#2 years of polaris
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2 Tumblr years already!!!
Man, time does fly by. With amazing people like you all, I didn't even see 2 years happening. I have just a HUGE thank you to everyone in here: I do remember the familiar usernames and I see you all as a huge DMC family ^^
I'm the crazy aunt who tells cool stories and listens to metal while drinking tea ;)
Hey, this calls for a celebration, right? What do you guys think?
I've no idea what to do, though. I always do art giveaways/raffles 'cause that's the first thing that comes to mind hahahaha but I dunno if everyone would enjoy it!
SO! THROW ME IDEAS, MY BEAUTIFUL READERS! You can message me, leave it as an ask (anon or not, everything is fine), comment here, answer this post... Whatever you like. Any idea you have, will go to the list!
Then I'll make a poll and you guys can vote on the idea that sparkle the most interest! I think this is the most democratic way of doing things hahahaha
Anyway. Just really happy with this milestone. Thanks everyone for being around, I DO appreciate it. Never in my life I thought people would be so interested to read what I have to write - and that's the greatest gift I could've ever have received from Tumblr.
Ok! Let's make this party happen! Show me your ideas!!
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receding-tides · 7 months
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Agent 3, a little on the broke side, decides to sign up for the local shifty job everyone calls 'Salmon Run'. Fighting an army of ferocious fish isn't above her skill level, but the true difficulty lies with her teammates - as one of them seems to have recognised her as the New Squidbeak Splatoon's most fearsome agent.
Here's my piece for @heroshotzine !! :] Leftover sales are open until December 8th!
The fic can be read here with the pretty layout from the zine itself, or alternatively it's posted on Toyhouse and AO3 !
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irresia · 5 months
no bc im losing it
so in english it's "I never knew you were a hugger" which is incredibly painful and all that
and so I went to check out the norwegian dub for shits n giggles and to laugh at the voices and mf sonic says "I KNEW you were a hugger!"
edit 1:
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@dykedandelion: sonic in french says "ON A JAMAIS ÉTÉ AUSSI PROCHE" which means "WE'VE NEVER BEEN THIS CLOSE"
I checked the swedish dub and sonic says: "TÄNK ATT DU KAN VARA SÅ KRAMIG" which means something like "TO THINK THAT YOU CAN BE SO HUGGABLE"=!"=)!)"!=
@lephalacat courteously gave me a heart attack by giving the korean dub, where sonic says: "너한테 안기는 날이 오다니" which means "I CAN'T BELIEVE THE DAY ARRIVED FOR ME TO GET HUGGED BY YOU"
with the combined effort of @wackyunicornart and @dykedandelion they've expertly deduced what sonic says in the dutch dub: "I DIDN'T KNOW THAT YOU WERE SUCH A CUDDLER" i need aIR
@shadowthehedgehog swooped in with a delicious spanish one where sonic says: "QUIEN DIRÍA QUE TE GUSTABA ABRAZAR" which is "WHO KNEW YOU LIKED TO HUG" I NEED TO SIT IN A CORNER AND CRY
@luankuro in Portuguese sonic says something akin to "DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE SO AFFECTIONATE/TENDER" THIS SEASON HAS RUINED ME
@tenebraevesper graciously handed over both the croatian dub and the german dub; both of them just as DEVASTATING - in croatian, sonic says: "I DIDN'T KNOW THAT YOU LIKE TO HUG", and in german, he says: "I DIDN'T KNOW THAT YOU'RE INTO HUGGING" THESE HEDGEHOGS ARE GONNA BE THE DEATH OF ME
I will join @kyri45 in their several several processing business days after the italian dub was revealed to have sonic say: "I DIDN'T SEE YOU AS SUCH AN AFFECTIONATE TYPE"
@polaris-reblog and from the left field we have an INCREDIBLE Thai dub with sonic that says: "I DIDN'T KNOW YOU'D BE THE TYPE TO CARRY/PICK PEOPLE UP" CAN I GET A WAHOO
@windpolygon comes in with an absolute gem in russian: "DO YOU LIKE/LOVE TO HUG" SO WHAT IF HE DOES
@transgender-battlekukku runs in with Brazilian Portuguese that has sonic say: "EU NÃO SABIA QUE VOCÊ ERA TÃO CARINHOSO" which they so lovingly translate to "I NEVER KNEW YOU WERE SO LOVING/AFFECTIONATE" FELLAS WE DIDN'T KNOW EITHER BEFORE TODAY
the polish version, given by @hereissananxiousmess, has sonic being a sMARTASS, saying: "AH SO YOU DO LIKE TO HUG" JESUS CHRIST THIS GETS CUTER EACH TIME
the Galician version has me by the tHROAT okay @shadowthtrash so in this version sonic says: "Nunca pensei que me foses levar no colo" which means "I'VE NEVER THOUGHT YOU WOULD CRADLE ME AROUND" OUEGHR that's so cute
@mmiriozuzo turkish dub and sub is sO sweet honestly bc in the dub he says: "Sarılmayı sevdiğini hiç bilmiyordum", which translates to "I NEVER KNEW YOU LIKED HUGGING" while the turkish sub writes: "Sen sarılmayı sever miydin?" which means "SO YOU LIKE HUGGING?"
@ash-doodles-stuff went for my soul by revealing what the japanese and hindi version says; in Japanese, sonic says: "TO BE HELD IN YOUR ARMS" SONIC PLEASE - in the hindi version he says: "DIDN'T KNOW YOU LIKED HUGS AND STUFF" OEURGH I'LL NEVER GET ENOUGH OF THESE
@sonicposting joins the bandwagon by announcing the romanian version has sonic saying: "n-am știut că-ți place în brațe", which means something like "I DIDN'T KNOW YOU LIKE BEING HELD" although "it's hard to translate, but the way it is phrased implies that sonic didn't know shadow likes being held" THESE DUBS WILL END ME ONE DAY
@cosmicgirlypop runs in with the Arabic dub, where sonic says: "I DIDN'T KNOW YOU LIKE HUGS!" this is the yEAR OF SONADOW PEOPLE BC SHADOW SAYS "STAY WITH ME SONIC" AS A RESPONSE
@geek-leak slides in with the Finnish dub that has sonic saying: "En tiennyt et oot halijäbä" which roughly translates to "I DIDN'T KNOW YOU WERE A HUGGER-DUDE/HUG-DUDE" he truly is a smartass even when dying god bless
@indigocloudofnarcolepsy sprints in with a gem in hungarian, where sonic says: "Nem tudtam, hogy ölelkezős vagy!" which is "I DIDN'T KNOW YOU'RE A HUGGER" EVERY VARIANT IS SO CUTE
@scarlets-land-of-chaos-and-men NO EXPLANATION NEEDED BUT I NEED AIR
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@darkmatters-ghost decided to decimate my every molecule with the Mandarin Chinese version where sonic says: "我不知道你喜欢抱抱, 啊。" bào (抱) means cuddle, and if you say a verb twice, it makes it informal and cutesy. Basically, he said, "aw, I didn't know you were such a cuddle-bug!"
suffice to say I think english is the glaring, obvious outlier here JHDJHDS
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gentleoverdrive · 2 years
(222/?) They were never listening.
Y'know, I think this might sound slightly pedantic, but I'm fine with letting go of bands/artists/games. Like "hell yeah, your music is everything!"-type artists. And no, it doesn't necessarily have to do anything with them getting cancelled or such; that's always going to be something to tackle better in a case-by-case basis. ---- I mean more in the sense of "Wow! This meant so much to me!" and now it's just... like, the most lukewarm feeling. I think it's fine to let go. It was good while it lasted, but right now, it doesn't do anything for you anymore. And it's fine to put it away. That's learning to change. ---- And change? Change is something we should learn to tackle when it comes. I hope that you can too learn when a change is coming and learn how to tackle it. It just might save you! See ya' later, alligator!
