#it doesn't mean the relationship is bad or hopeless
fuckmeupjackson · 1 year
The echoing effect of misunderstandings in Byler's relationship s4 is cool, also could it be a romeo juliet parallel??
Anyone else feel like the romeo and juliet metaphor could kind of a little. bit actually apply to byler s4? I mean I don't fully remember the book at all but... ( skip to the paragraph directly after the numbered list if it's too much to read or if you want to get to the point faster)......
1. At the start of s4, Will doesn't completely know whether or not Mike is still interested in talking to him, given that they didn't fully resolve their s3 conflict and he might still feel betrayed by Mike, so he waits for Mike to make the first move by calling him first when he moves to Lenora. Will doesn't get the calls, which he doesn't know is actually because of Joyce's telemarketing job, so he mistakenly thinks Mike's uninterested. So Will continues not to call him still.
2. Mike doesn't get called by Will despite all of his unseen attempts. Next thing Mike knows he's getting a letter from El suggesting Will might be interested in a GIRL! What a betrayal after all this time of no communication from Will, all the desperate attempts with no success! Mike is so hurt and probably a little confused about his feelings and where he stands with Will.
3. Mike doesn't want to get more hurt. So when he goes to visit him in California he acts like he couldn't possibly give a fuck about anything he does (or paints). He acts like he doesn't see him lingering behind him and El meanwhile he's the only one he's got his eye on all that ttime.
4. Will is clearly offended by Mike's (faked) aloofness and carelessness, but tries to play it off so he doesn't make a fool of himself and make the pain of rejection even worse. So he stays silent and yet again, doesn't talk to Mike thinking Mike doesn't want to talk to him. He's still confused, and has pent up anger+ frustration. Mike is also confused still. And has pent up hurt.
I have no idea if this is gonna make any sense, but it's kind of like the romeo and juliet "i thought you died so i killed myself, then you woke up and killed yourself seeing that I was dead" except it's "i thought you didn't want anything to do with me so I didn't talk to you, then you genuinely became offended and didn't want to talk to me either" and Will and Mike both do this to each other repeatedly, actually they do it like double the amount of times R & J do it.
Also the reason Juliet pretended to be dead was so that Romeo could come visit her and she didn't have to marry that other guy. You could say that Will doesn't call Mike thinking Mike will call him, but Mike just ends up getting hurt by it, kind of like how Romeo (Mike) doesn't get his happy ending with Juliet (Will) because he takes her fake death (silence) too seriously (not knowing what her plan was? or maybe he did idk) and kills himself too (feels extremely hurt+ ignores Will at the airport/is silent too). Does that check out? I have no idea xddd.
thanks for reading <3 back to homework I go ahhh
Mike is the one leading on the idea that he doesn't love Will (like juliet pretending she isn't alive) so that he doesn't have to confess, but Will takes it as a sign to push El and Mike together (a version of his own death) but then it's echoed even further by Mike confessing his love for El (which is also a form of his own death bc it's him lying to preserve his relationship with El, like Juliet pretending to be dead... actually idk where I'm going with this but whatever i detail it below if you want to keep reading it)
Van SCene:
Will thinks Mike loves El even though all Mike does is vent about how dysfunctional their relationship is. But being the poor selfless boy he is, Will does it... he tells Mike that El will ALWAYS love him and Mike and El DESERVE to be together forever, they belong together! At least that's what he implies. But Will decides to communicate this through his OWN veiled love confession, ouch.... pouring his deepest love into a river that's rapidly flowing in the worst direction, and he'll never see it again.... this hurts so bad, it feels like he's killing himself, poisoning his heart. He looks to the window for an escape. But here's Mike being, per Finn's words, "CLUELESS," and taking this as a sign that Will genuinely thinks he should be with El, that Mike telling her he loves her is the RIGHT thing to do.. and also, why would Will tell him these things if Will was in love with him? Couldn't be possible... (the parallel being romeo thinking juliet is dead /// mike thinking will's love for him isn't real. But actually it goes even further than that for byler bc will only said all of this because he thought mike didn't love him first and it's like an infinite story/parallel when you trace it back of misunderstandings and false assumptions like when you hold up a mirror to another mirror and wow it's confusing sorryy).
They go to save her...
Pizza Shop:
El is struggling in Vecna's mind, and Will commits his second metaphorical suicide (or a continuation of the first one) thinking it will save her, he grabs his friend's shoulder and says "you're the heart, mike!" as he gives his own heart away to Mike and his relationship with El. Mike honestlyy looked genuinely confused as hell at this part which kinda cracked me up, but he turns and... he gives his heart to El... he says "I love you, El!" Will's pained face is seen (El's is too but that's for another time). But we can only imagine... Mike feels like he's dying inside. This is Mike's metaphorical suicide? Maybe? He thought Will didn't love him so he goes and tries to give his love to someone else, even though it's probably Will that he truly loves. But here he goes suppressing it just as always. He must be feeling crazy honestly because he's lying for El to survive thinking it's what she wants to hear, he's lying to appease Will, he's lying to uphold what he thinks society/everyone else expects of him... i feel like at some point he can't help but wonder if there's any reason why he should tell the truth, if there's anyone to reveal his true feelings to that wants to hear them... anyways....
They crossed out their hearts for each other because they couldn't see the reality of their love. Mike couldn't see that Will's heart was still alive and beating for him, and only for him, and Will couldn't see how alive Mike's heart was when he was with him, they couldn't SEE that their hearts only beat for each other! They're emotionally killing themselves, and EL, by not being truthfullllll with each otherrrrrr
Either way though the writers were supperrr smart to have this sort of echo or domino effect where one lies or hides from another, or at the very least there is a misconception about each other and it keeps going back and forth where they assume things about each other, and then they react in a way that causes them to hurt one another even more until they're both fully convinced that they couldn't possibly be in love with each other.
It's cool.
ok idk im done being delusional and rambling, analyzing potential parallels that don't really help me predict anything for season 5 goodbye and thanks heehee
anyone has any thoughts confusions or disagreements feel free to tell me!!!
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reddd-robin · 9 months
I feel so crazy about that last episode I knew literally in my soul that the lich would appear eventually and be named the last scholar of golb. Throws up everywherr
#i canttt do this. i love betty and simon so much this new view on their dynamic makes me feel crazy#its undoubtedly like a strange power dynamic that simon is unaware of (heees kind of dumb but not a bad person by any means) that drives-#-betty to act how she does with him at first. like her perfect idolized interaction with a author she loves dearly#and for her to put aside her life like that for him in this manic sort of perfect scenario shes so enthralled by#gah i live them so much. simon being unaware of this and it damaging their relationship in the future unknowingly#she gives so much man. not to say simon doesn't i think hes just as great a lover as betty wanted but betty has this endlessness to her-#-devoting her time and her life and her dreams to this perfect world she gets to live in now#i do think she relaxes with it further into their relationship when she feels less like she has to be cool or prove herself to someone she-#-idolizes. and that they get better and closer and more equal (i say theyre never truly equal considering it revolves around simons whims)-#betty really learns to love for that period of their life. for however long it takes them to get to 'fianceès' its really their perfect life#and then everything happens. the crown. the portal. the war. the world ending. ice king. betty in ooo. and its all ruined again and she cant#acess simon so he is again returned to this state of a forbidden person she desperately chases and gives up her life for. she regresses to-#-when their dynamic was unknown woman and author she loves dearly appearing before her eyes#and that unnatainable aspect is what drives her insane. she cant do anything this time. he doesnt even know who *he* is. its hopeless#her trying to date ice king and freaking out about it because this perfect picture is gone and she doesnt /like/ him like this#agh. bety. siom#fionna and cake spoilers#fionna and cake#talking2myself
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netherfeildren · 4 months
10:05 PM
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Pairing: Joel Miller x F!Reader
Summary: Joel is exhausted, you're there to make him feel better.
Rating: Explicit 18+
Content Warnings: Post Outbreak; QZ Joel Miller; Somnophilia; Established Relationship; Friends With Benefits, kinda; Free Use; PIV Sex; Unprotected Sex; Creampie; Kind of mean and uncaring Joel, but at least he makes you cum; Rough Sex; Somno may or may not have been previously discussed, but she's okay with it happening; He's in kind of in a hopeless and numb state of mind (likely thing for Joel Miller to be)
A/N: idk man whatever i might look into religion after this
Word Count: 1.4K
Read on AO3
10:05 PM
He’s exhausted.
That sort of tiredness that takes you away from yourself. The sort that takes away rest and peace and the ability to let go. Like you’ve crossed over the edge of the world where sleep is no longer possible, and all you are is sore and dirty and beaten, and you don’t think you’ll ever rest again. It’s just the too hard day, and the too hot sun, and a night that won’t ever end.
 And Joel is tired. 
He knows if he falls into bed now, he won’t sleep. He’ll stare up at the water stained ceiling, the cracks in the plaster deeper than the cracks in his mind, and he’ll find no rest and no peace and no forget, and all he’ll do is remember. 
Pulling his shirt over his head as he goes, he toes one unlaced boot off and then the other, the sweat damp cotton sticking cold and tacky to his back, and it peels off slow, a little disgusting, the grime of his shift all along his skin, in his hair, between his toes and under his fingernails and looking at you, the slow rise and fall of your shoulder as you sleep so peacefully, he knows he shouldn’t touch you, have you, know you. 
He doesn’t really care.
The button of his jeans, sticky, warm summer night air against his already hardening cock, and he watches you. You’re wearing a little white tank, worn and frayed and old as a long past life, ratty panties, too hot to pull the sheet over yourself, nothing but a sheen of sweat for cover. You’re beautiful in the way things aren’t beautiful anymore. Beautiful in a way that makes him not want you. But you’re here, and you’re his, and you give him things he doesn’t deserve, yourself, and Joel is a selfish creature now, bad and bristled in the way this new world demands, so he takes. 
All the time Joel Miller takes things. 
He doesn’t love you because he can’t, because he doesn't have it in him. But there’s peace here, or comfort, or something easy and silent and freely given. Understanding, maybe, which is all anyone can ask for anymore. He shucks his grime covered jeans and crawls over you, and he shouldn’t touch you, never should have, but he does because, again, he’s selfish, he touches you because you let him, because he has nothing else but this to feel good and man about. 
Hooking his fingers beneath the edge of your panties he pulls them down, slow and steady, watching the rise and fall of your ribs, steady heart in the steady rhythm of your breath. You’re still asleep, and he’s going to have you because he can, because you’re his without commitment or ask or demand. Because it’s easy. 
He pushes a soft thigh up high, opening you to his gaze and pulls your cheeks apart gently, dragging a gentle thumb up the crease of your sex as he goes. You hadn’t waited up for him the way you did most nights, and he’s grateful for this, grateful for the fact that you’d spare him from conversation, questions, wants. All the things he can’t give you and doesn’t even really want to because he doesn’t have any of that in him anymore. 
Sometimes, and he’ll admit it because Joel isn’t a liar, honest to a fault, he’ll feel that faint whisper, dream pulse of desire, like a thing he knows exists somewhere in the world just not inside him that beats of  togetherness or commitment or love. Something that beats of all the things he knows you want but he can’t give. 
His thumb against your little clit, and he circles and circles against the warm, damp dryness. You’re not dreaming of him, no immediate well of slick desire, and through his haze, it makes him a little bothered, a little sad if he still had the ability to be sad. But he circles and circles, and you shift and whimper, and then finally, eventually, there’s that drip of want. Sticky and sweet and only for him because he might not love you, but he does possess you, and you’re only for him. 
You turn your face further into the pillow, hips hitching, cunt dripping, a deep sigh and his thumb presses in, tastes the well. You’re warm and hot and tight, and he slicks his thumb in and out of your cunt, fucking you slow and gentle, stretching you a little while you still refuse to wake for him. He wonders what it would be like to love you, to know you dream of him, to dream of you. He shoves your thigh higher, wet enough now, and lines his cock up. 
Joel is tired, but he has this, and it’s enough.
Cockhead notched at your entance, and one thing he does still love: the sight of his too wide head against your too small hole, the sound of wounded hurt you make when he shoves inside and makes you all his. And he keeps himself slow and gentle at first, he doesn’t want you awake, that’s not what this is, he only wants you his and for him, until he’s all the way pressed inside, deep enough for you to wake with hurt and you shift and wiggle and your hips arch like you want to escape or want more but it doesn’t really matter anyways because you’re caught and flayed now. 
“J– Joel?” Soft as a butterfly while your cunt flutters around him. “What’re you doing, Joel?” And if there wasn’t the moan of his own little whore in the sound of you, he’d think otherwise, but he knows you’re pleased to be woken so. You press and clench and stretch like a cat, spine long and lean and fluid, arms reaching for something he can’t and won’t ever give.
He swings his hips back, fucks in again, your cunt’s good and wet now, and the giving’s good as the take. “Don’t worry, baby. Just gotta come. You don’t gotta do anything.” He pulls back again, your pussy flutters and sucks at him, and you plant your hands against the apocalypse stained wall of this poor and sad room in a place that used to be called Boston and let him use you as he needs. Just gotta come in you, he tells you again.
And you might whisper that it’s okay, it doesn’t really matter if you do or don't’. He doesn’t need to know, he doesn’t need to care. Joel buries his face in your throat and loses himself in the wet of your cunt and the heat of your skin, the scent of your sweat, fingers clutching and twisting at your breast, and there's a sound of hurt or want coming from your throat. He doesn't care much about that either. Just take it, just take it, he says over and over. “Just lay there and take my cock.” The sound of your wet, sloshing cunt is the loudest thing in the whole dead world, and he loses himself in it. He counts his breaths, counts his not blessings, only you, and eventually, he fucks deep enough he hits your womb, that place he’s reckless and careless about, and you start to milk him deep. A moan of his name, Joel, sleep addled, love deluded, what else would excuse or allow treatment like this, and you come on his cock like you always do. Long pulls of a too easy, too delicious cunt, the contractions of your womb reverberating through every line of your muscles while you suck him deep and cry into the pillow. Joel swears and sweats worse than he did through his long twelve hour shift, grunting and panting above you. And when he anchors himself above you on locked, bulging arms to watch the drag of your red cunt around his cock, slicked with desperate want for something neither of you will ever have, the way your ass bounces and jiggles against his too rough thrusts, he comes too. Fills you deep and full to the brim, enjoys the spill of it around the place where he fills you, spills himself dry. And he doesn’t feel content, Joel, but he does feel satisfied, he does feel sated. And he tells you that you’ve been a good girl because he knows you like it and knows you deserve it. And if he presses a soft and gentle kiss to the wing of your naked and sweating shoulder, it isn't because he loves you, but because he needs you. 
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sarucane · 7 months
How did Stede know that Ed wanted to "watch the world burn"?
This one is fun because it's such a smooth and well-written character development that it's actually really easy to miss what a big shift happens for Stede in the first three episodes of S2. But in E1, Stede is saying this about Ed
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and in less than an hour of screentime, he's mostly caught up with what's actually been happening to Ed.
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So how'd Stede figure that out? Get to know Ed better, despite being separate from him?
By letting go of ego.
Stede's decision to bail on Ed in S1E10 is driven by selfish low self-esteem. He thinks he doesn't matter to Ed, that he's brought Ed to ruin and Ed will be better off without him. And that's actually held back his emotional investment in the relationship: Stede clearly misses Ed, but he's not devastated over the breakup to the same degree that Ed is.
But by the end of S1E10, Stede's gotten to understand himself better, and his relationship to other people. But he's also gone from not understanding that he's in love to idealizing the relationship between him and Ed, telling people they're "on a break." At the beginning of S2, he's projecting his own insecurities onto Ed, while at the same time trying to believe in a torrid love story starring himself (idealized) and an idealized version of Ed. An Ed who's still got Blackbeard's black beard.
These ideas are rooted in the same conviction that made Stede leave in the first place: he doesn't understand that he's important to Ed, so he can't absorb the fact that what he did was immensely hurtful.
In the second episode, Lucius forces him to really deal with the things he's been denying. He tells Stede "you broke him." And he does the thing that Stede just wasn't managing to do: he gets Stede to think about what's been happening from Ed's perspective, without Stede's insecurities blocking his imagination. To think about just how badly Stede hurt Ed. And to think about what pain and loss like that might mean for someone as damaged as Ed: hopelessness.
Far from Ed's life being "better without me," Stede has to face the idea that Ed might think his life will never get better again. That while Stede has been holding out hope for a reunion, Ed may have given up on both Stede and himself.
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That means it's all on Stede, to hope and to act. And he rises to the challenege.
Stede doesn't hesitate when he thinks Ed is in trouble. And he doesn't doubt that Ed needs him, shouting "I'm here!" as soon as he sees the Revenge. He faces what he finds on the ship, and sets about fixing what can be fixed, pulling the knives out of the walls.
He doesn't quite know how bad it's gotten. That Ed couldn't hold onto the ideal-pirate dramatic "watch the world burn" drive. That Ed hit a point of actual cruelty and suicidal despair.
But Stede knows Ed enough to be able to absorb that information when he gets it. To face and accept the reality of the darkness inside the man he loves.
And then to embrace his own role in keeping that darkness from consuming Ed. In the first episode, Stede was putting off looking for Blackbeard because he thought he'd make Ed's life worse. In the third, Stede tells Ed he can come back to life because he's safe now that Stede's here.
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And then Stede, again, embraces some selfishness. Asks Ed to come back to him. But this time, it's not the kind of unhealthy selfishness that makes someone obsess over what they mean to others. It's the kind of selfishness that makes people hope life might get better again. Lets people choose relationships they want, and exist in them consciously. Makes someone a strong enough person that they can give, and receive.
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soaringwide · 2 months
PAC: What's next in your love life?
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Here is my love ahead spread, where we're going to look into what is coming for you in your love life, having singles or people in non-committed or early stages of the relationship in mind.
The reading doesn't contain any info on gender or orientation.
As always, this is a general reading meant for multiple people, there are only 3 piles, so it might not apply 100% to you. Take what resonates and leave out the rest.
I'm available for private readings and have a ko-fi. Free readings are currently closed at the time of writing this.
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Cards: 7 of Pentacles, 7 of Cups, Judgement, the Tower, Knight of Wands, 8 of Swords, the Sun, 4 of Wands, Ace of Cups
We'll start by looking at your current situation regarding your love life.
It seems something has been growing in your love life for a while now. I'm thinking the early stages of a relationship or a crush situation. Zooming out, the growth seems steady, but it's possible that it wasn't so smooth when you look at it on the day to day. Some days might have felt like take 2 steps backward, and the next day you would move forward again. As a result you might be loosing your patience a little, ignoring the fact that things are indeed moving forward, even though not as fast as you want them to, or not exactly the way you want them to. You're eagerly waiting for things to take up speed and finally reach some type of harvest that you've been craving for. I also see you as somewhat passive, waiting for something to happen on its own. You're not necessarily taking any decisive action, but rather going with the flow of things and observing your relationship build slowly. Overall you feel quite impatient.
