#it just needs to be proofread but im lazy as usual
fallenwhumpee · 2 months
AAAAA LEADER!!! COME ONNNN MY MAN DFJDFGK at least they finally got their wound tended to :(( props to healer for trying ksdjfsd the drawing too? leader having notions of what would happen if caretaker were still alive? i bet that they've spent ages wondering what their life would be like if caretaker was still around, how they would get along with everyone, how there would be someone for them...
also, yeah, i too accidentally whump my characters when trying to comfort them. hallmarks of the trade, i suppose lol
amazing delivery again, lea!!
:D anon
Well, I did try. It's the characters' fault to be so whumpable (Is that a word? If not, I petition to make it one.) And I can't write fluff, really, since when i do, it just sounds slushy to me if it's not served with hurt, at least to me.
Yup! At least they won't have to worry about bleeding out or getting an infection anymore. And the healer will feel less guilty.
My brain wanted more angst, so it decided leader needed more reminders about caretaker besides healer's very familiar fretting mode and the shield. A torture from one's own hand. And of course they will wonder how everything could turn out, because of course leader would worry less if the only figure they trusted with their loved ones' lives was alive and defending them. And maybe they'd be happy, like before, which is nothing but a distant dream in the moment.
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cyberm4n · 4 months
You've now filled my head with nothing but Alastor and Lucifer brainrot. Any other sharing thoughts you have for them? (I cannot stop thinking about them, I quite literally thought about them sharing me during my entire 8hr retail shift yesterday)
alastor and lucifer sharing you pt 3!
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pt1, pt2
this was highly requested, thank you all for the love <3 im tagging anyone who asked/was fine with it last time but now you can fill out this taglist form to ensure you're tagged for future posts!
tags: @lu-ferri12 @my-anime-garden @princessdreamss @polytheatrix @reaper-of-light-12 @ambi-squirrelly @hazelfoureyes @meggletoomanyfandoms @afernandez21
cw: angst ig?? idk reader is upset cause they keep fighting, general relationship issues for a moment, smut, reader gets eaten out, there's some light praise and condescension i think, alastor has a master kink, alastor discovers he LOVES eating pussy, there's like a weird sexual tension between alastor and lucifer for the majority of this if you squint, the ending is VERY suggestive
other: not 100% happy with formatting on this but i wrote majority of it on a 6 hour flight so like. you win some you lose some. not proofread that well, i kind of ramble at times too but it's fine. 2.1k word count and half of it is formatted in a headcanon cuase, again, lazy 6 hour writing. i also don't use the bolding and coloring that much cause it'd be a lot of work.
left the ending a little open, will probably do a poll tomorrow on if people want me to take this that direction.
■ okay so sex aside i would think outwardly everyone knows you're in a relationship with lucifer at the very least
■ but it's kept lowkey with the other part of the relationship
■ which both are fine with btw
■ lucifer loves pda so he's happy, alastor isn't a fan so it's whatever
■ the public part works out because alastor would genuinely be worried about someone trying to use you to get to him
■ it's bad enough that it's known the king of hell has a new partner, but nobody knowing that if they fuck with you they're fucking with the king of hell AND the radio demon is a silent advantage
■ if anyone knows, it's charlie. but only to the extent of like the fact it's a hinge relationship, everything else she doesn't know and honestly doesn't need to know
■ she's just happy her dad seems happy and is getting along better with alastor
■ i think alastor is the kind to really start caring during the relationship vs. lucifer caring about you deeply before
■ so occasionally alastor will pull you aside, or if no one is watching will just press a quick kiss on your forehead.
■ meanwhile lucifer is always making it known he's in love with you
■ arm around your shoulder, holding your hand, everything
■ again, alastor doesn't really mind unless lucifer decides to be an ass abt it
■ look they still compete with each other sometimes they can't help it
■ then it becomes a game of how much the other can get away with before you either get upset or it's too telling
■ that's the other thing is like, the competing gets really fucking annoying to you
■ we saw them in hells greatest dad it wasn't a want to be a better dad it's just wanting to out do the other
■ and when it transfers to your relationship it gets agitating fast
moving on
■ relationship side alastor isn't as involved with that
■ but if either of them did something that upset you or like there was a lovers quarrel between you and either side it's a big deal to them
■ especially if you're only upset with one half of the hinge
■ cause like, sure, they could compete with each other and purposefully drive you apart
■ but tbh.. both of them lowkey like this arrangement much more than they thought they would
■ so they end up talking to each other about it and figuring out what to do
■ same if you're upset with both
■ not that you're upset often it's just that when you are it's usually cause they crossed a line in their little competition
■ and they hate making their girl feel like a prize to be won :(
■ whatever their solution is, they do it together.
■ show you they can get along, that they both care about you enough
■ you're in your room, a bit of a blow up happened earlier after they got into one of their arguments
■ it's not that you genuinely think theyre using you to get to the other but sometimes with the way they act it's easy to doubt
■ anyways, they both come in, it's late
■ i cry when im frustrated/upset and i think it's a pretty normal reaction, so let's just say you're crying a little
■ they're both immediately at your side, apologizing profusely
■ you've never cried like this before
■ it scares them. alot.
■ for once there's absolutely no competition, the only worry is making you feel better.
■ both sitting next to you on the couch, lucifer murmuring how much he loves you, and how he knows how much alastor cares for you
■ i hate the whole "alastor doesn't understand emotions" thing because he does. he has to, he knows how to read people well.
■ it's just he hasn't ever comforted someone
■ he doesn't know what to do when someone he cares about is upset
■ so he's glad lucifer is here, as alastor just sits at your side nodding along and gently rubbing your back
■ alastor only tunes back in when lucifer offers to give some space for the night, and a little murmur from you agrees but asks they both come to bed that night
■ given its usually only lucifer who actually sleeps in the same bed as you alastor is surprised
■ but lucifer is beckoning him out for some space.
"cmon, we'll be back in an hour yeah?" he chimes from the door, and with a squeeze of your shoulder alastor is out of the door, but he opts to walk along with lucifer. "we gotta do better" lucifer sighs as he walks, not looking over at alastor. he's not accusing alastor, he seems equally disappointed in both of them.
"for her?" alastor adds, and lucifer gives a hum of agreement. "this while ordeal has been quite... stressful as of late, no?" alastor adds, "to our own faults, yes" lucifer murmurs, giving a sigh. alastor nods, and the two men walk in silence for some time, ending up in the parlor, husk far since gone to bed. "want anything?" lucifer pulls alastor back to reality once again, he's standing behind the bar while alastor had been staring off, his mind running with thoughtd of god knows what.
"whiskey, my friend?" alastor suggests, and giving it a considerate thought lucifer pours two glasses. the silence falls over them again, just the sound of the clink of their glasses on the counter.
"so tell me, how do you do it when you pleasure her?" alastor breaks the silence, lucifers eyes dart up to him. thinking for a moment before replying "i don't really think tonight is the time for that—" lucifer says, but in a gentle tone.
"no no, in the morning." alastor says, staring down at his glass. "you two indulge often in the morning, correct?" alastor says, now his eyes uncomfortably on lucifer. Watching as the other man almost pales a little, swallowing thickly.
lucifer immediately falters, giving a sigh. "look it's not— i‐ that's not her fault–" lucifer immediately starts, assuming this is a confrontation. his eyebrows raise as alastor shakes his head. "oh please, if i had problem with it i would have done something" he says, a static crackle echoing through the room. "no, i want to know how you do it when you... when it's just about her. how can i do the same?" alastor asks, and this is even more surprising to lucifer than this whole fucking idea in the first place.
■ so lucifer of course explains some stuff to him, of course it's hard because unless he's done it before it's hard to articulate some of his "moves"
■ i mean lucifer can hardly resist going down on you everytime, he's definitely experienced but it's hard to transfer that knowledge at times
■ but he's impressed alastor even asked
■ so when they return to your room, they're a lot more calmer with each other than before.
■ that night changed a lot between them tbh
■ it's slightly awkward for both of them when everyone gets settled in the bed
■ you're on your back, lucifer on your right side and alastor on the left.
■ they're both holding you to the best of their abilities
■ lucifer gives alastors hand a squeeze before shuffling it to have a better grasp on your waist
■ you all peacefully sleep through the night, not shifting much but it's pretty comfortable
■ is the morning you're mostly cuddled into alastor, which is entirely lucifers doing
■ when you're all awake though alastor gets arguably nervous
■ but you being you, you slump over onto alastors chest, murmuring some affection to him
■ lucifer gives a nod, it's time.
■ he'd honestly probably move to get out of bed, assuming some privacy is wanted
■ but he feels a shadow wrap around his forearm, it's a light pressure
■ alastor shakes his head, mouthing a small "please"
after lucifer processes for a moment what exactly is about to go down, he's okay with that. he settles back in, his eyes on the two of you as alastor tilts your chin up, pressing a kiss to your lips. "my dear, would you mind if i tried something a little different with you?" alastor chimes, and you blink your eyes open again, still a bit sleepy as you give a nod.
he gently maneuvers you on the bed so you're laying on your back, his hands pawing at your sleep shorts and pulling them to your ankles. lucifer watches, honestly a little mezmerized by the whole ordeal. he feels proud in an odd sort of way. “I think our little doe deserves a treat, would you like that?” alastor murmurs as he spreads your thighs open. You take a shaky breath before murmuring some form of agreement, maybe even a little plea.
without further prodigy, alastors finally leans down his tongue swiping down your folds, hands grasping your hips to pull you to his face. your hands go to hold lucifers, but he shakes his head tutting at you. “ah ah, that’s not very polite princess” he chides softly, guiding your hands to alastors hair.
and alastor makes good use of the tips and information lucifer gave him, his tongue plunging into your sweet little hole as his nose bumps your clit. his eyes wander up, making eye contact with you as he eats you out so wonderfully. you tug at his hair and he practically growls in pleasure, opting to change tactics and focus his mouth on your clit while his fingers slide inside you, gently curling into your sweet spot.
and lucifer watches it all, absolutely mesmerized. he doesnt know what it is about watching this but theres something about knowing alastor is doing exactly as told to in this scenario that makes lucifer feel warm. he lets alastor steal the show, doing only minimal work. maybe hes softly cooing praises or gently reminding you to show your appreciation to the one making you feel this good.
as you get close, evident by the murmur that falls past your lips, alastors eyes snap to lucifers for a moment, and he takes a moment to think before understanding. usually when youre close alastor is all over you, telling you to be such a good girl and cum, just slight praises and coaxing. given the fact hes face deep in your sweetness he cant really do that, so that job is up to lucifer now.
“isn’t alastor doing such a good job duckling? you want to make sure he knows how good hes treating you, dont you?” lucifer coos, scooting in behind you on the bed so you stop trying to writhe away. “I think he’d be so disappointed if you didnt cum for him, you think you can do that, hm? you wanna cum all over your masters tongue?” lucifer says directly in your ear, and alastor feels a bit of a warmth in his stomach by being referred to as “master”
when you give a weak moan in response lucifer sighs, shaking his head. “be a good girl now, you can do it little doe” he says which is what sends you toppling over the edge, your hips rutting up into alastors mouth, whiny moans coming from you as alastor desperately licks up your sweet release. this whole thing was quite enjoyable for alstor, but hearing lucifer call you “little doe” his petname for you made him smugly satisfied.
after some aftercare which mostly just involved more cuddling, alastor feels satiated enough to shift to leave, before getting a look from lucifer. he reluctantly stays, feeling as you come to lay at his side once more. lucifer seems to take note of something, giving alastor a nod down, he glances down, seeing the obvious tent in his pants. alastor looks back up, slightly annoyed. a like “yeah, no shit dumbass” kind of look is exchanged.
alastor looks back down at you, pressing a kiss to your forehead as you sigh happily. but alastor tenses as he feels a hand on his knee, shooting a glare to lucifer as he traces his hand up a little. the two meet as and alastor takes a shaky breath as lucifer leans in just a little, breathing out the next few words with a calmness alastor admires:
“just keep cuddling her”
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crypticminx · 5 months
Telling Felix Catton you’re pregnant <333
Felix Catton (Saltburn) x fem! Reader headcanons xo
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AN: hiiii these are some headcanons I made :p im too lazy to proofread Dx if you enjoy lmk if you want part 2! Blink twice and you’ll miss the smut xx
- first of all, your relationship started out as a one night stand situation because for the love of God Felix cannot keep a woman or anyone around for more than a few months—weeks even.
- You, however, were a different situation. He saw other people, you saw other people, but the two of you always kept each other locked in the back of both of your heads. Wether you needed him as a very exciting stress reliever or he needed you to release any ounce of frustration he had, the two of you were just a simple phone call away. And not just drunk booty calls.
- The feeling of his broad shoulders pressed against your frame as he would effortlessly lift you up and pin you to the wall, whispering sweet melodies into your ears as he thrusted with all of his might to make you feel good—no, more than good. He’d never admit it, but for a girl like you, he’d give you everything, even if meant he’d have nothing. “Such a good girl,” he’d purr, feeling you melt under the sound—and for a better word, control of his asserting voice
- The two of you lovebirds were loud, extremely noisy and often torturous for the other students near your dorm, who were either trying to cram for exams or focus on non-sexual activities. You would moan without a care in the world and especially when you felt him release his seed in you for the first time, which you could only assume wasn’t planned nor talked about between the two of you. It felt too sweet, and so pure with how he breathlessly smiled at your sweaty, blushing face after the deed was done. Said smile being enough to make you fall into his little trap and roll back over into another intense round of sex
- With Felix, it was like walking on a dream that never seemed to end. You could be careless, indiscreet and whatever the hell you wanted to be. he provided you with a sense of being free from the real world and wholeheartedly invited you deep into the unrealistic life of Felix Catton.
- That dream, the very one that appeared to be endless, came crashing down. What ruined it? Two little pink lines.
- With an eyebrow piercing that adults despised, a stunning model-like body, and a reputation for tossing girls around like they were paper planes; Felix was fuck buddy material, not father material.
- Sure, he has enough money to knock you up ten times and make sure every child would be provided for, but you were you. Yes, you came from wealth but not the type of catton wealth that would probably leave a child with a ridiculously expensive live-in nanny as if it was nothing. Knowing how your parents felt, there was no way in hell they would be supportive and even just the simple thought of them meeting Felix made you cringe to the point of triggering your morning sickness again.
- You would avoid Felix like the plague you read about in your boring history textbooks and on the rare occurrence you ran into him heading out on his bike or going for a well deserved drink, you would bolt as if you had to run for your life. Facing him was just the beginning of your problems
- So when you finally mustered the courage to tell him and unfortunately for you, it had to be at the university’s sleazy lounge pub, Felix was there in all his glory and sat in his usual spot. Farleigh seemed more interested in drinking than caring about what was being said, a group of girls were scattered around the boys and obnoxiously fake laughed at whatever Felix said, and there was that new guy whose name you couldn’t remember to save your life. Oliver? You thought it was, but that clearly didn’t matter anymore. The only thing that mattered was you and Felix.
- Felix nearly chokes on his drink seeing you walk towards him, your head down and your tail between your legs. Metaphorically speaking, of course.
- You ask him to talk immediately, ignoring how content he looks. How his solemn eyes instantly sparked with life again and his bored expression turned into a relish of happiness. He was thrilled.
- “I’m pregnant.”
- He stares blankly at you, seeing you tear up as if you just admitted something horrible
- A baby? And a baby with you? Nothing about that was horrible. In fact, he often pictured a future with you, even if it seemed insane.
- i he’s not angry. In fact his thick brows soften and somehow in the midst of all the chaos of noise surrounding the two of you, his words are very clear.
- “I’m glad it’s with you.”
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cherryobx · 12 days
pheromone perfume
pairing: jj maybank x reader
request: Could you write about that one perfume that’s making all men go crazy over their girls, like all clingy but with jj? Thank you (if not that’s fine sorry) 💕
a/n: thank you for the request @m3ntally-unstable! so sorry it took me so long to write! hope you enjoy it! and if any of yall find any typos or smth then let me know im too lazy to proofread lol
summary: you accidentally buy a pheromone perfume and JJ can't keep his hands off of you
warnings: none i think
wc: 0.9k
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It was a total accident. You didn’t realise at the time of purchasing that you had bought a pheromone perfume. It smelled good and that’s why you bought it, not paying much attention to the label on the bottle. It was not very strong but it smelled sweet and fresh.  Only when JJ started acting weirder than normal did you start to suspect that your new perfume might be the cause.
When it first happened you were in the kitchen making yourself a sandwich and JJ came to the kitchen to get a glass of water. He grabbed a glass from the cupboard and filled his glass to the brim with cold water, chugging it afterwards.
“Can you make me one too? Pretty please.” he asks, looking over to where you’re assembling your mid-day snack with his puppy-dog eyes.
“Sure.” You happily oblige. You’re making yourself one anyway, might as well make two. It’s not a problem.
“Thank you.” He kisses you on the cheek and intends to turn to leave and go back to the living room but something stops him in his tracks. You smell different. 
He doesn’t understand it at first. You always smell good, good enough to bite. But this is different. He leans in closer, his nose almost touching your neck, and takes a deep whiff.
“What the hell are you doing?” 
JJ almost doesn’t register what you had just asked him. His mind is in a whirlwind and his mind is foggy, the only thought in his head is that he needs to be closer to you. He needs to touch you.
“You smell so good.” He stands behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, face pressed to the crook of your neck.
“Hmm?” He presses small kisses to your neck, behind your ear, on your jaw. He’s so enamoured he can’t get enough of this new scent of yours. It smells like you always do, except somehow stronger and even better. It has enhanced your smell and it’s addicting.
“Are you okay?” The sandwich-making is on pause for the moment and you put down the knife in your hand.
“Mhm.” His mind barely forms any other thoughts than you.
