#it is soooo bad i hate it. so i was like okay. why don't i go through the slides first
fingertipsmp3 · 7 months
The slides for class today look deceptively simple. Should I be concerned
#i realised that probably the reason i'm not doing great with class right now is i'm not really doing anything to prepare#other people in the class already have knowledge either because they've done this before or they know more javascript than me#(which is not hard since i don't know javascript)#but because i go in knowing nothing i just sort of fumble my way through and end up sitting there 2+ hours after the start of class#completely bamboozled and with my brain fried and no finished tasks to show for it#i get the work done eventually but i have to google thee most basic questions or rewatch segments of class (it is recorded thank god)#to understand it. which like.. don't get me wrong; i feel like if i was capable of paying attention better i'd probably understand it all#the first time around. my instructors are great. but i am not capable of paying attention#as soon as i don't understand something i just get confused and zone out instead of processing the information that would help me understan#it is soooo bad i hate it. so i was like okay. why don't i go through the slides first#read a couple of articles on this stuff and talk myself through the tasks. not DO them yet because i get plenty of time to do them tonight#we get like 15-20 minutes per task. sometimes half an hour if it's a big one#but making sure i understand how to do them will ensure i don't spend those 15-30 minutes having a breakdown#but with this one i was like... it looks okay???#i think my biggest problem irt coding is i can never remember the fucking syntax. like i'm well aware of HOW to do stuff#i know how to link a stylesheet or a script file to a html file i can just never remember the exact syntax#i always have to google it or look at a previous project i made (on which i googled it)#<link ref='stylesheet' href='styles.css'></link> and <script src='script.js'></script> right?? please tell me that's right#so it's like. do i know what a loop is? yes. do i know what an array is? yes. do i know what an object is? i think so#do i know how to make any of these? NO because i don't know the syntax!!!#it's upsetting lol. i really wonder if these motherfuckers can code from their brains or if they're googling it as well sometimes#personal
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dimonds456 · 1 year
Shoutout to the conventionally attractive people who are so fucking tired. To the attractive people who wish they weren't. To the attractive people who wish they were ugly to get people to stop being creepy around them.
To those who can never be confident in their own skin for more than a few minutes at a time because they know someone's looking.
Shoutout to the people who don't have anxiety, but still would rather live in a completely different body because it meant people would stop staring.
Shoutout to the attractive people who don't want to be.
#okay to reblog#i vent in the tags and it gets bad so content warning for that#dimond speaks#terfs dni#in summation: i talk about stalking; creeps; i mention j*cking off; and just general self-hatred regarding my body#this post is about all genders too not just cis women#i can't be the only one right#like i know i'm conventionally attractive. i fucking hate it.#you're right i do have body issues but it's not because i'm fat it's because i'm fucking pretty#every single tv movie ever has told me that being pretty will solve all my problems. but that's not true at all#it's only ever cause issues for me like getting stalked in more and more progressively creepy ways#to my coworkers assuming that i'm highly sexually active and that i MUST have a partner because why would i not?#it must be soooo easy for me to get a date you're lying there's no way you're a v*rgin#maybe it's the aroace talking here but PLEASE. PLEASE STOP. GO AWAY.#I don't WANT this. I've NEVER wanted this.#do you think i signed up for every single fucking boy in high school to know my name so they could flirt with me?#or to be told by a boy younger than me that he recorded my singing voice so he could- this is real- JACK OFF to it?#or to be stalked by not one not two but THREE creepy old men far past my age?#or to be followed EVERYWHERE i go when i'm outside?#like they typically stop when they notice that i know they're there but STILL.#DOES IT LOOK LIKE I ENJOY THIS IN THE SLIGHTEST?#i'm surprised nothing bad has happened to me yet but it's only a matter of fucking time#and in case you're wondering: no. I do NOT draw myself how i look in real life.#i draw the version of me that I want to be#the version of me that's the weight i wanna be. the flat chest. the flat butt.#no glasses but that's because i usually forget them not because i don't like them fgadhjsk#i wanna look *friendly.* not *hot.*#i'm tired of random customers (usually much much older than me) flirting with me or being generally weird and creepy around me#for the love of whatever god is out there STOP
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astraltrickster · 1 year
What frustrates me about disability advocacy is that...of all the people I've seen talk about it, 99% of them - even ones who are disabled themselves - have eventually proven that their support has limits. Really stupid and arbitrary ones, at that.
You support disabled people...but if you see an adult with a DIAPER BULGE in their pants in public it's ON SIGHT, get your kink out of my face! Actually, even if it's not a kink, that's still gross and, like, it's not like the diaper exists to CONTAIN waste, you're a biohazard! Just stay home!
You support disabled people...but, ugh, you're so sick of masks, they feel so icky, the CDC isn't advising them anymore so really how bad can it be, if you don't want to be permanently disabled even worse than you already are then why don't you just stay home forever?
You support disabled people...but if you see anyone using a non-conventional straw that someone's billed as "anti-aging" on TikTok you proudly declare that you'll smack them, because what do you mean it might be a motor control or sensory thing?
You support disabled people...but no one is REALLY so disabled that they can't manage their lights conventionally, clean their homes by themselves, or hold a pen for extended periods of time or at all; that's just something people make up as an excuse for Bad Tech and exploitative luxury services.
You support disabled people...but, god, control your by-definition-uncontrollable tics, they're SOOOO annoying and rude!
You support disabled people...but when someone stops masking or runs out of spoons and starts speaking in a choppy, hard-to-understand way, it's a joke.
You support disabled people...but AAC is, like, sooooo annoying and hard to understand, learn to talk like a normal person instead of pointing like a baby or whatever, geez.
You support disabled people...but you hate image descriptions and video transcriptions because they're, like, sooooo ugly and transcriptions SPOIL things. (Not to be confused with "frequently not having the spoons to translate images and videos into text, which is a skill; one which everyone should try to develop, but a skill nonetheless" - I get that, it happens to me, but if you take issue with OTHER people adding them to your posts for Aesthetic Reasons, you're...kind of a dick! I'm not sorry for saying it!)
You support disabled people...but you think teehee funny joke annotations are a much more valuable use of caption tracks than, you know, actual captions are.
You support disabled people...but you still concern-troll people with armchair diagnoses of heavily stigmatized disorders for harmless weirdness, or try to paint them as icons of some kind of horrible social ill.
You support disabled people...but you're still convinced that every asshole is mentally ill, probably A Narcissist, and what do you mean that's a loaded thing to call someone when a heavily stigmatized disorder is rudely misnamed as such too, isn't it easier to, like, change the name of the disorder throughout the whole system than it is to just stop using that word as your go-to Bad Person Pathologizing Word, which you definitely need? (Or worse, you see no problem with this clash because you're convinced it IS Bad Person Disorder...)
You support disabled people...but you see someone mumbling to themself on the bus and you get as far away from them as possible because it's "scary".
You support disabled people...but you constantly try to pull "gotcha"s about people telling you not to touch people's assistive devices.
You support disabled people...but someone being okay with their delusional disorder and talking about that is BAD and PROMOTING SELF-HARM.
You support disabled people...but your body positivity still focuses exclusively on "people can be healthy and fat at the same time!" as if people who ARE fat because of health issues and/or have health issues BECAUSE of their weight don't exist or deserve support.
You support disabled people...but you declare that advocates who want us all to have more access to things that improve your quality of life are the REAL ableists for acknowledging that those things that you currently can't do tend to improve quality of life.
You support disabled people...but your advocacy for yourself involves distancing yourself from people with more support needs than you.
You support disabled people...but you treat addiction of any kind, or use of anything with known addictive tendencies, as a moral failing.
You support disabled people...until the accommodations they need clash with your own, then it's not just a benign incompatibility that sucks just as much for them as it does for you; no, you are an innocent victim and they are a horrible ableist.
You support disabled people...until it's too inconvenient. Too weird. Too scary. Once that line is crossed, it's not a disability issue anymore, they're, conveniently, just a Bad Person.
It's fucking exhausting and I'm sick to death of it.
