#it looks kind of like fire? maybe the fire that destroyed the town the night of the festival?
probablygayattorneys · 9 months
So for my birthday, one of my best friends got me this.
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As I understand it, it was a pre-order bonus for the crossover game and had five tracks from the soundtrack and also came with a snippet of film from a cutscene that was made but then cut or something? My friend wasn’t very clear.
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Here’s a better look at my snippet. Anyone have any ideas what it might have been of?
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untitledmemes · 4 months
Hazbin Hotel Prompts
Part I An assortment of prompts taken from the series Hazbin Hotel on Amazon Prime. Adjust as necessary to fit pronoun and/or descriptor. In case of Multimuse, don't forget to specify which one/s. Reblog, please do not repost or add.
“ Oh, shit. Did you hear all of that? ”
“ I enjoy your theatrics. ”
“ I just hope what I'm trying to do here will work. ”
“ Well hello there, you wayward sinner. Do you like blood, violence and depravity of a sexual nature? ”
“ Your last attempt at salvation starts here. ”
“ Thank you so much for making this. Seriously. Amazing. ”
“ Oh, fun. You had a little fun with it? ”
“ Sex sells, don't it? ”
“ I really don't want to exploit you in that way. ”
“ This body was made to be exploited. ”
“ I could keep goin' all night, baby. ”
“ Why do you think I'm here? ”
“ I like being forced. ”
“ I'm choosing to be here, and I think it's all stupid. ”
“ That's kind of the end of the road, ain't it? ”
“ Just because nobody made it out before, doesn't mean it's not possible. ”
“ There's just no way I could blow it, not this once in a lifetime chance. ”
“ It's a happy day in hell. ”
“ Ha! I fucking got you!. ”
“ So, I'm happy we got this opportunity to meet. ”
“ I need you to be less horny, if possible. ”
“ I ain't no actor! I can't memorize this shit! ”
“ So, anyway, we fucked and it was awesome. ”
“ Fucking love putting my name on shit. Shit's the best. ”
“ Alright, um, maybe we can try and fix it in post. ”
“ Seems like you're having a bit of trouble there, hm? ”
“ I wouldn't try that, my dear. ”
“ I don't care who or what you are. If you're staying here, you are going to make this work. ”
“ Awesome job, danger tits. Pound it. ”
“ Those are my people. You know that, right? ”
“ They had their chance and they earned damnation. ”
“ How does that feel? To know how little you matter. ”
“ Let me stop you right there, save us all precious time. ”
“ Did I hear you imply they don't deserve death? ”
“ It means we're all royally fucked. ”
“ We should just go down there now and destroy them. ”
“ Oh please, you had less than half a chance when you started all this. ”
“ Well, it's not like people are going to show up at our doorstep. ”
“ Now that's good television. ”
“ Whatever could be the problem, my dear? ”
“ Fuck my life. ”
“ I have a fire to put out upstairs. ”
“ Well, looks like you have everything under control here. ”
“ Take care of the piss baby. ”
“ That fucking slut walked out on me. ME. I fucking made him! ”
“ Which of these makes me look sexier? ”
“ What are you doing? You're not going over there. ”
“ Now that's why they pay you the big bucks. ”
“ I think he's had enough. ”
“ Thank you... For letting your guard down! ”
“ Can't let my new project fall into disrepair already. ”
“ That fucker is back! ”
“ You still pissed he almost beat you that time? ”
“ Things changed a lot since he left town. ”
“ Welcome home. I'm gonna make you wish that you stayed gone. ”
“ Did anybody miss him? Did anybody notice? ”
“ Where's he been? Who gives a shit? ”
“ You old timey prick, I'll show you suffering. ”
“ I'm gonna make you wish that I'd stayed gone. ”
“ How exactly are we supposed to stop it? ”
“ Who would want to use their last days not fucking and fighting? ”
“ I didn't come looking for a fight. ”
“ Aren't you supposed to protect this place? ”
“ I give you a week. Tops. ”
“ It's nice to have someone interested for once. ”
“ Never leave me again. ”
“ I definitely remember you now. ”
“ It's great, right? Keep going. ”
“ The only cool thing has is to say no to drugs. ”
“ I'm off to not have sexual intercourse before marriage! ”
“ You like me. You really like me! ”
“ You actually think you can change? ”
“ You slippery little shit! ”
“ I fucking knew there was something shitty about you. ”
“ Get your aggressively average body off of me! ”
“ This little bitch is a traitor! ”
“ Wait, you were caught? It hasn't even been a day! ”
“ The path to forgiveness is a twisting trail of hearts, but sorry is where it starts. ”
“ Why are you so lame? ”
“ You'll have to try better than that next time, ol' pal. ”
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holybibly · 4 months
I love being your bunny, I'm a big fan of all your stories I read ALL of them but can I make a request? like a birthday wish? please I just need a big smut from yunho 😭 like look at yunho? he seems so innocent, new boy in town, sweet, kind and golden retriever who stays up all night playing video games but the type of guy who will hit his dick several times on your tongue looking at you as if he is superior while making you cum several times with his fingers and vibrators or the kind of idol who would stare at you the entire concert in awe of your beauty and would destroy his innocent hotteoka little girl on the hotel, making her only have eyes for him and making her think about him until the next concert (idk I I just had a bad day and my mind is flowing, I really wanted a big smut with Yunho because it's hard to find good ones here so please!! If it doesn't bother you, take it as a suggestion!! You don't have to do it if you want!! Thank you for listen to me)
Oh dear bunny, who has upset you? I'll look after ya.
It's a pity this will have to be the rough way, because yes, our Yunho is a rough boy. But you like it rough. Don't you?
This is the way he loves to make you squirm—to slap your chubby buttocks hard with the broad palm of his hand, causing them to turn red, spreading a burning sensation across your tender skin, and leaving his rough, possessive mark on you.
Despite the opinions of everyone around him, Yunho is not always a smooth, gentle puppy. He can bite and scratch, and there are so many dark and evil thoughts in his sweet head.
He's still fully dressed in his fancy suit after the concert while you are completely naked and defenceless on his lap, your pussy shamelessly leaking with excitement and staining his trousers with each loud slap.
You love the pain; you love knowing that you won't be able to sit properly afterwards; you love knowing that people will look at you and wonder if you're all right—maybe even ask you directly. Your mind will replay everything Yunho has done to you, and your pussy will clench reflexively.
"You were a bad girl today." He caresses your ass as he speaks, and a sobbing moan comes out of your hoarse throat. But that is only the beginning. You know. When Yunho gets angry or upset, he always plays rough with you. But today, you should have thought twice before making eyes at Mingi for the whole damn concert; you went too far to get away with it. He fucks you; he owns you; you are his fucking property, so why are you looking at his best friend instead of drooling over him? "You didn't even try to hide it. Did you? You have been acting like a real slut the whole evening, and you want me to be nice to you?" Yunho goes on to say this as he digs his fingers into your ass. "Do you have any idea what happens to whores?" He growls in a low voice, his fingers sliding over your swollen lips before he spreads them and pushes long phalanges into your mouth, forcing you to suck on them. "They get punished." His voice is deep and dark as his fingers reach your throat and press against your tongue, choking you slightly. "You will be counted, and don't you dare moan; you shouldn't be enjoying this, love." You can feel the threat lurking in his voice; you know that if you don't submit to him again, he might not let you come at all; he might tease and fuck you all night long without giving you any sweet relief.
So you whisper a trembling "yes" and wait for your punishment to begin.
His big hand first rests gently on your left buttock, caressing it lightly before he strikes you.
"One!" You gasp at the contact.
He then moves on to your right cheek.
"Two!" God, your ass is on fire; it feels like there is a fire burning right under your skin.
As he goes on, his slaps get harder and more brutal, and by the time he spanks you for the 7th time, you're sure that your skin will be bright red and irritated, and you're sure that it won't be easy for you to even wear panties.
The watering of your eyes is on the increase. The tears sting as much as his merciless slaps on your bottom.
10 slaps, and you are sobbing openly and loudly, the tears running down your face as he gently strokes the bruised ass and comforts you.
"You did great, baby; you're perfect." He praises you before leaning down and kissing your sore skin.
You don't know how you managed to keep from moaning through all of this, but you did.
He forces you to pull down his trousers, squeezing you so you're on your knees between his legs.
"Here, sweetheart. He says this to you as he tangles his long fingers in your hair.
As you get closer to his crotch, he pulls you even closer to him, moaning as you immediately open your mouth, ready to take his thick cock into your warm little mouth.
As your tongue licks the swollen, thick head of his cock for a moment, you can already feel his pre-cum oozing out.
He slaps the hard length of it against your cheek a couple of times before he rubs it against your tender, soft skin, staining it with his cum.
"What should you say, dear?"
"Please..." you mutter under your breath.
"I'm sorry, what?" Yunho pulls hard on your hair.
You don't answer; you just try to reach his dick again and stick out your tongue as far as it will go, obviously not succeeding.
"You are acting like a bad girl again. I can see that." He stands up abruptly, leaving you sitting there on the floor, naked and dishevelled, waiting for his mercy to come.
He crouches behind you, two fingers sliding along your skin from the small of your back to your ass, moving further down, sliding along your tight hole before reaching your pussy, pushing his fingers inside of you, making you tremble from the sudden contact. His fingers leave you as quickly as they came in, but not without the little toy Yunho picked up for you, a little ball vibrator.
He doesn't turn it on right away; he wants to see how you squirm once more and how you finally give in and beg him like the good girl that you are for him.
He sits back down and puts his hand on your hair, pulling you towards him, his cock still hard and ready to be mouthed.
"Be a good girl to me, darling, and I'll give you what you want. Or you will continue to be a whore." He says this as he pulls at your hair once more with even more force. "And you won't be able to cum for at least a week."
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hamlets-ak · 1 year
loving someone doesn’t save them ༊*·˚
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༘♡ no person will ever be willing to forget their love
in which harry appears on your doorstep & asks questions about R.A.B.
It was a tragedy for everyone else, for everyone who only knew him by his last name; but for you, it was like ripping out a part of your heart and then leaving back shattered pieces collided with the weakest glue. No one prepared you for this - he didn’t prepare you. Even the night you last saw him; he gave you a kiss on the lips, a smile, and said: « Goodnight. »
If that sick feeling was a bottle you would've broken it, if it was a wall you would've torn it down, if it was a piece of paper you would've cast it into the fire. But no, your heart was sobbing for days, months, years, and you were doomed to spend the rest of your life with a hole inside your chest that couldn't be filled.
You hated him, mostly because he said he loved you and because you had plans and he gave you his ring as a promise with a kiss and a "don't worry everything's going to be fine." How could you love someone that didn’t prepare you for this? That didn’t tell you to hug him tighter that night or to say that you loved him one last time before he left once and for all. Maybe you didn't know him as much as you thought and for the rest of your life, you would always have an unanswered question; why didn't he give you a sign.
After eighteen years you were able to forgive him. But you never forgot about him.
You started a family away from London in the countryside, away from everything and everyone. Your husband - a muggle - didn't know about your past and you had never opened the door of that haunted house filled with screaming voices of friends and family. Your kids were your priority, two happy little girls that wanted to play in the garden all day under the sun.
However, the sun had abandoned you the last few months and the sky was always veiled, misty with storms and rains. No matter the attempts of the Daily Prophet to reassure you and quieten your concerns, you knew something terrible was about to happen. You had seen it happening before, spreading and destroying everything in its passage. Everyone you loved was dead because of this.
And all of your suspicions came true when on a rainy afternoon thunderous poundings were heard on your door.
Your husband was in town and you were working in your office as your girls were playing in front of the fireplace. It was only natural for you to feel a knot in your stomach and your body instantly freezing.
« Mom, someone’s on the door! »
You left your typewriter aside and got out of your office. The shape of a person was printed on the glass, a man. You weren't expecting any guests and your husband had car and keys with him.
« Girls, why don’t you go upstairs? », you smiled at them. They both looked at you unsurely with that childish expression of concern and the need to protect their mother.
« Is something wrong, mommy? »
« No, no, love, » your voice came out gently as you held their soft cheeks. « Just go upstairs. » They obeyed your words hesitantly, giving you second glances over the pile of toys gathered on their hugs, and turned to the upper floor.
Once they were out of sight, you ran to your office to get your wand and then back to the entrance. With a quick move, you raised your wand and the door opened wide, letting you point to the person that was standing there.
« Hi, » he said not really paying attention to your wand. It was a young man, a boy not even eighteen years old. « I’m looking for Y/N L/N. » For a moment you stayed there, your blood running cold in your veins, frozen, with your heart skipping beats. It couldn't be, it was some kind of sick joke.
Your lips separated studying each and every one of his features. Rain was pressing down short black curls, droplets dripping down his half-closed eyes, and trailing lines across his dark skin. He had glasses on, foggy and stained; the same kind of glasses your best friend wore years before he was lost - murdered. But it couldn’t be him. He took them off and wiped the water with his fingers before your gaze met a deep brown, honey set of eyes - Lily Evans’ eyes.
« Harry? », you let your wand drop. He stared at you.
« You know me? »
« Don’t just sit there, come in, » you opened the door wider for him to pass inside, letting the sound of it echo behind you. Your eyes examined him. You hadn't seen him since he was only a baby.
His stare roomed the house as he gave you his jacket, seeing pictures of your children, you, your husband.
« I’m Harry, Harry Potter, » he turned back tenting his arm forward.
« I know, » you smiled at him and shook his hand. You kissed both of his cheeks and gestured to the living room. « I’m Y/N. » Your eyes kept staring at him until you caught the uneasiness in the air, so you took a seat on the armchair. « Can I bring you anything, Harry? »
« No, no, thank you, » he shook his arms sitting on the couch across from you.
« I suppose everyone tells you, you are just like your dad. Except for the eyes, of course. Those are Lily’s. »
« You knew my parents? » You smiled.
« Oh, I didn’t just know them, we were friends - best friends. I have so many stories to tell you. »
« I’d love to hear them all, » Harry said.
« And I also have a photo album. » You haven’t seen that grin and that spark in a pair of eyes for years, and the truth was, you had missed them more than words could possibly describe. « But first, you have to tell me the reason of your visit, Harry Potter. »
His cheerful expression slowly faded, clouds passing by his features. Fingers fumbled in the pocket of his jeans and without losing any time he brought out a necklace, a locket - the locket.
