#it is what it is with the new voice actors but now im curious
princekirijo · 1 year
So an unlisted video of the English version of a P3R commercial accidentally got linked on the Japanese website for the game (I think they've fixed it now? But doesn't mean much when people recorded it and uploaded it elsewhere. But seriously what is going on with the trailer fuck ups for this game???)
Anyways, we got a first listen to the new voice of Yukari's dad... Turns out it's Yuri Lowenthal. Ngl, I honestly really like that. I mean, in the original he voiced the protagonist and now in the reboot he voices the character without whom's actions the entire story and it's events could never have taken place.
This is actually really funny and really interesting at the same time. Atlus fucking up again with the trailer is hilarious first of all I hope it happens again 😭
As for Yuri being back I have to say I like how you put it and I think that's a really cool way of looking at it but it does make me curious as to why they're bringing him back for a minor character and not the protagonist 🤔
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ozdicaff · 2 years
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WAY too excited to share these guys !!!! im super proud of these designs <3
CTS!Y/n and information about the AU under the cut!
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In this AU, FazCo is a company running a TV channel network called FazBS, where each animatronic has their own show!
Sun's show airs at mornings and is all about getting energized and hyped up for the day, its similar to LazyTown with it's cartoon-esc violence and slapstick humor, with scenarios that make little sense, but are entertaining to watch anyway! only very simple language is used to make everything understandable for younger kids, with cameos of the other animatronics! his show was extremely popular, just above Roxy's and below Monty's in popularity.
Moon's show airs around bedtime and is focused on getting kids to go to sleep, with a soothing music box soundtrack, Moon's trance-inducing voice, and more advanced dialogue that makes kids zone out, its known for how fast it puts kids to sleep, even the especially rambunctious ones fall asleep out of boredom. While his show wasn't as talked about nor popular as sun's, it was highly rated among parents.
[descriptions for the glamrocks' shows will be added later when i draw refs for them too! :D]
Well, that was before the entire channel went downhill after FazCo fired all of its human workers.
Yeah, despite the channel's success and being extremely profitable, this was the FazCo's end-game from the start. Being able to AI-generate children's content without having to pay a single human, FazCo thought that their animatronics have already learnt enough from being show hosts for more than 10 years now, but they thought wrong. The gradual decline in quality was felt by the parents, and after Bonnie's show was suddenly cancelled- even the kids noticed how bad things were getting.
[psst, i'll go into detail about how each show was effected by this change in another post!]
Parents called in, demanding the shows they grew up with to be good again, and it wasn't just nostalgia speaking.
So, in an uncharacteristic turn of events, FazCo responded! They said that Freddy's, Monty's, Roxy's and Chica's shows were going to have human staff again!
...what they neglected to mention, was that they were pulling funding from Foxy's show, and cutting Sun's and Moon's budget in half to make up for this change.
Sun now has to re-use and repurpose old props to make up for his inability to get new ones, buying with his now super limited budget cheap D.I.Y kits to make crafts with- not to mention, without having any human staff around, he had to play every sound effect in real time- because the new S.T.A.F.F bots FazCo got have ZERO idea what comedic timing is. Needless to say he was under a lot of pressure, his show was pretty well liked by both kids and parents, and he didn't want to disappoint them. He had to change a lot with the absence of human actors and no narrator to have a solid dynamic with, calling on his pal Chica often jus to have another person on the show.
Moon's show however, was doomed from this change. Y'see, his show featured a narrator, posing as a curious soul and asking Moon thoughtful questions he can answer in a way kids can digest, Mister Rogers' Neighborhood style, and with no off-screen voice he can respond to, Moon's show felt incredibly eerie, as his true thoughts were left free with no guidance from his narrator buddy. He started acting stranger and stranger, going on derailed existential tangents accidentally, making a few jabs at FazCo here and there from frustration. The kids didn't understand any of it, but the parents found it off-putting, and complained.
Eventually, Moon's show was put on a permanent hiatus, after a particularly bad episode where 'moon truly let his rising anger at FazCo loose', as an article described it. No recording was archived of this episode, and any attempts to post it is quickly struck down by FazCo.
They've re-run old episodes of his show for about 6 months now, with no sign of moon coming back.
This, however, is when Y/N comes in! after half a year of dwindling ratings of sun's show, and decreasing profits in merch sales, they caved in and hired a single narrator! after not being able to retrieve their old narrator, due to "a small disagreement."- they brought you, surely, they don't expect you to single handedly bring back sun's show from ruin!? ...well, did they?
who fuckin knows you'll find out in my [soon to be written] fic lol
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journalsouppe · 2 months
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Professor Layton and the Spectre’s Call!! I actually discovered ordering the game from the UK with shipping was actually cheaper than ordering the American version of the game, there were no major differences that I could tell as they still had the original English voice actors.
I enjoyed this game!! Not my top favorite installment but I still had a great time and loved the new characters. The puzzles were well designed and had nice scaled difficulty and the mini games were really neat too. The Eternal Diva references were so blatant lmfao but I’m excited for Miracle Mask! I was also super exhausted when writing the summary so sorry there’s so many errors and I use the word fun a million times ToT
The Descole and Tea sticker are from JordyDrawsMerch! All other stickers are from Daiso. Writing typed below!
Rating: 8.3
Played: Sp 2024
Port: DS on 3DS
Favorite? Y
Replayable? Y
Recommend? Y
Series: Professor Layton
Emmy and BABY LUKE!!
Ngl im so excited to watch the anime, I love the animation sm
Oh Layton is not taking Claire’s death well at all
I love how animated the background now is!!
Beautiful music as always
Does Clark have the same VA as Dmitri lol
The specter looks like one of those little kingdom hearts guys
Luke’s been a LaytonMobile hater since day one lmao
Luke is especially funny in this game
Layton taking Luke to the black market is so wild
I’m going to fight aunt taffy
Ooo we get to play as Emmy
Holy shit Emmy
Emmy asking if Layton always pokes lamps he sees is making me think he physically touches everything the player taps
The convo with the meowing man???
Based anti-cop npc
Is Hershel gonna get a cask of amantillado’d T^T
The canals are so pretty i like the design of misthallery
Oh i do not like the police chief
Grosky is very funny
Omg the cliff death police cover up reminds me of killer frequency which i just watched a playthrough of
Where’s phoenix when you need him
I love descole’s voice
The story book stories and animations are so CUTE!!
I wonder if Naiya was added to the game to hit at the Eternal Diva
This kinda reminds me of a pokemon movie but I don’t remember which one it was
^^ it was pokemon heroes when latias and latios were caught ^^;
Creepy fucking factory music ToT
Oh dear. I seem to have stepped on a hexagonal spanner
Descole always serving massive cunt
Woah the golden garden is beautiful
Ohh so that’s why Luke was fork life certified in plvspw
I really like these little episodes from others POVS! ^_^
This was such a fun origin story for Luke and Layton. Very much a classic Layton game with world ending machinery and gorgeous environment design. I really liked both Emmy and Descole, there’s a more serious undertone than with Don Paolo as the main villain (even though I do love Don Paolo). Emmy is amazing!! I was afraid she would be sidelined like Flora was but I’m glad to she stands her ground and does what she wants to do. I alos like how we got to go on our own adventure as her to London, she’s a character that doesn’t need to rely on Hershel to solve everything. Meeting Luke was great, loved his blank stare. It was fun seeing his origins and how Clark and Hershel knew each other. I’m curious how the prequels will play into the New World of Steam, especially now that Luke’s family have stories and sprites (unlike in the original trilogy). Loved the ACAB story, v nice to play while I’m still so mad at what’s happening to university students currently. Descole was so fun, I am obsessed with his outfit and personality. Unfortunately I was spoiled on who he is but I’m very excited to learn more. I think similar to Ace Attorney, the fourth installment is that last game in the classic 2D style, which is sad but PLvsPW makes me very hopeful about 3D Layton. The overall story was fun, I really liked the sub plot about the Ravens - that was really fun (i was so tired writing this omfg). I wish we got a little more backstory on the rich guy who died, I feel like there’s more to the story. OO I loved the little episodes, especially the one about Chelmey. They added a lot of fun context and gave more life to the NPCs. Such a fun and classic Layton game, I can’t wait to play Miracle Mask! (And read the light novels). This wasn’t my favorite Layton game but I still really loved it and had a great time and loved the puzzles — that’s all I want from PL!
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skinnypig2 · 1 month
the thing with buggies being added to starfield that interests me is how they may or may not be integrated into the writing and the lore.
like currently, in-universe, there aren’t really any mentions of buggies (afaik). not a book or a manual or any kind of reference at all save the odd static set dressing piece and the mere implications of those. and those, even, are more like farming equipment and industrial machinery than exploration rovers.
but then they get added and all the sudden the history has now been changed. now they weren’t forgotten about after the exodus from earth, and have been throughout the settled systems all along. buggies are quite significant in the context of planetary exploration and you’d think this well established explorer’s group would have some experience with them. if they could buy a space station, i would imagine they’d have a buggy somewhere??
so then if constellation now has had a buggy this whole time, how will they integrate it? what will the onboarding process be? will they get the voice actors back because you know i would love to hear all the little quips your companions would have. sarah asking you drive slowly so she doesn’t get sick, barrett’s tales of buggy misadventure, sam recalling his first time driving one, andreja’s hesitation at first but then absolutely loving driving recklessly.
maybe im overthinking this but constellation having a buggy is no small potatoes. and you know what else isn’t small potatoes? getting the voice actors back on to record new lines about a buggy half a decade later. or maybe it is, who knows? to be crystal clear, i barely have a clue what im talking about. i am probably sorely mistaken about this whole thing and buggies are mentioned somewhere but I’ve missed it.
im just curious. either way, new voice lines or not, I am intrigued. excited. a teeeny bit skeptical. but intrigued. excited, too.
edit: mind you, i wrote this completely forgetting starfield exists as a multiverse
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jamiekb · 11 months
new update!!!! i’m going insane so here’s my thoughts on it (it’s a long one)
First thoughts on the new update and things that make me go !!!! (hope you’ve already seen it all otherwise this won’t make sense):
the new house when the page is loading!!! so cute!! with the little color paper chains that eddie showed how to make
the cute little gif of House being drawn (ok so that happens when you open it, i just wanted to see if it hada a name)
EYES oh my (edit: so i think it’s my monitor or browser but i’ve always seen the eyes, it’s like theyre just secondary banners, so there’s that)
tiny wally sitting on the banner! and new things to click!
cute bug behind the number of visitors
colorful tic-tac-toe in Wally's rock and also EYE
oh ok so the eyes stay the whole time
little pixel HOUSE so pretty
bug friend in the gallery surprised me
the tulips being drawn (oh so we have to check those, then?)
Eddie Dear i love so much, you look great sweetie
why does is that little square singled out in the long banner of the whats welcome home page?
julie and frank look adorable in pixel art!!!
cricket friend makes a heart with its antenae
ok so now we're missing a whole section of the long banner
oh my god a sticker page !!!
love them all, this is so much work! love all the team that worked so hard on this !!!
ok so maybe its a bit too late for me to be trying to see all the updates because wow those red eyes, oh well too late (are the letters something or just the name of the audios?)
the new banners in the sticker page are all cute, bUT look at Eddie and Frank AHHHHHH!!! mY heart!!!
barnaby sticking out his tongue for the snow!!!
so i got curious about the spider friend at the top, but i wasnt going to click on it because i dont like spiders. And when i do theres a video??? its says answer??? why is there a scroll bar?? (oh my god julies voice is perfect!! and barnaby sounds like a great guy. is it just me or are the pauses kind of long for the type of conversations it is?) (oh wally, what's going on?)
ok finally visiting the neighborhood
you can hear audio of them!!!! and transcripts!
and another video. why the scroll bar? is it my browser? (oh wait was i supposed to remember the numbers and apparently that is the name of the video? is that why they say answer)
eddie my darling!!!! you sound great, like you'd bring dessert if i invited you over for a meal, love you so much (hahahaha the policys) (also who is his voice actor? sounds familiar, maybe)
banner shenanigans happening again
there's so much new content!!!! look at their jokes!!! and the storybook record!! and the interview!!! (and apparently Home uses he for pronoun, noted)(and also 'it', noted again)
ah so that's why they say Frank is autistic, i get it now
ok back to the neighborhood, got distracted with the scripts. is it me or is it different? feels more colorful and with some new details maybe? could just be me (havent seen the original site in a while)
oh my god bug in eddies profile and the skit is about him and Frank, so cute! I understand you Eddie, i too would panic
ok finally got to Wally. so i think the fact that the text is misaligned is on purpose, not sure why though. And we get a new audio!
new image in the so below page. and the record is shaking real bad, not a fan of that (is that house? is it morse code or just creaking? well im sure someone will have the answer to that at some point)
pause to go back and find bug friends where i've already been. So: got Frank being bothered in his garden, audio of wally talking about eyes, sally putting on a play
ok now forth to media
hey the little buddy gives a video where you can see Wally's hands!! and now i get to actually hear the interview (is it just me or does the host sound sleazy?). also we dont get banner shenanigans but the little neighbors are overstepping a bit in one instance
omg the animation cells!!! look at them!!! the style. and i just now got the joke Wally tells in the mistery audios. the acting is so good!! i feel them moving!!
