#it is lovely today. v tall
mobydyke · 2 years
a lesbian just walked by me on the street where I'm sitting on the steps at the back of the theatre eating lunch and trying to get some vitamin d and she said "lovely mohawk. top notch" as she passed me and truly? made my entire day. erased all my exhaustion. 70hr week? don't know her. I feel great a gay stranger just complimented my hair
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captain-hawks · 10 months
double shift
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— kento nanami x f!reader
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summary: Kento Nanami hates overtime, but who is he to say no when his boss asks him to go check on his wife while he's out of town?
word count: 4.2k
content: NSFW, 18+, smut, infidelity, heavy lactation kink, fingering, unprotected p in v, creampie, multiple orgasms, degradation, dirty talk, squirting, breeding kink, restraints, counter sex, wet & messy
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Kento’s grip on the steering wheel tightens as he stares at his phone nestled in the cupholder, limbs taut with aggravation as the bored voice of his boss continues on, “She hasn’t been answering my calls all day, and I’m not flying back for another week yet. I know you’re probably about to leave the office, but I’m going to need you to stop at my house and check on her first, Nanami.”
He pinches the bridge of his nose, the words ‘OVERTIME’ flashing red behind his eyes and drawing forth a fresh surge of anger that has him contemplating the consequences of smashing his phone on the pavement outside and finding a new job entirely.
Today has been shit.
Capital S, Shit.
His asshole boss has been out of town for nearly a week already, every client is somehow ten times more unbearable than usual, the incompetence across the office has become a goddamn disease, and he knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that that piece of shit is doing anything  but keeping his dick in his pants while his wife and their new baby are left home alone.
His very attractive, very lovely wife who probably has no idea what a waste of oxygen her husband is. 
You’re too fucking good for him.
And you’re also too good for Kento, who’s spent more nights than he’d care to admit furiously fisting his cock to the memory of whatever tantalizing outfit you’d turned up at the office wearing that day.
And seeing you pregnant?
While the knowledge that you were now entirely stuck with that undeserving asshole sent his blood boiling, Kento could hardly complain about the sight of you during those months, his shaft straining painfully in his slacks every time he laid eyes upon your gloriously swollen, heavy breasts. 
And the cum he splattered all over the mirror and sink after inevitably rushing out of his office when you finally left? Well, that was between him and the four walls of the men’s bathroom. 
So after the awful day he’s already had, Kento’s not sure he can imagine a worse type of overtime than waltzing into your house and playing the part of a dutiful employee checking in on his boss’s wife, acting like he doesn’t want to fuck you so bad it’s driving him up a goddamn wall.
But he’ll fucking do it.
Of course he will. 
“Sure,” he replies tersely, before hanging up and peeling out of the parking lot.
᠃ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
She’s finally asleep.
Sighing weakly in relief, you close the door to your daughter’s bedroom and shuffle down the hallway. You make it all the way to the kitchen before you’re forced to lean heavily against the countertop, gritting your teeth as another wave of discomfort radiates from your sore, swollen breasts. 
“Hello?” a familiar, male voice tentatively calls out in a hushed tone.
You whip around, still clutching the counter for support, eyes widening at the side of Kento Nanami standing in the doorway to your kitchen. 
“Hi?” you respond, your heart doing a somersault as you drink in the sight of his tall, muscled form. 
He twirls a key around his finger twice before catching it in the palm of his hand and stuffing it in his pocket. “I apologize for barging in, but your spare key hiding spot is shit, and I didn’t want to ring the doorbell and wake the baby.”
“It’s okay, Nanami,” you assure him, the erratic thrumming in your chest far from a feeling of fear.
For whatever reason, he appears to be attempting to avert his eyes after glancing over at you quickly, roughly running a hand through his hair. “Your husband asked me to check on you. He said he hasn’t heard from you all day,” he explains carefully. 
“Well, I figured it would be rude to interrupt the wild orgies he pays for with the company credit card,” you deadpan.
Nanami’s jaw ticks, “He—”
“I’m well aware of what he does.”
“Then why—”
“Because I realized too late, and I’m too tired to do anything about it right now,” you sigh, wincing at the continuous ache of your breasts.
And it’s then that you realize why Nanami’s been looking anywhere but at you directly.
You’re wearing nothing but an oversized t-shirt and knee-high socks, which in and of itself isn’t overtly reprehensible, given that you’re in your own house, you have a four-month-old child, and you can’t remember the last time you got a full night’s rest. The issue is that your breasts are so sore and tender right now, you haven’t been able to even look at a bra in days. 
Which, once again, wouldn’t be an issue alone in the privacy of your home…when one of your husband’s employees isn’t desperately trying not to acknowledge the fact that two large wet spots have soaked through your shirt. 
“I should…” you trail off awkwardly, glancing around the room in hopes that you left one of your flannel over shirts lying within reach. 
“It’s fine,” Nanami blurts out, scratching the back of his head and studiously feigning interest in the collection of party invites and shopping lists stuck to the side of your fridge. 
᠃ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
It’s not fine. 
It’s anything but fine. 
It’s a complete fucking disaster. 
Kento hasn’t seen you since you gave birth. And despite how exhausted he knows you are—he can see it in the bags under your eyes and the limpness of your posture— your soft pregnancy glow has transformed into a postpartum radiance that has his breath catching in his throat each time his eyes sweep over you. 
You’re fucking stunning. 
And somehow, he knows your husband hasn’t noticed this. Hasn’t told you how incredible you are, how fantastic motherhood looks on you. It sends a fresh wave of anger coursing through him, the mere thought that he could bear to let himself stray from you—especially now, at such a vulnerable time. 
But any hopes Kento had of trying not to commit this sight of you to memory were swiftly dashed the moment he noticed the wet spots on your shirt. 
Even now, when he’s looking at a box of cereal on the counter as if it’s the most interesting thing in the entire world, every layer of his inner psyche is rapidly overheating at the thought of your heavy, swollen breasts. The milk leaking from them, soaking through your clothes and inevitably trailing down your stomach. 
He needs to fucking leave. Now. 
“I should go—“
“—do you want some tea?”
You both speak at the same time, and when Kento turns to face you again, you’ve slipped a blue flannel shirt on, buttoning it up partway. As if his traitorous cock will somehow forget what he now knows is obscured underneath the added layer of material. But despite the growing discomfort swelling and throbbing against the zipper of his pants, he concedes, his need to quell the apparent loneliness in your eyes with a moment of company winning out over his lust-addled desire to disappear to the nearest private place to jerk off. 
He’s thankful to sit after you pour him a cup, hiding any and all evidence of what a terrible man he is beneath the table, one leg idly bouncing as he wills his hard on to go down. It’s a big ask, though, given that you’re probably not even aware of what you’re doing to him when you lean your body over the kitchen island with your mug clutched between your fingers as you idly chat with him, your oversized shirt just barely masking the flash of pink panties it reveals beneath each time your shoulders bounce as you laugh. 
He’s two seconds from excusing himself to put his fucking dick in the freezer. 
His chair scrapes against the tile floor as he pushes it back, having decided he’s at his limit, but he pauses when a pained sound escapes your lips. 
“Are you alright?” he asks, hurrying over to where you’re now pressing your forehead against the island countertop, whimpering softly. His hand hovers for a moment before he opts to gently touch your shoulder, just to let you know he’s there. 
Your fingers scrape over the marble as you breathe out in a quiet voice, “No.”
As if on instinct, Kento begins to rub small, comforting circles into your upper back, his tentative touches growing more confident when he feels your tense body behind to relax slightly. 
“What’s wrong? What can I do?”
You whine again, standing up straighter but keeping your back to him as you clutch at your chest. “They…they hurt so bad.”
Kento’s halfway certain his soul has left his body as he watches, stunned, while you slide your hands up under your shirt and squeeze at your breasts, exhaling a chorus of breathy little sounds like the fucked up cherry on top. 
“Do you need to…” he trails off, and though you can’t see from where he’s standing behind you, he vaguely gestures in the general direction where he can only surmise the baby’s room is. 
“It’s…they’re clogged,” you whisper, elbows lifting up and revealing the small of your back as you begin to knead your tits desperately. “They’ve been so sore and swollen for days.”
Kento bites his lower lip, mentally steadying himself for a moment before he asks, “Tell me how I can help.”
“Can you grab a clean washcloth out of the drawer next to the sink and soak it in hot water?”
He swiftly complies with your request, returning moments later after wringing out the small towel and waiting for it to cool down slightly. You’re still using the counter to steady yourself, so he approaches you from behind and goes to hand you the washcloth, only to find his hand immediately pinned between your own and one of your breasts. 
You let out a whimpering cry of relief, and it takes everything in him not to let out the noise rumbling in his own throat as you squeeze his hand over your tit. 
“I’m sorry,” you whimper. “It just feels so…”
“It’s okay,” Kento murmurs. “Relax.”
Internally, every single warning bell inside of his head is blaring indignantly over the fact that he’s got his hand under his boss’s wife’s shirt, and he’s massaging her lactating breasts with a hot towel while she whimpers and presses into his touch. 
But your fingers are laced with his, and you’re not telling him to stop. 
In fact, you’re begging him to keep going, keeping a hold of his left hand when he switches the towel to his right, urging him to massage both of your tits at the same time. And who is he to tell you no?
Kento’s fairly certain his balls are going to be aching for days when he feels the warm liquid that begins to coat his fingers.
Fucking fuck. 
What the fuck is he doing?
Then your back arches as you outright moan when he brazenly toys with both of your nipples at the same time, milk squirting out, your ass pressing directly into his throbbing erection. 
And fuck it, fuck dignity, because Kento’s on the verge of coming in his pants. 
But then you spin around to face him, your back pressed into the island as you gaze at him shyly and say, “I…I think I need more.”
Your eyes flick from his mouth back down to your breasts, and he cups the side of your face as he asks, “Are you sure?”
You nod, slipping your shirt off entirely and tossing it aside, and Kento’s mouth goes dry as he stares at the trails of milk leaking from your tits, wondering how he’d ever thought to call today ‘Shitty’. 
He motions toward the counter, his large hands grasping your waist to help you get seated up on top of it, fingertips hesitant to pull away from your lacy panties when he spies the wet spot over your cunt. 
Kento has never thought of himself as a greedy man. Far from it, actually. 
But the moment his mouth latches onto one of your hot, swollen breasts, pulling a shameless moan from your pretty lips as your thighs wrap around him, the sweet taste of your milk hitting his tongue, he feels fucking insatiable. 
His mind is a buzz of static as he drinks from your tits, all the blood in his body rushing to his cock, precum soaking through his boxers and slacks. Your fingers tangle in his hair, the heel of your foot pressing into his back and pulling him closer, and he groans, one hand grasping your upper thigh as he teases your nipples between his teeth and squeezes a spray of liquid onto his gluttonous tongue. 
“Feels so good, Nanami,” you whine, fingertips sliding down the front of his dress shirt, catching on each button.  
“Kento,” he exhales, licking up the milk dripping down your chest. 
“Kento,” you moan, tugging hard on the tousled blond strands that have fallen onto his forehead. 
And at the sound of your breathy, wrecked tone moaning out his name for the first time, every nerve ending in Kento’s body goes up in flames. 
᠃ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
Nothing has ever felt this good. 
Kento Nanami’s sinful mouth is latched onto your heavy, engorged tits, greedily drinking every spurt of breast milk that comes leaking out of you, the flow growing steadier with each lap and squeeze. 
He has no fucking clue that most of your impromptu visits to the office are actually to see him. To talk to him, if only for a few moments. Kento Nanami, who has always treated you with unfailing kindness under his sometimes brash exterior. Who extends more patience toward you than all of his coworkers combined. 
He has no idea how trapped you feel in your marriage, how often you’ve longed for the bland touch of your husband in bed to be his. 
He doesn’t know how many times you’ve brought yourself over the edge with your fingers with his face lingering in your mind, the rough, teasing sound of words you’ve imagined in his voice playing out in your head like the most sinful soundtrack you’ve ever heard. 
And now he’s grunting and moaning as he makes a mess of both of you, his lips and chin gleaming with the same wet, sticky milk that’s all over your chest and thighs and his hands and pooling on the countertop beneath you. 
It’s filthy.
It’s so fucking filthy. 
And maybe it’s wrong. 
But you’re so desperate for him. For this. You need more. You need it so badly, you can hardly breathe. Searing desire is coiled so tightly in your abdomen, you’re trembling with restraint, aching with the desire to beg him to fuck you. You know he wants it, too, though. It’s hard to miss the thick, mouth-watering outline of his cock straining against his pants, like a beacon waiting to fulfill your darkest desires. 
It’s a line you know he won’t cross unless you ask for it. 
“Kento,” you murmur again, pulling his face up to meet yours. 
“Mmm?” he asks, pupils blown wide with lust, and you can tell he’s slightly dazed, drunk off of the taste of the milk leaking from your tits. 
You lean closer, letting your lips hover over his, Kento’s breath mingling with your own as you whisper, “Please touch me.”
He gently pushes your thighs further apart, carefully running a finger over the front of your panties. His voice is a rough, gravelly sound as he asks, “Here?”
A thrill shoots up your spine at the feather-light touch. “Yes.”
“More?” he questions, his lips brushing against your mouth as he hooks a finger in your underwear and pulls them aside. 
“More,” you keen, bucking into him as his knuckles graze your clit. 
He slides a finger through your folds, visibility shuddering as he comments, “You’re so fucking wet.”
“For you,” you pant, trying to resist the urge to shamelessly start riding his hand. 
Kento’s mouth engulfs yours in a rough, hungry kiss at the same moment he slides a thick digit into your cunt, and he swallows down the whimpering cry of pleasure that spills out of you. His lips are relentless as they slot against yours, and you arch into him, every part of your body drawn to his blazing touch on your skin. 
You can taste the remnants of your breastmilk on Kento’s lips, but you don’t care as you let him slip his tongue into your mouth. He kisses you so deeply it makes your toes curl, one hand cradling the back of your head while he stuffs a second finger into your hole. 
And just when you thought you couldn’t get any more sensitive under his touch, he dips his head back down to continue ravishing your forgotten breasts, pumping his soaked fingers in and out of your pussy all the while. 
“Kento,” you whimper, chest heaving as you press your heels into the cabinets below, every muscle in your body going taut under the onslaught of arousal coursing through you. 
“Can you come for me?” he asks, his gravelly, barely restrained tone searing itself into your mind. 
It’s the combination of his thumb massaging circles into your sensitive bundle of nerves and the sight of milk dripping down his chin as he messily drinks from you that sends you tumbling over the edge, the rubber band inside of you snapping like a whip as your orgasm washes over you. There’s an unfamiliar feeling that accompanies it, clear liquid squirting from your cunt and soaking the front of Kento’s dress shirt. 
Kento’s eyes darken a fraction as he grasps your chin, thumb pressing into your bottom lip. “Good girl,” he murmurs, kissing you. “Good fucking girl.”
Hand reaching between your bodies, you grasp his cock through his slacks, marveling at how maddeningly thick he feels. 
“I want you to fuck me now, Kento,” you tell him in no uncertain terms, rubbing your palm up and down his erection for good measure. “Fuck me like I’m a bad girl.”
Kento growls, hand palming the side of your neck, thumb caressing your collarbones, “You have no fucking clue what you do to me.”
“Show me.”
You’ve hardly had a chance to unbutton his pants before he’s slipping your panties down, stuffing them into his pocket. His hands come up to undo his tie, but rather than tossing the silky material aside, he asks, “Do you trust me?”
You nod in response, and he steps around the island, pulling your hands behind your back and tying your wrists together snugly with the yellow and black material. Anticipation zings through your chest, a fresh wave of arousal dripping from your sensitive cunt. 
“Is that too tight?”
You shake your head. “It’s perfect.”
He wastes no time in shedding the rest of his clothes, and you find yourself pressing hard against the restraints once you see his cock in all its glory, thick and flushed and so fucking big that you whimper.  
You spread your legs wide for him again as he steps between them, rubbing the leaking head of his cock against your damp slit. He notches it at your entrance, tilting your chin to his mouth and dragging your bottom lip between his teeth before he murmurs, “You’re perfect.”
Kento’s hands grasp your hips as he notches his cock at your dripping entrance, slowly easing into you. He massages your breasts, his hot mouth nipping and lapping a trail from your shoulder to the sensitive spot behind your earlobe while he pushes deeper into your cunt. When he eventually bottoms out, you’re both breathing hard, and his tie is fighting for its life to keep your wrists bound behind you. 
“Are you okay?” 
You let out a huff of air, your entire body poised to implode with the weight of the lust and pleasure raging inside of you. “Fuck me like you mean it, Kento.”
Whatever thinly veiled restraint was left in him crumbles to dust at your request, and Kento tugs you closer to the edge of the counter as he begins to pound into your cunt at a ruthless pace, splitting you open right in the middle of your kitchen. The cool marble is slick and sticky beneath you, covered in a myriad of filthy fluids that continue to leak out of you. 
“So beautiful,” he grunts, punctuating each word with a rough snap of his hips. 
“I feel like a whore,” you admit, biting your lower lip, tits bouncing heavily with his punishing thrusts. 
A short, dark laugh escapes Kento’s lips, his brows raising. He leans in, stuffing his cock deep into your cunt as he presses his mouth to yours and murmurs, “Well you’re my pretty, filthy whore.”
If your husband talked to you like this, you’d slap him. But from Kento…the liquid heat that churns in your belly is anything but anger. 
“Am I?” you ask, trying to sound as innocent as you can when he’s balls deep inside of you. 
“Yeah,” he rasps, not missing a beat as he catches on to what you want to hear. He squeezes your tits, milk squirting everywhere. “My dirty slut. You’re such a good girl, making a such a fucking mess. Squirting all over me while your tits leak everywhere.”
You gasp as he leans down, burying his face in your tits, latching on to one of your nipples and drinking deeply from you again. The combined feeling of him sucking on your breasts and the push and drag of his shaft inside of you leaves you cock drunk, begging and babbling senselessly as tears of pleasure prick at the corners of your eyes.
“Wanna put another baby in you, keep these nice and round and full for me,” he grunts, letting milk spray from your tits and leak down your bodies, dripping down his cock and coating his balls. 
The thought leaves you dizzy and breathless, keening as you imagine Kento filling you over and over with his seed. Waking up each morning to his cock already stuffed inside of you, fucking the previous night’s cum right back into your needy cunt. Tying you up to your bed posts with that goddamn tie. The satisfaction on his face when your breasts grow heavy and your belly grows round again for him, awakening something so feral inside of him he’s incapable of keeping his mouth off of your tits and his cock from the heat between your thighs whenever you’re alone. 
Rational thinking is a thing of the past as you choke out, nearly sobbing with pleasure, cunt squelching wetly as he pounds into you, “Fill me, Kento. Please.”
Kento curses, leaning in to caress the side of your face as he mutters, “My filthy girl.”
“Yours,” you pant. “I’m yours.”
He captures your mouth in a deep, heated kiss, fingers grasping your hips for purchase as he plunges into your cunt, drawing shuddering, unabashed moans out of you. “Come all over my cock then,” he instructs, his rough tone dragging down your spine, fingers toying with your clit while your pussy clenches down on every inch of him. 
And when he leans down, holding eye contact with you as he licks up a forgotten trail of milk rolling down one of your tits, there’s nothing that can stop the searing explosion of pleasure that ignites inside of you, your entire body trembling with the relentless, burning hot flood of the most intense orgasm you’ve ever had. 
He follows moments after you, driving his length in to the hilt as he groans, fingers gripping you tightly, his thick cock pulsing heavily inside of you as he fills your cunt deeply with ropes of cum. As fucked out as you feel, you can’t help but whine at the ceaseless arousal that stirs within your gut as your pussy quivers around the stretch of his cock, milking every drop of Kento’s seed from him. 
Kento feels you subtly rocking your hips back into him, and his answering chuckle is like warm honey as he reaches between you. He plays with your overstimulated clit, pressing gentle kisses along your jaw and down the side of your neck as his seed begins to leak out of you. You moan softly, head falling against his shoulder, pleasure mounting inside of you once more. Leveraging what remains of his softening cock, he slowly fucks his cum back inside of you, his rough whispers of praise a warm caress against the shell of your ear as your entire body dissolves into one last blissful climax that leaves you completely boneless. 
You have all of two minutes to bask in the afterglow, Kento’s hands and lips tenderly mapping out your body, when the sound of your phone ringing on the countertop beside you startles you both. Your gaze meets his as you both see the unwelcome name that flashes on the screen, and he promptly flips your phone over and scoops you into his arms as he makes his way toward the living room.
“If I’m working overtime, I’m making this a double shift.”
— likes, comments, & reblogs are appreciated!
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austinbutlerslovers · 2 months
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Teachers Pet
Label Mature 18+
Summary When you begin to fail Professor Butlers advanced math class in college because you can’t stop fantasizing about him, he comes up with a way to satisfy your lust and increase your grade simultaneously. When you are finally on the verge of receiving an F he propositions you. The more you sexually gratify him the higher he will raise your grade.
Student teacher relationship
🚨 Depraved smut 🚨 sex for benefits• unequal power dynamics •sex with position of power• sex with a teacher •manipulation •coercion• long con• forced exposure to self pleasure • coercion seeing self pleasure• romance denial • sexual obsession• edging •fingering • clit play• panty play• oral sex fem receiving• size kink• p in v•multiple orgasms•squirting• ejaculated on •dubcon
The VIPs 🏆 (I struggled w too many ideas for this & they saved me) 📖Plot Consultant @purejasmine 📕 Scenario Consultant @darlinboypresley
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Teachers Pet
‘Professor Butler’ You wrote his name in your note book encircling it with hearts as you smiled to yourself.
He was your advanced mathematics teacher in college and even though his class became extremely difficult you still wanted to be so smart for him.
You look up from your note book in his class and watch him drawing odd shapes on the board explaining a theory for the test tomorrow. You already know you are definitely going to fail.
All you do is get lost staring at him on full display in front of the class now.
When he would walk around the room being engaging you would stare lustfully at his fit body.
When he neared your desk reading from his math text book to the class you would study his handsome face.
When he would explain a new theory looking sternly as he wrote out the equations you would stare into the depths of his blue eyes.
You were especially drawn to his full lips, the way they would curve into a smile when he was passionate about an idea.
His voice was like rich honey and his body was tall and trim. With his perfectly feathered sandy brown hair, and gorgeous smile you were no longer able to pay attention to any of his lectures.
The way he dressed was classic and masculine. You especially loved the blue button up shirt he had on today. He’s worn it over a dozen times and you think it must be his favorite. He paired it with blue jeans that maybe be didn’t realize completely accentuated his cock.
It drove you wild when he would rest back on his desk and his crotch would bunch up at the zipper. You already knew he had an obscenely large cock and it made you shiver at the thought.
As he rests back on his desk in the compromising position again you began to reminisce about the time you saw his large erect cock. You squeeze your thighs shut and quickly look away biting your lower lip trying to regain composure but your core is already throbbing at this point.
You search the room to see if anyone else is aroused in the front row instead of learning math, but you are only one.
It hadn’t always been this way, before it was a simple crush, he was your very kind and handsome math teacher who adored your brilliance.
The infatuation began the first week of second semester. Professor Butler requested you to come to class half an hour early which wasn’t unusual you were his top student then.
He would go over your notes with you and have discussions about upcoming class assignments. His stance was always kneeling by you with one hand placed on your desk and the other resting on the back of your chair.
Being so close with him was very intimate. It made you feel like you were being drawn into his orbit and that every breath he took resonated with yours.
In the magnetic pull of the shared space, you could feel his warmth and his rich voice as it carried even more weight being so near.
He had you going over an advanced equation that was giving you difficulty for the upcoming test. You had never struggled in his class before and it made you apprehensive.
As you worked out the problem he began to slowly trail his thumb across your back as he held your chair. It was the first time he had ever touched you.
The air become charged with anticipation, and his touch, intentional or accidental, sparked a cascade of sensations. It is a moment you distinctly remember when time seemed to pause.
As he continued to slowly trail his thumb across your back you understood it was intentional.
You stared at the pencil in your hand which had come to a stand still on the paper.
“Does it distract when I encourage you?” He asked gently.
“N-no it’s fine” you stammered and willed yourself to finish the equation even though his touch completely altered your mindset.
He pulled the paper from your desk when you set your pencil aside and he examined your work. He slowly smirked
“You got it wrong” he said looking back into your eyes. “Try again.” He said placing the paper on your desk.
You blinked in shock that you gotten it wrong but began to work again as his striking blue eyes studied you, the pressure had never been so intense.
In that moment you weren’t sure if you were doing the work to be a good student or doing the work to be good for him.
He was only focused on you, lingering on every curve of your face and every movement of your hand as you willed it to stop shaking. You began scratching out your current work to start over. Your confidence was wavering you wanted to prove yourself so badly.
He tenderly placed his hand around yours to stop you and guided it back to a certain set of numbers in your formulation “Here is where you went wrong, this is where you second guessed yourself” he revealed. You stared over at his handsome face and desired him greatly your eyes immediately fell to his full lips before you quickly looked away.
You forced yourself to focus and found your mistake beginning to do the math correctly the second time. Thats when he slowly trailed his thumb across your back again sending ripples of sensation through your skin, igniting a spark of connection that transcended words.
