#it feels like they wanted to make him super gay but got embarrassed and pulled back
moodlevoodle · 11 months
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he’s ALMOST queercoded
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devouredbyflame · 5 months
I’m a lesbian and I think Im attracted to Loki (whether I’m actually receiving interest from Him is something I plan to spend a while figuring out), but Im worried if I’m attracted to Him I’m making Him something He’s not in my head. I also dislike super masculine depictions of Him, and I’m worried that’s because I’m feminizing Him inappropriately or something. I’ve gotten mental images of Him while meditating that don’t seem accurate to normal depictions and it’s like I can’t tell if 1) I’m making it up or 2) He’s showing that kinda look to me because He knows I’ll like that look more.
I know Deities are kinda beyond actual human looks and gender stuff. Ive seen some people mention using different pronouns for Him, like They/Them… Though I respect the folks who did that, I’m kinda embarrassed to say it but I’ve asked like pronouns/terminology stuff myself, phrasing it as how He’d want me to refer to Him. I almost thought I felt Him amused or something when I did that, first time, and my results with divination seemed… unlikely. Almost felt like He was joking. Not like, at my expense, but still joking. I think keeping trying to confirm was bad though because the answers got really inconsistent and I thought I felt Him again, but this time He was annoyed. I’ve pretty much discounted everything I got from asking that way.
I’ve seen you mention being sapphic/gay in your posts, so I don’t know if you consider yourself interested in human men. If you’re technically bi or something it might not be the same situation, but I just don’t know where to ask about this. It feels like such a silly human thing to worry about when thinking about a Deity but the area feels so important to me it’s hard to just wave off.
Hi anon!
So before I begin, I want to acknowledge that these kinds of questions tend to be difficult to ask especially around the lokean community. It is difficult to have an experience not be in line with the rest of the community’s experience and believe me when I say I know how that feels. So thank you for having the courage to say something because I don’t think many wish to discuss these sorts of things without feeling worried they would somehow be shot down or panic that they would get canceled. I don’t consider myself among the lokean community for this reason just because I don’t align with their opinions or assumptions of Loki at all.
So with that out of the way, you now know my opinion isn’t in alignment with many others'. I don’t wish to sound like I know anything more than other people, but I do realize that pulling away from the community helped me understand Loki in a new light.
Hopefully I’ve amply prepared you for what I’m about to say on this matter because I do have my opinions and they tend to carry more weight to me because they happened outside of the echo chamber I once used to be in with Him.
First of all, having feelings for the Gods, especially Loki, in this way is actually the most natural sort of feeling you can have with a Deity. Loki inspires passion and intimacy and He also tends to feel much like arousal because His energy tends to pull at humans in a way that gets blood pumping and can often feel much like ecstasy.
Loki is, in my opinion, the very heart of Divinity within humans. He is the one who gave us this gift so we can sense the Divine’s presence and He gave us this blood so that we can feel the impassioned responses of sensing Them. Unfortunately, in the West, such feelings are accompanied by shame and guilt and it often destroys this connection to the Divine we might otherwise be having. We repress this feeling because we feel like we shouldn’t have this sort of (very natural) response to a Deity because we are human and what do we mean to Them?
However, we are as much a part of the Divine as the Divine are a natural part of us. These feelings are mutual. We all long to be with the Divine and They long to be with humans. Because Loki is the one to have given us this gift of connection, He, most of all, inspires intense passion and romantic interest in us because we are so immensely devoid of this kind of connection in a lot of places in our lives but especially with the Divine.
So you shouldn’t feel ashamed of that. In fact, that is an absolutely amazing sign that you are open to having this kind of connection with Him that most have already written off because they are human and therefore shouldn’t be feeling any sort of intensity towards a God.
Given that this is the baseline response that is triggered once a human is in proximity to the Divine, there is no other connotation around it beyond the fact that the connection is real and He is with you. People often associate this as a courtship or dating and this also is why Loki tends to have a lot of godspouses because we have no better way of explaining this phenomena otherwise in our Western culture even when those in the East figured this out millennia ago.
Now, in regards to gender, I also, once more, want to say that I am not popular in the Lokean community because I do not think Loki is trans, genderfluid, or non-binary. For further context, I am non-binary and sapphic. Due to being His priestess and wife, it doesn't matter what I'm attracted to because I won't be dating or marrying anyone but Him. I've also known a gay man being married to a Goddess and having the same sort of relationship I do with Loki.
The Divine do not hold the same context and definitions of gender and gender binary as we do, and therefore Their gender alignments aren’t about who has what body part, but rather whose energy is more in alignment with what and in what way. It is ideological rather than physical and so They don't run into the same problems we do with it nor experience Themselves in a similar fashion.
Loki has explained to me that he doesn't care for pronouns because He thinks they ignore the real problem in society which is that femininity is widely considered shameful.
That being said, though He prefers being called a man, that doesn’t stop Him from appearing androgynous, female, or anything else that people fancy Him to be. He normally appears to me as a man even though He once appeared to me without gender and once as a female (to none too subtly point at the fact that I’m gay and I was with a man and this is problematic). He is androgynous, graceful, and tends to act more like a female than male.
He has shown me that He is female-aligned in His own nature given the fact that He enjoys taking care of the home, and doing labor that is considered more feminine (like spinning, weaving, knitting, cooking, cleaning, etc.) than masculine. In Lokasenna, He is called out for being a milk maiden for a winter and also He is known for doing seidr which is a feminine art.
So, anyway, the moral of the story is that, in my experiences, your experience aligns with mine. He gave me the same reaction when I asked Him His pronouns and also got very annoyed with me when I kept asking and finally explained He is a male and then gave me the aforementioned spiel to the effect of “stop putting a definition on me that appeals to your standards of gender."
However, if you are worried about annoying Him, please don’t. He isn’t the most patient of beings and He will be the first to acknowledge the fact that He has a temper sometimes and can get annoyed easily by anyone. I think He just would prefer people to actually ask Him His opinion on things before assuming things that aren't always true. He isn't annoyed to be cruel, He just has a lot of opinions and people don't always ask for them before assuming something of Himself.
It's not because He doesn't like non-binary people, or doesn't support the LGBTQ+ (obviously, He's very queer and tends to collect queer and neuro-divergent followers), but the Divine are not human and therefore don't abide by our societal rules and expectations because They don't experience Themselves as humans do.
We tend to place our societal norms on Them because we think it makes Them more human-like when we're really just trying to make Them fit in with our standards of how to behave in a "correct" society. They tend to look at the bigger picture instead of the smaller ones that fill our time and experiences as humans. Loki is incredibly not interested in being "correct" in any sense of the word. In fact, that is His prerogative to not be what we want Him to be. I think it mostly is the issue we have in general with not asking the Gods who They want to be shown as and would rather write Them into our own narratives ourselves.
I know that was likely more information than you ever wanted and I apologize in advance for the long ramble but I felt like this was an important post to make. I hope it helps you feel more at ease, though.
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idiotlovesongs · 1 year
i wanna talk about being latino (mexican and colombian) in bandom, specifically being a fan of ptv.
as we all know, bandom is so very fucking white. sure you can go looking for specifically poc bands, but the majority of the popular bands are white with one or two people of color in the band and they are either white passing or get treated fucking weirdly by fans because white fans don't know how to interact with their poc idols normally (not that they interact with their white idols normally but it's a bad weird when it comes to poc).
most bands are sexualized but with ptv it felt particularly gross in the way it was tied to the fact that they were mexican. they were and are hot, don't get me wrong, but did the term sexican have to be so fucking popularized?? the fact that they were latinos was really fetishized in a way that white artists really didn't get. i remember someone talking about how the only reason they got a girlfriend in middle school was because in between getting called a beaner and a wetback, she was also called a sexican. it gave emo and alt people almost a right to fetishize latinos, specifically mexicans. and emo latinos just had to sit and take it because it was the only love we really got from such a largely white fanbase. a lot of memes around them (at least the ones that i remember, the ones that stuck with me) were kind of racist and stereotyped them. not to say ptv didn't make those kind of jokes from time to time, but it's different when it's coming from your own people rather than some person on the internet who is probably white.
i really fucking love ptv. it was so nice to finally look and see someone like me up on stage playing music for you. it was nice getting recognition from other people that we could also fucking do that. it gave us something to be. and i grew up around a lot of poc, but i always identified more with fandom spaces and bandom cause i was a weird emo child with a fucked up sense of sexuality and gender. i experienced that sense of other from my irl community and then in bandom spaces because most people were white. i wasn't totally conscious of the effects until i noticed in my writing that all my characters (and i do mean all) were white. Do you know how embarrassed I felt? How ashamed I felt? How it still feels so fucking shitty? that shit sticks with you. how is it that i was so entrenched in a white community that i forgot that i existed? that people like me existed. ptv really helped pull me out of that.
rpf is bandom was and is a big thing. if you were gay or questioning in middle school and you were emo, you read rpf. that's just how it fucking goes. i read maybe like one or two from bands that i liked, but the ones that i fucking devoured involved vic fuentes. yeah most of the writers were white and fetishized him, but it was still nice to have someone there that looked like me. idk if other poc can relate to this, but i always feel super uncomfortable walking into a room and have there be only white people. it makes you feel alienated as fuck. having vic and the rest of ptv in these digital spaces made me feel less alone subconsciously. again, this works were definitely a little racist and homophobic but i wasn't super picky back then and i had yet to unpack some internalized issues.
a little sidenote that i've noticed is that people talk about gender envy a lot when it comes to white members in bandom, but i've seem almost no one talk about it when it comes to ptv. maybe i'm just on the wrong side of tumblr, but i've very rarely seen someone say shit about ptv giving them gender envy and they are so fucking gender. literally fuck y'all. the day another white twink gives me gender envy is a cold day in hell. i went to mexico and got it so fucking often because i finally saw what my actual fucking face could be. i saw my features on guys and wanted to fucking crawl into their skins just to see how it would feel. and the gender euphoria i got at everyone saying i looked just like my dad was literally unreal. and yeah i got told i was the female version but it was so fucking close. i felt like i could fucking taste it. tangent over.
this is not to say ptv were always amazing and helpful to the community. i mean, they definitely catered to a white audience. i still remember watching their music videos and wondering why all the actors were white. they were the only poc in most of their old music videos. i particularly took note of the fact that there were poc in the music video of pass the nirvana because they quite literally had none before. i still remember the day i watched bulls in the bronx and wondering why they didn't have latinos in a music video for a song that was so tied to their latin roots. i get that latinos come in all different shades, but they are always picking the palest shade?? come on.
and i acknowledge that ptv probably didn't have control of the actors chosen for their mvs, but it still demonstrates the issues in bandom and how even in their own music videos they are kind of othered. i know if i was in a band, i would at least try to push for one actor to be visibly latino or some other poc. but like i said, they could very well just have no control over this and it's someone else pulling the strings for their music videos. it just felt kind of shitty to look at their music videos and see that even their they were the only latinos in the space.
sidenote, being latino and emo is fucking hard. being emo is seen as a white thing and, if your peers don't make fun of you, your family and community sure fucking will. i was in mexico and had my hair dyed bright red (which is admittedly an attention grabber) and you have no idea the amount of stares i got in my dad's pueblo. kids, parents, grandparents, everyone looks at you and stares. i'm sure this isn't specific to latinos, but i'm talking about my personal experience. my uncle, who had admittedly been kind of creepy and weird, kind of stopped interacting with me as much when i got my hair colored, when it became very visibly obvious that i was kind of alt/emo, and i definitely felt like my family was gonna talk shit as soon as i left. but that's also just how latino families are. there's always chisme. i can't imagine what it must feel like to actually live in mexico while being emo (especially in the 00s-10s) but, from what i've heard, it's not fucking fun. you're just really othered in a way that i didn't totally feel in the states because i had my friends who were also emo. i mean the mexican emo wars is such fucking proof of the difference in the way white people interacted with alt cultures and the way mexicans did.
anyways this was just me putting words to a feeling i've always had about ptv. it is by no means articulate or well crafted, but i just wanted to get this out. i really do love pierce the veil and most of their work. i always smile when i see the way their heritage influences their music and they really effected the way i see myself and my culture. i love that they got a mexican folklorico dancer to dance with them on stage for bulls in the bronx. it seriously warmed my heart to see them embrace us that way and honestly makes me wanna fucking cry. don't come at me because this shit is half assed. i know it is. it is just me talking about my experience and feelings and what i've heard from other latinos. if you're latino too, add onto this post or message me if you want to talk about this stuff or just ptv in general. white people, don't engage in this convo. it is not about you and i don't care about your opinion on the latino experience in bandom. other poc are welcome to talk about their experiences too. was there a band like this that y'all had and how did that impact you guys' perspective of yourself and your culture?
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ani-coolgirl · 7 months
Sorry, show's over, folks. Every First Time can't continue because this episode (07x07, The Mentalists) pissed me off so much that I can't even begin thinking on a way to turn this into something sweet, hot, and/or gay.
So this is after Sam finds out Dean killed Amy in the previous episode, right? And Dean is so butthurt that Sam is still mad at him. It's super embarrassing for him. When Dean coincidentally runs into him as breakfast joint near the beginning, Dean manages to babble out 141 words before Sam manages even one. And when he does:
SAM: "Dean--" DEAN: "Oh, he speaks."
Like, what the hell? What are you, Dean, a parent whose kid doesn't talk to them anymore after they turn 18 because of constant comments like that? And then there's this little exchange:
DEAN: "Look, I get it. There are certain people in this world, no matter how dangerous they are, you just can't." SAM: "Don't pull that card! That's bull. Look, if I've learned one thing, it's that if something feels wrong, it probably is!" DEAN: "Usually, yeah. But killing Amy was not wrong. You couldn't do it, so I did. That's what family does--the dirty work. And I woulda told you, eventually, once I knew that this whole 'waving a gun at Satan' thing was a one-time show. I think it's reasonable to want to know that you're off the friggin' high dive, Sam. You almost got us both killed, so you can be pissed all you want, but quit being a bitch."
I know they didn't kill the witches from a few episodes back because they couldn't, but guess what! They also had a body count of four and those victims were totally innocent people! Unlike Amy who, as far as we can tell, killed total scumbags to save her dying child. And Dean is the one who gets a message from Ellen in the beyond telling him he needs to let someone know how bad he's feeling? Are they serious? Is this a fucking joke? Not to mention the implied victim-blaming when it comes to Sam and his hallucinations. Oh, I'm sorry, are the side-effects of Sam throwing himself into a box with the devil to save the fucking world inconvenient to you Dean??? And who wants to be that Dean's full of shit when he says he would have told Sam eventually? Oh, yeah, I'm sure.
And then they have Sam fucking agree with him!!
SAM: "Look, you know what? Um... You were right. About Amy. If she was... just any monster, I'm not sure I could have let her walk away. I don't know. I mean, I'll never know."
That's right! We'll never know! But you know what? I'm sorta willing to believe that Sam might have given her the benefit of the doubt! And he sure as shit wouldn't have let her kid to fend for his fucking self.
And then there's this cherry on top of the shit Sunday:
DEAN: "And as far as how I been acting... I don't know. Maybe it's 'cause I don't like lying to you. You know, it doesn't feel right. So, yeah, you got me there. I been climbing the walls."
