#it movie 2017 imagine
black--cherryy · 7 months
Let's talk about how an actual "Patrick crushing on u" would look like. No, there's no romantic love story..Unless people wanna stay delusional
⚠️ Trigger warning (for some idk)
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Him being obsessed and even K.. you if u leave and then maybe K himself.
Yes Sex might be true but also forcing it upon u
He would stalk u anytime no matter what u do.
But u guys still can have fun cuz I'm sure he would do a lot of jokes and such.
He would brag about his fridge and what he got inside
If he had a crush on u then he would stare like a lot
Probably bully u with the boys but more in a inappropriate way
Follow u to the restrooms
Always throw in little papers with maybe creepy texts in ur locker
Won't leave u alone and always hit on u
U won't have one calm day. He would be always bothering u
At nights he would climb up to get into ur open window and get into ur room
Or throw little stones at ur window to wake u up and see u just for one second.
He would find it attractive to bother u and see ur pissed and bothered reaction.
Grateful if u support me with a tip ♡
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yandere-toons · 1 year
Platonic & Romantic Headcanons – Yandere
WARNING: child abuse and neglect, strong violence, bullying, implied alcoholism, reference to divorce, emotional abuse.
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As soon as his father drinks himself into unconsciousness or throws him out the door, Henry stalks down the street to where he thinks his friend might be. Explaining nothing of his sullen demeanour, he places himself in the middle of whatever they are doing, dragging them into a more private area if their current activity is too public or not to his liking. From there, the hope is that his friend will act in a way that comforts him without him having to ask for it and risk further humiliation.
There are two possible outcomes here, depending on how his friend treats him and who else gets involved. If they accept his presence without prying, Henry will shut down and remain silent for a while, riding out the emotional storm around someone he now has a reasonable chance of trusting. If they stonewall him or others interrupt, Henry will revert to his hostile bully persona and never mention the event again, as it has become a new source of shame for him.
Henry reveals a watered-down version of the truth when pressed for answers, but even then, he refuses to tell the whole story out of a desire not to relive it, not to be seen as a whiner, and not to show how profoundly it has affected him. After all, a history of cruel reactions from his father and the small-town mentality of Derry have taught him that emotional vulnerability is a dangerous mistake of the stupid and weak.
Despite this, it becomes increasingly clear that Henry is stalling for time when the subject of going home creeps up on him. He would much rather stay out all day and night with his friend and the gang, cruising town with Belch at the wheel, forgetting what awaits him when he sets foot on the family farm. But Henry knows only too well that Butch's wrath will double if he has to go looking for him.
Henry will threaten and, if sufficiently provoked, maim anyone who shows an interest in his friend. His worldview is more than a little misanthropic, as his good memories are few and far between, and his father and the community at large have taught him to hate anyone who challenges his idea of the norm. As such, he sees this as a favour to his friend, ridding them of all the scumbags who would inevitably trap them in an unwanted relationship.
But deeper down, in the places that have never quite healed, the places he never talks about, Henry is afraid of powerlessness. He despises the thought that his friend would abandon him because of someone else, as his mother did, so he does not give them that option. Anyone who tries to plant the idea in their head that they should cut ties with him, or worse, leave town, he beats as if it might save his life.
As far as Henry is concerned, no one offers a better source of companionship than he. He is fond of yelling this supposed fact and more at his friend when they refuse to drop everything and join him at a moment's notice. Seeing this as an affront to his authority as well as a personal insult, Henry cannot take it, especially when it happens in front of people, and tries to hector them into submission.
If any of Henry's accomplices disagree with his methods, none will be too honest about it. Henry displays an unabashed willingness to hurt anyone and everyone who comes between him and his friend. Other bullies have required stitches courtesy of Henry and learned to turn tail at the sight of him or them, and the last concerned citizen to intervene was left with a concussion.
Although Henry is a little more lenient with his gang, he still has rules about what kind of interactions are acceptable. Some of these rules go unspoken until one of the other boys crosses a line he did not know had been drawn. On the first day, Patrick Hockstetter lost his right to be alone with Henry's friend and incurred a death threat from Henry after Patrick made advances towards them and asked if they would like to share Henry with him.