You turn around in his arms and he lifts his head from your neck and meets your eye. He doesn’t waste a second to kiss you. You melt into his touch and let yourself enjoy the moment for a second.
His big hands snake behind your thighs and he lifts you on the kitchen counter, stepping between your parted legs. He breaks your kiss just to move back down to your neck and press even more kisses there, not so secretly smelling you again.
“JJ,” you pant.
He just grunts in response.
“If you want a sandwich you’re gonna have to take your hands off of me for a sec.”
“Fuck the sandwich.”
For the rest of the day he’s unable to keep his hands to himself. He’s constantly touching you, following you around like a dog. He’s being clingier than normal but you don’t give it that much thought at the moment. Maybe he’s just really into your new perfume. 
Later you start to think that it’s kind of weird that the day you buy a new perfume he can’t stop touching you. You then intentionally don’t wear the perfume for the next couple of days, instead spraying on your old ones that you’re still so fond of. And even though JJ likes those too, has expressed it many times in the past, he’s not as clingy anymore. Of course, he’s touchy and affectionate like he usually is  but not to that extreme degree.
So you put the new perfume on a few days later to test your working theory and JJ’s drawn to you like a moth to a flame. It’s like he smelled it from miles away because as soon as he’s at your place he’s almost climbing you like a tree. You called him over for a movie night and you’re on the couch together. Usually you lean against JJ or he has his arm wrapped around you or you’re laying on his chest. But this time JJ is literally smothering you. He’s laying on top of you and his head is resting on your collarbone. Occasionally he presses a light kiss there or on your neck. 
“JJ, I need to go pee.” He groans at that. “Can’t you just hold it?” he mutters into your skin.
“That’s not how it works, JJ. Please let me get up.” 
He reluctantly rolls off of you, a mopey look on his face. “Can I come with you?”
You’re confused. “Come with me? To pee? Why?”
He shrugs. “Just because.”
“It’ll take two seconds. I’ll be back before you know it.” JJ throws his head back and lets out another groan. 
You go to the bathroom, do your business, and just before your hand grabs the door knob you eye the perfume from the corner of your eye, sitting on the bathroom shelf. It makes you wonder. Maybe it really is the perfume. You pick it up and for the first time actually read the label on it. “Pheromone perfume,” you mutter to yourself and then scoff. It’s almost funny.
You return to the living room where JJ has been impatiently waiting for the last few minutes. “Took you long enough. Back to your spot, princess.”
You lay back down and he lies on you once again, but not before pressing a small peck to your lips.
Safe to say you’ll be using your new perfume more often.
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copajay · 6 months
high society
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
HAPPY NEW YEARSSS im going through a bridgerton phase rn and was reminded of my quarantine obsession w jane austen and enhypen so here's a jake period piece :P
summary: it's the early 19th century regency era, you belong to a well-known noble family but your father has been noticing a decline in his finances. determined to save the estate and his honor, he encourages you to mingle with any and every suitable bachelor in your town to secure the family fortune through marriage. none of them catch your eye, until you meet park sunghoon...'s stableman. (not proofread)
date: 01/01/24
scenario themes: period piece, rich girl broke dude cliche
idol: jake sim or sim jaeyun of enhypen
concept: fluff
warnings: mentions of hitting women (nothing crazy i swear)
word count: 7.28k
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it was a typical sunday morning, you woke up in your satin sheets, calling to your servants to ready you for the day. after getting dressed and having your hair fixed, you made your way down the stairs to enjoy breakfast with your family as usual.
you've always enjoyed a life of luxury. belonging to a dignified household constantly bustling with an array of servants, housekeepers, cooks, and more, you never felt any need to marry.
why go from such a grand, happy estate to a smaller one to live with complete strangers as opposed to the hands that practically raised you? why abandon your daily latin lessons with your governess to listen to your mother-in-law lecture you about producing an heir?
luckily, you were the youngest daughter of six siblings, three girls and three boys. your brothers ensured your family name would survive and your sisters provided your parents with plenty of marriage proposals to occupy themselves with. there was absolutely no reason for you to be wed any time soon.
at least that's what you thought before you sat down to breakfast. "good morning, y/n" your mother greeted. "good morning mother, father." you acknowledged the man sitting across the table from you, occupied with a small journal in his hands.
as you were about to take a sip of your morning tea, you heard your father sigh, exasperated. "what seems to be the matter, father?" your elder sister asked, eyeing the journal.
"i'm simply going over finances. there's no need to panic as it is a matter of little emergency. we will need to find a new source of income by next sunday, and since your lazy and careless brothers cannot be bothered to fulfill their duties as men, it is up to you girls to marry men who can." he asserted.
unaffected, you continued to pick at your breakfast. you have two older sisters who are perfectly fit to wed, why should you worry?
"we have already begun looking for matches for catherine and y/n." your mother noted. your head shot up upon hearing your name, "pardon me?" you exclaimed, "what about arabella? she's the eldest of all of us."
"we have been looking for a suitor for arabella for a twelvemonth now. she is clearly unfit to be a bride, just look at her!" your mother began, prompting your oldest sibling to roll her eyes.
arabella has always been... unladylike to say the least. she sported breeches while horse riding and insisted on discussing politics and sports instead of more suitable feminine topics. it's no surprise most of the men in this age couldn't stand her.
you personally never minded. she did a better job educating you than your own governess, reading controversial female literature to you and encouraging you to avoid marriage for as long as you can, which you gladly did.
unfortunately, you weren't as forward as arabella. you wouldn't dare disagree with your parents like her, recalling how she boldly rejected a marriage proposal from a wealthy lord, angering your father.
you bit your tongue to prevent a protest from leaving your lips. what are the odds you'll actually find someone? all you have to do is push away all the suitors long enough for catherine to find someone. after all, she was a model young lady: quiet, pretty enough, and obedient.
you, on the other hand, could only be described as spoiled and insolent. perhaps not as impertinent as arabella, but you were definitely sassy in your own right. most men found your attitude off-putting and made empty threats to "whip you into shape".
"enough of this discussion. we will be attending a ball tonight in an attempt to mingle with some members of high society. I expect you girls to be on your best behavior. and be sure to invite any potential bachelors to our estate for tea!" your mother rambled.
you were undoubtedly annoyed at the circumstances, but oh how you loved getting ready for functions like these. wearing your nicest gowns, displaying your expensive jewelry and unique hair styles. then, actually arriving at the formal and being able to listen to delightful pianoforte and dance with strangers.
the ball was being held by the park estate, renowned throughout the province for being incredibly wealthy. the parks had four sons, two of whom were already married. which left sunghoon and jay as the biggest targets of every unmarried girl within a ten kilometer radius.
they were quite handsome, but you weren't interested in either. perhaps they'd make good matches for catherine, supplying your family with an alarming amount of wealth and allowing you to remain a happy spinster for the rest of your days.
before you knew it, it was time to ready yourself for the ball. excitedly, you threw on your finest corset and carefully selected your prettiest lavender gown, pairing it with a dainty pearl set.
as you situated yourself in the carriage with your sisters and mother, you couldn't help but zone out as they excitedly discussed meeting the park brothers. "i hope jay asks me for a dance!" catherine giggled, prompting arabella to shift uncomfortably.
she always seemed to react a bit oddly to any mentions of jay. you honestly didn't mind him, he's generous and far more liberal than most men. maybe not liberal enough for arabella, but you suppose nobody is.
by the time you reached the park estate, you excitedly jumped out of the carriage first, rushing into the doors of the large manor. you're not one to be impressed by ostentatious displays of wealth, but by God was this place striking.
marble and gold mosaic lined the interior walls with chandeliers latched onto the high ceilings, illuminating the magnificent paintings along the walls. a group of musicians was situated in the corner of the large room, playing loudly as dozens of ladies and lords conversed, dressed to the nines.
you looked to your left and noticed arabella fiddling with her dress. grasping her hand, you smiled before sighing, "isn't it beautiful?"
she playfully rolled her eyes, "it is, but not beautiful enough to marry into this mad family. don't fall for whatever trap mother and father are attempting to catch you in." she warned.
"yes, yes, I know. can't you just enjoy the ball?" you pleaded. she simply shook her head and announced that she would be heading to the garden for some solitude. as odd as she is, your sister is dear to you and you'd like to see her happily settled down with a good man one day.
turning, you were greeted with the sight of park sunghoon. great. you could see your mother eyeing you in your peripheral vision so now you had to acknowledge him.
"hello, sunghoon." you half-smiled and curtsied. he bowed in response, "good evening, y/n. would you care to join me for a dance?" he asked, extending his arm to you. i'd rather eat dirt. "I would love to." you took his arm.
it's not like you dislike sunghoon. he's a proper gentleman. he enjoys hunting and composing music, he's tall, handsome, and not to mention extremely well-off. but he bored you to no end, and he was very old-fashioned.
you vividly remember overhearing a conversation between him and your brothers, where he proudly claimed he would spank arabella until she behaved if he was her husband. you also remember jay getting quite upset at him afterward.
"i heard your parents were looking to give your hand" he started, interrupting your thoughts. "yes, it appears so." you responded, absentmindedly. "have you met anyone suitable yet?" he carefully continued.
you weren't an idiot. it's apparent sunghoon has had a sort of infatuation with you for a while now. "no, not yet." you sighed. you didn't miss how his eyebrow raised. uncomfortable, you decided to excuse yourself, "I need to freshen up. would you mind pointing me in the direction of the bath?"
"certainly." he responded, sounding rather annoyed. after showing you the way, you practically sprinted out the door in your heels, desperate to get away from the smell of his headache-inducing fragrance.
you spotted a greenhouse and deduced it must be close to the garden, where arabella should be. making your way there, you stopped in your tracks when you heard a clanging noise followed by muffled shushes.
deciding to investigate, you inched closer to the source of the sound and nearly yelped at the sight.
you saw arabella and jay embracing one another. but not just embracing. they were fondling, kissing, grasping at one another. it was quite possibly the most lewd thing you've ever seen.
you didn't know what to say or how to react. so you turned and ran in the opposite direction, praying neither of them saw you. unfortunately for you, you're completely unfamiliar with the grounds and ended up running headfirst into a door.
you fell on the ground with a pounding pain in your temple. sitting up, you looked around for a clue as to where you were but to no avail. you were too dumbfounded at the sight you just witnessed to process anything else.
thankfully, you heard footsteps rushing to where you were and a strong pair of arms lifting you up. "are you alright, ma'am?" the stranger's voice fretted.
"yes, yes I--arabella. OH MY GOODNESS ARABELLA. you have to help me sir." you grasped at the thin, cloth shirt the boy opposite you was wearing.
"who's arabella? what's wrong?" the man asked. you noticed he had a very peculiar accent, one that sounded more akin to commoners. his clothing was quite dirty as well. he must've been a new servant, probably a stablehand.
"my sister. she was--he--jay was... doing something to her." you rasped. it wasn't long before the man began chuckling. "oh yes, they do that quite often."
he slowly released his grip on you and stepped back. "you need not worry about her. would you like assistance heading back to the ball, ma'am?"
he turned around before you even responded, heading towards the manor before you grabbed his arm. "wait. i would actually prefer to stay out here."
you must sound like an idiot. and the puzzled look on the boy's face only affirms that. the truth is you just don't want to have to deal with your mother pressuring you and sunghoon's advances.
"what's your name?" you asked the servant, changing the topic. "jake, ma'am." he responded swiftly. "you need not call me ma'am. y/n will do just fine." you shot jake a smile.
you're not sure why you enjoy this boy's presence so much. perhaps it's his puppy-like eyes or his soft voice. "well, y/n," jake prompted.
just hearing him say your name sent shivers down your spine. what has gotten into you? he's a stablehand. a servant.
"i suggest we go inside as it is exceedingly cold out. we wouldn't want you to develop an illness" he sympathized. he led you into the dimly lit stables, where you could get a better look at him.
he had thick pink lips and long black hair that nearly covered his eyes. his nose was long and tall and he had highly defined cheekbones coupled with a sharp jawline. he was dangerously handsome.
you caught yourself staring at him and got a bit embarrassed before you noticed that his eyes kept darting down at you and away, nervously. you looked down to see your corset was disheveled after your fall, revealing a bit of your cleavage.
screaming, you threw your purse at him while attempting to cover yourself. was this stableboy about to do to you whatever jay was doing with your sister?
he put his hands up above his head as if to surrender and apologized profusely. "i'm so, so sorry ma'am! I meant to mention it earlier but I was a bit apprehensive as I didn't want to offend you-"
you steadied yourself a bit seeing how anxious jake looked. attempting to console him, you held his shaking hands. poor thing probably thought you were going to get him whipped, or worse.
"it's fine. I'm just a bit on edge after... never mind that. could you please explain to me what I saw jay doing with my sister? it is still heavy on my mind." you hesitated.
jake began looking bashful again. "when two people are overcome by lust, they tend to... fornicate." he explained awkwardly. you gasped. you weren't familiar with what fornication actually looked like, but you knew it was a great shame.
"please, please don't tell anyone." you begged him, still gripping onto his hands. "of course, not, ma'am--y/n. it's not my business to tell." he assured.
smiling, you let go of his hands. the two of you stood in comfortable silence for a while, looking out the doors to the stable at the starry sky and beautiful garden underneath it.
jake broke the silence first, "i believe it's time for you to return to the ball. your family must be getting worried."
your mood immediately soured. you wanted nothing less than to return to the ball you were once so excited to attend, especially because it was now a matchmaking event for your parents.
"right." you straightened down your gown. "do you think you could... help me adjust my corset before I go?" you cautioned. the truth is you could've easily fixed it yourself, you just wanted another excuse to be close to jake again.
he shuffled behind you before fastening one of the buttons on your top that had come undone. his hands were shaky yet his grip was firm. your breath hitched as he gently moved your hair to the side.
the tension was palpable, and before you knew it, you had turned around and were face to face with jake. your noses were nearly touching and you felt an electric shock travel from your stomach to your head.
feeling lightheaded, you moved a bit closer. you could hear his breathing speed up.
the next thing you know your lips were touching his. you knew this wasn't right, that this was not only a shameful thing to do as an unmarried woman, but with a stablehand of all people?
but in that moment, you couldn't care less. you attempted to deepen the kiss awkwardly but it was apparent you had no idea what you were doing. he didn't seem to mind though, reciprocating your efforts.
you were interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching. panicking, you pulled away. you didn't miss how jake seemed to lean in again subconsciously, which almost prompted you to jump back into his arms.
but you were way too terrified of getting caught. without thinking, you ducked behind a bale of hay. holding back a laugh, jake turned to face the front of the stables where arabella and jay walked in. arabella was wearing trousers and a linen shirt that she must've had on under her gown.
"jake, ready two horses at once." jay ordered, sternly. "of course, master jay." jake obediently answered.
"are you sure about this, jay?" arabella whispered, tugging on the boy's sleeve. "we have no other choice, you know my parents won't approve of you." he insisted sympathetically, grasping onto her hands.
were they about to elope?
jake handed jay the reigns to two separate horses. jay simply smiled and thanked him before handing one of the horses over to arabella. "I wish I could've at least told my baby sister." she sighed.
rage built up inside of you. how could she keep this from you? she definitely doesn't have to tell you now because you're going to make it known that you're well aware.
you jumped up from behind the hay like a madwoman, your corset still slightly a mess with straw in your hair. "arabella! how could you?" you yelled accusingly.
yelping, your sister quickly covered her mouth. "y/n, what on earth are you doing in here?" she retorted, still slightly shocked. "never mind that. were you about to elope... with him?" you motioned over to jay.
"y/n, I'm not sure what you think of me at this moment but I assure you it was for the best-" he started. "I don't care. unhand my sister at once." you seethed. "y/n! do not speak to him that way!" arabella defended.
you were furious. arabella, your tomboy and supposed spinster of a sister was secretly fornicating with jay park and now she was planning on eloping with him.
jake looked awkwardly between you and your sister as jay held his head down. you and arabella on the other hand were having a heated stare-down.
"if you stay, i won't tell a soul about this. if you leave, I will tell the entire county and a search party will be sent for the two of you within an hour. it's your decision." you growled.
sighing, arabella shot jay a knowing look to which he nodded in agreement. "we will stay. but if you know what's best for you, you'll be quiet." she warned. you wanted to scoff at her threat, but you knew it would just fan the flames all over again.
jay suggested heading back to the ball as the three of you had been out long enough. after jake led you through the servant's staircase, the three of you joined the party once again, luckily right before it was about to end.
sunghoon caught your eye right as you were leaving, and of course, your mother happened to be right in front of you when he approached you. "y/n! i've been looking for you the whole night. I was hoping to get a second dance," he slurred, it was evident he had one too many glasses of port wine.
"perhaps next time, sunghoon." you grumbled. your mother sent him an apologetic look before waving goodbye.
fortunately, there were two carriages sent to retrieve you and your family after your mother complained that the one was too cramped. unfortunately, mother and catherine jumped into the first one, leaving you and arabella alone in the second.
you honestly couldn't bare looking at her, let alone speaking to her on the way home, so you opted for staring out at the countryside through the small window.
"why were you in the stables?" arabella began. you shot her an annoyed look. "i know you're upset with me, y/n, but you wouldn't understand what it's like to be in love with someone you can't be with. it's unbearable."
"no. maybe I don't. but I do know that it's wrong to leave behind your loved ones. besides, you and jay nearly had an arrangement! was there really a need to go and do all this? mother practically begged you to be with him-"
"and his parents couldn't stand me. they told him he could never marry such an uncouth woman." she sputtered, tears forming at her eyes.
your heart hurt for your sister, but you were still far too upset to embrace her. "the stablehand, jake." you blurted.
she looked up at you, confused. "i saw you and jay..." you explained, prompting arabella to look away once again in shame. "...and I ended up hitting my head on the stable doors somehow. jake came out to help me and we somehow ended up kissing." you admitted, slightly embarrassed.
arabella's mouth opened slightly, before it closed and formed a smile. "do you like him?" she chided like a small child.
that was one of the things you loved so much about your sister. she was never judgemental, always open to hearing whatever you had to say.
