#it isn’t until august but it requires careful planning in advance
fingertipsmp3 · 2 years
Ah yes, my favourite time of year: the time when we figure out what the hell to get my grandma for her birthday
#it isn’t until august but it requires careful planning in advance#the woman is.. particular. about her tastes. and she is VERY vocal if she doesn’t like something#yes even if it’s a gift#she can legit be so rude.. she told the sales assistant in a car dealership ‘i don’t like coffee from these places’#like ma’am what the hell does that MEAN#but she’s also the only reason i have any level of financial security. she helps me out a lot and i do love her even though she’s ridiculous#so we (me and my mom) have got to figure out what to get for her. especially since my uncle (only other descendant) is useless#he is going to give her a card and some random item someone gave him that he doesn’t want. guaranteed.#best case scenario is that it might be edible. worst case scenario it’s a repeat of the ugly bird clock incident of 2020#(my granddad got rid of that thing by giving it to a recently bereaved neighbour. as if they didn’t already have enough problems)#anyway. so my usual go-to is to buy her jewellery of some kind but i’ve sort of bought myself into a hole with that#because she absolutely loves the bee necklace i bought her for mother’s day last year and hasn’t stopped wearing it since#and she also keeps wearing the opal earrings from christmas. so i’m a bit like.. what do i do now#my mom suggests ‘book’ but my grandma reads more than anybody and neither of us volunteer at the library anymore#so we can’t find out What she’s reading without committing a comedy heist or possibly bribing my old supervisor#i’m in favour of picking a random slightly lesser-known murder mystery author; or maybe buying her the new ruth ware since we know for sure#she’s never read ruth ware & she’d probably like her & also she can’t physically have read a book that’s not out yet#so. that. and probably some dark chocolates from her favourite chocolate shop#and i might knit her a case for her glasses since she really liked the one i made for mine and was making a huge fuss of it. idk though#i just want to do right by her since my uncle is an idiot and also she’s literally just bought me a trip to america. so.#i’ll think on it#personal
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blackjack-15 · 4 years
Hunting For Some Buried Story — Thoughts on: Ransom of the Seven Ships (RAN)
Hello and welcome to a Nancy Drew meta series! 30 metas, 30 Nancy Drew Games that I’m comfortable with doing meta about. Hot takes, cold takes, and just Takes will abound, but one thing’s for sure: they’ll all be longer than I mean them to be.
Each meta will have different distinct sections: an Introduction, an exploration of the Title, an explanation of the Mystery, a run-through of the Suspects. Then, I’ll tackle some of my favorite and least favorite things about the game, and finish it off with ideas on how to improve it. Like with all of the Odd Games, there will be a section between The Intro and The Title called The Weird Stuff, where I go into what makes this game stand out as a little strange.
If any game requires an extra section or two, they’ll be listed in the paragraph above, along with links to previous metas.
These metas are not spoiler free, though I’ll list any games/media that they might spoil here: RAN; STFD; mention of FIN; GTH; mention of SPY.
The Intro:
We’re two-thirds of the way through the meta series officially (yay for meta #20!), and what a way to cap off that marker: with the last of the Odd Games.
And my land, how Odd it is. And that’s ignoring that in August of 2020, this game was very quietly discontinued — speculated to be because of the…well, pseudo-brownface in the game.
Oh yeah, we’re starting with that little bomb.
Before we truly begin, however, let me state one fact: the controversies over this game do not make it any more interesting, unfortunately. I don’t know how a game can be both this objectively bad and this objectively boring as a mystery, but RAN is an example of many, many impossible feats in the video game industry (boring yet bad, controversial yet uninteresting, finicky yet sluggish in controls, so it might as well begin as it means to go on.
I’m also stating here for the record that I’m not really going to focus on the social aspect of this game; it’s always been out of the scope of these metas to focus on current events or social issues, and race is such a hot button issue that no matter what anyone says, someone gets mad. Besides that, it’s really not an interesting tack to take with this meta, not when there’s so many things to talk about regarding RAN as a game and/or as a mystery. If you came into this meta expecting a breakdown as it relates to any social issues, this might not be the meta for you.
If you came for a beat-down on RAN, however, you’re in the right place. Get comfy.
Ransom of the Seven Ships had all the pieces in place to make it a great game; we’ve got Bess and George in the (weird, plasticky) flesh, a fascinating and beautiful location, a historical background based in Spanish exploration, the Age of Piracy, and treasure hunting…all of these are great, honestly, and it’s part of what makes RAN so offensively bad — it could have been really great.
Instead of a wonderful game based around pirate treasure, however, Nancy plays games with monkeys, drives on the world’s slowest golf cart, and trusts the only other person on the entire freaking island when he says he didn’t kidnap her friend. Even though he is the ONLY OTHER PERSON ON THE FREAKING ISLAND.
This game is based off of a Nancy Drew mystery entitled “The Broken Anchor”, which actually is fairly close to the plot of the game — the girls win a contest (though in this case it’s one they didn’t even enter) to go to the Bahamas, Nancy arrives (with Carson) and can’t contact Bess or George, there’s a mysterious treasure, etc. etc. In part, I think, RAN’s problems come from following the book too closely, as there’s really very little to the plot of the book. Game plots necessarily have to have a little more meat to them, as you can’t spend the whole time with Nancy pontificating on the scenery or food (as she is wont to do), and RAN is missing a lot of meat.
Specifically, the meat that it’s missing is any suspects at all. Like I said, there’s only one other person (other than Nancy, Bess, and George) on the island, and it’s ‘Johnny Rolle’ — a self-professed fisherman and loner who’s boat has been wrecked by the monkeys.
There are way too many effing monkeys in this game, side note. How I wish the monkeys were a side note.
Nancy, despite her normal M.O when a kidnapping of a friend has taken place, just kinda rolls with his story and accepts it, digging pointless holes in the sand while he definitely has Bess trapped. And then there’s the weirdness with the monkeys trying to kill her as she scales a sheer cliff wall.
Honestly, if I go any more into it, I’m just going to end up tearing it apart piece by piece, and that’s for the Fix section. So let’s move on to the specific things that make this game truly the capstone of the Odd Games.
The Weird Stuff:
This game is, first and foremost, a story about personal revenge — or, at least, that’s the big takeaway, no matter what HER actually intended for it to be about. After being busted by Nancy (and Lillian, and Ralph, but he apparently doesn’t care about them), Dwayne sat in prison stewing over his ignominious defeat at the hands of a teenaged sleuth until he heard about the supposed treasure on Dread Isle. His greed for the treasure combined with his hatred of Nancy began to fester together, culminating in a slightly complex but ultimately stupid plan to get both money and revenge.
This is a motivation unlike any we’ve encountered. Sure, a handful of Nancy Drew villains have sworn their revenge on Nancy (most notably at this point in the series Helena from VEN), but no one has actually done it — until Dwayne.
This should have made the whole game feel intensely personal — and indeed, bringing back tokens and things from Nancy’s past cases and locations should have built to that. However, the game never really comes to a fever pitch of a feeling of someone is watching Nancy and actively hates her, even though it makes a few attempts. More than any other game, Nancy should have been scared here — and it’s odd that she isn’t.
The second odd thing here is the returning villain. I don’t think this is a bad thing at all — I love the idea of a returning villain — but I do think it was a mistake to pick Dwayne Powers. At this point in the series, STFD was hardly a well-known game, and was generally unplayable due to technological advances.
Yes, later STFD would get a bit of a sprucing up and become playable again (and this game, funnily enough, would be relegated to the ‘unplayable’ pile — Dwayne never can win, I guess), but that didn’t matter at the time that RAN was coming out.
There were several better choices — VEN’s Helena, SHA’s Shorty, DOG’s Emily (who had already received a mention recently in DAN) — so why go with Dwayne? Did they pick him on purpose because no one would suspect (or rather, remember) him? Was he the most obscure villain they could think of? Mitch Dillon (who never appeared really) from SCK would have been an equally obscure but somehow more frightening choice. I’m really at a loss to figure out why they chose Dwayne, of all people.
The third thing that makes this game odd is the lack of suspects. Sure, they give a hat-tip to the Gibsons perhaps being hidden on the island (which, let’s just say, they shouldn’t have — never use as a red herring something that would have made the game so much better), but Dwayne/Johnny really is the only suspect.
I have no idea if they were rushed, if they thought that his different identities counted as extra suspects, or if they just wanted to try something different with this game, but it in no way worked. It’s so mind-bogglingly simple to figure out who kidnapped Bess that it makes Nancy look like she’s quite a few sandwiches short of a picnic.
The last Odd thing that I’ll hang on is how incredibly out-of-character Nancy is in this game. We’ve only seen Nancy work kidnapping (or supposed kidnapping) cases a few times in the series as a whole — FIN’s Maya, RAN’s Bess, and GTH’s Jessalyn — but in both FIN and GTH Nancy takes them very seriously, being harsher and more impatient with less time for people’s lies and stories than she usually is, and really feeling the pressure of the clock.
It makes sense; even discounting the Missing Mom trauma that sits deep within Nancy, the first 48 hours of a kidnapping are basically the only window that she has, statistically speaking, to find the victim still alive and okay. She nearly flies off the handle at the suspects in FIN, and digs uncomfortably deep even at very touchy subjects in GTH.
It then stands to reason that, with FIN in the past and GTH in the future, that Nancy would react similarly in this case. Bess is one of Nancy’s best friends, and the friend that we’re shown most often (think of the flashback in SPY; Bess is the one who comes over after Kate and Carson’s fight) around Nancy, like in CRY.
You’d think that, in the face of Bess’ unambiguous kidnapping, that Nancy would be raising hell — contacting anyone she could, taking no prisoners, ripping Dwayne’s tarp down, turning the island upside down, etc. — but instead, she’s calm, almost relaxed, spending time playing games with monkeys and driving aimlessly around the island.
It honestly makes no sense that she’s like this. This is one of a small handful of games where Nancy is deeply, personally invested, where she has a quick running clock, and where the stakes are deadly yet somewhat unknown.
Nancy comes into this with no background, no contacts, no ability to really look things up, and no help — George’s meager efforts do not count — and yet she acts like there are really no stakes. It doesn’t make me dislike her, it doesn’t make me fold that into her characterization — it just makes me say “wow, the writing is really bad here, huh”.
The Title:
Ransom of the Seven Ships is an amazing title; there’s really no getting around this fact. And for the bare bones of the game, it’s more than a suitable title. You’ve got the word ‘ransom’ doing double duty — meaning both treasure and the price to return someone who’s been kidnapped — you’ve got the ships indicating pirate treasure, and that also tells us we’re probably on an island.
Honestly, this is a far better title than this game really deserved (which is half the reason for this meta: turning the game into something that deserves its title). It’s certainly far better than “The Broken Anchor”, its source material, while keeping a pirate-y nature about it. While it’s a little different than most Nancy Drew games’ titles have been up to this point — as they’re usually “The (Adjective) Noun of Location” or “The Adjective Noun”, that’s not a bad thing at all.
This title really does make me sad with how wonderful it is. It deserved so much better. Same with Ship of Shadows, which is also boss.
The Mystery:
Having won an all-expense paid vacation to Dread Isle in the Bahamas (which should have been their first clue that something hinky was afoot), Bess invites Nancy and George along with her. Nancy arrives the day after the cousins, having stayed for a later flight because of a prior engagement with Carson, and is greeted by a frantic George who tells her that Bess has been kidnapped, that the owners of the resort – the Gibsons — aren’t there, and that she’s been worried sick.
  Nancy, naturally, senses something Amiss, and sets off to explore the islands, beginning from the pink sand beach where Bess’ water powered golf cart (yes, I know) is still sitting. She discovers Bess’ shoe next to the only other person on the island — a fisherman named Johnny Rolle from Jamaica — and sets off to explore the rest of the island.
Along the way she finds notes from Bess’ kidnappers, instructions on digging for treasure, twisting island paths, and monkeys. So many friggin monkeys. All of whom Nancy must appease in order to progress in her hunt for one of her oldest friends.
As a mystery…well, what is there really to say about the mystery? It should have been over the second Nancy found Bess’ shoe right outside Dwayne’s camp where a Suspicious Tarp Just Big Enough To Hide the Body of a Young Adult was hanging. An intelligent way to draw it out would be to have Nancy discover Bess there, but for Dwayne to pull a fast one on her and trap her below…but this isn’t the fix section, so let’s just move on past that.
If you weren’t going to add in any new characters or suspects, it might be best to have this game flip from a whodunnit to a howdunnit/howcatchem after the first third; as it is (aka since I’m going to add far more characters in The Fix section), we’ll move right along to the suspect in question himself.
The Suspects:
Yes, I know that this part should just be “The Suspect”.
Believe me, I know.
Wearing a whole cornucopia of masks, Johnny Rolle — aka John E. Poole — is an Australian accountant, hiding from ‘bad clients’ by painting himself brown and adopting a horrible (and horribly stereotypical) Jamaican accent. Nancy discovers his ‘true’ identity by finding an ID with his name on it while he’s still in the ‘Johnny’ disguise. Of course, this ‘true identity’ isn’t his true identity as all…
Dwayne Powers —aka Owen W. Spayder — is sitting underneath the bad wig, bandana, brownface, and horrible accents, and is voiced in this go-around by HER’s chameleon of many voices, good ol’ JVS. After hearing about Dread Isle’s rumors of treasure and their monkey research lab shutting down from a volunteer at his prison (yes, we’re already way too complicated for this game), Dwayne started planning to get the treasure and get revenge on Nancy at the same time.
As the culprit…man is Dwayne horrible. He’s so stupid that it really kills me that Nancy actually falls for his act, because it makes her even stupider. It’s not a good plan, it’s not well thought out, it’s not even a complete plan — it relies on too many unknowables. What if Nancy and George had just stormed his camp and found Bess? What if Nancy figured out it was him? Like, I know Dwayne is an egotist, but this is just dumb.
Before I eviscerate any more, let’s just move on to the few good things in this game.
The Favorite:
The best thing about RAN (other than its music, which as always is super good) is honestly its location. Dread Isle is beautifully and uniquely rendered, and doesn’t look like any other game with the pink-sand beaches, beautiful horizon line, and foliage all befitting a Bahamian resort.
I also like the idea of a returning culprit; while it wasn’t handled well here, I do think it’s a great idea as quite a few culprits have promised revenge on Nancy at the end of their games. Do I think it would have been better if it was Helena, who promised revenge only 2 games ago, rather than going back 18 games to a game that most hadn’t played due to lack of availability? Of course; but the idea behind it was sound.
I don’t have a favorite puzzle or favorite moment; even Dwayne’s dramatic reveal is ruined by the fact that Nancy is at all surprised that he was wearing a disguise and, once again, that the only other person on the island was responsible for kidnapping her friend.
The Un-Favorite:
As far as this section goes…there’s a lot that I don’t like, but there are a few things that stand out more than the rest as truly un-favorite.
My least favorite thing about this game, as you might be able to guess, is that it makes Nancy seem so stupid. We’ve had 19 games of Nancy (mostly; this meta series does go over the exceptions) figuring out clues, chasing bad guys, and solving puzzles without breaking a sweat, and then for this game she’s fooled by some makeup, a wig, and a bad accent? At least in STFD Dwayne put some effort into his work; this is just sad, and it’s even sadder that Nancy falls for it.
My least favorite moment in the game is probably the first conversation with ‘Johnny’. Nancy finds Bess’ shoe, gets strung up in a trap, and then believes that the guy sitting a few feet away is innocent and telling the truth? It’s a moment that truly sets up what a crap shoot this game is about to become, and that alone is enough to make it my least favorite.
My least favorite puzzle is anything to do with the monkeys; playing games with them, scaling the cliff, talking to them, talking about them — literally anything. I don’t like monkeys on a good day, but to have so many puzzles in the game revolve around playing their stupid little games with them? Not a good thing at all. Especially since getting around the island (and, of course, the monkeys live quite far away from anything else on the island) is so aggravatingly slow and clunky — it makes everything feel like a total slog.
The Fix:
So how would I fix Ransom of the Seven Ships?
My gosh, just remake the game.