and with the news comes a new buddy, dont really know what Howdy's talking about but i love the rythm.
oohhh they mention the little drawings! and the hint of bugs!! ...and the tiny update about the guestbook, who is talking??? what ringing??
have you seen the telephone box in the merchandise page?!?!?!? they designed a whole package for it!! THW WORK AND LOVE THAT GOES INTO THIS!!! AHAHHHHH!!!
and the illustrations for the Eddie thing are so cute!!! they remind me of blue's clues original style
there's a coloring book!!!! i need that as actual merch someday please
THE EXHIBITION!!!! The phone is there!!! Wally is made out of actual cardboard!! dont see the puppet you could see in the reflections of the records though (new drawing! you can hear heartbeats, maybe they belong to house?)
guestbook time!!! new bug buddy (with my darling eddie going through it) (wonder if there's something in the glitches at the end of the videos)
first time there's a colored background (yellow), interesting choice, and no eyes. (ok only now just listened to the audio from the buddy, so its wally but not his eyes, just him i guess?)
interesting, the image for the section where you actually leave a note is called 'goodbye', not sure it said that before
now on to (dont know how you write that, dont care to look it up) the actual guestbook, and to check out all the little drawings again
ok, one box with weird double text but not too alarming. huh long comments. oh my that was only one page
oh little friend (oh my god, its the conversations from the drawings of the pie charts so cute!!)
on the second page now, so it seems that while wally is the only one that communicates with us, the others may be with him??? he said barnaby told him something (was this already a thing??) and frank also?!?!?!
why do you say Eddie runs too much Wally??
howse. love that
banner shenanigans are back, or maybe its just my browser doing weird things
new friend!! oh and banners are different widths, so there's that. kitty cat is so cute!!! why is tumblr redacted?? :(
huh in this page most drawings dont have a name that is part of the conversations, just numbers and letters.
ok more banner stuff. some drawings have 'names' others dont. sneaky text !!! i dont think thats a rat Wally but A for effort
second to last page. same sneaky text, wonder if it's in the same box even.
so again same sneaky text, but now there's another almost next to it, cant read it though. not a koala Wally but cute drawing. two instances of banners misbehaving. a bunch of drawings dont have names :( (then again there is already so much put into this, why an i complaining? i have no right)
is that a reference to something or am I just tired???
might be missing two bugs??? if that's how that works (found 12)
Final thoughts (yes even more):
THIS IS SUCH A WONDERFUL PROYECT!!! Clown i love you !! and everyone in the team!!! there is so much new content, and you made physical things!!! and there's audios now that really bring evrything to life!!! The banners are so great! All the bugs are so colorful and fun! You rearranged so much! The pixel art is adorable!!! thank you so much for this wonderful experience, will definitely have to go through everything again just to admire it more (and of course check for more hidden little things)
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klanced · 11 months
im sorry for the non-voltron related question, but im curious !! who are your favorites from genshin impact & honkai star rail???
Genshin faves:
Kazuha was a mainstay on my team for like a solid two years but then Sumeru came out and I became a dendro main 💔 last year’s summer island event had me in my feelings so deeply, you have no idea
I think Alhaitham is one of the funniest characters ever. I love characters who would piss me off if they were real. Probably my best built character even though I use Harbinger of Dawn on him
Kaveh. I’m sorry I’m not immune to babygirl Kaveh propaganda 💔 they’re doing crazy things to this guy’s ****** on Twitter. I don’t actually use Kaveh though because I’m terrible at bloom comp
Honestly I love all of the Sumeru characters so so so much the 3.0-3.2 story was just so damn good. I am obsessed with the Tighnari&Collei&Cyno found family dynamic. I honestly don’t care about Fontaine LMAO I want to stay in Sumeru
Right now my main team is Zhongli (shield) Alhaitham (main DPS) Nahida (sub-Dendro) Raiden Shogun (E bot).
Star Rail faves:
SR is still pretty new so my favorite characters are basically the ones that I like using the most.
Jing Yuan is my best built character. The amount of time I spent on relic farming ohmygod. I also have his signature weapon 😎 one day I would like to e1 him. Story wise I think he’s a really funny character and I also love his English voice actor so much
I think Asta is such a funny character and she has managed to surprise me a couple of times in some of the space station star quest. Also she is just so damn useful as a support character and I need to build her more
I’m obsessed with the Blade & Dan Heng dynamic. I haven’t started the latest story quest yet so no spoilers plsss. I pulled Blade on the first day of his banner but I have 0 resources for him so he hits like a wet napkin rn but that’s okay baby take your time. I’m now saving up to hopefully get Dan Heng IL 🤞🏼🤞🏼
So far I’ve had pretty good luck on my pulls ❤️❤️ I got I think Gepard? i forgor exactly when I tried pulling for Seele but I was able to get JY pretty early on and I won the 50/50 for LC and Blade 💯💯 god I hope I get IL. no I have no idea what team to put him in
Obviously my team changes around a lot depending on the enemy weakness but generally I run Clara/Gepard, Jing Yuan as main DPS, Luocha as healer, Asta as support
Looking at these lists… guys I promise I’m a lesbian
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altocat · 2 years
Happy ccr day alto!!! :) i might be sending this ask early, im sure you're going to make your own post about ccr, but im curious: what did you think of everyone's new models and voice actors? Im personally struggling to get used to sephiroth and zack's vas, but theres been a lot of discussion and i just wanted to know what you thought about everything!
I'm currently about halfway through.
The models are good BUT I honestly think the old models were a lot more expressive. I think that's because they're a bit more cartoony. These new ones can occasionally look a bit off here and there. I like their overall bulk and scale a lot better (Sephiroth's hair now has VOLUME), but the eyes and mouths aren't always the best.
I think the voices definitely take some getting used to, at least just for Zack and Seph. Everyone else is fine. Angeal can be a LITTLE stilted here and there but it's nothing too bad. Genesis is on point and I love him. And I generally think the new cast that was given to Remake is the superior voice cast at the end of the day when it comes to Aerith/Cloud/Tseng/etc.
Zack and Seph aren't BAD. And I really need to stress that. Hell, Zack's might actually be starting to grow on me since it fully embraces the doofy dumbassery of the character. And I've already seen enough of Tyler doing Nibelheim to know that he's way more comfortable voicing crazy Seph above all others. I think the issue is that they both come after THE voices for these characters. There's no way they could have ever conceivably surpassed them. It's sort of impossible. I'm enjoying them for what they are. I have issues here and there, but I know they're really trying. And again, they're really not bad.
The game itself is a ton of fun. Loving the new combat system.
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marvel-m-lee · 2 years
Embarrassing Moments
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1666 Words
Famous Y/n (actor)
Summary: Y/n was at a QnA with her co stars Robert Sheeran and Emmy Raver-Lampman when a certain question is asked which leads to some embarrissing tickle story on Y/ns part...
Based off this QnA 38:45 minutes in h͟e͟r͟e͟
A/n: i was shaving my legs and watching this video and now this fanfic exists and I need sleep before school. Why do I do this for a dead fandom? Who knows...
You laughed, shuffling yourself on the couch a little and smiling at the large crowd of people.
You were doing a Q&A on The Umbrella Academy and just you and your co-stars. You sat next to Emmy and Robert sat next to her, the three of you resting on a white peach sofa and answering fan questions.
You were about halfway through and had a sip of water, smiling at all the guests and fans who joined you.
Emmy and Robert were talking about something you were unable to answer and laughing, finishing up for the next question. You smiled at them, excited for the new season to come out and finally being able to do interviews with the cast again.
You put your water down as the host pointed to one of the question stands and a person stepped forwards, they seemed a little younger than you and prepared themselves for their question after you'd been asked about Disney princesses.
"Hi" the host introduced and the poor kid seemed rather nervous. A wobbly hi in return.
"Hi- um, I have a quick question? What's the most embarrassing thing you had to do?"
Emmy's face did a whole drop at the question making you burst out laughing. The host thankfully finished the kids question for them, clearing up that it was on set.
Emmy turned to you and laughed, then looked back at the crowd, "oh I was like- in life??? AhHh-" the three 0f you laughed along together.
"Yeah, no, with these two we'd be here all night-" you joked, earning laughter from the crowd and your co-stars.
Emmy was lost in her own laughter which you adored. In all fairness everyone in the cast loved Emmy's laugh as it was so contagious.
"Um.. oddly dancing was tough for me-" Robert admitted. You looked at him shocked, but Emmy nodded along. "It was.. it was tricky-"
"Really? You think that was your most embarrassing?" You asked surprised. Robert nodded and laughed at your reaction.
"Yeah- I mean- also it was my first day filming so- there was like a hundred people on set and I was like hello, hiya, hello, hi, and then their like ᴅᴀɴᴄᴇ ʟɪᴋᴇ ɴᴏ ᴏɴᴇs ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜɪɴɢ!" everyone in the room burst out laughing at his sudden voice change. "So- that was pretty embarassing"
You laughed along with the rom but looked at him in surprise, "really? Out of all the things you had to do as a character the dancing got you?" once again laughter filled the room but you were honestly curious- now you were like the eeger fan.
"i mean, yeah- ive already done half of those things in real life so-"
"Like he drugs?" Emmy butted in, laughing and doubling over.
"Yeah!-" Robert stiffled a giggle and ajusted himself. "No but yeah, it was just very- straight forward and, again, it was my first day so it was a shocker"
"yeah- but i feel like you could have done better than that-" yoy rolled your eyes, smirking and acting unsatisfied with his answer which made the room laugh at your childish antics.
It was nice for the crowd to see your interactions with the older cast, you were around Aidens age give or take so they enjoyed watching the sibling rivalry you had with the cast members.
"Sorry Y/n- but honestly- yeah, yeah. That was actually harder than i thought- the scenes where you dont actually talk, are sometimes the scenes that are actually the trickiest"
"im so disapointed in you both" you shook your head jokingly.
"hey! No but we really, we mainky just have like funny moments" Emmy replied, looking at you. You actually agreed with her though, nodding. Things werent really as embarising as they were funny or memerable.
"Im always getting peoples names wrong actually- thats pretty embarrising? Especially when youve been working with them for like 2 months" Robert cringed. Just then Emmy jumped up and tapped both your and Robberts laps excititedly.
"oh! oh oh! Waot actually, i completely ate shit this season-" the look of excitememt on your face as you quickly realised what she was talking about was brilliant.
"Oh yeah!- yeah! Was that?-" you couldnt stop yourself from laughing as she nodded, laughing with you.
"Wait- wait what?"
"when she fell in the driveway-" you laughed harder and had to remove the mic beside you so everyone wouldnt hear your loud laughter.
Roberts face of realisation followed by an oohhhhh was hilarious making you laugh harder. He also laughed with you both and Emmy quickly composed herself- faster than yiu at least.
"you wouldnt have seen it yet- well i hope not"
"noooo i hope it comes out in the blooper shots" you laughed, "i can imagine the edits of you just faceplanting to the beat and-" you burst out laughing again, replaying her falling over in an edit where she just falls to the beat and had to compose yourself as you almost started crying.
"Oh my god youre crying-" Robert noticed, laughing hard at the situation and how hilarious you thought it was.
After a couple of moments you finally composed yourself and was nudged by Emmy. "How about you anyway, what was your emnarrising moment?"
"moments" you corrected, "honestly it was just terrible, they were all so cruel to me-" You joked, but Robert snuck round and poked you in the side, teasing you and making you jump a little.
For a moment you and your co star looked at one another, Robert reminding you of a very common yet embarrising thing they would all do to you. He teased a smirk on his face as you tried to glare at him.
Emmy looked back and forth between you both before realising Robert had snuck his hand behind her to poke you, she then jumped realising what you were both talking about.
"OH! Oh yeah- i almost forgot about that- oh you definately got it the worst actually" she laughed.
Robert looked away, grinning that he'd brought up a lovely embarrising situation for you. He looked at the crowd and could see as they were all confused at what was happening.
"wait- wait what happened?" The host asked, laughing at your expression as you tried to hide yourself as a blush grew on your face a little.
"You and Aiden definately got it worst actually if we're talking about that. Youre both so adorable-"
"Emmy!?" Your face was blushing a lot now at remembering the situation.
"yeah, ours was lame in comparison to yours actually Y/n/n" Robert laughed.
"Youre both so mean."
"go on, tell them what they want to hear about your embarrising moments" He nodded at the crowd and you gave him a half annoyed mostly joking face.
"i told you guys their cruel" You shifted yourself, avoiding the question which only earned you a poke from Emmy, grinning wating for you to answer. They both knew how flustered you'd get, and it was very rare and something that always made you nervous because you never knew how to act.
"come onnnn" she teased, Robert sat up, turning to you much like Emmy was. Like kids waiting to be read a bedtime story.
You deadpanned them both before grunting and sighing. Shifting yourself to answer.
