#it just sounds off even when it's in tune and also the lower e falls out of tune if i look at it wrong
Getting into playing the guitar is all well and good until you realise that you want a proper guitar that sounds right and then realising that my wallet is not going to thank me in the long run because they are expensive 😭😭
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malfoysstilinski · 4 years
girl in the mirror | DRACO MALFOY
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PAIRING: Draco Malfoy x Muggle!Reader
SUMMARY: in which draco and y/n are soulmates and can hear each others’ music, and you’ve been blasting sad songs all week, worrying draco. 
WARNINGS: one mean joke about americans sozzles 
A/N: based on the tiktoks where soulmates can hear each others’ music. i dont think ive seen an imagine like that on here so i thought i’d write one :)) also set in 2010s 
In the Wizarding world, on your thirteenth birthday, you are officially bound to your soulmate. This means different things for different wizards and witches, depending on what they valued. For example, when Blaise Zabini turned thirteen, he was able to see his soulmate in mirrors-- fitting considering how self-obsessed he was. 
Draco, however, heard music. You must be obsessed with it, he realised. He found out he was right pretty quickly, waking up to the sound of your playlists muffled in his ears and falling asleep to them too. 
It was always Muggle music too. You must be a half-blood, or even… Merlin forbid, a Muggle-born. Realising that his soulmate wasn’t going to be a pure-blood like his parents had planned, Draco kept the news to himself and worked on his vocabulary. He tried his best to bite his tongue around Granger, ignoring his friends when they made fun of their ‘dirty’ blood.
He didn’t want to hurt you when he got to meet you. 
It took Draco longer than it should have to realise you definitely didn’t go to Hogwarts. How could you when he’d be sat in assemblies, the room so silent you could hear a pin drop, and all he’d hear is the thumping of your music in his ears as if he was underwater?
“She’s probably an American,” Pansy pretends to gag, the others laughing with her. 
“Could be a Beauxbaton,” Blaise suggests. 
Draco doesn’t like to make assumptions, but he thinks you are definitely a Muggle. It’s rare, but not unheard of in the Wizarding world, especially nowadays. For the Malfoys, though, it would be an outrage. 
You play your music the most when he’s eating dinner in the Great Hall or when he’s getting ready for bed. 
At first, he hated it. He hated your music, he hated how his head was rarely ever quiet, and he hated that he didn’t know who you were in order to beg you to take your headphones out for once. 
However, Draco learnt to love your music. Songs and bands he’d never heard of before quickly became his favourites and eventually, he found himself humming your Muggle tunes in the common room or quietly singing along in his dorm when the other boys were out doing whatever. 
He learned to love having your music in his head, especially as the years rolled on and his life became harder and harder. It made him feel like he was never alone, your muffled melodies making a home in his head and pushing out all of his anxiety and depression. 
Draco wanted to dance with you to them. He liked to lay in bed at night and listen to your songs and imagine that you’re lying next to him. He bets you have a nice singing voice. Maybe you can even play an instrument or two. Maybe you could teach him how to play the guitar, and maybe he could show you how to play his favourite pieces on the piano. 
Your music is never too upbeat, but today Draco feels like he hasn’t heard a single song that wasn’t about being sad. As he trudged from class to class, Draco couldn’t help but feel like something was wrong with you. It had been going on for the past few days, and the music stopped altogether on one of the days. 
He went to bed with an empty head for the first time in a few years, staring at his ceiling. He plugged his iPod in and went to the Muggle section, playing a few of your favourite songs. It wasn’t the same. 
“What’s up with you?” Blaise demands as Draco doesn’t touch his meal for the second time that day. 
Draco glances to his friend and looks away, shaking his head. “Mind your own business, Zabini,” he mutters weakly. 
Blaise’s soulmate, a Slytherin in the year below, joins them at sitting on the table and Blaise immediately forgets all about Draco, the two of them giggling as they hug each other. Draco thought he could throw up right there and then, shaking his head in disgust. 
Green was Draco’s colour and Merlin was he jealous. 
Why did you have to be a stupid Muggle?
Draco immediately feels bad for even thinking it. He wants to hug you and kiss the top of your head and mutter apology after apology. The soft feeling makes him feel weak. You did things to him that nobody else did, and he doesn’t even know who you were. The fact that you were most likely going through a rough time right now made it ten times worse. 
“What’s wrong with Draco?” He hears Zabini’s girl whisper. 
“Why don’t you ask me yourself?” Draco snaps, lip curling in disgust. “Instead of talking behind my back like a coward!”
“Draco,” Blaise growls. “I don’t know what’s up with you, mate, but you need to calm down.”
“It’s your soulmate, isn’t it?” Pansy quirks an eyebrow from opposite them. “Are they playing that rubbish song you hate on repeat again?”
“No,” Draco hisses in defence of you. “I like that song, thank you.”
Pansy holds her hands up. “Okay, whatever. Sorry, Malfoy. What has got your knickers in a twist, then?”
He hesitates. He doesn’t like talking about you to anybody else but he’s really worried and he thinks maybe one of them might be able to help. 
“She’s…” Draco’s eyes drift to burn holes in the table in front of him. “She’s been listening to sad songs.”
Goyle snorts, making Draco’s head snap to him in fury. 
“Sorry, Malfoy, sorry… But that does sound ridiculous, mate,” Goyle admits. “She’s probably just into that… genre?”
“No, you don’t understand,” Draco huffs and shakes his head. “You don’t know her like I do. Something’s wrong with her, I can tell.”
“Well, why don’t you visit her?” Blaise asks, grabbing a grape and popping into his mouth. 
“What?” Draco spits. “Is that a joke, Zabini? I don’t find it funny--”
“I’m not joking,” Blaise frowns. “Merlin’s sake, Malfoy. Do you not pay attention in Charms?”
“Of course I do,” Draco hesitates, lying. “But what are you talking about, anyway?”
Draco feels ridiculous as he stands in front of the mirror in the bathrooms later that night. It’s silent since it’s the middle of the night, but Draco knows you’re awake because of the glum music playing faintly in his ears. 
He wants to visit you like Blaise told him to do, and as he stands in front of the mirror and casts his incantations, he can’t help but wonder if this is a setup. He doesn’t give his hopes up, doesn’t hold his breath that when he opens his eyes you’ll be on the other side of the mirror. 
But he wants you to be. He wants you to be there so badly. 
Draco does sort of believe it so he put on his black turtleneck and black suit and combed his hair like usual, replacing the uniform and robes he’d been wearing all day. He doesn’t want you to see him and be disappointed. 
He knows he won’t be disappointed no matter what you look like or what you are. 
Draco takes a deep breath as he lowers his wand and closes his eyes. When he counts down and opens his eyes, he’s stunned into silence by the sight in front of him. His heart skips a beat and he nearly chokes on his own spit. 
Staring back at him in the mirror is not his own pale reflection but what looks like a bedroom. The mirror glows orange from the lighting and he can see that it’s decorated with posters and records and other Muggle things. Draco doesn’t even process that you’re a confirmed Muggle at this point, he doesn’t care enough about that. 
On a single bed in the middle of the room, sat up in the very centre with headphones in and a laptop in front of her, is a girl his age. She’s got beautiful y/s/c skin and y/c/h locks that have been thrown up into a messy bun, her y/c/e trained on the screen in front of her as she watches what he assumes is a film or a tv show. 
She’s wearing a school uniform, not quite as posh as Hogwarts’, and it’s slightly crumpled from sitting in her bed with it on. Her polished black shoes are nowhere to be seen, rips in the bottom of her tights no doubt from wearing them thin five days a week. 
Draco can’t believe he’s looking at you right now. He reaches his hand out, eyes widening when his fingers seem to slip past the glass and he’s sucked into another world-- your world. He wasn’t expecting it to happen, a small yelp leaving his lips as he tumbles straight out of the mirror hanging on your wall and onto your carpet. 
You both scream as you make eye contact and you’ve thrown your laptop about in a panic. There’s no music in his ears now that he stands in front of you. Draco breathes heavily, unsure what to say. 
“Um, hello?” He offers. 
“What the hell?” You yell. “What are you doing in my bedroom? Who are you? My laptop!”
You ignore him as you dive off of the bed and pick it up. The screen is smashed making you glare at him harder. 
“I’m sorry!” Draco practically squeaks. “I- I have Galleons--”
“Who are you?” You cut him off roughly. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Draco keeps repeating, hoping you will calm down. “I-I’m Draco Malfoy.”
“Draco Malfoy?” You repeat with a mocking laugh. “Is that a joke?”
“No,” he replies, voice pitched higher than usual with offence. “What’s your name?”
Normally you wouldn’t tell a stranger your name, but this situation is anything but normal. You stare at the boy for a few seconds, wondering why he feels familiar. There’s something about him that has you relaxing under his gaze, which is weird because he literally just appeared out of nowhere. 
“Y/N Y/L/N,” you reply sceptically. 
Draco smiles, “beautiful name.”
“Are you like a nonce or something?”
“Nonce?” Draco crinkles his nose in confusion. 
You narrow your brows at him. “You’re literally British-- how do you not know what that means?”
“I’m not… I don’t really come from your kind of England,” Draco doesn’t know how to explain there is an entire world she’s been hidden from-- this is the first Muggle he’s ever had a conversation with. 
“Are you Welsh?” 
“Do I sound Welsh to you?” Draco cocks his head to the side, already amused. 
“Sometimes I can’t tell the difference, not gonna lie,” you reply. “But no. I’m sure you’re English. You sound like you’re a private school kid or something.”
“I guess I am,” Draco replies quietly, looking around your bedroom and taking in all of the colours that it has. 
You seem to snap out of whatever daze you were in. “Hey! You distracted me. Now tell me what the hell you’re doing in my bedroom before I call the police.”
Draco’s tongue darts out to wet his lips as he contemplates his next words. He hesitates and sits down on your bed next to you. You can smell his cologne-- it smells much more expensive than the Lynx sprays the boys at college seem to be obsessed with. 
“Do you ever hear music in your ears?” He asks, watching your eyes widen in conformation. “You do. That’s… that’s me. My music. I hear your music too. You listen to it all the time. Um… normally a lot of bands and stuff.”
There’s a long silence. “Do you have me on Spotify?”
“What’s Spotify?” Draco’s nose crinkles. 
“You probably just see what I listen to on Spotify!” You claim, standing up as you become weary of the boy on your bed. 
Draco still doesn’t quite understand your Muggle terminology, but he gets the gist of what you’re trying to imply. 
“That doesn’t explain the music you hear in your head from me,” Draco tries. “Or how I just came out of your mirror.”
You look overwhelmed. “What are you?” You whisper. 
“We, Y/N, are soulmates.”
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teeztheflag · 3 years
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Wolf!Ateez Reaction to when they accidentally hurt their mate
warnings: strong language, fighting, injuries, mentions of blood, mentions of bullying
a/n: ok ok I am really sorry I had to change the request a little bit so it doesn’t become repeating <3
general taglist: @latte-fairytaekwoon @little-precious-baby @yunhobabygurl @multidreams-and-desires
k i m  h o n g  j o o n g
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Usually the alpha was the most caring person with you. Bringing you flowers and spending as much time with you as possible. When the fights between several packs reached his land he knew dangerous times were coming.
Instead of talking to you and taking you to the meetings he decided it would be safer for you to stay in your house guarded when the attacks began.
Little did he know that you were tired of not being included and as the luna of the pack it was time to use your own power to help. Hong Joong was in a full fighting and killing mode when you were circled by five other werewolves who tried to kill you without mercy.
Hong Joong‘s senses were blended when he launched at the intruders and absentmindedly also accidentally bit your leg earning him a painful cry from your wolf.
Immediately he felt like his heart shuttered to pieces not knowing you would be out here in the battlefield. You limp away from your mate and run back to your mansion. Hong Joong changes back into his human and sags to the ground.
He still cannot fully control himself. That’s why he didn’t want you to help. He cries out and lays down on the grass not knowing if he could get under your eyes again.
p a r k  s e o n g  h w a
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Running away from a horde of big - way too big - wolves wasn’t what you planned for your camping trip. It was easy the third time you stumbled over your own feet hearing the low growls behind you. Your blood seems to freeze when you emerge a wide meadow where the only source of light is given by the full moon.
Tears escape your eyes when another whimper leaves you - they circled you. Was this a normal behavior for wolves? What should you do in a situation like this?
You’re only in a light see-through gown because of the hot temperatures these days. It feels like the wolves are strategizing at how they share gazes and let out noises that could be mistaken as chuckling.
Suddenly one of them jumps on you pinning you down to the ground. The animal is flashing it’s dangerous canines at your shaking form. You cannot help yourself to frantically scream and try to push it off you.
It seems to lower itself only more and out of instinct you bare your neck fearing this would be the end for you. The wolf sniffles and licks the spot under your ear. A tear runs down you cheek when you can feel a sharp pain where he draws a little bit of blood.
Suddenly it is pushed off you with force and a much stronger growl leaves a completely black wolf that’s is standing in front of you. You follow the scene in front of you with interested eyes when the other wolves seem to bow down in submission and quickly vanish out of the scene.
Great. The big bad wolf wants you for himself.
It really confuses you when the wolf slowly turns around eying you for a while. You try to get away from it when it nears your form and leans down to lick away the blood that is running down your neck. Again a sound of pain leaves your form to which the wolf backs away in an instant.
A huff can be heard and with conflicted eyes it turns around to escape the scene.
j e o n g  y u n  h o
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„Why are you running away from me?“ No answer.
„Do you like being chased?“ You still don’t answer.
„Okay, (y/n). We know it since three days so why are you not recognizing our bond?“
A tear escapes you which you’re quick to wipe away with the back of your shaking hand. You stop abruptly staring into the depths of the forest. Your gaze turns to the ground when you can sense Yun Ho moving to stand in front of you.
„My little mate. Why aren’t you talking to me? Did I do something wrong?“
„Wrong?“ You look up your hands turning into fists out of anger. Your chest rises with your breaths and you can feel your body heating up.
Yun Ho‘s playful smile soon vanishes and he starts to look concerned. „My love, why are you so sad?“
Of course your souls are already starting to form a connection and he feels your emotions.
„You’re asking if you did something wrong? How about hanging out with all the people that have nothing but bad comments about me left? Laughing at me? Hurting me whenever they can?“
Yun Ho starts to realize what you’re talking about.
„You’ve hurt me, so much already. That is not easy to accept.“
k a n g  y e o  s a n g
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You can feel his eyes burning on your back since half an hour. The beta next to you shamelessly flirts around although he knows your mate is sitting back with his friends.
Yeo Sang was one of the more roguish wolves in your pack always tending to not listen to any orders or picking a fight. Finding out about your bond was actually really shocking to you. You’re probably one of the nicest girls in the pack - according to folks. Always dressed in some pretty dress or blouse and never a too low neckline.
Your connection was still fresh and so far you managed to have the minimum contact with the trouble maker. Just to the point of tonight where the younger people of your pack met up for a campfire and some drinks.
„Wanna take a swim?“ You blush at his words but take his hand anyway letting him guide you through the trees. Standing in front of the lake and seeing that the beta ist already getting rid of his clothes makes you feel bad. He’s smirking at you.
„I don’t know if this is ok...“ Suddenly the beta gets a blow into the face by one of Yeo Sang‘s friends and two of them start to secure the beta in his holds. You’re overwhelmed with the situation immediately and Yeo Sang‘s eyes are dangerously yellow. He gets a painful hold on your wrist screaming at you but you’re not in the position to answer him.
„Y - you’re hurting me.“ Yeo Sang‘s mouth twitches at your words and with a hiss he let’s go of your arm ordering his friends to take you to his home.
The beta spits out blood laughing at the remaining guys and Yeo Sang.
„Great. Now she fears you even more.“ Yeo Sang punches him again knowing he’s right. He lets out a frustrated sigh condemning his short temper.
c h o i  s a n
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It was San‘s highest priority to keep the daughter of their alpha safe. Naturally he was always by your side following you around sometimes to your dismay.
This night you were able to shake the boy off and visit a club with your friends in the town nearby. Mostly humans could be seen here and you finally were able to let loose.
Shaking your body from left to the right you can feel a pair of arms sneaking around your waist to move you to the rhythm with him. Your head falls back landing on the shoulder of your dance partner a permanent smirk on his face.
It all happens to fast when you can feel someone ripping you out of the grip of the stranger. You fall down to the ground hurting your knee in the process. Hissing out you can see your friends immediately rushing to your side while you give the intruder a deadly glare.
San doesn’t stop to give the beautiful man punches when you’re quick to stand up and pry him off the man. San‘s eyes turn into a dangerous color when he eyes you an you know you better get out off here before he looses himself fully.
Outside he has a strong grip on your arm and ushers you into his car. The night flys by while a soft tune is humming. You’re so pissed at him that you decide to better not say anything. Suddenly he speaks up: „You’re letting vampires touch you now? Yeah? The daughter of the alpha is getting it on with vampires!“
„I - I didn’t know he was a - “
„Of course you didn’t! You are so young and literally know nothing!“
After a while of silence you turn to him a sigh escaping you. „I am sorry, San. Thank you for rescuing me...“
His gaze is fixed on the street and he can feel his heart and soul pulling on a bond that is still not touchable for you.
„It is my job to look after you. I failed...“
„No! You didn’t! I promise I won’t ever run away from you again!“ Silence follows but with a last glance San frowns deeply.
„Your knee... this will be a problem when we’re back.“
s o n g  m i n  g i
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„Yes, Min Gi! Just a little bit - closer!“ The wolf under you grunts while balancing you on his shoulders.
Your fingers are close to the fruit that is considered very rare in the realm. Your fingers are close to touching the fruit when suddenly your self made latter shakes and both of you fall down with a low thud.
„Ouch! Min Gi!“ The wolf‘s head hurts and his vision blurrs but hearing your crying he quickly stands up on his paws and howls out.
His tail is wiggling excited while he licks your face and tries to comfort you.
„I - I think my wrist is twisted.“ Tears are running down your cheeks while Min Gi suddenly changes back into his human form a frown on his face.
„Oh my god, I am so sorry!“ He frantically turns from left to right gripping his hair out of frustration. „What should I do what should I do!“
„Min Gi!“ You say through gritted teeth trying to hold in the pain. „Calm down and take me back to the pack!“
Min Gi wears a blank face hurt because he hurt you.
„Min Gi!“
He shakes his head to get a clear mind and sends you a firm nod. „Right. Back to the pack!“
j u n g  w o o  y o u n g
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You and Woo Young often played around in your wolf form chasing each other in the forest. Of course your animal instinct pushed you to little fights from time to time doesn’t matter if it is your mate.
Usually the fights always ended in the two of you changing back into your human body and starting a heated session.
This time unfortunately Woo Young pushed you a little bit to hard against the tree earning him a painful howl out of you. First you can hear him jumping around snickering for winning the battle but when you’re still lying down not moving much he slowly emerges your side tilting his head confused.
„(y/n)?“ He nudges your side with his snout trying to get a response from you but you keep breathing hard letting out little whimpers.
„(y/n)?! Are you hurt?“ Immediately his playful demeanor is gone and he changes back into his human form to search your body for any injuries.
„Oh shit! Change back! Come on!“ He’s totally devastated by now trying to caress you and encourage you with slow motions. You’re a crying mess when you’re back in your naked form.
„Woo Young... my b-back...“ He’s quick to pick you up bridal style and carry you past the trees in a lightning speed.
„Hold on a little bit longer, sweetheart.“ His firm voice and determined gaze really does it‘s wonders and you try to hang on to it until you reach the hospital.
c h o i  j o n g  h o
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Jong Ho could only snicker how you always managed to get out of his way. The campus was big and you really thought the handsome male that just happened to cross your way out of pure coincidence. Of course Jong Ho made sure to follow your every step because he just couldn’t help himself.
Finally finding his mate filled his body with adrenaline and having you not in the eye sight drove him crazy. The only problem that stopped him from immediately getting to you: you’re human. Probably not knowing about the world of magic and their creatures.
It was just the problem that you happened to have a boyfriend and one day it was too late for self control when he had the boy pinned to the wall in one of the cafeterias of the campus.
„Stay away from her!“ Your boyfriend shuddered at the low growl that came from the boy in front of him not knowing the slightest what he did wrong when he just gave a you peck on the cheek.
You screamed and kicked at him not knowing what happened a few seconds ago. When he suddenly turns around leaving you dumbfounded and all the others in the location you decide you wouldn’t let him go this easily.
You follow him and don’t even recognize that he’s going into the woods. He stops in his tracks when you don’t stop talking and you can see him breathing hard. Jong Ho tries to control his feelings but the frustration is taking over and when you try to turn him around by his shoulder he accidentally pushes you.
Your head collides with a stone and blood can be seen leaving the desperate wolf speechless. He runs to your side trying to wake you up but he’s getting no reaction out of your form. With tears pricking his eyes he’s quick to carry you to his pack to help you knowing it is now to late for you to turn back.
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scullyverse · 3 years
Eight Weeks
Prompt by anon; 
“Really? You wanna have sex...Here? Now?”
I had a lot of fun writing this one, and I adore the relationship between Mulder and Scully here. This is actually the 1st part of a 2 part fic combination with another prompt. So stay tuned for part 2 in the future!
Also available to read on ao3
Scully’s sudden hormones cause some unexpected ‘activities’ to happen while they are on a stake out. Set in the time period after ‘All Things’ and before ‘Requiem’.
Mulder/Scully || Filth || 7.7k words || Rating E (Explicit for smut)
“I’m starting to think you got some false information.”
Scully sighed as she lowered the pair of binoculars from her eyes, her gaze falling to Mulder. 
“Dawson said that Harvey would be here around 10pm. It is now 1 am and he still hasn’t shown his face. We’ve been here 3 hours, Mulder. I’m tired, it’s hot and I think we both need to get some rest.” 
They had been out on this case for the last few days, jumping from lead to lead. Mulder had happily chased every dangled clue and Scully had obediently followed; mostly because she had been so exhausted lately that she really didn’t have enough energy to argue with him about how obvious it was that he was being led around in circles. 
They had both been run to exhaustion with a seemingly endless circulation of cases and paperwork and it seemed to Scully that she hadn’t slept in her own bed in weeks. She couldn’t speak for Mulder, but she knew it was certainly starting to take a toll on her; both physically and emotionally. 
The last week or so she had been feeling slightly dizzy and she had started to get nauseous; much to her embarrassment with how many times she had to ask Mulder to pull the car over so she could bring up what little amount of breakfast she had managed to keep down that morning. She was certain that it was nothing to worry about and had told Mulder that every time he asked her if she was okay. She just needed to get home and sleep in her own bed and get her body back to running on something other than pure adrenaline and coffee.
“Come on Scully, we are so close with this, I can feel it. I know you haven’t been feeling the best so why don’t you have a rest? I can wake you if anything exciting happens.” 
Scully watched him with tired eyes as Mulder lowered his own binoculars, looking across at her as she sighed and rested her head back against the seat. She had to admit it would be nice to have a little rest, even if it was only for a few minutes. 
Putting her binoculars on the dashboard, she fanned herself as she leaned over to roll her window down slightly, just enough to let some fresh air in; even if the air seemed to be just as hot outside as it was inside the car. It had now ticked over into the early hours of the morning, but the hot and humid weather seemed to stick around, the thick foliage of the forest they were staking out in not helping with the humidity. 
“I doubt anything exciting is going to happen. If he was coming, he would have shown up by now. But I think I might take you up on that offer of a rest.”
“Just don’t drool on the car seat, I would like to get my deposit back this time.”
“Shut up, Mulder.”
Scully smirked as she rolled her eyes, her head turned towards Mulder and her arms resting together in her lap. She watched as Mulder gave a smile, reaching over to brush some of her hair behind her ear before he turned his attention back out his window, bringing his binoculars back up to his eyes. Although she wasn’t usually a fan of stake outs most of the time because of how tedious they were, she liked doing them with Mulder. It was comforting to have him in the car with her. 
They had always had a connection and they had steadily grown closer over the years spent together. It wasn’t until after her battle with cancer that the feelings between them had shifted from friends to something more than that. It was then that Scully knew that Mulder held her heart in a way that no one else had or probably ever could. Things continued to grow until they reached a boiling point when they returned from Antartica, which had led her to invite him into her bed, the night filled with discovery and passionate sex. They had been in a sexual relationship since, starting as a casual occurrence to what they had now; something as close to, what normal people might consider, an intimate relationship.
That intimate relationship, though, had seemingly been put on hold these last few weeks by constant cases and a heavy workload and Scully had to admit, she missed it. Closing her eyes with a soft sigh, Scully snuggled down further into the car seat, trying to get as comfortable as she could in this position and not think of the way she missed Mulder’s weight on top of her and his lips on hers. 
She told herself she would only rest her eyes, but it didn’t take long for her head to loll to the side, her lips parting as the soft hum of the car radio began to fade as she slipped into sleep.
All she could feel was him. 
His heavy weight on her as he rested between her parted legs, her ankles clasped around his body, pulling his hips closer with every thrust. 
The scent of sweat and arousal clung to the air as she gripped his shoulder blades, nails digging into his flesh. She could feel herself getting closer, spurred on by the increased breathing against her neck, the way he groaned just that little bit louder. 
The only sounds in the room were the squeaking of the bed and the slick, wet sounds of their bodies joining together between her legs. Her name purred off his lips as he picked up his pace, his hand slipping between her body and the mattress to angle her hips up closer to him. 
She could feel herself slipping over that delicious edge and with just a little more-
Scully jolted awake, her eyes opening suddenly as she sat up from her slumped position. Sighing, her hand reached up to wipe her forehead, a light sheen of sweat present there now, and she was sure it wasn’t just from the humid weather. The dream had felt so real. Her dreams had never been this intense before but she had noticed that her dreams seemingly had become more vivid recently. Maybe it had something to do with their hectic schedules of late and her inability to wind down, or maybe it was because she just found herself missing sex. Or more accurately, missing sex with Mulder. 
Scully had always considered herself a sexual person, enjoying it as much as the next person, but with Mulder it was as if she craved it, especially recently, and he was more than happy to oblige, being just as eager to have her as she seemed to need him. 
Looking over at the car clock she noticed only a mere 20 minutes had passed and Mulder’s gaze was still fixated to wherever he assumed the suspect would magically appear. Biting her lower lip, Scully rested her head back against the seat, a heat now coursing through her veins as the visions of her dream flashed behind her eyes and she just couldn’t seem to shake them away. 
Tilting her head, she watched as Mulder lowered his binoculars and placed them in his lap, his fingers fiddling with a sunflower seed before he put it in his mouth. Scully became captivated with how his teeth held the seed between them, how his lips and tongue moved together to crack the shell before swallowing the treat inside. 
Scully knew what wonderful things that mouth could do and all of a sudden she felt a hunger to have him like she hadn’t felt since their first night together, settling deep in her belly and pooling between her legs.