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adoresol · 3 months
Can you make a reaction of how RIIZE would react when you are sitting on his lap and/or you start moving a lot? I love your profile!
shotaro — he'd try to be so oblivious to it, not wanting to come to the conclusion that he's getting hard. he'd gently rest a hand on your waist and tap your shoulder, a smile making its way onto his lips when you make eye contact. “baby, sorry, but can you stop moving so much? it's... i'm getting hard.“ mumbling the last part with such shame because shotaro doesn't want to make you think he's some freak who can't control his dick. butttt, when you respond with getting off his lap and wrapping your mouth around his cock as an apology... he is not complaining.
eunseok — he'd be very blunt. he loves whenever you sit on his lap so it's your designated seat majority of the time. which is why when there was no space in shotaro's car with the rest of the members, you ended up sitting on your boyfriend's lap. but the bumps in the road and your constant movement made things harder for him. eunseok's eyes would be staring directly at your ass, his cock only getting harder by the second. he'd grip your waist with a bit of strength, wanting to elevate the feeling of your ass rubbing against his cock. “baby, if you don't stop moving, i'm afraid i'm just gonna have to fuck you with everybody watching.”
sungchan — he loves whenever you sit on his lap but you wore a skirt so you were consistently fixing and readjust your outfit. “i love you, princess.” he'd try to give hints as to the fact that he's slowly getting hard by being more touchy, kissing your shoulder and complimenting you. “are you hard?” you whispered, turning around to face sungchan. he clenched his jaw to suppress a groan, nodding his head. “let's go to the bathroom.” immediately walks out with you in front of him just so he can fuck you in the bathroom.
wonbin — he would be soooo whiny, hiding his face behind your back or in the crook of your neck. you're aware of what you're doing, and you love the effect that it has on him. “baby, stop..” wonbin mumbled, his hands tightening around your waist. “stop what?” you asked him, innocently. he can't help but start trying to grind against your ass, his chest heaving up and down as he tries to get it over with before the members came back to the car, not wanting to get caught at the sight of wonbin pathetically humping you from behind.
seunghan — he hates whenever you tease him but he also loves it so much. but the feeling began getting too much and all he wanted to do was pull your underwear to the side and fuck you. obviously you weren't going to give in, considering you were trying to press his buttons. but seunghan can play that game too. “you want me to stop? thought you wanted to play around, hm?” soon enough, it's you begging for him to stop. his hand was hovering over your pussy, his thumb rubbing around the clit through your underwear.
sohee — you weren't doing it on purpose, he knew that much. you were simply laughing at whatever jokes his members were making or singing along to the songs that played through the radio. but his cock just seemed to forget that. the constant rubbing of your ass against his cock felt too much. he'd tap your shoulder with a nervous smile. “i... please stop moving.” and at that moment, it hits you as to what you've been doing. you feel so bad that you calm down and kiss sohee on the cheek, and he thinks you're the most precious person he's ever met.
anton — his big hands would be kept firm on your waist, the more you grind your ass against his cock the stronger his grip becomes. “is everything okay?” you asked your boyfriend, turning around to see his face paler than ever. “just... dehydrated. i'm okay.” he'd reassure you with a shy smile, kissing the corner of your lips. he'd feel so embarrassed having to tell you that he got hard because you were sitting on his lap, and the fact that you didn't seem to notice made him not want to air himself out like that.
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twilightcitysky · 10 months
Everything Is Meant (long S2 analysis, part 2)
Part one here
Okay, so that's how I think the pre-creation scene and Gabriel's arc connect to Aziraphale's choice. I also think the ineffable bureaucracy speedrun exists to prove totally different things to Aziraphale and Crowley: Aziraphale loves that they can love each other but notes they have to run away to be together; Crowley sees this and immediately thinks "hey, we can do that too!", forgetting that running away is not a solution Aziraphale has ever been interested in. It's the mentality of an individualist vs a group-oriented mind, and neither of them is necessarily wrong, it's just that their priorities are different and they HAVE TO TALK ABOUT IT, which they don't.
Continued analysis under the cut:
3. Let's take the Job minisode. Why include it? We already mentioned that it proves Aziraphale remembers Crowley as an angel, since he mentions it. And he believes Crowley is the same person he always was, and that he doesn't want to harm Job's crops or animals or children. Crowley tries to convince him he's a Big Bad Demon who is all in on this assignment, but fails utterly to kill even a single goat, soooo... Aziraphale comes to the conclusion that he knows what Crowley wants. Alert! Alert! This is a big problem! Crowley says, "What do you know about what I want?" Aziraphale: "I know you." Crowley: "You do not know me." But because Aziraphale got it right this time, he goes ahead assuming he'll always get it right, which is a crucial failure when it comes to the final reckoning. He doesn't ever ASK Crowley what he wants, he just assumes. When you assume you know what someone wants, you usually assume their priorities align with yours... he couldn't be more wrong about that. The Job minisode sets up this dynamic for them, and they never really manage to change it.
The other thing happens at the end of the minisode. Crowley acknowledges two crucial points: 1) he's lonely ("But you said it wasn't!" "I'm a demon. I lied"), 2) he doesn't think Aziraphale would like Hell. Aziraphale DOESN'T like Hell. Aziraphale hates Hell for what they've done to Crowley. He doesn't see Heaven as innocent or benign, but importantly, Heaven has never tried to hurt Crowley directly. They never threatened his safety. They never tortured him (as it's heavily implied that Hell did). Fast forward to the last ten mins of season 2: Aziraphale excited to tell Crowley that he can be an angel again BECAUSE: he never has to go back to Hell. They can never hurt him again, not the way they did before. And he doesn't have to be lonely anymore.
Last point before I leave Job: Crowley has the chance to cause Aziraphale to Fall, here, probably. ("I lied to Heaven to thwart the will of God!" "You did, but I'm not going to tell anybody. Are you? ...good, then nothing has to change.") He doesn't take it. He doesn't want Aziraphale to be a demon. He loves Aziraphale as he is. "Angel" as an affectionate. Aziraphale certainly doesn't use "demon" as a pet name for Crowley. I think they set up this scene to contrast the final one, and show how deeply hurt Crowley is that Aziraphale suggest he change.
4. Moving on to Victorian Scotland. This one confused me at first. I was delighted that they brought back the "the lower you start the more opportunity you have to rise" dialogue from the book, but apart from that I didn't really see the point of it. It seems like the statue of Gabriel and the fact that he and Beelz ended up at that pub in the present were more or less coincidental.
The point, I think, is actually not the girl, but the doctor. He's a person who is trying to do good by working in a system that's deeply flawed, and engaging in questionable moral practices for the greater good. (Cadaver dissection is still an essential part of medical school. You need dead bodies to understand living ones.) He shows Aziraphale a tumor he removed from a child who died, and Aziraphale clutches it to his chest. The camera zooms in and lingers to tell us that this is a guardian through and through. He wants to protect people. He wants to do good with every fiber of his being.
To Crowley, it's enough to just "be an us" with Aziraphale. He doesn't really want anything more than that. That's an issue! For one thing, it fosters unhealthy codependency, and for another, Aziraphale would never be happy without the opportunity to help and protect people. It's an essential part of who he is. Metatron knows that, and he plays Aziraphale like a fiddle. The doctor showed Aziraphale that you can make a difference even in systems that are flawed, and even if you have to do things you'd rather not do. Aziraphale doesn't want to go back to Heaven, but he truly thinks he can change things; thinks he can be a guardian with some real power. In his mind, that's the right thing to do.
Last thing that happens in Scotland: Crowley saves a soul from Hell, arguably, by preventing a suicide. He gets in Big Trouble. Whatever happened to him downstairs resulted in him coming back up, leaning on a cane, and asking Aziraphale to give him holy water. Go back and watch that scene knowing what we know now about the Victorian minisode. Ask yourself how Aziraphale must have felt. He likely blamed himself for what happened, because if he hadn't meddled then they never would have been there in the first place. He knew where Crowley was, and why he was there, and he had to sit with that knowledge for years. He desperately wants Crowley to be safe; is perfectly willing to push him away to keep him safe-- which is what he does do, the minute Crowley gets back.
Now think again about what Metatron offered him. A chance to keep Crowley safe forever. He'd never be harmed again. Aziraphale is going to take that offer, no matter what else is asked of him. He's shown over and over again that he'll sacrifice his own happiness to make sure nothing happens to Crowley. And he'll do it without talking to Crowley about it first, because he is a moron who doesn't know how to use his words. Leading Crowley to assume that Aziraphale doesn't love him. The idiot angel is doing it all out of love, but because he doesn't make himself clear Crowley doesn't know that.
Part 3: Maggie and Nina, and their roles as mirror couple/ Greek chorus!
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
"Okay, be straight with me."
Steve leveled a look and Eddie almost swooned but he kept it together. This was serious.
"Right, okay, be bisexual with me."
"Eddie, we're in public", Steve said, mock-scandalized.
"I'm starting to regret becoming a level 5 friend of yours Harrington." Dustin had said Steve could get silly and goofy. Of course Eddie didn't believe it. Not until he had seen it. Not until he had seen that secret handshake of theirs and seen him pump his fist in victory when he beat Erica at rock, paper, scissors, and when he'd seen him-
"Did you have something to say, or...?"
