#it reminds me of mystic messenger too haha
kadoodles-on-ao3 · 2 years
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Artist: mugimugis3 Source: Twitter Archives: Original Post | First Image | Second Image
(Rough) Translation: Melia: "Actually, I fell from a great height when I was young. I must send a bill to your colony's chief [for all of the ether cylinders you took from the crashed airship]." Reyn: "Really?" Melia: "Obviously I am joking." Text in corner of first image: Reyn and Melia's Heart-to-Hearts are extremely cute Text in corner of second image: #Closefriends Melia: "Suppose I were to tell you that I liked you." Shulk: "Huh?" Melia: "I was joking, needless to say." Shulk: "Huuuh?"
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fictionfixations · 2 months
if i had a nickels for every brown-haired fem-presenting protagonist in a mobile game, id have two nickels. also i cant think of any other rn so there might be more (that ive played). also can i just say the visuals are very unique (the surroundings i mean)? like like its. i dont know how to explain it idk this stuff
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(this is other protag im referring to. this is mystic messenger. i dont have a better img unlocked so uh. also hi if youve seen my recent mysme posts, i got the good ending :D)
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clearly it wants you to explore so i was like 'haha what if ii dont want to'
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but like oh
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'gosh its just a branch' why did that actually make me jump im crying i just saw something while we were walking and was like 'huh?' and then it cracked when we stepped on it and it startled me i
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voiced jumpscare (they(bc idk who tf this is) say 'do not worry' but i pressed past it so ermm oops)
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are these guys dateable i know literally nothing about this game im going in blind (which is a first for hoyo games lOl. with the exception of honkai impact since that was my first hoyo game actually.)
his voice is hot. also im playing in jp. idk if theres like some voiced language that is a league above the others, or if youre meant to listen to it in like idk the og language, im just more familiar with hearing jp cause im an anime person
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why do i feel like the white doctor person is a villain it honestly reminded me a lot of kafka in hsr's intro (just vibes though..? also vague stuff that probably refers to the future)
also maybe because its the latest actual like 2d sort of visual novel i saw was ddlc, but our protag reminds me a lot of monika. visually i mean. even the facial expressions
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the pulling animation is pretty but uh. the going through the cards are very bright like the entire screen goes white oh my god this is a bad game to play at 4 am o w oh 💀
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i mean like. i dont mind. i play way too many games that arent english voiced to be mad about actually reading
Oh shit it quit me out again WHYYY PLEASEEE
happy that the investigating the surroundings part has like a hint button that highlights what it wants you to find
i dont think anything like that is in danganronpa. or at least v3? i played through it and remember getting stuck on i think it was the 5th trial? dont wanna spoil so ill keep it vague. i got stuck in the investigation portion because i missed that you could click on the sleeve of the jacket (i had to google because my dumbass didnt even think about looking at it 😭)
anyway uhhhhhh
i might make more posts on this? idk. i dont know anything about the story except what ive gone through so far and im starting to get a headache cause words so er im gonna stop here
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merakiui · 1 year
Omg!! I'm so late! work kept me busy 😭 but I wanted to reply to your last message! regarding hetalia and such!
Going back to the hetalia fandom it's like coming home after a while <33 and Personally my favourite female characters are Seychelles, Liechtenstein, Belgium and Belarus (Belarus is low-key yandere for her brother and Unhinged omg),
Did you have or should I say do have any ships you like ? maybe with England since he is your favourite? I'm much more into rare pairs/ships which means there isn't much content of them 😭 like : England x Seychelles (because their interaction in Gakuen Hetalia was cute and funny ♡) or Iceland x Seychelles (I adore opposite-attract 🥺 💛 Iceland is more reserved while Seychelles is more outgoing and now imagine Seychelles helping Iceland coming out of his shell or Iceland cooling down Seychelles! ♡) lol can you tell I like Seychelles??
Nyo France is a charming lady ❤ I like your taste 🤌Personally I also like Nyo America (I love my tomboy princess) and nyo Italy/Romano such babes, Nyo Finland looks cute but will kick your Ass 💪❤
Also, Pirate England and Pirate Spain are Hot af 👌That's all I want to say haha (or even viking nordics 👀)
And Omg I'm actually currently obsessed with Danganronpa! 😭 In fact my profile picture is sonia nevermind bc she's one of my favourites! Which characters do you like the most?? 👀 are there any moments in the game you liked/saddened you the most ? (like favourite character dying 😭)
As for mystic messenger! did you ever notice how similar looking Saeran/Ray and Rollo look like? maybe it's the eyebags but seriously the first time I saw Rollo in twst I thought "Ray what are you doing in twst?? leave me alone, I'm not into you anymore 😭" but not only the physical Apperance both of their characters are kind of similar? I mean Ray is literally in a cult and Rollo is well you know based of an Disney villian who's religious corrupted sooooo yeah! but Saeran/ray/unknown has such yandere tendencies! and yes that one jumin ending omg! 😭 Yoosung is a cutie 💓 and well jaehee keeps us in the friendzone 💀
And Obey me! Asdfghjklöä! while writing this Obey me nightbringer came out! 🎉 I see you like Mammon 😂 seems like you like Greedy Demon and Octopus 🤌 only difference the Octopus is successful business owner and well..... the demon is constantly broke, so broke in fact the steals from his brothers 💀 I can also totally see Idia and Leviathan (maybe yoosung too??) bounding over videogames or hating the normies together 💀 (and maybe talking about having a certain crush on a certain MC 👀👀) they sure would make great frenemies 😂😂 Also Satan reminds me of APH England 💀💀 maybe its the hair colour?? the colour green?? or maybe the small same similarities personality wise?? but omg I can't unsee it now 💀 And AHEM Jade and barbatos, I don’t think I need to say anything else but yeah they also have the almost same hairstyle!!
Ooooh but can you imagine the Twst Characters as Sins?? Like Riddle = Wrath, Leona = Sloth, Azul = Greed, Jamil = Envy, Vil = lust, Idia = ??? Gluttony??, Malleus = Pride!
Oooh yes Omori is such an interesting and Deep game I would recommend you to play it 🌟
Anyway, take good care of you and drink a lot of water! I've seen that you have lots of unfinished Luna love hotel requests and different ideas/fics you want to write! take your time and don't stress yourself or burn yourself out! writing is suppose to be fun, I hope your not overdoing it 🙏
Take Care 🤟 Anon 🌸
Hello again, 🌸 anon!!! I'm also quite late to respond, but omg you have good taste in female characters! Seychelles was a sweetheart and I liked her character a lot, too!! As for ships, I didn't really have any, but I did enjoy the interactions between Germany and Italy! It's very funny and cute. <3 and aaaaaa nyo!America is also a very nice design!!! Wonderful taste once again hehe. I love her tomboy look!!! >0< and nyo!Italy and nyo!Finland are also both so pretty!!!
Pirate England and pirate Spain..... AAAAAA orz and the viking nordics omg omg!!!! The amount of fanfics I used to read with them... too many to count. I remember there was a time I read too many pirate England fics that I ended up dreaming about him LOL. I think I was a stowaway on his ship, but the entirety of that dream was essentially England and Spain fighting over who got the rights to own me????? ^^;;;; I couldn't begin to explain it if I wanted to.
Sonia!!!! I like her a lot!!!! Additionally, I also like Shuichi, Kokichi, Kaede, and Hagakure! I thought Aoi and Sakura's friendship was very endearing, so Sakura's death crushed me the most in the first game. It's always painful being a Danganronpa fan because your favorite character has the possibility of getting killed and that's the worst feeling. </3
AAAAAAA Mystic Messenger....... every summer, I play it just so I can get more hourglasses to finally unlock Saeran's route. I'm vaguely familiar with what happens, but even so I need to play it. T_T the same goes for Jumin's route. I want that bad ending!!!! OTL I have played Zen's route so many times in the past because he gives the most hourglasses. He's so engraved in my brain hehe. <3 I love him. And Jaehee!!!! When I played her route, I kept thinking, "Why does she keep friend-zoning us? We're so obviously in love." >:( let Jaehee love the player!!! It's what she deserves. <3 aaaa and Yoosung!! He's the cutest. :D
Mammon is my number one!!!! Something about greedy and pathetic men is just so *chef's kiss,* so it makes sense I'd inevitably simp for Mammon and Azul lol. But then Satan and Belphegor are so !!!!!! When the latter was manipulating us and planning to trick us all along when we found him in the attic. :) oooooo he's the worst. I need him. I should play Obey Me again just to see Mammon and Belphegor hehe. I have no idea what is happening in the story now, but I heard there were new characters added and I also saw a few things regarding Nightbringer! Omg but your comments on Jade and Barbatos... I need them to sit down and have tea together to see who can out-babygirl the other. >:) and if memory serves, Barbatos can see into the future or foretell all possible timelines? If that's the case, WOOOOOOO the yandere potential!!!! orz
Also, the twst characters as the seven deadly sins is such a fun thought to entertain. <3 you're giving me so much brain rot... orz
Thank you for your kind words!!! I will make sure to take care of myself and drink water! Please do the same as well! :D though there are many things I want to write, I am pacing myself and focusing on one fic at a time. ^0^
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amee-racle-ofmyown · 4 months
Hey... Do you know the song sung by the voice actor from the pilot Hazbin Hotel? Called Thank you and goodnight. Weirdly this song reminds me of Mystic Messenger, despite being a new fan and having been into this game until this year 2024 I already felt a connection, seeing old posts about this game from an old fan somehow makes me tear up. Despite I'm a fan of 2024, I somehow feel nostalgic about this game despite never actually experience it before
I'm so sorry I took so long to answer this! I think I sorta replied to you on my head and forgot I hadn't t actually done it yet😭
yes, I do know that song! a lovely and bittersweet farewell. as much as I love the new HH cast, I'll still miss the old VAs too.