Your eyes exchanged a look between the locket and Harry, fear marked on your face as he offered it to you and you just shook your head pulling back.
« Where did you get this? », you asked not being able to change your gaze away from that devilry.
« Do you recognize this? », Harry questioned. You raised your eyes slowly shaking your head.
« Harry, I don’t know where you found this or what you intend to do, but please stay away from it. »
« What do you mean? »
« Where did you even find it? Did you go to the cave? » Harry furrowed his brows. You realized at that moment, he probably didn’t expect you to know and maybe it was for the best to stop yourself. But you had questions and you were sure the same applied to him. « Is this the one? »
« No, this is the fake one, » Harry said opening it and bringing forward a small piece of parchment. He offered it to you which you took hesitantly. You read it. A slight smile twitched on your lips. The handwriting, the damn handwriting, and that R.A.B. that had always been his way of signing notes or letters. « R.A.B. », Harry spoke. « Regulus Ar- »
« Arcturus Black, » you interrupted him. His eyes looked up at yours that rested on that old parchment. Your fingers traced the surface of the last words he left in this world. You rubbed your sight, a hot sense lurking behind, ready to blur your vision, and pressed your lips together tightly. « Regulus Arcturus Black. » It had been years since the last time you spoke his name out loud. You had forgotten the sound of it. It was nothing more than words in your head, but when said those three words, magically, it took life again.
« The locket belonged to Sirius’ brother, » Harry spoke as you gave him back the note. A mischievous smile slowly appeared on your face that made the boy feel uncomfortable facing someone who knew the person he was trying for months to do an introspection to.
« Is that the reason of your visit? » Harry looked at you with the fullest and deepest stare. He spoke quietly but steadily sure of what he was saying.
« You knew Regulus Black. You knew what he was trying to do. You knew everything. »
« I didn’t know anything, » you replied.
« I don’t believe you, » Harry said. You furrowed your brows and allowed your looks to meet. It was interesting talking to him. He had Lily’s straightforwardness and sharpness, and James’ expressions.
« Why are you here? How did you find me? »
« I found letters of yours in R.A.B.’s room. » With these words the muscle of your jaw clenched. You never imagined that your personal writings would be read by someone other than him. The feeling of anger was boiling under your skin. The only thing that held you back, that didn’t erupt the volcano inside you, was that he was a kid. « Hard to find. They were very well-hidden. »
« And how did you find out my name? », you asked. You always signed with a pseudonym that only a few selected people knew about.
« Professor Lupin helped me with that. » That's when you let a small smile appear on your face again and sat better back on the armchair.
« Professor Lupin? », you chuckled. « The old bastard... »
« I need to know, » Harry said seriously which brought you back to the conversation. « You knew Regulus Black. You knew everything. »
« I’m afraid you are losing your time here. I knew Regulus, » you told him. « I didn't know everything. He didn’t let me know everything. »
« Why? »
« Because he loved me. » Harry didn't speak just watched your expression change. He watched the way your jaw muscle broke, that bitter smile on your mouth and your head lightly shaking. You bit your lower lip and shrugged. « Because he knew exactly what he was doing. And because he knew exactly how it was going to end. » None of you spoke after that. « I don't know anything else, Harry, truly. He never prepared me or anyone else for this. »
« I don’t understand why he did that, » his voice cut those few seconds of silence. He shook his head, eyes fixed to the ground, giving to your piercing stare glances every now and then. « I don’t understand him. »
« You know, » you breathed out. « At first I was mad at him - maybe I still am a little - but through the years, I realized that, that was his way. Regulus just followed his heart without giving any explanation to anyone. He acted with his senses and his emotions and did the things he considered right. Regulus didn’t care about the price. He could even pay with his life. »
« Sirius told me he was a stupid idiot whose only ambition was to join the Death Eaters. »
« Sirius loved him, Harry. But he didn’t know him at all. Nobody knew him really, I'm afraid. »
« What about you? »
« Barely, » you shrugged sadly. « He didn’t let me know him, he just let me love him. But does it matter now? Loving someone doesn’t save them. »
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iliketangerines · 3 months
need a hanzo smut pls he’s so fine and nobody seems to write for him💔
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for my honor
a/n: hanzo is pretty fine, but tbh, i can't see him anyone else other than kuai liang, which is why i think there's so little about him.
pairing: hanzo hasashi x fem!reader
warnings: nsfw (MDNI), creampies, cockwarming (sort of), mentions of pussyeating and overstimulation
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Hanzo Hasashi had not thought much of you when he first saw you on his travels to the Mortal Kombat tournament
a man with a samurai sword, masked with your hair tied into a long ponytail
you were none of his concern, he was off to find and kill Sub-Zero at the tournament, and you were simply someone he crossed paths with
and then you kept appearing on his path, sometimes behind him, sometimes ahead of him, and he grew antsy, paranoid that you were someone Sub-Zero had sent to kill him
and then, one night by the fire as he laid down and looked at the stars, you came toward him, sword sheathed completely and hands in your robes
he asked you who you were, you said you were a samurai looking for the Mortal Kombat tournament and that you wanted to kill Sektor for destroying your clan
Hanzo didn’t know much about Sektor except that he was part of the Lin Kuei underneath Sub-Zero
and so your tentative friendship started
your travels to the tournament were mostly uneventful, but Hanzo learned about you on your journey to the island
you were gruff, voice low and gravely, and you always wore a mask to hide your face from the world, even Hanzo took off his mask at times to remind himself of his remaining humanity
you were a good companion, catching and killing prey to cook and eat with Hanzo, and although he did not need to eat as someone dead and reborn, he appreciated the thought
though it was strange how you never ate at the same time he did, he never saw you without the mask
you two grew close as you two got closer to the island, and he wondered what you looked like underneath it all, if you were as beautiful as he imagined
and then you both arrived at the island and Hanzo completed his task while you completed yours
you had been a beauty, sword deadly and bright as you flayed Sektor alive, easily and effortlessly as he made measly attempts against you
he would not forget your snarls and angry eyes as you killed him, and he found himself enamored with you and your deadliness
but, it had all been for nothing, and he came underneath the control of Quan Chi once more and found that his master had been the one to kill his family
and then he broke free, and he wondered where you were
you had been a good traveling companion, patient, firm and blunt yet still kind, but he shakes you from his mind and focuses on rebuilding his clan
and then one day while visiting the Lin Kuei rebuilt underneath Kuai Liang, he sees you, casually teaching the initiates some moves
you still look the same, maybe more tired, but there you were, masked with your ponytail high in your hair
he approaches you, a little nervous, feeling too warm despite the hellfire running through his veins, and you recognize him, eyes lighting up at the sight of him
he asks to catch up with you, to have a meeting between two old friends, and you agree and say there’s a night market in the town below tonight
the day passes by for him as he catches up with Kuai Liang, who asks how he knows of you
he says he met you on his travels to the first Mortal Kombat tournament, and Kuai Liang hums as he continues the meeting
Hanzo dresses himself to seem more casual, and he waits for you by the entrance
there you stand, mask still on, hair still up, but looking less deadly without the sword by your side
you bring him down to the markets and bring him around to the vendors, buying food and trinkets for him to take back to the Shirai Ryu
you do not eat and Hanzo urges you to, you must be starving
you seem hesitant but take off your mask, and Hanzo was wrong
you were more beautiful than he could ever imagine, and he smiles at the sight of your face
you scowl at him and tell him to eat his food so that you two could go back up to the base, and Hanzo laughs before digging into his food
you two make your way up, and he bids you farewell
but he cannot sleep, and he decides to take a trip to the hot springs, to relax his mind and chase you away from his thoughts
he enters and finds you undressing as well, and he goes to greet you again, to make a joke about he always seems to find you
you take off your robe and bandages wrap around your chest, thick and tight, Hanzo watches in silence, confused, were you harmed?
but you take them off and when you do, Hanzo realizes why you never take off your mask and speak so low, you were hiding your body to avoid the stares of people, you were hiding to be a man and not risk the fate of a woman in a cruel world
you strip off the rest of your clothes, and Hanzo realizes he should not be watching, that he has invaded your privacy and he turns but knocks his head against the doorway
you whip your head around and grip onto your towel tightly as you spot Hanzo
Hanzo holds his hands up and says he did not mean to see and that he does not judge, you are someone he respects and he would never think of you differently
you lower your guard slightly and wave him to come over when he asks if he can join as well
he struggles to keep his eyes off you as you relax in the water and lean against the wall, your chest above the water, and Hanzo can see your body through the clear water
you were gorgeous, toned legs, plush chest, a million scars to tell your story
Hanzo shakes his head and slides into the hot springs across from you to try and relax, but he finds it harder and harder as thoughts of you run through his mind
you seem unbothered, eyes staring up into the ceiling as a red flush settles across your face, but your fingers nervously tap against each other
Hanzo notices and asks what’s bothering you, hoping that a conversation would distract him from his plight and growing arousal
you clear your throat and say it’s nothing, but you squeeze your thighs together and look away as you sink a little deeper into the water
Hanzo raises an eyebrow and suddenly he’s not so sure his feelings aren’t reciprocated
he gets a bit closer to you, and your eyes dart to him but you don’t move
Hanzo decides to try his luck and settles into the water next to you, pressing his shoulder into your yours, and you suck in a small breath
but you don’t move away, and Hanzo smiles
he leans into you, and you duck your head down as he asks if you’ve ever been to the hot springs before this
you turn to him and mutter out a no, and Hanzo smiles before reaching his hand up tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear
he keeps his hand there, and he can almost hear the way your heart thumps in your chest
he asks if this is okay, and you breathe out a yes before he leans down and presses a soft kiss to your lips
your hands come up underneath his arms and grip onto his back as he groans into the kiss
you taste so sweet, and Hanzo wants more
he cups the back of your neck to bring you closer into him, pressing his chest into yours and slotting his leg in between your soft thighs
he can feel the way your clit grinds against his thigh, and you let out little mewls of pleasure as you start to move your hips against his leg
he pulls away and moves his hands down to hold onto your hips and grind you against his thigh, and your hands move up to clutch onto his shoulders
he watches your face contort in pleasure as he grinds you on his thigh, and he loves how you look so fucked-out already
you whine as starts to bounce his leg in the water, and he smiles
you’re such a sensitive little thing, aren’t you?
he leans back down to kiss you, and you hands clumsily make their way down to stroke his hard cock
Hanzo groans at the feeling as you pump him, and you press your thumb into the slit to get him to let out a grunt
his hands dig into your hips, and his fingers leave small bruises as you stroke his cock and he grinds you against his thigh
your whines get louder, and you moan out that you need him right now, need him to fuck you please
Hanzo wants to sit you on the ledge of the hot springs, pleasure you with his tongue and his fingers until you’re a whiny boneless mess
he wants to tease you until you’re begging him for more, and he wants to make you cum so many times that you beg him to stop
but he wants to fuck you right now, needs to fuck you, and he lifts you up in the water so that your cunt lines up with his dick
he groans as you sink onto him, so wet and tight for him, and you’re no better, whimpering as you dig your nails into his back and tell him to move impatiently
he chuckles at your impatience, but he’s no better as he holds onto your hips and starts bouncing you on his cock, groaning at the feeling of you around him
you whine at the stretch and lean your head back, and Hanzo takes the opportunity to kiss your neck, sucking hickeys into the skin
you reach one of your hands down to rub at your clit, and it makes your cunt spasm around his dick
Hanzo groans and has to stop himself from cumming so soon, and he bites into your neck to regain his self-control
you whine at he feeling and your hips buck into his as he continues to fuck into you
you’re so warm and tight, and he wants to keep you like this in his arms, a strong samurai all needy and whiny just for him
he’s no better, a Shirai Ryu warrior reduced to a groaning mess as he bounces you on his cock, and he goes in to kiss you
you moan into the kiss, and he presses his tongue into your mouth, needing to taste you and your sweetness again
the sound of splashing water and yours and his moans echo in the hot springs room as you both reach your highs
you let out a loud whine as your cunt clamps down on Hanzo’s cock, and you cum
Hanzo grits his teeth and spills his seed inside of you, fucking the both of you through your orgasms, and you rest your forehead against his shoulder as he finally lets go of your waist
he traces the scars on your back as he lets his cock soften inside of you
but neither of you move to get off each other, too warm and drunk on the afterglow of pleasure to move, and the two of you sit in the hot springs relaxed in each other’s arms
finally, as your fingers start to prune, he slides out of you and gets out of the water, helping you out
the both of you dress, and he holds onto your hand before you can leave
he asks you what you two are, if this was just a fling or if it was something more, and he hopes you say it’s something more
you intertwine your fingers with his, and you say that you’ll have him if he’ll have you?
he smiles and pulls you in for a soft kiss, starting a new journey with his love
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sgcairo · 9 months
More Mamatorre thoughts:
-Whenever they see eachother for the first time in months, they start giggling and spinning around like school girls
-She has an old photo of baby Dottore chewing on a ruin guard part and claims it's "on of her favorites"
-In the hallway of her house the walls are full of photos, and the first time she met Pants she spend at the very least an hour explaining the story behind each and every one of them
- Since she and Dot have their own lil spot for their picnics, she went and found a seperate small spot for her and Anastasiy to hang out when they wanna go outside
- I feel like her favorite fruit would be some kind of citrus, something like oranges or grapefruits
- She always makes sure to give Anastasiy some pressed flowers from her garden to send back home when he visits
- When Dottore was young, any time he'd get angry or frustrated she'd send him outside to chop wood or just destroy something to relieve some stress
- I like to think that whenever her husband was too annoying she'd just put sleeping pills in his coffe(my aunt used to do this but with her in-laws. She was an interesting woman)
- She love pinching Danya's cheeks and likes giving him and all of the clones forehead kisses
- Her house is quite cluttered. You have to watch your step quite a bit to make sure you don't accidentaly knock something over or step on a beaker. She just has lots of things laying around
- She has a glass table with all sorts of moths and butterflies in it
- I feel like she should have at least some kind of animal companion. Maybe a snake?
