#it might help SOME people but lbr that's not the majority lol
daz4i · 10 months
didn't wanna ramble in the tags of another post so I'm making my own
you can't shame someone out of suicidal thoughts. sorry. I'm real glad for you if thinking "wait, I'm being lame right now" helped you out of suicidal ideation, but you can't turn that energy onto others and especially not at strangers
suicidal people struggle enough as is, you adding even more shame to the mix isn't gonna help anyone, and likely only make things worse
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papatundespainknife · 2 years
was reminded again about how much i HATE the shows names for the mikaelsons bc they DON’T MAKE FUCKING SENSE FOR 10TH CENTURY NORSEMEN. So i’m gonna throw out here the names i used for them on my very short lived klaus and elijah blogs (burn out is real lol). the idea here was that these were their names they were given/born with which they later change around to the ones we know them by to you know, keep up with the times a lil better.
first off the last names are now MíMISSON and MÍMISDÓTTIR because tHaT’s HoW nOrSe LaSt NaMeS wOrK.
Mímir = Mikael Mímir is a famous character in Scandinavian myth. He was a wise man and advisor to Odin who was decapitated in the Æsir–Vanir War. Odin did some witchcraft to preserve his head and now keeps it in the well at the bottom of Yggdrasil and asks him shit. It just feels like the kinda thing parents would name their kid with optimism he’d grow up Wise and favored by Odin but then he turns out Like That. Picks Mikael later on because he would be the time to associate himself with a divine messenger warrior angel who 1v1′d Satan. The prick.
Eistla = Esther Frankly the one I’m least likely to actually USE the canon name for outside of meta and general fandom talking and only for clarity reasons. Since she died in the 10th century and isn’t around again until the 21st century for a hot minute there’s really no need to figure out a new name for her. Derived from “Eist/Oast” which means like “Pyre/Embers/Fire/Etc” also the name of Jotunn.
Freya = Freya No notes for obvious reasons. Fun fact tho, Freya is just the feminine form of Freyr which means “Lord/Master” or “Fertile” which tracks with how both Freya and Freyr are associated with fertility. Freya is the Vanir goddess oflove, beauty, fertility, sex, war, gold, and seiðr (magic for seeing and influencing the future) so I mean, she’s very accurately named lol.
Finnbjǫrn = Finn Honestly again another dude who didn’t really change his name because he was in a box for 900 years but also lucked out that Finn’s both a nickname for his own name and like, A Normal Ass Name to this day. Finn usually refers to Finland/Lapland and björn/bjǫrn means “bear/warrior”. Which like honestly, yes so real, such vibes for my specialest boy.
Eylaugr = Elijah Eylaugr is the male form of Eylaug and is built from “Ey” which means “island” or “floodplain” and Laug which in old germanic means “to celebrate marriage/to swear a holy oath/to be dedicated” and is likely related to the old Norse “Laug/Log” which means “bath (in connection with religious worship)”. Likely picked Elijah due to the auditory similarity to help with like, fucking remembering it and responding to it (honestly a major factor for all of them lbr) but also keeps the holy vibes aesthetic since Elijah is a prophet and miracle worker and I think he’d appreciate that through line of like, aesthetic continuity.
Næskunungr = Nikalus Combination of “Nes” (ness/spit of land) and “Konung” (king). Old Norse neskonungr = 'ness-king', 'small-king'; one who has no more than a ness over which to rule. Which like, god SUCH A BURN EVEN FROM YOUTH. I’d just been looking for something that sounded reasonably close to “Niklaus” on an auditory level but then I saw the breakdown of the parts and was like “oh yeah, that’s Klaus”. Like you could see it as parents being like “aw little king baby :)” or “look at this napeleon complex motherfucker even before napeleon complexes are a THING” and I think that’s beautiful. Goes with Niklaus later because again, reasonably close to Næskunungr in sound and also means “Victor of the people” and I mean...... Yeah.... He’d do that.....
Ragrifridr/Ragnfríðr = Rebekah Built from “regin” (advise/decision/might/power (of the gods) ) and “fríðr” (beautiful/beloved/good/alive/peaceful/safe). She absolutely picked it for the sound and vibes and nothing else but it does mean “Moderator, To Tie, Noose, To Bind, Captivating, Strong Combatant, Hearty”. Which does feel very good for her so like, 10/10 on that front
Kolr = Kol Again another one who gets no notes. Stunning, perfect, flawless. Kol/Kolr in old Norse just means “coal” so like, lol okay I see we gave up around here I guess.
Heðinn = Henrik Heðinn means “jacket of fur or skin” in Old Norse. I’ve already given some leeway in places like Finn’s name which is more finnish than it is norwegian but I gotta draw the line somewhere and I’m doing it at Henrik’s german ass name. Again another one who would’ve never used their canon name because he’s Fuckin’ Dead. Tried to pick something was from the right rough area and sounded similar enough and then I saw the meaning of this name and was like “oh that’s some nice foreshadowing if I’ve ever seen it”.
Since I’m the boss now and say that Sage is from the same time period here’s a more timeline appropriate name for her too
Sannhild = Sage Built of the Old Norse: sannr (true/truthful) and “hildr” (battle/fight). Mainly picked for the auditory closeness to Sage and vibes.
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aylaaescar · 2 years
hello... you mention Ealisay you have my attention. I'm intruiged please tell me more. So maybe some of the uncommon questions for her? 2, 7, 28, aaaand F? ^^
scream ty!! I miss her so bad, I didn't realize until you asked for her lol. she might be due for a replay, I love her v much
2. How easy is it for your character to laugh?
very easy! Ealisay is a pretty jovial person by nature, so it's honestly more OOC for her to not be laughing easily. she loves puns, jokes, and playing pranks with Sera.
7. What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
anything that reminds her of Ostwick, or the Trevelyan family in general. so obviously any mention of the former, or dealing with dignitaries in general. it's... not always the nicest nostalgia? Ealisay has tricky feelings about her family - she doesn't hate them by any means, but she's the youngest and nowhere close to inheriting any major titles, so she never got the attention that her siblings did. being shuffled off to the Chantry to train as a templar didn't help much, either. very much always a mixed feeling for her.
Josie's office also triggers that nostalgia, but in a purely nice way, since she and Josie are good friends. it's hard to feel bad when Josie's around, lbr.
28. Would they prefer a lie over an unpleasant truth?
okay I kinda love this question bc I didn't know what to say at first, but then I thought about it and !!!!!!! anyway! so Ealisay is a noblewoman from Ostwick who then received a big education from the Chantry + training to become a templar. as far as I'm concerned, one w that background would be dealing w largely lies over unpleasant truths, yeah? rich people + a corrupt religious organization. so that's what Ealisay is most familiar with, and probably what her knee-jerk reply would be? sweet lies over unpleasant truths keep the world turning.
however, her actions point in the opposite direction more often than not. Ealisay was sent to Kirkwall during Act 3 to finish her templar training, and she got to see the nightmare conditions that the mages were living in under Meredith's rule first-hand. and she hated it. Ealisay is Andrastian, and everything about what she believed clashed so hard with what she saw. when Meredith called for the annulment, Ealisay was one of the templars to say that what was happening was wrong, and deserted her post. so I, Sierra, would say otherwise from Ealisay's answer: she'll face the unpleasant truths and say if she thinks something is wrong or not, as opposed to others from her background who keep it going with sweet lies. her choices as the Inquisitor are similar - she freely allies with the mages because she believes they deserve freedom and equality the same as anybody, and she chose Briala to ally with because of how horribly the elves were treated in Orlais. it's easier to stick with the sweet lies and the status quo, but Ealisay's not the type to do that if it means people get hurt.
F) What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)?
can I offer you a nice meme in this trying time?
Tumblr media
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bthump · 3 years
What do you think about the point in the story we are at now? Would you say you like the direction Miura is going in or not? What are the things you dislike about Berserk as it is now?
lol this is hard to answer because it’s so heavily dependent on what happens next. I think we’re at a point where everything could start coming together in a way that really appeals to me or where everything could just fall apart and I’ll have to accept that this is no longer a story I’m particularly interested in.
Though I am slightly leaning towards the former right now, whether that’s based on real evidence or mostly blind optimism I’m not entirely sure lol.
Basically I think it’ll depend on a) whether Moonlight Boy becomes a major motivational plot point or turns out to be more of a red herring or brief inciting factor in the shift to a new arc, and b) whether Guts and the rpg group overcome the imminent challenge they’ll face thanks to their personal growth and friendship or whether it’ll fuck them up.
But the reasons I’m feeling tentatively optimistic right now are:
all the foreshadowing re Guts losing himself to the armour and wreaking some havok, which has to happen at some point lbr
fetus as the focal point of Casca’s traumatic memories and symbolizing her thorn-covered heart, which to me screams sacrifice material, which would be the only thing that could make it time sharing Griffith’s body interesting to me (ie what happens to Griffith if it’s sacrificed?)
I’m gonna link this post because I’m still mostly feeling the basics of this theory, ie Skull Knight and Elfhelm in cahoots plotting to use the behelit to entrap the godhand, at Guts and Casca’s expense. Plus another possible way for Moonlight Boy to come to nothing is if it’s a manipulation of Danann’s.
I think Guts is purposefully being written as emotionally distanced from the rpg group, which is a good sign for the power of friendship not saving him yet, and there are also aspects of Guts+rpg group that parallel Griffith+Hawks in the golden age (eg Farnese’s feelings for Guts being paralleled to Casca’s feelings for Griffith, Guts gaining followers who compare him to fire, etc) which also gives me hope that tragedy will strike.
Miura’s little bait and switch wrt Guts and Casca’s relationship that honestly felt like gentle mockery of people who wanted them to immediately get together lol. Yk Casca getting sent out in a pretty dress to meet Guts complete with romantic double page spread and having a breakdown, then changing into pants and cutting her hair and saying how much better it is, and not being able to look at Guts now.
Also more recently, Guts at a loss now that he’s brought Casca’s sanity back and it didn’t actually solve any of his issues. “The hell do I do now?” “You have reached the end of your journey. It is not always a happy thing.” I’ve been worried for a while that Guts’ complex issues have been dropped and we’re meant to see him taking Casca to Elfhelm as him genuinely growing past them, and that one moment was such a huge relief when I read it lol. It really suggests to me that this sidequest was always about Guts trying to find a distraction to avoid dealing with his actual issues (fear/trauma, insecurity, love/hate feelings for Griffith, regret, etc), and those are going to make a return sooner rather than later.
Miura implying in interviews that we’re not all that close to the end, so there’ll probably be at least one more arc after Elfhelm, which gives me more hope that this whole rpg arc will lead to some amount of narrative-shaking tragedy and we’ll get some interesting stuff after.
this parallel with the climax of the Millenium Falcon arc and my firm belief that it has to come full circle.
other stuff like complex apostle characters, the lost chapter worldbuilding, schierke suggesting that her elemental guardians are holy see angels alongside implications that holy see angels are the godhand. Basically my hopes for worldbuilding that doesn’t boil down to good spirit world vs evil spirit world.
all the little suggestions that NGriff isn’t as emotionless as he’d like to be that have nothing to do with a demon fetus giving a shit about its parents
So I guess my answer is that I do like the direction I hope Miura’s going in, but there’s also enough counter evidence that I may be wrong about that direction.
So some of the things I dislike about Berserk now are:
Moonlight Boy and the Fear that he will derail everything and the plot will soon revolve around, idk, Guts and Casca trying to free their kid’s soul bringing them closer together or some awful shit like that.