You stopped working and stared straight down at your paper only able to focus on his touch. Seeing you so distracted he slowly trailed his hand up to your shoulder giving it a tender squeeze.
“I’ll let you get back to your work, but I want you to come in early again tomorrow.” He stated as he stood. You nodded in agreement and he left you to complete your work.
As you watched him walk back down to his desk you wanted him to come back you wanted him so badly. But you felt very guilty because you were well aware Professor Butler was married, he clearly wore a wedding ring on his left hand.
Due to the amount of time and proximity together you developed a deep crush on him and with just a touch it clouded your entire judgement. Was he attracted to you or was he encouraging you?
You found out the answer the next day.
You arrived to Professor Butlers class early as he requested and entered the room silently not to distract him as he worked.
As you quietly closed the door behind yourself you finally looked to him and caught him in a position of complete compromise. With his laptop open he was pleasuring his very large cock.
You stood frozen watching him, his eyes were closed in bliss and he was making short breathy noises. You fell into a daze of arousal until his eyes opened locking with yours and shocking you out of your trance. You scurried across the room trying to pretend you didn’t see.
He quickly clicked the buttons to turn off his screen and fidgeted with his hands beneath the desk to put his large cock away before quickly standing.
He knocked over his thermos in the rush and reached for it but the container clattered to the floor sending tea flying everywhere. Hearing the noise you stopped in your tracks.
“I’m so Professor Butler I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you like that .” You said in a panic. You don’t know why but you are the one who felt embarrassed.
“What did you see?” He asked a little breathless
“N-nothing Professor Butler” you said as your hands fidgeted nervously from the lie.
You eye his shirt completely ruined as well as his desk. “Are you okay?” You asked because you know the tea must’ve been very hot.
He slowly relaxed his composure and began unbuttoning his shirt as he responded.
“Yea I’m fine I always bring a change of clothing incase of accidents like this.”
You sucked in a breath because before your could even turn he had already stripped the shirt from his body.
You blinked stunned staring at him instantly aroused by his muscular physique. As he looked up his eyes met with your gaze you quickly turned on your heels to give him privacy.
You heard him mutter “Fuck my pants are wet too” making your face blush you’d never heard him upset or cuss… ever. Nothing phased him.
You began to climb the steps to your seat as you heard him open his desk drawer. By the time you were seated he was almost finished buttoning on the new clean shirt he retrieved.
“I have to go to my office .” He announced glancing at you as he left the classroom.
The room became eerily quiet without his presence and sitting in silence you noticed the tea was still spilled on his desk. Wanting to be helpful you decided to clean it up while he was out of the room. You were also secretly dying to know what he was looking at on his laptop. Collecting a towel from the white board you came to stand at his desk wiping it down.
As you got close to his laptop patting up the liquid spilled near the keyboard you pressed the space bar and it turned on to reveal your college id picture on the screen. Your knees went weak with all the information flooding your mind at once. He was pleasuring himself to your photo before you arrived to see him.
You quickly pressed the sleep key to turn the screen off and put the towel in the class hamper. You rushed to your desk and sat down in a daze, should you leave? Should you stay? Is he going to cheat on his wife with you ?! Your heart was pounding as he entered the classroom wearing a pair of new jeans.
He walked to his desk and saw the mess had already been cleaned then he pressed his laptop screen on seeing the display, he looked up directly at you. You panicked averting your eyes quickly to your desk, you were frozen you couldn’t even pretend to do anything else.
You had such crush a crush on him yet finding out he felt the same stunned you. You wondered what would be the bigger problem for him if the school found out or his wife found out.
As he made his way up you avoided his gaze by staring down at your hands on your desk as you picked at your nails. He slowly crouched down next to you peering at you like he had done a dozen times before but this time it was different.
You watched his finger trace down your hand to get your attention as his voice broke the silence
“What did you see?” He asked again more directly.
“I didn’t see anything Professor Butler.” You answered knowing the ramifications of your next actions.
He studied your body language for the tell tale sign you are lying. Your knee bounced uncontrollably under the desk and he coyly smiled.
“You have tells when you lie.” He said gently.
“Professor… I don’t want you to get in trouble.” You blurted out.
He smiled. “What did I do that would get me in trouble ?” He said beguilingly.
You finally looked over to him and his eyes were soft and kind as he looked into yours. His gaze shifted down to your lips. He was deep in thought as he leaned closer before he hesitated regaining his senses.
“I should get ready for class” he said standing and leaving you at your desk.
Your heart broke into pieces. He had wanted you but he calculated it, and he didn’t like the odds.
After that day he no longer looked at you or smiled at you, what was far worse is that he completely ignored you. The test you studied for with him you passed but you began to fail every sub-sequential one soon after.
You knew not to an ask him for help because he would refer you to the tutoring center like he did for all his other students. When you got to a C- you finally went, and to your dismay the tutors only gave you the answer key. They were cocky and rude talking down to you and even out right dismissive when you asked for help.
You missed the way Professor Butler would gently tutor you, he helped you immensely. But he never requested to see you again and you never asked.
Knowing he desired you made you physically crave him on a subconscious level. All you could do was think about him in class, and in your dorm, you lost track of your studies in his course entirely.
Once you were at a D- you sat in bed in your dorm wondering how you lost the concept of math so quickly. You also contemplated how badly you were going to fail him for the upcoming test. You couldn’t accept your fate of receiving an official F in Professor Butlers class it was too painful.
Satisfy Your Lust
When you finally snap to attention in class Professor Butler is handing out the practice tests. You quickly put your notebook away, the test is tomorrow and you desperately hope this will help you pass.
He addresses the class as he walks the room. “Okay so now that we’ve gone over all the concepts this week, here is what you’ve all been waiting for the practice test!” he says holding up a thick stack of papers smacking it lightly in his hand.
The class groans as he begins handing a stack to the first person of each row as he continues “Hey you guys this is mandatory stuff this is what’s going to help you pass the test tomorrow I wouldn’t misguide you.” he affirms.
Professor Butler drops a stack at your row and you collect one test before handing the stack to the next student.
You feel the room shrink as you look at the hieroglyphs on the paper. You want to curl up into a ball.
Professor Butler checks his watch and then the clock above the board for the second hand.
“Okay I’m gonna call it right… about…now. You have thirty minutes to complete the practice test when you are done drop the completed packet in the basket on my desk and return to your seat” he announces to the entire class.
Everyone begins working.
Your eyes fill with fear as you look at question one, you are going to fail so badly. You shakily write your name and start. The first question is multiple choice. You work through the math on a sheet of scratch paper to get your answer.
When you check the choices your answer isn’t even there. You try question two and three before the defeat starts eating you alive. The questions only increase in complexity and you begin circling multiple choice and filling out word problems at will.
When Professor Butler kneels next to you it catches you off guard but you are hopeful that maybe he can tell you have no clue what you are doing and will finally offer assistance.
When he is eye level you look to him and are mesmerized by his stunning face again. You missed being so close to him and are comforted by his presence. He has a look of perplexity as he leans in to speak privately with you.
“I don’t know how to tell you this but…” he glances around then back to you whispering very closely not to be overheard “your legs spread open like that is very distracting to me” he confesses and checks your reaction.
Your face flushes bright red as you snap your legs together faster than lightening. His eyes soften looking at you as his full lips curve into a smile.
“Our little secret.” he says smiling at you. Being so stressed you forgot to cross your legs and the embarrassment swells inside of you.
He stands up and returns to his desk. As he is seated you can see he has full view to look directly between your legs the entire time …. and of all days you wore a mini skirt with pink panties that have little red hearts on them. You want to die.
One by one everyone stands and places their tests in the basket and you quickly fill in the remaining answers to seem timely. As you place your test in the basket Professor Butler collects it and immediately begins circling your answers in red. Your confidence plummets.
The bell rings with his stopwatch signaling the end of the practice test and you let out a sigh. You feel completely hopeless about receiving your first F tomorrow and quickly gather your back pack.
As you pass Professor Butlers desk he calls to you.
“Hey wait up a sec.” He says from his seat gesturing you back. You stop in your tracks stunned, this is the first time he’s addressed you to speak with him in days. A few girls push past you in your disorientation.
One of them even turns back to mouth “teachers pet.” to taunt you before she exits the class.
Though you were once top student of his class you are definitely not teachers pet anymore, you are going to fail him and there’s nothing you can do about it.
You stand in front of his desk as he sits and waits for everyone to leave the class. He is leaned back in his seat, fingers interlaced and elbows on the arm rests. He is in deep contemplation as he looks at you.
“How confident do you feel on your knowledge of the test tomorrow?” he asks staring at you with eyes full of inquiry.
You shift on your feet and bite your lower lip as you lie “Really good.” He watches as you nervously fidget tugging the hem of your skirt, your body obviously betraying you.
“Fail this test tomorrow and it’s an F in my class.” He says sternly and as he stands he gives you a look that adds to the sting of his words.
“I know Professor Butler“ you confess almost out right apologizing for your actions.
“What is happening with you? You were my top student?” He asks as he collects a spray bottle and cloth to wipe the board. You gaze over him lustfully as he wipes it down remembering him shirtless.
“I…I-I’ve been really distracted lately.” You admit regaining your thoughts.
“Distracted by what? This is the answer you give me every time, why won’t you tell me.” He asks earnestly as he puts the bottle and cloth away.
Professor Butler then firmly places his palms flat on his desk as he stands behind it. His blue eyes are piecing as they search yours. “If you won’t say what it is how do you expect me to help you?” He asks directly.
You bite your lower lip at the mere thought of telling him to help in the way you need him. Yes Professor Butler I sexually fantasize about you in class and want to make it a reality. I saw you pleasuring yourself and I know you want me too… you cut your thoughts short. You know he’s already made up his mind about how far he will go and he would never go for that.
The tension amplifies between you two quiet moment.
“Let me see your notes.” He demands and your eyes go wide.
“M-my notes?” You ask in shock, you know only his name is written in your notebook surrounded by hearts.
“Yes your notes the ones you should’ve been taking as I was speaking today. I practically outlined the test, but you would know if you were paying any attention.” He says giving you a glance.
Your heart beats wildly from his direct line of questioning, when he sees you are speechless he continues it.
“What are you always thinking about when I’m talking?” He asks as he walks around his desk and sits on the edge. He crosses his arms and slightly rests back directly in front of you. Your eyes immediately fall to the outline of his enormous cock in his jeans when he sits that way.
Your face flushes pink as you begin to feel so much arousal you can’t breathe all you keep thinking about is him pleasuring his big cock.
“Professor Butler I…” your words stick because you are very apprehensive to straight admit your feelings for him now.
You try again changing your answer “Professor Butler I think about other things when I should be focused on your class.” You admit.
He gives you a look of disappointment. “You second guess yourself” he says and you nod quickly hoping to be off the hook.
“Let’s go over the practice test we did in class today to see where the second guessing starts, would you like that ?” He asks uncrossing his arms.You are so grateful you literally want to kiss him.
“Yes please Professor Butler I would like that so much.” You say feeling hopeful.
He walks across the class and pulls a chair to his desk replacing it with his so you can sit with him. He motions for you to sit in his desk chair.
You feel a smile form on your face as you walk around his desk. This is the first time you’ve been alone with him in weeks and you know he has the magical key that will unlock math in your brain. You drop your back pack and sit down in his comfortable desk chair.
Your heart flutters wildly as he sits directly next to you. His sandy brown hair is feathered beautifully, his smell is pleasant, and his side profile is stunning.
You watch how his eyes sternly study your practice test looking over each answer encircled in red. He suddenly leans over you making your heart skip as he reaches his hand into the desk drawer pulling a pencil and a piece of paper.
He places them on the surface in front of you getting right to business.
“Write out this equation for me” he says placing your practice test down and pointing to question one. You slowly write out the equation in your nicest handwriting.
“Okay start breaking it into smaller equations to simplify it” he instructs. You look up to him clueless obviously you don’t know how.
He takes a deep breath. “Always so distracted ” he mutters under his breath. It shocks you that he would call you out so harshly and your heart sinks thinking this is the last time he will ever help you.
He begins to break down the equation easily his hand scribbles across your test quickly with his years of expertise on the subject.
“Try again” he says pointing to number three. You peer at his handwriting from number one to discern what he did because number three is a similar equation.
You complete the work and slide the test to him after encircling a new answer. He looks it over and his mouth curves into a smile.
“I did it right?” You ask eagerly awaiting his response.
“Well there’s a reason you’ve always been my favorite student, you are a quick learner.” he admits smiling at you before he leans over to collect your scratch paper. You can’t contain your grin when he says you are still his favorite.
“You did that so easily your steps are flawless, I taught this on Tuesday why couldn’t you grasp the concept then?” He asks earnestly studying your scratch work.
You think back in your mind to Tuesday that was his blue sweater day with light denim jeans you weren’t thinking about a thing when he wore that outfit.
“On Tuesday I wasn’t feeling well” you muster up picking at the hem of your skirt.
He tilts his head down catching your lie.
“Because your were too focused on me instead of what I was saying right” your eyes go wide all you do is stare at him and daydream, it’s impossible not to you want him so badly.
He sits back and smiles “Eye fucking is what I believe they call it “ he says smugly resting his hand across his chin gauging your reaction.
You begin to squirm and fidget as your breathing increases. You feel as if you've committed some illegal crime.
“Professor Butler I would never do that” you lie panicked tugging harder at the hem of you skirt. He suddenly gets up leaving you at his desk and goes to the door of the classroom. He locks it while you sit in place.
The energy in the room immediately changes once the lock clicks and he walks back toward you with his demeanor changed.
He stands in-front of you so closely in your chair you have to stare up at him. “Do you already know you are going to fail the test tomorrow? Be honest with me.” He says directly.
You nod “Yes of course Professor, I haven’t been taking notes or paying attention in any of your classes for weeks. I already know Im going to fail.” You say honestly.
“Is that why you flashed me your panties today?” he asks sternly as his breathing increases. “Is that what your are doing now hm? Soliciting yourself to me to improve your grade?”
Your eyes snap up to his in shock “Professor no I-I wasn’t I wouldn’t” you confess. He waits for you to nervously fidget but you are telling the truth.
You look up at him innocently “It was an honest mistake…but I can see why you would think it was on purpose. I do think of you sexually during class Professor Butler.” You out right admit
He smiles and kneels down placing his hands on the armrests trapping you in his desk chair. He turns you to face him loving the fact that you finally admitted it.
“I feel your eyes staring at me all the time during class. Doesn’t matter what I’m doing I’ve caught you staring at my cock over a dozen times now.” He says studying your body’s reaction to see how badly you want him.
Your privates begin to pulse just from him saying the word cock and you squeeze your thighs together tightly trying to contain your arousal.
The move doesn’t go unnoticed by him and he goes all in to have you.
“That’s why I never look at you during class. You have the most lustful eyes I have ever seen.” He says seductively.
Your breathing increases as he stares at you trapped by him in his chair. His eyes wander your body lustfully until he meets your gaze again.
“When I look at you I lose all my focus because I can’t get it out of my head how badly you need me to fuck you.” He says deliberately.
You let out a slight whimper
He leans in closer as you stare at his lips absorbing every word. “I think I have a solution to both of our problems, one that will fix your grade and satisfy your lust at the same time.” when he says those words your arousal goes through the roof. “I know you saw me pleasuring my self to your photo, I know I’m the reason your failing.” He confesses staring down between your thighs.
“Do you want me to improve your grade?” He asks staring back into your eyes as you readily nod. “Do you want me to satisfy your lust for me?” He asks staring at your lips.
“Y-yes please help me Professor Butler” you desperately beg. He smiles at your eagerness. “alright I’ll help you.” His says seductively.
“Before we start I have ground rules” he affirms as you stare back at him. “I’m separated but I’m still married, I could get in big trouble for this.” He says holding up his wedding ring finger as he continues “My job will be in jeopardy as well but I really want you to pass, so this has to stay our little secret, can you do that for me?“ he asks with his eyes locked on yours.
“Yes Professor Butler it will be our little secret.” You agree.
“Call me Austin” he says with a grin.
“Yes Austin it will be our little secret” you confirm
"I know you’ll keep our secret because you want this just as badly as I do. Now lift up your skirt for me” he commands
You look him in the eyes and theres a brief moment you think of stopping, but you know how badly you want him deep inside. Your hands lift your skirt pulling it all the way up your thighs exposing your panties to him.
“Fuck.” He says above a whisper seeing your already wet for him. “This is even hotter than I imagined it” he admits.
“Y-you imagine being with me Profess- - Austin?” You ask in surprise.
He trails his hand along your thighs as he speaks
“I have imagined you like this so many times, fucking you on my desk as you stare at me with those lustful eyes.” He confesses as his hand slides under your skirt skimming his fingers across the silk material of your panties. You gasp in pleasure from the feeling. “Have you ever touched yourself while you think of me” he asks as he rests his hands on your knees.
“Yes Austin” You pant out and he smiles.
“Tell me how you do it” he asks and you whimper as he leans in close and his lips slowly brush against your neck. He gently sucks onto your skin and you finally touch him reaching your hands up and running your fingers through his soft sandy brown hair as you answer.
“I-in my bed at night I think of you on top of me” you confess as he sucks your neck harder. “ a-and in the shower I imagine you infront of me.” He pulls his lips from your neck and smiles.
“The way you obey me so easily you must have been aching for me badly haven’t you?” He asks teasingly and it makes you want him even more “Open your legs for me.” he commands.
You obey and spread your legs wide open as he touches both of your thighs sliding his fingertips higher up to your pussy. You whimper as he trails them back down to stroking your legs again.
Your body is already craving his every touch and your chest begins rising and falling rapidly as he brings his hands up your thighs again. This time he strokes your pussy through the smooth fabric of your panties making you lightly moan.
“You are so wet for me” he observes as his finger tips trail your folds stopping at the nub of your clit.
"My touch feels good doesn't it?" he asks pushing his fingers against the fabric over your clit. You clench inside as he continues to guide his fingers down your pussy pressing the fabric into your folds
“You feel so good Austin” you admit with your eyes closed in passion.
Your breaths are already fast and shallow trying to hold yourself together and he hasn’t even done anything yet
"Do you know what I want to do to you?" He asks peering into your eyes as you open them.
It is very obvious what he wants to do to you as he plays with your pussy, but you still desperately want to hear him say the words, and as if he was waiting for you to ask he answers
“I'm going to play with your little pussy until I make you cum, and then I want you to make me come too” he says and slides his fingers up and down your slit, forcing the fabric against your folds as you moan.
Your back arcs as he finds your clit and presses down on it flicking his fingertip to it and making you moan even louder. He stops flicking your clit and slowly massages it alternating with stroking your pussy.
"Oh god! Austin" you cry out, gripping the edges of the chair as he fully focuses on flicking your clit.
Hearing the squishing sounds of your wetness he stops and pushes the band of your panties to the side. His fingers touch your naked flesh and you begin moaning and clenching around nothing as he fingers your bare clit and teases the inside of your folds. He doesn’t stop until you are dripping for him.
"Get naked for me.” He comands and you obey with your fingers shaking as you take off your shirt and your bra.
Once you are topless he leans in and begins licking the smooth skin around your nipples.
His fingers are still playing with your pussy, holding the band of your panties aside with his middle finger plunging inside of you as his thumb slides around your clit.
"Do you like what I’m doing to you " he asks between licks of your nipples as he slides his fingers into you. You nod with your mouth open panting because you can’t even form the words. "You're going to cum, aren't you?” He asks smiling as he feels your legs quiver against his hand.
“Y-yes!” You struggle to say.
This has always been his secret desire playing with your body for his sexual gratification.
He drew you in to push you out he wanted you afraid yet enraptured to have him, it thrilled him to manipulate you. He had been right about you all along, his favorite student, to be used and pleasured by him and only him it drove him absolutely crazy.
“You’re going to cum for me, cum right in my fucking hand and I’ll give you a C” He says increasing his pace.
"Oh god Austin," you moan out and buck your hips in time with his hand to give him exactly what he wants. Your hips and thighs flex pushing onto his fingers and his eyes hyper focus as he feels you clench down and orgasm.
He is so satisfied when he feels your warm cum pour over his plundering fingers that he begins cursing “fuck yes give it all to me” he pants out with his hand getting covered in your clear cum.
Your head falls back in ecstasy as he removes his fingers. “Lay over my desk I want to eat your pussy.” He commands your actions are delayed from the orgasm so he lifts you to stand from your chair and guides you to lay face down bent over his desk. He pulls the fabric of your skirt up to expose your ass and places his hands on the backs of your thighs kneading his thumbs on the soft flesh.
“Fuck your so perfect”. He says pulling the band of your panties to peek at your pussy “Your gonna taste so good Im presumptively raising your grade to a B” he says as you moan from his words. He focuses all his attention between your legs pushing the silky fabric of your panties into your clit “You gave me such a hard on today with your legs spread like that.” He says pulling your panties down as they cling to your wetness.
Once you step out of them he hides your panties in his shoulder bag under his desk. He immediately spreads your thighs apart with his hands and dives his mouth onto your pussy. “MMmmf” he sounds out clearly enjoying it
“M-my…god…A-austin” you moan out as your brain goes fuzzy from so many sensations running though your body at once.
He cups your ass licking your pussy harder and lifts your hips thrusting his tongue into your core as he groans. “You taste so fucking good” he says coming up for air as you whimper and moan on his desk.
He returns his mouth on you and it begins making slopping wet sounds as he flicks his tongue into your entrance and sucks your folds. Your core tightens so quickly you gasp for air from the pleasure as you squirm on his desk.
He pulls his mouth back. “Your pussy tastes so good that’s definitely B+” he admits and slides his long fingers into you pumping them in and out preparing you for his cock .
“A-au…Aus…tin…you…feel ….too …good.” you moan out on each thrust of his fingers.
“You gonna go back to your dorm after and touch yourself like this? You gonna play with your pretty pussy while you think of me?” He rasps
“Y-yes A-Austin ”you moan out louder than you expected losing your mind about to cum.
He slows his fingers inside of you. “Shhh shh we’re having too much fun I dont want to get caught.” He says smiling. You nod and he continues sinking his fingers into your soaked pussy.
You bring your hand to your mouth to stifle your moans as he goes faster thrusting his fingers into the sweet spot that makes you go weak for him.
You begin to moan louder feeling your core tightens as you clench on his fingers. “You’re close.” He says breathlessly. “You gonna cum again so I can give you an A?” He asks and you nod feverishly as you moan out “Yes… Austin” your words muffle as you moan through your hand.
He removes his fingers leaving you empty and picks your limp body up against him. “Come on home stretch I want to look at you while I fuck you.” He directs lifting you easily by your waist to sit on his desks. He spreads your legs apart and then unbuckles his belt and unzips his pants.
He pulls his erection out and the sheer magnitude of its presence leaves you in awe. It’s a moment of revelation surpassing all of your expectations as you are humbled wondering how he will fit it all inside of you.
You look into his eyes with a clash of curiosity and desire, and that’s all he needs. He pulls your body flush with his trapping his cock between your navels as holds you tightly against him. His lips collide with yours in a hunger that borders on primal. There’s a rawness to it and an urgency that ignites every fibre of your being.
As you open your mouth to his it is a tumultuous dance of tongues and lips, where the line between pleasure and pain blurs as he bites your lower lip in the heat of the moment. In that whirlwind of sensation, you’re swept away by the intensity of Austins kiss, unable to resist the magnetic pull of his embrace. You whimper in his mouth as he kisses you already so overwhelmed you can no longer think.
He pulls his lips back from yours panting as he studies your face “You’re so gorgeous to me I’ve always wanted you” he admits. His fingertips trace delicate patterns on your skin leaving a trail of tingling sensations in their wake as he looks into your eyes. His gaze is instilled with so much intimacy and connection you instantly feel the silent reassurance that you are safe and cherished.
“I’m going to make you mine now” he says sending chills all over your body.
He takes his long cock in his hand, pumping it as he spreads your legs apart again and positions himself at your entrance. He slowly pushes in taking his time to fill you with his entire cock making sure each inch is more pleasurable than the last .
“A-A-Austin!…Oh my fuck” you moan out feeling him stretching you full of him. You grip the back of his neck and moan loudly as he settles in you.
He sucks harshly on neck while tweaking your nipples and it makes your core throb as you clench on his large girth. He begins moving and your mind empties of every rational thought as you loudly moan out his name and he covers your mouth. His skin slaps against yours as he takes control of your body. His thrusts are hard and and fast as he grunts against your neck kissing and sucking it.
“Fuck you're so tight” he finally says focusing on thrusting even harder “you …feel so damn good …on my cock…even better than I imagined it.” He admits staring into your lustful eyes.
His thrusts begin to falter as his timing grows erratic and you feel the familiar tightening in your core again. Your moans are desperate and can no longer be held by just his hand.
He kisses you roughly to hold your loud pleasurable screams in as you experience the pure raw mind altering passion that can only be delivered on a huge cock. It’s something you’d never experienced in your entire life and now you were addicted.
“A-Austin I’m cumming .” You cry out gripping the edge of his desk as the orgasm sends a wave of ecstasy crashing over your entire body leaving you breathless. Your pelvic muscles tense and relax in rhythmic waves as pleasure pulses through every nerve ending of your body. “ oh fuck Austin oh fuck!” You cry out feeling yourself release cum all over his cock, onto your thighs and even his desk.
