#it sucks bc sometimes i’m like Oh this is the perfect word in this sentence
zamalie · 11 months
there are so many words that i thought exist that just straight up don’t from misreading common words and never hearing them being said out loud until too late
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
every time you post something new i’m absolutely blown away by how deeply you seem to understand yoongi. like everything he does in this chapter just seems so in character. the way he ran to her when she couldn’t get a word out because her heart was too heavy I SCREAMED ACTUALLY. i truly feel like yoongi would drop everything for his lover because that’s what really matters above all else. like tae said he was probably having an even harder time and i really admire the strength.
i felt physical dread in my stomach while reading the first half. i really feel like i’m there experiencing it. this chapter sucked me in to the point where i felt like i almost couldn’t hear the world around me. felt like i was going to cry for a good while but made it out without shedding a tear a real feat for me i cry about everything
so many things that had me kicking my feet and as a fic writer myself i’m going to include them bc i know i like it when people give me specific reactions
“It was just nights ago that you cradled all his moonlight in your palms.” YOUR WORDS INCREDIBLE MY HEART ACHING
“Yes my love” RYEN RIP MY HEART OUT AND STOMP ON IT IM SURE IT WOULD HURT ME LESS. i know this is a happier moment but the way i vocalized so hard i need some citrón tea
the smut was so delicious and i didn’t expect it to be THAT. it makes so much sense because of the MONTHS of frustration but the way it manifested was just perfect. the changing of positions and begging and her FUCKING SHOES !!!!!! scrumdiddlyumptious ! a full course fucking meal.
ryen you never disappoint and i’m so excited to read the other half of this chapter even if it’s going to leave me crying and damaging my vocal chords.
i’m sorry this is very long i just enjoyed it so much. anyways thank you and now i’m going to make theories with my bestie🫶🏻💜
AHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH OMFGGG! i love your commentary let me bring this to under a cut so we can converse >:D
every time you post something new i’m absolutely blown away by how deeply you seem to understand yoongi. like everything he does in this chapter just seems so in character. the way he ran to her when she couldn’t get a word out because her heart was too heavy I SCREAMED ACTUALLY. i truly feel like yoongi would drop everything for his lover because that’s what really matters above all else. like tae said he was probably having an even harder time and i really admire the strength.
oh. my god. i'm blushing so hard?? not even two sentences in and i'm already hiding in my hoodie LOL you are way too kind. he really said "where are you" like that was his first reaction? the way my heart beat so damn loud😭 this man got serious quick. thank you for saying that about him.. i truly do love 3tan yoongi with all my heart and wanna protect him at all costs.
i felt physical dread in my stomach while reading the first half. i really feel like i’m there experiencing it. this chapter sucked me in to the point where i felt like i almost couldn’t hear the world around me. felt like i was going to cry for a good while but made it out without shedding a tear a real feat for me i cry about everything
whoa. that is some huge praise! it's so interesting to hear too bc when i'm working on it, sometimes i just get lost during the writing process that time goes by and i don't really remember what i wrote. so when i go back to read, it's kind of a surprise! the dialogue itself sometimes gets me immersed enough like i'm actually in it, and i'm just writing what they're all saying?? super intriguing.
so many things that had me kicking my feet and as a fic writer myself i’m going to include them bc i know i like it when people give me specific reactions
YOURE SO REAL FOR THIS THANK YOU T^T “It was just nights ago that you cradled all his moonlight in your palms.” YOUR WORDS INCREDIBLE MY HEART ACHING
i am blushing again!!
“Yes my love” RYEN RIP MY HEART OUT AND STOMP ON IT IM SURE IT WOULD HURT ME LESS. i know this is a happier moment but the way i vocalized so hard i need some citrón tea
umm no lie you made me want citron tea so much that i had it the same night you sent this LOLL. it helped a lot because my brain was so fried from posting, so thank you for that😂 BUT ALSO THIS LINE YEAH....
i really did think of him during this moment and ugh.. to be able to listen to something like that would be so.. yeah.
STOP IT x1000 IM GONNA FLIP THIS DESK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the smut was so delicious and i didn’t expect it to be THAT. it makes so much sense because of the MONTHS of frustration but the way it manifested was just perfect. the changing of positions and begging and her FUCKING SHOES !!!!!! scrumdiddlyumptious ! a full course fucking meal.
oh gosh.. this makes me so happy bc like,, i think smut is still my weakest point lol. like i really need to get better at it! but this was so intense because of the buildup and i know i needed it to be Extra Spicy, you know? THE HEEEEEEEEELS FCK.
ryen you never disappoint and i’m so excited to read the other half of this chapter even if it’s going to leave me crying and damaging my vocal chords. i’m sorry this is very long i just enjoyed it so much. anyways thank you and now i’m going to make theories with my bestie🫶🏻💜
WAIT I WANNA HEAR THE THEORIES ARE YALL GONNA GATEKEEP OR- lmfao i love yall! thank you so so much for reading and for the kind as hell words. you have know idea how happy you made me feel!
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emsvegetables · 4 years
“Okay, here it goes. Fem!SO HCs who's Suga, Noya, Akaashi, Bokuto and Kenma's gf getting mocked by her own family that she's worthless, useless and ugly (since she's short and chubby) and that no one will love her. She distances herself from the boys. How the boys find out and approach + comfort/reassure her will be up to you. I've been struggling with this for years (except the fact that it's an internal struggle with myself, my family doesn't hurt me like that) and it really sucks. - 🐳 anon”
oh shit, anon, i’m so, so sorry that you’re going through something like this. I cant say that i’m dealing with an exact situation like yours but i’ve gone through something like that before!!!! It’s never nice to go through this alone, and just remember my PMs are always open if you need a chat!!!!!
also, i’m so sorry, but i don’t want to portray the incident wrongly, so i’ll leave the words your family says to you very vague.
* He’s a really dutiful boyfriend, so he pays a lot of attention to you.
* He doesn’t find out quickly, but it’s something he slowly picks up upon after dating you.
* Sometimes, when he comes over, it’s really obvious that you try your best to not bump into your family members when he’s there, and even if you do bump into them, you mutter out a quick apology and hurry back to the room with him.
* He’s barely exchanged seven sentences with your parents ever since he started to date you, so of course he’s a little curious about that.
* But one day he’s calling you, and you tell him that you need to go abruptly when door to your room opens.
* You press the wrong button and stop video sharing instead of ending the call, and shock sets into Sugawara when he hears the words that your father spews at you.
* He knows that you don’t want him to listen to this, but he can’t help but continue to hear the words your father throws at you.
* Unknowingly, a tear slides down his cheek.
* You of course find out that Sugawara heard the entire thing when you look back at your phone after your father left your room to see that the call was still ongoing.
* The next day, when you see each other in school, it’s obvious that you’re avoiding him, what with you texting him that you won’t meet up with him to walk to school together, and coming into class just a few seconds before the teacher walks in, so he has no chance to talk to you.
* The moment a break comes, you’re running out of the classroom and by the time he hears out, you’re nowhere to be seen.
* Then lunch time comes, and before you speed off, Suga’s grabbing your wrists softly and telling you that the both of you need to talk.
* He brings you to the gym, who has no one during the lunch time, and asks you quietly if what he overheard yesterday was a regular occurrence.
* When you nod timidly, he’s feeling this ache in his heart, because why were you being treated that way??????????
* He’s hugging you and telling you that you aren’t worthless, nor are you ugly, and that you’re perfect to him.
* He’s also telling you that you can come over to his house any time you like, and to call him whenever something like that happens again, because he’ll find a way to get you out of it.
* He loves you so much, and he thinks you’re absolutely beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!! Nobody can tell you otherwise and he won’t let them.
* Tbh Nishinoya is VERY attentive to his surroundings, bc that’s what a libero is supposed to be!!!!
* So he finds it very, very weird whenever he goes over to your house, and finds out that you’re super quiet in front of your family.
* He’s like: something doesn’t add up here. ):(
* He doesn’t find out until one day, he leaves his phone in your house and he only realised it a few minutes after he left, so he’s running back to your house.
* But then before he knocks on the door, he’s suddenly hearing words that nobody should even hear, and he hears your name, and he realises its being directed to you.
* HES GOING ROLLING THUNDER AND rolling to your garden, and peering through the kitchen window.
* When he sees that he isn’t hearing wrongly, or imagining things, he rolling back to the front door and knocking heavily on the door.
* The shouts immediately cease, and your father opens the door with a smile on his face, and Nishinoya has never wanted to punch a face so badly before.
* You can tell from the way he’s forcing out a smile that he’s heard everything, and you quickly pass him the phone and get him to leave.
* When he tries to corner you the next day at school, it’s plain obvious to anyone, especially him, that you’re avoiding him.
* You’re turning the other way when you see him at the end of the corridor, you’re ignoring him in class, and he’s feeling so sad.
* So he’s instantly running after you the moment school ends, and he’s dragging you to the rooftop to talk to you.
* He’s straightforward, and asks you right away whether whatever he heard your dad say to you happened all the time.
* When you flinch, and nod, he’s instantly clenching his fist, and he’s punching the wall, because why the HELL was anyone treating you that way?????
* He’s telling you that the next time it happens, you should call him because he’s coming over to get you out of that family, and he’s telling you that whatever your family said to you isn’t true, and that you’re bloody gorgeous and if anyone tells you otherwise he’s breaking their face with his fists.
* He makes good on that promise when he comes to visit you in your house a few days later, and accidentally tripping forward and punching your dad in the gut.
* He’s very, very perceptive, so any moment where something’s wrong his (Y/N) radar is going off and he needs to know if you’re okay.
* He notices how quiet you become whenever you’re around your family, and how you mutter out soft apologies to every thing you do, almost as if it’s been ingrained in your mind.
* He doesn’t find out until one day, he goes to the bathroom while you continue chilling in your room, and suddenly he’s hearing the most degrading words being said, and they’re being directed at you.
* It dawns on him that your father thinks that he left, and it pisses him off to hear how your dad thinks of you.
* For goodness’ sake, he’s your family.
* Family isn’t supposed to act like that.
* He knows he isn’t supposed to be hearing any of those words, but he doesn’t care because all he’s thinking about at that moment is how he was going to cut in.
* So he opens the toilet door as loudly as he cans, and tries to keep his steps soft, and he knocks on the door with a loud cough.
* The voices instantly cease, and when your father comes face to face with Akaashi, you swear, if looks could kill, your father would have dropped dead.
* Akaashi’s staying silent, but he’s grabbing onto your arms and pulling you out of the door.
* “I’m sorry, sir,” his voice is cold,” i would like to take (Y/N) for a walk.”
* When you guys reach a safe distance away from your house, he’s instantly checking to see if you’re okay, and he’s softly asking if that’s happened before.
* When he sees your head nod slightly, he feels this pain in his heart, because why would anyone treat you this way? What the hell was wrong with your family????
* He’s telling you that whenever you feel like you need to leave, you can always come over to his house, and he’ll have a spare bedroom ready for you should you ever want to stay over, and asks you to promise to call him whenever something like that happens again, because he’s running over as fast as he can to remove you from that toxic environment.
* He’s also pressing kisses to your forehead, and telling you that you’re beautiful, and absolutely gorgeous to him, and that you aren’t worthless, and that he loves you so much.
* Okay, Bokuto’s not the most observant, but what he lacks in intelligence he makes up with emotions!!!!
* He can tell when you’re upset, and for some mysterious reason (that he’s trying his best to find out), you’re upset most of the time.
* It doesn’t really click to him until he’s chilling with you one day in your room and your father returns from work, yelling at you to come out.
* He obviously doesn’t know that Bokuto’s here, because your father has never ever raised his voice in front of Bokuto.
* When you tell Bokuto to stay in the room, he watches you head out, and realises how you sink just a little bit, and suddenly he’s hearing a endless amount of insults streaming at you.
* Bokuto doesn’t get angry easily.
* Sure, he has mini tantrums, but it’s all him feeling sad at himself, he’s never angry.
* But when he hears the words getting thrown at you, he’s storming out of your room, and trust me, an angry Bokuto is someone no one wants to mess with.
* He’s glaring at your dad, but he knows that he has to be respectful.
* “Sir, i’d appreciate if you don’t speak to (Y/N) that way.”
* Your father obviously stops immediately, because he didn’t know Bokuto was here, and he keeps silent for a while, and walks into his own room, slamming the door.
* Bokuto’s instantly carrying you out of the house, bringing you to the nearby playground and placing you on the swing.
* “Does he speak to you like that all the time??????”
* He’s so confused because how can someone treat you that way? How can someone treat ANYONE that way??
* He’d be so angry, too, when you nod your head, because why were you getting hurt like that?????
* He’s instantly peppering kisses everywhere onto your face, and he’s telling you that you’re really pretty to him and that you aren’t worthless to him, and that you’re worth more than a bazillion good spikes to him, and that you mean the world to him.
* He loves you so much, and if he hears your dad treat you like that again, he’s going for the kneecaps, no warnings given.
* Kenma’s very analytical and very observant, so he obviously picks up on something being wrong after he spends some time with you.
* One thing he quickly picks up on is that you’re really reserved whenever he comes to visit you.
* Then he finds out why.
* He’s playing video games on your bed while you do your homework, and that’s when he hears the front door unlock.
* He hears your father call your name in an angry tone, and he instantly stiffens.
* “It’s okay, Kenma,” you shoot a wan smile at him,” i’ll go check what’s wrong.”
* It doesn’t escape his notice that you’re visibly dragging your feet downstairs.
* Then he’s hearing the way your dad speaks to you, harsh, biting words that should never, ever be spoken to anyone.
* He’s really shocked, because your dad has never appeared to him as anything as a doting father, so hearing those words make him so shocked, and at the same time, an ache appears in his chest.
* Then he hears you tell your dad that he’s here, and the house becomes silent again.
* You come back to the room after a while, and he knows better than to prod you, but he really, really wants to know if that happened regularly.
* “Are you okay?” he’s putting down his switch and asking you quietly.
* When you nod your head, he knows your lying, but he continues on.
* “Does this happen all the time?”
* He needs to know.
* When you nod your head slightly, he feels his heart break, because what did you do to deserve being treated like that?????