She couldn’t quite place it, but the urge was suddenly so strong and she found herself struggling to push it down. It was like her body was screaming at her to have him and have him now. Shaking her head slightly, Scully tried to ignore it and remind herself that they were on the clock working. That no matter what, she wouldn’t let her own personal feelings interfere with their ability to perform their jobs. They had both come to an understanding that their new sexual relationship wouldn’t get in the way of their working relationship. And that meant that they wouldn’t let themselves succumb to their desires while working, whether in their basement office or out in the field. 
She managed to quell the feelings for a few minutes, just watching him continue to nibble on a small handful of sunflower seeds, before the thrumming between her legs and the fire in her stomach became too much for her to ignore. Fuck the rules.
Chewing on her bottom lip, Scully looked around, taking in the surrounding environment before she gave herself a mental green light. There was no one around and they were in the middle of nowhere, the chance of them getting interrupted was extremely slim which caused a pang of arousal to hit her centre, causing her to clench her thighs together.
Flicking off her heels in silence, Scully was glad that she had chosen to forgo wearing her usual stockings under her skirt today because of the heat. It would make this a whole lot easier. Opening her door, Scully gracefully got out of the car, ignoring Mulder’s curious eyebrow raise.
“Scully? Where are you going?” 
Mulder’s question was cut off as Scully nudged the door shut with her hip, running her fingers through her hair. Mulder watched as Scully walked around the front of the car on her toes, avoiding the pebbles on the ground before she stopped at the passenger side, their eyes meeting through his window. 
Scully raised her eyebrow as she placed her hands on her hips expectantly. Mulder stopped chewing on his last sunflower seed as he quickly opened the car door, expecting to get some answers as to why Scully had abruptly left. Scully watched him as she rested her hand on the top of the car door, her weight falling against the metal as she bit her bottom lip, her eyes dark with arousal. 
“Push the seat back, Mulder.” 
Mulder gave her a confused look which only lasted a second before he seemed to register what she said and leaned forward to pull the lever under the seat, pushing his weight back so the seat pushed back as far as it could go. Scully felt the flush of arousal burn her cheeks as she stepped closer, taking the binoculars from Mulder’s lap. Scully let her fingers brush against the seam of his pants, lingering longer than necessary before she chucked the binoculars to her seat, making room for herself on his thighs.
Mulder was momentarily silenced as he watched Scully sensually gather her skirt up around her waist, flashing him a quick glimpse of her red underwear, before she ducked her head and climbed into the car. Mulder’s hands instantly reached out to her hips to stabilise her as she settled straddled across his lap, her knees falling on the seat either side of his thighs before she reached over to pull the car door shut.
“Scully what are you-“ 
His question was cut off as Scully shushed him by quickly crashing their lips together with an urgency that ended with the kiss being sloppy and passionate. Their tongues and teeth clashed together as Scully moaned, her hands resting on either side of his neck. Mulder’s hands stayed glued to her hips, not daring to move as she pulled away, her lips swollen with the intensity of their kiss. 
Scully rested further down onto his lap as she looked into his eyes, her tongue licking his salty taste off her bottom lip. Mulder swallowed as he searched her eyes, sitting back against the car seat in slight disbelief, his fingers brushing against the fabric of her shirt.
“Not that I’m complaining right now Scully, but wh-“
“We’re going to have sex. Right now.”
Scully’s words cut him off and his lips parted in shock. It wasn’t like her to initiate sex so openly like this, and never while they were on the job, but she knew it was the only way to sate the suddenly overwhelming hunger gnawing at her insides. Scully smirked when she felt Mulder grow hard beneath her, his semi-hard erection rubbing deliciously against her centre as she shifted her weight.
She had to suppress a chuckle with how Mulder sat still, his whole body unmoving with his obvious shock before he rapidly blinked when Scully reached down to unbuckle his belt. Her gaze fell down to watch as she made quick work of unzipping his fly, reaching her fingers inside and teasing him through his boxers. Mulder seemed to catch on that she was serious as his hands moved to her thighs, pushing her skirt up a little bit higher, his eyes still wide and watching her talented fingers bring his erection to full attention.
“Really? You want to have sex? Here? Now?”
“Did I stutter, Mulder?”
Mulder groaned before he gave her a cocky grin, adjusting his hips so she could pull his pants and boxers down enough for his cock to spring free, resting against his stomach. Mulder cleared his throat as his fingertips dug slightly harder into Scully’s thighs in anticipation.
“Heard you loud and clear.”
The position was a little awkward, but Scully smiled when she got herself comfortable again, her eyes looking back up to Mulder’s, her fingertips brushing against his cock softly. Teasing.
“Good. Now let me ride you, Agent Mulder.”
The way his name purred from her lips caused Mulder to groan as Scully lifted herself up slightly, Mulder’s hands keeping her steady. Scully let go of Mulder’s erection as she bunched her skirt up and reached between her legs to pull her underwear to the side, exposing her wet and swollen lips, lips that Mulder couldn’t help but reach out to touch. 
Moaning, Scully bit her bottom lip as she let Mulder play with her for a moment, her eyes slipping closed as his slippery fingers brushed against her clit and down to her entrance. His cock was now fully erect and obviously just as excited as Mulder was from the anticipation of what his body knew was coming. 
“Jesus, Scully. When did you get this wet?”
Scully’s eyes opened with a smirk, looking down to watch his fingers disappear between her legs before he pulled them away, now coated with her arousal. Mulder looked up at her with dark eyes as he returned to gently rubbing her clit.
“Why don’t you stop teasing me and feel how wet I really am”
She started to get impatient, the want to have him inside her growing as she reached down to touch his cock, giving it a few strokes before she captured his lips with hers again, shuffling forward a little bit to get herself in position. Mulder’s fingers left her centre as he grabbed her hips, now holding her skirt up with both hands, giving her room to see what she was doing.
Breaking away from the kiss, Scully looked down between them as she lined his cock up with her entrance, letting the tip slide between her folds in preparation as Mulder’s grip on her tightened, his hips jerking ever so slightly with a huff of his breath against her forehead.
Once she was satisfied with how wet he now was, she rested her free hand on his shoulder as she began to lower herself down, her breath hitching in her throat as he began to fill her, inch by inch. The desire inside of her was screaming for her to hurry, but she held herself back enough to take her time until he was buried fully inside of her, her hips now flush with his pelvic bone.
Mulder moaned as he bent his head down slightly to capture her lips, his hands coming up to rest on either side of her face, trying to calm himself down while Scully took the time to adjust to him. Scully gave a whimper into his lips as she rocked her hips experimentally before breaking the kiss, pulling away enough to look into his eyes with a smile.
“Mmm, now that’s how I like my Mulder.”
Scully had to admit, no matter how many times they did this, she still got those same butterflies in her stomach with how they seemed to just fit together so well. Placing both hands on Mudler’s chest, she gripped the fabric of his shirt softly between her fingers as she began to get up onto her knees, starting a slow rhythm of riding him up and down before rocking her hips backwards and forwards, still letting her body adjust but trying to somewhat subdue the fire burning in her belly.
The slight grunts coming from somewhere deep in Mulder’s chest sent arousal shooting to her centre as she tilted her head back slightly, allowing herself to pick up her rhythm. It was a little bit difficult in the car, but her height for once was making things easier and it allowed her to rise and fall on his lap without hitting her head. Scully gripped his shirt tighter in her fingers as she leaned forward, resting her forehead on his shoulder, breathing in his scent. The smell of his aftershave mixed with the sweat brought on from the day was intoxicating. 
Mulder rested his chin on the mass of Scully’s hair as he fumbled with the shirt at her waist, frantically pulling it out of her skirt to seek the feel of her skin. Scully gave a moan of approval when she felt his slightly calloused fingers against her skin, sliding under her shirt towards her back, fingers sprawled against her spine. The way he touched her, so gently but at the same time claiming his territory made her shiver with arousal as she felt her inner muscles clench around his cock instinctively.
“Jesus Scully!”
Mulder groaned as he gave a kiss to her hair, his hips now starting a rhythm of their own, urged on by the way her walls seemed to invite him in. Scully murmured a muffled “Yes!” into his neck as she matched his rhythm, sitting herself down as he thrust up, getting the deepest angle they could in this position. It wasn’t ideal as Mulder’s knees kept hitting the car door, but it was working in getting them to the goal they both now seemed desperate to seek. 
Scully pulled her head away as she gave him a rough kiss before she rested her hands on his shoulders, making it easier for her to begin to speed up her movements, her knees rubbing against the leather of the car seat below. Mulder looked into her eyes as she smirked, clenching around him once again, on purpose this time.
“I need more. Don’t be careful with me now, Mulder.”
Scully’s eyes twinkled with delight as she heard a growl vibrate from Mulder’s throat as he stopped their movements for a moment, using his hands now to tug at her shirt, not bothering to unbutton it all the way, just enough to roughly pull it open at the top, exposing her bra. Scully rested down onto his lap as she quickly unbuttoned his shirt too, exposing the tuft of chest hairs just above his pectoral muscles that she loved so much. 
Mulder didn’t hesitate in pushing the left bra cup down, exposing her breast before his mouth latched onto her erect nipple, already a blushed pink colour from her arousal. Gasping, Scully arched up, her hand grabbing onto his hair as she held him against her, his hot mouth sucking and licking her into bliss. She didn’t know what was happening tonight, but her breasts had never been this sensitive to his touch before, it was like every swipe of his tongue against her nipple sent a jolt directly to her clit.
Scully couldn’t sit still any longer, she needed to move. Gripping his hair, she held him against her as she began to rock her hips once more, her clit rubbing against his body with every roll of her hips. Mulder gave her nipple one last suck, pulling it tightly between his lips as he pulled his head back, finally letting it pop out of his mouth. Scully let out a whimper as he started to move with her, his hands returning to her back, sliding underneath her skirt to rest against her ass. Mulder gripped the flesh tightly in his fingers as he started to guide her hips, bringing her down with a little more force than she could achieve on her own. Scully wasn’t usually one to be overly vocal in the bedroom, but as Mulder began to pick up his pace she couldn’t hold herself back, her restraint breaking with the constant brushing of his cock against her g-spot.
“Oh god, Mulder!” 
Scully’s voice dropped a few octaves lower, the unusually raspy tones made Mulder groan. He always loved the sound of her voice when it was dripping with her arousal like that. Scully began to fully let herself go, her pace quickening as Mulder matched her thrust for thrust, their skin slapping together as Scully dug her fingers into his chest. Her nails raked down the middle of his chest, leaving angry red marks in their wake, before she gathered his shirt tightly in her clenched fist. 
Tilting her head back, Scully exposed the column of her neck and Mulder leaned down quickly, giving it a strong lick before biting on the underside of her jaw, holding the skin tightly between his teeth. Scully could feel his hot breath on her skin as he lifted her body up slightly with every sharp raise of his hips.
Their body heat trapped in the car and mingled with the hot air outside was making it hard to breathe. But neither could stop, not now, they were both past that moment so they just kept moving, their bodies working together in a frantic motion. Scully could feel beads of sweat run down her back and between her breasts while Mulder’s teeth still pinched her skin right on the spot under her jaw that always made her knees weak. 
Scully knew he was close, she could feel it in the way his fingers gripped her ass tighter, pulling her down more erratically than before. Moaning with a smile, Scully slipped one hand between their bodies, her fingers reaching her clit on instinct as she quickly began to rub herself in small, tight circles. They could never really time it to come together, but he would always try his best to hold off until she came first, and god did she love him for that.
With the added stimulation against her clit, Scully could feel herself climb towards that peak much faster, her back arching slightly as he grunted at the change in angle before he pulled his lips away from the now marked skin, looking down between them to watch Scully’s fingers rapidly slide across her clit.
“I’ll never get tired of seeing that.”
His voice came out staccato-like in between breaths and Scully smirked, biting her bottom lip as she watched him watch her. There was something so erotic about how he watched her, how his eyes were so dark and his pupils dilated and his pouty lips parted in mesmerisation as his hips continued to pump up into her. 
For once, Mulder was the first to break the moment as he quickly looked up at her, catching her gaze as he slowed down his hips, trying to hold himself back from the inevitable. Scully could feel how his fingers held her ass in a death grip and how his thighs shook slightly underneath her as she slowed her fingers down. She would let him get away with not letting her come first this time, only because she knew she was so close to that edge herself it wouldn’t take much coaxing.
“Where do I…umm?”
Mulder frantically looked around the car as Scully gave a breathy chuckle before she sank herself down onto him fully, her hips rolling in circles. He would always double check with her where he could finish, even though the answer was nearly always the same. It was quite endearing really. Scully had already made up her mind that she wanted him to come inside her - that was the cleanest way to do it in the car.
“Where do you come? Well I think you’re already in a prime position here, Mulder.”
Scully emphasised his name with a clench of her inner walls around him which caused him to grunt as he looked back into her eyes. His cheeks were flushed with arousal and his eyebrows knitted together in concentration as he used every part of self restraint he had to not just tumble over that edge. Scully always found how desperate he looked right before he came attractive, knowing that she was the only one lucky enough to see it. 
“You know where I want you,” Scully whispered as she nudged her nose with his before their tongues touched in a hot open-mouthed kiss and that was all the approval he needed from her. 
Pulling away from the kiss, Mulder quickly began to thrust back up into her. The sudden quick and hard thrusts against her made Scully gasp as she wrapped her hands around his head, gripping his hair as he rested his forehead on her chest. Mulder groaned loudly as he pulled her down hard against him as his hips shot up, forcing himself as deep inside of her as he could and whispering “Dana…coming..” incoherently against the sticky skin of her chest.
Scully gave a moan of approval, feeling him tense before he began grunting as his orgasm took over him. An approving pur resounded deep in her chest and her toes curled as she felt the slight movement of him within her before he started thrusting again, slower this time, using the friction of her to prolong his orgasm. Scully closed her eyes, momentarily basking in the way he felt inside her. She was always amazed by how long he seemed to be able to come and she loved every second of it, especially after she’d missed it for so long.
Mulder’s breath was rapid as he pulled her down onto him once more, staying inside her as he once again latched onto her nipple, tugging it with his teeth. Scully’s body instantly responded to the extra stimulation with a whimper as her fingers quickly resumed their previous rhythm against her clit, her arousal peaking with the feeling of him still hard inside of her and his cock still giving the occasional orgasmic pulse.
The combination of Mulder’s firm sucks and nips of her breast and her fingers rolling over her swollen clit was enough for her orgasm to build rapidly. Scully moaned as she arched her back, her head falling forward, her lips meeting his head with sloppy kisses.
“Mmm I’m coming!”
It was barely a whimper into his hair as Scully’s fingers rapidly circled before her hips twitched and her toes flexed, lights flashing behind her eyes. Giving out a low moan, Scully’s orgasm crashed over her, her fingers slowing down as her body pulsed and contracted in blissful waves. Mulder groaned as Scully’s inner muscles spasmed strongly around him as if trying to pull him in deeper, her entrance milking him for anything he may still have to give to her. Scully lowered herself against his chest since her body was unable to hold itself up any longer as Mulder nuzzled into her skin, kissing her nipple gently with a wet, open mouth. Her fingers tightened in his hair as she continued to clench around him, the throbbing of her clit slowing down under her fingers as her body started to come down from her high and become heavy in his embrace.
Mulder moved his arms to slide up her back, holding her steady against him as her breath began to even out. Scully closed her eyes and just inhaled the scent of Mulder’s hair, making the most of the post-coital bliss she enjoyed so much. Just being in Mulder’s arms like this and him seemingly all over her was something that Scully had never thought she would crave so much. Kissing the top of his head once, she opened her eyes as Mulder moved his head away from her chest, his eyes looking up to hers with a goofy smile on his face. Chuckling, Scully captured his lips in a gentle kiss.
Mulder’s teeth nibbled on her bottom lip and it caused her to shiver, her muscles clenching tightly around Mulder’s cock in response. Hissing, Mulder pulled away as Scully bit her bottom lip. The added stimulation to his now softened cock caused him to twitch uncomfortably. Scully relaxed and brushed his sweaty hair away from his forehead.
“Oh, sorry…Can you get me the tissues out of my bag?”
Mulder turned his head to see her hand bag spilled onto her side of the car, obviously having been knocked over from the centre console during their activities. Moving his hand to rest on her hips, Mulder grabbed the pack of tissues poking out of her bag, giving it to her, his head leaning down once again to kiss her exposed breast, just above her heart. Scully smiled softly as she watched him, pulling out a few tissues, slowly getting back up onto her knees. Giving Mulder one, she tossed the rest of the packet back to her seat.
Scully took her time in sliding off him, not wanting to make this an uncomfortable experience for Mulder. Once free from her heat, his limp cock fell to his body, resting against the fabric of his pants, shiny from the mixture of both their arousal. Scully pulled her skirt up higher so she could see what she was doing as she started to clean herself, smirking with how Mulder’s gaze was so transfixed on her movements. 
Once she was satisfied that she was not going to completely ruin her underwear the moment she put them back on, she balled up the wet tissues and reached down and wiggled her hips, sliding her underwear back into place. Scully caught his gaze again as he chuckled, obviously embarrassed about how intensely he was watching her. 
She grabbed the tissue hanging loosely in Mulder’s fingers before she let her hand fall to his lap, stroking him softly as she cleaned him, placing a content kiss on his lips.
“Thought you could use some help there, Mulder.”
Mulder nodded dumbly as he returned the kiss before he lifted his hips slightly to pull his pants back up, tucking himself away back into his boxers. Scully took the time to stay up on her knees as he readjusted himself, pulling her bra back over her breast and buttoning up the few buttons on her shirt around her chest. Leaning over she collected the few items that had spilled out of her bag before she placed it back on the centre console. She knew that she had to get off him now, that they had already taken a huge risk doing this both on the clock as well in public so she swung her leg over him, shuffling over the centre console.
Mulder watched her as she settled back into her seat, her thighs squeezed together as she pulled the visor down and flicked the light on in the car so she could check her makeup in the mirror. Scully could feel his eyes on her and she couldn’t help but smile as a warmth once again flooded her system. It wasn’t unusual for them to go more than once but the hungry haze that had possessed her before was duller now, her senses cleared enough for her to know they couldn’t risk doing it in this public setting again.
Scully tilted her head back slightly to brush her hair out of her eyes when she paused, seeing an angry red spot under her jaw, the odd tooth mark dented into her skin. Snapping her eyes to Mulder, she gave him a glare.
“Mulder, how am I going to cover this up?”
Her voice was scolding, but she couldn’t stop the arousal that hit her centre again at the idea of him marking her skin. She was never one to enjoy that, but on the occasions that Mulder did it she had to admit that she enjoyed the little rush of feeling claimed like that. 
Mulder’s lips broke out into a smirk as he leaned over, giving her a kiss on the cheek, one she instantly relaxed into, despite her frustration. 
“Scully, you aren’t going to cover it up. I want people to see.”
Scully glared at him again as he moved away from her cheek, her fingers reaching out to fall behind his head and pull him back to her by his hair as she kissed him, their swollen lips moving against each other before she gave his pouty bottom lip a sharp bite, a little payback for the obvious hickey on her jaw. Mulder shuffled closer to deepen the kiss and Scully could feel the haze start to cloud her judgement and the fire in her belly alight once again as his hand rested on her thigh, teasing his fingers under the hem of her skirt. It took all her effort to move her hands down to his chest, pushing him back as she broke their kiss, resting their foreheads together.
“We need to stop, Mulder. It’s late, let’s just go and get some rest.”
Scully brushed her fingers against the skin in-between his open shirt and her eyes briefly took notice of the red marks she made before she closed the buttons. Mulder gave her a quick kiss and agreed. Rolling down the car windows, it took some time for them to clear the windows from the steam and condensation that they had built up before Scully could put her shoes back on and drive them back to their hotel. Mulder’s hand still rested on her knee, his thumb absentmindedly rubbing her skin. Scully’s lips were fixed in a content smile the whole drive back.
Their hotel was rather low budget, but it wasn’t as bad as some of the places they had been to; at least they got fresh sheets every day and everything was kept fairly clean. Pulling up into their designated parking space, Mulder got out of the car first, running around to the driver's side to open her door. Rolling her eyes, Scully turned off the ignition and grabbed her bag and got out, standing before him as he stepped closer, trapping her between him and the car. Scully raised her eyebrow.
“Mulder? What are yo-“
She was cut off as he grabbed her hips, pulling her against him roughly, and her balance wavered for a moment until he held her close. 
“Kiss me goodnight.”
Scully gave him another glare as she looked up into his eyes. He knew her stance on public displays of affection. Even though they had just broken that rule in a major way, there weren’t people possibly watching them deep in the forest. They had been in the safety of the dark and their car, not out in the open under the bright neon glow of the hotel sign. But Scully couldn’t resist the challenging look in his eyes. He knew how to push her competitive buttons like that. 
Looking around them quickly, she checked that they were alone before she grabbed his shirt with her free hand and pulled herself up on her tiptoes, while his head bent down to meet in a brief kiss. Scully gave a little whimper as his grip around her body tightened and he deepened the kiss, the taste of the salty sunflower seeds he had eaten to distract himself on the drive back still fresh on his lips.
Scully closed her eyes, tilting her head back as her hand moved to rest on his neck, her thumb stroking his sweaty skin. Mulder held her to him with one strong arm resting against her back as the other stroked her cheek, brushing over the mark left on her jaw as his tongue softly slipped between her parted lips. Squeaking slightly, Scully opened her eyes before she pulled away from his lips, lowering herself back down to the ground. Stroking his lips with her thumb she gave him a smile and slipped the car keys into his hand. He stepped away while she walked backwards towards her hotel room, the smile still on her lips as she watched him.
“Goodnight, Mulder.”
Mulder smiled back to her while she unlocked her door and slipped inside, the flick of red hair the last thing visible before the door shut behind her.
Scully rested back against the hotel door for a moment with a grin on her face before she pushed herself off, put her bag on the dresser, and walked towards the bathroom to have a shower and clean herself up a little better than she could earlier in the car with only a few tissues. Even though she had wiped herself mostly clean, she could feel the evidence of him still managing to seep between her legs and make her underwear damp on the drive back to the hotel.
Scully kicked her shoes off as she walked, her fingers working to unbutton her shirt before she mindlessly let it fall to the floor. She was usually a stickler for having things neat and tidy, but the sweat on her skin and the stickiness between her legs begged her to shower first. She could pick everything up after. Once she reached the door of the bathroom, she unzipped her skirt and shimmied her hips, stepping out of the wrinkled fabric. 
It already felt so much better to have the air touching her heated skin and she knew that a cool shower would make things feel even better. That was the problem with these run down hotels: the air conditioning was non-existent and there was only so much a squeaky ceiling fan could accomplish.
Her hands went to undo her bra when she heard a few knocks against her hotel door. Looking over her shoulder with a start, Scully swore under her breath as she went to pick her skirt off the floor in a hurry to get dressed before she could open the door.
“Housekeeping, Agent Scully.”
Her fingers dropped the skirt back to the floor as she smirked and the irritation at being disturbed was replaced with a warm flutter in her stomach at hearing Mulder’s voice.
Scully brushed her sweaty hair behind her ears and walked over to the door, choosing to stay in her bra and underwear as she looked through the peep hole to double check it was just him before opening the door, peeking around it. Nodding her head for him to come in, she bit her bottom lip when she saw him wearing only his pants and concluded that his shirt must be lying back in his room somewhere, probably discarded like hers was on the floor.
Shutting the door, Scully watched him as he raised his eyebrows, taking in the fact that she was only wearing very little. Smirking, Mulder stepped towards her, his hands falling to her hips, brushing her skin.
“Well, aren't I a little overdressed?”
Chuckling, Scully reached up to slip the lock and chain across her door, before she closed the gap between them and rested her fingers in the belt loops of  his pants. How was it that just being in his presence tonight was enough for her hunger for him to resurface. Her centre pulsed between her legs as she leaned up and Mulder arched his neck to meet her half way as she teasingly brushed her lips against his with not enough pressure to call it a kiss.
“I think you are…maybe we should rectify that, don't you think, Mulder?”
Mulder slipped his hands around to her ass, cupping her roughly before he picked her up, her legs instantly wrapping around his waist with a squeak as he nodded, backing his way towards the bed. The back of Mulder’s knees hit the mattress and he fell backwards, Scully falling on top of him in a fit of giggles.
Peeling herself out of his arms, Scully sat up in the rumpled hotel sheets, her body still slick from sweat as she smiled, feeling him reach out for her.
“Where are you going?”
Scully looked down at him in the dark, making out his silhouette from the glow of the neon lights outside. Reaching over, she brushed his hair back as his fingers played with the skin of her thigh. Mulder became cuddlier after sex, and normally Scully would relent and let him have his way, but tonight with the mixture of the heat, sweat and fresh come pooling between her legs, she knew she wanted a shower before she could even think about falling asleep.
“I need a shower. You left quite a mess, Mulder.”
Scully’s fingers brushed his lips and felt a grin form on his under the pads of her thumb before he kissed it. 
“I wouldn’t mind seeing you messy because of me for a little bit longer, but if you must.”
Rolling her eyes, Scully bent down to give him a quick kiss, untangling herself from both him and the sheets before she got up and made her way towards the bathroom with her legs pressed a little tighter together. She could feel his eyes on her the whole way and gave him one last look at her naked in the vivid lights of the bathroom, turning to him before she shut the door. A loud groan coming from the bed caused her to chuckle under her breath.
After a quick and relatively cold shower - the weather was muggy and the hotel didn’t have the best hot water to start with -, Scully felt reasonably refreshed. Standing naked in the slightly steamy bathroom, Scully took her time to dry her hair enough before she hung her towel and reached for her toiletry bag up on the cabinet to get her toothbrush ready. 
Putting the toothbrush in her mouth, Scully paused and frowned slightly when she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror, noticing how much bigger her breasts seemed. Lowering her arms, she leaned in to observe her reflection closer, using her hands to brush against the swollen skin. She noticed how they seemed to sit a little fuller in her hands. Scully pulled her toothbrush out of her mouth and whispered “Huh” under her breath before she lowered her hands slowly, her free hand resting on her belly.
Looking down, Scully’s eyebrows knitted together as she watched her hand brush over the flat expanse of skin, her thumb playing with the gold piercing of her belly button. She looked up once again, catching her own eyes through the mirror. She shouldn’t think such things, it wasn’t possible for her, right? Blinking rapidly, trying to get the thoughts out of her head, she quickly finished brushing her teeth, her eyes not leaving her stomach no matter how hard she tried to look elsewhere.
It was just because she was tired. She hadn’t had a good night's sleep in weeks and her hormones were all over the place, understandably, as she was only running on coffee and, if she was lucky, two hours sleep a night. But the more she thought about it, the more things were starting to fall into place- 
“No. Stop it. That’s impossible, you’re just exhausted.”
Scully scolded herself as she spat the excess toothpaste into the sink before rinsing quickly. Opening the bathroom door, she watched Mulder in her bed, laying on his back, the sheets tossed to the side and exposing everything he had to show, his chest rising and falling gently. He looked so peaceful when he managed to sleep. Scully’s thoughts were racing as she picked up their clothes, folding them and putting them onto the dresser before she made her way back to the bed. Looking down at him, Scully smiled softly as she crawled onto the mattress and lay down, letting her damp hair fall onto her pillow looking up at the ceiling. 