"So in the show, with my power they usually put me in a harness or some other things- which is always awesome, but when were done before im let out these lot like to bully me-"
"its become some like ritural where before we get the crew to let them out we get to tickle them senseless" Robert finished, knowing fully well you wouldnt be able to but also giddy to tell the story himself.
"its always so cute because they'll just be hanging there and watching us approach or whoevers on set with them and they start laughimg before we even do anything" Emmy and Robert seemed much more keen on telling this story so you hid yourself behind your hands but couldnt stop your cheeks glowing red.
"its so adorable" Robert teased, poking you again and making you jump to glare at him. The crowd laughed and giggled, watching as Robert made some teasing grabby hands to you, making you smile wobbly and roll your eyes.
"I hate you both" you said embarressed.
"Aw" Emmy awed laughing along with Robert and the crowd, "dont feel embaressed, its cute, plus you love it" she comforted, putting a hand on yiur shoulder but then tickling your neck to make you giggle.
"Ehemmy! Stahap!- not nohow!" You giggled, swatting her away.
"oh so we have permissiom to do this later?" Robert teased, am arm behind the couch and relaxing.
"maybe, i'll think about it" you replied, trying to play it off cool and looking away. You then jokingly pulled the mic uo to your face and whispered that you'd need a ride and help straight after this making everyone in the room laugh.
"there our embarrising moments probably- Y/n definately takes the cake though" Emmy teased.
You all thanked the person for their question and the other questions continued as normal for about another 15 minutes or so before it did have to end.
Robert and Emmy and the whole main cast had figured out you enjoyed tickles early on in the first season thanks to this little thing you had going on, and you were okay with that. But you didnt want the whole world to know just yet, and so whenever it was brought up like this it was never offical and only teased. And much promised later backstage you were found laughing at their mercy, trying to fight them off but failing.
When you went home that night, you looked on tumblr and once again noticed how people were connecting he dots and adoring your scene as they did with many celebs. You sighed but laughed.
Embarrissing moment for sure.
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revui · 2 years
*vibrating* HI! I was listening to Spring Awakening again, because I very vividly remembered a song there reminded me of Quin. Found it:
Track 15 - Totally Fucked
It's 100% because the chapter about him is essentially just. "Look at this guy! He's Totally Fucked."
But this kept playing in my head while rereading Foreverlands. Hope you enjoy like.. vaguely emo sounding music. It's an old song kinda, in case you couldn't tell by the very 2010's style lyrics video. (IM SORRY I just thought a lyric video would be a better choice bc the voices overlap and it's potentially hard to follow without captions of some sort and this is literally the only one)
And you know. this is totally optional, but since I'm at it, this song is also good. I think it applies to Quin bc it has that "wow. shit's fucked. dont love it honestly" AND ! I like it bc it's about religious trauma and its Jonathan Groff so I'm sharing, in this very non self indulgent way of course
Track 3 - All That's Known (this one's also a lyric video link but i promise its less distracting)
The overall sound of the album makes me think of Quin now, I have accidentally assigned him the emo music my baddddd. but the ending to "all that's known" in particular hits me as a Quin thing. that softer "one day all will know" that fades into the background while the rest of the cast speaks up and it's like, ooooo this boyo is gonna rebel ! oooo he's scheming during class
Holding him very closely. the more you tell me about Quin the more he reminds me of one of my own characters. Literally my son. patting his head as we speak.
Do you have playlists for characters? I generally only make them for my own characters, the few exceptions of characters that are not my own ocs being the Big Blorbo Leagues, but I'm realizing I already have like 3 songs in mind for Quin. He's very quickly making his way up there. Like i could pick out the lyrics that made me choose each song for him. Which is crazy. because I feel like I don't know enough about him. But he has this vibe in my head. And if anything im gonna be confidently wrong about his vibe. making him a playlist.
Anyway you've inspired me and given me confidence so now im also gonna start tagging posts as my ocs. because its cool to do now. i think its cool
we're like. an infinite power source. the blorbo posting will never end while we have ways to communicate with each other i feel
oh my god he's reaching peak blorbo levels. there are songs about him now
I genuinely love both of these for him, and also that guy's voice kind of reminded me of Light's English actor in the Death Note musical? I'm pretty sure they're not the same person but it was a neat coincidence because that musical is what helped me fill in a lot of his character, sort of taking my own spin on the idea of this self-righteous kid trying to singlehandedly correct what they perceive is wrong, although Quin definitely doesn't go as far as Light "Nobody's smart but me" Yagami.
I usually make individual playlists for my characters, but for the Foreverlands, its main cast amounts to 16 characters, and only 5 of them existed before I started developing the Foreverlands as a concept, so I had 11 new blorbos on my hands. Too many blorbos not enough music. So instead I made an amalgamation of songs that made me think of characters, settings, plot points, arcs, etc, in one big Foreverlands playlist. As a result it's a bit lengthy and almost musically incoherent and I'm still adding more songs almost every day. Also I'm adding the second one you shared to it because the Foreverlands brain thoughts I experienced during it were EXCELLENT.
Here's the playlist if you're curious. Warning, it's about six hours and I took songs from pretty much anything if they gave me even just one iota of Foreverlands Thoughts regardless of whether I even liked the song, which means that there is some Certified Cringe in this playlist, and it's wonderful.
our blorboposting could generate more energy than the sun i think
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apple-pecan · 4 months
Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba – To the Hashira Training (2024)
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this is gonna be the weirdest dumbest review i'll write yet so buckle up. im gonna preface this by saying i know nothing about demon slayer; i only watched this because a friend of mine wanted to watch it in the theaters with me and i thought it could be fun. i HAVE been curious about it though; i dont watch anime much at all anymore but it seems like demon slayer is one of those absolutely huge names in manga and anime right now, sorta like how naruto was in the 2000's and before that, dragon ball in the 80s/90s. one of these friggin films, demon slayer mugen train, became the highest grossing japanese film of all time, the highest grossing R rated animated film of all time (dethroning sausage party lol) AND the highest grossing movie of 2020, and this was all in the midst of fucking COVID. something's gotta be up. this has to be the greatest anime ever conceived then. if it is, i couldn't really tell from this movie.
i know the general gist of the plot from watching the first episode years ago; some kid is going about his merry day when suddenly almost his entire family is slaughtered by a demon, and to make matters worse, the only survivor is his sister, who has now been turned into a demon. and now he goes on a journey of revenge to kill that demon and make his sister into a human again. pretty cool premise, but i never watched more of it until tonight. oops.
according to reviews i dug up on imdb this is basically just a giant filler movie; the first half is the last episode of season 3 and the second half is the first episode of season 4, which hasn't aired on tv yet; this movie is mainly just for hardcore fans to see that episode before anyone else. i have not seen any of this show past the first episode, so the season 3 stuff was new to me, and i actually liked it quite a bit. the action was fun and very beautifully animated and there is a really cool emotional scene that i'm sure would've really struck a nerve with me had i been watching this show from it's inception. apparently none of this is new footage but from a non-fan i had a lot of fun with it.
the problem comes from its second half, which is supposed to be the main draw; besides one action scene (which was also very cool) at the beginning, it's nothing but exposition and really awkward and uncomfortable comic relief. the first half was so serious with it's grizzly and intense action and now we're just doing wacky cartoon faces and doing funny screams a lot. just seems really bizarre; in america the movie was rated R but i couldn't tell if this was supposed to be for children or adults. i mean a couple kids DID walk in the theater with what i assume to be their dad and them, me and my friend were the literal only people in the theater. that doesnt have much to do with the review but i just thought it was funny lol.
im sure the second half would've made more sense if i were to have, you know, watched the entire rest of the anime so far beforehand, but they just kept talking about a training session by these mystical demon slayers or whatever and i was so unengaged i took my phone out in the middle of the theater and started looking at twitter. as a non fan it was boring, but if you're not a fan of this anime, there is literally no reason for you to watch this in the first place. it fails as a traditional movie and is more so to just hype people up for the next season of demon slayer to be released. anyone remember evangelion: death & rebirth? no? okay never mind. if you're a fan of demon slayer, watch it if you're just that impatient for season 4 to air (even though what they show in this movie is pretty much all setup and filler with no actual plot progression), and for anyone else who just wants to watch one of those newfangled anime cartoons in theaters, dont even bother.
NOTE: blond hair guy has the best voice actor ever. i was watching the english dub and i didnt even know human beings could make those kinds of noises. give him the nobel peace prize or something.
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watchmegetobsessed · 3 years
Never Have I Ever - Harry Styles (part 5)
uh ohh, part 5 baby! im quite enjoying this story so far and i have some fun things planned for it, so i hope you’ll stay with me for them! in today’s part, our fav new celeb couple takes it all the way, though i chose not to include the actual sex part, however im still treating you all with some dirty stuff so enjoy!
pairing: Harry x actress!reader
word count: 4.6k
warning: NSFW content
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New couple alert?
Harry Styles and Y/N Y/L/N have been spotted having lunch and grabbing coffee several times in the course of the past few weeks. All the outings looked casual and friendly, they gladly stopped for fans that approached them and the word has it that they’ve been getting closer to each other, though neither of them confirmed anything.
Harry Styles has been known to be single for a while now, only faint rumors swirling up sometimes, but none of them were proven to be true, the young actress is the first woman he has been linked to in a long time. Y/N Y/L/N has been focusing on her blooming career and has been single since her split from long time exboyfriend and fellow actor, Levi Hudson. The pair dated all through 2018, splitting in the beginning of 2019. Hudson has admitted their hectic schedules made it impossible to maintain their relationship while Y/N did not confirm anything.
Styles is going on his world-wide tour soon, while Y/L/N is currently between two projects. The young celebs seem to be enjoying each other’s company and fans have been quick to jump into speculations about their alleged romance, however there is no evidence as of right now.
“Thank you so much for your time, it was a pleasure to talk to you,” the young interviewer smiles at you, holding her hand out and you shake it with a warm smile.
“Thank you for having me! And I really like your shoes, by the way,” you point down at her electric blue pumps that you’ve been eyeing since the start of the interview.
“Oh, thank you! Got them from a vintage store,” she beams, a slight blush playing on her cheeks clearly a little starstruck from your compliment.
“Love those little stores.”
“Me too,” she giggles collecting her papers and notes. “Someone will contact you and your team soon about the photoshoot and I’ll email you a draft of the interview in about a week.”
“That’s perfect, thank you so much,” you nod at her grabbing your purse from the side table next to you. Grabbing your phone from the depth of it you smile to yourself upon seeing the text from Harry.
“Call me when you’re done with the interview Xx.”
You say your goodbye to everyone before heading out of the building. Lawrence is at the front waiting for you in the car and he greets you with a warm smile when you sit into the backseat. As he starts the car and heads back to your home, you call Harry, who picks it up after the second ring.
“Hey! How was the interview?” he beams brightly, his voice immediately making you smile.
“Great! This young girl did it and she had some exciting questions.”
“Sounds lovely. Can’t wait to buy a Cosmopolitan with you on the cover soon,” he says and you can hear the grin through his voice.
“Will look good in your hands for sure,” you chuckle.
“Right. So I have a question for you.”
“Go for it.”
“I’m doing this very small show at Beacon Theater this weekend, kind of a practice before the real tour begins and I was wondering if you’d be up to come. Would love to have you there.”
“When is it exactly?”
“Saturday at nine. I know it’s a short notice and I get it if you have something else going on, just wanted to ask.”
“I think I can make it work,” you smile, thinking back at what your day looks like on Saturday. “Can I bring someone?”
“Of course! Just let me know how many people so I can have the tickets sent over to you.”
“Thank you. It’s sweet of you to think about me.”
“You know I always think about you,” he murmurs and his voice sends a shiver down your spine. Crazy to think how much he can affect you with just his words, he just has a special spell on you, it seems.
“Still such a flirt, I see,” you chuckle, feeling your cheeks heating up as you hear his soft laugh on the other end of the line.
“For you, always.”
“Alright. I’ll text you about the tickets and thank you again. Can’t wait to see you perform finally.”
“It’s been due for a while now, right? Kind of promised you some tickets on Ellen, if I remember correctly.”
“You did!” you laugh thinking back at the time you met him. How funny that just one short game on a talk show led the two of you here. You have to thank Ellen though.
“Now I’m finally keeping my promise. Talk to you later then, Love. Have a great day.”
“You too, Harry.”
 You manage to convince Sydney to join you for the concert, she sounds excited when you ask if she had anything to do on Saturday. Seeing Harry perform before his tour kicks off is a thrill for her she wouldn’t pass on for anything, so she is really grateful that you thought of her as your plus one.
Harry has your passes sent over to your place on Friday and it comes with a bouquet of flowers as well as a card.
“Can’t wait to see you tomorrow. What’s your favorite song? I’ll make sure to perform it just for you. –H”
He never fails to make you feel like the only woman on the planet and you can definitely see why so many fall for him even without meeting him. The man has all the power to charm anyone with just a smile.
You put the flowers into a vase and leave them on your dining table before grabbing your phone and sending him a quick text.
“It’s Only Angel,” you simply write, hoping he’ll get it why you just wrote that. Luckily, he does.
“Straight to the setlist. Dedicated to You.”
