#it came on shuffle just after i’d been listening to is this what you wanted
oh what i wouldn’t give for a tlsp cover of the killing moon by echo and the bunnymen
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gcslingss · 15 days
heart to heart. colt seavers.
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summary: the last two days were being especially shitty. your close friend colt invites you over to a scene shoot, and suddenly everything becomes a little bit better.
pairing: colt seavers x gn!reader
warnings: heavy fluff, slight angst, kissing, mild swearing.
word count: 1.8k
notes: firstly, yes, the fic's name is mac demarco's song. i recommend listening to it while reading this. secondly, i had a terrible day today, thus the birth of this fic. hope you guys enjoy :)
p.s: colt is the sweetest guy ever. i wish he was real.
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Today had been the worst day of the week.
You’d been told off, looked down at, or backhandedly insulted by nearly everyone you spoke to, and that didn’t leave the best feeling in you by the time it was nearly midnight and you were still awake, staring at the ceiling of your room.
Even your mum had called you clingy and ignored you, and your neighbour had started to pretend you didn’t exist, ignoring your attempts to talk to him, to give him the cake you’d made that afternoon, and he made sure to make you see how much of a good time he was having with his girlfriend.
And to top it all off, your best friend hadn’t contacted you in a week. You knew he was a stuntman and therefore was often busy, but that didn’t mean he could completely ignore you.
You really didn’t know what you’d done wrong to be having such a shitty day.
that’s when your phone pinged beside your pillow. You wouldn’t have checked it, but it pinged with the special sound you’d set for Colt Seavers.
What the fuck? There was no way Colt was texting after an entire fucking week.
You were bitter about it, but not enough to ignore it. So you picked up the phone, and saw two new texts from him in the lock screen preview.
Hi :)
You’re probably sleeping right now, but I’m way too excited not to tell you right now
You waited to see where he was going with this. A minute later, the third text came.
We’re shooting a really special scene for the movie I’m part of tomorrow - I have a big role
And then another one.
D’you wanna come? It would be so cool if you did
You would’ve been lying if you said you didn’t feel your heart warm up when you read that, a smile tugging at your lips. Any irritation you felt for him melted away.
You didn’t hesitate to properly open the text and send him a quick reply.
I’m up, shockingly
Yeah, I’d love to come :]]
There was an enthusiastic response, and then he went offline. 
At least there was something to look forward to now.
You placed the phone aside and shuffled into the covers of your bed. You needed sleep if you were going to support him right tomorrow.
… … …
“-and apparently it’s some sort of sci-fi movie, and he’s got a whole lot of-“
“Sorry, I kinda need to go.”
And just like that, your so-called childhood friend walked away, eyes still glued to her phone’s screen, still giggling, not bothering to ever give you a wave or second look.
You stared at her leaving figure rather desolately, feeling numb, yet highly irritated. It only took a few seconds for the irritation to simmer down into severe self-doubt.
Were you annoying? Is that why nobody wanted to talk to you? 
Did you say too much? Or were you not interesting enough? 
What the hell was everyone’s problem?
The only who’d shown any signs of tolerating you recently was Colt, but there was this heavy feeling in your heart that even he was being fake. 
Maybe you shouldn’t go to the shoot. He probably only invited you as a courtesy. he probably didn’t even want you there.
Like a fucking sign from the sky, your phone pinged, and a new message from him read-
Hope you didn’t forget you’ve got an appointment with me today doofus
You didn’t want to laugh, but it bubbled through your throat anyway, and something akin to the feeling of holding a warm candle on a winter day spread through your fingers.
He was so annoying.
… … …
You hadn’t moved a single muscle out of your little square for the past 2 hours, your arms stiff by your sides, your hands anxiously fiddling with each other, your bottom barely touching the chair you were given, and your eyes downcast, staring emptily at the sand.
There had been 3 takes of Colt’s super-actiony ‘falling from the sky’ stunt to be approved by the director. 
It was break time now, and all the present actors and the director had retreated to their trailers. the only people outside were some of the snacking stuntmen, two extras fanning themselves, and you, too absorbed in your self-deprecating thoughts to have even realized the shoot was on break.
“You alright?”
Your neck could’ve snapped with the speed you looked up at, and you physically felt your face muscles cramp when you shifted expressions from despairing to absolutely peachy in less than a second.
“Hey! Yeah, I’m good,” you said, forcing a smile, “Just peachy.”
No. That word should’ve stayed in your head. Fuck.
Colt frowned, smiling almost suspiciously, “When have you ever used that word out loud?”
“…Just now,” you unconvincingly said. You were far too tired to come up with a good response.
“Was I good?” he asked, brushing past it, and you nodded, the smile becoming a little bit more genuine than before. 
“You were great.”
He smiled too, and then observed you for a moment, his eyes searching, searching for any sign that you weren’t okay.
That was the plain truth, but you couldn’t let him know - not on his big day. 
“I’m okay, Colty,” you said, patting him on his shoulder. You could see the extras watching your interaction, and your skin prickled.
“I’m gonna get going now, okay?” you said, standing up as stiff as ever, and turned, only to feel Colt’s hand pull on your wrist, stopping you.
“What?” you whined. Colt turned you by the shoulders to face you and watched your face, and you tried to ignore the way his lips formed the softest, fondest smile as he said, “Don’t go yet, c’mon.”
“You…you’re going to be busy, and I probably have something waiting for me at home, and I don’t want to imp-“
“D’you wanna talk for a bit? Maybe in Tom’s trailer?”
It became clear to you that he was not planning on letting you leave yet. 
You thought about how tired you were, mentally and physically. Your brain hurt from all the buzzing, and your muscles hurt from the constant rigidity.
But then you thought about Colt, and his pretty smile, and his big blue eyes, and his husky laughter, and your mouth mumbled a soft “Okay.”
Colt nodded, and slung an arm over your shoulder as the two of you walked across the set towards the trailers.
… … …
“So Tom doesn’t mind if you use his trailer?”
“I mean, it’s not like he knows about it, so…”
You laughed and punched Colt in the arm, causing him to make a face that made you laugh harder.
But then the laughter died down, and your brain started buzzing again. You went silent, a dormant smile still on your face.
Colt noticed.
“I can tell when you’re feeling shitty,” he murmured, and as his hand slid into yours, you wondered how he even managed to use the exact word you used to describe your day.
You shook your head and shrugged, muttering a “I’m fine,” but then he scooted closed to you and began to rub gentle circles on your palm, uttering your name so softly, and something in you snapped.
Tears came to your eyes as your head drooped and you softly sobbed, throat feeling awfully tight.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, voice muddled, “I didn’t mean to cry, I’m sorry…”
“Hey, no, c’mon,” you heard him say softly, and his two arms wrapped around you, engulfing you in a hug you wished you’d gotten ages ago.
His fingers carded through your hair, his left hand held you close, and you could feel his lips by your temple, silent but reassuring.
You cried for an entire six minutes, because every time you told yourself to stop, the nonchalant gaze of your neighbour or the sharp words of your mum flashed in your mind and the tears came back twice as heavy.
Colt let you cry, and didn’t say a word about how you were drenching his jacket in tears, his little movements being the only thing keeping you from collapsing in your head.
When the weight you’d been feeling the entire day seemed to finally disappear, you pulled away, but only partly, still seeking Colt’s warmth.
“You alright?” he asked, voice softer than a whisper, and you felt so relieved when you smiled so naturally, and nodded.
“Yeah.” You wiped away the tear streaks on your cheeks. “I just… had a really bad few days. Everyone sounds a little extra rude.”
“I hope I’m not on the list,” he said, and you chuckled, shaking your head.
“Of course not,” you said. “You made everything better, if anything.”
“Well, I’m glad.”
You looked up at him. His gaze was keen, concerned, and so warm. His fingers were still caressing your palm. 
What a wonderful creature he was.
You found yourself leaning in and kissing him, something he most certainly did not expect, but the  faint sigh he elicited told you he didn’t mind it whatsoever. 
He kissed you back, harder.
The heat of his mouth, the feeling of his chapped lips against yours, his large hands cupping your face, and the little sounds he made when you brought his head close seemed to complete the healing of your tired heart, and after what seemed like an eternity, the two of you broke away.
His eyes were fixed on you, flustered, but appreciative now. His face was flushed. 
After a moment’s silence, he looked down at his watch.
“Tom’s gonna be here any minute,” he muttered, his voice hoarse and hesitating. “We should leave this little hellhole.”
“Yeah. Okay.” It was an automatic response, because your brain really wasn’t functioning.
You got down the trailer, and thankfully no one spotted either of you, because of how Tom liked his privacy. 
“There’s a little bit of the scene left,” Colt explained. “They probably don’t need me, but I should go check it out.”
“Of course. Yeah. I-I should probably head home too. I really enjoyed watching you stunt, by the way. It was great.” You gave him a a pat on his back. 
“Good. That’s good.”
Colt nodded, giving you one final grin, and then turned to leave.
No, wait.
“...Colt?” you called out. 
He stopped in his tracks and spun around. He looked expectant.
You didn’t know if you were crossing any lines with what you were going to say, but at that moment, you didn’t exactly care. 
“I love you,” you said, and the words came so easily. “And thank you.”
You could see Colt’s breathing hitch, his chest raised mid-breath. Then, slowly breathing out, he murmured the words “I love you too” back, before he asked-
“Could I, um, come over tonight, maybe? I’m gonna be free,so....”
You’d forgotten anything and everything that had annoyed you at this point. All you could hear in your head was Colt now.
“Yeah, of course. Please.”
He grinned at your response, and he gave you a little goodbye wave, before walking away.
Two little hearts became whole that moment.
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hyuny-bunny · 15 days
cybersex | camgirl! x skz
chapter I • chapter III
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MDNI (18+): this series will depict sex work and acts of sex. content warnings will include the following for this chapter: mention of masturbation, oral (m rec), alcohol, p in v (no condom / reader on birth control), cum, creampie/breeding, use of pet names (good boy/puppy), threesome, afab reader
genre: skz x camgirl!reader, use of she/her/hers
wc: 3.5K
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Chapter 2
You had stopped by to see Sana at the restaurant tonight while she was having her break. Since you didn’t have an official breakroom, most of the staff would sit in the storage room. You had come in from the alley through the exit and sat chatting away in the storage room. It was far from ideal but the room was quite big, there were tucked away corners stacked with crates no one used that doubled as your chairs. As you caught Sana up on all the moving festivities and the cute downstairs neighbor who always seemed to be heading out as you were coming in, someone walked into the room. You both fell quiet hearing two familiar voices.
“Do you really think it’s her?”
“All the dots connect back to her. Look, she’s been moving into that place all week and it just so conveniently happens to be that KitsuneKitty has been on a break?” You clocked in on Jeongin’s voice, Sana is about to speak but you’re quick to cover her mouth.
“Hear me out, who else would Sana bring on to her stream? We know what her girlfriend looks like from the other streams. It’d only make sense considering that Sana and Y/N were living up until this last week. Then, after she came on the first stream, she filmed from the same room, two more times after that stream, before doing it in another spot. Besides, do you really think she makes enough here? To live in that apartment all alone?”
“You’re kinda creeping me out with how closely you pay attention to detail.” You hear Seungmin say as they shuffle around in their spot. They were talking about you not even realizing you were there listening to everything. 
“And you should pay attention more. Then, just the other day, I saw a box in the lobby on my way out addressed to her,” Jeongin is abruptly cut off by Seungmin.
“Please tell me you didn’t open her package.”
“OF COURSE NOT… I looked up the return address and it was to a sex store online.” You kick a bag of flour in the corner on accident. They stop talking for a moment trying to see if anyone else is in the storage room. Sana is frozen as a statue, she doesn't dare to take a breath. 
“Look, I’m not saying it isnt her… but what does it good does it do us to know if it is her? What’re you gonna say? ‘Hey, I wank it to you almost every night, big fan of your work’? You can’t even look her in the eye as it is, could you look her in the eyes if she knew how much you-” It was Seungmins turn to be cut off
“Oh don’t act like you’re above it! Your walls are a lot thinner than you think. I don’t know what I’d do though… Probably beg her to use me for her own pleasure.” The conversation comes to an abrupt stop when you hear the storage room door swing open. This time it’s  Minho’s voice that booms in. 
“I have plates getting cold, can you two stop fucking around and run them?” 
“Sorry, Jeongin wanted to discuss his revelations about your little minx. He’s getting too antsy for that surprise stream.” Seungmin slaps the back of Jeongins shirt as he pushes him out of the storage room. The room is silent once more with only the faint sound of Minho talking.
You turn to Sana to find that her eyes have gone as wide as yours. Your head is whirling with thoughts, all consumed by the reality that they knew. It didn’t scare you though, it only added to your excitement. Oh, tonight’s surprise might’ve been spoiled as you had planned a face reveal but another idea had come to mind. Instead, you toyed with the idea of what Jeongin had said. You pull out your phone to text the two of them.
“What’re you doing? Are you okay? I’m so sorry I should have never told those two idiots about my stream I just didn’t even think they were sober enough to remember let alone watch.” Sana asked worriedly, there’s a fear inside of her bubbling over, that she would be the reason you felt violated.
“This isn’t your fault! I’m fine really, I don’t mind at all. I’m a little surprised I guess but I knew the risk I was taking. Besides, I’m a little surprised that they would even begin to pay that much attention.” You say grabbing Sana by both arms to reassure her that you are more than okay. There was nothing to be upset about truthfully, you were flattered that they watched your streams. “Now, I think I owe my little detectives a surprise for figuring it out.
You: hey! do you two want to come by my place for some drinks tonight? i have a surprise for you both :3
Jeongin: sure! we’re both working rn but i’ll pick something up on the way :) 
Seung: sweeeet, whats the surprise?
You: it’s nothing really but its really something you’ll love!
They took the bait so easily it was almost comical, Sana was leaning over your shoulder watching your texts. 
“Oh you are a little minx, aren’t you? I think Mina and I will have to watch this tonight.”
You had set the room up for tonight's show, this room had been your best surprise yet. The windows were covered by white floor-to-ceiling drapes, tied with black ribbon and embroidered with delicate flowers. You had left the hardwood exposed, opting for a white fur throw rug in place moving it in or out of the way depending on the occasion. The bed was centered in the room, it was covered by silk pink sheets, a lacey pink comforter, white throw blankets, and an assortment of pillows in all shapes and sizes. The room was dimly with your led light bulbs, offering a soft pink glow to the room, it seemed like a sweet and coquettish room aside from the bookshelf lined with vibrators, dildos, and other assorted sex toys. 
You had prepped yourself like you normally had for these streams, the makeup was always fairly simple. A smooth base with glowy skin, the perfect shade of blush that made you look flushed, an eye shadow look that held more emphasis on the strategically placed shimmers that captured like diamonds with light reflections, and the mauve shade of lipstain that made your lips look pouty and bitten. You put on a matching black two-piece set under your inconspicuous outfit consisting of a grey sweater and black shorts that were a tighter fit, topped with a pair of black over-the-knee socks. The stream was set to start at 11 pm and your boys had arrived at 10 pm on the dot.
You opened the door with a gleeful smile, welcoming them in. They both wore t-shirts with sweats, and both had a cologne that wafted in the room. While you had never felt any crushing feelings for the two of them, there was no denying how cute they were. They were cute in the way that gets a girl giddy when she sees her waiter is this hot and their sweet mannerisms just added to the effect. You asked them how their day was as you pulled out some snacks for the beer they had brought over. You all sat on the floor surrounding the coffee table, the buzz slowly crept up on you.
“Mm so what was our surprise?” Seungmin asked as he took a sip of his drink. Jeongin had been frequently checking his phone, it was almost time. You had decided that now was as good of a time as any. There was still about 10 minutes from the countdown, that left the perfect amount of time to see if your plan would go as you wanted.
“You sure you want it now? Jeongin seems a little antsy, are you sure you want the surprise right now?” You smile to the both of them letting your eye contact linger on Jeongin a little longer, his lip bitten by his teeth.
‘Oh uh, um, yeah sorry I just was, uh, waiting for something.” He says before locking his phone once more and setting it down on the coffee table. You wink at him before telling them to follow you to the surprise, not missing the way Seungmin cocks a brow in surprise, and Jeongin’s cheeks flush pink. You walk down the hall to the two of them in toe, before you reach the door, you look up to the two of them with a warning. 
“You can refuse your surprise if you want, it’s no fun if you don’t want it got it?” They both shake their heads quickly like puppies before sparing a glance to each other. You open the door instructing them to sit in front of the screen, once the door is closed behind you, there's an internal flip switch for you.
 “I was thinking long and hard about what you said, and really, it warms my heart to know you two watch me to get off.” The tops of their cheeks are burning as they sit cross-legged staring at you sink to your knees, crawling over to them on all fours before stopping between the two of them. 
“And I thought that there was no better to reward you two for being so supportive of me then to return the favor? Hmm? I mean hearing you say you’d let me use Jeongin, got me so wet I had to come straight home and touch myself to the thought.” You notice the strain in their pants is growing, you feel yourself getting hotter when you lean forward resting your hands on the tops of their thighs. 
“You’ll let me use tonight, right, Jeongin? You’ve been such a good boy waiting for my return, you want to make me happy mm?” You say rubbing your hand up his thigh to where you can see the outline of his cock imprinting his sweats, he nods yes and whimpers when you brush your hands just across his boner. “Poor baby, can’t even use your words and I haven’t even started. I need to hear you say yes.”
“Y-yes, p-please.” You pull him into a kiss by his shirt muttering good boy and letting him lean back. You turn to Seungmin, his eyes are blown out staring at the hand resting on his thigh. You pick his chin up to make him look you in the eyes. His big brown puppy eyes stare at you, if it wasn’t for the waiting audience of viewers you would’ve pounced on the two of them already.
“You too puppy? I can’t touch you unless you say you want me to.”
“Yes.” Seungmin says almost above a whisper. You lean forward planting a sweet kiss on his lips as well. 
You swiftly stand up stripping yourself of the shorts and sweater, reaching for your mask before pressing the button to begin the stream. The chat is pouring with comments about where you’ve been, the new set up and most importantly your two guests. You giggle at some of the comments that already begging them to strip.
“You’re all gonna have to be warm and welcoming to my two guests okay? They’ve been some long-time supporters of mine and I have to show my gratitude in so my way right?” You say taking notice of the two boys palming themselves from the monitor. “Can my puppies strip for me?”
Any thoughts the two of them have ever shared are out the window, they both are pulling their shirts off, ridding themselves of all clothes til they're down to their underwear. You instruct them both to stay standing up, you look back at the monitor catching a glimpse of what everyone else was watching. You bite your lip looking at the monitor rubbing their hard on’s over their underwear, while stroking Seungmin, you pull Jeongin in close to you, reaching up to grab the waistband of his underwear with your teeth pulling them down just until hit his knees. His thighs shiver and the feeling of your mouth so close to where he needed it. He kept his arms and hands behind his back unsure of what to do with them, he stepped out of the underwear where you returned to Seungmin to do the same. They’re both much bigger than you expected which only sends a rush of wetness into the spot in your panties that's already soaking through. 
You take Seungmin into your mouth looking up at him, he’s looking down at you with his jaw slack and moans slipping past his lips while you take as much of him into your mouth. You feels so warm and wet around him, he cant help the way his cock twitches when you moan so heavily around his cock. He forces himself to keep his hands at his sides while you work your mouth on him but the idea of taking a fistful of your and rutting himself into your mouth is tantalizing. Jeongin watches in awe looking up at his roommate's fucked expression, he waits like the good boy he is. Your hand still stroking him, his tip angry pink with drops of precum beading at the tip. The movement of your mouth against Seungmin gets sloppier as you leave your spit and saliva covered all over his cock, you feel him getting closer to cumming with the way he twitches in your mouth. You pull off him and he whines out at the loss, his cock twitching while you keep pumping ever so slowly.
“Such good boys aren’t they? Do we think they should cum yet?” You say while moving to Jeongin to bring him into your mouth next, he almost cums when your tongue makes contact. There’s a large donation thats sent to you that reads off a message
$1000 donation from hyjnny “let the one in your mouth fuck you doggy since he’s such a good dog”
You let him out of your mouth with a pop and smile looking back at the camera, thanking the donor. Your legs feel weak at the thought of letting Jeongin take you from behind. You continue to make sloppy wet noises against his cock, taking him as far down your throat before gagging and going back in once more. He watches with eyes wide, it feels like a dream to watch you take him down your throat. He was always shy with his size, too many of his partners complained that it wasn’t pleasurable so the idea of not only being so far down your throat but to fuck you in front of the thousands of people watching wanted to make him cry cumming.
Seungmin is starting to thrust into your hand as most of your focus is on Jeongin fitting in your mouth. He’s erratically fucking into the makeshift hole that is your hand, letting some of his own spit dribble out. You finally pull off Jeongin, and a line spit connecting your mouth to his cock stays between you two. You instruct them to kneel now once more in front of the camera, you align them to face each other with you in between, you lean into kiss Seugmin and place Jeongins hands on your tits. They’re both squishing you between them, Jeongin focused on groping your tits and ridding you of your bra. Seungmin’s hand dives to firmly grip your neck in his hand while Jeongin humps you over your underwear from behind. The room fills with the sound of wet kisses and breathy moans. You pull Seunmin off your mouth and pull your panties off to leave you in nothing but your socks. Another donation pings,
$500 donation from 97ddynahc “suck the brunette off while the other fucks you from behind, let them both breed your holes” 
Your pussy dripped with the need for the two of them, to take them both at the same time was going to take a lot to not orgasm at the first movement. You let Jeongin guide your hips in place, his tip swiping at your entrance and nudging your clit sending a chill through you and a gasp. 
