#it just bothers me a little that these objectively flawless and perfect characters basically only exist to date more popular characters
presidentbungus · 3 years
id say sol/demo is so much more popular because its been such a well established friendship through the war comic. in the main comic the mercs dont really seem to be friends so the most prominent friendship demo has is solly and unfortunately many ppl don’t think much about demo or his possible deeper relationships with others so demo/sol is kind of the default demo ship like heavy/med is for heavy
🚨 sorta needless discourse alert (from me. anon you did nothing wrong) weewoo weewoo 🚨
I just think it’s kinda lame just how much bnb has totally devoured demo as a character </3 I feel like a lot of both his canon and fandom presence is JUST him being there to be soldier’s bestie, like heavy’s kinda just there for medic a lot of content (but that’s a conversation for another day). like… it’s exceedingly rare that I see Demo just alone in a fanart without Soldier, and like once in a blu moon (heh) that I see him with anyone else. I love love love love bnb don’t get me wrong. i’d just… like to see more demo content that’s not just bnb content </3
I think “default ship” is a rlly good way to put it. like it’s valid that’s the first ship you think of when you’re talkin bout Demoman bc yes, valve put its entire ass into making sure they were the only besties in the comics, but like I guess here’s a post that humbly requests all ye who look upon to like consider another demo ship for a brief, fleeting moment. Swordvan! Triple threat science party! Regular science party except it’s him and engy! ANY platonic ship out there! go insane! the world is your oyster. YES he is married to soldier but yes he can go without him for a few minutes.
and u know tenuously related but the another time is now. I also find it irritating how little solo heavy stuff we get—I feel like he’s another one that’s just kinda been left In the dust, and if you wanna consume heavy content you’re basically gonna have to go look at some red oktoberfest because there’s…. not much heavy content besides red oktoberfest content. hes his own deep and nuanced and funny character but again I feel like he’s kinda just reduced to medic’s big gay bear instead Of his many actual character traits which could feasibly be explored and expanded upon. I love red oktoberfest and I love seeing them together but god please let Heavy go out on walks on his own sometimes </3
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atomicblasphemy · 3 years
Chamomile {Part I}
Eda and Amity share a cup of tea.
If she could just bring herself to it, she would have been able touch her. The human’s hand laid with its palm up, fingers slightly apart, had Amity Blight been a more reckless, a more selfish person she would have read an invitation there. But the fact was that she wasn’t brazen, or at least not when it came to her paramour. The very opposite was more likely to be the case. And she wasn’t as invasive or disrespectful as to spoil Luz’s peace. She knew well enough how this could feel, and she wouldn’t dream of making her experience that. The human’s peaceful sleeping face, a small smile on her lips, the slow rhythmic sound of her breath, the fact she had fallen asleep facing her, those were signs of trust. An undeserved gift Amity Blight wasn’t willing to abuse. Those were the thoughts repeating in her mind: the sanctity of Luz’s peace and her own unwillingness, due to her own principles, to corrupt that. Principles whose origins she didn’t know for certain.
Truth be told, it wasn’t her undeniable attraction for Luz keeping sleep away from her, however. It was this vulnerability, this unwarranted confidence the girl deposited in Amity Blight, that she could allow herself to be in such position around her despite the long list of evidences to the contrary the witchling could think of. That’s what was bothering her. She wanted to see herself worthy of such trust, but scour her mind as she might, nothing could explain to her Luz’s abandonment. It wasn’t as though they kept with the antagonism of their early interactions, things had changed, for the better. Or so Amity Blight wanted to believe, hoping Luz would agree. Nevertheless, it was far too soon for her to be deserving of any of this from the human.
She shifted her position, laying flat on her back now. The wooden ceiling sure could provide some welcomed distraction. She counted the boards, she lost track of time as she mapped the large veins on each of them, as she often liked to when she was given the chance. Her parents’ taste for pristine white marble made sure this rarely was the case however. Her home was so different from this place, like comparing a cottage to a hermetically clean hospital, sterile. The flawlessness of her homestead’s ever so pristine couth, which had been passed down from so many generations, was all she had known thus far. The owl house was well kept, to the limited extent of what Edalyn Clawthorne, King and now Luz could manage. Still, the choice words for her parents to describe the place would would surely be along the lines of revolting or filthy. This would always be more than enough for them to form an unshakable opinion on the denizens. She owed Skara one, if not for her, today would not have been possible, circumstances would not have allowed it to be possible. She now knew what the word cozy meant, it had always sounded so abstract to her.
But try as she might to distract herself, think idle thoughts about her parents, Skara, and generalities of distinct living conditions, Luz’s sweet, almond like smell made those be futile efforts at best, counterproductive at worst. No witch she knew smelled like that. But then again, most witches in her social circle were avid users of colognes, perfumes, or really anything that can mask the natural scent of their bodies. Amity Blight used to think this was a flattering character of her fellow upper-crust, this earthly scent however, so grounded as to be naive, begged to differ. Luz never showed such frugal concerns, and despite often making those unsettling jokes about quitting basic hygiene, she not once saw the girl dirty. Going the distance of using perfume, however, sounded like it would be a foreign concept to the human. Amity Blight couldn’t really tell whether or not this smell was a human thing or if witches also had such scents. But this was Luz’s smell, that’s all she needed to know.