Moonlight Boy and the Fear that Miura is actually going to ignore the absolutely incredible foundation he wrote in the Golden Age to support the hints of Griffith’s current capacity for emotion in favour of pinning it all on a magic baby.
I have some lowkey fears that Guts “bleeding” for Casca is gonna be a thing, largely based on me recently re-reading the scene where Farnese gets upset about everything Guts has done for her while bathing her. Like yk, maybe Casca will remember Guts saving her and warm up to him... tho in all honesty I can’t actually think of an example of Guts being the one to save her post-Eclipse lmao, he fucks it up every time. Maybe when he first put on the armour and killed an apostle in front of her or w/e, yk. Some shit like that. Like I can come up with 50 counter arguments but those only work if you accept the basic premise that Berserk will be good, yk?
The fear that we are meant to understand that Guts has overcome most of his flaws throughout the Millenium Falcon/Fantasia arcs and will get a big moment to demonstrate that and overcome the armour or save Casca or whatever.
And less speculatively and more generally, like many people I’m not a fan of the current art style, I think the larger cast on Guts’ side is causing some poor writing and not helping the pacing issues (and tbh I think Berserk is paced fairly well up until the boat stuff), I don’t like the lighter more comedic tone right now bc I got into Berserk for the grimdark vibe and tragedy and characters succumbing to their fatal flaws and making huge mistakes and I miss that a lot. I’m not saying Berserk can’t be light and funny and campy but I prefer that Black Swordsman or Conviction Arc style where it’s offset by a lot of fucked up shit, or Golden Age style where there’s an underlying sense of dread bc we already know shit’s going to go wrong, yk? If shit does get dark soon I might end up being a lot less critical of the current tone on re-read tbf.
So basically to sum up:
hopes: tragedy, character flaws that haven’t been dealt with yet coming home to roost, Moonlight Boy becomes a non-issue.
fears: power of friendship staves off tragedy, slower gtsca romance, moonbaby affects plot and emotions, guts’ flaws get brushed under the rug instead of fucking him over
I can argue that the former makes a lot more sense than the latter, but I’ve been burned a lot in my life and I know a lot of fans would argue the latter makes more sense than the former so yk, everyone has their biases including me and idk how blinded I am by those biases lol.
Anyway ty for asking!
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lostinthewinterwood · 4 years
Heart Attack 2020
Hey friend!
Looks like you and I both like to write like the wind and suffer in the process, so without further ado, let’s go :D
Also, oops, my habit of procrastination has caught up with me… sorry about that!  Here’s a letter now at least…
   General DNW
explicit sexual content;
incest (incl. adoptive/chosen family);
non-canonical permanent major character death;
complete downer endings;
hurt no comfort;
heavy angst;
on-page deliberate self-harm*;
on-page suicide;
graphic physical trauma;
character bashing;
cringe comedy;
fic that’s all about real-world bigotries or real-world politics;
canon-typical 2020;
unrequested full-setting AUs;
unrequested identity headcanons;
unrequested romance as the main plot.
*I don’t include things like, say, punching a wall in a fit of emotion under this. However, something like cutting would not be appreciated.
General Likes
– I really like plotty fics
– Secret identity and disguise shenanigans, the more layers to them and more absurdity the better.
– Crossdressing for whatever reason and gender disguises, also for whatever reason, though not as a fetish thing—that I enjoy less.
– Time travel and time loops are always fun, especially as a fix-it.  I have a general preference for Peggy Sue style (aka, an older character getting put back in their younger body at an earlier point in the timeline) over the character’s physical body stepping back in time, but either one is good.
– A focus on family and/or friendship, especially characters realizing they’re not nearly as alone as they think they are, and just generally characters who like each other and enjoy spending time together
– Found family; families of choice
– Character studies
– Worldbuilding
– Canon-divergence AUs and missing scenes; things set pre- or post-canon; wriggling into canon and poking at it to see what it spits back at you, if that description makes any sense at all.
wherein i request a time-travel canon and mostly don't request time travelers [art and fic]
Mother of Learning - nobody103  
·        Alanic Zosk & Silverlake (Mother of Learning)
·        Zach Noveda & None (Mother of Learning)
·        Kirielle Kazinski & Zorian Kazinski (Mother of Learning)
·        Kirielle Kazinski & None (Mother of Learning)
·        Raynie & Kiana (Mother of Learning)
·        Neoluma-Manu Iljatir & Zach Noveda (Mother of Learning)
·        Alanic Zosk & Xvim Chao (Mother of Learning)
fandom-specific dnw: romantic and/or sexual Zach/Zorian; physical parental abuse within the Kazinski family; significant exaggeration of canonical emotional neglect/abuse/general family dysfunction
If you want to write an AU, you can consider any AU requested for AUEx for Mother of Learning, as listed here, to be requested in this exchange as well, even if the requested characters aren’t requested there, as long as it isn’t written as purely mundane.
I’ve written a fair few Mother of Learning prompts already; if you want to see me going off more about things, especially for Kirielle, please see the Mother of Learning section of my Gen Freeform Ex letter here.  If you don’t want to click through, though, here’s a bit of things.  
 Kirielle, Kirielle & Zorian:
If you want to focus on Kirielle’s relationship with someone who isn’t Zorian, for Kirielle and Nochka, they’re adorable and I’d love a further development of their friendship, especially getting to see it grow and develop over the months and years after the invasion.  If you want to write about Kiri and Zach, these two seem to have a lot of fun teaming up against Zorian lol, I really enjoy their dynamic and how they play off each other.  For Kirielle and Zorian, I love their dynamic!  And again here I’d really enjoy seeing their relationship developing in real time, rather than a constantly looping world.  I think it would be great to see either of them defending the other to their parents—and maybe Zorian ends up with custody of Kiri, there’s definitely things to explore there.
For Kirielle by herself, I’d love some sort of character study—what does she do now that the time loop is over?  She’s growing up into a war; will she be a mage?  An artist?  Something else?  Alternatively—what if she got pulled into the loop; what would it be like to grow older while still looking nine?
 Zach, Zach & Neolu:
Assuming you don’t go for a setting AU, I’d generally prefer something set at least in part after the time loop begins, but beyond that I don’t have a strong preference for where in the timeline this might be set.  Maybe something from before Zorian got looped in—maybe one of the iterations where Zach and Neolu just went off across the country having fun the whole month? Zach doing whatever, possibly very early on, or maybe him freaking out a little because what the hell, time travel is supposed to be impossible, and yet—what did he do in the start?
Or for post-canon, I’d really like an exploration of Zach, who’s got the lived-time of a middle-aged man and the body of a teenager—how does he relate to his classmates/other people in the real world, where everyone’s growing again?  Maybe something about his lawsuit against his caretaker, or just a little thing with him, Zorian, and How Do You Live Normally, Again?  This Is Hard, or some such thing.
 Raynie & Kiana:
Me? Latching onto a minor character in a big sprawling canon? It’s more likely than you think!
Anyway I like Raynie a lot; we don’t get a whole lot on her, but what we do get paints her as someone who’s having a very interesting life of her own, utterly divorced from the timeloop shenanigans (except re: the shifter children thing).
I like her and Kiana’s friendship, too; I like how when we finally see more of them both we learn more about how they’re similar and different.
For specific prompts, if you want to go pre-canon I’d really love something with her initial going to Cyoria and how she befriended Kiana in the first place (or, perhaps more likely, how Kiana befriended her; I somehow doubt that Raynie age 13, recently semi-exiled from her tribe, was particularly in search of outsider friends).
For post-canon, really, anything dealing with the fallout of all the things that go down in the real world would be fantastic too.
 Alanic & Silverlake, Alanic & Xvim:
I’ve grouped these because they both have to do with Alanic, but really they’re not very similar prompts.
For Alanic and Silverlake I’d be very interested in something to do with Alanic’s backstory; Silverlake knew him as a young necromancer, so… what happened there?  How did they know each other?  Why was Alanic set on becoming a necromancer; clearly he got far enough to have soul sight himself—how’d he get that?  Why did he leave the necromancer’s path to become a priest?
For Alanic and Xvim, I dunno, this seemed fun?  They’re both part of the “annoying but ultimately helpful teacher” club to Zorian, and they get along well with each other—gonna admit I don’t fully remember what goes down for them in the final, real-world iteration, but.  They’re both a lot of fun and they play off each other well; just go wild here.  I’m down for it if you are.
 mostly found family and similar vibes here lbr [art and fic]
Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure (Cartoon)  
·        Cassandra & Varian (Disney: Tangled)
·        Eugene Fitzherbert | Flynn Rider & Red | Catalina (Disney: Tangled)
·        Angry | Keira & Eugene Fitzherbert | Flynn Rider (Disney: Tangled)
·        Cassandra & Red | Catalina (Disney: Tangled)
·        Cassandra & Eugene Fitzherbert | Flynn Rider (Disney: Tangled)
·        Angry | Keira & Red | Catalina & Lance Strongbow (Disney: Tangled)
·        Angry | Keira & Red | Catalina (Disney: Tangled)
fandom-specific notes: Cass's canonical injured hand/arm that canon just kind of... forgets about and doesn't ever address after it's introduced is totally fair game; I'd love something that addressed that, just nothing too graphic about the original injury please.  Dnw fic which explicitly breaks up Rapunzel/Eugene.
So, overall, I just love this show a lot?  It’s just so wholesome and heartfelt and hopeful?  Anything you write which can grab that vibe I’ll probably enjoy tbh.
But! Onwards to specifics!
 Cass & Varian, Cass & Catalina, Cass & Eugene:
This is my “team betrayed Rapunzel and/or ill-advisedly trusted a blue spirit in the woods and/or died for her before being resurrected” group lol, and I’d love something that explores one of those things; canon gives us a little bit of that between Cass and Varian in the form of “Nothing Left to Lose,” but it doesn’t really address it after they’ve both found their way back; I’d love something post-canon for any of these pairs, after Cass has finally got her act together and they can start learning to deal with all of it.  Sharing their experiences!  Figuring out how to emotionally process the bad (or good-but-with-unfortunate-consequences-even-if-only-temporary) decisions you made!  I’m here for it.
 Eugene & Angry, Eugene & Catalina, Angry & Catalina, Angry & Catalina & Lance:
All the found family! If you’re just dealing with Angry and Catalina, I’d take anything at any point in the timeline tbh—how did they meet? When and how did they start thieving together?  What did they do between their major appearances in the show?  If you go post-canon—how do they work out their new lives with Lance?  They’ve been living on their own for at least two years, probably longer; how do they learn to let go and let someone else take care of them?  And for either (or both tbh) of them with Eugene—former child-thieves, reformed because of Rapunzel!  He doesn’t have any parental-style authority over them; how do they relate to him as opposed to Lance, in a post-canon world?
 superhero time babey [art and fic]
Secret Society of Second-Born Royals (2020) [SAFETY]  
·        Matteo & Roxana & Sam & Tuma (Secret Society of Second-Born Royals)
·        January & Matteo & Roxana & Tuma & Sam (Secret Society of Second-Born Royals)
·        Mike Kleinberg & Sam (Secret Society of Second-Born Royals)
·        Eleanor & None (Secret Society of Second-Born Royals)
·        Catherine & Eleanor & Sam (Secret Society of Second-Born Royals)
·        January & Sam (Secret Society of Second-Born Royals)
·        Eleanor & Sam (Secret Society of Second-Born Royals)
·        Worldbuilding & None (Secret Society of Second-Born Royals)
Fandom-specific dnw: January as purely, irredeemably evil; absolute monarchy as unambiguously purely good.
