident in his abilities he ended up stepping into the middle of one of their cons at just the wrong moment, causing the whole job to flop. Some would say it was luck that they got out alive, but everyone there knew it was Tierney’s powers and fast thinking that got them all out and in one piece. That didn’t stop the Syndicate from being angry though and they presented Tierney with an offer he couldn’t refuse. Join them or die.
It was simple enough to say yes and shake the hand that sealed his fate. He slipped into life with the Syndicate with ease, surprising even himself. He job hopped for a while, struggling to find his place in the group. It was only after Blake Ryans, the Syndicate’s hitman, took him under his wing that he found it. Killing didn’t come naturally to Tierney but Blake never let him back down. He always said that if the government deemed him as dangerous he may as well live up to it, right? And eventually, he did. Blake crafted him into the best hitman he could be, expertly passing on the wealth of knowledge he’d accrued over the years. Tierney soaked it all up like a sponge and within three years had become Blake’s second in command, trusted enough to do Syndicate jobs on his own sometimes. But nothing good lasts forever.
On a job gone wrong Blake was lost and never returned. Tierney waited, and waited, and waited; but it became increasingly clear Blake was dead. He wasn’t surprised when the Syndicate asked him to step up and take Blake’s job, citing they’d been planning on asking him to do it anyways in the next couple of years. It was an easy enough yes. Blake never returned and after a while Tierney found he’d stopped waiting for him. It’s what Blake would have wanted anyways. He’s been the Syndicate’s most trusted hitman for years now, a job he takes great pride in. The Syndicate has become the only family he’s ever known and he’s exceptionally protective of them because of it. There’s nothing he wouldn’t do to protect them. Nothing.
ABIGAIL IMANI - (The tug towards what ‘normal’ could have been.) Tierney knows…almost nothing about this woman, save for the fact she’s always getting a cup of coffee when he is. At first it was just a weird coincidence but after a while it simply became routine. It’s easy to talk with her over things that don’t really matter. She makes him feel almost normal.  What it’s like to be a person rather than the scary mutant most people peg him for these days. With Abigail he’s simply Tierney, the guy who likes too much sugar in his coffee.
CIARA SAWYER - (Another chance. Living vicariously through another.) Tierney can’t explain what drew him to Ciara the first time they met. Maybe it’s because he saw a little of himself in her or maybe it was the way she looked at him and smiled despite his reputation. He doesn’t know. He doesn’t really care. Like Blake all those years ago he tucked her under his wing and has tried to help her find her place in the Syndicate. He never expected someone as soft and quiet as Ciara to wind up being his most trusted asset in the field. Sure, the first couple of jobs were…bumpy but Ciara was a fast learner now they’re like a well oiled machine. He makes their car keys dances and she robs them blind. It’s brilliant. He hasn’t told her, but he’s resoundingly proud of who she’s become. There’s no one he’d rather work with out in the than her. It’s no secret that Tierney is soft on Ciara but woe to the person that tries to exploit that. If there’s one good thing he leaves behind in this world it will be her. He tries his hardest to shelter her from the more grisly aspects of his role in the Syndicate with varying degrees of success.
GERRARD BERMUDEZ - (The tug towards who he is today. Someone to rail against who isn’t afraid to rail back.) Tierney doesn’t hate Gerrard but he certainly doesn’t like him very much. No one knows why, not ever Tierney himself. It was such an instant distaste that lingers on his tongue like bad fish. He avoids him when he can…and when he can’t he’s not afraid to push at his buttons. It’s almost entertaining to see how far he can get sometimes.