Awww, Dean's feeling sad and drinking because he's a fucking liar?? BOO0-FUCKING-HOO. They really did everything in their power to make it so Dean didn't really have to apologize, huh? I'm just tearing my hair out over this. Sam's feelings are completely minimized, brushed aside, and even made to look foolish throughout this episode. And, again, as a reminder, he's mad about HIS BROTHER KILLING HIS FRIEND AND THEN LYING ABOUT IT. Why are you mad about that, Sam? That's stupid, come on. Just get over it. :/
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ankhlesbian · 1 year
sentai yuri be upon thee
Fandom: Super Sentai
Pairing: Umika/Shiho (lightly)
Rating/Length: G, ~1k words
AO3 Link: here
Three small scenes to expand Episode 17 to give Umika bit more focus (and to add a bit more gay subtext).
Umika becomes friends with a girl who is infatuated with Keiichiro and agrees to help with her crush, but first, they must face a Gangler with the power of trapping people within their dreams. Umika is reminded of better times, and of why she fights in the first place. (The timestamps are for where in the ep it’d go)
Umika checked her phone. 4:21. She slid it back into her apron pocket. She scrubbed at a table aggressively. She dried the table aggressively. She checked her phone. 4:22. Umika groaned, collapsing onto the table and pressing her forehead to the cool surface.
“What’s taking them so long?”
Kairi snickered at her plight, as unhelpful as always.
“There’s still plenty of time,” Touma reminded her coolly, unruffled even as he worked diligently to make the romantic meal Umika had begged him to cook. Mana would confess as planned, and then the two of them could have at least one short date together before Mana had to dash off to the airport.
“Don’t you guys even care what happens? You’re as heartless as Keiichiro is!”
“I think you just care too much,” drawled Kairi. “They barely know each other, and she still has to leave whether she confesses or not. It won’t change anything.”
“It could! Mana deserves the chance to see where her feelings could lead her.”
Mana’s empty house, with the garden tended to so carefully, with that record-player to fill the silence, with that piano she sat at all alone… Mana was lonely, she could tell. Umika had been lonely too, until by random chance she had been assigned to sit behind a girl named Shiho in elementary school. If they hadn’t started talking, Umika didn’t know where she’d be today. Well, Shiho might be somewhere better, but Umika certainly wouldn’t be.
Kairi pursed his lips. “Just don’t get your hopes up, okay? I really don’t think Kei-chan is the right kind of man for this sort of thing.”
She turned to face him, cheek plopping onto the table. “He could have hidden depths.”
“Anything is possible.” agreed Touma.
Kairi squinted at him. “Say, aren’t you agreeing to all this a little too easily?”
Umika perked up. Yeah, it was a little strange. Especially since she had made him shoo all the other customers out of Jurer early for this.
“Ah, you were engaged weren’t you, Touma? So there must be a romantic bone in your body somewhere.”
Touma turned away to stir something on the stove.
“I’m simply doing Umika a favor.”
Kairi clearly smelled weakness. “So, Touma, who proposed to who? Did you do something cheesy for her? Something embarrassing? Something like-”
Touma was freed from interrogation by the door clanging open, an eager Sakuya shoving at a confused Keiichiro’s shoulders. Right, she had a mission here!
Umika looked around, confused. Grassy green hills, trees, and… her uniform. 
“Why am I in this uniform?” 
That wasn’t right, was it? She had been doing something important, but she couldn’t remember what…
“Umika!” Umika blinked. Shiho was waving a hand in front of her face. “Don’t space out! The restaurant’s gonna fill up if we don’t get going. It’s not every day you get a free meal.” Shiho grabbed her hand and pulled her forward into a run, pigtails bobbing behind her.
Right, they were going to celebrate Shiho’s manga debuting. Except… “Hey! I’m the one who’s paying, got it?” She puffed out her cheeks. Shiho turned back to look at her and smiled, pink lips barely visible behind her rainbow colored scarf.
“Alright, but I’m covering it next time. I’m gonna have an income, after all.” Shiho tugged them onwards, winding through the woods along some sort of path known only to her. They passed by a man eating ramen, a woman hugging stuffed animals… it sure was a strange place. She almost wanted to stop and see what was happening, but they had something important to do, and Shiho’s hand was just so warm.
But that… wasn’t right, was it? It had been winter when she had won her award. Shiho even had her scarf on. Umika stopped.
“Eh? Umika? What’s wrong?” Shiho turned around and leaned in, pressing the back of her free hand to Umika’s forehead. “Are you sick?”
Shiho’s hands shouldn’t be so warm. An image flashed in Umika’s head. A block of ice, encasing Shiho. Shiho, in the ice, frozen, shattering into a million pieces. Umika jerked away, sucking in a breath of air.
“Shiho-chin. It’s not really you, is it?” Her voice cracked. She knew deep down that it was true, even without a reply. She had watched it happen. It had been all her fault, after all. The fake Shiho tried to speak, but Umika remembered now. The Gangler, the dream world.
Shiho faded away into a wave of yellow energy. Umika wiped at her face and slapped her cheeks with both palms.
“Wake up! This is no time to be dreaming!” The pain didn’t wake her up, unfortunately. That’d be too simple. She’d probably need to break her way out. She checked her pockets, but there was no VS Changer on her in this realm. All she had on her was her wallet and other equally useless odds and ends; a pen, a charm, a ribbon. She would have to hope one of the Patrangers had a dream that included a weapon. Relying on others to save her once again…
Well, she couldn’t help it this time. It wasn’t her fault this Gangler had such an inconvenient ability. She gathered her thoughts and scanned the horizon. The people they had passed… that had definitely been Tsukasa, right? The others couldn’t be far off. She took off running.
Umika couldn’t believe him. And after all that work she had done to end things as quickly as possible, too!
She shoved the flowers and the bag with the record at his chest.
“Why didn’t you go to the airport? Mana was waiting for you.”
She wasn’t sure what answer she wanted. She wasn’t sure there was one that she could accept. To his credit, Keiichiro didn’t flinch. He looked directly at her.
“I can’t pursue two things at once.” He declared. “I’m too awkward.”
Kairi had been right, in the end. Umika looked away first, frowning.
It didn’t make sense. Fighting for something as intangible as public safety and world peace… Umika didn’t think she was a bad person. It’s not like she wanted others to get hurt. But she wanted to be safe. She wanted her friends to be safe. She had wanted to go to dinner with Shiho, to read the next chapter of her manga over her shoulder as she drew it, to attend graduation together, maybe even to go to college. If that was selfish of her, so be it.
Not wanting to pursue two things at once, she could understand. She was really only after one thing herself, just like the other Lupinrangers. But to choose the path where you had to stand alone, to choose a path where you pushed others away, didn’t even give them a chance to reach out to you… it was so unbearably lonely, so unfair to Mana.
“I don't understand! You’re terrible!”
She turned away. This was just another thing that separated them from the Patrangers, no matter how well they all got along out of uniform.
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hearteyedbunny · 6 months
2 5 19 44 and 60 for any ship u want? ☺️
yay! i think im just gonna alternate on whatever ship feels right for the question :)
What would they do if the other woke in a manic state after a nightmare?
danse/art - ouughhh this happens quite often actually. both of them have frequent nightmares. if art has a nightmare, danse grounds him by talking to him. just about anything and everything, art isnt really listening but the sound of danse's voice keeps him steady and lets him focus on something. art also needs to touch something to ground himself, so he will probably stroke danse's arm until he can breathe again. sometimes tho art just needs to be alone and have some space to himself, so danse allows him that as well when he needs it.
for when danse has nightmares...hm. he probably doesnt show fear very often, so its hard for him to open up and show that part of himself to art. but art is there for him, just holding him and petting his back or his hair soothingly. i can also see danse needing to just, get up and do something to distract himself bc he cant go back to sleep. so maybe art joins him in doing whatever so that he isnt alone
Describe their cozy night in
shane/me - u KNOW me and shane will take any excuse to stay in and cuddle haha. we'd cuddle up with some snacks on the couch, sharing a blanket while shane plays a video game and i just watch while i lean on him <3 even better if its raining outside!!! thats the good shit
How do they feel about PDA?
danse/me - danse does not like pda at all, actually. its not that hes embarrassed or anything, he just likes to keep things...private? i suppose? im okay with some pda, like holding hands or a quick peck on the cheek, but im not super big on it either so its okay
Who would dance in the kitchen making dinner? Would the other join in or watch from the doorway?
mulder/me - ohhh this screams mulder. he'd have some music playing softly while he makes dinner and id catch him dancing around the kitchen a lil hehehe. i dont dance, but id waltz around the kitchen with him for a minute or two before i got embarrassed ,,, he'd wrap his arm around my waist and pull me close and look down at me with that stupid smile. AUGH....
Who pulls the other closer when they’re sleeping?
danse/me - i feel like even in his sleep danse would want me close to him..........subconsciously pulling me closer bc he wants to protect me and always have me by his side........i am gay
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sluttypuppy69 · 1 year
The day I switched
One day two of my straight roommates had invited their girlfriends for cards against humanity and was guilted to leave my room and join them. Everyone has been drinking/smoking except for one of the girls (DD and/or fastfood Runner) So no surprise the card game got boring and the girls got everyone into playing Never have I ever. The game was interesting by having the rules if you didn't do it you put a finger down/have a drink and last one with any fingers up wins. I think the girl that was the most drunk of us all shamelessly did not hold back (even got me thinking I should try out the being straight thing) and honestly probably the best way to win. With everyone else including me down too 1 or 2 fingers Lil miss drunk porn star said "Had Sex With More Than One Person in one night" both roommates lost at the same time leaving me and the girls still in.My faded ass roommates immediately looked in my direction yelling "Bullshit", "put that last finger down!", "I've never seen you bring girls to your room" the other one upped him "Girls? He hasn't brought even one guy over!" Besides my mom and sister those two are the only ones I've told that I sleep with guys sometimes. I immediately wanted to say "I was grateful with you two accepting me and didn't want to make it uncomfortable by bringing a guy over just for sex" but instead was surrounded by the wide eyed girls like I was a celebrity or mythical creature bombarded by questions I wouldn't dare answer sober. Kinda funny that the girls after knowing were so engaged and the dudes were distant/quite/uninterested. Sober girl must have noticed too and teased them "what did you ask him when you y'all found out?" Without any hesitation I said "yeah just one, you're not going to try anything funny with me Right?" The girls bawled out laughing and tearing up and I swear I can feel the heat of embarrassment from my roommates red faces. Oh the drunk insecure toxic masculinity, roommate grabbed his girl and snarked "when was the last time you had any again" (Shit, so they were listening to me) "Like over a year since I've moved here in [redacted] but like I already mentioned that the fact that I've lost count with how many people I've slept I needed a break". I'm not a lip reader but in the moment I know he mouthed a drawn out "right". His girl must have saw it to and pulled away saying "I think you need another beer" while snatching his empty bottle and b-lining to the kitchen. He followed her stuttering that he could have gotten it himself. "WE ARE OUT ALREADY???!!!" echoed from the empty fridge. Sober girl with keys already twirling in hand shouting "You buy, I fly". No response from the kitchen for a while, Drunk girl brought her (yes he was hard, I only looked briefly.... Respectfully) seduced boyfriend back to the living room and handed his keys to his SUV to sober chick saying we are all going to a club called the [redacted]. "Isn't that a gay club?" the other roommate looking dumbfounded. " I'm being used as an excuse for the girls to experience a gay club, I should be upset buuuuuut. I low-key have been curious to go but too much of an introvert to go alone, got free ride there, somebody paid for my entry fee. My original party sat at the restaurant section to order food, told em I wasn't hungry and wanted too check out the rest of the club. While roaming around seeming like I was alone I didn't know it would attract sexual predators that offered tampered mixed drinks. The super touchy older looking man that have gotten me like 3 drinks complimented on how great I can hold my liquor before getting up for another. So now I'm at a gay club drunk out of my mind, and starting to get really hot and horny distracting from even questioning this abnormal irresistible urge of needing to be fucked. Somehow recognized a drop dead gorgeous blonde from the Psychiatric Ward (I guess the sexual tension from when we meet there never left) and we started dirty dancing, sloppy unsynchronized grinding, swallowing each other's faces. I reached down his pants and showed my hands into his underwear and started stroking his cock, I completely forgot or didn't care that there was literally other people dancing all around us. He yelled into my ear asking "You want me to FUCK YOU?!!!" I yelled something back at his ear "YOU'RE SO FUCKING HOT DUDE!!!!" He started asking how did i get here and I said with friends and grabbed my arm and put it over his shoulder and his arms around my waist and started helping me find them. That was the first time I've ever been embraced like that and I couldn't understand why I was liking it. My straight acting mind was conflicting that NO YOU SHOULDN'T LIKE THIS ITS FEMININE TO BE MANHANDLE TAKE HIS ARM OFF YOUR WASTE AND DO IT TO HIM. Not being sober made it easy to just ignorea my negative cognitive thinking (yeah only took alcohol and drugs to finally enjoy myself). This eye candy finally got me reunited with my party and made it very clear to them that "HE NEEDS TO GET HOME NOW, HE SAID HES HAD TO MUCH TO DRINK". I didn't argue because the truth was I wanted him in my bed so I can rail his dick inside me, I mean the other way around? Even drunk I knew my friends wouldn't want to hear that or let alone take me home for it either. So I let sexy man take control (seriously why am I liking being taken care off) for now. So it turns out he's friend brought him there and told me he let him know he's coming with me and that he'll text him to pick him up later, while my friends are wondering where he was going to sit. (MY MIND IS RACING BECAUSE I WANTED TO GO WITH HIM TO HAVE SEX AWAY FROM HOME BUT MY SLOW DRUNK ASS REALIZED I ALREADY AGREED THAT MY PLACE IS TOTALLY FINE) He sits on my lap (why did I want to be the one sitting on his lap), "you're really stocky, and I don't mean it in a bad way it's just my twig legs would snap under all the muscle" I just stupidly nodded my head in agreement because horny. He said my name in a surprised way then said in a sexual way "why do I feel something poking my leg?" The girls went "uououououo" and the guys said "really?" Him and I started laughing, locked eyes and started making out roughly. (FUCK WHY AM I SO ROCK HARD FOR THIS GUY, ITS THE BLONDE HAIR ISN'T, AND BABY BLUE EYES......DID HE JUST SUCK ON MY FAT LOWER LIP? UGH THAT FELT GOOD WHY HAS NO ONE DONE THAT BEFORE) I really can't remember or care how everyone reacted to me basically borderline having gay sex but still fully clothed (I know I have to have let some grunts slip) but somehow make it back to the apartment. Everything kinda slows down, me and him are talking about whatever in the dining room table. It's to late for the girls to go home so they crash in their boyfriend's rooms and the sober one sleeps in the living room futon. As everyone starts getting ready to sleep he notices my obvious huge bulge and feels it up and down a bit I'm wearing jeans so it's a little tight, but leaves nothing to the imagination) then he leans in with a concerned look on his face whispering "you do remember me mentioning to you before back at the ward that I can only top". I could feel heat and sweat swelling on my hole between my ass cheeks at the thought of bottoming for him, "duh" I lied. "Did I not mention that I'm a bottom at the ward, I lied again. He hints at the only door open and I nod and we go into my room (forgot to lock the door) I'm drunk AF and having a hard time taking my clothes off , he helps take off my shoes, then socks, and somehow jeans and before he can take my shirt off my door opens. I instinctively cover my rager, and it's my roommate looking at my guest and being extremely awkward "oh you're sleeping here, sorry my bad" and at first glance it looked like he was slamming my door but stopped just a hair before closing and then turning the nob to minimize noise and letting go slowly that I if a pin dropped you would have heard it even with this apartment carpeting. Before I could let go of a "wtf" the sexy stud gets up and locks the door, all I could let out is a measly apologetic thank you. He smiles and says that it happens and proceeds to start stripping all his clothes off. (MY DRUNK SLUTTY BRAIN IS RACING) I got myself up and took my shirt off. He let out a quick howl "your hairy af wolfman" while making himself comfortable on my bed by squeezing some lube on his hot rod. I let out a playful growl at his compliment and looked down at his fully erect cock that was going to go inside me. (my libido went........ out of control ) I was unable to resist ripping off my underwear and throw a leg over him to position my ass against his cock and aggressively start making out with him. My breathing gets notably louder as I start to slide my ass up and down against his slick cock coating up my hungry hole with lube completely.
