#this isn’t targeted towards anyone or like towards the groups that ship these ships for the record.
chevelleneech · 2 months
I wanna say something regarding this whole tkk posting which has been bothering me for some time now. When all is said and done, we just know the members from their interactions on camera and online. Based on the narrative established so far, V has been very vocal on official content about jimin being his "soulmate". Even taking that declaration with a pinch of salt and accounting for distance to come in between friends, why is it that visibly he's (V) always been more hyperfocused on posting only and only about jungkook.
Let's say I overlook intent and timing of the post this time and ofc all people are allowed to post whatever they want to without caring about fan perception, but then again none of the other 6 members post anything with this kind of focus on just 1 of their friends unless it's for promo of music etc. And regardless of what people day, we post things online with the intention of showcasing something always, so what does that say about V.
The answer is, we have no way of knowing, and if we’re being honest, he is the only member who does this. Jungkook doesn’t even post about Tae very often, just occasionally brings up them hanging out. Sometimes he’ll mention Tae by name, other times he’ll say he did a thing a Tae will post later that they did it together, but Tae is the only member in the group who seems to specifically post about JK.
When Jimin does it, he gets slammed with hate from Tkkrs. So it’s easy to assume he doesn’t do it often for that reason, but we also know Jungkook will talk more about things he does with Jimin voluntarily. There is not much “I did a thing” and Jimin posting that thing later. JM and JK either tell us they were together or don’t tell us anything at all.
Why? No way of knowing. I do think Jimin and Jungkook are aware of how certain fans view their relationship, but ut doesn’t seem to be something that bothers them at all. Even if they weren’t allowed to speak on being shipped, their dynamic has kind of been the only one to not change. Other members are doing their own thing, meeting up with each other when they want to, and posting about or mentioning it more than not.
JM and JK went the opposite way of sorts, where we see less of them on camera, yet they seem just as close as when the group was actively touring. JK was “Jimin, Jimin, Jimin” on almost all of his lives. They filmed a vacation doc just because they wanted to travel together. They have been spending hours meeting up to talk shop and drink. They enlisted together.
I say all that to say, unless we’re all completely wrong and have fallen for the lie that the members love and respect each other, there is no way to view what Tae is doing as anything nefarious. Could it be jealousy? Yes, because maybe he wants what they have or misses how he and JK used to be. I’m not under the impression there is no motive, but unless Jungkook is just a bad best friend or partner to Jimin, I don’t think he’d still be hanging out with Tae if the motive was based in hate. I don’t think Jimin would still be hanging out with Tae if that were the case either.
So I don’t think there anything overtly negative happening, even if it is questionable. Because the members are not that good at acting. They’re not going to fake being friends with one member just to keep up appearances, especially if that member is causing targeted harassment toward another. To me, the fact that Tkkrs take Tae’s actions as a call to action isn’t something he can control. No matter when or what he posts, they take it is proof. He could post less JK, but why should he have to if JK and Jimin understand he’s not do it maliciously? Or they could be fine with it, because if there is something going on between them… at least with his posts it fuels ship wars instead of allowing anyone to hone in on the two of them specifically for very long.
I really don’t know, but neither does anyone else. No one has to like what he does either though, so I’m not telling people to stop questioning him or be happy he “helping” them hide. We don’t know he’s doing anything other than showing he hung out with Jungkook. But that’s not a bad thing. They’re friends and friends will hang out, no matter how it comes across to anyone else.
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ariapmdeol · 3 months
do seodore coe :3
How I feel about this character:
🫶 I like that guy!!! I like seodore!! I get so excited when characters have plans and by god does seodore have plans. I love the different ways that characters think about Gods Love and the different plans revolving around it, and I really really like that Seodore has his own feelings about it. I’m a big fan of metafiction and the dynamics surrounding different levels of meta-awareness! I really like his message to YoUser at the end of DLC and I love his purple text guiding us towards the Empyrean point!! The character is aware of the narrative and that’s so much fun!!!
A lot of seodore stuff is so fun because he implies so much shit. So much of my theory brainrot is because he just Says So Much and Implies Lore Things and it’s so fun!!
Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about Theodore Riddle (pre-shipwreck) vs Seodore Riddle (post-shipwreck)… we know nothing abt Theodore but I have thoughts either way.
All the people I ship romantically with this character:
Woah hey guys I wonder what ships I’ll li—
Sanemitsu!!! This is peak yaoi to me. I’ve spoken on them extensively before but there’s something so compelling about those two!!! Their different POVs on how to handle the narrative, on what to do with Gods Love… it makes me so crazy because they understand each other, and understand why the other makes the decisions that they do. It’s about all the things left unspoken but they both know already. Killing Seodore for the chance to try to save Reiji. Dying together and killing those versions of themselves for the chance at a better ending. The way Seodore opens his eyes for one frame when Snmt kills him. The Holding hands. I like those guys a lot. I already wrote an essay on this but they live in my head rent free. They should hold hands again.
Rumeld! Ok this is also an obvious one but they’re cute!!! I like how comfortable they are with each other. Their chapter in Interlude is SO adorable and I think it’s sweet that Seo is still so in love with Rumeld, after all this time. Date day is soon, too… I’ll need to draw something for them.
This isn’t quite a ship but I think Dreyseo is neat in a “just sex” way. It implies that Seo has A Type which is REALLY funny.
My non-romantic OTP for this character:
I’m not picking just one so we get a whole bunch of groups here
Ok this is more of a grouping but I really like the group dynamics at play between System.NH + Seodore + Mutei! They all have different ideas on what to do with Gods Love and the world that they live in, and it’s really compelling to me!
LDL as a group is also really good!!! Really really good!!! I just really like that they all know that the others have their own goals in all of this, and choose to work together. I like the coordination. I also really like Seo and Reiji’s dynamic.. everyone working together to raise Reiji and through the power of teamwork, they manage to be good parents LAHDDKHJF. I love how Seodore is great with anyone not related to him (you see this with Reiji and Noa) but then with Hatsutori, he’s not great KAGEKRHRJRH
Connected to this: FRAGMENTS! I think httr+seo are so good! Bird parent and child! Fucked up!!!! Seo was not the parental figure that httr needed and their complicated feelings for each other makes me crazy. The animosity is so so good!!!
My unpopular opinion about this character:
im gonna be honest. i think a lot of people dont understand him. i disagree with the idea that he's aggressive? we see him bicker with httr, yeah, but httr is fighting just as hard. the only time we see him actually lose his temper is in record 5, and hajime had already been pushing deiberately to antagonize him. i dont think we can use "had his emotional weak spots targeted until he snapped" as "typical seodore reactions". those are special circumstances all around.
i think there are have been many times where I've read takes on seodore and i've disagreed... I think because he’s not really there until late DLC, people get really confused about him. I don’t know if this is a popular or unpopular opinion, though.
One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon:
PLEASE ryu-seo conversation… i want ryu to meet his mom… it would be funny…
i also would love a seo-izu-snmt conversation.. izu is technically the seosane lovechild if you think about i—- *i am removed from tumblr dot com*
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sugutoad · 5 months
matchup trade for @averagetoyakinnie !
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Significant Other
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I ship you with Shikamaru Nara — best confidant of the heroic idiot and indluger of naps and board games. It can not truly be explained how I chose this man for you — whether it was your similar intellectual personality or your flamboyant creative demeanour that seems to mirror his in every way. Though arguments might arise amongst the young lovers when deciding future plans, especially ones concerning the battlefield. I truly believe that you could push him over the limit he implanted in his head as a child, but in a softer way than the spunky fan user from the Sand. You deserve someone who thinks about you and chooses you above any other matter — as you provide similar comfort to others — and I wholly believe that Shikamaru would be able to do that. After all, it’s not like he does much during his spare time. Shikamaru is a strong believer that one should not be dependent on others and follow their own principles (while not committing anything stupid) In a similar contrast, you demonstrate independence and individuality in your approach towards life, putting yourself in a situation against the society norm. 
Head canons:
Shikamaru Nara who doesn’t care much for anything in life, wholly believing that everyone around him is an idiot ( aside from his beloved mother and intellectual father who has been the young boy’s model ever since he could speak). At least that is what his mind always believed in. That was until he met you — twinkled eye, soft smiles and contagious laughs — when he decided that he was, in fact, wrong about himself
The grass tickles under your bare feet and a slight breeze kisses your skin when you lay your eyes upon Shikamaru laying in green tendrils, a cigarette clutched in his hand, eyes closed in a lifeless manner. Upon hearing his name escape your lips, he slowly picks himself up and smiles at you when you approach him.
A frown paints his beautiful face when you have asked for a cigarette out of the blue. Shikamaru understands you better than anyone else — a perk of having a genius as your darling — but still at the thought of you, his happy and almost innocent looking sweetheart, smoking stops him dead in his tracks. He couldn’t refuse you though, not when you looked at him like that.  
He is so in love with you, worshipping your mere presence and being icked when your name leaves the lips of another. Shikamaru isn’t the jealous type. Not at all. Well, except when he could you his own. Something about you flipped his world when he first met you. For the first time he was eager to get out of bed (to see you), to pay attention (to impress you), to go shopping with his mother (to gaze at flowers that reminded him of you, not that he would admit it, but his mother could tell). 
Relationships Tropes: 
Grumpy (Shikamaru) x Sunshine (You)
Snarky old married couple
Tired dad of the group (Shikamaru) x Busy dad of the group (You)
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Hailing from a small village, the Al-Khafaji clan resides in dense forested regions near the Leaf Village. They are a small clan, but a proud one. Shinobis and violence are frowned upon by the people of your clan, so you can imagine their disappointment when you chose to become a shinobi. Known for their strong connections to the spiritual world and their expertise in genjutsus, the Al-Khafaji Clan developed a unique kekkei genkai passed through their bloodline — Dream Mirage Release. 
Description: The Dream Mirage Release is a rare ability that allows members of the Al-Khafaji Clan to manipulate dreams and illusions. By tapping into the subconscious minds of their targets, clan members can create intricate illusions that feel incredibly real. These illusions can range from simple sensory experiences to complex dreamscapes, making it difficult for opponents to discern reality from illusions.
Clan members can enter and manipulate the dreams of others, influencing their thoughts, emotions, and perceptions within the dream world. This only works when the opponent is in an unconscious state or/and asleep. 
They can create realistic illusions that manifest as tangible objects or creatures, capable of interacting with the physical world.
By delving into the subconscious minds of their targets, clan members can implant suggestions, memories, or emotions, influencing their behaviour even after waking. Memories can be erased or fake memories can be made.
In addition to pleasant dreams, clan members can also induce terrifying nightmares, causing psychological distress and weakening their opponents' resolve.
Advanced members of the Al-Khafaji Clan can project their consciousness into the dream world, allowing them to travel through dreams and interact with others remotely.
A powerful technique that creates a barrage of illusionary attacks, overwhelming opponents with a combination of sensory distortions and psychological manipulation. Unlike the ones previously acknowledged, this power doesn’t require the enemy to be unconscious. 
An advanced jutsu that traps opponents within a nightmarish domain, where they must confront their deepest fears and insecurities.
As stated before, the Al-Khafaji Clan is located in dense trees and vines near the outskirts of Konoha. The members of this clan are described as pale skinned, black of hair (though some rumour that members are born with a different shade of her, but to show unity they keep it black), and their signature mixed eyes — consisting of a contrast with a hazel left eye and lilac right eye. No one is exactly sure what the lilac eye represents, but it can not be denied that it is a beautiful colour.
The clan symbol is a black thin circle with a small circle inside. There are 10 lines that connect the outer circle with the inner circle, almost imitating the symbol of the sun. The small circle consists of a small cloud; meant to represent a dream and the concept of illusion. (If you want, I can draw you a quick sketch of the symbol if it’s hard to imagine)
Men and women — women and men — are all treated equally amongst one another. Similar roles are placed on them. Men are expected to cook as women are and women are expected to have jobs (or earn money of some sort) like men are
 In the Al-Khafaji Clan, marriage is not just a union of two individuals but a merging of dreams, desires, and destinies. The tradition of Dreambonding is deeply rooted in the clan's connection to the spiritual world and their expertise in manipulating dreams and illusions. The night before the wedding, the couple is conducted by an elder or a skilled member of the clan who acts as a dreamweaver, guiding the couple into a shared dreamspace where they can explore each other's subconscious minds. As they explore the dreamspace, the couple exchange vows not only in the waking world but also within the realm of dreams, making solemn promises to each other that transcend reality.
You are the wielder of a black katana. The katana’s handle is carved with floral-like designs and adorned with gems. The hilt of the katana is engraved with symbols and markings that represent you as a whole — the Al-Khafaji clan is strict about knowing yourself and what better way to show that then the weapon you possess? Each blade is crafted from a rare, lightweight alloy infused with carbon nanotubes, granting it unparalleled strength and durability.
Your chakra nature is wind; better known as Fuuton. This element resonates with your curiosity, intellectual prowess, and penchant for exploration. Like the wind, you possess a restless spirit, always seeking new experiences and knowledge. You are always a surprise to others(whether good or bad) and change your mood in a matter of minutes.
You come from Yumekura — the village of dreams. Like I had previously stated multiple times, your clan is located on the outskirts of Konohana in a small village of their own. The village isn’t exactly grand, but more on the simpler side. The houses are usually grey in colour with a bluish hue for the roof.The streets are always crowded by flocks of people and merchants selling their products when the sun is up. When the lights go off, the streets are filled with hanging lights — a soft orange glow on everything. The streets are filled with small dances and almost everyone seems happy. It is the only time when people let down all guards. Everyone trusts one another and knows one another; it is a small village after all. 
Temari is easily one of your closest friends and the first person you always go to when in distress. She is a year older than you, but somehow it works out. She never really trusts you around Shikamaru. What if he is sleeping and something happens to you? Sometimes she is your best friend or an older sister or a bodyguard. She simply wants to remain by your side at all times. (She was actually the person I was going to match you with, but you had asked for a male)
Sasuke would be annoyed with you. You certainly have tried to befriend him before, but Sasuke is… Sasuke. You are too random for him, never following the norm expected from you. Your always too loud for him which reminds him of that idiotic Naruto
Ino is your wingman. She was the first person who sensed the connection between you and Shikamaru and made it her life goal to put the two of you together 
Naruto sees you as a friendly competition — not the sort of rivalry he shares with last Uchiha but rather in a sense that you push him to his limit, as he does to you. The two of you are always making sure the other one is one their and feet and accomplishing the goal the two of you decided since childhood; to become the greatest shinobis who ever existed 
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tact-and-impulse · 2 years
Shinkane Week 2022 Day 5
I’d like to say I started shipping them when she shot him or when he talked to her from his hospital bed, but I didn’t. I started shipping them from their first scene together. For the “wrath” prompt!
Ozone and rain.
The Enforcers emerged from the paddy wagon, while Akane hurriedly donned her new jacket. He was the last to step under the temporary shelter, his posture taut and already facing the closest alley. She glimpsed unruly dark hair, a fur-lined collar, and broad shoulders. A stoic side profile, or maybe, ‘brooding’ was the better word. He didn’t meet anyone else’s eyes, completely focused on obtaining the Dominator. But his eyes weren’t eager, the blue glow surging briefly, and he spoke of the case in blunt terms of hunting prey.