She tried to lead her thoughts elsewhere, but still they circled back to the unavoidable distraction to her side. She won’t get any sleep if things stay like this, and Luz had plans for the two of them in the morning. She needed some air, the most delicious scent she could think becoming unbearable,  some time outside this room to get her thoughts in order. Sitting up, looking to her side  she can’t help a smile of her own at Luz’s content face. She shoos the thought that she could, perhaps be dreaming of her, that she could be the cause of that contentment. If Luz could unknowingly keep Amity Blight’s brazeness at bay, she could do the same to her learned inclinations for pretension. This wasn’t enough to keep her, mostly unbidden, hand from towards Luz. But she wouldn’t take the risk, she was unsure whether she could afford such mistake, because that’s what this would be.
Ruling against that action, she reaches further, picking up the small notebook and Luz’s favorite pen that laid beside it. It seemed as though the light spell Luz casted earlier - by Amity’s request - worked as a candle, dimming as time went on. She was never a fan of sleeping in the dark, and her own purple light spells only brought back the memories of Ed and Em asking, no, demanding, to know why they weren’t invited to the night club. Luz had been  kind enough as to give her that, she even taught her the exact design one should make in order to cast light in that fashion. Thinking of that brought a thought to Amity. It was auspicious, to say the least, that the girl’s first self taught spell was a light spell. Hadn’t she told her once that in her mother’s language Luz meant light? She smiled, the name  simply made too much sense in every conceivable way. Safe for Bellos, and likely Boscha, that was bound to be an unanimous opinion among all inhabitants of the Boiling Isles that had met the human. Amity Blight gave out a wee smile at the thought, her bias on that opinion too large for her to say whether or not it was true, but she would stubbornly hold on to that belief nonetheless. She didn’t want to question why she had been allowed to be under this light, not now. Point stands, nonetheless, Amity Blight knew what she had done both to Luz herself as well as some of those the human held the closest to her heart. Those displays of kindness, or even endearment, those are what Amity Blight would never understand: both a sign of praiseworthy courage and of a reckless abandonment a Blight couldn’t help but to chastise. And Titan as her witness, had she done enough chastisement of Luz in the past. But the thought of Luz’s desire for being close to her made her certain she wouldn’t see her usual pale complexion should she look into a mirror. Luckily, there was none there to witness her giving in to her feelings.
She drew the glyph and sure enough a small orb of light materialized, consuming the sheet of paper. To her utter surprise, it had the same color as Luz’s. She drew a second one, standing up before casting it. As quietly as she could despite the creak of the floor boards she made her way to the kitchen. The owl house, although fairly large for the four living in it - five if one counts that abhorrent screechy creature with no sense of personal space as a person - had a pretty straight forward layout. It had taken Amity Blight but one quick visit to be able to navigate the place with her eyes closed if she wanted, but the scattered random objects Edalyn Clawthorne, the matriarch, had collected over the years stopped her from such attempt. Despite living there her whole life, she couldn’t claim the same familiarity with her family’s ancestral manor. She wondered how she would feel tomorrow  night, sleeping there again.
The kitchen, as simple as the rest of the house, was deserted. She had insisted on helping Luz clean it up after dinner, her ineptitude at basic chores earning Luz’s laughter and a few basic lessons. She could now almost be considered an expert at doing the dishes, probably the first Blight to ever reach that. She knew were the glasses were, that was all she needed. Fetching a glass she makes her way to the fridge, hoping to find that cold bottle of water she saw earlier.
“Trouble sleeping, Blight?”
A tall figure, still wearing her carmine dress, stood leaning herself on the backdoor’s threshold, an amicable expression, although suggesting there was still a large bridgeless river between them, on her face, her arms crossed.  She had been silent enough to almost give Amity a heart attack, Edalyn only laughed. Dropping the large cloth bag next to the door.
“Ms. Clawthorne. Uhh… Yes, a little. You too?”  
“Well, the fact that I every now and then become one is not the only reason why people call me the Owl Lady. I also have really, really bad insomnia. When its especially bad, like tonight, I just go run a few… errands. But enough about that. Thought you’d sleep like a brick after Luz dragged you all over the whole day. So, my humble abode’s accommodations are not up to standard or...”
“N-No, Ms. Cla-Clawthorne. Everything is perfect. I just have a… I have insomnia too, sometimes. So, yeah… That’s it.”
The older witch furrowed her eyebrows, Amity Blight knew that look. She was being studied. But her inelegant response had been simply unavoidable, a knee jerk reaction beyond her control. It was true however, sleep often evaded the girl, but the heat rising to her cheeks denounced that this night the cause was other than usually. The difference in their postures and clothing was enough to make the Blight want to burrow herself in hole. Edalyn, in a well worn dress red in color – which highly complimented the gray tone of her hair, the white of her skin, and more importantly her heterochromatic eyes, the yellow jewelry matching her left honey colored eye, the original color for both of the, this was her biggest battle scar – looked, in her usual manner, ready for whatever these Isles could have in store for her. Amity Blight, on the other hand, with her hair loose from her usual small ponytail, a few strands falling in front of both her eyes hiding the amber beneath, wearing well tailored, thought loosely fitting and thick pajamas as to afford as much comfort as possible to her sleep in a chilly night as this one, looked as off guard as one possibly could. Her upper class origin could, at times, be rather inconvenient.
