#it fits for time travel too
tatck · 5 months
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wha what if every chaos emerald had a guardian 👉👈 and what if the chaos emeralds didn't look like the chaos emeralds at all and what if they all had special powers and what if-
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prudentfolly · 4 months
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Prudence's outfit for Shadowbringers.
She's dinged level 80 in the first dungeon of Shadowbringers, so she can have a mashup of the neo-isghardian set as a treat !! Since their souls all arrived naked in the world, Prudence got herself a new outfit and a good, sturdy cloak to replace her missing scarf.
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canary-warrior · 8 months
Watched Totally Killer yesterday and you cannot convince me that Jamie and Amelia aren't Stevie and Janelle
A blonde girl who is determined to find a murderer and her genius best friend who is smart enough to invent time travel??? It's literally them in another universe
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fudgecake-charlie · 1 year
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Joe & Cleo life is strange AU!
Joe gets time control from a haunted polaroid camera, Cleo reunites with an old friend because of her near-death situations, a storm is brewing on the horizon, and none of the original game’s plot is real here :]
Close-ups and textless version under the cut!
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Also rambles are in the tags if you wanna hear art and AU thoughts. send an ask if you want!
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benbunny · 7 months
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the benbunny household has moved! my situation is too temporary at the moment to be worth setting up all my dolls, but I had to have at least one room to play with. Diana seemed the obvious choice — not only was she the doll that got me back into dolls and my buddy while I was at college, she’s also at the point in her story where she’s moving to Paris for finishing school! So this shelf is now her dorm room there :)
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flyinglowdown · 13 days
i have a dream. and that dream is cressida/eloise/lord debling
#bridgerton#OKAY OKAY BUT HEAR ME OUT!#eloise has her strong interests in women's rights and philosophical discussions and escaping the societal rules of the ton#cressida wants more than anything to have her OWN home and spend her time running it with people who value HER not her “value”#+ we can see so clearly how she's begun to change + become her own person around those who won't judge her (too harshly lol) as she breaks#Debling is such a free thinker and so committed to his work with the same passion Eloise has and wants freedom from the burden of his title#BUT MOST OF ALL someone who can accept him for who he is despite /not/ fitting in how he's “supposed” to#THEY HAVE SUCH POTENTIAL!!!#Cressida free to run a home#Eloise free from the marriage mart#Debling free to explore the world#Cressida + Eloise continuing to spend their time together while Debling is on his travels#And when Debling returns home there is so much newness for them both to learn about!! such steady warmth and welcomness for the two of them#while Cressida keeps the both of them engaged in the ton and going out to meet new people/have interesting conversations#even when they forget that's one of the benefits of the ton#and Eloise's wit and charm keep them both so entertained and in such vibrant spirits even when apart#you just kNOW Eloise's letters would be something else#writing at least once a week (w/Cressida's love + polite questions peppered in) even if they know they won't be delivered 'til the next por#I'M GOING FERAL!!!!!#is this what gets me back writing fanfic again lol#eloise bridgerton#cressida cowper#alfred debling#lord debling
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bidaryl · 5 months
time travel fix it au's are done to death in this fandom but also they're my favourite thing in the world so au where the entire show happens as is and it's heartbreaking and inspiring etc but then. restart button. waking back up at the start of the end except only the people that lived remember
wanna think about what would happen when daryl and carol wake up at camp, remembering everything that happened; carol stronger, knowing in her gut that everything that she remembers is real, and daryl fucking terrified, because if everything in his head actually happened, then what the fuck is this
wanna think about a rick dragging a hostile merle and a wide-eyed glenn back to camp, memories completely intact, and running to reunite with his family. not letting daryl go and hugging carol so so so tight, collapsing to the ground with carl in his arms
wanna think about them dragging the atlanta group to the farm, maggie leaving the front porch light on for them, and everyone reuniting. rick seeing hershel again, daryl seeing beth, carol pulling sophia close, and maggie being unable to even breath, looking at glenn
wanna think about them tossing up whether to even go to the prison, but they met important people there, and alexandria's a long way, and if they're gonna survive this time–if they're gonna live–they're gonna do it right
so they go to the prison so they can figure out their next step, and michonne's there and waiting, andre on her hip, and they deal with the governor before the governor deals with them, and sasha and tyresse finally show up, they find the prisoners, and then one day they get a knock on the front gate, and it's negan
negan showing up, no baseball bat in hand but his leather jacket still in place, a sick but alive lucille by his side, laura and doctor franklin behind him, and all he's got to say is at the end of the world, i know which side i wanna be on
the fallout of that, of maggie being against it, of rick never having gotten to see negan at the end, not knowing the choices he made, the good and the bad. daryl and carol looking at glenn, seeing him alive and in love and having no memory of his last moments, and never wanting anything to ruin that, but negan saved judiths life, helped save all their lives. he chose, in the end, and now it's their turn
wanna think about a future where beth doesn't die, but they go on a rescue mission to get noah anyway. a future where tara turns up with her niece, led by eugene with abraham and rosita following right behind him