Her gaze tracked him, as he walked to the perimeter with clear intent. Kougami Shinya. Her first impression wasn’t of a leashed hound, but a wolf that only accepted to be tamed for the time being.
In the coming weeks, she’d realize how true it was. With every new piece of information she learned, it explained his demeanor. Simmering rage, just barely concealed under a veneer of self-discipline. Everything he did was in pursuit of his target. His quest for revenge was anger distilled, at Makishima, the system that allowed him to slip away, and towards Kougami himself.
And despite the warnings, she was unable to stay away.
Dust and cigarette smoke.
Adrenaline still buzzed beneath her skin; she redirected the frantic need to move, pulling on the shirt loaned to her. She stole glances at the owner. After four years, Kougami was tanned and more muscular. He’d always been the type to appear thinner with clothes on, but now, that strength was uncontained.
He drove on, turning a corner. “The group is based in one of the abandoned ruins. We have food, water, medicine. Cigarettes are practically currency. We turn the lights off at night, for safety.”
“Have you gotten into many fights?” A faint white line ran down his jawline. She didn’t remember it.
“Plenty. More than I can recall. I can share them with you later.” The car hit a bump. “Sorry.”
“No, it’s alright.” She looked behind. The dirt path was free of drones, the lush trees framing either side. Towards the horizon, a gray haze remained. Another distant boom resounded, and her heart sank.
“Almost there.” He reassured, voice steady.
In this brutal place vastly different from home, Kougami didn’t flinch. He seemed perfectly accustomed. She should’ve been frustrated, appalled, saddened. Even so, all she felt was overwhelming relief that he was alive.
Ironwork and warm lights.
She was surprised at how spacious an Enforcer’s quarters were, and compared to her prison, it was a definite upgrade. Her belongings had been moved in quickly, especially with the help she received. “Thank you, again. This isn’t bad, I’ll get to experience how you lived.”
However, Kougami hadn’t budged from the couch, hands interlocked in that familiar pose of deep thought. “I still don’t like that you’re an Enforcer. Statutory or not, it’s the same.”
Akane stood over him, gently caressing his tense shoulders. “I’ll continue investigating, just in a different way. The foxes are out there.”
“Yes, and I won’t stop until every one is arrested. You suffered in that underground cell, and they need to pay.” His tone was foreboding, a dark promise.
After all these years, his default coping mechanism hadn’t changed. She sighed, and buried her lips against the top of his head, amidst the new gray visible. “Will you stay for dinner?”
“Of course.” He brought her in for a kiss, with a searing intensity only he could deliver. His wrath was a reckless beast, but it was fighting for her sake this time, and for once, she couldn’t protest.
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presidentbungus · 3 years
id say sol/demo is so much more popular because its been such a well established friendship through the war comic. in the main comic the mercs dont really seem to be friends so the most prominent friendship demo has is solly and unfortunately many ppl don’t think much about demo or his possible deeper relationships with others so demo/sol is kind of the default demo ship like heavy/med is for heavy
🚨 sorta needless discourse alert (from me. anon you did nothing wrong) weewoo weewoo 🚨
I just think it’s kinda lame just how much bnb has totally devoured demo as a character </3 I feel like a lot of both his canon and fandom presence is JUST him being there to be soldier’s bestie, like heavy’s kinda just there for medic a lot of content (but that’s a conversation for another day). like… it’s exceedingly rare that I see Demo just alone in a fanart without Soldier, and like once in a blu moon (heh) that I see him with anyone else. I love love love love bnb don’t get me wrong. i’d just… like to see more demo content that’s not just bnb content </3
I think “default ship” is a rlly good way to put it. like it’s valid that’s the first ship you think of when you’re talkin bout Demoman bc yes, valve put its entire ass into making sure they were the only besties in the comics, but like I guess here’s a post that humbly requests all ye who look upon to like consider another demo ship for a brief, fleeting moment. Swordvan! Triple threat science party! Regular science party except it’s him and engy! ANY platonic ship out there! go insane! the world is your oyster. YES he is married to soldier but yes he can go without him for a few minutes.
and u know tenuously related but the another time is now. I also find it irritating how little solo heavy stuff we get—I feel like he’s another one that’s just kinda been left In the dust, and if you wanna consume heavy content you’re basically gonna have to go look at some red oktoberfest because there’s…. not much heavy content besides red oktoberfest content. hes his own deep and nuanced and funny character but again I feel like he’s kinda just reduced to medic’s big gay bear instead Of his many actual character traits which could feasibly be explored and expanded upon. I love red oktoberfest and I love seeing them together but god please let Heavy go out on walks on his own sometimes </3
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jynrso · 2 years
everybody talks
Rebellions are built on gossip.
read it on ao3!
Besides fighting the Empire, the Rebel Alliance has many talents. The most notable –– and most irritating –– is the way gossip spreads like wildfire. 
“Hey laserbrains, can I help you?” Jyn calls out hotly across the hangar bay, targeting the group of recruits who haven’t been hiding their obvious looks in her direction. “Stop kriffing staring at me and get back to work!”
The kids––they can’t be any older than eighteen or nineteen, so they’re fucking kids––freeze where they’re standing and open their mouths as if to respond to her very pointed “fuck off,” but think better of it and scurry off to––something. She doesn’t know and doesn’t care, either. 
If their little whispers had something to do with the rumor spreading around the base that she and Cassian have been shared a bed last night––
She ducks into the cargo bay of Bodhi’s ship, muttering a string of curses under her breath as she sits up against the wall. When Cassian approaches her from the cockpit, she slumps down further, chin resting against her chest, arms crossed, and legs splayed out in front of her. 
“Don’t you start,” she grouches crossly, glaring up as Cassian sits down next to her, maneuvering himself and his bad leg with some difficulty at her side. He bumps into her shoulder with his own, grinning at her clear annoyance. “They’ve been looking at us for ages. ”
“You’re Jyn Erso,” he says. “Maybe they were just trying to get a glimpse of a hero.” 
“I’m not a hero,” she snaps, but her anger toward the word isn’t directed toward him. A hero isn’t someone who got an entire squadron of men killed. A hero isn’t someone who used to be a criminal or someone who’s killed people––good and evil, or someone who’s as selfish as she’d been (and perhaps still is). 
“No,” she continues, moving forward with a fierce determination. “This is because Kay doesn’t know how to shut his fucking mouth –– ” 
Cassian’s brow raises. “Is this about what happened yesterday at breakfast?” 
“How could it not be? He practically shouted it to the entire cantina!”
‘Cassian, I have detected a sharp increase in your endorphin levels over the past few days. I did not understand the cause until I saw Jyn Erso leaving your quarters this morning.’
He’d gone on, of course, after that but Jyn had stopped listening, all too aware of the eyes on her, of all the people who had possibly heard, of how this small, tentative thing between her and Cassian was now being scrutinized underneath a microscope. 
“Kay’s just being Kay,” he replies, shaking his head. “You just have to ignore him when he gets like that.” 
As Saw’s ward (and later, as his second-in-command), there had always been something about her that warranted a rumor or two. A rather impressive leap in training, for example, combined with her kyber crystal, might spark talk about her possibly being descended from Jedi. Others had been less than flattering: Jyn nearly castrated a man for looking at her. Jyn slept her way up to the top. Jyn’s past is not what she’d said it is –– Jyn is hiding something.
The last one –– and its consequences –– hurt the most. But generally speaking, talk tended to be easily ignored, especially when it worked to her benefit and got people to leave her the hell alone. 
But this? She can only imagine what people are saying about this morning. That she doesn’t care about him or anyone else, that it had been a one-night stand, that Jyn Erso fucks her superiors. This manifesting, uncertain bond between them being corrupted before it can even fully form ––
I’m not ready for people to know when I barely know what’s happening myself. I don’t care what people say about me but what are they saying about you?
She clamps her mouth shut, turning her chin away. She doesn’t care what people say and she doubts Cassian does but gossip has a way to ruin these things. 
“It doesn’t have to change anything,” Cassian says softly, “if you don’t want it to.” After a beat, he adds, “I don’t want things to change.” 
“I don’t know how to do this,” she says miserably, her voice quiet and strained. “I told you, I don’t know how and this –– ” 
“Jyn, hey.” He interrupts her, a soft, feather-like touch of his fingers against her chin. He waits until she looks at him to speak again. “Do you regret what happened last night?” 
If she says yes, he would back off. They could go on as normal and pretend it never happened. 
But that’s not true.
Slowly, she shakes her head. 
“Me either,” he says, brushing a hand down her arm. 
“I don’t care what people say, I just –– don’t want them to say anything at all,” she admits finally. “Not about me. Not about you.” 
“I’ll talk to Kay later. Tell him not to talk about it.” 
“As if that’ll stop him.” But she appreciates it nonetheless, leaning up against him briefly in a small display of affection before shifting away. 
The two of them are content to sit in silence for a few minutes, hidden away in the sheltered alcove of Bodhi’s shuttle. There’s nothing more that needs saying, not right now. Cassian has somehow deciphered her butchered words and made sense of them, understanding her better than she gets herself. 
“Maybe,” he says slyly, breaking the quiet with a glint of amusement in his eyes, “they were staring at you because they think you’re pretty.” 
At that, Jyn snorts, unable to hide it. As if anyone would consider her to be pretty. And she’s sure that Cassian is joking too until she looks up at his face and realizes that his suggestion was completely serious. 
“What?” he asks. “Is that really so hard to believe?” 
“They wouldn’t be staring at me because they think I’m pretty, Cassian,” she shoots back instead, ignoring the way this conversation is making her cheeks hot and her neck flushed. She fidgets with the blaster in her lap. “They’re just kids who don’t have anything better to do than sit around and gossip.” 
“I would.” 
Jyn blinks, once, twice, then turns to him, completely dumbfounded. Her cheeks and the tips of her ears redden, shoulders hunching up to her neck, feeling completely unbalanced. Her tongue darts out to lick her suddenly dry lips; Cassian’s gaze dips down from her eyes to her mouth briefly. 
Never able to let a tender and affectionate moment stay that way, she remarks dryly, “Might as well give people more to talk about.” 
That surprises a chuckle out of him, which makes her smile. These little moments where she can shake him out of his spy mask are some of her favorites, each one imprinted on her mind. “I’ll save it for later, then.” 
“Only if I can stare, too,” she shoots back, leaning forward.
“Yow can stare all you like,” he says lowly. A breath later and she forgets all about the prying eyes of the Rebellion. 
A few weeks later, they’re no longer the talk of the Alliance. Instead, the gossip has shifted to a much more visible target. 
“Why don’t I just throw in a thousand more credits, huh? Will that do it for you then, laser brain?” 
“I already told you, your Worship! I ain’t here for the money and I ain’t leavin’, neither! So would quit flappin’ your mouth and let me get back to work?” 
“ ’Flapping my mouth?’ Oh, I’ve had a enough of that bantha-shit, you no good, scruffy-looking nerfherder!” 
“Hey! Scruffy-looking? I recall you rather liking this ‘scruffy-looking’ nerfherder on the trip to Bespin, princess!” 
“Oh, why I oughta –– “ 
The sounds of Leia and Han’s argument –– and the dozens of watchful eyes pretending they aren’t watching –– disappear as Cassian and Jyn turn the corner and escape the crowded hangar bay. 
Tucked in an alcove and pressed up very tightly against each other, Jyn and Cassian smother their laughter in each other’s clothes, giddy from a narrow escape. More often than not these days, someone will have a pressing concern that needs one of them to deal with it –– it’s been difficult to get more than a few stolen moments with each other.
“Thank the kriffing stars for Han Solo,” she says, laughing. “I’m so happy he decided to return –– nobody even noticed us!” 
“A whole crowd would’ve a few weeks ago,” he responds, shaking his head in slight disbelief. 
She clings to the front of his jacket, pulling him down for a kiss. His hands span her back, pulling her impossibly closer to him as she pushes him up against the wall. 
“With fights like that,” he murmurs into her ear when they come up for air, sending chills down her spine, “why can’t they just see that they’re meant for each other, like we did, and fuck all that tension out?” 
“Why, Captain,” she says in mock horror, watching as his pupils dilate, and then shuddering when his teeth brush her pulse point. “You’ve got quite the mouth on you!” 
A few seconds pass as the shouting in the other room crescendos, both of them frozen and silent, before she can’t help herself and starts laughing once again.
“Way to ruin the moment, sergeant,” Cassian groans, leaning his head back and closing his eyes. Despite his words, his lips quirk up in a half-grin. “You were the one who wanted to, and I quote, ‘sneak in a quickie before the next meeting.’ ”
“Oh, don’t act like you didn’t want to!” 
He tilts his head in acknowledgment, shifting so his leg is between the both of hers, pushing her farther back against the wall. Stars, if Hoth wasn’t so damn cold, she would have jumped him here and now, possible consequences be damned. “I did. I do .” 
“And the way you kept looking at me during that meeting!” she continues, wanting to get all of her “grievances” out in the air. “Did you really have to keep licking your lips like that?” 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he all but purrs, licking his lips once again. “They were dry.” 
Jyn groans, rolling her eyes, but it ends in a sharp intake of breath when Cassian angles his thigh between her legs just so –– ! 
Fuck. They’re going to need more than five minutes. 
“I can name something else that’ll be dry if you don’t get to work, Cassian,” she grouches. 
The look in his eyes tells her that he’s more than happy to obey, but he holds out, just to bother her. His fingers are working circles over her ribs, slowly sliding down and down and. . . “Anything else?” 
The sounds of the princess and Solo arguing fade into the background. She’s breathless when she answers, tugging him away from the wall and toward their quarters, determined to make the most of their stolen moment, “I’m sure I’ll be able to think of a few things.” 
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teddy06writes · 4 years
Can I request a Sapnap x Karl x Quakity x Y/N ? I just like polyam ships and your Sapnap x Karl x Y/n just made me want more
Ee hee, thanks for the request
Sapnap x karl x reader x quackity (THE PEOPLE ARE ENABLING MEEEE)
trigger warnings: swearing, panic attack
premise: you and your boyfriends are out shopping/ trying to get kicked out of a target when you run into your asshole ex, when he starts to bother you your boys take care of it
(y/n/n)- your nick name
(also we’re pretending covid isn’t a thing)
“(y/n)! We are gods!”  
You turned at Alex’s call, snorting upon seeing he and Karl T posing while standing in the target cart, Nick balanced on the front, also t posing.
You laughed at your boyfriends, quickly taking a picture before Karl started to wobble and fall, “You guys are ridiculous.”
“Yup!” Karl grinned as Alex helped him out of the cart to avoid falling.
You shook your head, quietly putting the picture onto your twitter with the caption, ‘look at these nerds <3′
“You guys are gonna die from idiocy some day.”
“Not when your there to save us.” Nick countered, pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“If anything they’ll get dragged down with us.” Alex scoffed.
“Tragically,” You muttered, “Did we actually come here to do anything but solicit?”
Karl giggled, “Well I thought we were just terrorizing the people of Target.”
“The only thing we actually needed was more notecards.” Nick reminded helpfully.
You smiled, “At least one of you is useful.”