“Let me know if it’s too much okay? I know I’m on the bigger side and its uncomfortable for some people,” Jeongin says in small voice, hes terrified of hurting.”
“I promise, puppy.” Every time you called them ‘good boy’ or ‘puppy’ it only made Jeongin want to fuck the sweetness out of you until you could only beg. He slides in letting you adjust to him before moving. He fills you up, you feel every inch and ridge inside of you as he rocks his hips back in forth. You thighs shake wanting to just squirt all over his cock in that moment.
“Jeongin, ah, please.. Go harder please,” Your whimpers sound like music to them, it doesn’t take long for him to pick up the pace, slamming his hips down into you while Seungmin grabs your face to do the same. Seungmin takes hold of your head, creating a makeshift ponytail as he begins fucking your mouth, he’s big. He hits the back of your throat with every thrust, the motion of the two of you only forces you to take Seungmin even further down your throat.
Jeongin can't help himself, he’s so entrapped with the way your ass moves with every slam of his hips. He adjusts your hips to pick up more speed and hits that spongey spot inside you, the new angle causes you to moan vibrating against Seungmins cock. It felt so dirty to be used the way you were at this very moment but it only made you clench around Jeongins cock. They both are panting and grunting with every thrust, skin slapping against skin. You feel your orgasm approaching quickly and hard. The build-up in your stomach has you clenching harder than before causing Jeongin to thrust deeper, he slows down and grips your hips fully pulling you into him. Burying his cock deep in your pussy he lets go of everything, he whines loudly and shakily, and you wonder if the neighbors can hear him. He doesn't stop thrusting knowing you're close. Seungmin pulls off you and starts stroking himself to allow himself to cum on your face and chest. Your mouth hangs open while he shoots his warm white cum all over your face and chest letting whatever you catch in your mouth, swallow back. Jeongin continues thrusting grabbing your arms to hold them behind and Seungmin reaches under you to circle your clit as you cry out, squirting all over the two of them. You both stay still, trying to catch your breathe. You look up at the monitor, your mask sloppily misaligned and the other two boys are about to pass out. You wave goodbye and say your thank yous turning the stream off. 
You crawl over to the bed reaching for your robe, trying to grip the bed to stand up but your legs give out. Jeongin stands up somewhat stable, lifting you up into his arms with is arms wrapped around your waist.
“ I have water in the shower for us, theres some.. water bottles in there.” You say tired as Jeongin sits you on the love seat in the corner. Seungmin is grabbing a towel from the dresser to layover the mess covering the floors.
Jeongin remerges with water in hand. Your throat is sore but you feel like your on cloud 9. No one says a word while you drink the water down.
“So uh… How was it?” You ask to break the silence.
“Better then I ever could have dreamed of. Would you… want to maybe do it again?” Seungmin is the first to speak, you feel yourself blushing. It felt so silly to blush after you just let them cum in/on you.
“ Oh uh.. Definetely… I don’t know about a threesome again. That was a lot of cardio for me” You giggle at the last part. Jeongin laughs, it was one he does when he was a little shy about compliments.
“Sorry for cumming in you, I wasn’t sure if i should but can I get you a Plan B or um,” Jeongin asks but you shake your head laughing.
“No worries here, I’m on the pill. Do you guys mind keeping this between us? I just wouldn’t want anyone at work to know if that’s okay?” You ask.
“Worried about Minho? Don’t worry he’s hopelessly in love with you but this stays between us… and maybe everyone who watched but who cares about those one’s.” Seungmin says reassuring you. 
You walk the two of them to the door and say your goodnights, you settle away in bed after a nice long bath, trying to relax any possibility of sore muscles. You’re drifting to sleep when you get a message.
hyjnny: hey babe, loved your live tonight. If you ever want to collaborate sometime let me know, think we might be pretty close. Check my page out, i think you’ll like what you see. Here’s my number if you want to meet up sometime xxx-xxx-xxxx
a/n: feeling a little rusty but i hope you all love this chapter, look forward the next one ;)
taglist (7/30): @skzooluvr @breadpuddingboys @weshhhhhhhhhhhhh @ihrtlix @complete-kpop-trash @strayzid @amara-mars
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dreamwritersworld · 11 months
All too well. (Miles morales x reader)
Weather Miles knew it or not he was stabbing her right in the heart every time he made their relationship seem under wraps.
In front of everyone he refused to call their relationship what it was. Love. Not a childish relationship, at least not to Y/n.
Rio could see something was going on between the two. There wasn’t a day where she hadn’t dreamt of seeing Y/n in a wedding dress besides Miles, she was all too prefect. Y/n was practically the daughter she never had.
So Miles kept her close to his heart and he always got Y/n to return back into his arms but every time she did she felt shame, and he would just hold her lifeless frame. Their relationship was crowded, Gwen was stuck in the picture and the teenage boy was stuck between the two. He couldn’t imagine a life without either of them. Gwen gave him thrill and Y/n gave him comfort.
Both girls were spider-women except…Gwen wasn’t in their universe. She was gone and it had been months. Y/n remembered it all too well.
When arguments happened salty tears would fall from the two of them once they wrapped arms around each other, Miles breathed in her sweet candy scent wishing for it to smell like another. While y/n let tears fall knowing Miles imagined someone else with him. She didn’t trust herself, her body would always lead her back to the wrong things, him.
However…the patience of Y/n didn’t last longer. The night before everything went downhill they got into an argument…
It all started when we had came home from keeping watch on the city. Tonight wasn’t the best night, Miles was so distant and he refused to speak to me.
He spoke about me indirectly, I heard it.
“you’re just so irritable….”
I couldn’t ignore it, not this time. His frustration lighted a bottling flame waiting to ignite..
“I won’t ever understand you! You won’t even speak to me directly?! What am I supposed to do with that?!”
He turned around quickly, spoke irrational. Though I knew in some way or another he meant every word he said.
“If you were Gwen maybe I would’ve been just fine?!”
Hearing him say that made me want to die. Confirming something I denied for the longest. There was shuffling in my feet stepping backwards, my heart beginning to feel intense agony and the tears slipping from my eyes.
Miles couldn’t exactly see my face with my mask, but he knew what he had said cut deep.
“…we’re done.”
His hand reached out for me but all I could do was push him away. I fled immediately after, knocking into almost every building. My vision was disoriented since my eyes were flooding with tears.
That night I went to bed listening to my parents arguing in the living room, doing the same thing Miles and I had just done. Maybe it was for the better…maybe if I stayed I would’ve repeated the never ending cycle….
‘All’s wells, that ends well’ but Y/n was in a new hell every time he double crossed her mind. It goes without saying that the next day Y/n dreaded having to go to Jeff’s promotion party, but she would anyways because they were there for her big moments too…
My eyes felt swollen from the rough night and I couldn’t stop thinking about it all. Picking between the clothes and getting myself out of bed was difficult, this breakup felt final.
I took everything step by step and I took a deep breath walking into the party.
“Y/n! Hija you made it, I was getting worried!”
Rio rushed in giving me her nurturing love and all that hit was the fact that this will never happen as much. I wouldn’t allow myself to come over any more after this, not when I know I’d go back to him.
“Hi Mrs.Morales! Hi Mr.Morales-“
“Rio let Y/n breathe!…Cmon give me a hug kid!”
I did return that hug but all I could do was take the emotions in..
“Congratulations sir!”
once we were done with our greetings they turned my body quickly to the skylines of the city
“Isn’t it beautiful!…haha yea.”
The way Jeff had spoke sounded quick and awkward, he rushed my body to turn so fast.
“oh yea it is..”
Rio couldn’t just stand there and act like she didn’t see Y/n hurt regardless if she didn’t see the scene Jeff hid her from, she wanted to protect her but she wouldn’t lie to Y/n either.
“Oh princesa, lo siento.”
Confusión covered my face but inside hearing just that but not knowing why, I was so close to breaking down.
“What do you mean?”
Jeff looked to Rio with pleading eyes begging her to stop and Rio had a sense of genuine and a need to not hide something.
“Miles is with that girl Gwenda, I can’t lie to you Y/n. You’re just too sweet for me to lie. Just know that no matter how or why your relationship ended, no es por ti.”
My swollen eyes wanted to cry once more, I turned my body to the crime scene. He did talk to her the entire time in the beginning of our relationship…maybe did even worse. She came back now, and Miles was the one who ran to her the second we called it quits.
I knew based off the smile on his face, he’d never feel sorry for the way I hurt. He was showing her off just by simply bringing her and pulling her close…
The entire time Y/n was staring Jeff couldn’t believe his eyes, everything Rio had rambled about them being together and Y/n being in love, Miles loving her back but out of nowhere it only ever became halfway. It hurt seeing the pain that struck her eyes.
Jeff gave Y/n the biggest hug..
“If you want Y/n..you can pick out your food, eat and take a good nap on our couch before you head home.”
A small tear feel from Y/n’s eyes, all she could do was nod and walk away…
I’ve never doubted myself so much, I hate that I gave Miles power over that kind of stuff. At some point in our relationship it was always one step forward and three steps back.
Once I made it back down to their apartment I couldn’t nap, my body wouldn’t allow it. Something was telling me to go. So I did.
I closed the window and leaped onto building from building , trusting my body to lead me in the right direction. When I arrived there was a damaged building and a portal..no one was there and it hadn’t closed yet, so I jumped in..
guys. please tell me yk the references.
Tag list: @justleila @tati-the-fangirl @kxllanxtdoor @abbersreads @abislays123 @not-aya @usernamepasswordsstuff @moralesluvrr @inluvwithneteyam @twinkletwinklenotastar @ilystarz @vodoo-heart @papichulo120627 @mashiromochi @frogsandmoss @laylasbunbunny
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louloulemons-posts · 7 months
Could you do an Eddie fic where reader has a cold and he takes care of her I have a cold rn and I feel like i'm dying 😭❤️
Sniffles and Snuggles
Eddie X Fem!Reader
Word Count : 0.8k
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Warnings : not proofread, petnames, medication mentioned, the readers sick??
A/N : Hellooooo! Thank you so much for the request, i hope this was okay for you and you enjoyed 🫶🏻
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
You’d felt awful all day, a cold had been going round and it had finally made its way to you. Sat in bed, tissues everywhere, a hot cup of honey and lemon on the side.
Sniffing filled the otherwise quiet room, your nose was stuffy and you just felt gross. It was the worst. Letting out a loud sneeze, you groaned as your head hit the soft pillows behind.
You’d been attempting to sleep it off all day, but had been woken every time by a violent cough or someone coming to bring you medication.
A small tapping noise confused your foggy mind, scrunching your face you pushed up to a sitting position. The tap came again. Looking over at your window with confusion, you saw a small stone hit it - the tapping noise.
Climbing out of bed on wobbly legs, you stumbled over to your window, pulling it open. There stood your boyfriend, Eddie Munson.
“What are you doing here?” you whisper shouted. “Coming to make sure you’re okay,” he smiled.
“Eddie my parents will kill you.”
“That’s why they’ll never know I’m here.”
Sighing, you shook your head, making your way back to bed. Knowing that Eddie was currently scrambling up the drain - how this boy had survived this long you had no idea.
You couldn’t help but laugh as he fell through the window, making your throat tickle - once again sending you into a coughing fit.
“Oh Sweetheart,” Eddie cooed, shutting the window and making his way to you. His cool hands fell on your warm face, making you hum. “Feel nice?”
“Very,” you croaked.
“Brought you some treats.”
“You didn’t need to do that.”
“I know, but my girl is sick.” You were about to reply when another voice came from outside your door. Eddie flung himself on the floor, shuffling under your bed.
“Honey you okay?”
“Yeah dad, sorry I was just using the bathroom and tripped.”
“Do you need anything?”
“I’m okay, just going to try and sleep.”
“Okay Honey, well I’ll come and check on your later.”
Listening to his footsteps get further away, eventually going down the stairs. “Munson, you can come out now.” Curly hair covered the majority of his face. “It’s a good look for you,” you teased, as he climbed back on the bed.
“Wow I come here to be a nice and loving boyfriend and this is what I get.” Pushing his hair back you smiled, “There’s that pretty face.” His face began to burn almost as much as yours.
“Stop that, I’ve brought things for you.” He pulled out 2 bottles of gatorade, some sweets, and a piece of tupperwear contain what looked like stew. “Is that-“
“Wayne’s special recipe.”
“Oh I love you, and I love Wayne.” He pulled out a spoon and a stuffed teddy. “Aw Ed’s they’re lovely,” you smiled, pulling the stuffed bear to your chest. “I knew he’d get all the love and not me.”
“That’s not true, I just want the stew first.”
“Fine, be careful. It’ll still be quite warm.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
After eating the stew and drinking half a bottle of gatorade, you were snuggled on Eddies chest. “Thank you for looking after me.”
“Anything for you Sweetheart.”
“How was school?”
“Boring, even worse without you.”
“Wait Eds it’s Friday, you had a campaign today. What are you doing here?” your eyes widened. Eddie had been planning this for week, excitedly rambling to you about it none stop.
“Sweetheart, it’s fine. We pushed it back a week.”
“You, Edward Munson, postponed D&D for me?”
“I’d do it a million times, plus Gareth threatened me.”
“Of course he did,” you laughed, coughing slightly. Eddie rubbed your back soothingly, kissing the top of your head. “You’ll get sick too.”
“I never get sick.”
“Lies, you just ignore the fact that you’re sick and get grouchy.”
“Do not.”
“Stop pouting.”
“How’d you know-“
“I know you.”
You felt his grin in your hair, “Sleep Sweetheart.”
“Will you stay?”
“For as long as I can.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
You woke up a few hours later throat feeling scratchy. Sitting up and taking a sip of your drink, you panicked as your dad entered the room. Eddie was sound asleep on the bed.
“Calm down, I just came to bring you some meds, I know he’s here.”
“Dad we need to talk about him.”
“I’ve already spoke to him, when you were asleep.”
“You- What?” you didn’t know if it was your cold filled brain confusing you or not. “He’s a good boy. I’ve seen how he cares for you, how he loves you. Just tell him to use the front door next time - he’s going to break the pipes.”
“Okay honey, we’ll take this and then get some rest.”
“Thanks dad.”
You smiled to yourself, taking your medicine and then snuggling back into Eddies chest.
“You alright?” he asked, voice groggy from sleep. “Perfect.” He hummed, wrapping his arms around you, holding you close.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Thank you so much for reading!
Please leave any requests 🤍
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kerrysdreamcorner · 1 month
𝐁𝐚𝐛𝐲, 𝐈 𝐍𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐩
A Love and Deepspace Fan-Fiction
Sometimes it helps to have your boyfriend wrapped around your finger.
𝕎𝕒𝕣𝕟𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤: Fluffy Drabble
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‘He must be sleeping.’ I thought, staring at the short thread of unanswered text messages. ‘Too bad.’
Leaning over the kitchen counter, I dialled his number and picked at my nails while listening to it ring. Though it was the middle of the day, I wouldn’t put it past Xavier to be taking a nap at this hour. That man could fall asleep anywhere, whenever he wished to.
He answered just after the third ring, and as expected, sounded like he had just woken up. “Yeah?”
I snorted and rolled my eyes. “Is this what I’ve been reduced to now? Just a ‘yeah’?”
“Oh, it’s you.” I heard shuffling in the background and wondered if he was getting out of bed. “Hi, angel.”
“Hi.” I let myself feel the shyness his nickname brought, but just for a moment. There was something that needed to be done. “Can you come down to my place? I need help reaching something.”
He yawned. “You want me to come down a floor just to reach something for you? Don’t you have a step stool?”
“Well, yeah,” I tapped the tips of my nails on the counter. “But I want to take advantage of my boyfriend privileges.”
“Boyfriend privileges?” Somehow, I could tell he was smiling and shaking his head. “Alright. I’ll be there soon.”
“Thank you~”
Hanging up, I moved into the living room and waited impatiently for Xavier to arrive. My other neighbours were coming and going, every sound outside my apartment’s door getting my hopes up only to let them fall as the sounds faded. Then a light knock finally came.
I threw myself at the door, yanking it open so I could pull my boyfriend inside. “About time.”
“I got here as fast as I could.” He reassured with a soft smile.
“Liar.” I extended my arms and gestured to nothing in particular. “You could have just appeared here.”
“You’re right.” Xavier shook his head, but I heard him chuckling under his breath. “So, what is it you need help with?”
Stepping closer to him, I placed both hands on his biceps and rose to the balls of my feet. “It’s okay. I can reach it now.”
I pressed my lips against his, stomach twisting in delight at the soft, breathy sound of surprise that escaped him. His cheeks and ears were bright red when I dropped back onto my heels.
I smiled up at him. “I got what I needed.”
He turned his head away from me, a habit I noticed whenever I flustered him enough. “You were able to reach it all on your own.”
I scrunched my nose and shook my head in disagreement. “You were an entire floor up. I didn’t feel like going all the way upstairs.”
“So instead, you had me come to you.” Xavier’s hands caught my hips, pulling me flush against him. He dipped his head, nose brushing against mine. “Since I’m here now, you may as well take more.”
I massaged circles into his arms with my thumbs, the small space between us sparking with electricity. “Well, if you’re offering…”
I sighed as he closed the distance, letting him take the lead and guide the kiss. If he was willing to indulge me, then I’d take as much as he was willing to give.
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blu-joons · 2 years
When You Subconsciously Start Playing With His Hair ~ P1Harmony Reaction
You could barely keep your eyes open as your hand rested against the top of Keeho’s head, tangling through his hair gently.
Keeho knew exactly what you were doing as he felt your lazy hand running through his hair. “You know if you want to go to sleep, then I don’t mind, we can always watch this tomorrow.”
“I’m alright,” you insisted, trying your best to wake yourself up a little bit, “let’s keep going, there’s not long left.”
Instead of listening to you, Keeho paused what you were watching. “Y/N, when you start playing with my hair, it means you’re tired, even you know that.”
“Maybe I am beginning to get a little bit sleepy,” you admitted, continuing to play with Keeho’s hair, “but not tired enough for us to go to bed just yet, I promise you.
A hum came from Keeho as he tried his best to look up at you and see just how tired you were. “The moment your hand stops moving and playing with my hair, I’m taking you to bed.”
“Alright, but I bet you that won’t happen.”
You could feel Taeyang’s eyes on yours as you began to twirl through his hair, sitting beside him and staring off into the distance.
After a few moments you looked at him too, a weak smile on your face. “Do you want to tell me what’s on your mind? I can feel how stressed you are just by you playing with my hair.”
“It’s stupid,” you assured Taeyang, concentrating on his hair instead, “I don’t want to wear you down listening to me.”
Taeyang’s head shook straight away back across at you, “you’re not wearing me down at all, talking about it might help you, and keep my hair in my head too.”
“I’m not playing with it that hard,” you protested, only for Taeyang to shoot a glare back across at you, “although maybe talking about things wouldn’t be so bad.”
Taeyang shuffled slightly so that he was facing you and able to listen to your every word. “Spill it all on me, I’m listening, just as long as you don’t let your stress out on my hair.”
“I promise that I won’t do that to you.”
The sound of you humming was all that Jiung needed to know what you were doing as he began to wake up from his nap beside you.
You were in a world of your own as Jiung cleared his throat. “Are you enjoying yourself there? Playing with my hair?” Jiung quizzed, making you jump as you realised that Jiung was awake.
“I’m having a great time,” you chuckled, hearing Jiung begin to hum as he imitated the song that you were singing.
Your eyes narrowed across at him as a laugh came from him. “You were humming, like you always do when you just escape from things for a while.”
“Was I?” You questioned in surprise, unable to realise what you’d been doing at all. “That makes sense, I do feel pretty relaxed whenever I play with your hair.”
Jiung nodded in reply with a wide smile on his face, “if it makes you feel relaxed, then keep on playing with my hair, you know that it never bothers me when you do that.”
“I do, and that’s why you’re the best.”
What Intak watched on the television was far from the ideal for you, finding yourself getting more bored with every moment.
As you became absentminded, your hands began to play with Intak’s hair. “Shall I change the channel?” He offered, sensing from how concentrated you were on his hair that you were fed up.
“No, I don’t mind,” you smiled in response to him, “I’d rather watch your hair than watch this programme anyway.”
A snigger came from Intak as he allowed you to carry on, “sometimes I wonder what makes you want to play with my hair, it’s a bit of a mess.”
“It’s not a mess at all,” you assured him, “actually it’s quite the opposite. It’s all fluffy, but so soft at the same time, the perfect condition for me to play with.”
Intak rolled his eyes at your observation, “you know, I think that you’d play with my hair no matter what condition it was in, even if I had the messiest hair in the whole wide world.”
“You know what, you’re probably right.”
A hiss came from Shota as he felt you pull his hair, bringing his hand up to check that not too much had come out from your tug.
You looked to him innocently, unsure as to what was going on. “I thought you said you were going to play with my hair, not yank it out and start making me look bald before my time.”
“Stop being so dramatic,” you sniggered, pushing against Shota’s arm, “I’m sure I wasn’t yanking your hair that bad.”
Shota’s eyes widened as he looked back across at you again, “how about I pull your hair and let you see just how hard you were pulling my hair?”
“No way,” you defended, shaking your head in reply. “There’s no way I’m letting you anywhere near my hair, it’s precious, and doesn’t need tugging out by you.”
The expression on Shota’s face turned up even more, “my hair is precious too!” He yelled out. “It definitely doesn’t deserve to be pulled out of my scalp either, just so you know.”
“Don’t worry, your hair’s not going anywhere.”
You smiled faintly in Jongseob’s direction as you began to stir, finally waking yourself up after taking a nap stretched out on the sofa.
The smile that was on Jongseob’s face had you worrying quickly. “I can tell that you were in the middle of a good dream then, you kept playing with my hair and twirling it around.”