It’s dripping down your thighs as he says “holy shit” feeling you so wet his large cock practically glides in and out of you “That’s ……an ……A+… fuck I'm gonna cum!-“ he gasps.
When you feel his large cock twitch it make you cry out much louder than you should have and he pulls out shooting hot ropes of white hot cum all over your navel, moaning, grunting sweating and swearing until he’s empty.
“Hold still .” He says breathless leaning down to open a drawer. He pulls several sheets from a paper towel roll and gently cleans up your thighs and pussy before patting your stomach clear of his cum. He places paper towels over the puddle on his desk between your legs to absorb it. He keeps one hand on your waist as he leans to discards them all in the bin under his desk.
He pulls you to the edge of the desk and holds you close as you come down from your incredible high. You are euphoric as he kisses you, but this time it is tender and passionate and you feel the softness of his full lips against yours.
His finger tips caress your jaw as he smiles. “I’ve wanted you from the first day you started my class, I was never going to let you fail.” He reveals making you smile.
“Cmon we have work to do. He says pulling you down from his desk. He collects your bra and shirt handing them over to you while he zips and buckles his pants. When you pull your top down he makes a confession. “Your panties are mine now.” He admits grinning as he pulls a clean test sheet from his desk.
He sits down and pulls you onto his lap. “Let’s go over the practice test together to get you a 90% and for the rest of the semester I’ll help you pass okay.“ he says handing you a pencil.
“Really Austin?“ You say feeling so elated you smile at him.
“Yes of course you are my favorite and I made you a promise you’re getting that A+ you earned it.” He says pressing an affectionate kiss to your shoulder.
When he says you are his favorite again your heart flutters and you eagerly get to work. He helps you with each equation gently instructing you over your shoulder until the entire test is a polished gem.
“Mm look how smart my girl is” he says making you bashfully smile looking over your shoulder at him. He stares at you mesmerized. “You made me so happy that every time you step into my classroom now I’ll have to hide my smile.” He admits staring at you as he affectionately trails his thumb across your shoulder.
“How do you feel now by the way.” He asks with genuine concern. Your smile says it all
“I feel really good Austin” You admit feeling the stress and tension lifted entirely.
He pulls you around on his lap to face him and looks into your eyes. “I don’t ever want you to fail my class ever again. I want to pick you up from your dorm every weekend, so we can go over the class work at my house. I know all of your teachers and I don’t want you to stress about college anymore I’ll help you with all of your subjects. I just want to spend as much time with you as I can, ultimately I want you to be happy and succeed, can you do that for me.” He asks honestly.
“Yes Austin” you say peering into his blue eyes. You feel very safe and secure as he wraps you in his arms sitting on his lap.
Knowing that he’ll guide and mentor you is a bonus you are grateful to receive. As you sit up in his lap your breaths mingle as you stare into each others eyes and his warmth envelops you completely. With a gentle approach you press a soft and tender kiss on his lips and he closes his eyes holding you tighter.
His lips explore and trace the contours of yours with a gentle connection of intimacy that makes time seem to stand still as you seal your connection of obsession and passion. As your fingers weave through the strands of his sandy brown hair, you realize everything in this moment feels right and you wish you told him your feelings sooner.
❤️‍🔥End ❤️‍🔥
🏷️ Always Tag Me List 💌 @faegoddessog @purejasmine @burnthheparaphilia @obsessedvibee @abswifey @austiebuttbutt @jessica987 @oh-my-front-door @slowsweetlove @hardcoredisneynerd @magicovento @star017 @buckysteveloki-me @cauliflowercounty @thegabbyh @dacreshoney @elvismylove04 @emeraldsgirl @fallofthedamned @lindszeppelin @shegatsby @darlingisntit @unicoreads @feydsociety @phil2135561 @softboo
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sttoru · 11 months
just saw ur fic ideas post .......... how bout semi public stuff with gojo @ some high end jujutsu event and he just is SOOOO enamoured with how you look and takes you to the bathroom and ..... 😙
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ෆ note. sobs dies ressurects… im so weak… i had to write a full on fic… everyone thank T for this cuz i went crazy on this one and it’s super detailed for no reason. this post contains smut, proceed at own risk !
ෆ tags. (perv)dom!satoru x female reader. semi public, p in v — unprotected, bits of manhandling, corruption kink, breast play, premature ejaculation, cervix fucking, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, teasing, cum play, creampies, spanking, pussy slapping, mentions of masturbation, perv panty stealer satoru, implied cunnilingus, fucked against a wall, lots of dirty talk, satoru calls you ‘slutty’ once, satoru with the famous ‘just the tip’ beg, satoru sometimes turns whiny and subby so you get the best of both worlds (hes pathetic), he has a big dick ehem, pussy drunk satoru.
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satoru couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw you climb up the stairs near the torii gates of the high school he teaches at; your appearance only increasing in beauty due to the candle lights placed all around the environment.
your face and body were glistening under the moon light as you made your way up. you were silently cursing yourself for wearing heels while knowing that jujutsu tech was situated on top of a literal mountain.
unbeknownst to you, your boyfriend had been waiting your arrival near the entrance since the first guests started pouring in.
with a sigh, you finally lift your head up as you notice the entrance to the main building come into view. there were lots of known sorcerers gathered around, chitchatting about recent business and changes in the jujutsu society.
you were too enamoured by the elegant decorations that hung around the school and the people who were dressed accordingly to the theme to even notice the white-haired man walking up to you.
which was unusual, since satoru’s tall physique could be easily spotted in any crowd.
“baby, you should’ve told me you had arrived!” satoru exclaims almost embarrassingly loud, waving at you without a care in the world of all the other guests that were giving him stares. his gaze was only on you, “i would’ve come picked you up.”
you wave back at him, eyes lingering on the tailored dark blue suit he was wearing, the waistcoat and dress shirt underneath being undeniably attractive. a bonus being that he was wearing his glasses and not his blindfold.
“it’s okay, love.” you reassure satoru as you walk a few steps towards him as well.
“ya sure? you didn’t hurt yourself or anything, right?” satoru pouts, immediately wrapping his arms around your waist and hugging you tight, “my poor, poor girl.”
you roll your eyes at satoru’s antics. his one and only desire in life is to give you the princess treatment you deserve and it shows at moments like these.
“it’s fine,” you murmur, voice muffled as you bury your face into the crook of his neck; getting drowned in his familiar scent, “you look handsome by the way.”
satoru chuckles, feeling a bit giddy on the inside from your compliment. he almost responded with a ‘i know i do’, yet he held himself back. today was an exception and he decided to save you from any more cheeky remarks.
“thank you, pretty.” satoru hums, “you look ethereal.”
you could feel the way your boyfriend hugged you even tighter after his comment, pressing your body against his. you normally wouldn’t mind it in the slightest, however you could notice a few people glancing over at you two.
satoru couldn’t give a single damn about it; the only thing his senses were hyper focused on were your breasts that were squished against his chest—the curves of your body being easily accessible to the sorcerer.
“god..” his breath was shaky a little. satoru was really trying hard to repress his urges, the event hadn’t even started yet and even so, he was way too lost in his perverted thoughts.
he couldn’t help himself. you were just too addictive; your perfume, your warmth, your body, your face, your glossy lips… your breasts, your ass—
satoru clears his throat and pulls back after a bit, “shall we, m’lady?”
he bowed a little to you, putting his hand out for you to hold on while a subtle smirk played on his lips.
with a giggle, you grab onto his hand and satoru wastes no time interlocking your fingers as he guides you to the entrance of the main hall.
the building was scattered with even more sorcerers from all kinds of clans; some admiring the scenery, some sitting and eating various delicacies.
like before, you were too caught up in the scale of the event to realise that satoru was ogling you. it was a great thing that his pitch black lenses were blocking most of his eyes from the outside;
his gaze lingered on your side profile, your lips that were slightly parted in amazement, your hips which swayed from side to side with each step and your ass which he tried not to grope in public.
satoru hadn’t even noticed that he started to ball his hands into fists out of pure self control. his hand that was holding onto yours tightening its grip as well.
“something wrong?” you ask your boyfriend once you noticed, tilting your head to look up at him.
“nothin’, baby.” satoru lies and flashes you a reassuring smile, “c’mon. let’s enjoy some food.”
without waiting on your answer, satoru guides you towards a free cocktail table and stands near it, serving you an appetiser that was set on the table cloth.
you gladly accepted it and took a small bite, looking around the place some more and taking in the details, “it’s really pretty. the decor and stuff.”
satoru hums in agreement even though he hadn’t taken a single proper look at the environment when you were the main event in his eyes, “yeah. i think so too.”
everything about you somehow drove him crazy today. on most normal days, he could wait until you were at home to show you how much he adores you. that was not the case at the moment since he was fighting with his own self on the inside.
he was absolutely whipped for your elegant look.
“very pretty.” satoru mumbles under his breath. he most definitely wasn’t talking about the interior or exterior of the place.
it was getting harder by the minute to not give in to his primal needs. the more you talked to him, flashed him your innocent smile and let him hear your voice, the more he was struggling to keep his (now hard) dick in his pants.
you continued rambling about something that you noticed around you and satoru took the chance to place his hand on your hip, pulling you closer. it wasn’t anything unusual, thus you kept on talking.
it started off by him rubbing the area around your hips to his fingers subtly sliding downwards, eventually reaching the hem of your dress. his index finger dipped under the fabric, caressing your upper thigh. that small skin to skin action made satoru’s breath hitch and his cock twitch in its restraints.
“what was that?” you abruptly stop yourself as you heard your lover curse under his breath. you weren’t aware of all the lewd thoughts going on in satoru’s mind and that made it even better. your innocent confusion wasn’t going to last long, however.
satoru lowered his head a bit until his lips were right next to your ear. the warmth of his breath made you shiver.
“i said,” he starts off in a low tone; one which he knows would make you weak for him, “i want you.”
it was as if time froze for you for a split second. you knew what satoru meant with that. you could’ve easily guessed the hidden meaning behind those three words just by his tone. the light but daring touches on your legs were your second hint.
“love, we’re in public.” you whisper back. satoru has a reputation to uphold as the strongest sorcerer in this entire building, yet there he was; implying that he wanted to take you right there and now.
a sigh left satoru’s lips, the air hitting your ear once again, “please, baby? for me?”
satoru was running out of patience. he could act out in the midst of the hall and disregard his image for all he cares. he just needed you. badly.
“promise i’ll be quick, yeah?” he adds, tone pleading but also a tad dominant.
you gulp and wanted to give in. you stood no chance to your whiny boyfriend, who always knew the right buttons to push to get you to comply to his requests.
satoru saw the hesitation in your eyes and he decided to plead more, “just the tip. i promise, sweets—tha’s all i need.”
a intrusive mental image of satoru fucking your brains out made him grip your thigh a bit harder; his voice suddenly growing deep and dominant, his expression filled with only lust.
“shit—please. have to feel your sweet pussy wrapped around me or i’ll lose it.”
his words were growing explicit and it was only a matter of time before he actually touches you improperly in front of everyone. you could tell by the way his long fingers inched closer to your clothed cunt.
“..fine. just the tip, like you said.” you breathe out shakily out of pure desire. though, both of you knew that it was going to be more than ‘just the tip’.
satoru grinned and immediately put down the appetiser he was holding onto, grabbing your hand and almost rushing out of the hall.
there were a few sorcerers trying to greet him on the way, yet he didn’t even glance at them once. his eyes were dazed with hunger as he swiftly made his way through the crowd—his thoughts being filled with the ways he’ll have you moan and beg.
satoru opens up the door to the nearest bathroom, pushing you against the wall the moment the door closed behind you.
his glossy lips crash against yours, the lipstick you’re wearing smearing on your lover due to the aggressive and almost sloppy way he kissed you. his tongue prodded against your lips before entering your mouth—strings of saliva and heavy breaths being exchanged between you two for what felt like minutes.
“ah, fuck. i wanted this so bad,” satoru moans against your mouth, sucking on your bottom lip, “..since the moment i saw you in that dress.”
his big hands were all over your body; groping and grabbing onto your flesh, from your ass and thighs to your tits.
“mhhh— ‘toru, god,” you sigh, feeling yourself get wet from just his confessions, “you can have me, all of me.”
your lover grunts at your words. they were exactly what he needed to hear. he roughly pulls the hem of your dress up, revealing your white panties. his all time favourite. a small, lustful grin instantly appears on his face. he always thought that you looked extra innocent in those; and that by ripping those off, that he’ll corrupt that ‘pure’ image.
and don’t let him start on how many times he’s used that specific pair of panties to jerk off. he vividly remembers how his sticky cum covered the cloth afterwards.
“haah—fuckfuckfuck,” satoru curses repeatedly as his fingertips tremble out of pure desire, “can’t wait any longer. you’re gonna walk around the avenue with no panties later on, ‘kay?”
“sato-” your eyes widened and before you could even protest, you hear the fabric of your underwear tearing. the ripped off cloth falling down onto the cold floor.
“there we go,” he mutters in delight, his eyes gazed at your exposed pussy. his fingers rubbed over the skin, grazing the wet folds. a deep, breathy chuckle echoes throughout the bathroom, “this pussy’s just ready to be filled, don’tcha think?”
you nod feverishly and nibble on your lower lip at the way satoru was teasing your clit. his hand slowly cupped your slippery cunt, his palm covering the area entirely before slapping the velvety flesh. three small smacks, each making your limbs tremble.
“ya hear that?” satoru hums, completely overtaken by his desire for you as the squelchy sounds ring in his ears, “so ready to be stretched out and fucked.”
“hnnnh, ah, baby—please just, just fuck me.” you whimper; feeling the pressure of his hand’s thenar against your clit while his fingertips traveled across your vulva.
“oh, i definitely will.” satoru responds with a grunt as he undoes his belt and zipper with his free hand. his trousers and underwear fall down to his ankles, revealing his cock to you.
your mouth watered at the sight as it slightly slapped against his lower abdomen due to the speed at which satoru took his boxers off. the moist drops of thick pre-cum coating his pink tip, the slight curve of his big shaft and the veins covering it—you needed to have him in you.
when satoru thinks that he prepped you enough to take his cock, he removes his hand from between your legs. of course, he isn’t going to waste a chance of tasting your slick that gathered on his skin.
“turn around,” he orders after licking off his fingers and you do as said, “ass back towards me, pretty.”
one of satoru’s hands was on one side of your hips to hold you steady against the cold tiles of the bathroom wall, the other occupied with stroking his cock. satoru was already contemplating on where to cum; in or on you. he’s obsessed with spurting his sticky cum on your plump ass, however he also loved stuffing you full of it.
“deep breaths,” your boyfriend reminds you as he prods the swollen tip of his cock at your entrance—despite the prep, it was always almost impossible to avoid a slight discomforting sensation in the beginning. that man’s length was no joke.
“ahhhh, fuuuck! satoru!” you hiss and your fingernails try to dig into the wall you were pressed against. you felt your folds being forced apart to fit his cock inside of your small cunt.
“shiiit.. you’re fuckin’ tight.” satoru grits his teeth. no matter how many times he breaks your pussy in, you still feel as tight as ever, “..mmh—relax, princess.”
satoru pushed in, inch by inch, until he bottomed out and you both took a deep breath. a sloppy kiss was placed against the back of your neck as reward for taking him in. it was his habit of doing so every time the two of you get intimate.
“‘m gonna start moving. that alright?”
a simple nod coming from you was plenty to let satoru begin with slow, soft thrusts which soon enough turned into deep and firm thrusts—the pounding sounds echoing in the bathroom, “there we go—ahh, yeah— fuck!”
“mhhhg, s’good! ngh!” you slur your words a bit as satoru started to speed up the tempo, feeling his heavy balls slap against the skin near your clit every time he drove his thick cock into you, “mmph! more, wan’ more!”
neither you nor satoru could care anymore if your desperate mewls or the harsh skin-to-skin sounds were heard outside of the dimly lit bathroom.
satoru was slowly losing his mind as he gazed down at your ass and the way you moved your hips back to meet his rough thrusts—he never got enough of you in that position. his hands held onto your hips before moving to your lower back to deepen your arch a little. his eyes were in a trance; he needed to see more of that chubby ass and the recoil of it.
“i swear—you’re gonna make me,haah, cum already,” satoru moans as he tried to find a way to distract himself from the pleasure building up to a breaking point. he decides to gently bite onto your shoulder, running his tongue over the slight mark he left and then continues to suck on the flesh.
“hmmmh, haah, yes! need- need your cum in me, please- please, ‘toru!” you beg in such an erotic tone that satoru can’t help but bite down harder on your shoulder.
“princess—y-you can’t say that-” he swallows a lump in his throat as he forces his cock so deep that you felt it hit your cervix repeatedly, “please- don’t say that.. don’t, oh god—“
satoru was the one begging this time; his voice sounding more whiny than it had ever been during your little session. he can’t help it when it comes to you. he had desired to fuck you since he saw you and now that he was finally doing it, his senses were utterly overwhelmed.
“nonono,” you hear your boyfriend curse as the strokes inside your tight cunt turned harsh and quick, like he was on the verge of his climax, which he didn’t want. he didn’t want to cum in under two minutes, but he’s just so weak when it comes to you. so damn weak.
“ahhh, fuck— s-sorry, baby— can i cum? can i cum in you? please?” he bites his lips, shutting his eyes so tight that he could see colors.
“please, please, let me. mnghhh, please let me cum in you. wanna fill you up.” satoru repeats his words like a chant in your ear. you were as lost in the feeling of ecstasy as your lover was and just nodded at his whiny pleas.
“mhmm, yes, do it—cum in me!”
your permission was all satoru needed and not a second later, you felt ropes and ropes of hot cum flood your cunt and some drops gush out of your pulsating hole.
satoru was quivering slightly as he kept moving his hips in slow pumps, fucking the cum deeper into you. you were full of surprises; he didn’t know he could cum in under two minutes until right that instant. you really had him wrapped around your finger.
and the best thing? he was already starting to get hard once again.
satoru slowly pulled his dick out of you and only let the tip stay a few centimetres in you. one hand went to grab onto the base of his length and he started to tap and move the tip in tiny circular motions in your cum-filled pussy—making sure every single drop is dumped where it belonged.
“fucking greedy, ain’t ya?” satoru hisses as he feels you clench onto his tip like you were doing to his cock earlier, “your pussy just wants to milk me dry.”
you whine and push your hips back a little in attempt to push his cock further into your needy cunt again, “wan’ more.. please, ‘toru?”
gojo satoru was a weakling.
he slammed his cock fully inside of you again and didn’t care if you expected it or not; he was fucking you like there was no tomorrow. his hands were kneading the flesh of your ass, spanking it every now and then to feel you tighten up more around him while his hips were working full time.
“yeah? gonna take another load in your slutty cunt again?” satoru groans as he feels your pussy gripping onto his throbbing cock like it was pleading to be stuffed, “haaah—you’re incredible, nhh, never had anyone make me cum this quick and hard before.”
your body squirmed and shivered each time you felt satoru spank you, ending up in a repeated cycle of you tightening up around him and him smacking the fat of your ass, “yes, yes, yes! want it, please!”
it was incredibly difficult to hold back your own orgasm when satoru was whispering filthy things in your ear, pounding into your creamy pussy while also stimulating your clit.
satoru instantly caught onto the fact that you were nearing your climax. you always started to get more noisy whenever you were close, “aah, mhm—cum on my cock while i dump another load inside of you. c’mon, you can do it.”
satoru’s words made your stomach fill with butterflies, the coil inside of you threatening to finally snap.
“‘m gonna.. gonna cum! gonna cum!” you cry out between ragged breaths, eyes rolling into the back of your head once you reached your long-awaited climax.
the sight of you arching your back even more while you came was the hottest thing satoru’s seen. he rushed his thrusts, becoming more precise to hit your cervix over and over again.
“mhm, jus’ like that—tighten up more.” your lover hisses and his nails dug into the flesh of your hips while he felt your pussy throbbing from overstimulation, “milk me dry, pretty—fuck!”
your mind was foggy with that euphoric feeling after reaching your orgasm. but also due to satoru continuing to bully his thick cock all the way in you, seemingly needing to drain his balls inside your cunt.
“mhhhhnn, ‘m gonna fill ya up again,” he whimpers a bit into your ear from behind while sweat drips from his forehead, “take it all like a good girl, yeah? don’t—haah— waste a drop.”
and with that he spurts and squirts strings of cum into your womb once more. it felt like there was no ending to it as his semen just continued to pump out of the tip.
“fuckkk! got more for you,” satoru almost sobs out, his tongue peeking out from behind his lips as his muscles tense up. he came so much into you that even more of the liquid drizzled down on the floor beneath you, “take it—yeah—jus’ like that.”
a few more deep and chaste strokes and satoru was done. he exhaustedly rests his chin on your shoulder, white locks clinging onto his forehead and his cheeks colouring a reddish hue.
“haahh.. that was amazing.” satoru sighs deeply, trying to catch his breath while wrapping his arms around your waist. he buried his face into your neck, leaving small pecks there while mumbling about how good you were for him.
your eyes were closed as you rest against the wall, enjoying the affection from your lover while you feel his dick go limp inside you. satoru slowly pulls out afterwards, biting his lip as his gaze lingered on all the fluids leaking down your trembling thighs.
“hold on,” satoru murmurs gently, “gonna clean you up, princess.”
his own legs were shaking slightly as he quickly put his boxers and pants back on. your boyfriend grabs a few tissues from a nearby dispenser, kneeling behind you afterwards.
your eyes followed his fingers as they held onto the wipes and started to clean you up slowly. the comfortable silence—excluding the muffled sounds of chatter and music from outside the bathroom—was perfect for you to catch your breath.
satoru was diligently sliding the tissues over your skin, making sure to not be too rough.
as much as he tried telling himself not to get turned on again from the sight of your ass and sopping cunt in front of his face, he just couldn’t.
your lover was breathing heavily and stopped cleaning you up for a second. he really tried his best to stop himself over and over, though the title of being the strongest didn’t apply to his self control.
his large hands came up to hold onto your ass, spreading the cheeks apart which made your lips part in shock. you looked over your shoulder at him and sensed the resurfacing lust in the air. not only that: his warm breath hit your sensitive pussy as he panted in a hungry way.
satoru lifted his head up to meet your eyes, flashing you a (not so) apologetic grin;
“sorry, pretty. i need to get my dessert.”
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cosmiiwrites · 3 months
·˚ ༘₊· ͟͟͞͞꒰➳ enemies to lovers
.ೃ࿐ adam x fem!reader .ೃ࿐
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⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ summary: in which you and adam find out you don't hate each other as much as you think you do cw: NSFW, fem!reader, p in v, oral (fem recieving), creampie, adam (he's his own warning), hair pulling, semi-public sex, cussing a/n: FINALLY DONE !! first smut fic though, so apologies if some things dont make sense :(
you hated adam. you hated his cocky attitude and his fuckboy persona. and most of all, you hated how everyone stayed quiet about it. him being the first man didn't mean jack shit to you. if he was being an egotistical asshole? you won't hesitate to put him in his place. even if that meant starting an argument in front of the promenade, putting your hatred for one another on display.
adam, on the other hand, loved someone who could match his abrasive attitude. and it meant more that you went out of your way to shout insults at him every chance you got. to be honest? it turned him on. but he would rather die then admit that. during meetings, you two would bicker non-stop, shooting daggers at each other from across the table. so yes, everyone and their mothers knew about you and adam's ongoing feud. what did everyone also know? the unspoken sexual tension between you two. the tension so thick it was tangible. the tension everyone knew about except the two idiots who claimed they hated each other. even lute was getting sick of it. "what a bitch, am i right?" "yes, sir." "she's just salty because i'd never go for a cunt like her," "mhm, sir." "maybe i sho-" "you know what i just remembered? sera saying she had something to discuss with me. ill be leaving now, sir." adam shot her a confused look. it wasnt like lute to walk out on a conversation so abruptly. (spoiler alert, she just didnt want to hear adam talk about you for the millionth time today) "well, uh, shit, okay." upon leaving, adam bumped into a familiar face. "well, well, well, if it isn't-" you slid right past him, ignoring any advance he'd tried making towards you. "what the fuck?" adam's face grew warm from embarrassment. did you just ignore him? he planted himself in front of you, hoping to make a statement. his tall figure hovered over yours. "ignoring me, hm? is that any way to treat the first man?" he teased. you sighed and rubbed your forehead in annoyance before answering, "if by 'first man' you mean 'overly-confident egomaniac' then yes." that's what adam liked about you; you didnt kiss his ass 24/7 like all the other angels. you didnt crave his approval. "i seriously don't understand how people can tolerate being around you," you groaned.
"oh fuck off, the ladies love me," he grinned. "especially in be-" you threw your hand to cover his mouth. "ugh, spare me the details, you gross fuck." your statement only widened his shit-eating grin. "why, jealous?" he teased, dragging on the s. "fuck, no! i feel bad for all the women you've slept with, they've probably faked all their orgasms as to not hurt your fragile ego." you retorted. adam's smirk dropped. he couldn’t BELIEVE you thought he was incapable of pleasuring a woman. luckily for you, his anger quickly turned to interest as an idea popped up in adam's head. he leaned into your ear, voice low and husky, "you wanna bet on that?"
taken aback from his sudden offer , you backed up until your back hit the wall of the alley you two were in. “what,” you breathed, “are you on about?”