“Hey!” Alex protested, “We’re useful too!”
“Sometimes.”  Karl giggled again.
“Betrayal!” He gasped dramatically as Karl threw his arms around his shoulders.
You rolled your eyes, “Well, if your useful too then, help me find notecards.”
Alex sighed dramatically, grabbing one your your hands and intertwining your fingers, “If we must.”
Karl grinned, hopping back to sit in the cart, “Lets go then!”
Nick rolled his eyes, muttering something about being ridiculous, before moving to the push the cart, you and Alex moving along beside them.
A half hour later found many random unnecessary but still necessary items piled into the cart around Karl, and note cards had still not been found.
You were hallway through the seasonal section when you sighed, “Alright this is taking too long, I’m going to actually get the note cards, I think they’re just down there, try not to break anything.”
Karl chuckled, “No promises.”
You smiled and headed out of the isle, towards office supplies.
“Well, well, well, (y/n), fancy seeing you here.”
You froze in the middle of grabbing the biggest package of notecards, trying to keep your hand still as you turned, “John,,, uh hi?”
Now, John wasn’t the worst person, no your relationship wasn’t necessarily bad, but towards the end it definitely took a turn for the worse. When you’d first brought up breaking things off he was, less than thrilled, leaving the last few weeks of your relationship a battle field of screaming matches that consisted of little more than his yells.
“It’s been a while.” He smiled.
“Uhh, yeah, it has been.” You began to fidget with your fingers, eyes darting back up the isle towards where you’d left Nick, Alex and Karl.
“Let me guess, still single?” He laughed, “Yeah it would make sense, I’ve only pulled like one person since you.”
You glanced down, “Uhh, no actually.”
John frowned, letting acid drip into his voice, “Oh, I guess the were right when they said you always moved on fast.”
“It- it- it- it’s been a year and a half?” Your attempts to keep your voce steady began to fail, “And, I’ve only been dating one of them for a few months.”
-It was true, Alex had been the last one to join your relationship a few months ago-
His eyes narrowed, “You’re not telling me you’re still on the stupid polyamory thing are you?”
You cleared your throat uncertainly, “um, y- yeah, I have three boyfriends.”
He rolled his eyes, “There's no chance you’d ever fucking pull three people. Hell you barley even managed me.”
Your gaze stayed trained on the tile floor, unspeaking.
“It’s clear you haven’t moved past fucking your way into a relationship.”
You bit your lip, tears welling in your eyes as your breathing quickened, deep down you knew it wasn’t true, as a group you all respected Karl’s asexuality, even once, over some late night conversation of cuddles and lazily traded kisses, going so far as to promise that the relationship would remain entirely romantic if it made him more comfortable, and it had.
Still, there was a nagging in the back of your head, telling you that John was right. There obviously was only one reason they kept  you around.
“That really is a shame,” You felt his hand rest on your shoulder, “I know I would stay with you for more than that.”
“Get your fucking hand off of them or I will rip your arm off and beat you to death with it!”
You were simultaneously relieved and flooded with more anxiety upon hearing Nick’s voice.
“Who are you?” John asked skeptically.
“Their boyfriends, who the fuck are you?” Alex spit.
He laughed, dry and harsh, “So you’re the fucking idols who thought you could get away with dating (y/n), not that I care their very-”
“No, you shut the fuck up!” Nick cut him off before he could say anything else advancing up the isle towards him, “Why the fuck are you bothering them?!”
They continued a back and forth exchange, as you slowly slid down to the floor, nails pressing tightly into your palms, breathing far too fast.
“Hey, hey, (y/n/n), (y/n/n) look at me.”
You opened eyes that you didn’t realize had been screwed shut to see Karl kneeling sitting In front of you, looking worried.
“Can I touch you or no darlin?” He asked softly, almost making you forget the yelling happening only a few feet away.
You bit your lip, quickly shaking your head, the tiny seed of doubt John had planted in your mind starting to grow.
“Okay, that’s fine. Can you breath with me? In for seven, hold for 4 out for 8, yeah?”
After a moment of trying to breath in sync with him, you held out a hand, and understanding Karl took it, moving to pull you into his arms, “In for 7, out for 8, just like me alright?”
You all but melted into his touch, doing your best to breath normally again.
“Get the fuck outta here man!” Alex yelled.
“You’re gonna regret this.” John sneered.
“No,” Nick said firmly, “Your gonna regret messing with our partner if you don’t fucking leave.”
After you heard footsteps hurrying away you felt Alex settle on your other side, “You alright baby?”
“Their starting to breath normally again.” Karl reported, running a hand through your hair.
Nick sat down on Karl’s other side, and you all stayed sat on the floor of the offices supply isle, Alex sending death glares to anyone who tried to ask you to move.
Eventually you sat up, sniffing.
“Who was that?” Nick asked softly.
“My ex.” You murmured.
“Why was he bothering you? What did he say?”
“Stupid stuff,” You muttered, rubbing at your eyes, “C’n we go home now?”
“Of course Darlin.” Karl assured, standing up and turning to help you up.
Later, back at the apartment, after everything had been put away, you all ended up in a cuddle plie on the couch, and that seed of doubt was beginning to shrivel with every pass Nick’s hands made through your hair, every small circle Alex absently traced into your palm and every tiny joke Karl made about the movie playing.
“Guys?” You asked softly.
“Yeah?” Alex asked.
“I love you.”
Karl grinned, “We love you too.”
Alex pressed a kiss to your knuckles in understanding and Nick  hummed in response.
The tiny seed of doubt was gone.
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Crossing Paths
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Pairing: The Bad Batch x Reader (Polyam)
Summary: You make the weapons drop with the Batch, then Omega’s new friend try to rope you all into the a new problem
Warning: none really, some angst, some fluff, TBB spoilers
Word Count: 1812
pt xv pt xvii
You and Omega were examining the multiple weapons the Batch was assigned to give Gobi Glie.
“Why does Gobi Glie need all this again?”
“Many people aren’t very welcoming towards the Empire.”
“But you said he was famous as a freedom fighter and the Empire hasn’t been around for that long… does that mean he was still fighting before that?”
You nodded, placing a blaster down and looking at her, “A lot of twi’leks were taken from their homes and put into slavery.”
“But didn’t the Republic enforce that liberation act all those years ago?”
“Yes, but only in the systems in the Republic, there are those in the outer rim and the Confederacy of Independent Planets that it didn’t apply to.”
“Oh,” Omega sat back in one of the seats, “Like Caetum?”
You nodded, picking up another blaster and examining it. Of course it still bothered you that the Empire had taken over Caetum and treated your people poorly.
“Y’know… the rest of the batch never really talked about you. I’ve only heard them murmur in their sleep… I asked once, but they all went silent. You… you were a slave once, weren’t you?”
You hesitated before nodding with a small hum.
“It’s nothing to be ashamed of, Lodestar.”
You looked at her with a smile before closing the weapons case and standing up. You then walked into the cockpit as Tech steered the ship, approaching the moon’s surface. There was a ship waiting already and you went to get your helmet.
“We’re reaching Ryloth, Omega.” You announced before you put your helmet on, so she nodded and went to the gunner’s mount to grab something. The ship then landed, so you opened the hatch to make it easier for the boys to move the weapons cases off the Marauder. You watched as they approached the awaiting twi’leks and eyed a much younger one with them. Omega must’ve seen her too because her head cocked up slightly as the young twi’lek approached the ship, admiring it.
“What kind of ship is this?” The young twi’lek wondered.
“It’s a modified Omicron Class Attack Shuttle.” Omega replied.
“Can I have a look inside?”
Omega looked at you, so you looked over to Hunter, who nodded gently. You looked down at her with a small nod so she got up and went in the ship with the girl at her tail. You stayed at the threshold of the hatch while the Batch talked with Gobi Glie. After a bit of conversation, Hunter turned to you and flicked his head to call you over. You stepped down from the ship and went to the small group, bowing your head shortly in greeting.
“This is our colleague: Lodestar.” Hunter introduced.
The twi’leks’ eyes widened slightly as they looked at you.
“You are Lodestar? The one who freed slaves in the Western Reaches?”
You nodded gently, “Sadly, my time of freeing has come to a delay.” You stated, your voice filtered by the modulator in your helmet.
“We understand. That is why we are here. The Empire has a… corrupt vision. Many on Ryloth do not want to be a part of it.”
You nodded, turning to see Omega and the young twi’lek exiting the ship. They rushed over and Omega stood by your side.
“Alright, we must get going. Thank you for making this drop. It was an honor meeting you all. Especially you, Lodestar.” Gobi Glie held out his hand and you grasped his forearm as he grasped yours in mutual respect. You urged Omega to follow her brothers and she waved.
“Bye, Hera.”
“Goodbye, Omega.”
You took a moment, watching as their ship made its way back to Ryloth before heading into the Marauder. You closed the hatch, then took off your helmet and took a deep breath. Your head dipped back slightly as you released it while closing your eyes.
“What is it?” Echo’s hushed voice came from beside you, which caused you to look at him.
“I’m alright…”
“Don’t think I didn’t hear you in the ‘fresher last night, mesh’la. There is something on your mind…”
You gave him a weak smile before cupping his face, “Always so caring…”
He reached his hand up to caress your arm, “You can tell me, my love.”
You took a moment before speaking, “I… I’m seen as this beacon of hope now… like how you all first saw me when I was just your communications officer…”
“I hate to be the one to give people high expectations I cannot meet. To be the bringer of false hope…”
“There are some things we can and cannot do, mesh’la. You are just one person, you can’t change the course of one major thing like galactic liberation in one cycle… it takes time.”
You nodded, moving into his arms so he could embrace you, “I missed you, Eck.”
He chuckled, “I missed you too, mesh’la.”
You sighed gently, trying to make the hug last but not too long to delay him from any tasks. You finally let him go after another moment before he headed to the cockpit. Then you sat down as the ship left the moon’s orbit, setting course for Ord Mantell. Once it was safe to move around the cabin, you went towards the gunner’s mount to see what Omega was up to. You climbed the ladder carefully so as not to make too much noise. You popped your head up into the compartment and saw her close to the window, knees to her chest, pushing D-5 away from her as he rolled back as if it were a game of tag. You laughed gently as you made your way fully into the mount which caught her attention.
“That used to be my spot.”
“S-s-s-star!” D-5 bonked your arm and you pushed him back towards Omega, who smiled weakly before looking away, brows knitting together. You cocked your head in worry, moved closer to her, and placed a hand on her shoulder.
“What’s wrong?”
“I dunno… I just…”
You caressed her hair gently, “Feelin’ a bit lonely?”
“Yeah.” Omega sighed.
“Never really around anyone your age... must’ve been nice meeting Hera.”
“Yeah. It was.”
You smiled and wrapped your arm around her, “I understand. I lived on Kamino for nearly 10 years and I was only surrounded by Kaminoans and clones. There was barely anyone like me unless the Jedi or any senators were visiting..” You chuckled, “This past year was odd because everyone didn’t look the same.”
Omega laughed gently with a nod, leaning into you. You smiled before leaving a gentle kiss on her head.
“Don’t worry, Omega. There’s a whole Galaxy to explore… more people will cross our path.”
She nodded with a hum before speaking, “For now… this is good.”
“Yeah.” You whispered.
The two of you stayed there, talking with each other. You were telling her a story about one of the first foodfights you witnessed as their communications officer.
“I can’t believe Tech was the one who started it!” Omega giggled and you nodded.
“Trust me, I was just as shocked. But then Wrecker took the lead and the others followed after him.”
She laughed gently, but then Hunter called to the both of you from the cockpit. You looked at her in confusion, but she shrugged before heading out of the gunner’s mount with you. You entered the cockpit with her and saw a hologram of the young twi’lek, Hera. Omega approached, trying to listen to the transmission.
“Omega, it’s Hera! The Empire has taken my parents, and they are after me now too. I’m sending coordinates. Please, hurry. I need your help.”
Hunter paused the transmission and looked to Omega, “You gave her our comm channel?”
“For emergencies--and that sounded pretty urgent. We have to go!”
“Perhaps the situation isn’t as dire. Children often overreact.”
“No we don’t! You heard her, she needs us!”
Hunter placed a hand on her shoulder, “Omega… it’s a big galaxy. We can’t put ourselves on the line every time someone’s in trouble.”
“Why not?” Omega questioned, “Isn’t that what soldiers do?”
You looked at Hunter with a small smile as he looked at her in slight shock. You then looked back at Omega and urged her to come to you before crouching down as she stood in front of you.
“Omega, you know I understand your concern more than anyone… we’ll go to Ryloth, but if something happens and we can’t help, then you know what we have to do.”
She looked at you for a moment before determination filled her eyes, “We’ll be able to help. I know it.”
The Havoc Marauder landed in a secluded part of the valley, which was filled with cargo. You all filed out of the ship and looked around.
“What is this place?” Wrecker wondered.
“I think it’s a base… probably something Gobi Glie established.” You explained.
There was then a sudden commotion and you looked to see a C1 astromech droid approaching, waving it’s extensions around frantically.
“What’s his problem?” Wrecker asked as it approached Omega.
“Thank you for coming.” Hera approached you all, “I wasn’t sure you would.”
“You said you were in trouble.” Omega responded.
“Care to tell us why the Empire is after you?” Hunter butt in.
“Because my father is Cham Syndulla.”
Tech looked up from his datapad and pushed his goggles up, “The freedom fighter?”
“Yes… this was his old command outpost. It’s where I’ve been hiding. The Empire’s begun targeting anyone loyal to him.”
“What do you want us to do?” Echo finally spoke up.
“Free my parents from the capital. That’s where they’re being held.”
Everyone looked to each other concerned, which caused Hera to become more desperate.
“They can pay you if you get them out! Please? I don’t have anyone else to ask…” She then turned to you, “You are the famous Lodestar. My father and Gobi were talking about you. Many of the twi’leks know of you because you have helped many of our kin… they would be forever grateful.”
You turned your head slightly to Hunter, who looked at you. You still had your helmet on, but you knew he could tell what you were considering. Then Omega went to Hera’s side and gave her a nod.
Hunter let out a small sigh before speaking, “Let’s see what we’re up against first, but no guarantees.”
Omega and Hera smiled, but you took off your helmet then looked at Omega. You approached the two girls and smiled sadly.
“Omega… remember what I said on the ship.”
She nodded, “I know.”
You looked to Hera, “As I told Gobi… I am not that liberator anymore. The Empire knows about me also, so it isn’t as safe for me to do things like that anymore.”
Hera nodded. You all then headed towards the Capitol.
Taglist: @darkangel4121 @lightning-wolffe @alucas528 @rintheemolion @shadowfoxey @butch-medusae @gabile18 @incandescentlywarm
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toomanyfandomssss · 3 years
His Girl - Five
Violet stood to the side as she watch Bellamy and Murphy target practicing. Murphy's knife fell to the ground after he failed to get it to stick in the tree.
"It's that damn kid always messing with my head," the dark haired boy said making the Violet roll her eyes and mutter a small "Sure" under her breath.
"He's not gonna last much longer, better start thinking of a new excuse," Bellamy slightly mocked before winding his arm back and throwing his axe hard enough for it to instill into the tree. Violet shamelessly admired how sexy the man looked. "That's how it's done" he said, voice full of arrogance.