More seriously, there are quite a few things that I would do in order to make playing through RAN a little more enjoyable and a lot more story-driven (and in line with Nancy and George’s characters). As always, I’m trying to keep this as close to the actual game as possible with few or no huge changes, so Dwayne will still be our culprit, Bess will still have won his giveaway, and Dread Isle will still be the spot of El Toro’s treasure.
The first thing I would do is get rid of Dwayne’s brownface/first disguise, and have him be the Australian accountant named John E. Poole, running from Bad News clients who he didn’t allow to cheat come tax day. That sets him up as a good guy to begin with (if a little foolish to cross such powerful clients), and gives a reason why he’s not staying at the resort (he’s trying to hide and not leave a paper/money trail at the same time). He should be staying in a little homemade hut, not with a Suspicious Tarp Obviously Hiding Bess, as he would have had to been on the island for a while to perfect his disguise (and seem trustworthy to the people at the resort).
I would also have the game take place on Nancy’s 19th birthday; if we assume she was barely 18 at the time of STFD, that makes it about a year that he would have been plotting and escaping and setting up this contest and such. It also makes sense as to why Nancy would have a banquet-thing with Carson and why Bess invited her and George — it’s a fabulous birthday party trip, even for the well-off Nancy Drew. That would also add to her anger — this was a great present that Bess (and George) gave her, and Dwayne has just straight-up ruined it.
Another change that would help the atmosphere is to have at least half the game take place at night. I would have the game take place over roughly two days — it ends the night of the second day — so that you can see the island at night. A lot of the demands made by ‘the kidnappers’ should be done at night — treasure digging, in particular — so as to not be more disruptive to the island than a missing persons case would already be.
Of course, one of the biggest things to do would be to add more suspects.
The Gibsons — both of them — should definitely be there at the resort. I’d have one half of the couple be in the resort during the day, and the other at night, so Nancy can interact with them both differently and have different tasks/discussions with them. Perhaps Mrs. Gibson is an expert on the island’s ‘lore’ — El Toro’s treasure and stuff — while Mr. Gibson is more up on island life and is the law enforcement liaison for the island (who can effectively deputize Nancy to help with the search for Bess).
I would also add one other guest who was supposed to check out right before the first note from the kidnappers came in, and is now stuck on the island until the case is solved. What I’d probably do is make them a Secret Australian (to contrast with Dwayne’s fake Australian accent) — sporting an English accent due to a posh upbringing and studying in England for most of their school life, living in England somewhere (maybe near Blackmoor Manor for a cool Easter egg) — who is Very Grumpy about this and thinks Bess ran off to explore and just got lost. I’d probably make them unhelpful to the last — even when Bess is found and had definitely been kidnapped, to just shrug it off and to board the plane to get home as quickly as possible.
The last person I’d add in is someone working the desk — specifically, an older teenager who is very cagey about themselves and how they know what they know, but who seems to know a lot more than they let on. This person would, of course, end up being a member of ATAC, and once Nancy figures it out, would be able to connect you with help from the Hardy Boys. This ATAC member would be scoping out the Gibsons for evidence of getting guests under false pretenses, but would ultimately change their suspicions to Dwayne and help Nancy and George catch him. Through this ATAC teen, the Hardy Boys could use outside information to give Nancy information about monkeys, the island, treasure, El Toro, and anything else that she encounters, as well as spread their feelers out about the Gibsons, the other guest, and John E. Poole.
I would of course want to improve the tone, which would be helped by having more people on the island — Nancy should feel scared that Bess disappeared with this many people around, and it should feel personal. As the game goes on, even with the added help, the walls should feel like they’re closing in. I would include way more second chances, traps, threatening notes, maybe even recordings of Bess screaming or scared or in pain — something that might push the rating to E+ because, quite frankly, the situation calls for it.
Mechanically, I would put way less focus on the monkeys; they really shouldn’t control everything on the island. Keeping them for a minigame and location is cool, but they definitely shouldn’t have their place of prominence in the game.
I would also remove the fact that you can control George. Out of all the games where I think controlling people other than Nancy would be great, this is not one of them. As worried as Nancy should be, this is George’s cousin — practically her sister, from how close their families are and how much time they spend together — and George would probably be in a State. Sure, she can help with some of the tech stuff, but the player definitely shouldn’t be playing as her in this game. It just feels forced, and it’s not necessary.
Would these changes make RAN a fantastic, award-winning game? No, honestly, they wouldn’t. In order to do that, you’d probably have to scrap the game entirely and start over with even barer bones. But I do think it would help to make it at least better and more playable, and I think that’s a win. Let RAN be remembered for its returning villain and its kidnapping plot, not for being the game that everyone skips during a replay of the series.
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your-dietician · 3 years
Child tax credit 2021 FAQ: Payment dates, opt out deadlines, IRS portals, eligibility rules
New Post has been published on https://tattlepress.com/personal-finance/child-tax-credit-2021-faq-payment-dates-opt-out-deadlines-irs-portals-eligibility-rules/
Child tax credit 2021 FAQ: Payment dates, opt out deadlines, IRS portals, eligibility rules
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The monthly child tax credit payments will go through the end of 2021. 
Sarah Tew/CNET
In just 12 days, parents who qualify for the child tax credit can expect to see their first advance monthly installment of $250 or $300 per kid. An array of new IRS resources are now giving families what they need to prepare, including some online registration tools to check eligibility, payment amounts and options to unenroll from the monthly payment program. 
If you’re not typically required to file a tax return because your income doesn’t meet tax-filing requirements, you’ll have to move quickly on using the new IRS nonfiler tool or preparing a tax return. Overpayment for the child tax credit is something else you’ll need to keep an eye on — a real (but hopefully uncommon) situation that could have you owing the IRS money next tax season. 
Another useful tool to help you plan or budget in advance is CNET’s child tax credit calculator, which gives you a payment estimate based on the number and ages of your kids. We’ve compiled some information on how parents might want to use money and how to claim up to $16,000 more for your child care costs. This story has been recently updated.
When do the child tax credit payments go out?
The first thing to know is you won’t get your child tax credit payments all at once in 2021. Unless you tell the IRS you want to unenroll from the advance monthly payments, you’ll get six checks in 2021 and one in 2022. The second thing to know is that half of your total child tax credit payment will come this year, with the other half as part of your tax refund in 2022. 
So in other words, your largest single payment arrives next year. Until then, you get six smaller payments this year to start using right away. The idea is to bring you money sooner, which is why the checks will start coming in 2021 as “advance payments.”
Child tax credit payment schedule
Monthly Maximum payment per child 5 and younger Maximum payment per child; 6 to 17 July 15: First 2021 check $300 $250 Aug. 13 $300 $250 Sept. 15 $300 $250 Oct. 15 $300 $250 Nov. 15 $300 $250 Dec. 15: Last 2021 check $300 $250 April 2022: Second half of payment $1,800 $1,500
What does it mean to opt out of monthly payments?
You aren’t obligated to receive the advance monthly child tax credit payments this year. Instead, you can choose to get one payment in 2022, and the new Child Tax Credit Update Portal will allow you to do so. You may want to unenroll if you’d rather have one large payment for a projected expense in 2022, or if you’re concerned the IRS might overpay you this year and you don’t want to be saddled with an outstanding debt later. However, if you haven’t unenrolled yet, the deadline to do so was June 28, so you’ll still get the July 15 payment. You can still opt out of the August through December payments.
What are the IRS child tax credit portals for?
In June, the IRS opened more online tools and portals. The first portal is for people not normally required to file an income tax return, including low-income families. The new Child Tax Credit Eligibility Assistant tool helps families quickly determine whether they qualify. 
The latest Child Tax Credit Update Portal currently allows families to view their eligibility, manage their payments and unenroll from the advance monthly payments. It also now lets parents update their direct deposit information. In coming months, it will allow families to update other information if their circumstances have changed: for example, if a new child has arrived or will arrive in 2021 who isn’t reflected on a 2020 tax return.
What if a payment doesn’t arrive on time?
One thing to keep in mind is that the IRS is targeting the payment dates (see above). If you have direct deposit set up with the IRS, you might see a pending payment before the actual closing date. That means you might not be able to access the money right away, but that it’s in process.
It could take longer for your payment to arrive if you’re receiving the check by mail, or in the form of an EIP card. If enough time has passed and you’re concerned there may be a problem, you can use the IRS web portal to correct information. You’ll also want to make sure you let the IRS know if you moved (not just the US Postal Service).
Now playing: Watch this: Child tax credit: Everything we know
How are child tax credit totals determined for each kid?
How the payments will be divided between 2021 and 2022 might be confusing. For each qualifying child age 5 and younger, up to $1,800 (half the total) will come in six $300 monthly payments this year. For each kid between the ages of 6 and 17, up to $1,500 will come as $250 monthly payments six times this year. 
The IRS bases your child’s eligibility on their age on Dec. 31, 2021, so a 5-year-old child turning 6 in 2021 will qualify for a maximum of $250 per month. For both age groups, the rest of the payment will come with your 2021 tax refund when you claim the remainder of the credit in 2022. 
If your dependent is 18 years old, they can qualify for $500 each. Dependents between the ages of 19 and 24 may qualify as well, but they must be enrolled in college full-time. Here’s more on the financial details for qualified dependents. 
2021 child tax credit maximum payments
Ages 5 and younger Up to $3,600, with half as $300 advance monthly payments Ages 6 to 17 Up to $3,000, with half as $250 advance monthly payments Age 18 $500 one-time check Ages 19 and 24, full-time college students $500 one-time check
Will new babies qualify for the child tax credit?
If you have a baby in 2021, your newborn will count toward the child tax credit payment of $3,600. Children who are adopted can also qualify if they’re US citizens. You’ll be able to update the IRS on a new dependent when that aspect of the Update Portal is made available. 
What can families do if they don’t normally pay or file taxes?
Payments will be automatic for those who filed their 2020 tax returns by the May 17 deadline (or those who claimed all their dependents on a 2019 tax return). But what if that’s not you? Parents who didn’t file taxes should use the new IRS tool, called the “Non-filer Sign-up tool,” to get their money, even if you’re not usually required to file. This will let the IRS know your income level and how many dependents are in your household who count toward the child tax credit benefits. 
You could also file a tax return to get the full monthly child tax credit payment you’re owed. The IRS is offering information about free tax days in major cities to outreach to families who still need to file a 2020 return. 
Could the IRS send too much in a payment? If so, then what?
Since the IRS uses your 2019 or 2020 tax return, your family may not qualify for the child tax credit payment when you file your 2021 tax return in 2022. In this case, you may have to repay the IRS some or all of the credit. The child tax credit rules aren’t as flexible as the stimulus check rules regarding overpayment. One example of when this would happen is if you and the other parent of your child (who is not your spouse) were both paid for the child tax credit for the same dependent.
To avoid this tax inconvenience, make sure all your information is updated before the payments start arriving. The new Update Portal will let you make adjustments in the coming months to verify your new income and marital status. 
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The larger child tax credit can help families that have faced financial hardship due to the pandemic. 
Sarah Tew/CNET
What are the income requirements to qualify for the credit?
Income limits determine how much you will receive and if you even qualify, though there is no limit on the number of children you can receive credit for as long as you’re eligible. 
The amount you’ll get will phase out for people with higher incomes. Single filers earning more than $75,000 per year, heads of household earning more than $112,500 per year and married couples earning more than $150,000 a year will not be eligible for the full amount. Your child tax credit payments will begin to phase out by $50 for every $1,000 of income over those threshold amounts, according to Joanna Powell, managing director and certified financial planner at CBIZ.
Can parents with joint custody get child tax credit payments?
For the first two stimulus checks, some parents who shared custody of a child but weren’t married to each other were entitled to each claim money for the same child. That was only if they alternated years for claiming the dependent — in other words, if one parent claimed the child on their taxes in odd years and the other claimed the child on their taxes in even years.
This is no longer allowed for the third check, and we’re told it won’t work that way for the child tax credit payments either. Here’s what we know so far about the child tax credit and shared custody situations.
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cursedtm · 4 years
UPDATED BIO/STATS. carrd will be updated <24hrs. posted here for your convenience. trigger warning for suicide.
FULL NAME. august lenora singh-erriksen. BIRTH NAME. name withheld. ALIASES.
octavarium “o” no last name given (2014-). alternatively: OCTAVARIUM.EXE and OCTAVARIUM.CMMD
 oberon “o” sweetwater (2031-2049). oberon, for their mother anita’s love for the shakespearan play midummer’s night dream. the name further signifies o’s character as they are known to be: cunning. mischievous. reign of tricksters. possessing the thought that they can do whatever they want when they want and knowing exactly how to do so. for their two sides.  sweetwater, an ode to their mother, dr errikson’s involvement in its development. serves as a warning given the nature of the circumstances surrounding the creation of the alias.
 LORRY V.156.43
> the alias OBERON is twenty four years old.
> the alias OCTAVARIUM does not exist on public records and remains undisclosed to the public.
> august singh-errikson… retrieving data…
> in relation to the paucity of understanding encircling the duality of human – machine age when inquiring for data listed “physical age,” sufficient nor accurate data cannot be given.
> hypothetically, if user august errikson had not alienated to anomaly fifteen point three nine point x, in which system creator dr errikson had transferred user august from their biological body into the MODEL OCTAVARIUM SERIAL #730 008 002, august singh-erriksen would be at the physical age of 53 during december of 2058. however, the statistics for this variation does not correlate to pre-existing health condition: aggressive osteoblastoma occurring age nine leading to severe bone degeneration by age sixteen, leading to inevitable death at an approximate age seventeen with appropriate treatment. approx. death is age thirteen due to variant one point x three – lack of appropriate health care due to financial issues and healthcare policies. system configuration highly advises for readers to be aware that this data may be inaccurate for the current path and its future variations of august singh-erriksen. please contact dr errikson or DELOS inc. for further explanation.
AGE AT DEATH. fourteen.
CAUSE OF DEATH: suicide. exsanguination.
> system advises that this data is not currently known to officials and under the us death records august singh-erriksen had past away during the system malfunction of a host throughout the westworld pre-opening stockholders soiree. this incident also records the murders of delos stockholders, dr errikson and dr ford, leading to a mortality rate of 113. system further advises that the correct date of deaths for both user august and system creator dr errikson does not corelate to the us death records and is in fact incorrect and occurred three years and forty seven days prior to the date recorded.
AGE OF REBIRTH. fifteen.
AGE OF APPEARANCE. twenty five. variations in relation to alias are sufficient to change.
SPECIES. human – machine hybrid. cyborg, however, this is yet to be a scientifically approved term.
ETHNICITY. korean.
> the alias OBERON is a dual korean and british citizen.
> user august singh-erriksen was a united states citizen.
GENDER. nonbinary. PREFFERED PRONOUNS. they/them strictly. SEXUALITY: bisexual (bisexual is inclusive of trans identities)
DATE OF ADOPTION. 17th of march 2013. AGE AT ADOPTION. ten years old.
BIRTH MOTHER. name withheld at request. BIRTH FATHER.  name withheld at request.
> the user august was of united states nationality. > the alias OBERON is of korean nationality.
D.O.B. august is of 12th of december 2003. P.O.B. august is of san antonio, texas.
EDUCATION. august has acquired high school diploma. attended internship with robotics engineers dr ford, dr weber and ai specialist dr errikson. internship terminated after ten months for unknown reasons as requested by dr ford and dr weber upon the leave of dr errikson. home schooled from adoption under dr singh and dr errikson, furthering their knowledge of robotics, ai theory, intellectual technology, english, creative writing and international laws. noted: an advanced learner. understood relevant principles for ai, it and robotics in minutes. lacked fluency in english, laws and writing theory as noted by dr singh, adopted parent.
> the user OBERON “O” is a technologist hired for INCITE as per request of liam dempsy, co-CEO of INCITE, in the years 2049-2055 shortly after the pair met at a party in 2049. this was after serac froze jean mi after convincing his brother that his fiancée (o) left him for greed (2048) when in fact he, serac, forced o into the first instance of INCITE’s reconditioning therapy (2047). the goal o possessed in this instance was to gain control of rehoboam, mirroring delores’ in 2058. this, in both instances, proved futile. the reconditioning o was exposed to in the years prior sought to be constraining on their grip of self and memory, slipping in and out, and therefore was their downfall in gaining control and executing their initial plans, leading to their third loop.