“if i can make you cum,” adam started, “you have to admit that one; im the dick-fuckin’-master, and two; i AM capable of pleasuring a woman. deal?” adam's said a ton of dumb shit, but this? you let out a boisterous laugh. “are you serious?” but after a few beats of unearthly silence, thats when you knew he was. “well, shit.” you did want a chance at proving him wrong and taking down his ego. to be fair, no one’s made you cum in a long, long time. and you were always up for a challenge.
you grabbed adam by the collar and dragged him down to your level.
thats how you found yourself up against a wall, being eaten out by the first man, the first soul in heaven, and your well-known rival.
you didnt want to admit it, but god, this man was good with his tongue. not to mention his hands.
he gripped your thighs tightly, spreading them apart and smirking up at you. your flustered face drove him mad, only fueling his desire for you. its not his fault you looked so fuckin’ cute. maybe he should get you like this more often…
adam shamelessly licked up and down your entrance, earning small involuntary whimpers from you. he dragged his hand down your thigh to rub circles on your clit, making you twitch under his touch. “taste so fuckin’ good,” he growled. wanting more, you tugged at his hair, forcing his tongue to prod at your cunt. “impatient, are we? and to think you hated me.”
it was like he was waiting for this exact moment; for adam ate like a man starved. like he hadn’t eaten in days, and you were the only thing that could nourish him.
suddenly, he sunk his long tongue into your clit, “shit, adam!” he smirked against your cunt. “enjoying y’self, babe?” “f-fuck—haah—you!” was all you can manage, before he sunk his tongue deeper into you, fingers now circling your clit twice as fast. “dont worry, tits, you’ll be doing that in a bit.”
it wasnt long before you had cum all over his tongue and face, panting like a maniac. you had already lost the bet, but you didnt care. nor had any of you two mentioned it. lost in a drunken haze, all you wanted was his cock buried inside of you.
you quickly recovered from your high and grinded against his painfully hard erection. “s-shit, babe, didn’t take you for a desperate whore,” adams words were slurred, his need for you fogging his brain. “s-shut up,” you retorted “looks like you can still talk back,” he grinned. “i’ll fuck that bratty attitude out of you.” “youve yet to do so,” you teased. “you bluffing, dickmaster?” oh, now you’ve got him in a chokehold.
those would be your famous last words, before adam would recklessly pound into you.
adam quickly undid his boxers, revealing his hard cock, precum already spilling from his tip. you thought he was joking when he called himself the ‘dickmaster.’ you silently wondered how that would fit inside of you. “see how fuckin’ worked up you get me, tits?” adam babbled.
he bent you over, your wrists just above your head.
you were about to reply with a snarky comeback when he pushed his cock into you, no warning beforehand.
“i fuckin’ knew it,” he said. “tight as shit. bet no one’s fucked you as good as im about to, huh?” you wanted to respond, to deny his accusations, but the only sounds that left your mouth were desperate moans and whimpers. it was like music to his ears, fueling him to fuck you brainless.
his large size stung, but pain quickly turned to pleasure when he began to move.
he picked up his pace, pounding into you brutally. it was oh, so sinful. but adam would go to hell anyday if that meant he could have your tight little cunt all to himself.
adam took a fistful of your hair, forcing your back to arch. when you didnt protest, adam threw a line of praise at you. “there we go, good fuckin’ girl, just like that…” the position you were in was a bit uncomfortable, but you quickly stopped paying attention to that when adam thrusted into you sharply. “s-so good f’me,” he babbled.
you knew he was almost at his peak when his thrusts grew sloppy. “shit, almost there, fuck!” he groaned. “m-me too, adam, fuck,”
in one deep thrust, he buried himself inside of you, spilling his cum. you felt your stomach grow warm, full of adam’s seed.
adam was still inside of you, even after you both had came. there were no sounds other than your pants and his huffs. thank god this was an empty street.
finally, he pulled out of you. you whined at the loss of contact, earning you a cheeky grin.
“so,” he said, breaking the silence. “how was that for pleasuring a woman, hmmm?” adam smirked. “still hate me?”
“always, just a little less now.”
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sillysowa · 11 months
Would you be comfortable with writing a hobie x femreader where Hobie walks in on reader pleasing herself. The rest is up to you
THANK YOU ANON!🫶 Absolutely! Here you go~
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“Hobie fucking Brown with his stupid fucking voice, and his freakishly long fingers! His…his annoying smirk, and his obnoxious fucking style, god!” You groan, stripping out of your clothes furiously and staring down at your underwear—You were wet, actually fucking horny because Hobie decided today was a good day to test your limits. He didn’t do anything necessarily crazy, he just sat right next to you, manspreading with his leg pressed against yours, slinging his arm around your shoulder and placing his hand on your inner thigh when he got up to leave, whispering a deep,
“Y’look absolutely ravishing today.” In your ear like it was no big deal! Who the fuck does that? You’ve both always been sort of competitive with eachother on missions, personalities clashing when you work together. He likes to throw half-mean-half-flirty remarks at you and you like to shut it down. That’s how it goes—but today? Straight up flirting? You couldn’t handle it. You instantly got on your bed and pulled your rose toy out of your night stand, turning it on and spreading your legs.
You felt a little ashamed of yourself, but the moment you felt those sweet vibrations on your clit it all just melted away and thoughts of Hobie between your legs clouded your vision, your heart racing and your skin dampening,
“Fuckkk~” You groan, throwing your head back and panting at the feeling, “Yes, Hobie. Eat my fucking pussy, fuck~” Your moans get louder, the sensations on your most vulnerable spot making you writhe. You can’t stop thinking of Hobie. You think of his face and how good he’d look naked on top you—or his tongue deep inside you after whispering pure filth in your ear, or his piercings and how good they’d feel on your folds—you think of it all, your eyes clamping shut and your free hand hiking your leg up higher by the back of your knee. Your pussy clenched around nothing, your mouth opening as you moan,
“Fuck me, Hobie...”
“Am I interrupting—?”
You cut him off with a gasp, scrambling to clamp your legs shut and cover your breasts. Your mind raced…
What. The. Fuck.
Hobie is standing in a portal in front of your bed, walking through it smugly with his hands in his pockets. He looks shocked, but he’s doing a decent job of remaining calm and collected. You on the other hand…you don’t know how to explain anything, your vibrator still buzzing on your bed and covered in your juices,
“Well isn’t this’a sight f’sore eyes…?” He chuckles, “Here I was thinking you hated my bloody guts but now look at ya…all hot and bothered. Did my teasin’ earlier make your pretty pussy wet? Y’look pretty frustrated y’know, need a hand?” He smirks, slowly removing his guitar and vest. He looks incredibly tall in your room, towering over you on your bed and as he slowly removes his clothes. You finally muster up to the courage to speak,
“What the fuck are you doing in here?” You ask, your pussy throbbing at the sight of his toned and smooth skin, his abs and v-line exposed for your hungry eyes to swallow like prey. You genuinely can’t believe what’s happening right now but even worse you can’t believe how much you’re liking it! You literally can’t tear your gaze off of him as he strip-teases for you. You knew you couldn’t fuck him…you work with him! You’re one of Headquarters best and here you were, horny and desperate for a delinquent anarchist…but good god his dick was massive!
He pulled his boxers down and what had to be just shy of ten inches of rock hard dick popped out, springing up just for you. Your mouth gaped open and you shamelessly stared,
“Texted you to tell you there was a change’a plans in tomorrows mission but you weren’t respondin’ so I figured i’d just stop by and tell ya—never knew you’d be flicking the bean and moaning out my name.” He smirks devilishly, coming towards the edge of your bed. He knows you want this by the look in your eyes and the way you let your legs fall open, but he needs to be sure,
“May I?” His voice comes out in a special deep kind of way that you’ve never heard before and your pussy clenches, your spidey senses going wild. You know he feels it cause one of his eyes squints, the strong feeling tugging at his senses, and he smirks when you whine,
“Fuck, yes, p-please just—“
“Shhh relax love, i’ve got you.” Hobie whispers, crawling on top of you and roughly spreading your thighs with a grunt, planting a kiss right on your sensitive clit. He pauses for a moment, locking eyes with you before sucking on it like a lollipop. Your eyes roll into the back of your head and your hands twitch, the feeling making you shake,
“O-Oh fuck…Hobie, y-you suck at this.” You lie through your needy sounds, your hands reaching towards his head and thrusting his face deeper against you, the slightly shocked look in his eyes fueling your need and making you feel like you were in charge for a moment. Hobie pops off of you with ease despite your strength, and he web shoots your wrists above your head in a matter of seconds,
“Since y’were begging f’me, I think i’ll just take control, yeah?” Hobie smirks, his lips latched onto your clit instantly, kissing and slurping on it sensually—delivering you the most pleasure you had ever felt.
“Y-you’re, mmf!- such an ass, Hobie~” The room felt hot and your skin felt sticky, his teasing gaze at your words making your pussy gush. You tried to fight back the moans, panting and squirming at his every touch. Hobie wanted to hear you. He slapped your thigh, a yelp escaping from your lips as he slurped you up like you were his last meal. He got all kinds of revved up from your pettiness, rutting his dick into the sheets as he proved to you that not even you knew your body like this,
“You like that don’tcha love?” Hobie growls into your pussy as he does absolutely sinful things with his tongue, things that you didn’t know were possible—the moans were becoming so hard to bite back. You whimpered, your hips bucking against his nose and tongue. Hobie felt the way you pulsated and when he looked at you and saw your eyebrows furrowed the way they were, he knew you were close,
“Give it to me, Y/N, I want it all.” He groans, his tongue working like a machine on your clit, steady rapid pace flicking it just the way you needed to cum all over his face, squirting like you never have before. Your back arched and you tried to hide your face by turning, embarrassed at how fast you came from just Hobie’s tongue. You knew he’d get a kick out of it, and sure enough,
“That good love? Couldn’t have even been more than 5 minutes.” He laughs but he kisses your thighs, licks up the mess, and then reaches for your face. You were surprised when his hands came to your jaw and he looked into your eyes—He kind of looked like he was going to kiss you.
That was when you felt his tip at your entrance, prodding and pushing in. You couldn’t even try to keep quiet, and you could look away as he held your face and his half lidded eyes bored into yours. It was sadistic, that look he gave you while your eyes widened and watered, your lips parting as pained moans spill from your lips—he was huge and he knew it.
“How’s that feel, doll?” He whispers, eyes never leaning yours as he thrusts himself all the way inside your tight cunt. You’re so wet that he doesn’t even have to try to move, his dick ramming inside you like a piston. In contrast, he gently smooths his thumbs over the balls of your cheeks, watching every expression that strikes your features,
“Y-You’re too big—“ You moan, your eyelids twitching and fluttering as your body turns to jelly. You had never felt something so filling in your whole life…of course Hobie had to have the biggest dick you’d ever felt…there was no sly remark you could possibly throw at him when you were breathless just from the first couple of thrusts,
“You’re taking it so well though, hm? Such a good girl.” Hobie groans, sliding his hands down your body and kissing your neck while he grips your hips, “You feel so fucking good. You’re so dirty touching yourself at the thought of me and spreading your legs like a whore at the sight’v my dick,” He grunts out through his moans, thrusting into you and making your whole bed shake. You physically can’t handle the praise and degradation that he throws at you all at once,
“H-Hobie…you’re so fucking annoying!”
“Oh yeah? I’m annoying? Well you’re sobbing on my dick right now, not a good look is it, love?”
You can’t even think as Hobie pulls almost entirely out of you before thrusting into you full speed, leaving you choking on your breaths for a moment. He looks right into your eyes, repeating the same rhythm and smirking at your needy sounds—the way you can’t help but cry out in pleasure each and every time,
“What was that?” He asks, mock pity in his voice, “Too fucked out to answer hm?”
You tug at your restrains, pleasured tears spilling from your eyes as your turn your head, moans tearing out of your throat,
“I-Mmm~ Fuck…Hobie!~ I-I hate you!”
At this, Hobie just comically tilts his head. He knows you don’t hate him, the way your heart beats out of your chest and your ankles lock around his back as he fucks you—even the way you tease him or yell at him—it’s full of want and need…desire even. His pace never relents as he massages your hips, his deep voice making your heart drop,
“Look at me.”
You don’t. You feel embarrassed at how easily he’s gotten you into this submissive state when you’re one of the strongest people at HQ. You just moan and cry, grunting in frustration with every drag of his dick deep inside you,
“Y/N, look at me.” Hobie says in a sultry tone, voice filled with lust. You feel his chill hand creep up to your jaw, refocusing your gaze on him as he snaps into you at a brutal pace, hitting your sweet spot and making your pussy drip. When your eyes lock on his, he looks absolutely irresistible. There’s a sheen layer of sweat clinging to every inch of his skin, and there’s a glow to his features that you had always seen but never like this. You just want him. You have him but you need him. You need him and he needs you, the hand on your jaw tightening as he brings his thumb up to your lips, pulling your lips open. Hobie leans down, thrusting into you and making your bed creak as he spits right onto your tongue. It stuns you like a slap on the face, but it turns you on like nothing before. Your pussy clenches impossibly tighter around Hobie and you swallow his spit, groaning gutturally,
“You’re so fucking nasty.” He groans at the sight, pressing your knees down beside you and thrusting into you with fervor,
“You’re no better.” Is all you say, trying to sound steady even though you’re a mess for him. You’re digging your nails into his back and dragging them down his smooth skin, begging him to go faster as your body convulses. You’re both breathless in passion, too scared to admit that this was more than just sex. You want each other in a debilitating way, in a way so strong that it scares you—so you fuck like crazed animals and chase your release together.
Hobie’s ears tingle at the sound of your moans increasing in pitch and volume, his senses ablaze with the feeling of your warm hands on his back and the sight of your intoxicated gaze. He looks down at you as you throw your hands around his neck and spill pretty noises from your parted lips. Hobie doesn’t know what comes over him but as he nears his orgasm, he leans down slowly, closing the gap between the two of you. There’s no excuse ready in his mind when he sees your eyes flicker from his lips to his eyes and back, knowing that you want him as much as he wants you.
“Hobie?” You ask, voice full of need and confusion. You’re feeling desperate, on the edge from him so deep inside you, the pleasure building and your head spinning—but now…now he looks like he’s going to kiss you and that scares you. Not because you don’t want it but because you do. Your heart races as one of his hands finds its way behind your head and the other under your jaw.
“I want to kiss you...I-I really want to kiss you.” His words come out huskily, and his gaze softens as he’s about to cum.
You say nothing. You just hold him in the same endearing way and close the gap, pressing your lips against his gently—a juxtaposition to how his hips desperately ram against yours as you both cum, moaning into the kiss and desperately trying to taste each other, afraid of what comes when the moment is over. Hobie’s eyebrows furrow and he struggles to kiss back, releasing himself inside you before he pulls you up and into his lap, still deep inside. Your naked bodies are moving in tandem—lust, need, hunger, desire, desperation, fear, and love. When you finally break the kiss, you’re both breathless. He looks into your eyes and you look into his. You want nothing more than to shy away from him answering to never have to speak of this…but you both know there’s no going back now. He gently strokes your back, his hold on you secure and comforting. He tore your walls down and destroyed you, and now you’re completely on display for him. It doesn’t feel bad…it feels surprisingly natural to be with him like this.
He holds you close, his chin on your head. You feel the deep vibrations on his vocal cords in his chest as he speaks, “You don’t actually hate me do you?” He chuckles.
“No.” You quickly say, mumbling with your cheek pressed against him, “I think we both knew that though, Hobie.”
@ohxx @luxxtuxx @fatenpara
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buckys-wintersoldier · 2 months
Attitude | Andy Barber
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 -> Husband!Andy Barber x Wife!Reader
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 -> Your Boss annoyed you but Andy has a good way to help you calm down.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 -> 18+, Minors DNI, smut, dom!Andy, finger sucking, daddy kink, oral (male receiving), slight breast play, unprotected p in v, bit of degradation, praises
𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓 -> 2.377
𝐑𝐄𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐒𝐓 -> Hello Leo! I wanted to ask for a short smutty one shot with Andy barber please, No rush on it but I love how you write for him! thanks! @cevansbaby-dove
𝐀/𝐍 -> Thank you for the request ans hope you enjoy it!
𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 -> Sweet & Spicy Bingo: Winter Edition | Row Two-Two | Spirited (2022) | @sweetspicybingo
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It’s been an exhausting week at work for you because your boss was an idiot and gave you the blame for everything he didn’t manage. Your co-workers weren’t too nice as well, and you’re just annoyed about them and the way they treat you, even though you’re doing all they ask for at work.
You hear the key turning and then the door opening when your husband comes. You’re standing with your front pressed against the kitchen counter, cleaning some dishes, while Andy walks through the floor into the kitchen. He is used to hearing you already talking to him when he just enters the house or seeing you when you’re ready to jump around his neck and press a lot of kisses on his face, but today he only hears you mumbling something while you clean dishes.
“Hey, honey,” Andy says, walking into the kitchen and leaning against the kitchen island.
He furrows when you’re not turning around to face him. The smile on his lips slowly fades away, his expression turning into a worried one, and he wants to push himself up the counter when he hears you groaning annoyingly. He almost chuckles, knowing what’s wrong, but he wants to hear it from you. He wants you to talk to him about your boss.
Andy is sometimes pretty amused by your being upset with everything, even when there’s nothing to be upset about. It makes his cock hard and press uncomfortable against his pants, and he wants to bury his dick between your perfect warm and wet folds. And he knows that’s exactly how to calm you down when he is just bending you over the counter.
“What’s wrong?” He asks, pressing himself up and walking toward you.
When he is just a few inches away, you turn around and lift your hand. Placing it on his broad chest and shoving him softly away. Andy groans; he doesn’t like your attitude, or he does, but it makes him even desperater to fuck you right there. You look directly into his beautiful steel-blue eyes, seeing them get darker, and you shiver softly. Your husband grasps your hand and pushes it above your head, holding it there while he takes a step closer again. He then places his other hand on your waist to bring you closer against him, and then the two of you slightly. Andy drags you back a few steps, then your back hits the tall fridge behind you. You’re pressed between your husband and the fridge while he smirks at you.
“What’s wrong?” He asks once again.
“Don’t annoy me, Andy.”
“I annoy you?”
His voice is suddenly so low, and his eyebrows narrow. Andy’s grip tightens around your hand, while he uses his other hand to bring both of your hands above your head. He is sliding his leg between yours, spreading them slightly, before he lifts it softly. Now you’re literally sitting on his thigh while he looks with a stern expression at you.
“I annoy you, honey? I will show you what’s annoying. When I edge you and you’re begging me to let you come, I still won’t let you come. Honey, that’s annoying,” Andy whispers, leaning closer to your ear.
Andy kisses down your neck, licking along your vein and making you shiver. He loves the way your body reacts to such small touches from him, the way you’re almost moaning, but you don’t want him to know that he makes your knees weak and your pussy throb. Even though the two of you know that you’re soaking your panties, you try your hardest to be quiet and still look annoyed at him.
“You’re sure you don’t want to tell me what’s wrong and play that game?”
“I’m annoyed, and you make it worse,” you say, rolling your eyes.
Andy shakes his head, amused by the way you still try to push him away. He lets go of your neck, looking deep into your eyes, before he slides his tongue over his lips and captures yours with his. The soft, warm feeling lets you lean into his touch and kiss, and you immediately part your lips softly to give him full access. But Andy pulls away, smirking even wider, and pushes his thigh further up, pressing more against your wet pussy.
“Andy, please.”
"First, we need to teach you some manners, don’t we, honey?”
You shake your head, not wanting him to teach you manners when he could just fuck you. Andy is soft and loving, but he doesn’t let you have such an attitude and give you what you want. So he just shakes his head, pulling away and letting go of your hands.
“On your knees.”
“Now. I don’t like to repeat myself.”
You’re whimpering before you slowly get on your knees, looking up at your husband. Andy captures your cheeks with his big hands, caressing them softly with his thumb, before he lets one of his thumbs slide over your lip. You open your mouth slightly, letting him slide his thumb into your mouth. You then close your lips around his digit and twirl your tongue around it while you’re still looking into his eyes. Andy groans, moving his thumb in and out of your mouth, pressing your tongue down, and making you gag around his thick finger.
“That’s how I love to see you. On your knees in front of me, mouth filled with my thumb, even when my dick looks still prettier in your little mouth.”
You nod eagerly, and Andy slides his thumb with a plop out of your mouth. He nods toward his pants, and you immediately obey. You open his belt, then his pants, and let them fall down his legs. The growing bulge is visible in his pants. You lick your lips when you see the small wet spot on his boxers; he is soaking his underwear like you do. You smirk, but Andy grips your chin harshly, tilting your head back.
“What’s so funny, huh? Daddy’s dick funny, honey?”
“N-No,” you whimper, pressing your thighs together, and he understands, groaning loudly.
“Desperate little slut, cock hungry, aren’t you? Then take him, suck him, and make Daddy feel good,” he says, smirking when your eyes light up.
Your fingers hook up with the waistband of his boxers, and you slowly slide them down his legs as well. Andy’s dick springs free, slapping almost against his stomach. The tip is glistening with pre-cum, and you lick your lips while you stare at his thick dick.
“Suck it; show me how good you can be for me, honey,” he says with a smirk.
You wrap your hand around his shaft, slide your thumb over his weeping tip, and smear the pre-cum all over it. Andy groans, thrusting his hips forward, and you smirk.
“You’re needy, aren’t you, Daddy?”
“Now you can talk?” He asks, narrowing. “I should stuff your mouth.”
With that, he slaps you softly in the hand, showing you to take them away from his cock. His large hand grasps the base of his cock, guiding it closer to your mouth, and he slaps the tip of it against your lips. You part your lips slightly, but not enough for your husband’s liking. He groans, grabbing your jaw and squeezing it until you open your mouth wider. He immediately pushes his cock into you, ignoringthe fact that you gag around his huge length. He holds you on his cock for a moment before he pulls back, and you inhale deeply.
“Wanna tell me why you’re so grumpy, honey?”
You shake your head, sticking your tongue out, and Andy pushes his dick back into your mouth and down your throat. He loves it just as much as you do; even when he doesn’t mind soft and loving sex, he adores the rough one sometimes too. When he can fuck you the way he likes, when he can tease you and make you beg for his cock. You tap his thick thigh two times, and your husband slides his dick out of your mouth, lifting your head softly up and admiring the trails of tears on your cheeks. He slides his thumb over your cheek and wipes the tears away.
“It’s fine, taking my cock like a good girl. Do you need a moment?”
You nod your head, and Andy gets on his knees, pulling you close against him and sliding his hands up and down your back. You’re inhaling his scent deeply; you don’t mind having rough sex with him; you love it to calm down sometimes, but right now you just want him close, as close as possible.
“I’m sorry, Andy,” you mumble against his skin, but he shushes you.
“Do you just want to cuddle?”
You shake your head, sliding your hand between your bodies to stroke his cock softly.
“I need you,” you whimper, leaning more against Andy.
He gets up, picks you up, and carries you to the bed, placing you on top of it before he gets on top of you. His hands slide up and down your sides, and you squirm slightly. Your husband takes off your pants together with your panties, sliding them down your legs before he spreads your legs and settles between them. His hands slide underneath your shirt to your breasts, and he palms them before he helps you get out of the shirt.
“Needy girl, no bra, huh?” He asks and leans down to kiss your nipples, sucking softly at them.
You tug at his shirt, showing him to take it off, and he sits up, slightly chuckling. He then takes off his shirt, throwing it away, before he leans over you again. You feel his throbbing dick between your folds; every movement causes his cock to slide through them, hitting your clit. Andy groans softly, thrusting his hips forward. Your hands find their way to his back, and you dig your fingers into his shoulders.
“Andy, please. I need you—“ you moan, wrapping your legs around his lower back to push him more against you.
“So needy, honey? Need daddy to take care of that pretty little pussy?” He asks, and you nod before pulling him closer to kiss him.
Andy smirks, his lips trailing over your jawline to your ear, where he bites softly into it, chuckling when you moan. His hand snakes over your belly to your pussy; he grasps his cock and likes himself up with your entrance, pushing the tip slowly into your tight pussy. You gasp, letting your hands run through his hair, then you grip it and tug at it, causing Andy to groan against the skin of your neck.
He thrust slowly forward, burring his huge, veiny cock in your pussy. Your husband groans; your tight, warm pussy feels just so good; he feels like he wants to come immediately. When his cock is ball deep into your pussy, he gives you a moment to adjust to his size, looking into your eyes and smirks when your eyes roll back with every slight movement of his cock, even though it’s just a twitch of his cock.
“I love your pretty pussy, honey. So wet and warm, clinging around my dick like she is made for it,” he says, bucking his hips forward.
He earns a moan from your lips; they are like a drug for him, and he wants more of those pretty noises. He wants to make you scream his name when you come all over his cock. Andy loves it. He loves to see your parted lips when your eyes roll back while he pumps you so full with his cum that it’s leaking out of your pussy.
“Daddy, please move and fuck me already,” you whine, squeezing his dick inside your pussy.
