#it could be a story 😂
artemispt · 1 year
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Their thermometers 😭
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neunhofferart · 4 months
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Got to go back to DreamWorks one last time for the Chaos Theory premiere party <3
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Forgive me, Jess, please know that I tried To hold on to the days When you were mine
— requested by @emmafallsinlove
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rebouks · 4 months
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Wren: SURRENDER!! Byrd: Look! I can do a handstan-.. ough! Wren: Hey! Robin: Papa’s gonna come n’ tell you off for not being asleep yet. Wren: Pfft, he doesn’t even know we’re here! Byrd: Yeah, we’re sneaky. [Oscar chuckled, clearing his throat loudly] Oscar: Not sneaky enough. Byrd: Ough, how’d you know?! Oscar: Magic-.. now get! Wren: I wanna be magic. Oscar: Maybe one day, honey-.. if you sleep lots! You feeling alright, Levi? [Levi nodded hesitantly as Oscar gave them both a thumbs up and a warm smile before leaving the room] … Levi: Don’t they annoy you? Robin: Not really, I like hanging out with ‘em-.. I guess they can be annoying sometimes, but they’re not allowed in my treehouse n’ I have my bike so I can just go someplace else if I don’t wanna play. Levi: Your parents let you go wherever you want? Robin: I mean, within reason, yeah-.. don’t yours? Levi: Sometimes, but they usually give me too much stuff to do. Robin: That sucks. Levi: Whatever-.. if you could talk this whole time, why didn’t you? Robin: I don’t know, sometimes I can’t-.. it’s hard to explain, but once I start it’s usually okay. It’s called selective mutism. Levi: Have you always had it? Robin: Yeah, it was worse when I was little. It’s nothing personal. Levi: Where am I gonna sleep? Robin: We can top n’ tail? Levi: I’m not sleeping in the same bed as you! Robin: I’ll sleep on the floor then. Levi: Where..? Robin: In here, I’m just gonna get a sleeping bag-.. you want anything? Levi: No. [Levi reluctantly crawled into Robin’s bed and faced the wall with a sigh, wondering if any of this were normal; surely Robin and his parents were just being extra nice because he was here, surely they weren’t always like this? No one had even yelled at him for being an idiot who couldn’t swim yet, or for breaking his phone-.. it didn’t feel right at all] Robin: Night, Levi-.. wake me up whenever. [Levi ignored Robin, suddenly wishing he were anywhere but here; he wanted to be in his own bed, in his own room-.. not in this strange, warm house surrounded by people who were clearly being fake]
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mushtoons · 3 months
losing interest in life? finally start designing the ocs u fleshed out and made a whole world, personalities, and plot line for that you've worked on since 2014-2019
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2 outta like 20 not even close to done 😎
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plantswithme · 2 months
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"I couldn't let it slide. I hit that shot and I was like this is the moment so I turned, blew her a kiss 😘."
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kikker-oma · 4 months
Guess who miscounted their open tabs of fics to draw for? And then didn't realize until I got to the last 3 sketches? 😀
I'm happy (and begrudged lol) to announce there will now be 32 days to Fan Joy July🥴🥴
Pray for my sanity hahaha
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lieutenantselnia · 2 months
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F/o list meme because I miss posting about them but don't have all to much energy for other stuff currently, so memes it is😂 I lowkey wanna do more of these alignment chart memes now (both self ship and others), they're just fun :D
Template by @strawberry-selfships!
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ludoka · 9 months
So.... What would happen if SOMEONE decided to rewrite Freaky Fusion but eliminated the fusions, left the plot of the hybrids and the time travel plot?
Long text after the cut:
The fic would begin by introducing the hybrids and the students' reaction to them. Cleo and (I think it was her?) Draculaura would give the same comments as in the movie. But here the hybrids already established in the series would not be ignored. Lagoona would talk about how she herself is a hybrid. What's more, we could even add that she is the fruit of a freshwater Nymph and a sea monster.(I just made this up while writing. I have no idea if it's canon or not but I like it.) Your intervention in the conversation could leave the atmosphere a little tense. Frankie tries to lighten the mood by insisting her friends go to class.
In another part of the school, Deuce and Jackson are in the former's locker talking about the same topic. Or rather, Deuce is nervous and frustrated by how everyone is reacting to the hybrids. While Jackson doesn't care too much. He has already had his conflict with the students regarding what he is. You already know this is temporary until the novelty of the matter cools down. This resolution does not reassure the gorgon at all. In fact, it frustrates him enough to vocalize his concerns. The whole topic was really making him very uncomfortable. On a good day, he's already having trouble coping with the fact that he's a hybrid. This only makes you feel worse. To the point of being terrified that other monsters will know what he really is. Jackson tries to console him but the bell at the beginning of his first class forces them to cut the conversation short.
What they didn't know is that a certain gossiping ghost, who was collecting information for his blog, was listening to them.