> the alias OBERON is a minor stockholder in INCITE. the alias holds <2% of company shareholds as a gift from liam dempsy, co-ceo and minor controller of rehoboam. in specific, oberon holds majority stocks in INCITE’s failed reconditioning therapy in mexico. the gift in and of itself has no real meaning and is useless for any financial benefit. however, they are the only stocks vital for o’s initial planning.
> the alias OCTAVARIUM is a major silent stockholder and silent director in DELOS inc. after accumulating the majority after the westworld massacre which saw stocks plummet (54% in the year 2019). amongst these stocks, o has distributed the stocks between thirty six people, of whom are active directors that act in o’s absence. whatever these stockholders, previously incomers living below the poverty line, chooses to do with their power is up to them, only until it isn’t. this is the terms of the contract they signed with the unknown o.
> the alias known simply as “o”, works alongside brothers engerraund and later lover jean mi serac, to aid (and thereby unknowingly – to the brother’s knowledge - sabotage) the serac brothers into creating failed prototypes sol and david whose goal is to predict and guide human behaviour (2029-2031). the goal to sabotage was to prolong the system’s purpose until o could find a use for it in their plans.
> “o” created the implant and its discs that correspond with the successful prototype solomon and its successor rehoboam. o’s disks and implants aid solomon in feeding the system updated information on the day to day decisions of the users in order to further predict their future outcomes – thereby predicting the course of humanity’s fate. the data is also anonymous syphoned by o to feed them information which is needed to formulate the accuracy of their plan.
DISKS and its daily ingested IMPLANTS help control a human’s bodily and mental behaviours. they regulate sleep, moods, senses, blood levels, hormones, surrounding technology such as home security (requires subscriptions), etc.
o’s disks and implants have become a systematic norm in society as it progresses thanks to INCITE’s influence over government procedures. those who neglect to activate their implant nor ingest discs are systematically doomed to fail and, due to their lack of jobs, healthcare, food and housing in association with their turned off implant, die.
> this allows o to create an application called RICO, an app that allows degenerates – those who are lower class and either cannot afford to keep their implants on or chooses to keep them off (in other words, people who are invisible to rehoboam – to engage in illegal activities warranted from and paid from anonymous sources. INCITE is under the impression that o conceived the program in order to allow INCITE the ability to engage reconditioned outliers to hunt the unconditioned ones who lie a threat to rehoboam’s plan. while the program does run under this purpose, the initial purpose was to allow o to hire anonymous and untraceable users to aid in conducting miscellaneous missions which help advance their plans, unknown to INCITE’s eye.
> it is later discovered by engerraund serac, after his knowledge of o’s true nature since forcing them under solomon’s experimental reconditioning therapy, that he takes control of o’s shared stocks in INCITE and DELOS. here, upon exposing the truth of o to jean mi, engerraund discovers from jean mi of dr ford’s library of guest data, knowledge that is only known by o and the ceo of delos.
LANGUAGES. infinite. subject to the delos mainframe.
HEIGHT. 166cm. WEIGHT. 52kg.
EYES. obsidian. HAIR. tidy but long. black. well kept. black. BODY. small. lithe. titanium. built to withstand.
FACECLAIM. jung jaewon. VOICE CLAIM. ashe.
SIBLINGS. none. biologically unknown as parental names are withheld from the system.
> the alias OBERON is a party goer. narcotics veined. dinoysus born. player, brilliant in their works, a low born who managed to outrank the lot of them. a value to INCITE. earnt the respect of the blue bloods by befriending the low self esteem liam stempsy when they were sixteen.  
> o is aggressive. quiet. manipulative. cunning. serves no purpose in interacting with others unless the person is needed to advance their plans. this is met with a personality that contours to the need of the person.
due to the reconditioning therapy, the lines between themselves and the aliases blur.
PHOBIAS.  hemophobia – the fear of blood.
ZODIAC. sagittarius
intjs are analytical problem-solvers, eager to improve systems and processes with their innovative ideas. they have a talent for seeing possibilities for improvement, whether at work, at home, or in themselves.
often intellectual, intjs enjoy logical reasoning and complex problem-solving. they approach life by analyzing the theory behind what they see, and are typically focused inward, on their own thoughtful study of the world around them. intjs are drawn to logical systems and are much less comfortable with the unpredictable nature of other people and their emotions. they are typically independent and selective about their relationships, preferring to associate with people who they find intellectually stimulating.
TEMPERMANT.  melancholic
ALIGNMENT. neutral evil.
ABILITIES: LORRY allows o to similarily manipulate surrounding to their will like delores in s3. however, due to o’s outdated programming and overall bugs, their inability to do so in their current verse makes them as blind as a human in a technological advanced world.
UNKNOWN DATE – DIVERGENCE: DEHLI, INDIA   28.7040°N, 77.1024°E     1.014 ARC DEGREES        
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exactlythatsblog · 3 years
DigitalOcean Review 2021: Is it a good and secure hosting service? | TopReview
What is DigitalOcean?
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DigitalOcean is an American cloud hosting company Launching its first server in 2011? focused on helping developers launch more apps faster and easier. The ultimate goal of DigitalOcean is to use a solid-state drive, or SSD, to create a user-friendly platform that will allow their wealth of clients to transfer projects to and from the cloud, ramping up production with speed and efficiency.
1. Fantastic “Average” Uptime of 99.99%:
DigitalOcean truly dominates in uptime, conveying a normal of >99.99% in the course of the most recent year of observing.
That implies that since April 2020 they just had 14 blackouts and 23 minutes of personal time. The solitary month where DigitalOcean didn’t convey an ideal 100% uptime was April 2020 (with an uptime of 99.96%).
DigitalOcean last 12-month uptime and speed statistics DigitalOcean average uptime | See stats The average uptime for the past 12-months:
March 2021: 100% February 2021: 100% January 2021: 100% December 2020: 100% November 2020: 100% October 2020: 100% September 2020: 100% August 2020: 100% July 2020: 100% June 2020: 100% May 2020: 100% April 2020: 99.96%
2. Lightning-Fast Load Times 268 ms
Uptime is the main measurement to look for while choosing a web to have.
After all — every chime and whistle in the world will not record for a load of bologna if your site is spending extensive stretches disconnected.
Coming in as a nearby second is speed.
Slacking sites should be ‘down’, in every practical sense. Lazy destinations are practically unusable. Your traffic will not spare a moment to bob. In a real sense. A distinction of only a couple of seconds can cost you practically the entirety of your potential site traffic.
Fortunately, moderate speed isn’t something you must be stressed over when joining with DigitalOcean.
DigitalOcean Page Speed Apr. 2020 — Mar. 2021
DigitalOcean normal speed | See details
Their previous year’s normal page stacking time was 268 ms — the quickest we’ve seen!
A nearby second is A2 Hosting with a 285 ms stacking time.
3. Engineer Friendly Product Ecosystem:
DigitalOcean isn’t only a one-stunt horse. Truth be told, their set-up of items offers huge loads of potential for designers.
What are the various choices offered by DigitalOcean?
Happy you inquired.
Drops is a versatile figuring stage that can be tweaked to meet the entirety of a business’ application needs. It likewise remembers add-for capacity, observing, and progressed security.
DigitalOcean drops:
You can pick between standard or upgraded drops and afterward modify them however much you might want. Drops let devs avoid tedious establishment and design to move directly along toward code sending.
Though Droplets is for application sending, Spaces is about straightforward item stockpiling.
We’re discussing a security framework that permits you to store and convey information to applications and end clients. Spaces work under a straightforward cycle, making solid stockpiling with an intuitive UI or API.
Spaces can be utilized to store reinforcement documents, weblogs, information investigation, and considerably more.
The assistance is likewise versatile, so your Spaces can develop with your organization. What’s more — Spaces can be joined with other DigitalOcean highlights, or they can be utilized all alone.
Kubernetes are intended for designers and administrators.
How would you be able to manage Kubernetes?
You can send your web applications for Kubernetes for simpler scaling, higher accessibility, and lower costs. You can likewise utilize these for API and backend administrations.
4. Adaptable Pricing
Although we likewise have it under our cons, we believe it’s quite wonderful that you can really alter all that you pay for — your site stockpiling, CPU utilization, transmission capacity, data set, memory, and so on
It’s actually an extraordinary benefit in case you’re a high-level client and as of now acquainted with precisely what you need, what your objectives are, what you don’t require, etc.
5. Every day Backups
DigitalOcean performs reinforcements every day and you can generally reestablish any information as long as 7 days earlier. Even though DigitalOcean has prevalent uptime, it’s in every case preferred to be protected over grieved!
6. Great Security
Your information and traffic are constantly gotten. This is something that numerous different hosts don��t stress a lot or don’t give. DigitalOcean ensures that your information is secured from start to finish. It’s an incredible benefit to keep those badly-willed associations and infections out of your site framework.
Of course, DigitalOcean has added encryption to its volumes. If you need to add an extra layer of safety, as with the majority of their highlights, you’ll need to go through an instructional exercise, follow the means, and know some coding to succeed.
Cons of Using DigitalOcean Hosting
DigitalOcean began solid, in any case, there are additionally a few downsides that should be noted out.
We should have a more intensive look.
1. For Advanced Users
The characteristic of a really incredible item lies in its capacity, to sum up, its administrations in layman’s terms.
This is something tech organizations, specifically, struggle to fold their aggregate heads over.
All things considered, most tech locales and stages will in general be brimming with language. As in, “uncommon words or articulations that are utilized by a specific calling or bunch and are hard for others to comprehend”.
At the point when one glances at tech items like DigitalOcean, the compulsion to turn to language-based language turns out to be clear. You’re managing a ton of specialized data — a master in the field would be constrained to compose it as far as they might be concerned, and not how the normal individual can get it.
That is no biggie for the high-level, power clients. They’ll get it. It’ll all bode well.
Yet, for the amateurs? No way.
This is a territory wherein DigitalOcean bombs significantly. The site’s duplicate is loaded up with specialized terms and abbreviations with no clarification. They’re obviously showcasing their item to designers explicitly.
In this way, others will battle to sort out some way to move a webpage over, dispatch, keep up, or even develop their site.
In correlation, Dreamhost works really hard of improving the language of their site into terms that a normal individual sees exhaustively.
2. Needs Basic Features Other Consumer Hosts Provide
The most web as we’ve checked on will toss in the equivalent ‘additional items.’ For instance, reinforcements, perhaps a decent CDN, and surprisingly an SSL authentication.
In contrast to other people, because DigitalOcean obliges a further developed group, they don’t toss in a lot of essential highlights that numerous different hosts will give or deal with to you in the wake of joining.
Stuff like:
Free space name with facilitating
The capacity to try and buy a space name
Free site movements
This means they can assist you with a portion of these things. In any case, you shouldn’t expect a great deal of hand-holding administrations when you join.
This really carries us to our next point.
3. Restricted Customer Support
Most facilitating organizations offer some variety of all-day, every-day support.
It may not generally be excellent, yet in any event, it’s something.
Lamentably, DigitalOcean has not at all like that. On the off chance that your site goes down in the center of the evening (which could be appalling on the off chance that you’re managing in abroad business sectors), there’s nobody for you to converse with. You need to go to their site and open a help ticket utilizing their online structure.
DigitalOcean makes ticket form4. Confounded cPanel
As been referenced as of now, DigitalOcean is certainly not for novices. Fundamentally, a cPanel is the thing that you need to assemble your site these days (except if you’re on an acceptable footing with programming dialects).
For DigitalOcean, first and foremost, you’ll need to set up a Droplet of your decision (DigitalOcean workers). At that point you’ll have to introduce the cPanel following a careful guide including embeddings a few code orders (indeed, you need to know some coding), enrolling your record, introducing the execution document, and so on
On top of the wide range of various stuff, you’ll need to buy the privilege from an outsider to utilize the cPanel.
If you have no involvement in coding and how to be an engineer yourself, we recommend, you either recruit a designer (a decent one) or keep away from DigitalOcean and discover arrangements that suit your necessities and abilities more.
The convenience of cPanel is generally instinctive, however, then again — there’s an expectation to learn and adapt and it’s unquestionably not for amateurs.
5. Estimating is Complicated
When you get into the evaluating plans, you’ll head will go dazed with every one of the choices and potential outcomes which you can utilize and overhaul. There are various classifications for data transmission, space, workers (various paces), CPU, security choices, and so on
Essentially put — with DigitalOcean there are loads of approaches to make your month-to-month expense extremely expensive.
Most different suppliers offer 2–5 distinct plans which give you a decent outline of what you get. With DigitalOcean you can modify everything yourself.
It very well may be something worth being thankful for, however except if you’re a high-level client (as referenced over), it’s fairly convoluted and tedious.
DigitalOcean Pricing, Hosting Plans, and Quick Facts
DigitalOcean’s Standard Droplets plan begins at $5 each month. The costs ascend from that point, getting increasingly elevated until you’re paying $80 each month for all the more very good quality administrations:
DigitalOcean fundamental drop prices when you take a gander at the CPU Optimized Droplets, those are beginning at $40 and going as far as possible up to an incredible $720 each month:
DigitalOcean computer processor enhanced evaluating
Speedy Facts
The simplicity of Signup: Quite simple (you can join with email, Google Account, or GitHub)
Free area: Not free.
Cash Back: No. Valuing depends on the pay-more only as costs arise model.
Installment Methods: All significant Debit and Credit Cards, PayPal.
Secret Fees and Clauses: No significant ones.
Upsells: A couple of upsells.
Record Activation: Account actuation is speedy.
Control Panel and Dashboard: Custom control board (with cPanel choice)
Establishment of Apps and CMSs (WordPress, Joomla, and so forth): One-tick installer for WordPress and other applications/CMSs.
Do We Recommend DigitalOcean?
… insofar as you’re an engineer.
In case you’re simply a normal individual hoping to dispatch a web presence, there are undeniably more easy-to-understand items out there that will cost you undeniably less.
For somebody that feels comfortable around the tech world, there is by all accounts no quicker or more profoundly performing item than DigitalOcean.
There are not many downsides yet on the off chance that uptime and speed are the main variables for you, DigitalOcean is among the most ideal decisions available.
Best options for DigitalOcean:
Best alternatives for DigitalOcean:
Bluehost Very Good Uptime | Easy to Use for Beginners | 24/7 Customer Support Read Bluehost review
DreamHost Best Month-to-Month Plan | 97-Day Refund Period | Unlimited Bandwidth Read DreamHost review
Further reading: The 10 Best Web Hosting Services (In 2021)
If you have used Digital Ocean service, please don’t forget to let a review about your experience whit this service for other people who want to use it see you in another article.
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alchemist-shizun · 5 years
Give my love to a shooting star
Read on Ao3!
Word count: 1,936
Pairing: Prinxiety
Warnings: there are a couple of swear words at the beginning.
Summary: During a night of shooting stars that isn't actually the exact one, Roman convinces Virgil to sneak out in the middle of the night to wish upon a star.
A/N: I will give a cookie to the first one that notices the meme reference. Guess who forgot about watching shooting stars on a certain night and wrote this three years later? To be honest I'm not exactly proud of my writing style in this one? It could have been better I guess?? Well, it was literally almost four am when I finished this, so that's the most I could do. (also i have no idea if the night of shooting stars is a thing only in Italy but if it isn't let's pretend for this one time.) That being said I hope you enjoy and I'll leave you to these fluffy pining idiots!
❝ Let your colors burn and brightly burst
Into a million sparks that all disperse
And illuminate a world that'll try to bring you down
But not this time ❞
Virgil bolted awake to the noise of a loud thump he was sure he had heard and that didn't just come from his dream. Then again, his subconscious often found delight in messing with his perceiving.
He looked to his right, noticing an odd source of light from the corner of his eye, only to find it was simply his phone's screen that had lit up.
Had the power just gone out? Was that a thunder that woke him? There was no sign of raining outside, though. An earthquake then? Powerful enough to pull his charger's plug but not violent enough to make him aware of it.
Or maybe he was just too sleep drunk to think of plausible ideas.
He took the phone in his hands to check the time and, before he could even find the strength in his body to push a button, the screen lit up again.
He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he read the most recent messages that appeared on his lock screen.
Why the fuck was Roman texting him at four a.m. and how the hell did he know his name in fucking Cyrillic?