Andy chuckles, slowly pulling out of you. You feel every inch of his cock, the way it’s caressing your walls like a soft touch. You throw your head back, and your breath hitches when he pushes back into you. Your mouth drops open, his cock is hitting your sweet spot, and you feel the pleasure rushing through your body. His pussy is squeezing him even tighter, thrusting against that spot over and over again. Your husband turns you into a moaning and panting mess underneath him, smirking when you tug at his hair to hold his shoulders to ground yourself. Your bodies are sweaty, and Andy is moaning with your clenching pussy around his cock, sucking him deeper and giving him not much space to move in and out of you.
“My dirty little girl, look at my pretty pussy, taking daddy’s cock like a good girl.”
You smile softly until he speeds up his thrusts. The brown-haired man is hitting your sweet spot with every thrust. You feel the pleasure in your stomach growing, your legs are shaking, and Andy feels your warm pussy tightening around him. He pushes his cock with such force into you that you come after a few more thrusts. Your toes curl, and your walls clench violently around his member when he comes as well. Andy is shooting his cum into you, mixing it with your arousal.
“Feeling so good when you clench around me like that,” he groans, leaning down to kiss you.
Your hands are grounding yourself while your fingers dig into the soft skin of his back. Andy places some kisses all over your neck, biting into your skin, while his heavy breaths hit your soft skin.
When you both slowly calm down from your high, he lets himself fall down on top of you. Arms tightly wrapped around him.
“So, who messed with my girl?”
“Just my boss; he annoyed me,” you say, fingers running through his hair while he looks up at you.
He nods, smirking when he slides his hands up and down your sides, tickling you softly. You squirm, giggling.
“That’s what I wanna see on your pretty face, your smile. Unless I fuck you, then I don’t mind seeing your lips parted while you moan my name,” he says, leaning down to kiss you once again. “I love you, honey.”
“I love you too,” you say, squirming while you both laugh softly.
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𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @kandis-mom @sergeantbarnessdoll @identity2212 @km-ffluv @lunaalovesyouu @blackhawkfanatic @armystay89 @suz7days @etherealdisneyvillainness @bookishtheaterlover7 @rogersbarber @sebastianstanisahotmf @cevansbaby-dove @capsbestgirl77 @princesscore-angel
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kidasthings · 1 month
Noa and Mae: A Taboo Affair?
Hi, there! Kida checking in again with yet another controversy - you've been warned.
I see a lot of people on Tumblr and Reddit pointing out that a Noa/Mae (#NoMae?) pairing would be at best controversial, at worst beastiality.
I mean, he IS a CGI ape, right?
Not so fast.
I'd like to break down a few points, if I Mae (pun intended!), and address this argument. I'll be using a few of the comments I've seen on the web already to do so, on the part of the dissenters to the pairing.
1st Argument: "Planet of the Apes wouldn't show a kiss between a human and an ape. Ew."
Reply: Oh, they already have, my friend. Not in the full-blown sense, but they definitely did film Zira and Taylor kissing lips to muzzle in 1968. You can view that lovely bit here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEp7yunwVF8
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I apologize in advance for impinging on your delicate simian sensibilities. #sorrynotsorry
2nd Argument: "Why would they even depict a human/ape couple? Humans and apes can't even reproduce in the franchise."
Reply: They can't? News to me. There was a Hum-Ape written into the early scripts and screen tests for Beneath the Planet of the Apes in 1970. Seems the Planet of the Apes franchise truly thought it was worth exploring back then. You can read all about that little guy right here: https://planetoftheapes.fandom.com/wiki/Hum-Ape
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Aww, just look at that adorable lack of face-fur!
3rd Argument: "The audience of today isn't ready for that kind of thing."
Reply: And the audience in the 1960's/early 1970's was? I didn't know we became even more conservative 50+ years later. I'll be sure to adjust my high neckline and clutch my pearls in absolute horror at the thought of all of those deviant libertines living before me. Excuse me, I must go confront my parents about this.
BUT, before I do, I do want to point out we seemed to accept an on-screen kiss between Goliath (a gargoyle) and Elisa (a human) during a certain Disney children's cartoon show in the 1990's - anyone remember that?
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Disgusting. I bet his breath smelled like rancid pigeon.
Additionally, we have more recent films such as Avatar, The Shape of Water - which won 4 Academy Awards, including best picture (not bad for a human and a fish-man pairing), and Beauty and the Beast.
And hey, if a living monster is not your thing, you could always opt for Warm Bodies. Think female human and male zombie. Necrophilia, anyone?
4th Argument: "Okay, fine, I see your point on the Taylor/Zira thing. But that only worked out because it was a human in a monkey suit, and we all sort of knew that. It didn't make it so strange. As for the other films you listed, well, those creatures don't actually exist so it's out of the realm of true possibility anyway. Noa is depicted as a real chimp, and him getting with Mae just makes it hit too close to home for comfort."
Reply: #Ishetho? Let's take a good look at what a "real chimp" looks like:
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He's so damn Chimpy.
Okay, now let's look at our leading man--er, ape:
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Looks like Chimpy had a love-child with Owen Teague. #shudder
As you can see, the two are pretty different. Chimpy has a true muzzle and a mouth that curves around it. Noa has a flatter, human face with an actual nose bridge and wider-spaced eyes.
And the EYES. My god. If you don't see the humanity in those baby-blues you might want to get checked for psychopathy. Besides that, Chimpy lacks eye-whites and has rounder eyes than Noa. Additionally, that pronounced brow ridge on Chimpy has thunder clouds gathering beneath it. Don't get me started on the ear comparison between the two, I'm sure it goes without saying!
Anyway, I think it can be safely stated that no chimp alive on this earth looks like Noa. He's too physically humanized to resemble an actual chimpanzee of the typical zoo variety. Thus, I would place him safely in the category of fish-man, the tall, blue cat creatures from Avatar, and those barbaric blue aliens that keep cropping up on certain ice planets in books #ifyouknowwhatImean.
All that said, everyone can ship what they want. If you want Noa playing house with Caesar, never mind that trifling little timeline issue, you go with your fine self and write that fanfiction. Create an account on DeviantArt.com and fill it with their anthropomorphic babies who eventually grow up to be the first ape astronauts. Someone out there is going to love it and eat it up, I promise you.
For the points above, this is about Noa and Mae. They've got something, something tangible. Whether or not it becomes canon is yet to be seen.
For now, it lives on in our minds. With our inner eye, we can see it just fine.
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worldlxvlys · 6 months
hey babe, i love ur writing its acc soo amazing. can you write about like chris or matt seeing you at one of their hockey games and while you were talking to some other guy, they score and do a celebration for you and obvi you don't see so they get pissed and then after the game they see you talking to the guy again and then they come up to you and grab your arm, pulling you into the locker room and then they yk fuck you for like three rounds and them they pocket your underwear and make you walk up to the guy you were talking to before and talk to them, but you're yk walking or limping and the guy notices and the you can do whatever you want
also this could be for either matt or chris or even nate
chris sturniolo x reader
warnings: smuttt (don’t read if you don’t like), p in v, cream pie, oral (fem receiving), cursing, semi- public sex
a/n: i did chris cause i feel like i’ve seen so many hockey matt fics
ummm yeah hope you like :)
i watched as chris skated on the ice, my eyes never leaving him. the game was pretty close, but chris was playing really well tonight.
i felt someone tap my shoulder, making me turn towards them, and breaking my gaze on chris.
“hey” i was greeted by a guy that looked to be around the same age as me. he was a tall brunette, with green eyes.
“um, hi” i said, confused.
“sorry, um i just- do you recognize me?” i narrowed my eyes at him, now even more confused.
i’ve never seen this kid a day in my life before.
“um, should I?”
“ i’ll take that as a no. i sit a few rows back from you in history”
well this is awkward as hell.
“ohhh shit, sorry! yeah, yeah you’re…” i trailed off, waiting for him to say his name.
“blake” he finished.
“blake! yes, yeah! sorry, i’m a little out of it today” i said awkwardly.
this is why i don’t talk to people.
“yeah, no worries. i get it, you pay attention to the teacher, why would you even be facing the back?” he said, trying to justify me not knowing him.
i really really don’t like talking to people.
“exactly” i said, before starting to turn back to the game. before i could, he starting talking again.
“yeah! very studious of you. i’m normally just staring at the back of your head” he said, chuckling a little.
i really want to side-eye the shit out of this kid.
“hmm, normally i’m paying more attention to my boyfriend. you know, the kid who sits next to me?”
hopefully this kid takes the god damn hint.
“oh, chris, right?” i nodded my head.
“isn’t he like, a player, or something? you sure he’s the right guy for you? ”
i just side-eyed him.
this kid isn’t real, there is no way he just said that shit.
“it was a joke! sorry, i just wanted to get you to laugh. don’t take it too seriously” he nudged me with his elbow.
i should’ve sat next to nick, he would have a comeback that would scare this kid off.
suddenly, the crowd went crazy. as i went to turn towards the game to see what happened, blake grabbed my shoulder making me turn towards him.
“listen, i’m sorry that wasn’t funny! i’m kinda just trying to impress you” he admitted.
“jokes are usually funny, that was not” his smile dropped. “not that it’s any of your business, but chris treats me well. i’m not interested in anyone else”
he didn’t say anthing else, so i turned back to the game. which is now over.
fuck. this dumbass made me miss the rest of the game.
i looked closer, realizing chris’s entire team was slapping chris on the back and giving him high fives.
i looked at the score, his team won by one point.
fuck. chris scored the winning point, and i missed it.
chris happened to look over at me, locking eyes as his jaw clenched.
oh, he’s pissed.
i scanned the crowd, looking for a particular person.
when i finally found her, someone was standing next to her.
who is this kid?
whatever, it doesn’t matter. i have to focus.
the game is so close, all we need is a score and we can win.
when i saw an opportunity to score the point, i took the shot and made it.
i just scored the winning point.
“YEAHHHHHH” i yelled, starting to celebrate.
i looked in her direction, wanting to see her reaction.
what the fuck.
she was facing towards that random kid, his hand on her shoulder.
she didn’t even see.
was she ever even watching the game?
i saw matt and nate, along with the rest of my teammates skate towards me.
i was graced with multiple “congrats, dude” and pats on the back. i didn’t even care, all i could focus on was her.
when i looked back at her, we locked eyes. her face dropped as she realized how angry i was.
i just rolled my eyes and turned away.
i waited right next to the locker rooms, where we usually meet after chris’s games were finished.
suddenly, i heard blake’s voice again.
he just won’t stop.
“hey, you waiting for chris?” he asked.
“yup.” i kept my response short, looking for chris.
“yeah, that was some game-winning goal, huh?” he asked.
i turned towards him, “how would you know? you were never even focused on the game, you were too busy trying to get my attention”
“i-“ before he could even finish, my arm was grabbed and i was pulled into the locker room.
i didn’t even have to look to know it was chris.
he pushed me up against a set of lockers, “ i scored the winning point” he said as he looked into my eyes. “but you didn’t see that, huh? too busy talking to that kid”
i didn’t say anything, too shocked to speak.
“hmm, lost your voice, baby? or are you just having trouble paying attention to me?”
“no.” i answered.
“no? no, what?”
“i’m sorry chris, he just wouldn’t leave me alone. i told him i had a boyfriend”
“yeah? is that why he had his hand on your shoulder?”
“chris, i’m sorry” he pulled my hoodie over my head, sucking on my neck until it left marks.
“chris, what if someone walks in?” i asked, worried someone would see us.
we were in the very back of the locker room, but we were still out in the open.
“nobody has a locker back here, so as long as you’re quiet, there’s nothing to worry about.”
he unclasped my bra, taking one nipple in his mouth, while squeezing the other in his hand.
“shit, chris” i moaned. he lightly bit my nipple. “fuck!”
“didn’t i just say you have to be quiet? i swear to god if someone comes back here i’m not stopping.” he said as he continued to lick and suck.
my head fell back into the locker, as one of his hands snuck past the waistband of my sweatpants and into my underwear.
i gasped as i covered my mouth with my hand.
he rubbed circles on my clit, as he continued his work on my tits.
“think he could make you feel this good?” he whispered into my ear.
i didn’t open my mouth, scared a moan would spill out.
he inserted two fingers into me. “answer me.”
“fuck, no no no. no one can, just you chris” i whispered.
suddenly, he pulled away and pulled my underwear and sweatpants down.
he brought me over to a bench and laid me over his lap. the bench was wide enough that i could position myself on my hands and knees without falling off.
he slapped my ass, making me whine, and rubbed it after.
he spit into his hand before rubbing my clit with his thumb.
“shit, chris”
“remind me, whose pussy is this?” he asked. i couldn’t see his face, but i’m sure he wore a smug grin on it.
“yours, chris” he slapped my clit, making me jolt forward.
“fuck” i whispered.
he continued to rub my clit with one hand while inserting his middle and index fingers into my pussy.
“FUCK CHRIS” i yelled out, not even caring about being loud.
his fingers moved in me at an abnormally fast pace. i didn’t even know anyone could move their fingers that fast.
i approached my orgasm quickly. “chris! CHRIS! i’m gonna-“
“go ahead cum, on my fingers ma”
my legs started to shake uncontrollably, and i clutched the bench under me for dear life.
“ oh FUCK! FUCK, FUCK, FUUUUCK, CHRISSS” my voice shook as my entire body twitched.
he continued to assault my pussy with his fingers. “oh my god, chris” i moaned as i reached behind me to pull his hand away.
he slapped my clit, making me cry out and move my hand away “you know your safeword”
he maneuvered my legs so that he was in between them and without another word, he gripped my thighs and began to run his tongue through my folds.
i couldn’t contain the loud moans coming out of my mouth as he shook his head from side to side, completely suffocating himself.
my legs instinctively closed around his face, as i squirmed and whimpered.
his nose rubbed against my clit as he moaned into my pussy, sending me over the edge.
“CHRIS- CHRIS I’M CUMMING” i yelled as i finished on his face.
when he pulled away his face was covered in my cum, his eyeblack smudged all over his face.
that is hot as fuck.
he quickly took off his gear and underclothes, leaving him naked.
he placed me on my back at the end of the bench and stood between my legs.
he pumped himself a few times and lined himself up with me and pushed himself in.
“hmmmmm” i whined as he groaned out, “so fucking tight. look at how perfectly i fit in you, this pussy was fucking made for me” he mumbled.
he didn’t even give me a chance to adjust, pounding into me mercilessly.
this side of chris was driving me absolutely insane. he looked too good snapping his hips into mine, lust-clouded eyes, his face red and sweaty.
my head fell back, and my eyes squeezed shut.
“open those pretty eyes, you’re gonna pay attention to me this time” he growled.
he growled.
i’m losing my fucking mind.
suddenly, he increased his speed and thrusted into me with all his force.
“ my GOD, CHRIS” my eyes rolled into the back of my head.
he reached down and started to rub my clit.
“what did i tell you about those eyes”
“sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry” i repeated it like it was a mantra.
he started to squeeze my boob with his other hand.
i started to twitch again, clenching around him over and over again.
“fuck ma” he groaned before painting my walls with his cum, launching me into my orgasm.
i moaned his name over and over again before cumming all over his cock.
he then picked me up, and held me up against a locker fucking me against it.
“chris! chris! sensitive, i- FUCK” he groaned into my ear as he continued to slide in and out of me.
he lifted up my leg, letting him directly hit my g-spot.
suddenly, the locker room door opened. footsteps could be heard, but they were nowhere near us.
chris covered my mouth with his hand, his nose pressed against mine as he stared into my eyes, almost daring me to make noise.
he continued to fuck me into the lockers, his speed increasing.
there was rustling, before a locker door closed. and the footsteps retreated.
i silently gasped into his hand, and he rubbed my clit, making me grip onto his biceps.
as soon as i heard the locker room door close, signifying that the person left, i let out a scream.
“fuck, give it to me baby” he said as my front half shot up, and i wrapped my arms around chris’s shoulders.
my juices shot out onto chris’s cock, and he released his load into me.
he fucked me through my high, giving a few more thrusts.
when he pulled out, our cum dripped out of me and down my leg.
“here, i’ll help you get dressed” he handed me all of my clothes, except my underwear.
“chris, you didn’t give me my underwear” i said, my voice hoarse from all of the screaming i did.
“i know, i’ll be holding onto that” he said as he put them in his pocket.
“now c’mon, we gotta get you dressed so we can go talk to our friend”
oh. that’s not good.
i didn’t argue, knowing it would make things worse.
once we finished getting dressed, chris grabbed his stuff.
as we started to walk towards the door, my legs started to shake slightly.
fuck. i can barely walk.
“you ok, ma?” chris asked with a slight smirk on his face.
i just narrowed my eyes at him, making him chuckle.
when we left the locker room, there blake stood. directly across from the locker rooms.
i know this kid did not sit here and wait for me.
i glanced over at chris, and he motioned for me to go up to him.
i slowly limped over to him, chris not too far behind me.
“hey” i said to him.
his eyes widened, noticing the limp, as he took in our features. the hickeys all over my neck, my shaky legs, the sweat all over chris’s face, and our messy hair.
“um…hey” blake said.
i nodded, slowly and awkwardly.
chris then stepped in.
“hey, i’m chris. her boyfriend. what’d ya think of the game?” chris asked with a head tilt and a smirk on his face.
“uh, yeah! n-no, great, awesome game! you’re a great hockey player”
this kid is fucking shaking in his boots.
“really? that’s crazy! i didn’t realize you were able to watch the game by staring at my girlfriend!” he said sarcastically.
blake’s eyes widened.
“i didn’t know, sorry”
“you didn’t know she was my girlfriend? alright well, now you do” he got closer to him. “and if you ever forget, i swear to god you’ll end up with a lot more than a black eye, got it ?”
blake just nodded.
“great, walk away” he waisted no time in doing exactly that, getting away as quickly as he could.
i turned to chris.
“hey, i’m really sorry i didn’t see your big moment. i genuinely was trying to pay attention, he just wouldn’t leave me alone”
he gave me a kiss to my cheek, “it’s ok baby, i don’t think we have to worry about him doing it again” we laughed together.
“he looked like he was gonna piss himself” he grinned at me while he wrapped his arm around my waist.
“ok, c’mon ma. gotta find my family” just as he said that, they came into view.
chris helped me walk over, as i was still limping.
nick and matt just looked at us and shook their heads.
“you two are fucking disgusting”
“whatever, let’s go”
matt stopped us, “ hold up, i gotta get my stuff from the locker room”
chris and i glanced at each other.
“yeah, you dirty fuckers i saw you two go in there, which is why i waited” he said as he walked in the direction of the locker rooms.
we looked at each other and busted out laughing, trying to catch our breath.
…hope you like <333
lmk what y’all want
tag list: @lovingsturniolo @lustfulslxt @gwenlore @flowerxbunnie @sturnssx @mattslolita @its-jennarose @frankeelovesthesturnio @sophssturn @bernardsleftbootycheek @queen161718 @chrisdevora @cupidsword @nickmillersn1gf @stramboli4life @mattsneezing @chrisstankyleg @sturniolobltch @vib3swithanuk @ciarasturn1 @bethsturn @bernardenjoyer @mbbsgf @soursturniolo @rac00ns-are-c00l4 @ssturniolo
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wineauntie · 5 months
LUKE HUGHES IN LOVE WITH YOU — headcanons (l. hughes x bookworm!reader)
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note: I actually adore these types of Headcanons, so enjoy and maybe there’ll be more soon <3
warnings: CONTAINS NSFW CONTENT, MDNI, fem!reader, use of y/n, nicknames like; pretty girl, sweet girl and baby, oral (fem! and male!receiving), p in v, fingering, PRAISE GALORE! reader loves to read books, brief mention of bad past relationships.
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Luke knew that he loved you on your third date.
He had taken you to a bookshop and promised you he would buy whatever books your heart desired.
You’d lit up but refused to pick out any books, not wanting him to spend money on you. You were more than content to just wander around the shop, talking to him and browsing.
Luke was having none of it.
He followed you around the entire shop, watching your eyes and body language, secretly scooping up any books that your gaze lingered on.
He just wanted to spoil you a bit.
When you’d finally turned around from your browsing, only to find Luke, half-struggling, behind you with a stack of twenty-five books, your heart had fluttered.
Luke knew from that moment on that he wanted to see that face of pure joy and wonder every single day, for as long as he lived.
He refrained from telling you how he felt at that moment, not wanting to scare you at how intensely he felt about you.
Unbeknownst to him, you felt the exact same.
Watching as Luke carried any and all books you’d briefly eyed, animatedly talking away, indulging your book obsession caused your smile to widen and your heart to swell.
Your last partner hadn’t been supportive regarding your bookish obsession. They’d often mocked your habits and despite playing their harsh words off as a joke, it still cut deep.
Luke was the complete opposite.
Each day he would ask what book you were feeling like on that particular day and listened with such care as you’d explain accordingly.
“Which book are you today, hm?”
“I’m feeling a lot like Frankenstein…just because I’m really in the mood to create something. Cupcakes…maybe?”
He would often let you curl up on his lap, letting you read as he watched some sort of sport on the television. His hand would caress your hair and his eyes would flicker down towards you every few minutes, whilst you would lean further into him.
Cuddling with Luke is your kryptonite.
He gets so clingy especially when he comes home from a string of away games.
He will literally find a way to cuddle you no matter where you are.
The two of you could be out at a bar and this man will quite literally wrap both his arms around you and bury his head in the nape of your neck until it’s time to leave.
Jack likes to tease the two of you about it, but with one small glare from you with a silent warning to shush, he keeps quiet.
You like cuddling him too.
Luke is tall, so there’s so much of him that you can wrap around and cuddle deeply.
Luke loves cuddling while napping with you resting on top of him.
He would pull you straight down, locking his arms around your back as you nestled your face into the warmth of his neck.
He claims that you're his own “personal weighted blanket”.
He also loves to lie on top of you, wriggling his way under your hoodie so he’s completely shrouded by you and your perfume. He’s like a baby with a constant need for skin-to-skin contact.
The two of you are always intertwined one way or another, whether that being by held hands or woven legs and Luke loves it. He loves being as close to you as possible.
We’ve already established that Luke Hughes likes to spoil you, but my god, this man pulls out all the stops almost naturally.
He will bring you flowers weekly, sometimes even bi-weekly. You adore them and will always display them despite how little room you have for them.
When he’s away longer than usual, he will order those flowers in advance with little notes signed by him. They’ll usually read;
“Missing you today, sweet girl, love you — Luke”
“What book are you today, pretty girl? – L x”
You get butterflies in your stomach every time your doorbell rings and the florist drops more flowers off. (Luke is now practically on a friend basis with the local florist from how often he orders and picks up flowers from there).
Luke will treat you to little gifts varying from a book from a different state to a charm for the bracelet he bought you for your first anniversary.
The bracelet is your most prized possession– don’t tell your gilded edge copy of Pride and Prejudice!
The bracelet started out with two charms; a stack of books and an “L”. Throughout the year you collected more charms and so had Luke.
You’d found a pair of skates and a hockey stick in honour of Luke, a cute little bow, and a small cup of coffee whilst Luke had gifted you a crescent moon, a tiny gem the colour of your eyes and your favourite– a tiny heart with keyhole and a missing key.
A missing key that Luke wore on a silver chain around his neck 24/7. I mean he never takes it off, not even in the shower or in bed.
(He’d make you hold the key charm in your mouth as he fucks you)
With that lovely segue, let’s get into the naughty side of things.
Luke is such a caring lover. He will always make you come at least twice before he even thinks of coming himself, worshipping you in the way that you deserve.
He is so handsy all of the time. His hands will be everywhere…on your waist, brushing hair out of your face, placing them just underneath the waistband of your pants, around your neck– his body pushing against yours needly.
He loves how small your hands and throat look in comparison to his longer hands. He likes to place his hand on your throat in such a particular way to feel every time your pulse jumps.
Luke fucks like a man deprived.
He loves to eat you out and watch as you writhe against the feeling of his tongue. He also adores the feeling of your fingers tugging on his curls.
“Gotta stay still, sweet girl, I don’t want to have to stop.”
He could spend hours getting incredibly pussy-drunk and sending you into complete overstimulation.
He is so reassuring and loving, no matter how (consensually) rough he gets in bed.
“You taste so good, pretty girl, want to spend my life between your pretty thighs.”
You are enraptured by how long his fingers are, especially, when he uses them to send you spiralling into orgasm after orgasm whilst his other hand gently squeezes your neck.
His fingers are magic. At least, you think so. They reach every spot your own fingers can barely scrape.
I 100% believe that if you ever read a book with smut, Luke would make you read out the steamy scenes as he fucks you.
Either that or he’ll sit you on his lap, with your legs draped over his spread ones, as he languidly fingers you.
he’ll notice you struggling to read between gasps of pleasure and will place the book carefully to the side, knowing you hate throwing books around.
“You think the men in those books could ever make you squirm like I do?”
You love sucking Luke’s dick– a frank truth, but a truth nonetheless.
You loved being able to help him relax as he carefully bunches your hair into a makeshift ponytail, guiding you down on him, all while allowing you to move at your own pace.
Your hands would often brace themselves on his thighs as you lowered your mouth down onto him, trying to take every inch he offered.