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aethon-recs · 1 year
Tomarrymort Intermediate Pack — 16 Longfic Recs
As a follow-up to the Tomarrymort starter pack rec list, I put together a list of Intermediate Reads that are best enjoyed with a bit of context about the ship. If you’ve been reading Tomarrymort for a while, or have read everything in the starter pack, this next set of recs is for you. 
These recs feature a sampling of different authors than the first list, with an emphasis on underrated fic that I think deserve more recognition (hard to define, but for the most part, I tried to find fics with fewer than 2000 kudos). So I hope that even for the readers who’ve been reading Tomarrymort for a long time, there’s something new in here to discover.
This is Part 2 of a 3-part series (see here for Part 1, and Part 3 will be an Advanced reading list that will feature works of a more challenging nature). In the meantime, please enjoy these additional 1.8 million words of wonderful Tomarrymort fic.
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Tomarrymort Intermediate Recs
aurora polaris by @aglassroseneverfades (E, 136k, WIP)
Setting: Post-Canon Premise: If Harry wakes up one day with no memory of his past, upon which he’s greeted by a handsome, doting older man named Gaunt who claims that he and Harry have been in a relationship together for years.  Why I rec it: A haunting psychological horror where the truth slowly creeps up on Harry that his domestic life with his devoted partner Gaunt is not as idyllic as it initially appears. The twisting, unhinged depths of Voldemort’s obsession in this fic are so beautifully portrayed. There were chills that ran down my spine as Harry starts to get his memories back and the mystery of what happened starts to unravel. I love the pacing in this fic — there’s no one big reveal; it’s a slowly unfolding sequence that gets delightfully darker and more fucked-up as the fic progresses.
dawn of a death of a dream by @cindle-writes (E, 66k, WIP)
Setting: Post-Canon Premise: If Tom Riddle appears in London the morning of Voldemort’s defeat, with the last thing he remembers from 1944, and quickly realizes that Harry Potter is the key to all the answers that he’s looking for.  Why I rec it: A light-hearted take on the identity porn trope, full of playful banter and delightfully charged chemistry between Harry and Tom. It’s usually Harry who’s thrown back through time, so it’s fun to see Tom scramble to figure out what’s going on when he’s pulled forward into Harry’s time. It’s also fun to see Harry try every avenue to prove that this mysterious new Tom is the Tom Riddle, even as he ends up hitting dead ends, and subsequently falls so deep into his obsessive tendencies that he refuses to let Tom out of his sight.
My Lord, Master, My Soul by FletchleyRose (E, 69k, complete)
Setting: Post-Canon Premise: If Voldemort captures Harry after the final battle and decides to break him — not with torture, but with pleasure and softness. Why I rec it: The soft, creepy non-con in here is so memorable and excellent! Voldemort takes a different approach to breaking in his horcrux than what we usually see, and this particular approach leads to such delicious and hot smut scenes between them wherein Harry utterly succumbs to all the softly pleasurable attentions. I can never get enough of darkly twisted captive Harry stories and all the ways that Voldemort keeps Harry isolated and utterly reliant on him. I gasped out loud at the part where Voldemort made it so that Harry can only speak Parseltongue — this exactly the kind of fucked-up content that is so perfect and fitting for this ship.
(never) let me go by @perhaps-sunlight (M, 28k, complete)
Setting: Post-Canon Premise: If Harry returns to Hogwarts after the war for eighth year, and he’s the only person in the castle who can see and talk to the ghost of Tom Riddle.  Why I rec it: This fic completely destroyed me. The story unfolds in such a poignant and haunting way — it feels like the most natural thing for Harry to feel such a strong connection with Tom and fall in love with him as the year progresses. The angst in here is so delicately layered and beautifully portrayed — Harry’s feelings are muddled with a growing hope that Tom doesn’t have to move on to the afterlife and the desperation that he feels when he realizes they’re running out of time — such that the emotional beats will end up resonating for a long time after you’ve finished reading this fic.
One Year In Every Ten by @saintsenara (E, 124k, WIP)
Setting: Post-Canon Premise: If a series of gruesome murders 10 years after the war has Harry and the rest of the Aurors completely stumped, and Harry figures out how to bring Voldemort back from beyond the Veil in exchange for his help in solving the murders.  Why I rec it: This is a spectacular and richly layered murder mystery featuring incredibly complex character dynamics and gorgeously lavish prose. I am blown away at the sophistication of the storytelling here — we get to delve into Voldemort’s past and so many hidden layers of his character, as well as how Harry has been handling the ‘picture-perfect’ life he’s always wanted after the war (in short: not well) — and in between, following all the clues and disparate threads of a mysterious serial killer case that could be its own standalone casefic! One of the most impressively sweeping pieces of writing I’ve seen in this ship, and there isn’t an element of this fic that I don’t absolutely adore.
Perfect Places by @skaelds (NR, 72k, complete)
Setting: Post-Canon Premise: If Voldemort dies in the Final Battle, and then wakes up in a strange house with no one but Harry Potter for company, and there is no way for either of them to get out. Why I rec it: I absolutely love the trapped-in-a-room trope, and how Voldemort and Harry have to work out their differences if they want to have any hope of getting out. I adore that the entire fic is told from Voldemort POV — his arrogance and his malevolence and his rage and the utter force of his emotions are so palpable. The emotional journey in this fic is so intense from beginning to end, as they eventually come around to an understanding about each other and figure out a way out.
Promises, Promises (part 1) / Dreams in the Dark (part 2) by @mosiva (E, 72k, complete)
Setting: Time-Travel (1940s) Premise: If Harry is accidentally thrown back in time to Tom’s 6th year, and then suffers a bout of amnesia from a memory-loss spell and can’t remember anything about Tom Riddle or why he spent all semester trying to avoid him.  Why I rec it: A brilliant fast burn featuring amnesia trope and tons of delicious dubcon. Tom is at his manipulative peak here, as he tries every underhanded technique to first figure out exactly what is going on with that new transfer student Harry Evans, and then when he’s figured it out, doing everything he can to keep Harry within his grasp. I cannot say enough about how hot the smut is throughout this 2-part series — so many layers of dubcon and manipulation that blew me away at every turn.
Sunspots by @crowcrowcrowthing (E, 249k, WIP)
Setting: Alternate Universe Premise: If Harry grows up in the muggle world without realizing he has magic, but he suspects there’s a bigger world out there because he’s had recurring dreams featuring Tom’s horcruxes his entire life.  Why I rec it: One of the most unique takes on a book 1 rewrite that I’ve ever seen. First of all, the characters are aged up to college-age, and since Hogwarts starts at 18 here rather than at 11, there’s a lot of character dynamics that are possible to explore with older characters that aren’t possible with 11-year-olds. Secondly, Harry has access to each of Tom’s horcruxes through a magical dreamscape dimension he can access in his sleep, and he has unique and distinct relationships with each of them, including (the main) Voldemort, so there’s a lot of fascinating and multi-faceted Harry and Tom dynamics. Also, the descriptions of magic in this fic are just stunning; it’s clear that a lot of thought went into the magical worldbuilding here that makes you feel as excited and awestruck by the concept of magic as reading the Harry Potter books for the first time.
Tender Reigns Our Night by @noumena-writes (M, 69k, WIP)
Setting: Time-Travel (1940s)  Premise: If Harry is sent back to the 1940s, just after Tom Riddle has graduated from Hogwarts, on a mission to stop Tom becoming Voldemort and imperiling the world of magic. Why I rec it: I love the mutually obsessive chemistry here as Harry and Tom quickly fall into each other’s thrall as their relationship heats up. The writing style is so poetic and beautiful, and I find myself rereading many sentences over again just to fully absorb the impact and beauty of @noumena-writes’ words. Even as Harry becomes increasingly entwined with Tom, he’s never blind to who Tom is, and he’s able to strike back with just as much viciousness — their relationship dynamics are so very intense and suspenseful, and the latest plot twist had me completely floored.
