#it entertains me. i just wanna make these two form one of those dust cloud fights
piescornerstore · 1 year
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*points at pink addison and spamton* now FIGHT‼
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dadoroki · 4 years
Reminder [1]
Dabi x F!Reader x Hawks
Warnings: violence, fluff, Dabi is Touya and we know it clap your hands 👏🏻 👏🏻
Description: The League of Villains prepare for their upcoming raid. Dabi takes the time to study you, who he is already quite familiar with. The only problem is the one obstacle in his way.
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3]
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The team of villains watched the screen closely. The Hero Billboard Charts had started not too long ago and this was the perfect opportunity to study the enemies.
Dabi scoffed in annoyance. The ceremony was just an entertainment event judged by popularity and had no real purpose. It goes to show how pointless the title “hero” really was.
Number three! She may not be the number one hero. However, she is the number one in stealing hearts! The hero who makes dreadful weather look beautiful,
Lightning Hero: Storm!
Dabi’s full attention was now on the screen, watching the camera pan up to your contoured face. The last time he saw you was when you both were kids. Now you’ve grown into something more beautiful than ever.
You gave the crowd a wink and turned to the camera, blowing a kiss to the audience from the other side of the screen. One thing that never left you was your flirtation and Dabi was glad you kept it. Twice squealed, tugging on Toga’s sleeve who shared the same reaction as him.
“She remembered us! That gives me a better reason to love her.”
Toga nodded and twirled around the dim room with blushed cheeks. “I know! Isn’t she dreamy? I wonder what her blood taste like!”
She stopped beside Dabi, leaning back on his arm. “Don’t you agree? Look at you, you’re blushing!”
The man shoved her off, looking away from the live video. “Shut your mouth. You don’t know what you’re saying.”
“All of you be quiet! You’re supposed to be studying them for battle and you’re all doing the exact opposite!” A furious Shigaraki yelled, silencing everyone and becoming more serious.
Number Two! He does things his own way but he’s fierce! With great momentum, he’s reached the number two spot!
Wing Hero: Hawks!
The hero ravishly posed with a hand placed on his hip, the other behind his head. Yeah, Keigo definitely didn’t change at all.
The top heroes stood in a line with Hawks already fidgeting with boredom. He whispered something to Endevour before turning to you, a hand covering his mouth from the audience. “Hey, you’ve heard what the media’s saying about us, right?”
You didn’t dare to take your attention away from the crowd infront of you, not even sparing the man one glance. “Because of you, people think we’re an item.” Hawks smirked, returning his gaze towards the audience. “What’s so wrong about that?”
You let your head fall forward, slowly shaking it back and forth in defeat. You had known Hawks at a young age, working together in the same commission. The more you both grew older, the more the bond between the both of you blossomed.
Apparently, Hawks had grown bored of the hero speeches, moving forward to grab the mic. “Hey, chicken wings. Wait your turn.” You hissed which he ignored. “Lets see.”
Flapping his big red wings, Hawks began to levitate above everyone. “If we’re just talking approval ratings, Storm is number one with the charm and flirting she does with the fans.” Hawks looked back at your annoyed face, smirking at your reaction. “Second is me, third is Edgeshot, and fourth is Endevour. I’ll skip the rest.”
“I think approval rating is the most important number right now. Though, I think the most important news everyone really cares about is if Storm and I are a thing.” You furrowed your eyebrows at the man above you. “What do you think you’re doing?” You whispered. The winged-hero ignored you, continuing on.
“There are speculations that we are dating, that we are hiding our relationship, or that we are even married. But the truth is, the rumours are just rumours. We aren’t together. At least not yet.”
You squeezed the bridge of your nose, growing more annoyed. “Hawks, cut it out.” You were tired of reading articles and sources giving false accusations and now, Hawks was doing them a huge favour by stirring the pot even more. He flew towards you, stopping beside you with a wide smirk. “Lets give the fans what they want. If I save the day yet again, you have to agree to go on a date with me.”
“A public proposal!” The moderator exclaimed in excitement. Cheers erupted from the crowd and you could practically hear it from around the world. You glanced up at the cocky man. He knew exactly what he was doing and he knew you’d have to agree in order to keep the people happy. He lowered the mic to you. “Well, what do you say, Y/N?”
Everyone grew in anticipation for your answer, even the heroes beside you and the moderator. You desperately wanted to say no but Hawks had you pinned in every corner. You sighed and gave in. “Fine.”
Everyone in the packed stadium shouted in joy, clapping and rising to their feets. Except for the ones who wanted Hawks’s spot, groaning in disappointment. You just got yourself into a terrible unfixable mess. Hawks lowered the mic, never looking away from you and keeping that same cocky little smirk. “There’s no going back now, babe.”
From the League of Villains lounge, a groan from Twice and Toga escaped. They were upset but not as angered as Dabi. He clutched his fist tightly. This wasn’t supposed to happen. This was never supposed to happen.
A young Keigo and Touya was sitting on a curb by the building. Touya began to fiddle with his fingers, thinking deeply about something that’s been bothering him.
“Do you think Y/N likes me?”
Keigo released the red feather he was playing with and faced the flustered boy. “Maybe, but who knows? She could possibly like me instead.”
Keigo was always competitive. His words didn’t affect Touya because he knew deep down, it was all just Keigo’s competitive nature. Plus, the boy promised him that he’d never in a million years like you. That was until his “disappearance”.
Even though Touya was “dead”, he was never really gone. He cared for his friends and watched over them. That’s when he noticed the change in Keigo. It would start off as subtle moves, gradually growing into full-on flirting. Of course you just had to be oblivious, your natural flirtation not helping the situation at all.
Touya felt betrayed. Not by you. He’d never blame you for anything. But who he did feel betrayed by was Keigo. The boy was supposed to be his friend. He swore he’d never see you as anything more than just a friend. And there he was, laughing with you, smiling at you, holding you close.
Touya’s trust in people would never be the same and he’d do anything to get back at Keigo.
“You alright there, Dabi?”
Dabi ignored the worried Twice and stormed out of the room, leaving everyone confused.
With weeks worth of preparation, the small group of top pro heroes hid quietly behind the buildings, getting ready to initiate their plan. Thankfully for you, you weren’t partnered up with Hawks but instead with Mirko.
“Pretty lady, do you copy? Do you copy, pretty lady? Over.” Psss
You placed a hand on your earpiece, scoffing at the nickname. “What?”
“Oh, you’re alive. Good. So for our date, where do you wanna go? Over.” Pss
“You don’t have to say ‘over’ everytime you’re done talking. You know that right?”
Silence from the other line.
“Yakitori, got it. Over.” Pss
You sighed, releasing your hold on the piece. Mirko nudged your arm with a grin. “Was that your boyfriend?” Just hearing those words made you roll your eyes without the intent of even trying. “No, don’t have one and don’t want one. Unless you wanna be that special somebody to me.” You teasingly winked as a joke.
A signal interrupted your conversation, indicating it was go-time. You watched as the league exited their building and you raised your arms far apart, letting your quirk do the work. Clouds began to huddle against each other and violent lightning struck down, one hitting a power pole which caused an explosion. A perfect distraction.
With that, the heroes rushed into action. You flew your way to a group of Twice’s duplicates and took a stance. You didn’t even have to fight since the men were already giving you heart eyes, arguing with one another on who loved you more. That allowed you to send a huge storm of wind their way, causing them to fly in all types of directions.
Before catching a break, you felt a shadow behind you which made you fully turn, quick to grip the sharp blade by your neck. Toga licked her lips and maliciously smiled at you. “Storm, right? I’m such a huge fan.” You hissed at your opened wound that began to slowly drip of your blood. “Yeah, I bet you are, sweety.” You gazed up at the newly crowded clouds you created, sending a lightning strike to the girl who fell down unconscious.
You were about to attack one of the Nomus until one of the villains caught your eye. Dabi slowly trailed his way towards a busy Hawks with angry eyes. But they weren’t just angry. Those eyes held frustration, disgust, even a look of lifetime rage.
Dabi didn’t have enough time to meet with Hawks but instead, he was met with you as you flew infront of him. He smirked and dusted his hands on his black pants. “Well isn’t she a beauty?”
You scoffed at the compliment, preparing yourself for battle. “Ever wondered what would happen if you mixed fire with lightning?”
The man only held his smirk, prepping his hands. “No, but I’d like to see what it could create if you know what I mean.”
Electrical discharge shot out of your hands and towards Dabi, him doing the same with his flames. Both lightning and fire met eachother in the center and it was an ongoing battle to see which person it’d end up striking. Instead, it caused another huge explosion and the impact caused you to shoot back.
You fell to the ground, scrapes and bruises forming on your body from the rough fall. Smoke surrounded the two of you and you heard the villains retreat from the battlefield.
“I guess our time is cut short. I’ll see you around.”
Dabi began to walk away before stopping, taking one last glance at you.
“Oh, and Y/N...”
Your head shot up at the sudden call of your name. The name you’ve never heard come out of anyone’s mouth with an exception of Hawks. He was the only person who’d be able to call you by that forbidden name.
“Don’t forget that promise you made for me.”
What promise? You’ve never met this man until today. With that, the scarred man left you with nothing but confusion.