Spending time with other people sounds like a waste of energy to Henry, but spending time with the Losers is so inexcusable that he expresses it in the only language he knows: violence. His need to anticipate his father's unstable emotions has made him sensitive to any sign of displeasure in others, which Henry receives in abundance from one of the Losers, Richie Tozier. Tozier calls him an obsessive freak when he cuts one of the kids for staring at his friend.
His only frame of reference is his parents' disastrous marriage, now separated, and the couples at school he enjoys breaking up with shoves and jibes. Henry can be demanding in everything he asks of his partner, putting them in the untenable position of bearing the brunt of his emotional hunger. It is an overwhelming and confused mess of mixed signals and frustration that has built up over years.
Much of Henry's attention-seeking behaviour and unpredictable aggression stems from the fact that he is both ashamed of his struggles and less and less successful at repressing them. When he still tries, it manifests itself in violent outbursts and, in the context of this relationship, defensive anger when his partner does not immediately and completely fulfil his needs.
There are few things Henry would hate more than being compared to his father, so he refrains from using this level of violence with his partner. However, he retains a distinct bullheadedness in the many arguments that do break out, usually over Henry's desire for them to give up any part of their life that distracts from him.
Under no circumstances is Butch to know that Henry has a partner, let alone meet them. He would rather die than have them see what a so-called coward he becomes around his father, and the thought of them being caught in the crossfire of one of his father's explosions makes him want to stick the knife in Butch's throat a little sooner.
At the first sign of Butch's approach, Henry pulls away from his partner and tells them that if things get heated, they should go with Victor and wait for him at a distance. Victor is disturbed by Henry's extreme view of the relationship but is wise enough not to say so to his face.
Watching his partner suffer abuse at the hands of a family member ignites a rage in Henry that stems from his unfulfilled desire to take revenge on his father. He flashes back to when Butch similarly hurt him, reopening the last wound he tried to numb by avoiding his home and seeking out his partner. Every punch Henry lands, every slash with the knife, is almost like getting back at his father for all the scars he gave him.
Henry refuses to feel remorse for those he attacks, as Butch would never apologise for the damage he inflicts and once even rewarded Henry for his violent actions. After making his partner drop a science project in the hallway, the child he forced to eat dirt had it coming. The classmate who sat next to his partner at lunch - a seat reserved for Henry, regardless of whether anyone else knows it or whether he feels like taking it that day - deserved to be thrown to the floor and humiliated in a way that will haunt them forever.
Competition, real or imagined, is unforgivable and will be met with swift, if not disproportionate, retaliation. The first line of defence is a barrage of verbal abuse, escalating to physical assault unless the pest flees the scene and swears an oath never to speak to his partner again. From there, Henry will order his cohorts to hold the person still while he carves, stones, drowns and breaks whatever he finds most offensive.
Part of a community that frowns upon physical closeness between friends, Henry seeks in this relationship the emotional intimacy and affection that his father never provided. He denies having such needs when anyone suggests otherwise, insisting that he only stays with his partner for superficial reasons and would not miss them if they were to disappear one day.
Despite his claims of indifference, Henry displays a violent resentment towards those who befriend his partner, perceiving these individuals as a threat to his importance in their life. This fear speaks to his underlying insecurity of not being in control, the same insecurity that drives him to suspect the worst in people and defend or assert himself accordingly.
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Do anything you want with my work, but never make me boring!
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I really love @gloomy-prince​ ‘s trans Eddie comic so so so so fucking much. ITS SOOOO SOO well crafted and wholesome and always makes me smile or like gasp in some way everytime it updates
SOOOO I drew a lil fanart of the AU with Richie being silly right after the haircut because FUCK I love to imagine how supportive and cute all the losers would be with eddie, esp richie.... MY HEARTTTTTT !!!
ALT TEXT: a drawing of trans eddie with his hair short, having just been cut by richie. richie is behind him holding two strands of cut hair above his lip as if it is a mustache. he is smiling wide and saying “HOI. OIM MISTAH EDWARD K!!” while eddie rolls his eyes playfully and tries not to smile. 