Mulder shifted beside her and rolled onto his side, his arm sliding over her stomach. Scully sucked in a breath before she looked over at him, seeing his eyes now open and watching her. God, she could get lost in those hazel eyes. Shifting, Scully rolled into him, his arm moving now to fall around her while his fingers traced across her bare skin and the inked pattern on her lower back.
“Did you want me to go?”
Mulder was well aware that she was breaking a lot of her own rules tonight and Scully thought that maybe the best thing would be for him to just go back to his hotel room - then at least they wouldn’t be so obvious in the morning. But all these new thoughts were whirling in her head and there was a tug in her heart that told her that she needed him to stay tonight. After all, even though they would have to be up in a few hours anyway, they always seemed to sleep better with one another. 
Scully moved her arms to tuck under her chin as she snuggled into him and his arms pulled her closer instinctively. Scully took a deep breath and his scent filled her senses as she sighed. One leg slipped in between his and the other slung over his hips as she placed a kiss to his throat.
Scully shook her head and Mulder relaxed back into the bed, chuckling. She wrapped her arms around him as best she could, her head resting under his chin in their usual sleeping position. Mulder adjusted himself to get comfortable as he nuzzled into her damp hair, kissing her head softly.
“I’ll take that as a no. Night, Scully.”
“Goodnight, Mulder.”
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hereliesanotherfic · 4 years
MtP: Little Tease
Ship: Albert James Moriarty x Reader Show: Yuukoku No Moriarty (Moriarty the Patriot) Rating: Pg 13?? Warnings: Teasing, flirting, suggestions Prompt: “I can’t sleep, can I stay here?”
You let out a soft yawn as you headed towards your living quarters in the manor, the Moriarty Manor to be exact. It was a long day of basic duties, but it never bothered you, quite the opposite- it was a pleasure working for the Moriarty men. William, Louis, and Albert were all incredibly generous, especially Albert. Over the couple years you have worked for them, he grew incredibly sweet towards you. He’d allow you lifts home in the carriage when out in the town, he’s aided you in the kitchen while you cooked or did the dishes, he allowed you some days off here and there just to rest. Not to say him or his brothers didn’t do this with other servants, but you and the other help noticed Albert did it most often for you.
But when he’s been alone with you, it’s been a bit more.
Moment One:
“Master Albert!” You exclaimed stepping out of the tailor shop, his carriage parked in front with him standing outside it.
“Hello (y/n),” he smiled softly. “I noticed you about town and wondered if you were finished? We could go home together,” he hummed, his voice as smooth as velvet. You choked down the frog in your throat, his choice of words made you sound more intimate with him in public which made your pulse race in embarrassment…or…excitement? Nevertheless, you nodded.
“That’d be nice! Thank you, kindly Master Albert!” You smiled, following his wave to come towards the carriage. The driver took your tailored dress and stowed it away and you stepped into the vehicle. Your heart bumped as you felt a light graze on your lower back as you hopped up. He was spotting you while you stepped inside, he probably didn’t mean to touch you. Albert stepped in after and took a seat besides you. It was a bit odd to sit next to him, but his presence was oddly comforting too.
“You know you do not have to call me Master, (y/n)” Albert spoke, his emerald eyes turning to contact yours.
“…I know you’ve said it before…though it feels too strange to say it while in town…”
“Do you think I have not noticed you still do not call me Albert at the manor as well?” You broke eye contact and bit your bottom lip, but he knew he got you before that. “I’d like to hear it.”
You slowly looked back up to him, confused by his request. “Wh-what?”
“ ‘Albert’,” he grinned slyly at you, closing the distance between you two a little bit. You heart started banging against your chest and you felt your cheeks flush a bit. The space in the carriage was small, the distance between you both was now small, and there was no way out from his eye contact. Albert tilted his head slightly. “Please?” Oh, he was absolutely trying to kill you with kindness (and your internal crush on him). You swallowed a bit heavy.
“…A-…Al..bert…” You said his name slowly, the foreign feeling of no honorifics was strange, but it also left a good tingly feeling on your tongue and in your heart. You saw his smile grow large and pure as he sat back into his seat properly.
“That made me happy, (y/n), thank you,” he said, staring out the window now. It took a moment for you to take your eyes off him. You didn’t think that’d make him so happy.
Moment Two:
“Preparing for our guests tonight (y/n?),” You glanced up from your cutting board to see Albert standing in the doorway to the kitchen. He was dressed in his clean white button-up and blue slacks. For a moment, you wondered where his jacket was, but the way his shirt hugged his figure, you were glad it was missing. You looked back down to the pepper you were cutting before you mind and eyes began to wander too far.
“Yes sir, there’s a lot to do before they arrive.”
“Ah, then I am sure I can be of assistance!” He stepped to the closet and pulled on a fresh apron.
“Master Albert, you don’t have to worry yourself with that, I have plenty of time.” He stepped over next to you on your left side as he finished tying the apron, pulling over another cutting board that was on the table.
“It’s no worry, if anything I am sure this will be enjoyable to cook with you.” Albert picked a clean knife from the rack, so thankfully he missed your light blush. “What else do we need to chop?”
“Uh, some onions are next, they are on the right side of me under the counter,” you stated, motioning your head to the side. Albert nodded as he stepped behind you and leaned down to reach for the onions. Suddenly, you felt his large, left hand placed firmly on your waist, which caused you to feel his balance shimmy. To catch himself and pull himself straight up again, he pulled up directly into you, his chest flush against your back, hand still on your waist, the bag of onions in this other hand. You could feel his breath just ghosting over your neck and ear, it was so light but it was there. “A-Albert?!” You quietly exclaimed in the moment, staring in random spots on the table to try to gain some sanity.
“I’m sorry (y/n),” Your body tensed as his breathy words breezed over your ear—when did his face get that close?! “I slipped, I’ll be more careful,” he finished. With that, he stood besides you again and began chopping onions like nothing happened.
It was small events like that, but your heart was about to explode every time. So at this late hour, the last person you expected to see outside your living quarter was Albert Moriarty, standing beside your door.
“M-master Albert?” You questioned, gaining his attention, he looked up from his thoughts and smiled to you softly.
“(Y/n)…” He hummed. Albert’s eyes glanced you from head to toe, and very subtly licked his bottom lip. You missed both of those. “I’d like to have a word with you, but I figured you’d be tired from the long day, so it’s best to speak inside.”
“Oh…okay, yah, sure,” You nodded quickly and stepped over to the door to unlock it. You didn’t think there was anything else to do, but the idea of Albert in your room sent you down a roller coaster of emotions. He requested to speak with you privately in your room, you were a person of no place to say no, even with the Moriarty generosity. You pushed the door open and stepped aside for him to walk in. Albert looked around your room, simply decorated, the queen bed was nicely made, curtains open and a soft lilac candle burning on a small desk you had. Closing the door, you slowly walked up to him while he was observing. “What can I do for you Master Albert?”
“ ‘Al-bert’,” he looked down to you, an amused smile on his lips. You eyes widened for a moment before glancing away again.
“I..I can’t get use to it sir, you’re of a nobility family, I’m just here to serve you no matter the generosity you share. I still have to respect you.”
“Respect isn’t solely based on a title, I know well that you hold my brothers and I in high regards,” the brunette confirmed, turning to fully face you. “However, I really want you to call me by my name (y/n).” Your cheeks flushed a light pink, hoping that the light of the candle in the room and low moonlight weren’t enough for him to see. He was only two feet away though…
“Is that what you came to talk to me about?” Your voice was hesitant, and he caught that. He let out a little chuckle.
“No, I understand how it will take some time to get use to that. I came for another reason.” You stared up at him, Albert was thriving on your full, undivided attention. He wanted your (e/c) to stare at him all the time, your voice to play its tune all the time, he had fallen for you a while ago, but you never seemed to notice the small attempts he made. Or, what he truly believes, was that the social hierarchy made you believe he couldn’t be attracted to someone ‘like you’. And the more he observed you, the more he knew he was right, and you were just afraid to openly fall for him. “I can’t sleep, can I stay here?”
Your heart immediately smashed against your chest at that request, and now you couldn’t stop your face from turning as red as a tomato. Did he really, I mean REALLY, just request to sleep in your room tonight? His green orbs continued to stare warmly at you, waiting for an answer. In truth, Albert was loving how red your cheeks were, how flustered such a simple request got you. He knew you liked him, but he wanted you to admit it for yourself and not be afraid of others stupid opinions.
“(Y/n?)?” Albert spoke, stepping slightly forward and tilting his head closer to you. The proximity snapped you out of it and you jumped back slightly.
“Ahh-hh,…um…isn’t there-..I mean…b-but there are…” Your brain tried to think of multiple reasons at once why he shouldn’t and scrambled them all out at the same time. Albert let out a small laugh.
“(Y/n), please relax. The guestrooms are taken by Moran and Fred right now, and I could never ask such a favor of another servant.” He stepped close to you, his hand coming up to cup your cheek and guide you to look at him. “You and I know each other well, you’ve worked here long. We trust each other. I’d prefer to share a room with someone like you.” His free hand reached up and brushed the hair away from your face as you stared at him in awe and disbelief. That hand joined in cupping you free cheek as the distance between you two grew smaller.
“Please?” Albert spoke barely above a whisper, his eyes half lidded as he stared into yours. You could feel his breath on your face as the gap got smaller. You internally panicked. Wherever this was going it couldn’t be good. It just couldn’t—he was a noble, the head of the Moriarty family! Sharing a room, no honorifics, aiding you, it couldn’t mean anything good for you. You had to cut it off…move…MOVE DAMMIT!
The voices screaming in your head all stopped the moment you felt his lips press to yours. Albert’s lips were incredibly soft, his fingers grazing your cheeks as he held you gently. It was light against you, his lips nicely encasing your top lip. He barely separated your lips as he turned his head slightly to the other side and kissed your bottom lip with a bit more firmness. The cologne he was wearing was aiding your high, it let out scents of soft sandalwood, some amber and something in it gave it a bit of a musky scent. For a kiss that only lasted under a minute, it felt like 10 years just went by before he pulled his lips off, hovering from your face at only two inches. It was then you realized you closed your eyes, because opening them to see Albert smiling softly sent you to heaven.
“Albert…” you barely whispered, staring at him in awe. The fact that he kissed you and broke so many social standings (again). Albert’s smile changed into this larger grin.
“You said it,” he gleamed, rubbing your cheek with his thumb, glancing at your lips thinking when to go back in for more. But he wanted to give you time to understand he was sincere.
“S-said what?”
“My name…” He rested his forehead against yours, staring lovingly into your (e/c) orbs. “I care too much about you to let something as trivial as social status stop me from telling you. And I am happy I was able to show you too.” You noticed Albert’s cheeks were dusty pink which made you smile a bit and giggle. “What?” He chuckled lowly.
“Nothing…” You muttered, glancing down at your feet. You would have never believed it if anyone else told you Albert cared for you. You still weren’t one hundred percent sure to believe it. But because of your strong love for him, you couldn’t fake the happiness you felt from his words. He was scaring away your insecurities and fears one action at a time. One word at time.
“Cute,” he hummed and kissed your forehead. “You can go change and prepare for bed, I’ll wait for you.” You felt one of his hands hold your own, his thumb rubbing small circles on your hand.
“Okay...but this stays between us for now and you leave before the others wake,” you stated, your cheeks still a bit pink from the kiss and confession. If he was truly to stay with you the night, you were worried about the rumors that could spread, but so long as he left before other servants woke, you figured it’d be fine.
“Of course, my darling,” Albert nodded and watched you turn to head towards the ladies room. He had been in his robe and prepared to sleep well before he arrived at your room, so all he had to was wait. When you returned out of your bathroom, Albert had already made himself comfortable in your bed, the sheets covering half of him and pulled open ready for you. You’d be lying if you said you weren’t nervous, you never thought you’d be sleeping with Albert, literally. You took a quiet, deep breath and walked over to the bed and set yourself into it, pulling the covers over you, blowing out the night candle right after. He began to lower into the bed and sheets and you followed in motion. Before you got too comfortable he spoke to you. “Good night, (y/n),” Albert’s voice hummed right next to you, causing a tingly feeling in your body.
“..Good night...Albert,” you replied softly, cheeks flushing and quickly turned on your side, your back facing him. You heard him chuckle and felt the bed shift as he got comfortable too. And when you woke up, you found his arms wrapped around your waist, your back to his chest and his soft breathing in your messy bed head hair. It was so comfortable...it was worth the risk of getting caught.
__________________________________ A/N: I had fun writing this, these gentlemen are adorable to write for! I’m just getting random inspiration off prompts right now, but if you have any ideas I may certainly write them too!
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myonepiece · 4 years
Hello there! Your writing is always so good! May I ask for Kaido NSFW alphabet, please?
Kaido NSFW alphabet
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
quiet, he’ll lay on his back and let you curl into his side. if you talk he’ll answer with grunts or hums, but he’s pretty dazed after sex. usually he tunes everything out and just runs his thumb up and down your arm until he falls asleep. he’s not for aftercare so good luck
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
on his partner probably their ass/boobs no matter what size (whatever gender you are) but he also likes their stomach, any size 
on him it’s his dick 
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
lots of it, thick, kinda bitter but not enough for you to gag.
he likes cumming on your face/boobs/ass/stomach, he’s not that big a fan of cumming inside you actually- he prefers to dirty you with it instead (if he cums on your boobs/pecs/chest he licks it off himself)
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
he doesn’t have secrets- he wants you to masturbate in front of him and the calamities/whole crew
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
experienced, I mean a lot of people wanna ride that x_x
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
anything where he can see your ass/boobs/chest and grope it or see it bounce. or anything with him on top and he can see and/or feel how big he is overall compared to you- he has a size kink
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
he doesn’t groom so its’s kind of matted, it’s a bit darker than his other hair and he has a pretty thick happy trail
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
ehhh- he- yeahh... no, purely fucking
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
I want to say he’s busy but I’m not actually sure, at least 1-2 times a day (that's jerking off if you’re not there)
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
size, begging, nipple play giving and recieving ;)
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
against the wall basically anywhere or bending you over the table (also almost anywhere)
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
S/O showing skin, S/O grabbing onto him for whatever reason, moans, seeing someone else check his S/O out like if one of the calamities makes a comment on your figure or what skills you probably have in bed, a good victory (bloody violent big)
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
don’t tie him up, no degrading him, nothing against your will
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
definitely prefers receiving- whole lot of face fucking and dirty talk, he’ll be standing up and have both hands on the back of your head, slightly hunching over as he thrusts into your mouth, when he cums he practically folds in half and your head is pressed between his lower torso and thighs
he also likes you sucking him off when he’s laying down, when he cums like that your head ends up getting squeezed between his thighs
omg and he likes riding your face, rimming but also sticking his dick in your mouth and thrusting in. he almost suffocates you because he’ss focused on his own pleasure- you might have to pinch him to remidn him to let you have air 
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
fast and hard- he either fucks you in one position or he switches it up everything 2 minutes covering the whwole room or wwherever you are 
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
yes and yes
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
yes definitely, location more so but he’ll try kinks anytime- but when he hears the name he knows if he likes it or not and will say yes or no, if he says no there’s nothing you can do to change his mind
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
he can last 15-20 minutes but he can go 7-9 rounds (10 when he’s particularly horny or you’re in touble, or he’s mad)
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
i don’t knoww if these are considered toys but sx swings, leather bindings, that hard bdsm stuff, he has that but he doesn’t use it often because he doesn’t care, forgets about it, and doesn’t need it for either of you. he’ll buy a fuck machine if it’s something you like and he does have an anal plug for you, oh and one of those ball gags, and those hardcore chokers
he has this one choker that has beats pirates jolly roger on it and he has you wear that, then shows it off to the crew by taking you doggystyle on the table in front of them while they cheer
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
he doesn’t tease I strongly suggest not teasing him
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
ehhhh, had to think for this one but it’s motly r e a l l y loud grunts and dirty talk, about a half mile away is when you can’t hear him
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
he’s had you masturbate in front of a fallen foe, a marine too :D and he’ll have you do it again when he feels like it- sometimes he fucks you in front of them too. or or or, has you tease them (like they’ll get horny when their limbs are misisng)
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
h u g e, bigger than a horse. I can’t even think of inches because I feel like that would be underestimated, but roughly the size of a grown man’s thigh, in length and width but could even be bigger than that 
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
about 3-7 minutes
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alicemitch09writes · 3 years
you’re both so lame
Bakugou Katsuki was roughly 16 when he realized the stakes to be the best, the top, the number one hero. It was more than having a strong quirk, physical strength, keen observational skills, smarts, or being brave – it was all these things he realized that he lacked something more. He realized that you had to have heart, compassion, something he sorely lacked.
After all, what good is a hero working for himself and not for others?
Failing his Provisional License Exam made him realize that, putting up with shitty Half-and-Half.
He could be the hero he wanted to be, but that'd put him in leagues of Endeavor, and there was no way he wanted to wind up as shitty as that old fart.
He was lacking, but he just didn't know where. No, he knew where he lacked but just didn't know how to consider them.
He wanted to be more, bigger - become a better version of himself.
Considering his shitty self, however, that seemed like a laughable and farfetched idea.
“Are you stupid or something?”
He looked up at the figure who stopped in front of him under the pouring rain, meeting your gaze - surprised, annoyed, angry, and worried, all at once. Too lost in his thoughts, he hadn’t realized that it had rained and that he was soaking.
Grabbing his hand, you forced him to his feet. “Come on, get under here.” Once under the umbrella, you practically shove it in his hand, letting him hold because he was taller. Slipping your bag in front of you, you rummaged through your things for a handkerchief. Once finding it, you wiped his wet face, grumbling under your breath. “Seriously, if you want to be number one, we can’t have you getting sick on me.”
At the sound of your voice, your mothering, he slowly came to. “Sorry,” was the most intelligent thing he could think of saying to you. Going back on your words, he found his voice again. "you remembered."
Rolling your eyes, you poked between his brows. "How could I not? It was all you could talk about." Shaking your head, now that his face was dry, you began to walk, he followed. “So, where’re ya headed?”
“Really? School break?”
It still surprises him at how easy it is to speak to you now, even after everything. And he means everything. It amazes him how natural it was to talk to you, how at ease he feels.
“Something like that.”
Humming, the two of you make your way through the wet road, waiting by the crosswalk as cars pass by, the light overhead blaring red. “Well, you’re lucky I’m heading home. I’ll just drop you off first, okay?”
Once the light blinks green, the two of you began to walk with the crowd.
Shrugging, he adjusts his hold on the umbrella, slipping his free hand into his pocket. “Yeah, alright.”
You said nothing else, and walked on, the falling rain filling in the noise.
In turn, Bakugou had little else to say with his mind riddled with his thoughts filled with insecurities and fears regarding the path he wants for himself.
At 16, he realized now how quirks were nothing more than an added bonus, they could either make or break you, depending on its usage. Like you said in middle school, there’ll always be other quirks better than yours, and nobody would give a damn about how you well you did in junior high when you get to the real world. UA was such an eye-opener. That, and you and Deku.
Now, as he turned to you, watching you hum a tune under your breath as you skipped happily on the wet ground, carmine eyes softened as he realized just how much he wanted to be someone’s hero.
“For what it’s worth…I’m working my way to the top.”
Blinking, you turned to face him, the corners of your lips lifting. “Yeah?”
Nodding, he regarded you in kind regards, feeling the darkness seep away just by the curve of your lips, the warmth in your eyes. “Had a few speed bumps to get through, first.”
“And how’s that working out for you?”
Exhaling, sharply, he tilts a bit, careful to not bring the umbrella with him lest he gets you wet. “…exhausting, but no way am I fucking giving in that easy.”
“Glad to hear that then.”
At 16, he remembered that one thing he wished for the moment he got his quirk, the one person who mattered the most to him, the other person who helped propel him to the top, he finally remembered what he had to do.
Finally smiling, the best he could do anyway, you rolled your eyes at him, playfully punching his chest. “There’s the fucker, I know.”
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Being friends with someone like Midoriya Izuku is both a blessing and a curse – one, you have this sweet cinnamon roll, whose life goal was to be the best hero at his own pace whilst ensuring that people are safe and sound; then, there’s the fact that he’s disturbingly perceptive and dangerously analytical. For short, he can read you like a book.
Since you were younger, Izuku knew of your crush on Bakugou.
He was actually rooting for both of you to end up together, which was only solidified during the ‘proposal’. Dear God, that was so long ago!
Even when the blond boy turned out to be a shithead, lording over with his overgrown pride, Izuku was there to assure you that your crush is valid and that there's almost something good underneath Kacchan's pride. 
One Valentine’s day, sophomore year of middle school to be exact, with some push from your green-haired best friend, you were planning on giving Bakugou Katsuki Valentine’s chocolates. The idea intimidated you to no end, but it was a step. Your mother had helped you make them, all while teasing you throughout the process. Your dad had cried the whole time, whilst your grandparents drank tea to the tune of his wails.
You had given some pieces to Izuku, who enjoyed them much to your relief. So now, the only problem was actually giving them to the blond boy.
“B-Bakugou-kun!” a girly voiced called out, startled, you hid, back against the wall. “I-I made you chocolates! T-These are for you!”
It didn't help that you were not the only one who harbored a crush on him, in fact, half the population liked him, you had a lot of competition. Izuku would say that you had a leg against the rest, just because you were childhood friends. (To which you'd roll your eyes on because it was so fucking cliche)
"Um, um...I was hoping to give them to you! A-Also, I-I...like you! Please go out with me-"
"Like I'd go out with an extra like you," he cuts her off harshly, sadistically. "none of you are fit for someone like me." There was a whimper, followed by a dark chuckle. "And you have the gall to actually hand me these? You must be outta your mind. Double, if you think I'd ever want to be found dating an extra like you."
Though they weren't directed at you, every word said sent a painful jab to your heart, loosening the grip on your chocolates.
You should have known better that Bakugou wasn’t one for Valentine's Day, he’d either snub the gifts, burst them to bits, or pass them to his ‘friends’. Today was no different. Braving a look, you saw as he harshly took the chocolate off the girl's hands and blew them to bits, his 'friends' laughing behind him while the girl stared in horror before running off crying.
Had that been you, it could've been worst.
Bakugou Katsuki could care less about feelings or liking someone, he cared for nothing but himself.
So, instead, you gave them to Izuku, meaning he got two chocolates for Valentine’s Day.
"EH!? (Nickname), what happened!?" seeing the look in your eyes, Izuku was by your side.
“Sorry, Izuku, I couldn’t do it.” you murmur, defeatedly.
“Couldn’t or wouldn’t?”
You could only exhale, limply leaning against him. Still worried, he wraps an around your shoulders, squeezing comfortably. Seeing the chocolate in your best friend's hands, you felt the burn in your eyes, the squeeze in your chest, remembering all that time you spent working on it only to go to waste. In a way, it was metaphorically like dealing with your feelings, this stupid one-sided crush.
“Honestly? I’m tired of this stupid crush.”
Numbness washed over you, crawling over your nerves.
Seeing the weariness in your eyes, Izuku relents his words and works on a smile. “I-I’ll give you double for White Day!”
Smiling weakly, you replied. “Thanks, Izuku, I look forward to it.”
(Unbeknownst to the both of you, a blond teen listened in, hands balled into fists, sparks going off, before stomping away angrily.)
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“Um, Aizawa-sensei, is there a reason why we’re doing night classes?”
Lazily glancing at Jirou, seeing her in gear like the rest of her classmates, who seemed tired and confused for being in the gym at 09:06 in the evening.
“Since you’ll be heroes soon, you have to keep in mind that you work around the clock. Meaning, there’s a chance that you’re more likely to work day shifts or night shifts.” His students shifted, reacting to his words.
“Well, that’s true.” Satou nods, arms crossed against his massive chest.
“Well, I work better at night, since I love to sleep in~” Kaminari says, grinning ear to ear.
“Tokoyami-chan, wouldn't you be better suited for the night?” Asui asked Tokoyami, who nodded once.
“Yes, as Dark Shadow and I have been making progress.”
“That being said, we’re only doing these night classes at random, to properly prepare yourselves. With that in mind, I’ve called for help with these classes.”
The class gasped in unison, half were excited, half were in awe. After all, it’s not every day you get outside help. Who knows who they'll meet?
As if being summoned, two figures appeared from the shadows, both sporting ninja-like costumes and donning masks - a sly kitsune on the small female, and a stoic angry-looking fox on the tall male. Together, the two bowed - holding their fists in their palms - at Aizawa, then at the class.
Standing straight, they began to take off their masks, lowering their hoods.
Midoriya and Bakugou gasped, immediately recognizing the two whose eyes glinting a dangerous yellow.
“They are from the Yoruichi dojo, they’re trained and proficient in combat, especially at night. We'll be under their care.”
"Hold up!"
“Isn’t that Midoriya and Bakugou’s childhood friend?”
You waved a two-fingered salute, rather nonchalantly. “Yo!”
“(Nickname)!” Izuku called to you, excitedly, his shock wearing off.
“What are you doing here?” Bakugou shouted, still in shock.
Tutting you folded your arms against your chest, fixing a dull look towards your childhood friends. “Weren’t you listening? Or were your explosions too loud that you’ve gone deaf?” those words were specifically directed towards Bakugou, who yelled incoherent words at you. Turning your head away, avoiding his yells, you stuck your tongue out childishly.
Beside you, your grandfather stoically took in the group before him, before his eyes fell on green and blond. “So, this is the two of you donning your heroics? Not too shabby.” Says your grandfather, the two boys stood straighter, much to the shock of their classmates, especially for Bakugou.
“Shihan!” Bakugou and Midoriya say in unison.
“Ah, the two of them straightened up!”
“Even Bakugou!”
“Just who is this old man?”
"He's the head of the Yuroichi clan," Aizawa said, hands still in his pocket. "a retired underground hero who's trained countless heroes, mastered the art of stealth and even earned the respect of several Yakuza clans for his many feats. He is simply called Shihan." Scratching at his cheek, he added. "Even I trained under him."
"That's an impressive track record," remarked Yaoyorozu, Todoroki nods beside her. "Countless heroes have been under his wing, he must be that impressive."
"Y-Yakuza clans!?" shrieked Urakaka.
"An experienced underground hero to help us further enhance our skills, as expected of UA!" Iida praised, hands moving animatedly, his classmates were careful not to get hit by them.
"He even trained Aizawa-sensei, that's so cool!" Kirishima comments, fists bumping producing a satisfying 'clack' sound.
“But, 'Shihan'? Isn’t that just a title?” Mashirao asked, confused. Beside him, Mezuo shrugged.
“Well, you get to know his name only if you’ve rightfully earned it.” You tell them, dangling against the banister, legs swinging.
“What the hell?”
“When did she get there!?”
Giggling, you drop to the ground soundlessly, landing next to Izuku to hug his arm. Shooting the blond a look, you playfully kicked his boots.