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rotisseries · 1 year
elio is symbolized as like more of a object of desire. and something to taint/something oliver is afraid of tainting. like oliver obviously likes him (not at all obvious at first tbh) but there's this whole scene where elio's father is looking at some sculptures with oliver and oliver goes "these are all incredibly sensual." and elios father says black blah Hellenistic period, "muscles are firm. look at his stomach for example. not a straight body in these statues they're all curved. sometimes impossibly curved. and so nonchalant. hence their ageless ambiguity. as if they're daring you to desire them." and they had already kissed by then, but oliver kept pulling away because he's looking at this like it's bad (like i'm kinda neutral on the age gap it's not as big of a thing as it's made out to be. just larger implications lmao) and he says "and we've been good. we haven't done anything to be ashamed of. and that's a good thing. i wanna be good." it's like. elio is like his temptation. like it doesn't really seem that way overall but. BIG PICTURE... with all the fruit motif & talk of goodness and desire. well. he even tells elio "do you know how happy i am we slept together?" "i don't know" "of course you don't know...i don't want you to regret anything. and i hate the thought that maybe i may have messed you up or...i don't want either one of us to pay for this" like there's some sort of divine punishment coming his way. or that elio feels like bad now. and it's largely around being queer than the age gap is how i read it tbh. idk what period it is but they don't have mobile phones and they just have radios and landlines it seems.  and later oliver talks about how elio is lucky for his accepting parents. that his dad would have shipped him off to a camp. so elio saying "i'm -i'm not gonna tell anyone" was less a. i'm 17 and ur an adult than. we had gay sex last night. yk? it's just like the whole thing pushing and pulling it kills me bc i feel like elio was more. um. sexually involved yk as a teenager and oliver more genuinely liked him which is where i think people are like hmm. but. when ur a teenager. sometimes u show it through. sexuality. but like. that's the problem but it's not really a problem. i'm babbling rn. oh and the apricot scene. really been chewing it up in my brain. got nothing lmao. it's not like. it wasn't like super weird. teenagers are gonna shit like that but people are like :(( he threw a temper tantrum. bruh it was like a 2 minute scene and he cried for like 2 seconds and wiped his tears and apologized and it was just like. too much lmao bc he was sad that oliver was leaving like that's all. like he said i don't want you to leave or whatever. oliver was not making fun of him or anything elio was just like. embarrassed 😭. like ok u can call it immature but . idk. i wrote an essay damn.  yeah that's like my iffys. like it wasn't bad really i just have a brain and know that it wasn't exactly hm healthy. 
i feel like i missed stuff but. um. u can ask questions 😭? i could be reading it wrong. was not as bad as some ppl made it out to me. but like elio is distinctly a 17 yr old. i'm not saying the gap is good by any means the movie however wasn't Bad. this is fiction not real life blah blah i understand that fiction chan give me biases tho. i feel the need to disclaim that for some reason. i'm not an english professor im just some gay teen on the internet who watched this too late at night.
akajdjfks ok. I don't really have any questions but if you do have more to say feel free
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The redheaded stranger next door chapter 2
This is unedited I’m just throwing it into the void I’ll probably come back and make changes later 🤷‍♀️
Across the city, Peter hurried towards the sound of the sirens , webbing up his camera and setting the timer to snag a swinging shot habitually, not even having to look at his camera as he assessed the situation unfolding below him.
Back in Queens, Mj was clicking through the photos he had just taken, wishing she could use him for all her future modeling gigs. He really had a way of capturing his model perfectly. Each photo he had taken was perfectly framed and lit, and flattering too, Not one single blooper. She scrolled through the frames, mentally picking out 3 or 4 photos for each outfit to use in the listing to sell them.
She made it to the first look they shot, the red dress Peter seemed to like so much. She wasn't usually a vain woman, Despite her career. instead she was quick to find all her flaws and even she had to admit the photos made the dress look perfect for her. She lingered on it for a moment , the light from behind her created a neat looking lense flare. She chewed at her lip as she thought about the way he had been looking at her before he took that photo.
His fingers had gently grasped her shoulders to position her, sending shockwaves through her entire body. She had blushed and tried to slow her racing heart by habitually fiddling with her hair and tucking it back when he took the photo. She could see the flush in her cheeks clearly on the screen of his laptop. Embarrassed, she tried to click back to the photos she had posed properly for, accidentally clicking forward and landing on a photo of Spider-Man swinging in to stop some villain dressed like a rhino, she clicked once more, feeling curious and she stumbled upon a picture of a younger peter and a beautiful blonde in a clearly romantic embrace.
“Oh shit” she muttered and clicked back the first photo of herself, not wanting to snoop on her new neighbor and ruin their budding friendship. That was clearly all it was, she tried not to feel a disappointed. He looked incredibly happy in the photo ,so she recalibrated and decided to look at him through the lens of friendship, only.
He wasn’t like the usual guys she had spent time with in the past, having dated mostly jocks and douchey theater guys, and most of her model friends that were guys were either gay or worse than the theatre guys, with a few rare exceptions. There was something about the awkward nerd next door that drew her in. Maybe it was how he constantly made her laugh, his sense of humor was sarcastic and wicked, catching her off guard and making her giggle. Though he often stammered when he got excited or nervous, he never seemed to hesitate to speak his mind . Whether that was his convictions or his lack of impulse control she wasn’t sure. He was so smart it intimidated her a little, but she loved the way he patiently explained things to her, never making her feel stupid for not knowing, and just glad she asked him. He was a good friend to have, so she wasn’t going to mess it up by hoping for more.
MJ was busying herself with little tasks around her apartment while she waited for Peter to get back with their food. She had gone through her mail pile and was watering her plants when she heard the front door to her apartment swing open. “Hey-sorry it took so long-” he panted out, setting the bag of food on the kitchen counter and pausing to suck in a deep breath. “Are you okay?” she asked with a concerned expression on her face as she took in the sweat dripping from his brow. She moved to join him in the kitchen “The train was down-” he started again with a sheepish smile. “So you ran the whole way here?” she joked and opened the paper bag holding their food and started to pull out their order and set it on the table.
He chuckled sheepishly and nodded. “The line was super long picking up food, I felt bad making you wait so long, so when the train was down I rented one of those scooters. I used to skateboard so I thought it would be easy, did you know how much work they are? I thought it was gonna just cruise along but it was exhausting.” he was rambling, trying to cover his tracks and she simply shrugged. “You’re bleeding a little, did you eat some concrete?” she asked him and handed him a napkin from the bag. “Shit- am I? I hit the curb and wiped out pretty hard.” he lied, heart racing. “You must not have been very good at skateboarding then?” she teased and popped open the lid on her tray, and grabbed a fork. He laughed and nodded sheepishly.
“Well I hope you worked up an appetite, because they accidentally tripled our wontons.” she tossed him one of the three containers and laughed as he nearly fumbled it. They turned on a ghost hunting show she loved and enjoyed their food in comfortable silence, before getting back to the shoot. She had 5 more outfits left and because of her experiences on set and the few runway events she had done, she was a master at the quick change.
While Peter was getting his camera set back up Mj moved to her closet and slipped into a blue velvet miniskirt and a sheer top with a bralette underneath. When she came back into the living room, Peter had been taking a sip of his beer and nearly choked on it, dribbling a bit down his chin. He cleared his throat and wiped his chin, offering her an apologetic smile. “Wow MJ…You look amazing” he said hoarsely, taking another sip to soothe his throat and shut him up .
She smiled and raked her fingers through her hair “thanks a million Pete, you ready to get back to it?” She asked as she stepped back into the well lit corner he had previously posed her in. They cruised through the last looks easily, and the redhead marveled at how quickly he had learned how to capture her better than any photographer she had previously worked with.
A week later Peter catches her in the hallway after a photoshoot, they made small talk for a moment, discussing the website he planned to list her outfits on before her stomach gurgling interrupted. He had chuckled and invited her in, claiming he had just warmed up a bunch of lasagna his aunt had sent him home with. Having never seen his place, and being starving after a long day on set with a pathetic excuse for a craft table, MJ readily accepted the offer of a home cooked meal. He swung open the door to his studio, “Ladies first.” he insisted and she rolled her eyes but walked ahead of him, taking in the small space quickly.
His bed sat in the far corner near a desk with an impressive computer setup. A ratty futon was in front of the television and a coffee table stood between them, covered in mail. “Sorry about the mess, I don't get a lot of guests.” he told her with a laugh as he led the way to the kitchen, where he turned his focus to the oven. She smiled and followed him, moving to sit on the counter top. She was busy taking in the small space when she noticed a spiderman magnet on his fridge. Among the chinese and indian restaurants takeout menus she spotted a polaroid of him and the same blonde she had seen in the photo on his laptop.
“Wow, Peter. Your girlfriend is gorgeous.” she couldn't stop herself from saying. It was true the blonde was stunning with bright green eyes and a beautiful smile. He glanced up at her curiously , brows furrowed as he tried to figure out what she was talking about. He followed her line of sight to the fridge, his breath catching in his throat. She noticed his hesitation and pursed her lips, wondering if she had said something wrong.
“Oh…that’s Gwen.” he started slowly, clearly choosing his words carefully. “We met in highschool…You’re right, she’s gorgeous and smart and funny too.” he told her with a wry smile, getting lost in thought for a moment. The redhead nodded “She sounds great, does she live in the city still? I don't have many friends here and I would love to meet her.” she offered with a friendly smile. Peter's smile fell and he shook his head. “I wish you could, I think she would really like you… She passed away after graduation. Spiderman tried to save her-but he couldn’t get there in time. “ Peter got choked up and had to stop.
In an instant Mj jumped off the counter and wrapped him in her arms delicately. “Oh Peter, I had no idea,I’m so sorry” she said softly, rubbing her palm over his back comfortingly. He had been holding back his emotions before but he seemed to fall apart at her touch. He hugged her back tightly and sniffled into her shoulder until the timer on his oven beeped. They broke apart and he chuckled sheepishly, wiping at his eyes. “Sorry about trauma dumping on you.” he joked as he put on oven mitts and pulled the dish from the oven. “Don’t worry about it, someday I’ll return the favor and tell you about my sister, I lost her last year.” she offered with an understanding smile.
“How do you honor her, your sister I mean?” he asked as he loaded two plates with lasagna and grabbed two forks. “On her birthday I like to light one of those paper lanterns. I also like to watch our favorite shows. She loved Criminal Minds so I usually watch a few episodes, and eat our favorite junk food. “ She told him with a sad smile. “I think I would like to do something like that for Gwen,'' he said softly. “I have a few of those lanterns left over, from the last time my aunt and I celebrated her birthday…If you wanted one. No pressure. I know everyone grieves in their own way.” She offered and he nodded gratefully.
MJ was exhausted but she couldn’t sleep, so she clambered out onto the fire escape. She pulled her hair up into a messy bun and sat on the cold metal, leaning back against the brick of the building and looking out at the city. Her night at the diner had been miserable, they were understaffed so it was just her and the cook and the busboy in the back for half of it. One of her regulars had been inappropriate and the cook had to kick him out, making her feel on edge the rest of the shift. The redhead pulled a small metal case from her pocket and popped it open, pulling a tightly rolled joint from it before closing the case and stowing it again.
She held it between her teeth and was looking for her lighter when she heard a thud, like someone had jumped on the roof of the building. She located the lighter and glanced upward hopefully, secretly wishing it was Spiderman who was using their building as a brief refuge from the city and not another potential thief or neighbor throwing a party “Hello?” she called out curiously, pulling the unlit joint from her lips as she moved to grab onto and lean over the railing slightly to peer upward and investigate the sound. She heard a creak from the metal ladder below her, jumping back slightly as she saw a familiar silhouette climbing up towards her. “Peter? Is that you?”
“Hiya” he offered sheepishly as he joined her on their fire escape. “Why are you coming in this way? Did you lose your keys?” she teased playfully, bringing the joint back up to her lips. “I got mugged actually” he stammered as MJ flicked the lighter to light her joint, she finally saw his face, crooked nose , bruises and cuts illuminated by the flickering flame. “Holy shit, Pete. We should get you to a hospital “she gasped, tucking the joint behind her ear and moving to stand closer and examine him. He shook his head “No hospitals, please?” he begged and she sighed heavily “Fine, follow me, I’ll get you fixed up.” she told him in an authoritative tone he hadn’t heard from her yet, so he obeyed.
She climbed back in through the window, and busied herself with gathering her first aid kit. “Easy tiger” she called out as Peter tumbled in through the window gracelessly, though she noticed he was careful enough not to break anything. She glanced over at him as he made it to the couch, worry etched into her features as she saw blood starting to stain his shirt sleeve. “It’s really not that bad, I swear.” he told her, but she could tell from the way he was clenching his teeth that he was lying. “Take your shirt off.” she directed him in a no nonsense tone as she joined him on the couch with a large box full of medical supplies.
“That’s quite a kit.” he observed as he shucked his teeshirt and dropped it to the floor. She let out another sigh as she took in the damage. His nose was clearly broken and he bore bruises along his ribs and jaw. His lip was busted and there was a wound on his arm that was going to need a few stitches. She shrugged “My aunt is a nurse at Forest Hills, she insisted I be prepared for anything so I know how to set some bones, stitch up smaller wounds, stuff ike that. This might sting a bit” she told him as she pulled what she needed from her kit and began cleaning his wounds before getting to the tougher parts. “My aunt works there too, maybe they know each other.” he offered casually, as if he wasn’t battered and bleeding on her couch.
“Maybe. You should grab onto something I need to set your nose.” she said softly and he let out a grunt , tightening his grip on the arm of her couch but he didn’t complain as she did. “You’re a good patient.” She told him as she pulled out the medical thread and needle. “This part is going to suck.” she informed him and he scoffed. “Because the rest was just sunshine and daisies.”he joked and she cracked the first smile of the night. “It’s not too deep, I'll be as quick as I can. Just stay really still.” she warned as she threaded the needle, tongue poking out from between her teeth as she got to work stitching him up. He hissed and muttered a quiet ‘fuck’ but sat perfectly still as she tended to his wounds.
“Thank you, for this.” he told her when she had finished stitching and wrapping his wounds. She offered him a soft smile. “Don’t thank me yet, it hasn’t healed. But I’m sure you would do the same for me, If I was too stupid and stubborn to go to a hospital.” she teased. “You can crash on my couch, if you don’t want to stay at your place until you can get the locks changed.” she offered and he looked confused for a moment before nodding and accepting her offer.
“So how was your day? Better than mine I hope but I did catch you sneaking a smoke break which I don’t think I’ve noticed you do before, so it probably wasn’t great, right? ” he asked curiously as they sat on her couch eating warmed up chicken nuggets she had found in her freezer when fishing out an ice pack for him. “Eh, pretty shitty but not quite as bad as yours.” she conceded with a smile. “We have been understaffed lately so it was just the kitchen staff in the back, and me out front. I had a regular who is usually nice and tips well, come in drunk off his ass. He didn’t touch me but he was saying some gross shit so the cook had to kick him out. Just made me feel a little nervous all night.“ she confided, pulling the joint from behind her ear. “Thus, the need for herbal remedies.