The Incantation of the Oak-Priest by @relic--crown (T, 223k, complete)
Setting: Alternate Universe Premise: If Harry and Tom are pulled into an alternate reality where Voldemort never existed and Harry’s parents are still alive.  Why I rec it: The richness of the magical worldbuilding in this fic blew me away — there’s a whole system of magic explored here that goes deeper and is far more brilliant and sweeping than what is covered in canon. The relationship between Harry and Tom develops in such an organic, lovely way, and it was fascinating to see all the changes in this parallel universe where Harry’s parents live and what Harry’s life could have been like, were there no Voldemort. Also, the plot! This fic was so intricately plotted that it felt like reading multiple books with a complex, epic plot spanning fifth through seventh years at Hogwarts, ending in a grand showdown like in the original book series, but with a surprising twist.
The Sense of Self by SpitFire97 (E, 87k, complete)
Setting: Time-Travel Fix-It Premise: If Harry and Voldemort find themselves trapped in a strange cycle of reincarnations where they visit different points in time in Voldemort’s past.  Why I rec it: A very cool take on a time-travel fix-it. Instead of traveling back to a fixed point in time, Harry and Voldemort are thrown back to various points of Voldemort’s past and relive life through certain people significant to shaping Voldemort into who he eventually becomes. The time travel theory in here is amongst the most complex that I’ve encountered — I love the concept that time is a river where multiple timelines and divergent events end up converging, rather than branching off and creating a bunch of alternate universes. I also love how organically the growing relationship between Voldemort and Harry unfolds as they progress through each cycle and gradually start to develop trust in one another and care and attraction for each other.
These steep woods and lofty cliffs by Rimeme (M, 76k, complete)
Setting: Canon Divergence – Book 6 Premise: If Harry runs away to America after Sirius’s death and disguises himself in the Muggle world for many years before getting discovered by MACUSA and offered a job with the magical government. Years later, he is recruited back to Britain to work for the Ministry, under none other than Undersecretary Thomas Gaunt himself.  Why I rec it: A thoroughly enjoyable read from beginning to end — I devoured this fic in one sitting. Harry makes an extremely rational decision here — why not run off from the war if Voldemort is trying to kill everyone you love? But then, when he comes back undercover 15 years later, things don’t quite seem to add up. Britain doesn’t seem like it’s been taken over by a genocidal Dark Lord, but there’s something nefarious simmering under the surface. Voldemort as a very rational Undersecretary Thomas Gaunt is a delight here, with his seemingly very reasonable focus on progressing wizarding society. It was fun to follow along as Harry slowly starts to put the pieces together, and I love how relentlessly Voldemort pursues and seduces Harry in this fic, until he's utterly unable to resist his attraction to a Voldemort who seems to have turned over a new leaf.
These Violent Delights by @heirofdragons (M, 55k, WIP)
Setting: Time Travel (1940s) Premise: If Harry, Ron, and Hermione accidentally find themselves thrown back in time to the late 1940s, four years after Tom has graduated Hogwarts and is working at Borgin and Burkes.  Why I rec it: A highly entertaining time travel fic with Harry stumbling back in time to find Tom Riddle in the full dregs of his Retail Hell years post-Hogwarts. Their chemistry is delightfully charming as they prod at each other and do everything to get under each other’s skin (including attempted murder), while growing undeniably attracted to each other. They simply can’t stay away from each other, despite Harry knowing who Tom turns out to be, and Tom knowing that Harry is the one who destroys all his Horcruxes and ends up defeating him in the future.
Three Turns Should Do It by @vdoshu (M, 284k, WIP)
Setting: Time Travel (1940s) Premise: If Harry gets thrown back in time after an accident with the Time Turner in 3rd year, and ends up as a disembodied voice in Tom’s head from the time that Tom is 11. Why I rec it: I absolutely love Tom growing up alongside Harry who is a kind of caretaker presence in his mind, helping make his days a little bit less lonely and helping him navigate the unfortunate circumstances he’s thrown in. This is probably the most extensively researched WW2 era story I’ve ever read; at times I felt like I was learning more detailed history about everyday life during WW2 than I’ve ever read out of a history book. This fic does an amazing job of fleshing out the pivotal events of Tom’s Hogwarts years and showcasing Tom’s humanity, and the bond of mutual trust and love that he and Harry build over the years is so beautifully portrayed. It also does a great job of exploring the question of predestination and whether anyone has the power to change the fate that lies in store for them.
Til Death Do Us Part by @duplicitywrites (M, 117k, complete)
Setting: Voldemort Wins AU Premise: If Harry gets captured by Voldemort and held as his captive, in a world where Voldemort had won the war sometime before Harry was born, and Harry has been fighting against Voldemort his entire adult life. Why I rec it: The emotions that this fic evokes are so moving and heartfelt. The evolution from Harry as Voldemort’s prisoner to Harry as Voldemort’s trusted advisor unfolds in such a beautiful, unrushed way. Harry is in his early 30s when he’s captured, so he’s older than what we typically see in fics where he’s Voldemort’s prisoner, and his maturity and composure really shine through as he starts working together with Voldemort and trying to exert his influence to improve the fate of the wizarding world. He eventually breaks through Voldemort’s shell, and helps Voldemort to grow in so many ways as the story progresses — particularly in his understanding of love and acceptance of death as a part of life.
With a resolute heart by Act_Naturally (M, 84k, WIP)
Setting: Same-Age AU Premise: If Harry and Tom attend Hogwarts together and are selected as Hogwarts Champions for an AU version of the Triwizard Tournament that is structured more like the Hunger Games tournament.  Why I rec it: This is a skillfully-written generation mashup featuring an incredibly suspenseful and high-intrigue setting. There’s a dark overhang of dread and anxiety that permeates every character interaction and training session, as we’re informed that most of the champions (8 from each of the 3 schools) will not make it out of the Tournament alive. Yet the chemistry between Harry and Tom builds and builds despite the life-or-death stakes — Harry is immediately attracted to Tom, and Tom admires Harry’s resourcefulness — even while they each realize they may be the death of the other.
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tamlinweek · 1 month
Tamlin Week 2024 Master List
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Once again, we want to thank each and every one of you for making this event so successful! If you would like to do us one more favor, please fill out this anonymous feedback form to let the mods know what you thought of Tamlin Week. Last year's survey was super helpful, especially in letting us know how to improve the event.
This post is the Super Mega Ultra Tamlin Week 2024 Master List! It has links to all the master lists for each day of Tamlin Week, with every single submission. At the bottom are links to more of the fun/helpful posts we've made in the lead up to Tamlin Week. Enjoy!
Tamlin Week 2024 Master Lists
Day 1: Heir of Spring/Human Tamlin
Day 2: Poet/Warrior
Day 3: Mates/Flower Language
Day 4: Calanmai/Happily Ever After
Day 5: Shapeshifter/Masquerade
Day 6: Dreams/Fairy Tale AU
Day 7: Free Day
Additional Links
Tamlin Week 2024 AO3 Collection (Instructions here)
Tamlin Week Statistics
Tamlin Creator Appreciation Posts
Tamlin Coloring Pages
The Language of Flowers
How to Participate in an Event
Tamlin vs. Tam Lin: A Brief Retelling
Tamlin Week 2024 Prompts, FAQ, and Rules
Tagging all the event's participants so everyone knows this is up!