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stan has to do it all himself in the end, as was richie’s intention XDDD
ALT TEXT: a 6 panel comic. In the first panel, richie and eddie are laying in the hammock, with eddie reading a comic book and richie just relaxing. In the second panel, there are “huffs” and “hrks” that are heard by richie. He looks over. In the third panel, stan is carrying a big box that says “bird books” and also a grocery bag. He looks tired. He says, “can one of you lazy fucks help me?” In the fourth panel, richie smiles and looks at stan. He says “You heard em eds, use them big man musk-les!” Eddie glances up from his book. In the fifth panel, eddie angrily throws his comic book at richie and says, “JUST BECAUSE YOU FOUND OUT IM A DUDE DOES NOT GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO GIVE ME ALL THE WORK, ASSHOLE!”. Richie goes, “LMAOOO”. In the sixth and final panel, Stan is still carrying his stuff and he looks annoyed as all hell. He’s squinting angrily. Meanwhile, richie and eddie argue off screen through speech bubbles.  “well idk I think it does!” “it does NOT!” “I mean... look, you’re strong enough!” “It’s NOT ABOUT being STRONG!” 
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trashm0uthtoz1er · 2 years
okay, im kind of confused. why is everyone saying eddie died in It chapter 2??? did we watch the same It chapter 2? they killed pennywise then richie and eddie got married at the end and adopted two pomeranians, i really am so confused, help.
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bitches-who-write · 10 months
Heyy!! Random question but if Patrick's girlfriend had a small pet like a hamster or something like that..do you think Patrick would kill it😭😭?? Even if its his own girlfriend's animal?
…..100% Patrick is cold hearted. He has no love in that lanky body of his. I can picture him accidentally killing it or losing it.
~Here’s a little scenario for you~
Let’s say you were going out of town and you asked him to watch your pet hamster..cause you were desperate. He either ended up stepping on it by ‘accident’ or he could have ‘accidentally’ let it out of its cage while he was out. Either way he decided he was gonna try to replace it without you knowing..but it’s Patrick. He’s a dumbass. He ended up replacing it with a hamster that looked nothing like the original.
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disneytva · 5 months
The talented people like Eric Goldberg & Jennifer Lee at Walt Disney Animation Studios are celebrating Disney Television Animation's 40th Anniversary and 100th Series with a TOONTOWN AD using hand-drawn animation.
The spot features Mickey Mouse and the gang in their ONCE UPON A STUDIO desings interacting with Walt Disney Imagineering and Disney Television Animation rides like "Mickey & Minnie's Runaway Railway" & "DuckTales: Donald's Boat"
TOONTOWN also features rides like "Chip 'n' Dale's GADGETcoaster" inspired by "Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers" and Goofy's How-to-Play Yard featuring nods to "Goof Troop", "DuckTales 2017" and "A Goofy Movie".
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alcinaslittlemaid · 4 months
Derry Shenanigans
If I lived in Derry Maine
*Planting rose petals from the sewer drain, leading to my house up the stairs and into my bedroom*
“Ohhh nooo~ I really hope a 7ft, alien clown doesn’t follow me home and have his way with me, that’d be absolutely ama- Awful! Oh I’m so scared~”
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canislupus-exe · 2 years
Like Always | richie tozier
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>> gif credit to @/sanriogaki on weheartit <<
fandom | It: Chapter One
character | Richie Tozier
reader | she/her (he ver.)(they ver.)
requested | Anonymous
warnings | none
word count | 1,189
keys | (Y/n) = Your name
>> prompts <<
56 | “Are you flirting with me?”
67 | “Stop being so cute.”
68 | “You’re making me blush!”
summary | hi!! can I req a Richie x reader (teenagers- around 15-16?)  where they both like each other but are oblivious to each other's feelings? I think it prompts 56, 67, and 68 will work with this!