Content Warning: murder. abuse, violence, guns
-> Tierney doesn’t like killing. He never has. He knows it’s an odd trait to have in a man who is literally hired to kill people, but it’s something his mentor Blake instilled in him from the minute he started training him. Tierney will never kill someone simply because they are there. If they’re not his target then they don’t matter. He goes to great lengths to avoid unnecessary bloodshed but it’s happened on the rare occasion. He regrets those deaths and only those deaths. -> Some might say Tierney has a nasty habit of over planning his hits, but Tierney would disagree. He likes having a plan, likes watching as all the little pieces fall into place. It’s a heady sense of accomplishment. And the coup-de-grace? The ending parts. Tierney might not like shedding blood unnecessarily but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like shedding it altogether. There’s something heady in holding someone’s life in your hands and knowing exactly what you’re going to do with it. -> Tierney is trained in every aspect of killing imaginable. He’s talented with a gun, with his fists, and with his powers. It doesn’t matter how it happens so long as it happens, so Blake made sure Tierney could do the job any way imaginable. -> Outside of off hand remarks and vague references there is no one in the Syndicate who knows anything about Tierney’s life before the grand fuck up. Anyone that’s tried to ask about it has been rudely told to fuck off or out right ignored. As far as Tierney is concerned his life didn’t start until the Syndicate found him. -> Don’t touch Tierney without his permission. Years of abuse have made him a distrustful and jumpy man. Touching is prohibited to everyone except those he trusts and even then, he’s never been the kind of person who liked hugs anyways. -> Tierney never really managed to adapt to the modern life style that surrounds him. He’s hopeless when it comes to anything more complicated than the texting feature on his phone. Computers have always been a mystery to him and he’s perfectly okay with that. There are plenty of others out there that can do what he wants. If that means he has to ask or intimidate he’s flexible. -> Tierney is a staunch believer that mutants deserve more than they’ve got. Deserve more than a childhood of cruel experiments and homes. He wants mutants to be treated as equals instead of dangerous lab rats. It might not happen in his life time but he wants to pave the way for others like him. He buts heads with people who think mutants are more than humans. He wouldn’t wish his life on even them. -> Tierney doesn’t own a car. He owns a motorcycle. In fact, he owns four. He’s a grease monkey when it comes to bikes and can’t say no to a good deal. He finds something very soothing in spending a day working on one of his bikes. The Syndicate pays him well, but there’s people out there who pay him more for one of his custom bikes. -> Tierney has amazing control over his powers. But his powers have always been deeply tied to his emotions. He’s stronger when he’s feeling a powerful wash of emotions than when he isn’t. He hasn’t lost his cool in nearly twenty years but the effects of it can be damaging. He tries not to let himself get too overwhelmed. -> Tierney’s powers are tied to his hands. He can do things without them but using his hands as focus points helps him with the accuracy of his powers. There is no physical sign that Tierney is using his powers outside of someone who knows that when his hands are moving…things are moving. For Tierney manipulating his powers feels like a string of energy connecting him to his target. He can equate it to almost being like a puppeteer. -> Tierney has a fantastic amount of fortitude when it comes to using his powers for an extended period of time but after a while he will start to get tired, especially for tricks that require his full concentration. -> Power Break Down: ——> Telekinetic Choking: The ability to choke someone without physically touching them. One of the first of Tierney’s powers to manifest and one of the ones he relies heaviest on even now. He must be within sight of his target in order to achieve this power but his range can be as long as a basketball court if he concentrates. ——->  Telekinetic Homing Effect: The ability to cause an object to lock onto a target and follow them until they collide. This trick is one of Tierney’s most useful. And he’s always found it fun to grab someone’s bullet and send it back at them, even if they run. Tierney doesn’t know the full extent of his range but again, he must see the person in order to send anything with homing capabilities at them. ——-> Telekinetic Object Manipulation: The ability to move objects by focusing on them. Probably the best distraction technique ever. Nothing gets people to stop paying attention to their surroundings like their car keys dancing out of their pocket, right? It’s taken him many years but Tierney is now capable of performing this talent with a multitude of objects at the same time. The bigger the object the more concentration it takes. Also a useful skill for picking locks and one he mastered early in his petty crime days. There isn’t a lock he hasn’t been able to pop, yet. Tierney’s range for this is huge but he must be able to see the objects he’s moving if he wants any degree of success. ——-> Telekinetic Mental Manipulation: He’s not able to take over someone’s mind and turn them into his puppet but with a little meddling he’s often able to get people to do things they weren’t prone to doing before. Looking left instead of right, forgetting to check the closet doors, little things that can have a big impact on a job at any given time. Tierney isn’t afraid of his abilities but he hasn’t explored this one as much due to lack of useful targets. His range on this is fairly short and for anything bigger than a stray adjustment or two must put his full concentration on the target. ——-> Psionic Explosion: The ability to create a large mass of energy that can cause huge amounts of damage. Using this power exhausts Tierney and he rarely uses it unless it’s an emergency or a last resort. What little he knows about it comes from the tests he underwent as a child and the two times he’s been forced to use it in his adulthood. Both times leveling a building.