“It was a good dream,” you admitted, “but I didn’t realise that I was playing with your hair. Did I hurt you at all?”
Jongseob’s head shook straight away, “it was actually pretty useful, I think it was a bit knotted after work today so you managed to untangle that.”
“You’re welcome, I think,” you sniggered, letting go of Jongseob’s hair. “Thank you for giving your hair up for me to play with so that I could sleep comfortably for a while.”
Your remark couldn’t help but bring a giggle out of Jongseob, “you’re welcome for that too, at least now when I brush my hair tonight you’ll have saved me a good few minutes.”
“See, I’m always happy to help you out.”
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julieloves074 · 2 years
Missing (Conrad Fisher x Y/n)
Summary: Conrad’s rejection to the Deb ball turned out not to be the hardest punch Y/n had to experience this summer, being forced to watch him show up for Belly was much worse
Warnings: swearing, drinking, kissing, sadness, pain, anxiety 
Words: 9.8k
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(Not my Gif :))
I knew mom was waiting for this moment since I was a little girl, in a way I was excited for it too, especially considering that I was going to be doing it with one of my best friends. Growing up during the summers next door to the Fisher’s and consequently the Conklins was the best thing that could have happened to me. These summers are my whole life, nothing outside them matters, it’s all a pass by, all the count down to summer.
This year I knew would be different, starting with the fact I was going to be a deb, I knew what the Fisher boys’ thought about the whole ordeal but I also knew how Susannah felt about it so I wasn’t worried. I knew I’d have Belly on my side too because she accepted Susannah’s pleas after a little persuasive work from me. It was a little strange to me because Belly is a year younger (16 years old ) than Jere but I also know Susannah knows how to pull some strings, able to get us to do this together.
The Fisher’s and my home may as well have been intertwined, everyone was always in and out of both, doors always open. This wasn’t just something our mom’s implicated though, my mom would always play with Susannah and Laurel when they came to the house when they were smaller as well, these were the kinds of traditions I wanted when I was older, this one specifically I wanted to upkeep.
We’ve been back in Cousins for three days now and everything has slotted right back into place. “Morning Y/n” Susannah said as I ambled through the back door into their kitchen, bright smile on my face, I searched the room for him. The boy that I had been hopelessly in love with since I can remember, also known as one of my best friends: Conrad Fisher.
“How are you feeling about your book party tomorrow Laur?” I asked turning to the women at the table.
“Well I asked Susannah and your mother not to make a big deal of it, but as always they never listen, so as ready as I can be?” she answered in a questioning manner. I knew what Susannah and my mom were preparing for weeks on the build up to this book release, Laurel deserved something big and exciting after all this stuff with the divorce and Susannah’s race against cancer over the last two year.
The two blonde women were not helping themselves though, Suze and mom sat beside Laurel like giddy little school girls, they’re always like this when they’re together, they forget about the whole world around them. In a way they’re like us kids.
“Well Grace and I thought you deserved it!” Susannah said pointedly before taking another sip of coffee and shooting my mom another few nods.
“What about you honey, are you ready for some Deb shopping today?” Laurel asked, more than ready to change the subject of the conversation, “Belly’s just upstairs getting some last bits ready,” she continues.
“You guys know I can never say no to a shopping trip,” I say, the end coming out high pitched, and the three women laughed along with me, but it was Susannah who never left my sight, she could look into anyone’s soul and figure out everything that’s going on with as much as a simple look.
“Jere and Steven left for work already but Con’s upstairs,” she says with a subtle nod, one side of her lips perked up too, mom and Laurel went back to their conversation so I gave Suze a small smile and she only winked back in response.
I jog up the stairs and hear the Belly shuffle around in her room, but decide to walk past her door, ending up a few doors further, from which behind the strums of a guitar fill my ears. I don’t knock just open the door enough to pop my head in.
“Morning Connie,” I say, his head snaps immediately to me and a smirk appears on half of his face, these half smiles run in their family, his an exact reflection of the one Susannah agave me moments  ago.
“Are you planning on being a flying head or are you gonna come in Y/n?” he says shaking his head, Con hates when you don’t knock on his door, or wait for an answer before coming in, but he should know we’re past that point now.
“You wanna hit up the pier in a bit?” he asks putting the guitar down next to him, he never wanted to play in front of anyone, not even me, but I knew he could play well, so sometimes it made me go mental in my head about the fact that he was so stubborn.
“How about surfing tomorrow morning? I have to go shopping with Bells and the mom’s today,” I say moving my hand up to push his hair out his face, usually he gets a haircut before the summer, never really short but just enough to make it stay out his eyes- I wonder what made him leave it this summer.
“Ah yes for the,” he switched to a posh voice, “Debutante Ball,” he laughed at himself and I pushed him down onto the bed shaking my head.
“It’s really not that funny,” I say, hiding the irritation in my voice, I knew he disliked these things, they were very stuck in the old ways but I explained it to him so many times, it was something nice for the mom’s and also looked pretty damn good on college applications.
“Come on little sheep, you have to admit it’s a little stupid,” he says, lifting his arm for my assistance, I smack it away with a playful huff, his smile widens and he moves the guitar off the bed before grabbing me and pulling me to lie down next to him. His face centimetres away from mine, we’ve been close like this before, in this exact position during many movie nights but the air tasted different now.
“I’m down for tomorrow, as long as you’re still good for the party tonight? Jere’s being dd,” he mused, brushing some hair out of my face, “so we can finally get hammered together!”
“Not sure we’ll wake up for surfing tomorrow,” I shook my head and turned my face away from him, all of a sudden the eye contact too much.
“It’s fine I’ll wake you up and you know it,” the confidence in his voice made the butterflies in my stomach expand. Conrad was a morning person through and through, no matter how much he drinks, how late he goes to bed or more recently (which I hate) how high he gets he will be awake at seven sharp, if not earlier.
“One of your traits that I don’t particularly love,” I muffle and stretched my arms out, letting out a laugh getting comfy on his bed, I could lie here with him like this for days.
“Shut up Y/n/n you love me for it too,” he says confidently once again, and again he wasn’t wrong but I couldn’t give him that satisfaction, so I scoffed and shook my head instead, “So you’re there tonight right? You’re not gonna stay in with the moms and watch Leonardo DiCaprio movies?” he pulled the puppy eyes and tugged at me to look at them, fingers splayed over my cheek.
“Don’t ever attack DiCaprio again,” I point my finger at him as if I was scolding a little child.
“My sincerest apologies, Leo is great, now say you’re coming,” he pushed, I give him another shove and agree. There was no question about it, I was going to go no matter what, I was not about to miss this party plus he was right the last few parties last year we couldn’t drink tigether because we were switching as designated driver, last year Jeremiah found his love of some new drink and drunk even when he was meant to be driving, it drove us insane.
“You know I’m there Fisher,” I say confidently this time, pushing to sit up.
Con grabbed my arm, “You sure you have to go? I’m sure my mom can find you some clothes,” he whined but I just shook my head. Just looking at him made my heart melt, the way I could easily fall into his arms now, confess this feeling, kiss him, if not for…
“Y/N! Get your butt down here right now we’re leaving!!!!” Belly screamed from downstairs. Belly, one of my childhood best friends, the only other girl in our little families, also had a huge, fat crush on Conrad Fisher, from the minute she knew what the word meant, and from before then I assume.
“See you later Sheep,” Con gave me a wave and a smirk before reaching for his guitar.
“Call me sheep one more time Fisher and you can send out new best friend applications,” I said jokingly, brows lifting accusatorily, he lifts his hands up in defence and laughs, I just stick my tongue out at him and head downstairs, when I arrive I painfully tried to think about anything but Belly’s sad face knowing I was with Con again. Part of my tried to not care, I mean what did she expect, we were friends before she was even born, well I was a baby and he was one year old but still.
Shopping took up a lot than even Belly and I anticipated, so by the time we got back the moms decided we should order pizza for dinner knowing that we wanted to go to a party and they had a long list of films to be watched tonight.
Following our normal regime Steven, Jere and Belly set out the table and after dinner me and Con were left to clean up, the moms insisted on helping us but we ushered them away, mainly because this was usually the only time Con and I would have alone. Yet now he wasn’t excited about explaining some new theory or gossiping about something that happened at a party in Boston. Today we walked around the table grabbing plates in silence, tip toeing around each other.
Confusion fused through my skin in my nerves, he was fine earlier, “You want to talk about it?” I asked trying to sound optimistic, staring at him in hopes of meeting his beautiful, ocean eyes- they were never as bright as Jeremiah’s but they were much deeper, like a hidden world at the deepest point in the ocean, I could never get tired of exploring them.
“What?” he asked looking up confused, rushing a hand through his hair, like waking up from some kind of trans.
“You wanna talk about?” I asked again this time more cautiously.
“Nothing to talk about,” this time he’s more defensive, looking back at the table grabbing the last few things and walking over to the dishwasher. I question prodding the subject further, but something tells me I don’t want to know what’s bothering him.
“I’ll finish up here you probably have to get ready,” he puts on a fake stretched out smile, that doesn’t suit him at all, but doesn’t look up from the dishwasher.
“Are you sure? I’m more than happy to help, we always do this together” I express, hoping, praying that he’ll ask me to stay but of course he doesn’t.
“I just want to get to the party, I don’t want to wait,” he mumbles, I don’t pick apart what he means, whether he’s throwing an insult at me taking long to get ready or whether the only thing that can cure his sudden sour mood is a drink. Either way I set myself ten minutes to get ready just in case it was the first thing- I didn’t need to but I want to prove him wrong.
All in all, I was downstairs ready to go before he was, bearing in mind that he came upstairs a few minutes after me. Con didn’t say anything to me after that, he just got behind the wheel offering to drive there since Jere was driving home afterwards. Jere and Steven quickly run to get in the back, Belly and I pace normally to the car. Slowing down even further when we spot the seat in the front, I think we both had an unspoken hope that this situation wouldn’t happen. I meet her hopefully eyes with dread, we pause for a second.
I think to let her sit in the front but a small part of me feels a sting of jealously so I’m about to take a step towards the front seat before my focus is torn away by Con’s voice “Belly get in the front,” he says patting the seat next to him. All of a sudden a sharp shock passes through my heart, to say I’m taken aback was an understatement, I lifted my head, gifted her a smile and got in the back.
I spent the drive awkwardly stuck between listening to two conversations, now I was the one needing a drink. We never usually had this problem, when Con drove to parties I was always in the front because Belly was too young to go with us, this was new and I didn’t like it one bit.
I headed to the drinks table the second we arrived leaving everyone else behind. I tip the shot of vodka down my throat and pour another right after ready for another pulse of burn.
“Slow down girl or you won’t even be able to hit up the dancefloor with us!” Nicole announced pulling me into a quick side hug, followed by Shayla.
“Stop, no because I need to drown everything out,” I say in an exaggerated way.
“Well in that case, I guess we’re all getting blackout drunk tonight,” Shayla said in her beautiful accent that I would never get over, “A sister never leaves a sister behind,” she raised a shot.
“I love you guys- seriously,” I say flashing them with a thankful look, joining my hands in a pretend prayer, then take a shot alongside them. I’ve known these two as long as the kids from our two houses, I keep in contact with them year round and they’re never not ones for a good time, in all fairness every year we become closer. Right now I’m thankful to my mom for forcing me to make friends outside of the Fishers’ and Conklins’.
Just because Conrad was ignoring me doesn’t mean I wasn’t going to have fun tonight. So that’s what I did, we had a few rounds of shots, then made some drinks so we could go dance, after the two hour mark hit I really thought Con was going to look for me so we could have that drink together he really wanted, but nothing. So, we had another round of shots before Shayla asked, “So what’s up? What are we trying to forget?” I just brush it off knowing that Nicole also thought she had something going on with Con.
“I’m trying to forget remember?” I ask lifting another shot and taking it straight, Nicole excuses herself to go to the toilet, Shayla uses this as an opportunity to grab me and rush outside to the back and question me further.
“Is this about Conrad?” the interrogation begins.
“No, he’s just in some kind of mood suddenly and we were meant to be getting hammered tonight so I’m just doing it without him,” I explain.
Shayla swallows down whatever she wants to say next, but then perks up again with a concerned face, how she’s so composed looking after all those drinks I could never tell but I’m sure as hell slurring my words, “You should tell Nicole nothing’s going to happen between them,” she said but that wasn’t what I was expecting, it pulled me to a stop, I blinked a few times to get a clearer look at Shayla.
“I’m in no place to do that,” I argue
“She’s your friend and your guys’ (Fisher’s and yours), families are practically one big family so I think she deserves to know that you like him, and that he definitely likes you back so she won’t have him,” Shayla explains in a hushed tone.
Shayla knew I liked him before I even told her, one weekend when we were fifteen her parents had to go to England for some emergency meeting so Shayla stayed with us for three days, those days we learnt a lot about each other including the fact that she had an eye for Steven Conklin but said she refused to make a move until he got his life a bit more together- and she pried out that I liked Conrad.
“He does not like me back,” I say with finality, “We’ve talked about this, and right about now I’m in need and dire want of another drink so whether you’re coming with me or not-” I say with a cheeky smile and start walking back towards the glass doors.
Shayla rolls her eyes and walks behind me, “Just think about the Nicole thing, we’ll talk about it when you’re sober,” she says before taking a shot, her eye darting to one of the couches in the front room. My eyes follow hers to spot Con and Belly sat really close to each other, sipping their drinks and whispering to each other in the admittedly loud room.
“Is that why you’re so determined he doesn’t like you?” Shayla semi-whispered into my ear, without as much as thinking about it I nod.
“They get closer year by year, I’m losing him like the grains of sand in an hourglass,”
“I forget you become a poet when you’re drunk,”
“I think he likes her back he’s just too…” I search for the word but fail to find it, “Too Conrad to say it,” I express taking a shot
“You guys have always been attached at the hip when we see you though!” she expressed grabbing passionately onto my arm.
“It’s because Belly was never allowed to go out with us,” I point out, “She’s different this year, everything seems different,” I start to ponder everything.
Shayla quickly realises I’m about to give an analogy on growing up and changing so she pushes another shot into my hand and says “You were right tonight is about forgetting!” we twisted our arms around each other and turned to the dance floor, Nicole was gone for quite a while, we assumed she’d gone to hook up with someone.
Taylor Swift’s ‘Better Than Revenge’ comes on and me and Shay decide to scream it at the top of our lungs while gripping onto each other and jumping around the front room, right in front of Con and Belly- not intentionally (but I was glad it happened) rather because that’s where everyone else was dancing.
It wasn’t for another hour and a half of drinking, dancing and belting out songs that we were interrupted by a tall figure, “Hey Y/n can I steal you for a drink,” the figure asks. I don’t need to look up from Shayla to know who it is.
“Uh a bit busy right now, really getting into ‘abcdefu’ by Gayle maybe later,” I shout over the music, exaggerating the ‘fu’ then breaking out into the chorus of the song, it’s a bit uncomfortable singing in front of him because I love his mom so the ‘fuck you and your mom’ line doesn’t sit right with me. Still he doesn’t move away, I try to ignore him but then the song ends and I’m praying for another one I know well enough to where I can use it as an excuse.
Just as if the universe hates me the next song is kind of dead and Shayla says she might pee herself if she doesn’t get to a bathroom right about now. I curse her for it, not quite sure if she was being honest or not.
“Come on let’s grab a drink outside,” he says laying his hand on my arm and pulling me towards the drinks table, I let him pour me some drink before pulling me out to the front, most people sat in the back so it was somewhat peaceful on this side of the house, he sat down on the swing but I stood beside it leaning against the wall.
“Wow not even going to come sit next to me I see how it is,” he says, usually this was the key to make me sit down but drunk Y/n was stubborn as hell, probably more than him, “Ow wow come on what is with you?” he runs a frustrated hand through his hair.
“Well I was having a fun time dancing with Shayla and you’ve made me come sit outside in the dead silence,” I comment looking out into the street filled with cars, spotting Jere’s jeep with no problem, still perfectly fine right ahead on the opposite side of the road.
“Thought we were drinking together tonight?” he asks
“Yeah me too,” My voice quick, sassy, snappy
“You’re the one who practically ran out of the car,” he accused turning his whole body my way
“You were ignoring me- and don’t act like you didn’t have company,” I say
“Fucks sake Y/n, you’re being jealous of Belly right now? Seriously?” he laughed and it boiled my skin over again.
“I’m not jealous I was having a good time,” I shrug taking a chug
“It’s her first party, she was hoping for someone who she knows to be there with her at least in the beginning,” he explained running a hand over his forehead, some guilt did flood my brain, I forgot that Belly has always stayed with the moms to the point where she didn’t really know anyone outside the circle. On the other hand in this state I couldn’t be bothered to use my brain- or well couldn’t focus on anything for too long or the fuzz started to ache.
“Come sit down and give me this deserved drink together,” I push off the wall at his words but then Jeremiah bursts through the front door with Belly and Steven in the middle of them, drunk out of his mind.
“There’s cops on the way, we need to get out!” he quickly announced I let out an annoyed huff and went for another chug of my drink, the bottom containing the most alcohol I pulled a face and threw the red cup on the floor. Attempting to stay up while walking down the stairs but failed quickly, Con grabs onto my arm and hooks it around his shoulder- I try to push him off but give up realising I’d rather avoid getting any drunk bruises this early into the summer.
“I think at least you’ve completed our goal- somewhat,” he laughs helping me into the back seat getting in beside me, Steven on my other side. Belly sits with Jere in the front. When we arrive the front room lights are still on but as we walk in we realise that all the moms have fallen asleep on the couch. Everyone’s getting their shoes off and heads upstairs but I head straight to the back doors.
Seeing the beach and ocean felt like a nice idea at two in the morning.
“Where are you going?” Con asks from behind me as I pull open the doors. I turn around and flash him a smile, that’s answer enough, the beach’s been our escape for years, “I’ll go with you,” I hear faintly from behind me as I run towards the beach.
The sand feels amazing under my bare feet so much so that I lift hands widely into the air and scream into the universe “WOOOOOO!” before turning around and running my hands through my hair, the rush of the night waves better than any music, Con laughs watching me.
I fall back onto the sand, sitting comfortably looking up at the sky full of stars, “I love the beach at night, it’s so much better than in the day,” I announce to no one particularly, apart from the fact that Con is right next to me now.
I turn to face him, his gaze at my face is so intense, in this light his eyes seem almost as dark as a blackhole, he brushes some hair out of my face, her fingers lingering there for a moment, I swallow down and look at his lips by accident and back to his eyes, biting into my bottom lip from embarrassment at how oblivious that made me look. His thumb fell down to my lips, he freed my bottom lip from my teeth.
“Conrad,” I whisper into his hand, he closes his eyes and his lips part, he moves forwards slightly to where I can feel his breath on me. I push forwards, nose to nose, breathing heavily, he’s the one to give the final push, bringing his lips to mine.
As if created to do just this my hands rush to his hair. His other hand places hold onto my hip squeezing it comfortably. It feels warm and amazing and comfortable. The butterflies in my stomach freed from their cage for the first time, running wild and free in my stomach, my hands, my lips. He pulls away fast, retracting his hands back to himself, I brush my hair behind my ears and run my hands over my face which was no doubt red as roses.
“Lets head back,” he says getting up, I assume it’s because he doesn’t want to do this drunk, the thought of this happening again makes me more sober, I jump up and follow him. He doesn’t speak, maybe he’s too busy thinking about what the hell just happened. He walks me to my back door and watches as I lock the door before leaving for his own house. As I take off my makeup the smile doesn’t disappear off my face, it does though when I retch before heading to bed, falling asleep in an instant, replaying the last few events over in my mind.
The next I wake up to the smell of pancakes, I take a deep breath in through my nose, the sweetness filling my body up whole. As I lay there with my eyes closed smiling, ready for my favourite breakfast a reminder of yesterday comes to me, the same smile clouded my face- for a very different reason though. Last night I kissed Conrad Fisher, last night Conrad Fisher kissed me. It was all like a fever dream.
Pulling my phone off the bedside table I notice the time, it was twenty to ten in the morning, this was late for me. Not that I was expecting there to be some huge love confession as a text from Con but there was nothing, not even a silly ‘good morning’. Maybe he was still asleep, though that would be rare, being a morning bird like myself.
“Y/n! Wake up honey!” I can hear my mom from downstairs.
“I am mom! I’ll be down in a sec!” I reply, brushing the lack of message on my phone and throw on some shorts and a cropped top before rushing down for a warm breakfast.
“This is delicious as always mom, how was the film night?” I asked eagerly hoping she wouldn’t ask me about last night, I hadn’t decided yet what I wanted to tell her.
“It was really good honey, you know I love eating with you but I’ve got to rush off- there’s still some things Susannah and I have to set up for Laurel’s book signing tonight,” she kissed my forehead grabbing the car keys and rushing out the back door through to the garden next door.
After I cleaned up I followed in her steps and made my way to the Fisher’s, which I would have done earlier but again… pancakes.
“Heyyyy Y/n!” Jeremiah shouts up from the pool where him and Belly are throwing around a beach ball “You coming in for a morning swim?” he asks with a grin taking a step towards Belly, my eyes narrowed the tiniest amount but I quickly shook it off.
“No- um I’m actually looking for you brother?” I say in a question tone, Jere’s brows furrow and he looks to Belly who simply shrugs.
“He left early this morning, none of us were even awake yet,” his tone apologetic, I stood there for another moment thinking of whether he’d told me he had anything going on today, I must have zoned out because when I come back into conscious I witness Jere being more touchy than usual with the younger Conklin, hands on her hips and all.
I don’t say anything more, they were clearly lost in some their own little world. Had something happened between last summer and now between these two- because last time I checked the dark haired girl was in deep for the older Fisher brother, I mean I was not about to complain if she decided that Jeremiah was actually the one for her.