>> back to prev <<
Keep Reading
You stretched out on the hammock that hung from the posts of the clubhouse. The other losers were strewn about the rest of the space, doing various things to keep themselves occupied. Richie had taken the liberty of staring you down since you were lying on what he considered the second coming of Jesus.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer, dickwad.” You said, stretching out to get more comfortable. Annoying him was just a bonus.
“Eddie, didn’t you say it was a 10-minute limit?” Richie asked.
“Uh yeah well considering you didn’t respect that rule when it was my turn I think (Y/n) has every right to overstay her welcome on that hammock.”
“Aw stop it, Eddie, you’re making me blush.” You teased. Eddie rolled his eyes.
“Don’t make me take it back (Y/n).”
“Love you too Eds.” You replied as you went back to reading your comic book.
“Fuck this bullshit,” Richie exclaimed as he walked toward your reclined body. You lowered your book just in time to see Richie sidle up next to you. You groaned.
“Oh come on man, have some self-respect.” You grumbled as he made the fabric sway. He smirked and got comfortable the best he could.
“Ah, that’s refreshing. I mean honestly, my back was killing me. You know, now that I think about it, I could really use a massage. (Y/n), would you be so kind?” He asked, his voice patronizing. You rolled your eyes and set your book down.
“Why of course Mr. Tozier, you should’ve said something sooner. Come real close and I’ll get all that tension out for you.” 
“Now that’s what I’m talking about. Finally getting the royal treatment I deserve.” He replied jokingly, knowing there was no way you’d go for it. You adjusted yourself and to his surprise, actually began to massage his back. His face slowly turned red as he felt your hands climb up his skin, gently pressing your fingers and palms down interchangeably. 
“You're actually…?”
“Anything for you Richie.” You teased. Your heart thumped loudly in your ears. His skin was so soft you were scared your fingertips might just pass through him. You tried to play it cool like this was just your normal, run-of-the-mill, Richie pulling punches and (Y/n) being the only girl dumb enough to punch back, but you knew that was a lie. You knew your hands were trembling as you caressed the back of the boy you’d had a crush on for God knows how many years and you knew he’d start to feel it soon as well.
“Are you flirting with me?” He asked, his voice almost faltering in his throat. He was joking. He had to be joking.
“So what if I am?” You asked, leaning your chin on his shoulder and resting your hands on his hips. Richie practically burst at the seams from this, but what happened next threw him out of the trance faster than he’d fallen into it. You roughly shoved him off the hammock, smirking in triumph at the sound of surprise that jumped out of him. He fell to the floor, and the wind immediately knocked out of his chest. All he could do was lie there for a solid minute, processing what had happened.
“You skank!” He shouted, sitting up and turning toward you. You smirked and reclined again, picking up the comic book you’d set down.
“You love me.” You replied. He gave a slight chuckle before shaking his head and leaning against the wooden post that held up one side of the hammock. He did. He really did.
You yawned as you approached the arcade snack counter. You’d been going at Street Fighter for far too long and decided it was time for a pick-me-up. An ultra delicious total brain-freezing wild cherry slushie. Or just a cherry slush, as those less passionate than you would call it. 
You sauntered over to the counter and the employee who stood behind it and smiled. He placed a cup under the cherry spout, already knowing what you’d gone there for. To say you were a regular was an understatement. You placed $1.50 on the counter, and the employee finished in record time, sliding the drink to you and putting the cash in the register. You walked away, knowing that he knew that you didn’t need the change.
As you walked away, you ducked behind a hanging tarp. The part of the arcade that was always under construction for whatever reason. You liked laying low here to enjoy your slushes in peace and quiet. Plus there was a working Computer Space cabinet so that was the sickest part.
“How did I know you’d be here?” A familiar voice asked after the rusting of the tarp stopped. You snickered and looked over your shoulder, seeing your best friend.
“Richard Tozier. How often have I told you not to bother me in my super-secret lair?” You replied. It was now his turn to snicker.
“Lair? Seriously? This dingy old place has got to be one of the lamest ‘lairs’ I’ve ever seen.” He said. You exhaled and leaned against the cabinet.