Virgil just scrolled through an entire list of variations of his name in different languages until he got to the bottom of the chat, a single plain line lying on his own text box.
Look out the window, Rapunzel.
After a deep sigh, a single “What?” escaped his mouth. He begrudgingly tore the sheets off of his legs and made his way towards the required location.
When he opened the windows to take a better look of the night outside, he thought he had been lucid dreaming, everything just felt too real and he could have definitely gone back to sleep.
But no, there he was. Roman. Standing in the middle of the front yard, fully dressed like he had to take a trip somewhere. Instead of being in bed, taking time for his beloved beauty sleep.
Smiling like the insane gorgeous bastard he was.
« I could literally sue you for trespassing. » Virgil whispered before Roman could say anything. « And I am really tempted right now. »
« How about, say, you come down here and you leave with me for a resplendent journey? » Roman parted his arms, showing him that trademark detestable smirk that never failed to give Virgil unwanted butterflies to fly around in his stomach. Who had even invited them?
« You've got to be kidding me. It's four a.m. »
« We don't need light where we're going. »
Virgil took a moment to consider. Yep, he was definitely lucid dreaming. Because that just now didn't make any sense.
« I expect you to be out in five, bring your hoodie since it might get cold. Just wear something comfy. »
As much as Virgil had wanted to ignore him and pass out on his bed again, he would have felt too bad to turn him down, so he complied (obviously taking more time than necessary) to the crazy dead of the night plan.
He didn't miss how Roman had beamed at his sight as he got out of the door and approached him and his car.
The ride only took a few minutes and a couple of “I can't believe you're actually making me do this” for them to arrive at their destination.
Even though all Virgil could see was a hill. More precisely, a hill in the middle of the absolute nothingness, where no other human being could be seen.
Roman pretended he didn't notice the puzzled expression on his face as he gently took his wrist and tugged him forward, silently leading the way up the hill.
« I feel like I'm in a teenage romance movie that was given one star by the majority of rating sites. »
« It's because you still haven't sensed the magic of the night. »
« Okay, hold on a sec. » Virgil held his hands up, causing his arm to slip away from Roman's grip.
They stopped, halfway through their climb.
« You've been acting weird all night and I'm too stupid to understand anything right now. There has to be a meaning behind this. »
Roman looked him in the eyes, barely able to recognize the color with only the moonbeam as a source of light. And sometimes that was all it took for Virgil to melt right on the spot.
« You seriously don't know? » despite them being the only ones around, his voice sounded so soft and quiet that Virgil wasn't even sure he had heard correctly.
Seeing that he wasn't going to answer anytime soon, Roman let out a small giggle. Not to scorn him, but mostly because he could understand how the situation might have looked ridiculous out of context.
Virgil didn't realize he was holding his breath when the other paced forward and deliberately took his hands. « Aw, come on Virge. » he started swinging their arms. « The 10th of August. The night of the shooting stars! »
« Uh … I'm pretty sure you just made that up. »
Roman dropped his hands and sighed, a playful smile on his lips. « It's an Italian thing, actually. They say if you look at the sky on the night of the 10th of August, you will see shooting stars! »
Seeing the excitement literally glowing in his eyes, Virgil almost felt bad for ruining the moment.
« Buddy, I hate to break it to you but … it's kind of already the 11th. » he made a face, as if he was bracing for impact while realization struck Roman. A myriad of emotions could be seen on his face, but the most imposing one was the one you felt when everything went downhill right after someone said "well, what could go worse?".
Before he started internally screaming, Virgil tried to restore the previous peaceful moment. « But, » he tentatively took a step forward. « we could ignore that and see if we're lucky, I guess. »
Roman beaming with pure joy was the best reward he could have gotten for saving the situation. « You're not mad I took you here in vain? »
« As I think I've already said three times, it's four a.m. » Virgil resumed his climbing, only to look back at his companion once he was some steps ahead. « We might as well make this count. »
Soon enough, he was reached by a satisfied Roman, stealing furtive glances at his side. And the moment he locked his arm with Virgil he totally did it for safety reasons. What if one of them tripped over and hurt himself? He had to be careful in advance. There was absolutely no other reason.
When heat rose to his cheeks, though, he remembered the balcony bit in which Juliet thanked the dark of the night so that Romeo wouldn't have been able to see her blush.
Not too long after, they made it to the apex of the hill: the lack of street lamps nearby and the cloudless night both contributed to making that the best spot to stargaze.
Roman sat on the grass already looking up at the stars, rapidly joined by Virgil, who shifted the hoodie in his hands.
In no time, both of them were lying down, their arms stretched behind their heads, elbows barely brushing.
« What if we fell asleep? »
« Then we're going to see the sunrise. »
« Don't tell me you set an alarm. »
« Maybe. »
Roman took his phone and earbuds out, holding one for Virgil, who inspected it unsure before accepting it.
He had no idea why he was so fixated on simply stargazing, looking for shooting stars that probably would never show up, but noticing how kind and soft Roman had gotten for the occasion made him feel like a kid discovering the world for the first time. It was an endearing sight and he was not going to ruin that anytime soon.
Virgil relaxed himself, he let one arm on top of his chest while the other one laid beside his head. His eyelids though, they felt heavy, and he was being lulled back to sleep by the calm melody playing in his right ear.
That was before he heard Roman's sudden gasp, before he pointed to the sky and called out his name.
« Virgil, look! »
He opened his eyes, to be met with the remaining of stardust fading away before he could find the shooting star.
Roman turned to the side for a moment and faced him. Virgil wasn't sure if the stardust had actually fallen on Roman and he was now glowing brighter than any constellation or if it was only his sleep deprivation pulling tricks on him.
Either way, he wanted to reach out and brush some off of his cheek.
« Oh my- another one! » this time, he couldn't contain his excitement and took Virgil's hand almost automatically, immediately lacing their fingers together. He brought their joined hands over his own heart, beating at the usual high speed of when adrenaline rushed over him.
Virgil stopped caring how many shooting stars he missed as long as he was going to have that sight for himself only.
There was a moment of silence as Roman stared at the spot where the second shooting star had fallen for them. He sat upright, his earbud falling at his side.
« I've been trying to do this for years. » he admitted, Virgil could hear the smile in his voice.
Roman turned to him. « For literal years I've been waiting for this little opportunity. » it was stupid of Virgil to hope that he actually meant something else. That he meant he had been wanting him for the same amount of time he did.
Virgil saw a third shooting star right behind Roman's head.
Their fingers were still intertwined.
Would it have been stupid of Virgil to make a wish, too?
Roman leaned down at a dangerous distance, placing his free hand beside Virgil's head.
« Did you see that? » his soft voice was replaced by a low whisper, as if he were more focused on the person in front of him rather than his own words.
Virgil fought the will to close the gap and, instead, raised his hand to brush off that stardust from his cheek that made him so stupidly pretty.
He couldn't find it in himself to admit he wasn't able to speak because every aspect of that moment made him breathtaking.
His hand lingered as he felt Roman lean in his touch.
When the leaning started to move down again, Virgil knew he was done for.
A shooting star could've been falling on their heads and he wouldn't have noticed. It wouldn't have fallen harder than they had been for each other.
He couldn't understand the lyrics in his ear anymore.
Roman brushed his lips, savoring the anticipation right before the bliss. Then he melted into it, with small, quick and uncertain pecks at first that grew into slow, soft reciprocated kisses.
As one broke apart, the other pulled him in again, they met halfway, untangled their hands and let them wander on their cheeks, backs, hair.
Both of them were sitting when they were catching their breaths, unable to stop smiling despite how much their faces could have hurt.
Roman gave a quick glance at the sky, before directing all of his attention again to the gorgeous and messy work of art in front of him.
« Did you make a wish? »
Virgil chuckled silently as he started to lean in again.
« I don't think I needed to. »
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siamcomputing1 · 4 years
Update Play Store App
The interest beast said beginning August 2021, the Google Play Console will require all new applications to convey with the Android App Bundle (.aab) plan. Google at first introduced the choice application scattering plan at I/O 2018 and later revealed the approaching necessary need as of late.
As we explained, the target of the Android App Bundle is to lessen the archive size of the last Android Application Package (.apk) passed on to the customer, diminishing the foundation quantify and download time for customers.
Google said that the change to Android App Bundle movement will moreover influence second experiences using legacy Instant application ZIP plan. Beginning August 2021, the chase beast said new second experiences and updates to existing second experiences will be expected to disperse second engaged application gatherings.
From a customer position, next to no will change. In any case, designers and devotee customers may see a couple of differentiations. Android App Bundles will make redistribution on various stages more problematic, while AABs are all the more persistently to actually sideload, which could cause a couple of cerebral agonies.
Google similarly said beginning August 2021, Google Play Console will require all new applications to utilize Play Asset Delivery or Play Feature Delivery to pass on assets or features that outperform a download size of 150MB. Advancement reports (OBBs) won't, now be maintained for new applications. Architects will in like manner be expected to Target API level 30 (Android 11) starting August 2021 for new applications moved to Google Play; at that point, updates to existing applications should target API level 30 starting November 2021.
Preceding right now, Google required all applications passed on the Update Play Store App that sell mechanized product ate up totally inside the application, (for instance, skins in a versatile game) to use Google Play's charging system. This has been a long-standing methodology of Google Play, yet the association says that they have "heard information that [their] technique language could be even more clear as for which kinds of trades require the usage of Google Play's charging system." As such, the association has revived the language on its Payments Policy page to be all the more express about the essential for all serious product to be sold through Google Play's charging structure. (In light of everything, I did a diff between the old portions technique page and the revived page using the Wayback Machine, and it undeniably appears to be like simply the language and not the authentic methodologies were invigorated.)
Google says that "under 3% of planners with applications on Play sold progressed items all through the latest a year" and that "of this 3%, by a wide margin most (practically 97%) starting at now use Google Play's charging." It's fundamental to put these numbers into setting, notwithstanding. There are just about 3,000,000 applications on the Update Play Store App by a long shot the majority of these applications are free and in this manner have no necessity for Google Play's charging system. Regardless, for those current applications that will be impacted by this change, Google is giving until September 30, 2021, to complete their charging system. Any new applications submitted to the Play Store after January 20, 2021, nevertheless, ought to be in consistence with the invigorated standards. At last, for those applications that advanced from offering real product to cutting edge items (because of the challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic), Google says "these associations won't need to adjust to [their] portions methodology" for the accompanying a year.
Various pieces of Google's Update Play Store App rules have not changed. For example, engineers are up 'til now not allowed to prompt customers about better assessing, offers, and elective ways to deal with pay inside the application itself. Regardless, they are allowed to talk with customers clearly through various channels, for instance, by methods for email. Moreover, Google says their procedures "apply comparatively to all applications spread on Google Play", including their own, and that their estimations "rank pariah applications and games using comparative guidelines regarding situating Google's own applications." Google, clearly, isn't direct about their selective request and situating figurings, so these clarifications were likely made considering elevated examination from the press and regulators.
Using Third-Party Apps is Easier on Android 12
Right when Epic Games recorded its case against Google (and Apple), the association tried what they acknowledged to be caution techniques used by Google to diminish the preparation of people to use untouchable application stores. For example, Epic grumbled that the assents that customers need to give contained dissuasive language, and that the weakness to then unobtrusively present and revive applications put untouchable application stores at an inherent obstacle. At last, Epic similarly avowed that Google put forth an uncommon attempt to block the Epic Games Store from being preloaded on phones from OnePlus and LG.
In the current blog section, Google accentuates that clients have reliably had the choice of getting applications from various application stores, anyway that every application store "can pick its own strategy and customer features." for example, Google clearly alludes to how Fortnite is so far open for Android customers that download the Epic Games Store or approach Samsung's Galaxy App store. Regardless, the association will be "making changes in Android 12… to make it a lot more straightforward for people to use other application stores on their contraptions while being careful so as not to deal the security gauges Android has set up." Google hasn't shared decisively what changes they're making to Android, yet we're guessing it'll incorporate another plan of approvals and APIs.
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mochibuni · 5 years
mochi’s adventures with Disney+
If you’re in discord or twitter or gchat with me, you already know this story. But here it is for future reference, probably to sigh a lot about and say Hey Remember When You Talked to Disney Support 7 times in two weeks???
Day 1 and 2: I have a D23 3 year promo plan, I paid for it in advanced in August. If you hadn’t heard, most of us who did this either had our accounts lost day of or were locked out of them. So when I did online chatting (phone calls were taking like EIGHT HOURS to get through, online chatting about 5) they confirmed my plan basically didn’t have an account anymore and gifted me a 30 day free account to use while they worked on attaching my plan to my account.
Though to note, day one my csr went to look something up and took so long the chat auto closed (yes their chats auto close if no one talks in them for five minutes). So I had to start a new chat the next day since it was 9pm when that happened and I didn’t have time to sit and wait another 5 hours to talk to someone.
Day 6: My account was hacked, got an email saying your login has been changed, contact us if that wasn’t you. Called this time and told someone what happened. They told me they didn’t have the tools to fix it and after being escalated through two people, the final person, a manager, confirmed that a back end team had to take care of it (which they called the “fraud team” and should take about 24 hours) and that they were going to set up a 2 factor auth system on my account. When we asked why this wasn’t standard to begin with as, you know, this would have avoided the majority of this issues, the manager said Disney thought it would be too much of a “hassle” to make their customers use an authenticator.
A bunch of other shit happened here, including one of the CSRs attempting to override the account by making up a fake email that starts with a K, asking me multiple times to explain how I knew my account was hacked, and explain why I don’t recognize the email that starts with a C that the hackers put on my account or know the new password the hackers put on my account.
Day 7: Called after 24 hours to see why my account wasn’t fixed yet, got the ESPN help center who confirmed the following:
-Disney is so overloaded ESPN and Hulu call centers are helping them -Disney didn’t provide tools for their CSRs to change emails, passwords, etc and that it requires a manager or someone with authorization for those tools to make those changes. ESPN call center is very confused by this because they have those tools for ESPN and Hulu accounts. -There isn’t a “fraud team.” It’s just managers with access to those tools and because they’re so overwhelmed, it could take up to 5 to 6 days for hacked accounts to be fixed. -I’m supposed to be getting emails and case numbers for each of my support center calls, I haven’t gotten any. -I was supposed to be offered a free 30 day account to use in the interim since it takes them so long to fixed hacked accounts. This also means that until a manager can get to my case, whoever hacked my account can access it as much as they want because only the manager can lock down the account and only the manager can change the login credentials. Day 8: Called back because we didn’t get the code for the new 30 day free account and that CSR made me go through EVERYTHING I JUST TYPED, including making me repeat multiple times how I knew my account was hacked, etcetc. Because they admitted they didn’t want to take the time to read the notes on my account. They gave us the 30 day account code and promised they would ask for all the support emails to be sent to us. -Disney didn’t give their CSRs the ability to manually send or resend emails, she had to escalate our account and request that a manager do it. Day 12: I called to ask for an update on all the issues with my account, including the emails from support I wasn’t getting. HAD TO GO THROUGH ALL OF THE ABOVE AGAIN, on top of this CSR saying he couldn’t verify that I’m me based off the info I gave him, which is the same info I’ve given every CSR (my name, address, and basic cc info), until I got mad and made him read the notes. And then he apologized. -It appears Disney has made it so CSRs can change emails and send password resets now. Or there’s a possibility I ended up with a CSR that had this authorization while others don’t. -Aside from the authenticator being set up (I’ve been receiving multiple emails a day for the last three days with auth codes, so the hacker’s IP has been black listed at least), it appears the email and password were never changed from the hacker’s info. -This may explain why I haven’t received a single. Email. From support. It’s all going to the hacker’s email or the one with a K the CSR set up, which I had to explain to this CSR multiple times weren’t my emails so no I cannot verify them. -So this CSR reverted everything back on my account and when I went to log in I had lost my 30 day trial (which no big deal, that can be fixed) and EVERYTHING IS IN SPANISH. Nothing the CSR did could fix it, so he had to escalate my account AGAIN. I’m still waiting for these emails from support, especially because they’re supposed to email me when my account is fixed and I am concerned since I’ve received 0 emails since this all started. TL;DR - I currently have three free 30 day trial accounts, one of which is in Spanish. Disney+ has a terrible account system, I am beyond confused and shocked at how bad it is.