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wiltingpierrot · 4 years
Gem Glow: Part 1
Welcome! Well, this isn’t really made to entertain. I’m just doing this to recover from trauma and get a good grasp of the show’s lore while having my girls react with me. Feel free to tag along.
We’ll be watching four episodes a day and react only to the major events as tackling all of them is a toughie.
 Sharpie: “I want to see real tears, Wilt.”
Wilt: “Tears? At the very first episode?”
Sharpie: “Yes. Otherwise I’ll make you cry by some other means.”
Wilt: “I have these tear marks. Those count, yes?”
Sharpie: “Real tears, I said.”
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Wilt: “Ahh, how iconic.”
Spinel: “The area around the lighthouse is lacking a lot of flowers. That’ll change someday!”
Sharpie: “Yes, after a lot of blood, ink and tears had been shed first.”
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Spinel: “Here we have a shot of the show’s hero, lamenting the discontinuation of a certain ice cream snack brand.”
Sharpie: “Is this triggering your PTSD yet?”
Wilt: “Not really. I thought it would but surprisingly I’m still okay.”
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Lars: “Well, if you miss your wimpy ice cream so much, why don’t you make some with your MAGIC BELLY BUTTON?”
Spinel: “Hey Sharpie, let’s make foodstuff with just the energy in our gem.”
Sharpie: “And you still owe me 86 years’ worth of happiness.”
Wilt: “What is this civil conversation you’re having? That’s not how I wrote you two.”
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Sadie: “Uhh Steven? Do you want to take the freezer with you?”
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Spinel: “Think what would’ve happened if Sadie didn’t let him take that freezer home.”
Sharpie: “Does… does the cat’s face looked different to you?”
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Spinel: “I love the lighthouse. The view up the top is always so breathtaking.”
Sharpie: “I’m not so happy with our roommate though.”
Wilt: “…I might have to draw this someday.”
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Spinel: “Don’t you just love it when your pets greet you as you enter your house? I wish you would greet me whenever I fall asleep.”
Sharpie: “You’re just my nightmare.”
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Amethyst: “’Sup, Steven.”
Spinel: “AME!!!!”
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Spinel: “I AM IN LOVE.”
Sharpie: “You can stop replaying this 5 seconds worth of Pearl now.”
Spinel: “It’s 4 seconds worth of Pearl, you heathen.”
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Spinel: “HOOO MAMA. Remember when Garnet kicked our ass?”
Sharpie: “She kicked your ass. She kicked your ass so much I had to start a switch to intervene. Now that I think of it, I shouldn’t have done that.”
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Sharpie: “Being sliced open is one thing. Being pulled apart is another.”
Spinel: “It’s good that we’re stretchy.”
Sharpie: “I can disable that function and tear you apart like that, actually. Ever wondered why it doesn’t hurt when others pull at you like taffy but I can?”
Spinel: “I can do the same and prevent you from escaping my hugs.”
Sharpie: “*sigh*… I hate you.”
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Spinel: “Ahaha! Pearl is so cute!”
Sharpie: “Ahaha! I love this technique.”
Wilt: “It’s good for breaking a hole through walls in maximum security prisons, yeah.”
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Amethyst: “Uhh you guys, these things don’t have gems.”
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Garnet: “That means there must be a mother somewhere nearby.”
Sharpie: “That’s a fascinating thought.”
Wilt: “It’s similar to how Pearl can project figures that can maintain itself while independent of the source. In this case, the main centipeedle can project independent but smaller versions of itself.”
Sharpie: “How come 2nd Projections aren’t like that, I wonder. Like we can’t have separate bodies or anything…”
Wilt: “Probably because the 2nd Projection has a personality of its own and it stems from the original gem, while Pearl Projections and mini-centipeedles are pre-programmed projections that would act accordingly to the original’s commands. Like, if Spinel makes a projection separate from her, it wouldn’t be you.”
Sharpie: “Fair enough.”
Spinel: “Speaking of Pearl Projections…”
Sharpie: “No.”
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Pearl: “Steven, until you learned to control the powers in your gem, we’ll take care of protecting humanity. Okay?”
Spinel: “I want Pearl to snap my neck like that.”
Sharpie: “As if impaling you wasn’t enough.”
Spinel: “PFFFTT-“
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Amethyst: “We went out and stole a bunch!”
Spinel: “That’s my Ame.”
Pearl: “I went back and paid for that.”
Sharpie: “That’s…. that’s very Pearl of her.”
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Steven: “He left his family behind!”
Sharpie: “What’s so funny about that?”
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Sharpie: “Oh my stars. I hope we don’t have to bear another one of those.”
Wilt: “It’s catchy. I like it.”
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Sharpie: “What a happy little family. It’s a shame that they’re doomed to a life of madness onwards.”
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Amethyst: “Quick! Try and summon your weapon!”
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“Awww, no weapon.”
Wilt: “He’s struggling. A sign of a well-rounded character. The progress is dramatic if we compare this episode to the last ones. And it only took him a few Earth years.”
Sharpie: “And it took us like what, 86 years to get this far and we’re still inferior to most we meet in our travels.”
Spinel: “God I love Pearl.”
Sharpie: “Can you even pay attention to anything that isn’t Pearl?”
Spinel: “I’m capable of paying attention to a lot of things and to nothing at the same time, Sharpie. Be amazed.”
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Steven: “Can one of you just explain how to summon a weapon?”
Pearl: “Oh! I’ll go first.”
Wilt: “I love Pearl.”
Spinel: “I love Pearl.”
Sharpie: “…”
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Spinel: “AUUGH! Pearl is so beautiful.”
Wilt: “This is so anime.”
Spinel: “This scene makes me wanna stand underneath a cherry blossom tree with her in a Friday afternoon and confess my love.”
Sharpie: “God both of you disgust me.”
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Pearl: “Pay attention to these petals, Steven.”
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Pearl: “The petal’s dance seems improvised, but it is being calculated in real-time based on the physical properties of this planet.”
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Pearl: “With hard work and dedication, you can master the magical properties of your gem, and perform your own dance.”
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Pearl: “Like so.”
Sharpie: “So… Pearl’s approach is tuning into the technical reality of the universe to tap into her gem’s energy,”
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Amethyst: “Listen Steven. All that practice stuff is no fun. Whenever I need to summon my weapon, it just happens.”
Sharpie: “And Amethyst’s approach is just winging it. Considering Ame is a gem made for war, of course summoning a weapon is natural instinct. Pearl however… She had to learn serious fighting, something most Pearls aren’t made for.”
Spinel: “We’re the same, ain’t we? Spinels ain’t made for violence but we can whoop butt just fine.”
Sharpie: “We just got lucky… and incredibly unfortunate at the same time.”
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Sharpie: “Gems are such nuisances. So much that in other places of the world, a group of humans actually built little Distortion Bombs capable of disorienting corrupted gems to a point of repelling them away. Unfortunately those things are powered by tiny bits of gem shards, which is obviously not an easily obtainable source of power. The project was discontinued.”
Spinel: “The invention worked on us, too, which is kind of impressive!”
Sharpie: “The best those little bombs done to us were to irritate us, or temporarily disable our senses. Corrupted gems have warped sentience I think, so they would rely more on instincts and run away from the source of irritation as much as possible.”
Sharpie: “They say if enough energy is given into the device, it’ll have high enough amplitude to potentially dissipate a gem’s physical form. But this is just a fever dream. There’s no way they have access to that amount of energy without slaughtering a Diamond first. Still, props to the engineer who thought that was a good idea.”
Spinel: “So instead of using gem shards, he decided to use us by writing the function into Springy. If we poof, we can give bad gems nearby a head ache and make them go away. We can protect people even if we die in battle! He basically turned us into heroic suicide bombers against corrupted gems.”
Sharpie: “Necessary, considering every time we poof we somehow cause part of a building to catch on fire, killing the people we’re supposed to protect in the process.”
Spinel: “Uh huh… yeaaahh….. I mean, where else is the excess energy supposed to go?”
Sharpie: “I dunno. Some other harmless form of energy apart from heat? The sparkly dust clouds were already perfect and you just had to change it into something deadlier. Thanks to you, seven people that stood close to us turned into soup.”
Spinel: “Well, there was that one time where the fire storm actually saved us from a meanie who wanted to crush us. We can’t just ignore that.”
Sharpie: “Seven people died, Spinel. Seven people that happened to be our allies.”
 Wilt: “Please stop. We have to finish this episode.”
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Steven: “So I’m supposed to work really hard and not try at all at the same time?”
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Garnet: “Yes.”
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Garnet: “Or…”
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Garnet: “You can link your mind with the energy of all existing matter, channeling the collective power of the universe through your gem.”
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Garnet: “At least that’s my way of doing it.
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Spinel: “C’mon, kiddo. It’s not that hard to understand. It’s how Springy lived for the past 40 years. If she can do it, so can you.”
Sharpie: “I bet this makes the most sense to you, huh Wilt?”
Wilt: “It does. Considering we are all just ripples of energy on the surface of the large lasagna we call the observable universe.”
Sharpie: “What a nerd. Also we’re half-way through the episode. You better cry, Wilt.”
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Wilt: “I’m saving this shot for reference.”