“Yeah, I guess you're right. But it’s gotta be worth something with this original Computer Space cabinet which has an unbeatable high score held by… Well… me.” You replied, a smirk creeping its way onto your lips. There was nothing in the world that pissed Richie off more than the fact that he just couldn’t seem to top you in that damn game.
“Again with this. I swear it’s like the only thing you have over my head. Computer Space this Computer Space that meh meh meh meh meh.” He mocked you.
“Aw, someone’s getting all worked up. Come on, yell at me some more, I like it.” You taunted as you took a sip from your slushie.
“You like everything I do (Y/n).” He said as he leaned on the cabinet beside you.
“Why yes. Every night I go to sleep dreaming of my knight in shining armor Richard Tozier who will sweep me off my feet one day.” You jeered sarcastically.
“I bet you do. I bet you dream of kissing me like there’s no tomorrow.”
“Oh not just kissing Richie. No no no. In my dreams, we do so much more than just kissing.”
“God just stop being so cute!” He exclaimed, his tone much more genuine than he’d intended. You choked on your slushie slightly, your face growing warm from the blood that rushed to it.
“Wh-What?” You stared at him. His face dropped as he registered what he’d said. 
“Oh, I just- um… I-I’m kidding. Like always.”
“Then why are you so red?”
“It’s warm?”
“You’re so full of shit Tozier.” You replied before grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and pulling him into a kiss. He made a noise of surprise but within seconds he was practically melting into your touch. He wrapped his arms around your waist and deepened the kiss as much as he could. You still tasted like the cherry slushie, and he couldn’t get enough.
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tokruta · 11 months
I’m starting to hc Miguel as Miguel Rivera (from Coco)’s great grandson.
It’s mostly because I’ve been doing my family tree for a good while now, so most of my free time is occupied with tracking down Mexican ancestors, looking for resources to better understand the different settings they lived in, reading old Spanish handwritten records, etc. So, with genealogy on the brain, and seeing some names repeated down family lines…I think having Miguel O’Hara be descended from Miguel Rivera would be a neat lil idea.
Like, imagine little Conchata growing up in Mexico with a famous musician grandfather who loves her and dotes on her and her cousins. Yes, he’s a famous musician, but he’s a family man first and is always ready to pass down stories from his life and his loved ones, dead and living. She loves her grandfather so much she decided to name her firstborn son after him.
She wasn’t always the best mom, especially to Miguel, but she passed down those stories and traditions, including singing and a love for music. And Miguel grows up loving to sing, and being good at it but keeping it to himself and Gabriel because George hated to hear it.
Gabriel, on top of being a good artist, is a pretty damn good guitar player and also has a great voice. He mostly keeps it on the down low, though, even in adulthood.
Miguel didn’t pick up any instruments, but he sometimes wishes he picked up the violin before he became Spider-Man. Instead, he let Gabriela pick out an instrument she wanted to play, and if she happened to pick the violin, the onions that manifested were a complete coincidence.
Plus, it’s literally canon that Miguel goes to Mexico to celebrate Día de Los Muertos and that his suit in the comics was one he wore to the festivals. I think it’s better for that to be a thing he does bc the holiday is a big deal in his family rather than bc it’s an excuse to party or whatever.
His mother had an ofrenda and so does he.
Miguel Rivera is still alive (he was born in like 2005, he could totally still be alive in the 2090s and 2100s, so he is in my hc ☺️) so Miguel visits him in Mexico, too. Miguel is shy about singing in front of anybody, but his bisabuelo is able to bring him out of his shell, especially by singing his old songs that Miguel grew up listening to.
The more I think about it, the more attached I become to this hc.
Now I want to write a fic where Miguel is visiting a dimension in the 2020s (616B, 1610B, etc) and he happens to see that a young Mexican musician is starting to trend, and it’s his bisabuelo Miguel as a young man 🥹 so he buys tickets and flies to Mexico 🥹 to watch him live 🥹 and yes he knows this isn’t his bisabuelo but he is as close as he can get to a young Miguel Rivera at the start of his long and successful career and it just hits him in the soul 🥹
And if Miguel Rivera happens to notice a 6’9” giant at his show, who looks strangely familiar, watching him perform like it’s the best thing he’s ever seen… who’s to say.