@achaotichuman @alizangc @arson-09 @b0xerdancer-writes @balladoffeylin @bettdraws @booksnwriting @climbthemountain2020 @copypastus @dopeartisanprincess @duaghterofstories @elliemarchetti @feyres-divorce-lawyer @fieldofdaisiies @fourteentrout @foxcort @goddessofwisdom18 @goforth-ladymidnight @justatouristhere @loonyloomy @lorcandidlucienwill @lordofhaterism @mathiwrites @mirandasidefics @nocasdatsgay @northern-polaris @ohnyxlin @positivelyruined @praetorqueenreyna @queercontrarian @readychilledwine @rin-u-pos @shi-daisy @simmanin @songofthesibyl @sonics-atelier @szalonykasztan00 @tadpolesonalgae @tamlinfairchild @taymartiart @teddyhoneybear @the-new-mandalor @thelov3lybookworm @thisblogisaboutabook @thrumugnyr @umthisistheonlyusernamenottaken @vivictory-draws @wingsdippedingold
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shockersalvage · 4 months
Salvage Showcase- Polaris P. Polanski
Assuming I get this out in time, this Showcase is dedicated to the most popular character in Danganronpa Togami has to offer in the fandom and on the day of Volume 3's release! If its not Shinobu Togami you heard about, you probably hear this girl's name dropped every now and again and for pretty understandable reasons given who she is!
Time to take a dive into the great Polaris P. Polanski!!!!
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(...Who doesn't have official art so I'm just using the Vol 2 cover of DRT in its stead)
Now, Polaris is a character that plays a role in the events of the Legacy Crown Championship in the 2nd volume of Danganronpa Togami. She is Suisei Nanamura's assistant, at best 13 years old at the time, and travels to the LCC to Castle Toajo after Mitsuzo Togami hires Suisei to solve the case of mysterious killings in the competition.
Now, compared to her eccentric boss, she is very silent and has taken to pretty much following Suisei around. Suisei entrusts her to go through evidence or handle them, regardless if the contents are embarrassing or even gorey. Best shown off when, on the ninth day, Suisei announces that he has figured out the culprit - which was Kazuya Togami. During this meeting to discuss such a claim, she hands over Saburo's camera (that has been recording himself in the buff dancing) and was tasked with holding the bag that contains the severed head of Yoru. The latter piece of evidence is the nail in the coffin that had Kazuya initially tossed into the dungeon...
Only for it to 'be revealed' that Mitsuzo was the culprit in a confession note left behind as Mitsuzo appeared to have killed himself. With their client dead, Suisei leaves the LCC on a helicopter and one assumes that Polaris would have done the same.
Except! No, she doesn't! She secretly stays behind and begins working on trying to figure out the 'reliance' that will crown the winner of the LCC and heir of the Togami Conglomertate. In the end? When the chaos of the killings of the LCC had the castle burn down, Polaris would be one of the survivors: having not only figured out what the reliance was, but also finding Shinobu Togami to escort her to safety. As Shinobu wakes up, Polaris has whispered what the reliance was into a tape recorder: and was deemed correct. Thus, making her the official heir to the company!!
Or rather...he. In actuality, Polaris was just Byakuya Togami in crossdress, disguising himself as a girl to infiltrate the LCC (he figured he'd get close to it eventually while working as Suisei's assistant since the detective only takes high profile cases). Byakuya was apart of the hundreds of other Togami kids who were disqualified from even participating in the event due to their Mother's social standing and had been working to sneak himself for a long while. First by acting asa day trader and then as the aformentioned assistant to Suisei.
With his victory secured, Byakuya offers Shinobu to come with him to be his secretary with the other participants dead or missing (like her brothers) and since Shinobu lacked either Hope or Despair - aspects that'd he find use in someone that can write an untainted view of his autobiography. She accepts, though does request one thing: that he calls her big sis! Which gets him taken aback as much as your average teen boy does.
Considering Polaris is Byakuya, her personality is pretty similar to him. She's intelligent, cold, serious, and has no issues in doing unnerving tasks if it means she can get ahead or do her job. While in the LCC she maintains a quiet demeanor, very rarely speaking, when her job is done, she's free to express her usual stern, and critical nature towards others below her.
In particular, Polaris shows disdain towards how the LCC is operated by the Togami Conglomerate, primarily in regard to who is chosen based off their pedigree and acting as if someone from an unknown background can't be the heir (which might implicate Byakuya being from an unknown background himself?)
Yet, in regard to the event featuring Polaris, it should be noted that the flashback itself was a shared unreality memory for both Kazuya and Blue Ink. When we consider Byakuya's account in-game, where he says he was one of the participants, it makes rather unlikely for him to done the alter ego of Polaris or even be Suisei's assistant.
In DRT's theming, Reality vs Unreality, and how it affects Byakuya as a character, Polaris represents a major aspect of our Ultimate Heir in using an aspect of Unreality, deceit, as a positive (if only for himself).
From tossing out his glasses that had a tracker on it, in order to fool their enemies and get them off their backs, to faking his death to even Blue Ink during a confrontation with Hasegawa Research Institute, to taking credit for the WDP in order to use it for his own domination conquest, to becoming Polaris even become the heir to the Togami Conglomerate to, most importantly, wiping away Kudan into Blue Ink: Byakuya is no stranger to deceiving both ally and enemy in the WDP in order to get ahead for himself. And this isn't a unique DRT trilogy trait either, remember Byakuya in DR1's infamous moment? Where he tampered with Chihiro's body just to reveal Genocide Jack amongst their group and know who to watch out for when/if he decided to become a blackened? Deceit, even if it makes others thinks less of him or intefers with his allies, is a valued tool of Byakuya when push comes to shove, which does make him legitimately tricky to deal with on top of his high intellect.
Which actually contrasts the other protagonists of DRT (or POV trio) remarkably well in their outings with Unreality. For both Kazuya and Blue Ink, the story makes it clear that they are pretty much being strung along by the whims of their Borges' Story AI, unable to see the truth until late into the WDP (and how they handle that is very different). As for Moleman, despite what he thinks is his past, his entire being as an alter is just a falsehood used by the main personality of Suzuhiko Otsuki to make his killings easier. Basically, all three POV Togami's are depicted as being unknowingly under and/or, even if aware, suffering from the effects of essentially living life under a lie. They are not in control of the narrative woven by others for them, at least, up until Shinobu goes through her development in Volume 3.
But Byakuya? He differs in that he's usually depicted as being the controller or just a user of Unreality. He's not generally caught up in it, but is the one crafting/going along with a false narrative that has enemies pretty much still struggling to keep up and trap him (well, that and having assistance from his few allies), despite essentially having the upperhand or dead to rights. Polaris is pretty much the epitome of this dynamic, even if probably not real, with her being able to come onto the island and take the crown without alerting anyone to her true identity, whilst almost everyone else pretty much killed each other in the mysteries of what was essentially a self-started killing game.
This also makes his actions in the final book of DRT hit that much harder. When he chose not to take over the world, it also meant he was now choosing to submit to being under Unreality, choosing to believe a lie that Ultimate Despair would have crafted that obfuscates the truth of the WDP, hinder his talent and cut his relationship with Blue Ink. All of that, just to save Blue Ink's life. For a character defined by his self-centeredness, even in the trilogy itself, him going for a major sacrifice like that is very telling of his true heart underneath his ego and what he eventually gets back post-DR1 (after some development during that killing game as well).
Personal Thoughts
Polaris is a funny case to me! As said before, she is pretty much just Byakuya and, even then, its very possible that her existence beyond Unreality is, well, non-existant. It doesn't help matters, she only appear in just a long flashback and barely has much of a role in events too until the end.
But that said, she's pretty much the most popular character to come from the DRT trilogy and its not hard to see why (...well aside from the fact she is a mainline character) ! For one, the idea of Polaris gives a layer and interest to Byakuya in a few ways. The most obvious being his interest in crossdress, even if only for a means to an end, is something that gets people's head's turning over Byakuya's sexuality in question and is just a fun concept to explore with such a serious character (and him going on to dress as a nun and state he doesn't mind wearing women's clothes is just so much fuel to use).
Another layer him being Polaris brings is his potential connection with Suisei. Byakuya crossdressing is one thing, but him being an assistant to an eccentric, yet corrupt detective? Someone's whose own arrogance and high intellect towards life reflects onto Byakuya? How much of Suisei rubbed off on Byakuya? They seemed like a stable pair working together, so is it possible Suisei knew about Byakuya's true identity all along? That's not even getting into the parallels between him and Kyoko, being stronger given her connection with Suisei in the DRK series. It's brief, but its a dynamic that has quite a bit of potential to gleam through, if you see assume that even outside of Unreality, there was a possibility that Byakuya diid become Suisei's assistant for a time.