Mystic Messenger is inherently nostalgic for some reason🤔 maybe it's in part due to the type of texting language and memes being outdated now, but it just has that feel about it, so I get what you mean :]
it's always nice to see new mysme fans!! that game is one of my longest-running interests, and even though I don't post about it quite as often anymore, it's still very near and dear to my heart🫶❤️ it's had a huge impact on me as I've grown up lolol. I haven't been in the fandom since the very beginning, but it has been a very long time haha. I'm glad you feel moved by seeing old posts from long time fans! since you left this message for me, I'm assuming some my own are included? if so, thank you very much for saying so!! that makes me really happy to know🥺🤧💖
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ciaossu-imagines · 7 months
So, as mentioned, I'm doing both the personalized prompts from the reader appreciation day of the event! Still continuing on with the second prompt, this time for the lovely Nix, who has been exceptionally supportive of this blog for a long time now and who I appreciate so much!
BLACK: what face claim from an anime, comic book, or cartoon do I associate with you?
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Okay, I’m not going to lie. For the longest time, whenever I thought of you, I automatically pictured you as your icon picture. But given that it’s a very fancy cat, when I started pairing you with Shoichi in my head, I had to actually think of sort of an anime (or at least human) face to put with you, and the one that automatically came to mind and made sense to me was Sawako Kuronuma – it just fit the vibes you give off in my head!
WHITE: what flame type and box weapon do I think you’d have in the khr!verse?
No hesitation, pure out, you’re a Rain Flame to me. You have been since shortly after I got to know you through your constant support of the blog; again, it’s just something about the vibes you give off and after reading your full match-up description, that was just something that really solidified the flame type for me. As for your box weapon, it might disappoint because we do have a cat box weapon already, but I really do think it would be a Rain attribute feline for a box weapon, particularly an Abyssinian because of their reputation as being the most intelligent of the different cat breeds.
RED: what aesthetics do I associate with you?
Hot cups of tea in hand while rain pours down. Oversized cardigans. Fingers against instrument strings. Lo-fi. Studying. Bullet journals. Pretty stationery and fancy pens. Holding hands under the stars, walking home together. Close friends. Shared laughter in empty streets. Family, always having a place to come home to, no matter how old you get.
BLUE: what are three songs I’d put on a playlist for you?
ASTURIAS - issac albeniz guitar version
PIANO SONATA NO. 5 IN F-SHARP MINOR, OP. 81: III. FINALE. VIVACE - antonio pompa-baldi
THE PEOPLE WHO RAISED ME - gregory and the hawk
YELLOW: what fictional world out of all my fandoms would I picture you in?
The answer is pretty obvious, but of course it's Katekyo Hitman Reborn given that is the fandom we share, the one you request for and such! So it's the one I've thought of the most for you and the one where I have the most developed headcanons for you!
GREEN: who would I pair you with out of all my fandoms?
So, of course, the obvious KHR answer is Shoichi! Though I also self-ship with him, the ship of Nix/Shoichi lives so firmly in my mind that if I find myself self-shipping too much with him, I’m like ‘nope, veer off into one of your other self-ships because ya gotta leave Sho enough time to spend with Nix as well’, hahaha! In K, it’s Fujishima! In Nanbaka, it’s Musashi! In Iruma-kun, it’s Balam! In Bungou Stray Dogs, it’s Poe! In Servamp, it’s Syuhei Tsyuki! In Saiyuki, it’s Hakkai! In Eyeshield 21, it’s Taka Honjo! In Ronin Warriors, it's Rowen! In GetBackers, it’s Juubei! In Black Cat, it’s Train! In Gangsta., it’s Theo! In Bleach, it’s Hisagi! In Mystic Messenger, it’s Saeyoung! In Ikemen Revolution, it’s Sirius!
PURPLE: what gif reminds me of you?
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PINK: if you were an AU, what type of AU would you be?
It would have to be a musical AU, haha! Either everyone's cursed to have to sing like they were in a musical until something solves the curse, everyone's in a theatre troop or club and are doing a musical, or it's just plain out a high-school musical/disney film situation where nobody seems to realize they're actively in a musical but musical numbers and dance routines just happen and everyone reacts like they're perfectly normal, haha.
RAINBOW: if i were to write a khr sequel, following Tsuna’s demise, and could only use my reader’s as characters, who would you be?
I see you making good use of all that medical learning by being part of the Vongola's medical staff!! Either you're a medical doctor who helps everyone out with their physical injuries or you're serving as a therapist, helping everyone with their mental health and finding family, friends, and love along your journey!
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Oh man, pokemon? I low-key love talking about what teams the RFA would have. I have made some of my own but I never really thought about their teams too much, I'll show you them if you want to see, though! They may not be so thought out but hey! It's fine, it's fun! lol
But I love how I have named my main team after the RFA-
Keep in mind that I have this team for years and I will never change it, so I didn't have much thought when naming them after the RFA, lol
My first ever pokemon and favorite one for YEARS is Charizard and it's not surprising that I have named it after Saeyoung. It's also my ace and my Mega Y which deals a LOT. I remember hearing that it's Mega Pokedex entry is that it gets its power from its bond with its trainer? If so, I low-key think that this suits Saeyoung since he feels like he has gained a superpower or something when MC loves him!
Next up is Salamence which I named Saeran! I thought the red on it and blue is like SE. And I think the Moxie ability kinda fits honestly! I like to think that my Salamence spends hours just flying up in the sky, haha.
Next is Dragonite which I named it after Yoosung. It might be cute but it can do a lot! I like to think that it fits Yoosung cuz it's cute like him and it has his hair color.
Next is Aerodactyl which I named after Zen. I low-key didn't have much choice on this one cuz I named Jaehee and Jumin after the other two so this spot goes to Zen! It's the fasted pokemon in my team and I like to think that Zen runs fast cuz he exercises all the time sksks, also the color is kiiiiinda fitting?
Next up is my Marowak (Kanto) who I named after Jaehee! Again, the colors fit her and it hits super hard with its held item. I like to think that it's her Judo training and she can hit hard and be serious.
Next up is Tyranitar which I named after Jumin. I didn't think this much but now that I think about it, i think it kinda fits? I think it's toughness reminds me kinda of Jumin and his security and how it can do a lot in battle and STILL be bulky. It's also serious too which is a bonus lmfao-
I think that's everything! Tell me what you think. I've been playing Pokemon for years now and it's fun to imagine what Mystic Messenger characters would have!^^
I think it's so cute that you've named your team after the RFA. That really makes it feel like you've got the family together again. I think it's sweet that you imagined the personalities and tried to make that cut it alongside color schemes. Seven as an ace-up-your-sleeve type who knows how to breathe fire? Yeah, I can vibe with that. Mega-Evolution is a power that lasts briefly but can only be done by having a strong bond with your Pokemon. Saeyoung can't reach his peak without the strong love by his side.
Yoosung and Saeran as dragons? They're very opposing dragons, too. You gave Yoosung speed to zoom around since we all imagine him to be like a puppy. Saeran got the snark and sullen nature since I know it is SE Saeran you're trying to imagine here. Zen is unrivaled in his way of making us remember that he's a rarity, and giving him a Pokemon that is only gained by finding a fossil to revive? Yeah, that's what I'd expect if we want to imagine someone created him for something he didn't want and he ran away to you.
Jaehee makes sense to me, honestly. I tend to give her fighting and normal types but this one is a little out of the box so it made me think harder about her and how she can defend herself. Jumin is the only surprise to me since I tend to think of him with psychic types and I've always seen him that way. But, you're right in saying he's strong and sturdy.
So, I've already answered the would-be teams for all of the RFA sans Jaehee and Zen, so I'd be happy to share those with you right here as needed!
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Jaehee's team to me is a mesh that brings together her natural sense of fighting with food-themed Pokemon. She has a team with her who knows how to practice and train just like Jaehee does to keep up her training, and the natural foil to that with the other half of the team is focused on helping her find the freshest produce and coffee to run her shop. Her struggle would be learning that it's okay to bring those two loves together to work hard in the same place! Lopunny is likely her oldest partner and they've reached Mega-Evolution because of it.
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Zen's team is a team that rivals his beauty. We all tend to think of Zen as a wolf since he never shuts up about it, so having a Furfrou and a Mightyena just seem to make sense. I imagine it was easy to catch them since I know he caught those dogs on the streets when he was in his gang. Absol is easy to relate to for him since he was thought of as a bad omen, too. They find peace and union in knowing that they can't be misunderstood by each other. The rest of his team seems to reflect his psychic abilities and his connection to them. Munna is a good match for his dreams. Rapidash and Gardevoir fit the bill of a man on stage who feels charming and dashing.