* He’s pulling you into a hug, and he’s telling you that you’re beautiful and amazing, and that you’re not worthless.
* And from then onwards, he’s trying his best to always get you out of the house, and if he hears your dad speak to you like that again, he’s going to make sure there’s hell to pay.
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anime-alyssa · 5 years
secret desires. (mando x reader)
You and the Mandalorian were temporary partners, nothing more, nothing less. The two of you are trying to find work at a cantia when you get hit on by another bounty hunter and your Mandalorian reacts differently than you expected afterwards.
Takes place after the events of Chapter 5.
IT FUCKIN TOOK ME LONG ENOUGH TO WRITE THIS, EY? SMUT BELOW THE CUT. for des bc its her birthday. happy birthday hoe here’s some mando porn.
also on ao3. 
You collapsed against the co-pilot’s chair, The Child in your lap cooing and looking up at you curiously. He was wide awake despite it being the middle of the night, making you grunt softly. You had grown to love the little green creature, protecting it with your life and taking care of it like your own. The Child’s eyes darted over to your partner, putting himself into the pilot’s seat and preparing the Razorcrest for take off.
The Mandalorian was a man of few words, you learned. He didn’t speak very often. You had wandered into him while searching for the very bounty you held in your lap and had offered to split the profit after bringing him in, then to help rescue the Child and find it a safe place to grow up. Unfortunately it was still being tracked and the two of you had been on the run ever since, making your temporary partnership a lot longer than either of you anticipated.
You didn’t mind his company, really. He was quiet and you sure could get used to a Mandalorian always being around you. You were intrigued by him - you wanted to see what was under all that armor. Of course, you know it’s not the way for them to take it off, especially the helmet, so you could really only dream right now. You liked to imagine him built, since the armor was hulking. Built but fit. You didn’t have these feelings until recently for him - sexual feelings and attraction. You didn’t know you could be attracted to someone in which you had no idea what they looked like, but here you were.
You were dying to get back to your bunk and just tuck in and touch yourself after what happened earlier today. You two were at a cantina on Tattooine trying to find work and a rookie bounty hunter, who later the Mandalorian killed himself, started hitting on you. At first it was mindless flirting, but then it escalated very quickly.
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing as a bounty hunter?” the rookie asked you. You rolled your eyes at him, looking him dead in the face. You would sleep with him if you had more shots of tequila or something, but at the moment you wanted to kick his teeth in. Unbeknownst to you, the Mandalorian tensed up besides you listening to the way he spoke to you.
“Same as you. Trying to make a living, earn money. You know, surviving.” you replied back to him.
“I can think of a few other things a pretty girl like you could do instead of this…”
“That’s enough. Do you want our help or not?” Mando asked him, shoving him back and you behind him.
You hadn’t been able to get the scene out of your mind since. The way he pushed him back, pushed you behind him…. dare you say he was jealous? You couldn’t know, there was no way for you to know. For all you know he was just being a decent person and taking you out of a situation you were clearly uncomfortable with.
But you secretly hoped he was jealous. And the thought of that made your cunt clench in between your legs, along with the thought of how hot it was that he intervened. The second you were in lightspeed you were out to your bunk, leaving the Child with him.
The Child was now asleep in your arms, so you put it into its cradle and shut the lid, encasing it in darkness so that it would stay asleep. You swiveled in your seat a little, feeling your frustration grow in between your legs. This wasn’t the first time you had touched yourself fantasizing about the Mandalorian. It’s been happening more often than it used to and in all honesty, you didn’t mind it. You had constant fantasy of taking his cock in your mouth and him inside of you… it was nothing but a fantasy unfortunately.
You didn’t have the guts to make any moves on him and you fairly assumed that he didn’t give a shit about you, given that originally he didn’t even want you on his ship anyway. The only reason why you were on the ship with him was because the Child liked you and the bonus was that you could fight pretty well. So he kept you around, but always made comments that the second he found a way to get the bounty off the kid and himself you had to move on.
The silencing was nearly deafening in the cockpit of the Razorcrest. Neither of you were much for words, but you always asked if it was alright for you to retire. Just incase he did need anything before you went. Sometimes he would straight tell you to sleep. But right now you were curious to see if he would say anything about the days events. It had been a wild day, attempting to work with that rookie, him betraying the two of them and then of course, the cantina. You didn’t think he would say anything, so you readied yourself to make your departure.
“Earlier… I apologize if I was out of line.” the Mandalorian spoke up in the silence. It nearly made you jump, heart beating fast in your chest.
“It’s fine. Appreciate it, but I can handle creeps on my own, though. It happens all too often.” you said back to him. You got up to make your way over to the ladder to head back down to your bunk. But he shot his arm out and grabbed hold of your wrist before you could get any further past his seat. You looked at him quizzically, heart pounding in your chest. What was he up too? “Don’t make me go on thinking you care about me, Mando.” you said light-heartedly with a small laugh on the end. You know that you’d love it if he did. It was just too good to be true.
“I think I just might.” he said to you, turning you to face him. He was looking at you through his helmet and you were staring back at him with wide eyes. “I… hear you sometimes. At night. You’re not as quiet as you think.” he said you, approaching you slowly. You felt your stomach drop down your body. Oh god. You were completely embarrassed that he actually heard you, despite how quiet you tried to keep yourself. If this was a normal situation this would be the part where you said ‘fuck it’ and kissed him - but this wasn’t normal. You stood there frozen as he was now chest to chest with you, metal pressing up against your clothed chest. A million thoughts raced through your mind and for some reason you stood there, not knowing what to do. If this was going to happen, it was obvious at this point that he was in control of the situation.
Slowly he started to move his hand that wasn’t on your wrist up your stomach. You wondered what he was doing until your breath hitched in your throat when his gloved hand gently sat on one of your breasts and started to squeeze. You suppressed a small moan in your throat, the surprise catching you off guard more than anything. Was this really happening? Was he really doing this? The hand on your wrist moved to the back of you, reaching down to take a handful of your ass in his hand. This time you let out a soft moan, so soft that you hoped he didn’t hear how much you wanted him. He kept working both of his hands on your body and you bit the inside of your mouth to keep yourself from getting any louder. He stopped what he was doing and you looked back at him, his helmet staring into you.
“If you stop yourself from making those pretty noises again, I’m discarding you with the Hutts.” he threatened lowly. Somehow the way that sentence came out of his mouth distorted by the modulator only turned you on more. You nodded slowly as he looked away from you for a brief second and left your side. You whined a little bit at the loss of contact but excitement grew in you as you saw what he was doing. On the floor was a spare piece of some sort of fabric, been there for god knows how long. You watched with narrow eyes as you saw him folding it the long way, analyzing it. “This should be good.” he said, walking over to you.
“Are you—”
“Close your eyes.” he said to you. You inhaled deeply as you did so, feeling the rough fabric cover your eyes and tie in the back tightly. You anxiety started to swirl upon realizing that you were not able to see. You lost balance for a brief second in your panic but a pair of strong arms caught you in time. “Relax.” you heard a low, deep unfiltered voice in your ears as he wrapped your arms around him.
Oh lord he took his helmet off. You had a feeling thats what was going to happen when he put the blindfold on you but for some reason you lost all logic that he was actually going to do it after you stopped being able to see. He trailed soft kisses up you, starting at your shoulder blade, biting and sucking gently as he went. When he reached your neck he took a little more time to leave his mark on you, causing you to moan out and fall back in his arms, head hanging loosely. You heard him let out a hum of pleasure in knowing that he was able to do this to you as he kept moving slowly up your neck until finally, he reached your lips. And oh maker - you’d wear the damn blindfold all day if it meant that you were able to kiss him like this more often. His soft lips meshed against yours perfectly, filled with lust. He wanted you.
He lowered the both of you to the ground slowly, you under him and him on top of you. Your lips were still together and you didn’t think you ever wanted to stop kissing him. The warmth in your stomach was unlike anything you had felt before. No one’s made you feel the way he does.
To your dismay, he took his lips off of yours to start working your shirt off of you. He let out an audible grunt when you heard your shirt thump to the floor next to you.
“Perfect… fucking perfect.” he said from above you. You felt heat flush to your cheeks as you heard two more items of clothing discarded next to you, but it wasn’t your own. Suddenly you felt his hands on both your breasts, pulling and tugging at your nipples slowly. “Never seen anything more perfect than you.” he said, placing his lips on one of your nipples. You moaned loudly, loud enough to probably wake up the Child but you didn’t care. Everything you had been fantasizing about the past few weeks was coming true. His free hand went down to your pants, sliding off them and your underwear with ease. You mentally begged him to move down your body more. You needed his lips on your pussy.
“Please…” you breathed out quietly. He chuckled against you, taking his mouth off your nipple to bring himself even with you. Of course you couldn’t see this, but you were beginning to almost feel his presence and where he was around you.
“Please, what?” he said, kissing your neck softly before making his way back down your body. He knew what you were begging for and he was going to give it to you. He spread your legs and put your knees over each of his shoulders smoothly and slowly, so slowly that you didn’t even know if thats what he actually did.
“Put yo - your lips on me - oh!” You didn’t even have to finish speaking before he enveloped your cunt with the heat of his mouth. He dove his tongue right into your folds and got to work undoing you immediately. You moaned deliciously for him, managing to find his mop of hair in your blindness and tangled your hands in it. This seemed to motivate him to go faster as he sucked gently at your bud, making the heat inside of you start to boil slowly. It was only when he sunk two of his fingers inside of you that you cried out his name. “Mando!” you shouted as you felt your legs tighten around his shoulders.
You couldn’t see anything behind the blindfold he put on you but you could have sworn that you could see stars right about now. You let out moan after moan as he went down on you gracefully, eating you like it was the last thing he would ever have in his life and pounding his fingers into you like there was no tomorrow. He licked delicious stripes up your cunt, slurping up all your juices into his mouth. His stubble scratched at your thighs as with one last pump of his fingers, he curled them into you going all the way to the knuckle and sucked on your bud, making you scream his name out and clench around him. You were in ecstasy around him, coming on his lips, his fingers, and probably some of his face too. He slid his fingers out of you but continued to lap up every ounce of liquid that spilled out of you. You panted as he took his face off of your cunt slowly, almost not wanting to leave it. He lifted your legs off of his shoulders quickly and put them spread for him.
He groaned as he used one of his hands to work at his belt. You could hear him messily fumbling with the buckle as his other hand worked to get rid of his armor, hitting the floor with a clang as it was discarded from his body. You heard him grunt as skin slapped against skin for a moment before he hovered himself over you. He spread your legs gently further as he took his cock in his hand, and lined himself up with your entrance. You felt the head of his cock press into you ever so slightly, and then in one thrust - he was filling you completely. You both let out loud moans as he adjusted his positioning around you.
“Go- god. So- so tight. Fucking perfect-t.” He moaned to you as he ever so slowly started thrusting into you. He started out slow, to give you time to adjust and him time to get himself situated around you. But then he started to pick up the pace more, thrusting evenly and hard inside of you. His head hung next to you, his pants and moans echoing in your ears beautifully. You took a shot in the dark and turned your head to his, nudging your nose into his neck and bringing your lips to the skin there, gently biting the area to give him a mark that matched the one he made for you earlier. “F-f-f-fuck.” he moaned loudly.
The Mandalorian snapped his hips into you like it was the only thing he knew. His hands grabbed your hips, pulling them up towards his to give him the better angle of being able to fill you balls deep. It was bliss. The two of you were molded together in lust and sweat on the floor of his ship, nothing else but the two of you and your moans. He was hitting all the right spots inside of you, filling you entirely and tightly. The moans he was making into your ear helped aid you in coming close to your second orgasm. Your bites on his neck slowed as it was now your turn to moan, to cry out his name as he brought you closer to that edge.
“Please, keep going. Don’t stop - oh my god, Mando please.” you begged him. Sweat was pouring down your forehead as you felt yourself growing hot, once more feeling yourself getting taken over my ecstasy - almost. You were so close, so, so close when he railed himself into you and plowed home, him spilling moans out into your ear and you moaning out. The room echoed with your moans and the sound of skin slapping on skin.
“C-c-come for me, o-oh god I need you to - ugh.” he groaned into your ear deeply. And that was all it took for you to come undone around him.
“Shit - Mando!” you cried out. Your cunt clenched around his cock inside of you and your back arched against the floor as he pounded into you through your orgasm. Your muscles were tight and all you saw was white and stars behind your eyelids as you screamed the name you knew for him, your nails dragging down his back as you scratched into his back and bit down on his neck and moaned.
“Fuckfuckfuckfuck…” your Mandalorian moaned out as you felt his cock pulse inside of you, spilling his seed deep within you and stilling his thrusts as he moaned in a language that you didn’t know. His arms around you tightened as he brought you close to his chest, heaving and panting next to you. You finally went near limp in his arms, relaxing after you overcame your own high. He stayed in you for a minute before sliding out and collapsing on top of you. You felt the sweat from his own forehead against your shoulder as he rested his head there, regaining his composure.
It was silent except for your breathing. His arms were locked around you and yours still around him. You thought that once this was over he was going to just get dressed and you were going to scramble to your bunk half naked and be done with it. But he wanted to keep you two laying there, to enjoy the moment. He didn’t want to pass this up. You felt his lips on your shoulder softly.
“Stay. With me.” he said to you. It wasn’t really a question - it was a hope. He wanted you to stay with him.
“I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.” you said to him. You heard him chuckle and then he pressed his lips back to yours.
And you meant that.
