#it just seems like a very him move
crimsongrimoire · 2 years
personally love the thought of like. especially in modern au stuff. something happening between them, perhaps not in a fully lucid state of mind or not-not-emotionally-fraught circumstances or a fwb situation, and kaeya takes it upon himself to go "well if he doesn't make a Thing out of it i won't either"
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kingofmyborrowedheart · 9 months
Thinking about how much Taylor probably wanted her partner to experience the show that she spent so much time creating and rehearsing, that included music they made together and he saw her write about their life and she was probably so excited for him to see it and then he just never went…And now she sings “and if you wanted me you really should’ve showed” every night and is now talking to someone that went to that show, has been gushing about it and her and it’s making me feel a lot of things.
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everysongineverykey · 2 years
don't hug me i'm scared episode 6 electricity is really something when you're autistic, huh. yellow guy is made fun of all his life by his only friends and laughed at for being "stupid" when all he needed was a change of batteries but no one would listen to him and give him the accommodations he needed and deserved and when he finally did get new batteries and become more clearheaded his friends didn't like him any better. they stopped making fun of him, sure, but they didn't like that he was "smart" all of a sudden, because they'd gotten used to him being "the stupid one". and he looked in the mirror and saw his former self, and his reflection asked him, "have we gone wrong? they seem upset with us" because the truth is even if the way you are now is more comfortable for you, even if it doesn't hurt to think anymore, people will only ever like you if you're the Right Kind of autistic/adhd/traumatized/whatever. have we gone wrong? have we gone wrong? that's what you always ask yourself. "maybe they're not in charge of us anymore." "maybe they never were." and his reflection walks away, as if accepting that the others will think what they will think, and it won't matter, because yellow guy is his own person, no matter how difficult it is for him to articulate his thoughts, and he doesn't need their approval to think. "maybe they never were."
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thedreadvampy · 6 days
sometimes I forget that my experience has been. um. not 'your experiences are not universal' vibes but more like 'your experiences are EXTREMELY atypical'
#red said#recent events have reminded me that my life has involved like. a LOT of other people's psychosis#like not in a way where i have been Beset By Terrifying Crazies bc that's not like. a thing.#but a lot of people in my life have had a lot of really severe psychotic episodes#and i FORGET sometimes. that actually that is an Unusual Amount Of Experience With Psychosis for someone who's not#for somebody who has not really personally ever had psychotic episodes (unless severe PTSD flashbacks count)#actually i tell a lie i have maybe had One psychotic episode but because it was very situational and i knew what was happening#i was able to ride it out. because i am literally only psychotic Inside Hospitals and so that's all fine#as long as i LITERALLY NEVER HAVE TO HAVE INPATIENT CARE. Very important to me to never ever ever require surgery i think.#i can handle the amount of psychosis i get from a 1-4 hour stopoff in hospital#as long as i know I'm leaving soon then i can just Cope with the fact that the walls are moving and reality is thin#ANYWAY that's not the point the point is i forget! that most ppl i know have experience of at most a handful of severe psychotic episodes#some people i know have experienced more for sure. especially if the episodes were mostly theirs.#but people really seem to expect me to be more freaked out by their symptoms of psychosis than i am#bc i don't think i really register it as frightening unless they're in actual danger or Currently Aggressing Actually At Me#like i WORRY about them bc it can super suck but it's not SHOCKING or WEIRD#there have definitely been times ive been frightened. one time i woke up in the night and my friend was standing over me with a knife#but also like he was still HIM he was just having a moment. and as soon as i got the knife off him he just came back and broke down.#and we were fine and he was safe and i learnt the valuable lesson that even when people seem like they wanna kill you they probably don't#tbf now I'm thinking about it it's honestly a tossup whether he was there to threaten or because he felt a need to guard us#like to be clear probably don't try and take a knife off someone having a psychotic break. i was 17 and it was 3am and i knew him very well#i probably did not make the smartest call but nobody got hurt is the point#anyway you know there's that kind of psychotic episode and my granny got very violently angry a few times. buuuut you know there's also#been plenty of other times I've been with somebody having an episode and it's been chill as hell.#my ex saw and heard monsters so much that eventually she just got sick of being scared. we used to watch TV with them#i would sometimes have to sit on a bit of sofa that wasn't haunted and we might not be able to watch certain things bc they didn't like it#most of the time she was hallucinating there was absolutely nothing to worry about we just had a few extra variables#honestly of everyone i know who's had psychotic episodes or schizophrenia the amount of times it's been a material risk#is like. low single figures? maybe low double if you include self harm but idk what the cause and effect is there.#idk why you would need to be frightened like 99.99% of the time it truly is usually just Oh No That Seems Distressing For You I'm Sorry
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ryllen · 1 year
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alex who is good at heart & said  “good luck” when he rejected you after  “nah... I'm gonna ask someone else” on flower dance festival
and actually care about having friends,
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that he has been acting friendly to u even at 0 hearts, in seek of new friend opportunity.