“There you go, baby, look at you taking my dick down your throat, y’look so pretty like this.”
On days when you wanted to help him completely de-stress, you let him fuck your throat and oh, how you loved being at his mercy.
He’d thrust in long, hard strokes, his head tilted backwards with one hand in your hair and the other stroking your jaw (because no matter how intense he got, your care was his biggest priority).
For such an incredibly sweet guy, he has a DIRTY mouth.
“Look at you squirming, all wet and needy under me…so desperate.”
“You want to come?…oh you poor thing, you’re dripping, maybe I’ll consider it if you beg me to let you.”
“Atta girl, love watching you take me so deep. You look so pretty all spread for me…”
He loves watching you ride him, more so because he can play with your tits easily.
This man is such a tits guy, it’s unreal.
He will pinch them, suck them, generally mess around with them and leave so many hickeys across them, that at one stage you had to scold him for not giving your poor skin a chance to recover.
He loves the sounds you make when he thrusts into you, especially when you're close to coming–It’s practically music to his ears.
“Sound so pretty f’me…hold it baby, wait for me.”
Most people get embarrassed over being vocal in bed, but Luke embraces it.
His grunts and groans into your ear cause your back to arch. You love knowing he is gaining as much pleasure as he gives you.
Your nails aren’t too long, but they rake across Luke’s back so often that the skin of his back is, more often than not, raised in red lines.
He gets so much shit for it in the locker rooms, but he just blushes and shrugs off all the teasing whistles knowing that he loves how you cling to him.
He loves it when you leave hickeys on him. Especially when they can be half-concealed such as the space just above his pulse point on his neck.
He also adores given hickeys, as seen above, he will leave them anywhere, at any time. He has no care about whether or not they’ll be hidden– the hickeys mark you as his, no one else’s, all his and he adores it. You secretly do too.
Aftercare with Luke is almost as intoxicating as actually having sex with him.
Your well-being will forever and always be his number one priority so you best know this man showers you in praise, and just general care to ensure you feel thoroughly loved.
He will always get you to go to the toilet and bathe or shower with him afterwards, and if you’re too tired to move, he will carry you to the toilet before gently washing you with a cloth.
Luke will always dress you in his clothes after sex. You love it because of how comforting it is to be surrounded by him and he loves it because seeing you in his clothes makes his heart swell with pride.
The two of you will typically cuddle or nap (or both) after having sex for a longer period.
He will always wake up before you though and order food, so that when you wake up the two of you can eat without worrying about cooking.
Anyways, all in all, you and Luke are so irrevocably in love with each other. You are practically the embodiment of sunshine to him- warm, comforting, welcoming and an utter necessity.
He’s just so glad that he gets exists in the same solar system as you so that he can watch you and treasure you as the universe intended.
I got carried away with this but words cannot fathom how in love I am with Luke Hughes. Also, if you want to see more of these types of Headcanons, let me know <3
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hopplessilse · 7 months
The nanny
Joel miller x f!reader 18+ explicit
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Other stories:
Part 2 the nanny
Serie masterlist insta!Joel Dylan's stepfather
Fetish teacher!joel x f!reader
Summary: You've worked for the millers for a while, you love Sarah she's an amazing little girl. Your favorite part of going to his house is being able to see Mr. Miller, and how good he looks in his dress suit.
Warnings: Age gab (in her early 20's, he's middle 40's) pet names, Hard Sex, teabagging, almost got caught, unprotective v in p.
A/N: He has money, he is humble, he has problems with his wife, he loves Sarah and we love him, let him give us good love. if you want a second part let me know sweethearts <3
At the Millers' house, you were drawing with Sarah in the living room, it was afternoon. The Millers almost never asked for your service for many hours, this time it would be all day, until 9 p.m. or until they told you.
Mrs. Miller had an event of her company, which she would attend from 5:30 to 11:00 p.m. On the other side, Mr. Miller worked in the morning but returned home in the afternoon, around 4:00, and would be busy with zoom meetings.So you'd take care of Sarah until he was done.
From the moment you set foot in his house, you found Mr. Miller fascinating. But you were professional and you needed the job, he always treated you well and you were the same, they always asked for your opinion on things, they trusted you in any situation.
He's a good father to Sarah, he's a good husband, despite the constant fights they had lately, he's always respected her, you can see the love he has for her.
Although… You couldn't get it out of your head that day when you were in the pool.
When Mrs. Miller called you to babysit Sarah in the afternoon, you thought you'd be alone, but you'd not. Mr. Miller was working from home. From the pool you could see him through the window that looked out onto his office.
You could see the way he stared at you while he was on the phone, how he looked away from the computer as he typed to check you out. When you took Sarah to bathe and put her on her nap. The way he smiled at you when you went to say goodbye to him, the way he grabbed you by the waist and pulled you close to him to kiss you on the cheek.
Today he would have a morning event at work, something a bit formal. His wife, Mrs. Miller, made him buy a suit. He was a man who liked casual clothes, a pair of jeans, some plaid shirts or simple T-shirts. You were deeply grateful to Mrs. Miller for making him buy that suit, because god—" You never thought he could look better than in his plaid shirts.
He is tall, broad, broad-shouldered, in fact his body is very well proportioned thanks to his work. He is a contractor but before he was dedicated to all the loading and repairing part, now he is more in the area of design and site preparation. although it is still doing repair work. His arms are wide as are his forearms, broad back. You could imagine something else wide.
He had a strong profile, stood out in the most beautiful way, his jaw covered by his dark, grayish beard, and his lips decorated by a mustache that barely touched his upper lip.
And his eyes… Well, his eyes were two big, round dark spheres, which every time they looked at you, made you feel like you were the only person in the room, with that intensity of eye contact that brought you to your knees.
You heard his heavy footsteps down the stairs as he spoke to his wife. You looked up as you felt him enter the living room, right in front of you, wearing dark dress pants, light blue shirt, with the last button open exposing his exquisite tan collar… A dark blue tie hung from his hand.
His hair, fresh out of the shower.
"How do I look like?" he said, adjusting his tie behind his neck
"You look better than in your jeans." His wife got up from the couch to walk over to him and help him tie the knot
He looks good in everything, he looks so good
"And the jacket?" his wife looked him up and down
"I'm not going to wear a jacket," he said, buttoning the last button of his blue shirt
"It's a formal event, you must wear it"
"No, it's too early and hot to wear it" he buttoned the buttons of his sleeves as he walked towards Sarah and you
He sat down in the couch behind Sarah to see what she was doing, while exchanging a few words with her, Mrs. Miller went to get the jacket and threw it to the side of him in the couch, he just looked at her seriously as he leaned on the back of the couch and his legs remained open.
"You take it, and you'll tell me if you don't use it," she told him before going upstairs to her room to get ready
After Mrs. Miller left, the air changed. At least for you it did. You felt Joel's gaze on your neck, a feeling of nerves ran through your entire body, although you decided to ignore the fact that his knee almost touched your shoulder, you decided to give all your concentration to Sarah while she told you about the animals you were painting.
A few hours had passed since Joel had left, Mrs. Miller was about to leave, right at the door saying goodbye to her daughter. She, like Mr. Miller, looked beautiful. She wore a purple dress that highlighted her warm skin.
You had a good time when you were alone with Sarah, one of your favorite activities was playing Taylor Swift music and singing at the top of your lungs. You enjoyed swimming, making brownies, and drawing. She was a quiet, obedient and above all honest girl, she even told you secrets from her school.
She loved being with you. Once on vacation when you weren't working, she asked her parents to talk to you so you could spend the afternoon with her. Despite being 8 years old she was a responsible child with her homework, she always reminded you to do it.
You knew things about her, like she knew things about you. You were best friends.
Hours passed, Joel was already at home, but he was in his office working as he had meetings by call. Normally when one of them arrives you always put Sarah to take a nap and go home, after a long day for everyone it was the best solution to lower her energy.
"I don't want to sleep, I want to get in the pool," Sarah said as she pouted sitting on her bed
"You know the rules, no pool after 6 p.m., and you have to take your nap." You said as you closed the curtains a little and turned on her vanity light
"Can you convince my dad to leave us?" you looked at her and she smiled at you, cocking her small head
"No, I can't," you laughed and saw her eyebrows gather in anger
"He won't say no"
"And why wouldn't he say no" You looked at her with a thoughtful face
"Because he likes you," she smiled at you and her hazel eyes sparkled
You opened your mouth in surprise
"And where do you get that?"
"Because he was telling my mom again that you were one of the best babysitters I've ever had."
"Do you think that?"
"sure" she smiled to you
"Well anyway I can't do it honey, you'll have to take your nap, on the weekend we'll probably be able to swim okay"
She just went to bed with a pout on her face
"Can I at least read the story myself? it's just that I'm not very sleepy."
"Do you want to read it alone?" You took the book off the shelf and gave it to her
She just nodded happily.
"Okay, I'll let you read the book, but you promise you'll fall asleep?" You pointed to it as a warning
"Yes, I promise"
"Little hand" you made your hand a fist, placed your thumb on your lips while extending your pinky finger in her direction, she did the same as you, and they joined their pinky fingers in an embrace.
You walked to her door and waved goodbye, telling her to keep quiet so her dad wouldn't hear her.
You closed her door slowly, then walked down the hall and headed for the stairs. The house was dark, you had left a lamp on the side of the stairs to light them.
Going down the stairs you turned to enter the living room. When you looked up you jumped and put your hand to your chest, Joel was sitting on the couch with only 2 lamps on that reflected a dim light in the room.
He had reports on the coffee table and his laptop was resting on the edge of it. He looked up at you. He was wearing dark square glasses, in his hands he held a notebook and pen and, he was still in his clothes from this morning.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," he said, leaving his notebook and pen on the side of his laptop along with the rest of the papers.
"Don't worry" You got your posture back by watching it from the entrance "I thought you were in your office"
"I was there, but I needed air, I couldn't last another minute"
You both stared at each other, you trying to control your nervousness as he looked you up and down.
"Sarah's already fallen asleep?"
"Yes, she just fell asleep" You walked over to the couch where he was, your bag resting a few feet away from him. You took it, looked at him and just smiled and walked away
His raspy voice rang in your ears.
"Hey, I wanted to know if you couldn't stay another hour" You looked at him confused "I'll be busy with another meeting"
"Oh okay sure, no problem" He just gave you a smile and started typing on his computer, you just sat next to him on the couch, saying nothing.
Sitting next to him, you couldn't help but look at him and see how sexy he looked in the dim light in the room. What would it be like to be loved by him? How would it feel to be touched by him? What would it feel like to kiss him?
No, you can't think that, it's Mr. Miller we're talking about, that's not healthy or right, he's married and has a daughter, a daughter that you take care of in the trust of their house.
The sleeves of his shirt were rolled up below his elbows. You could see the hair in his arms, and his veins underneath them.
He was so focused on what he was doing.He looked calm, you couldn't think why he and his wife were always fighting, you would be very happy by his side.
You came back to reality when his eyes turned to look at you, and a smile appeared on his face. You just settled back on the couch, a nervous smile on your face. Joel stopped writing and leaned back on the back of the chair, and like this morning, his legs spread, his knee touching yours.
"So… How's college going?" He put his left arm behind the couch, leaving his hand behind your shoulder.
"Mmh I… I don't go to college anymore, I graduated a few months ago."
His brows furrowed, "Mmj, and what was your career?"
"Architecture" you smiled as you nodded and looked away from him
"You haven't looked for a job yet"
"Yes, I have, but… Since I'm still new to the field, they don't accept me in any of them" You played with your fingers as you watched them intertwine.
"If you want, you could be an intern in the construction I work in"
You looked at him and your eyes softened "for real"
"Of course" a soft grimace was on his lips, causing his eyes to become small and the edges of their eyes to appear wrinkled.
You just smiled at him in the same way, and when you lowered your head to your lap, you felt his hand, the same hand behind you, caress your hair. You turned to look at him and his eyes wandered over your breasts that were slightly shown by the collar of the shirt, his eyes ran over it until they reached your face.
"You are so beautiful, did you know that?"
His eyes were even darker with the light, his lips parted. It didn't help you stop your thoughts.
"Yes, I know," you said in a whisper as you saw his lips, his face, his eyes
His hand went from being in your hair to being on your cheek. He stroked you with his knuckles slowly, as he watched the places where he caressed you. You didn't take your eyes off him. He came closer to you being inches from your face, while his hands rested on your jaw, following the shape of it to your chin and resting his thumb on your lips.
"You have beautiful lips" His thumb caressed your upper lip to your lower lip slowly.
You didn't know what to do or how to react, you never expected this from him. Why was him this way just now?
He came up to you and left a kiss on your cheek, close to your lips. You could feel his breath brushing your lips. Until you just decided to put your lips together with his.
You closed your eyes to the contact. Your lips moved in time, slowly as he held your face with his left hand.
The kiss only intensified when you grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, sliding your hands down his chest. You parted for lack of air, but your foreheads stayed together.
"Is it okay for us to do this?" you asked him, begging him to say yes, that he wanted to kiss you, to feel you… But a little part of you told you it was wrong
"I want it, I've wanted it for a while" He caressed your face and brushed his nose with yours "Do you want it to happen?" He looked straight into your eyes
"Yes.." you swallowed seeing it "But… your wife."
"Don't worry about her, she won't know this happened"
You stared at him gasping for breath, thinking of a million things that could happen. If she found out you would lose your job, you would be embarrassed if your parents knew the reason why they fired you, it would be a torment in your head if they separated because of you. You didn't want to be the other woman, but if it happened one time, you put the feelings aside, you could enjoy it.
You could have this experience and not be left wanting.
You joined your lips with his, making your teeth collide, the kiss was intense, your tongues caressed each other, asking for more. You couldn't help but slide your hand from his chest to his crotch, you felt a bulge through his dark pants. You massaged him up and down, feeling his harder length.
You heard him growl with pleasure from your hand, your movements so soft, your hands on him and your panties getting wetter and wetter.
Your hands went to his belt, undoing it with a speed that showed how impatient you were.
"shh calm down, I know you want this cock inside you honey"
"I want it in my mouth too" you looked at him with puppy eyes as you got off the couch and knelt in front of him, you positioned yourself between his legs and guided your hands to unbutton his pants and unzip him.
"oh baby, you will be the death of me"
He settled better on the couch, he helped you lower his pants, staying in boxers, he placed his right hand on your head, caressing it.
You guided your head and your hand close to his member that was still covered by his boxers. You could perfectly see the shape of its length, the thickness of it. You placed your mouth on it, leaving a trail of kisses along its length on the fabric. A growl left his lips, prompting you to pull the hem of his boxers down a little, making his head peek out.
You turned to look at him, he smiled at you and nodded for you to continue. You licked your lips and placed a kiss on the tip, this made his hips rise a little, he was asking for more, but you wanted to play with him a little before putting him in your mouth.
You stuck out your tongue and ran it along his length as you landed your lips and gently sucked on the sides of his member. Your hands wandered over him, you touched the tip of his head with your right hand and felt how he moved due to the cold contact of your hand on his very warm length.
"Come on baby, show me what that little mouth can do." He told you in a low tone and with his raspy voice.
You pulled down his boxers so you could free his member. Your jaw dropped when you saw it. It was thick, definitely not too long but it wasn't small either, it was a size that you considered perfect. Its length rested on his stomach which was still covered by his blue shirt.
"I know you can take it, show me how well you suck it."
Damn, with that language I would let him do whatever he wanted to me
You took his length with your right hand, a smile forming on your face when you realized that your fingers were not touching your thumb on the other side. first time you had one like this and you were going to enjoy it. You left kisses on the tip and then put the head of his member in your mouth, delicately sucking it, while you heard moans and grunts come out of Joel's mouth.
Both of his hands were placed on your head, urging you to take more of his length into your mouth, and so you did. You opened your lips wider to give him access to more of him, his hands guiding you up and down as a trail of saliva ran down his member. Your right hand didn't stop moving, it followed the same movements as your head.
you wanted to give him more, you wanted him to feel satisfied by your mouth. You took his member from your lips, only touching it with your hand, you looked at him through your eyelashes and you could see how excited he was, his eyes screamed for your attention. You lowered your head so you could kiss his balls.
You put one in your mouth as you slowly sucked him, while your right hand masturbated his member. You looked at him and watched with his head thrown back while moans and moans left his lips. He lowered his head to look you in the eyes, you saw how his teeth pressed together, how his neck would tense and his neck veins would show through his sweaty skin, his eyebrows united in excitement .
You continued sucking and touching his member while he undid the knot of his tie and tossed it aside on the couch.
Joel leaned over to you, pulled his testicles out of your mouth, and grabbed you by your armpits to pull you up.
"I don't want to come in your mouth honey, I need to do it inside you" as he told you that he placed you on his lap, each leg on one side of his hip.
You were wearing a shortboard skirt, so he had easy access to your underwear. With his hands he pulled your skirt up until it folded up to your back, and with both hands he pulled your panties down. You lifted one leg so you could pull it out of your panties and leave them hanging by just one.
He slid his right hand between your legs so he could caress your clit that ached for attention. You moaned at the touch of his calloused fingers on your soft skin. You were so wet that you could feel the remnants of your wetness on your inner thighs.
"Hell sweetheart, does this tight pussy cry for attention?"
You suppressed your moans by biting your lip as you looked straight into his eyes, the only thing you could see in them was your reflection as his eyes were darker than they were, you could see how he needed this as much as you did.
"Just fuck me please," the words came squinting from your lips as little whimpers followed.
Without telling you, he placed you on top of his cock, you felt how he guided the tip in your entrance making you sigh, without further do, he entered you suddenly. You let out a loud moan that caused you to bend over and bite his shoulder so you could silence your scream.
He began to move and penetrate you tightly while holding you firmly by the hips. Your breasts were a few inches from his face, practically bouncing off his chin. The place became a sauna of sweat, moans and gasping breaths from both of you. You straightened up so that you could take control of the situation, seeing your action he let you take control and ride him.
He looked so good from above, you could feel the firmness of his hands, as they traveled from your breasts, to your hips, waist and buttocks squeezing them firmly, he spanked you to encourage you.
"You're so good, God you look so beautiful from here," he said in a voice choked from lack of breath as he approached your breasts and kissed them over the fabric biting a little over the top.
"Shit" you couldn't control your moans, the more you felt your orgasm build, as you watched the gestures on his face, the way his neck tightened, your hands on his hair, on his face as you leaned in to kiss him. A deep kiss that led him to stick you to his chest, hold you in place and penetrate you hard.
His balls bounced off your ass, echoing around the room as it mingled with your whining between his lips.
"I'm coming Joel" his name came out mostly in the form of a moan
"Come on baby, let me hear ya"
Your orgasm hit you hard, you couldn't help but let out a loud moan that echoed through the room, whining coming out of your lips as joel penetrated you mercilessly. Joel's moans were present as he kept pace with his lunges. From one moment to the next you could feel his movements losing pace as moans came out of the back of his throat.
You knew he was about to end when the sound of an engine came through the entrance. You froze, you knew it was his wife, you looked at him and he had his eyes closed as he penetrated you, you knew he was concentrating because he heard him too.
"Joel," your voice cracked from the friction your was receiving.
The grip of his hands around your hips intensified as he opened his eyes and looked at you, his movements were slowing down but you could see through his eyes how he was collapsing little by little.
It wasn't enough a couple more thrusts and the sound of a car door closed, so that he came down hard inside you, silencing his moan on your lips as he penetrated you deeply a couple more times to empty itself completely into you.
Hearing the keys in the lock, you both got up, you fixed your skirt while he quickly buttoned his pants and shirt. You got away from him by taking your things.
Joel adjusted his hair as his wife's heels echoed across the floor of the house.
You could feel Joel's fluids trickle down your inner thighs. You could feel your cheeks red and hot from all the blood that went down your face, the heat you felt emanating from your body.
His wife thanked you for taking care of Sarah. Before leaving you were saying goodbye to his wife and you turned to look at him, he was behind her a few meters away from you, he smiled at you, but this time it was different, it was a smile you had never seen, your eye contact ended with a wink from him.
You didn't know how the hell you were going to work for them.
You didn't know how you were going to walk into that house every day and see him leave, see him come home from work while you take care of his daughter.
But if you knew anything….. This wouldn't be the last time it would happen
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babydollmarauders · 6 months
trevor zegras x fem!reader
summary: in which Trevor has a unique use for all the candy canes y/n buys
warnings: NSFW CONTENT, nipple play, food play, p in v (unprotected), i think that’s all? (3.2k words)
notes: welcome to day 2 of the 12 days of kinkmas! this was my first time writing smut for trevor and i won’t lie; it was hard!
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“this is getting out of hand.”
my eyes fly up to the kitchen entrance, Trevor’s tall frame looming in the doorway. his golden brown hair is tousled as though he’s just woken up, yet i know he’s been awake for hours.
“i didn’t think you were home yet.” i murmur, eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights, and my fiancé chuckles as he steps fully into the kitchen.
“i’ve been home for an hour, i was about to call and ask where you were-” his eyes flicker to the shopping bag that rests on the counter before he looks back at me with a raised brow. “but i guess now i know.”
i externally cringe, my mind racing as i try and come up with an excuse.
“i- okay- hear me out!” my hand floats in the air in front of my chest, in attempt to keep him from chastising me.
“oh, i’d love to hear this excuse.” Trevor smirks, sidling over to lean back against the counter. his hands grip the countertop behind him and for a moment my eyes linger there, tracing the veins that lead up to his tattooed arm, until i regain consciousness and remember what i was doing.
“they were buy one get one free! and there’s so many different flavors!”
Trevor’s head tips back, chin towards the ceiling as he lets out a groan.
“baby, you have ten boxes of candy canes in our cupboards!” he states, hand flying up as though to dramatically display our kitchen cupboards.
“twelve.” i mumble, my voice low as i stare at the ground.
“twelve?!” he steps forward, arms winding around my waist as he blocks my view of our tile floor. “look at me, please.”
his soft tone draws my head up, looking into his blue eyes as i exaggerate a pout.
“no more candy canes.” he emphasizes each word, “please!”
i nod solemnly before resting my chin on his chest, giving him the best puppy dog eyes i can muster.
“how many boxes did you buy today?” Trevor questions, bowing his head down to drop his forehead to mine.
“four.” i whisper, the lower half of my face rising to chase his lips. my nose accidentally brushes against his and he repeats the action with intent.
“that’s too many, babe.” he urges, “no more.”
my lips part but i get no word out before he reads my mind, answering my question.
“not even after christmas when they’re discounted.”
i huff in exaggerated disappointment, stepping away from my fiancé to pull the boxes of hard candy from the grocery bag on the granite countertop.
i’m mostly silent as i do so, except for the hyperbolic sigh that passes my lips, my sight flickering to Trevor every few seconds. he bites back a grin, hopping up to sit on the counter across from me before he speaks.
“alright,” he drags out, clicking his tongue against his teeth before he adds- “what flavors did ya get?”
i perk up, the corners of my lips quirking up.
“i got warhead, jolly rancher, sour patch kid, and mint chocolate!” i sing out, holding up each one as i tell him.
“they sound delicious, babe.”
i internally cheer at his approval as i open the candy cupboard, stuffing the four boxes anywhere i can fit them. i take a mental note of the few missing candy canes from a box of original peppermint flavor, taking pride in knowing Trevor has at least indulged in a couple of my holiday obsession.
“can we watch a movie?” i ask, pushing the cupboard closed while i spin around to face my fiancé.
“is it a christmas movie?”
“is it a hallmark movie?” he inquires cautiously, eyes narrowed towards me.
“it doesn’t have to be.” i shrug, shoving the plastic grocery bag under the sink with the others.
“then yes.”
Trevor’s t-shirt hangs around my body, the hem tickling my upper thigh, and fuzzy socks adorn my feet.
we ate dinner and watched two more movies before calling it a night, and now i stand at our bathroom counter washing my face and waiting for my fiancé to come upstairs.
i can hear his footsteps entering on the tile floor of our bathroom as i cup my hands under the faucet, filling them with water and washing the cleanser from my face.
i’m drying my face when his arms encircle my waist, his chin coming down to rest on my shoulder.
“hi, beautiful.” his voice is gruff and i can sense a hint of lust that makes me chuckle.
“hi, baby.” i set the towel back down on the counter, opening my eyes to our reflections staring back at me.
meeting his eyes in the mirror, my hands come down to rub soothingly along his arms. his grip relaxes, loosening around me for a moment before spinning me in his arms.
the small of my back hits against the counter, his hands smacking onto it on either side of me, caging me in.
“whatcha doing?” i giggle. my own hands find his chest, smoothing up to lock around the back of his neck.
“looking at my gorgeous future wife.” his response makes me hum, his face lowering towards mine before he speaks again, this time lower, “thinking about how much i wanna fuck her right here in front of this mirror. how sexy she would look; watching as i make her come on my cock.”
his words ignite a pulse between my legs, my breathing picking up just slightly.
“oh yeah?” i bite my lip, angling my hips to press against his.
“mhm.” he hums, bending down just a bit more so his lips brush against mine, and my heart skips a beat in excitement. “but, that’ll have to happen another time.”
my mood deflates as he steps away, backing away towards the doorway to our bedroom.
“oh.” my shoulders sag, my lips flattening into a straight line, and i watch him stop at the doorway.