“Anyway… Tea? Figure it can help you get at least some shut eye. According to Luz’s incessant rambling this last couple of days it seems you have a busy day ahead of you tomorrow and you will need at least some rest.”
“Y-yes. Tea would be lovely, m-ma’am.”
She worried the blush would show in the dim light. The name of Luz, in the girl’s mentor’s voice, again making Amity Blight’s emotions take the forefront. She attempted to speak as little as possible. Seeing how Edalyn was still studying her, this option seemed to grow distant by the instant. The suggestion of a smirk in the Owl Lady’s lips.
“Hope you like chamomile then, cause that’s all we have. Is that alright with you?”
“That’s my favorite actually, thanks. Em will always brew it for me and Ed  when there’s a Boiling storm.”
“Em? That’s your sister right? Emerald, wasn’t it?”
The Clawthorne asked, as she filled a kettle with water.
“Emira, actually.”
“Dangit, I owe Lily 5 snails. We had this bet, back at school, you know. When we saw things between Al and Odalia were getting serious. I said Odalia’s first born daughter would be called Emerald, seemed right up her alley. I mean, because of the green and all, but mostly because… No offense, but she always had a bit of a gaudy taste. You should see her looks at grom, she had so much jewelry on her that you could probably buy a house with it, even if you sold it to the lowest bidder, and so much fabric in her dress that you could build a tent big enough to fit all of Bonesburough under it.”
Amity Blight couldn’t contain a small chuckle, much to Edalyn’s surprise. The owl lady raised her eyebrows expecting clarification from the Blight.
“Well, you’re not too far off. I heard that was the second pick.”
“Huh, was it Al who didn’t let the three of you have weird names, or did she get suddenly struck with common sense? Well, in any case, you seem to have more taste than her. Also, will you just have a sit already, Blight? Seriously, you’re lucky you’re not called Diamond or some thing like that, Blight.”
Amity Blight winced at how Edalyn addressed her. From someone as close to Luz as Edalyn, there was only one way Amity Blight wanted to be called.
“That part I don’t really know, it was Em herself who told me she almost was called that. And, please, just call me Amity.”
Edalyn, making her own way to the table, just looked at the girl. Amity felt as though she was still studying her, but so far she wanted to think she had made a good enough impression. She placed the pen and notebook on the table, to which Edalyn promptly picked it up, drawing a light glyph of her own almost as fast as Luz would, Amity couldn’t tell whether or not she had so much as looked at the paper as she drew it. The water on the kettle beginning to heat.
“Sure, as long as you start calling me Eda. No Ms. Clawthorne, no ma’ams, and specially no Owl Ladies. My name is Eda, just Eda. I don’t really do formality or legends well. Just ask Bump.”
She extends her hand towards Amity.
Amity responded Eda’s gesture in kind. The agreement sealed with a firm handshake.
“Now, I still have to ask you. Why exactly you don’t want to be called Blight? Its a powerful name, all Blights I ever met seemed pretty proud of it, even when we were negotiating some back alley deal. You all seem to always try to do everything you can to remind everyone around you how much of a Blight you are. This is a first for me, I got to say.”
“I… That’s complicated. I don’t really know how to put it into words.”
“You should try it sometime though. But, in any case, we can always come back to this later. For now however, I hear you are pretty good with abominations, how’s that working out for you?”
Amity couldn’t be more grateful for Eda’s obvious option for small talk. For someone who said not to be good with formalities, her capacity of catching up on those queues was impressive. She couldn’t help her surprise to learn that on her Hexside days she attended the potions track instead of oracle. But that first part sounded to her more like a promise than a suggestion.
As the water slowly began to boil, they talked. Eda would every now and then drop a few anecdotes about Amity’s mother. Progressively derogatory ones at that. The girl was starting  to feel skeptic as to the honesty of her ever present “no offense” claims. It was a welcomed thing though,  she was not about to stop Eda’s mockery. However, the woman seemed to grow interested in one particular topic, one Amity was much less excited about.
“So, you have those light brown roots. You plan on dying it anytime soon? Just curious, because honestly as it is, you look like you have some kind of plant in your hair. Like, green leafs atop the the brown bark and all.”
She took some time answering, despite Eda’s friendly demeanor. As a matter of fact, that too was confusing her. Much like with Luz, she couldn’t understand why she of all people wouldn’t be keeping her at an arms length. Either way, she didn’t know where exactly Eda planned on taking this conversation, which Amity had been truly enjoying, just like that curiosity took over.
“Yeah. Mother has been insistent about it for a couple weeks. I kind of like it this way, though. I don’t know, does it really look that bad?”
“No, not at all. I made fun of it, but I don’t really think you need to change it… if you don’t want to, that is. But… Well, I have a feeling we’ll get to it eventually.”
Amity noticed some hesitation in Eda’s voice. She said those words slower than her normal pace, lower than her normal pitch, uncharacteristically tentative. Moreover, Eda’s words made the girl certain this conversation would be much longer than she had anticipated when she first saw Eda standing by the door frame.