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thanks ur mega cool too ;)
ikr sundays are damn depressing idk why it’s just something about the back to school dread
interesting. did you know eating cheese or any dairy before going to sleep causes weird dreams as well? idk why i know this but 🤷‍♀️
yayyy i’m happy for u guys :) glad you have found someone that makes you smile just from thinking about them
yeah i’m like hella short it’s really sad tbh. omg i imagine u would look amazing. gAsP and with red hair *applause*. ur fashion sense is just 👌 my dear friend it’s excellent.
omg yes. i would wear a cloak over a winter jacket any day. unfortunately canada gets so fucking cold that my limbs would freeze off if i did that, but i can still dream!
glad to be a source of self esteem friend bc god knows everyone else on this website needs some more. i mean self deprecating jokes are my jam, but confidence is excellent too
mmmm. i find that most caramel popcorn is like sickeningly sweet, and i have yet to find something actually edible of the caramel variety. o well regular popcorn is yummy enough for me
motivation is so rare. almost as rare as common sense and having more than one brain cell.
yes plz do and let me know what you think of it. when i went to new york for my birthday two years ago i literally panicked bc i didn’t know there was no tim hortons and since we were going out for breakfast i was like “well what the fuck do i eat then?”. it’s trippy sometimes tbh
hmm. favourite type of dragon? i don’t really have a favourite. just any dragon works for me so long as it’s not trying to set my ass on fire, u know the basics. yEs and i bet our dragon will be attractive too, bc u know attractive people attract attractive things.
that’s a lot of the same word in one sentence
ooh so you’ve been acting for a while! that’s cool. i literally just decided i wanted to go into acting when i watched the julie and the phantoms behind the scenes bc it looked so amazing! i just love the experience tbh
now i have a question for u: what was the reason you came onto tumblr?
*waves* adios amigo i hafta go write an english essay now sigh
until next time :)
I’m so tired and I don’t wanna do things but I’ve got so much work to do :(
Oh well
Sundays suck to me cause I have to move between my parents houses
Oh weird I didn’t know that dairy is a funky food man. It sometimes sets my illness off so I don’t eat it much late at night but yeah I feel like there’s a correlation between me having chocolate and me having whack dreams so. Hm.
Short people are adorable!! (read: my bf) Every time I read these I go UGH I WANT RED HAIR. Right now I’m wearing a pink ombré button up I bought yesterday and it would look SO GOOD with the red hair. My hair is red around the temples but then just brown and augggh. Anyhow.
Ah yes right the ~cold~. In my 🎶 Canadian crime show🎶 ((due south)) the dude was wearing this massive coat with a thick collar and it looked so comfy. I love coats and cold weather I think they’re both extremely nice. Do you like the cold? I would hope so given your location. How warm does it get?
Despite the fact that self deprecating jokes are very funny, confidence is just straight up way more fun! We did do some things in theater to improve our confidence, including having little fake interviews like we were quirky celebrities. That was extremely fun.
Caramel popcorn on its own is indeed intensely sweet and nearly inedible. However, the particular bag I was eating had cheddar and caramel together, which, although it sounds gross, actually provided the perfect balance if you ate them in pairs. So it was a lovely experience.
My brain cells have decided to do something rn, for the first time in CENTURIES and they will not do it for long. I bs’ed and recorded my orchestra, four months of work in two afternoons. Im simply a legend 😌 (/j). So now I’m finishing my history and I might even do some English too. I’ve got like a third of it left to go but some of the stuff I need is at moms. Oh well.
That’s valid most dragons are extremely cool. I think our dragon should be very cuddly so we don’t have to be cold during the Canadian winters. We can just snuggle the dragon!! The very pretty dragon just like us :)))
Oof that’s relatable I was left to fend for myself on Monday before theater and I lost my mind trying to decide what I wanted to eat. I ended up getting a subway pizza lol. It was very tasty. You can only order at the McDonald’s with the app which is annoying, but I guess subway is fast food too so like. It counts.
Yeah acting is That Thing I Do™️. It was in 6th grade that my director told my parents they had lost me to the theater and I temporarily felt like Rachel Barry from glee. I don’t feel like her anymore, however, because she is a bitch. (I’ve been watching glee compilations lately. I watched the first couple seasons a year or two ago and then got bored. But acting is so delightful it makes me happy.
I joined tumblr with a friend (who isn’t active right now) because all the gay kids did it and we were (are) gay. It was two summers ago that this happened. How about you?
Today you get a very long response, enjoy :))
To Clyde, my ghostie. By the way, your new aesthetic vibes!!
See u dude!!
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aqvarius · 4 years
I hope the rmd mc for kasumi is a bit different cuz she rly be hittin on my last nerve and I don’t think she would rly v✨i✨b✨e with kasumi in her current given state
i’ve decided i need to play matsunaga and cc before getting a better sense of the eicu guys but honestly some of these recent asks feel like my own brain jumped out of my head and started sending me anon asks lmao bc i totally agree. anyway i know it’s a controversial opinion to not like the rmd mc and i’m TRYING to be fair and put aside my bias against her and try to analyse what exactly it is that i don’t like, but yeah i just don’t really find that she has romantic chemistry with the characters (that i’ve read, i.e. takado and hosho). not that anyone ever asked for this, buuuuuut this ask has basically triggered yet another mc rant so stop reading here or get ready and settle down with some popcorn lmao.
DISCLAIMER: this is all just my personal opinion! and i’m sure many of you will disagree with me. please place a “i think/believe/feel” before every claim i make as everything i say here is just my own feeling towards her. i also need to disclaim that i have only properly read takado and hosho’s routes (bc i’m still...mad at sen’s route, and i’ve only made it through one chapter of matsunaga so far) and i understand (and fully subscribe to) the idea that mcs read differently depending on the route as well. and as always, please don’t let my opinions affect your own enjoyment of any characters or titles that you love!
ALSO as i was writing this, i went back and read my previous rant about her and i realised that i’m more or less reiterating the same points i made there but in a (hopefully) more structured and slightly more developed manner whoops. 
so here’s almost 3000 words and a whole bunch of screenshots under the cut because i don’t want to spam everyone’s dashboards with my unprompted Opinions(tm).
so anyway i’ve been thinking it’s a translation/tone thing. when i have the time/energy, i might sit down and really try to analyse the actual language, but just going off my intuition, i think maybe it’s because:
1. sometimes they choose to express something idiomatically and so that tone doesn’t come across as sincere. this isn’t a real example, but let’s think about the difference in tone between “oh no!” and “yikes”. because of modern day vernacular, we kind of associate “yikes” with a sarcastic and judgmental tone, whereas “oh no!” might connote a more genuinely concerned reaction. so sometimes i think that the use of very contemporary vernacular (which, lbr, trends towards a more sarcastic tone in general bc us gen z kids are mean) results in a lack of sincerity which makes the mc come across as a little more callous and less... actually kind and nice? i did get the feeling that hlitf mc has recently swayed towards this sort of tone as well and suspected that they had the same translator (which was confirmed later in a voltage Q&A). i’m definitely #biased but i can forgive this more because we had a good amount of content with her being adorable before the tone switch so i have a pre-established impression of her in my mind. 
by the way, i just want to say that while i do have this critique, i do really admire and respect the voltage translation and localisation team (and am... super indebted to them) and i do think they do fantastic translations generally. 
anyway, i believe this linguistic issue is at least partially responsible for my personal perception of the rmd mc’s personality that i expand on in the succeeding points, but my next point has more to do with the writing and characterisation of the most recent wave of mcs.
2. rmd mc has very few visible vulnerabilities. i think this is one of my biggest qualms with the new title mcs like rmd, destind and mk but i think stories are at their best when you get to see the mc fail and be vulnerable and wallow. the reason why i love certain mcs - particularly the ones whose titles and storylines centre around their careers (hlitf, irresistible mistakes, my last first kiss, scandal, celebrity darling, kiss of revenge, sleepless, otbs, arguably msb, etc.) - is because we get to see them fail and then grow. not only that, but you often get to see the relationship between the mc and the love interest deepen in these moments. but if you have a ‘perfect’ mc, then there’s no room for growth, so plotlines are forced to fall back on drama and trauma on the love interest’s side which... is exactly what rmd and mk do. 
this is not to say that rmd mc doesn’t make mistakes, because she certainly does, but i don’t find that they’re ever genuinely serious mistakes. for example, think about hlitf mc’s repeated mistake in season 1 of going after small crimes without seeing the bigger picture and thus potentially messing up an entire investigation. they allow her that space to mess up and be completely wrong for public safety. then they give her the time to be self-reflective and run away back to nagano really think about what her mistakes are, and where to go from there. she is confronted with humbling failure, and is forced to address issues about her own pride/ego, and matures into someone who has a more nuanced idea about justice. on the other hand, rmd mc never has to (consistently, afaik) go through a genuinely humbling experience, so she her pride/ego/arrogance never gets seriously called into question. maybe this is because the premise of rmd has to do with life and death and they don’t want to make it seem like she’s directly responsible for someone’s death, but hlitf also deals with life and death issues and the mc learns that if she messes up to save one civilian, she may actually be jeopardising the lives of tens or hundreds or more. 
anyway, taking takado’s route as an example, because this was our exposure to her as a character, the most frustrating thing is the way that she tries to lecture takado that he’s wrong about his attitude towards amputations, and never actually has to personally experience the potentially disastrous consequence of putting her ideology into practice. i think i would have enjoyed the route a lot more if she had gone over his head and naively made the decision not to do an amputation and then the person ended up dying or having to have a larger section amputated all because she was like uwu we can’t just cut off people’s limbs without waiting. i think if that situation had happened, we could have seen her actually have to confront her own naiveté and realise that she’s a noob and too idealistic and that reading a lot of medical journals does not translate to having actual field experience and intuition and who is she to question him like that when she knows nothing. she only realises that omg... we may have to consider some things with something called nuance... basically when more of takado’s backstory is revealed.  
(maybe this is because i work in academia so it extra-frustrates me, but omg if i had to one-on-one mentor a student like her, i would genuinely go nuts. she reminds me of some students that some colleagues and i have had where they  “well, actually” at everything you say bc they read some stuff on reddit or twitter that has absolutely not been proven through practical application of, or research conducted through the lens of, their theory. like imagine i told my advisors “despite being experts in [their respective fields] and having written numerous very important books, you’re wrong because i don’t agree but i have never myself conducted proper research to counter that!!”)
basically i wish they treated takado’s route like kaga’s routes (bc lbr takado and kaga are maybe... the same person?). look at the self-reflection here:
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and here:
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she does get down on herself at times, but look at the way that she humbly accepts her mistakes. sometimes she wallows on her mistakes, as anyone would, but look at the way she examines her failures and turns that feeling of inadequacy into motivation to work harder and smarter. 
by the way, these screenshots are from his ms1 and ms2 - so pretty early on - and we get to see her learn from these mistakes because she’s allowed to make them. we also get to learn more about kaga’s strictness and his kindness because of these mistakes.
i don’t know if the whole refusal to allow rmd mc to make significant errors is a response to readers who are like “omg.... why are voltage mcs so weak, why can’t they be perfect women who never get anything wrong” but ANYWAY i just feel like they never confront or address her hubris properly. 
3. following on from point 2, i find her one-dimensional. i’ve mentioned this before in a rant, but i don’t find her to be a very deep character bc to me, she reads as mostly surface level sass. i said: “her dialogue with them often reads as like they put 100 points in “snark” and 0 points in any other personality trait” lmao. so she’s great in one-off screenshots where you can see her bite back with a very screenshottable one-liner, but i find it tiring to have 30 chapters of her just literally running her mouth. because of this constant tone that they keep giving her, i find it really difficult to see any emotional depth in her character. because she’s the perspective character, her internal dialogue is just as, if not more, important as the love interest’s external dialogue in terms of carrying the emotional weight of falling in love, and i just don’t understand how there’s any sense of two people falling in love and getting to know each other when every sentence out of her mouth is just sass. can you imagine you meet someone and you get to know them but never have any genuine conversations bc every line out of your mouth is sarcastic? like your date is opening up and telling you about some difficulties he’s going through (which i’m sure you all know is a very vulnerable and scary thing to do) and instead of being empathetic and kind and understanding, you’re just like “sucks to be you dude”. and instead of saying “you don’t need to carry everything on your shoulders”, you say “you’re STUBBORN and i’m RIGHT”. OF COURSE i’m being kind of hyperbolic here (not even that much tho, see screenshots below) but that’s basically the tone she constantly takes. 
so when takado opens up about the rina thing, instead of being like “oh shit i’ve been judging him all this time and i’m genuinely sorry because i didn’t know a thing about you and yet i’ve been running my mouth”, she says “your head is as hard as a rock ya know?” and then KEEPS GOING. 
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where’s the empathy sis? where is it? i’m looking but i can’t find it.
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and then the writers just push off her rudeness as like “it’s okay it’s chill!! takado laughed about it afterwards and it made the issue sound insignificant!!” even tho it’s obviously an extremely traumatic thing? WHY does he even fall in love with her??? i don’t UNDERSTAND alsdkfjs she has NO FEELINGS!! i just want genuinely romantic moments... is that too much to ask... it’s called romance md...
once again, let’s compare that to hlitf mc, when she finds out about kaga’s trauma. literally the FIRST reaction she has is to consider his feelings.
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without even hearing his side of the story, she defends him because she trusts him and immediately empathises with him and the first thing she does is try to understand him and where he’s coming from. 
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later on, when she hears him just dismissing things and playing callous, she actually cries on his behalf, which shocks him because he’s not used to people caring about him:
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isn’t that a MASSIVE difference in reaction to essentially the same character opening up about their trauma? which do you find more conducive to developing emotional intimacy? in my opinion, it’s so much easier to fall in love with someone who supports you and has your back and trusts and believes in you and tries to understand you and can have a genuinely caring conversation with you when you need it. by the way, it’s not like kaga’s mc doesn’t sass him either! they have great bantery chemistry and she shit-talks him ALL THE TIME (a lot of the time under her breath and he’s like HUH? it’s great). 