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biolizardboils · 1 year
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reminder that Something Just Like This is still the Egg Casserole song ever
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black--cherryy · 4 months
Pov: If u were in the Bowers Gang or Losers Club
Tell me which one u'd pick and also if u wanna see a male version.
Bowers Gang:
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Losers Club:
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(Idk I got bored and did it. I'm definitely Bowers gang lol)
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slasherparty · 2 years
Josef with a smol shy/self-conscious reader, who totally accepts and supports him, and just loves him so much?? srry if that's too specific, feel free to ignore if it's too much!! love your blog, you're an amazing writer and your hcs give me life 💖💖💖❤❤💕💕💕
not too specific at all! i think josef would get along well with someone timid. he’s very soft-spoken when he needs to be (though i’d say he has the ability to be anything he needs to be to gain someone’s trust). also thank u for the compliment <3
josef 🐺 / shy reader:
you’re attracted to josef before you consciously realize it. even in the midst of his terrorizing, peachfuzz donned on his skull like the sentient persona it has become, all you can do is reach up to pet him like you would a pet you were fond of.
being accepted in earnest admittedly feels a little unnerving to josef. it’s unexplored territory for him, who’s usually on the other side of the psychological torment. to be so openly welcomed by someone is a terrifyingly foreign experience, but he is not one to scare easily. he’s the one who does the scaring around here. not you.
despite his vehemence, you spoil his games before they even have a chance to begin. this should annoy him. he wants to be frustrated so badly. the more he sees of your patience, your kindness, your infinite capacity for open-minded approval, the more his resolve wavers. the routine isn’t working like it should.
very well, then. this only means he has to find another way of getting to you. he needed a change of pace, anyway. time and time again he’s treated himself to the same flavor of prey. to hunt another type of animal would be refreshing.
it’s safe to say you won’t be going anywhere at this point. you know what you’re in for, but you don’t feel crushed by the weight of your fate. you only feel the magnifying pull of the person (the very terrifying person) you’re slowly getting to know.
josef notices the silent submission you’re giving him and takes his time observing you. it’s longer than he’s had for most of the others. it’s time he needs if he plans to approach this game in a new way.
he starts by being honest, as all good relationships do. he shows genuine interest in you and, with consent, asks as many personal questions as you’ll allow. now you’re under the microscope of intended affection.
this challenges your self-conscious nature, admittedly. you try not to be self deprecating when he asks things about your dreams, passions, interests, wishes for the future. you try not to reveal the surprisingly weak foundation surrounding your self-image when he asks if you were bullied growing up, what your home life is like, whether you think you’re smart or not, attractive or not.
flipping these questions back at josef does nothing, unremarkably. he’s pledged honesty, but even his truthful (and sometimes very embarrassing) answers don’t seem to waver him. he’s a masterclass in composure and you’re no match for him.
he notices, of course. the flush on your neck and cheeks when he scrutinizes you so closely, revealing your self-doubt, making you vulnerable in front of him. though the two of your are alone in these woods, in this giant cabin, his eyes are like spotlights. you adore him, hopelessly so, and that's why this vulnerability feels so scary. would he think less of you for your lack of confidence, when he can share his failures and inner demons so freely and without shame?
but like always, he surprises you. he uses the things you tell him against you, but in a very... doting way? he comments on your hair, how nice it looks today; he acknowledges your accomplishments, compliments you when you succeed in something; he brings you handmade gifts, some in your favorite color, some shaped like your favorite animal... it's clear he is intent on winning this game of Who Can Love Who the Best and Most Aggressively.
this is fine with you, of course. it's a game the two of you might be playing for all eternity.
sorry i kinda wrote a whole drabble? but i have so much to say about josef/aaron... he is such a fun lil guy <3
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whatthefuckisasweep · 2 years
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Lol i watched this vid and said… YES… this… but LOSERS…
i love the eddie-bev-richie dynamic gOD THEY ARE REALLY JUST THE CHAOS MAKERS OF THE GROUP—
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eastrqwolfhard · 7 months
Hello!!My name's Livvie and I've been a writer since I was a little kid.I hope you all enjoy my writing and please remember that my first language is not english,even tho I'm pretty much a bilingual.