Steven had also snook out in the morning according to Laurel, except they knew where he were, he asked Shayla if he could take her to see the sunrise this morning, he’d found an amazing spot near the end of last summer, where you could see the perfect glow of the oranges and yellows as the day began. How Shayla could be bothered to wake up that early especially after all those drinks last night I would never know.
So now it was just Laurel left in the house, I offered to bake something with her while talking about new book releases, it didn’t feel right to leave her all by herself on her day. After that we sat in the front room just talking, it was nice, Laurel and I hasn’t had a time to catch up like this, just the two of us, in a while.
Conrad didn’t come home for hours, to the point where I had to excuse myself and head home to get ready for the event, I offered to stay and get ready with Laurel so that I could catch Con when he’d come in but she said she’d be fine and  that she’d see me at the bookstore. I complied with a smile but let out a sigh of disappointment down my throat.
I put on a new red dress that mom and I found in an “side of the highway” shopping centre in the literal middle of nowhere, I curled my hair and put on some mascara- nothing much, we were in Cousins Beach after all and here everyone walked with surfing, beach wave hair and clear faces sun burned.
Mom came home just in time to get changed and drive us to the event. All of the other kids were already there when we arrived, I said hi to the owner before making spotting Conrad around the corner smiling at something, at first I thought it was at a book he was holding. I started coming up with every possible question about the book I could ask to get a normal conversation flowing- all of a sudden I didn’t know how to talk to one of my best friends.
Then I rounded the corner and saw Belly standing next to him telling something which consisted of her flailing her hands around animatedly, laughing and smiling. I strained my ear only to overhear “No that second song you played me on the guitar earlier was so much better than the other one”. My arms dropped dead at my sides- he played on his guitar for Belly, after refusing to play for me for years.
“Hey Y/n!” A voice called behind me before I could figure out what to say to the people in front of me.
“Hi Austin,” I said tying with all my might to give some enthusiasm, yet I could hear that I was failing miserably. Austin was lovely, black midnight hair, pearly white teeth and a golden smile but there was something about him. The poor boy didn’t seem to get a hint, for the last three summers he’s tried asking me out and I’ve been avoiding him. Not to be mean but I just don’t have it in my heart to wound his. Don’t get me wrong he’s hot and has the personality of an angel with a sprinkle of spice for flavour and adventure but he wasn’t- he wasn’t Conrad.
“How have you been?” he asked reaching out to touch my arm, I pulled away absentmindedly making it look as though I was fixing up my hair.
“I’ve been busy, you know all these extra after school clubs and voluntary events,” I said.
“Yeah you did mention over message back in… what was it… like March,” the point he was making was awkward but the way he said it was exactly the opposite, he was always optimistic and for some reason it was just too much for me. That started him off on a long rant- what he said was a ‘catch-up’ for all the missed texts- which didn’t stop until Susannah tapped a little teaspoon on her glass of champagne. I thanked the gods and Susannah in my head. This was my chance for an escape, so I took it.
“This is to my best friend and another of her wonderful achievements, Laurel you are a wonder so please enjoy this and here’s to your current book and the next one!” she announced picking her glass up, everyone within the small store followed, and everyone drank. I scanned the busy room again, this time to find Conrad sitting on the couch, drink in one hand phone in the other.
Belly, Jere and Steven were trying to pile as many books on Steven’s head as possible so I took this chance too. Sitting down next to Con I looked straight ahead.
“Hey,” I let out after a second of silence.
“Hi,” he said back.
“What were you up to today I came looking for you,” I started giving a second of space for him to say something but nothing came out so I continued “You know for our surfing session,”. He didn’t as much as look up from his phone.
“Hey can I ask you something?” I said into the awkward space between us.
“Shoot,” he murmured.
“I um- don’t know if this is coming out of nowhere or whether I’m totally overthinking this but I was wondering whether um-“ for some unknown reason, which I hated, I couldn’t get my words out with Con today, everything felt thrown of its axis within our little bubble, “Would you wanna be my escort for the Deb ball?” I got the words out quietly turning my whole body to face him.
He looked up startled at my question, “Y/n-”
“I mean I know you said you were never going to one of those but I figured that after we kissed last night that maybe you’d do it for me?” it all fell out of my mouth like vomit.
Conrad’s eyes opened wider, his mouth slightly ajar as if he was just spoiled for an upcoming movie, “We should talk outside,” he murmured getting up, at this I started to worry. The air was getting chilly now and I didn’t bring a jacket, Con was wearing one of his zip-up jackets pulling it closer as we stood in front of the window to the bookstore.
“I’m not going to be your escort to the ball, I said I was never going to go to one of those and I meant it-”
“You went with Nicole last year,” my voice perked up.
“Yeah because my mom forced me, I was the only one who knew the waltz, I’m not being a sheep” he argued somewhat defensively now.
“Ok that’s fine,” I say even though it’s not fine, another insult to my face “I just assumed that because we kissed last night you’d do it for me,”
“I don’t remember that, I was so fucked in the head drunk,” he interrupted
“What-” my brows furrowed in confusion and my throat felt like a desert all of a sudden so I shook my head, trying to clear my memory of the event, “You always remember everything when you drink, you said it yourself,” I challenge
“Well what do you want me to say?- Sorry,” his voice half-bothered looking anywhere but my eyes.
“No, what do you mean- I” I didn’t know what to say to him, my heart felt like it was made out of glass, like it was thrown angrily onto the kitchen floor in the middle of a fight, smashed into pieces so small that they couldn’t even be put back together with the world’s strongest glue.
“It didn’t mean anything, I’m not going to the stupid, sheep deb ball with you, I don’t know what else you want me to say,” he said in a final tone and finally looked at me, his eyes showing no emotion, it made me feel small and stupid. I was never one to foolishly believe in something so quickly and easily, but that kiss last night- I was sure it had meant something.
I couldn’t open my mouth to respond, even if I could I wouldn’t be sure what to say, I just shrunk beneath his gaze until I felt like I was in drowning in the concrete. Con turned around and made his way back inside, through the window I could see him pouring himself a drink and making his way to a hidden away corner of the store.
It wasn’t until he was completely out of my sight that I felt like I could breathe. What had just happened, this had to be a fever dream. Another strong breeze danced by pulling a shiver from my body. I made my way back inside, poured myself a drink and stood in the middle of the store. Everything foreign all of a sudden I didn’t know where to place myself, who to talk to.
Susannah always believed from the moment my mom found out she was pregnant that I was going to be destined for one of her boys, now I’m standing in the middle of the our only book store in town wondering whether she knew how wrong she was, or maybe if this is some cruel obstacle in the road.
After that night Con and I didn’t speak to each other very much, he didn’t try to reach out and I didn’t know how to speak to him without feeling a stab of pain and confusion and embarrassment. He’d be normal when our families were together, but there was never a moment when we were alone, if he could feel that’s what was going to happen he would evacuate the situation. It made me feel sick, ugly, like some kind of disease he was scared of catching.
By the time another party came around, literally like three days later I was drinking to my broken heart’s content, so wrapped up in Conrad’s rejection that I gave in and danced with Austin which quickly turned into drinking with Austin and sneaking outside with Austin. I thought he would try to kiss me, we sat on the person’s swing, my legs over his, his one hand on my thigh but he didn’t try.
He talked, about himself and asked questions about me, but I didn’t want to talk so I leaned my body towards his, hands to the back of his neck pulling him towards me like a siren enchanting a sailor but he pulled away. The rejection feeling a little too much like Con’s a few days ago- like salt in a fresh wound, I pulled away, my feet hitting the solid ground, arms on my knees, head in my hands- maybe it was about me.
“Hey, hey, hey-“ Austin said pulling my hands away from my face, moving closer to me, looking right into my eyes, then my lips and back to my eyes, “I want this- I want you, but not like this, not when you’re drunk. I don’t know what’s changed so that you finally gave me some time of day but if it’s just because you’re drunk I don’t want to kiss you like that,” he explained, his thumb soothing my hands.
This made me feel even worse, he was right I was just trying to get someone’s attention, to prove to myself that I wasn’t disgusting, that I could be liked and he was an easy target since he already liked me. Tears started falling down my face, I was embarrassed and hurt and drunk and my period was not helping my hormones, I told Austin I wasn’t feeling well and that I was going to go home. He offered to drive me home, “No you stay and have fun, don’t cut it short on my account,” I argued but he brushed me off, “You and your wellbeing is so much more important to me,” he expressed.
I was convinced I was about to throw up, why did he have to be so nice. I walked through the house looking for Jere, telling him that I was going home, he looked concerned and said he’d take me and come back for the others but I told him I had a way home and he gave me a reassuring smile, the whole time I felt eyes on me, I turned around and there was Con whispering to Belly. It was so loud I practically had to shout to talk to Jere but the thought of his breath on her ear was unpleasant, he wasn’t looking at me, neither was she. My unconscious was trying to torture me too.
The next morning I hoped I could forget about my stupidity from the night before but Austin rocked up at my door with my favourite drink and good muffins, I thanked him and we ate and drank out back near the pool. After this we started talking and hanging out more and more, but every free moment I still had someone else on my mind. When the time came for the dancing lessons for the deb ball I had no other choice, I brushed Fisher out of my mind (that’s a lie- I just tried to ignore the ache) and asked Austin to be my escort that was when he kissed me for the first time and I felt absolutely nothing. I didn’t say a word I just pressed a smile onto my face.
At the first rehearsal I spotted Jere coming in with Belly, that’s when they confirmed my suspicion, while Jere was catching up with Austin, Belly gave me a wrap up of the last few weeks including the steamy make out in the pool. This really made me realise I wasn’t very present in the Fisher household these last few weeks, I distanced from my friends, spent more time with Austin, hiding, pretending.
I gave Jere a nod and a smile he had mentioned to me about these feelings he was having for Belly last year, he said he wasn’t sure what they were and whether he would want to go there but now looking at his smile it was so obvious that he was in love with her.
It was the moment that I was dreading, waking up the morning of the ball. Mom was feeling the exact opposite rushing into my room at the ripe time of seven in the morning, I was already awake, the nerves didn’t let me sleep but I just wanted to stay hidden under the covers for the whole day.
“Come on honey, you need to get up, you’ve been waiting for this moment all summer,” she said, I peeked my head from under my covers and a smile spread over her face, she gestured a plate towards me “Your favourite,” she said before I reached out for. As quickly as she came in she was gone again. Usually, mom was pretty good at spotting when something was wrong but she was so wrapped up in Susannah and Laurel this summer that my summer life falling apart slipped passed her like august.
To this day Conrad and I still hadn’t talked properly, we shared small talk and he gave a few weak smile from across the room when the families were together, still seeing him made me ache. I didn’t drive with them to parties, Austin took me, not that I went to very many anymore I couldn’t face seeing Conrad make out with random girls in the corners of the room.
My phone buzzed on my side table, “Good morning bestie, today’s the big day- your white dress ready?” the text message from Belly read, we were still fairly alright, but she never once questioned why I stopped coming over so often, she didn’t make an effort either.
‘You’re making it sound as if we’re getting married,’ I replied shoving a load of pancake into my mouth, the syrup melting some of my distress.
‘Omg true, who knows maybe one day we’ll have a double wedding’ she wrote and then a few seconds later another text came through ‘Actually never mind neither of us want to share a special day like that haha,’ I didn’t answer her back just mulled around in bed for another half hour before finally getting up and packing up everything I needed to take to the Country Club today.
I thought it was silly we had to get there so early, I dressed in something good enough just in time for Austin to text me that he was waiting outside. When we arrived Paige was rushing us around with a rehearsal call out and pointed out who was sat where, Jeremiah never once took his eyes of Belly, at one point she tripped over Shayla’s foot when we were getting into the lines for the dance and the whole room burst into laughter- even Paige broke into something of a smile.
After three hours of this and that she had us gather and sit on the mini stage, Belly came to the sit next to me, Austin on my other side laying his arm around my shoulders, it felt imprisoning, I felt trapped with no way of escape. I took a deep breath in and closed my eyes as Paige started speaking.
“Well um, this has been a time of ups and downs ladies, but I am proud to say that I’ve had somewhat of a pleasant time getting to know each one of you, building on your strengths and turning your weaknesses into something to work on, you’re the best lot I’ve had in a few years” she starts and Belly turns to whisper into my ear.
“Nicole would not be happy to hear that,” she whispered with a giggle, Nicole was doing some workshop thing for her future university this morning so she wouldn’t be here until this evening, but the other older sisters clapped and laughted, I opened my eyes when Paige continued.
“So I say this with honesty, I may never break into huge grins or laughter but this was a pleasure, I will miss you all dearly so make me proud tonight, but most of all make yourself proud, you are all bright young women,” she finished giving us a little clap.
“What about us?!” Jeremiah asked with an appalled expression, this did bring out a small laugh in the Deb organiser.
“Yes Jeremiah how could I forget, you gentlemen have been fairly good partners, apart from the time Jeremiah decided he was tried of ballroom dancing and decided to get to know Alexa,” she gave him the side eye and everyone laughed again, I just felt Austin pull me closer at this. Like vines with pricks wrapping around my throat like a snake.
“Excuse me,” I said louder than I intended and rushed out the room, Austin tried to go after me but I head Jere say “Give her a minute, Belly will go,” before I was out the door.
Only when I was out in the fresh air could I breathe, what was happening to me? I never had problems like this, the feeling of a balloon blowing up slowly in my chest, taking over every edge of space- no space to breathe- and I can’t do anything about it. This build up, until- until. Then nothing.
I rubbed me fists over my eyes taking deep breaths in and out.
“Y/n,” the voice was gentle, and with my eyes closed I could almost pretend it was Conrad, laying a soft touch on my shoulder, my brows furrowed, I hoped it was my mom coming to my rescue but when I opened my eyes with was Shayla stood over me, “Let’s talk, we’ll drive to get coffee come on,” she suggests, tugging gently on my arm.
“We’re not meant to leave the property,” I say back, she brushes me off.
“Y/n you’ve not really been around lately,” her tone pleading and then I couldn’t stop it, the tears dropping, “Oh come on sweetie, I’m here,” she said wrapping her arms around me, running her hands down my hair.
After a few minutes we made it to her car, I rubbed the tears away and started explaining everything starting with the end of that stupid party where everything fell apart. Shayla just listened, exactly what I needed, what I didn’t realise I needed. She gave tips of advice when she felt was right and gave nudges of encouragement too.
By the time we got back to the Country club the girls were already getting ready, some already had their hair done, some their makeup but it was fine because we still had plenty of time. Belly gave me a looking asking ‘are you okay?’ and I just gave her a nod.
After we finished our makeup I did Shayla’s hair, curling up the end of her ponytail, then she twisted and turned mine into a beautiful bun near the nape of my neck. Time flew by before I knew it, soon enough I was changed into my dress and it felt a million miles away from this morning, but at the same time as though I was still laying in bed mere minutes ago.
There was a knock on the door and Paige’s voice came through, “Do you ladies want a group picture in the vanity room? We’re starting in a few minutes,” she communicated. Gigi excitedly opened the door and we had a little photoshoot even convincing to get Paige in a few on a timer.
“Now, let’s go,” she said ushering us out, Shayla and I at the end, she reached for my hand and gave it a tight squeeze, shooting a smile in my direction and giving me a nod.
“You’re beautiful, inside and out,” I whispered.
“You’re amazing too Y/n, now let’s kill this thing,” I nodded and meagre minutes later were stood in a line on the girl’s side of the stage’s wings. Belly’s in front of me, her name about to be called, and all of a sudden a feeling of pride and butterflies fulfils me, I was making my mum proud, and Laurel and Susannah, but most importantly myself, no matter how rough and isolating this summer felt I got through it.
Before I knew it Belly was walking out meeting Jeremiah who didn’t take his eyes off her, it made a piece of my heart melt. Then there was Austin, waiting to meet my eye, he gave me a reassuring smile and nod, I looked away waiting for Paige to announce us.
“Y/n L/n,” she called and then started listing my plans for collage and the charity events I’ve participated in, I walked out, not looking at Austin once, my sight searching for my mom. I spotted her to the left at our table, Susannah right next to her, then there was him. Conrad Fisher. I pleaded with my eyes to look away, even if only to Laurel who sat on the other side of him or to my dad who sat next to Belly’s. Con didn’t meet my eyes he was looking straight at Belly and Jeremiah and that’s when it hit me. It was Belly. It was always going to be Belly.
I was fine until I felt Austin’s tug on my arm, Paige was about to announce Shayla and Steven. After those two we were allowed to just wander around, greet everyone, my mom had a hold on me before I could blink, she had tears in her eyes.
“You’re growing up Y/n/n,” she said in panic, “You’re still my baby though,” she turned to my dad, “Are we getting old Michael, am I getting old?” she overexaggerated.
“No honey you still look fine like wine,” he complimented, I wanted to gag, how they were still so in love I didn’t know. Dad come to Cousins for the last two weeks of summer like he always did after a week trip with his old college buddies, it was nice having him here for again.
“Oh Austin don’t you just look gorgeous too!” mom exclaimed going to give him a hug too, my parents became very fond of Austin very quickly though dad did seem to express some confusion, I had been talking to and about the Fisher boys all year but after a barbeque with Austin and his parents he was sold.
“You’re a good young man Austin, I can’t wait to see your dance now, Jeremiah tried to teach me some of the moves yesterday,” he explained, Austin laughed while my dad tried to impersonate Jeremiah and I visibly face palm.
“Ok, ok, ok my turn to hug my adoptive daughter,” Susannah announced, mom and dad step away and quickly I’m in her embrace smiling into her shoulder, “You look beautiful sweetie, and even though you’re not here with a Fisher boy like I expected,” she paused awkwardly, hanging onto her last few words, “You have a wonderful time, you’ll have to invite Austin and his parents to our last night barbeque tomorrow,” she said excitedly.
“Susannah- I don’t-” I start but she flashes her puppy eyes first to me, then to Austin stood next to me.
“We’ll be there,” he said with a smile and guilty eyes looking to me.
“Fantastic!” Susannah exclaimed before turning to discuss details with my parents. Laurel hugs me then Belly’s dad makes sure to give me some motivational comment, Conrad give me something of a smile and a quick side hug which I don’t have the strength in my arms to reciprocate, when it comes to him I lose all control.
After everyone takes their seats again Austin whispers in my ear “I do love you parents,” he said.
“They love you too, actually they have obsessions with you,” I laugh.
“And now it’s time for a very special dance,” Paige announces over the microphone, everyone turns to her with excitement, “No not the dance where your little girls become young women, the boys have prepared something first,” she says and now everyone seemed even more excited.
The music come on and all the boys make their way onto the dance floor in beat, Shayla and I stand hand in hand, Belly on my other side and we watch, laughing, we were not allowed to see this dance before today, it was meant to be a ‘treat’ for us girls but Jeremiah was so excited that he practically showed us most of the dance moves already. Though now that it was all happening together before our eyes I couldn’t deny that it was actually pretty good.
Conrad’s eyes were stuck on his brother, I wouldn’t call the emotion jealousy but there was something there, he only just broke away to look at his phone, that’s where his sight stayed for the rest of the dance and into the conversation that broke out on our table afterwards. Shayla came rushing to the table saying that we needed to get more photos, which mom and Susannah were more than happy to take, I had some with Belly, then Austin and some of the other girls.
After a few minutes of taking pictures Paige was back on the microphone announcing that the main event was about to begin. The introductory music began to play, every was making their way to their place in lines Belly was stood looking around the whole room, searching.
“Has anyone seen Jeremiah?” She asked, looking desperately at me then Shayla, we both shook our heads, how did we not notice him slip away. Belly awkwardly played around with her glove before facing our table, was she going to sit out of the dance?
That was when it happened, Conrad stood up, it was as if time had stopped, he was making his way towards her, reaching for her hand. I felt the phantom pain in my palm as if it was me he was touching, I tried not to wince at the cold sensation.
Then we’re dancing, Austin’s body heat all over my space but my eyes don’t leave Belly and Conrad. Jeremiah is going to be pissed, as if on command in the corner of my eye I see him walk in, his jaw drops subtly as he watches the same scene unfold in front of him.
Even after the dances finishes they don’t move apart, they’re stood there like the only two people in the world, staring into each other’s eyes. A hand went to my heart, nails digging into my collarbone. It was one thing getting rejected about the dance- since he did say he wasn’t going to do it beforehand, but kissing me and now being here smiling at Belly like she was the only girl he ever had eyes for, after dancing with her felt like animals ripping at my heart, all trying to get a piece, shredding it apart. Why did he ever kiss me? It ruined everything I could have always lived in blissful ignorance.
Susannah always believed from the moment my mom found out she was pregnant that I was going to be destined for one of her boys, and then just a little over a year later when Laurel got pregnant too Suze said that she was also destined for one of her boys. Now I stand here wondering if she could have ever predicted that both the Fisher boys would fall in love with Belly and I would be the one watching, drowning in my own sorrow. Missing him.
After being frequently requested: Part Two
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narrans · 9 days
My Borrowed Son | 23 | Terse Table Talk
Chapter Twenty-Three | Terse Table Talk
Kers heard the voices extinguish like a snuffed candle as soon as the call of, “hello?” left his lips. There was a slight shuffle of light souled shoes. A few hushed whispers Kers couldn’t make out but guessed it had something to do with protection and curiosity.
He decided to call out again.
This was one thing he hated about meeting new Borrowers – the apprehension and fear of whether they were kind or evil. Too many times his encounters ended up with the later rather than the former.
Images flashed in front of Kers’ eyes of memories long passed. It was quick, but just enough to set Kers on edge as he spoke up again.
