#this is a MESS im so sorry to whoever read that
fuckmeupjackson · 1 year
The echoing effect of misunderstandings in Byler's relationship s4 is cool, also could it be a romeo juliet parallel??
Anyone else feel like the romeo and juliet metaphor could kind of a little. bit actually apply to byler s4? I mean I don't fully remember the book at all but... ( skip to the paragraph directly after the numbered list if it's too much to read or if you want to get to the point faster)......
1. At the start of s4, Will doesn't completely know whether or not Mike is still interested in talking to him, given that they didn't fully resolve their s3 conflict and he might still feel betrayed by Mike, so he waits for Mike to make the first move by calling him first when he moves to Lenora. Will doesn't get the calls, which he doesn't know is actually because of Joyce's telemarketing job, so he mistakenly thinks Mike's uninterested. So Will continues not to call him still.
2. Mike doesn't get called by Will despite all of his unseen attempts. Next thing Mike knows he's getting a letter from El suggesting Will might be interested in a GIRL! What a betrayal after all this time of no communication from Will, all the desperate attempts with no success! Mike is so hurt and probably a little confused about his feelings and where he stands with Will.
3. Mike doesn't want to get more hurt. So when he goes to visit him in California he acts like he couldn't possibly give a fuck about anything he does (or paints). He acts like he doesn't see him lingering behind him and El meanwhile he's the only one he's got his eye on all that ttime.
4. Will is clearly offended by Mike's (faked) aloofness and carelessness, but tries to play it off so he doesn't make a fool of himself and make the pain of rejection even worse. So he stays silent and yet again, doesn't talk to Mike thinking Mike doesn't want to talk to him. He's still confused, and has pent up anger+ frustration. Mike is also confused still. And has pent up hurt.
I have no idea if this is gonna make any sense, but it's kind of like the romeo and juliet "i thought you died so i killed myself, then you woke up and killed yourself seeing that I was dead" except it's "i thought you didn't want anything to do with me so I didn't talk to you, then you genuinely became offended and didn't want to talk to me either" and Will and Mike both do this to each other repeatedly, actually they do it like double the amount of times R & J do it.
Also the reason Juliet pretended to be dead was so that Romeo could come visit her and she didn't have to marry that other guy. You could say that Will doesn't call Mike thinking Mike will call him, but Mike just ends up getting hurt by it, kind of like how Romeo (Mike) doesn't get his happy ending with Juliet (Will) because he takes her fake death (silence) too seriously (not knowing what her plan was? or maybe he did idk) and kills himself too (feels extremely hurt+ ignores Will at the airport/is silent too). Does that check out? I have no idea xddd.
thanks for reading <3 back to homework I go ahhh
Mike is the one leading on the idea that he doesn't love Will (like juliet pretending she isn't alive) so that he doesn't have to confess, but Will takes it as a sign to push El and Mike together (a version of his own death) but then it's echoed even further by Mike confessing his love for El (which is also a form of his own death bc it's him lying to preserve his relationship with El, like Juliet pretending to be dead... actually idk where I'm going with this but whatever i detail it below if you want to keep reading it)
Van SCene:
Will thinks Mike loves El even though all Mike does is vent about how dysfunctional their relationship is. But being the poor selfless boy he is, Will does it... he tells Mike that El will ALWAYS love him and Mike and El DESERVE to be together forever, they belong together! At least that's what he implies. But Will decides to communicate this through his OWN veiled love confession, ouch.... pouring his deepest love into a river that's rapidly flowing in the worst direction, and he'll never see it again.... this hurts so bad, it feels like he's killing himself, poisoning his heart. He looks to the window for an escape. But here's Mike being, per Finn's words, "CLUELESS," and taking this as a sign that Will genuinely thinks he should be with El, that Mike telling her he loves her is the RIGHT thing to do.. and also, why would Will tell him these things if Will was in love with him? Couldn't be possible... (the parallel being romeo thinking juliet is dead /// mike thinking will's love for him isn't real. But actually it goes even further than that for byler bc will only said all of this because he thought mike didn't love him first and it's like an infinite story/parallel when you trace it back of misunderstandings and false assumptions like when you hold up a mirror to another mirror and wow it's confusing sorryy).
They go to save her...
Pizza Shop:
El is struggling in Vecna's mind, and Will commits his second metaphorical suicide (or a continuation of the first one) thinking it will save her, he grabs his friend's shoulder and says "you're the heart, mike!" as he gives his own heart away to Mike and his relationship with El. Mike honestlyy looked genuinely confused as hell at this part which kinda cracked me up, but he turns and... he gives his heart to El... he says "I love you, El!" Will's pained face is seen (El's is too but that's for another time). But we can only imagine... Mike feels like he's dying inside. This is Mike's metaphorical suicide? Maybe? He thought Will didn't love him so he goes and tries to give his love to someone else, even though it's probably Will that he truly loves. But here he goes suppressing it just as always. He must be feeling crazy honestly because he's lying for El to survive thinking it's what she wants to hear, he's lying to appease Will, he's lying to uphold what he thinks society/everyone else expects of him... i feel like at some point he can't help but wonder if there's any reason why he should tell the truth, if there's anyone to reveal his true feelings to that wants to hear them... anyways....
They crossed out their hearts for each other because they couldn't see the reality of their love. Mike couldn't see that Will's heart was still alive and beating for him, and only for him, and Will couldn't see how alive Mike's heart was when he was with him, they couldn't SEE that their hearts only beat for each other! They're emotionally killing themselves, and EL, by not being truthfullllll with each otherrrrrr
Either way though the writers were supperrr smart to have this sort of echo or domino effect where one lies or hides from another, or at the very least there is a misconception about each other and it keeps going back and forth where they assume things about each other, and then they react in a way that causes them to hurt one another even more until they're both fully convinced that they couldn't possibly be in love with each other.
It's cool.
ok idk im done being delusional and rambling, analyzing potential parallels that don't really help me predict anything for season 5 goodbye and thanks heehee
anyone has any thoughts confusions or disagreements feel free to tell me!!!
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lucyvaleheart · 3 months
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thotfrnk · 1 year
tackling the ancestral hall scene. re: jc was very much in the right, my thoughts. long post !
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^^^ for some context, jiang cheng didnt explicitly allowed wei wuxian back, but he didn't deny him. basically, he gave wei wuxian an inch, and he took a mile. not to mention, jc wanted w.wx to return back anyways! he wanted w.wx to kneel in the ancestral hall and beg for forgiveness from his parents. that consent didn't extend to l.wj, an OUTSIDER, he's not part of the jiang nor does he share blood, nor was he wedded to w.wx, at that point in the story w.wx still wasn't aware of l.wj's feelings.
yada yada yada theyre all at lotus pier, on official business, to discuss the whole matter wrt to jin guangyao, wng.xn are there as GUESTS, w.wx technically deflected from ymj pre-res, and l.wj is yknow, an OUTSIDER. while sect leaders are discussing, wng/xn decided to explore lp, nothing wrong w that really, jc tails them for a bit bc he was notified. he would've never confronted them but! this happens:
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wng.xn were basically trespassing at this point like dskjfnnkjnkfenjr they'd have to be SO far in the inner courts of ymj, even if its in character for w.wx to do this, l.wj on the other hand.... shouldn't he have known better? all those rules within the gusulan sect and none of them mentioned to not enter ancestral halls w/o permission? like this is jc's HOME, he's the master of the house, they cant just waltz around like they own the place.
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this is taking me outtttt like w.wx fr shit talking yzy in her FINAL resting place and only realising it after a second widkdkfkdfkdkfkdkfkfkckfkfkdk . didn't screenshot this but: ww.x AND l.wj did bows in front of their tablets , which...... yeah.
the thing is, yeah yzy and jfm tablets were there but it's not just them, it's the JIANG ancestral hall, so it held tablets for ALL the jiang that had passed...... like you don't even need to be well versed in chinese culture or confucianism or the like to know that what wng.xn were doing was wrong. god.
and this was where jc caught them:
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jc was totally justified for this reaction, there's no ifs ands or buts with this, they basically violated the most sacred place in his HOME. need i mention again this is jc's HOMEEEEE .
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some more context: jc was implying l.wj was gay (he is) and was mad at how shameless wng.xn was acting, w.wx still doesn't know of l.wj's feelings and took it as an insult. antis love to you this scene as jc being homophobic but like...... 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 he just doesn't appreciate them coming and desecrating his ancestral hall bro 😭😭😭😭😭 jc isn't homophobic he just don't appreciate ppl acting shamelessly in sacred places wldkdkfkdk
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then w.wx goes and attacks him, in his HOME, in his ANCESTRAL HALL..... GOD....... like what the fuck is wrong with themmmmmmm 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 they done trespassing and now attacking and i supposed to be rooting for them?🙄🙄 jiang cheng better than me, he shoulda drawn sandu right then and there
and the cherry on top of this whole soap opera mess:
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w.wx FAINTING. like "oh woe is me my actions actually have consequences?😵" MANS ALLERGIC TO ACCOUNTABILITY 😭😭😭 . the cognitive dissonance was truly hilarious to see ekdkdkfkdkfkf
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therealflickerman · 7 days
Split Lips (tasm!peter parker x reader)
Part three
series summary: Its simple hating peter parker, the cocky asshole who has made it his mission to one up you every chance he gets. In the same vein, its simple loving spiderman, the sweet masked vigilante who has made it his mission to ensure your safety. How simple will it be when the two worlds meet.
chapter summary: Spiderman takes you for a swing and shows you why he does what he does.
word count: 4.6k
chapter contents: reader is intended to be fem! , language, a little banter and a little fluff, reader is anxious and a mess,  idk anything about school in america or school in general, small mention of injury ig
note: Ya’ll I’m so sorry that I haven’t uploaded I’ve been so sick the past few days the fanfic author curse is coming for me, also im sorry yall I gave in, I had to make the reader a little bit of a horror fan. I hope yall enjoy!!
series masterlist
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chapter one / chapter two / chapter three (ongoing!)
Your foot taps rapidly against vinyl flooring, eyes locked on the one question that you can’t wrap your brain around, it's a longer question with a few points riding on it, and you wrack your brain as to how you’re going to answer it. You’d flown through the rest of the test with confidence, yes this was partially due Peters and his perfect note taking skills but you’re choosing to ignore this fact. You reread the question before giving into your temptations, flicking your eyes to the front of the room to find the familiar mop of brown hair, Peter seems to have finished his test and now sits tapping his pen against the table softly, he looks so sure of himself, as per usual, and you suck in an anxious breath before turning your eyes back to the test with a newly found sense of determination. 
It takes you a moment though you’re now knee deep into the question, letting out a breath of relief as you write away you feel pressure drop from your shoulders. 
Finishing up the question you flip through the test, reading over your answers and editing bits and bobs where you need to. You catch the time on your watch and notice there are still twenty minutes on the clock, a small smile curls on your face. 
You notice Peter turn in his chair and you look to meet his gaze, he sends you a cocky grin and flashes you a thumbs up before turning it to a thumbs down, trying to gauge where you’re at. You send a smile with a thumbs up in return and he nods softly before turning to look back up at the board. 
The bell for lunch rings and you’re quick to grab your things, handing your test to the teacher without a word, you skip a step trying to make it past students as they pile out of the room. 
“Peter,” you yell softly across the hall and he barely catches your voice over the volume of student chatter. He turns his head, searching for whoever it was that called his name, a grin curling on his lips as he sees it's you dodging through the crowded hall. “So, how’d it go” you huff, catching up with him, “wouldn’t you like to know,” he grins stupidly and you retort with a, ‘why do you think I asked’ and an eye roll. 
“It went great thanks for asking,” his tone is teasing, “how about you”.