wanna think about how they'd handle terminus, how they'd handle the claimers. wanna think about them trying to find father gabriel, except gabe made it the first time around, and he wasn't wasting his second chance. he saved his flock, and he led them to alexandria, and he's waiting
wanna think of connie's group searching for hilltop. not finding maggie, or alden, but finding jesus. wanna think about lydia, being a fucking child, and watching her mother kill her dad, and remembering aaron telling her how loved she was
wanna think of the growing pains of them being able to save so many more family members this time, but god, a larger group is harder to keep alive
daryl trying to run interference with merle and everyone else, getting the jack of it one day and telling him he's already mourned him once, and he won't again. if merle wants to stay–to live–then it's up to him. daryl's not gonna babysit him anymore
rick trying to find his footing between lori and shane and judith, with carl, with michonne and andre. michonne looking at a weak but alive lori grimes holding a screaming and crying newborn in her arms, and knowing that she's never gonna be her daughter the way she was before, but knowing she'll always be something to her
carol struggling to be the mother sophia needs her to be, emotions too sharp and constantly fucking terrified. doesn't know how to hold onto someone like that anymore, either gripping too tight or not at all
maggie trying to exist in a world where she has everyone she's ever loved back, so close and so fucking dear, except it cost her her son. not knowing if she'll ever get him back at all. doesn't know how to live with the grief of losing someone she never technically had in this world
they make it to alexandria and it's aaron opening the gate for them, waiting to welcome them home
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the thing with yaz&14 is that like,,, the best thing thats ever happened to you in your life happens to you, and you learn some things about yourself, and you grow up in the process, and find the thing you love to do, and youre really good at it, and you get a taste of a life that you can see yourself doing until you die (even if it might make that death come a little sooner than expected), and you fall in love with the person who kind of embodies that life,
and then that person is like actually im 10 times happier not doing that
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mentioned this in my last post under the cut but you have no idea how much it irked me as a physicist to read about how gege consulted a FUCKING ENGINEER about limitless. an engineer. an ENGINGEERRRRRR. i just. not even a mathematician? engineers don't work with theoretical physics. engineers hardly even work with nonreal math! you're out here designing a guy whose powers involve imaginary mass and divergent series and you DON'T even go to like the two fields that actually work with those things on a semi regular basis...an engineer.......what's he telling you....how to build a bridge?????????????
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honorthysalad · 3 months
and now to reveal the true purpose of a pokemon au: giving all the characters pokemon so I can imagine cute little scenarios w/ them and their mons.
So for ‘Hikaru’ I’m feeling a Ninetales and Yanma. Ninetales was Hikaru’s; Yanma he caught in the summer. The stone for evolving Vulpix was a gift from his late father, and he had the Vulpix much earlier than was typical training age. Yoshiki can’t remember a time Hikaru didn’t have a Pokemon by his side. At the same time, Hikaru was never very good with Pokemon, so Ninetales remained the only member of his team.
Then Yoshiki has a Grimer, Teddiursa, and Murkrow. He got the Grimer as a kid while visiting Tokyo as they’re quite common in densely populated areas- less so in cleaner rural areas, making it’s an odd sight in Kubitachi. Teddiursa is a much more common pokemon, and while it is cute, its evolution is less so for how dangerous it is. Murkrow are generally despised as pests. Known pranksters, the ones on the mountains are blamed for a lot of missing people as they’re known to lead people astray. Yoshiki’s team choices are widely discussed and criticized.
Next few are less set in stone:
Asako: Azumarill, Flaafy
Yuuki: Ivysaur
Maki: Elekid, Magikarp (based on two in-universe baseball teams)
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wyldblunt · 1 year
i rly loved reading the tags on my other commander profession post so here's another one!! ranger specific this time: to what extent do you work your rangers' pets into their lore? do they actually own/have a bond with one of every species you have unlocked for them ingame? do their pets travel with them? do they have stables or kennels or something at home?
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wmnylander · 7 months
the reaction to the NHL bringing 4 teams to sweden has been something that's been bugging me for the last few days like no, you don't need to 'grow the game' in sweden. everyone knows that there's already a steadfast loyalty and enjoyment of hockey there. but have any of the north american old men with (unfortunately) access to the internet thought about how accessible these games are to other european fans?? even some fans from non-european countries?? how it's easier for people not in canada/the us to enjoy literally 2 whole games because they're at a normal/manageable time?? that's how you grow the game. it's how you grow any sport. losers.
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robozombii · 2 years
this post got an unusual amount of attention but i did it. heres a low effort sketch of the interdimensional white boy car lol
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back left is steampunk! arthur who doesnt have an official design yet so i winged it. probably the sanest out of them all but thats a low ass bar
back right is a private au of mine, but idm posting drawings so.. lets call him. king arthur. he is doing very swell terrorizing the car
passenger seat is hansel! reverb. idk how he got into the arthurs only automobile can someone kick him out
driver is lagtrain! arthur i dont think hes qualified to sit there and hes probably the only one with a tinge of self awareness that hes not normal
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unfinishedslurs · 10 months
Umbrella Academy Losers
Bill takes a deep breath, twists the cap off the urn, and dumps the ashes out. They fall into an inelegant heap. It would have hated that.