Finally, there's the possibility of Polaris herself not coming from a well off home given her talk with Blue Ink at the end of the LCC, after she won (and her bitterness over people outside the ranking system not being able to compete). Now we know in-game Byakuya was a participant in the LCC for real, so him sneaking into the competition is just false. That said, it could still be possible he had to very much work his ass off from nothing just to be accepted into the real LCC (which is very likely given just how much of the true event is left pretty vague). It gives a real credence to his arrogance and his actual appreciation for hard work, since it means he was legitimately working himself in not just the LCC, but throughout his entire life, into become the powerful Ultimate Heir we know of him as today and gets you wondering if the reason why he's such a condescending jerk is because he's projecting his struggles and victories onto everyone else.
Though, as you all know by now, DRT is not one for making things concrete and Polaris (and what she brings to the table) is possibly just straight unreality produced by the K2K System. That said, DRT not being so concrete means its not a hard denial either of their existence in some other fashion. While Byakuya being Polaris to compete in the LCC is false, whose to say he didn't spend some time in his years posing as her before or after the fact? The details being fuzzy means those who do love Polaris are free to accept her in some fashion, while those who dislike her or think of everything in unreality is being all fake, are also not wrong in dismissing her. It's a situation where, even with unreality being in play, people on both sides can pretty much win.
For me, I like Polaris for the aformentioned layers above and think she just makes for a fun addtion to Byakuya's history. While I doubt he'd have needed or even was crossdressing in the real LCC, him just being so comfortable with himself he can wear practically anything, no matter the gender, is a confidence from Byakuya that you can't help but like and I can't help but basically accept as like a pseudo-canon trait of his.
And that ends DRT's entry! I missed the anniversary of DRT Volume 3, which sucks, but at the very least am glad to get this out a bit quicker than usual! Was inspired to make this after seeing posts of DRT floating about on that day, so managed to make this Showcase quicker than usual.
Next up is back to Killer Killer!
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kedreeva · 3 months
Hi! I just saw your video of polaris and i don't know how i never realized just how LONG their tails can get. Is there any significant difference in being (or owning) a peacock because of the tail size? Do they need more space or different roosting setups? Obvs they're big birds anyway but damn that tail is like 2x the length of his body.
Polaris is actually just a 3yo, so his train (which isn't actually his tail! He has a real tail under the train) isn't as long as it will get by the time he's 6 (fully mature).
A fully mature peacock needs a flight pen which has no side shorter than 12 feet, because his train display is around 10 feet wide. They also need it to be 8 feet tall, as the train will stand roughly 5 feet tall while they display, and they need at least 1 perch that's 5-6 feet off the ground in order to preen it, which means 2-3 feet clearance above that to get up and down. Their roost should also be 5+ feet off the ground. Because of their weight, they also need 3-5 feet of horizontal space per vertical foot of space, to get down without slipping a tendon (a death sentence) or jamming their feet (leading to bumblefoot). This is why you'll often see long, thin enclosures at breeding farms (12x50' is a nice size, I've seen 15x50 as well). Inside a coop, if you cannot give them that much space to get down, they will gladly use a ramp to walk down from the roost (and often walk up it to roost too, they're quite lazy birds).
Their MINIMUM flight pen space (not including coop space) is 500 square feet. Their maximum housing density is 1 bird per 150 square feet, which raises the minimum total space needed if there are more than 3 birds. It's usually advised that if you CAN give them more space than that, you SHOULD, because they will use every inch of it and it will be a more enjoyable experience for you and for them. While they need space for their trains, they also get stressed if you force interaction or if they feel they cannot get far enough away from you. However, if you give them the space to get away from you, they will be up your butt any time you're doing something in their space, including sitting minding your own business. They're very curious.
They are definitely a bird that prospective owners should plan for well in advance. On top of their considerably larger housing needs they have a lot of other needs that differ greatly from chickens, largely in dietary needs but also in social and behavioral needs. One of the biggest misunderstandings that lands both humans and peacocks in hot water is that people think the males will be like chickens or ducks or even turkeys, where hand raising and cuddling a male will make them friendly. It is the extreme opposite. Coddling a male peachick will result in 15-20 years of constantly being hunted by a flying velociraptor with knives attached to his ankles. In the peafowl community it is known as berserker male syndrome and it's a constant uphill battle to educate new owners to cut that shit out.
So yeah. Fantastic birds, love them with my whole heart. Do not impulse buy them.
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muffinrecord · 6 months
Not MR, just Me
I've decided that I need to stop putting my life on hold and that it's time to start working on some of my dreams so... I'm going to try and launch my dream webcomic in 2025!
That gives me a full year to finish up the research, make a good decent outline of the full thing, rough drafts of the first ten chapters, maybe 2-3 chapters complete (I'd like to launch the webcomic with the prologue and chapter one available, and then a good amount of queue), a website... yeah!
This won't change what I do around here all that much. I think most folks would agree that the game is in it's twilight years right now anyways, and I haven't been as involved as I used to be a year or more ago anyhow. I'll still run the youtube channel, maintain the google drive, and run this blog (with the goal of doing more liveblogs!), so I'll still be here. I don't plan on taking on any more MR-related projects though.
I'll probably make a twitter account / new tumblr blog that's just to talk about my progress with the comic project, but I'm not sure if I'll publicly share it or not. It's not that I don't trust people, it's more... hmm, I'm pretty shy with things that are so close to me in my head haha.
The comic is about adult magical girls (Celestials, who have the souls of stars) who are trying to keep the ongoing apocalypse from getting any worse. The protagonist, Polaris (Nicoe Dijkstra), is struggling as her depression is interfering with her dream of being a hero. She's also one of the weakest fighters out there, which isn't helping her low self esteem.
I don't plan on talking about it too much on this blog because I like to keep those things separated in my head, but I thought I might share this anyways. This is a story that I've wanted to write for at least ten years now, haha.
Anyways... yeah! Wish me luck!
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telekitnetic-art · 1 year
Have you seen the formline art in splatoon? It's present in a variety of salmon run decals and on some of the locker graffiti. Idk if the Devs just googled "salmon art" and got indigenous art and decided to copy it or what. Not sure how I feel about it personally.
Long post incoming, gonna put a break here. Also sorry for the late response, I wanted to take a couple days to formalize my thoughts together before responding fully.
I have, I remember noticing in 2018-2019 (when i first started playing splatoon 2) how much one of the decals/graffiti located on the ruins of ark polaris back in 2 sort of resembled a formline bear and salmon. (near the logo in this screenshot, I couldn't find a clear picture online)
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Back in 2019, it was pretty easy to think of it as coincidence or a stretch for a comparison. But with splatoon 3's salmon run decals, the resemblance is far easier to see, specifically with the TS-ORBRS graffiti and the TS-SCHL graffiti.
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(also this was the best image size I could find for the graffiti images, sorry)
A couple of the banners have the designs on them as well:
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The website Sealaska Heritage has info such as textbooks and an online doc about formline art (specifically geared towards Haida, Tlingit, and Tsimshian nations' style) with lots of info about formline art, and the Seattle Art Museum website has an info sheet (with credits listed as being from the Sealaska Heritage site as well) breaking down some of the basic shapes of formline art.
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with this chart, you can definitely begin to notice the similarities between the Salmon Run graffiti and formline art. the ovoids, crescents, and u-shapes appear noticeably in some of the graffiti such as ORBRS and SCHL.
For perspective, here are some formline pieces featuring salmon or fish from various Indigenous artists from various nations.