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canisalbus · 10 months
Your art is so poignant and skillfully executed. I'm always excited to see what you create, and all the various influences that are revealed(or hidden) in each art piece.
That being said, I was not prepared for the sudden influx of Sad Dog x Bright Dog art you've been sharing recently! Machete having the potential of being loved and enjoying tenderness despite himself is one of The Best reveals of 2023. I enjoy how you express his relationship and struggles just as much as i enjoyed the stand alone pieces you've shared.
Thank you much for sharing the broader stories and pictures of your characters 💓
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thaliagrayce · 1 year
y'know what we don't talk about enough? Hazel died. We talk about how she grew up in the 30's and 40's and we talk about how out of place she feels in the modern world, but! She died! She was dead! She has spent more time dead than alive, and not by a close margin!
How does that effect a person??? We got some of it in the flashbacks, but once those caught up with her present timeline and she shared them, they just kind of... disappeared. And she was a regular girl with some weird past experiences. That's one way of doing it, sure!
I think it would have been a lot cooler if she was just a touch creepier. If she felt a little bit Wrong. Yeah, in general she's more approachable than her brother, she's more sociable and less closed off, but. If you actually spend any time with her, it can be difficult to tell which child of the underworld is actually more unsettling.
Hazel is bright of personality and has a dazzling smile, but sometimes she'll just... shut down. She'll go completely blank for like half an hour and nobody knows what to do with it. Sometimes she forgets she's alive. Sometimes she'll spout the grimmest shit you've ever heard like it's nothing, she won't even notice it's weird until the room goes quiet. She spent decades in Asphodel, which is designed to make people forget about themselves and wander around for eternity, only she didn't have the luxury of forgetting! Wild! After she comes back to life, sometimes she forgets that she's allowed to Do Stuff now. She can spend so long sitting and staring at nothing. Sometimes she'll start crying on cloudless days because it hits her again that she can actually feel the warmth of the sun on her skin and she can hear birdsong. Every little mundane experience is a blessing and she will make you remember that in the most foreboding way possible.
#hazel levesque#hoo#mj talks#like. i am fascinated with characters who die and come back different and it JUST hit me that there was so much potential for hazel there#the idea of how death lingers was not explored At All in heroes of olympus#of course there's the obvious part in that there were what. 3 named character deaths total? 4 if you count leo#which i very much don't because it didn't stick! there were no consequences to this gigantic war!#the first series did well with that because we had plenty of named characters who died#even though some of them were introduced only to die like six chapters later. we still knew them on some level#and more importantly percy knew them. he felt their loss in a way that made consequences seem real#heroes of olympus didn't have any of that. hazel could have been a great way to talk about it a little more!#also i just love characters who have obviously gone through death. that has to change a person! tell me how it changed you!#anyway. i think i'll make hazel creepier from now on in my writing#she deserves it <3#nico is creepy in an obvious way. he's got power over death and that clings to him like a second skin. he can't hide it#and he's learned that he doesn't have to. there is power in being othered#hazel seems lovely when you first meet her! none of the death power all of the glitter and gold and riches#and then she'll look you dead in the eye and say 'you really don't know how lucky you are to be able to breathe until you can't anymore'#and move on like it's nothing! what!#underworld siblings
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kennyomegasweave · 3 days
We are 8 episodes in on My Stand In and I still don't like Sol.
He's just continuously singing Mary J. Blige's I Can Love You and it's not cute.
Joe's turned him down like four times now! Joe keeps picking Ming! Even when he's saying he's only doing it for noble reasons, he's still doing it! He's still picking Ming!
Like. Give it up Deelishis!
Porsche is very cute but Sol is just not it. I'm not sorry I'm not sorry.