"Yeah! Okay, so, what I wanted to ask waaaas, did you ever, you know, look at any guys?" Eddie cleared his throat and continued when Steve looked at him blankly. "Sinfully?"
The location for this conversation could either be really good or really bad. In the McDonald's parking lot on a late afternoon. Steve just got off from a relatively short shift and wanted lunch. Eddie was wasting time until Hellfire that night. Of course they were eating in Eddie's van. Not a single crumb graced Steve's car.
"I mean, I guess I did", Steve shrugged. "Before I really understood what I was feeling. Honestly it felt like I just hated guys for no reason."
Eddie nodded in understanding. Before realizing what all those slurs meant, he definitely felt like some dudes were attractive in a way just to spite him. Then he came to realize he didn't want to punch them, but to do...well other things with his hands.
"Soooo, you ever have a crush?"
Steve let out a bark of laughter so loud it startled Eddie.
"What are you serious?"
"I-yes? What? Is it so ridiculous?"
"Eddie I-", Steve cut himself off and looked him in the eyes. "You asked me that question and you really don't know?"
"Is it a sensitive topic?" Eddie went on ahead and stuffed a handful of fries in his mouth before he stuck his foot in it.
"No, it's just, you of all people asking me that." Steve put a hand to his mouth and looked out the window and Eddie felt like he was missing something.
"So was there ever anyone?"
Steve turned back towards him. "Was...and is."
"Well shit, don't leave me hangin'."
"Are we doing girl talk or something now?", Steve grinned.
"I know for a fact you and Bucks talk about the girls she likes. Why can't you talk to a fellow queer about boys?"
"I've talked to Argyle and Jonathan about it", Steve shrugged.
Now that got Eddie raring. Jonathan he could understand. But he just met Argyle!
"Okay, you gotta tell me. It can be either the 'was' or the 'is' but I need to know who caught the eye of the Hair."
Steve laughed again, this time bending over. "Eye of the Hair sounds like one of your dungeon things."
"Don't try and distract me with DnD, Steve. Spill."
"Okay, okay. Let's talk about this is."
Eddie was torn. On the one hand, he really did want to know who Steve was crushing on. On the other hand, if he knew the dude what was stopping him from going over to his house and busting his nose?
"So, he's our age. Went to Hawkins High-"
"Wow that really narrows it down."
"He and I were in different cliques. Didn't hang out a lot until he started hangin around my kids."
Eddie let out a snort. "You do remember you didn't actually birth a gaggle of children, right?"
"You wanna hear this or not?"
"Anyway, he's a nerd. Like a huuuge nerd. Like sometimes I can't even believe I like him, but then he...I mean I....it's not like I like him despite his nerdiness. I like that part of him too now."
Eddie began listing the choices. Someone from school, who hung out with the kids? Recent? That could be someone from Hellfire. Kind of think of it, Steve and Jeff have been talking a lot more recently. It was just here or there when Steve was dropping off or picking up kids from meetings but still...
"Can I get a description?"
"What are you? The cops?"
"How dare you!"
"He's got dark hair and dark eyes", Steve conceded with a roll of his eyes.
Fuck it could be Jeff. Okay, okay, he could be supportive. Jeff was a good guy. A great guy. And Jeff would be a lucky son of a bitch to get Steve.
"Son of a bitch", he murmured.
"Son of a witch, nerd thing", Eddie waved off. "I think you should be able to trust me with his name. I could even maybe hook you two up if I just so happen to know him~"
"You'd hook me up with some guy?", Steve asked.
"I know right, I'm so generous." And maybe if Jeff blew his chance with Steve, he could be there to pick up the pieces. No! Bad Munson! Bad thoughts. Jeff would never hurt Steve and he shouldn't hope for it. But what if it wasn't Jeff?
What if it was some other geek he didn't know? The freshies were into science too. What if it was that chemistry dork Howard?
"Actually, I think I really do need to know who this guy is. Need to be sure he's good enough for you."
Steve smiled in a way that rivaled the sun and Eddie truly felt like a knight in shining armor. He'd protect his princess from any undeserving mouthbreather.
"I think he's more than worthy. And I hope you would agree", Steve said.
"I'll know for sure once I see him." Eddie crossed his arms and leaned back in his seat, already formulating ideas to make this dude wet his pants. "So tell me more about him."
"Okay, we knew of each other for a while, but the first time we officially talked, he attacked me."
"Red flag. No go."
"In his defense, he was on the run from the law", Steve added quickly.
"A criminal? Second red flag."
"Allegedly. And that's big talk comin' from a drug dealer."
"Who you partake with", Eddie reminded him.
"I do. But it's a little less than legal what you do. As is several things both of us have done. I don't think either of us has a high horse to look down on."
Eddie hemmed and hawed before letting out a sigh. "Alright, we'll call that a yellow flag for now. What else?"
"He's just...so different from anyone else I've ever been into, Eds. I'm really into him. Like an embarrassing amount." And now Steve was blushing and Eddie felt jealousy boil in his gut. But he also felt happy that Steve was happy. He could take solace in that. Even if he wanted to deck this guy on principle.
"Do you know if he's like us?"
"Oh, I know", Steve said, putting his elbow on the rest between them and leaning in close. "Wanna know more?"
And fuck his masochistic heart, he did. What could this guy have that he didn't?
After Eddie nodded, Steve continued. "He's larger than life, honestly. In a way I thought I used to be but he's the genuine real deal. He can be kind of a jerk, but it's clear when he cares. And that mouth-"
"Okay! Please stop torturing me and tell me who this guy is so I can decide if I hate him or not!"
Steve was laughing again and as beautiful as it was, Eddie felt like a joke himself.
"If you're gonna start hating yourself then we've got a problem", Steve said.
Eddie jerked around like he was short circuiting as all the pieces came into place. High school, nerd, with the kids, attacked him, running from the law.
"You! You are unbelievable, you know that?"
"That's a new one", Steve was still grinning. "So are you gonna kiss me now? Or are you not worthy?"
They were in a parking lot. In broad daylight. This could be bad. But Eddie was a weak, weak man and his dream boy was asking for a kiss. So he leaned in and obliged. Son of a bitch he was the son of a bitch that caught Steve's eye.
"Well?", Steve asked when they pulled away. "What do you think of the guy I like?"
"I still think you could do better."
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Charlie: "You know what your traumatic backstory calls for?"
Vaggie: "Hugs?"
Charlie: "THERAPY!"
Vaggie: "Charlie, I don't need-"
Charlie: "Oh YOU don't need therapy? Really? Really."
Vaggie: "..... I'm perfectly functional. Also, it's my trauma."
Charlie: "And is this OUR loving relationship?"
Vaggie: "Of course it-"
Charlie: "The one I'm planning on spending the rest of my life in? Trauma included?"
Vaggie: "I- if, if you want to-?"
Charlie: "Just like how YOU'VE spent three years helping ME with the whole 'wow my family fell apart soooo fast let me cope by latching onto the dream of my disappeared mom while pretending it's totally fine I somehow feel even MORE distant from my dad who lives only a ten minute walk across town' thing? Making 'help charlie!' into your whole Reason for Being?!"
Vaggie: "Hold on, I wasn't in the best headspace when that slipped out-"
Charlie: "OBJECTION! Clear admission of truth!"
Vaggie: "-fuck."
Charlie: "And did you let me be there for you then, when your head was in a bad place? Or did you pull a 'I want to be alone' card?"
Vaggie: "I just needed- I didn't want to say anything else stupid."
Charlie: "Oh so you didn't wanna be dramatic about it, huh?"
Vaggie: "Yes- NO!"
Charlie: "Like how I can be dramatic?"
Vaggie: "It's not the same-"
Charlie: "Do YOU like being there for ME when I'M in a really bad no good and sad headspace?"
Vaggie: "You know I do."
Charlie: "Even when I go sit in a corner my own because I still can't believe there's someone in my life who'll want to come looking for me- who I don't need to apologize for being sad or 'dramatic' around- and who says she's HAPPY to be worrying about me?"
Vaggie: "Sweetie I am happy to worry about you."
Charlie: "Ah-HA! But I don't get to do that for you! YOU want me to be sad around YOU-"
Charlie: "Wait that sounds weird, uhh- oh whatever-"
Charlie: "Point is, I don't get to see YOU being sad around ME! And no, anger don't count! You like being grumpy! Grumpy is active! It feels productive and that's why you hate feeling SAD!"
Vaggie: "You just said you hide it from me too. Even after three years of being together."
Charlie: "Oh no really? Does that bother you???"
Vaggie: "It worries me!"
Charlie: "Okay then!!! EXACTLY! We both need therapy."
Vaggie: "...."
Vaggie: "That's fair."
