#it just deserves to end on a not super mentally ill note but maybe I’m just overthinking it
no1ryomafan · 10 months
Due to circumstances irl me and my friends still won’t be able to finish new getter watch which fuck knows when it’ll be resume now and one of the factors wasn’t even because not everyone could come-like one person was sick but that was it-but because we had a bunch of irl shit happened and I’m just reminded the part of the show we landed on is super fucking angsty and doesn’t get any better and that has probably encapsulated so of my iffy feelings with new despite it being arguably the most best written ova- but I don’t know if I wanna get into a whole rant about it in a post because some people might think I’m reaching even though I’m safer here compared to twit so might keep vague thoughts in the tags below.
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miraculouscontent · 3 years
Didn’t Need Burrow (May 3rd-May 22nd)
Anonymous said:
Don’t Need Burrow to know that Ladybug’s distrust of Volpina will be played off as though she was simply jealous of her because she thought she was going to steal Adrien/Chat, even though she didn’t like Chat! Oh, but she did, she didn’t know it yet. That’s why she kissed him in Dark Cupid!
Not like she didn’t have a bunch of other reasons to distrust Volpina.
(the show also does this a lot where Marinette has an extra reason on top of “““jealousy,”““ like in “Oni-Chan” where the thing she was concerned about actually ended up happening, but the fandom boils everything down to jealousy anyway)
Anonymous said:
Didn’t Need Burrow: Su Han will take the Miraculouses from all the girls because he thinks girls don’t have the “physical and mental fortitude” to be heroes, giving them tto guys instead. The girls will find out about each others’ identities and join in the battle to get their Miraculouses back without any powers, led by Marinette, despite the fact that the genre of Miraculous Ladybug is supposedly Magical GIRL and thus the girls being powerful should be a given
(there was another part to this but I didn’t get it all so I clipped this ask a bit so it could work alone)
tbh the true ending should just be Marinette and the girls kicking each misogynist to the curb without any powers, and Su-Han goes last.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Luka and Zoe, from their styles and hints like the ice cream Luka holds in Truth and the flower on her shirt.... I'm sure at this point the writers will either send him on a tour with Jagged, or make him Zoe's bf offscreen somehow... Also more torture for Mari mentally :)
Of course. :)
Gotta make sure Marinette doesn’t have any choice but Adrien. :)
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Zoe will be Adrien's new love interest because she's "very sweet". Mari will be okay with it because she feels the Guardian must be alone. (And she's still punishing herself for hurting Luka.) The New-Bee and Chat also bond, making her feel even more alone. (But now Lila can't claim she's jealous and her hold over the class is lessened as Zoe becomes more popular.)
I’m super not here for Marinette punishing herself (and the show possibly presenting it as her “growing up” and “doing the right thing”) and for Ladybug getting jealous over the playboy cat.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Prince Ali/Rose turns out to be endgame, while Rose/Juleka gets Lukanette'd -- their relationship happened mostly off-screen and we only see them pulling apart. Juleka has to let Rose go so she can live out 'every girl's dream', possibly even being put on a bus/written out of the series.
In which the Couffaines aren’t allowed nice things because they’re poor-coded.
Anonymous said:
I can’t believe the Pig’s weapon is ACTUALLY a tambourine. I’ve had that down as my guess for the pig miraculous for ages but I never thought I’d actually be right. On that note - Didn’t Need Burrow: the Ox’s weapon will definitely be a hammer, and the Goat’s might be a shepherd’s crook or grappling hook, and the Rooster’s could be a horn.
Congrats on being right!
We’ll definitely see on the whole weapons things.
Anonymous said:
Don't Need a Burrow: That Rose's mysterious sickness from "Guiltrip" episode will be ignored in other episodes.
Honestly, it was ignored in “Guiltrip” too. Rose’s illness seemed to be related to headaches and then they literally have her headbanging in her transformation.
Anonymous said:
Don't Need a Burrow: After "Guiltrip", the dynamics of Juleka and Rose's relationship will revert to the "romantic standing next to each other somewhere in the background".
Just look at them doing [friendly task]... romantically!!
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Tikki's comments about not really understanding love are later treated as her being in denial about her being in love with Plagg. Because the two of them are 'soulmates' *just like Adrien and Marinette*, and there's no such thing as a PLATONIC bond. Plus, it's denying another feminine-identifying character the right to define and declare her own feelings -- she's not ALLOWED to not love him that way! If she says otherwise, she's either in denial or mistaken! Or both!
[flashbacks to “Animan” where Alya denies feelings for Nino as being “like a brother to her” and then gets together with him at the end of the episode]
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: In the upcoming Mr. Pigeon episode, Chat Noir's behaviour toward Mr. Ramier in Lies will not be brought up at all.
Yeah, this is why I knew writing “Lying on the Job” was the right choice. :P The show wasn’t going to do it.
(part of me hopes that this acts as a jinx but I doubt it)
soap-lady said:
Didn't Need Burrow: It will be revealed Adrien always knew about Mari's crush. He tells Plagg it's because not only would rejecting a friend be hard, her akuma would be even scarier than her dad. He later admits at the end of the episode to Plagg that having an "awesome person like Marinette" crushing on him makes him feel good about himself. The show will frame this as charming rather than egotistical.
wow i hate it
throw the whole man away, Marinette
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: The "reverse love square" will happen as a result of Adrien being drunk on a love potion/under the control of a spell which makes him fall for Marinette. This will result in Marinette being uncomfortable with Adrien's relentless pursuit of her...AGAIN...which is, of course, played for laughs...AGAIN. Her friends will probably shame her, saying, "why are you so upset? You used to like Adrien and now he's returning that affection! What is WRONG with you, Marinette?". Meanwhile, during battle sequences Chat Noir will be less playful and intrusive of Ladybug's personal space because he's in love with Marinette now and not her, which is good(minus the"in love with Marinette" part, obvs), except that it will cause Ladybug to suddenly fall in love with the new Chat Noir who is being respectful(and "just like Adrien used to act"), and she'll act like a giddy schoolgirl over him, which will be used to humiliate her for comedy as Chat treats her like a freak now. And no, the show will NOT "call him out" for suddenly being averse to the affections of the "girl of his dreams" but will treat him as justified, because guys who pursue girls are gentlemanly and entitled to love back, while girls who pursue guys are pushy and obnoxious. There will even be a lesson on how you shouldn't have to put up with unwanted advances. Chat will be the one to learn it. There will also be a lesson on how you can't force someone to love somebody else. Adrien will be the one to learn it.
Wow, how’d you get the synopsis to Season 5? Impressive! (⊙o⊙)
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Chat will complain about Ladybug not trusting him, so she tries trusting him with further responsibilities which he then shirks, blows off and whines about. Naturally, Marinette is Wrong for DARING to think that her 'partner' should share more of the burden -- no, she HAS to carry everything herself and enable him to keep treating their duty as a game! It's not FAIR for her to expect anything more from him--!
oh my god
he would *gestures loudly to “Lies”*
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Chat Noir will *deliberately* mess up a vital task that Ladybug assigned/entrusted him with, either to punish her for some petty/imagined slight (which is treated as Incredibly Serious and Deserving his retaliation) or because he simply doesn't want to have to deal with the extra responsibility. Much like somebody who 'never learns' the right way to load a dishwasher/do laundry/other chores so that somebody more responsible is forced to pick up their slack.
Sounds about right.
“Bonus” if Chat Noir is presented as in the right because Ladybug’s task was “too difficult”/”she didn’t instruct him right”/”you can’t expect him to be perfect on his first try,” or Chat Noir’s shirking is treated as “payback” for something she did that he maybe doesn’t even know about.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Marinette gives up on becoming a fashion designer because her duties as Ladybug/Guardian take priority. Tikki protests not for Mari's sake, but because she enjoys her creative drive/justifies it as a form of honing Marinette's creativity. Thus the lesson is not that Marinette was Wrong because she deserves to have things that make her happy/goals outside of her duties, but because she can fold them into her Greater Purpose.
Miraculous: Tales of Marinette Not Being Allowed to Be Happy
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Chat Noir will be (temporarily) killed during one of his 'Pity/Praise Me!' stints, because he decides that he can't function without Ladybug kissing his ass and she's too busy fighting the akuma to coddle him. Naturally, this is presented as Marinette's F-Up of the Week that she must fix at all costs and apologize for, insisting once more that she 'can't do this without him' despite being constantly forced to do this without him.
It’s Ladybug’s fault that Chat keeps sacrificing himself, obviously! She’s just not telling him not to in the rIgHt wAy, and she should be
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Ladybug will finally learn the truth about how Theo was akumatized, but Chat Noir will insist that he didn't lie and that she really WAS to blame for it. And anyway, that was 'so long ago' that she's not allowed to be mad over it anymore. (Bonus: this or other episodes will have callbacks showing that Adrien is still salty over things like being 'stood up', with HIS frustration presented as perfectly valid, as there's no expiration date on HER screw-ups.)
[flashbacks to “Stormy Weather 2″ where Plagg retcons Ladybug’s avoidance of Chat’s date as her standing him up]
+ Yeah, I don’t see Adrien not having expiration dates on his mistakes, and his are always for the better (i.e: stealing the book in “Volpina,” which was wrong obviously, and then Marinette covered for him immediately to get him back into school).
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Chloe is given a 'redemption arc' after all... in the vein of her falling for Kim or some other male character and being convinced to change her ways for/by them. On top of being grossly sexist, this lets them slam Marinette even more, painting her as a failure who couldn't help Chloe despite that never being her responsibility in the first place.
“Bonus” if it’s Luka who does it.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Rather than confirming Juleka/Rose, CHLOE is officially revealed to be a closeted lesbian, retconning all of her bullying into the tried-and-trite 'They're only tormenting you because they LIIIIIKE you'. Bonus points if this is used to reinforce the notion that Chloe is irredeemable because 'Evil Jilted Lesbian can't be saved by Hetero LI'/she lied about crushing on Adrien/other toxic and heteronormative bullshit. AND her evilness is Mari's fault for not loving her back!
It’s always Marinette’s fault for not loving people back.
Also, this just reminds me of how much I hate the “lesbian bully” trope fdkjgdfgdfg.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Chat Noir throws another Pity Me Party in the middle of a fight; Ladybug is sniped by the akuma while scolding him to stop fooling around. Naturally, this is presented as HER fault for not immediately accommodating his demands for attention. After saving her, Chat mockingly echoes her words about concentrating and keeping her head in the game.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Chloe gets another chance at redemption by learning how to mimic Adrien/Lila and feign niceness. Whether or not her 'redemption' sticks depends upon her patience level; if she sticks to it and 'grows' into another Lila/holier-than-thou lecturer like Adrien, it's considered good (and Adrien gets full credit for helping her change 'for the better'), but if she goes back to being *openly* judgy and bitchy, it's another sign that she's 'irredeemable'.
Ugh, when Chloe’s options are either to be a Lila or an Adrien. All I feel is disgust.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: The Love Square is reversed when Adrien learns Ladybug's secret identity and decides to focus on pursuing her as Marinette. Mari is put off by his advances/still convinced that she can't HAVE a romantic relationship with all her other responsibilities, and is further distracted and concerned by Chat Noir growing distant (as he's bitter over his failures and taking it out on LB/holding a grudge after learning she confided in ALYA and not HIM).
i hate it
And of course the method of “now she’s not interested so I’M interested.”
Anonymous said:
Didnt Need to Burrow: Despite being 'twins' with Juleka, Luka will never show up in another episode. Ever. And the only mentions of him are only about the breakup. Even in Juleka-centric episodes, Luka will only be a passing mention. Oh, and Juleka will 100% stick to just mumbling outside of episodes where shes akumatized. Because gIrL poWeR
I’m honestly just--expecting Luka to have like one/two episodes, maybe to get a charm, and then he’s gone forever.
I don’t know if it’s a mercy or an insult, but the constant mentions of the break-up between Marinette and He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named-Outside-Of-Spiting-Him definitely are an insult.
Anonymous said:
Don't Need a Burrow: "Gigantitan <insert high number>" episode
Anonymous said:
Didn’t Need Burrow: Ladybug and Cat Noir will be able to power up in some way, but they have to form a special bond (this is implied to be a romantic bond). They use this power up to defeat Hawk Moth. bEcAusE tHe pOWeR oF “LoVe” cOnQUerS aLL! Bonus if the characters imply that Ladybug should’ve accepted his affections sooner (Adrien won’t be mentioned at all, i wonder why:p)
I’m cringing so hard right now. I hate everything about this because you sound so correct.
Anonymous said:
Don't Need a Burrow: Lila will be written out/ret-conned from a show because she was only a Unredeemed!Chloe stand-in for time of Chloe "redemption arc". Every speculation about Lila (next Hawkmoth etc) will be applied to Chloe instead as a "plot twist".
I’m half-expecting that she’ll get akumatized as a season finale bad guy, then just immediately move.
Anonymous said:
Didn't need Burrow: Alya is the one who comes up with the akuma repellent charms and Marinette is going to be jealous that Alya is so much a better guardian. Alya'll also probably be able to wrangle the kwamis better than Marinette.
Honestly I might as well just put this one on the card right now. :P
Anonymous said:
Didnt Need Burrow: When Ladybug tells Chat that she told somebody her secret identity, hes gonna be mad, talking about how she broke his trust and the show will portray it as her fault for breaking under the pressure of being guardian. Meanwhile the fandom is gonna be mad at Ladybug. Ignoring, of course, the entirety of the New York Special.
We could sum up the fandom card as just, “Adrien is right and a sad uwu sunshine child, Marinette is wrong and OP and doesn’t give Chat the respect he deserves.”
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Rose's 'mysterious illness' will naturally flare up during times where Pigella might have been useful, with Ladybug getting blamed for her flare-ups/worsening condition.
Anonymous said:
Didn’t Need Burrow: Building off of the “Adrien knows about Marinette’s crush and manipulated her for it”, any time Marinette does something Adrien doesn’t agree with or disagrees with Adrien himself, Adrien will play the cute, naïve, sad boi we all know and “love”, complete with Bambi eyes and gratuitous long eyelashes, forcing Marinette to give in to what he wants. This is treated as cute, quirky, and hilarious, never abusive, selfish, or misogynistic.
I mean, considering Chat Noir and “Chameleon,” yeah.
Anonymous said:
Don't Need a Burrow: a) Episode, where Chat Noir is even worse than in "Lies" b) Situation where Chat Noir during meeting with Ladybug is like always (M'lady, Bugaboo, unwanted psychical contact etc.) then Ladybug reveals that she recognized him as impostor because "real Chat Noir never will be so pushy" (bonus points if false Chat Noir is akumatized Felix) c) Writers somehow manage to put both above options in one episode (obviously with real Chat Noir being even worse than his impostor)
“Copycat” but worse
differenttriumphdragon said:
Didn't Need Burrow to somehow correctly predict Zoe's identity as a joke based solely on some blurry pictures and an offhand comment about "secret siblings". Like, a YEAR or two ago.
I’m guessing this is referring to the writers creating her?
Because yeah, probably.
Anonymous said:
Didn't need the Burrow: We will get Lukagami. One of the reasons will be the clash of the Tsurugi-Motto of "No Second Chances" and Luka's snake power of "Second Chance" resulting in some weird sparks flying.
*puts head into hands and groans loudly* kill meeeee
Anonymous said:
Don't Need a Burrow: The Multimouse!Mylene's model will be based on the Multimouse!Marinette's model (in the same way that the Rena Rogue's model is based on the Volpina's model)
plz no
Anonymous said:
Didn't need burrow: Guilt trip hints at Adrien having actual depression, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but knowing the show, two things will happen: 1. His depression will only exist to make people feel bad for him instead of exploring his mental state and seeing him working through it, and 2. his depression will be magically cured when the LS becomes canon because "true love heals all your mental issues".
All of the above, yes. :|
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Ladybug gets a fresh new look (for the sake of more Real-Life ML Merch), and Chat Noir gets sulky about it. Both because he didn't get an upgraded appearance at the exact same time (despite doing absolutely nothing to earn it), and because he didn't get any input on her new look. So he passive-aggressively complains about the change, saying he preferred 'classic Bugaboo', and Marinette is presented as Wrong for not letting him dictate her power or appearance.
*stares at “Mr. Pigeon 72″* I’m waiting.
Anonymous said:
Didn't need burrow: Imagine after you made that fic where Bustier and D'argencourt get the miraculous they reveal in the show that Bustier's husband/boyfriend/fiance is D'argencourt.
“Bonus” if it’s a DJWifi dynamic where Bustier can get D’Argencourt to do whatever she wants and suddenly becomes aggressive/upset when he doesn’t, which D’Argencourt immediately folds to (because the only “““girl power”““ the show knows is “lol girls are scary when they’re mad”).
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: The Love Square gets 'Reversed' via Alya deciding that Marinette MUST have a crush on Chat as well, since she personally ships LadyNoir. All insistence to the contrary is waved off as denial, and Alya is bound and determined to hook up her BFF with ONE of her crushes, come hell or high water. Thus, Mari gets shoved towards Chat in much the same way she's forced towards Adrien, creating much awkward hilarity at her expense.
Marinette’s entire being: i want to go home
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya learns about Marinette getting jilted by Chat Noir during 'Weredad', possibly from Tom and/or Sabine.  She rubs this into Mari's face as proof positive that she really DOES have a thing for Chat, crowing about how she 'does her research' while teasing her about her awful luck with guys. This casual cruelty is 'balanced' by her insistence that she'll help her hook up with ONE of them by forcing her towards both.
Alya, looking at her plans and just shrugging: Hey, now her odds of getting a guy are doubled as far as I’m concerned.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Alya will insist that all of Marinette's romantic woes are her own fault due to her being interested in multiple guys. (Mainly meaning Adrien and Chat Noir; 50-50 on whether she acknowledges Luka's existence as more than just proof of her 'fickle heart'.) She 'supports' her by shoving her into humiliating scenarios with her love interests, blaming all her failures on her 'divided loyalties' and giving her grief for being a 'dirty two-timer' that can't even get off first base.
And of course Luka would only be mentioned to shade Marinette.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Tikki will keep nagging Marinette about her inability to solve her romantic woes until Mari snaps that Tikki doesn't know what she's talking about, throwing her own words about how kwami don't understand love back in her face. Naturally, this is Mari's Mistake Of The Week, as Tikki is driven to tears over the rebuke and all the other kwami get pissed off at Marinette for upsetting her, giving her grief until she apologizes.  Tikki barely apologizes in return, if at all.