“Thanks. But, any day now Mother will come home with that bottle green dye, and then she’ll summon me to her quarters, and then she’ll dye it. And then that will be it.”
“Wait. Odalia dyes your hair herself?” Seeing Amity’s curt nod, Eda completed. “Interesting… It both sounds exactly like the Odalia I knew and nothing like her.” She lingered in the last syllable, as if still processing the information.
Opportunistically, the kettle started screaming announcing the water had boiled. Amity started getting up, to help Eda with it who in turn raised her hand, prompting the girl to stop in her tracks.
“Nope, you’re still the guest here. Looks like you’ll be coming here more often, maybe then I’ll let you help me with this stuff. For now, I’ll be playing the role of the gracious host.”
Amity sat back down, quietly watching as Eda went about picking all the supplies needed. The herbs had already been sitting by the stove, so her first action had been to pour some of it into the water. She thought of Emira’s method, she could swear that should be done midway through the boiling. She saw Eda look towards the cabinet were they kept the tea cups, a small circular motion with her left index finger. And, of course, the frustrated moan was soon followed by the clanking sound of porcelain as Eda picked the teacups with her hands.
“Yes, please. A couple of spoons.”
Soon the two were back siting across from each other, waiting for the tea to cool down enough not to give them third degree burns.
“Thank you, Eda.”
“Eh, don’t mention it. I was going to make it for myself anyway.” A playful, even if laced with some poorly hidden malice, grin on her face, Eda continued. “Say, you mentioned earlier that this was your favorite kind of tea, is that right?”
“It sure is. Why?”
“Oh nothing, its just that… Personally, I’m more of an Earl Gray kind of gal. You know, I like with a bit more of a punch, you know? But not too much, especially at an hour like this. Now, Lily and King, I know for a fact those two refuse to drink anything other than coffee. I once caught those two pretty much chugging down a one litter bottle each. At three am. Black coffee, blacker than the night. It was some kind of competition they were having, I think. I’m just glad they didn’t ask Hooty to join in. However... now that I think about it, Luz’s favorite is also chamomile. So you two have that in common.”
“R-R-Really, is th-that so?”
Eda’s grin grew wider. Amity realized this was the first time the girl upstairs had been brought up in a while. Her cheeks rapidly warming up, a small flutter to her ears. The sight making Eda’s grin grow wider still.
“Mhmm. Matter of fact, that’s the main reason why that’s the only kind of tea we have here right now. She kept insisting it could help me with my insomnia, some sort of folksy human wisdom apparently. I decided to give it a shot, stop with the Earl Gray for a while.”
Was all that Amity could muster. A polite, if anticlimactic, reaction. Otherwise, her reaction were liable to give away her feelings for Luz, a most unwelcomed outcome. She wanted to exercise the utmost caution as to keep her little secret.
“In any case, that’s pretty convenient, isn’t it?”
“Wh-Whatever do you mean, Ms. Clawthorne?”
“Humm... Are we going back to Ms. Clawthorne, Blight?” Despite the addressing, the smug on Eda’s face was comparable to that of even the Blightest of Blights. “What I mean by that is the fact that you now know what to bring for the two of you to drink at that hypothetical date you’ve probably spent the whole day quietly planning.”
“I-i-i-i-i… I haven’t the foggiest...”
“I was a teenager once too, you know? Besides, you’re about as discrete about your little crush on Luz as an end times street preacher, your face alone looks like it will kill the Czar. Not to mention how you kind of flinch and stutter when I mention her name, or how you look almost entranced when she’s talking to you. So… How long?”
Sighing in defeat, her secret out, she could only answer with another question, tucking a strand of green behind her still fluttering ears.
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yuki-yozora · 5 years
Variables - fanfic ( Underswap Papyrus x Reader ) (Chapter One)
 : !!:  Author's notes ◌ °: !!:
Hello darlings! ‧ ₊ ° “
If you don't want read the note, please, roll this part.
As I mentioned in the prologue, it's my first time doing an underswap fic, so I'd like your opinion. ˚ ˚ *
I'm doing it the way I think it would be Au if it was complete as well as the fangame, but that doesn't mean I'm 100% following its original forms. ‧ ₊ ° “
That said, I will do my best to stay faithful and make writing interesting and fun. *
The cover image was edited by me, I know it's not the best, but I tried. ° ⸼ ⊹
If I get the link or names of those who created the images I will make available. °
Remembering that I have profiles in tree communities of Undertale in pt br, if you see an Vivinare, something ( skeleton, boned or skelly) with the same post, it's me, don't be scared. ˚ ˚ *
· · ✦ · · · · · · · 1 Notices · · · · · ✦ · · · · · · ·
Fic will follow many of its original creator's ideas with some interpretations and theories of mine. Here's the link about the creator: Popcorn (His profile no longer exists, he made another and left Au, she belongs to fandom, basically)
Not for fragile hearts.
(in general): violence, bullying, subliminal jokes, slight depression.
Adventure, Drama, Comedy, Thriller & Romance
˚ ˚ * In this fanfic ⁺ ˚. *
1 Chara is a boy;
2 Has original characters.
˚ ˚ * This chapter presents ⁺ ˚. *
1 slight violence;
2 Citation to depression;
3 drama.