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neonspark404 · 4 months
Hey... Do you know the song sung by the voice actor from the pilot Hazbin Hotel? Called Thank you and goodnight. Weirdly this song reminds me of Mystic Messenger, despite being a new fan and having been into this game until this year 2024 I already felt a connection, seeing old posts about this game from an old fan somehow makes me tear up. Despite I'm a fan of 2024, I somehow feel nostalgic about this game despite never actually experience it before
Yes I know the song because I'm actually in the Hazbin Hotel fandom too!
I kind of get how you feel. I joined the Mystic Messenger fandom in 2020 actually. The game has a big place in my heart for various reasons although I don't post as much about it anymore. Rn I'm actually trying to get the last 2 bad endings I'm missing.
I'm happy this fandom still gains fans even tho the developers aren't really working actively on it anymore.
Welcome to the fandom! There are actually a lot of cool people posting about it in 2024 too, it's far from dead yet :]
(funfact I actually feel this nostalgia about Hazbin Hotel because I joined this fandom in 2023 haha)
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nanamoonlightt · 4 months
Hey... Do you know the song sung by the voice actor from the pilot Hazbin Hotel? Called Thank you and goodnight. Weirdly this song reminds me of Mystic Messenger, despite being a new fan and having been into this game until this year 2024 I already felt a connection, seeing old posts about this game from an old fan somehow makes me tear up. Despite I'm a fan of 2024, I somehow feel nostalgic about this game despite never actually experience it before
Hi! I never heard the song but now that I went to look for it I realized why it reminds you so much of MM and now I feel that nostalgia too. Especially because I had been playing MM since 2018 and I played it for years until I no longer had time to do so and the only thing I had left was to make fanarts of them from time to time because they gave me a lot of peace and company at the time.
Even many people who follow me on Instagram were because I made quite a few fanarts of them, so the game gave me much more than just fun for a moment haha.
Sorry, I got a little cheesy haha
Anyway, thanks for sharing that song with me, it reminded me of something nice ♡
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pinkytuilipsss · 4 months
Hey... Do you know the song sung by the voice actor from the pilot Hazbin Hotel? Called Thank you and goodnight. Weirdly this song reminds me of Mystic Messenger, despite being a new fan and having been into this game until this year 2024 I already felt a connection, seeing old posts about this game from an old fan somehow makes me tear up. Despite I'm a fan of 2024, I somehow feel nostalgic about this game despite never actually experience it before
Hyyyy ^^ yess i know tht song! And omgg it fits mystic messenger so wellll sobss. i havent seen the show but i feel nostalgic for the show too when i hear the song, the lyrics and everything just gives a nostalgia isk feel ig .. i knew abt this game from like 2020 but started playing srsly in 2024!
So i can relate to feeling nostalgic when seeing old posts from players who played the game like 8 years bacc right when it had came out, i wish i cld have been there too when this game was at its peakkk aghh i feel like i can just feel everyone excitement reading their posts haha
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catlover-multifandom · 5 months
I got a 3DS emulator for my computer because I was bored and downloaded the doki doki precure game and tomodachi life.
recently, lots of drama has been unfolding on Cute Kitty Island. Here’s the full drama digest so far, sorted by day.
First day:
- For real life people, I added Mii (me)(haha Mii get it?), my best friend R, my friend L.
- for fictional characters, I added 707 (from mystic messenger), then Ed Al and Winry.
- most people become friends.
- Ed wanted a new outfit like 2 seconds after I made him so I bought him the most interesting looking outfit in the clothes shop: a banana costume. He loved it!
Day 2:
- I get the hat shop. Yay!
- winry requested an interesting hat. I gave her the most interesting one in the store… a strawberry hat. She loved it!
- 707 requested a plain hat. He kinda liked the plain hat I gave him (I can’t even remember what it was called because it was that boring). WHAT DO YOU WANT??
- Mii and 707’s attempt at being friends failed. I clutch my 707 plush in horror… how could this have happened…
- in real life, R came by so I showed her the island while we made udon. it was really good.
- immediately when we looked at the island the R and L miis got into a fight. not a normal fight, I mean the fight where they’re engulfed by flames. Banana boy (that’s Ed, but he’s now banana boy to me) wanted them to reconcile and hosted them at his apartment. It failed and they threw stuff in his apartment. L and R are no longer friends on the island. L laughed about this in real life when we regaled the tale to her over text message.
- R and I made an eren jaeger mii, then also made a mii for our friend C and then You Watanabe from Love Live.
- Eren wanted to be friends with R mii. R wanted me to say no but I overrode her request as overlord of the island.
- R mii and Eren become best friends instantly. R says this is horrid. Eren and R mii are hanging out together after that.
- we play quirky questions and discover that eren jaeger thinks cheese is superior to him. I guess he really did lose it all slip and fall and whatever else
- R leaves. nothing else that interesting happens on the island that day. I play with the comparability tester some though.
Day 3:
- I make Haru. Immediately he’s off at the beach digging a hole in the sand.
- Eren wants to be friends with Mii. It’s a success.
- You and Haru become friends. He’s still at the beach digging a hole.
- Right after those 2 became friends, I see it: the first pink love heart bubble on Cute Kitty Island.
- I text R to let her know that Eren’s got a love heart bubble. She’s horrified when I remind her that her mii was Eren’s only friend until a minute ago when I befriended him.
- I enter Eren’s apartment. He’s in love with MII. Eren and Mii have only interacted once, and that was to become friends. HOW AND WHY?? R laughed because no eren for her.
- I talk to R. We decided to have Eren act desperate at the beach. Mii shows up. He confesses.
- confession gets interrupted by Al. honestly I’m not surprised since Mii and Al are always hanging out and playing with the cat coupons.
- Mii chooses Eren. Al falls into the sand in shock. Me too buddy. I’m shocked.
- usually when confessions happen the new couple will be hanging out together. Where is Eren? With R. I think Eren’s too scared to confront his true feelings for R.
- Meanwhile, Mii is hungry so I feed her, then she’s hanging out with Al. Mii just rejected him, I’m surprised he’s eager to play with cats together so soon.
- I saved before the confession so I restart since I’m not satisfied. I’m the overlord of the island so I feel no shame.
- this time there’s 2 pink bubbles. Eren’s, and now Ed has one. I deal with his first hoping it’s Winry.
- banana boy goes to the beach and acts desperate. R mii rejects him. I click on the bubble and he wants to try again in true banana boy fashion. I tell him no because R said she doesn’t want “the emo banana boy” when I tell her what’s going on.
- I deal with Eren again. This time we have the cafe unlocked so I send him to the cafe to confess his to love Mii. (the cafe confessions are always full of drama. I had to.)
- al is there behind eren, drinking coffee. I see 707 at the bar. Maybe digital boyfriend 707 will also fight for Mii’s affections.
- Eren opens up with a simple confession of “tatakaw” and Al interrupts, as planned, so say he loves Mii. How sweet. 707 doesn’t jump in.
- Mii chooses Al. Eren sulks and leaves the cafe. don’t go rumble all over the island please
- Al is hanging out with Mii right after. See, that’s how it’s done, Eren. Eren is depressed in his apartment. So is banana boy.
- You wants to be friends with Eren. Right after that, I see that Eren’s depression is cured. That was quick. I’m kinda offended he got over Mii so quickly.
- Haru has a problem. It took like 10 seconds to solve Haru’s problem, he wanted me to look in his stomach. Then he was back at the beach digging a hole. When I went to see him at the beach, Eren and R mii were hanging out there. I really think Eren has some deep feelings for R mii.
- two more love bubble appear after that. L is in love 707. it’s a success.
- winry is in love. I cure Ed’s depression so maybe he’ll be the one she wants.
- she wants Al. Internally I say “wrong brother!!” and tell her don’t do it. because he’s taken. she gets sad and I give her food to cure her depression.
- winry and banana boy are hanging out after this. maybe they’ll bond over their rejections together. idk.
- I use the compatibility tester for a few minutes. L and R get 0% aka mortal enemies. I guess that checks out seeing how they cause each other to engulf in flames within 15 hours of meeting.
- all this stuff that happened today happened in the span of an hour and 15 minutes. I save the game and close the computer because I’ve had enough of pink love heart drama on Cute Kitty Island for today.