Ugh, I am just dreading an almost-inevitable “all the kwami are mad at Marinette” episode, since Marinette literally cannot escape from them since the Miracle Box is in her room.
Anonymous said:
(Mylene's personality anon) Don't Need a Burrow: Mylene's "Marinette's trait" will manifest in Multimouse!Mylene's introduction episode.
Mylene: Soon, I will have successfully swiped a personality trait from each of my friends to form one of my own.
Anonymous said:
Don't Need a Burrow: Characters who are popular fandom choices for alternate Miraculous Holders (Bee!Aurore, Fox!Lila, Cat!Felix etc) are akumatized into evil versions of Core Five Miraculous Team (Ladybug, Cat, Fox, Turtle and Bee)
Season 2462 finale.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: There will be more immediate self-contradictions, where Marinette is berated about how something she's doing/done is Wrong, badgered into following somebody else's 'good advice', and then promptly punished for doing so when the results blow up in her face.  These turnarounds will become so fast that they happen within the same episode.  Naturally, this is treated as entirely her fault.
At the rate her treatment is escalating, I would be 0% shocked. Still disappointed, but not shocked.
Anonymous said:
Don't Need a Burrow: It will turn out that the mysterious future Hawkmoth successor that Timetagger talked about is simply the Shadow Moth.
I laughed at this one so hard because it’s so accurate. I don’t know for sure if it’s a reference to the whole “new villain who’s been around since the beginning who just turned out to be Shadow Moth” thing but omg.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: The akuma-resisting pendants are used as an excuse to push Marinette even further past her breaking point, subjecting her to ever worse humiliations and traumas.  If the fact that she basically NEEDS the pendant to survive is ever brought up, it's in a chiding way; obviously, as Ladybug, she needs to be mentally stronger than this and not rely on a 'crutch'.  Nobody else is insulted for needed the pendants' protection.
Imagine the pendants as metaphors for medication and this takes on a whole new meaning.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: In a counterpart to "Chat Blanc", one episode visits a Bad Future where Marinette was akumatized.  Naturally, this is depicted as entirely her fault, with both Maris being raked over the coals.  No matter what the breaking point was, it's treated as though it was petty and pathetic for her to let it effect her so much.  For bonus points, this was at a point after she got the pendant, but she accidentally ditches or pitches it while reacting to whatever broke her back.
Especially with the reveal of two new seasons, I’m very much expecting Marinette to get akumatized at some point.
“Bonus” for a “Miracle Queen” set-up where Adrien needs to wear the ladybug miraculous and is suddenly good at it despite being awful at it before, ala Snake Noir.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Marinette will wind up making most of the anti-akuma amulets.  This is purely so that, when they inevitably fail, she can be blamed for it.
It’ll probably be like--Marinette needed to do something specific to make the pendants and they’re “only as strong as she is.”
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: The Love Square gets reversed when Alya decides she ships LadyNoir more than MariAdri, pushing her newfound agenda over her BFF's protests.  Meanwhile, Adrien reveals that he knew all along about Marinette's crush, starting to pursue her because he just doesn't uNdErStAnD why she's pulling away, feeling entitled to having her chasing after him even if he never intends to actually reciprocate.  Marinette is caught in the middle and blamed for all this drama.
Marinette, counting down the days where she can finally drink alcohol.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: One or some of Adrien/Chat Noir's past lies gets revealed to Marinette/Ladybug... for the sake of a moral about forgiveness and 'letting things go'.  Meanwhile, he continues to grouse and hold grudges against Ladybug for her supposed slights against HIM without being seriously challenged.
I’m seething.
Anonymous said:
Didn't Need Burrow: Marinette is shown a 'better world' wherein she never developed a crush on Adrien.  In this 'better world', Ladybug and Chat Noir are romantic partners.  Bonus points if this pushes forward the agenda of reversing the Love Square by getting Marinette to start seriously considering Chat as a potential love interest, treating this as her 'missing the point' of what she was shown... even if the goal was rather unclear beyond guilt-tripping her for having FEELINGS and DESIRES.
The true goal/moral is that Chat’s feelings are valid while Marinette’s are not.
Anonymous said:
Don't Need a Burrow: Hawkmoth will somehow get Black Cat Miraculous and attack as Moth / Cat Fusion (Cat Moth?). After defeating this form, Black Cat Miraculous will be taken from him and without any questions returned to Adrien. Whole thing will happen in one episode.
“Bonus” if Hawk Moth just stumbles upon the ring and doesn’t question it.
Anonymous said:
Didn’t Need Burrow: All Ladybug and Black Cat Holders are soulmates/ have gotten romantically involved. This gives Chat even MORE motivation to invade LB’s boundari-I MEAN to pursue her. Also, LB reacts in horror to this (who wouldn’t?) but its played for laughs.
At this point, I feel like this is the only way for them to push the love square as hard as possible. “Chemistry” has just flown out the window and they need a crutch.
Anonymous said:
Don't Need a Burrow: Reveal that Rose has rich parents because ML writers can't make sad blond(e) character who doesn't have rich parents (and also to increase the "You see! They love each other despite so many differences between them" factor of JuleRose)
Zag, “Stop Giving Rich Kids Sad Backstories” Challenge.
Part of me imagined an episode that just shipbaits JuleRose constantly, with Juleka constantly asking Luka and others advice on “getting closer to Rose,” which just ends up being Juleka asking Rose to be best friends.
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I finished watching Loonatics Unleashed and I have Some Thoughts. I guess this is like a part 2 to the other post I made about the show so yeah.
I swear I don’t intend for everything I write to be an essay but whatever. It’s all under the cut. No massive story spoilers, but I will talk about episodes and will warn accordingly. (But who actually cares about being spoiled on the plot of Loonatics Unleashed?)
Alright so I finally figured out why Ace has laser vision. ...It’s kinda dumb but it’s because rabbits eat carrots(in cartoons). It’s... a reason at least. Still kinda sucks that it’s his only power when everyone else got 2 and some change. Kickass swords don’t count, even if they are magic. Seriously; Transformation. Duplication. Imitation. Tons of other “ation”s. They could’ve leaned into his trickster side but no. He eats carrots... so he got laser vision. Also he only ate carrots like three times in the show so wtf...
Okay so the pacing... improved somewhat in season 2. Don’t get me wrong there were still problems in some episodes but at least they learned how to build the stakes until the climax. They still sometimes went from zero to eighty after the opening credits, but at least it wasn’t zero to a hundred. Much less whiplash was had is what I’m saying. 
I don’t think I really mentioned the villains before but they’re uh... generally not very good. They’ve got cool gimmicks but most of the time they’re just two stereotypes and a cliche in a trench coat. Season 2 brought back classic anthro characters to be villains a few times, and while they still weren’t well written and just referenced old bits half the time... at least they weren’t dehumanized humans. 
I also don’t think I mentioned the animation so... it’s fine. It’s got cut corners but all cartoons do. Sometimes fight scenes look cool, sometimes they’re stiff. Sometimes the slapstick is well timed, sometimes it’s not. Sometimes the facial expressions match the voice acting, sometimes they don’t. Speaking of voice acting, it’s good. There’s not really anything stand out to perform in the first place but everyone does a good job with what they have. 
Okay random note before getting deeper into things... the intro themes were... not good. I swear the first song ended on a note that it wasn’t supposed to. The second song fixed that but added people announcing the characters which... is just worse to me. Not much else to say because I skipped them after the first few times. 
(Very mild spoilers for the general plots of episodes past this point.)
Ace and Lexi improved a little in the second season, but I still find them kinda bland. Ace still just feels like zero calorie Bugs Bunny. His wit is confined to being the leader, snarky comebacks, and some decent sleuthing skills... and that’s really it. He doesn’t really play around with the villains the way Bugs would. Ace was also supposed to have an arc learning to use his magic sword which... didn’t really happen. Lexi’s defining trait outside of her powers is still that she’s “the girl” which... sucks... Uh... she upgraded to Gamer Girl in the second season which while neat, amounted to nothing outside that one episode. At the very least she was never kidnapped for more than 5 seconds?(That “honor” goes to Zadavia) They also never really brought up their backstories in a meaningful way again, which sucks. 
I still like the rest of the team. Slam got an episode about wrestling that built on his backstory and was fun to watch. Duck discovered that his egg powers work differently in water which was neat and matched him being a waterfowl.(Lexi’s powers work differently in water too but it’s never brought up again). Rev is still Rev and I still love him. He got an episode about his family and struggle to impress them(specifically his parents) despite his career choice which was also neat, but I will be coming back to this episode later. Tech is also still Tech and I also still love him. But uh, every character and also me wanted to see him get out of the lab more, and then he got like a nibble of an episode to get out of the lab, and then the show was over. Oof.
Speaking of Tech, it might be for the best he hardly ever left the lab because his powers are... possibly way too effective against all the robots and machines the team fights. Now, him being “overpowered” could’ve been used as a fun writing challenge. Robot goons aren’t a good option for villains anymore. Fighting against him in a city filled with metal is harder. Villains can’t rely on simply killing him thanks to his regeneration. Fight scenes including Tech would have to be handled in a fun and interesting way. But... no. In a team with two tech guys, the one with super speed and flight comes with while the one who can control metal and literally can’t die stays behind. Oh well. Doubt they could’ve added him into more fights without accidentally dumbing him down anyway. 
Oh crap I forgot to talk about Zadavia! Uh... she exists. She’s the team’s boss who sends them out on missions. Uh... I can’t talk too much about her without spoiling what little overarching plot this show has, but just know that she’s neat, but affected by the usual sexism going on in the show’s writing.
(Character and episode spoilers past this point.)
You know, for being The Loonatics the main cast wasn’t very loony. You know who were though? Basically all the villains. Yeah I don’t wanna go there but oops here I go anyway. It’s pretty messed up that all the main characters’ zany traits were dialed down, while the defining feature of practically every villain (besides their stereotypes)is that they’re insane. I mean, if you’re looking for good mental illness rep in The Looney Tunes you’re gonna be disappointed, but at least in the shorts almost every character was a little unhinged and a bit of an asshole, making none of them stand out for those traits specifically. 
Also messed up is that a lot of the villains are disfigured and made fun of for it by the main cast. Hot take of the century, but I think making fun of people for having a big head or only one eye is... bad. Oh and if they’re a woman then they’re also judged on how hot they are. Actually all women in the show are subjected to sexist writing. I remember like one episode where women were treated with a sliver of respect for a split second and that was in the obligatory “the cast comes across an island of amazon women” episode. However since most of the time was spent painting them as villains until the “actually sexism is bad” ending, there was hardly a moment of reprieve from the bullshit if a woman was on screen. 
I’m not the best person to speak on this but uh... it’s fucked up that since literally every notable human is a villain, all the people of color are bad guys, right? Like, obviously it’s not as bad as some of the shit the old shorts pulled, but that’s like saying getting punched is not as bad as getting stabbed. It’s true... but I’m sure most people would prefer neither. 
And here’s where I bring up that Rev episode I mentioned earlier. Rev’s parents are racist against coyotes (cartoons sure love to make carnivores allegories for black people don’t they?) and obviously with Tech E. Coyote being his close friend, that causes trouble. ...Right? Uh, no. They say some racist crap to Tech, and that’s it. There is not even an attempt to correct their behavior from anyone. It’s just treated as some unfortunate quirk. In fact the episode’s conflict actually revolves around Rev’s brother, Rip. Honestly, I doubt that they could’ve handled a decent “racism is bad” episode anyway. But they could’ve also... just not brought up racism if they couldn’t handle it? I’m sure having no racism topic at all would be better than having Tech just take the parents’ racist bull crap lying down and then help Rev impress them with an invention he doesn’t get credit for. Also at one point Rev says if Tech wasn’t a coyote and a guy he’d kiss him, which has two uncomfortable implications, but this section is already too long. 
(Spoilers end here.)
Overall... yeah the show’s not very good. Of course it wasn’t. It was always going to be a little garbage. And no not because of the darker style or strange setting or any of that superficial crap. Team dynamic shows are popular and with Teen Titans doing so well WB probably thought they might as well shove out a 2 season Looney Tunes version to grab a little more cash, probably minimizing the budget to squeeze out as much profit as possible. If anyone working on the show was passionate about it, I doubt they had the budget or time to act on most their ideas. 
Still, there were things to like. There are some funny jokes throughout the show, a few of which even managed to come out of Ace’s mouth. Danger Duck was literally just Daffy and he’s always great. Ironically, Rev and Tech were the most fun to listen to, and also to watch interacting in general. Slam didn’t do much but was a sweetheart who deserves success. There managed to be some decently twisty twist villains, if only because Disney ruined my brain with their ceaseless and lazy attempts at them, and I wasn’t looking out for them in this show. And, while almost nothing was properly developed, at least the concepts and characters are fun to think about?
I can’t say I’d recommend this show to everybody, but uh... if you’re a Furry with low standards and too much free time like me, maybe you’ll like it? Just go in with low expectations so when nice things happen you’re decently surprised. 
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a-court-of-healing · 4 years
Loving You Through it chapter 2 Jace Herondale x Reader
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Disclaimer: I don’t own the mortal instruments or the gifs
Trigger warning: mentions of cutting, sexual abuse, sexual assault, ptsd, and depression
Dean has been the best parabatai ever. You met Dean when you were 12 and just got your marks. He just turned 17 and he was looking for someone to be his parabatai. He entered the training room when you were there, and he saw you take on people who were older, wiser, and more trained. You learned from a young age it was either fight, flight, or freeze. For your father, it was always freeze. For most other men it was fight, but for emotions it was run. Dean was impressed and he liked the idea of being older and being a mentor to someone younger. You were honored, because honestly, Dean was a) hot b) a good fighter and c) a good friend. He knew all of your problems, the depression, ptsd, and cutting. He knew your history, but he trusted you completely. He knows that you would die for him in a heartbeat. He knows how much you love Jace, and he keeps trying to get you to tell him and to let him in, but it’s not that easy.
“Why don’t you explain it to him? You know he will be there for you! He loves you, Y/N!” Dean explains as he sits next to you. You shake your head and sigh. 
“Because Dean...what if he…you...abandon me? I don’t think I can survive that…” You have this habit of picking your fingers, even to the point where it bleeds. Dean looked at your hands and poked you. 
“Stop, stop worrying. I see the way he looks at you. He looks at you like you are the star of his world and he can’t survive without you. He won’t leave you because you have had a hard life and you have mental illnesses. That just isn’t like him.” You looked away and stood up and looked out the window. Dean makes it sound like it’s perfectly normal to be the way you are, and it will be so easy to talk about everything to Jace. You barely told Dean. You only told him because you thought as your parabatai he didn’t have a choice but to stay. 
“Have you talked to Dustin about this?” Dustin was your therapist. He was a really great man. You usually hate men and don’t trust them, but you were researching therapists and he was known for working with people like you with PTSD and people who have been abused. I shook my head and then somewhat nod my head. 
“Kinda...I mentioned how I was scared and the memories. Dean these flashbacks make life hell. I can’t stop thinking that either he’ll leave me...or he just wants me for sex...or maybe he’ll abuse me too....” Dean was listening and nodding. 
“Have you thought about talking to Alec about Jace? I mean, he knows him better than just about anyone. He could help ease your mind.” It was a really good idea. You loved Alec and Isabelle. They were like your brother and sister. You also love Magnus and Simon because they made them happy. Alec and Magnus were the cutest couple ever. Magnus is like your bisexual best friend. He’s been through hell as well and it’s like you both can tell what hell you’ve been through. 
“That sounds like a good idea...I think I’m going to message him...you don’t think he’ll tell…” 
“No...that isn’t like Alec and you know it. He wouldn’t tell unless you want him too. Magnus won’t tell either. It might hurt Jace though that you went to Alec...I mean you can tell your story to whoever you deem trustworthy.” Dean’s phone started ringing and it stopped my train of thought. 
“Oh speak of the devil. It’s Alec. Here, see what he wants.” He tosses you his phone and starts cleaning up his room. 
“Hello? Dean’s phone.” 
“Yeah, I’m here with Dean...is there something wrong?”
“No, I was just calling him to see if he could bring me some arrows from the armory, but anyway, how are you?” He sounded genuinely curious. 
“I’m fine, always fine. I can bring you some arrows...I thought maybe I could talk to you about something anyway…” 
“Of course! Does it matter that Magnus is here? He could leave if you don’t wa-”
“No, that’s fine. It’s just something about Jace. See you soon!”
You stop by your and Jace’s room and see that he fell asleep with his shoes still on. You smile lovingly and walk over to him and take off his shoes and kiss his forehead. You wrote a note and put it on the end table. If he woke up and you were there, he would be worried. You then grab some arrows and head over to Magnus and Alec’s apartment. You knocked on their door and waited for them to answer and Alec answered almost immediately and you saw that both him and Magnus were in their pajamas. 
“Hey Y/N what’s up?” You hand him the arrows, walk in, and walk over to the couch and sit down. Magnus was sitting on the love seat and walked over you and kissed your head and sat next to you. His kisses were different then Jace’s. A) because it wasn’t romantic b) he was bisexual c) he’s in a relationship with Alec d) Magnus is like her brother and e) he’s bisexual.
“Umm...I don’t want to say too much...but I have some trust issues…” That admission was hard enough, and Magnus snickered a little and Alec shot him a look, telling him to shut up.
“I...I love Jace more than I’ve ever loved anyone in this world. I just….don’t know if I can tell him about somethings...he deserves to know, he does. But I just don’t know if I can...cause I mean…” You were picking at your nails to try and calm down. You couldn’t speak anymore and you felt shame going straight through your veins. Silence rang out through the apartment. They both were expecting you to speak some more, but you couldn’t get the words out. You stared off at the wall, trying to numb the panic in your heart. Magnus stood up and walked out of the room and I felt fear creep in. I knew it. They would leave me. However, he came back in with a little ball of fluff. He put Chairman Meow in my lap and the kitty started purring. This cat has always liked you, and he never ran away. You instantly started petting him and smiled. He didn’t leave you, he was getting something to HELP you. 
“Y/N I can tell you this, Jace will protect you and he will die for you. He will take anything you give him and he will carry all your problems on his shoulders. He is your biggest supporter. He’s rooting for you. So you can talk to him. He will be there, and from past experience, I know for a fact he won’t abandon you.” He was sitting on the loveseats arm and he was speaking quietly, almost like he was speaking to a frightened animal. I studied Chairman Meow’s fur and tried to get lost in how soft it was. Believe it or not, you were a very tactile person. You think it has something to do with not getting good safe healthy touches throughout your entire life. They both wait silently and patiently waiting for you to digest what you were thinking and feeling. 