Charlie: (preening) "Thank you."
Vaggie: “How the fuck did you not win that case up in Heaven.”
Charlie: "Angels are jerks and their minds are hard to change. Not my angel though. Mine is great~"
Vaggie: "Hold that thought until after I've asked this one question, sweetie."
Charlie: "Ask away!"
Vaggie: "How do we do therapy."
Charlie: "....."
Charlie: "H-"
Vaggie: "Without using Husk and alcohol. We are not paying him enough to deal with my angelic shit."
Charlie: "We could give him a raise- how much do you think-?"
Vaggie: "Not even if we gave him the hotel, babe."
Charlie: "Oh."
Vaggie: "So. What does sober therapy look like?"
Charlie: "Hmm....."
Charlie: "......."
Charlie: "Next question."
Vaggie: "Do you wanna just start off with a hug."
Charlie: "I want to pat myself on the back for having such a smart, supportive girlfriend- but you'll have do to it for me instead. While we hug."
-phone call time-
Carmilla: "You have five seconds before I hang up. Talk.
Charlie: "Carmilla, hi!!! It's about Vaggie-"
Carmilla: "No."
Charlie: "Oh ok! I just thought-"
Carmilla: "No."
Charlie: "-you seemed to really care about her, and maybe see a bit of yourself in her, maaaaybe you'd have some tips on-"
Carmilla: "No. Take her to Rosie's. Go with her and STAY with her."
Charlie: "Rosie- OF COURSE Rosie's! Right! I will!!"
Carmilla: "Don't take it personally when she tries to escape."
Charlie: "When she whats?
Carmilla: "The brooding silently in a chair and refusing to talk will also pass. Give her space. But don't leave her."
Charlie: "No no I won't, but why would she try esc-"
Charlie: "Oh Vaggie! No, I'm just on the phone with Carmilla-"
Vaggie: "WHAT."
Charlie: "-we're talking therapy ideas for you! And-"
Vaggie: (muffled swearing)
Charlie: "-she says Rosie's might be a good idea! You know, like how Alastor took there so I could talk everything out with someone finally, well I guess and also to get a cannibal army, but Rosie helping me with the you issue by laying my heart bare to her was the main good thing from all that, so-"
Carmilla: "Condolences on her having wings again. Good luck"
Carmilla: (hangs up to the sound of frantic flapping and yelling)
Zestial: "...."
Zestial: "...toss'ed to the very wolves... truly, that was wretched of thee."
Carmilla: "I owe them nothing."
Zestial: "And what of thyself?"
Carmilla: "Why, were my disinterested actions of a moment ago not self-serving enough for you?"
Zestial: "Thou art denying much in thine distance from her."
Carmilla: "I already have two daughters-"
Zestial: "As thou sayst."
Carmilla: "You are not my therapist, Zestial."
Zestial: "Nay- would that thou should'st yet find one, old friend."
Carmilla: "Be quiet."
Zestial: "Shan't~"
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marycorcaroli · 8 months
zoro and sanji with a reader who is insecure about her scars.
hurt/comfort, my fav boys.
req ♡ : hiii 🥹🩷 i don’t know if you do requests or are accepting them rn but i was wondering if u could write something for sanji and or zoro abt a reader with like scars from fighting or something and reader is insecure about them but they make reader feel better abt it 🥹 love ur blog ur stuff is soooo cute i love it i hope ur having a good day/night!!
mary ♡ : thank you for your request ! ! i enjoyed writing this so much that i even cried a little :( love your scars ! they are part of you and they make you individual 🫂💌 hope you enjoy it ! english is not my first language, i apologize for the mistakes.
rules ; masterlist.
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— he knows all about your scars and knows where you got them from. deep down, sanji wishes he could have prevented you from getting them and helped you when you needed his help and he wasn't there, and you could say he blames himself a little.
— he will notice how you look at them every time you look at them and your gaze grows dim, the sparkle in your eyes dims and your shoulders slump more and more with every exhale, you feel so bad about them and sanji is trying to help you, he will do everything in his power so that you can see the beauty in what you have.
— sanji will always be there for you when that moment comes again and you need support, he will be there for you, you don't have to worry, he will never leave you again.
— he wants you to tell him the burden you carry with you to this day, sanji will listen to you carefully, his eyes fixed on you.
"you know, sanji, they're horrible, aren't they? god, they're everywhere, i just can't live with myself because of it...i just h-" you hadn't finished your words before sanji's palms cupped your cheeks and brought them close to your face.
"let me stop you here kitten. please, i want you to know-" sanji's eyes became glassy like he was about to cry, unable to stand the way you hate yourself. "this, this and this — are you and your actions, the way you protected everyone and were brave, your heart is the strongest i've ever met, your soul is the kindest i've ever met. people appreciate you and love you, they know about your scars and they are grateful to you because you saved them and gave them a chance to live, so why don't you give yourself a chance? i'll help you, i'll be there for you, you know i'll never leave you."
— sanji has rarely ever been this sad, usually he doesn't show his emotions at all, but you make him feel so much. you made him a man with a pure soul again and gave him a chance at the love he wanted so badly and that's why he can't stand your sadness.
— he'll kiss every scar you have and say how beautiful they are.
"look, this one? oh, honey, it's so beautiful! i'll kiss it a million times, it makes you look so beautiful and even with it, you're the most beautiful person on this earth."
— he will never let you feel bad about it again, you will get the kindest words in your direction and the brightest smile from sanji, my god he will make you smile no matter what.
— oh i think zoro is not good with his words, he is generally silent and not used to expressing his emotions, but the situation with you will not allow him to be silent. you are literally killing yourself around him and he can't do anything? his heart breaks into a thousand pieces when he sees your blank stare and all the pain in them.
— even if you say "it's okay, i'm fine" he will realize that nothing is okay, zoro knows you too well and knows the reason for your heavy sighs.
— he'll start by coming over to you and hugging you as tightly as he can and kissing your temple, trying to convey his warmth and support.
— before you can say anything else, zoro's lips will join yours and give you the most tender kiss, conveying half of what he couldn't have said. pulling back to breathe a little, zoro will look deep into your eyes, where he always sees his past, present and future, and tell you what he wanted to say a long time ago.
"um, i'm not the best when i need to be, but you are very precious to me and i want you to know how much i love you. remember? you taught me to love myself and to love what i hate. i was alone, but then you came into my life and you saved me, you were the strongest, you came to me and you weren't afraid of anything, i've never met anyone like you before. you went to any lengths to get what you wanted and your scars are proof of that, because you became a leader for everyone, you led people and gave them protection, you were beaten, you fell a lot, but you always got up with your head held high and i love you for that-"
— zoro began to pant in his speech, afraid to say something too much or not to say something.
— he kisses your scars every day and runs his fingers over them, smiling at you with all his teeth so that you realize that your scars are the most beautiful and have a story behind them, you shouldn't be afraid of them or hate them.
— but also zoro will not let anyone else hurt you because of them. he will literally kill those people if they make you cry. yes you are strong but every strong man needs support and he will be yours by doing everything for you, he will go all over the earth and get you what you need if it makes you happy, he is not afraid of anything if it makes your day better.
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homestylehughes · 10 days
But Daddy I Love Him
instagram au.
♥︎ luke hughes x zegras! sister
♥︎ face claim: marsai martin
"i forget how the west was won"
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liked by lhughes_06, trevorzegras and 50,567 others
yn.zegras the west coast, and my brother...
view all 100 comments
trevorzegras WOWWW OKAY. only here for the free vacation and not me...
↳ yn.zegras yup!!! how'd you know!!!
↳ trevorzegras i hate you.
↳ yn.zegras i love you too!!
lhughes_06 wow.
↳ yn.zegras 🤭
↳ trevorzegras luke. do not comment on my sisters posts.
↳ yn.zegras trevor shut up.
jackhughes little zegras and big zegras take over the west coast
↳ yn.zegras THE BEST SIBLINGS IN THE NHL!!! (even though i dont play..)
↳ jackhughes you've gotta better wrister than luke, so id say your better than him.
↳ lhughes_06 why do you always bully me.
↳ jackhughes because it's fun!!!
↳ yn.zegras luke don't listen to anything he says, he's jealous of the fact that you have two arm to use and he doesn't :)
↳ jackhughes too soon, yn. too soon.
masonmactavish23 MY FAVORITE ZEGRAS RETURNS!!!!
↳ yn.zegras I ONLY CAME TO SEE YOU!!!!
↳ trevorzegras this is why you're adopted.
yn.bsf bestie takes over the west coast, with her...hot older brother!
↳ yn.bsf you heard me!
↳ trevorzegras hi :)
↳ yn.zegras TREVOR NO.
jamie.drysdale i love how you come to the west coast when i'm now on the east...