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Vitamin B-17 Injectables
Throughout the years there have been various blended messages about apricot portions, which contain the dubious nutrient B17 (otherwise called Amygdalin), and their viability in both treating malignancy and keeping it under control. Amygdalin is a particle with four segments - two of glucose (sugar), one of benzaldehyde and one of cyanide. As we know that vitamin B17 is banned in many states but if you are looking for vitamin B-17 injectables in India then we will guide you the website for that.
It appears that the cyanide segment of Amygdalin is the one that either has everybody hitching up their skirts and running for the slopes, or on the other hand, searching for an approach to guarantee it as their very own and utilizing it as a potential malignant growth fix. No doubt when the open eat apricot bits, with the inescapable cyanide segment, it might be hazardous, however when researchers adjust the cyanide segment, and consider it a treatment, it might be very protected. Befuddling would it say it isn't?
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On the seventh September 2000, 'The Independent' revealed to us that researchers at Imperial College London had discovered that the 'enchantment slug of cyanide could murder malignant growth cells'. Clearly, Dr. Deonarain from Imperial College expressed that just because they had the option to demonstrate that they could execute disease cells utilizing a 'prodrug actuation approach' (his words, not mine). The paper portrayed the 'enchantment slug' as a cyanide mixed drink got from the cassava plant. This is on the grounds that, alongside apricot portions, the cassava plant likewise contains B17 (Amygdalin)?
Be that as it may, before we unfasten our skirts and come back from the slopes we have to think about the 'Deadly threats of elective malignant growth fixes on the web' as announced in 'The Sunday Times' (third August 2004). It appears that 'a great many malignant growth patients are taking a chance with their wellbeing by following the counsel of elective treatment sites advancing fake fixes'. Edzard Ernst, who is obviously the nation's just teacher of correlative medication (unmistakably a forlorn activity), required the legislature to guide individuals from medicines advanced on the compelling interweb! Incredibly, scientists found that many cures were being advanced as restoring or counteracting malignant growth - including shark ligament, espresso bowel purges, mistletoe and 'apricot concentrates' - alarming stuff!
The Sunday Times report plainly showed the sheer silliness of bringing your wellbeing into your own hands. Furthermore, as though their desperate cautioning wasn't sufficient, in 2006 (eleventh April), the great old BBC let us know 'Guard dog cautions over apricot seeds'. Are there no making tracks in the opposite direction from apricots! The BBC detailed that the Food Standards Agency is worried that cyanide can be toxic in high dosages and that we ought to devour close to two severe apricot parts for each day. In a similar report, Cancer Research UK (additionally clearly stressed by apricots) cautions us that the cases of apricot pips relieving disease are essentially false. They express that 'if just eating apricot seeds could fix malignant growth, nobody would be more enchanted than us'. Maybe they have to get together with Dr. Deonarain from Imperial College?
So as to have the option to make an educated judgment about what's really going on we should investigate the science behind the features.
The Customary hypothesis of malignant growth
As the majority of us know, the regular perspective on malignant growth is that the bump/tumor/development 'is the disease' and that this should be treated with medical procedure, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, or maybe hormonal or immunotherapy. The thought is that by contracting the development, or removing it of the body, the malignancy will be no more. This is except if the malignant growth has metastasized (spread to different zones), for this situation another the course of treatment might be recommended, or the patient might be informed that the disease has spread excessively far and nothing more should be possible.
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The elective hypothesis of malignant growth
The elective view is that the irregularity/tumor/development 'isn't the malignancy' yet is the 'indication' - a sign that something is turning out badly with the common equalization of the body. It is felt that once the fundamental issue is redressed the development will essentially be reabsorbed into the body. Despite the fact that, it has concurred that if the development isn't reabsorbed and is unattractive, or so enormous as to meddle with the ordinary working of a specific zone of the body, at that point it ought to be evacuated by medical procedure.
The development isn't viewed as 'unadulterated disease' - maybe as meager as 20% is really carcinogenic, with the staying 80% being non-malignant. It is recommended that the destructive zone of the development is more impervious to radiotherapy than the noncancerous region and along these lines less inclined to be obliterated. As it were, the development might be decreased, however, the malignancy may at present remain and can possibly spread.
In the event that we harm ourselves a mending procedure begins and the influenced cells are supplanted with new cells. In any case, it is believed that disease is a recuperating procedure that has not turned off. At the end of the day, if the body is insufficient in something that is basic for homeostasis it may not work viably and the recuperating procedure may simply keep going. The outcome is that the body will begin to recuperate, and afterward mend over and over until development at long last shows up.
There are evidently two lines of resistance against this over-mending process and the improvement of malignant growth. The first includes 'Proteolytic compounds' (catalysts intended to process protein), which are created by the pancreas. The two Proteolytic catalysts, trypsin, and chymotrypsin break down the defensive protein covering around malignancy cells and this adequately permits the body's white platelets into assault and pulverize the disease cells.
The second line of protection against malignant growth is substances known as a nitriloside. (It is imagined that there are in excess of 800 nourishments in the nitriloside family). These nitriloside nourishments contain nutrient B17 (Amygdalin) which is comprised of four segments - two of glucose (sugar), one of benzaldehyde and one of cyanide. The malignant growth cell divider has a chemical called beta-glycosidase (otherwise called the 'opening catalyst'). Whenever B17 (Amygdalin) and the opening protein comes into contact the malignant growth cell is decimated. It's fascinating to take note of that beta-glycosidase is found in malignant growth cells, and in no other cell in the body (accordingly, no other cell can be decimated). As creator G. Edward Griffin brings up in his 2005 introduction - 'this is an astonishing system of nature that couldn't have been coincidental'. (See references and connections underneath).
Subsequently, in this elective perspective on disease, there is no 'fix' since malignancy is in actuality all pieces of the regular physiological procedures of the body. It is just when the recuperating cells are permitted to create unchecked, and our characteristic lines of safeguard are down, that it turns into an issue. A few people even feel that we likely create malignant growth again and again during our lives, however on most events our barrier frameworks essentially manage it - we never realize we have had the disease.
This hypothesis is by all accounts upheld up by G. Edward Griffin's captivating clarification of the steers on America's mid-west homesteads. In a meeting for FHV (A Norwegian purchaser wellbeing opportunity association) Griffin clarifies the accompanying: In the mid-west piece of the US ranchers found that, in the winter months, their dairy cattle would create malignant growths in their mouths. Be that as it may, as the snow softened away and the spring tagged along, the steers would begin to eat the expansive leafed grasses (rich in B17) and the diseases would essentially vanish.
In the event that this the hypothesis of malignancy is truly valid, for what reason doesn't my primary care physician think about it?
This is a questionable subject on the grounds that there appear to be various clashing or contending interests included. You may get a kick out of the chance to watch the second piece of G.Edward Griffin's clarification of the legislative issues of disease for a full comprehension of why this data shows up not to have sifted down to specialists and GP's. You can discover this in the references and connections segment under The Science and Politics of Cancer 2005, Parts 4 - 7, The legislative issues of malignant growth treatment: The Pharmaceutical Cartel.
In the event that we have two lines of safeguard to avoid malignant growth for what reason would both of these come up short?
It appears that our advanced weight control plans, brimming with creature fats and dairy items, go through gigantic measures of pancreatic proteins so as to separate this kind of nourishment - in this manner draining stocks when they are expected to battle malignancy. There are likewise different reasons, for example, having a condition like 'diabetes', where the pancreas is frequently debilitated and subsequently less ready to create these essential compounds. There may likewise be an inherited factor where, once more, the pancreas is powerless and thusly unfit to work completely or accurately from birth.
The breakdown of our the second line of resistance may just be because of the absence of sustenances from the nitriloside family. A significant number of these nourishments regularly have an unpleasant taste and hence might be maintained a strategic distance from by a great many people - therefore they become less accessible in ordinary stores after some time. In spite of the fact that there is additionally the issue of nourishments, for example, bread that used to contain 'Millet flour' (rich in B17/Amygdalin), yet now basically contain the less expensive 'wheat flour'.
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Would cancer be able to be relieved?
The ordinary view would be that researchers are unquestionably searching for a 'fix' for malignant growth. In any case, the elective perspective on malignancy appears to demonstrate that it is possibly a metabolic sickness brought about by characteristic inadequacies and consequently we have to bring nitriloside nourishments once again into the eating routine for the remainder of our lives and maybe consider altering our weight control plans. This is the reason individuals who are worried about the disease might concentrate on apricot bits - a sustenance exceptionally high in B17/Amygdalin.
Numerous individuals who hold the elective perspective on malignant growth would contrast it with a metabolic sickness, for example, scurvy. Scurvy was just settled by taking nutrients C, as the vast majority knows. Be that as it may, nutrients C couldn't be said to be the 'fix' for scurvy in light of the fact that so as to keep the infection under control you plainly need to expend sustenances wealthy in nutrients C for an incredible remainder. A 'fix' infers that you simply need to address the issue once and after that, it is settled. If you want to buy Vitamin b17 injection in India then you can visit vitamin B-17 website.
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o-dragon05 · 5 years
Writing Resolutions, and Professional Ones, too
I don’t know how to begin this post, and a part of me doesn’t want to, so I’ve been surfing Tumblr for the better part of 15 minutes. But I need to write it, because all things change, even if it’s for the better.
I have decided that later this year I will take a leap of faith in my career and pursue a path that will solidify the dreams I have for my life. I’m waiting until early October to go after this in order to take care of a few personal things before then. (Which ten months feels like a REALLY long ways off, but nooooo. Nooooo it really isn’t.)
So I started thinking about the other things I want to accomplish before I take on this massive change. Especially since the first two to three years are going to consist of a LOT of hard work and very little free time.
Before that happens, I want to finish writing On Dating a Demon as well as my other two fics, Spirit of that Texas Summer, and The Keepers. I want to complete these fics not only for my personal satisfaction, but I don’t want to leave my followers hanging.
I didn’t think I was going to have any New Year Resolutions this year, but these are my resolutions:
1. On Dating a Demon (YYH, Hiei x OC, rated T) has about half of it written. Everything that is written is posted. This is my biggest project, and the one that I’m most invested in. I don’t want to leave anyone hanging on this, myself included. However, once October hits, I’m going to need to focus on my professional goals. Before October I hope to have the second half of this written so that I can begin posting chapters without having to write it every week. Throughout 2019 I will be posting chapters every other week, beginning January 26. My goal is to post 15 chapters in 2019, which won’t get me close to finishing the story, but it will advance me toward my goal.
2. The Spirit of that Texas Summer (YYH, Koenma x OC, rated T) has a couple of snippets posted here, but I need to finish writing the rest of it. I plan to post all of it between the end of May and the beginning of September. There will be about 20 chapters total.
3. The Keepers (Gargoyles, Brooklyn x OC, rated M), is the same: I need to write it and I want to post it. It will be posted in late August, through the end of October. This will also be around 20 chapters long.
4. I am dropping Kings into the Night (MHA, Shouji x OC, rated T).  When I began writing it, it was the most personal thing I had written to date. However, I realized my mistake when some Real Personal Shit went down and I retreated into a mental hole for months. Now whenever I think of it, it hits a little too close to home. I will instead focus on my other three fics. I may tinker with it here and there in the distant future, but at this time I have no plans to finish it.
Some people might say that I’m allowed to have a career and do things I love, too. And I agree completely, but writing fanfic takes a Lot of time. Time that I know I will not have for a while after this year. I’ll stay a part of the fandoms, of course, but I want to finish my projects so that when I have time in the future I can work on new projects, if it so suits my fancy. Projects that hopefully require less time than ODAD does.
I’m going to have a rigorous update schedule this year, especially later this year, but I was told something recently: “Adopt an attitude toward it so that you don’t let yourself fail.” So I’m going into this, guns blazing, and taking names.
For chapters 29 - 35 in On Dating a Demon, chapters will be posted on Jan 26, Feb 9, Feb 23, Mar 9, Mar 23, April 6 and April 13. In April I’m taking a short break and chapters will return May 11 for every other week. In June, updates will go to the first and third Saturdays, unless I’m on vacation, and then it will be a little different. If there’s a fifth Saturday in the month, there will be an update.
Spirit will begin posting on May 25 with updates every Saturday. Beginning in August, updates will begin posting on Saturdays and Wednesdays, and will finish in early September.
The Keepers will begin posting around the middle or end of August. This is the fic with the haziest of outlines so I still don’t know exactly how many chapters there will be. I would like to finish posting this in mid-October, but I don’t want to post it too early, either, because it takes place in late September.
That’s all for now. I’ll likely post actual dates and which stories correlate to the dates on my FFnet profile at some point, but I’m falling asleep at my keyboard now, so it’s time to log-off for the night. :)
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nettheworldonfire · 4 years
Less Than.
It’s been awhile.  Let’s catch you up to speed.
June 13th I had a CT scan that showed NO progression, and POSSIBLY necrosis on some of the tumors on my liver.  (Necrosis = death, so yay!) Dr. Rose said that was as good as we could have hoped for and thought we should move forward with possible embolization through Penn since they seem to be the experts in NETs. He wasn’t sure if the clinical trial of chemo/bland embolization was running currently due to Covid, so he said I should reach out.   I scheduled the consultation appointments, which were originally not until August, but got bumped to July 22nd.  
My in-home phlebotomist was a no-call, no-show on the 30th, so I called my office and found out there was a mix up, and they were scheduled to come the same day as my injection, so I had to go to Labcorp in person.  I was pretty anxious about that since we aren’t do to much real-worlding these days, and they may or may not be doing Covid testing there, but I mustered the courage, and went.  There was only one person in the waiting room and only two employees, one of which dealt with me from beginning to end exclusively.  Everyone was masked up; it was smooth and painless. (Shout out: I ALWAYS have a good experience at the Labcorp on Easton Road in Abington, near the hospital.  They are rockstars!) Those results came back looking a-okay. 
I had my 5th Lanreotide injection on July 2nd and met with a very stressed Dr. Rose who still may or may not be retiring, due to some major changes with the hospital. He said labs and scans were good, and to keep him posted about my appointments with the folks at Penn.  Overall, I felt fine after the injection.  My GI issues are still relatively prevalent after the Whipple, so I never know if what I am dealing with is “normal” or an issue.  And right now, with you know, the world crumbling, it could just be stress.
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So fast forward to the 21st, the day before my appointments, and I get a call that Penn doesn’t have the scan images or pathology report and that maybe we should reschedule my appointments (you know, the ones I’ve been waiting a month for).  They said the problem with this was that the doctors like to look at them in advance.  Although, a point I brought up to the nurse, I don’t see how much advance looking was going to be done after 6 pm the night before.  So we rescheduled my 10:30 a.m. call with Dr. Soulen to 6 p.m. so there was time to review, in the hopes that SOMEHOW I could get both reports and images to their office between the call and the appointments. Without any other options, my gracious husband made the one hour drive, and carted them into Penn at 7 am on the 22nd.  (Only to spend 20 minutes there looking for the building, since I was never told any information as to where the doctor was located with my appointment being through telehealth, and like a dummy, didn’t ask.)  Images delivered, and I get a call at 9:45 ish saying Dr. Soulen is still calling me at 10:30  again (and now my mother, the child pacifier, won’t be here in time, since I told her to come later when the appointments were rescheduled).  
My first call was with Dr. Michael Soulen in interventional radiology.  I introduced him to the two-legged noise makers who would provide a classic toddler soundtrack, and he seemed pleasantly on board with the situation.  
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My mom did show up during the call just as things got hairy (Charlie had all the cushions off of the couch and my cat litter barricade was no longer stopping Olive from making a bee-line for the steps).  Gram to the rescue, as per usual.