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fiona-fififi · 2 days
#feeling controversial today i guess#but like#i am at the point where i actively do not get the hype around tommy#like he’s just some guy#most of what people seem to like AND hate about him seems to be just based on headcanons not anything he's actually done in canon#he's had exactly zero development outside of moving buck's character forward since showing up again#like sure maybe there's potential but it hasn't actually been used at this point he's just kind of there#i do not understand having particularly strong opinions on him in eithet direction#like fanon opinions sure he's fun in fic#but like. the way people seem to be mapping their fanon versions of him onto canon to fit either a blind adoration or a blind hatred for hi#is super weird to me#like he’s just som guy y'all why is half the fandom falling out over this dude while the other half has gone underground??#he's just not that interesting#i will never understand how hard this fandom goes for side characters#who have had next to no development of their own#i didn't get it with lucy#i don't get it with tommy#like to each their own#but damn the power y'all give these random characters who frankly just aren't that interesting in their current states is#a lot#like enjoy have fun no judgment there#but can we maybe stop actively attacking each other over this guy he's just some dude come on y'all#*either *him *some#i really need to proofread my tags#*also i think i mean more controversy rather than hype in that third tag. it's not really that i don't understand why people like him#but more that i don't understand how he inspires such extreme opinions#anti tommy kinard#just in case#this isn't meant to be anti really i'm just like. very neutral about him#911 discourse
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mumblesplash · 6 months
season 9 has been amazing but i’m kinda excited to be around for the beginning of a hermitcraft season, they were well into the empires crossover arc when i started watching double life (which was pretty much my introduction to mcyt in general) so this is gonna be my first time actually being around for the early game
#man i REALLY fell into this whole thing ass backwards#it literally all started bc of scar#my sister knew about him and i was like ok so i’ve just seen this man play minecraft#and it was somehow the most stressful thing i’ve experienced in my life#and she was like ‘would you like to see someone desperately try to keep him alive for approximately 6 episodes’#i watched all the life series (at the time) in reverse order and then moved on to hc 8#which i feel is worth mentioning bc this watching order caused me to have what seems to be a pretty unique series of realizations#it was like oh wow scar really is that stressful to keep alive -> oh shit there’s prequels to double life?? ->#oh shit the double life (and prequels) players are in OTHER minecraft series??? -> holy shit the double life guys can BUILD???? ->#(discovers the swagon was a ‘starter base’) HOLY SHIT the double life guys can BUILD -> MOON BIG??????? ->#NORMAL HERMITCRAFT SEASONS ARE *HOW* MANY EPISODES????????????#-> */CROSSOVER EVENT??????????????/*#and that’s just the major story beats that shit was a JOURNEY#mumbling#there were some other notable shocks along the way#like the discovery that the popular fan interpretations of the life series involved any angst whatsoever threw me for a LOOP#bc they're all so clearly being silly goofy with their buddies#to be clear i'm so on board with taking it all extremely seriously for the sake of Lore#it's all very fun#but going in i was not expecting it at ALL
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wanyinchen-narts · 2 years
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summertime bonding training with dad-sensei and his beloved dango children🌤️🤸🍡
(click on the pictures since Tumblr likes to snack on pixels)
#maito gai#tenten#rock lee#hyuuga neji#team gai#naruto#sha's nart art#them uwu <3#i HC that Gai has different variations of his iconic jumpsuit for different seasons and everyone's fav is the sleeveless one for different—#reasons— for very different reasons and aight' guess what's kakashi's reason is lmao#anyways enough of the husbands lets move unto the dango kids#neji (dattebayo or not) is the one who wakes Gai up at dawn and insists that they go to training ground 3 to meditate everyday#neji had a hard time meditating at first but has grown to enjoy it very much under Gai's direction#Gai may seem like the type to be restless but he has mastered the art of meditation under the iron-willed and strict teachings of Ningame#after a handful of years actually#like 5 years of ningame persistently nagging him to relax and just breathe#Gai be like 'the most formidable art form I have ever mastered is the art of meditation'#anyways yall might be wondering why Gai is bringing drinks for tenten when she's clearly studying on their usual training field#like WHERE IS THE KITCHEN??#well duh dad-sensei made the cucumber coolers in his apartment's kitchen and ran all the way to training ground 3#and he didn't spill a drop because duh he's Maito Gai; one of the fastest nins in the land and he has perfect body control#he got to training ground 3 a minute and a half minutes tops hehe; anything for his daughter <3#and visualization training because it is one of the episodes where it explicitly screams that dad-sensei is very smart and very capable#Dad-sensei want Lee to work on a theoretical basis more and not bore him sooooo visualization training it is then#team gai my beloveds <3#sorry i went on a tangent hahaha
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goldlightsaber · 1 year
I find it interesting that Jesse Armstrong and others refer to Roman Roy as a "playboy" and say that he "goes back to being a playboy" in the finale cause like....where? I feel like Roman is someone that just wants everyone to think he's a playboy and "drowning in pussy", when he is clearly...not? Time and time again, it's been shown that he can't really fuck a woman and can go quite a long time without doing so. Unless you count what happens with Gerri as sex. To me it has always seemed that he is simply posturing as the kind of man who is capable of "getting pussy", that he is exhibiting a performative joy in objectifying them and fucking on the regular, and that he makes his statements disgusting enough that people don't want to pry into the truth of it any further. And what effect does that achieve, other than to be closer to whatever version of masculinity Logan might've deemed best? Or the closest version Roman is capable of achieving? What Roman lacks in corporate ambition and focus, he makes up for in exaggerated, lewd sex talk. It achieves the effect of making him seem preoccupied with sex, just the way a "normal," testosterone-oozing man would. But as we know, he is actually having very little. This is all to say, "Playboy where?"