The first time Peter came to visit Mj at work it was 12am and he looked like he had just run a marathon, breathing heavily and drenched in sweat. He wore jeans and a star wars teeshirt, carried a backpack over his shoulder and his camera was hanging from his neck. He spotted her pouring coffee to one of their patrons and waved eagerly. She smiled and handed them a menu before meeting him at the counter.
“Hiya Pete, been out shooting the friendly neighborhood spiderman?” she teased, motioning to his camera before grabbing him a cup and pouring coffee into it without asking, she could tell he was tired. She slid it over to him and he grabbed it, sipping gratefully. He nodded before swallowing. “Some super villain almost broke my camera, luckily it was just my lense. It’ll be a pain to replace but way less pricey.”
He held up the camera and removed the cracked lense. “But I got the shot first, wanna see?” he asked, powering the camera on and turning to show her the display. She tried not to look too excited as she nodded. It was a great photo, from this angle you could see Spiderman holding on to the side of a building, looking over his shoulder as a man in a trench coat with robotic arms was reaching for the camera.
“Wow, that is going to get you the front page for sure!’ Mary Jane told him as he flipped through a few more photos he had taken, including an action shot of spiderman kicking the villain in the chest and sending him flying into a parked car. She admired the photos for as long as she could before another customer needed her attention. “Stay as long as you want, coffee is on me. Let me know if you want anything to eat.” she told him before hurrying off.
He ended up ordering breakfast, and staying until 2 am when her shift ended, offering to walk her home. “I’m a big girl, I can handle myself. Plus I have spiderman on the rooftops looking out for me, but thank you” she told him with a teasing smile “Well, I’m no superhero but at least they would take my wallet and not yours.” he insisted, and she agreed, smiling as he grasped her shoulders and gently guided her out the door and back towards their shared apartment building.
When they made it to the building, he held the door open for her. She smiled and thanked him, hoisting her bag higher on her shoulder as they started the climb up the two flights of stairs to their floor. When they reached their doorways she unlocked her door before turning on her heel to face him. He tried to hide his surprise at how close she was standing by fumbling with his keys. “Thanks again, for walking me home.” she said softly, pressing a kiss to his cheek before pushing her door open and darting inside.
From then on, she saw him there at least twice a week, it became their routine to spend the end of her late shifts together, though he often had to pop out for a work call or to take photos. She mentioned being worried she was keeping him up too late, or stopping him from editing so he started bringing his tablet so he could work the counter to ease her guilt. She gave him the wifi password with a smile, making sure to stop by to check on his editing progress between checking on her tables and refilling their drinks.
After weeks of his visits to the diner, the redhead was finally convinced her crush on her nerdy neighbor was mutual. No man would stay up so late so often and waste so much time and money at a diner known for their mediocre coffee and kinda good hash browns. She enjoyed his company, but wasn’t naïve enough to believe it was due to her incredible service.
She only worked two late night shifts a week and she knew he would show up, she just never knew when, or for how long. He was reliable in his own way, but he had a job that didn’t really keep usual hours so it was easy to excuse. It was half an hour until closing when the bell above the door jingled, alerting her to a new customer. She glanced up as she refilled a regular’s coffee cup, smiling when she realized who it was. “‘Morning tiger, long day?” She teased as she poured him the usual cup of black coffee and slid it over to him.
He nodded and took a moment to savor the coffee before answering her “Work was wild today, some bird guy calling himself the vulture! It was super intense, wanna see the shot?” She nodded eagerly, enjoying the way he was always so excited to share his work with her. She wondered if his family or other friends were as encouraging of his documentation of Spider-Man.
The diner was nearly empty, so she gave him her full attention for a moment. He pulled out his camera and held up the display so she could see while he swiped through his most recent photos of the web slinging superhero at work. “These are incredible, peter.” she told him seriously “You are really talented” she added with a smile, before taking the coffee to refill the cup of the only other patron. When she glanced back at him he was wearing a big dopey grin.
10 minutes later she returned with a rag, wiping down tables and beginning the process of closing up that Peter had become familiar with. He finished his coffee and hopped down from the barstool to take it to the back and wash it in the sink, not wanting to make any more work for the dishwasher or busboy. She watched him with a smile, appreciating how he took initiative to help instead of waiting to be asked. She wasn’t very good at asking for help so it was appreciated, maybe more than he realized.
When he returned from the kitchen, the other customer had paid and left, leaving them alone in the front of the diner while the chef closed up the kitchen. She finished wiping down the counter, tossing the rag into the sink and plopping down on the barstool next to him, clearly exhausted. “Ready to head home?” he asked as he finished packing up, placing his camera into his bag for the short walk home. She nodded and leaned over the counter to grab her bag from behind it. “Hey Sal , I’m heading out, I’ll see you later.” she called towards the kitchen, earning her a grunt and wave from the cook in the back.
They took their time on the trek homeward, it was only a few blocks but they enjoyed catching up on their day during the walk so they strolled leisurely. “So Peter…” Mj began and Peter smiled at her cheekily “So MJ.” He countered teasingly, making her laugh. “I had an idea, and it's totally no big deal if you say no.” she started hesitantly “ well I can’t say yes if you don’t tell me what it is .” He teased, making her smile and gain some confidence. “I have two tickets to see this show at the forest hill stadium at the end of the week. I was supposed to go with my sister, we bought them ages ago. it’s been rescheduled twice, I was thinking about just not going, but…I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go with me?” she spoke quickly, her eyes meeting his briefly before darting to the concrete below her feet.
“ That cool outdoor venue? “ He asked, shifting his backpack to one shoulder to dig out his keys as they made it to their apartment building. “That sounds fun, I’m down.” he said, offering her a charming smile. “Can I pay you for my ticket, or at least buy our dinner before the show?” He asked as they made their way up the stairs. They made plans to eat together at one of Peter's favorite restaurants before the concert, and she forwarded him the email with the tickets. They lingered in between their doorways as the small talk died off, Peters light brown eyes searched her face for a moment, taking in the freckles and lingering on her full lips before darting up to meet her eyes. She thought for sure he was going to kiss her, when he reached for her but he awkwardly ruffled her hair instead, blurted out “have a good night “ and ducked into his apartment abruptly, leaving MJ standing baffled on her front door mat with a look of pure confusion on her face.
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waitimcomingtoo · 3 years
This is Me Trying
Part one and two
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader enemies to lovers!
Synopsis: it’s time for secrets to come out
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“How’s the project coming along?” You asked as you laid your head in Peter’s lap. You were in his room, like you always were, a month after you officially started dating.
“Just about done.” He answered you. “I made the periods bigger so we’d hit the maximum page length.”
“Ooo.” You snickered. “What a bad boy.”
“I’m really not.” He chuckled and began to play with your hair. “This is the most incriminating thing I’ve done all year.”
“I wouldn’t mind if you were.” You shrugged. “I like bad boys.”
“Do you?”
“Yeah. Remember that guy that like died in the war but then came back to life as an assassin? From a few years ago?” You asked as you looked up at him.
“The Winter Soldier?” Peter wondered.
“Yeah. Him.” You nodded. “I wanted to fuck him.”
The bluntness in your tone knocked the wind out of Peter’s chest. Nothing could have prepared him for what you had just said. You were too busy laughing to notice how shaken he was.
“W-what?” He stuttered as you sat up.
“I don’t know.” You laughed. “Like, I knew he was a murderer but I was into it. I wanted to spread him on a cracker.”
Peter pouted and folded his arms, his jealously getting the better of him.
“He’s not as strong as he looks, you know.” Peter got defensive. “And his hair is super greasy. It’s like a freaking slip and slide up there.”
“Hm. That’s a problem for me. I’m more into curls.” You smiled as you ran your fingers through his hair. “And how would you know how strong he is?”
Peter gulped, realizing he had said a little too much. Spider-Man knew how strong Bucky was, but you didn’t know about that.
“I don’t.” He lied. “I’m just assuming.”
“You don’t think he’s strong with that metal arm?” You asked as you pulled up a picture of him on your phone. “His biceps are like the size of my head.”
“They’re only bigger than mine because he’s older. A lot older.” Peter insisted. “Like, he’s geriatric.”
“Oh my God. Look at him!” You ignored Peter’s comment and showed him a picture of Bucky. “I want to suck on his thighs.”
“Ew.” Peter whined. “He’s like 400 years old.”
“So what you’re telling me is he’s experienced.” You raised your eyebrows suggestively. Peter let out an angry huff, jealousy bubbling in his stomach.
“Gross.” He groaned. “Why are you saying this in front of me? I’m your boyfriend. Not him.”
“I’m just kidding, Pete.” You chuckled and cupped his chin. “Plus, he’s basically a fictional character to us. It’s not like he’s some guy we know.”
Peter looked to the side, hating when he had to lie to you. Bucky was someone he knew personally, but you didn’t know that.
“Hm.” Peter mumbled quietly. You noticed Peter’s expression and climbed into lab, straddling his hips.
“Hey, I’m sorry.” You cupped his face and rubbed your nose against his. “I didn’t mean to make you all pouty. I’m only kidding about the Summer Soldier.”
“Winter Soldier.” Peter halfheartedly corrected you.
“Winter Soldier. See?” You shrugged. “I don’t even know his name.”
“You still said you would fuck him, though.” Peter pouted as he looked down at his lap.
“I said I wanted to. Past tense.” You corrected. “I had crush on him when I was like 14. I don’t even think of him or his thunder thighs anymore.”
“I have a hard time believing that.” Peter grumbled. You could tell he was still jealous so you pulled him in for a long kiss.
“It’s true. I only have eyes for you, Pete.” You whispered once you pulled away. He cracked a smile before rolling his eyes at you.
“Right.” He said sarcastically. “Just me and the murderer you want in your pants.”
“Come on.” You whined when he didn’t let up. “Can you even blame me? He works with the Avengers. You have to admit, that’s hot.”
Peter stopped pouting when he heard this. He may not be able to be the kind of bad boy you liked, but he was an Avenger.
“You really think that’s hot?” He raised an eyebrow.
“Duh.” You stated. “Don’t you like the Avengers?”
“Most of them.” He nodded. “But not Bucky.”
“Who’s Bucky?” You asked.
“Sorry.” He shook his head. “The Winter Soldier.”
“Why did you call him Bucky?” You laughed in confusion. You had no idea who James “Bucky” Barnes was. Unlike Peter, who sat across from him at dinner a week before.
“That’s his nickname.” Peter explained without thinking it through.
“I didn’t realize you and the Winter Soldier were on a nickname basis.” You teased. “What does he call you?”
“He doesn’t really talk to me.” Peter shrugged. “He’s really quiet, except when he’s with Cap.”
You sat back suddenly, looking at Peter like he was crazy. He was forgetting who his audience was and how you knew nothing of his double life.
“What?” Peter asked when he saw your face.
“Bucky? Cap?” You repeated his words. “Who are these people? What the hell are you talking about?”
“Bucky goes by, well, Bucky. And most of us call Steve, Cap.” Peter explained. “Well, except for Mr. Stark. He calls him Blondie most of the time.”
“So you’re hanging out with the avengers now?” You raised a skeptical eyebrow.
“Well, yeah, when when I’m…” Peter trailed off when he realized his mistake.
“When you’re what?” You asked. Peter knew he backed himself into a corner here. He didn’t want to lie to you anymore, so he figured it was time to tell you the truth. Not that he has much of a choice.
“I have something to tell you.” He stated. “It’s kinda important.”
“Okay.” You nodded and held his hand. “What’s up?”
“Don’t freak out, okay?” He prefaced. “It’s not as crazy as it sounds.”
“Oh.” You gasped. “Are you gay?”
“What? No.” Peter answered immediately. “Why was that your first guess?”
“Well my first guess was steroids but I know how you feel about that.” You mumbled out of the corner of your mouth.
“It’s neither of those things. I’ve Uh…I’ve been bitten.” Peter began, not sure how else to phrase it. You smiled a little, thinking he was flirting.
“So have I.” You mumbled as you brought his hand to your lips to kiss the back of it.
“No. Not like that.” He waved his hand and your face fell. “I mean, yes like that. But that’s not what I’m talking about right now.”
“Then what is it, Peter?”
“They do a lot of experimental science at Oscorp. Genetic mutations, stuff like that.” He explained, beating around the bush.
“Why are we talking about Oscorp?” You wondered.
“I broke into one of the labs freshman year.” He explained. “I was trying to figure out some equation my father was working on.”
“Okay.” You said skeptically.
“I ended up in this weird room with all these modified spiders and one bit me. Right here.” He showed you his knuckles, which had a tiny scar on the center. You took his hand and examined the scar closer.
“What is this leading to?”
“After I was bitten, I could do all these things I couldn’t do before.” He told you. “I could climb walls, lift buses, and you know, my biceps grew.”
“You’re telling me a spider bite gave you muscles?”
“I’m telling you that I’m Spider-Man.” He said finally, making the room go silent. It was his first time telling a person on purpose, so it meant a lot to him. Your expression changed from skeptical to serious as you dropped his hand. You reached forward slowly and touched his face, staring at him like you were seeing him for the first time.
“Oh my God.” You whispered. “Peter, you’re…”
He put his hand over yours when you trailed off, anticipating the end of your sentence. Suddenly, you pushed his face away with a smirk.
“Full of shit.” You finished. “You are so full of shit. You almost had me.”
“I’m not.” Peter insisted. “I am Spiderman. I swear.”
“Peter. Be serious.” You whined as you got off his bed. “I thought you had something real to tell me.”
“I am being serious.” He told you. “This is the truth.”
“This is the truth.” You mimicked his voiced, like you used to. “Why would I believe that? Because you called the Fall Fighter by his nickname? Please.”
Peter was starting to grow frustrated. He always feared someone would find out his secret and he’s have to beg them not to tell. He never imagined he’d be sitting in front of his girlfriend, trying to convince her he was Spiderman.
“I know Bucky’s nickname because I know him.” Peter explained as he got off his bed. “It’s the same reason I know how strong he isn’t. He tried to punch me once and I caught his fist before he could. And that thing is made of vibranium. My hand hurt for a week.”
“I don’t get it.” You shrugged. “I don’t get the joke.”
“It’s not a joke. I really am Spiderman.” He insisted. “Mr. Stark recruited me back in 2016 to help him fight Captain America at an airport in Germany.”
“Yeah.” You nodded. “And I killed Princess Diana. I killed her and framed John-“
Peter grabbed your face and kissed you to shut you up, not wanting to hear your jokes when he was trying to tell you the biggest secret of his life.
“Can you shut up for a second?” He asked sweetly when he pulled away. “I’m trying to talk to you about something important. And we both know who really killed her.”
“No you’re not.” You snorted. “You’re trying to mess with me.”
“I’m telling you the truth.” He whined. “Why won’t you believe me?”
“Because you’re saying ridiculous things.” You chuckled as you walked over to your phone, which had been resting on his desk.
“May’s asking what we want for dinner.” You read her text off your screen. “Do you want Chinese again or-“
Before you could finish your sentence, Peter shot a web at your waist and pulled you towards him. You stumbled into his arms before looking down in confusion. You saw the web attached to your hip and tugged at it, but it didn’t come off. You looked at Peter with wide eyes for some answers.
“What the fuck?” You whispered harshly as you yanked on the web.
“Do you believe me now?” He asked as he held up his wrist. You saw the web shooter he had slipped on and touched it carefully. Between the web on your hip and his crazy story, you had no choice but to believe him.