“I think I’ll pass,” you grin. 
He hums a laugh, “and… do you have anyone to thank for that?” He raises a brow. 
Yours furrow as you think for a second, “no one comes to mind,” he nudges you softly. 
“I wasn’t planning on giving you the satisfaction but seeing as you though saved my ass” you preface with a smile, “thank you Peter for your notes”. 
He watches you with a cocky smile, “You’re welcome.”
Your brain thinks back to the conversation you had with Spiderman last night and you swallow a nerve. “Hey I was thinking maybe we could study together some time,” you blurt out before you can stop yourself, sinking your teeth into your lips, you watch him grin. “Were my notes really that good?” he asks with a raised eyebrow and you roll your eyes. 
“Forget I asked,” you grin.
“I would like that,” he wears a smile and the both of you sit in an awkward silence for a moment.
“Well I better… I um have to print photos,” he points his camera in the direction of the photography room. 
“Course,” you nod, “I’ll see you,” you mumble. 
He gives you a wave and heads off. 
For the first time in the past week you feel a pressure lift off of your shoulders. Humming softly along with your music you put one foot in front of the other as you walk home, a smile adorns your face as you think of Peter. You’ve had a hard time making friends, putting yourself out there and letting people in. You’ve also spent hours watching as friends study on picnic blankets, listening to the giggle of teenage girls as your mum picks you out ugly sweaters at the mall, watching friends struggle to find a lunch table that accommodates so many people. You've felt the twist of jealousy in your gut more than you’d like to admit and you’re more than sick of it. 
You push open the door to the apartment complex, letting out a huff as you start the climb to the fifth story. As much as the stairs hurt, Spiderman's way of getting around is far more frightening and your feet are grateful for their contact with the ground as you stomp up to your floor. 
You feel around in your pocket for your keys, wiggling them around in the old lock as they struggle to turn, the lock eventually gives way and you push open the door with your shoulder. 
Letting out a content sigh you head straight to your room. Ripping out your ear buds, pausing your music and flopping your phone on your bed before following your phone and collapsing face first. You lay for a second, enjoying the comfortable silence of your room, the only sounds to be heard are the hum of cars outside your window and the low buzz of the fan that you forgot to switch off that morning. 
A groan slips from your lips as your phone rings, its volume is jarring and without moving from your position you aimlessly grab for the phone that lays on the bed above your head. Getting your grasps on it you answer and bring it to your ear. 
“Hey love, I’ll be home late tonight,” your mum’s voice rings from the other end, you let out a lazy hum in response and she lets you know there’s leftovers in the fridge that you can have for dinner. Oscorp had recently  been working on a big new project, something to do with a DNA rebuilding serum, though it was ‘top secret’ and she ‘really shouldn’t be telling you this in the first place’. This meant all hands and deck in the labs, and therefore your mother had been out working hard until two a.m. most nights. 
You wish her good luck, telling her you think you did well on your test and that you would see her in the morning before hanging up the phone. 
The next few hours manage to escape you, you’re not quite sure how, though you do know what one moment you were studying quite happily, and now you’re sat in your bed with a blanket draped over your shoulders and a pillow clenched between your arms, your face contorted in disgust. 
‘The Thing’  plays on the screen and despite having seen it a thousand times it never fails to make you squirm, another body get ripped to shreds as a knock rings out from your widow and you jump, your eyes flicking to the window across the room from you, you spot a body of red and blue standing on your fire escape. 
Pausing the film and pushing your laptop to the side you jog to your window, sliding it open the old window with as much muscle as you can muster. “Do you know that you pick the worst times to sneak up on people,” you let him into the warmth of your room.
He lets out a soft laugh, “so I’ve been told,” you can hear the grin in his voice. 
Taking a seat on your bed, you give a nod, motioning for him to sit down at your desk. 
He swivels the chair and takes the seat, you watch his eyes explore your room, noticing the covers on your bed, the posters hung up on your walls, the bits and bobs that litter your desk. “Nice posters,” you let out a small laugh, “thank you”.
“So, what are you doing here?” you question with the raise of an eyebrow, 
“I told you I was going to take you on another swing” he grins, you can hear it in his voice. 
“No, no no.” You mumble with a shake of your head, “no way,” your voice is final and a laugh bubbles in his chest. 
“C’mon… you’ll like it I promise.” 
“I’m not quite sure I trust you” you tease with a furrow of your brows, 
“If you hate it I’ll take you right home,”
You sit in though for a quick second with a bite of your lip, “fine, but you take me straight home if I hate it okay.”
“Okay, you got it,” he laughs.
You pull on a pair of shoes and his hand guides your back as the both of you slip out your window. 
You brush off nerves with a shake of your hands, looking down from the fire escape, “and you’re like one-hundred percent sure you won’t drop me” you breath looking up to meet his eyes. “I’ve held a semi trailer from Queensboro bridge for half an hour, I think you're good.” 
“Show off,” you mumble under your breath. 
Letting out a nervous breath you give him a nod, “okay I’m ready,” 
“Are you sure becaus-” he starts with a stupid mocking voice.
“Shut up. I’m ready,” you nod with a determined face, he lets out a soft chuckle and places a tight arm around your waist before shooting a web. A small scream escapes your lips and your stomach drops, you slam your eyes shut and your arms shoot to wrap tightly around his neck.
“Holy shit,” your voice wavers as wind rushes through your hair and past your ears, the newly familiar feeling of plummeting to your death sends shivers down your spine. 
“Open your eyes,” you can feel Spiderman's voice in your ear. If it weren’t for his mask his breath would run down your neck. “I don’t know if I can,” you yelp, holding onto him tightly as you fall for a particularly long second before he shoots another web propelling the both of your forwards. 
“C’mon, you’re missing the view,” he coaxes you softly, raising his voice ever so slightly so you can hear him over the sound of the wind. Hesitantly, you crack an eye and you’re met with the most beautiful view of the city that you love. The lights that reflect off of building windows dance just as the stars do, it's the first thing you notice as you take in the sight, you let out the breath you’ve been holding in as your eyes look to the streets below, your stomach flipping as you notice how high up you are. 
Spidey watches you with a soft smile sat behind his mask, his eyes flick to the towers in front of him, focusing on his swinging before flicking back to watch the look that lights up your face.
You try to catch the view as you fling through the streets, your eyes flick through beautiful streets, an open park full of food trucks and people, a church lit up and seemingly holding a late night service, a string of expensive restaurants where the rich eat their meals, you’re seemingly ripped from them every second or so as Spidey swings you through each scene. 
The both of you fly upwards swiftly, he swings you both upwards towards a tall building in the heart of Queens that sits higher than its neighbours, your feet land softly against the roof and your arms slowly drop their grip on Spiderman. 
“Oh my god,” you swallow a nerve, a breath of relief escaping your lips as a big grin curls on your lips. 
“I told you you’d like it,” he watches your face as you take weary steps towards the edge of the tower. “It’s amazing,” you push the words out as you struggle to know what to say, it was like seeing the city for the first time.
“Still terrifying though,” you add with a grin, “I think I peed my pants just a little” you giggle and he shakes his head with a laugh. 
“You get to see this everyday,” you watch the busyness of the city below, the cars look like little ants in their respective colonies as they follow the flow of traffic. You can barely see the people about their everyday lives as you sit so far in the sky, though you watch business men and women sitting at desks in neighbouring buildings, all in their own small cubicles, each the same as the story below them. 
He hums with a nod, his eyes trail on yours as you watch the world go by. 
“I think I like it here where I’m not focused on falling to my death,” you tease, turning to meet the gaze that burns holes into your temple. “I can understand that,” he smiles down at you and this time he’s cursing the stupid mask that adorns his face.
The two of you sit in a comfortable silence looking down at the view, the air is filled with the distant honk of cars and chatter of people.
“I asked Peter to hang out… kind of,” you break the silence, you meet each other's gaze, “really?” he asks, putting on a smile and swallowing a pang of guilt. “Yeah… it went well enough” you nod, looking back down at the view, “I mean we have these bursts of awkward moments and I feel like I want to claw my eyes out for even starting the conversation, but I guess that's just a part of it” you shrug.
“Apart of it?” he asks. 
“Making friends, being acquaintances…I don't know what we are” you mumble and it comes out as a question. 
“You’re friends.”
“What makes you say that?”
He shrugs, “I have lots of friends, I know how it works” he teases and you roll your eyes.
You hum, “sure you do” a giggle escapes your lips. 
“I do!” he defends although it’s not entirely convincing. 
“That's why you spend all your time with some high school chick that you met on the side of the road.” you tease with a grin. 
“That’s because you’re my closest friend,” he mocks, elbowing you softly. 
“Some friends you must have,” you giggle and it draws a laugh from his lips. 
“We should get back out there,” he nods his head towards the city and you give him a silent nod. 
You shut your eyes tightly gripping onto him as he jumps from the building, dragging you down with him. 
“Web something asshole!” you shout not daring to open an eye at the velocity in which the two of you were dropping. A smirk grows beneath the mask before he shoots a web to a nearby building and the two of you glide forwards through the air, you force your eyes open and watch as you glide between cars, you send sheepish smiles to civilians as they eat their dinner outside of expensive restaurants before Spiderman slings you both higher into the sky. 
The two of you spend the next few hours swinging through each and every corner of Queens, stopping to talk and look at the view before repeating the cycle. You’ve never felt so free and a part of you finally understands why he does what he does. 
Your feet land firmly on your fire escape, and you already miss the freedom of the webs. 
“Told you you’d have fun” he grins and you roll your eyes, “yeah yeah”, a big smile spread across your face. 
“Thank you Spidey,” you nod with a sheepish smile and a wave of shyness flows over you. “Of course,” a genuine grin sits behind his voice and you smile at his words, the two of you sit in a comfortable silence for a small second before there's a soft knock on your bedroom door. “I’m home love, why are you up this late, who are you talking to?” your mothers voice is muffled through the door and your eyes widen as you place a hand on his chest, softly pushing him towards the window. “Uh, yeah mum just on the phone sorry,” you call out in the most believable voice you can muster in the moment of panic. 
“Goodnight” he whispers sweetly and you send him a quick smile, before shutting the window on his face and running to crack open your bedroom door. 
He peeps over the bottom of the window, watching as you make up a frantic excuse sending your mum a goodnight and a hug before shutting the door a little louder than you had planned. 
He cracks the window open ever slightly, "It's good you stayed calm,” he mumbles keeping his voice low. You turn abruptly and send him an eye roll, kneeling before your window you meet his face on the other side, “go home psycho,” you whisper with a smile and he laughs, “okay.” 
He sends you a look before jumping from the fire escape, shutting the window you’re conscious to leave it unlocked before you slide into bed for the night.
When spiderman had promised to take you swinging again he had meant it, in fact you’d practically patrolled with him every night for the past week, he would pick you up from your room or your way home from work, dragging you into the cold so the two of you could explore the city and talk about anything and everything. You had to admit you felt like you were distracting a very important person from doing a very important job though that thought quickly crumbled as you stood wide eyed, watching from afar as Spiderman beat in the face of a man who had been mugging and beating young high school girls who were just trying to get home from school and work. The sickening crack of the man’s nose breaking rang out into the empty alleyway, as did his pathetic whimpered apologies, part of Peter had wondered if he had maybe gone too far that night and if it was maybe because the man's choice of victims struck a small nerve deep inside him.  
Needless to say from that point on Spidey didn’t take you out swinging so late into the night, although did make it a habit to visit you every night after patrol. 
You tap your pencil rapidly against the plastic of the science room desks, the boy next to you, Adam you think his name is, asks you ‘what you wrote down,’ for the third time that period as the two of you complete the worksheet to go along with the practical the class completed today. You blink for a moment, finding the kindness within you and sliding your booklet his way, “why don’t you just copy it all down,” you give him a pressed smile.