- I know you mentioned that her teeth are slighlty less pointy than Dottore's, but im gonna double down and say hers are actualy sharper. Dottore, apart from his height and teefs, looks pretty much identical to her. When you look at his dad, you'd probably think he was just some sort of family friend and not actualy related to him
- She has a "Number 1 mom in the world" mug Dot handmade when he was like 10 and she still often uses it to drink her morning tea
All of this, yes, and allow me to add on some little things of my own:
-When Dottore was younger, Mamatorre would tell him to go run around in the woods whenever he was feeling angry/antsy. This led to a dirt covered, absolutely wild Dottore scurrying through the forest at questionable hours of the night, to the point that he would scare the absolute daylights out of travelers passing through the forest, with his pointy teeth and red eyes glowing like some kind of gremlin when fire from a lantern or torch passed by. It didn't help that he had a biting problem at that age, which left many poor souls with a fear of the deep Sumeru forests, and whatever goblin apparently attacked them there. Dottore became something of a cryptid as a result, and when Magdalena eventually heard about it, she laughed so hard she cried.
-Her favorite fruit is actually oranges, believe it or not, and she has a tree she's been nurturing for years in her garden. Whenever the segments visit, she always makes sure to pack them a basket of them for the boat home, just so they don't get scurvy and almost die (again). Unfortunately, they wouldn't stay good long enough to make it back to her son in Snezhnaya, but she always sets one aside when she peels them in the morning for breakfast, only to be painfully reminded that her little Zandik isn't going to run up and squirrel it away.
-She doesn't have an animal companion quite yet, but she does have her own little version of Benben, named Qalbi. It's quite the enthusiastic little thing, and usually floats around the garden beeping along to a tune that only it can hear. Qalbi tends to accompany her into town to deliver "medicine" (mostly to ensure her safety by Dottore's orders), and gets very excited when she gives it a coin to keep for being such a good helper.
-As for her home, it's definitely somewhat cluttered, but it's comforting that way. Unlike Dottore's lab, her cottage is more cozy than cramped, and her equipment is always tucked safely away, so none of the segments will run into it by accident and get hurt. A lot of her more dangerous tools are baby-proofed, because her son's segments are a handful, and also can be little idiots in the heat of the moment. She doesn't want any recreations of Julius Caesar happening in her living room, and that means putting the blades in the secret drawer for safekeeping.
-While you'd think that a man like Dottore would keep his cool when seeing his mother for the first time in literal months to preserve his dignity- you'd be wrong. In fact, he starts shouting at the top of his lungs, and once he reaches Mamatorre, he scoops her up like she weighs nothing, gives her a little spin, and continues to hug her until she manages to extract herself somehow. I mean, she's not much better, also shouting and hugging him back like it's the last hug she'll ever get, but they're both dramatic as all get out, let them have their moment. The segments have similar reactions, except it's a group hug that threatens to squish poor Mamatorre, but she's always delighted to see her favorite little ones. Even if they popped her back a little.
-She absolutely loves braiding little flowers into Danya's hair (and that of the other segments, if they'll stop eating the damn flowers out of her hand). Making little flower crowns and twisting flowers into their hair like she used to do with Dottore when he was little always brings a smile to her face, especially seeing the delight from Danya when he looks in the mirror. It takes some convincing to make any of them take it out, but that only makes her fondness grow.
-Mamatorre is quite lonely, actually. While she seems to be quite friendly, and the people in the nearby village like her quite a bit, she's not... close to anyone. Outside of her son and his cohort, that is. Sure, she knows a few harbingers from her son's letters, and has met a few wayward travelers throughout her time in the woods, but she's almost always alone. It's not that she likes being alone, quite the opposite, but those who are close to her always seem to leave. She won't stop trying to hold onto those she cares about, but it hurts, being old and alone in the middle of the woods, with no one but your son to take care of you. But alas, it's the reality of her life. Perhaps that's why she jumps so readily at the possibility of staying in Zapolyarny for a while, at least there she always has some sort of company, even if it's not the one she came for.
That's all I have for now, but more is coming! Enjoy!
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leftsidebonfire · 6 months
Western One Shot Horrors: How a Forever-DM can still make for a shitty player.
Im venting here, about what happened last night. Full context and all.
As far as this story goes, it's not the worst horror story in terms of creepy behavior, but this just happened, and it was easily the most frustrated I've ever felt while playing dnd.
For context, our dnd group plays with the main story for 3 weeks, but then the fourth week, one of the players takes a turn running a one-shot so the Forever-DM can have a break from writing and play. There are 7 of us in total and we rotate one shots so everyone gets a chance to show off their DM skill and it's always fun.
The irony of this, is that the DM is the biggest problem player that we have. I love playing in his campaign each week, but when it comes to him as a player in someone else's game, he becomes extremely annoying. I understand wanting to break free and let loose once a month, maybe cause some chaos in a fun little one shot, but I'm talking about the full murderhobo character, Every. Single. Time. He always needs to destroy the town were in by the end of it, or brutalize the enemy. There was even one time he kept interrupting the other players to butt in about how he was going to kill the villain. It's one shots, so it's never a *huge* problem, but it does get annoying.
But the biggest frustration happened just last night. The only people who have any part in this story are me, the DM for the night, and him.
B=Problem Player, playing a Fire Genasi Rogue.
I created a homebrew world for my one shot. It's themed to be the old west with cowboys and guns, and I even created homebrew subclasses for them to try out for a little extra flavor, as well as hand drawn maps, with the idea that they will finish in one city and then decide where to go, so the next time it comes around to my turn, I'll have time to plan and prepare for the city they choose to explore. I have very few rules for the game, but one of them is to play it a bit more seriously. No joke characters. To be clear, I want my characters to have fun and joke around, but just to play it a bit more seriously, like a regular campaign.
We start the game and everything is going great, the group is absolutely loving exploring my town and Gambling, but B continues to go off away from the party. It's not inherently bad at first, but it is kind of annoying when I wrangle everyone together so I can continue and he just disappears again.
B and another player try to talk to the Sheriff NPC, but he's got a certain time that he's supposed to come in, and that's later. I let them talk to a receptionist at the Sheriff's office and tell them that he's out patrolling right now and will be back in later if they're looking for him. Basically my way of saying “this quest is not available yet, go find something else to do.”
Then B decides to go try and get some money "for gambling" by doing chores around the stables, but his real plan was just to shovel horse manure over the fence so he could collect it. He takes two balls of manure, goes over to the church in town (the plot point for later, where the battle was going to take place) Lights them on fire, and hurls them at the church.
Now I had two options for what might happen at the church. If the group were to investigate, they could learn some history about the town and the door would be locked. Or, if they tried to break in or destroy the church at all, it would rouse the sheriff. The plan was that once they meet the Sheriff, he asks them to help on night watch, which then pushes them right into the next plot point where they see creepy things happening at night. If the sheriff was angry, then he would offer to sweep it under the rug if they agreed to help.
I thought I had planned for everything. Clearly, I had not.
So, I come in as the sheriff, asking him what he thinks he's doing setting the church on fire. And then I propose the deal that we can put this all behind us if B and his group can help on Night Watch.
And B is absolutely not accepting it. He argues with me for probably 20 minutes of real time. I absolutely cannot make it any clearer that he is supposed to take this plot point. I repeat myself over and over. I threaten him with a night in jail for trying to vandalize the church and burn it down? He always says “You can TRY to hold me.” All smug. I tell him his only options are either a night in prison, or night watch. He keeps trying to say I'm a bad sheriff for not being around when he went to the Sheriff's office. I explain AGAIN why the sheriff was away, and he just tries to claim that he was summoning him here and it worked.
The reason he was even TRYING to summon the Sheriff was so that the OTHER PLAYER could talk to him! Not even him! And I told him that they'd all be able to talk on the night watch and they could ask any questions they wanted. He kept arguing saying it “wasn't his decision to make.”The entire time, B kept acting like he had anything to negotiate with. As if he wasn't the one hurling FLAMING HORSE MANURE AT THE CHURCH. There was seriously nothing I could do to get this to move along. Putting my foot down didn't even work. I was holding my ground about this and he still found a way to undermine me. I just kept repeating the ultimatum of “do this quest (the plot) or you go to jail for destruction of property” and he RUNS AWAY. He runs back to the gambling hall to “bring the sheriff to where the group was.”
I really didn't want to concede to this, but I did, and I snapped at him a bit, kind of implying that the sheriff only follows him and doesn't attack him for running away because we've got a **plot** we still have to follow. (And B tells me to calm down under his breath). I push past the argument and just continue to read the plot as written but B seems really checked out for the rest of the session. He wasted probably 20 minutes of actual game time trying to argue with me about the plot and wouldn't take my No for an answer. Not once did he ever take the hint. 
Now, let me make one thing very clear. If this were a long-standing campaign, I would have been more open to it. Maybe some drama, arresting him, letting the group do a jailbreak plot. But this was a one shot. We had 4 hours to get through what I had in mind and then it was done, for good. Sometimes a bit of light railroading is necessary, and I still was trying to let people have their fun. I'd spent a month planning this one shot and putting in all my hard work, so I don't think it was too much to ask that the players follow my storyline.
I am not a professional DM. I've run a couple of one shots before and that's about it. I've been playing for years, but only rarely DMing, so I don't always have the ability to think on the fly like that. As I look back on it, I see how I could have handled it differently, like going out of character to just tell him outright that he needs to listen to me, or something like that. But I was determined to resolve it in character, thinking there was no way he would keep fighting me about this for that long. Every time I tried to get him back on the right track, he found another way around it. And not only that, he also is very bad at taking criticism in the past, so I feel like this situation would have gone bad either way. I had a million things running through my mind at that point and of course, I always think of what I could have done differently after I've had time to reflect.
I had thought I'd lost my temper, but my cousin who was also playing told me later she thought I handled it very well and I seemed calm and level headed about it. That made me feel a bit better about things. I have an entire world with 9 more cities everyone is excited to explore, but this experience has really made me not want to DM for B as a player anymore. The rest of the group was wonderful, and I really like them all. And I (usually) like B as a DM, too. But this one thing has really shown me a lot about B as a player, and if he's going to act like that, then I don't want him playing in my games just to purposely ruin them or be difficult.
He told me later he was “trying to speed things along” but all he proved to do was grind us to a completely impassable roadblock. I wish he would have just listened to me and trusted my story. I tell him “be a bit more serious for this world” and he throws around flaming horse poop and won't listen to me.
Anyway, this was honestly mostly a way to vent my frustrations, because I had been having a wonderful time that night until that useless argument kind of just ruined my fun.
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goodfish-bowl · 2 years
A Craving to be Sated
Ectoberhaunt Day 11: Thirst
AO3 Link
Summary: There was something missing in Phantom, more than just his human half. He needed something, like a man in a desert thirsted. Anything would do, as long as it made the hollowness go away.
Warnings: Graphic descriptions of violence, gun violence, blood and gore, on-screen murder
Words: 1211
Notes: TUE seems to be a reoccurring theme so far, along with absolutely traumatic writing. Less angst, more violence for this one tho. Have fun, and do not take the tags lightly.
 When Phantom first came to, he was filled with nothing but rage. An animosity so all-encompassing it devoured any feeling or remorse, dread, or guilt for what he had done. Danny had rejected him and died like the pathetic human he had wanted to be. Vlad had assisted and had lost his own ghost half in compensation. Phantom figured living as a human was a greater punishment for him than death. Maybe he would finally feel guilt after all of these years.
 But this didn’t bring him the satisfaction he wanted. He was empty, hollowed, and fractured. He felt incomplete, even with Plasmius consumed in substitution for his other half. Phantom was still undeniably broken, and it did nothing but further fuel rage. He tore through the mansion and destroyed everything Vlad had held precious, and then he went home to Amity Park, and leveled his own home, spitting on his own grave. Still, he wasn’t satisfied.
 So, Phantom returned to something that normally made him feel complete. He flew high above Amity, and patrolled it, no longer limited by human weaknesses such as exhaustion. But none of his typical enemies made an appearance, frustrating him to no end. His only reprieve was a small group of ectopi, which he quickly got rid of, crushing and ending them with brutal efficiency. He had no thermos to capture them in anyway. They were just small fry, anyways. It helped a bit, and he relished in their pathetic snarls as they tried with all their meager might to fight back. It entertained him for a span of 10 minutes, and he honestly wished he had dragged it out more, just to eat up more of his now endless time. He waited around for another day and into the night, but no one else showed up. Fine. If there wasn’t a challenge for him here, he would just have to go farther.
 Phantom left Amity on the second night of silence and went to Elmerton. The rundown town suffered far less from ghosts, but instead had human crime he could deal with. That should scratch the itch, even if it wouldn’t be nearly as fun. He patrolled invisibly through the less familiar territory, as to not give any of the human’s warning of his presence. It didn’t take him nearly as long to find something here as had in Amity. There was a convenience store getting robbed on the corner. They were absolutely gutting the store of anything valuable, not just the on-hand cash. The small group of what had to be four humans were all armed with guns, the normal kind. One guarded the outside, three were inside. Not the challenge Phantom was looking for, but he that didn’t mean he would turn it down.
 Phantom touched down just outside of the store and phased through the wall to get inside. Two of the humans inside were busy gutting the place, and one held the cashier at gun point. At once, he dropped his invisibility, went intangible, and whistled.
 “Wow, this is a lot of effort just to rob a convenience store,” Phantom chuckled.
 A gun fired in his direction, the bullets passing through him harmlessly and into the shelves behind him.
 “Well, that’s rude,” he scoffed.
 “Phantom?” The cashier whispered, eyes full of hope and confusion.
 Phantom chose to ignore them, deeming them irrelevant. “You know, if you’re going to try and shoot me, you should be prepared for me to fire back,” he hissed, charging an ectoblast.
 Phantom fired it at the robber at the counter, blasting him in the chest. The man was flung across the store, crashing into the window by the exit. A large burn burrowed into his chest, castrated by the heat of the blast, but it didn’t stop him from leaving streaks of blood down the remains of his shirt, and pooling on the ground.
 Phantom looked from his hand to the corpse. He hadn’t remembered humans being so weak… no, he’d just always held back and never directly fired at them.
 “You killed him!” The cashier sputtered.
 Phantom looked to the other robbers, who all paused what they were doing to looked at him in horror, while the cashier started shaking, eyes snapping between him and the corpse by the door. Fear seeped into the air, tasting like the metallic scent of blood, but also something far sweeter than he had ever encountered. That hollow in his chest sputtered, as if he had finally thrown water on it rather than gasoline. It quenched a thirst and sated a craving he hadn’t known he’d had.
 Phantom smiled, his teeth much sharper and smile much more chilling than it had ever been before. “I did.”