With the 7 of Cups in the position of things going for you, I think you have a tendency to get lost in your daydreams and illusions, regarding love and love interests. However, you're fully aware of that and actively de-fogging the whole thing. I see you trying to remain realistic and not too much in your head. I think that's a process that you had to learn the hard way. You're learning to pick up on the truth and discard the lies, which is quite painful and not a growth that happens in a straight line. Inside all this mess, there are nuggets of wisdom you're determined to find. It's like, either it helps you clear the way for this specific relationship, or it just makes you a healthier human, which is a win win situation.
However for what's going against you, I think you still have a tendency to put the blame on others instead of understanding that the current situation is your doing. If you're unsatisfied with the pace of things, you have choices. You can either wait and find peace in that, or move on to pursue something else. Whatever it is, don't wallow in misery because you feel frustrated and let resentment boil within you against your person, yourself, or the situation. What I'm trying to say is that you're refusing to make the call and pick a path to follow with determination, and instead you keep going back and forth in your head and creating a terrible emotional state for yourself. If you keep waiting for a sign in a passive and hopeless way, things will not change.
For what to take in in this situation, I see the need for a big wake up call with the Tower. I know this card has a bad rep but I think here it's mostly an indication of the intensity of the shift you need to do. It is paired with the Knight of Wands which is a clear indication that you need to take the reign and pursue what you want, taking a risk that things might collapse as a result. Welcome illusions being stripped away, let go of lies and take the risk to reveal your true self.
I asked for a clarification and got the 8 of Swords, which shines light on this state you need to wake up from: the fact that you keep yourself in a state of powerlessness when you have the means to cut your bonds. Really, this state of stagnancy is your doing and you need to own up to the fact and get out of that hole. Whatever you decide to do, you need to shake things up drastically and take a more active part in your love life.
What you need to release with the Sun, I get the idea that you're a bit too childish and immature when it comes to love matters, or at least in this situation. The card shows a child on a horse, but unlike the knight of wands who is in full control of his mount, the sun-child is merely waving his arms around and not doing much. It looks quite comical and does not embody a serious partner one might want to pursue. So I'm getting again the idea of the need to be more serious and committed, and releasing this naive mindset that things are going to fall on your lap without you doing anything at all.
For the most probably outcome in this situation, with the Four of Wands I was drawn to look up the astrological correspondence of the card and I got Venus in Aries, which is quite funny since Venus is currently in Aries until April 29th 2024 (writing this on the 23rd). I don't necessarily think this means everyone will find an outcome within the next few days, however, it does point out at changes happening presently, or as a direct result of this Venus in Aries season. Which again puts the idea of acting and stop wasting time.
It's also fun because it points at a very fiery approach to love, much like what the Knight of Wands was suggesting. Instead of worrying whether they love you or not, whether you should move on or not, you're being advised to go and find out. With the 4 of Wands as this placement in the tarot, there is an idea of celebration and coming together. The characters on the card are inviting, as if to welcome you in their circle, or hinting at a festive event or a gathering. A positive outcome is definitely possible, and if not, it's the opportunity to move on from heartache and find a better future with your heart unburdened.
The underlying energy is presented by the Ace of Cups, which definitely speaks of an exciting time for romantic feelings, where feelings are being birthed and coming to light. There is opportunity for a renewal in this connection.
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Cards: The Devil, the Lovers, the Queen of Swords, Ace of Swords, 8 of Wands, 9 of Cups, the Fool 10 of Cups, 2 of Wands, 6 of Swords, 3 of Cups, 3 of Wands
We'll start by looking at your current situation regarding your love life.
With the Devil as you current situation, it is possible that you're crushing on someone or are in a non-committed relationship with someone that is loaded with sexual energy. However, it also points at an obsessive dynamic in the relationship which fosters an unhealthy atmosphere. It is clarified by the Lovers and the Queen of Swords, so I think there might be someone in this relationship hoping for love, and someone with their walls up, appearing cold and distant, even if there is physical intimacy at play here. It's also possible that the one interested in committed love doesn't respect their own boundaries and let themselves being stringed along.
As to what's going for you, I see you embracing clarity and the desire to cut through bullshit at this point. A part of you wants to reach the truth of this situation and is willing to think about it deeply. Get your sense of agency back by either communicating your needs and fears or by taking the time by yourself to work on that. It's clarified by the 8 of Wands so I see quick communication, heated arguments perhaps but it's for the best because you need to get to the core of the issue.
For what's going against you, I see you clinging onto the good aspects of this relationship, as in, it's not perfect but there's enough pleasurable aspects to it that you don't want to let go of that. You're protective of what you have and I also see you being a bit too carefree by pretending the negative aspects of this situation don't affect you that much, that everything is find and good, even though it isn't. You might be a bit of a hopeless romantic and you just don't want to see that this situation is not bringing you the true happiness that you seek but rather putting you in a unstable and potentially threatening situation. I don't know how to put it but with this + the Devil as significator for this relationship I get toxic vibes from this, but that you're too addicted to it to really snap out of it.
What you need to take in is shown by the 10 of Cups, and I think here it means that you need to find hope again that you're deserving of true and untainted happiness in matters of love. This card is about commitment and romantic, even familial fulfillment, and I think it's important to remember that if that's what you want then you can't settle for less because then you'll never get what your heart truly desires. This card is here to remind you of your dream, stop settling for less and suffocating your true wish.
You need to release your hope that the situation will solve itself without making a choice. I get the idea that you keep imagining how things could be, or would be if X or Y happened, but you're not taking the necessary step towards your wish.
All of this is highlighted by the general energy of the reading, which is all about going back to decision making after a time of hesitation. It's going to be your role to know which decision you need to make and how though, but you need to leave the harbor at some point.
For the outcome of this situation, I see you moving on to better days, letting go of this situation that doesn't fulfill you and going through a very social phase where you're going to either form new connections, or get back in touch with friends and celebrate your newfound freedom. It seems this decision of moving on will bring you a lot more happiness than sorrow. Yes it is painful to let go, but you have much to gain, and seeking different social interactions will help you feel better and get back on track. Perhaps it would help to find the humor in the situation and have fun gossiping about this relationship with your friends in order to vent and get another perspective.
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Cards: Wheel of Fortune, the Fool, 3 of Cups, 9 of Cups, Ace of Swords rx, 9 of Pentacles, 6 of Pentacles, Temperance, 10 of Swords, the High Priestess, 9 of Swords
First off, let's look at your current love life.
For this pile, I don't think there is anyone specific in the picture for you. I see two possible situations depending on the people. Some of you might have experienced a breakup and are now in your new chapter, having left behind that situation and being past that; for others, I see you waiting for a relationship to show up eventually like some big turn of events. In both cases, you have a very open and carefree attitude right now, enjoying the moment and I get the idea that you might be enjoying casual sex as well, for some of you at least. In any case, you are currently not bound to anyone.
For what's going for you, I see you being social, meeting new people or enjoying time with friends. You're just enjoying yourself and your freedom and it's what you feel called to do right now. It seems you really needed to go through that phase in order to feel happier with yourself and find your balance again.
For what's going against you, I see the idea of casual, or at least, superficial connections showing up once more. You might also not be super ready to get into a committed relationship at the moment because you still feel the need to enjoy your freedom and have either multiple partners, or you just want to enjoy your social life without having to compromise or divide the limited time you have in your hands for one person only. I also see that you lack clarity on what you want. Is a committed relationship really what you want, or do you want to keep what you have right now? And if a relationship is what you want, what would it look like? I think you need to take some time reflecting on what romantic happiness looks like to you to see if it aligns with what you're doing.
For what you need to welcome in, there is a message here of reminding yourself that love is not just about sex and intensity, but also about sweetness and complicity. Looking up to your partner because you find them incredible, because they make you feel like a giggly child you can be your true self with. I also see the need to value true and deep emotional connection. There is a need to be the guardian of your fulfillment, not in a warroir-like way, but rather, in a nurturing way. Be the gardener that takes care of their blooming plants with love and care, and by that I mean that you need to put in the energy of what you want to harvest in the future, not just what's easily available in the moment. You also need to be more independent and advocate for your needs.
It's is very important to make way before you can receive anything new. Which means that you need to get clear on what it is that you truly want and release what doesn't align with that. Perhaps you're also quite detached and would benefit from getting in touch with your deeper emotions again. I think you've somewhat been hiding your heavier emotions inside and ignoring them for a while now and that might be what needs to be released.
For outcome, I think there is a deep need for realizing the options you have to choose from regarding your love life, and really take a look at what you truly want. I think this very social phase will come to an end for now, that you will be more focused on yourself and your inner world. This may trigger intense negative feelings that you were ignoring up until now because you were distracting yourself from them. You may need to hit the bottom before you can rise again, but fear not because from there, the only way to go is up. Learn to look for answers within, I think this time has the opportunity to teach you a lot about yourself and help your grow as a person and to gain clarity on your life.
I also wanted to note that there is a striking lack of Wands in this reading, which to me indicates that the main point of work in your situation is not so much taking actions, but processing thoughts and emotions to get clear on what you want and how to get there. A time for self reflection and growth is coming up.
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oxymorayuri · 27 days
HI YURII, i absolutely adore the way you write and i wanted to request some hc’s or a small fic abt law reaction to reader’s pregnancy, likeee how’d he react after telling him and how those 9 months would affect law’s personality and relationship w reader
but only if u want too ofc! thx and have a wonderful dayy <3
A/N: Hi there, my darling ♡
How can I refuse such a lovely request? I feel very honored every time you guys tell me that you enjoy my stories. My heart fills with pride when I read your kind comments.
OneShot or HC? Why not both? Two are better than one!
Here are the headcanons [Law|Ace|Kid|Doffy]
Okay, let's go! Have fun with the OneShot!
✦ Pairing: Trafalgar D. Water Law x Reader ✦ Content: idk, not much, i guess? I'm pretty bad at this lol. bit angst, a little jealousy and endless fluff ✦ Spoiler: none ✦ Description: You're pregnant and Law's reaction is everything you could wish for *-* This OneShot doesn't completely fit the request, hence the HC, hope that's okay :3
Wordcount: 6383
❝𝑌𝑜𝑢'𝑟𝑒 𝑔𝑜𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑡𝑜 𝑏𝑒 𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡 𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠!❞
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It's quite unusual for you to wake up in the middle of the night, but you woke up with an overwhelming craving for something sweet. Falling straight back to sleep is hopeless, so you're forced to stare around the room until perhaps drowsiness sets in.
Aside from the ticking of the clock, it's absolutely silent but you feel as if the ticking is becoming progressively louder 'til you have satisfied your ravenous appetite.
You picture it, the mousse that Ikkaku made… You have no clue how she makes it. You've tried to make it yourself, even following her recipe, but it's just not the same. However, when Ikkaku makes it, it tastes heavenly.
You can feel the foamy dessert melting on your tongue and the subtle hint of dark chocolate spreads through your mouth. Your saliva starts to gather in your mouth... That's enough! You need to eat dessert. Immediately!
The chance of waking Law is high, yet you would kill for a little midnight snack! The only thing is; you have to get out of Law's arms first...
You look at the dark haired man as he sleeps with a peaceful face. One arm around your waist, face to face.
On days like this, when you two haven't had much of each other, you'll at least have your little moments in your shared bed. With your faces turned towards each other, you talk about your busy day… Until one of you falls asleep and that one is usually you.
It's mostly you who talks about your day and Law hangs on your every word while you talk enthusiastically about all sorts of things.
Law is usually a bit reserved, because in his opinion he always does the same thing anyway and you must be getting bored of that. But that's not the case. You love the sparkle in his eyes when he talks about the things he has learned from his book, or when he has got hold of a rare coin.. He always lights up like a little boy who's been at school for the first day.
“…And did you know that an adult's entire intestine is 5 to 7 meters long? Imagine that.” You raise your eyebrow in disbelief.
“Five to seven meters?! No way, how is that supposed to fit?” You stroke your stomach while Law laughs at your bewilderment. Of course you believe him, you believe anything he says. He could tell you every lie and you would believe it immediately, but luckily Law doesn't lie to you. He is sometimes very secretive towards you and keeps a lot to himself like a loner, but he is by no means a liar.
“No joke, you can believe me… I could show you if you like.” Law speaks with a confident self assurance that makes you snort.
His confused eyes look at you insistently and he repeats that he could show you while raising his hand.
“Room!” You immediately realize what he's up to and you reach out with both hands to stop him. He really is planning to show you his intestines. Ah, no thanks.
You shake your head, still chuckling.
“I always believe you, my love… It's just kind of hard to imagine…” - “Yes, I know... I could hardly believe it either. That's why I took my intestine out straight away and measured it.”
You can't take any more. Law speaks with a nonchalance that brings tears to your eyes. You love him for his strangeness, that's what makes him so human.
“Anything for science.” you whisper quietly to him.
No longer interested in how long the human intestine is, you lean over and give him a little kiss. Being with Law is always a learning experience, the special thing is what you learn about Law along the way. About his heart and mind, while he talks about all the things that fascinate him.
Gosh, you adore him so much.
[throwback end]
Law's slight movement snaps you out of your reverie and for a moment you have the chance to slip out of his arms.
Silent as a ninja, you sneak out of your room and scurry into the kitchen.
Once in the kitchen, you can't wait another second and spoon up the dessert right in front of the fridge.
Whilst you let each scoop melt in your mouth, you hear footsteps coming closer to the kitchen. You try to hide, but it's too late because Bepo, who also wanted to sneak into the kitchen, enters.
You look at him like a frozen deer and he gives you a similar look. With your eyes still staring at the polar bear, you slowly bring the spoon to your mouth and devour the chocolate mousse. Without your eyes parting for even a second.
“What are you doing?” You leave the spoon in your mouth and look at him with a tilted head.
“Err, what does it look like…?” Your voice a little muffled, as if you were brushing your teeth. It's obvious what you're doing? With the bowl in your hand, you sit down at the table and wave the Mink over to you.
“Come on, get over here before the mousse is gone.” A little taken aback, he blinks a few times and joins you at the table.
Of course he wants some of the chocolate wonder, so he hurries to you.
You take turns spooning from your bowl and after each bite you hold your hand to your flushed cheek. It tastes simply divine.
However, you barely exchange a word, because it goes without saying that this meeting will remain a secret. You only hear a pleasurable moan and a soft mumble in between.
A few days have passed since then and a few other unusual things have happened. Your cravings have become a little weirder, your sense of smell has increased and fish suddenly no longer tastes good to you! As soon as you smelled sushi, you felt sick to your stomach. Unusual, you thought, but it could have been something else. You didn't think anything else of it and went about your everyday duties, quickly forgetting about the oddities anyway.
Until you got up one morning and ran straight to the toilet. You felt nauseous and it came out faster than you would have liked, so you left the door open and it gushed out of you straight into the toilet.
Your dinosaur like noises woke up the grouchy Law who rubbed his eyes in a drowsy state.
Who or what is that? And why is it so loud?
Law is definitely not a morning person. Talk to him before his coffee and you will see… Well, nothing will happen except that he ignores you and turns around. He won't even talk to you before he takes a sip, but no problem. Isn't it always like this; that a bright person is together with a grumpy one?
Tired, the black haired man sits up and runs his fingers through his tangled hair while still sitting on the edge of the bed with his eyes closed.
The noise is unusually loud and seems as if it is directly in the next room… In the next room… And finally it clicks in his head. You are making that noise.
Law snaps his eyes open, being fully awake now, and hurried to the open bathroom. There he looked down at you with your head almost IN the bowl, unable to stop vomiting.
At first he stood in the doorway, looking somewhat at a loss, until he finally remembered that he was a doctor.
You weren't responsive right now anyway… So Law prepared a few things for you when you finally finished throwing up…
Concerned, he stands behind you with a glass of water in his hand. It seems to be reaaally bad. He doesn't like seeing you like this, your health is important to him, probably more important than his own.
You've noticed for a while that Law is standing behind you and you appreciate him not saying anything. You're not embarrassed, not in front of Law, he's taken care of you before when you've drunk yourself into a coma so the sight shouldn't be that strange. You had to smile a little when you noticed how he tied your hair in a ponytail, so it wouldn't fall in front of your face, while you emptied out your stomach.
“Oh god. There shouldn't be *bleurggh* anything left in my *bleurggh* stomach…” A little out of breath, you lean against the wall next to the toilet.
You're not quite sure if it's the end, but it feels all right.
“I assume it's a little better now?” Tired from throwing up, you look up at him while he hands you the glass of water with a scrutinizing look.
You can't do more than nod half heartedly.
Law walked over to the toilet and flushed the contents, which looked like two days' worth of stomach contents.
He squatted down to you and began to clean your face with a lukewarm cloth. You don't look sick. Your eyelids don't droop and your skin doesn't look too pale. You just look a little worn out, which is no wonder. After all, you've given the toilet the biggest serenade of your life.
“I should take you to the infirmary and run some tests.” His hands reach for yours. With his thumb, he gently strokes the back of your hand and pulls lightly to help you to your feet. A little wobbly on your feet, you hold on to him and smile weakly at him.
“…I'm fine, thank you my love.” A little cold water on your face should be enough, so you go over to the sink to freshen up.
“Don't argue y/n, as your captain and doctor, I'm telling you that I'll give you a check up.” You look at him through the mirror as you run your wet hands through your face and roll your eyes.
“Uh huh, as captain and doctor…”
he groans a little and takes you in his arms from behind
“And as your partner too, of course.”
He kisses you on the cheek and you lean into his embrace with a little chuckle. For just a moment, you can savor your embrace, but the very next second, you find yourself in the same position with him in the infirmary.
That whole shambling around doesn't do you any good at all, you were already feeling sick anyway and you always feel a bit dizzy when he teleports with you. You put your hand over your mouth but it's too late. You quickly rush to a garbage can and fill it with your vomit.
“Hah… Law, that wasn't so clever…” You lean on the bin with both hands as you kneel in front of it.
“Ah…uh…sorry, force of habit…” His words seem a little flustered and as you look over your shoulder you see him sheepishly stroke his beard.
Yep, force of habit… It's definitely not the first time he's teleported you somewhere. Whether he wanted to kidnap you in your busy routine or wanted to steal you away from annoying guys.
He can be a bit jealous sometimes, even if he doesn't say anything, you can see right through him. Honestly, you have to admit to yourself that you enjoy it perhaps a little too much. Law usually reacts rather passively, but at some point things start to get over his limit and he reacts, somewhat flashily…
It's a lovely afternoon on the Sunny, and before you went your separate ways, the Heart Pirates and the Straw Hats wanted to throw a nice party to celebrate your victory.
You had a good time together and formed strong friendships, it makes you a little sad that you won't see each other for a while… but you are sure that your paths will cross again soon.
You keep glancing back to where Law is drinking some sake with Zoro, while Usopp and Luffy were doing all sorts of silly things. You can't help giggling at the sight. Their conversations are also rather short, but somehow they both seem quite relaxed and enjoy the silence between them. Your sweet introvert…
You turn back to the ladies at the table and get into a conversation full of girl stuff and laughter. Right by your side, there's Bepo napping on the floor and while your chin rests in one hand, listening to Nami, you pat Bepo's head with the other.