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and yet... we still actively see her caring about him... instead of being like WHOOPS my tongue slipped, i can’t help that i’m naturally insubordinate ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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by the way, i’m not trying to put the onus on female characters/heroines to be caring/empathetic/kind/loving. i’m putting the onus on ALL characters to be caring/empathetic/kind/loving in their own ways if we’re supposed to be convinced that they’re falling in romantic love. sure, kaga’s mc is exceptionally loving but kaga returns that love with his own ALL the time ;~~; anyway i’m gonna stop talking about them for now bc otherwise i would just completely derail and keep going on and on about them. 
anyway, back to takado, i actually find him to be more caring and loving than his mc? i actually genuinely like takado as a character and i think that real life me and him would be great together so i’m like extra offended that he’s with her rather than ME??? i would treat him so much better. 
i consider this lack of emotional depth to actually be a bigger hindrance on my enjoyment of the game than the lack of flaws thing. voltage’s recent wave of mcs with the love choice titles have been trending towards the ‘perfect woman’ type of mc, but while i have some Thoughts(tm) here and there about the other protagonists, none of them strike me as being as hard to get along with as rmd’s mc. so i’ve mentioned my issue with the masukisu mc’s weird moral boundaries (more an overall voltage issue that manifests the most strongly in her character), but i also do find that they don’t let her make big mistakes and they present her as this perfect superwoman figure with no weaknesses which like... unrelatable. but at least her banter is flirty banter and there’s a lot of chemistry there (even if it’s sometimes lacking emotional depth, as in some of kazuomi’s scenes - and that’s not her fault, that’s 100% on kazuomi lol). you can definitely understand why they’re attracted to each other at least, and you can definitely see real, deep love form between her and yuzuru the most. even though the masukisu mc is a ‘perfect woman’, the premise is designed to spark relationship conflict and the writing really helps us understand the emotional turmoil of falling in love with a target because of how much it lets the mc dwell on it. destind too basically has a perfect mc in terms of work/career, but they let her have her very glaring weaknesses and, once again, the premise forces her to address her shortcomings with regards to her idealistic view on soulmates/destiny and explores the head vs heart thing where she has to really examine her emotions and how they potentially come into conflict with her preconceptions of and preoccupation with numerical compatibility. 
thinking about it objectively, i feel like takado’s mc and mlfk ayato’s mc have a couple of similarities in the way that they don’t realise they’re in love for the longest time (although obviously childhood friends to lovers provides a better context for not realising that love - same with my boi natsume), but there’s just something lovable about mlfk’s mc that i don’t see in rmd. without going too deeply into it bc (1) i’m tired and (2) i’ve been going on about this for WAY too long now, i think that comes back to tone or writing (and possibly translation) style. i think at some point, i might actually go and compare the language in the “omg am i in love...?” scenes between takado’s mc, ayato’s mc and natsume’s mc but uh... not tonight haha. 
actually, at some point, i genuinely wondered if rmd mc was aromantic. i really just thought she did not experience romantic attraction because i literally got no sense of it through her internal monologue bc they kept pushing the whole like “i only relate to people’s ~aesthetics~” thing. and then i wondered how they were going to make an aromantic mc fall in romantic love...? because... it’s an otome game? (btw i’m not saying that aro people can’t enjoy otoge, i definitely know people who do! but there’s a big diff between someone playing an otoge vs someone being a character falling in romantic love in an otoge. but please call me out if i’m misunderstanding aromanticism!). anyway, long story short, rmd mc (takado’s especially) falling in love is absolutely unconvincing to me because i find her dialogue - both internal and external - rather unfeeling. 
these three points (1. translation that favours colloquialism over communicating emotional tone; 2. characterisation of a hubristic mc who doesn’t need to overcome significant challenges; 3. lack of emotional depth and empathy/understanding) are basically why i don’t think that she has good romantic chemistry with the love interests in romance md that i’ve read so far. i also have some very petty personal gripes (sekai...........) but they’re not relevant to this particular topic and frankly just... really petty so i don’t want to get into them here.
so anyway, long story short: i agree that i don’t think she would really vibe with kasumi in her current given state. like, they could be friends, maybe.
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thecrystalquill · 5 years
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The Taming of the Shrew
A/N: hey hey it’s chapter 1!! Let me know if you want to be tagged or if I missed you out at all. And don't forget to read the intro bc I swear it's important that you get it!! Enjoyyyyy! :)
Masterlist      Series Masterlist    Prologue/Intro
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Chapter 1: Technically-Philosophy and a Battle Against Society
Bianca Stratford was absolutely beautiful. Her short light-brown hair bounced at her shoulders and her eyes shone with an adorable sense of innocence - and by Merlin did her yellow robes suit her exquisitely. She sat in the courtyard on this particular afternoon, talking away with her friends and practically glowing in the sunlight. No wonder Regulus Black was completely infatuated with her - she was truly stunning.
“Staring again?” A voice beside him interrupted, causing Regulus to flinch back and tear his eyes away from the girl. Of course his best friend would catch him at a time like that - it was almost as if he did it on purpose. “I honestly don't get what you see in her though, mate. I mean, I get it, she's cute and all, but really?”
Regulus was almost offended by his friend’s lack of attraction towards the girl, shaking his head in an almost practiced defiance that showed how they'd had this conversation before. “What are you talking about? She's completely perfect, and smart and funny an—”
“—And how would you know?” Jacob mocked, moving his strawberry-blond hair out of his eyes. “You’ve never even talked to her.”
“That's not true…” Regulus muttered, frowning defeatedly.
Jacob scoffed. “Oh, forgive me. How could I forget? She asked to borrow a pencil once in second year and you told her she could keep it - such a romantic moment. I'm sure she's treasured that lump of lead ever since—”
“—Oh shut it will you?” Regulus elbowed him in the ribs, walking back towards the school slowly, hoping to catch a word of the girl's conversation as they would soon pass. “She's completely pure!”
“Not to mention vein.”
“Don't be ridiculous!” Regulus argued as they neared the group, “she's so—”
“No, you're wrong.” Reg replied, rolling his eyes. “She isn't like that at all, she's sweet and mindful and—”
“—Mhmm,” Jacob interjected again, “and deep, I'm sure…”
“Well you see, there's a difference between like and love,” they overheard, glancing over to Bianca and her friends, Regulus feeling a little smug after his friend's last sarcastic comment, “because I like my Witches Weekly subscription, but I love my Monthly Magical Makeup parcels.”
Feeling slightly less smug, Regulus continued walking as his friend snickered behind him. Well, he thought, it was still technically philosophy…
“Look, Reg,” Jacob continued, wrapping an arm around his shoulders comfortingly, “I’m just saying, you could do so much better than her.” It wasn’t that he didn’t necessarily approve of Regulus’ love interest, he just didn’t want him getting his heart broken by a girl that wouldn’t give him the time of day; he didn’t need that, Jacob decided, and he would be much better off falling for someone a little more in his reach – Bianca wasn’t even allowed to date, no matter how much she might want to. But never the less, Regulus just wouldn’t listen.
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  “So, how was your day?” Lily asked, strolling next to the (y/h/c) in the hallway, handing her bag over so she could wrap her robe around her waist, whereas (Y/N) had discarded hers long ago.
The girl shrugged carelessly. “Oh, y’know, people suck, teachers suck, school sucks. The usual, really.”
The red-head laughed and nodded along; it couldn’t be denied, could it? “Well, on the plus side, we only have just almost two years until we can leave.” She reassured – she always has been the more empathetic of the two.
“I can’t wait two years,” (Y/N) groaned, feeling her life being wasted away by hours spent doing homework, “I want to get as far away from here as possible – Australia maybe.” She half-joked, smirking at her friend.
“Well, until then, how about we go change then do our homework by the lake today?”
The nearest common room was Slytherin, which was of course where they went; luckily the two did this so often, that they both had clothes in each other’s dorms. Some thought it odd – a Slytherin and a Gryffindor being such close friends – some even frowned at the very idea, but the two had known each other for so long (even before Hogwarts, having lived in the same area and going to the same park) that something as silly as a house rivalry could certainly never separate them. And it only sometimes became a problem with having their clothing in the same draws; Lily was somewhere between sweet and girly and incredibly casual in her style. Whereas, (Y/N) had taken more of a tomboy fashion in these last years. Still, they would occasionally accidentally wear each other’s things – but hey, who cares?
The girls changed and re-packed their satchels with only the essentials before heading out again. Just as they stepped through the exit, their conversation was interrupted by an incredibly pretentious noise. “Well if it isn’t Stratford and her little Gryffindor pet,” Malfoy teased, only to show off to his party of snot-nosed prats. “What’s with the camouflage? Running off to that muggle military, are you? Let’s hope you don’t come back any time soon.” He laughed with his peers, obviously thinking he had offended her – which would be pretty impossible for him, given that (Y/N) would have to actually value his opinion in the first place.
She did nothing but roll her eyes in response, “Keep walking, Lucy,” she dismissed with a wave of her hand, then continued on her route. She wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction of a reaction; besides, calling him ‘Lucy’ was revenge enough.
Malfoy scoffed and angrily lead his friends into the common room, annoyed that his attempt was so easily deflated.
“Oough! Sometimes I really just want to hit him in the throat,” Lily growled, curling her fists at her sides. She hated Malfoy – they both did. He was a bully and an arrogant pureblood supremist who thought he could do anything just because he was loaded, of course they hated him! “Seriously, (Y/N/N), just give me the word and I’ll throttle him – I will!”
“I don’t doubt that, Lils,” she assured, shaking her head slightly in amusement. ‘Gryffindors’, she thought. “But if you really want to hurt him, I’d suggest going straight for the pride – cut off the ponytail.”
“Oof, that’s just evil… I like it.” She amused, subconsciously playing with her red hair.
It was an unusually sunny day today, considering that it was mid-October, but it wasn’t time for the snow just yet so they would make the most of their time while it was still dry, albeit quite cold. They sat against a tree on a plain of grass not far from the Clocktower Courtyard, and started working on whatever work they were given today; luckily enough, there wasn’t as much as usual.  “So…” Lily began, with a smirk that (Y/N) was both concerned and proud of, “off to join the military, are you?” They eyed each other playfully for a moment, occasionally glancing at their outfits before neither could contain their smiles.
“In a way, yes.” The Slytherin laughed and rolled her eyes mockingly, “I’m preparing for my inevitable battle against society.” She answered seriously, the corners of her mouth turning upward slightly as she looked down at her outfit: her comfiest cargo pants, her favourite boots, and obviously the camo-patterned vest she wore under her jacket. She looked comfortable, that was for sure, and anything but girly. But what was the social ideal of beauty compared to complete comfort?
Lily snorted. “Ever the dramatic, aren’t we?” She wasn’t surprised at all, to be frank. (Y/N) was very opinionated – which was a good thing, as far as they were concerned – and often felt at war with her peers and their social norms, so it was no shock that her style could reflect that; she always wore whatever she felt like anyway, regardless of what anyone would think. Lily hadn’t noticed that she had been too lost in thought to notice that (Y/N) had given up on her homework and was now reading a book. Frowning, Lily nudged her side to break the Slytherin out of her novel-induced trance. “Hey, you’re supposed to be doing Herbology,” she scolded; their observational notes still needed to be translated into read-able sentences and then converted into a short essay, “it has to be done by tomorrow afternoon.”
(Y/N) shrugged and turned a page. “Then I’ll do it tomorrow, at lunch. Right now though, I just want to relax a bit, yeah? Enough work for one day.” It was a new book that she was reading, having purchased it before the summer came to an end, and only now had she gotten enough time to make it past chapter two. It was an old muggle classic – as many of her books were – written in 1815 by Jane Austen. She wasn’t quite sure if she liked it or not yet, but (Y/N) was determined to make it at least half-way through.
“What are you reading, anyway?” Lily asked, still scribbling away at her parchment; she really was such a perfectionist when it came to her studies, making sure each sentence was clear and specific. “Any good?”
Lifting the book up higher in front of Lily, (Y/N) continued to read, letting her friend read the title and blurb. “S’fine I guess, can’t tell yet,” she mumbled, refusing to remove her eyes from the page.
“Picky…” scoffed the Gryffindor beside her, earning a kick in the foot, “just don’t forget about your homework, okay?”
(Y/N) only waved a hand in her direction. Although, she soon became bored of her book –  five chapters later –  and turned her head back to Lily, who seemed to be finishing her work already. How long had she been reading? “Lils, what time is it?” She asked, sitting a little straighter.
For about a minute and a half, Lily did nothing to answer the question, just held a finger up as she finished writing, crossing out a couple of things and replacing them; only when she read over the page to make sure that everything was correct and written as intended did she finally give her friend her attention. They stared at each other for a beat, until Lily recalled what was asked of her and looked down to the dainty watch on her wrist. “Half five,” She informed, catching the (y/h/c)’s eyes widen, “why?”
The Slytherin quickly started to pack away her things and stood. “I have to meet at my dad’s tonight, said I’d be there by five at the latest. I got to go – see you later, okay?” She rushed.
“What? No…” Lily complained, “lunch ends at seven, I don’t want to have to fend Potter off on my own!”
Five times a week, the Stratfords would meet at their family’s personal quarters – or rather, Professor Stratford’s personal quarters – to have a family meal and catch up and all that. It was usually quite tedious, but her father would go absolutely insane if they didn’t go – the man had issues. “I’m sure you’ll be fine for a while, I’m not your only friend y’know.”
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shreyamistry · 6 years
okaaay, i'm finally sending in these requests. like last time, i'd love if all the MC's used they/them pronouns! "don't act innocent, you had me pinned underneath you 5 minutes ago," for tille x mc (idk if this one would be technically be nsfw, and i know you say in ur rules no they/them peeps in a nsfw fic unless you specify what they have, but mc would be afab!). "i will love you forever, and when 'forever' ends, i'll love you some more," for annabelle x mc (bc i LOVE the way u write them!)
Pairing: Annabelle x MC
Prompt: “I will love you forever and when ‘forever’ ends, I’ll love you some more.”
Word Count: 1.2k
Summary: A rewrite of the diamond scene with MC’s LI after the duel. Hannah goes to visit Annabelle after the duel to make sure she was already. Once there the pair worry over their future, and Hannah doesn’t know if they can handle everything anymore.
Song: A Thousand Years by Christina Perri
A/N: So this was heavily based on the song A Thousand Years because it came on shuffle while I was writing and it seemed perfect for the pairing/prompt! So you will see an integration of the lyrics within the work, I hope that’s okay Kylie! I heavily encourage you to listen to the song while reading, I think it ties it together beautifully, but either way! (also made me really want to watch twilight saga again, their soundtracks snapped and 13 y/o nate adored twilight) Sorry if it’s weirdly formatted on moblie, I designed it to look formatted correctly on browser but ! tumblr sucks lmao. 
Tagging: @pixieferry
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Thanks for reading! I hope you like it!
“Darling, don’t be afraid.”
Annabelle clutches Hannah’s hands in her own. Tears pool on the edges of their lashes as they look into her warming gaze. She squeezes their hand tighter within her own, tears threatening to break her water lines. Hannah pulls their hand away to wipe the back of it against their cheek, drying the tears that have fallen.