“Well now I’m just embarrassed.” You mumbled sheepishly. “I was pretty sure I was right.”
“I told you you’d have to get used to be being right.” Peter smirked as he helped pull the web off of you. You put your hands on your hips and sighed loudly as you processes the information.
“Okay, wait.” You began. “How have you been Spider-Man this whole time? I’ve seen you fall up the stairs.”
“It’s different when I have the suit on.” He told you. “It gives me confidence.”
“Can I see it?” You asked, a childlike smile on your lips.
“The suit? Sure.” Peter went to his closet and pulled it out of his hiding spot. He brought it over to you, noticing your awestruck expression and smiling.
“Wow.” You whispered as you stared at the folded suit. “Can I touch it?”
“Go ahead.” He smiled, loving how impressed you were. He watched you fondly as you carefully ran your fingertips along the suit, tracing all the lines and details.
“It feels like a football.” You commented, making him laugh.
“Yeah.” He agreed. “I’m not sure what material it is. Mr. Stark made it for me.”
“Tony Stark made this for you?” You gasped.
“Yeah.” He nodded. “A few years ago.”
“Is that when he recruited you?” You wondered. “For Germany?”
“Is it. You listened.” He smiled happily when you remembered little details he had told you.
“Well I can’t tune you out anymore if you’re my boyfriend.” You winked at him before returning your attention to the suit. He blushed a little, appreciating how far you’ve come in your relationship.
“Can you put it on for me?” You asked suddenly as you looked up at him. Peter didn’t expect this reaction, especially not this request.
“Really? You want me to put it on?” He smiled shyly.
“Please?” Your eyes lit up. “I want to see you in it.”
“Okay.” He nodded as he tried to hide his excitement. “I’ll go put it on.”
Peter went into his bathroom and slipped into the suit. He didn’t know why he was as excited as he was to show you. Maybe because you hadn’t caught him in the suit like May and Ned had. He told you his secret willingly, and you asked to know more.
“Are you ready?” You called from the other side of the door. “I feel like I’m waiting to see you walk down the aisle.”
“I’m ready.” He called back as he pressed the center of the suit so it tightened against his skin. He gave himself one last look in the mirror before going back to his bedroom.
“Here it is.” He said sheepishly as he walked towards you. “What do you think?”
Your jaw dropped a little when you saw him. He seemed taller, but you realized it was just because he wasn’t slouching. In his suit, he looked more confident then you had ever seen him. He looked like a hero, and it brought a smile to your face.
“Holy shit.” You whispered as you walked closer to him. You reached forward to touch him, but quickly moved withdrew your hand.
“Are you scared?” He worried when he saw you pull away.
“No. Not of you.” You assured him. “But sometimes I find random glitter on my hands and I’m scared of getting anything on the suit.”
Peter chuckled at your reasoning and picked up your hand.
“It’s okay. You can touch me.” He whispered as he put his hand on his chest. Your eyebrows went up when you felt his warmth through the suit.
“Wow.” You smiled softly. “I didn’t think I’d be able to feel your heartbeat through it”.
“Well you make it beat pretty fast.” He told you as he put his hand over yours.
“Wait.” You pulled away a little. “If you’re Spider-Man, does that mean…”
“Yes?” Peter asked when you trailed off.
“You can set me up with Bucky.” You finished your sentence. “Do you have his number? Tell him I want to wash his hair.”
Peter let out a loud groan, not finding your joke funny. You laughed and tried to pull him back to you, but he kept pulling away.
“I’m kidding. I’m kidding. Come back.” You laughed and tugged on his arm. “Come here. I love you.”
Peter stopped pulling away and froze. When you saw the bewildered look on his face, your smile fell.
“What?” He asked, his voice coming out in a whisper. That shit eating grin you used to hate broke through, lighting up his features. You tried not to let your shock show as you realized what you had said.
“Hm?” You pretended not to understand. “What?”
“What did you just say?” Peter again, now unsure he has heard you correctly.
“I didn’t say anything.” You shrugged, trying to act like you didn’t just tell your boyfriend that you loved him. It’s not that you didn’t mean it, but you didn’t mean to tell him that soon.
“Did you just tell me you loved me?” Peter asked hopefully as he pulled your closer to him.
“Hm. No. Wasn’t me.” You shook your head. “Must have been the wind.”
“My windows are closed.”
“Air conditioning.” You corrected.
“It’s off.”
“Then I don’t know what to tell you. I didn’t tell you I loved you. That would be ridiculous. How could I have fallen in love with the most annoying person on the planet?” You asked, questioning yourself more then him. You didn’t know how you had fallen for Peter in such a short amount of time. Just a few months ago, you couldn’t stand him. Now, you were standing in front of him, hoping he loved you back.
“I ask myself that every time I look at you.” He said, making your breath hitch in your throat.
“Are you saying you love me too?” You asked slowly.
“I thought you didn’t tell me you loved me?” He smirked, always taking a chance to tease you.
“I didn’t.” You lied, but you knew you were caught.
“Damn. That’s a shame.” Peter smiled softly. “Because I love you.”
“Yeah.” You smiled back once he confessed his feelings. “I bet you do, loser.”
Peter laughed at your never ending need to insult him before pulling you into a kiss. You wrapped your arms around his neck to keep him close. You could feel his gloved hands on the bare skin of your waist and shivered. When you pulled away, you kept your foreheads pressed together.
“I never thought it would be you.” You mumbled as you twirled one of his curls around your finger. “I never thought I’d fall in love with you.”
“It surprised me too.” He chuckled. “I’m glad this happened though. You weren’t just who I wanted to be. You were who I wanted to be with.”
“Promise me you’ll be careful.” You whispered. “I don’t ever want to get a call at three am telling me I need to come to the hospital. And I don’t want to start bringing three roses to the cemetery instead of two.”
“Hey, I’m not going anywhere.” He assured you as he held your face between his hands. He wiped your tears away with his gloves hands and kissed your nose. “I would never go anywhere where you couldn’t follow”.
“Ew.” You sniffled as you wiped your eyes.
“Why ew?” He chuckled.
“We’re gross.” You said. “We fell in love and now we’re gross.”
“It’s okay.” He smiled. “I like being gross with you.”
“I’m gonna throw up.” You gagged, making you both laugh.
“You’ll be okay.” He told you, and you believed him.
“Okay, now that we got that conversation out of the way, I have a lot of questions about all of this.” You said as you gestured to his suit.
“Ask me anything.” He said. “I’ll answer.”
“What did you wear before this?” You wondered. “I saw Spider-Man sightings on the news before 2016.”
Peter went to his closet and pulled out his original Spider-Man suit, the makeshift hoodie he used to wear.
“This. I made it myself.” He said as he handed it to you.
“No kidding.” You teased as you took it from him. “Did you sew this with your feet?”
“It was the best I could do.” He rolled his eyes. “I’m so lucky he made me a real suit. This one was not very protective.”
“Actually, I kind of like it.” You smiled as you held it up. It had bullet holes and tears everywhere. “It shows where you’ve been. And how far you’ve come.”
“I like your way of looking at it.” He smiled. “It’s yours, if you like it so much. I don’t need it anymore.”
“Why don’t you tell people that its you? This would make you famous. Like, Tony Stark famous.” You said as you put the hoodie on. “Don’t you want that? You know, since you’re such a loser at school.”
“Very funny”. He narrowed his eyes at you. “And no, actually. I’m safer this way. Plus, the bad guys can’t tell if I’m scared with the mask on. And it’s fun to have a secret. It gives me an edge.”
“Wow. I did not think me telling you I wanted to fuck the Winter Soldier would lead to all of this.” You poked fun at the situation.
“Me either but I’m glad it did.” He remarked. “I’m happy that you know. And I’m happy that you love me.”
“Well don’t make a big deal out of it.” You mumbled. “It’s embarrassing.”
“Don’t be embarrassed.” He laughed. “This is exciting. It’s all exciting.”
“We get it.” You teased as you wrapped your arms around his neck. “You’re an Avenger, I’m in love with you, yada yada. It’s not that big of a deal.”
“It’s the hugest deal.” He insisted. “I want you to meet them. Come meet my team.”
“You want me to meet the Avengers?” You gulped.
“Yeah. I’m supposed to stop by the tower later for a meeting. Why don’t you come with me? This is one of the rare days where everyone is in the tower.”
“Are you sure about this?” You asked him. “What if they don’t like me?”
“They probably won’t.” He said simply. “Since you’re so irritating and everything.”
“Shut up.” You shoved him playfully. “I’m serious. This is way more intimidating than meeting someone’s parents.”
“Don’t be scared. I’ll be holding your hand the entire time.” He said as he kissed your knuckles. “And they’re way less intimidating than they seem. I promise, you’ll be fine.”
“Okay.” You reluctantly agreed. “I’ll meet them. But if I see Bucket, I can’t promise I’ll be able to control my hormones.”
“It’s Bucky.” He corrected. “And I’ll know if you’re getting too, you know, hot and bothered.”
“How would you know?” You asked, and his face flushed.
“Well, one of the powers I got was super smell. I can smell when people are scared or happy or…” He trialed off, too much or a gentleman to say the word.
“Horny?” You asked with a dropped jaw. “You can smell when people are horny?”
“I prefer the term aroused.” He said sheepishly, making you laugh loudly.
“Oh my God. What a pervert.” You teased him.
“It’s not my fault!” He was flustered now. “I didn’t ask for this power.”
“Wait.” You realized. “Can you smell when I’m aroused?”
Peter didn’t answer, but his silence spoke volumes. Your jaw dropped as you playfully smacked him.
“You pervert!” You painfully scolded. “You could smell that and never told me?”
“It’s my my fault.” He whined. “Not all the time, anyway.”
“So when is it your fault?” You folded your arms and he gulped.
“It’s only my fault when I purposefully wear that one white shirt.” He said quietly. “Whenever I’m wearing it, I can always, you know...”
“Smell me?” You nearly screamed. “You wear that shirt just to get a rise out of me? You little slut.”
“I’m not a slut.” Peter laughed. “I could just smell how much you liked it, so I started wearing it more. And in the name of being honest, I can smell you right now.”
“Oh my God. You whore. You little minx.” You taunted playfully. “Using your body for attention like that. What a dirty little slut.”
“I’m not dirty or a slut.” Peter insisted. “You’re the one who gets worked up over a t shirt.”
“Excuse me?” You let out a shocked laugh. “Don’t turn this around on me, mister. I can’t control how I react to your erotic clothing. Especially when you’re the one who can’t even form a sentence around me when I wear that one red skirt.”
“Erotic?” He shot back. “It’s literally a $5 shirt from Target. It’s shapeless. And that skirt could not be shorter. I can literally see your ovaries in it.”
“You give it shape with your stupid spider muscles.” You said as you pointed an accusing finger at him.
“Oh my God.” He gasped. “You’re thinking about the shirt now, aren’t you?”
“No I’m not.” You said quickly.
“Really?” He cocked his head. “Smells like you are.”
Before you could respond, and you had a lot to say, Peter’s phone buzzed.
“It’s Mr. Stark.” He told you. “He said I should come now.”
“We’re finishing this conversation later.” You said as you grabbed your phone. “You’re still in trouble.”
“Whatever you say.” Peter chuckled as he lead you out the door. You thought you were going to the elevator, but Peter brought you to the staircase.
“I don’t walk there.” He said as he lead you up the stairs. He opened the door to the roof and gestured to the edge. “I swing.”
The next thing you knew, you were swinging towards the Avengers tower in Peter’s arms. You held on tightly to him as you tried not to scream in his ear. He was loving how he finally got to show someone what his life was like while you were fearing for your life. Finally, you landed on the balcony of the tower and Peter set you down.
“So?” He asked excitedly. “Did you have fun?”
“You tell me. Can’t you smell my excitement?” You jeered as you caught your breath. Peter knew you weren’t going to drop that for a long time. He took his mask off and lead you inside, not wanting to tell you that he could smell how scared you were.
Finally, he brought you to the conference room where the rest of the Avengers were. Their causal chatter came to a stop when you walked in together and all eyes were on you.
“Hey everyone.” Peter said shyly. “This is my girlfriend, Y/n. Shes gonna sit in on the meeting today.”
“Y/n?” Nat jumped in immediately. “The one who’s hair you used to stick gum in when you were little?”
“I thought Y/n was the girl who filled your locker with extra small condoms and the filmed you when they all fell out.” Sam chuckled, giving you an impressed smile.
“No, wait.” Bruce cut in. “I thought she was the one who started the rumor that Peter didn’t know how to swim.”
“You’re all wrong.” Steve sighed. “Y/n is the one Peter blamed losing the class pet on. Remember? The little rat escaped and he told the class it was her fault.”
“It was a hamster.” Peter cringed. “And it was my fault. Sorry about that.”
“I love you, but I will never forgive you for that.” You smiled softly as you stroked his cheek with your thumb. The team looked at each knowingly at this display of affection.
“Love?” Tony asked as he entered the room. “Are we talking about how much you all love me?”
Tony stopped in his tracks when he saw you standing there. You had forgotten to take off Peter’s original Spider-man hoodie, and it caught Tony off guard. He never thought he’d see that hoodie again, the one that brought him to Peter in the first place. The one he studied and tried to replicate when he made Peter a new suit. The corners of his mouth turned down as he appreciated how much Peter had grown.
“Oh. I see Peter brought a friend.” Tony remarked. “Please, make yourself at home in our top secret facility that no one unauthorized personnel is supposed to enter.”
“Mr. Stark, this is my girlfriend Y/n.” Peter introduced you. You held out your hand for Tony to shake, and he did so without taking his eyes off of you.
“Y/n?” He asked. “The one-“
“Yeah. Probably.” You nodded, making him laugh.
“Nice to meet you, Y/n.” He said as he straightened himself out. “You’re welcome to sit in on the meeting. But if you make any noise, you will be taken out by a sniper.”
“He’s kidding.” Peter whispered to you, but he wasn’t entirely sure. Peter took a seat and you sat on his lap, making him fight back a smile. He was now at an Avengers meeting with his former enemy sitting on his lap, wearing his clothes.
“Thank you, sir.” You smiled at him. “It’s nice to meet you too. All of you. I appreciate everything you guys have done for the world. You’re all really brave.”
“Your boyfriend is pretty brave too.” Steve commented. “He surprises me everytime we work together.”
“I was surprised too.” You agreed. “I didn’t think the biggest loser I knew was protecting Queens.”
Everyone raised their eyebrows at your subtle jab at Peter and it suddenly made sense why the girl he’d been complaint about all these years had the same name as his girlfriend.
“You let her talk to you like that?” Sam teased.
“She can say whatever she wants.” Peter shrugged. “And she does. Do you know how hard it is to get her to stop talking?”
“Not nearly as hard as it is to get you to clean up after yourself, put the toilet seat down, or show up on time for dates.” You replied with a cheery smile. Peter smiled back and took the loss, not wanting to get into it in front of his team. He turned back to Tony and gave him his full attention as the meeting began. You stayed quiet on Peter’s lap as the team discussed their next mission and who would be covering what territory. You made a small noise when Tony gave Peter his assignment, making everyone look at you.
“Whats the matter?” Peter asked as he bounced you a little on his knee.
“I just didn’t realize you were such an important part of the team.” You said. Peter had a big role that required a lot more responsibility than you thought he was capable of. He didn’t seem worried in the slightest, which told you he was used to this much responsibility. Something about Peter’s ambition and ability to take on Avenger level tasks for very appealing to you.
So appealing, in fact, that Peter noticed.