At your service is none other than Sanji and he serves you with the most distinguished manners. You like Sanji, he is charming and knows how to talk to women and sometimes you allow yourself to have fun and go for it… You don't flirt back, no way! You're crazy about Law and everyone knows it, but you like to have a bit of fun.
“Here my beautiful ladies, I've allowed myself to prepare your favorite drinks.” With grace and style, he holds the tray in his hand and serves you some fresh drinks. He pushes a beautifully decorated cocktail glass in front of you, one with a light blue liquid, topped with whipped cream and blue glitter sprinkles.
You know exactly what kind of drink is in front of you and happily thank the Blondie. How thoughtful he is… he's made you your favorite drink; swimming pool!
You gleefully nip at the straw and let the refreshing drink run down your tongue. As you spoon down some of the cream, you notice that Sanji has used coconut milk ice cubes instead of water ice cubes. How creative! This way the drink doesn't get watered down and only gets creamier and that's exactly how you love your swimming pool - creamy!
“Aww Sanji, you're always so thoughtful and good to us!” With your eyes closed, you enjoy your drink. It's so well prepared that you can barely taste the alcohol; how dangerous.
With your hand on your cheek, you praise the cocktail. Nami gushes with you and sighs contentedly that this is her everyday life... and Sanji loves doing it! That's the best part.
“We're really lucky to have Sanji, aren't we?” Robin giggles, as Sanji loses his temper in a dramatic way. It's as if all the attention is making his heart leap through his chest, and on one knee he babbles something about how it's not just an honor to serve you, but his greatest joy.
He may be a little pushy but isn't he also a little funny? Your girl gang bursts out into laughter, oh dear, if you only knew how Law watches the spectacle from behind with an annoyed expression…
With his chin in his hand, Law taps his cheek a little impatiently with one finger. He can hit on whoever he wants, but does he always have to get so close to you? He's got Nami and Robin to ogle, but you're his!
He knows he doesn't have to be jealous. You're only being friendly to him, as you are to everyone, but the reaction of others is what annoys him. The fact that some people think you're flirting with them, when you're just very kind and approachable (yea guess who's not.) literally pisses Law off.
He is quite sure that no one but himself has a chance with you, in fact he knows that you can become quite different if someone crosses your line… If Law's line hasn't been crossed before… It's pretty different sometimes…
Like today for example, today Law doesn't have that much patience and since Sanji moves in your inner circle, his limits are crossed quite quickly. And maybe all that sake is also to blame.
Because of your lively conversation, you realize far too late, how Law has formed his blue dome over you and just as Nami remarks it, you find yourself already on Law's lap.
Bewildered, you look up at him while his gaze is somewhat serious on Sanji. When he felt your gaze on him, he looked you in the eye with his typical grin and spoke with an absolute calmness that made your heart flutter.
“You all right?” You widen your eyes a little and raise both eyebrows. Is he serious? As if it's such a normal thing to just teleport me onto his lap out of nowhere, like it's the most normal thing in the world.
You know exactly why he did it. You saw the look he gave Sanji, but okay, you just play along. Let's see what happens.
“Yes, of course. Do you need something, love?”
He comes a little closer to you, his gaze melts the ice in your drink because you're getting so hot, but you try not to show it and smile at him innocently.
Before he reaches for the straw, he looks provocatively over to Sanji and drinks from your cocktail.
“You talked so highly of it, I really wanted to try it too, you know?” - “Sure…” like hypnotized you watch him sip from your drink while his eyes rest on your lips.
“You've got some whipped cream on your lip…” you want to quickly wipe the cream away with your hand but Law holds it tight and speaks in a low mellow voice "no, let me..."
Barely a second later, his lips are already on yours and he licks the cream off your lips in a luscious kiss.
You didn't even realize what was happening to you as you sat frozen on his lap. You can only vaguely make out the annoyed murmur of Zoro telling you to get a room or Nami cheering joyfully. You slowly come back to your senses and lean close to his ear, to whisper a few sweet words…
“I love sweet kisses… how 'bout we continue on the Polar Tang?”
Honestly, you love the way Law steals you away. He doesn't do it in an aggressive way, but in a way that makes it clear who you belong to. He never confronts the others, he just shows how in love you are with each other.
If that's not territory marking then you don't know BUT you love it.
His reaction is as expected. You know that look all too well. There's something overwhelming about the way Law's beautiful eyes run over your face as you innocently bite your lip. You could swear his eyes darken and he runs his tongue over his lower lip with a grin.
His grip tightens and his laugh deepens so that you can feel the vibration of his voice.
“Good idea.” He places a small kiss on your cheek before saying goodbye to the others. The question marks are written all over your face. You really just wanted to tease him, but you could have guessed what is about to happen.
You barely managed to wave goodbye before you found yourself back in your room on the Polar Tang. And well, you know it's obvious what will happens next… ;)
[throwback end]
“All right, so far so good. Now just a small blood check and then we'll be on the safe side.” His words bring you out of your memory and you look at his back. At a small table, he prepares a syringe to take some of your blood.
With concentration, he turns around and traces along your arm to locate a suitable vein.
“Could you make a fist?” You do as he says and he nods in response. When he had found a suitable spot, you were allowed to relax your hand and he smoothly drew the blood into the tube.
You watch him in complete devotion as he looks attentively at the syringe. Your eyes meet for a moment before he quickly returns to his task and presses a band aid onto the needle mark.
“That's it.” Again, he turns away from you to dispose the materials properly. A little disappointed, you slide down with your butt from the stretcher. You wish you could have watched him a little longer. He always looks so handsome when he's fully concentrated on his work.
“When will the results be ready?” you ask curiously as you look over his shoulder. By now you're feeling much better, you're sure it's nothing serious.
“Give me a few hours and I should have something out.” - “Hardworking as ever.” You gently stroke his shoulder as you went to turn around and Law quickly reached for your hand.
He gently pulls you close to give you a kiss on the back of your hand, his eyes always have a powerful effect on you and your cheeks turn a soft pink.
“We should go for breakfast, you should regain your energy. Go ahead, I'll clean up and come straight away.” Your heart softens at his care.
“I'll make us some coffee then.” Satisfied, he nods at you and lets go. In a good mood, you walk along the corridors of the cold Polar Tang, humming a bright melody.
The day went on as usual, the work on the Polar Tang was pure routine. A few small repairs here and inspections there. Nothing out of the ordinary. Just as you were about to leave the engine room to write your report, you bump into your friend.
“Heyyy y/n, already done with work?” You look up from your notes and have a chat with Ikkaku. After an waaay too short talk, you part ways as her beeper has gone off and she quickly went back to work. Apparently she has a lot to do... Your eyes go back to your list. You need to talk to Law, because you're slowly running out of materials for the maintenance of your submarine.
You've been underwater for quite a while now and you should be ascending soon. Ikkaku could probably use some materials too, maybe you should do a general inventory and make a supply list with Law. Just as you were about to turn around to go to Ikkaku to start with her, your beeper sounds.
A quick glance at your black device tells you that Law wants to talk to you, so you turn around again.
So, then you'll start the list tomorrow. After all, you'll be traveling for a few more days before you reach the next island...
You can't quite believe your ears and you stand in front of Law with your mouth open, completely frozen. Your pretty brain has to process this information first. You actually want to say something but don't quite know how to start the sentence.
“Y-you say I'm pregnant?!!!” You automatically reach for your belly.
“How could this happen?!” you look up at Law, unsure of how you should feel. To be honest, you're a little overwhelmed, but it's not actually a bad thing. You're actually at the age where it's appropriate, aren't you?
Law, who is leaning against his table in front of you, takes a breath to explain to you HOW this could have happened, in a physical and medical sense.
With knitted eyebrows, you shake your hand in front of Law in order to stop him. You know how, but somehow you're surprised. You often hear that the birth control failed here and there and the woman got pregnant, but somehow you think it would never happen to you and now it's happened to you.
Surprise, surprise.
You drop into a chair and look a little defeated.
“Shit…” you mutter. Law takes the results of your blood report and tries to change the subject.
“But hey, judging by your results, you're perfectly healthy and have the best possible condition for the baby." He turns the page to check a few more things.
“We should probably just get some more sun and fresh air for your wellbeing. Your vitamin D levels are a little low… No wonder down here…” In his head, he makes a mental note to talk to Bepo and Hakugan about surfacing today.
That sounds as if…
“Do you want me to keep the child?” You look up at him, a little surprised. A pleasant excitement spreads through your chest at the thought that Law will be the father of your child.
His eyes peek over the edge of the paper, looking down at you. He examines your glazed eyes, places the papers on the table and crouches down in front of you to be closer to you.
“Do you want to keep the child, y/n?” he notices that you're a little unsure, but that's okay. That's normal... but he will follow your final decision. No matter what you decide, he will stand by you and make sure you are both safe and happy.
Somehow it all feels surreal. You and Law are having a baby. That will change everything now, but you're longing to find out what it's like. You shrug your shoulders a little sheepishly.
“Uh-huh… kind of, yea.” Somewhat embarrassed, you smile at him. For you, getting together with Law has always been like hitting the jackpot, but you'd never thought about you two becoming parents.
But dear, if you only knew how Law sees you… He'd be lying if he said he wasn't happy about becoming a dad, but right now you're coming first, since you're feeling 'a little under the water'. [sorry but I couldn't help myself, lol]
“Well, I guess we have something to celebrate, don't we?“
Law's grin makes you smile. Somehow he always pushes the right buttons with you. With his charming looks, his cunning manner and clever little head, he always manages to mess with your feelings. You've never felt this way about anyone before and you weren't exactly a virgin before… Now that you're becoming parents, you feel like you're starting to really mature with Law.
“How are we going to tell them?” Parties are not his thing, you know that, but as soon as the others find out, they want to throw a party anyway.
He seems to be thinking deeply as he plays with your fingers.
“Maybe we'll just throw a party…” you look down at him in surprise, but he explains why.
“I know for a fact that we won't be able to avoid it…” a small giggle slips out of your mouth and you gently squeeze his hand, but Law breaks your eye contact.
“Well, I won't be able to get around it…” You're never against a fun party, but after an hour Law's social battery is usually drained and he disappears into his study.
“Not a bad idea, actually. If we plan the party, we can be sure that it won't be too chaotic. Let's keep it simple.” Law is pleased that you share the same thought. Well, it's probably because you can't party as hard as usual, but it doesn't make you sad. Somehow the joy slowly sets in.
Law gets up and pulls you up with him while you both hold hands. Without saying a word, he takes you in his arms and you breathe in his calming scent. At this very moment you just feel so good, even though you were so scattered until a few moments ago, you are sure that everything will work out with Law by your side.
You're kind of excited. The crew thinks you're throwing a party because you're resurfacing today and they believe that cheap lie, but what pirate crew needs a reason to throw a party? They probably don't give it a second thought and are happy to have food and booze under the sun.
In a good mood, you hum a little tune in the kitchen while you prepare a few treats in the kitchen. At some point, Shachi comes by and you tell him that he shouldn't be snacking, but he just laughs cheekily at you and stuffs a filled onigiri into your mouth. You hum contentedly as you taste the tuna cream.
“You're getting better and better y/n, the shape is a real triangle this time too!” you smack him on the back of the head and huff in offense.
He's used to it and your blows don't even really hurt so he just laughs as he rubs his head.
“I'm sure Law will be more than pleased.” Without a care in the world, he picks another treat from the little buffet you've set up and disappears into the corridor.
Your gaze rests on your bitten onigiri. You are secretly thrilled that he thinks Law will be happy. You wonder if he is looking forward to your current situation in general.
After you surfaced with the Polar Tang, Law and a few others set up the deck. Tables and benches were set up and you and Ikkaku hung up some hanging garlands to make it look more festive. After putting the finishing details on the final appearance, you put your hands on your hips in satisfaction while Law stepped to your side.
“They really don't suspect anything…” he whispers in your ear.
You just smile to yourself. After all, it just seems like you're having a party as usual. The buffet, the decorations, the festive lights and a small bar on the deck are just the same as usual.
Law doesn't know it, but you couldn't help yourself and had to tell Ikkaku about it immediately. After all, she's your best friend. You can definitely trust her not to spill the beans and it shouldn't be too difficult because you're throwing the party today anyway. She even offered to prepare a few desserts. With hearts in your eyes, you accepted her offer, of course.
All in all, it was an evening like any other with your crew. There was laughter, some dancing, a lot of goofing around and singing. Avoiding the alcohol was quite difficult, but luckily Ikkaku was your knight in shining armor. She always swapped your cup with hers, with only water inside, in an discreet fashion.
As the sunset glowed over your submarine and the atmosphere on deck calmed down allowing everyone to enjoy the last rays of sunshine, Law decided that now was the perfect time to spread the news.
He raised his glass and tapped it lightly with his fork so that everyone's attention was drawn to him by the clinking sound.
A few of the pirates look up at him in surprise. It's not that unusual for Law to make a speech from time to time, but there shouldn't be any special reason for him to make one today. Or maybe there is?
Glances go round among themselves. You smile knowingly to yourself as you watch the confusion on their faces.
“Sometimes there are unexpected twists and turns on our travels and sometimes it's the best thing that could have happened to us. In the end, everything always turned out well and that's only because we trusted and helped each other. We may be pirates, but we are also…” - “A FAMILY” Penguin and Sachi cry and shout in unison.
Law's words are unexpectedly touching. His words are always wise and uplifting… but this time he not only speaks from the heart, but with it and everyone is moved to the core.
You could cry because you know why he uses such beautiful words. With a satisfied grin, he agrees with the men.
“Exactly. We are a family and today y/n and I want to announce something to you.” Little by little, questioning glances wander to you and Law nods to you with an encouraging expression on his face. He now leaves you the honor of continuing.
“I'm pregnant!” you blurt out in a squeaky voice.
The looks go back and forth between you two in a rather funny way while the surprise is written all over everyone's face.
All of a sudden, the group erupts into a joyful roar and congratulations are given to you. Ikkaku can finally take you in her arms, her eyes overflowing with tears. A few of the men are shaking hands with Law while Bepo rushes up to Law and almost crushes him in a hug.
Your heart bursts as you watch the cheering crowd and stroke Ikkaku's back in a soothing manner as she utters some incomprehensible words of joy…
In the chaotic happiness, your and Law's eyes met. He seems as happy as you feel.
The atmosphere were already great before, but now it's just amazing.
They raise a toast to both of you and your little one, while Penguin and Shachi fight over which of them gets to listen and feel your belly first. You have to laugh at their goofiness, because there's not much of the typical pregnancy belly to be seen yet.
Bepo comes running towards you with cute beady eyes and gives you a warm embrace. He snuggles up to your head and you brush against his soft fur…
You hear his soft sniffle and in a low voice he whispers to you how happy he is for you guys.
“You're going to be great parents!” You wipe a small tear of joy from his face and pull yourself together so that you don't burst into tears yourself, but you're just too emotional. Your walls collapse and the tears roll down your cheeks.
The rest of the gang decides to come up to you and engages even Law in a huge group hug. It touches you more than anything how happy your friends are for you.
You can hardly wait to tell your friends the Straw Hats. You wonder how they will react. You secretly hope that it will be the reason you'll see each other sooner than you thought.
You really want to go shopping with Ikkaku, Robin and Nami for the baby!
You let the evening fade away together until at some point it was just you and Law.
The evening got a bit chilly and before you could even get cold, Law put his coat around you. Thanking him with a quiet smile, you can still see the joy on his face… And you? You can still hardly believe it. You're going to be parents… but you're still thinking about how Law really feels. He's obviously happy but you wish you could hear what he's thinking.
“Law, tell me, how do you feel?” Your eyes are fixed on the sea. You watch the glittering reflection of the moon in the water, while his gaze rests on you.
“I don't know. I kind of feel everything. Excitement, joy but also some fear.” Your gaze quickly goes up to him, but his eyes are now on the open sea.
The fact that he feels the same as you is somehow reassuring. You're a bit jealous of him for always keeping such a cool head, because unlike you, he seemed so calm and confident the whole time.
“You know y/n, when I went through the results today I could hardly believe my eyes when I realized why you were feeling bad.” With his arms leaning against the railing, he smiled down at you.
“I thought my heart stopped working and when it started beating again, a new feeling was born...” The glimmer in his eyes is as calming as a fire, that is about to fade out.
You are not used to so many touching words and your heart starts beating quicker with each word. The way he says everything is saved in your brain like a video and you dare not to speak a word.
He turns his upper body towards you and moves a little closer to gently brush a strand of hair out of your face. A little hesitantly, he begins to speak again, as if searching for the right words in your eyes.
“A feeling... that I thought I had long lost… The feeling of having a family.”
Okay y/n don't cry. Don't cry!
Law kisses your forehead as he wipes a tear from your face. The feeling of his warm lips disappears faster than you'd like, though, and Law takes a step back to get down on one knee.
With his gaze fixed on your eyes, he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a small box. You know what this means but you fail to move or say anything. Wide eyed, you follow Law's movements.
“I wanted to do this much earlier… but somehow I didn't find the right time… or maybe I was just waiting for this very moment?” Law isn't quite sure himself where he gets these words from, but so much has changed after today. He opens the box and your gaze falls on the sparkling ring.
“Y/n will you marry me?”
With quivering lips, you nod at him while tears flow like a waterfall and you throw yourself onto him, wrapping your arms around his neck.
You usually have a lot to say, but this time Law has left you completely speechless.
You could have said yes a thousand times but it would never be enough to make it clear how much you want to be his wife.
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A/N: Oh well… Law. I bet you'd be great as a dad.
I hope you enjoyed it ♡
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cannellee · 1 month
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୨୧ alpha! tokyorev x omega! reader (pairing : hakkai, takemichi, shinichiro) PART 2
— top 3 pathetic men of tokyorev (trio of simps)
a/n : yes, I needed to rank them after seeing a girl on tiktok rank her favourite pathetic shōjo male leads... my turn ! (nothing great but it had to be done😔)
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there could have been so many options for n°3 but hakkai just seems right. my man is afraid of omegas!! so nervous and shy and for what ?!
the contrast between his enormous build, strong scent of a powerful alpha and the restlessness he has whenever he's talking to you is insanely cute. you can't help but laugh at him and he has no choice but to simply blush at how humiliated he feels !
what do you mean this gang member can't look at you straight in the eyes ? yes, hakkai is pathetic like that. but that's what makes your relationship this precious ; hakkai doesn't act all big and scary with his omega to try and assert dominance. instead, he trips over his words and flinches each time you initiate skinship.
courting is so long and tough, hakkai doesn't know what to do and where to start. should he ask you properly for what type of gifts you enjoy ? does he assume by himself ? do you even want to get courted by him ?
god, he's so unsure of himself. you'll have to guide him throughout your relationship, assure him it's okay to touch you and that he's not hurting you. he knows you're weak and fragile and hakkai's biggest fear is to bring harm to his lovely girlfriend.
he still can't realise he has a girlfriend. he's literally on cloud 9 and does everything to keep you with him. yes he's an alpha, and yes his demeanor changes when you're here. he becomes rather submissive in order to please you better.
also, hakkai is soo jealous. he literally can't bear the thought of any alpha laying their claim on you and ends up becoming overly protective. he's constantly on edge, worried sick about your safety to the point that he already has stalked you a few times... just to make sure you were okay of course !
please don't misunderstand him :( he loves you so much but he just has troubles expressing his overwhelming affection for you...