↳ jamie.drysdale I KNOW.
lhughes_06 please come back i miss you.
↳ yn.zegras omw!!! i miss you more
↳ lhughes_06 good.
↳ trevorzegras jack do you see this??
↳ jackhughes yeah i do.
_quinnhughes hit trevor for me yn :)
↳ yn.zegras yes captain!
↳ trevorzegras quinn why do you hate me so much?
↳ _quinnhughes nothing personal bud just, your face
↳ yn.zegras QUINN HAHAHA
↳ trevorzegras she just hit me. thanks quinn.
↳ _quinnhughes you're welcome bud!
↳ yn.zegras BIGGGG TREESSSSS (i wanted to climb one soooo bad)
trevorfanpage everyone say thank you to yn for blessing us with a new back picture of trevor
an: hiiiii!!! im down here this time LOL!!! first chapter doneeee!!! it kinda took a while but it was soooo much fun to make!! i hope you guys enjoy it! i'm sorry it's a little short and boring, i wanted to start it off simple and easy. getting into more of luke and yn story later on the upcoming chapters!!
hopefully you guys got the connection between the lyric and the west coast! i was going to put the the lyrics in every chapter, but i kinda find that annoying to do that for every chapter, but i will do it for a few!!!
longer chapters will be coming soon though!! like and reblog if you enjoyed!!! much love as always <33333
tags🎀: @lukey-pookie-hughes43
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m1ssunderstanding · 3 months
Understanding Lennon McCartney Rewatch Part 3.2
The thing is Paul just physically can't say what he feels. It's just an impossibility for him. So if he says reading a negative article about himself “doesn't help” or “it's not good” but it “doesn't get home” I just assume he means ‘It hurts, but I can't think about that too hard or I'll go into a self-hate suicidal spiral again’. 
I always love how Paul says Linda. “Linder is er, nature mad.” 
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Hearing Paul talk about watching Mary be born makes me wonder if John was there with Sean? Also I wonder if Linda would talk about the experience so glowingly. Probably. She's tough as nails. I had a lovely experience, personally, after the epidural lol
“Dear friend . . . I'm in love with a friend of mine.” This is such a strange and beautiful song. It's a man who has to apologize to his friend for falling in love with someone else. At least, that's my interpretation. What's everyone else's?
I understand why he's so closed off. I do. But when John is going off every five seconds, we're missing half the picture here and it's turning out warped. They really are such a good study of attachment honestly.
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“Nothing will ever break the love we have for each other.” White-knuckling my way through this section with this quote clenched in my fist.
Yoko, talking about John fighting with Paul: any couple will go from swearing to kissing and it's like that. What favors are you doing yourself here, babe? Maybe John's the PR mastermind between the two of them.
I find John's comparison of working with his romantic partner to being ambidextrous very confusing. Does he mean just doing two things at once?
“If I can't have a fight with my best friend, I don't know who I can have a fight with.” -- Intro slutty gender-fluid Wings Paul my beloved -- “Tell me why, why, why do you treat me so bad? So bad? When you're the best friend a man ever had?” I heard on some podcast somewhere. Someone was going on about how forward-thinking the Beatles were to refer to the women in their songs as “friends”. And I was like, nununununu do not give them that credit.
This is just soooo. In this era? 90 minutes in the middle of a recording session?
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John: Sorry, my estranged fiance is calling, gotta take a break. Guitarist: again? Drummer: how estranged can they be if they call every three minutes? Yoko: should we just record the other parts or . . . John: (receiver cradled to his cheek, lovesick grin on his face) Hey, how was Heather's school program? Haha, yeah, I bet she was.
Okay, so you've made up with Paul and now you're done being homophobic? *Cardi b voice* well that's suspicious. 
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The fact that John's asking Paul to play on stage with him in 1972?? Ugh! If it was just about legalities and money and shit I would be genuinely so pissed at Paul for not going. If only because Come Together sounds incredibly lame without his bass and piano. But also for the obvious fix-it reasons. I have to remind myself of how truly awful Klein was. By being the only one to stand firm against him, Paul actually ended up saving them all from a lot of trouble. But gosh would this have been good!
Things normal people say, for sure, for sure.
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Okay in my head it went like this. John calls George and bitches about what an egomaniac Paul is because he won't do anything with him as long as Klein is involved. George gets off the phone and calls Ringo and they make a bet as to how long it is until John decides they should get rid of Klein. 
“Where's your audience, Paul?” “In the theater, Dave.” As he should. The cuntiness is unparalleled. Yeah, maybe people like to see a family friendly eclectic magic pixie sexy hard rock floor show? Ever thought about that, Dave?
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Anyway, he seems genuinely pissed when the interviewer even mentions the other Beatles and he refuses to even admit he still talks to any of them. Why? 
John's just so benevolent and selfless. He's completely straight, of course, but he's always offering to do gay shit. You know. To be nice. 
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I forget that not only was May their literal employee, but she was ten years younger on top of that. And yet, she managed to do so much good in that relationship. I have so much respect for her. 
There's obviously a lot going on behind the scenes that they don't say in interviews. Duh. But I wonder what it is that caused Paul to be so open and happy in this interview where he's asked about the other Beatles compared to before. I wonder if he and John had a really lovely talk, or if he's heard a demo of “I know, I know.” Or maybe it's just he's so reassured that they've got rid of Klein that he feels safe acting open to a reunion on record. Who knows, Yoko. 
So so smart to pair “In My Life” handwritten lyrics with the matching lyrics of “I know I know” playing at the same time. I forget about that connection (“I love you more”) because it's so overshadowed by the “than yesterday” right after. I seriously wonder if John thought he was being so obvious with this one the way he was with HDYS and half hoped people would ask him if it was about Paul and he could make up for the whole thing. Because it's just so heavy-handed. It's beautiful. I love it. I'm sure Paul loved it. But yeah. John's just beating us over the head with the references here. 
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I also wonder (very tentatively!!!) if Paul was maybe a bit more emotionally vulnerable with John than we usually think. I would never think this except for the “you know I nearly broke down and cried” “I'm sorry that I made you cry” and “no more crying!” I don't know. What do we think? 
His little baby smirk. It's so silly and cute. He's being very positive about getting back together, and the interviewer asks if John would initiate that. Just a very coy, “a, well, I couldn't say.” I wonder if at that point if he'd said on live tv that he wanted to get together again if it would've happened. Seems like it might have, but I understand him being scared. 
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Elton John taking pictures like a fan and John: I wanna impound all those photos till I get me green card. What a random idea for a commercial. I love it, obviously, it's hilarious. I wonder who thought of it. 
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This doc is so good at implication. The smirk as “loving in the palm of my hand” plays. That's not a reference to hand jobs, is it? Certainly not talking to someone with beautiful hands?
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Everyone go look up Nineteen Hundred Eighty Five on YouTube. The singing sex is something else, yeah, but I'm always so blown away by the piano part. The fact that he's self taught and doesn't read music and this man will go on to compose symphonies. 
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jongbross · 4 months
Hi, it’s boyfriends things with Exo😅🤍
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kim minseok:
cutest boyfriend out there
will take such good care of you 🥹
is literally a keeper
your family loves him, he just charms everyone around him
might be a bit difficult as sometimes he can't see why you're still with him
doesn't realize that you're the luckiest person for having HIM
kisses your nose a lot
holds your hand while walking on the street
listen to you vent and gives you the best advices
won't let you sleep in though, so good luck with that
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kim junmyeon:
the personification of a gentleman
pulls chairs for you, open doors, makes sure you're with your seatbelt on, doesn't let you walk on the side of the sidewalk that's closer to the street, etc
has the warmest hugs
can literally hug you for hours if you let him
secretly plans to pop out the question in the near future
buys you anything you want. anything.
respects your opinions SO MUCH, it's ridiculous
has the boyfie vibe somehow, so people don't hit on him anymore
chanyeol can see how much he changed because of you, how he's much more bubbly now
"you made him worse!!" (joking)
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zhang yixing:
nicest boyfriend out there
dude is just soooo chill, your friends adore him
shows you random stuff on your phone just so you can laugh about it together
hands you his jacket whenever you're cold, but scolds you for not taking one with you
calls you a lot whenever he's away
you'll have to take care of his cats, i'm sorry
does this thing where he kisses both your temples before kissing your lips when he has to say goodbye to you before traveling
passes out beside you on bed while you're talking about a nice recipe you saw on tiktok
doesn't bring up marriage if you don't
really, really hopes you do
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byun baekhyun:
i hate him, but congrats to you, i guess
ugh he's just so sweet
takes you out EVERYWHERE, like picks you up at your place
always has a smile on his face when he's around you
asks you about your day and listens to carefully
holds your hand while driving
charms your mom with helping her on the kitchen, it's like a scene straight out of a movie
sings 24/7, so your house is never silent anymore (your neighbors hate you though)
has a whole way of talking that's for you and for you only
you can't trick me baekhyun, i know you must have at least one (1) flaw
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kim jongdae:
sunshine boyfriend
let's you sleep in whenever you feel like it
clears some space on his wardrobe/drawers for your clothes and things
"jagi, can we cuddle?"
