#it sounds so dumb like 'you mean dreams' no babes i wish
perspectivestarters · 7 months
Perspective's Sentence Starters; SOUR by Olivia Rodrigo (Part I)
I want it to be, like, messy.
I'm so insecure.
I think that I'll die before I drink.
I'm so caught up in the news.
I'm so tired that I might quit my job, start a new life.
They'd all be so disappointed.
Who am I if not exploited?
I'm so sick of seventeen.
Where's my fucking teenage dream?
If someone tells me one more time "Enjoy your youth," I'm gonna cry.
I don't stick up for myself.
I'm anxious, and nothing can help.
I wish I'd done this before.
I wish people liked me more.
All I did was try my best.
This the kinda thanks I get?
They say these are the golden years.
I wish I could disappear.
God, it's brutal out here.
I feel like no one wants me.
I hate the way I'm perceived.
I'm a nervous wreck.
I love people I don't like.
I hate every song I write.
I'm not cool.
I'm not smart.
I can't even parallel park.
Just havin' a really good time.
Got a broken ego?
God, I don't even know where to start.
I played dumb, but I always knew.
I always knew that you talked to her, maybe did even worse.
I kept quiet so I could keep you.
Ain't it funny how you ran to her the second that we called it quits?
Ain't it funny how you said you were friends?
It sure as hell don't look like it
You betrayed me.
I know that you'll never feel sorry.
You talked to her when we were together.
Loved you at your worst, but that didn't matter.
It took you two weeks to go off and date her.
Guess you didn't cheat, but you're still a traitor.
I know if you were true, there's no damn way that you could fall in love with somebody that quickly.
Ain't it funny?
Remember I brought her up and you told me I was paranoid?
I wish that you had thought this through before I went and fell in love with you.
Don't you dare forget about the way you betrayed me.
You gave me your word, but that didn't matter
Yeah, you're still a traitor.
I got my driver's license last week.
Just like we always talked about.
Today, I drove through the suburbs crying 'cause you weren't around
You're probably with that blonde girl who always made me doubt.
She's so much older than me.
She's everything I'm insecure about.
How could I ever love someone else?
I know we weren't perfect, but I've never felt this way for no one.
I just can't imagine how you could be so okay now that I'm gone.
Guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me.
'Cause you said forever, now I drive alone past your street.
All my friends are tired of hearing how much I miss you.
I kinda feel sorry for them.
They'll never know you the way that I do.
I still see your face.
Can't drive past the places we used to go to.
I still fuckin' love you, babe.
I still hear your voice in the traffic.
God, I'm so blue.
All I did was speak normally
Somehow, I still struck a nerve.
You got me fucked up in the head.
Never doubted myself so much.
Am I pretty?
Am I fun?
I hate that I give you power over that kinda stuff
It's always one step forward and three steps back
I'm the love of your life until I make you mad.
Do you love me, want me, hate me?
I don't understand.
Maybe in some masochistic way, I kind of find it all exciting.
Which lover will I get today?
Will you walk me to the door or send me home crying?
It's back and forth.
Did I say something wrong?
Maybe this is all your fault instead.
I'd leave you, but the rollercoaster's all I've ever had.
I bet she's braggin' to all her friends, sayin' you're so unique.
So when you gonna tell her that we did that, too?
She thinks it's special, but it's all reused.
That was our place, I found it first.
I made the jokes you tell to her when she's with you.
Do you get déjà vu when she’s with you?
Do you get déjà vu?
Do you call her, almost say my name?
Let's be honest, we kinda do sound the same.
I hate to think that I was just your type.
Now I bet you even tell her how you love her in between the chorus and the verse.
That was the show we talked about.
Played you the songs she's singing now when she's with you.
Don't act like we didn't do that shit, too.
You're tradin' jackets like we used to do
Everything is all reused.
Play her piano, but she doesn't know that I was the one who taught you.
A different girl now, but there's nothing new.
I know you get déjà vu
Well, good for you, I guess you moved on really easily.
You found a new girl and it only took a couple weeks.
Remember when you said that you wanted to give me the world?
I guess that you've been workin' on yourself.
I guess that therapist I found for you, she really helped.
Now you can be a better man for your brand-new girl.
You look happy and healthy.
Not me, if you ever cared to ask
You're doin' great out there without me, baby.
God, I wish that I could do that.
I've lost my mind.
I've spent the night cryin' on the floor of my bathroom.
You're so unaffected, I really don't get it.
I guess you're gettin' everything you want.
You bought a new car and your career's really takin' off.
It's like we never even happened.
Baby, what the fuck is up with that?
It's like you never even met me.
Remember when you swore to god I was the only person who ever got you?
Well, screw that, and screw you
You will never have to hurt the way you know that I do.
Maybe I'm too emotional.
Your apathy's like a wound in salt.
Maybe you never cared at all.
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heroeslogic-moved · 8 months
the good witch "still argue like my mother and suppress stuff like my dad still miss you but i know now it'll pass"
coming of age "i send my silence away printing my blood on the page you stole my love and i paid but you couldn't keep what you couldn't take i know I made you the big star i let you butcher my big heart but it's my song and my stage and it's my coming of age"
watch "now you're living the goddamn dream have a golden star, this one's for free 'cause you broke my heart and my self-esteem for a girl who's a remix of me"
body better "was i just an idea you liked? a convenient use of type with obedient blue eyes"
want you back "i'm not allowed to want you any longer i must go out with a stranger i must kiss him to get stronger so i don't tell a soul that i'll be yours again tomorrow if you wanted but you don't wanna"
the band and i "i'm 21 and I feel evergreen"
you're just a boy (and i'm kinda the man) "i'm on a one way trip to take over the world you could've come, babe i held out my hand"
lost the break up "i'll smile and you'll have to face it i'm the greatest love that you wasted"
wendy "then you're evasive on the phone 'til you're sorry on the floor so, i'm throwing you a bone 'cause you want me and you're sure if i'm not careful, i'll wake up and we'll be married and i'll still flinch at the sound of a door"
run "he likes a promise if he don't have to keep it he hates a sentence when he has to mean it i know it's dark and I know that i'm young but if a man says that he wants you in his life forever, run"
two weeks ago "i was yours so fast, i was scared so bad god, i loved you babe, did i tell you that? the song was true, now it's all i have and i wish it was two weeks ago"
bsc "i am unhinged (unhinged) i am scaling all these walls, I've gone within (within) i am both kathy bates and stephen king i can write you out the way i wrote you in"
therapy "i was abandoned but you swore that you'd be there for me carefully, you touched me now your touch will last for centuries"
there it goes "i sleep through the night and i go where i'm wanted and i don't need your light to be lit but oh, the way i loved you i will not be embarrassed of that just should've known when to quit"
history of man "he stole our youth and promised heaven the men start wars yet troy hates helen women's hearts are lethal weapons did you hold mine and feel threatened?"
holy revival "stay with me here, it's what he represents which is me getting obsessed by someone fundamentally wrong for me 'I'm not doing it again it's just, just me and myself so good for my health, you're just kinda dumb i'm just kinda done"
yoko "guess that's being twenty-two you misunderstood a lot of things but, yeah, i guess me too"
the song "my thing is i'm still obsessed with the idea of this one thing with all the ways that it wasn't but it might've been i could reach out but it's your turn and it's your shit (And I should call it)"
guy on a horse "sour in your saddle i think you want to start a war i've got bigger battles and you're just a guy on a horse"
truth is "did i rile up all your demons? did i give you any reason? or did i love you? did i just love you? was it useful? was it worth it? did you think that i deserved it? 'cause i didn't, i just loved you"
the last one "if you're the syd barrett of the band, i'm the girl on the train tracks holdin' your hand halfway to the moon on a plane you couldn't land but i'll believe in you, still your number one fan, baby after the crowd's gone, i'll be the last one"
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lostmykeysie · 2 years
is there something going on or what? because i feel like we're all going THROUGH it this week c'mon there must be something. are the planets misaligned again nooooo planets don't misalign you're so sexy aha
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rpmemes-galore · 3 years
olivia rodrigo : sour album ... sentence starters
tw: swearing, themes of depression & cheating
“Wish I didn't care.”
“Oh God, I sound crazy.”
“God, it's brutal out here.”
“I want it to be, like, messy.”
“I kind of feel sorry for them.”
“I know that you loved before.”
“And I wish I'd done this before.”
“Never doubted myself so much.”
“I kept quiet so I could keep you.”
“Or maybe you never cared at all.”
“It's like we never even happened.”
“And I wish people liked me more.”
“I played dumb, but I always knew.”
“Maybe this is all your fault instead.”
“Now it sure as hell don't look like it.”
“'Cause I still fuckin' love you, babe.”
“Do you love me, want me, hate me?“
“'Cause I thought you'd like me more.”
“She's everything I'm insecure about.”
“Where's my fucking teenage dream?”
“Well, I hope I was your favorite crime.”
“Does she mean you forgot about me?“
“Stupid, emotional, obsessive little me.”
“I hate to think that I was just your type.”
“Don't act like we didn't do that shit, too.”
“I hope you're happy, but don't be happier.”
“And God, I don't even know where to start.”
“But you're so unaffected, I really don't get it.”
“I'm the love of your life until I make you mad.”
“'Cause how could I ever love someone else?“
“'Cause I love you and I hope that you're okay.”
“The things I did, just so I could call you mine...”
“You gave me your word, but that didn't matter.”
“Loved you at your worst, but that didn't matter.”
“Guess you didn't cheat, but you're still a traitor.”
“I'm so sick of myself. I'd rather be anyone else.”
“Well, good for you. You look happy and healthy.”
“'Cause they'll never know you the way that I do.”
“I hate that I give you power over that kinda stuff.”
“But I say that I hate you with a smile on my face.”
“So when you gonna tell her that we did that, too?”
“I wanna be you so bad and I don't even know you.”
“It's always one step forward and three steps back.”
“Hope he took his bad deal and made a royal flush.”
“'Cause all I ever wanted was to be enough for you.”
“I knew from the start this is exactly how you'd leave.”
“I made the jokes you tell to her when she's with you.”
“All I did was try my best. This the kinda thanks I get?”
“Don't you dare forget about the way you betrayed me.”
“You will never have to hurt the way you know that I do.”
“Well, good for you, I guess you moved on really easily.”
“It's bittersweet to think about the damage that we'd do.”
“And I'm so tired that I might quit my job, start a new life.”
“I hope you're happy, but not like how you were with me.”
“Know that I loved you so bad, I let you treat me like that.”
“You betrayed me. And I know that you'll never feel sorry.”
“Now I don't want your sympathy. I just want myself back.”
“And I'd leave you, but the rollercoaster's all I've ever had.”
“And all my friends are tired of hearing how much I miss you.”
“All I did was speak normally. Somehow, I still struck a nerve.”
“I feel like no one wants me. And I hate the way I'm perceived.”
“And good for you, I guess that you've been workin' on yourself.”
“Maybe I'm too emotional, but your apathy's like a wound in salt.”
“I'd say you broke my heart, but you broke much more than that.”
“And maybe in some masochistic way, I kind of find it all exciting.”
“Remember when you said that you wanted to give me the world?“
“And do you tell her she's the most beautiful girl you've ever seen?“
“They say these are the golden years, but I wish I could disappear.”
“And you always say I'm never satisfied, but I don't think that's true.”
“And they'd all be so disappointed, 'cause who am I if not exploited?”
“And don't you think I loved you too much to be used and discarded?”
“If someone tells me one more time ‘Enjoy your youth,’ I'm gonna cry.”
“And I know we weren't perfect, but I've never felt this way for no one.”
“And I just can't imagine how you could be so okay now that I'm gone.”
“And I'm so caught up in the news of who likes me and who hates you.”
“And ain't it funny how you ran to her, the second that we called it quits?”
“And ain't it funny? All the twisted games, all the questions you used to avoid?”
“Remember when you swore to God I was the only person who ever got you?”
“God, I wish that you had thought this through before I went and fell in love with you.”
“Well, I hope you know how proud I am you were created with the courage to unlearn all of their hatred.”
“And I know if you were true, there's no damn way that you could fall in love with somebody that quickly.”
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marcnutz · 3 years
18+, minors DNI
Tags: Smut, Sapnap x GN!Reader, Sub!Sapnap, shock collar, heavy degradation, dumbification, self-bondage, blowjobs, ~2k words, this is my first fanfiction in a very long time.
Masterlist and Info
Sapnap has to postpone his shock stream for “personal reasons”. That reason was definitely NOT because it turned him on. Noticing his problem, you decide to take advantage. 
“I’ll put that shock collar around my neck, I don’t care.” Or at least that’s what he claimed. Yet, here he was, whining like a baby scared it would hurt. 
“Come on babe, it can’t hurt that much. Just stop being a pussy and shock yourself already.” You said as you watched your boyfriend babble like a baby. “Here, give it to me and I’ll do it for you. The sooner you get this over the better.” 
Sapnap reluctantly handed over the collar and remote to you before closing his eyes, “I don’t want to know when you’re going to shock me.” 
You laughed at him a little as you got down on your knees to strap the collar to his thigh. The metal prongs poked into his skin, and his soft thighs pillowed over the collar a bit as you tightened it. 
“Relax a bit baby, tensing will only make it hurt more,” you tried to calm your boyfriend, putting a hand on his other thigh. Sapnap took a deep breathe, and as he exhaled you quickly pushed the button on the remote, sending electricity through Sapnap’s thigh. 
He let out a high pitched scream and jumped, then quickly relaxed again. “What? That wasn’t even that bad. Dream and George are such pussies. I can take this.”
You would be lying if you said that the split second before he screamed like a school girl where his face contorted to pain didn’t do something to you. You would also be lying if you said you didn’t want to see it again. “Why don’t we try it more? It might hurt more as you go along, wouldn't you like to be ready for that?” Yes, this will definitely work. Sound reasoning that was definitely not related to you being slightly horny. 
“What? You think I’m going to take that much damage? I’m cracked at the craft babe that won’t happen.” To be completely honest, Sapnap didn’t want to admit that the shock straight to his inner thigh did something for him. His ego was to big for him to be giving up power, and sporting a semi from you hurting him wasn’t going to get him ramming into you any time soon. 
“Oh come on, just a few more. Better to find out how bad it can get now than live in front of a hundred thousand people.” You said, taking the initiative to go ahead and give him one more shock. His school girl scream dropping a few octaves to his normal yelling. “Just take three more, I know you can do it,” 
And so he did take it, like the good boy he was. As he got shocked more and more his screams turned into breathy whines. While the pain was still there, each shock sent an additional shock of pleasure straight to his dick. The final shock forced out an almost pornographic moan from your boyfriend, his hands gripping his armrests for dear life. “Aw baby, you did so good! I knew you could do it, you liked this a whole lot more than I thought you would.”
Sapnap did like this a lot, and he didn’t want to stop, in fact he wanted more. More pain, more pleasure, more anything, more you. His dick was aching in his sweat shorts, a small patch of wetness forming where he was starting to leak. 
“Ahh, look at you. All hot and bothered from me hurting you. Why don’t we play a small game?” It was more of a statement than a question, and you knew he would say yes. “I want you to strip and lay down on the bed. I’ll be right back.” 
Sapnap quickly stood up and began taking off his clothes as you went to go get some water, doing this more so to make him wait than because you were thirsty. You heard him throw himself down on the bed in the other room, and you laughed quietly to yourself at his eagerness. Looking down at the remote in your hand, you wondered how far the signal on the thing reached. Far enough, apparently, as when you pushed the shock button a loud yelp and moan could be heard from your bedroom. 
“Baaaaabbbbbyyyyyyyy~ Come back!” Sapnap yelled from across the house, wanting your body on his. You decided to be nice to him and not make him wait any longer, taking off your own shirt as you walking into the bedroom. 
“Spread your legs for me cutie.” You said as you climbed up onto the bed, Sapnap immediately doing as he was told. “You’re going to listen to me and follow my directions, if you don’t, this will happen” You send another shock through Sapnap’s thigh and he moans, dick twitching. “I’m going to be nice and suck you off. You must keep your hands above your head, no touching me or yourself. If you thrust into me you get shocked. If you cum without permission you get shocked. If you beak any of my rules in general you get shocked, do you understand?” 
Sapnap threw his hands above his head, ‘Y-yes. I’ll listen, I’ll be good. I promise.” 
“Good boy.” You shocked him once more just to be mean, his hips raising up from the bed. You decided to ignore it this one, time as he technically didn’t thrust into you. You move your hand towards his leaking dick, already soaking from his precum. Sapnap lets out a loud moan just as the slightest touch, already oversensitive from waiting. 
Laughing at his eagerness, you slowly kiss his dick, going up from his base before giving the head a few small licks. Sapnap was almost crying from the pleasure, his soft stomach tensing as he tried his best not to move, his hands gripping at the air wishing to be lost in your hair.
You moved your head down to lick a long stripe, starting from the base once more before taking his tip into your mouth and sucking, hard. Sapnap couldn’t stay still anymore, his hips going up trying to get his dick farther down your throat. You quickly pulled off of his and gave him two shocks, his entire body tensing as pain seared through his upper leg. 
“What did I say about following the rules?”
“I-I’m sorry! I didn’t me-AH!” Sapnap was cut off with another shock, more precum leaking from his tip from the mix of pleasure and pain. 
“I don’t want excuses, I want you to listen. I’m turning up the collar now, if you fuck up again you’re getting even more pain.” You knew Sapnap would break your rules again, to be completely honest you wanted him too. Seeing him liked this turned you on so much that it was starting to hurt, but you have to take care of your baby before yourself. 
Reaching back down you take one of Sapnap’s balls into your mouth, using your hand to work his dick. The noises coming out of Sapnap’s mouth would make a whore blush. You go back up to continue sucking on his tip, before slowly lowering your head down to take him farther down your throat. 
You went on bobbing your head, using your hand to cover what you couldn’t fit in your mouth. You decided to test your limits and take the rest of him, forcing his dick all the way down your throat as you choked a bit. All of it was too much for Sapnap to handle, his hands flying to your head and his hips pushing up to push his dick against your throat. You quickly press the shock button and hold it down. The pain so much worse for him than last time.  
You push his hands off you and come back up, glaring at him. “What. Did. I. Tell. You. To. Do.” You asked, punctuating each word with a shock to his leg. “You’re such a fucking slut that you can’t keep your hands off me? I only gave you a few rules to following and you can’t even do that, whore.” 
Sapnap whined at the degradation as you continued to shock him, the pain causing tears to fall down his cheeks. Babbles of “I’m sorry,” and “Please don’t stop,” falling from his mouth. 
“I won’t stop baby, but I’m going to keep shocking you as I do. I don’t care how good you are anymore, do what you want, I can see you’re too dumb and desperate to follow rules anyways. But I swear to god if you cum without permission I’ll strap this shock collar to your cock and watch as you scream.”
Sapnap just nodded, twitching as you shocked him once more before going back down on his dick, taking him all the way down. His hands gripped your bare shoulders, nails digging into your skin every time you shocked him. 
He was close and you knew it, he was close before you even started to be honest, but you weren’t going to let him cum. You wanted to see him broken and crying. 
“AH! God, baby I need to cum. Can I? Ple-AH!” Sapnap called out as you continued deep throating him while shocking his thigh. 
You pulled off more a moment, pretending to think about it. “mmm, no.” You sent another strong shock. Going back down to what you were doing, as Sapnap continues to babble and crying. His nails were starting to leaving red welts on your back and shoulders. All he wanted was to cum down your warm throat.
“Please, please baby ple-AH! Let me cum, I’ll b-be good. I promise! Please babeE~! Let me cum I’ll do anything. I’ve been so good. Please, please, please.” Sapnap’s begging continued, but you just ignored him, happily sucking him off, his salty precum sliding down your throat. 
Sapnap was full on sobbing down, one hand in your hair, the other in his mouth, biting down as he focused all his energy in trying not to cum. All he wanted was to be a good boy for you. Follow the one rule you left him. But the pleasure of your warm mouth on his dick and the pain from the shock collar was beginning to get to much. We was bursting at the seems, and the only thing he could think about was your mouth and that damned shock collar. 
You took pity on him, his crying and drooling form a pathetic sight to see. You pulled off him for just a second, immediately replacing your mouth with your hand. “You can cum now baby, you’ve been such a good little whore for me.” You said before giving him one more good shock and going back down on his cock. 
He let out more babbles of “Thank you” and other incoherent moans as his warm cum filled your mouth, sobbing as you gave a few more shocks before you swallowing around him. 
You pulled off him with an audible pop, gently taking the shock collar off his thigh. You give a soft kiss to the two small red marks left by it. Crawling up the bed, you quickly pull his head into your chest, feeling his hot breath and tears on your skin. 