The first class is Dead Languages ​​with Professor Rotter. Class is pretty boring today. Which causes some students to become distracted and murmur among themselves. Cleo is one of them and tries to talk to Deuce (who is more in the clouds than on earth)One of the topics he brings up is about hybrids, which he immediately realizes is the wrong topic to talk about. Since she sees how her boyfriend tenses very visibly. Which makes her remember that she's been on thin ice ever since she almost got her boyfriend's best friend killed just because of her pride. Said friends... It is also a hybrid. Cleo is seriously thinking about asking Frankie to sew her mouth shut so she doesn't screw up again. (I'm thinking about placing this after my own version of Ghoul Rules. I feel it is appropriate. It seems like he's been building up these nerves since before this day. It's more ✨ dramatic ✨)
The rest of the class passes without pain or glory. Only at the end does Rotter remind his students that in the last period of school they have to present their family tree work. (because I don't remember how the homework they were given in the movie was written)And he points out that Frankie will be the first to speak.
A stressed Deuce is the first to leave the classroom, closely followed by a worried Cleo. She is a couple of steps behind him. Thinking about how to talk about whatever is bothering the gorgon. Just when you think you've finally found the words, a mass notification from Spectra's blog catches your attention. She is about to ignore it but when she saw how the students began to stare in her direction, she decided to quickly check just in case. The title leaves her baffled. "Deuce Gorgon, the most handsome cool boy in school, is a hybrid?" That was the huge title that headed the blog. Cleo looks up with the mission of searching for answers but notices how terribly pale Deuce is while looking at his cell phone. She catches his attention. He looks at her scared. In fact, Deuce becomes hyper aware of his surroundings. He notices how everyone is looking at him and starting to whisper around him. This sends him into a spiral of panic and he ends up escaping the scene. It ends somewhere in the school, near the indoor pool. That's where Lagoona finds him. Deuce realizes that she is not alone. She is accompanied by Sirena von Boo and Neighthan Rot. When he asks about them, Lagoona tells him that she became friends with Sirena in their previous class. They saw him run out of the hallway and read the blog. Lagoona and Sirena went to look for him, they ran into Neightan and he joined the search. (mainly because Avea and Bonita were still in class)
This is where I cut the explanatory text and give the concise points of this particular plot:
The plot itself has the hybrids talking about feelings and experiences. Trying to help each other in all this sea of ​​rumors and staring. Mainly by comforting Deuce and letting him open up to them.
There would be some scene with Draculaura and Clawd talking about their relationship. The topic of vampire biology would be touched upon a little. How they age and mature slower than other deadly monsters.
I would also have Deuce and Cleo talking about this matter.
Also the reaction of the students, encouraged in a negative way by Toralei, towards Deuce and his "deception".
In general: Lots of feelings, heavy conversations and ✨drama✨
Now you will ask yourself: Where is the time travel plot in all this? Good. Let's go back to the moment of Rotter pointing at Frankie.
After watching the teacher leave the classroom, Frankie lies down on his table and writhes in his misery. Robecca and Ghoulia who were by her side comfort her and ask her what's wrong. She explains that she has nothing useful to expose. His parents avoided the topic of family too much and gave him nothing to work with. So you're probably going to fail the class. Invisibilly appears (because he is another gossiper) and comments that he also goes through the same thing. His father isn't the most talkative when it comes to whatever turned him into a monster. Billy has a suspicion that it was an experiment gone wrong but he has no idea. He believes his father is looking to take the secret to the grave. Here Jackson Jekyll joins the conversation. (because in this school the concept of "private conversation" does not exist) Jackson comments that if there is a family that loves to keep secrets, it is the Jekyll family. It was easier for him to help Heath by putting together the family tree of his elemental family, than it was for Holt to find SOMETHING about his mother's family. They know that their great-grandfather is the one who started the whole Hyde thing but they don't know anything else. Not even what year his grandfather was born or how his great-grandfather Henry Jekyll and his great-grandmother met. It all seems like a big secret that no one should know about.
As he listens to them complain, Robecca has an idea. His father, before he disappeared, was a lover of science in general. He lived many years collecting information, meeting other scientists and doing his own experiments. She suggests they look for something in her father's workshop. Hopefully, they can find something regarding the Stein or Jekyll family. (Robecca apologizes to Billy for not being able to find a solution to his problem but he rejects her. He doesn't care much) Ghoulia was going to say something regarding work but after watching Deuce and Cleo leave the room, she decided that it was easier to help this group with their homework.
This is how Robecca, Frankie, Ghoulia, Billy and Jackson go to the Hexiciah Steam workshop.