has so much fun playing with you, you're literally he's best friend
always places bets with you
lots of kisses on your cheek
randomly smiles to you because he knows it makes you happy to see him smile
likes to take you away for the weekend, just you and him
loyal af
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park chanyeol:
the "it's okay, i got it" boyfriend
personal uber driver, takes you everywhere if you let him
really, reaaally stubborn
can't sit still, is always looking for something to do with you
"did you see they opened a new bowling place downtown?"
purposely leaves his things at your place
his house is way bigger than yours but he doesn't care
plays guitar while you cook dinner
kisses you everytime you feed him
loves when you sleep on top of him
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do kyungsoo:
he's comfort embodied in a person
likes to have breakfast with you, it's like his favorite part of the day
bonds with your pet if you have one (and they love him)
saves new videos on youtube to watch it with you
is in charge of cooking, always
asks you to help him shave just because
gets excited whenever something good happens to you
is your number 01 supporter
loves when you cuddle closer to him in your sleep
shy forehead kisses whenever he can't find the words to express his feelings
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kim jongin:
cutest, most caring boyfriend
respects you more than anything in this world
listens to you so carefully whenever you have something to say
is willing to fix some of his bad habits for you
needs constant reassurance that you love him, just because he loves you so much and can't stand the thought of you falling out of love
laughs so hard at your jokes, and they're not even that funny
pays for every meal but lets you pay for his coffee so you won't feel bad
helps you choose your outfits
loves when you play with his hair
wanna have a baby with you so bad
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oh sehun:
gets offended whenever someone treats you badly
"why didn't you tell me?? i would've give them a piece of my mind"
smirks whenever he sees you wearing his clothes, he just loves it
calls you whenever he can't go see you
encourages you to go see your friends, especially when he can't be around
but let's be honest, he's attached to you by the hip
rolls his eyes whenever you baby him, but secretly loves it
stares at you dearly when you're talking to his hyungs or his family
lets you play with his fingers when you're bored or too shy to talk to people
dude is so in love it's actually sickening
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honeyviscera · 6 months
i get really tired of the vbs fanon of "oh haha wlw mlm hostility" "oh an and akito HATE each other and fight all the time" and just only focus on the vivids and the bad dogs INDIVIDUALLY when the whole point of vbs' story is that none of them could do it alone. they all need each other. and sure, in the vbs initial story the vivids and the bad dogs do have a hostile relationship, but that's before. they're a team now, and they all work to support each other, again, none of them can do it alone.
sure, an and akito banter with each other, but it's not actually malicious. they do genuinely trust and value each other. im reading the "find a way out" event story right now and akito is constantly thinking of the other three, not just toya, and how the four of them are all constantly there for each other and have helped each other improve beyond what any of them could do alone. the main theme of this event story is to show akito's growth-- how far he's come between then and now, how much allowing himself to rely on others has helped.
the point is, is that they're all friends, and they all love and trust and rely on each other. that's why it always feels so shallow when people only focus on toya/akito and an/kohane. shipping majorly contributes to this, how people only like to consider the Fun Gay Ships at the expense of the canon deep relationships these characters have with each other. and then on top of that there are fans who are hostile to those who ship either of the girls with either of the guys, which, since the het ships, in the fandom, are generally viewed as "worse" or "erasure" or what have you, it just goes to further solidify the "divide" between the vivids and the bad dogs in the general fandom consciousness. and it's SOOOO FRUSTRATING.
VBS ARE ALL FRIENDS OKAY. THEY TRUST EACH OTHER AND RELY ON EACH OTHER AND WORK HARD TO ACHIEVE THEIR COLLECTIVE DREAM. they could never do it alone and they could never do it if they didn't trust each other. toya writing his own song. vbs going camping for inspiration. vbs putting on events. collaborating with other groups. practicing. exercising. shopping. hanging out. celebrating holidays and each other's birthdays. an and akito and toya riding the train to pick up kohane. all of the event stories and card side stories are all about how much time they spend together and how much each of them want to improve for each other. they love each other. vbs love each other and im tired of popular fanon pretending they don't.
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jungwnies · 1 year
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✰ syn ’ safe for work a-z boyfriend for park sunghoon ✰ pairing ’ boyfriend!sunghoon x gn!reader
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a ⋆ affection - how affectionate are they?
he’s not the most affectionate
especially in the beginning he is not the one to initiate it
he’s a very awkward person as we all know so don’t expect him to cling onto you start day one
once he’s warmed up to you though he doesn’t get clingy
but he gets very comfortable being physical with you
he’s better with his words than he is expressing his affection through actions
but he’s still cute so it’s okay
b ⋆ bonding - how often do they bond with you?
all the time
it’s the little things he does
like i said he’s awkward so he never really knows what to do
but he always makes time for you
sometimes you don’t realize what he’s doing is for you but it’s okay because he likes it that way
he’s secretly bonding with you all the time tbh
c ⋆ communication - do they keep in touch with you when they're away?
he texts you a lot actually
his confidence sky rockets on text tbh
tries lame pickup lines on you when he’s on tour
takes pictures of everything just to show you
d ⋆ dates - how often do they set up a date for you two?
not often
he’s not a homebody but his dates are super spontaneous
so don’t expect them to be well organized because well
they’re not
but he does things for you often
it just doesn’t need to be classified as a date
e ⋆ essential - what is the thing that is important to them?
the relationships he builds with people are extremely important
he really values the people around him
he just has a hard time expressing his gratitude
f ⋆ friends - how did the friendship start?
i feel like he saw you around
inside of a store or something
he thought you were cute but he was too scared to flirt so he probably got someone to get your number for him
honestly he probably asked staff to get it
g ⋆ gross - what is the thing he hates in your relationship?
he hates when you lie
boy he hates liars so much
even though he lies sometimes and he’s a little devious
when it comes to lies about the relationship or lies that can ruin the relationship
it just makes him mad
he has no secrets with you
so hopefully you have none with him either
h ⋆ hugs - do they like hugs? how do they feel?
they’re awkward but safe
in the beginning it was definitely more awkward
he didn’t know where to hug you
how to hug you
how to make you comfortable
but when the relationship started to settle
it felt safe around him
he held you like he’d never let go
pause cus this is reawakening my sunghoon bias-ness in me
i ⋆ intercourse - how are they during intercourse?
oh oh oh
same with his hugs
they’re awkward
but why is he low key goood
he knows what he’s doing
he’s hitting on the right spots
touching all the right spots
he knows the anatomy of your body really well
j ⋆ jealousy - how jealous do they get?
oh ‘em geee
he is so jealous
but not toxic
but low key toxic
k ⋆ kiss - how good are they at kissing?
he’s great
he knows what he’s doing
they’re always so soft and delicate
but so passionate at the same time
loves being the one to deepen the kiss ugh
l ⋆ love - how do they show their love to you?
just little things
he doesn’t like making a big deal out of things
but he does small things for you that make a big deal in your life
he will remember everything you like tbh
m ⋆ mad - how often do you argue?
not often
but when you guys do argue
communication is soooo bad
n ⋆ naughty - how do they deal with you annoying them?
sunghoon ignores it
or tells you to stop
hes not into the annoying things
he has a short temper when it comes to things that bother him
o ⋆ open - how often do they open up to you?
i don't personally see him as an open person
he dozes off a lot and his problems don't really ever leave his mind
it took him awhile to be honest for him to be completely comfortable with you
but when he's at that stage he's super open
usually when he's upset he'll tell you, but his prefers to sulk
p ⋆ pet names - how are they with pet names?
and jagi
and sweetheart
sometimes prince(ss)
in the beginning it was just your name though >.>
q ⋆ quiet - silent treatment?
he doesn't give to you often to be honest
but usually he will when you guys get into an argument
sunghoon sulks a lot okay leave HIM ALONE
he has a hard time communicating how he feels :c
r ⋆ ramble - how often do they talk about you to others?
oh he is a BRAGGER
he loves talking about you
and how good you treat him
he's always like "hmp, you wish you had a bae like me."