“You did so good sweetheart, I’m so proud of you. So, so good for me.” You gave Sapnap praise and gently rubbed his back has he came down from his high. Before long his breathing evened out and his post-orgasmic shaking stopped as he fell asleep in your arms. 
“I love you baby,” you whispered as you gently kissed his forehead, drifting off to dream land with him. 
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ddudumemes · 3 years
(( collection of ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY THREE sentence starters taken from OLIVIA  RODRIGO’s first album ‘ SOUR ’ . ))
001.  BRUTAL  . ‘  i  think  that  i'll  die  before  i  drink  .  ’ ‘  who  likes  me  ??  ’ ‘  who  hates  you  ??  ’ ‘  who  am  i  if  not  exploited  ??  ’ ‘  where's  my  fucking  teenage  dream  ??  ’ ‘  i  don't  stick  up  for  myself  .  ’ ‘  i'm  anxious  and  nothing  can  help  .  ’ ‘  and  i  wish  i'd  done  this  before  .  ’ ‘  and  i  wish  people  liked  me  more  .  ’ ‘  all  i  did  was  try  my  best  ,  this  the  kinda  thanks  i  get  ??  ’ ‘  i  wish  i  could  disappear  .  ’ ‘  ego  crush  is  so  severe  .  ’ ‘  god  ,  it's  brutal  out  here  .  ’ ‘  i  feel  like  no  one  wants  me  .  ’ ‘  and  i  hate  the  way  i'm  perceived  .  ’ ‘  i  only  have  two  real  friends  .  ’ ‘  lately  ,  i'm  a  nervous  wreck  .  ’ ‘  i'm  not  cool  ,  and  i'm  not  smart  ,  and  i  can't  even  parallel  park  .  ’ ‘  got  a  broken  ego  ,  and  broken  heart  .  ’ ‘  god  ,  i  don't  even  know  where  to  start  .  ’
002.  TRAITOR  . ‘  i  played  dumb  ,  but  i  always  knew  .  ’ ‘  i  kept  quiet  so  i  could  keep  you  .  ’ ‘  ain't  it  funny  how  you  ran  to  her  the  second  that  we  called  it  quits  ??  ’ ‘  ain't  it  funny  how  you  said  you  were  friends  ??  now  it  sure  as  hell  don't  look  like  it  .  ’ ‘  you  betrayed  me  .  ’ ‘  i  know  that  you'll  never  feel  sorry  for  the  way  i  hurt  .  ’ ‘  you  talked  to  her  when  we  were  together  .  ’ ‘  loved  you  at  your  worst  ,  but  that  didn't  matter  .  ’ ‘  it  took  you  two  weeks  to  go  off  and  date  her  .  ’ ‘  guess  you  didn't  cheat  ,  but  you're  still  a  traitor  .  ’ ‘  there's  no  damn  way  that  you  could  fall  in  love  with  somebody  that  quickly  .  ’ ‘  remember  i  brought  her  up  and  you  told  me  i  was  paranoid  ??  ’ ‘  god  ,  i  wish  that  you  had  thought  this  through  before  i  went  and  fell  in  love  with  you  .  ’ ‘  you  gave  me  your  word  ,  but  that  didn't  matter  .  ’ 003.  DRIVERS  LICENSE  . ‘  i  got  my  driver's  license  last  week  .  ’ ‘  you  were  so excited for  me  .  ’ ‘  and  you're  probably  with  that  blonde  girl  who  always  made  me  doubt  .  ’ ‘  she's  everything  i'm  insecure  about  .  ’ ‘  how  could  i  ever  love  someone  else  ??  ’ ‘  i  know  we  weren't  perfect  but  i've  never  felt  this  way  for  no  one  .  ’ ‘  i  just  can't  imagine  how  you  could  be  so  okay  now  that  i'm  gone  .  ’ ‘  guess  you  didn't  mean  what  you  wrote  in  that  song  about  me  .  ’ ‘  you  said  forever  ,  now  i  drive  alone  past  your  street  .  ’ ‘   all  my  friends  are  tired  of  hearing  how  much  i  miss  you  .  ’ ‘  they'll  never  know  you  the  way  that  i  do  .  ’ ‘  today  ,  i  drove  through  the  suburbs  and  pictured  i  was  driving  home  to  you  .  ’ ‘  i  still  fuckin'  love  you  ,  babe  .  ’ ‘  i  still  hear  your  voice  in  the  traffic  .  ’ ‘  i  know  we're  through  but  i  still  fuckin'  love  you  .  ’
004.  1  STEP  FORWARD  ,  3  STEPS  BACK  . ‘  all  i  did  was  speak  normally  .  somehow  ,  i  still  struck  a  nerve  .  ’ ‘  you  got  me  fucked  up  in  the  head  ,  boy  .  ’ ‘  never  doubted  myself  so  much  .  ’ ‘  am  i  pretty  ??  am  i  fun  ??  ’ ‘  i  hate  that  i  give  you  power  over  that  kinda  stuff  .  ’ ‘  it's  always  one  step  forward  and  three  steps  back  .  ’ ‘  i'm  the  love  of  your  life  until  i  make  you  mad  .  ’ ‘  do  you  love  me  ,  want  me  ,  hate  me  ??  ’ ‘  i  don't  understand  .  ’ ‘  maybe  in  some  masochistic  way  i  kind  of  find  it  all  exciting  .  ’ ‘  which  lover  will  i  get  today  ??  ’ ‘  will  you  walk  me  to  the  door  or  send  me  home  crying  ??  ’ ‘  did  i  say  something  wrong  ??  ’ ‘  it's  back  and  forth  ,  going  over  everything  i  said  .  ’ ‘  did  i  do  something  wrong  ??  ’ ‘  maybe  this  is  all  your  fault  instead  .  ’ ‘  i'd  leave  you  ,  but  the  rollercoaster's  all  i've  ever  had  .  ’
005.  DEJA  VU  . ‘  so  when  you  gonna  tell  her  that  we  did  that  too  ??  ’ ‘  that  was  our  place  ,  i  found  it  first  .  ’ ‘  i  made  the  jokes  you  tell  to  her  when  she's  with  you  .  ’ ‘  do  you  get  déjà  vu  when  she’s  with  you  ??  ’ ‘  do  you  get  déjà  vu  ??  ’ ‘  do  you  call  her  ,  almost  say  my  name  ??  ’ ‘  let's  be  honest  ,  we  kinda  do  sound  the  same  .  ’ ‘  i  hate  to  think  that  i  was  just  your  type  .  ’ ‘  now  i  bet  you  even  tell  her  how  you  love  her  .  ’ ‘  don't  act  like  we  didn't  do  that  shit  too  .  ’ ‘  you're  tradin'  jackets  like  we  used  to  do  .  ’ ‘  a  different  girl  now  ,  but  there's  nothing  new  .  ’ ‘  i  know  you  get  déjà  vu  .  ’
006.  GOOD  4  U  . ‘  good  for  you  ,  i  guess  you  moved  on  really  easily  .  ’ ‘  you  found  a  new  girl  and  it  only  took  a  couple  weeks  .  ’ ‘  remember  when  you  said  that  you  wanted  to  give  me  the  world  ??  ’ ‘  good  for  you  ,  i  guess  that  you've  been  workin'  on  yourself  .  ’ ‘  i  guess  that  therapist  i  found  for  you  ,  she  really  helped  .  ’ ‘  now  you  can  be  a  better  man  for  your  brand  new  girl  .  ’ ‘  well  ,  good  for  you  you  look  happy  and  healthy  ,  not  me  ,  if  you  ever  cared  to  ask  .  ’ ‘  good  for  you  you're  doin'  great  out  there  without  me  ,  baby  ,  god  ,  i  wish  that  i  could  do  that  .  ’ ‘  i've  lost  my  mind  ,  i've  spent  the  night  cryin'  on  the  floor  of  my  bathroom  .  ’ ‘  you're  so  unaffected  ,  i  really  don't  get  it  but  i  guess  good  for  you  .  ’ ‘  well  ,  good  for  you  ,  i  guess  you're  gettin'  everything  you  want  .  ’ ‘  it's  like  we  never  even  happened  baby  ,  what  the  fuck  is  up  with  that  ??  ’ ‘  good  for  you  ,  it's  like  you  never  even  met  me  .  ’ ‘  remember  when  you  swore  to  god  i  was  the  only  person  who  ever  got  you  ??  well  ,  screw  that  ,  and  screw  you  .  ’ ‘  you  will  never  have  to  hurt  the  way  you  know  that  i  do  !!  ’ ‘  maybe  i'm  too  emotional  but  your  apathy's  like  a  wound  in  salt  .  ’ ‘  maybe  i'm  too  emotional  or  maybe  you  never  cared  at  all  .  ’ ‘  maybe  i'm  too  emotional  .  ’ ‘  your  apathy  is  like  a  wound  in  salt  .  ’ ‘  maybe  you  never  cared  at  all  .  ’ ‘  good  for  you  you're  doin'  great  out  there  without  me  ,  baby  ,  like  a  damn  sociopath  .  ’
007.  ENOUGH  FOR  YOU  . ‘  i  wore  makeup  when  we  dated  'cause  i  thought  you'd  like  me  more  .  ’ ‘  tried  so  hard  to  be  everything  that  you  liked  .  ’ ‘  i  knew  how  you  took  your  coffee and  your  favorite  songs  by  heart  .  ’ ‘  i  read  all  of  your  self-help  books  so  you'd  think  that  i  was  smart  .  ’ ‘  i  knew  from  the  start  this  is  exactly  how  you'd  leave  .  ’ ‘  you  found  someonе  more  exciting  the  nеxt  second  ,  you  were  gone  .  ’ ‘  you  left  me  there  cryin'  ,  wonderin'  what  i  did  wrong  .  ’ ‘  and  you  always  say  i'm  never  satisfied  but  i  don't  think  that's  true  .  ’ ‘  all  i  ever  wanted  was  to  be  enough  for  you  .  ’ ‘  and  maybe  i'm  just  not  as  interesting  as  the  girls  you  had  before  .  ’ ‘  but  god  ,  you  couldn't  have  cared  less  about  someone  who  loved  you  more  .  ’ ‘  i'd  say  you  broke  my  heart  but  you  broke  much  more  than  that  .  ’ ‘  i  don't  want  your  sympathy  ,  i  just  want  myself  back  .  ’ ‘  i  just  want  myself  back  .  ’ ‘  don't  you  think  i  loved  you  too  much  to  be  used  and  discarded  ??  ’ ‘  don't  you  think  i  loved  you  too  much  to  think  i  deserve  nothing  ??  ’ ‘  but  don't  tell  me  you're  sorry  .  ’ ‘  feel  sorry  for  yourself  .  ’ ‘  someday  ,  i'll  be  everything  to  somebody  else  .  ’ ‘  you  say  i'm  never  satisfied  but  that's  not  me  ,  it's  you  .  ’ ‘  all  i  ever  wanted  was  to  be  enough  .  ’ ‘  i  don't  think  anything  could  ever  be  enough  for  you  .  ’ ‘  nothing's  enough  for  you  .  ’
008.  HAPPIER  . ‘  you've  moved  on  ,  found  someone  new  .  ’ ‘  i  thought  my  heart  was  detached  from  all  the  sunlight  of  our  past  .  ’ ‘  does  she  mean  you  forgot  about  me  ??  ’ ‘  i  hope  you're  happy  but  not  like  how  you  were  with  me  .  ’ ‘  i'm  selfish  ,  i  know  ,  i  can't  let  you  go  .  ’ ‘  find  someone  great  ,  but  don't  find  no  one  better  .  ’ ‘  i  hope  you're  happy  ,  but  don't  be  happier  .  ’ ‘  do  you  tell  her  she's  the  most  beautiful  girl  you've  ever  seen  ??  ’ ‘  remember  when  i  believed  you  meant  it  when  you  said  it  first  to  me  ??  ’ ‘  and  now  i'm  pickin'  her  apart  like  cuttin'  her  down  will  make  you  miss  my  wretched  heart  .  ’ ‘  she's  beautiful  ,  she  looks  kind  ...  she  probably  gives  you  butterflies  .  ’ ‘  i  wish  you  all  the  best  ,  really  .  ’ ‘  say  you  love  her  ,  just  not  like  you  loved  me  .  ’ ‘  think  of  me  fondly  when  your  hands  are  on  her  .  ’
009.  JEALOUSY  ,  JEALOUSY  . ‘  i  kinda  wanna  throw  my  phone  across  the  room  .  ’ ‘  i  know  their  beauty's  not  my  lack  .  ’ ‘  i  can't  let  it  go  .  ’ ‘  comparison  is  killin'  me  slowly  .  ’ ‘  i  think  i  think  too  much  'bout  kids  who  don't  know  me  .  ’ ‘  i'm  so  sick  of  myself  .  ’ ‘  i'd  rather  be  anyone  else  .  ’ ‘  my  jealousy  started  followin'  me  .  ’ ‘  i'm  happy  for  them  ,  but  then  again  ,  i'm  not  .  ’ ‘  oh  god  ,  i  sound  crazy  .  ’ ‘  their  win  is  not  my  loss  .  ’ ‘  i  can't  help  gettin'  caught  up  in  it  all  .  ’ ‘  all  your  friends  are  so  cool  ,  you  go  out  every  night  .  ’ ‘  you're  livin'  the  life  .  ’ ‘  i  wanna  be  you  so  bad  and  i  don't  even  know  you  .  ’ ‘  all  i  see  is  what  i  should  be:  happier  .  prettier  .  ’ ‘  all  i  see  is  what  i  should  be  .  ’ ‘  i'm  losin'  it  ,  all  i  get's  jealousy  .  ’
010.  FAVORITE  CRIME  . ‘  know  that  i  loved  you  so  bad  i  let  you  treat  me  like  that  .  ’ ‘  i  was  your  willing  accomplice  .  ’ ‘  i  watched  as  you  fled  the  scene  .  ’ ‘  one  heart  broke  ,  four  hands  bloody  .  ’ ‘  the  things  i  did  just  so  i  could  call  you  mine  .  ’ ‘  the  things  you  did  …  well  ,  i  hope  i  was  your  favorite  crime  .  ’ ‘  you  used  me  as  an  alibi  .  ’ ‘  i  defended  you  to  all  my  friends  .  ’ ‘  now  every  time  a  siren  sounds  i  wondеr  if  you're  around  .  ’ ‘  'cause  you  know  that  i'd  do  it  all  again  .  ’ ‘  i  hope  i  was  your  favorite  crime  .  ’ ‘  it's  bittersweet  to  think  about  the  damage  that  we'd  do  .  ’ ‘  i  was  goin'  down  ,  but  i  was  doin'  it  with  you  .  ’ ‘  i  say  that  i  hate  you  with  a  smile  on  my  face  .  ’ ‘  look  what  we  became  .  ’ ‘  i  hope  i  was  your  favorite  crime  ,  'cause  baby  ,  you  were  mine  .  ’
011.  HOPE  UR  OK  . ‘  his  parents  cared  more  about  the  bible  than  being  good  to  their  own  child  .  ’ ‘  he  wore  long  sleeves  'cause  of  his  dad  .  ’ ‘  somehow  ,  we  fell  out  of  touch  .  ’ ‘  don't  know  if  i'll  see  you  again  someday  but  if  you're  out  there  ,  i  hope  that  you're  okay  .  ’ ‘  she  raised  her  brothers  on  hеr  own  .  ’ ‘  she  couldn't  wait  to  go  to  college  .  ’ ‘  she  was  brought  into  a  world  where  family  was  merely  blood  .  ’ ‘  we  don't  talk  much  ,  but  i  just  gotta  say  i  miss  you  and  i  hope  that  you're  okay  .  ’ ‘  nothing's  forever  ,  nothing  is  as  good  as  it  seems  .  ’ ‘  well  ,  i  hope  you  know  how  proud  i  am  you  were  created  .  ’ ‘  but  ,  god  ,  i  hope  that  you're  happier  today  .  ’ ‘  'cause  i  love  you  and  i  hope  that  you're  okay  .  ’
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pinkczennie · 3 years
Dirty Mind | Yuta (m)
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Part of this playlist fic!
Pairing: Yuta x female reader
Genre: smut
Word count: 2k
Warnings: 18+ only, mature language, explicit sexual content, protected sex
 She’s got a dirtier mind than my mouth. 
Holy fuck, the man is hot as hell. I’d let him absolutely rail the shit out of me, you thought to yourself when a mutual friend of yours, Mark, first introduced you to his friend, Yuta, after a victorious soccer game. 
“Nice to meet you, y/n,” he smiles, showing off his pearly teeth, as he extends his hand out for you.
His long, black hair tied in a low ponytail that you imagine threading your fingers in between to pull on, and his long fingers painted with black nail polish that you want shoved knuckles deep in your pussy. 
You can’t believe you’re having such impure thoughts about someone you just met, but you couldn’t help yourself in the presence of such an attractive person.  
“Nice to meet you too, Yuta,” you take his hand in yours and shake hands.
When his attention is no longer on you because someone else came to congratulate Yuta on his win, you continued to gaze at him from afar until you felt a nudge against your arm, snapping you out of your dirty thoughts.
“Hey, are you staring at Yuta?” Haechan asks as he follows the direction of your eyes.
“What? No, I wasn’t,” you quickly deny, hiding your flustered face.
“Oh my god, you totally were!” he gasps.
You groan, “Okay, yes I was staring at him. Sheesh, I didn’t realize how obvious I was making it.”
“Holy shit, are you into Yuta?” he asks. 
“Maybe… god, he’s so hot,” you reply honestly. “He probably has a huge dick. Fuck, I would let that man rearrange my guts in all kinds of positions.”
“Ew, okay, I didn’t need to hear that,” he grimaces, disgusted. He wishes he didn’t have that visual in his head.
You meant it though. Bless Mark for introducing you to such a fine ass man. 
As a celebration for winning the game, his frat house throws him and the other soccer players that are in the fraternity a party. 
Thankfully, you had some connections, aka Mark and Haechan, so you only knew about the party through him and were able to get invited. 
Throughout the party, as you mingle with other people and some friends, you couldn’t help but occasionally search the crowd for a certain someone. 
Your eyes wander from people to people until you finally spot him with a beer can in his hand while chatting with his friends. Yuta sports a white tee and ripped black jeans, looking fine as always. 
Your head is empty besides the thought of riding Yuta’s thighs, staining his pants with your juices while he showers you with praises for being such a good girl. 
“Why don’t you just go up and talk to him instead of staring at him like a creep?” 
You look at Haechan with narrow eyes, “And say what?”
“I don’t know. ‘Hey I think you’re hot. Wanna fuck?’” he suggests.
“Are you crazy? I just met him like a few days ago, there’s no way I can say that.”
“I mean it’s better than just staring at him like a creep,” he mumbles.
Was I being creepy? You wonder and mentally slap yourself.
You tried, emphasis on ‘tried’, to keep your staring to a minimum of just a few quick glances, but unfortunately, you were not very good at being subtle with your staring because, damn, was it hard for you to look away from Yuta sometimes, so said man has caught you multiple times. He notices you staring at him, and honestly, you peaked his interest. He wonders what you are thinking about when you stare at him like that.
He finds it cute how you would awkwardly look away when Yuta catches you staring, your face turning a shade of pink pretending like he didn’t just catch you.
“Dude, she’s been staring at you all night,” Jungwoo states as he leans against Yuta. 
“Yeah, I know,” Yuta says as he takes a sip of his beer. “She’s pretty cute.”
“I can tell she’s into you. I even heard from Haechan that she talks about you.”
“Oh yeah?” Yuta perks up at this new information. “What does she say about me?”
“How you’re hot and that she’d let you rearrange her guts in all kinds of positions,” Jungwoo repeats Haechan’s words.
“Damn, that’s fucking hot,” Yuta mumbles as he bites the nail of his thumb to suppress the grin spreading across his face. 
“Why doesn’t she just make a move already? She’s practically making it obvious.” Jungwoo wonders.
Yuta doesn’t think you would dare approach him first, so Yuta knew he had to make the first move.
I want to be the person that you do it to
After way too many drinks, you needed to pee so you excuse yourself to search for the restroom. You’re pretty tipsy but you can walk a straight line, so you can manage yourself just fine. 
After using the restroom, you walk down the hallway, passing by the frat member’s rooms, and stopping dead in your tracks when something captures your attention.
You don’t mean to be intrusive and just walk into someone’s room, but when you notice a soccer jersey hung nicely on the wall with the last name ‘Nakomoto’ in full display, you realize this must be Yuta’s room. 
You peek around to see if anyone is looking before carefully making your way into his room and close the door halfway behind you. You won’t stay long enough for someone to see you in the room, but you just wanted to see what his room would be like. 
His room is quite simple, a bed, a desk, a laptop, a closet, and soccer gear scattered around his room. It was a little messy, like the blanket messily tossed on the bed, and some papers and textbook thrown around the floor, but honestly it was what you typically imagined a male college student’s room to look like. Honestly, it kind of just screams Yuta in your opinion.