 Finishing up the last touches to your makeup you bop your head to the song blasting through the stereo. It’s Only Angel, of course. You’ve had it on repeat all afternoon and now you can’t wait to actually see Harry perform it live.
Just as you are about to get changed, Syd arrives so you let her in with a beaming smile and when she hears the music upon walking into your place she cheers in excitement.
“Yes! This is such a jam!” she smirks, doing a little dance as you lock the door behind her.
“You look fantastic, Syd,” you tell her. The black short dress looks amazing paired with the lilac oversized blazer. Her makeup matches the same color and you are obsessed with the fishnet tights. She will surely make men wish she was into them.
“Thank you! Spent two hours figuring out what to wear, so I hope I look fantastic,” she giggles.
She helps you put together your outfit as well. Wide legged flaming red pants that make your waist look snatched, a black sheer top tucked into it with just a black bralette underneath. You already know Harry will be a fan of the skin you’re showing, you can’t wait to see his face when he finally spots you.
You quickly pack your essentials into a black Chanel purse along with stuff you need for a possible sleepover if things might take a pleasant turn, and you finish with everything just when the doorman calls up through the intercom that Lawrence has arrived.
“So, what’s the deal with you and him, if I may ask?” Syd questions in the car, not in a nosy way, more like a curious, friendly way.
“We are… getting close,” you say, tasting the word on your tongue. You haven’t labeled whatever you have going on with Harry, nor do you really know what it should be called. You’ve been trying hard to make time for each other as much as possible, making small lunch and coffee dates a regular thing. He came over to your place one evening for a movie and that’s the only time you were able to be alone with him, though nothing sexual happened. Yet. The real deal is yet to happen and if you are being honest you are running short on patience. It’s getting harder to hold yourself back and keep your hands to yourself as well when you are out with him, but you agreed to keep it lowkey out in the public.
Tonight, however, you have a feeling what you’ve been waiting for so long might actually happen and you can only hope Harry is planning the same thing. You are absolutely ready to bluntly ask if he wants to spend the night at your place.
“But you’re heading… somewhere, right?”
“I hope so,” you smile shyly.
“That’s amazing. I think you two are a match,” Syd smirks at you.
By the time you arrive to the venue the gates have been opened so people are busy getting inside, giving you the chance to walk inside through the backdoors without any fuss.
“Miss, Harry requested me to usher you to his dressing room when you arrive,” the girl at the door smiles at you with a clipboard in her hands and a headset covering her ears.
“Oh, alright,” you nod, turning to Syd. “You go ahead and get us a good place,” you tell her and she nods walking away with a wave as she heads up to the second floor that’s fully reserved for friends and family.
Following the girl down the hallway you are led to a room that has Harry’s name on it. She gently knocks on the door and a few moments later it flies open, revealing Harry in a colorful suit and a simple white button-down shirt. He looks breathtaking, hair fixed perfectly and the wide grin stretching across his lips when he sees you standing there.
“You’re here!” he breathes out, grabbing your hand and pulling inside, snatching you away from the preying eyes. Once the door clicks closed behind you, he is quick to press his lips to yours in a sweet welcoming kiss. Ever since your first official date he hasn’t passed on any chance to kiss you whenever you had the luxury of privacy to yourselves, which hasn’t happened too much, leaving you both with a growing hunger for each other every time you meet.
“Mm of course I am,” you smile against his lips before pecking them one last time and leaning back. “Looking great, Mr. Styles,” you grin, taking your time to wander your eyes down on him.
“Yeah? Like the suit?”
“Well, I love your outfit as well. M’gonna have a hard time not thinking about you on the stage.”
“Please think about me,” you breathe out with a coy smile.
“Don’t fucking say that to me, you are giving me a hard time,” he groans and you just chuckle at the tortured look on his face.
“Sorry,” you mumble, but your face doesn’t meet your words. He squeezes your waist gently, pecking your lips in a rush before he lets go of you.
“I need to go over a few things before we start, so just go ahead and join Syd. Meet me here after the show?”
“Yeah, perfect,” you nod smiling. “Good luck out there,” you wink and he grins at you with bright eyes. His hands grab onto yours before you head out, pulling you in for one last kiss before you leave.
You feel flustered and you take a few deep breaths on your way up to the gallery to find Syd who managed to get an amazing spot at the front on the left side.
They offer everyone up on the gallery some champagne before the show starts and looking around you see a few familiar faces, but no one you specifically know. You stick with Sydney who is over the moon about the show and you are kind of sharing her excitement.
When the lights go down and the music finally starts, you can’t help but join in with the screams that fill the theater.
You’ve seen videos of him performing, in One Direction and solo as well. You’ve seen pictures and you’ve heard the words about how amazing he is on stage, but none of those live up to the actual experience. The sensation that takes over you just by seeing him appear on the stage as the whole theater chants his name as one, it completely sweeps you off your feet and for a second you wonder how you could live a life without this experience.
When his voice starts to flow through the massive speakers you need to take a deep breath, a shiver runs down your spine and you chug down the rest of your champagne so you could get rid of the glass and hold onto the railing with both hands because you feel like you need to ground yourself before you shoot into the sky.
Song after song, he performs perfectly, bringing every single person in the audience to that euphoric state they’ve been probably seeking their whole life. The experience is surely one of a kind, something you’ll definitely be thinking about for a long time.
Time seems to stop, though it cruelly carries on even when you forget about it completely. The concert is nearing its end and Harry takes a breather as he places his guitar to the stand behind him. You watch his every move as he walks back to the microphone, his gaze moving up to the gallery, roaming through the people until they find you.
“This last song is dedicated… to my Only Angel,” he murmurs into the microphone as the audience erupts, blows up at once and your heart skips a beat when his eyes linger over you for a little longer before the music starts to play.
You faintly hear Syd screaming next to you, probably aware that the dedication was addressed to you, but you can’t tear your eyes off of the man on the stage.
He nails it perfectly, looking like an absolute rockstar that he truly is and for a moment you can’t believe you have his attention and interest. How can such a precious and unbelievably talented man be in your reach?
Because I deserve great things in life, you tell yourself, a little mantra you’ve gotten around to repeat every time you found yourself doubting your success and happiness.
The concert eventually ends and though no one in the room desires the end of it, Harry leaves and you are abruptly brought back to reality.
“That was… something else truly,” Syd breathes out as the two of you linger around a little longer, trying to come down from the high you just experienced.
“Yeah. He is so fucking talented it’s almost unfair,” you chuckle running a hand through your hair.
“This tour will kill thousands of people all around the world,” she muses and for a moment, reality sets in and you realize that Harry will leave for his worldwide tour very soon, leaving you behind.
You get rid of the thought, not wanting to stress over something that’s not relevant just yet and you don’t want to ruin the evening either. Fears and stress can wait a little longer.
The two of you make your way backstage, walking into a bit of a chaos as all close friends and family want to congratulate to Harry and the band as well. Standing at the side you let everyone have their time, barely even seeing Harry in the sea of people in the spacious green room. Syd keeps you company as you wait and about thirty minutes later it seems like the crowd is starting to loosen up.
Harry spots you and excuses himself immediately from his conversation with a couple, heading in your direction with the widest grin you’ve ever seen on his pretty face.
“Congrats, that was mind-blowing,” you smirk as he reaches you, a hand curling around your waist as he leans down and places a kiss to your cheek, keeping it as moderate as possible, though you both just want to jump at each other.
“Thank you, Love,” he nods, a blush tinting his cheeks from your words. “Hello Sydney, so great to see you again,” he greets the girl next to you and they share a short hug.
“Hi! Loved the show so much!” she giggles in excitement.
“Thank you for coming.”
The three of you chat for a while before Sydney says she is gonna call herself an Uber, so after saying her goodbye she leaves you alone with Harry, as much as you can be alone with a bunch of other people around.
“I wanted to ask you something,” he clears his throat as his hand finds its way back to the small of your back.
“Go for it.”
“We are gonna grab a drink at some bar, but nothing over the top and I wanted to ask if you would want to join.”
“Sounds good,” you smile, feeling a little disappointed. This is not exactly what you wanted him to ask. Luckily, he is not done with his questions.
“Also… I-If it’s cool by you, I thought that… maybe you could come over?”
“Mmm, go over and do what?” you tease him, your smile stretching wider with each passing moment.
“I have plenty of ideas, Love,” he breathes out, making you laugh. “We could drop by your place if you need anything to stay over.”
“No need. Packed a bag,” you slyly grin at him, taking him by surprise clearly, but it’s surely a pleasant one.
“Always a step ahead of me, huh?” he smirks, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
It takes some time to actually leave the venue and head off to the bar with a close group of friends of him and the band. A secluded area was already reserved for you that has its own bar, so you could enjoy the evening without worrying about preying eyes of strangers or fans. You really weren’t in the mood to keep your distance from Harry, this way at least you were able to touch each other in a more intimate way without speculations swirling up immediately.
You get to know his band and some of his friends, they are all genuinely amazing people, but you weren’t expecting anything else. You figured he only surrounds himself with people like him. His hands often find your waist and he doesn’t shy away from kissing your cheek or giving your hips a gentle squeeze, just letting you know you have his attention and he appreciates that you’re there.
It’s nearing one am when the guests start leaving and soon enough you find yourself in the back of your car with Harry, heading to his place, while you try your best to keep your hands away from him. You wouldn’t put Lawrence through the trauma of having to see or hear something he shouldn’t.
But that doesn’t stop you from kissing, something you’ve been dying to do all night. Your hand rests on his thigh while he has an arm curled around your shoulders, keeping you tight by his side, delicately brushing his nose against your hair every time your lips are not connected.
“Thank you, Lawrence. I’ll call myself a taxi in the morning, have the day off,” you tell your driver who smiles in your way thankfully while Harry grabs your and his bags from the back of the car.
“Thank you, Miss. Enjoy your night,” he nods in your way as you shut the door closed.
You try to take your duffel bag from Harry, but he insists to carry it as the two of you walk inside his house.
“Want something to drink? Water, tea or something?” he asks, setting the bags down near his giant, comfortable looking couch. Your thoughts immediately wander to a dirty field, picturing him sitting on that very couch as you kneel in front of him, pleasuring him so good that his eyes roll back…
“Yeah, water please,” you say clearing your throat. Some hydration will come handy after the drinks you chugged down at the bar.
You follow him as he shuffles into the kitchen, grabbing a glass and a bottled water from the fridge for you, pouring some into the glass before handing it to you.
“Thank you. You have a nice place for yourself,” you tell him, looking around in his home.
“Thanks. Been working on it for a while,” he chuckles softly. “Feels a bit too big for just myself though.”
You finish the water and set your eyes at him, feeling your hunger for him grow with each passing moment. Placing the empty glass to the marble counter you take a step closer to him.
“You feel lonely often?” you question in a low voice. His eyes return to you and you are happy to see the same lust in them.
“Would say so, yes,” he nods, running his tongue over his pink lips before he reaches out and grabbing you by your hips, he draws you close to him. Leaning down his lips brush against the shell of your ear, a shiver runs down your spine when you hear his whisper in it. “Hope it’ll change soon.”
At a loss of patience, you grab his face and angle it perfectly so you can kiss him hard. And by hard, you mean real hard. He stumbles back from the force, but manages to keep his balance, returning the kiss just as vehemently as he receives it, a tug of war starting between the two of you.
His hands work fast on the sheer fabric of your shirt, pulling it out from the waistband of your pants, getting rid of it eagerly as his lips wander down on your neck, collarbones and chest. He easily turns the two of you around so you are pushed against the edge of the countertop, his hips pushed against you and it’s clearer that daylight just how excited he is to have you here tonight. Your eyes flicker over to the couch again and the desire to please him with your mouth just bursts, you can’t hold yourself back anymore.
So you push him away from you, grabbing his wrist and yanking him after you, heading towards the couch. You push him down and his lustful eyes follow every move of yours as you kneel in front of him and he realizes what you are about to do. He doesn’t stop you when you work to unbutton his pants, but his hand finds your chin and he pulls you up for a swift, but passionate kiss.
Once you successfully undid his pants he lifts his hips and you spare some time and energy, pulling them down along with his underwear, leaving him only in his vintage printed t-shirt as his cock springs free. You push your thighs together just at the sight of him, the way his eyes burn down on you, how his lips part when your gazes meet and the way he sucks on his breath when your fingers dig into his thighs near his crotch as you situate yourself closer.
“I believe I owe you an orgasm, don’t I?” you ask with a cheeky smirk before wrapping your left hand around the base of his shaft, giving it a gentle squeeze, just enough to get him even more excited. A whimpered moan slips from his lips and you lean closer, giving his cock a lick from bottom to top, wrapping your lips around the head as you swirl your tongue around it.
“Fuck hell!” he breathes out, clearly enjoying himself, hands fisting the cushion next to him, but you bet they’ll be buried in your hair soon.
You’re not an expert in the field of blowjobs, but it’s been your thing to come barging right through the door and jump the easy teasing whenever you were on your knees for a man. So with your hands fixed on his beautiful face, you sink down on him, his cock gliding into your mouth right until the tip reaches the back of your throat, earning the loudest moan you’ve heard from him. Shutting your eyes closed you keep him like that for a second until the urge to gag starts to set in, so you slide him out, your saliva dripping down his erection as your eyes meet his and you can tell you shocked him with your bold first move.