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"sk’ug sdang" (Two Dog Salmon) by Robert Davidson (Haida)
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"metal medallion", by Crystal Kaakeeyáa Rose Demientieff Worl (Tlingit Athabascan)
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"Salmon People" by Alano Edzerza (Tahltan)
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"Jumping Chum" by Stephanie Anderson (Wet'suwet'en)
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"Salmon" by Art Thompson (Nuu-chah-nulth)
And that's literally just the surface of dozens of Indigenous artists from the PNW.
With these pieces, you can begin to see the resemblance that the graffiti designs have. A lot of the heads follow the pattern of utilizing ovoids for both the head and eyes, and u-shapes for the bodies and crescents to fill in specific areas are also common. For example, TS-SCHL has a small school of fish where the bodies are entire ovoids.
However, there are a couple flaws in the graffiti designs too. With a few of the designs, you can see they utilize the u-shape (see the formline shape breakdown from Sealaska again) in designs like TS-WHP and TS-SMFR. I can't speak for every Indigenous formline artist ever, but from how I've been taught to design formline art from my family, the u-shape should connect to the rest of the form instead of free-floating. I drew a quick example here:
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you can see similar mistakes with a different kind of u-shape with TS-RLPL and TS-C0HK.
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Another very specific mistake that takes a bit of squinting to make out is that ovoids are sort of top-heavy, for lack of a term I can't think of right now. The line or the area should be thicker on the top then the bottom. This mistake is frequent in the graffiti designs utilizing ovoid or ovoid adjacent face or body shapes, like TS-ORBRS, TS-C0HK or TS-SCHL.
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Full disclaimer, I am not an expert at formline art. I've been practicing it under the tutelage of my aunt and father for about 3 or so years now, and there are definitely cultural variations that come into play as well. My culture's formline art style can look completely different from someone who is Haida or otherwise. This critique of the graffiti designs is based off my knowledge and skill at formline art, as well as critique and feedback that I've gotten from family. Formline art isn't just something you look at and replicate, there is a specific process of utilizing the shapes and negative space that you need to account for too. Some shapes have their own rules for how they're used as well.
Despite the beginner mistakes, the clear resemblances are pretty definitive proof that a good section of the sticker/graffiti designs for the salmonids are meant to be, or at the very least based off of or inspired by, formline art.
Splatoon's lore has a lot of elements of taking inspiration from real life culture (which is sort of one of the main elements of the story, the squids and octos are basing their society off long dead humans). Hell, Shiver and Frye are two prime examples of Splatoon working in real world culture into their setting and characters.
With that in mind, using an art style that's exclusive to an ethnicity of people as inspiration or baseline reference for the game mode that's all about taking natural resources from a species that in-game dialogue tends to treat as dangerous and lesser-minded is... not a good choice. Especially an ethnicity that has historically been ravaged and attacked by settlers for natural resources.
Now, technically if you do digging into lore for salmon run, you can find out that the salmonid are not as simple-minded as the dialogue in-game (I am staring directly at the deep cut big run announcement dialogue we've gotten so far -_-) makes them out to be. The salmonids do trades and commerce with the octarians for equipment and gear. That's why they have such technically high tech gear, like the scrappers with their shields that actually resemble octarian shields and the flyfish with their missiles and flying aircraft. That's also why power eggs show up in the story mode; they're from the salmonids' trades with the octarians.
So the salmonid could technically be as just as smart as the inklings, which is why the dialogue and some of the portrayals of the salmonid are confusing and contradictory (shiver's dialogue from the first big run, that one promo picture of an inkling walking a smallfry on a leash????). I think a good bit of the fanbase sort of thinks of the little buddy we get during the game as a pet, and I'm sure that much more of the fanbase/playerbase doesn't really care about the lore whatsoever. Salmonids sort of have a similar vibe to me as hilichurls from Genshin Impact, where the lore tells you that they're smarter than people assume while NPCs talk of them as less intelligent monsters. And you're also caught in this paradox where killing/fighting them feels morally wrong but the gameplay loop has you continuously doing that while also telling you on the downlow that you should sort of feel bad about it.
Rassicas did a really good video on translating salmonid lore from various interviews, which is where I learned a lot about the salmonid lore that doesn't really get explained/brought up in the game.
The usage of formline art in Splatoon has me sort of mixed on my opinion, because besides using an Indigenous art style for an enemy species that are considered lesser in intelligence by the NPCs, Indigenous art and culture as a whole has suffered a lot under colonialism. I don't know how much awareness whoever is reading this has about Indigenous history and colonialism, but Indigenous culture as a whole was banned in North America by the respective governments from being practiced by the respective cultural groups. Things such as ceremonies, regalia, and even practicing formline art were banned from being used by Indigenous people. Non-Indigenous people however were free to use it, which is why a lot of bastardized versions of Indigenous regalia and culture exists. You can see it in non-indigenous spiritual practices utilizing Indigenous practices and terminology like spirit animals and dreamcatchers, and sports teams utilizing Indigenous culture in its labelling and mascots. That is where cultural appropriation comes into play. And before I get anybody commenting about this, the salmonid formlines don't count as "cultural appreciation" because as far as the info available is concerned, there wasn't any Indigenous people that were consulted for the designs. And even if there were, I again have mixed feelings about Splatoon utilizing an Indigenous art style as a design piece for an enemy character in the franchise.
On another note, this isn't the first time Indigenous cultural appropriation has popped up in the Splatoon franchise. There was actually a headgear that was unreleased in the first Splatoon game called "Warrior Headdress", and you can guess what it looked like.
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Yeah. That was all levels of yikes and I'm thankful as hell that it didn't make it into the game (technically it's not in the game as a wearable item, but you can spot it at the very back of the headgear shop ingame)
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So Splatoon has utilized Indigenous culture as inspiration beforehand with the games, so it's not much of a stretch anymore to think that the salmon run graffiti designs were based off formline art or was an attempt at formline art.
I'm not really sold on the idea that the salmonid are meant to be representative of Indigenous people though, nor do I believe that utilizing formline art for the salmonid was a malicious decision. But it was a slightly ignorant decision at best, because again using Indigenous specific art for a species of enemies that gets fought for their natural resources and is referred to by some of the NPCs as basically being lesser-minded animals is really not a good decision.
This whole thread is not meant as a guilt trip for anyone who likes the salmonid lore, has bought any of the salmonid graffiti stickers, or enjoys salmon run, nor is it an accusation of the devs for maliciously misusing Indigenous culture. I actually really enjoy salmon run for it's PSP and concept, but this design aspect gives me mixed feelings as an Indigenous person. And to be honest it's hard to label intentions or the thought process because there isn't any info available on the development of salmon run and those graffiti designs specifically. So it's hard to know if the devs employed an Indigenous artist for feedback or if they indeed just looked at some formline art of salmon and tried to replicate it or used it as inspiration. I'm inclined to believe the latter judging by the beginner formline mistakes seen in some of the designs. There is an art book coming out soon for Splatoon 3, so maybe that will give more info.
To wrap this all up, I don't think there is really anything to be done about the designs. The game has been out for a while and I don't know if the game would change the designs at this point. I also don't think this should stop people from buying the sticker designs in game or playing salmon run. However, it is important to learn about the context of these designs so that you know why they exist and why they can be harmful, and so devs and creators can avoid making the same mistake in the future, and so Indigenous issues with cultural appropriation can be made more aware in the public space and not be ridiculed by non-Indigenous people. And again, I am just one Indigenous person so there may be other opinions from other Indigenous people on the graffiti designs and how they should be handled or viewed.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading and have a good day!! Be sure to check out some actual Formline art made by Indigenous people, like the ones I listed near the top of the post!
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mlpmoviemerch · 1 year
New My Little Pony Polaris Celestial Pony 40th Anniversary Retro Figure
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New My Little Pony Polaris Celestial Pony 40th Anniversary Retro Figure $14.99 available here: https://amzn.to/3KVVb7g
Details below:
Since the 1980’s, My Little Pony has delighted children with the magic of friendship. Now you can join My Little Pony in celebrating 40 years of play with the NEW 40th Anniversary Celestial Ponies!