“M-might have been b-b-better with some wind,” he mutters. Everyone stays silent.
Finally, Richie breaks the silence. “Did anyone else ever expect him to turn into some weird alien…clown…spider…thing?”
No one replies, until Bill toes the ashes. “Yeah.”
“Well,” Richie says, lighting a cigarette, “good to know I’m not completely crazy.”
“I don't think that Bill being on your side points to your favor,” Eddie replies.
Bill frowns down at the small pile by his feet. “I used t-t-to th-think he was i-i-immortal. I g-guess I s-st-still thought th-that.”
“He was always good at making us think he was the biggest threat we’d ever face,” Mike says.
“He was wrong,” Bev replies, and glances at the ashes one last time before light flashes and she’s gone.
Richie’s sitting upside down on the couch, much to Eddie’s chagrin. Sucks for him, but there’s plenty of couches to choose from. He didn’t have to sit next to him. He pulls a joint out of his pocket and lights it. Hopefully having lungs upwards for a change doesn’t make him choke.
Bill sighs. “Richie.”
“Sorry, Big Bill, but if you think I’m going to be sober enough to chance seeing It’s ghost, you’re out of your goddamn mind.”
They all wince in sympathy.
“Yeah, okay,” Eddie says, “but can you at least not smoke with the asthmatic in the room?”
Richie squints, trying to make sense of Eddie’s upside-down face. “Do you have asthma? I don’t remember you having asthma.”
“Were you there for most of our childhood?”
“Physically or mentally?” He asks, but gets up and moves to the bar. Close enough to hear, far enough to not aggravate Eddie’s lungs. Bev and Ben follow him.
“Got a smoke?” Bev asks, leaning against the bar, and Ben falters, accidentally turning his two fingers of whiskey into three.
“You—you’re thirteen,” he says, at the same time Richie asks, “Aren’t you an infant now?”
“I’m forty years old,” she says, fixing them with the second most deadpan stare he’s ever seen. “I’m in the body of my thirteen year old self, which is enough torture. Besides, these lungs are already ruined. Give me a damn cigarette.”
Can’t argue with that. He gives her a damn cigarette.
Ben sighs and adds another finger.
“Richie,” Bill calls, because he has some kind of Big Brother instinct that Richie secretly thinks of as his second power, “you better not be giving drugs to the baby.”
“Fuck you, Bill,” Bev snorts, and Richie follows up with, “Yeah, fuck you! The ‘baby’ gave me cigarettes first.”
“Why’d you stay, Mikey?” Bill asks. “You hated it here more than any of us.”
“Actually I think that was Richie.”
“Hell yeah it was!” Richie calls.
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asydicsydney · 8 months
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crazymecjc · 7 months
thinking about frankenstein a new musical (2008) once again and going Crazy
#carissa speaks#finally found the boots of the few songs that exist and.#I could stage it better#girl please ur score fuckin Bangs don’t do her dirty like that!!#victor frankenstein my little meow meow someone get this man to open up abt his feelings or smth#also if I was to direct frankenstein it would be so much fruitier#victor and henry were kissing on the regular TO ME#also the costumes????? the coming of the dawn fit fills me with rage the cut of the vest is all WRONG#and unbuttoned????? first and foremost king you are in the ARCTIC but also that would be like stripping!!! that’s not allowed!!#button ur vest up!!#idk if I was the directors of frankenstein a new musical 2008 I would simply up the energy levels#but maybe that’s just me#show fucks though do not get me wrong too 5 musicals of all time I am literally vibrating over here#but I did see those clips and every ounce of my theatre major brain took over#maybe a Would be a better techie#bc I know I could design the Hell out of this show#also- get rid of those fuckass stairs why the hell are there stairs they make for useless traveling#sorry not to be full of mt rage tonight I’m just so ??? they literally had it all how did they not follow through visually 😔#give me victorian gothic!!! please!!!!!!!!!!!!#I also think it’s really interesting now that I’ve actually gone through and fully perceived the book#the changes they made specifically in the instances of justine and Henry’s deaths and how that changes victors character#I like that victor gets to witness Henry’s death and I think the conflict there is neat#but I also enjoy the agency of victor deciding to take back his promise on his own#I feel in some ways him actually going through with a second one all the way to the end is a detriment to his character#like yeah he does Immediately regret it and kill her but the lack of consideration beforehand in the musical is interesting to me#it feels much more like the frenzy of the first creation whereas in the book it is a true concious choice which I think is interesting#both are good and valid takes I just think the discrepancies are neat#there are so many typos in these tags but I cannot be assed to fix them#so sorry#frankenstein musical
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