ANYTHING ELSE: Nope! All good on my end! Let me know if you need anything from me!! <3
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hot-wiings · 5 years
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Tip Jar 
[Edited: 10-26-19]
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Your hands snaked up Dekus chest and around his neck. On your tiptoes, you placed a kiss on his lips. Gracefully you land back on your flat feet.
He quickly places a kiss on top of your head.
“Ready for your first mission?”
After he took you to villains hideout, you became a villain under the alias [Villain Name]. You knew the lifestyle wasn’t ideal, but you were beginning to enjoy it.
Over the months you were with the league, you became friends with Dabi. He was like a brother to you now, very protective too. You liked everyone in the league, except Toga. It was annoying how Toga kept flirting with Deku.
You smiled and took his hand in yours. Thumb rubbing circles into his hand.
Deku giggled and smiled at you.
“You’re so adorable.”
His face did a 180° and suddenly turned deadly serious.
“What’s our goal?”
“Capture Kac- Bakugo. Capture Bakugo. Bring him back to the hideout. Try to make him join.”
You bite your lip and look down. You shouldn’t have called him Kacchan. You needed to get rid of your feelings. He cheated. You were with Izuku now.
His face softened as he brought his hands up to your face and made you look at him. His fingers delicately held you.
“If you don’t wanna see him, you can sit this one out. We can wait til’ your ready.”
“No! Sorry… No, I think I’m ready. I want to be part of kidnapping him… Besides if he refuses to join, we get to kill him right? I want to be part of this.”
Deku brought your lips together and hummed.
“Just make sure you stay close to me. I don’t wanna lose my baby after all.”
“Okay… Let’s go nab the asshole.”
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Your feet fall on the ground with a crunch as you and Deku fell out of Kurogiri’s warp. Your hands were connected as he pulled you forward.
You wanted Katsuki to see you together. You wanted to see him hurt. Hurt that you were with Deku now. Deku his rival.
You wanted him to hurt like he hurt you.
Deku pulled you closer to him. Hand tightly clasped around yours.
“Remember, stay close.”
He barely heard what you said. It was quietly muttered. But he was confident you wouldn’t stray from his side.
Ever since he brought you to the league, you’d been attached at the hip. Inseparable.
He led you down the familiar halls of UA’s dorms. You took the lead and led him to Katsuki’s dorm. You knew the way by heart after spending so much time in his room.
You reached his door and Deku brought your hand up to his face to kiss it.
“Be careful. Once we enter he’ll be loud enough to alert a few teachers or students. You know how he is.”
You nodded your head in understanding. Taking a deep breath you opened the door.
Last time you opened this door to find him cheating on you. Something he swore never to do.
Despite Toga's persistent flirting, you never felt threatened. Deku made you feel loved and important. It felt like you didn’t have to doubt or question him. It felt secure.
You used his last name.
“W.. Where have you been?! We’ve been searching for you everywhere. I’ve been searching for you.”
Deku chuckled and draped his arm over your shoulders.
“I made sure to keep her well hidden.”
“Deku. [Y/N] what are you doing with him? He’s a villain!”
“Well… Now I am too.”
“You’re not a fucking villain. You’re too nice. You can’t be… This isn’t you.”
“People change, Bakugo. Feelings change. You would know better than anyone. Your feelings for me changed while we were together. Weren’t you the one who fucked Eijirou after all?”