“Granddaughter,” called your old man, arms folded behind his back. “get over here.”
“Yes~” taking a step back from your friends, you flipped backward to your grandfather, landing easily into a seating pose, yellow eyes alight with mischief.
“W-Wait, sensei, you said that we’d have to train against them right?”
“Correct. The Yuroichi clan is the best martial artist you’ll find, but you won’t hear squat of them in the real world because of how good they keep their façade.” At that, you winked at your (still) gaping best friends. “That being said, within this class, you’ll see exactly how you’ll fare in the real world especially at night.”
Impassively staring out, your grandfather continued to stare down at the students of Class 2-A, his yellow eyes gleaning on each one of them whilst you rocked in place beside him.
“You may have had your work studies, internship, and last year's fiasco cut out for you, but that's still a fraction of what's to be expected of you as heroes." Some of the group fell silent at the mention of their freshmen year, a lot of things happened to them that forced them all to grow up too fast.
"Yuroichi,” Aizawa turns to you - cutting everyone's thought process, bringing them to now, you blink. “you can start out by picking the person you’d like to go against.”
Humming, you gave the class a good look, yellow eyes dancing from person to person. Izuku's detailed analysis flowed in your head, regarding each of his classmates.
Eventually, you chose Ochako, because you had been told that she’s one of the best combatants in class. Also, she had a rather interesting quirk you'd like to see with up close.
"I won't go easy on you, (Name)-chan!" the brunette says to you, fists clenched against her chest.
Nodding, the two of you walk forward to the mat, Class 2-A stood in line to watch from the side.
“Good luck, Ochako-chan! Gero~”
"Ochako-chan, let's go!!!"
“Go kick some butt, Uraraka!”
“This’ll be good! Some girl on girl action!” someone said, which was met with an angry bark and explosion soon after.
“Take your position,” says Aizawa. “everyone, keep your eyes on the two.” Lifting his hands in the air, readying. “Begin.”
Just as his hands slapped against each other, the slap resounding throughout the gym, you had Ochako pinned down to the ground, both her palms open and outstretched away from each other.
“What the hell?”
“She’s too fast!”
From his spot, your grandfather scoffed angrily, unimpressed. "Granddaughter, don't show off."
Smiling cheekily, you released the brunette and walked back to your position. "Yes, yes. Sorry~" came your breezy reply, to which he rolled his eyes at. Turning to Ochako, you offered a peace sign in apology. Rolling her shoulders, her eyes remained wide in confusion at how fast it all went down.
Aizawa, unfazed by how fast things were going, stood idle. "Alright, we'll try again. This time, play fair." He says to you, mostly. Eyes flashing red in warning, causing chills to run down your spine, your expression sours a bit.
This time though, as you both circled the training mat and settled into positions, you took a deep inhale, eyes closing. As you exhaled, your eyes slowly peeled open and revealed (e/c), much to the confusion of many - save for your grandfather, Aizawa, and your best friends.
Ochako struck first, coming at you with her hands open to take you down, but you managed to dodge easily in time, rolling on her back to land on your feet. Striking for her head, she easily deflected your attack and grabbed your arm. Anticipating this, you twisted your whole body, causing her to lose balance and trip. 
"That was so cool!"
While the class cheered, as the fight went on, two boys were especially keyed on the fight between the two females, taking note of your eyes.
Surging towards you, trying to get at you again, you stood your ground and waited. When she was within reach, you easily slipped your arm in hers and twirled around, as though you were doing the rodeo, and tossed her. Disoriented, she quickly got back to her wits, throwing punches your way, which you parried off quickly. And with your attacks, she easily dispatched your chances.
It was a rather even match.
"Wow, they're amazing..." commented Sato under his breath.
"I keep forgetting how good Uraraka is in terms of close combat." Sero seconds, just as Ochako aptly deflects your kicks.
"Yeah, but have you seen Yuroichi?" Throughout the fight, you ensured to knock away Ochako's hands - removing all chances of her using her quirk, cutting all her openings, and slipping through her defenses. "Damn, since's good."
Ochako grabbed hold of your arm, and you let her. Feeling weightless a playful smile plasters on your lips, much to her confusion, before you grabbed at her arms, throwing yourself back and using gravity to your advantage, maneuvering with her weight until you kicked her by the backs of her knees. Once again, the brunette found herself pinned to the ground. "And, dead."
"Alright, Yoruichi wins."
A series of cheers echoed behind you.
Grinning, you got off Ochako - who immediately released her quirk, and helped her up. "Thanks for the fight, Ochako~"
Despite being bruised all over, she mirrors your grin. "My pleasure, (Name)-chan! You're so cool!"
"Not as cool as you were!" you swayed a little, finding your footing. "Man, your quirk is no joke."
"Now, can anyone tell me what happened?" Aizawa turned to the class expectantly.
For a moment, there was silence, before Sero spoke up.
"Um, Yuroichi moved too fast?"
"She...well, she shifted her fighting style time to time." Mashirao added, his tail noticeable shaking excitedly.
"Oh yeah! That!" Kirishima blinked, like he had a light bulb moment, hammering a fist into his open palm. "It's like one of those characters in those fighting games!" Ashido, Sero, and Kaminari nodding in agreement.
"And because of Uraraka's fighting style, she had to be the antithesis of her to catch her off-guard." Todoroki supplemented.
Aizawa nodded - save for Kirishima's comment, at every comment. "Anything else to add?"
"She was studying Uraraka," muttered Katsuki, arms crossed against his chest. "from the moment she chose her to the moment she stepped in the mat."
"Also, with her quirk allowed her to predict exactly how she'll attack." Izuku seconds in, remembering your eyes flashing quickly from (e/c) to yellow. "However, she only used it when it suited her."
Narrowing your eyes at your childhood friends, you called out. "Hey, that's cheating! The two of you know too much!"
"No, that's true." Aizawa pointedly ignores your complaints, nodding at the two.
Grumbling under your breath, Ochako could only give you a laugh before handing you a towel. Nodding in thanks, you dropped to the ground, sitting.
"Alright, so now, you've just paid witness to what you're up against. Next, we're going to test the rest of you. Shihan," Aizawa turned to your grandfather "I believe you've made a decision?"
Your grandfather grunted. "Yes." he nods, turning to the shorter man, shoulders relaxing. "Standard Rabbit Hole exercise."
Pursuing your lips at your grandfather's words, eyes widening slightly, you hummed afterward. "Heh, okay~"
"What does that mean?" a confused Asui asked, poking at her cheek. "Gero?"
"I believe it's an exercise where a whole group is to capture one chosen person. It's a common stealth exercise that the military uses." Yaoyoruzu explained kindly.
"You heard him, your objective is to capture Yuroichi."
Half the class blinked in disbelief, eyes wide like saucers.
"Wait, all of us?"
"All of you." Shihan confirmed with a small smirk, one that sent chills down the students' spines. Aizawa mirrors his mentor's smirk, albeit it was a smaller and softer-looking one.
"The person to catch her gets a free lunch stub for a week."
Mirroring your grandfather's smirk, you hopped to your feet. "Well, this'll be fun."
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When you were younger and when your quirk first started to appear, it was rather unpleasant. Because first of all, you had your first period. You honestly thought you were going to die then and there had your mom and grandmother not been there to guide you. Second, straight after your period, you were overwhelmed by senses you started feeling - smell, sight, hearing, taste. It was all too much that you puked, nearly passing out on the spot.
It took you a while to get used to it, scared shitless at how much you could feel and sense things, and especially how more alert you these were happening at night.
At the time, Izuku was wildly concerned about how you've been losing sleep. You didn't have the heart to tell him about your quirk just yet, fearful of the power you had and how alienated Izuku would feel.
You were ever grateful to have such an amazing family to walk you through your quirk, the family's secretive history, and being a hero in your own way.
Since you were younger, you had joked that your family might have been descendants to ninjas, something your grandfather had yet to confirm or not. (Judging his dealings with Yakuza, you'd bet it was true)
Training hadn't been easy over the years since you were expected to master a great deal of martial arts. Some years later, you were forced to go through rigorous training to heighten your senses, learning when to turn them on or off. From your grandmother, you had learned to preserve energy and make use of them any time during day time, just remembering its drawback.
Quirks were always an added bonus, something that just made you special than the average man. Yet, quirks don't make you.
You learned that from your two best friends - Izuku, quirkless at birth, but proved that even without a quirk, you could still be a hero; and then Bakugou, though was gifted with an amazing quirk, if you had a shitty attitude, you were basically nothing without it.
Yellow eyes gleamed under the light, a glint of mischief playing through that mirrored the mask in your hand.
At the age of 14, you finally mastered your senses, allowing them to come on its full potential once it was dusk. Per family tradition, you were given a mask - one that helped protect you and leave enemies unaware of you using your quirk.
Now, at 17, you were seeing your quirk - quirks, as a whole - with a new set of eyes.
Donning the mask on, a loud blaring alarm rang out, signifying the start of the exercise.
The fox was ready to play.
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20 against 1 should be an intimidating feat, but you, it felt strangely exciting. That, or maybe it was the warrior in you. These kinds of things were exciting in a way. This play of cat and mouse - well, rabbit, the thrill of the chase, stealth, saboteur, ambush - you could feel your blood tingle in glee.
The object was simple: one of the twenty students had to find and capture you. Should be easy, considering they had really strong quirks and experience you sorely lacked.
But as a Yuroichi, you were always taught never to underestimate your enemy and to always make use of your environment as much as you should use your quirk, they always helped to your advantage.
5 minutes in and you were caught in what seemed to be a crossfire of students, all deadset on capturing you - for their grade or that week's worth of free lunch. Frankly, having everyone come at you all at once was adorable, yet, it was rather fool-hardy.
It made them all the more reckless.
Grunting, you felt the echolocation sound back to you, giving you an idea of the area around you and the number of students in the way. Mapping your way, you avoided grabbing hands (appendages, tapes, and acid, oh my), hopping from one's shoulder to one's head, until your foot met the wall. Kicking yourself off, you were sent back, hands grabbing a ledge before using your weight to drop the ladder a few inches.
Hanging upside down, you lazily eyed the two heroes before you who individually kinda reminded you of grapes and banana.
"We got her!"
"That lunch is mine!"
Carefully coursing through the two, whisking through the grape boy’s balls, until you were in front of them, hands moved at lightning speed striking their abdomen, sides, and inner biceps, leaving them paralyzed and down.
"I-I can't move...?" Satou flexed his fingers but to no avail.
"GAH! Bested!" Mineta's balls fall to the ground, no longer sticking and rolling off like a ball.
Sensing someone behind you, you threw yourself forward, ice barely kissing the tips of your sandaled feet, barreling on the ground before crouching.
"Mineta, Satou! Are you okay?"
"How and why are you down?"
"S-She did something to us...!"
Mismatched eyes watched you coolly, you didn't let up, stance readying. 
You felt a rush of lighting behind you, followed by iron-clad soles hopping wall to wall. Seeing the mismatched teen's shifted posture, you smirked beneath your mask. Just as hands touched your head, you grabbed hold of his wrist, striking your knuckled index finger on his arms, before tossing him to the mismatched teen, his eyes widening at the incoming body.
"(NAME)!" an explosion sounded off.
As smoke filled the area, you stilled a moment, grunting lowly before turning on your heel and rushing the opposite direction. Hopping off the ground, you leaped building to building, not stopping once even as heroes followed after your trail.
Turning on your heel, eyeing the remaining heroes, you gave a two-fingered salute before falling backward. In midair, you twirled around, dodging an incoming combo move by Ochako and Sero, using the latter's body to cushion your fall, Ochako knocked out next to him.
Suddenly, you found yourself in some open area, with the remaining class surrounding you. Beneath the mask, you were smiling - almost madly, like the fox.
Easing into a stance, you all but raised a hand, flexing your index forward as if to say, 'come at me'.
And then it all came in a blur.
Attacks came left and right, but you were in tune with your senses enough to avoid each hit that came. You moved like water, fluidly, unyielding, splashing coolly on to the other even though the hit wasn't yours.
With your whimsical and unpredictable fighting style, it made it difficult for the class to know how you'd approach each of them, using their confusion to your advantage. Moves quick as lightning struck through through the bodies, but not enough to kill just enough to bruise and leave a mark. Adrenaline spiked through your veins, making you feel alive as your body danced with quick, harried moves. Not a single wasted hit. Carefully dodged attacks. Perfectly executed moves.
You were listening. Listening to everything, commanded only by your drive to fight. It was in the family and your blood was singing with every move. Hearing. Reacting. As your grandfather had said, you had to be one with the creatures and dance the night away.
Despite being unable to use his other arm, Izuku readily deflected your attacks with Black Whip working on trying to catch you off your feet. What he forgot was how much you knew him, how much you had helped him with his Shoot Style, and just how much you had predicted his actions. Letting Black Whip capture you, you allowed yourself to be swung around. Reaching Izuku, you took advantage of the proximity and wrapped your legs around his torso, thumb, and index finger pressed together jabbed at his elbows. For extra measure, you pressed at his inner arms.
Swinging your form back, yellow eyes fell on mint and blond who were fast approaching, hopping off your now paralyzed best friend.
A great leap over, you appeared between the two powerhouses. Grabbing their wrists, you forcefully tugged, switching sides and throwing them off, before kicking down to their ankles up to their torsos. Angered, Katsuki lifted a hand, to blast you away. Apparently, Todoroki thought of the same thing. Thankfully you ducked in time, but not enough time for the boys to realize their actions, and a loud explosion sounded off. The two were incapacitated from the blast meter...and anyone caught near it.
You landed soundlessly in front of them all, a few scratches on your costume but your fox mask still smiling.
Thirty minutes later, twenty students were down, half were paralyzed, unable to move their limbs, and had to be helped up by a fellow classmate, and half had bruises on their bodies.  A smirking Shihan greeted them, next to an impassive Aizawa, eyes glinting with a strange glee. 
"All twenty of you failed to capture Yuroichi," it was a simple statement, but man did it hurt their ego. First day of sophomore year and already they failed. "I'm not going to mince on you one by one, we can do that tomorrow. For now, tell me where you went wrong."
Grunting, the group looked at each other before it was Jiro who spoke first. "W-We were caught off guard...?"
"Yuroichi was too skilled." Mezo added, holding on to one of his arms.
"That's debatable, as you all should be, too, considering what you've been through in your first year. Anything else?"
Whilst the class were discussing amongst themselves, you walked towards your grandfather, his eyes regarding you with a soft, praising mien. He didn't say it, but the look in his eyes was the highest form of praise you'll get from him. Also, he handed you a bottle of water. Gleefully, you took off your mask, grinning toothily to your old man. Rolling his eyes, he ruffled at your sweaty hair.
"She fought dirty," came Katsuki's loud statement, glaring daggers at your smiling form, a bottle of water halfway through your mouth. You offered a peace sign, chugging at your drink greedily. "she's well-adept in close-ranged combat, especially because she knows all forms of martial arts and used it to her advantage and throw the lot of us off."
Izuku turned to his friend, eyes shining, as though he took his analysis right off his head.
"Furthermore, she used the situation to her advantage." Tokoyami's voice was loud and clear, Dark Shadow - a little worst for wear, nodded beside him. 
"She's well acquainted with the night, similar to my quirk, to which she uses her full potential and take us out whilst we are unaware of her capabilities as a fighter."
"A bit of stretch, but more or less right on the money." says your grandfather, nodding at Tokoyami. "Though, a few of you did give her a run for her money."
About to protest, you recalled Todoroki's ice, Katsuki's forwardness, Izuku's many quirks with One for All, and even Hagakure and Uraraka's teamwork, shoulders shrugging as you nodded once.
"It just goes to show that some of you may have underestimated Yoruichi for the mere fact that she has a latent quirk, too bad. Lest you all forget what happened when you all dealt with Togata Mirio last year?"
Your ears perked at that, remembering Izuku talking a mile about this amazing senior of his.
"Just because someone lacks in one aspect, doesn't mean they can't compensate elsewhere. Today's exercise shows that some of you are still leagues away from fully realizing that, and some of you are yet to be a testament of being more than your quirks. You all failed today. But make no mistake, there'll be brighter days to come. Or evening."
Aizawa's roundabout way of comfort did its job, easing the moods of his students. It was easy to find how he's such an amazing father figure to the class and yourself.
"Yuroichi-san, you were so cool!"
"Ne, ne, can you tell us more of your quirk?"
“More importantly, what the hell did you do?”
"You're seriously like that one character in those video games!"
"Can you do other stuff, too?"
Suddenly, the class was on you, questions were thrown left and right - it was making you a bit dizzy. Despite their injuries, they never looked so alive. You take a cautionary step back.
“Yes, please! (Nickname), please tell us!” Izuku asked eyes lit with life, his fingers making writing gestures.
“Yeah, Mineta and Satou were fine moments ago, then they’re not!”
"Hey, don't forget about Aoyama and Kaminari!"
"Tokoyami, too! I thought they'd be toe-to-toe at least."
"Oi, give her some fucking room to breath, stupid extras!" yelled Bakugou, hands sparking in warning.
Finishing your drink, you smiled at your explosive friend in thanks. "Well, my quirk's called 'The Night One', which means that I have the senses and abilities of nocturnal animals." Some nod at that, some try to digest the information. Giggling, you continue. "It basically means that I can see like an owl, hear like a bat, move like a cat, smell like a raccoon, and the like. It's major drawback though is that I get really sleepy in the morning and dehydrated."
"Why dehydrated?"
"Well, nocturnal animals are known to move better because there's no sun and it's easier for water balance to keep the body going. In the morning, all my water reserve's used up and I constantly have to keep myself hydrated to move."
"That makes sense," comments Mezuo, Koda nodding next to him.
Somewhere, Kaminari's and Ashido's head were spinning from the mini-Biology session.
“And as for what I did to some of you lot, it’s called ‘Chi-blocking’,” you explained simply, earning mix reactions – some were intrigued, some were confused, and some seemed perplexed. “In simpler terms, hitting your pressure points." Bringing your hand up, balling them into fists but curling index finger inward exposing the second joint, your thumb then locked in behind it to support the new position. You strike at nothing, just showing how you did what you did. "Which means that by blocking these areas, I’m also blocking out your quirks. After all, my quirk’s not that great, so I’d have to compensate greatly in martial arts.”
“That was a mouthful, foolish girl.”
Rolling your eyes at your grandfather, you flipped back to return to his side.
"She's practically a ninja at this point," nods Mashirao.
"Right, right, right!?" Hagakure says excitedly, jumping up and down.
"Eh, maybe. But again, my quirk's not that impressive."
"Nonsense, your quirk's plenty amazing, (Nickname)!" says your best friend, ever so ready to assure you, eyes bright. "It's perfect for any stealth mission!"
Katsuki nods, shooting you a look. "What Deku said. Don't sell yourself short, (Name)."
Your best friends' words made you smile the most, you duck your head into your scarf-hood to hide a dopey grin. "Dorks."
"Alright, that concludes tonight's lesson. Your classes have been adjusted. Get some rest."
"Ah, geez! Would you look at the time!"
Time check: It was now 02:32 am. To you, that's practically noontime.
“Oh," you say mostly to yourself, catching the attention of your two best friends, who turned to you. "and this might be probably too late to tell you guys now, but I’ve been transferred to UA, specifically in the Heroics Department…specifically in 2-A. Your class.”
Your parents were pro-heroes alright but were good at keeping a low profile and keeping a front. Many of their friends - the Bakugous and Midoriyas, especially, were led to believe that your father worked as an IT specialist while your mother was a customer support supervisor. It was a good alibi, especially considering that they were night shift jobs.
You could understand why your grandfather, parents, and Aizawa-san, chose to remain under the spotlight to save lives. You realize that it was rather half-assed of you to throw away their legacy, despite the fact that they were okay with whatever you wanted to do with your life so long as you were happy.
But you wanted to do more. You wanted to make them proud.
"This was more or less a formal introduction."
Their eyes bulged as your words began to sink in.
"I'll be in your care now~"
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Name: (Name) Yuroichi
Quirk: The Night One | A quirk that grants the user the abilities and skills of every nocturnal creature, heightening their senses, abilities, and more but only at night. Because of its nocturnal nature, the user is rather restless and dehydrated during day time.
Power: 4/5
Speed: 5/5
Technique: 5/5
Intelligence: 4/5
Martial Arts: 10/5
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Life at UA was…interesting. Much more interesting than how Izuku put it.
As much as you hated to leave your old school, your club, and your grandfather, you knew that it wouldn’t be fair to just hide away forever. You wanted to make something of yourself, regardless if it meant a shitload of challenges.
Thankfully, you had your best friends to keep you on your toes, making your transition to UA quite smooth.
Oh, and there was also the class, who readily took you in.
You found yourself getting along with Tokoyami, because like you, he worked well at night, and Ojiro, because he was a martial artist like you. Shoji was also an interesting character, as was Todoroki. Koda was someone you adored because he could get all the animals - especially the nocturnal ones you've been so fond of. Mostly, you hung with the boys, never really getting over your boyishness. But, you did enjoy Ochako’s company. And then there was Jirou, whom you shared a similar interest in a certain music genre. Momo made you feel like a cheap peasant, undeserving of her presence and grace. The rest of the girls were too girly for your taste but were nice enough.
Hitoshi - who had been placed in Class 2-B, was someone you'd considered a good friend. After all, you did help train him. He seemed to see you in the same regard. At times, when both of you were free or there'd be joint classes, he'd spar with you.
The struggle though was keeping up, now that you’ve mastered the way to balance out your energy. With enough water intake, you were up and about, allowing you some rest at night. Still, it was difficult to stay awake during classes. Thankfully, your teachers understood and allowed you to sleep in, your classmates – Izuku, mostly – had notes ready for you when you woke up.
After years of public school, you felt rather out of place in a prestigious school such as UA. It had a sort of elitist feel to it, especially since practically everyone was working their way to be a hero. Or a side-kick. Or a something. But, then again, it was just like every high school. You were going to make the most out of it.
“Why’re you still working, anyway? Isn’t your family loaded or something?”  Katsuki asked with a frown, fingers wrapped around his drink.
(E/c) eyes narrowed down at the blond.
“What, so I’ll mooch off them like you? Fat chance.”
Summer break finally came, you miraculously survived a semester at UA and were allowed to go home for your short vacation.
But first, you had a shift to cover.
Your two friends decided to tag along since all three of you were going to spend your breaks at Mustafu anyway.
“But didn’t your parents leave you money?” Izuku's bright green eyes turned to you, head tilted slightly.
True. A fat sum of money was left under your name when your parents died, waiting for your perusal.
“Yeah. But I just want to work, yanno?”
Truth was, working was supposed to be a distraction to help you cope with your parents’ death. After all, you had lost your closest confidant - Izuku, busy with One for All, and Bakugou had been a dead fuck at the time, they were all you had. You may have your grandparents, but it was just different when it was your parents who knew you best and all. When they died, a part of you died as well. You were left hollow, numb.
But now, things were...things were great.
"And besides, I donated some cash to my old school, specifically my old club." It kinda hurt to mention your old club, because you really enjoyed your time there and everyone was welcoming and warm (even though some gave you the stink eye because you were your grandfather's granddaughter). "They need it more than I do. I just had to make it Anonymous though."
"I'm sorry you had to leave your old club, (Nickname)."
Waving it off, you replied. "Nah, they'll be fine. Besides, they've always been plenty strong on their own." Humming in though, you shrugged then. "It does suck that it means I won't have to spar much though."
"You spar plenty in UA anyway," Katsuki scoffed, running a hand through his hair. Izuku nods furiously at this.
"You'll give Gunhead a run for this money at this rate!"
Since your transfer you were fast becoming the top (female) combatant in the class - maybe even your whole year! It also included the fact that you've had martial arts awards under your name and a family name as a sort of branding.
"Well, yeah. That, and I don't have to pretend I'm quirkless anymore." 
Both your friends reacted to that, mulling at your words. The word 'quirkless' cutting deep for both of them - all three of you, but you're all way past it now considering the path you've all decided to walk on.
"But it is nice to know that I'm free to exercise what I can do to the best of my abilities." You flex out your hands, turn them up, and gazing at your open palm, closing them to a fist.
"That's the spirit, (Nickname)!"
"Just don't let it go to your head."
"What, like you?"
"At least I'm strong."
"Fuck you, I'm plenty strong on my own, too." Turning on your heel, intent on returning to the counter. "Don't forget who beat your ass without having to use their quirk, asshole."
Katsuki sputtered on his drink, its contents flying everything much to your chagrin and joy. You couldn't help snickering.
Izuku could only laugh at you both, hashing out words at each other - words that weren't full of venom of hate, all in good fun, and just full of youthful energy. Somewhere, your manager eyed the two of you worryingly, especially at the language spewing out of your mouths.
The two stayed until the end of your shift, the three of you walking home comfortably under the night sky. Just like old times.
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When you participated in your first Sports Festival, it was during a high time when you had mastered using half the energy reserve for the daytime. Coursing through so many obstacles was not an easy feat, especially when it was a hot morning and you were losing water in your system fast. Conserving energy for a nocturnal quirk user was not easy, after all.
Countless water bottles were finished in record time, boosting your system for the remaining games.
It was only during the semi-finals (yes, for some reason you made it that far) that your body finally gave out.
Slowly blinking your eyes open, only for them to snap shut at the bright fluorescent light above you, you groaned weakly. Fabric conditioner, soft pillows, fresh-smelling sheets, - you were at the clinic. The smell was almost too much. There was an aftertaste at the back of your mouth, but couldn't put a name on what it was exactly.
"Did I lose...?" you slurred, body heavy, your mind in a haze.
Trying to recall your fight, a slight frown fixed itself on your face. Everything that happened came out blank, your mind seemingly wanting you to shut down. Then, something soft nudged between your brows, as though to smooth it out. Blinking, you realized that it was someone's thumb. Once the frown eased off, the hand hung there, unsure what to do with it, before tucking strands of wayward hair away from your face.
Slowly, everything came into focus. "Katsuki..."
"That was quite the fight you had there," he comments, voice tight. You hum, things slowly returning to mind.
"He overloaded my senses," you remember, shuddering at the memory. You had been up against a Tech Support student, who was armed with all sorts of knick-knacks. "it was horrible."
"Yeah, it was." He grumbled in response.
The student you were up against armed himself with all sorts of knick-knacks to disarm anyone, and since your quirk gave you finely tuned senses, he thought you were the perfect candidate to test out his latest works. When it happened, small sparks were dangerously coming out of Katsuki's hands. He half-tempted to jump in then and there, but couldn't out of respect for you. Izuku had to hold him back, but even he was frustrated at how one-sided the fight had seemed. The memory of you falling on your knees, senses overstimulated by the Tech student who proudly advertised his knick-knacks to spectating companies, much like Hatsume Mei's a year back, sent him roiling. But then, you had used a tactic he and Izuku never saw you do before, you took off your jacket - to which, Mineta and Kaminari excitedly watched - and wrapped it around your head, leaving you blind. The Tech Support had tried to overstimulate your senses again, but with scaringly fast reflexes, you got to him, beat him to a pulp, and knocked him out for good. "But I'm proud of you for winning that bout."