Dr. Soulen liked my June scan.  He said it was great because that meant we didn’t HAVE to embolize (despite him mentioning several times how seeing a liver like mine makes him drool because of how much he enjoys embolizing livers).  Dr. Soulen said that the treatment plan should be “to ride the horse until it gets tired” because we only have so many horses.  Therefore, we stay on the Lanreotide until it stops doing what it is supposed to before trying something new, as the treatment options are limited and there isn’t data on whether or not they can be repeated multiple times successfully.  Especially with someone who has a history of a second cancer (Hodgkins) and chemotherapy.  He also clarified some things about the embolizations.  He said that a bland embolization and chemoembolization both cut off the blood flow to the liver, something we cannot do, because during my Whipple they removed a duct that helps my pancreas get rid of bile and bugs, which now filter into my liver.  Normally, this isn’t a major issue, but when you embolize a liver like this, it will cause a liver abscess in 20% of patients, landing them in the hospital for a while (because a serious infection like this requires IV antibiotics) and obviously with two little ones and Covid, that’s not something I’d like to risk right now.  There is a third type of embolization - radioembolization - that instead of cutting off the blood flow, shoots in little radioactive beads that are attracted to the tumors and give a very direct dose of radiation to them.  This makes patients a bit more fatigued, but only has a 5-7% rate of abscess or infection, which is better, of course.  That being said, none of this is the plan for now, and may not be for several years, as long as the Lanreotide keeps doing its job (he estimates 3-5 years at best).   
With all of that information and hearing that the Lanreotide is not expected to work forever, I really wanted a more accurate prognosis, although nothing is certain in the world of cancer.  He said that he has some patients who do these drugs and trials and make it into the double decades - but those are usually the grade 1 tumor patients (I am a grade 2, grade 3 being worse).  So, he said a single decade is more in tune with what patients in my situation should expect - but that 5, 10, 15 years is possible.  While I WANTED to hear some real talk, and I didn’t expect to hear that everything is good, that was still a little jarring.  At 37, and with a 1 and 3 year old, 15 years might not even get me to high school graduation, and that’s the high end.  Thinking about leaving my family in the next 5-10 years is beyond terrifying.  He said that my liver right now is functioning as it should.  It’s “more cheese than holes.”  I should be glad for that.  I am.  
Here you can see my two scans.  Left is June, right is February.  This may not be the perfect shot (I was trying to take a screenshot while we were talking), but you can kind of see some of the white spots (cancer) with some blackness (necrosis), so, that’s cool.  
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The second call was with Dr. Ursina Teitelbaum, the oncologist who specializes in neuroendocrine cancer.  She was awesome to chat with, as always, and agreed to take over my care - something I needed to ask because Dr. Rose is ready to pass me along like the worst re-gifted patient ever.  I also asked her some morbid questions and was particularly surprised to hear her response, too.  She said had my June scan indicated progression in any way, it would have likely meant a 1-2 year prognosis.  I am a little annoyed and confused as to why no one said anything like this to us in previous visits.  I mean, you’d think someone with toddlers deserves to know that they may only have 12 months to live, especially when they are currently spending their time in quarantine and not doing any of the things that mean the most to them.  She agreed with Dr. Soulen, we should hold off on the embolization for now, and wanted to see me again (virtually) in September.  She also said she would get another scan scheduled for me for before that appointment and that we could plan for someone to come to my home to do the Lanreotide injections, rather than have to get into Penn each month for that when I am trying to work and parent this fall.  
One thing that she said that stuck with me, was that she believes this pandemic is going to get a lot worse this fall, and that regardless of what happens, we should be careful, but not limit visits with loved ones.  We need our family and friends around us for support.  We need that connection.  While maybe her message was to “live like you are dying” because I am, in a way, dying, I think she is living this way too.  I think she believes that the damage that months and maybe years of this will do to our psyches may be greater than the risk of getting Covid (not worse than actually getting it, but again, being “safe” and careful, in masks, etc.)  Just something to think about, especially for my family.
In other news, my anxiety has been through the roof (not surprisingly so - I did get diagnosed with cancer exactly a month before we got hit with a global pandemic, ya know).  After a talk with my primary, we upped my Lexapro dosage from 5 mg to 10 mg last week.  According to my OBGYN, that’s still a very low dosage (they said they prescribe 20 mg to woman for PMS sometimes, so there’s that), so we will see.  I really think I need something for panic attacks, other than a 32 ounce frozen margarita from Mad Mex.  They get costly.  My primary has given me a couple Ativan doses to hold me over as the new dosage of Lexapro kicks in and wants me to follow up in three weeks.  Til then, expect more of a “hot mess” than you’ve seen before.  Please note, hot does NOT indicate I look good right now, and “seen” is perhaps the wrong word, too, since, I barely SEE anyone.  Just forgive me, I’m losing it.  
* Dark side: Change in plans: Cancer probably WILL kill me, afterall.  
* Bright side: Being chronically ill may help to keep me working from home this fall, instead of returning to the cesspool known as high school.  Maybe.
* Next steps: 
7/27/20 between 8:30-10:00 a.m. - home visit from phlebotomist 
7/30/20 at 9:30 a.m. - Lanreotide injection #6 and appointment with Dr. Rose
9/20 - Next CT scan in Valley Forge (instead of my super close Willow Grove location), date TBD
9/22/20 at 9 a.m. - Telehealth appointment with Dr. Teitelbaum
Morbidly accurate GIF: 
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0 notes
no i never get used to silence
Fandom: Supergirl Rating: T (To be safe. There’s like. One ‘bad word.’) Summary: Kara does not do well with change. A/N: raise your hand if you’re a little disheartened at the lack of genfic coming out of a certain sister focused fandom week  
Kara loves the first day of school.
Has always loved the first day of school—or, whatever the Kryptonian equivalent would be. (Kara supposes the closest thing would have been the season following the Trials, when students were advanced to the next tier of lessons, and Guild Assessments were updated.)
It’s a little different on Earth (…okay maybe a lot different) but Kara loves it all the same.
Not so much.
Not at first, anyway. Not at six thirty in the morning.
Kara knows this because she…maaaaybe gets a little excited, and maaaaaybe sets the alarm a little bit earlier than strictly necessary, and maaaaaybe has a hard time keeping quiet as she gets ready, and maaaaaaybe wakes Alex up accidentally-on-purpose.
And Alex grumbles into her pillow and blindly shoves Kara’s grinning face out of her personal space and tells her that it is way too early for this and human teenagers do not get this excited over high school, Kara. But Kara can hear the amusement, buried beneath the mild annoyance.
Today, though.
Today, her alarm goes off early, and she doesn’t want to get up.
Beep, beep, beep. She lets the alarm chirp for several long minutes, hunching further into her blankets.
Beep, beep, beep.
She reluctantly rolls over, reaching out to silence the clock. Her fingers brush the snooze button, and her gaze drifts towards the empty bed across the room.
The sight makes her throat burn. She quickly turns back to face the wall, twisting the fabric of her comforter in her fists.
She’s fine, she’s just…
Not great with change.
Eliza’s already up, making breakfast in the kitchen by the time Kara’s showered and dressed for school. She takes a seat at the table, working on a slouch that would make Alex very proud.
“Morning, sweetie,” Eliza says with a smile, walking over to drop a kiss on Kara’s temple. Kara hums a greeting, and wonders if she’s too depressed to make pancakes.
After some deliberation, the answer is, no, no she is not.
She gets up and starts poking through the cupboards, looking for the necessary ingredients. Eliza watches her, and then turns her attention to the digital clock on the microwave.
“Better put on a little super speed,” she teases Kara. “Someone’s running a bit late today.”
Kara forces a smile, but keeps her pace at a decidedly ‘normal human being’ level.
This does not go unnoticed by Eliza, who, after a few seconds, crosses the distance between them and wraps Kara in a tight, one-armed hug, rubbing her shoulder, soothing and slow.
“Kind of quiet around here, with just the two of us, huh?” she says, because if she says anything else, Kara will deny, deny, deny, and put on that unaffected smile, and pretend like everything’s fine.
Kara shrugs. “Kind of,” she says in a small voice.
“It’ll take some getting used to.”
“So it’s okay, to be a little sad.”
Kara’s onto her by now, so she rolls her eyes, and insists that she’s fine, really. Eliza doesn’t press the matter. Instead, she opens the fridge, and pulls out a brown paper bag with Kara’s name scribbled on the side in black Sharpie.
“So you won’t be needing this lunch I made special for you? Because I made it specifically for ‘cheering up’ purposes, but if you’re fine—”
Kara tilts her glasses down and checks the contents of the bag, and then beams as she wraps Eliza in a (two-armed but tempered) hug.
“Thank you,” she says it a few times, interspersed with admissions of okay I do kind of miss Alex so I will definitely be needing those potstickers, yes, and Eliza just nods sagely.
“Mmm, thought so.”
Kara’s outlook brightens considerably as she gets back to measuring the Bisquick, her earlier sadness fading. She smiles to herself.
Maybe…she’s not so bad at change after all.
No, she’s definitely bad at change.
She realizes this right around fourth period. The entire morning has been spent going through the (admittedly tedious) motions of the first day—introductions, expectations, more introductions.
Which, normally, Kara doesn’t mind. Except that each class has gone more or less the same:
“Kara Danvers?” a teacher will say.
“Here,” Kara will answer.
“Danvers…do you have a sister?”
“Yeah, Alex.”
“I had Alex in (insert grade level and class here)! She graduated last year, right? How’s she doing?”
And of course, Kara would very proudly tell them that out of all of the Big Deal colleges that wanted her sister, Alex picked The Biggest Deal and is doing great, thanks.
And that was fine—Kara had no problem, telling her teachers how awesome her sister was.
But it did get her thinking about Alex, and how she was hundreds of miles away, as opposed to three classrooms over, and how she wouldn’t be waiting for Kara at lunch time, wouldn’t be at home after school…
Her throat burns again.
Her new math teacher has them playing 'two truths and a lie.’ Kara’s not paying attention—she’s staring out through the murky glass of the classroom windows, idly entertaining the thought of testing the limits of her super hearing, her telescopic vision.
If she listened hard enough, could she pick up Alex’s heartbeat, all those long miles away?
It’s dumb; she probably can’t.
(This does not stop her from trying.)
Not exactly her best idea—it’s a lot of stimuli to take in and filter past. It requires all of her concentration, her focus, her control.
She’s pretty sure she gets as far as the neighboring middle school, when suddenly—
Mr. Pang doesn’t shout it, but he might as well have, because it’s loud and close in Kara’s ear. She startles, jerking back in her chair, crushing the laminate particle board of her desk in the process.
Her teacher blinks in surprise, stepping back, staring at the destruction as Kara’s classmates laugh and guffaw in disbelief.
Kara stares back, terrified, because Rao, Alex hasn’t even been gone two weeks, and I’ve already blown my cover, and people are gonna find out I’m an alien, and, and—!
“…That’s…” her teacher starts to say, and then closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, muttering about how it’s going to be a long year, dear God. “Great, just great, we’re short desks as it is.”
She isn’t detained and/or shuffled off to some Black Ops site for experimentation and dissection. Instead, she’s told that her parents might have to pay to replace the desk, but that probably won’t be the case. “These desks are literally falling apart,” Mr. Pang says, as he directs her to the spare, rolling desk chair at the TA desk up front. “But hey, don’t worry about it folks, we got nice new turf for the football field, isn’t that great?”
The rest of the class laughs at the sarcastic comment, and attention is shifted away from Kara, and back to…whatever it is they were covering while Kara spaced out. Kara does her best to stay on task after that, not wanting a repeat slip up. One ruined desk is a fluke. Two…is cause for questioning.
The day goes on, but that annoying burn lingers in the back of her throat. Because she’s embarrassed and missing Alex and just really wants to go home.
Three o'clock can’t come fast enough.
Kara walks home, after school. Eliza told her she could drive the Jetta, if she wanted, but Kara’s not a big fan of driving.
Besides, the late August sun feels nice, and there’s a bit of a breeze, coming off the ocean. It makes her feel a little less…awful. She briefly considers testing her super hearing again, but instead decides to train her ears on the dull roar of the waves, losing herself in the crash and hiss of the spray.
She kicks at some loose gravel, and accidentally sends a larger rock whizzing down the street and out of sight. Distantly, a cat yowls, and something large and metallic falls over. She sighs in frustration.
She misses Alex.
She misses Alex, and she’s bad at change, and she imagines coming home to a big, quiet house with just her and Eliza every day (and maybe not even Eliza, depending on how late she’s working) and the thought of being alone is enough to exacerbate that troublesome burn in the back of her throat; now, it’s a full-blown ache.
Eliza’s still at work by the time she gets home. She drops her backpack by the front door (which is Very Much Frowned Upon) and she kicks her shoes off, not caring where they land. She drags herself upstairs and falls into bed, face down, where she plans on staying for the rest of the school year.
She doesn’t know how many hours pass before she hears the car pull into the driveway, Eliza’s Notting Hill soundtrack skipping on track seven, like it always does. Eliza huffs a little as she gets out of the car (a relatively new development; Alex insisted it was arthritis, which led to an entirely too-long debate about the nuances of joint swelling.)
Kara manages a weak smile; Alex’s and Eliza’s numerous arguments over medical science always reminded her of when her dad and Uncle Jor would get into it at family dinners, bickering over anything and everything, from inefficient rocket propulsion to the outcome of the most recent Garata match.
Shockingly, this trip down memory lane does not make her feel any better. She curls onto her side and hugs her extra pillow close, so wrapped up in feeling miserable that she doesn’t notice Eliza’s presence until the mattress dips beside her, and Eliza’s hand is on her shoulder, once again rubbing soothing, slow circles.
“You should give Alex a call,” she suggests gently.
“Already tried,” Kara grumbles miserably, flopping an arm backwards, pointing towards her cell phone on the nightstand. “Voicemail.”
Eliza laughs lightly. “Maybe…try again a little later. You know how she is…she’s probably still busy settling in, adjusting to her classes, a new routine…”
“The new routine’s dumb,” Kara tells her, sniffling. She rubs at her eyes with the back of her hand, knocking her glasses to one side.
Eliza’s voice is soft and sympathetic. “It’ll get better, sweetie.” Kara grunts. “Well, alright, it’ll get easier. I promise.”
Eliza rubs her shoulder for a little bit, and eventually, Kara tells her about the desk incident at school. Eliza doesn’t get mad—she never gets mad…not at Kara, at least—but she does let out an exasperated sigh.
“No one suspected anything,” Kara makes sure to emphasize. Eliza nods.
“Having seen my fair share of classrooms…stranger things have happened.”
Kara’s curiosity is piqued. “Really?” she asks, wondering what on Earth could be weirder than her.
Thus, the evening is spent listening to Eliza recount various insane tales of her time in lecture halls and labs. Normally, she saves these sorts of stories for Alex—which Kara doesn’t mind. It’s…kind of their thing, and Kara tries not to intrude.
But she likes hearing about the annoying TAs and the centrifuge from Hell and the early, earnest efforts of Eliza and Jeremiah’s research that, more often than not, involved a lot of jury-rigging and therefore, a lot of duct tape. Clark sometimes makes an appearance, and Eliza makes sure to include all of the embarrassing details.
Kara’s feeling a lot better, when she tries calling Alex a second time, later that night.
She gets the voicemail again.
Kara’s good mood is gone. Seconds later, though, she gets a text. Sorry! Saw that you called just busy w/ class stuff. I’ll call you tomorrow! Try not to set anything on fire in the meantime lol
The prospect of having to wait almost a whole day to talk to Alex doesn’t exactly fill her with much enthusiasm, but it’s still better than nothing. She texts back a smiley face, along with a haha no fire yet did destroy school property tho in the hopes of prolonging the conversation, but Alex just sends back a XD, probably assuming that Kara’s joking, and that’s that.
So…she doesn’t feel as awful, but she doesn’t necessarily feel great, either.
She finds herself wandering downstairs late at night, long after Eliza’s gone to bed, unable to sleep in a room that feels a little more 'half empty’ than 'half full.’
Eliza finds her the next morning, sprawled out gracelessly on the couch, the Hello, Dolly! DVD menu music looping endlessly.
“Alright, up, up,” Eliza says, nudging her awake. Kara lets out an uncharacteristic growl. “None of that. We have places to be, come on.”
Kara pushes herself up, and blinks at the wall clock.
“…I’m late for school,” she says, a little bit shocked.
“You’re sick, so you’re not going,” Eliza tells her.
Kara opens her mouth to state the obvious: I don’t get sick, but Eliza holds up a hand. “All part of maintaining appearances. Also, I need help with something. Two birds, one stone.”