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spitdrunken · 2 years
please talk about your longfic ideas! they're so wonderful, you gotta share them (this is a threat /lh)
leave it to my gf to send me the ask i want LOL <3333 /lh
i have two ideas!! one for mystic messenger, and one for twisted wonderland :")! i've had both of these for years but never really wrote anything for them. one of them is about ray/suit/saeran, and the other one is about the leech twins. 
mystic messenger spoilers ahead!
the first one would essentially be a rewrite of ray's route! with reader being younger than MC would be, and them developing somewhat of a sibling-like relationship. (without any weird shit like i usually write lmao). i think it would be very interesting cuz it reflects saeran and saeyoung's relationship more!
on one hand, it's taking ray's desire for control to another level, cuz he thinks someone younger would likely be quicker to depend on him... but when he actually grows to like you and see you as a younger sibling, he starts wanting to treat you well in a way to spite his brother.
he wants to 'show him' how easy it is to be an older sibling, to take care of someone so close to you, how easy it is not to abandon them. he becomes partly obsessed with the idea of being the best for you because of this. his fear of you leaving him is basically a fear of the past repeating itself, being left behind his family again.
when he eventually is drugged enough into becoming suit, he hurts you because you remind him too much of his past self. weak, and young, and naive. suit hasn't forgiven his child self (or ray) for acting the way they did, and he takes this out on you. in the end, he's hit with the realisation that he has become his mother, in a way, and is wrecked by guilt.
saeran decides, then and there, that the cycle of hurt will stop here. that it will end with him. you end up forgiving him :')
(obviously this would all be more detailed in the final fic... the way im thinking of it right now is just one chapter per day in mystic messenger. i haven't played his after ending yet so who knows how that would fit in but yeah.)
as for the floyd and jade idea, it would basically be unhealthy relationships all aorund HAHA it would be more of a collection of oneshots than a full fic like the one above but,, essentially reader would be a heartslaybul student who is just like. obsessed with the leech twins LMAO (i feel like all heartslaybul students kinda have a,, hidden or less immediately obvious side to them? i saw someone calling them twofaced and that describes it i think HAHA reader would usually be someone more quiet and then their obsessiveness is the ‘hidden’ side of them. the selfishness that is characteristic of NRC students would, in them, basically be something like wanting to own all of someone else’s attention.)
they would be friends with rook as well!! he’s a rather bad influence on them LMAO i think writing their interactions would be very entertaining :’) as for the leech twinsss,, they don’t really like it at first! i like to think that it progresses into amusing for them into eventually forming a similar attachment <3 but they’re much more violent about it!! reader has a backstory as to why they’re like that as well. 
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uwumessenger · 4 years
HAHAHA WAIT I LOVE THIS IDEA c racks knuckles aight here we go! slight spoilers for mystic messenger but nothing too much teehee
let's also pretend that they are restricted of their demonic power or at least have more control (kinda) over their impulses ! only did the bros for now but will eventually do the others afterward
i definitely see him going down the common route, with jaehee
like can u imagine him bonding with jaehee over all their similarities
or being kidnapped by mint eye and then helping v thru his shit
his pride doesnt let him ask for help and he tries to escape the apartment/mint eye himself before finally accepting help from rfa
has a lot of beef w jumin
the party guests love him tho
hes a yoosung route boy i can feel it
mammon would get SO PISSED and IRRITATED with yoosung but help him cope with the whole rika thing at the same time
there's a sense of understanding bc of the lilith stuff
but has beef w jumin and v
likes zen and yoosung bc they remind him of asmo and levi. he misses levi a lot. they were lowkey partners in crime
has attempted to rob jumin, didnt end very well
also attempted to rob a bunch of the party guests. they do not like him
may or may not have gotten kicked out of the rfa but he doesnt mind
levi x saeran ftw
levi is smart dont get me wrong but he would for sure listen to a stranger and go to an isolated location to "test a game" with said stranger.
he helps saeran/ray but might accidentally end up in one of the bad endings
rika would like him bc, as it is w almost everyone, levi and yoosung resemble each other to an extent
thinks that he really is in a game and that saeran managed to create very realistic irl characters
devildom game tech seems more advanced than human world stuff so it makes sense that he wouldnt realize that theyre real
would rate the "game" 9/10 and give saeran feedback then ask to play it again.
if he does the common route party guests would try to talk to him but he accidentally bit the dracula guy to try to seem dominant so now they all actively avoid him.
a jumin route typa guy
jk theyd hate each other if satan was in mc's position
like, they would get along under any other circumstance but i think jumin would remind satan of lucifer as a first impression
and that lowkey creates the worst tension EVER
he'd have fun in v's route for sure tho. oh gosh
i think satan would steer off path and become a cult/religious leader himself
he thinks it's the best way to outshine lucifer or prove himself or whatever 😭
and that my friends, is how satanism came to be!
party guests feel that something is off with him but cant put their finger on it. maybe it's just the way he's dressed.
hmmmmmmmmm jaehee route
he shares some common interests with her and would hype her up all the time
and help her stand up to jumin and go open that cafe!
only thing is asmo is a horndog so jaehee would not like how much he hits on other people when theyre hanging out LMAO
especially if he hits on zen
other than that asmo is way more chill than the others if they were to be in the game haha
well he's difficult in the beginning bc the apartment doesnt have many skincare items and he'd be freaking out
once he gets out he and jaehee would have a spa day
and he's sure to make it a monthly thing :')
party guests avoid him as much as possible but he ends up speaking w all of them anyway
saeyoung's route
he too, is a twin, and could feel that there was something wrong. intuitively knows that saeyoung and unknown are connected somehow
all of rfa loves him!! especially yoosung. yoosung finds a lot of comfort in him
ignores the warning that leaving the apartment could make it explode bc he was just so. hungry.
jumin takes him out on wine tasting events
jumin also tried to make beel his bodyguard but it didnt work
tried to eat elizabeth but realized it was a cat, not cotton candy, and tried to steal it for satan
party guests love him too. except the udon bowl. we all know why...
mans for sure gets bad ending no matter which route he takes
very much encourages rika and saeran to go farther with mint eye
and would try to recruit all of rfa
ends up overpowering rika and becomes the cult leader himself. wreaks havoc over the entire human race. barbatos, diavolo, and lucifer have to clean up the mess.
if we're talking about belphie post mc's death, he would be a little better
has beef with yoosung but only on accident
also has beef w jumin, v, and zen
meh toward jaehee
likes saeyoung, saeran, and rika
party guests are very iffy toward him. he sends shivers down their spines...
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asterjennifer · 3 years
i just read little twins time and im still crying :(( do you think you could do a second part where the reader comes back to the present and sees them? just an idea its okay if you don't wanna do it 😭
🎀 Oh my, that's such a cute idea^^ How did I not come up with this before?! Thank you for the suggestion! 🎀
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Together it's better
Part 2 of:
Fandom: Mystic Messenger
Pairing: 707 & Saeran X Reader
Category: Fluff
Warnings: X
Word count: 1928
Summary: You find yourself at Luciel's door after saying goodbye to the two young twins.
Confused over the situation, you decide to just knock and spend some time with the two redheads you deeply adored.
Interestingly enough, they can tell something's up.
As you ask Saeran if he ever owned a handkerchief, things take a turn.
"God, my head's killing me!"
Your knees complained as you stood straight in front of a door, the wounds still slightly burning from the impact of the fall. Confused as to what happened and how you could feel pain although nothing had been real, you soon realized where you stood. It's the entrance door to Saeyoung and Saeran's place, both brothers owned an room as the older one couldn't bare to live apart from his twin, but Saeran's a man who needs a lot of privacy. So they came up with a compromise of sharing the place. Your head's still spinning from the event moments ago, praying that they both wouldn't experience any bad things for the rest of the day, since you couldn't stay nor take care of them like you wished to. Shaking your head free from the thoughts, you knocked on the door and decided to see if they're busy and ask to spend some time with both brothers. After what just happened, the urge to comfort them is a lot bigger than usually. Saeyoung's the one to open the door for you, there's a wide grin on his face as he's happy to see you again. You returned the gesture with a familiar wamrth inside your stomach.
"If that's not the princess of the RFA! What a meownderful surprise~"
"Haha, hey Saeyoung, it's good to be here too!"
You didn't even know how much the goofy behavior of his was missing in his younger self. Little Saeyoung had been alarmed and serious, much more than his brother. But now, as the years passed, he leaned to use humor for entertainment and sometimes overdo it to the point of the RFA members promising to come over and kick his ass. It's like the two of them switched things up the older they got. The man with big glasses let you inside, it's looking very clean and comfortable.
"So, what brings ya here? Don't tell me somethin' happened, I can feel my brain fall apart just by imagining it."
He faked a tired sigh, loud enough to caugh the attention of his other self who opened the door the see what's causing the nosies. Saeran pushed his head between the door and wall, as if he's afraid to meet someone he didn't know. Seeing him now, white hair and mint eyes, it reminded you of all the time he had to suffer while working for Mint Eye, what Rika's done to him after his mother and father already caused so much pain upon them. It's heartbreaking to think back to the little Choi's eyes after showing the family photo of yours. How he wished he could argue as well and give his point of view, just having his own opinion and be able to say it. Luckily, today he could do so without anyone to suppress him. You both made eye contact and his wrinkles smoothed to reveal a little smile, one you could die for.
"It's you (N), I didn't know you would come over."
"Neither did I, but I ain't complaining!"
Saeyoung placed his arm around you, almost making you lose balance. Saeran came out of his room then, wearing the sweater over the red shirt he used to combine with a black leather jacket. For some strange reason, you could feel something different in the air today. You figured it's because of the strange dream you had, still unable to guess how you ended up at their door though.