“Hm.” Peter said and he sniffed the air. You folded your lips in, knowing exactly what he was doing. The rest of the team had no idea what was happening, but you knew Peter was trying to get a rise out of you.
“What’s wrong?” Nat took the bait. You pinched Peter’s leg under the table as he took another loud whiff.
“Nothing.” Peter smirked. “It just smells funny in here.”
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@maybemona​ @alexxcorona113​ @lethal-wisdom​ @xo-spidey​ @im-still-tryin-to-find-it​ @big-galaxy-chaos​ @pandaxnienke​ @theincredibledeadlyviper​  @thestylestour​  @officialsimppage​ @mrvelscaptains​ @peterbenjiparker​ @itsemohours​  @okkulta​ @parkerlovebot​ @jungkxxkk​ @friendlyneighborhood-mendes​ @whatthefuckimbisexual​ @olixerwxxd​ @starkbrain​ @creatorofthegalaxy​  @f-hollands​ @ilovefrogs1000​ @itstaskeen​ @itmatteredatthetime​ @wrendermeuseless​ @amazinggracy​  @iprobablyshipit91​ @magicalxdaydream​ @whereismytelephone​ @theonly1outof-a-billion​ @leilanixx​ @namoreno​ @bi-lmg​ @dracoswhore007​ @tomhollandloml​ @avengers-hamiltrash​ @sunshinepeterparkr​ @gh0stgurl​ @so-very-asleep​ @veryholland​  @white-wolf1940​ @spideycheles​ @wonderzwndaya​ @fanficaddict13125​ @pinklxmonade​ @thebestqueenoftheworld​ @nowayhomeparker​ @willowestelle​ @imobsessedzs​ @spideyspeaches​ @bookfrog242​
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stinkysam · 3 years
Roronoa Zoro - That time Zoro didn't got lost
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Warning : none
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : the gif does not represent the vibe of the story, I just found it super cool you like to give him affection, especially if it can make him gay panic
Reader : gender neutral (you/yours)
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"Aight, hold my hand then" you said as you placed your hand in front of him, never breaking eye contact. He stared at you in confusion and slight annoyance.
Before he could even ask why he should do such a thing, you continued talking.
"Don't wanna have you walk all the way back to East Blue"
Sanji snickered at the remark, making Zoro twitch in anger. The only thing that stopped him from yelling at the cook was you taking his hand and squeezing it gently in yours.
He almost jumped at the touch and tried to hide his blush with a cough and another insult directed at the cook.
Trying to ignore it, he started walking only to stop before asking to change, quickly gesturing he wanted to rest his hand on his swords. Nodding, you followed the others off of the ship, walking with them toward the city.
Usopp laughed when he saw Zoro's hand in yours and just as he was about to point it out, the swordsman "replaced" his katanas, immediately forcing him to drop it. Sweating and shaking nervously, Usopp turned back to Chopper and Luffy.
The sight made Robin let out a small laugh, placing her hand on her mouth. Despite her reaction being discreet, Sanji decided to say out loud what Usopp probably had wanted to say. He wasn't talking to anyone in particular, all he wanted was to annoy Zoro.
Which worked. In a second your boyfriend barked back at him, pulling on your arm as you refused to let go. Their arguing stopped when Luffy stepped in.
The captain was confused. Why was Sanji laughing at Zoro for holding your hand ? Holding hands is nice. It's like hugs. But with hands.
He likes holding hands too. Can he hold yours ? You agreed, giving your second hand to Luffy, you felt Zoro's one tighten around yours meekly.
He wasn't really jealous. He trusted you and his captain. You often hugged and held Luffy's hand. It wasn't new. But he was also not the sharing type.
Any possible worry quickly vanished as Luffy ran away after a few minutes. First, he had started pulling on you and then his arm had grown longer and longer until he finally let go to wander freely.
Just like that, small groups were formed, allowing you to visit or shop at your own pace.
You decided to tease your boyfriend a little bit, your thumb gently rubbing circles on his hand. Constantly making him acknowledge his hand in yours. After a few minutes, you felt his palm grow warmer and a little but clammy, making you decide to level it up.
"Are you blushing ?" you say leaning closer, your eyes staring at his face a little too intensely.
As expected he reacted strongly to it, turning redder both from anger and embarrassment while trying to yank his hand out of yours, without any luck.
You laughed and let out a quick apology before tugging on his arm to get him close again, allowing yourself to place a kiss on his cheek.
Once again he reacted vividly, yelling at you to stop annoying him like that. It was really hard to not continue as he was now ignoring you, frowning like a kid. Yet he did not let go of your hand, even making sure to tighten his hold on it when you tried to pull away
He gave up on ignoring you when you decided to be more embarrassing. Bringing to your lips the back of his hand for you to kiss chastily while looking him straight in the eyes.
He tried to act like it was nothing despite feeling his skin heat up. God he could see himself turn red. Watch out, he'll definitely plan a revenge that you won't like. -extra boring trainings-
He really hated the effect you had on him. He could handle a large scar from his chest to his waist, he could handle losing an eye, but your affection, your gentle touch…
He cannot seriously ask you to stop, he loves it too much.
The only positive thing of it all, it's that the ero-cook is still a single loser. There's more but it's the only reason he accepts to say out loud.
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edlikesboys · 2 years
Tim Klitz x Eli Brooks
Slight angst but mostly just Klitz being a gay mess
first fic pls be nice ;w;
Klitz laid on his bed thinking about tonight’s events, going to a fucking porn convention in Vegas on a whim, Matt chasing after Danielle, feeling up that porn star, him and Eli almost getting their asses beat, jumping onto a cake and Eli falling asleep on him during the drive home… Klitz’ face warmed at the memory, Eli’s cute slightly chubby face resting on his shoulder as he dreamed. He shakes his head abruptly trying to clear the thought from his head. Eli always had a habit of getting him all worked up (definitely not in a weird way), the way he’d always so casually talk to Klitz or even hang out with him while watching porn seemingly unaffected by the situation at hand, his little jokes that made Klitz simultaneously combust in annoyance and embarrassment, and his fucking touchy feely moments that left Klitz red faced and turning away to gasp for air while Eli would just laugh at him. Eli was a plague on his mental health and the drive home tonight didn’t help. Klitz was so eager to go home and splash water on his face that he barely even said goodbye before getting out of Matt’s car. Now he tosses and turns in bed, trying to rid his mind of the disease that was his best friend. Klitz thinks of the cake he and Eli happened to fall on. Klitz mostly licked it all off his own face during the ride home but Eli had fallen asleep still covered in icing, he vaguely remembers considering cleaning Eli up but he got so red faced at the idea that he quickly erased it and instead opted to stare out the window. The thought still managed to haunt him though, thoughts like “I wonder how Eli would react if I just licked a stripe up the side of his face” had him winding down the window, desperate for cold air to calm his warning cheeks. Klitz briefly wonders if Eli might’ve even liked it, might even turn his head to the other side so Klitz can clean the other side too. Maybe Eli would let him clean him up and then slip his tongue into Klitz’ mouth so he can have a taste of the icing that was previously smeared over his own face. Klitz buried his face into his pillow, mortified at his own thoughts. “What the fuck is wrong with me” he wonders aloud. Eli had a habit of filling his head with weird thoughts, Klitz chalks it up to the fact that Eli is just a super sexual guy and has this weird vibe about him that makes Klitz’ mind wander.
Klitz is pretty sure he’s bi and if he’s being honest with himself he doesn’t really care, he isn't a homophobe and he doubts anyone around him is so why bother worrying about it? Sometimes he fantasizes about boys and usually doesn’t feel any shame but thinking about Eli in that way makes him want to curl up into a ball and fade out of existence. It’s like a kind of guilty feeling. Klitz is 100% sure that Eli is straight, I mean the guy never shuts up about his latest porn find or how much he wants to bang chicks, it makes klitz a bit nauseous sometimes. Even if somehow Eli was gay, he’s his best friend. It’s weird to think about someone so close to you like that.
Despite every nerve and neuron in his brain telling him not to, Klitz rolls over onto his side and decides to indulge just this once. I mean, tonight has already been so fucked up and chaotic, may as well take advantage of the opportunity. Klitz closes his eyes and imagines Eli, his smug grin staring up at him. Klitz imagines wiping that smug look off his face as he grabs him by the back of the head and pulls him into a crushing kiss. It’s awkward and rushed, as they’re both obviously virgins who have never touched another person in their life. At this point in the fantasy Eli is making little choked noises into his mouth that have Klitz burning up. Their eyes are closed but in his head Eli can feel the heat radiating off of Klitz and pushes closer into him, startling the taller boy. Klitz imagined Eli as being the more dominant one, he would push Klitz around, tug on his hair and bite his neck harshly while Klitz would pretend that it wasn’t affecting him nearly as much as it was.
Klitz realizes that this is getting somewhat out of hand, he desperately needs to talk to someone and calm down his racing thoughts. He contemplates calling Matt but he’s had enough on his plate recently and doesn’t want to add to that. He hesitates on calling Eli but eventually decides that maybe talking with his insufferable best friend would help rid him of his unholy thought.
The phone rings and Eli picks up shortly after
“What’s up, man?” Eli asks into the phone, Klitz is pretty sure he just heard a moan coming from the phone and he audibly groans in annoyance.
“Dude, I already told you it makes me uncomfortable when you talk to me while doing that”
“Learn to live with it” Eli laughs and that makes Klitz just sigh and rub the bridge of his nose. “Anyways, what do you want?” Eli is blunt as always.
“I dunno man I just couldn’t go to sleep after all that crazy shit tonight”
“yeah that was fucking crazy, wanna come over?” Klitz feels his heart speed up, deep down he knows it’s a really bad idea but he can’t go to sleep and he hasn’t got shit to do at home.
“yeah alright i’ll see you soon”
“alright man” Klitz hangs up the phone promptly and throws on a jacket before heading over to Eli’s house. 
Klitz doesn’t bother knocking when he gets there, afraid that he’ll wake up Eli’s parents. He just opens the door and makes his way towards Eli’s room. Outside Eli’s door Klitz can hear moans and he lets out an annoyed groan, of fucking course he didn’t bother turning it off before Klitz came over. He pushes the door open, alerting Eli of his presence. Eli beams up at him and hurriedly pats the spot next to him on his bed.
“Dude come sit down and check out what I found” Klitz mentaly sighs and takes his place next to his best friend who is currently glued to the raunchy porn video playing on his tv. Klitz is becoming increasingly uncomfortable at this situation and decides to voice his thoughts.
“Dude, can’t we just do something else? Like this is kind of weird, it makes me uncomfortable”. Eli looks up at his face and places a hand on Klitz’ thigh, rubbing it softly.
“Cmon man, it’s fine just enjoy it”. Klitz’ eyes practically bulge out of his head and he has the distant thought to smack Eli’s hand away but he’s frozen in his spot. Eli returns his attention to the tv but leaves his hand on Klitz’ thigh, not moving away. He’s seemingly engrossed in the film, Klitz looks over at Eli and vaguely wonders how Eli can look so cute while doing something so depraved. His eyes are lit up and his entire attention is focused on the poorly made raunchy film. At points Eli gets excited and the hand on Klitz’ thigh squeezes his leg a little, definitely not hard enough to hurt, just enough for Klitz to get all hot under the collar.
After a very uncomfortable 10 minutes the video ends and Eli whips his head around to look at Klitz,
“Soooooo, what did ya think?” he’s beaming from ear to ear, eager to hear Klitz’ thoughts like they were a fucking book club discussing their latest read and not a bunch of horny teenagers watching a shitty porno. Klitz clears his throat and answers,
“uhh yeah man it was great, real hot”. Eli can tell he doesn’t mean it and slightly pouts, the sight makes something stir in Klitz but he pushes it down and forgets it. Eli keeps looking into Klitz’ eyes, making him want to squirm and look away. Instead, what he does surprises even himself. Klitz grabs Eli by the collar and pulls him into a kiss, Eli doesn’t move. The kiss lasts briefly for a few moments before Klitz realizes what he’s doing and pulls away, Eli removes his hand from Klitz’ thigh and tries to search his face for answers,
“What. The fuck. Was that?” Eli asks slowly, still trying to comprehend that his best friend just kissed him. Klitz starts panicking and tries not to cry, he can already feel the tears forming and right now every fibre of his being is screaming at him to run away from this situation but he doesn’t. He’s frozen.
“Fuck, I’m- I’m so sorry Eli. I don't know why I did that. I’m so fucking sorry” The tears that Klitz had tried to contain now flowed freely down his face. He turned his head away from Eli to save at least a shred of his dignity but really it was no use after what had just happened. Eli remained silent and Klitz took that as his cue to leave, he promptly got up and sped towards Eli’s door and out into the hallway towards his front door. Eli was stunned for a second but quickly followed him outside,
“Wait dude, wait” Eli shouts after him as Klitz makes him way down the street. He freezes but doesn’t turn around and Eli uses this to catch up to him, but pauses right behind
“Dude just-” Eli starts “what’s going on? what was that?”. Klitz doesn’t say anything but Eli can hear him sniffling and trying to cover up his sobs.
“Dude are you…. Gay?” Klitz let’s out a strangled sob at that and turns around, staring straight at Eli,
“I don’t know dude, I don’t fucking know, It just happened ya know?” Klitz struggles to form a sentence amidst the choked noises coming from his throat, “I just- I just can’t stop thinking about you, you bitch”. Eli let’s out a slight chuckle at the half insult, just like Klitz knew he would but he also knows that the cogs are turning in Eli’s head cause he still hasn’t said anything, hasn’t even made a dumb joke that only cracks himself up. Klitz goes to say something else,
“Dude I-“ But Eli promptly cuts him off
“Shut the fuck up for a second, dude” Klitz’ eyes widen in surprise at the sharp remark and at the way Eli is moving closer to him and grabbing his hair, pulling him into another kiss. Klitz is shocked at Eli’s decision and for a second doesn’t even kiss him back before he decides to close his eyes and just enjoy it. Eli pulls back and Klitz has to stop himself from letting out an involuntary whimper. Klitz takes a moment to collect himself before he says anything.
“Dude…..” Klitz starts,
“Hey you’re the one who started it” Eli fires back defensively. Klitz relives the traumatic memory that happened barely a few minutes ago.
“Yeah I know man but…” Eli is clearly getting more and more upset.
“You can’t just fucking kiss me and then get upset when I do it back, you hypocrite” Klitz can tell that Eli is just getting embarrassed and as a result using anger to hide the fact. Klitz can’t be bothered trying to talk Eli down so he just pulls him into a firm hug. They’ve hugged many times before, well Eli has hugged him and he’s just stood there with his hands at his sides. For some reason it feels different this time, not embarrassing but nice. Of course Eli has to completely destroy the moment,
“Klitzy do you love me?” He asks in a singsong voice, a big grin plastered over his face.
“Fuck man, maybe I do”
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arvandus · 3 years
So hopefully I got in on time! Btw, I’ve been absolutely loving your HC’s, the stutter one was friggin adorable! I love soft Dabi, there’s not much of him out there in stories 😢
Anyway! I was wondering if you could do HC’s with Dabi for someone who may be deaf or just hard of hearing? Ifff your comfortable, I would love to see what he would do for a male s/o (or platonic friend/league member, etc, whichever you choose!) If you don’t want to do this it’s completely fine and you can switch it to ambiguous/female (I don’t know if you have ever done men before haha!)
Hello! I’m so flattered for this ask because you’re trusting me to portray something that’s personal to you and outside of my own experience. I can absolutely do this with a Male Reader (my first one!).