Turning to your side, you worked on a smile. "Thanks," but did you really win? You did pass out after all. Maybe it ended in a draw? "where's Izuku?" you asked instead, in the end caring very little about your match.
"Probably preparing for his match," he replied, relaxing in his seat. "He's up against Monoma."
Ah, him.
"That would've been interesting to see."
"Like Deku would lose."
Yawning, you rubbed at your eyes, realizing just how heavy your body feels, how you felt tingly all over.
"How are you feeling?" the concern was thick in his voice.
"Heavy." You reply, nosing your pillow. "Tired. Weak. Irritable? Hungry."
Unable to help himself, he laughs. 
At the sound of his laugh, a sleepy smile broke into your face. Reaching out a hand, you took his hand in yours, giving it a small squeeze. 
Unsurprisingly, his hand was much larger than yours but ever so gentle and warm to the touch. Much to your surprise, however, his hand was actually softer than it looked - despite having to blow up every goddamn time. Also, it had a sweet scent coming off of it, like burnt sugar. Nitroglycerin sweat.
"'anks for checkin' up on me, for being here..."
As much as he can, Bakugou tried not to implode then and there. His chest though? It was pounding, madly.
So instead, he held your hand tighter.
The next few minutes were filled with a gentle rumble coming from the ongoing fight, both of you were wondering how it went because it's your broccoli boy, some yelling from outside (to which he had half a mind to yell to keep their voices down), their voices softly discussing each other's earlier matches, some pointers, and Bakugou's upcoming fight.
"...Do you know who you're up against?"
"Dunno, don't care."
"Liarrrrrrrrrrrr." you dug your thumb nail into his skin, teasingly.
He barely flinched, face smug. "So what? I'll win either way."
"You are so full of shit, you know that?" Gone was the animosity and venom in those words, enough to crack a grin on the blond's face.
"At least I didn't puke all over the stadium."
"Exaggerating my case makes you look bad, just so you know." With your free hand, you weakly punched him. He caught your hand and tucked it back to your side.
His other hand holding yours the whole time.
Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, the door creaked open to reveal your green-haired best friend, tired-looking yet standing tall. Victorious.
"Hey, 'zuku..." you called out weakly. "Congrats."
The green-haired teen offered a small smile in return. "Hey, (Nickname), how are you feeling?"
"Better now that my boys are here," you chuckle, feeling tiredness creeping. "didja win?"
Nodding, your friend turned to the blond. "Kacchan, it's time for you to prepare."
Bakugou blinked, eyes dropping. Smiling sleepily, you tug your joined hands, carmine meeting (e/c), a happy sigh leaving your lips. "Go win some...Katsuki...'kay?"
Exhaling softly, eyelids falling close with lashes kissing the tops of your cheeks, your hold loosening in his, carmine eyes took in your sleeping frame. He stayed a few minutes, just watching you sleep. Just as he stood, he remembered your joined hands.
Unable to help himself, he raised them to his lips, kissing the back of your hand, your knuckles, and fingers.
The door shut behind him as he walked on, his best friend walking behind him. If Izuku made mention of the fact that both of you held hands, realizing that it had been like that long before he came to fetch his best friend, or that he purposedly walked out when you fell into a slumber, he made no mention of it.
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In February, you got word of your grandmother had finally come home. Excitedly, as you were granted a leave, you merrily walked on the snowy streets, practically skipping out of UA.
"Where has she been all this time?" Katsuki asked next to you, hands in his pocket. He was insistent on walking you to the station. Izuku had "other things to do", the little sneaky shit.
"Things." You reply, cryptically.
"Things." He repeated, dumbly.
"Like I'd tell you, dork." you roll your eyes at him, the snow falling all around. "And don't worry, even Izuku has no idea where my granny's been."
Rolling his eyes good-naturedly, his eyes settled on you, his jacket - that he lent you a few days back, because you're so reckless under the snow and 'how could an idiot forget their own fucking jacket?' - dwarfing your frame. 
The relationship between the two of you was a hot topic amongst students in UA. Everyone knew that you were childhood friends who had a rift and rocky relationship growing up, but now, everyone saw that something had changed. Mostly, people noted how Bakugou was especially towards you.
There was no name, no label, no nothing yet - Izuku sometimes felt like knocking both your heads together in frustration - it felt rather nice to just be in his presence and bask in this wonderful feeling. And whenever he can, he'd purposedly leave you two when you were lounging, studying, or keep people away from intervening between your supposed moment.
"How long you gonna be out?"
"Hm, two days tops. Granny brought some treats with her and I've been meaning to spar with her." you continue trekking, humming happily under your breath.
"How come I've never seen her?"
"Oh, you have. Both of you. It's just that she likes to be in the background."
He tries to think back to his childhood, trying to remember the times he spent at your place, trying to remember, but the longer he tried to ransack his memory, the more he was left with nothing. And that led him to a snowball pelted to his face.
"OI!" your laugh resounds as his rage fuels up to melt the snow.
"Bet you were trying to nail down, weren't you?"
"I can't help it! I don't remember her!"
Scoffing, you throw another snowball, which he melts easily with his quirk. "It's okay. I mean, what's to remember about you anyway? You were loud, so full of shit, a tiny, whiny, demon. The complete opposite of sweet little Izuku- hey!"
Out of nowhere, snow pelts you in the head. Katsuki smirks at you, happy to get back at you.
"Katsuki, you fucking ass!"
He sneered, bending over to build snowball and throws them. With your quirk, you easily dodge. "Fucking cheat!"
"Don't be a sore loser, Katsuki!"
Squeals and laughter fill the sidewalk, passersby avoiding the mini-snowball war between two teens lest. 
"Alright, alright, I jest! Come on!"
Catching his breath, the blond wipes his mouth with the back of his gloves. "You fucking started it."
"Don't act like you didn't have fun, Katsuki."
He liked the way his name came out of your mouth. There was just something about it that made it more special, and really acknowledge that it was his name. It was different when his parents say it.
His name means ‘victory’ and it might as well be one whenever you say his name.
"By the way," you call, cutting him off his reverie. "don't forget to ring your parents time to time, yeah?"
"Where is this coming from?"
You shrug easily adjusting your backpack strap and shaking the snow off your hair, leaving it frazzled. "All this talk about my granny made me think of families, mine, Izuku, yours." Hastily, you run a hand through it.
"My folks are fine."
"True," the train station came to view, snow continuing to fall down the sleepy city "but that doesn't mean you should stop checking up on them."
His nose scrunches, uncomfortable with the topic of coddling. "Do you talk to them?"
"Duh, what do you think?" you gave him a look, almost offended. "I talk to Auntie Inko, too. Not just my grandpa, you know."
The fact that you take the time to talk to Izuku's mom and his parents spoke plenty, seeing how fond the adults were of you. He could imagine just how close the lot of you were, remembering the many dinners you three have had and the holiday visits. Also, there was the fact that you were an orphan. 
As much as he hated his old hag nagging at him, his father's needless coddling - he was lucky to have parents like them. You didn't have that anymore.
Grumbling, he complies. "Fucking fine."
Reaching a crosswalk, the two of you stop at red, cars whisking through. Despite being damp from the top up, his quirk helped warm him just a bit. He'd have to hurry back to the dorms lest he catches a cold. The fact that he was with you, however, that made him warm - fuzzy, annoyingly warm that he could feel from his head to his toes. When the light flashed green, the two of you walk.
"You've changed." you say, he turns to find you staring at him in awe, surprise, pride in your eyes. “What are you up to?”
He feels his blood rushing to his cheeks, feels something catch in his throat, feels a flutter in his belly.
“Small things. Little things. Anything for a chance at redemption.”
“…a chance at redemption.” you repeat, testing the words.
He sighed, eyes forward. “For you, Deku, and myself.”
Bakugou Katsuki truly has grown so much since you last saw him. It made you proud, so fucking proud.
Weirded out by your silence, he turns to you, about to berate, only to freeze at the way you were glowing at him, for him.
It was reminiscent of the one he remembered from his childhood. That silly girl with dirt on her hands and fingers, leaves on her (h/c) hair, holding his hand with a flower ring she made for him. It was the one smile he could never forget, treasured, and one he'd never thought to be at the receiving end ever again.
“You’re so lame, you know that?” Sputtering, you didn’t give him a chance to explain himself before tossing him something. “Here,”
Although caught off-guard, he catches it easily. Way too easily.
He didn’t have to ask to know what it was, cheeks warming and reddening.
“Happy Valentine’s Katsuki~” giving him a two-fingered salute, you walked into the train station, smiling silly to yourself.
Looking over your shoulder, (e/c) eyes blinking curiously at him, he could very well see your cheeks were just as red.
“…expect double- no, triple on White Day!”
Snorting, the silly smile returned, only, it was aimed at him. Surprised, but honored.
“Lame ass.”
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Izuku was in the common area, furiously checking up new hero updates on his phone, a bag of chocolates shaped like All Might you had given earlier half-finished, a cup of hot cocoa sitting next to it when the front door slammed open.
“Oi, Deku!”
“Ah? Kacchan?”
The blond teen walked towards him, noticeably wet and red in the face.
Once he stood in front of him, he seemed to deflate. Scratching the back of his neck, chin tucked in, his actions very uncharacteristic of the loudmouth he’s used to making the green-haired teen worry.
“…w-what does (Name) like?”
His eyes caught on something on Kacchan's pocket, chocolates. Not just any chocolates, those were your chocolates!
Unable to help himself, Izuku combusted then and there – finally, his ship was coming to life!
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skiller0dani · 4 years
Don’t Stray | Diego Hargreeves
M A S T E R L I S T TUA Masterlist
smut requested requests info
lmao last few days have been wild. If you guys have been keeping up with the Five discussion you’ll know what I’m talking about. anyway, you guys are welcome to message me if you have any other thoughts regarding that. love you all xx
it’s short. and it’s also shit. hahahahahaha why am I bad at everything 
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You didn’t mean for it to happen. You doubt that would matter to Diego, that doesn’t change that it happened. 
You slept with someone other than him. 
You didn’t cheat though because technically you and Diego were never together. You just occasionally fooled around. You guys had never directly talked about not being with other people, it was almost an unspoken rule. He fucked you and nobody else, and you did the same. Except last night you did something you never thought you would do and Diego was going to be pissed. You laid on your back, smushed next to Luther on the small bed. You figured normal people would feel awkward about having sex with their best friend, but you and Luther weren’t normal best friends. Despite smoking together you and Luther hung out a lot, in fact he’d already seen you naked before you slept together. You felt comfortable around him, he honestly was just a big softie. 
The joint you stole from Klaus was laying burnt to the end on Luther’s nightstand. Klaus was going to kill you for stealing that while he was sleeping. You pull your pants on as Luther stirs slightly, his eyes opening as you shrug one of Diego’s shirts over your head. “Diego is going to kill me.” Luther groans as he rubs a hand over his face. You chuckle as you lean down to press a kiss to his forehead, “yeah probably.” You agree as you toe into your boots before sending him a wink and tiptoeing into the hallway. You yawn with a stretch as you carefully close the door behind you and just when you think you’ll make it to your room safely- “my last joint. You had to take the last one.” Klaus huffed just as you reached for the door handle to your room. 
The angry look slides off his face and a wide grin of realization dawns across his face, “did you just sneak out of Luther’s bedroom? Oh Diego is going to absolutely lose it.” Klaus laughs, clapping his hands together. You quickly slap your hand over his mouth as you drag him into your room. Klaus laughs against palm, his eyebrows raised accusingly as you close the door. “Trying to bang all the Hargreeves boys? You’ll have to wait a few years before you jump Five though.” Klaus teases after you release him. You shake your head, “it wasn’t like that-” You try to explain but Klaus just continues to chuckle to himself. 
“Are you telling me you didn’t bone Luther last night?” He asks, with his hands on his hips. When you sheepishly look down at your lap Klaus smiles while clapping. You don’t even try to stop him as he spins out of your bedroom, maybe you would have had a chance of convincing him not to say anything if you didn’t steal his last joint. You fall back against your mattress, already mentally preparing yourself for Diego’s wrath. 
You expected him to at least say something, but hours later and there’s still nothing. No calls, texts, nothing. Was Diego giving you the silent treatment? There was no way Klaus didn’t tell him already. Beginning to go insane in the silence you yank your door open and head down to the Library, hoping to find Diego. He uses the animal heads for target practice, as if he even needs target practice. Your palms are sweaty as you turn down the stairs, your breath hitching when you hear the familiar sound of Diego sharpening his knives. You swallow a thick lump in your throat before crossing the threshold into the library. Diego keeps his eyes on the blade in his hands, even when you move to stand in front of him. 
“Diego, I’m sorry. I know you’re probably upset about what Klaus told you-” You start but you’re cut off when Diego shifts his gaze from the knives in his hands to you. “Klaus didn’t tell me anything. But clearly there’s something you should tell me.” He says, his suspicions being confirmed by the look of horror on your face. The color drains out of your face and from the bar you hear Klaus muffling his laughter, dick. You swallow a lump in your throat as your fingers play with the loose strings at the hem of your shirt. “Oh uh n-nevermind actually-” You laugh nervously as you turn around but before you can get away you feel his hand clasp around your wrist. “Y/N.” His voice is hard and stern and as you turn around, he’s crossed his arms with an annoyed look in his eyes.  
“I slept with Luther.” You blurt, and the silence that hangs in the air after your confession has your palms sweating. Diego’s eyebrows raise as he turns away from you, his shoulders tense. You nibble on your lower lip, glancing over to send a glare at a giggling Klaus. “Klaus, brother, won’t you give us a minute please?” Diego asks, his voice unsettlingly calm. Klaus nods with a salute, leaving once he’d grabbed various bottles from the bar. Once Klaus had exited the room, Diego pulled the doors closed. “Sit.” He says, his back still to you as he locks the doors. You immediately sit on the couch, every nerve in your body tingling as Diego turns to face you, his jaw clenched and an angry look in his eyes. “I thought we had an agreement, you and I.” He says, crossing his arms as he takes a few steps to stand over you. You swallow as you drag your eyes up his body to look him in the eyes. 
“We do.” You say softly, your voice sounding hoarse and shaky. Diego hums as his eyes narrow, never once breaking your gaze. “So then what was it hm? He got a bigger cock then me? Is that it?” Diego asked, his voice still calm. You quickly shake your head as you try to stand up. Before you can stand Diego places a hand on your shoulder to keep you sat. “What? No of course not.” You explain nervously. Humming to himself Diego clenches his jaw, he’s definitely angry. “Did he make you cum better then I do? You gonna fuck him again?” He asks, a sharp edge to the tone of his voice. You shake your head, your palms still shaking. “No Diego I won’t, I’ll never fuck anybody else ever again I swear.” Diego suddenly grips your chin and forces you to look up at him. 
“No, you won’t.” He snaps, releasing you and reaching for the buckle of his jeans. You feel heat simmer in your stomach as Diego yanks his zipper down, the bulge already evident. You immediately reach into his jeans to pull out his hard cock. Diego doesn’t say anything and merely raises a brow. You lean forward and immediately wrap your lips around his cock, taking him all the way down your throat. Diego groans as winds a hand into your hair to help push your head against him more firmly. Your hands are on his hips, and your jaw is slack. Diego isn’t normally like this, he’s usually a gentler lover. You hollow your cheeks and Diego’s eyes flutter shut as his head hangs back. His hands soon yank you off him when you feel him tensing up. 
Diego yanks you to your feet before turning you to bend you over the arm of the couch. Your chest is heaving as Diego keeps you pressed to the couch as his shaking hands reach forward to yank your pants down. You tilt your head to look over your shoulder at him. Diego’s jaw is clenched and an angry look is in his eyes as he looks at you, before pushing all the way inside you in one languid thrust. You cry out as he begins to thrust into you hard and fast. You screw your eyes shut as your nails dig into the fabric of the couch, you’re practically hanging on for dear life. Diego’s hand slides up your back to grab at your shoulder to thrust into you harder. Your mouth hangs open as silent moans fall past your lips, you feel your high quickly approaching and as your toes begin to curl and you’re teetering on the edge- Diego pulls out. He pushes you back down onto your knees and quickly pushes his cock back into your mouth and with a few sharp thrusts he’s cumming down your throat. 
Your pussy is throbbing as he pulls away and turns for the door, “Diego, seriously?” You’re panting and the frustration from your lost orgasm overwhelms you. Diego doesn’t bother tuning to look at you as he strolls out of the library- yeah. He’s pissed. 
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raijinden · 3 years
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     e - heh . ;nsfw !!
undoubtedly dominant in all things learned over her 700+ year reign, and the bedroom is no different -- she is loathe to give up that sense of control that has grown to feel so stable to her . it is not an entirely impossible prospect though -- just do not expect to see the shogun beneath you in the first few times you are intimate with her, and certainly do not expect her to be some crying and submissive virgin
absolutely the slowest burn you could imagine, and then some . if you are invited to share her bed, it is because she knows you, has become incredibly familiar with you and has above all, placed her absolute trust and faith in you . sex, while incredibly intimate, is the most prime opportunity to do incredibly un - intimate things ( assassination, for example ) . but that makes it all the sweeter when you are invited to lay with her-- yet even as her partner, it will take a fair amount of talk and discussion for her to allow you to use anything related to your vision, if you have such a thing, on her .
she is, in all positions, very quiet . it is not so much through her voice and sounds that you will get your reactions, but rather through her body . a stutter in her breath, the flutter of her eyelids, muscle tensing and the way hands curl in or grasp to something, they’re all ways to gauge her pleasure . while normally her eyes are that dull, nigh lifeless shade of lavender, when she is wrought with emotion, as in the situation with the vision reclamation, her eyes will come to life with light . and, it should come as no surprise, in sex it is no different-- they are vibrant with amethyst and crimson mixing as one at her peak . it is also a way to tell when she’s turned on, though many might be led to believe the light up with an emotion such as annoyance or something else
you have, at your disposal, perhaps the simultaneously greatest and worst person you could possibly fall into bed with if you happen to be a connoisseur of erotic electrostimulation ( really, yall should have seen this one coming a mile away ) . she is the very embodiment of electro, and controls it just as easily as she breathes . she knows what it can do to the body, negative and positive, and knows exactly where to send a controlled shock to induce pleasure and pain-- do not ask her to shock you anywhere but your lower half, she will not, and is like to throw the whole possibility out for asking her to be irresponsible with you like that .
if you are her partner, expect a certain measure of possessiveness . certainly nothing overbearing, like demanding you live on the tenshukaku grounds and stay locked in a room from danger like some sort of pet . however, you will be marked with her sigil-- a shining violet electro mitsudomoe . you are asked first where you would prefer it, and she makes no pretense about its implications nor that she will do it . to keep the claims of others away-- almost like a ward of hers . if you bear it, you will not be struck by the lightning no matter where in teyvat you are-- the tatarigami will not touch you, the wily spirits of inazuma will not dare trifle with you . but it’s mostly to be used by her as an alarm of sorts-- it has much the same effect as if you were inazuman by blood: she can sense when you are in danger, and since you are her most beloved, she will without hesitation come to your aid .
funny enough, it is embarrassingly easy to get the ear of the shogun being that she is an archon and invoking her name, generally in prayer, will let your words reach her . as i said, generally in prayer, but there is certainly nothing to stop you from whispering filthy fantasies and praising words to her ear no matter where in the world you are, and she isn’t like to tune it out unless its from an unwarranted source . she’s not an easy thing to ‘ turn - on ‘ so to speak, but enough of this and she may be inclined to do something like respond belatedly if she’s in the middle of a meeting, so focused on your words as she would be .
branching a little in part from the possessiveness, she will often refer to you by a pet name unless you staunchly oppose it . something uniquely for you that she does not even think of referring to any other by . not something as common as ‘ sweetheart ‘ or ‘ baby ‘, no it is tailored based on how she views you . take, for example ( and definitely not referring to any people in particular wink - wink - nudge - nudge ;)))) ) ‘ my siren ‘, ‘ my vixen ‘ or ‘ my rook ‘ . notice the use of my in all of them ? good .
depending when you do fall into bed with her, you may notice the more ... animalistic traits of hers the stems from the power of the beastly first archon within her . sharp and ebony black canines that she tends to file down when they get out of hand and poke painted nails that grow out in a nasty point and are a natural shade of light purple . she has no problem in using them to further mark you, bruise you, leave physical evidence, especially if you specifically ask he to let them grow out and use on you ( which she is willing to do ) . if you are very lucky ? hidden and wolfish tail that is generally tucked away into her attire will react .
oh don’t doubt that she knows just how desirable she looks; she very much finds a fair bit of enjoyment in teasing her significant other with her body when they are alone . yes, yes, her almighty booba and yadda - yadda - yadda-- she knows well just how much of a magnet they are for salacious eyes, and she is unafraid to use her appearance to tease at her partner/s . she’s tall enough to loom over most people she happens across, and if she happens to trap you against the wall or the bed, leaning down until she is pressed up against you and murmuring sweet nothings and other such things in your ear .
while using ‘ baal ‘ is one way of trying to get into her head during intimacy, it is inarguable that it’s more effective to use her given name ( tomoe // ei ) due to the implications . that you call her by that name rather than her title as deity equates to you viewing her as human, and an equal . which, at its core, is what she views you as, if you become her partner .
perhaps something of a ‘ dirty - little - secret ‘, she has always had a certain ... appreciation for bondage, in any capacity . whether it is a simple manner of an electro - binding, an coat or sash, or as intricate as certain rope - bindings can get to be, she has an interest in it . in much the same vein as vision usage during sex, it will take a lengthy amount of discussion and where to draw the line, but she is willing to be tied up as well . and, for your information, she has certainly done her research and knows most of the knots, and even developed a couple of her own .
if such a thing is ever needed, her go - to safeword is ‘ narukami ‘ . as egotistic as it seems, she knows she is not likely to call out such a thing in the heat of the moment . as such, don’t call her that or any variation thereof in bed .
something i myself am kind of tentative about but -- i base a lot of headcanons off information that i learned when i first started writing in genshin with my zhongli / morax blog . in particular, especially since REX INCOGNITO spoke of rex lapis descending to the mortal world to travel it in many different forms, including a man, a woman and a child, i have toyed with the idea of such a thing being within the power of any archons . that is, the altering of one’s appearance, and since barbatos was able to mold his appearance based on his cherished bard, i could see it feasibly work-- so it’s more of a tentative thought than true headcanon at this point but if her significant other so desired it, she could alter herself . she is not terribly comfortable in another form for extended periods though, and she would respond solely to she / her / hers pronouns .
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superanimeidiot · 3 years
what was supposed to be a teeny tiny drabble (it’s not)
Ok so I was writing Karma’s confrontation with his mother and then THIS scene popped into my head. It doesn’t fit at all in the chapter (it’s supposed to be about Karma and his mom duh) but I really really wanted to write it anyway so I figured I would write the little scene and post it here but THEN it turned into this 2k word monstrosity that was SUPPOSED to be a SMALL SCENE but it decided it was going to make me stay up until 2 AM WRITING IT and it just wouldn’t LEAVE ME ALONE. So yeah I’m kinda sleep deprived and this has only been very lightly proofread and hasn’t gone through nearly as much fine-tuning as I normally put my writing through but it is currently 2:37 AM and I am satisfied with it for now so HERE HAVE THIS SCRAP I HOPE YOU LIKE IT
(also this is set the night Korosensei died. If I’m remembering canon right they killed Korosensei then, like, hid up in their classroom until leaving for graduation? Which is so messed up on so many levels like why did they go straight from a very traumatic event to their graduation without even seeing their families or SLEEPING???? So I hereby declare that, with the whole crisis thing, Kunugigaoka postponed the graduation ceremony and after they killed Korosensei Class E was taken to that government station place I vaguely remember they were taken to in canon and their parents were called to pick them up.)
Karma is curled up in a stiff plastic chair, knees pulled up to his chest, a shock blanket wrapped around his shoulders, and his cellphone clutched between his fingers, when his father finds him. Gakuhou doesn’t say anything. He sits beside Karma in his own stiff plastic chair and watches him, not saying a word.
Karma swallows around the lump that’s been lodged in his throat since Korosensei died. “You don’t have to stay with me,” he says, his voice hoarse from the aforementioned lump. He hasn’t spoken since the mountaintop. That’s why the police wrapped him in the shock blanket. “Mom is on her way.”
“Okay,” his father says, but he doesn’t move. 
Karma is too tired to dredge up the familiar anger. He’s too tired for anything. He thinks he’ll be this tired forever - the kind of bone-deep exhaustion that reaches to the soul and weighs his whole body down. He traces a finger across the edge of his phone. 
“They’re going to get rid of you,” he says. He doesn’t sound happy, or vindictive, or smug - just very matter-of-fact. “The parents will be out for blood, and they can’t go after the government. You make a very nice scapegoat.”
His father gives a soft exhale that could, charitably, be called a laugh. “Yes,” he agrees. “My days at Kunugigaoka are over. Does that make you happy?” he asks, only mildly curious.
Karma taps a finger against his phone, considering. “If I was a nice person,” he says, slowly, “I would say no.”
Gakuhou does laugh at that. “You’re my son,” he says. “You were never going to be a nice person.”
Karma glares from the corner of his eye, but doesn’t contest it. “It serves you right,” he decides. “After all the crap you pulled in this school, you deserve to be kicked out on your ass.”
Gakuhou nods. “A fair assessment.”
They sit in silence, neither comfortable nor uncomfortable. Karma’s phone buzzes with a text from his mother, telling him they’re fifteen minutes away but traffic might delay them. Karma wonders what kind of traffic could possibly exist at this hour, then realizes the traffic that occurs after major, life-altering events. He sends back a thumbs up emoji. His hands, unoccupied once more, begin to tap a staccato beat against the back of his cell.
His father remains absolutely still in his chair, no signs of nervous movement or absentminded tics. Clearly, Karma’s restless nature was not inherited from him. He seems content to sit with Karma in silence, but Karma, suddenly, is not.
“Why are you here?” he blurts out, with zero forethought. 
Gakuhou tilts his head. “Do you want me to leave?”
“That’s not an answer.”
His father huffs a quiet laugh, nodding his acknowledgement. “I saw the news,” he says after a long stretch of silence. “The reporter was talking about some monster in Kunugigaoka, and the government wasn’t saying anything. Nobody knew what was going on, just that something was happening and it was bad.” He pauses, and Karma waits, wondering when his father would get to the point that led him to sitting in an uncomfortable chair, keeping his estranged son company in the small hours of the morning.
“And then your mother called me.”
Karma visibly startles in his chair as a bolt of surprise rips through him. He’d been staring at his shoes during his father’s story, but now he turns to openly gape at Gakuhou. Never in a million years would he guess his mother would ever willingly, of her own volition, speak to his father again.
“Was she mad?” He realizes how stupid the question is as soon as it leaves his mouth. 