“I spent the majority of my life hiding who I was from my family and friends, and when I finally did come out, they were all there to support me. I thought they would leave as well, but it never even crossed their minds.” Alec stood up and walked over and sat on the couch, sandwiching you between Magnus and himself. 
“Darling, I can tell you’ve been through some sort of hell. It must be super hard to do it all alone. We’re here if you want to talk, but I think we all know you should be talking to jace.” Alec pulled the cat out of your arms and Magnus reached over and grabbed your hand and squeezed tightly. You felt loved. Then, you stood up and nodded your head. 
“Thanks you two...I really needed this.” 
“Call or text whenever you need to. We’re serious. We’re here for you.” Magnus said and Alec agreed. 
When you went back to the Institute, you noticed that Church meowed at you and you reached down to pet him. Then, this sharp stabbing pain burned on your forearm. Your parabatai rune. That meant Dean was in trouble. Oh no. 
“DEAN!!!! Church, take me to Dean!” Church couldn’t even do it. That meant that Dean wasn’t here. You pulled out your phone and called him. He didn’t answer. You called repeatedly and every time he didn’t answer, panic rose in your blood. 
“JACE!!!!” You ran as fast as you could to Jace’s room and Jace shot up from the bed. 
“Y/N, what’s wrong? Are you okay? What’s going on?” He grabbed your arms and you shook your head. 
“Get dressed and get your weapons. Dean is in trouble!”
“Where is he?”
“I don’t know, we’ll have to use a navigation rune!” You were only meant to use this rune in absolute emergencies. 
Jace and you prepared as fast as you could and you pulled out your copper colored stele and had Jace give you the mark. But as soon as you found him, something happened. You felt a huge stab in your heart. Oh Lord, please no! Your heart felt as if you were stabbed with a sharp gripping stake and it was twisting and ripping out your heart. You gasp in agony. The rune on your arm went from a dark black mark to a clear scar. You felt a part of you die. You literally went from feeling normal to nothing. Pure emptiness. You grabbed Jace’s arm and all you could hear was this fuzz and static as Jace yelled asking you what was happening, but horror filled you and fell to your knees and screamed as loud as you could. Izzy and Simon ran in and you assumed that they were asking Jace what was happening, and Jace was on the floor with you holding your face in his and the look on his face showed pure concern, worry, love, fear, and tenderness all wrapped into one expression. Your lips were quivering and you felt the tears well in your eyes. 
“He’s dead. Dean is dead.”
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Hi, first I’d like to say I love your writing! I think I found your blog super randomly a few months ago and I just loved it at first read! And I’m glad that you’re writing atm, I feel like the only time I feel happy is when I’m creating/writing, do you feel that too?
My anxiety is pretty bad and it takes away a lot of my energy, and showing my writing to others can be triggering. I mean, I’m always so nervous everyone will think it sucks so my best moments are while writing, when I feel like I’m reading something I enjoy and it was written by me! You know?
Now I’ve written my first fic with multiple chapters and I can’t write the last one! I know what happens but whenever I try writing it everything sounds awful. I really wanted to finish it this month because I always postpone things, for once I’d like to finish something “in time”.
This is mostly me complaining, I’m sorry to bother with my next questions, I saw you saying you wrote two chapters and I felt like asking you how long does it take for you to post once you write them? Do you edit a lot? And what would you do if you couldn’t write a particular scene/chapter that is super important to the story?
Anyway, I wish you well! And that you can write as much as you want, that it flows beautifully always!
HI! Welcome, kindred spirit!
Sorry for the delay! My brain’s been mostly soup lately and I wanted to give you the thoughtful and considered response you deserve. I’m so glad and gratified you like what I put into the universe. I promise you aren’t a bother - your message is a bright spot in a string of grumpy days, so thank you. <3
I feel exactly the same way about writing. I have enough of an impostor complex that saying I was put here to write feels a little presumptuous, but yeah, I am my best self when the writing is good. Not being able to write feels like not being able to breathe. For me, it’s the most frustrating part of mental illness, wanting to do the thing that brings me the most purpose and the brainmeats not cooperating.
I’m glad your own work brings you joy! That’s the best part of writing: bespoke stories! All your favorite tropes! The perfect whump-to-fluff ratio! Every once in a while, I’ll go back and dig through an older work of mine and be like, oh yeah. That’s the good stuff. You can’t control what other people think, so fuck ‘em. (she says, not taking her own advice)
Congrats on the fic!! Finishing a multi-chapter is a HUGE accomplishment, even if you’re not quite there yet. Way to go!
And oof, I hear you on the anx. One of my favorite things about ao3 is its anonymity. I didn’t share my writing with anyone after a particularly brutal workshop in college, and getting positive feedback from strangers on the internet really helped me get back into it. I still don’t share much with people in meatspace, but only because I keep my fandom and “normal” lives pretty separate.
It’s okay not to share if it makes you nervous. It’s okay to share even if you’re nervous. That’s part of why we do it, right? To get petted and praised a little and told we matter? You matter.
Okay, questions:
Posting. It really depends. I junebug all over the place - a scene from the beginning here, something toward the end, then a chapter from the middle - so if it’s sequential to one I’ve already posted, out the door it goes. Otherwise, it sits, mocking me, until I connect the dots. Sunrise is the first fic I’ve tried to keep to a schedule, so I’m about 10 finished chapters ahead of what’s currently posted.
Editing. No editing, we die like men. Just kidding. Mostly. Since I’ve got chapters lying all over the place, I edit when I put them in sequence. I lightly edit again when I post. I should edit more. Instead, I am lazy.
Honestly? I read some writing advice somewhere that said if a scene isn’t working, maybe it doesn’t actually need to be there. There was a part in Length and Breadth that I was having a hell of a time with, and I ended up skipping over it completely, and I think it worked better not having it. If it’s truly integral, I try to get the bones of it down - eg he said x, she said y, stuff happens - even if it’s just bullet points, and go from there. But I’ve found for me, skipping ahead and digging into the aftermath instead serves me much better. Just a thought.
Thank you for the lovely note. It really means a lot. Let me know how it goes with your story. I know you can do it!
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njasnyah-kholin · 4 years
Rhythm of War Reactions
I’m finished with Rhythm of Wythm! So here are some haphazardly thrown together reactions.
Major major spoilers below the cut!
- You know I started this book literally just for Shallan but I ended up loving all the POVs, as I probably should have expected
- Navani was my favorite! I found her plot to be the most engaging, her character growth, her relationship with Raboniel, not to mention:
- Math!?!? and music!?!? My two true loves!?!? The connection between which I try to fit into as many school projects as possible!?!? Can Navani hire me to work on this please?
- Other than me desperately wanting to work on this project, the whole thing with converting light into sound into oscillations back into light was so cool and set up really well from TWoK. Sand plates!
- Raboniel could stab me and I would thank her
- I stole this from another post but yeah Kaladin really was like “these people all need therapy” “none for me though”
- I really want to see Jasnah’s reaction when she returns to Urithiru and Kaladin’s like “oh yeah I’m helping all those people the ardents locked up now, isn’t this cool and probably not personally relevant to your life”
- The whole concept of “give him more time” was so good :’)
- KALADIN SWORE THE FOURTH! “I accept that there are some people I cannot save!” (Or something like that.) Good for you man you deserve it
- Interestingly, Shallan has not sworn the fourth ideal yet, though she seems really close. Does this mean she’ll swear two in book 5? Or is Brandon saving the fifth for the back half for her? (Doesn’t seem likely.) I thought “I killed my first spren” would be a pretty good truth, but who knows...
- I did not like Dalinar as much this book. For someone whose main tenet is change and growth, he was surprisingly stubborn. Yes, this is within his characterization, but I hope it morphs into something a bit more cooperative in book 5.
- TRIAL BY WITNESS need I say more? I was literally covering the next page with my hand because I knew something epic was going to happen and I would glance ahead if I didn’t
- That being said, I wasn’t all that satisfied with how the book left off the Shadesmar expedition. It felt kinda pushed to the side in favor of the climax at Urithiru. Which... maybe there was no better way? But it is Shadesmar, so I feel like the timeline could have been shifted around or extended a bit to make more of a conclusion.
- Spren culture! I want to learn more!
- Rlain is now my boy. Do not touch him or I will take your kneecaps
- I came in pretty uninvested in Eshonai and Venli. I’m still not super invested in either of them, but Venli’s pretty cool, I guess? I definitely enjoyed her POVs, I just couldn’t really pinpoint what she was all about
- On a different note Teft just, like, DIED, so... that happened
- This book lowkey had me in a bad place by that point where I felt like I had to keep reading to get to a better part and thus did not do any of my work due today but it’s okay because Kaladin swore the fourth and I felt better and now I will do my work and not procrastinate more by writing this...
- SEON???
- Shallan!!!! my babe!!!! Was scREAming all throughout the Formless chapter and it did not disappoint
- I actually don’t hate Jasnah/Wit. I don’t love it. But I don’t hate it
- Canon ace Jasnah!
- Singer lore is really cool and even though I didn’t find the RoW flashbacks all that interesting I am excited to see where this goes
- As an Asian person who grew up with squinty/shifty eye jokes, I find it absolutely hilarious that people continue to make fun of the Shin for their enormous eyes
- Canon neurodivergent Syl!
- Canon nonbinary spren! I didn’t really like how they kept describing the Sibling’s voice as somewhere in between male and female, especially considering how the Sibling is so derisive of humans’ binaristic worldview. I did like the part where they were like “why do you even gender” though, that was fun and if not a personal mood definitely a nonbinary culture mood
- While on this topic, Wit’s story was definitely about being trans (it was not but I will talk about this later, flow is important)
- Also while on this topic, I was getting real strong trans Lift vibes. Idk how that would work as Stormlight already transes your gender, but maybe she hasn’t fully figured it out yet, or she still sees herself one way Cognitively which is definitely a thing. I don’t think it’ll happen, but it would be cool!
- Kaladin would be afraid of dogs
- Idk what’s going on with Ishar and perpendicularities but it’s cool I guess. 5/10
- I’m annoyed that Taravangian went back to his old conniving ways after he Ascended. Him being a traitor already annoyed me and it felt like all his growth through the book was for nothing. Also, what about Rayse? Y’know, the villain we’ve been fighting all this time? I feel like this would have been better suited for mid-late book 5, after some sort of conclusion has already happened with Rayse, or we feel like this transition is necessary.
- Dalinar needs to attain the fifth very very quickly and that makes me nervous because he does not seem close to the fourth like Shallan does.
- Is the whole fifth book going to take place within the next ten days?
- Wit’s story was not about being trans it was about mental illness and it was really good for reasons that I cannot put into words
- And finally: Now that Shallan has two Shardblades, can she wield two swords at once??? Please???
I hope you enjoyed those reactions. Stay safe and have a nice day! :)
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selkiewife · 4 years
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I know i’m late on this but I wanted to talk about The Dragon Demands videos based on the Game of Thrones Season 8 blue ray commentary and the original archived scripts for Game of Thrones, Season 8.
Basically, YouTuber, The Dragon Demands went to the Writer’s Guild Library where he was able to see the archived scripts of Season 8 of Game of Thrones. Both the archive scripts and commentary on the blue ray confirms that most of the destruction in King’s Landing was originally supposed to be caused by the caches of wild fire left by Aerys being accidentally set off by Drogon and not because Daenerys herself “went mad.” The script says that civilians being used as human shields are caught in the crossfire as Daenerys is targeting Lannister soldiers in a strategical maneuver right before she heads to the Red Keep to enact revenge on Cersei. However, Daenerys is never described as specifically targeting innocent civilians needlessly.
My thoughts under the cut:
I have to say, that this makes me feel slightly better in a strange way. I mean, it doesn’t erase the bad writing, the ridiculous way the war against the white walkers ended, the misogyny, the inconsistency, etc etc ETC... but this crucial plot point was the one I just couldn’t let go of because it was just baffling to me. With other controversial plot points, I would disagree with them, but I could at least understand what they were going for and what the motivations of the characters were. But Daenerys turning on innocent civilians was truly baffling to me because it comes out of nowhere, is entirely out of character, her motivations are incredibly unclear, and was not set up at all. But with all the fandom discourse, I had really started to think that maybe I am lacking comprehension skills or something. But no, there is actually a reason it made no sense. The “madness” plot line was added later. Emilia Clarke was never given the opportunity to portray Daenerys as mentally unstable. Emilia was portraying grief and revenge on Cersei (as the original script and directors told her to do) in contrast to D&D’s final editing which was portraying the “mad queen.” No wonder it came across as completely false and bewildering- before we even get into the discussion of whether or not this is in character or not.
I think this is definitely more than just a theory that the script was changed pretty late in development because of all the evidence- it is confirmed by Emilia’s commentary, the Visual Effects team member’s commentary, and also the original concept art. But even if there wasn’t all that evidence, there is also the fact that the original ending makes so many other confusing things in Season 8 suddenly make SENSE.
For example, when Jon confronts Daenerys in the throne room and he talks about the women and children that were burned, Daenerys responds with “She used their innocence as a weapon against me.” Which makes total sense for Daenerys to say if she thinks she is talking about civilians that were used as human shields that died in the crossfire. But it doesn’t make any sense if she carpet bombed the city- although it does make her seem delusional, which is probably why Dave and Dan kept those lines in- hoping it would make her appear “mad,” since Emilia was never actually given the opportunity to portray Daenerys as mentally unstable.
There is also the scene where Jon asks Tyrion, “Was it right?” to assassinate Daenerys and Tyrion responds, “Ask me again in ten years.” There is really no reason for them to have that dialogue if Daenerys really did target and massacre innocent civilians. That is the kind of dialogue they would have if they were discussing someone who had done something more morally ambiguous.
Then there are the lines that are out of place in the final version but that would have made complete sense in the original wild fire version, such as Jon saying “now and always” as he stabs Daenerys. “Now and always” as any Theon fan will tell you, is a phrase that belongs to Theon and Robb and what they said to each other when Theon was pledging loyalty to Robb. Having Jon say this to Dany as he is killing Daenerys represents the ultimate betrayal but also calls back to Theon’s struggle and how difficult it is to chose between loyalties- between families. In this case, Jon is choosing the Starks over the Targaryens. Kit Harrington even says that this is motivation in an interview he gave with winteriscoming.net. But given the fact that in the final edit, Daenerys massacred innocent children and civilians on purpose, Kit’s motivation for Jon seems like a relic of an earlier script:
Kit Harrington: “Jon essentially sees it as Daenerys or Sansa and Arya, and that makes his mind up for him. He choose blood over, well, his other blood. But he chooses the people he has grown up with, the people his roots are with, the North. That’s where his loyalties lie in the end. That’s when he puts the knife in.”
And Yara Greyjoy’s lines. She surprisingly remains completely loyal to Daenerys, despite the fact that she massacred the entire city for no reason:
Yara Greyjoy: I swore to follow Daenerys Targaryen.
Sansa Stark: You swore to follow a tyrant.
Yara Greyjoy: She freed us from a tyrant. Cersei is gone because of her, and Jon Snow put a knife in her heart. Let the Unsullied give him what he deserves.
This kind of conversation only seems plausible if they are discussing Daenerys taking out Cersei after she had surrendered and killing human shields in the process, something I can see Yara completely defending- since she was always in favor of attacking King’s Landing as seen during her war counsel scenes in Season 7.
There is also the Emilia Clarke quote in the behind the scenes video HBO put out after the episode where she explains that Dany was targeting Cersei herself:
Emilia Clarke: “It’s just... grief. It’s hurt. And she has this ability to make that hurt a little bit less just for a minute. And here she is, sitting on this ridge and there’s the emotion and there’s the feeling and the feeling is to fucking kill her.”
Note that she does not say “the feeling is to fucking massacre the city,” or “the feeling is to target innocent civilians.” She says “the feeling is to kill her” as in Cersei Lannister- who is responsible for the death of her dragon and Missandei- and who massacred countless innocents herself when she blew up the goddamn sept lol.
Not to mention all of the set up lines between Cersei, Tyrion, and Varys about Cersei using “human shields” which never came to fruition in the final edit, now make complete sense:
Cersei: Keep the gates open. If she wants to take the castle she’ll have to murder thousands of innocents first.
Varys: Tens of thousands of innocents will die. That is why Cersei is bringing them into the Red Keep
And yet, lol, we never actually SEE Daenerys attacking the Red Keep. We never see innocent civilians inside the Red Keep. We only see civilians being massacred in the streets.
I also remember people who had seen the post Season 8 Game of Thrones Live Concert saying that Ramin switched to footage of the other wildfire scenes in past Game of Thrones seasons during his Bells sequence, instead of showing the massacre of innocent civilians by dragon fire. I use to think he did that because Daenerys was his favorite character. But given what we now know about the original ending, he probably chose to show the wildfire scenes because that was what he had specifically written music for before it was changed- the destruction of Kings Landing by wildfire.
I really wish they had kept the original script the way it was. It still would have been an incredibly controversial ending. Daenerys still goes after soldiers and a Queen who is surrendering- and that action unintentionally leads to the destruction of the entire city. Jon Snow still assassinates his lover and betrays one part of his family for the other. But, it would have at least made logical sense. People would have gone back and forth over whether it was in character or whether it was a good ending. But it would have been something people would be able to actually debate on an intellectual level- the way we debate Daenerys crucifying the slavers (who themselves crucified children) or Jon Snow executing Olly... It is a very grey and tragic ending with a lot of moral questions. It still might have gone over like a lead balloon. But... the ending we have is so much worst because it’s nonsensical.
The only reason I can think that they changed it was to make Jon and Tyrion appear less morally grey for plotting Daenerys’ assassination. They probably knew that the ending would be very problematic and were trying to smooth that over by turning Daenerys into a super villain. Yet they did this too late in the process after already showing Daenerys to be heroic in fighting with the north and then having Emilia Clarke finish her filming still believing she was playing a complex and at times ruthless character but not “mad” or “evil.” And then, there is also the intensely problematic issue with them conflating mental illness with mass murdering super villain. Even if it had been clear throughout the entire season that Daenerys was losing her grip on reality and becoming more and more mentally unstable, it still would have been incredibly controversial and I am not entirely sure it would have made the men look any better anyway.