I’m not sure what type or level of hearing loss you had in mind, so I did my best with this and went with an acquired hearing loss that’s moderate-to-severe. Also, I wrote Reader as someone who wears hearing aids. I hope that’s all right, since that’s typically the case for those with more severe hearing loss (otherwise communication is really difficult to do, since I don’t suspect Dabi would know sign language). Also, I got a couple of cute ideas that I really wanted to fit into this that follow more of a friends-to-lovers sort of vibe rather than established relationship. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

Headcanons for Dabi x M!Reader who’s Deaf/Hard of Hearing (HOH)
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 1240
💙 When you first join the LOV, Dabi will be skeptical at first, as he is with all things. How could someone with a hearing loss really be of any value to the league? He can’t help but wonder what skills you’re bringing to the table to that convinced Shigaraki to allow you to join.
💙 Dabi doesn’t interact with you right away... he prefers to observe. Part of it is that he doesn’t care for attachments, even amongst his comrades. Another is that he doesn’t expect you to last very long in the League. If he does interact, it’ll be through snarky quips and insults. After all, he loves getting under other people’s skin... it makes him feel like has an advantage.
💙 So, it goes without saying that Dabi will be a hard nut to crack at first. He’ll definitely have some crappy preconceived notions about people with hearing loss that he’ll get to face as he’s forced to get to know you.
💙 For example, he learns super fast that your hearing has little to do with your intelligence. You’re fucking smart and more than capable of handling yourself, much to his surprise. You quickly become an important member of the team, and even Dabi can’t really argue your value. It only makes his interest in you grow, his skepticism giving way to curiosity.
💙 Another thing he learns about you... you value your independence and hate when others coddle or dote on you due to your hearing loss. The first time Toga had tried to treat you as something fragile (granted she was trying to be nice), you’d quickly put her in her place. Dabi couldn’t help but grin at that exchange...
💙 The great thing about Dabi sitting back and observing everyone else most of the time is that he gets to learn by proxy how to interact with you.
💙 Don’t mumble or talk too fast. Don’t look away when talking to you. Talk more clearly, and slower, but for God’s sake, don’t treat you like you’re dumb. You’re hard of hearing, not stupid.
💙 Even with all of that taken into consideration though, he’ll notice that while you seem to do fine in one-on-one exchanges in quiet environment, you’ll withdraw more in group gatherings. Is the chattering of multiple voices too much? Is the noise overwhelming? Even he can’t always tolerate the prattling of the social butterflies of the group, so he wouldn’t blame you if it got under your skin too.
💙 His interest will finally be piqued when he watches you retreat during a rather boisterously loud game night amongst the League. He’ll follow quietly behind you, watching as you pass your own room in favor of the stairwell leading up to the rooftop.
💙 You don’t notice he’s followed you until he sits next to you. Your eyes betray your surprised at his presence.
💙 “What are you doing here?” you demand.
💙 He’ll give you a grin and a cock of his head. “You didn’t seem like you were havin’ much fun back there. Got anything to do with these?” he’ll tap your hearing aid playfully.
💙 You huff at him. “If you want me to hear you better, you’ll need to sit on my other side. My hearing aid battery died.”
💙 “You don’t have a backup?” he asks as he adjusts his position.
💙 You shake your head.
💙 “Doesn’t sound too bad.” He’ll tease. “I wish I could turn off my ears, especially when Toga laughs.”
💙 You give him a glare at his insensitive comment. “You don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.”
💙 He raises an eyebrow at you and think for a moment, before looking back out over the cityscape. “Why don’tcha tell me about it then.”
💙 You give him a skeptical look but he waits silently for you to continue. His smirk is gone as his sharp eyes glance back at you. He's serious.
💙 You’ll finally open up to him, explaining how hard it can be sometimes. How noisy environments can make your hearing aids nearly useless when the noise is too much, when everyone is talking at once. How frustrating it is to not be able to follow a conversation let alone participate, and how it can sometimes make people assume things about you. At best, they’ll assume you can hear fine with your hearing aids and therefore assume you’re being aloof or don’t want to interact. At worst, they’ll think your slow or stupid, and look at you with pity.
💙 Dabi will listen, but he won’t offer much up except sarcastic remarks about the others in an attempt to make you feel better. After all, sympathy isn’t his strong suit. But you’ll find yourself feeling better by the end, just grateful to be able to vent to someone.
💙 When you smile at him and tell him thanks for listening, it’ll take him by surprise. Not because of your reaction – he expected that, at least. What’ll surprise him is his reaction to it – a strange sense of satisfaction will wash over him, filling him with an unfamiliar warmth. He realizes - a moment too late, before he can bring down his barriers - that he likes seeing you smile, especially when it’s at him.
💙 You’ll feel slightly closer after that, finding more opportunities to hang out on the quiet rooftop and chat.
💙 He’ll surprise you on your next visit with a brand-new pack of hearing aid batteries. You’ll give him a suspicious look, asking where he got them and how he knew what kind to get you, but he’ll give you a wicked grin and brush off your question with an evasive comment.
💙 It won’t take long for you to start developing a crush on him, and against your better judgment, you find yourself staring at him a lot more and finding ways to be around him more. Hanging out at the bar, going on missions together, sitting next to him during the LOV discussions… you try to brush it off as ‘becoming friends,’ but deep down you know better.
💙 It doesn’t take long for Dabi to take notice and begin to suspect that maybe… just maybe… all of your secret glances and increased attention aren’t strictly platonic.
💙 What a wonderful turn of events. He wasn’t sure if you were interested in men, but now he’s 99% sure you are... or at the very least, interested in him.
💙 It leaves his skin feeling hotter than usual, his heart pounding in his chest with excitement. He wonders if you know... or even suspect... that he watches you too in mutual attraction.
💙 He’ll start testing the waters, just to make sure, of course. Hit you with a few flirty nicknames to see how you react. As soon as he sees you fluster and flounder in obvious embarrassment, he’ll know he’s got you, and it makes your exchanges only that much more entertaining.
💙 The more he learns about you, the more interested he becomes. He’ll start to do research on ways to support you with your hearing loss. It’ll be purely out of curiosity, of course... it’s not like he’s gonna go out of his way or anything. But he ends up finding himself down the rabbit hole of hearing aid supports, and learns about Bluetooth capabilities, FM systems, infrared systems... ways to send targeted noise – like speech for instance – straight to your hearing aids, bypassing any pesky background noise.
💙 It won’t take long for him to get an idea – two birds with one stone, so to speak...
💙 You’ll be on the rooftop together, when he says, “I gotta surprise for ya.”
💙 He pulls out a box that’s labelled ‘Dynamic FM System.’
💙 If you try to reach for it though, he’ll hold it out of your reach. “ah ah ah... we gotta find the right place to try it out.”
💙 He’ll lead you downstairs and you’ll think he’s heading to the common space where the others are, but instead he takes you outside of the hideout, leading you down the street.
💙 “Where are we going?”
💙 “You’ll see.”
💙 The two of you will end up outside of a bar. Not just any bar, though… the line of patrons is already a huge hint of what you’ll find inside.
💙 “Wait isn’t this….?” You’ll start.
💙 Dabi will only smirk at you though, before he grabs your hand and leads you in.
💙 Inside will be loud. So loud you have to turn down the volume on your hearing aids, and too loud for you to hear anything of value. But as you look around, your suspicions are confirmed - instead of the usual opposite sexes pairing up like you find at most bars, this one is different. Men are pairing up with men, women are pairing up with women. Your heart is beating like a drum in your chest, your pulse racing with excitement. Of all the places for Dabi to bring you…
💙 You keep close to Dabi, holding onto his arm. He loves that, loves that you’re looking to him for protection. And protect you he does, his eyes threatening violence to anyone who stares too long at you.
💙 He’ll sit you down at the bar with him in the center of the noise while drunken gay couples flirt over their drinks and a group of girls laugh in the corner. He’ll say something to the bartender, and a minute later, two fresh drinks are place before the two of you.
💙 He won’t try to talk to you yet as he opens the box and begins taking out all of the pieces. He’ll plug in the small, cylinder-like component into your hearing aid - the receiver. He’ll be completely up in your space when he does it too, grinning at you with his ocean blue eyes. In his hand he holds the transmitter that contains a button with a microphone on it.
💙 Once everything is hooked up properly, he’ll speak into the mic, his finger on the button.
💙 “Hey there.” He says. His voice comes through crystal clear.
💙 “Hey.” You smile.
💙 Once Dabi knows you can hear him, his devilish grin will widen and he’ll lean casually against the bar counter as he stares at you, his eyes drinking you in. “Have I ever told you how hot you are?”
💙 That’s when it finally clicks… Dabi is actually interested in you. And he’s taken you out on a date.
💙 BONUS: If the bar scene ends up being too much for you, he’ll be more than happy to spend the rest of your date on your favorite rooftop spot with some take-out. 10/10 will kiss you by the end of the date.
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gaysimpsstuff · 4 years
NSFW Valentines request: Y/n and Sero had just been out on a date. When they got home, Sero decided to tape Y/n’s arms to the headboard. I’m sure you know where this is going.. (Dominant Sero but since it’s Valentine’s Day he’s slightly more gentle.)
Reader: Male
Thanks and Happy Valentine’s Day to you! ❤️
Oooh sounds awesome! I’ve never (ever) written for Sero before, so I’m excited by this new challenge! I actually really liked how this turned out, so if you want a part two, feel free and let me know when requests open again (which will be in a few days)
💖Valentine’s Day Special💖
Sticky Situations; Sero x Male Reader
Genre: smutty smut
Type: oneshot
Word Count: 1.7K
Warnings: making out, bondage, quirk play, daddy kink (it’s technically Papi, but whatever lol), prince kink, blowjobs, brat play, spitting, cum play
Other: I’m so sorry this took so long to come out, I admit I was watching anime. Death Note totally isn’t creepy at all. Also, I do like the headcanon that Sero is Hispanic, but I myself don’t speak Spanish and I had to use google translate. If anything if translated incorrectly, please let me know and I will change it. Also, I call my grandpa Papi, so I kept being reminded of him when I wrote this, and it felt super weird lmao
NSFW Taglist: @smolchildfangirl @combat-wombatus @mandalorian-baby-bird @waffleareniceandfluffy (let me know if you wanna be added to or removed from the taglist)
Remember to check if requests are open before sending in a request. This was made during the Valentine’s Day Special Request Event
Valentine’s Day was always fun, even when you were single. Mostly because you could bully tease all the simps in relationships. However, Valentine’s Day was even more fun when you were in a relationship.
Gone were the days where you would state that you’d never ever date.
I mean- most of those days you’d say you’d never date a girl.
You’ve kept that promise thus far.
You and Hanta Sero had been going out for about four or five months now, and you’d been looking forward to Valentine’s Day with your boyfriend. You took him on a date to a cute cafe, then took a walk in the nearby park. 
If anyone looked your way, it had to have been obvious that you were dating. You were holding hands, laughing and giggling together, and Sero couldn’t stop himself from pressing countless kisses to your face and hands.
It was a little embarrassing when a little kid shouted “EEWW THEY’RE IN LOO-OOVE!! HAHA!” However, the two of you just kissed again to piss him off.
Your jaw was aching from all the smiling by the time you got back home. Stomach in loops from all the laughter.
“Hanta! You know you can’t bully a five-year-old!” You laughed, pushing the keys into the door.
“I wasn’t bullying him, I was just- ah- showing him that I love you! C’mon, you can forgive that, right, Mi Amor?”
“Hanta, don’t pull the ‘Mi Amor’ on me, kids are still kids.” You waved your finger in his face jokingly, pushing the door open and stepping inside.
“Kids may still be kids, but Y/n’s are still sexy~” he grinned, placing his head on top of yours (he’s so freakin tall).
“Oh my goodness, Hanta! You horny bastard,”you laughed, shutting the door behind you. You felt Hanta’s hands curl around your waist, tugging you close to him.
You rolled your eyes, chuckling a little and moving towards the kitchen, Hanta’s arms still around you. He waddled behind you like a lost puppy, insistent on keeping the physical contact. 
“We should relax...” he muttered in your ear. 
“Hanta, ‘relaxing’ to you is fucking me until I can’t think.” you commented, booping his nose. Despite your words, your body was headed towards the bedroom. 
“Yeah? And? You don’t have to do shit, just relax and take it baby~” he murmured as the two of you found the bedroom, shutting the door behind you. In an instant, he had you pushed up against the wall, pressing his lips against your neck and chin, sucking your skin into his mouth to give you some visible hickies.
“Mm- you’re lucky your handsome, tape-boy~” you teased, smirking up at him. “lucky I’m so fucking horny~” your hands caressed down his sides and stomach, finding their way to his pants, cupping his crotch.
“Watch where you’re touching, Querido~” he purred in your ear. 
“Yeah, I’m watching, Papi~” your boyfriend’s eyebrows quirked upwards, tugging your arms upwards. You felt something cold and sticky on your wrists, tightening around your skin. He fucking taped you. “Ah- Hanta! Seriously? Today’s supposed to be sweet, not kinky~!” you kept up your smug act, despite the uncomfortable tightness in your pants.
“Drop the vanilla act, Principe. You can’t call me Papi then pretend you want it gentle.” his hands were woven in your shirt, and his words fell straight gay to your dick. He pushed you onto the bed, crawling on top of you and unbuttoning your shirt. You bit your lip, still grinning like a top despite your sticky situation. 
“I ain’t dropping anything anytime soon~” you cooed, wrapping your legs around his hips and grinding your clothed dick up against his. “Come on, Papi, I’m hard as shit right now, you gonna do something about it?” you felt his growl before you heard it, his hand gripping your jaw and tugging it up to his face, his lips inches away from yours.
“You need to shut your fucking mouth, or I’ll use it for something better.” you gulped, nodding as best you could with your face in his hand. Your grin had fallen, but a nasty smirk was plastered on his face, sending shivers down your spine.
“I-I’m sorry, Papi, please touch me,” you whined, and he let go of your face, setting your head down on the soft pillows. He undid your belt, and you lifted your hips so he could pull them down.
“That’s a good boy, asking Papi nicely for your pleasure~” he purred like a cat, palming your growing hard-on through your boxers. Your breath hitched, trying to pull out of the tape on your wrists so you could wrap your arms around his shoulders. 
Hanta noticed, pushing your arms up and quickly taping you to the headboard. You whined, complaining loudly about the excess bondage. You wanted to touch him, wanted to run your hands through his hair and scratch up his back.
“Enough of the brattyness.” he growled again, hand smacking against your thigh. “You want your dick sucked or fucking not?” 
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry, please I do want my dick sucked! Please make me feel good, Papi, I won’t complain again I’m sorry~”
“Buen Chico, Good boy~” his hand finally dipped into your boxers, pulling your cock out. You sucked in a hiss as his long fingers wrapped around your base, slowly jerking you off. “You were right, Principe, you are hard as shit right now. That’s all cause of me~?”
“F-fuck! Cocky bastard-” you grunted, pulling against your restraints as your boyfriend tugged on your dick.
“I think I reserve the right to be a bit... cocky. ‘Specially considering the circumstances~” you opened your mouth to spit another bratty insult at him, but he shut you up before you could get the chance. His lips pressed against yours, and his tongue halfway down your throat. You groaned into the kiss, hips bucking up into his touch.
He pulled away from you, a string of saliva still connecting your tongues. His hand found your face again, holding your jaw and forcing your mouth to remain open as he spat into your maw. 
You instinctively swallowed, looking up at him helplessly. Was it possible to get any more turned on? You were literally taped to the bed with your hot as fuck boyfriend hovering over you, jerking you off and spitting in your mouth. 