A wry sort of smile twists Gakuhou’s lips. “I think furious is putting it lightly. I couldn’t understand some of what she said through the screaming, but I got the gist. You had run off to Kunugigaoka on some suicide mission for your class, and if anything happened to you she would string me up herself.”
“She didn’t really say that,” Karma denies, then hesitates. “Did she?”
“No,” Gakuhou says drily, rubbing a tired palm against his eyes. “She was much more graphic.”
Karma’s jaw drops again. He can picture it suddenly, playing clear in his mind like a movie: his mother red-faced and rumpled in her pajamas as she screams at his father through her cell phone, crying and issuing threats in the same breath; his father, sitting at his desk or on his couch, watching the news in blank shock and listening to his ex-wife’s promises to kill him if anything happened to Karma.
Karma swallows roughly. “You deserve that too.”
“Yes,” Gakuhou agrees. “I do.”
Karma nods once, sharply, waiting for Gakuhou to resume his explanation.
“Your mother ran out of steam eventually and hung up. I called Karasuma and asked him what was going on, and he told me what he could. I woke Gakushuu up, told him what was happening and not to answer the door or phone unless it was me, and then I drove here.”
Karma nods again, thoughtfully this time. “That’s still not an answer,” he points out. “Why are you here,” he stresses, “with me, sitting in this stupid chair when you could be literally anywhere else?”
Gakuhou frowns, slumping back in his chair in a casual show of exhaustion Karma has never seen on him. “You’re my son,” he says, a raw edge in his voice, as if that is all the explanation required. “My youngest child.”
“I’m not a little kid anymore.”
“No,” his father agrees, almost sadly. “You’re not. You don’t need me to protect you anymore. This is probably more for me than you, anyway. I needed to know you were safe.”
He scoffs. “I didn’t know you cared.”
The wry smile makes a reappearance. “Neither did I. I had convinced myself I didn’t care what happened to you or your mother. At least, until you popped up in the last place I expected to find you.” He sighs softly, head tilting back to watch the ceiling. “I have many things to apologize for, Karma. I messed up with you in so many ways. But I don’t think you want to hear them right now, so I thought I could sit with you until your mother got here and…” he pauses, searching for the right words. He must give up on finding them, though, because he sighs gustily and sinks lower into his chair. “I don’t know what I’m doing here,” he admits. “I doubt I offer much in the way of comfort. Do you want me to leave?”
Karma considers. “Any other night, I would probably say yes. But tonight…” 
Tonight, they killed Korosensei. Tonight, he scraped his nerves raw during his confrontation with his mother. Tonight, he’d been sitting by himself in a stiff chair, wrapped in a shock blanket, replaying the night in his head and feeling more and more adrift until his father sat down beside him and made him feel less alone. 
“Tonight, you can stay,” he says. It’s still not forgiveness. His father hasn’t apologized yet, and Karma still hasn’t decided whether he’ll grant it. If anything, it’s a white flag - a temporary cease-fire. For now, it’s enough.
Gakuhou nods, and they settle back into silence. 
A while later, his phone buzzes again. It’s another text from his mother. They’re five minutes away now. His time with his father is ticking away. He wonders how he should spend it. Silence is probably safest. Karma is too numb right now to work up enough anger for a fight, but if he opens his mouth and says the wrong thing he might mess up the fragile truce they’ve landed on. He realizes, to his slight consternation, he doesn’t want to mess it up. 
What he does want, he realizes, is the answer to one simple question. If he’s lucky, Gakuhou will answer. If he’s really lucky, he’ll be too numb with shock for the answer to hurt too badly. 
He fiddles with his phone some more, twisting it in his fingers as he considers whether to ask his next question.  “If I ask you something,” he says, haltingly, “will you give me an honest answer?”
“Yes,” is the immediate reply.
“You’ll tell me the truth?” he presses. “Even if it hurts me? Even if it makes me hate you?”
“I thought you already hated me,” Gakuhou says, amused. Then, more serious, “I won’t lie to you, Karma. Even if it hurts. Ask your question.”
Karma nods, still considering. He checks his phone and sees he only has a few minutes before his parents arrive. Whatever, he thinks, metaphorically tossing up his hands. I’ve been torturing myself with this for years. At least now I’ll know. 
“Were you sad when mom took me?”
He’d like to say the room grew quiet after he spoke, but that would be a lie. People are still bustling around them, fielding phone calls and doing whatever government people do after a major crisis. The world moves on, even when you’re falling apart. 
Still, in their corner of the room, Karma feels like a bubble has separated him and Gakuhou from the rest of the world. The noise of other people doesn’t exist anymore. For him, there is only silence and the sound of his heartbeat as he waits for Gakuhou to answer.
It takes a long time. Or maybe it just feels long because he’s holding his breath.
“When I watched her drive away,” his father says, measuring the words out bit by bit, “and realized that was it - when I realized she was taking you and you weren’t coming back…” He sighs, a heavy sound. “Yes. It didn’t feel real until that moment. I watched the car disappear and thought I was having a heart attack. I locked myself in my office and drank an entire bottle of sake until it stopped hurting. I didn’t cry,” he muses aloud. “I think I was too sad to cry. Too sad, and I didn’t think I deserved to. It was my fault, after all. I drove you both away. I didn’t have the right to cry about it.”
Karma rests his chin on top of his knees as he processes. If he was in his right mind, he would probably be angry. That’s his typical response to anything his father says or does. The anger still feels far away right now, but he knows he’ll feel it eventually. Maybe not tomorrow (today?) or even the next day - not with grief for Korosensei still so fresh in his heart. Eventually, though, he’ll replay his father’s confession and feel a blood boiling rage he won’t know what to do with. It’s what he’s been waiting for all these years: his father admitting he loved him, maybe even that he still loves him. It’s every wish he’s ever made since he was a little kid. He’ll feel angry and heartbroken all over again, and he won’t even have Korosensei to help him deal with it (and oh, that thought sends a fresh wave of grief over him, so powerful he almost drowns in it. He latches onto the numbness and sinks further into it. It’s safer there).
He isn’t angry now, though, just numb and a little sad. He lifts his chin from his knees and presses his face against them, wrapping the blanket even tighter around himself. He’s hiding - either from his father or the world in general. He doesn’t know for sure, and he doesn’t feel like analyzing it. 
“If you had told me that six years ago,” he says into his knees, muffled but still audible, “I would’ve forgiven you for anything.”
It’s the truth. Eight year old Karma would have done anything to hear that his father was sad he left, that he loved him enough to be sad. He would have let go of every bitter feeling in his heart and forgiven Gakuhou wholeheartedly for every misdeed. Eight year old Karma, he thinks, was an idiot. 
Not an idiot, a voice that sounds suspiciously like Nagisa chides. Just a child. Just a kid who wanted to hear that his father loved him. That’s not stupid. That’s just how kids are.
His father doesn’t say anything, but Karma didn’t really want him to anyway. They’ve both said their piece. It’s too late to change the past, and neither are even sure if they have a future. Sometimes it’s best to let sleeping dogs lie. 
His phone buzzes, but this time it keeps buzzing. Twisting his head to the side so his cheek is pressed against his legs, he checks it. It’s his mother. She’s here, presumably, and looking for him. Time to go. He sighs, letting his feet fall to the floor as he stands, the blanket sliding from his shoulders and landing in a heap on his empty chair. He answers the call.
“Hi, mom,” he murmurs as he walks away. “I’m on my way out now.”
He doesn’t say goodbye.
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rhysismydaddy · 4 years
New Years Kiss Smut - Elriel NSFW
From an ask: Elriel smut!! If you want. They can be celebrating new years eve or something, and after y e a r n i n g for years they finally kiss and it gets ✨steamy✨
Elain smiles at the person talking her ear off, mentally trying to calculate when it’d be socially acceptable to walk away. 
It's not that she’s uninterested in whatever the heck he’s talking about, it’s more that she didn’t want to be here at all. 
Not when he’s here. 
Which, by the way, why in the world is he here? 
He’d graduated last year, which thankfully meant she hadn’t had to face running into him on campus. Avoiding him in her personal life had been hard enough. 
The guy talking to her paused and looked at her expectantly, so she nodded and said, “Yeah,” hoping that’s an acceptable answer. 
Elain didn’t know how he expected her to concentrate on a word he was saying when one of her oldest friends was standing across the room, staring at her like he hated her. 
Or maybe like he wanted to kiss her. 
Either way, she isn’t paying attention to... Luke? and his complaints about his history professor. 
Her mind’s focused on a year ago today, when she’d somehow found herself at an upperclassmen house party as a freshman. Azriel had smiled when he’d seen her, and like always, there was just something... different about being around him. 
It was like her body was in tune with his. 
When he came in the room, she noticed. When he smiled, she found herself smiling back. 
And that night... she’d been just drunk enough to believe in New Years Eve kisses and that everyone should get one in their life. 
So when the countdown had ended and the new year had begun, Elain had gone up on her tiptoes and smacked her lips against Azriel’s. 
Which was probably the stupidest thing she’d ever done. 
Because apparently, he was perfectly content to have all this sexual tension with her and never actually act on it. His hands had gone to her shoulders, gently pushing her away, and he’d looked down at her with wide, confused eyes. 
And the absolute shock on his face had been too much to bear. 
So she’d fled. 
She’d run all the way home and had adamantly refused every single one of his calls. And since he’d graduated in December and immediately moved to the city to work, she hadn’t seen him since. 
Which was honestly kind of impressive, considering for the first eighteen years of her life, she’d spent almost every day with him. 
Their friend group was insanely close, and they’d immediately noticed that Elain stopped coming around whenever she knew Azriel would be there. So she kind of... stopped coming in general. 
She'd taken an insane amount of classes in the spring so she’d be busy enough to never leave campus, then over the summer, she’d worked two jobs. And this semester, she’d done both, taking enough courses to keep her busy and also working part time at the local bookstore. 
At first, he’d called all the time. And texted. And called some more. 
But until she could figure out how to look him in the face and not break down crying or blush from head to toe in embarassment, she was staying away. 
At least, that was the plan before he’d smacked the ball firmly back into her court by showing up on campus tonight. 
He’s currently standing by the mantle, hands shoved in his pockets, glaring at her. Or rather the boy she was standing with. 
Elain didn’t realize why until the people around them shout Ten, then start counting down. Maybe-Luke looks down at her expectantly, small smile on his parted lips. 
She knows instantly that there’s no way she can kiss him, especially not when Azriel’s twenty feet away distracting her. So she blurts, “Um, I have to go.”
And runs. 
Spotting a staircase, she bolts for it, praying she’ll make it up in time to avoid the sight of all the happy people kissing other happy people. 
By the time the crowd chants, “Three, two, one,” she’s in the dark hallway, thankfully alone. 
But then a rough, very familiar voice says, “Happy New Year.”
She grabs one of the closest door handles, figuring she’ll go out the window or something. Anything would be better than having to face him. Azriel, however, does not agree with this plan. 
He smacks her hand away from the handle, wraps her in very muscley arms, and dips her so low her hair grazes the floor. 
And then he kisses her. 
Elain’s dreaming. She has to be. Because this... this is all she’s ever wanted. 
A soft nip at her lower lip tells her that no, she isn’t dreaming, but she might as well be. 
Because being kissed by Azriel... it’s everything. 
One hand supports her head, the other is on her back, and he holds her captive against him as his tongue meets hers. She isn’t exactly sure when she’d even opened her mouth, but she isn’t complaining. 
Her body’s wide awake, well aware of the strong chest pressing against hers, the stubble scraping her cheek softly. 
All too soon, he pulls back and tells her, “You, Elain Archeron, are fucking done avoiding me.” 
A shiver runs over her at the pure command, the anger in his voice. And then everything that had just happened catches up to her, and she becomes really, really confused. “But I thought-”
His hazel eyes are dark, somehow brewing both irritation and amusement. 
“You thought wrong,” he mutters back, lips meeting hers again. 
Well, that’s pretty fucking obvious at this point. 
Because he’s kissing her like he’s trying to make up for lost time. She's aware she’s doing the same to him, since the result is a clash of teeth and tongues and lips and-
He stands up, bringing her with him, and then she’s against a wall, picture frames digging into her shoulder blades. 
But she doesn’t care in the slightest, because Azriel’s hands are roaming over her in a way that makes her shiver, and his mouth is moving down her neck to kiss the top of her breasts. 
For the first time since her roommate forced it on her, she’s actually glad she’s wearing the low-cut thing. 
“You are so annoying sometimes,” he mutters, teeth scraping her neck slightly as he moves back to her mouth. 
“Okay,” she gasps, head falling back against the wall with a thud. 
Angry, beautiful hazel eyes meet hers. “I’ve wanted you for years, a feeling I didn’t know you shared, by the way. And then you kiss me, and before I can do something about it, you run.”
“I’m sorry.” Gods is that true. 
His hips press into hers, and she arches against him. “That’s 365 days we missed out on.”
“I’m sorry,” she repeats against his lips. 
“You’re about to be.”
They’re kissing again, and he somehow supports her with one arm long enough to yank the closest door open and walk them inside. 
Part of her is aware that she’s sitting on the sink in a stranger’s bathroom, but the other part’s too busy yanking his t-shirt over his head so she can explore his shoulders and abs and chest. 
The straps of her dress are pushed down, a hand in her hair forces her head back, and then his mouth closes around her nipple. Her back arches instinctively, and she almost falls off the sink, but his hands shoot out to brace her hips. 
He switches to her other breast, and she knows he’s trying to be polite, but she’s way too far gone for foreplay. 
Her legs pull his hips to hers, and she grinds against him desperately. He apparently gets the message because his hands push her dress up off her hips and slides a hand to the apex of her thighs. 
Azriel curses, then says, “I’ll buy you another pair.”
She doesn’t have to wonder what he’s talking about for long, because there’s a ripping sound, and then the tights she’d forgotten about become a torn mess at the top. 
Elain couldn’t care less as she reaches for his belt and pushes his jeans down his hips. After a brief moment, he’s pushing inside her, his body tense against hers. 
His hands are braced on her hips, hers are gripping his shoulders for dear life. She’s practically laying in the sink, back arched and head against the mirror, but he keeps her in place as he starts to thrust. 
And she realizes he was right, because she is so, so sorry she missed out on this for a year. 
His hips are hard against hers, and she moans as he picks up the pace. His lips are suddenly on hers, absorbing the sound. Which is good, because she’s not exactly being quiet. 
He isn’t either, though. He’s tugging on her earlobe with his teeth as he murmurs all sorts of filthy, wonderful things she never knew she wanted to hear. 
He’s telling her things with his body, too. 
He’s telling her how stupid she was to not realize that he wants her, that he’s desperate for her. How glad he is that she finally knows. How this is everything for him, too. 
One hand bracing the small of her back, Azriel slides the other down her stomach to the apex of her legs and starts to draw little circles that make Elain tremble. 
“Azriel, please.” She doesn’t even know what she’s begging for, but she feels like she needs it right the fuck now. 
Her nails rake down his back as he pounds against her, and he groans, biting her lip. 
She’s so close she can hardly breathe, so when he murmurs, “Come for me, Elain,” the sound of his gruff voice does it for her. 
She gasps as release barrels into her, head dropping back again as her eyes press shut and her body shakes. She can feel his eyes on her, watching, and that somehow makes it even sweeter. 
He makes a low, helpless sound as he follows, hips hips stilling against hers. 
Pulling back a little, he looks down at her and says, “Holy shit.”
“Holy shit,” she whispers back. It’s all she can think to say. 
His dark eyes track down her frame, and his lips twitch. “I fantasize about you for years, and the first time I fuck you, it’s in a stranger’s bathroom.”
Elain smiles, a giggle escaping her. He shakes his head, then lifts her off the sink and sets her on the floor gently enough to make her laugh again. 
Callouses scrap against her skin as he fixes the top of her dress. Glancing down, he bites a lip and says, “Sorry.”
“I don’t care,” she replies honestly. If he wants to rip every pair of her tights, she’ll let him. As long as she gets a repeat of what just happened. 
Luckily, her dress is long enough to cover the ruined tights, so she doesn’t have to take them off and risk freezing to death outside. 
Azriel throws on his shirt and buckles his dark jeans, then peeks outside the door. “Thank the gods there’s not a line of people out there.”
Laughing, she walks out, feeling better than she has in ages. Especially as he follows and grabs her hand. 
“Elain.” She turns to face him and raises a brow. “I really missed you. You have to promise you won’t ever do that again.” 
Nodding, she wraps her arms around him. “I promise.”
“You’re stuck with me now,” he murmurs against the top of her head. 
“Lucky me.” Leaning up to kiss him softly, she says, “I’m really sorry I ran. And avoided you. And called you an asshole a time or two behind your back.”
He laughs, and she can’t realizes how much she’s missed that sound. 
Elain pulls back and looks at him through her lashes. “How can I make it up to you?”
The grin he gives her can only be described as wolfish. “I can think of a few things.”
Ugh I love them. Sorry this is kinda shitty, but thanks for the ask nonnie! Feel free to hit me with some more :)
@perseusannabeth @cursebreaker29 @a-bit-of-a-cactus @girl-who-reads-the-books @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln @rowanisahunk @superspiritfestival @studyliketate @over300books @justgiu12 @maastrash @aesthetics-11 @bamchickawowow @b00kworm @sleeping-and-books @musicmaam @hizqueen4life @maybekindasortaace
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gallickingun · 4 years
From the 410 smut prompts, could I please request a drabble with 40 & 331 for Pro-Hero Shouto and fem interviewer? Thank you!
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PAIRING: Pro Hero!Shouto x Interviewer Fem!Reader RATINGS: M/E+ WARNINGS: oral sex WORD COUNT: 1.6k+
PROMPTS: 40: “I’m afraid I can no longer remain professional.” 331: “If you keep making those sounds, I’m not going to be able to stop myself.”
request from THIS prompt list - prompt fill sentences will look like this.
Interviewing Pro Heroes wasn’t an easy job. There were the wild ones, like Ground Zero or Grand, but there were also the kind ones, such as Red Riot or Froppy. Each of them balanced one another out.
However, there had been one Pro Hero you couldn’t quite make out just yet – Shouto.
He was the one you were responsible for interviewing nearly every time after a battle or intervention, and he gave you hardly any information each time. It was just a simple nod of his head, a one liner, and then he’d retreat back to the squad car to take them off somewhere else to do paperwork.
“Hell, Shouto,” you grumble one day at a conference, the mic hidden underneath the top of your dress easily spotted by his careful eyes, “Can I just get one sound bite?”
The Todoroki-san chuckles, readjusting so his hands rest at his belt loops, “Apologies. I’m not used to doing interviews in a tuxedo.”
“Are you ever used to interviews?” you ask him, relaxing against the punch table. “Because even if I’m not trying to spin a story, your lips are sealed. It’s irritating.”
“I had no idea I made you feel such things.” His voice is smooth, so much so that you would not have caught the sly undertone if you hadn’t been so in tune with his facial expressions.
Shouto’s lips are tugged sideways into a smirk, his turquoise eye glittering at you from where he stands so you can only see half of his face, the scarred half. Your stomach flips, and you wonder if he can see the motion against your dress. You swallow the lump in your throat and stand tall, bolstering your spine, “I-I don’t feel anything but anger. You’ve cost me a couple of headlines, you know!”
“Bakugou always has the better lines anyway,” Shouto shrugs, tilting his head towards the blonde hero stood across the room, “I prefer my reputation as the silent type.”
“Well,” you tip your cup of wine back against your lips, praying that the alcohol will help this conversation, “it really blows for me.”
His eyes widen at the choice of phrasing, but only for a moment, and then he has regained his composure. Todoroki licks his lips and leans back, his trim figure looking rather toned within the confines of his professional clothing. You wonder what he’s packing underneath that dark button up, your eyes tracking down his torso.
You can’t stop yourself when your eyes dip below his belt, zeroing in on his zipper. You gag around the wine settled in your throat, having to reach up to cover your mouth to make sure none dribbles out at your surprise.
Todoroki crosses his arms, jutting his hips forward unbeknownst to your current predicament, “What? Do I have something on my pants?”
He looks down to make sure he hasn’t dropped food or drink on his clothes, scanning the fabric for stains. It gives you a moment of reprieve from his intense stare, and you force yourself to become more composed. You wish away the blush on your cheeks, begging him silently not to notice the change in color.
“N-No,” you stutter out the broken word, ashamed of your wanton state, “I-uh, well. No. You look fine.”
Somehow the sentence comes out a little lighter, more lilted, than you expected. It’s enough to turn his head so he’s paying attention to you again, “Do I?”
You can hear the speeches going on in the background, but they do little to tear your line of sight away from the handsome hero stood in front of you. Truthfully, you’ve noticed his bejeweled irises and contoured body before, but your anger had surpassed your lust after the first few interviews.
Now, however, it’s coming back in full force.
“You’re insufferable,” are the words you choose next, opting for the frustrated route rather than the lecherous one.
You do not expect him to sidle up next to you and whisper his next sentence in your ear, “Would you like me to ease your suffering?”
The base of your throat bobs as a strangled noise tangles itself up in your throat, piercing your tongue as it slips from your lips. Shouto’s palm is on the base of your back, his lips grazing the shell of your ear so his warm breath travels down to the base of your neck. Every hair you have is standing on end, arousal pooling within the core of you, and your tongue has suddenly gone relentlessly dry.
You want to say his name, to admonish him, but all you can do is turn, mouth agape, and stare into his heterochromatic eyes. You’ve never noticed the gray orb is so sparkling from the distance you’ve maintained. But now, in the low lights of this party and the proximity you have between you, it’s practically glowing.
His other hand cups your cheek, “You look beautiful. You always do.”
“Th-Thank you?” you manage to squeak out the words and somehow, they feel sultry coming from your hoarse throat. You swallow your inhibitions and drop your gaze from his eyes to his mouth, analyzing the plush curve of his lower lip and the angled bow of his upper.
Todoroki chuckles, and the sound makes you shiver, “Wanna get out of here?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
You didn’t expect to find yourself shoved between a rack of cleaning supplies and the torso of one Pro Hero, Todoroki Shouto.
Not that you were complaining.
He’s smirking up at you from where he’s got himself lowered between your thighs, your skirt hiked up over your hips so he can see your glistening cunt from his position crouched below you. His hands roam your thighs and he inhales, “I’m afraid I can no longer remain professional.”
“Shouto,” your legs tense, “I thought that was a given.”
He shakes his head and his nose brushes over the base of your belly, just below your navel, “No, I mean after this.” His voice is quiet and tentative, much in contrast to the confident grip of his hands, “H-How does that make you feel?”
“Impatient as hell,” you grip a hand in his dual-toned hair, guiding his mouth towards your aching core. “Now c’mon, Todoroki, use that pretty mouth.”
“I hope you can get a few sound bites for your show tomorrow.”
Shouto taps the microphone that’s hiding underneath the silk of your dress, smirking up at you as he leans his body forward, “It is still on, isn’t it?”
He is murmuring little praises into thin air as he kisses up the inner part of your thigh, nudging his nose over the sensitive skin before finding his way to the center of your hips. Todoroki kisses just below your navel, nosing the swell of your belly before he comes to face your pussy. You swear you hear him salivating, drool dripping down his chin to coat your core as he licks a stripe up your slit.
Your feet stutter forward, and he has to bring a hand to your torso to press you flush with the door. The coolness of the metal slab is in stark contrast to the burning skin of your ass. You whimper at the sudden change in temperature, your head lolling back as you lose yourself in the way his tongue feels as he laps at your pooling heat.
The hand on your abdomen must be his right, because a thin sheen of ice spreads from your belly button outward as he activates his quirk. Your breath shudders from your lungs, shoulders shaking at the air drops at least ten degrees if not more just with the gentle use of his power. You look down to see glittering ice crystals covering your belly, starting to creep up toward your breast. Before you can complain or cry out, Shouto is reaching upward to tweak the bud of your breast, frozen touch encasing your nipple in a thin layer of ice.
Todoroki has skillfully delved his tongue between your folds, collecting your arousal on his tongue and using it to further lubricate the muscle before he redirects his attention to your clit. He sucks the sensitive bud between his teeth, making sure to lavish it with his tongue before returning his attention to your sopping core. Bringing his warm palm to your navel, you feel the ice on your stomach melt, dripping down and tickling your skin as his opposing side lights on fire.
It is a warm flame, something calm and tame, but it is enough to thaw the ice on your body and make the hairs on the back of your neck stand erect. You swallow thickly and try not to cry out too loud as he turns your sensitive nipple in his freezing touch, a white-hot mix of pain and pleasure shooting up through your nerve endings, making your eyesight blurry.
“If you keep making those sounds, I’m not going to be able to stop myself,” Todoroki leans away from your cunt, still working at your chest, “And I really want you to come on my cock.”
The timbre of his voice in conjunction with the sultry look on his face makes your outer walls tremble in anticipation for what his cock will feel like sheathed within your core. Even the thought makes you weak, your knees wobbling so much that he has to brace you with his hands behind your thighs, letting your dress fall so he’s no longer visible.
“Guess you’ll just have to come back to my place,” he offers, voice muffled from where he’s hidden, “and maybe I’ll give you an exclusive.”
@shoutogepi 👀💕
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demonsonthemoon · 3 years
Standing on the Edge / We’re Already Falling
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe Pairing: Bucky Barnes/Clint Barton Word Count: 3499 Rating: M Summary: Clint doesn't do romantic relationships. Bucky doesn't do sex. But they do do something together. One night, Clint has a request. "Do you mind if I jerk off?" Featuring akoiromantic!Clint. Notes: If you are here expecting smut you might be disappointed because the smut I was planning to write disappeared in between whole paragraphs of introspection. STORY OF MY LIFE. This fic has been sitting in my draft for more than a year and I STILL had to rush it to post it in time for #AggressivelyArospecWeek, so apologies if it is super wonky and there are typos everywhere. This is vaguely inspired by personal experiences and fantasies, because relationships are fascinating and I like to self-reflect. Also please note that I'm allosexual and the perspective I have on asexuality is totally external. So if you have any comments about the way I wrote it that might further my understanding of asexuality and help me write it better, let me know! Content warnings: Bucky's asexuality in this is explored partly in relation to his history of abuse so if that sounds squicky or triggering to you, be careful!
Read it on AO3.
The feeling of Bucky's lips on his wasn't anything new to Clint. That didn't mean that the pleasure of it was wearing off, far from it. First kisses were never the best. No, the really good one only came after, when you knew what the other person liked and they knew your preferences as well. When you could play each other like finally tuned instruments to elicit your favorite sounds at will. Those were the best kisses.
The one they were sharing now was quite high-ranking on that scale, at least according to Clint's opinion. They were both freshly clean from a shower, and Clint was quickly letting go of all the tension from the mission he'd just come back from. He was finally reaching the good side of pent-up where sensations were pleasurably heightened but not making him paranoid. Then there was the fact that Bucky was softly biting on his lower lip and had a hand in Clint's hair. Yeah. It was a pretty good kiss.