You walk up to examine his soccer jersey, imagination running wild with thoughts of Yuta fucking you while you’re wearing his soccer jersey. 
Oh, what you would give to make that dream come true to let Yuta do nasty things to you until you’re fucked dumb. 
After examining his room and jersey, you turn around to leave but your heart almost leaps out of your chest when you see Yuta leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed around his chest staring intently at you. How long has he been standing there and how did you not even hear him?
 “Hey, you. Whatcha doin’ in my room?” The man asks.
“Oh...I-uh was just- um- I wanted to admire your jersey up close,” you laugh awkwardly, cringing at your very lame and probably unbelievable excuse, but it was the best thing you could come up with under pressure. 
“Oh really? What do you think about when you look at my jersey?” he asks as he slowly starts to approach you. 
You gulp when he’s getting closer and closer to you. “I just thought about how cool you were when you won that soccer game.”
“Oh really?” Yuta stops when he’s standing right in front of you, blocking you from any escape routes. “I think you’d look cute in it.”
Are you just hearing things or did Yuta just say what you think he just said? 
You blush, “O-oh, thanks.”
He unhooks his soccer jersey from the hanger and turns to you, “But you’d look even cuter wearing it while I rearrange your guts on my bed.”
You feel your heart skip a beat before your face turns beat red now as you stare up at him with wide eyes.
“So..I heard that you think I’m hot and you’d let me fuck you,” Yuta takes a step closer until his face is right in front of you, looking down at you with dark eyes, “Want to turn that fantasy into a reality with me?”
You feel yourself clench around nothing, and you feel something snap inside you. This devilishly handsome man right here is asking if you wanted to have sex, and who were you to say no? There was no way you were letting this opportunity pass. 
“Fuck, yes,” you breath out as your lips attack his in a hungry kiss. 
She just wants to fuck me all the time
That’s how you ended up in Yuta’s bed, wearing only his oversized soccer jersey, with your face down ass up, while his dick slams into your soaking cunt at an animalistic pace. 
Both your lips are swollen red from kissing and eating each other’s mouths. Your original clothes and his clothes are discarded all around the floor as you both try to strip as fast as possible. You get into his jersey while he rolls a condom on. 
The party is still going on outside but the door is locked, so no one can interrupt you two. But honestly, you and Yuta probably would not be opposed to leaving the door unlocked for someone to walk in on you while you’re in the middle of the deed. It just adds to the thrill of being caught. 
The blaring music from the living room helps drown out the sound of skin slapping against skin, the moans, and the bed creaking with every thrust.
His length is stretching your walls and filling you to the brim that you can feel every ridge of his dick. 
“Damn babe, you feel so good,” Yuta breathes. “Your pretty little pussy being stuffed full of my cock.”
“Y-yuta,” you whimper. 
“God, I could fuck you all day until you can’t walk for a week and you’re covered in my marks to let everyone know what a dirty little slut you are,” Yuta purrs.
The dirty talk is making you even more turned on. You can’t believe that this man is actually fucking you right now after fantisizing about this moment for so long. 
Yuta watches his member disappear inside of you as he thrusts forward. You look so small in just his jersey and he wants to absolutely ruin you. He couldn’t help but slap your bare butt, causing you to yelp.
You grip the bed sheets and throw your head back when Yuta repositions himself and brushes against a certain spot that had you seeing stars. The bundle of nerves in your lower stomach is ready to burst and you disregard any thoughts of holding back your voice. You were so overwhelmed with pleasure that you could cry. Your mind is clouded with lust and desire that you can’t think straight anymore.
“I’m close,” you breathe.
Yuta’s thrusts become even more harsh and his grip on your hips will surely leave marks. He bites his lips when he feels your walls squeezing around his dick because he feels his release coming soon as well.
With one final thrust, a silence scream escapes your lips as you release all over his cock while Yuta groans as he shoots his seeds inside the condom. 
You both pause for a moment, just catching your breaths while Yuta remains still inside of you. Your heads are spinning after that intense climax just now. You both stare at each other’s exhausted and sweaty state. 
After a few seconds, he pulls out of your entrance, leaving you feeling hollow and you whine a bit which makes Yuta chuckle. He discards the used condom into his trash bin and settles next to you on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. 
You turn to admire post sex Yuta, his hair stuck to his forehead due to the sweat that accumulated on his skin and his chest rising up and down as he inahles and exhales oxygen. 
You smile before climbing on top of Yuta to take a seat on his lap, surprising the man. 
“Round two?” You suggest.
Yuta stares at you with wide eyes, shocked by your stamina of wanting to go again, before bursting out into laughter. “Ride me this time.”
Hopefully, no one will be looking for you or Yuta because you two might be at it for a while.
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xo-alie-xo · 3 years
You can only choose one poison.🍷
Listen up my Wildcats.🐱
We all ship each character with happiness. No matter how much you love to hate them, a majority of us simply adores the characters and want the best for them. Then comes relationships and it's okay to ship our favorites.⛴
I'm a diehard Rina shipper and I know in my heart that they are series endgame. The set up, the natural chemistry, their mutual understanding, the surprises and angst literally put me on chokehold. So I'm 100% a Rina shipper till the end. I'm here for the slowburn and their development rather than one shots. They are worth the pain. 😭❤
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Let me start with Ricky Bowen now.
Ricky shouldn't to be with Gina because he's hurting her mentality. He's not insensitive on purpose. Like when he tried to stop Big Red from telling her his message to Nina because he KNOWS it'll hurt her.
If you think, that Ricky didn't understand clearly when Gina confessed, think again. He shushed her. Kept their thing a secret from everyone. He knows he feels some type of way and she feels something too. But this boy is so used to safeguarding his childhood norms and has very little adaptability. Hence, he pretended to ignore everything between them because his home stability was falling apart and he clinged on to Nina, his constant childhood love.
He's a traumatised 16-17 year old boy that needs to heal and grow. This episode was heartbreaking because he had to accept that he had to let Nina go because their once upon a time fairytale had become toxic.
People change. I'm not the same person I was when I was 16 lmao. Being together as childhood lovers means growing together and accepting each other's growth. Which Ricky couldn't. He clutched to the idea of Nini. Even his love confession. It was sooo sweet but all he did was focus on their history.
This boy needs time to heal and maybe seek professional therapy. It would be so DAMN HISTORIC if Disney decides to take psychological issues seriously and show how he's dealing with his anxiety, pills and psychotherapy. He needs to breathe before he can be with any girl for that matter. He's hurting and isn't trying to hurt anyone on purpose. Including Gina.
Him asking her for advice on Nini was a dumb, insensitive move. But he's trying to find a way to build some supportive friendship that they shared in early season one.
As for now, this boy needs to get his own grip on life and heal.
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As for our Queen Gina
In Gina's confession, she focuses on their future. She basically said, "I wouldn't quit on a possible future of us being together despite obstacles. Because I never quit. But moving away isn't in my control." Ricky deep down knows this, encouraged her to say it, teary eyed, despite right after getting back together with Nini. Gina is his future. She went to his new house. And I also have this feeling that when she was given a chance to stay, she stayed partly because of Ricky. She left a chance to be with her mom because she prioritised their relationship. Because she never quits. 💪🏼
But she came back and found out Ricky has gotten back together with Nini.😭 What she doesn't know is Ricky got together with Nina before her confession, and after Gina kept dodging his messages. She's hurt and questions why she returned because she isn't particularly close to anyone. Hence, she was so silent at the after party. She thinks it'll be fine, "she'll live", and finds other reasons to find permanence. Her arc this season has been settling down in East High, despite the pain of losing and being 'betrayed' by Ricky, she finds other reasons to stay. 🏡
This kind of contrasts her with Nina. Nina left her dream school and came to Salt Lake because she missed her established home, and not just because of Ricky. Nina returned and was loved and embraced by Ricky Bowen.💕 Gina came back to a semi new place called Salt Lake because of her promise of a future to Ricky. But she got stabbed and she bled. 💔🗡
Think about her situation. She feels confused, alone, heartbroken, out of place and seperated from her mom. She's broken and hurting too. And she doesn't need more from Ricky's accidental or intentional 'sick burns'. That's the one line where he was such a jerk and I can't defend him here. 😠
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Here comes the Caswells.
Her second family. A place of healthy stability. A home that accepted her. Ashlyn, her roomie and her confidante. EJ, the misunderstood boy who saw her value and bought her plane ticket.
Let's get to EJ.
At first, I wasn't too keen on seeing Portwell's development. But then that video chat where they talk about the possibility of her staying and him convincing her. Had me sold for a solid brother-sister relationship. Few episodes later, when Gina's pain seemed to be oblivious to everyone, he was the only one who asked her how she was, and saw her glow. The comfort she must've felt.
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Not that she needs a man's validation, but she must be feeling like a second choice and feeling a little insecure because of Ricky. But EJ lifts her up and I genuinely saw her smile. This boy has her back whenever. The man she can lean on and truly sees how special she is. She no longer feels alone now that she has his entire fam and other friends. She genuinely feels a place of belonging and happiness when she's the apple of his eye. Notice how happy she is? How happy this boy is? She's going through her own issues and she has found ground with EJ.
I was very doubtful when they started hinting at a romantic direction. Because EJ would be used as plot device again for a girl to get to Ricky.😤 This man doesn't deserve to be second best to anyone, just like Gina.😑 That's why I'm still hesitant on shipping them at least temporarily. EJ needs to be something even more special to Gina. They need to show each other how special and treasured they are to each other despite feeling like rejects. They are each other's source of comfort.
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I'm sure they can keep EJ at East High for the next season. Whether it's the drama club, or the AV club or going to a local college. So he will be there for Gina. I don't know how they can work out a relationship with much distance as Rini's fell out when she moved away. So, if EJ leaves again, it'll again shake up Gina. Her being worried whether he'll date college girls, second thoughts, etc. I don't want them to go through that. And if they do move on to romantic Portwell, make sure it's not plot device for Rina. So you can either have Portwell endgame or Rina Endgame.
Basically I want Gina to be treated so right that she understands she doesn't need Ricky. And when he does ask her out, and he makes her feel like a second choice or a rebound, she says NO. Because EJ has helped regain her self assurance. Eventually I want Gina to confide in EJ about her and Ricky. EJ is jealous but also angry about how Ricky has been hurting her. And becomes damn protective of his 'babe'. Ricky gets jealous of their relationship, restarting Ricky and EJ's old rivalry. But this time, it's not because Gina is his girlfriend, but because she's EJ's best friend who he has a crush on and wants what's best for her.
If it's meant to be Rina endgame
EJ- RICKY, YOU IDIOT! You have no clue how to treat her right. You don't put her first. You mislead her. Get the hell away from her! She's too powerful and beautiful, she doesn't deserve your scraps. I know how she feels for you. I wish I were you. I would treat her like a queen. I don't mind even waiting years till she's ready. She deserves that. You're so lucky you have even a small chance that I may never have. So get your act together, prove you're worth it to win her over. All I want is for her to be happy. Even if it's with someone else. And maybe then I'll stop threatening you to stay away from her.😠
Ricky- .....I don't know what I'm more scared of. Change, or losing the girl I fell for or YOU. Okay, losing her but you're a close second.😬
If it's Portwell endgame.
Ricky- I messed up. Make sure you don't mess up with her. You'll regret it forever.
EJ- I'd rather get hit by thousand basketballs than ever hurt her. I'll be her plus one and her best friend until she's ready to be with me. I know she's ready now too. But I want her to know I'm willing to wait till she graduates before we make it official. I'm in it for the long game.
As for their age gap. I'm 100% sure Portwell won't kiss this season. If they do, it'll be next when Sofia turns 18. They are professional actors who are cast because they are the perfect fit for the role and are expected to carry out the storyline. But I suppose fearing some outbursts, they might delay Sofia kissing anyone till next season. It's so weird because Olivia was maybe 17 when Matt was 21-22 when they kissed in season one. But no one had a problem with that. But for this, they do. Remember, they are professional actors. They are acting! Sometimes, actors are over 10 years apart (but above 18) and act as romantic partners.
As for their characters, they are only two years apart. That's hardly any difference once you're over the age of 18. Age of consent is 16. But adults above 18 are only allowed to have sex with adults above 18. So, age isn't a problem here because EJ is a gentleman and is genuinely interested in her and isn't trying to get in her pants. So age isn't the issue when it comes to dating. It's the maturity. Gina is very mature and gives very sound advice. But I can see EJ being patient enough till she turns 18 just to kiss her because he loves her. 😚
As for the Ashlyn remark, "You look like a kid to me rn". He was JOKING.😂 Don't take things out of context. I tell my cousin sister that all the time. But she's three years younger than me and a grown adult. I don't see her as a kid but it's just a cousin teasing her younger cousin that's she's a little immature. I'm Matt's age and I'm very mature for my age and since I was a teenager, I always matched up with boys a little older than me. Now that I'm in my early 20s, I've dated boys even close to 30. So age is just a number.
EJ dating Gina and giving her quick kisses is fine. But to have a strong sexual element in their relationship (including making out), he'll have to wait till she's 18+. And I'm sure for that he'll wait till she's ready even past her early 20s. Age is really just a number and we can't help who we fall in love with. Trust me, I've been there.😂 So I can see EJ feeling conflicted about his feelings that are clear at this point.
They might not be a perfect fit, but they make each other sooo happy. They deserve a lot more than a short lived fling.😟 They are either endgame or Rina is. You can't have both as a Rina unless you're an EJ hater who wants him to exist as plot device. Nope! He's sooo much more precious than that.
But Jack on the other hand....I'm okay if he's the one to make Ricky or EJ jealous. Because he's just been introduced and it's okay if a character is used, but only once, for someone else to realize their feelings. 💁🏽‍♀️
In short.
Ricky needs help and needs to be on his own. No girlfriends allowed.🙅🏽‍♀️🚫
Needs to give both Gina and Nina space for them to grow on their own too.🌳
Ricky needs to understand the core of his problems and become more adaptable via therapy. Maybe the psychologist will point out his unresolved feelings for Gina, or he will conclude it himself. And in comes Ricky-pining-for-Gina season three.
Ricky needs to fully get over Nina before he moves on to anyone. Same for Gina if Portwell were to happen. No one deserves to be second choice.
Gina isn't Ricky's cushion. She's a living person with strong feelings for him and shouldn't be subjected to share his pain. She already struggles with her own issues.
Ricky needs to stay single till he wins back Gina and prove he's worth it. He needs to show even if another girl wants him, he'll never quit on Gina ever again. Even if he has to watch her be with someone else. *cough parallels*.
It's either romantic Rina then Portwell endgame OR Portwell flirty besties but Rina endgame. You and I can choose only one because my boy EJ shouldn't be used as plot device for a girl to leave for Ricky ever again.
Portwell's age difference can be practically solved and isn't much of an issue unless they get hot and heavy before Gina turns 18 which is impossible considering this is Disney. 🤣🤣
Jack and Gina will be plot device material and purely so sentimental to us OG Andi Mack fans. More than any ship, this is what I'm looking for. Sort of an Andi Mack crack ship for season 3a. It's gonna be soooo funny. 😍😂
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I respect everyone's ship. I see what you're seeing. And I'm not going to invalidate your ship. But unless it's done right, I won't jump from the Rina ship. I liked Rini. I like Portwell. I like AU Juffy crackship haha.😂 But as for me, I'm still holding on to Rina slowburn.
Preparing myself for the pain. 😭🔥
(But if I had to pair two characters without Disney getting in the way, it would be Gini. The power duo. Undeniable chemistry. They can be written so well because of their layered relationship and contrasting personalities.🤩 The classic rivals to friends to lovers. But that's a talk for another day lmao.)
Thanks for reading my opinion, Wildcat!🐱❤
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scoopsohboi · 3 years
cheers, my dear (robin buckley imagine)
pairing: Robin Buckley/Reader
wc: 1759
warnings: alcohol, smut
read on ao3
The shrill sound of the landline made your skin crawl and you groaned loudly as Robin turned the dial on the stereo to drown out the insistent ringing.
“Why does he keep calling?” you whined as your best friend danced to the music while walking back to the kitchen table you two had been seated at.
It was Friday night, which meant Robin was sleeping over and the two of you had free range of the house since your mom worked late on Fridays. You watched as she swayed her hips rhythmically and your cheeks grew hot as she flipped her hair.
“Because he misses you, babe,” Robin replied nonchalantly while she grabbed the bottle of brown liquor left near two dirty shot glasses and you forced yourself to look away.
You let out a groan. You’d only been dating Greg for a couple months, and since you weren’t really interested in him, you’d broken up with him earlier after school. You thought he’d taken it well, but he’d been calling non-stop for the past hour. You felt bad ignoring the calls, but you really didn’t know what else there was to be said.
“Here,” Robin said and slid you a full shot glass.
You took the glass gratefully and, once Robin had hers in her hand, clinked it against hers.
“Cheers, my dear,” you said and tossed back the drink, now only slightly feeling the burn down your throat.
You didn’t remember how you’d ended up sitting on the floor in the middle of your bedroom with Robin, but you knew it had been funny. After drinking one too many shots, the two of you had run up to your room and were now laughing uncontrollably, but why it was funny was beyond you. You just liked the sound of Robin’s laugh and you’d be damned if you were the reason it ended.
You swayed a little and leaned into Robin’s shoulder as you giggled. The alcohol was fuzzing your brain, thoughts bubbling up to the surface just to pop before you could realize them. You felt good, though, that was clear enough.
Robin threw her head back and let out a hearty laugh as her body softly shook in rhythm to the sweet sound. You felt it again, that churn in your stomach and burn in your chest. You tried to fight it back, the usual routine, but the feel of Robin against you and the warmth from the whisky made it impossible.
And, if you were being honest, you just didn’t feel like pushing back the feelings.
You always had to be on your best behavior. Don’t let anyone know. Don’t say that. Don’t stare too long. Don’t touch her arm like that. Laugh so she doesn’t know how true it is. Lie. Hide.
Moments alone with Robin always felt so fragile. One wrong step and everything could shatter.
But what if she felt the same way?
You’d caught her staring, too, over the years. You’d seen the look in her eye when the two of you would stay up late during sleepovers, lay in bed inches from each other, sometimes talking and sometimes just silently being together.
Robin leaned back a little too far, fell on her back, and laughed harder as you fell back beside her.
“You’re drunk,” you laughed.
“And whose fault is that?” she retorted, a little louder than intended, and you snorted.
“Yours ‘cause you’re a lightweight,” you slurred. Robin rolled her eyes but smiled brightly.
“Shut up, I’m perfect.”
“I didn’t say you weren’t,” you replied as you rolled onto your stomach and propped yourself up on your elbows. “My perfect, lightweight, Robin,” you cooed as you reached out and cupped her cheek playfully.
Robin’s gaze shifted to your lips briefly and something inside you flared up. It was subtle, but unmistakable. A flame that was always lit simple turned up, fed by Robin’s breath as it softly hit your arm.
You leaned in easily as a surge of confidence coursed through your veins like a shot of adrenaline. You pressed your lips against hers, slightly messily at first and you thought maybe it hadn’t been the best idea to do this for the first time when you were both a bit inebriated.
But then you felt Robin kiss you back. Her hands went to your waist and her soft lips began to move with yours and fuck it if this wasn’t the best idea you’d ever had.
You moved closer so you were better positioned on top of her, one leg between her thighs as one of her hands moved to your ass and her tongue slid along your bottom lip. You parted your lips as you ground your hips down and gave much needed friction to you both while her tongue swirled around yours.
Robin let out a soft moan and encouraged you to keep moving your hips, and you were more than happy to oblige. She bit your lip and you kissed her hungrily. Robin squeezed your ass as she tried to pull you closer to her. You began to move faster and ground roughly against her, rode her thigh harder as you both grew more frantic, years of yearning and lust finally breaking free.
You broke away from Robin’s lips to kiss a trail down her neck and relished every sound she made as you nibbled the soft skin or flicked your tongue.
“Fuck, you’re so sexy,” you nearly growled.
You were beginning to feel lightheaded and gripped her hips for stability as you continued to ride her, her soft breathy moans made your head swim. Forget the whisky, you were drunk on Robin now.
You felt her hands tug on your hem of your shirt and you sat up more so she could lift it over your head. Robin tossed the shirt to the side before unclasping your bra with quick precision. You felt your cheeks flush uncontrollably as she looked up at you, pupils blown and lips swollen.
“God, you’re so beautiful,” she said, voice low as she cupped your breast and thumbed over the nipple.
A chill ran down your spine and you hummed softly as you bucked your hips.
“Fuck, Robin,” you muttered, and she softly pinched your nipple as she rolled her hips and urged you to keep moving.