“Do that one more time and I won’t last for a minute,” he warns breathing heavily and you just smirk up at him before going into action again, this time only taking a smaller portion of him, pumping the base to make up for the lack of deep throating, but it appears that he enjoys just the simple part of it equally. As you keep bobbing your head, taking as much of him as you can without gagging, his right hand flies to your hair, taking a handful of it as he gently guides your head, keeping it in the rhythm that works the best for him and you happily let him do whatever makes him feel good.
When your free hand goes to gently massage his balls your name erupts from him in the most voluptuous way you’ve heard him call out for you. As if he just cried out for God himself.
“Y/N, fuck, I won’t last long,” he warns you, but that’s all you want. You need to see him come undone under your touch, you want to be the reason his breath hitches. Picking up your pace you see him whimper some more, head falling backwards to the back of the couch. It’s a heavenly view and you wish you could take a picture of his beauty as he enjoys himself on this intimate level. You’ve never wanted to please a man more than him and just seeing him in this blissful state makes you wet through your underwear.
When his breathing starts to get uneven, chest heaving wildly, you take all of him again, his head poking the back of your throat and you push your tongue against his length as you slide him out, picking up the same pace that you kept before, both hands working hard on him.
“Fuck! I-I’m gonna cum!” he warns again and just a few seconds later, you feel the evidence of his satisfaction spurt into the back of your throat, eyes falling on you as you give him one last lick before swallowing everything that’s in your mouth.
“Holy shit,” he breathes out pulling you up, eagerly kissing you without a second thought, his hands cupping your cheeks to keep you in place. “You surely know how to kill a man, yea?” he huffs making you chuckle.
“Think you can go for a second one?” you sheepishly ask, blinking up at him from under your long lashes.
“I’ll have enough time to recover while I eat you out like you’re my last meal,” he bluntly replies, and a moan almost slips from your lips.
“Show me what you got, Styles,” you challenge him and he doesn’t need more, he easily picks you up, wrapping your legs around his waist as he heads straight to the bedroom.
“As you wish, Angel,” he mumbles against your skin, peppering your neck and shoulder with featherlike kisses along his way until he throws you to his bed, ruthlessly tearing the remaining of your clothes off your body.
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celestialrry · 3 years
summary: Actress!Y/N goes onto a talk show, and the host has a surprise for her.
warnings: cursing, kinda sorta an anxiety attack?
Y/N was nervous.
This would only be the 5th talk show she’s ever gone on alone after being in the spotlight for a few years when her acting career took off. She started off with indie films and soon made her way to the red carpet, working with esteemed actors and actress’s she could only ever dream of meeting. It was pure bliss.
Of course, fame came with other struggles like hate from the media and random people on twitter, but at the end of the day she was so grateful she had the opportunity to be in the business. She loved getting into a character, finding out what makes them click, and fully emerging herself in whatever film she’s in. At the moment, she was promoting her new film, and being the lead, she had gone on a few talk show’s by herself, but they never failed to make her sick to her stomach. Having no one to turn to when it gets awkward, even not having body heat by her side in front of a live audience and a professional host made her body rack with goosebumps.
“Miss L/N?” 
Her head turned towards the door of the dressing room she had been sitting in for 15 minutes alone, trying to get her nerves down. “Yes?’ She responded flashing a forced smile to the assistant standing in the door way. “They’re ready for you.” She nodded her head and stood up, brushing the non-existent dust off her long dress and tumbled a bit on her heels to follow the assistant that was already walking towards the side stage. 
They instructed her to wait until her name was called, then walk onto stage and take a seat and have the show progress. So Y/N stood there, biting her bottom lip that was coated with clear gloss and her arms crossed around her waist, her heel covered toe tapping the floor in anticipation. 
“Now welcome our very special, and gorgeous guest, Y/N L/N!” She heard Jimmy Kimmel announce and took a short breath before stepping through the automatically opening curtains. She smiled and waved at the people sitting in the audience, happy to see people supporting her, and greeted Jimmy before taking a seat on the loveseat closest to his desk.
“Y/N! Welcome, how are you feeling tonight?” He flashed a comforting smile at her. 
She chuckled a bit due to her inability to not laugh in uncomfortable situations. “I’ll be honest with you Jimmy,” She said, adjusting herself in the seat. “M’ pretty nervous.”
“Nervous?” He asked. “Now, why would 2 time Emmy Nominee Miss Y/N L/N be nervous?” Jimmy teased.
Her eyes fell to the floor and her cheeks heated up before looking back at him. “Because,” She dragged out. “It’s always nerve-racking being on live TV.”
He just nodded and made a joke about feeling the same even though he does this every week.
“How are you feeling tonight?” She asked.
He smiled before resting his arms on his desk. “I’m feeling good, I have a surprise for you later, but I’m supposed to ask the questions now, will you let me?”
“Of course I will.” She smiled back.
Y/N met Jimmy the first year she really became “famous” and he had always been her favorite late-night talk show host just because he was never invasive or creepy. Her standards for hosts were quite low at this point. They continued on, promoting her new movie and such before he settled back in his seat. 
“So.” He said.
“So.” She said back, raising a brow.
“I hate to ask you this, but I honestly am curious myself,” He began, and her anxiety creeped up just a bit. “Now, we dug through your old interviews, and it seems in every single one, when asked if you had a celebrity crush, your answer was Harry Styles?”
She simply nodded, her cheeks heating up again, and a small smile creeping onto her face at his name. 
“I see that smile, Y/N.” Jimmy said, and she let out a laugh, her smile now wide.
“So, do you mind telling us why you like him so much, or should I say love him so much?” His brow raised.
Y/N laughed a bit more, just at her nerves, and took a breath. “Um, he’s always been such an inspiration for me to actually chase my career, I mean I knew him from when he was on X-Factor to be honest. Binged that show all the time when I was in middle school and to see a boy just 2 years older than me just go straight into being in one of the biggest boy-bands in the world was insane. He’s just so passionate about what he does and I admire him for that. Uh- from what I can tell he’s just very charming, sweet, funny, caring, and…” She trailed off her rant, biting her bottom lip just a tad.
“He’s incredibly attractive.” She finished a smile on her face as she glanced at the floor again.
“Understandable. I think he’s a good looking man myself, met him a few times and got flustered,” Jimmy jokes before looking at Y/N. “What if I told you he was the surprise I had for you?”
Her brows furrow as she looks at the man sitting across from her. “What? Do you mean like a video-” She feels a tap on her shoulder. 
Y/N turns around, still massively confused, and then she sees him.
Harry standing in a simple black suit and white button up, only a few of the buttons actually buttoned and her jaw drops. “Hello.” He says, smiling at her.
Her eyes are wide and she looks like a dear in headlights before her face falls into her hands, elbows resting on her knees, her breath erratic. “No, this isn’t- no. He’s not here.” She says into her hands and the crowd laughs. Everyone laughs. 
“M’a bit offended you think I’m not really here, love.” Harry grins, and she pulls her face out of her shaking hands to see him.
She opens her mouth to say something and nothing comes out. 
Harry Styles, her celebrity crush since the ripe age of 14, a crush thats lasted 8 years being 22 now, and she’s only seen him on screens her entire life. “Fuck.” Was all she can say. He laughs a bit at her starstruck appearance and turns to Jimmy. “She’s not normally like this, right?”
“Right.” The host jokes, looking back at the girl on the couch, and his smile diminishes a bit. Her eyes are watering and she’s trying to keep her composure but her bottom lip is trembling and Jimmy’s now worried he’s about to have a sobbing woman on live TV.
“You okay Y/N?” Jimmy asks and her head quickly turns to him and then back to Harry. “I-fuck, I’m sorry.” She tries to laugh it off. Tries not to think about how the man she’s loved even before she knew what love truly was, was standing in front of her right now. 
“Don’t be sorry.” Harry says, slightly frowning but trying to keep a happy face. He’s standing in front of a girl he’s adored ever since he watched her first movie, for Christs sake, and she’s silently about to break down in front of him, because of him. 
Before he can even properly introduce himself, she’s standing on her heels, wobbling a bit, and looking up at him. “Can I hug you?” She mouths, not wanting her question to be picked up on the mic on the back of her dress and before her mouth even closes he’s stepping towards her, big arms wrapping around her waist. Her arms find their way around his chest and her head is resting on his shoulder and her eyes are squeezed shut and she’s mouthing “Oh my fucking god. Oh my god.” Without realizing she’s facing the audience who laugh at her inability to not fangirl. His head dips as he hugs her, reveling in her touch, and then she’s pulling away, remembering they’re on live TV and she can give him a proper hug backstage after this is over when they don’t have to worry about appearances. 
She’s still reeling when his hands slide off her waist and he sticks his hand out and says “It’s so nice to meet you.” She takes his calloused hand in hers and says “Same to you.” Blinking away unshed tears.
“Shall we sit then?” He asks and she looks at Jimmy admiring the moment before back at Harry. “You’re staying?” She blurts out before shutting her mouth abruptly. 
“If you want me too.” He grins that grin she’s always been infatuated by and she nods, maybe too quickly. “Of course I do- yes,” She coughs. “Yeah, uh, please, let’s.”
They both plant themselves on the loveseat, Y/N taking the spot in which she was before and Harry sitting on the other end, keeping a distance between the two. She recomposes herself and sits up. Harry looks at her for a moment before looking back at Jimmy. 
“How are y’Jimmy?” He asks.
“I’m doing well, proud of myself for inviting you, you’re the one person I’ve seen make Y/N go absolutely speechless here,” Jimmy jokes and Y/N groans and smiles, leaning her top half on the arm of the chair, her face in her hands before sitting back up. “How about you, Harry?”
“M’doing well, was very excited to see Y/N here and I’d hopefully say it’s the same for her.” He smiles looking at her, dimples flashing.
“Yeah!” Her voice squeaks. “You’re right. It’s the same for me. I-” She cut’s herself off from saying she’s shitting her pants at the moment. Figuratively, of course, but it’s not very appropriate. She still can’t believe this. Twitter is going to have a field day talking about how flustered Y/N was at this moment.  
“Have something you want to say, Y/N? To Harry, more specifically?” Jimmy asks.
“Um,” She begins, locking eyes with Harry. “Did you hear, what I said, um, before you walked out here?” 
The green eyed man nods. 
Her hands start shaking again and she awkwardly laughs. “I’m sorry you heard that.” She apologizes. 
“Why are you apologizing?” Harry asks her, tilting his head and Y/N was going to pass out. “I’m glad you think all those things about me, plus, it’s a nice ego booster to hear that you think I’m ‘incredibly attractive’.” He chuckles a bit, but truthfully he was happy his celebrity crush feels the same way about him.
She just laughs back and mumbles a “Thanks.” Before Jimmy starts up a conversation about whatever was going on at the moment.
Jimmy and Harry start talking about something and Y/N nods her head and laughs when it’s appropriate but she couldn’t process anything. Her hands were interlocked, shaking in her lap, and all she could feel was Harry. Harry sitting next to her, Harry breathing next to her, Harry waving his hands around while he spoke in front of her. It was all too much. 
Suddenly his knee lightly knocked against her own. She abruptly turned to look at him, but he was still looking at Jimmy. So she assumed it was a mistake, until it happened again, and this time when her eyes looked to him, his met her’s and he gently and subtly moved closer to their thighs were touching. Y/N let the leg that was crossed over her other relax and fall to the couch, only her ankles crossed, and she swore she could hear his breath stop for a moment, but it was too quiet to be sure.
A few moments after they both had gained the courage to barely revel in each others touch, Jimmy was ending the show. Y/N doesn’t remember what she said or did before the camera cut off, she vaguely remembers waving to the audience but she’s not completely sure. 
And then it’s over- just like that.
“This was so fun Jimmy, thank you for inviting me on.” Harry said, standing up (reluctantly) and going to give Jimmy a hug. Y/N on the other hand was watching the interaction and it all hit her like a wave again. Harry fucking Styles was standing in front of her. The men both turn to her as she stands up and she gives a weak smile and mumbles “I forgot I needed to text my assistant, m’sorry I’ll be back.” before speed walking behind the curtain and booking it to her dressing room. She quickly flips the “Do Not Disturb” side of the sign on the door to show and closes the door behind her, her breathing accelerating. 
She barely makes it to the couch before bursting out in tears.
Y/N couldn’t really put a finger on whether or not they were tears of joy, sadness, embarrassment, or a combination of all 3. She’s pretty sure it’s the latter though. She slips her heels off and lies on the couch, her hands over her face with not so silent cries as she tries to calm herself. 
Meanwhile, both Harry and Jimmy sensed that Y/N wasn’t just going to text her assistant. “Do you think- do you think I said something maybe?” Harry quietly asks the late night host as they walk behind the curtain and into a quieter hallway backstage. Jimmy simply shakes his head before locking eyes with Harry. “Have you seen any of the videos where she talks about you, Harry?”