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britishassistant · 4 years
Old Maid
The beautiful images of Cell 6 in Building Three had busy schedules. Even outside of entertaining the attentions of their fanclub, there were photo shoots and promotional materials to pose for, quizzes on beauty and general education to take, ammo ranges to clean, and mechanical projects to help out with.
But whenever the beautiful inmates did have some downtime, they tended to spend it playing card games to sharpen their wits and poker faces.
Well, Inmates 0303 and 0382 did. Inmate 0307 just hoped that he would not lose as badly as he normally did.
His lack of familiarity with the game strongly suggested that these hopes were soon to be dashed.
“So...the Joker is...bad?” Nana asked, staring at his hand of cards like they contained the secrets of the universe.
“For the fortieth time, yes.” Hani groaned. “Have you been listening at all?!”
“I have!” The young inmate flushed. “It’s just—it’s difficult.”
“Be nice, Hani-kun.” Trois laid a concilatory hand on his cellmate’s shoulder. “It is his first time after all. Nana-chan needs a bit of guidance so he can properly gain experience after all.”
“This stuff is basic intuition though!” Hani griped, shaking his cards for emphasis. “Not knowing it is as stupid as not knowing you have five toes!!”
“Jyugo-san has six toes. Nico-san told me he told him he lost one of them to a piranha.”
The two paused and looked at Nana. Trois reached out, carefully keeping his cards hidden, and pressed a hand to the boy’s shoulder. “Nana-chan, do you remember what we talked about the other day?”
Nana’s brow furrowed. “...That Jyugo-san shouldn’t be consulted about anything that isn't jailbreaking?”
“Yes. This is an example of one of those times.”
“Ah, that lockpick is seriously useless. Who the hell doesn’t know the number of toes humans have?! Did he sleep through goddamn school or something?” Hani complained, rolling his shoulders.
“...Did Jyugo-San go to school?” Nana asked, looking up from choosing a card from Hani’s deck.
There was a pause as the trio considered this.
“...Well, he must’ve! It’s not like the emotionless brat was born in jail— even if he was in juvie, he had to have a life before this— goddamn elementary schooling at least.” Hani proclaimed, rubbing the back of his neck doubtfully.
“Although, he and the rest of Cell 13 always say he’s in here for ‘jailbreaking’. There’s no mention of an original crime which lead to that like there is for Uno-kun and the others. And if he even drowns in the bathtub...” Trois mused.
Another, more dour silence as the implications sunk in.
“I-it’s kinda amazing that Jyugo-San functions as well as he does, isn’t it?” Nana asked shakily. “If he really was born in a prison, like Bane...”
“Bane?” Trois asked, raising a perfectly sculpted eyebrow as he placed the pair he’d just made with Nana’s card down.
“American comic book villain.” Hani informed him curtly. “Big guy on steroids, fights Batman. He was part of the inspiration for the bandit boss Yama in Winds and Clouds Chronicle Ninja Kamikaze that—”
“Wow, Hani-kun looks cool even when he’s oversharing about his favorite movie~” Trois steamrolled, leaving Hani to glare mutinously down at his cards.
“I-I’d like to hear more about it, Hani-senpai.” Nana tentatively volunteered, quailing slightly under Trois’ dry stare. “I-if it’s not too much trouble...”
“Hah!” Hani pointed a finger at Trois in smug glee. “Don’t worry Nana, we can do a movie marathon later.”
“Ah, okay! I’ll look forward to it!” The youngest member perked up again, turning back to his cards. The flash of panic on his face made it clear who had the Joker.
The mechanic sighed. “There go my hopes for having any cellmates with taste.”
“Trois-senpai is mean!” The youngest inmate stuck out his tongue.
“Sorry, sorry. I’m just joking.” Trois held up a conciliatory hand. “Still, going back to the previous topic at hand, it is amazing that Jyugo-san is able to interact as a fairly stable and compassionate person, even given his...areas for growth.”
“How the hell does anyone get mugged by a grade schooler?” Hani sighed, taking a card from Trois’ deck. “And then get tricked into buying a weird vase in the same day, too?”
“...Jyugo-san was what now?” Nana asked, a look of incredulity crossing his face.
Trois chuckled. “Ah, you weren’t here for that story, were you? You’ll have to ask Uno-kun for the full version later.”
Nana went dark red for some reason, and began fidgeting with his cards. “A-ah, n-no, I’ll, I’ll just ask for i-it from Ni-Nico-san.”
Trois chuckled again, while Hani looked between them in confusion.
“Anyway,” The bespectacled inmate continued serenely, waiting for his cellmates to take their turns. “Maybe someone should provide Jyugo-san with some life advice, so his naïveté is not taken advantage of if he’s ever released.”
Hani scoffed as the smallest inmate’s fingers hovered indecisively over his hand. “As if that’d even help. It’d go in one of the lockpick’s ears and out the other.”
“Be nice, senpai.” Nana admonished gently, finally picking a card and holding his hand out to Trois.
“That’s right Hani-kun.” Trois added. “After all, Jyugo-san is just an unfortunate who couldn’t even guess the brand of underwear a woman wears, let alone the color.”
Hani’s expression became pensive and thoughtful, almost pitying.
By contrast, Nana’s face twisted in exasperation and disgust. “Why. Why do you two always do this?”
Both of the older inmates ignored him.
“Huh...” Hani closed his eyes and crossed his arms, keeping his cards pressed against his chest. “Life advice...like the fact that women who are wearing skirts without anything underneath are more likely to wear sexy or plain panties rather than anything patterned, just in case. And that white pants or bottoms usual mean white or pale pastel underwear, unless the material is thick enough that color wouldn’t show through.”
“How is that life advice?!” Nana squeaked, cheeks a vibrant red.
“That’s right Hani-kun.” Trois nodded seriously. “It’d be much better to advise him that the best laundry lines to get bras from are those on apartment buildings in big cities that are close in proximity to another building or roof. Those don’t tend to have the space inside to hang laundry, and it’s much easier to avoid a trespassing charge if you lean over and swipe it than if you’re caught climbing into someone’s garden, even if those have less security cameras.”
“That’s not any better!!” Nana shrieked. “In fact, it’s kinda worse! That’s seriously sexual harrassment at least! You’re gonna turn Jyugo-san into a deviant with advice like that!!”
“He’s in jail. He’s already a deviant.” Trois pouted.
“What the hell would you say then, if you’re so wise about how the outside world works?” Hani sneered, eyebrow twitching.
“I never said that! But...hm...life advice for Jyugo-san...” Nana pressed a knuckle to his mouth, frowning in concentration while his other hand flopped into his lap and showed off the faces of his cards. “Ah!”
He sat up straighter and gestured with an index finger. “Ryphenol makes your drink taste really salty, and you can fight the effects for about 20 minutes to get attention before the drug makes you pass out. Additionally, if you’re being followed by a scary person, go up to a building and yell ‘fire!’ while banging on the door, because that will make people come out rather than ignore you.”
There was a moment of stunned silence as the two beautiful inmates absorbed this.
“...Do you mean Rohypnol, Nana-chan?” Trois asked with a slightly strained smile.
“Um...Ah, yeah, that’s the one!” The child smiled, looking pleased with himself. “Plus, if you ever get taken somewhere against your will, do whatever you can to escape before you get taken to a second location, because your chances of survival go down drastically once that happens!”
“Why the hell is all your advice an anti-abduction PSA?!” Hani demanded.
“W-Well, Jyugo-san is clearly the type of guy who gets into trouble easily!” Nana countered, puffing out his cheeks. “It’ll be of more use to him to know that the police can find him easier with forsonics if he leaves hair or blood behind than how to guess a woman’s underwear color!”
“You take that back!!” Hani roared. “And what the fuck are forsonics?!”
“Forsonics! Forsonic science! The stuff police use to identify DNA and fingerprints and clothing fibers!” Nana yelled back.
“Is not!”
“Is NOT!”
“Nana-chan, I think Hani-kun is unusually correct about the pronunciation.” Trois intervened, finally finished with examining the content of the arrow head’s deck.
“HAH!” Hani cheered, sticking a finger in Nana’s face. “Wait, thE HELL DO YOU MEAN, ‘UNUSUALLY’?!”
Nana’s cheeks went red and he stared sullenly down at his cards, tears beading at the corners of his eyes.
“Ah, Nana-chan, don’t cry.”
“‘M not.” He rubbed his face on his shoulder.
“Seriously?” Hani quirked an eyebrow. “If that’s enough to start the waterworks, maybe you’re the one who needs life advice.”
Nana dropped his cards, bright red spots high in his puffed cheeks, lips pressed together sharply.
The boy stood, strode back over to his bunk, and crawled underneath it.
“Now you’ve done it.” Trois sighed, picking up the scattered cards and using them to discreetly make pairs
“Oh for fuck’s sake—“ Hani shot a glare towards the bunk. “Come out, brat.”
“Don’t wanna.” Came the stroppy reply.
“Don’t be stupid, Kiji’ll get pissy if you get dust on your clothes again.” Hani barked, fuse rapidly burning short. “Come out from under there already.”
“Take it back.” Nana demanded, the pout audible in his voice.
“Like hell!”
“Ah, I win again.” Trois said, satisfied.
Hani started down at all the “miraculously” formed pairs of cards in front of his innocently-beaming cellmate. Then at his own hand, where the Joker which most certainly hadn’t been there a minute ago was surreptitiously nestled into his grip.