Your eyes flicker to Peter's seat, it’s as empty as it was the last five times you checked and you let out a sigh.
He had been in English class that morning and you had seen him in his usual spot sat by himself during lunch, and you’re sure you’d seen him running through the halls just before this period though his seat remains vacant. 
Your eyes flick up as your teacher announces that he’s handing out the results of the Bio test and a smile curls onto your lips. 
“Good job,” Mr Khan smiles down at you, placing the test paper on your desk, “Adam, you see me after class,” he musters a smile and the boy looks up from copying your work with a shrug. 
“Um sir,” you blurt as he attempts to move on from your desk, “Peter wanted me to grab his test result for him,” you put on the most convincing smile you can muster.
He gives a knowing smile, “I’m sorry but you and Mr Parker should know more than anyone that I don't give out test results to other students, Peter will just have to wait till tomorrow to get his results.”
You roll your eyes as he passes you and you flip over your own results, you find a ‘98%’ in a big red circle and your lips curl into a small smile, you had prayed over and over for a 100% but you have nothing to complain about as you read the 49%, ‘see me after class’ from Adams results and you send him a pressed smile.
Swerving through the slow herd of students, you gently nudge past a group of particularly sluggish friends as they take their time groaning about their science grades and how ‘their parents will kill them’. It had been a long day and you simply want to make it home as early as possible, if you hurried now you’d have a chance of making the early subway and effectively cutting twenty minutes from your trip. Jogging softly you keep your eyes tracked on the ground in front of you, focused on the task at hand, you pay little mind to the quiet murmurs of students that fill the air, that is before you hear the soft spoken name of ‘Spiderman,’ your head shoots up in an instant and you clear your throat softly as you realise you look pathetically eager with your eyes darting around the buildings trying to spot him. 
Your eyes soon catch his as he swings past the school and you send him a soft eye roll as a small grin curls onto your lips. The chatter around you rises as students watch him fling through the streets before dying down as they lose sight of him, though your eyes track the direction he swings in and you slip through traffic, crossing the road and heading through the backstreets to meet him.
“You know if you keep showing up around my school people are going to find out you’re having some weird friendship affair going on with a high school student” you sneak up behind him as he stands waiting for you. 
You had spent a lot of the past week attempting to sneak up on Spiderman, though you had failed to consider his stupid ‘Spidey-Tingle’, which he had affectionately named it, and how it would pretty much ruin any and all chance you had of getting the payback you seeked. 
“Would that really be so bad?” he teases turning to greet you. 
“Well the tabloids would either paint you as a big fat pedo or they’d find out about your secret high school student identity.”
“I told you I’m not in high school,” 
A sceptical hum slips from your lips and a soft smile curls on your face, a laugh bubbles in his chest and he extends you his hand, “would you like a ride home?” “That would be great,” you grin, taking his hand before wrapping your other arm tightly around his neck. 
To say you were at ease now with swinging was an understatement, it took you a night or two to get used to it, the stomach turning feeling, the emptiness between yourself and the ground, now it was by far your favourite part of your day. It was the feeling of freedom you loved the most, it was more than your first car or the moment you turn Twenty-One, it was like flying, like not even gravity could control you, and Spiderman had chosen to share it with you. 
At first you found it a little strange that it was you he had insisted on taking you swinging almost every night although the more that the both of you had sat and talked for hours you decided that he must just be young, and lonely, and had found a friend in your company, and you had more than happily made a spot for him in your life. 
“Thanks Spidey,” you lean against the window sill of your room. 
“Just doing my job,” 
You hum a laugh and your lips curl into a smile, “I’ll see you tonight?” 
“Course,” he hums and wishes you congratulations on your test results and good luck on our study session. 
You hum along to the soft music playing from your phone, laying amongst your sheets you work on finishing up your Maths homework, your brows unconsciously furrow and a lip slips between your teeth as you think for a particularly long minute about the question on the textbook in front of you before you complete it and write it down in your book. 
There's a thud on your window and your head swiftly flicks up, a smile quickly plastering itself across your face as you push your work to the side, your homework papers get muddled together but you fail to care as you watch Spiderman slowly crawl through your window. 
“How was your night bugboy?” you ask though your smile falters as you watch him clutch his side before collapsing into your desk chair. 
“Why do you have a desk if you’re just going to study in your bed,” he teases, releasing a strained breath. 
“Are you okay?” you ask softly, ignoring his question. 
You spring off your bed and come to his side, your hands hovering over his ribs as his own grip them tightly. 
He hums in response, “there's this, big… I don't know…” his words roll over on his tongue, “Lizard guy.” His eyes meet your, you can feel his gaze through the mask. 
“You’ll see it on the news” he adds, “got me pretty good,” a soft laugh bubbles in his chest, a spit of anxiety bubbling in your own. 
“Is there anything I can do,” you feel the wideness of your eyes though you can’t seem to help it. 
You hadn’t known Spiderman long though you’d been waiting for the moment something like this had happened, and though he sits in front of you, not a speck of blood nor a tear littering his suit, promising you that he’s fine, you can’t help but feel a small sense of unease boiling in the pit of your stomach. 
“What about an ice pack?” you push. 
He hums a soft laugh, “I’m okay.”
You nod and the two of you sit in silence for a small second.
“What happened… I mean with the Lizard?” you question, meeting his gaze. 
“He was tearing up a bunch of streets, flipping cars and sending them into restaurants, he also sent me into a restaurant,” he hums another laugh and lifts his hand from his ribs. 
“Shit” the word escaped you in a soft mumble. 
“Did he get away?” 
He hums with a nod, “I was helping a kid out of a burning car, and he slipped away. He seems to have gone back home for the night but I’ll get back out there to be sure though,” 
“It’s late Spidey…” the words hang on your tongue. 
“I know but if he’s still out there…” 
“You have school in the morning” you nudge him softly and he lets out a wince of pain alongside a small laugh. 
“Sorry,” you mumble with a sheepish smile and he shakes his head, “it’s okay,” he laughs. 
The two of you sit in silence, you want to say more but you don’t want to push him, he knows far more about what he’s doing than you do. 
“I better get going, I just wanted to let you know that I was okay,” he mumbles softly and you can hear the tiredness laced in his voice. 
“You go home Spidey,” you whisper 
“Okay,” he gives you a nod, “I will.”
You send him a smile and wish him a goodnight. 
He climbs onto the fire escape and returns your sweet dreams, “you lock this window okay… I know that you keep it unlocked for me,” he mumbles and you give him a small grin, “okay.” 
He gives a small goodbye and swings from the ledge. 
add yourself to my taglist
@chaoticcoffeequeen @lov3vivian @s0meth1ngs
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kurosstuff · 1 month
✨️ (i think the event the still open i have no idea which sunday we were talking about, if not feel free to ignore ) but dragon!rosie x human!reader?
I just read the gorgon!rosie and lost mind (in a good way) so i thought 'why not combine rosie with my fav monster in a request?'
PMG THANK YOU-♡♡ I'm glad you enjoyed it@
Oo rosie as a dragon? Hell yeah I can see it~ I'm like- going all out of these their so fun to make
Warning(s): idk Honestly?? Horror maybe, bones.
Dragon!rosie x reader: food
You cursed your luck. Why did you even ACCEPT this? Agree to not bring anyone with? You grumbled, panting walking up the path up the mountain, dragging a cart full of.. you aren't actually sure. But it sure is bloody.
"Stupid ass guards"
Grumbling all the way to the top of the mountain, panting arms sore from the cart- how little of a break you got. Your running late as is.
"If it weren't the due date, I'd shove it up so far -" You cut off sighing. You're close to the entrance, and from what you know, if the dragon in the cave- that guards your very town. She isn't fond of swearing.
Maybe she's old-fashioned? Dragons do live for centuries, so.. that is possible.
But you couldn't help but wonder? Which dragon was she? There were two guardians after all. Both female. One not that well known but the other.. more often then not whoever is sent to feed her doesn't come back. Or if they do?
Not alive.
Shivering you prayed it wasn't her. Wasn't that horrific dragon. Eyes dark as coal. Soulless. The only survivor warning off anyone curious. It was a death wish. She is kind. But she is just as cruel. Curiously cruel even.
Grinning seeing the cave so tired you didn't see the skeleton laid bare around like a path. Like a warning. "Oh thank God." You huffed knowing the ritual by heart by now. After all if guards didn't do it. It was placed in the hands of the residents close tk the mountains. But you weren't ever told which dragon you'd have to feed.
Guess it makes sense given one will almost certainly kill you
Bringing the cart into the cave, you swallowed your nerves. It was quiet. Too quiet. Walking to the nest of foods, you grunted, putting the cart down and stepping back, hearing a sickening crunch. Stopping, you blinked, confused. Looking down, you paled
Seeing the pile of bones, you froze, shaking. The one dragon you knew never to mess with. To never upset. And here you were. In her cave- in her bones of her victim's. Shaking, you looked around the bag of meat even heavier than before a deep growl was heard behind you.
Turning, you paled frozen, staring at the dark coal like eyes- holding your hands up in surrender "o-oh hi my lady- im- I'm sorry- I was only here to feed you that's all" you choked out shaking ignoring how everything told you to run. To hide. To escape.
You knew if you tried, you wouldn't escape
Tilting her head in thought, the dragon growled slow, a rumble escaping her throat as she watched you. As if inspecting you. It was the longest two minutes or so of your life. Before she finally huffed a puff of grey cloudy smoke, filling your vision before a humming noise was heard. A woman stepped infront of you smiling softly curiously dressed in an old fashioned yet.
She wore those skulls. Those bones of her prey were as if they were decorations. Her dark soulless eyes staring right at you but you didn't find it as scary as you thought. You thought they were a gorgeous.
"Are you the new food carrier~?" Her voice spoke out formally looking down at you- towering over you easily. Her horns shun through her hat "well~? Shouldn't keep a woman waiting no?" She spoke again drawing your attention back to her.
"Oh.. uh.. yeah for today! The guard didn't w-want to ma'am" something in you. Told you that guards fate was just sealed. By the way her smile Hidden. Showing off her fangs you know you were right
"I see" she hummed circling you as if to measure you. As if she was debating on something. You worried she'd debate on eatting you. But you had hope.
Which helped you survive. Stopping infront of you her clawed hands gently held yours in hers as she stared at you. "Come. Rest little one I must insist" Turning her tail pushed you forward forcing you to move. To follow
Staring you wondered. We're all dragons this tall? Towering over you. You weren't on the tall side but still. You couldn't help but flush staring up at her mouth dry. If it weren't for her tail on your back pushing you forward. You wouldn't have willed your legs to move.
Guiding you fully down the cave she hummed at the silence. As if she expected it. "I am Rosie~" she spoke softly as if she was careful to not spook you. "And you must be?" She hummed eyeing you carefully
Squeaking out your reply, she hummed softly, repeating your name a couple of times before nodding. As if approving of such a name. Guiding you to a table, she helped you sit down, easing you into the seat. "Now, now~ relax. I won't eat you~ if I was. I would have by now. " Turning, she went to the cabinet "besides I'd never show my human form to my food anyways~ not the type to tease my food...that much~~"
Looking around, you shuddered bones laid around the room. Everywhere. Before you spoke, unable to stop yourself from asking, "How is it a house in a mountain?" Flushed, you glanced back, hoping you didn't offend her.
"Well little one.. I wanted a home like feel. So I had some humans make it like a home on the inside.. clever right ~?" Laughing seeing you nod in agreement patting your shoulder mindful of her Claws
"Now. Tell me exactly.. how you wound up coming here~?"