Fandom-specific note: since I’m directly asking for politics in the worldbuilding option, it would be a bit silly to fully dnw real-world politics in this real-world-adjacent setting. Don’t worry about referencing real politics if that’s where you go with your fic; however, I would rather any focused-on politics be filtered through the context of the fictional countries the film uses, and please don’t reference real-world American politics post-2015.  “unrequested full setting aus” dnw has been modified to “unrequested mundane aus” so if you want to, idk, put them in a fairytale au or a sports-but-still-have-powers au or something—go right ahead.
So, I enjoyed this silly little movie quite a lot—the characters were a lot of fun!  I love them all!  I really mostly just want more of them tbh.  If you want an overarching theme—I would adore time travel here, even more than I normally do. Time loops especially are just… perfection.
 Matteo & Roxana & Sam & Tuma, January & Matteo & Roxana & Tuma & Sam:
Team fic! Team fic! Team fic!  For these two sets, I’d love something about the whole team—of course—doing team-y things. You could set it in the summer, before shit goes down in the climax; or you could set it after—they’re going after January, of course.  What happens when they finally catch up to her?  What do they do?  How do they all process the relevant emotions of having been betrayed?  Do we catch a redemption arc?
 Mike & Sam:
These two are such good friends!  I like their friendship a lot, and I’d love to see more of it.  Something fun would be pre-canon—how did they meet?  What led them to start their band?  How much traction does their band have, really? Or post-canon—even having forgiven her, it’s got to be a lot to deal with, your best friend turning out to not just be a princess, but a superhero princess, while you’re just… a groundskeeper’s son(?).
 Eleanor, Eleanor & Sam, Catherine & Eleanor & Sam:
Family times!  There’s a lot of tension and secrets here, have been for a long time; tell me how they come to deal with it all and learn to live with each other better than they have been before the film—or give me backstory! How did things end up spiraling this far down?
 January & Sam:
I’d love to have something dealing with January’s PoV on the events of the film, or Sam’s PoV on January; more fun with secrets and betrayals!  (Fun for the audience at least; maybe less fun for these two though.) They got pretty close, after all—how did that have January feeling?  Did she second-guess herself over that?  How about Sam—she was the one betrayed by her new friend, after all.  If you want to see me talking more about just January, check out my Yuletide letter here.
Okay, so, I really did like this movie, so I say this affectionately, but… to call the worldbuilding here flimsy would be to, well, imply that it had bothered doing any worldbuilding whatsoever, and that’s not quite accurate, now is it?  To be clear, I do think this was probably a good decision, given that the movie is dedicated to superhero funtimes, not How The Hell Is This Happening, but it does leave me with so very many questions. For being a movie all about royalty, this movie is almost allergic to actually engaging any of the politics it hints at, what with the presented sides being “monarchy good” and “terrorism is fine actually”; if you want to write about the politics of the world these characters live in, by all means go ahead! For example, how did they manage to be a Western European absolute monarchy all the way to the present day?  I’d love to see that, or anything like it really, explored.  Other worldbuilding I’d be interested in includes an exploration of the “gene” which… somehow… manifests exclusively in second-born children of royal bloodlines—does this include bastard children?  What counts as a royal bloodline?  What happens when one of the superhero royal children has to ascend the throne?  Why only the second-born?  Is it really genetic at all, or is it some sort of magic?  If not magic, then wtaf is going on in the genetics of this world, I have to know more.
 disguise shenaniganery and/or PUNS
Original Work [SAFETY]
·        Male Student Mage Disguised as a Girl/Female Student Warrior Disguised as a Boy (M/F)
·        Male Student Mage Disguised as a Girl/Female Fellow Student Mage (M/F)
·        Male Student Mage Disguised as a Girl & Male Student Warrior (M & M)
·        Male Student Mage Disguised as a Girl & His Older Female Mentor (M & F)
·        Male Student Mage Disguised as a Girl & Female Student Warrior Disguised as a Boy (M & F)
·        Male Student Mage Disguised as a Girl & Female Fellow Student Mage (M & F)
·        Child Superhero & Their Concerned Supervillain Nemesis (Any & Any)
·        Spellsword Mercenary & Mathemagician (Any & Any)
fandom-specific dnw: age gaps in ships of more than 3 or so years when one character is underage; predatory manipulation between characters in the relationship in service of the relationship–if characters are manipulating each other for non-relationship things and such that’s okay, but i’d rather both parties in any of the ships be interested in the romance of their own accord. Additionally, please don’t have characters react to any gender-disguised characters (or characters in general, but it’s most relevant to them) in transphobic or transphobic-adjacent ways (i.e. none of the characters are requested as trans, but I still wouldn’t want to see the kinds of comments people make about trans people aimed at them). I’d also rather not see any kind of serious relationship with at least one character disguising their gender pre-reveal of that disguise–flirting, starting to date a little is okay but if it’s going further please have them reveal it. Please don’t play into the idea of gender-disguised character as “trap”.
also dnw characters requested as gender-disguised to be written as trans or to be written as absolutely loathing their disguise. other characters are fair game. if writing trans characters, dnw them to be explicitly nondysphoric (but not addressing it is fine).
fandom-specific note: the “setting au” dnw obviously does not apply here; my typical “identity headcanon” au dnw has been replaced by a dnw for “marginalized identities as the main focus of a fic” since there isn’t exactly a canon here lol.
If you’re a lovely friend who wants to do treats, I’d be totally on board for art treats for this section; however, I haven’t requested them as actual fills.
All of these are fun groupings that, I think, imply both setting and some amount of plot; but I’ll have some more specific prompts anyway.  Overall I like all sorts of settings; all of my requested pairs imply some amount of speculative elements in the setting, but beyond that it’s all up to you.  Just-left-of-modern?  Ancient China but with magic?  IN SPACE? Whatever you want to do, go for it.
 Male Student Mage Disguised as a Girl &/Whoever:
Look, I’m a sucker for identity/disguise shenanigans, and I love gender disguises, and for all the books I read as a kid featuring girls disguising themselves as boys to do [insert restricted activity here], I never saw its natural inverse; this is a travesty and must be corrected for.  Anything playing into this whole trope/idea is just chef’s kiss, I promise you I’ll love it.
 Child Superhero & Their Concerned Supervillain Nemesis:
Another favorite dynamic of mine!  I love supervillains getting tricked into that semi-parental role where they’re like “hang on I may be a supervillain and a criminal but you’re a child where are your parents what are you doing here,” it’s quite possibly the Best dynamic I have yet encountered in superhero fiction… even if I haven’t actually encountered it all that much.
 Spellsword Mercenary & Mathemagician:
Okay, I’ll admit that I mostly nominated and requested this for the pun potential.  But I think there’s also quite a lot of implicit lore you could really dig into; what kind of world is this, where magic can be imbued in or used through swords, but can also be related to mathematics?  Tell me more about it!  How do these two know each other?  Are they both shamelessly, pundamentally invested in wordplay as well as their actual jobs?  If you’re looking for more plot-implying ideas, I would be super down if you wanted to map this onto one of my other origfic requests (but no pressure lol).
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leftnipsdoodles · 5 years
with Eris coming back i wanna give some attention to Asher bc im Like That
specifically, the fact that he might very well be the person Eris referred to as her cousin back when they were both alive. and i’ll get to sth abt that in a second, but first, here’s what the lore regarding this person says:
Undelivered, lost.
Cousin, do you remember the streets of the Last City? Do you remember eating fresh red grapes and playing tag between the market stalls? You cannot. We grew, we died, we were reborn. But I remember. It is the one thing I know is true. You used to LAUGH. What manipulation of the fates has led us each to our own calamities? [Forceful, looping script.] I listen to Vanguard channels every day for news of your death. If and when that news comes, I will fly to you at once, no matter where I am and no matter what front I fight on. [Aggressive pressure, carved deep enough into the paper to tear it.] I swear it.
- lore entry ‘Letters’, presumably letters Eris wrote and tried to deliver to several different people
3. I submit to you now photographic and video evidence recovered from civilian family albums, historical archives, and extant Ghost recordings originally captured in the Last City. Behold, ERI-223: a child of the Last City, born to civilian parents in a mortal-Guardian integrated neighborhood. Behold, too, tiny VIP #1786—though he is almost more unbelievable than ERI-223, if you look at his smile. 
- lore entry ‘Forgeries’, dissecting and fact-checking the Truth to Power lore (in this case, confirming what Eris said abt her backstory in Letters)
i highlighted the contextually important parts here.
We grew, we died, we were reborn. -> Asher confirms multiple times that he’s never been to the Reef and goes above and beyond to distance himself from Reef Awoken. while this might mean he just died on Earth and doesn’t remember being at the Reef, it’s equally as possible he’s simply Earthborn.
You used to LAUGH. What manipulation of the fates has led us each to our own calamities? / [...] though he is almost more unbelievable than ERI-223, if you look at his smile. -> I used to think Toland was a good contester for being the person she talks about, since he’s also suffered a pretty bad(ass) fate like Eris, so she could be referring to him. But, we do know he’s still as... jovial, as ever. Asher on the other hand is known to be a big ol’ grump. The only time he does anything close to smiling is when he’s being condescending lol
I listen to Vanguard channels every day for news of your death. -> Eris obviously knows what’s going on with Asher’s ‘disease’. The first time we hear about him is in the grimoire where she visits him at the hospital while he’s in a coma after the whole Brakion thing. Toland’s already dead more or less but more importantly, the Vanguard wouldn’t report on him since he’s not affiliated with them because, yknow. He’s a ball. Asher on the other hand (heh) is specifically said to work under the Vanguard and his death would definitely have to be relayed to them.
now, the only reason i’m not 100% on all this is because, as always, the timeline in Destiny is a mess. I’ve talked abt it before but unless we get confirmation that Ghosts are able to revive someone at an age they never were (bc they died early or whatever), i dont see it adding up. Asher looks old, bruh. and he’s Awoken. we do know that while they do age outside of the Distributary, they do it at a much slower rate than humans. so for him to look this old, he must’ve been around for centuries before dying (since humans’ lifespans in this universe are already tripled). but the way the Awoken lore is written, it doesn’t sound like they have been on Earth long enough to warrant him ever getting this old before dying and being rezzed as a Guardian. and by his own admission, he’s been a Guardian long enough to see 6 different Hunter Vanguards come and go, which, while Hunter Vanguards change more quickly than the others, would still give us a rather long timespan. i will point out that all this COULD still add up, just because the timeline in Destiny has always been incredibly vague. so even if it doesn’t seem to add up now, the author’s intent would overrule any inconsistencies.
the other thing i want to put up for debate is the familial aspect of it, since I feel like these two being related feels ‘unbelievable’ (not that it has to be, but lbr). bear with me for a second, im gonna throw a lot of speculation at you but i hope you can understand that im doing my best to keep it in line with what we know: Awoken seem to face some sort of discrimination on Earth. 2 NPC lines hint at this: 1) ‘Who cares if he’s an Awoken? We’re in love, mom!’ 2) ‘I can’t believe it. I don’t mind that he was Awoken, but an artist? I mean, come on!‘ this is today, in a time where Awoken have been on Earth for a while. it was probably worse when they first got here, even tho in the lore, it is mentioned that generally the arrival of the Awoken was seen as something positive (since they came in a time of need, specifically to help. so not only were they seen as actual aid, but they also brought hope that not everything from outer space is here to kill humans). however, i’d say that especially in a day-to-day context, they would still be mistrusted. especially once they started banging humans. we all know how ppl react to outsiders ‘stealing’ things from them.
now, since we’re told that Eris grew up in a ‘mortal-Guardian integrated neighborhood’, when we know that most civilians outside of the Tower tend to be wary or even fearful of Guardians, i think it’s safe to assume she was born into a more ‘progressive’ environment. meaning it wouldn’t be a stretch for her to grow up around Awoken.
we don’t know for sure whether Eris is Awoken or just a Human with a very pale complexion (her being transformed by the Hive doesn’t help). either way, what I’m getting at with all this is that ‘cousin’ doesn’t have to be a familial term. ‘cousin’ is used by the Reef Awoken to refer to Awoken Player Characters (who, even tho it’s later hinted that we’re from the Reef ourselves, are presumed to be Earthborn by said Reef Awoken). ‘brother’/’sister’ is used as well.  if we think Eris is Human, her calling an Awoken kid ‘cousin’ would fit in with her being from an integrating neighborhood. (EDIT: we even have the lore mentioning humans as ‘cousins’ of the Awoken: ‘Those who left went to scour the ruins for lost history and give some succor to their Human cousins [...]’ -lore entry ‘Revanche V’) if we think Eris is Awoken herself, her calling another Awoken ‘cousin’ wouldn’t feel unusual either. on the other hand, there’s the untapped potential in Awoken-Human hybrids that are mentioned by the lore but just *clenches fist* never fkn explored. so her looking so different from him could have a number of explanations and doesn’t necessarily mean they’re not related. but like i said, i think the majority of us can’t see it lmfao
ANYWAY what im saying is that whether ‘cousin’ is meant literally or figuratively, it wouldn’t disprove the possibility of Asher being the cousin Eris mentions as part of her past.
so uhh, these are all my thoughts on the matter. feel free to tell me your own if you disagree or feel like adding sth!