4-INCH RETRO FIGURES There are four unique ponies to collect, each 4-inches in size.
40TH ANNIVERSARY COMB Comes with a commemorative 40th Anniversary comb. Use the comb to brush your pony’s long, beautiful hair!
Perfect gift for any My Little Pony fan!
Features a Polaris Celestial Pony 40th Anniversary retro figure doll.
Material: Plastic
Brand: Basic Fun
Character: Polaris
Color: Multicolor
Assembled Product Dimensions (L x W x H): 3 x 2 x 4 inches
Assembled Product Weight: 3.52 ounces
Ages 3 years and up
Inspired by My Little Pony
161 notes · View notes
You've started playing Control 2. The Hiss have finally been eradicated and Jesse is trying to formally settle into her new role as Director. She has a routine: sign documents that need her approval, perform janitorial duties, deal with any out of control Altered Items, visit Emily Pope- her closest friend in the FBC and assisstant to Head of Research Dr Casper Darling, visit Dr Darling to discuss ongoing research-
Polaris flares wildly. Jesse counters with what do you mean? It's just Dr Darling, he's been here for years. He's always been a bit weird. He writes poetry in his spare time? Yeah, so what? He's a valuable part of the bureau and is allowed to have hobbies.
But Polaris insists that something's not right, and Jesse trusts her. Wait. Didn't she make Emily Head of Research?
Polaris guides Jesse to unlock her memories of the real Dr Darling. The one whose videos she'd seen, the one who ended up exposing himself to "Hedron" and presumably ascended to another plane of existence. The one who acted nothing like the man who is currently Head of Research and has always been, according to everyone else's memory. Jesse slowly realises and comes to terms with the fact that the Dr Darling in The Oldest House is an imposter, or at the very least not the original Dr Darling, and reality has been changed to reflect the switch. It's like the original never existed, like this new version has overwritten the old one.
something something your friends will meet him when you're gone
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aspenonpawzzz · 3 months
HENLO! (pls read )
My name is Aspen! My pronouns are They/them and It/its, so please use gender-neutral, non human terms when refering to me! I am a TransAlterine Biromantic Asexual, and support All identities (except p3d0s, z0()s, maps, dreamsexuals, or other thing such as those!) NO POLITICS PLEASE (alterine https://yb3.fandom.com/wiki/Alterine)
term hoard sideblog: @aspens-hoard
@aspec-warriors Mafia acc
I am :
a Leo, a 5, a chaotic nutural, introvert ,and a INTJ, plus a red fox, Mexican coy-wolf, and AA wolf THERIAN!
I Mostly shitpost/reblog, but my main theme is The owl house, alterhuman, fandom and art posts!
I have dislexia, discalucla, and disgraphia, along with AuDHD ,and MaDD.
MaDD side blog @zenith-empire-for-real
I am a vulture culturist, a cosplayer, a quadrobist, a fanfic writer, a fan artist, and my aesthetic is Goblincore and cryptidcore!
my favs:
-turn off the lights (panic! at the disco) {IT GOES SO HARD}
-Oh geeez, not again. (band)
-the owl house
-Spirit of the north
-wild rescuers
Questioning cryptid kin of some kind, possibly Runalong!
^Role: name |age| {pronouns} [creation/ origin /reason for being in System] /Sexuality or who they like\ ' species' ^
ME! : Aspen |15.5 mentally| {they/it} [Birth] /Biromantic ace\ 'human'
THERIOTYPE(S) : Slate |6| {she/they} [death] /Straight\ 'AA wolf' , Dusty |2 | {He/it} [death] /bisexual\ 'mexican coy-wolf' ,Orion |Unknown| {Any} [Neurodivergency] / unknown\ 'raven' and Sage |4| {She/It} [Death] /Hetero\ 'red fox'
Kintypes(s): Polaris |400| {They/them} [ protection] /Aroace\ 'divine being'
Fictiontype(s): Hunter/Phantom{He/they/it} |16| [Owl House AU created by me] /Biromantic Demisexual\ 'shapeshifting grimwalker' @phantom-w0lfbane his side blog! OC that became sentient and is part of my PiC au of my irl life and one of the reality tabs I keep running at any time.
Other(s): Salem |13.5| {it/Its} [evil thoughts bastard] /Aroace\ 'Void-kin' @yourlocalangstdealer
Information :
aspen yips: silly stuff
aspen speaks (REAL): importiant
aspen barks: alterhuman stuff
aspen squeals: fandom/ hyperfixtion
aspen crows: neurodivergency
aspen howls: creative
[instert word or something]] Au: a au of mine Phantom posting: fictionkin/ hunter related stuff
anti-lgbtq+, people who ship canon (insert sexuality) with (instert gender that the person is NOT attracted to) ei, a lesbian with a male, anti-furry,anti-therian,anti-vulture culture,anti-quadrobics, 18+ or kink blogs, if you’re older that 18(unless I knew you before you turned 18, or pass The Vibe Check{stalk ur blog}) , ableists, racists, exculionist, The works.
Alterhumans (Therians, otherkin, otherkith, otherhearted, animal hearted,otherlink,copinglink, furrians[furry therians], holotheres, soul shards, phytanthropes, and ANY OTHERS PLEASE ) furries, TOH or gf fans, artists and writers and cosplayers and musicains, freaks and werdios, vulture culturists, quadrobists, mogia and liom, enbies and enbyfluxes, fictionkins and fictives, systems,LGBTQIA+and people with decency.
treat me lesser/younger than you, treat me like a child, call me human, or person/people, talk Abt politics ,or involve me in such matters, repost(reblogging is fine) my ideas.
This is a "Ship and let ship" blog. only exceptions are "insert orenation" with "a gender orenation is NOT attracted to" , Minor with not minor, [age] with [ age more than 2-3 years apart] aroace with anyone, bully x victim (ie bochlow) villian x hero with in certain bounderies, ab#sive or toxic ships, or proships.
any aggressive hating/ threats will be blocked. only z0()s, n3cr0s, p3d0s, and other harmful p@r@s are allowed to be hated on here. if you support/are these, find help and leave this blog. this is not for you.
gatekeeping is not allowed. at all.
support of KOSA and other things like this is not allowed.
take your discorse and politics elsewere. this is a fun blog for fun stuff.
I am a minor, if +18 dni unless I, a trusted person, or a mewtual vet your blog.
I use tonetags.
Biggest Mewtual- @justalexisfine
Nonhuman Nat. Park member - https://nonhumannationalpark.boards.net/thread/1477/intro
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24 days till pride month
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wondrouswendy · 6 months
My Control 2 Wishlist
I've had this on my mind the last few weeks after seeing Alan Wake 2 and what Remedy's really capable of when they push the limits of genre and storytelling. No one asked for this list, but I thought it would be fun to divulge some of my thoughts on the matter.
More Music
This list would be remiss if I didn't say I wanted a real musical number for Control. I want singing. I want choreography. Drama. Poets of the Fall jamming out even more. Maybe more of Ahti's dulcet singing voice. Maybe even Darling's too? A duet?
I want even more variety with the genres, too. Give us a love ballad. Give us more storytelling through music.
2. A Mixture of Enemies
I want Jesse to fight more monsters than just the Hiss. I want her to fight paracriminals, especially.
3. More Altered Items and OOPs
Mostly the latter. I would love to hear more about the OOPs Northmoor bound and used.
4. More Inter-Departmental Drama
I want to hear what people think about Jesse as Director following the Hiss invasion. Do people still feel as inspired by her?
5. A LITTLE More Tie-Ins with Alan Wake
I don't want this to swing too hard in the Alan Wake pendulum, but I think there's so many questions regarding the world at large through Alan Wake's story, I want to see some plot threads get tied up through Control.
I still want the story to focus on the Bureau and its agents, but I think it's fine to bring in characters from AW2, namely Anderson and Casey. I also want to know how the Oceanview ties into everything.