“Baby… I’m sorry. I’m fucking sorry. Please, just come back to UA. It’ll be okay. You don’t have to be a fuckin’ shitty villain. I won’t tell Aizawa. You can come back like nothing fucking happened.
"Don’t you get it? I like being a villain. I’ve been shown more love and affection by a villain than you showed me our entire relationship.”
“You don’t mean…”
“Yes, Bakugo. Deku isn’t just my friend and comrade, he’s my boyfriend.”
“Deku. Deku I’m gonna fucking kill you.”
“I’m afraid I can’t let you do that Kacchan.”
Deku punches Katsuki. They start throwing punch after punch.
“Michigan SMASH!”
As Katsuki is lying on the floor he sends Deku flying with his explosions.
You straddle Katsuki. He’s a bit stunned at first. He still loved you. What he did to you was truly a mistake. He didn’t know why he did it. He loves Eijirou, but he loves you so much. He regrets not keeping it in his pants.
He doesn’t understand why he would throw years of a good relationship down the drain.
You placed your hands on the sides of his head, and stare directly in his eyes.
He’s so mesmerized by you, he doesn’t realize you’re using your quirk.
Mind Take Over.
You had the power to change emotions, and influence thoughts. You could even control the host like Shinso if you had a strong enough hold.
Katsuki was still very in love with you. You had a great hold over Katsuki. You made him forget what he was even doing before you had straddled him.
He didn’t notice how you roughly grabbed him by his hair and bashed his head into the floor, knocking him out colder than Shoto’s right side.
“Good job, baby.”
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Katsuki was tied to a chair in the middle of the league’s top-secret warehouse. You took a cup of what might be water and splashed his face. Accompanied by a few slaps to the face and he woke up.
He groans and looks around at where he is. Presumably trying to find the exits.
“Where the fuck am I?!”
He growled it out, sounding animalistic.
“Our secret warehouse.”
“Fuckin’ why?”
“Tch. Because we kidnapped you obviously.”
“Might I add, a marvelous job done well.”
“Shut the fuck up, Deku.”
You punch Katsuki.
“Your the one who needs to shut the fuck up.”
Deku grabbed your hips and pulled you against him. He kissed your lips.
“Your so beautiful when you get angry.”
“Quit the fucking romantics.”
You punch Katsuki in the face again and force him to look at you by roughly forcing his face back by his hair.
“I don’t have to quit my romantics. If I don’t recall, I watched you fuck someone else. I’m sure you can survive a few pet names.”
“Save the roughing up for later.”
“Tch, fine.”
“Let’s cut to the chase: Join us.”
“Why would I fucking join you? I wanna kill you.”
“Let me rephrase that: Join us or die.”
“Suck my fucking dick.”
“From what I’ve seen, it’s pretty non-existent.”
“I’ll ask you a third and final time: Join us or die.”
“I would rather fucking die than join you.”
“I can arrange that. Can I rough him up now baby?”
“Give him your worst princess.”
Fucking. Finally.
You stride towards Katsuki, and you punch him repeatedly in the face. He tried to use his quirk which earns a smirk from you.
“Don’t bother. We’ve dosed you in quirk preventing drugs.”
Katsuki struggled to keep his tears back as you beat him. He loved you. This wasn’t you. He made you like this. He made you snap.
“Join us?”
“Fuck you.”
You pulled out your knife from your hoodie and stab him in the leg. You pull it out and stab him four more times.
“I’ll ask you again, join us?”
“I would never join you.”
“You know Bakugo, I knew you wouldn’t join. So I just had to jump at this chance. I knew what would happen if you didn’t join.”
You take your knife and stab him in the shoulder. Slowly pushing it in and out. Playing with it. You pull it out and push your thumb in his wound.
He grits his teeth and tries not to scream.
“Oh, did that hurt? I hope it did.”
“[Y/N] please stop. I love you. I fucking love you. You don’t need to be a villain. We can leave, say Deku did it all.”
“I don’t want to leave. I love Deku. Don’t you get it? He opened my eyes.”
You take your knife and drag it across his cheek cutting him and making him bleed.
“You hurt me Bakugo. You said you loved me and cheated. It’s my turn to hurt you.”