Even though it is tragic af, at least with the original wildfire ending, all of the characters are incredibly complex and morally grey and you can understand the motivations for everything they do, even if you don’t agree with them. For example, if Daenerys attacks Cersei after she surrendered, it is wrong, but it is also completely understandable. And in my opinion, it’s even more understandable when you remember that Cersei cannot be trusted. She can’t be trusted to send her armies to the north- why should Daenerys trust her to surrender in good faith? This kind of ending would also have said something very powerful about unintended consequences. Even though Daenerys did not intend for so many people to die needlessly, they did because war is horrific. And that message becomes even more powerful if her motivations are understandable. But yeah, this kind of ending would have still been hated and debated but... at least the debates would have been more about the story itself rather than everyone trying (and failing) to make sense of what the story even is.
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chiisana-sukima · 5 years
15x10 and Being “Normal”
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I found the beginning of 15x10 pretty funny. I already was beginning to have my first inklings of doubt when Sam took the pan out of the oven with his bare hands, burned himself, and then immediately took the pot off the stove with his bare hands too. Am I supposed to believe that’s how he usually cooks? But I was willing to go with it.
Garth gave Dean mind-altering drugs and medical treatment without real consent, and Sam rolled around on the floor incapacitated because he ate something spicy, and Garth and his wife named one of their babies Castiel when they’ve never even met him in canon, and Dean called monsters “freaks” to Garth’s face and Garth didn’t bat an eyelash. But it’s humor, and some of the jokes really were funny, so I was still gritting my teeth, enjoying the jokes, and pretending it didn’t bug me.
...Right smack up until Sam and Dean together couldn’t pick a lock--a skill that normal humans do all the normal time--and then in the course of rescuing them, Garth--who is a “monster”--gleefully murdered an entire crowded building full of other monsters without any evident attempt whatsoever to determine whether or not they deserved killing. His family fought in that ring, and he was fine with burning everyone in there alive? Sam and Dean were in there two minutes previously, and they are (theoretically) completely innocent, and they were all gung ho and rah rah that Garth killed everyone in the building they just vacated, even though there could have been other prisoners there too?
I like C4 as much as the next pyro, but that was... ....well, to be blunt, it was the kind of TV show I have no respect for.
And then there was the extreme, and extremely stupid, uselessness that is apparently Sam and Dean’s natural state absent their Chuck-given “superpowers”.
The entire thematic point of Supernatural--or at least the entire past thematic point--is that human beings can fight the good fight even when they are vastly outgunned. We can be loving, and merciful, and have dignity and courage, even though the universe isn’t benign. And sometimes in our powerlessness; through hard work, compassion, and forgiveness, we can win.
Where was any of that in 15x10?
There was this whole weird emphasis on “normal”. Sam and Dean are useless now because they’re normal. They’re stupid because they’re normal. Except for that one “we have to keep fighting and win” speech, they have no dignity to speak of, apparently because they are normal.
At the end, after the “it wasn’t just Chuck’s superpowers that make us who we are” speech, and then the subsequent needing to be rescued thing; they end on a note of saying “we have to go get our superpowers back, because otherwise we can’t win”. Wtf, spn? Who killed you and replaced you with an endorsement for the ubermensch?
Not to make it all about me (although ofc that’s exactly what I’m about to do, because I was deeply personally offended, and I mean that entirely unironically), but I’m kind of a disaster human. I have trouble with interpersonal relationships, and I can’t balance my checkbook, and my house is always an enormous mess, and I’m in debt up to my eyeballs, and I have PTSD and autism and asthma and arthritis and scoliosis and migraines, and you know what? Before I retired, I was a tiny cog in the health care machine (*does a bunch of guesstimating and multiplies it all by 35 years*), and I’ve saved the lives of, conservatively, ~16 thousand people total.
Not by myself, obviously. People are strong because we work together. My preceptor from when I graduated nursing school ran away from Nazi Germany to Switzerland as a teenager to become a nurse somewhere free (yes, I am old). One of my LNAs testified in court against her own father for abusing the prisoners under his care. Many of the people I worked with fought chronic pain, drug addiction, mental illness or physical disability, and still showed up and did a good, effective, life-saving job. 
And furthermore, other people’s jobs are just as important too. We owe our lives every day of the year to sanitation workers, farmers, grocery store shelf stockers, construction workers, day care providers, and just about everybody else too, in one capacity or another. That’s what makes us a society.
And maybe you could say that was the (alleged) point of 15x10, that Sam and Dean’s true strength is in their friends? But it would be a lot more convincing as a message if Garth wasn’t a super-powered monster--who Dean remarks admiringly, several times, is really *strong*--and/or didn’t betray his fellow-monsters quite so gleefully.
Idk. I’m not that great of a person. I’m really, really, boringly normal. Kind of weak even, both physically and psychologically. I love Sam and Dean because (most of the time) they’re better than me. They give me hope. They've been through more, and honestly are more fucked up, but they keep showing up to work anyways, and doing a pretty decent job of it, all things considered. They’re more forgiving than me, more loving (although they sometimes show it in more unhealthy ways), and way more effective at life saving. That--not their plot armor--is what makes them heroes to me.
In 15x10, none of that was in evidence, except maybe a tiny corner of ‘keep showing up’. This isn’t even my show anymore. If we weren’t in the endgame, I’d quit.
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tessatechaitea · 4 years
Cerebus #11 (1979)
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The only weapon you need to provoke a police officer to violence is scorn.
Sorry! The above caption had nothing to do with The Cockroach's first appearance in Cerebus and everything to do with how the Omaha Police arrested peaceful protesters by claiming that they're purpose was to "attack and/or provoke police officers to violence." Also, you can tell they're already spinning and lying by adding the "and/or" so they can imply that the protesters are planning on attacking police. And, well, even if they weren't (and they did say "or"!), their other main plan was to provoke them. But of course everybody whose ability to perceive reality isn't clouded by their incessant need to defend police no matter what understands that police will abuse their power at the drop of an eye roll. They believe any slight disrespect is an excuse for a violent rebuttal. They force physical violence on people whom they have no reason to arrest simply so the person can struggle against the assault, as any normal person would do, and then claim resisting. Police should be confronted by scorn and disrespect at every turn. Only when they learn not to instantly resort to violence and threats will they deserve to not be. Welcome to my comic book and/or police review blog! Deni's "A Note from the Publisher" continues on a theme that I hadn't noticed until just now: every new issue of Cerebus now seems to be a landmark issue! It's an interesting self-promotion take that I have to admit I'd never thought of trying. "Every new Eee! Tess Ate Chai Tea review is a landmark review!" You know what else is a landmark? Places & Predators, my Cribbage-based Roller Playing Game! You don't even really need any friends to play it. Just read it like a book and enjoy it! Or play it like a Fighting Fantasy Adventure Book! Use some online Cribbage app! Figure out how to use the crib in ways the online app definitely won't let you! Oh, the reason this is a landmark issue is because more letters came in than normal! It's a hit! Deni also reveals that she'll be making the Cerebus plush toys that were advertised in previous issues and at half the price! So kudos for stealing that job from the person who originally made them! It probably wasn't anything so dramatic but what fun is going through your life defaulting to the best, most optimistic possibility in every given situation? Have some fun! Act paranoid! Purposefully misunderstand your father and scream in his face! Kick a dog! Sorry! I got carried away! I would never kick a dog unless it was attacking me. But even then, I'd be wishing I was kicking the owner who let it go off leash. The dog doesn't deserve my epic self defense tactics in its soft face. But the owner certainly does!
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The basics on the origin of The Cockroach.
I didn't realize Dave came up with The Cockroach because it was gross and disgusting. I just thought it was a more clever version of a bat, keeping to the shadows, hiding, surviving, a constant annoyance to poor people. In any case, The Cockroach is the greatest parody of The Batman, hands down. Because The Batman has become such a parody of himself time and time again, you just need an absolutely Batshit insane version of him. I don't do segues so Cerebus has come to Beduin to sell the Black Blossom Lotus. Just look at all the continuity Dave Sim is giving his readers! I wonder how many comic book fans would list "continuity" as their number one favorite thing about comic books? Like, are there people who would list that above great writing or terrific art? Judging by how terrible a lot of mainstream comic books are and how rabid many of the fans, I'd suspect it was a fairly high number. Maybe 65 out of 100, Bob. Change that card! The Merchant Cerebus deals with is a kook who might just have a super secret identity. It's weird to think of the Roach as being capable of actually living an independent life! I suppose he's just barely hanging onto his sanity at this point (and, of course, only during the day). But then he comes into the mystical aura of strangeness that aardvarks apparently exude out of their buttholes and he just loses it completely. He becomes less a merchant slash superhero and more a superhero slash zombie cosplayer. Also he becomes one of the greatest characters ever created! There are like four of them in the entirety of Cerebus! The exclamation point is because I think that's an incredibly high number and not because I think it's an incredibly low number. Most comic book's protagonists never quite make it to the greatest ever! Plus I'd probably give Cerebus more than four but a lot of them are just really good parodies, satires, and slightly-off representations of characters and people who already existed. The merchant buys the Black Blossom Lotus from Cerebus for 100 gold pieces and then promptly drops it out of the window and into the Feld River.
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Not only does Dave Sim come up with a bunch of memorable plots across three hundred issues, he also comes up with a lot of good Dungeons & Dragons campaign ideas.
The Merchant pays Cerebus a sack of gold and gets ready for bed as Cerebus begins to leave. Before Cerebus can even exit the hallway outside the merchant's bedroom door, Cerebus begins to hear loud ranting coming from the other side. It's a lot of hissing and threats of murder. Against his better judgment, Cerebus decides to see what's happening and gets his first look at the guy who will be a huge headache to him for the next two hundred issues or so.
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One thing I like about Dave Sim is how honest he is when recounting where he came up with or stole his ideas. He gives plenty of credit for the Cockroach and his hissing to Marshall Rogers and Jules Feiffer. It's admirable because a lot of people would just figure, "It might make me look less of an artist and who's going to know anyway?!"
Just a few days ago, my old elementary school friend who was blown up in Iraq and then became a comedian playing to Christians and patriots (which I mention so you'll understand how, as a wounded veteran, he'll never be criticized by his audience and he'll never really grow as a comedian) posted a Tik Tok on Facebook that was just a film of a television set capturing the "Masked Debate" bit on Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. The clip only shows all the clips of news readers saying "masked debate" and none of Oliver's or the show's set-up. He then watermarked it with his Tik Tok name. Now all of those naive followers who can only seem to reply to his posts with the laugh/cry emoji probably think he wrote it. Better yet, they're probably mostly Trump followers who would never admit to finding that libjerk Oliver or his show funny. What's even better is that the Tik Tok has some quote along top that's watermarked with somebody else's Tik Tok name! So it looks like Bob doubly stole the bit. Man, I wish I'd joined the army and gotten blown up and then found Christ and developed an audience of uncritical naive yahoos who would wildly applaud everything I wrote! Why didn't I join the army?! Oh, that's right. Because I believed I had a future right out of high school. Well, I guess Bob is having the last laugh now! Cerebus follows Cockroach across the rooftops to find out what's going on. He eventually witnesses the Cockroach confront a man in an alley, accuse him of killing his parents, knock him out, and steal his gold. The gold part of the night helps Cerebus to ignore all of the other confusing stuff. The Cockroach doesn't gloat for long. He's off to find another victim! Cerebus witnesses him mug another guy whom he also accuses of killing his parents. He also admits to doing this for thirty years. So now Cerebus thinks the guy is crazy but also crazy rich. At the end of the night, the Cockroach returns home and drops the gold purses into a secret panel in the wall. He falls asleep, wakes up, and, when he sees Cerebus, acts as if Cerebus were just leaving. So Cerebus realizes that the merchant doesn't have any idea what the Cockroach is doing. Which means Cerebus is going to recover those gold purses before the Cockroach comes back! At the moment, Cerebus doesn't realize that he's going to be finding thirty years worth of gold purses in the merchant's walls. Can you imagine how boring the last two hundred and eighty-nine issues of Cerebus would have been if Cerebus managed to steal all of the Roach's gold?! I'm sure some of you are thinking, "It wouldn't have been any worse than the last hundred issues we did get!" Also, can you imagine how fat Cerebus would have gotten drinking tons of ale and eating loads of rich foods? I'm laughing so much just trying to picture it! Ha ha!
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Eight feet of gold would make Cerebus fatter than a domesticated raccoon!
In the end, Cerebus only makes it away with three sacks of gold. But in the process, he manages to completely screw up the Roach/Merchant equilibrium that's lasted for thirty years. In trying to exploit the man's mental illness so that he'd help Cerebus move the gold, Cerebus drags the Roach personality into the daylight. From here on out, the Roach will simply be a pawn of others, susceptible to almost any second-rate demagogue (although most of the people who subsequently control the Roach are of the first rate variety). The Aardvark Comment section was two pages this issue and had this letter that I don't think was being sarcastic?
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I guess I also wouldn't necessarily consider a chainmail bikini as "a disgusting costume." He's probably thinking about Power Girl.
Also, and I admit it might have been a joke, but Dave Sim reveals that Ronald Reagan is Cerebus' father. That, um, makes sense! Cerebus #11 Rating: A. I almost gave it a B+ for variety but then I remembered I just read the first appearance of the Roach. I also forgot that my ratings don't actually mean anything.
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bluesfm · 5 years
(  park  chaeyoung  ,  twenty two  ,  &  cisfemale  )  who  ?  these  days  ,  it’s  all  about    blue hyong,  who  comes  from    los  angeles  &  ca    and  is  making  headlines  as  a    singer    .    she   currently  has  a  fan  count  of  42k    ,  no  thanks  to  the  rumors  of  them  being  inflexible  !  but  ,  on  the  other  hand  ,  their  most  devout  fans  say  they’re  actually    imaginative    .  last  i  heard  ,  they  caused  quite  a  buzz  when    she   publicly   dissed    her  new   record    label  and   the   misogynistic  treatment   she  was   receiving   from   their  reps  !  it’s  no  wonder  they  remind  me  of    long   rants   in  the  notes  app   being  posted   to  her   twitter  account  ,  empty  bottles   of  wine  laying  at   recording   studios’   floors   &  notebooks   upon  notebooks   filled  with   lyrics   she  might   never  use   but   refuses   to   let   go  of   .  
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well hello human friends !! n also hello to the non human friends too , wassup . i’m angie a  dumb  noodle  from  the  middle  of  the  south  american  jungle  , and i’m here to introduce yall to this mess i call blue  who’s  a muse i have had  for yrs now n carry w/ me wherever i go , with some minimal changes but she’s still the  same  messy  bitch  on the  inside  don’t  worry  folks !  so   i  will   provide  u w/  some  background  info  on   her  n  some   possible connections  under   the  cut . issa  lil messy  but  we’ve   been  away  for  a while   pls  bear  w me
blue  is  the  only  daughter  to  a  couple   of  south  korean  immigrants  that  came  to   america  when  they  were  in  their  very  early  20s  n  already  expecting  blue  in  order  to  chase  the  american  dream  n  create  a  better  life  for  themselves  n  their  family  .  their  life  was  pretty  hard  for  a  big  part  of  blue’s  childhood  ,  while  they  were  both  studying  n  working  odd  jobs  to  pay  for  their  education  all  the while  taking  care  of  a child .  so  blue  didnt  have  the  best  childhood  ,  not  that  her parents  were  bad  or  anything  they  just  didnt  have  time  for  her  . nowadays  ,  they  are  a  lot  more  comfortable  in  life  ,  since  her  dad  became  a  lawyer  n  her  mom  is  a  nurse  ,  but  they  definitely  didnt  have  an  easy  beginning  .
ok  so  maybe  bc  they  werent  present  durant  most  of  her  childhood  they  didnt  notice  a  lol  of  signs  that  might  have  made  things  a  lot  easier  for  them  ,  bc  by  the  time  they  were  available  to  emotionally  be  there  , during  her  early  teenage  years ,  blue  was  already  kinda  a  mess . she  had  grown  up  w  very  lil  structure  n  refused  the  rules  they  tried  to  instill  on  her  n  was  already  used  to  doing  things  her  own  way  .  that  lead  to  a  lot  of  conflict  between  them  ,  since  they  expected  her  to  study  hard  n  do  well  for  herself  in  a  nine to fiver  when  she  was  already  sure  art  was  the  only  way  to  go  n  while  she  did  ok  ,  she  definitely  wasn’t  as  good  as  her parents  expected  her  to  be .
so  ...  u  know   her  teenage  yrs  were  basic  girl  angsty  she  fought  a  lot  w  her  parents  n  rebelled  frequently  n  ran  away  from  home  like  ...  weekly  ,  but  she  never  rly  had  any  real  hardships  .  life  was  reasonably  good  but  she  always  had  something  to  complain  abt  ...  just  as  she  liked
but  then  she  reached  her  late  teens    they  all  realized  there  was  something  going  on  other   than  the  usual  teenage  angst  she  displayed  all the time  when  she  had  her  first  manic  episode  .   her  parents  thought  it was  a  “  blue  thing  “  at  first  bc  she  was  usually  a  very  impulsive  person  n  she  rly  didn’t  have  a  habit  of  thinking  before  acting  on  her  impulses  ,   but  her  mom  quickly  noticed  the  signs  of  a  manic  episode  when  she  realized  how  aggitated  n   restless  she  was  , specially  when  blue  described  an   hallucination  she  seemed  to  be  having  .   they  took  her  to  a  psychiatrist  ,  she  was  admitted  to  a  hospital  n  diagnosed  w  type 1  bipolar  disorder  n  very  quickly  medicated .  while  the  medication  brought  her  out  of  her  episode  ,  n  she  was  allowed  to  go  home  after  her  mood  seemed  to stabilize  ,   blue  also  noticed  it  stunted  her  severely  emotionally  n  decided  (  against  medical  n  parental  advice  [  pls  dont  do  it  fam  !!  take  ur  meds  ]  )  to  quit  her  medication  ,  falling  into  her  first  major  depressive  episode  a  few  weeks  afterwards  . n  for  abt  four  years  she’s  been  living  w  her  disorder  ,  n  she  doesn’t  medicate  at  all  .  she’s  super  open  abt  her struggles  n  she  has  a  Lot  of  them  ,  specially  w  how  much  drugs  n  alcohol  she  consumes  .   i  never  said  she  was  smart  yall  .
