#it made my heart ache
zaras22 · 2 years
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I miss her
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stuckinapril · 8 months
Does anyone want to be friends or to maybe fall in love with me so deeply that we find each other in the next life and every life after that bc our connection is unbreakable across lifetimes
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 2 months
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Daddy, don't go.
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jakkenpoy · 1 year
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come on, let's go home
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“hold on to your heart” // do me a favour live at forest hills stadium new york 08/09/23 ♡
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stray-but-okay · 2 years
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He’s the main attraction
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collinnmckinley · 1 year
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Cayde-6 in Destiny 2: The Final Shape | Teaser Trailer.
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ailendolin · 4 months
The ghosts gave up so much when they told Alison it was okay to leave.
They haven't just lost the Coopers that day - they've lost all the little things Alison (and Mike) have brought into their afterlives. There will be no more war documentaries for the Captain, no more football for Pat, no more Friends for Thomas. No one will lay out their favourite books for them and turn the pages every morning. No one will put on their favourite music, dance with them or set up the chess board. No one will time the Captain's morning run or decorate the Christmas tree just like Fanny likes it.
I know they still have Julian to turn on the TV or music but with the house being turned into a hotel, they can no longer indulge in these things like they used to, not with guests around. And those guests will be staying in their bedrooms, robbing them of what little privacy they have or perhaps forcing them to give up their rooms altogether. Given that none of them used Heather's bedroom when she was alive, I think it's safe to assume they wouldn't constantly want to share their rooms with the livings.
They've lost so much when they let Alison go, and they must have known they would before they talked to her. But they set her free anyway because that's what you do when you love someone: you have their best interests at heart, not your own.
And I think that, more than anything, shows how much they've grown since Alison came into their lives.
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mikimeiko · 7 months
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Kyle Soller as Alfred Hillinghead in Bodies
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sleepanonymous · 6 days
Vessel and III during TMBTE in Montreal; May 25, 2024. Source.
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pinkmirth · 7 months
(slight AoT final episode spoilers below) — calling all reiner braun lovers; this is not a drill! i repeat, this is not a fucking drill! after years of waiting, we finally got clean-shaven rei-rei ><
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pamouche · 2 months
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parallels between ongsa x sun and akk x ayan
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limeartichoke · 2 months
mmm idk how i feel abt this but I'm posting it anyway cause i know someone will appreciate it ‼️‼️
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warpedpuppeteer · 2 months
Buck was a baby when they took his marrow for Daniel and it failed and Daniel died. How much did his parents blame baby Buck for it?? They can't even stand him when he's an adult I can't imagine how bad it was as a baby?? I'm thinking if they left him crying to himself because they didn't want to deal with him. If they just fed him and changed him and just left him in the crib so that they didn't have to deal with him. And baby Buck is just there all alone babbling to himself because his parents wouldn't care to play with him or comfort him.
I wonder if Maddie had to awkwardly carry a baby Buck from his crib so she can try to play with him or to comfort him when he was bawling so hard his face was red and he was gasping for air and Maddie couldn't stand the fact that their parents didn't do anything. Even if she had just lost her other baby brother. If she had to learn how to make milk just right so that she could feed him anytime, even through her own grief. If she hated changing diapers but she didn't want him to get a rash and so did it anyways. I wonder if she's the one who saw him crawl first. If she saw him holding himself up on furniture to start walking and cheered him and little baby Buck just grinned at her and tried to toddle towards her. I wonder if his first word wasn't mom but "mathie" (because he couldn't say the letter d yet). I wonder if he'd look for her when he was upset, throwing a tantrum when she wasn't there and his parents tried to calm him down but all he screams is "i want maddie!". I wonder if he'd have a nightmare and crawl into Maddie's bed and hide there. I wonder if he asked if he can help her comb her hair and Maddie agrees even though he tangles it. I wonder if Maddie got him his first football, teaching him how to kick a goal.
I wonder if years later, when they're more apart than they've ever been, Buck will curl into a little ball while crying and think about crawling into Maddie's arms to feel loved again. If Maddie thought about hugging Buck really hard and hiding under the covers, so that she could feel safe again, fingers trailing over a postcard he sent, smiling but his eyes sad, hoping that even though he's sad, that he's safe. I wonder if every time Buck travels in the jeep, he feels like Maddie is with him, showing him the way. Maybe he even calls the jeep Maddie sometimes and talks to her, just to feel like she's there.
I wonder if Buck walks Maddie down the aisle and thinks about how he once toddled towards her because she loved him, kept him safe and happy and now Buck gets to walk her towards someone who makes her feel safe and happy and loved. And Maddie thinks finally. Finally they are both happy and safe and together again.
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zero-ek · 4 months
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Just saw this and it hit me so frickin hard that i felt compelled to share.
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mismess · 3 months
Watching Monk open up to a nice old lady and have a genuinely nice time for once and seeing some improvement in all aspects of his life, but then something catching in his head that leads him to the conclusion that he has to find the catch, the reason she would ever want to be close to him, to push her away and close himself off cause he can't believe anyone would love him for any other reason than to use him and he doesn't want to get hurt again and again and again-
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