“I promise you, Hannah.” Annabelle sniffles with her words.
“Come lay down,” Hannah whispers as they help Annabelle limp back towards the bed. They help her settle down into the bed, clutching her hand as she winces in pain from her gunshot wound. Hannah draws around the other side of the bed, pulling back the covers crawling underneath up against Annabelle. They tuck their face into the crook of her neck, her arms falling around their waist. “I’m afraid, Annabelle.”
She draws in a breath looking over at Hannah. “Nothing will keep me from you.”
“You simply can’t promise that,” Hannah replies, a lingering silence fall between them.
Annabelle runs her hand soothingly up and down Hannah’s arm, trying to convey comfort to them that they didn’t feel. She leans her head further to the side, pressing her cheek to the top of Hannah’s head. Her hands comb through the end strands of Hannah’s hair, pressing closer to them.
“You can’t promise that,” Hannah repeats it again, and they both don’t know who they’re trying to convince, themselves or Annabelle. Annabelle looks over at the hollow empty look in their eyes, their face heavy with sorrow, sleep deprivation, and life. She can’t help but notice how drained Hannah looked, how much he drained from them. It made Annabelle’s heartburn with anger.
“I can and I will.” Annabelle musters the strength to sound as confident as she could. “No one will ever keep you away from me. You’re one step closer to me and I won’t back down now.” Hannah brings their hand to her cheek, brushing their fingers against her face drying the tears that built on her skin. Hannah felt like they died every day they were apart from Annabelle, ever since the Duke announced their marriage without their consent and their grandmother stood silently beside them. “I won’t lose you.”
Everyday… they thought to themselves. Every day they died over and over again. Waking up to be in the nightmare of being engaged to the vilest man in England, it burdened their heart so deeply. Mr. Chambers offered them everything they needed and more, and they couldn’t believe they didn’t get the chance to embrace that.
“Every breath and every hour Hannah. I have been brought closer to you.” Annabelle falls silent trying to find the words buried in her brain. The feelings she’s repressed and the anger and anxiety, it built in her and spread over her inside filling her lungs to the point she felt she couldn’t breathe sometimes. She knew her heart and lungs could bud and breed flowers, but how it felt they did. She nearly expected a sunflower to sprout out of her mouth. Every moment she wasn’t with Hannah, she felt herself withering away, knowing the torment they felt alone with the Duke. She wished deeply she could be with them all the time, she’d even pretend to be Briar if it at least let them be together all the time. “Time doesn’t exist when I’m with you.”
“How do you sound so sure of us?” They whisper.
“Because I have you. I will love you forever, and when ‘forever’ ends, I will love you some more.” She falls silent forcing her eyes closed listening to the subtle hum of Hannah’s breath on their lips. She couldn’t possibly keep them open any longer, but she couldn’t fell asleep on them. “Hannah…”
“Oh Miss. Annabelle Parsons you say the loveliest things to me…I almost believe…”
Sleep hits her mid-sentence, the words leveling in her ears as the sandman encases her in a fit of sleep.
Annabelle pries her eyes open, the dark of the night streaming in through the window. The light from the moon gave her little to look at and see in the darkness, but she found the other side of the bed empty, the imprint of Hannah’s existence a bleak mess of sheets. She reaches out despite knowing their absence, praying she’ll find them just by reaching for them.
Her hand glides across a thick piece of paper, that crinkled under her touch. She quickly snatched it into her arms getting a glance of the writing told her it was Hannah’s as she brought it to her chest holding it tightly to her heart. Hannah… how could I have fallen asleep on you? She frowns heavily before releasing the letter holding it at arm’s length to get a glimpse at it, catching it at the right light.
“My love,
I must return to Edgewater. I waited longer than I should to leave hoping you might awake and see me off. Mr. Sinclaire was adamant that you would not be awaking with how exhausted you were from the drawl and the recovery, still I could not press forward without you. Bless his heart, but I wish he wasn’t right, I spite him for being right in this instant.”
Annabelle chuckles brightly to herself, “Oh, Hannah.” She reads again.
“I believe you. If there is anyone to keep us together, it shall be you. With your strength I will fight more, I won’t give up. We are one step closer than we were before despite the loss of the drawl between both of you. He cheated and misguided us. It will be added to his crimes, among being arrogant and selfish. Enough ill speak of him.
Time stands still when we’re together. I will be brave this time, I will not let anything take away from us or our love, it is eternal. I feel I have loved you for a thousand years and I will love you for a thousand more. He will not take me away from you and I will not allow anyone else to take me away from you. I will fight until my dying breath to be with you. I have died every day waiting to be with you. I wish you the best until I may see you again, my love, my one, my only. I will break out of Edgewater every night if I must no amount of space or time will keep us apart. I plan to return tomorrow night if my wishes align, please wait for me.
Yours, and yours alone,
Hannah, they of Edgewater.”
Annabelle places the letter on her heart again tears in her eyes, knowing they weren’t there and couldn’t hear her, she still whispered the words to herself again picturing Hannah in the bed beside her. “I will love you forever, and when ‘forever’ ends, I will love you some more.”
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peachyteabuck · 6 years
6 sentence wip challenge
I was tagged by @spacelabrathor , my fellow heathen 
Rules: share 6 sentences from a WIP and tag 6 others. I’m going to do about a paragraph bc i have a tendency to write garbage. and nothing makes garbage better than MORE GARBAGE (mwahahaha) (i am very tired and my brain is broken excuse whatever the fuCk i just typed)
Natasha sits in a large, golden throne with deep red velvet forming a plush seat and something to rest her back on. Dressed in her formal, silken gown, with her fire-red hair and makeup done to absolute perfection, she looks like the archetype one pictures when one hears the word “monarch.” A strict ruler, she mercilessly commands her army to take whatever land she so pleases. Sometimes she perceives these lands as possible threats, other times she’s just bored. Either way, she always gives direction that includes the plundering of riches and looting of treasures.
Today, that includes you.
Trapped in a cage with your arms and legs bound as to keep you on your back, you’re presented to her in the dirty clothes you were kidnapped in. The previous hour she had been attending a meeting about crop rotation, a horrendously boring subject that has Natasha’s eyes glazing over and back slumped. As the royal spots you, though, helpless and scared, she perks up.
Stark doesn’t give any indication that he heard, let alone cares, about your sarcastic comment. “I’m assuming that should put me back in good spirits with you and the rest of your crew?”
Odinson walks to your side, head hung in shame and hair tied in a tight bun.
You consider it, but you have to make sure the merchandise lives up to the box, so to speak. “Down,” you command. Immediately, he drops to his knees. “Oh, yes. This will do just fine.” The last two words are long, forgetting to finish them as your mind travels to all the things you could do with him.
Anyone who knew Lance Tucker when he was still competing knows that he’s a stuck-up asswipe of a gymnast, and he only got worse when he began coaching. A control freak with a God complex, the man will push any button to remain in charge of any and all situations that he is involved in. The man is focused on his fame (or, more accurately, the perception of fame) than anything else, especially the feelings of other people.
In short, he’s a total, utter dick.
God, you’re totally and completely in love with him.
That’s when you see another message from her.
I know you’re reading these, little one. Don’t run from Mommy.
You suck in a breath, unable to respond. It takes forever for you to craft a response.
Tell me more, Mommy. Please.
Natasha happily obliges.
You know what my absolute biggest fantasy is? Me and some other top just domming the hell out of you. Passing you around, leaving bruises all of your pretty little body.  You’d be so cute, just mewling and whining under us. Maybe we’d both fuck you at the same time, stretching your pretty little holes to the max.
This woman is about to be the death of you.
I’d love that, Mommy
After you see that message has been sent, you start to pack up your stuff. You text her you’re about to start your walk home, but before you can stash your phone in your backpack you see another text.
Don’t worry, Mommy’s got you. I’m right outside.
“When do you think we’ll actually get the cat?” Sam questions.
“Can we get one of those dumb orange boy cats?” Clint requests.
“Do you think the Hulk would like the kittens?” Bruce muses.
“I want a black one,” Bucky states plainly.
“He wasn’t scared of me!” Wanda exclaims.
It’s hard to parse apart their words, so you just tell them, “Relax, and do your best to convince Tony that we should get one,” and leave to go to do some work in your office. You get through about half your to-do list when you hear a hesitant knock on your door.
“Come in!” you call, not looking up until you hear the deep voice that always sends you into a frenzy.
“I was, uh, I was meeting with Stark and he, uh, he mentioned that you had a, uh...I believe he called it a ‘cat visit?’”
You nod, a little confused. “Yeah…”
“I need...I was wondering…” Thor pauses to collect his words.
Thor’s nervousness is replaced by confusion. “Ritual?”
You sigh happily, chest fluttering with excitement. “Yes, the ritual!” You squeal. “Every time a monarch is bred it requires a ritual so that the Gods protect the baby from harm.”
“What does the ritual entail?” he asks, tone a blend of genuine curiosity and possible fear.
“Guess you’ll have to find out,” you murmur, smirking.
Thor snorts. “You’re very bad at being coy, you know.”
You shrug, moving to turn off the light next to your bed. “But you’re the one bound and on my floor, so I feel it doesn’t matter.”
tagging: @noire-griot @ringpop-poppy @sweatybarnes @amcsummersgoddess @rogrsnbarnes @crypticavengers 
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werelywrites · 6 years
Is it ok if I ask for headcanons of the turtles (separate & poly bc I love all of them too much) realize they are in love with their shy, pure and sweet human friend who is open-minded and non-judgemental since they're slow at everything and has no talent that is known so they know how is like to be judged unfairly?
SO i was putting the finishing touches on this, when i realized that i was answering it as if none of the guys were in a relationship with you yet when they realized they loved you.
But that sometimes doesn’t happen. People can start a relationship without being in love and then realize that they do love each other after.
So RIP Werely. I’m sorry!! I hope ya like it!
*he’d be at your place relaxing. Sitting on your couch, leaning back, completely at ease when it hit him so hard he’d actually curl into himself a bit as if someone physically punched his gut.
*it would make so much sense! You made him feel like he can be himself around you. You hold him up when he needs it the most, when he didn’t realize he needed it.
*because he’s leader he’s got a lot on his shoulders and you just lift them off when he’s with you. You’re so calm, patient, understanding, and wise and, honestly, he could go on and on.
*you always made him feel comfortable in his own skin
*he had accepted long ago that being a mutant turtle kinda sucked when it came to the whole world being against who you were (he lost count of the amount of people they’d rescue only to have the scream in their faces)
*he didn’t want to change who he was, he liked being a turtle but he’d be a liar if he didn’t wonder what it’d be like to be human
*but with you around, he liked himself a whole lot more
*butterflies will dance in his stomach once he realizes you had been calling his name to see if he was alright.
*instant blush
*he’d shoot out of his seat. Uh yeah! Fine. I’m fine. Thank you [y/n]. Just, uh, remembered something…needed to be done…in the dojo. He’d have a foot out your window but the pout you’d give him once you asked if he was going to leave he’d put on a brave face. No matter how much he wanted to retreat and meditate to sort these feelings at.
*for the rest of the evening he was a mess. He couldn’t stop staring at you. His mind in a giddy haze. Thinking over and over again how he was in love with you.
*he had never been nervously happy-scared. (what a combination of emotions, Leo)
*he’d realize it after he’d be venting to you how frustrated he was how because the world saw him as a freak he couldn’t do what he wanted. He wanted freedom.
*you’d listen and add kind words in reassurance and agree that it was unfair. You didn’t chastise him for wanting more. You didn’t tease him. Didn’t patronize him either. You were just there supporting him and he just…..oh wow! He’d gulp loudly
*he’d go instantly flustered. All words he had got swallowed.
*he knew he liked you, you were a very dear friend, but love? Oh he had no idea when it started but there was no doubt as to why.
*you were perfect
*he’d feel so small under your gaze. Shit he’d give anything to hold you at this moment
*but he was terrified
*he knows you accepted him for him but with this new realization his brain just didn’t want to remember that bit.
*you deserve someone so much better
*being your friend was fine, but being your lover? It was too much to ask.
*after you leave, he’d try to sort out his feelings but mostly trying to keep himself from going after you and scooping you up in his arms begging you to love him in return.
*knowing that he loved you will make him angsty and will avoid you for a while
*once you’ve had enough of him avoiding you and you’ve confronted him (whether or not you cry or fight or both it’ll result in the same) he’d apologize. I’m sorry [y/n]. I’m…uh.. just sortin things out. I don’t wanna talk about it. But do ya…wanna still hang out?
*being with you is such a sweet torture that he knows he should push his feelings for you under a rug but he truly can’t help himself
*you will notice that before the realization that he treated you gently, but now after the realization he’ll treat ya extra gently
*you’d be helping him in his lab when it would hit him. Just being there handing him stuff he needed, listening to his ideas, asking questions, enjoying each others company, humming on occasion.
*he’d drop his tools so fast you’d think they burned him (luckily, he wasn’t working on anything too dangerous)
*his mouth would be open and he’d have a sparkle in his eye, like the way he gets when he has the perfect idea.
*he’ll feel silly and giddy, his heart with do flip flops and he’d want to do the same honestly. He’ll get a burst of energy and he’d want to go do something. Make something. Spar with Raph. Anything
*he’s on cloud nine!!
*once you say his name in question he’d freAKIN SCREECH!!!! (he forgot you were there)
*ok so he came back down to earth but he still bounced on his toes. Seeing you he was reminded that it was nerve wracking to admit one’s feelings
*but you might not return these feelings. He calculated the possibilities and his chances were…slim
*but that didn’t stop his heart from racing whenever you were around him again
*you’d touch his arm to try to see whats wrong and donnie.exe will stop working
*nervous bean shook and wanted to melt in your touch.
*he’ll do more stuff around you/with you just to be around you more. Hot water not working? He’d come fix it right away. Slight virus on your laptop, give him a second. He needs you to help him fix something. I’m sorry [y/n]. This is taking longer than expected to fix this. I might be used to long nights but you..d-d-do you want to take a break? *realizes what he said could be taken as an innuendo* *huh, who knew turtles could get so red?* !!!!!!!!!!!
*just as he thought his heart was full, you do something sweet for him like bring him coffee and he’d feel like he’d combust on the spot.