[  END  OF  TW  ]
ok  so  as  u  probably  assume  ,   blue  is  an  emotional  mess  .  she  has  a   very  chaotic  personality  ,  n  most  of it  isnt  even  from  her  illness or  anything  she  just  is  a  very  chaotic  person  in  general  ?  she  is   one  of  those  artsy  ppl  who  forgets  to  wash  her  own  clothes  so  she  ends  up  wearing  the  same  dress for  like  ,  3 days .  she’s  super  outspoken  n  outgoing  n  rly easy  at  making  friends  if  u  can  get  past  the  dumbass energy  she  exudes 24/7  ?  but  yes  just  a  very  outgoing  person  n  a  outright  mess  most  of  the  time  .  she  is  also  soooo stubborn  u  will  never  get  her  to  change  her  mind  abt  smth  she  believes  to  be  right  about  in  any  way  .  u  just  cant  .  she  loves  a  good  time  n  loves  partying  n  is  the  lack  of  impulse  Queen  soo if  u  got  any  bad  ideas  she  is  the  one   u  should  go  for  if  u  need  any  company  .  also .... so dramatic  .  she  makes  a  big  deal  of  everything  n  has  0  apologies  abt  that  .  just  catch  her  crying  over  high  school  musical  3  or  smth  like  that  .
but  yea  on  the  bad  side  tho  ,  blue  takes  up  n  gives  up  on  projects  so  easily  n  she  can  be  super  fickle  abt  things  in  general  .  like  ,  she  will  defend  an  idea  for  7  hours  but  2  days  later  she’s  already  onto  smth  else  n  doesnt  even  remember  being  so  obsessive  abt  that  other  thing  ?  a  mess .  is  also  Quite  abrasive  ?  if  she  thinks  ur  acting  dumb  shes  not  gonna  be  scared  to  call u  out  on  it  .  can  also  have a  Reaally  explosive  temper  .  not  usually  but  specially  during  manic  episodes  she  can  be  quite  easy  to  annoy  ngl  .  is  very  unreliable  ,  especially  if ur not  too  close  ..  tbh  that  is  something  connected  to  her  disorder  .  when  she’s  on  a  manic  episode  ,  she  will be  too busy  planning  things  she  will  never  get  around  to  doing  or  painting  her  entire  house  or  spending  3  days  awake  n  drunk  writing  17  songs  by  herself  .  n  during  her  depression  is  very  hard  to  get  her  to  do  anything  n  even  if  she  feels  terrible  , she  rly  cant be  an  available  friend  .
in  regards  to  her  sexuality  ,  she’s  an  open  bisexual  and   also  is  a  crazy  romantic  n  falls  so  hard  for  literally  no  reason .  but  like  ...  doesnt  have  the  healthiest  mentality  for  relationships  ?  not  like  in  a  toxic  way  but  she  will usually  give  145%  of  herself  at  all times  n  honestly  believes  all  of  the  ppl  she  falls  for  are  the one (1)  just  wants  to  make  things  work  no  matter  what  .  she’s  v  impulsive  w/  meeting  n  falling  for  ppl  tho  so  things  dont  rly  end  up  working  n  she  always  ends  up  heartbroken  over it  .  Well  .  At least she’s  trying  right  ?
in regards  to  her  career  n  art  , she’s  posted  youtube  covers  n  original  songs  for  a  couple  years  and  gathered a  decent  following  ?  she  wasnt  huge  or  anything  but  she  did  get  a  record  deal  w  an  actual  big  label  out  of  it  a  few  months  ago  .  blue  was  pretty  happy  abt  it  but  then  when  the  recording  process  started  she  realized  they  werent  treating  her  as she  thought  she  deserved  at  all  ?  which  resulted  on her  taking  her  thoughts  to  some  reps  of  the  label  n  when  she  didn’t  feel  any  difference  in  the  way  she  was  being  treated  she  took  it  to  the public  ?  which  definitely  caused  quite a  sitr  bc  she  wasn’t  a  huge  name  but  she  was  big  enough  ?  so  now  she’s  in  some  considerable  trouble  w  her  label  but  Also  more  famous  than  ever  so  they  are  choosing  not  to  bury  her  for  now  ?  she’s  in  some  definite  trouble  though  so  it’ll  be  fun  to  see  what  happens  next  n  what  her  moves  will be  ?  spoiler  alert :  it’ll prob  be  smth  dumb.
i  still have  so  much  to  say  but  i’m  so lazy  wow .  dont  start  ur  intros  so  close  to opening  time  folks  thats  my  tip  as  an  old  internet  auntie  .  OK SO  ONTO  SOME  CONNECTIONS  NOW  
some label  mates  who  she  may  or  may  not  get  along  with  ?
hookups !!  she  prob  has  a  few  she  regrets  too   bc  who  doesnt  am i  right
best  friends !!  ppl  who  actually  support  her  n  she  loves  w  no restrictions  just  love  all  around  friends
exes </3  not  gonna  lie  i  have  some  sad  ideas  abt  this  one
good  influence  bc  blue  is  a  mess she  needs  one  of  those  pls  someone  slap  her  head  n  make  her  drink  some  water
a  fling  she  has  feelings  for  but  may  not  be  requited  ...  i  like  my  romantic  connections  to  be  angsty  did yall  notice
artistic  soulmate  !!  someone  her  artistic  bitch  side  just  vibes  with  ?  could  be  a  songwriter  or  singer or  anything  tbh
some   indecisive  romantic   shit where blue rly  knows  sh’s  too messy  n  this  person  is too amazing ?  but  they still  have  feels  so   ... now  what ?
this is  p  mcuh  it ??  it  has  taken so long  to  finish  this  i  hate  myself  but  HEY  if  u  like  blue  or  dislike  her  u  should  hit  me  up  so  we  can  come  up  w  some  plot  ideas  ?  i wish  i  had  a  quirky  goodbye  idea  but  my  brain  has  just  quit  working  guys  so  u  get  nothing  from  me  other than  a  good  old  fashioned goodbye  thanks  for ur  attention  i  love u
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geek-gem · 5 years
Joker 2019 Sequel Cast And Ideas
This was a draft I’ve been working on for a long while now. I forgot when I started it. Maybe two weeks but I’m not sure. I’ve seen Joker three times. The film has made a billion dollars. Including Joaquin Phoenix seems like he wouldn’t mind being the Joker again. Also Todd Phillips has said he wouldn’t mind a sequel unless the story is right. Which I agree with him.
I just wanna mention I really like Joker 2019. Especially the Arthur Fleck interpretation of the Joker. Including you can see the popularity among Tumblr especially women. XD But yeah to be honest I’m both ways. I don’t mind if it’s just a stand alone. But also I loved this version of the character. It’s the version that got me to appreciate the Joker as character. Which may sound stupid.
Especially despite what Todd Phillips has said....I want this Joker to meet his Batman in his universe. The idea of a continuation to Joker has been on my mind for a long time now. Yet the problem and I have mentioned it before.
A half of it is like, “Yeah this is the kind of a movie that's the perfect continuation to Joker. It’s artsy and has lots of meaning”, but also it feels like, “What the hell is this? What’s with so many characters in this story? Why are there many references? This doesn’t feel like the kind of film Joker 2019 was”.
Including I have wondered it feels like a movie that would deserve a super cut. Something like Batman V Superman with it’s ultimate edition(Which added more scenes that explained things). Or even the It supercut I’ve read about. Which is basically the two It films put together with I think more footage too. Including it being 7 hours.
But the main focus of this story was between the relationship between Bruce Wayne/Batman and Arthur Fleck/Joker. Including it’s about the end of the Joker. But also for Arthur Fleck, giving him a proper send off. So a franchise wouldn’t be built. 
I am planning on making a synopsis of the general story. It’s what I think a sequel should be to Joker. But I would trust with what Todd Phillips and Joaquin Phoenix would want to do with a sequel. This is just my fan fiction of wanting to respect of what had came before. Expanding upon Arthur’s journey as the Joker. Including to give this character a emotional conclusion as he meets the Batman and Bruce Wayne during his final week or more of living. 
So this is all rambling. I’ve been hesitant to post this because again it’s just rambling and notes. But I think I should share this. Be warned there are spoilers. Including if you have been going in deep in the theories about Joker 2019. You may be disappointed by possible choices I’ve made in this. Because doing this kind of sequel may disprove certain theories or confirm certain theories. I’m deeply sorry this is very long.
Joaquin Phoenix as Arthur Fleck/Joker. 
A mentally ill man disregarded by society and became the, “Joker” in 1981. 20 years later, now 50 years old and known mostly as his alter ego. An anarchist with no motive wreaking havoc in Gotham as much as he can with followers behind him. 
But as years gone, things have changed. With more people are slowly stop believing his cause. Including with this, “Batman” helping the police closing in on him. Old emotions have started to flow through Arthur again. Bringing back memories of why he became this way. Even if he does not fear death, he thinks his final days are probably upon. As each day he grows older and the world is moving on without him.
Including just like his final days will like how in 1981 will forever impact him. Once he crosses paths again with Bruce Wayne. Along with who people thought was a urban legend, “Batman”. With Arthur realizing he isn’t the only freak in Gotham who suffered so much.
Notes: The story of this Joker continuation is something. I’ll be honest I want to respect the legacy of these old comics characters. While also putting them in this world Joker 2019 created. But also the direction I’ve been thinking about for Arthur/Joker may bother a lot of Joker fans. 
Mainly considering this story where it’s basically what I call, “Jokers Downfall” because it’s final days or week or so on. While showcasing 20 years the man who was once Arthur Fleck truly changed. Becoming an, “Agent Of Chaos” creating destruction wherever he can.
It’s this time in his life as he meets people old and new that causes him to act differently. In some ways you get the evil Joker that you usually think of. But for this story kind of has a, “Softer” Joker. Because of his meeting with certain people, especially Bruce Wayne and Batman. The man that was once Arthur Fleck is still there. Including as Joker becomes less of how people see him, being honest of who he had killed, and other things.
But including to make sure this doesn’t turn into a long running franchise. Even though I have thought this feels like the third part in a trilogy. This story is a way a definite end for Arthur Fleck. In his own and for the best of everyone a ending that only suits him. 
Yet this doesn’t mean he doesn’t get redeemed at all or you condone his actions. It’s more like a proper ending to a man who had good intentions, but because of how society treated him and the choices he made. It’s an ending where the only, “Happy ending” probably for him is his death. But also the addition of maybe along the line some how, he gains a best friend. Someone who understands him. Showcasing he’s not alone. Especially proving Murray Franklin’s words, “Not everyone is awful”. 
But the tragedy in all of this. This revelation happened 20 years later. Because Arthur has destroyed his chance of returning to who he was. Or even change for the better. The best thing for Arthur/Joker in this situation despite this sounds rather harsh. Is for him to embrace death as the world around him has changed. But also to as he reaches closer to death. He truly that he wasn’t alone, one spot or more empathy from someone in the likes of Bruce Wayne/Batman and whoever else.
Including the other thing. Confirming whether or not Arthur is Bruce’s legitimate older brother. Considering there or theories based upon the flies Arthur had taken. It’s something I need to think about.
Jay Ryan as Bruce Wayne/Batman.
A young man who lost his parents during the riots in 1981. Traumatized by his parents deaths. He vowed to bring vengeance upon criminals. It’s been 20 years since that night, now 28 years old. He’s been mostly keeping a low profile as the, “Batman”. Fighting criminals and stopping the mobs. Gaining the trust of the citizens and even the police. Despite them being suspicious still. While making sure no one figures out it’s Bruce as this vigilante. 
Because of him and the Joker being now out in the open more. He’s set his sights on the man who inspired the man who murdered his parents. Yet what Bruce figures out as he looks more deep into who the Joker is. Including who was Arthur Fleck, and what made him what he was. Bruce discovers that his father, someone he looked up for all his life. Finds out his father wasn’t truly the greatest. Including was one of the reasons for Arthur’s decent into madness.
Along with trying to hold back his anger as much as he can as he learns more information and not wanting to kill. Bruce slowly uncovers what made Arthur how he is now. Which results in not just wanting to bring Arthur to justice, but to even try to save this man who suffered so much.
Describing his batsuit: To fit the aesthetic and tone of this world that Joker 2019 is featured in. Including to compare with next to Arthur Fleck's Joker attire in Joker 2019. With the help of a friend named Lucius Fox. Bruce's batsuit could be similar to the likes of the batsuits from The Dark Knight trilogy.
But mainly in a weird way to fit this more realistic world. The batsuit seems similar to the likes of the outfit worn by Hunk and Vector from the Resident Evil series, and also the likes of SAS soldiers. But without the likes of a gasmask unless if needed for any necessary situation.
Especially like the 1989 batsuit, there is body armor on the chest to protect Bruce from bullets.
This batsuit is basically personally accustomed for Bruce Wayne's needs and his war on crime. It still has the cape, the bat ears, and the spikes on his gloves.
The concept of Batman in the world of Joker 2019: This is something that's been on my mind. Because reading the process behind Joaquin Phoenix's Joker outfit of how he would look. But also the idea of Joaquin Phoenix's Joker is basically supposed to be what if the Joker existed in real life.
Before Joker 2019, The Dark Knight Trilogy was maybe the best example of showing how the Batman mythos could exist in reality. The challenge for this Batman was to try that again. But this time not recreate what Christopher Nolan had did basically copying him. Yet the idea of it is how would Batman realistically look in this universe.
It's a interesting challenge. Mainly the design is what makes me think. While I know the concept of a Batsuit looking like something similar to the likes of SAS and the other examples I mentioned. It's to compliment the realistic approach taken for Joker. Basically how Christopher Nolan did for Batman and Joker before.
Including to me we've had comic accurate Batmans and Jokers before so to me it's okay to change things up a bit, be creative. Yet I understand a direction like this would get hatred. Especially how people were reacting to Joker at first.
But I keep telling myself this. The concepts I keep thinking is it's like a smaller version of Batman 1989 and The Dark Knight. Because both Batman and Joker were two major characters in those films. Yet there have been ideas of showcasing a Batmobile. The biggest challenge of that is how would that look realistic. Yes we have the Tumbler as a example and that's good. 
Including the training Bruce had in this universe. After talking with a friend and making some funny jokes. Alfred in this universe was part of the SAS when he was younger. Bruce did some smaller forms of training(Such as karate as a friend mentioned as an idea) before having Alfred help get connections to get secret training from the SAS in the United Kingdom. Including any other possible special forces training that Bruce may need in his war on crime. 
I have wondered of using Batman's first appearance as an inspiration. But I have thought of other inspirations like Ben Affleck's Batman, The Dark Knight Trilogy, Batman Arkham Origins, the Telltale Batman series. I just wanna make the best realistic Batman I can make.
Especially for this take including I remember hearing Ben Affleck’s take on Batman would of been about his mental state. This is kind of familiar. But it’s also showcasing that this Bruce Wayne is the anti thesis of who his dad was in Joker 2019. Showcasing the good Bruce does when he’s not Batman. Such as using his wealth to help those around him. I do think people might dislike the idea of a, “Softer” Batman. Yet considering the direction of this story. It’s something I wanna take and it seems fitting for a sequel to Joker 2019. Especially as a conclusion to Arthur’s story showcasing after he became Joker. The events in 1981 started a chain reaction that changed Gotham City. Including the lives of Bruce Wayne and Arthur Fleck. 
About Jay Ryan as Bruce Wayne/Batman: This is something that’s been bothering me. Casting Bruce Wayne/Batman is such a huge deal. While yes all of this is fan fiction right now. Originally Jay Ryan was my choice for the DC Black Clark Kent/Superman. But I decided to have him as Bruce Wayne/Batman. 
From what I’ve read he’s gotten experience from shows like Beauty And The Beast(Where he plays Vincent Keller the beast), and Mary Kills People(Where he plays a detective named Ben Wesley). Mainly my experience of seeing him in something was in It Chapter 2 where he played the older version of Ben Hanscom.
Mainly my biggest concern is not just his age. Yet he looks quite young anyway and there are similarities with Dante Pereira-Olson who portrayed a younger Bruce Wayne in Joker 2019. But also his performance next to Joaquin Phoenix’s Arthur Fleck/Joker. 
Which is interesting a younger Batman against a Joker who’s been doing his thing for 20 years. A weird similarity between the DCEU’s Superman and Batman. I have thought of Nicholas Hoult. But I think people may not like the choice. 
Yet when I look at it. The direction of this Batman isn’t meant to be something like Batfleck. Who had been Batman for 20 years. This is a Batman in this universe started being Batman(like in the comics) at the age of 25. Starting in 1996. Yet he’s still young and learning. Including like I mentioned he’s a, “Softer” version of other versions. Who’s the reason why Gotham is doing better now. By donating his wealth to the people of Gotham. Basically what his father never did in this universe maybe.
Brad Pitt as Jim Gordon.
The commissioner of the Gotham City Police Department. Who was present during the riots of 1981. A good cop who is trying to help everyone the best he can in Gotham City. Especially with corrupt cops being around. He’s been on trail of the Joker for some years now but without any luck. With Batman helping more he’s close to catching him. 
Little does Gordon realize the chaos that might ensure when Joker and Batman finally meet. Which will result in something more greater than the riots in 1981.
Notes: Originally actors like Bryan Cranston(who voiced the character in Batman Year One), and Tom Selleck. But considering Bryan already voiced the character, and Tom seems like it would be type casting. Because of his character’s role in Blue Bloods. Brad Pitt was chosen because of the early reports of him being James Gordon in Matt Reeves The Batman 2021.
Especially to give the cast that, “Oscar” feel or so. Considering the last film had Robert De Niro. I wanted to give Brad Pitt that chance to shine.
Sophia Lillis as Barbara Gordon.
The young daughter of Commissioner Gordon. Only 17/18 years old as of now. While her father is concerned of trusting this, “Batman” vigilante. She believes Batman is trying to do the same thing as her father. But just on the other side of the law. 
An intelligent and also brave young girl who wants to help people. While wanting to help this case somehow by trying to be a detective. She never expected that in her life she would get this deep in this search for the Joker.
Especially when she ends up meeting the proposed, “Clown Prince Of Crime” himself. Someone she has only heard stories about, but never thought she would meet.
Zazie Beetz as Sophie Dumond.  
A young women Arthur had fallen in love with during 1981. But then Arthur discovered he had been hallucinating his entire relationship with her. With Sophie now in her late 40′s. While not close to Arthur. Because of the, “Batman” trying to find out answers about who Arthur Fleck was. Sophie discovers a bit more about how Arthur felt about her. Especially with Joker remembering her again and maybe some how can restart what they had. 