Your breath hitched. You worked yourself against Robin’s leg and could feel your body grow hotter as soft moans escaped your lips. You’d been intimate with other people, but not like this. Never like this. This was raw, and honest, and felt more real than anything else. You wanted more. You needed more.
You moved your hands to Robin’s jeans and let your fingertips run along the skin below her bellybutton. Her hand still on your breast tightened and you bit you lip. You watched Robin’s face as you undid her button and zipper, and sucked on two of your fingers before you slipped them in below the elastic of her underwear.
If Robin had looked lustful before, she now looked like she would burst. Her lips parted and chest heaved as she drew a ragged breath, eyes wide and trained on yours as your fingers began to rub around her clit. You realized you hadn’t even needed to use any spit because Robin was already soaking wet, your fingers sliding in the slick heat.
Robin let out a louder, longer moan than the ones previously elicited, and you made sure to pay close attention to her body movements. You swirled and stayed where her hips bucked and slid inside when her fingers dug into your hips. You kept one hand between her thighs and the other under her shirt as you played with her breasts and unwaveringly rubbed yourself against her thigh.
“Fuck, y/n,” she moaned, and you could tell she was close.
You worked harder and unrelented as her back arched under you. Her moans turned frustrated as she climbed toward her climax and you leaned forward to kiss her. As her tongue touched yours, her hips bucked, and she moaned into your mouth.
You could feel her whole body tremble as you worked her through her orgasm, and you kept your fingers moving until she was done. Watching her put you over the edge as well, and it took you a moment to catch your breath.
Once you were able to form coherent thoughts again, you slid your slick fingers out from between Robin’s thighs and licked Robin off them, the flavor making you wish you hadn’t used your fingers.
“I want to taste you next time,” you admitted aloud and Robin looked speechless.
Robin leaned up and pressed her lips to yours. You kissed her back, hand on either side of her face as she led you back down with her, mouth open and tongues dancing deliciously. She cupped your ass with one hand and tangled the other in your hair, holding you firmly against her lips. You stayed that way for a moment and enjoyed the way it felt to have Robin’s body flush against yours.
“You have no idea,” Robin began before breaking as you kiss her again, unable to stop now that the floodgates had been broken, “how long I’ve wanted to do this.”
You kissed Robin’s lips softly before looking in her deep blue eyes. No idea? Did she really think you hadn’t been dreaming of this moment, too?
“I think I might,” you said as thoughts of longing stares and chest aches flashed through your mind.
“But Greg-”
“Was a distraction. And a poor one at that.” Robin’s brows furrowed and you couldn’t help but place a soft peck between them. “I only went out with him to... to try and get you off my mind. I’d hoped being with someone would make me stop thinking about you all the time.”
Robin bit the inside of her cheek as she watched you carefully.
“And, turns out that’s fucking impossible. I mean damn, Robin, have you met you? I never stood a chance.”
Robin blinked as a soft smile grew on her lips and you couldn’t calm the butterflies that flitted about in your stomach.
“We’re dumb,” she said simply.
You laughed a little and nodded your head.
“Oh, yeah. Very.”
Robin grinned.
“I really like you, dingus,” she said sweetly as she cupped your cheek to bring you back in.
“I really like you, too, dummy,” you whispered against her lips before she kissed you, and you felt her smile.
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a-writer · 4 years
Driver’s License - c.b.
Of course i needed to write something inspired in driver’s license cause i can’t stop thinking about it! Hope you enjoy xx
Colby Brock x reader
Warnings: angst, sad
I got my driver's license last week
Just like we always talked about
'Cause you were so excited for me
To finally drive up to your house
But today I drove through the suburbs
Crying 'cause you weren't around
You still remember the day you met Colby. It was spring and the sun was shining bright. You were having a very nice day, until your best friend convinced you to drive her car, even though you didn’t have your driver's license yet.
“C’mon, just to practice!”
You agreed. Dumb decision. You were doing fine until, accidentally, you crashed into another car. A red, old toyota. Both you and your best friend were okay, it was a very small crash, a little bump on the side. Neither one of you knew what to do and then someone knocked on your window. You completely froze when you saw a pair of beautiful blue eyes staring at you angrily.  Long story short, you ended up crying your ass off begging him not to call the police because you were driving without a license. He seemed angry at first, but surprisingly he agreed not to call the police on you and just asked you one thing in return for your accident: your number.
One month later, Colby and you were dating and were the happiest couple. You never got your driver's license. You don’t remember when things started to go wrong, you just remember how Colby started to avoid you. He didn’t call, didn’t text. You finally confronted him, asked him if he was cheating and he completely denied it. But he said he needed some time. He promised you two would get back together, because he loved you. But he said he needed to get off his mind and put his priorities in order. It hurted like hell. But you accepted, cause you were going to be back together, right?
After nine months of love, you’re alone in your room. You finally got your driver’s license and you immediately thought about him. Colby used to tease you all the time and now he wasn’t around anymore.
And you're probably with that blonde girl
Who always made me doubt
She's so much older than me
She's everything I'm insecure about
Yeah, today I drove through the suburbs
'Cause how could I ever love someone else?
You saw all the posts and stories on instagram. You saw Colby next to that blonde girl all the time. And it hurt to know that the girl you spent all your relationship worried about was where you used to be. You feel a pain in your chest just thinking about it, how his arms are hugging her, his lips are kissing her, his mouth is saying her name, his hands are holding her hands. You know you can’t blame her, but it is so difficult.
You try not to think about it too much, but social media keeps reminding you of the adventures they are living together. Your head tells you to stop looking and overthinking, tells you to stop loving him because he lied. But your heart just wishes for one more taste of his lips. And you know that you just can’t move on, not for now, cause the love you feel for him is just too much.
And I know we weren't perfect, but I've never felt this way for no one
And I just can't imagine how you could be so okay now that I'm gone
Guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me
'Cause you said forever, now I drive alone past your street
On your first date after the car accident, Colby took you to an amazing viewpoint where you could see all the silhouettes of the buildings in LA. It was beautiful, but you don’t remember the view that much. You just remember his blue eyes staring deeply in your soul and how much you wanted to kiss him, even though you didn’t know him that well. But you both wanted it so bad, it ended up happening. Things with Colby went so fast, it seemed unbelievable. But you felt like you had been friends for years.
It was impossible not to love him, even through your ups and downs. You fought, like all couples do. Especially because of the pressure of the fans, but you always got through it. Now you were completely broken, to the point that you even missed the fights. He seemed fine, at least that’s the image that you got from looking on his instagram.
You never told anyone, but the first day you got your driver’s license you drove up to his house at night. You cried until there were no tears left and then your heart turned black and cold, and even though you still loved him to death, you started to feel an anger towards him building inside of you.
He lied, he said he loved you, he said he would come back to you. The wind took the words away and he left you alone.
And all my friends are tired
Of hearing how much I miss you, but
I kinda feel sorry for them
'Cause they'll never know you the way that I do
Yeah, today I drove through the suburbs
And pictured I was driving home to you
You still talked to Sam sometimes, but you started to lose the relationship with him too. Katrina would still check up on you sometimes and you tried to not make it super obvious how much you wanted to know about Colby, but she knew. You could feel how sorry she felt for you and how bad she didn’t want you to ask for him, but it seemed like the only thing you could talk about was Colby. He was not your business, and both you and Kat knew that. Still, she always tried to be nice, she told you how she thought he was super sad. But deep down, you knew it was a lie to make you feel better.
And I know we weren't perfect, but I've never felt this way for no one, oh
And I just can't imagine how you could be so okay now that I'm gone
I guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me
'Cause you said forever, now I drive alone past your street
You knew too well. He was enjoying life with that blonde girl. He was happy without you and that was what hurt the most. You tried so hard to hate him, but it was impossible. Your heart belonged to him, it had his name tattooed with fire.
You wanted to reverse the situation and you went on dates with other guys. But you couldn’t stop comparing them to Colby, searching for all the flaws they had that Colby didn’t, thinking about how Colby did everything better. You felt like you were going crazy, that you would never get over him, so you unfollowed him on instagram and twitter, you removed his number from your phone and all your photos together. You threw away every little thing that reminded you of him in your house and you decided to start a new life.
Red lights, stop signs
I still see your face in the white cars, front yards
Can't drive past the places we used to go to
'Cause I still fucking love you, babe
It had been five months since Colby asked you to give him some time. You knew he was a 100% with the blonde girl and you still had a hard time understanding how he could do it so fast. For the first time in those five months, you decided to go to this little grocery shop where they sold italian products that you always used to go to together.
You just wanted to make a good pizza, but the universe had other plans for you, because while you were looking for your favourite type of cheese, a familiar voice called your name. You froze in the spot, you recognized it immediately. The voice called your name again and you turned around. There he was, standing right in front of you with a shy smile and his damned blue eyes staring deep into your soul.
“(Y/N), hi. It’s been quite some time.” His voice sounded the same and you couldn’t avoid the butterflies you felt on your stomach.
“Hey, Colby.” Your voice sounded more high pitched than how you’d like.
“You look good”. Your cheeks turned red when the word left his mouth and he smirked.
“You too.” An awkward silence arose between the two of you. “I’ve gotta go.”
You tried to walk away but his hand grabbed your arm and you turned to look at him surprised.
“I’m sorry” He blurted out the words without thinking.
You looked down, your eyes filling with water. Taking a deep breath, you looked back at him, holding onto your strength.
“Me too, Colby.” It physically pained you to say his name again and you could see the sadness in his eyes, too.
You tried to run away, but his hand was still holding your arm. You mentally kicked yourself for coming here, you should have stayed home and ordered a pizza. It would have been way better than this. You tried to speak again, but suddenly you felt a pair of lips on yours. You were surprised at first, but the feeling was so familiar that you couldn’t help melt into the kiss.
After five months, feeling Colby’s hands on your body felt heavenly. He kissed every inch of your skin and whispered sweet nothings into your ear. The feeling of him on top of you, the feeling of him inside of you, felt so good that it was almost like a dream. You went to sleep with his arms around you, hugging you tightly, and it felt like home.
You woke up alone. At first you thought it was impossible. You could still smell his cologne, but his side of the bed was cold. You couldn’t help but laugh at yourself. Of course this was going to happen, of course he saw the opportunity to fuck you and used you. You ended up spending the whole day crying in your bed, the feeling of his hands caressing you still present.
He lied to you twice. He saw that you were vulnerable and took advantage of that. He said how much he’d miss you, how much he’d wanted you and then he left without saying anything. And after all that, you still loved him.
Sidewalks we crossed
I still hear your voice in the traffic
We're laughing over all the noise
God, I'm so blue, know we're through
But I still fucking love you, babe
It had been one month since that night. You cut off everyone that had to do something with Colby from your life, even Kat. It hurt you, but you knew you needed to do it. Now you were okay. At least better. A part of you still loved him, but everyday a little less.
You were aware that Kat tried to get in contact with you, but you never responded. And you knew that eventually she would understand. She sent you direct messages in all your social media begging to answer her calls, to talk to her. One night you did.
“(Y/N)? Omg, finally!! I missed you, i’m so sorry”. Kat sounded desperate.
“Kat, it’s okay. I’m sorry I cut you off… I just needed some time.”
“I completely get that, just please don’t do it again.” You laughed at her words. “(Y/N)... I actually wanted to call you because I’m worried. Sam is too.” You did not respond, you already knew who she was talking about.
There were some seconds of silence and Kat took that as a sign to keep speaking.
“It’s Colby.” Well, duh. “We’re worried about him. You saw him, right? Like a month ago?”
“Yes” Your voice was quiet, but Kat could hear you perfectly.
“I knew it. Look, I don’t know what happened, but I can imagine. He’s been a mess ever since. Sam told me that he came home at like seven in the morning and immediately sent a text to…” Kat stopped.
“You can say it.”
“To her girlfriend at the time.” You felt your chest tighten but you ignored it. “He broke up with her. I think it was because whatever happened with you that night. The thing is that he has spent most of the last month alone in his room. When he’s out he’s always drunk and he’s not taking anything seriously. Not even his job, (Y/N). We’re worried about him.”
“Kat, I… I understand that you’re worried, but that’s not my business anymore. He lied to me, he used me and then he never talked to me again. I get it, he’s having a hard time. But I’ve been suffering because of him during all these past months. I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can do anything about it. I’m sorry, Kat.”
Before she could say another word, you hung up.
I know we weren't perfect, but I've never felt this way for no one
And I just can't imagine how you could be so okay now that I'm gone
'Cause you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me
'Cause you said forever, now I drive alone past your street
Yeah, you said forever, now I drive alone past your street
You couldn’t stop thinking about the conversation with Kat. It had been a month when she texted you inviting you over to a party. You declined the invitation, but she told you that Colby was much better and that he agreed on not even talking to you if you didn’t want to. You still said no. Kat begged you, she offered to be by your side during the whole night. She said she was missing you too much. Finally, you gave up.
When you arrived the party was already started, the music blasting and people dancing. Kat was waiting for you on the door, she grabbed you by the arm and she promised that she wouldn’t leave your side. You smiled politely and took the shot she offered you.
Hours passed by and you had to go to the bathroom. Sam offered you to go to the one in his room and you agreed. Going up the stairs the music turned lower and you breathed deeply, already kinda tired. You were about to go into Sam’s room when you heard the door behind you opening. You froze, what a surprise.
“(Y/N)?” That. fucking. voice.
You turned around with your best smile plastered on your face.
“Hello, Colby.”
“How are you?” You didn’t respond, the room filling with awkward silence, one more time. “I actually wanted to tell you that I’m really so-”
You cut him off.
“Save it, Colby.” He seemed surprised. “I’m done with your bullshit. In fact, I’m done with you. You hurt me and I’m just trying to heal and live my life. So please, leave me alone.” You tried to leave quickly.
“(Y/N), wait!” He grabbed your arm and you kept having flashbacks to the last time you found yourself in this position. “I’m sorry, okay. I know I fucked us up. But you can’t tell me that bullshit.” Your eyes widened.
“Excuse me?”
“C’mon, (Y/N).” His face was inches away from you and you could smell the alcohol on his mouth. “You’re really going to tell me that you didn’t come to this party expecting to bump into me? You’re going to tell me that right now you’re not dying to kiss me?”
You wanted to kiss him. You wanted to kiss him badly. But that was not an option, not tonight.
“Fuck you, Colby.”
You slapped his hand away from your body and ran downstairs. You went to your car directly and drove home. You couldn’t help the tears coming down your face when you arrived home. He was an asshole, a liar and an egotistical fuck.
And the saddest thing was that you were still completely in love with him.
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annabethy · 4 years
under the mistletoe, watching the fire glow day 25: wishes
Character A has a wish, and Character B makes it come true
It’s a fleeting moment when he hears her for the first time. A mere whisper in the dark of a room when there is no one but them. It’s quiet in their bed, Annabeth wrapped in his arms in his attempt to protect her from the outside world, and he almost thinks it’s his imagination.
“Do you have a wish?”
Percy’s mind is ripped from far away back to this moment. His fingers brush up and down her spine, tracing the smooth skin, each individual curve of bone, and he thinks of a response. It takes a moment of silence before he can properly speak. “A wish?” Annabeth nods and presses a light kiss to his collarbone. “A wish. Just something you wish you could do?” “A Christmas wish?” He laughs a little.
“Something like that,” she agrees.
He shifts in his position on the bed, the creaking loud in the silence of the room. “Do you?”
“I do, actually.”
It surprises him because he’s never known her to have wishes. Annabeth has always been a bit headstrong, and that’s one of the things he fell in love with. She takes what she wants, so to think that there’s something she wants but doesn’t have feels… different.
“What’s your Christmas wish?” he asks teasingly, brushing his lips along the curve of her ears.
“I’m not going to tell you if you’re just going to make fun of me,” she pouts.
“Come on,” he prompts, “tell me.”
“I want one day to live my life.”
“You always live your life,” he tells her. “It’s what we do.”
She makes a sound of disagreement. “We survive, but it’s the same thing every day. We wake up, and we study, and come home to each other. I love it, but I want something different. Just one day where we are just with each other, and the rest of the world can be forgotten.” “So you want a day that we can spend together, not a care in the world? To forget the world?”
“Doesn’t it sound amazing?”
“It does,” he agrees. “I’m glad you included me in your wish.”
“You’re always included in my wishes,” she says. “You’re a part of my life, and I love you.” It makes him smile, hearing those words from her. “Then I don’t see why we can’t make your wish come true.”
She shrugs. “It’s not easy to just get up and leave everything, even if it’s for a day. There’s always going to be someone or something that needs us.”
“But that’s the point of your wish, isn’t it? To forget everything and just breathe.”
“I suppose.”
They fall back into silence for a moment, and he doesn’t mind. It gives him a chance to think of her wish. He wants to do it for her, because she’s Annabeth, and she deserves it. He’s determined to do it too, so he asks, “What would forgetting the world mean? What exactly do you want to do?”
She breathes, and a smile forms on her face. “Everything.”
“I want to go ice skating and walk around Times Square. I want to look at the Christmas lights and play in the snow. I want to make dumb decisions, maybe even get married on a whim—”
Percy laughs at that.
“I want the world.”
“Then that’s what you’ll get,” he says. He turns so that he can hover over her and capture her lips with his. It’s slow and sweet, like they have all the time the universe has to offer. “I promise.”
And he really does promise.
He wants to plan a day to do it, but he quickly learns it defeats the purpose. It adds onto the pile of things to do and worry about. He thinks that she forgets what she said, and he doesn’t blame her. It was mindless babbles in the darkest hours of the night. It was a sharing of her deepest dreams, and if he had been her, he wouldn’t have actually expected it.
That’s what made Christmas morning so much more special.
It starts with stolen kisses in the early hours of the morning. It’s a white Christmas, snow falling from the sky. Light filters in through the blinds, covering her body in brightness, and it somehow makes her impossibly more beautiful.
“Good morning, princess,” he whispers into her ear before continuing to place kisses all around her face.
She stretches her legs and arms, smiling with her eyes closed as his lips trace her jaw.
“Are you awake?”
“I might be,” she says.
“I need you to wake up for me.”
“It’s too early,” she complains. “It’s Christmas. You’re supposed to let me sleep in.”
“Not when we have a whole day of plans ahead of us.”
One eye blinks open at that. “I didn’t know we had plans?”
He gives her a knowing grin. “Merry Christmas.”
He keeps it a secret from her until they get to the ice skating rink. It’s not until they’re inside that she rolls her eyes fondly, and she understands his plan.
“My wish?”
“You said you wanted a day for us, so that’s what you’re going to get.”
They laugh together as they struggle to get the skates on. Her eyes are on the laces and his are on her. Slowly, he falls deeper in love, and the box in his pocket burns at the contact.
As they slide onto the ice, Percy nearly busts his tailbone, and Annabeth laughs at him. They circle the rink slowly, Percy practically hugging the wall, until they get the hang of it. Percy and Annabeth are hand in hand, speeding past the people around them, and Annabeth’s gleeful laugh is a melody in his ears. Her hair flies past her in the wind, a mess of tangles and knots, and he has to resist smoothing it down.
Percy turns his feet in to come to a slow stop, and he swings Annabeth around to stand in front of him. They’re along the edge of the ice when he wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her close. She leans against his chest and lets him press a kiss to her forehead.
“I love you,” he whispers.
“Not as much as I love you.”
“Oh, yeah?”
And god, this is the woman he is meant to marry. He can hardly wait.
Hours fly by, and she thinks that this is their day. She’s content with it, he can tell, but she is the love of his life and deserves to much more. He practically has to pull her away from the ice, and she resists at first until she takes one look at his face, a promise of what is yet to come.
It doesn’t take long for them to make their way to Times Square. They take in the bustling streets filled with blinding lights. They walk and walk until the sun begins to set, intertwined hands swinging between them. It’s icy outside, so she’s curled in his side as they walk. Percy is warm, but for more than just the contact. He feels heat racing through him because time is ticking, and it’s only so long before he bends down on one knee. He feels warmth for this impossible love they’ve created – a love he’d die for.
They find their way to Central Park. There is a relatively fresh coat of snow, and he takes them to a more secluded area, away from the wandering families. They leave fresh footprints in the white snow, and the box holding the ring is unable to be ignored.
“Are we going to have a snowball fight?” Annabeth asks playfully. “I’ll kick your ass.”
“I know you would which is why I do not want to have a snowball fight.”
“Wimp.” “Simp,” he corrects.
“You’re both, actually.”
Percy pushes her shoulder softly. “Didn’t you say you wanted to also get married today?”
“Yeah, but that would mean you actually have to propose. Do you plan on proposing?”
She’s not looking at him, so he can tell she isn’t being serious. It pinpoints exactly what’s about to happen though, so he takes a moment to compose himself so that his voice doesn’t waver and ruin the surprise.
Thankfully, she moves off from that conversation as she turns back to him. “Can we make snow angels at least?”