It didn't take long to realize Rosie? Loved Drama. Loved to talk about the gossip from the town- maybe that's how you were sucked into a laughing with the dragon you feared not so long ago that same day
"Yeah! I can't believe he didn't get caught by that stupid-"
"-You know"
Rosie cut your story off, sipping her blood tea(which she made you ALL to aware of) clearing your throat from the small laugh you had you going on. "Y-yeah?"
"We've been talking for hours, little one~" she purred, gesturing to the front of the cave. How dark is it getting. Standing up she smiled "oh as much as I'd love it for you to stay.. to talk more. It is dangerous especially for a human.." Gently helping you up brushing imaginary dirt off of you.
"Oh-! Y-yeah.. sorry ma'am-"
"Right.. yes. Rosie- I should be getting back. Make my report that you got your food. " Smiling at your correction, she nodded with a hum a hand on your lower back guiding you to the entrance
"My dear. Do be sure to tell him. I only accept you as my new caretaker, " she hummed, smirking at your flushed face."Maybe I shall take you as my personal one. Staying in my cave? Oh, I'm kidding, darling~" laughing at the flushed stuttering mess you got.
"Go on. It's not a goodbye~ I'll see you later little one~ better get to your cabin before the dogs come out~"
With a nod, you rushed off. Racing down the mountain, your limbs, thankfully, not as sore as this morning. To make your report ignoring the horrified look the man had once you told him Rosie's order.
It wasn't until you were in the bed. About to sleep before you sat up. Shivering slightly. How did Rosie know that? Know you were in a cabin? The only cabin in town?
How did she know?
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kamii22 · 7 months
dating robin headcannons
this is my first post (besides my introduction) on this account, i really hope whoever reads this enjoys it!! let’s just act like homophobia doesn’t exist bc i want robin and reader to be happy 😭
warnings: cussing, slight smut (mentions of sex, kinks, making out, etc.)
genre: fluff
not proofread 😟
robin loves being kissed
she loves it when you kiss her all over her face and body or when you give her quick kisses on the lips when you guys are working
she also loves holding your hand
she holds your hand no matter what you guys are doing, having sex? holding your hand (unless it’s being used for something else), cuddling? holding hands, working? holding your hand (sometimes she follows you around just to hold your hand)
robin is very clingy (but you’re not complaining
she loves cuddling so much
fav thing to do to pass time
hugging you all the time
bullies you but gets mad when you bully her back 😭
“idiot” “shut up gay” “i literally hate you stop talking to me im going home” and she gets up and walks out of your room
calls you almost very day you guys don’t hang out
spends a the nights at your house that people think she lives there
bites you when she doesn’t like what you’re doing
once you were messing with her hair after she said she will bite you if you keep touching her hair and she bit you so hard there were teeth marks on your arm 😭
you love singing extremely inappropriate songs at her
you were singing a song about sex to her and she was so confused
she grabs your ass and thighs all the time (is this too inappropriate to be in this part of the hcs? or should it be in the slightly inappropriate section?? 😭)
guys tell eachother EVERYTHING
privacy doesn’t exist with you two
takes you out to eat all the time (😈)
you guys share clothes
you have so much of her clothes in your closet
inappropriate stuff ⬇️⬇️
i feel like she’d be a switch but usually a top
like sometimes she wants to dominate but other times she wants to be dominated
extremely horny for no reason
this bitch tried to finger you in a restaurant
making out with you any chance she gets
loves when you treat her like a slut
has choking, hair pulling, and spit kinks
makes dirty jokes all the time
you guys fuck like 4 times a week sometimes more
leave hickeys on you in very noticeable spots
extremely good in bed
this is the end of my headcannons sorry it wasn’t that long, hopefully you all liked it!!
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shiopi · 1 year
A/n: this wasn't supposed to be this long I just wanted to show my love for malewife scara but this is anything but malewife Scara 😭
Warnings for the nsfw part: possesive dom scara, hair pulling, pussy slap, slight choking and my shitty writing because I can't write for shit also not proof read
Scara who has tattoos and piercings. The tattoos decorate his arms and neck. He's literally male wife too, cooks for u and then playful scolds u telling u to take better care of urself.
Whenever u r getting hit on when ur alone at a bar, he sneaks up beside u and then grabs ur waist pulling u towards him. Glaring down at the guy who was hitting on u. The guy in question thought scara was no big deal given his height "And who are you supposed to be?" "Her boyfriend" scara said while sounding quite angry. He can't believe he has to waste his breath on this low-life ugly ass looking guy. "Unfortunately for you this beautiful is about to go on a date with me to the club, isn't that right?" The guy said looking at u "I already told u I dont-" before u could finish ur sentence, scara removed his tight grip on ur waist and walked up to the guy, grabbing his finger and almost fucking breaking his bones "Get lost or else I'll fucking kill you." seeing the look on scara's face, the guy knew he was serious and just ran off screaming and crying. Scara then pulls u into a heated kiss. Saying in between the kiss "Mine. Only fucking mine."
On days when u decide to act a bit bratty and flirt with whoever is hitting on u to rile scara up, he will be furious. Grabbing ur hands and pulling u away. He drives u both home. The entire ride home was silent. u fucked up. U could sense his anger radiating. Thank god there wasn't any traffic because if there was, well, this place would be on fire right about now. After u two get home, u take off ur shoes and before u can get to ur shared bedroom to change, scara swoops u into his arms princess carrying u to the bed. He throws u onto the bed and then towers over u, not even bothering to take his clothes off. "You like seeing me angry?" Scara asked while leaning down on ur neck and adding bite marks, his hand caressing ur thighs and reaching ur inner thigh, pushing ur dress up. U stayed silent, too lost feeling his touch to realize he asked u a question. "Fucking answer." He said in a slightly deeper voice as u felt a sting to ur clothed pussy. U let out a yelp "I-im sorry!" "That doesn't answer my question." He said directly looking at u and grabbing ur throat. No matter what u said would get u in trouble so u decided to be honest to at least lessen ur punishment "..y-yes I like seeing u angry" u mumbled.
He didn't like how low ur voice was so low. He needed u to be loud so everyone could hear who u belong to. Removing his hand from ur throat he instead grabbed ur hair harshly "you, speak properly to me when I ask u something" u winced at the pain in ur scalp. "Got it?" The grip on ur hair got even tighter "yes!" u cried out. "Good, now then, if u hide ur screams there will be consequences" he said in a raspy voice before unzipping his pants.
By the time he's done, u will be covered in bite marks all over ur body, ur hair a total mess and cum dripping down ur thighs.
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propertyofwicked · 1 year
never have i ever... | rafe cameron
had a troll pt 2
part 1 here
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not my gif<3
warnings - very very slight sexual references if you really squint
rafe could tell you had been distant with him the last week, but he didn’t know why. he imagined it was your brother and his obvious dislike for your relationship, but considering you had been fine after john b had first found out he didn’t understand why it had suddenly become an issue. everytime he asked you what was wrong, you responded with some excuse about just being tired from work. 
you weren’t avoiding him on purpose - well, maybe you were. the anonymous texter was adamant, and you had been drawn into this mess, spiralling slightly and spending every free moment thinking about it. you had been cheated on before, and the sinking feeling that came from being told rafe was with someone else behind your back was all too familiar. as a result you had hidden yourself away from him, always using work as an excuse and hiding in the kitchen if he came into the club. he had begin to give you the space he thought you wanted so the last thing you expected was for him to come crashing through your bedroom window at 3am, waking you up and dragging you out with him and into his car.
he didn’t speak, he just drove the two of you across the island, his hand clutching the steering wheel so hard his veins popped out and were perfectly highlighted by the full moon. 
“rafe are you going to say anything?”
“are you? you haven’t spoken to me in a week.”
“yes i have, i sent you a text earlier?”
“oh sorry “going to work now. talk later” you really have a way with words y/n - does shakespeare know about you?”
“sorry,” you mumble, not sure how to respond.
“no y/n. i don’t want your apologies - i want you to talk to me. have i done something? has john b done something? if he has ill kill h-”
“he hasn’t done anything rafe. i promise. it’s just...” you trail off, not sure how to approach the topic of the anonymous texter, knowing he’d told you to ignore it. luckily, you didn’t have to respond as a text notification filled the silence for you. you turned the phone slightly, careful not to show too much so that rafe couldn’t read it
“oh. i see,” rafe pipes up, sighing loudly as the realisation hits him,” y/n, i told you to ignore it - is this why you’ve been ignoring me all week?” he says, pulling the car to the side of the road and turning to look at you. 
you head dropped slightly, turning away from him in shame. you expected him to shout, or at least get angry and yet his hand reached up to cup your jaw and turn your face to look at his. his jaw was soft, not tense and angry as you had expected - and his eyes looked sad, almost sympathetic.
“let me read the messages,” rafe says, slowly taking the phone from your grasp. he scrolls through the chat, reading the lies this person was spreading about him - he was happy to see that you were still defending him. you had confided in him about being cheated on before, and he soon realised why you had become so distant. locking the phone and placing it on the dashboard, rafe pulls you over to come and sit on his lap so that you were straddling his waist and had no way of avoiding his stare. 
“y/n, i love you,” rafe starts, his voice soft and eyes staring into yours, his hand reaches up to tuck the hair behind your ear and makes itself at home on your jaw, “i promise you none of this is true. when i’m not with you, i’m thinking about you. you can ask top if you want, he’s actually starting to get pissed ‘cause im ‘whipped’ as he puts it. i love you, and i only want to be with you. whoever this is, messaging you, has it out for me, and for us. id never do anything to hurt you. ever.” 
it was nice to hear him be so compassionate, he was always kind and loving but he rarely said it, rafe cameron is not a man who says how he is feeling - he’d much rather show you. a tear slips from your eye, but he quickly wipes it away and presses a kiss to where it had fell. 
“i didn’t believe what they were saying you know, i just couldn’t help but fall into the trap.” 
“i know sweetheart. you don’t have to worry about me. ive got enough scratches on my back to let people know they can’t have me,” he adds, smirking slightly as you hide your face in his shoulder. 
you woke up late that morning, the late night adventure with some added fun in the back of rafe’s car had taken it’s toll on your already fatigued body. you get out of bed and head down the hallway, deciding a shower is probably necessary - but murmurs of the pogues in kitchen stop you in your tracks. 
“you’ve done some fucked up shit before john b, but this is a whole new level,” sarah says.
“don’t get me wrong, we all hate rafe for the shit he’s done but y/n has never been happier, especially with everything she’s gone through recently,” jj follows on, “texting her anonymous threatening messages to get her to break up with him is psychotic bro.”
it was john b? this whole time? had he been sending those texts and waiting to hear your sobs through the thin walls of the chateau? surely not. this was a joke right. without even thinking, you feet had carried you into the kitchen. jj and the rest of the group stood on one side of the table, with john b with his head in his hands - atleast he looks guilty. his head raises at the sound of you walking in and he feigns a smile hoping you hadn’t heard the conversation.
“it was you? this whole time?” you asked, voice laced with venom. he nodded slowly, realising he couldn’t hold the façade any longer. 
“look, y/n im sorr-”
“no, save it. i don’t care,” and with that you turned on your heal, back into your room, where you began to cry. you rang rafe, and he picked up immediately as he always did. you didn’t say anything but he could hear your sobs through the phone, and without a second thought he was in the car coming to pick you up. 
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mknae-jongho · 9 months
All night long
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Seonghwa x fem!reader (reader name: janae)
Genre: Smut
Word count: 4.9k
Warnings: Jealous, hard dom!Seongwa , hair pulling , name calling( slut, babygirl) , choking , gagging , overstimulation , manhandling , pussy slapping , spanking , (unprotected sex) etc…etc… ( READ AT YOUR OWN RISK ) Sorry for any word mistakes.