(In Cell 13, Inmate 1315 finally gets over his compulsive sneezing fit.)
(“Maybe it was girls talking about you!” Nico volunteers optimistically.)
(“What, him and his pink nipples?” Uno jokes. “Get real, it was probably Hajime complaining again.”)
(Jyugo throws a cushion at the braided asshole.)
(He misses.)
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brandonkbills · 5 years
Ghost concert on Acid
Back in September a friend of mine introduced me to Ghost, showed me some of their more popular songs and music videos and my fancy you could definitely say was tickled. I was instantly drawn to the costumes and the theatricality of them. I’d continue to listen to their more popular songs like Square Hammer, Cirice, Rats, Dance Macabre etc.
He invited me to come see them with him on their Ultimate Tour Named Death in SLC, Utah. I was immediately down. I was so looking forward to this show but had no idea what exactly I was in for.
In the parking lot he offers me some LSD and he was expecting us to just microdose but feeling brave I decide on taking the full tab. Things feel pretty normal as I groove to Twin Temple, the Satanic doo-wop band who’s opening for them. I look over to my friend, he has another tab of LSD on his fingertip and offers it to me. We both take an additional tab, we’re going in balls deep now.
Twin Temple ends their set and the audience waits with anticipation. I start to really feel something as I watch the people in the pit from the seats above; they move around like their own living organism. Suddenly, black out. The audience roars eagerly waiting for the show to begin. They kick it off with Ashes immediately followed by Rats and just rock my dick off immediately but even the instant dick rocking couldn’t prepare me for what was to come. Cardinal Copia is just mesmerizing to watch on stage. It’s immense fun to watch him dance around and sing all so passionately, and his intense sexual charisma is just hypnotic. He’s especially delightful in between songs. He holds the audience in the palm of his hand. Then he ominously utters “We’ll see how well we get to know each other” I now know shit’s gonna get crazy. The Cardinal asks the crowd “Are you all feeling tingly yet?? No? We’ll get you there.” I’ve no idea what that’s about.
I’m now tumbling down deep, dark mental roads during this badass satanic spectacle. The two Ghoul guitarists begin a riff off. A Heavy Metal Ghoul Duel if you will. My mind’s digging far down into my soul as these two masters of their instruments pull out deep rooted interpersonal quandaries from within my psyche. It’s like each guitarist is a little ghoul on my shoulder and each have their turn making their solos a chance to make their case. The Ghouls guide me down this train of thought as the black guitar Ghoul leads to the thoughts “You’ve always been curious of Satanism but that’s not you. You’re really not a Satanist.” I’ve never seriously considered the thought of being a Satanist. The Ghoul with the white guitar brings me to “Oh? And Why’s that? What exactly about it do you not agree with?”. I think to myself “Oh shit”. I don’t disagree with any of their ideas necessarily. Independence from Religion and being the Master of your own reality sound pretty fuckin cool to me. I stand in awe as these two ghouls shred opposite the stage from one another across the checkerboard floor. It’s like a mental chess match and it’s no question that by the end of it the white guitar ghoul was the victor. “I’m just tripping, I’m on drugs.” I think to myself. “Just because the white ghoul won the guitar battle doesn’t mean I’m a Satanist now...but also it doesn’t mean I’m not...I’ll keep an open mind”. The song continues to rock on and they just absolutely dominate the arena. After the song, the audience blows up with applause. I clap. Man, I clap so hard. I clap so hard I can hardly feel my hands and before I know it, I feel this insane vibrational aura around my hands. The Cardinal speaks with certainty “Oh yeah, You’re feeling tingly now”.
Holy fucking shit.
Miasma starts. I’ve never heard this song before but I’m instantly digging it and jamming away and then Papa Nihil appears out of thin air in a cloud of white fog with this epic fucking Saxophone solo. This is easily the coolest fucking thing I’ve ever witnessed. A Satanic Pope with sunglasses fuckin blowing everyone away on a Sax like Bill fucking Clinton on late night. What could be cooler?? It’s equal parts mind blowingly ridiculous and hilariously awesome.
Now I’ve been to concerts where during a song I’ve thought to myself “This is fine but I can’t wait for the next song”. This is not one of those concerts. I’m totally enthralled by every single set entry. Every single god damn song’s just incredible. The whole show is an audible and visual feast. There are times I catch myself just gazing into the stained-glass style mural in the back. There’s a faux painted portrait of Papa Nihil in the center of the mural. Spirit starts. Papa Nihil’s forehead breaks into fractals and starts to dance and weave into itself infinitely. I begin to suspect Ghost has tons of fans who trip and it’s just a thing that Ghost is aware of. I don’t know how true this is. Either way the idea is entertaining.
From the Pinnacle to the Pit has me staring at the stage during a guitar solo as I literally feel my fucking face melt off. Meanwhile slowly forming a grin on my face like some crazy demon man just to have a *POP* sudden burst of fireworks into a blackout that slaps that silly fucking grin off my face and my jaw nearly drops to the floor.
I start to notice that some people just are not as into the concert as I am. I’m assuming they are just Mormons and/or other religious folk who showed up unaware of how inherently Satanic Ghost’s music is.
Spöksonat begins, it’s very dark on stage but there are these bright blue/violet shapes beaming out from the darkness and some people around me get headaches and exit. I interpret this as weak-minded religious sheep/mormons whose meek minds can’t handle Ghost’s awesome and enchanting music. They’re too buried in their illusory faith. Again, idk how true this is but I love to believe this. It’s definitely what I believed at the time of the trip.
He is starts. I begin to realize. This is my new faith. I am in awe. The song is composed and performed with such conviction and love, I think to myself “If this is Satanism’s attempt to convert me and this much effort was put in to this to make it this beautiful... I just don’t want to refuse.” The next song begins. Mummy Dust. Which in the Cardinal’s words is “So gosh darn Infernally fucking heavy that it will not only wobble your asses but it will TICKLE YOUR TAAIINNNTS” and tickle my taint it does.
Kiss the Go-Goat is yet another excellent groovy jam but then Dance Macabre comes on right after, ooooh shit buddy I get excited. I start clapping and dancing, I stand up on the stairs, grab the railing and whip my hair around. I dance my god damned heart out and as I dance I see the Cardinal walk to the left side of the stage and he looks right at me, I fucking felt it. He nods approvingly and returns to performing. I finally feel like I fully understand the lyrics as I see this song live. “Just wanna be, wanna bewitch you all night”. That’s Tobias Forge not just saying he wants to be with us all night but he wants to enchant and perform for us all night because that is what this brilliant master of his craft was born to do. He has as much fun as the audience does at these shows, if not, more. This song would’ve been a damn fine closer but as stated in the lyrics, he didn’t wanna end like that.
Square Hammer hits and it hits hard. People are losing their minds, myself included. Still riding the energy of that last song, I head bang my soul out of my damn body. Once again, I fully understand the lyrics. “Are you on the Square? Are you on the level? Are you ready to swear right here right now, before the devil?”. I realize absolutely fucking am. When the show ended The Cardinal waved everyone goodbye and you could see how thankful he was for an audience and I’m still not sure if this was the drugs or a special effect (pretty sure it was the drugs) but each band member appeared to have strings like a marionette while waving goodbye and bowed to the audience and the audience appeared to having strings too. It looked like a lighting effect but I still have no idea how that happened, most likely a hallucination. So fucking cool regardless.
I left the arena drenched in sweat, baptized into a new yet familiar world. I don’t see life the same way I did before (but hey, that’s LSD for you). I realized through this trip how badass the symbol for rebellion against tyranny really is. Along with the profound nature of freedom from religion and realizing self divinity; that you the individual possess powers of a god and most importantly, I just had a good fucking time. My first Ghost concert was a religious experience and one hell of bash. They’re easily my favorite band now and I’ve been listening to all their albums on repeat and I can’t wait till I can see them again.
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writingforthepack · 5 years
New Alpha in Town Chapter 2
-Prologue  -   Chapter 1   -  Masterlist
Author’s Note: I know this took a bit longer than the other chapters, hopefully it was worth the wait, as always feel free to submit things or ask to be added to the tag list. Enjoy some bad ass reader moments!
Word Count: 2k
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Dark clouds covered the sky as you looked at the building looming over you. 
Stiles had driven you in his jeep while Scott had taken his motorbike. The rest of the group had dispersed after the animal clinic from excuses ranging from studying to new video games to play. 
“Gotta be honest I was kinda expecting a cool cave or something not an apartment building.” you joked.
“Right?! That’s what I’m saying!” Stiles exclaims.
“Oh my god it’s like you two were separated at birth.” Scott states jokingly horrified, earning a laugh from you two. 
He had a point, It was kinda freaky how well you and Stiles got along, it felt like you had known each other for your entire lives. 
“Ready to head in?” Scott inquires, appearing on your right and offering you his arm. What a gentleman.
Your trio made your way into the building, navigating your way all the way to the top only to be met with a large steel door. 
You took a deep breath as Scott knocked confidently three times, the door slid back to reveal an incredibly tall, unamused, but undeniably handsome figure, he had broad shoulders and a strong jaw, not to mention defined muscles on full display due to the grey tank he was wearing.
 “Boyd.” Stiles greeted dryly. 