“What do you need help with?” Kara asks, still (pleasantly?) surprised that she gets to skip school. She’s…never done that before. (Sure, she and Alex talked about skipping school, but. Those plans never got much farther than the 'hypothetical’ stage.)
“Carrying some boxes,” Eliza says offhandedly, heading for the kitchen. “But mostly, keeping me company. I have a long drive, and all of my CDs skip. Conversation would be a vast improvement.”
Kara sits up straighter. “How…how long of a drive?”
“Mmm, six hours, give or take? Depending on traffic.” Slowly, Kara feels a smile tug at the corners of her mouth.  “So the sooner we get ourselves going, the bet—” Kara’s dressed and ready before she can finish the sentence, “—ter.”
“How many boxes? Should we pack anything else? Alex is gonna hate us.” Kara can barely stand still, she’s so excited.
“Mmm,” Eliza inclines her head towards the care package that she was going to mail, but. An in-person delivery might be better. “Not if we bring pie.”
Alex is horrified for maybe, like, five seconds.
“Oh my God, Mom, seriously? It’s barely been a week,” she says, groaning. But Kara barrels into her, hugging her tight, apologizing profusely. “Wait, why are you sorry? Did you break my CD player again?”
“I just…missed you a lot? It wasn’t Eliza’s idea. Well, I mean, it was her idea, but only because I was being a wimp…”
She also makes sure to mention the pie which, just as Eliza predicted, smooths everything over considerably.
“Not chocolate pecan,” Alex feigns surprise. Kara looks moderately offended.
“Of course not,” she says. “It’s for you, it should be your favorite.”
“Mmm. Mom made you a separate pie, didn’t she.”
Alex rummages through the rest of the contents of the care package, recoiling slightly as she stumbles across Kara’s homemade card.
“Ugh. So much glitter,” she says, handling it gingerly. “This stuff never goes away.”
“That…is true.” Kara glances at her fingertips, some of which still bear the sparkly mark of glitter glue.
But Alex tacks it up on her bulletin board regardless, and thanks Kara for the thoughtful gifts. And for not eating any of the pie on the drive up.
(“It was a struggle,” Kara admits, and Eliza nods. “It was.”)
Once that’s done, the trio makes something of a show of hauling the remaining boxes upstairs—Alex had apparently forgotten a few remaining items for her dorm room, so the impromptu reunion can be passed off as something a little less damaging to Alex’s reputation.
They spend the rest of the afternoon simply catching up. At one point, Eliza excuses herself, mentioning a colleague she’d like to say hi to before they go.
So Alex decides to show Kara around—later, when she’s inevitably teased about her family showing up not even two weeks into classes, she can tell them that Kara’s interested in attending, possibly. The campus tour will help sell the story.
Really, though, she’s happy to see them—classes have been crazy enough to keep her from feeling too homesick, but once in a while, she’ll catch herself planning to tell Kara or her mom something at dinner, only to remember that’s…not exactly how it works, now.
And that realization is always a little…it’s a bit of a downer, sure. But, she reminds herself, looking over at her sister—she’s the older one. She has to be…something. Brave, strong? Set a good example, maybe? For Kara.
“I’m glad you came up to visit,” she says, throwing an arm around Kara’s shoulders. “But. Are you gonna come up here every time you get lonely? Because I do have classes to attend, you know.”
“You should try skipping,” Kara says with a smirk. “It’s pretty fun.”
“I’m gone one week and you’re playing hookie, destroying school property…what next? Grand theft auto?”
Kara wrinkles her nose.
“What would I do with a car?”
“Uh, drive it?”
“Mmm, pass.”
“Weirdo.” Alex laughs. “I know several people who would kill for a car. Public transit here sucks.”
“Good thing you don’t have to go far, I guess?” Kara says. Alex shrugs.
“I’d like to explore a bit,” she tells her. “But. I guess I’m with you. Not really in love with the idea of making car payments.” She shoves her hands in her pockets. “…Maybe a motorcycle.”
Kara stares.
“Eliza would kill you.”
“I’m joking,” Alex says. Kara doesn’t believe her, and her suspicion must show on her face, because Alex continues. “Really, I am. Mostly, anyway. …Whatever. It’s not gonna happen anyway, I’ve now joined the ranks of poor, pitiful, destitute college students.”
“I’ve read they mostly survive on Ramen,” Kara says with a completely straight face. Alex snorts.
“Yeah, Ramen and Red Bull. That’s what you should’ve put in the care package.”
Kara shakes her head.
“Pie is way better,” she declares passionately.
Alex laughs. “No argument there.”
They stay through dinner, but not for much longer after that. It’s not ideal, having to drive back the same day, but unfortunately necessary, as Eliza has to be back in Midvale for a meeting tomorrow morning.
“Thanks for bringing the lamp and stuff,” Alex gestures back towards the dorms. “Saved me a trip back home.”
“You should still come. Back home. Sometime,” Kara blurts. “Eventually, I mean.”
“Well, duh.”
“Like, before Thanksgiving Break,” Kara amends, stepping forward and hugging Alex goodbye. She drops her head onto her sister’s shoulder—they’re about the same height now, so it’s not so much a drop as a lean, but either way it works.
“I will,” Alex promises. “But…I do…have to be here. And go to classes. And be on my own a bit,” she reminds her sister gently. “That’s…kinda why I picked this school. I wanted a change, you know?”
Kara thinks change is highly overrated. And, though she knows going away to college is A Thing Young People Do, the idea of being sent off, far from home, far from the people you love, with the weighty burden of adult responsibility?
She’s already done that once. Wasn’t great.
But she’s not Alex, and Alex isn’t her; she knows that her sister was indeed ready for a change by the time her Senior year rolled around. Ready for someplace besides Midvale. And she knows that Alex is going to do amazing things here.
So she’s going to be…brave? Strong? Not be such a wimp, maybe? For Alex.
“Yeah,” she says, nodding. “Yeah. I get it.”
“You’ll be fine, alright?” Alex grins. “Just. Don’t be late for Mr. Nelson’s class. And Ms. Harris isn’t tolerable until she’s had coffee so like, keep a low profile until you’re certain she has caffeine on board.”
“Okay,” Kara says, making a mental list. She’s feeling better, about the days ahead. Alex says she can do this.
And so, she can.
“I’ll be better about calling, though,” Alex adds, hugging her back. “And, seriously. Quit breaking shit.”
“Alex,” Eliza says, and Kara hides her giggles.
“'Kay,” she says. “I’ll quit breaking…stuff.”
“Thank goodness one of my children is polite,” Eliza gives Alex a pointed look as she hugs her. Kara steps back, and does her best not to listen in as Eliza murmurs something to Alex. (Though, she hears something that sounds a lot like 'proud’ and, judging by the way Alex’s  mouth involuntarily pulls into a bashful grin, Kara’s certain that whatever it was? Was good.)
“Stay out of trouble,” Eliza calls from the car as they pull out. “No visible tattoos or tongue piercings, alright?”
Alex waves. “How about a motorcycle?”
“Alex Danvers, no,” Eliza says firmly. “Love you, sweetie.”
“Love you too, Mom, Kara. Bye!”
They wave and holler until the campus parking lot fades from view.
They’re not even on the freeway yet, when Kara’s phone goes off. She looks down. A text from Alex that simply reads,
Love you, sis.
P.S. Alex YES.
- I have kept Alex’s college deliberately vague, because I’ve honestly forgotten what the show has established re: her education, but. One can probably guess whereabouts I put her, based on the travel time. - Upon further reflection, I’m 96% certain the care package bit is the result of a/inspired by a discussion w/ @thatsjustsupergirl so. Credit where credit is due. - Clint Barton is great at boats; Kara Danvers is not great at cars.
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your-dietician · 3 years
2021 child tax credit: When payments will go out, opt-out deadlines, IRS portals
New Post has been published on https://tattlepress.com/personal-finance/2021-child-tax-credit-when-payments-will-go-out-opt-out-deadlines-irs-portals/
2021 child tax credit: When payments will go out, opt-out deadlines, IRS portals
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The monthly child tax credit dates are now available. 
Sarah Tew/CNET
If you qualify for the child tax credit, your first payment will arrive in less than two weeks. The IRS has new tools that can show you if you’re getting a child tax credit payment, when it’ll arrive and how much you’ll receive. You can also use the portals to sign up if you fall into the nonfiler category and opt out of the monthly payments for one large check.
If you’re not typically required to file a tax return because your income doesn’t meet the tax-filing requirements, you’ll have to move quickly on using the new IRS nonfiler tool or preparing a tax return. Overpayment for the child tax credit is something else you’ll need to keep an eye on — a real (but hopefully uncommon) situation that could have you owing the IRS money next tax season. 
We’ve also got another useful tool to help you prepare: CNET’s child tax credit calculator gives you an estimate based on the number and ages of your kids. Once you know how much you’ll get, you can start planning how you’ll use your money. And here’s how to claim up to $16,000 more for your child care costs. This story has been recently updated with new information.
When will the child tax credit payments go out?
The first thing to know is you won’t get your child tax credit payments all at once in 2021. Unless you tell the IRS you want to unenroll from the advance monthly payments, you’ll get six checks in 2021 and one in 2022. The second thing to know is that half of your total child tax credit payment will come this year, with the other half as part of your tax refund in 2022. 
So in other words, your largest single payment arrives next year. Until then, you get six smaller payments this year to start using right away. The idea is to bring you money sooner, which is why the checks will start coming in 2021 as “advance payments.”
Child tax credit payment schedule
Monthly Maximum payment per child 5 and younger Maximum payment per child; 6 to 17 July 15: First 2021 check $300 $250 Aug. 13 $300 $250 Sept. 15 $300 $250 Oct. 15 $300 $250 Nov. 15 $300 $250 Dec. 15: Last 2021 check $300 $250 April 2022: Second half of payment $1,800 $1,500
What does opting out of monthly payments mean?
You aren’t obligated to receive the advance monthly child tax credit payments this year. Instead, you can choose to get one payment in 2022, and the new Child Tax Credit Update Portal will allow you to do so. You may want to unenroll if you’d rather have one large payment for a projected expense in 2022, or if you’re concerned the IRS might overpay you this year and you don’t want to be saddled with an outstanding debt later. However, if you haven’t unenrolled yet, the deadline to do so was June 28, so you’ll still get the July 15 payment. You can still opt out of the August through December payments.
What can I do with each of the child tax credit portals?
In June, the IRS opened more online tools and portals. The first portal is for people not normally required to file an income tax return, including low-income families. The new Child Tax Credit Eligibility Assistant tool helps families quickly determine whether they qualify. 
The latest Child Tax Credit Update Portal currently allows families to view their eligibility, check their payments and unenroll from the advance monthly payments. In coming months, it will allow families to update their information if their circumstances have changed: for example, if a new child has arrived or will arrive in 2021 who isn’t reflected on a 2020 tax return.
What if my child tax credit payment doesn’t arrive on the scheduled day?
One thing to keep in mind is that the IRS is targeting the payment dates (see above). If you have direct deposit set up with the IRS, you might see a pending payment before the actual closing date. That means you might not be able to access the money right away, but that it’s in process.
It could take longer for your payment to arrive if you’re receiving the check by mail, or in the form of an EIP card. If enough time has passed and you’re concerned there may be a problem, you can use the IRS web portal to correct information. You’ll also want to make sure you let the IRS know if you moved (not just the US Postal Service).
Now playing: Watch this: Child tax credit: Everything we know
What are the child tax credit totals for each kid?
How the payments will be divided between 2021 and 2022 might be confusing. For each qualifying child age 5 and younger, up to $1,800 (half the total) will come in six $300 monthly payments this year. For each kid between the ages of 6 and 17, up to $1,500 will come as $250 monthly payments six times this year. 
The IRS bases your child’s eligibility on their age on Dec. 31, 2021, so a 5-year-old child turning 6 in 2021 will qualify for a maximum of $250 per month. For both age groups, the rest of the payment will come with your 2021 tax refund when you claim the remainder of the credit in 2022. 
If your dependent is 18 years old, they can qualify for $500 each. Dependents between the ages of 19 and 24 may qualify as well, but they must be enrolled in college full-time. Here’s more on the financial details for qualified dependents. 
2021 child tax credit maximum payments
Ages 5 and younger Up to $3,600, with half as $300 advance monthly payments Ages 6 to 17 Up to $3,000, with half as $250 advance monthly payments Age 18 $500 one-time check Ages 19 and 24, full-time college students $500 one-time check
Will my newborn baby qualify me for the child tax credit?
If you have a baby in 2021, your newborn will count toward the child tax credit payment of $3,600. Children who are adopted can also qualify if they’re US citizens. You’ll be able to update the IRS on a new dependent when that aspect of the Update Portal is made available. 
What to do if the IRS doesn’t require me to pay or file taxes?
Payments will be automatic for those who filed their 2020 tax returns by the May 17 deadline (or those who claimed all their dependents on a 2019 tax return). But what if that’s not you? Parents who didn’t file taxes should use the new IRS tool, called the “Non-filer Sign-up tool,” to get their money, even if you’re not usually required to file. This will let the IRS know your income level and how many dependents are in your household who count toward the child tax credit benefits. 
You could also file a tax return to get the full monthly child tax credit payment you’re owed. The IRS is offering information about free tax days in major cities to outreach to families who still need to file a 2020 return. 
What should I do if the IRS sends me more money than I’m supposed to get?
Since the IRS uses your 2019 or 2020 tax return, your family may not qualify for the child tax credit payment when you file your 2021 tax return in 2022. In this case, you may have to repay the IRS some or all of the credit. The child tax credit rules aren’t as flexible as the stimulus check rules regarding overpayment. One example of when this would happen is if you and the other parent of your child (who is not your spouse) were both paid for the child tax credit for the same dependent.
To avoid this tax inconvenience, make sure all your information is updated before the payments start arriving. The new Update Portal will let you make adjustments in the coming months to verify your new income and marital status. 
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The larger child tax credit can help families that have faced financial hardship due to the pandemic. 
Sarah Tew/CNET
What are the household income requirements to qualify for the checks?
Income limits determine how much you will receive and if you even qualify, though there is no limit on the number of children you can receive credit for as long as you’re eligible. 
The amount you’ll get will phase out for people with higher incomes. Single filers earning more than $75,000 per year, heads of household earning more than $112,500 per year and married couples earning more than $150,000 a year will not be eligible for the full amount. Your child tax credit payments will begin to phase out by $50 for every $1,000 of income over those threshold amounts, according to Joanna Powell, managing director and certified financial planner at CBIZ.
If I share custody of a kid, can I still get child tax credit payments?
For the first two stimulus checks, some parents who shared custody of a child but weren’t married to each other were entitled to each claim money for the same child. That was only if they alternated years for claiming the dependent — in other words, if one parent claimed the child on their taxes in odd years and the other claimed the child on their taxes in even years.
This is no longer allowed for the third check, and we’re told it won’t work that way for the child tax credit payments either. Here’s what we know so far about the child tax credit and shared custody situations.
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Your tax bill isn't chiseled in stone at the end of the year. Here are some tax tips and steps you can take after January 1 to help you lower your taxes, save money when preparing your tax return, and avoid tax penalties.
UPDATE: The Treasury recently announced tax changes and updates in response to COVID-19, updates include an extension of the first installment of tax year 2020 quarterly estimated taxes to July 15, 2020. Some information in this post however requires additional IRS guidance and may require updating. We will update as soon as we receive additional guidance. Please see the latest information on tax deadlines and updates related to COVID-19 here.
If you think your tax bill is chiseled in stone at the end of the year, think again. Though it’s true that most money-saving options to defer income or accelerate deductions become much more limited after December 31, there is still a lot you can do to make the tax-filing season cheaper and easier. Here are some tax tips to help you lower your taxes, save money when preparing your tax return, and avoid tax penalties.
1. Contribute to retirement accounts If you haven’t already funded your retirement account for 2019, do so by April 15, 2020. That’s the deadline for contributions to a traditional IRA, deductible or not, and to a Roth IRA.
If you have a Keogh or SEP and you get a filing extension to October 15, 2020, you can wait until then to put 2019 contributions into those accounts.
To start tax-free compounding as quickly as possible, however, don’t dawdle in making contributions.
Making a deductible contribution will help you lower your tax bill this year. Plus, your contributions will compound tax-deferred. It’s hard to find a better deal.