He shakes his head no and the older man pulls out his phone, doing a quick scroll of his email before finding video file and opening it. “A couple of interns here made this combination of all the times she talked about you in her interviews.”We were gonna play it as you were coming out but her manager said it would be too embarrassing.” Was the only preface Jimmy gave before clicking play.
Y/N stood in an elegant emerald colored gown just off the red carpet, all done up for her first big movie premiere. An interviewer stands in front of her, holding a mic that the woman was moving between herself and Y/N. “So Miss L/N, we need some juicy secrets from the “It-Girl” herself. Who’s your celebrity crush?” Y/N looks at the floor, a shy smile on her face as the quietly says “Harry Styles.” The interviewer’s eyes widen and she chuckles a bit. “I feel you honey, what do you like most about him?” Y/N purses her lips slightly before speaking again. “Um, everything? I think he has a really good heart.” The interviewer makes a joke about how she likes his eyes instead and Y/N laughs, but anyone could tell it was forced. 
The screen begins to play another clip. 
Y/N is sitting on a couch with her co-stars of a movie she did a year ago, dressed in a classy blush colored suit, and they’re all playing a game with some other talk show host. “Let’s see who knows Y/N the best now, shall we?” The host asks, and looks down at the cards in his hand. “Who is her celebrity crush?” And almost immediately all of her friends were jotting down their answers on a white board. “That was fast,” The host laughs, as does everyone else. “Okay everyone, flip it around.” ‘Harry Styles’ was written on every single board. “Oh my god.” She smiles wide out of embarrassment and puts her face in her hands. 
It reminds Harry of what she did when she first saw him.
“Y/N! Looks like you’re absolutely smitten with Harry Styles, aren’t you?” The host asks, and before she could even open her mouth, a co-star of hers was already speaking. “She’d play his songs in her trailer in the morning, full volume, and sing them as loud as she could. It was a good way to wake us all up.” He jokes, and everyone laughs at that. “Whenever he’d post a photo on instagram, or tweet something, I’d see tears in her eyes.” Another co-star speaks up. The audience laughs again and she looks to them. ‘I’m serious! Y/N absolutely adores him.” By this time Y/N’s face was out of her hands and she was sinking into the couch. “Are you embarrassed, Y/N/?” The host jokes “Of course not, well I didn’t want to get absolutely exposed, but I’m not embarrassed to be a fan, could never be embarrassed to be a fan of him, he’s… he’s amazing.”
The phone then fades into yet another clip.
This time, Y/N is sitting in a stool, doing the Wired Autocomplete Interview, and she tears off the second paper of the question, “Is Y/N L/N…” . “Is Y/N L/N,” she reads and the paper catches after the word “dating” is revealed. She looks up at the screen, a twinkle in her eyes as she shoots a close-mouthed smile at the camera. She turns back to the board and rips the paper off, struggling a bit and laughing, until it’s revealed. “Is Y/n L/N dating… Harry Styles”  She bursts out laughing, her free hand clutching her stomach.
Harry frowns a but at this, and he didn’t feel like thinking more about why.
 “Um,” She begins, “Sorry, I just- do I really talk about him, that much? S’a bit concerning.” She mumbles to herself. “Yeah, no, I’m not dating Harry Styles, he would never. Though, I like how people think it could be a possibility, thats quite funny. I’ll take the… hidden compliment, is that even the right phrase?”
The screen goes to another clip but Jimmy pauses it there and turns off his phone, turning to Harry. “You didn’t do anything Harry, it’s just you being here, she’s probably overwhelmed and-“
“Mr. Kimmel? Jones needs you.” Someone calls out to him down the hall and Jimmy slips his phone in this pocket and sighs. “Sorry, gotta handle this, thank you, for coming.”
“It’s okay,” Harry assures him, “Thanks for having me.” And at that Jimmy rushes down the hall in search of Jones, and Harry stands in the same spot
Harry knows how much he means to his fans, he’s seen them sob at concerts, break down at meet and greets, and when they tell him how much they love him when they run into him on the street. He knows this. But this felt different, for some reason. Maybe it was the burning feeling in his chest when she laughed off how he would never be with her, for what particular reason he has no clue (or just doesn’t want to address it), or how he couldn’t help but pop a dimple when he heard she loves his music. He wasn’t sure.
What he was sure of though, is that he needed to speak to her again, hug her for longer, actually get to know Y/N. So he walked into the main back room, walking down different halls until he came across the one that read “Dressing Room #4” and Y/N’s name scribbled in messy handwriting on the white board underneath. He knocked a little rhythm, and waited.
Y/N was still crying, to put it lightly. Maybe hyperventilating was the right word, because she was breathing quite fast, and there was a steady stream of tears flowing down her cheeks. She heard the knocks and attempted to calm herself down a bit, yelling out a “One second!” Before wiping under her eyes and walking to open the door. “Eliana,” She began, ready to wave her assistant way (not that she didn’t adore her, but Y/N needed to be alone before talking about everything), “Can you come back in like 15 minutes, I’m sorry I just need to-”
Her mouth closed when she saw Harry outside of her door, his small smile quickly fading into a frown as he took in her state. “Y/N I wanted to- are you okay?” He asked, stepping a bit closer, trying not to push any boundaries. When she didn’t respond and he saw her bottom lip quiver a bit, his chest clenched. “Can I come in? Can we talk?” He gently asked, eyes running over her puffy eyes, tear stained cheeks, and disheveled appearance. 
She nodded and he walked in, and she gently shut the door behind him. He turned around to look at her and when his eyes met her’s, she couldn’t take it anymore. She let out a gut-wrenching sob and her face fell in her hands as she shook her head. “I-I’m so sorry, I’m sorry.” She choked out and he stepped towards her, his hand coming to rest on her elbow. “Y/N, please, don’t apologize.” And without thinking he took the last step towards her and wrapped his arms around her, holding her firmly, one of his hands cradling the back of her head. Her hands fell from her face and she held him back, arms wrapping tightly around his torso yet again.
As she cried into his chest, he mumbled a soft, “Breathe for me, love.”, and she tried to get her breathing to match his own deep breathes. “I’m sorry,” Y/N says for the millionth time. “I told you to stop apologizing, Y/N, you haven’t done anything wrong.” He frowns to himself, that burning feeling in his chest again. She reluctantly pulls away, and his hands remain on her arms as her own come up to wipe the tears flowing out of her eyes. 
“You didn’t sign up to be here and have to deal with a crying fan, Harry.” Y/N sighs, finally looking up at him. 
“Hey, I came because I wanted to see you, I’ve seen your movies and I think everything you’re absolutely incredible at what you do, and when Jimmy called asking if I could come to surprise you I jumped at the chance to finally meet you. I know what I signed up for.” He says, his thumbs rubbing the skin of her arms gently.
At his words she let out another sob, her shaking hands coming up to cover her face for a moment yet again. Harry’s eyes widened, he was telling the honest truth, and he didn’t think he said anything wrong. Y/N however, was seeing in person, how king he truly was, and it was just another reality check that the Harry she’s loved for so long really is the same in real life; it was too much to handle. “Thank you,” She sniffles, looking up at him again, meeting his piercing green eyes. “I just, I’ve adored you for years, still do, and I never thought I’d meet you, even after I started getting ‘known’, I always thought you were like, too perfect to be real, and now you’re here and you’re real, and y’know when you meet a celebrity who seems so sweet in interviews and all that but they turn out to be an absolute prick? It’s not like that, you’re the same person I’ve loved over a screen, I- you’ve been my inspiration for fucking years and I don’t know. It’s just a lot.” 
Now her hands were on his arms and they stood there for a moment, just looking at each other.
“M’not perfect, Y/N.” Harry says softly. Y/n chuckles a bit, glancing to the side before meeting his eyes yet again. “I know, I know the ‘nobody’s perfect’ crap, but if you’re insistent on it, then I think you’re the closest thing there is to perfect, Harry.”
His cheeks turn pink at her confession, and a small smile weaves its way onto his face. “Thank you,” He finally says, before bringing her into another hug, this time her arms wrapped around his neck, and he bends down a bit to hold her tighter. “For everything you said, seriously, you’ve got no idea how much it means t’me.” He admits, still reveling in her touch. She slowly pulls away, noting in her head that he never seems to be the one to let go first. “Of course, wouldn’t say it if it wasn’t true.” She smiles weakly, still drained from all the emotions flowing through her. He just smiles at that, before his hand drags down her arm and he hold her hand, wordlessly pulling her over to sit on the couch. 
He doesn’t let go of her hand as they sit quite close facing each other. “Do y’wanna hear a secret? It might make you feel better.” He suggests, cursing himself for being willing to do anything to see her smile fully. “I wish I could lie and say that it’s something I wouldn’t know, but I think I know a bit too much about you.” She says, letting out a small laugh, and he does too. “I promise you don’t know this.” He mumbles.
“Okay, go for it.” She says, holding his hand a bit tighter. 
“Well, after you bolted here, Jimmy showed me a few of your interviews, and I wanted to tell you that you’re my celebrity crush too.”
Her jaw drops and her eyes widen, a face that looks eerily similar to when she saw him for the first time just an hour prior. “You saw my interviews?” She gasps, her voice cracking at the embarrassment of him seeing her shamelessly confessing her love for him about a million times. It was safe to say she didn’t hear the rest of his confession.
“That’s what you’re focusing on here?” Harry laughs and raises a brow at Y/N.
“What else is there to focus on,” She groans, taking her hand out of his and burying her face into her hands yet again. “I can’t believe Jimmy showed you that, I’m never coming on this show again.” 
Harry grins, a dimple popping as he gently wraps his arms around her wrists, pulling her hands off her face. “Did y’hear what I said after that?” He asks softly, his eyes bring into her own. She shakes her head “no” in response and he takes a quick breath before telling her yet again. 
“I said, you’re my celebrity crush too. I’ve watched everything you’ve been in and I think y’are absolutely amazing, and I would be lying if I said I didn’t think you’re beautiful, inside and out.”
Y/N’s jaw drops for the thousandth time that night. 
 “You’re fucking with me.” She deadpans, her face blank and mind swimming with emotions.
He frowns and squeezes her hands. “M’not, swear to you.”
She shakes her head in denial. There’s no way she was Harry Style’s celebrity crush. Not in a million years would she ever think those words would be spoken, much less even thought of.
“You don’t believe me?” Harry asks, his head tilting a bit to the side.
“I believe tha you’re just too nice and you feel bad for me, so that’s why you’re telling me this.” Y/N admits to him, a sad smile on her face.
“Really?” He asks, letting go of her hands and bringing one of his own to his pocket. 
“Really. I appreciate it, I do, but you don’t have to try and make me feel less humiliated, I think we’ve already passed the point of no return.” Y/N says, laughing a bit.
“Mmm, okay,” He smirks. “Well that just won’t do. May I have your number?” 
She raises a brow as he pushes his phone into her hands, already pulled up on a new contact. She types in her number and “#1 fan” in the name and hand the phone back to him. Harry laughs when he sees the contact name and saves it to his phone, then putting it back in his pocket. 
“What was that?” 
“What was what?” Harry muses, a teasing glint in his eye.
She purses her lips. “Why did you just ask for my number?”
“So I can contact you of course,” Harry smiles. “How else am I supposed to set up another date with you?”
“Another?” Y/N questions, her lips turning up.
“’m a gentleman of course, would never ask you out on a first date over the phone,” Harry calmly explains. “So would you do me the honor of accompanying me to dinner tomorrow night?”
Y/n hesitates, unsure if this was still an ask out of pity. “You can meet me at my house, of course if you’re comfortable, and I’ll order us takeout to eat on my porch.” He continues, getting more exciting as he imagines how the date would go. 
“What makes you think I’d say yes?” She teases and his mouth gapes. 
“Oh fuck off.”
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Watching the Rise of the Titans movie and I'll be documenting all of my thoughts/reactions here. [Spoiler Warning]
So instead of reblogging every new update, I'm just going to have this post up on my phone as I watch and type my reactions in a bullet list format.
Nari's human disguise is so cute. As someone who does have a cottagecore aesthetic, I want to cosplay her so bad
Are Skrael and/or Belroc non-binary coded? Regardless, I'm also obsessed and I want to fuck Skrael and be Belroc.
STEVE CARING ABOUT JIM BEING HURT YESSSS!!! My god his redemption has probably been one of the greatest there is because he doesn't just suddenly go from being a bully to a completely good person. You can see the gradual shift in learning better throughout the shows which is awesome.
The mugshot montage reminded me of season 1 of trollhunters when toby and Jim were arrested at the museum.
STRICKLER PUT A RING ON IT??? HE'S THE ONLY DILF IVE EVER ACTUALLY AGREED WAS HOT WYM I CAN'T HAVE HIM??? well I'm still really happy about his arc over the series probably one of my favorite character growths.
Eli my guy got his growth spurt!!! As an 18 year old who is still 5'0", I'm happy but envious for him
So I went into this movie without watching any trailers or promo, but I doubt anything could have prepared me for the existence of mpreg. In fact, I wasn't going to document my reactions until I saw that.