Atom and another kid walked towards the three, "We searched a half-mile all directions. No sign of Trina or Pascal."
"Visit your special tree when you were out there?" Murphy teased making Violet tilt her head in confusion.
"Atom took his punishment. Let it go," Bellamy ordered.
"Bell what punishment? What did he do?" Violet asked, completely confused about what the hell was going on.
"Its nothing Vi, we'll talk about it later," the boy replied making her huff in annoyance. Noticing this, Bellamy walked over to her and wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her into him. "I promise baby," he whispered in her ear sending a shiver down her spine and making her skin flush. He smirked and kissed her cheek, turning his attention back to Atom who started talking again.
"Could be grounders," he suggested.
Murphy of course took a chance to continue his teasing, "Yeah, or they could be in pound town. Lot of that going on recently," he smirked.
Ignoring Murphy, Atom continued "Look, Bellamy people are scared," he gestured to the loud moaning of the boy in the drop ship, "And that dying kid he's not helping the morale around here."
"Morale will go up when I find them more food," Bellamy reassured.
The other boy spoke up, "And what do we say when they ask about Trina and Pascal?"
"For now? Nothing. Its possible they're just lost. We'll keep an eye out for them when we go hunting later."
Murphy had his eyes on the drop ship, "Lets go kill something."
Stopping him from walking any further Bellamy responded, "You're not going. I need you to stay here. If the grounders are circling we can't leave this place unprotected.
Murphy nodded, "Fine. Somebody better tell goggle boy to keep it shut." Violet watched him fail again at getting his knife in the tree before making her way to the drop ship.
Violet followed Wells up the ladder hearing Monty say, "That would be a firm no." Immediately going to Jasper's side she looked down at the poor boy.
Clarke sighed, "My mother would know what to do."
"How's he doing?" Wells asked making the blonde immediately snap at him.
"How does it look like he's doing Wells?" she glared up at him.
"I'm just trying to help," he defended himself.
Violet and Finn glanced at each other noting the awkward tension between the two.
Clarke spoke up, "You wanna help? Hold him down." she motioned to Jasper.
Violet, Finn and Wells all did as told. Monty looked at Clarke worriedly, "I'm not gonna like this am I?"
Violet, Monty, Finn,  and Wells, were all holding a screaming Jasper down as Clarke tried to heal his wound.
"Hold him still! I need to cut away the infected flesh," Clarke yelled.
The door opened revealing an exasperated Octavia yelling "Stop it!" "You're killing him!" the tan girl said kneeling next to the boy.
"She's trying to save his life," Finn reassured the girl.
Unfortunately Bellamy had followed his sister to the room, "She can't"
Wells stood up and faced Bellamy, "Back off"
Clarke huffed, "We didn't drag him through miles of woods just to let him die."
"Kid's a goner. If you can't see that you're deluded." Bellamy so sweetly pointed out. "He's making people crazy."
"Sorry if Jasper's an inconvenience to you, but this isn't the ark. Down here every life matters."
"Take a look at him. He's a lost cause," the curly haired boy replied making his girlfriend scoff.
The room was silent for a moment before Clarke turned to Octavia. "Octavia, I've spent my whole life watching my mother heal people, if I say there's hope there's hope." Clarke tried to reassure the girl but was interrupted by the hot headed boy once more.
"This isn't about hope. Its about guts. You don't have the guts to make the hard choices. I do. He's been like this for three days, if he's not better by tomorrow, I'll kill him myself." He went towards the latter before turning back again, "Octavia, Vi, let's go."
His sister didn't even turn to look at him, "I'm staying here." The boy turned to his girlfriend with a raised brow. All she did was give him a disgusted look before turning back to the group, refusing to acknowledge him any more than that. Bellamy's face softened for a moment before nodding in understanding and distending down the ladder.
Monty interrupted the silence, "Power hungry, self serving, jackass. He doesn't care about anyone but himself." He glanced at Octavia and Violet, "No offence" Octavia just shook her head while Violet mumbled a "You're not wrong."
Finn agreed, "Yeah Bellamy is all that, but he also happens to be right."
Violet caught up to Bellamy right before he left. "You're not killing him."
"Kill him and you lose me," with that she turned her back and walked away from him.
Bellamy's heart felt like it stopped when she spoke those words. The last thing he ever wanted was to lose his sister or his girl.
The remaining criminals including Violet all made their way to the drop ship in a hurry.
"What's going on?" Monty asked a random girl.
"The air got thick everybody's skin started burning."
Octavia looked at the boy worriedly, "Monty my brothers out there."
"He'll be fine. We'll all be fine," he reassured her.
Violet came and sat down next to Octavia. "He's right O. Bellamy will be fine. He'll find shelter," the girl also tried to reassure her friend while putting her arms around her for a brief moment. Octavia nodded gratefully and hugged her back, happy that while the safety of her brother is unknown, she does know that her best friend is safe right next to her.
Bellamy had been asleep in a cave taking shelter from the fog when a scream woke him up. "No!" the 12 year old Charlotte screamed in her sleep.
"Charlotte, wake up." Bellamy shook the girl.
"I'm sorry," she whined.
He ignored the apology instead asking, "Does it happen often?" The girl sighed in reply. "What are you scared of?" Getting no response he continues, "You know what? It doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is what you do about it."
"But...I'm asleep," Charlotte says confused.
Bellamy explained, "Fears are fears. Slay your demons when you're awake, they won't be there to get you when you sleep."
Still confused she asks, "Yeah, but...how?
"You can't afford to be weak. Down here, weakness is death, fear is death." He continued, "Let me see that knife I gave you." Doing as told she held up the knife she was given.
Bellamy took it from her and held it up, "Now when you feel afraid you hold tight to that knife and say, 'Screw you. I'm not afraid.'" He handed the knife back to her.
Taking his advice, Charlotte help up the knife and quietly said, "Screw you. I'm not afraid." Bellamy gave her a look that said, you can do better than that. She said once more, this time with much more confidence, "Screw you. I'm not afraid." Bellamy smiled approvingly. "Slay your demons kid. Then you'll be able to sleep."
He had sat back against the cave wall when the girl spoke up again. "Can you tell me a story to help me fall asleep?"
He thought for a moment before replying, "Like what?"
"Tell me how you met Violet."
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h2bakugou · 4 years
hi i really like your stories! can i request a bakugoxfemreader where bakugo gets hit by a love quirk and it kinda lingers for a bit and everyone teases him. then it goes away and he kinda humiliates y/n and she goes off on him and he feels bad? fluff ending please? <3!!
a/n: hiii!! thank you so much hun! of course, this idea is actually really cute omg skfkdjh yes lets do this
summary: after getting hit by a love quirk that makes bakugou a little more interested in you which only makes everyone tease him. when its effects begin to wear off, however, he insists on teasing you.
key: (y/n) - your name / (f/n) - first name / (l/n) - last name / (e/c) - eye color / (h/c) - hair color / (y/q) - your quirk
warnings: swearing, fluff, some angst im so sorry what is it with me making like borderline love angst fics lately yall-
wordcount: 2.2k
;cut for length;
»»————- ★ ————-««
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»»————- ★ ————-««
“We’ll just have to wait for the effects to wear off, there’s nothing we can do.” Recovery Girl was telling the truth, whether Bakugou believed it or not. He was fed up with this.
“You’ll return to the dorms, be thankful we have tomorrow off.” Mr. Aizawa instructed, letting Bakugou leave to head back to the dorms. Grumbling something under his breath, Aizawa shook his head as he watched Bakugou leave past the doors.
“Look after him.” Mr. Aizawa stated to the few class members that had come to see if he was okay. Those few students consisted of Deku, Mina, Sero, Kirishima, Kaminari, and you.
You were worried about Bakugou. Not only that he’d be dealing with the effects of a quirk for however long it lasted, which Recovery Girl estimated up to 72 hours.
But because the blast that hit him was hard. He’d took a pretty good beating from the villain alone, but he sure showed them who was boss. But not before declaring his love for you.
It was an effect of the quirk.
Bakugou was now feeling the effects of being madly in love with you. You happened to be right beside him when he was hit, making you the first person he saw when you helped him up off the ground, making you the target for his feelings.
Of course, he was under influence of the quirk, so you knew not to get ahead of yourself.
It felt awful. You felt worse than you could’ve felt. Watching your crush parade around calling you ‘his’ and acting like you really were an item, all while the rest of your classmates teased him, finally calling him soft and vulnerable.
But for the sake of not letting anyone know how you truly felt, you kept a smile on your face. You kept your head up, and only let it fall when you were in the privacy of your room, all while Bakugou blew up your phone with texts.
The effects of this god forsaken love quirk were at it’s peak on the second day when Bakugou attached himself to you. Holding you, hugging you, holding your hand, he had to be touching you or he claimed he was in agonizing pain.
So you just let it slide. You didn’t mind it, or mind his warm breath on your neck when he laid on you in public. His breath against your neck only made your face hotter, but you knew it was just the quirk.
You had to remind yourself that it was just the quirk.
“Kacchan’s all soft for you! How cute.” Kaminari teased. You shook your head. Then you heard the snap of a phone camera. 
Kaminari now had a collection of pictures, all consisted of Bakugou clinging onto you somehow.
Sending it in the group chat shared between the Bakusquad, Mina was the first to respond, quoting that you should take him out on a date while you had the chance.
You didn’t feel right taking advantage of him. None of it felt right. But you couldn’t peel him off of you. You wanted this to actually be him, to actually be Katsuki Bakugou holding you close, whispering that he loved you in your ear just loud enough for you to hear.
“I’m gonna head up to my room.” You mentioned, finally pulling Bakugou’s arms off of you, but he quickly stood up.
“Where are you going, Babe?” Bakugou’s voice was the same, and it made chills run down your spine as you heard it.
“Awe!” Kaminari smiled, already shipping the two of you together.
“Shut up dunce face.” Bakugou turned to Kaminari to insult him. Kaminari just smiled and hugged him, Bakugou hugging him back for once.
You took the opportunity to run to your room. 
Looking through the group chat that included Bakugou, you saw nothing but photos of Bakugou being nice. Being kind, being not himself. Hugging you, and others, being nice to Deku, like without screaming at him.
Most of the photos included you and him somehow, whether it be like just now where you were cuddling together on the couch, or how he’d held your hand.
There was still a bit of Bakugou that hadn’t completely disappeared, that was beginning to show up more and more as the effects of the quirk began to wear off.
But the pounding on your door was more than enough to keep you out of your thoughts.
Kaminari and Sero were lurking around the corner, keeping an eye on Bakugou as he knocked on your dorm door.
You quickly opened the door thinking something was wrong.
His lips slammed onto yours, with just enough time for Kaminari to snap a picture.
Pushing him off of you, you could feel your heart racing. You shook your head and just stared at the blonde as he smiled at you.
“Go to bed, Katsuki.” You showed him your phone to indicate that it was way past his usual bedtime.
“Let me kiss you one more time idiot.” Bakugou’s voice was still so eerily familiar. It was the same one that called you a dumbass on the regular, the same one that you heard yelling as you sparred.
You didn’t know Kaminari and Sero had seen the kiss, let alone taken a picture of it. 
“This isn’t you. Just go to sleep.” You were hurting, more than you should’ve been. Why couldn’t you just tease him like the rest of your friends? Why did it have to be him? Why did it have to be Bakugou?
You stayed in your room the following day, asking Jiro to politely bring you some food during lunch and dinner. 
She didn’t ask questions, but she had a feeling she knew what was wrong. But she didn’t bother you, she just told you to feel better and went along with her day. 
Bakugou’s texts eased up and by the end of the night, they had completely stopped.
Finally, after about two and a half days, the effects had completely worn off and the usual grumpy, egotistical, and crass Bakugou was back.
Class had gone by fine, you sat in your seat beside Bakugou, knowing he knew. Knowing he’d seen the texts, the pictures, all of it. He was a bomb waiting to go off, quite literally.
As the time dwindled down, you were on edge. 
And finally it happened.
Heading to the stairs to go back up to your dorm for some alone time, to hopefully get your mind off of Bakugou entirely, he stopped you, slamming you into the wall near the stairs.
“We need to talk.” Bakugou’s eyebrows were knitted together, his red eyes were glaring into your own (e/c) ones.
“What’s there to talk about? I know you’ve seen it all already.” You looked away, taking interest in the floor.
“I know you know I know. Don’t think that it was actually me.” Bakugou didn’t want to say that. Despite being under the influence of some love quirk, those were his true feelings.
Sure keeping it all bottled up was his way of doing things, but that quirk freed up a lot of his emotions. How he felt toward you. 
He didn’t want to be saying all of this, but he was.
“Don’t you think that I already know that?” You looked back up at him, hurt written all over your face.
Kaminari and Kirishima peeked their heads around the corner watching as the two of you talked. More classmates came over, watching the exchange.
“You should. I don’t like you.” Bakugou was lying. He just couldn’t say the truth. It was easier to lie about it, it was easier to keep it all inside, but seeing you like this was destroying him.
“I have liked you since we met back at the entrance exams. Do you know how awful it was to sit and watch you act like you were actually caring for me? Like you had even just the tiniest bit of interest in me? I knew it wasn’t you. I knew it was just some stupid quirk. I knew it wasn’t fucking you. Do you know how bad I wanted to kiss you back when you kissed me? Do you know how bad it hurt t shove you away like I didn’t fucking love you?” You shoved Bakugou back, now painfully aware of the audience watching you.
“Save it. It’s time for you to go to bed right? Eight-thirty?” You turned and began to walk up the stairs, leaving him behind.
You picked up your pace once you were out of sight, tears beginning to flood from your eyes as you clenched your chest, your heart finally shattering into a million pieces.
“Woah dude.” Kaminari approached Bakugou.
“What?” Bakugou stared at the blonde, watching as Kaminari just sighed.
“You might want to go talk to her.” Kirishima stepped in.
“I know.” Bakugou mumbled, proceeding to head up the stairs after you.
Bakugou had his hands tucked in his pockets as he approached your dorm door. He didn’t know what to say, or how to say it.
In the middle of searching for the right thing to say, all he could think about was how he hugged you, how his hand fit perfectly in yours. How your lips felt for the few seconds they were on his.
Knocking quietly, Bakugou looked away as you pulled the door open. You didn’t say anything as you stared at him, your eyes red and puffy as tears still fell from them.
You went to close the door but Bakugou stopped it, pushing it back open as you took a few steps back into your room.
You were silent save for the muffled sounds of your crying which you cushioned with the sleeve of your sweater. You didn’t face him either. 
Bakugou stared at your back. He stood quietly as he searched harder to find the words to say, to fix this mess that he’d made. Or at least had a hand in making.
“I am an asshole.” Bakugou started. Whether it bruised his ego or not, it was the truth. He couldn’t believe he’d actually said that.
You didn’t reply, despite wanting to agree with him.
“But I am so fucking in love with you.” Bakugou raised his voice just enough so you could hear the strain behind his words. Your eyes widened as you froze in place.