“well, c’mon.” he urges, crooking his finger at me. “i have plans for you.”
the corner of his mouth quirks up in a smirk and i bite back a giddy smile as i follow him into our bedroom. his hands reach out to pull at my hips, his fingers digging into my skin through the thin fabric of his shirt, and he doesn’t stop until i’m flush against him.
“i had an idea-”
“oh that’s never good.” he rolls his eyes at my interruption, but a smile still tugs at his lips.
“shh, i think you’ll like it.”
his lips meet mine, our noses bumping in the movement, and my lips instinctively part, making way for his tongue to dart into my mouth and tangle with my own.
one hand sliding up to curl around and rest at the base of my neck, he groans when mine give a light tug to his locks. his hips jerk against mine, coaxing a hushed moan from deep within my throat and into his mouth.
he pulls away, looking into my eyes, his own darkened with lust, before he turns and walks away, leaving me breathless and needy.
“what-” i’m cut off with a hurried shush, my lips almost unconsciously falling shut.
“naked and on the bed.” his broken sentence echoes through my mind once, twice, three times before i register his command. making quick work as he walks out of the bedroom.
my fuzzy socks are easily slipped off my feet, panties dragged down my thighs, before finally, i pull the oversized t-shirt over my head, letting the various fabrics mingle together in a pile on the floor.
my movements are clumsy and hastened as i clamber onto the bed, sitting pretty on my knees atop the mattress.
Trevor returns with a cup in his hands, piquing my interest, but when i begin to rise in order to see over the top of the cup, i’m shut down by a single lifted eyebrow.
i heave out a sigh, falling back down to the mattress with a dejected pout.
“thought of a way to put your new fixation to use.” he hums, setting the cup on the nightstand, and it’s then that i spot what’s inside.
the cup is filled with ice, and nestled just inside, buried within the ice, is a single unwrapped peppermint candy cane.
“i’m confused.” i voice, brows furrowed.
“just sit down and close your eyes.”
i do as he says, shifting so my legs hang off the edge of the mattress, my ass now sitting on the blanket. closing my eyes, i lean back on my hands, full trust in the man that i’ll be vowing forever to in just a few short months.
time ticks idly by with nothing happening, and i’m almost beginning to wonder if Trevor has left me alone when i finally feel his hot breath hovering over my nipple.
shivers erupt through my body, goosebumps littering my flesh in their wake, and my head falls back as his lips close around the stiffened bud. his tongue swirls around it, eliciting a choked sound from my lips, and i can feel him smirk against my breast.
he pulls back, sucking my nipple with him between his lips before letting it go with a pop, and my hips involuntarily jerk on the bed at his retreat, a whimper echoing in the silence.
i’m rewarded with a gentle shush, simultaneously combined with an icy cold substance being dragged around my nipple. my back arches, breasts pushed forward as i gasp.
my eyes fly open, darting down to find the source of the chill and discovering my fiancé on his knees, the previously ice-bound candy cane in his grasp, leaving a cold sticky trail along my nipple.
“T-Trevor.” i stutter out. his eyes flick up to mine, a smirk resting on his lips as he pulls the candy cane away, replacing it with his open mouth.
i curse, my arms shaking behind me as my eyes roll back. his tongue explores every detail of the hard peak in his mouth, suckling as his free hand finds my other breast, roughly pinching the nipple, before trailing the cold candy cane around that one.
my hips grind against mattress with every flick of his tongue, and when he switches his heated mouth to the other breast, he moans against it, the vibrations against my nipple causing a full body jerk.
“Trevor, please.” i plead. for what? i’m unsure, but he seems to know; he pulls back, rolling my nipple between his lips before letting it go.
his hand comes to rest on my sternum, slowly pushing me until my back lays against the soft bedding. he swirls the candy around my breasts, stickiness coating my skin, before i can hear the clink of the candy cane being shoved back into the ice.
he rises, hovering over my body before dipping down, sucking at the sticky candy trails of his own doing.
my hips buck up against his, urging him to hold them against the mattress as he continues sucking across my chest. his lips drag along the sticky residue, his tongue darting out to lick across my nipple.
my breath catches in my throat as i can feel the early signs of my orgasm building in my stomach, but i’m left gasping for air as it fades away, Trevor’s mouth parting from my heated skin in order for him to pull the candy cane back from the ice cup.
my abdomen clenches as the candy cane makes contact, being dragged down down my stomach from my sternum. Trevor hovers above me with a mischievous smirk, taking pride in the way my body writhes underneath him.
when he finally puts the frozen candy away, his tongue drags down my body, his eyes locked into mine, glaring up at me with heated fervor.
as my body tenses under his tongue, a whimper draws from my slackened jaw, my fingers tangling into his hair and giving a harsh tug.
he groans against me, vibrations carrying over my tight muscles and sending chills down my spine, but his movement doesn’t falter; instead, he trails down even further, pressing short kisses to my hip bones and along my waistline.
“Trev-” my voice shakes, coming out in breathy quivers as he dips lower, his hot breath hitting against my dripping core.
“what do you want, baby?” his gentle pet name is an extreme contrast to the harsh tone of his voice.
“you,” i grapple with his shirt, tugging him up until his face is above mine, his nose drags up my jawline, my eyes fluttering closed, “god- i need you.”
“you’ve got me, baby.” i can practically hear his smile, the mocking lilt in his tone.
“inside me,” i clarify, my head falling back to dig deeper into the soft bedding as his soft lips attach to my neck. “i need you inside me.”
he pulls away, my eyes flying open at the sudden departure, “oh, you need my cock.”
his hands grip my hips, pulling me forward as he grinds against my core, a sharp inward gasp falling from my lips.
“you want this cock buried so deep inside that pretty pussy, don’t you?” Trevor hums, a mocking smirk resting on his lips when i whine out an agreement. “yeah, you want it so bad that you’re fucking dripping. so wet for me.”
“yes, yes,” i pant out, hips bucking up in search of his hardened bulge, “all for you.”
he snickers as he steps back, my lower body falling back against the mattress and a long complaining whine leaving me. i watch in ernest as his hands drop to the button of his jeans, undoing them and pushing them down his legs along with his boxers, putting his muscular thighs on full display. his erection springs free, nearly slapping against his clothed abdomen, and my thighs press together at the sight of his reddened tip, glistening with precum.
he grins at my reaction, his eyes zeroing in on my clenched thighs as he pulls his shirt over his head.
“open those thighs for me, pretty girl.” his hands smooth up my legs, prying them apart until they’re wide open, my cunt on display for his viewing.
“look at that pretty pussy,” my body jolts as his fingers do a quick swipe through my soaked folds, a broken moan pouring through my lips.
“please,” i mewl, “i need you you to fuck me.”
his hands wander my body, sliding up to cup my breasts as he stands between my open thighs.
“yeah?” he cocks his head, wrapping a hand around the base of his length. he drags it slowly through my folds, applying added pressure when he reaches my clit.
my back arches, my chest heaving as he slides his dick back down to my entrance.
“yes! please!” my cries bounce off the walls as he slides in, each inch slowly being swallowed by my walls.
he groans, head tipping back as he bottoms out inside of me. he stills, allowing me a moment to adjust, before pulling completely out and thrusting back in.
the position provides the perfect angle, the tip of his cock hitting against my g-spot with every thrust. my body wriggles underneath him, his hands making a home on my hips, gripping tightly enough that i’m sure bruises will form overnight.
“Trevor.” i breathe out, my hands coming up to lock around the back of his neck. i pull him down, lips connecting in a passionate exchange, and when he pulls away, i line kisses up his jaw.
each kiss is jilted by a sensual moan; finally reaching the shell of his ear, he thrusts in particularly hard, a high pitched gasp erupting from my lips that ghost his ear, and i can feel his cheek lift against mine in a cocky grin.
“you wanna come, don’t you, baby?” he speaks through strained vocal chords, his thrusts gaining momentum and his hips slapping against mine harshly.
“mhm.” i nod against him, my agreement hummed against his skin.
“yeah, i know you do.” he pulls his face away in order to stand up taller, pulling my hips off the mattress to provide a deeper angle. “dirty little slut wants to make a mess on my cock.”
my eyes roll back in my head, my hands gripping the sheets as he his cock slams against the soft spongey spot that makes my legs shake.
i can feel my orgasm building up once more, my abdomen tightening. his hand slides down to smack against my ass, the resounding sound enough to make him moan, before sliding around to press his thumb to my clit.
one hand flies up to grip his forearm shakily, my hips jerking to meet his, and the squelch of his cock sliding in and out of my cunt throws me deeper into the throes of my impending climax.
my head is fuzzy, tears pooling in my eyes, and my body aching with need for release. broken sobs begin to shake my body, his thumb rubbing deep circles against my swollen bud.
“so close,” i cry, “please don’t stop! please!”
“not gonna stop, baby.” he whispers, “you’ve been such a good girl. wish you could see yourself, all pretty and fucked out for me.”
my walls tighten around him, sweat beading at my hairline as i get closer and closer to release.
“cum for me, baby.” he demands. his cock twitches inside of me, thrusts growing sloppy with each passing second.
with one more circle of my puffy clit, my breath hitches, my body stiffening but my legs shaking as my toes curl.
he fucks into me, riding me through my orgasm until i begin to breathe heavy pants, my hips squirming in his touch.
his hips stutter, his movements growing desperate until he falters, stilling between my legs as his cum spurts out in ropes, coating my walls, “shit, fuck.”
he stays buried inside of me, standing in silence as we each catch up on forgotten breaths.
“i’m sticky.” i sigh, causing his eyes to open in order to look at the glistening candy cane residue on my upper body.
“would ya look at that,” he slides out of me, chuckling while bending down to scoop his arms under my back. he lifts me with an ease that i couldn’t imagine myself having after the activity we just partook in.
my breasts stick to his chest as he walks me to the bathroom lazily. grinning, he sets me down on the edge of the bathtub, my skin peeling away from his with a satisfying sound.
“how does a bath sound?”
“sounds like a lot of extra work after i already washed my face, you asshole.” i joke, kicking a foot at his bare thigh.
he let’s out a wheezy laugh as he turns on the hot bath water before turning back to me, his hands pushing sweaty locks of hair out of my face before gently cupping my cheeks.
“you’re so beautiful,” his words cause a rush of blood towards my cheeks, my hands coming up to rest on his forearms.
“shhh bath first. and then tell me how pretty i am,” he laughs once more, shaking his head.
“have i ever told you how conceited you are?” he hums, crinkling his nose as he lowers to press a kiss to my forehead.
“you love it.” i shrug, puckering my lips for a real kiss.
he squats lower, nose nudging against mine, “yeah, i do.”
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fvckingwolfstar · 8 months
Keen Eye
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pairing: service top! Hozier x afab! plus size! reader
summary: You meet him at a club and you take him home.
genre: smut 18+
word count: 1699
cw: smoking, unprotected sex, oral f! receiving, p in v, kind of come eating?, he’s tall asf
author’s note: I told you I was taking matters into my own hands, and I DID!! don’t be surprised now! I also got my plus size babes, i see you and i love you 🫶
smut under the cut
You saw him from across the room, sat at the bar and making small talk with the bartender. He wore an oversized coat with his hair tied back behind his head. You made your way over to him, fixing your dress as you went.
“You’re not from around here,” you say, sitting in the stool beside him.
“Keen eye,” he chuckles, sipping his beer.
“I’m intrigued, tell me more,” you said, smirking.
“I’m here on tour with my band,” he hums. “Andrew,” he says, sticking out a hand.
“Y/N,” you say, shaking it, “how long are you here?” you ask, ordering a drink.
“I’m leaving the city in two days, the show’s tomorrow night. Just exploring today.”
You lean on the bar, your head leaning on your hand, “So you’re just at a bar? Not at some big party?”
He mirrors your actions, head leaning on his hand against the bar, “I’m not much of a partier.”
You lean in close to him, “Wanna split a smoke outside? It’s too loud in here.”
He nods, standing up and offering a hand for you to take. You look up at him, taking in how he towered over you, “You’re tall as shit,” you say, taking his hand.
He laughs and walks you outside. He leans on the balcony and pulls a pack of smokes from his pocket, putting one between his mouth. You pull out a lighter and stand on your toes as he leans down to be eye level with you. You light the cigarette while gazing deeply into his eyes, “Thanks, love,” he says, his voice gravelly as he inhales.
You smile as he passes it over for you to inhale. He steps back quickly, and looks kind of awkward, “You nervous, Andrew?” You ask, stepping in to fill the space he made.
“Kind of, I’m not usually picking up girls from the bar,” he laughs, inhaling from the smoke, “not really my scene.”
“So you were here just for the drinks?”
“You could say that,” he thinks for a moment, “but you do have a charm about you.”
You laugh, “A charm? You really have a way with words,” you say, reaching up to push a strand of hair from his face. “You’re too tall, I can barely touch you.”
He smirks, “If that’s a problem, I can just” he leans down again, not leaving much space between you, “come down here for you.”
You hum, “Yeah, that’s nice,” I smirk, leaning in to kiss him. He kisses back for a moment before you pull away. He leans in and kisses you again, putting his hands on your waist to pull you in. You hold the cigarette out as to not burn him. “We should probably finish the smoke and get out of here.”
He nods, taking it from your hands and taking a drag, “Good idea.”
You hum as you pass what’s remaining of the cigarette between you, “so mine or yours?”
“Well mine is a hotel shared with another guy, so probably yours,” he chuckles at his own joke. You nod, stubbing out the cigarette and throwing it into a nearby trashcan. You lead him to the front of a bar and wave down a taxi.
He opens the door for you and you crawl in, leaning into his side when he’s settled. He places on of his large hands on your thigh, rubbing the side of it with his thumb. You arm is wrapped around his as your breathing picks up from the simple touch.
Arriving at your place, he once again opens the door for you and you climb out, leading him into your apartment. “Sorry for the mess,” you hum, sliding out of your heels.
“It’s okay, it’s lived in,” he says, coming in behind you, almost crowding you with his presence.
You turn to face him and grab his hand, leading him to your bedroom. He kicks his shoes off as you drag him down the hall.
“Is this okay?” you ask, sitting him down on the edge of the bed.
“This is perfect,” he breathes out as you straddle him. You connect again in a kiss. He licked across your bottom lip, and you opened your mouth allowing his tongue to explore you.
His hands slide up your tight dress, fiddling with the zipper on the back of it. You nod, giving him permission to free you from it’s confines. You stand, letting him slide it off of you easier. When he does, you’re left in nothing but your panties and fishnet stockings. His mouth goes dry as he takes in the curves and stretch marks of your body.
You bite your lip, becoming nervous for the first time that night. “Uhm,” you say softly, bringing your arms to cover your stomach, “all good?”
He nods quickly, pulling you closer to him again. “You look like an angel,” he says, kissing down your neck to your chest. He grips your breasts in his large hands, and they fill them out. “Marvelous,” he mumbles into your skin.
You giggle and look away, “Okay, I get it!”
His hands grip your ass and bring you incredibly closer to him, “Tell me what you want me to do to you,” he almost begs, looking up into your eyes.
You think for a second, taking in the pleading expression on his face, “I want your hair down,” you say.
“Done, what else?” he asks, pulling his hair out of it’s bun, shaking it as it falls on his shoulders
“I want your clothes off,” I say softly, pushing a hair behind his ear again.
“Of course,” he says, sliding out of his shirt and unbuttoning his pants. As he slides them off of his gangly form he asks, “And?”
“I want your mouth on me,” you hum, imagining his beard tickling between your thighs.
“Anything else?”
“I want you to fuck me after.”
“Done,” he states, lying you on your back. He kisses down your chest and stomach, leaving hickies and bite marks down your torso. He praises every curve with his mouth and tongue, bringing you closer to the edge already without even meeting your core. He sucks marks onto your thighs between the holes of your stockings. He hooks his fingers into the fishnets and pulls you closer to him. Your breath hitches as his mouth makes contact with you over your panties.
He kisses your clit softly over your panties and grips your hips. You let out the softest whimper of “please,” and he melts into you. He pulls your fishnets and panties down at the same time, allowing them to become twisted on the floor. He kisses your clit again, looking up for your reaction. He sucks it into his mouth and flicks it with his tongue. You arch your back and moan breathily as his mouth works on you.
He reaches his hand up and pushes one finger inside of you, rubbing your g spot as you pant above him. “Andrew,” you whine, gripping his hair tightly, pushing him more forward. His stubble scratches the inside of your thighs with a sweet burn. “More,” you let out, your voice shaking.
He pushes another finger inside of you and quickens the pace of his tongue. He pulls back and licks a stripe over your pussy with his tongue. You arch your back as he moves with you.
He continues his ministrations for what seems like ever before you finally fall off the edge, shaking and moaning like putty in his hands. His groans against your core sent shock waves up your spine as he ate you through your orgasm. He pulled away and kissed your thighs sweetly as you came down.
He crawled up beside you and stroked your hair, looking into your eyes, “Was it good?” he asks, almost sheepishly.
“Mhm, so good,” you pant, “Now fuck me,” you say, running your hands through his hair. He smirks and kneels in front of you. “This position?” you check with him.
“Yeah, I wanna see your face,” he says, kissing your cheek. You roll your eyes and smile softly.
“Corny,” you whisper, kissing him back. He laughs softly before kissing you deeper, your tongues exploring eachother’s mouths openly before you felt him position himself at your opening. You whine softly as he pushes inside of you.
He threads his hand with yours as he bottoms out, “Fuck, heavenly,” he breathes. You moan softly and wrap your free arm around his back, digging your nails into it.
“Big as fuck,” you pant, ignoring his praise. He chuckles against your neck quietly and begins thrusting into you. You moan softly, the pain turning into pleasure as he continued.
As he thrusted, you took the hand that held yours and guided two of his fingers into your mouth, humming around them. He let out a pant at the sight, “Fuck, baby.”
You moan around his fingers as he picks up the his thrusting. He grips the headboard as he watches you jerk with each of his thrusts, “Fuck, baby, I’m close,” he groans, pulling out of you and coming over your thighs and pussy.
Without being asked, he climbs down the bed and licks a stripe up your core again, not caring if he tastes himself. He slides his tongue inside of you, pressing against your g spot. He brings his hand up with rub your clit with his thumb mercilessly. Your thighs begin to shake with the force of his actions and he wraps his arms around your hips to keep you pinned to the bed.
You moan loudly, gripping his hair tightly as you come again. You push his head further into your core as you ride out the sensations. He moans against you, as he cleans you up with his tongue. He swipes away all of the come and liquids from your core and leaves a small kiss on your sensitive clit. He climbs out of your thighs and goes to kiss you softly.
“You’re so good for me, baby,” he says softly into your ear. He wraps you in his arms and soothes you to sleep, kissing your head
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kentogetsmewetter · 7 months
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⋆。°✩Genre: kento nanami x reader, smut with very small plot ,some fluff/aftercare at the end
⋆。°✩Synopsis: When you end up telling your two daughters that's you've started dating and you've been seeing someone again, they slip up and accidentally tell their dad when nanami comes to pick up the girls for his week he ends up confronting you about it.
⋆。°✩Or in which: nanami finds out your starting to date again and fucks you until you cum back to your senses
⋆。°✩Contents:mean nanami , oral (f&m) , face fucking, sex (p n v) multiple orgasms, choking, dirty talk, degradation, praise, fingering ,missionary, backshots, cum eating, oversimulation, pure filth
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Today was Friday, which meant it was Nanami's week to get the girls. You and Nanami have been divorced for almost three years now. You were the one to initiate the divorce due to you two valuing different things in your lives, with Nanami being very caught up in work.
After some time, you finally got back out into the dating world. It was weird. You realized you every man you were talking to you compared to Nanami. But you recently met a really nice and cute guy who was a little younger than you, but treated you well.
You ended up telling the girls that you were seeing someone, and without knowing, they told Nanami, so now you have this man questioning you as if you aren't two didn't get a divorce three years ago.
Nanami's tall frame leaned in the doorway of the kitchen, his sharp eyes narrowed into a small scowl as he took in the news he'd heard about your new relationship. "I heard you've been seeing someone new," his fingers toying with the cuff of his perfectly pressed dress shirt. You spun around to face him, your brows furrowing in response, your expression a mix of confusion and frustration.
Your gaze met his, finding his eyes cold and distant, a clear indication of his upset state. "And who told you this?"You queried, your voice slow and steady waiting for his response, "my daughters," he replied. You couldn't help but chuckle at his response, Of course, they did their young and don't know how to keep many things to themselves, yet you should've known better.
"What's funny?" His voice laced with annoyance, his furrowed brows revealing his frustration."You, Kento. You're funny. Are you jealous? We've been separated for three years. You're acting like a child," you retorted, rolling your eyes dismissively as you finished your sentence, baffled by his response to you dating again.
You saw Nanami's jaw tighten visibly, his annoyance now bordering on disbelief. "Jealous?" he scoffed, his voice sharp. "Why would I be jealous?" His words were defensive, as eyes showed a hint of vulnerability that the woman he was still in love with moved on fully."I'm just curious."
"Okay, well, I'm not having this conversation with you," you said, your voice firm as you looked up at him through your lashes through your doe eyes. Despite your attempt to end the conversation, Nanami continued to pry at the topic, stepping closer to you as you had your legs hanging off the countertop you were sitting on.
"You're going to see him tonight?" he pressed, his tone edged with a mix of concern and frustration. His proximity made it harder to ignore the intensity of the conversation, and you took a deep breath, preparing yourself for the inevitable confrontation cause he was going to push anyway.
"Kento," you sighed deeply, trying to steady your heartbeat. "I don't want to talk about this." You had rolled your eyes as Nanami was now standing in front of you. His presence was overwhelming, to say the least. Your plump thighs sat on the counter, and Nanami's hands began to roam over them, his touch sending shivers down your spine. His gaze was intense, fixated on you, making you nervous. No matter how much time had passed, Nanami still had that effect on you, stirring up emotions you thought you had buried long ago.
"You don't miss us?" His eyes softened as he gently brushed the hair resting on top of your face behind your ears, his fingers skimming your cheeks ever so lightly. "No, Kento," you replied, your voice shaky, uncertainty lacing your words.
"You sure, love?" A small, subtle smirk plastered on his lips as he ran his thumb over your bottom lip, pressing them ever so slightly, prompting them to go inside. You could hear the mockery in his voice, and it infuriated you. The audacity of his touch, the way he dared to question your feelings, stirred a mix of anger and longing deep within you.
"Move," you snapped, attempting to push him away and move, but his strong hands kept a steady grip on your thighs. He simply smirked in response, his grip unyielding. "Why, sweetheart? You don't miss me? The nights we shared up late nights, you screamed my name, begging for me to let you cream all over my dick. "
Your breath hitched at his words, feeling his hand gripping your chin, planting kisses on your neck."Fuck you kento." Your voice not coming off as confident but whiney and weak.
In the past, Nanami was always gentle and considerate, prioritizing your needs over his own during intimate moments. However, today was different; he was upset with you and frustrated about the hours he had just worked at his job, and he was definitely going to make that known to you one way or another.
His fingers curled around the back of your head, his touch surprisingly gentle, as he ordered, "Get up." A small smile played on his lips before he exerted a subtle pressure, forcing you down to your knees. At the sharp impact, you couldn't help but grunt, "Fuck, Kento," feeling the intensity of the moment surge through you. Your breath caught in your throat as his grip tightened, his eyes locking onto yours with an unspoken command.
Raising your gaze to meet Nanami's, your eyelashes fluttered softly as a mischievous smile graced your lips, your eyes naturally drawn to the subtle bulge forming beneath his work pants. The unspoken tension between you hung in the air, thick with anticipation, as you began to slowly undo the buckle of his belt.
Pulling his pants down to his thighs, you saw the milky-colored pre-cum seeping through his boxers before pulling them down. You decided to kiss his dick through the boxers. Hearing a low grunt come from Nanami while you continued to kiss and lick him, not yet giving him the satisfaction of having his pretty dick down your throat.
You began to move your hand up on down his hard length, causing Nanami to let out a loud but shaky breath, looking at his watch. He placed a sharp hand underneath your chin, forcing you to look up at him."Hurry up, y/n." His stren voice spoke as he released his grip on your chin, as a big smile crept onto your face, your gaze still on him."
You loved it when he was aggressive and mean to you he didn't do it very often but it was a big turn-on. This wouldn't be the first time you two have had sex since the divorce it wasn't often, but god, it's been a long time, and you missed his dick its like you've been craving it and that's why you were so quick to fall to your knees for him
Pulling his dick out of the boxers, your mouth watered at the sight of the pre-cum leaking out his pulsating rosy brown-colored mushroom-head tip. His dick curved slightly to your left with a single lengthy vein running down his dick on the left side. A smaller vein that had an even smaller vein attached to it was on the right. Nanami's hardened dick measured about eight inches and was extremely plump and girthy it always felt heavy in your hands.
You placed small little kisses on the head of his tip teasing Nanami. You wanted to see how far he would let you go before he snapped. You began doing small kitten licks on it before you placed the tip in your mouth, then taking it out again with a small pop leaving your mouth.