You take the knife and stab him in the stomach repeatedly.
“You’ll bleed out slowly. Painfully and full of agony.”
“Great job [Y/N]!”
You smile at Dekus praises, while Katsuki grunted as his vision blurred.
“Let’s leave his body for Toga to collect. She’ll want his blood. Let’s go get some ice cream to celebrate your first mission.”
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sunkissedjiaer · 6 years
Hostage / Jinyoung x Reader
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Request: Could you write a Jinyoung x reader that has Jinyoung held captive and the reader is a police officer trying to save him?
a/n: this was very fun to write and I apologize for the wait! Thank you for the request.
Pairings: Jinyoung x Reader
Warnings: minor violence, fluff, and angst(?)
Word Count: 2k
You rushed into your Head Quarters, beads of sweat gathering at your brow. You couldn’t believe the call you had gotten, especially since you were tied to the current victim.
“Boss” you shouted as you walked into the office.
Your boss stood from her chair, her eyes filled with concern and her brows creased with thought. Walking over to you she grabbed you and pulled you into a tight hug. Usually such affection was not allowed in the work scene but your boss was not only your superior but your friend.
“Is it true?” you muttered, your hands shaking.
“Yes” she spoke softly “he is currently being held hostage”
Closing your eyes you took a long deep breath. You had warned Jinyoung that something like this would happen but his acting career was just reaching its peak and him missing the Met Gala would be suicide, even if it meant facing past threats that he had been sent.
“So what’s the move?” you asked
“Well, we have the area where he is surrounded but his holder has yet to respond to our questions. We’ve sent in a negotiator and they’ve talked over the walkies but he just keeps saying that Jinyoung doesn’t deserve anything he has, which is only making things harder”
“This has to be the same guy” you mumbled to yourself
“Excuse me?” your boss piped up “same guy?”
“Yeah, for the past month Jinyoung has been getting anonymous threats and of course he kept me from actually letting anyone know, he kept saying they were empty words.”
“y/n..” your boss muttered “you should’ve said something anyway.”
You nodded, your stomach sinking with regret. Your mind began to race and you felt yourself getting dizzy, slowly you moved for the empty chair seated next to your boss’ desk. Grabbing the arm rests you lowered your self to the cushion and let your head dangle for a moment before sitting up straight.
“What if something happens to him because of me?” you stuttered
Moving slowly towards you, your boss knelt down and eyed you softly.
“Nothing and I mean nothing will happen to Jinyoung, we’ve got the whole team on this case.. I promise he will make it out alive.”
“Yes, alive.. Not completely unharmed.”
The next day.
You grabbed the coffee from the desk and sipped at the hot liquid slowly, each sip waking you up from the inside out.
“Zoom in a little on the left corner” you muttered.
Youngjae zoomed in on the place you told him to. Youngjae was the best hacker in the agency, his silent yet noticing eyes made it easy for him to analyze a situation which in return gave him the ability to sit silently and hack things for hours on end, you never understood how he did it but it was amazing to watch.
“That’s him” Youngjae commented, his cursor roaming around the screen making the pixelated image more see-able.
“That’s the suspect?”
“Yeah, we’ve run his face through the system but he doesn’t have any records on hand which means he’s either been clean his entire life or his identity is not real.”
“Most likely a fake identity then” you stated “if he was clean then why would he lash out now? And Jinyoung of all people..”
Your eyes lit up quickly, you looked at Youngjae for a second before dashing out of the room.
“Bye I guess” chuckled Youngjae.
Rushing into an office you threw the door open “hear me out” you stated as you plopped down in front of the desk.
The boy looked up at you, his eyebrows creased with confusion but interest.
“Uh yes?” muttered Jackson
“I think I know who might have captured Jinyoung, who might have been so obsessed to follow through with this plan all these years later.”
Jackson leaned in his interest peaked “okay, are you gonna spill or you just gonna keep me hanging?”