"I believe I do." you smiled sadly, "but it would never work. he's a servant for crying out loud."
"do you want to see him again?" she asked, unexpectedly. you nodded before seeing a mischievous glint in her eye. she smiled widely and made a proclamation, "how's this? I help you hide your meetings with jake and you help me with jay. it may not be a long term solution but it would help, wouldn't it?"
"what about mother's obsession with marrying me off?" you huffed. "she's not obsessed with just you marrying. besides, sunghoon alone is wealthy enough to fix our financial woes. let's set him up with catherine, convincing her to set her sights on him." she stated.
springing up from your seat, you held your sister while cheering, "genius! you're a genius!" causing her to laugh and cheer as well.
that night you couldn't sleep. your mind kept replaying the kiss between you and jake. you could still feel the ghost of his soft lips on yours. giggling to yourself, you realized you probably look like a madwoman. yet, you didn't really mind. all you cared about was seeing jake again.
the next morning you mentally prepared yourself as you made your way down to breakfast. all you have to do is fib a bit to your family, it can’t possibly be that hard.
making eye contact with arabella as you waltzed down the stairs, you held back a smile before greeting your parents.
“mother, you’ll be delighted to know that i believe i’ve found my match.” you announced, rather dramatically. your mother nearly dropped her spoon upon hearing the good news, and your father simply smiled and asked, “who is it, my dear?”
“jay park.” you grinned, watching as arabella shot you a mischievous wink from across the dining table. “i was thinking we could perhaps have a luncheon at the park residence today. sunghoon also made it very apparent to me that he has been showing an interest in one of my sisters,”
this caught the attention of catherine.
“which one of us?” catherine yelped. “clearly not arabella,” your younger brother snickered, earning a light smack to the back of the head from your sister.
“he… erm, didn’t say. which is why we must find out today at the luncheon!” you stammered. as unconvincing as you sounded, your parents and siblings seemed to fully believe you, which meant your plan was now in motion.
from that day on, you and arabella were able to make your way to the park’s estate nearly daily by lying.
part of you felt guilty, but that guilt was alleviated as soon as you felt jake’s warm embrace. the two of you would lay in the garden some days, and sneak around the manor on other days, using the servant passageways.
you would constantly cover up for arabella as she would for you. and to your surprise, you witnessed a romance slowly blooming between catherine and sunghoon.
“what are your plans for the future? would you like to start a family, settle down in the countryside? or would you like to move into the city, somewhere in london perhaps?” you asked jake. you were sitting in the shade of a large oak tree behind the park manor with his head in your lap as you ran your fingers aimlessly through his soft hair.
he laughed lightly, “i always assumed I’d be stuck here forever, picking up horse dung.”
you felt a pang of hurt in your chest, being reminded of the harsh reality of being a servant. “surely that can’t be. don’t you have a home? where is your family residing?” you asked.
“of course i have a home,” jake started as he slowly got up from your lap. you immediately felt the cool breeze hit your lap in the absence of his warmth. “it’s in the southern part of town, my parents and brother own a bakery near there, on 5th street.” he smiled to himself.
“why didn’t you work in the bakery?” you prodded. you felt a bit nosy, but you were genuinely curious. “we were hardly making anything, it seems like nobody has enough to even spend on bread anymore. I had to find a job elsewhere and this seemed to be the only option.”
you felt a sense of guilt wash over you. you were so used to your own servants hanging on your every whim yet you never wondered about their livelihood. with income running low, father cut their salaries which you’re sure was already low.
“enough of that.” jake coughed, visibly uncomfortable, “will you read to me?”
you smiled, grabbing the long-forgotten novel in the grass behind you.
everything was running smoothly until the parks decided to come over for tea one eventful afternoon. you happily greeted lord and lady park along with their two youngest sons as they sat down in the drawing room.
you were only excited to see jay so you could cryptically ask about any developments concerning jake. unfortunately, you wouldn’t have any time to as your parents did most of the talking.
“so, i hear that jay and y/n are getting on quite well,” lady park beamed. your mother nodded vigorously in approval while you and jay feigned bashfulness.
“i also heard good news about sunghoon and my dear catherine.” your father added, to which lord park raised his cup to.
it was a typical, and rather boring, conversation until sunghoon decided to pipe in, “i always presumed i would end up with y/n,” he said casually, chuckling to himself.
catherine suddenly looked to mother, shocked. “i thought you were interested in catherine, mr. park.” your mother quipped.
“oh, of course. but that is a much more recent development. i’ve been pandering after y/n since we were kids for christ sake.”
your mother glared at you, clearly upset with your lying but at least you could cover it up by claiming you were too occupied with jay to notice sunghoon’s advances.
coughing awkwardly, your father suddenly stood up, brushing himself off. “lady l/n and i have long thought about this decision, and wanted to ask you personally instead of relying on correspondence.” once he had everyone in the room’s attention, he continued,
“we believe y/n and jay should be wed by tomorrow.”
you froze. you watched as jay and sunghoon’s jaws dropped and the elder parks began to protest. tomorrow?
“as happy as we all are that our children are getting on, don’t you think tomorrow is making haste?” lady park commented, but your father insisted, “we don’t need to plan the grand ceremony just yet, but an intimate procession in which legal and religious matters are sorted would be nice to get out of the way, wouldn’t it?”
you knew exactly why your father was so desperate to get you married by tomorrow as it would be saturday, meaning you had only tomorrow to correct the family finances.
“with all due respect, i feel like this is a bit rushed. jay and i haven’t fully gotten to know each other yet. don’t you think sunghoon and catherine would make a better match?” you suggested, your voice shaky.
“nonsense. you’ve gone over to the park’s nearly every day this week, spending hours there each visit. surely you’ve gotten to know him enough.” your mother insisted.
“then it is set. the two are to be wed tomorrow, let us discuss the details!” lady park shared gleefully.
you couldn’t bare listening any longer. wordlessly, you stood up, heading to your room, passing by arabella who was eavesdropping by the steps.
“she must be nervous.” your father announced after your departure.
once you found your way to your bed you collapsed. what were you going to do? how were you going to tell jake? you felt hopeless.
you heard a knock on your door. then another one, this time more impatient. “come in.” you groaned, ready to unleash your wrath on whoever walked in.
“are you alright, miss l/n? i heard a large slam coming from this direction.” an elderly maid asked innocently.
seeing her familiar face calmed your nerves. she had been working around the house for as long as you can remember, but she looked much more tired now. you thought back to your conversation with jake and realized how little you seemed to notice her condition weaken over time.
christ, you didn’t even know her name.
“i’m fine,” you smiled. “um, could you please set up a carriage for me? if you’d like, i’d prefer it if you joined me.” you suggested.
she looked taken aback but quickly composed herself, “yes of course, miss l/n.”
it wasn’t long before the carriage was drawn and you and your maid stepped inside. “where to, miss l/n?” she asked, “the bakery on 5th street, i believe it is located south of here.”
“pardon me miss l/n, but isn’t fetching bread a servant’s job?” she hesitated. “please just call me y/n, and i plan on doing more than simply ‘fetching bread’” you responded reassuringly.
she nodded and the two of you set course for the bakery. along the way, you decided to learn more about the maid. you found out that her name is agatha, she was aged three and forty, had three kids of her own, and had been working for your family since you were born.
once you arrived, you and agatha stepped into the nearly empty building. the only person you saw was a young man behind the counter who you assumed was jake’s brother.
“good afternoon, ma’am. how can i be of assistance?” the boy greeted, dusting off his flour-covered hands on the counter.
“i’d like to purchase ten loaves of bread.” you beamed. agatha glanced over at you, confused. “that would be ten shillings, ma’am” he smiled. he looked strikingly similar to jake when he did so.
“who on earth could be buying that much bread-” you heard a familiar voice emerge from behind the counter. you were surprised to see jake wearing much more casual clothing than you’re used to seeing him in, holding a loaf of steaming bread.
he stopped upon seeing you, quickly pulling himself together. “my apologies… ma’am.” he nearly whispered before disappearing back into the kitchen. for the rest of the time he popped in and out the two of you did your best to ignore one another.
after nearly half an hour of waiting, your order was finished. as you loaded the loaves into the carriage with the help of jake and his brother, you felt the sudden urge to tell jake about your impending marriage.
unfortunately, you couldn’t find a way to without raising the suspicions of either agatha or his brother, so you thanked the both of them and went on your way. hopefully it would all be sorted out and he’d never have to know.
once alone with agatha, you handed the loaves to her. “please distribute these among the servant’s families, and keep one for your own. I’d like to make a quick stop before i return.” you shared. “of course, where to?” she asked.
“your home.” you answered casually. “miss l/n-”
“y/n.” you corrected. “y/n, is something the matter? i apologize if i’m speaking too freely but you have been behaving a bit oddly today.” agatha nervously shared.
“yes actually, there is a cause for great concern. i am to be wed tomorrow to a man i have no affection for meanwhile i am hopelessly in love with a stableboy.” you stated carelessly.
you yourself are unsure of why you decided to confide in agatha but you felt like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders once you did.
“I’m sorry to hear that. i hope for the best for you always, you know you’ve always been my favorite of your siblings.” she half-joked, lightening the mood.
you couldn’t help but laugh, and before you knew it, the two of you were joking with each other like old friends.
once you arrived at agatha’s house you handed her two shillings. “this is double your salary for the day. take off early, i insist. neither mother or father will hear a word of this, i swear.” you said, clasping her hand in your own.
her expression turned to one of immense gratitude and she rushed to hug you. before you could react, she pulled away, apologizing repeatedly.
you simply pulled her back in, embracing her even tighter. she bid you farewell as she stepped out of the carriage and you began to make your way back as the sun set.
arriving home, you were greeted with the sight of your parents standing behind the front gates, visibly furious.
“where were you all this time? it is nearly dark and you did not notify anyone of your departure. my goodness, and you set off alone!” your mother gasped.
“is this how a lady is to act before she is about to be married? you better correct yourself before jay catches onto this scandalous behavior.” father boomed.
you grumbled a “yes, father” before hurrying inside, back to your chambers. you were surprised to see arabella waiting anxiously on your bed.
“where were you?” she jumped up. “nowhere important.” you shrugged. “christ, i thought you had eloped!” your sister exclaimed. to be frank, you were beginning to consider it as an option.
“nonsense. i won’t be eloping just like i won’t be marrying jay.”
you saw her face drop at the mention of her lover. “sister,” you sat beside her, “i promise you we will fix this mess together.”
“but how?” arabella sighed. “i say we convince sunghoon and catherine to marry instead of jay and i.” you shared.
your sister raised an eyebrow at your proposal, “how on earth will we do that?”
“we have to tell them the truth about you and jay.” you declared. you could see a glimpse of fear in arabella’s eyes, and you would be lying if you said you weren’t a bit afraid yourself. “fine.” she agreed. you held her hand tightly as she confided in you the rest of the night.
the following morning, the park’s estate was bustling, the servants all gossiping about jay’s new match. jake was never one to listen to rumors going around but he was particularly interested in this one, wondering if arabella had finally gotten through to lord and lady park.
“i hear the bride is the youngest daughter, y/n.” one of the cooks shared excitedly. jake froze. “where did you hear that?” he suddenly asked. “from the tailor that was fitting her dress. apparently they’re going to have a small, intimate ceremony at the church today-”
before she could finish her sentence, jake sprinted to the stables and began saddling the nearest horse.
he didn’t know what he was going to do once he arrived at the church, or even what would happen to him afterwards, but he didn’t care. he refused to stand by as you married someone else.
while at the church, you fiddled with your veil anxiously. arabella assured you that she would speak with sunghoon and catherine without mentioning anything about jake.
it was nearly time for the ceremony to begin and you were starting to worry that something had gone wrong.
suddenly, the door to the room you were in burst open, revealing catherine and arabella. “quick! give me your veil and remove your dress!” catherine ordered.
while rapidly exchanging clothes with your sister, arabella filled you in, “the couple agreed to our plan upon hearing about mine and jay’s story. sunghoon made a rather dramatic declaration of love to catherine before jay could even stand at the alter and luckily, our parents decided that these two were more deserving to be wed.”
you let out a huge sigh of relief. you were able to evade marriage with jay, but how much longer could you keep this lie up?
arabella led you down to the area where the ceremony would be held and within a few minutes, catherine made her way to the alter.
the two shared last-minute vows and right as the officiant asked if there were any objections the door to the church flew open.
“stop! stop the ceremony!” a disheveled jake panted. everyone in the room’s jaws flew open except your own. you didn’t know whether to be flattered or embarrassed at his commitment to you in this very moment.
“what is the meaning of this, boy?” lord park boomed. “i’m in love with her, sir.” jake confessed, pointing at your veiled sister. you wanted to dig a hole in the ground and lay there.
jay coughed, nodding his head in your direction, prompting jake to make eye contact with you. as soon as he saw you, his mouth made an o-shape.
you couldn’t take it anymore, standing up dramatically and declaring “he meant me. he’s in love with me and I’m in love with him.”
just when you thought the situation couldn’t possibly worsen, your mother fainted.
at this point the church was a noisy, swarming mess. lady park and arabella attempted to calm your mother after she regained consciousness and became hysterical while your father had to be held back by his sons and lord park from attacking jake. catherine was sobbing in the corner and the officiant simply stared awestryck at the scene unfolding in front of him.
while everyone was distracted, you grabbed jake’s hand and ran out the church doors. the two of you mounted the horse he rode over and ran off in a random direction.
you looked back once to see everyone emerging from the church, frantically looking for you and jake.
“where are we going?” jake asked, clearly on edge. “keep going until we’re too far for them to catch us.” you ordered.
you ended up stopping nearby a small field. dismounting the horse, you noticed a large tear in his shirt. “how did that happen?” you asked, worried.
“your father ripped it open at the church.”
for some indescribable reason, that sentence alone made you both burst into laughter. perhaps it was the ridiculousness of the whole situation.
as jake laughed, you noticed how his nose slightly crinkled, how all his teeth showed, how his eyes closed and his head was thrown back childishly.
you realized just how much you had fallen for him, and how little you could care about your family’s blessings.
“i love you.” you blurted. you quickly placed your hands over your lips as if it would take back what you said. sure it had been implied before, but you had never said those three words to his face. to anyone’s face, really.
“i love you, too.” he whispered, now moving closer to you. the two of you shared a short kiss, breaking apart before leaning back in again.
this time the kiss was deeper, more passionate. his hands travelled to your lower back as yours cupped his jaw.
you felt yourself desperately moving more and more forward, still not feeling close enough to him. he pulled away first, leaving you gasping for air.
“what are we going to do?” he asked, out of breath. “we’re going to get married.” you responded firmly.
grabbing his hand, you hoisted yourself up on the horse once again, patting the seat behind you. “are you sure about this?” he asked, hesitant.
you nodded wordlessly as he seated himself beside you. you charged back in the direction you had just come from.
you, the girl who never cared for marriage, were now determined to fight for your right to marry the man of your dreams.
you made it back to the church within minutes, spotting your both enraged and confused family standing outside.
arabella saw you first, rushing over. “you should have left, y/n. father is going to murder the both of you.” she warned.
you ignored her, walking up to lord and lady park. before you could open your mouth, you felt a harsh grip on your arm, yanking you back, “not only have you sent your mother into a frenzy, you have bought immense shame upon our family with this illicit affair. i am disgusted to call you my daughter.” your father spat.
“don’t speak to her like that.” jake threatened, moving closer to your father.
“enough of this, lord l/n. i have an enormous headache from today. it is safe to say no arrangements will be made between our children. boys, let us leave at once.” lord park commanded.
neither jay nor sunghoon moved, prompting lord park to repeat himself. again, no reaction.
“oh for christ’s sake. i understand sunghoon being a bit hesitant but this girl is clearly not right for you jay-”
“i wish to marry arabella.” jay announced, “and i don’t care if she doesn’t meet your standards. i refuse to leave the church grounds until she is made my wife.”
“neither shall i until catherine and i are wed.” sunghoon chimed in.
“and neither will i until you give my hand to jake and only jake.” you challenged, looking your father in the eye.
“this is nonsense. what has gotten into you kids?” lady park objected. your mother fainted once again, but this time nobody seemed to pay her any mind.
the officiant peeked his head out from the door, “if you’d like, i can officiate the three weddings for the price of just two.”
you saw your father become visibly more upset at the mention of pricing and were reminded of the reason your parents were so adamant on getting you married in the first place.
“father, if arabella marries jay and catherine marries sunghoon, our income nearly doubles. we won’t have to worry about our finances any longer. what is stopping you then from allowing me to marry jake?” you plead, desperate.
“he is a servant. a stablehand, y/n. below a commoner. it was a grave error on your end to even look his way.” he scoffed.
“he’s no longer a servant of mine,” lord park added, rubbing his temples, “not after this mess.”
“then he is now a baker.” you quipped. “pardon me?” your father asked, irritated. “his family owns a bakery so therefore he is a baker. not a servant. i don’t see any reason as to why i cannot marry him now?”
“just let them bloody marry.” lady park cursed just as your mother came back to her senses, causing her to fall unconscious yet again.
“fine.” your father sighed, “but you will not be living on any of my estates.”