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laufire · 5 years
I have a longer post about this in my drafts, with examples and links and all that, but I don’t feel like going through it all rn tbh. And I prefer keeping it ~vague for now, even if I’ll probably talk about it more at some point (the examples *do* help get the point across, lbr), because this week I’ve already had enough IRL drama lol. So.
Lately, I’ve thought about accusations of “pandering” to writers, and more often than not, they come off as people getting mad at them because they are taking the story exactly where everything in their bodies is BEGGING them to take it (sometimes against themselves which leads to hilarious results lmao). 
And if that’s not where WE want it to go, then it must be wrong, right? There’s no way that’s Good Writing(TM)?? If we don’t like it (and we’re right, because of course we are), then it means it’s not how it’s SUPPOSED to be. The writers are choosing WRONG (never mind that I don’t think writers “choose” a lot of the time; we just do what feels right). How can they not see what we see??
But admitting we and the writers see the story in a fundamentally different way means, at least on some level, admitting that WE might not be getting something right, that we must be missing *something* they’re trying to do. Even if a lot of fandom discourse consists of bemoaning how we fans don’t or even shouldn’t care about canon... Man, we care. We care a LOT. Canon makes us and breaks us. 
So. We can’t admit we might be wrong about canon. That means the writers aren’t doing what they SHOULD be doing. As if somewhere, in a city lost in lava, there’s a buried sacred version of the text written in some forgotten language, and the writers are merely the defective channels of this pure, unadulterated version of the story. I know it sounds ridiculous, but I swear, every time I hear an argument about how writers are “getting it wrong!” (and that argument has been about the same “it” --also known as “their own story”-- for SEVERAL. SEASONS. aka, A PATTERN. If “it” it’s not a bug, but a feature, then maybe we should pause and rethink our argument, just saying), that’s what I hear.
All of this is to say: if the writers aren’t getting the story RIGHT, it must be someone’s fault. It must mean they’re doing these things we hate because their fans are pushing them to it! They’re pandering to them to keep them happy! And screwing us in the process! The writers are weak-willed sycophants that can’t even do their own story justice, the nerve.
There are several issues with this, the main one being: there’s no hidden, “true” version of a story. There’s the text, and that’s it. There might be numerous ways of interpreting it (not infinite, though, IMO; at some point you’re just lying about the text. Which is your prerogative, but don’t ask the rest of us to go along with it if we don’t want to), we can think X or Y or Z plot was a mistake, that the writers missed several opportunities of making something greater, whatever. But what you see is what you get. Quitting is always an option; and if you can’t, you might have to start thinking about what it is about the story that’s got you hooked like that *shrugs*. Usually, if writers love their story, truly love it, fans can’t get enough of it, even if they suffer for and hate everything it chooses to be. And I think that’s really incredible TBH, but that might be something for another post.  
I’m not saying there’s no such a thing as pandering, ever, but I don’t think it looks like what fandom thinks it looks like? For one, pandering is always meaningless, in the long run. It’s a throwaway moment with absolutely no impact over the narrative. It’s never a long-term, lovingly crafter narrative expanding over the years --often with signs from the very beginning--, or a ship that rewrites the entire DNA of a story, or a character that re-arranges the entire cast. It’s never something major, something you can’t take back because it sinks its claws into the narrative and doesn’t let go.
And as a (for now) final side-note, I find it particularly hilarious/annoying when the sector making the accusations of “pandering” is the most active, vocal, and hostile section of a given fandom, vs. a relatively smaller fanbase. I mean, if writers were ever going to pander to anyone for praise or to get them off their back, you’d think it be to those kinds of people, right? The fact that they don’t, tells me they are convinced of their story, and fuck everybody else; which IMO, it’s the single best stance a writer can take. 
OTOH these fanbases play a two-faced game where they brag about how numerous they are and how their character/ship/etc. is so popular and beloved and has the most content, while simultaneously bemoaning they’re also the underdogs here and everyone else is pilling on them. Pick one, people. And they truly believe this, because yes, numbers are on their side, but CANON ISN’T. And canon really fucking matters. 
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rkwendy · 6 years
Five Times Around The Sun: A Rookies Fifth Anniversary Special
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Dear Rookies,
First of all, I’d like to wish the roleplay a happy fifth birthday! I’m aware that not many roleplays live to make it this far. For you guys to make it, I’ll bet it’s some sort of achievement. And it’s all because of the work both the mods and the members of the community put into this. Let’s give ourselves a round of applause!
I warn you that this is more than 5,500 words long. So yeah. You are free to just skip over this if you wish!
There’s so much I want to say, but I’ve never been great at expressing my feelings. (Fun fact: my mom and I start laughing whenever one of us starts getting cheesy or emotional.) I never even properly celebrated either muse’s anniversaries despite them being in Rookies for more than two years! Forgive me if this gets too long. I promise I’ll do my best to keep this concise (Wow, big word!)
With this knowledge, please bear with me as I struggle to convey all that I want to say without cringing at myself.
I guess it’s safest to start sharing the story of why I opted to join Rookies in the first place. Like majority of what happened to me in terms of KRP, it was a complete accident. I have been in KRP since 2011 (if any of you have heard of ADiS, then… yeah… shifty eyes). I kind of stopped roleplaying because a job with a newspaper was difficult af. (I only went home to shower and eat. I was lucky to be able to sleep, lbr here) Anyway, I needed something to do once I resigned from my old job, and my friends got me back into KRP via a Kingsman-themed one, since they wanted someone to RP Infinite with them. I think some of you know which one it is. /cackles/
MOVING ON. This same friend also planned to join the Rookies and wanted a ship for their muse. We both ended up doing applications, but I was the only one who was able to submit because my friend ended up getting a job. Thus, my friend was never able to join the RP and I got accepted.
A little history time! Please bear with me, this is going to be irrelevant to you but I feel like I need to talk about this. Fun fact I probably never told anyone! Wendy was originally meant to be a Krystal muse. However, I had to make a few adjustments because there was either a Krystal reserve or there was a Krystal muse in the RP. I can’t remember which one it was. The muse was loosely inspired by Berry Good’s Johyun and NCT Dream’s Jaemin, who both used to be competitive speed skaters before they became idols. I changed the sport to figure skating because that is the sport I know best. Wendy was also based on several friends of mine, who were all a bunch of somewhat pretty overachievers. (Going to one of the top universities in the country enables you to meet these people, more on that when I talk about Johnny later on.)
I’m not going to lie, this was the first time I was in a directory that was this HUGE. (Not even ADiS was this huge. Min, please correct me if I’m wrong.) It was easy for me to get overwhelmed by the sheer number of people in the directory, along with concerns that my muse was just going to drown among the many way more interesting muses than what I had to offer.
It would have been easier for me to quit, since the reason I joined was gone. However, Jen ( @yujurk ) turned out to be one of my friends from my Indie RP days! Not going to lie, if it wasn’t for Jen, I doubt I’d have stayed in the roleplay at all. Jen helped ease me into the roleplay in all ways imaginable: by plotting with me, introducing me to muns from the same timezone, and answering any questions in case our good mods weren’t online.
As I was navigating and slowly finding my place in the RP, the third season of the MGAs happened! Not going to lie, I wasn’t sure I was ready for Wendy to be signed, but I thought I might as well do it for the lulz. I know I said this a lot, but the MGAs were probably the among the wildest things I ever put a muse through that I swore that I was never putting another muse through it. Despite that, I’m glad I put Wendy through the experience. It taught her a lot about herself, as well as how far she was willing to push in order to achieve her dreams. At this point, I would like to give a shout-out to Team Nova! Wendy and I can’t imagine having any other teammates besides Jungwoo ( @jungwooxrk ), and the former Luhan ( who is still around as @rksoojung and is still one of Wendy’s loves ), Mijoo, and Soyou (RIP muses). Of course, Wendy owes Ricky ( @rkrxcky ) a lot for leading her to where she is today. Thanks you guys.
After the MGAs, Wendy signed with Nova. I’d like to thank everyone in the Nova family, both past and present, for putting up with this tiny girl who claims to be their future CEO. After two years with the company, Wendy has become (hopefully) an even better vocalist and composer. Sure, her dancing and charisma can use more work — scratch that, a lot more work — but we will get her to a level that’s passable. After all, if she intends to inherit the company someday, she has to do well in the department Nova is known for. I never thought Wendy would last this long as a trainee, but here we are. She could have easily left during Royal Survival, but she didn’t. OOC, the event happened when I was taking TOPIK so RIP. IC, the reason was because she believes in whatever plans Nova has for her (if there are any LMAO). Although she’s having second thoughts now, she’s still determined to see it through. She intends to inherit the company from Hyun Bin, so she has to stay. LOL.