“Fuck,” Clint whispered at they broke apart for hair. They didn't go far from one another, just hovering on that edge of kissing again. Clint had a hand on Bucky's face, softly running a thumb over his stubble, the other over his hip.
Bucky smiled, then kissed him again. It was funny. Clint swore his lips tasted different when he smiled. It was one of his favorite flavors.
This thing between them hadn't always been that easy. There had been a time when Bucky's only two moods were “shadow in the corner” and “murder glare,” which had not been conducive to much physical intimacy. (Not that Clint had been unwilling. Everyone who knew him was aware of his attraction to danger.) It had taken a while for Bucky to become comfortable, both with himself and with the people also living on the Avengers compound. Clint had understood that. The guy had been through a lot. He'd still barely remembered who he was when he'd turned himself in after a year of leading Steve and Sam around on a merry chase.
But he'd gotten around to it. The whole being a person thing. Being something other than a weapon.
Yes, Clint had been a little protective of him. Still was. He could relate to the guy. A few days of alien brainwashing was obviously different to a few decades of being Hydra's puppet, but it still gave them more common grounds than most of the other Avengers.
They'd started getting along, and then they had started getting along, and now Clint was shirtless and kissing Bucky in his bed and it all felt really nice.
Really really nice.
“Shit, fuck,” Clint whimpered against Bucky's mouth, drawing away slightly. “Wait a sex- sec. I have a question.”
The beginning of their relationship (Clint always made a face at the word, but he hadn't found any other one that fit) had involved a lot of awkward conversations about boundaries. Clint had been on the verge of e-mailing his therapist about it several times. She would have been so proud. Clint wasn't ready to admit that, but it had felt nice for once not to be the only one tiptoeing around a minefield. That's what it had felt like in a lot of his other relationships, and most of his other partners hadn't been subtle in letting him know it was his fault.
Bucky didn't make him feel like it was his fault. He had plenty of minefields of his own and seemed grateful to have Clint here to help him figure out their layouts.
It had almost been funny when they'd realized how little they matched one another.
Clint didn't do romance. He'd learned the hard way that however much he liked the person at first, and even continued to like them, in a way, he couldn't sustain romantic attraction for much more than a few weeks into a relationship. And the pressure of a romantic relationship was just too much for him to handle. After a series of self-sabotaged messes and a divorce, he'd been forced to admit that it wasn't worth trying anymore. He'd mostly resigned himself to one-night stands and the occasional cuddle with a friend. Wanting regular physical and emotional intimacy outside of a romantic relationship just wasn't something he figured he could get.
Bucky, on the other hand, was totally open to the pursuit of romance. At least as much as someone with such severe trust issues as he had could be. But he didn't really do sex. At least not for now.
It had been kind of funny to find all of that out, but also not at all. Clint was very happy that they'd decided to figure something out anyway. He'd been even happier when the something in question had turned out to involve having a close friend he could regularly make out with but who didn't pressure him into being with each other all the time, being wooed or going on dates.
Their relationship probably looked like weird and misshapen from any outside perspective, and sometimes even from Clint's, when his nerves were too raw or his mind was too numb and he looked at the universe and only saw the result of his failures. But it was theirs, and whenever Clint felt like his skin was his own again, he found he was willing to fight for it.
It was a weird yo-yo motion, with a string that threatened to snap every so often, but so far it was still turning.
Clint couldn't help himself, and he gave Bucky another peck on the lips. Just to erase the frown that had formed on his forehead as he'd pulled away from their kiss.. “Don't worry. There's no good or bad answer here.” He tried to keep his tone confident and casual. Spy training came in handy in these kinds of situation. Of course, the fact that Bucky was just as well trained meant he could usually read through Clint's bullshit, but well. One had to try.
Clint took a breath, and smiled. “Do you mind if I jerk off?”
Bucky froze against Clint's hands. His eyes widened just the slightest bit.
And then he looked down at Clint's crotch, and the blond bit down on his own lip to avoid letting out a thoroughly undignified squeak. The outline of his erection was clearly visible through the worn material of his post-shower sweatpants. Bucky somehow seemed surprised by it, even though there was no way he hadn't felt it rub against him at any point of the previous proceedings.
Clint felt a blush rise to his cheeks. He wasn't embarrassed about sex. He didn't think that was what it was. He was just very aware of the request he'd just made and the fact that Bucky's attention was still lingering on his cock.
“You don't have to say yes. I really don't mind if we just make out some more and cuddle. I just thought... Well. I just thought that if you didn't have to... participate, you might still like to watch?” The blood in his cheeks was quickly approaching boiling point. “Or not. I don't know. I just thought I'd ask.”
Clint forced himself to close his mouth and stop talking before he fell into a spell of ill-advised chatter. For a few excruciating seconds, Bucky stayed silent. At least he was looking into Clint's eyes again, instead of at his dick. Small mercies.
“Is that something that you would like? If I watched?”
“Um.” Clint swallowed. The fact that Bucky's gaze followed the movement of his Adam's apple was enough to force him to admit he didn't want to lie. “Yeah. Yeah. I'd... I think I'd like that a lot.”
Clint didn't know what reaction he'd expected at that. A joke perhaps. Or at least a raised eyebrow. He hadn't expected Bucky to move forward like a hunting animal jumping on his prey and kiss him. Clint opened his mouth and let the kiss deepen. He wasn't an idiot, he wouldn't pass up the opportunity to get kissed passionately by Bucky just because he was confused. So he moved one arm over Bucky's shoulder, found a better angle and kissed back, giving as much as he got.
He hadn't lied when he'd said he could do just this for hours. Who cared if it made him feel like an awkward teenager again, one who was all too happy to agree to “no sex on the first date” because he didn't know how to tell his at the time girlfriend that he hadn't ever touched a condom in his life.
Clint wasn't frustrated. He jerked off a healthy amount, and in the time between he got to hang out with Bucky and get kissed senseless. There was really no drawback to this situation.
And sure, Clint had desires. Fantasies. There were many things he thought about while he jerked off, and quite a few of them inlvoved Bucky in different stages of nakedness and with various amounts of their naked skins touching. But he also had fantasies about a lot of people he had never had and would never have sex with, and that was fine. He was friends with Bucky, and his comfort whenever they spent time together was a lot more important than Clint's libido.
But he had wondered if maybe... If there could be a way to get more of what he wanted without pushing any of Bucky's boundaries. He already felt bad for not being able to give Bucky everything he wanted, everything that he deserved. Bucky should get to be with someone who would go on dates with him, who would kiss him in the rain and hold his hand it public, and whisper I am so glad that you're my boyfriend against his ear. After all the ways he'd been used and abused, Bucky deserved the certainty of someone who loved him in all ways, all the time.
And Clint wasn't that someone. Clint couldn't give himself to someone in that way without feeling trapped, without tainting the beauty of every gesture with his own fear of being controlled.
Asking for this, for this selfish thing that wasn't sex but was so so close, it was a dangerous thing. It felt like taking something more, and Clint had never felt like he deserved anything in his life, not most of the bad, but not really any of the good either, and he didn't want to be that person who just took and took from someone who had already lost so much, but Bucky had always told him to just ask and he had, and Bucky was still kissing him like there was no other way to say what he meant to say and-
“Okay,” Bucky panted when he finally pulled away far enough to form words. “I think I want to see that.”
And, fuck, this was definitely something that Clint had fantasized about before, that's why he brought it up, but his imagination paled before the real thing, before the livewire tension all across his body and the way Bucky looked hungry in a way he'd never had before, and then Clint was being pushed back against the pillows of the bed and Bucky was slowly peeling off his sweatpants to expose the boxers underneath and this was all too much already. Bucky looked so smug about it too, like this was a perfectly normal things for them to do, like anything below the belt wasn't an entirely new territory for them. Bucky settled cross-legged on the end of the bed opposite to Clint, and tilted his head in a sort of go-ahead gesture. There was such open curiosity in his eyes, and Clint hadn't known that that was something that did it for him, but it really, truly was.
In all of his fantasies, he hadn't had to think about how to jerk off, he'd already been doing it as he set the scene in his head. He had felt a certain thrill at the idea of being watched, but none of the nervousness that came from putting on a show. And that probably wasn't what Bucky even expected from him, but Clint still felt weird. It felt like the worst case of stage fright he'd had since his first performance in the circus when he'd been a teenager.
Clint took a deep breath. He looked up into Bucky's eyes, carefully trained on his, and slowly pulled his boxers off.
Bucky could tell that Clint was nervous. He wanted to so something about it, but he had no idea how. Clint had been the one to offer this, to ask for this, and Bucky was just along for the ride. A ride he definitely thought he would enjoy, but he also couldn't be sure, and he didn't want to push Clint but didn't want to stay totally detached either and...
And Clint was now touching his dick, hand in a loose fist around it, going up and down, thumb brushing over the head to gather a few drops of precome. And he was staring at Bucky as he did all that, worrying his bottom lip and staring at Bucky like he held all of the answers in the world.
He was surprised at how big the urge to touch was. He wanted to put his mouth on Clint's and bite down, bite properly instead of whatever Clint was doing to deal with his nervousness. He wanted to put a hand in Clint's hair and lick along the side of his neck and then look down at where his hand was still moving on his cock.
But he didn't do any of that, even though he had before (except for the looking part), because if he did he might trip on his own boundaries, might trigger that trapwire inside himself that made him retreat.
So he just watched instead, held Clint's gaze when it met his.
This was a new things for the two of them, but at the same time... it wasn't. Not really. Because this wasn't about sex. Sex was something that Bucky felt totally detached from on a good day, and on a bad one it was something that made him nervous, made his stomach twist and weigh heavily.
He couldn't explain why, because he hadn't ever had a particularly bad experience with it. At least he didn't think so. (He hated that he still wasn't sure, couldn't be sure, because so many memories had been taken from him and he couldn't ever know if he had gotten all of them back.)
What he remembered, at least, wasn't bad, although it wasn't good. Bucky could see himself, another person in another time, lying in fresh grass with a girl, her perfume just heavy enough to make him slightly light-headed, to take the edge off the feeling of wrongness he was experiencing as he touched her, let her touch him. He could feel the purely physical pleasure of the act, perfunctory, but nothing else.
This thing right now with Clint was nothing like that, because it wasn't about the sex. It was about Clint and it was about pleasure, but physicality was only one tiny part of this equation.
Bucky watched Clint's hand run up hand down his cock, and he didn't wish that it was his instead, but that didn't stop him from being fascinated by the movement, by the way Clint's dick responded, hardening further, and by the quiet sounds that caught in his throat.
A thought crossed his mind, and Bucky stood up. The fact that Clint immediately stopped moving made him feel... something. It reminded him that, yeah, Clint was masturbating, but this thing still actively involved Bucky. And Bucky let himself be involved, since he ruffled through his nightstand and threw Clint a half bottle of lube. Clint's eyes widened even as he caught the bottle easily. A soldier's reflexes. “You-”
Bucky rolled his eyes.
“I don't have the same libido as you, but I've still got enough experience to know it's better when it doesn't chafe.”
“Right,” Clint replied, scratching the back of his head in an embarrassed gesture. The combination of that and his erection sticking out made him look completely ridiculous, but Bucky only smiled in endearment.
He settled back at the foot of the bed, crosses his legs and make a vague gesture with his hand.
“As you were,” he said with a smirk.
Clint stared, mouth agape. “You...” He chuckled. “You are such an asshole.”
Bucky didn't deny it, but he also noticed that Clint wasn't too bothered, pouring lube into his right hand and carefully warming it up. He looked slightly uncertain again, slowly touching his own dick. Bucky didn't say anything, but he watched. That's what Clint had asked for. That he watch.
Clint worried his lower lip and hummed in his throat as he worked up a rhythm again, and Bucky watched.
He liked Clint's hands, the calluses on his fingers, the various scars from knife fights and careless handling of arrows. He liked them for the stories they told, the one that had been erased from his own fingertips by serum and metal. It was something he kept to himself, unlike Clint who took great pleasure in telling Bucky how hot he looked and which pants he should keep wearing because they framed his thighs just right. Bucky didn't look at Clint's hands like Clint sometimes did his, with a far-away intensity in his eyes and his mouth just the slighest bit open. But that was okay.
Clint didn't look at him like he wanted to be what made Bucky happy, his everything, his forever, with a yearning to share as much of the other's life as he could. But Bucky...
Bucky looked up into Clint's eyes, scared of everything his own could say, but it felt like the other man could hardly see him, too caught up in the movement of his own hand and the sensations that ran through his body. It didn't make Bucky feel alone, though. Quite the opposite. Clint was including him in a moment that could so easily have been private and it was thrilling, it made Bucky feel powerful and wanting. Bucky could have touched, Clint probably would have liked him to touch him, and Bucky felt his arms strain towards the other man, but stayed still. This made the moment feel purer, safer, better somehow, and Bucky didn't get it, not really, but then again, there were so many things he didn't get about Clint and his relationship, this was just one more thing on the list.
Another fragile compromise, another precarious equilibrium, just like everything that had followed that fateful “Can I kiss you?” during a conversation that had felt half like a fight and also like the most comfortable Bucky had been in years, because Clint hadn't been scared of him and he hadn't been careful, and he had asked to kiss him and Bucky had said yes.
And barely seconds after their lips had touched, Clint had said “Okay, this doesn't have to go anywhere, but in case it goes anywhere, we need to set boundaries,” and Bucky had thought “I think I might love you.”
These days, he tried his best not to say it aloud, but he thought Clint still understood it sometimes, like right now when Bucky had finally reached out and kissed Clint one more, and the other man's hip had thrust up twice before he came, one hand grappling at Bucky's shoulder and gripping his shirt. He was panting into Bucky's mouth, eyes wide and a little scared, and Bucky kissed him again until Clint whined, louder than any sound he'd made as he orgasmed, and Bucky couldn't help but be selfishly pleased by that.
He felt warm and relaxed. For once, the arousal coiled in his gut didn't feel uncomfortable, there was no pressure for it to go anywhere.
He pulled away, and watched as Clint carefully got his breathing back to normal. “Thanks,” the blond said, a slightly pathetic attempt at filling the silence between them.
“You're welcome,” Bucky replied, too quiet and not snarky enough, but they both smile and pretended not to know what had been said behind the word. They didn't destroy the balance.
Clint looked at his hand and made a face, and Bucky pushed him out of bed with a laugh, telling him to clean up. He chucked off his own shirt, which was stained by Clint's come and oh, what a strange thought that was. And then he settled into bed.
He was pretty sure Clint would join him, tonight, though he didn't always. If he was lucky, they'd have breakfast the next day. He didn't expect to see much of Clint for the rest of the day after that though, but that was okay.
It was an equilibrium.
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egg-emperor · 4 years
Having a pretty shitty day so please share some silly headcanons of eggman that make you smile
I'm sorry, I hope you feel better soon! I find it a bit difficult to choose which headcanons of mine to share without a particular prompt but I picked out a few that make me laugh and put a smile on my face when I think about them. I hope you like them too! 💜
He really likes to sing even though it's not considered a talent of his. I think his singing voice is beautiful but Orbot and Cubot, who get to hear it the most, don't agree. He sings in the shower, he can't resist singing along when songs he actually likes finally play on the radio, and he just likes to sing when he's in a good mood wherever he is!
He doesn't sing with a smoother voice like Boom Eggman can seem to do, it stays as gruff as it usually sounds. Because his voice has its Jiminy Glick inspired peaks and valleys to it, he can't keep the higher and lower notes consistent when singing. He uses the opposite of the required pitch each time by accident.
But he still breaks into song with such bold confidence, regardless of judgment. Sometimes he's loud and proud and other times he sings in a quieter mumble. He also hums and whistles tunes, like how he hummed his theme song in Sonic Universe #39! Whether he's signing, humming, or whistling, it's always cute and funny to hear!
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The way he tries to hide how he's amused by something, such as how ticklish he is, is absolutely adorable. His first reaction is a little yelp and then he quickly covers his mouth. It's always obvious that he's trying to hide a smile behind his big hands and while he can muffle giggles with them, he still snorts with a loud 'snrk' from his nose.
More often than not he ends up failing to hold back and bursts into laughter, especially if he's trying to hide how ticklish he is but his sensitive spots keep being targeted. Whenever someone tries to prove that he's ticklish, they always win! He starts with a quieter hesitant giggle but it gets louder and harder to control.
The more amused he is, the more likely it is for his "hoho" laugh to surface. And his way of absolutely howling with laughter is his "hoohoo" laugh, which is rare outside of him laughing maniacally at his evil plans. If something else manages to make him laugh that way, he gets a bit blushy after it slips out when he's trying to hold back, especially if he's told just how adorable it is. 💘💕
He's so happy when he gets an opportunity to talk about his passions and show off his work to someone that's genuinely interested. He could do it for hours! His enthusiasm shows with how energetic he is, how wide his smile is, and the excitement in his voice. If his glasses are off, people can see the way his eyes light up too.
When he's really excited he shakes both of his fists together and jumps for joy! He also does some happy dancing and prancing around to express the exhilarating energy that he feels inside. Sometimes he does it so much that he's quite tired and needs a nap after but it's a lot of fun and it feels good to release it!
He loves to go for random rides both night and day, whether it's his egg mobile, E-Rider, or egg mobiles he turned into cars for the racing. When flying in the egg mobile, he can go anywhere, however fast he wants without obstacles in the way. It's good practice for driving at top speed without falling out like he has in the past.
When he's nearer to the ground in his E-Rider or egg mobiles-turned cars, he sneaks onto the tracks in the after hours when they're empty, not only when he wants to practice for future races but also just to have fun! He loves to go as fast as he can and the feeling of the wind in his mustache makes him feel so alive.
He also loves to ride the rollercoasters he has (that he actually made safe enough for him to ride unlike the deadly ones for the visitors XD) at his theme parks after hours for a similar thrill!
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He likes to make use of his many terabytes of selfies by adding hearts and sparkle effects to them, along with little love notes about how handsome, intelligent and great he is. He also prints and frames his favorites (which is most of them) and uses them to make collages. There's been a lot of times where he's found gazing dreamily at them.
He always takes a moment to admire his beautiful self in every reflection. During the occasions that he's in a public area, his reflection on cars or buildings catch his attention too. He forgets that certain reflections are one sided and that people are on the other side, so they see him grinning at himself with adoration and posing at the window. XD
When he's sure he's alone in his Eggcave, he enjoys playing with the figures he's created. He creates scenes to test out battle strategies and acts out Sonic's defeat and his glorious victory. He often breaks the figures of Sonic and friends after hitting them with his toy robots and mechs. He doesn't mind when they break as long as they aren't the figures of himself or his brilliant creations!
And he doesn't just have figures to play with, he also has little plushies of Sonic and friends that he likes to destroy and use as target practice. He also has cute plushies of himself that he treasures likes to dress up to match his outfits. Some of them are produced in his factories to be sold at his theme parks but he also has handmade ones like the dolls in Final Egg in Adventure.
Because the planning stages of his work requires a lot of sketching, he's a skilled artist. He likes to keep paper nearby so he can draw designs for future creations the moment the ideas come to mind. He's done this since he was a kid and improved immensely over the years to the point that he can draw detailed and complex designs.
But his style looks much more simple and scribbly when he's filling up pages with silly little doodles when he's bored. He often draws cute self portraits and things that make him laugh, like Sonic meeting his doom in comedic ways and him celebrating the victory. He can often be heard giggling to himself while drawing those. 💖
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marshmallow-phd · 4 years
Catching Rain
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Part of The Untamed - EXO Wolf Universe
Genre: Wolf!AU
Pairing: Minseok x Reader
Summary: You were more than satisfied with your life. You attended a nice college, had nice friends, a nice boyfriend. That’s what your life was: nice. You weren’t looking for anything more, so what were you to do when this seemingly harmless boy walked into your life and turned your nice little world into one much more dangerous?
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I Epilogue
You parked on the side of an empty back road, careful not to stop in any spot that might be muddy. It hadn’t rained for a few days, but with the weather lately, you couldn’t be too careful. The last thing you needed was to have to call Erik and confess to him that you did indeed go out to the woods to take pictures and were now stuck in the mud and needed his help.
A small part of you felt guilty. His concern wasn’t completely unfounded. If he’d had gotten hurt working on a backdrop by himself, whether by falling off a ladder or being hit by a light, you would be hesitant about him doing it again. But each of you were your own person, right? Independent not codependent?
Okay, it was probably time to lay of the self-help books for a while. You took one modern philosophy class and it had been a downward spiral from there. Perhaps it was time to give the supernatural genre a try.
The trees smelled intoxicating. Mixed with the humidity in the air, it was the kind of scent that could outperform even the most expensive of perfumes. It was an aroma that surrounded you, engulfed you in its arms the further into the woods you went. The peaceful smile that pulled on the corners of your lips were automatic, involuntary. Not that you would fight if you could. Despite the rumors of wolves running around, you were comfortable here.
Deep within the forest, a wide, oval clearing full of browned wildflowers rested. Bits of green here and there tried to break through the foliage that had died during the harsh winter. Their odds of making it through might not have been great, but you admired their tenacity.
These clearings were common in the woods and yet, they were your favorite places to capture. From one angle, it could seem like you were lost in a fast labyrinth of Mother Nature. Another, a prairie that belonged to another region entirely. The possibilities were endless if you really thought about it. And each clearing, you’d discovered, was unique within itself. Its shape, the plants it held, the thickness of the grass. You knew you hadn’t found every one yet, but you were determined to someday. For now, though, you would have stick with this particular clearing that you had visited before, as it was close to the road for a quick getaway, should you need it.
Sliding the bags off your shoulder, you crouched down and dug through until you found your notebook. The pages were unlined, which allowed you to right down your thoughts and ideas at odd angles. To you, it gave the otherwise somewhat boring inside a more artistic aesthetic. The plain leather cover was soft in your hands, worn from the amount of use and abuse you’d put it through. It wasn’t exactly common for photographers to write out their ideas before shooting. Some drew out the scene they wanted to capture, trying out different angles in their imagination. Most didn’t do any sort of prep like this at all. But you preferred to write it out, especially since most of your ideas tended to come at the most inconvenient times. Scribbling down half-coherent words tended to be quicker than a sketch.
After a quick review of your latest ideas, you tossed the notebook down and turned on your camera. You took several test shots, adjusting each settling until you came to the look you were searching for. Long shots and close ups, you photographed nearly every square foot of that clearing in order to get that one picture. That one picture that took everyone’s breath away, that made them stop and tilt their head every which way in order to take the scene in at all possible viewpoints. You wanted to them to see the world the way you did.
So in tuned to what you were doing, you hadn’t noticed the pair of eyes watching you from the shadows. They gave off the faintest glow filled with curiosity as they hovered in the air. You snapped a few photos in their direction, still unaware of their presence, and then lowered the camera to look back on the shots. At first, when you clicked through the pictures, you didn’t notice the tiny amber dots that blended in with the foliage. But by the fourth picture, you stopped.
Never before had you been scared by this place. Then again, the only animals you’d ever encountered before were rabbits and deer and other mostly harmless critters. These did not look like the eyes of a friendly Disney sidekick. Ice ran down your spine. You couldn’t run. If it was a predator, that would only encourage it. So, you tried to remain as still as possible while lifting your eyes to the spot that the animal was hiding. Perhaps there was a chance that it wouldn’t sense your fear and would take your stare down as a reason to walk away.
No such luck.
The leaves under its paws rustled as it stepped forward into the sun.
A tannish wolf with a long black strip down its back revealed itself. But it didn’t look menacing. In fact, though you might have been fooling yourself, it seemed almost… curious? Confused? It was hard to read the expression since you couldn’t fully compare it to a human. With slow, thoughtful steps, it came closer. You tried to remain still, tried not to move. The strain was causing your legs to tremble slightly. Now, you felt tremendously stupid for not listening to Willa’s warning about wolves. Was this considered an ironic moment? You weren’t entirely sure since language arts had never been your strong suit.
Unable to keep you upright anymore, your legs gave out. At least you landed on your butt with your camera hanging safely around your neck. Your fingernails dug into the dirt next to you as the wolf came closer, still at that same cautious pace. Harder and harder, your heart pounded in your ears. The wolf paused for a few seconds before continuing on. Could it hear your terrified pulse? Silently, you said your goodbyes as the wolf erased all space between you. Its muzzle nudged your cheek, coming to a stop near your ear. It sniffed deeply, then jumped back.
Your eyes widened, somewhat relieved that it hadn’t pounced, but also confused. Why wasn’t it attacking? Why did it look spooked?
The wolf sat back, head tilting back and forth as it studied you. It made no threatening moves or sounds. The tips of its ears perked up and it let out a sound that was eerily similar to a scoff.
“I guess you’re not hungry then?” An odd thing to say out loud to an animal that couldn’t talk, but you blamed it on the shock of the whole situation.
The wolf responded with a short puff of air before lowering itself down to its stomach.
This was… surreal. All the other animals you’d ever encountered had either kept their distance or ran away at the slightest sound. And yet, here was this wolf, laying in front of you, not vicious or aggressive. It was almost… cute, in a way.
“You’re a strange creature,” you said out loud. The wolf apparently took that as a sign to come closer. Crawling on its stomach, it took came to the point where it was almost able to rest its head in your lap-
The shrill sound of your current favorite song ripped through the air. You gasped, jumping up to your feet and running to your bag where you desperately searched through the pockets until you found your phone. It was Willa.
“Hey, where are you?”
“I, um,” you glanced at the wolf who had jumped up to its feet. “I got bored so I’m just out driving around. Why?”
“Jiyoung called and asked last second to switch shifts at the coffee shop and so I’m free for the evening. And I’m hungry.”
You laughed a little at her not-so-subtle hint. “Alright. Give me twenty minutes to get back to the dorm. How does brick oven pizza sound?”
“Like heaven.”
“Okay, then. See you soon.” You ended the call and looked up, meeting eyes with the wolf. It never broke contact and in turn, gave you a bit more bravery. Lifting up the camera, you snapped a single shot of the wolf. “I’ll be back.” A strange promise to make, but you said it anyway. You wanted another encounter with this mysterious creature. Gathering up your things, you hurried out of the clearing and back through the trees to your car, still sitting on the side of the road.
It took less than twenty minutes to make it back to the university. Back at the dorm, Willa was lying on her bed, scrolling through her phone mindlessly. She sat up as soon as you came through the door.
“Fun drive?” she asked.
You shrugged. “It was fine.”
“No exciting scenes to snap?”
Her tease made you roll your eyes. “No, not really. Now, come on. I thought you said you wanted to eat?”
Not missing a beat, Willa jumped up from the bed, snatched up her purse, and pulled you out of the room, contemplating out loud which signature pizza sounded good.
Minseok growled as he ran through the forest. How he could have possibly lost those three was beyond him. Being unable to find them now was even more stupefying. They were loud, how could he not know which direction to take? He had to be careful. This part of the forest was close to the back roads and Junmyeon was worried they were being spotted too often. If the three them weren’t paying attention-
Click. Click. Click.