“Stiles.” he returned, his eyes fell onto you and you released your grasp on Scott’s arm, standing to your full height before confidently stating “We’re here for the sour wolf.”
A voice response from within the room “It’s Derek actually.” 
Boyd’s features softened as he let out a chuckle, He steps aside to let you in and you are greeted by yet another handsome man, this one with scruff and piercing green eyes. 
“And who are you?” He continues, staring at you quizzically.
“Y/N.” You state. “Y/N L/N.” you falter, not quite knowing how to continue but thankfully Scott steps in. 
“She’s an Alpha.”
Boyd seemed to be observing this all from his place on the spiral staircase, not contributing, just simply watching. 
Stiles explains the incident in the woods with the wild alpha while you stare at him confused.
“I don’t remember giving you that many details about what happened.”
He fiddles with his hands, “I might have read the police report.”
You dismiss it as he continues to stare at the concrete floor, you look at Derek instead.
He seems to be mulling over all the new information in his head. “You’re sure she’s an Alpha? Usually an Alpha’s power has to be collected directly through the claws, I haven’t heard of it being collected when killed with another object.”
“We’re sure, her eyes were red at the clinic when she shifted.” Scott stated. 
“Which was terrifying by the way.” You added, “I was sure that I was going to rip out Issac’s throat.” This earned a small smile from Derek. “I was able to go back to normal by focusing on Scott, and I think I heard your heartbeat.” You say looking at the boy as pink dusts his cheeks.
“That’s what we call an Anchor, It’s what or” Derek pauses. “who keeps you human when you wolf out.” 
Scott meets your eyes and gives a small smile. 
“It’s actually quite impressive you found yours so soon after being changed. It makes me wonder what else you’re capable of.” Derek adds.
The next week you spent most of your time at the loft going through what you nicknamed “Werewolf Bootcamp”.
During the morning it would just be you and Derek , everyone else would attend school and drop by after to see your progress. 
The first few days Derek helped you become accustomed to your recently heightened senses and reflexes, he explained how you can apply them to different parts of your life. 
He got Scott’s pack to help during these lessons by using them as examples. 
“Okay so hone in on Stiles’ smell”
“The one that smells like deodorant and printer ink?” 
“That’s the one.” Derek chuckled.
We watched as he walked over to where Erica and Cora stood chatting, he awkwardly leaned against the wall and waved hello only to be met with an eye roll and scoff.
“Hmmm embarrassment and…” You take a deep breath. “Arousal?”
“Yeah that’s actually correct.” Derek sighs disdainfully as you guys watch Stiles trip over his own feet while trying to walk backwards away from the girls. 
“Okay so I have a good grasp on chemosignals, now when do I get to kick ass.” You turn to Derek and raise your eyebrows expectantly. 
“There’s one more lesson tomorrow that you need to learn before we get to that.”
You groan and drag Stiles to the door so he could drive you guys back to his place, you had promised Sheriff to be home by dinner so you could go over your transfer papers to Beacon Hills High.
Even though Devenford was a Prep school, it didn’t have much to offer you. The courses were easy and you only had a few close friends. You had no problem switching to a place where you now had a whole group of friends.
The next day came and you made your way over to The Loft.
You slide the door open and walk into the open room. 
“Derek! I’m ready to kick ass!” you shout into the room.
Your legs are swiftly kicked out from under you and your back hits the cold floor with a thud. 
“Dude what the fuck?” you mutter looking at Derek standing over you.
“Before you kick ass, you have to learn how to get your ass kicked.” He offers you a hand to help you up but you bat it away.
“What kind of bullshit…” you dust yourself off and he throws a fist, narrowly missing your shoulder as you dodge him. 
You spar for a good ten minutes before he calls it, you guys pause and he points out the problems with your stance before starting again.
 By the time school ends and the pack makes their way over you had gotten a good grasp of how to use your body and reflexes to your own advantage. You would have thought that you’d be exhausted but the adrenaline pumping through your veins just kept coming. 
The pack watches as you and Derek spar yet again, he goes for the same move he’s been pulling all day but by now you’ve caught on, as he lunges to slash your slide you swiftly sidestep him and catch his jaw with your fist.
A collective “ooooh” ripples through the pack.
“You left your right side entirely open, you should have seen that coming” you smirk at Derek.
He takes the opportunity to kick your legs out from under you, your back against itself with the concrete floor for what feels like the tenth time that day.
“Don’t get cocky, you’ve still got a lot to learn.” he says rubbing his jaw and stalking off.
You groan accepting Cora’s hand to pull yourself up. 
“Don’t take it personally, I can’t remember the last time someone so new to our world has given him a run for his money.” she winks.
She and Allison take this time to show you a few pointers. 
“As great as Derek is, he’s not a girl and doesn’t take into account that we need to have a few tricks up our sleeve at any given time” Allison states.
“Even with these?” you show your claws.
“Even with those.” Cora rolls her eyes. “But even though we aren’t as big as some of the guys, that doesn’t mean we don’t have our own strengths.
They spend the evening showing you how to use speed and flexibility to your advantage.  Allison even showed you the “proper way” to land a killer right hook. 
By the end of the week the entire pack has looked to these sparring sessions as a form of entertainment. After your lesson with Cora and Allison, you were kicking ass like no other.
Surprisingly, it was a good way for you to bond with the pack and for them to become more comfortable with you . The first one to volunteer to spar with you was Liam. He had seen the way you took on Derek and wanted to try his hand.
You started out easy, not wanting to scare the beta. Instead of clawing or hitting with a closed fist you just tapped him where you could have landed a blow. 
This seemed to irritate him more so. 
“Come on Liam! Show her what you’re made of!” Issac shouts from where the rest are observing.
Liam lunges at you but you easily escape his grasp, using his knee to jump over his outreached arms you hook an arm over his shoulders and bring him to the ground while landing in a crouch. 
“Wanna test your luck Lahey?” you pant. 
He grumbles and walks to the other room. 
“I’d like to test mine.” Scott walks forward with a small smile. You blush before beckoning  him forward. 
Lydia counts you down as the rest of the pack watches in amusement. 
“Alpha versus Alpha” Stiles states, already chewing on his nails.
“That is so bad ass” Mason states as Allison whispers her money is on Y/N to Kira.
You guys begin to spar but every hit you throw is blocked, Scott goes to tap your ribs but your forearm knocks his arm from getting near to you. You guys increase your speed throwing hit after hit but each one is blocked by the other. You fall into a steady rhythm block block hit
block block hit  until eventually you both begin to tire out and Lydia calls it.
“Did you feel that?” he whispers
You nod looking into his eyes, seeking for that same connection you felt while sparring.
It was like you both were on a shared frequency, able to tell what the other was going to before they even did it and being able to accommodate for it. 
Your bodies begin to gravitate towards one another, his hand meets your waist, the other brushing hair from your face. One of your hands falls on his chest as the other grazes the hairs on his nape.
“Hey remember us? Your dearest friends here to support you not watch a rom com fall into place.” Stiles’ voice cuts through the air, snapping you both out of your trance.
You awkwardly take a step back and clear your throat as Scott blushes.
“Uh see you later?” Scott exits the room, rubbing the back of his neck as Mason and Liam trail behind. 
You just nod, at a loss for words. 
Your eyes meet Lydia’s as mischief dances in her eyes. 
“You up for a girl’s night at my house?”
After a long week of training with sweaty guys, nothing sounded more appealing.
“That sounds like paradise!” you giggle.
“Can I come?” Stiles quips.
A chorus of No’s acts as his answer.
“They grow up so fast” he wipes a fake tear as you stick your tongue out at him. 
You link arms with Lydia and Allison and walk out of the room.
The next few hours were spent lounging around eating pizza and talking about random topics. Kira and Erica were in a heated discussion of whether Harley Quinn or Black Widow would win in a fight. Allison was dutch braiding your damp hair (courtesy of Lydia letting you shower the grime of the day off) as Cora talked animatedly about the amazing things she’s seen traveling. 
Lydia entered in full hair and makeup. “Which one looks better with this lipstick?” she questioned holding up two blouses. 
All conversations stopped.
“Uh where are you going Lyds?” Allison asked the question we were all thinking.
“Did I forget to tell you guys? Danny’s throwing a party tonight.” She looked at us expectantly.
“And I’m throwing this pizza in my mouth.” I said reaching for another slice, Cora nodded in agreement.
“Ladies! He rented out the entire club, can’t we just have one night on the town? Y/N we can introduce you to a bunch of people that go to beacon hills, back me up Erica!” Lydia says with a huff.
“It has been a while since we’ve been to a half decent party...” the blonde purrs.
“I don’t see the harm, it could be fun!?” Allison sounds like she’s trying to convince herself along with everyone else.
“Ugh fineeee” you say at the same time that Cora says “I’ll sit this one out.”
Lydia drags you by the arm to her vanity and sits you down like your a new doll she can play with.
In thirty minutes she has completed her mission, she truly had a gift. Your makeup looked natural with just a small pop of color here and there, Your hair was styled to perfection, and the outfit she had picked accentuated features you didn’t even know you had before. 
“Wow” you breathe looking into the mirror.
“I know” Lydia says with a hair flip. “Now time to get going ladies!” 