 The cashier screamed and fell to the ground as a flurry of bullets shattered the remains of the door. They ripped into his chest, stinging at him like an insect. His head snapped to the guard at the door, who decided to unload his whole magazine into his chest. He let out an animalistic roar of fury, then took off after the guard. The human tried to run away, but was no match for his flight speed, and was tackled easily to the ground in under a second. Phantom slammed their head down into the concrete. The bone crumpled easily under his force, and the guard twitched once before falling still and silent, another puddle growing underneath their forehead. The blood stained the white of his gloves.
 Phantom left the second body there and went back into the store. The fear in the air grew thinner, but deeper. Less people, but more fear. He could practically smell the devolution of the cashier as they broke down into a panic attack under the counter. He flicked the blood off of his gloves, scattering droplets onto the linoleum tiles. The remaining two robbers shrieked, terror blotting out any sense of reason in their animalistic brains. One fired at him, which he let pass harmlessly through him, shattering the glass windows behind him. The fear in the air grew sweeter.
 Phantom approached slowly, walking on the ground, his footsteps echoing through the store despite the ringing sound of gunshots. He gripped the muzzle of the gun and bent it with his bare hands. This one’s eyes were blown so wide he could’ve easily plucked them from their skull. He relished in their raw, unadulterated fear, before sending them flying back with a study kick to the chest. Ribs caved under the force, and they collided with the brick wall with a satisfying crunch.
 The last one had the sense to run. Phantom let them, he wanted to drag this out a bit longer before he had to find something else to do. But now he knew how to scratch that damn itch and erase that lost feeling that had plagued him since his separation, it gave him plenty of ideas on how to fill his time. The last taste of fear in the store faded as the cashier passed out due to asphyxiation, and he huffed. How pathetic.
 A blood-thirsty grin blossomed on his face. Phantom was going to drag this out, until he squeezed every last drop of crimson-tainted nectar out of his prey.
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perseaisasimp · 2 years
Ghost town by Benson Boone is 100% post- Tartarus percabeth coded argue with the wall<3
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you fill me up 'til your empty.they gave and gave and gave until it took all of their soul.they were both selfish .they leaned on each other ,maybe too much ,and they'd let each other. His eyes look darker filled with love and more that she doesn't want to know. And she holds him with the same emotion and they don't address it as their lips catch each other. The pristine fields filled with scarlet splotches doesn't echo with giggles and laughter.It looks familiar and not all at once. its different after all, from down there.
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The darkness of the sweet nights filled with kisses haunts them, the phantom of touches on each others body, worshipping, burns and freezes at the same time. lips, fervent and relentless and it burns and it's not what she used to call home. they are safe and out, but the embers and cuts bleed and bleed and bleed until it's too much .maybe they'd be happier with someone else, maybe just loving each other wasn't enough anymore,maybe that's why they can't love what they have build anymore cause it reminds them of burn and crash and fall. and their tapestries are too frayed to fix anyways. All the saccharine touches under the incandescent glow ,sweet nothing's whispered into dark, fades into a ghost town that is now her heart. he only destroys her. tears her down to her bare and leaves her there,like they all did.
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they try, and they try, and try. but it's too much. Burn and crash and fall. tears feel like fire running down their faces and he holds her, a goodbye, not forever, but until they stop hurting each other when the love isn't enough to give. silent sobs heard through the wasteland of thousand deaths, ghost of the lost peering at them as she clings to him. Its tempting .but he has to let go. Been holding up what wasn't meant to stand. They didn't get their happily ever after, he thinks they never will. it's ephemeral ,love has always been for them. she holds onto the hope, after all she always ends up with nothing else but.
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but they make through it.they heal away from each other ,yet together.he sees her smiles aren't forced anymore, the crinkles around her eyes and the scrunch of her nose. She is his goddess,who gives and gives and gives, above all the mortals, her scars that make her the warrior she is, the goddess he worships with his lips as religions and her hips as alters. she sees them too,he looks more at home, kind and kind and kind like he has always been .the sun shines down on him making him look ethereal like a god that he could have been and she wonders how hope could give her this much. Memories stay as memories in what used to be a wasteland. his eyes look clearer and it shines with the love he holds that she knows is a reflection of her own.There is warmth when they hold each other now,and there is warmth is the lips she calls home and their love for each other burns and crashes and falls and she loves and hopes for it all.
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sabineelectricheart · 6 months
Dining Out in December
Summary: Bryce and Daphne go for a night out, but the venue is too busy. He lies and threatens their way in.
Rating: K+ - Suitable for more mature childen, 9 years and older, with minor action violence without serious injury. May contain mild coarse language. Should not contain any adult themes.
Words: 1000
Notes: Don’t bully service industry workers. It’s not worth it. Ask for the owner, they’re the one to bully.
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If there is one thing that Daphne Anderson really hated, this thing was a fucking scene. It might be because of her discrete demeanour, or some kind of pride that she keeps in being above petty disputes, but if one ever wants to shame or vex her, it is just a matter of screaming in her near vicinity, attracting everyone’s attention.
Unfortunately, her boyfriend does not have the same outlook.
"Listen, dickhead, this is my dad's venue! I'm on that fucking list!" He shouts at the bouncer.
It is late December and, even in a college town like Sugardale, people want to go out for a nice dinner. The venues are full and there is no conniption that could change it.
God, he’s such a Karen! She thinks, feeling the weight of the collective gaze coming from the line behind them, hoping no-one had the idea of filming them yet.
Bryce felt no such shame. It is reasonable to assume that, after so many years dealing with Trish meltdowns, he would have had his fill of them for all of his natural life. However, things turn out to play in the opposite manner, as he seems to have built a natural defence against embarrassment. The man has no shame, nor self-control, ready to fight anyone and anything, with screaming and punching alike.
"Yes, sir, I understand that you are.” The man tries to placate him, but his voice communicated profound irritation. “The problem is that your date is not."
Daphne stood behind her boyfriend, watching his shoulders rise with barely-suppressed rage. She knew this look from experience, and she knew it was not a good omen. Something bad was going to happen if she does not put a stop to it.
"It's okay, baby. We can just go somewhere else? Maybe?" She offers.
Her nervous tone does not reach his ears, however. Nor did he notice the way she had slipped around to rub up his chest soothingly.
His eyes remained on the working man, dark with a heavy scowl. "This is my wife, sir. If I'm on the list, she's on the fucking list."
The guy went to object but Bryce cut him off, voice holding an aura of arrogance once he had found a new approach.
"You do realize that you work for me, right? It would be a shame if I called my father down here to make a scene, especially if I tell him his darling daughter-in-law was disrespected in such a manner." He leaned forward for affect, scrunching his eyes while his head tilt in its signature threatening way. "With one phone call, I could get you and the rest of this entire lousy staff fired, and you know what’s going to happen with your miserable little lives then. Check again, her name's on the list."
Behind him, Daphne is face-palming. Not only they are most certainly not married, and it will be certainly a cold day in Hell when Mr. Montgomery thinks of her in any terms even slightly resemblant of ‘darling daughter-in-law’, none of the involved would ever think of firing this amount of people from a profitable business endeavour on a whim.
He could sense her profound discomfort, and maybe that is why he does not turn around for her until after the employee decided that, “Wait! You know what? She actually is on the list. My bad. This way, sir, ma’am.”
Bryce smirked, huffing in a way that clearly stated, Yeah, I thought so. He turned to his fake wife for the night, meeting her stern expression and broke out in a self-satisfied grin that destroyed her facade.
She should not indulge him in this behaviour but, well, she must admit it feels nice being treated with respect for a change. Besides, he looks kind of cute after destroying service industry workers’ morale, nefarious as this sounds.
"C'mon, mama." He said, reaching for her.
Daphne accepted with little more than a head shake, letting his possessive arm firmly lead her through the posh establishment with a firm hand to the small of her back. When they were seated, she smiled widely at him as he sat down opposite her.
He glanced up nervously. She is probably going to let him have it, and she is merciless about it. Her lower-class sensibilities do not take kindly for him bullying the denizens of the town, regardless of his intent.
"So, I'm your wife now?" She whispered it, eyes scrunched up with the force of her smile.
This surprised him. She is not making fun of him, properly, even if she does find the whole situation amusing. Sensing that, he laughed quietly, pushing his slight embarrassment down in with a bon vivant act.
"You are. Or, at least, you will be." He answered, projecting an enviable certainty.
He winked and she faltered, sitting back in her chair to look at him with eyes wide in surprise. Her heavy blush and the way she teethed at her bottom lip told the young blond man absolutely everything he needed to know. It is his turn to be merciless.
"So..." He paused, a mischievous glint to his beautiful green eyes that only added to her fluster. "What is Mrs. Montgomery in the mood for tonight? Besides me, obviously."
Bryce considered it his chance to vex his girlfriend, and he seized it the best that he could.
He made a point to use that “Mrs. Montgomery” title for the rest of the evening, at any grammatical opportunity. He called Daphne his wife so many times that, by the end of the night, she almost believed him.
What she did not know, however, is just how much he meant it when he said that, in whatever he was concerned, she would really harbour that surname someday, and someday soon. The ring was practically burning a hole in his pocket, especially after that whole venue fiasco.
Now Bryce was just waiting for the right time. He already knew her answer.
College Craze Masterlist
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Now our son knows women are kind of nasty but they aren't like this idiot who does women's stuff and very pronounced way and harshly everyday and women want to move in next door and they want these idiots out and they refuse to leave and she started doing the cop routine to get him out the issuing threats and we're cutting them off they're going to stick them around his neck hes so dumb.
Is a few more things happening here
-John Riva Lord his name is mud and they want him out of here and they're going to declare him an outlaw and ban him from the United States not just Florida. But they would do it steps and first to get ban him from here. And Tommy F sees him attacking the centers and his reporting out the counter and they're going after Trumpsters headquarters. And they're using your name in vain all over town all of the macks and foreigners. Huge huge hits to put on you and bounty by tons of people and warrants by others and they want you in foreign countries for trial. One reason is you handed all the businesses out and I wanted to tell you and find you for it and hang you and move you on to the next country no they each want to burn you so they're going after your people Trump
-huge signs everywhere you're not allow this man in our country they're tearing up your election headquarters all over the world in the United States are setting fire to them after they raid them it's going on today
I have to say this you're fired Trump and yeah you're my stuff works all over the world and it's way over the top and it's this idiot Trump who did it I can't believe how many of our places well no they're your places okay not mine you idiot are on fire it's like 90% of your election headquarters are on fire it says to me maybe he has some big ones left and he does so I'm going to go after those
So Trump is starting to yell at him like it's an animal again and that's our sun is out yet so I said makes fun of him it's a matter of retard haven't had enough are you so stupid you don't know anything's happening
-we do have a couple other things happening here there's a huge number of people yelling at us try to tell us what to do we have no idea what they're talking about they're going after them with special warrant right now
-there's a huge war on Donald Trump and by practically everybody and it started up again last night is moaning and groaning the whole fleet's gone and I can't do anything if you will try to tell him it's backwards and you just listen to him and you believed him and he's flipping him off her son is flipping off Trump saying you believe me and I got you and I got you by it it's cuz you're weak and Trump is backing up and say you can't believe it and it's hard to say what's there to believe you're getting rid of your own people you dumb f*** you dumb focker.. you say it like he was saying for that month it was a whole month then coming out and waking our son up finally as he called our son called the cops so that's enough you're not going to do anything you're going away the guy just kept doing it and doing it even afterwards now he's doing different stuff killing rabbits as a makeshift pistol he has to leave now his people are going to be seriously depowered today. And yeah we're located and destroying your computers look everyone else right now because you want to say something to change a word and you're a loser but he's going to have a lot less power it'll probably not be sheriff and it's not going to be this other roles either like mayor of Port Charlotte he's not going to be anybody ever anywhere again but today is going down and I mean big time something broke and it was when he posted the Dr nardone and people said we're sick of you and they went after the hospital stuff while they're doing that you decided because you got shot to go after his people in his headquarters because you're an idiot and now they're going after you,, so really they're going after each other very hard and headquarters and it's going to set like in stone and the clone that shot him is up in Chicago and it's in jail and it's due for trial and the clones are trying to break him out. There's a bunch of those clones up there arrested and he was doing it as a cop saying as a friend of our son and all this dumb s*** said it doesn't have anything to do with it it sees this huge criminal and your behavior is odd in a way or way off because you are covered for him and accept it and you make it work and it doesn't matter why it's too big for you it's too big for Mac alone. Is the way for your ascertain that unless you do a complete you have to say how many ships you have how many people down there how many facilities how much hardware I put the list out there you probably don't think any of it exists and it does all of it does and it's got two planetoids coming up online with huge lasers, he says old people are mad at me have better try and is trying and screwing up and here we are with him all screwed up. Couple more things but really he's going down these two are at it they're having a war and it's because he was shot but the head clone badly by the way
-there's a few people around town recommending we say stuff but we don't want to this place is going to start busted open and the clones are going to start fighting the trumpsters at any moment and we're coming in to make sure that nothing happens never tell them to take it elsewhere if you don't grab them both and Intel will be coming out on them and we need it
-there's a huge number of people who hate these people especially those two and then going after them and one of them is Dan AKA Dave and he's going after with a lot of people here and put them in Port Charlotte too and it's getting put down. his guy suck his lady suck and he's out of the way shortly but nobody here and this is before court and needs to go to court too and he's going to have no Force here and he'll try and leave and they may let him and they may prevent him from coming back in and if they come back in they're going to be in prison wherever they get in and then in prison trying to get here and that's what they're doing and they're going to outlaw them today they say it too
-we've had a real trying time with these two imbeciles mostly Trump believe it or not he's more unreasonable than Tommy F who has very very huge amounts of power and can threaten a lot of people with Trump around it is blaring idiot mouth we had the focus on him so we could think. It's time for us to get rid of him and I'm calling a meeting so can utilize what's happening to make sure it goes to the end of his clan. We enacted the protocols and we're going to do it again and we're going to send it out again and make it into a huge deal too
Thor Freya
Zues Hera
I'm tired of hearing you Trump and I'm going to shut you down
On a positive note although this is very positive we don't like Trump we are in receipt of tons of motorcycles and they're in Florida 20 million of them in 100 million will be here this afternoon and people are at the shops already and most of them are sold out and have to wait till this afternoon to get their bike and they're ordering more now
Thank God
Uriel and Goddess Wife and her son and daughter point out with this a****** Trump on the ropes these things happen and we agree it's all of the morlock and here and it's it has to be done and we're putting the orders out
Good job Zues Hera both
We thank you yes we do
Hera Zues
0 notes
charlotteobryn · 2 years
Becoming a sorceress:
When I met Kraemos, I knew him as a politician. He was a regular visitor but didn't have a regular girl. I even saw him in the dungeons sometimes. The girls seemed to like him well enough, and he had plenty of money to spend with us (he was a notoriously good tipper)- so when he asked to join me for the night, I had no worries about him.