“And I can’t explain how I feel. I’ve never been good at it. And I was heavily influenced by that stupid fucking quirk but I swear, behind it all, I wasn’t doing it absentmindedly. I love you.” Bakugou admitted.
“And I saw all of the shit that happened and I just wanted to erase it. Because I didn’t know how you felt. I felt like an asshole even more for acting like a dumbass.”
“And I know I am an asshole but just please look at me.” Bakugou pleaded. His voice was soft again. You slowly turned around and met his eyes.
“I don’t regret anything. And I certainly don’t regret this.” Bakugou took a few steps, almost like he was running at you, and cupped your wet cheeks, bring your lips to his.
It was perfect. The feeling of your lips on his. The way they fit against his. The familiar feeling that Bakugou recalled the first time he felt your lips. 
He savored it, even the vaguely salty taste from your tears. He didn’t stop, he couldn’t. He needed this. It was his antidote. You kissed him back, your hands slowly rising to meet his.
And when your palms cupped his hands, he pulled away, holding your face still as he butted his forehead to yours.
“I fucking love you, dumbass.” Bakugou smiled, the same smile he wore whenever he was being a jerk, the same smile he taunted all your classmates with, the smile that you knew belonged to Katsuki Bakugou.
“You are an asshole.” You cried, more tears falling from your eyes as you shook in his hands. Bakugou’s eyes widened, not knowing how to react.
“I love you too.” You smiled. It was all Bakugou needed to pull you into a hug, wrapping his arms around you, holding you like you were going to slip away.
After a few hours of explaining and talking, the two of you were on the same page, completely understanding of how one another felt, despite it being difficult to open up about it.
Waking up the next morning in each other’s arms was not how you expected the school day to start. You rubbed your eyes as you stared at a sleeping Katsuki hugging your side. 
“Hey, wake up.” You smiled, nudging his shoulder. Bakugou quickly opened his eyes at the sound of your voice.
“Oh shit.” Bakugou glanced at the clock that sat on your bedside table and darted up.
“I’ll see you in class, love you.” Bakugou gave you a quick kiss before running out of your room and over to his.
You smiled, feeling so much better. Talking about it helped. And Bakugou was now proud to call you his. And even more so, he wasn’t ashamed of the pictures taken of him, or the dozens of messages he’d sent to you.
He was going to fill his camera roll with dozens more of pictures of you and him. Ones that allowed both of you to be open and loving toward one another, without some second-hand quirk getting in the way.
And it started with one picture of Bakugou kissing you while you laid together.
»»————- ★ ————-««
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hesgunnalovethis · 4 years
Not That Bad
Leonard McCoy x Reader
Summary: You have the severity of your injuries in a twist sending Leonard McCoy’s blood pressure through the roof
TW: injury descriptions and strong language 
ft. bestie Jim Kirk <333
Word Count: 1737
“Yes. No. I understand Mr Spock. Cuttings on your desk in 40 minutes. Got it.” You closed your comm and checked your watch. 
 You’d spent 16 hours Planetside and after a complication that had landed most crew in the MedBay, you agreed to help out botany to complete the mission report. Really you didn’t have a clue what you were doing but you concluded it couldn’t be that hard. 
 Cross referencing the plants in front of you to the list on your PADD, you picked up the plier looking utensil and began clipping the stems from the root. 
 “Maybe I should transfer to science.” You muttered to yourself after you’d successfully pressed the first few cuttings into their sample bags. 
Taking the next stem between your fingers you picked up the pliers and cut through the green and your fingertip, simultaneously. Blood shot upwards from your finger. You scoffed at the inconvenience. 
 You grabbed the first aid kit and examined the content that your Chief Medical Officer boyfriend had once talked you through and began to wish you’d listened. 
 Failing to remember anything, you wrapped a plaster around the top of your finger and watched it turn from white to red almost immediately. You tried layering another on top which bled through just as fast. After a failed third layer you took yourself from the lab and started towards the MedBay. 
 You stopped for a moment scouring your brain for which corridors to take. It had been so long since you’d actually journeyed to the MedBay by choice. You’d been utilising your doctor shared quarters. 
 Arriving at the desk you checked your watch again. 20 minutes before Spock was expecting you. You began to panic and turned to the receptionist. 
 “Could you ask Doctor McCoy to see me? It’s pretty urgent.” You said, grabbing a bundle of tissues from the display to contain the droplets falling from your finger. 
 The receptionist did as you asked and you heard Leonard through the comm.
 “On the bridge?” He asked. 
 “No, Sir. Here in the MedBay.” The receptionist in front of you responded. 
 “In the Med-“ You heard a fuss beginning through the comm and then a room number you were to be assigned. 
 No sooner had you arrived, a half scrubbed in Leonard burst through the door desperately searching for what heinous emergency had beckoned you to his MedBay. 
 “Are you being serious right now!?” Leonard asked ripping off the last of his scrub uniform. 
 “Always good to see you too, Lee.” You responded, smiling. 
 Sighing softly he shot you an apologetic look and planted a kiss on your cheek. 
 “Hi, darlin’” He whispered letting down his doctor guard and allowing his southern drawl back in. He began to look you over again, “Are you okay? Are you hurt?” 
 You lifted your hand removing the tissue to reveal your slightly bloodied finger. Leonard took a step back rubbing his temples. 
 “Y/N, darlin’. PUT A PLASTER ON IT?!”
 “I tried that! It keeps bleeding though!” You whined. 
 “There are people DYING in here, Y/N.” 
 “Oh go on, please. I have lab work due in 15 minutes and I can’t work with this bleeding all over the samples!” 
 Leonard sighed and moved to the other side of the room to collect the dermal regenerator. Taking your hand in his he kissed the cut before placing it under the machine.
 He caught your eyes with his. “I left a 6 hour surgery for this.” 
 The next day you took your healed finger with you on your next mission where your team successfully released several hostages and transported their authoritative grasp to Enterprise Security.  
 “All clear, Jim.” You said to your comm after clearing the last room on your final check. 
 “Received. Take the turbolift to the bridge and let’s get out of here.” 
 Stepping into the foreign tube you found it very similar to Starfleet’s and got it moving towards the bridge. You began to hear Jim’s voice on the other side before the lift stumbled to a halt. 
 “Um, Jim?” You shouted through the metal. 
 “Great.” Jim said clocking the flashing error sign on the lift. “Don’t worry Lieutenant. We’ll... pry it open.” 
 “Full proof.” You said to yourself, getting ready to pull from your side. 
 After a brief plan outline and a countdown you began to pull. A small gap opened to the side and you managed to squeeze your body through before the door clattered closed on your newly regenerated finger. 
 “Again?! Why is it always you?” You asked your finger, pulling it from the metals grip and eying the purple residue left on it. 
 “Me?” Jim asked, doubled over from the effort he’d just exerted, before being distracted by his comm, “Bones! Yes, just calling to let you know of the ZERO injuries incoming to the MedBay!”
 “Zero injuries?” You cut him off. “This is a broken bone for sure.” 
 “Oh my god.” Jim said in disgust looking at the weird purple oil all over the metal, your finger and subsequently his uniform. “Why is it that colour?!” 
 “Dammit, Jim.” You heard through the comm before Leonard hung up and Jim reconnected to the transporter room. 
 You arrived back on the transporter pad to Leonard’s eyes burning a hole in you and pinching the bridge of his nose. 
 “Broken bone?” He said walking towards you.
 “This bastard finger.” You said and Leonard took your wrist to examine it.  
 “THIS-“ He stopped abruptly and calmed himself. “This is a finger, Y/N. BARELY a bone.” He examined it further, “I’m not even convinced that’s broken?” 
 “Tell you what though, it really fucking hurts.” You petted your lip at him. 
 Slipping an arm around your waist he led you out of the transporter room and towards the MedBay. “Let’s get you patched up sweetheart, but we really have to talk about your hyperbole.” 
 It was a few days before you were due to arrive at your next destination and Jim had roped you into helping with his ensign combat training. 
 “It’s basically target practice.” Jim said in conclusion to a confused looking group of redshirts. “The phasers I’ve given you won’t shoot, but will read on the side if you’ve hit your target. It’s like laser tag! You’ve all played laser tag, right?” The room was silent. “And that’s another added to the list of shore leave activities.” 
 “Captain Kirk and I will be over here as moving targets.” You started, taking over from Jim. “Try and shoot me without hitting the Captain. Got it?” 
 You and Jim moved over to the course beginning the same choreographed fight you’d been using for years. You heard the pathetic fake phaser shots over and over and were beginning to question almost all of your life choices as a deafening shot fired and struck your side. 
 “Y/N!” Jim fell to your side, “PHASERS DOWN!” He shouted to the group briefly trying to determine which one hadn’t followed his only instruction ‘Do not bring your own phaser.’ 
 There was a small commotion before you heard Jim’s voice again. “Kirk to MedBay I need a team to training room 1 immediately.” 
 You found yourself back in the same biobed you’d frequented for past 3 days consecutively and tried to keep up with the nurses’ quick conversations. 
 “Someone page McCoy now.” You heard one of them say. 
 “Not Leonard-“ You interrupted, “He’ll jus- is there anyone else?”
 “Not anyone who could patch you up like Doctor McCoy.” One of the nurses stated opening their comm. “Doctor McCoy to room 6. On the double. It’s-“ 
 “Lieutenant Y/L/N?” Leonard cut off the nurse. 
 “Yes.” She replied. 
 “For once I’m not even surprised.” 
 The nurses continued fussing around you and your biobed beeps became angrier. 
 You watched the door open and Leonard’s face turn from passiveness to urgency in a millisecond. 
 “My god!” He shouted, dropping his board and beginning to order nurses to different machines connected to your bed. 
 “Listen, Leonard it’s not THAT bad.” 
 “NOT THAT BAD?! YOU’VE BEEN SHOT?!”  Leonard flicked his eyes between you and your vitals. 
 “Yeah, but, shot in a controlled environment.” 
 “You’ve been in here with a cut and a stave, guns blazing, and now you’ve been shot it’s ‘NOT THAT BAD?!’” 
 “Granted this doesn’t look-“ You were cut off by a wave of pain that sent you wincing. 
 “Hell.” Leonard turned to his own station briefly. “You’re not gonna like this sweetheart but you can tell me all about it when you’re back in one piece.” Leonard planted a kiss on your head and a hypo in your neck, sending you into sleep. 
Coming back to, you heard your biobed beeping at a normal rhythm and a strong accent beside you. 
 “I don’t care what his test scores are, he shot a Lieutenant I want him gone.” 
 “Leonard.” You scolded. 
 “Darlin’” He moved to you instantly closing his comm without a word. “How are you feeling?”
 “I’m fine. Sore neck.” You said rubbing where he’d hypo’d you. His eyes were still racked with worry. “It was an accident. That’s why we train them we-“ 
 “Darlin’ if he isn’t removed from this ship the only accident will be me prescribing him with cyanid capsules instead of his iron tablets.” He looked over your vitals again before picking up his clipboard, “But you let me worry about that. You can worry about this.” He handed you a laminated sheet entitled ‘Doctor McCoy’s Guide to a Serious Injury.’ 
 You shot him an annoyed look. 
 “Just so there’s no more confusion.” He winked at you. You glanced over the ‘Serious Injury: To Be Reported’ column. 
 “I hardly think ‘A sudden cough’ is a serious injury, Leonard.” You scoffed. 
 “Oh sure. Let’s just let your DNA de-evolve into non humane codes exterminating crucial pairings.” 
 “Noted.” You said admiring the doctor’s bedside manner, “Is there a second page?” You said spotting another sheet in his hand. 
 “No. This is Jim’s copy.” Leonard replied. 
 “Of course.” 
 Leonard brushed your hair behind your ears and smoothed your forehead. “I’m glad you’re finally visiting the MedBay doll, but I would prefer if you kept your trips to mandatory immunisations and essential check-ups.” 
 “I wouldn’t hold your breath, Doctor.” You said brushing your lips against his. 
“And somehow I still wouldn’t change you for the world.” Leonard said quietly before closing the space left between you.
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pedrosbish · 4 years
still friends, not lovers
Word count: 1.5k
Warnings: supposed unrequited feelings, angst, lil bit of fluff, rubbish
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Colours of red and orange danced across the sky, painting everything below it in a calmness that was difficult to find nowadays. Your eyes follow the skyline until they fall upon the people working around you. The blue swishes of fabric proving their hard work as they collect the luminescent krill from their water farms, woven baskets holding the large numbers of their catches. The air is crisp as you breath in, your lungs expanding as it is filled with a freshness that you couldn't get in space. 
It was calm here. A calmness that you needed. 
You had stumbled into the open hatch of the Razor Crest in an attempt to get away from the rowdy group of men that had followed you in the seemingly quiet marketplace, calling you lewd names and promising you a good time if you slowed down for them. Their shouting had scared you to the nearby hangar and you had found the nearest ship that had luckily been open. 
The commotion had attracted the resident who had been charting his next mission in the cockpit. The Mandalorian.
As soon as he had descended down the ladder and the group of men had spotted the shiny beskar, they had scattered- after all, everyone knew of the reputation of the infamous bounty hunter. 
He was ready to turn you away, tell you that he wasn’t looking for any help or that he wasn’t prepared to harbour a lost soul, but then you had turned around, tears in your eyes and your chest heaving at an uncomfortable pace. You had quickly thanked him, covering your mouth in an attempt to hide the sob that forced its way up your throat before swiftly making your way to the exit. 
He had stopped you, saying that you could stay as long as you could help him around his ship, patch anything that may be broken, clean up after yourself and stay out of his way. 
Not too long after that, you had another addition to the Razor Crest. A little green thing that the Mandalorian had been tasked with to return to his own kind. Soon he had become another task for you to handle- you had to feed him, bath him, clean after him and make sure that he didn’t eat anything that may not be good for him. 
As the weeks had gone on, the Mandalorian had realised the target that had been painted on the Child’s back and had decided that the three of you should take a short break from travelling and that is how you had ended up on Sorgan seeking refuge. It was short-lived as a small farming village needed help as a group was terrorising them. You could see the hesitation in the way the Mandalorian had carried himself but he could sense the desperation of the people. 
Within days, with the help of the Mandalorian and Cara Dune, the group had been defeated and the tiny village had welcomed their saviours, telling them that they could stay as long as needed. 
You had been prepared for anything that may have happened with your odd life with the Mandalorian and the Child. But you had not been prepared for the crush you had developed on the supposed “cold-hearted” man hidden beneath the beskar. 
“Are you alright?”
The soft-spoken question makes you look up at the person standing before you. Omera. She had welcomed your odd little trio into her village with open arms, setting up a hut and offering to get you anything you needed. For such a quiet yet beautiful woman, her presence captured the attention of anyone around her and you had noticed how often the visor of the Mandalorian was trained on her, following every movement she made. He had been easily impressed with her determination to help protect her village, the love she had for her people and the kindness she had shown to the Child. 
Your heart had cracked little by little the longer you stayed in the village, your attention solely focussed on trying to avoid being present in any interactions between the bounty hunter and the villager. 
“Yes,” you say, looking at the fire being set up a little ways away. The Mandalorian stands next to it, hands on his hips as he watches the Child interact with the other children of the village. He must have sensed your staring as his helmet tilts towards you, watching, and you quickly look back up at Omera. “Sorry, I must have been daydreaming.”