He laughs lightly. “I mean, the snow would soak through your clothes, but go for it.”
“You have to do it with me,” she complains.
“Babe, we’re going to get sick if we lay in the snow, and people are going to think we’re insane.”
“You said you’d lay with me and forget the world,” she accuses.
He shakes his head with a subtle smile, but he gets to the ground with her. She leans back, and he does too, but they don’t make snow angels. Instead, he holds his arm out and lets her rest her head against his shoulder.
“We’re going to get hypothermia,” he tells her.
“At least we can do it together. It’ll be a fun bonding experience.”
“Nothing brings two people together like lost limbs.”
“You get me,” she says, a hand over her heart. She rubs her face against him as she begins to shiver.
“Cold already?”
“No,” she lies, snuggling closer to him.
“So you’re not shivering?”
“Not a chance.”
“You’re just shaking because you’re excited you know I’m going to propose today?”
She snorts. “Sure.”
“I’m serious. You don’t believe me?” “Should I?”
“You said that today you wanted to go ice skating, walk around Times Square, and look at pretty Christmas light, all of which we did. The only thing left is getting married.” “Getting married,” she says, laughing. “I didn’t say a proposal.”
“We can do both,” he suggests.
“I would love that.” She’s not looking at him, still staring up at the dark sky. There are no stars to be seen, but Percy doesn’t mind because the only stars he needs are in her eyes.
Percy nudges her up, and she looks around confused.
“What are you doing?”
It’s then that he shoves his hand into his pocket, fingers wrapping around the box. He pulls it out slowly, and her entire face changes.
“Percy.” “Yes, love?”
“What is that?”
“I already told you.”
She presses her lips together to try and smother the smile that’s forming, but it’s too late because her lips are already turning upwards. He moves so that he’s facing her, and then gets down on one knee, and now the smile is taking over both of their faces.
“I love you so much,” he starts, “and today has been one of the best days of my life. Every moment I’m with you, I’m able to forget the world. I want every day to be like this – I want the rest of our lives to be like this. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”
She laughs, teary eyed, and he opens the box.
“Annabeth Chase… Will you marry me?”
Tears fall from her eyes as she throws her head back and laughs, and then she’s nodding her head and pulling him in for a kiss. Against him, she says, “I’d love to.”
So he slides the ring onto her finger, and it fits perfectly. It is a symbol of their love. They have a love so strong and so powerful, and they were made for each other. They are each other’s halves, and it was always meant to be like this.
They are Percy and Annabeth, together as one.
He kisses her with everything he has because she deserves the world. He wants to give her himself, his mind, body, soul, because it’s always been the two of them and nothing else.
This moment is as ephemeral as the day she first told him about her wish. She wanted to forget the world, and he wanted to give her just that. Until this moment, he thought he did forget the world to just be with her, but now as he kisses the love of his life, he isn’t so sure that it’s true.
Annabeth Chase is his world, and she always will be. Percy can forget everything else, but Annabeth is not a person he can simply forget.
She is in his heart, burned into his mind, and she is his forevermore.
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oftenderweapons · 4 years
Stress Reliever - Jungkook
Tumblr media
Pairing: Jungkook x reader (nicknamed Candy)
Wordcount: 5.3k words
Genre: mild angst, smut, romance
Rating: 18+
Hi everyone! It’s the final scenario of Stress Reliever and this time it’s the Golden Maknae!!!
I bet you’re all excited to see what is he going to do to release some frustration with his s/o. Don’t expect him to go easy.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: angst-smut-fluff (the profane trinity) jealousy and mild angst at the beginning, s/o has a mild age kink and JK is not exactly okay with this. Big fat degradation kink and well... yeah. Unprotected sex within an established relationship (please, be careful!!!), edging, wall sex (yk....,.,..,,,,), kinda hard dom JK but not really? So much dirty talking my keyboard is burning and I had do erase my browsing history, oral (female receiving), ass, tiddies and pussy spanking (ups), anddddd likeeeee,.,.,.,,,,,,..... voyeurism. BUt most importantly PraISe KinNnNNNKKKKkkkkK I’m sorry this one is so bad I have no excuses, I’m a slut for praise kink, please it’s so bad I melt every time someone calls me baby and good girl even in a non sexual context and it’s so embarrassing I’m gonna explode byeeeeee-----
Here is my masterlist ❤
Wordcount: 5.3k, unedited. Enjoy!
“God, he’s so hot.”
Jeongguk ignored whatever it was that you were talking about on the phone with your best friend. It wasn’t his business anyway. 
Both you and the voice on the phone giggled. You were probably talking about some film or something. “Bet he could go for hours.”
Jeongguk tutted at that, his snack almost ready in the microwave, hoping he’d be able to leave the kitchen as soon as possible. 
“Yeah, I have Googie, and I would never make a move on anyone else, but what’s wrong with innocently commenting on some older dude? He’s absolutely daddy material, let me fantasise a little about that.” Again you giggled. 
Jeongguk frowned at that. He wished he didn’t have to listen. He felt guilty since you thought he wasn’t in the room. 
“Koo is wonderful. A dream, truly. Still I love me a tough, mature man, at least in my imagination, every now and then.” You sounded coy. 
Really? Jeongguk’s frown intensified. He felt like he didn’t want a snack anymore at this point. Like he wanted another kind of snack.
“And I love Koo. Don’t forget that.” You continued.
He cocked his head to the side and nodded at that. That was a good sign. 
“Still… Damn, look at him. He’s in his forties and looks like a sex god.” You commented about the male lead actor. 
Jeongguk snorted and huffed at that. One more minute, he considered, watching the timer of the microwave.
“No. Listen. Consider this. He’s the kind of man who can lead. You can tell. How could he be eager and impatient? He knows good things take time. That’s the thing about older men. Maturity. Experience. They know they need to take their sweet time. That was the only good thing about my ex. You know it.” Your voice was plain, almost neutral as you said this. Matter-of-factly. 
Jeongguk was sick of this by now. Did you think he was too eager? Too impatient? Too young and naive? That he couldn’t lead you? That he couldn’t take his sweet time?
Well, now he was in a mood and he had each and every intention to take it out on you. He propped himself against the entrance of the living room, waiting for you to notice him. 
Unfortunately for you, you continued your conversation. 
“Yeah, sometimes Koo has his teenage shenanigans. Tantrums and shit. But he’s my boy.” You confessed, voice slightly lower. “Still… Yeah, sometimes I think ‘what if…’”
What if what? He cleared his throat. 
You lifted your head and finally spotted him. Your mouth opened, and so did your eyes, wide like saucers. 
“Get off the phone.” He growled. 
You closed your mouth. “Gotta go.”
“He’s there, isn’t he?” Your friend asked. 
You nodded, then, realising you needed to verbalise, you whispered a little ‘yes’. 
Your friend wished you good luck before disconnecting the call. You put your phone down.
“Need to tell me anything?” Jeongguk asked, arms crossed and tattoos showing. You spotted the almost invisible initial of your name hidden in one of the black swirls of ink. 
“It was nothing serious. Just gossip.” You defended yourself. 
“Teenage shenanigans. Tantrums.” He recalled. “Guess this is one of those.” He accused. 
“It’s… not like that?” You tried finding an apology, realising how cliché it sounded only the moment it left your mouth. 
He moved closer, expression dark and upset. “How do you want to solve this?”
You bit your lip. “However you want to.” You were testing the waters, seeing what his mood was. 
“Then stand up.” He ordered. 
You blinked a couple times before following his direction. “Koo?”
“No talking.” he replied. “You already said enough.” He threw you over his shoulder, exasperated at your scene. 
You squealed and huffed in surprise. “Jeongguk!”
“Quiet.” He secured with his arm, landing a loud spank on your ass. 
Again you squealed. “What are you–”
“Can’t you understand ‘no talking’? I thought an experienced girl like you had to be smarter than this.” His anger was beginning to show and you were actually somewhere between turned on and scared. You had seen him sweet and enamoured and insecure and upset, but rarely truly angry. 
“Sorry.” You murmured softly as his steps made you wobble against his back. He was carrying you to bed. For sure. 
A few seconds later you recognised your bedroom, and you felt your body being thrown down, landing on the mattress. In a blink you found Jeongguk’s heavy body on top of yours, his mouth at your ear. “Am I not good enough for you?” He teased. 
“You know I love it.” You replied shyly. 
“You love the sex. But am I good enough for you?” He asked again. 
“Yes. Yes, you are, Koo.” You answered firmly. 
“Let’s see if you hate it so much. Sex with this eager, impatient, younger boy.” He provoked. He was moving so fast. He was moving lightning-fast, one moment he was fully dressed and the following he was shirtless and attacking your own clothes, unbuttoning your jeans, tugging at them and taking them off of you. “Bet you’re already drenched. You were so thirsting after that old man.” He threw your jeans behind him, somewhere off the bed. 
“I only want you, and you know it.” You bit back. 
“Stop lying.” He warned. He took off your shirt with angry pulls, almost ripping it, your body collaborating in fear he would hurt you in the process. “You fantasise.” He reminded you. 
No, you don’t. Not willingly, at least. Of course, you’re an adult woman and you’re free of thinking whatever you want. Of course if you see a charming man, you might think of him sexually. But that doesn’t mean you’re not satisfied with what you have. That you would give up your boyfriend for a fantasy. 
“Koo, you’re the only man I want to fuck.” You reassured him, putting your hands around his face, trying to calm him down. 
“So I’m a man now? Not a boy anymore?” he asked, unlatching your bra. 
“You’re always my man to me, you know it.” You hoped the sight of your breasts would make him sway a little. 
It didn’t.
“You called me your boy. Just back then, on the phone.” He bared you with frustrated tugs and pulls. 
“Am I not your girl?” You asked, touching him on his chest, his shoulders, his neck. Anything to express your need for him. 
“Not like I’m patronizing you.” He turned you around, smacking your ass again as he removed your panties, baring your behind. “So fucking condescending.”
You bit your lip, now profoundly sorry for the way you had treated him. “I said some very dumb things, Jeongguk, and I apologise.”
“Good. Now let me prove my point.” He agreed. 
“Want to fuck me good?” You asked, incapable of hiding your arousal. 
“You were talking so much shit that I think you’ve forgotten what this is about.” Another smack. 
Once more you found yourself lying on your back, your naked body now bare to his stare. His pants were tented at the front, the outline of his cock so delicious, thick and half hard. 
“Love, please.” Your hands moved to his waistline, reaching for his sex. 
“Oh, no. I’m taking my sweet time, ____. Starting from here.” He bent down and pressed a hard kiss to your lips, making you moan and whimper before his own mouth opened, his tongue disturbingly sensual and heavy in his assault to your mouth. You were now eager and impatient, while he took everything deliriously, deliberately slowly. “What next? Do you want your nipples licked?” He murmured.
You only nodded, your chest already feeling heavier and oversensitive. 
“Oh, no. That’s for boys. Boys latch onto their mommy’s tits. Men don’t do that, do they?” He replied, grabbing your breast aggressively, parting from your mouth before delivering a quick slap on the skin there. 
You barked out in pain, the sensation not unpleasant but rather surprising. 
“You like it?” He waited for your nod before repeating the gesture. “Is it how a real man would do this?” He asked. 
“Want your mouth, Googie.” You begged. 
“Googie… Ridiculous. Even in bed you treat me like a child.” He hit you again, this time harder. “Can’t take me seriously, can you?”
You were already on the verge of begging. 
“Such a lame show.” He let his hand venture down to your navel, down to your mound, and dive between your thighs. “Tell me, what is it that made you wet?”
You whined at the sensation of his fingertips there, incoherent babbling leaving your mouth. 
“Answer me, babe.” He urged.
Your eyes went wide at the word. He was using every single one of your earlier mistakes against you. Reminding you exactly what you’ve done wrong, but also showing you everything that had hurt him.
“You made me wet.” You informed him. 
“Me slapping your tits?” He snickered darkly.
“You wanting me. You looking always so fucking hot. You giving me everything I need. You being everything I’ll ever need.”
His eyes turned into cold slits. “You sure know how to sweet talk your ass out of problems, don’t you?” He cupped your heat, at which you parted your legs to invite him to make himself comfortable there, to give you his attention. In response he lifted his hand, only to let it land harshly on you. You screamed. Pleasure. Echoing through your veins. Running like wildfire inside your limbs and finally concentrating in your lower belly. “That might work with your boys. Remember? I’m your man tonight. And you’re in trouble, you silly, silly girl.”
Your first reaction was to fill your lungs with some fresh air, before writhing against his grip, the sheets burning your skin. "Jeongguk." 
"Yes?" He replied, looking you in the eye as his palm brushed against you. 
"I wanna be yours." 
"You want this impatient boy?" He asked, the muscles of his jaw tense. 
You tried kissing him, only brushing your lips against his. “I need you, Jeongguk. All of you. Now.”
“Don’t you want me to take my time?” He asked, slowly, oh-so-slowly, caressing your sex. “Don’t you want me to make you wet? Get you all ready and messy?”
“I love my impatient boy. And my meticulous man.” Your lips left a butterfly kiss just shy of his mouth, eyes closing. 
“Tell me how you want me.” He groaned. 
“However you want, Koo. You’re always so good.” Your hips pushed harder against his digits. “Do your best.”
“Then let me show you I’m always the best.” He murmured, his breath fanning over your face. He was laying on his side, hand still dipped between your thighs. He got rid of his sweatpants quickly, his underwear coming off in the same movement. You couldn’t help but watch, eyes entranced to the beauty of his nakedness. You could stare at him for hours. Unfortunately, he had other plans. 
Standing up from the bed he circled around it, looking at you like you were his prey, his prize. 
“Sit.” He ordered, pointing at the edge of the bed, right in front of where he was standing. Of course you were going to obey. His chiselled body was right there, for you to watch, touch and worship, your mouth just in front of his navel. His sex looked awfully flush, tip red with excitement, beaded in precum. You wanted a taste; however the palm reaching for him was stopped by his wrist. “My rules, brat.”
You inhaled sharply while he bent down, securing your legs around his waist. “Hold on tight, ____. Not gonna say it twice.” and with that he picked you up, like you weighted nothing.
Your arms snaked around his neck, legs tightening at his waist, crossing behind his back. 
“First here. Then we’ll see.” And with that he placed you against the wall, his mouth joining your neck, placing sloppy kisses and licks. “Do you want me to mark you or is it too childish?” He growled hard behind your ear. 
“Bite me, mark me, do whatever you want, I just need you inside, Koo.” You moaned, trying to lure him in. 
“Such a needy slut, uh?” He whispered at your ear. “This what you want?” And with that he pinned you hard against the wall, one hand guiding himself at your entrance and sliding into you in one smooth stroke, perfectly hitting your sweet spot at the first go. 
The small humming sound that rumbled in your throat found its twin on his lips. 
“I said, is this what you want, slut?” He teased you again. 
“Yes, Koo.” You muttered, only half coherent. 
He snickered. “Great.” Placing his hands on your ass, helping you up, he pulled out of you, his tip almost slipping out before entering again in full force. “That feels nice, doesn’t it?”
You murmured in confirmation, pressing harder against him. It was different from usual. He was thrusting in slower and deeper, enjoying your tightness, his eyes closed, his hair falling forward as he pushed into you. 
“So tight, baby, how come you’re still so fucking tight?”
“God, you’re so big.” One of your hands moved to his behind, grabbing his ass, groping it, enjoying the flashing of his muscles. His forehead fell on your shoulder, mouth wild on every single inch of your skin he met. 
“Like it?” He picked up the rhythm, just slightly, spurred by your moans and your dishevelled expression. Your bum kept hitting the wall, the thumping now obvious and obscene. 
“Harder.” You begged. 
“Dirty mess.” He giggled at your ear, looking at you and kissing you until you were breathless and your head was spinning. He parted from your lips and stared into your eyes, intensity pouring out of his obsidian stare. “Want more?”
“I need you to touch me there, love, please.” You asked, eyes closing as you implored. 
“Not yet, baby.” His pace was delirious by now, his legs growing tired but headstrong on reaching his orgasm. 
“Please, Jeongguk.” You whined, digging your heels in his back. 
“No can do, sweet thing. Now shut up.” And with that he rammed inside, using your upper back to keep you on the wall as his arms pushed and pulled your hips, fucking you onto him. “Grown men take what they want, don’t they?” He bit into your collarbone and let his mouth open wide, howling in pleasure, his cum filling you up. 
You were hanging on the verge of sanity. “Koo, no, please.”
He was leaning heavily in your arms, your body hanging like a picture from the wall. “That was so fucking good, ____.”
“Koo, please.” You cried out.
“You wanna cum, baby?” He teased. “Want me to make you cum, slut?” He bit your cheek playfully. “Take it to bed? D’you want that?”
Your body tensed again for his not-so-kind nickname. “Yeah, Koo.” You whined. 
“Good.” Little did you know that half a minute later he would still be inside you, sitting you on the soft headboard of the bed. He moved out of you, spinning you around and placing you bottom-up bent over the soft material of the board. “Be a good girl for me. Man, look at that ass. So hot, baby.” He slapped it playfully. “You ready baby?”
“What are you doing?” You asked, your ass up, your legs slightly dangling from the headboard as the tips of your toes brushed the floor, your stomach pressed against the dark leather. You tried shifting your weight to your arms, but Jeongguk trapped one of them behind your back. 
“You can use one to hold yourself up. No more than that, bitch.”
His filthy mouth made your blood feel inebriated, almost like being tipsy. 
Your hips were conveniently exposed, his mouth immediately identifying its target as he crouched down and started rubbing his lips against your sex. “Good?”
“Yes, yes. Yes...” You whispered, still chasing the high he had taken from you earlier. 
“Want me to make you cum?” He asked.
“Please.” You whined. 
“Such a cock hungry little thing.” He let his tongue loll out, the tip going to your front, rubbing against your clit. He kissed the skin there before speaking into your skin: “Be good.”
His tongue slipped inside you, licking away his seed, then spitting it out all over your slit, lubricating you again. “Can you cum without my fingers on your clit, baby? Can you come for an impatient boy licking you?” He bit into the curve your ass. 
“Jeongguk, I’m sorry. Please.” You implored.
“You consider yourself a woman when all you truly want is for me to turn you into my little girl.” He kissed the side of your thigh, his right hand heavily palming and groping your ass. By now you felt like bursting at the seems, arousal coming off your limbs in waves. Jeongguk, buried between your legs, took your salty scent in, delivering small bites to your labia and sucking your clit viciously. 
You only needed more pressure. 
“Come on, slut, cum for me so I can get inside you again.” He teased, repositioning you with his spare hand and now adding more strength to the movements of his tongue. 
The change was immediate. You could feel it in your belly. “Koo, I’m—” next thing that left your mouth was a long scream, rattling your bones, resetting you entirely. 
“That’s a good girl.” He said in the most patronising, condescending and sarcastic tone he could muster. You felt your lungs ignite. “Are you gonna stay still now after you got what you wanted? Let me fuck that need for older men out of you?”
He was angry again. He was angry still. 
“I said dumb stuff.”
“‘Cause you’re a little dumb doll, aren’t you?” His voice came from somewhere behind you, above you. You turned to search for his face but he used his big hand to press your face against the pillow below you. “Dumb, disobedient doll. Stay put.”
You closed your eyes and tried to press your behind to his pelvis. “I’m begging. Jeongguk. I love you.”
“Oh, so you love me now.” His length lingering on your entrance suddenly slammed into you. “You love me?”
“Yes!” You screamed, hoping that the walls would keep your sounds inside the room.
His hand pinned both of your wrists behind your back. “More than your ex?”
“Yes! I’ve never loved anyone like you, Koo.” You mewled, desperate.
"Has he ever fucked you this good?" He grunted, bending down to your ear. 
"No Jeongguk, I swear. You're the best."
"That’s right. I'm the fucking best." He rammed into you recklessly, his head falling forward as he stood and helped your hips back, the tip of your feet now pressed more steadily against the floor, removing some pressure from your abdomen.
He probably didn't even realise that the position was getting uncomfortable, and you were grateful for the shift, even if it made his thrusts deeper and more difficult to resist. 
“How can you want it calm and patient when you love being my fuckdoll, uh?” He pulled out and smacked your ass hard, then plunging in again. “When you need a young—” thrust— “inexperienced—” thrust—“impatient little boy—” thrust— “to fuck your brains out?”
You moaned and pushed yourself toward him, the sound of your flesh squelching and smacking echoing in the room. 
His hand climbed around your waist, dipping down your navel and meeting the apex of your labia. “Did your ex ever fuck you like this?”
“No Jeongguk.” You replied meekly. 
“Did he ever make you cum like this?” He asked, torturing you with his devious fingers. 
“No, Jeongguk.”
“Did he ever make you speechless with his cock?” He growled, sinking into you and shifting his hips to push small little circles deep against your cervix. 