LIKE ?!?!?!?
s ⋆ soft - how soft are they to you?
sunghoon is not soft with you
but when you smile
it melts him to be honest
he becomes liquid
and vice versa
i mean, have you seen his smile??? it's precious 😪
t ⋆ think - what reminds them of you?
every time he goes shopping
he thinks of you
and what he can bring you
he loves dressing you up
he's like a mini fashionista when it comes to you
it's so cute
his whole face lights up when he sees you wearing something you bought for him
u ⋆ unhappy - what makes them break if you break up with them?
i think the fact he got so comfortable with you
and now it's over
he doesn't know if he'd be able to open up like that ever again tbh
he doesn't have his favorite shoulder to lean on anymore
whose arms is he going to cry in when he's overwhelmed
literally the scent of your perfume/cologne lingers and sends him into tears
literally cannot forget you
v ⋆ vacation - how are they with long distance relationships?
he is so bad with this
his communication skills are already so bad
he doesn't leave you on read or anything like that
but when he's super busy he kinda forgets to text
he doesn't even see the message
but he's quick to apologize and make it up to you
w ⋆ wholesome - the sweetest thing they ever did to you?
when he realizes he hasn't been as good as a boyfriend
he will always find a way to make it up
and it's ALWAYS he sweetest things ever
it's those little things that are like "i can't believe you remembered this"
and he's just like "well of course i did, i love you." 😭😭😭
x ⋆ extra headcanon
the first time this boy said he loved you
he was a mess
he was so nervous oh em geee
he fiddled with his fingers and was so nervous
and when you said it first????
he basically melted in his chair
he literally disintegrated into thin air
y ⋆ young and beautiful - (how long does it last?)
i feel like in the beginning his relationships are short lived
he's not a long term kind of guy
but he actually feels that bond with you
well, you're stuck with him
for literally ever
z ⋆ zzz - how do they sleep with you?
he's very much loose spoon
he likes to big spoon but very loosely when it's night time
he doesn't like people all up in his sleep space
but for you he make the exception!!
he snores though not gonna lie
not loud
but sometimes
it can keep you up at night 😗
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2022 © jungwnies thanks for reading! reblogs & likes are appreciated!
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dear-mrs-otome · 4 months
Jude's 'Love Kiss' from CE
The shitbrained summary version, definitely inaccurate somewhere but you'll get the gist:
Opens on Kate all, OOOH PRETTY FLOWERS Lovely summer breeze, this is heavenly, I could stay here forever 😍
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Then the lovely scene is interrupted by a voice bitching that she can't laze about there and never pay them back, and Kate's thinking, nani the fuck, is that Jude's voice? Crap he's right I can't be in debt to him!
She jerks awake and promptly chokes up a shitload of water, looking around all blearily. BEAUTIFUL PLACE GONE :( Ellis is there, banging her on the back asking if she's okay and such, and she says ya she's alright. Ellis tells her, dang girl you nearly drowned!
She's thinking, holy crap was that garden THE AFTERLIFE? If not for Jude's voice, she might still be there, DED. The idea is kinda freaking her out tbh, so she hugs herself.
Jude sighs that it's bit cold for a swim ffs, and Kate's tells him she wasn't swimming, there was this child drowning so she wanted to save them??? She's panicked a moment over whether the kiddo is okay, and Ellis assures her they are - they went off to a doctor to get checked out but seemed fine, just cold. She's relieved and asks, did Ellis save her then? He sets the record straight though, telling her nope, not me, I didn't get here in time - Jude hauled you back to shore and gave you mouth to mouth.
Cue Kate all…..Jude????
She finally notices that he's soaking wet too, and Jude offers her a smarmy line about how it sucks for her she didn't get kissed awake by a ✨prince✨ - she got the wizard. Kate says, no actually thanks a bunch but record scratch wait. Mouth to mouth?????
Jude: That's usually the standard first aid when someone's drowned duh
Then Jude bitches at her for getting all blushy over something like that and how she's gonna make him look stupid for saving her dumb ass. Finishing with exasperation, all …ugh whatever, I'm soaking wet and I'm going home, get ur ass to the doctor just in case. He chucks his jacket at her with a comment about how she's putting on a show (cause her clothes are wet and plastered and see-through) and it'll cause him problems and look bad to be seen with her like that so cover up. She's swimming in the jacket when she puts it on but it's warm and dry and smells like him and she has to scold herself BAD HEART NO SKIPPING BEATS.
Just about then Ellis tells them both to look up, and Jude's startled to see there's some leftover Christmas decoration or something in the tree above, with some mistletoe. Kate's thinking, oh dang, isn't there some superstition about how if a couple kisses under the mistletoe they'll be together forever?? DOES MOUTH TO MOUTH COUNT?
From the look Jude's giving her as he glances at her it seems obvious to us that Kate's every thought is probably plain as day in her expressions. He rips the decoration down, shoves it at Ellis and tells him: Burn it.
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Ellis takes off immediately to do just that, and Kate begins all, uh….soooo…. Jude….
He stops her though and says, you don't actually believe in that superstition right?
Kate: PFFT N-NO >.> why, do you? Jude obesrves that she's a shit liar, before grabbing her arm and saying that he's gonna shove a new superstition into that ditzy head of hers. And with that he yanks her in and kisses her for real this time…but she can't help noticing how there's no warmth to it, not with the both of them freezing cold from the river and such. When he finally pulls back pointedly, Kate is thinking the icy kiss was like proving there's no love between them.
Jude proclaims that kissing under the same spot NEGATES the first kiss, so there - Cancelled. Nulled and voided.
Kate just….okayyyy. Clearly she knows he's just made this up, and she's wondering why the heck he would even bother kissing her again to make up for HER superstition. Does he hate the concept of it THAT much? Because, obviously, they aren't a couple. It wouldn't even apply. They're clearly not making some FOREVER PROMISE to each other.
…But it still kinda stings for some reason she can't explain.
She's chalking it up to the discrepancy between how glad she'd felt that Jude had saved her, and the NOPE attitude here, but Jude says that basically, just a kiss isn't worth it/enough to pledge TOGETHER FOREVER over. Clearly offended by the very idea. Kate's all, what, is a vow that bad??
And Jude simply says:
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There's no such thing as forever.
It takes her a second to figure out how that's an answer to her question, and then it clicks. It's not that Jude dislikes the idea of a promise. It's that Jude always keeps his, and if 'forever' doesn't exist like that, he's not going to make that promise because he can't keep it. Nothing is forever, ergo a promise of eternity is bound to be broken, and therefore Jude would never make it. And Kate's thinking, GDI that's actually really sincere of him. People can lie to themselves too, about love and 'staying together forever'…but even if it's just a silly superstition, Jude never makes a promise he can't keep.
She wonders to herself if… someday, he might find someone he wants to pledge forever to. And she's musing how despite bitching and everything, he didn't hesitate to save her. She's spent enough time around him by now to know that he's not a bad man at heart. How behind all his ruthlessness and arrogance, he's not truly cruel at all.
…Someday, someone's going to notice that side of Jude and snag him. And that thought unsettles her, for some reason she can't explain.
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residentfurry · 6 months
☂️parasolpharmacist8 follow
LMAO my boss really got into a shouting match with another colleague today, only good thing about this job tbh
🌈rocky-raccoon-is-gay follow
and these are the people we're trusting with our tax dollars? you could be saving the world how embarrassing
☂️parasolpharmacist8 follow
um? I'm literally just a paid intern what do you expect me to do lol
🌈 rocky-raccoon-is-gay follow
uh idk? your job? people like you are why the world hates umbrella 🙄
☂️ parasolpharmacist8 follow
I clean test tubes for a living.
🍑slUTtySally follow
cliCk mY linK fOr 😳 prETty pICs ->link
🌻residenttwallflower follow
truly unmatched website
35,098 notes
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🐁birkinsworkins follow
I'm really going to fucking do it this time
74 notes
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👮smexy-rookie follow
I'm soooo late to my job 😭 nothing bad will happen tho I'm sure
👮 smexy-rookie follow
17,600 notes
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🌈 rocky-raccoon-is-gay follow
LMFAO I checked back on that stupid umbrella employees blog and it's deactivated. serves you right bitch
38 notes
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don't feel. good
⭐olicepofficer follow
what the fuck
❌mister-ex follow
you didn't see shit
👮 smexy-rookie follow
what the fuck
❌ mister-ex follow
you're next
0 notes
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🧠brainlicker follow
gonna be climbing on the ceiling above you. if you even care.