“Hello? Listen, I don’t mean to intrude. My name is Kers. I just moved here with the human. If you don’t want me around, I’ll go somewhere else. You won’t even know I’m here. I just wanted to explore the walls and set up a good place to stay. From one Borrower to another, any help is appreciated.”
The words he spoke were words Kers heard his brothers say countless times when they moved around as kids. Just saying it made his throat constrict, but he would muddle through that later.
The silence that followed was deafening and thick with unease. It put the Borrower on edge to the point he reached for the pin on his side. The only hesitation came when a masculine voice, smooth and aged, answered.
“You alone?”
Kers breathed a relative sigh of relief, but he was far from being in the clear yet. It was a start though.
“Yes, I am,” he replied as he thought of Parker, a topic he decided was not good to bring up right at this moment.
Another pause.
Then, emerging from the corner, was who Kers assumed was the father. He had thick facial hair but a thinning hair line, both speckled with blond and silver hair. The Borrower had fierce eyes that absorbed the light coming from the light that was on the end of his walking stick. He had his staff light held out defensively and quickly evaluated Kers. Whatever this Borrower had seen in his life, he obviously was a quick reader when it came to character.
It took a few moments before he retracted his staff.
“New arrival, you say?” he asked gruffly. Kers nodded.
“Yeah. Haven’t even been here twenty minutes,” replied Kers.
“From where?”
“Electrical outlet in the living room. Don’t worry. I put it back.”
“And the human? Does she know about you?”
Kers had to think about the Borrower’s question for a moment. The truthful answer was yes and no, seeing that Amanda knew about Parker; but, that wasn’t the question.
“No, she doesn’t know about me. I’ve been around her for four years. I can share what I know. Patterns. Organization. Schedule,” offered Kers.
The Borrower’s eyes narrowed as he evaluated Kers’ offer. He actually reached up and stroked at his silver streaked beard as he considered the possibilities in front of him.
“In exchange for?” he asked after several more tense seconds.
“Nothing. Just one Borrower being friendly to another,” stated Kers. “Though if you have an idea of where would be good for me to set up camp to not be in your way or space, I’d appreciate it.”
The offer of nothing obviously raised the Borrower’s suspicions, but followed up with a suggestion of where to live seemed to, at the very least, amuse him. He nodded and, after a moment, extended his hand for Kers to shake, which he did gladly.
“Well, I think we can agree to those terms. I can tell a liar when I hear one, and that’s not you, but don’t try anything. Got it?”
“Yeah, absolutely,” agreed Kers. With a stiff nod, the Borrower stepped to the side and gave a little gesture for Kers to follow along. It took everything in him for Kers to keep from resting his hand on his stay pin sword and his thumbtack dagger as he followed the other Borrower. He also didn’t dare ask anything too personal. This guy seemed like the type to provide essential information when the time was right.
They rounded the corner and Kers instantly spotted three other Borrowers in varying ages. The oldest was obviously late teens and shared many features with his father including those light absorbing eyes and blonde hair. The middle child was a girl who looked, to Kers, to be just a little younger or about the same age as Parker. She had dark brown hair and the same coal black eyes as her older brother. Then there was the youngest boy among them, a dark haired blue-eyed boy who was maybe eight or nine years old.
“Kids, this is Kers. My oldest, Finnick, my daughter, Sprokit, and my youngest son, Reed,” introduced the Borrower. “I’m Toulouse.”
“Nice to meet all of you,” Kers said. His insides churned nervously as he glanced at the piercing eyes of Toulouse’s children. All of them seemed to have the same ability their father had in seeing straight through someone. Perhaps it was just the color of the two eldest children’s eyes, but Kers felt like the secret of Parker would not remain so for long.
“Well, our plan was to go out and show Reed the ropes of running outside the walls, but gathering intel on this new human might be better,” pointed out Finnick, whose hand was also resting on what looked like a razor blade dagger at his hip.
“My thoughts exactly,” replied Toulouse. Reed was obviously crushed. His shoulders slumped and his features fell, but he didn’t say anything in objection. Kers didn’t know if it was because Reed wanted to behave himself and be rewarded with time outside of the walls or if he was a bit shy around strangers.
Whatever the case, Finnick gestured for Kers to follow, and so he did.
The five of them trekked through the walls, Reed stomping up the stairs from time to time to demonstrate his frustration in getting his wall trip cut short, while Toulouse followed behind. Kers almost felt like he was surrounded and being escorted to some kind of holding facility like how they did in the movies.
Kers had that privilege of watching a few movies from front to finish without Amanda and Parker noticing, and this felt like one of those movie scenes.
Up the walls. Across beams. Down some wires and then back up again.
Eventually, they made it to a section of wall that was very clearly part of the attic crawl space. It was a spot that was either segmented off from the main house or in a space that could never be reached by the residents of the house. Whatever the case, the house was made of sturdy cardboard and wood.
The windows were aglow with warm light, most likely from more fairy lights, and there was a smell of something in the air coming from the kitchen. Inside, Kers could hear someone singing softly along with coos and young giggles.
“Don’t forget to take off your shoes when you go in. Mom hates dirt in the house,” said the girl.
“Oh, right. Thanks. Sprokit, was it?” asked Kers. The girl huffed slightly as she pried off her borrowing boots and began unstrapping her gear.
“I go by Kit, actually. Dad just prefers full names for introductions,” replied Kit.
“Oh. Right. Sorry. I’ll remember that,” apologized Kers.
“Don’t be rude, sis,” mumbled Reed.
“You mind your business,” Kit shot back.
One look from their father silenced their bickering as they retreated into the house. Kers noticed that none of them removed their various blades and pins as they went into the house.
Smart. They don’t trust me and are staying safe. Guess I’ll do the same.
Kers removed his shoes and walked further into the house as he heard who he presumed was the mother and wife to Toulouse address the kids. Her voice was as sweet as her singing.
“Hey there. Back so soon? Did something happen? Or did you all find what you were looking for that quick?” she asked.
“We have a guest,” Kers heard Kit say. There was a distinct inhalation before the conversation continued.
“Ah. I see. Well… I guess I need to set another bowl on the table,” she replied.
Kers glanced around the living area and caught a glimpse of the kitchen.
The place was pristine. The crochet blankets were neatly piled in the corner of the room. There was a table made of what looked like glued together playing cards and shelves made of popsicle sticks. It made where Kers used to live look like a hovel.
Still, they probably never had to move in their lives. Or, at least, they haven’t had the need to move in a while.
“Hi!” Kers snapped too when he felt a tug at his hip from another little Borrower child. She had blonde hair and blue eyes and a smile that stretched as wide as a jumbo rubber band. “Hi!” She must’ve been four or five years old by Kers’ estimates.
Stunned, Kers could barely manage his own, “Hello,” before spotting the baby girl’s mother. She had dark brown hair and blue eyes that were pale like glacier ice. She was wearing a skirt that fell just below her knees and an apron of sorts with various tools and threads spilling off of it.
What really caught Kers’ eyes, however, was what he noticed when she walked over to snag the Borrower child. She walked with a severe limp and the leg that poked out from under the skirt wasn’t real. It was fake.
A prosthetic – and it looked well made.
“Dove! So sorry about that,” she smiled. Kers shook his head and smiled as he looked into the woman’s features. There was so much life in her eyes, like she couldn’t be deterred from anything she set her mind to.
“No. Don’t worry about it. No harm or anything,” said Kers. “I’m Kers. Just moved in when I met the rest of your family.”
“Barely arrived,” said Toulouse as he entered the kitchen and leaned over to kiss his wife and take the baby, Dove, from her arms. “His pack is by the door.”
“Wow! So, you must’ve arrived with the new human. Yeah? The other family was here yesterday moving things around and then they were gone. Now we have a new human.
“I didn’t think humans could move so quickly. Then again, they have all of those tools and everything. Good for us. There won’t be any gap in borrowing,” she smiled. A thought must’ve dawned on her because she immediately wiped her hands on her apron and held out her hand for Kers. “Sorry. I’m Mira.”
“Nice to meet you.” The two of them shook hands before her husband cleared his throat.
“What do you need to finish lunch?” asked Toulouse. Mira gestured to the table and the stove, which looked like part of a heating element that was hooked up to electricity.
“Just your bums in the chairs and the pot on the table. I hope you don’t mind potato soup. I thought we were going to have to start rationing, so I went ahead and made a big batch to start storing,” Mira replied. “Here. I’ll get-”
“I’ve got it, mom,” said Finnick as he hoisted the pot off of the stove and set it onto the table, making sure to put it on the cloth fragment to keep from burning the table. Mira smiled and nodded as she maneuvered the youngest from one hip to the next with the smallest wince before carrying her over to the table, the rhythm of her walk showing she had experience walking with a child on her hip.
Before he knew it, Kers was sitting down at the table across from the oldest boy and beside the youngest with Toulouse immediately to his left. There was a warm bowl of soup in front of him and conversation all around.
Never before had he experienced anything like this.
A lump formed somewhere in his throat. More images flashed in front of his mind of days gone by.
Had he really been alone for so long?
“So, Kers,” said Mira as she wiped up her daughter’s face once again. “Tell us a bit about your travels. Have you always lived around this new human downstairs? Or was this a recent development?”
Just as if someone had snapped their fingers, Kers was out of his trance and in the moment once again.
“Um… I… well… I mostly moved around except for the past four years, which is when I started living in Amanda’s building. That’s the name of the human woman downstairs,” said Kers. “As for my travels… well… there’s nothing really to tell. Lived as an Outie for most of it, but lived as an Innie when I could.”
“An Outie? You mean you lived outside in the elements with the wild animals and everything?” asked the youngest, Reed. His eyes were bright with curiosity and also filled with the innocence of never being truly afraid in his life. Kers didn’t want to scare the kid but nodded simply to be polite.
Already, this was more words than he would say in a year, and he was feeling burned out from conversation. Still, he endured the further onslaught as all of the children as well as their parents asked question after question.
How long had he lived on his own?
What were his skills?
Would he be interested in helping ward off some animals trying to get into the baseboards?
Where was he thinking about setting up?
What kind of things did he need to get started?
What really started to make Kers nervous was when they began to ask about the human and her habits.
He told them everything. He told them she worked from home a lot but slept soundly through the night and generally kept to herself when she was home. The Borrower went into all of the details he could when it came to how she liked to put things into drawers and the things she would notice going missing.
“This is really good, dad,” Finnick said as he helped clear away the dishes. “We’ll be able to get everything timed to the second. It’s even better because she doesn’t have any kids.”
Kers felt his insides twist, making acid build in the back of his throat. It was like walking on pins and needles. Kers knew he needed to discuss this as soon as possible, but it didn’t stop the impending dread. Before things went any further, Kers decided to speak up.
With no real plan of attack, he took a breath and dared to begin the impossible conversation.
“Actually… she does have a kid.”
The family glanced around at him curiously before continuing their dinner clean-up.
“Well, that’s unfortunate,” muttered Toulouse. “Thought we’d get a break after the last family left. No matter. We’ll be no worse for wear. We’ll just…”
“Actually,” interrupted Kers. “There’s… something about the kid that… is going to be a bit hard for you to hear.”
The room quieted as all eyes fell on Kers. It made him feel like bugs were crawling all over his skin. He hated attention, even as a child, and this was his ultimate nightmare. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he continued.
“The kid’s name is Parker. He’s a really sweet kid, but he’s a little different; especially from Amanda.” This was it. The moment of truth. “Because he’s a Borrower.”
It felt like someone set electricity into the air, charging it and making everyone’s hair stand on end. Everyone’s eyes widened to the size of human dinner plates. Expressions varied from confusion to disturbed horror and anger. It was a scene of complete and utter mortification, and Kers knew the bombardment from earlier would be nothing compared to what was in store for him.
Toulouse was on his feet in the blink of an eye as the kids retreated several steps away from the table.
“What do you mean? She… captured him?” asked Mira. Kers shook his head and took a visible breath in hopes it would deescalate the situation.
“No, I don’t think so. I honestly think that she found him and has been taking care of him for all of his life,” replied Kers. “I want to tell y-”
“You mean to tell me a human has been keeping a Borrower hostage and you’ve just watched for four years?” growled Toulouse.
“Dad… do you think he’s her pet too?” hissed Finnick as his hand now rested obviously on his hip dagger, ready to draw in an instant. The afternoon had turned from a pleasant one to one of utter chaos in a matter of seconds.
This was bad.
Kers knew he had to rise to his own defense and provide some kind of explanation. He cursed himself for not being as eloquent as his eldest brother. He continued to sit and shook his head as he said, “I’m no pet, boy. You would do well to remember that. And I can tell you I’ve wrestled with this from the first day I found them together. I’ll tell you if you’re willing to hear me out.”
The family exchanged wary glances, so Kers continued in a rapid word vomit that put teenage gossipers to shame.  
“I was moving in the middle of winter from the home I was previously in. I thought I might’ve been seen and kept to the Borrower code of staying on the move. I saw them playing in the snow outside and began planning a rescue mission immediately.
“When I made it to their home, I saw them sitting together watching a movie just like any other parent and child I had seen in previous homes. She made sure he had food and they even read together that night. I had no supplies and no way to take care of him, and Parker didn’t seem like he was in any danger.
“I decided to get enough supplies to survive and then I would rescue him, but the more I watched the more I realized this kid had no idea that he was a Borrower and was happy living with his adopted mother. I’ve been watching ever since to make sure he was alright, keeping to the shadows and being ready if anything should happen.”
Kers realized how difficult it must be to hear and understand everything he was saying. He wasn’t even sure half of his words made sense. It wasn’t until he paused to take a breath that his brain registered the changing expressions on everyone’s faces.
“So… you don’t think… he knows he’s a Borrower?” asked Mira. “You don’t think that this human took him from his parents, do you?”
“No, I… I don’t think so. I hope not. She doesn’t seem like the type to…”
“To what?” interjected Finnick. “Abduct Borrower children? Keep them like pets? Pampering and feeding and taking them out for walks?”
“How do we know you’re telling the truth?” Kit spat as she boldly pulled her blade from her side. Both parents shot their daughter a warning glance before turning back to Kers.
“I didn’t have to tell you any of this, but I did,” concluded Kers. “I’m telling you because I have a plan in place to talk to the kid and to Amanda.”
“You plan on telling the human about us!” roared Finnick, also drawing his blade. Kers’ heart was in his throat. He knew this wasn’t going to go well no matter what he did, and now he had disturbed this family’s peace. Guilt ridden, Kers shook his head and let his shoulders slump.
“No, I’m not; and Amanda already knows, she just doesn’t know much. All she understands is that there was a small boy no bigger than his fingers that needed her help and she gave it. She doesn’t know about Borrowers; and, if she did, Parker might’ve gone venturing into the walls to find more Borrowers – to find me. He would be asking questions,” insisted Kers.
“So, you do plan on talking to the human?” asked Mira. Kers bit his lip and nodded mechanically.
“Trust me. I’m not looking forward to it, but it needs to be done. The only one she’s going to know about is me, and it’s only for Parker’s benefit,” insisted Kers. “I swear I will not tell Amanda about any of you or your family. The only one at risk here is me.”
No one in the family looked reassured.
“What if we don’t believe you?” asked Toulouse. Kers sighed and shook his head.
“I’m not asking you to. What I am asking for is time. I plan on talking to Amanda once they’ve moved in,” said Kers. “I swear I will keep your family safe. If I had known there were going to be others living here, I would’ve talked to them long ago. That was my mistake.”
Toulouse looked to Kers and then to the rest of his family. With a wary eye and a threatening stare, Toulouse gestured to the door. It made Kers’ heart sink into his shoes.
“I think you’d better leave; and I swear if you put my family in danger, you will live to regret it.” The oath of a father’s protection was a strong one, and Kers knew it.
“I won’t put any of you in danger, you have my word. I’ll keep to the floorboards beneath the kitchen if that’s alright,” said Kers.
“It is fine,” said Toulouse.
Kers knew the time for words was gone. He stood and carefully walked back toward the door, snagging his belongings on his way out.
It was far from how he wanted his first introduction to go, but it was necessary he talk to them about this right off the bat. Kers couldn’t imagine what their reaction would have been if they found Parker all on their own.
Defeat was only one of many words expressing Kers’ emotions as he hoisted his bag onto his shoulders once more and headed out of the front door. If there was more evidence needed for him to have an honest conversation with Amanda, now would be the time. Heart heavy, he headed for the space beneath the kitchen to set down his things and, hopefully, find the words he needed to use to talk to Amanda.
Meanwhile, in the home, the Borrower family was a flurry of emotions. None of them knew whether Kers was being truthful or if they were in danger. Immediately, their father ordered them to prepare a few go bags with essentials.
While they knew running here and now would be the best option for them, they also were reluctant to leave their home so readily when Kers could have been telling the truth.
They would be ready.
They were prepared.
Nothing was going to happen; at least they hoped.
Kit, however, was very vocal about her thoughts on the matter.
“Dad, we can’t just leave him! He’s one of us! He’s a Borrower, and he’s been taken. We need to rescue him!” insisted the teen.
“Kit, we can’t risk going down there now. If Kers has a trap planned with the human and it involves that boy, we need to stay as far away from both of them as possible.” Toulouse sighed and leaned heavily against the char at the kitchen table. “I was such a fool to invite in a stranger so quickly.”
Mira stepped up beside her husband and rubbed his back with sympathetic affection.
“You didn’t know, love,” she said.
“Mom! We can’t just leave him,” argued Kit.
“We have to wait and see what’s going to happen. I know it’s hard, but we can’t go down there without a plan,” Mira said. Frustrated, Kit stormed off to her room. Finnick and Reed, who were nearby, looked at their parents anxiously.
“So, we’re just going to leave him? If we need to run?” asked Finnick. Both parent shook their head.
“No, we won’t leave him if it can be helped. We just need time to figure this thing out first. We can’t act rashly. We need to find out if Kers is telling the truth and whether this boy is in danger or not,” replied Toulouse.
Silently, he hoped his certainty came of as confidence despite how he actually felt. Both Borrower parents couldn’t imagine having any of their children taken by a human. They also couldn’t imagine what it was like for Parker growing up with a human, if that was what really had happened.
In all reality, they were unsure of whether they could help the Borrower boy Kers spoke of and doubted they would be able to stay in their home in the days to come.
Still, they held out hope.
And little did they know that their plans weren’t the only ones in affect.
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earthtoharlow · 1 year
Flashing Lights
Jack Harlow x SingerOC
Series Masterlist
05. Toronto
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“Are you listening to anything I’m saying?” CoCo, Maryse’s manager asked her. 
Well, no. Maryse thought in her head. They had been having this meeting for over an hour now, and truthfully she had stopped listening after they decided to change which song should be her first single. She just wanted to get out of there and head over to see Jack. She needed a break.
The pair had broke the internet when the paparazzi photos came out from when they got lunch, it got even crazier after Jack’s Instagram post. 
“Sure, whatever you say. Yes to everything.” Maryse was over this. 
“OH? So you want me to tell Drake’s team that you’re declining his invite to his concert in Toronto next week?”
“Exactly” CoCo said with a pointed stare. 
“Ok ok, I’m sorry CoCo. We’ve been having this meeting for hours now. I know how important this album is, it’s my debut! But you’re more stressed about it than I am!”
CoCo let out a sigh before putting her notes down. “Alright, fine. I guess, you’re free to go see that man now.” She says before shooing Maryse away
She didn’t have to tell her twice. Maryse walked around the table and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and headed towards the exit. She stopped at the door and cheekily asked CoCo, “What man?” She dashed out the door with a laugh when CoCo threw her pen at her. 
“Urban, stop!” The muffled sound of Jack’s voice came through the door as Maryse stood at the front of his place in LA.
She could hear shuffling on the other side before the door opened and she was greeted by Urban as he leaned one hand against the door. Jack was behind him just shaking his head. “Hey, Maryse! It’s nice to finally meet you when you aren't intoxicated.”
Maryse groaned at that, remembering that he was there that night at the bar. She greeted him with a hug before Urban stepped aside to let her in. As Maryse walked in she wiped the bottom of her shoes on the rug before taking them off and placing them by the door. When she looked up Jack was standing there waiting to greet her. Jack walked up to her and pulled her in for a big hug. Maryse took a moment to take in his cologne, he always smelled so good. Just as they were about to pull away, Urban said from behind them “get a room!”
Jack pulled away before reaching out and punching Urban in the arm. He turned back around, giving Maryse an apologetic smile. She thought the slight blush on his cheeks was cute. 
Jack walked her towards the kitchen “I’m happy you’re here. I just wanna apologize if those pictures of us hanging out caused any trouble.” Maryse waved her hand at him, “Jack, you don’t have anything to apologize for. I can deal with fans and the media. Trust me, I’d rather them talking about the two of us rather than bringing my ex up any chance they get.” She told him with an eye roll. 
Jack nodded understandingly, before letting Maryse walk in the kitchen first. She stopped in her tracks at the sight in front of her. Maryse immediately turned back around to Jack in shock. “What’s all this?” There was a popcorn machine with two movie buckets stacked next to it. Boxes of pizza, and every single movie candy you could think of. Jack turned his kitchen into a movie theater snack bar. It was incredible.
“Too much?” Jack said from behind her, rocking on the back of his heels nervously. She shook her head. 
“You said on the phone earlier that you needed to not think about music for a few hours so I figured we could have a movie night.”
Maryse started to get excited, “Really?”
Jack nodded before reaching into his pocket and pulling out two fake movie tickets, before handing one to her.
“Yes, really!” He said with a laugh "So pick your snacks and then we can go to the living room and pick any movie you want to watch.” Maryse caught him off guard and jumped into his arms and pulled him into a hug. “This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done. Thank you so much, Jack”
They still had their arms around each other as they pulled away. “Anytime, we all deserve a little break.” Jack said, staring in her eyes before looking down at her lips. He never wanted to kiss someone so bad. 