"I'm sorry for jumping in so suddenly, but I was.. around? Yeah, I was walking and thought it's nice to see you both!"
You sat down onto the couch, Saeran followed quickly after as his brother went into the kitchen to get some drinks, humming a tune that's unfamiliar to you. Saeyoung came back with, of course, Dr. Pepper and a bowl that's filled with nothing but Honey Budda Chips. It amost made you chuckle how annoyed Saeran looked at him.
"Can you maybe give the guests something other than your unhealthy bullshit?"
"How can you hurt me like that, brother! This is the best way to invite guests!"
"Hey, you both. It's fine, I like the chips and drinks. Let's just enjoy.. it.."
Your mind wouldn't stop playing scenes, taking you out of them moment that's reality. Another picture of the younger Choi twins, Saeyoung hugging Saeran to comfort him while holding in his own sadness. It then hit you, Saeyoung always kept the pain inside his chest with his brother around, all to keep the tender boy save and don't cause any more problems. The sound of the can inside the former agency hacker's what tore you out of memory.
"Are you good (N)? You really look like there's something bothering you."
You stared at him, seeing your own reflection inside the glasses, just like a moment ago. Saeran raised an eyebrow in confusion as you shook your head so hesitantly. Could you tell them? Maybe they would help you figure out if you just dreamed or if you really managed to get into their memories. The idea alone sounded so stupid, but it's not giving you space to breath.
"I... Can I ask you guys something?"
The sudden chance inside your voice, which is nothing more than a whisper, surprised the three of you. After the twins exchanged another look, Saeyoung shurgged his shoulders.
"Of course? What's wrong?"
"Can it be that.. you two.. well..."
It's hard to find the words, as again, your stomach told you to not reveal anything. But this time it's different, there's nothing for you to spoiler about as everything that happened rested in the past. Your eyes widened as Saeran lay his hand on your back, normally he wouldn't be comfortable with physical contact, but the look in his face betrayed he's concerned.
"Hey, breath. Take your time and say what's going on."
"Did you have a colorful handkerchief as a child?"
It's not the question you originally wanted to ask, however, you figured it's the best way to find out what the situation back then had been about. Saeran's mint eyes widened, obviously not prepared for it as he stumbled over his words for a moment.
"What the fuck? I mean– y-yeah, I did. But how do you know that? You told her?"
He looked over to Saeyoung to seek confirmation, but the slightly older one just stared at you, mouth hanging open as if he just witnessed a murder. Somehow it let you feel ashamed and pressed your back into the couch.
"No, I didn't.."
"Sorry for the question! I just wanted to um.. know."
"How do you know? Wait."
Saeran stopped himself, the look in his eyes growing further away as he seemed to recall things from the past. Panic began to spread inside your chest as they both went silence, it's like a deja-vu. Saeyoung placed the Dr. Pepper can onto the table, probably in thoughts himself. Suddenly, Saeran stood up from the couch to go back into his room, an apology was laying on your tongue. You didn't mean to bring up their childhood this way, especially after just being there and causing tears mixed with confusion. As the tender one with white hair came back, he sat down a bit closer to you this time, something inside his fist.
"... Can you check your pocket?"
A bit unsure why he asked that of you, you reached into your jeans regardless. There's something soft, fabric that's wrinkled and covered with something hard. Your heart jumped out of your chest for a moment, scared to pull out the gift of the younger Choi. How could this happen? This was simply impossible. Knowing there's nothing to wait for, you pulled it out. The handkerchief painted with a mandala, it's old as the edges were torn, and above all, dried blood and tears making it dirty. All three of you stared down onto the fabric for a long period of time. Then, without a word, Saeran opened his fist to reveal your old key chain. If you weren't panicking before, you're definitely now, words spilling wihtout thinking.
"Wh.. How do you have this?!"
"I have it since childhood.. Even after Saeyoung left and I worked at Mint Eye. This thing always helped me to.. to remember I'm not alone. I don't know where it came from and why it's having such an effect on me. But.."
His eyes met yours, searching for something that revealed it originally belonged to you. Saeran's eyes fell back to the handkerchief, he's just as perplexed as you. So what happened had been real after all? You really went back in time just like that? The two young Choi twins had been real? It's so much to take in, you might as well black out. But Saeran continued talking, it's been forever since he said so many words at once.
"I guess it's yours, isn't it. And that.."
He pointed to the used handkerchief, accidentally touching your hand with his cold fingers.
"That's mine. I used it for my injuries and tears back then."
"I... How.."
You're not capable of thinking straight, but there's no way to the deny it. Maybe that's why you woke up in front of thier door. The sound of laughter pulled you both out of the moment, Sayoung placed both hands behind his head like it's nothing but a nice joke.
"Now I know why your face felt so familiar the first time I saw a photo of you."
He confessed and made you blush. You could recall how young Saeran stared into your eyes, saying something about you felt familiar and nice. It's no use, there's no way you could find out what happened and how, but at least you knew you're not insane. But the situation sure was.
"I can't believe it.. So this really happened."
Saeran nodded in agreement, taking a sip from the coke to calm his exhausted throat. You couldn't help but shake your head over everything, but deep down it actually made you a bit emotional. They both seemed happier after meeting them at the desert house, lighting up the mood just for a bit. A smile crept over your face, now that you knew the gift helped them going through the rough time. Sayoung took your phone from the table, wiggling it between his fingers with his usual grin.
"I remember you now. And the photos inside your phone, you're really the one from back then."
"What photos? You mean her photo of Christmas Eve with her parents?"
It's almost embarrassing how they remembered so well even though it's more than ten years ago. Sayoung stood up to go behind you, hugging his brother and you as he explained amused.
"Oh no, the photos of you, me, RFA and Mint Eye. I'm pretty sure that's why I never worried too much, because I knew we'll be fine."
You yelled into his face, but Sayoung only laughed while Saeran titled his head in confusion, showing the warm feeling inside his veins by laying his hand on the arm of his brother though.
"I don't know what you're talking about. But I can't deny. I'm kinda happy."
"Hell yeah, me too!"
A single tear rolled down your cheek, seeing them both smile at you like that, the same kind years later, it's melting your heart.
"I'm... really happy as well."
"I knew you would help us, I'm so glad it turned out like that."
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mxdnightlvers · 4 years
Cold- A Saeran Fanfic
Game: Mystic Messenger
Story: Another story
Route: Ray route 8th day
Character: Suit Saeran
~~~Please read these warnings
TW; Slight exhibitionism, slight dumbification, choking.
(They're all consensual.)
These topics can make you uncomfortable so please dont read if you know this isnt your cup of tea.
~~~End of warnings :)
Thanks alot to @sensetenou for this idea!
*contains spoilers for Ray route :)*
My bed, it remained the same but now became too uncomfortable to sleep in. The sheets falling off, blanket tossed to the side, the pillows being the only item that's neat. The light from the window that usually was the start of another fun day soon became unwanted as the days became painful to endure. The clouds passed by slowly, in harmony with the wind. The birds chirped and the garden was visible from my window. It looks, peaceful.
The long walk down the hallway that soon revealed a gorgeous garden. The cold air that made me shiver a bit. Ray noticed that and offered to give me his jacket. He smiled brightly as he fitted it onto me and he toured me of the garden.
I stood out in the garden, looking at the flowers that reminded me of Ray. I haven't seen him all day and didn't seem well in the chat rooms either.
"Who's there?" I hear from behind me and turn around to see Ray.
His sobbing broke my heart as he spouted insults at himself. I wanted to tell him that he isn't worthless and that he is such a kind and caring person. I wanted to hug him and take all of his self hate away.
"Ray! Stop please!" I spoke up, my voice cracking halfway.
"I don't hate you! I really really like you! So can you please look at me?"
His eyes met mines and I pulled him in for a kiss.
My room was now off limits to all believers. The room that was prepared by Ray now had a suffocating atmosphere to it. I gazed outside the window, trying to relive my memories with Ray. I wonder if I escaped to the outside, I would be peaceful once more. The thought quickly disappeared myself as I reminded myself of Saeran.
"Saeran..." I mumbled to myself.
I turned my attention to my room and gazed upon the sight. The flowers that Ray gifted to me has now wilted, the stems barely holding the flower up. Those flowers were all I had left of Ray as I tried to hold his memory on for long as possible. I opened the chat room to see that V announced that the party was going to be on hold. I took a deep breath as I had an idea of what was going to happen to me. I was scared but I can't give up just yet.
The thought of Saeran crosses my mind again. Just, how much did he suffer to turn into this? I want to run away from this place but I want to stay, for Saeran and Ray's sake. The warmhearted man that would care for me was now someone who used anger as a shield for them. It was something hard for me to get used to. I did not want to accept any of this. I don't want to believe that he had been hurt so much to make him like this. Maybe if we escaped together he would finally find peace in his heart. I held onto the hope that we would soon escape this place as it was all I had.
"I need a break." I sighed looking at the clouds.
I weakly stood up and made my way into the bathroom. I turned on the sink to splash some water onto my face. I dried my face in the mirror and looked at how frail I had become. My color had faded from my face, my eyes being the only color visible. However, my eyes could barely keep themselves open, yearning for me to rest.