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sysig · 11 months
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Blusters in, flusters out (Patreon)
#Doodles#Wander Over Yonder#Emperor Awesome#Commander Peepers#Yet again some light Eyesome - at Least on the friendship side of things <3#Drawing Awesome's big smile-laugh was so fun ahh ♥ His mouth and teeth shape with his gums showing! The fact both eyes are hidden!#His hand grabbing his chest lol ♪ I was thinking the way Chris Evans laughs haha#And then pulling a ''Cute'' on Peeps hehe <3 He's said that before when he's being mean! (Though I like to think he also meant it lol)#He probably thinks cute is lame :P But cute is cute! Girls can be cute Peepers can be cute dolls can be cute! Cute runs the gamut!#I am so pleased with the little blush hashmarks where Awesome pinched him haha ♪ He is So pissed#It seems like Watchdog eyes can be touched - lightly - or at least they can choose to touch things with their eyes open#Biting/licking tends to be a closed-eye activity but Peepers has been seen drinking with his eye open! It's interesting#I think it'd probably be uncomfortable but not painful - I dunno whether to think of Watchdog eyes as being more or less moist haha#If they're more then they'd have a thicker mucus membrane to protect them - almost like frog skin?#But if it's less then it's almost more like plain skin itself - self-hydrating but thicker#I guess it comes down to what parts of the eye are actually ''eye'' lol - maybe just the iris? Though veins are visible in the sclera!#And they do clearly have eyelids and the ability to blink so they need flexible smooth-moving opaque skin on top :0 Not like a shell haha#Their helmets - Peepers' especially - act more like a shell which is very cute :) I love Peepers' ridiculous ''widows peak'' haha <3#Feel free to imagine the rest of Awesome as him leaning as far back as possible as he walks away lol#Kicking myself quietly for going with ''Napoleon'' rather than ''Bonaparte'' I think it would've flowed better and been a bit more clever#How does he know who Napoleon Bonaparte is and what he's referring to? Counterpoint what the hell is ''Bon Appétit'' - Wander & Peepers#Lol#Gone as quick as he came#He'll be back in no time to bother him again haha
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venti-death-watch · 9 months
yknow based on freminet’s emphasis on being controlled & the director’s weapon vs making his own decisions, and looking at xiao’s everything, if one of the house of hearth kids is going to betray the fatui/join the traveler i’d kinda expect it to be him
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quirkle2 · 2 months
Does zombie mob have fangs? When he's cured would still have them? Also how strong is zombie mob compared to human mob?
i like to pronounce fangs in my art bc it's fun and i think it looks cool but zombie mob doesn't actually have bigger or sharper canines than humans do. it's the Bite that's dangerous, not the sharp teeth, and that's not just because a zombie bite can turn you*
zombie mob is Very strong! ritsu first discovered this when trying to gently (and then with more oomph) push him down onto blankets to get him to sleep and it was basically impossible to even budge him, no matter how much strength behind it he applied—if mob doesn't wanna lie down, He Simply Won't <3
ritsu was reminded of this later, during the incident where tome was swarmed and mob defended her. during the fight mob had grabbed one of the zombie's heads and slammed it into the wall of a nearby trailer and the dent it made,,, let's just say that was Not caused by human levels of strength.
*after that ^ fight, ritsu came to the realization that zombie jaw strength is Wicked. they can bite down on metal and bend it if they wish—if they wanted to break bone with a bite, they could do so. mob was Incredibly lucky he got away with as few wounds as he did during that quarrel; the ones in his arm are Bone Deep and if that same level of strength had been applied to his neck, it woulda ended everything in a snap
important to note that bc he's prolly one of the healthiest zombies out there, that also means he's not as shaky as the others from starvation—zombie mob could potentially have a lot of strength underneath that docile nature, more than most zombies could muster up
luckily, ritsu has never been on the receiving end of mob's new abilities, but that also means he's largely in the dark about what he's capable of. mob never rly uses his strength outside of fights, and when ritsu tries to get him to lift something heavy, mob just kinda stares at him and then gets distracted by a bee. it's very hard to utilize any advantages his brother may give him in surviving, and ritsu doesn't wanna treat him like some servant, so he largely forgets about his strength until it's used in very dangerous close calls
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babybucks · 2 months
okay what if eddie and marisol broke up with marisol screaming, “you’re fucking gay and in love with a man who won’t ever love you back the way you want him to” and this whole tommy thing is just eddie processing it by trying to prove that buck isn’t the actual love and light of his life, his co-parent, his person, his partner, the most important person in his life after his son
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