I will be writing for lots of fandoms but more for:
-The Black Phone
-You are so not invited to my barmitzbah
-Fnaf movie
-Percy Jackson book series
I will not write incest or sexual ab#se or big age gaps.
I can write smut,fluff,angst,and more...
Do your requests here!
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bitches-who-write · 10 months
Hi, if it's ok, can I ask for a ship, pretty please?
I'm a girl, 5'2, a little bit chubby
I have long blond hair and green eyes
I'm into kpop, dancing (I used to do pole dancing even), collecting dolls and playing video games.
And of course I love a horror genre
I'm a cat person
Here you go anon! We hope you enjoy it!
We ship you with...Victor! 
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I had to google to see how tall this man was..5'8 is the answer. 
He enjoys teasing you about your height. He will rest his arm on your head as he talks to guys/annoy you. 
He loves a girl with curves. As we have stated in multiple posts. 
If you two are sitting around listening to music he will casually start playing with your hair. 
When you first introduced him to K-pop he was deeply confused...why? ..do you understand what they are saying?? 
He doesn't understand. 
He only puts up with it because it's you. He does not like it though...at all. 
Man can dance. 
He enjoys dancing as well so the fact that you also like it makes him very happy. 
He doesn't show it tho cause he does not show emotions very often. 
...Pole dancing?? 
Show him. 
He is mesmerized by it. 
He's lowkey really good at it...like lowkey.
Dolls are extremely creepy to him..although this is probably something to do with Patrick. 
The soulless eyes remind him of Patrick...
He does not tell you this though. He doesn't want to hurt your feelings by telling you that your dolls are creepy as shit. 
You two can spend hours playing video games. 
"Hahah, suck it loser."
"Babe...you're fucking mean."
We stated in multiple posts that he loves horror movies. 
You want to spend the night watching horror movies??
He has already picked out the movies. 
You two are the couple that everyone hates watching horror movies with. HATES. 
You two will point out every flaw in the movie/talk the entire time.
"Dude that's not realistic at all..you'd bleed out faster if you did so and so."
"He's gonna die next....told you.
He loves cats. If you have a cat, it's in his arms/lap the majority of the time. 
Your cat goes missing?? 
You can breathe...I can assure you Patrick did not take it for his fridge.
Victor took it. 
Overall you two have a fun time together. 
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disneytva · 1 year
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Lastest Disney Television Animation X Walt Disney Imagineering Collaboration Mickey’s Toontown At Disneyland Opens
MICKEY'S TOONTOWN refreshment with many Disney Television Animation nods is a celebration of Disney TVA's origins as the studio started with Mickey-Universe driven projects. 
"Goofy’s How-To-Play Yard": features also features nods to GOOF TROOP and A GOOFY MOVIE and a picture of Hewey & Max with Webby Vanderquack in her DUCKTALES 2017 look but adaptated to the classic Mickey & Friends artwork.
“The EngineEar Souvenirs Shop”: Features multiple nods to places from multiple Disney TVA - Mickey Mouse Series such as DUCKTALES, MICKEY MOUSE MIXED-UP ADVENTURES, MICKEY MOUSE CLUBHOUSE, MICKEY MOUSE FUNHOUSE  & HOUSE OF MOUSE
“Main Place”: One of the new signs of the area also features nods to DUCKTALES 2017 & MICKEY MOUSE MIXED UP ADVENTURES/MICKEY MOUSE FUNHOUSE.
“Chip ‘n’ Dale’s GADGETcoaster“: The attraction features static figures based on Gadget,Chip with a little Zipper and Dale as well voice acting for the ride.
“DuckTales: Donald Duck’s Boat”: Area of the land is themed around DUCKTALES 2017 with The Triplets and Webby Vanderquack McDuck causing leaks on Donald's Boat. 
Photos Belong To Laughing Place,Daps Magic & Dani at Twitter and IG.
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