The coach teacher just called the kids zoomers so I have to dock one point from my final rating just because of that. Unforgivable
Those husky animation models suck lmao
Oh fuck the titans got power ranger zords!!
God why did they include the mpreg??? This movie would have been perfect without it.... After that plot point being revisited only one time I'm already beyond done with it
Like it's bringing me back to the v*ltron days where they're was a suspiciously high amount of klance omegaverse and mpreg fics and art created and it physically hurts because Steve and Keith's voice actor is the same person meaning this is especially cursed to me since I was unfortunately in the v*ltron fandom and remember all of that
But like on another note, how old are these characters again??? I haven't checked any wikis because of spoilers but is Steve an adult??? I know aja might be technically a lot older than 18 because alien but is whatever age she is equivalent to an adult as far as emotionally and physically in Akaridion development??? IS THIS A TEEN (M)PREGNANCY IN A KIDS SHOW????
Like bruh I saw a singular post on here before going into the movie that was like "rott spoilers without context" and there was a pregnant belly but I was absolutely not expecting the actual context of it. I'll find the post after I finish and edit this post to tag the creator right here: @makoden
This entire post is just gonna be me ranting about mpreg huh
Anyway I love the whole roundtable allusion to the legends of king arthur (not the toa version but the one he's based off)
THERE'S 3 TO 5 BABIES????? I need to take a break bruh this is just too much
Alright I've taken a 30 minute break got some food and did some things i love (decompressed by tactile stimming with some owl plushies and watched some videos on my favorite owl, Garu. He lives in Japan with his owner and is a domesticated eagle owl who basically just acts like a sky cat. If anyone else needs some eye bleach, here is their YouTube channel)
Blinky and ARRRGHHH!!! saying their "if one of us doesn't make it" talk my god one of them is going to die I can see it and I will be utterly crushed. Jim can't lose another father figure and Toby can't lose his wingman again I will riot if this happens
On a similar but unrelated to the movie note, can we just talk about how toa started with Jim having 0 dads and (if strickler and blinky live to the end) will end with 2 dads? Like I just really feel happy for him that he has two dads who actually figured out how to put the past behind them to not have any infighting between them so that both of them are healthy father figures. Jim has already been through literal hell and back losing his actual humanity in the process so if he loses one of them, I'm going to be really pissed because at this point, this is just Jim torture porn. Y'all know how as SpongeBob SquarePants went on, the show just became Squidward torture porn? It's starting to feel that way for toa and I really hope they cut the shit by the ending
Jlaire is such a good ship but like I feel like it's too perfect they never disagree with each other
YESSSSSSS Someone finally doesn't treat toby like a fat waste of space who messes stuff up!!! I think out of all the characters that would have been most deserving of a rewrite, it's Toby. Sometimes I just feel he's only comic relief and any heartfelt moments he's had in the series was also born of stupidity (ie his flour baby project being unharmed was seen by him as divine intervention from his parents but was actually just Eli and Steve behind the scenes).
Ohhhhh yesssssss Archie's father!!! I was hoping I'd see him again because we got so little of him last
Ooooooooooh Asian trollmarket!!!!!
Oh never mind slavery trollmarket
Bruh titanic camelot
I feel like we're not seeing enough of the villains because I completely forgot about the power ranger zord things
WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh thank God I don't want to know anything about that person
For the record, I call that man Jim's sperm donor because he has no business being called a father to him. All he did was donate some swimmers to the creation of him and give him abandonment issues
Oh another blind troll elder???? This fucker is just if vendel was a bad guy
Bruh I was grieving
PACIFIC RIM WITH GUN ROBOT VEX AND THE BELROCZORD? I've never seen that movie but I know the reference
Bruh Blinky doesn't read horoscopes? Does he realize conspiracy theories are just the manly version of horoscopes?
Oh thank God he's okay
oh never mind they're just gonna coup de tat I believe in them :))
But I want to see him again
But I'm glad to see vex
Yay they're in arcadia!
But yeah I wondered why the trolls and Merlin didn't keep the whole "daylight doesn't hurt trolls" feature from the eternal night but now Guillermo del Toro I see you were playing the long con in that just to kill my girl Namora :(((
Oooooh I love the animation of the Narizord over Chihuahua!! It looks very good and realistic (if only they could have put some of that into those huskies from before smh)
Bruh the character designs of the arcane order are so good I want to be them
Nari making sure the Skraelzord doesn't crush the bus
Bruh I'm just glad we finally have an answer on why arcadia had everything going on as opposed to literally anywhere else!! I always found that as a weird coincidence for plot convince.
Oh that's real convenient that the ninth configuration meant all of them. Way to not decide which character gets more attention. Though it probably was a smart way to not have any infighting in the fandom between each character's stan group.
Bruh I just realized where is Barbera did they just ditch her on the Camelot ship???
And where are the other trolls that migrated at the end of trollhunters s3? They said something about new jersey but obviously Jim and the other main characters got on Camelot instead.... This feels like a plot hole
And we never learned the process of how changelings are made and bonded to humans and stuff. We just know it's super painful but I'm curious ffs!!!!
Plus the main audience for this series is little children (the rating for the movie is literally TV-Y7) so even though my adult ass is not in the target audience, I STILL DONT UNDERSTAND WHY WOULD MPREG AND ANAL BIRTH WOULD BE AN IMPORTANT THING TO 7 YEAR OLDS???? THIS IS A LITERAL FETISH HIDDEN IN KIDS CONTENT ITS ELSAGATE ALL OVER AGAIN Y'ALL 😭😭😭😭😭
Though it's probably hypocritical of me to think fetishes don't belong in kids tv when I've openly admitted to thirsting for strickler and namora
Alright good job just missed the directions at first but you fixed it
SEVEN KIDS?????????
T O B Y ????????????
TROLLHUNTER TOBY????? You know what forget the whole rants I had on how toby was written they just redeemed it all
And that's all! I'd rate it a 6.5/10 because it's definitely the weakest of all the sequels but still had amazing animation and some good plot points. It's just really hard to look over the bad stuff enough to rate it any higher.
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gb-patch · 3 years
Ask Answers: January 17th, 2021 (Part 1)
More ask answers! It’s gonna be a lot today, so we’re splitting it into two.
i love Cliff and Kyra's relationship so much ?? even though they had issues they managed to work things out and remain friends through the years! it's so refreshing over the narrative of people resenting each other after they break up.. im kind of curious tho , do they see each other strictly platonic now or is there still something lingering?
Aw, I’m glad to hear you like their relationship. Their feelings are very platonic now. Kyra views him as an ex and co-parent and then a friend as time goes on. Cliff does struggle not to think of her as still his family, even though he’s not romantically attracted anymore. But he’s knows it might be crossing a line to be that attached to a woman who divorced him and so he tries to let her just live her own life.
Can i ask just how tall Cove exactly is in Step 3? And will he be even TALLER in Step 4? My short heart cannot handle this. (Also this game is absolutely flawless and I haven't been able to stop thinking abt it since I played. Planning on getting the dlcs soon, y'all did SO WELL!!!!!!!!!) 
Haha, thank you very much.
Step 1: 4'1 feet Step 2: 5'4 feet Step 3: 6'0 feet Step 4: 6'4 feet 
Hey! So, I know Steam is having its fall sale/boxing day sale or something so i was wondering if you guys were gonna participate in that?? I was thinking of buying XOXO Droplets (the extended version) but i didnt want to do anything before there was a potential sale. May seem like an odd question, but I was genuinely curious. I can't wait to play the full game when i get it tho :D
I’m afraid we have some things we wanna fix in XOXO Droplets before really promoting it/pushing it with sales, so for now it won’t be participating in Steam sales. Hopefully we can update it soon.
Hello I'm still trying to get the CG for Step 2-3 and didn't see or get it when I told Cove of the deal in the Dinner moment like your guide says. I got the achievement but no CG. Is there another choice I'm suppsed to make after telling him?
Make sure you go back to the house with Cove after he leaves and don’t stay in your living room.
* don't be suspicious* *don't be suspicious*  ...Hi, there's another way to pay for the Our Life +18 dlc besides Patreon? Patreon have very limited payment options and I've been struggling with the platform. Anyways, thanks for the amazing game I hope I could support any way ^u^
Haha, right now there isn’t anything specific, but once it’s finished in a few months we’ll look into other hosting sites.
do you think we can get another our life dlc plzzz i would pay so much for it <3 i want to see their life together when they have kids or pets or just live with the two of them and i really want them to adopt kids too since jamie is adopted :)
I’m afraid we likely won’t. As much as we love OL: B&A, we’ve gotta start putting our whole effort into new projects soon. Maybe someday we could come back and do special new content, but it’d be quite awhile after all the planned DLCs have released.
How do you delete a save file? 
On PC or Mac you hover over a slot and hit the delete key, or you can go into the saved data folder and delete the files directly. On Android I’m afraid I don’t know. You can save over them with something else, though.
this is like. totally embarrassing and silly to ask but im dying here; i love cove so much i wanna climb that boy like a tree. so basically what im asking here is like. will the nsfw dlc have explicit stuff or is it more like an implied kinda situation? cuz i want some full on nsfw shit im so thirsty for cove and only this can satisfy me
It’s truly 18+ and explicit with nude art and straightforward descriptions of sexual acts. That’s why we can’t release it as part of the main game, haha. I’m glad you’re into Cove~
Hello! I've really been enjoying Our Life and am noticing some animation changes with the update! I just had a question though. In Step 2 we meet Jeremy but I was wondering if he was only meant to appear in Step 2 as a typical mean kid or is there more we don't know? 
Jeremy is a horrible pill in Our Life, but he is also a beloved romance option as a teenager in our other game XOXO Droplets. His personality is quite different once he grows up more. I imagine Cove and the MC would be pretty surprised.
Hi! i absolutely adore our life so far and I can't wait to continue supporting the game with the upcoming dlc drops! i was just wondering if y'all were planning on uploading any art for steam icons/the steam point shop in general<3 
Thank you! And we might. But we’re first trying to focus on making a new game update since there are still some improvements we have in mind.
I hope this question doesn’t come off weird but would Cove be the type of guy to memorize your period? I imagine he’d be the kind of best friend/boyfriend who would keep track of your cycle to support you during it or something like that 
We’d be shy about it at first and avoid mentioning what he was doing, but he would try to keep track of it based on any insight the MC gave him. The longer you’re with him, the more it could be just a normal thing the two openly talked about.
Hi there, how often do you do auditions? I am a voice actor and would love to be part of a project ?
We usually have auditions two to three times a year. Our next planned casting call will be for side character in Our Life Step 4.
Are the 5 moments included in the Derek and Baxter DLCs different from the normal Step 2 and 3 DLC? And will they focus exclusively on Derek and Baxter respectively? I was a little confused when I read the DLC FAQ. Thanks! 
Mostly they’ll be completely new Moments that star Derek or Baxter. Though, for example, Derek’s DLC will allow you to take him to the Soiree. If you go with Derek that will remove your ability to go with Cove in the Cove Step 2 DLC.
Sorry if you've already said this, but how will your character transfer over to the patreon exclusive NSFW DLC?  Can it access your game memory or will you select traits your character showed and choices you made from a list? 
It’s a standalone event that happens for MCs who are in a relationship with Cove and have been dating him for a while. Other details about the MC/their dynamic with Cove will just be picked in the event itself. It won’t try to take data from a specific save in the actual game.
I love your games, but currently only have an Android. When will you put your other games on android? 
I don’t know. They might not able to be formatted for Android very well, unfortunately. We’ll see how much time we’ve got later this year to try figuring it out.
Thank you so much for all the questions :D
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harcove · 2 years
I am so weak for xyx's voice you have no idea like I had to take my headphones out on multiple occasions and just like,, Collect Myself after certain lines cause holy shit
All the VAs absolutely KILLED IT, idk how you feel about bad ends but damn if the plot of the BEs in this game don't break your heart the voice acting sure will, no joke I was Sobbing when I played them in the original version,, I haven't had the courage to play them in the new version yet (I've heard xyx's is Bad)
-bp anon
(i'll answer this one with both asks instead of doing both so my followers dont kill me for spamming with asks- wHICH IM GONNA DO ANYWAYS PSYCHE LMAO SORRY YALL)
I won't even lie to you, i like- have always been a VERY pick person when it comes to otome games?? I started playing them WAYYY back like 10 years ago now almost- (i was like 11/12 LMAO) and I started with these like otome games on mobile from the company Voltage (dont get me started on how much I hate voltage inc now) but then I got into things like Hakuouki and Amnesia Memories, etc. and I was VERY picky about how art looked, how voices sounded (if they had voice acting that is) and shit like that-and I still kind of am; but I took a break from otome games for a while ig and played Our Life (if you havent played that one- damn its an AMAZING free one too) and started to appreciate the love and attention that goes into the indie/lesser known otomes over the mainstream big company otomate ones or aksys- (i still love those too i mean i just bought fuckin Cafe Enchante so) but like my whole point of this tangent is just that- I still worry about like how voice acting will sound, etc. in these games but this definitely isn't disappointing me; it sounds so good!! the voice actors are doing such a good ass job! (xyx calling mE DOLL AND BABE?? AAHHAAH HE LLOOO??)