He wanted the full experience in the dungeons, and I offered one thing no other girl could there, my arachne form. I was one of our best earning Dominatrix in Lady Avalon's. The kinkiest monster fucking freaks came to me, and no one left unsatisfied. He had heard rumors about me and was curious. Of course, I gave him the whole experience, after some drinks and discussions of limits and what he was signing up for (I'm not actually a monster after all), and he loved it.
He became a regular of mine after that. He was kind, he tipped amazingly, bought me a good meal afterward, and would even give me extravagant gifts like jewelery, clothes, and lovely tchotchkes. Eventually, he even started sending me on trips for free or taking me to do a shopping spree, you know - sugar daddy stuff.
Well, one night, he invited me to a party he was hosting. Things had been good for a while, so I had agreed. Maybe he wanted to use me as a trophy - I didn't care, I knew I would be paid for my time. So I went.
It was a fine dinner party, not amazing - but good (better than home anyhow). Once the energy seemed to quiet down, I tried to take my leave, but he convinced me I had to stay for the desert at the end. I had no idea what I was in for.
At the end of the party, when the desert was to be served, there were 10 people left, mostly men. It was a delicious chocolate cake, handed to me directly from Kraemos. I ate half of it and became dizzy. I guess I passed out. They must have drugged me - I'm not sure if I'm being honest - but the next thing I know, the ten people and Kraemos were in robes. Kraemos looked different, too, not like before, almost like a monster. They took their turns with my barely conscious body before he came after me. I cried, and they laughed at my tears. I think they knew I was semi-concious.
After they finished, Kraemos started a chant and took his turn with me while continuing the chant. I didn't understand it at first, but I could feel the pull of some unknown force - like my body was trying to rip itself apart. The next thing I knew, I could feel the power growing inside me. It knew how badly I wanted to destroy them for hurting me, and it kicked into action.
At that moment, I forced Kraemos off of me and threw him aside. I went after the robed men and followed the anger and pain that boiled up inside me. I killed one of them before they were able to scramble.
I hunted them down, one by one. Each time, I dropped their heads off to his home, where he had hurt me. Eventually, I got to the last one. I think he knew I was coming, that he was next. He tried to outrun me - but I was faster, he tried to out smart me - but I was smarter, he tried to fight me - but I was now stronger. Magic had grown inside me since then - and after the tenth victim, I had a good grasp on it, too.
When I found him, he had run through the underdark, begged for some small village to home him (not knowing it was where my clientele growth started), got kicked out of town, and tried to run back to the protections of the crown he worked for - unsuccessfully might I add, as I had found him before he fully left the underdark.
During our final chase, I was in my arachne form. I wrapped him up my web and drug him back to his home. He was already bleeding and bruised by the time we got there, but he was still conscious. I tied him where he had tied me up, I cut him where his friends had touched me, and I made sure he stayed conscious - using fire spells to cauderize wounds to keep enough blood in him, freezing him with ice water when he tried to sleep or pass out. I wanted him for the long haul.
After toying with him for quite some time, daylight broke. It was around this time I knew people would start asking where he was. I decided I had to give my final blows. I started by cutting his dick off and then stabbing the gaping hole the wound left until he died of blood loss.
I cut off his head, found the rest he had hidden, and piled them in front of his door. I then burned his body to cenders, but not before leaving a note for the people who find the heads. "They reaped what they sowed," written in the blood of Kraemos. I left town that day before anyone could realize it was me.
I guess I could have stayed and let them inprision me and question me, but the government wasn't for people like me. They would take one look at who I was, where I came from, where I grew up - and look at Kraemos and what he meant and his title. There was no way I would be free, so I ran. I didn't warn anyone - not even Sierra. I didn't want any of them to be able to be questioned, to be at risk.
I left, and I tried never to look back. As I grew colder, I felt the anger again. Anger that corrupt people like him get paid to work for the people they harm. What kind of government is that? One that lets abusers run cities, kingdoms, become representation, enforce laws - why do they get to keep and flaunt their power or the trust given to them?
These questions swimmed in my head, and it began to echo in my head.
"Death to the currupt,"
over, and over again. Relentlessly, I craved to do it again, and I did. I saw another one, a corrupt mayor of a city I stumbled in on. He tried to get away with fucking me for free and called it "city taxes". Easy as pie. Just a little widow poison in his drink did the trick, and i was long gone from town before anyone ever knew. That was the way I could do it now - how I can rid the government from its trash.
This is how I'll kill them all.
0 notes
doc-hudson · 2 years
Trick or threat: Attack of the Abomatons
Alternative title: Doc is destined to deal with policemen forever and ever
Dated: 29 -30 October, 2022
TW: Minor injuries, a bit of arson, as a treat. Car on car violence.
Doc Hudson
Now, Doc was no stranger to Halloween decorations, nor to townsfolk going a *little* (read: a whole lot) overboard with them, or to the usual unspoken rivalry between neighborhoods to try and see who could do decorate the best or the most, typically with animatronics, projectors and all the shebang.
This, whoever, was kind of new.
“Seems like Amazon really does sell *everything* you can think of, huh?” Paul asked the apparently-non-costumed man next to him “what kind of animatronic is that?”.
It looked pretty coordinated all things considered; Like, it sure could smash pumpkin decorations like nobody’s business.
Errol Woolf
To say that he wanted a bloody holiday without one fucking town incident was probably the understatement of the century. And he had only been here for a few years. He could only imagine what the natives thought of this whole thing.
"Mm," Errol hums, watching the...purple blob thing move down the street, terrorizing on its merrily little way. "Sure, but 'at ain't an animatronic. Nae one I know, anyhow."
And it wasn't, though it was very clearly part machine.
Errol glances over to his companion, sweeping a critical, if preoccupied, eye over him. He was new to town; Errol didn't recognize him.
"This yer first town event?" He didn't just mean the Halloween decorations.
Doc Hudson
“And here I was, thinking that was supposed to be a Five Nights at the whatever’s deal” Paul sighed, more dissapointed at his lack of pop knowledge than worried at whatever the...thing planned on doing, since right now it seemed rather tame within it’s mischief (because, let’s be honest, with this being Halloween and teens always being overeager to party it was only a matter of time before something was destroyed).
“First town event, but not my first rodeo” he shrugged at the other’s comment “I didn’t want to assume the worst but it seems like there’s a bit of a…”
“...situation going on”
Errol Woolf
A quiet laugh escapes before the sheriff can quite contain it. Errol nods his head, understanding. "Ye'd fink, but no." No, this time it wasn't just teenagers being stupid, throwing pumpkins or setting something on fire. Your normal, every day type of public destruction. This was magical or, at the very least, helped along by it.
Not his first rodeo. Well, maybe he'd be more help than hindrance. Errol could certainly need all the help he could get.
He opens his mouth to say something. Before he can get the words out, however, a loud crash somewhere down the street ricochets back. Errol curses, louder than he would normally have with a townsperson there, and darts toward the street.
The destruction had, truly, begun.
Doc Hudson
Welp, so much for “the peaceful English countryside”.
“Might have to call the pol-” he began, but was interrumped by yet another crash and the other’s man grimace before he darted off.
‘When in Rome…’
Now, he was pretty his costume definitely wasn’t designed to keep up with this kind of shenanigans, so when he decided to move into the other’s direction, he did in more of a leisurely stride than a run: he could easily return to the other’s side thanks to his gift, after all.
Sure, it made his right leg hurt, but that could always wait.
“I’ll distract ‘em, you try to block their way. How does that sound?” he offered, not really waiting for a reply before moving away once more, this time towards the purple, vaguely mechanic, thing.
Errol Woolf
This would be so much easier if the little buggers weren't gelatinous. Well, slime. Whatever. Point was, it'd be a bit more difficult to stop them, but Errol also knew he could probably do it.
His brain buzzed as he thought about what properties the little bastards could be made of, what he could use to short circuit them --
That came to a grinding halt when the other man, who he didn't even know, spoke up. We should call the police. That statement was amusing, and it made Errol crack a grin despite his concentrated frown of a few moment's before. Pushing aside the edge of his flannel jacket, Errol nods toward the flatbadge looped at his waist. "Donae fink ye'll need tae. Can if ye want though."
Now. Back to the situation at hand. The suggestion was a sound one, so Errol nods before adding. "Ye got a lighter on ye? May be able tah stop a few. Jus' gotta give me a few minutes." Normally he did, but he didn't think one would be enough.
Doc Hudson
Oh. Well, that saved the both of them some time, sure.
“Sorry, bud” Paul replied before looking at the...thing that, for a second there, appeared to be hypnotized by the sounds a scarecrow animatronic holding a bowl of candy did-
-before it smashed the poor thing to pieces, that is.
Now wasn’t the time for snappy remarks about cigarettes, so Doc bit his tongue as he sidestepped, now next to the destroyed decoration -the voicebox and most of the decoration's plastic casing was destroyed but...
With another quick movement, he returned to the other’s side, dragging the former-scarecrow along.
“You may be able to start a fire with this, the cables are exposed and it might run on batteries” he explained, then moved yet again, trying to keep the vaguely mechanic-vaguely organic thing away from any other breakables.
“Hey, chst! Hey you, big guy!"
Errol Woolf
Look. Errol knew it was a bad habit. Did he carry a lighter and a pack of cigarettes with him? Yes. Did he always smoke them? Not...every shift. Or even every day.  He had one somewhere in his pockets.
But a smashed, former animatronic scarecrow? Now that. That he could use.
Snagging it from the other man's hands with a murmur of thanks, Errol began cannibalizing in for parts, stripping wires quickly of their casings and taking two or three and twisting them together, striking them against one another and its husk of a plastic shell.
It would smell godawful once it was started, but the tatterings of fabric and the lithium in the batteries would act as conductors.
It was only...a matter....of time.
The scarecrow went up in flames quicker than Errol had expected. He snatches his hands away from the brunt of the flames, grasps it, and hucks it into a mob of two of three, watching in abject horror/fascination as they cluster around it, soaking in the flames....fissures began to show as the creatures slid closer and closer
That wouldn't be quick enough though. They needed something hotter, something that could engulf.
Doc Hudson
Paul could smell the fire before he had the chance to actually see it.
In any other moment he’d complain about both the smell and the whole idea, but since this whole thing seemed to be a desperate situation and he was partly to blame for it...well, he decided to keep his mouth shut, besides, he had a purple thing to pay attention to.
This things didn’t seem particularly brilliant, nor fast enough to keep with a Gifted, rusty as he was, their movements were rather janky, not really mechanic but not completely organic and-
-well, they could pack a punch, Paul discovered once the closest thing managed to grab him by the edges of the clothes and tugged him close to make sure it landed.
Not the best way to get to know those things properties better, that, but it would do. The thing’s pseudo-arms were heavy but not that coordinated and they seemed considerably more prone to “push” than to “punch”, much to Doc’s luck, meaning that he’d only been pushed away, stumbling a couple of inches after the fact.
The thing then turned into the other man’s direction, where a couple of it’s lookalikes cracked and fumed under flames. The thing then a sound not too dissimilar to that resulting of a punch to wet clay of stepping in a particularly deep puddle and moved, apparently pissed.
“COMING FROM YOUR LEFT” he equal parts coughed and shouted at the other, trying to get his attention before the thing could reach it.
Fire seemed to do the trick but, yeah, they’d need a bigger one if they were to stop more than a couple of them at a time.
Errol Woolf
Fire wasn't his preferred form of, well, anything. But he knew the heating properties of clay, and these little...things looked to be made from it, or as near enough as they could be. He knew that, given enough time, enough heat that they'd crack and splinter.
But, they didn't have enough time. Not at the moment.
Errol heard the shout from his co-conspirator, but he heard the loud thwap! of metal on flesh and bone moments before. He knew the other had been hit; how badly was another matter. Turning, Errol slid into a bladed stance, located the other man, gave him a nod.
When the little clay bastard squirmed its way close enough, he reared back and kicked it solidly in the face
Doc Hudson
Sure, the hit had been bothersome, but Paul was back on his feet, the other man seemed ready and (most importantly) capable of fighting, they had an apparent temporal solution to the purple problem… yeah, everything seemed manageable enough.
So, of course, something had to go wrong.  Of course.
Doc gave the man a thumbs up in between wheezes, as a signal of silent approval and then-
-then he saw the damned purple thing split into two right under the other’s foot; This second figure was smaller and seemed ever less coordinated than the original, less mechanical, but it’s presence was still a problem.
Paul coughed before sprinting next to the other man and dragging him away, curses non-withstanding, from the damned things.
“Let’s...not do that” he coughed once he’d stopped “Blunt force won’t work”
Errol Woolf
While he hadn't hurt his foot, the disheartening sight of the (now very pissed) little sludge monster breaking into two was enough to grind anyone’s gears.
It was still mechanical, though. That was good. It could be short-circuited. It could --
A yelp escapes unbidden as Errol is yanked away from the damnable little bastard, the speed of the movement making his stomach roll unpleasantly.
Once they were stopped and his companion was no longer coughing, Errol turned his glower to him. "Warn a bloke next time," he grumbles, but nods, hand going into his hair as he half-turns back toward the creatures. "We need somefin' that'll swallow up, make t' flame bigger."
Doc Hudson
“Oh, please” Paul exclaimed, rolling his eyes; Any of his movements right now were a far cry from what he could do back in the day, so receiving a complaint for that seemed like the silliest possible thing, specially coming from the man that had decided that kicking a purple semi-mechanical unknown thing was a good idea “yeah, whatever”.
Ok, they needed something bigger and that could start a fire relatively quickly and cause the least property damage possible.
Looking around...well, there was nothing much to be found. Decorations (they’d have to destroy them and that would be too time consuming, so those were a hard ‘no’), a garbage bin (absolutely fucking not), pumpkins (not really that flammable, sadly), the local businesses (vandalizing them was *not* an option), a parked car…
...the idea felt wrong, somehow.