“No…” you hummed, barely responsive.
“You’re gonna cum so good on my cock, doll. You’re gonna be a slut for it, drool on it for the rest of your life.” He swore, filthy and almost unconscious. 
Were you more coherent, you would have realised how fucked out he was, but unfortunately you were twice as gone as him and in no time your mouth formed his name in a strangled breath before your body twitched around him, your hands gripping on your forearms, still in the position he’d put you in even though his grip was no longer controlling you. 
“Cumming on my dick. Such a dumb little girl for it, uh?” He provoked you, even though your mind was miles high, seeing stars dance in your peripheral. “Take it all. Enjoy it. It’s the only one you’re gonna get, slut.”
And with that he grabbed hold of your hips and started bouncing your bum against his crotch, hammering into you, lasting only a minute before grunting your name and growling against your spine, falling forward and then snapping back, head bent away from you as he used you as his personal toy. 
When you felt him stop you dared turn around. He was magnificent. 
Hair plastered to his forehead, face and torso glimmering with sweat, the veins of his arms popping out like highways under his skin. 
“Koo.” You murmured, looking for your boy, your comfort, your safe place. 
“Only a second, sweetheart.” He exhaled, his skin blushing with exertion. “I know I can get another one, just give me time, baby.”
“Koo, I—“ You objected, but he stopped you.
“It’s not you. It’s me. I want it.” He warned with a stern tone. “Don’t you dare think this is about you, doll. Can you choose where you want it or are you too fucked out for that?”
Jeongguk helped you up and pulled you to his chest, the pose half affectionate and half controlling. “You know me best. I know you’ll choose what is best for me.” You whined in an attempt of flattery — even though it was absolutely true. He does know you best. You know he will always choose what’s best for you because he loves you. He adores you. 
He carefully drew out of you, kissing your spine delicately. You still had to understand what was his current mood. “Turn around.”
You obeyed, your eyes naturally focusing on his chest, right in front of your face. He pinched your neck and turned your head upwards, toward his awaiting gaze. You knew there were many things he was trying to say right in that moment with nothing but a glance. You knew how the words got stuck in his throat and how they would stumble and shake before falling from his lips, how they would sound tiny and hurt and heartbroken, but also fond and fiery and faithful. 
You knew all his favourite words, the ones he spoke so little, the ones he kept closer to his heart in fear that their power would diminish once they finally made it out.
He kissed you one, two, five, ten, twenty times, small pecks and butterfly kisses, Eskimo kisses with the tip of his lovely nose, and wet, sloppy kisses on your neck. He combed your dishevelled hair and kissed it too, then your hands, then your wrists and then your eyelids. Your forehead and your brow, the tender skin behind your ear, the softness of your cheeks. 
Picking you up, he kissed you again, his mouth possessing yours, lost in the tenderness and passion of you. You felt like a small boat in a wide, calm sea, nothing but the horizon all around you, his waves lulling you, his voice and his lips leading you towards a safe haven, surrounded in peace. 
“I love you, Googie.” You breathed softly against his open mouth. 
“Let me show you.” He replied, again carrying you exactly where he wanted. 
Your walk in closet was enormous, with wide wardrobes along the walls, a couple mirrors multiplying the images of you and him. 
“Here.” He said, placing you on the comfy seat in the middle of the small room.
In here he would see your every angle and reaction. There would be no escape from the blatant ruination he would unleash over your body. 
His hand was already cupping his sex, palming and pumping it as he used his other arm to pry your legs open, his head sinking there. He bit into the skin of your thighs, sucking and kissing with a hunger you had never thought existed. His favour stopped just shy of your entrance, watching as his release spilled and stained your skin. 
“Amazing.” He murmured reverently, leaning into your knee as if he was on the verge of sanity and you were the only thing pinning him to reality. “Tell me I’m the only one you want.”
“You’re the only one I want. The only one I love.” You wasted no time as you comforted him, giving him that safety net he so desperately craved.
“Tell me you won’t leave me,” he begged, closing his eyes as if the thought caused him physical pain. 
“I’ll be by your side, always.” You promised, caressing his hair. 
“Look,” he pointed to the mirror on your side, to your seated figure and his kneeling one. 
“Koo. Are you ready? I need you so bad.” You whined, your eyes leaving the reflection only as you ended your request.
“Want you on your knees, belly on the seat.”
He gave you the space to manoeuvre down from the seat, on your knees, right as he wanted you.
“Look straight ahead, doll. Look at that.” He teased, his hand pointing towards the mirror in front of you. “Look at your tits pressed up against the seat. They’re so soft… They must be so fucking sensitive by now.” His hand stroking himself dragged his tip against your skin, moistening you evenly as he got ready once more. 
“I’ve neglected them today.” He caressed your back and kissed your neck. “I’ll take good care of them tomorrow morning. Would you like that?” He asked, mischievous. 
“Yes, Koo.” God, you weren’t even sure you knew other words by now, so possessed by your need for him. 
He put just the head of his cock inside you, enjoying the immediate fluttering of your insides. “Want more, doll.”
With a humming, senseless groan you backed your ass into his groin. 
He snickered sarcastically. “Fuckdoll.”
You felt every inch of him enter you, violating your flesh. 
“That’s it. I’m gonna ruin you.” Jeongguk growled visciously as he bottomed out. 
“Please.” You moaned as you looked at his face from the reflection in the mirror. He was using his hand to press against your lower back.
“Taking me so well, slut. So hungry for it.” He was lost in the reflection too, moving slow and deep. 
“Only for you.” You whined, praising him. 
“No one can do it like us. No one.” He twisted your head to the side, the other mirror welcoming you. “There’s no one else for us.”
God, he was wordy today. You were basking in it. You loved how he wanted you to see, to hear everything. He was often wild but shy and today was truly exceptional for many reasons. “Googie, touch me, I’m getting close, please.”
“You keep saying please, baby. So polite today, uh? Might have to fuck you like this more often.” He provoked you. 
“Look how fucked out you are, doll.” He snorted. “You’re so hot.” He keened.
You watched the way his muscles moved, his pecs flexing and relaxing as he dragged your hips along his shaft. “No one can get you this hot.”
“No.” You whined out, desperate for more, for anything, for everything he was willing to give you. 
“You’re a slut for me alone, uh?” He smacked your ass once more, pulling out of you entirely and slapping his length over your soft backside. “Dirty fuckdoll.”
“I’m your toy, Koo. Use me.” You pleaded, searching for him with your hands, needing him close, closer, melted into you. “Please.”
“How can I say no to my needy slut.” He giggled before changing his angle, his arm infiltrating beneath your torso, between your breasts, towards your neck.
His other hand slithered to your front, his thrusts more subdued now that his leverage was weaker between your thighs and against your collarbone. The slow-down however helped you focus on your clit, on his fingers there on the way he was touching you in that “I’m not playing, you’d better cum in the next two minutes” mood. 
“You���re getting tighter, doll. D’you like my hand so much?” He teased with an accusing tone. “You must be close, mh?”
“So close, Koo.” You chirped.
“Come on, then.” His thrusts slowed even more, making you feel full to the brim and once they paired with his fingers you found yourself coming apart. 
“Yeah, babe. So fucking tight. Cum for me.” He spoke on your skin, body completely twisted and twined with yours. His tongue ran against your spine, his throat producing small, deep grunts as his pleasure exploded and spilled inside you. “Yes, doll. Fuck babe. Amazing.” He howled, arching into you, sticking to you like a second skin. 
“You look so damn lovely, doll. I love you so fucking much.” He whispered, heavy at your back, his hips stilling. “I bet nobody’s ever fucked you like this.”
“No.” You confirmed. “Nobody has. Nobody ever will.” You pressed a kiss to his hand, close to your face and cupping your cheek. 
As if coming back from a trance, he batted his lashes intensely, kissing your face. “Did I hurt you?”
“No, Googie. It was… incredibly hot. Definitely on your top three best performances. I will definitely write this day down on the calendar. We can celebrate it like an anniversary.”
“Hot fuck in the closet day.” He murmured, half asleep on top of you. “I like that.”
You smiled. “Can we get to bed? My knees are a bit sore. Actually I’m a bit sore all over.”
He nodded, waiting a couple seconds before parting from you and helping you up, carrying you to the bathroom and cleaning you up silently, taking care of you before dropping both of your heavy bodies on the bed. 
“I said ugly stuff.” He confessed. 
“I did too.” You admitted. “You know, I might think that older men are charming, but that’s as far as it goes. And I might have said stuff about my ex, but hey, there are multiple reasons why he’s my ex.” You caressed his face and kissed his hair as he laid his head on your chest. “And I’m here with you. No charming old man, no patient ex will ever change the fact that I love you.” You reassured him. “That you’re a dream come true.” You held his hand and intertwined your fingers. 
“I just… I’m always afraid of the things I can’t give you.” He whispered, insecure. As if he hadn’t given you his everything… 
“I will love you for all the things you can give me, Googie. And we will learn to compromise about the things we can’t give each other. That’s how it works.” You brought his hand to your lips, pressing them against every inch of it. 
“I’m sorry about the bad words.” He said with big doe eyes, lined with silvery tears. “I hope I didn’t insult you or upset you.”
“Would you worry if I said I liked that a bit?” You looked into his eyes tenderly, trying to dissolve his shyness. “But I hurt you with my words, so I want to know now.”
Your conversation went on for almost half an hour, his body warm and comfortable next to yours, the feeling of safety encouraging him to bare himself, showing you his darkest, most vulnerable sides.
By the end of the afternoon you both felt loved and appreciated, cared for and adored. With his head heavy on your chest, your heartbeat playing in his ear, Jeongguk realised you would always be his one.
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fatiguing-thoughts · 4 years
“Natural” - Chapter 14 - Embry Call x Reader
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The next few days went by swimmingly. Things seemed to be going great for everyone. 
My dad came home and we spent the day together. We went to the park, did some shopping, and went to lunch. Just a day to catch up on everything. Well, everything that I was able to tell him. He wanted to have Embry over for dinner soon, so that was something to look forward to. 
Embry and I spent a lot of time together, as usual. Most of our time was joined by the rest of our friends. Though even in a room full of people, it would always feel like we were the only people in a room. 
Paul found out who was stealing his condoms, Quil had a broken arm for half a day. Quil then broke Embry’s arm for half a day. My arm wasn’t broken and Paul gave me a hug. The perks of being (Y/N), I guess. 
Jared still won’t tell me what “doing hot girl shit” meant for him. I have a hunch he won’t stop making tik toks, but that’s because I found his account. Him and Kim made very cute tik toks. 
I gradually began to introduce Alyssa to the friend group a little bit here and there. Inviting her on a hike or to go out for milkshakes. Small and simple, just to warm Leah up to her and see how she feels about everything. 
Leah and I grew to talk much more than ever before, she was trying to understand everything that this meant for her and her feelings; for her life. 
Jacob’s healed up and ready to hang out with us all again, and that’s what we were doing today. We were going on a hike and potentially, cliff diving. Or likely, Alyssa and I watch most of the pack cliff dive. 
I woke up and put some ripped jeans and a t-shirt on. I went downstairs and filled up a water bottle and packed some snacks in my backpack. I anticipated hunger from everyone during the entire trip. 
To be quite honest, my backpack was filled 90% with snacks, the remainder was my folded towel and bathing suit. The guys’ request of the day was for me to consider cliff diving with him. 
“What’s going on, (Y/N)?” My dad asks from the kitchen table on this fine Saturday morning, sipping his coffee. 
“Going for a hike with everyone. Maybe cliff diving at La Push. I’m unsure if I’ll be participating, though.” I laugh, taking a seat next to him, joining him for a few minutes before I had to leave.
“Look at you. Cliff diving? You’re terrified of heights. Are you okay?” He laughs.
“I’m fine. The guys have been trying to get me to do it for a while. I might cave in, but I doubt it.” I shrug.
“Listen, you’re only young once. Have some fun. As long as it’s safe. If it isn’t safe, don’t have fun.” He chuckles, raising his coffee mug to me. 
“I know, I’ll evaluate it when we get there. Don’t worry.” I say, standing up from the table. 
I walk over to him and give him a small hug goodbye. 
“Have fun! Be safe!” He calls out as I walk through the door. 
“Will do! Love you!” I shut the door behind me and make my way into my car. 
I drove over to Alyssa’s to pick her up, then heading out to La Push. There we would park by Jacob’s house and hike our way to the cliffs. 
“Hey, girl.” She says, getting into my car.
“Hello there. You excited?” I ask her, beginning my drive to Jake’s.
“Yeah, I really enjoy all your friends. You’re all so close.” She smiles at me.
“Yeah, we are. That’s good, they really like you, too.” 
“So you and Embry, you guys are like magnets.” 
“I guess so. We always were, though.” I felt myself begin to blush.
“I remember you telling me. I’m just really happy you guys finally started to date. You seem really happy.” 
“I really am. I’m happy we broke that line between friendship and relationship.” 
“He looks at you like you’re his world, well you both do. It really is amazing.” She chuckles. 
“I understand what you mean. It really is the best feeling in the world.” I smile at her before turning my attention to the road.
“I wish I had that.” She looks down at her lap.
“I think you will, I think you’ll find something similar.” I say as I park in front of Jacob’s house. 
“I hope.” She says as we both get out of my car and make our way over to his house.
Embry, Quil, Seth, Leah, Jared, and Paul walk out of the house to greet us. Sam didn’t come around much, especially if Leah was around given their situation.
“What’s up everyone?” I say as I walk over to Embry and hug him.
He presses a kiss to the top of my head and pulls me closer into his chest. 
“Break it up, dorks. Quil needs a hug, too.” I feel Quil join in, wrapping his arms around us from behind me.
“Quil get off!” I laugh.
“I just wanted a hug, jeez.” He rolls his eyes. 
“I could use a hug, too. (Y/N)?” Paul smirks. 
Paul quickly became very protective of me, he became one of my closest friends, too. It really began after training when Emmett came a little too close for comfort. His snarky personality always shone through, loving to screw around with whoever he could. 
Though I wasn’t actually part of the pack, I truly felt like I did. Everyone cared for me the same way Jake and Quil always did. 
“Sure, Paul.” I walk over and give him a hug.
“See that, Quil? I’m coming for your place as best friend.” Paul teases. 
“In your dreams.” Quil laughs, walking over to play fight with Paul.
I walk over to Embry and lean my head against his bicep, inhaling his scent. 
Jacob walks out, smiling like a goof.
“What’s up everyone?” He beams.
“Jake!” I exclaim. 
“Come here, (Y/N).” He opens his arms as I walk over to hug him, spinning me around.
“You’re in good spirits.” I point out.
“I’m happy to be out and about with my best friends. Is that so weird?” He looks down at me.
“Yes. That is so weird.” Quil laughs.
“It is, Jake.” I smile. 
“I’m trying to have some fun, I’ve had a rough week. Let me live a little.” He smirks. 
“No, good. I’m glad.” I smile. 
I wasn’t sure if he was in shock, or if he maybe didn’t get the invitation yet, or at all. Yesterday, I got an invitation to Bella’s wedding. Embry and I would be attending with Seth, though none of us spoke a word of it to Jacob, yet.
“Jesus, he’s tall.” Alyssa says under her breath behind us, thinking none of us would hear.
“Yeah, he’s pretty tall.” Jared teases. 
Her face grew confused and embarrassed but Leah placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.
Both Alyssa and Leah looked pleased after their contact. 
I smile at Embry and he gives me a grin back. 
“Jared never shuts up, don’t take it personal.” Leah soothes. 
Alyssa nods, blushing even harder since Leah touched her. 
Jacob gives me a wondering look, but I shake my head subtly at him. 
“Let’s get to that hike, it’ll be a long one.” Jacob says, leading the way. 
Five minutes into the hike, Jared and Quil started whining. 
“(Y/N), I’m hungry.” Jared whines out. 
“Of course you are. Do you want gushers or a granola bar?” I ask.
“Gushers, is that even a question?” He laughs.
“Who else?” 
Everyone else said they wanted one, clearing me out of my gushers as I pass them around.
“Okay it’s granola bars from here on out, everyone.” I announce.
“Awe, damn it.” Embry laughs behind me, pulling me into his side. 
“I saved you an extra one.” I lean up, whispering in his ear.
Alyssa who was right behind us, walking next to Leah giggled hearing me.
“Oh screw you! That’s unfair, I want them!” Quil jokes, all the way at the front of the line with Jake. 
“How did you hear that?” Alyssa asks, completely dumbfounded. 
“Quil is just a professional eavesdropper.” Leah tries to make a joke out of it.
“Ah, nice.” Alyssa laughs. 
Jake shoves Quil, letting him know he was dumb. 
“You gonna jump, (Y/N)?” Paul teases, nudging me.
“Eh, I don’t know. I really hate heights.” I shrug. 
“Oh come on, we won’t let anything happen to you.” Jared says.
“I know, but I just… I don’t know.” I look down at my shoes. 
“If you want to, I’ll go with you, babe. If you don’t want to, we can hang out and watch. We can even sit on the lower rock.” Embry kisses the top of my head. 
We approached the end of the hike, meeting the edge of the cliff. 
“Wow, this is really high up. You guys are gonna jump from here?” Alyssa asks with wide eyes. 
“You know it, girl.” Jared laughs. 
“I will not be jumping from here.” She says, voice trailing off.
“I’ll go with you to the lower rock. You won’t have to jump, but we can watch from there. And if you wanna jump, I’ll do it with you.” Leah smiles at her. 
“Sure, that sounds great.” Alyssa nods.
“Great, let’s go.” Leah walks her down to the lower rock. 
“What’s going on there?” Jacob asks, unaware of the situation.
Him not phasing with everyone else meant that he couldn’t have the telepathic connection and nobody filled him in over the phone or in person. 
“Leah imprinted.” Seth smiles.
“On Alyssa?” Jacob asks. 
“Yeah. I’m happy for her.” Seth says.
“As long as she’s happy, that’s great news.” Jake agrees. 
All of the guys take off their shirts and plop them down next to where I dropped my bag. 
“You gonna do it, (Y/N)?” Jake asks, wondering why I was still in my clothes. 
“I think so. I think I will.” I look up at Embry, holding onto his hand tightly. 
“Really?” He asks me with a look of shock.
“Don’t make me change my mind.” I laugh. 
“Sorry, I’m just surprised. But I’m proud of you, bean.” He kisses the top of my head and pulls me into his side.
“Thank you.” I smile.
“Good for you, (Y/N). We won’t let you drown.” Quil nudges my shoulder.
“Gee, thanks. Knew I could count on you.” I purse my lips.
“Well, Leah and Alyssa left me so Embry, you’re gonna have to hold my towel around me in the woods so I can change into my bathing suit.” I unzip my backpack.
“Alright, you got it.”  He grabs the towel from my hand and follows me into the treeline. 
Embry holds the towel loosely around my body, standing in front of me. 
“Woah, hold that towel better!” Quil jokes from the cliff edge. 
“Shut up, Quil!” Embry calls out.
“Die.” I hiss. 
“He’s just kidding, nobody can see you.” Embry whispers, laughing. 
“I hope so.” I chuckle. 
I finish getting my bathing suit on and throw all my clothes in my backpack.
“Wow.” Embry whispers, looking me up and down.
“You got some drool.” I joke, pointing to the edge of my mouth.
“Hey, you just look great.” He smiles, a blush painting across his cheeks.
“Thank you, Em.” Though my cheeks probably flushed a shade of red much deeper than his.
We walk over and I drop my backpack where everyone else ditched their clothes. 
“Welcome to the cool kids club.” Jared laughs. 
“Thank you, thank you. So which one of you guys is going first?” I ask, peering over the edge. 
“I can go first.” Jared says
“Great. I need to see that you guys don’t die.” I laugh.
“Very sweet.” Jacob chuckles. 
“Alright, girl. You got it.” Jared says, stepping back from the edge. 
He takes a few running steps forward before launching himself off the edge, yelling out a ‘woohoo’ the whole way down. 
“Holy shit.” I mutter, walking over to the edge to see Jared resurface, giving me a thumbs up from below. 
“See? He’s good. You’ll be fine on Embry’s back.” Jacob smiles, giving me a supportive pat on the back. 
I look at him and nod.
“So who’s going next?” I ask.
“Jake, Seth and I will go.” Quil says.
“Sounds like a plan.” Seth smiles. 
I watch as all three of them run off the edge. Jacob and Quil do the average dive and Seth does a backflip. 
“Seth’s bold.” I laugh.
“Seth is great at it.” Embry smiles. 
“You can’t hear it, but they’re calling up to you to come on down.” Paul nudges me with a smile.
“They are.” Embry pulls me into his side.
“Alright, I’m ready. Let’s do this before I get too scared.” I say, shaking my hands to try and pump myself up. 