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Seonghwa we’re stressed out enough and his girlfriend janae are making it worse. She were flirting with mostly all of the members( mostly san & woo) Which were aggravating him even more. “woo your so funny.” she laughed leaning on his shoulder with her arms wrapped around his neck. She was doing it on purpose to see how far she can go for seonghwa to finally snap. “ janae don’t go to crazy now, i don’t want seonghwa to beat me up haha.” woo laughed. she smiled and got up to go to the kitchen to grab a snack. “hey does anyone want a snack.” you asked everyone. everyone replied with a yes.
While goin to the kitchen you noticed how seonghwa was watching you but looked away looking at his phone without saying anything. You walked out the kitchen with snacks and drinks. “you guys want to play a game??”woo asked.
You were the first to reply. “ouu yes i wanna play something.” jumping into san’s lap getting excited. San arm went around you waist because he knew the game you were playing. He looked and saw how seonghwa were looking at you two with an expression on his face. Seonghwa stared at you when he saw san lean into your ear which made you look at san and you both laughed putting your head into his neck.
Suddenly san saw seonghwa getting up walking towards the both of you. Before you turned to look at seonghwa you felt a harsh pull on your arm and pushing you back down onto the couch him sitting beside you after.“what game are we playing woo?” seonghwa asked while still staring at you with slit eyes and a scary expression on his face, his expression was so intense you had to look away to the floor. “Umm, we can play last to stay up.”
“What’s that?” san asked scooting you closer to him to make seonghwa even more pissed. “It’s a game when you hold someone on top of you kinda like a yoga position & whoever hold the person up the longest wins.” hongjoong replied.
“okay time to choose partners.”woo said. “i pick hongjoong since his a little small”jonho said.
“im choosing janae.” seonghwa said. “no i wanna be san partner,” you looked at san squeeze his muscles. “since he’s strong.” That made seonghwa hot balling his fist but he didn’t want to show his anger so he waited to see your next move.
Pairs: (jonho, hongjoong), (san, janae), (mingi, yunho), (yeosang, wooyoung)
“i guess i’ll be the judge to see who wins since i’m the only one left.” seonghwa said getting up.
“ready janae??” san asked looking at you smiling. “yes.” you got up taking off your shoes while san took off his jacket leaving on his white t shirt and black shorts. you stared at him noticing how seonghwa barely made a move.
“ouu san, how much do you workout.”you said biting your lip jokingly but seonghwa didn’t take it as a joke.
“i workout a-.” he was cut off by seonghwa. “let’s start the game shall we.” he said with a certain type of tone he use when he’s getting annoyed.
san, jonho, mingi, & yeosang lied on the floor getting in position. There were a 30 minute timer on to see who can hold the person up. “ready?” san asked. “yes boo i’m ready.” that nickname really did something to seonghwa but he continued not wanting to mess up the game.
you, woo, hongjoong, & yunho leaned back with your backs turned towards them with their legs on side of you putting down all your weight on their hands. “start” . the timer started now we wait and see.
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5 mins later…
mingi was complaining about his arms hurting for the last 4 minutes before yunho collapsed, which means they were out. you and san was doin good so far. jongho and hongjoong doin great. now yeosang and woo was a different thing. By the looks of it; it looked like yeosang was struggling by his face expressions. then boom, woo went down with a laid out yeosang. “woo what did you eattt.” he said with in a exhausted voice. “haha, the shit janae cooked earlier. it was good too i was hungry as fuck so i ate about everything.”
Now it’s just you & san vs jongho and hongjoong.
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15 minutes gone by in total with means there’s 15 minutes left.
jongho’s still standing and san’s still standing so we don’t know who will win so the rest of the members are just watching waiting to see who wins.
Another 10 mins gone by leaving 5 mins left on the clock. And during those last 5 mins…..Jonho finally gave up and lost which means you and san wins!!! San slowly brings you down and you butt rubbed against his dick getting him on rock hard and guess what… seonghwa noticed again getting him real hot.
San helped you get up as you both jumped and hugged celebrating your win. As everyone settled down, it’s time for movie night so everybody grabbed snacks, drinks, pillows & blankets. you sat on san lap, after sitting down you felt something poking you on your butt slightly by your private, you knew what it was you just didn’t say anything not wanting to be awkward. you saw seonghwa walking towards the couch sitting at the very end alone , legs spreaded , arms crossed and head tilted back with an angry expression. you smirked slightly knowing he’s feeling heated. “janae pick a movie.” san handed you the remote. “okay sure, how about an action movie.” you put on a action movie and leaned back on san chest pulling the blanket over you as he put his arms around your waist.
One part in the movie made you laugh as you bend down knowing san was feeling a little pleasure on his…(yk😉🤫) leaving him tilting his head back biting his lips as his legs twitched a little bit.
Sitting back up looking at the tv you saw seonghwa looking a you on the corner of your eye so you did something that may went a little too far..well a lot far…
Looking at san seeing his head tilted back, you got up and got back in his lap, but this time facing him sitting your pussy right on his dick wrapping your arms around him, his eyes shot up at you with a shocked expression.
“janae what are y-.” he was cut off by you. “shhh, ik what i’m doing.” you went even further want to piss seonghwa off some more. You pulled the blanket over you and san head putting your head in his neck inhaling his scent while hold his left cheek moving down to his stomach rubbing his abs stopping right there.
Suddenly you felt the blanket get snatched off and your hair getting pulled dragging you in you and seonghwa shared room.
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“That’s how you wanna play huh?? wanna act like a FUCKING SLUT,” you felt a slap on your face. “HUH??” he grabbed you by your hair throwing you on the bed standing infront of you staring at you intensely, unbuttoning his shirt. “what are you talking about hwa , i wasn’t doin anything.” you said pushing his buttons even more… it’s gonna be a long long night for you…
“really,” his tooked off his shirt, crawling into the bed still looking at you. “so you really tryna playing with me rn.” he said grabbing your throat.
“get undressed, now.” he said pulling you out of bed before walking towards that specific dresser where you keep all your sex toys at. You saw him pulling out a vibrater, and whip, cuffs, and a gag ball.
You got undressed slowly, when you got your shirt off half way you felt a grip on your waist pulling you close to him then felt a sting on your butt cheek. “speed up!” he said then pushed you away from him making you fall back onto the bed.
You keeping up the same slow pace makes him even angrier. you heard something fall on the floor and footsteps walking towards you. you felt a yank pulling off your shirt. “ janae STOP. FUCKING.PLAYING WITH ME AND TAKE THIS SHIT OFF!!” he yelled getting aggressive and aggravated.
“aww are you getting mad, it okay pumpk-.” you said before feeling a hard slap on you face. He gripped your jaw before bending down to your level.
“You’re really pushing my buttons, it seems like i gotta show you who the fuck you should play with.”
“well it seems like i was playing with you ya know. you don’t gotta get so mad.” you said laughing. He seeing you keep pressing his buttons really wanna punish the fuck outta you and that’s exactly what he’s gonna do.
“Janae,” he looked at you. Walking towards you he yanked you by your hair pulling you out the bed before turning you around picking up the cuffs to put them on you.
“get on your knees.” he stared at you.
“no i don’t feel like it, they kinda hurt from being on san most of the day.” you said looking back at him.
Now that got him deep…
He grabbed you by the throat walking you back until you back hit the wall.
“haha, Janae…Janae, you just don’t know what the fuck i’ll do you you huh,” he said while removing the rest of your clothes. “ you just keep asking for it.” he said while laughing tryna control his anger but it’s not working.
“Get.On.Your.Knees.!! NOW!!” he yelled.
You got a little startled, and decided to get on your knees. “Good girl.” he said slapping you twice softly. Unbuckling his belt, he slid the belt out of the loops and put it over his shoulders knowing he’s gonna need it later.
Remove all of his clothes he slapped his dick across your face. “spit on it.” he grab your hair. you listened because you didn’t want to make him angrier than he already is. Spitting on it he began rubbing himself. “suck it.!” Wanting to tease him a little just a little, you kitty lick the tip licking his precum.
“Janae. Stop.” he said before sliding all of him in your mouth hitting the back of your throat. tilting his head back groaning fucking deep into your throat making you gag and slob dripping down him balls and your chin, he pulled out of your mouth before taking the belt off his shoulder holding it in his hand. “why??,” he looked down at you. you stared back at him before looking down at the floor sitting down on your feet.
“i asked you a question. Don’t make me repeat myself.” he said putting a finger under your chin making you look up at him. “hwa i was ju- i was umm-” He walked behind you before bending you forwards. “Just what.??” Spank. “huh??” Spank. “JUST WHAT??” he pulled your hair leaning you back to look at him. “beside flirting with san,” Spank. “Getting in his lap.” Spank. “Being all touchy with him.” Spank.
You were a crying mess, and boy he was proud.
“HUH.?!!” Spank. “Don’t be a bitch now, crying when you were being a little slut earlier.” Another spank landed, this time on your pussy. “OMFG HWA THAT HURTS!!” you screamed loudly while crying. “ SHUT UP.” Spank. “ don’t like this huh?” Spank. “you think i enjoyed what you were doing earlier,” Spank. “HUH!??” SPANK. “c’mon you can take it.” Spank. “ you a big dog right.” Spank. you were screaming and hollering. SPANK. SPANK. SPANK. SPANK.
“se-seong-hwa, pleaseee.” you said crying getting up running away from him. “please stop,” sniffing and crying. “Janae get over here!” “hwa”. “GET OVER HERE NOW. DONT make me chase after you now get over here!!” “seonghwa please, it hurts hwa.” He suddenly walked towards you to grab your wrist but you ran to the other side of the room. “JANAE, if i catch if i swear it’s not gon nice now GET. OVER. HERE.!!”you looked down tears streaming down your face slowly walking towards him while his still looking at you with that same angry expression gripping the belt tightly. he grabbed your wrist before grabbing your jaw pushing you back down spanking you even more for running.
“why you run, you wanted this right??,” Spank. Spank. Spank. “you asked for this shit.”Another spank. you close your eyes tightly. “look at me.” slowly opening your eyes.
“get up.” he said before standing u. “i can’t hwa.” you looked up at him with tears steady goin down your face. “you can. and you will. so. GET.UP!!” you got up slowly struggling a little, waiting for what was next.
he turned you around to uncuff you before pulling you back onto him whispering into your ear, “i was actually planning on being gentle and making sweet love to you tonight, UNTIL,” he grabbed your throat. “you decide to pull the stunts you did.”
Turning you towards him wrapping both arms around your waist & you putting your arms around his neck. “janae stop touching me,” you slowly put your arms down. “ did you think what you did was funny??” you look down quite.
“Janae i asked you a question, pls don’t make your situation worse than what it is.” “i- i.” you stuttered. “i-i-i.” he said mocking you. “hmm?” Spank. you stumbled. “what the issue?? hmm?” Spank. “cat got your tongue.??”Spank. “you got me talking to myself,” he said grabbing your jaw. “i know i’m asking you a question.” Spank. Spank. “ don’t wanna talk??” Spank. “ANSWER!”
“ i found it as a joke hwa, im sorry.” you said not feeling so tough like earlier.” “A JOKE, YOU THINK WHAT YOU DID WAS FUCKING FUNNY,” SPANK. “HUH??” SPANK. “Hwaaa, i’m sorry!!! Please hwa im so sorry.” you said crying again. He grabbed the belt again not feeling yet satisfied. “ bend over on the bed.” “Hwa ple-.” “JANAE.BEND.OVER. NOW. Don’t need no back talk.