204 notes
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🖤XxAshAngelxX follow
OMG I JUST got to see MCR in concert!!!! :p sqweeeee!!!!! if only one of my dad's bodyguards hadn't been blocking the view the whole time XD >-<
1045 notes
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☁️cloudyday-nites follow
where is everyone lol my dash has been dead since like the start of October
🧟 olicepofficer follow
🧟 parasolpharmacist8 follow
🧟 rocky-raccoon-is-gay follow
🧟 cloudyday-nites follow
172,696 notes
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🧒sherbearbirkins follow
mommy save me
0 notes
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👮 smexy-rookie follow
guys I'm scared
💋red-dress-red-lipstick follow
don't worry
👮 smexy-rookie follow
okay ❤️ yay ❤️
14 notes
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❌ mister-ex follow
can this stupid fucking twink stay still for one god damn moment
57 notes
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🔥claireredfield follow
if youre a mom it's your job to take care of your kid FULL STOP. ESPECIALLY if they're sick. you don't just leave them to die
🌡️msbirkinsworkins follow
God you're so stupid. Don't you see there's bigger things at hand here
🔥 claireredfield follow
no I really dont.
6 notes
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🌡️ msbirkinsworkins follow
you leave your child to suffer ONCE and everyone thinks you're the bad guy.
🔥 claireredfield follow
can you shut the fuck up please
🧒 sherbearbirkins follow
I dont. feel so goud mommy
7 notes
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💋 red-dress-red-lipstick follow
just gonna borrow this
oops lol I tripped
3 notes
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🏖️ Umbrella-Official follow
👮 smexy-rookie follow
🔥 claireredfield follow
🐭birkinisback follow
👮 smexy-rookie follow
uh oh
4 notes
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💤kill-jill-bill follow
hey guys I just woke up did I miss anything
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sehodreams · 22 days
hellooo!!! okay i needed to recover mentally from ur response because it was SO good TOO good i loved it sm omg<33333 losing my mind, bully!sungchan lives in my head rent free 24/7
i rly need sungchan to whore reader out to eunseok and anton at some point too id feel like they’d be so bad good to her<333 i imagine eunseok would be a bit of a meanie too but anton would be like.. awestruck, hed wanna suck on your tits and feel ur body because he’s never seen someone so beautiful before, would get soooo pussydrunk getting to taste you UGH
also not sure if i misread it and reader did squirt but like.. imagine if reader squirted for the first time with sungchan in eunseok’s bed🤭 and sungchan would never let you live it downnn
i imagine getting railed by sungchan and he’s teasing you about cumming in eunseok’s bed or blushing when anton called you over to him at the party or whatever and you clench around him at his words and he teases you so viciously about wanting attention from the other boys “you’re such a slut, you don’t need anybody but me baby” and would mark you so bad, leaving hickeys all over your tits and tummy<33333
sungchan would love to play dress up with you and keep putting you in slutty outfits and once ur crying and cumming, body shaking and completely wrecked by him, he’d give you soft kisses all over your face and whisper to you in ur broken state that he loves you so much, “you’re the most beautiful girl in the world, and you’re all mine” “i’ll never let anybody take you away from me” “you’re my princess, i promise to always take care of you”
It was a squirt, maybe I should've put a tw so others don't get confused either haha 😂. Oh, and also, just like you said, Sungchan will never let you forget what you did in Eunseok's bed.
I love that this is almost pure porn. He's so mean, I love him 😭🩷
I'm pretty much sure that he'll oblige you to cum like that again a few times, cooing in your ear how good you did for him that day, his little whore following his orders. "But don't act like you didn't enjoy it, you liked it, if not you wouldn't have let me fuck you there and cum again, so fucking dirty".
He's so mean he has you denying his words and then crying when he jackhammers into you, all deep and leaving you dizzy with how good his cock inside you feels.
He has that effect on you, and you love it as much as you hate it, you hate it because he doesn't let you think at all, and you love it because it feels good to not have to think for a moment.
But then you feel guilty, how could you do that to his friend you had just met? What are you, an animal? You can't leave things like that, and behind Sungchan's back, you organize a little meal to share with Eunseok to apologize, and you tell him to bring Anton if that would make him more comfortable.
When Sungchan arrives from the gym he sees you floating around the kitchen, doing a meal that he dies to taste because he loves your food, and when you receive him all pretty with that apron on, he feels like being less mean to you.
However, what would be of him if you didn't drive him insane?
When you tell him you're waiting for Eunseok and Anton, he doesn't feel angry at you, but he feels something he doesn't like, and he's asking "How did you even talk to them if not through me?"
"Oh, I just went to Eunseok's place, I was nervous, but I had to apologize, they're your friends after all" you answer.
His mind starts running before his mouth, why did you go without his permission? Even more, why did you go without him?
He doesn't say anything, leaving you alone to finish while he thinks what to do to you to teach you that you're not supposed to make decisions on your own, you have him for something, you're his girlfriend, his, his, his.
It seems you haven't learned your place even after all he's done for you.
When you happily smile at his friends, he pretends everything is okay, sitting beside you and even joking a little bit. "Did you like our gift?" He says to Eunseok.
"A lot, luckily it was before laundry day" the other immediately says with a smirk.
You blush in your place and Anton has to cough before telling you that the food looks great to change the atmosphere.
Sungchan changes the subject to some shit you can't understand, they talk about some memories and you lean to his shoulder when you sip from your glass. Everything feels normal, and you start to wonder, maybe that was the step you had to take for Sungchan to see that you could be a good girlfriend, and that you didn't deserve to be teased all the time.
When you take the dishes to the kitchen before dessert, Anton is such a gentleman that he helps you carry the dishes inside, and you can't help but smile when he praises you just like you wished Sungchan did more.
When Anton goes back to the living room Sungchan goes to the kitchen to help you, but when you feel him get closer to you from behind, you know he won't just help you serve the food.
"You like that? You like that you finally have some attention from someone that would've never looked your way if it wasn't that you weren't with me?" He murmurs.
"What?" You ask confused.
"Don't act all innocent" he says, one hand moving to find your panties under your dress to caress the skin under it, "I know you're wearing this dress, a dress I've bought, only because you want all our attention, but I'm sorry to say this baby, no one else wants to fuck your fat pussy other than me"
"Channie?" You can't even finish saying what you were thinking when you feel his cock pressing to your ass and then playing between your folds.
"You're such a slut, you don't need anyone but me" he groans when he plugs into you, and your mouth falls open, hands gripping the counter and teeth biting your lip so you don't moan loudly.
"Channie... Please don't, they're outside" you cry as silently as you can, shivering with the way the firmness of his body feels with the softness of yours, and, even if you ask him to stop, you lean more to the front, giving him a better access to your entrance.
Your pussy is wet, it echoes with the way he's fucking you, and your legs shake to the sensation of the cold air meeting your nipples when he, once again, just like that day at a party, pulls down the front of your chest to reveal your chest.
"They don't care, they're here, in my place, with my girl, they can fuck off if they don't want to hear us."
You don't nod, you don't try to run, you just let him, because a part of you knows they're listening to the wet sound of your pussy being fucked and your skin clapping, which as sick as it sounds, turns you on even more.
You imagine, as much as you don't want to, at them looking at you, staring with desire, and you even imagine them touching you a bit too.
Anton would be so nice, different to Sungchan, and Eunseok looks a bit meaner, which scares you, but not enough to not feel yourself getting wet at the image.
"Stop containing your moans" he orders, and for the first time, you don't comply with it immediately, maintaining your lips pressed to not feel more embarrassed.
Suddenly a fire starts inside him, because one thing is you act out, but now you're being such a brat, not following his orders the second he says them, and he can't let you do that. He gets closer, and pulling you to him, he grips your waist with one hand while the other finds your mouth and obliges you to receive his fingers inside, making you gag with the sudden push inside your throat and then stealing the moans you've been trying to keep silent so hard.
"That's better" he sighs when he hears you crying and gasping for air, clenching around his cock with the intensity of the moment, and soon finding your release with a couple thrusts more, deep and hard, filling you until you're sure you will leak down your seat.
He moves your panties to its place and grabs two dishes before he walks out, leaving you alone to fix yourself.
The front of your dress looks obviously different, he stretched it until it lost its form, and you doubt you could wear it again, such a shame, it was a pretty dress.
Anton can't meet your eyes anymore, and the two of them eat in silence before they leave. When you open the door for them, Anton looks down at your chest, a drunk look in his face similar to the one you imagined, and Eunseok is a bit bolder, touching your arm and telling you that he had a great time.
"Go to hell" Sungchan says, pushing his hand away from you. Still, you can't help but notice he hasn't done it immediately, and that they smile at each other before Anton pulls Eunseok out to leave, who maintains his eyes on yours every second of it.
When you're washing the dishes Sungchan does the same thing, he appears from behind, just that this time he hugs you with one hand while he pushes two fingers to check your insides, and making sure his cum is still there, he talks. "I'll never let anybody take you away from me."
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