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professional crawler, on his knees at any minor issue, ready to beg for the forgiveness of his omega. he listens and obey, even when you're wrong, he does as you say!
he admits his mistakes almost instantly and is afraid of upsetting you. he lets himself be scolded because his adorable omega has all the rights in the world when it comes to him!
takemichi borderline worships you, his precious girlfriend who happens to love his far from perfect self... what did he do to deserve such a pretty omega by his side ?
the smallest signs of affection from you are taken as the biggest gifts on his part and he literally can not get tired of it. he asks for more, shamelessly. tell him to do embarrassing things simply to get a peck on the lips and he'll comply in a second! he doesn't feel any shame.
boy is so eager to please :( his friends often make fun of him for how down bad he is, but he honestly couldn't care less.
he talks about you 24/7, everything reminds him of you : sends you pics of a beautiful blooming tree "y/n would love to be here!", he orders your favourite pastry whenever he walks past the shop selling it "I'm gonna buy it for her, I hope y/n will be happy to see I've got her favourite one!", he notes down the places he discovered and think you might like, that way he can bring you there with him on a date next time! and he also makes sure he restocks all your makeup supplies before they're even gone... he's the best!!
he's so desperate he'll try to sniff any lingering pheromones of you he might have on his sleeve after you leave, rolling his eyes when he successfully catches your scent.
he's such a hopeless alpha. you'll ask him how he managed to survive without you for this long and he'll simply answer that he never truly felt alive until he met you. so cheesy but insanely real:(
he melts whenever you're here to comfort him, you're such a reliable mate and takemichi feels so grateful for your devotion towards him. he swears he'll take care of you just as greatly as you do !
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now how can we talk about pathetic men without even mentioning shinichiro. he is the og loser. gets no bitches like takemichi but his case is more severe.
meeting you was a blessing and having you fall for him was a miracle. calling this man a simp is an understatement, he is committed.
he already had little shame, but his dignity is nowhere to be seen if his omega is involved. he's so desperate to keep your relationship going that he's ready to risk everything just to satisfy you.
he buys you everything, gets you a gift and flowers each time you meet up. he asks for your kisses like a high on hormones teenage boy who never felt the touch of a woman, even though you've been together for a few weeks.
he's experiencing everything for the first time with you, which is why he's so eager to touch and feel you. to him, you're the sweetest, prettiest and most perfect angel...
shinichiro doesn't care about your social roles, you're the one leading your couple : shinichiro listens to you. his job is to keep you safe and happy, he has no limits whatsoever and smiles like a fool each time you talk to him. also, he lives for your praises!!
he has the worst pickup lines. he wants to impress you but fails miserably each time which is why he's 1st on this list. he just can't catch a break : he literally begged to take you out on a date the first time and somehow kept embarrassing himself out of stress. and it's you, the omega, who had to appease this big alpha that he was doing fine and that you liked his clumsy side.
when the both of you weren't dating, he would spend his time fantasising about you and bonding with you. he dreamed of biting your nape and actually becoming your alpha for real. he feels weak in the knees now knowing he successfully made you his.
his omega is everything to him and he's careful to be the most attentive and the first to fulfill all of of her needs without delay!
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leliawrites · 2 months
dating weesa??!!
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is COMPLETELY different with you v.s with others
super inexperienced with love, relationships, etc. so he's awkward and dumb when it comes to it, but his kindness shines through.
like in public hes super idgaf but he is so comfortable around so expect him to be extra vulnerable. he is VERY communicative and trusting. you talk to him about your problems and vice versa.
talks in his baby voice!! everyone sees him as big and intimidating cuz hes so tall (even you did at first) but he's just a softie and isn't afraid to show it around you
"can you pleaseee come over i miss you my sweetie pie :(" he pouts into the video call cooing for you
"what." jimmy walks in, surprised at the youngest curled up in the couch talking in baby
weesa clears his throat "i mean... uh... you could totally come over if you want... babe..." he spits condescendingly.
you and jimmy both burst out laughing feeling really really embarrassed for this try-hard "cool "dude.
he's dating you, but married to his phone!! you have to keep reminding him to pay attention to you.
"what are you even looking at??" you snatch his phone from him only to find he's been searching for the perfect widgets to put on his homescreen for his new wallpaper: a polaroid of you two at the arcade last week. he does this every. single. date. he's so obsessed with you.
lovey dovey loverboy!
he fell in love with you at first site. no literally. the first time he saw you he muttered under his breath, "holy fuck". "sorry what?" you asked. "uh. nothing. my name's weesa. ok bye." he smiled awkwardly and ran away. what a weird guy...
couldn't even ask you out straight up.
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"so uh do you have a boyfriend... or other kind of friend ?"
"no" you smiled, awaiting the big question.
"cool... cool.... do you... like hamburgers?"
"uhm. i guess?" it feels like you've been standing here forever.
"omg that's so crazy i like hamburgers too! we're quite similar dont you think?"
"its a popular food dumbassass" ren sighs, walking right past you two.
"so do you want to go out to eat hamburgers or any other kind of food you like there's no pressure at all-"
"are you asking me out?"
"yes! unless you dont want to. in that case im just asking from a friend to a friend but like, i really respect you and your choices either way-"
you cut him off by giving him a kiss on his cheek.
"stupid, i'd love to go out with you," you cheekily whisper.
first date?
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he took you to his favourite restaurant. actually, those were the first 12 dates. just different restaurants and cuisines. back to the first one.
the whole time, he was just fascinated with you and your ideas. asks you SO MANY questions about your hobbies because he loves the way your eyes sparkle when you talk about your passions.
"so what kind of yarn do you like to use when you crochet?" he doesn't really care for crocheting, but gosh, he could drown in threads of yarn if it meant seeing you this happy.
hours fly by and you two are still seated, entranced in each other's words. he cuts you off while you were recalling your most embarrassing drunk story, "i think i'm in love with you." you spit out your drink. but you can tell he's not kidding.
...so yeah! he's the type to confess after the first date.
dependable and trusting when you're down ;((
despite lacking experience in the relationship department, he really is such a good guy that you don't have to worry about anything else.
you were laying in his arms on your bed, both of you doom-scrolling. you were having a bad day but didnt want to burden him.
"you know, you don't have to feel like you're burdening me with your struggles", weesa says, his eyes still glued to his phone.
woah, did he just read your mind?
he continues, shifting to look at you, "that's what i'm here for. lay it all on me, love" he lightly strokes your hair and caresses your cheek.
"ugh you're the best" you fall into his arms, knowing you're home and you never have to second-guess yourself around him.
you talk to him about your problems for hours and hours. sometimes when he can't keep up, he writes stuff down in his journal, so he never forgets what you're going through. HE LISTENS AND HE CARES SO MUCH.
and when you're apart, he sends you a flower or a cake to cheer you up. "even when you're far from me, i'm always right behind you. - weezur" the note in the bouquet reads.
anyways, hope you enjoyed this im about to go jump 0ff a cl1ff now HES SO CHEESY AND ADORABLE UGHHHHHHHH43OHUIFREQLBERQHRQHALI
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cu7ie · 1 year
what do you think toman boys are like in relationships like loyal or nah
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content: discussions of cheating, general relationship head canons and love language discussion towards the end.
I think Mikey doesn't cheat because he's lazy. The kinds of relationships he likes are ones of great emotional depth and the actual physical steps required to find someone suitable, hide it from you or eventually break it off is too much. Doesn't have the mental capacity for that level of espionage, the emotional strength to lie to someone's face like that. Toman Mikey does not have that dog in him, Draken has taught him too well. Bonten Mikey has no problem fucking other people however! Not a sad thought in his mind or tear in his eye, might even think about you while he's going at it and wonder if you'd notice the taste of someone else on his lips when he gets back to ya. Sanzu seems like a hopeless romantic with obsessive and possessive tendencies. I don't think he'd cheat but he also has high expectations and probably strict rules for a partner. Doesn't like overly friendly touches and certain attitudes.
Respectfully, I think Bonten Sanzu fucks other people and will laugh in your face about it. But his inclination to do it more rests solely on the idea of it bothering you; he likes making you upset and to some extent grows irritated with the idea he's so invested in you emotionally that a chunk of his pleasure is derived with tormenting you in such a way, but it's a vicious cycle... He finds a soft body to indulge in, but can't help but think of you while doing it.
Nahoya fucks man. I mean.. like I don't think he really pursues concrete relationships in the first place. He likes something ambiguous he can't put a name to, the fun of it is the attention, you know? It's the assurance of something he can come back to, because if nothing ever starts it can't end.
Souya is the complete opposite of his brother. Sometimes he can put in a lot of faith in little time, and he can turn up with the shit of the stick right - and it's the worst, because he can't help but be so genuine. He's just not a liar, doesn't have it in him really.
I think Draken is very loyal. I don't think he'd cheat like cheating on Emma with you or vice versa.
He's very reliable, he's sticking around just because he thinks it's the proper thing to do. Even if he was in love with someone else entirely, if he has an obligation to a partner he will honor that first and foremost.
I think that Baji is… questionable? It's not emotional cheating he'd participate in, I just feel like he's a simple-minded, high sex drive kinda guy. He'll feel... bad about hurting you so much, but also has trouble comprehending why it might hurt. He loves you, isn't that more important? If you don't care that he has sex with other people, y'all should be cool.
Kazutora is possessive above all. I think he considers you less and more about how he needs to keep you close to him more, and he really does like you, just works harder and not smarter.
I think takemitchy is very loyal.. but idk .... I feel like ....
He's only loyal to Hina because she's the only girl interested in him. I feel like if he had Catherine situation - like there was a girl trying to seduce him away from Hina, he'd eat some shit like that up. He's brainless. Not entirely a dick-thinker but he doesn't always use the right head you know???
Mitsuya and Chifuyu are pretty straight laced. Their dedication to people is obvious in canon relationships and I don't think much changes beyond that! I think they differ in their demonstrations of affection, however:
Mitsuya performs acts of service and is a huge gift giver, especially after he gets into design and fashion in his later years. Too often though, sometimes he can neglect a good old fashioned 'i love you' in favor of grandeur and extravagance. He hopes that in any case, you'll love the things he gives you - knowing he didn't get gifts a lot growing up, it's more important to him than you'd think.
Chifuyu is an opposite to him. He is very open with saying I love you to the point where he'll say it in front of other people and follow it up with a kiss (or six), and most regularly he can be overbearing with his PDA - forgoing gifts to emphasize spending time with you and physically being there for you.
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idyllcy · 10 months
and on and on, i'll be by your side
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word count: 11.9k
warnings: non-explicit sex, unstable family relationship (reader)
summary: senior year romance means everything from fluff to angst to teenage hormones
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"I like you. let's date."
Jason chokes on his water, coughing as you hand him a napkin to wipe off the water.
"What the fuck did you just say to me?"
"Let's date?"
"before that."
"I like you." You blink at him, raising a brow. "What? Can't believe it?"
"No. I was not expecting to get confessed to on the first FUCKING DAY OF SENIOR YEAR." He hisses. "Why are you even asking me out? You had a crush on some other guy all the way until like before junior year ended."
"Yeah..." You tap your chin. "You see, I had a revelation over summer while we studied at the library together."
"I don't want to hear it."
"Well too bad!" You shrug, smile on your lips. "I thought, hey, I've kinda been on and off with my feelings with you for a while now, why not just get the closure I need?"
"So you asked me out without expecting me to accept your confession?" Jason hands you the second sandwich Alfred packed.
"Yeah!" You hum. "Thank you."
"And if I accept your confession?"
"Then we date." You shrug. "I have no L in this situation."
"What if I leave you hanging?"
"I have one L in this situation." You grimace. "You're not that mean, right?"
Three years. Jason Todd has been in love with you for three whole years — sitting through your hopeless rants about how attractive you found the most mediocre guys in the school, on the verge of going insane when he had practically turned into your ideal type only for you to pat him on the chest and tell him he'd definitely pull. Jason Todd had not expected you to casually drop the bomb that you had liked him on and off or the question of dating on the first day of senior year, the two of you sitting in your shared English teacher's classroom. He can feel his teacher's eyes on the back of his head as he stares at you incredulously.
"I'm not that mean," He shakes his head, heart racing in his head. "We..."
You look at him expectantly.
"Is it taking advantage of you if I agree to date you?" He winces.
"Nope! If anything, it could be me taking advantage of you." You beam. "Is that a yes?"
"Uh, yeah." Jason really hopes this doesn't come to bite him in the ass later. "Sure. Let's date."
You grin. "Should I call you babe?"
"Too fast." Jason deadpans. "If you don't finish that half of the sandwich I'm going to take it."
You gasp in fake offense. "I'm savoring it."
"Not with the lunch bell ringing in five minutes."
"I hate you." You grumble, going back to your sandwich. "What do people who date even do?"
"Well, they—"
"If you pull a single date idea from one of your classics I will throw this sandwich at your face."
"Alfred's hard work!" Jason raises a brow. "You dare disrespect that?"
"Either this or my backpack." You mumble, finishing the sandwich. "The backpack it is."
"I was going to say we could start with the park, but if you're going to smack me with your backpack, then I'd say we just break up." Jason jests.
"World's fastest breakup." You mumble. "We could break a world record with that."
"That's impossible. Someone out there has broken up faster than this. Also, I never said we'd break up." He mumbles. "I was threatening you."
You shrug, the bell going off.
"What's your next class?"
"I sent you my schedule like two weeks ago!" You gasp. "You didn't memorize it?"
"Alright," Jason sighs. "What's my next class?"
"Creative Writing. Bingo, loser."
"You can't do this to me." Jason grumbles.
"Oh, I can and I will." You grin.
"Have fun in your TA period." Jason walks in the other direction.
"You did memorize it?!" You yell at him in the hall as he walks off. "Liar!!!"
Jason ignores you, speeding up instead. The realization would settle in later, he thinks. The realization that after three years of pathetic pining on his end, you had asked him out on the first day of senior year with no will to continue living in Gotham. It was uncertain. Maybe you were just using him so you could say you had a boyfriend in high school. He would let himself get used, as long as it was you. In that case, he might as well put in the full effort to have you fall harder. Starting with... your ideal date, he supposes.
He sighs, looking through the list of books you had sent him earlier during summer that you completed, grimacing at how many questionable ones you had read. Though, that's not his problem. The two of you loved reading, even if they were totally different genres. Thankfully on his end, you had ranked them based on how much you liked them. He starts with the first book, a long night ahead of him.
"Hm?" Jason holds down the thug with his foot. "What?"
"Are you listening to an audiobook on duty?"
"What of it?" Jason knocks the man out with the back of his gun.
"Why are you listening to smut while on duty?"
"Little wing, did you get a girlfriend?"
"Why else would you be listening to romance while on the job? Obviously for research."
"He could also have a crush."
"I think it's his friend from school." Dick reasons. "He's had a crush on her since forever—"
"Oh my god, can you both shut up?"
"Get back to work." Bruce's voice rings on the line. "I don't care what he's listening to. As long as he's getting the job done."
Jason lingers in the city once patrol is over, scouting out an area to take you that wasn't the park. You hadn't looked that excited for the park when he joked about it. You did mention an arcade at some point early on in your friendship, and there was one in the area. Jason would have to take you by bike there. It'd be hard to park in the area. He pauses at the sight of the mall. You work there, huh?
"Mall. Are you deaf?"
"I have work this weekend." You blink at Jason. "Did you forget?"
"You dumbass. You work in the mall. I'll take you after work."
"I'm going to be all sweaty and gross!" You grimace.
"You sweat from a gift shop job?" He raises a brow.
"That was an excuse. I'm going to be dressed in a white tee and jeans. I'm barely going to look presentable." You frown.
"I'l give you my jacket. We can match."
"And have your chest out for the whole world to see? No." You deadpan. "Oh... maybe a compression shirt."
"What was it about not letting the world see my chest?"
"If you're going to wear something slutty I wanna match. You can wear your baseball jacket." You tap your chin. "Or we can both wear tees and jeans. I wanna wear a compression shirt too..."
Jason contemplates the idea of letting the world see your chest.
"No complaints?" You tilt your head.
"Wear what you want. I can fight." He smiles.
"Omg," You gasp. "Like a booktok boyfriend!"
"I'm defenestrating you."
"Jokes on you I'd be into it." You grin, eyes crinkling from how hard you were.
"Do you want me to bring you a change of clothes?"
"No. I'll just wear my tee and jeans." You hum. "And your jacket?"
"And my jacket." Jason takes it off, helping you into it. "There."
"You can wear a white tee and jeans." You smile. "And bring a sharpie. I want to draw on your shirt."
"Got it." He hums. "Anything else you want?"
"Can you bring me coffee?"
"Your usual?"
"Yes please."
The rest of your friend group tells you you seem to be happier these days. You joke that it's because you're ahead on your college apps. They don't pester you beyond that. You're glad they don't. You don't know what kind of madness your friend group would pull if they found out you were dating your best friend. They'd probably... you don't want to think about it.
"Hey," Jason hums, handing you your cup of coffee as you step out of the store, shift over.
"Hi," You hum, pressing the coffee to your lips. "Thank you."
Jason fishes out a Sharpie from his pocket next, handing it to you as you find a place to sit down, the smell of the pen filling the air as you scribble weird characters onto his back.
"What are you drawing?"
"The skrunkly." You mumble.
"The soots from Spirited Away?"
Jason waits for your to finish, handing you his phone to take a photo of your artwork. You click into his BeReal instead, taking a photo of his back and then of you, sharpie still in hand. You are picking violence today. Does this count as a hard launch? You don't know. All you know is that the baseball team is going to jump Jason for not telling them he has a girlfriend. You type out a caption, handing him his phone back as he stares at the drawings.
"You should apply as an art major."
"I don't have a portfolio." You deadpan. "Unless you count the shirt."
"Or the sketchbooks full of our classmates' faces."
"Or that." You close the sharpie, putting it in your pocket. "Where to?"
"I brought my car. You wanna go anywhere?"
"I wanna go... with you? To your home?" You pat his shoulder twice. "I'm kidding. Let's hit up the arcade."
"Sure." Jason hums. "Oh, did you get sharpie on my skin?"
"Want me to check?"
You run your hand under his shirt, lifting it as you check for marks. You pause, admiring his back.
"You've got a lot of scars."
"You know what it's from."
"Your nighttime activities."
Jason can practically see you wriggling your brows at him.
"Yeah. Call it that."
"Can I be part of that?"
"Depends how you want to be part of it." Jason hums. "No marks?"
You let his shirt fall back down.
"Shall we go?"
"Let's." You hum, standing up with him, slipping your hand into his, the two of you head for the escalators.
Jason SUCKS at dance dance revolution.