Nanami grew increasingly frustrated with your teasing, a tolerance he usually had, but today, it only fueled his anger. He tightly gripped the back of your head, forcing you to meet his rough gaze. "Stop teasing," he commanded in a dominant tone. "I'm not in the mood to play your games today. Understood?" He let go of your head, his eyes fixed on you, waiting for your verbal response while you just nodded your head. He couldn't stand when you didn't use your words. Everything you were doing today was making his patience wear extremely thin with you today, "I understand." You finally uttered
Before wrapping your glossed plump lips around Nanami's cock, you gathered a glob of spit and spat it onto it. You were aware that you couldn't possibly fit the entirety of him in your mouth, you never could. So you wrapped a hand around the parts you couldn't fit simultaneously stroking it up and down as you bobbed your head up and down. " look at you so pretty."
Nanami threw back his head, feeling you were slurping and sucking the tip. The whininess of his groans gave the impression that he was struggling to control them. Your tongue swirled on the area of him that was the most sensitive as your head continued to bobble. At this view, his muscular chest and firm abs look really attractive.
Even with his dick down your throat, you appear all innocent even as you swirl your tongue around his pulsating tip, making eye contact with him with your doe eyes looking up at him through your eyelashes as you took your free hand and squeezed and rubbed your palms on Nanami's balls, you noticed that his eyes were struggling to stay fixated on you with his cheeks flushed with a deep rosy red color and loud groans coming from his mouth.
His large, thick fingers firmly keeping a hold onto your hair, his fingers digging deep into your scalp, keeping a strong grip on your head. "Look at you so fucking filthy." Nanami took a grip on your hair pushing your head further. " But I need more, baby." His tone going from dominant to whiney within seconds."can you do that for me give me more"
Your eyes widened as Nanami suddenly began to push his dick deeper into your throat, without warning, causing you to gag on his dick. Your eyes beginning to water because of his big mushroom head tip constantly hitting the back of your throat.
"Just like that baby you're so good for me" Nanami groaned out almost whiney moan like sounds. You moan onto his dick causing small vibrations on his dick. Your mouth was starting to salivate, with spit bubbles smearing across your chin and falling down to his balls. "You look so pretty like this."
The 'this' he was referring to was your makeup, now smeared from the tears rolling down your eyes. The way you started up at him desperate plea reflected in your eyes, showing that all you wanted in that moment was to please him. The spatters of tears and spit adorned your face, your hair all frizzy and out of place.
"Look at you, taking my dick you look so fucking pathetic." Nanami continued to ram his dick down your throat. His dick twitching in your mouth signaling that he was close "hah fuck~ baby I'm close ." He groaned, biting his lip, furrowing his brows together, throwing his head trying not to close his eyes squeezing his hands together.
As you fet his warm cum oozing down your throat leaking from his tip he kept going at the same pace but beginning to slow down slightly. "You're doing so well pretty just a little longer for me," he said, taking pleasure in the sight of you struggling to breathe as you felt your tip of your nose make contact with the base of his cock forcing you to hold it and stay there until he was ready to let you up. The very small sadistic part of him loving the sound of you gagging and choking on his cock as he grips onto your hair tightly, forcing you to stay in place as you start to lose vision from the tears welding in your eyes again making your eyesight to go fuzzy.
He finally let you up, having a pop sound from him being released from your mouth. As you gasped, coming back up for air after him releasing his harsh grip on you. "Fuck Kento why so mean." you wiped your face with your sleeve to which he just smirked you" Don't act like you don't know why you brought this upon yourself c'mon." he picked up off the floor making you straddle him as he walked to your old shared bedroom.
Nanami gently laid you onto his lap pulling off your shorts as his fingers began toying with your clothed clit rubbing it ever so slightly. "I miss you. I miss us." Nanami gripped your lacy panties, pulling them off you with precision and ease you sitting on his lap.
"Look at you" he spoke pressing his thumb onto your clit running his thumb up and down your wet folds. "Kento, please." You began to grind your hips against his thumb. But Nanami's grip on your waist tightens, halting your movements as removes from your clit making you whine out in response.
"Relax love patience." Nanami brings his thumb back it grazing over your swollen clit playing with the softness of your flesh feeling that was so slimy and wet. You let out a hitched breath in surprise at how sensitive you were, with his hand on your back holding you still so he could slide his finger down your hole and pushing into your gummy walls." You know I'm gonna take good care of you."
You threw your head back, feeling his lips pepper kisses all over the side of your neck, Nanami's finger thrusting inside you so slow with your walls clamping around him. "Can I kiss you?" You nodded your head yes as you began to subconsciously grind your hips on his fingers feeling hus hardend cock rubbing against your ass. Your mouth parted as you threw your head back and not even being able to kiss him back. "You're driving me crazy you know." Nanami's lips went down to kiss your jaw, then down to your neck, kissing and sucking on the skin, careful not to leave a mark.
Your mouth was hanging open as his thick fingers curved up and thrusted deeply into you as your back arched, causing your fingers to start gripping tightly onto his forearm. "hah~ken-." Nanami's fingers began moving faster, making you begin to let out choked moans. "It feels good, huh? need you to tell me how good it feels love." Nanami let out a low groan against your ear with a small hint of neediness laced in his voice.
"It feels sooo good kento so good" you babbled out your hips, beginning to grind faster on his fingers, chasing your high. You saw the smirk on Nanami's face as his fingers gradually began slowing down inside of you, making you whine out in response. "please please please I need more kento, please." You let out whines tears welding in the corners of your eyes at the lack of pleasure.
Nanami placed a kiss on your lips."Does he make you feel like this the same way I do? Nanami's fingers began to pick up slightly, but not enough for you to be satisfied." There's just something about the way I make you feel, right? So good, like no one else can?"
"No one makes me feel like this only you, only you." Nanami took his two fingers plunging them in and out of your warm moist cunt. "Your doing so well darling." Nanami took his other hand running his finger tips along your smooth skin. He brung his hand up to your breast squeezing and toying with your hardened nipples adding to the pleasure.
"Ahhh~" your squirmed in Nanami's lap as his thumb began to rub circles on your clit increasing the pleasure his grip preventing you from moving to much."fuck baby" Nanami groaned in your ear as he felt you clenching around him."You're doing so good for me love almost there. You back arched off of him as the rubbing on your clit increased causing your mouth to part choked moans leaving your mouth.
"Fuckkkk~" you tightly grasped Nanami's forearm, pulling yourself up as the wave of ecstasy approached rapidly. Sensations heightened, toes curled, and eyes rolled back as you felt the knot unraveling in your stomach as you creamed all over his fingers Nanami, began to gradually eased slow his pace, his fingers lingering in the aftermath. As he withdrew his fingers, still slick with your warmth, he placed them in your mouth, making your eyes go wide.
"Go ahead and taste yourself and how much you creamed all over my fingers." Your tongue overlapped his fingers and sucked them clean as Nanami chewed on his lip that you look so good sucking on his fingers. your mouth was so warm and tongue so soft, you pulled his fingers back then his lips interlocked with your lips to taste you as well
Nanami held a firm hand grip on your neck, drawing your bodies closer as his lips locked onto yours as your tongues swirled around his breathy moans were escaping both of you. As the heat escalated, he pulled you even closer, and Nanami layed your body down on the bed, placing your head underneath a pillow as his hand and went down to pull his hardened dick out of his boxers.
"So fucking wet god you were made for me" Nanami lined his dick to your entrance with his dick griding his tip agaist your folds collecting your slick on his cock and combining it with his pre cum. "Just put it in, please." You were sensitive, growing very impatient with his antics. His dick contintiouly grinding against your clit. "You can wait, my love, patience."
Nanami leaned down and buried kisses on your neck, going down to your chest. Your arm wrapped around his neck and you pulled him in for a kiss before you parted your lips in shock no words being able to come out as his dick quickly rutted into you, causing your nails to dig deeply into his skin at the sensation.
Your hand went onto his lower abdomen to try slow his deep thrust down. Your legs are being placed on top of shoulders, making it so your wet hole was getting stretched out more. It had been a while since you two had done anything sexual and Nanami groaned at your cunt was squeezing him so tightly "c'mon baby i know you can take it. You can take it for me, right?"
"Yes, yes, I can," Nanamis hand rested on your knees, making himself able to make his thrust go deeper. Nanami tilted his head down, seeing his dick glossed with your clear juices"fuck~ You feel so good, so fucking good~" Nanami kept going seeing your perky breast bouching up and down agaist the fabric.
Your cervix was being constantly abused by Nanami's cockhead, as he kept repeatedly kissing your cervix with his thick cock. "H-hah, Nanami~ too much." Nanami's dick felt choked by your walls. Suddenly, his forearms slipped from under your legs, gripping to your ankles, pulling your legs against your chest .His other hand quickly gripped your free hand as he stopped you from pushing him away. "C'mon, baby, i know you can take it. Take my dick, please~"
Your eyes shot open and your back arched up off the bed as Nanami's thumb went over to your swollen clit rubbing it sensually "Mhm there you go" you felt your muscles quickly becoming tense with your warmth clenching around his cock "kenn~"You let out a raspy moan as Nanami continued to rub your clit and stroke his dick deep inside your pussy, almost tearing the sheets off as you felt it your high quickly approaching you.
Your body finally gave in as you quickly creamed all over his dick squeezing him tightly "fuck love" Nanami groaned looking down seeing the base of his cock coverd in a white ring with your cum. he continued to thrust, making you whine and cry out even louder. " too much kento, pleaseeee." Before you could even react, he pulled his dick out and turned you over so you were lying on your stomach.
"Just a little more for me. I know you got it." You were only trying to keep it together for the sake of Nanami, which is why your arch was very sloppy and poor. nanami entered his cock back in you thrusting deeply. You threw your ass back onto his cock, grinding against his skin, trying your best to match his thrust. "inside cum inside please." You blabbed out as you felt his thrust getting sloppier as well as his dick begining to twitch inside you signaling how close he was.
Nanami gripped your scalp, pulling your hair thrusting into you faster and deeper, having the back of your body up against his chest ."Kennn" you groaned out Nanami knew you were just cock drunk and just saying things for the purpose of saying things." Made just for me your just for me right?"
"Im yours only yours kento made just for you." Nanami couldn't bring himself to pull out of you, feeling you still squeezing him so tightly on the urge of your own release again. So he didn't it would be tomorrow's problem as you felt his warm creamy seed filling up your cunt you both groaned out Nanami's thumb rubbing on your clit brining you to the edge.
"iloveyouiloveyouiloveyou." You incoherently mumbled nanamis thrust slowing down before you both groaned in each other's ears nanami flippling you back over to face him."I love you too." Nanami pecked your lips.
"Hah~ken" Nanami played with both of yalls cum pushing it in and out of you before he dropped down do his knees pulling your cunt closer to his face. "You got one more in you, right?" You quickly nodded your head, yes Your head leaned back, as his finger inserted into your wet hole and his tongue flicking against your swollen clit his tounge tasting the sweetness and saltiness of yalls cum mixing them together"mmm~" Your legs were trying to close, but Nanamis hands on your thighs kept them open as you slowly felt his tongue circling around your swollen clit.
his fingers were thrusting in and out of you, your walls clamping down on him, whines from you filling up the room." So fucking wet." He muffled as you began to shudder and felt his tongue pressing against your clit, causing you to sqruim agaist his tounge
You were whining and whimpering the way his tounge was moving in and out of you flicking against your clit and his fingers thrusting into you. His tongue is doing tricks on you, makimg a figure-eight motion on clit. Your body moved, trying to get away from him as it was too much for you. You already felt the knot forming into your stomach
you cooed out his name as his lips began to suck on your clit with your back arching that he was rubbing all over your delicacy. your hands grasped on the cushion and eyes getting glossy of his finger thrusting in and out of you at the same time, you were feeling tingles all over your nerves and leg pushing his head to bury against your flesh. his hand grasped your thigh as his dick was throbbing that your moans and your pussy was so good to him.
His lips sucking on your clit as you cooed out his name"your doing so good ken i love you so much." You arched your back feeling him rub all over your delicacy. With your hands firmly gripping his hair and your eyes glossy from his finger's simultaneous thrusts in and out of you, you were experiencing sensations throughout your body your hands pushing his head futher into your wet cunt His dick was throbbing from your moans, and your pretty pussy was so good to him and only him.
Your hands began to shake, and your body couldn't stop moving around to try and get away. Then, it was your legs and the forming in your lower stomach getting even bigger. "Fuck Ken to much please," you cried out, pushing his head more between your legs then rapidly, then a warm, clear liquidity fluid rushed out onto his face as you sqruited on him.
"Damn baby." Ypu softly moaned at his tongue, forcing into your mouth tasting both of you on his tongue, his hand resting on your neck, making the kiss deeper. He pulled away, leaving a trail of spit that was connected to both of your lips."C'mon, let me make you a bath."
Nanami ran you a bubble bath, putting your body gently into the tub. He got in afterward, putting your back up against his chest. "I miss you so much baby sorry I wasn't there for you and got to caught up in work." Nanami kissed the back of your head, wrapping his arms around your waist.
"When will I be able to take you out on a date?" Nanami sounded like he had a certain neediness in his voice, scared of your anger. " You can take me out tonight, kento, but if you want us back together, you have to show that you changed and you won't get so caught up in work anymore. " I won't. I promise I love you."
"I love you too."
A/N:NANAMI'S A EATAAAA and sorry if this wasn't very nanami like it was kinda hard for me to write abt him and it was my frist time writing him so hope you enjoyed thanks for reading 🫶🏾
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slvttyplum · 8 months
im having suguru brain rot
didn’t edit this so idk.
suguru walks in the kitchen where you’re popping grapes in your mouth scrolling on your phone.
“yo.” he says as he slides in front of you opening the fridge.
his hair is all messy and his wife beater was cropped showing his v-line and happy trail, your eyes subconsciously sliding all around his body.
the slam of the fridge startling you, you snap out of it.
“suguru whats your major again?” you blurt out. the truth was, you needed him. you didn’t care what conversation was needed you just wanted to hear that—
“psychology.” he deadpans, sliding past you again walking towards the pantry. your eyes follow his tall figure, his back muscles pushing out the shirt, and the wall those black sweats fit around his small waist.
sexy voice. sexy mind. sexy body. sexy major.
you could never really catch a glimpse of his face since both of you have two different schedules, when both of you were home he would stay cooped up in his room.
that didn’t bother you much since it did make you a little uneasy to have a male roommate in the first place, you hated to admit it but you were shallow, that man was fine.
so him being a guy living with you wasn’t a bother.
you slipped another grape into your mouth thinking to yourself, what’s something else you could ask him or talk about, this was your only chance, he rarely spoke to you.
“breaks coming up, are you going back home?” you ask, your voice cracking.
you mentally curse yourself, that wasn’t a good one but you gotta do what you gotta do.
he turns his head looking at you, his dark eyes looking you straight in the eye and his eyebrow and lip piercing shining from the light.
damn he’s fine.
he turns his head back to the pantry then closes it, he wasn’t feeling any of the good options today, maybe he could…
he folds his arms against himself leaning his butt against the counter near the pantry.
“unfortunately no, i have way too much to do here and i don’t live close so.” he says, playing with the piercing on his lip.
your eyes light up, this was fate, it had to be. you would make it your life goal to make sure you guys talk everyday.
“awe bummer, i’m not going home either, i don’t feel like flying.” you say tucking your hand in the waistband of your pants trying to warm it up.
suguru scans your figure and looks back at your face, his dick jumping.
“maybe we could hang out.” he says leaning off the counter.
your eyes almost fall off hearing this, this was all working in YOUR favor. oh universe what did i do to deserve such kindness you think to yourself.
a grin forming on your lips but you quickly wipe it off, “yeah i would love that.”
he smiles, his smiley piercing shining. god please.
“good, i’m a little hungry can you do something for me?” he asks leaning on his side only a few inches away from you.
your ears start ringing with anticipation, were you a genius or were you a genius. he’s going to ask you on a date, this was your time.
“can you lay across that table, i want to eat.” your jaw drops and the grape that was in the hand drops.
“sorry, huh?”
he’s smirking and his hands drop down walking towards you, almost nothing helping the distance.
“sorry if that came off too blunt, it’s just… you look good and im starving here.”
your throat is closing by the second, your pupils forming in the shape of a heart, if he was saying what you thought he was then…
“fuck!!” you yelp out. suguru grabs your hand placing it on top of his head, telling you to grab.
he tongue swirling all around you, spit mixed with your liquids dripping off his chin.
his eyes glued to your pussy, his hands gripped around you.
his tongue piercing gliding over your clit every second, your body shivers from the cold touch every-time.
your hands sliding and grabbing his hair, where did he learn this oh my—
“god! right there!”
his eyes are rolling as his hands grip your thighs with force, his nails digging into you.
saliva was foaming inside your mouth, dripping off the side. the knot deep inside your stomach was tightening, and you felt like you were dying.
his tongue sliding from deep inside you to sucking your clit, the pattern and rhythm stopping your climax.
you tug on his hair, “keep sucking.” his eyes shoot up to you, smirking. he takes one of his hands off your thigh, sliding it under him and right into your pussy.
your breath hitches and a sharp feeling explodes in your stomach, back arching, your liquids leaking.
you flop back on the table, your head spinning.
suguru gets up licking his lips. “i’ll be back tonight, maybe we can do this again.”
your head shoots up and the heart shapes still in your eyes and the ringing in your ear was still there.
“yeah yeah for sure.” you say wiping off the drool.
he smiles at you and walks back to his room, you slide off the table clearing your throat.
for sure…
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girlboypersonthingy · 3 months
hiiiii!!!! so i’m thinking of a velvette fic where u meet the vees after having dated her for a bit (a few weeks maybe). you hate them. you think they’re creepy and just assholes, even for being in hell. (you’re a bit more wholesome but yk still a sinner) like you just do NOT like the guys. you’re super worried abt velvette’s reaction to that fact so u try to sugar coat it but she’s just like “thank lucifer! i didn’t want them to be creepy bad influences on u!” and u’re both super relieved. i love her.
Heeyyyy I was wondering when you’d send in a Velvette request ☺️ you got it friend! Enjoyyyy~
TW: Val being a perv 😎 for like one second tho, Velvette gets a bit suggestive,?? Lots of cussing lol
The Only V For Me 💜
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“AAHHH!!! Darling, you’re finally here! How was the drive? How was the driver?” Velvette watches as you walk through the doorway of her studio, looking around with big doe eyes at all the bright lights and flashy outfits and really beautiful model demons.
“Velvette!” Before you can say anything more, she’s pulling you into a a deadly tight hug. “It was actually…like way too much, babe. You don’t have to do all that fancy shit for me, ya know? But…yes, it was really nice. Thank you.” Velvette offers you a cheeky smirk followed by a quick kiss to the cheek.
Your darling girlfriend snaps her fingers and yells out a command to one of her assistants. “You! Come here.” She makes a ‘come here’ motion with her finger as she turns her attention back to you, her lips upturned into a smile again, “Are you thirsty? Hungry? Anything you need, you tell her.” She points to her assistant who is now right at your side. “Anything my darling asks for, you get it.” She gives the worker an intimidating glare before winking at you.
“Let me show you around!” Velvette puts an arm around your shoulders and pulls you along, pointing things out, explaining them. She is absolutely beaming with pride right now, glancing at you often to see your reaction. As you pass a mannequin clad in a really nice outfit, a gasp comes from Velvette. “Oh my! You know who would look absolutely stunning in this little number?” And now she’s flashing you this flirty grin and her bright red eyes are looking you up and down. Suddenly her smooth demeanor dropped as she grumbled under her breath a bit then sighed deeply.
“Oh, who am I kidding. With Vox and Val both here today, if I dress you in anything more appealing than what you’ve got on now, they will definitely try to steal you from me. You already look too cute…” This pulls a laugh from you but your laugh stops suddenly, stuck in your throat when you see how serious her expression is at the moment.
“Wait. What? What do you mean-“ And suddenly the doors swing open, slamming into the walls behind them as an extremely tall, blue-skinned individual with big red heart shaped glass quickly approaches Velvette, towering over both of you.
“WHERE THE HELL IS VOX?! I’ve been looking for that flat faced fuck all day.” He growls out and you take note of the fact that Velvette doesn’t flinch a bit. “Why the hell are you asking me? If he was here, you’d have found him already.” She snaps back and as the angry man before you was about to screech out another sentence, his expression softened rather quickly as his eyes fell on you.
“Why hello~ who do you have here? Wow! What a gorgeous creature you are. I’m Valentino. What’s your name, sweetheart?” One of his hands slips into yours and as he goes to lift your hand to his lips, Velvette pushes him so hard he nearly falls over.
“Their name is (Y/N), alright? And they are MINE. Now back off, Val.” She hisses in response, now tightly holding your hand, the hand that Val was holding just a second ago. “WHOO! Alright. My apologies, dear. Didn’t know this one was all yours. But I mean FUCK! They just have such nice lips! I mean, look at that mouth. You have the perfect pair of dick sucking li-“
Velvette shouts over him, “SHUT IT!!! You’re actually so vile. Get out of here, Valentino! You’re freaking out my babe.” She gives him another shove, making him frown angrily at her before he stomps off, probably punching a wall or kicking something over as he leaves. Oh, he definitely slams the door again too.
“Alrighty! Where were we?” Velvette seems to relax a bit more, going back to a more chipper and excited attitude as she again shows off all of her impressive work to you. She even got a few models to come do a little show just for you, all of them casually posing and showing off different outfits. Velvette kept asking your opinion, begging you to be ‘bloody honest’ with her.
“Oh, darling! You just have to come over one night and let me dress you up, just us two! Hmm~ I could dress you up and then maybe even…undress you again.” Just as your girlfriend started to flirt with you and as you started to feel more comfortable in this environment-
“Velvette! Happy Friday. Have you seen Val? I haven’t been able to reach him all day. I’m-“ The strong, electric voice that sounded from behind you two made you jump a bit and brought a frightening grimace to Velvette’s face.
“Oh~ Hello. (Y/N), right? Pleased to meet you! I was wondering when our precious like Velvette was gonna bring her play thing over. I’m Vox, creator of Voxtech. You know, on the late night talk show…and the morning talk show. I’m also the news anchor.” He doesn’t really offer you his hand, he more so just reached out and grasps your hand in his, giving it a rapid shaking.
His grip on your hand hurts a bit and the smug smirk on his face makes you somewhat intimidated by him. Vox just…gives you the creeps even more than Valentino did and he basically verbally assaulted you. Before you can even come up with a response to him-
“Yes, yes, yes. Everyone knoWS WHO YOU ARE, YOU PRICK. NOW WHAT DO YOU WANT?!” And now Velvette looks kind of scary, like so pissed off and annoyed that she looks like she could actually kill someone right now. The someone preferably being Vox. Her bright red eyes glow with rage and irritation, her pretty lips now turned into a deep scowl.
As she yells in his face, his expression drops to one of annoyance and exhaustion. “Where’s Val?” Velvette groans before responding. “You’ve got to be fuckin kidding me! He just left, looking for you. Look on your stupid little cameras and find him and go tell him to STOP SLAMMING MY DOORS OR IM GONNA-“
Not that Velvette scared you but…she looked pretty upset right now and her yelling is enough to put anyone into a slight panic. So you slip you hand around her bicep, gently pulling her tense arm back a bit so you could comfortably slide your hand down to hers, interlocking your fingers. Her words stopped in their tracks, your tender touch almost making her flinch. Her head whipped around and she looked at you for a good few seconds, a smile slowly growing on her lips. She turns back to the screen-faced man, her smile not faltering this time.
“Off you go.” Velvette quite literally shoos him away with a wave of her hand as her other hand snakes its way around your waist and back until her arm is fully wrapped around you and you’re pressed into her side. She turns her back on Vox, determined to keep her full attention on you for the rest of the day. You’re too distracted by her embrace to notice if Vox had even left or not.
You clear your throat. “Babe…?” “Yes, love?” “Don’t get mad.” You look at her with a serious expression, causing her to blink in confusion. “Mad at you? Never. What’s on your mind?” Velvette pulled away from you for just a second then she faced you and held both your hands in her own.
“I feel…extremely uncomfortable here. Specifically, with Valentino and Vox. I-I…I’m sorry I just…I don’t like them…very much…they scare me.” Velvette chuckles before you can finish your sentence and you’re not sure if you should be relieved or even more worried. Suddenly, she pulls you into a tight hug, her hands rubbing big circles all over your back.
“Ugh, I’m so terribly sorry, darling. Truly, I figured those two would be busy on a Saturday, too busy to be bothering us already.” She turns her head to kiss your cheek then pulls you in even closer. “Fuck! I’m actually so relieved you said that. Those two are so terrible…truly, irresponsible! I mean it when I say I’m the backbone of the Vs okay? Those two pussies would fall apart in a matter of hours without me! Ugh they can’t even keep it together for one day!” “Babe…” You try to calm her again, seeing how worked up she gets having to constantly deal with her work partners.
With her attention solely on you, she softly says, “I’m sorry, sweetheart. What do you want to do next, hm? We can go somewhere. Anywhere. Just say the words.” Her long fingers gently graze the skin of your cheek, causing you to become a bit flustered. It’s almost baffling how she can be so cold and cruel to everyone around her except you. You were her only weakness, and she doesn’t mind one bit. She loves you endlessly. She wouldn’t trade this feeling for anything in Hell.
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