"Princess..." A voice I know all too well called out for me.
The room changing to a suffocating atmosphere and I took deep breaths, anticipating what's going to happen next.
The door was forced open and in its entrance stood Saeran. His eyebrows furrowed, mint eyes staring through me. His stance was tall even though he was only a few inches taller. His tie was slightly loosened and his clothes weren't ironed, making all the creasing visible. Just the sight of him made me feel timid.
"Tch! The RFA's attack is so lame with V canceling the party." He scoffed, looking at me in annoyance.
"V said that the party will be on hold-"
"Hahaha! V is just tricking you to keep you hoping. Do you honestly believe that man? What an airhead." He taunted, making me look down at the floor.
"Ugh you and V piss me off so much. Seriously, how can you be such a useless toy."
My eyes stayed fixed onto the bathroom tiles, my back leaned against the sink countertop and my hair falling forwards. His words would always tug at my heart but I always reminded myself to not let it get the better of me. Even if he is to call me names or to hurt me, he would eventually get hurt in the end. Either way, it's not healthy for the both of us. However, I cannot let myself be swayed by his actions and words as I hope to escape this place safely with him. I took deep breaths in this suffocating atmosphere, the tension rising more between us.
"Hey, princess. Are you ignoring me? Do you think you have a right to ignore me?" He snapped, my eyes directing their attention to his body.
"Such a boring toy, do something to entertain me!" He shouted almost hitting his hand on the wall.
"This is annoying. Such a useless toy! This is annoying. This is annoying. This is annoying!" He screamed.
His voice cracked as he desperately tried to insult me.
"Do you know why they cancelled the party? Because you screwed everything up not me! This is all your fault!" He scolded along with a loud thump against the wall only to see that he slammed his fist against the wall.
"Saeran that's enough! You'll just hurt yourself!"
"Shut up! Who do you think you are to tell me that!"
With that sentence he grabbed me by my waist and pinned me down onto the cold bathroom floor. My head pulsed from the impact, my eyes squinting from the pain. I tried to gain my focus back and looked at the figure above me. His hands were over my shoulders and legs beside mines, my legs falling onto the floor. His eyes seemed to be brighter through his hair, a smirk plastered on face. I moved my legs, pushing my body away from his but he pinned my arms down, pulling me back to him.
"You're the worst. You piss me off so much and you're so boring, should I just get rid of you here?" He cursed at me.
"Saeran please..." I pleaded, not sure what else to say.
My head still ached but I barely paid attention to his insults. He noticed that and gripped onto my arms tighter. I flinched and looked at him. He shouted at me to answer him but my words came out incoherent. He started holding me tighter, his nails hurting me a bit.
"Saeran stop." I winced at the pain.
It wasn't expected but he released his grip from me. His hands still held mines firmly but he wasn't hurting me anymore. His eyes were wide, seemingly shocked but he quickly removed any signs of worry.
"Ugh such a boring toy can't you do anything interesting?" He taunted.
He seemed somewhat timid a few seconds ago and now he's spouting insults at me again. Whenever he showed any form caring, his actions will always revert to his anger. His anger was a shield for him, he gets angry because he's scared that his hope will turn into despair. The small details meant a lot, which made me more aware of his feelings. I just wish I can somehow save him from this pain. He grabbed my head, pulling me out of my thoughts as he realized that I was spacing out.
"Tch! don't ignore me! Are you trying to provoke me?" His voice ringed in my ears but I managed to keep my eyes away from his
"Oh? You are ignoring me." He remarked as he realized my actions.
"Haha well? Make me mad! Mess with me Come on, try it hmm? I'll play with you." He yelled, his words echoing throughout the bathroom.
His face was inches away from mines. The feeling of his breath ghosting my skin, which raised goosebumps everywhere. I placed my hands on his shoulders, anxious of what's to come. He unexpectedly pressed his lips against my neck in places he had previously marked me. He bit down on my skin but not enough to hurt me. My eyes widened and my jaw opened at his actions not knowing how to react at first. If we were mutual about our feelings for each other this would be a pleasurable feeling but in the end he was just taunting me. I took deep breaths in, the feeling being somehow wanted and unwanted at the same time. My hands were still on his shoulders but my push against him became weaker. My eyes shut as I tried to redirect my thoughts.
His lips were placed on my neck. He was now gently nipping at my skin. He's above me but his hands that held onto me loosened. His grip onto me weakened. I questioned him and even, myself. My feelings were conflicted with my thoughts in a battle of 'yes' and 'no'.
He suddenly pulled away, and I opened my eyes to realize that my hands has unknowingly creeped into his hair. He was now towering over my body that was still laid out on the floor. I tried to gather my thoughts, confused by my own actions. Saeran looked down at me frowning but, it was not at my gesture but at something else.
"Didn't I tell you this already? This smell of yours been getting on my nerves." He insulted, mentioning the unknown smell once again.
"Don't tell me you don't even know how to wash properly." He scorned.
"But I don't know-" I replied standing up but quickly getting cut off.
"Do you want to know, hmm?"
I looked at him and thought about my answer.
"Hah! Did you think you actually had a choice even if you answered?"
He smirked at me, his devilish smile showing his intentions. He kicked off his shoes and walked towards me. My thoughts were immediately cut off when he grabbed my wrist and dragged me into the shower, my sandals falling off in the process. He turned on the cold water and pushed me into it. The feeling of cold water made me flinch and I quickly moved out of the water. Saeran however did not like my actions and dragged me back into the freezing water, soaking me in my clothes. I brought my hands as close as they can be, trying to create some sort of warmth as I trembled underneath the water. I pulled and twisted my wrist to be freed from Saeran's grip but the cold water made me weaker, keeping his grip firm onto me.
"Haha! Hahaha! I'll tell you. I'll tell you how much you need to wash before you see me." He laughed hysterically at my struggles, running his hand through his hair and looking at the ceiling.
His smile wide, forming creepily on his face and his messy hair that covered his wide eyes. He was pretty dry, only a few drop of water stained on his suit.
"Stop please!" I yelped, his eyes focusing their attention on me.
"Ugh, should I just mask your mouth or something. I'll listen to you after you're tamed." He looked at me with disgust, his glare making me timid and forcing me into obedience.
My back suddenly hit the wall, arching at the impact. He had his hand around my neck but they fell to my hips to keep me in place. The pain I felt quickly disappeared as he made no haste in attaching his lips to my neck again. My hands reached to his shoulders to push him away giving me no time to process the situation. I wriggled in his grasp, my legs brushing against his now, wet clothes. He bit my neck, any words that I tried to say turning into small yelps. He was rough, his teeth biting at my skin, sucking and licking at places. He got what he wanted as I couldn't say anything but incoherent whines. Even if I wanted to say anything, I don't know what I could say. Seeing Saeran react like this was very new and shocking to me. It may be to taunt me but he would never take advantage of me, so why would he go this far? His left hand trailed down my body and rested at the edge of my dress. My legs closed at the feeling but his hands gripped my thighs and forced them open.
"Please please please." I repeated in my thoughts, my eyes closing again.
I did not want to think about what's happening but my mind redirected itself.
I did not want to think about the way he kissed my neck so rough but so gentle. The feeling of his teeth gently nipping at me. I did not want to think about his hand loosening their grip on my hips and moving to the back of my waist and pulling me closer. His hands also gripping my thighs but loosening to circle his thumbs against my skin.
"Why am I thinking this way?"
"Why am I paying attention to the small details?"
"Why is he being gentle?"
"What does any of this mean if it means anything?"
"Why do I feel myself getting hotter despite the cold water that previously splashed on me?"
"I'm not supposed to feel this way."
"But... why does my body disagree?"
My yelps slowly became into soft sighs and whines. My body that was tensed slowly became melted under his touch. I did not want to give in but my body disobeyed. My breathing fastened as I became needy for him. I wanted to push him away. I wanted to struggle away but I also yearned for him. Even if I did try to push him away my grip would always intentionally weaken. It felt wrong but it also felt so right. I felt conflicted, being between pushing him away or giving into the temptation. His actions became gentle and he tried not to hurt me. Even though he's mean towards me, I couldn't bring myself to despise him. The small details meant so much more to me. He is rough at first but his actions became gentle and caring. I did not understand why and I don't think he realized it either. No matter how hard I tried to convince myself, my body and thoughts would always direct me to one answer. Slowly, my hands that were pushing him away, started gently pulling him closer. I moved my hands to entangle into his hair but he pulled away at my gestures.
"Who do you think you are to do that? Are you enjoying yourself too much?"
When he pulled away I did not bother to think about my actions as I had already decided on what I wanted. I paid no attention to his words and instead I studied his figure. Even though its wet, his suit seemed to fit him more attractively. His tie was loosened around his neck. His lips red and mouth slightly ajar from kissing me. His cheeks were tinted red and his eyes lost any traces of anger in them. He looked as if he was slowly losing his persona. If only I could pretend that nothing happened in the past few days and rush to him right now. The sight of him warmed my heart, hoping for him to hopefully find himself again. I could feel his gaze on me as if he was studying me as well. He lifted my chin up and I tried to avoid eye contact with him. I was sure that my cheeks were blushing and I was still breathing heavily. He understood my actions and softly chuckled.