She rounds Allison, Kira, Erica and You into her car and speeds to the infamous Sinema club.
tag list: @4evervoid  @nikcentric @intricate-melody @babbling-bumbling-bandof-baboons
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hoopdiddies · 5 years
Rashes (J. D imagine)
A/N: I've added a few touches since I got carried away by the fluff @deakysgurl! Thanks for the request! I hope it's good enough.
14 +49. Road accidents + when they're injured
Warnings: Just mentions of a road accident and some rashes and a bucket load of fluff
Word count : 2k+
Xx Masterlist xX
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Here you are, out in the terrace enjoying an egg sandwich in the middle of a heavy, evening downpour– something you ought to question yourself later on. After popping what's left of the sandwich in your mouth, you dust your hands together and make your way back into your room, coming to hear five frantic knocks echo from the front door.
Who could that be in this hour?
"Y/N! Y/N!"
"Please open up! It's us!"
The familiarity of those calls gets you rushing down the steps leading to the door and you hurriedly grapple the knob, swinging the door open to the lads dripping wet from running from the other side of the road in the misty storm with their arms draped around John who appears to be in an utterly bad shape.
"Boys! What happened? Thought you were doing a gig," You assist them in settling John down on one of the couches, paying no mind to the wet mess their soaked clothes are leaving on the tiled floor– and certainly on the couch.
You immediately go by John's side and kneel to check what went wrong. Nothing afflicting his head, that's swell considering the dangers that would have caused him although he's got his forearm and leg wrapped in dressings, hinting that they might have taken him to a hospital to get treated prior to parking at yours.
"He's got nasty road rashes– one running from the side of his left forearm down to the point of his elbow and the other from his knee down to the middle of his leg." Replies Brian who's got his arms crossed at the unfortunate events.
"What happened out there?"
"Motorbike accident. Right after the gig, he rode downtown on one of the sound engineers' bikes to fetch a few parts to fix two of his amps," he kneels down beside you and you tell Freddie and Roger to fetch the first aid kit from one of the cupboards, feeling John's temperature rise with your hand on his moist forehead– he's getting a fever from the rain.
"And?" You get up and settle down beside John, wiping his face free of sweat, combing his damp hair back to calm him down.
"A sudden halt. A man ran recklessly down the pedestrian and caused James to swerve. "
"Bastard," You mutter irritatingly and ask John how he's feeling. So far he's only shaken his head which gives away the obvious. Freddie and Roger return promptly with the kit, a damp cloth and a glass of lukewarm water to ease some heat into John's shivering body.
"Deaky, you'll be fine." Freddie coaxes softly in his ear to alleviate him of his current uneasiness, accidentally nudging his afflicted arm and earning a quick grunt from John. You tell the boys to dry themselves in the bathroom while you take care of him from there.
Some time later after letting him take an antipyretic to reduce his fever and mopping the slippery floor, John insists that the boys go ahead as they have a hectic studio session to push through tomorrow. You've assured them that you'll take care of him and they leave him under your unrelenting watch to which, of course, John cocks a slick eyebrow at in amusement.
Since he's feeling quite under the weather, you'll have to conjure up an activity to keep yourselves entertained through the evening deluge as the night is barely young and neither of you can sleep.
"Want to watch a film?" You crouch carefully between his legs, your elbows propped up on either of his thighs.
"And a cup of tea too, love." He smiles and you rise up to kiss him chastely before heading to the kitchen heat up the kettle.
Halfway through having it whistle, a clap of thunder followed by a power outage seizes all your chances of going through a movie night and you hear John scream briefly from the living room at the sudden spread of darkness.
He's always been that jumpy– and it cracks you up in the slightest.
The kettle whistles and you grab a lamp from under the sink to light up your space as you make John a cup, figuring it would be a hassle if you'd include one for you.
Speed walking to the living room with the lit lamp and his cup in your hands, you worry that he might've jerked his leg and disturbed the wound, rushing to him hastily and panting upon stepping foot into the space.
"John, are you okay? Are you hurt?" Lifting up the lamp to shed some light on him, you find him hugging a throw pillow with his head down, nodding.
He's so vulnerable like this and his position just craves for your hold. A tender smile forms on your lips as you position the lamp next to the couch and the cup on the coffee table within arm's reach.
"I didn't startle you with my fiendish screech, did I?" He looks up at you bashfully through his fluttering lashes, the light spilling from the lamp emphasizing the build of his nose and the refined curves of his lips.
Albeit a little frightened, his soft features outstands the weak shadows cast by them against the low light; giving him a delicate yet fascinatingly heartwarming image that just thaws your heart from the bottom up.
You shake your head and take the space next to him crossing your legs and weaving your fingers with his, brushing your lips over his knuckles. "Nothing's ever fiendish with you, Deaks."
He turns his head to you and smiles back, his lips pressed firm together almost in a pout. "Hmm, thank you for taking care of me. I'm sorry that I had to come home like this. We would've had an easier night, you and me. Don't worry though, a few days and I'll be able to get back out there."
"I'm sure you will and don't be sorry, the important thing is that you're home to spend this gloomy, powerless night with. Besides," you shift in your space and turn your body towards him, the distance between your faces sealing, "despite your rashes, I could use some body heat."
As tempted as you are to do some things with him that don't involve making him scream out bloody murder at the nudge of his dressed rashes, the corner of his lips rise and he shifts closer to you, planting a long kiss on your lips. You giggle into it as he begins chewing on your bottom lip and tugging playfully on it, his hands creeping their way to the back of your neck to draw you in deeper.
"Mmm, John- baby, not tonight. You're badly hurt and with a growing fever." You remind him as you pull away but not far enough to not feel his hot breath fan against your lips.
"You said you needed some body heat."
Your throw your head back in a giggle. "Not in that manner, silly. I'd love to but I don't wanna add to your injuries."
He pouts and his eyes narrow to lazy slits, sighing in defeat. "You're the best kind of medicine for me."
You cock a brow at him. "Yeah?"
"Alright, lover boy. We could go for a quick round but for now," you rest your head carefully on his lap and gaze up at him from that angle, his eyes gleaming in a pale glow against the low light as he peers down at you, his hand tangling itself in your hair, "why don't you sing us a little song to lighten the mood?"
Knowing very well that doing so was never his strong suit, he gives you an implying look yet you softly encourage him to go for it– with you being the only one who's going to enjoy the first-hand privilege. You know he can sing, he just doesn't have the confidence to push it out of him. His talking voice is already soothing, how much more if it were his singing voice?
"Y/N, come on. You know I can't-"
"But I have a fever, as you said."
"You do but you sound fine. When did an injury ever stop you from playing bass?" And you're definitely referring to the time he stuck his hand through a glass window drunk and had to get a few stitches afterwards. He stares down at you as he contemplates on it, drawing a deep breath in to start.
"Tonight the darkness seems so deep and silent stars watch as we sleep. The drifter cross the sky, never stop to wonder why," he has his eyes shut during the first line but as he goes on, his eyes open to you in awe at the sound of him finally singing.
"Million eyes could never weep, she lies dreaming like a child. Here beside me all the while. She'll just dream away, until the break of day and gently wake me with a smile." The touch of his warm palm against your cheek as he loses himself in your eyes as he sings sends you up high in cloud nine. Here you are, hearing his mellifluous singing cut through the sound of the harsh storm, unable to believe that this man is actually yours.
"She makes me laugh. She makes me cry. She brings down and takes me high. She fills my life and makes it real. No matter what she does, she makes me feel." And you are his. The air hangs thin between you both as he swallows upon finishing, just anticipating for your reaction. "Y/N?"
With no words to describe what he's made you feel all over again with his singing, you lift your head up to meet his lips and hook your arms around his neck to haul him in deeper. His skin flushed against yours feels heated, literally and it could be from his high body temperature. He whimpers into your mouth and shuts his eyes as he adjusts himself gingerly to feel you better while avoiding grazing his afflicted arm and leg against a surface.
You break away slowly with barely any breaths slowed down, his smile further radiating as he caresses your cheek lovingly through the temporary darkness enveloping you. "You make me feel."
"God, John... I love you so much."
"I love you too, Y/N."
"And I promise, the mark of your singing will remain sacred in this house." You put your hand up as a sign of swearing and he chuckles softly, brushing his thumb delicately over your cheek. "I honestly sound better when I'm looking at you. You really are my best medicine."
With his attention firmly set on you for the night, there's no way in the world he's going to touch the now cooling tea on the coffee table.
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kristallioness · 6 years
Heaven on earth
Summary: Aang and Katara discover the beauty of an old pagoda in the Earth Kingdom, located in a sacred place for the air nomads.
Word count: 2,375
Author's note: This is 1/2 of the prompts that I submitted this year and which eventually got chosen (the other one didn't, again)! I wanted to submit this specific prompt because I already had an idea for it last year when someone first submitted it under the name "Sacred (Place)", but it didn't make the final cut. Now I can finally share what I had in mind and why I wanted to write it. The idea came to me when I watched the 4th episode of "Kaks Kanget Kagu-Aasias" ("The two tough ones in South-Eastern Asia"), which was an Estonian TV series running in spring 2017. The two tough ones, Kristjan Jõekalda and Teet Margna, are our own local, famous, very rich, funny and beloved Estonian TV hosts/entertainers. They've travelled through South-America (Ecuador, Peru, Argentina, Chile), Russia, India, the United States of America and their last journey took them across 4 countries in South-Eastern Asia, one of them being Myanmar. In Myanmar, they visited Bagan and introduced the Shwesandaw Pagoda, where Teet (being the braver one in the bunch) climbed to the top floor to have the most marvellous view of the sun setting. That breathtaking view and the entire landscape filled with so many beautiful temples was what inspired me to write this story with Aang and Katara. I could just imagine them exploring a similar place in their world. Set postwar, prior to "The Promise" trilogy.