6. More Kiran Estevez, and an Update on the Bureau at Large
What it says on the tin. Agent Estevez was a badass. Give us more. Also tell us about her ex-wife and about her rebound relationship she definitely had (or have her get back with her wife).
What happened to the Bureau over the last few years? What's going on? We need an update.
7. More Darling, More Trench
This wouldn't be a wishlist without including them. I'm biased. I love them so much your honor and I want Trench to come back, either as a mentor or in the flesh because why not? Give us a chance to even play as either of these characters for a spell.
8. More Uh, Horniness?
Look, I'm not talking about outright explicit sexual content. But let's be honest. Alan Wake 2 was a bit more horny than it had any right to be. Explain yourself, Sam Lake. Explain yourself, Remedy. Keep bringing hot people doing hot things, especially with the use of FMV. Your fans will love it.
8. The Actual Number 8: More Slice of Life
What I'm genuinely alluding to, all joking aside, is more slice of life interjected into the Bureau's dynamics. More everyday banter. Maybe I just want to see people flirt with Jesse a little. Maybe some gentle nudging from Polaris for Jesse to let down her hair a little.
9. A Follow-Up With Dylan
I think for Jesse's character development, it will be important to address Dylan and what's his status. By extension, I would love to hear more about his potential connection to Mr. Door.
10. More FMV
Goes without saying, but this should become Remedy's signature cherry on top with their games. They have perfected the style and I hope to see more of it.
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fullscoreshenanigans · 3 months
I have the headcanon that Leslie lived until 11, even if he had not super good scores, because he was a little genius of music.
Not everyone can create a song, not everyone can learn super quickly to play a music. I don't remember which song he wanted to learn before his deparature, but i think that it was a difficult one (we don't see him train a lot in the story too) and he plays it before going to the gate, without any partition to help him and without doing any mistake.
I headcanon that she demons keep all the little genius, even if they not have good scores and are genius in other ways, because they think that it worth to keep them.
A kid has not good scores but it a genius with drawing and creates super beautiful things? It's worth to keep him until the age limit.
Leslie is super good in music, learn quickly song and has not need of a partition when he plays? it's worth to wait until he's 11 (close of 12). It could also be a kid who has a beautiful voice ansd sings super well for exemple.
Norman was a genius in studies and stuff so they keep him beyond 12 by sending him to lambda but people can be genius in other ways that in studies. A genius can be super good in something but kinda bad in another things.
I feel like this is essentially canon, no?
The only birthdays mentioned in "The Starry Sky and Leslie’s List" are Isabella's twelfth birthday and Ray's sixth birthday, so contrary to what the wiki currently says, it doesn't look like Leslie was shipped out exactly on his twelfth since they don't celebrate or even mention it.
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(Leslie's page on the TPN Wiki | TPN Light Novel 2: Moms’ Song of Remembrance - “The Starry Sky and Leslie’s List” Chapter 1)
They are among the oldest though since Isabella turns twelve within a year of his shipment while not being physically able to jump atop the wall as we see her do in chapter 37/S1 episode 12 yet due to the sprained ankle she sustains over the course of the light novel, in addition to spending weeks to months writing him letters that never received a response and what finalized her decision to make the jump in the first place.
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(TPN Light Novel 2: Moms’ Song of Remembrance - “The Starry Sky and Leslie’s List” Chapter 8 | Chapter 9)
But it's still soon enough that she discovers the truth of the house during the night of the first snowfall of the year, which could be anywhere from late October 2025 to January 2026 (since the full score trio deduces in chapter 5 that Grace Field is located in [the demon world equivalent of] the northern hemisphere, in addition to "The Guiding Star" short story mentioning them planning on using Polaris to find each other again after they go off to foster homes, winter would be during this time of the year).
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I'm inclined to go with January 2026 since we don't see snow on the night of January 15, 2046, and also because I feel there's some poignancy in what would have been Leslie's twelfth birthday month getting to Isabella as the final push to make her seek him out. He surely would have written her in response to the birthday wishes she mailed him. (This is also why I feel his shipment was after September 9, 2025 because him not sending her any birthday well wishes would have tipped her off sooner, too).
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(TPN Light Novel 2: Moms’ Song of Remembrance - “The Starry Sky and Leslie’s List” Chapter 9)
This could be an oddity in the translation, but Isabella also mentions how her her twelfth birthday was close enough that they could mark it on the calendar while the snow was piling up outside. Assuming they put up a new calendar at the start of January, she discovered the truth only in 2026, and then spent over half a year trying to come up with some sort of plan to escape (and isn't there a wealth of potential there, thinking of the adversarial atmosphere between her and Sarah during those few months and how that would be replicated in the next generation between her and Ray, although not 1:1.)
I don't remember which song he wanted to learn before his departure, but i think that it was a difficult one (we don't see him train a lot in the story too) and he plays it before going to the gate, without any partition to help him and without doing any mistake.
He learned to play Nocturne No.2! Though c72684, who translated the light novel, wasn't entirely certain the larger body of work it belonged to.
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(TPN Light Novel 2: Moms’ Song of Remembrance - “The Starry Sky and Leslie’s List” Chapter 2)
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kaitlyn-pink · 6 months
1; The Sorcerers appearing in the Summoners dreams.
I imagine it’d be like summoning them in your dreams, but instead of a physical summon it’s the subconscious. So it’s still them, just not physically. BUT LIKE just imagine it’s a month or two after you’re back in mid earthiem and you go to sleep then meet them in your dreams?? THE ANGST POTENTIAL??
2; The time flow is different so they age? Mature? Basically change at different rate
SO like different time flows between the two worlds, so if you DO meet them in the dreams or physically again they will have changed much more significantly than you have 😭
I don’t know if the sorcerers actually age (like Schedar, old as-) but maybe just slower, but I think they’d definitely mature and grow. LIKE a month passed for you, it’s 100 years for them or something like that.
3; Memory fading, the imprint fading, death, other angst points.
SO LIKE I know the sorcerers have good memories, but either they or the summoner forget each other eventually with time and age before they reunite.. ITS UNLIKELY BUT STILL MY HEART-
ALSO the imprints eventually fading as the years pass. CUZ IF THE SUMMONER GROWS OLD OR THE SORCERERS AGE A LOT OVER TIME, WHAT IF THE IMPRINTS FADE AWAY?? Also just the summoner looking in the sky and spotting the constellations.. 😭
Imagine the summoner eventually dies and the sorcerers do find a way to mid earthiem just to find out the summoner passed and they were too late.. OW..
4; Watching the constellations change
Because the Castor and Pollux thing right? LISTEN, imagine the constellation eventually visibly wakes up?? AND SUMMONER CAN SEE HOW THE CONSTELLATIONS ARE RESPONDING SO THEY KNOW HOW THEY’RE DOING??
5; The Sorcerers find a way to let Summoner safely cross OR Summoners magic improves to the point it’s useless for them to stay in Mid Earthiem
The title explains it all honestly, they find a way back and stabilize the summoners magic. ALSO SO THAT ITS THEIR OWN NOT POLARIS’ (I’m still salty about that)
6; Being able to meet them in shared dreams at night
Spica changing his sleep schedule to be able to check in with you more, Pollux and Arcturus rambling about their days with you and making plans for when they meet again, Alpheratz and Vega checking in and making sure you take care of yourself, Sirius 😶
(By the way Sirius is so fked, man’s became Debris and is NOT COMING BACK, NOR WANTS TO SEE US)
ALSO IMAGINE YOU CAN PHYSICALLY TOUCH IN THE DREAMS! (DO NOT get the wrong idea. I mean if you want sure but 🤗) Just cuddling in the dream space after a long day or just missing them and feeling lonely. 😭
Only thing I could see go wrong is that they use this to cope and form unhealthy sleep schedules to try to see Summoner more, and vice-versa. (Alpheratz’ schedule is already messed up but dw abt it ☺️)
7; Best scenario for last
Throat punch Sirius.
⬇️ For all the Sirius fans ☺️
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