To Minju ( @jinkyungxrk ), thank you for being one of the first to welcome Wendy to the company and making it easy for her to adjust to trainee life. Ani ( @rkmiya ), Wendy and Sunmi have made it! Can you all believe it took Wendy TWO FREAKING YEARS to get comfortable enough with Sunmi to call her unni? And can you all believe it took us around that long to actually plot properly? JFC we are both such snails. Matt ( @rksona ), wherever you are, Wendy will always consider Dawon as one of her Nova best friends. After all, they’re both vocalists who signed pretty close to the same time. To my fellow KRP senior citizen MC/Jae ( @sujirk ) (IDK which you prefer so I’ll use both), it’s nice to know there’s someone close to my age who’s still RP-ing too, despite feeling like that Will Smith meme when finding out how YOUNG some of these children are. And here’s to Wendy and Suji getting to know each other and becoming closer. Maddy ( @rkkaeun )… Where do I even begin? Wendy likes Kaeun a lot and is excited to see how Kaeun will grow, and I feel the same about you too. To Chaeyoung mun ( @rkchaeyoung ) (Honestly, I have no idea how you like to be called, so I shall refer to you as Sowon and Chaeyoung mun for now, I’m so sorry!) and Sunny ( @rkmeiqi ), Chaeyoung and Meiqi are special to Wendy because they are simply the first fellow 98-line girls to join Nova. To Neo ( @rkyngsun ), we have yet to talk a lot and plot more, but I’m grateful that you’re okay with Wendy going all Regina George on your girl. This is going to be a slightly slow burn ship before these vocalists become gay for each other in a way. But I just hope we stick together for this crazy ride. And Nana ( @hyunark ), with Hyuna signed to Nova, Wendy’s even happier than ever, despite feeling some occasional salt at their beloved CEO. Here’s to our girls writing more songs together~
To the boys of Nova, thank you all for being the best boys you can possibly be. To Jess ( @rkhuidong ), thank you having Hui be kind of like a dad/older brother to Wendy. Thank you for assuring her that she did the right thing even if she was punished for it. To Chanel, (OMG this is mention number 2, Chanel!) Ricky is Wendy’s coach and kind of mentor, as well as the fourth-wall reality check. To Lex (you better get used to this. I have a feeling you’ll be mentioned A LOT), our kids have gone through so much, haven’t they? The MGAs, surviving Nova, and a lot more. Wendy cares for Jungwoo a lot, and she hopes they can tough this out together. To Joi ( @bambamrk ), Wendy’s always admired how cool and nice he is. She hopes he’s happy. To Fifi  ( @haknyeonrk ), Circe ( @rkmbin ), and Lulu ( @rksxngyeol ), Wendy would love to get to know your boys all so much better. To Rome ( @rkromeo ), (the now-gone) Jinyoung, and (old) Kihyun, you will always be honorary Nova Boys to Wendy, no matter what.
To Roe ( @rkhugo @rkyooa @suhork ), Wendy wouldn’t let me lump Hugo with all the other boys of Nova. After all, Hugo is special. I’m grateful that Roe entrusted Hugo’s heart in Wendy’s inexperienced hands. I’m honored that Roe actually agreed to have Hugo go through a slow-burn ship, especially when I’m aware that she isn’t the most patient of people when it comes to that. Thank you for putting up with both Wendy’s lack of affection and her inexperience when it comes to relationships, and all the things she fears. Thank you again for putting up with my snail’s pace replies, but I want you to know it’s because I want to give Hugo the replies he deserves. The muse for this ship is alive and kicking, and I intend to keep it that way. Both Wendy and I love you and Hugo so much, Roe. LOL I spent so much time talking about Hugo that I forgot to mention how much both Wendy and Johnny also care about Yooa and Suho, but they do.
Now I’m on the topic of thanks to, I think I should also give a special shout-out to the girls of rkredvelet. Though we don’t talk as often as I’d like, I have to admit you were among the first to plot with me when I was new here. You are all Wendy’s best friends for life.
To Rose ( @rkyeri ): I like seeing you tweet about dancing and your takes on things. I also learn a lot from you! Your comments in the KT groupchat crack me up a lot as well. You’re doing amazing, bb! On a muse perspective, Yeri is one of Wendy’s oldest friends, going back from their days in Canada. Wendy just wants Yeri to know that she’s proud of her for being one step closer to her dreams. She’s also asking when she can start printing the Anna slogan.
To Keith ( @rkjxy ): Hoy, bakla. Other than being a ray of sunshine to both Wendy and me, thank you for everything. Just as Wendy and Joy have fun together anytime, anywhere, I like to think it can become something like that for us both. I love our discussions about local stuff and fandom. May mapapagraduate na ako! /cries proud mom tears/
To Kyle ( @seulgirk ): One of the true MVPs of my life. Just as I honestly have no idea where Wendy would be without Seulgi, I don’t want to imagine what would have happened to me if you hadn’t helped me out all those times. Seulgi is practically Wendy’s person. (LBR, if Hugo had to be threatened by anyone, it’s Seulgi.) I also enjoy commiserating over watching winter sports at godforsaken timeslots (one of these days, I’ll understand hockey enough), as well as listening to to you/reading your tweets discussing your muses/muse ideas. And those puns of yours give me so much life.  
Anyway, next up, I’d like to give a shoutout to rkbrosquad!!!! Honestly, having you guys made life a lot more colorful for me, as well as both my muses. I’m not going to lie, this is probably one of the first group chats I was ever in, in terms of KRP. It’s like my muses gained a new family with this insane, but loving bunch. I also like how this chat can also turn into a meme dumpsite, a spazz area, and a tea corner if we need it. Here’s to more adventures with our muses and if distance isn’t an issue, I bet we’d all look for chances to meet.
To Jen, you are one of the reasons we have a squad in the first place. Without you, I bet I wouldn’t have stayed after the first week. Having a familiar face who’s been with the RP for a long time helped me get settled much more easily. It was your helpful self that inspired me to pay it forward for the future muns who’d enter the RP. So if anyone’s grateful that I was friendly to them, please direct your compliments to Jen for setting a good example! Other than that, you and your muses changed my muses’ lives completely. Shoutout goes to her mentor Jieun and one of her closest friends Soyeon.
To Lyn ( @rkavery @rkxsnn ), hoy mumsh. It’s refreshing to able to talk to more people in the same language. Not to mention, your muses always got up to the wildest antics that had both my muses and me laughing. I’m cheering for you both in rp and in real life. Alam mo ‘yan. And muse-wise, thanks for letting your former boy be the James Potter to Johnny’s Sirius Black (or vice versa). Johnny and I will miss your boy loads, but we also welcome your new girls with open arms. And also thanks for shipping with Wendy at some point, even if she ended up broken. (ULOL ang drama!)
To Shinobi ( @rkgray @rkkangjoon ): You are legitimately one of the sweetest people I have ever had the fortune to meet. You’re nice to everyone, get along well with people, and have the most awesome characters ever. Your ideas are just A+++. Gray will also always be the reason Wendy’s standards for men are so high, since in her eyes, Gray is perfect. (Gray will get Johnny’s love in the KT Boyz segment) Meanwhile, Kangjoon will be that handsome brother Wendy will be protective about because she thinks he deserves the best. Johnny will always thank Kangjoon for accidentally smacking him in the butt, which lead him to the best squad ever. #NEVERFORGET
To Nana: OMG! This is your second mention. All those posts of Hyuna and LE to send the group chat into a gay panic are more than welcome. It’s always fun plotting with you and your muses, no matter which one it is. Wendy is proud of Jihoon ( @jihoonrk ) in Convex, as well as looking for a chance to release some hilarious pre-debut shit. As for Hyuna, we all know how much Wendy admires Hyuna and loves her a lot. Here’s to hopefully getting to plot with Younghyun sooner or later!
To Maddy ( @aronrk ): Yes, this is your second mention too. Wendy and Aron have yet to thread together, yeah? LOL. Anyway, Wendy obviously cares a lot about Aron, Kaeun, and Nayoung. And I think it carries over to me caring a lot about you. It’s cool to talk to someone who works in the same industry as I do (rather as I used to) and have the same interests. Bonus points for living in the same timezone! (Aron will get Johnny’s love in the KT Boyz segment)
To Sammi ( @rkxminhee ): You are also one of the nicest people I have ever met. I love learning about girl groups from you, since I’m generally clueless about the ones outside of the Big Three or aren’t as well-known. I’m not going to lie, everytime I see Minhee, I think of you. I remember seeing Minhee post that she was in my country, and the first thing I thought was, “DOES SAMMI KNOW MINHEE IS IN MY COUNTRY?!”
To Em ( @borark ): You’re doing an amazing job as a momma to a cutie pie! Anyway, Bora is one of the coolest girls Wendy has ever known, just as I think you are one of my faves. We need a proper thread ASAP when we’re both not busy T_T
Bet y’all thought that was done, right? Nope. We still have a long way to go. Trust me, if you’re getting tired reading this, I’m even more exhausted writing it. We’ll all just have to deal with it. RIP @ us.
Back in 2016, NCT U, NCT 127, and NCT Dream had debuted. Back then, I was aware that Johnny, the SM Rookie who trained with SM the longest had yet to debut. So as a joke, I thought to myself, I’ll debut him before SM does. He came in a month after Wendy got signed at the MGAs. I figured I could handle two muses so LOL. He started as an NPC friend for Wendy who had a crush on Seulgi, and then I thought I could bring him in.
The first time I knew it was time for Johnny to graduate from NPC to actual muse was when I was watching a local drama called “On the Wings of Love.” One of the characters was a spoken-word artist, and I felt like it was something that suited the Johnny muse I had. I also wanted to bring in a muse who can speak Filipino, so I had an excuse to say PUTANGINA on the dash, as well as spread OPM to Rookies.
From there, Johnny just started becoming more real to me as a muse. Johnny was also based on several college friends of mine, who were all a bunch of insanely intelligent and talented people. He was inspired by a classmate who was actually a MYX VJ (local music TV channel) who was also taking up a pre-med degree. Johnny was also inspired by the guy who became our class valedictorian: a dork who was smart AF and could sing, dance, act, write songs, and was part of the debate team with me. One of my closest friends who I miss a lot was gifted with a superior IQ and an almost flawless memory, and she was also a CF model. All these people inspired me to bring Johnny to life.
Honestly, Johnny brought on a new series of challenges that I never thought was possible. I was less awkward when I brought him in, since I was already somewhat at ease with the community. The challenge was to make him want to be an idol. But somehow, fate let things happen and loh and behold!
From not wanting anything to do with the entertainment industry, Johnny finds himself immersed in it all. He would like to thank the former Jungkook muse (who might make a return as a different FC hint hint) for forging his application for that Samsung modeling casting. That started his interest and curiosity for modeling. However, he got his feet wet only when his teacher told him to go for it. But still, that forgery got him a start.
Then, the life-changing talent show happened. Johnny owes Hugo a huge-ass thank you for signing up him for that Hongdae talent show. He is now proud to be a KT (KermiT) Boy. I still have no clue how Johnny wants to develop from being a genius turned model to becoming the artist he can be. But I guess that’s what we will all have to anticipate.
I hadn’t planned for Johnny to fall in love. In fact, I was planning to make him an asexual hermit. Sure, he’s had crushes on Seulgi and Lisa, but he never dreamed those could amount to anything. He was supposed to be forever alone. (To Roe, that time Yukji tried flirting with Johnny will always be one of the most iconic moments.) However, Ten happened! Yay! Nine asked to plot so nicely, and I figured why the hell not? Okay, fun fact, the reason I planned for Johnny to be a hermit was because I was too scared to be called out for face-chasing. I’m relieved that Nine reached out first. And now they’re the cutest boyfriends. Again, I would like to apologize for my snail’s pace when it comes to replies. I will talk a little more about this later on. I promise.
Another reason Johnny has stayed alive for so long was because of all the friends he’s made over the time we’ve been in this RP. Honestly, every single one of these friends have made Johnny’s life more exciting, more colorful, and have taken him in directions he never would have considered if left to his own devices. I guess the long-ass thank you messages are now in order.
To rknctea:
To Nine ( @tenrk ): You go first simply because Johnny asked me to. Besides, I want to thank you and Ten for making Johnny believe that he’s capable of love and sexual feelings. Ten makes Johnny want to be the right person for Ten, and to be a better boyfriend. I don’t know whether I ever mentioned this, but Johnny sees Ten in his future. OOC-wise, I’m thankful that you brought us NCT typists together in the group chat. Not to mention, you make me laugh with all the stuff you link in there. In our DMs, I love how we both get soft together over JohnTen. Whether it’s plots for our boys or IRL JohnTen doing stuff, it’s always great sharing the feels with you.