“What about a car’s battery” he announced before moving towards the poor thing “it’ll take a second, but I trust your destructive abilities, man”
Errol Woolf
"Please yerself," Errol snipes back half-heartedly, a little smirk curling the edge of his mouth up to show teeth. No hard feelings, really, it just wasn't expected. He certainly hoped that it didn't set off a migraine, but that would be a problem for another time.
For now they had smaller, more purple, problems sliding angrily toward them. Abjectly, it was rather humorous watching the personified version of sink goo sludge its way toward them, but right now it was just disconcerting.
Though...a car battery wouldn't be half bad an idea.
Even at the insinuation, Errol winces. He knew the corrosive properties of battery acid firsthand. Not to mention the fact that this was another town person's vehicle. Still, needs and wants.
Keeping half an eye on the little purple sludge things, Errol jogs over and jimmies the hood of the car open. "Well. See 'at we can do, eh?"
Doc Hudson
Oh god, this had to be the most repulsive thing Paul had even thought of. He felt dirty.
But when the alternative was dealing directly with the purple things that seemed otherwise unbothered by the attempts to stop them and were able to duplicate themselves in response to direct hits? Well, they’d have to make do with the poor Prius’ battery.
“We’re never, ever, talking about this again and we’re contacting the owner as soon as this is done with” Doc muttered as he helped the other man hold the hood, then yank out the poor thing’s battery away.
Lithium-ion, great. Lithium by itself was very volatile thing to deal with, so that’d definitely do the trick -sure, getting a hold of it was rather uncomfortable, but what remained of his old strength and the help of the other man made it less of a problem.
“Not the brightest things, those. I say we just...toss this in their general direction and let them do the rest” Paul offered as he looked to the right, where a new purple colossus now was joining the previous two (and the tiny one), moving ever closer to them “that’ll save us time and effort”
And the guilt. And a good deal of the risks.
“Scratch that, we’re getting a couple of drinks after this, then calling the car’s owner”
Note: The event’s official final is: “ The Aboma-Drones are everywhere!! A couple hours after midnight it seems like there is no hope to stop them. As people seek shelter or foolishly try to face the goopy monsters the moon is blacked out by an approaching storm giving all the Aboma-Drones an eerie glow. But what's this?? As a rainstorm washes over Swynlake any Aboma-Drones caught outside in the rain slowly melt. While the destruction remains all the Aboma-Drones have slowly melted and just like that the rain has washed away any evidence of just who may have been responsible for these creations”, which happened a moment after or during this incident. Also, let’s pretend this two punks managed to get that drink in the end.  
0 notes
seidenbros · 2 years
If anyone else were to kiss me, all they would taste is your name.
Pairing: Jaskier x (Fem)Reader
Summary: You've been traveling with Geralt and Jaskier for a year, trying to deny your feelings, but one kiss seems to destroy everything.
Warnings: implied smut I guess (if even at all), fluff, fighting
Word count: 3033
A/N: I didn't proof read this, because it's late and it got way longer than I expected it to be. This prompt is from one of @soulprompts lists (Sincerely Yours) because I am in love with these prompts.
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For about a year, you've been travelling with the Witcher and the bard. You couldn't even really remember how it had started. Maybe, it was some kind of adventure for you, because you needed to get out of your town. Mabe it was some kind of fascination with the unlikely pair, but you'd proven yourself useful with your knowledge, your abilities, because you could help tend to their injuries. At first, Geralt hadn't been impressed, but after some time, he'd grown fond of you, just like it had been with Jaskier – something the Bard had told you when the two of you had talked halfway through the night sitting by the fire waiting for Geralt to return. Without even realizing it, the Witcher had taken the two of you under his wing, though Jaskier had been travelling with him way longer than you had. Geralt started to teach you both some fighting techniques, after you had pestered him about it. In the end, it was probably wise that you at least knew how to defend yourself. Your father had always told you to kick men where it hurt the most, but that would only help you so far...
After you'd asked asked the Witcher about it, Jaskier had shown interest as well. He should have probably learned a thing or two years ago, but better late than never, right? Though he wasn't exactly a fan of fighting or weapons in general – he was a lover, not a fighter, as he claimed – there had been occasions in his life, when it might have been good to know these things.
“You need to react quicker, Jaskier,” Geralt said during one training session, but when it came to you, he was rather pleased. Maybe because he hadn't expected you to be as good as you were. You listened to what he told and taught you, using spare time for practice.
“I'm trying, but it's hard when you have to watch out for these delicate hands. I need them intact!” Jaskier's words elicited a chuckle from you. Not because you thought his words were funny in themselves – you knew that he needed them to play music, but he also used his hands to emphasize what he was talking about – but because it was just so Jaskier. The whole theatrics, the words and that kind of desperate look in his eyes.
“Oh, so you think, this is funny, huh?” His eyes were suddenly on you, twinkling with mischief before he lunged at you to wrap his arms around your body to trap you against his chest. “How are you going to get out of this?” he asked close to your ear. You could feel him smile, but your own laughter slowly died down. The problem was, that you didn't want to get out of his grip, because it felt way too good to be this close to him, to feel his breath tickle your ear, slightly out of breath, his heartbeat strong in his chest so that you could feel it against your back. You'd known it for weeks now, known that you'd fallen for Jaskier, something you'd been trying to fight, because it wasn't right. You had become friends, you were close to these to men, and you didn't want to lose them over some unrequited feelings.
“Let her go, Jaskier,” Geralt intervened, having enough of your banter. When Jaskier did what he was told, you felt a shiver run down your spine. Where there had been warmth from his body, it was now cold – colder than it had been even before that.
Drawing some fresh air deep into your lungs, you straightened again, looking apologetically at both men. “Sorry, I didn't want to interrupt our training.” Deep down, you knew that this apology wasn't necessary, but for years and years you'd had to apologize for every little thing, that it was engraved in your mind and in your behaviour.
“Y/N, you have to stop apologizing. It's perfectly fine.” Jaskier's smile made you calm down a little, but Geralt was looking at you the same way. Jaskier just had been quicker to open his mouth, like he usually was.
A few days later, you were alone with Jaskier, resting a by a lake while Geralt was once again out and about – and you didn't want to know what exactly he was up to. Sometimes, it was better to not know about this. The previous night, the three of you had stayed at an inn, and Jaskier had given one of his performances. While Geralt and you had enjoyed some ale, Jaskier had gone of with some lady – though you would probably not call her that, but that was the jealousy talking. Jealousy you were desperately trying to hide. So, when Geralt asked you what was wrong, you told him that it was nothing and that you would go to bed.
Now that you were alone with Jaskier, knowing or at least assuming that you knew what had happened last night, it was hard to not turn around and leave him there, because your mind kept running in all kinds of directions. Imagining him with that woman doing things that had been following you in your dreams... Shaking your head, you stood up to get that image out of your head. Not the time, not the place, and you should get that completely out of your mind for good.
“Where are you going?�� Jaskier asked, raising to his feet as well. The two of you should stay together after all, so you knew that he wouldn't let you go away anyway. There was something else that would probably get your mind off things, and you two could benefit from it.
“I thought that maybe we could get some training done? Geralt will be impressed with you, if we tell him that.” That was probably what got him to agree. Getting told that he needed to work on getting quicker, wasn't something he was looking forward to. Though you had to admit that he'd gotten better, faster, but there was still some room for improvement. On both ends of course, because you could get better as well.
The only problem was that you weren't able to keep your temper under control. Usually, you were this calm, sweet girl, that didn't look like you could do any harm, but right now... You'd already gotten Jaskier on the ground twice, dealing some blows to his arms and side that were probably going to turn a little blue the next day, when he caught you in his arms just like he'd done days ago.
“Where is all that anger coming from?” he asked, because yes, he'd realized that something was definitely up. Your heart was picking up its pace. Not from the physical action, but from being so close to the bard, from his scent filling your nose, his ragged breath stroking your neck.
“I'm not angry,” you defended yourself, trying to wiggle free from him, but you didn't stand a chance. He was stronger than he seemed.
“Really?” Jaskier only loosening his grip around you just so that he could turn you around. “Say that again and look into my eyes. I can tell when you're lying.” And he could. He'd proven that on many occasions, though you'd always found a way to distract from the matter at hand, or you'd said nothing more.
Right now, you didn't know what to tell him. That you were angry that he'd spent the night with yet another woman instead of you? That you were angry with yourself for falling in love with him? The words were right there on the tip of your tongue, but you didn't say anything. Instead, you surprised yourself when you pulled yourself up grabbing a hold of his shoulders for some support, and kissed him. It started with just a light touch of your lips to his, but that was already enough to make your whole body tingle. And suddenly, it felt like it was completely on fire, when you felt him deepen the kiss, his grip on you loosening, but his hands stayed on your back, slowly working their way up. It was everything you'd been dreaming of and more, but then he broke the kiss. Slowly, your eyelids fluttered open, fearing that this was just another dream, but you looked into these deep blue eyes that were clouded over with something you hadn't seen in them before. At least not when he'd been looking at you.
Jaskier opened his mouth, wanting to tell you something, but before a word left his mouth, you heard your own name be called, followed by Jaskier's.
“Y/N? Jaskier? Where have you gotten off to?” Suddenly realizing that this was indeed not a dream and that Geralt was on his way to you, you sprung away from Jaskier. This had been a terrible idea. Sure, it had felt good, amazing even, but in the end, this would never lead anywhere, you were sure of that. So it was probably best that Geralt didn't find out about this.
“There you are.” Geralt looked at the two of you. Your slightly dishevelled hair, the glassy eyes... “What's going on?”
“Training,” you simply said, brushing past him to get the hell out of this situation. You knew that he'd picked up on your racing heart, probably even on more than that, but you didn't want to answer any questions, so going back was the safest option for you right now.
Geralt turned towards Jaskier raising an eyebrow at him. “What did you do?”
“Me?” Oh, Jaskier was offended, and it showed on his face, even in his whole posture. “Well, I didn't do anything. You interrupted us...” But he stopped there. It was probably better if Geralt didn't know, while Jaskier still had to figure out himself what had just happened. Not that he hadn't been dreaming of a moment like this, but... that was all that had been. Dreams. No actions taken. And now you'd kissed him, and he didn't know what to make of it.
“I interrupted... what?” Geralt pressed, but now it was Jaskier's turn to shake his head.
“Forget it. Nothing. You interrupted nothing.”
Geralt knew. Or at least he was pretty sure what had been going on, but he wasn't one to intervene – at least not right now, but after a few days of the two of you tiptoeing around each other, even he was fed up with this situation.
It wasn't easy for you to look at Jaskier. The longing grew day by day, because you wanted to repeat what you had shared, to kiss him again, be close to him. You hadn't talked about it, instead, you'd apologized every time your hands had accidentally touched. Maybe, you should just own up to this moment, tell him that you were sorry. But were you really? You'd be lying to him and to yourself if you apologized for the kiss, because it had felt right, it had felt good. But you could apologize for ambushing him like this.
Geralt was by now completely fed up with your behaviour – yours as well as Jaskier's. Neither of you was concentrated, and he'd stopped you from tumbling off the road or running straight into a tree not only once. So when you were staying in another inn for the night, after Jaskier had finished his last song, he ordered you to the room him and Jaskier were sharing, without telling the bard about it.
“What's going on?” you asked looking at the two men, seeing Jaskier just as confused as you were.
“You two: Talk! Now!” It was an order, that much was for sure. “Stop being idiots and work this out!” And with that he left the room and locked the door. He would not let you out until you finally resolved this issue. Hopefully with the outcome he was rooting for, because he knew what you were feeling,
You turned back towards Jaskier feeling your cheeks burn. It was the first time being alone with him since that kiss. The kiss that had been haunting your dreams ever since. The kiss you wanted to apologize for.
“Y/N...” Jaskier started, but you cut him off.
“Look, I'm sorry about what happened.” You took a deep breath, wrapping your arms around your own body, suddenly feeling very vulnerable, exposed. “I shouldn't have... kissed you.”
“Stop that.” Jaskier closed the distance between you, but you took another step back. Being this close to him wasn't good for you, because apparently you couldn't trust yourself around him. “Did I pull back from you? Did I push you away? I certainly didn't.”
That much was true, he'd even explored your back with his hands, making you blush at the memory, because it was almost like you could feel him touch you again. “Well, no, but...”
“But what?” When he stepped closer this time, you stayed where you were, not raising your head, because you weren't able to look him in the eye. Instead, you stared at his chest, more precisely at the patch of chesthair that was peeking out.
“You have a lot of women out there Jaskier. Women more experienced than me, beautiful women, and you've just been with one yesterday, so...”
“I wasn't,” he said immediately, brows furrowed, but he sighed when he realized what you meant. “I may have flirted, I may have escorted that woman out, and yes, maybe I thought that I could get you out of my head this way, but nothing happened.” Gently, he tilted your head upwards, lettings his fingers linger a moment on your chin. “If anyone else were to kiss me, all they would taste is your name.”
Without waiting for a response, his lips were on yours. Your fingers dug into his arms, before they travelled across the soft fabric towards his chest. His words as well as his kiss made your heart nearly give out, but it was worth it. Both these things made your doubts vanish into thin air. But when he tore his lips from yours, it was too soon for you, left you longing for more. You'd been longing for more for what felt like ages now, so it was probably understandable that you pulled him back down to kiss him again, your body as close to his as possible.
“Y/N,” Jaskier mumbled into the kiss, grabbing your hands and holding them against his chest, raising to his full height so that you could not reach his lips again and distract him. The pout on your lips didn't make it easy for him to resist you. “You have to stop or...”
“Or what?” you teased, wriggling your hands free so that you could run your fingers through his hair, down his cheek and along his bottom lip. He immediately pressed a kiss to your finger, his eyes never leaving yours.
“Gods, you make it hard for me to hold back.” There it was again, the clouded eyes, and now you knew what they meant: desire, lust.
“I'm not asking you to hold back, Jaskier,” you said, smiling up at him, before he kissed you again, but this time it was different. This kiss was burning with a hunger that you hadn't anticipated, that caught you off-guard and made you moan into the kiss.
He smiled against your lips before he started trailing kisses over your cheeks, made his way down to you collarbone. “What if Geralt comes back?”
“What?” You asked, trying to figure out what he'd just said, because it was getting harder and harder to pay attention to his words.