While there, they don't find much. At least until Billy stumbles upon plans for a time machine. This draws the attention of the rest. Robecca takes a look at the plans and searches the workshop if there is something similar there. And, indeed, it was a large machine that was in the middle of the room. As they examine the machine, Billy comments that it would be great to test if the thing works and use it to do his homework. That makes them pause and contemplate the idea. The first to be against it is Ghoulia. She doesn't think it's very smart to mess with the timeline just for a school project. Frankie and Jackson support her. But Jackson also comments on how MAYBE if they didn't interact with anyone and were just there to watch, they wouldn't actually be doing anything. It also suggests it could be a good thing for Robecca. After all, it's the most direct way he can find clues to his father's whereabouts. This raises the robot's hopes. Ghoulia is still against it but after seeing her friends' hopeful looks, she decides that MAYBE it's not such a bad idea. As long as the necessary measures are taken. The girls and boys celebrate this beforehand and look for anything about the operation of the machine. They discover that for the machine to work and there to be a way to return, someone needs to be in the current era. Monitoring travelers through bracelets that serve as trackers and controls that allow them to travel by time and place. Ghoulia and Jackson note that there is a very specific way these bracelets work but decide to find out later. Since this was just a round trip to see if the machine worked in the first place. So with everything prepared Robecca, Frankie, Jackson and Billy get ready for the test trip. Ghoulia gives them the go-ahead and turns on the machine. The quartet enters the machine and goes to a year not too distant, just to try it out. More specifically 1950's New Salem.
In fact, the machine works! After watching a bit, the four try to go back to their time to tell the zombie. But can not. No matter how hard they try, the bracelets don't send them back to their time. In reality, it sends them randomly to other places and times. They panic a little (A LOT).
Currently, Ghoulia is worse. The disused machine was broken enough that it had imperfections that none of them noticed. So now the machine was causing fluctuations in time itself. Making time go slower or faster randomly. This is also causing beasts and animals from different places and times to appear today. Not to mention that, for some reason, his friends can't come back. So it's up to Ghoulia Yelps to fix the time machine, prevent the timeline from being destroyed, send the beasts and animals where they belong, and bring his friends back. It's... A pretty normal Monday, if Ghoulia is allowed to comment.
So this subplot has:
Jackson, Robecca, Billy and Frankie traveling through time. Uncovering family secrets and finding clues to the whereabouts of Hexiciah Steam.
To them trying to survive times that they only read about in books, saw in movies or paintings.
And Ghoulia saving the day behind the scenes.
Yes... A standard Monday.
If you made it this far, thanks for reading. I hope you have a happy new year and I wish you the best of luck in meeting your new year goals. 🎆❤️✨🎆
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operationnope · 3 months
Ummm, is anyone else playing Perfect Match because I am mad and sad and furious and crying
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nicoscheer · 4 months
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watercolor-hearts · 5 days
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers! Spread the self-love 💞
Thank you. ❤
I'm gonna break the rules because I always do in games like this. 6 out of my 71 works I love the most. ❤
Order is newest to oldest because that's how it's the easiest to copy and paste them. But which one's the top favorite always depends on my mood.
Flutter • Lando/George • 1027 words • pulse taking • developing relationship
Doctor Lando • Lando/Carlos • 275 words • non-sexual age play • little Lando plays doctor
Mr. Relationship Expert • Lando/Carlos, Charles & Carlos • 2616 words • coming out • developing relationship • good friend and relationship expert Charles
Maybe I deserve all of this • George/Alex • 1415 words • crying • emotional hurt/comfort • cuddling/snuggling
Safe place • Lando/Carlos • 512 words • campfires • developing relationship • fluff
Battle Scar • George/Alex • 1057 words • hurt/comfort • first aid • cuddling and snuggling
I'd love to put my Logan/George/Alex universe here but I'm not sure if that counts as a proper story. :( And I already put more than I should've.
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Hellboy from Hellboy is Christian!
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rebouks · 8 months
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Oscar: So… [Robin sighed dramatically; he could’ve guessed where this was going even if he wasn’t privy to his father’s thoughts] Oscar: What’re you gonna do, sue me for not believing you? Robin: [snorts] He’s not bothering me, dad. Oscar: So, why don’t you talk to him-.. or anyone else at school for that matter. Robin: People don’t usually care what you’re saying, they’re just waiting for their turn to talk. Oscar: C’mon, not everyone’s like that. Robin: Okay.. but what if they don’t like what you say? Like, I say something and they think – oh, that was weird – and then I’m like, wow I wish I hadn’t said that and it’s super awkward and cringe. [Robin fiddled with his fingers, intent on convincing Oscar that anxiety was the culprit. It was easier than explaining the truth; that he could barely think straight amongst everyone else’s thoughts, that couldn’t be arsed, didn’t see the point, found people boring, yada yada] Oscar: Y’know people don’t usually think that whilst you’re talking, right? It’s mostly in our own heads. Robin: Okay, dad. Oscar: Wow, can’t imagine where you get that sarcasm from… Robin: ‘Course not… They do though-.. think that, y’know. Oscar: I think that’s just the social anxiety talking, spud. Robin: And? Oscar: And, you’ve gotta work on your fear-… Robin: It’s not a fear, it’s a fact. [Oscar rolled his eyes as Robin sloped off; it was like arguing with himself] Oscar: Robin… Robin: See, you didn’t like my response so.. point proven, huh? [Robin hovered by the doorframe, wearing a smirk so similar to his own that Oscar couldn’t help but chuckle fondly] Oscar: Tch, get outta here! Robin: Love you, byeeeee. Oscar: [snort laughs] Love you too, bud.
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homerjacksons · 5 months
Knowing the story you want to tell and making the words work are so very separate things and I hate it
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