To Yurim ( @rktaeil ): To one of the people I’ve known longest in RK (outside the brosquad), my experience in Rookies wouldn’t be the same without you. I’m glad you brought in Taeil. Although I reply at a glacial pace now, I’m excited to see what happens to Taeil. I still find it hilarious that you declared your NCT bias will be whose calling card you’ll draw. Anyway, the reason your barrel man has yet to come to you is because I will personally bring it to you when I fly there next year. If you have any other requests, please let me know anytime before I fly. (I will let you know when we’re arriving so we can meet.)
To Hunnie ( @yutark ): We have been through a lot during the time we’ve known each other. You point out things I don’t notice otherwise and work way harder than I do, just as Yuta shows Johnny perspectives that are immensely different from his own. I struggle coming up with ways to ruin my muses’ lives and to just write in general. I don’t know how you do it so religiously and so diligently on top of schoolwork. We also spazz over a lot of different fandoms together, and I’m happy that you’re a lot happier now. Also, welcome to the UAAP life. I’m glad you decided to watch basketball with me and that you’re somehow rekindling your love for the game. Game Two, here we come!
To Min ( @rkjaemin ): You would have gone first but Johnny insisted otherwise. Buwisit siya. We have been together since 2011 and I hope this doesn’t change at all. You knew me from when I was a total noob to the RP world, and have been one of those who saw my writing improve or deteriorate over the years. You are one of the loveliest people I’ve ever met IC or OOC. I’m happy you joined this madhouse called Rookies with me, and I hope this is good healing for you from work. I love you and can we please have dinner with the rest of the girls soon? Just as I will always be rooting for you and will be available to help, please tell your evil spawn of a muse that Johnny’s willing to help him too. Same goes for Wendy and Somi.
To Peach ( @rkhaechan ): When I first told Min to join Rookies, I never thought you two would find each other. But I’m glad you did. You make my girl so happy, and with that, I’m happy too. I will go down with the S.S. PeachMin. I better be invited to that wedding. Anyway, Johnny loves Haechan a lot, especially because he makes evil spawn Jaemin so happy. Haechie may be my new fave of your muses, but Soyou will always be special to me. After all, Wendy wouldn’t have lasted in the MGAs without your girl going all soccer mom on the whole team. Wendy hopes that Jihyun unni is proud of her.
To Jen ( @rkmxrk ): You are honestly one of the most fun people I have ever talked to. We can talk about fandom, winter sports, and just about how our days went. It doesn’t really matter. Long live KKT calls. Not to mention, long live being a professional enabler who convinces the rest of us to spend our hard-earned money on our faves. LMAO. One thing I also learned from you, is to be careful of what I say because you’ll have RECEIPTS. Just as Johnny looks after Mark and wishes for him to succeed, I wish the same for you. And Johnny’s proud that Mark’s finally getting what he’s been trying to say for the last few months.
To Fifi ( @jaehyunrk ), Dayo ( @rkxsicheng ) , Phil ( @rkdoyoung ), Grey ( @rkjeno ), Adri ( @rktaeyxng ): although we don’t talk as much, I’m still thankful that you’re all here. I’d like for us to get to know each other even better, even if I’m either a shy hermit, a lazy egg, or just awake when you’re asleep. But you all bring lots of laughter to the group chat, and I’d like for Johnny to plot with your boys too. (Or in Fifi’s case, Get Johnny and Jaehyun a new thread challenge)
To Lex: Damn it, Lex. I’ve lost track how many times I’ve mentioned you. I hope you’re enjoying your stay in the rknctea group chat. And I hope that somehow, Johnny and Jungwoo find their ways to each other.
To the KT Ent muses and muns:
To Carly ( @taeminrk ) : I was really planning to save this for later when I got to my thank you mods part, but I thought oh well. Anyway, I want to thank you for being one of the best mods to help me get settled when I was new here. As well as answering any questions I had, no matter how stupid they were. I’m glad I got over the initial intimidation of “OMG MOD!” to someone I can actually have fun talking to. I just hope Johnny eventually gets over that “OMG SUNBAE!” vibe Taemin gives out. Johnny always saw Taemin as the senior he has to impress and not disappoint. Trust me, Johnny’s trying but he feels like he’ll never be good enough for Taemin’s standards. LMAO
To Maddy: Johnny always thought of Aron as one of the coolest, happiest, and most talented people he’s ever met. Aron radiates sunshine in Johnny’s opinion, and he wonders how someone can be so bright all the time. Yes, Aron has permission to climb Johnny like a tree and Johnny will enjoy it.
To Shinobi: Johnny will always say Gray is his idol. Hands down. He can give Jongdae a run for his money. He will also go down with the old man ship of Gray and Huidong.
To Lulu ( @minhyukxrk ): Johnny’s rooting for his fellow twin tower and he hopes that Minhyuk will one day be the rich, talented billionaire he knows Minhyuk can be. Tall people unite despite this short revolution!
To Yurim ( @rkxkjd ): If Taemin is the strict dad, then Jongdae is the cool dad Johnny wants to be like when he grows up. After all, Jongdae is probably the muse who’s known Johnny the longest. These two go way back and are both nerds.
To Lex ( @rksungho ): Oh man, I gave up counting how many mentions you got. This is probably going to be the last. Sungho and Johnny are different as they can be, despite a somewhat similar skillset. Not going to lie, Johnny wants to get along with him, despite Sungho just being so angry at everything.
To Cherry ( @rkjimin ): We don’t get to talk as often as I’d like, but I’d like for that to change as soon as we’re both not busy. Jimin is a lovely muse, and Johnny looks forward to getting to know him better in the future~
To Hunnie ( @rksunwoo ): Sunwoo is special to Johnny, because they joined KT at around the same time. There has to be something to be said about two strangers who started a journey at the same time. Johnny wishes he was as talented and talented as Sunwoo. I like to think that Johnny and Sunwoo have a unique bond that only the two of them can understand.
To Shino ( @rkjinjin ): Johnny and Jinwoo, aka big guy and small fry. Just kidding. Though for real, Johnny is always impressed with Jinwoo’s talent and is grateful to learn so much from him. As for you Shino, having you around is lots of fun. I have learned not to say any silly stuff in the group chat unless I wish to be exposed. (Never forget: VORE TAEMIN)
To Hyunjin mun (T_T IDK How you want to be addressed) ( @rkxhyunjin ): You are the only KT Boy Johnny has no thread with. I’d love for us to change that ASAP. Please?
To the females at KT, Johnny loves and respects you a lot. He’d love to get closer with you all. For now, he declares Haseul ( @haseulrk ) and Jennie ( @rkjennie ) as his faves, because he’s closest to them. Johnny never thought he’d be a step-parent to a dog, but Ahyoung  ( @rkxblue ) somehow got him to do it, so she’s special too. He also sees Minji ( @rkariel ) as the older sister you don’t want to disappoint, while Yeri is the younger sister he finds hilarious. He’d also love to get to know Audrey, ( @rkaudrey ), Momo ( @rkxmomo ), Luda ( @rkxluda ), and Chungha ( @rkchungha ) better!
To Carly and Keith, and by some extension, Kate, Johnny has come to see Luna ( @rkluna ) and Jisoo ( @rkjisoo ) (and Eve ( @rkxeve,) by extension) as his lesbian moms. He low-key blames and credits them for being why he is the way he is today. You don’t get raised by two extremely opposite but equally bad-ass women and not be some mix of weird. He doesn’t get to talk to his moms so much, but he wants them to know he loves them a lot.
I can’t leave this without yelling at Lari! Baekhyun ( @rkbyunbaek ) is the best host brother Johnny could ever ask for. Both of us can’t imagine this boy living with anyone else but Baekhyun’s family. Johnny feels bad that they hardly ever see each other anymore, but that doesn’t change how much he loves Baekhyun. Johnny is actually going to be upset when he’ll have to move out of the Byun residence because he’s going to miss this host family a lot.
I’d also like to thank people I have yet to properly thread with (or seldom get to thread with) but talk to frequently OOC, especially on Twitter. There’s way too many of you to be tagged, but you know who you all are. I love how we can talk about anything, ranging from K-Pop to local showbiz, to current events, and more random topics.
Finally, I’d like to thank the mods, each one, having helped me in some shape or form. Kyle, Keith, and Carly, you all got long-ass love letters from me, so I won’t bother repeating myself anymore. To Sera, you truly are hard carry AF. Thank you noticing my hiatus messages and just being there in general. I’ve always told people you are great, and I’m glad my faith isn’t misplaced at all. To Bianca, thank you for answering my stupid AF questions during events. Because I swear even I would roll my eyes at myself for some of the things I ask sometimes. To Mira, you were one of the mods who welcomed me back when I was new. So I’d like to thank you for that. Wendy misses one of her mean girl friends~ To Razel, those graphics are A++++ Here’s to more talking about PH showbiz, food, and to us finally having a proper thread!
I bet I forgot so many people, but this is about how much I can write. Fun fact! I started writing this post at around 11:30am, and I finished writing this at around 6pm. If you made it this far, congratulations!
I’ll spare you all from my rambling, and I’ll just end it here.
My muses and I are cheering for everyone and their muses in their endeavors, whether IC or OOC. I would also like to apologize for the times I have offended you, whether I was aware of it or not. (I’m sure I’ve apologized if I was aware of it, but yeah.) I’m trying to be a better person than I was the day before. I don’t know what the future holds, but I’ll do my best to be a better mun to both Wendy and Johnny, as well as be a better member of this community.
With all my love,
Clara (rkwendy and rkjohnny)
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mizeliza · 6 years
last anon here and whoops I didn’t see the fanfic tag game I meant those numbers for the angst game but THANK YOU FOR THE EXCERPT IT IS BEAUTIFUL
whoops! sorry about that! I did wonder a bit about it lol 
I love angst and it sounds like you do too so I guess I picked the right excerpt!
2 6 15 18 28 30 for the last ask game thing please give me that sweet sweet How To Make Friends in Space content 
2. Does your character have a deep and/or dark secret? If so, what is it?
They all have secrets, but none of them are particularly deep or dark, yet. Really, everything in their backstories is still in a fluid state. I think Ders might have a secret, probably something to do with his parents and sister. 
6. Have they ever committed a crime, or something they felt was wrong? What was it?
Technically, Anton is committing a crime just by flying. It’’s illegal to fly in interplanetary space until you’ve reached your age of majority - on the main characters’ home planet, that’s the equivalent of 21 Earth years. They’re all around 17-19.
Flick feels guilty because the last time she saw her girlfriend, she broke up with her, saying it was so she could focus on school when really, she had fallen out of love with her and wanted to move on. She told her that when she returned home, they could give it another shot, but she never had any intention of returning and now she’s legally dead. Giving her that hope is one of the things she regrets the most.
Ders is a sweetheart and also very paranoid about getting in trouble (he gets it from me). The most illegal thing he has ever done at the start is be in the ship while Anton is flying it.
15. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?
Anton fears losing people like he lost his mother. He is also not particularly fond of loud noises, having lived alone for such a long time. Flick and Ders, who are more social, poor dears, end up startling him half out of his wits a couple times (every day) when they first join him. He’s very quiet most of the time, he just likes to exist in his own head, but when he’s scared, he’s even quieter and the /edges/ of him move, he jiggles his leg, taps his toes and fingers, twiddles his fingers. Nervous energy.
In the opposite way, Flick, who is normally very energetic, peppy, bubbly, etc, goes very still when she’s scared or worried. She fears fire (I mean, her arm was burnt so badly that she had it amputated, it’s a valid fear) and is claustrophobic. 