“i will give them one of mine.” jay interjected, patting jake on the shoulder.
after that, the ceremony continued. this time with three brides, two disgruntled father-in-laws, and a single annoyed lady (as the other is still passed out).
fast forward to a few months later, you and your parents have reconciled although your father is still weary of jake.
the two of you have settled into your new estate, courtesy of jay. jake is back to working at his family bakery, which has seen a large increase in profit. you also decided to appoint agatha as the head housekeeper in your new home.
jay and arabella are happily married, as are catherine and sunghoon. your family’s finances have improved greatly and you couldn’t be happier for your parents.
you reflected on how drastically your life has changed within the span of a year as you readied yourself for morning tea at arabella’s house.
you put on a simple purple dress and in the corner of your eye, saw the pearl set you wore the night you met jake. grabbing the earrings, you placed them carefully in your ears, reminiscing to yourself in the mirror.
suddenly your husband made his way into the bedroom, placing a firm kiss on your cheek before announcing his departure for work, a tradition the two of you now have.
wishing him luck, you shared one last embrace before you sent him off.
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andreaheartscats · 3 months
Hi! I was wondering if you could please do Sal fisher who’s dating someone who has a pet rats? (Like 2-3) ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
oh my god yess!! also hello there to you too:) this is my first time writting a request so i hope i don't disappoint you :')
a/n: i hope this is what you expected and sorry for any grammer mistakes i made! proofread? nahh. im too lazy but anyways i hope you enjoy !
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"Do you have a rat problem?"
You were chilling in your apartmant waiting for your boyfriend Sal to come over. You called him a few minuts ago over your walkie-talkie he gave to you not too long ago.
While waiting for him, you decided to play with your two pet rats Harry and Jerry. ( don't ask why i named them that, it's the first thing that came to my mind and it rhymes.)
You took them both out of their cage and placed Jerry, the darker gre one, on your shoulder. And kept Larry in your hands as you gently stroked his tiny head.
You checked their cage in the meantime, making sure it was clean and they had all they need. When suddenly there was a knock on your front door.
Finally. That should be Sal. Even tho he literally lives in the same apartmant building as you, he somehow always takes too long to get to your apartmant.
You placed Harry on your other shoulder and went to get the door. You opend the door and there you saw your living boyfriend Sal with his usual mask on. But only this time you could see his eyes were slightly wide?
"You have rats?!"
was literally the first thing he said to you. "Yea? and your making it sound like i have a rat problem.."
for a moment he was silent while he watched the air of rats climb around your shoulders, sniffing your neck.
You moved to the side and let Sal in so you two could sit in your living room.
"These are my pet rats, how come you never noticed their cage in my bedroom?"
You asked slightly confused while filling a glass of water for him and getting some snacks out. Meanwhile, Harry and Jerry were still just chilling on your shoulders.
"I mean yea i did notice the cage.. but i thought it was for a hamster..."
You chuckle out slightly as you place the glass water on the coffee table and a bowl of some chips.
Comfortably, you sat down on the couch next to Sal. "Wanna pet them?"
you straight up asked him while holding Harry in the palm of your hands, while Jerry was climbing on top of your head.
Not gonna lie, Sal thought it was cute. How you had pet rats and how much you loved animals in general.
Sal nodded his head as he bought his hand to pet Harry.
"gently now."
You told Sal as he began to pet his little head, he seemd to enjoy it.
"Aww i think he likes you"
"Really? Well thats a realife, i don't know what i would've done if my partners pet rats didn't like me."
Sal joked as you two laughed together.
The rest of the time, Sal was playing with your two rats. For a moment it seemed as if he liked them more than you (that ain't true yall). It was cute seeing him smile and laugh without his mask. Especially while he played with your rats.
Now that you think about it.. you gotta be extra careful about them if you want to live with him... I mean gizmo, come on.
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nanatown · 11 months
— let me in ; park jisung
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# : fluff, slight angst if u like.. squint, established relationship.
warnings : nothing much, just a slightly mad jisung. (not proofread!)
💬 : ehe... im back
word count . . . 0.4k !
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you wake up to the sound of not so quiet footsteps entering the living room. your boyfriend, jisung, stands infront of you clearly tired but also struggling fall asleep.
you and jisung had a minor argument just a few hours ago. you knew he didn't mean anything he was saying, he was just having a bad day, but you just had to tease him. just a bit.
"If you hate it so much why dont you go sleep on the couch then?" he mutters, loud enough for you to hear.
your mouth opens slightly agape, in shock "oh, really? you SERIOUSLY want me to consider that?" you reply, trying not to giggle at your cute (upset) boyfriend.
"yeah, babe, you can go sleep outside for all i care-" he pauses, suddenly cut off with a sarcastic gasp. he huffs and leaves to your bedroom, locking the door in the process.
you laugh, yelling out "babe, you cant lock me out of my own bedroom!" — "I just did."
hurriedly, you run and beg him to unlock the door.
"no! I told you, you can sleep outside if you really cant stand it. get out of my face!" he exclaims angrily through the wooden door separating the two of you.
you smirk, amused. soon rummaging through the house for a spare blanket.
Its now 3:32 am, and your boyfriend here is tiredly begging you to come back to bed.
"babe, please come. back." he says softly, with a sweet genuine tone. "I'm sorry Ji, for whatever we had earlier." - "no i'm sorry, I didn't mean to say all those mean things to you and I really didn't want you to sleep out in the cold either-"
your lips cut him off as they softly land onto his. jisung puts his right hand on the right side of your face to deepen the kiss. all of your kisses felt very loving, but not this one, this time, it felt more than that.
It felt like he needed you a lot, more than usual. he needed you in his arms all cozy and cute. he really missed you, your scent, your face, your voice, your lips.
even if it was just for a few hours, it felt like he missed you forever. and you did too, very much likewise.
he pulled away and suddenly carried you bridal style, his lazy little feet walked all the way to the bedroom and you both went to bed as soon as he flopped on top of you.
jisung hates to admit it, but he can never sleep properly without you. especially when you're in the same building. he might aswell not sleep at all if you're not there to keep him warm.
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[ written by © nanatown ! ]
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leoluved · 1 year
old fashioned (n.b)
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summary: you visit another boring gala with your dad, but you always get rewarded for your attendance. warnings: smut 18+, fem reader, established relationship, unprotected sex, p in v, creampie, age gap, nathan is 27 and reader is 20, nathan being a lil shit, not proofread cause im lowkey a lazy bastard word count: 1.2 k
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You should’ve been feeling a hot, red, shame, embarrassed at the way your fathers boss has himself pressed tightly against you. At a random gala’s bathroom. Your ankle length gown bunched up around your hips. Your pretty matching panties dragged down to your thighs. The man behind you, grunting in your ear as he buries himself further inside you.
Only being able to whimper you turn your head to pull his towards yours, hoping to capture his lips in a sweet kiss. He often refuses, opting out of most if not all romantic intimacy with you.
But he indulges you, and you swoon at the honey coated kiss he delivers you. It doesn’t take long for the sweet kiss to turn sloppy, and you gasp into his mouth at the feeling of his tip hitting the deepest parts of you.
You glance forward, staring at your fucked out reflection in the mirror. Your hair is tousled, lips plumped and makeup smudged. You think he likes you this way, always preferring to have his way with you in front of a reflection. Maybe because he loves to look at himself.
When you look behind you, he’s blissed out, head tossed back, eyes closed and brows furrowed. His lips parted, panting slightly. You can tell he’s close, and you watch as his hand snakes up to rub your puffy clit. It doesn’t take long for you to cum again—blame that on how he ate you like a starving man prior to this interaction–shaking and trembling around him as you clench down on his dick.
His hips stutter, and he finds himself grabbing your cheeks to pull you in for another kiss as he fills your insides with ropes of his seed. He grunts, resting his forehead on your shoulder, only taking a couple seconds to enjoy his afterglow before slipping himself out of you and composing himself. You quickly hurry to to the same yourself. Cleaning up and grabbing your purse to fix your makeup.
He snickers in the reflection. Wiping the sweat off his face and fixing his three piece suit. He splashes a bit of water on his face from the sink, before turning to leave you alone in the bathroom.
“You should go out looking like that, I’m sure your father wouldn’t even notice..” And just as usual, he leaves the bathroom. He never talks to you much at these things, but when he sends you a text telling to go to a specific bathroom, you get excited; you feel the need to obey.
You find your seat next to your father again, and send him a tight knit smile. Just as Nathan walks across the stage and stands in front of the podium. It doesn’t take long for his eyes to scan the crowd, landing on you. You clear your throat, and lower your gaze to your lap before you hear him chuckling into the mic.
“What a great ceremony, huh!” His voice booming through the room. He goes on and on about how the company has been doing amazing, meeting quotas and above all marking period. He rambles about their projects and new advertisements. New products and the like.
Now was your least favorite part. Having to mingle with all the other companies invitees. They made you sneer at the obvious way some were trying to make a pass at you.
“Such a lovely girl. You’re in college, right?”
“So nice that you accompany your father to these things. My children have no interest.”
“So…Do you have a boyfriend yet?”
You roll your eyes and excuse yourself to sneak a drink. As soon as you turn around your face to chest with Nathan. Gasping before steadying your fruity drink.
“Nathan.. You scared the fuck out of me.” He shoots you a toothy grin, staring straight at the bruise on your neck. Poorly concealed, bruise. His large hand comes up and moves your hair, showing it off.
“I left some evidence, baby.” He purrs. “Forgive me?” feigning being apologetic. You swat his hand away and fix your hair to cover the mark. Face flushed.
“Nathan. Go away before my father sees us.” You take a gulp of your drink.
“Why? I think it’s time to tell him.” He begins, starting to mockingly sing in your ear.
“That his ceo has been fucking his pretty little girl for a year now. C’mon..”
He urges, pushing you from the small of your back, where you shiver at the contact of his hand there. “Let’s go tell your dad that his boss deflowered his princess.” You stop dead in your tracks at the low tone of his voice in your ear. Smacking the side of his arm.
“What’s gotten into you..? Would you chill out?” You whisper into his ear, hoping he hears how exasperated you are amongst all the crowd and noise.
He slightly frowns, and you find yourself taken aback at his clear display of emotions. He clears his throat before removing the glass from your hands and finishing your drink.
“You’re twenty. You aren’t even supposed to be drinking.” He states coldly. “Ugh. It taste like straight fuckin’ sugar.” He mutters. Setting down the glass sharply before brushing past you to talk to another group. You scoff, and sigh when you realize you’ve accidentally sent Nathan into one of his moods.
You watch Nathan as he shamelessly flirts with other women. The feeling of jealousy rising from the pit of your stomach until it’s everywhere around you. You hate it. You know he would never stoop that low. Still, you hated the way they thought they even had a chance.
You quickly snag an ‘old fashioned’ and finish it in two gulps. Scowling at the taste it leaves in your mouth and the way it makes your entire body shudder.
Feeling brave, you slowly step up next to Nathan, surprised when he actually seems to notice your presence.
He turns to face you, smiling down at you menacingly. You sneer. He excuses the both of you. And with his hand at the small of your back again he leads you away from the group.
“What’s wrong, princess? Can’t stand to see me mingle?” You roll your eyes. He knows that. He knows you can’t stand it when he does that.
“Nathan. What do you want from me? You wanna go public with our relationship, huh? Tell the world you’re fucking a girl seven years your junior?” You whisper the last part and raise an eyebrow while crossing your arms. He pouts. You’ve never seen him pout in the two whole years you’ve known him.
“Tired of hiding you.” He states it like it’s obvious.
“I think you deserve more than just sex in the bathroom at these random ass galas we both know we hate.”
You grab the sleeve of his arm and take him to a slightly secluded part of the room. There’s a smile on your face that you can’t get seem to get rid of.
“Did you just ask me out?”
He raises an eyebrow down at you.
“Honey. I’ve been cumming in you for a year now and you’re surprised I’m asking you out?” There’s your Nathan. Ever the romantic.
“There he is. There’s my Bateman.” You wrap his arm in his, and stand up as straight as you can. Smiling up at him.
“Let’s go tell ‘em.”
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thelovelylolly · 4 months
Hi! Another request you can take as long as you want to do write this!:) a billy hargrove x yn based on the song heather by Conan grey! Fluffy ending please!:))
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Summary: You wish you were Heather... Warnings: hurt/comfort, self-doubt, reader is described as shorter than billy, fem reader, not proofread bc im a bit lazy at the moment lol Word Count: 826 Notes: i cant believe its been like 4 years since conan gray dropped kid krow im going CRAZY AHH
Having a crush on Billy wasn't rare at Hawkins High. Only a few girls were able to win him over, but those were flings to Billy. You were one his best friends, so you saw these girls fawning over him first hand. You saw all the girls laughing just a bit to loud at his jokes and trying to get their hands on him. But you couldn't blame them, he was handsome and charismatic.
It was no surprise that you caught feelings for him, too. You were better at hiding them since you figured you weren't his type.
That's when Heather came into the picture.
She was, at first, like the other girls trying to get Billy's attention. Then, things changed into something else. It wasn't a fling like all those other times, Billy seemed to actually be interested in her. He took her on a nice dates, walked her to her classes, helped her study.
Of course, Billy still hung out with you, but it felt like he was slipping away. It frustrated you, yet you said nothing. He was happy and that was enough for you.
Heather was everything you wanted to be. She was smart, funny, talented, pretty. She was the kind girl next door, the girl everyone would want. You quickly came to terms that she was the girl for Billy, because that's how it always worked. The popular, perfect girl always ended up with the popular guy.
You were fine just standing to the side and letting your best friend be happy. Did it hurt watching your crush be with another girl? Sure, but it would pass.
It had to pass, right?
You tried to make it pass, but Billy started to hang out with Heather more often and spent less time with you. You knew they hadn't made anything official, but things could've changed since Billy didn't have time to tell you.
One day, you even saw her with his jean jacket around her shoulders as she walked to her next class.
That's when you started to distance yourself from Billy. You were still there for him if he needed you, but you didn't want it to look like you were trying to steal him away from Heather.
Sometimes, they would catch your eyes as they walked past you at lunch and it made your heart ache.
You really wished you were Heather.
You were lounging around your living room on a Friday night, your parents having gone out with friends. You caught up on some magazines you followed and watched some shows, but you were bored. You'd usually spent your Friday nights with Billy doing dumb teenager stuff.
Now, you opted to stay in for the night.
You were flipping through one of your magazines when your doorbell rang. You sighed and tossed your magazine down onto the coffee table. You grabbed a nearby hoodie, not really paying attention to it, and pulled it over your tank top and sleep shorts.
You quickly went to your front door, sparing a quick glance out of the side windows before opening it.
Billy stood there, his hands in his pockets. You saw his eyes look you over before meeting yours.
"That's my hoodie," he said softly.
"You're wearing my hoodie," he repeated, stepping inside.
You glanced down, noticing that he was right. He must've left it the last time he was over. You looked back up and saw a smile on his face along with blush on his cheeks.
"What are you doing here, Billy?" You asked.
He sighed before pulling his hands out of his pockets and cupping your face with them. He quickly closed the space between you, giving you a short yet passionate kiss. When he pulled away, he kept your face in his hands.
"I really like you."
"R-really?" You asked, still processing if that kiss was real or not. "But what about Heather?"
"She didn't want anything serious," he answered, his hands slowly drifting down to your waist. "And she made me realize that I really just wanted you, she even told me to tell you that I like you."
A smile pulled at your lips as you felt your face heat up. "You got a taste of your own medicine, huh?"
He chuckled. "Guess so."
"Can I be honest?"
He nodded.
"I've liked you for a long time."
You reached up and cupped his cheeked, pulling him into another kiss.
"I could tell," he murmured against your lips.
You pulled away, playfully hitting him as he laughed. "You jerk!"
"I had a good reason why I didn't say anything!" He quickly said. "I promise."
You closed the door behind him then took his hand in yours, leading him to the living room. Then, you smiled and replied, "looks like we have time for you to explain."
He smiled, getting butterflies from knowing that he was the reason you were smiling. "Gladly, sweetheart."
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𝐁𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 • 𝐣𝐨𝐞𝐥 𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐫
Summary: hello! I saw your post about wanting to write Joel Miller smut while scrolling through the Pedro Pascal tag. I would like to request something if that’s okay? Could I request something where it’s the readers b-day and she tells no one cause she hates it but Joel finds out and wants to help celebrate her birthday by giving them the best sex of readers life and he basically treats reader like a goddess. I just kind of imagine them having sex everywhere the whole day of readers birthday. Fluff can also be included if you want. I imagine it’s at the beginning of their relationship.
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GENRE: smut, fluff
WARNING: NSFW, intercourse (protected, cursing, during the outbreak, Ellie's in it at the beginning,
PAIRING: Joel Miller x f reader
Request or not: yes
AUTHOR NOTE: didn't proofread because I'm lazy but yeah
Ever since the outbreak started Your birthday always was irrelevant to you. Each year, due to the constant threat all around you, you always let the day slip bye like sand through your fingers. There was no reason for you to celebrate; you were only getting older anyways.
Even after getting to Jackson you didn’t care much to tell everyone. The only person you told was Ellie, a kid you meet along the way with a guy named Joel who eventually became the love of your life. You thought maybe Ellie would forget all about your birthday but she didn’t.
You woke up bright and early to do your usual things around town. Joel and Ellie stayed home getting themselves breakfast before their day got started.
Ellie sat at the table eating her cereal while Joel Waite for his coffee to finish brewing.
“What are you going to get for y/n today?” Ellie asked. Joel turned to her, a confused look as to what Ellie was even asking.
“what do you mean?”
“Todays her birthday.” Ellie frowned. “don’t tell me you forgot her birthday.
Joel stood there confused. In his short time of knowing you it never dawned on him to ask when your birthday even was.
“She’s never told me.”
Ellie gasped dramatically. The spoon that was in her hand falling onto the table with a loud cling. “wow talk about couple goals.” She laughed. “well now you know and now you have to surprise her. Make this the best birthday of her life.”