“Geralt might come back,” he said chuckling against your skin, letting his hands stroke along your sides, landing on your butt.
“Mhmmm whatever.” You dismissed his words, because after all, Geralt had been the one to lock you in this room, so he would probably, hopefully stay away for some time. And if he didn't.... you probably wouldn't notice anyway, because what Jaskier was doing to and with you, made you forget everything around you. It was better than what you had conjured up in your dreams much better, and you were already looking forward to spending more days and nights with him like this, now that you knew that your feelings weren't unrequited, but that Jaskier had fallen for you as well.
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yhwhsdaughter · 3 years
Tumblr media
pairing: trevor belmont x fem reader
content: forced vampirism, monster slaying, main character death, pining, angst, mention of animal death, usage of the word ‘assault’ to refer vampires feeding on reader
- this was meant as platonic soulmates but it can be seen as romantic too
“It hurts…”
Feet dragging across the rocky ground, you heard screeches of pain from behind, though they soon diminished. You could only focus on the pulsing sensation at the side of your neck; it was like fire rushing through your veins.
Preoccupied with your agony, Belmont was able to sneak up. He raised his whip, ready to kill off the last of the creatures when you suddenly turned, and with glossy eyes you said, “Help me…”
The whip managed to leave a thin horizontal line across your cheek as he pulled back, causing blood to drip out slowly. Now illuminated by the moon, Belmont saw the damage on you. Skin exposed by the ripped clothes showed multiple bite marks. Blood stained the corner of your lips.
She’s been infected..
Belmont didn’t see a monster but a scared woman who’d just been assaulted by vampires. He knew what she’d turn into, but he couldn’t kill her… not when she looked at him like this. Sunrise was approaching so he had to act fast.
Draping his cloak onto your form, Belmont proceeded to carry you into the nearest building, which so happened to be where the carnage had occurred. Upon recognizing the place, you began to panic, shaking and looking at him with distrust. “You’re safe. I killed every last of those bloodsuckers.”
The two of you stayed like that for a while, in that shitty stinking room. Eventually tiredness overcame your senses; Belmont felt weight settle on his shoulder. He wonder how a vampire could look so innocent whilst sleeping.
You felt parched; it felt like your throat had dried up, barely able to utter a word.
“I know.”
A rabbit was placed in front of you. Blinking at it, you directed a confused glance at the man. “I’m—this is.. for me?” He nodded. Taking the animal with traces of disgust, you raised it to your mouth. Blood gushed into your mouth; feeding made a horrible slurping that would certainly haunt you but there was relief amongst those troubling feelings.
You gulped every last drop, draining the poor creature of its life. Still, your hunger and thirst weren’t satiated. Biting your lip, you pondered on the next move. Because this man had saved you, daring to kill him or even feed off him seemed… rude. Not to mention, he seemed way stronger than you in terms of experience. Prior to this, you were a regular citizen. Maybe you could run away?
Trevor could see your turmoil. Most vampires needed to drain at least one human every time they fed—if they were being generous. They could survive weeks without blood but it made them weaker. Besides, it was older vampires who had this kind of self control. Newborns tended to be more unstable.
“Just take it before I change my mind.”
You did as told, though you were still unsure. Hesitating, you licked your lips before nearing towards the vein on his wrist.
Trevor let out a grunt when your fangs pierced him. Although you tried to be gentle, it was an uncomfortable feeling nonetheless. As he became lightheaded and you full, the mouth that was attached to his wrist removed itself with a ‘pop’.
After making sure he was alright, you asked for his name. “Trevor. Trevor Belmont.”
“Oh! I’m (Name) (Surname).”
─── ☾☼☽ ───
“It’s dangerous.”
“I still-still want to go!”
The last remnants of sun were gone. Ever since your first encounter with the rugged monster hunter, you refused to part from him, following the latter like a lost puppy.
“I’m not much of a fighter.. b-but watch this!”
On cue, you punched the nearest tree, cracking it and making a sizable hole. You looked back proudly towards Trevor; except when you tried to pull your hand out, you were having difficulty.
“Ah. It’s stuck.”
Trevor couldn’t help but chuckle, walking away, clearly amused with your display of power. You pulled harder, “Hold on! Don’t leave me alone! It’s scary..” you muttered the last part while chasing after him. Despite being a creature of the night, the world and its evils still frightened you.
At the sound of a branch snapping, you yelped, grabbing a piece of Trevor’s cloak for security.
It shouldn’t have come as a surprise to Belmont when you punched a head clean off, practically decapitating one of the attackers. He might have been seriously injured if you had not intervened.
Gazing at you under the moonlight, he saw the hunger in your eyes as you held a man whom was still alive but struggling. His neck was exposed. Even so, you waited.
The Belmont turned away, giving you privacy to feed.
He knew that by allowing you to live, you would continue to take blood from others. Normally he wouldn’t feel soft towards a monster but whenever he thought of you, it was different.
His guilt was lessened when you drank from scum. Before putting the lives of innocents in danger, he would offer his own.
“Are you done?”
The corpse of the man was dropped unceremoniously as you joined Trevor, a light skip to your step.
─── ☾☼☽ ───
Despite adopting a nighttime lifestyle, Trevor was still human and had to conduct business during daylight hours.
He’d left your lodgings, which was an abandoned cottage, for a while. Nobody really passed through there anyway, so he thought you were safe. Worst came to worse, you could handle yourself. But as your self proclaimed protector, Trevor felt uneasy leaving you alone.
Maybe he should’ve listened to his gut because when he arrived, the door was wide open with dirty footprints leading in all the way to your coffin.
Two men had opened it—staring at the peaceful expression on your face, unaware that they were here to end you. To them it was obvious what you were. Even with that frilly white dress that made you look somewhat angelic, they couldn’t be fooled. As they raised their weapons to strike, Trevor used his whip. His sudden entrance startled them but it gave you the chance to wake up.
Eyes snapping open, you jumped onto the other man, taking both of you to the ground. His screams echoed shortly as you tore into his throat. The remaining one had no chance; Trevor left the room, closing the door on his way out, killing the light that entered and cutting off the way to escape.
Left alone with your prey, a smile crept up your face.
When you opened the door again, the dress which decorated your body was now stained red. There was hardly a clean piece on the material. Even so, you greeted Trevor with a hug.
“I love you.”
“M-me too..”
─── ☾☼☽ ───
Forty years passed in the blink of an eye.
“You should retire.”
“Belmonts don’t retire. The only rest they get is when they’re dead.”
“Well I don’t want you to die.”
“I have to, someday.”
“No you don’t.”
It’s been like this for the past few years; Trevor was sixty now. His body didn’t look that of an aging man, but the expression on his face did. He’d seen too much and as time passed, it was harder to fight monsters by himself.
Of course you’d noticed that and suggested turning him. It was an ongoing discussion; Trevor didn’t fancy the idea of living an eternal life but the thought of leaving this earth without you was disheartening. He didn’t say it but the situation tore him apart.
There was also the fact that he was too old for you; forty years to be exact. You’d maintained your youth, looking lovely as ever. His doubts were shot down when you immediately said that you didn’t care about that.
“I just want you.”
He always kept pushing the conversation away and you were patient. Trevor supposed that you could’ve taken him by force if you wanted and when he inquired, you told him it would be like violating him, robbing him of the choice you were never given.
As understanding as you were; the time would come for him to decide and confront you about it.
That time was now.
He should have been more careful, but there was nothing to be done about it now. Trevor watched as the sun slowly descended. Would you make it here before he passed? Would he die without seeing you one last time?
When you woke night had already fallen. Trevor wasn’t home; he’d been late plenty of times before but this occasion felt different.
Upon stepping outside, the smell of blood hit you. It reeked, staining the very air. You immediately recognized the source—how could you not? You’d fed from Trevor countless times.
Rushing in that direction, you prayed to whatever entity was listening to keep Trevor safe. The world and its gods could condemn you, but not him.
Not him.
You found him sprawled on a big rock, a creature hovering over his crumpled figure. Without thinking, you tore it to pieces. Blood rained as his mangled body flew to various parts of the forest.
He let out a groan, which would’ve made you sigh in relief but his visible injuries proved otherwise. You were no doctor and even if you could carry him into town, it would be too late. There was no other option. If you didn’t do anything, you might lose him.
“Trevor. Let me do it.”
Still conscious enough to reply, “I don’t want to become—”
“A monster?”
“I cannot become what I sought to destroy..”
Tears escaped your eyes, blurring the image of the person whom you treasure most. “Please.. please please please..! Don’t leave me alone!”
You begged, knowing it was unfair to pressure him in such way but you couldn’t bare the thought of existing if he wasn’t present. He was your salvation, your companion…your world. And yet, he was being robbed from you.
So soon… It’s too soon!
You always imagined Trevor living well into old age, spending the remainder of his life with you, being happy. He was destined to die peacefully, not like this. Not in this shitty place, by the hands of a shitty monster!
“I can’t. I’m sorry..”
Grabbing his hands, you lowered your forehead on them, crying your heart out. It was unfair. Life was unfair.
“Kiss me.”
Despite the pain that he was in, Trevor found it in himself to smile. For you. “Kiss me one last time.” Tears dropped slowly as you heard him. Shaking your head; you couldn’t kill him.
“I want it to be you..”
His words struck a chord.
Lifting him by the neck in a gentle manner, you pushed the collar of his shirt aside, exposing his carotid. As you bit into his familiar skin once more, your other hand caressed him, trying to make this goodbye as painless as possible.
With every sip you took, tears fell down.
I love you! I love you! I love you!
His warm hand turned cold.
You held him in your arms like he once did to you, with the outmost care, with the love he deserved.
Since Trevor didn’t say where he wanted his body to be buried, you chose the nicest spot. It was a secluded place where it wouldn’t be dug up by animals or people—but not so hidden either.
Whilst cleaning the blood that covered his body and face, you found a piece of cloth with writing on it. Staring at it, you recognized the Belmont insignia. Turning the material, you managed to read the words…
Take this. Go to Alucard.
Trevor must’ve written that in his final moments; probably in case he didn’t make it before you arrived. The letters were sloppy because of the blood but you could read it well.
Clutching it to your chest, you sobbed until the light of day began to burn. For a moment you wished to stay there and disappear. Perhaps you could join Trevor.
Together even in death..
─── ☾☼☽ ───
The journey was rather long.
Looming in all its glory, Castle Dracula. You looked at the last piece of your beloved, holding it tighter in your hand.
“Okay. Let’s meet this Alucard.”
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bokettochild · 3 years
Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones
Angst! My Beloved!
Not a lot of whump here, but I put Wild through the wringer!!! Lots of BotW2 ideas and concepts here, but nothing really cannon.
Also, disclaimer: I think Flora is a wonderful person, a bit harsh and sometimes unkind, but I feel for her a lot. The prompt submitted to me however asked for her as an ass, so that's what's here, for angst reasons. THIS IS NOT HOW I PLAN ON WRITING HER NORMALLY!!!
When Wild left the Chain behind in the woods, it was with a soft smile and a hesitant wave of his right hand. It was with a gentle ‘See y’all later’ that made Warriors shake his head with a sigh while Twilight offered a wobbly grin.
He would join them again, he knew that. After all, Hylia wouldn’t have chosen him to go with them in the first place if he was only supposed to leave before they’d even really started to know what it was that they were meant to be doing.
He’d see them again, and he’d fall back into a routine with all of them, sparring with Warriors and teaching Hyrule to cook and shield surfing with Wind and learning to carve from Sky. He’d go back to sewing with Legend, to exploring with Hyrule, to learning the Ocarina with Time and teasing Twilight about his terrible singing. He could work with Four on the Sheikah Slate and experimenting with different plants he’d gathered. He would see them again, and he’d go back to being busy and smiling nearly every day.
For the time being however, he had to square his shoulders and harden his jaw as he stepped through the swirl of black that had repulsed all the others every time they tried to enter. He had to tame his mind and wild spirit and come to stand before the Princess of Hyrule in all of her stern glory and receive the scolding he was due for wandering off without permission.
He never had time to question what she meant by being gone for ‘two whole weeks’ before she was marching off towards the labs and explaining that there was a new task for them to complete.
Such a task was one that left in his mind no time for thoughts of his brothers save on the lonely nights in the sky when the islands above the clouds were silent save for the birds about him that reminded him of Sky, or when he ran across the forests and was reminded of the wolf that once ran at his side. And, alright, the tiny people in the grass and the fountains reminded him of Four and Hyrule. When the wind sang strong in his ears as he dove towards the earth from the highest places in the sky, he couldn’t help but envision a small hero whose laughter danced like the sea and who’s fingers mastered the currents of wind and sea both.
It was a lonely quest, just like his last before it, but somehow it was more painfully so, now that he knew what it was to have brothers at his side to catch a monster’s blade when he was too slow or to help him patch himself up afterwards. It was quiet when the Princess and he sat around the fires as night, she studying him as he sat still and stonelike as she worked.
The hand that had waved goodbye to his brothers now flickered green and ethereal in the night shades, iron bands clinging to the wisping appendage and acting as a bond to hold its form together. It was nothing like what he’d known or studied in the Sheikah technology, or even what he’d seen from the many worlds he’d traveled with the other, and it earned many a stare and twist of the lips from those he met and traded with during his journey.
The arm was only the first of many changes, it’s power seeping through his body and altering him before he even knew what was happening. He’d hated it at first, disliking how it changed him, made his eyes glow and his hair touch with the same ethereal shades, red bleeding through at the roots and earning him even more wary looks.
Ganon, in all his terrifying power, had been a surprising comfort during the quest, an aid to discovering his new abilities and training them to bend to his own will. The Princess had been wary of their relationship, but had accepted it when she saw what he learned to do, and every evening she would require a report of his newfound skills, as well as the occasional demonstration or examination.
It all came to an end both too soon and not soon enough.
Ganon was gone, as if he’d never been there at all, and the Princess was as cold as ever even after their second adventure at each other's sides. And now there was no use for the abilities that had fused to his soul like the arm had to his flesh. He’d asked Purah if there was something that could be done to restore his body to its normal Hylian state, without the glowing limb that earned his only stares and insults from the village people, but the Princess had overheard it and declared that such a thing should not even be attempted.
“You don’t understand, Link. Don’t be foolish! We have here a scientific marvel ready for our investigation and exploration and you want to get rid of it just because it looks odd?”