Ders babbles when he’s scared. When the others really start to worry about him is when he’s quietly scared. He fears his old life coming back to haunt him, losing people he loves, and the dark.
18. Would society call your character a good guy or a bad guy? what would they say they are?
They would definitely say that they’re good guys. There are several societies around them, some of which would say they’re good, some would say bad. The government considers them at least morally grey, as Anton is, once again, driving without a license. 
28. What is your character’s greatest strength?
Flick’s is surprisingly her positivity rather than her intellect (which is a close second), Anton’s is his fortitude and survival capability, and Ders’s is (eventually) his trust in his friends.
30. What makes them feel safe or secure? What makes them feel insecure or unsafe?
Anton feels safe in the ship. He feels insecure outside of it. This is because of his issues surrounding it and his mother and her disappearance, and the months that he spent alone on it, looking for her.
Anton makes Flick feel safe. He’s this huge Scando guy, long hair, very Viking, She’s really tiny with this floof of hair. Being held by him is the one time she doesn’t feel claustrophobic in a small space. She feels insecure when she’s in a position that she doesn’t know anything about - for example, when the air filter is malfunctioning. She knows about that, they can fix it. Ghosts? The supernatural in any way, shape, or form, up to her own religion? Big no. Insecure.
Ders feels safe in space, where he knows he’s far away from his past. Like Flick, he also feels secure in areas of his own knowledge, like the tech in his eye or her arm. He (now) feels insecure in big cities, where his family could easily find him. 
lbr this could easily be summarized in “all of my kids have PTSD but they’re helping each other and making it work okay”
anyway, thank you anon for the ask, and for correcting me!
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hycrans · 7 years
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( the cuteST )
a bitch is Tired rn after pulling my usual shit, aka staying up until 5am for no reason only to wake up three hours later to watch bts run, so excuse the seeming lack of enthusiasm lkfdsjglk. hey i’m jules, i’m 20, canadian, and my current means of life rn are chocolate, the x files ( iM LATE IK SFGDJLK ) and 3am you in me listening parties with myself rip !! it’s been almost a month since its release, i need to Relax dammit. i’m a uni student who just got off for christmas break and in love with sowoo so you don’t wanna know the agony that came with picking one over the other without a bit of help. you can hmu on d*scord at HAPPY S*OKJIN DAY#2030 ( don’t.. call me out for not having an updated name since his birthday’s passed, i’m not v bright pls ) if you’d like and this is so boRING, it’s like the life is sucked out of me omg. anyways hyeran, a whole.. other positive muse bc jesus, how many of these do i have rn ?? this is so out of hand man, but nonetheless here’s a bit abt the brat:
- ̗̀ JEON SOMIN, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER ̖́- – have you seen YUN HYERAN? people’ve said the TWENTY TWO year old has been running around the streets of jeju lately, which is odd because aren’t they a BARISTA/MUSIC PRODUCER during the day? anyways, i know they’re known to be EBULLIENT and TRANQUIL but recently i’ve heard they’ve been MAGNANIMOUS and DIFFIDENT, but i could be wrong. ( jules / 20 / gmt-3:30 / she/her )
EDIT: i somehow forgot to mention that she’s.. not sure where she is on the lgbt spectrum but she knows she’s Not Straight JFGDSLKJGK but she’s panromantic so yeah sgjkdl. i’m a whole mess today, i’m sorry lol
yun hyeran, a daegu native with an older and younger brother, an ambivert and an all around baby
tbh i don’t have much of her bg figured out, that’s always the last thing i get to so rip
buT she became involved in music through her father, who studied it in uni and ended up becoming a music instructor with a focus on piano, flute and vocals
her and her mom.. also her older brother, didn’t have the best relationship when she grew older, which seemed to die altogether when her parents divorced and her mom left. but her and her brother’s still exists, it’s just that he’s a bit of a toxic influence on her and she tends to distance herself from him
went to uni in seoul to pursue music like her father ( a daddy’s girl too like ) and found her way into the world of production !! by junior year, she’d transferred out of her original program and majored in that instead and has loved it ever since; she recently graduated
moved to jeju island bc an aunt lived there when she was young and she LOVED to visit, made a few friends there and would always whine abt the next time they could all go see her aunt again. so it made sense for her to live, at least for a little while, in one of her favourite places
she also adores said aunt, her dad’s sister and the maternal figure she Deserves, so she came partially to see her more often
for the time being, she works full-time as a barista at the café just a block from her cute little studio apartment while looking into internships at record labels for her to take on a little further down the line ( no rush bc it’s already quite competitive and she’d rather enjoy what she has going now )
she’s also making something of an income as the creator of an acct on youtube and soundcloud for her music, something she’s had for abt two years now
she’s not even close to making it big yet, and she doesn’t mind if she never works for a moderately to highly popular label — though she should if she wants to get by
among the aesthetic, lo-fi music crowd ( one of those yt accts with a livestream for certain playlists that go on for hours, rip ) where for the most part, it’s personal faves mixed with her own works, and has a substantial following as of now. but has an interest in experimenting, with mashups ( as a lover of them ?? i couldn’t help myself sgflkdsjg ) for example, with a small fear of how that change would be received
this is so short iK, it’s a little infuriating if you ask me ljkgdfjls
in terms of her personality and other things:
she’s a very loyal person, v e r y. while like i said, her relationship with her brother is Not Great, she hasn’t completely given up on him. maybe for the time being, but her being someone who’s open to the idea of people changing for the better somewhere down the line, leaves a bit of room for her to possibly change her mind if he does enough to allow her to consider it
so she can be a bit of a doormat in some cases, it all depends on how she sees the person that determines if that’s the case, but she generally won’t let you off if you’re being dumb/an ass to someone or if she gets advantageous vibes from you for example ( given she can.. be a little naive and is a p gentle soul ) so.. idk fgklsj good luck to the 99% ig ??
she does have a slight dependency on others despite her thinking all signs point to the opposite, and even though her and her mom never rly had a good relationship she still reels from the neglect/abandonment some days so handle her with Care if she deems you a close pal, 
spontaneous tbh, moving to jeju was a little last minute on her part, for one
she’s a little reclusive when focused on something, if she tells you she’s working on a track, it’s essentially a head’s up that you might not see her for a couple of days depending on how soon she gets it done — lowkey that bitch™ who makes up an illness to her boss, so she wouldn’t even show up for work if it’s more than just her fucking around
bc admittedly, a lot of what she posts is fucking around and liking it, her more thought-out and effort packed projects are hidden away on her laptop
a bit insecure with her work and just her general disposition ?? those first few points above mess with her a lot and leave her disheartened so.. my poor child
v strong overall, takes people’s shit and if it gets to her, she gets over it p fast. doesn’t dwell on much and will be courteous to you even if she’s declared you too toxic to stick around 24/7
isn’t exactly one to get angry ?? she’s basically just disappointed or annoyed at best 99% of the time, it takes a lot to get her beyond that
positive, ugh. maybe not sickeningly sweet, but still. kinda explained parts of it above and i’m 95% gone mentally rn, gotta spare that for other little details gsjklf
a cute bean who wants the best for everyone and is also clumsy as absolute fuCK
plays piano and bass guitar ( you don’t know how tempted i was to say clarinet bc of jiwoo gjflkgds )
prob had some kind of little amateur rock band with a few music majors and took up bass for the hell of it lmao
loves animals, leans towards cats or big dogs. corgis and those little spaniels get a pass tho
speaking of, she has a cute little calico kitten ( i’m shit with pet names so that’s tba rgkjls ) who she Loves, her baby !!
sweater, ball cap and basic t shirt junkie
those glasses somin’s been wearing a lot of lately ?? hyeran wears them too but.. actually needs them, not even close to a fashion statement
doesn’t don much makeup unless someone’s dragging her to a party or something
thaT’S when she looks a little more like a classy early twenties bitch.. which lbr, is hard enough when adulthood is a whole Train Wreck for the most part LGFJSDL
not a heavy drinker, but the textbook definition of a lightweight so.. she’s always praying for anyone who has to deal with her dgfjklsfg
lattes are her livelihood
a bit of a hopeless romantic, god help her
her favourite subject in school was literature/writing and reads quite a bit on her breaks at the café
favourite music genres.. it’s easier to say what she doesn’t like/finds boring, which is prob country and some aspects of edm/pop, not into punk/metal either
these are super basic but.. i’ve gotta get myself together for the day so this’ll do for now i hope ??
so if you’d like to plot, im me here or on d*scord ! i prefer the latter personally, but whichever’s easiest for you. i have a list of a few of the specific wcs i have in mind ( for the time being, catch my lazy ass avoid listing all the basic ones and revising a few i have on an old blog ) for hyeran up now, which you can find here, so just lmk if any of them appeal to you !!
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headcanon-haven · 7 years
[1/4] Found another fun ask meme, again for OC...but changing it to find out more about Bucky if you wouldn't mind! 1: What is Bucky's biggest fear? 2: What is Bucky's favorite memory? 3: What is Bucky's least favorite memory? 4: Does anyone have a crush on Bucky? Is Bucky aware of this? 5: Describe Bucky's dream date. 7: How does Bucky feel about their name? 9: How does Bucky feel about religion? 11: How did Bucky meet their best friend? 12: How would/does Bucky feel about roller coasters?...
I’m procrastinating packing to knock one of these out, in part because some of them have been haunting me all week, lol
1. His biggest fear would be never reaching his potential, I think.  It’s not even that he wants to be famous or needs credit for his work, but Bucky knows he’s special and that his talents could make huge impacts on peoples’ lives if he were given the chance to do so, so the worry that he might end up stuck in dead-end jobs like coffee shops or being someone’s secretary is a nightmare for him.  
2. Getting accepted to NYU for engineering - it would have been so exciting for him, getting into one of his dream programs and knowing that he was going to move to the big city and get an amazing education and get the chance to meet people and build things and change the world.  Plus his family would have been SO proud of him, and he’d have gotten a little chunk of scholarship money and a few great loan packages and just felt like he was on top of the world.
3. The night his parents died, followed closely by the day that Alexander Pierce let the cat out of the bag as to what HYDRA’s plans really were for him, obliterating his internship and basically leaving him in the mess we found him at the beginning of the fic.
4.  Uh, yes - Steven G. Rogers.  Bucky’s not very good on picking up on shit like that, so no, not yet XD
5.  This was so, so hard for me... he’s the type of guy who would want to be interacting and hanging out, maybe challenging each other, so I’m thinking something like trivia or bowling or a night at the batting cages.  Maybe even a day at Coney Island (lol).  And then their chill little day trip would turn into a low-key but relatively romantic dinner, and then just hanging out in each other’s company for the rest of the night (with lots of making out, lbr).  He’s a relatively simple guy, who unfortunately hasn’t been shown a ton of romance in his young life yet, so it wouldn’t take a ton to impress him.
7. Bucky would be the type to shrug and say something like “It’s my name.”  He thinks James is pretty vanilla but doesn’t mind going by it, especially in professional settings, and while he realizes that Bucky is childish and a little old-fashioned, it’s one of the few familiar old things he still has, so he’d definitely want people close to him to continue to use it, and probably think of himself as ‘Bucky’ more than James.
9.  My headcanon is that the Barnes family went to church on Sundays and probably prayed before meals, but weren’t overly-religious... they were liberal enough to encourage Bucky to go after his dreams and willing to send away their young omega to the big city alone, so major conservatism wouldn’t have been an issue at all.  That said, since he’s lost everything, I’m willing to bet that Bucky hasn’t thought about religion since his parents’ funeral.