Notes: There is this idea of when Batman decides to investigate who Arthur is. He tracks down anyone who may of had a connection with him. With cameos from characters like Sophie, and Gary are in this film. Because they have met him before. Mainly with Gary knowing a bit more on Arthur because of working with him. 
Just a important detail, Sophie doesn’t die. But I wanted to bring back these certain characters that had met Arthur during his transformation into the Joker. Including in this story. I decided to do a little retcon(Unless it could still be in there) by adding in the scene from what I heard about the old script. Of Arthur in his Joker outfit meeting Sophie one final time before leaving to go meet Murray Franklin. Basically apologizing to her about the incident of him being in her apartment, giving her flowers, money, and telling her he’ll be on the Murray Franklin Show.
While this may seem weird. It’s this idea that because of the road he was taking, and knowing he might not see her again. He just wanted to say something one final time to her. Despite in the movie they never had a actual relationship.
It’s this idea that after 20 years. Joker still had these feelings for her and telling her the truth of how he felt. Including how he was feeling about her. But Sophie being honest with her after everything he’s done, it probably wouldn’t work. Yet he doesn’t get angry. It’s more like he understands because she’s right in this case.
This was a character I wanted to bring back somehow. Again these are all just my ideas. Especially this was the, “Softer” Joker I’m talking about. Because it’s at this stage, he doesn’t seem to care. Because Arthur is slowly coming back and Joker just doesn’t care anymore. 
Mark Hamill as Jack Napier. 
The old boyfriend of Penny Fleck who is the reason behind Arthur’s, “Condition”. Who was released 20 years earlier. Now working among the regular people. Including trying to stay low and make sure no one knows who he is. Because after all those years of spending in jail, he is still the cold hearted man who had beaten Arthur. But now living as a hermit, not making any connections with anybody. 
During this time, Batman questions him about Arthur and where he may be at. But also when Joker discovers who Napier is and that he still lives in Gotham City. He decides to pay the old man a visit and confront him.
Notes: This is a weird addition. Because in a way it doesn’t add a whole lot except that Batman part. Mainly the addition of Penny’s boyfriend being in this story is to give the people what they want. To have Arthur/Joker give him what he deserves. Including to close a chapter in Arthur’s life. 
Mainly the scene is this weird dark comedic scene with Joker, Barbara(who’s being kept hostage by the Joker), and his followers go to Jack Napier’s apartment. With Joker revealing who he is(Despite the added Batman meeting I had thought about to give his role more meaning) to Jack Napier and what he did to him as a child. With Jack Napier admitting to not regretting abusing Arthur. Including saying Arthur deserved it. 
Joker(Even if he was already planning on doing this, Jack Napier not regretting his actions made the choice even more easy) holding a customized sledge hammer, repeatedly beats Jack Napier with the hammer to the head. Basically beating the old man to death. With Joker admitting this is a vengeance to with Napier had beaten Arthur’s head. 
It ends with Joker all tired from beating his abuser to death. Traumatizing Barbara(Which was the reason he brought her there to witness it. To show in his case, “Parents are fucking awful”) in the process. With Joker literally asking as some sort way to calm her nerves down by asking her and his followers if they want to order pizza. With Joker literally stealing Napier’s money off his corpse to pay for a possible pizza.
Including it was tough thinking of who to cast as this character. Including it’s a small role. Originally it was Clancy Brown. But I decided Mark Hamill as a easter egg because he had voiced the Joker in multiple Batman media. Such as Batman The Animated Series, and the Batman Arkham series. Especially his name being a callback to Jack Napier from Batman 1989, the Jokers real name from that film.
Douglas Hodge as Alfred Pennyworth.
Bruce Wayne’s butler, caretaker, and legal guardian after Bruce’s parents were murdered. He knows Bruce is Batman and tries to assist him the best he can. A best friend and father figure to Bruce during the most dire of times. But when Bruce discovers that his family had possible connections to Arthur’s decent into becoming the Joker. This puts a strain on their relationship as Alfred was possibly keeping this secret from Bruce. 
Sally Field as Dr, Leslie Thompkins.
A doctor who has dedicated her life to help Gotham’s unfortunate, including a surrogate mother to Bruce Wayne after his parents were murdered. She knows Bruce is Batman yet despite the dangers. She supports him being the Batman. 
Elza Gonzales as Selina Kyle.
A woman who Bruce has been dating for a while. The woman who would later or is possibly Catwoman now.
Emma Stone as Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn.
One of Jokers followers he’s gained along the way. A intern psychologist who was assigned to the Arthur one time. But soon fell in love with him and escaped with him. But compared to other interpretations, there isn’t really a abusive relationship between the two. Mainly just the idea Harley fell in love with Arthur/Joker but he doesn’t share the same feelings towards her. Which overtime her, “Love” for him slowly fades away, possibly helping the police track Joker now. Realizing she was never really in love with him. 
Notes: To be honest it’s difficult to deal with Harley in this story. Because there is a reason why I said this feels like a third part of a trilogy. Because Harley sounds like she would be something like from a first sequel. Including this is what I have said there seems to be too many characters for this one story. 
Especially with this angle because this Joker, while not abusive with her. Yet he doesn’t share the same feelings for her. With Joker or in this case Arthur still having feelings for Sophie after all these years. Especially it’s also the fact I’ve seen a person’s reply on a piece of Joker and Harley art(With the 2019 Joker and DCEU Harley with Batman) of this Joker probably wouldn’t abuse his Harley. But we don’t know about that. 
I’m sorry if I seem to disregard this element. I’ll be honest I’m not big on the Joker and Harley ship. Mainly because of the whole abuse thing and just let Harley stay with Poison Ivy. Especially I guess this adds to the, “Softer” Joker thing I mentioned.
But yeah Harley is such a big character that just it’s interesting to imagine her in the world of Joker 2019. Yet I’m trying to be careful with what I do with these characters.
Also Emma Stone isn’t this permeant casting choice. It was just a casting choice I went with him because choosing a suitable actress for Harley is difficult. Including crap now I’m thinking of having a Poison Ivy cameo to just give Harley a girlfriend or whatever.
Especially I have wondered of putting Vicki Vale as a cameo. Maybe Emma Stone but I don’t know. As of now in this development Emma in Harley.
Leif Gantvoort as Bob the goon.
A follower of Joker who in 1981 helped Arthur Fleck escape from Arkham State Hospital. Ever since then Bob has been Jokers, “Number One Guy” basically his right hand man/2nd in command. He’s a man who believes in Jokers cause or if he even has one. These days he helps Joker with his acts of terrorism. Being one of his most devoted followers.
Notes: As you can tell it’s Bob from Batman 1989, basically in the same role in a way. Yet it probably won’t end the same way like it did in the 1989 film.
 Other notes: I just wanna say I do have plans of showcasing Black Mask in this. But not as an important character. Mainly in a scene where he is talking to Joker, criticizing him for having no motive and everything he’s doing is doing nothing for anybody. Which results in Joker just straight up murdering Black Mask by shooting him in the face. All because Black Mask criticized Joker and what he was doing. 
Mainly Black Mask’s men are shocked but don’t do anything. Because they just lost their leader and Jokers followers are there too in the meeting. In a way Joker kind of saved Gotham from Black Mask and his criminal army. But it also unleashed more chaos.
Especially Black Mask would mention Penguin as a reference of him being a, “Deformed freak” who is a weapons dealer and crime lord like Black Mask of sorts. Including Killer Croc was supposed to be in this as a minor character who Batman takes down. With Killer Croc being described as a cannibal with a skin condition making him look like some sort of reptile. But I feel this may be too much and Killer Croc deserves his own film maybe. I wanna put Scarecrow and Harvey Dent in some ways. But it’s already too much.
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pepucz · 5 years
Death Note personal thoughts
I saw a post about thoughts on “everyone goes to Mu” part of the manga by one of my favourite tumblr users - 13eyond13 and I originally replied to it, but I figured my thoughts were more about my personal feelings than adding something relevant to the original post, so I decided to post it totally separately here just for my own satisfaction. (also my English can suck hard, so if anyone decides to read this all, I’m sorry for any mistakes)
I must admit I was rooting for Light and was truly a KIRA supporter at the beginning (till the moment he killed Lind L. Tailor), I also took the information from Ryuk about Mu as a fact for everyone just like Light did, but that's probably because I'm an atheist and I have lots of nihilistic thoughts, so Ryuk saying the “Mu” part would only prove my own views and beliefs - the nihilistic aspect of the whole story is also one of the reasons why Death Note remained one of my most favourite mangas of all my time and why I’m so happy to have my love for it fully restored and be actively back in the fandom...
So yeah I agreed with the original intention of Light with the Death Note, he was pretty careful with what kind of criminals he killed, he "wouldn't kill those who killed accidentally or without malice like car accident deaths for example" (chapter 47), but I didn't agree with his God complex, that was probably the first thing that didn't click right with me even though it does make a sense as Light wanted to set new rules for humanity by his own standarts, I just don’t like the idea of “God” or whatever, but the real endgame for me was the moment he killed Tailor, he didn't know if he was criminal, he killed him just because he challenged him. That was the point where I stopped rooting for him. I also saw killing Raye Penber and the rest of the FBI agents as even more unnecessary steps and also a pretty obvious way to cast suspicion against himself. But we wouldn't have a story if it wouldn’t happen 🙃 And I still loved his character even after this tbh :)
I must admit I don't value a human’s life as something more valuable than an animal's life (of course I do value my dearest's lives super lot, I would die for them anytime or rather I do continue living for them, but those lost humans' lives of people, whom I hadn't known personally, haven't heard their story or whom I simply didn’t like just don't spur any real pity for them in me, earth is overpopulated anyway, what truly upsets me in the worldwide spectrum is losing some extinct animal species - I even cry when I see the planet lost some animal species just because of the human greediness) and I'm sick of ppl making so much fuss over the loss of a human life than over animal's one especially if they don't know those humans personally. Death is part of the human life, sometimes it’s unfair how some lives end, but the World won’t stop spinning because of it and it’s not like humans are endangered species... it’s pretty much the other way around. I mentioned this bit of my feelings about general mankind because I was pretty irritated when the task force or someone in DN universe was upset with ppl dying even if they were/might be a piece of shit, just because it’s “human life!! Human!!”. Like - I loved Soichiro Yagami as a father figure and I really loved his love for Light, but I was totally done with him ruining L’s plans in Yotsuba’s arc XD Same for innocent Light in this arc, but at least he didn’t try to do anything that would ruin L’s plans just to stop the criminal’s deaths (Misa managed it in the end and everyone was satisfied thanks to that for the time being) XD
Back to the topic of using Death Note - I would plan to use it as Light did in the beginning, but target mainly animal abusers, it would also be super hard for me to find names and faces and 100% proof that they are the guilty ones. Also I would never think of myself as a God, that's totally stupid IMHO. I would be just a mass murderer like Light by human's standards. 'Murderer' is still a word invented by humans alone, so it wouldn't faze me as much as it fazed Light being called like that... Also maybe I would never use Death Note to the extent as Light did, because now even criminals have GDPR protection and their names and photos are often kept secret (which I find to be super unfair). Light would never commit a murder without a Death Note, and I’m the same (even though I can’t guarantee what I would do if I saw someone torturing animals/my loved ones in front of me.... I still think I would go berserk probably). Anyway even with knowing there is nothing after Death for sure, I would still try to make the world a better place by what I believe is right, I don’t care that it would seem evil to some ppl, I also don't give a shit there is no meaning for human's lives in the vast of the universe, I wouldn't care that this plan of making the World a better place would also mean nothing compared the whole Universe and its timeline... I would still try to do it, because it would satisfy me for the time of me being alive...
All humans have a choice to not hurt others, those who decide to do it especially when it concerns truly innocent human's lives or animal's ones (I truly hate humans, who abuse animals just for fashion, cosmetics, household products, money or for some sick sense of fun) just don't deserve their life in my mindset and I don't care how wrong it is in human society's view. I get especially angry when some criminal runs away from Borstal (because he is not put in prison as he is mentally ill and commited crime because of it) or from prison, of even worse when a criminal is released by the court for good behaviour or some shit and then that individual ends innocent life again.... in such cases I just get furious at the impotence of our laws because it means this individual can harm someone close to me too just as simply because “as a human” he still has all the human rights even after he violated someone else’s rights, that’s just super unfair. I also don't believe in real peace, human race is not capable of it imho. That's why we have to have laws... and here I’m getting back to Death Note - our laws serve the same purpose as Kira's law did in my opinion, only Kira was more successful because it was pretty definitive and striked even those who otherwise wouldn't give a shit about our weak laws. There are people who want to live peacefully and don't need any law for that, then there are some who live in peace just because of the fear of our laws' consequences and then we have those who don't give a shit about laws because it won't cost them their lives... + a small group who don't give a shit even it would cost them their life... (we don't have a death sentence in Czech Republic anymore as it was deemed too "inhuman", I must add that I must agree that there are crimes where it's almost impossible to convict the criminal as 100% guilty and it's better to just put them in the prison - as I already mentioned I would have a really hard time using the Death Note because I would be too afraid I might kill someone innocent). So Kira's idea about peace was no different than the current worlwide idea of peace with our laws.
Now to get somewhere else for a bit - I fell in love with L and Near and I was quite happy with the ending of Death Note and how Light was served and killed by Ryuk. I felt a bit of pity for his death, but it didn't traumatize me like L's (or Mello's) death tbh. I woudn’t really change a thing about L’s and Light’s deaths anyway...
When I look at the overal picture of Death Note, Light still managed to save more innocent lives than Near and L imho. During his time the crime dropped by 70% worldwide. 70% is truly a large number considering the worldwide measure. A lot of innocent humans didn't die because of rapists and murderers thanks to Light. But as DN is pretty nihilistic the world returned back to the old standards after Light's defeat and the crime percentage grew back as it was before Kira's reign. So defeating Kira served right only to people who's life’s purpose is fighting criminals - they need them to exist otherwise their job would be meaningless - and Kira almost took it from them. L's life purpose was solving crimes, but what would there be to solve if criminals were ceasing to exist? I see it as the main reason why he got involved in the Kira case at first even if he himself wouldn’t admit it. Kira was threatening his life's purpose. But of course that's just my impression. I still fell in love with L the most even if our views differed.
Dunno if this whole rant makes sense or not but that’s just how I feel....
Death Note doesn't exist unfortunately and even if it would and I would get my hands on it, if it would be haunted by Ryuk, I would be definitely served by him pretty soon anyway, because he would probably get bored with me very soon 😂 I'm not a genius and I would be afraid of harming innocent beigns, so I would be extremely careful with using the Death Note.
Might try to bargain with apples but knowing Ryuk it wouldn't be enough to keep him from writing my name down sooner than my time is up 😂 I wouldn't even blame him 🙃 I'm simple and boring average woman, who is totally done with human race and most of the humans.
BTW I really love this little bit from the pilot chapter of Death Note:
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"But that would probably mean you'd have to kill the majority of mankind." 👍
(might delete this whole post later because of my social anxiety or if I get too roasted for my opinions, because I'm a coward 😄 I do stand firmly behind my beliefs especially IRL but I also prefer to be invisible on public sites 😄)
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panelshowsource · 5 years
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i actually wasn’t too nervous! i knew paul, iain, and joe would all be sweet and i was excited for sian because no middle-aged funny lady has ever not been a legend. even though i don’t think it was a god tier season i thought they were all endearing in their own ways (even iain lmao) and i think we appreciate that kind of pleasantness. i had thought it was going to be a touch more competitive — which is my taste, which is why i liked s2 so much, for example — because iain and even lou were bringing it hard in the beginning, but they seemed to succumb to the wrath of the taskmaster pretty quickly and begin just going along with what he decided without much fuss or drama. that said, i also think the taskmaster was a little lax; you may have noticed plenty of rounds he didn’t give out 1 or even 2 points, like prize tasks were 3-3-3-4-5 points opposed to someone having to come last even if they did a decent job (which can cause some fun drama). i thought the editing of the tasks was really back up to par this series and i loved the return of sassy talkative alex like we had in s1 and 2. i really think it was a lot of fun!
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ahhhh hard to say! maybe......sian 💕 hbu??
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i’m not proud of him and frankly i hope he’s not proud of himself
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even though requests aren’t open this was cute so i got u hehe
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joe is very special and perfect and good and i am highly concerned about him
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you and a thousand other anons, trust me ;’) luckily if u catch him with a rosé in his hand i think you’re in with a chance
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hell yes she is! taskmaster said smith family rights!
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it’s what we DESERVE!!!!!
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seal*! ofc mitchell brook primary school are a league of legends baybay!! and ya i tried to do a lot of miles content this week bc it’s what the people want heh
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i would really enjoy seeing glenn moore and larry dean more, who i think were some of the best newcomers to have come on the show in a long time. as for guests from very previous series? ooo well i def miss gina and do think david should be on every show forever until the end of time, obviously, but hmm it’d be great to see holly walsh, sarah millican, and jo brand again!! they’re all ace with those big group dynamics which is super important on that series in particular. i also miss frankie with my every fibre
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lmaooo i call him a poor man’s ed gamble and that’s a compliment tbh
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it may have very well been an act back in 2017, or maybe you were just really receptive to even him at his most honestly aggressive, hard to say. i was much more forgiving of that aggression the second time i saw him live but by the third and fourth times i was very much on the same page as those in the thread and thought it was borderline unprofessional and barely funny. honestly to each his own though, bc if it can pass as comedy then it is comedy, truly. the worst of it i saw was when a woman got up to use the restroom during the set and he ended up berating her for ten mins over it, and after the show she was outside telling people she was so sorry she upset him but she couldn’t wait any longer to change her tampon...seriously brutal. i really don’t have any reason to believe it’s an act. he’s mentioned many, many times on his podcasts that he is very sensitive, is sidetracked easily, is very self-critical, he doesn’t enjoy interacting with fans (specifically during and after standup), and it’s not uncommon for him to lose his groove half-way through his shows if something throws him off; he is also self-admittedly seriously mentally ill. the protection of being in character seems to have come in handy for him in a serious way for a long time, and i don’t think he’s come to understand how he’s meant to behave and interact when he’s being Real James like he is in cold lasagne. i don’t claim to know him, but considering the last time i saw him (spring) he did a whole bit about how suicidal he was just a couple months prior, it seems fair to say he’s still in throes of taking care of himself, so i’m sending him positive and healthy vibes and hoping he’s putting that before his career
note: i really don’t want to rehash this acaster convo again in the asks, so please message me off anon if you have any questions. stay positive and take care of your mental health, y’all!!