"You sure you don't wanna come with us?" Aang asked for the nth time that evening. He was holding onto Katara's hand to help her climb up on Appa's saddle.
"Nah, it's just some old ruins. You guys go and have fun. It'll give me a break from your constant oogies," Sokka said as he dumped the pile of firewood in front of him, with Momo leaping closer to sniff whether he'd brought something edible along with him, too.
"Ugh.." Katara merely groaned and rolled her eyes as she hopped to the front of the saddle. Aang airbended himself on Appa's head and grabbed the reins.
"Okay. See you later, Sokka!" he exclaimed cheerfully, waving to both him and his pet winged lemur, who stayed behind to keep the warrior company.
"Appa, yip-yip!"
The sky bison growled and took off from their campsite. The main trio of Team Avatar were camping near the Northern Earth Kingdom while helping the Fire Nation colonials move back to their homeland. After another small village had been cleared of the Fire Nation families, they had the rest of the day off.
"So, where is this place exactly?" Katara wondered as she leaned over the edge of the saddle, crossing her arms and supporting her chin on top.
"About a mile away from our camp. If we walked, it'd take us about an hour to get there. But thanks to Appa, we'll be there in a few minutes!" Aang stated in a chipper tone, glancing over his shoulder to grin at her. He scratched the sky bison's head to thank him for providing them with such a short, cosy ride to their destination. Appa released a long, low growl at the show of affection.
Katara looked down below. They were flying over a territory full of thick fir forests, the evening sun that still shined behind them casting shadows over the tall trees and the ground beneath. Soon she could spot a couple of foliage trees in between, the density in general slowly becoming more scarce.
"Look, there it is!" Aang shouted excitedly, pointing a finger straight towards the horizon. When they got closer and Katara lifted her head to look in front, she gasped at the sight.
She saw hundreds of pyramid-shaped buildings spread across the vast landscape. Gravel roads wreathed with bushes and trees connected them to each other. Plots of neglected farmland filled the empty square spaces in between.
"There's so many of them..."
Katara crawled to the side of the saddle and peeked over the edge. She was amazed by this place to say the least. Aang tugged at the reins a little bit to let Appa fly in a more relaxed manner so they could enjoy the view.
"These are all temples, stupas, pagodas, sanctuaries and monasteries. About 2,200 to 2,500 are still standing, though there might be even less now because I'm not sure how much damage these old structures received during the war.." he explained, scratching the back of his head for a moment.
"But thousands of years ago, there used to be more than 10,000 of them. They were built and used by air nomads from different villages, who didn't live too far away from each other. These small villages began to merge and turn into bigger groups of air nomads living together, until they decided to reside in only one sacred temple, which later became the Northern Air Temple."
Katara thought that it made sense, since they were in this part of the Earth Kingdom that remained very close to the Northern Air Temple.
"These plains are called 'the sea of temples'."
"I can see why," she giggled since it did seem like there was no end to these ancient buildings. They were flying right in the middle of this earthly sea, surrounded by something from each cardinal point, no matter where they looked.
"Do you wanna see one of my favourite places in the world?"
Besides his tone, his enthusiasm reflected from that familiar shimmer in his grey eyes as Aang gazed at her. It must've been something special to him if she distinguished that certain look in his eyes. Katara chuckled, then returned his warm smile.
"Of course, sweetie. Show me."
She watched how Aang guided Appa down closer to the ground, changing their course towards one of the highest pagodas nearby. He knew exactly where they were going and why. A small cloud of dust and gravel formed around the sky bison's feet as he landed in front of the pagoda. The airbender grabbed his staff before he jumped off the sky bison's head and thanked him by scratching the fur behind his ear.
"Nice job, buddy! It's been a long day. Get some rest while Katara and I go exploring around this pagoda."
Appa grunted, laying his head on his front paws and closing his big brown eyes to take a short nap. In the meantime, Katara had slid down his tail. Having dusted her tunic, she walked over to her boyfriend.
"So, where to now?"
"We're gonna climb all the way up there!" Aang said, slowly pointing his finger up along the staircase that led to the fifth level of the pagoda. The building itself had five square-shaped floors where people could walk around on, with a cylindrical stupa in the center decorating the top.
He grabbed Katara's hand and laced their fingers together as they approached the bottom of the stairs. At first as they began climbing up, it was Aang who led the way, always being a step in front of her and maintaining a good grip on her hand.
Katara followed a step behind him. Each step was practically up to her knees, hence the climb progressed in a rather slow pace. She counted the number of steps it took for them to get to the first terrace. More than 11 of those steps later, halfway up to the second level, she tripped when her foot got caught behind one of them.
Katara yelped as she lost her balance and began falling backwards, but she didn't even manage to blink before she was already back upright and in Aang's embrace. He saved her by catching her just in time.
"Katara! Are you okay?"
Her heart dropped and her diamond blue eyes grew wide as she met his worried gaze. Luckily, Aang had reacted fast enough and tugged at her hand to pull her back up to his side. She'd landed a step higher right next to him. His free hand was wrapped around her shaky body to hold her steady now.
Katara glanced behind and saw a few pebbles making their way down the stairs, dropping to the wider platform on the first level a couple of steps below. She took a very deep, calming breath.
"Y-yeah, I'm okay.." she stammered, holding her hands close to her chest. She felt her heart beating fast after she had a slight scare.
"You have to be more careful. This climb is pretty steep," Aang reprimanded her a little bit. He frowned when he saw how scared she looked and gifted her with a kiss on the cheek, rubbing her arm to comfort her.
"C'mon, let's take these final steps together and then have a nice walk around the pagoda before we continue. Okay?"
"Mhmm.." she hummed and nodded in agreement, her gaze fixed right in front of her feet. After that, they began walking up side by side, literally. Aang declared each step they took out loud as they moved one step at a time. He held his arm tightly around her waist to prevent her from falling again, supporting his own weight on the tip of his staff.
"Just one more.." he said as they lifted their left feet in unison, followed by their right ones. They'd reached the second terrace.
"There we go.. Let's take a break, sweetie."
"Sounds good," Katara agreed, heaving a sigh of relief. She was still shook from the near tumble as she let Aang give her a tour around the pagoda.
She entwined their hands as they strolled along the line of stones that'd been piled up on the edges of the terraces to form protective barriers. She gently ran her free hand over the rough pieces of earth while listening to her boyfriend talk about the history behind these old structures. She hummed now and again, showing that she was paying attention.
The cracks in the stones and the crumbled parts in the barriers betrayed just how old the pagoda really was when she saw them up close. Katara didn't wanna damage these old ruins any more than they already were. She wanted them to preserve their original state.
As they reached the back of the pagoda, her fear seemed to have slowly faded away. She wore a loving smile on her lips as she gazed at the horizon, marvelling at all the other buildings that stretched out over miles while Aang pointed at some of them and told tidbits about their origin. At least the ones he knew something about.
By the time they came full circle and arrived back at the stairs, she'd practically forgotten about the small incident. She instinctively wrapped her arm around Aang's waist and kept close to his side as they continued climbing to the top, one step at a time.
Less than ten minutes later, they'd finally made it up to the highest terrace safe and sound. As soon as they took a few steps away from the stairs, Aang hopped in front of her and stopped them in their tracks.
"Close your eyes, and don't peek!"
Katara giggled and did as she was told. She felt how he gently grabbed her hands, slowly lifting them up to cover her face with them.
"You're not peeking, are you?"
"Mkmm.." she replied, shaking her head. Aang held onto her shoulders to help her move. She sensed how he turned her around and they treaded closer to the barrier.
"What are you doing?" Katara wondered, a hint of excitement in her tone.
"Trust me. I wanna show you something. Be careful with your steps, you might trip behind a rock!" he warned her again, trying to guide her through a path where there weren't any bumps. They stopped in front of the wall that reached up to their waists.
"Are your eyes still closed?"
Katara heard how Aang dropped his staff somewhere, after which he grabbed her hands and lowered them onto the grained stones in front of her. He checked whether she was peeking.
"Are you ready?"
She chuckled, a wide grin decorating her features when she nodded to him.
"Then open your eyes."
She gasped, her hands landing back on her mouth. They were facing towards the stunning sunset that fell upon the plains. Neither of them could see it from the second terrace down below since it wasn't high enough, and she hadn't noticed it behind her back while they were busy climbing to where they were now.
"Aang.. this is beautiful!" was all she could muster as she clapped her hands together. He took a step closer and snaked an arm around her middle, pulling her by his side.
"I know. That's why I wanted you to come here. The sunsets in this place are some of the most beautiful ones in the entire world."
He was right. Katara leaned forward to place her elbows on the barrier, supporting her chin in the palms of her hands. Aang followed her example as he supported himself against the rocky wall.