“Uh, why are you guys staring at each other like that?” Jack and Maryse jumped at the sound of Urban’s voice, and stepped away from one another. 
Maryse was the first to speak. “I was just thanking him for all of this..” she said and motioned to the food and movie snacks around them. 
“Ah, got it! Well you know I did help him with this. I mean, I ordered the pizza. Where’s my thank you embrace?” Urban joking said. Maryse laughed with a nod and walked over and gave him a hug as well. She couldn’t see but behind her, Jack stuck up his middle finger at Urban and mouthed at him to leave the house. 
Pulling away, Urban grabbed two bags of M&Ms and told the pair goodbye. “It was nice to finally meet you, Maryse. I’m sure I’ll see you soon.”
“You sure you don’t wanna stay?” Maryse asked him
“Nah, I’ve got a date.” He said before waving goodbye. 
After he left Jack and Maryse grabbed their snacks and popcorn before heading to the living room. After scrolling through the movie selection the two settled on Fast & Furious. Jack was shocked to hear that she had never seen the series. 
“Wait? So he’s an undercover cop?” Maryse questioned before shoving more popcorn in her mouth. 
Jack nodded and chewed his candy before replying. “Yeah, Dom and that other guy are suspects in this case.”
“Oh I see, I hate that he’s lying to Mia. All white men do is lie.” Maryse said, ignoring the look of shock on Jack’s face at what she said.
“Now, hold on—“ Jack was cut off by Maryse who told him hush “Be quiet! I can’t hear Vin Diesel!”
They managed to make it to the third movie before falling asleep on the couch. At some point during the night, Maryse ended up asleep on his chest. When Urban walked in, he couldn’t help but pull out his phone and take a photo. It would be a good story to tell them when they finally stopped ignoring their feelings for one another. 
Maryse was back home in NY for a few hours. She was currently in the laundry room, folding clothes. Her flight to Toronto left in a few hours, so she was making sure she had everything packed and ready. As Maryse was walking back to her room to add more clothes to her suitcase, her phone started to ring. Seeing that it was Jack she immediately answered. 
“Hey Jack!” She answered before putting the phone on speaker. “Hey” his voice always sent chills through her body. 
“I hope I’m not bothering you.” He said. Maryse shook her head like he could see her. “Of course not, I’m just doing laundry. So thank you for calling. I needed a reason to stop.” 
Jack laughed a little on the other line. “I know this is last minute, but I called asking if you wanted to come with me to see Drake In Toronto this weekend?”
There was a beat of silence before Maryse started laughing. Jack had never been so confused. “I’m sorry, Jack. I’m not laughing at you, it’s just that I’m literally packing to go to Toronto for Drake’s concert. So I’ll see you there!”
Jack let out the breath he was holding, happy that was the reason she was laughing. “Oh that’s even better! I’ll see you there then.”
They talked for a few more minutes before hanging up. 
Maryse continued packing after getting off the phone. She was even more excited for the trip now. 
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liked by urbanwyatt, milaj, justineskye, hallebailey, easymoneysniper, jackharlow and 467,975 others
lifeofmonet: Toronto Bound ✈️
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user: 😍
user: I’ll cook for you
user: when are we getting the album
lifeofmonet: 🤫
user: no one prettier
user: love of my life
dojacat: give me a kiss
user: fuck you jack harlow
jackharlow: how much for napkin signed and framed
lifeofmonet: bidding starts at 50$ rn
jackharlow: sold
user: it’s the flirting under the posts for me
Maryse flashed her pass to the security before they let her into the vip section of the venue. Drake would be getting on stage any minute now. Jack has been in town since yesterday but of course she’s been working nonstop since she got to Toronto on Thursday. So she hasn’t been able to see him yet. Jack had texted her letting her know he was already in his seat waiting for her, now she just has to find him. 
Sometimes Maryse hated how short she was, yeah she had on heels but she still couldn’t see over the tall bodies around her. Just as she was about to call him, she heard her name being called. Turning around, Maryse saw Jack waving his arm so she could spot him. She quickly squeezed past everyone and run towards him, giving him a big hug before he could speak. 
“What am I chopped liver?” Urban exclaimed from behind them. Maryse pulled away from Jack with a laugh and gave Urban a hug as well. 
Maryse put her purse on the small table in front of her before sitting down next to Jack. Leaning closer so he could hear her better she spoke in Jack’s ear “I’m telling you now, I will not apologize for how I act when Drake comes out.”
Jack laughs with a nod as the lights of the venue start to dim. “Wouldn’t expect anything less.” 
After the first few songs, Maryse could tell Jack was trying to play it cool, reaching down to grab his hands and she pulled him to his feet. They started rapping the lyrics to each other. Maryse jumped in her seat when the opening chords of Work started. That song always got Maryse to dance no matter who was around. She started grinding against Jack. At that moment she wished there were fewer layers of fabric between them, as his hands gripped her hips tightly. She was positive that her dress was probably riding up her ass in the crudest way possible but she didn’t care. 
Maryse’s back was still facing Jack as she continued to grind her hips up against him. Reaching up to wrap her arms around his neck, her heart started hammering as he breathed in her ear. Long, hot, heavy breaths. 
“If you had a twin, I would still choose you.” Jack sung in her ear. He then spun her around so they could face each other, pulling her into his chest. Thrusting his hips into her lower stomach.
Maryse had never been so grateful for the dark lighting in the vip area. She couldn’t imagine what the reactions of everyone on the floor would think seeing them dancing like this. 
The two kept eye contact with each other as the song started to fade out into the next track. All of Jack’s attention was on Maryse and Maryse alone. She loved it. She loved how confident Jack was. It was refreshing. Maryse was falling for this man. She was no longer ignorant to the fact that she liked him. Her brain was telling her to run before she got hurt, but her heart wouldn’t let her walk away. Besides, she didn’t think she could walk away, even if she wanted to. 
Jack Harlow had completely taken her. 
Their foreheads were pressed together now. Maryse slid her hands up his chest and then to the back of his neck. 
“Jack.” She whispered out. 
“I know.” Maryse leaned up and placed her lips on his. Jack moaned into her mouth and tightened his grip around her. 
AN: WOAH! they finally kissed!! hehe took them long enough! Tell me what ya think! Hope you all enjoyed this :)
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@heavyhitterheaux @hoodharlow @neon-lights-and-glitter @babiefries @toocriticalharlow @mace23477 @jackmans-poison @dstark-0706 @harlowsbby @itsyagirljaz @leftapricotprofessorlover @laylasbunbunny @ilyangelsxo @comehomeimissyou @minkookie95 @harlowcomehome @jackharloww
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calzone-d · 1 year
What about when your mad at Ted and you feel bad for snapping at him?
(Hi it's me, and I have terrible PMS rn lmao)
sorry this is a lil short, it's finals week!
thanks for sending this in, anon!
you can find my masterlist here.
It was one of those days where every little thing irritated the shit out of you. People breathing too loud, chewing too obnoxiously, your hair being extremely frizzy for no reason- everything was just annoying.
Ted came home in a particularly upbeat mood, which you normally adored to see. You still did, you just was hoping for some space to decompress from your day before spending the evening socializing with him. It wasn’t anything against him, you just needed to be alone.. in silence.
“Hey darlin’! Ooh-wee I can’t wait to tell you about what happened out on the pitch today. You see-“
You nodded and hummed occasionally at his story, not as invested as you should’ve been, but even the simple act of cooking dinner was taking everything in you.
Ted continued to ramble on about his day as you cooked. You spilled some rice on the oven- no big deal, you’d clean it later. Then, you checked the chicken in the oven only to find that it was burnt.
“Shit!”, your frustrated voice interrupted Ted’s story.
“What’s the matter?”
“I burnt the fucking food, and there’s such a mess to clean up and-“
Ted cut you off with an optimistic, “We can worry about it after dinner, hun.”
Before you could stop yourself, your temper got the best of you.
“No, Ted! I don’t want to just deal with it later! Im fucking exhausted and I just want to spend a quiet night in bed!”
Ted’s brows furrowed as you continued, “And I love you, and I love hearing about your day but I just- I can’t right now!”
He left you with a quiet, “Well alright, then” before heading to the living room. Though you were thankful for a few moments to yourself, you knew you were in the wrong.
Ted came and fixed himself a plate a few minutes later, but took it back into the living room without saying a word. You felt guilty. It would’ve been so easy to just be open with him, but on top of being irritated you were trying to do a million things at once, which wasn’t a great combination.
You cleaned up dinner, and put on your pajamas before taking a seat next to Ted on the couch. He didn’t say anything as you sat down, even as your eyes met.
“Ted.. I’m sorry.”, your voice was soft.
He nodded for you to continue.
“Today was just so.. so frustrating and jam-packed and I was hoping for some time to decompress but then dinner went the way it did, and I felt bad for not listening to your story but I just really needed a few moments to myself.”
After a few seconds he spoke, “Then why didn’t ya just ask me?”
His voice stayed calm and gentle, fitting for the man you loved. You were worried you’d stuck a nerve, especially with the wounds Michelle left him with. The last thing you wanted was for him to think he was ‘too much’. Still, it would’ve been so much easier to just ask for space when he got home. It wasn’t his fault you pushed yourself too far.
“That’s what I should’ve done, and I’m sorry. I just didn’t want you thinking I didn’t care, or didn’t want to hear about your day-“
“There’s a big difference between not carin’ and just needin’ a moment.”
You slowly nodded as your eyes cast downward. “I know. I should’ve just asked for some time alone, instead of snapping at you. My shitty day had nothing to do with you.. and I don’t want you to think it did.”
He shook his head as he shuffled closer to you, “Darlin’, that’s fine. Just ask next time, okay? I don’t like seein’ you all stressed.”
Your head fell against his shoulder as you finally smiled for the first time all day. “I’ll work on finding better ways to communicate that. Thank you for listening.. I’d love to hear about your day before bed?”
One of Ted’s hands reached down to cup your cheek so that he could pull you in for a kiss. He kissed you gently, and lovingly. When he pulled away his hand smoothed over the top of your head before he pressed another kiss there.
“Sounds like a plan, stan. Now, you tell me what we’re watchin’ tonight.”
He pulled you in close as you both settled together on the couch.
thanks for reading!
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atinylittlepain · 1 year
Of Saints and Sinners - Chapter 7
Joel Miller x f!reader/f!oc
series masterlist
warnings | 18+ SMUT (yeehaw), angst, canon-typical violence
a/n | happy TLOU night, y'all :) at long last, Joel fucks, but not until after some serious angst
It’s been two weeks since she first came over to listen to records. Since Joel finally made a fool of himself for her. She spent the night with Joel, after that shared moment, just holding onto each other, talking. She’s spent the night every day since, listening to music, lazily kissing like teenagers. Joel’s learning how to talk to her, draw her out, without pressing too hard to the point she shuts down. He doesn’t ask about the childcare center, though he hears from Maria that she’s been visiting daily. He doesn’t ask anything about Steve or Alex, or her time in Seattle. She likes to talk about Ellie, whom she’s grown pretty fond of, and they can trade stories about the girl. He lets her ask a lot of questions about him and he does his best to be open, even telling her about Sarah. And if all else fails, Joel’s figured out that she can talk about music until she’s blue in the face. 
She’s been turning up around the same time every night, dusk settling in. She’s still strangely polite, knocking lightly on the door, even though Joel has started unlocking it right around sunset for her, told her to just come in. When he opens the door to her, she’s always got this worried look, a warbly smile and furrowed brows, like she’s questioning if she’s still welcome. It’s no different tonight. Joel easily pulls her in by her wrist, wrapping his arms around her and drawing her in tight. She’s quick to slip out of his hold though, and Joel can see that worried look is still on her face.
“Don’t even ask me,” Joel speaks first, before she can needle at him.
“You don’t even know what I was going to ask,” she huffs, stepping back and crossing her arms over her chest.
“You were gonna ask me if I’d talk to Tommy about getting you back on shifts. The answer is still no.” Steve’s been doggedly working to keep her off of patrol and Joel can see that she’s getting restless, the last two nights asking him if he’d talk to his brother about getting her back on the schedule. 
“I’ve been back for almost a month, I feel fine, all the bruising is practically gone, but everyone’s treating me like I’m fucking broken or something.” 
“You’re not broken. We’re trying to keep you safe.” She scoffs, “I don’t need to be looked after like a child. I can handle myself perfectly fine, I was handling myself perfectly fine. I just… slipped.” 
“So why risk slipping again? There’s plenty— “ Her eyes flash at Joel and she’s instantly up in his space again. “Do not tell me there’s plenty of work around town when you know that’s not what this is about.” He huffs, stepping back and dragging a heavy hand down his face.
“No, of course not. It’s about some sick pride you have in constantly putting yourself in danger. People love a martyr, right? And you’re more than happy to give them one. Pfft, you worried people are gonna stop calling you the saint? Is that what it is? Some sort of self-righteous bullshit?” She swallows hard, getting small, and Joel realizes too late he let his frustration push too far. He goes to reach for her, but she shuffles back, bumping into the banister at the foot of the stairs. She keeps her gaze on the floor as she speaks.
“I didn’t ask for that, any of it. I did what I’m good at, tolerating danger, pain, risk. That’s what I’m good at. I don’t give a fuck what sorta meaning people give it. That’s not my business. But don’t you ever suggest that what I do is done for pride because lord knows I haven’t got any.” Joel’s come to find that she doesn’t really cry, her voice gets a little shake to it and her eyes get watery, but that’s it, no tears fall. That’s the state he sees her in as she says this to him, harshly scrubbing at her nose afterwards.
Joel opens and closes his mouth a few times, drowning in what he wants to say. Before he can get anything out, she sighs, “Think I should probably just go home.” 
“Oh, right, because god forbid anyone push you even a little bit. You act so tough, but really if someone so much as looks at you the wrong way you wilt. What you said? About being good at tolerating pain? That’s bullshit. You ain’t as tough as you think you are, darlin. You’re just real good at running.” The frustration in Joel has snapped, and now it’s all just racing loose in him. He knows he’s going to regret what he just said, but right now, all he feels is relief in telling her how he sees it. She shoves at his chest, a hard push that makes him stumble back.
“Fuck you, Miller. Stay the fuck away from me.” She cuts towards the front door, Joel still too stunned by her seething anger to do anything but watch her slam it behind her.
Joel lets out a ragged exhale. What the hell just happened? He knows what he said came out all wrong, but he also knows there’s some truth to it. He was walking on eggshells around her, worried he’d bring up the wrong thing and she’d spook. It seems like it finally happened, he pushed too hard and she bolted. He had been open with her, was it so wrong to expect the same thing in return? 
Joel doesn’t sleep that night. When Ellie comes home later, she finds him, sitting on the stairs with his head in his hands.
“You messed up, didn’t you?” She’s smirking at him. “Is it that obvious?” 
“You’re looking pretty pathetic, old man. That and I saw her shooting darts with Steve at the bar. She only does that when she’s really pissed.” He huffs at that, standing up with a groan.
“Got any advice, genius?” Ellie shrugs, “not really, just don’t let her stay mad at you too long. If she doesn’t like you anymore she might stop spending time with me.” She’s already shuffling off to the garage as Joel mutters “gee, thanks.” 
Things go back to how they were before, and Joel is embarrassed to admit how agonizing it’s been. He only got close to her for a blink of time, but it was enough that her absence feels like a physical wound. He goes out on patrol, and goes straight home most days. She left her albums at his house, and he listens to them all night, even though he doesn’t like either of them at all. He can picture her listening to them, that content look she’d settle into, and sometimes it’s enough peace to send him to sleep.
Ellie tells him that she’s back on patrol shifts with Alex. No raids anymore though. He supposes that’s her idea of compromise.
Finally, after two weeks of what Ellie has been referring to as his “recluse routine,” Joel is coaxed out to the bar by his brother. There’s a small group formed around Roger, that young man Joel had started taking shifts with previously. The town was in a bit of a stir, heard that Roger had handled a proper hoard of clickers that morning up at the dam. Watching Roger, Joel thought to himself that the kid was acting a little too big for his breeches, regaling his audience with his over-dramatized kills. He also saw her, throwing darts in the back with Steve. Joel did his best not to look at her too long. Johnny Cash was playing tonight.
I keep a close watch on this heart of mine
I keep my eyes wide open all the time
I keep the ends out for the tie that bands
Because you’re mine, I walk the line…
Joel’s only partly engaged in the conversation he’s having with Tommy, keeping an ear to Roger’s musings.
“You know, I think we’re all capable of killing, really, when it comes down to it. It just gets drawn out of us by different things. I think for most it’s purely a matter of survival. When it comes down to life or death, I think we’d all kill.” Joel watches her and Steve pass off the darts to another pair, sitting down at a table in the back. Both seem keenly interested in what Roger’s spouting off, sipping idly from their glasses.
I find it very, very easy to be true
I find myself alone when each day’s through
Yes, I’ll admit that I’m a fool for you
Because you’re mine, I walk the line…
“Now, don’t get me wrong, there are other folks that it doesn’t take much to get them to kill. Loose cannons.” She’s getting up to leave, squeezing Steve’s shoulder before starting to push through the crowd. 
As sure as night is dark and day is light
I keep you on my mind both day and night
And happiness I've known proves that it's right
Because you're mine, I walk the line…
“Take the saint, for example. Now, if you ask me, that one’s got a dark streak in her. I don’t care how holy you folks think she is. I’m telling you, that girl’s got a few screws loose.” Joel’s already on his feet, ready to shut Roger up himself, but she beats him to it, spinning on her heel where she stands and walking back to his table. Everyone parts for her and she hoists him up by the collar, punching him square in the jaw. Roger falls to the ground and she’s on him in a flash, jostling him by his shirt.
“You better watch who you talk about Roger, those loose cannons are prone to friendly fire.” She stands abruptly, briefly catching Joel’s gaze before shoving out of the bar.
Joel looks to Steve, “you gonna go check on that?” The young man shrugs, taking a swig of his drink, “don’t see the problem, she handled it. No use talking to her when she’s mad.”
Joel huffs, shouldering his way out of the crowd and into the cooling night. He finds her out back of the bar, leaning against the wall, head tipped back with her chin jutted at the sky.
She glances at him as he nears, sighing.
“Busted my fucking hand on that asshole’s face.” Joel snorts at this, “He had it coming, way he was running his mouth.” She scoffs, “gonna be the talk of the town tomorrow.”
Joel presses his back against the wall next to her, their shoulders brushing. He grasps her wrist, pulling her hand up to study the damage across her knuckles.
“Why don’t you come with me, get this cleaned up?” She nods mutely and lets Joel lead her back to his house. 
They’re in his bathroom. Joel has her sit on the edge of the sink as he stands between her legs, daubing a washcloth at her bloodied knuckles. She’s keeping her focus on her hand, not glancing up at him.
“How have you been?” He pauses, lets out a humorless chuckle, “you’re asking how I’ve been?” She just shrugs, “haven’t seen you around.”
“I thought that’s what you wanted,” Joel murmurs, getting ready to wrap some gauze around her knuckles. She sighs, bringing her hand over his.
“I need to apologize, Joel. For how I reacted that night.” He stops his ministrations, flipping his palm to let their hands entwine. “I’m sorry too. Shouldn’t have said all that, let my frustration get to me.” She shakes her head, looking up at him.
“No. What you said. It hurt. But it had some truth. I am good at running. I’m always running. From everything, everyone.” She lets out a shaky exhale, “but I don’t wanna run anymore, not from you, if you’ll still have me.” Joel feels his shoulders slacken, not even realizing the tension that had been simmering in them. He swallows thickly.
“Don’t even gotta ask. Even if you did have a few screws loose like Roger said, I’d still have you, darlin.” She laughs wetly at that, and Joel didn’t realize how badly he wanted to hear that sound again. 
They fall into a simpering silence as he finishes wrapping her hand. When he’s finished, he rests both his palms over the tops of her thighs, giving a light squeeze before stepping back to let her hop down from the sink. She brings her hand to the side of his neck, thumb brushing the curve of his jaw as she draws him down to a fluttering kiss. She whispers a thank you before taking his hand, drawing him out into his bedroom. Joel feels like he’s in a hazy dream as she gently presses him to sit on the end of his bed, standing in front of him.
Joel’s breath hitches as he watches her start to work at the buttons of her shirt. She keeps her gaze fixed to his, and he doesn’t dare look away, only catching glimpses of skin in the periphery as she reaches the last few buttons. And she finally slips the shirt down her shoulders, letting it fall around her feet, and Joel’s heart is hammering so hard he thinks she can hear it. She’s smiling and Joel can see the nerves jumping in the corners of her eyes, her lips, as she reaches behind her to unclasp her bra, letting the straps slide down her arms until the fabric falls to the floor as well. Suddenly, Joel is painfully aware of the fact that it’s been a long time since he’s seen a naked woman. His hands are shaking where they’re balled in the bedsheets, and he has to remember how to breathe for a second. 
She steps forward, gently grabbing his wrists to pull him up with her. She guides his palms to splay across her stomach, fingers curling around her waist. He can feel the push and pull of her breath, the way it’s catching on each inhale. Slowly, he lets his hands wander, mapping the curve of her sides, grazing over her ribs, flickering over the birds tattooed below her collarbone. He drags his fingertips across her shoulders, down her arms until he tentatively circles behind her. He takes in the expanse of her back and can feel how she tenses under his gaze. The scars that he remembers glimpsing are there, both heartbreaking and breathtaking in the endurance they suggest. Joel drops his head, letting his lips drag across the tops of her shoulder blades, the hilt of her neck, from one shoulder across to the other, murmuring the word “beautiful” like a prayer into her skin. She draws in a ragged breath before turning in his hold, pulling him in by his neck until they meet in a hot tangle of tongues and teeth. The way she licks into his mouth draws a low groan from Joel’s throat, wrapping his arms around her to pull her in deeper. She draws away for a moment, fumbling with the hem of his shirt before he’s quick enough to yank it over his head by the collar. When they pull back together they’re pressed skin to skin in a way Joel thinks he could become addicted to. He walks her back until they both stumble onto the sheets, huffing with the awkward shifting and tangling of limbs before they’re meeting each other again, dragging desperate kisses. 