“Chul-soo?” Jackson repeated
“Chul was a good friend of Jinyoung’s in high school but when Jinyoung got signed for a contract under his current agency for acting Chul was left in the dust but it wasn’t on purpose.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean- Jinyoung didn’t have time for Chul anymore, Chul became aggravated. Jinyoung told me once of what happened his last year in High School.” you paused, collecting the things Jinyoung told you. “Chul had sabotaged the graduation but it wasn’t everyone’s graduation just Jinyoung’s”
“Hm, okay, continue”
“Chul had ripped and splattered paint on Jinyoung’s cap and gown hours before graduation. Jinyoung had confronted Chul and asked him why-”
“Chul.. why?” Jinyoung asked, throwing the cap and gown onto the floor.
“Because Jinyoung, you got everything I ever wanted and instead of sharing it with me you left..”
“So you thought ruining my things would change that?”
“No” Chul commented “but it would damn well send a message of hatred.”
“I’m still not following your point” Jinyoung said dryly.
“You got the acting career, you got the fame, you got the life, the dreams! Everything that I ever shared with you, you ended up getting”
Jinyoung shrugged apologetically “I’m sorry?- is that what you want to hear Chul? I can’t say I’m sorry to you because I’m not.. The difference between you and me is that I went for those dreams I had and you just watched it happen.”
Chul’s once calmed hands formed into a fist, his knuckles whitening.
“I know that I had forgotten about you at one point, I even forgot about myself most of the time. I didn’t mean to leave you behind.. Things became hectic my career was just taking off..” Jinyoung commented, his eyes staring at Chul with concern.
Chul shook his head and his face grew red from anger
“You don’t even care right now! You probably don’t even care that I ruined your gown you don’t even care about how I feel or that fact that you robbed me of my future!” “Chul seriously, please knock this off- we aren’t children anymore..”
“Park Jinyoung mark my words, you will regret this.”
Without another word Chul turn and ran out of sight. Leaving Jinyoung with his ruined cap and gown, questions still swirling in his head.
“So you’re telling me this guy Chul-soo has had a grudge against Jinyoung since high school?- and it’s all because Jinyoung made something out of himself?”
You nodded.
“Gotta give the guy credit for determination” Jackson chuckled
“Not the time” you stated harshly
“No no you’re right, not the time.”
You and Jackson spent the entire night searching up Chul-Soo to get dirt or in general, anything. What you found frustrated you but it also gave you a lead. Chul-Soo officially went “missing” a year and a half ago which was when Jinyoung had gotten his big break, things were lining up but of course you needed more proof to back them up.
You and Jackson walked frightfully fast down the halls, the people’s eyes followed you. Opening the glass door to your boss’ office you threw a file down on her desk, yours and Jackson’s lips curling into well deserved smirks.
Your boss looked up from her laptop, her eyebrows raised with a questioning look.
“Chul-Soo was his name but he now legally or technically illegally goes by an alias known as Darren Kong”
Jackson opened and sat down another file, copies of passports and current bill information along with money trails were in the file, a current picture of Chuls license sat on top of all the papers.
“We got him”
“I’d like to know how you two are so dead-set on this guy” your boss commented “how is he the one?”
“The letters Jinyoung received I kept, we traced them for fingerprints, in doing so we were led to Darren Kong, he had to give his fingerprints over to get a new ID.” you stated proudly
“He may be determined but he’s not very smart” Jackson added.
Your boss immediately stood up “did you find a current address?”
You and Jackson nodded in unison
“Get a team on it now. The quicker you search his place the quicker we can move in on Jinyoung.”
You and Jackson snuck up to the old barn, you could see lights were on but you couldn’t see if there was anyone actually there. You rushed towards the front door, waving your hand Jackson and a couple guys rushed over behind you.
“On my move boys” you whispered.
Opening the door you moved in gun aimed, you checked every corner and every room, no sign of Chul.
“It’s empty” Jackson shouted.
You eyed a wall, there was a curtain tacked up, such an odd place for a curtain. Walking over you ripped the curtain off and your eyes grew wildly when you saw the once hidden contents.
“Holy shit” Jackson muttered
Your eyes scanned the many images and map points on the wall.