*it’ll come out of nowhere for him. It happened when everyone was around and you’d let out a laugh that he’d just hear over everyone else and wham! It hit him..
*Sure he flirts with you and seemed confident but once he realizes that he’s in love with you he’ll be bashful. Confidence out the door
*he would not be able to make an coherent sentence for a while
*he’d grab the nearest pillow and whop! Right on his face and scream
*but then he’d hide his feelings behind his flirting (he meant it before, but now it had extra meaning)
*constant squealing on how cute you were
*clingy boy becomes extra clingy
*he’ll have a fire going. Fueling the things he does for you and what he says and things he does with you.
*despite his hopefulness, he’s not an idiot. I knows that love comes with heartbreak sometimes.
*god he hoped his did not ended in heartbreak.
*you’d have no idea of the terror going on in his heart because he’s all smiles and jokes
*but then he’d catch you looking at him with a sparkle in your eye and his fear will melt away.
*honestly after more time passes from his realization the better he’ll feel. Fear and longing turning to giddiness and hope.
*he’ll end up having the most confidence out of all his brothers because he just knew… you know.
*holding onto his feelings was just poisoning his mood. So why do so?
*he’ll still not tell you outright but he’ll show it and literally say everything and anything else that meant it. You’re so cute [y/n]! We’d be the cutest couple around! Eh? Why are you getting red, babycakes? You’re not falling for me are you? ;)
*after they all individually come to realize that they all love you, it will take a decent amount of time for them to confront each other about it.
*they knew each other well enough to tell the signs when one falls for you.
*there will be sibling rivalry for your attention
*eventually though it’ll start to get kinda hostile.
*despite most of them if not all don’t want to fight, none of them will want to back down either
*it’ll honestly take either Master Splinter telling them to get their shit together and/or you to complain how stupid they’ve become with their fighting for them to finally sit down and discuss what do about this. None of them wanted to back down so…depending on if you’re ok with this,,,could they share?
(A/N: i actually started a fic about this ages ago of how they all just sit down and go through the discussion of being in a poly relationship, i just never finished it so i’m glad that i can sorta do it here)
*they will all agree that it was THE most embarrassing discussion between brothers ever. But it got the job done.
*you’ll notice that they’ll still squabble for your attention but they’d be more respectful of each other.
*if you’re not at the lair, one if not at least two of the guys was are you place.
*when you’d expect to only be hanging out with just one (as it was before) now you’d find yourself in a turtle pile. How many movie nights ended up with everyone squished on the couch?
*quiet moments? What are those again?
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artificialqueens · 6 years
I keep closing my eyes but I can’t block you out (vixaria): chapter two - melody
A/N: Sooooo, I took a long time for updating and for writing shit in general, I’M SO SORRY :(((. School got back and it literally killed all my creativity, and I got a huge ass creative block. It’s still hard to write, and I didn’t putted all of me on this chapter bc I was tired so I apologize again, because I wish I did better.
Thanks to the lovely @ artificialmillie for proof reading this, they’re amazing, send them love!!!! Hope you enjoy x
It had been about thirty minutes, Vixen was sitting on a pretty and retro yellow couch, fidgeting with the buttons of her denim jacket and looking slightly uncomfortable and nervous. It wasn’t that her date was late or something, but her friends made her up thirty minutes before, in order to make sure everything could eventually be a success.
The problem was that she wanted to give up at the moment she came through the bowling alley door; dating wasn’t her strong spot - neither was bowling. Vixen didn’t need even to know the girl, but she knew everything would never be a fairy tale.
She promised her friends - and herself - that she would try, so that was what she was doing there. Maybe it could be just a date, and then they would never meet again. Or, just a tiny fling that would end in two weeks, or last. Vixen was convinced that she could control that, and predict everything.
What was actually bothering her was the noise. The bowling ball rolling on the track and tipping the pins made more noise than she thought, but all the people talking out loud was a thing she didn’t predict. She massaged her temples trying to amenize the huge headache she felt it was coming, while some dude yelled more and more with his friends about winning that round.
Her eyes almost jumped out of her face by the way she widened her eyes in surprise. The reason of her reaction was a certain blonde girl walking through the same door Vixen walked through in pure confusion, but the difference was that Aquaria was all smiley and confident - and you really couldn’t say the same about Vixen.
Aquaria’s steps in Vixen’s direction looked like in slow motion. The blue and purple neon lights of the place pleased her figure, making Vixen hypnotized by every step she was taking. But internally, she was overthinking. Her date would never be Aquaria, Asia wouldn’t be that bitch, or fate wouldn’t be so ridiculous at that point, right?
It looked like the blonde girl was confused too, because she raised one eyebrow to her and waved clumsily. Vixen waved back, biting her lip in contemplation to Aquaria - who now was stopped in front of her.
‘’Oh my god, hi! Remember me?’’
‘’How could I forget?! We ended a bitch together.’’
Aquaria laughed, the sound of her laugh was as charming as Vixen could’ve imagined it was. But not just the way she laughed, the way she tucked her hair under her ear while doing it added a ton of cuteness as well.
‘’I didn’t know you liked bowling,’’ Aquaria took a seat at her side, ‘’but you’re not the person that I see walking alone, I mean, you’re so gorgeous and cool, who would leave you? What happened?’’
‘’Actually, Miss Aquaria, I like to be alone sometimes! But when I’m not alone, my friends practically force me to go out on a da-’’
Vixen couldn’t end her sentence because the blonde at her side yelled, putting both her hands on her mouth. She didn’t even know her, why she was that acting excited? Maybe Aquaria was just a very witty person, and Vixen was too bitter for social interaction anyways.
‘’Oh my god, me too!’’
‘’No way!’’ Vixen raised one eyebrow, figuring out everything. ‘’Don’t tell me the person who arranged you this date is named…’’
‘’The girl with a continent name? Asia?’’
Damn Asia! She probably walked around the whole university area asking for a girl named Aquaria for that date. Well, finding a girl named Aquaria wouldn’t be that hard, so Vixen assumed giving Asia her name was a bad idea.
‘’That’s my friend… Jesus, I’m sorry!’’ Vixen put one hand on her face. ‘’Looks like I’m your date tonight.’’
Aquaria’s blue eyes sparkled with Vixen’s words, she didn’t look upset like Vixen thought she would be. ‘’I’m very satisfied with it… And this is cool because we aren’t strangers.’’
‘’But we are strangers…’’
She doesn’t want to take away the spark of Aquaria’s eyes. But, suddenly, a sad face replaced the excited countenance she had seconds ago.
‘’I mean, not total strangers at all…’’
Vixen decided to give her a try. She wouldn’t make Aquaria sad in that way, it was just a date, dammit. She seemed nice, and Vixen would have to deal with that date no matter who was with her. Actually, she was kind of happy it was Aquaria - she didn’t know why, but she was.
‘’At least you can tell I’m the most cute stranger you’ve ever met.’’ Aquaria winked flirty, with her witty vibe coming back.
Well, she was right. Vixen looked at her from top to bottom, she really looked cute. Nothing was wrong with her: she was cute, and nice, and had the best laugh Vixen ever heard. But, Vixen just was still thinking about how everything was pathetic. Anyways, she thought she could predict what was going to happen with them, so she accepted giving that date at least a try.
‘’Guess I’m right, you can’t stop looking at me.’’
‘’Okay, yes. Happy?’’
‘’I am always right, and here is my new affirmation: you will think I’m even more cuter when this is over.’’
‘’Hope your cuteness is equal your talent in bowling, then.’’ Vixen smiled and pointed to the bowling track next to then.
The fact Vixen wasn’t that nervous with flirting was a surprise. She usually did it on her previous dates, almost all the time - making the flirting thing come mostly, from the girl she was dating. She got a good reaction from Aquaria, since she blushed and smirked a bit. Vixen didn’t know why it was so easy to talk to her, but it was.
‘’Oh wow, bowling nerd,’’ Aquaria mocked, getting up and running to the track Vixen pointed to. ‘’C’mon, don’t stop there.’’
The way she struggled with running with those bowling shoes was ridiculously cute. Aquaria looked like a child at a carnival. If she didn’t know her already, Vixen would say she wouldn’t even hurt a fly.
Vixen got up, with her head still kinda hurting because of the noise. Aquaria got a bowling ball in her hands; she looked so distracted figuring out her move, it was really adorable. Suddenly, Vixen got an idea. She got closer to the blonde girl and held her, leading her from behind.
Aquaria didn’t seem to expect this - neither did Vixen herself - but she smiled, accepting Vixen’s help. She bowed her hand, and threw the ball. The ball rolled along the lane in slow motion for her, it looked like the moment it would hit the pins was never coming.
She could feel Aquaria’s heart pounding, breathing on her neck while the ball rolled. Aquaria reacted so well to all of that, but Vixen couldn’t deny that she was still surprised. Clearly, she was excited about that, and Vixen sort of became contaminated by her vibrant energy.
And the moment that the ball would hit the pins never came. The grumpy expression on Aquaria’s face was kinda hilarious, and when she realized Vixen was smirking, looking at her, her own arms crossed and pouting at her results. She rolled her eyes.
‘’I’m sorry, it’s just funny that you suck at it,’’ Vixen mumbled, trying not to laugh.
‘’You meanie!’’ Aquaria pouted, while the pins were being regrouped. ‘’I’m trying, Vix.’’
Vixen blushed when she heard Aquaria calling her this. Somehow, she became soft with that, and with Aquaria in general: ‘’I’m sorry! Hey, you can have another try,’’ she comforted, placing a lock of Aquaria’s blonde hair behind her ear. Somehow, she could feel safe flirting with her, and being sweet. Probably because Aquaria made her feel safe before, and she wanted to do the same thing for her. Vixen didn’t used to do that, but with Aquaria, somehow she felt the need to make her smile - and blush, as she was doing at that moment.
In Aquaria’s second try, Vixen led her again. But this time she instructed her, making her throw the ball again. Aquaria took down five pins, that never would be too much for Vixen, but she got surprised when the blonde yelled and covered her mouth, gagged.
‘’I made it!’
Vixen was proud of her, but didn’t want to ruin Aquaria’s mood, she would never kill her smiley face. Aquaria’s smile was the prettiest thing in the world, and the way her eyes closed when she did it could further prove that fact.
‘’I know you think it’s not too much, and they say I’m cocky…’’
‘’You know I know you think I’m cocky.’’
‘’What the fuck this is so random, but it’s so funny! Your turn, cocky bitch’’ Aquaria provoked, making Vixen think about why even her provocations were so nice.
She grabbed one ball, it was a honor question now. She didn’t care that much about bowling at all, but somehow it was like she needed to make Aquaria proud of her, as she unintentionally was feeling for her.
With all her confidence, she dropped the ball, biting her lip as it was rolling. Vixen’s parents used to take her bowling every birthday, and she got some skills from how much her mom loved it, and she taught her well. That moment reminded her of old times, warm times, that reminded her of happiness - what she weirdly was feeling in that moment.
Aquaria gasped when she saw Vixen hit seven pins on her first play. She ran to hug Vixen from behind, placing a kiss on her cheek. ‘’You can do it!’’
That made her blush a lot. She smiled, trying to not seem upset with that - because she liked what Aquaria did, but was still surprised and amazed with that. Aquaria whispered, ‘’It’s okay, do your next try,’’ in her ear, and everything suddenly seemed to be alright.
Again, she rolled the ball. But the confidence she needed for that play was Aquaria: her ocean blue eyes looking at her with a lovely cheerful expression, and her perfect smile. She was everything she needed; just like the previous incident at the café, they were a team.
When she took down the remaining two pins, the witty, blonde girl ran in her direction, hugging her. She stroked her soft hair, and Aquaria’s hands were interlaced around her neck.
‘’Yes, Vixen, you’re the number one!’’
Vixen didn’t want to lose time. She held Aquaria’s chin, and kissed her softly. She decided to not fight with what she wanted, and live her life instead of worrying. And doing that felt so good, because the feeling of kissing Aquaria couldn’t be explained.
And even though she thought she could predict what was going to happen, Aquaria was so unpredictable. She liked that, and hopefully they would stay like this: unpredictable and different from all the things Vixen had experienced before.
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100 questions
it’s long so it’s under the cut, but man was this fun. thanks for the tag @she-who-the-river-could-not-hold ♥ i’ll tag my loves (if you want to haha this is a lot) @dylanobrienisbatman @blueshirtbell @granger--danger @nightbleeder
1. What is your nickname? lol I have so many. Linds is the most common on here though.
2. How old are you? 23
3. What is your birth month? october
4. What is your zodiac sign? libra, but it’s only like 60% accurate imo (I’m not fragile, or a flirt? ya girl can be charismatic, but I don’t think that’s the same?)
5. What is your favorite color? green
6. What’s your lucky number? when I was in high school/sports, I picked 13 for my number because everyone was like oooo it’s unlucky and I was like cool, guess I’ll win while wearing an unlucky number then (and that’s today’s slytherin mood)
7. Do you have any pets? not in the city with me :(
8. Where are you from? california
9. How tall are you? 5’ 9"
10. What shoe size are you? 10
11. How many pairs of shoes do you own? more than I should, probs
12. Are you random? oh goodness no. I believe in patterns and I’m pretty dang predictable.
13. Last person you texted? my sister
14. Are you psychic in any way? lol no
15. Last TV show watched? queer eye again
16. Favorite movie? IMPOSSIBLE <--stealing Kath’s answer on this one
17. Favorite show from your childhood? sooooo we didn’t have a tv haha my mom really really wanted her daughters to be well read
18. Do you want children? I want to foster!
19. Do you want a church wedding? I’m not sure? i’d want everyone to be comfortable and they might not be in a church…I do know that I want a brunch wedding though, bc dancing isn’t my thing and breakfast food is
20. What is your religion? I’m Christian! Seventh-day Adventist is the specific denomination, but nobody ever really knows what to do with that haha
21. Have you ever been to the hospital? not for me/like I’m sick, but for other people, yeah, too much
22. Have you ever got in trouble with the law? Lol not at all. I’ve gotten pulled over four times, but never ticketed though.