You listen to him and bend over. You felt a hard sting on your cheek. SPANK. SPANK. SPANK. SPANK. SPANK. SPANK AFTER SPANK. “ hwa please ss-stoppp, i’m sorry pleaseeeee!” “shut up!” SPANK. SPANK. Minutes later the spanking stop.
You were exhausted but he wasn’t not even close done with you. He grabbed the gag ball & cuffs and put it on you & giving you one last spank. “come get in the bed and lay down.” he told while getting in the bed. you got in the bed and laid down as told.
He spread your legs getting in between them. He looked up at you before diving in licking and slurping making a sloppy mess. He then added two fingers spreading you open to get you prepared for him. you’re a slobbering mess even tho your moans where muffled. “mmmm hakfuhebs” that was all you could say. “feels good??” he said fingering you even faster, and sucking on your clit, you clenched around his finger and he knew you were close to cumming, so he went even faster and sucked even harder. Suddenly you squirt everywhere but that didn’t stop him, he fingered you even harder and faster sitting up on his knees to go deeper. Your legs shaking and trembling like crazy. you “MMMMMM.” he stopped to take off the gag ball. “Scream for me, daddy wants to hear you!” he said before diving his fingers deeper back into you, wanting to hear your moans he puts he head by your mouth.
“FUCK SAN” you quickly covered your mouth as you felt his movement stop. He sit up still fingers deep staring deeply into you soul. He pulled his fingers out, “you really like san huh.” he said before slapping you across the face. “moan his name again, i dare you!” He slaps you again even harder. “say it, do it.” he says getting closer laying on top of you .
“i’m sorry hwa..” you wrapped your arms around him. “Take. your. hands. off of me!!” he said pushing away your arms. “seonghwaaa.” you said in a whining voice. “shhh, i don’t want you touching me, especially after you moaned his name.” he moved your hair off of your sweaty forehead before sitting up to get under the cover.
“come here.” he pushed the cover back so you can get on top of him. Once you got on top him he put the cover on top before kissing you. He put his hands on your hips making you grind on him moving you faster and faster. He moved his lips to your neck leaving big marks so he can reminded them who you belong to.
“put my dick in you.” he said biting your earlobe. You moved your hand down to line him up at your entrance. “bounce on it.” he told you putting his hands behind his head. slowly you began bouncing up and down. “bounce faster” you sped up a little bit. He moved his hips towards yours to go deeper putting one hand on your throat and another on your hips taking over to move faster and harder into you. He pulls you closer to him. “who do you belong to?? hmm.” he grunt in you ear. you were a moaning mess so you couldn’t speak. “answer me janae, who. do. you. belong. too.??” he gave you a hard spank on you ass.
“i belong to you seonghwa,” you moaned “ i’m gonna cum hwa.” he kissed you “cum on my dick whore, cum on daddy’s dick!! ohh fuckkkkkk!” he groaned. your pussy clenched around his dick meaning you were close. Suddenly you were flipped onto your back, he put one of your legs on his shoulders going deeper. “ ohh fuck janae, your so tight mmm feels so good,” you moaned into his ear wanting to touch him but you can’t. “my little whore, all mines to use, this pussy belongs to me ,” he said thrusting harder getting close to an end . “ understood??” he made you look at him looking at your fuck out face. “hmm, do you understand?.” he kissed your lips slipping in his tongue. “yesssss, i-i underst-stand hwaaaa,” he bit his lips loving your expressions. “i’m cumming, oh my gosh i’m gonna cum hwa.” your eyes roll to the back of your head as your legs began to shake.
“daddy’s cumming too babygirl, gonna breed you so full of my cum. his moans getting louder , the sound of wet skin clapping and his moans did something to you. Suddenly a splash went everywhere on the both of you, “ fuck you squirted on me baby girl mmmm.” he bit his lips tilting his head back when suddenly a warm liquid released deep inside of you but he kept fucking you at the same pace riding out your high.
He collapsed beside you after pulling out laying on his side looking at you fucked out. he got closer to you turning your face towards him. “did you learn your lesson??”
“yes.” you replied putting you head under the cover not wanting to look at him. he continued to look at you for a minute before saying, “good, i hope you learn who the fuck you belong to & who do not play with!” he pushed your head away
“get up, so we can get cleaned up and go back with the boys.” he gave you one last kiss.
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You both got cleaned up and went back to where the boys are. Seonghwa went back to where he was expecting you to sit with him. They were all still acting normal except for san, he was just looking at you , staring. you don’t know what it was so you just went to go sit beside him.
He continued to stare at you til you sat beside him, “you okay san? he didn’t say anything just continued to stare at you before he leaned in the hug up wrapping his arms around your waist, putting is head in your neck.
“i heard you moan my name , wanna tell me about that ??” he asked squeezing your waist.
“Janae!” you hear seonghwa say. you looked at him and he gave you that look. you nodded your head knowing what he mean. you felt san began to suck on your neck, and i think seonghwa noticed (🤦🏽‍♀️again) .
“SAN” seonghwa yelled which made san jump and all the members at him.
“janae get over her now.” he pointed at his lap. you got up quickly and walked towards him sitting down on his lap facing him, he put the blanket over the both of you covering you both up. “do i need to take you back there.??” he asked you looked deeply on your eyes. You shook your head no. “ Remember your place janae.” he whispered into your ear before your kissing from your jaw to your lips.
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rat-typewriter · 1 year
hi! i hole you’re doing good! when you get the chance can you do high school aged baseball player bill de brought x fem reader who plays softball headcannons? thank you!
Notes: Girlie im so sorry this has been in my inbox for like a year,,, but better late than never right???? also im not american so i have no clue what a softball is so this is based off of ten minutes on wikipedia
BaseballPlayer!Bill Denbrough with a SoftballPlayer!S/O
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alrighty,,, so first off your school only has one pitch - so Bill first sees you while getting ready for practice and your team is finishing up training
Honestly he spots you straight away - not necessarily because you're any better than the rest of the girls, but because of how you cheer your teammates on any time they make a good hit
He finds it so endearing, seeing someone so openly kind and genuinely excited for their friends
Not to mention he thinks you're probably the prettiest girl hes ever seen but whatever
But he's s u p e r awkward so wouldn't actually work up the courage to talk to you for a couple of months
it's late afternoon in May; he's waiting with his team for practice and your team is finishing up again
you manage to hit the ball into the chainlink fence and it jams into one of the gaps
now,,, your team has a strict "whoever touched the ball last has to go find it" policy (which has left you digging through bushes of brambles on many occasions) so there you were, half on tip-toe and half straight up CLIMBING the fence to try and reach the stupid ball
you could hear your friends laughing across the pitch and (although you loved them to pieces) you definitely shot them a few death glares
One time you turn and stick your toungue out at them, playfully shouting for them to fuck off
and when you turn back, you nearly jump out of your skin
lo and behold on the other side of the fence is the CUTEST boy you've ever seen, reaching up and pushing the ball back through
and when he looks at you with those blue eyes
let's just say you don't catch the ball when he knocks it out
you stare at him and you can feel blood rushing to your face
internally you're screaming at yourself to stop gawking at him like a weirdo and SAY SOMETHING
if the fence wasn't between the two of you, the space between you would have been too small to be socially acceptable
honestly you're both so awkward you probably would have just stood there forever, but sooner or later his team would notice him with a girl
"Shit, Bill's got game!"
the entire group of boys suddenly broke out into laughs, jeers and whistles
needless to say Bill was mortified
mind you,,, your friends were no better
every time you saw him after that, they would all start giggling and nudging you like maniacs
don't get me wrong, you love your friends to pieces,,,, but you could have killed them all
you occasionally bumped into Bill a few times after that: around school, sometimes in town - but your first proper conversation was while sitting on the grass outside school
Your team was practicing, but you were in trouble with the coach for flunking a maths exam - so she was making you sit out to study for this session
you stared at you maths textbook - lets be real, not really thinking about anything - when he came over
"M-maths, huh?" he asked, craning his neck to read your notebook
"Yeah," you smiled. "Gotta say though, it's just not adding up."
why in the world did you say that
worst joke ever (not me slandering a joke i literally just wrote down smh)
But it was the first time you had managed to make him properly laugh
he grinned and your soul more-or-less left your body
you chatted for a while after that, him helping with a few questions
but mostly just messing around and laughing
it was only when your coach shouted to you that practice had ended twenty-five minutes ago that you suddenly snapped back to reality
"Oh shit," you gasped, stumbling to your feet; shoving the book into your bag. "I gotta get home"
He stood with you, helping to pick up your pens and papers
"Sorry!" he smiled sheepishly (oh god that smile) "I didn't mean to make you late."
"It's not your fault." you grinned
Suddenly you realised, didn't he have practice now? the baseball team always came on after softball ended
you asked him where his team were and his face suddenly reddened and he admitted that there was no baseball practice that day
"Oh I get it," you teased. "You came all the way out here just for me?"
he didn't reply, instead laughing and looking away
"wait, seriously?"
he swallowed and grinnef again. "m-maybe."
"Well," You paused. "We should do this again some time."
And that is how you got your first date with Bill denbrough
((You went cycling))
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v-i-r-i-d-i-a-n · 4 months
byler prompt: flirting god will and blushing mess mike accidentally switch roles momentarily but once mike realizes what he said and will seizes the opportunity to reciprocate, the roles go right back to normal, except it was just enough to get them to realize their feelings weren't as one sided as they thought.
William Byers never used to be this…forward, maybe it was living in Cali, maybe it was because Jane and Mike had broken up, maybe it was Vecna finally being dead, the upside down no longer plaguing him with every movement he’d take, and with everything being over and done with, that creepy crawling feeling was gone and he could breath normally, and with that he finally got the confidence to actually speak like a normal person to his best friend.
Well, maybe more than just a “normal person” but hey, seeing Mike get a bit flustered at his senseless flirting was always a plus, even if it didn’t mean anything in the end.
He’d always known how to get people riled up, in California he’d use the tactic to throw people off when they’d be rude to him or Jane. Throw a comment out there to make them stop in their tracks, blubbering like a fish out of water. It was amusing when it was them. But god with Mike it was different, cus he actually meant the words coming out of his mouth, and loved the flush that would spread over his best friends cheeks as he stared at Will with those wide eyes, looking vaguely like he’d had his first thought in a week, like he’d suddenly gained consciousness. His jaw would drop slightly his lips pursing in that way that made Will want so desperately to kiss him.
He was awful.
He shouldn’t be using Mike like that, but he couldn’t stop himself, flirting with him was fun and easy and everything love should be. So he smiled and quipped and made little gestures and said his full name in that way that. It had gotten to the point he’d take almost every opportunity he could.
Hawkins was awful in the summer, any long fabrics or hair sticking to your skin uncomfortably, too cold in winter and too hot in summer. Too wet in Spring, too dry in Fall.
Ah the Midwest.
He was pulling at his pants as the party sat around him at their lunch table, chatting away about something or another. Mike sat at his side, way closer than he had too, almost the entire bench free to his right, but it’d been like that recently, and. Will definitely wasn’t complaining, he usually liked the contact, Mikes legs and side pressed against his in a way that made his cheeks flare.
“Jane, remind mom we gotta go summer clothes shopping.” He groaned dramatically, pushing Mike’s side. “Mike I know we both love you being in my personal space but please.” He whined, pouting at the boy.
“H-huh?” Mike’s eyes widened, his lips parting, “o-oh yeah of course yeah sorry-“ he stuttered over his words, shimmying away from Will, just enough so that they were no longer touching.
Max snickered in that knowing way of hers, despite her impaired vision, she seemed to read them like an open book. See right through them and the game they were playing. She looked…? between them for a moment. Will suddenly had a very bad feeling.
“Do any of you guys remember those short shorts Will would wear in middle school?” She said, fitting her chin onto her palm. “You should get some of those again,” she suggested.