“Alright, get on.” Embry says, bending down for me to jump onto his back.
“I’ll be right behind ya, you’ll be okay.” Paul smiles at me comfortingly. 
“Thanks, guys.” I smile before clutching onto Embry’s shoulders.
“Hang on tight, I’ve got you, bean.” He presses a soft kiss to my arm.
“I love you.” I whisper.
“I love you, too.” He whispers.
“Let’s go!” Paul shouts, running next to us, also doing a flip off the edge. 
Embry jumps staying straight to make sure he hits the water first. 
I hear both of their excited yelling as I hear my own scream of pure terror, before it turned into laughter. Before I knew it, we were underwater.
I tore my arms from Embry’s back and pushed myself up.
“Holy shit!” I scream as my head breaks water.
“Fun, right?” Embry asks me, swimming closer.
“That was a rush.” I say, adrenaline pumping through my entire body. 
“Told you it was fun.” Quil smiled. 
“Okay, I get it. I was lame, but now I’m cool.” I exhale, growing tired of swimming in the rough water. 
“Alright, let’s get you out of the water.” Embry says, noticing my struggle. 
I nod and follow him up to climb out of the water, seeing Leah and Alyssa talking and laughing on the lower level. 
“Look at them.” He whispers to me.
“I know, they look like they’re having fun.” I beam. 
“Let’s go get you dressed.” Embry says, putting his hand on my waist, guiding me up the rocky edge. 
“I know, I can’t wait to get dressed, I feel so weird not wearing any clothes.” 
“I guess that makes just one of us.” Embry teases. 
“Oh hush.” I turn around and softly hit his shoulder. 
We get back up to the site and Embry holds the towel around me once more as I get dressed. 
I wrap my wet bathing suit in the towel and stuff it into the bottom of my backpack, giving Embry his pack of gushers that I saved for him. 
“Thank you, babe.” He kisses my forehead.
We begin our walk down to the lower level as I grab everyone’s clothes to bring back.
“You did great today, babe.” Embry smiles at me.
“Thank you, Em. You did all the work, though.” 
“Yeah, but you faced your fear. And for that, I am proud.” He pulls me into his side. 
“Honestly, me too. I’ve become a real badass the last few weeks.” I smirk. 
“Fighting vampires, cliff jumping, what’s next?” I joke.
“Hopefully something safe.” Embry chuckles. 
We approach the lower level and see Leah and Alyssa talking again. Laughing and sitting quite close to each other, much closer than the last time I saw them. 
“I almost don’t wanna go over there, I don’t wanna interfere.” I whisper.
“It’s going well, we won’t ruin anything.” Embry whispers into my ear. 
We walk over and sit down near them, Embry leaning against the rock and I sit in between his legs.
“Hey there.” I smile. 
“Hey, guys.” Leah smiles. 
“I can’t believe you did that, how was it?” Alyssa says with wide eyes, laughing slightly. 
“It was nuts. I can’t believe I did it, either.” I chuckle. 
“You did great.” Leah smiles. 
“Thank you, thank you.” 
We sit and chat for a little while, awaiting the guys to finish up their diving. 
I watched the way that Alyssa and Leah interacted, it was sweet. It seemed natural for them, like Embry and I. Like Sam and Emily. Like Jared and Kim. Like Quil and Pizza. 
Though nothing with them seemed outright romantic yet, I knew it would blossom eventually. 
I smiled at Embry, giving his hand a light squeeze, he returned my small gestures. 
After about a half an hour, the guys return and we make our hike back out to Jake’s house. 
The walk back was a great time, everyone joking around. Jake was back to… Jake. It felt so nice to see him again. I just hoped it would last. 
Though when we got back to Billy’s, the mailman was leaving. 
“Have a great day.” He smiled at us.
We all thanked him, wishing him the same.
Jacob takes the mail from him and my heart dropped when I noticed the small white envelope.
“Jake, I’ll bring that in to your dad.” I smile, walking over quickly. 
“What? Why? I can just go do it, quick.” He eyes me, confused. 
I look at Embry with worried eyes, his arm protectively finding my waist. 
I look to Leah and nod my head towards Alyssa. 
Leah looks at me with a confused look, before noticing Jacob’s demeanor change. 
“I can’t believe this.” He whispers, dropping all the mail to the floor. 
Jacob’s eyes turn almost black, his pupils dilating immediately. 
I break away from Embry’s hold, walking over to Jacob.
“Jake, calm down. It’s okay, you knew this would happen.” 
“This soon? She’s marrying him in a month!” He hisses. 
I just look at him, grabbing a hold of his burning hot arm. 
“Leah, get Alyssa out of here.” Embry tells her.
Embry and Paul get closer to Jacob and I but I shoo them away.
“Jake…” My voice trails off, holding onto him comfortingly.
“You knew! You knew about this! When did you find out?” He hisses at me. 
“Jake, I just got my invite yesterday. I thought you got it, too.” I choke out. 
“What’s going on?” I hear Alyssa mumble, staring at us in shock.
“We really should get going.” Leah tries to gently pull her away. 
“She’s marrying that bloodsucker!” He screams, scaring me enough to make me flinch.
Embry and Paul begin to ignore me, walking closer.
“He’s not going to hurt me, stop! You’re gonna just piss him off.” I whisper through gritted teeth.
“(Y/N), you need to let go of me. Now.” Jake begins to shake, steam rising from his skin. 
I nod, slowly letting go of his arm and backing up. 
Before I can finish, he phases right next to me. I’m immediately knocked over and hit the ground with a thud. 
My head is ringing and I clutch my eyes shut, bringing my hands to cover my head instantly. 
I vaguely hear snarling before someone grabs me and pulls me back. It feels like Embry’s hands holding me close to his chest. 
“Are you okay? (Y/N), can you hear me?” Embry’s frantic voice pulls me back to reality. 
I open my eyes and look around. Paul and Jacob are eyeing each other down, both in wolf form. It didn’t take much to set Paul off, and me on the ground was one of the easy triggers. I look at myself, seeing nothing wrong other than a scrape on my left arm from the ground. Nothing actually from Jacob, he just knocked me over. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Stop them.” I say, clutching my head trying to stop the headache. 
“Are you sure you’re okay?” He asks, eyeing me everywhere. 
“Paul, he didn’t hurt me. Lay off.” I call out to him.
The grey wolf looks at me, before back at Jacob. The reddish-brown wolf running off into the woods.
“I just hit my head when I fell, I’ll be fine.” I say as Embry stands me up. 
“What is going on?” Alyssa asks from the back of the group.
“Listen, you weren’t supposed to find out like this.” I say.
“Find out about what? What is all of this?” She asks, eyes unmoving from mine.
“It’s a lot. It really is. I’m so sorry this is how you found out.” Leah’s voice cracks.
I look over at the two of them, watching Leah’s face show her shattering into a million pieces. 
“I just, I don’t understand.” Alyssa says, fear in her voice. 
“Alyssa, don’t be afraid. They will never hurt you. They’ve never hurt me or anyone. You’re safe.” I look at her with pleading eyes, trying to help Leah fix this. 
“I can explain everything, if you’ll let me.” Leah says to Alyssa, eyes brimming with tears. 
“Okay.” Alyssa nods. 
“Alright, let’s take a walk.” Leah gives her a soft smile. 
Alyssa looks at me, waiting for me to give her a nod of approval. 
I look at her, nodding to let her know it was safe. 
“I’ll wait for you here, okay?” I tell her. 
“Okay.” She says before her and Leah walk off. 
Billy rolls outside, a worried look painted on his face. 
“Is everything okay? Are you okay, (Y/N)?” He looks at me before shifting his eyes to the rest of the group, and then Paul. 
“I’m alright, but Paul’s gonna need pants.” I give a soft smile. 
“Jake stashes some over there.” Quil points over to a spot in the woods. 
Paul heads over there to phase back into human form. 
“What happened? Where’s Jacob?” Billy asks me, voice breaking with concern. 
I walk over to where Jacob dropped the mail, picking it up and bringing it over to Billy. 
“Bella and Edward’s wedding invitation. It was too much for him.” I whisper.
Billy nods, looking down at his lap. His heart breaking for his son once again. 
“He’ll come back.” I whisper, placing a hand on his shoulder for comfort. 
“I hope so.” Billy says, rolling back inside. 
I look back at Embry, walking back into his arms for a hug.
“I just want the old Jacob back.” I whisper.
“I know, we all do.” He rubs soothing circles into my back.
“Hopefully he’ll get over this all soon.” Quil sighs. 
“Are you okay, (Y/N)?” Paul asks, jogging over to Embry and I.
“Yeah, I’m good. Thanks, Paul.” I give him a fist bump. 
“You got it, I thought he got you for a second.” He gives me a soft smile. 
“Nah. I think I could take him, anyway.” I smirk.
Everyone lets out a small laugh.
“I’m going to go hang out with Kim, but I had fun. I’ll keep an eye out for Jake.” Jared says before running off into the woods.
“I’m gonna wait for Leah.” Seth says, plopping himself down on the ground.
“That’s a good idea.” I say, sitting next to him. 
Embry quickly took a set next  to me, wrapping his arm around me. 
“I’m gonna go home and check on my little brother.” Paul says before running off. 
“I’m just hungry, but I’ll see you later. Let me know how everything pans out.” Quil smiles. 
“I think we should look for Jake later, or tomorrow. Maybe the next few days.” Embry suggests.
“We really should.” Seth agrees.
“We will. Just give him time to blow off some steam.” Quil says before going off his own way.
“And then there were three.” I joke awkwardly. 
“We’ll find him, don’t worry.” Embry comforts me. 
“I hope so.” I sigh.
“We will. We’re the best there is.” Seth smiles.
We sat there for a little over an hour, waiting for Leah and Alyssa’s return. 
“Hey.” Leah says quietly when they return.
“Hey, guys.” I smile up at them, standing myself up from the ground.
“Hi.” Alyssa said with a meek smile.
“You ready to go home?” I ask.
She nods, giving Leah a small wave goodbye.
“I’ll see you soon.” Alyssa gives her a soft smile. 
“Sounds like a plan.” Leah grins back.
Embry gets into my backseat while Alyssa took the front.
The drive to Embry’s was quiet, I didn’t want to ask her anything in front of him. 
“Alright, I’ll see you later, (Y/N). I’ll text you before I come over for dinner tomorrow.” He says, getting out of the car, walking to my window.
“Yeah, sounds good.” I smile, giving him a quick kiss through my open window.
“Bye Alyssa, I’ll see you soon.” He waves. 
“Bye.” She smiles at him before he jogs into his house. 
I begin to drive away and she lets out a loud sigh.
“How did your talk go?” I ask.
“I mean, I’m trying to come to terms with everything. My friend is best friends with a pack of shapeshifters, they all turn into giant wolves. They all kill vampires? Because vampires are real and apparently run rampant throughout Forks! And then, the girl I had a crush on imprinted on me? I have a soul mate? I watched one of my friends get knocked over by a guy turning into a giant wolf. I have answers, now. But… this is not what I expected.” Her word vomit fills the car. 
“It is a lot to take in. You didn’t really get a great introduction to it. Leah wanted to tell you, not like this.” I sigh.
“I know, she told me.” Her voice slightly distressed.
“Well, how do you feel? How did it go?” I ask, looking at her before turning my attention back to the road. 
“It went alright. I still want her, and everyone else, in my life. I really feel connected to everyone. I enjoy how I feel with her. But I want to take it slow. I just need a day to myself to think.” She looks at me. 
“I understand. You should take a day and relax, come to terms with all of it. Leah really is amazing.” I smile at her. 
“I know, I can see that.” She chuckles. 
We pull up to her house and she thanks me before getting out of the car. 
I drive home and walk into my house, seeing my dad asleep on the couch. He fell asleep watching the game. 
I see the wedding invitation on the fridge. I study the ornate decorations on the thick cardstock. 
I run my fingers over the delicate paper before returning to my room. 
“Now’s a good time for bed, maybe dad’s onto something.” I mumble to myself before opening my window and climbing into my bed. 
_____________________________ Word Count: 4516
122 notes · View notes
swanprompts · 4 years
This is a rebloggable version of my prompt list at my writing blog. This has 105 prompts from my old list and 195 new prompts.
A1. “Can I take a picture of you?”
A2. “Where do we sleep now?”
A3. “Be quiet, they’ll hear us!”
A4. “I cooked for us! Or tried to cook…”
A5. “Can you explain why my phone is up there?”
A6. “Ugh, people are so weird.”
A7. “Wait, who?”
A8. “But I can’t draw!”
A9. “Your forehead has sauce on it.”
A10. “Stop snoring! You sound like a chain saw.”
A11. “C’mon, you need a reason to get out of here and I have one.”
A12. “No, nooope. I won’t do it. Nope.”
A13. “Do you mean I have to touch that?”
A14. “Wow, a great idea, but I’d rather die.”
A15. “Oh there you are! I thought you had melted through the floor.” “I had plans to do that but then I called them off.”
A16. “I’m trash, just not that kind of trash.”
A17. “Always nagging, aren’t you? Every time I hear your voice, it’s in a language called nag.”
A18. “It’s 6pm, the fridge is mine until 7pm, so… shoo!”
A19: “What’s this?” “I bought you binoculars because now you get to look at them better… or you could go talk to them.”
A20. “I’m gonna hit you.” “What?” “Ugh, that came out wrong.”
A21. “I’m okay. I’m perfectly fine. Yeah… okay, I’m not fine.”
A22. “If you wait for tomorrow, tomorrow is coming. If you don’t wait for tomorrow, tomorrow is still coming.”
A23. “I’m not yelling, I’m discussing with you with a loud voice!”
A24. “Tell me something. Do I look like a bunny?”
A25. “Maybe that secret is that your mom is really a time traveler.”
A26. “Too bad, I wanted to see some ghosts.”
A27. “Not that song, turn it off now!”
A28. “Is this the Heaven?” “More like Hell.”
A29. “Hey keep it down there, I’m trying to sleep!”
A30. “Please don’t use my toothbrush again.”
A31. “Hey, calm down, it’s not so bad…” “Calm down? There’s a riot going on in my bathroom!”
A32. “It’s alright to be a bit crazy. At least a minute of craziness in a day keeps the doctor away.”
A33. “I thought you had left.” “I’d leave without tasting this sandwich? It would be a sign of insanity.”
A34. “The Great King/Queen/Ruler of Food is here again.”
A35. “What can I do… they just love Mr. Bunny.”
A36. “Wait, do we have a permission to do this?”
A37. “As long as that is on my wall, I swear I’m not going to sleep.”
A38. “Pillows? Pfft. Who needs pillows?”
A39. “That’s what you get for being such a dummy.”
A40. “You really need a haircut.”
A41. “You should keep that to yourself.”
A42. “Oh, how could I not say yes to that?”
A43. “Hi and bye!”
A44. “Well, what did you expect?”
A45. “Kick that door down.”
A46. “I’m not drunk!”
A47. “That’s not a stupid idea, it’s an idiotic idea.”
A48. “You’re the type of person who laughs at their own jokes.”
A49. “Oh, I didn’t know you had guests.”
A50. “Oh, are you looking for [insert name]? They’re probably setting themselves on fire right now.”
A51. “Don’t be scared.”
A52. “Did you just smile?”
A53. “Would you wanna go for a walk?”
A54. “My lights are flickering, it’s the infamous Ghost of the Living Room.”
A55. “This cookie is my spirit animal.”
A56. “Don’t be boring, dance with us!”
A57. “You should keep that candy behind locked doors. I might eat the whole bag otherwise.”
A58. “What’s your password?”
A59. “My backyard is not a waterpark.”
A60. “I think you should talk to them.”
A61. “I wish we had more time to chat.”
A62. “You’re smiling.”
A63. “Do you even know how to laugh?”
A64. “Well, it’s busted, no can do.”
A65. “I know what you think.”
A66. “At least I smell good.”
A67. “It happened a long time ago.”
A68. “What exactly should I be looking at?”
A69. “Why your shirt was in my fridge?”
A70. “Argh, don’t you guys ever use Google?”
A71. “I think you’re overreacting.”
A72. “Do you like board games?”
A73. “But it’s so cold!”
A74. “You should really learn to read some books.”
A75. “Wait, I know where your pants are.”
A76. “There’s no one there, dumbass.”
A77. “A fly has been harassing me for weeks.”
A78. “Be honest, do I have to keep this shirt?” “No?” “Dammit!”
A79. “Not my kid, not my responsibility.” “It’s a dog!” “No, it’s your kid.”
A80. “Sorry, I’ll be late.” “Why is that?” “A cat has been sleeping on me for an hour.”
A81. “I’m still bored.”
A82. “I recognize liars when I see them.”
A83. “Well, books usually have text on them.”
A84. “This is the perfect day to piss [Name] off.”
A85. “Get me their phone. Then we’ll talk.”
A86. “Because you’re so young.”
A87. “Hello, I am your servant today, what can I get you, oh Almighty?”
A88. “Why are you hiding?”
A89. “Why are we hiding?”
A90. “Why you would wanna live in a dumpster?”
A91. “It’s snowing!”
A92. “They’re late. Again.”
A93. “My bathroom smells like someone put a fish into my toilet.”
A94. “Don’t tempt me.”
A95. “You know how much I like chocolate.”
A96. “Stand back, this might get ugly.”
A97. “I can’t believe the way you got them arrested.”
A98. “Wait - did you just agree with me?”
A99. “Nah, dying would have been boring.”
A100. “Can’t you have fun for once in your life?”
B1. “You’re being shy with me, aren’t you…” “No I’m not!” “Yes you are!”
B2. “You make me feel free.”
B3. “You’re cute when you try not to blush.”
B4. “I might be having feelings for you, I’ve had them for a while.” “Yeah right.” “I’m serious.”
B5. “It’s true. I’ve loved you ever since I got to know you - and even if you don’t feel the same, I’m willing to accept it.”
B6. “What if I told you that there’s a surprise for you outside?”
B7. “Everything is okay now, I’m here, I’m here.”
B8. “My world was black before you came into it.”
B9. “Did you do all this… for me?”
B10. “Did you really think I’d leave without a kiss?”
B11. “I didn’t know there’s a feeling like this.”
B12. “You’re the first person who has understood me.”
B13. “I’m not the person you want in your life.” “Yes you are.”
B14. “People change. And I’m not who I was before. I’m sorry for what I did.”
B15. “Do you… maybe, want to go to grab a coffee with me sometime?”
B16. “I really like you! Uh… I didn’t mean to blurt it out like that.”
B17. “I know this isn’t very romantic, but…” “It’s romantic enough for me.”
B18. “I’m not like everyone else, you deserve someone better.” “There isn’t anyone better for me than you.”
B19. “What are you doing?” “Showing you how much I love you.”
B20. “Will you make me happy forever?”
B21. “I didn’t know you’re ticklish… this is going to be fun.”
B22. “Your bed could be more comfortable than me.” “Nah, I’m good.”
B23. “You guys are so cheesy it’s disgusting.” “Why, thank you!”
B24. “Can I sleep with you? I need someone by my side.”
B25. “You’re so warm…” “You’re so cold.” “Mmh, that’s why I like your warmth.”
B26. “You’re special to me.”
B27. “Are those my… aaargh gimme those back!”
B28. “I’ve been gathering my courage to talk to you for so long and now… I did it.”
B29. “It’s obvious you like them.”
B30. “Crushing hard, huh?”
B31. “This is the place we first met. And now here we are, years later.”
B32. “Awww, is this you?” “Gimme that!” “No! You’re so cute, look at those pants!”
B33. “You cleaned my house for me while I slept?”
B34. “Wait, did you just call me cute?”
B35. “You’re my only friend, but you’re also the best person in the world.”
B36. “I’ve been in love with you all this time.”
B37. “I care about you, maybe more than I should.”
B38. “Because I love you, you idiotic mufflehead!”
B39. “Honestly, I didn’t believe in strong friendships before I met you.”
B40. “Maybe that’s the reason why we’re friends. You’re as dumb as me.”
B41. “Is that a blush I see?”
B42. “Do you want to go out with me?”
B43. “We’re friends, you can tell me anything.”
B44. “You look like you need a friend.”
B45. “Ah, ah, no tickling! Or no kisses.”
B46. “I made you dinner.”
B47. “I lit up candles and everything, you deserve to relax.”
B48. “You want it, I’ll get it. Don’t try to stop me.”
B49. “You’re the only one that makes me go cheesy.”
B50. “Here, take my umbrella.”
B51. “I think I’m in love… with you.”
B52. “You bought roses for me?”
B53. “Dance with me.”
B54. “Marry me.”
B55. “Babe, we’ll travel the world together.”
B56. “I’ve talked to you once and I already know I’m going to fall in love with you.”
B57. “I heard [name] has a crush on you.”
B58. “You look amazing.”