"Oh? Haha Haha," He chuckled softly, "You are enjoying yourself aren't you princess? My my, such a naughty girl."
"Maybe you'll actually be good girl for me hmm?" He hummed in delight.
He leaned into me again and his hands ran up the sides of my body and stopped at the neckline of my dress. His hands played gently with the lace and my heart fastened at his movements. His gentle moments stopped and I was jerked forward towards his body. A loud tear echoed throughout the bathroom as peices of fabric fell off my shoulders. He had ripped the lace part of my dress, enough for it to fall off my shoulders. I gasped at my clothes that was now useless. He forced the dress off me and tossed it outside the shower. I was left in my underwear that was soon to be removed. He stayed put and made no haste in tossing my bra away as well. A blush became highly visible on my face and my hands crossed over my chest in embarrassment. He forced my hands to my side, my body on full view again. His movements were quick which gave me no time to react. He was rough but this time, I welcomed his actions towards me.
He pulled my underwear down along with his body and he looked up at me. My face reddened more and he chuckled at my reactions. We exchanged no words, our actions being enough to tell eachother what we wanted. He bit the inside of my legs and trailed his tongue up to my thighs. I gasped at the feeling and my hands moved aimlessly, not knowing what to do. He kept eye contact as the water flickered back and forth onto his face. His glare was intense and his eyes were now filled with lust. I tried talking but my words came out as soft gasps and sighs. He stopped at my thighs, leaving hickies there. He barely touched me and I was already going crazy. My hands moved from my sides and into his hair, tugging it slightly. He trailed his tongue further up my thighs, his breath ghosting where I needed to be touched the most. I held his head and pulled him closer, but again, he pulled away. I pouted, upset that he stopped his actions. He did not say anything and pushed me against the wall again. He stepped back and looked at me up and down clearly enjoying the position he had me in. He bit his lip and I crossed my hands over my chest and closed my legs, feeling shy once more. He frowned and placed his hands on my hips. This gesture made my hands fall to my sides but my legs remained tightly closed. He scoffed and roughly forced my thighs open. I tried to close them again but he shoved his knee between them.
"Ah ah princess. A toy like you dont have the right to be shy. You're just a useless toy who needs her master to train her hmm?" He whispered teasingly.
"Y-yes." I breathed out, his words at actions making me dizzy.
"Good girl."
I dont know if I obeyed him because of how needy I was, or the way he talked to me. Either way, his pet names and actions only made me want him more. I closed my legs around his knee, trying to create even a little bit of friction. I was desperate for even the slightest touch which he starved me from. He held my hips and I slung my hands around his shoulders. He kissed my neck, his teeth pulling and nipping at my skin. I seemed to long for oxygen more with every kiss.
He did not hesitate at all to mark me as his. He was rough, but also gentle with his actions as he claimed me. With every second that passed, I wanted, needed more of him. He held my hips with a bit more force and his nails dug into them slightly. Everytime I felt his teeth agaisnt my skin, small gasps and sighs escaped my mouth. He detached his lips from my neck and smirked at the marks he left on me. He then kissed me roughly which made it harder for me to kiss back. I was breathless as our mouths slid against eachother, my hands trying to grasp wherever I can on his body. He bit my lip, asking for entrance but I denied him. He mumbled something against my lips and suddenly rocked my hips back and forth against him.
The sudden pleasure made me gasp and he forced his tongue inside me. I tried to kiss back but it was almost impossible to. I pulled on his hair as his tongue slid agaisnt mines. He pulled away, letting me breathe and my head fell back in pleasure. He pulled me further onto him and forced my hips to grind against his clothed thigh even more. I whined, enjoying the feeling of finally receiving pleasure. My hair covered and stuck to my face but through the strands I saw him staring at me, enjoying the sight. His cheeks were tinted but his actions weren't flustered. I leaned forward, my head resting on his shoulder and I bit gently onto it. He flinched at first but surprisingly didn't push me away. I closed my eyes and my whimpers turned into soft sobs against his skin. I slowly started moving my hips in rhythm with his hands He loosened his hands on me, allowing me to move at my own pace. I started moving faster, my legs trembling against his as I approached my high. He realized I was close and removed his leg from my thighs. I whined at the loss of contact and the loss of my climax. I lifted my head up and pouted. He chuckled and pushed me completely off him.
"Look at you. I've barely touched you and you're already a mess for me." He cooed pointing out at my hair that stuck to my face and body.
He stepped back, smirking at me,"Such a messy princess."
His smile was somehow sadistic. He enjoyed this. He enjoyed seeing me want him and he loved not giving me what I wanted. He then started removing his clothes at an annoyingly slow pace. His first removed the chain that hung around his suit, then the buttons on his blazer. He was intentionally slow in his actions as he tossed his blazer outside the shower. He removed his tie but kept it hanging around his neck. He then started unbuttoning his shirt as he teased me with every action. One button. Then the second. Then the third. I waited slowly in anticipation, digging my nails into the wall to keep me from running towards him. The anticipation and pressure of his teasing got to me and I couldn't help but look away. He quickly snapped his fingers at me to direct my attention back to him.
"Look at me." He commanded.
"This is what you wanted right? Why are you looking away princess? Do it again and I wont let it pass so easily." His voice was stern but it also had a hum to it that reminded me that he was still teasing me.
I listened to his demands and forced myself to keep my eyes on him. He made me into his toy now. With every command I turn into putty and obey him and he loved it. He loved having control over my actions and using me how he pleased. His words were sharp but his tone always softened which made it apparent that his intention was not to be mean. He finally got rid of his shirt and tossed it aside. His body was littered with scars which made me guess where he got them from. The thought sunk my heart but I quickly shook them off as he walked closer to me. He was still in his pants, his bulge being highly visible. I bit my lip and crossed my legs tightly, the heavy feeling of arousal returning. He placed his hand against me on the wall and grabbed my chin to kiss him. I ran my hands down his chest and felt him flinch a bit by my movements. I ran my hands down to his pants trying to unbuckle his belt but they were quickly swatted away.
"Such a greedy princess. Did anyone tell you not to touch what's not your property?" He scoffed fully removing his belt.
He removed his last peice of clothing and my cheeks reddened at the sight. His body was on full view for me to admire. He stroked his cock a few times, small grunts escaping his lips. I placed my hands against his and guided his hands along his cock. His hand found it's place on the wall as he grunted with every stroke. He looked down and his hair fell forward as he sped up his movements. He stopped his actions but I didn't and continued to stroke him. His eyebrows were knitted and beads of sweat and water dripped down his forehead. He whispered at me to stop before swatting away my hands. His hands then found my waist again and he pulled me closer.
"Jump." He whispered.
I obeyed and jumped, wrapping my legs around him in the process. My hands were around his neck as he backed me against the wall once more. I felt his tip slide into my entrance but not the rest. He looked at me, a hint of worry showing as if he was asking for permission. My breathing was uneven and I was slightly panting from just wanting to get fucked by him. I slightly nodded and he slowly guided himself into me. I softly moaned at the feeling I longed for. My hands grasped tightly onto his shoulders as he slowly started to rock his hips. He pressed his lips against mines, his soft sighs more audible against me. He started thrusting faster into me and I whimpered against his lips. Every stroke made my body shudder in pleasure which made moans and whimpers slip from my mouth. I pulled away from the kiss and tried to catch my breath. My mind was hazy from the pleasure, my moans slipping more from me. He leaned into my neck, grunting at the pleasure. I raked my nails down his back feeling him wince a bit. He gripped my hips with more force, his nails digging into my skin. He pulled me closer onto him and the sound of skin slapping against eachother became louder than the shower. He bit down on my neck and my hips bucked towards him in pleasure. I tilted my head back which gave him better access to my neck. My eyes rolled back, my words coming out as incoherent slurs and whines. I was dizzy from his actions as I was only able to feel the mind numbing pleasure he gave me. I slowly lost any energy as I only wanted to feel him fucking into me. My grip loosened around him and I struggled to hold myself up against him. His thruts then sped up which snapped me back into reality, regaining my senses. My moans became increasingly louder and Saeran became more audible. I moved my hands to brush his wet hair out of his face.
"If you keep being this loud the other believers will hear you." He grunted, barely able to keep up with his words.
"I really don't care who can hear us." I breathed out, my words mixing in with my moans.
He chuckled and pulled me back in for a kiss. He kept his rough pace with every kiss, our teeth clashing together and his tongue pressing against mines. Our kiss was sloppy, both of us moaning into eachothers lips. He suddenly pulled out of me and set me down on the ground. Everytime he pulled away it killed me. I was dumbfounded by the pleasure that I never wanted to stop. He then spun me around, his hand firm on my ass and the other one wrapped around my neck. He quickly found his way inside me again and resumed his pace. My hands were placed against the wall for support, slipping and sliding off because of the water. He bent down to me and gently bit down on my shoulders. His teeth made me whimper and I bit down on my lip to try and subdue my moans.
His hand quickly tightened around my neck and pulled my head back to him, "Mmm princess you dont care who hears you right?"