Big chapter ahead.
﹍﹎﹍﹎﹍﹎﹍﹎﹍﹎﹍﹎﹍﹎﹍﹎﹍﹎﹍﹎﹍﹎ ﹍﹎﹍﹎﹍﹎﹍﹎﹍﹎﹍﹎﹍ A year has passed… No news ... No trail ... not even false leads. (That fill us with hope just to take care of us.)
I haven't used those words in so many days when referring to my life. Just one in the back, my brother was kidnapped. Chara was taken from me and taken where no one can find him. Your friends' parents shout accusations, as if I could hurt a single hair on your head:
"- It was certainly the oldest. After all, it's not the first death of the family. -"
Heh. People can be cruel.
We were four. He, the only boy and middle brother, only ten years old. The other oldest, Bianca, and the youngest, Daisy, were murdered by someone we trusted. Bianca's boyfriend, Elric, was on the Wizards Order. And to be accepted, the fire had to be fed with a precious commodity. He spent years fooling us into doing this… so that I could do that to him… That was two years ago. I tried to overcome my sadness, Elric was already under arrest, there was a Chara to be comforted. Gradually, our somewhat lonely new routine took shape. He made good friends who didn't judge him as many citizens: relatives of the children killed by the weirdo. Affectionate surname. We finally started to straighten up ... Until one day a couple broke into the house, terrified Doug, Chara's best friend, while frantically attacking me and the other taking my brother out of me in the blink of an eye. Despite my success in containing who attacked us, the other simply disappeared without a trace ...
It was like magic.
The search began in a human pursuit. All in vain. Police dropped the case in the fourth month, new ones were emerging. And there's no way to blame them for that (in a small, old town near the mountains, Ebottown had its high dose of violence.) The neighborhood avoided me as if infected with the plague and made a point of emphasizing how much I was despised. Escape, death. I thought of all this. But the spark of hope that he could come back kept me from leaving. And for that, I tolerate. All the antagonistic attitude of the neighborhood took me from my daily work. It just wasn't working, and my colleagues got angry every time my presence disturbed their eyes. To ensure basic survival, I accepted the night job offered by Luka, (The intimidating woman, the neighbor of the front house. Tall and powerful, with flawless black skin. Wearing her full hair or brightly colored turban, but there was always a vibrant purple, almost neon. His style of clothing was almost Gothic, spiders reminded me, for a strange reason.). The job was in a very elegant night bar serving colorful drinks and a space for parties or 'dances'. All the darkness and the bright alcohol made it difficult for people to recognize me, and anyone who dared to bother me was quickly arrested by the other bartenders or Luka, who was responsible for security. Strange to say that I felt more comfortable there than in my own home… loneliness ails me. Like now, a rainy day, with strong winds. Typical of the city. Interestingly on my day off. No strolling around, (Y/N).
* The rain outside is cold as your feelings and you know you don't deserve it.
A sigh and a roll of his eyes. I was annoyed myself. This whole situation, as if childhood turbulence was no longer enough, made the most frequent episodes of self-deprecation. Now it wasn't just my huge thighs or scars until I said enough. Or having tires in place of a perfect waist, or my abdomen getting easily swollen. No ... That's what I said, how I said it, how I breathed ... I probably needed help:
* But no one will come ...
I got. Luka was a good person, but I couldn't pour that much on her… I'm not worth it. With a flick of my tongue, I got up from the flowered carpet, centered in a bedroom entrance. I just went in there to clean, other than that, I watched the empty beds by the entrance, in silence. I closed the door carefully, looking back out of habit before going to the bathroom. A few gray floors peeled off the wall (cheap workmanship), the sink still full, but there were leaks in the pipe, the toilet was so bad it clogged up with the urine flush, the boxing was tiny, as if someone was trapping you in the closet while bathing you in cold water. Yes, the shower burned. At least I still have cute cabinets and a mirror….
I looked into the mirror.
* After all, it's still you.
Long, curly hair, very messy and (h/c), with all the broken hair floating around (better known as fritz and he was too thin to be soft), reddish brown eyes (which weren't as red as Chara's) were probably the only things I liked about myself. Then we have my skin (s/c) very pale due to lack of sun exposure, random acne spreading, not in excess but bothering, deep dark circles, decorated with today's tear marks. A humorless laugh escaped my lips, his hand moving almost on its own, turning on the tap, rubbing the water over his face carefully. This is kind of dangerous, being alone with my sad thoughts.
" Finally. " I sighed, wiping my face on the nearest towel, hands then, as a painful smile crossed my face. " I have that." I tapped my side pocket of shorts where a deck of cards accompanied me everywhere.
It was like an extra part of me since Luka gave it to me, along with three other never-missing items: the black lipstick that Bianca wore when she came out with us, always in a pocket, the yellow ribbon of Daisy's hair on my head. her hair may look like a rattlesnake's nest, but she was always there.) and the weird book of basic flirtations that featured Chara as a pun and that he liked more than necessary (though small, no longer fit into pockets, so the his usual place next to my hip, between underwear and skin.)