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i haven’t!! i’ll let you know when i do though :’)
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apart from the champion specials that are upcoming, we aren’t suuuure. probably september or october, though! i am rly excited for it to come back, it’s such a pleasant show and richard is such an underrated panelist in general imo
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my thoughts exactly anon 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
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anon stop are you trying to make me cry..........i genuinely find it so inspiring.........the first time i heard him say that the 2 years waiting for her were the hardest of his life, and if he had known he only had to wait 2 years for her they would have been the easiest..........broke a piece of my heart off that is still floating around my chest cavity trying to find a home..........
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which links anon? i clicked through a bunch and everything is in working order. are you sure you’re looking at the original post, which gets updated?
f.a.q. // tags // watch links masterpost
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redhairdontcare732 · 6 years
Purple Rain: Sweet Pea x OC
Purple Rain
Sweet Pea's POV
“Remind me again why we're doing this Jones?”, I said as Fangs, Toni, Jughead, and I pulled up to his trailer.
“This is important Sweet Pea, Bea deserves to be involved too”, Jughead replied. “She lives for this kind of shit. You think you're a hot-head, well you haven't seen anything until you've seen Bea's temper” he chuckled.
“Can confirm”, Fangs said. “I had to hold her back from jumping a guy at the Wyrm because he whistled at her”. Toni and I chuckled as Jughead shook his head. “Seriously guys, she was like threatening to castrate him. I've never been more scared of a girl in my whole life!”.
I rolled my eyes, but followed them to his trailer anyways with a small smirk on my face. It was true; though she hadn't been here long, we’d all learned to steer clear of Bea when she became angry. I personally admired the hell out of her when she stood up for herself or her friends, not that I’d ever say that out loud.
Jughead walked into the trailer as the rest of us trailed in behind. As soon as the door was open the sound of loud music hit my ears, and the sight of Bea’s tall frame standing near the kitchen sink wearing only a pair of small pajama shorts and an oversized sweatshirt found my eyes. I felt my face unintentionally heat up at the sight of her long, thick legs in minimal clothes and immediately worked to control the thoughts that ran through my mind. Bea smiled at the four of us, soapy water covering her hands as she finished washing a set of dishes.
“Hey guys, what’s up?”, she asked, practically yelling over the music as she dried her hands on a nearby dishtowel.
“Are those my boxers?”, Jughead groaned, looking Bea over. She looked down at her attire and shrugged.
I used this moment to appraise her gorgeous frame once more, noting with dissatisfaction that she was indeed clad in a pair of men's boxers. I felt a wave of pure anger over take me, and I couldn't help but clench my fists at my sides. The thought of Bea with any man besides me made me physically ill, though I knew I had no right to feel that way.
“I feel like you want me to say yes, but that would be a lie”, she giggled, winking at her cousin. Jughead pretended to gag, causing Bea to laugh a bit harder and my jaw to tense uncomfortably as I tried not to wonder where she'd gotten them if not from Jones.
    “Girl can you turn down the oldies, I can’t even hear myself think!”, Toni said, walking up to Bea and giving her a quick hug.
“Seriously, what even is this?”, Fangs complained. Bea stood, phone in hand, music lowered significantly, and jaw dropped.
“Are you kidding me Fangs?”, she exclaimed, placing her hands on her hips. “This is PRINCE you uncultured child”.
“Who?”, I asked, eyebrow raised. Bea put her hand over her heart in mock pain and gripped the counter with her other hand like she was about to faint. Jughead groaned.
“Oh good. Now you’ve gotten her started on this. We’re never going to hear the end of this guys, thanks”, he said exasperatedly.
“THIS IS PRINCE ROGERS NELSON AND YOU WILL ALL RESPECT HIM IN THIS HOUSE”, Bea cried dramatically. I chuckled a little at her fierce expression, wondering how one person could be so cute and so frightening at the same time. “You guys can’t seriously tell me that you’ve never listened to Prince before, he’s a national treasure! I can’t even, I just, ugh!”, she fumed.
“Sorry drama queen, but not all of us grew up in his backyard”, Jughead chuckled. She shook her head.
“That’s no excuse!”, she exclaimed. Toni smiled with pride.
“Hey I don’t know about these knuckleheads, but I have absolutely jammed out to Prince in my time”, Bea hugged her closely before leaning back and grabbing her face between her hands.
“Thank Jesus for you Topaz. I knew I could always count on you”, she said with such solemnity that I found myself chuckling.
“I can’t be the only one who has no idea what the hell we’re talking about”, Fangs said, turning to me. “Do you have any idea what the fuck they’re on about?”. I shrugged.
“Guessing this Prince guy is the one we’re currently listening to”, I said, feigning nonchalance. Bea looked between Fangs and I, her facial expression ranging from sadness to looking like she was going to smack the two of us. I secretly found it adorable.
“ ‘This Prince guy’”, Bea said mockingly, “is the single greatest artist in American musical history. I mean, he is quite literally the most brilliant musician in the last hundred years, easily. He’s progressive as fuck, his lyrics are pure god damned poetry, and his beats are…”
“...iconic”, Jughead chimed in at the end of her rant sarcastically. She narrowed her eyes at him. “Please Bea, I’ve heard this exact monologue at least 3 times. Although, you two should count yourselves lucky; when she lectured Archie last she also ended up smacking him upside the head”. Toni, Fangs, and I chuckled at the mental image while Bea simply shrugged passively.
“What kind of so called musician doesn’t know about Prince”, she stated remorselessly.
“To speed this lecture along, Prince is a singer”, Jughead started, as Bea smacked him upside the head, “Erm, musical artist, sorry, that was super popular in the late 80’s and 90’s. He's famously from Minnesota, and Bea is obsessed with him”. Bea nodded proudly.
“Duh. He's the best. When Dad shipped me off to Minnesota and I was all alone, Prince's music and movies are what got me through it”, she stated more softly than she did before. My heart tugged for her; though Bea was obviously fond of her temporary hometown in St. Paul (evidenced by the oversized University of Minnesota sweatshirt she wore currently) it made me feel strangely guilty that she was left without any friends or semblance of family for so long. This girl was going to be the death of my image if anyone found out about how soft she was making me. And we weren't even together for Christ's sake, it was becoming somewhat pathetic on my part.
“....it can wait Juggie, they have to listen to at least one song!”, I heard Bea cry as I shook my thoughts away and returned to the conversation at hand.
“Personally, I'm very interested in what has gotten our Bea so fired up”, Fangs offered. “What about you Sweets?”. I shrugged again, although I was definitely intrigued. Jughead sighed again.
“Fine, one song. Then we head to the Wyrm to talk about the protest”, he said finally. Bea narrowed her eyes.
“Full album or no deal”, she countered firmly, crossing her arms across her chest. Jughead crossed his arms too, and I internally snickered to myself as they stood in some kind of faceoff.
“One song, and I'll play Purple Rain next movie night”, he negotiated. Bea narrowed her eyes, and stuck her hand out for Jughead to shake.
“Deal”, she said with finality. Then she turned to Toni and her face broke out in her beautiful, ear splitting smile. “TT, you've known these doofuses way longer than me, so help me out here. What song is best to educate them with? Classic and soulful like Purple Rain, or upbeat and jammable like When Doves Cry?”.
“When Doves Cry for sure”, Toni answered quickly. Bea nodded, and grabbed her phone so she could find the song. I lost myself in watching the absolute joy and anticipation that graced her features. This girl had me so whipped it was insane.
Bea’s POV:
I bounced on my toes in anticipation as I searched my playlist for the correct song. I could not be more excited to share my love for Prince with my new little family. Prince was an ethereal artist that was so transcendent and iconic; it was beyond me how anyone could find fault with him. I selected the song, and as soon as the synthesized beats of the opening graced my ears, I smiled feeling complete. I began to bop along, and as Prince’s dulcet tones hit my ears with the opening lyric, I pointed to Toni.
“Dig if you will the picture
Of you and I engaged in a kiss
The sweat of your body covers me
Can you my darling
Can you picture this?”
I pointed to Toni and danced over to her to grab both of her hands in mine as I lip synced the words to her. She smiled widely.
“Dream if you can a courtyard
An ocean of violets in bloom
Animals strike curious poses
They feel the heat
The heat between me and you”
She reciprocated by lip syncing the next line and we both acted like morons, snapping vogue-esque poses as Prince sang. I giggled lightly and we both bopped around to the chorus.
“How can you just leave me standing?
Alone in a world that's so cold? (So cold)
Maybe I'm just too demanding
Maybe I'm just like my father too bold
Maybe you're just like my mother
She's never satisfied (She's never satisfied)
Why do we scream at each other
This is what it sounds like
When doves cry”
Turning to Sweet Pea and Fangs, I noted with pride that they both seemed to be enjoying the song. Fangs stood near Toni and I and appeared to be swaying and tapping his feet to the beat. Sweets, ever the cool guy, still stood with his arms crossed but I wasn’t fooled. His deep chocolate eyes betrayed his mirth and interest, and I could tell that he was much more intrigued than he cared to let on. I danced my way over to the pair and began lip syncing to them as well.
“Touch if you will my stomach
Feel how it trembles inside
You've got the butterflies all tied up
Don't make me chase you
Even doves have pride”
I pulled one of each of their hands in an attempt to get them to groove with me as TT had. Fangs followed willingly, but Sweets simply shook his head. I scoffed; of course Mr. Too Cool wouldn’t be caught dead dancing. I shook my head and began two-stepping goofily with Fangs.
“How can you just leave me standing?
Alone in a world so cold? (World so cold)
Maybe I'm just too demanding
Maybe I'm just like my father too bold
Maybe you're just like my mother
She's never satisfied (She's never satisfied)
Why do we scream at each other
This is what it sounds like
When doves cry
How can you just leave me standing?
Alone in a world that's so cold? (A world that's so cold)
Maybe I'm just too demanding (Maybe, maybe I'm like my father)
Maybe I'm just like my father too bold (Ya know he's too bold)
Maybe you're just like my mother (Maybe you're just like my mother)
She's never satisfied (She's never, never satisfied)
Why do we scream at each other (Why do we scream, why)
This is what it sounds like
When doves cry
When doves cry (Doves cry, doves cry)
When doves cry (Doves cry, doves cry)”
I laughed freely at Fangs as he spun me around the room, clearly as into the song as I knew that he’d be. I’d always loved that part of Fangs that wasn’t afraid to be exactly who he was, no matter how seemingly different from the tough guy image that he had. It was moments like these that reminded me why I had found it so easy to open up to him, in a completely platonic way. He never judged me for anything, and wasn’t scared to be goofy with me unlike some other serpents I knew. Speaking of tall, brooding serpents, I turned to Sweet Pea to gauge his reaction and was immediately confused. Though he hadn’t changed his position nearly at all, I noted that his handsome features were much more rigid than before and his usually chocolate eyes had turned a dark shade of nearly black, the mirth completely gone. I tossed a concerned look his way, and his posture seemed to relax a smidge. I smiled at him, all thoughts of Prince temporarily gone from my mind. The song ended, and I turned to the boys once more.
“Well?”, I asked giddily, head turning from Sweets to Fangs and back. Sweets seemed to soften even more as he smirked once more, an action that made my legs go embarrassingly weak for a moment. I matched his smirk with one of my own.
“I fucking loved that Bea”, Fangs interrupted. I (somewhat reluctantly) turned to him, beaming.
“Yeah that wasn’t too bad”, Sweet’s deep voice chuckled. I narrowed my eyes at him but softened slightly as he threw up his hands in mock defeat. That damned smirk was going to be the death of me. It was somewhat baffling to me that after all the guys I’d dated or hung out with that I could be so hung up on one that had never made a move on me. Sweets had this sort of undeniable pull on me; even now I was hanging on his every reaction, praying that he ended up loving Prince as much as I did. It was borderline pathetic.
“Great, so now that we’ve gotten that sorted, can we please go be productive”, Jughead practically whined, effectively pulling me from my thoughts. I rolled my eyes.
“Yes mother. Let me go change, and I’ll meet you all at the Wyrm”, I replied sardonically. I sighed; I love my cousin and all, but he was seriously such a buzzkill sometimes.
A few days later, Sweet Pea’s POV:
The promised day had finally come; it was the weekly movie night at Sunnyside that Bea and Jughead put on, and as planned, Jones was showing a movie by that Prince guy. The whole thing was pretty genius actually; Bea had come up with the idea of using old drive-in equipment to project movies against the trailers shortly after she moved back to Riverdale. She said it was purely to counter Jones’ excessive complaining about losing his old job, but she wasn’t fooling me. She was just as big of a movie nerd as Jughead, and she lived for the weekly showings. Tonight she was practically buzzing with excitement, as her self-proclaimed favorite movie was being screened. Serpents and, to my slight annoyance, a few Northsiders milled around on blankets on the chilly ground as Jones queued up the film. Bea sat snuggled up adorably against the side of an old couch that she always claimed was ‘her spot'. She was a notorious cuddler during movie nights, and whoever was lucky enough to claim the spot next to her on the tattered couch had the guarantee of her sharing both her blanket and her body for warmth. I usually made a nonchalant attempt to sit near her, but to my extreme annoyance, Toni was sitting in between the two of us on the couch. Bea was practically sitting on her lap with a blanket covering the three of us and her head on Toni's shoulder. I sat on the other side of Toni, silently wishing that it was my shoulder that she was leaning on and my legs that she tangled her long, thick thighs with. I longed to feel her soft heartbeat against my chest and smell the sweet scent of her shampoo as she quietly watched the movie.
Luckily for me, Topaz left our trio as soon as Cheryl showed up, vowing to come back even though Bea and I both knew that she wouldn't. Bea pouted slightly as she dismantled from Toni, and turned her beautiful blue eyes towards me with a hopeful expression. I rolled my eyes in fake annoyance and opened my arms to her, praying she couldn't hear how hard my heart thrummed with anticipation. She grinned cheesily as she scooted impossibly closer to me and snuggled her comparatively small frame into my side, legs thrown atop mine and arms around my waist. My hands found rest on her hips, and a lovely content sigh left her plump lips as she settled.
“You know you have a real problem with personal space”, I muttered good naturedly into her ear as the main title began to play. She turned her head up towards mine and smiled softly.
“Oh please, you know you love it”, she said lowly. I smirked at the way I felt her face heat up marginally, loving the effect I sometimes seemed to have on her. We remained intertwined for a while, watching the movie in a peaceful silence. She watched the film with rapt attention (though judging by the way she mouthed the words she'd seen it a fair few times) and I watched her mainly. The way her ocean blue eyes followed the characters and the way they twinkled and danced as a new song was played. I was mesmerized by her reactions, staying completely still for fear that this nearly perfect moment would be ruined.
“So tell me, why is this so important to you? I mean this goes way beyond just loving the guy's music Bea”, I murmured in her ear after a while. I felt her tense up slightly and my arms wrapped tighter around her, instinctively rubbing small circles on her clothed hip. She seemed to sigh, though the noise was so quiet that I almost missed it.
“When dad decided to run away to Minnesota, I had a really hard time at first. I was young and in a new place where I knew nobody and no one knew me. Other than the sketchy ass people that dad had in and out of our apartment whenever he decided to re-appear, I was completely lost and alone. Eventually I left dad, realizing that being homeless was better than living with that asshole…”  she started as I felt my fist that wasn’t caressing her hip tense at the mention of her father. She’d made it clear before that there was no love lost between the two, but she’d never went into great detail about why that was before. I felt sick at the realization of what he’d done to her and the fact that she was now reliving it because of me.
“Bea, you don’t have to tell me”, I started to whisper, but she shook her head against my chest.
“It's okay Pea; I trust you and I want you to know”, she stated firmly. I felt my heart and stomach flutter at her admission, listening with rapt attention as she continued. “Anyways, it was coming up on winter time and my days of staying in playground tunnels was coming to an end. You all think Riverdale winters are cold, well you’ve never felt anything as cold as a Minnesota winter. I was scared and trying to figure out how I was going to survive the next few months. That’s when Shirley found me”, she smiled softly for the first time since she started explaining.
“Shirley was this badass, old tattooed cat lady that found me sleeping in a playground slide while she walked through Harriet Island park. She immediately scolded me for my lack of jacket in the late fall weather and my worn through converse, and took me away practically by my ear to a department store. She bought me new clothes and shoes and insisted that I stay with her. I lived with her for a few years before she ended up passing away, and in that time she turned me into the person I am now. She was fierce; she didn’t take shit from anyone and taught me to be just as tough. No fooling me though, she was a complete softie when it came to me; she always made sure I was fed and clothed and that I was actually going to school. She was my favorite person”, her voice cracked a little and I pulled her impossibly closer to my body, burying my face in her hair.
“Shirley loved Prince even more than me, if you can believe that”, she chuckled. “She always claimed that she inspired some of his music when she was younger and always had his old cassettes playing. I visited his old spots and became just as obsessed as her. Hell, I even always dreamed of having my first kiss be with Purple Rain playing in the background. It unfortunately wasn’t by the way, but hey a girl can dream! When she died, all of her stuff was given to her son that she hadn’t spoken to in years. He was a giant dick, and just ended up throwing it all away. I snuck back later and grabbed all her cassettes, knowing that if I didn’t she would probably roll over in her grave. Still have them”, she stated proudly. I laughed into her hair lightly.
“Anyways, it probably seems dumb, but whenever I listen to him I feel close to her again. The time I spent with her was the closest thing I had to a childhood. And besides, Prince is a god-damned American prodigy”, she concluded proudly. If it were at all possible, I felt even more attracted to her after hearing her story. I always knew that there was a certain darkness within her, a darkness that maybe could match my own. I wanted to speak up, to finally tell her how I felt about her. Even if she didn’t feel the same, I felt compelled to let her know the effect she had on me.
“Bea…”, I started softly, only to be shushed by her long slender finger being drawn to my lips. Her eyes were back on the screen, wide with attention and nostalgia.
“Shhhh Sweets. This is the best part of the movie, he’s going to perform Purple Rain”, she chidded quietly. “This part always makes me cry, so get ready tough guy”. I once again tightened my grip on her sides, and whispered in her ear.
“Don’t worry Bea, I’ve got you”.