23. How is life? better than I deserve
24. Baths or showers? showers
25. What color socks are you wearing? i’m wearing heels for work, so no socks
26. Have you ever been famous? goodness no, whatever for?
27. Would you like to be a big celebrity? I think I would, to get to have that platform to make a change and give other people a voice would be awesome
28. What type of music do you like? something with words that mean something, or a melody that surprises you. I’m so weak for key changes though…I’ve always said that my perfect music is driving music: I can belt it alone on a highway at 3am, or laugh over it with friends in the afternoon.
29. Have you ever been skinny dipping? nope
30. How many pillows do you sleep with? two
31. What position do you usually sleep in? on my right side, with my hands under my pillow
32. How big is your house? it’s a nyc apartment, fam, it’s the size of a broom closet. it’s cozy though, and I love it
33. What do you typically have for breakfast? I’m so bad at eating breakfast…if I do get something, it’s at the bagel place across the street from my office
34. Have you ever left the country? ages ago
35. Have you ever tried archery? on retreats/for school; I wanted to be like robin hood
36. Do you like anyone? I might have a bit of a crush at the moment and it is stressing me out
37. Favorite swear word? so I literally never swear irl, and the first time I swore online was when I was writing my stranger things fic—it’s literally impossible to write dustin and steve and have them not cuss?? ummm I don’t know, they all have their purposes, but I think fuck is just next level emphatic. it’s crazy that it’s just a word, but it conveys so much when you use it
38. When do you fall asleep? if/when I establish a normal sleeping schedule, I’ll let you know
39. Do you have any scars? in the middle of one of my eyebrows, from when I cracked my head open as a kid, which is why I always fill my eyebrows in. also acne scars, which I’m working on not caring about.
40. Sexual orientation? straight
41. Are you a good liar? yes
42. What languages would you like to learn? Literally all of them, so many. I’d love to learn Tagalog so I could have that connection with my mom’s side of the family, and then Spanish is just so beautiful and I really should’ve kept up with it after high school. French and German and Italian would be nice too, and then maybe an ancient language or three?  
43. Top 10 songs? REFUSING TO ANSWER THIS <--again, stealing kath’s answer. y’all know how much music I listen to and cry over, so you know I can’t do this
44. Do you like your country? yes but not my leadership. I love the people of this country and I hate that the voices of the few are the ones that are loudest and that are yelling and that are deciding. the people of my country aren’t being represented or heard or protected and it breaks my heart.
45. Do you have friends from the web? I do! from this blog and I ran a fashion blog for a while, so from insta too
46. What is your personality type? MBTI: estj, enneagram: 2w3.
47. Hogwarts House? slytherin (as if anyone couldn’t tell)
48. Can you curl your tongue? no
49. Pick one fictional character you can relate to? emma woodhouse (I wish I could say lizzie bennet, but it’s got to be emma)
50. Left or right handed? right
51. Are you scared of spiders? not really? my sister is, so I always had to kill them
52. Favorite food? bread
53. Favorite foreign food? mexican (one of the perks of growing up near the border)
54. Are you a clean or messy person? I’m an orderly person…but sometimes that manifests itself in organized chaos BUT I KNOW WHERE EVERYTHING IS OKAY
55. If you could switch your gender for a day, what would you do? call out my coworkers and not be written off as emotional/sensitive
56. What color underwear? black
57. How long does it take for you to get ready? most days like 20 minutes? from horizontal in bed to out the door...but if i have to do my hair, tap another 3 hours on that, because it has to air dry
58. Do you have much of an ego? so this is complicated because i have high confidence in my capabilities and performance, but struggle with my worth and importance independent of those
59. Do you suck or bite lollipops? I don’t really care for lollipops, they just make me want to brush my teeth
60. Do you talk to yourself? yep
61. Do you sing to yourself? also yep
62. Are you a good singer? oh it’s so relative, fam. I can harmonize pretty well, so I’m a good backup singer
63. Biggest Fears? insignificance
64. Are you a gossip? not really. I hate complaining, and I really hate when other people complain; i’m just like okay so what did you do about it? 
65. Are you a grammar nazi? if someone knows better, in a context when they should know better, then yes. so like, in a paper, for a presentation, yeah. people ask for help bc I’m good at what I do. but also it’s such a construct that we judge people off of, so I work on not doing that outside of a professional/scholarly context? also I’m a big believer in knowing the rules and breaking them to make a point (see: all my lower case answers, run on sentences, etc.)  
66. Do you have long or short hair? I pixie-d my hair back in august and regret it constantly lol. it had to be done though
67. Can you name all 50 states of America? i mean, probably? I’ve been to most of them
68. Favorite school subject? always english
69. Extrovert or Introvert? literally the most extroverted extrovert
70. Have you ever been scuba diving? nope
71. What makes you nervous? when I see kids wandering and their parents not noticing
72. Are you scared of the dark? no
73. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? if we’re alone and I can help them, sure. I despise when people publicly reprimand someone for an unintentional error; it’s just so inconsiderate  
74. Are you ticklish? I find people’s obsession with tickling so weird lol
75. Have you ever started a rumor? no
76. Have you ever been out of your home country? …did we not already do this one?
77. Have you ever drank underage? lol fam I don’t drink at all
78. Have you ever done drugs? no
79. What do you fantasize about? paying off all my student debt, having an apartment in all my favorite cities, being able to travel. being an English professor. sometimes growing old with someone; most of the times being a mentor to younger women/getting to be someone i didn’t have
80. How many piercings do you have? none
81. Can you roll your R’s? yeah
82. How fast can you type? not very, which is funny because I work in IT, but I don’t type with my pinkies so that’s a mess
83. How fast can you run? lol I don’t run
84. What color is your hair? brown
85. What color are your eyes? hazel (green + brown)
86. What are you allergic to? mold and one very specific type of grass
87. Do you keep a journal? no
88. Are you depressed about anything? I disagree with how this question is worded but okay. ummm the fact that all my money goes to student loans and rent? misogyny in the workplace? hypocrisy in my government? the lack of love and empathy expressed by people who profess to be believers in love and empathy? that’s a good start 
89. Do you like your age? it’s where I’m at, either way
90. What makes you angry? willful ignorance
91. Do you like your own name? I do
92. Did you ever get a foreign object up your nose? no
93. Do you want a boy or a girl for a child? not to be a cliché, but all children are gifts? Like I don’t want to physically bear children, but if they’re there, they deserve love (hence the foster thing-- there are SO many kids in a broken system that need security and someone to care for them, and nobody helps them and that just shouldn’t be)
94. What talents do you have? public speaking and writing. I have a passion for making people feel welcomed and known and loved, so I hope that too
95. Sun or moon? sunshine; I’ll always be a SoCal girl at heart
96. How did you get your name? my parent’s loved the meaning
97. Are you religious? I am, yeah. it’s been a journey—other people believing blindy makes me so mad, as well as people who never question their faith or grow in it, or act in a way that shows they don’t actually believe what they say they do—but yeah, my faith is hugely important to me.  
98. Have you ever been to a therapist? I have not, although the farther away I get from some things, the more I think I ought to
99. Color of your bedspread? white with gray tassels
100. Color of your room? white walls and an exposed brick wall
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bechloeficstuff · 7 years
Best Quotes of Experimentation
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Hey @redlance, remember that anon? That was me. My “collection” of your quotes sprinkled with my thoughts turned out a mess tbh, and it’s kinda really late, and way too long, but here you go anyways:
Best Quotes of Experimentation, aka The Bechloe Bible™. Chapters 1-35.
[or: what you should read if u love that fic but ur too lazy for a whole reread.]
Beca smiles a little, relieved, and tries not to shift under Chloe’s touch. She doesn’t find it comfortable, not exactly.” - Chapter 1 in the middle - because thAT’S THE FEELING THATS THE FEELING EXACTLY
“It’s fine.” She’s quick to say and now her smile is too wide, the wrong kind of bright.  - Chapter 1 towards the end - “the wrong kind of bright“ really nails it. i love your word choice.
She doesn’t really want to talk to anyone right now, because even though they know better than to expect an immediate explanation or apology – and she swears that it isn’t because she’s an asshole, just super awkward – Beca will still feel like she has to give one. - Chapter 2 relatively in the middle - you’re entirely to hashtag relatable, this is Not Okay™ (jk i lov u)
And Chloe loves this. Love being given the opportunity to sit back and take in moments like these. Her best friends interacting around her, the enormous sense of family and comfort that they give her. - Chapter 7 relatively at the beginning - friends fill my heart with warmth, as does this quote
“Two girls, one cup.” It leaves her in a rush and she covers her face with her hands the second she's finished saying it. Chloe's mouth actually falls open. “That's disgusting.” She gasps after a moment, sounding thoroughly appalled. “I know.” Beca sounds so forlorn and defeated, like she's committed some heinous, ignominious offence. Chloe thinks it might be the most adorable thing she's ever witnessed. - Chapter 7 in the middle somewhere - a good example about how abso-fucking-lutely talented you are in describing feelings and the little changes in them through facial expressions in so much detail without it ever getting boring or dry - also it’s really funny :D
So, um,” excellent start, “when you said that,” and her on and off eye contact is in top form today, “that thing about wanting to kiss me?” - Chapter 8, middle - made me laugh :D
“Sorry.” She mumbles, suddenly sombre, and brushes the back of her hand against her nose. “I just...” A sigh escapes her and she hates how sad and pathetic it sounds. She hates feeling like this; weak and worthless and mopy. Because God, she hates moping. More so when other people do it because it makes her all uncomfortable and she never knows what to do. She would love to be able to tell Chloe something other than the truth. Joke that she was waiting for the redhead so they could pick up where they left off in Stacie's car. “I didn't want anyone else to find me.” What comes out though, is the truth. Which is usually how things with Chloe go. - Chapter 11, lower middle - resonated within me
also: some comparisons or phrases i was too lazy to also copy+paste. like for example chloe or beca uttering something that was like a "drunkenly conceived lovechild between a whine and a groan" or something like that or:
The earrings, her tone, and what Aubrey had later coined as Beca's “fuck off smile”.  - Chapter 12 at the beginning ...stuff like that u know. i really like how you put the words together so well (idk how to say that in good english. you obviously would know tho, and that’s the point)
And she only realises that Chloe is awake when she feels her press a smile into her shoulder. - Chapter 13, lower half  - this fluff is giving me diabetes i swear to god
“I can't leave anyone alone for five minutes around here. You bitches all end up drunk off your tits or gayer than Elton John, God rest his soul.” Beca presses her face into her pillow. “Elton John isn't dead, Amy. - Chapter 13, lower half - bc that was fucking funny 😂
"You know that's what they all say, right? 'One thing led to another' and then bam." Beca makes the mistake of taking a drink from her straw as he speaks. "You're pregnant." And it almost results in what Jesse would refer to a 'spit take', but she manages to keep the liquid inside of her mouth. Just barely. "Yeah, um," she wipes her thumb across her bottom lip to catch the thin smear of dribbled drink, “weirdly? Not worried about that.” - Chapter 14, relative beginning - i think i snorted pretty badly when i read that and i feel like people don’t appreciate your comedic talent enough
Amy's face contorts under the strain of her determination and Cynthia Rose pre-emptively clutches at the oversized knit blanket that they sometimes have to throw over the Aussie to get her to calm her down. - Chapter 14, end of first quarter(?) - the amy related humor just kept getting better and better. your characterization of her is also scarily accurate, i doubt that the movie writers could’ve come up with better stuff tbh
but they haven't been able to come this far in their friendship without Beca learning how to read Chloe. Chloe's kind of like a well-worn paperback at this point, even feels a little ragged around her edges, and so Beca can probably see the panic Chloe feels herself spirally towards after her reaction. - Chapter 15, first half - i love love love good comparisons and metaphors
something rattles behind her ribcage, jostled by the term of endearment. - Chapter 16, last third - beautiful yet accurate description of that feeling
she can see clear sky blue eyes – mischievous, sincere; Chloe's natural state – staring at her over the tops of her knees - Chapter 16, last third - bc imagining that just made me fall in love with the amazing character that is your version of chloe beale all over again ugh god
“Oh my god, it's like I lose control of my body when I’m around you.” The words come out as a rushed whisper, once again without her conscious consent - Chapter 16, last third - bc it was an unexpected yet very pleasant plot point
Beca feels her pulse quicken. It's a familiar beat, one that inevitably starts up whenever she's about to make a move, because initiating things isn't usually within her comfort zone.  - Chapter 16, at the end - bc you can just relate to that a lot as a reader
Chloe's protest is punctuated in all the wrong place by giggles that continually tug at the edges of Beca's smile.  - Chapter 18, towards the end - really nice description
Because she is really, genuinely sore and Chloe does give truly magical massages and it has nothing to do with Beca missing the feeling of her hands on her, because that would be weird. - Chapter 19, beginning - Beca’s sad attempts at denial are gold material :D
“I was conceived on the steps of the Sydney Opera House.” - Chapter 25, lower half - because I could genuinely hear Rebel Wilson saying that in a PP movie. (see: frighteningly spot-on characterization of amy)
There are butterflies mating in her stomach, she knows it. - Chapter 25, towards the end - :D
She can still recall the first time it had stormed after her father's death. - Chapter 26, relative beginning - because you don't expect the end of the sentence and it hits you pretty hard. in the feels. am i ok? not really
And Chloe can't help herself; she twists her head around and brushes her nose against the soft skin of Beca's neck before straining just enough to place a kiss to the same spot - Chapter 26, towards the end - bc that wording "can't help herself" is so accurate
Beca, who whimpers into Chloe's mouth when the redhead presses closer and deepens the kiss, and sucks a sharp breath in when Chloe's hand closes tightly around Beca's arm. Beca, who lets Chloe kiss her for far, far too long given their whereabouts before jerking away. - Chapter 26, end - bc the timing and description and everything of that kiss shows the amount of tension between those two and it's just weirdly perfect idk
Generally, Chloe aggressively and shamelessly flirting the whole time they're on that couch in those moments is my jam
Beca feels fingertips wriggling into the gap at the junction of her thumb and forefinger, and turning her hand over. It's a gesture that has been familiar for a long time now, but lately the way it effects her seems to have changed. It makes her feel extra warm or something. Nervous. - Chapter 27, middle - because every line that subtly confirms that those guys are crushing on each other makes me giddy
Because she always needs that minute of pause it seems, to re-centre, to come back to earth after a moment with Chloe. Especially one like that. Involving hands and mouths, and Chloe telling her she looks good, which so hadn't been something Beca had been hoping to hear at all. If anyone asks. - Chapter 31, beginning - made me smirk. (see: Beca’s attempts at denial)
Chloe takes the silence with that same exact smile and Beca feels those earlier butterflies return, their wings flapping as though they're rushing through the Great Stomach Migration. She swallows the rest of the glass in an attempt to drown them. - Chapter 34, first half - i’m just such a slut for a funny yet good comparison tbh
'Word vomit' has been a term she's identified with a few times over the years and she feels it now. The acrid after-taste of having said something potentially damaging lingers in the silence that follows and it probably doesn't last that long, but it feels like a lifetime passes before Chloe speaks. - Chapter 34, lower half - never thought about the aftertaste comparison of word vomit and i like it
“I thought she was dead,” Beca manages to whisper through her laughter, once the older woman is definitely out of earshot - Chapter 35, relative beginning - hilarious scene :D
Okay so obviously there were more parts that I liked but during some Chapters I just wasn’t motivated to copy+paste everything. Also; I hope the way I cited the quotes is okay, I didn’t know how else to do it. And finally, sorry for my messy thoughts and maybe incorrect English, I’m not a native speaker but I try 😅
Okay, so. Concluding statement. This story made me feel so many types of good things, not only as a Confused Questioning Gay™ that could relate, but also as a reader and human. I’m in love with this story and your writing style and your three-dimensional characters. Every new chapter is so worth the wait, and I hope you don’t get too much pressure from the angry anons; they don’t deserve you.