They simply stood there in silence, enjoying the sunset, admiring how the shadows of the temples fell to the ground and onto the flora surrounding them. Katara felt enchanted by this gorgeous scenery. She averted her gaze back towards Aang when she heard him sniff. She noticed that he looked a bit sad. He wasn't crying, but it was evident that he was trying really hard to hold himself back.
"This.. this reminds you of home, doesn't it?"
He didn't look at her. He blinked and rubbed his right cheek with the back of his hand, the side of his face that she couldn't see from that angle. She guessed that he was crying. He nodded to her.
Katara didn't say another word. She grabbed his free hand and gave it a squeeze. Aang stared at their entwined hands, then squeezed his eyes shut and softly bumped his temple against hers.
She felt how something wet trickled against her cheek. When she opened her eyes, she saw that Aang was crying a little. He sniffed and wiped his cheek dry by rubbing it against hers this time. She returned the gesture by fondly rubbing their noses together as well. She wrapped her other arm around him and hugged him as tight as she could.
"Thank you, Katara," he murmured, then kissed her cheek. She hummed in delight.
"No, thank you, Aang.. for bringing me here."
Katara loved it when he shared bits and pieces of his culture with her. It was something that she felt was unique in their relationship, something that nobody else could be apart of. She wouldn't have wanted this lovely evening to go any other way.
When Aang opened his grey eyes and met her loving gaze, she cupped his chin and ran her thumb across his lips, making him smile. She pressed a tender kiss there, releasing a short giggle afterwards. He rubbed at his cheeks to dry the last of his tears as they finished watching how the sun fell behind the mountain range in the horizon.
"So, how are we gonna get back down? Would you like to climb down or glide down?" Aang asked, scratching the back of his head. Katara already knew the answer to that question.
She giggled and pulled him beside her, gripping his waist firmly. Aang grabbed his staff and opened it into a glider, giving them a boost with his airbending to hop into the air. They glided back down to Appa so they could head back to their campsite and regale Sokka with stories about their adventures in the sea of temples.
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lailuhhh · 6 years
Whumptober Day 5: Poisoned
(Sorry I’m late)
School was done with for the day, thank god. Flash had decided to give him the special treatment and that meant not letting him have a second to himself besides the classes they didn’t share. Decathlon practice wasn’t too bad, MJ had it run a bit long just for extra time for them all to study.
But he was finally home. He had the keys to his apartment in his hands and was ready to relax for a while before going on patrol.
Upon reaching his door, he noticed a package addressed to him sitting next to it. Normally the mail would be sitting in the cubbies by the front door of the building and anything not able to fit would be kept with the landlord.
Peter shrugged. Perhaps it was a new carrier, why they would willingly go to the fifth floor to deliver a package no bigger than a shoebox was a mystery.
He brought it inside and placed it on the table while he put down his bag and got something to eat. May was pulling a double shift so she would most likely be home late that night or early morning. Peter thought he would do something they’d both appreciate and clean a bit before going out on patrol. The apartment wasn’t exactly a mess but it could be much cleaner.
The next few hours Peter spent cleaning; dishes, dusting, vacuuming, sorting clean and dirty laundry, even doing what he could in the bathroom without having to break out the heavy cleaners.
It was a quarter past seven when he finished. It didn’t look perfect but it was much better than it’s original state. He was going to head to his room to finish when he remembered the box he picked up when he got home. It was still sitting where he left it on the table.
He didn’t know what to expect. He hadn’t ordered anything and doubted anyone would send him anything. He half thought it was meant for someone else but it had his name on it. If it had been from Tony, it would’ve just been sitting in his room waiting for him; even if it was from one of the others, they wouldn’t have known where he lived and would’ve most likely just left it with Tony.
Either way, he was a curious teenager. Even if it wasn’t really intended for him, he was going to open it.
He got a knife and cut the edges where it was taped. The scent of almonds hit his nose. Maybe it was one of those companies that sent a free sample of things before hammering you with order and subscription forms. He slipped his fingers through the slots to open it further when it seemed to open itself, or more so explode in his face.
There was suddenly a white cloud of powder in his face.
Peter threw the box away from himself and fell back, knocking over a chair on his way. It stung his eyes and nostrils. He tried to dissipate the lingering cloud around him and found he was extremely short of breath.
He started to panic making breathing even more difficult. Then there was the burning in the back of his throat and chest.
He gripped at his watch, pressing every button he could until he heard an almost silent beep.
Thank god Tony had given him a watch with a panic mode.
It was supposed to be a day of relaxing; Tony finally had a clear schedule for once without needing Pepper to clear it for him. The projects he had could wait, there was no big, secret mission that had to be done, he didn’t even have any meetings. It was just a day to stop.
Rhodey was there. Tony had invited him over to more or less just hang around and catch up on things.It had been so long since they were actually able to sit back, have a drink, and talk about things; good and bad.
He had steered the conversation to Peter multiple times and Tony would merely laugh at whatever was said.
“Tones be serious with me, what is it about the kid? I’m as fond of his as anyone else, but I know he’s special to you.”
Tony put down is glass. “I don’t know Rhodes. He’s just got that- you know” he waved his hand. “He’s a genius, kind and loyal to a fault, extremely humble... don’t even get me started on his stupid idea of righteousness. You’ve met him, you know what I’m talking about. It’s just- it’s him.”
“Yeah, I know what you mean, just wanted to hear you say it for yourself.” Rhodey smirked at him.
The afternoon slowly turned into evening, the two of them swapping ideas and talking about old missions. The atmosphere was calming, but it switched instantly when Tony got an alert from Peter.
“What is that?” Rhodey asked.
“An SOS from his watch.” A watch he’d had for a long time and never utilized before. Whatever happened must have been bad. “FRIDAY give me his location.”
“It appears as though the signal is coming from his apartment. The tracker shows he went there after he got out of school and has been there ever since.” The AI answered.
“Can you give me anything else?”
“No sir. The watch was strictly just to send an SOS.”
“Go Tony. Make sure he’s okay.” Rhodey urged.
Tony was out on the balcony and in the air flying towards Peter’s house in seconds. Within minutes he was in front of the door.
He banged on it, yelling for Peter to open up before more or less kicking it open. The silence was unnerving, there was always something in the background when he visited.
When he entered he expected someone else to be there who maybe caught him off guard; seeing Peter unconscious on the ground, white dust on his clothes and a suspicious box nearby, was somehow much much worse.
“Come on kid.” Tony was by his side, fingers on his neck checking for a pulse, extremely thankful when he found one. “Give me something FRIDAY. What’s this dust?”
“It appears to be powdered cyanide.”
“Cyanide? You gotta be fucking kidding me.”
“I’m afraid not. If he has inhaled a large amount then he’s experiencing difficulty breathing and a weak pulse but is at risk for several other symptoms. He needs treatment immediately.”
“You don’t need to tell me twice. Get a team over here to deal with this mess.” Tony hoisted Peter up and wasted no time in leaving the building and flying back to the tower.
Peter felt a familiar pressure over his nose and mouth. He’s had to use oxygen enough times to know it was a mask to help him breathe. The only thing was he didn’t know why he needed it.
He tried to sit up a bit, feeling pillows already stacked behind him. The slight movement was enough to send him into a coughing fit. He pulled the mask off so he could properly cough and heard a voice calling to him.
“You’re okay Pete. It’s okay. Put the mask back on so it can help. Just breathe, deep breaths.”
He was able to breathe easy after a minute.
“Good, good. Slowly in and out.”
“What happened?” He asked weakly.
“That’s what I’d like to know.” Tony said as he took a seat in the chair next to him. “We got an SOS from your watch and when I got to your apartment I found you passed out covered in powdered cyanide.”
“Is that what it was? It smelt like almonds.” Peter held his head. “There was a box outside the door addressed to me and when I opened it, it kinda exploded in my face.”
Tony rubbed his face. “I don’t understand how you can be so nonchalant about this. Kid someone just tried to kill you by cyanide poisoning.”
“Sorry Mr. Stark but if I’m not then I’m gonna panic and I know even when I’m like this that that’s not a good thing to do.” He smiled slightly.
“No, you’re not allowed to logic your way out of this.” He shook his head. “Is that really all there was to it; just the box outside? No strange person anywhere?”
“No, no strange person anywhere. My spidey sense didn’t even warm me about it. There are security cameras in the halls though so we can probably find out who put it there.”
“Nuh uh. There’s no we in this. You’re going to stay in bed until all of it is out of your system while I go back to your apartment and get the security footage.”
“Mr. Stark-“
“Look! You even have Rhodes here. I’m sure he’ll tell you all the stories you don’t need to know while I’m gone.” Tony gestured to Rhodey.
Peter didn’t see him until he was pointed out.
Rhodey was leaning against a wall, a slight smirk on his face as he watched the two interact.
“I think I got a few stories he’d find interesting.”
“See? All the entertainment you could ever ask for while you’re going to be staying in bed.” He started towards the door. “I’ll be back later and I’ll know if you leave or not.”
Peter blinked at Tony’s sudden departure before laughing. “I’ve never seen him like that before.”
“He tends to get like that when it’s a matter involving you.” Rhodey smiled and sat down in the chair Tony had vacated. “Got anything specific you wanna hear?”
Check out my other stories!
Whumptober 2k18
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