I tried to reply but my words came out as whines and gasps. Instead, I nodded my head repeatedly.
"Well...? Don't hold them back princess, let everyone hear how good I'm making you feel." He chuckled and loosened his grip on my neck.
He started fucking into me faster and I allowed my moans to helplessly fall from my mouth. He removed his hand from my neck and held my wrist tightly as he focused more on his thrusts. I felt my orgasm approaching and I started pushing myself back onto him, chasing after my release. His grip however, tightened around my waist and forced me in place. He slowed down his thrusts and started moving at an agonizingly slow pace. I became impatient and tried to force my hips back onto him but he quickly pulled out of me. I whined but he gave me no response and started teasingly sliding against me.
"You're close arent you?" He hummed in delight. I just whimpered in response while nodding my head.
"Well beg for me princess."
His command startled me which made me hesitant but I complied regardless.
"Saeran please I..." I sighed, my words trailing off.
"Mm? I can't hear you." He teased me further.
"Saeran please I need you!-" I screamed but my words were cut off when he spun me around and picked me up.
He slammed himself back into me, thrusting as fast as he can. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned into him, my moans being muffled by his shoulder. I felt my orgasm approach again and he thankfully didn't stop.
"Saeran...fuck...I." I whined as I tried to warn him but my words wouldn't form.
He got the hint and pushed off his shoulder. I quickly grasped onto his shoulder, a string of curses falling from my lips. My legs trembled around him and I repeated his name desperately as I came around him. I panted heavily as the fatigue dawned on me but he kept thrusting into me. He leaned into my neck, mumbling incoherent words as his thrusts became sloppy. His words were nothing but incoherent mumbles that got drowned out by the water.
"Saeran, please cum for me." I begged, hoping to push him over the edge.
He mumbled a quiet 'fuck' before slowing down. His hands tightened around me and he bit harshly onto my shoulder as he came. He kept thrusting until he became over sensitive and pulled out.
My legs were still wrapped loosely around his waist as I was too tired to hold myself up properly. He kept panting from his orgasm as he tried to slow his breathing down. I slumped down onto his shoulder and closed my eyes. His hands remained on my hips but they twitched, as if they wanted to let go but also hold on. We stayed there for a moment, not saying anything to eachother. I wanted to say something but I was too tired and breathless to do so. I tried to stop myself from falling asleep but my eyes refused to open.
I felt him shiver against me, the water making both of us cold. His words were incoherent to me as I drifted in and out of sleep. His tone was recognizable however and his words had a gentle undertone to them. The sound of water stopped and I was being carried somewhere. I was then freed from his embrace when I was placed on my bed. I felt the blankets shift around me but they fell back onto the bed without covering me. Saeran scoffed and the last thing I heard was his footsteps fading away before drifting off to sleep.
The End
Written by Dangerousfellowshoe.
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everything-laito · 4 years
What do you think that Yui did different that didn't made Laito feel tediousness, other than being supportive and being able to break his walls? I know that she is the surrogate of the player so her writing is limited, but I never found her that unique, of the few characterisation given to her.
Ooooh! Interesting question, anon! This will be fun. 
Ok first of all, Yui’s character has quite a bit of characterization and development to her. Yes she’s the “surrogate” character, but compared to other otome games like Mystic Messenger, she has enough writing to her to be treated both as the player character,  but also as a character on her own. 
You are entitled to your own opinion, and I’m not here to change that despite me disagreeing, but I am going to list some examples of unique Yui related characterization. If you’re talking about her in the anime, she’s completely watered down and is written very poorly. As always, rant under the cut!
Before I get into the specifics of her character with Laito, one of the big things about Yui’s character at first is definitely her relationship with religion. She’s a Roman Catholic I believe, which is a pretty strict denomination of Christianity. I don’t practice a religion, but I do have some Catholic friends and my family is Methodist, so I do have some brushes with that specific religion. Catholicism these days are all over the place, sure it’s more strict (from what I’ve heard) compared to other Christian denominations, but some people who are Catholic these days are more lenient and just take the Bible with a grain of salt. That goes for all denominations of all sorts of religions; there’s a lot of conflict with what’s “right” practice and what’s “wrong.” However I’m just talking about Catholicism now from what I know. 
We do know that Yui was brought up in a pretty strict area. It’s canon that she wanted to be a nun as well. She was prepared to be devoted to her god for the rest of her life. In Laito’s chapter, she still continued to pray to god and to ask them for help, despite all the awful things Laito has put her through. The reason why I believe she can be a character of her own and not a surrogate character is this niche characterization given to her. I’d say most people playing DL aren’t Catholic, so putting in specific writing stuff such as that doesn’t make her a typical “surrogate character.” 
Yui’s an extremely strong female character, and her religious belief definitely gives her strength, and many people in real life also gets strength from their beliefs as well. Again, I’m not sure how that works personally, but I do know it gives most people some kind of optimism, and you can extract that from Yui’s reactions.
Yui doesn’t break easily because of her optimism and caring nature. She doesn’t feel too alone in the Sakamaki mansion because she has her god, so it doesn’t make her despair easily. I know I’m talking about one niche characterization given to her, but I’ll be talking about more as I continue with Laito in the picture. 
Laito definitely has a corruption kink. He projects what Cordelia did to him on poor Yui. He’s attracted to Yui’s innocence and says this in Limited V of HDB in Dark 07:
“Haa…Such an innocent smell of someone who does not know what it’s like to be defiled yet. Say…Become more and more dirty until you’ve fallen. Show me that side of you who has genuinely surrendered themselves to me.” (Limited V edition)
A motif I’ve come across Laito’s route is him telling Yui that he will make her “fall.” I use my translations from @/dialovers-translations, and at the beginning of Laito’s route, she makes this T/N to this quote:
Laito: The pleasure that comes from falling. (4)
Vee: (4) The verb 落ちる or ‘ochiru’ used here literally means to fall, such as falling from a building, etc. However, it can always be used to refer to ‘falling’ in the sense of giving in to lust or any other vice. (Think of English expression like ‘fallen angel’) 
Laito references this many times throughout his HDB route. He claims a couple of times that he likes to take his “sweet time” tainting Yui. He’s taken a liking to her because of her purity. I believe Yui probably reminded Laito of himself. I elaborate on this even more in this analysis as well. 
I mention in that analysis that Laito takes a liking to Yui because he considers her as a challenge. Not only does he take pleasure in making others “fall” to make himself feel better about himself and more powerful (I’ve said this before but he’s a typical bully), but he also gets bored easily. Laito mentioned how he’s never met a girl like Yui. She’s stubborn and sticks to her own morals, and it takes a bit of time to make her completely give up her own morals and fit them to Laito’s. It takes until the Ecstacy prologue for her to ask herself if she has a right in praying to them anymore. It’s also mentioned how someone has never survived this long into the awakening before. Either the process is too much for the girls, or the brothers just get bored and find the sacrificial bride a nuisance. 
On top of Yui continuously being caring to Laito (I don’t mean not standing up for herself, because she definitely does that; although it doesn't faze Laito) and entertaining to him, there is the mystery of her blood being Cordelia’s. Obviously we know the answer to that, but Laito didn’t, and he found it more peculiar as well. Here’s another post in regards to that as well that someone else wrote. Yui’s also smart, and although Laito has power over her, she continues to try to outwit him and stick to her guns. She does that a lot in MB from what I remember, although I can’t think of specific examples (if anyone has any, please lmk!). By then in MB, she kinda knew how Laito ticked mid route, and was able to get her way temporarily by tricking him. 
This kind of went all over the place I apologize, I just love Yui and her character. It breaks my heart at the end of Laito’s route with her saying she doesn’t deserve to believe in her religion anymore and the one thing that got her through most of Laito’s character was crumbling. I’m not even religious like I mentioned and that even got me in the heart. It’s scary how someone can do that.
I hope I was able to answer (and if this mess made any sense haha) but if you have any further questions or need more clarification, don’t hesitate to reach out, anon! 
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mysmegrace · 3 years
this is totally unrelated and random but hey how is it going ? sooooo i was talking to this one friend who is a fan of mysme too and i was helping them find a 707 pfp , but at the same time i was in my class' chat because i found someone in my class likes mystic messenger too , so i copy and paste a fanart and ACCIDENTALLY SEND IT TO MY CLASS CHAT
hey hey hey~ to be honest, it's gonna kinda so-so. it's so hot (i crack under heat and it's 24C lol) and i finished an entire rfa headcanon just for it to not save and disappear :').
omg i feel so bad. that also sounds like something i would do lol. please tell me your class likes mystic messenger and were grateful to see such beauty from saeyoung :0 if not, i feel ya there. many people in my school (or at least in my previous class) would rip you to shreds if you enjoyed any form of anime, otome, or k-pop, j-pop, and c-pop.
i'm kinda curious about what fanart you found haha, there's so many good ones out there. you reminded me of the time i was trying to set up my background on my school account (it was a jumin emote) and i accidently put it as my PROFILE PIC, meaning everyone could see it :').
i have so many questions, mainly about your classmates reactions and if everything turned out okay. you aren't alone my friend. but alas, i wish you nothing but the best. <3
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