Ellie stood up and brought her bowl over to the skin. “im going to be gone for the rest of the day so that gives you time to do whatever you want.”
Ellie smirked at Joel causing him to groan. “alright enough.”
Ellie released a laugh before walking out of the kitchen, grabbing her coat and leaving Joel there.
Joel was a little upset that you didn’t tell him today was your birthday, but he didn’t have time to think about that. He needed to make today a special day for you, one that you’ll remember.
When you returned back home after running some errands you were surprised by how abnormally quiet it was. Usually Ellie or Joel would be arguing about something loudly but not today.
“Joel? Ellie?” you called out as you shut the door. You pulled off your outside clothes before walking further into the house.
As you stepped around the corner the kitchen came into view. You gasped at the sight. There was lit candles on the dinning room table, dinner sitting their and a cake which seemed like it was just made.
“you like it?”
You turned towards the stairs to see Joel standing there. He had his arms crossed and a soft smile on his face.
“Yeah. I love it.”
Joel walked over to you and placed a kiss on your lips before hugging you.
“how’d you know what today was?”
You pulled away looking up at Joel. “Ellie told me. I’m just a little confused why you didn’t tell me either.”
You sighed. “I don’t know.. I just didn’t think today was really important anymore cause the outbreak you know.” You avoided Joel’s eyes feeling a little guilty from keeping the information from him.
“Hey.” Joel took your face and his hand and forced your eyes on his brown ones. “your birthday is very important to me even if we were out there with a million brainless, virus carrying zombies, it still special to me.” Joel ran his thumb over your cheek. “but we’re not out there now So let’s celebrate it. Just you and me.”
Joel took your hand bringing you over to the table. “no Ellie?”
“No.” Joel muttered as he pushed your seat in before settling in his own across from you.
“She wants just me and you today. She didn’t request we leave her a slice of cake though.”
You laughed.
You and Joel began to chat and eat the meal Joel surprisingly prepared for you all by himself.
Many many laughs and smiles were shared between you two throughout dinner. It felt nice to enjoy your time with Joel without an interruptions or threats around you both.
After you finished up eating, you grabbed the dishes and went to put them in the sink. While you were hovering over the sink rinsing the dishes, Joel came up behind you. His hands snaked around your waist and his lips on your neck.
“You know we have the house all to ourselves and it’s your birthday.”
You bite your lip to hide a moan that was threatening to escape. The heat between your legs grew more and more as you felt his lips on you. You wanted Joel so badly.
“Take me up stairs Joel.” You practically demanded turning in his arms. Joel didn’t need to hear those words twice. Without effort he picked you up and tossed you over his shoulders. He made his way over to the stairs, climbing them before reaching the bedroom.
You were tossed on the bed making you yelp. “wow! You’re already rough.” You joked with a smirk on your face. Joel rolled his eyes as he hovered over you.
His hungry lips found yours ripping that smirk right off your face. You began making work at Joel’s belt because you were so desperate to have him in you. This would be the third time you’ve ever had sex with Joel.
The first time you both had sex it was because you ran your mouth to Joel one night in a safe house about how you’ve been a virgin your whole life. While Ellie was fast asleep in the other room he was busy slamming you into a mattress, trying his best to keep you quiet. That was when you knew your relationship was more than friends. He soon asked you to be his.
The second time was when you arrived in Jackson. The fact you were in a safe place was a cause for celebration so you and Joel spent the night between the sheets.
After that you both haven’t touched each other for two months until now. With how busy you both were in the town it made it hard to have sex, but now you were together uninterrupted. You were so fucking ready to have him inside of you.
“you’re so desperate.” Joel muttered when he pulled away from your lips. His lips were red and swollen making you smirking. “yeah of course I am when it comes to you Joel.”
“well let’s get these clothes off of you so we can satisfy you.” Joel whispered against your lips as his hands snaked under your shirt groping your breast.
You and Joel began to strip all your clothes away. One by one everything was removed until you both were completely bare.
You laid on the bed as Joel sat between your legs slipping a condom on. A small shiver ran down your spine as you looked at how big Joel was. You definitely aren’t used to his size even after those past two times.
“you ready birthday girl?” Joel asked taking your thighs in his large hands. All you could do was nodded as you looked in Joel’s eyes.
Joel eyes never left yours while he took his cock and ran it between your fold. You moaned softly, but it was soon replaced by a louder one when he pushed into your tight cunt.
Joel held your hips as he slowly thrust into you. “so tight doll.” Joel hissed.
“Joel, please move baby.” You begged.
Joel listened, pulling his hips before slamming right back into you. The moans you had went from quiet to loud really quickly. The room filled with your sounds of pleasure as Joel fucked you senseless.
“shit. Joel. You feel so good!” you brought your hand to Joel’s face pulling him into a kiss.
With how big Joel was you could feel him in your stomach with every thrust. It made your toes curl and your back arch off the bed.
“Going to make you cum huh baby.”
“please Joel.” You whined. Truly you didn’t know what you were saying please for but you didn’t care. The feeling was too good to care.
Joel grunted as he felt you grow tighter and tighter around him. You were close and he was determined to make you cum.
His thumb found your clit, he drew circles around the swollen bud. your were moaning loudly at this point.
A few more quick circles around your bundle of nerves, you were coming.
A string of curse words and breathless spilled from your lips as you saw stars. Joel didn’t stop his thrust until your high fell.
You let out a small whimper when Joel pulled out of you.
“Fuck. That felt amazing.”
Joel laid down on the right side of you. “yeah?”
“Uh huh.”
“yeah well I’m not Done.” Joel took your right leg propping it up. “today is your birthday. Gotta make it the best birthday ever.”
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starz222 · 1 year
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synopsis: heizou always asks for your input on his cases, looking for an outside opinion so he usually seeks your “help”, except, you can’t help but stare.
contains: fluff, gender neutral reader, NOT PROOFREAD IM SICK AND LAZY a/n: "traveler, you are so dreamy" tables turned! anyway this is pretttyy short. heizou might be ooc. also i'm still getting used to writing sooo,, this may be pretty off or too fast-paced.
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heizou’s going on and on about his case, something about ms. hina and a stalker. to tell the truth, you weren’t listening at all, you were simply nodding along and agreeing to things you didn't even pay attention to. you can’t help but disappear into his eyes. you can’t help but notice the way he furrows his brows when he’s brainstorming. you can’t help but watch the way he uses his hands when he speaks. 
he’s so pretty, you think.
suddenly, a hand blocks your view and begins to wave at you. “hello? teyvat to y/n?” he says adding a bit of melody. “it’s rude to just stare.” …’just stare’? …shit
“i didn't mean to-”
“-y’know" he cuts you off. "i’ve seen the way you look at me when you think i don’t notice.”
“what- what do you mean? i don’t do that. not at all, never.”
“you’re really underestimating my skills as a detective. well, anyone could tell, really.” this is what you get for zoning out, why'd he have to be so damn pretty?
he leans closer to you. you feel your breath hitch and your cheeks warming up. heizou just stares into your eyes. he’s so close. your body only being a few inches away from his, so close you can feel his warm breaths. 
thump, thump, thump
your heartbeat is so loud, it’s making up for the silence in the room. wait–  is that heart beat yours or his?
the silence is unbearable, what goes on for about a few seconds– feels like it’s been hours. 
“my suspicions were correct.” he breaks the silence as he leans back. what does he mean? he knows you like him? no– head over heels for him? archons, could you have made it more obvious?
“i like you too, y/n." it was impossible to have your way with him, or to win against him. even if you deny it, he has all the facts he needs to back it up. "oh, and, i solved the case a while ago." ".........huh?" (note. he always finishes his cases before he even asks you to come over and provide input. he just loves hearing your voices and watching you entertain his questions. of course, he wouldn't admit that to you.)
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twinklix · 2 years
HIHIHIHIHI i need perv han pls pls pls i love u sm biggest fan here ☹️ 🙏
wanted ✧.* | h.js
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| Perv!Jisung x Fem Reader | Best friends 2 lovers | wc: 3907
A/N: Ok so my ass got carried away to say the least and its not even good bc i literally wrote it at midnight, and i got so lazy for the entire second half. but anyway luv i hope you enjoy, this is my first fic on this blog im so scared AHHHGHGHSDFG also this isnt proofread im tired ily
[warnings: Smut, explicit sexual content ,MDNI, piv, fluff, Degrading, semi public sex, virginity loss, unprotected sex (dont do it babes <3), fantasies, masturbation (m), bad writing bc im tired fingering, dom/sub dynamic, corruption kink ?]
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“pass the popcorn Ji!”
Your second request for the snack was met once again with silence from the boy beside you. To force a reaction out of him, you reached for the closest thing to you,(the tv remote) and chucked it at his head. Not hard enough to hurt, but hard enough to make him fucking answer you.
“YAH! Y/N!” He dramatically whined, rubbing his head, finally turning to you with a half pissed/half confused look.
“popcorn.” you motioned to the bowl in his lap and his face lit up with embarrassment and realization as he handed it to you. You accepted it happily and settled back into your spot on your bed, returning your attention to the movie playing only a few meters away on the tv mounted to your wall.
Han, however, did not return his focus to the movie. Not like his focus had ever been on the movie in the first place. It had been like this for the past few weeks. On these nights, he’d usually be intently watching with you, waiting anxiously for the opportunity to crack a relevant joke to whatever scene was playing, in hopes to make you smile or laugh. But now instead, he sits, trying to ignore the grumbling feeling of nerves and guilt mixing together in his stomach.
Being in this room. Your room, had a much different affect on him than it did mere weeks ago. Your scent. the excessive amount of plushies scattered across your bed. The posters on your wall of all your favorite groups and shows. Your clothes in a pile in the corner. He seemed to notice and dwell on these things much more now, because all those things were you. And you were all he could think about.
When this started, he wasn’t sure.
He had always loved you, but in the way he should love his best friend. He wasn’t sure when his gaze on you started to persist slightly longer than it should or when you started to invaded his thoughts at night and he especially wasn’t sure when he started to notice how visible your nipples were through your favorite white t shirt.
All these changes slowly snowballed to him, now, sitting stoic and silent on your bed beside you.
Your head turned to him, your lips turning to a frown as you sat the popcorn on the side table. “ji..” you began, and surprisingly he responded with a low hum. “do you not like hanging out with me anymore?”.
His eyes widened and he spun to you on his knees, waving his hands like an insane person. “no! no! never!” He almost yelled. Your frown stayed and you turned your head to look at the wall. “you haven’t seemed interested or...present.. whenever you’ve come over for movie night.”
He knew he fucked up and had to fix it. He hated making you sad.
“there’s just been a lot on my mind recently…” he slumped back down with a sigh, feeling like an idiot. “you know i love spending time with you! i spend my whole week looking forward to it!” he confessed, taking your hands in his, prompting you to turn back to him, a small smile adorning your face, making his posture perk back up. “you know what! Hyunjin’s having a party tomorrow. I wasn’t originally gonna go, but i think it’ll be fun!”.
You perked up fully now. You and Han used to go to Hyunjin’s parties together all the time until he suddenly stopped going and as a result, so did you. “really?” your eyes lighting up with happiness. Han looked into them, feeling his entire body warm up as the nerves and guilt in his stomach were replaced by butterflies.
He nodded and you sprung up to wrap your arms around his neck tightly, hugging him with a relieved and happy sigh. His arms snaked around your waist and it was then he realized. You weren’t wearing a bra. Heat rushed up through his chest, feeling the firmness of your breasts push against his chest, not far from his face. He cursed himself for thinking of you like that right now since that’s how this entire problem started. He couldn’t think about it much more before you pulled away, leaning back with a yawn.
“..but for now you need to get some rest, bug” he told you with a comforting smile, helping you into bed. Once you were comfortable and snug under your blankets, he went to stand up but was interrupted by a whisper from behind him.
“i love you Ji.”
Sleep hit you the moment after saying it. He turned to see your eyes closed and your lips parted. Soft. So soft. His eyes were stuck at your lips wondering what it would be like to kiss them, to use them...
You mouth was so small, he was sure you’d have the cutest expression trying to fit him. He was also sure you’d make the cutest noises as he touches you..
He shook his head, trying to make the thoughts go away. Trying to just see you as his best friend sleeping. Nothing else.
He realized how tight his pants had become and the grey spot appearing at the front. “fuck..” he whispered under his breath, thanking god you weren’t conscious to see him. His feet carried him quietly to the corner of your room where he leaned down to collect his stuff. Soft cotton brushed his knuckle as he picked up his jacket. His eyes fell to the pile of clothes he had zoned-out on earlier. Where his knuckle was, laid a pair of pink striped panties ready to be washed. A breath got stuck in his throat and before he could internally fight himself, he collected them along with his jacket and exited your room and apartment in a hurry.
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Grunts and groans left Han’s lips as his hips thrusted up desperately into the soft cloth. He pretended it was you, pretended you were wearing the clothing item wrapped around his cock and that he pushed it hastily to the side to fuck you.
“fuck.. bug.” His nickname for you came out so breathily as he felt his chest tighten, so close.
He imagined you saying his name, as he was yours. He imagined how your face would contort with pleasure. He imagined being the only man to pleasure you.
His fantasy came to a sudden halt when he let out one last grunt and closed his eyes as he painted your most intimate item white.
He was left breathless, melting into his pillows as his chest rose and fell trying desperately to refill his empty lungs.
He removed the cloth from his cock to stare at it in his hand. He stared at where your juices mixed with his and he felt a depraved smile creep onto his face as he tucked the item behind his pillow, not planning on returning it anytime soon.
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You arrived late to the party, being held up by an old friend you’d ran into on the way, exchanging the expected polite catch-up dialogue.
Not long after knocking on the door, Hyunjin swung it open to greet you, beer in hand and grin on face. “Hey.. Y/n!” his obviously tipsy gaze fell down below your eyes. “you look hot” he blurted out and you snorted, pushing him out of the way so you could step out of the freezing hall.
“haven’t seen you in a while!” he yelled beside trying to compete with the increasing volume of the music  you as you walked through the entrance together.
“been busy!” you yelled back but slightly quieter than him since you were still sober and capable of somewhat hearing. He stopped at the kitchen and nodded to you “Han’s on the balcony” he told you at the volume of a normal human now and you nodded to him, giving him a quick thanks before  leaving for the living room. You forgot how big Hyunjin’s apartment was, there had to be at least 50 people in this one room, all smushed together. You slipped through the crowd until you reached a table near the wall, decorated with different types of booze. You downed a few shots with a foul face then grabbed a beer.
Sliding the balcony door open, you saw only a few people. A couple making out beside you, leaning against the glass that looked inside. A drunk girl in a chair who you think was passed out. And Han, standing with his back to you, resting his arms on the railing to look out into the night.
“quieter out here, isn’t it?” you smirked, sliding beside him to lean ur back against the railing. Elated by your sudden appearance, he turned to you quickly, ruffling your hair with a smile “hey bug! I was wondering when you’d get here”
After explaining your hold up and taking a large swig of your beer, you tilted your head to him, already somewhat lightheaded. He finally looked down at your body, seeing your thighs on display and breasts practically spilling out of your dress. His words got caught in his throat as you looked up at him through your lashes. He cleared his throat and reached for the cup of bourbon he had forgotten and downed it quickly, deciding he’d need alcohol to distract him from how bad he wanted to fuck you.
An hour later, you both sat on the ground of the balcony, giggling messes leaning onto each other for support. You weren’t drunk, you were at the point of tipsy where you’re still aware and conscious but everything. is so. fucking. funny.
“i can’t believe it was you that gave suengmin that black eye!” you yelped out between laughs, clutching your stomach, trying to remember how to breathe. “i was practicing my nun chuck skills” he admitted casually, before you both lost it, laughing more.  
“what’s the best sex you’ve had?” you suddenly asked, after you’d both calmed down slightly. Neither of you expected but it slipped out. Did tipsy you think about Han having sex? or did you just feel it was a standard party question?
“um-uh..” stutters were the only thing that left his mouth since the inside of his brain was currently filled with only tv static. It was normal to talk about sex with your best friend, but it was different for him considering he’d shot a load into your underwear 24 hours ago. You leaned back on your arms and waited, smiling. He straightened up and thought up some bullshit answer. “my first time i guess… in highschool. i can’t remember much about the girl though“ he technically wasn’t lying, he had lost his virginity in high school to some girl who’s name he couldn’t begin to try to remember. ”how about you?… how was your first time?“
You frowned and sat up, rubbing your arm awkwardly, “well uhhh..”
Han’s eyes widened in shock. You were a virgin. Sure, he’d never seen you go home with a guy or listened to you talk about fucking any, but you’d dated guys in the past and he just… assumed things.
You sensed his realization and nodded “yup.. no ones laid me”. A shameful giggle left your throat and before the air could settle from your confession or anyone could even think, Han chimed in with a brilliant idea. “i could help!”
You looked at him solemnly for a moment before bursting out into laughter even louder than the one after his nun chuck story. “wh-what? are you volunteering to fuck me?” you asked, looking at him actually curiously now and he felt something inside him snap. He thought about it. What he’d been dreaming about and jerking off to. Could it really come true?
“i mean sure. i’d rather you do it with me where i know you’d be treated right, than with some random douche” He meant what he said, not just lying yo get in your pants.
Somehow under some miracle, you saw the logic too. “ok...yeah” you timidly agreed before standing up. If life was a cartoon, his jaw would have fell to the ground and his eyes would be comically wide. He couldn’t believe his ears. You’d agreed to let him fuck you. Not just fuck you. But take your virginity. Midway through malfunctioning while trying to process reality, you grabbed his hand and pulled him up and into the apartment through the crowd. He let you pull him along, knowing he’d be happy with wherever the end destination was.