You discover it after hitting the arcade, his weird skills in pulling out plushes from the crane machine and his eerily good aim at shooting games knocking the air out of you, but you find that no matter how fast he was on his feet as Red Hood, he sucks at dance games. Which brought you to this point.
Jason gawks at how high your score is.
You laugh, tickets spilling out from the machine, holding the bar as Jason stares at his score, offended a score that low could even exist.
"I kicked Dick's ass last time we played."
"Sure, totally believe you." You grin. "How many years ago was that? Four? Five?"
"I'm going to defenestrate you."
You snort. "I thought I told you I'm into that."
"From the top of Wayne Tower?"
"I'll call Dick for help." You hum. "He'll save me with that tight suit of his o—"
Jason slams a hand over your mouth, glaring at you.
"I'm kidding." You pull his hand away. "Why would I ask him for help when my boyfriend is right here? Oh, right. My boyfriend's the one defenestrating me. I should call Tim instead. He'd probably be in the building anyway."
"Or maybe your dad. He'd probably be in the building too."
"Or I'll just fall to my death and force you to live with the guilt of—"
Jason grabs you by the face, glaring at you. "That's enough."
You jut out your lips, grinning. "Are we about to kiss?"
"Too fast." Jason sighs, letting go. "Are you happy with your plushies or do you want more?"
"How many more coins do you have?"
"Can I get three more?"
"Which ones do you want?"
You hold onto the bag of plushies as Jason wins you four more, the coins running out and a laugh spilling past his lips when you ask him for help. It was nice to not play at a rigged crane game, but Jason's ability to pull every single plush on the first try was baffling.
"Hey, how are we getting home? Didn't you take your bike?"
"I drove today." He deadpans. "Your memory game is still real strong, huh?"
You gasp, feigning shock. "I have GREAT memory."
"When's my birthday?"
You purse your lips. "Can you get my phone?"
"I'm hurt."
"August 16." You laugh. "I celebrate it with you every year. Did you actually think I didn't know?"
"You have terrible memory."
"I'm offended." You grumble. "We can split the children."
"Shared custody?"
"We're not... divorced?" You raise a brow at him. "Unless this is a breakup call—"
"Nope. Which ones do you want?"
"I want the franchised ones."
"So like, more than half of them."
"I'm kidding. I want the Nightwing one."
"Not the Red Hood one?"
"I didn't finish saying which other ones I wanted. I want all the Batman-themed ones." You mumble. "Especially the Red Hood one."
"Why the plush," Jason leans down, lips to your ear, blowing on it, "when I'm right here?"
"Are you saying you'll stay at my place forever?" You raise a brow at him, leaning back.
"I don't see why not."
"Absolutely not. My parents would have a heart attack if I brought a boy home." You grumble. "You've met them before."
"They've seen me. They've never met me." Jason shrugs. "Do they know you're on a date?"
"No." You hum. "I can tell them you dropped by and we were at the arcade."
"They're fine with us hanging out?"
"They just don't want me to date. Not when college app season is in swing, at least." You pause. "Where are you going?"
"Gotham, obviously."
"Ugh." You grumble. "Wish you'd leave the city with me."
"I know." You mumble. "You have to stay."
"And you have to go."
There's beauty in Gotham, you admit, but it's not the city you can see yourself living in the long term. Not even when your boyfriend would make sure you never die or get hurt. Not even if his entire family ran around keeping the city safe. You wouldn't be able to live in a city like this, even if you were used to the spontaneous kidnappings and death threats floating around the city. Even if you were used to the life in Gotham, you couldn't see yourself continuing down the road.
"What happens to us after high school?" You grimace.
"We'll figure it out." Jason hums. "Enjoy what we have for now."
The drive home is quiet, a silence that's comfortable for the two of you. It's a silence that rests in the air when the two of you are too tired to talk to each other, familiar to the two of you, a constant in your lives. You bring everything upstairs, falling asleep immediately, too tired to explain where the plushies came from and why you had been gone for so long.
Jason watches as you apply to the bigger schools, a thousand extracurriculars tucked behind your application, a hundred awards to cram into the five slots. You had more than he could imagine. He knew you had been an overachiever, but he hadn't known how hard you worked. It showed on your application, and it showed in December when you were accepted into your dream school with a full ride.
"You're leaving for good, then?" He rests his head on your shoulder, watching as you accept the offer.
"Yeah." You chew on the straw to your milk, puffing air into your cheeks.
"Will you miss me?"
"Babe, it's December." You remind.
"Yeah, but will you miss me?"
"I'll miss you more if you take me to Winter Formal."
"I already have a proposal in plan. Be patient." He grumbles, biting into his apple. "Are you going to ask me to Winter Formal?"
You smile. "Apple."
Jason sticks his tongue out, a piece of laminated paper on his tongue, glancing at the words.
"Yes. I'll go to Winter Formal with you. How'd you even get the paper in there?"
"Secret." You laugh. "I rolled it up and jammed it in there and then put edible paint on to cover the marks."
"Creative." He grins. "Love you."
The two of you stare at each other as you register Jason's words, and your lips part before closing again.
"You love me?" You crane your neck to look at him better.
"You don't?"
You laugh. "I love you too."
"Maybe I should apply there." He mumbles.
"You can't leave Gotham."
"It's not that I can't." He corrects. "it's just that I don't want to."
"Right, right." You nod. "But it's fine. Gotham needs you."
"Yeah." He mumbles. "That's not far, is it? I can still visit."
"Yeah." You hum. "No. It's four hours."
You laugh. "We'll figure something out."
Jason matches with you for Winter Formal, showing up with your favorite flowers, flowers matching the color of your dress and his corsage, your house empty for the night. Jason wonders some days why you never introduce him to your parents, but it's not his place to pry. He had terrible parents on his own. He doesn't even want to think about what could have happened had his birth mom gotten the chance to ruin his life like she wanted to. But it didn't matter, especially not when Winter Formal is crashed by a supervillain and he's forced to take action.
You laugh when he finishes, hand held out to help you from the ground. His siblings are scattered throughout, Dick and Bruce talking to Gordon, debriefing the whole situation. He lingers by you, checking your skin for any injuries of sort.
"Sorry Winter Formal got ruined." He mumbles through the helmet.
You pat his chest twice. "Can we get Batburgers?"
"With my helmet on?"
You roll your eyes. "Whatever you want."
"Yeah, we can," He hands you his car keys, swinging onto a nearby roof to change out of his clothes, mask off. You open the door for him as he slides in, the two of you one of the last to leave. "You aren't mad Winter Formal got ruined?"
"No. I like seeing you in action." You smile. "Besides, your brother—"
"We have got to do something about your addiction to Nightwing." He grumbles, driving off. "Drive through or walk in?"
"Drive through." You observe the helmet. "Does this have any defense mechanisms?"
"If you try to pry it off my head, it cuts your finger. The needle has poison on it too."
"Damn." You mumble. "Anything else?"
"It's got a bomb built in."
"WHAT." You blink at him. "You can self-destruct?!"
"Mhm." He hums. "Your regular order?"
"Can I get ice cream?"
You pull the bobby pins from your hair as he orders, staring at yourself in the vanity mirror. There are a couple of bloodstains on your dress that definitely don't belong to you, and you spot the same stains on Jason's dress shirt, tie loosened and unbuttoned to relax a little. You wonder why they targeted your school's dance. They could have gotten more money if they held the nearby private school hostage. You shrug as Jason pulls up to the window to pay.
"Here." He hands you your order as he pulls into a nearby parking lot, his own order on his lap.
"Why'd you think they targeted our school?"
"Because of me," Jason bites into his burger. "Billionaire's son."
"The private school has more rich kids." You reach for a napkin.
"Yeah, but my father's a billionaire. Those kids are all millionaires. Their net worth isn't even worth mine."
"True, huh."
"Are you sure Winter Formal wasn't ruined?"
"No. I got to see your tits bounce while you fought."
"No. Your chestplate kept it in tact." You chuckle. "I'd like to see you shirtless sometime."
"Why not now?"
"I am not fucking you in an empty parking lot at 2am."
"I am not letting that be my first time."
"Alright, fair enough." He mumbles. "Where should our first time be?"
"Forgot you're a virgin despite the body." You lick your fingers clean of the sauce. "Don't ask me."
"You wanna fuck in Bruce's room?"
"Not a hotel."
"Definitely not a hotel."
"In the Batcave?"
"Jason, I love you, but we are NOT fucking somewhere where your dad can catch us on the cameras."
"Your house."
"Then where?" He picks up his soda, blinking. "College dorm."
"I'll let you fuck me at the hotel I'll be at before moving in for college." You shove the spoonful of ice cream into your mouth.
"Bet." He grins. "I'm holding you to that."
Jason's ability to drive in Gotham surprises you some days. The two of you have been to every corner of the city, even to the places the two of you are definitely not allowed to visit. The abandoned factories, the galas that you never receive invitations to, everything from head to toe had been visited before. But every place is an adventure, even when the two of you are laying in the grass of Gotham's empty parks, naming the shapes in the sky, bloody red mixed with a sickly green. You find that it reminds you of Jason's eyes, pretty grass-colored irises reminding you of flower fields.
"What shape is that?"
"I don't know," You mumble, staring at his face. "I'm not looking anymore."
"What are you looking at?" He raises a brow at you.
"Your eyes." You blink at him, a stupid smile on your face. Jason looks at you with the same smile on his face. The smile of two idiots in love.
"Yeah? What about them?"
"They're pretty." Your fingers press to his chest for support as you lean in closer, staring right into them. "They look like the fields in the Alps. Like a cottage in the fields I wished I lived in, like the comfort of the morning dew that helps ground me."
"You like my eyes that much?"
"I like everything about you." You mumble.
"Can I kiss you?" His voice is barely above a whisper.
Jason kisses you with fervor — passion you forget he has sometimes. He kisses you like you're the last person in the world, making your lashes flutter and head spin from the taste of his lips, your nails digging into his biceps, moan slipping past your lips as his fingers dig into your waist to pull you to sit up. You pull away with a hard inhale, Jason chasing after your lips immediately, hands flying to your face, tongue pressed to yours, barely breathing himself. You wonder if his lungpower came with the vigilante business. You certainly can't keep up, pushing him away at some point, panting.
"One more."
"No." You grumble. "Can't breathe. Head spin. I'm going to die."
"Most that'll happen is you'll pass out." He grins.
"No more." You point at him, eyes hard. "I'm not passing out at a park... or getting arrested for public indecency."
Jason laughs, pulling you close, resting his head on your shoulder, arms wrapped around your waist snuggly. You frown, running your hands through his hair, closing your eyes to see if you can listen to his heartbeat with how close his chest was pressed to yours. You hum gently, letting the vibrations rumble between the two of you, the sun peeking past the clouds in Gotham for once. You wonder how many more times you would get to do this.
"I'm going to miss you." You mumble into his skin. "A lot."
"I'll drive up to you every weekend."
"That's four hours and a shit ton of tolled routes." You mumble.
"Daddy's got money to spare."
You laugh, leaning further into Jason's body, smile making way onto your face again. "Yeah? How about you fly over?"
"Wow, babe, I thought you cared about my carbon footprint."
"Then go by boat." You hum.
"Not a bad idea. You want a rich boyfriend who knows how to sail?"
"And get to brag to all those rich kids who can't date for shit about it? Yeah." You hum. "Plus, you'd look so hot sailing while shirtless in nothing but swim trunks."
"You think about me shirtless more than I can imagine." He rubs soothing circles on your waist. "What else do you think about?"
"Think about your tits."
"Pecs, baby."
"Think about biting them."
"In a—"
"In a completely normal way. Just. The urge to bite and squish?"
"In the neurodivergent way?"
"Yeah." You hum. "But I also think about you at night."
"Worry about you. Who's going to patch you up when I'm gone?"
"Yeah, but," You swallow. "I won't know if you're alive or awake the next day."
"I can text you."
"I should just take you with me." You sigh. "Pack you in my suitcase."
"You want me to go to college with you?"
"Yeah." You mumble blissfully. "In my perfect world."
Jason opens his mouth before you cut him off by pulling away from him.
"Jay," You mumble. "Do you think we're going to break up?"
"Do you?"
"I hope not." You mumble. "I wouldn't dare to."
"I don't think we're going to break up." He hums. "Not with the way I'm in love with you, at least."
"Yeah." He whispers back to you, pressing his forehead to yours, noses brushing. "Not at all."
"That's all I need to hear." You grin.
Jason takes you to prom, as all high schoolers do, arm around your waist as you press the lemon water to your lips. There's no punch out of a fear that people are going to drug it, even when everyone is searched. You wonder if you want to go to the afterparty as you dump the rest of the drink. It's nasty. You wish there was soda. At least you could work a mocktail with a Sprite and the fruit on the table. The prom location is awful too despite the pretty paintings. It smells like a high school boys' locker room.
"There's karaoke in the back," He mumbles into your skin, pressing a kiss to your neck. That too. Jason's been getting more and more frisky. He should really have some sense of shame. "Without too many people."
"There's karaoke?" You ignore the way he squeezes your waist.
"Far back. Behind all the paintings."
"Oh, fuck yes." You mumble, making a beeline for the back, bolting to the first seat by karaoke you find. Jason texts you the list of songs available and asks you if you want to sing a duet. He watches you laugh at his text and send him a song, reminding him to ask when the two of you were going. He stands behind you, hands running up and down your neck, fingers digging into your back.
"You giving me a massage?" You rest your hand on his as he pauses.
"How are your feet doing?"
"Much better now that I'm sitting down." You mumble.
"Need to swap shoes with me?"
"I'll be fine." You hum. "You ready to sing?"
"Two losers who never speak up in class singing? You bet." He laughs.
You toss your friend your phone to record the two of you.
Jason may suck at DDR, but he's a great singer. His voice rings through the room, and you're sure more than one of the students in the room has fallen for him just based on his voice, but you're having fun singing a duet with him. It's always nice to be reminded that Jason sounds like an angel despite the build. You'd have him sing with you when he drives you up for college, you think. Yet, you yell the lyrics to the Taylor Swift song with him anyway, screaming the high note and bursting into laughter afterward. Jason continues singing, holding his hand out for you to get up.
It's the highlight of your high school life, you think. The highlight isn't when you got into your dream college, the highlight is Jason Todd serenading you at prom to a Taylor Swift song. You continue singing along with him, ignoring the way your heels hurt like a bitch. Maybe you'd have him drive you to get another Batburger. Even better, you'd have him grapple you to get Batburgers. That would make the night better, you think. You'd love to fly with him.
Jason finishes, mocking a bow to the crowd, the students cheering at him.
He pulls on your hand to have you bow too. You oblige.
The two of you leave prom early. Jason pulls you away from the karaoke room immediately when you finish, the two of you bolting for his car. Your heels click against the cement of the parking lot, digging into your feet, and you spin, your phone in Jason's hand as he takes photos of you. You hope he's good. Maybe he's one of those boyfriends who manage to catch photos of you at your worse. Oh well. The idea of it makes you laugh, the high from too many students ringing in your head, the deindividuation getting to you. You smile at Jason loopily, and your camera clicks in his hand, the moment immortalized.
"For your information," Jason catches you by the waist, showing you the photo of yourself. "You look gorgeous."
"Should've had Tim take photos of us before we left." You mumble. "Can you carry me back to the car?"
"My pleasure." Jason sits you on the sidewalk, helping you out of your heels. He throws you over his shoulder, resting his hand on your ass as he takes your heels in the other hand. "This good?"
"I feel like a sack of potatoes." You laugh. "But this is fine."
"Wanna go anywhere after this?"
"Can we grapple to get Batburgers?"
"You want to grapple?" You can feel Jason raise his brow.
"Yeah." You mumble. "Can we?"
"You good with flying? Your dress is too slippery, babe." He pats your ass.
"Oh, come on."
"Silk is too slippery." He hums. "We can do it another day."
You grumble. "Can we still get Batburgers?"
"With ice cream?"
"Yes, please." You mumble as Jason opens the door to your side, settling you into the seat and putting your heels next to your feet.
"I have a change of shoes in the back of the car because Dick told me that heels make your feet hurt after a while." He kisses the corner of your eye. "I also have a change of clothes if you don't want to ruin your dress."
"Jay, I'm going to marry you," You moan in bliss. "I'll pop the ring."
Jason laughs. "I can pop the ring."
"Yeah?" You turn your head to look at him, loopy smile on your face.
"Absolutely." He laughs.
The two of you sit in the parking lot again, Jason's shirt pulled over your dress to avoid ruining the silk, biting into the burger.
"This is bliss."
"Babe." Jason hums. "Why'd you ask me out again? Not the reason you told me. I think you asked me out for another reason."
You blink at him, swallowing the bite in your mouth. "I asked you out because I actually had a pathetic crush on you."
"Yeah. I fell for you as soon as you showed up looking like my type last Halloween. I didn't know if you did it on purpose, but holy shit I had to use every last ounce of self control to stop myself from just pulling you by the collar and making out with you in the middle of the hallway. Jay, you're hot as fuck." You muffle a laugh. "Wanted you so bad that day."
"Not anymore?" He raises a brow at you.
"Still do." You bite back into the burger. Jason watches as you chew and swallow. "If anything, even more now."
"Why haven't you told me?"
"Every time you've made out with me," You sigh. "We've been in public."
"What's a little public indecency? That's definitely not the most illegal thing I've done." He taps your thigh, squeezing it.
"It would be the most illegal thing I'll do." You grumble. "Nothing illegal before college, please."
"Anything for you." He reaches for the ice cream. "Can I have a bite?"
"Finish the whole thing if you'd like." You finish the burger, reaching for a napkin. "Got a little greedy tonight."
Jason laughs.
"Right." You make sure your fingers are clean, pulling the shirt over your head. "Chose this dress because it's crazy easy to take off."
Jason raises a brow as you reach for the ribbon on your back, pulling as the whole dress comes loose on your body.
"Isn't public nudity also a crime?"
"Sure," You reach for the shirt again, pulling it over your head. "Hope you liked looking at my tits."
"Would rather be sucking on them."
"Wow, Freud would have a field day with you." You mumble. "Maybe when we're not both dying."
"Do you have a curfew?"
"Told my parents I'm going to the afterparty." You shrug. "Clearly not."
"What time are you supposed to be back?" He runs his hand up your thigh again.
"We are NOT fucking in a parking lot."
"Never said we had to." He grins. "B's got a billion safehouses around the city."
"You're going to fuck me in a safehouse?"
"And? There's no cameras there."
"You're doing all the work." You grumble.
"Wouldn't dream of having you do anything your first time."
Your back slams into the seat as he races off to a safehouse.
Jason makes quick with what you're wearing, tugging his shirt over your head, lips pressed to your skin, biting and sucking where you would let him, desperate to taste every single inch of you. You whimper multiple times, and at some point, you stop him, fingers pressed to his chest, lashes fluttering as you struggle to stay awake, apology spinning in the air as your back met the mattress again, mumbling about your exhaustion. Jason leaves you alone after it, pressing a kiss to your shoulder, pulling your makeup remover from your purse, wiping the makeup from your skin as you rest in his arms. It was domestic. He liked it.