She nods her head knowingly, tilting her head towards the fire. “We’re setting up for a meal if you would like to join?”
“Oh,” you glance towards the Mandalorian who is now slowly moving towards you and Omera. “I’m actually not that hungry. I-I-I think I’m going to turn in early.” 
Without looking back, you quickly make your way towards the hut where you hide under the covers and attempt to fall asleep, ignoring the way your heart thumps painfully in your chest and your eyes burn with unshed tears. You’re unaware of how much time passes but when you manage to crack your eyes open again, there’s a plate of untouched food next to your bed. 
“Did you leave the food next to my bed?” 
The Mandalorian glances up at you from his weapon, the gun becoming shinier with every wipe of the cloth over it. 
“Yes,” he lays down his weapon next to him and gets up from his seat. “I noticed that you have not been eating much recently.”
He takes a step closer to you as you quietly whisper a ‘thank you’, too embarrassed to say anything else. Your breath hitches as he takes off a glove, pressing his bare hand to your forehead. 
“You don’t feel sick,” he says quickly before putting his glove back on. “Please tell me what’s wrong Cyar’ika? Did I do something wrong?”
“Why- why would you say that?”
He sighs softly, tilting his visor towards the village before looking back at you. The small clearing around you is quiet, the wind blowing through the trees and the small animals making noises within the surrounding forest reaching your ears. 
“You have barely spoken to me since we have been here and you have been avoiding me as well. I was worried that I may have done something to upset you-”
“I’m sorry,” your throat constricts as you look into the visor, imagining the eyes hidden beneath them. You can imagine the warmness in them as he looks at you, filling your heart with false hope. “I guess I'm just...restless.”
He nods his head, “Would you like to leave?”
Your eyes begin to burn and your face heats up as you realise what you have to do. “I think you should stay here. I can take the Child and return him to his own kind while- while you stay. With Omera.”
You take a small step away from him, glancing at the village as you cross your arms over your chest. Your eyes are burning and you quickly wipe away a tear as it falls down your cheek. “C’mon, Mando. I see the way you look at her, like-like she’s the only person in the world. You clearly like her and I think she likes you too. You should stay, start a new life with her.”
“Is that what you want?” His eyebrows are scrunching with confusion underneath his helmet, his heart clenching as he watches the emotions play on your face. Heartbreak.
Hesitating with your answer, you shake your head and take a deep breath before squaring your shoulders and facing him. “No, no it isn’t. Mando, I am in love with you and I know you don’t like me in that way. That’s why you should stay.” 
Nodding your head, you turn away, ignoring the way your heart feels like it’s caving in on itself as you take his hesitation to mean rejection. ���I’m going to go and pack our things. Goodbye Mando.”
“Wait!” He catches your wrist and tugs you into him. “Cyar’ika. Please don’t leave. I-I...dank farrick.”
His gloved hand cups your cheek and he tilts your head towards him, wiping a fallen tear away. Your breathing calms as his thumb rubs soothingly across your skin. 
“Sweet girl,” his helmet falls softly upon your forehead and you close your eyes, your heart thumping wildly within your chest with a new found hope as he gently holds your hand to the beskar on his chest. “I am not good at emotions or words but what I feel for you...I cannot put it into words. But just know- just know that you mean the world to me.
“My interactions with Omera were not meant to be perceived as romantic and I am sorry if that is how you saw it. I-I want to be with you and the Child, if you will have me.”
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labomi · 3 years
play by the rules [1]
Nanami Kento is a well-known bodyguard who always adheres to his own set of principles when completing a job. But when his next assignment is protecting you, he suddenly finds himself second-guessing his morals and questions whether or not some rules are just meant to be broken.
pairing: nanami kento x f!reader
words: 2.7k
warnings: none for this chapter, please look at the series masterlist for general content warnings
notes: i’ve been meaning to write a multichap fic for nanami for so long and i finally got around to outlining most of the story and writing the first chapter yay! i’m a little unsure if the plot will actually be good or not lol but i’m hoping it’ll turn out okay! thanks for reading!
series masterlist
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There’s a distinctive knock on your door that pulls you out of your thoughts as you lay on your bed with an unopened book in your lap. You had been meaning to read the story for the past three months after seeing rave reviews about it online, but for some reason, you couldn’t quite find the energy to start reading. Every morning, you pulled the book from your shelf with the full intention of getting past the first page. But every night, it was returned to the same spot on your shelf, remaining untouched.
With a quiet sigh, you force yourself to crawl out of bed, leaving behind the comfortable warmth of your blankets. You drag your feet as you walk over to the door, dreading the imminent conversation you’re about to have.
To be honest, you’d rather he just leave you alone to wallow in self-pity in the comfort of your own room. You knew he had good intentions, but you dreaded his frequent check-ins with you. If he had no good news to deliver, you didn’t want to see him. And there had been no good news for the past three months.
You have no expectations that today will be any different.
With a hesitant hand on the doorknob, you take a deep breath and try to suppress the bitterness you feel towards the person on the other side of the door. Once prepared, you open the door with a wide grin and a bright twinkle in your eyes.
“Hi Dad!” You greet him with a high-pitched, chipper voice.
Your father looks pleased to see your lively expression. “Good morning, princess. Do you mind if I come in?”
You manage to hide your surprise. Most of his visits consist of a quick hello just to confirm you’re alive in your room, but he heads off to go back to work. If he intends to enter your room, there must be something serious he wishes to discuss. You try to ignore the small glimmer of hope that flutters in your chest. 
“Of course!” You waltz over to your bed and sit down, patting the space next to you. Your father sits on the plush bed beside you, twiddling his thumbs idly in his lap.
“I’m aware these past three months have been hard on you, princess,” he begins.
You dig your nails into the palm of your hands and bite your tongue to prevent yourself from spitting out a harsh retort.
Yeah, no kidding.
“They’ve been tough for me too.” He pats your leg comfortingly, giving you a sincere, apologetic look. “I hate seeing you stuck in your room all day, but you know I only do this because I love you and because I want to keep you safe.”
Your father’s words are genuinely heartfelt. There’s no doubt he cares for your well-being and bemoans the unfortunate situation, but you’re not in the mood to be swayed by his guilt.
After all, it’s because of him that you’ve been trapped inside for three long months.
“It’s okay, Dad. I don’t blame you.” You try your best to act like a caring daughter who wants to console her father and assuage his fears that you despise him for his actions. “I know it’s for my own good.”
Three months ago, your father fired your personal bodyguard. 
This also meant that three months ago, your father shredded your only ticket to the outside world.
You can only venture outside the family’s property lines if a trained professional, tasked with keeping you safe from potential harm, accompanies you to pre-approved destinations.
Your father worries about your safety in public, because he often does business with local mafia groups in the area. He is not an influential or well-known member of the underground economy, but in this line of work, it isn’t unusual to piss off the wrong person in a deal gone bad. Family members are the most common targets, so you are a natural choice for disgruntled clients to take their frustrations out on. 
On one hand, you believe it is unfair that you are forced to live a restricted life under the constant protection of a bodyguard because of your father. You have nothing to do with his business, yet you must suffer from the consequences of it.
On the other hand, there is no doubt that you reap the benefits from the success of your father’s career. You had never worked a day in your life and always received any material goods you asked for, so perhaps you do deserve to face at least a share of the consequences.
Your father is insistent that you must have your own personal bodyguard after an incident involving your mother that occurred when you were just a baby. There was an altercation when she had encountered one of your father’s enemies while doing some errands alone in the city.
It hadn’t ended well, to say the least.
So for three long months, you were stuck inside. To his credit, your father had immediately begun the search for a new bodyguard, but his vetting process was so rigorous that it was not a timely process. There had been some mishaps in the past with previous guardians, and your father had vowed to never let those mistakes happen again.
You know you should be grateful that your father cared about your safety enough to have a dedicated group of his team spend endless hours thoroughly investigating each and every potential candidate. You also know you shouldn’t complain about being trapped in a luxurious mansion, but you hate being at home.
You hate seeing your father’s workers around the premises.
You hate thinking about what sort of shady business deals are happening just a floor below you.
You want nothing to do with it. You don’t even want to think about it, which is why you prefer to spend as much time as possible away from home. 
“I’m so glad you understand,” your father says with a relieved sigh. “But I have some good news this time.”
Your breath hitches in the back of your throat. The moment feels almost surreal. You had been waiting to hear those words for so long, you almost thought it would never happen.
“I approved your new bodyguard.”
This time, you didn’t have to fake your excitement.
“Really?” you gasp, looking at your father with wide eyes.
He nods at you.
Unable to contain your burst of elation, you throw your arms around your father with a squeal, giving him a fierce hug. “Thank you! Thank you!”
Your father lets out a hearty laugh, patting your back as he revels in seeing your utter joy. “He starts tomorrow, so you may leave the property again in the morning.”
In less than 24 hours, you are free to once again explore the city, visit popular shops, and stop by your favorite restaurants. You can barely contain your enthusiasm as your heartbeat drums in your chest from the rush of adrenaline after hearing such wonderful news. Pulling away from your father, you continue to beam at him, feeling an unusual wave of gratitude towards the man.
A loud beep disrupts the heartfelt moment.
Your father looks at his smartwatch with a tight frown. “I’m so sorry, princess, but I have to go to a meeting now.” He gets off the bed and gives you a small smile. “I’m glad I could finally give you some good news. I’ll hopefully see you for dinner tonight.”
Before your father can leave, you reel in your scattered thoughts after being almost too excited to think straight. “Dad, before you go, can I at least ask for this name?”
You cannot believe you almost forgot to ask such a crucial question.
“Nanami. Nanami Kento.”
You nod at him. “Thank you! Good luck at your meeting!”
Alone once again, you throw yourself a little celebration which consists of childishly dancing around the room blasting your favorite “good vibes” playlist. Afterward, you grab your laptop and plop onto your bed with a satisfied grin. You crack your knuckles. 
It’s time to get to work. 
In order to maximize your free time tomorrow, you need to have a rough idea about what you want to do and where you want to go. But before you start the task, you need to make one important phone call.
“Hey, Itadori.”
Itadori Yuuji is one of your father’s henchmen, but he’s a sweet boy who had nowhere else to go when his grandfather died. Luckily, he isn’t directly involved in the main operations of your father’s business. Known for his fast feet and powerful arms, he is mostly used as a source of manual labor to move heavy boxes that are brought in or shipped out of the various underground warehouses scattered throughout the property.
The two of you had become friends when you saw him trying to sneak food out of the main kitchen during the late hours of the night. Only your family and your father’s trusted confidants had permission to be in this part of the mansion.
Itadori immediately got on his knees and begged you not to tell anyone that he was stealing food, but you just laughed and showed him where the good snacks were located. Together, the two of you had a mini feast using the leftovers from the culinary staff. It was the first of many secret dinners to be held.
“Hey. What’s up?” he answers.
“Can you do me a favor?”
“Yeah. Sure.”
“Can you sneak into my father’s office and copy a file for me? It’s someone named Nanami Kento.”
There’s a groan. “Seriously? But you know how hard it is to sneak into his office,” he whines over the phone.
“I’m sorry, Itadori,” you apologize. You know you aren’t making his life any easier, but you need him to do this for you. “But I know you can do it. You’ve done it plenty of times before without a problem.”
Itadori sighs. He knows he can’t refuse you, not because he’s afraid that you’ll turn him in for punishment (or worse). No, Itadori genuinely likes you, and he’s grateful for your presence in his life for many reasons. Therefore, he does whatever he can to help you out whenever you ask.
“Alright. You got it.”
“Thanks, Itadori.”
Several hours later, a manila folder is slipped underneath your door. With a victorious grin, you grab the folder and set it on your desk. You shoot Itadori a quick text confirming that you got the delivery and thanking him once again for his help.
Quivering in anticipation, you open the folder and see a grainy, black and white copy of a man’s photo on top of the stack of papers. Even with the image’s poor quality, you can see the man’s sharp cheekbones and styled, light-colored hair. You think he looks rather handsome, but you’re not quite sure with the fuzziness of the copy.
Setting the photo aside, you read his file with an interested hum. Because of your father’s rigorous vetting process, the folder is stuffed full of numerous background reports. You vaguely wonder how Itadori slid such a large stack of papers under your door.
Nanami Kento, huh.
You flip over a page and continue reading.
What an interesting man.
“Did you finally accept a new job?” Gojo asks curiously, craning his neck to get a better look at the papers spread about on Nanami’s desk. He spots a photo of a woman among the various files that catches his attention. “Who’s that?”
Nanami rubs his face with an exasperated groan, wishing his coworker would mind his own business for once. He tries to hide the photo under other papers, but Gojo is too quick. The white-haired man easily snatches the photo off the desk before Nanami can touch it and waves it in front of him in a teasing manner.
“Nice try,” he grins, pulling back to observe the photo up close. “Oh, she’s pretty cute. I’m guessing she’s your new client?”
“No,” Nanami answers begrudgingly. He knows Gojo won’t return the photo or leave him alone unless he partakes in the conversation. “Technically her father is, but she’ll be the one under my protection.”
“Oh, so you did accept a new job then.” Gojo returns the photo with a satisfied grin now that his original question had been answered. “Surprised it took you this long to choose one. How long has it been since you finished your last assignment?”
“About three months. I wasn’t in a rush to start a new job.”
Nanami can afford to be picky about his assignments now. Over the years, he has built a strong reputation as a proficient bodyguard who always follows orders and always gets the job done. Now that he is well-known in the industry with a long list of satisfied clients, Nanami no longer has to scramble to accept any odd job. Plus, as part of Gojo’s renowned bodyguard service agency, he can rely on the secretaries to filter out any scams or seemingly impossible requests before they reach his desk.
Nanami is now constantly flooded with inquiries from influential celebrities, notorious mafia members, and other wealthy figures. These people are always willing to pay big bucks for an extra sense of security as they go about their lives, but Nanami is no longer interested in solely the money now that his multiple bank accounts are flush with cash. Instead, he wants to take it easy with a simple, straightforward assignment that won’t involve a lot of gunfire, blood, or death. 
Being a bodyguard is a lucrative career, but it is also both physically and mentally taxing.
Simply put, Nanami is tired.
This is why he waited three long months to find his next job. With each additional request, he ignored how many zeros were listed as compensation and instead took his time to scrutinize the client, their family, and their motivations in seeking a bodyguard. He had a mental image of what he was looking for in his “perfect” job and much to his surprise, he stumbled upon a request that checked almost every box.
While Nanami was lost in his thoughts, Gojo had secretly snatched your file from the desk and had been skimming through it. He couldn’t resist learning more about this new client.
When Nanami returbs to his senses, he sees the missing file on his desk and glares at his white-haired coworker. Gojo just laughs in response. 
“Sorry, sorry. I’m just curious to see what kind of person would pique your interest after all this time, Mr. Picky.” He purses his lips. “Hmm, she’s not much younger than us. Surprised she’s still single too. Aren’t most women in these sorts of families forced to marry early to strengthen business ties? Oh, maybe her personality is so bad her father can’t marry her off to anyone!”
Nanami rips the file out of Gojo’s hands with a scowl. “None of that concerns me.”