“He’s been tracking Jinyoung, look here-” you pointed to a tacked up receipt. Jackson grabbed the receipt and brought it closer to his eyes, he scanned the small lettering and sighed.
“This is a receipt for a gun, how in the hell did he manage to get a gun over here? It’s not only illegal to do so but customs should’ve found this through shipping.”
“That means he has connections or he bought it off the market, why would he keep a receipt though?”
“Guys gotta manage his money somehow” Jackson stated.
After leaving the barn with more than enough information to keep Chul locked up for years you and Jackson made a quick stop at HQ.
“We need to make a move tonight” You stated rather rushed “Chul had a receipt for a gun and I have a deep rooted feeling he plans to use it”
Your boss eyed you and Jackson, walking up to you she placed her hands on your shoulders a look of concern covered her face.
“Be careful, I want Jackson on snipe, Youngjae as your eyes and ears, and you’ll be taking Jaebeom as back up.”
“Yes ma’am.”
Youngjae led you and Jaebeom to a backdoor through your ear pieces, his voice soft.
“If you take this way it’ll be easier for me to track you guys, it’s also quicker to where Jinyoung is being held.”
You led Jaebeom down the halls, the lights on your guns kept the dark musty halls lit. You could hear the sound of yelling coming from down a nearby hall, pressing your earpiece you spoke softly
“Is that where Jinyoung is?”
“Yes, be careful.”
You quickened your pace and Jaebeom copied. You reached the old rotten wooden door, peeking through the cracks you could see a beat up Jinyoung tied in a chair, his facial features carved with frustration.
“No one is coming!” Chul spat at Jinyoung
“They will be here”
“Who Jinyoung?- WHO!”
“My girlfriend will come and I will get out of here perfectly okay, you on the other hand I’m not so sure.”
Taking the butt of his gun Chul smashed it hard against Jinyoung’s jaw, causing him to hiss and hang his head.
You felt yourself gasp but you quickly breathed in covering it.
“Now” Youngjae spoke from your ear.
Kicking the door open you had your gun raised and aimed at Chul, Jaebeom followed in suit.
“Put down the gun Chul-Soo” you ordered.
“And if I don’t? You gonna kill me?”
“I promise I won’t miss.” you hissed.
Mockingly Chul pointed the gun at Jinyoung’s temple, a snicker escaping his lips.
“I said put the damn gun down!” You barked.
Removing the gun from Jinyoung’s temple he pointed it at you, aiming at your heart.
“Killing Jinyoung would be too easy, everyone would mourn his death, pity his early ended career. If I really want Jinyoung to suffer, I should hit him where it hurts.”
You eyed Jinyoung from the corner of your vision, his eyes wide and fearful.
“Chul-Soo put the gun down now or you’ll regret it” Jaebeom commented.
Chuls finger on the trigger bent ever so slightly the sound of a gunshot fired, the small room echoed with the loud sudden boom.
Falling to the ground in unison you and Chul smacked against the concrete.
“Y/N!!!” Jinyoung screamed the ropes holding him back.
Jaebeom ran to your side, but he noticed no blood coming from the wound. Opening your eyes you grinned “bullet proof vests, they come in handy”
Grabbing you Jaebeom helped you up, relief immediately flooded over Jinyoung. Hesitantly Jaebeom checked the pulse of Chul-Soo, shaking his head Jaebeom looked to you “he’s out cold”
You nodded and rushed over to Jinyoung, untying him as quickly as your fumbling fingers could manage. Once loose he wrapped his trembling arms around you, his breath shaking and his heart speeding.
“I thought I lost you!” he cried softly
“Never baby never” you whimpered into his shoulder.
Jinyoung quickly pulled you into a passionate kiss one you never thought you’d have wanted so badly, but this situation needed one.
You and Jaebeom helped Jinyoung out to the car and bandaged him up, Jackson approached, his gun in a bag slung on his shoulder.
“You good?” he questioned
“All thanks to you” you smiled
Turning to Jinyoung you smiled warmly, the love of your life was okay, everything was okay.
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