If you put away $5,000 a year for 20 years in an investment with an average annual 8% return, your $100,000 in contributions will grow to $247,000.
The same investment in a taxable account would grow to only about $194,000 if you’re in the 25% federal tax bracket (and even less if you live in a state with a state income tax to bite into your return).
To qualify for the full annual IRA deduction in 2019, you must: not be eligible to participate in a company retirement plan, or If  you are eligible, you must have adjusted gross income of $64,000 or less for singles, or $103,000 or less for married couples filing jointly.
If you are not eligible for a company plan but your spouse is, your traditional IRA contribution is fully-deductible as long as your combined gross income does not exceed $193,000. For 2019, the maximum IRA contribution you can make is $6,000 ($7,000 if you are age 50 or older by the end of the year). For self-employed persons, the maximum annual addition to SEPs and Keoghs for 2019 is $56,000.
Although choosing to contribute to a Roth IRA instead of a traditional IRA will not cut your 2019 tax bill—Roth contributions are not deductible—it could be the better choice because all withdrawals from a Roth can be tax-free in retirement.
Withdrawals from a traditional IRA are fully taxable in retirement. To contribute the full $6,000 ($7,000 if you are age 50 or older by the end of 2019) to a Roth IRA, you must earn $122,000 or less a year if you are single or $193,000 if you’re married and file a joint return.
The amount you save for making a contribution will vary. If you are in the 25% tax bracket and make a deductible IRA contribution of $6,000, you will save $1,500 in taxes the first year. Over time, future contributions will save you thousands, depending on your contribution, income tax bracket, and the number of years you keep the money invested.
2. Make a last-minute estimated tax payment If you didn’t pay enough to the IRS during the year, you may have a big tax bill staring you in the face. Plus, you might owe significant interest and penalties, too.
According to IRS rules, you must pay 100% of last year’s tax liability or 90% of this year’s tax or you will owe an underpayment penalty.
If your adjusted gross income for 2018 was more than $150,000, you have to pay more than 110% of your 2018 tax liability to be protected from a tax year 2019 underpayment penalty.
If you make an estimated payment by January 15, you can erase any penalty for the fourth quarter, but you still will owe a penalty for earlier quarters if you did not send in any estimated payments back then.
But, if your income windfall arrived after August 31, 2019, you can file Form 2210: Underpayment of Estimated Tax to annualize your estimated tax liability, and possibly reduce any extra charges.
A note of caution: Try not to pay too much. It’s better to owe the government a little rather than to expect a refund. Remember, the IRS doesn’t give you a dime of interest when it borrows your money.
3. Organize your records for tax time Good organization may not cut your taxes. But there are other rewards, and some of them are financial. For many, the biggest hassle at tax time is getting all of the documentation together. This includes last year’s tax return, this year’s W-2s and 1099s, receipts and so on.
How do you get started?
Print out a tax checklist to help you gather all the tax documents you’ll need to complete your tax return. Keep all the information that comes in the mail in January, such as W-2s, 1099s and mortgage interest statements. Be careful not to throw out any tax-related documents, even if they don’t look very important.
Collect receipts and information that you have piled up during the year.
Group similar documents together, putting them in different file folders if there are enough papers.
Make sure you know the price you paid for any stocks or funds you have sold. If you don’t, call your broker before you start to prepare your tax return.
Know the details on income from rental properties. Don’t assume that your tax-free municipal bonds are completely free of taxes. Having this type of information at your fingertips will save you another trip through your files.
4. Find the right tax forms You won’t find all of them at the post office and library. Instead, you can go right to the source online. View and download a large catalog of forms and publications at the Internal Revenue Service website or have them sent to you by mail. You can search for documents as far back as 1980 by number or by date. The IRS also will direct you to sites where you can pick up state forms and publications.
5. Itemize your tax deductions It’s easier to take the standard deduction, but you may save a bundle if you itemize, especially if you are self-employed, own a home or live in a high-tax area. Itemizing is worth it when your qualified expenses add up to more than the 2019 standard deduction of $12,200 for singles and $24,400 for married couples filing jointly. Many deductions are well known, such as those for mortgage interest and charitable donations. You can also deduct the portion of medical expenses that exceed 7.5% of your adjusted gross income for 2019 (10% of AGI beginning in 2020).
6. Don't shy away from a home office tax deduction The eligibility rules for claiming a home office deduction have been loosened to allow more self-employed filers to claim this break. People who have no fixed location for their businesses can claim a home office deduction if they use the space for administrative or management activities, even if they don’t meet clients there.
As always, you must use the space exclusively for business. Many taxpayers have avoided the home office tax deduction because it has been regarded as a red flag for an audit. If you legitimately qualify for the deduction, however, there should be no problem.
\You are entitled to write off expenses that are associated with the portion of your home where you exclusively conduct business (such as rent, utilities, insurance and housekeeping). The percentage of these costs that is deductible is based on the square footage of the office to the total area of the house. A middle-class taxpayer who uses a home office and pays $1,000 a month for a two-bedroom apartment and uses one bedroom exclusively as a home office can easily save $1,000 in taxes a year. People in higher tax brackets with greater expenses can save even more.
One home office trap that used to scare away some taxpayers has been eliminated.
In the past, if you used 10% of your home for a home office, for example, 10% of the profit when you sold did not qualify as tax-free under the rules that let homeowners treat up to $250,000 of profit as tax-free income ($500,000 for married couples filing joint returns).
Since 10% of the house was an office instead of a home, the IRS said, 10% of the profit wasn’t tax-free. But the government has had a change of heart. No longer does a home office put the kibosh on tax-free profit.
You do have to pay tax on any profit that results from depreciation claimed for the office after May 6, 1997. It’s taxed at a maximum rate of 25%. (Depreciation produces taxable profit because it reduces your tax basis in the home; the lower your basis, the higher your profit.)
7. Provide dependent taxpayer IDs on your tax return Be sure to plug in Taxpayer Identification Numbers (usually Social Security Numbers) for your children and other dependents on your return. Otherwise, the IRS will deny any dependent credits that you might be due, such as the Child Tax Credit.
Be especially careful if you are divorced. Only one of you can claim your children as dependents, and the IRS has been checking closely lately to make sure spouses aren’t both using their children as a deduction. If you forget to include a Social Security number for a child, or if you and your ex-spouse both claim the same child, it’s highly likely that the processing of your return (and any refund you’re expecting) will come to a screeching halt while the IRS contacts you to straighten things out.
After you have a baby, be sure to file for your child's Social Security card right away so you have the number ready at tax time. Many hospitals will do this automatically for you. If you don’t have the number you need by the tax filing deadline, the IRS says you should file for an extension rather than sending in a return without a required Social Security number.
8. File and pay on time If you can’t finish your return on time, make sure you file Form 4868 by July 15, 2020. Form 4868 gives you a six-month extension of the filing deadline until October 15, 2020. On the form, you need to make a reasonable estimate of your tax liability for 2019 and pay any balance due with your request.  Requesting an extension in a timely manner is especially important if you end up owing tax to the IRS.
If you file and pay late, the IRS can slap you with a late-filing penalty of 4.5% per month of the tax owed and a late-payment penalty of 0.5% a month of the tax due. The maximum late filing penalty is 22.5% and the late-payment penalty tops out at 25%. By filing Form 4868, you stop the clock running on the costly late-filing penalty.
9. File electronically Electronic filing works best if you expect a tax refund. Because the IRS processes electronic returns faster than paper ones, you can expect to get your refund three to six weeks earlier.  If you have your refund deposited directly into your bank account or IRA, the waiting time is even less.
There are other advantages to e-filing besides a fast refund: The IRS checks your return to make sure that it is complete, which increases your chances of filing an accurate return. Less than 1% of electronic returns have errors, compared with 20% of paper returns.
The IRS also acknowledges that it received your return, a courtesy you don’t get even if you send your paper return by certified mail. That helps you protect yourself from the interest and penalties that accrue if your paper return gets lost. If you owe money, you can file electronically and then wait until the federal tax filing deadline to send in a check along with Form 1040-V. You may be able to pay with a credit card or through a direct debit.
With a credit card, expect to pay a service charge of as much as 2.5%.
With direct debit, you may delay the debiting of your bank account until the actual filing deadline.
Advance Tax Relief is headquartered in Houston, TX.  We help many individuals just like you solve a wide variety of IRS and State tax issues, including penalty waivers, wage garnishments, bank levy, tax audit representation, back tax return preparation, small business form 941 tax issues, the IRS Fresh Start Initiative, Offer In Compromise and much more. Our Top Tax Attorneys, Accountants and Tax Experts are standing by ready to help you resolve or settle your IRS back tax problems.
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TAZHP: Erasure
(Guess who has more ideas for TAZHP!  Hint: who's making this post.  That's right, it's me.  Yeah.  This fic is sort of almost the polar opposite of the last one I posted, intensity-wise.  Also, there are like major major spoilers in here, so if you're not at least to the Stolen Century arc and care about spoilers at all then nothing to see here, move on.)
(Credit for this AU goes to @anonymousalchemist , and a lot of the ideas in here are from various other people who were talking to her about this sort of stuff.)
~Between Sixth and Seventh Year, Mid-August~
It's a beautiful, sunny day, and the Hogwarts campus is quiet.  Birds are singing somewhere in the distance, a faint breeze rustles the leaves of the trees, and the sun is high in the sky.  The surface of the lake is still, and one might have to really squint to see the lights given off by its main inhabitant.
That is about to change.
The campus is peaceful, but that doesn't mean the rest of the world is.  If one were to go to a big city, one might find a duel raging at this very moment.  Even if there weren't any at this moment, the knowledge of coming battles hangs over the heads of the entire wizarding world like some sort of magic sword.
That is also about to change.
There's no one on the campus at the moment, which means that no one notices when the peace and quiet is disrupted by someone materialising just outside of the grounds.  This person has light blonde hair and dark skin, and she looks nervous, but there's a determination in her eyes and the way she clutches her wand that might frighten a casual observer.  She tucks her wand into her bun to hold both items in place, and makes the trek from the edge of the anti-Apparation zone to the shore of the lake in silence.
At the lakeshore, she very carefully places her bag on the ground.  She opens a notebook that is stashed in one of the pockets of her bag and silently reviews the notes she's taken, deciphered and translated from books older than her entire family line.  She traces a finger down the section of the text that she wrote herself rather than translated from old books, the incredibly cautious calculations and exhaustively practiced gestures that will save the world today.
Well, if she hasn't messed up, of course.
She tucks the notebook back into her bag and eats some of the trail mix she packed.  She knows she's stalling at least a little bit, but this will almost definitely drain most of her energy.  She packs up, retrieves the gift she has brought, and wedges the bag under a rock.  Now is the time for action.
Withdrawing her wand from her bun, she jabs at the very edge of the water.  The ripples spread across the lake, and as they reach the center, the gigantic jellyfish that lives in the lake surfaces.  Lights flash across its huge bell like stars in the night sky.  A note in the notebook that is currently stashed in the bag describes this creature as something called a voidfish.  A scribble over to the side, a note from the young woman now standing up to face the voidfish, states that it appears to like music and wooden ducks.
The young woman has brought an expertly-carved wooden duck for this exact purpose.  She sets it in the water, and a long tendril from the voidfish curls around it.  The voidfish drifts over and lifts up the duck, and now its huge form is directly above her.
She starts casting the spell she has made.  It's not a simple spell, but she has committed it to memory.  As she speaks, the voidfish begins to sing in time.  It's almost a subconscious thing on its part, but it's still beautiful.
Her wand is glowing faintly, and the light that it emits starts spilling down her arm.  The sheer power required for this spell to be as effective as she needs is lifting her up in the air.  She's facing away from the lake, now, but she's backlit by the voidfish glowing like a supernova.
As the spell is cast and the young woman's voice falls silent, the brilliant light from both her wand and the voidfish expands outwards.  For a split second, it fills her field of view, and then it expands swiftly, rushing onwards and encircling the entire world.  It fades from sight.
One of the young woman's close friends is having lunch when it happens, several half-finished woodworking projects on the table.  He does not notice what happens, and will only really register that something is off of his own when he does with ease something he's been struggling to figure out for weeks.  However, later that day, the thought will occur to him that it's been a while since he last called his girlfriend, and he will do that.
"I finally mastered wandless magic!" he says.  "Check this out!"  He goes to punch a training dummy and blast it into a wall, but about half of the spell's effects blow back onto his face and both parties go flying.  The twins burst out laughing, but they do look impressed.
The seven of them are sitting by the lakeshore, discussing present events with some combination of anxiety and determination.  He puts the finishing touches on a small duck he's been carving and tosses it into the lake.  One tendril emerges from the surface and catches the duck in midair, and another accepts his offer of a high-five.
He's watching a young girl watch her father die, and there's nothing any of them can do about it.  In the girl's father's last few moments, he casts some sort of spell, and a small bird flutters into the air and lands on the girl's shoulder.  He doesn't know what to say, and neither does the bird, but they both try to do their best.
Another one of the young woman's close friends is in a greenhouse at the time.  He does not notice what happens, and it will be a few weeks before he thinks about something he's only recently adapted to and realises that something is off.
It's his turn to host Candlenights at his house, which is why the house is crammed full of six additional people, a few owls, a mongoose ("It's just a weird cat, m'dude."), and a goldfish.  The kitchen is going full-blast making macaroons which apparently couldn't be made in batches of less than exactly the amount that everyone eats, and he's chatting up one of his closest friends; they're making plans to go camping together, or gardening, or on a broomstick ride.  That last one has been decided against because the friend's style of flying is entirely too daring for this person.
The spell sinks into his arm and starts to rush up it.  It looks bad enough that he accepts his friend's offer to chop it off, and based on the way that his arm crumbles as it hits the ground, that was the right decision.
The man across from him is incredibly terrifying, even when his appearance isn't all opalescent.  Truth comes naturally to this person; bluffing his way through danger is nerve-wracking, but it seems to work.  Hopefully.
Yet another of the young woman's closest friends is relaxing in the bedroom of the cheap apartment he rented at that moment.  He does not notice what happens, which is almost incredible what with how much changes instantly about him, but in retrospect the setup of the apartment will look a little bit morbid, even though he won't realise that.  He will not register that something is off until the very same young woman who started this whole thing begins to look into something that he thought there was no way for her to know about.
"Like this, sir?" asks the younger kid, and this person corrects his mistakes with a level of kindness that he will deny to anyone else.  They continue lessons like this for the rest of the afternoon, and he offers the kid an extra cupcake that he had lying around-- just because there was one left over, of course.
They're backed into a corner, and there's no way out except for through the wizard that's advancing.  There's just enough room to wreak havoc, though, and he grins at his sister as they both transform-- her into a phoenix, him into a T-Rex.  The expression on the wizard's face is priceless; the expression on his sister's boyfriend's face is equally sweet, but for different reasons.
The idea is ridiculous, and he's concerned.  No, scratch that, legitimately scared.  It's not his place to interfere with how his sister lives her life, but that's definitely not entirely safe.  "It's just going to be a plan for if it's needed, babe," she says.  "We've got this shit on lock.  But we can't keep nearly dying forever; we've gotta do something to turn the tide, and this might just be it."  She has a point, but he's nervous for days beforehand and afterwards, and some of the other people in his friend group seem equally alarmed by how drastic their measures have been getting.
The remaining three of the young woman's closest friends have just landed in the town they were visiting to collect information, half the world away.  None of them notice what happens instantly, but all of them realise that something is very, very wrong within minutes: one realises that he's not in Britain anymore; one registers that huge portions of his memory have just vanished; and one figures out that she's effectively invisible.  They will not figure out why for several months.
The light fades slowly, and the voidfish drifts back into the lake, clutching the duck, unaware of most of the effects of the past few moments.  The young woman's light blonde hair has gone even paler, and is shot through with pure white. 
She falls to the ground and struggles to remain conscious for about a second before collapsing.  It takes an entire day for her to regain consciousness, and she spends the next couple days working up the energy to Apparate back to her house.
When she gets there, though; that's when she begins to discover exactly what the spell has done, which is to say, what it had to do and then some.  Some of it is amazing, some of it is confusing, and some of it...
Some of it is just terrifying.
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