Thank you @redlance​ so much for writing this story.
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squid-inspiration · 7 years
you’re so productive! any advice for finding writing time? (esp for ppl who spend almost all their time reading and can’t stop...)
ah god, idk if i’d call myself productive, i don’t even have a lot of fics on ao3? but i do write a lot, a good amount is just original work or not on ao3 yet. w an exhausting job and a daily 4h commute, i have like 3.5ish hours left at the end of the day to take care of cooking, sucky adult responsibilities like bills, etc. so I FEEL YOU.
idk if this is much use to anyone but me, but i’ll just list stuff that i feel helps me Get Shit Written in no particular order. it’s not necessarily “how to make time for writing” but rather “how to not get stuck so you can actually make progress in those 20min you have per day”.
aim for routine. i fail this as often as not, but when i got home i take care of dull adult stuff and food etc, and i get to piss around on random websites a bit, but i try to sit down at ~11pm so i have an hour to spend on writing. i generally don’t do an actual hour of writing, but eh, i try.
writing sprints! i used to do nanowrimo, and i long for my highschool days where i once hammered out 175k IN A MONTH. how?! (i mean the story sucked, but still!) these days if i’m struggling i sometimes set a timer for 20-30min and just. write. i can get distracted again after, but that time is for writing. usually i can manage 400-700 words in one go, not all of which are brilliant. which leads me to…
EDITING. editing is your friend. i often write snippets out of order to get down the precise wording of sth when it pops into my head. i’m not afraid to look at a fic overall and move entire scenes around, modifying them so they fit better, etc. i don’t much stress “does this scene segue perfectly into the next” when i first write it down. essentially, do your best, but don’t get hung up, bc first drafts are supposed to suck. in movies, you film the footage, but the film is created in editing. i try to treat my writing the same way.
don’t be precious! this is where my animator mindset kicks in i guess lol. i’m not afraid to toss stuff out. if i write 300 words to get a point across and it’s clunky, well whatever, move on and revisit. oh hey, upon revisiting, turns out i can express all that in 47 words! delete the other 253 words, move on. hey i love this scene, but it kind of breaks the flow and doesn’t entirely fit in this place for the emotional/thematic arc - transplant it elsewhere, make adjustments to fit it into its new place, move on. it’s like gesture drawing: capture the essence quickly, worry abt anatomy later. get the bones & big shapes in place first. if i have the emotional core of the scene that’s the important part and the transitions and fixing can come later, no prob, moving on.
this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t put effort into it, i put my heart & soul into everything i write, but better get it done than perfect. this stops me from getting too hung up on a “perfect” result.
carry a notebook! i always have one on me, and sometimes a sketchbook too. just jot down random dialogue snippets, sentences, metaphors, etc. idk how ppl survive w/o notebooks, i get anxiety if i don’t have at least an old grocery bill & a pencil on me. i don’t rly write during the 4h/day i spend on the train bc i hate ppl being able to read what i write in public, but i take lots of notes. i also just. think a lot abt what i want to write, i suss out just the right phrases etc, and when i get home i often feel good and ready to go!
i guess this kinda goes along w my “keep the big picture in mind” attitude. i try to know the ending as soon as possible so i can measure everything i write against it. does this scene in some way, shape or form support the arc leading us from the beginning to this ending? no? DELETE. or adjust until it does. i know this is more plotting/structure than “making time,” but having a general idea of where i’m going helps me to go go go when i have the time to write, rather than floundering aimlessly about for 15min of the 20 i have.
GET A WRITING BUDDY. i would like to sing the praises of @brightbluedot here, who is the literal bestest anyone could ask for. i know some ppl don’t like showing their messy WIPs, but i LOVE tossing stuff at ppl bc i am in constant need of validation lmao. kicking ideas around and talking out loud abt my difficulties works magic for my problem-solving - i’m an animator, so i’m used to running my stuff past ppl and getting continuous feedback. it can be v painful but it HELPS ME SO MUCH. 
and often i’m like. “oh hey if i write this then i can throw 200 words of it at audrey and we can freak out over these losers together!!” like. i cannot overstate how much i like sharing stuff w ppl, if anybody wrote to me “hey how’s this or that WIP coming along” i’d smother them in 500 words in a heart beat, i’m that kind of person. so ofc i need to have 500 words to throw at ppl! this… makes me feel like a sad person, but i’m a pro at emotional oversharing, so there you have it i guess. insecurity & attention-seeking = motivation to do stuff for validation & attention lmao.
be emotionally fragile as fuck. did mention yet i have a thin skin? it is THE THINNEST. drama kills my mojo instantly, so a lot of the time i used to spend writing meta or interacting w the fandom is just spent writing instead. kinda sad honestly, but these days i spend v little time hanging out in the tag and just try and keep up w a handful of ppl
sometimes ppl also write stuff that’s so good i bums me out, which is not a happy way to react to great wrtiing, but i’m being emotionally honest here, so there ya go. i sometimes just need to stop looking at other people’s stuff to stop myself from comparing how many click&comments&kudos they get, bc that’s a) not an indicator of quality and b) even if it was, who fucking cares, ppl like what they like and that’s how it should be, the point is i shouldn’t even care in the first place! this way i spend more time focusing on getting stuff done, too. instant time-saver.
ok uh, idk if any of this is even remotely what you asked for, but ummm i tried?? looking back i guess the last two points are pure salt uhhh. 
i hope there’s maybe a little nugget of helpful advice in this rambling mess :’D i’m a professional procrastinator, so this is p much just how i try to trick myself into being productive and motivated when i do have the time to write.
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wyrmsandrocs · 7 years
You know what you dared (anyone really) me personally to send all the writer asks so FUCKIBG ALL OF THEM BETCH
1. Favorite place to write. - I really like taking my laptop with me and writing at parks or in hotel lobbies when my fam travels, but its comfortable and familiar to write at my desk in my room2. Favorite part of writing. - letting characters be sassy and snarky. also letting characters heal.3. Least favorite part of writing. - actually putting words on the page lmfao4. Do you have writing habits or rituals? - i put on my writing playlist and if i can grab a diet coke bc it helps me feel like im ready to be productive5. Books or authors that influenced your style the most. - ooh, for writing style Caroline Lawrence’s books influenced me a lot when i was younger and more recently @lbardugo and six of crows6. Favorite character you ever created. - ahhh probably Linde, a shapeshifter who rejects all human concepts including gender7. Favorite author. - again, Leigh Bardugo. also @canipetyourdragon but like technically shes not published yet 8. Favorite trope to write. - enemies to lovers lmfao9. Least favorite trope to write. - ahh idek 10. Pick a writer to co-write a book with and tell us what you’d write about. - @canipetyourdragon and we’d probs write abt some wacky adventure11. Describe your writing process from scratch to finish. - 1) have an idea and daydream abt it for a month 2) worldbuilding/character building for a g e s 3) finally get around to writing a shitty draft 4) s u f f e r 12. How do you deal with self-doubts? - whine at someone and then remind myself that nothing starts perfect and i have time to make it better. tbqh a lot of the time i remind myself that Six of Crows started as smthn like 31,000 words and is a lot longer in the final form and, no offense to leigh, was probs kinda crap at first lmfao13. How do you deal with writers block? - i remind myself that its not gonna get written if i dont write it, i sit my ass down, and i write something. anything. any stupid sentence. and then i write another one.14. What’s the most research you ever put into a book? - hoo boi am i bad at research n o t m u c h 15. Where does your inspiration come from? - a lot of my inspiration comes from music and other books, i have playlists that remind me of my characters and story on spotify and those help a lot16. Where do you take your motivation from? - i remember that i’ve always wanted to be a writer since i was like 5 and could barely write my name and i think about how much i want that to be a reality.17. On avarage, how much writing do you get done in a day? - ehh i’d say maybe 400 words on average? the least ive written recently is 100 words the most was 1,50018. What’s your revision or rewriting process like? - ah i havent worked on one story enough to know yet19. First line of a WIP you’re working on. - No matter how many she saw, Siora couldn’t get used to Outer Land bars.
20. Post a snippet of a WIP you’re working on. - “In a shocking plot twist, the rich Kitonian girl used to be a thief,” Linde said, mimicking some sort of announcer.
“Are you just here to add sarcastic commentary?” Siora glared at them.
She seems to glare at them a lot, Dema thought.
“That’s the whole reason I’m following you,” they said, then added, “Don’t give me that look, you know I don’t really care about the war.”
“My question is why is Siora still putting up with you,” Asteria laughed.
“Don’t give me any ideas,” The Beati girl grumbled, a smile playing on her lips.
“Oh yes, don’t encourage her. She might try to hurt me with one of her toothpicks.”
Dema laughed, “Don’t insult a lady’s knives, it’s not wise.”
“What’s a lady?” The Gerum asked, feigning confusion.
“Dema is a lady,” Asteria kissed the girl on the cheek, laughing.
“Doesn’t seem very ladylike to me,” Siora snorted.
“Like you’re one to talk,” Dema shot back.
“If anyone here is a lady, it’s me,” Linde said, sticking their nose in the air.
“You aren’t even a girl!” Asteria shrieked, grinning.
“Fair enough,” They nodded.
21. Post the last sentence you wrote in one of your WIP’s. - “Yep, now we’re just doing a final check to make sure we have everything,” The girl said without looking up.22. How many drafts do you need until you’re satisfied and a project is ultimately done for you? - ahh depends i havent really “completed” any big projects, but for short stories usually only one or two23. Single or multi POV, and why? - multiple because i have so many characters and none of them is really the /main/ character24. Poetry or prose, and why? - i love prose but tbh im a poet at heart i write a l o t of poetry
25. Linear or non-linear, and why? - linear, otherwise i get too confused26. Standalone or series, and why? - standalone, because i think the story im working on rn is only one book long. altho i do have another story in this world planned dont tell anyone 27. Do you share rough drafts or do you wait until it’s all polished? - i share as i write
28. And who do you share them with? only sharing with @canipetyourdragon tho29. Who do you write for? - myself and my future readers30. Favorite line you’ve ever written. - for prose? “You complain so much I’m starting to think it’s a religious observance,” Siora said, leaning against the wall. the answer is dif for poetry tho31. Hardest character to write. - a s t e r i a i love her but shes not fully fleshed out yet. also shes so good32. Easiest character to write. - linde that snarky bastard33. Do you listen to music when you’re writing? - yep i have a playlist that reminds me of my story34. Handwritten notes or typed notes? - both35. Tell some backstory details about one of your characters in your story. - Siora was raised to be the right hand guard of the princess, but was exiled when she died.36. A spoiler for story? - the villain gets redeemed37. Most inspirational quote you’ve ever read or heard that’s still important to you. - hm i really dont know. writing wise, i love the quote “if the muse is late for work, start without her.”
38. Have you shared your outline of your story with someone? If so, what did they think of it? - I tell wyna about all my story shenanigans and schemes, and so far i think she likes it lmao39. Do you base your characters of real people or not? If so, tell us about one.- not characters i like. sometimes background redshirts are based on people i hate so that i can kill them40. Original Fiction or Fanfiction, and why? - both. I love writing fanfiction, but i also have a lot of original stories to tell41. How many stories do you work on at one time? - only one at a time for me42. How do you figure out your characters looks, personality, etc. - a lot of the time it just comes to me, but i also answer ask memes like this as that character43. Are you an avid reader? -  y e s 44. Best piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten. - hm im really not sure45. Worst piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten. - most unhelpful? “it sucked ass” - daedalus46. What would your story look like as a tv show or movie? - o h dude i would love to see it as a movie it would be a really cool fantasy aesthetic omg the effects for the shapeshifters would be so cool to see
47. Do you start with characters or plot when working on a new story? - this story actually started with setting48. Favorite genre to write in. - YA isnt a genre is it? technically fantasy i guess49. What do you find the hardest to write in a story, the beginning, the middle or the end? - the middle for sure50. Weirdest story idea you’ve ever had. - idk abt story idea but when i was 12 i killed a character by turning him into a tortilla ¯\_(ツ)_/¯51. Describe the aesthetic of your story in 5 sentences or words. - fantasy eclectic influence and design.52. How did writing change you? - honestly writing poetry gave me a way to express my feelings safely. it honest to gods helped me stop self-harming.53. What does writing mean to you? - to me it means putting my ideas and thoughts and self into the world in a way that people (hopefully) read and enjoy54. Any writing advice you want to share? - start writing and dont stop. if you think that its crap, remember that everything starts as crap, and if you think no one in the world wants to read it, remember that i definitely want to read it if you tell me about it.
tysm for asking omg!
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