“Aww, come on, Nanami,” the white-haired man pouts. “You’re going to be spending a lot of time with her. What is she’s a demon in disguise? Women are pretty scary, you know.”
Nanami figures Gojo skipped the part in the file where your father had described you as a “bright, bubbly young woman who loves to shop and eat”.
“I think I can handle it,” Nanami responds flatly. “After all, I can reasonably get along with everyone except you.”
Gojo clutches his chest dramatically, acting like he had just been shot. “Nanami, you’re so cruel to me!” He then drops his hands and places them on his hips with a devious grin. “Alright, I’ll leave you alone now. Good luck! And don’t fall in love!” He lowers his sunglasses and winks. Gojo can’t help but get in one last jab to irk his coworker.
“You don’t have to worry about that.”
Nanami is a serious professional, one who always plays by the rules. He adheres to a certain set of principles in order to remain successful in this line of work. Without them, situations can get messy, and he has all too often witnessed other bodyguards make the mistake of deviating from protocol and facing the consequences.
There are three fundamental rules that Nanami always follows without fail:
Never go above and beyond what a job asks you to do.
Once a job is finished, leave immediately.
Never get personally involved with a client.
And under no circumstances would he ever disregard any of these rules.
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lochnessies · 3 years
ok here’s a dissection of a post an anon sent me the link to and bc i have the worst time management possible and i completely forgot i had it lol so sorry anon here you go ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
I am constantly thinking about how Edelgard just doesn’t seem designed to appeal to cishet men.
i hate to be the one to break this news to you op but just because a character doesn’t show skin like charlotte fire emblem doesn’t mean she isn’t designed to pander to men. she’s very much designed to pander to the (majority straight male) player base with her ‘uwu i only trust you professor omg did u see that rat? pls don’t look at my painting of you uwu’.
then there’s the whole edelgard c support in japanese where byleth makes reference to having come to her room for ‘yobi’ which is
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there’s also the scene where byleth can make an unsolicited comment about edelgard’s breast size. which is… uhh… gross.
edelgard also has cipher cards that go from slightly fanserviceie to full on suggestive
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and also her breast armor that my sister relentlessly mocked lol
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and here’s a chart from the 3h subreddit about gender/sexually in regards to edelgard and edeleth. it’s extremely straight male. op might have just overlooked this since they probably don’t go on reddit and stay on tumblr (which unlike reddit is mostly female and has a high lgbt demographic).
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Like the joke is that Bleagles is the Gay House, but everything about her feels deliberately non-hetero.
i don’t like where this is going…
She’s dressed in sharp outfits covering her upper body, with proportions that don’t seem exaggerated.
so women who cover up must be lgbt because straight women are naturally more revealing? oh y i k e s
Her poise and the way she effortlessly flourishes her axe exhibits an air of coolness. While titties out =/= character of no substance, Edelgard being dressed more modestly suggests that she wasn’t designed with male-centred fanservice in mind.
“titties don’t equal no substance but here’s my post on how she has more substance because she doesn’t show titties” ok
And she still looks absolutely stunning in her more modest attire (like seriously, I haven’t felt the need to return to cosplay in years but I want to do her academy look so bad). 
yes she does. amazing design 10/10. i have a feeling this is the only part i’m going to agree with
Edelgard is intense. She does not mince her words and she is constantly evaluating you. Though she tries, she has a difficult time understanding her peers initially. Early on, she talks about how she would sacrifice herself and others in the name of some greater good. She is terrible at communicating with her peers. She has to be seen as infallible. Her heart has been hardened for years and she assumes she has to stay that way. She also assumes everyone mourns the same way she does - which is why she (kind of insensitively) insists you move on when Jeralt dies. Because to her, grief has to be channeled towards action, or else you’ll get lost in it. This attitude is demonstrated time and time again as she presses on. It can make her come off as cold and unfeeling - but look closer, and she’s anything but.
don’t really have anything to say at this part. it is pretty on the nose though i would slightly disagree with that last sentence a bit. i wouldn’t say she’s as i feeling as hubert is but all of her talks of the war boil down to how she feels and never her victims.
Her story is ultimately about her realizing that to achieve her goals, she needs to let people in and allow herself to want things like cakes and tea parties and lazy days in peace. 
????? what ????? her goals include imperialism, ethnic and religious targeting. her story is about having a set of beliefs and mowing down anybody who stands in her way. that has nothing to do with tea, friends, and lazy days. also am i supposed to be sad that she has to get up everyday and work? i do that and i didn’t start a war and only throw a pity party for myself
The game leaves the player guessing as to how involved the Flame Emperor was in each Part I event, makes you feel hurt by her betrayal, and leaves you with a choice: do you follow the orders of the woman who tried to make you a god without your consent, or a young girl with questionable morals about to throw the world into upheaval?
this isn’t an ideal situation but i think i’m going to stick with the woman who tried to make me a god since i’m not selfish and i know it’s not only my desires and life at stake here. plus the green hair slaps ngl
Choosing her of your own volition (not for completionist reasons) requires the basic ability to sympathize with a woman’s pain. It also requires the player to read beyond her unwavering will and dubious methods to get a sense of how deep that pain goes and how the theme of humanity relates to her differently in each route.
i’m not going to touch this since @nilsh13 made a post on it that i’ll link here. i agree with everything he said so to repeat it would be redundant.
The player must be able to see a young woman’s desperate resolve to change the world so it stops exploiting people and ruining lives. They must be able to accept the fact that women can make the same morally wrong and ambivalent decisions that complicated male characters get to make all the time and still be the one to root for.
literally the same reason i love rhea lol her goddess experiments are dubious at best but her reasons are the same you mentioned. i would say that i like this quality in edelgard too if her ending, while bloody, actually ended in a good outcome for fodlan.
This is not unique to LGBT+ people, but this population is likely to understand why Edelgard feels so strongly about why she has to change the system. 
i understand wanting to change a system, i really do. like edelgard, i’m an opinionated bisexual woman (who’s also physically disabled) so yeah i get it. and change can be good but it can also be terrible. even if the church was the boogeyman edelgard treats it as she still replaces it with her own shit regime. so it’s the same circus just with a new conductor.
I don’t think “Edelgard gets undue criticism because she’s a woman” captures the full picture. An important aspect of her treatment by certain parts of the fandom is that she’s a radical woman.
or maybe she does some pretty fucked up shit and it goes unacknowledged in her own route. and yeah she’s radical but in all the worst ways.
Her hatred of the Church and the Crest system resonates way harder with people who have been hurt by institutions that are deeply engrained in our society. 
and what about people who have been hurt by systems where their ‘merit’ didn’t measure up and they were left behind? what about people from nations that experienced imperialism?
Siding with her means siding against the Church - which, while different from real world religious institutions, still invokes language about “sin” and “punishment.
yeah the ‘sins’ and ‘punishments’ are used in relation to attempted murders which i think everybody can agree is a bad thing that needs to be condemned.
Choosing Edelgard will likely hit different if homophobic and transphobic Christians used that rhetoric against you.
it has literally nothing to do with ‘sins’ and ‘punishments’ in regards to being gay or trans. that’s you projecting. especially since the church has 2 canon gay characters and two coded ones.
like i can understand why having a church condemn you can be uncomfortable but i’m begging you to please look at the context of what’s happening.
I’m willing to go out on a limb and say that the reason F/F Edeleth is the more popular iteration of that ship because most people who would choose to S-support Edelgard are LGBT+ themselves. This is not a revelation. To anyone in the community, it’s fairly obvious. 
i was talking to nilish and he said
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so yeah… while there is definitely sapphic femleth shippers out there, there’s still a whole lot of weird fetishizing going on from straight men about edelgard.
Crimson Flower was my first route. I went into the game knowing absolutely nothing. I played it during the last week of 2020 and hoo boy was it cathartic. 
i can tell. this wasn’t supposed to be a dig but it came out that way and i’m not taking it out.
I felt like I was living out a gay revolution power fantasy, where I could truly change systems of oppression while fighting alongside a group of troubled students I’d shaped the lives of.
so a gay revolution power fantasy (cringe) goes hand in hand with imperialism and installing a dictatorship? also the war had nothing to do with sexuality.
Through your unwavering support, Edelgard learns that she needs to be human, that she must listen to her friends, and that she’s allowed to enjoy the world she’s creating.
edelgard gets to learn how to be human all while hunting those who don’t. and she doesn’t listen fo her friends. she doesn’t even trust them. she’s willing to talk to byleth but keep the people who’s been by her side for five years in the dark about everything. and yeah she gets to enjoy her new words since she’s on top. hate to be a commoner under her rule after she burned down my village in her war.
I love this character so much.
clearly. and i honestly don’t care if somebody likes her. i do as well even if my sometimes scathing words can make it seem otherwise.
It has been six months since I first played and I am still analyzing her,
me too. please help me escape i’m losing my mind
because there’s so much depth. Yet so many people fail to see that depth and dismiss her as evil,
i mean, she does some fucked up shit that goes beyond any of the less than desirable actions of the other main characters and does an extremely poor job in trying to make herself seem innocent. i personally don’t think she’s pure evil but i completely understand where the people who say she is are coming from.
because they never had the will to understand complicated women in the first place. 
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that’s big talk from somebody who implies that a gay pope is comparable to homophobic and transphobic irl religions and that leads an oppressive regime all because she uses the vague terms of sin and punishments that you have to gay power fantasy your way out of
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ohnopoe · 4 years
Main Attraction | Jack Daniels
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Ship: Jack Daniels x afab!Reader Summary: Going undercover can be fun, but sometimes the target isn’t the only one you find yourself distracting Word Count: 2.5k+ Author’s Note: This is my INSANELY late entry for the wonderful @din-damn-djarin‘s Song Prompt Writing Challenge! My song was, of course, Main Attraction by Jeremy Renner. Also, super sorry, I do try and keep my readers as gender neutral as possible, but this one just kinda happened!
The job was simple, well, as simple as it could be when partnered with none other than Jack Daniels himself. You’d been briefed, of course, taken note of every detail Champ had thrown in your direction, but the truth of it was, you hardly needed it.
Your role was one you’d played before, hell, you’d played it so damn often that it was practically second nature at this point.
You were the distraction.
So many times you’d been tasked with the role, especially as one of the very few female agents at Statesman, and often it was a lot of fun. High class, expensive balls, exclusive events you’d never attend otherwise. It had left your wardrobe bustling with beautiful dresses and outfits that Champ saw no reason for you not to keep, each attached with memories of fun filled nights where you kept the bad guys captivated as whichever agent you were partnered with did the heavy lifting, searching for whatever it was you were after.
There was something ethereal about standing before your wardrobe, running your fingers over gowns you could never dream to afford otherwise, they were a hint at another life, the life of your covers, of something luxurious and exquisite, something many dreamt of.
But those gowns remained exactly where they belonged tonight, on hangers and dust covers, safe at home and far from the dangers of your job.
No, this distraction asked for something very different. It wasn’t about long flowing gowns, or diamonds that caught even the subtlest of lighting, shining their brilliance throughout the room. Tonight called for something far from all of that, but just as captivating, if the glances Jack had been throwing your way were anything to go off.
The drive had been surprisingly quiet, in fact, you would have been worried that Jack was actually nervous, had you not caught the way he quickly glanced away when you caught him staring at the high hemline of your skirt out of the corner of his eye.
You’d been on missions like this together plenty of times before, with plunging necklines and slits up your thigh that were meant to keep the gaze of anyone who so much as glanced past you. And every time that you did, he would be there with some flirtatious comment that would have had your cheeks burning if you didn’t know he did the same to just about anyone with legs.
But this was different, it was as though the tight little dress had stolen not just his words, but his ability to think straight.
It had been almost amusing as you arrived at the secretly shady club. The way he refused to meet your gaze, the way his hand hovered against the small of your back as you entered, where he would usually happily use the excuse to play to the role, his hand slipping just a little lower than necessary.
But, that was then.
Two hours ago.
You’d been in the club for two damn hours, with all manner of lecherous men taking in what they could of your rather exposed body, and if that wasn’t getting old quick, the lack of progress certainly was.
Surely, he had to have found the papers you were after by now, it wasn’t as if the secretive sub-basement was even that big to begin with. But still, your comms remained irritatingly Jack free.
Songs bled from one to another, without any real hint as to where one ended and another begun. And you continued to dance, continued to throw just enough flirtatious glances over to the men you knew were using the club as a front for, well, let’s say nefarious activities, to keep them where they were, to keep them well away from the mission Jack was on.
But then he was there, lingering off to the side, against a wall; as if he could ever truly blend in. How no one else noticed a fucking cowboy in a club, you had no idea. How none of the women that passed him by bothered to give a second look, well, that astounded you. Even in the most ridiculous of outfits, he stole your attention at every turn, yet there he was, the covert agent of the two of you. Champ must have been losing his damn mind.
Catching his gaze, you raised a brow in question, hoping he had what you were after so you could get the hell out of there, but he gave nothing away as his lips slowly drew into a smirk, eyes drinking you in as you continued to dance amongst the crowd.
“Jack,” your voice was low over your comms, a warning tone, but the way his gaze instantly met yours gave you no sense of accomplishment, no, he was enjoying this too much. “Please tell me we can move soon.”
And there it was again, that damn silence that had your skin crawling.
It felt unnatural for Jack to be so damned quiet. Where were the quips, the quick flirtatious lines? Hell, you’d even take criticism if it just got him to say something.
But instead he just watched and, was that a drink in his hand? Oh hell no! The bastard had clearly gone up to the bar at some point to order a drink, and there you were, still putting on a show for men who made your stomach curl.
“That drink better mean you got it,” you muttered once more, watching the way his lips curled into a more prominent smirk as he took in your words. But still, he didn’t respond, simply watching you over his glass of whiskey as he took a long, slow sip of the watered down liquor.
Damn that man.
If he didn’t have it, you were going to have to think of something, and quickly. There was only so long you could keep the targets on the perfect level between intrigued and not actually trying anything, without losing their interest all-together.
But if he did have it, oh, you were going to kick his ass when you got out of there.
Movement at the booth before you captured your attention. Some of the group were on the move, and it looked awfully like they were getting ready to go back to business, to go downstairs… where Jack was meant to steal the papers you needed.
Glancing back towards where Jack had been lingering against the wall, you were met with an empty space that had you gulping nervously. Hopefully, he had noticed they were on the move, hell, hopefully he’d already taken what he needed to so you could be out of there already.
In your panicked thoughts, you didn’t even notice the way a new body shifted through the dance floor until the warmth of their body radiated through the thin fabric of you little red dress.
“Relax, it’s just me,” Jack’s voice was like velvet, that southern twang drawing out each word languidly. It was the same tone he used when you needed to calm down, when your fears and anxieties got the best of you. The same tone he used when convincing you to rest, to let him take the first shift and just get some sleep while he looked after you both. It was the same tone he used when the others couldn’t hear him over the comms, when work slipped away, and Jack was just- Jack.
And it worked, for all of a few seconds. Your shoulders dropped, your body unwinding from the tight coil it had wound itself up in defensively. It worked, until you remembered the bastard still hadn’t actually told you if he’d got the damned papers.