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You let go of his hand and opened a door, walking in. He followed, realizing it was the bathroom. It was of course massive just like the rest of Hyunjin’s home, with a double basin on marble counters to your left with a width-long mirror above it. You moved to rest against against the sink’s counter looking down awkwardly.
Han closed the door behind him, making sure to lock it. A painful silence rested in the bathroom, a stark contrast to the blaring music just outside the walls. He walked over to your nervous figure, standing directly in front of you, leaving little space. His finger came up to lift your chin, forcing you to look at him. “are you sure you want to?” he asked, somehow letting the question come out in a low and unwavering voice even though his chest was swimming with fear. Your face mirrored his blank expression, but with an unidentifiable twinkle in your eye.
You nodded slowly, feeling a slight warmth in your thighs. He nodded back and leaned in quickly to connect his lips to yours. Your lips were as soft as he imagined them and it made his heart flutter and his dick harden. He pushed his tongue into your mouth with little protest from you, as you leaned back, placing your palms on the counter to hold yourself up. You felt the heat between your thighs grow as you let out a slight whimper into his mouth as his tongue continued to massage your own. He pulled away slowly after a moment, and you looked up at him through lidded eyes, panting slightly. He leaned back down and connected his lips to the left of your neck, using his right hand to turn your head to the side so he could complete his task better. His lips sucked onto the skin of your neck, leaving you whimpering slightly at the unfamiliar sweet feeling. you felt his teeth join, grazing he spot he was sucking, biting down softly causing you to let out a yelp, and grab onto his shoulder. “Ji..” you whined out. The heat had spread up higher, feeling it in your pussy now, you felt so empty even without knowing the feeling of being full. “please..inside me” you begged and it was music to his ears as he sucked one last time and pulled away, smirking down at the deep purple mark he had left. he moved back to look into your eyes now. You were blushing hard, feeling so embarrassed that he was seeing you this way, but even more embarrassed that you never wanted to stop.
He leaned down for one more kiss before directing his attention to your bottom half. “Up, baby” he instructed and you silently lifted yourself up to sit on the counter, dwelling internally on the new nickname,
You rubbed your legs together, trying to: a) hide your most private place  b) get some friction to relieve the ache inside you.  Han smirked and shook his head, placing a large hand on each of your thighs, slowly using them to spread your legs for him. You bit your lip in embarrassment but let him. one of his hand moved to caress your thigh slowly, inching closer and closer to where you silently begged for him. He hesitated before finally moving his hand to use two fingers to swipe a line up your slit over your underwear, causing you to let out a small gasp when he lightly grazed your clit. “So wet for me” he whispered into your ear and you couldn’t believe his voice could sound like this. The same voice that said the stupidest things and told the dumbest jokes, was making you silently beg for his fingers. He hooked his fingers under the waistband and yanked them down, lifting you up to help get them off. He discarded them into his pocket then turned his attention back to you looking down, feeling breathless at the sight of your most precious area, and the fact he was the only man to ever see it.
You tried to push your legs back together, feeling insecure under his gaze, but he didn’t allow it. Placing one hand on your thigh to hold it in place then moving the other hand to your clit, pinching it slightly, making you yelp. “think you can take my fingers baby?” he asked, collecting your wetness and using it to rub circles on your clit. You looked up at him and nodded quickly, making him chuckle. “Okay” he announced before moving the finger on your clit to circle your hole before sinking it in. “j-ji!” you moaned out, reaching for his shoulders, digging your nails into them. He curved the finger slightly and begin moving it in and out before adding another. Your eyes flew shut as he picked up the pace, fucking you with his fingers faster. You’d never felt anything like this and it only made you wonder how his cock would feel. He added one more finger and you started to feel a stretch, moaning out louder, as he fucked them into you so hard, you couldn’t even hear the music outside anymore. “you’re taking them so well” he assured you with a grunt and you nodded, unable to properly respond. You came back to earth when he suddenly removed his fingers from you and brought them to his lips to suck on them. “you’re so sweet” he told you and you looked at him. Mesmerized. Panting.
He made quick work of pulling his shirt off and you watched in awe, not knowing how beautiful his body was. Did he go to the gym? you wondered.
he moved toward you and looked at your already fucked-out expression, donning a cocky expression before unbuckling his belt and removing his pants and boxers. He was pretty big and he was already painfully hard.  Slowly, you reached down to touch him but he pushed your hand away. “tonight’s about you.” he told you before scooping you up to place you back on your feet on the floor. “now if you do want to help me, be a good girl and lean over the sink. Without a second thought you turned around and bent over, doing as he said, sticking your ass in the air, causing your dress to fall from your legs to pool around your stomach. Han couldn’t believe his eyes. You bent over, waiting for him. He felt butterflies arise again, even after all he’d done to you so far. he walked behind you and ran a hand over your ass slowly, admiring your body. ”please..“ he heard you beg with a broken cry and he nodded.
He aligned himself, rubbing his tip up and down your slit making you whine. “don’t worry, I’ll be gentle” he promised, looking up at his reflection above you and smiling, feeling joy at every sign this wasn’t a dream. He focused his attention back to you, pushing into you slightly as you helped out reaching back to try and grab on to him. He collected both your arms with one hand and held them behind your back, pushing the rest of himself in. “i-it stings” your voice came out almost only as a breath and he ran a soothing hand up your thigh, “it’s ok baby” his assurance helped you relax and after a moment of laying there, panting, you nodded slowly. “can you do it now ji... fuck me.. please..”
No words had ever sounded more beautiful to han and without much warning he pulled himself out of you only to dive back in quickly, causing moans to escape your lips in lines, one after the other. Once he was rested inside you fully, he repeated the action of pulling out to the tip and then plunging in. keeping this slow, deep and torturous pace for a few minutes until you couldn’t handle it anymore. “faster!” you cried out, not caring about anything else anymore. Han chuckled before granting your wish, increasing the speed of his thrusts greatly. “oh god!” you nearly screamed out, “yes...like that Ji”, Han could listen to you forever. Both the sound of your moans getting louder and your pussy taking him so well, he knew you were making the most beautiful noises he’d ever hear.
“you’re being such a slut for a virgin” he groaned out, causing your pussy to clench around him even harder, thrusting into you especially hard after speaking. “god… so desperate for my cock you let me fuck you here in the bathroom… couldn’t even wait to get home to lose your virginity” he scoffed, reached forward to tangle his hand in your hair. You tried to break your arms away from his grip behind his back, so desperately wanting to touch him but he tugged on them harder, using them to pull you up so you were standing. He slid out of you and turned you around. You were unrecognizable. And he loved it. your pupils were blown, eyes barely open and your lips and cheeks bruised red. You pouted up at him, feeling empty once again, but too tired to protest verbally.
After admiring your state he reached for one of your legs, lifting it against his chest before entering you again, returning quickly to his quick pace, hitting deeper spots inside you. The sting inside you had long passed and you only felt euphoria now, squeezing your eyes shut. Something was happening inside you, something unfamiliar and strong. so strong. “i-i” you tried to think of the words to say between your pants and moans but Han nodded, “i know baby, it’s ok let go” And you did, clenching down on him so hard he could barely move. In an attempt to reach his end too, his hand found your breasts through your dress and he massaged them, watching you let go around him, moaning out so loud, and hanging onto his neck for support. With that, he let go too, painting your walls like he had your underwear, the night before.
You held onto each other, trying desperately to catch your breaths.
“i’ve wanted to do that for so long”
You came back to reality and looked up at him with wide eyes, confusion and shock on your face. “r-really?”  The question was so nervous and shaky but he met it with a warm smile. “of course. You’re the most beautiful girl in the world, how could i not” All the energy you had left, was mustered up and used in you playfully hitting his arm with a laugh.
“im serious though. i love you. i’ve thought about you like this for a while..i felt horrible about it..but now..” your hand ran up his cheek, looking into his eyes softly and lovingly. “I love you too Ji.”
Tysm for reading i hope you liked <3
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mrs-russ · 18 days
Tehehehehhehe chapter 2 of Roommate!Keegan
words: 1.6k
reading time: 6:06
mentions of alcohol
!chapter 1!
srry for spelling errors!! wasn’t rlly proofread
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pls read ch1 for context LMAO it’s not as bad as it looks i swear
i wake up to keegan entering my room, my eyes opening as i sit up. “what is it” i call out, seeing a beer in his hand. i look at the clock. “seriously, keegan? it’s 4 am.” he must’ve woken up and began drinking again.
“get up” he says, placing his beer down on my dresser as he gets closer. “i need something”
“keegan, no” i say sternly, holding back a yawn. “i’m not taking you anywhere”
“i need you to drive me to the store” he says, his voice slurred a little.
“i told you, im not taking you anywhere” i say, slightly annoyed as i pull the covers over my head, and i can feel the bed creaking as he sits down on the edge of it.
“you’ll drive me, get up” his voice is more of a demand then anything and i can feel his hand grabbing my ankle, pulling me towards him
“keegan, im not your personal driver” i say, trying to pull my leg back from him.
“come on, just drive me” he says, his hand slipping up my leg to grab my thigh. i’m not sure what he’s doing, but it’s not going to work.
“your drunk, go the fuck to bed” i say angrily, finally pulling my leg away from his grasp. “i’ve had enough of you for one day.”
he looks at me with an angry expression, his brows furrowed.
“fuck” he says, practically fuming. he leaves my room, finally leaving me alone. on the way out he slams the door behind him, making it known he’s mad. i don’t care about him, so he can be mad all he wants.
i sit up in my bed, a sigh escaping my lips as i process what just happened. other then today he’s never been physical, never even touched me once, and what he’s doing today is thanks to all the alcohol he’s been consuming, i can just hope he’s his normal self tomorrow.
i lie back down, my eyes struggling to close. i groan, thanking keegan for another sleepless night. it’s usually because of his snoring, and it’s not the cute, deep rumbling kind. it’s the high pitched shrill kind that makes me want to shove a fork in my ears. you’d think you wouldn’t be able to hear it from my room, but thankfully he’s right next to me, our beds on the same side. i can practically hear every movement on the other side of these thin walls, and it drives me crazy.
but luckily today was saturday, so i have one more day of possible rest before i have to go back to work. and then i have two things to deal with that’ll give me grey hairs in a few years. my job is nothing special, but it’s definitely nothing easy, either.
after a while on my phone i look at my clock again, the time 5:43. i didnt hear any noise in the living room since keegan left, but i did hear him angrily flop on his bed, signaling he’s probably asleep for good now.
i get up from bed, making my way out quietly and to the kitchen, making sure not to wake him. lord only knows how angry he’d get on top of everything else.
i make myself a cup of coffee with extra sugar and cream, making sure ill be up for at least another few hours. i sip my coffee as i look at the mess keegan made last night. the beer cans still haven’t been put away, there’s empty plates and chip bags everywhere, along with crumbs on the couch. i sigh to myself. this is already gonna be a long day.
i clean up his mess, putting the dishes in the washer and throwing the trash away, slightly angry that i have to clean up for a man old enough to be my uncle, but i guess it’s what i have to deal with if im living with him.
once im done i relax on the couch, lying back and propping my feet up on the coffee table. i always told keegan not to do this, but he never listened, so i guess im taking on his lazy habits.
a few hours later i wake up from a nap i unknowingly took, looking at the clock on the wall. i groan, sitting up. i shouldnt have fallen asleep for 4 hours when i have much more productive things to do, but i guess it’s my life.
i get up, my legs feeling like jello from being in the same position for so long. i walk to the fridge, getting a snack to eat as i think to myself. i hope keegan is better today, for my sake and his.
i get snapped out of my thoughts, hearing a door open behind me.
speaking of the devil.
i look at him, my eyes curios, waiting to hear his first words of the day. will it be a “sorry”? will it be a “i fucked up, i’m a horrible roommate”? probably not, i don’t know where i got that from, probably my neurons frying from lack of sleep.
the first thing i hear is a groan and a “stop looking at me like that”, my eyes immediately leaving him. gladly.
i turn back to the fridge, grabbing my snack and heading to my room. i don’t want to deal with him. i’m tired, hungry, and overall annoyed. and i don’t need him adding to that list.
i sit on my bed, my back against the wall. i don’t want to lie down, ill just fall sleep again. i’m not sure what im going to do now, i don’t have any plans for the rest of the day, i guess ill just scroll through social media.
as i’m scrolling i hear keegan retreat to his room, the shower turning on. good, i don’t want to be around him when he stinks, not that im around him a lot, anyways.
a message on my phone catches my attention, one of my friends texting me.
“hey, wanna go out tonight?” it reads, my eyes lighting up a little. i could definitely use a night out, someone to talk to about this human being i have to live with.
“sure, where we going?” i respond back, my thumbs impatiently tapping the screen as i bite my lip.
“there’s a new bar downtown charlotte. let’s go there?”
“sure, come pick me up at 9” i respond back, adding a smiley face for extra effect.
now, all i have to do is wait, and that’s gonna be one hell of a game.
i hear keegans water turning off, signaling he’s done cleaning himself for the day. my eyes continue to look at my phone as i scroll through social media. another text pops up at the top of my screen, this time from keegan.
“i forgot a towel, bring me one?” it reads, a sigh escaping my lips. i go to my bathroom and get a towel, bringing it to his bathroom and knocking on the door. “here” i say, everting my eyes as he creeks the door open, snatching the towel from me.
“not even a thanks?” i ask sarcastically, not really caring but finding it rude regardless.
“yeah, thanks” he says, his voice muffled by the door.
before i move to leave, he walks out of the bathroom, my eyes widening as i see him on display. the towel is around his waist, his jet black hair is dripping wet, and his body… i expected that he had let himself go after he left the military and everything, but damn was i kinda wrong.
i can see a scar running across his toned stomach, it’s probably not as defined as it was before, but in all honestly, it’s kinda hot. his right arm is full of a snake tattoo, wrapping from his wrist to his shoulder, and many more on his chest and left arm.
my eyes trail down his body, taking in his soaking wet appearance in full, and that’s when i realize i’ve been basically ogling at him for 30 seconds now.
“ah, sorry” i say, turning my head abruptly. i saw the smirk on his face before i faced away from him, he knows he took me by surprise.
i quickly walk back to my room. what the fuck just happened? i’ve never seen him like that, nor that smuggy smirk on his face.
i don’t know what im feeling right now, but it’s nothing that will turn out good. i don’t want to be attracted to keegan, he’s an asshole, and i don’t want to be attracted to assholes. it’s a rule i made for myself.
i sit back down on my bed, letting out a deep breath as i pick my phone back up. it’s a few hours until i have to leave. so i guess ill just continue to scroll through my phone.
i hear the tv starting back up, some sort of sitcom playing. i bring my phone closer to my face.
i dont know what to do about this revelation, but i guess ill find out, hopefully.
i look down at my phone, seeing my friend texting me again.
“so, what’s keegan like?” he asks, and i chuckle to myself, typing out a response.
“he’s a total and utter dick, and a grumpy ass. but i’m starting to think he’s not bad, he’s kinda hot, actually.”
i send it, waiting for his response as i hear the tv turning off, he’s probably going to sleep, he only got a few hours of sleep last night, after all.
i look up from my phone, seeing him walking to his room in a black form fitting tank top and grey joggers, showing off his tattoos and body.
i look away quickly as to not ogle at him again, my phone dinging with another message from my friend.
“oh i can’t wait to hear all about it tonight, girlfriend”
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dovahkinniez · 1 year
You're resurfacing my old Skyrim crushes omg 😳
I'd absolutely love to read any nsfw you have for Brynjolf, alphabet or otherwise, but do not feel pressured at all !!!
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Omfg, I'm glad. That's the aim, let everyone be obsessed with their skyrim favs. <333 for the amount of love I have for Brynjolf I never seem to write him. So I'm excited for this.
Most likely wont proofread - im lazy xoxo. If there's any mistakes, just tell me and I'll change it.
18+ only!! Sexual content ahead, minors dni!
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
He isn't a young man, he's lived a life before you and over the years he's learnt the art of aftercare. He's loving, gentle, tender, all the things you wouldn't expect him go be due to his occupation and reputation. He's especially more caring towards you as he loves you, he gives you everything you want and more.
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
His: his mouth. It's skilled, it makes you feel good and it allows him to say things that makes your toes curl with excitement, so naturally he likes his mouth due to what it does to you.
You: ass. I see him as an ass man. Loves to lay his head on it, grab it, smack it. Everything and more.
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically… I��m a disgusting person)
Likes to cum inside you. Likes to fuck it deeper too as he tells you to take it like a good little pet, and you do. Obviously!
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He's usually dominant but he's has multiple fantasies of you domming him, and being pretty mean about it too.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
A lot. As I said, he isn't young. He knows what he's doing. His fingers aren't just good at picking pockets. ;)
He's good and he knows it, he can be quite smug about it at times but it makes it hotter tbh.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying)
Doggy, reverse cowgirl, anything where he can see your ass and take a good grab at it. This man loves to smack it until its red, watch it bounce as he slams his cock back in you. Yeah, any position he can see your ass.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Eh, nah. I don't think he's that goofy. He isn't exactly serious but he isn't a comedian in bed either. If something funny happens you both laugh and then continue like it didn't happen.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
He's a hairy man. Like body hair, yes. I'd say he wouldn't leave it until it's like a literal forest but he doesn't take much thought on it tbh. He's got better things to do than worry about something as natural as hair. He views it the same way with you, you could have longer leg hair than he and he still wouldn't care.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
He's more intimate during the aftercare part, and during foreplay if he's feeling sentimental. In general he just likes to rail you, as he should.
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
He does it, but not too much. He has you, he doesn't feel the need and it's not like he's always horny anyway.
When he does he likes to watch you, loves when you masturbate with him, makes him feel closer to you.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Degradation: his voice is like literal honey and if you thought praise sounded hot, wait till he degrades you as he fucks you into the sheets. Damn.