She lets her nails graze down his torso before settling on his belt. Joel pulls back when he hears the metal clinking as she undoes it. Her eyes are blown wide as she looks him over.
“Is this ok?” Joel can barely get an answer out, just grunting an “mm-hmm” and then she’s smiling as she pops the button of his jeans, moving her hand through the thatch of curls there before taking him in the softness of her palm. He lets out a broken moan, head falling into the crook of her neck where he starts to leave bruising kisses that make her gasp his name. She’s stroking him as best she can in the confines of his boxers and he’s letting the most pathetic whimpers ride from the back of his throat. He grasps her wrist, drawing her hand to rest by the side of her head. 
“Too much?” He breathes a laugh, “just don’t want it to be over too soon.” She smiles, craning her neck to peck the corner of his mouth. He presses back so he’s kneeling between her legs, drawing his palms down the sides of her torso until settling at the waist of her pants. He looks to her and she nods, pressing the back of her hand to her mouth, hiding the quirk of her lips. His hands are shaking again as he unzips her pants, whispering a hoarse “hips up, darlin” as he slides them down her legs, shuffling back so he can get them all the way off. Joel’s mouth goes slack. She’s left before him, bare, save for a pair of plain cotton underwear. He leans back in before he can think too hard about this being the prettiest sight he’s ever seen, resting his elbow beside her head before meeting her for another drawn kiss. He lets his other hand wander down the center of her chest, fingertips grazing over her peaked nipple before sliding further down the dip and swell of her stomach, finally slipping under the band of her underwear. He swipes through her folds, drawing the wetness pooling there to slide over her clit, and she preens, stretching out her neck and pressing her head back into the sheets. Joel rests his chin on her sternum, watching how her brow furrows, the little whines he can draw out of her with how he moves his fingers through her. 
“So wet, baby. It’s all for me?” She gasps as he slips one finger into her curling it just so. “Yes, Joel. It’s all you. All for you.” He grins big at that, pressing another finger into her, knees feeling a little weak at the stretch, the tightness. He lets his mouth smear across her chest, head dipping to take one of her nipples into his mouth, grazing her with his teeth. The noise that draws from her, from the back of her throat, makes his cock pulse.
He can feel her getting tighter around his fingers as he brings his thumb to swipe over her clit. “I want you to come for me, baby. Can you do that? Come undone for me?” She nods hard, gasping as he continues to thrust into her, eyes scrunched shut.
“Yes I wanna come for you– please don’t stop– p-please don’t stop,” her one arm has come to wrap around Joel’s back, nails digging into muscle. 
“Open your eyes for me, baby. Wanna see you when you come. Let me see you, darlin,” her eyes blow wide, staring up at Joel as he dips down to kiss her. And then she’s pulling away, letting out a broken cry and Joel can feel how she flutters around his fingers. He works her through her high, pulling away only when she starts to squirm. Her eyes are bleary, chest heaving as she cards her fingers through his hair. He leaves kisses along her jaw, her cheeks, before settling for a firm peck at her lips. She smiles up at him.
“I wanna feel you. I want you.” His head spins at her words. He leaves one more kiss on her lips before slowly standing, shedding his jeans and boxers in one sweep, finally aware of just how painfully hard he is. She shimmies her underwear off her legs before sitting back on her elbows, feet planted on the mattress with her knees bent wide as she watches him stroke himself a few times. The image is obscene. The image is divine. He kneels back between her legs, drawing her ankles to wrap loosely at his low back while he hovers over her. Her hands fall at his shoulders, one reaching up into the back of his hair, scratching lightly. He slides his cock through her wetness, both of them breathing ragged, trembling. He slowly starts to press into her and she gasps, a broken whimper in her throat. Joel stills.
“Did I hurt you?” She shakes her head, looking up at him with watery eyes, “just need it slow. Been a long time.” He nods, pecking her temple before tentatively starting to press further in, drawing gasps out of her with each experimental thrust. How he hasn’t come already is beyond him, the way she’s throbbing around him. Their hips finally meet and she lets out a sharp sigh, pulling him down to wrap her arms fully around him.
“Need a minute like this.” He nods into her neck, leaving light kisses across her collarbone. Her grip on his neck slowly loosens and he presses up to gaze at her. She nods, letting him know he can move. Joel groans as he pulls out, letting his hips roll back into hers, keeping his pace slow and drawn out. She’s a vision beneath him, flushed and preening, little pants of his name as he finds a steady rhythm to push and pull them to. 
He reckons that nothing has ever felt like this before, so terrifyingly right. He dips back down, keeping her close, chests brushing with each thrust, limbs tangled and slick with sweat, lips swallowing each other's sighs.
Pleasure is pulling taut at the base of his spine, his pace starting to falter. “‘M sorry, baby, gettin close. Need you to come for me. Need to feel you, darlin.” His voice is thick, whatever’s left of his Texan accent rolling deeply now, making his words feel like molasses in his mouth. She grips the hair at the nape of his neck, drawing a low groan from him as she nods desperately, “gonna come for you, Joel. Please– make me come.” He brings his hand back to her clit, a firm and fierce pressure that makes her clench around him. His eyes roll back at the sensation, and he can vaguely hear himself muttering please, please, please into her sternum, feeling himself teetering at the edge of release. She gasps his name when she comes undone and it takes all his strength for him to pull out, stroking himself a few times before he’s releasing over the soft planes of her stomach. They’re both breathing hard as they come down, Joel shifts to the side, laying down beside her. 
“Get you cleaned up in a minute. Just– need to not move– for a little while.” She laughs at that, throwing a forearm over her eyes before glancing over at Joel. He feels like he’s died and come back, white noise behind his eyes, heart still racing.
He finally starts to calm down, turning his head to look at her, being met with her very smug appraisal of him. “Thought you might be done for, Miller.” He scoffs, rolling over to stand up and walk around to her side of the bed, pulling her up by her hands. “Can you blame me?” She blushes at that and he dips his head to give her a brief kiss before leading her back into the bathroom.
They shower together, both touching the other like they might break. She still flinches when his hands pass over her scars, but she’s also starting to soften. Joel has never felt anything as gentle as when she washes his hair for him, letting her guide his head back into the stream of water. All clean, he gives her one of his t-shirts and a pair of his boxers to sleep in. They slip into the sheets and she rests her head on his bare chest, right above his heart. He reckons it’s all hers anyways. He lets his fingers idly brush along her arm. She clears her throat.
“I-I’m gonna try– to let you in. And I’m probably gonna do a shit job at it. But I’m gonna try.” Joel pauses, holding his breath, before he dips slightly to press a kiss into her hair. Words fail him, so he settles for holding her a little tighter and bringing his hand down to entangle with hers giving a firm squeeze that she reciprocates. 
Both of them sleep soundly, wrapped up in each other. A silent understanding settles between them in the still of the night.
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blue-jisungs · 2 years
May I request a friends to lovers where Felix gets jealous when Hyunjin is being a bit too flirty, then Felix confesses that he likes u ? (Although you and Hyunjin are just friends) thank you <3
a/n. thank you for requesting <3 i hope you like it!! :D
warnings. suggestive joke of you squint :P
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you were talking to felix, way too focused on his lips to notice that hyunjin barged into the room.
"… and i baked brownies. we can go to my dorm later if you want to have some because i forgot to bring them" the blonde haired boy smiled softly and you nodded, feeling a sharp pull on your hands.
"i’d love to. i can’t say no to your brownies, you know that– jinnie, what are you doing?" you scoffed, seeing how your friend sat between your legs since you and felix were sitting on the sofa and there was no more room for him.
felix grunted quietly. jinnie. maybe he wants to be called… lix or lixie? and you never call him that. how…
"attention. i want your attention. i’ve been texting you but apparently felix is more interesting?" hyunjin turned his head to look at you two and grinned teasingly.
"honestly, you figured it out just now?" you rose your eyebrows and put your hand in hyunjin’s hair, playing with it. felix looked away, sighing.
"shut up. should i buy those pants or… those? which ones do you like better?" hyunjin asked, giving you his phone. while he waited as you examined the options, he rested his cheek against your knee and drew some shapes on your skin.
felix tried to ignore his mind that was screaming that this should be him and reached to grab his phone.
"i don’t know, both are nice. and would suit you. what do you think, felix?" you asked, placing a hand on his shoulder and leaning over to his side. the pleasant smell of your perfume hit his nose, making it hard to focus.
"mhm" the blonde just mumbled, not even looking.
"y/n just admit that you’d rather see me without any pants at all…" hyunjin wriggled his eyebrows and you smacked his hands
"shut up, literally" you laughed and looked at felix "how can you even stand this guy?"
"y/n, i know you love me" hyunjin turned around and winked at you.
"uh… i think i left my stove on? be right back!" felix said suddenly and rushed to the door.
"what?" you gasped, trying to stand up "jinnie, could you…?"
"oh, sorry" hyunjin nodded and shuffled away.
"by the way, those first pants are better" you told him at your way out and tried to catch up with felix.
but after arriving at the kitchen, the stove (fortunately) was off. felix was leaning against the countertop, brows furrowed.
"thanks goddess it’s off, i would not want to burn to death with hyunjin in one room" you laughed and came up to the blonde man. his eyes had a glint of sadness in them, which made you frown "felix? did something happen?"
"no, no. why would you think that?" he scoffed, looking up at you. he knew that once he opens up, there’s no way back
"you seem… sad? did i say something?" you asked.
"it’s nothing. you didn’t do anything" he shook his head. you scanned his face, knowing him too well.
"it’s hyunjin, right?" you hummed softly, putting your hand on his arm.
"no, y/n– well, yes but… whatever. i don’t want to talk about it…" he sighed, frustrated. you bit your lip and took your hand back, nodding. felix realised he might have been a bit harsh but–
"can i ask you something, though?" you asked, tilting your head. he just nodded, waiting for you to continue "are you jealous? of hyunjin?"
"what?" felix choke out, eyes widening. "no– no! why would you–? me? jealous of hyunjin…? pfft…"
"see, because you just tightened your fist. just like you did when he came into the room" you smiled tenderly. maybe it’s your chance to confess or…
"okay, listen. i’m… a bit jealous. because well… he’s got a nickname, okay? and you just… call me felix" he scoffed, feeling the blood rushing to his cheeks because of embarrassment. you, on the other hand, grinned.
"well you don’t call me nicknames as well?" you teased, stepping closer.
"does hyunjin?" he frowned, realising how close you are now.
"no, but…" you started.
"listen, y/n. the thing is… i like you. a lot. and it just bugs me… i know you and hyunjin are friends but he gets so flirty sometimes and… it’s annoying, i guess" he murmured, adrenaline rushing through his veins.
"you… like me?" you whispered, trying to resist the urge to start jumping out of happiness. he nodded.
"i’m sorry, i shouldn’t have said that. god, it’s gonna be awkward now…" felix mumbled and you cupped his cheeks.
"hey. i like you too, you know? even hyunjin noticed that. i guess that’s why he was acting this way, to get you jealous." you laughed and felix’s eyes widened. you nodded, smiling.
"can i… can i kiss you?" felix asked gently, almost hesitant.
"what are you waiting for?" you grinned and he leaned in, pressing his lips softly on yours. he tasted like brownies and you absolutely loved that. smiling into the kiss, you caressed his cheeks which caused his heart to skip a beat.
felix pulled back once he felt he needed some air.
"i guess it was worth to be jealous just once, hm, lixie?" you grinned and pressed a quick peck onto the corner of his lips. he just blushed, shaking his head with amusement.
[ masterlist <3 ]
taglist: @geniejunn ,, @luvhyun3 ,, @starlostseungmin ,, @elviransworld ,, @jnks6r ,, @sieunsgf ,, @lhsng ,, @ethereallino ,, @laylasbunbunny
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memelleity · 2 years
the night house sentence starters
❝ are you sure you’ll be all right? ❞
❝ i’d have done that for you. all you had to do is ask. ❞
❝ i’m fine. just didn’t really sleep well last night. ❞
❝ i’m sure you know why i’m here. ❞
❝ i checked the website. ❞
❝ that’s not what i wanted. ❞
❝ when you came in here, what did you want? ❞
❝ you hadn’t heard, because it’s a personal matter. ❞
❝ i’m so sorry for your loss. ❞
❝ it’s peaceful out here, but it is lonely. ❞
❝ you know that we’re paying people to do that, right? you don’t have to do it all yourself. ❞
❝ no, no, don’t worry, i’m not actually filming. ❞
❝ i can’t hear you. i can’t… ❞
❝ what am i looking at? ❞
❝ don’t do this to yourself. ❞
❝ look, a bunch of us are going out tonight drinking. you should come. get your mind off things. ❞
❝ shit. sorry. that was… that was a really fucking stupid, insensitive thing to say. ❞
❝ i didn’t think we had secrets. ❞
❝ everybody has secrets. don’t let it weigh on you. ❞
❝ do you guys believe in ghosts? ❞
❝ i think there’s something in my house. like a… a presence. ❞
❝ do you know what sleep paralysis is? ❞
❝ how long were you married? ❞
❝ you spend so much time in the same space with someone… it’s gonna feel like they’re there. even when they’re not. ❞
❝ who knows, right? i mean, who’s to say what happens once we “shuffle off this mortal coil, what dreams may come”? ❞
❝ you shouldn’t be joking about that. ❞
❝ did you seriously not know that anything was wrong? ❞
❝ nothing is after you. you’re safe now. ❞
❝ makes you wonder though, doesn’t it? what else didn’t i know? ❞
❝ okay. i think that it’s time we get you home. ❞
❝ you want a brandy? ❞
❝ i don’t like you here all by yourself. ❞
❝ oh, my god, you totally has us going. i thought that was real. ❞
❝ you know, i… i died, back in ____. did i tell you that story? ❞
❝ what was it like? what did you see? ❞
❝ you can’t unknow what you know. ❞
❝ sure you don’t want me to stay? ❞
❝ is that really you? ❞
❝ what you looking for? ❞
❝ you’ve been through a lot lately. more than you deserve. ❞
❝ i know how it sounds now, but i believed every word he said. ❞
❝ look. don’t think i haven’t wrestled with this, okay? ❞
❝ i wanted to tell you so many times… ❞
❝ you’re closer to death than you’ve ever been. ❞
❝ it’s all right. you don’t have to call for help. i’m not gonna…  ❞
❝ take your hair down. ❞
❝ i didn’t sleep with him. honestly, i barely knew him. ❞
❝ you’re the most skeptical person i know, and here you are, telling me that your house is haunted. ❞
❝ you can stay as long as you want. ❞
❝ he’s gone. you’re not. you still have a life to live. ❞
❝ if you’ve got something to say to me, you better say it now. ❞
❝ sorry. i didn’t think you were home. ❞
❝ no, i get it. i probably would have done the same thing. ❞
❝ normally, i wouldn’t have gone, but he was smart, and sweet, and… i don’t know. i just kind of felt safe with him, you know? ❞
❝ what did he do to you? ❞
❝ we need to talk. i’m not leaving until we do. ❞
❝ i’m here. i’m still here. ❞
❝ i should have listened to you. i did something that i shouldn’t have. ❞
❝ i wish that it were morning. ❞
❝ where are you? ❞
❝ i miss you so much. ❞
❝ is this real? are you really here? ❞
❝ i’m not ____. ❞
❝ he thought he could protect you. he was wrong. ❞
❝ come back to me. ❞
❝ what happened? ❞
❝ there’s nothing there. ❞
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sunjaesol · 1 year
Love is Blind x Juke
For the past two days @thedeathdeelers and I have spiralled into a Love Is Blind x Juke fanfic in the dm's and this is what came out of it. So, a co-written Imène and Ophelia special for Juke Jeudi. Ta-da!
“Hi,” a voice called out from the other side of the Pod. This was it. The start of this mess. 
Luke perked up. "Uh, hey, I'm Luke."
"I'm Julie." A pause. Then a laugh. "This is really weird, huh?"
Luke laughed as well, the tension of the last twenty-four hours slipping away. One second he was drunk in his apartment with his buddies on the Netflix website, the second he was on a flight to San Diego for a freaking reality dating show. Or rather: a marriage show. Insane. But whatever. It wasn't like he was actually going to find someone. He was just gonna lay low, write some songs, and then dip after ten days.
"So, Julie, what made you sign up for this thing?" he asked, draping himself across the couch. A cup of rum and coke dangled in his hand.
"Um… I guess I wanted to do something I'd never do. I'm always waiting for love, you know, instead of… just going for it. So here I am. What about you?" Her voice was pretty, slightly raspy, yet melodic, and he felt himself listening to her intently.
"I'm here to write songs," he replied, blunt.
She laughed. "What?"
"You're here… for songs?"
"Don't take this the wrong way," he said, "but this is like a retreat for me."
"Well, that's excellent, actually," she replied, smooth. "Because I happen to be a songwriter."
Julie went into her second date after an hour long conversation about music and their favourite bands with Luke. She felt giddy, but knew a first impression didn’t mean anything in an experiment like this. Sitting down, she called out: "Hello?"
"Hi, I'm Nick," a male voice said.
Julie smiled. "I'm Julie."
"Julie," he repeated, and she heard the scribbling of paper. "So, tell me about yourself, Julie."
"Um… what do you wanna know?"
"Where are you from?" he asked. 
Easy enough. "I’m from Los Feliz."
"No way!" He laughed. "Me too!"
Her brows raised. "Really? Where did you go to school?"
"LF Public High."
"Ah," she sighed, "I went to the arts school. It would be crazy if we've met each other before."
"Or maybe it's fate," he teased.
An amused smile twitched on her lips. Guys that flirted with the word ‘fate’ to wrap a girl around their finger; she’s met those before. "Yeah, who knows."
After three full days of jamming and creating music with Luke, somehow able to connect on such an intense level with a shimmery wall between them, they found themselves in amiable silence. It wasn’t awkward, somehow. The song they worked on had been rather emotional, about family and history and regret. It brought back memories she hadn’t dared to discuss in the Pods. But now… 
“Not to like, um,” she licked her lips, “dump all my trauma, but—”
“It’s okay,” he whispered.
“My mom, uh, died… two years ago.” Julie took a steadying breath, though let the tears roll as they came. He didn’t see her. She could cry. “She’d been sick for a while—terminal cancer—so we were prepared, but… nothing actually prepares you for it.” She heard him hum, encouraging her to continue. “And that’s why I applied for the show. The day she died, I felt like I died with her. I’ve just been on auto-pilot. So, ‘Love Is Blind’ was honestly this, like, desperate attempt to feel again, but I didn’t think I’d actually marry someone. I just wanted to break free of this dead feeling… if that makes sense.”
After a beat of silence, Luke said, “It does. Trust me, it does. I’m sorry, Jules, for your loss. That’s the worst thing that could ever happen, I–” A curt laugh left him. “I wish I could hug you right now, fuck.”
“It’s okay,” she sniffled.
“You’re probably the strongest person I know, not gonna lie,” he continued. “Trying to keep living after that… you should be so proud, Jules.”
Julie’s lip wobbled as she sank to the carpeted ground and shuffled to the shimmery wall, pressing one hand against it. She hadn’t had a sip of alcohol today—even though the producers wanted her to—so she knew all she felt was pure.
“I am proud,” she agreed. “Only a crazy alive person locks themselves in a Pod for seventeen hours a day.”
A laugh barked out of him. Jumping off the couch, he sat cross-legged in front of the shimmery wall. His heart hammered a nervous beat. “I, uh, relate, to be honest, to, like, mom stuff.”
“My mom hasn’t died, fortunately, but… when I was seventeen, we got in a really big fight. Like, we said some nasty stuff to each other. I ran away. I didn’t speak to them for six years.” He shook his head. “And I know it’s not the same. Trust me, I know. I left by choice. But it felt like the death of my bond with them. I felt like I was dead to my parents. They never tried looking for me. Maybe because they knew where I was, but… they never tried reaching out. Until I did it at twenty-three.”
Julie sighed, “I’m so sorry, Luke.”
“It caused me to produce some fire songs, but… I don’t know if it was worth it.” He chuckled, tears rolling down his cheeks in surprise. “I don’t think I ever told someone that before.”
Julie smiled. “I’ll keep it a secret. Thank you for sharing that with me, Luke.”
“No problem,” he tried to sound nonchalant, but to him, it came off infinitely grateful.
“How’s your relationship with them now?” she asked.
“It’s… it’s alright. It’s not perfect in the slightest, but, you know, I come around for dinner or lunch at least once a month, I keep them in the loop, they keep me in the loop, they’ve attended one of my concerts…” He trailed off. “We’ve come a long way.”
“That’s great to hear,” she smiled. “Family is so important to me, so I would’ve felt so bad if I wouldn’t be able to—” She paused, warmth spreading in her body and face.
Luke frowned. “What?”
“If, um, if I wouldn’t be able to, um, meet them,” she uttered awkwardly. They had come to the silent agreement that they wouldn’t marry and simply be each other’s confidante for the ten days in the Pods. Julie has never felt like this before though. She felt… she was in love. Which was crazy, but how else could she explain the feeling in her gut?
A smile grew on Luke’s face. “You wanna meet them?”
“Don’t goad me like that!”