The two of you fall asleep like that — half naked, too tired to shower off the nightmare called prom.
Jason doesn't like visiting your place while in gear. He's usually bloody with someone else's blood by the end of patrol, and he'd rather bleed out in the Batcave than your room, but he doesn't have much of a choice this time, gash too big. He calls for backup with a press of the button, letting himself rest on your balcony for a moment.
"Jesus fucking christ," You throw your window open, first aid kit in your hand. "Do I need to get used to this?"
"You're fucking lucky I chose sportsmed as my pathway in high school, you nerd." You grumble, sterilizing the needle and disinfecting his wound. "You need stitches."
"Shut up and take it." You shove a cloth into his mouth. "That's clean. Bite if it hurts."
"I've taken worse befo— oW!" He bites into the cloth as you start stitching him up. Your fingers are fast, and in a couple of minutes, his wound is stitched up. You wrap the gauze and bandage around his waist, securing it. Jason notices you're frowning the whole time.
"Not the first time, huh?"
"I hope it's the last." You grumble. "Did you call for backup?"
"Night's coming."
You sigh, leaning back against the railing on your side. "What happened?"
"Some guy with a sharp ass knife."
You raise a brow at him.
"It was a henchman. Six to one."
"Fucking hell." You grimace. "You're not gonna die one of these days, right?"
"I've dodged death once. I can do it again."
"Don't say shit like that." You grumble.
"Little wing! Oh, hey," Nightwing smiles at you, and you nod.
"I stitched him up. Have Al check him at home too, please. He's got more experience than me."
"We will. Thanks for patching him up."
"I hope it's the last time." You grumble. "Are you going tomorrow?"
"Might stay home. Send me the notes?" You don't need to see Jason's face to see him wince.
You've visited the Wayne manor more than enough times to know how to get to Jason's room, showing Alfred the notes from school, a grin on your face. You apologize for intruding, only for Alfred to tell you you're welcome whenever. You wonder if his family knows the two of you are dating. You have a feeling Tim caught his BeReal from when the two of you first started going out. Oh, well. It wasn't as if you needed to hide it from his family. Your parents were the harder ones.
"Hey," You wave at Jason. "Brought your notes and homework."
"Thanks. Anything from Lit?"
"Nope. Still the end of year project. You gonna be there for AP testing?"
"Yeah." He mumbles. "You gonna sleep while testing again?"
"Yeah." You deadpan. "Hundred percent."
"C'mere," He grabs you by the waist, sitting you on his lap as he continues on his laptop.
"Whatcha up to?"
"Hacking the CIA's firewalls." He mumbles, fingers clicking on the keyboard.
"That's a Tim answer." You raise your brow. "Why are you doing it?"
"Wanted to see if I got rusty."
You watch as he does, blinking in surprise when he manages to get into the files, scrolling through the files.
"Are you deleting your file in the CIA database?"
"I do it to fuck with em." He smiles. "Wanna read my file?"
"Fuck, yeah." You mumble, scrolling through all the information they had on him. "They never got your blood sample?"
"Never. The goons who get my blood don't have the equipment for DNA matching, and they would definitely not work with the CIA."
"You're on a watchlist, then?"
"I run crime in Gotham."
"An antihero." You point at the line in the file. "You minimize crime by controlling it from within."
"It's good to have a leg in everything."
"That's a lot of legs." You count on your hand. "Way more than two."
"You know what I mean."
You grin. "Yeah. I do."
"Wanna go anywhere before grad?"
"Wanna drive to New York?"
"And blow daddy's money?"
"Your daddy's money," You tap his chest playfully.
"He won't even notice." He smiles. "Motor or car?"
AP testing could be a lot better. You sleep through half of it, finishing your multiple choice and essay questions too fast, exhaustion all over your face when you finish, calling your friend your savior as she hands you your coffee order. You could leave early if you really wanted to, but you don't, for some weird reason, and you stick by the rest of your classes, physically exhausted from all of the APs. Your coffee does little to minimize the psychic damage you received while taking the exam.
Even when Jason takes you to get dinner together, you're half picking through your food, half actually eating.
"I can't wait to graduate." You mumble. "At least we don't need to be here during finals week."
"You gonna travel?"
"Wanna fly to Bruce's place in Hawaii?"
"Too cliche," Jason mumbles. "How about his mansion in the Alps?"
You gasp. "Deadass?"
"I can ask. I doubt he'd say no." Jason reaches for a fry on your plate, his empty.
"Want the rest of them?"
"Not hungry?"
"Not really." You reach for the second half of the sandwich. "Burnt out, more."
"Wanna take two weeks of independent study to run for the Alps?" Jason blurts.
You blink at him incredulously. "My parents would kill me."
"Not if I have Bruce lie and say it's for a camp."
You tilt your head at him. "My dad hates your dad."
"He does?"
"Daddy issues. Inferiority complex." You chew on the sandwich. "Doesn't matter. Send me a ticket. I'll lie and say it was for a class project to try and figure out the probability of lotteries and by some weird stroke of luck I got it."
The lie works, and the two of you take two weeks of independent study for the Alps, something only three people know the real reason for. It's really only Jason's family. The two of you both have stellar grades — it doesn't matter if you take a break. You wander into the Wayne mansion, surprised at everything you see. It's kept in crazy good condition despite the lack of servants.
"You guys got a maid here or something?" You mumble at the lack of dust.
"Bruce had it cleaned a couple days ago because I said we'd be coming."
"Can we wear cute clothes and head to the farmer's market?"
"Of course."
You pause. "Are we still going to New York?"
"Do you not want to anymore?"
"No." You hum. "I'm down. I just figured since we're in the Alps..."
"We're still going unless you cancel."
"Not canceling." You cross your arms. "Definitely not cancelling."
You find out just how much money Jason gets in a month's allowance on the trip. You're not allowed to pay for anything, jaw dropping at the black card that you didn't know a teen could even own, and the sheer amount of cash that Jason had was just baffling. You felt bad at first, only for Jason to pull up his bank records and show you just how much money was in his account. You wish you were born as a billionaire's son. Maybe you should've stolen car tires to get adopted by Bruce Wayne — the thought makes you laugh.
"You feel better?"
"If dating you means self care trips, I'm going to get down on a knee and propose. If we break up, I'll haunt you to your death." You yawn, grabbing another handful of blueberries. "Kill myself, even."
"That's a little extreme. I have no plans to break up with you." Jason pushes his shades up, turning to look at you.
"How's Gotham? Aren't you supposed to be there to control crime n shit?"
"Burner phone." He waves the old device in his hand. "Henchmen."
"Enough." Jason hums. "Wanna go to the fields later?"
"Yeah. Let's bike." You grin.
The fields of grass remind you of Jason's eyes, a green that you only got to see during spring and the rare moments of peace in Gotham. Dare you say it, it reminds you of Ivy's plants sometimes. Or the look of that one time toxins spilled into the river. The green of his eyes is vibrant in all the best and worst ways, but it's still dazzling to you. Laying in the grass makes you remember your date in the park. This time, the fields are pretty much empty.
"Wanna pick up from the park?" Jason rests on his side, fingers tapping your chest.
"I thought I told you I'm not doing anything indecent in public."
"Making out is hardly indecent."
"Your teenage hormones and the way you've been staring at my tits in this dress? Indecent." You yawn, turning to face him. "Does Bruce have cameras in the mansion?"
"Not in the master bath."
"Don't fall asleep this time."
"Oi," You punch him lightly. "Rude. That was after prom. I was tired."
"Just saying."
You punch him again in retaliation.
Jason wastes no time in having you, fingers pressed to your skin again, harder this time, nipping and biting at your skin, ignoring the way you try to tell him not to leave visible marks. You could live with a couple hickeys for two weeks. He nips at your neck, sliding the sundress down your shoulders, tugging at the string hiding your tits from him, lips pressing to you again as your fingers thread through his hair.
Jason didn't think it would be possible to love someone to this extent. He watches as you breathe in his arms, head pressed to his chest, bare skin pressed onto his, chests meeting. His fingers brush your cheek, heart warm and alive, lashes fluttering as he continues staring, hickeys formed on your skin, something you'd probably smack him for later. But he's sure you enjoyed it. He made sure that you did. He holds his breath as you shift in his arms.
"G'mornin." You mumble.
"Mornin'." He smiles.
"'m sore." You grumble. "Bitch." You punch him weakly.
"Was it good, though?" Jason laughs at your frown.
"Yeah." You sigh. "I'll go make breakfast."
"I'll do it."
"You're going to burn the kitchen down. No." You grumble. "Carry me around... I'll cook?"
Jason lifts you in a chair as you tell him to move you around, laughing when he starts ignoring you on purpose, smile on his face when you call for him. He complies after the third time, helping you plate the food and adjusting your seat height so you were comfortable.
"You should cook for me forever."
"I think you should move into my college dorm with me." You deadpan. "Just join me there. Bruce can donate a building or something."
"That's illegal."
"And you're a white man. Pick a privilege."
"Should I go blonde for the full white man privilege?" Jason taps his chin. "Would I look good blonde?"
"You'd give your family a heart attack, that's for sure." You mumble. "We should photoshop you to make you blonde."
"Are you into blondes?"
"I'm into you." You smile, the two of you going quiet before a laugh breaks past your lips. "I've been waiting to use that."
"I can tell." Jason hums, lips pulled into a smile.
"If you go blonde..." You pause. "No. Don't go blonde. Blonde gym rats scare me."
"Excuse you, I am not a gym rat."
"You'll stick out like a sore thumb during patrol." You grimace. "It's all black and then your hair is glowing in the dark like you're a flashlight."
"That's just insulting." Jason covers his mouth. "I wear a helmet, babe."
"It's the truth."
"Bruce would have a heart attack." Jason hums. "Sounds tempting."
"We can bleach your hair while here." You offer. "Your whole head."
"And ruin my perfect hair? No thanks."
"Says the loser with white hair."
"Now that's insulting." He taps your nose, frowning. "You and I both know why I have white hair."
"Cuz you almost died?"
The two of you settle with Photoshop instead, cutting and pasting some random guy's blonde hair on top of Jason's, making him bald in the process. You take a photo to send to Dick and Tim, putting blue eyes on top of Jason's too, turning him into the textbook white man. You fall over in with the chair from how hard you laugh, Jason left to deal with the result of you sending the family his white man portrait. Dick sends a portrait to get edited too, and you go through the whole family, giving them blonde hair and blue eyes. You send the family photo into the groupchat, changing all of their contact photos to the edited version of them in the process. Jason finds it pointless, but from how hard you're laughing, he lets it pass.
"So? Do I look good blonde?"
"You look good no matter what you look like." You hum, leaning into his chest as you delete any evidence of the images on the desktop. "But really, you should join me for college."
"Too much work."
"You're a valedictorian."
"So are you."
You sigh. "I'm going to be all aloneeeeee."
"I'll call you every day."
"You can't promise that."
"We can call while I'm on patrol."
"Babe, I'll be asleep by then."
"With your sleep schedule?"
You go quiet.
"That's what I thought."
"We should send each other photos every day."
"One of those cheesy phone apps?"
"Yeah." You grin. "Or make video diaries."
"I'm not making a video diary."
"I'll make you video diaries to show you what I do in a day." You grin.
"Will I get to see your tits?"
"When I change, sure."
The two of you fly back at the end of the week, the hickeys from Jason all faded and the scratches from you all healed. It was like it never happened — save for the teeth mark you left on Jason's chest before leaving. You just wanted a bite, nothing more.
Both you and Jason turn in all your work when you return, grades still intact, end of the school year at your fingertips, buying tickets for grad. Jason has to buy more tickets from the students because of how big his family is. You joke that Bruce is going to end up with 14 grandchildren. The way Jason grimaces makes you think that it isn't exactly impossible. You don't want to find out.
You help Jason pin his grad cap into his hair so he doesn't look bald.
"Where was this idea when I graduated?" Dick clicks his tongue as you pin Jason's hair down.
"Probably with the girls," You have Jason shake his head to check if the cap was secure. It is. "I saw your grad photos. It's the classic image everyone gets."
"You gonna pin my cap in for my grad too?" Tim hums.
"Don't you have a girlfriend?"
"No?" He raises a brow.
"Huh. Thought you did." You shrug. "I'll do it if you don't have any friends who figure it out."
The two of you head out, waving bye to the Wayns as Jason sits in his car.
"We're meeting in the gym, right?"
"Yeah. No bags." Jason hums.
"I'll just clip all of these," You clip them onto your gown.
Graduation is a blur as you take photos with your friends and with Jason, fireworks going off in the back, lips pressed to his in the darkness, pulling away when the two of you break into your own respective friend groups, photos taken with each other. You wonder if you should just introduce Jason to your parents officially at grad. You find that you don't have much of a choice when you spot Dick with your parents. You have no idea how he did it.
"Little wing!"
Jason groans at the nickname. "Hey, Dick."
"You're done!" Dick puts Jason into a headlock, and you take the flowers from your parents.
"Congrats." They smile at you.
You smile back. "Thank you. Ah, uh, this is Jason."
"We've met." Your mom smiles at Jason and he stands up, sighing.
"Dick, don't be rude."
"No, like," You pause, grimacing. Jason takes your hand, rubbing soothing circles, speaking up instead.
"We're dating."
"Oh." Your mom blinks, eyes wide.
"How long?" Your dad cuts in.
Jason looks at you as you swallow, squeezing his hand. "Since the first day of senior year."
Your dad is about to speak up when Dick spots Bruce and the rest of his siblings, waving for them at the spot. Your mom squeezes your arm, almost as if to tell you that you would talk later about it. Jason pulls you off to meet the rest of his family, Cass placing a lei around your neck, congratulating you for graduating. You smile at her thanking Bruce as he hands you a card. You don't want to think about what's inside of it. You slip that into the gift bag Tim hands you, thanking his family for the gifts, only to get pulled to the side by your other friends' families, more photos taken and leis thrown around your neck. You catch Jason end up pulled to the side by his friends, and you somehow end up in the mix.
By the end of the night, you're thoroughly spent, slouching in the back of your parents' car, exhaustion all over your face.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Your mother's voice is quiet.
"Didn't think you'd approve."
"Then why date him?" Your dad speaks up this time, voice hard. "If you knew we didn't want you dating that Wayne kid, why did you—"
"Cuz I like him." You sigh. "Love him a lot. Love him like the two of you love each other."
"You can't guarantee that. You're only in high school." Your mother reasons. "I'm sure there are—"
"Don't want another." You mumble, curling into the gift bag Tim handed you. "I know he's the one."
The car stops at the red light, and you glance to look at your dad's expression.
"Since when?"
"I told you, start of the school year—"
"No. When did you decide it was alright to keep secrets?" He raises his voice, and you wince.
"Honey, she's young, she'll—"
You blink, exhaustion in your body making it impossible for you to argue back with him, the arguing would have been futile anyway. You wonder if Jason is enjoying his graduation party. Maybe he's getting the night off from patrol since it was graduation. Maybe you'll text him later when you get home. You probably won't. You're too tired for it. Your dad's yelling is tuned out automatically, your body on autopilot when you bring everything to your room and drop it to the ground. You really hope Tim didn't bring you something that would break easily. You'll look tomorrow.
The knock at your window after you shower makes you pause.
"What are you doing here?"
"Wanna go grapple?" Jason smiles.
"My hair is wet. I don't wanna catch a cold."
"Put it in the helmet. It's waterproof." He pops it off his head, locking it around your neck. You glance at his domino mask.
"Do I need shoes?"
"I'll carry you the whole time." He hums. "Lock your door."
"Already did." You adjust the helmet on your head, wrapping your arms around his neck as he warps an arm around your waist. You hear the sound of the hook launch, and you stare through his helmet as he swings you into the air, the city of Gotham beneath you, warm wind of summer blowing against you, the cityscape rendering you breathless. The sound of screams and cars cancel each other out as Jason lands on a roof, adjusting his hold on you so you'd be more comfortable.
"So?" He raises a brow at you.
"It's gorgeous." You grin, turning to look at him. "Do you see this every night?"
"Only when I grapple. Usually I don't get to see because I'm grappling to catch a criminal."
"I love it." You hum.
"Want a batburger?"
"Fuck yeah."
The two of you swing down to the place as Jason puts you down in a booth to order. You fold your legs up, grinning at Jason as he hands you an ice cream.
"How'd you know I didn't want a burger?" You raise a brow.
"Too late for burgers." He hums. "You said you only liked ice cream after two."
"Thank you." You beam, watching Jason stare at you. "Something happen?"
"Your dad looked like he was going to hit you." Jason mumbles. "Did he hit you later?"
"No. He just got mad I kept it from him..." You pause. "And that I'm dating you. They think you're going to break up with me."
"Hope they have fun at the wedding, then." Jason hums. "You're alright?"
"I tuned them out on the car ride home." You smile.
"Alright. Dick was worried too. He said your dad looked like he was going to burst a blood vessel when I pulled you to my family." Jason hums. "Should I have dinner with them sometime?"
"No. They aren't going with me to move for college, so it doesn't matter." You mumble.
"You need help packing? I can send Cass."
"It's fine." You tap his hand. "I promise."
"Are you cutting ties with them?"
Your breath catches in your throat. "I... don't know."
"If you do, Bruce says he'd be more than willing to fund your education." Jason whispers.
"Woah, I'm already part of your family?" You gasp.
"Yeah." He nods. "So if you cut ties with your family, you have mine."
"I'll be fine." You mumble, staring at his hand. "I promise."
Your parents don't catch you. As mad as they could get, they didn't really care about what you did in your free time. Not even when you snuck out. You don't know why they're so mad about the whole dating situation, but given Bruce and Dick's public images, you aren't surprised they'd think Jason would do the same — even given the fact that you had been friends with him since you started high school.
When you get ready for work the next day, you barely notice the way your parents are sitting on the couch like you owe them a conversation.
"Young lady, where are you going?"
"Work." You turn to look at them.
"Or on a date?"
"This is what I wear to work." You repeat yourself.
Your dad raises a brow at you but doesn't speak further when you leave.
You're really contemplating running away from home. You don't have an actual reason to, so you stay home for the most part, ignoring the knocks on your door and hopping out your window when you wanted to go somewhere. Jason resorts to calling you when he isn't jumping in your window to talk with you for a bit. You can do with the distance, but it isn't ideal. The exhaustion from your lack of mobility is catching up to you.
"What do you think could change their minds?"
You frown, finishing first in Mario Kart. "Nothing."
"Not even a dinner?"
You frown. "They don't like the rich."
"They know I'm adopted, right?"
"They won't like that you're an orphan either."
"They're picky."
"Really picky." You grumble. "Last time I brought a boy home, they scared him off."
"They won't be able to scare me off, you know?"
"Yeah." You pause. "Maybe you should eat with them sometime."
You frown. "They're hosting a barbecue next week. I'll invite you."
"You're going to force me into the guest list?"
"It's better with more people." You mumble. "The fact that you were wearing a valedictorian gown might also help."