Impact play: he loves to see your skin mark up as his hand smacks against it, he's never too rough. But enough to see a mark, for you to groan out. Its hotttt.
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
He'd definitely love to fuck you in the houses of those you steal from. Taking all their valuables AND fuck all around their houses? Beautiful.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Not related to you, after a good job. It peps him up, and he'll use that energy out on you. Related to you, when you touches places like his neck, his thighs. That sorta thing. If you start kising all over his neck he's ready.
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Nothing involving seriously hurting you, he'd never actually want to see you in pain, even if pleasure mixes. He'd feel too guilty.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Personally, I think he'd prefer to receive it. Not saying he doesn't like giving, he just loves watching you play with his cock and balls, watching you suck and lick. He loves it. When he goes down on you he loves when you sit on his face. He can grab at your ass and just zone out and enjoy it.
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Rough and a mix of fast and slow. Depends on the mood, how he wants to fuck you, how you want him to fuck you. He likes it either way but he loves to pound you either way.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
Not too keen on them, he doesn't like to rush perfection, if you're fucking he wants actual time to do it.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
To fuck you in the cistern while everyone is asleep, seeing if you can fuck without waking anyone up.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
Depends really. He can't go many rounds, he's not as young as he looks. But he can last a while, yeah.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
He uses them, yes. Sometimes he'll steal them from shops and surprise you with them, he likes to make you feel good and if you enjoy toys he will love them too.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
He can be, yes. He's a natural tease, loves to talk you into a orgasm just to pull away, just to watch you beg for release. Boosts his ego.
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Not too loud. He grunts and groans but beyond that he doesn't moan very loudly.
W = Wild Card
Would break into your exes house just to fuck you on their bed as a silent 'lol they're mine now xoxo'
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants)
Thick. Meaty. Big. Curves upwards. Juicyyyyy. LMAOOO.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Notttt too bad. He loves sex but he's a busy man, rile him up and he's ready to go.
Z = ZZZ (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Bro sleeps like a log. After he knows you're both relaxed he's dead asleep. It's kinda funny how fast he drops off.
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httpsbearily · 3 days
went to the afkj tag not rly expecting much so your fics were all a pleasant surprise, thank you 🥹 the brutus fic especially, i'm a sucker for childhood friends -> yearning tropes 😭 anyways if you have time maybe you could write for shakir? i am unfortunately not immune to wolfman archetypes so I'm hounding over whatever content i can take LMFAOOO
also i see you've been playing wuwa... same here... i'm still trying to complete all the echoes tho i need to get on that stat....
☆*: To You
[Tags]: shakir x reader | GN reader | fluff & smut
Minors Do Not Interact
[Author’s Note]: holy shit I literally just met shakir in story—im so behind ik nobody say anything—and I was immediately in love. Immediately. don’t even joke lad. i grew up in the golden era of wattpad werewolf fics so i would be straight up lying if i said i couldn’t relate to you. hes just too fine I fear. this piece came out so long oh my goodness I’m sorry anon for making you read a whole senior thesis OTL. this isn’t proofread btw rip, lmk if you find any errors teehee
p.s. yesss wuwa is literally my addiction rn but my echo captures are just…not it. sigh
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The sun blazed high in the sky, heating the land around you until it reached a temperature that made you feel faint--It didn't help that you'd already been bustling about since dawn. There were still so many responsibilities for you to see through so wouldn't benefit you in the slightest to be lazy during these hours of daytime....but, Dura above, did you want to. Even the feeling of your breath on your skin was enough to make you overheat! Still, you persisted.
Finding shade under a desert tree, you sorted through your herbs and elixirs, taking note of your inventory. As a traveling apothecary with a regular route and a growing customer base, you were usually content with the amount of business you received. However, there were days like this one, when the harsh climate made you question whether all that clientele was worth it. Especially when you realized that you were running low on one particular stock item or another, and would have to venture out to find more.
A sigh and a moment of internal complaining later, you gathered up everything that you had set out, organized them into your backpack, and gazed dreadfully out into the horizon where you could see the heatwaves emitting from the land. Even if you wanted to get up and set off on your travels, you wouldn't be able to with all the energy you lacked in your body. It was already noon and you had yet to eat anything, not anticipating the day would be this hot, so the lightheadedness you felt only blocked any progress that you could be making. You wondered if it was worth it to use the last of your energizing potion for yourself; It would mean that you'd only need to collect more ingredients later on though...
Lost in thought, you hadn't noticed the caravan traveling down the path you had come from until they were only a few feet away. Indifferently, you watched from your shaded spot as the group traveled close together, seeming to guard the desert carriage with unwavering focus. These sights weren’t new to you, having spent so much time in the trade-seller business. You were accustomed to the behavior needed to remain perceived as non-threatening to the guards. Retreating your gaze, you moved to act as if you were sorting through your backpack. You could never be too safe when it came to playing dumb in crowds like this, especially when security was transporting goods that fell outside city regulations. This was a lesson you learned from the experiences you had; You’d never forget the day your safety was threatened by a paranoid seller who had been transporting dark magic charms. Recollection of that memory made you realize an important detail: where there were high-security caravans, there was bound to be a leading mercenary nearby.
“Well, look what we have here,” a loud, brash voice said from somewhere nearby.
A small smile formed on your lips as you looked down inside your backpack. Right on cue, you thought. You’d been right to assume he’d be accompanying the others. Slowly lifting your head, you turned to the side to greet the tall-standing wolf who approached you from the flank of the caravan.
“Hello, Shakir,” you greeted amiably, “how are you?”
“Bored out of my mind! I was promised a dangerous mission but got stuck with these timid insects who run at the first sight of danger instead. I haven’t had a fight all week, my claws grow dull,” Shakir complained in a huff with a cross of his arms over his chest.
Just the same as always, it appeared. Out of respect for your friend's mourning, you refrained from chuckling at his words but it didn’t mean you weren’t amused.
You first met Shakir a few years ago when you expanded your shop to include local desert flora in your concoctions. At the time, the mauler had taken a job as a bodyguard for some small-time criminal, offering his protection across terrain borders. While you’d been in the process of selling products to a couple of weary travelers, the wolf had sauntered up to your pop-up shop with little intention to buy anything. Of course, however, as a seller, you’d come across many different species of individuals with all kinds of personalities, so you hadn’t been affected to see the large wolf approach. The same could be said for your human clients. Nervously, they gave you some excuse as a reason to leave before scampering away. Their behavior seemed a little silly to you, but at the same time, you couldn’t blame them harshly when the wolf did genuinely emit an intimidating aura.
“Hello, would you like to try one, or some, of my handcrafted elixirs? They’re made by my own magic and are guaranteed to have the stated effect, or you’ll have your money back,” you pitched to the mauler.
“Ha! As if I’d need the help of some magic to be great. What are you saying? That I’m weak? I could tear you apart with just one hand,” the wolf responded, his voice booming.
You didn’t know how to respond, hadn’t he come up to you…? Why did it feel like you were the one who’d behaved provocatively…
“Of course you could, sir, I don’t doubt your ability. You do seem like a mighty warrior,” your words came out a little slower than normal as you actively thought of what to say, “I only mean to sell my wares, not offend.”
“If you believe me some fool then your life is in danger. Don’t patronize me. Now, the little mage I’m babysitting is feeling a bit unwell. What do you have that will take care of that for me?” The wolf said, prodding at your displayed glass jars fill with concoctions with a sharp claw.
Of all the customers you’d dealt with before, he was the most outlandish one. He seemed to run so hot and cold with little experience in the cold! Talk about unwell. Still, a customer was a customer, so you kept your best face on as you took care of business.
“I suppose it depends on what he needs,” you said, “if it’s his physical state that’s shot, then I might recommend a rejuvenating potion. However, if it’s an emotional state, it would be best to go for a calming one. I also have things in between if you’re looking for something specific: nourishing, healing, strengthening—”
You noticed the wolf's tail swish behind him before he held up a hand to stop you from talking, “How am I supposed to know what the bug needs? The problem is he’s too weak! You got anything for that? I bore of traveling by him and his diffidence. Every time I try to challenge an opponent he tells me it’s too risky, that he’d rather make it to his destination on time instead of establishing dominance. If I weren’t getting paid well for this job then I’d shown him a lesson long ago!”
A wary expression shadowed your eyes; The creature before you seemed bloodthirsty in a tamed way. Perhaps it was best to get him out of your hair as soon as possible and hope he wouldn’t feel wronged by your sale, seeking revenge afterwards. The thought alone was enough to make you shudder. “Alright, then how about this: a warriors mix. It’ll give the drinker a surge of confidence and small strengthening side effects. However, it wears off with the body’s filtration cycle so the one who drinks it only retains its enhancements for 5 days maximum.”
“That’ll do. I’ll be free of this dead weight by 3 days time anyways.”
And with that the wolf tossed a small pouch of coins to you, taking the elixir that looked miniature-sized in his hands, and turned with a gush of wind. However, before he left he looked back to tell you, “If I feel cheated I will find you. You’re not worthy to be my opponent, but I spare no discrimination in getting equal.”
You simply stared at his retreating form, unsure about how you felt about this entire interaction. The better news for you was that you were an efficient mage with proficient abilities, so you knew the contents of your mixes would have an effect no matter the client. What you worried about was whether that effect was up to the standards of this brazen mauler.
To your luck, the wolf hadn’t reappeared in search of justification, and as the days went by, you’d even begun to forget about the interaction as a whole. Lured by the false sense of reassurance, it took you completely by surprise to run into the mauler on your routine path back to the city. Seeing him alone, you’d immediately thought that this was it, that he really had been looking for you to enact his equal exchange. Despite knowing you did nothing wrong, you couldn’t help but feel a little panicked, stopping in your tracks to change the direction you’d walk in.
“Hey, you! Where do you think you’re going?” The loudly spoken question made you freeze and you felt your heart skip a beat. Shyly, you turned back around to face the oncoming mauler with a dumbfounded look.
“Me?” You questioned dumbly.
“You see anyone else around? Where are you going, why did you turn around? You think you’re too good to share the road? Are you degrading me? I’ll show you too good—let’s fight!”
Your hands shot up in a placating motion, waving wildly as you shook your head, “no, not at all. I didn’t think you’d noticed me. I was worried you were coming for revenge.”
“Revenge? For what? Have you wronged me before? I would remember your face if you had! Hmm…you do seem familiar. Where have we met before?” Asked the wolf, not once sheathing the blades on his knuckles even when he raised his hand to pinch his chin thoughtfully.
Disbelief flooded your veins; He didn’t even remember you?! You weren’t sure if you should be relived or offended by that notion….
“We met only once, a few weeks ago. I sold you a potion for your client to drink. If you weren’t satisfied, you said you’d hunt me down.”
At your explanation, the wolf laughed loudly, his tail flicking behind him. “I remember now! You were that puny mage lingering around the desert border. Intrepidness still runs through you, despite being so feeble. I can’t tell if you’re brave or just stupid for continuously challenging me.”
I’m never challenging you though, you wanted to tell him but you held your tongue. Someone like him seemed to be in the best mood when you let him act freely. Correcting him might not prove to work out in your favor, even if it was in an attempt to settle any non-existent feuds. Adjusting your backpack on your shoulders, you responded, “Then I take it the potion worked well?”
“That little man from before made it to the city without yapping in my ear about being cautious, which was good enough for me. You can't make warriors out of rodents but you can surely shut them up.” A toothy grin full of sharp teeth filled his face.
“That’s good. You may call me weak, but I must tell you that I know how to wield my magic enough so that others can be influenced by it. Perhaps the world is lucky I became an apothecary instead of a villain?” You said in a half-heartedly joking manner, wanting to test the boundaries of his friendliness while at the same time showing him that you were.
If he was, once again, offended by your words then he didn’t show it this time around. He only retracted his blades and shook his wild mane of hair. “Don’t get cocky yet little mage. Even the great Merlin struggled to win my approval.”
And with that, he sauntered off, continuing in the direction he’d set off to in the beginning. You were left feeling unsure again but relieved that no bad blood seemed to reside between the two of you. If you’d meet him again in the future though, who knows if that’d change. The mauler seemed intent on fighting you no matter what, yet at the same time was disinterested in what you might possibly offer in a fight. No matter, as long as you kept him placated enough to slink away unscathed, then that was good enough for you.
Just like in a fairytale, you would frequently come across the wolf during your journey. Each time you met, he followed the same pattern: threatening you, being appeased, and warning you of future encounters when he would finally confront you. Over time, this cycle became familiar to you, to the point where you were pleasantly surprised by his presence instead of being afraid that he would follow through on his threats. It was unavoidable then, that you'd come to witness the wolf's capabilities firsthand.
The first time he’d challenged another mauler in front of you, you had thought he was all talk, similar to how he behaved with you. But to your—admittedly traumatizing—surprise, Shakir and the unnamed mauler escalated into a full-on fight involving the weapons they sported. While you felt queasy witnessing the bloodshed, you couldn’t bring yourself to walk away, not after the wolf seemed to be fighting on your behalf. Sort of. A few moments ago, you and Shakir had been conversing your normal chat lines as causally as could be when suddenly another mauler had cut off Shakir to demand some supply from you.
You knew that maulers were a confident bunch with not much to fear, so their forward behavior swayed you less and less every day until you became immune to it. Unaffected by the mauler's rude interruption, you simply went to work gathering all the mauler requested. But that non-perturbed emotion didn’t seem to settle on Shakir. Feeling wronged, the wolf questioned the new mauler about their audacity.
“Do you think you could just cut me off? Ha! I could wipe the floor with your balding pelt and you still find yourself brave enough to wrong me. Can’t you see this little mage is busy? Get in line, weakling.” Those words from Shakir were all the other mauler needed to start a fight.
You feared immensely for your friend(?? was he your friend…?) as you watched the ferocious battle from the sidelines. Shakir was by no means weak or small, so you well understood that he could hold his own in a battle, but seeing the other mauler who very nearly matched his size was enough to worry you. The sound of metal blades clashing together, accompanied by growling from both parties filled the room and it made you realize how out of place you were as a mere human mage. Whichever celestial being was watching out over you, protecting you from actually enacting Shakir’s promise of a spar against you, you’d have to make sure to send a prayer of thanks later!
Even though the fight seemed to drag on for most of the day, it had actually only lasted a few minutes before the other fighter was pinned to the floor under Shakir’s feet. Instead of causing further harm, Shakir grinned his sharp-toothed grin and let up. "You’re quite formidable. I’ll spare your life for now. It’s nice to have such a worthy opponent."
The other mauler pushed the wolf's foot off him with a grumble, stranding up to begrudgingly admit defeat. Giving you a sharp look as if it were your fault, the mauler turned away and left. You felt unnerved by their unspoken sentiment but chose to focus instead on the wolf who'd proudly made his way back to you. "Did you witness that? Now that was a fight! A wonderful day indeed. I ought to be off sharpening my skills to be better prepared for our next encounter. One victory makes me crave more! You, little mage, should consider becoming stronger and not so weak. Ha!"
Before you could get a word in response, Shakir was off in a direction only he knew the destination of. Quite quickly, your fretting over his well-being turned into confoundment; He hadn't even given you the chance to make sure he was okay. What a stupid wolf! He just left like that, with no concern for the bloodstains on his clothes! Oh, just the act of it alone made you want to learn how to fight just so you could knock some sense into him.
Giving up, you gathered your belongings and set off early, back to the little town you resided in. If any heard you grumbling about some mauler the entire way, they would assume you held a deep grudge.
But that's how most moments with Shakir went. When he wasn't picking battles with random strangers, he was telling you again how weak you were. You weren't as muddled-headed as your wolf friend, it didn't take you long to realize that his treatment of you was really just a tough-love type of behavior. After the first two or so years, he stopped threatening to fight you, by the fourth, he relented his "bullying" altogether. At this stage of your friendship, he would only constantly remind you how easy you were of a target and that you would only become a liability to have around. You never took his words to heart, after all, compared to the people he would often find himself around, your magic would only tickle without lethality.
That's not to say he never uplifted you. In his eyes, you were quite feeble but resilient like no other. Perhaps it was that feature of yours that made him stay.
Resurfacing from your reminiscing, you gave a smile to your friend. "What? Surely in a group this big you'd be bound to draw attention. Carriage robbers aren't exactly sparse in these desert paths."
"Robbers? Pah! More like flies. I only needed to swipe my sword once and they were gone. Crying back home to their mothers I'm sure. Business these days is nothing but a drag," Shakir groused, sneering at the group that was currently leaving him behind with heavy disdain.
"That sounds pretty rough. They don't exactly look like much of a party crowd either," you responded, watching the people as you returned your backpack to your shoulders.
"I'll have to kill the boss once I'm done here. They truly dare to request my presence in such petty tasks."
A displeased expression formed on your face at his words, "Don't let me in on your plans, please. I'd rather not be an accomplice to murder. I think being in jail might be worse than out in this heat only because there'll be a crowd."
Swishing his tail, Shakir pulled you up to your feet by lifting the handle of your backpack. With a yelp of surprise, you stumbled to gain your balance, "Hey!"
"Come on little mage, on your feet. We can't lose good daylight. Hurry up." He pushed you forward in a signal for you to follow the desert carriage and you sighed. You'd just found a perfectly good spot to rest under and here you were, being forced to march on. Today was simply not your day.
Together, the two of you reconvened with the caravan--of who were not pleased by your appearance. The other foot guards began to protest something about secrecy, but when the foremost soldier who rivaled even Shakir's height, stomped towards you, you began to count your woes already. With more force than necessary, the soldier grabbed your arm and pulled you away from the others. It happened faster than you could process, but before the soldier could push you away from the group, Shakir yanked the soldier back by his shirt.
"What do you think you're doing?" The wolf growled.