Time Skip, a few days later, at the Quarry:
Bea’s POV:
I was the proudest mother hen in the world right now. Some serpents were hanging out at the quarry around a fire, just listening to music and pretending for a few hours that we were normal highschool kids and not the brooding tough gang members that we portrayed. It was Fang’s turn to choose the music, and to my extreme delight I’d heard a number of Prince’s singles in the mix of his usual stuff. I sat on a stump near the fire, beer in hand, just quietly taking in my surroundings when Purple Rain began playing softly. I smiled in contentment, memories flooding through my mind as I closed my eyes and began to sway slightly. I was snapped back to reality as I felt a hand gently make it's rest on my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see an uncharacteristically anxious looking Sweet Pea peering down at me. I raised a brow in question, and he cleared his throat before motioning to the edge of the trees.
“Walk with me a minute?”, he asked softly. Curious, I nodded and hopped up to follow the tall boy. We walked over to the mouth of the forest in companionable silence as the surrounding conversations faded from our ears and the music seemed louder than ever. I felt my heartbeat thud in my chest in anticipation of what the handsome boy wanted and hoped to every deity available that he couldn’t hear it. When we finally stopped walking, I looked up at him expectantly, wanting to search his deep chocolate eyes for answers but found that his eyes were cast downward. His posture was still tense, big hands fumbling with his rings, a sign to me that he was unusually ill at ease. I’d never seen him so uncomfortable. Almost without thinking, I grabbed his giant hand in mine and began smoothing out his rings out of pure concern. His eyes snapped to mine, and I smiled lightly in another attempt to calm his clearly troubled mind. His eyes remained dark and unreadable, and he cleared his throat once more before speaking.
“Bea… I have to tell you something”, he started. I nodded, hands still fumbling with his own.
“Of course Sweets, you can tell me anything”, I answered honestly. His eyes seemed to search mine, and though I was unaware of what he thought he was going to find I didn’t mind the excuse to trace his defined facial features with my eyes in the process. He seemed to find the answer he was looking for, and after a few seconds he spoke once again.
“Can you just close your eyes? Just for a second”, he asked, clarifying once he saw the confusion written on my face. I smiled softly, and complied, eyelids falling closed lightly. I wondered internally what had gotten the usually confident serpent so riled up.
I didn’t have to wonder long; mere seconds after my eyes closed I felt a pair of soft lips attach to my own. My eyes snapped open of their own accord as I struggled to comprehend what was going on. Sweet Pea, handsome, smart, wonderful Sweet Pea was kissing me. As my eyes snapped open, Pea moved back and detached himself from me. He looked even more disheveled than before, and immediately began sputtering apologies. It took me only a few seconds to process what had just happened, and as soon as I did I placed my hands on his chiseled jawline and closed the gap between our lips once more. Eyes closed, I savored the way his defined face felt under my fingers and the way his soft lips moved against mine. I’d long since dreamed of this exact moment, but even in my dreams his kisses had no comparison to what I was currently experiencing. His lips were impossibly soft and molded perfectly to mine. His face was smooth and strong under my careful caress, and I felt my stomach flutter at the way I felt his muscles twitch and then soften under my touch. I stepped up on my toes, selfishly pressing more of my body against his, in desperate need of more contact with his tall frame. Once he realized what was going on, his hands found their way to my hips and his mouth became more needy against mine. I moaned unintentionally into his mouth, moving my hands to rest in his long, raven locks as our embrace intensified. Eventually, needing to come up for air, I settled for resting my forehead against his. This was evidently not enough for Sweets, as he continued to place tender kisses against my jawline until he had worked his way up my face, leaving one last delicate kiss to my forehead. We stood for an immeasurably long time, foreheads against each others, hands softly exploring each other’s body while we both smiled with genuine happiness. It was my curiosity that eventually broke the peaceful silence we’d enjoyed.
“Not that I am in any way complaining, but what on Earth brought that on?”, I questioned gently. His smile widened fractionally, and he grabbed my hand in his as he led me back to the group. It seemed as though none of our friends had noted our absence, and I internally wondered how long we’d been gone. Our moment had felt like it had lasted an eternity, but in reality was probably only a few minutes long. Pea pulled me over to one of the blankets spread out on the ground, sitting down and pulling me to rest in-between his long legs. I readily nestled into his chest, my back resting on his sturdy frame, his fingers still intertwined with mine. I felt his chin come to rest on my shoulder and I inadvertently sighed, impossibly comfortable. We rested like this for a few moments, me not missing how Toni and Fangs eyed the two of us with knowing smiles. After a while I felt Sweet Pea’s deep voice tickle the shell of my ear and I shivered lightly, enjoying the way his chest vibrated lightly against my back as he spoke.
“You mentioned before that you always wanted your first kiss to be during Purple Rain. I heard Fangs start playing it, and I saw you sitting over there looking so beautiful and happy I just had to”, he said lowly. I turned my head slightly so I could look at him. He looked so sweet in this moment, eyes as light as I’d ever seen and face tinged lightly pink with his admission. “I know it wasn’t technically your first kiss, but I just thought, I dunno, maybe I could make up for whatever asshole didn’t make it everything you deserved”.
Unable to help myself, I snuggled myself into his neck as his hands left mine in order to protectively encircle me in his arms. I kissed his serpent tattoo gently, living for the way I felt him shiver under my touch and mentally filing that information away for later. I finally brought my lips up to his ear, whispering softly.
“So, if that was just making up for my first kiss, can I assume there will be more to follow?”, I whispered cheekily, my eyes looking up through my lashes to find his. His dark eyes lightened a shade and he smiled his real, genuine smile as his lips dipped down to murmur his reply into the crook of my neck.
“When the day turns into the last day of all time, I can say I hope you are in these arms of mine”, he quoted softly and I felt my insides melt in response. “If you'll have me doll, I hope that there will be many more”.
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selkiewife · 4 years
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I know i’m late on this but I wanted to talk about The Dragon Demands videos based on the Game of Thrones Season 8 blue ray commentary and the original archived scripts for Game of Thrones, Season 8. 
Basically, YouTuber, The Dragon Demands went to the Writer’s Guild Library where he was able to see the archived scripts of Season 8 of Game of Thrones. Both the archive scripts and commentary on the blue ray confirms that most of the destruction in King’s Landing was originally supposed to be caused by the caches of wild fire left by Aerys being accidentally set off by Drogon and not because Daenerys herself “went mad.” The script says that civilians being used as human shields are caught in the crossfire as Daenerys is targeting Lannister soldiers in a strategical maneuver right before she heads to the Red Keep to enact revenge on Cersei. However, Daenerys is never described as specifically targeting innocent civilians needlessly. 
My thoughts under the cut:
I have to say, that this makes me feel slightly better in a strange way. I mean, it doesn’t erase the bad writing, the ridiculous way the war against the white walkers ended, the misogyny, the inconsistency, etc etc ETC... but this crucial plot point was the one I just couldn’t let go of because it was just baffling to me. With other controversial plot points, I would disagree with them, but I could at least understand what they were going for and what the motivations of the characters were. But Daenerys turning on innocent civilians was truly baffling to me because it comes out of nowhere, is entirely out of character, her motivations are incredibly unclear, and was not set up at all. But with all the fandom discourse, I had really started to think that maybe I am lacking comprehension skills or something. But no, there is actually a reason it made no sense. The “madness” plot line was added later. Emilia Clarke was never given the opportunity to portray Daenerys as mentally unstable. Emilia was portraying grief and revenge on Cersei (as the original script and directors told her to do) in contrast to D&D’s final editing which was portraying the “mad queen.” No wonder it came across as completely false and bewildering- before we even get into the discussion of whether or not this is in character or not.
I think this is definitely more than just a theory that the script was changed pretty late in development because of all the evidence- it is confirmed by Emilia’s commentary, the Visual Effects team member’s commentary, and also the original concept art. But even if there wasn’t all that evidence, there is also the fact that the original ending makes so many other confusing things in Season 8 suddenly make SENSE. 
For example, when Jon confronts Daenerys in the throne room and he talks about the women and children that were burned, Daenerys responds with “She used their innocence as a weapon against me.” Which makes total sense for Daenerys to say if she thinks she is talking about civilians that were used as human shields that died in the crossfire. But it doesn’t make any sense if she carpet bombed the city- although it does make her seem delusional, which is probably why Dave and Dan kept those lines in- hoping it would make her appear “mad,” since Emilia was never actually given the opportunity to portray Daenerys as mentally unstable.
There is also the scene where Jon asks Tyrion, “Was it right?” to assassinate Daenerys and Tyrion responds, “Ask me again in ten years.” There is really no reason for them to have that dialogue if Daenerys really did target and massacre innocent civilians. That is the kind of dialogue they would have if they were discussing someone who had done something more morally ambiguous. 
Then there are the lines that are out of place in the final version but that would have made complete sense in the original wild fire version, such as Jon saying “now and always” as he stabs Daenerys. “Now and always” as any Theon fan will tell you, is a phrase that belongs to Theon and Robb and what they said to each other when Theon was pledging loyalty to Robb. Having Jon say this to Dany as he is killing Daenerys represents the ultimate betrayal but also calls back to Theon’s struggle and how difficult it is to chose between loyalties- between families. In this case, Jon is choosing the Starks over the Targaryens. Kit Harrington even says that this is motivation in an interview he gave with winteriscoming.net. But given the fact that in the final edit, Daenerys massacred innocent children and civilians on purpose, Kit’s motivation for Jon seems like a relic of an earlier script: 
Kit Harrington: “Jon essentially sees it as Daenerys or Sansa and Arya, and that makes his mind up for him. He choose blood over, well, his other blood. But he chooses the people he has grown up with, the people his roots are with, the North. That’s where his loyalties lie in the end. That’s when he puts the knife in.”
And Yara Greyjoy’s lines. She surprisingly remains completely loyal to Daenerys, despite the fact that she massacred the entire city for no reason:
Yara Greyjoy: I swore to follow Daenerys Targaryen. 
Sansa Stark: You swore to follow a tyrant. 
Yara Greyjoy: She freed us from a tyrant. Cersei is gone because of her, and Jon Snow put a knife in her heart. Let the Unsullied give him what he deserves. 
This kind of conversation only seems plausible if they are discussing Daenerys taking out Cersei after she had surrendered and killing human shields in the process, something I can see Yara completely defending- since she was always in favor of attacking King’s Landing as seen during her war counsel scenes in Season 7. 
There is also the Emilia Clarke quote in the behind the scenes video HBO put out after the episode where she explains that Dany was targeting Cersei herself:
Emilia Clarke: “It’s just... grief. It’s hurt. And she has this ability to make that hurt a little bit less just for a minute. And here she is, sitting on this ridge and there’s the emotion and there’s the feeling and the feeling is to fucking kill her.”
Note that she does not say “the feeling is to fucking massacre the city,” or “the feeling is to target innocent civilians.” She says “the feeling is to kill her” as in Cersei Lannister- who is responsible for the death of her dragon and Missandei- and who massacred countless innocents herself when she blew up the goddamn sept lol. 
Not to mention all of the set up lines between Cersei, Tyrion, and Varys about Cersei using “human shields” which never came to fruition in the final edit, now make complete sense:
Cersei: Keep the gates open. If she wants to take the castle she’ll have to murder thousands of innocents first.
Varys: Tens of thousands of innocents will die. That is why Cersei is bringing them into the Red Keep
And yet, lol, we never actually SEE Daenerys attacking the Red Keep. We never see innocent civilians inside the Red Keep. We only see civilians being massacred in the streets. 
I also remember people who had seen the post Season 8 Game of Thrones Live Concert saying that Ramin switched to footage of the other wildfire scenes in past Game of Thrones seasons during his Bells sequence, instead of showing the massacre of innocent civilians by dragon fire. I use to think he did that because Daenerys was his favorite character. But given what we now know about the original ending, he probably chose to show the wildfire scenes because that was what he had specifically written music for before it was changed- the destruction of Kings Landing by wildfire.
I really wish they had kept the original script the way it was. It still would have been an incredibly controversial ending. Daenerys still goes after soldiers and a Queen who is surrendering- and that action unintentionally leads to the destruction of the entire city. Jon Snow still assassinates his lover and betrays one part of his family for the other. But, it would have at least made logical sense. People would have gone back and forth over whether it was in character or whether it was a good ending. But it would have been something people would be able to actually debate on an intellectual level- the way we debate Daenerys crucifying the slavers (who themselves crucified children) or Jon Snow executing Olly... It is a very grey and tragic ending with a lot of moral questions. It still might have gone over like a lead balloon. But... the ending we have is so much worst because it’s nonsensical.
The only reason I can think that they changed it was to make Jon and Tyrion appear less morally grey for plotting Daenerys’ assassination. They probably knew that the ending would be very problematic and were trying to smooth that over by turning Daenerys into a super villain. Yet they did this too late in the process after already showing Daenerys to be heroic in fighting with the north and then having Emilia Clarke finish her filming still believing she was playing a complex and at times ruthless character but not “mad” or “evil.” And then, there is also the intensely problematic issue with them conflating mental illness with mass murdering super villain. Even if it had been clear throughout the entire season that Daenerys was losing her grip on reality and becoming more and more mentally unstable, it still would have been incredibly controversial and I am not entirely sure it would have made the men look any better anyway.
Even though it is tragic as fuck, at least with the original wildfire ending, all of the characters are incredibly complex and morally grey and you can understand the motivations for everything they do, even if you don’t agree with them. For example, if Daenerys attacks Cersei after she surrendered, it is wrong, but it is also completely understandable. And in my opinion, it’s even more understandable when you remember that Cersei cannot be trusted. She can’t be trusted to send her armies to the north- why should Daenerys trust her to surrender in good faith? This kind of ending would also have said something very powerful about unintended consequences. Even though Daenerys did not intend for so many people to die needlessly, they did because war is horrific. And that message becomes even more powerful if her motivations are understandable. But yeah, this kind of ending would have still been hated and debated but... at least the debates would have been more about the story itself rather than everyone trying (and failing) to make sense of what the fuck the story even is.
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fairycosmos · 5 years
I’m comfortable sharing my feelings here as opposed to irl- if this is too much, pls don’t answer. I’m struggling with my mental health. I told my parents wks ago & they called a therapist but I backed out & I haven’t said anything since. They think I have improved, that I still don’t want to die. I’m afraid of therapy & I feel it’ll be futile as I’m introspective & have dealt with issues before but relapsed. It doesn’t help & I’m lost in a forever gloom. Your words soothe.
hey. i'm glad that you feel able to talk openly about your feelings here, i think sending this in the first place is a step forward. a mark of self awareness, even if it doesn't seem that way to you. i'm so sorry to hear you've been dealing with so much. i totally understand that it's hard to believe any other narrative apart from the one your brain is telling you when you're mentally ill, i don't discredit that. but do you think it's possible that the fear you felt about seeing a therapist was an indicator of your need to self destruct, merely a symptom rather than something to lean into? maybe your brain was scared because it feeds off your pain, not your recovery. a massive part of having a mental illness, speaking broadly of course, is getting caught in cycles and isolating yourself, causing you to lose sight of any other perception. everything blurs, and you end up curating the very situation you were afraid of (loneliness, being unable to be helped.) it can be very dangerous to reject the idea of reaching out all together, even if your brain is screaming at you that it will be pointless. the fact that you're having these thoughts in the first place proves that medical attention is quite necessary, you know? i get that it's difficult. unbelievably so, to the point where i don't think words can even define it. and i don't say that lightly. the pain and the hurt and the confusion is so visceral and real - it's not your fault, at all, and struggling to do 'the right thing' is super common. but on a real and tangible level, there's a choice to be made. and it's alright if your emotions/thoughts overwhelm you for a while, but it's not alright to write off your own well being because that's exactly what your brain wants you to do. and that's why it's so hard. but taking that path leads you no where, fast. and you deserve better. you can't see it, it may take a lifetime before you realize, but it's true. there's so much more to you than this. a whole world beyond what your mind is allowing you to see.
a professional can offer more than just introspection. they can get to your core beliefs, they can spur on important self realisations, teach you positive emotional exercises and thinking patterns. they can work closely with you to create a very specific care plan so that when you have these episodes, you're prepared. it's not about finding a cure or the secret to never ending happiness. it's about coping, and learning, and forgiving yourself when all of that doesn't feel good enough. i really believe that, i genuinely know you're capable. the fact that you feel so hopeless and like you're a lost cause is a direct result of the pattern you've found yourself in. in your head, the relapses are proof that you'll never get better, to me they show a will to want to try and an ability to exercise self control/self management. they are not failures, they are a part of the process. on another note, your self esteem, your mental climate, all of it reflects in your actions, right? so it's good to subvert those harmful impulses. that's where growth happens. it's good to do something different, to make a proactive choice and stick to it. and it'll seem like the most difficult thing in the world, until you do it. and then you sort of realize that your mental health is fragile and needs to be tended to, just like your physical health. if you truly grasp that, change in your perception is inevitable.
i understand if you need time, if you need a break. everyone does sometimes. and you can take this all at your own pace. but i think it'd be a really good idea to talk to your parents again about setting up another appointment, or even just to tell them you're not doing as well as they think. it's okay, to allow yourself that, to say it out loud. suicidal thoughts, while not normal, are more common than you realize and you do not have to be ashamed to talk about them. even if it's embarrassing, even if you don't want to. we all need additional support at some point or another, and it's not a disappointment, not a personal failure or choice - it's just a fact. it's fine if you read this and feel aversion to it, but i ask you to question that aversion. try to look at your life from an objective standpoint, when you're in a calmer state of mind, in order to see what you really need to do for yourself. because ultimately, you are not your negative thoughts. you aren't beyond help. one of the meanest tricks of mental illness is the complete certainty you feel about things that are false. it is all so temporary, and there are so many options, so many ways to get through this. if you believe anything, believe that. or at least wrestle with the idea of it. take it one step at a time. when that feels like too much, one day at a time, one hour, one minute. you can't control everything but you can control where you go from here. every small positive change is going to add up, but it all starts with you, with at least attempting to pick yourself up. even if you have to do it over and over again. you think you don't have the energy, the resilience, but you do. and therapy can honestly help you realize that, you know? i'm really glad my words are soothing to you, and that you find a bit of comfort in my blog. it means the world to me, seriously 💘 i just really hope you're able to put some healthy mechanisms in place, even if it just starts with letting yourself cry or keeping yourself safe. i'll be rooting for you. please know that i'll be here if you ever need a friend or anything. you're not alone, and you should really try to ruminate on that fact, because it makes a difference if you let it. sending a lot of love.
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