Minseok brought himself to a halt at the strange sound. There wasn’t any sort of pattern to it, but there was an underlying shuttering that seemed vaguely familiar. Too curious to just ignore it, Minseok headed in the direction e suspected it came from. Once he found the answer, he’d go back to finding the others.
The sound led him to one of the many clearings in the woods. A person wandering around the area taking pictures seemed to be the source, a camera in their hands. You appeared to be alone. Odd since not many ventured out in the forest by themselves. The isolation didn’t seem to bother you, though as you carelessly went about your task.
Staying in the shadows, Minseok watched your back as you continued to photograph the nature around you. Something… something strange was tingling in his shoulders, like the muscle beneath the skin had fallen asleep. Without prompt from him, his paw moved forward. He should be leaving. Be gone before you spotted him. But he couldn’t do it. Something told him to wait.
That’s when you turned around. By the way you kept taking pictures, you hadn’t seen him. It wasn’t until you lowered the camera to review the film did you freeze. And you weren’t the only one.
Something in Minseok’s world snapped when he saw your face. His muscles contracted, shivered and ached.
Go! an inner voice urged. He tried to turn his body in the opposite direction of you, but failed. Not that way! He had no choice but to obey. So he stepped closer to you. Your eyes snapped up, meeting his own. In his chest, his heart accelerated. What was this? What was going on?
Slightly fighting each movement, Minseok broke out from the tree line and into the clearing. It was obvious you were frightened. And he was breaking all the rules by revealing himself. Logic could not win, however. He kept walking. Even after you fell backwards, he was only able to pause for a brief second. Your rapidly beating heart was loud in his own sensitive ears. But he wasn’t so sure that it was completely out of fear. He needed to be closer. So closer he went. The whiskers of his muzzle brushed against your cheek, sending a lightning bolt through his body. He took in your scent and reeled back. 
You smelled human. You were human. But… there’s something different about you and he couldn’t fathom what it might be. 
“I guess you’re not hungry then?” you said oddly. 
Minseok laughed. Well, as much as he could with this ribcage and these vocal cords. Overwhelmed, he adjusted to a more comfortable position. The feeling in his chest was almost all consuming and it weighed him down. He’d seen plenty of humans on his runs, but this had never happened before. Was this something that would only happen because he was in his wolf form? Or would he still feel like this if he saw you on two legs?
With a glimmer in your eye, you sighed, “You’re a strange creature.” 
Taking that as sign, he tested the waters and pulled himself across the grass with his front paws, closing the gap between you. 
A song suddenly cut through the air and forced him to a stop before he could rest his head in your lap - an action that he was itching to try out. You jumped up with a gasp and ran to the bags resting at the bottom of a tree. Frantically, you searched the pockets until you found the source of the noise, answering the call.
“Hey, where are you?” asked a female voice on the other end. 
“I, um,” you glanced over him, making him jump to his feet. Will you tell your friend the truth?  “I got bored so I’m just out driving around. Why?”
He almost let out a sigh from relief. Talk of an overly friendly wolf would be bad, especially if it spread through town and more people ventured into the woods to try and encounter him. 
“Jiyoung called and asked last second to switch shifts at the coffee shop and so I’m free for the evening. And I’m hungry.”
You laughed. “Alright. Give me twenty minutes to get back to the dorm. How does brick oven pizza sound?”
“Like heaven.”
“Okay, then. See you soon.” You hung up the call and met his eyes again. Impulsively, you took one last picture of him, which he didn’t shy away from. “I’ll be back,” you promised softly. 
Minseok could no longer feel the ground beneath him. He just stood there, watching as you ran through the trees in the direction of the road. When his senses came back to him, he noticed a small brown square hidden among the tan grass. He went closer to inspect what the object was. It was a notebook. 
It must be yours. 
Scooping the leather-bound book in his mouth, he took off after you. Following your scent through the forest was easy – it stood out like a pink flower in a sea of green grass. But he wasn’t quick enough. He caught the sight of your tail lights far down the road. He would have to keep a hold of the notebook until he saw you again. You did say that you would be back. 
Or you could track her down? 
Minseok shook that thought away. How would he ever explain that without giving away his true nature?
Giving up for the time being, he turned around and decided to head back to the house. There was no way he could find the others now. And with you gone, the elated feeling disappeared, leaving him weighted as if he were being dragged down into the earth. Each step was anchored down. It took him much longer to get back to the farm house. 
Several other members were scattered about the house, either working on their studies or clowning around. Your notebook tucked between his clothes and held close to his chest, he headed up to his room. After a quick shower, he got dressed once again and sat on the end of his bed. In his hands, he flipped the notebook over and over. He contemplated opening it. But that would be invading, wouldn’t it? But he wanted to find out about you. 
So he pulled open the cover. 
Inside, in the top right hand corner of the first page was your name. He smiled, saying it softly over and over. It felt… right on his lips. Your face hovered in his mind. It fit you so well, like a jacket tailored with perfection. 
The nature of wolves was an odd kind. There was a constant urge to belong. To belong to a pack and then… to belong to a person. 
Ever since he was young, he was told about how someday he find that special person whose soul was connected to his. Fate predetermined who that person would be and no one could ever fill the void that existed until that person came along. Ordinary humans would never experience that kind of feeling, that kind of love. The type of love for the wolf that could only be given by one person. 
A mate. 
Was that what you were? None of his brothers were mated. They were all free – some taking more advantage of the situation than others. Occasionally, they would joke about who would be first. Some thought it might be Yixing, given his soft heart and the genuine warmth he radiated. Others liked to joke that it would be Baekhyun or Jongin, the big serial daters of the pack. Minseok, though, had his money set on Jongdae. That wolf had barely been able to give in to the call of the pack when he first joined them all. He was verbally against the idea of mating, more so than anyone else. Opening up to people was not a strong suit of the younger wolf and Minseok couldn’t wait to see what kind of journey that would be once he was forced to. 
Minseok would have been the last person on everyone’s mind for the mated list. Not for any malicious reasons, just because he didn’t venture out very much beyond school so the odds of meeting someone new were low. Or so he thought. He liked being out at the house, being home. He was the very definition of “homebody”. Ironic that he ended up meeting you out here. 
Knock, knock, knock. 
He looked up and quickly hid the notebook beneath his pillows, just in time before Junmyeon, the alpha, peaked his head in. “Minseok?”
Junmyeon looked back towards the hallway. “Yeah, he’s in here!” he yelled. “Tell Jongdae to stop worrying!” 
Minseok laughed. Naturally, they leave him behind but then they get worried. He was the eldest, always looking after the others. And yet, oftentimes, it didn’t feel like that. 
Where he thought that might be the end of the checkup, Junmyeon, instead, closed the door behind him and sat down on the bed beside him. 
“Everything okay?” he asked. 
Minseok nodded. “Yeah, of course. Why?”
“I saw the look on your face when you came in,” Junmyeon explained. “You looked troubled.”
The two of them weren’t the closet out of the whole pack. In fact, there were times where it was awkward between them, the role of the alpha and the role of eldest clashing at times. But other times, he was the best one to turn to. 
“What do you know about the mating aspect of us?” 
Junmyeon pursed his lips, thinking. “The mating aspect? Only the basics, really. That when you meet that one person, that’s it. And you’re supposed to live happily ever after.” He laughed at the cheesy line, releasing some of the tension. 
Minseok couldn’t help but laugh along. It died out soon, though, as his mind went back to his current dilemma. “They always say you just know after one look. Do you think that’s right?”
“Yes, I do,” the alpha confirmed. “That’s all it takes. You feel it in here.” He tapped his chest, right about his heart. “Minseok? Why are you asking about this?”
He weighed his options. If this wasn’t what he thought it was and the others found out, he would never hear the end of it from them. But having someone validate his theory would ease some of the strain. 
“I think I found her.”
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irkimatsu · 3 years
Okay, after way too much delay - it's my Eurovision 2021 Final Ranking! This took me a while for a lot of factors - took extra hours at work to make sure I could get time off this week, some recent family events... and most relevantly, the fact that this year is so damn good that no matter what, I knew someone was going to get ripped off by ending up somewhere in the bottom half. Just know that being toward the bottom of the list doesn't necessarily mean I dislike it, especially this year - it just means I like other things more. This year is going to be an absolute bloodbath. I am both excited and terrified.
Try not to take my ranking too seriously, by the way - I'm an American who unironically listens to stuff like Scooch and Dolly Style. I'm not exactly a seasoned music critic. I just know what sort of music makes the happiness center of my brain light up, what the hell is music theory
Ranking made with the sorter at http://esc.gerbear.com/sorter2021.htm, then slightly adjusted when it put some songs concerningly low on the list. Okay, so I cheated a little
Firstly, in the interest in completion - if Belarus didn't get disqualified, they'd be in the big fat 40 rank, with a big bold "Hate" right above. Fuck that song. I've only listened to it once and am so glad I have no obligation to acknowledge it any further. Those fucking lyrics. Mother of Christ. Fuck you guys.
I also offer my condolences to Armenia for their having to bow out this year. I'm sure whatever you guys sent, it couldn't have possibly been worse than "Chains On You".
Now, for the songs that actually matter:
39 – Spain - “Voy a quedarme” by Blas Cantó: Welp, already I’m gonna get shot. I can’t remember how this song sounds at all. I know it’s tender and genuine and sweet and everything… I just… kinda don’t care. Nothing to say. I liked his entry last year even more, and even that was pretty damn dull. Just not destined to be a Blas Cantó fan, I guess!
38 - North Macedonia – “Here I Stand” by Vasil: I’m with most other rankings I’ve seen; what the hell is this? I at least kinda remember it, which is more than I can say for poor Spain, but oh my god it’s so boring. I really liked “You” last year! What the hell happened, Vasil?
37 – Albania - “Karma” by Anxhela Peristeri: Another “oops” from me, huh. It’s another one I immediately forget about the instant it ends. I at least don’t remember it boring the crap out of me, hence it placing higher than Spain and Macedonia, but I still can’t say anything nice about it – or anything at all, really – so I’ll leave it this low. I acknowledge that I’m in the minority, I won’t protest if it qualifies, but personally, it’s not my pick.
36 – Georgia – “You” by Tornike Kipiani: Give him points for passion, I suppose! At least I’m not laughing at him like I was last year. On the other hand, less ridiculous also means more boring. Points for earnestness, but this is just another song that goes right over my head.
35 – Portugal – “Love Is On My Side” by The Black Mamba: An English song from Portugal? That’s new. Too bad it hasn’t rescued the song from the darkest depths of Boring. I will confess that I spice it up a little by associating it with Homura from Osomatsu-san, thus rescuing it from the deepest pits of my ranking list… but it’s still stuck down here. Portugal and I have never gotten along well Eurovision-wise. I’ve come to accept that.
34 – Slovenia – “Amen” by Ana Soklič: I’m gonna call this a song that I respect more than I like. She’s got a great voice, I can’t deny that… but when I’m ranking this purely based on what I’d go out of my way to listen to, this one falls flat. I warned you at the beginning that I have no taste! I’m not normally into straightforward ballads, the religious connotations are lost on me… this isn’t the song for me.
33 – Austria – “Amen” by Vincent Bueno: Back to back “Amen”s! Tip for getting me to like your Eurovision entry, apparently, is “don’t call your song Amen”. It’s a ballad, earnest and trying but overall not my type of music. I’m running out of ways to say that. Breakup song, a tad bitter, we’ve all heard this sort of song so many times before. It doesn’t stand out, and I think it’d be a waste of a spot in the final.
At least, I thought this was a breakup song when I first wrote this, but apparently it’s about the death of a loved one…? I would say that makes me hate the bitterness, but… given how I’m handling a death in my own family right now… god, I don’t know. I just can’t handle this song, not at any time but especially not now. It doesn’t even provide catharsis like a song later on in the list. It stays this low regardless of its meaning, I just don’t like it, I’m sorry, moving on.
…” 'Cause it all feels like you didn't even try to save us, all this time wasted on a lie”… ugh, my personal problems…
32 – Switzerland – “Tout l'Univers” by Gjon’s Tears: Another one I respect more than I like, and another opinion I’m gonna get my ass beaten for, I’m sure. I respect the artistry, but this is so far removed from anything I’d ever listen to on purpose. It might have landed even lower if I wasn’t afraid of pissing people off. I’ll understand if it wins, but I’ll also be hoping for most anything else.
31 – Russia – “Russian Woman” by Manizha: I don’t get it. Sometimes it’s pleasant enough to listen to, but overall I don’t get it. It’s unique, I’ll give it that! I understand why it won its national final, and why so many people enjoy it! But for me, it doesn’t quite cross that line between “interesting” and “enjoyable”. I'm not Russian - this isn't for me, and it wasn't supposed to be. Though I will confess that there may be some bias at play here. God, I miss Little Big…
30 – Estonia – “The Lucky One” by Uku Suviste: The voice is okay, the music is okay, I like how the bitterness is handled here more than in Austria’s… but this is still as high as I can go on this one. It’s serviceable, but this year has so much better to offer.
29 – Sweden – “Voices” by Tusse: Sweden really does like sending the same song over and over again, huh? I don’t hate it, but it does strike me as a lesser “Too Late For Love”, sound wise. Sweden almost never takes risks, and it’s causing me to look over them more and more with every year. I respect it too much to put it in the “Indifferent” category, but given how the rest of my ranking played out, this the best I can do for it. (But again, do not trust the opinions of someone who teethed on cheesy Europop and fondly remembers when Sweden was flooded with the stuff…)
28 – Belgium – “The Wrong Place” by Hooverphonic: Once again, Hooverphonic help Belgium fill the role of Eurovision’s “Most Likely To Appear In A Bond Movie” song. It’s fine. It’s a song! I don’t know what else to say about it! It does its job well enough, it’s just not really a job I care for that much.
27 – Ireland – “Maps” by Lesley Roy: It’s cute enough! A cute little radio tune. It’s no “Story Of My Life”, though. If “22” couldn’t qualify then this probably won’t, either, and I can’t say I’ll miss it all that much. Still pleasant enough when it comes up on the shuffle.
26 – Bulgaria – “Growing Up Is Getting Old” by Victoria: I admit it, this ranks as high as it does because of anime and that’s basically it. If I was still doing plain category sortings this would have landed straight in “Biased”. My favorite anime is about a bunch of 20-somethings learning that growing up sucks and trying as hard as possible to avoid it, and I first heard this song around the same time that I watched that show’s relatively melancholy season finale, so it ended up sticking with me on that note. Don’t have much to say about it musically, just that it makes me picture sextuplets crying and that’s one of my hobbies, so I’ll grant it an “Okay”. (It may also worth noting that if I heard this song before 2019, in the state my life was in before then it would have probably left me too inconsolable to listen to it more than once. Growing up is growing old indeed!
…it’s also worth noting that after I wrote this blurb, a major event happened that really enforced that growing up is getting old, so I listened to this quite a bit for a few days, among some other non-Eurovision songs. I’m probably gonna have an emotional breakdown on Thursday when this one starts. So, um, look out for that, guess. Between this one and Austria’s, I swear to god…)
25 – Italy – “Zitti e buoni” by Måneskin: I’ve been trying to get this one to rank higher, I really have, but its inability to crack the top 20 just says a lot about how damn good this year is. It sounds great, it’s very well done, and I wouldn’t hate to see it win! It’s earned its popularity. Everything holding it back in my own personal ranking is just that, personal – I do lose something when I can’t sing along or understand the lyrics, and there’s another rock song this year that I like way better. Still wishing you guys the best!
24 – Netherlands – “Birth Of A New Age” by Jeangu Macrooy: This song has a great style that I respect a lot. The message, the vibe – even if it’s not a culture I’m a part of, I feel and appreciate the hell out of it, and I really hope it does well. I don’t understand why so many people seem to think it’s not interesting! It may not be the sort of thing I’d go out of my way to listen to, but I’m glad it’s here. Catch me singing out “Yu no man broko mi” on Saturday! It’s been a while since I’ve given a shit about a host country’s entry, so I’m really glad for this one.
23 – Romania - “Amnesia” by Roxen: I’ll admit something else unpopular – I hated “Alcohol You” last year. Didn’t see what the big deal was at all. It sounded okay, I guess, but the lyrics were so pretentious and awful, and I’ve never liked the topic of “I love you even though you have no redeeming qualities whatsoever and you make me feel like shit”. But it seems like in that year, Roxen has discovered that self-love is important, actually, and it’s not worth it spending your time on some shitbag who consistently disappoints you. I appreciate it for that alone. Character growth! Plus, I feel the whole thing of “forgetting how to love yourself because everyone around you sucks”. It’s not the perfect song, not by a long shot, but it has a nice melody, and Roxen has a nice voice. It’s good to hear her using that voice on something I don’t find obnoxious.
22 – Norway – “Fallen Angel” by TIX: Okay, I’ll admit it, this is one where I watched the live video the first time I heard the song, and I was too busy laughing at his outfit to take the song seriously. Jesus Christ, dude, what the hell. Well, that’s Eurovision for you, and the more I listened to it, the more I admitted to myself that I’m a sucker for “I love you but letting you go for your own good, not sure what I ever offered you in the first place” type songs. Knowing the song is inspired by his own disability and self-loathing really twists that knife, to the point where I feel bad that I almost threw this at an anime character. I know I’m usually cold on songs that try to evoke emotions about the singer’s personal problems – Germany 2018, and this year’s Austrian entry – but this one really works for me. Only reason it’s in “Okay” tier is because of its competition – it’d rank way higher in a weaker year.
21 – France – “Voila” by Barbara Pravi: I like a good waltz, I guess! It’s a unique number, and the French language sounds nice, especially with the music. It’s yet another example of how this year is filled with so many interesting entries that I appreciate the hell out of. God bless this diverse year! (Or maybe everything just sounds so good to me because last year’s cancellation left me in withdrawal.) I expect a really nice performance for this one – this song isn’t one you can perform while just standing there, especially not during that speedup toward the end.
20 – Australia – “Technicolour” by Montaigne: That song that sounds like it’s about stripping if you don’t know that she’s saying cloaks. (Guilty as charged.) It’s catchy and fun, and I really love it when it first starts… but unfortunately, it does wear out its welcome toward the end of things. It’s a good party song, just a little repetitive. I still like it just fine, and wouldn’t mind seeing her in the final this year! Hope the performance is colorful and sparkly, it’d suit the song well
19 – Germany – “I Don’t Feel Hate” by Jendrik: I know stereotyping is bad but I was not remotely surprised to find out that Jendrik is gay. This song is pure gay sass, and god, I love every minute of it. I fully expect it to fall on its ass – this wouldn’t make it to the final if it wasn’t an automatic qualifier – but I’ll have a grand old time watching it! The sarcastic lyrics, the cheerful little ukulele, the middle finger costume… this song is a delight. Only thing that I think really brings it down is that weird spoken bit that interrupts the song. That’s so annoying, brings me right out of it. And I did purposely rank it below songs that aren’t complete shitposts. But thank you for your existence, Jendrik, your contribution to Eurovision is much appreciated.
18 – Israel – “Set Me Free” by Eden Alene: I said it this year and I’ll say it again this year, Eden Alene is a goddess of a woman. Absolutely gorgeous. Appreciation for pretty women aside, it’s a fun party song in a sea of fun party songs! I really do like it, I like her voice, but there’s so much else this year that drowns it out – not much stands out here compared to later entries on the list. Still a good song, though.
…and I do not expect for an instant that this is going to make it to the final. …my personal ranking is based on how the song sounds, okay? Just the song. Just the song. Nothing else. Just the song. Anyway…
17 – United Kingdom – “Embers” by James Newman: What’s this? A UK entry I don’t find bland as off-white paint? That doesn’t happen often! I didn’t like his entry last year, romantic ballad bla bla bla whee, but I’m always down for a good party song. It’s a little generic and radio friendly, sure, but that doesn’t mean it’s not fun as hell to sing along with!
16 – Greece – “Last Dance” by Stefania: I really liked last year’s “Supergirl”, but figured it didn’t have too much of a chance because it struck me as being a little too teen poppy to be taken entirely seriously. It seems like Greece thought so, too, because they’ve ramped it up with this year’s entry. They’re not playing around anymore, sending a grand, powerful song that, like “Embers”, is fun as hell to belt. This is another one I’m really looking forward to the live performance for – the music video is gorgeous, and I hope they capture that same majesty on stage!
15 – Moldova – “Sugar” by Natalia Gordienko: Oh, Moldova, I’m so glad you guys decided to be completely batshit again this year. I’ve missed your nonsense so much. Dancing ice cream cones. Cake men. This video is glorious. And the song goes well with the insanity! A catchy dance tune that can only be improved with downright insane staging. Please let the dancing ice cream cones be on stage, I’m begging you
14 – Latvia – “The Moon Is Rising” by Samanta Tina: A unique electronica number backed with a powerful as hell voice. I can see where all the wubbing would get on people’s nerves, but personally, I love it! I love the voice, I love the attitude, Samanta just oozes confidence, and if she doesn’t make it to the final it’s not gonna be because she didn’t give it her goddamn all.
13 – Poland – “The Ride” by RAFAL: Why is this one so unpopular? You people don’t know how to have fun. Yeah, yeah, last year’s “Empires” was a powerful song… but I like my club nonsense much more, so I’m favoring this one. Yet another song that gets me pumped – this whole Contest is gonna leave me with a smile on my face, there’s so much good party music
12 – Azerbaijan – “Mata Hari” by Efendi: Yeah, they’re basically just sending “Cleopatra” again, but “Cleopatra” was so goddamn good that I can’t even blame them for it. This song needed a chance to compete, and I’m glad it’s getting it again this year. I like it so much that I can even forgive the line about being a “godless”. Oh, Europop, don’t you ever change.
11 – Cyprus – “El Diablo” by Elena Tsagrinou: Huh, I didn’t know Cyprus had perfected their Lady Gaga cloning technology. Neat. More seriously, the early 2010’s club vibe of this song is exactly my jam, enough that I can forgive the “I’m in love with a horrible person” theme. (I think I forgive that theme a lot more from catchy party songs than heartfelt ballads I’m actually supposed to feel for.) Hell, I even like the creepy chanting! Sure, it’s a little cheesy, but cheese is always a good ingredient when used in moderation.
(How many songs are we going to get this year, not just in Eurovision, about wanting to fuck devils? I mean, not that I don’t get it… mmm, Akuma Ichimatsu… um. Anyway.)
10 – Czech Republic – “Omaga” by Benny Cristo: And here we enter the top ten of a strong year, where I’d love to see any of them win! Benny, what is with that title. Why. Ah well, like I said earlier, I do like moderate amounts of cheese, and this song is more than fun enough to have earned itself a ridiculous lyric or two. It’s unique, I’ll give it that! The song is just so bouncy and fun that I manage to ignore how pushy the singer is. Another one I expect big things from the staging for.
9 – Lithuania – “Discoteque” by The Roop: Ignoring the current events that surely inspired the song, I do love the more generic “party song for introverts” read on it – if only you knew how many one-person dance parties I’d had in my own house. This song speaks to me deeply. I can’t even begin to call it a joke song; I think it’s doing exactly what it set out to do, and it’s doing it oh so well. God, those synths. Totally okay with dancing alone!
8 – Iceland – “10 Years” by Daði og Gagnamagnið: I want Daði Freyr to adopt me. I don’t even care that he’s younger than me. He’s just such an earnest, fun guy, and I love his 8-bit aesthetic! And come on, he submitted a song about how much he loves his wife! If I ever stop loving this song it’s because my heart shriveled and died. Love isn’t dead, it’s just in chiptune now. I will throw things if this doesn’t make it into the final, do you all have no souls, this is too damn cute
7 – Serbia – “Loco Loco” by Hurricane: Another group I am so excited to see return, because I adored “Hasta La Vista”. I don’t know if I like this one quite as much, but it’s still catchy as hell! I love trying to sing along with it despite not knowing a word of Serbian.
6 – Croatia – “Tick-Tock” by Albina: Another catchy-ass club song! What more can I say? I love how much of this stuff we got this year. I will absolutely be screaming “Don’t go, don’t go, don’t go!” Oh god that was cheesy… I’ve been working on this ranking for too long. Don’t know what else to say about this one, just that I adore it. Just barely missed the top 5.
5 – Malta – “Je Me Casse” by Destiny: This girl’s got pipes– not surprised to hear she won the Junior contest before! I get major “Toy” vibes from this song, and you all know just how much I adored that one. Aaa, those horns! Expecting big things from you, Destiny! We may have our winner!
4 – San Marino – “Adrenalina” by Senhit – As much of a soft spot I had for last year’s “Freaky”, I don’t think it was gonna make it into the final, unless Senhit had the blessing of the same angels who were looking out for Serhat in 2019. This one, though? San Marino tasted the final two years ago and they are never giving it up again! This song goes hard! Love the song, love the video’s aesthetic, I even kinda like Flo Rida’s rap, even though I’m still baffled by the idea that I have been regularly listening to a song featuring Flo Rida on purpose. I don’t know what he’s doing here but I’m glad he is. Please, please make it to the final, San Marino! You clearly want the hell out of it this year! Favorite club song in a year of amazing club songs.
3 – Finland – “Dark Side” by Blind Channel: After spending about five seconds disappointed that Finland wouldn’t be sending Pandora this year, I gave this song a shot, and was not expecting what it gave me. I feel like an angsty middle schooler again, and it is bliss. This is everything Hatari wanted to be, but unlike Hatari who just confused me, I absolutely love the hell out of this song. …some of those lyrics, though. “27 Club, headshot, we don’t wanna grow up”? Yikes. But as dark and questionable as it might be, I can’t help but get pumped when I hear it. Definitely my favorite rock song of the year – sorry, Italy!
2 – Denmark – “Øve os på hinanden” by Fyr & Flamme: I love you, 1983. I don’t care how dated it is when my entire soul consists of a disco ball. The song’s so damn cute! This is the one member of my top 5 that I’m most terrified of losing – I know it’s not popular, with everyone calling it dated, but my top 5 always has that dated song that I love the hell out of becauseit sounds so classic. The translated lyrics are adorable, too. Even if you guys flame out in the semi, you’ll live on in the disco in my heart.
1 – Ukraine – “Shum” by Go_A: Holy fucking shit. There’s something about the blending of traditional and electronic that gets me hyped – see KEiiNO – and this one does not disappoint. The last minute of this is the best minute of Eurovision this year, and god, the buildup! I don’t even know Ukrainian but I am trying my damnedest to get the lyrics down, phonetically, at least. You know that “dancing goths” meme video? That’s me whenever this song comes on, especially during that speed up. Love the hell out of it. Could Ukraine be on its way to another victory already? I sure hope so, because this song fucking rules. Definitely checking out the rest of the discography someday, if all of their songs are in this folktronica style then they’ve gotta be a treat to listen to. Go Ukraine!
Ideal Qualifiers (favorite of each semi in bold):
Semi 1
Ukraine Semi 2:
Czech Republic
San Marino
This is definitely not what's going to happen - there is no universe where Switzerland and Sweden don't make it - but it'll be interesting to compare the reality to my hopes.
Let's go, Eurovision 2021
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