To your surprise, the soldier didn't cower away from the sight of the mauler bearing his teeth like others normally did. That was all you needed to know that this man was familiar with higher-powered individuals; These types never meant good news.
"Authorized hire only. Outsiders aren't welcome. Tell your dog-toy to beat it, before I make them," the soldier said.
This soldier was not beating any allegations you had made of him; Just by hearing the soldier indirectly call Shakir a dog, you knew that the situation was about to escalate. Today was, really, not your day. You missed your uninterrupted--albeit overheating and feeling close to death--peace from 10 minutes ago. Looking back at Shakir, you saw him unsheathing the blades on his hands as he shoved the soldier further away. By this time, the rest of the caravan had completely stopped in their tracks, watching the two fighters rival each other. The question you were faced with now was whether or not you should try to get everyone to calm down; On one hand, the soldier was a massive dick, but on the other, this was still a job to Shakir. You didn't want your friend to lose out on a hefty pay for your sake.
"It's okay. Shakir, I'll meet up with you back in the city. I was headed there anyway," you said, lifting your hands to appease the others.
Your words fell on deaf ears. The two men were already in a fighting stance, focused on nothing but the other. Shakir had even tilted his head, a movement that was always deceptively coy. It told you that he was already planning to aim for the man's vital points.
Dura above, you should've just stayed home today.
Not wanting to get caught up in the action, or cause any more trouble for your mauler friend, you set off with a sigh, continuing your trek down the path. To others, your behavior may have seemed rude--ditching the one who stood up for you was not exactly a loyal thing to do. But when it came to Shakir, you learned from experience that a crowd only encourages him, and the bigger it was the better. Having someone he knew witnessing him was worse than a room full of strangers because then he'd want to show off. So, for the sake of his safety and your emotional health, you returned to the small town.
It took another few hours since you were still overridden by that sluggish feeling, so by the time you reached your home, the day had fallen to evening. This time frame wasn't unusual for you since your travels tended to last the entire day coming to and from trading spots. Nonetheless, you were tired and you were hungry, but above all, you wanted to bathe in the coldest water you could get your hands on. You didn't bother with organization as you let your belongings fall to the ground by the front door, too preoccupied with undressing yourself to get rid of the sticky, sweaty coat that covered your body. When you reached your bathroom, you tossed all your dusted clothes into the hamper and wasted no time in turning your shower on, immediately stepping under the falling water.
Just standing, you let the water shower over you, rinsing all the desert sand from your skin. It felt heavenly. Too often you would forget how good a shower felt at the end of a long workday. There was just no match to the sensation of the cool water cascading down your body. Finally achieving some cheerfulness back into your soul, you hummed a song as you washed yourself with soap, gently scraping your nails against your scalp to massage the muscles there. Perhaps this day wasn't too bad. Once you were done showering, you could spoil yourself with a particularly fancy dinner because you felt you deserved it, and afterward you could work on experimenting with some new potions! It'd been a few days since you last got to stretch your magic, having been only using it for the same elixirs you made. As for the herbs you were short on, you'd have to worry about that another day.
Feeling comfortable with your new plans, you shut off the shower, wrapped a towel around yourself, and made your way to your bedroom. The sight of your wolf friend lounging on your bed made you jump high in the air, making your heart drop to the ground as you nearly fell back in shock.
"Shakir," you yelped, "what the hell are you doing?!"
The mauler lifted his head from the bed as if he were annoyed by your surprise, "I'm trying to get some rest."
Astounded, you stalked toward the burly wolf and nudged him off your covers, "Hey, get off the bed, you're filthy! Why are you here?! Aren't you supposed to be escorting?"
Hassled, the wolf flicked his ears, grumbling as he moved off your bed. "That bug from earlier got butt-hurt after I beat him, so he went and rattled to the boss about it. I couldn't care less, I got a spar out of it, though it was highly unentertaining," he said. Your hands stopped in their movements to clean the bed, "What? They fired you?"
"Of course not. The boss practically begged me on their knees to join, some small-time side character complaining to them won't change anything."
A breath of relief left you. Straightening up, you crossed your arms over your damp chest--a motion that caught the wolf's eyes. "So what now? Are you jus--"
Shakir didn't let you finish your question. With wide strides, he moved in front of you, gripping your forearm and pulling your arm out. Your free hand immediately moved to clutch onto your towel to make sure the movement didn't work it loose. You wanted to protests against his behavior, but he spoke before you.
"You have bruises on your arms. You overly-frail mage, is it from the soldier earlier? You just let him hurt you like this?"
The sneer on Shakir's face took you by surprise. His teeth were baring slightly, and his ears pointed backward in a way you knew meant he was growing aggressive. You attempted to pull your arm back, feeling confused by his intensity. Knowing him for so long, you knew he wouldn't start a brawl with you, but if that was the truth, then why did he look ready to pounce?! It's not like you'd invited the soldier to be rough.
"Sorry, I didn't have much of a say at the time," you retorted. Shakir didn't seem amused by you making a joke of it. Finally releasing your arm, he turned and walked away, leaving you to scramble in an attempt to put the pieces together. "Shakir, what's wrong with you? You look like you're ready to cut a boulder in half. The bruise doesn't hurt, I hadn't even realized it was there if that's what's stressing you out."
"I do not discriminate in my revenge. If a rock so much as trips me, I will cut it to pieces. That soldier rat is no different. Nothing should defame me and still be allowed to exist, so I must go and exact my vengeance," your friend told you as he stood at the door of your bedroom. With his back turned to you as it was, you had a clear sight of his tail swishing back and forth angrily and it only fed your confusion.
"That's true but the soldier didn't offend you, he acted against me. There's no reason to go to war for your honor when it hasn't been slandered!" Your words made the mauler go stiff, his head turning just enough for you to see his eyes wearing a heated gaze.
"By acting against you, he challenged me," he told you in a cold tone.
His words made you go quiet for a second. While you knew that the wolf didn't have many friends, it didn't seem reasonable for him to defend one as much as he did. He may be the most formidable fighter in all of Esperia for all you cared, but that didn't mean he wasn't threatening his safety every time he ran off to duel! Growing frustrated, you ran a hand through your hair, "that shouldn't be the case! Shakir, I'm honored that you are willing to fight my battles for me, but there is no need. I would rather not subject my friends to events that can be prevented."
"Friend? I have no friends! Not even Merlin would be called my friend. Are you as dense as you are weak, little mage? We are not friends, you are mine! And I can't let mere insects break what belongs to me. I will protect you even if it means picking up your battles for you. It makes no difference anyways, a good fight is a good fight."
Your mind crashed at his words as you tried to process them. What was he saying?! Why was he saying it like that?! Like he held regard for you?! This was all so confusing and you desperately needed a moment to think about it all, but Shakir had pulled open your bedroom door and stalked out. Chasing after him, you called, "Wait, Shakir! Stop and think for a second, would you?"
"Think? About what? I have never been confused a day in my life."
Fed up, you pulled on the fabric of his scarf, "Shakir, listen to me."
Your action seemed to finally gain his attention, and he stopped walking abruptly, causing you to crash into his back with an "oof". The wolf looked back at you from over his shoulder, "What?"
Taking a step back, you frowned up at him; "You can't use me as an excuse to beat people up. And secondly, you can't just spring a revelation like that on me and then walk out all bloodthirsty! Are you crazy?!"
The mauler turned to face you with a discontent expression, leaning down slightly to regard you intensely, "What do you suppose I do then? Not teach him a lesson? Let all those other sidekicks think they could get away with something like this? Little mage, you are small and weak and an easy target for those pests. If I don't take care of this, those others might be inclined to believe they could behave the same."
The more he spoke, the closer he stepped toward you, imposing over you like you were the one who was acting rashly. With every step you took back, Shakir took one closer until eventually, you were backed up into the wall. Still, you stood your ground; "When those moments arise, then I will deal with them. There's no reason for you to go hunting for them."
The mauler tilted his head to the side, "Hunting is what a wolf does best". His clawed hands found a spot on the wall, caging you in between them, and he leaned down even further, "I will hunt those who so much as think about blaspheming you. You can try to stop me but don't expect much. Your honor is mine, and I will never let one offend me without consequences."
Emotions welled up inside you, causing a storm of conflict to rise in your heart. You wanted this to be some sort of joke, that he would tell you it was an act, anything to keep your heart from racing the way it was. Him explaining to you that he cared for you beyond that of a friend, that he returned your unspoken feelings, made you feel overwhelmed with joy and sorrow and agitation. On one hand, you knew that telling him to stop being so battle-hungry would be the same as him telling you to stop using your magic--it just couldn't happen. However, on the other hand, with the heart you held for him, it couldn't help but grow weary every time he made a challenge. You loved him, you truly did, but to know he liked you back made you feel conflicted. Would you be able to handle his brazen character? He worked so often in mercenary recruitments that you only saw him once or twice a week on average. So many thoughts made you want to hit your head against the wall.
Shakir sensed your rising anxiety--not only was it evident in the way you held your body, but he could smell it on your skin. It wasn't a new scene for you to be in, he would catch it almost every time he met you. If he said it didn't affect him, then he would have been lying. The mauler was well aware of how merciless he could be, his overbearing personality made it hard for others to even be near him, but for some reason, you'd stayed. And he'd gotten to know you. Obviously, he'd seen nothing but your incompetence in strength at first, but over the years he realized the strength you wielded was silent and invisible to those who wouldn't see you. Your strength came from your resilience; How you were able to endure so much, and whether you realized it or not, it put you on par with the wolf--something he was proud of. It was no surprise for him then when he realized that somewhere along the way, he had gone from seeing you as the traveling apothecary to his own. His perfect match; Someone who could withstand his relentless nature and still worry for him in return.
While he knew he thought of you this way, he hadn't realized how deep his feelings ran until the soldier today abused you. And now, seeing the red marks left behind, Shakir had never felt more resolute before in his life: He needed to defeat his enemies. Leave it to you, however, to distract him from what needs to be done. The way you looked, trapped between his arms, skin wet from your shower, and concern painting your face, was enough to make him want to devour you. Leaning down to brush his snout against your skin, he made a low growling sound in his chest. "You reek of nervousness," he told you, "what are you afraid of? That I'll lose?"
You clutched onto his scarf hanging over his chest, "No, I know you never do. I can't help it". A thought occurred to you, "don't go. Stay tonight. If you still feel wrong by tomorrow morning, then you can go."
"Stay? And do what?" the wolf said against your skin, his tone still as clear and confident as ever.
Responding, you said, "Show me I'm yours."
Shakir grinned into your neck before immediately sinking his teeth into it. The pressure made you wince with a start, but it wasn't enough to break the skin. A shaky breath fell from your lips but you didn't have much time before you felt the warm feeling of his long tongue lapping at the indents made by his teeth. At the same time, his large hand had closed in on your body to pull your towel away. Having forgotten that it was all you were wearing, clarity hit you fast making you grow shy in the moment. To some extent, you should have expected the mauler to be as forward as he was, but under the way he licked the droplets of water from your skin, moving down your clavicle to your chest, you couldn't help be feel dizzy by how fast things were moving.
You didn't know what to do with your hands, having let go of his scarf so you wouldn't choke him as he leaned further down, but now with nothing to hold on to, they simply pressed against the wall. Shakir took your hand in his waist to hold you steady and he lowered himself to the ground to work his tongue over the skin of your stomach. The wet heat you felt over your skin made you feel as if you were in a dream, that at any moment you would awake to find none of this had happened. Just that thought alone made a surge of disappointment flash through your heart, but you tried to clear your head. Even if this just was another one of your dreams, then at the very least you would allow yourself to enjoy it.
Shakir was impatient. His ministrations were quick with no particular focus as he sought out the area where he could smell your arousal most concentrated. Not even minutes had passed when he was pulling you off the wall to turn you over. This time, he pulled your hips back towards him so that only your chest would be pressed against the wall, fixing you in a bent-over position that gave him better exposure to your entrance. A shudder ran down your spine when you felt the cool tip of his nose brushing against your heat. Breathing heavily, you bit your lip in anticipation as you were unable to see the mauler's next actions. It felt as if your sense of touch had been heightened because when he licked a long stripe against your heat, you felt yourself jump.
"Calm down, little mage. You're acting as if I'm hurting you," Shakir said, his voice sounding muffled between your legs. You'd been about to apologize when he repeated his motion, making you cut yourself off with a moan. Shakir felt his tail twitching behind him, his animalistic instincts urging him to take you making him growl as he lapped your heat, tasting the pleasure on your skin. The sounds you made only encouraged him and he had to restrain himself from going too hard. He'd save the force for later when he felt an overbearing need to mount you. For now, he was content with pushing his tongue into your tight hole.
You felt his hands grip your thighs, his claws lightly scraping against your skin as his fingers dug into the muscles. His tongue, long and slick, licked at you with fervor as if you were an oasis and he a was water-starved man. The vibrations of his deep growls resounding in his chest only added to the pleasure you felt, making you moan out his name with passion as you tried to press yourself further against him. Shakir felt himself growing more affected by your behavior but found himself too addicted to the taste of you to do anything about his rising limb. His wet muscle plunged into you with an effort you'd never experienced before and it made your knees feel weak.
Juices that were a mixture of your arousal and his saliva dripped to the floor, creating a mess where it landed. You knew that after this you would feel slighted to have to clean it all up, but in the moment you couldn't care less. The wolf felt the strength leaving your legs the longer he ate you out, to which he responded by holding you tighter. He moved you further back so that you would slide lower down the wall and expose more of yourself to him even if he was already seeing all of you. When it came to you, he felt greed eat him alive. All of it, he wanted all that you had to offer, in every way possible. He would have you in a way that forced others to know that you were not to be messed with. That, interaction with you would mean facing his wrath.
His thoughts reflected in his actions, and the surge of jealousy he felt over others interacting with you made him lick deeper into you than before. It made you cry out when he'd accidentally rubbed against the sensitive spot hidden within your walls. The mauler felt the way you clenched around him and dug his claws into you with more pressure.
In between moans, you had attempted to tell the wolf that you were close but with every try, you found yourself being interrupted with electrified pleasure. Your hands clawed at your wall as you felt yourself throbbing under his tongue. With tears forming on your lashes, you writhed pathetically from the searing lust that coursed your body, pushing the coil in your abdomen to wind up tightly. Unable to hold on any longer, you cried out for your wolf as pleasure overtook you, making you tense and you came on his tongue.
Despite your obvious orgasm, Shakir continued lapping at your sec until the after-shocks of your high made you flinch away on overstimulation. Pulling himself away, he licked one long stripe up your spine as he stood up. With his nose to your hair he told you, “Don’t believe this is is. You’re going to suffer a lot tonight, little mage. Until you make up for today.”
You could only whimper against the wall, your legs shaking with effort to keep yourself standing.
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uriekukistan · 28 days
Got one for you: top 5 writing pet peeves?
okay top5 for myself
the word “shrugged”: i swear my characters shrug more in one chapter than i have in my entire life, but i cant seem to get away from the word…although when i put my work into this thing that counts word recurrence, it never makes the top 10, i still feel like i overuse it sm
proofreading: i hate hate hate proofreading….like reading my own writing is just frustrating to me, especially bc i actually write way in advance of when i actually publish it, so things i may have thought were good a month and a half ago i usually end up hating by the time i actually publish them…idk i think a lot of creators are their worst critics, im sure there’s not as much actually wrong w my stuff as i think
mixing action with dialogue: i dont even mind this much when im reading, but seeing a huge section of just dialogue in my own writing has me foaming at the mouth…and i have a hard time visualizing things so it takes me so long to add realistic actions in between certain lines, otherwise i feel like the scene flows weird if i dont do this…
figurative or overly descriptive language: no one has ever said anything bad abt this so i’m not sure why it but i always worry that parts of my writing will come off pretentious? like i’ll write it and be like “wow i cooked” and then i’ll read it back and be like “who tf do u think u are to be writing like that”
writing environment: i swear i need everything just so to be able to write efficiently, its so annoying. perfect caffeination level (not enough = no brain, too much = can’t focus), perfect playlist, comfy clothes and comfy seating position, not hungry but not full etc etc. i can still write without these things but it ends up being slow af. so annoying
top5 for reading others’ writing (ghhhh hope this doesnt come out mean)
poorly formatted dialogue: genuinely if i see dialogue lumped in with paragraphs of text I CLICK OUT im not reading that i’m sorry. it’s a visual thing like it’s overwhelming to read and makes the story flow weirdly, like pleasseeedseese put your dialogue on a new line
UNDERuse of the word “said”: ik this is contrary to most writing advice, but it bothers me fr when ppl go out of their way to avoid words like “said” “asked” “replied”…like sometimes they’re genuinely the best words for the situation, or the synonym that gets used is just not appropriate. when you get into more specific words like that it’s gotta fit well. i’m a big advocate for using modifiers rather than synonyms, like “whispered” “said softly” “said, a hint of softness creeping into their voice” are all different. anyway i hate when im reading and someone uses a synonym for “said” that doesn’t fit the situation
over reliance on physical description for characters: again like the synonyms- time and place. maybe it’s just me, it just feels kinda depersonalizing if youre constantly using physical descriptions when they aren’t relevant, especially in romance. ex: in dancing with a stranger, megumi notices yuuji’s muscles bc he purposely flexes, or the way his eyes catch the sun as part of the “view” on a sunny day, but the rest of they time, he’s thinking of yuuji as kind, warm, talented, etc. it just makes characters feel shallow, and especially in romance, makes the relationship feel shallow. if all megumi noticed about yuuji were his big muscles and loserboy puppy eyes, it kinda cuts the meaning and intimacy from the relationship. also noah fence but it also comes off as kinda lazy characterization
im a liar i cant come up 5 for this i already feel mean for saying what i said 💀 thank u again for the ask !!!! sorry for rambling so much skdjdk
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