I took advantage and wet my hair a little, as if he wasn't coming back to it later. Finishing up and getting some of the apparent melancholy from my face, I managed a hesitant smile at my reflection, but it returned to the cold look when something seemed to burst in the distance and the light went out. A blackout… when all I have to eat is frozen spaghetti and I'm out of gas.
So ... so ... perfect.
Worthy of a rainy day, which seemed to get stronger by the moment. Making a loud, unfamiliar sound, I emerged from the bathroom downstairs, using instincts to move without breaking anything. A kind of mind map danced in my mind, the matches in the cutlery and candles in the open closet seemed to light up like object-hunting games. I lit three candles that had already been used, then looked at the plate of food waiting to be warmed. Shaking my head gently, I put it in the fridge, even though it had no light to keep it intact, and pulled a jar of yogurt in place. This will be my dinner. Sitting at the round table with a prepared spoon, I began setting up the cards to play solitaire when I heard another noise. Much closer than the last. Slowly I took the cards from the table and stuffed them in my pocket, frowning.
A bang ... Coming from the room. Walking carefully, I approached, looking slowly out the door. My coffee table was split in half, the iron baseball bat stuck in the wood seemed to be the murder weapon. That stick was from Luka ...
More noise came from upstairs, my door still seemed to be closed. A kind of cold rose in my veins. This was strangely familiar. I looked around the room before going to the club and pulling it carefully.
* The Metal gave you a shiver of premonition.
I climbed the stairs, knowing exactly where to step so as not to make noise, but when I reached the top floor, I relaxed. The noise ceased. All doors remained closed, my room being the only exception. I peered through the door and, as I thought, he fled, as he had a year ago. The room was ruined, as if it had been a break-in party. The bed broke, the mattress was torn, as were my papers and the wardrobe on the floor, some scattered clothes, a strange substance staining the rug and writing on the wall: - You know where to find me. - My camping backpack, which I used during the research, and a book on the history of the city were in the center of the room. The open book, an image of Mount Ebott circulated there.
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"... All right, all right. "
I grabbed the backpack and the book, going down and putting on my neon blue wellies before leaving. I looked at Luka's house and the staff in hand, then ran, just pushing open the door. I didn't have to walk much, she was in the middle of the room, which had several broken things. Concerned, I knelt beside her, almost panicked, but relieved when I saw her breathing. I used your phone to call the police, but decided not to wait. Finally, I have a clue. A chance to catch him. I needed to do this. I laid her on the couch and left a small note, leaving before I changed my mind.
* You are full of justice.
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It was night when I started to cross the forest. The rain persisted above, making the cold run down my back. Sharp branches and thorns scraped my skin and ripped my clothes, but now I barely cared. I needed to continue. It wasn't long before I reached the clearing in front of the mountain, the place that started it all. Immaculate gray dust lay where the eternal fire lay. Not washed by rain, not carried by wind. Right there, waiting. I wiped something hot from my face and turned, the cock getting colder against my skin.
* You need to move on.
Gradually, I felt scratches burning, but I made sure they wouldn't be long enough to stop bleeding. As expected, climbing was not an easy task. The soaked, sloping ground was almost a waterfall of mud that made me slip and lose my balance as I stepped on the loose rocks. My hair, my legs, my clothes had mud on everything. I dropped to my knees as I reached one of the peaks, breathing hard as I looked into the dark cavern not far away. Lightning roused me from the trance I entered, so I started to get up, feeling someone watching me.
- It is not bad. -
With one hard blow, I tried to hit him behind me, a whistling noise was all I could get. My muscles tensed automatically with the evil laugh. " Not bad. " He sneered behind me again, his dark red cloak flapping violently in the wind, mocking his hands saluting me.
" What you want? " I growled. He started to laugh, part of his mouth visible, a large scar on the left side of his face, lips and chin. " Foolish child. You have no idea what you did when you attacked that wizard, do you? Knights are so ignorant. " He shook his head, like I was a lost cause. A gold stick with a ruby top appeared in his left hand. " So we agreed that you should be eradicated, like monsters. But you multiply like rabbits." His voice was thoughtful. " Anyway, it's trivial in our day ... But, how you attacked us ... A massacre is inevitable! " Another laugh followed.
* You have no idea what he is talking about, but decide to face him anyway.
" Does not matter. " I took a deep breath, making a decision. "I don't want to know your motives now." I watched the ruby light up with its magic. " Still ... You must be punished. "
With a speed I didn't know, I advanced and hit the club in his ribs, pushing it aside and giving him a breathlessness. A sigh of pain was all I heard before something moved away from him and fell to the muddy ground. I felt discomfort in my chest and arm, but got up without difficulty. Once again, I set off to attack, but dodging a red sphere he threw. It surprised me and the rodeo was not so successful, it scraped my arm and burned my skin. Others came and it was hard to get rid of them, the mud at my feet making me slip all the time. Adrenaline took over my body and I felt even faster, confident, almost enjoying fighting, the steady pace: side, side, spin, jump, run, roll, attack, lose. It wasn't long before I hit his face, an uncomfortable, muffled sound sounded around us, something that looked like a tooth flew away from him. He withdrew closer to the cave, making me follow him cautiously. That smile sent mixed emotions in my core. Suddenly, many spheres formed and advanced against me at high speed, barely leaving room for evasion. One of them hit me in the belly and the pain I felt was masked by the lack of mobility. No matter how much I moved, I couldn't leave the place.