11.  It was hard not to notice the hot red-headed alpha in his freshman psych class; she was intimidating and intense and had an entire circle of empty seats around her in the lecture hall, a trend that carried over when Bucky walked into his first small group session a couple of minutes late because he’d been stuck geeking out on his physics TA in lab.  So he got stuck next to her... only to notice the disapproving little noises she would make when someone in the class said something horrifically ignorant.  By the end of the first day they were sharing epic side-eyes, by the end of the first month they trudged to the nearest coffee shop together to openly bitch about it, and by the end of the semester Bucky was pretty sure that Natasha was the best person he’d ever met.  
12.  He LOVES them... so much so that he spent an entire summer in grade school trying to build a model one in his backyard.  It didn’t work out, but his dad did end up helping him with a smaller kit that ended up winning the design project in the school science fair, so it wasn’t a completely lost cause.
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twilidramon · 7 years
My JoJo (anime) Thoughts
So I got caught up on JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure and finished the Part 4 anime last night, and I just felt like writing down some of my thoughts. I’ve never read the manga so this is purely about the anime. There will be spoilers but I’ll make it as brief as I can!
tl;dr - I liked the series and can’t wait for Part 5, I am now in JoJo Hell
Subbing / Censorship
I just wanted to put a quick, tiny note of this. Obviously with a series like JoJo, where characters are named after pop culture icons/songs, there’s gonna be some censoring of their names. Thankfully, most of these instances were spoiled for me due to the Best Friends’ Eyes of Heaven playthrough, in which they just spew spoilers for all Parts from their mouths like crazy. I don’t really care about spoilers so this wasn’t an issue for me, and it actually helped. My ears were able to pick up on the characters’ real names that weren’t spoiled for me (because I was expecting it) so I was able to autofill them in.
Some of the censored violence bothered me to a degree - it was annoying seeing those black bars everywhere; but most especially in scenes containing nude little boys running around with impunity with no censorship to be seen. Like, what? 
Part 1, Phantom Blood | Part 2, Battle Tendency
Just gonna lump these two together, since they’re pretty much lumped together on Crunchyroll, and I don’t have too much to say on them. 
Phantom Blood was a great introduction to the series, illustrating the conflict between Dio and the Joestars which would last a lifetime. The characters were... good: watching Speedwagon narrate and freak out to Literally Everything was hilarious and Zeppeli was fun, but Johnathan felt flat and very Typical Protagonist - there wasn’t much else that seemingly piqued his interest in the show other than Honor, Erina, and Killing Dio, aside from his majoring in archaeology which barely came up except for the Mask. The fight scenes were gory and great and the show did a good job at showing how frightening of a creature Dio was and became.
Battle Tendency was fun and full of humor, and I really like young Joseph Joestar. The characters were much better this time around imo and the dynamic between Joseph and Caesar was Good Stuff. Also each time Joseph said oh no it gave me a year of my life. Lisa Lisa was badass but I wish we’d gotten to see her actually fight Kars or the other Pillar Men, who were great villains as sort of stand ins for Dio. The final battle felt perilous and exciting, and Caesar’s death (though entirely preventable, because come on Caesar think for two seconds) was heart-tugging. Especially Joseph finding out. I didn’t cry, but that hurt.
I liked both these parts, but I liked Battle Tendency more. I might give Phantom Blood a re-watch, since my boyfriend joined me mid-BT and never saw that Part. We’ll see.
My boyfriend’s favorite joke by the way: “How did Joseph lose his arm? In a Kars accident.”
Part 3, Stardust Crusaders
Okay, so, there’s a bit to say about Stardust Crusaders.
Firstly, the negatives - characterization kind of takes a backseat on Jotaro and Kakyoin, and Avdol for pretty much the entire show. Avdol probably gets this less due to his importance to Iggy, Polnareff, and Old Joseph. But Jotaro being the main character... he doesn’t get much. Which sucks - because Stardust Crusaders ends up feeling more like its about Polnareff than a JoJo at all, until the end that is. Also the villains are more one-note and flavor-of-the-week because there are so many villains. They have to be in and out in the span of an episode or two (or three, in rare cases) because there’s a whole Tarot deck and Egyptian pantheon to get through in the span of ~40 episodes.
This is also the Part where the censoring of both names and gore/violence begins to stack up heavily. Jotaro’s smoking is censored for heck’s sake (just the part where his lips and the cigarette meet, not the whole cigarette) and there’s a scene where Polnareff is being eaten by the clay dolls of his sister and Avdol that is just. Really bad. But baby Polnareff can run around with his bepis hanging out so...????? I don’t know.
But I liked Stardust Crusaders - it’s a really fun globetrotting adventure story of this group of dudes just trying to reach DIO, and a lot of my gripes are tiny in comparison to that. Jotaro doesn’t feel like a main character because he doesn’t get a lot (Kakyoin gets far less, lbr) but when Jotaro does get something, holy shit is he a badass! He can do things!! He’s smart and crafty and kind of an asshole, and he really cares about his grandfather and his mother even though he takes any chance he can get to badmouth them. And his fight with DIO at the end? No other character could have done that - that fight was made for Jotaro and DIO. Literally.
The Stands were interesting to me, because there’s just so much that can be done with them. Every Stand is unique (except Star Platinum and The World, hueh hueh plot stuff) and it felt like a natural transition from Hamon - which returns in this! Old Joseph still uses Hamon, and in conjunction with Hermit Purple at times! The introduction of Stands make for an odd thought when you realize that Joseph had Hermit Purple even in Battle Tendency but, whatever, things get retconned all the time. I’m sure its fine.
Like I said, my gripes on Stardust Crusaders are small and have a lot to do with how the story is structured as a whole. JoJo hasn’t really dealt with this many main characters yet and of course some are going to get shelved, which is why...
Part 4, Diamond is Unbreakable
... Which is why I like Part 4 so much. The animation style has changed to a much smoother look, which helps a lot and the color palettes are weird and crazy and it works. DIO is dead (for good this time, right guys??) and the story focuses on a more compact narrative, in the town of Morioh, the people in it, and how a great big mystery can go unnoticed in a small community if you’re not looking for it.
Our heroes this time are Josuke and his group of friends, which slowly grows as the story goes on. Mainly, it focuses on Josuke, Koichi, Rohan, and Okuyasu (who gets the backseat too much, honestly) - but there are plenty of side characters like Yukako and Jotaro - yes, Jotaro is a side character in this and he’s better for it imo - to use now and then.
The story first focuses on the discovery of the Stand Arrows, and how they give people pierced by them Stands. Josuke and his small crew chase down Red Hot Chili Pepper throughout the town and deal with the Stand users that Okuyasu’s brother created with the Arrow - which sounds a lot like Part 3, right? Well yeah, it does - but there’s something else to it that I really liked. It wasn’t always the main focus of the story to fight the Stand users. There are joke episodes! Episodes where Stand users aren’t even bad guys (Shigechi and Tonio)! And these characters come back - Rohan is one of them, and he’s important in the second half of the Part.
So they defeat Red Hot Chili Pepper and his user and on to part two of DiU - Kira. And boy, is Kira a doozy. His Stand power is a foil to Josuke’s - destruction versus restoration - and he’s just. Good. A really, really good villain. He’s smart and deceptive and Not At All There and he’s good at what he’s doing - and its only when Rohan and Koichi meet Reimi, a ghostly girl killed by Kira and Rohan’s childhood friend, that they even know something is wrong in Morioh in the first place.
So they chase Kira, and they find him after the death of a friend makes the group emboldened. Kira gets away, but the hunt is on. Everyone is looking for signs of Kira, and he gets cornered again, which leads to even more shit. There are more Stand users but this time they’re more disposable, as they’re assassins more than just people hit by circumstance. The final fight of Crazy Diamond versus Killer Queen was great and the Bites the Dust episodes were heart-wrenching to me. 
There’s just a lot that I liked about DiU and I could talk for a while, lol. But I won’t, this is long enough as it is.
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mimzilla · 8 years
Replies to this post, cut bc length :U  
replied to your post:
“are there people who don’t like Kite? or people who hate him? Is it...”
mimi no r u TRYIN to pick a fight
Yes fite me
no I’m honestly just wondering like. It is so impossible for me to believe as a true thing. Fascinating. This ‘disliking Kite’ phenomenon.... how can it be?
  kites-guardian-angel replied to your post: “are there people who don’t like Kite? or people who hate him? Is it...”
honestly I don't think 2011 fucking up his introduction has much to do with it; obviously I'm mad about it of course, but I think that it's still very clear how much he means to Gon and it makes sense how much he does even with what they cut out, and the tragedy of it is still terrible. I myself didn't find out about how it was supposed to be from the manga until much later, and I already adored Kite and got really upset about him and Gon way before that. (1/2)
Personally, the only way I can really picture someone being like “ugh I’m so annoyed this guy is on screen again” wrt Kite is if they were like... put off by his v. abrupt introduction and sudden leap to relevance? This was not a problem you & I had, clearly, since I too glommed on to him like immediately lmao. But I can definitely see people not being able to swallow it, and that’s totally fair. Especially since the flashback sequence can be summed up (though not particularly well) as “hey look it’s this guy, he punched Gon then was going to kill a small cute forest animal, like him as a person”.
...Rather, I think people just don't care about him because 1) they love Pitou and love to woobify them and act like they didn't do anything wrong, and just see them trying to heal Komugi for Meruem as complete redemption or w/e, so acknowledging Kite is acknowledging that Pitou did, in fact, brutally murder someone and then use in terrible ways afterwards, which is a negative thing against them and 2) people also hate on Gon for getting moody/annoyed with Killua this arc (because Killua gets protected by everyone and can do no wrong), and getting so (reasonably) angry at Pitou, so again, acknowloging Kite would be acknowloging that Gon has legitimate reasons to act the way he does this arc, which no one likes to do (2/2)
I wouldn’t really call it a ‘problem’ for the fandom to pass over him in favor of characters who get far more screentime and actual development, so in that sense I can get his being a pretty background character to people. But the position he’s in wrt Pitou’s initial character and Gon’s deterioration does highlight the flaws in people’s bad opinions about the arc as a whole.
Like lbr for the vast majority of Pitou’s screentime they were a flat-out bad person. They had some truly amazing development and genuinely changed, I’m not disputing that and I’m v. much a fan of Pitou. Just, like, the character that Pitou actually is rather than some people’s ‘Pitou did nothing wrong’ version.
(And while I’ve hardly taken a census of people’s opinions in the fandom, I wouldn’t quite say that ‘no one’ acknowledges the validity of Gon’s feelings lol)
oh and it doesn't help that Kite's resurrection and his reunion with Gon is treated so casually and as no big deal; there's no emotional impact or anything like there should have been, it's just "oh hey, you're back, nice to see you again; bye!", so that further confirms that he was never really anyone to care about to begin with (to the people who don't care about him, I mean)
GOD don’t even get me STARTED on the fuckin resurrection thing honestly like what the fuck?? What the fuck?? I am still holding out hope that Togashi has a card up his sleeve wrt that whole thing and how... disjointed it feels from everything that has just happened?? Which as you say wouldn’t help with people not liking him. I guess the weird atmosphere of it might be intentional/the point, but like........ tf.............. I’ve gotten much more fond of ant!Kite with time, but really.
The emotional resolution of that and Gon & Killua’s argument wasn’t on the mark at all either. Which! I’m inclined to believe was purposeful, and hints at further discussion of these things in the future or even future conflicts, but we’ll just have to wait and see. Wait...... a long time........... and see.
...........sorry I rambled in the notes
You’re fine lmao I’m not in any kind of position to lecture people on rambling about meta
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