He pressed kisses down your neck, chest, and stomach before he finally finally reached your throbbing dick. He pressed his tongue flat against the underside, dragging it up to the tip and suckling on it a little. You grunted again, bucking up to try and get him to take in more. He pulled of, letting out a small huff of disappointment.
“Really, baby? I thought at this point you’d recognize that you’re not in control. I am in control.” you whined at his evil grin. You were so fucking wrong. With Hanta, there was always room to be more turned on.
“Yes! You’re in control!” you cried out, “You control my body, Hanta! Please please please suck my dick! Please make me feel good! I’m your good boy, right? Tu Buen Chico!”
“That’s right, Mi Chico, un Buen Chico~” he purred, finally taking your throbbing cock into his mouth and sucking. Your eyes rolled back, head flopping limply onto the pillows with a loud moan. 
“Fu-uck!” you whimpered, he had so much talent, tongue swirling around your tip as he tugged on your balls. Bobbing up and down your length and deep-throating you with ease. “Hanta, Papi! Please it feels so good!”
He hummed around your dick in approval, grinding his hips against the mattress as he continued to suck you off. He loved the cute noises you made, enjoying every dirty word that spilled from your mouth.
This wasn’t the first time you’d gotten a blowjob from him, but he seemed to get better at it every time, using your reactions as data to improve his skills. The first time he sucked you off, he was inexperienced, and you didn’t cum. Now, he had you cumming in less than five minutes.
Most days, he’d edge you. Keeping you from cumming until you were in tears, at which point he’d finally prep and fuck you. But today was Valentine’s Day, a day to appreciate your lovers, romantic or otherwise, so he decided he’d be nice and let you cum.
“God- fuck it feels so good! I wanna cum, please let me cum, Papi!” You looked down your chest at your man, he looked up with you, not pulling off of you, instead, he sped up, swallowing around you. 
Usually, he’d pull off and tease you, deny your poor little dick of it’s orgasm before going back down on you, so his continuance was a pleasant surprise. You arched you back, squirming as your legs twitched.
“Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck Hanta~” you cried, bucking up into his mouth a few times as you leaked your cum into his mouth. He finally pulled off of you, stroking you a little more to encourage more to shoot out on his face. 
Finally, he let go, and you flopped back into the mattress. You felt the bed’s weight shift as Hanta crawled over you, lifting your face by your chin. You felt your face heat up at the sight of him. There were lines of cum on his cheek, lip, and a little on his chin. Then he let his mouth fall open, your cum dribbling off his tongue and past his lips.
You opened your mouth out of instinct, letting him spit your cum into your mouth. His face dipped down, lips pressing against yours as he fed more semen into your mouth with his tongue. You let out soft mewls into his mouth in return. He separated, rubbing your cheek with his thumb gently.
“Don’t you fucking dare swallow.” his voice was commanding, contra(dick)ting the sweet look on his face. His tongue darted out, licking up as much spare cum as he could as he sat back on his haunches.
Hanta was still dressed, hard on evident in his pants as he rolled his hips against yours. Your breath hitched and you tugged on your restrains. You wanted to protest against him, but you couldn’t without swallowing what was in your mouth, and you weren’t exactly in the mood for a punishment.
“We’re in for a long night, Mi Buen Principe~” he smirked.
Oh shit.
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cryptidmullet · 3 years
more renga headcanons bc i miss them
- rekis not one to like. hide his praise or anything he compliments langa a lot but just. every so often he'll grab langas wrist and look at him all soft and say "youre amazing langa" very reminiscent of how langa praises him and it just makes langa feel so fucking mushy and in love
- rekis used to affection from his family but thats kinda it and langas family was never super affectionate but he felt loved still but after his dad died he just felt super lonely but when they meet and start getting super close they both just feel like theyre overflowing with love both given and received and i just thinks that beautiful
- rekis chronically bad at opening bottles bc they hurt his hands and hes always embarrassed but he goes up to langa and is like. open please. and langa does KKFMSMFND
- it gets to the point he'll just go up to him with a bottle and langa will open it without being prompted
- yknow when youre really tired and you feel like youre floating in the ocean reki has that but he feels like hes rolling back and forth on his skateboard
- since he first started skating the movement and feeling got so ingrained in him that he'll be sitting at his desk or laying in bed and just feels the sensation of tick tacking like hes not moving he just can feel it like a ghost in his muscles and brain
- sometimes reki just wants to. stand on his board like not do anything just stand on it so he stores skateboards in his room and when he gets restless he'll just stand on one for a little bit
- reki talks to himself a lot he'll be doing some mindless task and then have a pretend conversation with nobody without even realizing it
- whenever reki cries or gets choked up about smth drinking water for some reason makes him feel better
- reki pokes the twins' bellies and blows raspberries on them to make them laugh :)
- langa cant pick up rice with chopsticks when he first moves to okinawa and reki makes fun of him but still teaches him how to do it
- langa has acne along his jawline its just bumpy and stuff
- reki wakes up and then lays in bed watching videos as long as he can before he gets up 
- he also holds his phone like two inches away from his face
- reki uses dark mode langa uses light mode until reki notices it forcibly changes it
- rekis phone is always at like really low brightness bc his eyes are sensitive
- its battery is also always low bc its an old phone and it takes forever to charge
- he takes a lot of pictures and videos of langa just for no reason half of them are blurry and out of focus and langas not paying attention but he keeps all of them
- he has a bookmark on instagram called 'langa' and its full of stuff that reminds reki of him or he wants to show him later
- langa and reki pair up for a presentation once and when theyre presenting they cannot stop laughing reki says um and pauses for a moment too long and langa does one of those long nose exhale laughs and it makes reki snort and then they keep messing up and barely get through it and when they walk back to their desks they shove each other while the class laughs
- langa has a really cheap purple phone case he got at walmart and rekis like dude thats so boring so he makes stickers for him to stick to it
- langa loves them but he also has this weird anxiety about putting stickers places bc he likes them and doesnt want to eventually get rid of whatever the sticker is on but reki tells him he'll make him more whenever he gets another phone so hes okay with it
- langa doesnt really fidget unless hes nervous and then he twists his fingers around but when hes sitting he rolls his right ankle a lot and his foots like always twitching really minutely 
- reki carries around a hairband partly for his sisters (and eventually langa) and partly so he can fidget with it
- langa carries one around too for the same reason but one day reki forgets it during work so langa gives it to him bc he looks restless 
- and langa kinda feels really bare and doesnt know what to do without it so he just rubs his wrist a lot but he doesnt mind 
- reki will get up to go do smth but just sit down curled in a ball on the floor bc he gets distracted for whatever reason and after like 20 minutes of scrolling through his phone hes like wait what was i doing
- reki has a scar on his lip/chin bc he bailed really hard and hit his chin on the concrete and bit through his lip 
- langas a dry ass texter when he and reki first meet bc he didnt really have anyone to text before
- but eventually he googles how to turn auto caps and everything changes
- hes actually funnier over text sometimes bc hes less restrained 
- hes made a ur mom joke and then was like wait i take it back i love your mom im sorry :c 
- and he points out every time reki misspells a word just to annoy him
- reki scrolling through tiktok and he randomly starts crying at a wholesome video and langas like.. you good man and rekis like look at this FRICKING tiktok dude and then langas crying too KFMSMFND
- obligatory "we make a good team" line idk the context ill think about it later but theyre gay they have to say it
- langa promised his mom hed go to the store but had to do a last minute shift at dope sketch and rekis like oh ill do it for you i already know what you get
- langa has a sweet tooth he loves candy and hot chocolate and all that stuff and reki is lowkey an enabler he always brings candy w him or has a bag in his room
- when reki laughs he wraps his arms around his stomach and hes the type to go silent when he laughs hard enough
- he'll go from standing normally to bent over to crouched down to falling and rolling on his back or side from laughing so hard
- its pretty rare but sometimes he snorts in the middle of a laugh too
- when langas laughing Really hard its loud and kind of wheezy and almost like a cackle and he covers his mouth most of the time just out of habit
- he curls up when he laughs too so he'll be laying on rekis bed or the floor and reki says smth that catches him totally off guard and he starts fucking cackling and brings his knees up to touch his forehead hitting his leg and wheezing
- langa helps reki teach chihiro and nanaka how to ride a bike and the four of them go on little bike rides together occasionally
- the twins pulling on langas pant leg until he bends down so they can whisper gibberish in his ear and the first time langa is like ??? but then he learns to just laugh and nod 
- all of rekis sisters coming into rekis room while langa is there to be like :D langa :D and reki herding them out and yelling we're busy and then just flopping on his bed to continue scrolling through his phone in silence
- reki does the older sibling thing and just stands in koyomis doorway 
- miya makes a meme reference that reki doesnt get and hes like god youre old and it wounds reki on a personal level
- reki has a piece of graphite just like permanently stuck in his leg bc when he was younger his friend accidently stabbed him with it and it broke off and just. stayed there
- reki gets super obsessed with one song for a week or two and he'll listen to it on loop like 10 times in a row and he learns the lyrics to them no matter the language and by proxy langa always has the stuck in his head
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nightingaelic · 3 years
Companions (DLC included) respond to the Courier getting drunk at their wedding.
Arcade Gannon: "What is wrong with you? You couldn't pick any other day to act like a brahmin who got into the broc patch?"
Super apologetic toward his new husband, he should've known the courier was going to make a scene, honestly, it's about the only thing they're good at, and gets so flustered he starts blushing and his newly-minted spouse has to reassure him that the courier isn't even the most inebriated person there. That award goes to Cass, who is pickling herself in a mixture of wedding joy and despair that the nerdy gay scientist of the friend group found love before she did. Arcade stops the courier from being a bad influence and forbids the bartender from pouring the pair of them any more shots. Will not hold the courier's hair if they throw up, but will slip them some Rebound for the inevitable hangover.
Craig Boone: "Take it easy. Here, I'll finish that one for you."
Ignores the courier's antics completely until they make their way up to congratulate him and his new partner personally, at which point his usual stony façade will crack a bit. He's well-acquainted with the courier's drunk personality by now, but hasn't let himself loosen up out of a strong sense of duty. Now, on this happy day, he's willing to relax an inch and share some extra drinks with them and the rest of the Lucky 38 crew. This is the one time the courier will be able to steal his beret and be able to hang onto it until after the festivities.
Lily Bowen: "Go sit in the corner until you can behave yourself, dearie!"
Embarrassed by her surrogate grandchild's actions, Lily would attempt to scold the courier back into sobriety. Eventually she would realize her efforts are fruitless and take a few minutes to sulk, before the whirlwind happiness of the day and the flounce of her dress win out and she lets her spouse, the courier and her Lucky 38 and Jacobstown friends lead her out to the middle of the dance floor. After that, well, there aren't many spectacles that can top seeing a bunch of super mutants dancing.
Raul Alfonso Tejada: "Hey, hey, slow down boss! Tenemos muchos años más to act like fools together, eh?"
As soon as the courier jumps up on a table to give an impromptu toast, Raul will unleash his best grito and toast them back with the nearest bottle of tequila. Once deep enough into the alcohol himself, Raul would get a little weepy and start thanking them profusely for their role in his recent years of life, leaning on them as much as they're leaning on him. Largely forgiving of messes caused by clumsiness or turned stomachs, unless any of them threaten to ruin his suit or his partner's outfit.
Rose of Sharon Cassidy: "Well if this ain't an excuse to get wasted in the wastes, I don't know what is."
Cass lives up to her nickname "Whiskey Rose" and is probably just as deep into her cups as the courier. Through the laughter, stumbles, bumps and curse words, however, Cass is careful not to go past her point of no return, and cuts the courier off before they also slip over the edge. She's spent much of her later life trying to get blackout drunk, but today is not a day she wants either of them to forget. As such, she has a low tolerance for anyone who messes up something important in her eyes, and will toss them out on their ass. God help anyone who rips her dress.
Veronica Santangelo: "That's the first time I've seen anyone mix Jake Juice and ant nectar together. This should be interesting."
Rather than confront a drunken courier about their bad behavior, Veronica settles for blushing deeper and deeper shades of pink, until her new wife tells her to go outside and get some air. Like Cass, she is very protective of her dress, but mostly because she loves wearing it in general and wants to feel like a princess for as long as she can. Will definitely get lost in the bathroom with Cass and the courier at some point, complimenting everyone who walks in. Will hold the courier's hair back if they throw up.
Dean Domino: "Don't leave me out if you have plans for some grand finale. Marriage might've caught me, but this snake can still rattle."
As long as the courier doesn't start singing, Dean regards their drunken stunts with a charming smile and a wink or two. If the courier tries to start some impromptu karaoke, however, Dean will start heckling them and get the rest of the guests to join in. This is less about being offended by their singing and more about putting himself back in the center of the spotlight. If the song is a duet, though, he'll probably join in on the second part with some pre-war choreography.
Christine Royce: [scowls]
The Brotherhood assassin is quite good at piercing glares, which is exactly what the courier will get if they don't put the centerpiece down and melt back into the crowd around the bar. Christine is also unafraid of a confrontation, and if the courier's behavior doesn't improve after their first warning, they'll be kicked to the outskirts of the reception, or kicked out altogether. Veronica will take pity on them if this happens and sneak them some food, but Christine doesn't let her guard down easily anymore and removal from the party is permanent.
Dog/God: "Hrrrrrrn..."
Watching the courier overindulge is too much for the nightkin, who is painfully reminded of his own split personality. Still too polite to ask the courier to tone it down or leave though, he instead disappears until the courier leaves or until someone else deals with them.
Follows-Chalk: "Let's share a cup or two, then get back to things, neh?"
Though he's personally fine with the courier's lack of decorum, Follows-Chalk meets the disapproving glances from the rest of the Dead Horses with sheepish grins and hustles them to the back of the celebration if they get too loud. He'll share a few drinks with them though, and the alcohol will warm him up significantly toward letting them back into the center of things. Ultimately, he and the courier will wind up swaying together over a bonfire, singing songs off-key and reminiscing about their time together in Zion.
Waking Cloud: "Muddy your water if you must, but do not forget to let it run clean beneath the morning."
The tall, stately bride is polite and tolerant of the courier's drunken outbursts, but chooses not to partake herself when offered drinks. The Sorrows view mind-altering substances as something for serious, sacred purposes, and weddings are focused on celebration rather than ritual. Still, Waking Cloud can't help but smile when the courier tries their hand at the intricate, unending dances on the banks of the Virgin River. They might look foolish, and watching members of the tribe might wince, but the smile on their face is pure ecstasy.
Joshua Graham: "There is a fire that burns within the righteous, but that fire cannot prosper if you insist on quenching it."
As a Mormon, Joshua Graham doesn't drink, and he's very judgmental of those who overindulge. Seeing as it's the courier, his disdain is tempered into something more akin to disappointment, but he'll still take every opportunity to pull them aside and try to explain their faux pas in between their hiccups. Most likely to have a dry wedding in the first place, but we all know the courier has a trusty Vault 13 canteen and is great at breaking the rules.
Ulysses: "The Twin Mothers knew how to cure a wound with bitters, one drink at a time... some wounds need more. More bitters, and more drinks. There's enough bitterness already in our history."
Ulysses also doesn't drink, but he knows better than to try to separate the courier from a good time. He'll simply avoid them until they simmer down, grabbing his partner and ducking out of conversations right before the courier crashes them. He's so successful in this that the courier might start loudly complaining about how they "didn't know we were back in the Divide," and enlist ED-E to bob around the party in pursuit.
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