"When is it?"
"Next Saturday at 5pm." You mumble. "You know how to barbecue?"
"Would it surprise you if I say yes?"
"Yeah." You hum. "You know any of my friends' families?"
"Two. Good terms too."
"Alright. Don't be late."
"Should I bring meat?"
You seriously contemplate asking him if he wants to bring Wagyu, but you decide against it. "Bring beer."
"Ey, we can't drink yet."
"I'll rush to help you. My dad's probably going to get me to buy beer anyway."
"The expensive kind?"
"I'll send you a couple of brands." You pause. "Invite Dick too."
"To charm your mom?"
"Yeah." You grin. "To charm my mom and her friends."
You know your parents better than Jason realizes. When you help him bring the beer into your house, your father's expression softens, asking Jason if he wanted a bottle. Jason turns it down, mentioning that he still has to drive home later, also that he wasn't technically at the legal drinking age — not that it stopped people. You let out a breath you were holding when your dad pats him on the back and walked off to talk to the other people.
"Went well." You mumble. "How good are you at barbecuing?"
"I'm on barbecue duty when we do it at our place."
"You're practically a barbecue dad." You gasp. "Woah."
"You have the build too. You're only missing a hawaiian shirt now." You pat his back. "You can go figure out how to help at the grill, I have to go check on my mom."
"Hope Dick hasn't stolen her from your dad."
"I sure hope not." You wince.
It ends well, the barbecue. You don't get yelled at for inviting Jason, and your mother tells you all about how Dick was such a charmer, a real ladies' guy. Your dad doesn't mention it, but from the way he kept eating, you can guess he liked Jason's grill skills. You should text him about it. Maybe you'd go for their summer barbecues sometime. You don't know.
Your dad pulls you to the side the next day.
"I'm sorry for lashing out." He pauses. "I was. It's stressful, knowing you're dating the second son of a family of players."
"I get it." You swallow. Not really. Your goal is just to make sure he likes Jason now.
"He's... he's good for you." Your dad smiles at you weakly.
You wonder if he's only saying this because Jason wouldn't leave your side earlier. Or maybe it was because your mother had told him that Jason looks at you like you're his whole world. You don't know why. But you suppose his acceptance is enough. At least you're allowed outside of the house now. You tighten the straps of your swimwear around your neck before leaving the house.
"He was good with you leaving?" Jason hands you a helmet for the bike.
"Yeah. Trusts you." You mumble. "Think Dick did a lot of work. Did you thank him?"
"Yeah." Jason hums. "Hope you're not tired of barbecue."
"Am I going to yours for it?"
"You can taste Alfred's cooking, and you can get a little more of mine." He hums. "Arms around the waist, babe."
"I'm excited." You mumble, lips quirking up as you wrap your arms around his waist. "Ooh, rock hard."
"I'm going to leave you here."
"You wouldn't dare."
"Love you too much for it."
The Wayne Manor is a mansion. Well, that much has been established, you suppose. You are, however, surprised to see a giant ass backyard with a huge ass pool. You've never been to the backyard, now that you think of it. Jason's never taken you.
"Did you bring swimwear?"
"Under the clothes," You pull your shirt over your head, ditching the shorts. "Tadaa!"
Jason laughs. "Put the shirt back on. Your tits are for me to see only, babe."
You frown. "Why not your shirt?"
Jason pulls his shirt over his head, throwing it at you. "That good enough?"
"Sure." You pull your arms through, placing your stuff to the side, jumping into the water to join his siblings.
You like the manor. Despite the constant bickering, the place felt warm, and that wasn't something you got often. The house is warm. It's warm as the Gotham sun burns into your back when you sit in the water by the ledge, head resting in your arms, it's warm when the charcoal in the grill burns, and it's warm when Cass pulls you out of the water to dry off before dinner. You could smell the food from where you were in the pool — you might just move here for the food.
Jason fills your plate for you, grabbing a little bit of everything, cutting your steak for you in advance as his family watches in awe.
"Little wing is capable of this?!"
"Steph, you owe me twenty."
"Bruce, you owe me 20k." Cass pokes at their dad as he stares at Jason.
"They bet on you?"
"Heard I got a girlfriend a while ago, and suddenly they started fighting each other over what kind of a boyfriend I would be." He switches plates with you, shrimp peeled and steak cut. "Oyster's clean, by the way."
"I'm gonna marry you."
"We've established this, I know."
You shrug, stabbing the shrimp. "Just reminding you."
"Don't beat me to the proposal, by the way." He points his knife at you.
"Master Jason." Alfred clears his throat, and Jason puts his knife down.
"Sorry, Alfred."
You hold a shrimp to his lips. "C'mon. As a thank you."
"Oh, at least you care." He bites down, chewing. "Don't beat me."
"I hope you get me a red diamond just to empty your pockets." You mumble.
"You want a ring with a gem worth a million dollars?"
"Yeah." You grin, holding a piece of steak to his lips. "You don't wanna give it to me?"
"I'll steal it."
"Oh, how romantic." You quiet down as you start eating the steak.
"You really want a red diamond?"
You glance at him, lips pulled into the fakest smile you can manage. "Yeah."
"Want it before you leave?" Jason raises a brow, the skin on his own shrimp finally peeled.
"You telling me you're gonna propose to me right out of high school? That's a recipe for disaster."
"Babe, we've been a disaster." He hums. "From you not telling your parents to me sneaking you to Switzerland to skip school, we have not been normal at all."
"Don't forget about New York."
"When is that again?"
You pretend to be offended. "I'm breaking up with you."
"I don't know what just happened, but I'm on her side." Dick cuts in.
"Me too."
"Me three."
"Guys." Jason groans.
"It's fine. We never set a date. How about in two weeks?" You hum.
"Yeah." He mumbles. "Wanna leave in the morning?"
"Sure. There's less cars then, huh?"
"We can stay at Bruce's penthouse."
"Does he have a house everywhere? New trivia game, where does Bruce Wayne NOT have a house?" You mumble.
"I don't have a place in Finland." Bruce calls from the end of the table.
You hold a hand over your mouth. "You got a place in Dubai?"
"A whole building."
"Woah..." You mumble. "How 'bout China?"
"Got a penthouse."
You blink in surprise. "Singapore?"
"Own a mansion there."
"You're not even a crazy rich asian." You mumble. "That should be a trivia game."
"For family game night?" Jason raises a brow at you, plate now empty.
"Yeah." You switch plates with him. "Which place does Bruce Wayne not own property."
"You're full?"
"Mhm." You nod. "You can have the rest."
"You sure?"
"Yeah." You mumble.
Jason's driving does not scare you. You feel like it should, considering he drives pretty rough, but it does not scare you. If anything, you're worried about getting ticketed. Well, not like he was driving past the speed limit. At least you have the aux.
"How'd you convince your parents to let you go?"
"Told em it was a girls' trip." You yawn. "Lied straight through my teeth."
"You're awful."
"You're the influence."
"Makes both of us awful I guess." Jason hums. "We're staying at a hotel instead of Bruce's."
"Why's that?"
"Wanna have you without his security cameras."
You laugh. "Your horny little teenage brain."
"Both of us."
"Nuh-uh," You shake your head. "I don't think about jumping you. I think about biting you nonsexually."
You go quiet. "And marking you up. No visible marks this time." You deadpan. "New York is a hot mess and I still need to try clothes on."
"You gonna go shopping on fifth avenue?"
"Will you let me?"
"Go blow my money."
"Then I won't go easy."
Jason leans on the wall as you show him different clothes, doing a little spin for him when he asked. You try a bunch of stuff on only to buy three articles of clothing. You still feel bad for spending his money. Besides, he was paying for the hotel. You really wonder if you should buy him coffee as a thank you or something. Though, as Jason rips the tag directly off one of the dresses you try on, the thought disappears.
"We'll take this one." He hands the tag to the cashier. "Keep it on. You look good."
"Thank you." You grin, taking the bags from Jason as he pulls out his card. You blink as he swipes it without thinking. You wonder if you'd get to live a life like that.
"Thinking?" He takes the bags from your hand again, card in his wallet.
"I wanna be a rich kid..." You mumble. "I'd love to be rich."
"You have me."
"Yeah, but it's still different from being rich yourself." You hum. "Let's head back for the day."
You frown. "I don't want you swiping your card any more."
"Why not?" He moves his bags onto one hand, lacing his fingers with yours. "It's for you. Bruce is fine with it."
"Yeah, but." Your face drops. "too much."
"Alright. But this much," Jason holds the bags up. "That isn't really considered much if you consider—"
"I'm not one of them, Jay." You squeeze his hand. "I'm fine with what you've got me already. Wanna go to the ice cream museum tomorrow?"
"Sure." He smiles. "Make the reservations."
"Got it." You grin.
Because no matter how willing Jason is when it comes to swiping his card for you, he still respects your words. Even when you're telling him it's too much, he knows when you truly draw the line, in the way your eyes harden and your voice drops. Jason would spill his entire fortune for you, anything for you, just for your happiness. That was all that mattered to him — the little sparkle in your eye when you were happy, the small upward tug of your lips when you were content, the way your body relaxed when you were truly at peace. You. As long as you were happy, he was happy. Hand on your cheek and lips pressed to yours, he was happy.
"You gonna miss me in college?" He squeezes your cheek as you stare at the NYU banner.
"Definitely." You hum. "You should go here."
"Why's that?"
"It's where all the rich kids go." You grin.
"Daddy's money could get me into your school too." He smiles, leaning down to press his forehead to yours teasingly.
"Then why not use it?"
"Cause Bruce actually values honesty." He pulls away, glancing at the banner.
"And you?" You tilt your head.
"I don't care." He grins. "Want me to get in with Daddy's money?"
"Want you to join me next year with just your grades."
"Want me to leave the city behind for you?"
"Just to join you?"
"One year, babe."
You take a photo with him at your school when you move, scribbling 1 year in pencil on the picture.
A year later, Jason's your dormmate, a new photo pinned on the mini bulletin board in the room.
Jason presses his lips to your forehead as you shift in the morning sun, smile on his lips as he greets you. You mumble a greeting back, falling asleep again. His lips pull into a gentle smile, closing his own eyes. His breathing syncs with yours, hearts beating together, the rays of the morning sun warming his skin as he shields you from the light. You never liked waking up because the curtains were too sheer.
For him, even getting you a star in the sky seemed like a menial task.
After all, if you were happy, so was he.
And as he feels your body relax into the mattress, he's sure you'd say the same for him.
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biblio-smia · 7 months
part one | part two | part three
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rumors spread quickly at grizzly lake.
they travel through quiet exchanges, through notes passed in the middle of class and through instant messages. it doesn't take long to spread a rumor; depending on how interesting the people involved are, it takes a few days at most.
so, of course, the rumor that you and clapton davis are dating naturally makes its way through the halls of grizzly lake within 48 hours.
this particular rumor is solidified by clapton's new pattern of walking you to class, a habit that has made him routinely late to math - which just has to be on the opposite side of the school from your last class of the day. not even wheels in an empty hallway save clapton each time he knocks on the door of ms. jenson's class with a grin on his face and a tardy slip in his hand.
this development between you and clapton turns heads each day it happens, eyebrows raised and questions on the tip of tongues as you two make your way down the hall together. there's no pulling either of you from your bubble on these days, occasionally listening to music but usually too deep in conversation to pay anyone else any mind.
but as the initial surprise mellows, theories about the nature you and clapton's relationship are made - and so began the rumors.
it was the only reasonable explanation, clearly. why else would you, with your ever-cycling group of friends, choose to have clapton davis above anyone else as your escort?
many considered clapton davis the luckiest guy in the world, notebooks clutched longingly to their chests, mouths agape with hopeless desires to replace him.
many wondered how clapton davis had managed to charm you of all people, if there was a formula able to be replicated.
and many were non-believers, refusing to accept that clapton davis of all people had somehow managed to bag you.
some of these non-believers included your closest friends.
"are you and clapton davis dating?" a voice rings, taking you by surprise as you throw your locker shut.
"jesus, you scared the shit out of me!" you cry, hand over your chest as you readjust your hold on your english textbook and your bag. there's a few minutes before first period and only a few hours before clapton steals you away again.
"answer the question," your friend demands, trying to look serious with arms crossed.
"no, we aren't." you turn to start heading towards class. your voice sounds strange, even to you. but it's not like you're lying - you and clapton really aren't together.
"well, you sound disappointed." your friend bumps your shoulder, taking the same route to keep interrogating you. "so, walking you to class every day doesn't mean anything?" there's a playful acknowledgement in there and your face warms with the sudden realization that, despite thinking you're in your own little world, you and clapton really haven't been.
you stop outside your classroom, take a moment to roll your eyes. "no. we're just friends."
"just friends," your friend repeats, smiling growing. "alright."
the bell rings, signaling a few minutes to get to class. not that you need it - but your friend does and temporarily retreats, saving you from any more teasing.
"it doesn't mean anything!" you call hopelessly.
"yeah, alright!"
however, rumors at grizzly lake don't last forever (unless it's really, really bad). soon enough, each rumor gets replaced by a new one, a never-ending cycle of news circulating quickly with the help of students more interested in the lives of others than their own, boring ones.
though, upon your insistence that you and clapton are just friends, you should be thankful if your friends speed your feature out of the news cycle quicker, right?
the first time clapton loses you after the bell signals the end of physics is on a wednesday. he waits for you to finish packing your stuff up, homework shoved in his backpack while you store it neatly inside a folder. he considers taking the notebooks right out of your hands, thinks about taking your bag and slinging it on his free shoulder - but then you're looking at him with a smile, ready to go.
he's listening to you talk about your job at the local mall when your friends flock the two of you. you're confused, but it seems to be important as they enclose you and drag you off, leaving clapton alone in the hallway, feeling a little lost. he has to remind himself of the route he used to take before his pit stop revolving around you. he still holds an easy smile, proud even, upon walking into math on time for the first time in a while, watching ms. jenson's mouth fall open as clapton takes his seat. though there's a pang in his chest that clapton thinks might be longing, ricocheting through his chest as he imagines the stories you would've continued telling him as you walked together and lingered outside the entrance of your class, holding on to every moment before the warning bell rung and you'd have to push clapton to get to class (usually with a laugh that made clapton's heart sing). though clearly, he wasn't missing much.
the next day, clapton is determined to get those moments with you back, going so far as to walk backwards to keep your attention solely on him, your hands sweetly raised and ready to pull clapton back on balance if he ever loses it. and briefly, he considers losing it on purpose.
but then he feels his back bump against someone harshly and watches as, again, your friends flock and drag you away from him, leaving him with no reason to head left (as he'd grown accustomed to doing) rather than right.
it's beginning to bother clapton.
clapton, usually laid back about everything, is beginning to get jealous.
of course, it's not like you're dating. the rumor had made clapton laugh when he mentioned it to you and watched as you looked away in embarrassment, mumbling something about how lame the people making up those types of rumors had to be. like everything, clapton had treated it like a joke - now, he was wondering if he should've taken a different approach. should he have pretended to not hear about it? should he have used it to ask you out? hey, why don't we make those rumors true...?
clapton shakes his head. he's a little jealous, yes, but it's not like he has any reason to be. even if you were dating, you were still allowed to have friends. obviously, your friends wanted to talk to you (i mean, who wouldn't?). they were probably a little annoyed with clapton for taking up so much of your time without even being a proper part of your social circle. yes, that's it. your friends are just like clapton, fighting for your attention (though clapton's sure his motives are much different than theirs).
but this situation, distracting an easily-distracted clapton davis from the math course he really needs to pass, is still missing a piece that clapton still can't put his finger on. there's something still bothering him, still forcing him to replay the last two days over and over again, making him relive the embarrassment and hurt of you leaving him to walk by himself, even if unintentional.
wait - that's it.
did you intend for this? had you asked your friends to save you from clapton's insistence on escorting you to class? were they acting as your new bodyguards... from him?
no. clapton tries to replay the moments, tries to recall the expressions on your face as your friends come up in between you. interest, he remembers, in whatever it is they're saying - enough that you don't even spare him a glance as they carry you off.
and now... well, clapton's not so sure.
clapton pants as he takes a seat on the bleachers next to sander, catching his breath after enough participation to pass gym. his eyes scope the gym and land on you, standing off to the side. dressed out but not doing anything, talking to your friends instead.
actually, talking to billy nolan instead.
clapton suddenly feels a pounding in his head, grabbing his water bottle a little too harshly, unscrewing the lid a little too angrily. he gulps down half the bottle before realizing, screwing the lid back on and crushing the top a little as he shoves it inside his backpack.
okay, now he can admit he's really jealous.
sander's eyes follow clapton's to where you're standing, talking animatedly with billy nolan. it really isn't surprising - you're in good standing with lots of the guys on the football team.
though this one irks clapton in particular - mostly because of the rumor-that-turned-out-to-be-true that billy nolan and ione foster had recently broken up.
sander's pale fingers are snapping in clapton's face, forcing his attention from you smiling and nodding at something billy said (seriously, there was no way anything from billy's mouth count cause for that reaction), back to sander.
"dude, hello?" sander sighs as clapton looks at him blankly, only for a few seconds, before returning to stare daggers at billy.
"well," sander begins again and clapton is already ready to roll his eyes. "can i just say i told you so?"
"no, you can't," clapton warns.
"well, i will anyway. i told you so."
clapton rolls his eyes. unfortunately for him, sander continues.
"i mean, seriously. having to watch you get basically rejected in physics over and over? that was sad. and public, by the way." sander doesn't shut up despite clapton's glare, now directed from billy to him. "but c'mon, dude. the two of you?" sander emphasizes his vision with his hands, capturing a frame of clapton with his fingers and imagining it on top of billy. "just doesn't make sense," sanders shrugs. "i know you're friends with a bunch of people but there's a line between friend and boyfriend. you're too-cool-for-school cool but not football-player cool."
"thanks, man. i really appreciate that," clapton nods, slamming sander's shoulder a little too hard as he stands, heading to the locker room to change back into decent clothes.
though as he freshens up, clapton's really not sure if he's capable of sitting next to you for nearly an hour now. he's sure he'll be hearing rumors of you and billy dating soon if he hasn't received a random text about it already - and unbothered, laid-back clapton is suddenly angry.
not at you. who could blame you in this situation? obviously you'd pick football star, bright-future-ahead-of-him billy nolan over slacker, praying-to-make-it-to-graduation clapton davis. no, this was not your fault. it's not like you'd started the rumor that you and clapton were dating, or ever done anything to insinuate romance between you and he. no - come to think of it, clapton had been the one trying to force something between the two of you - and clearly, you weren't interested.
thought clapton thought back to your smiles and your giggles, how you'd laugh at every single one of his jokes (even the really stupid ones that no one else would laugh at). he thought of every time your arms would touch and you wouldn't move away. as if you'd enjoyed being close to him as much as he did.
so, although clapton decided to skip physics, he just had to know.
he waits in the parking lot, knows you drive yourself home. he hopes his eyes don't fail him as he scans the large clusters of students all anxious to get home - it's friday, after all.
he sees you, finally, relieved you had not somehow teleported out of class and gotten off campus before he could even blink. clapton tries to guess where you're headed, meets you halfway, pulls you back onto the sidewalk so you're not standing in the middle of the road.
there's confusion on your face as you realize it's clapton and he selfishly savors these moments alone with you. but your eyebrows furrow and your mouth begins moving before clapton can begin.