" Finally. " He hardly seemed to have such a hoarse voice that he seemed. " You slippery trash. " He approached, holding his stomach, sweat mixed with rain, some blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. " Now. " He gripped my face tightly, the team being torn from me and thrown into some dark corner. " Come . " My body began to float, following it to the cave. " Com'on, not look at me like that. I'll tell you a secret. " He laughed. It wasn't too deep, there were flowers scattered all over the floor, all golden flowers, I think, a smaller hole in the ceiling where the rain fell and a larger, very dark hole in the floor. On the walls, several inlaid crystals gave the lighting a mystical feel. Suddenly I was hurled, slipping on the floor and ruining some flowers, stopping right at the edge of the hole. Barely able to move, I lifted my face to face him. I was completely defenseless. There was a macabre smile on his face, his now visible eyes glowing with blood red. "Your brother is just waiting." He whispered. " Go get him. -" And a kick threw me in my death. Soon, only darkness painted my world.
*It's the end.
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My english is very beginner, so i'm using the help of google translator. If anyone with available time can help me review, I appreciate it. (Y/N) - your name (h/c) - hair color (s/c) - skin color More legends will be added in the future! Word Count: About 2,880 If i use any images similar to the game can be found on the Gamejolt website. They do not belong to me.
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Gloomy Days
So, how am I going to start this one? A while ago, maybe three months or so, I was scavenging the internet for fanfiction regarding my OTP in One Piece, SaNami, but after a while I didn’t find any new ones. But no problem, eh? Be the change you want to see in this world! Thus I started writing my own, my second fanfiction in general, in German, mind you, and thought it was going to be a oneshot. Well, so much for that, three months later I’m still not freaking finished. And until the muse kisses me again, I decided to translate it into English and share it with you. Please, cut me some slack though, it’s very average and, at times, a bit too angsty. Plus English is not my mother tongue and I’m a far cry from being a Shakespearean scholar. That said, I hope that you can force yourself to enjoy the first chapter. Cursive are the character’s thoughts.
Disclaimer: One Piece doesn’t belong to me. Which is a shame.
Chapter I – Broken, damned and drained
“Cast your stone into the water now
And watch the ripples spread like poison
Under the gun, underneath
You'll feel slaughtered and betrayed”
Witchcraft – White Light Suicide
Can't believe that I really came here. It's like cutting my own flesh, some kinda shitty devil must've possessed me, forced me to endure this torture.
Despite these grim thoughts, the scenery Sanji was enjoying in this very moment was far from horrible. Not a single cloud shrouded the bluest sky imaginable and the sun shone in all its glory. He was sitting on a bench, quietly staring at the marvellous estate before him. Two wide floors, born from the finest architecture one could find this side of the Grandline, surrounded by pillars made of incredibly expensive marble.
The owner must've been financially gifted.
Also, the obvious addiction to perfection didn't seem to stop when it came to the encompassing garden, blooming in all the wonderful colours of spring, seamlessly becoming one with nature while still holding its own special place. At this very moment, a literal army of gardeners  was working tirelessly to preserve the status quo, only adding one little piece to it: They were planting tangerine trees. Sanji of course knew where they came from.
Doesn't come of as a surprise, eh? She never settled for anything but the best., he thought.
He should've felt warm, sitting under the bright midday sun while wearing a custom tailored black smoking and, instead of his usual tie, a bow-tie made of silk. A few minutes ago, he had opened the jacket before sitting down to have a cigarette and contemplate his situation.
Look, even the shitty sun's giggling about the poor clown that is me. Goddamn shitty schadenfreude. So grossly incandescent, it seems that there's never going to be night-time again while I'm probably facing my darkest days here. Oh, l'ironie!, surprisingly enough though, he smiled. A tired and resignated smile, but nonetheless a smile. And the only thing that seemed to fit into his current mood. Fate had forced his hand when answering her invitation, fate and a whole lot of booze. How long has it been since the Straw Hats were forced to disband? How did it happen? He wasn't able to recall, mostly because he didn't want to. It's been a terrible time for all of them. He could still remember their former captain, Monkey D. Luffy, crying bitter tears of helplessness, vowing that they'll meet each other again to continue their adventures and the pursuit of their dreams.
 All of them again, together. Those have been his words.
But nothing did ever come true. I should be the last person to be surprised by that, shouldn't I? That's what comes from living a life of making empty promises to each and every attractive woman under the sun. Promised 'em the moon and the stars, but still left with the first light of dawn. Even after the bonds of friendship were shattered, even when I wasn't forced to live as a fugitive anymore, I couldn't stop moving to new places, from island to island, from woman to woman.
The cigarette was finished and he slowly thought about moving, not wanting to risk a late arrival to the ceremony, but he couldn't be bothered with that right now. Thus, he ignited another one. A ritual of his own. The first draw from a fresh cigarette always breathed life back into his body and soul, sometimes literally. With a slight smile on his lips, he remembered shrugging off devastating damage done to his body just by smoking. But those days were gone, probably forever. Why fight anymore, for anything?