“Jack, if you don’t have-”
“Relax, I got it,” he interrupted, each word dancing over your skin, his lips so damn close to your ear that there was no way anyone could over hear him.
Humming in approval, and finally feeling the calming effect that having Jack by your side on the job always seemed to bring, you began to turn towards him, only to have him stop you.
His hands were playing against the fabric of your dress, so light you could almost believe you were imagining the gently caresses, were it not for the warmth he emanated.
Your words were oddly reluctant as you spoke again, your mind desperate to remind you of the job at hand, no matter how much your heart and body wanted to lose themselves to the man behind you. “Then can we go?”
“Don’t wanna rush off too quick, do we? Might cause a fuss,” and while normally you might argue, might point out that every minute spent in the humid club was another minute for the target to realise what you had taken, you couldn’t quite find it in yourself to fight him.
Not when those large hands spread out against your waist, holding you with that same lingering care that had you catching your breath when you arrived. Not when his breath danced over the bare skin of your neck and shoulder, so light that you worried it would draw out goosebumps. Not when the smell of his cologne was filling your senses, intoxicating and captivating.
No, maybe one dance wasn’t the worst idea, especially as it gave you an excuse to raise your hands behind you, to sink your fingers into the small curls at the base of Jack’s neck as he hummed happily against you.
Even the music, grating and loud, seemed more acceptable with Jack swaying behind you. And, sure, it was still part of the show, an excuse to leave the dwindling audience without being obvious, an out before any of them got too possessive of what they thought was all for them, but with your eyes closed, and the warmth of his body pressed up against yours, for a moment, you could pretend.
You could pretend that it was real, that you were just out for a night off with the man that had captured your attention the moment he tilted his stupid hat in your direction. You could pretend that his hands wandering against you reverently were truly filled with the care and devotion that they played at. You could pretend that this was completely normal.
It was over too soon, but even in your blissed out moment of daydreaming, you couldn’t begin to pretend that it was still the same harsh electronic beat that had begun when he had sidled up behind you, even if it seemed Jack was in no great hurry to leave either.
But you had to, especially now that the group you had been keeping an eye on was dwindling even further as you found yourself distracted by Jack’s touch.
Pulling your hands from him felt like a magnitudinous feet, something you ought to be proud of as you turned in his hold. He didn’t back away, didn’t remove his hands from your waist, he merely stood there, staring down at you with a look in his eyes that- no, that was a trick of the fluorescent lights. There was nothing there, but the usual mischief that always lingered beneath the surface.
“We should go,” when had your voice turned so soft?
“We should,” he agreed, but made no move to leave, lingering there in the moment, until it seemed as though a switch had been flicked within him, and he was pulling away. “Come on,” he nodded towards the doorway, hand taking yours so gently that it had your heart thumping away in your chest almost violently.
The cold air of the night hit you the moment you made it outside, and with it came your wits. Jack’s hand was dropping your own in an instant, as if it had burnt him, and any feelings of warmth that had been brewing within you left at the movement. And then those thoughts were there, questions and irritations, bubbly away below the surface, now taking centre stage as you searched your bag for the keys.
It wasn’t safe to linger on the softness you felt towards your fellow agent, it would only end in heartache, only cause you issues on the job. But anger, irritation, that was much safer.
Your steps were fast, desperate to put as much distance between you and the club as possible as you focused on the brewing rage.
You could focus on the way he waited, stood on the sidelines as you distracted the target, as he took his time when you should have been making your way far from the club. You could focus your attention on the completely unpredictable manner his personality seemed to shift, emotions flaring from playful and light to silence in a matter of seconds, without a hint of explanation. You could focus on your damn job, the reason you were there in the first place.
“You want to tell me what took you so damn long?” you were fuming as you started the car, not daring to look towards the source of your irritation.
“What can I say, I was distracted,” he answered so easily that it only stoked the fire within you.
“By what Jack?” your tone was harsh, harsher than it had ever been directed towards him as you peeled out of the carpark, ready to merge amongst the masses and lose any trace of you in the crowd. “You were standing there for god knows how long, and you must have found the papers beforehand- so I don’t see what-”
“By you sugar,” he interrupted with a warm chuckle that fought to melt the icy barrier you had placed around your heart once more. And it was working, hell, it always worked. It was like he was your own personal kryptonite, and it left you floundering.
“By- what are you- Jack, this isn’t funny. If I’m going to have to report to Champ about why it took us a damn hour longer than expected, I want a serious answer.”
Silence answered you, filling the car just as it had on the way to the club, but it was different now. Emotions fought against one another, and it was stifling.
And then, just as you thought you couldn’t take another damn second of his silence, he spoke, humour and something you couldn’t quite place filling his tone, making it softer than you had expected. “You’re kidding, right?”
You didn’t reply, only throwing a deadly serious glare his way to show just how much you were not kidding, before returning your attention to the road.
“We’ve done a few of these now, you distracting, me going in… Don’t get me wrong, you look downright gorgeous in those gowns of yours, but this-” he paused, nodding towards the dress you were sporting, the dress that hadn’t come from Statesman, but was something you had bought yourself, albeit some years ago. “You’re stunnin’, and I don’t just mean because I can get a good look at you.”
You almost hated the way your body betrayed you at his words, your glare softening, a smile beginning to play at your lips at him just being, well, him.
“This is more you, and you, well, you’re the perfect distraction, darlin’.”
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kitty0boy · 4 years
So it’s like 2 am rn and I’m tired but can’t sleep so I wrote this down quickly. It’s a little Marichat fic that probably won’t be very good because I’m running on like 5 hours of sleep. I’ll probably fix spelling mistakes tomorrow or even just delete this but for now, enjoy.
The class decided to have a picnic to celebrate their last year at Francois DuPont high school. They were about 17 now, some were 18. Everyone lounged around, eating pastries, talking about their first day back from summer and just genuinely having a good time. Unfortunately Adrien’s father had instructed him to go home so while he packed his belongings, he listened to his friends conversations. That was when he saw a younger girl run up to Lila.
Now Adrien knew he had a lot of fans, as Chat and as himself. The older and more, how you say, well defined he became, the more fans he acquired. Though when it came to Chat, being a fangirl was much more dangerous. At one point it got so bad that Ladybug had to schedule an interview with the Ladyblog telling them to stay away during akuma attacks. They would quite literally, chase after Chat while he was being chased after by an akuma. He even saw one of them pretend to be hurt so he would swoop in and save them. Yeah very dangerous stuff. Which is why it was quite a scared to hear that Lila was a fan.
“Of course I’m a fan of his, in fact, I’m quite close with one of Paris’s superheroes.” She spoke, hiding the lying tone to her voice. As irritating as she was, he had to admit she was good. “Really?” The girl squealed. She was on the younger side, maybe 13 or 14, about his age when he first got his Miraculous. “Oh leaving so soon Adrien?” She said in a sickeningly sweet voice. “Yeah, my father again.” He replied, trying to sound friendly. “I can walk you home if you like! I wanted to speak with Mr. Agreste anyways. About our up coming photo shoot.” Damn it, he’d almost forgotten about that. He hated shoots with Lila. Adrien had always liked physical affection, but with her it was almost unbearable. “No that’s ok, I can walk him.” Marinette offered, stepping in to shield him from the object of his discomfort. And what a beautiful shield she was.
Her days of pigtails were over, instead she would wear her hair in different styles everyday. Today was a half up half down style with space buns, very reminiscent of her fight as Multimouse. She has also settled for a mint green t-shirt and a black skirt which clearly paid homage to his superhero self. It was nearly impossible to wipe the Cheshire grin off his face as she strode over, picnic basket in hand. He was visiting her while she finished the little paw prints along the hem of the skirt, but of course she wouldn’t know that. “Wow miss, I really like your outfit! Where’d you get it?” The girl squeaked rushing over. Her eyes shining with pure joy. “Oh why thank you, I actually made it myself.” She curtsied, very adorably in his opinion. “Wow that’s so cool! Could you make me one?” If she got anymore excited she would float into space. “You know, I can get Chat to stop by if you wanted.” Lila chimed in, drawing the girls attention back to her. “Really?” She turned and ran towards her new favourite person. “Of course I can, my boyfriend always seems to find me.” She faked a gasp and quickly covered her mouth with her hand. “Whoops.” She exhaled. The class gasped. That was what she was looking for.
“You’re dating Chat Noir Lila?” Marinette snickered, silencing them. It was clear that Lila had more influence over the class now. As much as they all loved Marinette, Lila had successfully made herself more interesting. “Yes I am, but I wasn’t supposed to say that. Oh no, I’m going to get into so much trouble.” She delicately placed her fists over her chest for added effect. Marinette burst out laughing and that’s when Adrien slowly started to back away unnoticed by his friends.
He ran and ducked into an alley way making sure he wasn’t followed. “Oh come on kid, I didn’t even get anything from the picnic. You should have at least slipped me something.” Plagg groaned. “I will after I go sort this mess out, it’s dangerous if people think Lila is dating me, she could be targeted by Hawkmoth.” He rationalized. “Big deal, if she gets akumatized we can just purify her no problem.” “Uh yeah Plagg it is a big deal. What if Hawkmoth kidnaps her instead, as much as I don’t like her I don’t want anyone to get hurt because of me.” “Well kid if she gets kidnapped because she lied about dating you it’s not your fault is it? Now can I at least finished eating?” He sighed, Plagg was right. If she got kidnapped now she only had herself to blame. An idea did pop into his head. Maybe if she was proven wrong, she might stop saying things like that, and he knew the purrfect purrincess to help him achieve his goal. “Later, Plagg Claws Out!” A flash of green later and there’s stood Chat Noir, in all his leather-clad glory. Hopping onto the roof, he made to move towards them when the sound of shouting caught his attention.
“Do you realized how dangerous it is to even say things like that!” Marinette squeaked, really living up to her super identity and the mysterious multimouse. “You can’t just tell people you’re dating superheroes for attention Lila, you’re safety could be at risk.” She pointed, Lila seemed to be unphased but there was something about her posture that showed she was guilty and ticked off. “I already told you I didn’t mean to let it slip, I have a rare condition c-“ “called Liars Luny or something like that right?” Marinette interrupted. He had to hold back a laugh at her clever remark. “Marinette that was incredibly rude.” Rose intervened, and one by one everyone turned their faces to Marinette, a glared placed on almost all of them. All but Nino and Alya, who had long discovered Lila’s manipulative ways. Though they were still afraid to say anything about it, they didn’t want her to get akumatized after all.
“Look Marinette, if you’re jealous just say so, I won’t be mad. I’m sure a lot of other women would love to get their hands on my sweet kitten. I mean, considering your outfit it’s pretty obvious you have a crush on him.” You know, for a compulsive liar, Lila seemed to be good at getting the truth out of others. Marinette’s face turned pink and her fists began to clench. Her back stiffened up too, was she really jealous? Or was it just his imagination. Maybe he hoped she was, he had fancied her for a while now but he never made a move. Suddenly his classmates were surrounding her and she looked like she was on the verge of tears.
His anger from earlier started to rise to his chest as he let out a low growl and leapt off the roof. Thankfully, his years as a model made him a fairly decent actor as well.
“Fancy seeing you here my purrincess.” He purred walking over to the group. “You look radiant as always.” Lila stiffened but quickly tried to look relaxed as she confidently strode towards him. “It’s nice to see you here too kitten, couldn’t stay away from me I see.” She smiled, it almost looked genuine. It didn’t take long for her possi of classmates to follow behind, leaving Marinette standing there clearly distraught, he growled again as a tear slid down her cheek. Keeping it cool, he cooked up a response. “Umm, I’m sorry but do I know you?” He said in mock confusion. The class gasped slightly, “Of course you know me, didn’t you just call me your princess?” Lila chimed, placing a hand on his shoulder. “No. I have no idea who you are, I was talking to the lovely lady in green and black. She is radiant isn’t she, and she looks fantastic in my colours.” He replied cooly. Before anyone had time to react he ran through the crowd and picked up Marinette, twirling her in a circle. She giggled slightly, her throat a little strained. She placed her forearms on his shoulders, intertwining her fingers behind his head as he slowly lowered her to the ground. “What’s wrong love?” He reached up, gently brushing a tear from her cheek. She got the hint to play along. “Nothing I’m all good kitty.” She smiled genuinely and he smiled back. Ignoring the eyes of everyone around them. He held up his arm and gestures to her skirt. “Do you see all of these little paw prints? She sewed them all herself! It took her 4 hours too, I almost couldn’t draw her attention away from the stitching.” She blushed and buried her face in his shoulder, oh mon dieu she was so cute. “And these shoes,” he scooped her up bridal style and she laughed. “See the little toe beans, how adorable.” The girls squealed and ran over to admire her craftsman ship while the boys kept glaring daggers at Ms. Lie-la. “Ok now stand back everyone! We have to show you how it spins.” Marinette cocked and eyebrow at him. “How it spins? Excuse me sir but my pronouns are she/her.” He chuckled before pinching the black fabric of her skirt. “No I mean this, you did wear shorts today did you not?” “I did.” She confirmed. “Good,” he subtly winked at her before continuing, a little louder than necessary, “Wouldn’t want everyone else seeing what’s mine now would we.” Before she could register his words he held a hand above her head and gave her a little twirl, her skirt flowing beautifully in the wind. “See what’d I tell you? Absolutely beautiful.” He turned and smiled down at her, she blushed back up at him. Dieu, he could happily die drowning in her eyes. The two of them seemed to be in a world of their own, just looking at each other.
Until a voice snapped them back to reality. “I can’t believe you! You filthy cheater!” As well as a liar, Lila was a good actor. Tears streaming down her cheeks, arms straighten and hands curled into fists. He rolled his eyes before forcing them to look at a more revolting sight. “Like I said miss, I have no idea who-“ he paused “Oh wait I remember you! You were the liar that nearly got Marinette expelled weren’t you! The one who tried to intervene when Onii-chan was akumatized just because you disliked Ladybug.” He didn’t mean to get so angry but he couldn’t hide it anymore. His hand gripped Marinette’s shoulder a little more tightly than he would have liked but she wasn’t hurt by it. Everyone gasped on cue and turned to Lila who stood there pale. Karma is a bitch isn’t it? In his fury he barely registered Marinette’s hand on his arms. “Come on Chat, let’s get out of here.” She whispered. Coaxing him back to the present. “Yeah ok, I’m sure your friends will deal with her.” She smiled at her classmates who had turned towards Lila with furious looks on their faces. “Did you have a place in mind mousinette.” She giggled at that. “Well there’s always that spot you took me to the first time you came to visit, remember where it is?” She smiled. “I don’t think I would forget that.” He turned towards the crowd. “Welp, me and the princess will be taking our leave now, though I did enjoy seeing you all again.” Then he stooped down to pick her up bridal style as she giggled. For good measure he placed a light kiss to her temple before racing off towards that lovely spot they had just discussed.
“WHAT THE F***.” The fangirl screamed after all the confusion.
So it’s been a month or two since I first posted this and I decided to clean it up a bit and add a few more details to it. Not that this is suddenly going to blow up but I do like the impurrovement (hehe I have puns for days). So yes, if by some miracle you are reading this, I hope you enjoyed!
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