“The ones from the mall?” Will pulled a face, his lips pursing in not exactly disgust but something close enough. Moving his gaze to Max as she nodded, a knowing look in her eyes.
Lucas made a wolf-whistle sound, “yeah man you looked good in those! I remember girls used to be practically tripping over themselves when you walked by,” he teased. Dustin snickered along with them.
All of them. Traitors.
“It was not like that.” Will huffed, glaring at Max despite the fact she couldn’t see it, she smiled at him widely, mischievous and playful.
Sometimes Will wondered if she was faking being blind.
Mike made a little sound, tilting his head to the side as he shrugged, absentmindedly moving his food around on his plate. “I meannn, a lot of people did stare at you,” he said, almost teasing as he smiled to his friend, “you looked good in them.” He added.
Will’s attention was almost immediately on him, as it so often was, leaning his head to the side, returning the teasing nature, “Micheal Wheeler,” he said playfully, teasing and light with his words. He loved the way Mikes lips twitched up at the use of his name. One of the easiest ways to flirt with Mike Wheeler. “Did you just so happen to be one of the people staring at lil ole me?” He asked innocently, fluttering his eyelashes at him, simply searching for a reaction.
Instead of stuttering or blushing like Will had expected, Mike merely looked up, as if recalling the events of that summer. He straightened his posture so that their height difference was more notable. Forcing Will to look up if he wanted to look at his face, which he did, of course.
“Would it be so bad if I was?” He asked, looking back down at Will with a deceivingly neutral expression, his voice sounding light and contemplative in a way. “I did say you looked good in them, didn’t I? It’s obvious people would stare.”
For once, it was Wills turn to blink rapidly, a blush spreading over his cheeks his lips openinghe breathed in the sentiment. Unsure what to make of it, was Mike calling him attractive? It felt like it. Warmth pooled in his stomach and spread throughout his body, all the way down his arms to his fingers and toes.
All he could do for a few long moments was stare, but with the way Mike was looking at him, expectantly, as if waiting for an answer to a question Will had to take a moment to recall. Mike eyes flitted down to the bottom half of his face, letting out a little huffy breath through his lips, impatience.
Right, right, Will needed to respond. “I guess I wouldn’t mind.” He finally said, so quiet he’d be surprised if Mike even heard it. His voice felt fleeting in his throat, like he was scared he’d break whatever bubble was around them if he was too loud, too obnoxious.
Mikes soft contemplative look quickly turned to fluster once more, as if his words and the implication of them finally caught up to him. And they both seemed to notice they’d been staring at each other for too long for it to be considered normal.
Mike quickly looked away from him, his Adam’s apple bobbing as the boy gulped, his cheeks still flushed. Will watched him for a moment, the implication of Mike finding his attractive in short shorts kept turning in his head. He looked away then too, trying to focus back in on the conversation their friends had continued without them.
Max huffed loudly at something Lucas said. “We all know Will doesn’t give any of the girls who are into him the time of day.” She said. “He’s too focused on…other things.” Her non-existent stare looked between him and Mike, before shrugging, “like his grades, and college.”
Will was gonna murder her.
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j3st3r-13 · 1 year
*clears throat*
dad trevor, with the reader being their teen kid (can be fem or neutral doesn't matter)
trevor philips with a teen!kid
anon this is my fucking jam
let's be honest here you were either the result of some hookup or he found you on the street. it really doesn't matter because your dad loves you no matter what 100% of the time.
you could try and kill him and he'd be like okay crazy calm down and go back to bed.
depending on the time period wade and chef are your uncles or brad lester and Mikey are your uncles. either way, your the most protected kid on the planet, nobody and I mean nobody fucks with you.
trev will teach you how to shoot from the moment you can hold a gun. you scap with whoever whenever. uncle M says that you inherited feralness from your dad (he's right)
you are the only one who can calm Trevor down, sometimes you can't but mostly you can. you are also the only one he would ever consider giving up meth for.
sorry sweetie he would die for you but he won't give up his criminal lifestyle for you. he's gonna die with a gun in his hand whether you like it or not.
trev teaches you everything you know, how to read, write, hotwire anything, ride a bike, fly a plane, and load a gun. he's your sole teacher which probably isn't good in the long run, but he's fun.
Trevor's suicidal tendencies are gone with you, he can't imagine leaving you behind, especially by his own hand. its the main reason why he forgives Michael he gets it now.
(im imagining you an older teen like 19/20. traces age)speaking of Michael you were heartbroken to find out uncle mickey was dead, and you mourned him alongside your dad, only to find out he's alive and well?! you practically kick the door in yourself.
you cant forgive uncle M for a long time but you do enjoy that you have your best friends Tracey back. It's a heartwarming reunion and even jimmy takes a second away from his dick and his game to hug you.
if you are an older teen like 'the 20's'20s then you might date franklin or Lamar,(only if you wanted to and I was gonna include trace but it is kinda weird ) anyway trev would be furious and pleased if you dated someone like frank. he knows and respects frank but franks also shit scared of your dad win-win.
your dads is surprisingly cool with you dating as long as it's all age-legal and shit. he doesn't care if you hook up/friends with benefits but if you dated so he'd wanna know as soon as. mostly so he can do his whole scary dad routine. ( he does this for fun, he trusts you to be smart and date who you like, I mean he fell in love with a mexicans wife he held hostage)
when you get older you'd move into a nearby trailer, taking up the whole block. It's funny TPI trailers are a mess and yous look semi-decent.
overall, Trevor an amazing father, not a very conventional one but someone you can turn to and trust. he's your friend first but a protective father second. he loves you and you have some badass parents
oh god I dont even wanna think about something sensible...
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dreamsgazer · 1 year
OK SO mine isn't really a request because I have ideas but I can't write so they go nowhere and stay in my head because I'm incapable!!! anyway, I was thinking about a situation where reader and tangerine met on the train and they hit off right away like there's something special between them eheh, like they like each other but turns out that they're both on a mission and have the same goal - so they fight because reader steals the WHATEVER IT IS IDK that's in both their interest and manages to get off the train right under tangerine's nose when he was about to stop them, doing so in a fight reader rips tangerine's necklace, and basically breaks it and ultimately keeps it (and fixes it) . just in case. because they like him. genuinely. in fact she's very sorry for ruining the mission of the twins but it's a matter of life or death sooo rip AND they're also indirectly but maybe directly? the cause of the nasty scar tangerine now has on his neck because he risked his life because of this failed mission. and then I mean we all know what happens canonically but we Dont Care do we.... it's all a scar and a memory in the end.
ANYWAY they finally meet again when they're forced to team up by their handlers for another mission and like tangerine and lemon are mad mad because everyone was about to die on that train!! because of reader!!!! duh. also R feels very guilty because all that has happened / could've happened. and tangerine of course is angry because he was losing his life but also because he kinda was disappointed in their behavior and maybe in himself for trusting so easily a person.. anddd idk maybe there could be some angst because I love it and that's it THIS IS SO DUMB AND LONG I'm sorry I know I'll probably look to this request in a while and cringe so bad. but I'm just curious to see how you would continue it, like what do you think would happen, what are the first things they say to each other, how does it evolve things like that 🥰
of course, if you don't feel like writing anything that's totally fine and don't worry at all❤️❤️
p. s. : im sure ive taken the prompt where reader steals / ruins tangerine's mission from other fics as well so kudos to whoever came up with the idea :)
Dear Anon, first of all, thank you so much for your patience. I’m usually slow to answer, and with things being very busy at work I’m even slower. Please, do not cringe, it was awesome to read your ideas, and I was so happy you sent this message. Thank you so much ❤️ , and I hope you enjoy how this turned out!
A Darling Mess
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" you groan, letting your head hit the wall behind you. The golden necklace glints between your fingers.
You didn't mean to steal it. You really didn't. You didn't mean to run into the Twins and most certainly didn't mean to hook up with the moustached one in one of the bathrooms on that cursed train either.
More accurately, you shouldn't have wanted to hook up with him, but as soon as the two of you had crossed paths in one of the carriages, you knew it was going to happen. And when it happened it was quick and glorious and earth-shaking, and you hoped you were going to see him again. 
Then everything went to shit, you two fought for that damned suitcase - his hands apparently were really good for many different things - and you barely ran away from that train with all your limbs.
Your smartphone buzzes incessantly. It's your handler.
"Where are you?"
It's not like him to sound so distressed.
"Not sure about the exact position, it's an alley near Nagoya station. I think I need a lift."
He tells you about a derailed bullet train and how it seems a lot of people - assassins like you, but still... people - died. One of the Twins as well, according to the info he got. The moustached one. You feel a pang of pain in your chest, which is stupid because he was just a stranger you fucked on a train.
A year has passed. Tokyo has slowly just started to become a mission you will remember with regret for a long time when you find yourself pointing your weapon at Moustache Guy again. While he's doing the same. And his brother is aiming a gun at you as well.
You are more surprised to see him most definitely alive than to have him threatening you.
“You owe me a great deal,” he hisses, low and dangerous “You fucked up our mission, stole my fucking necklace, and almost got me killed. Almost got my brother killed as well! Why shouldn’t I murder you on the spot?”
You frown “First of all, the necklace got caught in my jacket while you were using me as a human punching ball. Second,” you add, eyes only quickly flickering on the huge, angry scar on his neck “one of you is going to kill me for sure, but I can guarantee you I will take the other down with me.”
Anger blazes in his eyes and you push further, adrenaline pumping in your veins “Third, asshole, you and your brother here screwed up since the moment you decided to leave the suitcase and the boy you were supposed to escort unguarded! What utterly morons do that?”
A pause and then you decide to further test your luck “Last but not least, I’m sorry you two almost got killed. I can apologize for my part in that, even if it’s a small one. But I won’t accept you blaming me for the rest, Moustache Boy!”
His nostrils flare, and he glares at you. It’s unfair that he looks even more ravishing with that savagery seeping from him in hot waves. Also, you probably shouldn’t get distracted by that, since the danger of being shot is a very real one.
Lemon’s laughter is short, and he nods at you, interrupting the impasse “This one got quite a temper, uh? I kind of see the fascination with the... situation.”
Tangerine snarls an insult at him, but it carries no real venom. 
In the end, after some calls from your handler and his reminders to the Twins that they have to collaborate with you on this mission and an offer to triple the pay for all of your messed up trio, guns are put away, hands tentatively shaken, and scowls mostly kept under control. 
You know they still blame you for your part in the train debacle. Yet, true to their professional reputation, they carry through the mission. It’s a long one.
Living in such proximity inevitably leads to some kind of tepid intimacy. Lemon is the first one to soften up a bit. He starts to ask you if you want some coffee. He asks you about your favourite book, once he spots you reading it to fight your insomnia. He thanks you after you retrieve a USB pen that will help with the job. And one day he gives you a sticker of some train and tells you that despite everything you are not a Diesel. You are not sure what it means, and Tangerine indeed scoffs at the words, but after that things are a little less tense, between the three of you.
Tangerine slowly stops glaring at you and once he almost compliments your ability in combat, after you knock out a goon that was going to stab him. 
The progress is little but steady, and one night, for a hilarious twist of the events, the moon finds you two looking outside the same window, in the little apartment you have been given as a base.
“I’m sorry you got shot.”
He nods at your words, slightly sniffing and making his moustache move over his very kissable lips. 
“Thanks,” he hesitates before quickly murmuring his own apology about blaming you and only you “I think my ego got a tad hurt realizing you shagged me just because of a honeypot mission.”
“I didn’t,” it's the quiet murmur that gently interrupts his gruff confession. 
He scoffs “I very much think we did it in that bathroom, love.”