"hey, where were you today? i missed you in class."
miss, as in i miss you? or miss as in, didn't catch you?
clapton wants to ask but he shakes his head. it's easier to get straight to the point - before he loses the nerve and before people might ruin the opportunity he has right now.
"are you going out with billy nolan?" clapton asks quickly, nervously, very uncharacteristically.
the lack of response and the sudden question only makes your puzzled expression worse. you realize clapton's hand is still wrapped around your wrist and you pull it off gently - though you let your hands hang together.
"uh, no," you answer with a laugh, suddenly a little tired of so many people demanding these types of answers from you. it's like you're at a press conference with new rumors to dispute every few days.
"i'm serious," clapton frowns and you want to laugh - nervously, now. you feel like you're in another dimension, where clapton davis is suddenly dead serious about something while you can't keep your composure.
"okay, so am i," you insist truthfully, beginning to get a little irritated. clapton knows how stupid you think the people that come up with these rumors are. he knows how you reacted to the one that you two had been the center of. and it's not like you would lie to him. "in what world am i that clapton davis is acting serious now?"
wrong thing to say.
clapton's frown deepens and you feel the regret instantly in your chest. "clapton?" you ask, his intensity beginning to worry you.
clapton's hand drops from yours and he shrugs. "you know, you can just... tell me if you like billy nolan. you know i'm not the type to spread rumors."
okay, now you're irritated.
"okay, clapton, i'm seriously not-"
"i mean, it makes sense for you to be! he's a football player, you're... you!" clapton exclaims.
"okay," you cross your arms, suddenly a little defensive. "what's that supposed to mean?"
"nothing bad, just..." clapton thinks about his next words before he says them - freaky. "billy nolan is the type of guy you belong with. y'know, popular but in a cool way."
now that makes you scoff.
"clapton, seriously, what the fuck are you talking about right now?"
clapton tries to recall what sander told him, how it'd made him angry in the moment, how it'd started to make sense the more he thought about it. "you know," clapton scoffs. "we just don't fit together."
and that makes your jaw drop.
"wow, okay," you begin as you attempt to gather your thoughts. "so, you'd like me to go out with billy nolan because it'd make sense for me to?"
clapton begins to speak, but you stop him.
"rhetorical question. i mean, seriously, clapton, i thought you of all people would be above the whole 'popularity' thing. this isn't some bad high school movie. i'm not going to go out with some stupid football player just because some people think i should!" your voice is growing in volume now and you're thankful most people have already cleared out.
"i mean," you huff exasperatedly. "if you haven't noticed, i like you, clapton. i don't care that you're not a football player or you're not 'cool popular,' whatever the fuck that means. i like you because you're funny and you're sweet and you're not the person i thought you were." your face is hot as you chew clapton out, fueling your own fire as you keep on going. "but if you really think i'm the type of person to care about the social status of the person i'm dating, then maybe i didn't learn as much as i thought about you." your breathing evens out with a few final huffs, hands in fists by your sides. you've watched about twenty different emotions run their courses through clapton but you can't bring yourself to feel bad, only feeling the pounding of your heart and the blood rushing in your head.
"maybe you're right," you say as you turn your back to clapton, forcing yourself to tear your eyes off him. "maybe we just don't fit together."
clapton is forced to watch your figure retreat into your car and eventually disappear out of the parking lot.
the school building had locked behind him, effectively locking his skateboard in for the weekend, forcing clapton to walk home. he really has perfect timing, because he's only made it half a block before it begins to rain. at least the walk gives him even more time to reflect on what a fucking idiot he just was.
because while you may have been the one that retreated, clapton feels like he's the one who lost.
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almost fell asleep halfway thru writing this pls forgive me!
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mysadcorner · 7 months
Hello, how are you? Can I ask for headcanons? What if damian wayne /or al ghul/ cheated on the reader with someone else and the reader found out and broke up with damian, how would damian react? Would he regret it? Would he be sad? Would he try to get the reader back? When the reader finds out about it, she breaks up with him quietly, I mean, she doesn't even have a break-up talk with Damian, because she doesn't think it's worth it for someone to take her down. So the reader just disappears and stops communicating completely. So she can't handle the deception, so she goes on with her life without caring. What's Damian's reaction? Have a nice day 🩶🤌👍
Cheater!Damian Wayne x Reader Headcanons
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- Credit to the gifs owner - Please be specific about characters wanted in requests -
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Damian isn't the type to cheat on the person he's in a relationship with so if he does it's likely that he was forced to, he was desperate for something your relationship was lacking on an extreme level, or it never actually happened and someone is lying to you. Damian wouldn't want you to find out no matter what if he does cheat, so your first hint at what he did would be how often he's starting to keep secrets or acting differently around you.
Damian might not regret it instantly but he would feel shameful about his actions since he's so used to having self control and condemning how people behave in toxic relationships. He would only start to express his regret outright once he's realised that you've caught onto what he's done.
If you caught him in the act then he would be completely stunned and wouldn't know exactly what to do. He would become defensive but would know that lying at this point is hopeless so he may just try to make you hear him out before you leave if he can.
When you instantly leave him it finally hit him how bad his actions were, and this causes him to spiral in a way. He becomes extremely aggressive towards everyone around him and many others start to distance themselves from him due to his actions. His entire life has flipped and he doesn't exactly know how to take his actions back or fix the consequences he caused.
He would try his best to reach out to you and apologise if he can, or at least have a conversation with you about what he did, but if you aren't allowing him to confront you in any way then he will try harder each time you manage to avoid him. This would go on for a long time until someone else finally steps in and forces him to leave you alone.
He would try his best to get you back, and would give anything just for you to forgive him in any way, but he knows that it would likely never happen. He always thinks about you in the future, and looks back as to how good you were for him until he decided to ruin everything for no good reason.
In the long-term, Damian would realise that his life could never go back to normal now that everyone knows what he did and how he ruined something perfect. He wants to fix things, but he only becomes more closed off and hostile as he continues to go on without you.
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barcalover86 · 6 months
Unreal nightmare - Gavi
Summary: "How can I learn to live without you when you taught me how to be alive"
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"Your relationship was a private one, and we didn't really get to see you two a lot. How was she?" one of the reporters asked.
Pablo chuckled a bit.
"She was so fearless." he started. "Energetic and chaotic kind of girl, you know. Wherever she was, she would bring the light after her. You couldn't feel sad or hopeless around her."
"She seemed like a really nice person."
"Yes, because she was."
Pablo had to stop because he knew that if he would say one more word, he was going to cry. He hated the tight feeling inside his neck.
The older man comforted the boy, putting one of his hands on Gavi's shoulder, while massaging it.
After a few seconds, Pablo continued.
"Before I met her, I only found happiness in winning. But she taught me to enjoy the process, to be thankful that I am healthy and that I have a house where I can sleep and that I have a really loving family that supports me."
"That's so kind of her."
"Yes, she was really kind. To everyone."
He smiled sadly while thinking about you.
"So tell us, Gavi. What happened? One day, she was out there cheering your name, and the next one, we found out that she had passed away? How come?"
The boy started to tear up. His hands reached his face, not wanting to let the world see his pain.
Everyone felt so sorry for him. They all knew how much he loved you and how happy you had made him.
"Just one day, she started scratching all over her body. We were all really confused especially when her eyes got yellow."
"Yeah.. such a bad memory. Well, then we got her quickly to the hospital, and we stayed there for about 5-6 hours to get her a doctor. She then started to be in so much pain."
"She was having some allergy?"
"I hoped so, but she was not. We found out that she had liver cancer."
"I'm really sorry, Gavi-"
"We took her to the best doctor, but it was all too much for her and after only 1 month of being in the hospital, they let her home for the 'she better dies home with her family, rather than alone' kinda reason".
"But.. After only 1 month, it was that crucial??"
"Liver cancer is extremely dangerous and painful. It expands incredibly fast."
"And she was staying at your house while you just had to pretend that everything was fine... to not worry the people around you."
"Something like that, yes. But our families were there to help me out with her. As I said before, everyone loved her."
"How did she die?"
"She lived more than any doctor said she would. But God.. she looked so different and drained. Even at her worst, she was asking for everyone's health" Gavi laughed a bit.
The reporter smiled.
"I don't know if it was bad or if I'm thankful that she died in my arms.."
"Oh, Gavi-"
"Don't start, please," he once again teared up. "I just don't understand why she had to suffer like that when she was the most angelic person that I've met. She was so, so young.."
"How old was she?"
A loud silence acapared the room.
No one knew what to say in these situations.
"Gavi, go to sleep! Tomorrow you have a big game and you have to be rested."
"Pedri, please leave me alone."
"Then I'd be a bad friend. C'mon, brother, go have a nap. I know you're tired."
"I can't sleep, Pedri! Ok? If I close my eyes I only see her dead in front of me!"
"Everyone is dreaming about the healthy version of her, and I'm the only one that can't even imagine my girlfriend being.. normal and real and-"
"Gavi! Stop!" Pedri began. "You saw her at her worst. It's normal to have that imagine painted in your brain for a period of time. But that definitely doesn't mean that you are not able to also dream about her when she was all healthy."
"I'm afraid that she forgot me and only looks out for her family and not me, Pedri."
"Don't say that! You know that's not true at all."
"How can you be so sure?"
"Because we both know that she loved you more than anyone. Now go to sleep and let's have a great game tomorrow so that you can win for her, alright?"
"Gavira, do you want to play?" Xavi asked the footballer.
"Ok then, go change!"
Before the game, Pablo had promised himself to give his all for you.
And he did that.
He helped his team a lot.
He didn't see you along the crowd, but he somehow felt you in him. You made him stronger and he even scored. Just. For. You.
"She'd be so proud of you, boy."
And then Gavi looked into the sky and saw your shadow.
And then he smiled.
People were cheering his name, and he then promised himself that he would continue to fight for life, just like you did. You fought for every second of life because every moment matters. And by your absence, he learned to appreciate things more. He learned that to live is the most incredible gift that we, humans, have.
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portraitofadyke · 7 months
I think the reason so many Izzy stans struggle to understand the Izzy callout posts is because in their mind, what we are trying to say is that Izzy is a super obvious abuser and Ed is an innocent little victim.
Their dynamic is obviously way more complicated than that. This show is full of immensely layered characters - something that makes it so unique. Ed and Izzy are complicated, too. It would have been easy to make Izzy a power hungry abuser and Ed the obeying, scared victim.
But it's their power dynamic that makes this so interesting and complicated. Ed is clearly the one in power to most people, and yes, he is Izzy's boss and Captain and he holds power over him, too. But Izzy holds the power right back. I saw the comparison of Izzy being a fame hungry manager of a celebrity, (@57flagsofdeath), somebody who just wrings them dry, ignorant of their suffering, and it stuck with me (pls tag the person if you know them). Ed is Blackbeard, history's greatest pirate, and Izzy's just his First mate, his second-in-command.
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And Ed is clearly tired of that persona, Izzy sees that he's at the end of his rope, seeing death as his next adventure, and the moment he steps on the Revenge and sees that Stede does things differently, he is estatic.
Another person here did a very good post how both Izzy and Ed are victims of toxic masculinity, and on board of the Revenge, Ed starts shedding his. We know that Ed's been 'more crazy' for a while and Izzy is fed up with him. For Izzy, there is no Blackbeard and Ed, there is just Blackbeard. Happiness, giddines, being open and excited and soft or God forbid, falling in love for an even softer man is not masculine, and it's not worthy of Blackbeard.
Izzy knows Ed is happy with Stede, he admits so in his inner monologue in s6. That's what makes him want to kill Stede even more.
This episode is honestly, along with The Innkeeper, is the only proof I need to prove that the show intends to compare Izzy to Ed's father and Hornigold. Izzy is in clear parallel with Ed's father hurting his mom while Ed just hopelessly watches, just like when Izzy attempts to murder Stede despite Ed calling him off. And what does Ed do to his father? Murders him. That's once again parallel to Ed shooting Izzy in the leg in s2.
Izzy is manipulative and he plays into Ed's Blackbeard persona. He diminishes Ed's needs and happiness to wank off over Blackbeard and his competence and masculinity. I am not saying here that Ed never does anything wrong, or that he never hurts anyone. this relationship, this dynamic is bad for the both of them. But Ed clearly projects his daddy issues on this older pirate who probably showed him the ropes of what it means to be a pirate and then decided to manage his persona and control what's good for Blackbeard, not for Ed. If Ed weren't terrified of Izzy, or his disapproval, at least a little bit, why would he just watch as Izzy fights Stede, despite the tender moment in the bathtub? because Izzy reminds him of his own dad in so many ways he feels hopeless sometimes.
But the time in Stede's presence changed Ed. It showed him things can be done differenly, despite what Izzy and Hornigold and his dad showed him. He can be tender, and soft, and vulnerable and he can be loved for being Ed. When Stede leaves him on the dock, despite being heartbroken, Ed doesn't get violent. Quite the opposite, he sulks in a pillow fort, writes sad songs and sings. Worse, he shows his vulnerable side to the crew. He tells them to call him Ed. Izzy doesn't care for Ed. Ed can die, for all he cares.
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Izzy knows how to push his buttons. Yes, Ed is Blackbeard, and all his planning and maiming and violence and smoke and mirrors, but Izzy is always there to whisper in his ear, to remind him that Ed means nothing to people unless he plays Blackbeard.
My point is, Izzy is clearly shown to be abusive, not in the way most people imagine. he doesn't beat Ed, instead he constantly undermines him, threatens him, does anything he can to deny him happiness. He's emotionally abusing Ed, making him feel like he's nothing without Blackbeard, going as far as killing his significant other and selling him out to the Navy.
I think where people get confused is they think Izzy genuinely cares for Ed in S1. He doesn't. It's not until s2, when Ed is at his lowest, so far retracted into the Blackbeard persona the only thing he can do is destroy himself that he realizes what he's done. Izzy has something of a clarity moment. He knows he fucked up. We all have different opinions about Izzy's small redemption, but even the goddamned character you all try to defend knows he fucked up. Izzy knows he's done Ed wrong for years. Izzy knows the power he holds over Ed.
Izzy and Ed are not your typical form of abuse, and Ed is not the perfect victim, and people serioulsy struggle with that to the point of coming up with fairy tales where Izzy is the only Good Guy in the show who didn't deserve to get shot, Ed is bound to be domestically violent and Stede should just die, really. And that's. That's the exact opposite of what the show is telling us, quite clearly. You don't even have to read in between the lines. S2 has been kind to Izzy, made him come to terms with his mistakes, and even grow a bit (even though it was a bit rushed, but again, budget cuts), the least you can do is be happy with his ending where he got to die surrounded by people who will all shed a tear for him and send him off, something s1 Izzy, who was about to be thrown overboard tied to an anchor, would never get. Maybe actually watch the show?
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reddeaddamnation · 7 months
Being in a relationship with the Mortal Kombat guys
Scorpion: He is very sweet and caring and always puts your needs in front of his. He is also very protective of you, but not in a bad way. If he sees someone giving you trouble, he will immediately step in and solve it for you, even if it means a spear to the head. Another thing about him is that he is a hopeless romantic and melts when he sees that the little things he does and gifts make you happy. In the bedroom, he is very gentle and always asks if what he is doing is okay. Its more about the love than the sex with him.
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Sub-Zero: Unlike his brother, Bi Han is possessive. If he could, he will always speak instead of you, especially to other males. But in the end he loves you in his own way, like the ice loves...whatever. one thing about him, as a more traditional man, he will not prolong marriage. He will marry you at first opportunity. Expect him to be rough during intimacy and expect absolute submission.
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Reptile: This bad boy can fit so much love in his heart. He is always giddy when you're around and will still blush when you reach to touch him. And adores belly rubs while he is in his reptilian form. He will bellow like a purring cat. That reptilian form is also good at eating anyone who is a threat to you or your relationship. There is a lot he doesn't understand about humans or other species so he will be asking you questions every time after intimacy and speaking of which, that would be an experience where he basks in your beauty and does anything to please you.
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Shang-Tsung: He seduced you with that voice didn't he? And he knows it well...and will keep using it at any given moment to make your knees weak, especially in the bedroom. He isn't the jealous type. He knows his worth and that there is no one better than himself for you. But that doesn't mean other people you talked to won't...mysteriously disappear... A very suave and gallant gentleman for you in the streets but an absolute slut in the sheets.
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Rain: Rain is a god. And gods enjoy being worshipped. It got to his head you see. Treat him well with respect and he will treat you even better. He is a gentleman, doesn't cause a fuss for anything and isn't jealous at all. He knows his worth and that if you leave him, it will be your loss. Kinda sassy but in a good way. Is amazing in bed and will have u screaming his name instead of a regular god. Get it?
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shyravenns · 2 months
Talking with my friend @injestedsoap about what it would be like to date the 141 guys~
Ghost: Hesitant, and would be extremely reluctant to date a civilian. I feel like he's a short term relationship kinda guy, but he's a gentleman when he's with you and he tries his best to make the experience at least somewhat memorable. Charming in his own quiet way and is a sucker for someone who not only gets his lame jokes, but laughs at them. Is more than a bit guarded esp if he's with you during a mission, but he can skate around an unwelcome conversation just fine. Not a perfect boyfriend, but he tries even if you have to pry him out of his shell little by little.
Gaz: Almost tries too hard to be perfect and normal. He knows how busy he can be and the time you spend together seems to get less and less. He has a bad habit of overcompensating. Big romantic dinners, long days spent in bed, and him trying so very hard to be attentive to your issues (even if he can't relate to them). Has more anxiety than he let's on esp when he's not in the field. Patient and understanding, but I feel like he needs someone who makes him stop and calm down. Chill in a very quard dog way, but friendly overall.
Price: Same with Gaz, but he can be distant. That doesn't mean he doesn't love you, but it's been ingrained within him to keep his private life separate from his personal. workaholic and an ex alcoholic, he tries his best to be as mentally present with you as possible.He feels guilty 90% of the time when he sees a house that looks lived in, but lonely. Would def be insecure about how much he doesn't think he deserves you, and tries to buy your forgiveness (even if there's nothing to forgive) with gifts. Bit of a hopeless romantic, but you'll never hear it from him. Would come home with a puppy for you tho
Soap: Falls in love fast and quick, and burns out twice as fast. Can be a bit intense at first, but he's loyal. Weirdly observant, and is the type to bring you a present from some forgotten conversation betweenn the two of you. Much more comfortable being FWB with someone as relationships aren't his go to. Compared to the others, he's more well adjusted to being in a relationship and he's a good boyfriend all things considering. Struggles to relate to civillians at times, and is used to being around soldiers. Can be distant and a bit dismissive, but he doesn't always mean it THAT way. Def a lust at first sight to oh I wanna keep you forever type guy
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