I'm a SLUT for bad endings in otome games ngl- I LOVE ANGST even if it hurts me, but at the same time im like "they're about to ruin my boys arent they?" so like- im SCARED lowkey; i also feel like going back to the VA thing for me- sad scenes/bad endings are really where voice actors thrive so i GOTTA do them to hear it now-
xyx... bad ending here i come - when i do ur good ending first tho aha (on like a scale of like 1-10, 10 being holy shit that is so fuckin sad im crying rn and will be for a while, how bad are the bad endings? im so curious as to what they're gonna be like since this game just feels so cute so far- even tho rn im getting some sadder vibes off of xyx)
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ssamie · 3 years
nine. “partners in crime and suicide”
kozume kenma x fem dazai!reader
(bsd x hq)
tw: mentons of suicide & breaking into arcades
masterlist.        suicide freak!
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"thank you for having us!" fukurodani exclaimed as they bowed. it was the end of their three-day practice match, and fukurodani was about to leave and were waiting for their bus. 
"hey hey hey!" bokuto called out. he waved his arms around, trying to get y/n's attention, all while akaashi quietly stood beside him. 
she chuckled and jogged over to the boy. "hey to you too, bokuto" she mused 
"y/n-chan! im gonna miss you!" bokuto said dramatically as he wrapped his beefy arms around her 
"i'll miss you too" she laughed "i'll be missing your awesome spikes, bokuto!" bokuto beamed from the praise and hugged her even tighter. "i know right! my spikes are awesome!" 
"you're too nice to him, y/n-san" akaashi commented 
"yeah, he's been thriving off your compliments for days" konoha snickered as he walked past  "he'll probably be down in the slumps once he can't hear you cheering for him anymore" 
bokuto pouted and rested his cheek on top of her head. "you're all so mean~" he whined 
"oi, oi, oi!" kuroo called out "bokubro, hands off our manager!" he glared playfully 
"no way!! join our team instead, y/n-chan!!" bokuto cried out as he squeezed her even tighter and swayed her around. "we already have two managers, bokuto-san" akaashi says as he tried to peel his huge arms off of her 
"we can have three!" bokuto countered 
"you can stick with two." kenma interjected. kenma stared him down, not talking nor blinking, silently waiting for him to let the girl go. 
"r-right!" bokuto smiled nervously. he let her go and sheepishly avoided eye contact with kenma. 
"kenma~" she cooed as she slithered her way towards him. "let's go out later" she suggested 
"where?" he asked 
"its a surprise, of course!" she exclaimed with a grin 
"you're not gonna kill me, are you?" 
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"this is surprisingly nice.." kenma says as he pokes his mochi with his chopsticks 
y/n was sat across from him, a cup of tea in hand as she placed her mochi on his plate. "right? this is the usual restaurant the agency goes to" she said with a small smile 
kenma nodded and looked out the window as he chews on the sakura mochi. his cat-like eyes watched the cars and people pass by the streets. it was nearing night time, and the sky was slowly darkening, causing the street lights to turn on. 
"so, y/n.." he trailed off 
"hm?" she hummed back 
"why-" kenma stops himself, subconsciously letting out a tired sigh as he watched her pour some suspicious liquid into her drink. 
"what the hell are you doing?" kenma deadpanned as he watched her happily mix the contaminated tea. 
"shh! let me have my moment, kenma-kun!" she shushed him she giddily grasped the cup and brought it up to her lips. 
"y/n, stop that!" kenma exclaimed as he took the drink from her hands 
"what did you put in this?! it smells like death in a washing machine!" kenma gagged. he scrunched his nose up as he poured it out the window, emptying the cup before placing it back beside him, so she couldn't reach for it. 
"kenma! that was my suicide potion!" she cried out childishly 
"your suicide potion?" kenma deadpanned "that's stupid. please don't-" 
"dont worry though, i brought an extra one just in case!" she exclaimed "although it's just the chemicals so it'll probably sting my throat a bit" 
"how about you don't drink anything at all" kenma sighed. he shoved a mochi in her mouth and snatched the small bottle from her. 
"i thought we came here to have a peaceful meal, not so i could watch you die" he said "plus.. there's something i've been meaning to ask you" kenma said "but you just ruined the moment." 
"aw! are you finally agreeing to the double suicide?!" she asked with a huge grin. she took his hands in hers and intertwined their fingers together. "is that why you took the drink from me?" 
"you wanted to drink it together, didn't you?!" 
kenma shook his head and stared at their hands. more specifically, her bandages. "i wanted to know why you wore these bandages all the time.." he muttered 
he looked up to meet eyes with her. though, he soon panicked and frantically bowed his head in apology "i-i mean, if that's okay with you!" he shrieked "it's totally fine if you don't wanna tell me.." 
kenma gulped as she continued to stare at him with her (e/c) eyes and an unreadable expression. she then chuckled and pulled her hands away, stuffing them in her pockets as she leaned back on her seat 
"well, why do you think i wear them all the time?" she mused 
"um.. for injuries?" kenma replied, though he wasn't so sure of his answer 
she hummed and nodded along, not confirming nor denying it. 
"um, maybe for style?" he asked "though, you'd look perfectly fine without them" he said 
"would you like me not to wear my bandages?" she asked him 
"um well, no" kenma shrugged "i think it'd feel weird and new if i saw you without them" 
"maybe you just like bondage." she suggested with a straight face 
"i what??" kenma spluttered as a soft pink hue covered his cheeks "where did that come from?!" 
"i dunno, kenma-kun" she shrugged "maybe the reason you like seeing me in bandages so much is because-" 
"i don't wanna hear it." kenma groaned 
"also.. ʷʰᵒ ʷᵃˢ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᵍᵘʸ ᵗʰᵉ ᵒᵗʰᵉʳ ᵈᵃʸ?" he muttered bashfully 
she raised an eyebrow curiously as she asked him to repeat the question. 
"i asked.. who was that guy the other day?" kenma said much louder, much to his embarrassment 
"oh." she mumbled. just then, an evil grin formed on her lips as she giggled tauntingly. "oya oya~ why do you ask, kenma~" she teased as she poked on his cheeks 
"i- no reason, okay!" kenma exclaimed
he puffed out his reddened cheeks and looked down on his lap, letting his hair cover his face as he tried to ignore her teasing remarks "i just heard that he was your 'old partner' and i got curious" he said
"and how did you hear that, hm?" she smirked "were you spying on me?" 
kenma paled at the realisation of his slip up and groaned "well no- okay, kind of.." 
"we were just curious so we followed you.. but we stopped after you left the cafe" he admitted 
"hm, well his name is chuuya" she said with a fond smile "he's like a tiny chihuahua, and will probably bite you if you touch him" 
"oh.." kenma muttered "you guys seemed close..does he work for your agency too?" he asked 
she chuckled and shook her head. "no, no. quite the opposite of that, actually" 
"we're just old friends, i guess." she shrugged "we met at my old job"
"your old job?" kenma raised a brow "i kind of can't imagine you doing anything else, to be honest" 
"i mean, i wouldn't have believed you even worked as a detective if you didn't tell me yourself" he said with a soft laugh 
"well then, would you like to guess?" she asked with a smile. kenma blinked back, nodding as he pondered over his answer "well, i guess you could've been a.." he trailed off 
"um.." kenma groaned in frustration. he stared directly at her face, trying to think of a job suitable for her and her personality, though nothing came to mind. 
"dont bother burning your brain out, brat" a voice chimed in 
"yeah, y/n's old profession is still a mystery to us" another voice said 
kenma, along with y/n, looked back at the door to see kunikida and atsushi entering the cafe 
"oh! atsushi, weren't you aiming for the reward?" she chuckled "watch out, kenma might guess correctly before you!" atsushi panicked and rushed over to their side "was he close to the answer?!" atsushi shrieked 
"nope! but you can join the guessing game if you want!" she exclaimed with a cheeky grin 
"gladly!" atsushi exclaimed, pulling out a chair and setting it between them. "but just for context.." atsushi trailed off "the reward is still in tact right?" 
"yup! 700 grand for the correct answer!" she said with a laugh 
"700 grand?" kenma muttered "is the answer really that hard to guess?" 
"YES! THE ONLY PERSON WHO PROBABLY KNOWS IS RANPO-SAN AND-" atsushi cut himself off as he finally got a good look of kenma ".. youre that boy she's been obsessing about.." atsushi sweat dropped 
"y/n-san.." atsushi sent her a knowing glare, which she responds with an offended scoff 
"you hurt me, atsushi" she sighed "i asked him out, and he said yes! i didn't force him this time!" 
"what do you mean 'this time' ?" kunikida scowled "are you really pestering the poor boy?" kunikida said "sometimes it's like you're asking to be hit" 
kenma blinked as he watched them interact, slowly starting to feel awkward as the man in glasses continue to scold her while atsushi went back to guessing. 
"writer?!" atsushi guessed "nope!" 
"researcher!" ; "nooo!" 
"journalist!" ; "boo!" 
"fortune teller!" ; "wrong!~" 
"interpretor?!" ; "non, non~" 
"its all too random.." kenma commented as he, too, tried to think of the right answer 
"actor?!" atsushi shrieked "no! but.." she trailed off, placing her hands on her pink cheeks "that's flattering!" 
"y/n.." kenma muttered out. he reached over the table to tug on the sleeve of her coat. she screamed internally from his adorable act and faced him "yes?" she asked 
".. i wanna go to the arcade" kenma said with a pout 
she, quite literally, had to slap her chest repeatedly as she felt her heart beat faster. "kyANMAAA! YOU'RE SO CUTE!" she squealed "of course, we can go!" 
"well then, atsushi-kun, do you yeild?" she chuckled as she picked up the check from the table "well, i can't think of any more.." atsushi sighed defeatedly 
"then you can take our check!" she exclaimed as she sent him a cutesy smile. she shoved the bill into his hands and skipped away to the exit with kenma's hand in hers 
"wait! i don't have any money-" 
"bye-bye~" she waved as she closed the door 
"now then, let's get to that arcade" 
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"y/n this is closed." kenma said with a sigh. they were currently standing infront of an arcade, obviously already closed, after walking for about half an hour 
"i know, kenma-kun! no need to state the obvious" she mused. she licked her lips as she continued fiddling with the lock, brows furrowing from concentration as she picked it open with a simple hair clip 
"so then why are we here??" kenma grumbled "we could've went to other ones that were open. and it's getting really late, you're lucky my parents aren't home for the week" he said 
"silly boy, it's not closed if the door is open, right?" she chuckled as she pointed to the arcade doors
"i wha- did you pick the lock?!" kenma whisper shouted  "this is illegal! we're literally breaking in!" he hissed out as he tried to run away 
though, she simply grasped his wrist and pulled him inside. "its fine, kenma! we'll just leave a note to the owner" she laughed carefreely "besides, it's not that big of a deal! we'll still pay for tokens!" she said with a smile 
kenma worriedly tiptoed inside, squinting his cat-like eyes as he tried to adjust to the dark. he slightly winced as bright, and colorful lights suddenly turned on. 
"oop- i found the power switch!" she announced "now then, what game should we play first.." she hummed to herself as she eyed each game
"this is it. i'm gonna die. we're gonna get arrested and i'll rot in the prison. thanks a lot." kenma chanted out. he nervously sat down on the seat infront of the screen which showed 'tekken' 
(bro i've never played that game before, and what do you call those huge metal box things with the games in arcades wtf ♀️)
 "i got tokens!" she exclaimed as she sat on the one across him.
"this is so wrong" kenma said with a shake of his head though despite that, he still reached out for the token and continued to play. 
after some time of pretty much trying out each game and tiring themselves out from the DDR machines by performing some embarrassing choreos. 
"okay, i kinda want that one" she said as she pointed to the cat plushy "why? there's one here that's so much bigger" kenma said as he pointed to the kuromi plushy which looked like it could swallow them whole 
"this cat looks like you." she defended "im gonna name him kyanma, won't that be cute?" 
"plus if we get this, we'll have enough tickets to get that game you want" 
staying true to her word, they didn't break or steal anything. so technically, they didn't commit a crime, right? well, only if you scratch out the breaking in part.. but that's okay. they had fun and that's all that matters, alright? 😃
"fine.." kenma mumbled as he plucked the plushy and the game off the shelf 
they threw the tickets on the counter, flashed the cctv cameras one last peace sign, and left. 
"i can't believe i just did that" kenma muttered out with a laugh "but it was fun. thanks for that, y/n" he smiled at her 
she blinked and stared at his side profile as they continued their walk home. "it was fun, yeah.." she chuckled 
"so.. how's it feel?" she mused "first crime in your record! do you feel like a misunderstood punk teen now?" 
"no, i feel like a criminal." 
"same thing!" she beamed with a grin 
she locked their arms together and gripped the plushy with her free hand, letting it dangle by her side as they walked "i just realized something.." she gasped 
kenma raised a brow and side eyed her "what is it?" he asked 
"we're now officially partners in crime and suicide!" 
"sure" kenma chuckled 
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