Luke laughed. “I’m not! I’m not! It’s… it’s cute, Julie, that you wanna meet them. Y’know, I wanna meet your dad, too. He sounds cool.”
Julie smiled. Her heart felt like bursting. “He is.”
The next day, Julie stood in the kitchen of the women’s quarters stirring a carrot and bell pepper soup on the stove. Luke’s favourite. If they ever were to meet in real life, she’d introduce him to other, way better, soups, but this would do for now.
Suddenly, Carrie—another contestant—appeared beside her. “You’re talking with Luke, right?” Carrie asked. 
Julie looked up. “Yeah, why?”
“Well,” she shrugged, haughty, “he's my number one, so.”
Julie frowned. Luke’s her number one? Since when? She had never heard Carrie speak about him. Did something happen in the Pods that she wasn’t aware of? “I thought Nick was your number one.”
The woman rolled her eyes. “Nick is so passive. I like Luke a lot more. I mean, musicians are hot, right?”
Carrie was baiting her, Julie realised, replying with a weak: “I… I guess…”
“Yeah,” Carrie affirmed, “so he’s my number one. I heard he’s yours, too.” The blonde tried to pull off an air of nonchalance as she inspected her perfectly manicured nails, but Julie didn’t bother with an answer and chose to add a pinch more paprika to the soup instead. She smiled; yeah, he’d like that.
Aggrieved Julie didn’t respond, Carrie continued: “So, why are you making soup?”
Julie threw a disbelieving look at Carrie. “It’s for Luke. For his birthday?”
Carrie, who had already lost interest in the conversation, suddenly whipped her head back towards Julie, hair flicking with the motion. “It’s his birthday? When? Since when?”
Julie rolled her eyes at the girl, and shook her head. Deciding to make a dig, she said: “I thought he was your number 1?”
Carrie frowned and pointed at the pot. “Can I give him some, too?”
"No,” Julie puffed, in disbelief that the woman even dared to ask her that. “That's honestly weird for you to ask, Carrie. It’s disingenuous."
"Okay, whatever," she grumbled and skulked away to talk to Kayla.
"So... I talked to Carrie..." Julie brought up after Luke had accepted and had taken a swig of her homemade soup. It had to be their sixth date at this point, but it has felt like forever. 
The man looked up from his guitar in confusion, wracking his brain for the last time he spoke to Carrie. "Okay?"
"She said you're her number one."
His frown deepened. "What? Really? We've spoken maybe twice."
"Oh." A relieved laugh left Julie. "Oh, wow. Then she's super jealous, or something." Her cheeks felt warm. "I was a little worried for a second, to be honest."
Luke grinned. "Yeah?"
"Y'know, I was worried about Nick," he confessed.
That surprised her. "Really? Why?"
"‘Cause I know you did have a connection with him."
"Yeah," she admitted, "but not in the way that we connect. Nick's like... a friend. That's all."
"Then you should tell him that," Luke said, amused. "'Cause he thinks you guys are fated."
Julie rolled her eyes. "Oh, jeez."
It was his favourite time of the day—sprawled across the sofa, snacks littering the floor—as he scratched out a chorus to Sunset Curve’s new song.
But that’s not why it was his favourite.
It was his favourite because he could just about hear Julie scribbling in her own journal right across that damn shimmery wall separating them, almost picturing frown lines between her brows. Which was weird, ‘cause he had never actually seen her.
It was weird, right?
But that didn’t stop him. Luke felt a silly grin taking over his features as he hummed along what he imagined would be the pre-chorus, leg swinging over the armrest—
And then he froze, stopping all movement.
Because he could be hallucinating, but he swore he just heard singing coming from the other room. The one that contained Julie. The human wrecking ball that had already captivated him before he had ever seen her.
Or heard her, apparently.
Holy shit. Holy shit. 
Luke nearly fell off the couch as he stumbled into a sitting position, jumping from his spot to the shimmery wall. He splayed his fingers as he pressed his palms against the damn thing keeping them apart, and then placed his ear against it.
He stopped moving; stopped breathing. She was singing. And it was fucking beautiful.
Shit. He was fucked.
He remembered Julie telling him about her complicated relationship with music; how she hadn’t sang in over a year. But now she was singing, here, with him, and he was finding it so hard to keep himself in check. He could clearly hear Alex’ voice in his head telling him to ‘cool it, Patterson. You’re going to scare her off.’
And that was the last thing he wanted to do.
Afterwards, Luke barged into the men's quarters and yelled: “I'm marrying Julie!”
Dean barely looked up from his paperback. “Yeah, we know.”
"You haven't talked about anyone else," Seth added.
"Oh," Luke said, scratching the back of his head. "Well, yeah. Now I'm gonna do it."
"Cool, man," Garrett grinned. "Get that woman!"
On the tenth day, Julie wore her prettiest dress. A purple number, nothing too special, as she hadn’t actually thought to get married on this show. The other women had ornate dresses, but she’d have to do with this one. 
Then again, she wasn’t actually sure Luke would propose. He told her he loved her, but that didn’t mean he wanted to marry her in a month; that didn’t mean he wanted to go through with the experiment; the reality show. 
Opening the door to the Pod, she heard Luke already pacing on his side. 
“Hi,” she said.
“Oh!” he exclaimed. “Hey!”
She paused at the wall. “You’re nervous?”
“It’s the tenth day, so, uh…” Luke shook his head and stared at the silly velvet box in his hands. This was ridiculous. Insane. Every other synonym for that word. He wasn’t marriage material. He was a guy from an underground rock band that came here to get inspired and write. But here he fucking was.  
“I don’t wanna say we’re fated, ‘cause I don’t believe in that shit,” he suddenly continued, the words flowing out of him. 
Julie smiled. “Me neither.”
“But I do—I do think you’re my person, Julie. That we should be together outside of the Pods. When we make music it’s like–like–”
“Magic,” she finished, her smile widening and her hands pressing against the wall. 
“Yeah,” he breathed. Sinking onto both knees, he kept his eyes on the box. “We’re magic together, I think. And I love you. I know that. I love you.”
Julie let her forehead drop against the wall as she giggled. Nothing about this made sense. No one would be able to understand what she felt right now. “I love you, too.”
“So… Julietta Rose Victoria Marie Molina…” He took a steadying breath. Now or never. “Will you do me the honour of marrying me?”
An elated sob left the woman, nodding profusely despite him being unable to see her. “Yes!” she exclaimed. “Yes!”
The white doors slid open in a swoop and their identities were revealed. Luke took a step forward and found his jaw falling slack at the short woman several feet away from him. She… was perfect. Down to those cute, scribbled-on sneakers.
Julie laughed, showcasing a gap between her teeth, and waved at him. "Hi."
"Hey," he grinned, his walk turning into a jog—he had to get to her—and grabbed her into a hug. "Holy shit."
"I know," she laughed, latching onto him. "Neither of us had a proposal outfit packed."
"Julie–Jules, you–" Pulling away slightly, he felt moisture building in his eyes from the shock and tension. His hands cupped her cheeks. "You're–wow."
"Thanks," she giggled, her eyes also wet. "You're wow, too."
After the couples arrived in the resort in Mexico, Julie and Luke settled into their suite. They unpacked their suitcases as they chatted about their flight, rosy-cheeked and happy. The camera flipped to Julie in the confessional, seated on the terrace in a pretty blue dress.
"Luke and I have arrived in Mexico," Julie said. "And it's definitely weird, suddenly, like, being able to touch him and see him, but it also feels so natural. We're just really excited to continue growing what we have and make more music."
"Julie's gonna do the speaking for me this vacay," Luke added next in his confessional, a big smile stretched across his cheeks. "I'm twenty-nine, guys, I've forgotten 10th grade Spanish, y'know."
“Yes, we’ve kissed,” Julie continued, shy, “on the plane. We wanted to do it away from the cameras, and um… it was–it was good.” Her eyes averted as her smile grew. “It was really good.”
Luke plopped down on the bed. “What do you wanna do first? Check out the pool? The beach?”
“The buffet,” she emphasised. “I’m super hungry.”
He laughed. “Sounds good to me.”
Julie slid beside him. “I also wanted to talk to you about something, now that we’re here…”
Luke nodded. “Okay.”
“Um… so we’re now sharing a bed…”
“I’d like to wait until after the wedding before we have sex,” she admitted. His face gave nothing away, simply listening to her. “It’s not that I’m not attracted to you, I am, but it’s something I want to honour, you know?”
“Of course,” he whispered. “I can wait, Julie, don’t worry about it.”
“Sex isn’t that important to me,” he said with a shrug. “It’s great, but it’s not everything.”
“Duh,” she deadpanned. “Music is.”
He laughed. “Exactly, you get it.”
The woman let out a relieved breath. She didn’t think Luke would be appalled, but she hadn’t been totally sure. Now, she could sleep beside him without the stress. Kissing his cheek, she said, “Besides, we can do other stuff.”
He wiggled his brows, mischievous. “‘Other’ stuff?”
With a roll of the eye, she pushed him away and got up. “Let’s get food.”
“Yes, Boss!”
The next day in Mexico, all the couples met up at the pool. It was the first time they all could see each other and properly meet. Neither Julie or Luke were worried their affection would sway, but they were nervous to approach Carrie and Nick. Both had claimed a connection, but now they were a couple themselves.
It especially bothered Luke, if he was honest. Julie was… incredibly beautiful, especially in that purple dress she wore tonight, and he wasn’t blind to the eyes Nick had been giving her. 
Afterwards, Julie and Luke sat on the bed curled towards each other, discussing the events of the night.
"So... what did you think of Nick?" Luke asked, feigning nonchalance.
Julie smirked at his obvious attempt to seem cool. "He was… nice."
"Yeah? Got a crush on him?"
"Sure," Julie deadpanned, "and that was why the conversation ended after, like, two minutes, and I stayed by your side for the rest of the night."
Luke grinned and placed a hand on her knee. "Yeah?"
"Mh-hm." She caressed his tattooed arm. "Don’t worry. I... there's not a shadow of doubt it's you, Luke. Trust me."
Luke's smile melted into fondness. "I trust you."
After Mexico—where one of the couples devolved and split up, leaving four couples left—they all returned to Los Angeles. Unfortunately, they couldn’t move back into their regular apartments, but all had to share the same complex. Julie and Luke lived on the third floor in a shiny, white apartment. It was the furthest thing from Luke’s actual place.  
On a positive note, they could finally introduce their partner to their friends and family. Like now. 
"Today, I'm meeting Luke's friends and band members," Julie said to the camera, standing outside of Luke’s studio in the heart of Mar Vista. "I've talked with them on the phone a couple days ago, but this'll be the first time we'll be face to face."
Luke drifted on his heels as he barely looked at the camera, clearly addressing Julie. "I'm not worried. Julie's, like, the puzzle piece we've been missing. And I fucking love her. So. Yeah."
Julie and Luke walked in where Reggie and Alex were already seated in an old, leather couch. Reggie seemed nonchalant, but Alex often flitted his eyes to the camera.
"Hi," Julie greeted. "I'm Julie!"
"Ooh," Reggie cooed. "You're even prettier IRL!"
Alex eyed her in disbelief. "Yeah. Blink twice if you wanna escape our Luke."
"Awesome support, guys," Luke grumbled.
Julie worried that the boys perhaps thought that what she and Luke had was too good to be true—that it wouldn’t last—and all it would do was interrupt their music career. She didn’t stop worrying until Alex gently pulled her away from the guys mid-practice session, and took her on a short walk around the garden.
Somehow, he knew exactly what was on her mind—and exactly what to tell her.
“Luke’s a pretty open book with just about everyone, or that’s what people think. He likes to show everyone all the good sides to him; the music, the cheerful attitude, the constant pep-talks. But he’s never, and I mean never, talked to anyone about his mom as openly as he did with you.” Alex stopped to turn and face Julie. “He’s always worried about dumping all his problems on others and it’s been his thing ever since we’ve known him. He just hides it all to himself, until he explodes and writes a song about it.”
He shrugged, though Julie could see the worry in Alex’ eyes. “But the fact that he shared some of that stuff with you, let you hear ‘Unsaid Emily’… Julie, you’re it for him. And if you’re it for Luke, you’re it for us.” Alex grimaced at his choice of words, but didn’t correct himself, choosing instead to smile encouragingly at Julie.
A moved Julie nodded in relief and pulled the drummer into a tight hug. “Thank you,” she whispered. 
That evening, it was time for Luke to meet Julie’s family, namely: her father, brother and aunt Victoria. The rest of the family would attend the wedding. Which, according to Julie, was ‘a lot’. She’d prepped him for tonight, but she still seemed nervous as she rang the bell and waited for the door to open. 
“What’s the prob?” he asked. 
The door flung open and an older woman in athleisure squealed at the sight of Luke. “Lukas! Come in, come in! Oh, mija, you did such a good job picking him!”
“My name is Luke, actually—”
Victoria continued unperturbed and ushered them inside. He barely had time to soak in the interior as she continued babbling on. "Thank you, Lukas—" Victoria gushed.
"It's Luke—"
"—for taking my Julie off the street. Twenty-seven! Who would've thought!"
"Ah, yes," Julie drawled beside him, slightly peeved. "The old crone's age of twenty-seven."
“I think she was the one who took me off the street,” he said, throwing a smirk Julie’s way to ease the nerves a bit.
Her father and brother popped in from the kitchen, the former with a wide smile and the latter rather sceptical. “Is that my daughter’s fiancé I hear?”
"Luke is meeting my best friend, Flynn, today," Julie said outside of a bar. "I'm a little nervous, because Flynn is super protective of me, but I think it'll be fine!"
Luke smirked. "People love me. Everything will be great!"
That was, until Flynn said a quick hello and then shoved a ten-page questionnaire in his face. She smirked. “Just to see you’re not a serial killer and won’t break my friend’s heart.”
“Because those two are mutually important,” Julie replied, sarcastic. 
Luke scratched the back of his head as he thumbed through the pages. “I–I have to do this now?”
“Why? Scared?” Flynn pressed. “Also—” She whipped a cotton swab from her pocket and grabbed Luke’s face, pushing his mouth open. "Just the usual," she muttered and swabbed the inside of his cheek. "Just normal DNA things…”
After the horrible bar situation, Julie paced along the kitchen island continuously apologising for her friend’s behaviour. “I swear she’s usually not like this, I’m so embarrassed, like she’s protective, but not—”
“Hey, hey, hey,” Luke grabbed her shoulders to stop her from pacing with a relaxed smile. “Yeah, it was weird, but it wasn’t the end of the word.”
“Yeah.” He smiled. “You have a Flynn, I have a Reggie and Alex," he soothed. "It's all cool."
As Carrie and Nick argued for the umpteenth time at the Cheese Tasting Date, Luke and Julie were bent over Luke's songbook, scribbling and discussing the bridge of a song.
"No, no, there should be an inverse and then, like, the reveal, that he was never there at all," Julie said.
"I don't wanna write a sad song, Jules. It's a love song," Luke bounced back.
"I mean—" She popped a piece of brie in her mouth. "---it is a love song, just not a happy one."
A grin ticked up his lips. "Is it about Nick and Carrie?"
Julie swatted his arm. "Luke!"
"What! C'mon, Jules, look at 'em." He nodded at the pair currently shouting at each other outside, two cameras on them. "They're not exactly soulmates."
Another pairing, Vivian and Dean, joined them at their table. "Oh my God," Vivian said, "can Carrie and Nick just end it already?"
"Carrie wants those followers, she can't leave just yet," Dean added with a roll of the eyes.
"Yeah," Julie trailed, "it's... a lot."
"What're you working on, dude?" Dean asked.
Luke grinned. "A song, obviously."
Viv sighed dreamily. "It's so romantic, honestly, that you guys have, like, a 'thing'."
Dean frowned. "We have a thing."
His fiancée's brows raised, challenged, and Luke and Julie recoiled into their songwriting shell again.
The wedding was a no-brainer. After a teary-eyed dress fitting and a fun bachelorette party with the girls—where Carrie tried to disrupt her happiness one final time—Julie found herself in the hotel room of a beautiful ranch where she and Luke would officiate their marriage. Somehow, the month felt like a year and her relationship with Luke felt like a decade. 
“Are you nervous?” Flynn asked, buttoning Julie into her dress. 
She shook her head. “No, just healthy jitters.”
“Good.” The two stared at each other in the mirror. “You deserve this, girl.”
Victoria came in with glasses of champagne. “Well, I’m nervous, so drink up, my loves.”
On the other side of the hotel, Luke, Alex and Reggie sat in the plush chairs, ready for the wedding. Luke’s foot bounced up and down in anticipation, ready to hold her and kiss her and be hers. He knew he was a romantic, but he never thought it could get this deep. 
“Do you think she’ll say yes?” Alex asked. 
Luke nodded. “Yeah. There’s honestly not a doubt in my mind, dude.”
“But what if she does?”
“Then…” Luke took a swig of his beer as a salute. “Then we’ll have a killer album in no time.”
Soon after, the ceremony began. Luke first went down the aisle where he smiled and nodded at all his friends and family. His parents sat in the front and smiled proudly at him. 
And then came Julie. Julie, in a beautiful gown and a shimmering face, taking his breath away. It felt like he had tunnel vision. She, too, couldn’t look anywhere but him, and felt her racing heart calm down the second he helped her up the steps. Her father had tears in his eyes as he gave her away. 
“Hi,” she whispered. 
“Hey,” he whispered back, smiling, “you look gorgeous.”
“Thank you.”
The officiator began his speech, Luke and Julie exchanged quick vows—though most has been said in the countless lyrics they’ve written together—and they sealed it all with a kiss. They were married. Forever. 
For the final time, Julie spoke to the camera with shiny cheeks and sparkling eyes. “How do I feel? I mean, I think you can guess.”
Luke jumped into frame and picked her up, bridal-style. “You’re looking at Miss Julie Molina-Patterson, Netflix! Hell yeah!”
At the reunion, they were the only couple left standing. Obviously.
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mystic-story-lover · 11 months
~ Cowboy Like Me ~
Adam Page x Bria (OC Female!Reader)
Word Count: 744
Warnings: Swearing
Type: Angst
Summary: Hangman confronts his girlfriend about something Mox told him
A/N: Hope everyone enjoys!
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(Gif Is Mine)
“Bria, thank god we found you.” Kenny sighed, shaking his head, a frown present on his face.
“Is everything okay?” I questioned, suddenly filled with worry.
Usually, I’d be in the locker room that the Elite shared, but tonight I decided to give them space as they plotted their Anarchy In the Arena match. Personally, I loved matches like those, all the violence something that I loved taking part in. The guys however, weren't typically interested in matches such as these.
“Matt and I found Mox talking to your boyfriend.” Nick spoke, stepping from behind Kenny. It was clear all three were nervous to tell me anything, which only sent more worry throughout me.
“Okay, that’s nothing bad. They’re in a feud together.” I spoke, looking for the reaction to my words.
“Well, he looked pissed after their conversation ended.” Kenny stated, and he sharply turned his head when he heard a banging sound come from the catering door. “Speak of the devil.” He sighed.
Whatever Moxley said in their chat clearly had Hangman pissed, because he was fuming by the time he’d made his way to the table the three of us were at. A frown lay on his face, and a fire burned in his blue eyes. 
“Hey babe, what’s wrong?” I questioned, laying one hand palm up on the table, expecting him to lace his hand in mine.
“Did you have sex with Wheeler?” His question hit me like a ton of bricks, and I was in complete shock.
“What?” He shook his head at my question, only growing more irritated.
“Last night, did you have sex with him?” He asked again.
“No! I went out with Britt and Adam last night, and then came right back to the hotel when we were all done hanging out.” I yelled, throwing my hands up in defense. “Britt even walked me to the door, just to make sure I got in safe last night,”
Adam sighed, using one hand to rub his temples. I stood up, turning my back to him, not wanting to look at him. It hurt, in all honesty, thinking that my boyfriend didn’t trust me enough to know that I wouldn’t cheat. Kenny reached out, placing a hand on my shoulder, and I smiled at him, tears falling from my eyes. 
“Get your hand off my girlfriend man.” A low growl came from Adam, and I turned around, a scowl on my face.
“You don’t get to say things like that Adam, especially not after trusting me enough not to cheat on you.” I yelled, pushing past him, and storming out of catering. Instead of going to their locker room like we’d planned for that day, I went to Zack Sabre Jr.’s instead. We’d been friends since my time in Japan, and I knew that I could lean on him.
When I knocked on his door, I could hear shuffling and a hefty sigh as he opened the door. His blonde hair poked out from the slight crack in the door, and he lifted his head.
“Bollocks, isn’t it love?” I nodded, the tears staining my cheeks. 
“He thought I cheated on him, Zack. How could he accuse me of that?” I sobbed, and he pulled me into his chest, hugging me tightly.
We spent the better part of thirty minutes in his locker room, mostly just talking about random things. He’d spent the better part of ten minutes telling me about everything going on in Japan, and I listened intently. The things we discussed took my mind off things, and caused me to laugh, something I needed after the things that went down in catering. I wasn’t surprised if anyone caught the scene, but I didn’t even care at the moment. A knock on the door brought us out of our conversation though. I went to the door, and opened it, surprised to see Adam.
“Baby, hey, I’ve been looking all over for you. I’m so happy to see you.” Adam sighed, dragging a hand down his face. 
“Adam, I don’t want to see you right now, or ever, actually.” I whispered. “You really hurt me.”
“I’m sorry, baby, I am.” Adam spoke, reaching out for me, but I took a step back.
“We’re over Adam, I mean it. I can’t handle you not trusting me.” I sigh. “Not after what happened before.” 
“This isn’t before Bria!” He yelled. “Can’t you trust me?” 
“No, Adam, I can’t.”
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