B59. “Best friends will stand together, even through the harshest of waves.”
B60. “I’ll continue doing this until you smile.”
B61. “Can I hug you?”
B62. “I have always loved you.”
B63. “Don’t worry, you look beautiful.”
B64. “Your flirting is so bad it’s adorable.”
B65. “Do you have to get up? I was just getting comfy.”
B66. “Stooooop, you’re making me blush!”
B67. “Uh-uh, I won’t let you leave without a hug.”
B68. “I’ll be watching over you.”
B69. “I bought you chocolate.”
B70. “I dreamed about kissing you.”
B71. “You’re my best friend, and always will be.”
B72. “Am I dreaming or did you just say you like me?”
B73. “Your smile is beautiful.”
B74. “Have I ever told you how cute you are?”
B75. “I’m with you. I’m home.”
B76. “I would have never believed that one day we’d be so close.”
B77. “We’re friends, right? Friends stick together.”
B78. “I’ll always be here, whenever you need me.”
B79. “You smell nice.”
B80. “I’ve loved you since day one.”
B81. “You built a pillow fort for us?”
B82. “You saved me.”
B83. “You always manage to make me laugh.”
B84. “Thank you for being there for me.”
B85. “Why do you care?” “Because I love you!”
B86. “Do you think of me as a friend?”
B87. “I think I have feelings for them.”
B88. “I’ve tried to forbid myself from falling in love, but now I can’t help it.”
B89. “I can’t believe we’re still friends. I thought we’d grow past the fart joke part.” “What, fart jokes are the best!”
B90. “Good morning, want some breakfast?”
B91. “I’ve missed you so much.”
B92. “Are you cold? Here, take my jacket.”
B93. “I’m gonna dare you to kiss [Name].”
B94. “Oh my god, you like [Name]!”
B95. “They’re in love with you.” “Oh shut it.” “I wish you noticed how they look at you.”
B96. “Breakfast in bed? You’re spoiling me.”
B97. “There’s absolutely nothing wrong with you.”
B98. “Nobody is perfect. That’s what makes you special.”
B99. “I want you to be happy. You’re worth it.”
B100. “I don’t know how, but you always make me feel happy.”
C1. “I don’t want to feel anything anymore.”
C2. “I was there… and I didn’t do anything. I’m never forgiving myself for that.”
C3. “It’s none of your business.” “It’s my business if you cry because of me.”
C4. “Let go.” “I can’t.”
C5. “Leave. I don’t want you here.”
C6. “I never loved you.”
C7. “You were never there for me.”
C8. “You did that choice. Not me. You’re in this alone.”
C9. “You left me!”
C10. “It’s time you got to know how it feels to be betrayed.”
C11. “You appreciate some people only after they’re gone.”
C12. “I was willing to stay here with you until the end, but it was you who told me to stay away.”
C13. “No, you don’t have the right to come back to me and pretend that everything is okay again!”
C14. “You disgust me.”
C15. “Fine. If this is how it’s gonna be, then fine. I’m leaving you.”
C16. “They’re not coming back.”
C17. “I failed you. I failed everyone.”
C18. “You’re not worth it.”
C19. “How dare you stand there and tell me you still love me?”
C20. “I was an idiot to ever trust you.”
C21. “I can’t move on, and I don’t want to.”
C22. “I’m disgusted with myself that I once thought of you as my friend.”
C23. “They were my everything, and now they’re gone.”
C24.  “It was you who broke our promise.”
C25.  “You’re my friend.” “I have better friends than you ever were.”
C26.  “I honestly want to set you on fire right now.”
C27.  “There’s no one else to blame anymore, you made sure of it. It’s all on you now.”
C28. “I feel like there’s nothing waiting for me anymore.”
C29. “Tell me I’m wrong. Just say it.”
C30. “I love you, but I wish I didn’t.”
C31. “I hope you grow up one day. But I’m not going to be there to see it.”
C32. “What if I’m in too many pieces now to fix myself again?”
C33. “And here I thought that you’d keep your promises for once.”
C34. “Goodbye. Don’t come back.”
C35. “If this is love, I don’t want it.”
C36. “No one never stays, no one ever cares about me.”
C37. “Please, make it stop...”
C38. “It just feels like I can never let go... even if I try.”
C39. “I love them too much. And that always makes me go tumbling down the hill.”
C40. “I can’t do this anymore.”
C41. “Fuck you! Get out of my house!”
C42. “You’re not welcome here.”
C43. “Don’t expect me to fix things you broke.”
C44. “You always lie to me.”
C45. “Could you try stopping thinking like a machine and listen with your heart?”
C46. “I’ve never felt like this about anyone, but with you? I hope life will be torn apart on you.”
C47. “I wish you nothing but pain.”
C48. “I can’t take this any longer.”
C49. “You were my best friend, and you let me down.”
C50. “Forgive you? How could I ever forgive you for what you did?”
C51. “Don’t you dare close your eyes!”
C52. “I can’t feel the pulse.”
C53. “I can’t believe how I ever was a friend of such a toxic person.”
C54. “Everything reminds me about them. I just want to forget them, wipe them out from my life.”
C55. “I’ll be happy once you’re gone.”
C56. “Don’t give me those crocodile tears.”
C57. “You’re wrong, I have never loved you.”
C58. “Go to hell!”
C59. “I want you gone. Now.”
C60. “Oh, now my opinion matters? I wish we had never met!”
C61. “I’ll always hate you.”
C62. “You broke the promise. Again.”
C63. “I’d punch you if you were worth it.”
C64. “Nothing has changed in you, even when I wanted to believe so.”
C65. “Let go of me!”
C66. “Don’t touch me, you filthy scum!”
C67. “You did a bad thing for a good reason.” “But is it worth it if they died because of me?”
C68. “We’d/We’ll never get our happy ending.”
C69. “You’re never changing, are you? Always a dickhead.”
C70. “You’d never understand.”
C71. “I’m dying.”
C72. “I loved you years ago. But that feeling is long gone.”
C73. “I’m happier without you.”
C74. “I don’t even know who you are anymore, how do you expect me to love you?”
C75. “You abandoned me when I needed you the most.”
C76. “Do you think you could just magically waltz back into my life after everything you did?”
C77. “I waited for you for years before I finally found someone who won’t abandon me like you did, and now you come back and think we could be together again?”
C78. “There won’t be “us” anymore.”
C79. “You’ve lied to me all this time.”
C80. “I’m a monster.”
C81. “You’re a monster.”
C82. “Don’t hurt me!”
C83. “I’m leaving you.”
C84. “Please don’t go.”
C85. “I’ll never forgive you.”
C86. “No no no no, stay awake! Please!”
C87. “I don’t want to lose you too.”
C88. “Walk away and don’t come back, or I’ll fucking kill you.”
C89. “We need to get to the hospital!”
C90. “I know you hate me.”
C91. “Oh, so that’s what you think of me?”
C92. “I’m going to sleep on couch tonight.”
C93. “It’s my fault they’re dead.”
C94. “Don’t give me that bullshit, I know what happened!”
C95. “Give me one reason why we should still be together.”
C96. “If you had ever loved me, you wouldn’t have put everything else above me.”
C97. “You said you’d support me with this, but here we are.”
C98. “Why are you even here anymore? Just leave!”
C99. “I’ll be forgotten.”
C100. “Death doesn’t let you say goodbye.”
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lovelybarnes · 4 years
request guidelines
how to request:
give me the number and letter sequence attached to the quote/prompt and for who you want it. if you have an idea, let me know and with who! (i tried to make this easy and easier to do, i am so sorry if this didn’t work)
example:  person a painting person b’s nails because they’re hurt and “will you paint my nails? “PF10 + DF56 with bucky barnes please!!”
og posts: otp prompts, physical affection prompts
(PF1) person a reading to person b
(PF2) walking home in the rain
(PF3) person a giving person b their coat
(PF4) person a braiding person b’s hair
(PF5) person a learning to braid person b’s hair
(PF6) person a carrying around scrunchies and hair ties for person b
(PF7) person a playing with person b’s hair
(PF8) person a doing person b’s makeup
(PF9) painting each other’s nails
(PF10) person a painting person b’s nails because they’re hurt
(PF11) solving crimes
(PF12) committing crimes
(PF13) baking together
(PF14) cooking together
(PF15) person a bringing person b their favorite drink
(PF16) person a giving person b a stuffed animal and finding them sleeping with it years later
(PF17) person a sleeping with person b’s shirt
(PF18) person a making their pillow smell like person b when they’re away
(PF19) writing each other letters
(PF20) too long hugs
(PF21) person a tugging the bottom of person b’s shirt
(PF22) person a wiping food away from person b’s lips
(PF23) running hugs
(PF24) jumping hugs
(PF25) person a squishing person b’s cheeks
(PF26) person a wiping person b’s tears away
(PF27) person a comforting person b after a nightmare
(PF28) person a lifting person b up out of excitement
(PF29) incredibly loud and painful high five
(PF30) person a accidentally knocking their head into person b’s chin
(PF31) confusing a handshake for a fist bump or hug
(PF32) person a won’t let person b out of bed by cuddling them
(PF33) person a making funny faces until person b notices and laughs
(PF34) person a has a cast, and person b is doodling on it to cheer them up
kiss prompts
og posts: otp prompts, physical affection prompts
(PK1) sleepy kisses
(PK2) head kisses
(PK3) shoulder kisses
(PK4) forehead kisses
(PK5) kisses because of time apart
(PK6) knuckle kisses
(PK7) person a peppering kisses all over person b’s face
(PK8) prize kisses 
(PK9) kissing scars, bruises, scratches, etc.
(PH1) truth serum
(PH2) person a and b stranded on a raft in the middle of a lake
(PH3) person a posts a picture of person b and it becomes a meme
(PH4) person a and b stuck on a ferris wheel
soulmate au prompts
og posts: prompt list, prompt list, 170 dialogue prompts, 200 prompts
(DF1) “you sleep cute.“
(DF2) “will you marry me?“
(DF3) “marry me.“
(DF4) “you fell asleep, i couldn’t move.“
(DF5) “i wish i could kiss away all your scars.“
(DF6) “i think i’m falling in love with you.“
(DF7) “it’s okay to cry.“
(DF8) “you’re so warm.“
(DF9) “is that my shirt?“
(DF10) “breathe.“
(DF11) “be safe.”
(DF12) “you’re okay.”
(DF13) “you’re safe.”
(DF14) “everything is going to be okay.”
(DF15) “trade with me, yours looks better.”
(DF16) “cuddle with me.”
(DF17) “is that my shirt?”
(DF18) “that looks better on you than on me.”
(DF19) “hands off the merchandise, babe.”
(DF20) “it’s like my boyfriend is a child.”
(DF21) “let me play with your hair.”
(DF22) “your hair is so soft.”
(DF23) “can i braid your hair?”
(DF24) “i learned how to do it for you.”
(DF25) “braid my hair? you do it so much better.”
(DF26) “i missed you so much.”
(DF27) “so what if i’m whipped?”
(DF28) “my mom wants to know when we’re having kids.”
(DF29) “move in with me.”
(DF30) “i think you’re my soulmate.”
(DF31) “maybe if you stop staring at her and actually talk to her, you might have a chance.”
(DF32) “breathe with me.”
(DF33) “did you just call me your boyfriend/girlfriend?”
(DF34) “did you just call me babe?”
(DF35) “they love me?”
(DF36) “are you single?”
(DF37) “are you throwing rocks at my window?”
(DF38) “you are so amazing. i don’t know how i got so lucky.”
(DF39) “is that mine?”
(DF40) “don’t cry!”
(DF41) “are you going to cry? please don’t cry.”
(DF42) “i’m yours.”
(DF43) “you’re mine.”
(DF44) “you have the prettiest eyes.”
(DF45) “you’re my hero.”
(DF46) “you came!”
(DF47) “i hate everyone except you.”
(DF48) “can you just hold me?”
(DF49) “i honestly just wanted to hold your hand.”
(DF50) “i fell in love with you the moment i saw you.”
(DF51) “you’re a goddess and deserve to be treated like one.”
(DF52) “is that a puppy?”
(DF53) “i just need you.”
(DF54) “you’re really cute.”
(DF55) “god, you’re adorable.”
(DF56) “will you paint my nails?”
og posts: prompt list, prompt list, 170 dialogue prompts, 200 prompts
(DA1) “what is your problem?“
(DA2) “you’re scaring me!”
(DA3) “you’re too late.”
(DA4) “it’s too late.”
(DA5) “sorry doesn’t fix everything.”
(DA6) “you just flinched.”
(DA7) “why did you flinch?”
(DA8) “you can’t save everyone.”
(DA9) “you can’t save me.”
(DA10) “you left me!”
(DA11) “you don’t get to say sorry anymore!”
(DA12) “there’s so much blood.”
(DA13) “you have to make it.”
(DA14) “come back to me.”
(DA15) “choose. them or me.”
(DA16) “are you mad at me?”
(DA17) “you didn’t think about me at all?”
(DA18) “touch me, and i’ll chop your hand off.”
(DA19) “touch her, and i’ll murder you.”
(DA20) “i’m not the bad guy here.”
(DA21) “put down the knife.”
(DA22) “something is wrong.”
(DA23) “i wasn’t enough for you, you made that clear.”
(DA24) “they left me.”
(DA25) “they’re in love with someone else.”
(DA26) “please don’t leave me.”
(DA27) “please don’t take them.”
(DA28) “my parent misses you.”
(DA29) “i got stood up.”
(DA30) “i’m not one of the good guys.”
(DA31) “where did you get those bruises?”
(DA32) “are those bruises?”
og posts: sentence starters, 200 prompts
(DH1) “what the hell did you just drink/eat?“
(DH2) “what the hell did i just drink/eat?”
(DH3) “i don’t think that’s edible.”
(DH4) “everything is edible at least once.”
(DH5) “i don’t think you were supposed to eat that.”
(DH6) “that is... definitely there.”
(DH7) “that sounds like a terrible idea. we should do it.”
(DH8) “how dumb can you be?”
(DH9) “are you drunk?”
(DH10) “don’t smell that!”
(DH11) “that was stupid.”
(DH12) “i didn’t know you could fly,” “i can’t.”
(DH13) “you really don’t know how to talk to girls, do you?”
(DH14) “stop quoting vines.”
(DH15) “if you take my blanket again, i will put my cold feet on you.”
(DH16) “if i act like i care, will this be over faster?”
(DH17) “it’s my natural reaction to stupidity.”
(DH18) “i’m pretty sure i didn’t do it.”
(DH19) “please stop getting shot, it stresses me out.”
(DH20) “when i finish making sure you don’t die, i will kill you.”
(DH21) “do you need a hug or something?”
(DH22) “you’re getting blood all over my carpet!”
(DH23) “i don’t know if i want to kiss you or shove you off a cliff.”
“can i pick?”
(DH24) “are you sure i can’t punch him?”
(DH25) “that has got to be the lamest pick up line ever.”
“does that mean it didn’t work?”
(DH26) “i love you so much, but your cooking is dangerous.”
(DH27) “i think they broke them.”
(DH28) “i think i broke them.”
(DH29) “you are a real pain in my ass.”
(DH30) “right. back to bed with you.”
(DH31) “does my being half- naked not bother you?”
(DH32) “i’m not human. i don’t sleep.”
(DH33) “no! i don’t need your help!” “fine. die.”
(DH36) "april fools!" "it's not april."
neutral (can go either way)
og posts: prompt list, prompt list, 170 dialogue prompts, 200 prompts
(DN1) “shut up and kiss me.“
(DN2) “you’re going to fall.”
(DN3) “you’re an idiot.”
(DN4) “i don’t want to be alone.”
(DN5) “please stay.”
(DN6) “you’re going to fall.”
(DN7) “do it again.”
(DN8) “i dare you”
(DN9) “you’re so cold.”
(DN10) “don’t leave me.”
(DN11) “it was just a dream.”
(DN12) “i’ll always be here.”
(DN13) “forget it.”
(DN14) “forget i said anything.”
(DN15) “don’t do that!”
(DN16) “can you shut up?”
(DN17) “take my hand.”
(DN18) “hold my hand.”
(DN19) “i lost them”
(DN20) “i can’t find them.”
(DN21) “i’m tired.”
(DN22) “how much of that did you hear?”
(DN23) “did you mean that?”
(DN24) “why did you say that?”
(DN25) “why won’t you let me help?”
(DN26) “will you pretend to date me?”
(DN27) “you’re lying to my face.”
(DN28) “did you think i wouldn’t find out?”
(DN29) “do you trust me?”
(DN30) “stay close to me.”
(DN31) “come with me, i don’t want to go alone.
(DN32) “they stare at you all the time.”
(DN33) “are you crying?”
(DN34) “they were crying because of you.”
(DN35) “stop ignoring me.”
(DN36) “they ambushed me!”
(DN37) “are you jealous?”
(DN38) “what the hell did they do to you?”
(DN39) “how long have you been standing there?”
(DN40) “are you bleeding?”
(DN41) “is that blood?”
(DN42) “what was that noise?”
(DN43) “what did you just say?”
(DN44) “you should sleep.”
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queerdiaz · 3 years
Sour lyrics prompt list:
"I want it to be, like, messy"
"I'm so tired that I might quit my job, start a new life"
"And I'm so sick of seventeen, where's my fuckin' teenage dream?"
"All I did was try my best, this the kind of thanks I get"
"Got a broken ego, a broken heart"
"I played dumb but I always knew"
"You betrayed me"
"Loved you at your worst but that didn't matter"
"Guess you didn't cheat, but you're still a traitor"
"And I just can't imagine how you could be so okay now that I'm gone"
"God, I wish that you had thought this through before I went and fell in love with you"
driver's license-
"Crying cause you weren't around"
"How could I ever love someone else?"
"I know we weren't perfect but I've never felt this way for no one"
" I just can't imagine how you could be so okay now that I'm gone"
"I'm so blue, know we're through but I still fuckin' love you, babe"
"Guess you didn't mean what you wrote in that song about me"
"You said forever, now I drive alone past your street"
1 step forward, 3 steps back-
"You got me fucked up in the head, boy"
"I hate that I gave you power over that kind of stuff"
"It's always one step forward and three steps back"
"Do you love me, want me, hate me? Boy, I don't understand"
"Maybe, this is all your fault"
"The roller coaster's all I've ever had"
"No, I don't understand"
deja vu-
"Strawberry ice cream, one spoon for two"
"Bein' annoying, singin’ in harmony"
"So when you gonna tell her that we did that, too?"
"I hate to think that I was just your type"
"That was our place, I found it first"
"Do you get deja vu?"
"I know you get deja vu"
good 4 u-
"Remember when you said that you wanted to give me the world?"
"Well, good for you"
"God, I wish that I could do that"
"I've lost my mind"
"Crying on the floor of my bathroom"
"You're so unaffected"
"Well, screw that, and screw you"
"Maybe I'm too emotional"
"Your apathy is like a wound in salt"
"Maybe you never cared at all"
"You moved on really easily"
enough for you-
"Tried so hard to be everything that you like"
"I knew how you took your coffee"
"The next second, you were gone"
"Stupid, emotional, obsessive little me"
"I knew from the start this is exactly how you'd leave"
"You left me there cryin', wonderin' what I did wrong"
"You always say I'm never satisfied"
"All I ever wanted was to be enough"
"I just want myself back"
"Someday I'll be everything to somebody else"
"Nothing's ever enough for you"
"You've moved on, found someone new"
"She's so sweet, she's so pretty"
"I hope you're happy"
"I'm selfish, I know, I can't let you go"
"She's beautiful, she looks kind"
"She probably gets you butterflies"
"I wish you all the best, really"
"I hope you're happy but don't be happier"
jealousy, jealousy-
"I kinda wanna throw my phone across the room"
"Wish I didn't care"
"It feels like that weight is on my back"
"I can't let it go"
"I think too much"
"Oh God, I sound crazy"
"All I see is what I should be"
"Jealousy started following me"
favorite crime
"Know that I loved you so bad"
"I was your willing accomplice, honey"
"One heart broke, four hands bloody"
"I hope I was your favorite crime"
"I crossed my heart as you crossed the line"
"I wonder if you're around"
"You know that I'd do it all again"
"Everything we broke and all the trouble that we made"
"I say that I hate you with a smile on my face"
"Oh, look what we became"
hope ur ok-
"I knew a boy once when I was small"
"His parents cared more about the Bible than being good to their own child"
"Hope he took his bad deal and made a royal flush"
"She raised her brothers on hеr own"
"She was tired, 'cause she was brought into a world where family was merely blood"
"I miss you"
"Address the letters to the holes in my butterfly wings"
"Nothing's forever"
"Nothing's as good as it seems"
 "I hope you know how proud I am you were created"
"With the courage to unlearn all of their hatred"
"I hope that you're happier today"
"'Cause I love you"
"I hope that you're okay"
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