At least some of us have been able to .. finally be happy with their lot in life. Shouldn't I be happy for them?, but he wasn't able to force himself to feel good, not for them, not for anyone. It even seemed to him that an eternity had passed since he felt anything at all anyway.
From a strictly objective point of view, those past years had been good to him. He managed to gain a small fortune with his cooking and his name was first on the list of many a food connaisseur on the entire Grand Line and all the four Blues. No, not 'Black Leg' Sanji. And don't even bother with that whole Vinsmoke-thing. He was 'Sanji, protégé of Uke Mochi', the mythical goddess of food. Sanji couldn't even remember when it was that he dropped the 'Black Leg', but sometimes, when his mind drifted away, he was compelled to remember just how proud he had once been.
All the lives he - no, they - touched, all the tyrants they brought down, the marvellous and sorrowful moments they shared were connected to 'Black Leg'.
And maybe that was very the reason he had to get rid of it.
Absentmindedly, he gazed upon the estate, inclining his head from one side to the other, asking himself how many rooms this monster had anyway. And in how many of these rooms one lucky man received what and who he had been denied for so many years. He arrived an hour ago but had not yet taken any steps to introduce himself to the personnel or the owner.
Because he didn't know how he would react to seeing her again. Her beautiful copper-coloured hair .. I wonder how she wears it now. Still long? Maybe short again? Pinned-up maybe? Oh my.., her gentle and clever brown eyes, so deep that a man could drown himself in there, sometimes, especially when she was working on some kind of plan, looking sly, making her even more attractive. Her face as a whole, he was sure about that much, would still look like angels descended from the Heavens to sculpture it, their one flawless masterpiece walking amongst mere mortals. Only .. happy now, that she has arrived somewhere in her life after all the running, the fighting and falling of silent tears. No longer restless, no longer a fugitive, no longer burdened with fear about what would happen the next day.
Did they not have good times too? Even with the marines ever so close by, even with all the pirates that had a different understanding of that word than they had. At least they usually didn't have to go to bed with their stomachs empty.
But .. I guess I can understand her. These times left everyone of us scarred in more than one way, and some of them will never be able to heal .. but could it be that she had the worst lot of us all? At least I wasn't kidnapped and forced into marriage by that .. beast, Absalom. Yeah, I think I understand why she has chosen this way. Away from everything, conquering new frontiers., actually, he did want to walk the path of oblivion too.
Of course, he never thought about marriage. But after the end of the Straw Hats, he just wanted to forget everything, not willing to torture himself any more than he already did.
Before his thoughts could drift away again, he suddenly became aware of somebody entering his sphere of solitude.
A few seconds passed until they finally looked at each other and somehow both of them knew that it wasn't easy for the other one to be here. No matter how aloof they had tried to be when the bonds of friendship, nakamaship even, couldn't hold the crew together any longer, each and everyone of them was devastated. "Didn't expect to see you here, ero-cook.", the former pirate hunter Roronoa Zoro finally tried to start a real conversation, even though in his usual laconic manner.
"And I didn't expect that you'd make it in time before the ceremony ended, all the guests left and Winter Solstice.", was the obvious answer. The pirate hunter's bad sense of direction was the stuff of legends.
Sanji took a last draw of his cigarette and flung it away, pulling out another one while exhaling the smoke into the warm day.
"It's not like that you're very punctual yourself, mh? On your way here, did you have to cling to the last pieces of virility your startlingly small frame possesses?", surprisingly enough, the green-haired swordsman wore a suit himself. Not custom tailored, of course, but it was an actual suit. And it was even more surprising that this very guy, who usually couldn't care less about his appearance - as long as it was terrifying – seemed to have at least basic knowledge about the colours he could put on with that rather uncommon hair of his. Over a pale shirt, he wore a navy blue suit coat, complemented by trousers of the same colour. He didn't wear a tie though, but that didn't surprise Sanji in the least. The swordsman always went for a more casual look, but he could've done a lot worse.
"Actually, I saw you from a distance and it took me half the day igniting candles and having a hell of a lot of moments of silence for the poor, sodding drunkard that finished your attire.", both men looked at each other again and, surprisingly enough, both of them smiled the very same smile. For just one second, it seemed to both of them, the past was alive and well, new adventures and friends on their way.
"Jokes aside, I did not expect to see you ever again, ero-cook, here in the least of all places.", some seriousness found its way back into the conversation and both immediatly knew it, Sanjis mind unable to ignore it all. Maybe I wouldn't have come if I had received the invitation when I was sober. Maybe I would've just torn it apart to burn it and throw its ashes into the wind instead of thinking about all the good times we had for hours on end, weeping bitter tears just to accept it in the end, because I persuaded myself that I had to see her one last time.. How could I even think that some dreams are worth suffering, fighting for? Could've just stabbed myself right in the shitty chest, it'd amount to the same. What an idiot I am.., instead of replying with even one of these things, he just fell into a somber silence and for a second it seemed that not even the sun in all its glory and schadenfreude did not dare to touch him.
The first conversation after so many years it was, he didn't want to start it with lies.
More moments passed and the good mood had gone into the the realms of forgottenness.
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