He’s shuffled his feet slowly, resisting the impulse to rub at his chest where the Hylian part of him ended and the eldritch horror began. “I can’t live like  Hylian anymore.”
“Because you aren’t one!” Her Highness rolled her eyes. “Honestly, Sir Knight, after everything I certainly doubt that Hylian even applies to you anymore! Hylians do not possess the qualities that you now do, and they most certainly do not travel through stone or time or any other such thing at will. Think would you! You’re something else entirely, and I intend to find out what that is!”
Purah had frowned at that, eyes full of sorrow as they met his own with an apologetic sigh. But there was nothing the de-aged scientist could really say against the royal Sovreign of Hyrule, not as a Sheikah sworn to the service of the royal family. The woman/girl had offered him a sympathetic pat on the head later after climbing up to reach high enough to do so, as well as a few dumplings that Paya had sent on her grandmother’s behalf the day before. It was a welcome gesture, but amounted to so little on the grand scale of life. Not when so many others he had once called his friends had so blatantly rejected the mere sight of him.
Bolson and the other carpenters shied away from him with harsh whispers as they spat insults across the distance.
‘Gerudo Bastard’.
There were favorite insults spread from stable to stable and up and coming village to up and coming town and slowly all of Hyrule knew of the monster that had once been the hero. Gossip abounded, and he couldn’t even turn to shield his face with his hood without drawing attention to his arm.
It was only the koroks that welcomed him, themselves all too accustomed to the strange and ethereal. Them and the blupees.
Maybe it was the knowledge of how it felt to be shot at for his oddness that allowed him to ease into the graces of the flighty animals. And maybe it was his lonely heart crying for comfort, but when nestled in their midst, it almost reminded him of how it felt to be hugged by the salty veteran, on the rare occasional that the pink-haired hero had let down his guard.
The fairy’s tangled themselves in his hair and the blupees gathered at his feet, koroks dancing around him and flying to his side as if he was some sort of forest god, but the strange rise of his spirits in their presence shattered the instant a traveler caught sight of him.
Arrows and fire, once his favorite of weapons, were turned against him as words in every language of the New Hyrule had burst from the mouths of its people, and like his namesake, he ran before them, darting through the forest and fading in amidst the trees, hiding, incorporeal and translucent within the halls of the forest as those he’d once seen as allies pushed him away.
He’d begged the new Queen for aid, for relief or even just a word to the people that he wasn’t the evil they had come to think he was, but she only waved him aside with a purse of her lips. “You are not meant to be here without first asking.” The Child of Hylia declared, eyes as cold as the Shrine’s waters themself. “And why should I make a declaration on behalf of a man who refuses to even speak to me properly? You come groveling like a worm, yet for years it was I who you ignored. See how it feels, Sir Hero, to be the one left helpless at the hands of the country. Know what it is to be scorned by those who you thought would love you.”
He’d barely made it out of the window before the trainee guards of the newly repaired Hyrule Castle had caught him and Queen Zelda Diana Hyrule had stared after him with eyes colder than Hebra’s tallest peaks.
It was the Father Tree -the Deku Tree as the Queen had called it, but the koroks laughed at him for using the name, so he’d adjusted in kind- who suggested that he hide the changes, and he’d begun to wander Hyrule as much as possible to find the materials he would have needed.
The Queen still required his presence regularly so she could inspect him; her love of science no ways tainted as to stop her from ordering him to appear regularly, as there was now no need or safety in his acting as her guard. The Queen sought her people’s respect, and to employ such a being as himself, not Hylian and not quite mortal, would be to spark fear in the people. Indeed, when he skirted villages, he would wince at word of ‘the queen’s monster’ as gossip was traded. Those who didn’t see him themselves knew him as a beast of feral nature who lived amid the lost woods and destroyed any who came close.
“A specter that glows with the light of the shrines.” They would tell each other over campfires. “It has eyes like a ghost, empty and lost, with no care for humanity or Hylia’s chosen. They say it was once the Hero of this world, but he died ages ago.”
“I heard it’s the body, possessed by a being beyond this realm, a monster escaped from the edges of reality that tried to hide in our midst but corrupted it’s host so that it only scares away others, leaving it roam the earth in a shattered body. If you get too close to it though, it’ll take your instead.”
He’d stayed away from towns after that.
The blupees and koroks had been happy to help him to find what he needed to hide among the Hylians should he wish though, and two in particular guided him; the korok swinging little twigs like they were batons and humming swinging little shanties as it hopped along the path, the blupee snorting softly and nipping at his heels when he wandered too far, unnatural purple eyes staring up at him with something that was fondness and a reprimand all at once, and in their care he’d made his way across the land of Hyrule to find what would be needed to return to his once life.
The fairies and their Great cousins had been welcome help, and in time, he’d been able to walk amid the populace of Hyrule like any other, as long as he kept a long cloak about him and his hair pulled back to hide where the roots would begin showing again in gold and ethereal blue.
Once Hyrule had talked about needing to hide in his world, about the curse that followed him and made the Hylian people afraid. He’d thought it bizarre and ridiculous of the people at the time, but now he understood what it was to live it.
When the portal opened beneath his feet the day that the Queen had reprimanded him for concealing and potentially damaging the strange limb, startling the Skeikah scientists and Queen both, he’d nearly cried tears of relief.
He was going away, somewhere where he wasn’t a science project and where, unless they traveled to his world’s future, no one would know how much he had changed. His copy of the slate had enough hair dye to last him a few months, and he was certain he could make more over time, and as long as he continued wearing the tunics and gloves the fairies had helped him to adjust to hide the glow the others would probably never catch on. Or well, he could extend it anyway.
His brothers greeted him with open arms and teary eyes, and in a strange parallel to his adventure, he found himself thinking of blupees when Legend had curled against him, stiff and cold on the outside, but with fingers that clutched his tunic just a bit too tight to really be reluctant. And Four, Hyrule and Wind’s exuberant hugs and chatter brought to mind tiny forest people and koroks with twigs for batons.
It was good to be home.
It was good to cook for other people again, and they were glad to have him cook for them, even if his fondness for both Gerudo spiced dishes and fae like sweet things had increased exponentially during his newest adventure. It was good to fight at their sides, even if it was strange to once again have to take others into account before he could select a weapon. It was good to sit around a fire and talk with the others too, but that was perhaps the hardest one; it had been ages since he’d had a proper two-way conversation with anything other than a tree or a korok, and neither of those was good at either staying awake or staying focused for very long.
There were some harder things to adjust to though. Fire, for one. Unlike before when he’d have been happy to burn an enemy camp to the ground, now he was wary of using faming weapons or spreading heat further than necessary. The same went for hunting; he couldn’t bring himself to shoot an animal unless it attacked first or they needed the meat it would provide, and even then, he felt a bit bad for doing so. Is this what Twilight had felt like? Is this why the rancher never liked hunting? Because he too knew what it was like to be on the other end of the bow?
But the hardest thing by far to readjust to was his name.
‘Wild’ they had called him again, and after months of ‘the wild one’, ‘wild beast’, ‘monster’ and every other insult, slur or title that had been used on him, it made him flinch ever so slightly at the words. And unlike the other things where his brothers dismissed it as a change caused by his adventure or an increase of maturity, it was something that the others seemed to either not notice or to excuse as situational.
He had adapted though, learned to keep a smile on his face where blankness had once been required in his knightly duties, and the more he wore the mask the easier it was to put on again.
He’d reveled in traveling across time again, in dancing through battles and exploring the world without the Queen reprimanding him in her cold tones to stop wandering off. He’d pushed himself to learn more music in the last adventure, and even if his experience was more with what few instruments Ganon had had time to help him learn, he’d enjoyed sitting down with the others and borrowing one or another instrument to play a tune and sometimes he even got to sing.
He fell to comfortably into his role though, even with the changes, and he hadn’t even noticed when they’d come back to his world. To be fair, it was different in the daytime, and Hyrule had changed so much in the absence of her hero as he hid himself away from the eyes of civilization. Towns and roads had sprung up where there had only been fields before, and the Guardians that had littered the land had all been dug up and hauled to the castle to be either restored or destroyed by the Sheikah, depending on what Queen Zelda decided after she looked at them herself. The world was so different to him, so unlike that which he knew, that he’d failed to keep as alert as he ought to have been when he wandered about an open market with the others, laughing and chattering away with the other younger ones as Time and Legend herded them towards the needed stalls.
It was a traveler that was his downfall, a man who’d seen the Monster Hero and had been among the first to discover the disguise he wore.
No questions were asked when the word spread, and Wild hadn’t caught on to the whispers until a stone had struck his cheek and he was stumbling forwards on the path.
“Wild!” Twilight was at his side in a minute, Time right after him as Legend launched a barrage of insults at the guilty party who’d thrown the thing.
“’m fine.” He was careful to wipe the blood away with his cloak, holding the fabric to the wound to prevent bluish blood seeping down his face and exposing him to his brothers. He wanted to keep them as long as possible and proving himself to be a monster, not even Hylian, would surely have them turning their backs on him.
“Get away from him!” A woman scolded, grabbing ahold of two of the younger heroes while several other shoppers had like ways grabbed Legend and Sky. “Are you dears alright? He didn’t hurt you, did he?”
“Freaking what?” Legend shrieked. “Who’s the injured party here?”
“I’d avoid that thing, son.” A man huffed through a frankly walrus like mustache, eyes hard as they trailed to where Wild stood, cloak still pressed to his cheek as he attempted to wave off a fussing Twilight and Time. “It’s not natural. Sure, it looks like a normal Hylian, but that’s just an effective ruse.”
Another villager nodded. “It’s one of the Calamity’s puppets, a Gerudo-Bastard set on destroying the kingdom!”
“He’s the freaking hero!” Legend shrieked, barely being held back by a steely eyed Sky. “He saved all your freaking asses and all you can do is insult his flipping guts? Who’s the-”
“Enough.” There were few times that Sky’s voice reached levels worse than Twilight’s growls, but the stern command, regal and firm, froze all present as the man stiffened with a cold nod towards the villagers. “I see we are unwelcome here, and with that being the case it would be wise to spend our rupees elsewhere. Legend,” A tug to the boy’s shoulders. “Let’s join the others and be out of their hair. If they cannot be welcoming and kind to our brother than they will not receive our patronage.” And like a swan gathering it’s cygnets, Sky swept down the street, cape fluttering as he ushered the rest of them out of the town and back to the safety of the wilds. The village stared after them with wide eyes, as if they’d just been judged by a breathing god.
The stiffness in Sky’s shoulders faded as they neared the edge of the forest, and instantly the Chosen Hero been tutting over Wild, gently but firmly prying his hand away from his face with a kind smile that almost set Wild at ease. Almost.
“It’s fine, it’s just a scrape.”
“Still.” Sky crooned softly. “I’d rather we clean it up now and make sure it’s nothing worse than let it sit and get infected later.”
And though he’d tried to fight, his single Hylian hand was no match for the firm grip of the Skyloftian, and within minutes his face was exposed to the shocked faces and flickering eyes of his brothers.
“It’s blue...” Wind breathed as Hyrule darted forwards, hands already glowing softly only for them to stutter to a stop over Wild’s skin.
“It’s... Wild, why is your blood- why is-” The healer’s eyes had flickered golden for a moment, wide as they stared up at him. “What happened to you-”
“What the freak!” Legend had startled, blinking in surprise as he stared. “Your eyes are glowing!”
Shit! The healing properties of the arm had already taken affect and it was making everything act up all weird! He shot a glance down at his arm, one hand raising to tangle in the long hair he couldn’t even see at the moment, praying silently beneath his breath that nothing was showing through. It wasn’t, but that didn’t change how Hyrule had come to fixate on his right arm, or how the healer's fingers hovered over it sparking and eyes twinkling as he whispered softly under his breath.
“Wild.” Time had sighed. “I think this one is going to need an explanation.”
All the breath left his lung in instants.
He’d panicked to say the least and Time had eventually shooed the others away to make camp as the eldest hero had sat at his side, waiting silently for him to regulate his breathing. Touch was too much right now, and any attempts from the others to ease him down or help him level out his breathes had only made him panic more. But when at last his blue eyes blinked back to clarity it was to see Time sitting at his side, a gentle tune wafting from the Ocarina at his lips.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered, trying his hardest not to startle Time or otherwise make the situation worse. “I should have said something, I know. I just- missed being Wild and I wanted to come back and be normal and I didn’t want to-”
“It’s alright.” Time’s voice rumbled softly, a single blue eye turning to him with a pained look, even as the man offered him a hint of a smile. “None of us talk about our adventures either.”
“Yes, but you’re people.” He sighed, rubbing the fingers of his glove together. “You’re allowed to choose things.”
There was pain in Time’s voice when their leader answered. “And you’re not?”
“I’m not Hylia anymore.” He whispered. “I don’t count.”
“You count to us.”
“That’s because you don’t know.”
Time shifted, turning to face him fully as the ocarina was set firmly in the grass. “That’s because you’re family and we care. Wild, I don’t care if Demise himself named you the king of the dead, you’re still my kid and Nayru knows I’m not going to let you go without a fight. If that means fighting you, alright, but you’d best better believe that no amount of physical or mental changes will break the bonds we all have with you.”
Something, something damaged and crushed and stitched up and torn open again clenched inside of him, tears pricking at his eyes as he stared up at Time’s royal blue gaze. “W-what?”
“You could be granted godhood, made a monster, I don’t care. You’re ours and you’ll have to deal with that.” Time smiled, warm even with the pain in his eyes as he looked down at him. “So how about you start again, maybe with the facts rather than the insults. Or,” Time softened, brows furrowing lightly. “If you want, we can just sit here and you can choose to talk about this later. We do need to know, so we can help you and keep you safe, but you don’t have to tell us right now. You can take some time to figure out what you want to say if you need.”
And, well, shoot him, but Time’s arms had always been a safe place and there was one thing he’d wanted more than anything since he had come back. Wild threw himself into his grand-mentor's arms with a soft sob, clutching tightly to the other, ignoring the armor and its sharp points and awkward shapes as he tried to hold back all the emotions swirling in his chest.
Time’s arms folding around him broke the floodgates though, and when the man’s hand had stroked through his shortened hair, he’d had to bury his face in Tim’s neck to muffle his sobs.
“There, there,” Time hummed softly, rocking slowly as he held the broken wild hero. “Let it out, little one. I have you, I’ve got you and I’m not letting anyone hurt you.”
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