“Not that,” you roll your eyes at him “I meant it wasn’t a honeypot mission. I- I did not hook up with you because of work. I didn’t even know you and Lemon were the ones having that cursed briefcase, at the time.”
Tangerine just looks at you, and you look back at him “I have your necklace. It got a bit damaged, but I had a jeweller fix it. I know it’s stupid, but I thought-”
Your voice dies down a bit and you are not really shocked to feel his calloused hand gently cupping your face, making you look at him “What did you think?”
You swallow “I thought I was going to find out where Lemon put your grave and bring the necklace there.”
You feel a tear roll down your cheek, and then another, and another. He kisses them, one by one, his lips lingering on your soft skin, and you sob “I’m so stupidly glad you didn’t die.”
He chuckles against your lips “So am I, my darling.”
You kiss him and he kisses you back, and the morning after Lemon is not surprised to catch you coming out from Tangerine’s bedroom.
Sensing your hesitation, he winks at you “Glad it happened. Be good to him, ya?”.
And of course, you nod back, with all your heart.
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Could I have some SDC with a young teen reader? Smallest and youngest of the crusaders but they got pulled into the whole "kill a over 100 year old vampire" but they take it with grace and joins them on the adventure with their stand, but like they are SUPER small and literally around giants and i'd like to think everyone would try to keep them safe in their own way. (maybe a hint of avpol as good dads trying to protect the reader and they accidentally call both of them their dad or something ajgjshjkafg sorry if this doesn't make sense)
omg this is so fun! this reminds me of the whole anne situation that only lasted for a little bit, so I kind of took it like that. thank you so much for the request and a fun one too! i love doing little headcanons like this! have a great day anon!! <333
SDC with a young teen reader who is dragged along the journey with them
Warnings - none!
Notes - i did make this platonic for obvious reasons, but nonetheless this was so much fun! and none of the photos used are mine just btw. credit to whoever's these are! :) thanks for the request again anon i had a blast writing this and avpol are my everything, so i gave them their own little section. have a good day!!!
And don’t forget, REQUESTS ARE OPEN! So if you want to request any writing, please don’t hesitate to ask, but please read my pinned post before requesting! Please enjoy!! Don’t forget to stay hydrated! <3
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he would hate you at first
with a burning passion
he's going on this trip to save his mother, not babysit
so he's very pissy around you
snappy a lot
like if you ask a question, he just starts yelling at you
the only reason you were allowed to go on the trip was because you had a powerful stand
he refuses to help you in any way, but that's also because he knows you're strong enough to do it by yourself
but he starts to notice little things you do
when walking with the crusaders, you try to measure yourself against them, trying to tippy toe to get to their height
you try to see past joseph who's in the front, but fail
so one day, jotaro just picks you up so you can see what they're looking at
"woah! so this is what it's like to be a giant!" you're in awe, not only that you're up that high, but the fact that jotaro could lift you with such ease
then he puts you down and pretends like nothing happened
he would be such a good dad if he didnt love dolphins so much omg
but then, while in egypt, he gets super worried about you
he protects you from everything, but acts as though he's not
he literally jumps in front of you to protect you from stand users
listen, he may be a stinky little prick sometimes, but he would protect you at all costs, even if he pretends like he wouldnt
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he would treat you like a little sibling
show you how to use your stand
hold your hand through long sections
gosh, he would probably even teach you how to drive while the other's are sleeping
i think he would also use his stand to goof off with you
he would have his stand wrap it's little tail around your leg and trip you or something (not in a mean way, but just to goof off)
then you would do the same
your stand would do the same
you would make it appear in his room and just mess around with his stuff
just like scoot it across the room or something so he constantly thinks he's losing something
but this man would not let you get into a fight alone
he would stick by your side constantly just to protect you
but it would be a learning opportunity too
he would just sit back and tell you what you should do and if he needs to get involved he will
also, he would just love exploring new places with you like taking you to the beach or to take pictures by the pyramids or something
Avpol (im mixing these two because they need to be together for this request <3)
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these two become your official dads
you would literally always be glued to their side
they would tell you stories or y'all would just do some tarot readings with Avdol
then you immediately start to ship it and try to push the two together always
saying stuff like "maybe you two should go grab dinner together while I hang out with Jotaro and the others" or "you two are so cute"
any way to hint that these two should be together, you take your chance
and they would always jump in front of stand users to protect you
you really cant get out of it since they're so big
you would hang from their arms like a flippin monkey
"hey dad! watch this!" you didnt even notice that you called them both dad as you did a flip on Jotaro's arm. when you turned to look at them, Polnareff was tearing up and Avdol was trying to calm him down. "what's wrong Pol-" you realized immediately what had just come out of your mouth. "sh-shoot... sorry i didnt mean to... its just," you fiddled with your thumbs and looked up at the closest thing you had to family. "i didnt know my dad... so you guys are like my two dads."
they love you forever and would do anything for you
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dad jokes
dad jokes
he is a good dad, he really is
if he knew about josuke, i think he would drop everything for him when he was younger
so for you
he treats you like hes a young dad all over again
he buys you ice cream
lets you drive the car when you shouldnt be
does reckless stuff with you because he trusts you enough for that
you arent allowed to be alone with joseph anymore just because everyone thinks you're in harm's way
so silly
you love this old fart
you think he's like a dad to you (not as much as your two favorite dads)
he'll protect you at all costs though, but knows you're strong enough to take care of yourself
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roseworth · 1 year
If you got to write an ongoing for Rose, what major arcs would you do? Would you have her ice Slade? Would she team up with Jason's Outsiders, end up with Tatsu or Babs, or be her own free agent occasionally punching other heroes?
oh my god yes. im just kinda gonna start dumping thoughts here with no organization im so sorry but here we go
so first of all i know i will never get this but my ideal rose ongoing would be her working mostly alone but sometimes teaming up with people bc she doesnt like to stay with anyone for long but she DOES work with other people when she needs them
shes been in gotham for a while so id prob keep her there and have her team up with other ppl in gotham every once in a while bc. i want her to. i just think gotham is a good place for her because it is a city of the most stubborn people in the world so she would fit right in
id prob have her do kind of the same thing she was up to in Fresh Hell and taking down various crime rings bc i dont really see her caring much about the costumed villains, not to mention there are a hundred other vigilantes in gotham for the Big Bads
also having her in gotham kind of opens up so many roads SO. gotham vigilante teamups <3 first things first i feel the need to say her and bruce would not have any need to interact and i dont think either of them would really want to fhdkjfhdsf like rose is trained and mostly doesnt kill people so i dont think batman would really care what shes doing until she does something bad, and rose wouldnt really like batman (for various reasons that i wont go into rn) so they would kinda just be doing their own thing
ANYWAYS in general i think that the idea of rose teaming up with bats is sooooo funny bc most of the bats are very meticulous planners and make whole schemes for everything they do. while 90% of the time roses plan is "im gonna go in and start punching people and see what happens" so i think she would give whoever shes working with an aneurysm and thats kind of hilarious to me
i want her to team up with steph and cass for homoerotic reasons because they all have so many narrative parallels, ESPECIALLY with cass so i need them to team up again <3 idk what they would be up to besides getting on each others nerves but i need it so bad
also rose & jason Now.. they r besties to me. i feel like they get into a lot of the same shit so they would also team up fairly often :) not to mention both of them have abandonment issues so they would have the most toxic friendship that constantly shifts between codependency and disappearing whenever something bad happens <3 besties<3333333
honorable mention teamups are babs who im pretty sure ive already talked about a babs&rose teamup before so i wont go into it, helena who i honestly have only read in bop so idk a lot about her but from what i do know i think she and rose would get along, harley who i would only want her to team up with because it would be a fucking mess, dick who i want her to team up with because it would also be a fucking mess but in a different way (renegade arc part 2 but this time theyre both heroes so rose can annoy him even more), duke who i want to include just because i love him even though i cant imagine any reason for him and rose to interact, young justice who arent all gotham heroes but i want them to be around to temporarily absorb rose just for fun, and the entire arrowfam who have no reason to be in gotham but i just want rose to fuck around with them as a treat to ME
as for slade. i think that their relationship is best written when it is really complicated for her :) so i need her to fall back into the cycle of going to him and looking for his approval and being constantly disappointed and angry when he refuses to give it to her :)
anyways ARCS. i dont have a lot of specific ideas for arcs besides another arc of rose giving up the name ravager (bc it didnt fucking stick last time), an arc making her a lesbian (stop booing me im right) and maybe an arc of rose killing slade then immediately spiraling about it bc :))))) yippee :))))))))))
okay this is already embarrassingly long so im gonna stop but i just have so many rose thoughts dc hire me
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sburbian-sage · 6 days
[transmission beginning]
Hello? Is anyone getting this?
Im broadcasting from im attempting to reach my frie , they played some sort of game and hav
Piece of shit machine! *THUD* cmon fucking broadca
Fuck, no no no no! Cmon stabilize please!
Yes! Fuck yes! Cmon baby you can do it!
Alright are we stable? FUCK YEA!
Im broadcasting from my bunker in eastern florida, i believe im now partially underwater, i was supposed to receive some sort of game disk which i now believe may have been responsible for the apocalypse outside my shelter
I managed to retrieve said disk but i am unable to connect properly
Whatever this thing is its huge and programmed almost exclusively in a language i have never seen before
Theres no way a disk can hold as much data as this can so i can only assume that something far above my knowledge level is going on
From what i can tell this was made by fucking skaia-net so i stole shit from one of their local shops before the ground above me collapsed to wire in and hopefully inject data into the disk while it runs but the power consumption is absurd so i cant do it for long
Ever since the exit tunnel collapsed I've been unable to retrieve more resources so I'm running on an extremely limited time frame here
The disk is littered with event flags relating to their names so the current plan is to hardwire an exit back to me from... Wherever they are in this thi
Shit im losing stabil *thud* cmon you piece of shit! fuck im not d no no no NO! CMON! *THUD THUD THUD*
List wherev r you are!
Im com ng for yo
I promi
[transmission complete]
[no response detected]
[data stored]
[repeating transmission]
[broadcast no.432⁶]
[transmission beginning]
Hello? Is anyone getting this?
I hope whoever this was managed to find out what happened to their friends. Or if I'm willing to be a little unrealistic, discovered their own name in the event flags and eventually entered their own version of the game. If it wasn't there already, it was never going to happen.
I also wonder who sent this to me. A lot of improbable stuff happens, people accessing things they should not. Kind of like what I'm doing. But the Replayernet is invite-only. If you don't have the dongle, you don't get in. There are tons of replayers out there without their dongle, drifting in the wind essentially. So either someone found this wayward message and decided to forward it to me for... Some reason. Or I'm to believe that someone on Earth tried to send a message that somehow accessed Pitsblogs and landed in my account personally.
On the improbable chance that this is being done for some greater purpose and it's not a gag, and in the impossibility that this message gets received by its original sender, ignore everything above this paragraph. Read this if you want to survive...
Find a computer and put both the Server, and Client discs in. The Server disc lets you mess with another player's house and deploy items critical to not dying in the apocalypse. The Client disc lets someone do the same to you.
Keep a cool head. Don't act hastily, don't forget to put something inside the flashing ball of light that will appear later, and don't forget that this is a team game.
Try to establish communication channels with your other players. Whatever the kids are using, they'll probably be using that.
Be yourself and have fun. You've displayed a level of canniness which indicates high probability of success.
I could be embarrassing myself by giving critical advice to a dead man or some sort of spoof. Like I'm doing the equivalent of reading a creepypasta and I go into the comments section to make impassioned pleas towards the characters getting killed by The Rake or something. But better safe than sorry. Very strange stuff. If this is some prank, or perhaps some replayernet ARG, I find it to be very tasteless.
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